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Negotiation Skills


Question - Customer Discovery

-On a scale of 1 to 10, how happy are you about the way you feel about yourself?
-Does it have anything to do with your health or your weight?
-What do you like to do in your spare time?
-What is you favorite type of food?
-What is it that you enjoy doing in order to stay healthy?
-Do you feel pressured to exercise?
- Tell me about the last time you exercise?
- What motivates you to work out?
- If you could have a magic wand and change anything about you, what would it be ?
-What would you be willing to do in order to reach this goal?
- What tools do you use for keeping track of your workouts?
- When you started using this tool, what benefit were you expecting?
- How often do you ...? Let's say, how many times in the past month?
- When this occurs, how much additional time or money does it cost you or your company?
- Who else experiences this problem?
-When you..., is there anything to do immediately before to prepare?
- When you ...., is there anything that you do afterward?

Result of Customer Discovery

Top 3 customer pain points:

lack of time
excess of fat/ losing their figure
lack of improvement tracking

Top 3 customer motivations:


healthy body
great figure
disease control / avoidment

Top 3 customer needs / requirements


more time
relevant exercise
improvement tracking device

Buyer Personas / Archetypes





I cant seem to find

enough time to
exercise properly




I do not have time

to do sports

Ive been
overweight since
my last pregnancy

I have always had



I go to the gym 34 times a week but

doesnt lose


I want to reach a
lower % of body
fat to be healthier



Im willing to do
whatever it takes
to get my ancient
figure back

I drink too much

beer. I had this fat
excess since I am
about 35.

I would love to be
different and take
advantage of my

My body looks
good but i do not
feel as athletic as
years ago. And i
want to have a
great figure when
I am older, too

I dont consider
myself as a fat
person. I just have
this beer belly and
Id like to make it

My body now its

perfect and I want
to maintain it

Buyer Personas / Archetypes A:

-Has been working for a company for 20 years
-Has a director position
-Married with three children ( 15, 18 and 22)
-Age 45-50
-Dual HH income : 300,000
-Lives in the center of a big city
-Stressed person
-has a lot of responsibilities at work
-Tends to snack when pressured
-Needs to control his disease (Diabetes-High
cholesterol) By exercising more
-Maximizing workout session to improve his condition

-Providing a way to quickly and efficiently control
your current disease and even prevent future ones.
-I cant seem to find enough time to exercise
properly., I need some help to control my current
and future diseases. & I wish I had more free time
to hit the gym more often.
- An easy to use fat burning tracking device
-We give you a solution for spending less time
exercising and still getting the results you want.

Buyer Personas / Archetypes B :

-Has been working as an educator for five years now
-In a stable relationship & has 2 children ( 2 and 1)
-Age 25-30
-Dual HH income : 180, 000
-Lives in a small city
-Energic but zen behavior
-Have always being up for new challenges
-Spend more quality time with her children
-Be healthier: move more and eat healthier
-Need help to focus on some exercise
-Lose the baby weight before this summer - 5 months

-Providing a way to maximize time spent working out
and to measure the efficiency of targeted specific
exercises in order to lose quickly as much fat as
- Ive been overweight since my last pregnancy, I
m willing to do whatever it takes to get my ancient
figure back & Im not sure what to do exactly in
order to lose the baby weight.
- An easy to use fat burning tracking device
-We give you a solution for losing the baby weight
quicker than any other means.

Buyer Personas / Archetypes C:

-International sales and marketing student
-Gender: Women
-Age 20-25
-Occupation: student
-Income: 15 000
-Urbanicity: The big city
-Unhealthy relationship to food
-Very busy with school and has a full social agenda
-Wants to be comfortable within her own body
-Wants to have a healthy and balanced relationship
to food

-Finding exercises that gives concrete results
-We provide a device that helps you find the ultimate
exercises to lose weight and keep track of your results
I go to the gym 3-4 times a week but doesnt lose weight.,
I want to reach a lower % of body fat to be healthier. and
Id like to find something to help me seeing concrete
-An easy to use fat burning tracking device
-We give you a helping hand to become more comfortable
within your own body

Buyer Personas / Archetypes D

-Has been working for a financial company for the last
10 years
-Has a manager position
-Married with one kid
-Age 40-50
-Dual HH income : 350000
-Lives in the suburbs of a big city
-Works a lot during the weekends too
-Tends to eat at weird times
-Wants to have the body she always wished
-Find exactly what type of exercises she needs

-Providing a way to maximize time spent working out
and giving the specific things she needs to make the
best of this
-I have always had this excess of fat I would love to
be different and take advantage of my figure I wish
I would know how to do this and what to do exactly
- An easy to use fat burning tracking device
-We give you a solution for getting what you want
and making it a habit in your life.

Buyer Personas / Archetypes E

Business Man
is very successful in business but do not have so
much time for sports and his family (wife and two
35-55 years old
one HH income: 300.000
lives in a big city
success, discipline, ambition, lack of time
his main goal is to stay fit and healthy, to do sports
effective in a little while save time

does not take the time for exercises (only at the weekend),
is very busy
we help him to save his time and to achieve his goals
REAL QUOTES: I am always busy and do not have the time
to do exercises very often. I only have time at the weekend
but then i want to do something with my family.
MARKETING MESSAGING: this product helps you to be
effective and to save time
ELEVATOR PITCH: Fabulyzer gives you the unique
opportunity to control your fat. Knowing how many fat
youve burned during the exercise makes you know exactly
what exercise is best for you and what are the ones to
avoid. Therefrom you can spend your time more effective
and because of that you save time

Buyer persona /Archetype F:

BACKGROUND: He started having a beer belly when
he was about 35 years old. He doesnt consider
himself as an overweight person, but he is really
determined to lose his beer belly. He drinks about
one or two beers per night, after his work, to relax.

HOW WE HELP: He wants to lose his beer belly pretty

fast. Fabulyzer is going to help him reduce the time he
needs to find the best series of exercise.

DEMOGRAPHICS: 42 years old, 1,76m, 82kgs

MARKETING MESSAGING: Goodbye beer belly, hello


IDENTIFIERS: Touching his belly, talking about beer,

looking to his belly and see that he is not happy
about it
GOALS: His main goal is to lose weight, obviously his
beer belly, before summer, or at least a good part of
CHALLENGES: He loves beer, and he doesnt
necessarily want to stop drinking beer after work.
At least, he is going to try to not drink more than


ELEVATOR PITCH: Fabulyzer gives you the opportunity to

lose fat faster than ever before. Knowing how many fat
youve burned during the exercise makes you know
exactly what exercise is best for you and what are the
ones to avoid.

Buyer persona /Archetype G:

Study industrial design
Do exercise
21 years old
High class
She is authentic and hybrid
She dont follow trends, she create trends
Increase my self and be a really good industrial
Travel around the world

She procure be better each day
Have a good healthy and image
With this device she would be more conscious
REAL QUOTES: My body now its perfect and I want to
maintain it, I always do abs. It`s my favorite exercise and Id
like to use new athletic devices.

She likes the alcohol and he need to organized her
time for do more exercise.
With Fabulyzer you always are self conscious about
your body.
Fabulyzer gives you the opportunity to control your
exercise and do it more effective.

Draft of sales contract agreement

intent to buy the Fabulyzer, I also agree to sign-up to Fabulyzer campaign. I allow the company to
contact me by email when the Fabulyzer is launched.
Email address:
Signed in (city):
* There is NO obligation to buy the device attatched to this contract.

Alexandres 12 Target Customers

1- Martha - PAIN: Lack of time MOTIVATION: More spare time NEEDS: Know what exercise is best to lose fat quick
2- Joana - PAIN: Overweight MOTIVATION: Reach healthy weight NEEDS: Something to measure fat loss
3- Myriam - PAIN: No cardio MOTIVATION: Develop cardio NEEDS: Wants to be able to run for at least 45 mins
4- Jean-Paul - PAIN: Eating too much fast food MOTIVATION: Cholesterol NEEDS: Reduce cholesterol, fat loss
5- Alain - PAIN: Drinking beer too often MOTIVATION: Beer belly NEEDS: Lose his beer belly (fat) before summer
6- Yasmin - PAIN: Keep her perfect shape MOTIVATION: Modeling career NEEDS: Know the best exercises/diet
7- Sbastien- PAIN: No money for a personal trainer MOTIVATION: Reduce fat NEEDS: Device to help him out
8- Raphal - PAIN: Gluttony MOTIVATION: Stop eating when not hungry NEEDS: Strict program/diet
9- Mircha - PAIN: Dependence to protein shakes MOTIVATION: Lose fat NEEDS: Drink less proteins shakes
10- Christina - PAIN: Bulimia MOTIVATION: Be healthy NEEDS: Fat identifier system, proves that not everything is
11- Mario - PAIN: Smokes 1 pack of cig./day MOTIVATION: Improve cardio NEEDS: Reduce consumption of cigarettes
12- Jean-Philippe - PAIN: Laziness MOTIVATION: Gain muscles, reduce fat NEEDS: Something to indicate to him
exactly how much fat he burns when exercising, to avoid that he thinks hes wasting his time

Alexandrines 12 Target Customers

1-Jasmine - PAIN: lack of confidence MOTIVATION:looking good NEEDS: specific efficient exercises to stay
2-Simon - PAIN: too skinny MOTIVATION: great/muscular figure NEEDS: help to achieve his goal
3- Andr - PAIN: excess fat causing disease MOTIVATION: avoid high cholesterol NEEDS: exercise plan
4- Emrik - PAIN: lack of cardio -excess weight MOTIVATION: requirement for future job NEEDS: measure fat lost
5- Stphanie - PAIN: too slim MOTIVATION: being healthy NEEDS: help to avoid loosing weight
6- Julien - PAIN: lack of time MOTIVATION: control diabetes NEEDS: targeted exercise to maximize results
7-Huguette - PAIN: heavy - physical pain MOTIVATION: minimize fibromyalgia symptoms NEEDS: targeted exercises
8- Sophia- PAIN: recovering from eating disorder MOTIVATION: becoming healthy NEEDS: minimize fat lost
9- Ian- PAIN: lack of money MOTIVATION: replacing his personal trainer NEEDS: good quality/price replacement
10- Katia - PAIN: excess baby fat MOTIVATION: feeling/looking great NEEDS: motivation from weekly
11- Kim - PAIN: lack of time MOTIVATION: getting married soon NEEDS: maximize results in only 6 months
12-Dan - PAIN: lack time to lose weight MOTIVATION: joining sport team NEEDS: lose weight quickly & efficiently

Gabriellas 12 Target Customers

1- Lena - PAIN: Lacks time MOTIVATION: Wants to be into a better shape NEEDS: An easy and manageable workout routine
2- Victoria- PAIN: Lacks motivation MOTIVATION: Get more energy NEEDS: Find alternative exercises
3-Matilda - PAIN: Not satisfied with her body MOTIVATION: To be comfortable within her own body NEEDS: An effective way to
track her workout progress
4- Klas- PAIN: Laziness and lack of motivation MOTIVATION: Lose weight NEEDS: Finding an athletic activity which he enjoys
5- Gustav- PAIN: Bored with his normal workout routine MOTIVATION: To stay fit NEEDS: Knowledge about what exercises that
provides the best results
6- Fredrik - PAIN: Unhealthy diet MOTIVATION: Lose weight NEEDS: Simple and effective workout methods
7- Amanda - PAIN: Lacks self confidence has an incorrect self-image MOTIVATION: Be healthy and have a great figure NEEDS: A
tool to keep track of her weight loss and muscle gain
8- Josephine - PAIN: Unhealthy diet lacks time to workout MOTIVATION: Desperate to lose weight NEEDS: More time to
9- Olivia - PAIN: Struggling in school MOTIVATION: Get better grades NEEDS: More self discipline
10- Erik - PAIN: Lack social skills MOTIVATION: Expand his circle of friends NEEDS: More self confidence
11-Jonathan - PAIN: Unhappy at work MOTIVATION: To have a job that inspires him NEEDS: Changes jobs
12- Nathalie- PAIN: Workaholic MOTIVATION: More spare time NEEDS: Prioritize her family

Yvettes 12 Target Customers

1- Galilea - PAIN: I dont like my abs MOTIVATION: I want be attractive NEEDS: I need to eat healthy
2- Angel- PAIN: I want have more muscle in my legs MOTIVATION: I love me NEEDS: I need eat more meals with
3- Cristhian- PAIN: I need to maintain my muscle MOTIVATION: Maintain my body NEEDS: do more exercise
4- Alejandra- PAIN: I want to maintain my body MOTIVATION: I want to be model NEEDS: More time for do exercise
5- Javier- PAIN: Maintain his body MOTIVATION: keep his figure NEEDS: Something that help him to register his
6- Zuami- PAIN: lack of time MOTIVATION: a healthy body NEEDS: something that help her to do more effective her
7- Jorge- PAIN:maintain his body MOTIVATION: great figure NEEDS: Something that help him to have control
8- Margarita- PAIN: excess of fat MOTIVATION: Be more healthy NEEDS: lose weight
9- Gabriel- PAIN: excess of fat MOTIVATION: great figure NEEDS: lose weight
10- Eder- PAIN: lack of time MOTIVATION: looking good NEEDS: more time and efficient exercise track
11- Alicia- PAIN: I have a flaccidity body MOTIVATION: I want feel good with myself NEEDS: to do exercises
12- Manuel- PAIN: lack of time MOTIVATION: great figure NEEDS: Save time

Julias 12 Target Customers

1- Barbara- PAIN: do not have enough time to do sports MOTIVATION: willing to get her ancient figure back NEEDS: a group to do sports
together team sports (Volleyball)
2- Michael- PAIN: to lose his current figure MOTIVATION: wants to keep and work on his figure NEEDS: professional food diary
3- Christian- PAIN: to get fat/ill in the future, lack of time MOTIVATION: stay healthy NEEDS: more time to do exercises, a trainer who helps
4- Rainer- PAIN: do not have enough time to do sports and for his family MOTIVATION: wants to stay fit for his wife and for himself NEEDS:
more time to do exercises, a high-class gym (close to his house)
5- Isabelle- PAIN: to lose her current figure/to get fat MOTIVATION: wants to keep her figure NEEDS: someone who motivates her, food diary
eats many unhealthy things
6- Susann- PAIN: lack of time, lack of confidence MOTIVATION: looking good, stay healthy NEEDS: someone who motivates and helps her with
the exercises
7- Sven- PAIN: dont be more sportive than his customers MOTIVATION: his job (trainer in a high-class gym) NEEDS: daily motivation
8- Yannik- PAIN: lack of time, to lose muscle mass MOTIVATION: his friends NEEDS: more time
9- Florian- PAIN: too skinny MOTIVATION: get more muscles NEEDS: needs someone who helps him
10- Dominique- PAIN: to lose her current figure MOTIVATION: the next holidays NEEDS: searchs for a team sport (does not like gyms)
11- Thomas-PAIN: lack of time (his wife is pregnant) MOTIVATION: to stay healthy and sportive NEEDS: something effective in short time
12- Sebastian- PAIN: to lose weight/muscle mass MOTIVATION: to keep his figure NEEDS: more time, motivation and discipline

Lucianas 12 Target Customers

1- Eugenia- PAIN: doesnt have time to prepare her meals MOTIVATION: stay healthy NEEDS: more time
2- Jonathan- PAIN: physical pains MOTIVATION: keep on exercising NEEDS: specific schedule of exercises
3- Laura- PAIN: little overweight for her age MOTIVATION: recover her figure NEEDS: strict control
4- Sarah- PAIN: excess fat MOTIVATION: be fit NEEDS: motivation to keep on working on it
5- Constanza- PAIN: lack of time MOTIVATION: stay in shape NEEDS: something that keeps her motivated
6- David- PAIN: too thin MOTIVATION: gain weight with less effort NEEDS: maximize results
7- Joseph- PAIN: to lose his figure MOTIVATION: stay fit NEEDS: targeted exercises
8- Hannah- PAIN: lack of time MOTIVATION: great body NEEDS: more time
9- Raquel- PAIN: not satisfied with her body MOTIVATION: lose fat NEEDS: specific exercises
10- Marcos- PAIN: not being strong MOTIVATION: build some muscles NEEDS: to gain a little fat
11- Rebecca- PAIN: lack of confidence MOTIVATION: looking good NEEDS: someone to motivate her
12- Jacob- PAIN: smoking MOTIVATION: be healthy in every way NEEDS: motivation and see results in a
short term

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