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Todos los pedidos deben ser realizados con un mnimo de 72 horas de anticipacin a entrega/
All orders must be made within a minimum of 72 hours before delivery

Pabelln / Pavilion _____________

Oficina / Office _____________

Eventos Paralelos/Side Events __________

Informacin Bsica / Basic Information

Organizacin/Organization _______________________________________________________________
Direccin/Address ______________________________________________________________________
Distrito/District _______________ Ciudad/City ______________ Provincia/State ____________________
Cd.Postal/Zip Code _____________________ Pas/Country ___________________________________
Telfono/Telephone _____________________ E-mail_________________________________________
N Registro Tributario (RUC)/ Unique Tax Registry __________________________
Persona de contacto / Contact person
Nombre/Name: _________________________________ Cargo/Position: __________________________

Alimentos y bebidas / Catering

Fecha/Date: _____________________________

Nombre de Evento Paralelo Oficial/Official Side Event Name: ___________________________

Hora/Time (A solicitud de la ONU los Side Events deben ordenar para el FINAL de su evento/By
request of the UN, Side Events must order for the END of their event): ____________

Ubicacin/Location: ____________


Pedido 2/Order 2:________________________________________________________________

Licores/Liqueurs: _______________________________________________________________

Por favor especificar si es Coffee Break o Cctel/Please specify if it is Coffee Break or Cocktail:

Total a pagar / Total payment



Total US$
Los gastos por servicios bancarios debern ser asumidos por la Delegacin / The expenses for
banking charges must be paid by the delegation

Favor devolver la presente ficha a: / Please return form to:

Forma y fecha de pago / Terms and conditions:

El 100% del pago debe ser hecho antes de la entrega/100% Payment must be made before
delivery (100%)

Por indicaciones de la ONU, el servicio de catering para Eventos Paralelos se ofrece finalizado el
evento y fuera de la sala/By UN standards catering for Side Events is offered after the event is
finalized and outside the meeting room

Una vez entregado el servicio de catering, es la responsabilidad de cada anfitrin del Evento
Paralelo de cuidar la comida de personas ajenas a su evento/Once the catering is set up, it is the
responsibility of the Side Event Host to safeguard the food from passers-by in the corridors

No hay reembolso de pago de servicios de catering/ There are no refunds for the payment of
catering services

Depsito / Wire transfer to:

Banco Internacional de Per Interbank
Beneficiario / Beneficiary: Stimulus S.A.
Direccin / Address: Av. Carlos Villarn 140, La Victoria Lima, Per
Cuenta / Account N: 164-3001038978
CCI: 003-164-003001038978-18

Pago en sede/ Payment at Venue (minimum of 72 hours before delivery)- Visa /Cash
Stimulus Offices at Venue


Favor devolver la presente ficha a: / Please return form to:

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