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Professional Growth

After I graduate with my Bachelor's degree in Secondary Education and a content area of
Business and CTE (Career and Technical Education), as well as a Business minor, I would like
to teach courses in Business Foundations, Marketing, Economics, and/or Computer Information
Systems. I may even consider taking on teaching a Game Design or Web Design class. I would
also like to pursue a Master's degree in Education or perhaps Economics and possibly a
Doctorate degree. I would need a Master's degree in order to be able to offer my students the
ability to gain dual credits for my courses with a local college.
At the beginning of my teaching career, I would like to become comfortable with the
school and the curriculum, designing innovative and engaging ways to manage the students'
learning. Stagnant lessons or constantly repeating the same type of presentations will surely
make the students tune out.
To help me grow into the lesson plans, I will do a lot of searching, reading, and
connecting with Professional Learning Communities. As I discovered when interning at the high
school in my 5th and 6th terms, the teachers in that school district were strongly connected with
their counter-part CTE teachers at the other high school in their district. They shared
information, lesson plans, and ideas so that the course itself had similar content, but from year to
year, the presentations and activities were rarely identical.
As years pass, I will adapt my lessons to improve upon them to gain further engagement
and comprehension of the students. The lessons will integrate Arizona state standards,
differentiation, and accommodations for all students. All of the above is a lot of work and it will
be very time-consuming, but highly rewarding.

I currently am a member of Phi Theta Kappa, Kappa Delta Phi, and the ASU Student
Alumni Association. I have been asked to join Delta Kappa Gamma, by the President of a local
chapter, as soon as I am employed as a teacher. I am a member of the National Education
Association and the Arizona Educators Association. I plan on becoming a member of Arizona
State University's Alumni Association and connecting with local educators and educational
organization through websites such as LinkedIn.
The Education Resource Organizations Directory (EROD) has a listing of over 3,000
educational organizations and associations at national, regional, and state levels. Any school I
teach at would likely have recommendations for organizations and resources to share with me,
especially content specific groups. I would expect to become a member of that same school's
Parent Teachers Association (PTA). Due to the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education
Act of 2006, CTE courses are required to have Career and Technical Student Organizations
(CTSO) attached. The typical organizations, but not complete list, would be organizations such
as DECA, FBLA, and SkillsUSA. I would very likely become involved in one or more of these

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