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[tye a > muy ae 1 I eI j= += ia al ise eis js L Ey DESIGNER’ Diseanmne Crries oF Dear OBjeCTIVES 'S NOTE Once a Cities of Death Objective has been achicwed it ot Death Objectives special discarded, Afterall Cities of Death Ob Idertandhow been achieved are discarded, the player whose turn iit re ODE ploy Dl can select one of his remaining Active Cities of Death tives that have om no Victory Points. You may additionally diseard any Active: o Cities of Death Objectives for Objective Markers that are : th s remainder of the game DESIGNER'S NOTE = CITIES OF DEATH CARD DECK bc ayaa Doe atgotenn nee : sent Elna Bet Guanes ing dea co Reese . i - ao Death Oye : Sem tnirs Pastor eet es caaryens og uy era hive Cities of Death Objective atthe end of Your Pua prec nyo ns immediately score Victory Points fo = yo Cater osc) not choose not to achieve a Cities of Death Objective Te Death Objective sony jt, Smee mt derucon woth aoe droyed inthe game (making he Death Objectives in the In his fo turn, Sino that ison open grown, scoring the mission also wed the Fst mold score 1 eitinal Vor, tal of 3 Vicor Pan Asv Onur Faction De Rem “Result ‘Mone Hunter: The Fighcr Ace axomaticay passes any Instinctive Maid oor IAL RULES hs hb SS ay SSI SS anything init ath, and thse rte hn find er are a fo es ein arming i nd usr tsp cad ats pretreat cord aston ting teeta Jeera masini Th hl peed el nl al fon he dag ag aba teed Shadow te Wp nade mani, told oz ofthe eplasnic ni so muchas rash again! on enemy, the paphic imaenl of the Hive Mon wit det iin’ ri, eeoading i with uch esto fon atts had epee WEAPONS & PSYCHIC POWERS; Peyehic Overload . Warp Charge 2 BIOMORPHS A Mlerpior ahr knows The payer plage ial of ppc ogy ils he gt baa *Seyhing ans the Fhe Oued cavsig ite eae! Pychic power A Maleceptor SPECIAL RULES: ments remloig "Foci Oumdoadiea focused were oe * Paper (laser Level 2) of 24 The target mist take a Leaderhip tot ou D0, * Shadow inthe Warp Vehicles are treated as having a Leadership of 10. Ifthe + Syaapec Cres ‘ewti aile, nom ehicle mals suffer DS Wounds ith ‘mur oF cover snes alomed, Poyhie Barrier: A model ne glancing hit with no sith this specie ha a ons a 5+ invulnerable se, is cretars anetranspre othe lane's surf y tentacle ceils hen ects ele nate lon tly sia ut rte wate = den ic. Spt frm he uring ois of he hii low ot, the Tyranny thunders though he oéure the to Tin ils gr ls ging eran ad iyo rh [iia Ones pang have ended, he Tranny fs wth gesoes ems and flocs erly ink the a. Thee hpi oh oon ma sh wens a ings es rn sing deh ass brded ends quest fr pe WEAPONS & Transport Spores A ‘Tyrannocyte Deep Strikes, it seatters on top of impassable BIOMORPHS: Tyrannocyte does not terrain or another model (friend or foe), reduce the seatter + Five deathspiters use upa slot on the Force distance by the minimum required to ayoid the obstacle, Organisation Char. ean SPECIAL RULES: Carty single unit withthe Once aTyrannocyte Deep Strikes, unit carie by items Deep Ske Tyranids Faction and has disembark. Pace the unit such that every made is Wolly ‘Fearless Transport Gapaciy of 20~ within 6" of the Tyrannocyte and none are within I OFA, “astintve Fire Monstrous Creatures count enemy or within impassable terrain, Any madel that eannot be ‘ee opposite 2+ 20 models forthe purposes placed is removed asa casualty. A unit cannot mone or change 2 of Transport Capacity inthe same turn it disembarks, but can shoot ot Run, Drifting Deaths Declare which unitisbeing can embark inside a Tyeannocye for thereat the 1 Carried ring deployment consolidate but may not make Sweeping Advance OPTION ‘My replace al ve deathsptert wth one af caters play using the Deep ~ Five barbed stranglers au Strike rl ~ Five venom cannons, ATyrannocyteabyays Me 6 BS eR, SPO HYPERTOXIC ———_——— tlt evunter the super heaey tanks and relaced rckeee, such obviows om oth a suber, but no ess ides the synaptic ink, spews a “Tyranids im themseles. They feat towards the bul alo br toxins poser enough to lull grax FORMATION: “eT Malecepor (ps 34) “5 Zoanthrope Brood (1°) SPECIAL RULES: ‘Node: The Hive Tyrant in this Formation adds 6 Flock: The Hive Tyrant and Gargoyles in this ingle unit, The Hive Tyrant ean tse the RESTRICTIONS: the unit during the bate, and ean ony ase the Gling ust take the Wings biomorph mode. The combined wit counts a8 waits fOr y Points purposes if itis completely destroyed.

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