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Otros impactos que genera el Turismo

Actualmente se sabe que el turismo se desarrolla en un espacio y genera

consecuencias en la poblacin donde se lleva a cabo por lo tanto genera
impactos econmicos, ambientales, sociales, etc. Y estos impactos pueden ser
negativos o positivos.
El turismo implica un desplazamiento a un lugar distinto a la residencia habitual
en busca de algn tipo de atractivo, de un entorno social, cultural, paisajstico o
medioambiental diferente y esto genera consecuencias tanto a la naturaleza como
a la sociedad receptora.
Impactos positivos socioculturales del turismo:
El desarrollo de la actividad turstica permite aumentar la ocupacin de la
poblacin, la creacin de empleo turstico para mujeres y jvenes en zonas
atrasadas y puede considerarse como un hecho positivo, Las infraestructuras,
equipamientos o facilidades necesarios para el turismo sern utilizados tambin
por la poblacin local.
Pero a travs del tiempo con la llegada de extranjeros a las comunidades stas c
se ven influenciadas por culturas extranjeras y cambian su cultura y tradicin, esto
ocasiona el deterioro de la identidad cultural.
Impactos ambientales
El turismo es un gran consumidor de recursos naturales, ya que stos constituyen
la base para su desarrollo. La utilizacin ptima de los recursos (incluido el suelo y
el espacio) minimizar el coste de oportunidad. Las polticas pblicas juegan un
papel central en estos procesos: el espacio turstico debe planificarse para ser
compatible con otros usos y para reducir el consumo excesivo de recursos o una
explotacin excesiva.
Gracias al turismo se crea conciencia para el cuidado del medio ambiente y
preservacin de los sitios histricos sin embargo tambin hay impactos negativos
como la saturacin de personas al lugar y la contaminacin

Fuentes de consulta

"Wish You Were Here"
Where do we stand? What is this we have going on? I'm afraid to tell you
how I feel. I'm afraid that the feelings I still have for you will not be
returned. If only I was granted a wish; just one. I'd wish to know what
you have running through your mind. Do you think about me? Everytime I
see you, my heart beats slowly then faster at the same time. I try to
hide it all from you. Whenever you walk past me, it's a kick in my
stomach. I pretend that I don't feel anything for you, but it's harder
convincing myself that I don't. When I do feel like I want to forget us,
you pull me over. "Do you hate me?" NO. "Do you despise me?" NEVER. Now,
is this your way of letting me know you care? I fell for it. I'm feeling
all mushy about you now. I'm pathetic. Why do you care how I feel? Me
ignoring you seemed like it didnt bother you. I'm sitting here now,
clutching your picture in my hand. I don't want to look at you because
this picture is of the person you used to be. The person I couldn't stop
thinking about. The tears are falling from my eyes as I think about all
you've done to me, and how I'll ever be able to get over it. I'm given a
little hope now that we say hi to eachother. But only, I wish you'd come
running up behind me like you used to and tell me how much you miss me.
Tell me how much you miss US being together. Tell me things will change
so that I know for sure that this nightmare is over. I'm sitting in bed
on this dark morning. I don't want to go to school. I can't do this
anymore. I'm completely lost now that I don't fully have YOU. I wish you
were here next to me. I wish you were here sleeping with me; ignoring the
world around us. I wish YOU were here and not this clone of someone I
hardly know.

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