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Andrew Bramble

S# 00694985
Elementary Astronomy
Science in the News

Science in the News Journal

Week of 8/18

Story Date: August 18, 2014

Story Title: Fascinating rhythm: light pulses illuminate a rare black hole
Summary: Although the existence of black holes is not really controversial, until now we have
been unable to accurately measure them other than two sizes: big and collosal. Using a new
method of light oscillation, scientists at the University of Maryland have for the first time
successfully measured the size of a black hole.
Opinion: This story is quite interesting. Not only can we now measure the size of a black hold,
but by accurately measuring one, it actually confirms the existence of a black hole. Continuing
with this idea of measuring with light oscillation we should continue to learn more and more
about black holes.
Week of 8/25

Story Date: August 28, 2014

Story Title: Telescopes uncover early construction of giant galaxy
Summary: Astronomers caught a glimpse of the earliest stages of massive galaxy construction
for the first time which they dubbed Sparky. The aricle shares ideas on the creation of this
massive galaxy construction. It makes comparisons between the Milky Way and this galaxy.
Opinion: This story doesnt hold a lot of interest with me. I find the discussion of dark matter
within the article and within the galaxy interesting as I dont fully understand dark matter but the
concept has always interested me. I do find it neat that we can tell so much about a galaxy from
just observing it from far away.

Week of 9/1

Story Date: September 5, 2014

Story Title: Asteroid to safely pass close to Earth on Sunday

Summary: On September 7th an Asteroid will come within one-tenth the distance from Earth to
the Moon to the Earth. The size of the asteroid is about 60 Feet. The asteroid was discovered by
two separate groups. The asteroid will return to pass earth again but it poses no clear danger.
Opinion: I find it fascinating when an object like this comes close to the earth. I think a strange
doomsday type scenario would be an asteroid colliding with the earth. I dont hope this event
takes place, but stories like this always peak my interest.
Week of 9/8

Story Date: September 11, 2014

Story Title: Watch coverage of a significant flare surging off the Sun
Summary: The article discusses the Sun emitted a significant solar flare, which it did on
September 10, 2014. It also discusses the different classes of the flares. The X-classes as they are
called. This flare was an X 1.6. It also contained a live stream of the event.
Opinion: I found it mildly interesting learning about the class system which grades the solar
flares. However the stream was boring and not what I expected. I just wanted to watch the flare
not here some people talk about it.
Week of 9/15

Story Date: September 18, 2014

Story Title: Shimmering green aurora, a total eclipse and an exploding star: Winning images of
Astronomy Photographer of the Year revealed

Summary: The article is a showcase for an annual competition showcasing the mysterious depths
of our universe. The winner of this years competition was a man by the name of James

Woodend. His shot of the northern lights is the first time a picture of the northern lights won the
Opinion: This article is rather bland and not a whole is covered regarding the northern lights but
the photographs included are stunning. If I ever get the chance to see them for myself Ill do it in
a heartbeat.
Week of 9/22

Story Date: September 24, 2014

Story Title: Major milestone in the search for water on distant planets
Summary: Astronomers found water vapor in the atmosphere of a planet about four times bigger
than Earth. The article explains the importance of this discovery while discussing the relation of
planet creation in comparison to our own solar system.
Opinion: The only aspect of this article that really peaks my intrigue is the fact that water is the
main bases for life and any discovery of this nature puts us one step closure to seeing if we ever
discover life on other planets.
Week of 9/29

Story Date: October 1, 2014

Story Title: Wild ducks take flight in open cluster

Summary: The article begins by showing a photograph of the Wild Duck Cluster taken at the
European Southern Observatorys (ESO) La Silla Observatory in Chile. It then goes on to
explain the discovery of this cluster by Charles Messier and goes into detail on its discovery.
Opinion: This article was a tough read. It doesnt present me with any new fascinating
information and continues to explain the history of a single cluster. The title mislead me to think
I was getting ducks and space in the same article. A massive trick!
Week of 10/6

Story Date: October 8, 2014

Story Title: NuSTAR telescope discovers shockingly bright dead star

Summary: Essentially, NuSTAR discovered a pulsar which has the energy of 10 million suns.
This seems to be important as it may have led to the discovery of the medium sized black hole.
Which is supposedly the missing link in black holes.
Opinion: I find it fascinating that this discovery has been made. I do feel as though the fine
people at out to find ways to make their articles less dry. I do hope we are able to
solve this medium size black hole situation.
Week of 10/13

Story Date: October 16, 2014

Story Title: MESSENGER provides first optical images of ice near Mercury's North Pole

Summary: Newsflash! Ice discovered on mercury. What does it mean and how old is it? Find out
next out next week on, the exciting adventures of ASTRONOMY!
Opinion: Oh Geez, this was a dry one. They found ice on mercury, but I dont feel as though I
learned anything actually useful in relation to the ice discovered.
Week of 10/20

Story Date: October 25, 2014

Story Title: Comparison image of giant sunspot AR2192 with Earth. Summary . Its really big!

Summary: The author Paul Floyd displays a comparison image of the giant AR2192 sunspot and
the earth. He essential points out that while looking at the sun its easy to see how small the earth
really is, when you compare it to other cosmic objects it becomes even easier.
Opinion: It can be kind of startling how small we are in the grand scheme of things. When a
small freckle on the surface of the sun is around the same size as your home planet, how small
are you?
Week of 10/27

Story Date: October 28, 2014

Story Title: Orbital Sciences unmanned space station mission explodes at liftoff

Summary: Orbital Sciences' was sending their third contracted cargo supply mission to the
International Space Station. It exploded. Luckily the craft was unarmed. The article then posted
some footage of the explosion.
Opinion: Two minds of thought on the subject. One, this is tragic. Two, this is awesome. Lots of
money was wasted and went down the drain. On the other had it was a cool Hollywood looking
explosion in real life. It seems to be the logical half of me verses the red blooded flag loving
American in me. Good for a laugh.
Week of 11/3

Story Date: November 8, 2014

Story Title: Why scientists are in a love-hate relationship with 'Interstellar'
Summary: The article talks about the science used in the newly released film interstellar is
mostly based in fact and accurate but some things it does are stretched a bit or just out right
wrong. One of the biggest problems the article takes with the science in the movie is its take on
black holes and at points throwing all science out the window in relation to black holes. Ill avoid
discussing specifics to avoid spoilers.
Opinion: I really enjoyed this article as I had seen the movie just a few hours before reading it
and thought it touched upon my thoughts well. I loved the movie, second or third favorite of the
year, yet it seems to miss the mark a tad on the science part. I noticed this quite a bit during my
viewing of the film.
Week of 11/10

Story Date: November 14, 2014

Story Title: The partys over for these youthful compact galaxies

Summary: The article discusses galaxies that have used up all of their star making material and
will and one point in the near future become red and dead galaxies. It then goes on to explain the
process by which this happens and instances it has been done.

Opinion: I understood very little of this article. It was written well above my knowledge level
and I only understood about half of what was actually written. This prevented me from
developing a very well thought out opinion.
Week of 11/17

Story Date: November 21, 2014

Story Title: Gravity may have saved the universe after the Big Bang

Summary: The article discusses how we may not need some new form of undiscovered physics
to explain why the universe did not collapse during the big bang as it may have been gravity
corresponding with the Higgs particle that kept the universe from doing so.
Opinion: I find it fascinating for one main reason. I think that the closer we get to developing a
firm understating of basic questions of human existence such as who, what, when, where, how,
and why can only help are continuing evolution and understanding as a human race.
Week of 11/24

Story Date: November 26, 2014

Story Title: Eye of Sauron provides new way of measuring distances to galaxies

Summary: The article discuss a new form a measuring distances of objects on a cosmic scale.
Apparently this new form of measurement can determine the distance of galaxies with 90%
Opinion: It seems like every time I read a new article along the nature of the discovery of a new
method of discovery or an undetected space object it greatly effects the whole astronomy field.
This to me, makes it seem like what we actually know and understand regarding the universe is
much less than what there is to know.
Week of 12/1

Story Date: December 3, 2014

Story Title: Strange galaxy perplexes astronomers

Summary: The article talks about the discovery of a new galaxy named J1649+2635. It is strange
in that it has spirals even though its galaxy type does not usually have these. The article mentions
this has only happened three times before.
Opinion: I found the only really interesting part of the article to be the name of the astronomer
who made the discovery. Minnie Mau. I couldnt help myself from laughing vocally during my
read of the article at the similarities to Minnie Mouse.

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