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,=' '-- -- ,-' '-- Good morning -- (response)

`+- ` -- = ` Welcome -- (response)

-- -- =-- ' My name is . What is your name?

'=' -, -- ,= ' '' --=' How is it going? I am fine Thank God.

,- -, ... How do we say.. ?

= ,- -- I have a question = / = ` I dont know

- / - you (m/f) ' I

-'= airplane and

= / , = Arabic in

',- car .,-= / ',-= beautiful/handsome

,- / ,- big '- book

-- library -' boy

- chair -- class

-- girl -- difficult

- exercise '=- test

from -,= good

, he she

lesson - -= new

=-- page ' pen

'-- professor -''= / -''= student (m/f)

=- - --

-- - ,- --

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