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Here's 20,160 Reasons To Get More Women RIGHT NOW

Dear Speed Seduction® Students and Fans,

It's New Years' Eve and I'm reading all this stuff about the "resolutions" people are making - lose
weight, get a new job, go back to school and get that MBA, start saving more money, plan that
magic cruise, whatever.

You know what?

"New Years' Resolutions"

are bull*#%t.

Look: what are you accomplishing by waiting until an arbitrary date on the calendar to begin taking
the actions necessary to claim your skills, results, and future?

Say you want to meet more women. So you wait until Friday, January 1 and from that date set a
firm resolution that you're going to start approaching a lot more women and upping your girl-
getting game.

What makes New Years' Day somehow so magical and special that actions taken that day will be so
much more impactful? Consider that in many places in the world, where they use a different
calendar than ours, tomorrow isn't even New Years for crying out loud.

Question: what is the difference between two weeks ago (December 17) and right now?

Answer: Two weeks. 336 hours.

... 20,160 minutes.

That's right - 20,160 minutes you COULD have already been spending taking the necessary actions
to get the women you truly desire. Since we're in this world for a finite amount of time, that's
20,160 minutes that COULD have been filled with orgasmic joy.

You will NEVER get back those WASTED 20,160 minutes.

Unlike in the movies, you don't get to go back in time for a "do-over" if you waste time. Those
20,000+ minutes are gone, pal... GONE... along with all the results you COULD have had if you
weren't waiting around twittling your thumbs (or having your thumbs up your a$@) for New Years'
to get here before taking charge of your world.

All of this is a BIG part of the purpose behind Speed Seduction®, not to mention the core of my
beliefs when it comes to getting the women.

First of all, Speed Seduction® gets smart guys like you the women you really want without
resorting to bullying, begging, buying, bs or booze.

But it goes WAY beyond that. It gives you the mindset as well as the tools, techniques, and
strategies to pick up on the "vibe" that a woman sends you and use it to reach her right where she
lives. So, instead of the "dating rituals" that really amount to no more than lame-a$$ excuses to
"wait" rather than claim your results today, you quickly find out:

• Which women are receptive to who you are and what you give the world and are more likely to
go on a carnal carousel ride with you (so you spend your Sarging energy on them), versus
• The women who will flirt and tease and string you along but will never actually join you for this
ride (so you can quickly "Exit, Stage Left") and move on to more promising opportunities

When you go through life with the mindset and skills that help you screen the best candidates for
your love shack, you will experience more success with women - more flirtations, more make-out
sessions, more "dates" (if you must), more nights (and mornings, and afternoons) of steaming hot,
no-holds-barred sexual passion with the hottest women you encounter - precisely because your
energy and efforts are focused in the right places.

And, if you haven't made the "resolution" to start your journey toward more success with women,
do it NOW. Don't wait until tomorrow just because tomorrow is New Years' Day.

You know what tomorrow is? One day... 24 hours...and 1,440 minutes away. Getting laid takes less
than 1,400 minutes. For some people, it takes less than two minutes... so what's taken YOU so

The women are waiting - what are you waiting FOR?

Peace, piece, and much more, not next year but RIGHT NOW,

Come to my Speed Seduction® 3.0 Seminar in Los Angeles on January 22 - 24, 2010 and learn how
to have the hottest women soaking themselves in minutes ... And Begging To Bang You!

If you register BEFORE December 23, 2009, you can bring a friend for FREE! Claim Your Seat Right

1. Can be done by any guy, regardless of his experience, time or budget. (Unlike traditional
dating tips that require expensive romantic excursions,you will get all the women you want
without having to spend so much as a penny!)

2. Doesn't require good looks or money ( Forget about alleged "dating secrets" that require
you to be good looking or lay out the cash-I'll show you how to turn simple, stress free and
CHEAP coffee meetings into beautiful sex!)

3. Forget acting like a Jerk or PUA. (You can be kind, sensitive and STILL get laid, without
relying on macho posturing or stupid pick up lines!)

4. Teaches you how to direct your language to get women hot & horny and persuasively
communicate with folks in all walks of life.

5. Is the ONLY training with detailed, proven, structured confidence building techniques so
you can actually USE the other techniques given to get the girls you want (It's easy to pick
up women when you radiate with the confidence these courses will let you enjoy, today!)

6. Is the ONLY training boasting thousands of satisfied customers, some of whom tell their
stories on this site.(You'll see them tell, in their own words, how they learned to easily pick
up women and enjoy amazing success with these breakthrough seduction secrets and

7. Can be used to successfully find ONE special girl or get lots of amazing women!

8. The only training backed solidly by an unconditional 90 day "3 women or you pay
nothing" guarantee.

9. The only training that offers consultation and customer support.

10. Can be used by men of ANY age or social status; our satisfied customers range in age
from 18 to 72!

Ross Jeffries' Speed Seduction® Tips

is Copyright © 1988-2009, All Rights Reserved.

Around here, we always respect your privacy. Anytime you need to update, edit, or cancel your
subscription, use the links at the bottom of the e-mail.

We highly doubt you'll EVER want to stop getting THESE proven strategies for success with the
women you desire, though.

The Other People Looked At Us Like We Were Superstars

Dear Speed Seduction® Student,

One of the fun things about Speed Seduction® is it allows guys to break through
barriers and boundaries and enjoy experiences with the kind of women that
previously were "unreachable".

As I have said, many times, women carry around a "checklist" in

their heads for what they THINK they want in a guy and what they
THINK has to be there for them to get sexual.

The lovely thing is, Speed Seduction® allows us to by-pass the

checklist by capturing the imagination and moving the emotions of women to strongly
be in OUR favor.

(Of course, you can find out more about how it does so by going

Anyway, whether you are young and always wanted older women, or
older and want younger women, or want hotter women or whatever,
Speed Seduction® puts them in reach.
Here is a story from a young guy who wanted some more seasoned women, and his SS

Sent: Sunday, January 29, 2006 4:36 PM
Subject: Re: Rest In Peace, Dear Grey Pawed Friend

Hi Ross,

I'm very sorry to hear about your cat passing on.

In his honor, Friday night I "sarged" at a bar during the Sundance Film Festival.

The stuff from your Fear Into Charisma DVD, Gold Walk Up DVD, and your Beyond
Confidence CDs "clicked" at that very moment.

(Ross' note: to find out more, go here:

It was amazing because I'm only 24 and I look even younger!

My friend had his eye on this hot chick at the corner of the bar who was drinking
with her 2 friends. We were thinking of a funny
opener he could use when her friend turned around and handed me a drink.

Since she had 2 friends I had to rap to both of them while my friend moved in on
the one he wanted.

Now, the 2 girls I was talking to were no slouches either. In fact, we figured
these 'girls' were about 28-30 years old -- which is crazy for me since I tend to
meet only 20-22 year olds!

So blah blah blah --- after about an hour of 'talk' I was kissing one of the girls
right there in the bar!

The other people in the bar were looking at my friend and I like
we were f**king superstars -- after all, we had the hottest chicks!

In no short order my friend and I were escorting 2 'women' back to the condo they
were renting for the week-- about 2 blocks away. (We ditched their other friend --
that's the power of speed seduction -- girls will just pack up and leave their best
friend instead of risking the loss of the Incredible guy they just met).

I had an awesome night with 'my' girl- I was talking to 'my girl' at about 4 am and
I found out we actually took home 2 35 year olds!

It was amazing and without your stuff, I could never have conceived it as a

Thanks Ross!

RIP Sargy.


RJ: Thanks Lar. I've been doing and teaching this since 1993 and it never ceases to
amaze me what women will do when you can capture their imaginations and when you
pick the ones who are up for some adventure.

As Arthur C. Clarke, the famous science fiction writer once said, "Any sufficiently
developed technology would be indistinguishable from magic."

When you have the technology-SS-you have the means to do what other people can only
wonder at. Good going.

Piece and peace (and thanks for the kind words about my deceased


P.S. Look for the next fabulous seminar.

P.P.S. Why don't you have YOUR Speed Seduction® Home Study
Course; your key to enjoying the choice, variety and power with
the women you really want, without begging, buying or bullying?
Go here:

Ghita Services Inc., 6245 Bristol Parkway #275, Culver City, CA 90230, United

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Playing With The 4 "Attraction Energies"

Dear Speed Seduction® Student,

If there's one thing I've learned in the game of attracting women, it's to keep
them on their toes.

Just when she thinks you are sensitive and tuned in to her, become commanding. Just
when she thinks you are commanding, become funny and playful. Just when she thinks
you are funny and playful, demonstrate your vulnerability and genuineness.

The reality is, women need to be FRACTIONATED. Fractionated simply means to move
them back and forth from one set of energies or states to another.

When you can vary yourself around different "vibes" or "energies" like this, it
creates a great deal more responsiveness to whatever pattern language from your
Home Study Course

that you might care to use.

Here's how one student experimented with this:


I decided to play with one of my dance partners. She's a 9 with

incredible sexual energy.

Last night's assignment to myself was practicing the four vibes and to some extent,
EAIE(energy, awareness intent, extended). My victim-er I mean lucky recipient, was
my dance partner.

First vibe - sincere - asked her about how her neck is doing (stiffness from
computer work) and second vibe - authority in her world, massaged the back
(briefly, like in Irresistible Arousal DVD) of her neck (demonstrating
understanding of her pain) Third vibe - commanding - I fractionated by moving away
ten feet, she followed me and instead of hugging, wrestled me playfully.

I switched to fourth vibe, playful back to sincere/vulnerable by yielding. She pins

my arms back and squeezed her double D's into my chest. I looked into her eyes and
saw that she was testing to see how I would react.

As she moved away I asked playfully if they hurt(her breasts) since she pushed
those knockers so firmly. She said a little bit, but it's okay. I switched to
commanding vibe, grabbed her wrist, turned her around, and gave her the same
squeeze. No resistance whatsoever, just a smile. I now thank myself for doing the
grounding exercises, Or I surely would have had a boner right there.

So I continued playing with switching vibes, and began to notice energy and state
shifts in her whenever she wanted to be touched. Whenever I turned the energy up,
she'd come closer and say something to provoke me. I'd oblige and give her a caress
here, a tickle there, etc. There was a lot of kino that bordered on making out. My
female instructor and the other two guys were dumbfounded to see what was going on.

Before any of you start throwing up as this is starting to sound like romance
novel, what I learned last night was what some of the things Ross mentioned in the
Irresistible Arousal DVD.

Women want to feel a man's inner strength. She wants to be upheld. She wants to
feel like a woman. And the man who can do this is attractive, and she will come to
you. I was amplifying her energy with mine, and I did without using language
(although I did switch my tonality with each vibe). It was mostly intent and

Now, of course, this was a responsive woman. She already knows and trusts me. I'm
not saying this will work all the time, but to see the SS principles in action as I
was executing them is quite liberating. I got to verify for myself how real "vibe"
is. I also discovered the non-AFC way of showing my emotions without being needy,
showing strength without being "alpha." Well actually, for some reason last night,
she wanted the experience and she initiated the contact. I simply responded
accordingly. I gave her what she wanted whenever she reached for it.

I know this is a very linear approach, but I really want to understand what I'm
doing and why I'm doing them. I know this way is also very time consuming
(elicitations, running a pattern, combined with anchoring would undoubtedly get
faster results), but I want to have some flexibility. I also want a solid core
belief, one that extends far beyond seduction alone, and that takes practice.

Bro Nxxxx"

RJ: Hey, Nxxx. Nice moves. I appreciate the last paragraph of your email most of
all; this IS practice. Understanding what you are doing and how and why it works
leads to much greater results down the line, instead of hitting a home run the
first few times at bat.

What I say about women and the 4 vibes or energies is T-R-U-E. It works. Full stop.
Others may tell you only be commanding or ONLY be funny, but that, to continue the
baseball metaphor, is like only having one kind of pitch.

And don't be down on yourself for not doing the elicitations,

anchoring or patterns. You are learning the pieces of the puzzle
before you begin to fit them together. Good for you.

Peace and piece,


P.S. Why don't you have your own Speed Seduction® Home Study Course? Your guide to
getting hot chicks without begging, bullying or buying:
Ghita Services Inc., 6245 Bristol Parkway #275, Culver City, CA 90230, United

To unsubscribe visit:

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Resolve vs. Resolutions

Dear Speed Seduction® Student,

With a New Year coming, I wanted to draw a very helpful distinction for you.

Many people who don't know me very well ask if I make New Year's

My answer always is, "Why would I do something as stupid as that?"

You see, the problem with making resolutions is that it is a ONE

time action.

Rather than make a resolution, I am far more interested in daily

exhibiting and living from the personal quality of RESOLVE.

To have RESOLVE means you stay on track, daily remind yourself of your intent, and
when you get off track, you rapidly get back on again.

RESOLVE will power you much further, whether it is towards having the success with
women you've always wanted, building new personal habits, or whatever you might

Now, in order to have resolve (I don't need to keep capitalizing it, do I? You get
the idea it is important!) you need to have a
few more concepts down:

1. Don't try to be heroic. Success in anything is more about

consistent application, even starting small at first. So it is
better to improve 1% a day or focus on ONE skill set than it is to create some
heroic, super-man struggle to get it all right now. CONSISTENCY BEATS HEROISM!

2. Develop perspective. So many people think that progress has to be top, super-
excellent, achievement of your total ideal. Well, sometimes that can happen.

More likely, you can aim at steady progress with some periods of
really outperforming yourself. So learn to measure where you are at and where you
would like to be, with an eye on perspective and patience. If you haven't quite
learned yet how to get the hottest babe and her girlfriends screaming with lust and
fighting to get in your bed,that's ok. Keep your eyes on the steps in front of you,
skill wise, while occasionally lifting them to the horizon of
your long term goal.

3. Related to #2, develop a way to recognize your progress. As my good friend and
teacher Vince Kelvin says, "It takes training to
recognize progress".

He's right. So, write down what you do, detail as a way of keeping
track, and also, if need be, hire a coach. Vince by the way is MY personal coach,
so if you want the best, contact him via his

4. Get yourself a good meditation practice. Meditation clears the mind of

stupidity, stress, stuck ways of seeing the world,
emotionalism, mood swings. If you go to my website you can see me teaching some
good meditation/breath practices for free:

Forget everything you used to think about meditation being New Age,
white-light, air-fairy crap. It's an incredible personal tool for
self-growth, progress and change. Yoga is great too.

Ok. I will have lots more to say about this in the coming year. In fact, right now,
I am working on editing the video footage of
this past year's presentation I did at Speed Life, in Puerto
Vallarta Mexico, where I taught some revolutionary new techniques for staying on
track, beating back old ways of negative thinking
that sabotage progress, and building in some new and powerful
methods for rapid learning. Should be available pretty damn soon.

Peace, piece and other good things in the cumming Nude Year,


P.S. Your Speed Seduction® Home Study Course is waiting for you.
Get the women you want without buying, bullying or begging.

P.P.S. If you are waiting for me to come to your town this year, I wouldn't hold my
breath. My new philosophy is, the Zen Master doesn't go to the student. The student
goes to the Zen Master. With the exception of London which holds some other
business opportunities I can't discuss here, ALL of my Speed Seduction® Seminars
will be in LA. May as well sign up for the NEXT seminar, therefore, and start your
New Life right. Look for a special detailed description about this seminar in the
next newsletter.

Ghita Services Inc., 6245 Bristol Parkway #275, Culver City, CA 90230, United

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When You Are Stuck Not Knowing What To Say

Dear Speed Seduction® Student,

Yesterday, you read the adventures of one of my students who reported how an
attention hungry waitress totally jerked him
around AND you read my responses to his report.

Today he sent the following email, which I think will be very

instructive to those of you who have ever been in this situation; where you lost
control and the woman took over, with very bad results! I give him a clue on how to
move forward when you are stuck not knowing what to say; a key secret to pull your
seduction irons out of the fire when you get into trouble and find yourself tongue-
tied, so read on!

Here is what he had to say today:

"You know Ross, its eerie how you know more than what I put in the text, - its
because you REALLY understand interactions with women and, of course, because you
are the genesis of Speed Seduction.

No arguments on your analysis - its dead on, and I was too caught up being led like
the yeoman Ox - I'm embarrassed, but glad I see

In my heart I was offering the tickets as bait - no question and

straight truth. Women MUST value me instead of AFC "bait" which
only leads to disrespect for me.

On pattern language - you are right, I didn't use any. I became

flustered with "Oh crap, what am I gonna say next," because I
normally would not crawl out of my shell and do this. So, I started reaching into
my mind to come up with the "slickest" material I could and devolved into AFC bait.
Because I have not studied the material as I should and have not done the breathing
exercises and more fundamentals from the course, I won status as an AFC despite
having the finest tools in my pocket.

Also, I knew I messed up by giving her my phone number and not

getting hers. I thought I was being considerate of her "fears"
about a man she doesn't know getting this personal, but - again
- AFC rewards. I killed myself and I knew it. Yet I talked myself into the
thinking, "What did I do wrong. She just doesn't know a good opportunity when it

Thanks for helping me see the mistakes. This shows me I need to

make the change from being just someone who buys the course and hopes it will sink
in by osmosis - to someone who understands it, applies it, lives it and benefits
from it.

Ross, thanks again for your DEAD ON insight. This list is the
finest tool to sharpen our minds and your participation in this
list is INVALUABLE. "

RJ: You are very welcome. Please note that it is through screwing up and then
honestly and objectively looking at what we did that we begin to win half the
battle; the other half is putting the new understandings into use.

One key I want to give you: if you are ever stuck with what to say, you can always
get curious about the other person. Notice what you notice about them and then
bring it up in conversation!

In the case of this waitress you could have said, "Wow, you are
unusually friendly. I really thought it was against the rules for a food serve to
sit at the table with the customers. So is it that you like to bend the rules or
just that you find some people worth bending the rules for?"

Do you see how this kind of question will do a couple of things:

1. If she's just a tease, you have, in effect, called her on it

and she will stop wasting your time.

2. You've shown some good insight into her behavior. Because either she's doing
this because she just likes bending the rules (in which case you could inquire more
into where ELSE in her life she likes bending rules) or she's doing it because she
DOES see something interesting in you.

Many, many times when I have been stuck with what to say, I've
simply gotten quiet inside and learned to observe the other person, get curious,
and ask a question based on what I am curious about: is it that you are x or is it
that you are y? (where x and y represent two possible explanations, either one of
which points her mind and thinking in a seduction direction).

The other rule is: always use what they give you. She is giving you some
potentially useful behavior and I think that she showed some interest in you threw
you off because you aren't used to women showing interest in you.

Get used to it; when you use Speed Seduction® you will see interest - a lot more!

Piece and peace,


P.S. How many times must I say it? When you purchase your Speed
Seduction® Home Study Course


you not only get the only proven system for choice, power and variety with women,
with no begging, buying or bullying. Like this student, you get the support of an
on line community of nearly 3,000 guys, worldwide (including me!) who are available
24 hours a day, 7 days a week to answer your questions, offer support and
suggestions and share their learnings with you! You aren't just
getting a technology to win, you are getting a community to help!

You won't find that anywhere else.

Once again:

P.P.S. If you are stuck on how to approach women, anytime, anywhere, and never
worry about what to say, check out my
customers' favorite product, the Gold Walk-Up DVD:

Ghita Services Inc., 6245 Bristol Parkway #275, Culver City, CA 90230, United

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"I'm Confused And In Love With Her"

Dear Speed Seduction® Student,

It really is an amazing thing how the options you have determine

the vision you see and how the vision you see determines the
options you have.

Now, if that seems to "philosophical" to you, hang on a minute,

because I want to show you how that seemingly abstract idea can
translate to either a river of moist, pink abundance or a life of dating your hand.

(By the way, your key to success and power with women is, of course, the Speed Seduction(R)
Home Study Course:
Now listen: I have long taught about the power of belief and
perspective to change your life. Beliefs are not some "new age"
"airy fairy" nonsense. They are very powerful, because what you
believe will determine how you interpret situations that are, on
the face of it, unclear. Your beliefs will determine how far you
can think and the very options and ideas of possibility that
occur to you.

If you can't even conceive of something as being possible, then how can you act on it to bring you
what you want?

The way you see a situation and the way you see your options will determine what you do. And
what you DO determines what you get.

So often, I get email from guys who are stuck on ONE girl. They want to know what to do in their
situation to win that ONE girl,
without even realizing that there is an entire world filled with
awesome, fun women, if they just knew how to reach THEM. Then they wouldn't be so stuck on that
ONE girl.

Here is an email I just received from a guy in this situation. Read on, because you are about to
learn a valuable lesson on belief and perspective for yourself, no matter what you current situation
with women(stud or dud or in between, you WILL learn something from this!)

"Hi Ross,

I have a girl who is a 'friend' who I'm falling in love with. She has a boyfriend who she lives with but
has been flirting with me lots over the last 4 months.

On Saturday she stayed over with some lady friends and told me she 'had a thing about me'. She
has given me so many messages to
indicate a relationship.

However, I feel like a rabbit caught up in the headlights of an

oncoming car. I'm paralyzed by the fact that she is living with
someone and feel confused about getting drawn into her. My feelings have gotten stronger and
stronger the more I see her yet I can't seem to tell her.

How do I get rid of these feelings that feel like a drug? She
indicates she'll marry her boyfriend if he gets his job in New York yet indicates that she is not
entirely happy with life with him. And then she does all this flirting with me.

I'm confused and in love with her. She's giving me all the signals and I feel stuck.

Some RJ advice would be most welcome.



RJ: Brian, I have some "advice" for you, but you may not want to
hear what I have to say.

First of all, I can bet dollars to donuts that you have little or no experience with women. I would
venture to say that this one woman is probably the only woman with whom you've had any kind of
semi-intimate contact/connection for quite some time.

So the first question I ask when I read something like this is,
"What are the skill sets that this person is missing in their world?" In other words, if all the focus
that went into this "crush" on this woman were to be productively applied, what
skill set would this person put that energy to? What work is having this "crush" allowing this person
to avoid doing?

Obviously, it's the work of working on YOUR confidence and YOUR

ability to go out and meet and attract LOTS of women.
Do you see how all of this "crushing" is distracting you from the lessons you really need to learn?
And, how underneath the "love" is really the FEAR and the feeling of LACK?

That's the first thing. The second thing is, you say you "love"
this woman, yet you don't feel safe to share what you really think and feel with her AND you feel

Well, you OUGHT to be confused because she is behaving in a CONFUSED fashion. She says she'd
marry her boyfriend, but she
flirts with you AND she tells you that she has a thing about you.

No wonder you don't feel safe around her and you feel confused:
her mixed messages ARE confusing. She dangles the bait and then
YANKS it away by talking about wanting to marry her boyfriend.

In other words, she's fractionating you. Giving you some, then

taking it back, then giving it again. This can shake the mind/state of even an experienced,
confident guy if he isn't prepared to handle it. How much more will it shake a guy who has little or
no experience in intimate connections with women?

Here's What You Do To Finally Nail Her

First of all, you have to take the energy of this "crush" and
ritually sacrifice it; redirect it to believe and dedication to a whole new life with a whole new set of
possibilities and a whole new set of skills.

(If you want to radically transform your beliefs and ideas about
women and indeed success in life, go here:

Second, next time you talk to her, tell her you have had it with
her confusing behavior. That you will no longer be her ego support when she needs attention to
prop her up because she has doubts in her relationship with her boyfriend-she should go marry him
and leave you alone. That women who truly love their man don't engage in this kind of behavior
and you won't have any part of it. Then hang up the phone or walk out if you are in person; I
recommend doing this on the phone.

When she calls you back, tell her you won't talk on the phone about it, that she can come talk to
you in person. When she comes over, as she starts to talk, put your finger to her lips in the 'Shhh"
gesture. Take her by the hand to the bedroom. Take her clothes off and fuck her savagely. Then
throw her out and NEVER.. TALK.. TO.. HER.. AGAIN!

I'm serious. This is the most radical, powerful, empowered thing

ENVISION. Yet is the VERY thing that would set you free and
powerfully push you out of your mentality of lack and need.

Right now, as you had been thinking about it, up til this moment, it was through the lens of lack.
Now you can begin to see it in a new way.

And trust me, this confused and confusing girl does NOT deserve to be around you. And her
boyfriend, if he's smart, will dump her ass too.

Peace and piece,


P.S. I'm serious about this advice. I don't normally preach "fuck and dump" but in this case, she's
earned it with her toying with you and also it would be the radical move to transform your life. Just
use protection and do NOT get this witch pregnant!

P.P.S. Want to really transform your life with women? Get your
ass to a seminar now:
Ghita Services Inc., 6245 Bristol Parkway #275, Culver City, CA 90230, United States

To unsubscribe visit:

The Power of Forgiveness

And Giving Thanks

Dear Speed Seduction® Student,

In the spirit of Thanksgiving (USA), I challenge you to thank yourself by simply "letting go" of what
has held you back until now.

Look: in life, we all make mistakes.

When it comes to learning Speed Seduction®, and indeed, the entire subject of success with
women, you can count on TWO things:

1. You WILL make mistakes. Mistakes in judgment. Mistakes in execution. Mistakes in what
you leave out. Mistakes in what you put in. Expect it.

2. No matter HOW prepared you think you are, women will test you and women WILL surprise
you. Just when you THINK you have a girl "all wrapped up" she will pull something out of
her hat (or a##). So, like I have said in my original book and have repeated over and over,
when you start really liking a girl, just remember: you never know where you stand with a
girl until you make that first, serious physical move. Until then, it's all talk, talk, and
sometimes just play-acting. Sad but true.

In any event, I have learned that, too often, guys hold onto their "failures" and dwell on them. It's
like obsessively chewing on the same wad of gum for year after year, as it collects more gunk,
bacteria, mouth goo, etc. etc. etc. You wouldn't do that, would you? But so many guys dwell on
their "failures". Or on how some girl screwed them over (instead of screwing them!) back when
they were still "nice guys".

Look, the problem with dwelling on all this is, what you dwell on, you are actually just rehearsing
and retraining your mind to do it again the next time around!

That is the problem with "slumps". The more you dwell on how awful you are doing, the more you
carry those emotions into your efforts and it is like putting a 100 lb lead weight around each leg
and then trying to jump out a 30 foot hole!

And again, what you mentally dwell on with strong emotion is what you communicate to your
subconscious mind that you want it to do!

Despite all your positive programming, which I believe in and teach, your NEGATIVE programming
thru dwelling on mistakes will probably more likely influence how you think, act and respond,

Remember this: the unconscious is most impressed by anything that includes strong emotion,
repetition, and strong belief. It does what is most familiar, not what you necessarily most
consciously may want.

So avoiding this negative loop requires better attitudes toward learning. It requires the discipline
and awareness to notice when you are beating on yourself and to stop it. And it requires
acceptance of mistakes.
If you find yourself dwelling on the past or getting mad that you are not making fast enough
progress, repeat this out loud.

Forgiving others, and letting them go is good training for forgiving myself. So even if they don't
"deserve" it I will do it for my own sake. I will either get what I want or learn what I need to.
Mistakes are just MARKERS; marking out where I can step into new freedom, choice, power and

I may wish I had been born more evolved or perfect, but THIS is my path and I embrace it. I may
not always like it, I may slip and grumble, BUT THIS IS MY PATH. I will let my learnings pull me
forward. I will never stop learning til I draw my last breath and in that last breath I will learn what
THAT is like as I embrace the Source of All Learning ... right now, today.

Allow this new attitude and new learning into your future seductions. And even imagine that idea
going off into your past, adding its energy into your past as well. Come up to the present with this
image inside you. Be thankful for your past; as it has helped you become the person you are today.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Peace and piece,

Ross Jeffries

Bottom of Form

I'm 46 And Get Laid All The Time!

Dear Speed Seduction® Student,

Sometimes I have to wonder what guys are thinking when they write to me.

Now, don't get me wrong. I'm always thrilled to hear when my

material is working for guys and that their Home Study Course (
x=a62b&lc=GrBj&mc=m&s=S1qiw&y=J& is really
getting them the women they want.

But, c'mon guys. Even the best tools don't work if you don't
exercise some common sense and good judgment.

I can build you the most amazing jet fighter plane, with complex
technology, super-powered lasers, stealth features and warp drive, but if you insist on flying it into
the ground, don't blame me.

Here is a guy who has some good skills, but he seems to be

forgetting a key component: PICKING THE RIGHT GIRL TO USE THIS STUFF ON. Read along with me
and see if you can't spot his BIG
"From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2006 1:34 AM
Subject: help Ross

Ross...what do I do in this situation...really f**cked up..any

way back:

I am 46, look 36, get laid all the time now that I am an adherent to your system....

17 year old hostess at a restaurant/bar I frequent was succumbing to my game... she is a 9.

I made the mistake of having too many women at the bar where she works last Friday...she got
toooooooooooooooooo pissed off.

She texted me the next day, "it's over" and so I never got a
chance to do her. Would love to get back in, but she is adamant!

Ross, should I just let it go... or, is there any magic to be

worked? My sense says, let it ride, go on to the next broad and
she will be back (they always come back!)

But what do you think... anything to salvage this shit or do I walk away?"

RJ: Ahem… Michael, perhaps you need to have another look at your
criteria for selecting women, as in DON'T MESS WITH TEENAGE GIRLS!

Goodness gracious man, what do you expect? SHE IS SEVENTEEN!

Now, I'm all for going for younger women, but c'mon man. What do
you expect with a girl who is probably STILL IN HIGH SCHOOL?

She now sees you as a "player" and someone just out for a quick
piece of her ass (I wonder how she got THAT idea) so I think you've got little chance with her.

Why don't you try for one of the local college co-eds? Someone who has already been to the
"prom" and "grad night" might be a more reasonable challenge for you.


Piece and peace (and some common sense to you too!)


P.S. If you want to enjoy the women you really want, without
begging, bullying or buying, just click here:

Ghita Services Inc., 6245 Bristol Parkway #275, Culver City, CA 90230, United States

To unsubscribe visit:

To change your contact details visit:
Up Off His Ass And Meeting Women!

Dear Speed Seduction® Student,

Recently I got an email from a student who told me he had not talked to or approached women in
years, but after getting his
Speed Seduction® Home Study Course


he was motivated to finally "get off the couch"!

This clever guy actually came up with his own pretty good
"icebreakers" to start meeting women. So if you are still sitting on your ass, making excuses, read
on to see what this clever guy came up with:

"I have been paying attention to your newsletters and noticed that there have been a lot of
requests for "ice breakers". I do not know if these are useful but listed below are some of the "ice
beakers" I used if I found the woman I wanted to contact was exceptional.

1) (Browse the store where the woman may be working-this works well with clerks. Come back in, a
few minutes later and stand near her until she asks)

her: "May I help you"

me: "Yes, I was in here earlier and there was a lovely young lady wearing (whatever she is
wearing) and had a positively wonderful smile (she will smile here) and I just had to come back in
and introduce myself, Hi my name is _________"

her: "wow"

Ross, 5 clerks were approached with this ice breaker, my success rate was 100% for names.

3 clerks or 60% responded with "wow"

1 clerk just stood their and smiled

1 clerk responded with "oh my.....but...but I have a boyfriend"

(no I did not go into the boyfriend destroyer, remember I am at
stage 1 of my reprogramming)

2) If after saying "Hi" and you run into the same woman again these work well as short comic relief

a) "Hello again, we have to stop meeting like this"

b) "If we meet again it's a state law that you have to tell me
your name"

c) "You know, if you wanted to dance..... all you have to do is


Ross, 6 walks up were contacted again using the above lines.

Response was 100% that there was a smile and even a good laugh.
Usually after the laugh I followed with, "Hi, my name is ________"
3) Another good line for clerks and sets the mood with a touch of humor. Use this in clothing stores
or any NON-food store:

her: "Hi, may I help you?"

me: "Yes, can you tell me where the bratwurst are?"


After making a purchase

her: "Did you find everything, ok?"

me: "No, can you tell me where the bratwurst are?"

Please note, that here in Wisconsin bratwurst is practically the state food. So use your food of
choice. 3 clerks were approached using this method and the conversation lasted for a good 5 or 10
minutes with each. Did I pursue any of these clerks further? Again the answer is no, I am still in the
initiate stage.

Ross, I am still just beginning, but what do you think?

Wisconsin Guy"

RJ: I say, good for you. Your approaches rely on surprise, humor, the put on, which is one of 4 good
positions for an approach as I teach in my Gold Walk Up DVD


And you are starting out slow, with waitresses and sales girls who HAVE to talk to you; it's their job!

But I applaud the fact that you are UP OFF YOUR ASS BREAKING THE
ICE, instead of making excuses.

How about you, dear reader?

Peace and piece,


P.S. Your Speed Seduction® Home Study Course is your golden key
to success, choice and power with women, without begging, buying
or bullying. Just click here:

Ghita Services Inc., 6245 Bristol Parkway #275, Culver City, CA 90230, United States

To unsubscribe visit:

Speed Seduction® Student Praises System & Differences

Dear Speed Seduction® Student,

One of the more difficult challenges in teaching Speed

Seduction® is getting guys out of the old mind sets of
"dating" and also getting past the crap that so many others
try to put into their heads.

As I said in an earlier email, you can mix poop and


Anyway, I just got this email from a student who nails down
why Speed Seduction® is THE system to be using, and he nails
it far better than I ever could say. Read on and learn from
him about what it is really all about and how he had a major
awakening to what he could do with this material:

(Oh, by the way, this guy was posting on the Speed

Seduction® Yahoo group, which is for home study course
owners only. You get 24 hour, 7 day a week, fully anonymous
support from myself and thousands of other students around
the world who are always available to hold your hand, answer
your questions, share your frustrations and celebrate your
breakthroughs. All for free when you get your Home Study
Course right here:

Here's that email:

"Let me just say... Speed Seduction truly is the most

complete, comprehensive system out there. What led me to
this realization
several things.

1) Frames. I never realized the true importance of framing

your experience until I watched the framing videos Ross has.
I always thought up until then that what I thought was
ABSOLUTELY TRUE for me - wasn't - isn't that sick? :-)

There was one point where he is describing on the frame

videos what a girl means when she says "I'm just not
attracted to you." The FRAME she is putting around it is
"This is how it is and it can't change."

Something about that simple observation really hit me - a

light went on in my head. I realized that that is JUST a
*FRAME* that SHE set, not the truth about what is happening!
I rewound it and listened to that again and again. It's not
the truth, it's just a frame she put around it. As Ross
would say, "I never take what she first says as written in
stone." Now it finally makes sense. I also realized that
everything is contained within SOME sort of frame, so why
not take advantage and set your own!

So I began examining my own frames - what wasn't serving me

and what presently is. I also realized that trying to
deliver patterns or any attitude in SS within an OLD frame
(e.g. supplication, dating, PUA) does NOT work nearly as
well as taking on a new, powerful frame, such as "let's see
how much fun we can have with her showing me what kind of
a person she is right now".

Have you ever delivered a pattern and felt nervous about

doing it? Your frame there means you are HOPING it will
work, that you won't "get caught" and, on some level, you
truly believe it's not something that is "you."

This is just a frame! You can have a different one!

2. As these new realizations come, it also sheds a new light

on the other systems I've studied. I won't mention them here
since it's against list rules, but more importantly, they
certainly don't warrant any of your attention because, quite
frankly - they're just a bunch of "slick amateurs"! Most of
the other camps rely on ridiculous "plotlines", gimmicks,
and one-approach-solves-all garble that strikes me as so
insincere and blase.

Ross has said from day one, the point of SS isn't to just be
flapping your lips - it's to capture and lead her (and YOUR!)
imagination. This is the complete opposite of what these
PUA and "C&F" people are doing. They rely on gimmicks and
high school antics to get laid. If that works for them and
they want to limit the quality woman who has more to offer
than physical beauty, fine! Not for me!

By the way, I don't speak from ignorance or speculation, and

I'm not putting other systems down - not really... well,
okay, I am a little - bite me, lol! But I've gone to one of
their gatherings and noted the philosophy with an open mind.
I couldn't help but notice that one of the instructors at
the time was reading THE BASIC HOME STUDY COURSE while the
other instructor was teaching! LOL!

What I'm saying here is... SS is the most complete system -

it covers everything those other guys do, and to a much
more refined and MATURE level. Indeed, SS is like the tree
and foundation for all of the other variations that have
spawned off of it. The other systems are much like buds on a
tree in springtime. Sure, they might be interesting to look
at, seem new and different and varied. They grow and change
color over time with their flashiness and capture your
attention for a while... but they eventually fall off and
die... and only the tree remains.


RJ: Thanks, Nameless. Sure you can throw out "cocky funny"
gimmicks, and if you hurl enough shit against the wall, some
will stick, but is that how a guy really wants to move
through the world of women and the world at large? I hope
not. As for the Frame Control Videos, they are not for
beginners, but if you already own a Home Study Course(
x=a62b&lc=GrCs&mc=m&s=S1qiw&y=X& for sure,
I would go for it. You can find the Frame Control Videos

Peace and piece,


Ghita Services Inc., 6245 Bristol Parkway #275, Culver City, CA 90230, United States

Are You April Foolin' Yourself!

Dear Speed Seduction® Student,

I would not be "foolin" if I were to tell you that PRACTICE

and consistency are your keys to success with Speed
Seduction, along with one other thing: immersion.

Now, let me tell you what I mean by "immersion" since I

will assume you know what practice and consistency mean.

"Immersion" simply means to fully surround yourself and put

yourself into that which you want to learn.

In the same way you can just stick your toe in a lovely lake
or you could jump right in and soak up the life-giving
waters, you can just stick your toe into the waters of Speed
Seduction® or you could immerse yourself.

What would that practically mean?

Well, I have some students who go to sleep at night

listening to one or more of my CD programs on an endless
play loop.

They listen to the CD's of the Home Study Course while

driving their car.

Some guys get even more extreme; one of my top students and
co-trainers, Vince Kelvin, actually bought boom boxes for
every single room in his apartment when he was first
learning Speed Seduction, so my material was playing, night
and day, wherever he was in his place!

One quick idea for you to get: if you think you can take new
ideas and radical new ways of thinking and just casually,
without dedication, learn and absorb and do them then…

You Are April Foolin' Yourself!

Be smart and be like Vince; immerse yourself in the material!

And speaking of Vince, he's got an amazing new product
called "Speed Seduction® In Action!" To find out more about
it, call Yates at 1-903-482-1034. But be warned; you can't
buy this product unless you first own a Home Study Course
So, quit foolin' yourself! IMMERSE YOURSELF IN THE MATERIAL!

Peace and piece,


P.S. Once again, your key to success with women without

begging, buying or bullying is right here:

P.P.S. Having trouble knowing what to say to meet women?

Here's how to meet them and never worry about what will come
out of your mouth and use whatever they say to you to power
them into your bed:

Ghita Services Inc., 6245 Bristol Parkway #275, Culver City, CA 90230, United States

To unsubscribe visit:

To change your contact details visit:

Progress, Practice And Pleasure!

Dear Speed Seduction® Student,

One of the biggest lies ever told is that you make real
progress in life in a straight line, with bit by bit
measurable results, step by step, according to a calendar or

This "do your schoolwork and get your grade" approach is one
of the single biggest pieces of brainwashing and bullshit
conditioning driving society, and is, outside of the
academic world…..

…A Huge Load Of Crap That Can Keep You Stuck As Hell When It
Comes To Progress And Success In The Real World.. In Real
Life.. Including Nailing Super-Hot Women!

Listen: in the real world, progress does not occur in a

straight line, linear fashion.

Your progress(and pleasure) with Speed Seduction® will

probably NOT come in a straight line either.

Progress happens in spurts: after a period of steady

practice you experience a sudden grasping of principles,
sudden proper execution meeting the right opportunity.

Translation: you did it right, with the right, receptive

girl and…

Suddenly You Are Getting Truly Well Laid!

How's that for a scientific analysis?


In the real world, progress happens somewhat not only

happens somewhat unpredictably it also goes hand in hand
with the occasional set-backs, slide-backs and down right…

Tripping Over Your Dick And Falling On Your Ass!

Now, what in the world does this have to do with getting

really good with women-with enjoying the selection, power,
variety and choice with the women you TRULY want(without
begging, bullying or buying, of course!)?

Simply this:

While progress may not be linear, or predictable, PRACTICE


I'll say that again:

Your PRACTICE; what you actually immerse your self in

studying and DOING, day by day, absolutely should be
constant and steady.

But don't expect your daily PRACTICE to always lead to daily

measurable PROGRESS for one simple reason:

Sometimes, even the best executed methods and moves just

don't pan out.

This happens to my best students.

Hell, this happens to me.

You can do everything - and I mean EVERYTHING - right with

a girl. Do all the patterns. Get her hot and swooning for

But sometimes things just happen.

She gets sick.

Someone dies.

Her girlfriend talks to her about what bastards all men are
and suddenly she hates you and all men (for the next couple
of days, at which point, once she is again in an open mood,
some other guy who happens to be there at the right time
sweeps her away).

What I am basically saying here is: don't let the events

(or your mood) of the day determine whether you are going to

Always practice. Even if it is just a few minutes that you

can put it, do it.

Keep focused on the vision of where you want to go and let

THAT take charge of your feelings of the moment or the
events of the day and NOT the other way around.

Do that, and I promise that the progress( AND the pleasure

and the poontang!) will come.

Peace and piece,


P.S. Your Speed Seduction® Home Study Course is your golden

key to the women you've always really wanted, without begging,
bullying or buying. Get yours right now, right here, today:

P.P.S. Already a Home Study Course owner? A very popular

follow-up product is my amazing Gold Walk Up DVD: learn to meet
women, anytime, anywhere and never worry about what to say.
Just click here:

P.P.P.S. You more advanced guys will love my Irresistible

Arousal DVD - learn 3 touches to get her orgasmically hot
within 30 seconds.

Vulnerability and Seduction

Dear Speed Seduction(R) Student,

Can being "vulnerable" - sharing what is actually on your

mind, at the time, whatever that might be, actually make you
more powerful and MORE seductive?

Doesn't this go against all the "don't be a nice guy advice"

that you are used to hearing?

Actually, knowing how and when to be spontaneous and

"vulnerable" can work to crack a woman's resistance
WIDE-OPEN, and create the rapport and trust that makes
even the bitchiest girl suddenly open to your moves.

To learn more about how to do this, go to my blog. I've

written a secret-packed article about it, and it's up
there now:

Peace and piece,


P.S. My Gold Walk Up DVD shows you how to use vulnerability

as one of 4 powerful vibes, that really get the seduction
rolling. Check it out; it's a fan favorite and a current
best-seller. It's a great first purchase too if you aren't
quite ready to pop for your Home Study Course.

Go here:

Ghita Services Inc., 6245 Bristol Parkway #275, Culver City, CA 90230, United States

Dear Speed Seduction(R) Student,

Have you ever been dead-stuck when it comes to women?

I mean so dead-stuck, you just could NOT get your feet

moving, your ass in gear and your lips flapping to say

If this is you(or a friend of yours), I've just published

a KILLER article on my blog that has the answer you have
been looking for!

Just click here to read it:

The secret to getting powerfully unstuck is waiting for you!

Peace and piece,

The Super-Hot, Hard A**ed Waitress, My Nephew G. And Me!

Dear Speed Seduction(R) Student,

As I've been saying for over a decade now: USE WHAT SHE GIVES

Here is a good story to illustrate the point:

The other day, my beloved nephew and pimp-in-training, G.,

came over to visit his Uncle(me) and his cousins(Tabbatha and
Tazzleberry Marie).
We got to talking the art of Speed Seduction®(just imagine being
18 years old and learning this for free from me, whenever you
want!) and I decided to show him some stuff.

(Of course you can learn what he knows by getting your Home
Study Course today at:

I said, "Let's go to CPK. There's a waitress there with the most

super-hot ass in the galaxy. You won't believe her ass. It
could easily rip the nose right off your face."

Always being the eager-beager learner, my nephew said, "Let's

go, Caca." (Caca is my nickname amongst my beloved nephews and
nieces. If any of YOU guys ever call me "Caca" I will remove
your nut sac with an exacto knife."

G.'s Eye-Opening Lesson At The CPK

So, we go to CPK and the place is swamped. We put our name in

for a table, and sure enough, there she is, Ms. Super-Buttocks,
working the patio. I just nod in her direction, my nephew gets
a look at her staggering keister and says, "Damn, Caca".

Anyway, we have a good half-hour waiting for our table at her


Now, here is a very cool piece for you to get.

Debbie(as we'll call her-not her REAL name) is an aspiring

actress. Yes, it's true. A waitress in LA who is ALSO an
actress! Hard to believe, isn't it?

I know this because one of the managers at the restaurant gave

me the scoop.

And also, about 5 weeks ago, I was sitting in her section,

having lunch, and I heard her excitingly having a conversation
with a customer(an old guy, about 60) who was reading a script.
They started talking about acting, and she VERY excitedly said
to him, "How do you keep it fresh every night? I'm in a theater
show now and it's a real challenge to do the same character
night after night."

"Hmmm," I thought, storing that away for later.

Ok. Back to last night, me, Gid and Miss Fantastic

Glutes.(Forgive me guys, but this ass is just about the most
spectacular rear I've ever seen in my life and I have seen LOTS
of rears).

Debbie has been in this play, as I have said. A couple of weeks

ago, I was in there, and she was supposed to write down the
info, but didn't.
So, as she is waiting our table, bringing things back and forth,
I filled Gid in on my plan and on what I had over-heard 5 weeks

"Gid," I said. "Always use what THEY give you. I'm going to ask
her about how she keeps it fresh, doing the same character. She
won't remember that SHE brought that up in a conversation with
someone else FIVE WEEKS AGO. But it's something of great
interest and passion to her, so watch what happens!"

To back up a bit, Gid had explained to me that he was having

trouble knowing how to bring patterns up or where to go once he
had. I gave him 6 different themes or topics to use, one of
which was asking them questions about what THEY are passionate
about. The best questions incorporating what you've already
heard them say or what they've already told you!

How I Delivered The Coup-De-Grace!

So Super-Buns comes to the table to bring me my Kids-Size Mac

and Cheese and I say, "Debbie...I want to ask you, with this
show you are doing, "How do you keep it fresh, night after

Now I actually noticed for the first time ever that she had eyes
as well as a butt, because her eyes lit up and she said, "Oh my
God...I'm going to tell you all about it. Wait!"

She works her other sections, some tables leave, THEN she comes
over and starts blabbing endlessly about emotionally preparing,
opening up to the flow of the character, how she draws on the
"beautiful struggle" of her own life, etc. She's leaning into
me, touching me, etc.

I glance at Gid-his eyes are popping out of his head, his jaw is
dropped-the kids LOVVVVVVVES his Unc, and who can blame him?

I mention to Debbie that I really enjoy actors because they

understand focus..and surrender. An actor this character...that she
come inside ...feel this character..fill her up..taking over

I hold up my left hand as I do this. Debbie holds up her

nipples, which are poking through her starched white CPK uniform

I hold up my right hand.

"And an actor has to understand SURRENDER...You have to

know...exactly just STOP...stop your thinking..stop your
world...stop YOU'RE MINE(MIND)...and up....let
go....let this inside..."

An actor has to to bring...those

things...together(Then I move my hands together slowly while she

Now, HER eyes are wide and HER mouth is open.

Let's stop a second here.

Bear in mind, Debbie isn't even HALF my age. I've been wanting a
piece of that beyond belief butt for sometime. Haven't pushed
it. Have waited for the right info and the right timing.
Debbie is maybe 22-23 and incredibly hot. I'm 47. 47 and fucking
ugly as sin on a flatbed shit-truck.

We are in the middle of her restaurant, it's still pretty busy.

I'm the only person who exists in her world at that moment, and
I've got a hell of an anchor set. And I've maybe said 40 words,
tops, if that.

I hold up a pen. I say, "Debbie, write down your show info and
Gid and I will try to catch it."

Debbie grabs a piece of paper, rights down the show info. And
she says, "And this is my number." She writes down her name and

I never even asked!

I never even asked!


Gid looks at me and says, "Damn, Caca. That was awesome."

I just said, "See what I mean? USE WHAT THEY GIVE YOU! I
listened to her conversation 5 weeks ago and I*** knew*** it was
useful, so I stored it away. I couldn't use it at that time,
because it would have looked like I was piggybacking on that
other guy's conversation and she was too busy that day anyway.
But I kept it in my mind! USE WHAT THEY GIVE YOU, GID! It can
even the odds like you wouldn't believe. I'm twice that girls
age and she's at least 3 times better looking than me. But none
of it fucking matters when you have Speed Seduction®."

The kid thinks Uncle Caca walks on water.

And having your nephew worship you like that is better than
b**ging the hottest young woman with the hottest a** in the


Peace and piece,


P.S. If you want women half your age, and three times better
looking, without bullying, buying or begging, there is only
one way:

P.P.S. It's pronounced "caCAH" with the accent on the second


P.P.P.S. This girl gets hit on like a water-pipe at a High Times

convention. All the time. Constantly. I've watched it.

They brag. They try to impress. They act all swaggering.

They get the back of hand. Sometimes literally.

As Arthur C. Clarke says, "Any sufficiently developed

technology would be indistinguishable from magic."

Amen, Arthur.

Imitations, Impersonations, And Down Right Rip-Offs

Dear Speed Seduction? Student,

As you might be aware, the so called "seduction community"

has been getting a lot of press lately.

What with the publication of a best-selling book on the

subject(in which I am featured) as well as the resulting TV
shows and even a movie coming out, it's getting pretty
ridiculous with all sorts of Ross Jeffries impersonators,
imitators, and downright rip-off artists proliferating and
multiplying like maggots at a poo-poo convention.

Now, in a sense, I suppose I should be flattered that my

work has generated an entire sub-culture that has taken on a
life of its own.

But what I find disturbing is some of the hateful, hateful

nonsense being promoted out there.

Mostly it comes down to one message these guys are flogging:

Be an idiot, a jerk, a macho "alpha" guy and you will get


Boast to women, with cleverly designed stories that

demonstrate your "higher value" as a male, and it will
trigger her genetic mating instinct to do the boogaloo with
a high status male so her genes will survive into the future.

At the risk of triggering spam filters:



Yes, there is a segment of the female population that DOES

respond to this disturbed darkness.

Yes, many insecure and sick women WILL mistake abuse as love
and caring.

Yes, if you speak and think in the language of abuse, some

very sick women will hear your mating call and respond.

But let me ask you: do you want to be part of the solution

or do you want to aggravate the problem?

My friend, if you really want "high status" with women; if

you want to be the star of the show, AND if you want to keep
your conscience intact and sleep well at night, knowing you
have done something good for you AND them, there is one key:

..Capture And Lead Their Imagination And Emotions By How

And What You Say!

It's time for you right now to stand up right to the lies.

Lies told by sick, slick, purveyors of shit, who want you to

twist yourself into copies of their own darkness, bullying,
"negging" and intimidating women into your bed.

Lies told by the media, who say you have to learn to beg
women to like you.

The worst example: the horrible movie, "Hitch". I can't

imagine a more disgusting example of begging for women's'
favors! YUCCCH!

Here's The Truth!

The best way to improve your success with women is to

improve yourself as a human being, and one of the best ways
to do that is to improve how you communicate.

Learn to use your language to capture and lead the right

side of her brain; the side that processes emotion,
imagination, fantasy and desire. Trigger the feelings she
truly wants to have and you will truly have her. And her
friends if you want them.

The key to this is all here:

Now, one more word on cheap imitators.

I first started teaching Speed Seduction(R) in 1993, and got on

the Internet that same year.

Back then, there were hardly any search engines, and when you
typed in seduction on the only one that did exist, I was the
only listing that came up!

Nowadays, there are pages and pages of listings.

The question is: how do you choose?

My friend, choose the one who makes most sense to you.

Choose the one with real testimonials from smart

guys just like you.

(Not good looking guys in their early 20's, punked out in

grunge-clothes, eye-liner, and 10 inch platform shoes. I
personally wouldn't dress this way if it got me the entire
UCLA Women's Volleyball team)

Choose the one that produces results.

Choose your own power and freedom.

Choose this:

Peace and piece,


P.S. No other site has video testimonials of students giving

their own success stories in their own words. NONE. Now,
why would that be if anyone else is really getting results
for their students? If they had the proof, wouldn't they be
shouting it from the roof-tops? Something to think about,
as you click right here:

Have a look at these guys. If they can do it, so can you!

Ghita Services Inc., 6245 Bristol Parkway #275, Culver City, CA 90230, United States

Getting That "Wrong Chick"

Out Of Your Inner Mind!

Dear Speed Seduction® Students and Fans,

Almost every day I get e-mails and phone calls from students who have figured out how to
overcome their fear with women. Oftentimes they don't even know what caused it. Then they
figure it out - and master it.

Please keep the emails coming. This is why I teach smart guys like you how to master your girl-
getting game. Today, I'm going to let one of them do the talking. Here goes:

Dear Ross, as a student of yours, I want to tell you how much Speed Seduction® has changed not
just what I do, but my entire way of thinking about women.

Here's the scoop:

Back when I was in college I had a "summer love" girlfriend. It was all romance and making out
until I went back to school and she stayed back home. She cried when I went back to school and
told me she planned to come visit me soon. For the next few weeks we're emailing and calling
every day, and then suddenly she goes cold on me. I found out, through a mutual friend, that she
had dumped me and not bothered to tell me!

Next time I was home I saw her and (politely) confronted her. She told me she was sorry, not for
what she did, but that I found out. She even outright said she was more upset that our friend had
"ratted her out" to me than she was bothered that the whole thing hurt me in some way.

Back then I was what you call an "average frustrated chump" in ALL areas of my life. Even then,
you'd think I'd realize this chick was messed up and needed help and that the best thing to do was
drop it and move on. But I couldn't "snap out" of my desire for / devotion to her. For months. I
agonized over what I had done wrong. (Sounds crazy? SHE dumped ME without telling me, and I'm
worried what I did wrong?????)

Right after she dumped me I had two women I saw every day who I could have had for the asking. I
got along with them great and my flirting with them was reciprocated. One even asked "so when
are you going to forget this b***h and make a move on me?" But I killed my chances by droning on
about my "ex" until these two (and other) women got sick of me.

I was pathetic, obsessed over a chick who wanted nothing to do with me, 200 miles away, when I
was at college with 20,000 women at my immediate disposal.

To an extent that I didn't realize, this incident was a gusher of ice water that flowed like an eternal
cold-shower on my ability to pick up chicks for the next 10 years. Several times I got lucky and met
someone, but I made excuses and sabotaged things so I wouldn't put myself at emotional risk

But then, after studying your teaching on conquering fear around women, I figured out I was driven
by a need to "make right" the wrong that had been done to me by her. Being willfully cut off from
even being able to participate in the "closure" made me to think about it all the time.

I translated that need for....closure? revenge? something else? into desire for her. It drained my
emotional capacity. I'd be at parties surrounded by mind-blowing hot chicks and my mind would be
skipping like a broken record on the "ex" who never deserved me at all. It was still happening years
later, even after I was finally "over her," but I was programmed that way so bad I didn't even
remember the cause.

After I realized what happened I was able to finally let her go, using what you teach. Now, I'm the
kind of man who can be in a room full of people and can fearlessly approach the HOTTEST BABE
THERE like it's everyday routine. I liked your story about the student who snuggled with the
married chick on the airplane. Stuff like that happens for me all the time now.

I'm still what you would call "single and looking" but I'm "finding" many more women, having great
times with the nice ones and spotting the users and abusers immediately.

Thanks Ross! I think I'm gonna come to your next seminar!

This is AWESOME - and I congratulate you on stepping up and claiming the success, results, and
future that belong to you by getting past your barriers. What happened to you isn't unique. The
way we are programmed can stay with us long after the programmer (in your case, that girl who
did you wrong) is out of the picture, and we don't even remember why we got that way in the first

Now that you've gotten that chick who did you wrong out of your inner brain, keep showing up, and
keep having great times with the women who do you RIGHT.

Peace and piece,

What Does It REALLY Mean When She Drops The "F" Bomb?

Dear Speed Seduction® Students and Fans,

There's one word I REALLY hate. The "F" word.

No, I don't mean "flirting," "f@@%ing," or "Facebook." I teach smart

guys like you how to do the first effectively so you can experience
more of the second with women you meet in all walks of life as well
as online on places like the third (Facebook).

The "F" word I can't stand is "friends" - as in, when a guy Sarges on
a chick and his game gets shot down when she says "Let's just be

Man, it hurts my ears! In fact, learning how to effectively dodge and

encounter this "F-bomb" is one of the most timeless challenges
faced by my students. Case in point:


Ross, what can I do to overcome resistance from a girl who says she just wants to be friends?

Things between me and her started out pretty fast, but it's almost like she's a bit scared now and is
saying she just wants to be my friend. I mentioned that I didn't want to play or abuse her mind and
that I was looking for a truer relationship involving more than either "just sex" or "just hanging
out." I told her that maybe I didn't want to be just her "friend" that way.

She said, then I would be like just another one of those assholes who never "understood" or
"respected" her. So I said, "maybe we should discuss things." She came over to talk. I tried many
patterns on her, including touching and kissing. She said she loves to be with me as I'm fun and I
allow her to just "be herself." But man, it's tough to get the "follow through" (beyond just being
"friends") when she shows resistance. I, of course, will move on from her, but I'm looking for some
strategies for overcoming when the woman says "I just want to be friends." Any good suggestions?
I'm up for them.


Many times I have taught and said: Never take her first response as written in stone. It's just a
reflection of how and what she is thinking, feeling and believing IN THAT MOMENT and it is always
subject to change.

There are all sorts of REAL meanings to: "I just want to be friends."

The worst case (which doesn't seem like your situation, if you were touching and kissing her and
didn't get slapped) is that she isn't attracted, fascinated or aroused by you ... and just feels some
comfort (you help her "be herself"). If this is the case, though, you are in trouble.

However, sometimes the "F" word means, "I feel deep feelings; if I have sex with you, my
vulnerability will REALLY come out and you might be a person who will use that to crush me." In
other words, she has both desire (for you, for sex, for intimate contact) AND she also has fear.
Could be she's had some bad experiences and is looking at you through the lens of those bad

I encounter the same kind of resistance you are talking about. Yes, I, Ross Jeffries, get the "F"
bomb dropped on me! When this happens I hold my ground and make no apologies. This might
sound like BS, but staying powerfully congruent will get you far.

You are already powerful, and from what I can tell you have a great heart and are willing to learn
whatever you can about a woman to help the two of you experience happiness together.

I hereby proclaim that you are LIGHT YEARS AHEAD of the clueless AFCs and Joe Schmucks out
there who refuse to claim their power, results, and success with women.

Remember, the power is in you. And as you work your way past the woman's resistance, say to
yourself inside:

My skills. My results. My satisfaction. My world. Mine.

Peace and piece,

"She Screams (But Not

With Delight) When Things
Go Further ..."

Dear Speed Seduction® Students and Fans,

The other day on my blog, I delved into what to do when the woman you are trying to "close the
deal" with throws ice water on your Sarging efforts by dropping the "F-bomb" as in "let's be
friends." This is one of the timeless challenges for many smart guys like you who claim your skills,
results, and future in succeeding with the women you desire. It struck a nerve with several people
who wrote to me.

Here's an interesting question that was posed to me - what do you do when she is willing to "only
go so far" but gives a (seemingly) irrational response when you try to take things further?
A student of mine asked:


I have a problem with this woman who lives in my residence. She is sexy like a pornstar. We have
made out numerous times, and also watched movies together and cuddled each other on the bed.
However, she is arrogant, and when I reach lower down on her body, she screams out.

She is scatter-brained most of the time and does not focus attention on some of the Speed
Seduction patterns that I employ on her. Not only that, but she does not mind flirting with all the
other guys in the residence - even when it's right in front of me.

Can you help me out on how to go further with this chick?


Great question! She's not quite saying "let's just be friends" but on the other hand, she's not
exactly saying "you're the man I want to be with" either. It's somewhere in the middle and you're
not sure where. Let me give you some questions to ask yourself and things you need to consider.

First, foremost, uppermost, and importantmost: EV-VERY TIME someone asks me what to do in
situations like these, I always ask the same question back ...

"Is she the ONLY succulent, amazing woman on the whole freaking planet???"

Remember: Speed Seduction® gives you the ability to powerfully sort through the women you
encounter to quickly identify the women who are most receptive to who you are and what you give
to the world.

If you're properly applying my teachings, you're quickly doing "Exit, Stage Left" with poor-fit
candidates and focusing your seduction skills on women who respond to who you are and what you
put out there.

Is it ok with you that she flirts with other guys in front of you? Do you hope that she'll cease to flirt
with other guys and focus only on you? And even more, is your self-validation dependent on her
forgetting all your residence mates and focusing only on you?

What is it about her, other than her sexy pornstar-like looks, that attracts you to her? There's some
issue with her that she doesn't want to go further than making out, hence these screams when you
try to touch her "down there." To figure this out, do you propose to become her psychologist and
try to "figure her out?"

Or could your girl-getting power be exerted elsewhere finding another hottie (or hotties) who will
scream with orgasmic delight when you touch them "down there"?

Find the answers to these questions, and I think you'll know how to proceed.

Peace and piece,

When Fear Stops You Dead In Your Tracks In Front Of A Woman

Dear Speed Seduction® Students and Fans,

Have you experienced the feeling of knowing exactly what to do or say when you envision yourself
powerfully commanding and mastering any life situation in your mind... but when you're actually in
the situation, you freeze up, "forget your lines," and take no action at all because you suddenly
have no idea what to do?

Not too long ago, I got a note from a student who can easily envision what happens when he walks
up to women and then gets them all hot and bothered for him.

But when he is out in public surrounded by approachable hotties who have not yet had the chance
to say YES to who he is and what he gives to the world, he feels afraid and can't get himself
moving and talking to women in the real world.

Here's my answer:

I think the problem here is you are imagining a MOUNTAIN of work and meaning rolled into one
small action (the Sarge).

In other words, I think every time you see a woman you want, you approach it on the basis of your
ENTIRE GIRL-GETTING GAME being on the line. Thus, simply going up and talking to her becomes
(for you) one huge, massive, impossible and measureless labor.

What if you just viewed her as ONE girl? ONE chance to learn one small piece of a skill?

I think what you are experiencing is NOT fear. It's OVERWHELM.

When you were a baby and learning to walk, you didn't stack all that meaning on ONE step, did
you? You took it one step at a time.

Also, you are hanging to certainty. Rather than accept that you simply don't know what her
response will be, you cling to the certainty that she WILL reject you!

It's funny: humans would rather project the CERTAINTY of failure and pain, rather than embrace the
uncertainty of NOT knowing!

Rather than aiming at confidence, try aiming at neutrality. Neutrality doesn't mean projecting that
you KNOW you can do it and you KNOW she will drop to her knees and blow you.

Neutrality means sticking to facts:

1. I don't know what is going to happen.

2. I don't like that I don't know.
3. Let's go find out and see; maybe I will have fun and I CERTAINLY will learn SOMETHING.
Even if you learn that it was harder than you thought, that STILL is a learning that you can use to
change. Or you might learn that your feet feel really good when you walk up. Or you might learn
that ONE part of your body actually can relax and feel good while all the rest feels shaky!

You can ALWAYS, ALWAYS learn something.

Fact is, you don't know WHAT you will learn.

But you CAN be certain about one thing: If you don't get moving, you certainly WILL remain
frustrated and alone! I GUARANTEE THAT!

So maybe you ought to trade that GUARANTEE for some uncertainty and see what you can learn.
ONE STEP AT A TIME. Because you only learn ONE STEP AT A TIME ANYWAY! So take a step and
learn whatever.

Remember: one step forward in your Sarge is one step forward toward getting laid. Stand still and
you won't get closer to getting laid; take a step and who knows - that might put you in front of the
scandalously sexy babe who has been wondering when you would finally get around to making
your move.

If you ask me, that sure beats a poke in the eye!

Peace and piece,

"I'm Literally Rejecting Myself!" (And Yet You Expect Women To FALL ALL OVER YOU?!?!)

Dear Speed Seduction® Students and Fans,

\Those who follow my teachings have heard me explain the difference between your "inner game"
and "outer game" and how the former, if not calibrated toward girl-getting mastery, can send you
right back to the dugout.

Smart guys like you want desperately to turn your fear of women into the charm and charisma that
gets women hot and bothered and ready to go. But something is stopping you - like you literally
talk yourself out of it.

Such as this student:


Ross, I have been working on building my confidence with women for over a year now and it's
going nowhere. I'm starting to think that no matter how much I rehearse confidence, I'll never
overcome this feeling of worthlessness or being unworthy of meeting good women.

And I think it goes beyond just women. If I can't find something to do with my day or some friends
to be with. then I start to think it's because I have no real friends and no one wants around. Then
the cycle begins. When I start my weekend off on such a bad note the feeling just gets stronger
until Sunday night and I am already defeated for the entire week ahead.

It's like I am literally rejecting myself. How do I break free of this vicious cycle?


OK, so you're rejecting yourself. And yet you want to have sexy hot women falling all over you, cat-
fighting amongst themselves over who gets to go home with you tonight... or even more, two or
more of them going home with you?

A big part of your problem is too much of an "inward focus". That is, you are un-usefully in your
head, evaluating yourself, instead of turning your curious attention outward toward others.
You are ASSUMING/PROJECTING that others are judgmental, critical, mean and rejecting you
without even giving them a fair chance to show you otherwise. How is that fair to them? Do you
see yourself as the kind who is closed to the possibility that other people might be essentially
good? That women might think YOU are sexy, charming, and attractive? And even more - how is
that fair to YOU?

If you see this amazing sweet-looking honey sitting at the table next to you, and you ASSUME she'll
shoot you down cold without having made ANY effort to approach her... you're literally deciding
FOR HER that she will NOT like you.

Imagine... if you DID Sarge on her... and she ended up getting irresistibly aroused by you and
banging you that same afternoon?

Now as far as finding things to do and people to hang out with, is it that you can't? Or is it that,
because of your beliefs and projections about being judged and rejected, you haven't developed
the awareness, scheduling and other skills so that you plan fun events for yourself, and fun events
involving others (including hot women)?

Look: if a person believes they are unable to walk or run, they probably won't bother developing
the skills of walking and running. Then, because they don't have the skills, they will conclude that
they are physically unable to - even though their legs work just fine!

Do you see the cycle? Now BREAK THE CYCLE.

Focus on the skills of searching for, planning and creating fun things to do, events, etc. Apply the
same when you approach women and you will see results other than the rejection you put on
yourself by ASSUMING she won't like you and not giving her the chance to "below you" in the first

Peace and piece,

What Does "Acceptance" Have To Do With Getting Laid?

Dear Speed Seduction® Students and Fans,

A major theme that rears its ugly head in almost any discussion on seduction is the concern about
looking "too eager" or approaching a woman with the vibe that how your day turns out depends on
how she responds to you right now.

Act TOO eager and she'll think you're desperate and shoot you down. Act too aloof and she'll think
you hate her and she won't go to bed with you, much less agree to meet you later in a more
intimate setting. So it leaves you wondering...

... just where the h@ll is the "middle ground" here?

I just got a question from a student who poses this issue from a slightly different angle:


Hi Ross, I have a question. If I am talking to a girl, I will be trying to get rapport with her. It seems
however, that when I'm trying to get rapport with a chick, that she will detect this and then push
me away. What do you think I should do in order to obtain rapport without looking like I am
"hungry for rapport" if you know what I mean? You know what I mean? Without looking like I'm
"trying to get in with her?"

As Voltaire said, "If you are going to debate with me, first define your terms."

So, what exactly do you mean by "rapport"...because I think your meaning is way off base.

I think YOU mean, "acceptance, welcoming, interest." That you are trying to get her to show you all
of these things. And that is NOT rapport at all, at least not a useful definition for Sarging.

There are plenty of useful definitions, but one I would aim at is,

"An unconscious sense of connection, trust, ease, a sense of being on a similar wavelength, a
relaxed ease in each other's presence."

This is quite different from gaining acceptance or being welcomed into the person's world. Just
because she accepts your tubesteak into her wet, willing love canal doesn't mean you've become a
part of her existence.

Back in October, a student of mine got laid on the first "date" with a "super squirter chick." He had
a great time with her that night, but their next meeting (three days later) was a bust... in which he
didn't get to see... her bust.

Then, she "dried up" and flaked with a bull%$@t excuse the day before what was supposed to be
their third meeting. When he used an anti-flake pattern to get her to speak her truth about the
matter, she told him she enjoyed their night together but didn't feel anything in common and saw
no future with him.

When she told him this, he even agreed. During the times he was with her and they weren't
f@@king, it felt to him like he was working to make even basic conversation with her. She wasn't
the kind of woman who responded to who he is and what he gives to the world.

None of the elements of MY definition of "rapport" were in place for him with her. He chose to "exit,
stage left" at this point and move on to women who were more receptive to his vibe.

In other words: despite all my student's angst that whole week about whether she "accepted" him,
it was a one-night stand. Period.

The irony is, if he had not worried so much about "building rapport" and becoming "part of her
world" per se, and just focused on getting laid (since he had nothing else in common with her but
the sex was awesome), he probably would have f@@ked her again... and again... and if that ran its
course, possibly nailed one of her hottie friends next.

When deciding where any woman you meet fits in your world, first define your terms for
approaching women and life.

Peace and piece,

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