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Meg A.

R. Masters
October 12, 2014


Cultural History: Aristotles

influence on Alexanders Education

Aristotle was Alexander's teacher from the time Alexander was a child. Aristotle
influenced Alexander by teaching Alexander to open his eyes to what was out there in the
world and all that was to be conquered. Some say that Aristotle was forced to be
Alexander's teacher by his father King Philip II.
When Alexander was thirteen his father was not involved in his son's upbringing and
this is when he asked Aristotle to be his teacher. When he requested Aristotle to be his
teacher he was not looking at him helping his son academically, but for himself and to
help him invaded Persia. Aristotle teaching Alexander also benefitted him greatly. King
Philip II rebuilt his hometown Stagira, which Philip II conquered years before.
Alexander was taught outside of the city in a place called Pella. Pella was a small
village in Mieza. Alexander also had classmates which were very peers of his and were to
become kings themselves. Philip II wanted his son to become something great and he
urged him to learn and avoid any mistakes he may have made.


Alexander's schooling was structured and not anything out of the ordinary. His
ciriculum consisted of standard subjects like poetry, rhetoric, geometry, astronomy, and
eristics. Alexander took great interest in science and the Medical Field. In the future he
actually helped sick friends with his knowledge. One person Alexander took great interest
in was Homer. And was all know the great stories about him and he also used Achillies as
a model to follow in his life. Both stories about two strong men who battled to change lives
and cities.
Aristotle taught them ethics and politics and these areas influenced Alexander
greatly. Some things Aristotle also influenced Alexander about was barbarians. In their
culture most Greeks were superior and if you weren't Greek you were considered a nonGreek. Alexander believed in this theory and beliefs. Aristotle believed in slavery and
taught Alexander it was part of life and it was a natural institution and barbarians were
by nature meant to be slaves. He influenced Alexander to be a leader to the Greeks and a
despot to the barbarians. And influenced him to treat them as beasts. He taught him that
they were only able to live through their senses and not capable of rising above hedonism.
Aristotle pushed Alexander along a path that kept him away from his fathers. He
spent three years with Aristotle studying and learning everything under the sun to make
him the bright and intelligent leader he became.
Once Alexander's father was assonated he was ready to take the throne. Alexander
was known as a military genius and well educated intelligent individual. I believe without
the influence of his teach Aristotle his success would have been short comings.


Alexander was beyond his years in knowledge and I believe Aristotle's influences
reflected his decisions as a leader and his beliefs. I believe if he was not sent away for
those three years is vast knowledge would not be as great as it was. I believe education was
key in Alexander's success as a leader and all his military accomplishments.





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