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Tallit Katan

Bruch At Adonoy,
Eloheinu Melech holm,
asher kidishnu bimitzvotv,
vitzivnu al mitzvat tzitzit.
Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe,
Who has sanctified us with His commandments,
and commanded us regarding the commandment of tzitzit.
Bendito eres T, Seor Dios nuestro, Rey del universo, Quien nos ha santificado con Sus
mandamientos, y nos mand con respecto al mandamiento de tzitzit.

Tallit Gadol
Bruch At Adonoy,
Eloheinu Melech holm,
asher kidishnu bimitzvotv,
vitzivnu lhitatef batzitzit.
Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe,
Who has sanctified us with His commandments,
and commanded us to wrap ourselves in tzitzit.

Bendito eres T, Seor Dios nuestro, Rey del universo, Quien nos ha santificado con Sus
mandamientos, y nos mand que nos envolvemos en el tzitzit.

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