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Learning Environment

EDUC 461
At Merrywood Elementary, there are a wide variety of students ranging from different ethnic
backgrounds, students of different socio-economic status and students with different abilities. It is my job
as their teacher to make sure that they all feel welcome, safe and respected when they are in my
As a student at Lander University, I want my opinion to be valued and my contribution to any
class discussion to be valued by the teacher. As a teacher at Merrywood, I will make sure that the
students opinions, contributions, suggestions, questions and concerns are noticed and valued. I believe
that it is important for all students to feel comfortable in my classroom in order to learn to the best of their
ability. I feel this way as a student. When I am comfortable, I take in more information and learn more
than I would in an environment where I am not comfortable. I will I will provide a safe and positive

learning environment for my students by promoting a respectful and positive environment. I will
not accept bullying, disrespect or discrimination of any kind in my classroom. Students should be
viewed as students, not male or female, black or white, or tall or short. In my class room, all
students will be the same. They will be respected and valued by all students and myself.
Since I am in my student teaching semester, the students follow Mrs. Hopkinss rules for
the music classroom and when I begin full-time teaching I will enforce her rules because that is
what the students are accustomed to. When I have my own classroom, I will have a big poster
hanging on the wall with the following behavioral expectations/ rules for all students to see:
1. Listen when others are talking
2. Keep your hands and feet to yourself
3. Be respectful of others and yourself
4. Follow directions
5. Have fun!
I think these rules are positive and clearly explain my expectation of the students behavior.

If a rule is broken once:

Learning Environment
EDUC 461

When a student misbehaves, appropriate behavior should be praised or modeled and

brought to the students attention. For example, if Johnny is interrupting while someone
is talking and Suzy is sitting quiet, listening and being respectful, praise Suzy for her

good behavior and ask that Johnny model Suzys behavior.

Modification. (Remove student from the situation, change seating arrangement)

If a rule is broken twice:

Send student to Rest Area (time out) for an appropriate amount of time, according to
what the student did to misbehave.

If a rule is broken a third time:

Student will receive a classroom write up that will be sent home to parent.

If the students misbehavior is jeopardizing the safety of his or herself or any other student in
the classroom, that student will be pulled out of the classroom, administration will be notified
and there will be an office referral. If the students behavior is continuous or reaches a level
that needs immediate attention, I will notify the parent and set up a teacher/parent
conference. I will try to do what I can before contacting administration. I think it is important
to show that you have control over your own classroom and do not have to call
administration for every behavior issue you encounter.
In Mrs. Hopkinss room this semester the students have 5 stars on the board. If the
students show good behavior the entire class and keep all 5 stars, they get a classroom star
award. This is a sticker on the chart by their classroom teachers name and when they get 5

Learning Environment
EDUC 461

stars in a row, on the 6th time they come to music they get a Fun Day. This Fun Day
includes fun games like four corners or a freeze dance. The students can have free time where
they go to music centers or the students can choose a fun dance to do as a class, maybe a Just
Dance video on YouTube. When the class doesnt follow directions or is too talkative, Mrs.
Hopkins takes a star down. This prevents that class from receiving a classroom star award
and they are one more week away from that Fun Day. The students usually do a great job
responding to this reward system, it gives them something fun to work toward. Additionally,
Mrs. Hopkins chooses one or two students that have shown good behavior in class and have
participated in the activities to be a music star! The students love this concept. It praises
individual students that work hard and shows the other students that they can be a music star,
too, if they are well behaved and participate in class.
When I have my own classroom, I will have a system like this. I have seen it in action
and I think it is a good way to reward the students for good behavior in music. The classroom
star award and the fun day both reward the whole class for good classroom behavior, and
choosing a music star rewards students that are on task and well behaved. Both of these
concepts motivate the students to stay on task, participate and be on their best behavior while
in music class.

There are non-instructional routines and procedures that will take place every day. The
following are examples and how I plan to handle these procedures and routines:

How will you begin and end class (include taking attendance and, if applicable, lunch plans)?

Learning Environment
EDUC 461

Since I am a fine arts teacher, I will greet each classroom teacher and their class at the door and I
will ask each teacher which students from their class are absent for that day. I will make a note of
those students that are absent and mark it in the attendance book as students are taking their
seats. At the end of class, I will call the students by name to line up and this will confirm the
students that are present. I will not have to deal with lunch plans since I am related arts and not a
classroom teacher.

How will you distribute and collect materials and student work?

If I have a lesson that includes a worksheet or instruments, I will pass them out myself and I will
probably ask a student or two to help take the hand outs up when we are finished.

How will you assign and utilize student helper(s) or assistant(s)?

I will utilize student helpers for things like passing out or taking up papers or instruments, taking
things to the office or simply helping a student may be struggling with whatever activity we may
be doing.

How will you manage routine tasks such as pencil sharpening, bathroom breaks, and transitioning
between classes or hallway transitions?

The students usually use the bathroom before or after they come to related arts, so I shouldnt
have many bathroom routines in my classroom. If a student has an emergency, there is a
bathroom right next to the music room and they will be allowed to go to that bathroom.

How will you ensure your students are appropriately supervised and safe during emergency
situations? (e.g. fire and tornado drills)

In case of emergency situations (i.e. fire or tornado drills) I will have charts posted by the
door with procedures on them for what to do in case of an emergency. We will go over these

Learning Environment
EDUC 461

procedures at the beginning of the year and we will have scheduled drills for the students to
practice what to do if an emergency were to actually occur.

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