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United States Patent Davis et al. EXTRACTING PARTICLES FROM A FLUID STREAM os) Inventors: Robert J. Davis, Lenaxs, KS (US); John K. Kelly, Lenaxa, KS (US); i ink. Weis, Lenaxa, (73) Assignee: Smith & Loveless, Lenexa, KS (US) (2). Notice: Subject to any disclaimer the teem of this is extended or adjusted under 35 US.. 15440) by 259 days, C21) Appl. No 10)014,381 Filed: Oct. 26, 2001 (63) Prior Publication Data US 20080485164 AT May 8, 2008 (1) BOLD 21/24; BOLD 21/26 2) 2IW/S12«1; 210/456; 210/519; 10532.1 US00681 169782 US 6,811,697 B2 Nov. 2, 2004 (10) Patent No. 5) Date of Patent (58) Field of Se 210456, 512.1, 210/519, 523, 532.1; 2091722, 725, 66) References Cited US. PATENT DOCUMENT S707SR & 1088 Wess Primary Examiner—ohn. Kim (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Wood, Pillps, Katz, Clatk & Mortimer 6 ABSTRACT Art extractor includes inlet and outlet flumes arranged to inject and extract liguid tangentially into a round chamber. The velocity entering and leaving the chamber is controlled by the wid ofthe oulet Hume, The velocity is maintained ‘within an optimal region over a ten to one flow range. An effective ten 10 one Variation ia flow is achieved with a velocity in the range of 1.5 feet per second to 3.5 feel per second 21 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets US 6,811,697 B2 Sheet 1 of 3 Nov. 2, 2004 U.S. Patent wz S ‘A 4S Old zs 99 “es S09 ol U.S. Patent Nov. 2, 2004 Sheet 2 of 3 US 6,811,697 B2 ne SURFACE sorromZ Le BOTTOM SZ2ZZ2, BED Sort ; ~ veLoomy CONCENTRATION | ee ‘ sottom | (——> MOVING BED t ‘SURFACE | © Vetociry ab : & ' 5 S| BoTToM EEE Z| ‘GRIT 2 ! CONCENTRATION 2 q Boot a 3 y ‘VELOCITY a°r 8 g B cE 2 g mf & 100 - tole SURFACE rl =] sortom {sorrow F GRIT VELociTY CONCENTRATION HETEROGENEOUS FLOW REQUIRED __,! FLOW RANGE" i | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 VELOCITY FT/SEC

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