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Taylors University School Of Education

EDP 4026 Teaching Practical (Phase II)

Lo Wei Hui 0317284

Our teaching practicum for phase II started on 5 January 2015. I will be the assistant teacher
and shadow my mentor, Mrs Wan. In phase II, I will use the Gibbs model (1988) of
reflective cycle as a guide to write my reflection. There are six parts in Gibbs Reflective
Cycledescription, feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion and action plan. Below are the
week 2s reflections.
Reflection 5 : Help in Marking Worksheet




Day: Monday
Date: 12/1/2015
Today, my mentor collected some worksheets from the students. After school, I
stay back and consult her some questions that I have in my mind. My mentor was very
observant. When she saw I used my puppy eyes look at the worksheet, immediately she
knew I want to help her do the marking of worksheet. My mentor taught me how to do
the marking and what was the purpose for this assessment. Besides that, she also
suggested me some of the consideration that I should bear in mind when doing
I was so happy that my mentor let me do the easy marking for simple worksheet.
Although she did not let me mark the other worksheet but I still happy that she let me
try to mark. I did clarified and found out why she does not let me mark the other
We have a very good conversation on marking skim. She told me what the
international school is looking for. She also shared with me what she is believed in
when doing marking.
Adding on to that, she also taught me how to mark the worksheet and what are
some of the consideration. It was really nice chat with her although I cant help her in
most of the marking of students homework.
After my conversation with Mrs Wan, I realized that the reason that she does not
let me to mark the other worksheet was because she will focus on all English elements.
For example, when doing marking, she will look for spelling errors, grammar,
punctuation, and so on.
Through the conversation, I also confirm that in international school, we mark
based on the focus area by following the success criteria. Next, I also observed that all
the teachers did not use red pen for marking. One of the reasons would be does not
want to scare off the students.
Lastly, in our conversation (I also talked with other teacher), we also talk about
the purpose for the assessment. I found that, in the beginning of the semester,
worksheet is the best feedback for teachers to know their students current level in the

Action Plan



Taylors University School Of Education

EDP 4026 Teaching Practical (Phase II)
Lo Wei Hui 0317284

I found that mark the worksheet based on the focus area have its pros and cons.
The advantage of mark the worksheet based on the focus area is that it let the teacher
and to focus on that particular area. Besides that, it also saves a lot of time in marking
because the teacher only has to focus on one are.
On the other hand, marking based on one area sometimes might confuse the
students. For example, the student have errors in punctuations on the last piece of
worksheet; but the latest piece of work, the teacher did not check the errors of
punctuation. It makes the marking standard become not equal.
Moving on, I found that the color psychology that applied in the marking was
really cool. After a small research, I found that most teachers like to use green color
pen to mark the students work. This is because green color is considering a more
neutral color.
According to Dr. Max Lscher (a color psychologist), green is the great balancer
of our mental, emotional, and physical energies. Green also brings the meaning of the
anticipation of things to come.
I also realized that as a teacher, I should know how to use assessment to aid in my
teaching. This is because assessment is one of the most important aspects in teaching.
I really glad that my mentor gave me the chance to do the marking. Not only that,
she also taught me a lot about marking. I learnt a lot through this task. It once again
firms my believed in taking initiative in everything that I am interested in.
This task also told me that, most of the tasks that a teacher does have a strong
theories or psychologies to support it. I really enjoy in doing some research, I found it
helps to improve my current knowledge.
Next, I am glad that I have learnt about assessment in my course before. This not
only sharpen my believed and knowledge towards assessment, but also build my
experience in putting it into practical.
I will continue to observe my mentor when she does the marking, and practice
from aside. I believe that one day I can mark on my own. Besides that, I will also start
to practice using green color pen in marking. I will make sure I continue to do some
research when I am free and when I am curious about something to improve my
knowledge and teaching. After this, I will continue to apply the knowledge that I have
learnt about assessment into my lesson plan.

Taylors University School Of Education

EDP 4026 Teaching Practical (Phase II)
Lo Wei Hui 0317284

Reflection 6 : Interact with Students




Day: Tuesday
Date: 13/1/2015
My mentor had class task for the students. Its search for definition for words and
made sentences. Together with my mentor, we be the facilitators and help the students
when needed. I used the techniques (Marzanos on-task behavior and reinforcement)
that I have learnt in my course to guide the students. The whole process was really
successful and I regain the students confident towards me. I am not the invisible
shadow in the class anymore!
When I saw my mentor gave the students class task, I automatically walk around
the class and seek for students that need help. In my heart, I did hope that through some
interaction can change the perception of students towards on the first day.
The moment when one student approached me, I am so happy and excited, but
nervous at the same time. I kept remind myself that I cannot straight gave the answer to
the student.
Therefore, I used one of the Marzanos on-task behavior strategies which are
Missing Information to assist the student to the answer. I also used positive
reinforcement (positive words and encouragement) to engage the students on trying the
I felt very delighted when I saw the strategies that I used work well. Though this
task, my students rebuild their confident in me. I felt today was successful and I did a
great job!
I think my process in guiding the students on their task was successful. I found
that Marzanos on-task behavior theory is really helpful especially for 21st century
I saw a teacher react to the student in an anger manner when the student did not
do well. I found that students do not like it and have a not satisfy feeling in their mind.
On the other hand, if you react in a positive way such as encourage them, they seems
more likely to try out the task.
I observed that it really trigger students attention when there is missing of
information in a task. However, this strategy must be supported with appropriate cues
and carried out on the right time.
I also observed that students started to respect me when I gain their trust on me.
This event told me that never give up in trying building relationship with the students.
Other than that, I found that when I show my confident in teaching, students started to
listen to me.

Action Plan



Taylors University School Of Education

EDP 4026 Teaching Practical (Phase II)
Lo Wei Hui 0317284

Marzanos on-task behavior theory helps the teachers to engage their students in
the activities and learning process. This theory is very helpful as we need it in most of
the classroom situation.
I found that teachers should not react in an anger way. It does not make any
change or improvement in the class. Instead, students react to a positive way of
engagement in task.
Not only that, reinforcement is not just as easy as writing the word, it requires
many skills. The most important is reinforcement has a very great impact in students
Lastly, I realized that most of the students trust their teacher by looking at the
confident of their teacher in teaching. Meanwhile, the students also look at how well
the teacher can teach. If the teacher can do it, they will automatically show their respect
and trust their teacher.
In a nutshell, I am glad that I put my knowledge into practical. Nicely I remember
what my lecturers always told me. I think this is one of the reason that why we must
take other peoples suggestion into consideration.
If there is any other chance, I will definitely apply the theories that have learnt
into practical whenever suitable and needed. I also learnt that the impact of
reinforcement is much powerful than I thought.
Therefore I must use reinforcement wisely and think of the effect of every
intervention that I make in class. I also learnt the fact that a teacher must or compulsory
to be confident when standing in front of the class and in their career.
First thing I will do is I will make sure I would not let emotion take over my
control. In other word, I must be emotional intelligent which mean I must know how to
control my emotion. Then, I will also make sure that I apply the useful theories that I
have learnt into my teaching practice whenever appropriate. Last but not least, I will
also make sure that I must raise my self-esteem in the class. I will train myself to be
confident in front of the students. I will believe in myself that I can teach the students

Taylors University School Of Education

EDP 4026 Teaching Practical (Phase II)
Lo Wei Hui 0317284

Reflection 7: Key in Students contact





Day: Wednesday
Date: 14/1/2015
Once again, like a person looking for employed, I offered myself to help my
mentor to key in the students contact in the system. Meanwhile, my mentor also asked
me about the MacBook. This was because she did not know how to use it. I solved her
problems. I taught her some basic function and shortcut keys. Besides that, I also taught
her how to transfer file from a desktop to a laptop in a fastest way (using google drive).
I felt much enjoyed today, because I am good at doing technological task. I did not felt
stress at all.
When my mentor let me to key in the students contact, I felt a sign of relieved.
This is because this was the first and only task that she gave me to do today. I was
overwhelmed by the joyfulness.
I felt that my skills in using words document have improved as today I done it in
a faster and perfect way. It was also cool to know that teachers have to collect students
contact list and key in in a system.
I felt glad that I knew technology, because of that, I can help my mentor and even
taught her about technology. I admire her attitude in learning, I saw how she struggling
with MacBook, but she still tried to use it.
I felt that my mentor was getting her trust on me. She gave me variety of task to
do compare to first day. I found that take over the key in job was a nice choice.
Because of this, I realized how important the students contact lists were.
I also noticed that, because I am helping my mentor to do the key in job, she
actually spends more time on checking students work. This was which I felt really
proud to help her out.
Besides that, I also observed how my mentor reacts to the things that she did not
know. She will keep learning although sometimes it may trouble her. I also surprised
that I can actually function MacBook well.
Last but not least, I realized that when I do not know how to function the
technology, I will go search for it. I will make sure I got the problem solved; no matter
spend how much time in searching for relevant information.
I think one thing I could do it to my mentor is, teach her how to use words
document in a faster and effective way. I did saw that she actually quite curious at how
I can finish the task so fast. Somehow, time might be a problem for her. Learning how
to use word document might took more than one hour.
I observed how she used her after school time for school work. During that time,
she will mark all the students work, does school admit, check email and so on. Can
spend some time with her after school let me realized that teachers hard work was
never seems by others, except him or her.
Next, I also realized why as a future 21st century teacher, I must learn technology.
This is because 21st century is moving towards a digital era. It also dawn on me that
why there is Technology for Teaching this subject in my course.
It also firms my believed that we teachers are always learning from each other.
Just like, I am learning how to teach from my mentor; and I taught my mentor how to
use MacBook.

Action Plan


Taylors University School Of Education

EDP 4026 Teaching Practical (Phase II)
Lo Wei Hui 0317284

All by all, It would be good if I can teach my mentor how to use word document,
so that she can use the word document effectively. From this task, I also learned that I
shall not stop in learning new knowledge.
I also learnt that, the amount of works that teachers have to do is far more than my
prediction. Then, once again I confirm that future teachers definitely must have
technological knowledge as their base.
Lastly, teaching is a life-long learning process. I learnt that we must always learn
from a more advance and experience person regardless his or her age. For this reason, I
find education very interesting.
I would try to negotiate with my mentor and see whether she want to learn more
about word document. I will also try to find out more tasks that teachers need to do.
This is to give me a whole picture of the duty of teachers. Besides that, I will make sure
I keep going in learning about technological stuffs. I will also keep my good habit of
searching for information in my life. Lastly, age is not a matter in education. I will
learn from a more advance or experience person to improve my current knowledge.

Taylors University School Of Education

EDP 4026 Teaching Practical (Phase II)
Lo Wei Hui 0317284

Reflection 8: Learn About Class Dojo System (Classroom Management)





Day: Thursday
Date: 15/1/2015
Today after school, while I was helping my mentor to look for next art teaching
materials, she called me to a meeting. When I was there then only I know that it was a
short training session on Class Dojo System. I felt so touch that my mentor invited me
to join this training session. I found this interesting; the system was so cool and cute.
This behavior management system was easy to use and I found it very useful for the
The moment when my mentor asked me to join meeting, I was a bit shock. This
was because usually, she will want me to back early. I was touched that she invited me
to join the training session. It made me felt like I am one of the teachers in the school.
When I heard about this Class Dojo system, I got the feeling like This is what I am
looking for! I am glad and felt lucky to join this training session. I really like this
system and so enthusiastic to try it out on my own.
The whole process of the training was really good. All the instruction and
examples were clear. Other people think that me as a young person definitely already
know and wont really listen to the training session.
In fact, it was true that I already knew how to use it (I did go figure it out when
my mentor told me about Class Dojo System), but I still listen to the speaker. This was
because I know that there might be something new that I did not know.
I found that my mentor was getting use to me. She started gave me more task and
treated me more like a teacher. I really happy that she invited me to join this training.
She even trusted me by let me to figure all the technological stuffs. After that, I will
teach her later on when I figured it out.
When I analyzed how the speaker was giving instruction, I realized that the
speaker spoke in a clear and nicely paced speed. It was the thing that attracts my
attention the most.
I analyzed the Class Dojo System; it was really cool and attractive. First, it acts
like a motivation system for the students to earn their point by behaving themselves.
Secondly, it allows the students to interact with it by changing their own avatar. Lastly,
parents were also involved in this system.
I found it as a really good platform to manage students behavior and keep in
touch with the parents. Parents can even communicate with the teacher through this
system effectively. This is because it has a function called Messenger which allows the
teacher and parents communicate instantly.
Through this system, I realized that Skinners theory of reinforcement was applied
widely in most of the behavior management strategy. For example, Class Dojo System
motivates the students to behave themselves by earn more marks.
Besides that, I also realized that there was no one strategy can fit all students. It
was usually combination of the strategies used in the class. Just like Class Dojo System
was a combination of both reinforcement and punishment.
I found that my mentor believed my capability in technology by handling most of
the technological stuffs to me. It seems like my knowledge of technology helped me to
stand in this technology era.

Action Plan


Taylors University School Of Education

EDP 4026 Teaching Practical (Phase II)
Lo Wei Hui 0317284

In conclusion, I think I should keep my habit of being observant. This really helps
me in preparing myself for the better me. This is because I can always learn from
observing others.
The Class Dojo System really opened my eyes towards behavior management in
class. I never thought that an application can also be a behavior management strategy.
I also down on me that how those behaviorists theories are important for us to decide
the behavior management strategy in the class.
If my mentor asks me to join any other training again, I definitely will go join.
Again, it reminds me that technology is the essence of this 21st century. A teacher who
knows technology would not be replaced by the technology; but a teacher who did not
would be.
I will continue to observe other people when I need to learn a new stuff. I will go
explore and survey more other behavior management tools. Besides that, it is also
important for me to master the Class Dojo System, so that I know how to use it. I will
also go join more training session, as I can learn more new knowledge or stuffs. Lastly,
I will make sure I equip myself with both content knowledge and knowledge of
technology. I will also blend technology into my lesson.

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