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MAXWELL'S EQUATIONS Gasrstentreeatey fEWA=L ‘Gause's law for ‘magnetism Feraday's law dO, dt Generalized amperes ion Beds =16,47 44,7 LORENTZ FORCE LAW Lorentz force law: F =gE+qvxB NEWTON'S LAWS Newton's frst law: Law of Inotia An object in motion ‘with a constant velocty wil continue in motion unless ‘acted upon by some net external force Newton's second law: The acceleration a of a bady is proportional to the net external force F and inversely proportional tothe mass m ofthe body. F= ma Newton's third law: law of action and reaction The force exerted by body 1 on body 2 is equal and ‘opposite tothe force that body 2 exerts on body 4 LAWS OF THERMODYNAMICS First law of thermodynamics: The change in the intemal energy AU of a system is equal to the heat ‘added to the system minus the work IV done by the system. ‘Second law of thermodynamics: It is not possible 10 ‘convert heat completoly into work without somo cthor ‘change taking placo. Third law of thermodynamics: It is not possible 10 ‘achieve an absolute zero temperature Zeroth law of thermodynamics: If two thermal ‘systems are in thermodymamic equilibrium with a third system, they are in equilbrium with each other. FUNDAMENTAL FORCES Force RELATIVE RANGE ‘trong 1 Electroweak Electromagnetic 10 Weak 10? Gravitational 10 ATOMIC MASS ‘The mass of an atoms i's ‘atomic number divided by the product of 1000 times. Avogadro's number. KINETIC ENERGY ‘The kinetic enorgy of a particle (ideal [AT gas) in oquilbrium wth its cat Surroundings i: 2 PHASE SPACE ‘A sixdimensional pseudospace populate’ by particles described by six position and velocity velocity: (rm ¥¥)

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