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Lesson Plan Form - LBS 400

Revised 08/05/14

Yesenia Covarrubias


Grade level(s):

2 grade


2.OA.2. Solve word problems that call for addition of three whole numbers whose sum is less than or equal
to 20, eg, by using objects, drawings, and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent
the problem.
Standards for Mathematical Practices
7. Look for and make use of structure
I. DESCRIPTION OF CONTENT & CONTENT TYPE (Fact, Procedure, Concept, or Principle):
Students will be learning how to add using double facts
Given a worksheet and using mental math, students will understand how do add using doubles facts by
solving five problems with 80% accuracy.
DOK/Cognitive Rigor Level:
Level 1 and 2
Language Demands
Students must be familiar with the following math terms: doubles, make ten, near doubles, sum, difference,
addend, count-on, count-back, strategy, part, total, subtract, pattern, tens, ones, digit, and addition.
III. CURRICULUM CONNECTION (How lesson fits into larger unit sequence): What lesson comes
before this lesson? What lesson comes after this lesson?
Before this lesson students must know how to add basic facts. After this lesson students will be able to
add doubles plus one.
A. ENGAGEMENT (Motivational Activity):
Anticipatory Set: I will teach children the following doubles rhyming song:
1+1 is 2. My friend lives at the zoo.
2+2 is 4. He eats dinner on the floor.
3+3 is 6. He sleeps curled up on sticks.
4+4 is 8. He always wakes up late.
5+5 is 10. Hes getting loud again.
6+6 is 12. Hes in a tree all by himself.
7+7 is 14. Hes playing and cavorting.
8+8 is 16. My buddy isnt very clean.
9+9 is 18. At dinnertime he is waiting.

10+10 is 20. He likes bananas plenty.

I will ask students to guess who my friend is? (A Monkey!)
Student friendly objective: By the end of our lesson you should understand how to add doubles
facts by using mental strategies to add fluently by solving problems on a worksheet that I will
hand out at the end of the lesson.
Purpose: knowing the doubles will help you learn the doubles neighbor facts, such as 3+4 and 7+6.
B. INSTRUCTIONAL SEQUENCE (Teaching Methodology With Student Activities):
Step #1: read the book Two of Everything by Lily Toy Hong
1. T input: Lets read the Chinese folktale Two of Everything by Lily Toy Hong. Can you predict what
this story will be about?
2. Student response: have students think pair share their predictions.
3. T input: This is a Chinese folktale about a hardworking, modest couple, Mr. and Mrs. Haktak, who
discover a magical pot. When something is put into the pot, it is automatically doubled.
4. T input: What happened when Mr. Haktak fell into the pot?
5. Student response: Choral response (Mr. Haktaks came out of the pot.
6.T input: What happened when Mrs. Haktak put 5 coins in the pot?
7. Student response: Choral response (ten coins came out)
8. T input: What was special about the pot that Mr. Haktak found?
9. Student response: Choral response (everything he put into the pot was doubled)
Step #2: Give every student an index card with a number. Then have students mingle around the room
to find partners that are part of their doubles fact.
1. T input: Take a look at the index card that I just gave you. Think about what doubles fact you might
belong to.
2. Student response: Students analyze their index card
3. T input: Using the index card that I just gave you, walk around the class to find partners that are
part of your doubles fact.
4. Student response: students walk around classroom.
5. T input: For example, a student with the number five will need to find students who have the
number five and ten.
6. T model: On the board I will write 5+5=10
7. Student response: Students continue to find partners.
Step #3: provide each group with a sheet of blank dominoes. Each student will roll a die and draw dots
on half the domino.
1. T input: with your partner you will fill out a domino sheet.
2. T model: I will demonstrate by rolling a die and drawing dots on half the domino.
3. T input: I will choose someone to help me. Choses a name from the popsicle sticks.
4. T model: Now my helper will draw the same number of dots on the other half and write a number
5. T input: You and your partner will take turns until all dominoes are complete.
6. Student response: Students work with their partners

Step #4:
1. T input: Now we will find the sum of numbers
2. T model: I will write 7+8 on chart paper
3. T input: while you can use counters or your fingers to solve this problem, you can also use doubles
4. Student Response: students share with their partners their answers.
5. T model: Chart their correct responses.
6. T input: You can also use doubles plus one to solve equations
7. T model: 7+7=14 and the sum of 7+8 will be one more (7+8=15)
Step #5: We will practice adding doubles using the worksheet provided.
1. T input: Now you will work independently using the worksheet
2. T model: on the board I will write 4 wheels on a car
3. T input: draw to cars to help you solve the problem
4. Student response: students work independently to solve the word problem
5.T model: on the board I will write 5 fingers on a hand
6. T input: draw two hands
7. Student response: students work independently to solve the word problem
8. T model: on the board I will write 6 legs on a lady bug
9. T input: draw two lady bugs to help you solve the problem
10. Student response: students work independently to solve the word problem
11. T model: 8 legs on an octopus
12. T input: draw two octopuses to help you solve the problem
13. Student response: students work independently to solve the word problem
14. T input: now I will write a word problem on the board and you will try to solve it
15. T model: on the board I will write Michael bought 8 cars. David bought the same number of trucks.
How many vehicles did they buy?
16. Student response: students work independently to solve the word problem

C. APPLICATION ACTIVITY (Practice and/or Reflection): For the application activity I will hand
students a worksheet that contains five problems with adding using doubles. The students will work on
the worksheet individually and I will be walking around the classroom in case anyone needs help.
D. MATERIALS & RESOURCES: Book: Two of Everything by Lily Toy Hong, index cards,
connecting cubes, chart paper, die, domino sheet, exit slip.
V. ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES (Methods For Obtaining Evidence Of Learning):
Formative: During my lesson I will be monitoring my students understanding by observing students
while they play the math center game. I will also monitor my students during small group and
independent practice. I will be observing the following:
Can students correctly double a number?

Do students add mentally or do they count the number on their fingers?

Do students know that whenever they double a number, they will get a larger number?

Summative: At the end of my lesson, I will give the students quiz with the following question: how can
doubling help in learning basic facts? How could it help with doubles plus one?
Instruction, Practice): Students who master concepts quickly can be challenged with completing double
facts using a timer and decreasing their time.
Students who need additional assistance will continue to explore with manipulatives and flash cards.
VII. HOMEWORK (if appropriate):

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