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Adverbs of Place and Time

(adverbios de lugar y tiempo)


Warm-Up exercises

* Para Beber o Para comer?

* Pronombres personales
* Pinguino Turnio

Dnde esta? Esta

Adverbios de lugar : adverbs of place
1. Encima de/sobre
2. Debajo de
3. A la derecha
to the right
4. A la izquierda
to the left
5. Entre
6. Al lado de
beside/to the side of
7. Delante de in front of
8. Detr de
behind of
9. En
10.En frente de
across from

Dnde esta mi gato?

Pobre pollo

Adverbs of place and Tossing el Pobre Pollo

Qu bebes? Pg. 129

Activity 6: adverbs of time:
1.Todos los dias: every day
2.A veces : sometimes
3.Nunca: never
4.Siempre: always

. Activity 7: work with another

student and talk about what you
eat as the Modelo shows

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