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Imani Fields

College Writing
Katie Robisch
November 12 ,2014

Why isnt the Government Releasing the Cure for Cancer?

Conspiracies are always conspired about the government whether its
about where the moneys going or who the president spends his time with on a day to
day basis. Although as we read them online they are becoming more and more believeable. It is said that one of the most common leading deaths of our country is being
conspired by our government system. A myth is going around saying that the government will not provide the proper cure to cancer due to them making so much money off
of cancer patients (How American Cancer Society Uses Your Money).The accusations
are very believeable but also seem to be impossible. As you read the following you will
get the truth on whether the government has conspired against the victims of the nation
or trying to help find a cure to cancer and put an end to these myths. Cancer is believed
to be a touchy subject on whether all has been done to prevent the disease.
Cancer is a disease in which abnormal cells divide and invade other cells without being controlled. They are able to invade into various parts of the body by spreading through the blood and the lymph system(What is Cancer?). There is more than 100
different types of cancer that exist today and effect many kids, parents and grandparents, cancer does not discriminate against ages. Cancer begins as just a cell, a basic unit

of life, but these cells can have loss of normal growth control and become mass tumors,
Benign or Malignant. Benign tumors are not cancerous and can be removed in most cases, these cells do not spread to other parts of the body and most likely are not going to
return in the future. Malignant tumors are cancerous and these cells invade nearby tissues and can spread to various parts of the body (What is Cancer?). There are many
different cases and deaths caused by this vicious disease. The estimated new cases for
2014 is 1,665,540 and that does not include nonmelanoma skin cancers, the estimate
number of deaths is 585,720 loved ones(What is Cancer?). As we look at these numbers you would think the government would do anything possible to stop this war against cancer.
Many are probably wondering what these myths entail,it is said that the cure for
cancer has been found but there is no hard evidence, but the government wouldnt release anything assuming so. In doing this research it has been very tasking to find anything on this subject due to what content may be discovered. In the past, research has
been done on this topic but it seems the resources are now limited, like these sources
have been deleted off the internet. Although a few sources have been found.In recent
findings its said that In 1964, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) spent millions of
dollars to stop an alternative cancer treatment which had cured hundreds, if not thousands, of cancer patients (How American Cancer Society Uses Your Money) This is just
one of many statements as you continue to read the source it states The pharmaceutical multinationals, unable to patent or claim exclusive rights to the vitamin, launched a
propaganda attack of unprecedented viciousness against B17, despite the fact that hard
proof of its efficiency in controlling all forms of cancer surrounds us in overwhelming

abundance. (How American Cancer Society Uses Your Money) basically stating that in
fact they found something that potentially worked for cancer patients. Another big red
flag to conspirators is tobacco use. Tobacco a substance legalized by the government is
putting the disease into our bodies. Manufacturers are making the disease right in their
factories. Incorporating cancer causing properties without providing the right labels to
display what is being put into tobacco (U.S. Judge Strikes Down Graphic Tobacco Warnings).
Last but not least the real facts about cancer, it turns out the end conclusions are
not what we thought they were, the United States has also seen improvement on a 5
year survival rate. FDA has also approved 53 new indicators for cancer, 18 in which
were new products to treat 30 different types of cancer during one 32 month time period
alone (How Far Has The War On Cancer Come In The Past 40 Years). With these facts
stated it doesnt seem like they are not trying to work towards a cure. There are many
different types of cancer and to find a cure for all of them is a very long process, with
that said its almost impossible to find one cure to treat the different cases.
Many people have loved ones that have had cancer or experienced it themselves, its hard to believe that anyone would try to stop one of their loved ones from getting the best possible help. With that being said the myth for cancer is pretty much busted no one in their right mind would prevent anyone from making themselves healthy.
There is also no evidence to prove these accusations just claims made from several different sources.
All in all, I believe that the conspiracies about cancer are extremely believable , I
feel that cancer is life changing and all should be done to prevent it. In my personal ex-

perience my great- grandmother had two different types of cancers, Multiple Myeloma
and Pancreatic cancer. My great-grandmother beat her first round but in her second
case of cancer they told us she was too old to follow through with the surgery to me
those were just excuses. So they continued through the chemotherapy and she soon
passed away. As of now they claim they have no cure, but I believe they have enough
technology to be able to find something more effective.


Works Cited

Merenda, Christine. "How Far Has The War On Cancer Come In The Past 40 Years?."
ONS Connect 27.6 (2012): 20. Academic Search Complete. Web. 22 Oct. 2014.

Schwartz, David M. "How American Cancer Society Uses Your Money." Gotham Government
Relations and Communications. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Nov. 2014.

US judge strikes down graphic tobacco warnings. Furlow, Bryant. Lancet Oncology vol. 13
issue 4 April, 2012. p. e145

"What Is Cancer?" National Cancer Institute. N.p., 07 Mar. 2014. Web. 05 Nov. 2014.

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