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Miranda McNeil

Date: 12/11/2014

Subject: Math (Algebra I)

Grade: 9th

Goals/Objectives/Standards: Students will identify the parts of slope-intercept form equations. They will write equations of
lines using slope intercept form when given their graphs.
NETS : 3.a. use technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity, and promote creativity 6.b. employ technology in the
development of strategies for solving problems in the real world
Math : MMCS4: A student, applying reasoning and problem solving, will use algebraic concepts and procedures to understand
processes involving number, operation, and variables and will use procedures and function concepts to model the quantitative and
functional relationships that describe change within a variety of relevant cultural contexts. Benchmark: 4.5 Linear Modeling: Identify
and compute rate of change/slope and intercepts from equations, graphs, and tables; model and solve contextual problems
involving linear proportions or direct variation using cultural contexts.
Timeline/structure of lesson:
Opening/Framing the Lesson/Introduction/Early Assessment
Students will prepare for the lesson by watching Tracey Heffelfingers
At Home
educreation video Writing the Equation for a Line Given Its Graph prior
to coming to class. Students will be able to access this video through a
link posted on Edmodo.
5 min

35 min

10 min

At Home

At the start of class, we will review the aspects of point slope form
together. Students will use individual white boards to answer a few
questions about equations and lines. This will also serve as an early
assessment to see if students are grasping the concepts of equations in
point slope form.
The Lesson Structure: Activities
The class will work on assignments for the duration of class. They will
work individually on their assigned problems from the textbook. If
students finish early, they can work on a worksheet that poses more
advanced problems dealing with slope intercept equations and graphs.

Questions for white boards:
Q: What is the point slope form
A: y=mx+b
Q: What does the m represent?
A: slope
Q: How do you find slope?
A: rise/run(x2-x1)/(y2-y1)
Q: What does the b represent?
A: y-intercept

As students are working, walk

around the class to check their
understanding. If students have
questions, give them a prompt to
guide them to the next step.

Close the lesson by having students turn in their assignments. If they
havent completed it, they may take it home to finish and turn in the
following day. Assessing student work will take place by grading their
Students must take unfinished assignments home as homework. They
will also be asked to view another educreation video (posted on Edmodo)
as a review. The video is called 6.2 Review y=mx+b by Debra Schneider.
The students will get a refresher of the material practiced today and then
learn how to create a graph from given equations or information.

Self Evaluation of the Lesson

The success of the lesson can be gauged periodically throughout the day. If students respond correctly to the introductory
questions, that means that students are ready to apply the concepts to class work. By observing students while they work on
their assignments, it will be easy to see whether the lesson is moving smoothly and students are understanding how to apply
their knowledge of slope intercept equations to graphs. An official way to evaluate the lesson is by grading students
assignments. If students successfully complete their work and show a level of mastery, the lesson was effective.

- Edmodo
- Educreations (
- iPads
- textbooks
- writing utensils
- individual white boards & markers

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