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INGLES C.A.D. - 2011 - Tiempo: 60 min.- Diccionario: Si- Consigne sus respuestas EN LA HOJA DE LECTURA OPTICA.- LEA las INSTRUCCIONES para rellenar la hoja de lectura optica ANTES de comenzar.- Marque CLARAMENTE cada respuesta rellenando UNA UNICA CASILLA.- Los errores NO restan puntos. - Si tiene dudas consulte al Tribunal. EXAMEN TIPO A. The three Bronté sisters together published a book which contained the poems written by each one of them. The book received some favourable reviews but only sold two copies. We can imagine how they must have been feeling after the poor reception of their first book and in the midst of the family tragedy. Were they despairing, were they thinking of giving up? Despite all their sorrows, worries, solitude and disappointment, the three sisters did not despair and they continued to apply their talent and determination to writing. They have left the world with some of the most extraordinary novels in the history of literature: Charlotte’s most famous work is Jane Eyre, Emily's only and equally well-known novel is Wuthering Heights and Anne’s second novel The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, though less famous than the former two, is nevertheless, just as interesting and magnificent, The three sisters were all stricken by tuberculosis and died very young. The father outlived all his children and the fame and recognition of their work helped him bear the tragedy of their lives. 1, ,Cual de estos titulos define mejor la informacion del texto? a. Las penurias de la familia Bronté b. El legado de las hermanas Bronté ¢. El éxito de Jane Eyre y The Tenant of Wildfell Hall d, La literatura inglesa y sus historias trégicas 2. ,Cual de estas oraciones es la correcta segiin el texto? a. Las obras de las hermanas Bronté estin Ilenas de penurias b. The Tenant of Wildfell Hall fue tan famosa como las otras novelas mencionadas c. Jane Eyre fue la tinica novela interesante d. Las hermanas Bronté mostraron un gran talento literario, a pesar sus trigicas vidas 3.

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