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Instrucciones de instalacin ArcGIS 9.3 + Service Pack 1 Documento preparado por M
iguel Barrientos M. 1.- Coloque el disco de instalacin en la unidad de DVD, y dirj
ase a MI PC. Pulse con el botn derecho del Mouse sobre el icono de la unidad y ex
plore el DVD. 2.- All debern aparecer las carpetas de instalacin de los diferentes
programas, seleccione los directorios Crack ArcGIS 9.3 y Service Pack 1 y cpielos a s
u disco duro. 3.- Abra el directorio Crack ArcGIS 9.3 donde encontrar los siguiente
XE - LMTOOLS.EXE - LMUTIL.EXE - DEBUG.LOG 4.- abra el archivo license.lic (pulse c
on el botn derecho del Mouse sobre la opcin abrir con del men contextual del explorado
r) Puede utilizar tanto MFC Wordpad como el block de notas para ello y asegrese d
e activar la opcin: utilizar siempre el programa seleccionado para abrir este tipo
de archivos 5.- Modifique el archivo reemplazando el valor NOMBREDELEQUIPO (sin co
millas) por el nombre de su equipo. (Por ejemplo ANDRES o PC8 ) Esto puede verificars
e accediendo a las propiedades del sistema (Panel de control) en la pestaa Nombre
del Equipo 6.- una vez realizada la modificacin al archivo de licencia, cierre el
editor de texto y guarde los cambios. 7.- Ejecute el archivo LMSetup.exe y a conti
nuacin pulse sobre la opcin I received the license file by email and have saved it
to a disk y luego sobre el botn Browse Seleccione el archivo License.lic y pulse Abrir
. Luego Next , otra vez Next y finalmente sobre Install . Espere a que el programa termi
ne de instalar los archivos en su computadora. FINALIZADO EL PROCESO DE INSTALAC
MENSAJES LES SALGAN DE AVISOS Y DEMAS. 8.- copie los siguientes archivos desde
la carpeta Crack ArcGIS 9.3 al directorio de instalacin del programa License Manage
r. (Por defecto ubicado en C:\Archivos de programa\ESRI\License\arcgis9x). - ARC
paso es MUY IMPORTANTE DEBEN INSTALAR EL SOFT Sentinel System Driver Installer 7
.4.2, Y AHORA SI REINICIAN Reemplace los archivos existentes por stos nuevos. Cie
rre y AHORA REINICIE su computadora. 9.- una vez iniciado el sistema, dirjase al
men inicio > programas > ArcGIS> License Manager (9.x) y seleccione License Manag
er Tools (accesible tambin por defecto desde C:\Archivos de programa\ESRI\License
\arcgis9x\LMtools.exe) 10.- abra el programa y ver en pantalla la siguiente infor
macin Este programa permite administrar las licencias de ArcGIS y ERDAS (entre ot
ros) adems ofrece algunas herramientas de monitoreo y diagnstico para estos servic
ios. 11.- Dirjase a la pestaa Config Services En la opcin Path to the Lmgrd.exe file p
lse sobre Browse y busque el archivo LMgrd.exe (por defecto debe estar ubicado en C:
\Archivos de programa\ESRI\License\arcgis9x\lmgrd.exe) En la opcin Path to the lic
ense file pulse sobre Browse y busque el archivo license.lic (por defecto debe estar
ubicado en C:\Archivos de programa\ESRI\License\arcgis9x\license.lic) En la opcin
Path to the debug log file pulse sobre Browse y busque el archivo debug.log (por defe
cto debe estar ubicado en C:\Archivos de programa\ESRI\License\arcgis9x\debug.lo
g) Verifique que las casillas Start Server at power up y Use services estn activadas.
Finalmente pulse sobre Save Service para guardar los cambios realizados. 12.- dirj
ase a la pestaa Start/Stop/Reread Presione Stop Server para verificar la detencin el s

ervicio, luego presione Start Server (verifique observando en la barra de status d

el programa la aparicin de la opcin Server Start Sucessful ) Finalmente presione ReRea
d License File para asegurar la correcta lectura de su nueva licencia instalada a
nteriormente. Cierre el programa. La licencia ya ha sido correctamente configura
da. Cabe destacar que hasta este paso. La instalacin de la licencia es la misma p
ara todas las versiones de la serie ArcGIS Desktop 9.x (9.0, 9.1, 9.2 y 9.3). Po
r tanto, esta gua puede ser utilizada sin problemas para configurar las licencias
de cualquiera de las anteriores a la 9.3. 13.- Ahora puede instalar ArcGIS Desk
top 9.3. Vuelva al DVD y ejecute el programa ESRI.exe. (O haga doble clic desde
la unidad de DVD en Mi PC). All acceder al siguiente Men. Pulse sobre ArcView para
acceder a la instalacin del programa. Ntese que a pesar de indicar una instalacin d
e tipo ArcView Single Use el programa contiene todas las herramientas y extensione
s de una instalacin completa (del tipo ArcInfo Desktop). Las cuales sern activadas
al finalizar el proceso de instalacin. 14.- Pulse sobre install ArcGIS Desktop y s
iga las instrucciones que aparecern en pantalla. Defina el directorio de instalac
in del programa y del lenguaje de programacin Python25 . Si no posee experiencia o no
tiene problemas de espacio en su Disco duro C:, acepte las rutas de instalacin q
ue por defecto el programa le ofrece al usuario. 15.- En la opcin Select instalati
on Type seleccione la opcin Complete 16.- Espere que finalice la instalacin, (tomara
aproximadamente unos 20 o 25 minutos) luego de instalado el programa dirjase al m
en inicio >Programas > ArcGIS > Desktop Administrator 17.- al abrir el programa d
irjase al directorio Software Product y seleccione la opcin ArcInfo (Floating) luego p
ulse apply 18.- Ahora dirjase al directorio License Manager y pulse el botn Change Es
ba sobre el espacio el nombre del equipo (el mismo que escribi en el archivo lice
nse.lic) si no lo recuerda, pulse Browse y podr buscarlo en la red de Microsoft W
indows. Luego pulse ok y luego Apply. Ahora puede utilizar la versin completa de
ArcGIS 9.3 (ArcInfo Desktop + extensiones) 19.- de manera opcional (aunque se re
comienda) puede instalar el Service Pack 1 de ArcGIS 9.3. El cual consta de dos
archivos: - ArcGISDesktop93sp1.msp - ArcGISDesktopHelp93sp1.msp Para instalar es
tas actualizaciones se deber instalar primero (y nunca al revs) el parche para el
programa (ArcGISDesktop93sp1.msp) que pesa 91,5 MB. Y luego el parche para la ay
uda del programa (ArcGISDesktopHelp93sp1.msp) el cual pesa aproximadamente 236 M
B. Estas actualizaciones tardan casi lo mismo que el programa por lo que debern e
sperar unos 40 a 60 minutos para que su instalacin finalice completamente. Luego
de instalados, las actualizaciones no requieren de reinicio y tampoco ejercen pr
oblemas con el crack o las extensiones. Sin otro particular se despide atte. Gal
leta, Modificado por Shift
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Installation Instructions
ArcGIS 9.3 + Service Pack 1

Prepared by
Miguel Barrientos M.
1 .- Place the installation disc into the DVD drive, and go to My Computer. Clic
k the right mouse button on the drive icon and browse the DVD.

2 .- There shall appear the installation folders for the different programs, sel
ect the directories "ArcGIS 9.3 Crack" and "Service Pack 1" and copy to your har
d drive.
3 .- Open the "Crack ArcGIS 9.3" where you'll find the following files:


4 .- open the file "license.lic" (press the right mouse button on the "Open with
..." contextual menu of your browser)

You can use both MFC Wordpad like notepad for this and be sure to activate the o
"Always use the selected program to open these files"

5 .- Modify the file by replacing the value "ComputerName" (without quotes) in t

he name of your computer. (Eg "ANDRES" or "PC8")

This can be verified by going to System Properties (Control Panel) under the tab
"Computer Name"

6 .- Once the amendment to the license file, close the text editor and save the
7 .- Run the "LMSetup.exe" and then click on the "I received the license file by
email and have saved it to a disk and then on the" Browse "
Select the "license.lic" and click Open. Then "Next" again "Next" and finally on
"Install". Wait until the program finishes installing the files on your compute

Completing the process of installation the program asked to restart the computer

8 .- copy the following files from the folder "ArcGIS 9.3 Crack" folder on Licen
se Manager installation program. (By default located in C: \ Program Files \ ESR
I \ License \ arcgis9x).
- License.lic
- Lmgrd.exe
- Debug.log
-This step is VERY IMPORTANT TO INSTALL THE SOFT Sentinel System Driver Installer
7.4.2 Restarting NOW
Replace existing files with these new ones. Close and Now restart your computer.
9 .- once the system, go to Start menu> Programs> ArcGIS> License Manager (9.x)
and select License Manager Tools (also accessible by default from C: \ Program F
iles \ ESRI \ License \ arcgis9x \ LMTools . exe)

10 .- open the program and will display the following information

This program allows you to manage licenses for ArcGIS and ERDAS (among others) a
nd offers some monitoring and diagnostic tools for these services.

11 .- Go to the tab "Config Services"

In the "Path to the lmgrd.exe file" click on "Browse" and locate the file "lmgrd
.exe" (default should be located in C: \ Program Files \ ESRI \ License \ arcgis
9x \ lmgrd.exe)
In the "Path to the license file" click on "Browse" and locate the file "license
.lic" (default should be located in C: \ Program Files \ ESRI \ License \ arcgis
9x \ license.lic)
In the "Path to the debug log file", click "Browse" and locate the file "debug.l
og" (default should be located in C: \ Program Files \ ESRI \ License \ arcgis9x
\ debug.log)
Check the boxes "Start Server at Power Up" and "Use Services" are activated. Fin
ally click on "Save Service" to save the changes.

12 .- go to the tab "Start / Stop / Reread"

Click "Stop Server" to check service stop, then press "Start Server" (check look
ing at the status bar of the program the emergence of the "Server Start Sucessfu

Finally click "Reread License File" to ensure the correct reading of his new lic
ense previously installed.

Close the program. The license has already been set correctly.
Note that until this step. The installation of the license is the same for all v
ersions of the ArcGIS Desktop 9.x (9.0, 9.1, 9.2 and 9.3). Therefore, this guide
may be used without problems setting up the licensing of any pre-9.3.

13 .- You can now install ArcGIS Desktop 9.3. Return to DVD and run ESRI.exe. (O
r double-click from the DVD drive in My Computer). There will access the next me

Click on ArcView to access the setup program. Note that despite indicate an inst
allation type "ArcView Single Use" the program provides all the tools and extens
ions to a full installation (of the ArcInfo Desktop). Which will be activated up
on completion of the installation process.

14 .- Click on "install ArcGIS Desktop" and follow the instructions on screen. D

efine the installation directory of the program and the programming language "Py
If no experience or have no space problems on your hard drive C:, accept the ins
tallation paths that by default the program gives the user.
15 .- In the "Select instalation Type" select "Complete"

16 .- Wait until the installation completes (takes approximately 20 to 25 minute

s) after installing the program go to Start menu> Programs> ArcGIS> Desktop Admi

17 .- to open the program go to the directory "Software Product" and select "Arc
Info (Floating)" then click "apply"

18 .- Now go to the directory "License Manager" and click "Change"

Space Type the computer name (the same who wrote in license.lic file) if not rem
ember, click Browse and you can search the Microsoft Windows network. Then click
OK and then Apply.
You can now use the full version of ArcGIS 9.3 (ArcInfo Desktop + extensions)
19 .- optionally (but recommended) you can install Service Pack 1 for ArcGIS 9.3
. Which consists of two files:
- ArcGISDesktop93sp1.msp
- ArcGISDesktopHelp93sp1.msp
To install these updates should be installed first (and never in reverse) the pa
tch for the program (ArcGISDesktop93sp1.msp) weighing 91.5 MB. And then the patc
h to support the program (ArcGISDesktopHelp93sp1.msp) which weighs approximately
236 MB.
These updates take about the same as the program and therefore should expect abo
ut 40 to 60 minutes to fully complete its installation.
After installed, the updates require reboot and no problems with crack exercise
or extensions.

With no further bids farewell atte.

Cookie, Modified by Shift
Contribute a better translation

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Contribute a better translation:
Installation Instructions <br>ArcGIS 9.3 + Service Pack 1 <br> <br> <br> <br> <b
r> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <b
r> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>Prepared
by <br>Miguel Barrientos M. <br> <br>1 .- Place the installation disc into the
DVD drive, and go to My Computer. Click the right mouse button on the drive icon
and browse the DVD. <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>2 .- There shall appear the i
nstallation folders for the different programs, select the directories &quot;Arc
GIS 9.3 Crack&quot; and &quot;Service Pack 1&quot; and copy to your hard drive.
<br> <br>3 .- Open the &quot;Crack ArcGIS 9.3&quot; where you&#39;ll find the fo
llowing files: <br> <br> <br> <br>- ARCGIS.EXE <br>- INSTALACION.DOC <br>- Lice
nse.lic <br>- Lmgrd.exe <br>- LMSETUP.EXE <br>- LMTOOLS.EXE <br>- LMUTIL.EXE <br
>- Debug.log <br> <br>4 .- open the file &quot;license.lic&quot; (press the righ
t mouse button on the &quot;Open with ...&quot; contextual menu of your browser)
<br> <br> <br> <br>You can use both MFC Wordpad like notepad for this and be su
re to activate the option: <br> <br>&quot;Always use the selected program to ope
n these files&quot; <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>5 .- Modify the
file by replacing the value &quot;ComputerName&quot; (without quotes) in the nam
e of your computer. (Eg &quot;ANDRES&quot; or &quot;PC8&quot;) <br> <br> <br> <b
r> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>This can be verifi
ed by going to System Properties (Control Panel) under the tab &quot;Computer Na
me&quot; <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>6 .- On
ce the amendment to the license file, close the text editor and save the changes
. <br> <br>7 .- Run the &quot;LMSetup.exe&quot; and then click on the &quot;I re
ceived the license file by email and have saved it to a disk and then on the&quo
t; Browse &quot; <br>Select the &quot;license.lic&quot; and click Open. Then &qu
ot;Next&quot; again &quot;Next&quot; and finally on &quot;Install&quot;. Wait un
til the program finishes installing the files on your computer. <br> <br> <br> <
br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>Complet
ing the process of installation the program asked to restart the computer. NO RE
> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>8 .- copy the following files from the folder &quot;Ar
cGIS 9.3 Crack&quot; folder on License Manager installation program. (By default
located in C: \ Program Files \ ESRI \ License \ arcgis9x). <br> <br>- ARCGIS.E
XE <br>- License.lic <br>- Lmgrd.exe <br>- LMTOOLS.EXE <br>- LMUTIL.EXE <br>- De
bug.log <br>-- <br> <br>This step is VERY IMPORTANT TO INSTALL THE SOFT Sentinel
System Driver Installer 7.4.2 Restarting NOW <br> <br>Replace existing files wi
th these new ones. Close and Now restart your computer. <br> <br>9 .- once the s
ystem, go to Start menu&gt; Programs&gt; ArcGIS&gt; License Manager (9.x) and se
lect License Manager Tools (also accessible by default from C: \ Program Files \
ESRI \ License \ arcgis9x \ LMTools . exe) <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <
br> <br>10 .- open the program and will display the following information <br> <
br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>This p
rogram allows you to manage licenses for ArcGIS and ERDAS (among others) and off
ers some monitoring and diagnostic tools for these services. <br> <br> <br> <br>
<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>11 .- Go to the tab &quot;Config Services&quot; <b
r> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <b
r> <br> <br> <br> <br>In the &quot;Path to the lmgrd.exe file&quot; click on &qu
ot;Browse&quot; and locate the file &quot;lmgrd.exe&quot; (default should be loc
ated in C: \ Program Files \ ESRI \ License \ arcgis9x \ lmgrd.exe) <br> <br>In
the &quot;Path to the license file&quot; click on &quot;Browse&quot; and locate
the file &quot;license.lic&quot; (default should be located in C: \ Program File
s \ ESRI \ License \ arcgis9x \ license.lic) <br> <br>In the &quot;Path to the d
ebug log file&quot;, click &quot;Browse&quot; and locate the file &quot;debug.lo
g&quot; (default should be located in C: \ Program Files \ ESRI \ License \ arcg
is9x \ debug.log) <br> <br>Check the boxes &quot;Start Server at Power Up&quot;
and &quot;Use Services&quot; are activated. Finally click on &quot;Save Service&
quot; to save the changes. <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br
> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>12 .- go to the tab &quot;Start / Stop / Reread&quot;

<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>
<br> <br> <br>Click &quot;Stop Server&quot; to check service stop, then press &q
uot;Start Server&quot; (check looking at the status bar of the program the emerg
ence of the &quot;Server Start Sucessful&quot;) <br> <br> <br> <br>Finally clic
k &quot;Reread License File&quot; to ensure the correct reading of his new licen
se previously installed. <br> <br> <br> <br>Close the program. The license has
already been set correctly. <br> <br> <br>Note that until this step. The install
ation of the license is the same for all versions of the ArcGIS Desktop 9.x (9.0
, 9.1, 9.2 and 9.3). Therefore, this guide may be used without problems setting
up the licensing of any pre-9.3. <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <b
r> <br> <br> <br>13 .- You can now install ArcGIS Desktop 9.3. Return to DVD and
run ESRI.exe. (Or double-click from the DVD drive in My Computer). There will a
ccess the next menu. <br> <br> <br> <br>Click on ArcView to access the setup pro
gram. Note that despite indicate an installation type &quot;ArcView Single Use&q
uot; the program provides all the tools and extensions to a full installation (o
f the ArcInfo Desktop). Which will be activated upon completion of the installat
ion process. <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <b
r> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>14 .- Click
on &quot;install ArcGIS Desktop&quot; and follow the instructions on screen. De
fine the installation directory of the program and the programming language &quo
t;Python25&quot;. <br> <br>If no experience or have no space problems on your ha
rd drive C:, accept the installation paths that by default the program gives the
user. <br> <br>15 .- In the &quot;Select instalation Type&quot; select &quot;Co
mplete&quot; <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <b
r> <br> <br>16 .- Wait until the installation completes (takes approximately 20
to 25 minutes) after installing the program go to Start menu&gt; Programs&gt; Ar
cGIS&gt; Desktop Administrator <br> <br> <br> <br>17 .- to open the program go
to the directory &quot;Software Product&quot; and select &quot;ArcInfo (Floating
)&quot; then click &quot;apply&quot; <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br
> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>18 .- Now go to the
directory &quot;License Manager&quot; and click &quot;Change&quot; <br> <br> <b
r> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <b
r> <br> <br>Space Type the computer name (the same who wrote in license.lic file
) if not remember, click Browse and you can search the Microsoft Windows network
. Then click OK and then Apply. <br> <br>You can now use the full version of Arc
GIS 9.3 (ArcInfo Desktop + extensions) <br> <br>19 .- optionally (but recommende
d) you can install Service Pack 1 for ArcGIS 9.3. Which consists of two files: <
br> <br>- ArcGISDesktop93sp1.msp <br>- ArcGISDesktopHelp93sp1.msp <br> <br>To in
stall these updates should be installed first (and never in reverse) the patch f
or the program (ArcGISDesktop93sp1.msp) weighing 91.5 MB. And then the patch to
support the program (ArcGISDesktopHelp93sp1.msp) which weighs approximately 236
MB. <br> <br>These updates take about the same as the program and therefore shou
ld expect about 40 to 60 minutes to fully complete its installation. <br> <br>Af
ter installed, the updates require reboot and no problems with crack exercise or
extensions. <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>With no further bids farewell atte. <b
r> <br> <br>Cookie, Modified by Shift <br>
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