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vow reece ating some : ichert, Petrofina Canada Ltd,, Cochran, Alta, and 1 operat: SRMRMalz, The University of Calgary, Calgary, Alta, BF compnesstanzry factor, Z, for sour natural gases be calculated frequently now that sour gases are common in the industry. To date no widely appli. Jy eod seliable' method has been available for making Fealeulations. Now three methods have been em< ly modified? and found to have particular merit 1p modified Pitzer method provides the best accuracy Zs cumbersome for computer use. ie Redlich and Kwong modified equation of state Jod is nearly as accurate and is best suited for corm ‘applications. Standing-Katz modified chart method sacrifices 'y more accuracy but is simple to use and does not Suir the computer, (ata bank of 1,085 experimental data points was ies the basis for the modifications, therefore, use of fiethods should be limited to conditions which con- have beet Ajesio the data (Table 1); a ter ‘4 e le 1); 8 teraperature range from 2en ne $Me 200°, a pressure range from 0 to 7,000 ps, and Scant i : gas (CO, and/or HS) content of 80 percent or Ako, application of this method should be restricted jlares that are chiefly methane in the hydrocarbon since methane was the main hydrocarbon con- HiEFo¢ in all experimental mixtures, i PITZER METHOD pte Pier et al® method, the compressibility factor ted by Z=Z0 4420 a) ch A Loli tations as well as graphs of Z° and Z* are avail ‘Schwar®,Sgig the literatures:* Values of « are also reatily ion of ReiBEABle** When this method is used for calculating esibility factor of mixtures, pseudo-critical les have to be determined by mixing rules, With [Esmon Pxocessine © Mav 1079 this method the mixing rules of Stewart, Burkhardt and Voot (SBV) are used, as recommended by Satter and Campbell? Similar to Buxton and Campbell's multipole factor for CO;hydrocarbon mixtures, an empirical ad. justment parameter is used for adjusting the pseudo- cal properties calculated by the SBV rules for mixtures containing CO, and/or HS. The adjustment factor, es calculated by #1 = 9500 (4-4*)+9(B~B) (2) mole fraction (CO, + HS) mole fraction HS molar average acentric factor on the basis of the hydrocarbon constituents and nitrogen, ‘The pseudo-critical temperature and pressure, deter mined by the SBV rules, are adjusted as follows oe pe Te ex (3) pPe PT /9T = a Values for the critieal pressures and temperatures are taken from Campbell and the acentric factors are from the NGPA Data Book® Values of Z® and Z are from Pitzer et al* and Satter-Campbell? ‘This method was used to predict the 1,085 experimen. tal Z factors with an over-all average absolute deviation of 0.902 percent, Nine points deviated by more than =-4 percent with the maximum equal to —7.141 percent. ‘One of the 91 experimental mixtures was consistently different in each study and accounted for seven of these nine, including the maximum point. There is no way to check the reliability of the experimental data. ‘The Pitzer method, while theoretically well founded TABLE 1—Characteristics of the exper amber of ae “at prota b Hin ae Tempra *F iim 2 Part, og ie iis has Pact tieiign | Hae a CALCULATE Z'S FOR SOUR GASES . « - and quite accurate in the modified form, is not well sulted for the computer application due to the necessary storage of large matrices of Z factors, and the resulting need for an interpolating subroutine, REDLICH AND KWONG EQUATION OF STATE METHOD ‘The Redlich and Kwong equation of state method’? (REK) equation can be expressed in terms of the com presibility factor, Z, as are (er: ore Dis of RT 6) RT (7) hs BP/Z 8) a= 04278 T24 REP °® b = 0.0867 RT

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