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A su vez, Stendhal:

A novel is a mirror carried along a high road. At one moment it reflects the blue skies, at
another the mud of the puddles at your feet. The man who carries this mirror in his pack
you will accuse of being immortal! Blame instead that high road upon which the puddle
lies, or even more the inspector of roads who allows the water to gather and the puddle
form. (STEVICK, 1967: 389)

Como bien anota Baguley, si bien es difcil llegar a un consenso respecto al trmino y cmo
lo definiran sus escritores, en el caso de Zola, este s proclamaba y persista en la admisin
y adscripcin del trmino al canon. Bajo distintos nombres esta corriente tuvo largo alcance
en Europa (si no total alcance). Hecho curioso, los ingleses lo consideraban la nasty
version of realism (pag.41)

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