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Mathematical Reflections 1

Factor Game and the Product Game. You

also represented factor pairs as the dimensions of rectangles. The following questions will help
In this investigation you played and analyzed the
you summarize what you have learned.
Think about these questions. Discuss your ideas with other students and your teacher. Then

write a

summary of your findings below.

a. Explain how

factors and multiples of a number are related. Use examples.

Something that relates them is when 2 factors are multiplied together they make a multiple like 3 and 2 are
the factors and 6 is the multiple so 2 multiplied by 3 is 6.

b. Describe a situation where it is useful to know about factors and multiples.

On a quiz or when you grow up and you go in a store you might want to pay in a different way where you
need to give the person 6 lv you might want instead to give him 2+2+2 which will make 6 and after you
would want to calculate your money and it would be easier in future when you have kids you would be able
to help them.

c. Describe strategies for finding factors or multiples of a number.

Lets say we have 6 as our number we can divide it by 2 because it is an even number so that is 3 and you
cant divide 3 into anything so thats it. And ofcourse every number could be divided by 1 so the factors of 6
are 2,3,1

2. You can describe a number by both the number of its factors and the kinds of its factors. Describe

several different kinds of numbers that you studied in this investigation . Give examples.

One kind we studied was the abundant numbers that means that when you add all the factors together the
sum of them is bigger than the number. Another kind is the perfect numbers when a number is perfect that
mean that when you add all of its factors it makes the same amount as the number. There are aswell prime
numbers these numbers are the ones that have only 2 factors and these factors have to be 1 and the
number itself. Composite numbers are the numbers that have more than one factor. Proper factors are
factors except the number itself. Many more

Unit Project
Now that you have played the Factor Game and the Product Game, write something new that you learned
about your favorite number.

Would your favorite number be a good first move in either game? Why or why not?
In the factor game it would be an okey first move you will get 7 and your partner 1. But it would not
be the best first move still.
Is your favorite number abundant, deficient, or perfect? What is deficient? My number is a prime

Rubric for the standard: Clearly communicates mathematical thinking

Mathematical Thinking
Written or oral presentation is coherent and effective; supporting evidence is well integrated in a logical
manner. Did you explain the path to your answer using diagrams, symbols, labels, charts and/or vocabulary?

4 - Exemplary: The path to your answer is thoroughly developed and can be easily followed by another
reader or viewer.
3 - Proficient: The path through the work to the identified answer is complete, and can be followed by another
2 - Emerging: The path is partly shown or not clear, there are gaps that make it difficult for another reader or
viewer to follow.

1 - Beginning or Incomplete: The path is ineffective, minimal or not shown

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