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The Qin Dynasty MLA Annotated Bibliography

Primary Source:
Morgan, J.P. "China's Terracotta Warriors: The First Emperor's Legacy at
the Minneapolis Institute of Arts." China's Terracotta Warriors: The First
Emperor's Legacy at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts. N.p., n.d. Web.
Jan. 2015.
J.P. Morgan included many quotes about Qin Shi Huangdi's rule. Along
with the quotes she includes photos of the Terracotta Warriors
discovered. Lastly, the website includes different subtitles about the
Qin dynasty.
Primary Source Document with Quest Ions ( D BQs) MEMORIAL ON
These quotations recorded by Sima Qian from Li Si, prime minister
after Qin Shi Huangdi died explain the burning of books and how the
feudal lords were abolished. This resource includes questions and
shows it is a primary source document.
Secondary Sources:
Donn, Lin. "Qin Dynasty Ancient China." The Qin Dynasty. N.p., n.d.
Web. 16 Nov. 2014.
Lin Donn explains the accomplishments of Emperor Qin during his
term. She also explains the changes he made during his term. At the
bottom of the page she includes various links that involve Emperor Qin
such as "The Great Wall", "Terra Cotta Army, and "The Han Dynasty".
Ong, Siew Chey. "THE QIN DYNASTY (221 B.C.- 206 B.C.)." China
Condensed: 5,000 Years of History & Culture. Singapore: Marshall
Cavendish, 2011. N. pag. Print.
Dr. Ong Slew Chey provides a map of where the Qin Dynasty was
located. This book also includes China's other dynasties and how they
compare to the Qin Dynasty. Lastly, the Chu-Han war was introduced
which led to the end of the Qin Dynasty.
Peralta, Gabriel. "Qin Dynasty." Ancient History Encyclopedia. N.p., 22
Jan. 2014. Web. 16 Nov. 2014.
Gabriel wrote an article on the Qin Dynasty also known to him as the
"Qin Kingdom" which he includes what it was like to live during this

period. Gabriel also includes the achievements of the Qin Dynasty, The
End of the Qin Dynasty and finally, the Legacy of the Qin Dynasty.

Portal, Jane, and Hiromi Kinoshita. The First Emperor: China's

Terracotta Army. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 2007. Print.
Edited by Jane Portal who describes the Terra Cotta Army which was
created under the rule of Qin Shi-Huang as one of major achievements
of his dynasty. This book explains how military tactics were very
important during his term. Imagery includes how the men were
designed to stand and where they were located.

"Qin Shihuang." Qin Shihuang. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Nov. 2014.

This passage explains Qin Shi Huang background life such as where he
grew up, his parents, his young adulthood. It also explains Qin's
downfalls and major achievements during his term. Finally, this
passages shows how the people of this dynasty helped contribute to
many of Qin's achievement.
"Qin Shihuangdi the Rise to Power." British Museum.
The British Museum, n.d. Web. 16 Nov. 2014. The author explains how
Qin Shi-Huang ruled his dynasty and how he made it one of the most
successful dynasties in China. The author also explains how Qin got his
name. Lastly, after the death of Qin Shi-Huang the author explains how
he has impacted China today.
Riegel, Jeffrey. "Confucius." Stanford University. Stanford University, 03
July 2002. Web. Winter 2014. Stanford University provides information
about Confucius and his teachings. This website provides information
on how much his teachings differed from legalism, the type of
government the Qin Empire used.
Torres, M. Martinon. "Crossbows and Imperial Craft Organisation: The
Bronze Triggers of China's Terracotta Army (Li Et Al 2014, Antiquity)."
Crossbows and Imperial Craft Organisation: The Bronze Triggers of
China's Terracotta Army (Li Et Al 2014, Antiquity). N.p., n.d. Web.
Winter 2014. This website provided information how the types of
weaponry the Terracotta Army mocked and what weaponry the army of
the Qin Dynasty used. The website also shows the plan and many
diagrams of the mausoleum of the Terracotta Army.

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