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01 FEBRERO DE 2015.
1. Un automvil se desplaza con una rapidez de 30 m por segundo, con
movimiento rectilneo uniforme. Calcule la distancia que recorrer en 12
segundos. RESPUESTA: X=360m
2. El automvil de la figura se desplaza con movimiento rectilneo uniforme
cunto demorar en recorrer 258 kilmetros si se mueve con una rapidez
de 86 kilmetros por hora? RESPUESTA: t=3 horas
3. Con qu rapidez se desplaza un mvil que recorre 774 metros en 59
segundos? RESPUESTA: V=13,11 m/seg
4. Dos automviles parten desde un mismo punto, con movimiento rectilneo
uniforme. El amarillo (mvil A) se desplaza hacia el norte a 90 km por hora,
y el rojo (mvil B), hacia el sur a 80 km por hora. Calcular la distancia que
los separa al cabo de 2 horas.
RESPUESTA: X1= 160 km y X2= 180 km
5. El corredor de la figura trota de un extremo a otro de la pista en lnea recta
300 m en 2,5 min., luego se devuelve y trota 100 m hacia el punto de
partida en otro minuto.

Cul es la rapidez promedio del atleta al recorrer ambas

distancias? RESPUESTA: VPROM=110 m/min

Cul es la rapidez media del atleta al recorrer los 400 metros?

RESPUESTA: Vmedia= 114,29m/min

01 FEBRERO DE 2015.
1. Hello! My name is Ana. I am twenty-five years old. I live in Miami, Florida with my
husband and two children. I have one son in kindergarten and one daughter in first
grade. They both attend public school. My husband is a mechanic. On weekends,
he works at a restaurant as a dishwasher. The restaurant usually gets more
customers on weekends, so they need extra people to wash dishes.
Q1: Who is introducing herself?
Q2: How old is she?
Q3: Where does Ana live?
Q4: What is her husbands profession?
Q5: Where does he work on weekends?
Q6: How many children does Ana have?

2. My name is Sangeeta. I am 11. I live in New Delhi, India with my father, mother, two
brothers and three sisters. My grandparents also live with us. In India, family is very
important. It is common to have grandparents, aunts, uncles and/or cousins living
in the same house. My aunts, uncles and cousins also live nearby. We see each
other often. My older brother is a computer programmer. Right now, he is in
Australia. His company sent him there for one year. We all miss him a lot. We write
him letters every week. I want him to come home soon.
Q1: How old is Sangeeta?
Q2: Which country does she live in?
Q3: Does she live with her parents? Who else lives with her?
Q4: What does her older brother do?
Q5: Where is he right now?
Q6: Does the family miss him? How do you know?

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