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Stanley MEYER Resonant Electrolysis Cell

1. Introduction
2. History of Stan Meyer
3. Stans Memos
4. Peter Lindermann System Expained
!. "ater #ue $e and t%e #irst and Second La&s of '%ermodynamics
(. Stan Meyer Patents
). Stans circuits
*. +arons posts on Stans $ircuit
,pa-e created at .o/em0er 211) 2pdate3
1. Introduction 0y M45 no/1)6 Staney ME7E8 is t%e most famous in/entor in t%e
9Super:efficient Eectroysis9 fied; and many too< inspiration from %is &or<. His
ori-ina Eectroysis $oncept &as a0e to produce many times as muc% %ydro-en -as
as permits t%e #araday9s La& of eectroysis; and t%e La& of $onser/ation of Ener-y;
t%en %e 0rou-%t it up to a sti un:understood %i-% e/e %e caed 9'%erma Exposi/e
Ener-y9. "e can say t%at %e &as at east !1 years in ad/ance of %is time ... '%e
e/idence; t%en; is t%at %is concept of eectroysis is tappin- in anot%er source of
ener-y; not 9reco-ni=ed9 yet in t%e cassica p%ysics; t%at must 0e in anot%er dimension;
outside our t%ree dimensions; and it must 0e a non t%ermic form of ener-y; 0ecause
Stan $e is not producin- %eat &%ie eectroy=in-.
'%ere is sti not a compete concensus of t%e Experts in >ero Point Ener-y; Peter
Lindermann; ?o%n @edini; '%omas @earden; Moray Ain-; +an Sterin- and many
ot%ers; on HB" Staney Meyer &as catc%in- t%is >PE. May 0e %e &as usin- 8adiant
Ener-y Hi-% Cota-e Puses ,@ac< Eectro Moti/e #orce3 to c%ar-e %is $apacitorD$e
,t&o Stainess Stee pipes isoated 0y a fine ayer of pure &ater as stron- dieectric3
amost &it%out current; unti t%e 0rea<do&n e/e of t%e &ater ayer &as reac%ed; at
&%ic% moment t%e accumuated /ota-e in t%e capacitor &oud 0e con/erted to
amperes t%at &oud spit t%e &ater moecues; reaisin- t%e %ydro-en and oxy-en; and
t%e po&er suppy sensor &oud cut t%e input puses; to stop any current fo&in- from
t%e source.
+fter a t%e eectricity stored in t%is capacitorDce &oud 0e used; t%e &ater &oud
ta<e pace a-ain 0et&een t%e t&o ss tu0es; reformin- t%e insuatin- ayer; t%e po&er
suppy sensor &oud send a-ain po&er for a ne& cyce of c%ar-in- t%e capacitorDce
to its dieectric 0rea<do&n e/e ... Eectroysis &oud 0e done &it% 9Pure Cota-e
Potentia9 and amost no +mperes ,current3. See 0eo& t%e Peter Lindermann
8adiant Puses can 0e created 0y sendin- unidirectiona ,t%at9s may 0e &%y Stan %ad a
rectifyin- diode in %is circuit3 s%ort puses in a coiDc%o<e; t%ey are caed aso @ac<
EM#; and are of a many times %i-%er /ota-e e/e compared to t%e ori-ina puses
sent. 'esa; 5ray; Moray; @edini; @earden and many ot%ers are usin- t%is tec%nica
tric< to distru0 t%e Cacuum Ener-y #ied and or-ani=e and coect t%e >PE to do 9free9
eectric &or< in t%eir apparatus. Per%aps Stan Meyer did t%e same; and t%is &e0 pa-e
is a coection of information I found on t%e fantastic internet; t%at s%oud ma<e it as
cear as possi0e to understand.
+0out t%e successfu suppressed repications done 0y 4a/e La&ton and Mr. 8a/i
from India; t%e cacuations of t%eir efficiency -i/e around 211:(11E ,411 for
La&ton; (11 for 8a/i; see 9repicas9 pa-e3 of t%e t%eoretica #araday maximum; &%ie
Stan Meyer &as at 1;)11E; 1) times t%e #arady9s maximum ,Meyer inter/ie&;
$%anne 4; 2A; 1) dec. 1FF!3. Per%aps &e need to step up t%e ori-ina puses to an
%i-%er /ota-e; a fe& t%ousands /ots at east; and t%en ony &e send t%is %i-% /ota-e
puses in a coiDc%o<e or 'esaD@edini 0ifiar coi ,1 to 1 ratio; see 0eo& &%y3 to
o0tain conseGuent %i-% 0ac< EM# 8adiant Ener-y puses to c%ar-e t%e capacitorDce
to t%e /ota-e 0rea<do&n e/e of t%e &ater ayer 0et&een t%e eectrode pipes ,in t%e
tens of t%ousands /ots; Stan stipuated usin- 21.111 Cots in %is 9memo19 ,see
Br may 0e Stan Meyer is not e/en usin- 0ac< EM# 8adiant Spi<es for its super:
efficient eectroysis; 0ut Hust direct unidirectiona %i-% /ota-e puses to c%ar-e t%e
capacitorDce up to its 0rea<do&n imit; t%rou-% t%e %ep of t%e c%o<es I Guote6 9t%e
resonant c%o<es 0ein- specificay to damp t%e /ota-e spi<es t%at coud prematuray
set t%is t%in- off9 from Peter Lindermann /ideo; see 0eo&.
In t%is case it coud 0e t%e /ery s%ort puses t%at &oud tri--er a 8adiant Effect in t%e
capacitorDce itsef; increasin- t%e /aue of t%e ori-ina puses; i<e @edini expained
a0out %is Simpified Sc%oo 5ir ,SS53 circuit6 t%ere is a 8adiant Effect in t%e coi 0y
t%e reaction to t%e puse sent; t%is creates a @ac< EM#; &%en t%e eectroma-netic fied
coapses a0rupty in t%e coi; +.4 t%ere is aso a 8adiant Effect &%en t%e @ac< EM#
puse %its t%e 0attery eectrodes; and t%is one is aso present &%en &e use a capacitor
in pace of a 0attery; i<e in %is "indo& $oi Motor.
+not%er possi0iity is t%at Stan Meyer didn9t re/eaed in t%e patent t%at %e actuay did
connect %is 2 c%o<es in a 0ifiar confi-uration ,'esaD@edini coi3; and t%en t%at9s
&%ere %e &as creatin- t%e 8adiant Ener-y Spi<es ... see artice 0eo&.
+ctuay Staney Meyer expained is super:efficient eectroysis &it% t%e eectron
mo/ement and exc%an-e 0et&een &ater moecuesDatoms t%emse/es; induced 0y t%e
%i-% /ota-e fied accumuated 0et&een t%e eectrodes; and 0rin-in- t%e &ater
moecues to spit ,see 0eo& %is 9memo193; contrary to standard eectroysis &%ere
t%at exc%an-e of eectrons is effectued 0et&een t%e &ater moecues and eectrodes.
'%at &as not accepted at t%e time %e i/ed; 0ut it %as 0een recenty scientificay
confirmed; in 211!; 0y .+BHI8B SHIM2>2 et a.; t%at t%e use of utra:s%ort pues
can create a 9ne& form9 of eectroysis; and &it% a 0etter efficiency; 0ut sti inferior to
t%e #araday imits.
Juote6 It &as found t%at 0y usin- an utra:s%ort puse &it% t%e &idt% of 311 ns;
eectroysis ta<es pace &it% a mec%anism dominated 0y eectron transfer; &%ic% is
different from t%e con/entiona diffusion imitin- process in 4$ eectroysis. End
Guote. ,document 9+ no/e met%od of %ydro-en -eneration 0y &ater eectroysis
usin-.pdf9 a/aia0e at %ydroxyKmore.%tm 3
$oud t%is &ater moecues 0ro<en t%rou-% %i-% /ota-e fied attraction; pure
Potentia #ied t%at affect t%e eectrons; 0e in t%e exact midde of t%e fied; and
i0erate t%eir -ases Hust t%ere; at eGua distance of t%e eectrodes; 0ecause t%is coud
expain t%e 9-as 0u00es created in t%e midde9 0y 5eor-e "iseman eectroyser; from; and ot%er experimenters on t%e oupo& 0uiders forum ...
and aso t%at coud 0e t%e most efficient &ay to create 9monatomic9 %ydro-en and
oxy-en; %a/in- muc% po&erfu exposion po&er compared to standard %ydro-en and
oxy-en moecues.
Personay in/esti-atin- t%e B8M2S ,&it% succesfu trias3; see ot%er part of t%is
&e0site; I t%in< t%at some&%ere t%is atomic $ooper Pair; @ose Einstein $ondensate
and ot%er Superconductors coud %a/e aso a roe payed in t%is superefficient
eectroysises; or at east in t%e Meyer9s .ucear '%erma Exposi/e "ater Ener-y ...
"%ic% one is t%e ri-%t expanation L Bff course it may 0e a 9mix9 of different effects;
0ut for sure it induces t%e existence of ne& p%enomenons t%at are not yet descri0ed in
t%e cassica p%ysics 0oo<s. @ut it9s rea; and it9s Hust next to fu systematic
reproducta0iity. "e can see t%at ony off t%e s%ef or o& cost components are used;
and t%en it &i 0e Guite easy and c%eap to manufacture.
$onsiderin- t%e ar-e c%oice in sytems and tec%noo-ies t%at coud pro/ide us &it%
9free po&er9 for a; Staney Meyer9s process seems to 0e t%e most 9open source9 and
near to competion of a; to furnis% a considera0e po&er &it% a &ide ran-e of uses;
tec%nicay simpe and afforda0e. '%e Hydroxy -as t%at comes out from &ater
eectroysis is &e <no&n for its %i-% po&er; and is aready commerciai=ed as
&edin- -as; coo<in- -as; domestic %eatin- -as; industria 0urnin- -as; /e%ice fue
sa/er -as and more. Bff course t%e -enerai=ation of Stan Meyer9s process &it% a /ery
%i-% efficiency; many fods t%e one a/aia0e no& from standard #araday eectroysis;
&i 0oost t%e de/eopment of t%e use of Hydroxy ,HBH3 in our daiy ife.
Stan Meyer9s secret oo<s finay accessi0e and simpe to understand and reproduce.
'%at &oud 0e t%e @ES' SBL2'IB. for free po&er .B"; at /ery o& cost to
manufacture; &it% off t%e s%ef materia; +.4 #8EE B# P+'E.' 8I5H'S; 0ein- a
tec%noo-y in t%e Pu0ic 4omain no&; after expiration of Stans9 patents in 211)M
Pease ta<e a t%e necessary precautions if you intend to researc% in t%is %i-% /ota-e
fieds; 0ecause it can 0e et%a.
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2. History of Stanley Meyer
8eprinted from BSE..or-
+rtice from Electronics World & Wireless World , ?anuary 1FF13
Eye:&itness accounts su--est t%at 2S in/entor Staney Meyer %as de/eoped an
eectric ce &%ic% &i spit ordinary tap &ater into %ydro-en and oxy-en &it% far ess
ener-y t%an t%at reGuired 0y a norma eectroytic ce.
In a demonstration made before Professor Micael !au"ton# $ean of
En"ineerin" at %ueen Mary Colle"e# !ondon# &dmiral Sir &ntony 'riffin# a
former controller of te (ritis )a*y# and $r +eit Hindley# a ,+ researc
cemist. Meyer9s ce; de/eoped at t%e in/entor9s %ome in 5ro/e $ity; B%io;
produced far more %ydro-enDoxy-en mixture t%an coud %a/e 0een expected 0y
simpe eectroysis.
"%ere norma &ater eectroysis reGuires t%e passa-e of current measured in amps;
Meyer9s ce ac%ie/es t%e same effect in miiamps. #urt%ermore ordinary tap &ater
reGuires t%e addition of an eectroyte suc% as sup%uric acid to aid current conductionI
Meyer-s cell functions at "reatest efficiency .it /ure .ater.
+ccordin- to t%e &itnesses; t%e most startin- aspect of t%e Meyer ce &as t%at it
remained cold# e*en after ours of "as /roduction. Meyer9s experiments; &%ic% %e
seems to 0e a0e to perform to order; %a/e earned %im a series of 2S patents -ranted
under Section 111. '%e -rantin- of a patent under t%is section is de/endent on a
successful demonstration of te in*ention to a Patent Re*ie. (oard.
Meyer9s ce seems to %a/e many of t%e attri0utes of an eectroytic ce except t%at it
functions at %i-% /ota-e; o& current rat%er t%an t%e ot%er &ay around. Construction
is unremar0able. '%e eectrodes : referred to as NexcitorsN 0y Meyer: are made from
parae pates of stainess stee formed in eiter flat or concentric to/o"ra/y. 'as
/roduction seems to *ary as te in*erse of te distance bet.een temI t%e patents
su--est a s/acin" of 1.2mm produces satisfactory resuts.
'%e real differences occur in te / su//ly to t%e ce. Meyer uses an externa
inductance &%ic% appears to resonate &it% t%e capacitance of t%e ce ::: /ure .ater
a//arently /ossesses a dielectric constant of about 2 ::: to produce a parae
resonant circuit. '%is is e3cited by a i" / /ulse "enerator &%ic%; to-et%er
&it% t%e ce capacitance and a rectifier diode; forms a c%ar-e pump circuit. Hi-%
freGuency puses 0uid a risin- staircase 4$ /otential across te electrodes of te
cell until a /oint is reaced .ere te .ater brea0s do.n and a momentary i"
current flo.s. & current measurin" circuit in te su//ly detects tis brea0do.n
and remo*es te /ulse dri*e for a fe. cycles" te .ater to 4reco*er4 .
,M45 no/1)6 t%at9s a /ery $LE+8 expanation -i/en 0y Stan %imsef on t%e HB"
I' "B8AS M So it &as <no&n in 1FF1 aready ... 3
8esearc% c%emist Aeit% Hindey offers t%is description of a Meyer ce demonstration6
N+fter a day of presentations; t%e 5riffin committee &itnessed a num0er of important
demonstration of t%e "#$N ,&ater fue ce as named 0y t%e in/entor3.
+ &itness team of independent 2A scientifc o0ser/ers testified t%at 2S in/entor;
Staney Meyer; successfuy decomposed ordinary tap &ater into constituent eements
t%rou-% a com0ination of i"# /ulsed *olta"e usin" an a*era"e current measured
only in miliam/s. 8eported -as e/oution &as enou-% to sustain a %ydro-en D oxy-en
fame &%ic% instanty meted stee.
In contrast &it% norma %i-% current eectroysis; t%e .itnesses re/ort te lac0 of
any eatin" &it%in t%e ce. Meyer decines to reease detais &%ic% &oud ao&
scientists to dupicate and e/auate %is N&aterfue ceN. Ho&e/er; %e %as suppied
enou-% detai to t%e 2S Patents Bffice to persuade t%em t%at %e can su0stantiate %is
9po&er:from:&ater9 caims.
Bne demonstration ce &as fitted &it% t&o parae pate NexcitorsN. 2sin- tap &ater
to fi t%e ce; t%e pates -enerated -as at /ery o& current e/es: no -reater t%an a
tent% of an amp on t%e ammeter; and caimed to 0e miiamps 0y Meyer : and t%is -as
/roduction increased steadily as te /lates .ere mo*ed closer to-et%er and
decreased as t%ey &ere separated. '%e $C *olta"e a//eared to be /ulsed at tens of
tousands of *olts.
+ second ce carried nine stainess stee dou0e tu0e ce units and -enerated muc%
more -as. + seGuence of p%oto-rap%s &as ta<en s%o&in- "as /roduction at milliam/
le*els. "%en t%e *olta"e .as turned up to its pea< /aue; t%e -as t%en poured off at a
/ery impressi/e e/e.
N"e did notice t%at t%e &ater at t%e top of t%e ce so&y 0ecame discoored &it% a
pae cream and dar< 0ro&n precipitate; amost certainy t%e effects of t%e c%orine in
t%e %ea/iy c%orinated tap &ater on t%e stainess stee tu0es used as NexcitorsN.
He &as demonstratin- %ydro-en "as /roduction at milliam/ and 0ilo*olt le*els. O
Meyer9s ce functions at -reatest efficiency &it% pure &ater.
N'%e most remar<a0e o0ser/ation is t%at t%e "#$ and a its meta pipe&or<
remained 5uite cold to te touc# e*en after more tan t.enty minutes of
operation. '%e s/littin" mecanism clearly e*ol*es little eat in sar/ contrast to
electrolysis &%ere t%e eectroyte &arms up Guic<y.N
N'%e resuts appear to su--est efficient and controa0e -as production t%at responds
rapidy to demand and yet is safe in operation. "e ceary sa& %o& increasin" and
decreasin" te *olta"e is used to control "as /roduction. "e sa& %o& -as
-eneration ceased and t%en 0e-an a-ain instanty as t%e /ota-e dri/in- circuit &as
s&itc%ed off and t%en on a-ain.N
N+fter %ours of discussion 0et&een ourse/es; &e concuded t%at Stan Meyer did
appear to %a/e disco*ered an entirely ne. metod for s/littin" .ater &%ic%
s%o&ed fe& of t%e c%aracteristics of cassica eectroysis. $onfirmation t%at %is
de/ices actuay do &or< come from %is coection of -ranted 2S patents on /arious
parts of t%e "#$ system. Since t%ey &ere "ranted under Section 161 by te ,S
Patent 7ffice# te ard.are in*ol*ed in te /atents as been e3amined
e3/erimentally by ,S Patent 7ffice e3/erts and teir seconded e3/erts and all
te claims a*e been establised.4
N'%e 0asic "#$ &as sub8ected to tree years of testin". 9is raises te "ranted
/atents to te le*el of inde/endent# critical# scientific and en"ineerin"
confirmation t%at t%e de/ices actuay perform as caimed.N
'%e practica demonstration of t%e Meyer ce appears su0stantiay more con/incin-
t%an t%e para:scientific Har-on &%ic% %as 0een used to expain it. '%e in/entor %imsef
ta<s a0out a distortion and poari=ation of t%e &ater moecue resutin- in t%e H6BH
0ondin- tearin- itsef apart under t%e eectrostatic potentia -radient; of a resonance
&it%in t%e moecue &%ic% ampifies t%e effect.
+part from t%e copious %ydro-enDoxy-en -as e/oution and t%e minima temperature
rise &it%in t%e ce; &itnesses aso report tat .ater .itin te cell disa//ears
ra/idly; presuma0y into its component parts and as an aeroso from t%e myriad of
tiny 0u00es 0rea<in- t%e surface of t%e ce.
Meyer caims to %a/e run a con/erted C" on %ydro-enDoxy-en mixture for te last
four years usin- a c%ain of six cyindrica ces. He aso caims t%at p%oton
stimuation of t%e reactor space 0y optica fi0re piped aser i-%t increases -as
'%e in/entor is a prote-ee9 of t%e +d/anced Ener-y Institute.
PP 9o "et te article in /df format; -et 9MeyeressQ"ord.pdf9 ,42 Ao3 a/aia0e at
--------------------------------------------- Return to the top
P 2SP P 4;F3(;F(1: Metod for te Production of a :uel 'as : Staney Meyer
#I5S. 3+ t%rou-% 3# are iustrations depictin- t%e teoretical bases for te
/enomena encountered durin- operation of t%e in/ention %erein.
P $ircuit usefu in t%e process6
#I5. 2 s%o&s a perspecti/e of a N&ater capacitorN eement used in t%e fue ce circuit.
O '%e %ydro-en and oxy-en atomic -ases; and ot%er -as components formery
entrapped as disso/ed -ases in &ater; are released .en te resonant ener"y
e3ceeds te co*alent bondin" force of te .ater molecule.
+ preferred construction materia for t%e ca/acitor /lates is stainless steel 9;<6=
&%ic% is non:c%emica reacti/e &it% &ater; %ydro-en; or oxy-en.
P Patents 'ranted 6 2SP P 4;F3(;F(1 : Metod for te Production of a :uel 'as D
2SP P 4;*2(;!*1 : Controlled Production of 9ermal Ener"y from 'ases D 2SP P
4;)F*;((1 : 'as "enerator *olta"e control circuit D 2SP P 4;(13;))F R Electrical
Pulse 'enerator D 2SP P 4;(13;314 R 'as Electrical H 'enerator D 2SP P
4;4(!;4!! R Start;u/>Sut;do.n for H 'as (urner D 2SP P 4;421;4)4 R H 'as
(urner D 2SP P 4;3*F;F*1 R H 'as In8ector System for IC En"ine D 2SP P
4;2)!;F!1 R !i"t;'uide !ense D 2SP P 3;F)1;1)1 R Solar Heatin" System D 2SP P
4;2(!;224 R Multi;Sta"e Solar Stora"e System D 2SP P 3;F)1;1)1 : Solar eatin"
system .
P 9e ener"y contained in a "allon of .ater e3ceeds 2.2 million barrels of oil
.en e5uated in terms of atomic ener"y.
Water# of course# is free# abundant# ener"y recyclable.
P Ei"teen microliters of a .ater dro/let /er in8ection cycle is all tat is re5uired
to run te e3/erimental dune bu""y at ?2 m./.. do.n te road.
'o run a truc<; for exampe; it &oud ta<e ony 14* microiters of a &ater dropet to
eGua t%e on:road performance of t%e dune 0u--y; Meyer said.
P .ormay; -asoine %as 1.! pounds of %ydro-en in itI &%ereas &ater %as 1.) pounds
of %ydro-en:or 2.! times t%at of -asoine. Runnin" a car under te Water :uel Cell
metod# you .ould "o 2.2 times farter tan on "asoline.
P '%e "ater #ue inHectors t%at repace t%e con/entiona spar< pu-s in an interna
com0ustion en-ine form t%e resonant ca/ity &%ic% ao&s &ater to 0e con/erted to
t%erma exposi/e ener-y. '%is tec%noo-y ao&s t%e car to run 0ot% safey and under
O N"%en you i-nite -ases from &ater; t%e 0y:product is a de:ener-i=ed &ater mist
&%ic% -oes out t%e ex%aust;N Meyer expained. NIt9s an open ener-y system. '%e &ater
mist is t%en re:ener-i=ed 0y a0sor0in- p%oton ener-y from t%e sun and t%en returnin-
to t%e eart%9s &ater suppy in t%e form of rain for ener-y re:useO
--------------------------------------------- Return to the top
PP 9o "et te best# more com/let and latest info to re/licate Stan Meyer Cell#
*isit te /a"e of H2E&R9H>$a*id Wenbert# on tis .ebsite; at
--------------------------------------------- Return to the top
PP Stan Meyer Cell $esi"n; do&noad fie named 941(.pdf9 at
Bne of Stan Meyer9s many different ces desi-ns is s%o&n %ere6
7ou &i note t%at %e uses a 4$ /ota-e on t%e &a of t%e ce to mo/e t%e dissociated
%ydro-en atoms out&ards and t%e oxy-en atoms in&ards; to produce separate -as
exits from t%e ce.
Bne of %is pipe eectrode arran-ements is s%o&n %ere; and &%ie it is ta<en directy
from one of %is patents; it s%oud 0e understood t%at t%e pipe specers s%o&n in red are
actuay /ery naro& as t%e spacin- 0et&een t%e pipes is /ery important for -as
production and is usuay set at 1.! mm6
It s%oud 0e understood t%at &%ie Stan9s system of spittin- &ater is /ery %i-%
efficiency indeed; it is not easy to maintain it9s tunin- at t%e optimum e/e. '%e
resonance of t%e ce is /ery s%arp indeed ,M45 no/1)6 I t%in< it is t%e famous 9s&eet
spot9 on t%e @edini and ot%er 8adiant systems3; and can -eneray ony 0e found 0y
carefu monitorin- of t%e current &%ie adHustin- t%e puse freGuency /ery; /ery
so&y. '%e dia-ram s%o&n %ere indicates %o& narro& t%e resonance 9notc%9 is.
E/en at freGuencies /ery cose to t%e resonant freGuency; t%ere &i 0e no indication
&%atsoe/er t%at t%e freGuency %as amost 0een reac%ed. "%en t%e correct tunin- point
%as 0een found ,at &ater e/e +3; t%e &ater:spittin- acceerates to a %i-% e/e; and
uness t%e &ater suppy is 0ein- pumped t%rou-% t%e ce as Stan s%o&s in %is patent
dra&in-s; t%en t%e &ater e/e starts to drop. 2nfortunatey; as t%e &ater e/e drops;
say to &ater e/e @; t%e resonant freGuency of t%e ce aters and t%e puse train is
t%en at t%e &ron- freGuency and t%e process stops to perform correcty. 'o maintain
maximum o&:current -as production; eit%er t%e ce conditions %a/e to 0e %ed
constant to a %i-% de-ree of accuracy; or sop%isticated eectronic contro is needed to
<eep re:adHustin- t%e puse freGuency to t%e exact resonant freGuency; faster t%an t%e
ce c%arac%teristics can c%an-e.
'%is is pro0a0y t%e reason &%y Staney Meyer mo/ed a&ay from t%is type of ce in
fa/our of direct &ater inHection into %is car en-ine; creatin- t%e com0ustion conditions
inside eac% cyinder Hust 0efore i-nition. '%e inHection system %as t%e enormous
ad/anta-e of not needin- to %ande -ases of any type 0ut Hust mo/e and manipuate
ordinary &ater. Stan died suddeny Hust after perfectin- and demonstratin- %is &ater
inHection system and 0efore it &ent into production : an ama=in-y con/enient
occurence for t%e oi industries. +s far as I am a&are; no0ody %as mana-ed to
repicate Stan9s inHection system; in spite of t%ere 0ein- patent information on it.
Henry Pu%aric% aso used a pused si-ne to spit &ater moecues in an efficient
manner. His tec%niGue is rat%er different in t%at %e starts &it% a moduated audio sine:
&a/e si-na and uses %af:&a/e rectification to cut off t%e ne-ati/e /ota-e
components. '%e resut is a pused 4$ si-na &%ic% %as a &%oe ran-e of different
--------------------------------------------- Return to the top
<. MEM7S from Stanley &. MEYER
In t%is memos &ritten 0y Staney Meyer %imsef; resumin- %is patents and processes;
H748B5E. #8+$'28I.5 P8B$ESS you &i ceary understand t%at %e &as
usin- >ero Point Ener-y to spit t%e &aterI %e caed it i<e ot%ers; NPure Cota-e
PotentiaN; so I put a %tm /ersion of t%is memos in t%e >PE part of t%is &e0site; in t%e
index pa-e; at ME7E8; Staney ...
En-is% /ersions; in pdf fies6
P Memo 1 ori"inal6
,see resume 0eo&3 Memo 421 : Hydro-en #racturin- Process; 11D2!DF1 ... usin-
"ater as #ue : Bperationa Parameters : Cota-e 4ynamic
P Memo 2 ori"inal6
Memo 421 : Juenc%in- $ircuit 'ec%noo-y; 11D2!DF1 I 8enderin- Hydro-en Safer
'%an .atura 5as : Spar<:I-nition 'u0e : 5as InHection Process : #ame 'emperature
+dHustment : Juenc%in- $ircuit : Juenc%in- .o==e : $ataytic @oc< +ssem0y :
Interna $om0ustion En-ine :
P Memo < ori"inal6
Memo 4224+: "#$ Hydro-en 5as Mana-ement System; 14D1!DF1 I "ater #ue:5as
InHection System : Laser +cceerator +ssem0y : +cceeration $ontro $ircuit :
+nao- Cota-e -enerator : Cota-e +mpitude $ontro $ircuit : Caria0e Puse
#reGuency 5enerator : Cota-e Intensifier $ircuit : Eectrica Poari=ation process :
: 8esonant +ction ,extract36 Su0Hectin- and exposin- &ater moecue ,*!3 to e/en
%i-%er /ota-e e/es ,xxx Cn3 ,up to and 0eyond se/era t%ousand /ots3 causes &ater
0at% ,F13 of9#i-ure ,3:313 as to #i-ure ,3:2!3 to -o into a state of ioni=ation 0y
ao&in- opposite poarity forces ,''93 and ,2293 to eHect one or more eectrons ,F2a
xxx F2n3 from &ater 0at% atoms ,F33. Intensified eectrica attraction force ,''93
causes disod-ed ne-ati/e c%ar-ed eectrons ,F23 to mi-rate to positi/e /ota-e:pate
,E3 &%ie eectrica attraction force ,2293 causes positi/e c%ar-ed atom nuceus ,F43
to tra/e to&ard ne-ati/e /ota-e:pate ,E23. +ppied eectrica attraction force ,''93
and ,2293 a&ays 0ein- of eGua /ota-e intensity 0ut opposite in eectrica poarity as
/ota-e ampitude ,(!3 is attenuated.
P Memo = ori"inal6
Memo 4234+ : "ater #ue InHection System; 1)D13DF1 I,&it% pictures of t%e en-ine
on t%e &ater 0u--y3
P Memo 2 ori"inal6
Memo 424 : +tomic Ener-y @aance of "ater; 11D14DF1 : 2sin- "ater as #ue
(MDG nov07: Be sure Meyer was using ZPE !
P Memo ? ori"inal6
Memo 42! : "ater #ue InHector6 'aper 8esonant $a/ity; 1*D13DF2
P Memo @ ori"inal6
Memo 42( : CI$ Matrix $ircuit; 1)D1)DF3 I Instant Exposion of "ater
P Memo A ori"inal6
Memo 42) : Cota-e "a/e:5uide Propa-atin-; 1*D11DF3 I N8esonant +ctionN @y
Cota-e 'ic<in- of State Space
P Memo B ori"inal6
Memo 42* : 8ecaimin- Bur +ir ... #or Heat%y Li/in- 1(D1*DF4
P Memo 16 ori"inal6
Memo 42F : Bptica '%erma Lens6 + Miniature $ontroa0e Sun; 11D13DF! :
Propa-atin- Eectrica Stress : Cota-e to +mp 4ifferentia 8atio : Bptica '%erma
Lens : Juart= 'u0e $onfi-uration S Bperationa Parameters : + 'ec%niGue $aed
P Memo 11 ori"inal6
Memo 431 : "#$ Steam 8esonator; 1!D1*DF( I Partice Bsciation as a Ener-y
5enerator : Cota-e #exin- Process : CI$ S&itc%o/er $ircuit : Eectrica $rosso/er
S&itc%in- $ircuit
P E3tracts from Memo 1# about te -Pure Colta"e Potential-6
... '%e Hydro-en #racturin- Process is systematicay acti/ated and performed in t%e
foo&in- &ay6
: Metod6 2sin- 4Colta"e Potential4 to stimuate t%e &ater moecue to produce
atomic ener-y on demand.
P Pulsin" 9ransfonner 6 '%e pusin- transformer ,+D53 ste/s u/ te *olta"e
am/litude or *olta"e /otential durin- pusin- operations. '%e primary coi is
eectricay isoated ,no electrical connection bet.een /rimary and secondary coil,
M45 no/1)6 same in >PE circuits33 to form Cota-e Intensifier $ircuit ,++3 #i-ure
,1:13. Cota-e ampitude or /ota-e potentia is increased &%en secondary coi ,+3 is
&rapped &it% more turns of &ire. Isolated electrical "round DEF /re*ents electron
flo. from in/ut circuit "round.
P (loc0in" $iode 6 @oc<in- 4iode ,@3 /re*ents electrical 4sortin"4 to
secondary coil D&F durin" /ulse;off time since t%e diode NonyN conducts eectrica
ener-y in t%e direction of t%e sc%ematic arro&.
P !C Circuit 6 Resonant Car"in" Co0e ,$3 in series &it% E3citor;array DEl>E2F
forms an inductor;ca/acitor circuit ,L$3 since t%e Excitor:+rray ,E83 acts or
/erforms as an ca/acitor durin" /ulsin" o/erations; as iustrated in #i-ure ,1:23
as to #i-ure ,1:13.
'%e $ielectric Pro/erties Dinsulator to te flo. of am/sF of natural .ater
Ddielectric constant bein" @A.2= G 22cF bet.een te electrical /lates DEl>E2F
forms te ca/acitor DERF. "ater no& 0ecomes part of t%e Cota-e Intensifier $ircuit
in te form of 4resistance4 0et&een eectrica -round and pusefreGuency positi/e:
potentia ... el/in" to /re*ent electron flo. &it%in t%e pusin- circuit ,++3 of
#i-ure 1:1.
'%e Inductor ,$3 ta<es on or 0ecomes a Modulator Inductor .ic ste/s u/ an
oscillation of a "i*en car"in" fre5uency &it% t%e effecti/e capacitance of a puse:
formin- net&or< in order to car"e te *olta"e Hones DE1>E2F to an i"er
/otential beyond a//lied *olta"e in/ut.
'%e Inductance ,$3 and $apacitance ,E83 properties of t%e L$ circuit is t%erefore
NtunedN to resonance at a certain freGuency. '%e 8esonant #reGuency can 0e raised or
o&ered 0y c%an-in- t%e inductance andDor t%e capacitance /aues. '%e esta0is%ed
resonant freGuency is; of course; independent of /ota-e ampitude; as iustrated in
#i-ure ,1:33 as to #i-ure ,1:43. '%e /aue of t%e Inductor ,$3; t%e /aue of t%e
capacitor ,E83; and t%e puse:freGuency of t%e /ota-e 0ein- appied across t%e L$
circuit determines t%e impedance of t%e L$ circuit
,see formuas on t%e ori-ina document3
P !C Colta"e 6 '%e /ota-e across t%e inductor ,$3 or capacitor ,E83 is "reater tan
te a//lied *olta"e ,H3. +t freGuency cose to resonance; t%e /ota-e across t%e
indi/idua components is %i-%er t%an t%e appied /ota-e ,H3; and; at resonant
freGuency; te *olta"e C9 across bot te inductor and te c:a/acitor are
teoretically infinite. Ho&e/er; p%ysica constraints of components and circuit
interaction pre/ents t%e /ota-e from reac%in- infinity.
,see formuas on t%e ori-ina document3
4urin- resonant interaction; t%e incomin- unipoar puse:train ,H3 of #i-ure ,1:13 as
to #i-ure ,1:!3 produces a step:c%ar-in- /ota-e:effect across Excitor:+rray ,E83; as
iustrated in #i-ure,1:33 and #i-ure ,1:43. Cota-e intensity increases from =ero
9-round:state9 to an %i-% positi/e /ota-e potentia in an pro-ressi/e function. Bnce
t%e /ota-e:puse is terminated or s&itc%ed:off; /ota-e potentia returns to N-round:
stateN or near -round:state to start t%e /ota-e defection process o/er a-ain.
Colta"e intensity or le*el across E3citor;&rray DERF can e3ceed 26#666 *olts due
to circuit ,++3 interaction and is directy reated to puse:train ,H3 /aria0e ampitude
P R!C Circuit 6 Inductor ,$3 is made of or composed of resisti/e &ire ,823 to furt%er
restrict 4.$. current fo& 0eyond inductance reaction ,TL3; and; is -i/en 0y ,EG *3
P $ual;inline R!C )et.or0 6 Caria0e inductor:coi ,43; simiar to inductor ,$3
connected to opposite poarity /ota-e =one ,E23 furt%er in%i0its eectron mo/ement
or defection &it%in t%e Cota-e Intensifier $ircuit. Mo/a0e &iper arm fine NtunesN
N8esonant +ctionN durin- pusin- operations. Inductor ,43 in reations%ip to inductor
,$3 eectricay 0aances t%e opposite /ota-e eectrica potentia across /ota-e =ones
P Potential Ener"y : Colta"e is 4electrical /ressure4 or 4electrical force4 &it%in
an eectrica circuit and is 0no.n as *olta"e /otential. '%e %i-%er t%e /ota-e
potentia; t%e -reater Neectrica attraction forceN or Eectrica repein- forceN is
appied to t%e eectrica circuit. Cota-e potentia is an 4unaltered4 or Iuncan"ed4
ener"y;state .en 4electron mo*ement4 or 4electron deflection4 is /re*ented or
restricted &it%in t%e eectrica circuit.
P Colta"e Performs Wor0 6 2ni<e /ota-e c%ar-es &it%in an eectrica circuit sets up
an Neectrica attraction forceN I &%ereas; i<e eectrica c%ar-es &it%in t%e same
eectrica circuit encoura-es an Nrepein- actionN. In 0ot% cases; eectrica c%ar-e
defection or mo/ement is directy reated to appied /ota-e. '%ese eectrica NforcesN
are 0no.n as 4*olta"e fields4 and can ex%i0it eit%er a positi/e or ne-ati/e eectrica
Li<e&ise; Ions or partices &it%in t%e eectrica circuit %a/in- uni<e eectrica c%ar-es
are attracted to eac% ot%er. Ions or partice masses %a/in- t%e same or i<e eectrica
c%ar-es &i mo/e a&ay from one anot%er; as iustrated in #i-ure ,1:(3.
,see formuas on t%e ori-ina document3
,M45 no/1)6 Expanation continue; expainin- t%at t%e appied %i-% /ota-e aone
separates t%e %ydro-en and oxy-en atoms; t%rou-% eectrons i0eration. .o mention of
t%e 9dieectric 0rea<do&n effect9 participatin- in t%e process.3
P In Summation 6 '%e Hydro-en #racturin- Process simpy tri--ers and reeases
atomic ener-y from natura &ater 0y ao&in- %i-%y ener-i=ed su0:critica
com0usti0e -as ions to come to-et%er durin- t%erma -as i-nition. '%e Cota-e
Intensifier circuit 0rin-s on t%e NEectrica Poari=ation ProcessN t%at s&itc%es off t%e
co/aent 0ond of t%e &ater moecue &it%out consumin- amps. '%e Eectrica
Extraction $ircuit not ony decreases t%e mass si=e of t%e com0usti0e -as atomsI 0ut;
aso; and at t%e same time produces Neectrica ener-yN &%en t%e i0erated eectrons
are directed a&ay from t%e Hydro-en 5as 5un +ssem0y.
PP 9o "et all te 11 Memos in one file# "et te ori"inal document 9#u Meyer
@rief.pdf9 ,3.) Mo3 a/aia0e at %ttp6DDmy.opera.comD%2eart%D0o-Dcy0rarium
--------------------------------------------- Return to the top
=. Peter !indermann: Stanley Meyer and Jo"en ; Systems E3/lained
11 minutes extract ta<in- a0out $%emaoy; Meyer and To-en 6
Cie&s6 23;)41 I +dded6 Marc% 1); 211) I #rom6 sra&ofni;
%ttp6DDyoutu0e.comDuserDsra&ofni 6 %ttp6DDyoutu0e.comD&atc%L/U0Gfi+TIs3Tc
7outu0e /ideo6 $r Peter !inderman spea<in- at t%e <eeynet conference discosin-
current a/aia0e free ener-y sources and past suppressed ener-y tec%noo-y.
'ranscription from M45; for no/1) update6
... next process for production of free %ydro-en is t%e Stan Meyer patent. Here a ot
of peope %a/e not understood reay &%at stan &as doin-. So it9s a met%od for
o0tainin- t%e reease of a fue -as incudin- %ydro-en and oxy-en from &ater; durin-
&%ic% t%e &ater is processed as a dieectric media in an eectrica resonant circuit
'%en %e s%o&s t%e ce; %ere; &%ic% 0asicay consits of concentric cyinders and t%is
... I 0ut %ere is t%e circuit; and 0asicay t%ere is not muc% to at &%at %e is sayin- %e is
puttin- !1E duty cyces puses into t%is transformer and creatin- puses t%at are -oin-
to t%e fue ce &ic% is desi-ned to 0e a capacitor.
.o&; t%e o0/ious pro0em &it% t%is situation is t%is; %e is usin- t%e &ord resonant
%ere; i<e sat and pepper a t%e &ay t%rou-%.
9is is not a resonant circuit; t%is &as part of t%e di/ersion a0out %o& to <eep
peope; %o& %e protected t%e idea &it%out actuay eadin- peope to understand &%at
&as -oin- on; and te /roof tat tis is not a resonant circuit lyes in te blo0in"
diode M %uuuuuuu -us%%
so &%at you can see %ere is &%at %e is reay doin- is t%is; tis system .or0s .itout
electrolyte ,M456 +ir 0ein- t%e dieectric ayer to 0rea<do&n3 I so t%e purpose of it
is; e .ants is .ater to a*e a fearly i" resistance in it; and so; %ere is &%at %e
is -ona do; %e -ot t%is c%o<es; tis co0es are *ery im/ortant 0ecause &%en e /uts
tis inducti*e s/i0es on; %ere; ... .it te diode; &%at %e is doin- is; e is car"in"
tis ca/acitor; and t%e resonant c%o<es are specificay to dam/ te *olta"e s/i0es
tat could /rematurally set tis tin" off.
So &%at %e is doin-; %e is ma0in" sure tat e can car"e tis ca/acitor .it 0ind
of soft /ulses and puse t%e t%in- up; so %e can -et t%is ca/acitor to car"e to te
ma3imum de"ree before te dielectric material# in tis case .ater# creates a
catastro/ic dielectric failure in te ca/acitor
+t &%ic% point; a t%e c%ar-e in t%e capacitor; all te *olta"e in te ca/acitor is
con*erted to am/s as a s%orts out internay; and orderly destroys te .ater it
mo*es trou" and creates massi*e 5uantities of ydro"en and o3y"en.
,minute 3.11 of t%is /ideo3
and as soon as it9s out of t%e &ay; &ater rus%es its 0ac< in; te dielectric constant is
a"ain re;establised; and t%is is &%at9s %appenin-; &%ie t%is is %appenin-; e .aits#
and starts car"in" a"ain.
,s%o&in- of patent pa-e dra&in- pro-ressi/e &ater moecue stretc%in- under puses
a-ain t%is types of" .ere made to confuse /eo/le; you <no& t%e idea of
dra&in- t%is t%in-s are t%at t%ese &ere increasin-y ar-e resonant puses and
e/eryt%in-; t%is is a a 0unc% of ... ; all e is doin" is 8ust li0e any oter *olta"e
multi/lier tat-s used in /ulsin"; a you are oo<in- up is a step ramp c%ar-er on a
capacitor unti it reac%es it9s catastrop%ic faiure; t%at is t%e met%od of t%e Stan
Meyer9s system; and it does produce massi/e amounts of -as for a /ery sma amount
of eectricity.
,minute 4.11 of t%is /ideo3
to Hust reiterate t%at Stan Meyer is of course dead 0ut t%at is broter .ent u/ to
Canada; and started up a ne& com/any called Jo"en; &%ere t%ey %a/e -ot a ne&
patent and are mo/in- for&ardy rapidy on t%e commerciai=ation of t%is tec%noo-y
Here is t%e &e0site +nd you can see %ere To-en9s process does most
si-nificant promesses t%at it &i ma<e economica for %ydro-en to repace car0on
0ased fues; and coud consi/i0y reduce atmosp%eric poution.
+nd %ere a #reGuenty +s<ed Juestions; oo< at Guestion num0er one6
"%at is To-en tec%noo-yL
Jo"en Inc. appied for &ord&ide patents 0ased on researc%s t%at disco/ered
a 0rea<t%rou-% tec%noo-y t%at separates &ater in a usa0e %ydro-en and oxy-en &it%
a modest eectrica input.
,minute !.11 of t%is /ideo3
'%e -as %ydro-en is created on demand at t%e point reGuired; &%ic% eiminates
stora-e and pro/ides transporta0e and afforda0e met%od of production of %ydro-en.
So a-ain %ere is a ne& company mo/in- for&ard &it% t%e same 0asic tec%noo-y. "i
To-en pro/ide a fu discosure of t%eir tec%noo-y L .o &e &on9t.
@ut; it doesn9t matter; I Hust did. ,spectators au-%in- in 0ac<-round3
9is tecnolo"y is real "uys; you <no& a t%e c%emistry 0oo<s t%ast say it ta<es
more eectricity to crac< &ater t%an you can -et out of it. '%ra& out t%is 0oo<s in t%e
fire and try to -et some @'2 out of it M
#ree Ener-y; so 0asicay t%e met%ods for &%at &e ca su/erefficient electrolysis;
&%ic% can create unimited amounts of free %ydro-en for fue
,minute (.11 of t%is /ideo3
&e -ot = 0no.n metods t%at pro0a0y are more. #irst one is :reedman-s
Cemalloy tat absolutly .or0s ,M45 mo/1)6 See pa-e 9&ater 4issociation9 on
t%is &e0site for more info on $%emaoy3
Second one is te Meyer>Jo"en /rocess &%ere you use te electrolysis cell as a
ca/acitor .ic you car"e untill you reac a catastro/ic brea0do.n of te
dielectric material at .ic /oint your *olta"e is 8ust con*erted to am/era"e and
you "et a "i"antic blast of "as; and you can Hust repeat it many times a second.
+nd a-ain it -oes 0ac< to 5ray; it -oes 0ac< to 'esa; it -oes 0ac< to a t%is t%in-s
t%at9s t%e &ay into t%is systems; as a unidirectionnal a//lication of a *olta"e# .ic
ten resol*es as a free ener"y im/ulse of current.
'%is is exacty &%at is -oin- on in t%e Muller DIon (ac0 EM: 'eneratorF; so an
unidirectionnna impuses.
,minute ).11 of t%is /ideo3
'%e t%ird &ay a-ain; ... Muller is doin" tis; %e9s -ot is Ion (ac0 EM: "enerators
sittin- on a 0id en-ine &%ic% ony ta<es a fe& %orsepo&ers to turn it. He is ta<in- a
t%e eectricity from t%at; creatin- %ydro-en and after t%at runniin- t%e en-ine and pus
t%e 0i- oads.
'%ey are doin- no&; at industria e/e; and off course you can aso ta<e a your
outputs from permanent ma-net transformer; damped in an eectroytic ce of any
type you &ant; ma<in- free %ydro-en; and aso @edini9s system; &%ere &e s%o& t%at
%e &as pusin- t%e i-%t 0u0 &%en %e &as c%ar-in- %is 0attery; if you put an
eectroysis ce and t%at on; you can ma<e %ydro-en &%ie you are c%ar-in- your
,minute *.11 of t%is /ideo3 .ot a t%e end of t%is /ideo is transcripted 0ecause I found
it not important on a tec%nica consideration.
B<; ets ta< a0out emer-in- mar<ets ... free ener-y systems are reac%in- t%e mar<et
today; ... t%in-s are c%an-in- in t%e &od ... &e are not -oin- to as< t%em; if you don9t
as< for permission; t%ey can9t say no.... on remote minin-; and ot%er remote acti/ities;
oi companies are -oin- to ta<e po&er pants 0ased on Muer system; and t%ey are
runnin- t%e on0oard eectrica -eneration on 0i- oi patforms; in pace of staff i<e
petro; t%ey are runnin- on superefficient eectroysis.
'%is t%in-s are -oin- in no&; don9t expect t%e -o/ernment to sanction t%is ... t%e
-o/ernment can9t admitt it9s %appenin-; 0ut it can9t stop it anymore ...
P from Panacea:0ocaf.or- %ttp6DD&&&.panacea:
0ocaf.or-D8esearc%and4e/eopment.%tm 6
Peter !inderman $Sc 0ecame interested in #ree Ener-y in 1F)3; &%en %e &as
introduced to t%e &or< of 'ray. @y 1F*1; %e %ad de/eoped %is o&n free
ener-y systems 0ased on /aria0e reuctance and pused motor desi-ns. 4urin- t%e
1F*1s; %e &or<ed off and on &it% 0ot% (ruce $ePalma anot%er researc%er &%ose
de/ices &as suppressed and Eric $ollard. In 1F**; %e Hoined t%e (oard of $irectors
at (orderland Sciences Researc :oundation; and ser/ed unti 1FFF.
4urin- t%is period %e aut%ored more t%an 21 artices on /arious aternati/e topics suc%
as Radionics# Eet;!a"# !a0o*s0yKs MW7# and :ree Ener"y. $urrenty; 4r.
Lindemann is a researc associate of te late $r. Robert &dams anot%er pioneer in
aternati/e ener-y de/ices in .e& >eaand; and 9re*or Eames Constable in t%e 2S+.
He is aso $irector of Researc for is o.n com/any# Clear 9ec# Inc..
--------------------------------------------- Return to the top
PP Water as :uel# by &dmiral Sir &ntony 'riffin# Se/t 1BB< from 9"aterfue
'ec% +dmV1W. 5riffin on "#$ P!(.pdf9 ,313 Ao3 at
'%e foo&in- is an extract from t%e ecture -i/en 0y +dmira Sir +nt%ony 5riffin to
t%e Marine 4i/ision of t%e Sout%ampton Institute; "arsas%; 2A; as part of t%e
symposium on t%e Impact of .e& 'ec%noo-y on t%e Marine Industries; Septem0er
P Practical $emonstrations6 Many practica demonstrations of "ater #ue $e
tec%noo-y %a/e aready 0een made and more are panned. Most of Meyers9 patents
&ere filed under a /articular clause of te ,S Patent Re"ulations .ic re5uires
a claim to be demonstrated before it can be "ranted.
P 9e 1BA6 Patent6 '%e first and pro0a0y t%e most freGuenty demonstrated patent is
0ased on t%e actua eGuipment used in 1F*1 to support Meyer9s caim for %is %ydro-en
fracturin- process. I %a/e no& personay &itnessed it 4 times.
In outine; t%e apparatus consists of B concentric stainless steel cylinders# .it
about a 1 mm "a/ bet.een tem. 9ey are 1= inces lon" and are effecti*ely
.a*e"uides. '%ey are immersed in ta/ .ater contained in a -ass /esse. '%e top of
t%e /esse is normay -as ti-%t 0ut %as a pressure -au-e and a /a/e to ao& -as to
pass to atmosp%ere &%en reGuired.
Eectrica po&er .it o//osite /olarities is appied in /ulses to t%e inner and outer
cyinders and at a / of 16 .atts# i.e. 2 *olts at 2 am/s. + considerable
5uantity of "as immediately accumulates in t%e top of t%e /esse and; .itin 16
seconds# reaces a /ressure of about 16 /ounds /er s5uare inc.
"%en t%e /a/e is opened; a Het of cod -as can 0e fet; 0ut on t%is 0ein- it &it% a
matc%; t%e tem/erature instantly rises to about <#666
: and t%e fame 0urns
t%rou-% a stainess stee &ire in a0out 2 seconds. '%e -ass /esse and its attac%ements
remain at room tem/erature trou"out# tus rulin" out any normal electrolytic
/rocess. Painy; t%e -eneration of suc% a Guantity of -as and its immediate
appication at suc% a %i-% temperature; demands more t%an 11 &atts of eectrica
ener-y. #urt%ermore; as t%e stainess stee cyinders %a/e not noticea0y 0een
consumed o/er se/era years; te balance of te ener"y re5uired can only come
from te Lero;Point Ener"y in te .ater.
Meyer points out t%at all te /arameters in*ol*ed in tis demonstration a*e been
deliberately de;o/timised# e.". 2 *olts instead of 26#666 *olts and 2 am/s instead
of 6.2 milliam/# 1= inc tubes instead of an o/timum of 2@ inc tubes; etc. in
order to ao& t%e principe of t%e &ater fracturin- process to 0e demonstrated &it%out
ris< of exposion.
P 9e 1BA2 $une (u""y6 In 1F*!; a dune 0u--y po&ered 0y a standard 1;(11 cc
Co<s&a-en en-ine &as modified t%rou-% "ater #ue $e tec%noo-y to run on &ater
fue. It &as a 0read0oard Guaity experiment &%ic% &as successfuy demonstrated as
0roadcast on +merican 'C and reported in t%e press. + /ideo tape record is %ed 0y
London 2ni/ersity.
P 9e 1BB< $une (u""y6 '%is &i 0e t%e first demonstration of a compete system;
manufactured to a pre:production standard as a con/ersion <it for a typica car. '%e
ri- is desi-ned for po&ers up to 411%p and; in production; Meyer expects to mar<et it
for 1;!11 2S4. '%e date %as yet to 0e setted; 0ut is expected to 0e &it%in t%e next 2
mont%s in B%io.
Pitures !ro" youtu#e vi$eo %&rigina' Meyer (ater )ue' *e'' +,--0%+
#oo& dia-rams of t%e 9Hyperdri/e >PE Impeed "ater 4emonstrator9; si=e
*Nx*Nx2N approx. ,see pdf document3
P 9e 9eory of Water :uel Cell 9ecnolo"y6 '%is 0e-ins &it% t%e 0asic structures
of %ydro-en and oxy-en atoms and %o& t%ey are com0ined in t%e &ater moecue.
.ote t%e or0ita pat%s of t%e eectrons and t%eir 9s%es9I t%e ma-netic poarity of an
eectron and a nuceusI and t%e space occupied 0y t%e so:caed /acuum.
.ote t%e presence of t%e t&o %ydro-en eectrons in t%e 9L9 s%e of t%e oxy-en atom.
'%ese are <no&n as t%e co/aent eectrons &%ic% are 0onded in position 0y
considera0e eectrica force. In t%e case of norma eectroysis; t%e ener-y needed to
0rea< t%ese 0onds and produce separate %ydro-en and oxy-en atoms from &ater; is
rou-%y t%ree times t%e ener-y of t%e %ydro-en reeased. It is t%us a %i-%y inefficient
process 0ecause of t%e considera0e amount of &aste %eat &%ic% is -enerated.
'%e ener-y extracted from &ater 0y t%e "ater #ue $e deri/es from t.o distinct#
but *irtually simultaneous /rocesses. '%e first is t%e %ydro-en fracturin- process
&%ic% dissociates t%e %ydro-en -as from t%e &ater moecue. '%e second is t%e
eectron ionisation process &%ic% en%ances t%e exposi/e ener-y of t%e -ases reeased.
,M45 no/1)6 may 0e an expanation of t%e Hydroxy -as stran-e properties ...3
P 9e Hydro"en :racturin" Process6 '%e 0asis of t%is process is t%e sub8ection of
te .ater molecule to *ery i" *olta"e D26#666MF /ulses at a /articular
fre5uency and &it%in positi/ey and ne-ati/ey c%ar-ed /ota-e =ones at a *ery lo.
current of less tan 1 milliam/.
'%e effect is to attract t%e ne-ati/ey c%ar-ed eectrons to&ards t%e positi/e /ota-e
=one and t%e positi/ey c%ar-ed nuceus to&ards t%e ne-ati/e =one. '%e eectron
or0ita pat% is c%an-ed from a circe to an eipse and t%is; couped &it% t%e effect of
pusin-; causes suc% eectrica stress on t%e moecue t%at t%e co/aent 0onds 0et&een
t%e %ydro-en and oxy-en atoms are 0ro<en and t%e 2 -ases separated. '%ereafter; t%ey
reGuire su0stantia ener-y to 0e appied 0efore t%ey can 0e recom0ined. @ecause t%e
current is so o&; /ery itte %eat is -enerated. It is &ort% notin- t%at; &ei-%t for
&ei-%t; %ydro-en contains a0out 2.! times t%e ener-y of -asoine and t%e atent
ener-y in t%e %ydro-en content of a pint of &ater amounts to o/er F miion ?oues; or
enou-% to run a 1A" %eater for 2.! %ours.
P E3/losi*e Ener"y Enancement6 '&o distinct Guestions arise o/er exposi/e
ener-y en%ancement. #irst; &%ere does t%e additiona ener-y come fromL +nd second;
%o& is it to 0e o0tained and controedL
'%e ans&er to t%e first Guestion is t%e so:caed /acuum &it%in t%e eectron s%es. #or
many years t%is /acuum &as re-arded as a /oid. @ut ?ames $er< Max&e; in %is
9'reatise on Eectricity and Ma-netism9 pu0is%ed in 1*)3; pointed out ,/o 2 pa-es
4)2 and 4)33 t%at t%e /acuum in fact contains a considera0e amount of ener-y.
Su0seGuent &or< 0ears t%is out and it is no& -eneray accepted t%at t%e /acuum is in
fact seet%in- &it% ener-y &%ic% %as /ariousy descri0ed as; for exampe; 9uni/ersa
ener-y9; 9-ra/ity fied ener-y9; or 9=ero:point ener-y9. ?o%n +rc%i0ad "%eeer of
Princeton 2ni/ersity; a eadin- p%ysicist &%o &or<ed on t%e 2S atomic 0om0 proHect;
%as cacuated t%at t%e fux density of =ero:point ener-y is of t%e order of 11
per cm
. It is aso reco-nised t%at t%e state of t%is so:caed 9sea of ener-y9 is c%aotic.
Hence it needs to 0e 9en-ineered9 or made co%erent 0efore it can 0e transated from a
microscopic to a macroscopic state. In ot%er &ords; it reGuires specia treatment
0efore it can 0e tapped and controed for norma externa use.
Carious ans&ers; mosty t%eoretica; %a/e 0een -i/en to t%e second Guestion. 8ecent
exampes incude Iya Pri-o-ine9s 0oo< 9Brder But of $%aos9 &%ic% descri0es t%e
&or< &%ic% &on %im t%e .o0e Pri=e for $%emistry in 1F)); Moray @. Ain-9s
9'appin- t%e >ero:Point Ener-y9; 4r. ?. Hu0er9s paper 9P%enomena of t%e #ree Ener-y
in .ature and 'ec%noo-y9; ?o%n 4a/idson9s 9'%e Secret of '%e $reati/e Cacuum9 and;
from t%e Aansas State 2ni/ersity; 5ary L. ?o%nson9s 9Eectricay Induced Exposions
in "ater9. Some 31 supposedy practica de/ices %a/e 0een made or su--ested o/er
t%e past *1 years; 0ut at%ou-% some %a/e 0een demonstrated; none %as 0een
de/eoped or en-ineered to a pre:production standard.
Meyer9s "ater #ue $e tec%noo-y stands out as t%e ony apparent exception. It %as
encounteres deep scepticism 0ut no ar-ued reHection. Indeed; an increasin- num0er of
scientists and en-ineers in t%e 2S+; Europe and +sia; accept t%e tec%noo-y and are
prepared to in/est in it on t%e 0asis of current e/idence. + practica demonstration is
in fact due to ta<e pace &it%in t%e next fe& &ee<s; 0ased on a fuy desi-ned system;
en-ineered to a pre:production standard and fitted to a runnin- 9dune 0u--y9.
'%e tec%nica 0asis for Meyer9s extraction and contro of =ero:point ener-y ies mainy
in t%e effect produced on an atomic nuceus 0y continuation of t%e same %i-% /ota-e
pusin- t%at causes t%e dissociation of t%e &ater moecue. '%e nuceus consists of one
or more positi/ey c%ar-ed protons 0ound to-et%er &it% a num0er of neutray c%ar-ed
neutrons. '%e eectrica effect of t%e eectron pumpin- action mentioned earier;
causes an annuus to appear in t%e midde of t%e nuceus. '%e =ero:point ener-y is
dra&n t%rou-% t%e annuus in an %eica motion and in so doin-; 0ecomes co%erent
and %ence a usa0e source of ener-y. '%e /ota-e dictates t%e si=e of t%e annuus; and
%ence contros t%e ener-y o0tained. Since t%e 0asic structure of t%e atom is retained;
no ap%a or -amma radiation occurs. '%e effect mi-%t 0e iustrated 0y a 0at% fu of
&ater. So on- as t%e pu- is in pace; t%e &ater remains sti and apparenty
po&eress. Ho&e/er; &%en t%e pu- is remo/ed; t%e &ater s&irs a&ay &it% a %eica
motion do&n t%e pu- %oe and; under t%e infuence of -ra/ity; forms a po&erfu Het
&%ic% can 0e directed to do &or<.
Meyer furt%er stimuates t%e ener-y yied 0y inHectin- aser ener-y into t%e ionised
&ater /apour. + dia-ram of t%e ener-y en%ancement system is s%o&n in #i-ure F6
'%e %ydro-en fracturin- process and t%e ener-y en%ancement of t%e -as occurs amost
simutaneousy &it%in t%e fue inHector. '%is; in an interna com0ustion petro or diese
en-ine; repaces an existin- spar< pu- or diese fue inHector; and t%e output is i-nited
0y a %i-% /ota-e puse on entry into t%e cyinder. $onseGuenty; t%e %ydro-en does
not %a/e to 0e stored and t%e fue tan<s of and or air /e%ices contain not%in- 0ut
&ater. Cesses foatin- on &ater need no fue tan<s. '%e system is t%us not ony
extremey safe; 0ut aso inexpensi/e. Meyer %as Guoted t%e in:production cost of a
con/ersion <it for a 1;(11cc Co<s&a-en en-ined car as 1;!112S4 ,1FF3 2S4
2. 9e Water :uel Cell and te :irst and Second !a.s of
'%e "ater #ue $e tec%noo-y encounters a credi0iity -ap 0ecause it appears to run
counter to t%e on- esta0is%ed a&s -o/ernin- our interpretation of .ature. Some
peope t%erefore reHect t%e "ater #ue $e 0ecause it appears to 0e un:natura and Hust
one more spurious caim for perpetua motion. In fact; t%e "ater #ue $e is entirey
natura. It merey demonstrates a ne& and re/outionary &ay of %arnessin- &%at
nature %as a&ays %ad on offer. It does not infrin-e t%e t&o main a&s of
t%ermodynamics; i.e.6
: 9e :irst !a.6 9'%e tota ener-y of a t%ermodynamic system remains constant
at%ou-% it may 0e transformed from one form to anot%er9.
In t%e case of "#$ tec%noo-y; t%e system is -o0a. '%e ener-y reGuired to dri/e t%e
en-ine comes from t%e >PE contained in t%e &ater; a /irtuay inex%austi0e source.
'%e ex%aust from t%e en-ine is &ater /apour &%ic% returns to t%e atmosp%ere.
: 9e Second !a.6 +s ori-inay formuated 0y 8. $ausius in 1*(!; t%is a& states
t%at 9'%e entropy of t%e "ord stri/es to&ards a maximum9. +s recenty formuated 0y
Pri-o-ine and Sten-ers; t%is a& 9contains t&o fundamenta eements6 ,13 a ne-ati/e
one t%at expresses t%e impossi0iity of certain processes ,e.-. %eat fo&in- from a cod
to a %ot source3 and ,23 a positi/e; constructi/e one. It is t%e impossi0iity of certain
processes t%at permits us to introduce a function; entropy; &%ic% increases uniformy
and 0e%a/es as an attractor for isoated systems9. It is at maximum &%en t%e system is
in eGuii0rium. .on:eGuii0rium is t%e source of order and 0rin-s order out of c%aos.
Since "#$ tec%noo-y postuates non:eGuii0rium; it can 0e said to 0e supported 0y
t%e positi/e eement of t%is La&.
P 9e *eicle System6 '%e system starts &it% a norma 12C car 0attery and a tan<
fu of &ater ,sat; frs% or distied3. 2nder computer contro; t%e Cota-e Intensifier
$ircuit is ener-ised 0y t%e 0attery to -enerate %i-% /ota-e puses at a /ery o&
current; X1 miiamp; t%e /ota-e 0ein- responsi/e to t%e t%rotte. Simutaneousy;
&ater and am0ient air are mixed into a &ater mist &%ic% is inHected &it% aser ener-y
and fed to eac% fue inHector. '%ere it is su0Hect to %i-% /ota-e puses &%ic%; /irtuay
simutaneousy; ead to t%e separation of t%e %ydro-en and oxy-en -ases; and t%e
exposi/e ener-y en%ancement. + specia %i-% /ota-e puse; appied at t%e exit of t%e
fue inHector; i-nites t%e -ases as t%ey enter t%e cyinder. '%e system is outined in
fi-ure 11.,see sc%ema #i-ure 113
: 9e :uel In8ector6 '%is %i-%y inno/ati/e de/eopment accounts for t%e
compactness of t%e /e%ice con/ersion <it ,M45 no/1)6see picture 0eo& on t%e
&e0pa-e3. It repaces t%e 9resonant ca/ity unit9 &%ic% formed a reati/ey 0u<y and
expensi/e component of t%e system as ori-inay desi-nedI eiminates t%e need for a
specia %ydro-en conduit 0et&een t%e ca/ity unit and t%e fue inHection systemI and
reduces t%e /ariety of suc% systems 0y ao&in- any adHustments to 0e made t%rou-% a
ne&y desi-ned uni/ersa computer. + sc%ematic dia-ram is s%o&n %ere6
P &//lications6 In t%is current state of de/eopment; &%ic% is to a pre:production
standard of en-ineerin-; t%e "#$ tec%noo-y can pro/ide a safe; economica and
poution free source of uni/ersa ener-y for a interna com0ustion petro or diese
en-ines of up to 411%orsepo&er. In addition; it can 0e readiy adapted to -as tur0ines
,0ot% marine and aeria3; to desaination pants; %ome %eatin- 0oiers and industria
furnaces. & $ublin food /rocessin" com/any is no.# .it Iris 'o*ernment
su//ort# manufacturin" a .ater;fuelled furnace under licence from Meyer. "%en
"#$ tec%noo-y reac%es its fu production sta-e; Meyer intends to mar<et a ran-e of
con/ersion <its.
5i/en some con/entiona en-ineerin- de/eopment; "ater #ue $e tec%noo-y coud
0e appied to /ery muc% %i-%er po&ers; suc% as eectricity -eneratin- pants ,0ot%
fossi and nucear fueed3; so& speed dieses; and space roc<ets.
In a t%ese cases; ener-y &oud 0e in t%e form of %ydro-en; o0tained from t%e
dissociation of &ater; couped &it% >ero:Point Ener-y itsef t%rou-% ener-y
en%ancement. Mean&%ie; Meyer %as a furt%er de/eopment in %and %e cas
P Hy/erdri*e6 '%is ne& de/eopment does not reGuire t%e -eneration of %ydro-en
and its su0seGuent com0ustion. It appies t%e ener-y; made a/aia0e eectricay from
%i-% /ota-e pusin- of t%e >ero:Point Ener-y #ied; directy to t%e -eneration of a
&ater Het. It does not reGuire an en-ine and %as no mo/in- parts. '%e po&er e/e is
-o/erned; as 0efore; 0y t%e appied /ota-e. 4irection is controed 0y feedin- t%e Het
t%rou-% manoeu/rin- no==es suc% as t%ose fitted to t%e Harrier Cto aircraft and to
space roc<ets. It is t%erefore of specia si-nificance to marine transport.
P &utor-s (io"ra/y6 +dmira Sir +nt%ony 5riffin &as a re-uar executi/e officer
in t%e 8oya .a/y for 42 years; t%e ast ! of &%ic% &ere spent as $ontroer of t%e
.a/y &it% responsi0iity for t%e de/eopment and construction of a surface s%ips;
su0marines; aircraft and &eapons. 8etired from 8. in 1F)! to 0ecome first $%airman
of @ritis% S%ip0uiders from 1F)!:1F*1I President of t%e 8oya Institution of .a/a
+rc%itects 1F*1:1F*4; and founder mem0er of t%e @ritis% Maritime Lea-ue and t%e
@ritis% Maritime $%arita0e #oundation in 1F*2.
--------------------------------------------- Return to the top
PP E3clusi*e Pictures from Meyer systems from 9MeyerP%otosExtracted.rar9
,.rarU.=ip (.4 Mo3 at %ttp6DDmy.opera.comD%2eart%D0o-Dcy0rarium
it was !or RE./ !
?. Stanley Meyer Patents
See :
: Ha/e it 6 Mana-ement system for I$ en-ine usin- %ydro-en -as 1FF1 2S:!2F3*!):
+ "B:F21*14(:+1 +2:F1(**)1:+
: Ha/e it 6 #ue -as production &it% en%anced t%erma ener-y reease 1F*) 2S:
!14F41):+ EP:3*1)22:+; EP:3*1)22:+4 "B:*F12)14:+ ?P:3!11142:" +2:
: Ha/e it 6 #ue -as production &it% en%anced t%erma ener-y reease 1F*) 2S:
4F3(F(1:+ EP:3*1)22:+; EP:3*1)22:+4 "B:*F12)14:+ ?P:3!11142:" +2:
: Ha/e it 6 $ontroed t%erma ener-y production from -ases 1F*( 2S:4*2(!*1:+ EP:
333*!4:+; EP:333*!4:+4 "B:*F114(4:+
: Ha/e it 6 5enerator producin- %ydro-en:oxy-en mixture from &ater 1F*! 2S:
: Ha/e it 6 Eectrica puse -enerator for po&er suppy 1F*3 2S:4(13))F:+
: Ha/e it 6 5as eectrica %ydro-en -enerator 1F*4 2S:4(13314:+
: Ha/e it 6 Start:upDs%ut:do&n system for %ydro-en -as 0urner 1F*2 2S:44(!4!!:+
: Ha/e it 6 Hydro-en -as 0urner &it% controed recircuation 1F*2 2S:44214)4:+
: Ha/e it 6 Hydro-en -as inHector system for I$ en-ine 1F*2 2S:43*FF*1:+ $+:
12333)F:+ EP:*(43F:+; EP*(43F:@ 4E:33*11)(:5
: 4oesn9t %a/e it 6 Li-%t:-uide ense assem0y for soar ener-y concentration 1F*1
: 4oesn9t %a/e it 6 Muti:sta-e soar stora-e system 1F*1 2S:42(!224:+
: Ha/e it 6 Soar %eatin- system 1F)( 2S:3F)11)1:+
: Ha/e it 6 $on/ertin- &ater to fue containin- %ydro-en : 0y su0Hectin- &ater mist to
unipoar pusin- eectrica si-na 1FF1 $+:21())3!:+ "B:F222()F:+1 ?P:)!1!1*(:
" +2:F1*44)1:+
: Ha/e it 6 $om0ustion system &it% controed mixin- of ,non3 /oatie -ases 1F*4
$+:1231*)2:+ EP:1224)2:+
: Ha/e it 6 Hydro-en oxy-en -enerator : %as direct current /ota-e appied to pair of
non:oxidisin- meta pates immersed in &ater 1F*2 $+:1234))4:+ EP:111!)3:+ ?P:
: Ha/e it 6 Eectrica -enerator empoyin- %ydro-en -as -enerator 1F*2 $+:122**33:
+ EP:11(F1):+ ?P:!F132)*4:+; ?P:!F14*!*4:+
: Ha/e it 6 Hydro-en:oxy-en -enerator &it% controed -as 0urnin- 1F*2 $+:
123!((F:+ EP:111)(1:+; EP:111)(1:@ 4E:32*1143:5
: Ha/e it 6 Eectrica po&er transformer usin- ma-netised partices 1F*2 $+:
1213()1:+ EP:F**F):+ ?P:!*21)(11:+
: Ha/e it 6 .on:eectroytic separation of %ydro-en and oxy-en from &ater 1F*2 EP:
: Ha/e it 6 $ontro and dri/er circuits for fue -as ce 1FF1 "B:F21)*(1:+1 +2:
: Ha/e it 6 +pparatus for non:eectroytic production of %ydro-en from &ater 1F*4
$+:1234))3:+ ?P:!F1!F**F:+; ?P:F114!1111:@
: Ha/e it 6 $om0ustion system usin- %ydro-en:oxy-en -enerator
--------------------------------------------- Return to the top
P 7ter lin0s about MEYER 6 %ttp6DDcountrycoast.comD&ater0u--y.%tm :
: %ttp6DD&&&.padra<.comDineD.E.K4K11K1.%tm :
: %ttp6DD&&&.&asserauto.deD%tmDstaneyKmeyer.%tm :
: %ttp6DD&&&.pau<em0e.comDstan3.%tm :
: %ttp6DD&&&.)))111.comDindex.p%pDPersons6StanKMeyer :
: %ttp6DD&&&.fortunecity.comD-reenfiedD0pD1(Dfreeener-ycircuit.%tm :
PPP &&R7)>%IM&)1< REP!IC& of Stan Meyer: ,pa-e created at .o/em0er
211) 2pdate3
PP &aron Mura0ami Dcalled %iman1< on anoter forumF .or0 on Stan Meyer
Re/lication 6
P 'ranscription of +aron youtu0e /ideo -(ac0 EM: *s Colla/sed S/i0es-# /osted
Se/tember 62# 266@: %ttp6DDyoutu0e.comD&atc%L/UFKr/?J02S47
$oapsed Spi<e /s. @ac< EM# : &&&.Ener-etic#orum.comDEner-y
#or a coi &it% .B8'H fied at t%e top; &ind i<e t%is6
"%en puttin- PL2S to t%e top and .E5+'ICE to 0ottom; you -et t%e .B8'H fied
at t%e top
"%en you disconnect po&er; fied coapses and re/erses poarity.
SB2'H &i t%en 0e at t%e 'BP D .B8'H &i t%en 0e at t%e @B''BM
4urin- t%e acti/e process of c%ar-in- t%e coi &%ie current is mo/in-; LE.> L+"
ex%i0its itsef as @+$A EM#
"%at is LE.>9s L+"L
9'%e ma-netic fied of any induced current opposes t%e c%an-e t%at induces it9.
"%at is @+$A EM# or $EM# ,counter EM#3L
9EM# t%e pus%es a-ainst current &%ic% induces it; is caused 0y a c%an-in-
eectroma-netic fied.9
So &e see t%at 9@+$A EM#9 is %appenin- 428I.5 t%e +$'ICE process of c%ar-in-
a coi.
Here is a /isuai=ation of @+$A EM# 428I.5 t%e +PPLIE4 B. P2LSE.
+#'E8 t%e po&er to a coi is disconnected or turned B##; t%e fied coapses in
re/erse poarity causin- a 9spi<e9.
1. Po&er appied to coi and @+$A EM# opposes it
2. Po&er is turned off anf fied coapses
"%en t%e coi is 0ein- c%ar-ed; t%e oop is $LBSE4 for t%at moment. "%en cosed;
current can fo&.
"%en po&er is disconnected from coi; t%e oops is BPE. and &%en open ...
+s< yoursef6 9Ho& muc% $288E.' can fo& &%en oop is openL9
+s< yoursef6 9If no current can fo&; %o& muc% @+$A EM# is opposin- no currentL9
+s< yoursef6 9If t%e oop is open and t%ere is no current; %o& can t%ere 0e any @+$A
"%en po&er is disconnected; ma-netic fied coapses /ery fast &it% %i-% /ota-e
potentia and no current.
@+$A EM# %appens 428I.5 appication of po&er to c%ar-e coi. 'HE.; fied
coapses +#'E8 po&er is disconnected.
Many peope tin<erin- in t%e 9free ener-y9 fied is often ta<in- a0out t%e coapsed
spi<es as @+$A EM#
8efer t%em to t%is /ideo B8 %a/e t%em /isit6 &&&.ener-eticforum.comDrene&a0e:
: comment ? 0y Giman13 ,%ttp6DDyoutu0e.comDuserDGiman133 6 a-ain you are
mista<en. t%e dia-ram is correct. '%ere are 3 ,'H8EE3 fo&s o/er a &ire. Pos
potentia mo/es o/er t%e coi from t%e Q on t%e input source to t%e : on t%e input
source. .e- potentia mo/es o/er coi from : on input source to pos on input source.
'%e eectrons mo/e from input source : direction to t%e Q on t%e input source and are
donated 0y t%e copper atoms in t%e &ire itsef and not from t%e 0attery.
: comment @ 0y Giman13 ,%ttp6DDyoutu0e.comDuserDGiman133 6 Exacty as s%o&n; if
t%e &ire is &rapped around t%e core as s%o&n and you appy a 0attery as s%o&n; you
&i -et a .B8'H fied at t%e top and any caim to t%e contrary is a0soutey
: comment 16 0y 8oad8unnerLaser
,%ttp6DD&&&.youtu0e.comDuserD8oad8unnerLaser3 6 Hoo:0oody:ray MMM #y0ac<
/ota-e M '%an< you.
+t%ou-%; I t%in< t%at most of t%ese 9#E experimenters9 &oudn9t <no& fy0ac< /ota-e
from 0ac< EM# from a smac< in t%e face &it% a tuna M Most peope use t%e term 0ac<
EM# &it%out reaisin- t%at t%ey are usin- t%e &ron- term e/en t%ou-% t%ey are reay
meanin- fy0ac< /ota-e.
--------------------------------------------- Return to the top
P 'ranscription of +aron youtu0e /ideo -Water :uel Cell DW:CF ; conditionin" te
tubes-# added +u-ust 22; 211); 4.!1 minutes6
"ater #ue $e ,"#$3 0y +aron Mura<ami 9$onditionin- t%e 'u0es9
'314 SS 'u0es; Positi/e ,Q3 outside tu0es I .e-ati/e ,:3 inside tu0es I 1mm -ap
spaced &D&ire insuation
Po&er %ittin- t%e ce is6 121H= ,pused 4$3; 4.)4 Cots Y 2 +mps U F.4* "atts
"%ite po&der coatin- /isi0e on inner tu0es; &%ic% are ne-ati/e poarity. 7ou must
%a/e -ood coatin- for optimum efficiency.
More info; /isit ... &&&.ener-eticforum.comDrene&a0e:ener-y
or t%e #8EE Mem0ers Bny section &&&.ener-eticforum.comDener-y I I posted
sc%ematics and ot%er info t%ere
"%ite 4ra-on Press &&&.& I @oo< comin- soon to expain t%e
science in simpe terms
9. Stans Circuits Pictures and Videos
--------------------------------------------- Return to the top
P 'ranscription of +aron youtu0e /ideo -Stan Meyer W:C (ifilar Co0es-# posted
+u-ust 2); 211)6 %ttp6DDyoutu0e.comD&atc%L/Uo=p8.pM(#GM
Stan Meyer "#$ I @ifiar $%o<e I Eary +naysis
E/eryone as<s ... Ho& is t%e 0ifiar c%o<e &ound LLL +nd %o& is it connectedLLL
7ou see t%e foo&in- in t%e dia-rams suc% as in t%e tec% 0rief6
'%at &as t%e 0are 0ones pic in fi- 3:22 in t%e tec% 0rief
7ou can see t%e c%o<es at t%e top and 0ottom 0efore t%e ce
pa-e (:3 in tec% 0rief6 9&%ic% are axiay ,spiraed3 @ifiar &ound a0out core 0o00in9
pa-e ):! in tec% 0rief6 9@ot% Inductors ,L1DL23 are @ifiar &ound in eGua en-t%9
pa-e ):11 in tec% 0rief69eac% c%o<e:coi ,L1DL23 0ein- of t%e same impedance /aue
since 0ot% coi:&raps ,!(D(23 are @ifiar &ound to-et%er onto a sin-e spoo:0o00in.9
pa-e 11:1 in tec% 0rief6 9'%e +mp In%i0itin- $ircuit ,F)13 of #i-ure ,11:13 as to ,(F13
of #i-ure ,):*3 is composed of t&o copper &ires 9@ifiar9 &ound ,&rapped39
pa-e 11:2 in tec% 0rief6 9CI$ @ifiar "rap $oi:+ssem0y ,11:3@3 and CI$ 4ua $oi
"rap:+ssem0y ,11:3+3 0ot% utii=e9
Here is a simpe dia-ram t%at s%o&s it ceary 0ased on &%at appears to 0e in t%e tec%
Positi/e puse -oes t%rou-% 0oc<in- diode
Positi/e puse t%en %its one of t%e 0ifiar c%o<e cois
'%is coi 0ecomes .B8'H c%ar-ed at t%e end t%e diode is attac%ed to
'%e positi/e puse %its t%e positi/e outside tu0e
Positi/e puse %its t%e &ater
Positi/e puse potentia %its t%e ne-ati/e inside tu0e
Positi/e puse potentia %its t%e ot%er c%o<e coi &ire connected to t%e ne-ati/e tu0e
ma<in- t%at end .B8'H
@ot% &ires are &rapped t%e S+ME &ay. Meyer9s dia-rams s%o& t%e coi &i 0e
.B8'H at t%e end of t%e positi/e potentia.
'%e positi/e puse t%en %its t%e ne-ati/e side of t%e secondary transformer coi durin-
t%e B. puse
'%e positi/e c%o<e %as .B8'H +' B.E E.4 and t%e ne-ati/e c%o<e %as .B8'H
5et more detais at6 %ttp6DD&&&.ener-eticforum.comDener-y
: comment 1 0y Giman13 ,%ttp6DDyoutu0e.comDuserDGiman133 6 &irin- s%o&n may not
0e i<e t%is 0ut if you %a/e a 0ifiar c%o<e; you can a&ays s&itc% &irin-. one point
Meyer says 11.(< o%ms per c%o<e... t%at is a0out 4!11 feet on- or more of 44 a&-
&ire.. T 2 is a ot of &ire. so ma<e sure you 0uid 0i- c%o<es or your &astin- your
time if you reay &ant to dupicate meyer.
: comment 2 0y Giman13 ,%ttp6DDyoutu0e.comDuserDGiman133 6 for-et t%e part in t%e
dia-ram a0out t%e fieds 0ein- opposed...t%at I 0eie/e c%an-es on t%e ne-ati/e side
0ecause of t%e &fc capacitor. 0ut a ese stay same. t%is is t%e 4$ resonance tesa
ta<s a0out and not seria resonance &it% t%e cap i<e a tan< circuit; &%ic% it is not
,see t%e 0oc<in- diode3LL
: comment @ 0y Giman13 ,%ttp6DDyoutu0e.comDuserDGiman133 6 t%an<s; I &oudn9t %a/e
paid attention to it too muc% if it &asn9t for t%e peope in t%e %2eart% dot or- s<ype
c%atroom. &oud Hust i<e to see a t%e experimenters doin- it i<e t%is. t%e type of
&ire and specs on it are in t%e tec% 0rief as far as type of &ire; a&-; etc... /arious
specs on t%e core as &e..possi0y some air core. %e sais t%e I frame core restricted
amps t%e 0est.
: comment A 0y Giman13 ,%ttp6DDyoutu0e.comDuserDGiman133 6 If oo<in- carefuy at
fi- 11:3@; you can see t%at t%e direction t%e &ires are comin- off t%e coi &%en Q is
put t%rou-% t%e diode and %its one of t%e c%o<e cois; it &i 0e .ort% at t%at end. Most
of %is dra&in-s s%o& t%is. In fi-ure 3:23; resonant c%ar-in- c%o<e P!( is dra&n
incorrecty , is &ound different from e/eryt%in- ese %e s%o&s.
--------------------------------------------- Return to the top
P 'ranscription of +aron youtu0e /ideo -Water :uel Cell ; 'as N Stan Meyer
Re/lication :ree Ener"y-# added +u-ust 11; 211)6
Po&erfu 5as from 'ap "ater
Pastic pasta Har &it% stainess stee concentric tu0es fied &it% tap &ater from my
<itc%en sin<.
.B +44E4 ELE$'8BL7'ES.
Input po&er is pused 3( "atts ,12 Cots at 3 +mps3.
Producin- enormous amount of po&erfu 9@ro&n9s 5as9 Staney Meyer stye.
@uit 0y +aron Mura<imi
#or more info; /isit ... %ttp6DD&&&.ener-eticforum.comDrene&a0e:ener-y
and %ttp6DD-roups.ya%oo.comD-roupDradiant%2o
: comment ? 0y Giman13 ,%ttp6DDyoutu0e.comDuserDGiman133 6 '%e &ater at my
<itc%en sin< comes from an aGuifer. So &%ate/er mineras are naturay occurrin- in
t%e &ater is &%at I am usin-.
: comment 16 0y Giman13 ,%ttp6DDyoutu0e.comDuserDGiman133 6 I &i post ater %o&
to reay see &%at Stan Meyer &as doin- and t%e @edini circuits are t%e <ey to t%e
&%oe t%in-.
--------------------------------------------- Return to the top
P &aron-s W:C Circuit6
P &aron-s Cell Pictures from %is a0um at imaaronall-s /otos
8 Aaron's Posts about Meyer Bifilar
7n Ener"etic :orum from fie &aronOmeyerObifilar./df
Ener-y '%e %o& to of free:ener-y tec%noo-ies. Incudin- @edini; Stan Meyer and
ot%er circuits and more. Peter Lindemann proHects and ot%er info you &on9t find
any&%ere ese on t%e internet.
: &aron# Ener"etic Scientist# 6A;2@;266@# 6<:1A &M P Stan Meyer (ifilar Co0es
'%e c%o<es; po&er cois; etc.. in Meyer9s circuits seemed to %a/e a&ays 0een /ery
confusin- to many peope. More peope today are understandin- %o& t%e c%o<es &ere
desi-ned 0y simpy readin- t%e tec% 0rief t%at %as 0een under a our noses t%e &%oe
Se/era peope in t%e '%e H2eart% Institute : + Cirtua $enter of Exceence in
"aterfue 'ec%noo-y suc% as ?os% and ot%ers are oo<in- at t%is /ery cosey. I &as
surprised to find so many ideas a0out %o& t%e c%o<es are desi-ned considerin- t%e
fact t%at t%e text descriptions and dia-rams in t%e "#$ tec% 0rief are /ery; /ery cear.
2pon furt%er examination; t%ese are my comments; &%ic% may 0e ri-%t or &ron-; I
don9t <no& 0ut t%ey ma<e sense to me
Here is t%e tec% 0rief on t%e &fc 0y Meyer6 ,-i/en internet address is uncompete3
@eo& are a fe& tid0its from t%e tec% 0rief on t%e 0ifiar; arran-ement; purpose;
construction; specs; etc...
Pa-e (:36
N8esonant $%o<e $ois ,!(D(23 of #i-ure ,3:233 ,Memo "#$ 422 4+3 are composed
of 431# or 431#8 inductance stainess stee fim coated ,%i dieectric /aue3 &ire
,typicay .114 5a. or smaer3 &%ic% are axiay ,spiraed3 @ifiar &ound a0out core
0o00in ,!123; formin- indi/idua spira:&rap ,inner to outer circumference and 0ein-
eGuay:en-t%3 cois ,!11a xxx !11n3 eectricay connected in seGuencia order to
form resisti/e pic<up coi ,!133.N
V#i-ure 3:236 P2LSI.5 $B8E $B.#I528+'IB.; Meyer 1F1W
c%o<e P!( is dra&n incorrecty : t%ey are &rapped in t%e same direction. I9 -et to t%at
V#i-ure 3:226 CBL'+5E I.'E.SI#IE8 $I8$2I'; MeyerW
from pa-e ):!6
@ot% Inductors ,LIDL23 are @ifiar &ound in eGua en-t% to optimi=e t%e
eectroma-netic fied stren-t% ,#L3 in eGua eectroma-netic intensity ,#LI U #L23 to
encoura-e and promote NEectron @ounceN p%enomenon ,)113 of #i-ure ,):F3 &%ie
adHustin- ,pro-ramma0e puse &a/e:form3 input si-na Puse:#reGuency ,4Fa xx
4Fn3 to Ntune:inN to t%e Ndieectric propertyN ,8e3 of &ater ,*!3 ... causin- amp fo& to
0e reduce to a minimum /aue &%ie ao&in- /ota-e potentia ,(2)3 of #i-ure ,):)3
to -o to&ard infinity if t%e eectronic components &oud ao& it to %appen; as
-rap%icay iustrated in ,)!13 of #i-ure ,):143.
V#i-ure ):(6 8ESB.+.' CBL'+5E E##E$'; Meyer ()1W
pa-e ):116
Neac% c%o<e:coi ,LIIL23 0ein- of t%e same impedance /aue since 0ot% coi:&raps
,!(D(23 are @ifiar &ound to-et%er onto a sin-e spoo:0o00in;N
pa-e 11:16
N'%e +mp In%i0itin- $ircuit ,F)13 of #i-ure ,11:13 as to ,(F13 of #i-ure ,):*3 is
composed of t&o copper &ires N@ifiarN &ound ,&rapped3 a0out a ma-netic induction
core to ao& amp restriction ,minimi=in- current ea<a-e3 &%ie encoura-in-
NCota-e PotentiaN,Ca xxx C n3 across t%e &ater moecue to perform "#$
NEectrica Poari=ation ProcessN; as so iustrated in #i-ure ,):13 "#$ memo ,42(3
tited CI$ Matrix $ircuit.N
V#i-ure 11:16 CBL'+5E I.'E.SI#IE8 $I8$2I'; Meyer F)1W
pa-e 11:26
NCI$ @ifiar "rap $oi:+ssem0y ,11:3@3 and CI$ 4ua $oi "rap:+ssem0y ,11:
3+3 0ot% utii=e eit%er NENS ZI[ and N2N Inductance $ore confi-urations to
concentrate Mutua Inductance #ieds ,8p D8p23 in order to optimi=e +mp In%i0itin-
Process ,)!13 of #i-ure ,):143. NEN ZI[ core s%ape ,11:3@3 is most prefera0e since
amp spi<e sur-e is minimi=e durin- repetiti/e pusin- operations.N
V#i-ure 11:3@6 CI$ @I#IL+8:"8+P +SS97 ; Meyer W
pa-e 11:46
NIncreasin- ener-y:yied ,1(D-tnt3 sti furt%er ,xxx 1(D-tntnQ 1(D-tntn2 Q 1(D-tntn ...
etc.3 is accompis%ed 0y increasin- t%e num0er of 8esonant $%ar-in- $%o<e Sta-es
,xxx !(D(2n Q !(D(2n 1Q !(D(2n2 Q !(D(2n ... etc. :S: xxx SS!(D(2n Q SS!(D(2n Q
SS!(D(2n2 Q SS!(D(2n ... etc.3 of #i-ure ,11:43 in NSeGuentia BrderN , :S:3 since t%e
tota num0er of Muti:$oi Ma-net 0ifiar cois ,!(D(2a xxx !(D(2n3 seriay
eectricay connected to-et%er are seGuentiay eectricay in<ed to an eGua num0er
of seriay eectricay ai-ned Stainess Stee 8esonant $ois ,SSD!(D(2a xxx
SSD!(D(2n3 ... ao&in- eac%0ot% 0ifiar coi assem0y ,!(D(2a xxx !(D(2n :SSS!(D
(2a xxx SS!(D(2n3 to 0e eectricay and ma-neticay ener-i=ed in t%e same
pro-ressi/e direction to&ard "ater 5ap ,$p3 and a&ay from 0oc<in- diode ,!!3 of
#i-ure ,3:343 as to #i-ure ,11:13 and #i-ure ,11:33 9N <eepin- amp:sur-e ,in%i0itin-
amp fo&3 to a minima e/e VSee Cota-e Performance 5rap% ,)!13 of #i-ure ,):143W
&%ie en%ancin- Cota-e Potentia of Eectrica Stress ,(4D82:829a xxx (4DS':S'9n3
as additiona 4ua $%o<e $ois ,!(D(2 K SS!(D(23 are incuded in t%e stac<ed coi:
array formin- Cota-e Intensifier $ircuit ,F)13 of #i-ure ,11:13 as to ,(213 of fi-ure
,):13 ... see 4ynamic Cota-e "a/eform ,))13 of #i-ure ,*:13; once a-ain.N
V#i-ure 11:46 42+L:L+7E8E4 M2L'I:SPBBL $B.#I528+'IB.; Meyer 1111W
a0o/e pic if ony you &ant to put more 0ifiar c%o<es in series
pa-es 11:4 and 11:!6
N'%e ma-net $oi:"ire ,!(D(23 is 0est suited for Cota-e inducement &%ie t%e
inductanceDcapacitanceDresistance properties of Stainess Stee coi:&ire ,SS!(:SS(23
is appropriatey used to restrict eectron mo/ement 0eyond t%e sef:inductance of eac%
ener-i=ed coi &%en ee/ated /ota-e e/es ,up to 0eyond 41 <io/ots3 are to 0e
reac%edDo0tained &it%out experiencin- any apprecia0e amount of N+mp Infuxin-.N
5eneray; ma-net coi:&ire en-t% is on-er t%an t%e Stainess stee coi:&ire en-t%
and ma-net 0ifiar:coi ,!(D(23 is paced on top of Stainess Stee 0ifiar:coi
,SS!(D(23 to maximi=e mutua inductance coi:fied ,8p23 ,addin- 8p1 Q8p23 of
,(F13 of #i-ure ,):*3 to cause coi capacitance ,$da xxx $dn3 to %ep maintain and
e/en increase puse /ota-e ampitude ,xxx Cn Q Cn 1 Q Cn2 Q Cn .... etc.3 &%ie t%e
resisti/e /aue ,8s23 of SS $oi:"ire ,SS!(D(23 performs t%e &or< of furt%er resistin-
t%e fo& of amps not in%i0ited 0y 0ot% sef:Inductance fieds ,8p Q 8p23; as so
iustrated in ,(F13 of #i-ure ,):*3. In a cases; 0ifiar cois ,!(D(2 : SS!(D(23 are
eectroma-neticay orientated in t%e same direction.N
'%e a0o/e pic I dre& s%o&s t%e 0are 0ones 0ifiar c%o<e system. 'op is t%e secondary
transformer coi.
Butput t%rou-% 0oc<in- diode -oes into one of t%e 0ifiar c%o<e &inds.
In fi-ure 11:3@; it is easy to see t%at t%e direction t%e &inds are comin- off t%e core
t%at &%en t%e positi/e %its t%at coi; nort% is at t%at side.
'%e potentia foo&s t%rou-% to t%e outside positi/e tu0e t%rou-% &ater to ne-ati/e
inside tu0e.
Positi/e potentia mo/es to t%e ot%er 0ifiar c%o<e coi ,&ound t%e same direction3
meanin- t%at nort% &i 0e at 'H+' end ,opposite of t%e nort% on t%e ot%er coi3 and
t%rou-% t%is coi and to t%e ne-ati/e on po&er suppy.
@ot% c%o<e cois on t%e pos and ne- tu0e create opposin- ma-netic fieds a-ainst eac%
ot%er. Bn t%e on puse; t%e pos side c%o<e coi is nort% 0y t%e diode side and sout% 0y
t%e pos tu0e side... t%e ne- side c%o<e coi is nort% 0y t%e tu0e side and sout% 0y t%e
po&er suppy ne-. Bn t%e B## puse; t%ey 0ot% re/erse and aso oppose eac% ot%er.
In many dia-rams in t%e tec% 0rief; t%is exact confi-uration s%o&s t%at t%e c%o<e cois
are in opposition at a times on t%e off and on puse.
My picture s%o&s t%e 0are 0one system &it%out t%e eectron extraction circuit ,EE$3
or any cois 0ein- tapped.
Meyer says t%at t%e I core ,rectan-e &it% ine do&n midde3 as s%o&n in fi- 11:3@ is
t%e 0est core for t%e c%o<e since t%is confi-uration restricts amps t%e most.
More to come and comments and o0ser/ations on t%e a0o/e /ery &ecome... "it%
5ratitudeM +aron Mura<ami
: &aron# Ener"etic Scientist# 6A;2B;266@# 62:2< &M P core material
V...W if po&er cois &ound on same core t%at means &%en t%at is offDon t%e ma-netic
fied in core can aso contri0ute to t%e 0ifiar resonant cois in addition to t%e t%e
actua /ota-e potentia o/er &ires affectin- c%o<es. Is t%at desirea0eL I don9t <no& at
t%is time.
: &aron# Ener"etic Scientist# 6A;2B;266@# 62:1< PM P core material
V...W any non:ferrous meta i<e auminum and copper for a core &i create Neddy
currentN counter current dra- and &i so& do&n t%e freGuency and &i pro0a0y
create a ot of %eat. air; iron; ma-netite; t%ose are a -ood ones.
: &aron# Ener"etic Scientist# 6A;<1;266@# 6?:11 &M P core material
'%ere are some pretty exotic core materias i<e met-as and so fort% 0ut not practica
0ecause ridicuous pricin- and so fort%. :or te (edini coils# I-*e al.ays used
bundled steel .eldin" rod. Muc% more efficient t%an soid core.
: 8erdee# 6B;61;266@# 6<:12 PM P More effecient (edini coils.
'esa &oud increase %is inductance 0y connectin- ends of 0ifiar or muti:cois in
series. Ha/e you tried t%isL '%is &oud furt%er decrease current fo& ao&in- ony
potentia. '%is ao&s more effecient use of t%e same amount ma-net &ire to 0uid a
stron-er ma-netic fied.
If you notice aso in t%e 0e-innin- of t%e #E5 0oo< of @edini ,9*43; you see t%e
ener-i=er cois in series. My t%ou-%t is t%is increases capacity as &e as si-nificant
potentia to 0e reeased. "it% t%is in mind; ma<e 11:3@ as a Guadfiar. '&o or more
strands opposin- t&o or more strands &it% eac% opposin- pairs in series.
: &aron# Ener"etic Scientist# 6B;62;266@# 62:=1 &M P (ifilar Com/arison
I did t%is test ast ni-%t so %ere is a comparison 0ased on %ands on rea experiment.
'%e one on eft side -a/e amost t&ice t%e /ota-e puse at t%e cap t%an t%e ri-%t one.
: &aron# Ener"etic Scientist# 6B;62;266@# 6=:6= PM P /ysical /ic
%ere is a itera pic of &%at is represented in t%e eft side of t%e comparison pic.
aso to note t%e 0ifiar capacitance s%oud 0e more t%an t%e & 0i- 0ifiar c%o<es.
0ut to experiement &it% concept can use any 0ifiar to see t%e eft does -i/e /ota-e
: 8erdee# 6B;62;266@# 16:22 PM
I Hust did t%e same experiment t%is afternoon. I used one strand and t&o in series for
0oc<in- osciationOaon- &it% t&o in series for po&er strands. In 0ot% cases; t%e
osciation &as so&er. '%is is not t%e 0est &ay to confi-ure muticois for t%e SS.
"%ats interestin- Ois t%e ai-ned fieds of t%e @ifiar &D &fc oad in 0et&een creates
a ar-er compressed potentia of t%e LEM &a/e. "%en cat%ode is propery insuated
or conditioned t%is s%oud furt%er t%e compressed potentia LEM &a/e. '%is &i
cause a ar-er im0aance ao&in- t%e /acuum to interact freey. I %a/e a stron-
feein- t%at t%e La&ton circuit s%oud use a @ifiar or more cois instead of t&o
independent inductors. I may 0e &ron-. @ut from &%at I -at%er from +arons
experiment; t%e fied must 0e ai-ned. '%e 412.pdf does not s%o& t%isM +so; t%e
La&ton circuit does not pic< off t%e eectrons furt%erin- t%e im0aanced %i-%:ener-y
state of t%e atomic atom. "e are ony seein- on %af of t%e picture %ere.
: &aron# Ener"etic Scientist# 6B;62;266@# 11:26 PM P bifilar
I see a ot of Nopen sourceN proHects t%at are anyt%in- 0ut open source. E/eryone
seems to continuay <eep 0its and pieces to t%emse/es.
Meyer &ent from indi/idua inductors to 0ifiar on same core. 4efinitey a stron-er
-radient created %ere.
,#oo& a fu transcription of .i<oa 'ESL+ patent on %is @I#IL+8 #L+' $BIL6
see ori-ina document. 3
: &aron# Ener"etic Scientist# Yesterday# 62:12 &M P bifilar /ulsin"
Bne t%in- appears to 0e so and t%at is6 durin- on puse; ce Q is %it &it% positi/e
puse. 4urin- off puse; 0ecause of 0oc<in- diode; coi disc%ar-e -oes in t%e S+ME
direction and doesn9t re/erse poarity so t%e ce Q it %it &it% a SE$B.4 puse of
same poarity.
I found t%e same t%in- a0out 3:4 years a-o &it% a sin-e inductor on pos side and
diode; disc%ar-e is in same direction...I -ot no re/ersa in &as same as
initia puse. I deduced it &as as if t%e s&itc% is open 0efore inductor so it can ony -o
find -round : to&ards ce.
Same -ain as t%e fat panca<esL I don9t <no&. @ut if 0ot% cois are on 1 core; t%ere &i
definitey 0e more stren-t% in t%e fied t%an 2 sin-e cois. '%is is aso a <no&n &it%
@edini cois. 1 coi &it% 4 po&er &ires is stron-er t%an 4 indi/idua cois. '%ey a
puse to-et%er; t%ere is a syner-y and t%e sum is more t%an t%e parts. So; I &oud say
in t%is -eometry &it% t%ese <ind of cois; yes; t%ere is a 0enefit.
pa-e ):1 in tec% 0rief
CI$ /ota-e circuit ,(13 utii=es copper &ire:&rap to form 8esonant $%ar-in- $%o<es
,!(D(23 of #i-ure ,3:223 in conHunction &it% S&itc%in- 4iode ,!!3 to encoura-e and
ma<e use of NEectron @ounceN p%enomena ,)113 of #i-ure ,):F3 to %ep promote
Step $%ar-in- Effect ,(2*3 of #i-ure ,):)3 by /re*entin" electrical discar"e of
Resonant Ca*ity ,141 : 1)13 since (loc0in" $iode functions as an 47/en4 s.itc
durin" Pulse 7ff;timeI
'%e off puse ets coi disc%ar-e to&ards t%e cap a-ain so you -et amost t&ice t%e
0an- for t%e 0uc<. '%is seems to e/identy %ep &ater cap pre/ent disc%ar-e 0y %a/in-
t%at extra puse <eep t%e /ota-e up.
'%e open s&itc% means t%at on t%e off puse; it is t%e same as 0ein- disconnected so it
%as to -o some&%ere and finds its &ay to -round and t%e ony &ay it can do t%at is 0y
-oin- to&ards t%e ce.
S.itcin" $iode D22F of :i"ure D<;22F /re*ents (idirectional electron flo.
,current fo& in one direction ony3 since @oc<in- : 4iode ,!!3 ony conducts
Ncurrent fo&N in t%e direction of sc%ematic:arro& &%ie 0ein- paced in:ine &it%
CI$ $ircuit impedance interaction ,81 Q >2 Q >3 .\. 8e3; as mat%ematicay
extrapoated in $ircuit EGuation ,EG F3 ... $iode D22F bein" /laced bet.een
Secondary Pic0u/ Coil D22F and Resonant Car"in" Co0e D2?F to act as an
electronic s.itc in o/en;/osition durin" /ulse off;time ,'23 of #i-ure ,):*3 &%ie
/re*entin" electron flo. in re*erse direction .en Inductor D!1F colla/sin"
electroma"netic field D:!lF /roduces anoter uni/olar /ulse .a*e;form D ?=a ;
?=bF ... /roducin" uni/olar *olta"e .a*e;form ,(4a xxx (4n3 durin- repeated
puse:si-na ,4(a xxx 4(n3 on:time ,'a xxx 'In3 ... ao&in- t%e formation of an
-ated puse: freGuency puse:train ,(4aD(40 : '3 : (4aD(403 .en /ulse off;time D9<F
is "reater tan time;/eriod D92F ... in/ut;si"nal D=Ba 333 =BnF bein" a Pulse;9rain
.ere D92F /ulse offtime D92F is ad8usted to allo.s ,ni/olar Pulse;9rain D?=a 333
9< 333 ?=nF ... out/uttin" Colta"e;.a*e si"nal D?=a 333 ?=nF bein" a /ulse;
fre5uency doubler due to Inductance Reactance D:!F of Inductor Coil D2?F of
:i"ure D<;22F .en colla/sin" ma"netic field D:IF of :i"ure D@;<bF re;cuts coil;
.ra/ D!lF durin" eac /ulse off;time D92F ... /roducin" a second uni/olar *olta"e
.a*e;form ,(403 durin- t%e rise and fa of ma-netic fied ,)13; as furt%er iustrated
in ,(213 of #i-ure ,):13.
M+.M He is on- &inded...
So &e <no&
1. 4iode <eeps potentias and current in one direction ony actin- as s&itc% to
NdisconnectN inductor from circuit on off puse.
2. 4iode is o0/iousy 0et&een secondary and c%ar-in- c%o<e
3. $oapsin- inductor causes 2.IPBL+8 poarity stays same in t%e
for&ard direction.
4. $oapsin- unipoar puse is Npuse:freGuency dou0erN so ce -ets 2 puses for 1
puse input.
!. Sounds i<e &%en off time exceeds on time; off time is adHusted to ensure t%at t%e
unipoar puse train continues &it% consistency.
'%e first reference of 0ifiar in t%e tec% 0rief on pa-e (:3 states6
N8esonant $%o<e $ois ,!(D(23 of #i-ure ,3:233 ,Memo "#$ 422 4+3 are composed
of 431# or 431#8 inductance stainess stee fim coated ,%i dieectric /aue3 &ire
,typicay .114 5a. or smaer3 &%ic% are axiay ,spiraed3 @ifiar &ound a0out core
0o00in ,!123; formin- indi/idua spira:&rap ,inner to outer circumference and 0ein-
eGuay:en-t%3 cois ,!11a xxx !11n3 electrically connected in se5uencial order to
form resisti/e pic<up coi ,!133.N
Sounds i<e 0ifiars are definitey connected in seGuence.
: &aron# Ener"etic Scientist# Yesterday# 61:12 PM P ca/acitance reactance
'ry c%ar-in- up a re-uar capacitor 0ot% &ays and see t%e difference. '%e "#$ &i
%a/e o&er impedance t%an a 0attery so ess 0ac< pressure %odin- in t%e c%ar-e in t%e
inductors. If t%e 0attery is fairy c%ar-ed; may0e too muc% 0ac< pressure.
Sounds i<e t%e inductors you %ad are too sma for 0attery appication 0ut may0e 0i-
enou-% for &fc.
+so; I sa& a reference t%at t%e capacitance of t%e inductor s%oud 0e more t%an t%e
pa-e ):F tec% 0rief I $apacitance 8eactance
$apacitance 8eactance is determined 0y t%e insuation resistance ,8sQ 8e3 and
Inductance ,LIIL23 interactin- to-et%er durin- 4.$. Pusin-. 4ieectric property of
&ater opposes amp ea<a-e ,8e3 &%ie anot%er property of &ater ta<es:on an
NEectrica $%ar-eN. "ater temperature ,8t3 ,coo:to:t%e:touc%3 <eeps ,8e3 constant
since amp fo& remains minima.
Pate Inductance ,Lc3 is Inductance 8eactance of Inductor ,L1 3 and Inductance
8eactance of nductor ,L23 in series &it% 8esonant $apacitor ,141 :1)13 of #i-ure ,):
(3 as to ,(F13 of #i-ure ,):*3. In terms of $omponent 8eactance; Inductors D!II!2F
sould al.ays be lar"er tan Ca/acitor DERF of :i"ure D@;2F in order to
ma3imiHe am/ restriction to enance 4Colta"e $eflection4 ,SS9 : (1)a xxx (1)n :
8893 of #i-ure ,):43 and; is expressed 0y 6
: &aron# Ener"etic Scientist# Yesterday# 61:21 PM P CIC Panca0eQ I don-t tin0
I &ondered if Meyer e/er did t%e fat coi stye for t%e c%o<es6
N'%e Colta"e Intensifier Circuit is a bifilar /anca0e coil transformer &%ic%
pro/ides distri0uted capacitance and inductance to t%e tu0e sets in t%e $e. Its
function is to mana-e t%e transfer of potentia t%rou-% t%e $e; &%ie in%i0itin- t%e
passa-e of current 0y t%e circuit.N
I see a0soutey no proof of t%is caim. Pro0a0y idea for ta<in- ad/anta-e of concept
0ut.... '%at isn9t Meyer9s &ords; t%at is from some stuff posted at6 BS6"ater #ue $e
: PES"i<i
pa-e (:3
Naxiay ,spiraed3 @ifiar &ound a0out core 0o00in ,!123; formin- indi/idua spira:
&rap ,inner to outer circumference and 0ein- eGuay:en-t%3 cois ,!11a xxx !11n3
eectricay connected in seGuencia order to form resisti/e pic<up coiN
'%e resutant tri;coil confi"uration DInductance core 2< ; co0e coils 2?>?2 ;
/rimary coil 2? ; secondary coil 22F# no.# allo.s ma"netic field cou/lin" D@1a 333
@1nF to /ass trou" bot resonant;coils D2?>?2F and secondary coil D22F
simultaneously .en /rimary coil D2?F is /ulsed ener"iHed by .ay of incomin"
/ulse;train D=?a 333 =?nF. In doin- so; ma-netic fux:ines ,)1a xxx )In3 are induced
into spira:&rap cois ,!1!a xxx !1!n3 to produce inductance coupin- ,!11a xxx !1
In3 0et&een eac% secondary spira:cois ,!1!a xxx !1!n3 &%ic% are parae formed to
expandin- ma-netic fux:ines ,)1a xxx )1n3 ... producin- step up /ota-e potentia of
positi/e eectrica intensity ,positi/e /ota-e potentia3 0y &ay of inductance D
capacitance interaction across secondary coi:assem0y ,!23 &%ie <eepin- opposition
to eectroma-netic 0uid up to a minimum.
'%at means P8IM+87; SE$B.4+87 +.4 @I#IL+8S ,can 0e3 on same core so
t%ey are &rapped around a core and not fat stye. +t east in t%is description. '%e tec%
0rief is a compiation of Hust a0out a %is c%ronoo-ica e/ents.
'%e circuar:spira turns of &ire ,formin- parae eectrica surfaces3 is separated 0y
an Insuated 4ieectric $oatin- Materia &%ic% forms a series of capacitors ,$da xxx
$dn3 &%en ma-netic fux:ines ,(1Fa xxx (1Fn3 produces Eectroma-netic $oupin-
#ied ,(213 durin- puse on:time ,'3; as iustrated in ,(413 of #i-ure ,):33 as to
,(F13 of #i-ure ,):*3.
'%e resutant +mp In%i0itin- $ircuit #i-ure ,11:13 as to #i-ure ,11:3 +D@3 furt%er
ao&s amp restriction ,minimi=in- current ea<a-e3 to 0e continued e/en if appied
NCota-e +mpitudeN is increased. '%e en-t% and diameter si=e of t%e copper:&ire
spira &rapped coi D2?>?2F of :i"ure D16;1F bein" /aired to"eter and electrically
ener"iHed in con8unction .it a//lied Colta"e Pulse;:re5uency determines %o&
muc% N+mp Lea<a-eN &i occur across capacitor 5ap ,$p3 &%ie NCota-e Puse:
PotentiaN ,Ca xxx CnD4Fa xxx 4Fn3 of NBpposite poarityN ,@QD@:3 isDare ao&ed to
0e appied across NEectrica Cota-e PatesN ,Cota-e:>ones3 ,((D()3. 'o reduce amp
ea<a-e sti furt%er; t%e copper &ire of 0ot% 8esonant $%ar-in- $%o<es ,!(D(23 can
0e repaced &it% an ma-neticay Rducti/e stainess stee &ire ,431#D#83 %a/in- a
resisti/e /aue ,B%ms3 to t%e fo& of eectrons &%ie ta<in- on t%e capacitance and
inductance c%aracteristic of a coi &ire. CI$ @ifiar "rap $oi:+ssem0y ,11:3@3 and
CI$ 4ua $oi "rap:+ssem0y ,11:3+3 0ot% utii=e eit%er NENS ZI[ and N2N
Inductance $ore confi-urations to concentrate Mutua Inductance #ieds ,8p D8p23 in
order to optimi=e +mp In%i0itin- Process ,)!13 of #i-ure ,):143. NEN ZI[ core s%ape
,11:3@3 is most prefera0e since amp spi<e sur-e is minimi=e durin- repetiti/e
pusin- operations.
Many exampes %e -i/es of primaryDsecondary and 0ot% inductors on same core. .B'
panca<e misinformation 0y anyone &%o says it isL
"%en primary is pused B.; t%e ma-netic fied in t%e core t%at is created &i cause
t%e inductors to c%ar-e instantaneousy and .B' Hust from t%e Q potentia mo/in- into
t%e inductors. It &i 0e 0ot%. +so t%e B## puse inducti/e coapse mo/in- for&ard
is .B' Hust t%e from t%e inductors aone 0ut t%e fied created 0y primary coi turnin-
off coapsin-.
I t%in< t%is is t%e direction to -o... too many references 0y Meyer %imsef &%ere a
t%e cois are on t%e S+ME core.
: &aron# Ener"etic Scientist# Yesterday# 62:1< PM P same core
: &aron# Ener"etic Scientist# 9oday# 6=:22 &M P Sin"le Core !ayout
'%is pic s%o&s a itera representation of t%e unicore concept &%ere t%e
primaryDsecondary and t%e 2 c%o<es are on t%e same core.
If 0ot% are 0ifiar; t%en primaryDsecondary are &rapped to-et%er and t%e 2 c%o<es are
&rapped to-et%er.
"%en Q puses into primary at t%e top into t%e i-%t 0ue &ire; t%e primary coi &i
%a/e a .B8'H fied at t%e can see %o& t%e &ire comes off t%e core and are
&ound t%at t%ere &i 0e nort% at top so SB2'H at 0ottom of primary in t%is situation.
If secondary is &ound to-et%er; t%e @B''BM &ire &i need to -o t%rou-% diode to
PBSI'ICE $H+85I.5 $HBAE; &%ic% &i -i/e a .B8'H fied at t%e @B''BM
of t%e pos c%ar-in- c%o<e...i<e in t%e sGuare coi.
'%e ri-%t dia-ram &it% t%e poe core is Hust a /isuai=ation easier of &%at is reay
%appenin- &it% ma-netic fied in core.
+ny&ay; t%e c%ar-in- pos c%o<e &i %a/e sout% at top. '%e ne-ati/e c%o<e &i %a/e
t%e identica fied as t%e pos c%o<e.
+ @E.E#I' of t%is arran-ement and t%e ony one t%at ma<es common sense is t%at
&%en t%e primary is c%ar-ed &it% nort% at top t%at foo&s around to t%e sout% part of
c%ar-in- c%o<es and up t%rou-% t%e c%o<es and 0ac< to sout% on primary. so in t%e
SJ2+8E coi dia-ram; you see t%at t%e ma-netic fied -oes nort% in t%e
$LB$A"ISE 4I8E$'IB..
.ot ony does t%e c%o<es c%ar-e from t%e potentia -oin- into t%e c%o<es from t%e
secondary; @2'; t%ey aso -et a <ic< from t%e ma-netic fied of t%e $B8E 0ein-
c%ar-ed from primary &i &i -i/e a @BBS' to &%at is %appenin- in t%e c%o<es.
'HIS IS +LL H+PPE.I.5 428I.5 'HE B. P2LSE.
"%en puse turns B##; c%ar-ed c%o<es coapse in S+ME 4I8E$'IB. 0ecause of
0oc<in- diode; &%ic% is t%e same t%in- as openin- a s&itc% and disconnectin- t%e
c%o<es t%ere. '%erefore; t%ey &i find -round in t%e #B8"+84 direction to
Nne-ati/eNon secondary.
4urin- B## puse; primary aso coapses and secondary directs t%at into t%e c%o<es
aso in t%e for&ard direction.
#or eac% time you pay for B.E puse into t%e system in t%is arran-ement; you -et
'"B puses to t%e "#$ capacitor.
: &aron# Ener"etic Scientist# 9oday# 12:2B PM P core details
'%at is a -reat point a0out t%e coi 0ein- open in @edini systems. So; t%e one on t%e
ri-%t &it% t%e strai-%t rod core may e/en 0e 0etter. Bny testin- &i s%o&.
Aenny; I %a/e not tested any common core systems yet. ?ust 0een oo<in- exacty at
&%at Meyer &as doin- and t%is seems to 0e it 0ased on %is o&n &ords.
If I &ere to do t%e one on t%e ri-%t &it% t%e strai-%t open ended core; I &oud
pro0a0y start &it% 0unded &edin- rod...s%oud et -o of ma-netic fied pretty Guic<.
'%at is a I used in t%e @edini cois.
--------------------------------------------- Return to the top
PP &aron# 22 Se/tember 266@# (ifilar Co0es are te +ey
: cru3O.fc D&aronF# Posted: 9ue Se/ 22# 266@ 2:11 /m 6
#irst off it9s nice to see so many peope ta<in- interest in t%e &fc no&; and actuay
doin- experiments. Sorry for not postin- as often as I use to; 0ut it is 0ecause of a
-ood reason. I %a/e 0een concentratin- soey on t%e &fc atey and %a/e reai=ed a ot
of /ery important detais a0out t%e &fc. Sorry if I miss ead anyone to t%in< t%at I
%a/e fuy functionin- and tuned &fc; 0ut I do not. I am cose; dead cose; 0ut sti not
Guite t%ere; yet.
B<; first I am -oin- to start off sayin- t%at Meyer9s used some ener-y. Meyer-s states
in te tec brief tat e uses 12ColtsG<.<&m/ S=6. on te /rimary side of te
ste/ u/ transformer# and at te .fc e is usin" =60*G1maS=6.# so 979&!
P7WER ,SE$ IS =6 W&99S. 7ou can aso &atc% Meyer-s )e. Lealand lecture
to /erify t%is; &itc% Murray %as so <indy em0edded in t%e top ri-%t of %is &e0 site;
&itc% I t%in< is a&esome; 0ecause it is Meyer9s most informati/e ectures and -i/es
t%e most cues on t%e CI$ construction.
.o& 0ac< to t%e ori-ina topic of my post6
'%e c%o<es are &%at I %a/e 0een soey &or<in- on and sti &or<in- on. '%e
formuas t%at Meyer9s -i/e in %is tec% 0rief are so compex t%at I sti %a/e not
competey fi-ured t%em a out; 0ut I %a/e a -ood understandin- of most of t%em
especiay after t%orou-%y readin- t%e tec% 0rief o/er and o/er a-ain.
I %a/e come to t%e concusion t%at te co0es are te only /art of te CIC tat
restrict te am/s and 0ee/ te am/era"e at a minimum e*en .en out of
resonance. "%en you -et t%e CI$ in to resonance simpy 0y tunin- t%e freGuency,no
need to tune t%e c%o<es or ce3 t%e /ota-e &i o/er come t%e resistance of t%e
CI$,meanin- /ota-e &i -o to it9s maximum3.
I 0eie/e t%is is t%e most important t%in- t%e understand and remem0er a0out t%e
c%o<esI Meyer9s states in t%e .e& >eaand Lecture and t%e tec% 0rief t%at t%e co0es
are restrictin" te am/era"e usin" M&')E9IC :IE!$; and any ampera-e t%at
t%e ma-netic fied does not restrict t%e 8ESIS'+.$E &iM
So no& &e <no& t%at ma"netic field is te bi" /layer in sto//in" te am/s and
resistance is t%e next 0i--est payer in stoppin- t%e amps. N.o& you %a/e to earn to
as< t%e ri-%t GuestionsN,one of my fa/orite Guotes from Stan3. So; %o& do &e create
t%e stron-est ma-netic fiedL 9is is .ere te bifilar coil comes in and your
<no&ed-e of inductor. I &i -et in to t%is in a itte 0it... So; o. do you increase
te resistance of te bifilar co0es and still com/ly to +ISS and te la. of
economicsQ "e; since Meyer9s ceary states t%at stainless steel .ire is )79
necessary to increase te resistance you 8ust a*e to use smaller "au"e co//er
B<; no& t%at you <no& my understandin- of t%e c%o<es I &i -o in to more detai
a0out its p%ysica construction. I am not -oin- to -i/e you exact measurements
0ecause I %a/e none yet. I am sti &or<in- on t%is mysef; 0ut I %a/e done some
experiments to <no& t%at t%is is correct.
#irst I &i expain t%e 0ifiar coi. 9e bifilar coil is .ired to te .fc so tat te
coils .ill be electronically and ma"netically oriented in te same direction
,Meyer9s states t%is a o/er t%e tec% 0rief3. Meyer9s %as a dia-ram &it% t%e c%o<es
orientation ,t%e dots at t%e end of t%e co<es nort% poe3 on fi"ure @;1 on /a"e 122 of
te tec brief. I aso incuded a dia-ram of %o& you connect t%e &fc to t%e co0es
called 4)E7'E) (I:I!&R .it .fc ,t%is does not s%o& t%e ri-%t p%ysica
construction of t%e c%o<es Hust %o& to connect it3N.
.o& I &i -i/e you -uys an idea on %o& muc% resistance and &%at si=e &ire s%oud
0e used for t%e c%o<es. Meyer-s states tat 11#?66 oms /er co0e is a ty/ically
enou" resistance to inibit te am/s. I am t%in< a0out usin- 44a&- &ire to
construct t%e c%o<es. Since ==a." is 2#2B< oms e*ery 1#666ft
D11?66>22B<S=.=@<T1666S==@<F tat .ould be =#=@<ft of .ire /er co0e. .o& you
mi-%t t%in< t%at is a ot of &ire to &ind ,o; 0y %and yes it is.3; 0ut if you construct
t%e c%o<es correcty you s%oud 0e a0e to fit it a on; and Meyers states t%at te
more .ra/s on te co0es te more *olta"e you .ill "et out of tem. .o& you
don9t %a/e to stop at usin- 44a&- &ire; you could "o smaller but it 8ust "et more
difficult to .or0 .it. Sound i<e to sma of &ire %u%L @ut it9s not 0ecause &e Hust
&ant /ota-e not ampera-e.
Last 0ut not east t%e p%ysica construction of t%e c%o<es. I am Hust -oin- to point you
-uys to a coupe of fi-ures in t%e tec% 0rief and Hust -et you a itte expanation on
#irst oo< at fi"ure 16;= on /a"e 266. #i-ure 11:4 is actuay t&o pictures in one. '%e
s<inny 0ac< &ires are t%e sc%ematic for t%e c%o<es ,i-nore a a0e on t%is sc%ematic
for %o& to connect t%e c%o<e 0ecause it is /ery uncear and amost miseadin-3. '%e
Picture 0e%ind t%e sc%ematic &%ere t%e cois are cut in %af so you can see t%e cross
section of eac% section is %o& t%e c%o<es &oud 0e p%ysicay &ound. Aeep in mind it
is sti Hust a dia-ram so it is not t%e actua si=e of t%e &ire nor t%e ony amount of
&raps you can put on eac% section.
.o& oo< at fi"ure ?;1 on /a"e 1<2. I <no& t%is dia-ram can 0e reay confusin-;
0ecause you %a/e to oo< t%rou-% a of t%e ma-netic fied ines t%at Meyer9s dre&.
'%is dia-ram is aso &%en Meyer9s &as startin- to refine %is CI$ to 0e compact and to
cause instant exposi/e ener-y from t%e &ater ,%is spar< pu- inHector3; 0ut it is not
necessary to include te ste/ u/ transformer for 8ust ma0in" enormous amounts
of "as; and sti possi0y causin- instant exposion of &ater. '%is &i -i/e you a "ood
idea about o. to construct bobbin for te co0es. .otice %o& cose t%e section
are to eac% ot%er.
B<; ast comment. @ecause t%e c%o<es are eectronicay and ma-neticay oriented in
t%e same direction t%is means t%at t%e positi/e and ne-ati/e &i 0e aidin- eac% ot%er
and causin" about double te *olta"e. Meyer9s %as a -ood dia-ram fi"ure 16;2 on
/a"e 266 of &%at t%e /ota-e is doin- at t%e end of t%e c%o<es.
I# 'HE $HBAES +8E .B' @2IL' 8I5H' 'HE "#$ "ILL .B' "B8A 8I5H'
+' +LL. &MPS H&CE 97 (E I)HI(I9E$ 97 'E9 9HE C7!9&'E 97 '7
97 M&JIM,M (EC&,SE 9HE W:C &C9S !I+E & SM&!! RESIS97R
MB8E 'H+. + $+P+$I'B8M
Nt%e CI$ ao&s t%e &ater to 0ecome a component part of t%e circuit as resistanceN .
Hope t%is %eps you -uys understand &%at I %a/e earned. 5ood Luc< to +LLMMMM
: StaneyKMeyers:"aterK#ue:$e:'ec%nicaK@rief:#2LLV1W.pdf; 3.)( M@ ,t%e a
11 Memos3 6 %ttp6DD&aterfuece.or-Dp%p@@2Ddo&noad.p%pLidU441
: t%is is a /ery -ood sc%ematic of t%e c%o<es and eectronic reactants minus t%e
resisti/e properties. @y ?H6
ori-ina 6 ?H:@ifiarSpira$%o<e.pdf; 1*.3( A@ 6
--------------------------------------------- Return to the top
PP &aron>%iman1<-s /ost on Resonance# Se/t 16# 266=; pa-e 1! from pdf fie
Hi 5ary; '%e definition of 9resonance9 t%at I i<e is 'esa9s definition of resonance and
it is t%is resonance t%at appies to t%ese de/ices6 9e fre5uency at .ic te least
amount of current is necessary.
@asicay; t%e &%oe circuit is S7.$H8B.I>E4 for optima performance. "%en t%e
circuit is in resonance; e/eryt%in- is sync%roni=ed optimay. Has not%in- to do &it%
t%e common idea of a resonant circuit. '%is incudes e/ery sin-e component in t%e
&%oe de/ice ... e/eryt%in- from t%e initia input to t%e &ater ce. Same appies to t%e
0attery c%ar-in- de/ice I9m ta<in- a0out.
@y 9re-uar eectroysis9; I meant t%at it sounds i<e t%e -un< is comin- from common
current eectroysis. .ot impyin- t%at t%ere is an uncommon eectroysis. '%e most
current test I did; I used a /aria0e +$ &%ic% %as a !+mps max and 1!1C max.
Butput t%rou-% 0rid-e and pused 4$ t%rou-% a diode and t%at strai-%t to my tu0e
setup. '%is &as ony to test t%e ce. "it%out t%e inductor; current of course Humped up
to 3:4+mps at ony a0out )Cots. "%en I put t%e inductor after t%e diode; I coud
cran< it up to a0out 2!Cots and t%e amps &ere ony as o& as a0out 411:
!11mii+mps. ?ust %ad to see for mysef t%at t%is &as %appenin-.
.ot c%ar-e 0atteries to o/erunity; 0ut compared to t%e input Houes and t%e &or< in
Houes I -et out of t%e 0attery after it is c%ar-ed ... it is o/erunityM .ot%in- ma-ica
a0out it. It is 0ecause it is 0ein- c%ar-ed &it% /ota-e potentia ... /irtuay no current
is ea/in- t%e input source; ony /ota-e potentia. I can expain more detais soon.
'%e 0attery can 0e c%ar-ed &it% &a +$ or from anot%er 0attery. @efore t%e input
0attery dies ,&%ic% it &i at F*E efficiency3; you can c%ar-e at east se/era 0atteries
of t%e same capacity. '%at is 0ecause it isn9t ta<in- po&er from t%e first 0attery and
puttin- it into t%e secondary 0atteries. '%e input 0attery is B.L7 sendin- a tri--er
puse to a transistor t%at sef osciates at %o-% freGuency pusin- an eectroma-netic
coi t%at is a 161 ratio and t%e re/erse &ire catc%es a t%e potentia spi<es ,.B
$288E.'3 and puts it into a capacitor. "%en t%e capacitor is up to a %i-% enou-%
/ota-e potentia; it is dumped to a 0attery needin- c%ar-in-. 7ou c%ar-e t%e 0attery
&it% a t%at potentia ener-y and .B' &it% current. Sound famiiar &it% Meyer9s
circuit doesn9t itL
Ima-ine t%is and you can a test it for yoursef. Hit a capacitor at %i-% freGuency &it%
not%in- 0ut t%e /ota-e potentia spi<es and it "ILL c%ar-e up; %o&e/er; t%ere is no
current mo/in-. Sounds stran-e 0ut I can -o into detais ater. ?ust t%ry it and you &i
see. Ho& can a capacitor c%ar-e up &it%out currentL '%at is &%at you9re a tryin- to
do &it% t%e &ater ce. 7ou9re c%ar-in- it &it% pure /ota-e potentia and .B current.
Ima-ine %a/in- an input t%at is /ota-e potentia spi<es as &e and no current ... /ery
/ery /ery efficientM I &i s%are sc%ematics soon.
I9m ta<in- a0out pure radiant ener-y. 8adiant ener-y +8E t%e /ota-e spi<es you
ma<e. '%ose spi<es are radiant ener-y &it% .B eectrons. '%ere is a sma amount of
current in t%ese systems and t%at itte 0it is Hust enou-% to rip t%e moecues apart and
it is pused so t%ere is no steady current. Bn t%e coapse; a t%ose moecues %a/e
access to a sea of potentia radiant ener-y t%at %a/e 0een pumped into it.
t%e radiant ener-y comes from /acuum ener-y. '%e /irtua p%oton fux of t%e Guantum
mec%anica /acuum. '%e dipoe ,0attery; etc...3 0rea<s t%e symmetry of t%e /irtua
p%otons and t%ey mo/e to&ards t%e poe on a 0attery and fo& o/er t%e &ire. '%e
po&er to po&er a -%t0u0 from a 0attery does .B' come from t%e inside of t%e
0attery. '%e eectroytes do B.E t%in- and B.E t%in- ony. Separate t%air interna
c%ar-es to create a %i-% and o& potentia at t%e eectrodes. It is t%e /acuum ener-y
form 3d space and time t%at mo/e to&ard t%e eectrodes and o/er t%e &ires. '%is fo&
is &%at induces t%e eectron mo/ement to %a/e current. '%at fo& can 0e manipuated
to mo/e o/er &ires in a &ay t%at induces .B eectron mo/ement; t%erefore t%ere is
.B current; ony /ota-e potentia mo/in- o/er a circuitM Cery excitin-M
Meyer9s is an o/erunity system. If you cacuate Houes of ener-y t%at &ent into t%e
system; t%at &oud 0e input Houes. If you cacuate t%e Houes of &or< t%at a certain
amount of produced -as can perform; it &i d&arf t%e input Houes. '%is is o/erunity;
%e isnIt -oin- to come out and say it 0ut it s%oud 0e o0/ious to e/eryone. Hope t%is
In a foo&in- post; pa-e 1F6 ... I am confident t%ou-% a0out t%e concept of &%at
Meyer &as doin-. Pumpin- radiant potentia into t%e &ater &it% no current or at east
a 0are minimum. 4;)F*;((1 patent %as t%e sc%ematic t%at is neary identica to t%e one
used for 0attery c%ar-in-.
'%e cois I9m usin- are 161 turn. 12Cots in and t%e coapsed puses are not%in- 0ut
pure potentia spi<es of a0out 2!1:311 /ots 0ut /irtuay no +mps. '%ose are -oin-
t%rou-% a 0rid-e to c%ar-e a cap. "%en t%e cap is c%ar-ed up; it is disc%ar-ed into
dead 0atteries. Ho& can t%at 0e if t%e turns are 161L 161 is t%e most efficient coi for
producin- t%e radiant spi<es t%at are de/oid of eectrons. ...
,M45 no1)6 I remem0er readin- a0out Staney Meyer t%at met &it% ?o%n @edini in
t%e *19s. Bff course 0ein- in t%e same country; &or<in- 0ot% in t%e sma &ord of
9exotic9 ener-ies; it &as easy for t%em to come to discuss a0out t%e su0Hect ... @edini
&as and sti t%e eadin- expert t%at practicay %arnesses 8adiant Ener-y in many
&ays; and I &oudnIt 0e surprised to disco/er t%at %e tau-%t a fe& tric<s to Meyer; and
t%at may expain t%e confusion in t%e differences of processin- 0et&een patents of
Staney. $oud it 0e possi0e t%at first %e used t%e 9potentia 0rea<do&n e/e9 of %is
capacitorDce; and t%en after -ettin- 0reefin- from ?o%n; %e impro/ed %is system to
%arness 8adiant Spi<es. +so; %is t%ird sta-e of impro/ement; t%e 9.ucear '%erma
Ener-y9; coud come from meetin- &it% 4a/id Hudson t%at disco/ered t%e B8MES;
aso in t%e *19s; t%at are present e/ery&%ere; especiay in &ater; and t%at %a/e a
potentia of nuceus exposion; t%rou-% t%e 9maximum c%a-re 0rea<do&n e/e9 <no&n
to exist in superconductors ... too muc% ener-y accumuated inside and t%ey expode
in a nucear 0ast; as Hudson disco/ered... @ut %a/e to say t%at t%is exposion
produces dan-erous -amma rays; &%en Meyer said t%ere &ere none of t%em produced
in %is tec%noo-y3
--------------------------------------------- Return to the top
P Some /osts e3tracted from tt/:>> from a /df file6
,M45 no/1)6 Bnce more; +LL 4E'+ILS "E8E B. 'HE .E'; #B8 2S 'B
2.4E8S'+.4; in t%is case since 3 years aready; 0ut &e &ere sti searc%in-MMM3
'%is pdf co/ers Jiman13 posts from 9#ri Sep 11; 21149 to 9Sun Mar 13; 211!9; for a
tota of !1F<0; *1 pa-es.
: 5iman1<# Posted: :ri Se/ 16# 266= <:<1 /m Post sub8ect: Secrets of te Water
Cell E3/lainedRRR6
Hi E/eryone; ne& to t%e 0oard 0ut %a/e somet%on-s I &ant to 0rin- to t%e surface.
@eo& &as posted in 4a/e9s $e foder. I added more 0eo& t%at.
Hi 5ary; &%at materia is your pates or tu0es made fromL I use t314 stee tu0e setup
and I -et no -un<. '%e ony t%in- t%at e/en appears to corrode are t%e non ss eads
t%at connect to t%e positi/e tu0es.
+so; if -ettin- -un<; t%en most i<ey you are -ettin- too muc% re-uar eectroysis.
'%e idea is to /re*ent current from doin- t%at. '%erefore; no o3y"en can "o to your
/ositi*e /lates>tubes and o3idiHe tem.
I9m ne& in t%e -roup and &oud i<e to te you t%at I a*e a circuit *irtually
identical to SM-s. It &as de/eoped 0y someone t%at I a*e learned from o*er te
years. It isn-t used to ma0e fuel from .ater but is used to car"e batteries
o*erunity. I can post t%e sc%ematics soon as appropriate. I aso %a/e ot%er info to
s%are if you9re interested.
'%e circuit is not a resonant circuit. '%e &ater doesn9t -o into some ma-ica
resonance. 9e bloc0in" diode sould be tellin" you all sometin". .o resonance
,at east not t%e circuit3. 9e *olta"e ne*er dro/s to ne"ati*e.
"%at is t%e difference 0et&een a trans/erse &a/e and a on-itudina impuseL
and %ttp6DD&&&.-en0roo<.<12.i.usD-0ssciDp%ysD$assDsoundDu1110.%tm
and %ttp6DD&&&.-en0roo<.<12.i.usD-0ssciDp%ysDmmediaD&a/esD&.%tm
3 /ery -ood 0asic exampes. ,nidirectional $C /ulses are not trans*erse .a*es.
'%ey are on-itudina impuses. 9e .ole secret is sendin" 9IME IMP,!SES to
te .ater. "%at t%e -oa is is to /um/ te .ater .it radiant ener"y. '%is is
notin" but /ure *olta"e /otential &it% no current. "%en it is done ri-%t; you can
create te *olta"e /otentials .itout e*er inducin" electrons to flo. to be"in
Ho&L "e9 -et to t%at. Ima-ine not %a/in- a t%e pro0ems of %a/in- to restrict amps.
I &i 0e %appy to s%are t%is &it% anyone &%o is serious. Let me <no& &%at you t%in<.
I9/e o0ser/ed in t%is 0oard some comments I &oud i<e to comment on. I sa& t%at
someone mentioned t%at Meyer &as fa&ed in sayin- t%e inductor increases
freGuency. '%at isn9t a fa&; of course it increases freGuency &%en a pused input is
put into it and t%ere is a 0oc<in- diode. Bne puse is -i/en and it -oes t%rou-% t%e
0oc<in- diode; c%ar-es t%e inductor and -ets to t%e ce &it% ess amps. '%at is one
puse. "%en t%e puse is cut off; t%e inductor coapses in t%e S+ME direction 0ecause
t%e 0oc<in- diode pre/ents it from -oin- opposite poarity and t%is is puse P2 -oin-
to t%e ce. 7ou paid for one and -ot 2 puses.
#or exampe; ets Hust stic< to strai-%t &a cyce. (1%= -oin- into t%e 0rid-e to turn it
into pused dc &i 0e 121%= pused dc. 8emem0er t%at t%ere is one dc puse for eac%
%af ot%e ac. 121 %= pused into t%e inductor &i -et 241%= at t%e ce. So; t%e
freuency is increased 0y usin- t%e inductor. Bf course &e &ant %i-%er freGuency t%an
t%is; 0ut t%is is ony for an exampe.
'%e secret is pumpin- radiant ener-y into t%e &ater and t%is puts it into a %i-%er
ener-y state. 7ou9re s&ein- t%e &ater up &it% t%e +et%er.
Eac% time a coi is -i/en a puse; t%ere &i 0e a certain /ot and amp o/er a certain
time. "%en t%e puse is s%ut off; t%e coapsed SPIAE is pure /ota-e potentia &it%
no current. '%at is &%y it is /irtuay a strai-%t ine.
7ou9re con/ertin- &or< 0ac< into potentia. '%e spi<e is time compressed
ener-y...pure +et%eric potentia or radiant ener-y. '%in< a0out it...you9re turnin- &or<
0ac< into potentia. It is t%e radiant potentia t%at you are &antin- to pump into t%e
&ater unidirectionay.
#reGuencies are important 0ut t%at is a case 0y case situation. @ased on ce spacin-;
materia of it; /ota-e; etc... t%ere &i of course 0e optima freGuencies for eac%
system and t%ey &i a 0e different. It %as not%in- to do &it% a ma-ica freGuency
t%at &ater &i mysteriousy separate at. '%ere are freGuencies t%at can do t%at 0ut t%at
isn9t &%at Meyer &as doin- I don9t 0eie/e.
It is essentia to understand &%at ener-y is and t%at ener-y is .B' t%e capacity to do
&or<; &%at eectricity is and to reai=e t%at t%ere is no suc% t%in- as
eectricity...eectricity is truy an adHecti/e to descri0e an e/ent...&%ere t%e source
c%ar-e comes from and for exampe if you po&er your system &it% 0atteries; t%e
c%ar-e does .B' come from t%e inside of t%e is important to understand
&%at a dipoe is and %o& a dipoe -ets a fo& o/er &ires. It is a myt% t%at &e don9t
<no& &%ere t%e source c%ar-e comes from. '%ese t%in-s are reay necessary to
dupicate somet%in- 0ut if you understand t%e a0o/e and a itte more; it &i 0e
o/er&%emin-y o0/ious &%at Meyer &as doin-. It is o0/ious %e didn9t <no& 0ut %e
sti -ot resuts.
'%e patents are t%ere to -i/e t%e concept; not t%e actua &or<in- mode. Same as t%e
xo-en patents. It &i not &or< usin- t%e exact same circuit and input of 12/; etc... t%at
s%o&s t%e concept of &%at t%ey are usin- 0ut t%at doesn9t mean t%eir &or<in- modes
are t%at same circuit.
#or exampe; t%e 0attery c%ar-in- met%od I9m usin- for o/erunity -ain...t%is is %o& to
measure it. measure t%e Houes of input ener-y from t%e input source o/er a -i/en
time. "%en t%e 0attery is c%ar-ed; po&er a resisti/e oad ,i-%t 0u03 from it and
measure t%e Houes 0ein- used to i-%t t%at 0u0 unti t%e 0attery is 0ac< do&n to t%e
/ota-e t%at it &as 0efore c%ar-in-. '%e Houes &i 0e more t%an &%at eft t%e input
source. '%is is o/erunity. Hundreds of E in fact and up to a fe& t%ousand is possi0e
&it%out a dou0t.
'%is is &%at t%e fa<es out t%ere &ant you to measure6 "e ets measure t%e input and
%oo< meters to t%e output of t%e circuit and measure t%at %undreds of /ots; etc... t%at
is a @S. '%e B.L7 %onest &ay to test t%is <ind of t%in- is measurin- "B8A.
Measure &or< in and t%en measure usa0e &or< +#'E8 t%e 0attery is c%ar-ed. 7ou
can9t directy measure potentia i<e t%is &it% de/ices 0ecaue t%ere aren9t any de/ices
t%at can measure pure +et%er. '%e de/ices &e use .... and t%is is important... ony
measure &asted ener-y. '%ey a &ant to %oo< t%e output of t%e circuit 0ac< into t%e
input source ,0attery3 or &%ate/er and %a/e it run itsef. '%at is ridicuous...t%at coses
t%e oop and <is t%e dipoe. +ny&ay; t%is is my 2 cents.
'%ere is one 0oo< t%at spes out &ord for &ord &%at Meyer9s is doin-; &%at 5ray did;
etc... t%at is c%apter one on 'esa in t%is 0oo<6
'%at 0oo< &as used as a 8osetta stone to crac<s 5rays patents and t%erefore re/eaed
some of 'esas secrets.
: 5iman1<: Posted: :ri Se/ 16# 266= =:2A /m Post sub8ect: correction6
I meant to say t%at it is .B' necessary to <no& a0out &%at a dipoe is; etc... to ma<e
t%e t%in-s &or<. It is ony necessary to easiy see &%at Meyer and ot%er &ere doin-.
: Murray# Posted: Sat Se/ 11# 266= <:6= am Post sub8ect6
Hi Jiman; I con/erted t%e internationa ne&s reease 0riefin-s 0y Staney + Meyer on
t%e &ater fue ce to P4# and aserine %as upoaded t%em for a to see. t%an<s mate6
&ort% a read. Murray
Ima-ination is more important t%an t%e <no&ed-e. '%e <no&ed-e is imited and t%e
ima-ination is not. ,+0ert Einstein3
: Murray# Posted: Sat Se/ 11# 266= =:<= am Post sub8ect6
I t%ou-%t t%is &as interestin- and %as some ree/ance. refer to in<s 6
%uote6 It is possi0e to step:up /ota-e &it%out usin- a transformer. '%e property of
an inductor to 0uid up a %i-% counter:eectromoti/e force ,cemf3 can 0e used to fas%
-as disc%ar-e tu0es and i-%t neon 0u0s and sma tu0es from /ery sma 0atteries.
+ you need to do is connect a fairy ar-e inductor ,.!mH or %i-%er &or<s 0est3 in
parae to t%e 0u0 or tu0e and t%en attac% t%e inductor to a sGuare &a/e puse
-enerator. '%e resut s%oud 0e t%e tu0e or 0u0 -o&in-; sometimes /ery 0ri-%ty
dependin- on t%e inductor used; t%e input /ota-eDcurrent; puse rate; and t%e 0u0 or
tu0e c%aracteristics. It is important to %a/e t%e neon 0u0; etc. i-%tin-; if it doesn9t t%e
cemf &i come 0ac< to t%e output transistor and possi0y ruin it. "%en t%e 0u0 is
-o&in- t%e -as is a o& resistance; t%erefore s%ortin- t%e cemf. '%e 0u0 or tu0e you
use &i aso protect t%e rest of t%e circuit. #or t%e puse -enerator; a o& freGuency
!!! timer circuit or si-na -enerator &i do. Experiment &it% t%e inductor; I %a/e
-otten neon 0u0s to -i/e off amost &%ite i-%t.
aso t%is is some -ood info on t%e dc resonate c%ar-in- circuit 6
I am &it% youM and %a/e came to /ery simiar concusions; no& &e Hust %a/e to pro/e
it. Murray
: 'ary# Posted: Sat Se/ 11# 266= A:2@ am Post sub8ect6
Hi 5uys; t%at Nric%ie0urnettN in< a0o/e in Murray9s post expains t%e dc resonant
c%ar-in- circuit /ery ceary; ea/in- no room for misinterpretaion at a.
Jiman; you can see t%at t%e freGuency is .B' dou0ed; 0ut t%e dc suppy /ota-e
across t%e capacitor isM 7ou can see &%at Meyer &as tryin- to ac%ie/e &it% t%is;
dou0in- t%e suppy /ota-e puses &%ie t%e inductor naturay imits t%e current : it
e/en s%o&s t%e step c%ar-in- seGuence. '%is expanation of t%e circuit is far; far 0etter
t%an anyt%in- Stan e/er &rote in %is &id 0a00in-s.
'%e 0oc<in- diode simpy ser/es to stop t%e capacitor disc%ar-in- in t%e opposite
direction t%rou-% t%e inductor once t%e capacitor is fuy c%ar-ed.
+s I see it; t%e fa& &it% t%is circuit &%en appied 0y od Stan to %is &fc is t%at of
course; t%e &fc is .B' muc% of a capacitor; more of a resistor.
Pure &ater ma<es a -reat dieectric; &it% a dieectric constant of around *1 and a
0rea<do&n /ota-e in t%e order of t%ousands of /ots per mm; 0ut tap &ater conducts
/ery &e as &e a <no&. ?ust 241/ mains pro/ides a /ery %eat%y current : or
un%eat%y if you %appen to 0e in t%e 0at% &%en t%e %air dryer drops inMMM
Ha/in- said a t%at I intend to pay a0out &it% t%e dc resonant c%ar-in- circuit and do
some proper tests as it mi-%t 0e t%ere is enou-% of a capacitance to sti pro/ide a
su0stantia step c%ar-in- effect. I don9t reay expect t%is to 0e t%e case t%o as t%e
resistance offered 0y my eectrode set up is at 0est muc% ess t%an 1 o%mM
Ho&e/er; I find t%at puttin- t%in-s actuay into practice often t%ro&s up info; ideas
and insi-%ts t%at don9t a&ays re/ea t%emse/es on paper. + t%e 0est
: 5iman1<# Posted: Sat Se/ 11# 266= 1:=6 /m Post sub8ect: Wat a di/ole really
5ary; I can understand your expanation of c%ar-e carriers; etc... Let me as< you
t%is...&%en you measure /ota-e...&%at are you measurin-L Eectron c%ar-e or /ota-e
potentiaL '%ey are t&o totay different t%in-s.
#irst of a; &%ere does t%e source c%ar-e come fromL Isn9t t%at t%e 0i- mystery &it%
NeectricityLN "e a are tod and &e can a o0ser/e &%at t%is mysterious c%ar-e does
0ut no text0oo< can expain &%ere it comes fromL
I 0eie/e it is cruicia to understand &%at a dipoe is. Bf course it is somet%in- &it%
t&o poes. If t%e poes %a/e a 0aanced potentia; t%ere is no mo/ement possi0e. I
t%in< &e can a-ree on t%at. If one potentia is %i-%er and one o&er; t%en t%ere is
o0/iousy mo/ement capa0iity. I t%in< &e can a-ree on t%at too. .o&; ets oo< at t%e
most common dipoe t%at &e use a t%e time. + 0attery.
It is caimed t%at t%e eectroytes in a 0attery create some c%emica reaction t%at
produces an eectrica c%ar-e and t%is eectrica c%ar-e is &%at -oes out of t%e 0attery
and o/er t%e &ires and po&ers &%ate/er is connected to t%e 0attery. '%is &oud of
course 0e a 0are 0ones expanation of &%at a 0attery is. Is t%is reay &%at is
It is important to understand &%at t%e +et%er is. Mic%aesonDMoray spein-LL %a/e
aready 0een dispro/en on- a-o. '%ey %a/e aso 0een pro/en to %a/e miscacuated
&%at t%ey &ere doin- &%en t%ey Npro/edN t%ere is no +et%er; &%ic% is a0soutey
ridicuous. So in fact; t%ere is an +et%er Hust as Einstein predicted. In fact; t%e +et%er
does exist as 'esa <ne& &ay 0efore and at a muc% %i-%er e/e t%an Einstein e/er did.
"e <no& t%at t%ere is unimited /acuum ener-y...infinite potentia a/aia0e in 3d
space and time. It is e/ery&%ere and &e are immersed in it i<e a fis% is in &ater.
"%en I say /acuum; I9m not ta<in- a0out a tu0e &it% atmosp%ere suc<ed out. +
space is iteray t%e /acuum. It is a miseadin- &ord 0ecause it causes peope to t%in<
it is empty &%en t%e opposite is true. In essence; more accuratey; it is a Penum
,%a/in- an infinite a0undance3.
Mat%ematicay; E.'. "%itta<er s%o&ed in 1F13 t%e unimited potentia a/aia0e. In
con/entiona p%ysicsDmat%; &%at t%ey a s%o& t%e potentia to 0e is t%is6 ta<e a cup
and scoop out a cup of &ater from a fo&in- ri/er in a moment in time. '%at is &%at
t%ey ca t%e potentiaL '%at is totay nutsM "%at a0out t%e rest of t%e infinite ri/erL
'%at %as caused so many pro0ems it isn9t e/en funny. '%e 0asics of t%ese p%ysics and
mat% are so fundamentay fa&ed; t%ey are useess &%en deain- &it% de/ices t%at do
no operate accordin- to manmade sef:procaimed NLa&s.N
.o&; &e are immersed in a sea of ener-y...t%en &%atL '%is sea of ener-y is fied &it%
/irtua p%otons : caed /irtua 0ecause as soon as t%ey are t%ere; t%ey instany
dissapear. So t%ey are in a state of fux...poppin- in and out and ridicuous speeds.
Per%aps t%ey are tra/ein- i<e a mo0ius strip..1D2 %ere and 1D2 t%ere; &%eree/er t%at
may 0e. +ny&ay; 0y t%e fact t%at t%ey %a/e a positi/e c%ar-e; t%ere must 0e a /irtua
ne-ati/e c%ar-e as &e for o0/ious reasons. Ho& do &e tap t%is ener-yL "e do it a
t%e time and don9t e/en <no& it.
"%en you %a/e a 0attery &it% eectroytes; t%e eectroytes do B.E t%in- ony. '%at is
to separate interna c%ar-es so t%at Q is on one side and : is on t%e ot%er side. Eac%
termina on a 0attery is connected of course to eac% side of t%e eectroytes 0y
connections. '%e terminas &i 0e Q and :. '%at is a potentia difference and t%at is
&%at ma<es a 0attery a dipoe. '%e eectroyte c%ar-es t%at &ere separated are .B'
t%e c%ar-e carries of some mysterious c%ar-e t%at -oes out t%e 0attery to po&er
somet%in-. '%at is a myt%. '%ey ony esta0is% a dipoe.
.o& t%at &e %a/e a dipoe; t%en &%atL '%e /acuum ener-y is /ery symmetrica in
nature. Pretty muc% t%e same t%rou-%out in a directions ,-eneray3. "it% a 0attery :
a dipoe : sittin- inside of 3d space and time &%ere t%is +et%er or /acuum ener-y is;
t%e symmetry of t%e p%oton ,different from re-uar i-%t p%oton t%at &e see3 ener-y is
0ro<en. Bne poarity of t%e +et%er -oes to one poe and t%e opposite to t%e ot%er poe.
If not%in- is connected to t%e 0attery; t%e +et%er radiates out&ard sp%ericay in a
directions at t%e speed of i-%t.
If a i-%t 0u0 is connected to t%e 0attery; you cose t%e circuit. '%e +et%er at t%e Q
termina fo&s o/er t%e &ire to&ards t%e : termina and induces t%e eectrons to fo&
t%at pie up at t%e fiament of t%e 0u0 and turn to p%otons t%at radiate out as i-%t.
'%ere is +LSB t%e opposite poarity fo& t%at -oes out t%e : termina to&ards t%e Q
termina 0uttin- %eads a-ainst t%e fo&. '%is is &%at 0rea<s apart t%e eectroyte
c%ar-es so t%at t%e stren-t% of t%e potentia difference of t%e eectroytes -et ess and
ess. '%is is &%at <is t%e 0attery 0ecause t%e oop &as cosed and t%e circuit is
caused to <i its /ery o&n dipoe. It &as not <ied 0ecause some mysterious c%ar-e
&as used up in t%e 0attery.
'%is fo& is caed t%e Poyntin- fo& usuay desi-nated a H:p%i I 0eie/e. Hea/iside
aso <ne& of t%is fo& 0ut %e actuay -ot t%e /ectors ri-%t. I9m pease to see t%at 4a/e
understand Hea/iside. +so; t%e amount of fo& t%at -oes o/er t%e &ires...ony 11 to
t%e :13t% po&er ,1D11triiont%s3 of it -ets di/er-ed into t%e &ire to mo/e eectrons to
t%e surface from t%e copper atoms 3rd eectron fied. Ima-ine t%atM
E/ery atom is iteray a perpetua motion de/ice. "%ere do you t%in< t%e eectrons
-et t%e ener-y potentia to sustain t%eir perpetua motionL Loo< at t%e mass of t%e
eectron; it sure &asn9t -i/en some incredi0e pus% t%at <eeps it in motion. It is
sustainin- 0y interactin- &it% t%e +et%er.
Bnce somet%in- is set into motion; it &i stay in motion uness it is acted upon 0y
somet%in- ese. '%is iteray permits perpetua motion.
It ne/er said t%at once somet%in- is in motion t%at it &i stay in motion unti
somet%in- acts on it; &%ic% most definitey &i %appen.
+ny&ay; o/erunity doesn9t %a/e to %a/e a sin-e t%in- to do &it% perpetua motion.
+ny&ay; '%at is &%ere t%e fo& comes from to i-%t a i-%t 0u0 and .B' some
c%ar-e carriers inside t%e 0attery. I don9t 0ame you for your expanation of t%at
0ecause t%at is in fact &%at is tau-%t. 4oes t%at mean t%at t%ey are correctL '%ey first
te you t%at is &%at %ods t%e c%ar-e and turn around and te you it is a mystery
&%ere t%e source c%ar-e comes from.
'a<e a 0at%tu0; fi it up and put a pu- in t%e %oe. It is a nice and symmetrica. pu
t%e<e a potentia difference and t%e &ater -oes to&ards t%e %oe and do&n
t%e pipe. 7ou 0ro<e t%e symmetry of t%e &ater. '%is is ET+$'L7 &%ere t%e 0attery
-ets its source c%ar-e from except not a o/er a &ire at i-%t speed &%ie
t%e eectrons t%at are induced into mo/ement ony mo/e at inc%es per %our iterayM
7ou can read Lee and 7an-9s presentation speec% as t%ey &ere -i/en t%e .o0e Pri=e
in P%ysics in 1F!). %ttp6DDno0epri=e.or-Dp%ysicsDaureatesD1F!)Dindex.%tm
Nfor t%eir penetratin- in/esti-ation of t%e so:caed parity a&s &%ic% %as ed to
important disco/eries re-ardin- t%e eementary particesN
It is 0ecause of t%eir &or< t%at &e understand t%at a dipoe 0rea<s t%e symmetry of t%e
+et%er. '%at is &%ere t%e source c%ar-e comes from and not eectrons.
'%e +et%er mo/es i<e a -as under pressure. It is a conducti/e -as t%at is conducti/e
to Q and :. If you %a/e a 0attery and you put a /otmeter on it; you -et a /ot readin-.
12/dc for exampe. '%at readin- %as not%in- to do &it% a c%ar-e in t%e 0attery. "%en
connectin- t%e eads to t%e meter; t%e +et%er fo&s to t%e terminas and o/er t%e &ires
on t%e meter and t%at induces eectron fo& in t%at circuit. 7ou are iteray ta<in- a
pressure readin- of t%e -as. Cota-e is not%in- more t%an t%e pressure of t%e fo& of
t%e +et%er o/er &ires. It %as .B'HI.5 to do &it% eectron c%ar-e.
'o carify; a 0attery can 0e c%ar-ed &it% %ot current..eectron current and you &i
%a/e eectrons piin- on pates. 7ou $+. aso c%ar-e a 0attery in a superior &ay 0y
c%ar-in- it &it% cod current; &%ic% is /oid of eectrons. '%is is a fact. '%e 0attery
ne/er &arms and eit%er does t%e circuit c%ar-in- it.
Li<e&ise; you can c%ar-e a cap &it% %ot current or eectron fo& and t%ose pie on t%e
pates. 4ependin- on t%e potentia difference 0et&een t%e pates 0ecause of t%e
eectrons you &i -et a potentia difference. '%at is true.
Ho&e/er; you can c%ar-e a cap &it% Ncod eectricityN; &%ic% is /oid of eectrons 0y
spi<in- t%e cap &it% P28E CBL'+5E PB'E.'I+L and .B ELE$'8B.S and t%e
cap "ILL c%ar-e up. '%e pressure of t%e aet%er %ere is &%at is measured &%en usin-
a /otmeter. It is not measurin- a potentia difference 0et&een pates on t%e caps
0ased on eectrons on one pate. 7ou can c%ar-e t%e cap 0ot% &ays. Bne; you &i
%a/e a cap t%at &i 0e &armed up and one &i 0e room temp.
'%in< a0out t%is. 7ou %a/e a itte 0itty 0attery and you %a/e a monster 0attery. '%ey
o0/iousy &oud %a/e an enormous difference in t%e amount of c%ar-e if it &as i<e
t%e esta0is%ment teac%es. @ot% 0atteries can read 12/ots 0rand ne&. '%erefore; it is
not reay measurin- a c%ar-e at a 0ecause if it &as; t%e 0i--er t%e 0attery; t%e 0i--er
t%e c%ar-e and t%e readin- &oud 0e %i-%er. "e <no& t%at is not t%e case.
I %ope t%is carifies &%at /ota-e potentia reay is and &%at a dipoe is and &%at t%e
/ota-e is .B'. '%is understandin- Heopardi=es oi money as it %as a aon-.
8emem0er; Mor-an said to 'esa...t%at9s nice Mr. 'esa; 0ut &%ere do &e put t%e
meterL '%ey &ant e/eryone to 0eie/e ener-y must 0e a non:rene&a0e consuma0e
and %a/e e/eryones mindset tuned to scarcity and ac< of instead of a0undance.
: 5iman1<# Posted: Sat Se/ 11# 266= <:=? /m Post sub8ect: inductor fre5uency6
My understandin- may 0e off on t%is. I9 put a scope 0efore t%e 0oc<in- diode and
c%ec< t%e freGuency and put one after t%e inductor. I -uess t%at &i 0e t%e easy &ay to
reay te &%at t%e difference is in freGuency if any at a.
If t%e freGuency is not increased after t%e inductor; t%at means t%e coapsed fied is
seamess &it% t%e initia appied puse. I find t%at %ard to 0eie/e 0ut may0e t%at is
&%at is %appenin-.
If t%at is &%at is %appenin-; t%at means t%ere may 0e a steady 4$ fo& to t%e &ater
ce and t%at means t%at no matter &%at freGuency you put to t%e &ater ce; t%ere &i
0e ony steady dc if t%e inductor is not -i/in- a separate puse on t%e coapse. If it is
+not%er possi0iity is t%at on t%e appied puse;t%e &ater -ets %it. "%en t%e puse is
off; t%e inductor coapses seamessy at t%e end of t%e initia puse so t%e puse -i/en
to t%e &ater is on-er t%an t%e initia puse 0y itsef and t%e /ota-e -oes up. "%en t%e
coapsed puse is done; t%en anot%er appied puse comes and does t%e same t%in- so
t%e freGuency &oudn9t increase 0ut yes t%e /ota-e &oud.
: 5iman1<# Posted: Mon Se/ 1<# 266= 1:2@ /m Post sub8ect: inductor test6
I read pa-e 1:1 in Meyer9s 0oo<. #irst ine N2sin- CBL'+5E PB'E.'I+L.N I t%in<
not%in- ese is necessary to read in t%at 0oo<. I&i t%ou-%. '%at is t%e &%oe secret.
'%at is time impuses; &%ic% are unidirectiona dc on-itudina impuses. '%at is &%at
PB'E.'I+L is. + %is info is ony a0out %o& %e is creatin- /ota-e potentia to
pump into t%e &ater. If you <no& &%at /ota-e potentia is; you -ot it.
If eectrons pie on pates and t%is ma<es t%e difference 0et&een t%e ot%er pate and
t%is is &%at t%e /ota-e is. Pease expain t%is. "it% T amount of /ots and T amount
of amps -oin- into t%e &ater ce; you9re -oin- to -et T amount of eectrons piin- on
one side. Ho&e/er; &%en puttin- an inductor after t%e 0oc<in- diode; you can -et a
%i-%er /ota-e &it% ess amps. '%e inductor reduces t%e eectrons in t%e ce 0ut t%e
/ota-e can 0e %i-%erL
'%e /ota-e is not directy tied to eectrons on t%e pates. 4oesn9t t%is simpe t%ou-%t
experiement s%o& t%at /ota-e doesn9t %a/e to %a/e anyt%in- to do &it% a certain
amount of eectrons on a pate t%at %as a certain socaed Nc%ar-eLN
Bn pa-e 1:2; Meyer says t%e L$ circuit NtunedN to resonance Y certain freGuency...
'%is doesn9t %a/e anyt%in- to do &it% L$ resonance. '%is is &%at %e means6 @ased on
a -i/en cap and a -i/en inductor; t%ere &i 0e a certain freGuency t%at t%e &%oe
system &i operate at Npea< effieiencyN meanin- t%at at t%at freGuency; t%e minimum
amount of current is used meanin- t%e minimum amount of eectrons. '%at &oud 0e
ET+$'L7 'esas definition of resonance. #or a -i/en cap and inductor; t%ere &i 0e
a freGuency t%at minimum amount of amps is used. 'o see &%at t%e resonant
freGuency is for a -i/en setup. Monitor amps input.
'urn t%e freGuency up and do&n. "%ate/er freGuency t%e amps is at minimum -oin-
to t%e cap from t%e inductor; t%at IS your resonant freGuency and &i 0e different for
e/eryones setup.
: 5iman1<# Posted: Mon Se/ 1<# 266= 2:26 /m Post sub8ect: inductor test6
I -ot resuts t%at &ere unexpected. '%e freGuency &as not increased after t%e inductor
t%at I used. '%e interestin- t%in- &as t%at t%e /ota-e remained identica. Ho&e/er; it
&as ne-ati/e spi<es on t%e output of t%e inductor of t%e same /ota-e.
9o read te oter /osts from %iman1< on te sub8ect# see te tml *ersion of tis
file cic< %ere ,same in t%e menu on top of pa-e36 Jiman13 Posts 1 : Jiman13 Posts 2
: Jiman13 Posts 3
--------------------------------------------- Return to the top
P &aron>%iman1< youtube *ideo added on Se/tember 6?# 266@; 4.14 minutes;
-W:C Wite Po.der Coatin" from Conditionin"-:
: comment 1 0y o/erunitydotcom ,%ttp6DDyoutu0e.comDuserDo/erunitydotcom3 6
Jiman; many t%an<s for t%is /ery intestin- /ideo; a pease aso come to6 o/erunity
dot comDindex.p%pDtopic;32(!.1.%tm to discuss t%is topic. Many t%an<s. 8e-ards;
: comment 2 0y Giman13 ,%ttp6DDyoutu0e.comDuserDGiman133 6 for-ot to mention in
/id 0ut durin- conditionin-; I set t%e /ariac at certain settin-. I monitor /ot and amps
%ittin- ce. o/er coupe %ours /ota-e is a0out same 0ut ampera-e drops 0y coupe
%undred ma9s and -as production is same. So t%is s%o&s t%at t%ere is itte 0y itte
more resistance to current o/er time. t%at is &%y amps drop 0ac<&ards from more
cacium coatin-.
: comment < 0y Giman13 ,%ttp6DDyoutu0e.comDuserDGiman133 6 'o speed up t%is
conditionin- process; I9m -oin- to add cacium %ydroxide. 7ou can -et it at petDfis%
stores for addin- cacium for marine ife. It may 0e <no&n as N<a<&asser po&derN. It
is aso <no&n in %ard&are stores as N%ydrated imeN or Nsa<ed imeN or Hust Nime.N
I9m -oin- to add some and run some -ood ampera-e t%rou-% t%e ce to see if I can -et
a t%ic<er coatin- faster. Bnce it is to my satisfaction; t%en I9 s&itc% to t%e /ota-e
potentia circuits.
: comment = 0y Giman13 ,%ttp6DDyoutu0e.comDuserDGiman133 6 I used tap &ater from
my <itc%en sin< and no added eectroytes. If you oo< in t%e 0ottom of a %ot &ater
<ette; you &i see Guite a 0it of &%ite scain-. '%at is cacium and ot%er mineras.
: comment 2 0y Giman13 ,%ttp6DDyoutu0e.comDuserDGiman133 6 yes; t%ere can 0e
&%ere t%e -ap -ets too sma. in norma eectroysis ces &%ere sea &ater for exampe
can 0e used; it 0uids /ery; /ery; /ery t%ic<. t%en you %a/e to add a NprecipitateN to
<noc< t%at stuff off. t%en it is o<. &%en usin- %i-%er amps; you reay -et t%e coatin-
desira0e to -et a -ood coatin-. t%en s&itc% to t%e /ota-e potentia circuits &it%out
current and you &on9t %a/e t%e ampera-e to cause more coatin- so you9re -ood to -o.
: comment ? 0y Giman13 ,%ttp6DDyoutu0e.comDuserDGiman133 6 t%ere may 0e some 0ut
&it% ony /ota-e potentia it 0uids so so&y t%at s%oudn9t 0e a pro0em for a on-
time. if it is e/er a pro0em. Hust s&itc% poarity on ce for a 0it and you &i see t%e
cat%odes ,used as annodes positi/e &%en s&itc%ed3 &i repe t%e cacium oxide into
t%e &ater and you &i %a/e ot of &%ite fa<es foatin- in &ater t%en t%e sette on t%e
0ottom. Hust do on- enou-% to -et t%e ayer do&n to desired t%ic<ness. t%en s&itc%
poarity to norma and -ood to -o.
: comment @ 0y Giman13 ,%ttp6DDyoutu0e.comDuserDGiman133 6 t%at is t%e @ES' &ay
to reduce t%ic<ness if t%at is e/er a pro0em. I %a/e done t%is Hust to see &%at %appens
and t%e coatin- &i repe.
PPP H2E&R9H REP!IC&9I7) of Stan MEYER Electrolysis: ,pa-e created at
.o/em0er 211) 2pdate3
PP Stan Meyer Cell by $a*id !. Wenbert from; inter/ie&ed 0y
Sterin- +en; at
$a*id Wenbert on Water :uel Cells and Electroma"netic 7*erunity Similarities
I)9R7$,C9I7)6 Bn +u-ust 2); 211); as part of t%e PES .et&or< #ree Ener-y
.o& %ttp6DDfreeener-yno&.net radio series; Sterin- 4. +an
%ttp6DDpes&i<i.comDindex.p%pD$on-ress6Mem0er6Sterin-K4.K+an conducted a 1:
%our inter/ie& &it% 4a/id "en0ert
%ttp6DDpes&i<i.comDindex.p%pD4irectory64a/idKL.K"en0ert &it% H2Eart% Institute
%ttp6DDH2Eart%.or- re-ardin- %is &or< &it% "ater #ue $es
%ttp6DDpes&i<i.comDindex.p%pDBS6"aterK#ueK$e ; and %is t%eory t%at t%e No/er
unityN 0ein- o0ser/ed in /arious eectroysis
%ttp6DDpes&i<i.comDindex.p%pD4irectory6Eectroysis set:ups is cosey reated to t%e
reason for No/er unityN 0ein- o0ser/ed in some eectroma-netic
%ttp6DDpes&i<i.comDindex.p%pD4irectory6Eectroma-netic set:ups.
: '%e foo&in- transcription and /ideo &ere prepared 0y Matt Im0er. ,$ompete
transcription in .doc format ,for "ord3; 1! pa-es; F( <o; is a/aia0e from t%is in<6
"aterK#ueK$esKandKEectroma-neticKB/erunityKSimiarities.doc 3
: '%e +udio fie of t%e inter/ie&; MP3; 13 Mo; at
Bur -uest today is $a*id Wenbert. He is t%e :ounder and E3ecuti*e $irector of
te H2Eart Institute; and %as 0een in/o/ed &it% ad/anced researc% for more tan
26 years in ener"y researc. H2 Eart% Institute is in t%e process of re/licatin" te
.ater fuel cell tecnolo"y of te late Stanley Meyer# .o ran *eicles on .ater#
and .ose /atents a*e 8ust no. become /ublic domain. Mr. "en0ert is no& in
t%e "as%in-ton 4.$. area and is de/eopin- t%e H2Eart% Institute and t%e companion
9rade &ssociation for te emer"in" .ater fuel industry. In particuar; %e %as a
t%eory or concept t%at t%ese o*er;unity electric systems a*e a ti"t correlation to
te o*er;unity electrolysis systems tat are bein" obser*ed; t%at %es 0een in/o/ed
in foundin-.
: Sterlin" &llan6 V...W %undreds if not t%ousands of peope %a/e repicated &%at appear
to 0e o/er:unity eectroysis scenarios; &%ere t%eyre -ettin- more ener-y out t%an
&%at traditiona eectroysis eGuations &oud say is possi0e; and apparenty; t%ere
may 0e some tappin- into =ero:point ener-y or some ot%er ener-y source in t%e
process : and youre sayin- t%at t%is o/er unity o0ser/ed in eectroysis : and you/e
0een %ea/iy in/o/ed in an open source proHect too; to pu0is% pans of %o& to do
t%ese t%in-s as Stany Meyers pans and ot%ers; and faciitatin- t%is massi/e
proiferation of t%e repication of t%is effect. @ut youre sayin- t%at t%is is Guite
simiar to &%ats -oin- on &it% t%e o/er:unity eectroma-netic systems.
: $a*id Wenbert6 7es; t%e Heart% Institute %as formed a -roup o/er ?6 researc
associates in 1? countries around t%e &ord. '%ese researc%ers %a/e a 0een
repicatin- t%e Stan Meyer "ater #ue $e : t%e /atents on .ic e3/ired Eune 2?t
D266@F. "e/e %ad a num0er of successesI our members a*e been /roducin" "as
at do.n at 1 U .att ours /er liter and do.n belo. tat ;; 6.<A .att ours /er
liter. &nytin" belo. 2.= .atts ours /er liter is o*er;unity.
: Sterlin" &llan6 +ccordin- to #aradays eGuations; ri-%tL
: $a*id Wenbert6 7es; and t%e &ater fue ce is a ot more compex t%an it seems.
'%ere are many processes -oin- on &it%in it at t%e same time. Many peope %a/e 0een
confused 0y t%e &ay Stan Meyer referred to t%e use of resonance as t%e mec%anism
t%at spits t%e &ater. ItKs not a molecular resonance in te .ay most /ysicists or
cemists .ould refer to it. Its more of an electrical resonance bet.een te
resonance car"in" co0e coils on eiter side of te .ater fuel cell in te circuit.
+nd &e/e found t%at t%e &ay t%ose cois interact is /irtuay identica to t%e &ay t%e
cois in 'om @eardens motioness eectroma-netic -enerator interact. +nd &e/e
traced t%is furt%er; and it appears pretty concusi/e t%at te electrodynamics tat are
a//enin" .itin te .ater fuel cell in Stan MeyerKs circuit# are te same tat
are obser*ed in not only (eardenKs# but Eose/ )e.manKs ener"y macine# Eon
(ediniKs motors ; itKs all te same. V...W
: Sterlin" &llan6 #or t%e sa<e of t%ose &%o are sittin- at t%eir computers istenin- to
t%is ri-%t no&; or t%rou-% t%e arc%i/es; ets -i/e out your &e0site domain name.
: $a*id Wenbert6 Its actuay pronounced Heart%; t%e Heart% Institute is6
: $a*id Wenbert6 V...W 4r. Peter Lindemann; I t%in< made a maHor contri0ution to t%is
fied &it% %is 0oo<6 #ree Ener-y Secrets of $od Eectricity. Its reay a detecti/e
story; &%ere %e &ent 0ac< and found t%e connections 0et&een ori-ina &or<s 0y
.icoa 'esa : &%ic% %ad not%in- to do &it% 'esas more &e:<no&n contri0utions
i<e +.$. current and so fort%. @ut some of 'esas a0 notes referrin- to radiant
ener-y and eectro:radiant e/ents t%at &ere anomaous; and didnt fit in &it% any of
t%e rest of eectrica t%eory; 0ut &ere reproduci0e. 4r. Lindemann t%en traced t%at to
t%e &or< of E.C. 5ray and t%e 5ray Motor; &%ic% definitey empoyed t%e same
mec%anism :: and t%en; traced t%at furt%er to Stan Meyer and t%e &ater fue ce. +nd
t%e more &e oo< at ?oe .e&man and ?o%n @edini; and a %undred ot%er in/entors out
t%ere : its t%e same circuit; its doin- t%e same t%in-. '%ese are not different de/ices.
+nd 4r. Lindemann and 'om @earden; in %is 0oo< Ener-y #rom t%e Cacuum; I t%in<
:: Hust in t%e ast fe& years :: are reay 0rin-in- t%is to-et%er : to coaesce to t%e point
&%ere industry can pic< up t%is tec%noo-y and 0e-in turnin- it into profit.
: Sterlin" &llan6 +t t%e recent extraordinary tec%noo-y conference; 0y 9esla 9ec in
Salt !a0e City in Euly 2?;2B Dand tis is te year 266@ for peope &%o are years
a%ead of us; istenin- 0ac<; years 0e%ind3; any&ay :: Peter Lindemann &as t%ere &it%
a demonstration of a num0er of circuits t%at %es come &it% t%at are actuay *ery
similar to te (edini circuit# but donKt in*ol*e te (edini /atent. +nd %e %as
actuay pu0is%ed t%ose; and t%ats a story I/e 0een sittin- on and need to -et around
to. I/e 0een procrastinatin- a itte 0it; 0ecause its %ard &or< to pu to-et%er
somet%in- i<e t%at in a compre%ensi0e &ay. @ut %e %as done simiar &or< in" some *ery amaHin" electrical /enomena tat "o far outside .at
classical /ysics describe in te3t boo0s; and &%ic% can ma<e motors so muc% more
efficient; so youre not fi-%tin- 0ac< EM#s; you can actuay use te bac0 EM:Ks;
and -et more mec%anica output from your motor usin- muc% ess ener-y. +nd %e %as
not pu0is%ed a compete set of pans a0out %o& to 0uid an o/er:unity motor; 0ut %e
says if you piece to-et%er &%at %e %as out t%ere; you can do it; %es Hust not -oin- to
te you %o& to do it.
: $a*id Wenbert6 Exacty :: &e ca it t%e I42; or Irrefutable $emonstration ,nit;
and it &i consist of a < 0ilo.att /ortable "enerator ; 8ust an off;te;self Honda
"enerator# runnin" itself off of a .ater fuel cell. &nd te .ater fuel cell .ill be
/lu""ed into te 16 am/ D12 *olt# 16 am/F $C au3iliary circuit. So# it .onKt e*en
be runnin" off te &C. +nd &e s%oud 0e at t%at point in t%e next fe& mont%s : its
Hust a Guestion of 0uidin- a fina ce t%at incorporates e/eryt%in- t%at &e/e earned
so far. Bur findin-s to:date are -eneray posted on t%at pa-e ,at
%ttp6DD&&&.& 3; and if you oo< at t%e 0ottom of t%at pa-e; t%ere is a
-rap%ic s%o&in- t%e input &a/eform t%at t%e &ater fue ce reGuires ,from Stan
Meyer3; and a0o/e t%at; some oscioscope tracin-s of t%e output &a/eform of t%e
?osep% .e&man ener-y mac%ine. +nd you can see at a -ance t%at t%ey are /irtuay
: $a*id Wenbert6 +ny&ay; t%at &as t%e first cue; 0ut since t%en &e/e found se/era
ot%ers. #or exampe; if you -o to 'om @eardens 0oo<6 Ener-y #rom t%e Cacuum; on
Pa-e 411; t%ere is a dia-ram of t%e ME5 coi assem0y ,#i-ure ).! on Pa-e 4113.
"e; t%at ima-e is /irtuay identica to t%e /ota-e intensifier circuit in Stan Meyers
: $a*id Wenbert6 .o&; I dont t%in< t%e &ord &ater appears any&%ere in t%e F11
pa-e 0oo< 0y 'om @earden; and I dont <no& if %e e/er ta<ed to Meyer at a. +nd
Stan Meyer didnt %a/e t%e 0enefit of t%e &or< t%at 'om @earden %as done o/er t%e
ast 11 years; in anay=in- free ener-y; 0ut; tey still seemed to a*e arri*ed at te
same conclusion.
: $a*id Wenbert6 V...W '%ats &%y I %a/ent updated our &e0site in a &%ie 0ecause
tis emer"in" understandin" as been unfoldin"# and .eK*e been tryin" to fi"ure
out .atKs te best .ay to /resent it. Carious t%in-s i<e t%e 'esa s&itc% are aso
pu0ic domain tec%noo-y; and &e 0eie/e t%at; at some point; a master desi"n can
come to"eter t%at incorporates t%is into one practica de/ice. '%e 0ottom ine of t%e
&ater fue ce is :: it reay is a fue ce. Its not a misnomer. You 8ust add .ater#
e3/ose it to te uni*erse# in te form of tat radiant ener"y /ulse# and it "i*es
you electricity. +nd you -et com0usti0e -as out of t%e 0yproduct.
: $a*id Wenbert6 7es; propery constructed; accordin- to &%at &e <no& no&; te
.ater fuel cell .ill consume no current. It .ill /roduce net current. "%ats
actuay %appenin- t%ere is; youKre acie*in" dielectric brea0do.n in te .ater#
o*er and o*er a"ain ; doin" it .it *olta"e. 7oure not ao&in- any current to enter
t%e ce. "%en t%e /ota-e spi<e -ro&s to a certain ma-nitude; it forces dieectric
0rea<do&n. If no current is enterin- in from t%e cat%ode ,&%ic% MeyerKs catodes
.ere insulated; 0y t%e &ay3; te electrons are ri//ed from te .ater to fill te
oles in te anode. &nd as you /ull electrons out of .ater# .ater molecules brea0
do.n. #irst; you %a/e ioni=ation &%en t%ey ose one eectron; and t%en you %a/e
disassociation .en tey lose 2 electrons. +nd t%ats &%at %appens in t%e &ater fue
ce : o/er and o/er a-ain. +nd all tose electrons build u/# and teyKre dra.n off
by .at Meyer called te electron e3traction circuit. &nd# so youKre "ettin" $C
current out of te .ater fuel cell# and tat electron e3traction circuit ;; in direct
/ro/ortion to o. muc "as you /roduce. .o& if you &ant more -as; you fix it so
it pus out more current; and /ise:/ersa.
: $a*id Wenbert6 V...W : t%e simpest depiction of a of t%is is in a document tat
.as released on Euly 2@t# 266@# by Patric0 +elly. Patric< Aey; as you <no&; is
t%e editor of 9e Practical 'uide to :ree Ener"y $e*ices; &%ic% is no& %osted at
%ttp6DD&&&.panaceauni/ersity.or- +nd %is document : )umber $<; ,and its easy to
find at &&&.panaceauni/ersity.or-3; t%at document -oes into /arious similarities
bet.een te (edini motor# te 9esla s.itc# and a /atent by Harold &s/den Dte
(ritis /ysicistF. Bn pa-es 2!:3(; of t%at descriery document; you see a &a<:
t%rou-% of t%e 'esa s&itc%; &%ic% ?o%n @edini first presented at t%e 'esa $entennia
Symposium in 1F*4. @ut; you see dia-rams t%at s%o& Hust %o& t%e 'esa s&itc%
circuit &or<s 0et&een 4 0atteries : <eepin- t%e 0atteries c%ar-ed; &%ie you dra& off a
oad. 9e more load you dra. off# te faster te batteries car"e. ItKs com/letely
te o//osite of a normal electrical circuit. It de/ends on te s.itcin". @ut t%at is
t%e sin-e; simpest em0odiment of t%is same principa. +nd &%ats -oin- on in t%at
'esa S&itc% &as Hust a %andfu of transistors and capacitors. "%ats -oin- on in t%at
'esa S&itc% is t%e same t%in- &ere seein- in t%e &ater fue ce; its &%at ?oe
.e&mans motor does; its &%at ?o%n @edinis motors do; its &%at t%e ME5 does : in
t%e fina anaysis. .o&; ?oe .e&man uses; &%at is in effect; a rotary mec%anica
s&itc% : %is commutator. +nd .e&mans commutator is t%e secret to t%e .e&man
ener-y mac%ine. '%e cois and t%e ma-nets are ampifiers. '%ats not &%ere t%e ma-ic
%appens. ItKs a//enin" in te s.itc.
: $a*id Wenbert6 V...W .o&; its aso true t%at t%at commutator is pro0a0y a 0etter
&ay of doin- t%is t%an transistors and ot%er discreet modern eectronic components.
'%eres certain t%in-s a0out t%is ener-y fo& t%at may 0e difficut for eements i<e
MBS#E's and so on; to accommodate.
: Sterlin" &llan6 Peter !indemannKs circuit also as a transistor. Its reay Guite
nifty %o& %es redesi-ned t%at circuit to accompis% t%e same t%in-; 0ut outside of t%e
@edini patents. So t%ats more of an open source type of 0east t%an &%at @edinis is ::
&%ere t%eres a patent protection.
: $a*id Wenbert6 +nd; t%eres enou-% of it no& in t%e pu0ic domain. 7ou <no&;
e/en t%e forei-n patents; &%ic% ?oe .e&man &as a&arded in /arious counties under
t%e patent cooperation treaty in 1F** : t%at patent %as expired. So; &it% a do respect
to ?oe .e&man; %is tec%noo-y is in t%e pu0ic domain : at east &%at %es ex%i0ited
so far.
: $a*id Wenbert6 +nd Meyers and t%e 'esa S&itc% and so on. +nd from a t%is; it
s%oud 0e possi0e for anyone &%ose -ot t%e fa0rication and assem0y capa0iity to
or-ani=e a practica de/ice. +nd t%ats somet%in- t%at &ere oo<in- at ri-%t no&.
: Sterlin" &llan6 M:%mm. "%at a0out t%e teory tatKs /ut fort by Moray +in";
&%o says t%at tese electrolysis scenarios are someo. ta//in" into Hero;/oint
ener"y. '%e -as custers on an atomic e/e are creatin- a sef:or-ani=in- criticaity
t%at some%o& -ets t%e =ero:point ener-y mo/in-; and t%ats t%e true source of ener-y
in t%ese scenarios : .B' t%e &ater itsef.
: $a*id Wenbert6 "e; yes. Li<e I said; t%e &ater fue ce is compex. .ot ony does
t%e circuit 0e%a/e i<e a 'esa S&itc% or t%e ME5; 0ut in t%e &ater itsef; &%en t%at
/ota-e spi<e is appied; 0ut no current is ao&ed t%ou-% it : &%at is %appenin- in t%e
&ater is t%e same t%in- t%ats %appenin- in t%e circuit. Its Hust %appenin- a o/er
a-ain. +nd t%at appears to 0e &%ere you -et t%is in-ression of ener-y from t%e
/acuum :: in t%e Guantum /acuum.
: $a*id Wenbert6 Stan Meyer; in one of %is ectures; actuay descri0ed it t%at &ay.
He said .it tat /ulse# .eKre o/enin" a door# and as lon" as .e can 0ee/ tat
door o/en# te ener"y .ill continue to come in. @ut its /ery %ard to do; and you
%a/e to <eep pusin- it; and <eep openin- t%e door o/er and o/er a-ain. "e; t%ats
t%e same t%in- as t%e 5ray 'u0e in E.C. 5rays Motor; and t%e same t%in- t%e
.e&man $ommutator is doin-.
: $a*id Wenbert6 "e; yes and no. I mean at t%e simpest e/e; &ater fue ce
seems t%e 0est description. Its aso 0een referred to as a &ater capacitor; at%ou-%
t%ere are more mundane; cosed &ater capacitors for ot%er purposes. I t%in< t%at as t%e
understandin- of t%ese t%in-s comes to-et%er; and Im ta<in- Hust o/er t%e next 3 to (
mont%s; youre -oin- to see some /ery reia0e; repica0e demonstrations t%at are
-oin- to ma<e it irrefuta0e t%at t%e excess ener-y is rea; and t%at its 0ein- used in
t%ese de/ices. +nd t%en -rud-in-y; you see t%e scientific esta0is%ment start ta<in-
a more serious oo< at it.
: $a*id Wenbert6 V...W 7ou %a/e to remem0er; Stan Meyer died in 1FF*; and &ere
Hust comin- up on t%e 11t% anni/ersary of %is deat%. He didnt %a/e 'om @eardens
papers to -o 0y.
: $a*id Wenbert6 He didnt %a/e.. &e; /irtuay e/eryt%in- t%ats on t%e internet
no&; in t%e fied of free ener-y; didnt exist 11 years a-o. +nd I t%in< t%at by findin"
te 0eys to te /enomenolo"y tat .e tin0 .e a*e no.; t%e &ater fue ce can
0e made simper and more reia0e. +nd utimatey; you &ont need :: for a %ome
po&er system for exampeO you <no&; &e &ere en/isionin-6 youd %a/e a &ater fue
ce; and youd ta<e t%e -as and youd run it t%rou-% a microtur0ine; and t%e
microtur0ine &oud -enerate eectricity; and &it% t%e &aste %eat; youd %eat your
&ater. So youd %a/e a %ome po&er system not uni<e a 5enerac : or one of t%ese
t%in-s on t%e mar<et today for 0ac<up po&er t%at you can 0uy at Home 4epot. +
microtur0ine &oud 0e 0etter t%an a piston en-ine for reia0iity reasons; 0ut t%ats
0eside t%e point. +ny&ay; t%ats &%ere &e &ere; oo<in- at doin- &it% t%e &ater fue
ce : &as -ettin- it to t%e point &%ere it can 0e used for %ome po&er; in t%at re-ard.
(ut no.# as .eK*e studied it furter ; in te relationsi/ to te electrical /
tat comes out of te cell# in te electronic e3traction circuit# it could be a lot
sim/ler tan tat. It could 8ust be a 5uestion of a*in" a battery ban0# li0e you
.ould if you ad solar PC /anels on your roof ; .ere you a*e a doHen
batteries# or 26 batteries# and an automatic transfer s.itc# and in*erter# a
car"e controller# and *olta"e re"ulator. 7ou <no&; a t%is stuff is off:t%e:s%ef in
t%e soar industry. ,3(6343 7oud %a/e t%at same system; 0ut tere .ould be a .ater
fuel cell# and te current tro.n off by te .ater fuel cell .ould 0ee/ your
batteries car"ed# and te batteries .ould "o to a 12 *olt in*erter# and con*ert it
to 126;*olt &C# to run your ome.
: $a*id Wenbert6 In t%at case; its amost i<e t%e -as 0ecomes irree/ant; 0ut yea%;
you can use it in your HC+$ system; you <no&; in an a0sorption c%ier or somet%in-
i<e t%at. In an automo0ie; its Hust t%e opposite. '%ere; you &oud use t%e -as in t%e
interna com0ustion en-ine; and t%e fact t%at its -eneratin- a ot of eectrica po&er;
&e; you ma<e use of t%at in some &ay; per%aps a %y0rid /e%ice is idea for use
&it% t%is.
: Sterlin" &llan6 So; you said it a num0er of times t%at apparenty 0ears repeatin- : I
%ad not appreciated : t%at te .ater fuel cell is not only "eneratin" "as# te
ydro"en>o3y"en comin" off of te bro0en bonds from te .ater# but youKre
sayin" itKs also "eneratin" current.
: $a*id Wenbert6 7es; as a matter of fact; one of t%e t%in-s t%at 0ecame apparent in
our researc% is t%at you can not ne"lect tat electronic e3traction circuit ;; you
)EE$ to /ull tat current out of tere# because e*ery electron tatKs left in te
.ater is inibitin" ioniHation and disassociation from occurrin". '%ats &%y t%e
/ulses are timed in suc a .ay tat tey 0ee/ te current from enterin" te cell.
&nd te catode tat te electrons .ould normally come out of# is insulated in
$elron. Stan buried tat in is documentation. It .as ard to fi"ure out e .as
doin" tat# but yea# te sort of bounce;bac0 and te resonant effect is te
/rimary factor in 0ee/in" te current from enterin"# and te $elron insulation
/re*ents any lea0a"e beyond tat. @ut mean&%ie; as t%e resut of ioni=ation and
disassociation; you %a/e t%is free electron current tat arises in te solution. +nd
t%e &ay t%e circuit &or<s is; .en te i" *olta"e /ulse is off on te anode# te
Electronic E3traction Circuit 0ic0s inP because te electrons canKt all mo*e
trou" te .ater fast enou" to "et to te anode durin" te /ulse. So te EEC
dra.s off tis free electron current# and you can / a li"t .it itP .eK*e ad
/eo/le use it to run motors & fans and /um/s and so on. (ut itKs *ery im/ortant#
because oter.ise tose electrons .ill build u/ and can"e te nature of .atKs
a//enin" cemically# and inibit te /rocess.
: $a*id Wenbert6 I t%in< t%at if a %ome po&er system 0ased on free ener-y; &%et%er
its t%e 'esa S&itc%; or &%et%er its a /ersion of t%at in/o/in- t%e &ater fue ce :
eit%er &ay; youre -oin- to 0e a0e to do &it% a itte -reen 0ox for ]2;111 &%at you
&oud ot%er&ise need ]21;111 &ort% of soar panes to do. .o&; t%e 0aance of t%e
system is a pretty muc% -oin- to 0e t%e same; and &ere fortunate our friends in t%e
soar industry de/eoped t%is to a %i-% art : and t%ere are a t%ousand instaers around
t%e country; &%o put t%ese t%in-s in e/ery day. 7ou <no&; t%e 0attery 0an<; and its
associated eectronics is no& somet%in- you can 0uy out of a catao- from a do=en
/endors. '%at &asnt t%e case &ay 0ac< in t%e 21t% century.
: Sterlin" &llan6 In our /ideo t%at &ere puttin- out %ere in a coupe of days; t%eres a
snip s%o&in- To-en tec%noo-y ,speed is t%eir &e0site3. Br; actuay; I
t%in< its dotO ,4a/id S Sterin- to-et%er6 its dot $+ I 0eie/e3. 7ea%; t%ey ost t%eir
dot com. +ny&ay; t%ey are caimin- to use t%e tec%noo-y not to produce -as; 0ut to
purify &ater.
: $a*id Wenbert6 "e; yes; and you can do t%at &it% %i-% /ota-e in &ater. It
doesnt mean t%at t%ey %a/e rea &ater fue tec%noo-y t%ou-%; unfortunatey. 7ou
<no&; t%ere are a num0er of companies doin- t%at sort of t%in-; and &e refer to it as
exot%ermic pasma synt%esis. '%ey a %a/e different trade names for it. 7ou/e -ot
companies i<e Star'; and 2.S. '%ere are a do=en ot%ers; and
t%ey use a %i-% /ota-e disc%ar-e under &ater to produce com0usti0e -as. +nd &%at
t%eyre doin- is : car0on 0ased. Most of t%em are usin- car0on; or -rap%ite eectrodes;
and t%e eectrodes a0ate and you -et $BH2 out :: car0on monoxide and %ydro-en in
a oose 0ind; and it is fairy cean and /ery efficient. @ut t%e -rap%ite eectrodes are
expensi/e. '%at is a fied t%at &ere interested in; 0ut t%ats not reay t%e same t%in-
as t%e &ater fue ce per say.
: Sterlin" &llan6 B<; so t%e idea t%at &ater fue ces coud 0e used cean t%e &ater;
&%ie aso pro/idin- ener-y is a 0it mispacedL
: $a*id Wenbert6 "e; no. I mean; one of t%e t%in-s &e/e unco/ered is t%at you
can use any .ater in tis tin". I mean# first# .en .e realiHed tat Peter
!indemann .as correct# and tat te dielectric brea0;do.n in te .ater .as te
0ey# our /eo/le started all usin" distilled .ater# and tri/le distilled .ater# and
isoto/ically /ure .ater# and so on. (ut# tat only matters if youKre /assin"
current trou" it. &nd .e realiHed tat# no ; tere is no current bein"
introduced into te .ater fuel cell# because te catode is insulated. 9en .e
realiHed tat Stan Meyer really .as correct .en e said you can use sea .ater.
It doesnKt matter# you 8ust ad8ust te /arameters. (ut .en te .ater isV
.ate*er itKs resisti*ely is# or o. conducti*e it is ; it doesnKt matter. You can still
acie*e dielectric brea0do.n if you dri*e it .it enou" *olta"e fast enou".
: $a*id Wenbert6 "e; Stan Meyer and 7ue @ro&n &ere contemporaries. '%ey
&ere ri/as. '%ey &ere -oin- around t%e same time in t%e ^)1s and ^*1s promotin-
t%eir tec%noo-ies. '%eres confictin- e/idence a0out &%et%er t%e -as comin- out of
t%e &ater fue ce is reay @ro&ns 5as or &%et%er it %as t%e same uniGue properties
as @ro&ns -as. '%ats -oin- to ta<e some spectroscopy to reay -et a %ande on t%at;
and &e pan to do t%at in t%e future. @ro&ns 5as mac%ines typicay operate at a0out
3 &att:%ours per iter. "it% t%e &ater fue ce; &ere seein- at east t&ice as efficient;
and utimatey; many times more efficient in producin- t%e -as; at%ou-% studyin-
@ro&ns 5as %as tod us a ot a0out &%at is -oin- on in t%e &ater fue ce. @ro&ns
-as is ioni=ed. +nd t%e @ro&ns 5as fame is impin-in- on somet%in- : its
transferrin- a c%ar-e. '%ats &%at accounts for a t%e 0i=arre properties of @ro&ns
5as. + norma fame; &%et%er its a torc% or a cande; or &%ate/er : its a pasma. +
fire is pasma; 0ut its neutra. '%e tota num0er of positi/e c%ar-es and ne-ati/e
c%ar-es are rou-%y eGua in an ordinary fame. .ot so in t%e @ro&ns -as. +nd t%at
tes us t%at &%en you create t%is -as in an eectricay asymmetricay fas%ion; you
dra& off t%e eectrons. 7ou start seein- unusuay effects occur; and indeed t%ats t%e
: Sterlin" &llan6 +re you obser*in" te similar effects to .at (ro.nKs 'as is
obser*in"L 7ou; <no&; you can ta<e a torc% and you can &a/e across your %and and
it doesnt 0urn your %and; 0ut you can t%en ta<e t%at same torc%; on t%e same settin-;
put it to tun-sten and it &i su0imate it amost immediatey.
: $a*id Wenbert6 8i-%t; tatKs due to te fact tat te flame is i"ly car"ed.
: Sterlin" &llan6 +nd youre seein- t%at same effect &it% t%e -as comin- off t%e &ater
fue ceL
: $a*id Wenbert6 "e &e %a/ent 0een anay=in- its com0ustion c%aracteristics yetI
&e/e 0een concentratin- on -as production efficiency.
: Sterlin" &llan6 '%e ot%er is; %o& does t%is reate to peope &%o are usin- %ydro-en
inHection systems into t%eir air inta<e in t%e /e%ice t%ey %a/e in an on0oard
eectroysis scenario :: producin- 0ro&ns -as; &%ic% t%en -oes into t%e air inta<e;
and increases t%e fue efficiency and decreases t%e emissions.
: $a*id Wenbert6 7es; t%ose can 0e -enericay referred to as %ydroxy:0oosters for
cars; and I t%in< t%ere are; I t%in< a0out !1 of t%em on t%e mar<et; and %a/e 0een; and
t%eres more a t%e time :: and peope do seem to -et incredi0e resuts &it% t%em.
'%e Hydroxy Ener-y +ssociation t%at t%eyre puttin- to-et%er &i %opefuy ser/e as
a trade association for a <inds of &ater fue tec%noo-y; not Hust t%e &ater fue ce.
+nd you/e -ot out t%ere companies t%at ma<e @ro&ns 5as &eders. 7ou/e -ot
companies t%at ma<e t%ese %ydroxy 0oosters t%at are exampes of &ater fue
tec%noo-y t%ats in use today. '%eres a company in Aorea t%at actuay %as a
@ro&ns 5as system t%at feeds into a roaster; and you can roast c%ic<ens on a
commercia scae usin- @ro&ns 5as. '%ey caim t%at t%e meat coo<s 0etter; and t%at
its Huicier and so fort%. @ut; yea%; t%e Hydroxy Ener-y +ssociation for 8ene&a0es
and 'ransports and Homes ,or HE+8'H3 &i 0e 0ased %ere in "as%in-ton 4$; and
&i represent t%e interests of t%e ne& &ater fue industry in t%e same &ay t%at t%e
+merican Petroeum Institute represents oi companies; or t%e -as association for
natura -as and coa industries represent t%eir fieds. Indeed; a t%ousand ot%er
industries t%at %a/e trade associations.
: $a*id Wenbert6 V...W &ere ta<in- &it% t%e Panacea #oundation in +ustraia a0out
possi0y doin- a Hoint function &it% t%em at some point. It &oud 0e nice to do
somet%in- in Ha&aii; in coa0oration &it% Panacea; and 0rin- to-et%er &ater fue
researc%ers from t%e 2.S. and +ustraia : :&%ic% is &%ere most of t%e effort seems to
0e concentrated &ord&ide : at%ou-%; &e do %a/e some /ery acti/e teams in Sout%
+frica and ot%er countries around t%e &ord.
--------------------------------------------- Return to the top
PP Water :uel Cell 7/en Source Pro8ect# 7S:Water :uel Cell# from Pes.i0i
Staney Meyers eectroysis. '%is proHect see<s to repicat &%at %e accomis%ed 0efore
%is untimey deat%. '%is is a pu0icy edita0e site. 7ou are &ecome to participate in
its de/eopment.
S%ortcut 28L 6 %ttp6DD&aterce.infoD . +n open source proHect 0y t%e H2eart% Institute
%ttp6DD&&&.%2eart%.or- is in process of repicatin- t%e &ater fue ce tec%noo-y of
t%e ate Staney Meyer %ttp6DDpes&i<i.comDindex.p%pD4irectory6StaneyKMeyer ; &%o
ran /e%ices on &ater; and &%ose patents %a/e Hust no& 0ecome pu0ic domain.
P Water :uel Cell Parameters : Pysical Cell Construction6
'%e "#$ consists of some num0er of independent sets of concentric tu0uar
eectrodes; &%ere t%e -ap 0et&een t%e Buter 'u0e and t%e Inner 'u0e of eac% set is no
ar-er t%an 1.!mm.
: "%ie corrosion is not apparent in a mature operatin- "#$; it can occur durin- t%e
ce9s initia 0urn:in p%ase. $onseGuenty; tu0es of t%e 31(L stainess stee aoy are
: "%ie &eded tu0es are ess expensi/e; and can 0e used for t%e inner eectrode; t%e
outer tu0e s%oud 0e extruded; to a/oid any inner &ed 0ead &%ic% mi-%t pro/ide a
conducti/e pat% to s%ort out t%e intereectrode -ap 0et&een t%em.
: + t%orou-% ceanin-; to incude an o/erni-%t soa< in HaBH ,ye3 soution %as 0een
s%o&n to en%ance performance; most i<ey 0y disso/in- any mac%ine ois pic<ed up
on t%e tu0e surfaces in s%ippin- ,or car0on &ed residues3.
: +n initia %i-% ampera-e N0urn:inN of 111 %ours %as appeared to en%ance
performance as &eI t%is is 0eie/ed to resut from %ydro-en oadin- of t%e cat%ode9s
meta attice; &%ic% c%an-es its eectroytic properties. ,See $od #usion3.
: In procurin- tu0es; one -eneray seects t%e outer diameters of 3D4N and 1N; and
adHusts t%e inner diameter of t%e outer tu0es for t%e desired intereectrode -ap. "%ie
a smaer -ap is prefera0e; &ater fo& issues impose practica imitations on t%is.
Some ce desi-ns &it% forced &ater fo& see< to o/ercome t%is imitation.
: It is 0eie/ed t%at t%ere may 0e acoustic resonance factors participatin- in t%e Meyer
Effect; as &e as eectrica. $onseGuenty; tu0es are i-%ty mounted and ao&ed to
/i0rate; pro/ided t%e inner and outer tu0es are separated 0y spacers composed of a
%i-% /ota-e insuati/e materia; suc% as tefon. "%en -as production pea<s; a
c%aracteristic rin-in- of t%e tu0es is audi0eI it is not <no&n if t%is is a cause or effect
of t%e process. ,See '%eoretica $onsiderations3.
: + "#$ is not -rounded; and t%e ce container itsef s%oud 0e insuated from any
conducti/e pat% eadin- to -round.
: $e operatin- c%aracteristics &i c%an-e &it% t%e e/e of &ater in t%e ceI %ence;
an auto:fi system s%oud maintain t%e &ater e/e on a constant 0asis as cosey as
: '%e incrementa current dra& for eac% additiona tu0e set in t%e $e is ess t%an t%at
&%ic% came 0efore; &it% ne& tu0e sets producin- an eGui/aent amount of -as to
t%ose pre/iousy in t%e system; conseGuenty; ar-er arrays are prefera0e and more
P Pulsar Circuit# 9e Meyer Wa*eform6
'%e freGuency -enerator for t%e unit &i accept strai-%t 4$ input at 12/D11a; and;
produce a /aria0e pused output of 0et&een 2A%= and 111A%=; in -ated puse trains
of 4 to 11 puses per train; &it% a /aria0e -ate &idt%; ena0in- a duty cyce &%ic% can
0e t%rotted do&n from F1E to 11E durin- ce operation.
: $ontrary to popuar misconceptions; t%e &a/eform is not a simpe sa&toot% &a/e. It
is a ramp of indi/idua sGuare &a/e puses; step c%ar-in- t%e &ater capacitor. ,See
'%eoretica $onsiderations3. Eac% puse train 0uids to t%e point of catastrop%ic
dieectric 0rea<do&n; 0ut is interrupted 0efore current can actuay fo& t%rou-% t%e
: '%ere is no Nma-ic freGuencyN. '%e optima freGuency in any -i/en circumstance is
a function of t%e specific confi-uration and dimensions of t%e ce 0ein- used; t%e
&ater composition and temperature; and ot%er factors. + compete ce &i sense its
point of resonance; and /ary t%e freGuency in reatime to maintain t%at condition.
: + reations%ip is <no&n to exist 0et&een t%e en-t% of t%e tu0es and t%e freGuencies
used; &%ic% appears to o0ser/e t%e eGuations for +coustic 8esonance in meta tu0es;
used in t%e desi-n of musica instruments; suc% as or-an pipes.
: "%ie !!! timer MBS#E's %a/e 0een used successfuy; t%ere are indications 0ot%
from Meyer %imsef and from t%e &or< of independent researc%ers; t%at more
primiti/e puse formin- circuits may in fact 0e 0etter suited to t%e reGuirements of t%e
: '%e circuit %as 0een found to reac% %i-% /ota-e e/es : in excess of 3!;111/ : in
puses &it% a duration of under )! nanoseconds. Initia o0ser/ations missed t%is; 0ut
faster instrumentation confirmed t%at muti:<io/ot e/es &ere 0ein- ac%ie/ed 0y
La&ton; and t%at t%is is in <eepin- &it% Meyer9s ectures and &ritin-s a0out %is &or<.
: '%e !!! MBS#E's can easiy 0e 0o&n 0y t%ese %i-% /ota-e spi<es; and may -i/e
no out&ard indication of doin- so ,no 9snap; crac<e; or pop9; no discooration or
smo<e3; &%ere t%e faiure is ony detecta0e if t%e ri-%t pin is 0ein- acti/ey
monitored. '%is can ead to researc%ers findin- a 9fase ne-ati/e9 resut in t%eir
experiments. Protectin- t%e timer &it% a 11/ >ener diode is ad/isedI a simpe 11a fuse
is insufficient.
&aron-s W:C circuit
Kcircuit.pdf : cose to t%e 0est iteration of t%e circuit at t%is point.
P Resonant Car"in" Co0es6
'&o Inductor $ois; paced on eit%er side of t%e "#$ eectricay; ampify and refect
impuses t%rou-% t%e $e; and esta0is% an eectrica resonance 0et&een t%em. It is
0eie/ed t%at t%e %i-% /ota-e potentia exc%an-ed 0et&een t%em : &%ic% can transate
instantaneousy : is a0e to interrupt t%e fo& of current 0efore it crosses t%e $e; t%us
conser/in- ampera-e and reducin- net ener-y input reGuirements.
: '%ere is a reations%ip 0et&een t%e si=e of t%e 8$$s in num0er of turns; and t%e
en-t% of t%e tu0es in t%e $e.
: It is 0eie/ed t%at a detai &%ic% Meyer eft out of some patents to protect %is desi-n
may %a/e 0een t%e use of 0ifiar &ire in t%e 8$$ cois.
: '%e optima coi core materia is 0eie/ed to 0e an en-ineerin- resin emusion of
8i/er Hematite; an iron oxide compound &idey found in nature; &%ic% /arious
researc%ers ,Lindeman; et a3 %a/e found to %a/e superior properties &it% respect to
ma-enti=ationDdema-eti=ation for use in suc% de/ices. ,See '%eoretica
P Colta"e Intensifier Circuit# 9e Missin" Piece: 9e CIC transformer coils .ere
'%e Cota-e Intensifier $ircuit is a 0ifiar panca<e coi transformer &%ic% pro/ides
distri0uted capacitance and inductance to t%e tu0e sets in t%e $e. Its function is to
mana-e t%e transfer of potentia t%rou-% t%e $e; &%ie in%i0itin- t%e passa-e of
current 0y t%e circuit.
: In t%e "#$; $urrent performs no &or<; and is considered counter:producti/e; and a
&aste of ener-y.
: + perfect "#$ &oud pass no current &%atsoe/er; merey s&itc%in- massess
potentia ,Cota-e3 0et&een t%e eectrodes.
: '%e c%aen-e is to tri--er t%e sudden catastrop%ic dieectric 0rea<do&n &it%in t%e
$e; 0et&een eectrodes; &%ie in%0itin- t%e passa-e of current 0et&een t%em. "%en
t%is occurs; a current reGuired to effect t%e 0rea<do&n must 0e pued from soution.
: Meyer eft a su0te eement out of t%e patents; to protect %is tec%noo-yI t%e fact t%at
t%e CI$ coi is &ound of 0ifiar &ire; as found in many 'esa de/ices.
P Electron E3traction Circuit# !am/ /o.ered entirely by te :ree Electron
Current dra.n from solution by te EEC6
'%e Meyer Effect is occasioned 0y t%e esta0is%ment and maintenance of an eectron
deficit in t%e &ater. +s t%e $e operates; a free eectron current de/eops as t&o
eectrons are i0erated per &ater moecue; t%rou-% first; t%e ioni=ation and t%en; t%e
dissocation of eac% moecue. #or t%is reason; t%e "#$ is a NtrueN "ater #ue $e;
-eneratin- eectric po&er as it operates; t%e fact t%at it is aso producin- fue -as;
not&it%standin-. 8emo/in- t%ese free eectrons is necessary to pre/ent ioni=ed
species from droppin- 0ac< do&n to eGuii0rium; and pre/entin- Hydro-en and
Bxy-en from recom0inin- 0ac< into &ater 0efore t%e -ases are reeased from
soution. 'o remo/e t%e free eectron current from soution; t%e EE$ is incorporated
into t%e $e; 0ut it is a separate circuit from t%e rest of t%e system.
: '%e $e must not 0e -rounded ,eit%er intentionay or 0y inad/ertant conducti/e
-round pat%3; or its potentia &i entrain un&anted eectrons from -round; as t%e EE$
: '%e free eectron current dra&n from soution is su0stantia and %as t%e a0iity to
perform usefu &or<. @ri-%t incandescent 0u0s and muffin fans pro/idin- practica
cooin- %a/e 0een po&ered from EE$ outputs in "#$ experiments. Since t%is current
is necessariy directy proportiona to t%e num0er of &ater moecues processed 0y t%e
$e; t%e -reater t%e current &%ic% can 0e extracted; t%e more com0usti0e -as is
: '%at t%e &ater carries a stron- eectrostatic c%ar-e is e/idenced 0y /isa0e c%an-es
in surface tension; meniscus; frot%; and ot%er factors.
P 9eoretical Considerations6
'%e Meyer Effect %as 0een esta0is%ed t%rou-% circumstances &%ic% expressy
excude t%e operation of norma eectroysis. '%e &ater is not conducti/e; and no
eectroyte is added to increase conducti/ity. '%e ampera-e used is insufficient to
produce t%e -as /oumes o0ser/ed; and; &%en t%e effect is e/ident; t%ere is a
reations%ip 0et&een t%e net /ota-e ,and freGuency3 reac%in- t%e ce; rat%er t%an its
: + poarity in t%e $e is in one direction; at east per tu0e set; and ne/er crosses t%e
centerine. '%e o0Hecti/e is to produce t%e maximum possi0e unidirectiona
eectrodynamic stress on &ater moecues &it%in t%e intereectrode -ap; and not ao&
t%eir reorientation or return to eGuii0rium.
: '%is poari=ation affects t%e Guantum state of t%e &ater moecue; as does p%otonic
,i-%t3 input; 0ut to a muc% -reater de-ree; extendin- and eon-atin- t%e
eectronsp%ere of t%e outer /aence eectrons.
: Meyer correcty anticipated t%e &or< of Scra--; Mis and Santii; &it% respect to
p%oto<inetic effects; fractiona Guantum states and ma-necuar 0ondin- in Hydro-en;
and t%ese are a directy ree/ant to t%e oepration of t%e "#$.
: Pused potentia impacts on t%e poari=ed; ai-ned &ater moecue not ony extend its
eectronsp%ere; raisin- its Guantum state; 0ut aso affect t%e p%otoeectron yied of t%e
&ater; in effect renderin- it more suscepti0e to p%otodissociation t%an it is in a
norma -round state. "it% p%oton emission occurin- from Bxy-en upon i0eration;
t%e Guantum efficiency of p%otoysis 0ecomes -reater t%an one; &it% eac% dissociated
&ater moecue tri--erin- t%e dissociation of ot%ers. '%e pea< a0sorption point of t%is
p%otosensiti/ity is 0eie/ed to 0e in t%e Infrared; around F11nm; &%ic% does not
correspond &it% t%at of norma &ater; &%ic% is in t%e 2C portion of t%e spectrum.
: Eectrica resonance occurs &it% in t%e circuit 0et&een t%e 8$$ cois and CI$
transformer; and aso &it%in t%e $e; 0et&een t%e tu0uar eectrodes; &%ie t%ere aso
appears to 0e an acoustic resonance at &or<. '%ere may 0e a p%ase reations%ip
0et&een t%ese t%ree resonant p%enomena.
_ '%e acoustic factors coud 0e as simpe as /i0ratin- -as 0u00es oose from t%e
eectrode surface faster; t%ere0y exposin- more effecti/e surface area per unit time.
"%ate/er ese appies; t%is is pro0a0y aso %appenin-.
_ +not%er possi0iity stron-y indicated 0y t%e dynamics of t%e process is t%at a
standin- acoustic &a/e arises 0et&een t%e eectrodes; in%0itin- ion transport and
deayin- dieectric 0rea<do&n unti %i-%er potentias are reac%ed.
_ Bt%er researc%ers ,Aeey; et a3 %a/e reported p%onodissociation of &ater at /arious
acoustic freGuencies; as o& as 42.* A%=I ot%er %armonics may aso 0e possi0e and at
&or< in t%is system.
: Indications are t%at t%e CI$ and 8$$ cois in t%e circuit 0e%a/e in t%e same
reations%ip as cois in t%e @earden Motioness Eectroma-netic 5enerator; and t%at
currentess potentia is s&itc%ed in an anao-ous manner; &it% t%e &ater ser/in- as t%e
9de-enerate semiconductor9. '%e /ota-e potentia is pused at rates inside t%e
reaxation time of t%e &ater; and simiar effects are o0ser/ed.
: 8eferences in Meyer iterature and patents to a sef:tunin- mec%anism may reated
to p%ysica properties in nature; rat%er t%an ,or in addition to3 a p%ase:oc<ed oop
&it%in t%e circuit itsef. '%e simiarity of t%e output &a/eform of ot%er #EDB2
de/ices; i.e. .e&man; and t%e input &a/eform of t%e "#$ is not coincidenta. ,See
,see picture %ttp6DDpes&i<i.comDindex.p%pDIma-e6.EM:"#$.Hp-
P :or More Information6 '%e H2eart% Institute continues its &or< to refine t%is
understandin- and transate it into reia0e pans &%ic% &i 0e a/aia0e at no cost to
t%e -enera pu0ic as t%e eariest possi0e opportunity. If you are an acti/e &aterfue
researc%er &or<in- on t%e "#$ or any ot%er %ard&are confi-uration ,@oyce; @ue;
Hase0e; Han; etc.3; you are in/ited to participate in t%e Institute9s Internationa
8esearc% #eo&s%ip Pro-ram.
P Related Sites 6 '%e +ustraian &e0site %ttp6DD&aterfuece.or-D is .B' o&ned or
operated 0y t%e H2eart% Institute or any of its affiiated or-ani=ations. Ho&e/er; it
contains muc% /aua0e information.
P Contact 6 4a/id L. "en0ert; proHect director %ttp6DD&&&.ry=e.comD-oD%2eart%
H2eart% Institute I "as%in-ton 4$ I p%one6 ,pendin-3 I emai6 I
S<ype6 da/e.&en0ert
P Re/lications6
$a*e !a.ton 6
: 4a/e9s $e "it%out Inductors or +ternator
%ttp6DD&&&.youtu0e.comD&atc%L/UAfKn#J@@=mc 32sec posted !t% Septem0er 211)
Nt%e "#$ -enerates Hust as muc% -as as &it% t%e aternator or InductorsN
: 4a/e La&ton repication information and cod current information from
Panaceauni/ersity %ttp6DDpanaceauni/ersity.or-D414.pdf
Ra*i Ra8u 6 Staney Meyer 8epication &it% F inc%; F tu0e sets. &it% an input current
of 1.!1 +mps from t%e freGuency -enerator.
: usin- Panacea 2ni/ersity Instructions %ttp6DD&&&.panaceauni/ersity.or-D414.pdf for
t%e 4a/e La&ton repication of t%e Staney Meyer "ater #ue $e.
: proper discussion at %ttp6DDoupo&er.comDp%p@@2D/ie&topic.p%pLtU1(12
: 8a/i9s Staney Meyer D 4a/e La&ton 8epication "ater #ue $e /ideoP111W
4)seconds; posted 1!t% +u-ust 211) I '%is /ideo s%o&s t%e innards of t%e "#$
&it%out &ater.
: 8a/i9s Staney Meyer D 4a/e La&ton 8epication "ater #ue $e /ideoP112W
11seconds I '%is /ideo s%o&s #res%y fied 'ap "ater. .o ot%er impurities added.
: 8a/i9s Staney Meyer D 4a/e La&ton 8epication "ater #ue $e /ideoP113W
11min63) I '%is /ideo is after t%e top is seaed and &it% an input of 1.! +mps from t%e
#reGuency 5enerator. Produces reay ar-e 0u00es ,approx from 4mm to 11mm3 not
i<e t%e sma ones &e see in ot%er /ideos incudin- Stans setup....&%ic% s%o&s a ot
of sma si=ed 0u00es. 7ou can see t%is in t%e /ideo...t%is -oes on from t%e start of t%e
"#$ ti you stop after &%ic% traces of sma 0u00es <eepea/in- t%e top for a0out
21 to 31 secs....t%is is pro0a0y t%e capacitor ,"#$3 disc%ar-in-. I %a/e a0soutey no
idea &%y im -ettin- ar-e 0u00es.
: 8a/i9s Staney Meyer D 4a/e La&ton 8epication "ater #ue $e /ideoP114W
: 8a/i9s Staney Meyer D 4a/e La&ton 8epication "ater #ue $e /ideoP11!W 1*sec
: 8a/i9s Staney Meyer D 4a/e La&ton 8epication "ater #ue $e /ideoP11(W 11sec
: 8a/i9s Staney Meyer D 4a/e La&ton 8epication "ater #ue $e /ideoP11)W
11min4(sec I '%is &as t%e first and second -eneration after t%e eads &ere c%an-ed.
'%e i-%t in t%ese /ideos is -ood. '%ese /ideos are a0out ! or ( days od.
: 8a/i9s Staney Meyer D 4a/e La&ton 8epication "ater #ue $e /ideoP11*W
12min4!sec I '%is &as t%e first and second -eneration after t%e eads &ere c%an-ed.
'%e i-%t in t%ese /ideos is -ood. '%ese /ideos are a0out ! or ( days od.
: 8a/i9s Staney Meyer D 4a/e La&ton 8epication "ater #ue $e /ideoP11FW
12min3Fsec I I %ad made t%is /ideo in t%e ni-%t so t%e i-%t is not so -ood; 0ut t%e
/oume of -as t%e "#$ ma<es is /ery cear. '%e output aso is %i-%er. '%e coection
&as for 21 secs....1.31min to 1.!1min of t%e /ideo and t%e /oume of -as coection
&as Y 1(1D1(!$$; e/en if you ta<e t%e /oume as 1!1$$ &it% 0aance as steam and
ot%er amounts to ).!$$Dsec of HHB....t%ats a0out 1.4! itsDmin ,minimum3
: 8a/i9s Staney Meyer D 4a/e La&ton 8epication "ater #ue $e /ideoP111W
13min1Fsec I I &as as<ed for t%e /ota-e and t%e connections so I made t%is /ideo and
posted it a itte 0efore I -ot t%e ca. I9/e s&itc%ed off t%e eft part of t%e circuit &it%
t%e s&itc% on t%e pin 3 of t%e !!! and you can see t%at t%e current dra& increases o/er
fourfod and you cant see any pusin- on t%e ri-%t LE4. '%e eft LE4 is connected
0efore t%e s&itc% on pin 3 as in V414 %ttp6DDpanaceauni/ersity.or-D414.pdfW.
: 'unin- t%e #reGuency of a 4a/e La&ton repication ; not 0y 8a/i 8+HuW Fmin!3sec
: added 22t% +u-ust 211)
&aron Mura0ami 6
: +aron Mura<ami 8epicates Staney Meyer9s "ater #ue $e
%ttp6DD&&&.youtu0e.comD&atc%L/UpS#p@"*K/*o : 2sin- a pastic pasta Har &it%
stainess stee concentric tu0es fied &it% tap &ater from %is <itc%en sin<; and no
added eectroytes; &it% an input po&er of 3( &atts ,12 /ots at 3 amps3 pused; +aron
produces enormous amount of N@ro&n9s 5as N Staney Meyer stye. ,7ou'u0eI +u-.
11; 211)3
: I updated t%e /ideo cip &it% a fe& more tid0its of info a0out &%at I did6
: /ideo on conditionin- t%e tu0es...I %a/e ) tu0es setup and in t%is /id I am puttin-
LESS 'H+. 11 &atts into it. 7ou can see t%e inner tu0es are 0ein- coated &it% t%e
&%ite po&der coatin-. %ttp6DD&&&.youtu0e.comD&atc%L/UGT8MC>"r-S<
: Cideo on t%e @ifiar c%o<es : info ta<en from tec% 0rief6
: "#$ "%ite Po&der $oatin- on $at%odes : no conducti/ity
Cru3O.fc 6
: Eectroysis in distied &ater &it% no eectroyte
%ttp6DD&&&.youtu0e.comD&atc%L/UmnPa<aI)117 ,34 seconds3 : $ruxK&fc
eectroysis ce ma<es %ydro-en -as in distied &ater; &it% no eectroyte; &%ic% is
supposed to 0e impossi0e. ,7ou'u0eI ?uy 11; 211)3
: +aron9s circuit
Kcircuit.pdf3 ,pdfI 12 <03
username at %ttp6DD&aterfuece.or-D is NcruxK&fcN
: Cideos6 %ttp6DD&&&.youtu0e.comD%2eart%
: @o-6 %ttp6DDmy.opera.comDH2eart%
: 4o&noads6 %ttp6DDmy.opera.comD%2eart%D0o-Dcy0rarium : '%e "aterfies +rc%i/e
: #orums6 %ttp6DDmy.opera.comD%2eart%0eat
: B/er/ie& Cideo6 "ater as #ue ,/ia >PE3
%ttp6DDpes&i<i.comDindex.p%pDCideo6"aterKasK#ueK,/iaK>PE3 ,3 min3 : "%ie
academia %as 0een spurnin- t%e topic; %undreds; if not t%ousands of %o00yists and
independent in/esti-ators &ord&ide are &or<in- on /arious eectroysis:i<e proHects
&%ic% put out more ener-y t%an &as reGuired to run t%e eectroysis unit. ,PES
.et&or< CideoI +u-. 31; 211)3
: S/ecial Waterfuel &cceleration 9eam6 '%is report represents t%e on-oin- &or< of
a -o0a Bpen Source coa0oration of independent researc%ers; +ssociate #eo&s of
t%e H2eart% Institute9s Internationa 8esearc% #eo&s%ip Pro-ram. '%rou-% a teamin-
reations%ip &it% t%e Pure Ener-y Systems .et&or<; t%e in/itation to participate in
t%is proHect is no& extended to t%e 0roader #EDB2 community. Carious sc%ematics;
documents; ima-es; /ideo; and data &i continuousy 0e added to t%is report; unti
&aterfue tec%noo-y 0ecomes uni/ersay a/aia0e.
: Cideos6 %ttp6DD&&&.nextener-yne&s.comDfuecesDfueces1.%tm
: Public $omain Waterfuel 9ecnolo"y6 %ttp6DD&&&.%2eart%.or-D
Bn ?une 2)t%; 211); 2.S. Patents 4;F3(;F(1 and !;14F;41) 0y t%e ate B%io in/entor
Staney +. Meyer expired; and %is tec%noo-y for t%e "ater #ue $e fe permanenty
into t%e pu0ic domain in t%e 2nited States. +s &%at many consider t%e most
sop%isticated approac% to NHydro-en:on:4emandN tec%noo-y ,runnin- a /e%ice or
-enset on &ater aone3; t%e "ater #ue $e ,N"#$N3 may 0e t%e most practica free
ener-y de/ice to introduce on a &idespread 0asis. "%ie it is aone amon- &aterfue
de/ices in 0ein- accompanied 0y a reasona0e t%eoretica foundation as to &%y it
&or<s; it is aso amon- t%e simpest and east expensi/e &aterfue systems to
construct. #or t%ese and ot%er reasons; on ?anuary 1st; 211); a ne& nonprofit researc%
S education foundation; t%e H2eart% Institute ,%ttp6DD%2eart%.or-3 &as or-ani=ed to
expore &aterfue tec%noo-y -eneray; and to re:aunc% t%e Meyer "#$ in
particuar; once it 0ecame free of inteectua property ri-%ts issues; upon expiration of
t%e patents.
.ota0y; t%e !;14F;41) N4esi-nN patent; &%ic% issed more t%an t&o years after t%e
4;F3(;F(1 NMet%odsN patent; &as dei0eratey truncated 0y Meyer so t%at it &oud
expire coterminousy &it% t%e primary one. 4iscaimin- t%e remainin- term of a
patent is an amost un%eard of step for an in/entor to ta<e; and indicates t%e ater
patent to contain some critica impro/ements t%at Meyer &anted t%e &ord to %a/e
&%en %is 0asic tec%noo-y 0ecame pu0ic domain. Meyer; &%o died in 1FF*; &as
&or<in- on more in/o/ed and exotic impementations of t%e tec%noo-y; in/o/in-
&ater inHectin- spar< pu-s; &%ic% is em0odied in ot%er Meyer patents &%ic% remain
in force unti 2111. '%is proHect is not concerned &it% t%at arc%itecture; 0ut ony &it%
t%e 0ody of Meyer9s &or< &%ic% is no& in t%e pu0ic domain.
In ?une of 211(; retired 2.A. 8esearc% En-ineer 4a/e La&ton reeased a report;
compied 0y P5#E4 Editor Patric< Aey %ttp6DD&&&.panaceauni/ersity.or-; detaiin-
La&ton9s success in constructin- a &or<in- Meyer "#$; &%ic% %as produced -as at
3x t%e #aradic eGui/aent rate for t%e po&er consumed. La&ton; &%o spent muc% of
%is career at @ritain9s 8ut%erford La0s ,eGui/. 2.S. La&rence Li/ermore3 desi-nin-
and constructin- instrumentation for %i-% ener-y partice p%ysics researc%; is far from
t%e a/era-e 9tin<erer9. Cideos of %is t&o "#$ units; one &it% an aternator 0ased
circuit; and one empoyin- soid state timin- o-ic; &ere posted on 7ou'u0e; and %a/e
recei/ed o/er !1;111 %its. '%e ces operated at 12:13/D3:4a : a/era-in-
approximatey !) &atts of input po&er : producin- -as a--ressi/ey in distied &ater
&it% no eectroyte. Bn #e0ruary 23rd; 211) ,t%e 1*t% anni/ersary of $od #usion3;
t%e H2eart% Institute initiated an Internationa 8esearc% #eo&s%ip Pro-ram to
faciitate reatime coa0oration 0et&een &aterfue researc%ers around t%e &ord;
&or<in- to decyp%er t%e <eys to 0uidin- a functiona "#$; 0ased on t%ese La&ton
"#$ repications.
+most immediatey; some deficiencies &ere unco/ered in t%e documentation;
representin- a difference 0et&een t%e La&ton unit Nas 0uitN and t%e sc%ematics t%at
%ad 0een pu0is%ed on t%e &e0. Presenty; o/er !1 8esearc% #eo&s of t%e H2eart%
Institute; from 1! countries; are see<in- to unco/er t%e <eys to ma<in- a functiona
"#$; and se/era %a/e demonstrated -as e/oution at 1.2 +mps ,12/3 in distied
&ater &it% no eectroyte. '%is is impossi0e 0y t%e <no&n principes of con/entiona
eectoysis; and stron-y e/idences a rea; e-itimate NMeyer EffectN.
'%is patform on PES. is intended to pu0is% t%e tec%nica findin-s of t%e H2eart%
Institute &it% respect to t%e "#$; in a pu0ic format &%ic% ao& t%e documentation
to -ro& o/er time as t%e desi-n is furt%er refined and N@est PracticesN in constructin-
repicatin- units 0ecome <no&n and confirmed. In t%e descriptions 0eo&; @ueted
items constitute findin-s -eneray accepted 0y t%e Institute ,as of ?une 2); 211)3 as
%a/in- 0een found to 0e indicati/e of success in "#$ t%eory; desi-n; construction;
and operations.
PE9ER !7WRIE electrolyHer: ,pa-e created at .o/em0er 211) 2pdate3
PP PE9ER !7WRIE# Electrolytic 'as# $raft; copyri-%t 211!:211(; from
9Lo&rie Paper e5as.pdf9 a/aia0e at %ttp6DDmy.opera.comD%2eart%D0o-Dcy0rarium
P Preambule6 '%is paper sets out to descri0e &%y experimenta apparatus; namey6
: Mitsu0is%i $ycone ,13
: Honda '$ 1(11 ,23
en"ineDsF runs on electrolytic D<F "as. '%at is not stran-e in itsef as it is &e <no&n
t%at Hydro-en is a fue_. '%e 0enefit of usin- Eectroytic 5as is t%at t%e Hydro-en
%as &it% it; its o&n oxidiser : Bxy-en. +ready perfecty proportioned; no -as mixin-
is reGuired and so compete com0ustion is accompis%ed &it%out t%e need for
additiona air. Here9s t%e ru0I t%e car en-ine uses a separate 0et dri/en t%ree p%ase
marine aternator in a 979 &indin- &it% output rated at 1!1 +mps at 24 Cots &%ic% is
fed into t%ree eectroysis ces; eac% ce -ets a sin-e p%ase. @e-innin- at 12 Cots t%e
ces are %eated party 0y %ot ex%aust -as and party 0y &ay of /ota-e on t%e pates
&it%in actin- as %eatin- eements; additiona eectroyte %aetin- is pro/ided &it% one
(11 "atts mains rated eements &it%in. "%en t%e ces -et up to temperature ,a0out
)! de-.$3 t%e aternator tic<e suppy is reduced to a ran-e 0et&een 1.24 to 3.11 Cots
&%ic% t%en ser/es to increase eectroysis efficiency in accordance &it% #araday9s
La&,s3 of eectroysis and t%us efficiencies in t%e order of F).!E ,43 are ac%ie/ed; t%e
ce consumin- circa (11 +mps eac%; t%e process 0ecomes endot%ermic and pro/ides
-as ,more t%an3 sufficient to fue t%e en-ine.
'%us en-ine -enerates its o&n fue ,and oxidiser3 &it% ampe po&er to spare. Most
ar-ue t%at t%is is an impossi0e situationI at 0est t%e en-ine 0ecomes a dynamic 0ra<e
and at &orst it Hust &on9t &or<. '%e expanation 0ein- t%at you can9t -et more ener-y
out t%an &%at you put in and in citin- /arious texts; at first -ance appears Guite
correct. '%e fact of t%e matter : as t%is paper &i pro/e : is t%at t%e texts are eit%er
&&ron- or fai to suppy a of t%e information.
P $efinitions6 Carious fi-ures are pro/ided in texts for t%e ener-y /aue of t%e
Hydro-en 0ond sten-t% ,!3 of 114 <caD,1Dmoe3 or 114 <caDmoe
. So far as t%e moe
fraction is concerned some express suc% as t%e in/erse function and ot%ers as a
reciproca ,moe
3 and ,1Dmoe3 respecti/ey. In any case t%e purpose is to detai a part
of t%e moe or indeed one moecue at a time o/er time. #oo&in- ectroysis t%e
demised atoms may 0e at t%eir o&est; or induced to increased ener-y t%eir eectrons
or0itin- a0o/e t%e o&est ener-y state. In order to re/ea t%e correct fi-ures for a
sides of t%e reaction,s3; t%ere is &isdom in 0e-innin- &it% t%e eementa -ases and
t%eir oxidisation reaction and finis% &it% decomposition in order t%at t%e resuts
compy &it% '%ermodynamic a&. #or t%e remainder of t%e paper <ca &i 0e
con/erted to <Houe ,<H3 so t%at 114 <ca U 43! <H and uness specified ot%er&ise moar
Guantities are 1Dmoe ,moe
3; denotin- sin-uar moecues as opposed to +/o-adro9s
.um0er &%ic% denotes (.12 x 11
moecues. "%en t%is approac% is ta<en t%e ener-y
content atent in t%e oxidisation is reaised; not so &%en t%e cacuations start &it%
&ater : somet%in- appears to -et ost.
P Electrocemical ; C ; Pysical reactions6 '%ere are t&o 0onds on t%e &ater
moecue : one for eac% Hydro-en atom ,of course3. '%erefore for one moecue of
H2B *)1 <H &i 0rea< apart t%e &ater moecue and t%e eGui/aent ener-y; it is said;
&i initiate t%e -as com0imation. 5as and oxidiser atoms ne/er 0ein- in isoation;
t%ere 0ein- 0iions of t%em in n /oume t%ey under-o a c%ain reaction unti a
a/aia0e atoms are recom0ined reeasin- enormous ener-y in Guic< time. '%e pasma
speed is 3.F AmDsec. '%e as% is &ater. #e& texts referenced to date accounts for t%e
ener-y reease durin- recom0ination; more information a0out t%is apparent dic%otomy
&i 0e discussed.
'%e %eat fame ,pasma3 tota ener-y is cacuated 0y mutipyin- t%e respecti/e
atoms9 ionisation ener-ies for t%e process. '%e ionisation ener-ies ,(3 of HU 1312.1(
<H and BU 1313.F! <H
1; ,33**.33 <H
2; !311.!1 <H
33 upon com0ustion t%e ,outer in
Bxy-en3 eectron or0its interact; mer-e and sette do&n to sta0e or0its6
1 Q H
1 B
1 U 3;44);F(2.4) <<H ,e13
is Ionisation Ener-y and n t%e ener-y ayer ,t%ree in Bxy-en3 and ony one in
In t%e discussion of t%ermodynamics reatin- to t%e su0Hect matter t%e Guestion of %eat
is a /ery important one; t%ere 0ein- t&o types of %eat. Bn t%e one %and is %eat due to
moecuar motion and on t%e ot%er is t%e %eat of p%otons comin- and -oin- durin-
,M45 no/1)6 int%e foo&in- part; sym0os are not reada0e on t%e ori-ina pdf fie;
so I can9t transcripte t%em %ere3
In order of ener-y stren-t% ... '%e formation of Hydro-en is a nucear reaction t%ere
0ein- t&o &e <no&n modes of its comin- into existanceI primordia Hydro-en and
neutron decay. .eit%er of &%ic% are ree/ent to t%is discussion. Bxidisation ,0urnin-3
of Hydro-en is a p%ysica reaction of t%e midde ener-y order. +nd eectroytic
decomposition is aVnW VeectroWc%emica reaction. '%e notion of co:efficience rests in
Eectroysis; of t%e o& ener-y order : a c%emica reaction and $om0ustion : a
p%ysica reaction of t%e midde ener-y order 0ein- /assty disproportionate. '%is can
0e s%o&n to 0e t%e caseI et LU *)1<H 0e t%e tota ener-y consumed in spittin- H2B
and L 0e t%e oxidisation expenditure in eGuation ,e13 of Vcom0ustionW ener-y.
LDL U 3F(3.1* ,e23
'%is does not descri0e some 9%idden9 ener-y; nor do specia:peadin- of o/er:unity
caims %a/e any ree/ance. '%e cacuation refects t%e startin- position of t%e t&o
-ases. E/en if t%e 0ond stren-t% is su0tracted from 0ot% sidesN
,L:L3DLU 3F(2.1* ,e33
... it is apparent t%at t%e com0ustion product is %i-%y ener-etic. So &%ic% is itL '%e
c%emica eGuation -i/en6
Q 43!<H ::` H Q H Q B
Q 43!<H ::` H
is ceary mista<en 0ecause; aD ony %af t%e reGuired ener-y is -i/en and 0D t%ere is a
continuin- addition of ener-y on 0ot% sides and appears not to factor:in any ener-y
reease. In any case eGuation ,e(3 pu-s in t%e correct /aues to t%e formua pro/ided
in t%e text ,footnote P23 and eGuation ,e)3 enar-es to incude t%e enr-y reease.
Q 43!<H ::` HB Q H Q 43!<H ::` H Q H Q B
VQ*)1<H ::` H
W ,e!3
Bn t%e one %and ener-y is expended to 0rea< t%e 0onds and on t%e ot%er %and ener-y
must 0e expended to rema<e t%em and ceary t%is im0aanced situation ea/es a ot to
0e desired. "%at actuay %appens is t%at *)1<HDmoe
is expended to 0e-in t%e
recom0ination process and 3F(2<HDmoe
is i0erated as a net -ain. '%e reason for t%is
is t%at t%e ionisation process in eectroysis is VeectroWc%emica; t%e initiatin- ener-y
is VeectroWc%emica %o&e/er t%e resu<tant ionisation ,com0ustion3 process is
Q *)1<H ::` ,H
: 3F(2<H ::` H
... and t%en mutipy t%is reaction 0y t%e -as /oume denoted 0y +/o-adro9s num0er.
'%e aut%or of t%is paper is not in isoation insofar as t%ese apparenty anomaous
resuts are concerned; ot%ers %a/e addressed t%e issue. ,)3 9'%e smaest amount of
ener-y needed to eectroyse one moe of &ater is (!.3 "% at 2! de-.$ ,)) de-rees
#.3. "%en t%e Hydro-en and Bxy-en are recom0ined into &ater durin- com0ustion
)F.3 "% of ener-y is reeased. 14 "% more ener-y is reeased in 0urnin- Hydro-en
and Bxy-en t%an is reGuired to spit &ater. '%is excess must 0e a0sor0ed from t%e
surroundin- media ,en/ironment3 in t%e form of %eat durin- eectroysis.9 V...W 9+t 2!
de-.$; for /ota-es of 1.23 to 1.4) Cots; t%e eectroysis reaction +@SB8@S HE+'.
+t o/er 1.4) C at 2! de-.$; t%e reaction -i/es off %eat.9
'%e eectroysis ce /ota-e; o/er/ota-e may 0e 1.3C t%erefore 1.4)C Q 1.3C U
2.))C is t%e /ota-e suppied.
Bne moe of &ater &ei-%s 1* -rams.
1;111 -rams U 1 Liter I 1;111 -ramsD 1* -rams U !!.!! moes ,a)3
'%erefore 1 Liter H2B produces !!.!! moes of Hydro-en and 2).))! moIes of
Bxy-en. *)1<H H2B produces as a0o/e &%ic% is t%en eGua to 4*32*.!1<H per Liter
H2B. $on/ersion to <"%r di/ide 0y 3(11 ,or x 0y 1.1112))*3 U 3.(!* <"%r per
Liter H2B.
1 moe of -as U 24.4!1 iters of -as at room temperature; 9'9 and atmosp%eric pressure
!!.!! x 24.4!1 U 1;3!*.3 iters of Hydro-en ,and ()F iters of Bxy-en from 1 Liter of
P :eynmann $escri/tions6 Studies made of %i-%y ener-etic atomic and moecuar
interactions s%o& t%at eectrons can a0sor0 or emit mutipe p%otons raisin- or
o&erin- ener-y e/es far more t%an ordinary. ,*3 If t%e Li-%t is intense enou-%; t%e
i-%t &i actuay rip off t%e eectrons of t%e atoms it is interactin- &it%. "%en t%is
occurs; t%e ripped:off eectron a0sor0s up&ards of 4! : !1 p%otons a at once. '%is
normay %appens in t&o steps6 #irst; t%e eectron a0sor0s enou-% p%otons ,t%us
-ainin- enou-% ener-y3 to 0e excited into a %i-%:yin- 8yd0er- state. .ext; t%e
eectron &i a0sor0 anot%er num0er of p%otons and ea/e t%e atom &it% a certain
amount of <inetic ener-y.
+ usefu met%od to dispay t%e different reactions in/o/ed in t%e processes of
com0ination ,5ases to oxide ,com0ustion33; decomposition and moecuarisation are
#eynmann dia-rams. In t%e foo&in- dia-rams ony t%e eptons contained in eac%
atom are dispayed.
@efore t%ere &as e/er &ater t%ere &as ony -as. '%ree eectrons are in/o/ed in t%e
process of com0ination and at eac% Huncture t%e com0inin- eectrons produce
'&o eectrons are introduced to 0rea< t%e 0onds 0ut t%ose eectrons are ions and so do
not add to t%e resutin- atoms eectron num0er. +t t%e same time I8 p%otons are 0ein-
a0sor0ed 0y t%e moecues increasin- t%eir ener-ies and adHustin- t%e 0ond en-t%s6
#oo&in- com0ustion in &%ic% t%e fame pasma may 0e descri0ed as an ionisation
process p%otons are emitted. 4ue to t%e Paui Excusion principe t%e Bxy-en
eectrons interact ony in t%e outer ayer; t%e inner ayers 0ein- competey fied ony
t%e outermost ayer may ta<e part. Ho&e/er a of t%e ayerin-s eectrons may
encounter in t%e Hydro-en atom are a/aia0e and so foo&in- com0ustion t%e free
eectrons emit p%otons e/ery time t%ey encounter t%e nuceus and durin- spin:do&n
unti it reac%es t%e innermost. +t t%is point t%ere is sti a position free for anot%er
eectron to fi and so /ery s%orty after decomposition nei-%0orin- Hydro-en atoms
com0ine into Hydro-en moecues; eac% eectron t%ereof emittin- an utra/ioet
p%oton : t%at9s t&o p%otons. '%is arran-ement is not /ery sta0e and so t&o o&
ener-y order ions may 0e introduced causin- t%e Hydro-en moecue to 0ond &it% t%e
Bxy-en atom. '%erefore many more p%otons are emitted durin- com0ustion t%an are
accounted for on t%e primary side of t%e eGuation &%en t%e &as no oxide; ony
Hydro-en and Bxy-en atoms in a -as.
P (ond !en"ts6 '%e entire &or< contained at
%ttp6DD&&&<D&aterDindex.%tm s%oud 0e read in conHunction &it% t%is paper.
'%e part detaiin- @ond Len-t%s is reproduced %ere6
S%o&n opposite are t%e main /i0rations occurrin- in &ater. '%e mo/ements are
animated usin- t%e cursor. '%e dipoe moments c%an-e in t%e direction of t%e
mo/ement of t%e Bxy-en atoms as s%o&n 0y t%e arro&s ,F36
'%e main stretc%in- 0and in iGuid &ater is s%ifted to a o&er freGuency ,/
; 34F1 cm
and /
; 32*1 cm
V*W3 and t%e 0endin- freGuency increased ,/
; 1(44 cm
"%at t%is means is t%at t%e ener-y reGuired to 0rea< t%e 0onds increases or decreases
proportionatey to t%e 0ond en-t%s &%ic% may 0e atered 0y suc% t%in-s as ma-netic
fieds or %eat.
P 'ibbs :ree Ener"y6 4o t%e rues comprisin- 5i00s #ree Ener-y reconcie &it% t%e
ener-y s%o&n in eGuations ,1 : (3L .o. Pro/ided t%ere are ener-y co:efficients
in/o/ed does 5#E -et turned on it9s %eadL '%e "ien effect does it to B%ms La&.
"%y not %ere as &eL Some reactions are spontaineous 0ecause t%ey are exot%ermic L
HX1; and ot%ers are spontaineous 0ecause t%ey are entropic LS`1. '%e com0ustion of
Eectroytic 5as is exot%ermic 0ut t%e Guestion of entropy is a moot point. '&o
disordered -ases i-nited com0ine to ma<e &ater &%ic% is not an increasin- entropy
proposition; t%erefore in our cacuation LSX1. Pro/ided t%e 5#E of a system at t%e
end of t%e reaction is defined as t%e ent%apy of t%e system ess t%e product of t%e
temperature mutipied 0y it9s entropy.
H U Ent%apy I S U Entropy I 4e.5 U 4e.H: 4e.,'S3 ,e*3
'He usua standard:state free ener-y of t%is system L5 cannot 0e appied %erein due
to t%e rapidy c%an-in- temperatures in/o/ed in t%e reaction and t%e Ent%apy is6
L5 U H
,1S3 U :31*.412 <caDmo U LH U : 1!1.*1 U LS x (1114e-. U LH:
:F11;*(1 <caDmo ,eF3
#oo&in- com0ustion of t%e -ases at (111 4e-.$ t%e resutin- oxide coos unti it
reac%es am0ient temperature; t%e moecues return to t%eir o&est ener-y and t%e
amount of ener-y reeased persuant to 5#E is cose to t%e ener-y ta<en 0y t%e ot%er
route in earier eGuations; in ot%er &ords : a ot more t%an t%e Hydro-en 0ond
+as it is not t%at simpe t%ou-%. Bne cannot say t%at t%e Z%eat[ of eectroysis is
eGui/aent to t%is %eat of com0ustion t%ere 0ein- crosso/ers of p%otonic and
moecuar %eat durin- t%e exc%an-es.
P :araday-s !a.s ,1136
'ota Bxy-en:Hydro-en /oume is Hydro-en /oume Q Bxy-en /oume6 '%is
corresponds to a0out 1.(2) iters per %our per +mp or 1.!F!+%D per ce.
If for exampe you %a/e ) ces in series and put 11+ t%rou-% t%e eectroy=er;
accordin- to #aradays La& you &oud produce6
1.(2)DD+% _11+_)U Q: 4*.3 Liters per %our at S'P conditions. ,e133
.ote; %o&e/er; t%at t%is appies ony at a certain temperature ,1 de-.$3 and pressure
,1 atm3. '%e produced -as /oume &i scae &it% ratio of temperatures in Ae/ins
,%i-%er temperature U %i-%er /oume3 and in/ersey &it% t%e ratio of pressures ,o&er
pressure U %i-%er /oume3.
If at 1 4e-.$ ,2)3.1! 4e-.A3 t%e production rate is 1.(2) D+%; t%en at 2! 4e-.$6
2)3.1! 4e-.A Q 2! 4e-.A U 2F*.1! A ,e143
'%e production rate is 6 2F*.1! D 2)3.1! U Q: 11FE ,e1!3
ar-er or a0out 1.(*! D +%. "it% ) ces and 11+ t%is &oud 0e !2.! Liters per %our.
Bn t%e ot%er %and is t%e output -as %as a temperature of 41 4e-.$ &%ie it is 0ein-
measured and t%e am0ient pressure of 1.)! atm ,a0out 1.!<m ee/ation a0o/e sea
e/e3; t%e eectroy=er t%at produces 4*.3 iters per %our at S'P &i produce6
313.1! 4e-.A D 2)3.1! 4e-;A _ 1atmD1.)!atm _ 4*.3D%r U )3.* D%r ,e1(3
So e/en t%ou-% t%e /oume of t%e -as is ar-er at %i-%er temperature and o&er
pressure; t%e ener-y contained in t%e -as or t%e ener-y reGuired to eectroy=e it is t%e
same. If you produce t%e -as at 41$ and 1.)!+'M and 0rin- it to 1$ and 1+'M; t%e
/oume &i reduce 0y a0out 3!E. '%us it is /ery important to incude t%e pressure
and temperature in cacuations.
"%at may not 0e immediatey cear is t%at different experimenters report /arious
resuts t%at are prima facae out of step &it% c%eris%ed a&s. Some experimenters
report efficiencies t%at appear in excess of #araday9s La& yet ot%ers no matter %o&
%ard t%ey try attain ony o& e/es of efficiency. +re t%e o/er unity caims due to
errors in met%od or cacuationL
Pro0a0yM. @ut t%en one %as to consider consistent /ariances s%o&n 0y experimenters
as detaied in t%e anaysis of t%eir resuts &%ic% utimatey cuminates in t%e
preponderance of com0ustion ener-y output many times more t%an expected.
P 9ermodynamics of Electrolytic 'ases ,1236 '%e %eat of com0ustion /aues for
monoatomic and diatomic ,con/entiona3 eectroytic oxy%ydro-en -as are compared
"%en con/entiona diatomic ,tan< -ases3 oxy-en ,B23 and %ydro-en ,H23 are i-nited;
t%e 0onds 0et&een t%e -as atoms in t%e diatomic -as moecues %a/e to 0e 0ro<en
first. '%is consumes ener-y. Ener-y is t%en reeaseda &%en t%e H and B atoms
recom0ine into H2B. '%e tota amount of ener-y reeased is t%e sum of t%ese t&o
ener-ies; &%ere t%e ot%er one %as 9Q9 si-n and t%e ot%er one 9:9 si-n.
"%ie t%e %eat of com0ustion for con/entiona diatomic H2 is s%o&n in
t%ermodynamic ta0es; t%e /aues for t%e monoatomic 2H Q B; H2B reaction is not
usuay s%o&n. It is cacuated in t%e foo&in-6
,133 4issociation of diatomic %ydro-en -as into %ydro-en atoms ,consumes ener-y36
H2,-3 L 2H,-3 ... LH U 21).FF* <H ,e1)3
4issociation of diatomic oxy-en -as into oxy-en atoms6 ,consumes ener-y36 B2,-3 L
2B,-3 ... LH U 24F.1* <H ,e1*3
$om0ustion of diatomic H2 and B2 to form &ater as steam ,reeases ener-y36 H2,-3 Q
1D2B2,-3 L H2B,-3 ... LH U :241.*2( <H ,e1F3
4issociation of diatomic H2 and B2 moecues into monoatomic form ,consumes
ener-y36 H2,-3 Q 1D2B2,-3 L 2H,-3 Q B,-3 ... LH U 21).F** Q 1D2_24F.1* <H U
342.!)* <H ,e213
$om0ustion of monoatomic H and B to form &ater as steam ,reeases ener-y36 2H,-3
Q B,-3 L H2B,-3 ... LH U :,342.!)* Q 24F.1*3 <H U :!F1.)!* <H ,e213
$om0ustion of diatomic oxy%ydro-en into &ater in t%e form of steam ,reeases
ener-y36 H2,-3 Q 1D2B2,-3 L H2B,-3 ... LH U :241.*2( <H ,e223
$om0ustion of monoatomic oxy%ydro-en ,reeases ener-y36 2H,-3 Q B,-3 L H2B,-3
... LH U :!F1.)!* <H ,e233
$om0ustin- a certain amount ,0y &ei-%t3 of oxy%ydro-en reeases a0out 2.4! times
more ener-y if t%e oxy%ydro-en is monoatomic instead of diatomic. Monoatomic
oxy%ydro-en %as t&ice t%e /oume for t%e same &ei-%t t%an does diatomic
oxy%ydro-en. '%is means t%at i-nitin- one iter of monoatomic oxy%ydro-en reeases
ony a0out 1.23 more ener-y t%an t%e same /oume of diatomic oxy%ydro-en.
Ho&e/er t%e t%eoretica ener-y consumption to dissociate one iter of monoatomic
oxy%ydro-en from &ater is %af of t%at reGuired to dissociate one iter of con/entiona
diatomic oxy-en and %ydro-en -ases.
It may aso 0e noted t%at &%en t%e t&o Hydro-en atoms mer-e p%otons in t%e 2C
0and are reeased. In order to in%i0it t%is mer-er it may 0e possi0e to su0Hect t%e
Hydro-en to stron- 2C ,cass $3 radiation. Here aso is a curious dic%otomyI &%ereas
&ater a0sor0s I8 radiation durin- efficient eectroysis and &%ereas it reeases 2C
radiation &%en t%e eectrons spin do&n to t%eir o&est ener-y state and com0ine into
moecuar Hydro-en ,2H3. '%e initia part of t%is process is of a o&er ener-y order
t%an t%e atter. 'o a intents t%is is a t%ermodynamic 0rea<a-e and pro/es t%e aut%ors
earier %ypot%esis t%at t%e eectroc%emica eGuations must 0e performed in t%eir
correct order to ma<e proper sense.
P Electrical features in Electrolysis6 '%e t%eoretica decomposition /ota-e for
eectroysis is 1.23 /ots at room temperature ,,143 1( : 21 de-rees $3; %o&e/er
0ecause of o/er:/ota-e of H on t%e cat%ode and aso due to ce resistance itsef
/ota-es of 2.11 to 2.2! /ots are usuay reGuired. B/er /ota-e reates to c%ar-e %ed
in t%e ce; t%e ce actin- as an inefficient 0attery ,resistance; capacitance;
inductance3. '%e foo&in- ta0e s%o&s t%e o/er:/ota-e as measured in t%e aut%or9s
ces at /arious times and t%e cacuated po&er input reGuired for eectroysis6
In t%e eft coumn are /ota-es read at /arious times and in t%e ri-%t coumn are
t%eoretica /ota-es to appy for eectroysis ,see ori-ina document3.
'%e ces are comprised of disc interea/e stac<ed eectrodes. Potassium Hydroxide
,ABH3 1631; distied &ater; 31 4e-.$; 1.2) MB%m ,&it% eectroyte3 from 121
MB%m ,&it%out eectroyte3. $acuatin- B%ms La& says t%at at t%e %i-%er
impedance more current can 0e suppied6
2 : 12 /ots ,nomina3 D 3 ces U 4 /ots per ce
3 : 'B determine current6 ED8 I E U4; 8U 12x11
; IU 11x 3
"%en o&erin- t%e eectroyte impedance to c..2 <B%m t%e current &i 0e 311 +mps;
t%eoreticay ..
...ta<es no consideration any /ota-e drop at t%e eectrodes. Bn M<1.1 t%e reactor
experienced an * to 11 Cot drop &%en po&ered at 12 : 14 Cots. If t%ree ces are
connected in series t%e /ota-e at eac% is 4 /ots; t%e /ota-e drop t%erefore renders
t%e reactor inoperati/e and in series ony t%e centre ce produces si-nificant Guantities
of -as. +s eectroyte is added and t%e ce impedance drops t%e po&er consumption
increases as does t%e -as output.
B%ms La& dictates t%e current and /ota-e e/es in t%e ce are reati/e to resistance;
%o&e/er cear si-ns emer-e durin- testin- t%at t%ere is a <in< in t%is La&. "%ereas
t%e ce resistance at 11<B%m ; 1.23 Cots : oad s%oud eGuate to 1.13 mii+mps in
fact t%e reciproca of t%is /aue is o0tained. In a eectronicDeectrica circuits %eat is
-enerated. "%en po&erin- t%e ce &it% increased /ota-es ran-in- from ( to 41 /ots
%eat is -enerated and t%e ce &arms up as &oud 0e expected in an exot%ermic
system. "%en /ota-e is reduced to t%at dictated 0y #araday9s La&s of Eectroysis t%e
ce coos and 0e-ins to a0sor0 ener-y from t%e surroundin- atmosp%ere; t%at isI t%e
circuit 0ecomes endot%ermic. In order to <eep t%e ce temperature at t%at reGuired for
%i-%y efficient eectroysis I8 radiation must 0e introduced to <eep t%e eectroyte
'%is 0rea<a-e in B%ms La& is repu-nant to most and many %a/e stated t%at it is
impossi0e. '%e camp meter does not ie; %o& can B%ms La& 0e rent asunder in t%is
mannerL '%e ans&er ies &it%in t%ermodynamic systems reported 0y "i%em "ein
in studies of @ac< @ody radiation and is defined in t%e "ein 4ispacement La& ,1!3
'%e increase of t%e mobility of an ion in %i-% electrical field. '%e mo0iity of an ion
is some&%at decreased 0y t%e presence of t%e ionic atmos/ere 0ecause t%e
predominanty oppositey car"ed ions surroundin- t%e centra ion &i tend to %od it
0ac<. '%is effect is incuded in t%e normay measured mo0iity. Ho&e/er; &%en t%e
ion is exposed to /ery %i-% eectrica fied; it &i mo/e so fast t%at it &i; in effect;
ea/e 0e%ind its atmosp%ere &%ic% does not %a/e time to reform; and t%e mo0iity of
t%e ion ,conseGuenty t%e electrical conducti*ity of t%e soution3 &i increase. See
aso t%e $ebye;:al0ena"en effect.6 0U
D4.F(!11423 ,e2!3
+nd t%at eectroysis does not foo& t%e usua CI cur/e usuay associated &it%
eectronic circuits. 1(N'%e /:i transfer function a&ays appies. Impedance is t%e
instantaneous sope of t%at functionN. Mat%ematicay t%is can 0e stated resistance6 8
U dC D dI . B%m9s a&; as stated; is Hust a specific case of t%e a0o/e &ere dC D dI
remains constant for a ,in practice imited3 ran-e of /ota-e and current. Materias
&%ere 8 is constant o/er a usefu ran-e of /ota-es are sometimes referred to as
9o%mic9. '%e N0i- 8N in 8 U dC D dI is .B' intended to denote a constant; since t%e
differentia term dC D dI ,or sope3 is ony a constant in t%e inear case. 8 is a /aria0e
representin- a /aria0e resistance. 8 is a constant r is a /aria0e. '%e issue is t%at t%e
resistance of a ce is noninear &%ic% means t%at it ex%i0its different resistances at
different operatin- points of /ota-e and current. +t any -i/en point of current and
/ota-e; o%ms a& /ery muc% does appy. "%en you measure t%e resistance &it% a
simpe o%mmeter; you are measurin- it at one point; a point &it% a /ery o& sense
/ota-e. '%e resistance is %i-% at t%is /ota-e; t%e ce is 0arey in conduction. +t a
different; %i-%er /ota-e; say se/era /ots; t%e ces conduction increases; t%e
resistance drops and t%e current comes on as o0ser/ed. If you %ad an o%mmeter t%at
measured at t%at %i-%er /ota-e; it &oud s%o& t%e appropriate o& resistance. '%ere
are many eectrica de/ices t%at ex%i0it non: inear 0e%a/ior 0esides eectroytic ces.
'%e common diode comes to mind. '%ere t%e resistance is a function of poarity in
addition to 0ein- noninear in t%e for&ard direction. +t a fe& mii/ots of for&ard
/ota-e; most diodes %a/e a resistance of me-o%ms. '%is decreases do&n to an o%m
or 0eo& as t%e /ota-e exceeds .) /ots. .ote t%at t%ese noninearities %a/e not%in- to
do &it% reactance as appied to +$ circuits &it% inductors and capacitors.
P THydro"en is )79 8ust an ener"y carrier6 4on Lancaster; co:in/entor of t%e
microprocessor; in %is paper ,1)3 Ener-#un caims t%at Hydro-en is not in fact a fue
0ut merey an ener-y carrier.
'%ere are ony t%ree eements in com0ustion; <no&n as t%e com0ustion trian-e;
nameyI #ue; Bxidiser and Heat. If t%is is t%e case t%en Hydro-en is ceary a fue.
E/ery fue <no&n to man<ind features Hydro-en in t%e mix6 Hydrocar0ons; fue
-as,es3; coa and e/en &ood a contain /arious amounts of Hydro-en and in t%e
Hydrocar0ons; t%e en-t%s of t%e Hydro-en:$ar0on c%ains determine it9s com0usti/e
potencyI Ipso #acto Hydro-en is a #ue.
#acts of t%e matter so often o/eroo<ed; in particuar in t%e Internet ne&s-roupI
%ttp6DD-roups.-oo-e.comDsci.ener-y.%ydro-en 0y -roup participants is t%at Hydro-en
is %i-%y exposi/e in air. So exposi/e; in fact t%at it is considered a ,1*3 concussi/e;
as opposed to an incendiary exposion. +nd e/en more exposi/e sti &%en t%e
Hydro-en -as is proportionatey mixed &it% Bxy-en : t%ere 0ein- insufficient
Bxy-en a/aia0e in air to pro/ide compete Hydro-en com0ustion ,&it%out in/o<in-
non:com0usti/e .itro-en3. "%at is missed is t%at t%e exposi/e ener-y far exceeds t%e
disassociation ener-y and t%en t%e onset of moecuar cooin- sets in.
#ame speed6 Hydro-en in Bxy-en 3F11 metersDsec; concussi/eI Petroeum in air
31cmDsec; incendiary.
P Satefyt6 #rom a safety standpoint it may 0e propitious t%at &%en Hydro-en -oes off
t%ere is itte ris< of coatera fire t%e e/ent 0ein- o/er so Guic<y t%at in most cases
near0y com0usta0es cannot -et enou-% %eat for a on- enou-% period to
spontaineousy catc% ai-%t. $ertainy t%ere &i 0e coatera dama-e to surroundin-
materias; 0ut t%en:a-ainI t%e e/ent is so rapid t%at t%e force acceerates past and
%ea/ier items &i remain ar-ey unaffected. Hard&are in/o/ed in t%e e/ent; t%e -as
containment de/ice : for exampe; &i ex%i0it fractures and ot%er effects of exposi/e
ener-y. Protecti/e eGuipment s%ous 0e used incudin- %earin- and eye protection.
P 9e Infrastructure Hob"oblin6 In our consumer society muc% ado is made of our
dependence on mutinationa corporations to pro/ide materias for our sustenance and
ad/ancement. .ot&it%standin- anecdota stories of coa<:and:da--er conspiracies; I
contend t%at i fate suffered 0y in/entors in t%e ener-y fied %as 0een perpetrated 0y
ot%er Heaous in/entors and not 0y &ay of corporate s%enani-ans. E/en if; in times
past suc% corporations %a/e em0ar<ed on crimina acti/ities t%e &ord %as c%an-ed
dramaticay. '%e poitica assem0ies 0ecomin- more representati/e of a &ider ran-e
of popuace are some&%at more eni-%tened t%an &as t%e case in t%e reati/ey recent
oi crisis in 1F)4; dod-y deain-s are ess i<ey to 0e perpetrated no&.
In 211! t%e &ord faces ne& ener-y crises. Bn one %and t%e -o0e is nine ,1F3 times
o/er:su0scri0ed in eectricity -eneration t%e detraction 0ein- found in transmission
inefficiencies and on t%e ot%er %and -o0a confict and excessi/e demand %as %ad a
ne-ati/e effect on oi suppy t%rustin- t%e price of oi to record %i-%s. '%ere is no
e/idence t%at t%e &ord is runnin- out of oi and t%ere is aso no e/idence t%at it is not.
Petroc%emicas &i a&ays %a/e a pace in society pro/idin- us &it% usefu products
incudin- industria c%emicas; u0ricants; fues and pastics. "%at is a moot point is
&%et%er recent discussions a0out t%e ZHydro-en Economy[ 0ear any ree/ance
insofar as Hydro-en Infrastructure is concerned. Hydro-en may 0e produced in
amost any ocation on Eart%; t%e +ut%or en/isa-es appiance si=ed -as pants paced
in %omes; pu--ed into t%e &a and -eneratin- Hydro-en and Bxy-en 0y eectroysis
for automoti/e use. '%e proponent dri/es t%e /e%ice into t%e -ara-e and connects to
t%e Hydro-en source &%ic% repenis%es t%e tan<,s3 t%us emptyin- t%e stored
Hydro-en. +fter dri/in- off a-ain t%e appiance continues operatin- 24D) refiin-
tan<s for ater use.
'%e fore-oin- 0ecomes academic in t%e face of on:0oard; on:demand fue systems
contained &it%in t%e en-ine 0ay &%ic% produces a of t%e en-ines9 needs in &%ic%
refuein- is accompis%ed eit%er 0y &ay of introduced distied &ater or 0y t%e rain
&ater fain- on t%e /e%ice durin- use t%at is t%en coected and distied in a %eat
exc%an-er aso &it%in t%e en-ine 0ay. '%e Guestion t%en isI &%at point infrastructureL
P Credit .ere itPs due6 #or t%e most part t%e prototypes constructed to demonstrate
t%e po&er and practica0iity of E5as as a fue rest &it% &or< done in t%e 1F)19s 0y an
En-is% immi-rant to .e& >eaand; nameyI +rc%ie @ue. "%at t%is &riter %as done is
to ta<e t%e <ernes of Mr. @ue9s &or<; de/eop and impro/e upon it in order to 0rin-
a0out de/ices t%at not ony &or< 0ut t%at aso may 0e %ed up for meetin- or
exceedin- industria standards; materias safety data s%eets and for dissemination of
t%e information to a &ord:&ide audience.
In t%is section t%e &riter &i discuss t%e ori-inatin- in/ention and t%e &or<
performed to impro/e upon it.
In t%e eary 1F)19s +rc%ie @ue demonstrated %is eectroysis de/ice to en-ineers in
0ot% .e& >eaand and 5uernsey. Practica imits &%ere t%e Mini t%at it ran on &oud
ony accompis% o& speeds; use copious amounts of &ater and disso/ed auminium
eectrodes suc% t%at; at%ou-% it &or<ed; it did not &or< for on- periods.
'%e ori-ina de/ices si-%ted 0y t%e aut%or &ere in +-ee preser/in- Hars. $eary t%e
&ron- materia to use. #urt%ermore; t%e po&er suppied to t%e eectroysers &as ta<en
strai-%t from t%e /e%ices eectrica system &%ic% caused excessi/e %eatin- and
meted &ires. .o &or< &as performed 0y Mr. @ue to expain t%e de/ices in terms of
#aradays La&s of Eectroysis. '%e eectroyte &as Sup%uric +cid ,@attery +cid3 and
on t%e appication of eectrica current t%e auminium eectrodes 0e-an to disso/e
reeasin- E5as in t%e process. '%is E5as &as t%en fed into t%e modified S.2. 0rand
car0urettor for direct induction to t%e com0ustion c%am0ers.
"%at %as t%is aut%or done to impro/e upon and de/eop t%e ori-ina in/entionL
: '%e eectroysis units %a/e 0een constructed of stainess stee
: Hea/y duty c%ec< /a/es are paced at t%e top of eac% ce
: Potassium Hydroxide is added as eectroyte
: Sacrificia eectrodes %a/e 0een dispensed &it% in fa/our of stainess stee.
: '%e pressure source is added from t%e 0ottom of t%e ces
: '%e eectrica suppy is induced at t%e 0ottom of t%e ces so t%at no surfaces are
exposed to E5as
: '%e pressure source is pro/ided 0y -as from t%e ex%aust
: + seperate po&er suppy %as 0een added t%at ao&s for /ota-e adHustment
: Eectrica c%aracteristics %a/e 0een defined
: Harmonic resonance %as 0een added to eectrodes
'%e crux of t%e in/ention %as 0een retained as it reates to usin- t%ree eectroysis
ces; t%e output from t%e one ce feedin- t%e input to t%e next &%ic% appears to
enric% t%e -as e/o/ed from t%e output of t%e t%ird and fina ce. 4irect inHection to
t%e modified S.2. 0rand car0urettor %as 0een dispensed &it% in fa/our of usin- an
Impco 0rand natura -as re-uator. '%e ne& and impro/ed unit aso %as safety features
0uit into it suc% as pressure reief /a/es
Eectroysis can 0e made /ery efficient and %i-% nineties ,percent efficiency3 is not
difficut to accompis%. "it% t%e com0ination pro/ided 0y &ay of #aradays La&s
&%erein temperature is maintained at c.)! 4e-.$; /ota-e at 1.2) /ots ,a0o/e
eectrode o/er/ota-e3 and po&er in t%e <io&atts efficiency of F).!E is not
unreaistic. It must 0e pointed out t%at at t%ese parameters t%e eectroytic process
tunnes into an exot%ermic state. +t%ou-%; stric<ty spea<in- a circuits -enerate %eat
and t%erefore osses; t%ey operate endot%ermicay and a p%ysica a&s are compied
&it%. .ot:so eectroysis; ceary t%is state of c%an-e %as an effect : in particuar B%ms
La& appears to 0rea<. Bne must no& approac% t%e cacuations /is:a:/is efficiency
&it%in t%e 0ounds of @ac<0ody 8adiation and t%e "ein Effect. $omin- 0ac< to t%is
Zcom0ination[I &%ereas 'ero 8anta9s data s%o&s t%at 0etter t%an 111E efficiency can
0e accompis%ed &it%out addition of any ot%er tric<y 0its; t%e notion of pro/idin-
eectromec%anica motion usin- sma Guantities of po&er to reease ar-er amounts of
-as in t%is system &i add to t%e output efficiency.
P Summary6 @efore t%ere &as &ater t%ere &as ony -as. In space &ater is formed 0y
eectrica disc%ar-es t%rou-% reasona0y dense atomicDmoecuar couds. 'errestria
&ater &as formed 0y t%ree routes6
1 : "ater captured from space
2 : Eectrica disc%ar-es; and atteryI
3 : $euar meta0oism.
+ sma eectrica disc%ar-e sets in motion c%ain reactions 0et&een Hydro-en and
Bxy-en in a p%ysica e/ent t%at reeases orders of ma-nitude more ener-y t%an is
reGuired to t%en; in an eectroc%emica reaction; 0rea< apart t%e resutin- oxide : t%ere
0ein- no detractions from p%ysica a& &%en t%ese facts are processed in t%eir correct
order. '%e oxide does not exist prior to t%e -asM.
So far as Eectroytic 5as9 use as an interna com0ustion fue is concerned it must 0e
noted t%at t%e first e/er interna com0ustion en-ine ,213 in/ented in c.1*1)+4 used
Eectroytic 5as as its fue.
P :urter $iscussion6 '%e most popuar forum in &%ic% t%e /icissitudes of a t%in-s
ZEectroytic 5as[ are discussed may 0e found at
: %ttp6DD-roups.ya%oo.comD-roupD&atercar
: %ttp6DD-roups.ya%oo.comD-roupDe-as
: %ttp6DD-roups.ya%oo.comD-roupD-o0ox
: nttp6DD-roups.-oo-e.comDat.sci.%ydro-en
: nttp6DD-roups.-oo-e.comDat.ener-y.%omepo&er
Pease note t%at t%e terms Ze-as[ and Ze-aspo&er[ are proprietory; copy protected :
t%e trademar<s o&ned 0y t%e aut%or.
P :urter Readin"6 + a0out &ater6 %ttp6DD&&&<D&aterDindex.%tm
.ot necessariy Guoted in t%is paper6 : .ort% +merican $om0ustion Hand0oo<.
$%emica Process Industries.
: Juaity $ontro 6 $ro&n 8esearc% Limited. $D: 4r. 'ony $emens. 4r. 8o0ert .ei
: +0out t%e +ut%or6 %ttp6DD213.F).2!1.41Dc/.pdf
: +ddendum 6 Items in t%is paper mar<ed t%us are incompete
P References6
,13 211( I ,23 2112 I ,33 +so caed6 "ater 5as; 8%odes 5as; @ro&ns 5as I ,43 Bt%er
formuations appear to s%o& t%is fi-ure may increase to 121E and more.
,!3 Br-anic $%emistry; Morrison S @oyd; +yn and @acon; Inc. L$$$.6((:2!(F!.
,(3 &&&.<tf:spit.%rDperiodniDen
,)3 9#ue from "ater9 M.+. Pea/ey. Merit; Inc. L$$$. **:1**F!( IS@. 1:F4!!1(:
14:! Pa-e 22.
,*3 %ttp6DD&&&.p%ysics.o%io:state.eduD:/&D&%atDadsDadxe.%tm
,F3%ttp6DD&&&<D&aterD/i0rat.%tm I ,113 $ourtesy 'ero 8anta I ,113 9L9 U
Litres I ,123 $ourtesy 'ero 8anta I
,133 $8$ Hand0oo< of $%emistry and P%ysics; *4t% ed. I ,143 #araday9s La& reGuires
a temperature of circa )! de-rees $ecius I
,1!3 %ttp6DDeectroc%em.c&ru.eduDedDdict.%tmP&11 I ,1(3 %ttp6DDsci.ener-y.%ydro-en
,1)3 8eproduced; see +pendix 1 I ,1*3 Proprietes of Hydro-en $om0ustion. .+$+
report 1F*3.
,1F3 %ttp6DD&&&.& I ,213 4e 8i/as
--------------------------------------------- Return to the top
PP PE9ER !7WRIE# Water Electrolysis for Combustion En"ine from 94(.pdf9
a/aia0e at %ttp6DD&&&.panaceauni/ersity.or-D4(.pdf
Peter is de/eopin- a &ater eectroysis system for interna com0ustion en-ines. 'o
date; %e %as mana-ed to run a 1;((cc en-ine for 1) minutes on &ater aone. '%e
en-ine 0oc< remains coo 0ut fame comes out of t%e ex%aust pipe; &%ic% causes it to
0ecome /ery %ot. +so; t%e en-ine runs fat out and cannot 0e t%rtted 0ac<.
Presuma0y; t%is is due to excessi/e amounts of %ydro-en enterin- t%e en-ine; so a
met%od of increasin- t%e proportion of air in t%e mix appears to 0e needed. '%e reay
important point is t%at t%ere is excess ener-y in t%e system. '%ere are t&o
possi0iities6 eit%er t%e &ater contains ener-y &%ic% %as not yet 0een disco/ered and
documented; or additiona ener-y is comin- from some&%ere ese. ...
'%e system &%ic% Peter is usin- is unusua6
Peter uses a 5E$ deta:&ound; marine aternator &%ic% %e modifies 0y remo/in- t%e
diodes and eadin- eac% of t%e t%ree p%ase:&indin-s out to %is eectronics. He uses
eac% of t%e t%ree p%ase:&indin-s to po&er one eectroysis ce. +s %e ony &ants
a0out 1.! /ots across eac% ce; %e appies a0out 2 /ots to t%e 4$ &indin- of t%e
aternator; &%ic% is a0out t%e minimum for t%e aternator to &or<.
'%e 4$ current suppied is ess t%an one amp &%ie t%e pused current to t%e
eectroysis ces is muc% %i-%er. "%en a snap:on ammeter surrounds t%e &ires to t%e
ces; a current of *11 amps is dispayed. It is i<ey t%at t%is stye of ammeter is
cai0rated for sine:&a/e aternatin- current; and so t%e actua 8MS ,a/era-e3 current
is amost certainy different to t%e dispayed /aue. "%at is certain; is t%at t%e current
suppied to t%e ces is enormousy %i-%er t%an t%e 4$ input; and it may 0e in excess
of t%e *11 amps dispayed.
+ point of particuar interest is t%e inductor paced 0et&een t%e eectroysis ces and
t%e &indin-s of t%e aternator. Peter descri0es t%is as a c%o<e out of 3:p%ase industria
po&er suppy. It is comprised of a aminated stee core &it% a s%eeet of copper &ound
around it. '%is is remar<a0y i<e t%e arran-ement used 0y Ed&in 5ray9s po&er tu0e
&%ic% pic<ed up sufficient 8adiant Ener-y to po&er an *1 %orsepo&er eectrica
motor. Ed&in9s de/ice used t&o or t%ree cyinders of perforated copper s%eet
surroundin- a conductor &%ic% &as fed &it% *1 microsecond unidirectiona puses.
'%is inductor is so simiar in construction t%at it mi-%t not 0e unreasona0e to suspect
t%at t%e stee core mu-%t %a/e /ery s%ort eectrica puses induced in it; -eneratin-
radiant &a/es of 8adiant Ener-y &%ic% are pic<ed up 0y t%e copper s%eet &indin-
and fed into t%e system pro/idin- a maHor additiona source of ener-y for t%e
eectroysis. '%is may &e 0e t%e reason t%at t%is system produces easiy enou-% -as
mixture to run an en-ine.
+s t%e motor is suppyin- mec%anica po&er to t%e aternator s%aft; it is not possi0e
to say t%at t%ere is a current -ain of *11 times. "%at is certain; is t%at t%ere is indeed a
pic<:up of externa ener-y in t%is system. '%is can 0e expected; as a sudden puse of
ar-e current into eac% ce &i -enerate a maHor ma-netic puse &%ic% in turn may
&e tap t%e externa ener-y fied. '%is is /ery i<e t%e effect experienced 0y Ed 5ray;
8o0ert +dams; 'om @earden; #oyd S&eet and ot%ers; &%en t%ey produced ar-e
rapidy:c%an-in- ma-netic fieds. +s remar<ed a0o/e; Peter9s en-ine coudn9t run on
&ater aone &it%out -ainin- extra ener-y from some&%ere : don9t for-et t%at t%e
en-ine produces t%e mec%anica and 4$ po&er fed to t%e eectroysis units. 'o sustain
t%e en-ine runnin-; t%e system %as to 0e o/er 111E efficient. +s an en-ineer; I can
assure you t%at Peter9s en-ine is not o/er 111E efficient; and yet it does run; &%ic%
s%o&s condusi/ey t%at it is pic<in- up extra ener-y from some&%ere. I expect t%at in
t%e near future; &e &i 0e a0e to say from &%ere t%e extra ener-y is comin-.
+ comment from a mem0er of t%e 7a%oo 9e-aspo&er9 5roup6 9"%en I Hoined t%is
-roup in Marc%; I sa& for t%e first time Peter Lo&rie9s statement t%at t%e po&er out
&as * to 11 times t%at of t%e eectricity reGuired. I didn9t Guite 0eie/e it 0ut t%ou-%t
t%at you mi-%t Hust -et t%e en-ine to ide 0ased on 5eor-e "iseman9s cacuations t%at
t%e monoatomic moecues &%ere -i/in- amost 4 times t%e ener-y of diatomic ones.
"%en I first tried it; my motor ran at t%e fu !;!11 rpm and not at an ide as I %ad
expected. '%e po&er -enerated in Peter9s mode of operation is a0out 3F times &%at
you put in if you ao& for t%e fact t%at t%e motor is ony a0out 2!E efficient. I t%en
oaded my motor to t%e fu rated oad and found t%at t%ere &as no ac< of po&er. I
%a/e not competed t%e ast step of returnin- t%e ex%aust to t%e input of t%e ces; 0ut I
%a/e e/ery confidence t%at &%at %e says %e is doin- is indeed a fact.9
It is not a de/ice &%ose output po&er exceeds it9 input po&er. Ho&e/er; t%is de/ice is
/ery si-nificant in t%at it raises t%e efficiency of an interna com0ustion en-ine; and in
doin- so; ac%ie/es a reduction in t%e amount of fossi fue 0ein- 0urnt in t%e en-ine.
'%is ma<es it unpopuar &it% t%e oi companies &%ose o0Hecti/e is to se as muc%
fossi fue as possi0e; at as %i-% a price as possi0e.
P +dds from 94F.pdf9 pa-e *:F; a Patric< Aey fie on different Eectroysers;
a/aia0e at %ttp6DD&&&.panaceauni/ersity.or-D4(.pdf
Peter Lo&rie %as succeeded 0y increasin- t%e current to &%ere a camp:ammeter
s%o&s 0et&een *11 and F11 amps fo&in- into eac% of %is t%ree +rc%ie @ue stye
eectroysers. '%is produces enou-% %ydroxy -as to run t%e en-ine and produce t%e
eectrica po&er for t%e eectroyser ces 0y dri/in- an extra aternator. His desi-n
uses a marine aternator; dri/en 0y t%e en-ine; to appy puses of eectrica po&er to
an eectroyser ce attac%ed to eac% of t%e t%ree aternator &indin-s. Peter9s desi-n
uses a %eat exc%an-er to %eat t%e -as comin- from t%e eectroysers; 0efore it is fed to
t%e en-ine. '%e cascaded eectroyser ces are fed from t%e en-ine ex%aust; &it% t%e
/oume controed 0y an impuse /a/e. "%en t%e en-ine runs faster; t%e tri--er
impuses from t%e manifod /acuum increase in freGuency; feedin- more ex%aust -as
into t%e eectroysers.
'%e %ydroxy -as; mixed &it% .itrous Bxide; $ar0on Monoxide and $ar0on 4ioxide
,from t%e ex%aust -ases3 is %eated and passed t%rou-% a fas%0ac< arrestor 0u00er;
&%ic% %as an impuse /a/e positioned on eac% side of it. '%e %eated -as mix if t%en
passed t%rou-% a c%ec< /a/e and mixed &it% air; &%ose info& is aso controed 0y
an impuse /a/e. + fina 0utterfy /a/e sets t%e fo& to t%e en-ine inta<e.
If t%e en-ine stas; t%e tri--er impuses to t%e impuse /a/e stop immediatey and t%e
eectroysis current stops as t%e aternator stops runnin-. '%e eectroysis ces are
intended to run %ot at a0out *! de-.$. "%en t%e en-ine is started from cod; t%e
pused /ota-e appied to t%e fied coi of t%e aternator is set at 24 /ots. "%en t%is
increased po&er e/e starts to %eat up t%e eectroyte in t%e ces; t%e /ota-e to t%e
fied coi is reduced pro--ressi/ey; unti it reac%es t%e 2 /ot e/e; &%ere /ery itte
po&er is ta<en up in %eatin- t%e eectroyte.
+n eectronic circuit ,not s%o&n3 is arran-ed to fire t%e /ery po&erfu Siicon
$ontroed 8ectifiers ,S$8s or '%yristors3 at t%e /ota-e pea< of eac% output cyce for
its eectroyser ce. '%e coi s%o&n 0et&een t%e ces and t%e eart% ,en-ine c%assis
/ota-e3 comes from an industria 3:p%ase po&er suppy. It is of /ery %ea/y
construction to a%nde t%e /ery ar-e current; made &it% insuated copper strip &ound
around a stee core. Eac% ce &i %a/e a controed &ater:suppy system as t%e &ater
e/es &i fa rapidy due to t%e /ery ar-e /oume of %ydroxy -as 0ein- produced.
It %as 0een su--ested t%at t%e circuit &oud 0e more efficient if t%e %af:&a/e S$8
circuit s%o&n a0o/e &ere repaced &it% a fu:&a/e arran-ement. '%is %as not 0een
tried yet; 0ut a num0er of pro0ems arise &it% t%at idea. #irsty; t%e ca0es carryin- t%e
current to t%e eectroyser ces; s%o& a readin- of F11 amps &%en a standard camp:
ammeter is paced around t%e ca0e. '%at is a /ery ar-e current; reGuirin-
exceptionay ar-e ca0es to carry it effecti/ey. If a fu:&a/e circuit is introduced;
t%en t%e po&er diisipated in t%e ca0es &i 0e dou0ed. '%is is ia0e to cause
pro0ems uness t%e aready expensi/e ca0es are increased in si=e. Secondy; t%e
freGuency of t%e fied coi eectronics &i 0e dou0ed as t%ere &i 0e t&ice as many
/ota-e pea<s per second; so t%e circuit timin- components &i need to 0e c%an-ed.
'%irdy; t%e S$8s are aready /ery expensi/e due to t%eir /ery %i-% current %andin-
capacities. If fu:&a/e operation is introduced; eit%er t%ere &i need to 0e t&ice as
many expensi/e S$8s; or 'riacs of e/en %i-%er specification &i need to 0e used.
Since t%e desi-n &or<s &e in its present form; t%ere does not appear to 0e any reason
to modify it.
Intimidation in India6
"e are famiiar &it% t%e suppression of free:ener-y de/ices. In t%e 2S+ t%ere %a/e
0een iteray t%ousands of cases : for exampe; (ill Williams for runnin- %is truc< on
a Eoe Cell# 9 Henry Moray for puin- <io&atts out of t%e en/ironment and Ed
'ray for darin- to %a/e a po&er tu0e &it% an output po&er 111 times t%e input
In +ustraia t%ere is intense opposition to anyone usin- t%e )itro Cell on any en-ine.
In .e& >eaand; to t%e ma-netic motor of Robert &dams &%ic% is )11E efficient. In
t%e 2A; to de/ices for &ater:spittin- and permanent ma-net motors. In ?apan to
9eruo +a.aiKs patented ma-netic motor &%ic% is 1(1E efficient.
@ut in t%e ast &ee< t%ere %as 0een an instance of it in India; in spite of t%e fact t%at
t%e 0us ser/ice in Mumbai as been run on ydro"en for some years no.. + man;
&%o &is%es to remain anonymous in order not to a--ra/ate t%e current situation; %as
Hust 0een pic<ed on. He %as 0een runnin- a 0usiness for t%e ast 23 years and %as a
-ood reations%ip &it% %is oca $ommercia 'axation Bffice staff.
He 0ecame interested in $a*e !a.tonKs re/lication ,M456 artice a0o/e3 and
decided to try it for %imsef. '%ese pictures s%o& %is %i-% standard of &or<mans%ip.
Ravi%s Meyers0/awton Rep'iation
He encountered a minor pro0em &it% %is impementation of t%e eectronic dri/in-
circuit; and so contacted 4a/e La&ton for tec%nica ad/ice. '%is &as -i/en and t%e
pro0em so/ed. He t%en e:maied 4a/e some pictures s%o&in- %is pro-ress. "it%in *
%ours; %is premises &ere raided 0y nine peope supposedy from t%e oca 'ax Bffice.
In actua fact; six of t%em &ere from t%e oca office and t%e ot%er t%ree &ere
un<no&n to t%e ocas &%o %ad 0een ordered to ta<e t%em aon-. 4urin- t%eir searc%
of t%e pace; t%e man &as tod t%at %e &oud 0e &e ad/ised to discontinue a &or<
connected to %ydro-en.
'%at s%o&s ceary t%at t%e Zraid[ %ad not%in- &%atsoe/er to do &it% taxation and t%e
'ax Bffice &as Hust 0ein- used as an excuse to in/ade t%e pri/acy of an indi/idua.
'%ey spent six %ours c%ec<in- e/eryt%in- e/entuay eft; ta<in- commercia records
&it% t%em; and su0seGuenty reGuested t%at our friend attend t%eir oca office on
"ednesday ,t%e day 0efore yesterday3. He attended; sensi0y ta<in- peope from %is
0usiness as &itnesses. '%e six oca officias &ere t%ere and t%ey returned t%e records
ta<en; statin- t%at t%ere &as not%in- &ron- &it% t%e records or t%e tax position. '%ey
aso said t%at t%ey &ere 0e&idered 0y t%e &%oe affair. He as<ed t%em a0out t%e ot%er
t%ree men; and t%ey said t%at t%e $ommissioners office %ad as<ed t%em to ta<e t%em
aon-....and t%ey %a/e no idea &%o t%ey &ereM
He t%en %ad a on- con/ersation &it% t%e 4eputy $ommercia 'ax Bfficer &%o %ad
came o/er to %is pace. He aso seemed confused as to &%y t%ey &ere %urried up to -o
o/er to my pace from t%e $ommissioners office. He said t%at t%e $ommissioners
office recei/ed a compaint from some %i-%er aut%orities and t%ese peope &ere -i/en
&ritten instructions ,an unusua t%in- in itsef3 to -o to %is office and ma<e some
c%ec<s; usuay t%is %appens 0ut t%e /isits are done after 3:4 days of t%e receipt of t%e
etter from t%e $ommissioners office 0ased on t%e time aotment; 0ut in t%is case
t%ere &ere 4 cas directy from t%e $ommissioners office to -o o/er to %is pace
immediatey MM
'%is is a typica case of dei0erate intimidation and it is unusua ony 0ecause it is in
India. It aso s%o&s t%at 4a/e La&tons e:mais are 0ein- intercepted and read as t%is
man did not mention %is %ydro-en &or< to anyone ese. 4a/e once made t%e mista<e
of appyin- for a de/eopment -rant from %is Loca +ut%ority. '%e -rant &as to %ep
de/eop one of %is in/entions. He &as /isited 0y t&o unpeasant indi/iduas &%o too<
a&ay %is &ritten proposa. .ot%in- e/er came of it and &%en 4a/e as<ed for %is
documents 0ac<; t%ey ied; sayin- t%at t%ey %as posted t%em. "%en %e pressured
t%em; t%ey did e/entuay send t%e documents 0ac<; and t%e date stamp on t%e
en/eope s%o&s t%at t%e documents &ere posted on- after t%ey ori-inay caimed t%at
t%ey %ad 0een sent. It turns out t%at t%ese men %a/e no connection &it% t%e Loca
+ut%ority 5rants section and it seems cear t%at t%ey fa into t%e same cate-ory as t%e
t%ree Zun<no&n[ men in India &%o carried out t%e raid. presuma0y; 4a/es p%one
cas and e:mais %a/e 0een intercepted and monitored e/er since and t%at is &%at
tri--ered t%e raid in India.
'%e raid in India is /ery interestin- in t%at it s%o&s ceary t%at t%e opposition are /ery
muc% afraid of Stan Meyers "ater #ue $e. '%is impies t%at t%e ce is capa0e of
producin- serious amounts of free:ener-y and can 0rea< our dependency on fossi
fues. Patric< Aey:2nd #e0ruary 211).
,/date 6
It Seems t%e spoo<s are tryin- to scare 8a/i a-ain I Juote from a recent emai sent to
NI %a/e Hust recei/ed a ca a0out ! mins a-o on my and ine as<in- me to stop
postin- on t%e forums and youtu0e. If I sti do t%ey said t%at someone &i %a/e to
/isit me personay to ta<e care of it. I dont %a/e a caer I4 on t%e ine. '%is person
%ad a @ritis% accent.
Pease try and sa/e a t%e postin- ti no& on I dont <no& if I can post anymore...0ut
i9 try <eep in touc%N.:End
8a/i and any one experiencin- t%is is to fie a compaint &it% t%e oca poice so t%at
it is on record and -i/e t%em a detais. Send us ,panacea:0ocaf.or-3 t%e address of
t%e poice station and t%e name of t%e officer and t%e time %e o--ed t%e report.
'%e ot%er t%in- is to -et 8a/i t%e find out t%e names of t%e peope &%o /isited %im
from t%e 'ax Bffice and t%e positions t%ey %od. 5i/e t%e names to us and t%e name of
t%e person in c%ar-e.
'%e -ood ne&s is t%at t%e de/ice %as serious potentia if t%ey are tryin- to stop 8a/i
from finis%in- %is researc% and de/eopment. 7ou too can %ep 0y earnin- a t%ere is
to earn a0out t%e Staney Meyer "ater #ue $e; t%e 4a/e La&ton repication of it;
and t%e a/aia0e information on 8a/i9s repication. "e &oud recommend consutin-
B/ ; 7outu0e ,searc% for 8a/i "ater3 and -ettin- in touc% &it% Panacea:
@B$+# &%en your researc% starts pro-ressin-.
See Ra*i-s *ideos6
P R&CI -S S9&)!EY MEYER REP!IC&9I7) W&9ER :,E! CE!!;661.
+u-ust 11; 211). #rom6 ra/i&fc; %ttp6DDyoutu0e.comDuserDra/i&fc 6
P R&CI -S S9&)!EY MEYER REP!IC&9I7) W&9ER :,E! CE!!;66B.
+dded6 +u-ust 2); 211). #rom6 ra/i&fc; %ttp6DDyoutu0e.comDuserDra/i&fc 6
: $omment from oysta; %ttp6DDyoutu0e.comDuserDoysta 6 'otay incredi0eM 1!1 m in
21 seconds at 12Cots D 1;! amps resuts in 11(2 ?oues of Hydro-en produced ,%i%-er
%eatin- /aue3 and ony 121 Houes consumed. '%is assumin- -as coected is at 21
de-$; incudin- saturated &it% &ater /apor. Stoc%iomteric H2DB2 mixture &it% &ater
/apor &i contain ))44 A? H2 ener-y pr iter coected -as...
: $omment from 8ufe1; %ttp6DDyoutu0e.comDuserD8ufe1 6 oo<s i<e 1!1mD21sec;
4!1mDmin; 133.3secDiter. '%at &or<s out to 1.2221( &att:%ours per iter &%ic%
&oud ma<e it 11*1.3E efficient.
--------------------------------------------- Return to the top
PP Ra*i Ra8u /osts on te *ery $Y)&MIC 7* forum
P 9o/ic: Stanley Meyer re/lication .it lo. in/ut / ,8ead 1*1(* times3
: ra*HH# on: &u"ust 1A# 266@# 6A:<B:2@ PM 6
$%ec< t%e foo&in- /ideos6
1. %ttp6DD&&&.youtu0e.comD&atc%L/U2/='=Gpp:2<
2. %ttp6DD&&&.youtu0e.comD&atc%L/U#.?K/HuBKME
3. %ttp6DD&&&.youtu0e.comD&atc%L/U:1Sc'sH@<J
1. %ttp6DD&&&.youtu0e.comD&atc%L/Ufiyf&"u+F-+
1. %ttp6DD&&&.youtu0e.comD&atc%L/Unto((#'fd'-
1. %ttp6DD&&&.youtu0e.comD&atc%L/U@GSy'iPu*CI
#or a t%e info on t%ese /ideos you coud -o to %ttp6DD&&&.oupo&er.comD
4iscussions.......t%an %ydro-en forum.
7ou coud copy a t%e info i9/e posted t%ere under t%e user name ra/== and post it
%ere if need 0e. ?ust t%ou-%t i9d %ep as many peope to repicate my "#$ 0efore im
stopped a-ain. 8e-ards; ra/==
: ra*HH# Re/ly W2 on: &u"ust 26# 266@# 6A:11:2@ &M 6
?apanese Ho<<aido 2ni/ersity experiment &%ic% ac%ie/ed some mind 0o--in-
resuts and &as aso repicated 0y ?L .audin... '%ese -uys &ent B2 &it% t%e
-eneration of Hydro-en. '%eir experiment and resuts in<
%ttp6DDenr:canr.or-Dacro0atDMi=uno'-eneration.pdf +s per t%eir concusions6 9current
efficiency9 is *111E to t%e inputMMM
I9m not %ere to ar-ue &et%er t%in-s &or< as per t%e preset a&s of p%ysics or
t%ermodynamics 0ut you need to <eep an open mind to e/o/e and see if somet%in-
actuay &or<s.......I9m and en-ineer and 0een tau-%t t%at t%in-s dont &or< if you
0rea< t%e a&s....&e I <no& my a&s...t%an< you.....I9/e 0een ma<in- ces for t%e ast
* years 0ut no& I/e -ot somet%in- t%at &or<s......and if peope &ant to repicate it
t%ey can im -i/in- out info on %o& to do it.....if t%ey dont &ant to.....fine 0y
-ettin- not%in- nor osin- any t%in- 0y t%is....Stan &anted to se %is units......&e im
not.......t%is is for t%e peope &%o are aready tryin- it out and &%o &ant to....
.o& t%e reason &%y i &anted to post t%e repication info.......,I/e posted t%e foo&in-
for @o0 @oyce on oupo&er3....
Its time &e did somet%in- a0out t%e en/ironmenta mess t%e &ord is in.....its
acceeratin- 0y t%e year and it &oudnt 0e on- 0efore t%at t%e po&ers 0e &oud
reai=e t%at most of t%ese c%an-es are irre/ersi0e ......Canis%in- 5aciers......metin-
poar caps.....Europe %as seen t%e %ottest summers in i/in- memory.......and no& +sia
is -oin- t%rou-% t%e &orst foods in t%e i/in- memory.......&e are %eadin- for a
disaster and %a/e aready reac%ed a point of no return &it% t%e fossi fue
addiction.......time &e ma<e ourse/es count....0y %epin- ot%ers to ma<e t%is
tec%noo-y feasi0e and easy to repicate......&%ate/er sma matter
%o& muc% e/er sma to impro/e t%e air &e 0reat%e &oud -o a on- &ay for our
c%idrens future......
"e need peope to <no& t%is side of science 0efore its too ate.......oo< at t%e c%an-e
in t%e en/ironment in t%e ast 111 t%e -ar0 of de/eopment &ere ruinin-
t%e &ord &e i/e in for t%e future -enerations and &e are s%o&n a picture of
de/eopment as prosperity.....actua fact 0ein- more t%e prosperity more &e ruin t%e
en/ironment for our creature comforts......its a /icious cyce....&e coud introduce t%e
aternate science at paces &%ere its %urtin- t%e en/ironment t%e most ateast in a
sma &ay....
@o0 ets see %o& t%ey ta<e t%is experiment and &%at t%ey ma<e of it...I &oudnt 0e
surprised if some %ooter comes onto t%e forum and starts ru00is%in- t%e &or< to ma<e
ateast a fe& peope stay a&ay from experimentin- t%is setup....
I9m Hust %opin- t%at t%e ris< im ta<in- in teac%in- peope %o& to ma<e t%is expt &or<
&oudnt 0e for not%in-MM I9/e 0een t%rou-% some %arassment 0efore and can -o
t%rou-% some more if its for t%e -reater -ood.
5uys i/e posted a t%e info needed for repication if you &ant to or not is upto
youM.....&e my &or< %ere is doneMM 5BB4 L2$AMM
: ra*HH# Re/ly W? on: &u"ust 26# 266@# 11:16:2? &M 6
4yiamios s%oud <no& t%at e/eryt%in- in uni/erse is capa0e of resonatin-; e/en t%e
ener-y itsef. Let9s ta< a0out a&s6
Sti in %ydro-en production ,0y means of eectroysis of &ater3 science is usin-
#araday9s a& t%at uses ony current stren-%t as ree/ant for ammount %ydro-en
'%is #araday a& can 0e seen %ere in action 6
%ttp6DD&&&.o/erunity.comDindex.p%pDtopic;124!.1.%tm 6 131"
@ut t%is pused ,pro0a0y resonatin-3 setup pro/es t%at #aradays a& can not 0e
appied &it% pused 4$6 production of B2 H2 is amost identica &it% 1+ as I am
producin- at 31+.
: ra*HH# Re/ly WA on: &u"ust 26# 266@# 12:<@:2@ PM 6
I9/e posted a ot of data on t%e foo&in- in<...t%eres e/eryt%in- you need to repicate
in t%e discussion pa-e %ttp6DD&&&.oupo&er.comDp%p@@2D/ie&topic.p%pLtU1(12
incase t%is in< doesnt &or< t%en -o %ere to t%e main pa-e for %ydro-en forums
t%en -o to 98a/i9s Meyer 8epication : 'ap &ater to H29
Most of t%e Guestions you mi-%t %a/e &oud %a/e aready 0een ans&ered
t%ere....incase you need to <no& somet%in- ese post it %ere or on t%e oupo&er forum
so t%at I &oudnt %a/e to ans&er t%e same t%in- a-ain.
: ra*HH# Re/ly W12 on: &u"ust 21# 266@# 6@:<2:<A &M 6
I9/e used 1.2mm dia SS 31(L &ire to connect t%e if you %a/e seen /ideo
( doin- exacty &%at you su--ested....connectin- 4 sG mm copper &ires up to t%e
0ottom of t%e "#$....t%e eads are resin 0onded to t%e "#$ casin- to pre/ent
ea< at present im tryin- to reduce t%e en-t% of t%e eads up unti t%e 0ottom of
t%e "#$...some of t%e eads %a/e started ea<in- no& so t%is needs to 0e rectified
+ny Ideas on &%y t%e efficiencies comin- do&n &%en %i-%er amps are -i/en to t%e
freG -enL
: ra*HH# Re/ly W26 on: &u"ust 21# 266@# 6?:6@:2A PM 6
He is usin-6 %ttp6DDpanaceauni/ersity.or-D414.pdf
'%e circuit -i/en on pa-e ) &it% t%e inductors is &%at -i/es t%e %i-%est efficiencies.
'%e inductor on 0ot% positi/e and ne-ati/e is a must. "%y &oud you &ant to 0uid
one &it% t%e aternatorL from &%at I can remem0er t%e pa-e ) circuit doesnt %a/e an
aternator and you can po&er t%e circuit &it% a 4$ 11+ con/erter i<e I did or use a
pain %ea/y duty 0attery for -ettin- t%e output. If you &ant to experiment &it% t%e
ot%er circuits in t%e document t%en its o<.... 5ood uc<MM
'%ere is anot%er difference t%at needs to 0e noted compared to 4a/e9s 8epication. I
didnt remem0er t%e exact -ap 0et&een t%e pipes ti patric< Hust as<ed me &%at &ere
t%e differences 0et&een my setup....sat do&n and cacuated....
'%e -ap in 0et&een t%e pipes &as6 Buter Pipe B4 6 2!.31) mm I '%ic<ness 6 14 S"5
or 2.132 mm I Buter Pipe I4 6 2!.31) : ,2.132 x23 U 21.2!3mm
Inner Pipe B4 6 1F.F31 mm I '%ic<ness 6 14 S"5 or 2.132 mm I 5ap is 1.323mm
, 21.2!3 : 1F.F31 3 and t%is adHusted to 0ot% t%e sides as t%e inside pipe is centered is
1.323D2 U 1.((1! mm on eit%er sides of t%e inner tu0e.
So effecti/ey te "a/ bet.een te /i/es is less tan 6.?@6 mm. I &ent for a esser
-ap 0y increasin- t%e t%ic<ness of t%e outer tu0e.
If you -o t%rou-% Stans Canadian Patent e mentions tat te lesser te "a/
bet.een te /i/es more te efficiency. I %ad a ot of difficuty in t%e ai-nment of
pipe as t%ey &ere s%ortin-. Had to -et t%em strai-%tened on pipe ai-nment mac%ine.
"oudnt ad/ice peope &it%out en-ineerin- s<is to -o for t%is sma a -ap. '%e
%i-%er output of my setup coud 0e due to t%e smaer -ap as&e.
Posted 0y Aumaran 6 Hi 8a/i; +ccordin- to my cacuation you "ot ?==.?2X 7,.
Liter 6 1(.))( I Seconds 6 3(11 U LPM 6 1.2)F(
Cota-e 6 12 I +mp 6 1.!1 U "atts 6 (.12
Your cell efficiency : 6.<? W>! I #araday efficiency 6 2.3!1( "%DL ,/aries
dependin- to atm pressure3 U B2 6 (44.(2E
.o dou0t on efficiency. ?ust need to pus% t%e system a itte 0it furt%er to produce
more -as &%ie maintainin- t%e efficiency. 5reat Ho0.
: ra*HH# Re/ly W2< on: &u"ust 22# 266@# 62:2@:=B &M 6
'%ece6 I9m usin- .ic%rome *1D21 8esistance +oy &ire in 1.( mm diameter as t%e
/aria0e resistor. '%is %as resistance of 1.!2 B%msDmt. I remem0er mentionin- t%is on
t%e oupo&er discussion 0oard....0ut i dont t%in< I mentioned t%e -rade or si=e of t%e
resistance &ire used o/er t%ere. '%e efficiency of t%e ce comes do&n initiay if I
dont use it for a0out t%ree to four days 0ut a0out ten to fifteen minutes after its
s&itc%ed on it -ets 0ac< to t%e %i-%er efficiencies. Is t%is &%at you meant 0y ce
If you -o t%rou-% Stan9s patent 4;)F*;((1 on pa-e2 #i-ure 1 t%ese /aria0e resitors are
desi-nated 0y t%e num0ers (1a to (1n &%ic% are indi/iduay connected to eac% of t%e
inner tu0es.
I %a/e not tried t%e immersed excitor array in fi-ure 1 t%is coud pro0a0y increase t%e
efficiency e/en moreM
'%ere s%oud 0e /ery %i-% /ota-e at t%e ce as I reme0er $a*e sayin" sometin"
about seein" a "lo. from bet.een te tubes .en W:C is run in te
dar0.....coud 0e HC disc%ar-in-.....I %a/ent c%ec<ed for t%is t%ou-%...
... 7es I used 12 Cot 11 +mp +$ to 4$ co/erter as t%e input to t%e #reG -enerator and
t%e readin- you see in t%e /ideos are t%e current dra& from t%is con/erter ,t%e &ires
are t%e input eads of t%e fre- -en3.
: ra*HH# Re/ly W2A on: &u"ust 22# 266@# 61:12:6< PM 6
#araday9s is 2.4 &atts D %our D iter. Cots x +mps U "atts
My ce6 12 x 1.!1 U (.12 &atts I t%e -eneration is around ) ccDsec of H2 Q B2 I '%is
con/erts to 4.(( $$ of H2Dsec I &%ic% con/erts to 1(.))( Lits D %our
1(.))( x 2.4 &atts ,#aradayDitD%our -eneration3 U 41.2(2 "atts . "e I seem to 0e
-eneratin- t%e eGui/aent of 41.2 &atts as per #araday &it% Hust (.12 "atts.........I
%ope t%is ans&ers Aumaran9s Guestion as&e.
I dont <no& if im ri-%t 0ut I seem to 0e -eneratin- !!1E excess I as t%e a0o/e &or<s
out to 41.2D(.12 x 111 U (!(.*(E I (!(.*( : 111 ,#araday3 U 22?.A?X 7, RR $orrect
me if im &ron- &it% t%e cacuations.
I remem0er &atc%in- on one of Stan Meyer Cideos .ere tey mention te 7ut/ut
to be o*er 1@66X faradays....I -uess t%ere9s more &or< needed to 0e done in t%is
4a/e9s unit &as 2!1E B2 mine oo<s a itte of t%e reasons I t%in< is
0ecause my unit is compariti/ey 0i--er FN en-t% F tu0es compared to 4a/e9s !N
en-t% ( tu0es. Stans &as 1*Nen-t% F tu0es...dou0e t%e si=e of my "#$.
+not%er reason for %i-%er efficiency coud 0e 4a/e9s -ap 0et&een t%e tu0es &as 1D1(N
or 1.!*)! mm and mine &as esser at ess t%an 1.()1 mm....cacuations posted 0y
Stefan a0o/e. I9m usin- indi/idua eads to eac% pipe in t%e "#$.
: H2E&R9H# Re/ly W<6 on: &u"ust 22# 266@# 11:2?:2? PM 6
... '%e Meyer "#$ &or<s; and &e %a/e mutipe exampes of HHB 0ein- created at
1.! &%Dtr; 1.3*3 &%Dtr.; and e/en 1.1 &%Dtr. "%en t%e free eectron current reeased
from t%e &ater is counted; t%ey are a net current producers; and; in effect; t%e
Hydroxy is t%en 0etter t%an free from an ener-y standpoint.
#irst; t%ere is no simiarity 0et&een +$ current and pused 4$ as empoyed in t%e
"#$. Second; t%e compound resonance in t%e "#$ is ceary e/ident to
experimenters. '%ere is an eectrica resonance 0et&een t%e inductors ,8esonant
$%ar-in- $%o<e cois3; t%ere is an eectrica resonance &it%in t%e intraeectrode -ap
itsef &it%in t%e &ater; and; finay; t%ere is an acoustica resonance 0et&een t%e
cyindrica eectrodes; &%ic% is some%o& p%ase couped to t%e eectrica resonances.
'%e eectrica resonance in/o/es a p%ase deay 0et&een t%e puses to t%e eectrodes;
&%ic% %as t%e effect of in%i0itin- current fo& into t%e ceI t%e acoustic resonance
produces a standin- &a/e &%ic% in%i0its ion transport. @ot% of t%ese contri0ute to
dieectric 0rea<do&n in t%e &ater; &%ic% is &%ere eectrons are ripped from t%e &ater
,0y /ota-e aone3 producin- -as in t%e process.
&ctually# .at about te Water :uel Cell e*en resembles electrolysisQ 1F 9ere is
no electrolyeP 2F 9ere is )7 current admitted to te .ater# in a /ro/er systemP
<F )o eatin" occurs in te .ater as it /roduces "asP =F 9e "as /roduced is
Hydro3y Da0a HH7 or 4(ro.n-s 'as4F# not differentiated Hydro"en & 73y"enP
and 2F &ll of te .or0 is /erformed by *olta"e /otential alone.
: ra*HH# Re/ly W<2 on: &u"ust 2=# 266@# 6A:6A:22 &M6
I9/e upoaded t&o more /ideos &it% t%e ne& eads connected up unti t%e 0ottom of
t%e "#$. + ot of sma 0u00e -eneration t%is time around. "#$ -ets fo--ed up.
.eed to c%ec< if t%ere9s any impro/ement in t%e outputs. '%e eads dont -et %ot....0ut
need to c%ec< &it% proon-ed use. "#$ ea< cant do t%e -as output test ri-%t
no&. '%is t%in- &i ta<e time I -uess.
1. %ttp6DD&&&.youtu0e.comD&atc%L/U:"sABdxLI?2
2. %ttp6DD&&&.youtu0e.comD&atc%L/UuFTrLBud&8&
: ra*HH# Re/ly W<? on: &u"ust 2=# 266@# 62:2=:2@ PM 6
'%e foo&in- ima-es &ere ta<en &%en I &as conditionin- t%e "#$ a fe& mont%s
a-o. Initiay t%e outputs remained /er /ery o& 0ut -raduay increased &it% t%e
conditionin- pro-ressin-... 4on9t &orry if t%e -eneration is o& at t%e 0e-innin-
: #irst pic is conditionin- at 2 +mps. p%otoK1FF.?P5 ,1*.1F A@; (41x4*1 : /ie&ed
!(! times.3
: Second pic is scum on t%e surface in 0et&een conditionin-. p%otoK111.?P5 ,21.)*
A@; (41x4*1 : /ie&ed !!2 times.3
: '%ird pic is scum at t%e end of t%e conditionin-...&%en you need to c%an-e t%e &ater
for t%e next round of conditionin-. p%otoK114.?P5 ,22.2) A@; (41x4*1 : /ie&ed !!(
: #ourt% pic is -eneration at ! +mps. p%otoK11).?P5 ,21.2( A@; (41x4*1 : /ie&ed
!(1 times.3
: #ift% pic is scum a-ain. p%otoK111.?P5 ,24.4( A@; (41x4*1 : /ie&ed !!3 times.3
: Sixt%. p%otoK11!.?P5 ,2!.24 A@; (41x4*1 : /ie&ed !4) times.3
: Se/ent% and Se/ent% pics are t%e scum %odin- on to t%e tu0e ed-es &%ic% need to
0e ceaned &it% a 0rus% not touc% t%e pipes &it% 0are %ands. p%otoK11(.?P5
,32.4 A@; (41x4*1 : /ie&ed !44 times.3
: ra*HH# Re/ly W<A on: &u"ust 22# 266@# 6?:6A:=< &M6
+0out %ttp6DD&&&.youtu0e.comD&atc%L/UuFTrLBud&8&
7es t%e current dra& 0y t%e freG -en is 12C 1.! +mps its from 12 Cot 11 +mp 4$
con/erter t%at I use. '%e current readin- you see is t%e input dra& to t%e freG -en from
t%e 4$ con/erter. E/eryt%in- you need to ma<e t%is unit is in t%e updated 414.pdf in
t%e in< 0eo& %ttp6DDpanaceauni/ersity.or-D414.pdf
incudin- t%e inductors....&%ic% are /ery /ery important. '%en comes t%e conditionin-
&%ic% is crucia....%o& to is posted on oupo&er. Its a specific procedure t%at %as to 0e
4a/e &%o &as t%e first to repicate stan meyer system %ad -ot outputs in t%e ran-e of
2!1E B2 ,&it%out t%e inductors; s%oud 0e more no&...%e %asnt ta<ed a0out t%e
outputs &it% t%e inductors3. I %a/e made my system 0ased on %is inputs and a t%ese
inputs on %o& you can -et t%ese <ind of outputs are aready posted on t%e oupo&er
forum and partiay %ere.
.o I dont %a/e a scope. My system &as si-%ty modified and I %a/e so many eads
-oin- in as I can contro t%e num0er of tu0es t%at can 0e operated &it%out openin- t%e
"#$. I %a/e 1* eads comin- out of t%e "#$ F Q/e and F :/e.....&it% t%is I can run
on one tu0e or six i<e da/es or a 0asicay %a/e an easier contro on t%e
num0er of tu0es to 0e used for experimentation &it%out dismantin- t%e "#$. 4a/e9s
and Staneys systems %ad a spacin- of 1D1(N ,1.!*)!mm3 and my pipes %a/e a -ap of
ess t%an 1.()1mm ,coud 0e t%e main reason for t%e %i-%er efficiency in my unit3 and
im usin- F tu0e sets of FN en-t% and t%e inner 0ein- 1D2N more t%an t%e outer for
connections. 4a/e used ( tu0es of !N en-t% for %is 2!1E B2. Stans &ere F tu0es of
1*N en-t% on %is demonstration eectroy=er and in one of t%e /ideos a/aia0e; t%ere
are caims t%at %e9s ma<in- 1)11E B2 o/er #aradays. "%en compared to t%is
efficiency I sti %a/e some more &or< to do. 4a/e9s eectroy=er -eneratin- HHB
&it% inductors as per t%e updated 414..... /ideo in<...
Stefan t%e excess -as outputs &ere documented Guite sometime a-o 0y 4a/e. '%ere
are a fe& peope &%o %a/e connected t%e 414 system to /e%ices.....%ere9s a in<....t%is
-uy caims %is miea-e increased from 2* miesD-a to 4! miesD-a....t%ats an increase
of 1) mies per -aon.....%e9s e/en s%o&in- you %o& you can tune a "#$ &it% an +M
8adioMM... %ttp6DD&&&.youtu0e.comD&atc%L/UFf#p3$?>M'&
E/eryt%in- you need to ma<e t%is system is in 414 and t%e data &%ic% is reGuired to
ma<e t%is system efficient and %o& to -o a0out it %as 0een posted 0y me on t%e
oupo&er and %ere. 7ou -et /ery /ery o& -as -eneration in t%e 0e-innin- &%en you
are conditionin- i<e you see in t%e pictures a0o/e and 0eo&. I dont <no& &%y it
&or<s t%e &ay it &or<s or t%e t%eory 0e%ind &%y or %o& it &or< Hust
&or<sM......Ma<e it foo& t%e procedure and you &i ac%ie/e B2 o/er fardaysMMM I9/e
put in efforts &it%out t%in<in- it &oud fai and it didnt...
I9m postin- a fe& pictures of "#$ under construction and pro-ress.... '%e &a
t%ic<ness of 0ot% t%e pipes is 14 S"5 or 2.132 mm
Y 11FKB4KofKButerKPipe.Hp- ,132.(F A@; (41x4*1 : /ie&ed 4F3 times.3
Y 121KB4KofKInnerKPipe.Hp- ,124.21 A@; (41x4*1 : /ie&ed 4F2 times.3
1 02,3pipes3setup30,s+4pg (,5,+5, 6B7
85095:0 - viewe$ 5:; ti"es+)
Y 12(KpipesKsetupK1(.Hp- ,1!2.34 A@; (41x4*1 : /ie&ed 4F4 times.3
0<53pipe3setup3seate$3in3#ase+4pg (,80+,; 6B7 5:09850)
Y 13(KpipeKsetupKseatedKcoseup.Hp- ,12F.3) A@; (41x4*1 : /ie&ed 4*3 times.3
Y 1(1K@eforeK$onditionin-K12.Hp- ,11).(F A@; !))x3)! : /ie&ed 4)3 times.3
Y 1(2K+fterK1stK-enerationKofK%ydroxy.Hp- ,113.(2 A@; (41x4*1 : /ie&ed 4)1
Y 1(3K$onditionin-KnK%ydroxyK-enK41K11.Hp- ,F3.12 A@; (41x4*1 : /ie&ed 4(4
Y 1(4K$onditionin-KnK%ydroxyK-enK41K12.Hp- ,111.)! A@; 4*1x(41 : /ie&ed 12
: /a"e =# ra*HH# Re/ly W22 on: &u"ust 2@# 266@# 6@:6?:=< &M 6
12N is fine. "e I &ent in for FN &%en 4a/e9s &as ! coud pro0a0y t%ro&
some i-%t on &%at modifications mi-%t 0e needed if you use on-er tu0es. Stan used
1*N tu0es so may0e I s%oud try ma<in- a setup &it% 1*N en-t% tu0es no&.
P1. 7es t%e SS &ires act as resistors. '%e specificresistance of 31(L is around )!
Micro:B%m:cm and t%at of copper is 1.)2 Micro:B%m:cm. '%e eads %eat up &%en
%i-%er amps are dra&n 0y t%e freG can see t%is in t%e /ideos I posted. I9/e
repaced t%e eads upto t%e 0ottom of t%e "#$ &it% 4 SGmm dou0e insuated copper
&ire and t%e %eat -eneration did come do&n. I need to c%ec< if t%eres any increase D
decrease in -eneration.
P2. I %a/e spot &eded t%e 31(L &ires to t%e tu0es. 2sed siicone to <eep t%em in
pace and a/oid s%ortin-. '%e tu0es are pastic for insuation. 7es you can use copper
&ire seaed in siicone seaant. $o/er t%e exposed copper eads in t%e &ater &it%
siicone seaant as &e.
P3. Stan9s patent 4;)F*;((1 fi-ure 1 %as /aria0e resistance connected to eac% of t%e
inner tu0es &it% num0ers ( (1n; t%is &as &%at I &as ta<in- a0out. '%is is a
/ariation you can try muc% ater on.
Hydro6 "%en I tried conditionin- t%e tu0es at 3+ to !+ ran-e.....t%e resistors -ot 0urnt
so I -ot t%em repaced &it% %i-%er &atta-es. Its as simpe as t%at.
: /a"e =# ra*HH# Re/ly W2B on: &u"ust 2@# 266@# 6=:<@:62 PM 6
Yes te tubes are (ri"t &nnealed. You can use sand /a/er on te outside of te
inner tube and te inside of te outer tube. See to it tat you use a small "rit so
tat you "et small scratces on te surfaces....I used "rit 166 .it clot bac0in"
as it can .itstand te cur*ed surfaces .ell.
: /a"e =# ra*HH# Re/ly W?6 on: &u"ust 2@# 266@# 6=:2=:=A PM 6
+ri-%t Peope some %a/e 0een /ery s<eptica a0out t%e /oumes I t%is
/ideo is for especiay for t%emMM Sorry a0out t%e 0ad Guaity....t%e natura i-%t &asnt
t%ere i<e in t%e /ideos ) S * you need to adHust &it% t%is ti I ma<e a fres% one
&it% 0etter i-%tin-.
"e Hydro oo<s i<e you &ere ri-%t t%e "#$ seems to 0e producin- moreMM
1.31min into t%e /ideo t%e -as coection &as started and stopped at 1.!1min of t%e
/ideo......21 secs to 0e exact. '%e -as coected &as o/er 1!1$$ coud 0e 1(1 D
1(!$$.... +s some mi-%t say t%at t%ere coud 0e Steam D Capour D Mist......ets Hust
ta<e t%e output as 1!1$$ in 21 Secs.
'%is comes to ).!$$ of HHBDSec at 1.4*+ : 1.!1+. Last I c%ec<ed &it% t%e od eads
&as ).1 $$ HHB &it%out any t%in- remo/ed from t%e -eneration.
,M45 no/1)6 ) cc HHBDsec U` 421ccDminute U 2!.2 LD%our for ( "attsD%our U` 6.2=
W>!; exacty 11 times 0etter t%an #araday9s maximum ,2.4"%DL3 U 1.666X
efficiency M3
: Re/ly WAA on: &u"ust 2B# 266@# 11:=<:<? &M 6
'%ere is no reason #or 8a/i to $ompie any<inda List and txt9s etc for you; 8a/i
$ame out into t%e open &it% %is findin-s; and if you &%ere istenin- you9d <no& %o&
to do it;.
He said; +nnea your pipes; %e said condition t%em; i9m not postin- t%e instruction
0ecause t%ey9re finda0e on t%e forums; %e said do not use any resistance &%en
conditionin-. %e said use t%e a&ton sc%ematic t%ats 0een updated. He said t%e
conditionin- of t%e tu0es Is time consumin-; you &ant -et rid of t%e 0ro&n muc< in 2
It too< %im 3 mont%s to condition %is tu0es 0ased on &%at you see in t%e /ideo. He
said Sand t%e inside and out of t%e tu0e after aneain-; aso to annea in . type of -as.
'%e inside is .e-ati/e; '%e out Positi/e. $%an-e &ater after e/ery cyce; 4ont ea/e
muc<; $%an-e &ater 'I you t%in< you9re a0out to fa o/er dead. '%e .!1 amp %i-%
%ydro-en output can 0e ac%ie/ed &it% t%e a&ton circuit aone. %e Hust 0ettered it.
.o&; i say. $ondition your tu0es; you9 notice a "%ite %a= oo< to t%e .e-ati/e
eectrode o/er a periode of time; you9 proey notice t%e &ater oo<in- oran-e; and
aso t%at t%e positi/e eectrode is u-y; and %as no &%ite %a=e. you s%oud t%en S&itc%
poaritys for a &%ie to -et t%e positi/e tu0e to matc% t%e ne-ati/e one; &%en you %a/e
-otton t%is for you9 notice t%e &ater is sti oran-e; and you can oo< into t%e
container and &o& yoursef &it% %o& muc% %ydro-en it9s producin-. '%e -oa is to
-et t%e oran-e out of t%e &ater.
He %as instructions for %o& to condition after 0ein- anneaed. i %a/e t%em to; so add
t%is to %is instuctions 0ecause t%eir totay different. Start &it% 3 amps if you can
%ande it; if not t%en 2; run t%e s%it out of it ti you see a0out an %af inc% of muc<;
c%an-e &ater and repeat for 2 days. after e/eryt%in- apears to 0e norma; ta<e t%e
tu0es and run t%em under &ater; oo<in- t%re& t%em to ma<e sure t%ey9re not co--ed;
if t%ey9re t%en dissasem0e; cean &it% deter-ant and start o/er. dont &orry; you can
cean &it%out remo/in- t%e &%ite %a=e.
repeat repeat repeat . if you &oud %a/e noticed %e did ta<e t%e time to te you t%e
/ots and amps used; and &%en you are fartin- around &it% p%isics and ma<in- &ater
-o& oran-e anyt%ni- is possi0e.
'a<e t%is; sa/e it; don9t oose it; spread it; 5BB4 L2$A; I %ope you9 isten to t%is
post rat%er t%an o0/iousy not readin- %is post; t%ats &%y i <no& &%at you dont.
5ood uc< &it% t%e conditionin- and don9t pu a your %air out. B%; my opinion is
&%en you start -ettin- ceaner &ater you can start dropin- t%e amps to condition; 0ut
%e aso %as a diy condition instruction -uide; i %a/ent tried it.
: Re/ly W16B on: &u"ust <6# 266@# 12:2?:=< PM 6
Important Info from B2Po& posted 0y 8+CI as user ra/==6 'HE8E $B2L4
... 'o SeaMon<ey and Mar<in+ustraia 6
I initiay started off &it% 4a/e9s circuit.....&as in touc% &it% %im to sort out a fe&
issues &it% t%e circuits t%e &ent on to ma<e a fe& impro/ements. 7ou coud say t%at
4a/e9s circuit &as t%e s<eeton &%ere i started off 0ut %ad to ma<e some c%an-es. Bf
t%e ori-ina circuit i %ad a fe& 0urntD0o&n out components and o& -as -eneration as
my setup is &it% F tu0es of F inc% en-t%s and %is &as ( tu0es of ! inc% en-t%s so t%e
exposed surface areas are compariti/ey %i-%er. #rom &%at I presumed Stan used
tu0es of 1* inc%es so I &ent for %af %is en-t% 0ut t%e same num0er as in %is /ideo.
Materia used is 31(L seamess pipes. +nneaed for 3 %ours in inert amosp%ere of
+r-on to remo/e a residua ma-netism and cod &or< stresses 0efore t%ey are
assemed. Leads used are 31(L 1.2mm dia &ires to a 1* pipes indi/iduay spot
&eded. '%e inner pipe is 1D2 inc% on-er t%an t%e outer at t%e 0ottom for t%e setup for
connections. 7ou need to 0e /ery patient &it% t%e conditionin- of t%e too<
me mont%s to -et t%e -eneration you see.
Cots x +mps U "atts I 12 x 1.!1 U (.12 &atts t%e -eneration is around ) ccDsec I
&%ic% co/erts to 1(.))( Lits D %our I 1(.))( x 2.4 &atts ,#aradayDitD%our -eneration3
U 41.2(2 "atts
"e I seem to 0e -eneratin- t%e eGui/aent of 41.2 &atts as per #araday &it% Hust (.12
"atts.........I %ope t%is ans&ers Aumaran9s Guestion as&e.
I dont <no& if im ri-%t 0ut I seem to 0e -eneratin- !!1E excess I as t%e a0o/e &or<s
out to 41.2D(.12 x 111 U (!(.*(E I (!(.*( : 111 ,#araday3 U !!(.*(E B2 MM $orrect
me if im &ron- &it% t%e cacuations.
+ri-%t no& to t%e crux of t%e situ... I dont <no& %o& on- i9 0e ao&ed to post t%is
stuff o/er t%e net as initiay &%en I &as in touc% &it% 4a/e I %ad sent some pics to
%im and my pace &as raided &it%in a fe& %ours after t%e mai to %im. I &as <ind of
%eped out durin- t%is time 0y 4a/e and Patric< Aey.'%ou-% i/e %ad success a fe&
mont%s a-o I %ad not come out in t%e open 0ut no& +s%t&et% of Panaces @ocaf %as
con/inced me to -o pu0ic as t%is coud sa/e me any more future %arassment.....Im
ta<in- a %u-e c%ance 0y postin- t%is ri-%t no&.... you can see more detais of t%e
pro0em at
'%e a0o/e &riteup is on a fe& ot%er sites as&e. '%is %ad %appened some time in ?an
t%is year. I9 try and post a fe& more /ideos usin- 12 Cots 1 amp 1.! amp.... at t%e
eariest and post t%e in<s. 'ry and sa/e t%e /ids incase t%eyre remo/ed.
: Mon +u- 13; 211) (63( am I 5eneration of H2 Q B2 &as )$$ per sec I t%e H2
-eneration &as 4.(( $$Dsec and t%is &or<s out to 1(.))( its of H2D%r
: Mon +u- 13; 211) F621 am Post su0Hect6 Hi a-ain; Posted ne& /ideo a &%ie a-o.
Its amost 1 amp and oo< at t%e &ay t%e eads to t%e "#$ -et %eated up and 0urn t%e
protecti/e tu0in-. '%e tu0in- is in pace so t%at t%e eads dont -et s%orted out. I %a/e
indi/idua eads comin- out of t%e "#$ for eac% of t%e pipes.
+ coseup /ideo of t%e 0urnt out eads.
%ttp6DD&&&.youtu0e.comD&atc%L/Unto((#'fd'- I %a/e no cue as yet &%y t%is is
%appenin-. '%e setup pro0a0y needs more pipes I -uess. I9 post info if I fi-ure out
: @i-:0u00es6 '%e conditionin- &oud ta<e time...Hust <eep u--in- and you &oud
end up &it% 0u00es i<e t%e ones I -et. '%e i-%ts are puse timin- circuit /isua
: Mon +u- 13; 211) 1161F am 6 #or Mar<in6 I t%in< t%e suface area for %i-%er amps
needs to 0e increased to -et simiar outputs as t%at of 1.! more num0er of
pipe sets s%oud inrease t%e efficiency at %i-%er amepara-es. Its a presumption 0ut
coud 0e -i/en a try in t%e future....any more ideas on increasin- eff. at %i-%er ampsLL
: 'ue +u- 14; 211) 163! am 6 I &oud firsty ad/ice you to -o t%rou-% a of stan9s
patents to %a/e 0etter understandin- of t%e process.
'%ere is a ot of important stuff in t%e 2S and Internationa patents &%erein in one of
t%e patents %e mentions %i-%er efficiency of a tu0e setup compared to a pate setup for
%is proces ,so I Hust didnt &ant to experiment &it% t%e pate setup on %is process 0ut I
-uess it &or<s 0etter &it% @o09s process3. '%is ans&ers your Guestion Simon.
I coud Hust -i/e you e/eryt%in- 0ut it coud &or< for some and not &or< for some as
t%e /ota-es and freGuencies /ary as per t%e "#$ 0uid and t%e impurities in tap
&ater. I9m sayin- t%is co= ti I made t%e c%an-es &%en t%e components 0e& up on
4a/e9s circuit i didnot -et t%e ri-%t com0o. '%e exposed surface area of my setup is
muc% ar-er as compared to 4a/e9s. He %as ( tu0es of !N en-t%s and mine is F tu0es
of FN en-t% so t%ere %ad to 0e /ariations and t%e t%ic<ness of %is pipes is different
from mine...I %a/e a -ap of 1 mm 0et&een t%e pipes t%e outer tu0e t%ic<ness /aries
t%is -ap. '%e -ap used 0y stan meyer &as 1.!*)mm ,1D1(N3.. +s per stan t%e esser t%e
-ap %i-%er t%e efficiency.
Incase you are t%in<in- of t%is -ap you %a/e to use use t%ree spacers of fexi0e foam
on eit%er end at 121 de-ree an-es in t%e -ap.I say fexi0e 0ecause you &oud not
&ant any /i0rations induced to 0e restricted as t%ese /i0rations %ep dissipate t%e
0u00es from t%e surface. If you are not t%at &e /ersed &it% mec%anica s<is; I
&oud ad/ice you to -o for a %i-%er -ap as t%e space is /ery restricted and you mi-%t
end up s%ortin- t%e pipes. In on-er en-t%s you s%oud oo< for si-%t 0ends in t%e
pipes as t%e pipes may -et s%orted. 1.!mm or 2mm -aps are aso BA.
: Points to note6 $%ec< t%e ne& update of 414.pdf...t%eres an inductor added
in0et&een...its a must.
Patents s%o& a /aria0e resistor on t%e :/e side in 0et&een t%e "#$ and t%e freG
-enerator &%ic% e/eryone seems to %a/e missed out ,inc da/e3 in t%e 9FF( patent.
'%is I %ad as<ed 4a/e a0out and %e said it restricts t%e current -oin- to t%e "#$.
My setup compared to 4a/e9s %as indi/idua connections -oin- to eac% of t%e 1*
$onditionin- of t%e tu0es ta<es a on- time....SeaMon<ey9s expanatin stands -ood.
Bnce you stop formin- t%e 0ro&n muc< you <no& you9/e conditioned t%e pipes and
t%e -as -eneration increases at t%is point.
Aumaran I %ad su0tracted 111E #araday efficiency from t%e tota and &%at you -et
t%en is t%e B2 E. 7our fi-ure is for tota efficiency of t%e "#$.
: 'ue +u- 14; 211) 163F am I 7ou coud a&ays 0uid 4a/e9s setup &it%out ma<in-
any c%an-es incudin- t%e pipe t%ic<ness; %ei-%t and diameters and ac%ie/e t%e same
resuts as 4a/e did. His circuit s%oud &or< for %is "#$ 0uid si=e. $onditionin- is
t%e <ey to %is -eneration.
: 'ue +u- 14; 211) 264F am I 4B.B' 2SE 31(L +S LE+4 "I8E 'HE7 H+CE
'BB HI5H + SPE$I#I$ 8ESIS'+.$E 'B @E 2SE4 +S LE+4S I approxmatey
4(.* times t%at of copper...incase you &ant to introduce a resistance you coud a&ays
used a &ire &ound /aria0e resistance.
'%is seems to %a/e 0een t%e pro0em of eads %eatin- up. S/ecific Resistances6
$opper 6 1.(3 MI$8BHM:cm I 31( 6 )! MI$8BHM:cm
: 'ue +u- 14; 211) )633 am I I9m reay sorry a0out t%e patent num0er. its 4;)F*;((1
and t%e /aria0e resistance I &as ta<in- a0out is in #i-ure 1 &it% num0ers
( on t%e inner tu0e.
I dont use a 0oc<in- diode. .o t%ere is no dramatic increase &%en you /ary upunti
you condition t%e tu0es. "%en I initiay started off I coud %ardy see any 0u00es
emer-in-. @ut as t%e conditionin- proceeds o/er a period of time you see t%e -as
-eneration -raduay increase. +t a point &%ere i &as -eneratin- a ot of sma 0u00es
I t%ou-%t I reac%ed t%e pea< 0ut I Hust &anted to see &%at &oud %appen if I condition
a itte more and &%at I ended up &it% &as ma<in- t%ese ar-e 11mm si=ed 0u00es.
Its not t%at t%e sma 0u00es accumuate to a 0i--er 0u00e 0ut t%e moment t%e -en is
s&itc%ed on t%e ar-e 0u00es come rus%in- out; you can see t%is in t%e /ids. I &onder
if I condition some more I mi-%t endup &it% ar-e 0u00es ony. Lets see %o& it -oes.
'%e <ey to t%e &%oe process in my point of /ie& is conditionin- and t%is s%oud -o
on for a &%ie e/en after you stop ma<in- t%e 0ro&n muc< and you end up &it% ar-e
0u00es i<e mine. It &i ta<e time 0ut at t%e end of t%e day its &ort% itM
'%e dramatic -as increase %appens in t%e ran-e of 1.1 to 1.2 +mps in my "#$ 0ut
a0o/e t%at you Hust need to <eep c%ec<in- as to &%ere you -et t%e %i-%est efficiency
for t%at particuar "#$ and it &oud 0e ess t%an an +mp in any case. Loo< at my
outputs t%e efficiency decreases as you increase t%e ampeara-e to t%e freG -enerator.
: 'ue +u- 14; 211) F64( am Post su0Hect6 $B.4I'IB.I.5 B# '2@ESMMMMM +ri-%t
-uys ma<e a note of t%is and sa/e it some pace
'%e conditionin- process 0eo& &as -i/en to me 0y 4a/e La&ton and its &%at I
foo&ed rei-iousy for mont%s to reac% t%e outputs. $onsider t%is as t%e %oy -rai
i<e I did and sti do...
1. 4onot use any resistance on t%e ne-ati/e side &%en conditionin- t%e pipes.
2. Start at 1.! +mps on freG -en and s&itc% off after 2! mins for 31 mins
3. 5oto 1.1 +mps for 21 min and stop for 31 min
4. 5oto 1.! +mps for 1! min and stop for 21 min
!. 5oto 2.1 +mps for 11 min and stop for 21 min
(. 5oto 2.! +mps for ! min and stop for 1! min
). 5oto 3.1 +mps for 121 to 1!1 secs. need to c%ec< if "#$ -ettin- %ot...if it does
you need to reduce t%e time.
+#'E8 'HE ) S'EPS +@BCE LE' 'HE "#$ S'+.4 #B8 +'LE+S' +. HB28
@E#B8E 7B2 S'+8' +LL BCE8 +5+I.. I used tap &ater for conditionin- and no
/ine-ar or any additi/es.... I donot <no& if addin- somet%in- mi-%t &or< or not.
7ou &oud %ardy see any -as -eneration at t%e 0e-innin- 0ut it ma<es a ot of 0ro&n
muc<.....c%an-e t%e &ater after e/ery cyce initiay. 4B.B' touc% t%e tu0es &it%
0are %ands if t%e tu0e ends need to 0e ceaned of muc< use a 0rus% 0ut donot touc%MM
+s per my experience t%e 0ro&n muc< if eft in &ater for t%e next cyce %eats up t%e
&ater and you need to a/oid t%is.
'%en you see t%e reduction in -eneration of t%e 0ro&n stuff o/er a period of time and
at a point t%e pipes dont ma<e any 0ro&n stuff ata. 7ou &oud %a/e %ad /ery -ood
-eneration of -as 0y no&. 7ou -et a &%itis% po&dery coat on t%e surfaces. .e/er
touc% t%e pipes &it% 0are %ands once t%is comes on.
4B 'HE $B.4I'IB.I.5 I. + "ELL CE.'IL+'E4 +8E+ B8 P8E#E88+@L7
$LBSE 'HE 'BP +.4 CE.' 'HE 5+S B2' I. 'HE BPE..
+S 'HE "#$ IS LE#' B. #B8 J2I'E SBME'IME ECE. SM+LL +MB2.'
B# 5E.E8+'IB. $+. 5E' +$$2M2L+'E4 I. + $B.S'8I$'E4 SP+$E
+.4 $B2L4 @E + H+>+84.
'%e a0o/e process to 0e done after anneain- t%e pipes....see to it t%at no oxide
formation is eft on t%e pipes...use a deter-ent to &as% off t%e pipes and rinse t%em
t%orou-%y &it% fres% &ater.....assem0e t%e setup incudin- t%e eads and
0ase.....finay fus% t%e pipes &it% ots of fres% &ater......donot touc% t%e pipes &it%
0are %ands after t%is.......
5ood Luc< and %appy conditionin-......8+CI
: Ra*HH# Posted: Wed &u" 12# 266@ A:1A am6
I <no& a0out t%e /assi*ation of stainless steels. Li<e I said 0efore I dont <no& if it
&oud &or< for t%is process.......e/en if it does I dont <no& if you coud -et t%e same
Its a s%ort time process so you need to passi/ate t%e pipes once t%ey are assem0ed so
t%at you dont disturb te layer formed .ic is usually less tan a micron tic0.
If t%is doesnt &or< you coud a&ays re/ert 0ac< to t%e re-uar conditionin- process
0ut you &i %a/e to disassem0e t%e &%oe setup and sand paper t%e outside of t%e
inner tu0e and t%e inside of t%e outer tu0e to -et rid of t%e passi/ated surface and
expose a fres% surface t%en reassem0e and start.
Let me <no& if t%is &or<s. P!E&SE )79E 9H&9 P7!ISHE$ 9,(ES &RE )79
97 (E ,SE$ I) M&+I)' 9HE W:C
If t%ey are t%e ony ones you can find ma<e sure t%ey are not .ic<e pated or Hard
$%rome pated pipes and if t%ey are Plain SS <6=! or <1?! but /olised you could
al.ays use a sand /a/er.
7ou can use most of t%e 311 series .ic<e:$%romium Stees 0ut 31(L &oud 0e t%e
most preferra0e and next &oud 0e -o for 311 as t%is %as t%e %i-%est
resisti/ity amon- t%e 311 series. +/oid Incone -rade pipes as&e.
,se 7)!Y SE&M!ESS PIPES and not seam .elded.
: Ra*HH# Posted: 9u &u" 1?# 266@ 2:62 am 6
I remem0er &atc%in- on one of Stan Meyer Cideos &%ere t%ey mention t%e Butput to
0e o/er 1)11E faradays....I -uess t%ere9s more &or< needed to 0e done in t%is
4a/e9s unit &as 2!1E B2 mine oo<s a itte of t%e reasons I t%in< is
0ecause my unit is compariti/ey 0i--er FN en-t% F tu0es compared to 4a/e9s !N
en-t% ( tu0es. Stans &as 1*Nen-t% F tu0es...dou0e t%e si=e of my "#$.
Is tere a /ossibility tat some tin" li0e te Eoe-s Cell aeter stuff is a//enin"
ereQQ E/en ?oe9s ce ta<es a on- time to condition and e/en t%at produces 0ro&n
muc< and doesnt do so after a &%ie.....0ot% %a/e concentric tu0es.. .eeds /ery o&
amps...t%ere are simiarities....
Is t%ere a possi0iity t%at t%e extra &or< is 0ein- done 0y +et%erL Is 8oe-s cell
conditionin" similar to te one mentioned abo*eQQ
: Ra*HH# Posted: 9u &u" 1?# 266@ <:2< am6
'%ere is anot%er difference t%at needs to 0e noted compared to 4a/e9s 8epication. I
didnt remem0er t%e exact -ap 0et&een t%e pipes ti patric< Hust as<ed me &%at &ere
t%e differences 0et&een my setup....sat do&n and cacuated....
'%e -ap in 0et&een t%e pipes &as6 Buter Pipe B4 6 2!.31) mm I '%ic<ness 6 14 S"5
or 2.132 mm I Buter Pipe I4 6 2!.31) : ,2.132 x23 U 21.2!3mm
Inner Pipe B4 6 1F.F31 mm I '%ic<ness 6 14 S"5 or 2.132 mm I 5ap is 1.323mm
, 21.2!3 : 1F.F31 3
and t%is adHusted to 0ot% t%e sides as t%e inside pipe is centered is 1.323D2 U 1.((1!
mm on eit%er sides of t%e inner tu0e.
So effecti/ey te "a/ bet.een te /i/es is less tan 6.?@6 mm. I &ent for a esser
-ap 0y increasin- t%e t%ic<ness of t%e outer tu0e.
If you -o t%rou-% Stans $anadian Patent e mentions tat te lesser te "a/
bet.een te /i/es more te efficiency
I %ad a ot of difficuty in t%e ai-nment of pipe as t%ey &ere s%ortin-. Had to "et
tem strai"tened on /i/e ali"nment macine. "oudnt ad/ice peope &it%out
en-ineerin- s<is to -o for t%is sma a -ap.
9e i"er out/ut of my setu/ could be due to te smaller "a/ as.ell.
: Ra*HH# Posted: :ri &u" 1@# 266@ 2:== am6
I;/e posted t%e /ideo of t%e c%an-es of t%e eads im doin- ri-%t no&.
: Ra*HH# Posted: :ri &u" 1@# 266@ @:6= am6
I %a/ent spo<en to 4a/e a0out t%e /ariations concernin- t%e for me I-*e
made it on a :errite rod of 22 mm len"t 166 turns of $ouble Enamelled
Electrolytic Co//er DBB.BBXF of 22 SW' D6.@11mm diaF &%ic% &as &%at 4a/e
7ou coud try t%e a0o/e ti you are successfu to an extent and t%en start
experimentin- &it% t%e /ariations and et e/eryone <no& if youre -ettin- 0etter
: Ra*HH# Posted: Sat &u" 1A# 266@ B:6? am6
"%ic% tu0es %a/e you orderedL <1? or <1?!.....te ! stands for lo. carbon ...
.ic su//osedly .or0s better ..... t%is is t%e sur-ica -rade SS t%ey use for
B rin-s are a definite no noMM you &i end up trappin- some of t%e -as &it%in t%e
tu0es if you restrict t%e outfo&....effecti/ey t%is &oud end up reducin- t%e exposed
tu0e surfaces to &ater in 0et&een t%e pipes and &%en you cut sots youre a-ain
reducin- t%e surface area MM sma fexi0e foam cut to a en-t% of ! to ( mm and a
&idt% of 3mm.....insert t%e en-t% inside t%e tu0e so t%e 3mm &idt% is &%at you see
from t%e top...t%is &ay you can increase t%e -ap for t%e -ases to ea/e t%e pipe end.
Insert t%ree foam pieces at 121 de-ree an-es on 0ot% ends.
: Ra*HH# Posted: Mon &u" 26# 266@ 1:1B am6
... I %ad my tu0es anneaed to -et rid t%e crysta attice imperfections due to cod
&or<.....and any traces of ma-netism. '%ey %a/e to 0e in 0ri-%t finis% ony you dont
&ant oxidesof nic<e D c%romium or iron on t%e surface.
... You need to "et te tubes annealed once tey are cut and finised to len"ts
before bein" assembled. Its done in a se/arate inert atmos/ere furnace of )2 or
&r"on. You a*e /eo/le .o do eat treatment for metals .... t%ey9 -i/e you t%e
procedure if you te t%em t%e -rade you9re usin-.
: Ra*HH# Posted: Wed &u" 22# 266@ <:12 am6
'%ere seems to 0e someone ese &%o9s repicated 4a/e9s setup.... I sa/ed t%e /ideo
from youtu0e or -oo-e recenty......I dont remem0er &%o t%is &as or &%ere I found
t%e /ideo 0ut e seems to be tunin" te :re5 'en .it an &M radio sound. Pease
do et me <no& if you find t%e ori-ina poster of t%is /ideo....con/erted and sa/ed t%e
/ideo and finay -ot time to &atc% it ast ni-%t.
His met%od seems to &or<MM and %e9s connected it to %is car as&e.....%e caims to
%a/e -otten an increase from 2* miesD-a to 4! miesD-aMM '%ats an increase of 1)
mies to a -aonMM
$%ec< t%e /ideo on %o& %e tunes %is "#$ and %is caims.
... 7ou &ere as<in- me a0out t%e resistance on t%e inside tu0e sometime per
stans Patent eac% inside tu0e is connected to an indi/idua /aria0e
cant ma<e t%ose connections &it% t&o eads comin- out of t%e "#$. I %a/e 1* eads ,
F Q/e and F :/e3 comin- out of t%e "#$. '%is &ay you can do a sorts of /ariations
you need &it%out openin- t%e "#$.
'%e transformer t%in- you9re ta<in- a0out are diode %eat sin<s of pre/ious "#$ trias
and experiments....0ut t%e diode setup is defunct usin- t%e connectors at t%e
0ottom of t%at setup &%ic% connects to t%e "#$ t%ere.....most of t%em are a od
&irin-s from pre/ious trias....I &as tryin- a ot of com0inations and amost a of
t%em faied except t%e one recenty posted....its a a mess up t%ere.....4ont oo< too
muc% into it %ydro....its as simpe as it &as in t%e updated 414.....conditionin- is &%at
%eped me -et %i-%er efficiencies and no& c%ec< t%e in< on top as to %o& t%is -uy
tunes it and %e ta<s a0out t%e &%ite po&dery coat %e %asMM.....t%is comes ony after
: Ra*HH# Posted: Wed &u" 22# 266@ ?:<B am6
I s%oud t%an< +aron for postin- t%e /ideo on conditionin- of tu0es....
I %ad foo&ed %is postin-s and /ideos for a on- time no&....actuay %e9s 0een one of
t%e inspirin- factors for me to 0uid my system....t%an<s a-ain +aron.
He -oes 0y t%e names &aron Mura0ami > a1c<m > %iman1< on t%e net. He %as %is
forum postin-s on t%e "#$6 %ttp6DD&&&.ener-eticforum.comDrene&a0e:ener-y
If youre oo<in- for t%e exact tec%nica an-ua-e and t%e process...%e9s t%e manMM
: Ra*HH# Posted: Wed &u" 22# 266@ A:=? am P Post sub8ect: Im/ortant
conditionin" info 6
+not%er t%in- I remem0ered after &atc%in- &aron-s conditionin" *ideo .as# .en
te / is s.itced on you see bubble formation on te e3ternal surfaces of te
outer tubes 8ust li0e in te *ideo ..... t%is %appens a aon- durin- t%e conditionin-
I remem0er $a*e sayin" tat you 0no. te tubes are conditioned .en tese
bubbles sto/ formin" on te e3ternal tube surfaces and you see a .ite /o.dery
coat on te tubes.
I &ent on conditionin- e/en after t%at and ended up &it% ar-er 0u00es.
: Ra*HH# Re/ly W112 on: &u"ust <6# 266@# 12:=A:11 PM 6
7ou coud use t%e inner tu0e as a neutra eectrode...0y not connectin- it &it%
anyt%in- at a and connect t%e inner rod to t%e ne-ati/e and t%e outer most pipe to t%e
positi/e. #rom &%at i9/e read and seen neutra eectrodes &or<...?oe9s ce is a prime
exampe of t%is.
Has anyone seen someone usin- neutra eectrodes &it% /ota-e potentiaL &e I
%a/ent.... oo<s i<e you %a/e a ne& idea Ae/in.... 4efinitey &ort% a try.
... "e youre amost spot onM '%e resistance &ire restricts t%e current dra& into t%e
"#$. 'ry it 0efore t%e inductor and after t%e inductor...see &%ic% -i/es t%e %i-%est
output. 7ou dont need te resistance .ire durin" te conditionin" of te tubes its
only for reducin" te current dra..
E/en I didnt <no& &%at t%is &as for.....4a/e tod me t%at it &oud reduce t%e current
dra& &%en used.
'e t%em t%at you need a bri"t anneal in nitro"en or ar"on atmos/ere.
+nneain- is done after e/ery cod &or< operation and at t%e finis%in- sta-e to reset
te lattice structure. +s &e are cuttin- t%e pipes and si-%ty finis%in- t%e surfaces
&it% sand paper to remo/e any im0edded impurities durin- tu0e dra&in-.... its a cod
&or<in- .... so you need to reie/e t%ese induces stresses in t%e attice t%rou-%
anneain-. I-m a metallur"ist Hydro so you can stay assured a0out t%is. Its normal
manufacturin" /rocedure.
: Ra*HH# Posted: 9u &u" 2<# 266@ 12:21 am6
Let me mention t%is a-ain6 9e best "rade of SS to use is <1?! I .ext preference is
31(;314L and 314.
L stands for Lo& $ar0on in t%e SS aoy.
<1?! com/osition: X
: $ar0on 6 1.13
: Man-anese6 2.1
: P%osp%orous 6 X1.4!
: Sup%ur 6 1.13 max
: Siicon 6 1.1
: $%romium 6 1( to 1*
: .ic<e 6 12 to 14
: Moy0denum 6 2.1 to 3.1
31( SS nic<e ran-e is 11 to 14E and car0on 0ein- 1.1*E
<6= SS %as esser E of .ic<e and $%romium and doesn-t a*e Molybdenum at a.
so Hud-e for yoursef &%ic% -rade you &oud &ant to use.
: Ra*HH# Posted: 9u &u" 2<# 266@ 2:<= am 6
If you %ad tod t%em to annea in inert D nitro-en D +r-on atmosp%ere it &oud 0e a
0ri-%t finis%.
"e if 0ri-%t finis% &asn9t a criteria you coud Hust use a -as torc% to %eat it up ti red
%ot and et it coo off so&y...0ut you &oud end up &it% a 0ac<is% 0uis%
discooration. '%is is due to t%e oxide ayer formation on t%e surfaces. I dont <no& if
oxidised pipes &or< 0etter 0ut t%ey do %a/e %i-% corrosion resistance. #or a &e
<no& you mi-%t end up -ettin- 0etter outputs t%an any of us or t%e ot%er &ay round
0ut definitey &ort% a try.
If it doesnt &or< t%at &e you coud disassem0e t%e pipes and use sand paper to
remo/e t%e oxidised ayers. '%ey are usuay a fe& microns t%ic<.
: Ra*HH# Posted: :ri &u" 2=# 266@ 1:6@ am 6
... E/ery meta or aoy &%en cod formed or cod &or<ed %as to -o t%rou-% a %eat
treatment process to reie/e t%e interna stresses. Its finised and su//lied in
annealed form. I a*e my o.n industry and .e .or0 on stainless steels# inconels#
cu/ronic0els; ....... and precious metas i<e -od as&e for t%e semiconductor
industry and &e need to annea not Hust at t%e finis%in- sta-e 0ut in t%e intermediate
sta-es as &e for furt%er cod &or<. &nnealin" is a com/ulsory /rocedure in e*ery
metal .or0in" /rocess unless you re5uire i" tem/er and une*en stresses
.itin te .or0 /iece.
@y t%e &ay Hi-% $ar0on Stees -o t%rou-% anot%er %eat treatment process caed
patentin- .... t%ese are %i-% tensie stren-t% stees and &idey used in sprin- ma<in-.
Pease stay assured t%at &e do annea Stainess Stees at our pant. If you didnt <no&
e/en t%e copper &ires you use e/ery&%ere are anneaed....t%is is done on t%e &ire
dra&in- mac%ines itsef.
: Ra*HH# Posted: :ri &u" 2=# 266@ <:12 am6
I-*e s.itced on and s.itced off te :re5. 'enerated in te second *ideo.
'o cear up any dou0ts some mi-%t %a/e t%at t%ere coud 0e a anot%er source t%an t%e
freG -en input.
: Ra*HH# Posted: :ri &u" 2=# 266@ 2:=2 am6
... '%e %i-%er output is a to do &it% t%e inductors in t%e 414 circuit and conditionin-
mainy and si-%ty t%rou-% t%e resistance &ire to reduce t%e current dra&. E/en
&it%out t%e resistance you can -et t%e same output 0ut anot%er 1.3 to 1.( amps extra
0ut I fee t%is coud 0e offset 0y ma<in- a 0i--er inductor. ?ust -o on conditionin- and
<eep reducin- t%e +mp dra& to t%e "#$ -raduay and t%e -eneration &oud <ind of
remain t%e same e/en at /ery o& +mps. Bnce you condition t%e tu0es your
-eneration &i dramaticay increase and t%e current reGuired &i fa 0y eaps....t%is
too< me amost 3 mont%s approximatey to reac% t%ese outputs.
: Ra*HH# Posted: Sat &u" 22# 266@ @:2< am6
I use te*er cec0ed if it .as eatin" u/R
: Ra*HH# Posted: Sat &u" 22# 266@ 2:21 am 6
... Hydro; if you are -oin- for a 0i--er setup t%an 4a/e9s. '%en; c%an-e t%e 111 o%m
1.2! &att resistors to 1.! D 1.1 &att resistors dependin- on t%e increase in exposed
surface area. I use 1 &att.
: Ra*HH# Re/ly W112 on: &u"ust <6# 266@# 12:2B:1B PM 6
+ri-%t peope t%ere9s somet%in- reay &eird %appenin- in t%e "#$. 4a/e %ad
mentioned some time a-o t%at t%ere9s some -o& in t%e dar<.
I 8ust cec0ed it in /itc dar0..... teres some 0ind of oran"e "lo. comin" from
te bottom of te W:C 0ut cant ma<e out exacty from &%ere... tried ta<in- pics 0ut
didnt &or< t%ey -ot a pixuated. +ny idea &%at t%is coud 0eLL
: Ra*HH# Posted: Mon &u" 2@# 266@ 1:62 am6
I %a/e no idea &%at it &as. It .as an oran"is "lo. and comes intermittently for
t.o or tree secs ten "oes off for a .ile; you cant see any -o& on top of t%e tu0es
0ut only at te bottom .... cant 0e t%e eads as t%eyre encosed in pastic pipin- and
t%e point &%ere t%e &ires are spot &eded is aso co/ered &it% siicone
can see t%is in t%e pics I posted. $oud 0e 8adiant Ener 0ut t%ats &%at &as
%appenin-....t%is coud/e 0een %appenin- a aon- 0ut I ne/er noticed it as I &as
a&ays concentratin- on t%e -eneration at t%e top of t%e tu0es.
... @ein- a Mec%anica En-ineer I dont <no& too muc% a0out eectronics. i -ot my
circuit made 0y some0ody and &%en e/er t%ere &ere pro0ems I -ot t%em rectified 0y
t%e same person and <ept trac< of &%at c%an-es %e made and I9/e tod you &%at t%e
c%an-es &ere.
: Ra*HH# Posted: Mon &u" 2@# 266@ 1:6A am6
$%ec< t%is post for t%e same t%read in o/ ....t%is coud 0e of %epMM Im
pastin- it %ere for reference6
8a/i; 4o you <no& t%e approximate freGuency at &%ic% you are appyin- t%e sGuare
&a/e puses to your "#$L '%e reason &%y is reated to some researc% I did &it% a
&e <no&n 9&ater as a fue9 researc% -roup.....
Here &as t%e crux of my interestin- findin-6 '%e findin-s are 0ased on t%is youtu0e
/ideo from 4a/e La&ton6 %ttp6DD&&&.youtu0e.comD&atc%L/Umi&0/sya3E< ;
"+'$H I'M
V4D1D211) 364162! PMW 'ao says6 ?ust doin- a simpe cacuation a tu0e in pain fres%
&ater; t%e eGuation from %ttp6DDen.&i<ipedia.or-D&i<iD+cousticKresonance s%o&s
fU,n_/3D,2_L3 &%ere n corresponds to t%e %armonic; / is t%e speed of sound in t%e
&ater; and L is t%e en-t% of t%e tu0e....
So; ets simpify t%is eGuation; n can 0e a&ays 1; / is 143! mDs in fres% &ater
accordin- to "i<ipedia.
So; f U ,1_143!3D,2_L3 U )1).! D L U f ; ?ust for fun; ets ta<e t%e freGuency 4a/e &as
producin- Hydroxy at in %is atest /ideo on 7outu0e6 342!.)*1H=
So; 342!.)*1 U )1).! D L ; L U )1).! D 342!.)*1 U 1.21 meters ; So t%at &oud 0e *.2)
inc%es on-.... So; %o& on- in inc%es are 4a/e9s tu0esL ?ust curious........
V4D2D211) 1162(621 PMW 'ao says6 So; I as<ed %o& on- 4a/e9s tu0es &ere; &e; I
oo<ed up %o& on- t%ey &ere from an od post 4a/e did on t%e ori-ina forum 0ac<
in 2114...
V4D2D211) 1162(644 PMW 'ao says6 4a/e said t%at %is tu0es &ere a0out 12.!:13cm
,&%ic% is a0out ! inc%es on-3
V4D2D211) 1162)63F PMW 'ao says6 so; cacuatin- t%at into t%e eGuation6 )1).! D L U f ;
&e %a/e )1).! D 1.12)! U f ; so f U a0out !(!1H=
V4D2D211) 1162*621 PMW 'ao says6 So; 0ased on &%at it says at t%e E.4 of t%at /ideo
on youtu0e; it says t%at t%e %ydroxy &as 0ein- produced at 342!.)*H=
V4D2D211) 1162F611 PMW 'ao says6 @2'; t%ey acoustic freGuency came out to 0e
!(!1H=; so I said; 9o%; too 0ad9 seems t%ere isn9t muc% of a connection; I -uess I need
to do more researc%9
V4D2D211) 1162F611 PMW 'ao says6 2.'IL; I Hust &atc%ed t%at /ideo a-ain..........
V4D2D211) 1162F6!1 PMW 'ao says6 Loo< at &%at 4a/e &as pusin- %is 4$ at in t%e
/ideo6 !)14H=MMMM +t 1611 in t%e /ideo you can see &%at %e &as pusin- at.......
V4D2D211) 116316!* PMW 'ao says6 @ased on t%e eGuation for acoustic resonance; 4a/e
&as pusin- %is tu0es at t%e ET+$' freGuency at &%ic% t%ose tu0es &i resonate
+$B2S'I$+LL7 in #8ESH "+'E8...
So; my findin- &as 0asicay t%is6 $a*e found te (ES9 "as /roduction at te
CERY S&ME fre5uency tat 8ust so a//ens to be .ere is tubes resonate
&C7,S9IC&!!Y I) W&9ER ... HMMM...
May0e it is not%in- at a 0ut a coincidence; 0ut may0e t%ere is Hust somet%in- to
: 'eller# Re/ly W11? on: &u"ust <6# 266@# 61:<<:2= PM 6
... I edited t%e H'ML and com0ined a 8a/i9s B2po&er posts into one %tm fie.
ra/i:oupo&er:posts.=ip ; F4.F! A@
: Re/ly W11@ on: &u"ust <6# 266@# 61:2?:2= PM 6
'%an<s for your efforts in compiin- t%e information 5%eer; I too< t%e i0erty of
copyin- it a to my &e0site ; it can 0e found Hust 0eo& t%e
/ideos; I fi-ured if it9s on a &e0pa-e of it9s o&n t%en it &i not -et pus%ed 0y ot%er
: Re/ly W121 on: &u"ust <6# 266@# 6<:16:=2 PM 6
I ripped a t%e posts from t%e od icu0enet&or< 0ecause I &as t%ere &%en 4a/e made
%is "#$; and t%ere &%en Giman13 and I started t%e offs%oot 9radiant%2o9 ya%oo
-roup... I &i post t%ose icu0enet&or< fies soon enou-%...
#or no&; %ere is t%e entire o/ 8a/i t%read in a =ip fie; a manuay edited
%tm fies; enHoy. 9ra/i:o/erunity:posts.=ip9 ; 21)4.)* A@
: Re/ly W12= on: &u"ust <6# 266@# 6<:2=:22 PM6
@eo& are a t%e P4#s I %and:made in 211!. Eac% P4# is a compete recreation of a
different t%read t%at &as at I$2@E.E'"B8A &%en it &as acti/e. '%e P4#9s tites
are t%e same as t%e tites t%at eac% of t%eir respecti/e t%reads %ad at icu0enet&or<.
It &as t%e ori-in of 4a/e La&ton9s reease of %is repication of Meyer9s system. It &as
aso t%e ori-in for t%e radiant%2o ya%oo -roup and Giman13
, %ttp6DDyoutu0e.comDGiman13 3 &%o %as aso 0een reeasin- /ideos Hust recenty aon-
&it% 8a/i9s.............. Ha/e a -ood read -uys; t%is is t%e 5E.ESIS materia to a t%ese
Meyer repicationsM
: 4a/esK$e.pdf; 3FF.*3 A@ I
: 4a/esK"#$KSetup.pdf; *3.1F A@
: StaneyKMeyerK'%eoriesKandK$ircuits.pdf; 4F(.1F A@;
: SecretsKofKt%eK"aterK$eKExpained.pdf; !1*.!* A@;
: @ediniKS5K:K'HEKAeyKtoKMeyersKcircuit.pdf; !1).F! A@;
: Re/ly W1@A on: Se/tember 6=# 266@# 16:=6:<2 PM 6
Here is t%e %i-% res picture of 4a/e9s actua setup &it% %is i-%t 0u0 0ein- po&ered
0y t%e Eectron Extraction $ircuit... '%e EE$ &or<s fo<s; 0eie/e t%at... Bne more
/indicatin- action t%at supports Meyer...........
See picture 9radiant2.?P59; 313.)3 A@; 1((3x1211
PS : I &as Hust oo<in- up simiar *3;111u# !1C caps to see &%at t%ey coud oo<
i<e; and t%ey oo< /ery simiar to t%e one in 4a/e9s pic t%ere...
: Re/ly W1A< on: Se/tember 62# 266@# 6<:1=:=A &M 6
5uys anot%er Va&ton:8a/iW repication &as sent to me. Pus a -uy on Hydroxy Hust
posted %e %as one too.
Juote on t%e attac%ed6 NPau estimates t%at %e is -ettin- t%e same output as 4a/e. He
intends to impro/e su0stantiay on t%at; 0ut %e %as to fix a ea< in t%e 0ase of t%e ce
0efore %e continues de/eopment. His &e0 site is N
Hydroxy post6 NI am usin- a meyer ce &it% a 4a/e La&ton circuit. I increased my
-as mia-e in my ford escort to 4! MP5 from 2* MP5. '%e La&ton circuit fryed my
aternator. My soution &as a ]21 doar 0oat 0attery c%ar-er t%at pu-s into a car
ci-arette i-%ter. I use t%at to po&er my La&ton circuit no&.
7a%ooM 5roups Lin<s6 'o /isit your -roup on t%e &e0; -o to6
%ttp6DD-roups.ya%oo.comD-roupDHydroxyD N
: P5reen2.?P5 ,14(1.2( A@; 311*x2111 : /ie&ed 41* times.3
: P5reen1.?P5 ,1**).F! A@; 2111x311* : /ie&ed 2* times.3
: Re/ly W1A= on: Se/tember 62# 266@# 6<:2?:2= &M 6
5uys; as you may <no& 4a/e %as reported $od current eectricity from t%e ce;
Patric< Hust sent me t%is; im not sure if %e %as upoaded t%e ne& 9cod current9 circuit
to t%e ce; 0ut rest assured t%e pans &i 0e in t%ere
NI9m afraid t%at papers of t%at nature Hust ea/e me cod ,no pun intended3 as I -ain
not%in- from t%em. I don9t t%in< in mat%ematica structures.
'%e su0Hect of radiant; or NcodN ener-y is not &e defined at t%is time. Bur famiiar
con/entiona eectricity appears to 0e a trans/erse osciation &%ie t%e NcodN
component appears to 0e a on-itudina osciation. $onseGuenty; none of our
instruments react to cod eectricity and &%ie it can po&er i-%ts; motors; %eaters;
etc.; t%e ony &ay to actuay measure it appears to 0e to c%ar-e a ead:acid 0attery
usin- it and t%en measure t%e po&er stored in t%e 0attery 0y disc%ar-in- it. ?o%n
@edini remar<s t%at after forty years of searc%in-; t%at is t%e ony mec%anism &%ic%
%e %as found.
Eectroma-netic pusin- appears to 0e t%e main &ay of accessin- t%is ener-y. @o0
@oyce9s eectroy=er -ets 11 x #araday9s supposed maximum; t%rou-% ma-netic
pusin- of a %undred stainess stee pates in a ro&. '%is is effecti/ey pusin- a
%undred capacitors in series as t%e eectroyte is essentiay a dieectric. @o0 -ets a
maHor po&er -ain 0y pusin- &indin-s on a toroid; &%ic% is definitey a si-nificant
s%ape for cod eectricity. '%e po&er -ain can 0e 11;111 amps of %ot eectricity; and
as t%at is effecti/ey t%e NossesN &%ere cod eectricity is concerned; t%e rea NcodN
po&er is so muc% -reater t%at it can tri--er a -round feeder eadin- to a i-%tnin-
stri<e. @o0 found t%at out t%e %ard &ay and &as /ery uc<y to sur/i/e 0ein- %it 0y
t%at i-%tnin- stri<e.
'%e toroid is at t%e %eart of many different $BP`1 de/ices and its effect can 0e
simuated 0y -eneratin- a rotatin- ma-netic fied &it%out a toroid ,de/ices i<e t%e
+dams Motor for exampe3. '%at of course; is not t%e &%oe picture; as '%omas
Henry Moray ac%ie/ed massi/e po&er input &it%out anyt%in- i<e t%at; so %o& do
you expain input from an aeria as t%at appears fairy passi/eL
So; t%e 0ottom ine is; t%at &%ie I <no& t%at cod eectricity can 0e tapped &it%
rotatin- ma-netic fieds; stron- dipoes ,incudin- s%arp 4$ puses and permanent
ma-nets3 and passi/e de/ices i<e aerias; $oer de/ices and t%e ?oe $e; it is cear
t%at I reay don9t understand anyt%in- si-nificant a0out it.
: Re/ly W1A@ on: Se/tember 62# 266@# 6?:11:=@ &M 6
90i-fatpot%ead9 on youtu0e runnin- %is car on 4a/e9s setup and %is miea-e -ain &as
around 1) miesD-aon &%ic% &or<s out to (2E increase in miea-eMM ,0y far 0etter
t%an any a/aia0e off t%e s%ef3.....t%e /ideo is ,
%ttp6DD&&&.youtu0e.comD&atc%L/UFf#p3$?>M'& 3.....t%is system &as t%e same si=e
as 4a/e9s ; &oudn9t 0e surprised if t%e miea-e -ain is o/er 121E as my unit is muc%
: 9ao# Re/ly W1B= on: Se/tember 62# 266@# 62:26:=B PM6
Meyer-s EEC circuit ayouts compared to La&ton9s recenty posted EE$ circuit t%at
%e is usin- to po&er t%at i-%t 0u0; amon- ot%er oads...
In t%e first ima-e; Meyer9s simpe EE$ is s%o&n. In t%is setup; t%e 9amp consumin-
de/ice9 is anao-ous to La&ton9s i-%t 0u0. "%en t%e &ater in t%e "#$ is 0ein- spit;
eectrons are disod-ed from t%e &ater and as successi/e positi/e puses %appen t%e
eectrons are effecti/ey 9suc<ed up9 0y t%e amp consumin- de/ice. So; t%ere are
eectrons in t%e &ater free; and &%en a positi/e puse comes; t%e eectrons mo/e to t%e
ri-%t eectrode and mo/e t%rou-% t%e 9amp consumin- de/ice9.
In t%e second ima-e; Meyer up-raded %is setup and incuded a tri--erin- mec%anism
&%ere0y %e can c%oose &%en %e appies t%e positi/e puses to t%e 9amp consumin-
de/ice9. So Meyer coud send some puses to t%e "#$ pates and spit up t%e &ater;
t%en %e coud tri--er t%e s&itc% and send puses to t%e 9amp consumin- de/ice9
&%ere0y t%e eectrons from t%e &ater &oud fo& t%rou-% it.
=ee 'arge si>e i"age: ee-"eyer-'awton,+gi!7 -:+8; 6B7 :009,,;0
=ee 'arge si>e i"age: ee-"eyer-'awton2+gi!7 ,<8+-< 6B7 :009,,;0
La&ton on t%e ot%er %and; %as modified Meyer9s EE$ a 0it &it% t%e addition of t%ose
extra %i-% capacity caps. '%ese caps &oud; 0y t%in<in- a0out it; c%ar-e up /ia t%e
continued HC puses t%at are 0ein- appied to t%e "#$; anao-ous to a @edini type
setup. '%e eectrons &oud t%en mo/e to and from t%e caps and cause fuctuatin-
current to %it t%e 0rid-e rectifier and po&er %is oad.
: Robert# Re/ly W1B2 on: Se/tember 62# 266@# 62:<?:1< PM 6
I t%in< t%e second EE$ must &or< a ot 0etter t%an t%e first. I. t%e first picture you
can see t%e eectron extraction is pro0a0y aso imited 0y t%e c%o<es. In t%e second
one t%e amp consumin- de/ice ,0u03 0ypasses t%e c%o<es to extract more eectron
from t%e circuit. ,and t%erefore stoppin- Hydro-en and oxy-en atoms from
: Re/ly W21B on: Se/tember 6?# 266@# 62:6?:21 &M 6
Juote from6 saintpoida on Septem0er 1!; 211); 1161364F PM 6 +so &it% tunin- t%e
pipes; &oudnt ma<in- t%e inner tu0e on-er pus% it coser to t%e freG of t%e outer
tu0eL If so you &oud Hust need to cacuate 0y %o& muc% on-er it &oud need to 0eL
I %a/e done Hust t%at on my pipes... t%e extra en-%t sits at t%e 0ottom and fus% at t%e
top. I cacuated t%e surface area of t%e inside of t%e t%e outer pipe and adHusted t%e
en-%t of t%e inside pipe to %a/e t%e same surface area. '%ey sound identica &%en
struc< i<e a tunin- for<..
: Re/ly W21B on: Se/tember 6?# 266@# 62:6?:21 &M 6
5uys some one &as ta<in- a0out @i:fiar cois 0efore a friend sent me t%is6 $%ec<
&%at 'esa says 0eo& <eepin- t%e "#$ and a 0i:fiar inductor in context6
9esla-s 4C7I! :7R E!EC9R7 M&')E9S#4 /atent W212#<=6 is a /ery specia
coi desi-n 0ecause; uni<e an ordinary coi made 0y turnin- &ire on a tu0e form; t%is
one uses t&o &ires aid next to eac% ot%er on a form 0ut &it% t%e end of t%e first one
connected to t%e 0e-innin- of t%e second one. In t%is patent 'esa expains t%at t%e
dou0e coi &i store many times t%e ener-y of a con/entiona coi.V1W Measurements
of t&o cois of t%e same si=e and &it% t%e same num0er of turns; one &it% a sin-e; t%e
ot%er &it% a 0ifiar &indin-; s%o& differences in /ota-e -ain. '%ese 0ifiar 'esa9s
cois can 0e expained soey on t%e 0asis of t%eir eectrica acti/ity. + 0ifiar coi is
capa0e of %odin- more c%ar-e t%an a sin-e &ound coi. "%en operated at
resonance; t%e distri0uted capacitance of t%e 0ifiar coi is a0e to o/ercome t%e
counter : eectromoti/e force , e.m.f.3 norma to cois; inducti/e reactance.
@ecause of t%e eectrica acti/ity; a 0ifiar coi does not &or< a-ainst itsef in t%e form
of a counter : e.m.f.; t%e potentia across t%e coi Guic<y 0uids to a %i-% /aue. 9e
difference bet.een te turns becomes "reat enou" tat te ener"y is /ractically
all /otential# at tis /oint# te system becomes an electrostatic oscillator.
Minima &or< is done in my radiant ener-y system due to t%e a0sence of &asted
dispacement currents. +s sma %eat osses occur; osciations are maintained 0y
surpus c%ar-e -enerated 0y atomic cataytic reactions; ener-y is sip%oned from t%e
<inetic moments of t%ese c%ar-es.. &fter an initial in/ut of ener"y from an outside
Cery lo. ener"y e3/enditure allo.s / deli*ery to an electrical load o*er an
e3tended time /eriod .itout an e3ternal fuel su//ly source# te radiant ener"y
electrical "enerator .ill o/erate as a *ery efficient de*ice.
'%e parts %i-%i-%ted in red seem /ery /ery ree/ant in "#$ context. So 0ifiar
inductors are &ort% a try."%at do you t%in<LL any ideas on %o& &e s%oud try itLL
+so $oud you c%ec< up on t%e foo&in- in< and see if it actuay &or<s for a
: Re/ly W222 on: Se/tember 6?# 266@# 6<:1@:=A &M 6
Muc% of t%is reates 4I8E$'L7 to my t%read I posted soon 0efore 8+CI9s 9comin-
out9. It deas &it% a t%is directy. NStaney Meyer; pease meet Stanisa/ +/ramen<o6
"ater as a fue...N %ttp6DD&&&.o/erunity.comDindex.p%pDtopic;2F().1.%tm
In re-ard directy to t%e 'esa 0ifiar patent and setup itsef; I mention in t%e a0o/e
t%read a Mr. Mian Manc%ic%. He used a fat 'esa panca<e coi; and appied a H#
/ota-e to t%e inner or outer &ire of t%e panca<e coi; and on t%e opposite &ire of t%e
panca<e coi; %e paced an 9+/ramen<o9s Pu-9.
%ttp6DD&&&.<eeynet.comDener-yDmian.%tm Pease see t%e t%read directy for t%e in<s
to +/ramen<o and t%e i<e.
'esa &as t%e AI.5 of /ota-e PB'E.'I+L; so I t%in< t%ese pat%s of researc% are
-ood to foo& to potentiay ead us to t%e 0est "#$ contro circuitry.
: Re/ly W22A on: Se/tember 6?# 266@# 6?:2A:1< &M 6
May0e somet%in- interestin-. '%is -uy is usin- radiant ener-y to -et t%e ossciation
done.. en -ets ots of radiant po&er. "or<s Guite stran-e; 0ut may0e %e is on to
: %ttp6DD&&&.youtu0e.comD&atc%L/UI#HeHH=J?e<
: %ttp6DD&&&.youtu0e.comD&atc%L/UFPs4om5.2!4
: %ttp6DD&&&.youtu0e.comDuserD?du0(dF
: Re/ly W2<6 on: Se/tember 6?# 266@# 12:12:22 PM 6
+t ony 22; crac<ed easy capture of cod eectricity; no meter; no scope; no soderin-
iron; no not%in- not e/en a t%eory. '%is 0oy &i -o far. I fee I %a/e &asted my ife.
: '. E.# Re/ly W2=< on: Se/tember 6@# 266@# 6A:2=:<? &M 6
"#$ "HI'E PB"4E87 $B+' #8BM $B.4I'IB.I.5 6
+aron says its $acium Bxide I some //l are tryin" to use Re*erse 7smosis and
distilled .ater for conditionin"# but you don-t a*e calcium mineral in tem# so
8ust use 9&P .ater 7)!Y or collect .ater from free" streams could .or0
better tan ta/ .aterRRR
Seems o-ica to add ET'8+ cacium to t%e &ater to speed up t%e ayer formin-. 7ou
can Hust 0uy it at t%e t%e pet s%op. 2sed to add to 8B &ater for fis%tan<s... 8o0ert
: '. E.# Re/ly W2=2 on: Se/tember 6@# 266@# 11:2?:=A &M6
$acium Bxide coat is +aron9s presumptionDdeduction and %e says it coud 0e
anyt%in- M It %asn9t 0een anaysed M '%ere are a ot of minera sats present in natura
It coud 0e any oxide or %ydride or an exotic com0ination composition M +so to note
t%at +aron %as conditioned at 11C 2 +mps for 2 %ours strai-%t non stop for an %our
and not i<e t%e conditionin- process &%ic% 8a/i mentionedM
'%ere is a possi0iity t%at &it% t%e increase in +mp process mentioned 0y 8a/i; t%ere
are different <ind of minera D deposits ayers formed on t%e inner tu0e surfaceM 4on9t
<no& if +aron used pused 11C 2+mp 4$ or strai-%t. 8a/i9s &as pusedM So Hust 0e
carefu &%ic% process you foo&M It9s not Hust a ayer t%at you need to create 0ut t%e
8I5H' <inda ayerM
'%is coud 0e pro/en if it &or<s or not 0y +aron %imsef if %e c%ec<s for t%e
difference in -as output; 0efore and after t%e conditionin- M 5%. ?
: &aron# Re/ly W2=? on: Se/tember 6A# 266@# 62:26:1? &M 6
S2$$ESS#2L $B.4I'IB.I.5 .E"SMMMMMM "#$ $onditionin- does reduce +mp
dra& &it% t%e same -as -enerationMM
So -uys Hust 0uid dis n you9 <no& it &or<sMM 2 %a/e a repicated proof no&M
Messa-e6 '%ere is increase in production for same input. +ctuay; I &i post ms-
a0out it. '%e amps reduce o/er coupe %ours 0y coupe %undred ma9s meanin- t%at
t%ere is more restriction and -as NappearsN to 0e identica. 4idn9t measure -as 0ut &it%
amps reducin- &it% dia on /ariac same...same production for ess.
: Re/ly W22A on: Se/tember 6B# 266@# 6A:1@:2? PM 6
B< -uys I %a/e confirmed t%rou-% my experiments t%at you need to ta<e t%e tu0es out
of t%e &ater to speed up t%e oxide ayer to form. My tu0es are competey co/ered
&it% a t%in ayer aready &it% 2 &ater c%an-es and 12/Y 1+ pused. I put my tu0es in
front of a fan in 0et&een &ater c%an-es. I c%an-e it approximatey e/ery 21 mins. I9
post some pics ater once i %a/e it t%ic< enou-%. I am %a/in- pro0ems &it% t%e
positi/e tu0e rustin- t%ou-%. It -ets a -od coor t%at appears to 0e rust.
: Ra*HH# Re/ly W2?1 on: Se/tember 16# 266@# 6=:12:1= &M 6
PostPosted6 Sat Sep 1*; 211) 1614 am 6 I9m sorry a0out not 0ein- a0e to post out
%ereMM 7ou -uys are doin- -oodM
Pease foo& t%e o/erunity forum as&e........ tere seems to a*e been a success
.it te conditionin" reducin" te &m/ dra. .it te same "as /roductionRRR
'%e same Guestions are sti 0ein- ans&ered as to &%y t%is can %appenMM ?ust 0uid it
foo& t%e conditionin- procedure and youre &or<s peope....dont t%in< too
muc% a0out %o& or &%y it &or<s.........I' ?2S' "B8ASMM
&e can ascertain &%ys or %o&s after you %a/e a &or<in- prototype....t%e science can
foo& ater. Pease c%ec< t%e ne& updated Sept 4t% 414 for t%e conditionin- process I
posted on t%is forum.
I9/e ta<en enou-% ris< a-ain postin- on t%is forum.....dont et t%is tec%noo-y die
a-ainM 8+CI 8+?2
: '. E.# Re/ly W2?1 on: Se/tember 16# 266@# 6=:12:1= &M 6
I9m postin- t%e pdf of @I#IL+8 c%o<es info on +arons ideas of %o& it coud 0e
&or<in- on t%e "#$MM '%is is 0ein- posted &it% permission from +aron
in< to t%e forum6 %ttp6DD&&&.ener-eticforum.comDener-yDF)2:stan:meyer:0ifiar:
P. re-ister t%ere to find more info on dis topic6 StanKMeyerK@ifiarK$%o<es:
Ener-iticforumKt%read.pdf; 11F3.F( A@;
: Re/ly W2@1 on: Se/tember 12# 266@# 6<:<2:2@ PM 6
the i"age was $onate$ to Panaea-B&*.)+
: Re/ly W2A< on: Se/tember 1=# 266@# 6B:<@:=@ &M 6
I t%in< it is not $acium Bxide in my case as I aso %a/e tried conditionin- &it%
distied &ater and seein- t%e oxide ayer formin- &it%in an %our. +s most sources
say; it is Ma-nesium oxide t%at forms as a protecti/e ayer on stainess stee. '%en
a-ain I am not sure. mi-%t 0e different coatin- usin- different procedures. "%en i
used %i-%er amps and tap &ater and &ater -ot %ot; t%en t%e &%ite cac formed &as
pretty nasty. It formed une/eny and at certain paces e/en fied t%e &%oe -ap
0et&een tu0es. So i t%in< it is $acium from tap &ater &%en you o/er%eat your tu0es
and effect is simiar to t%e effect of usua &ater %eater.
+ny&ays; %ad aso a may0e siy t%ou-%t of Hust ma<in- some test tu0es and try to
coat &it% different materias and see if t%e effect mi-%t 0e simiar to conditionin-....
%a/ent put it into practice yet.
: Re/ly W2A2 on: Se/tember 1=# 266@# 62:<=:12 PM6
#or t%e ast coupe of days I9/e 0een monitorin- and adHustin- t%e /ota-e and current
&%ie conditionin- t%e tu0es; a&ays maintainin- around 12.! /ots at 311ma;
remo/in- t%e tu0es around e/ery t%irty minutes to dry t%em -enty o/er a sto/e.
'%e oxide ayer is no& Guite t%ic< on t%e inner tu0es and a -reyis% &%ite; 0ut &%ats
interestin- is t%at t%e more I condition t%e tu0es t%e more freGuent t%e ar-er %ydro-en
0u00es are 0ecomin-.
: Re/ly W2B1 on: Se/tember 1=# 266@# 6B:21:6< PM 6
"e said 8unnin-@are; I t%in< a lot of /eo/le o*er stress on te need for te
(,L<26; Pro0a0y 0ecause t%e name stic<s in your %ead and is easy to remem0er;
'%ere is not%in- specia a0out it compared to any ot%er 211/ . c%anne mosfet.
: Re/ly W2B2 on: Se/tember 1=# 266@# 11:6<:2= PM 6
I t%in< t%e pro0em is &it% some fo< seein- t%e mosfet as 0ein- part of t%e ma-ic;
&%en in fact t%e ony true critica components are t%e cois and tu0es; t%e rest is
-eneric eectronics; mosfets %a/e extremey o& -ate current; 0ut it &oud 0e possi0e
to use a 4arin-ton 0ipoar transistor in it9s pace so on- as it %as a fast s&itc%in-
time; as for t%e !!! timer circuitry; t%ats Hust con/enience; you can pro/ide a sGuare
&a/e at particuar freGuencies from a num0er of different sources.
: Re/ly W2B? on: Se/tember 12# 266@# 12:<6:<< &M 6
I do t%in< t%e mosfet mi-%t matter....+t east as far as t%e drain source diode -oes. I
t%in< your diode in t%e d:14 circuit needs to 0e faster t%an t%e mosfet 0oc<in- diode
so t%e 0ac< emf puse &i stay in t%e oop and not -o to -round.
'%e 0u=:3!1 %as a re/erse reco/ery time of 1*1 ns and t%e 32n21c %as a re/erse
reco/ery time of 2(! ns &itc% is so&er. '%is s%oud &or< fine in t%is circuit. +so;
t%e 32n21 %as %af of t%e interna resistance .1( o%m so it s%oud run e/en cooer t%an
t%e 0u=:3!1..Loo<s i<e a -ood c%oice and it is c%eap. Most utra %i-% speed diodes
%a/e a !1ns on time or ess &itc% s%oud &or< &e in t%e d:14 circuit. '%e diode
coud some&%at effect t%e tunin- of t%is circuit.
: Re/ly W2B@ on: Se/tember 12# 266@# 61:11:62 &M 6
'%e 0ac< EM# from a coi of 111 turns on a ferrite core &oud 0e in microseconds to
miiseconds; a deay of 1*1 ns &oud 0e insi-nificant.
: Re/ly W2BB on: Se/tember 12# 266@# 6<:12:2@ &M 6
messa-e from ra/i raHu ,/ia panacea:0ocaf : &%ic% is one direction to send info to;
anonymousy or &it% your name36
+s< peope on t%e forum to follo. te Conditionin" /rocedure tat I "a*e as you
-et /ery une/en coat formation on t%e surface if you use Hi-% +mps for on-
periods....and &%en you -o a0o/e 3 +mps t%eres a possi0iity of t%e coatin- fa<in-
off...t%e 0ondin- 0et&een ayers &oud not 0e t%at stron-....t%ese ayers form one o/er
t%e ot%er after e/ery cyce of conditionin-.......t%e sma time %i-% +mp conditionin-
-i/es you an une/en coat and t%e on- time o& +mp conditionin- e/ens out
t%is....more or ess. '%e on-er you use Lo& +mp conditionin- t%e 0etter t%e end
$7)79 C7)$I9I7) 7) & SI)'!E HI'H &MP C&!,E :7R !7)' 9IME.
7ou coud end up 0oc<in- t%e space in 0et&een t%e tu0es and you9 %a/e to
dismante t%e pipes and start a o/er a-ain. "e dont yet <no& exacty as to &%at t%e
coatin- comprises ofM +s t%ere are some Hi-% Cota-e disc%ar-es
,Pro0a0y....reason...-o& in t%e dar<3 t%ey coud 0e some /ery exotic aoy
compositions t%e temperatures for a fraction of a second at t%e point of
disc%ar-e -o into t%ousands of de-rees $.
: Re/ly W<6@ on: Se/tember 12# 266@# 6=:2?:22 PM6
since t%e &%oe t%in- is a resonance system in operation; it is ui<ey t%at any specific
confi-uration num0ers; i<e po&er; freGuency; puse s%ape; pate t%ic<ness; pate si=e;
tu0e si=e; and or pateDtu0e separation is uni<ey t%at t%ese are
immediatey transata0e to anot%er de/ice. E/en one t%at appears to 0e identica.
'unin- is i<ey to remain an indi/idua tas<; in terms of -ettin- t%e -i/en unit to
operate. '%is is i<ey to 0e true; unti t%e exact operationa parameters are &e
understood. +t t%at is i<ey t%at 0road e/es of 9repeata0iity9 can 0e
: Re/ly W<2? on: Se/tember 1@# 266@# 6?:1A:<6 &M 6
5uys; %ere comes a step 0y step for 0e-inners of da/es and 8a/i9s. More testsDsnaps
D/ideos comin-; amost finis%ed construction.
f&d&aterfuecesnaps.=ip; 123*.4 A@
: Re/ly W<<< on: Se/tember 1@# 266@# 11:<<:21 &M6
If you oo< in stan meyer tec% 0rief document you9 %e used t&o differnt mat%ods of
eectron extraction. '%e one you s%o&ed ,in series &it% t%e ce3 is t%e od met%od. It
a 0ois do&n to extractin- t%e eectron from t%e &ater durin- t%e puse off time.... it
doesn9t reay matter %o& you do it. It stops t%e %ydro-en and oxy-en atoms from
recom0inin- 0efore t%ey ea/e t%e &ater 0at%.
: Re/ly W<<A on: Se/tember 1@# 266@# 6=:6@:2@ PM6
Staney reasoned t%at since %is &%oe met%od is 0ased on usin- B.L7 CBL'+5E
PB'E.'I+L; it &oud stand to reason to a0e one of %is eements in %is circuit an
+MP $B.S2MI.5 4ECI$E. Since %e is seein- amps and /ota-e are separate
t%in-s; and t%ey MBS' $E8'+I.L7 can 0e separated; t%is expains t%e a0ein-.
Bf course; t%e +MP $B.S2MI.5 4ECI$E refers to any oads ,prefera0y resisti/e
oads3 &%ic% use po&er in a norma fas%ion.
: Re/ly W<=A on: Se/tember 1A# 266@# 6=:1=:=2 &M 6
I &as Hust oo<in- at Stan Meyer9s expanation of one of %is ces on 7ou'u0e and it
-ot me to t%in<in-. He &as discussin- %o& a aser coud 0e used to <eep t%e oxy-en
and %ydro-en atoms in an excited state so t%ey coud not recom0ine to form &ater.
'%is; %e said; &oud -i/e off extreme %eatDener-y. '%is is &%at is done to -ases to
form pasma. '%ey are su0Hected to %i-% ener-y fieds; i.e. micro&a/es; asers; radio
&a/es so t%e eectrons cannot naturay stay &it%in t%e atoms. Exampes of t%is are
t%e aser induced pasma c%anne and micro&a/e pasma experiments on 7ou'u0e.
I t%in< anot%er exampe of &%at Stan Meyers is ta<in- a0out is t%e Aan=ius affect. So
t%e radio &a/es cause t%e &ater to spit &it% t%e sat ser/in- as a catayst. Bnce t%e
&ater is turned into HHB and it is it; it starts to attempt to com0ine 0ac< into &ater.
'%is &oud usuay ead to a sma exposion and t%e recreation of &ater 0ut t%at does
not %appen in t%e Aan=ius experiments. Instead as t%e HHB attempts to form H2B it
is una0e to do t%is 0ecause t%e radio &a/es are excitin- t%e -as and it is stayin- in a
pasma state -i/in- off 3111 de-rees %eat as Stan Meyer9s said. Is anyone &or<in- on
a Aan=ius recreationL
: Re/ly W<26 on: Se/tember 1A# 266@# 62:22:<? &M 6
'esa Impuse 'ec%noo-y 0ased patent for creatin- B=one 0y usin- Npused 4$N
no& &e are finay -ettin- to t%e root of t%in-s; impuse tec%. -erry /assiatos %as
&ritten Guite a 0it a0out t%ese fast interruptions of 4$; pusin- t%em to a specific
freGuency; and &%at 'esa disco/ered %e &as a0e to accompis%.
: Re/ly W<22 on: Se/tember 1A# 266@# 6A:<?:1= &M6
$%ec< d foo&in /id of %ydrocars Y 21.F &attsMM ```` 11C 1.F +mps ````and sti
He seems 2 %a/e done itM %ttp6DD&&&.youtu0e.comD&atc%L/U5T='tm:J&tI "ay 2 -o
mateM one &inner ``` fe& more 2 comeM
: Re/ly W<@1 on: Se/tember 1B# 266@# 11:12:<= PM 6
5%eer ? t%at done for me 0y 5ary and &as posted 0y me on oupo&er 6:3 &e %a/e
0uit t%at 0ut %ad some pro0ems &it% it so &e modified it to t%is one &%ic% is exacty
t%e same as t%e d14 circuit.
when you print it out you wi'' nee$ to "irror i"age it ie hori>onta'
!'ip it
: Runnin"bare# Re/ly W<@A on: Se/tember 26# 266@# 6=:<<:<? &M 6
Cery interestin-; of course I %ad not considered t%e o0/ious; t%e tu0es are in fact
capacitors to t%e t%e current fo& and since its strai-%t 4$ or pused 4$ t%ey &i
c%ar-e impedin- current fo&; so addin- more tu0es &i not su0statiay increase
current fo&; ony t%e initia current &i 0e %i-% at turn on unti t%ey reac% potentia.
0t&; t%is can aso 0e found in t%e NStanKMeyerK#uK4ata.pdfN pa-e 231 para-rap% 4.
: '. 8.# Re/ly W<@A on: Se/tember 26# 266@# 6=:<<:<? &M 6
?2S' 8E$EICE4 'HIS #8BM + CE87 CE87 8ELI+@LE SB28$E MM 5%. H.
R.BC3()*3Bi!i'ar302+4pg7 <,5+-: 6B7 ,8009,200 A
: '. 8.# Re/ly W<B@ on: Se/tember 26# 266@# 6?:22:11 PM6
i9m sorry 0ut if you are usin- t%e a&ton circuit aone t%is &i not do anyt%in- 0ut
imit current; t%e 0ac< emf is &asted; if you are -oin- to use t%is &%it% out a use of a
transformer you s%oud use t%is circuit; t%erfor it does not &ast t%e 0ac< emf as t%e
first picture; if you &as to use t%e first picture you pasted it &oud &or< fine &it% a
transformer; 0ut t%e second added diode is not doin- anyt%in-; and t%e direction of t%e
c%o<es must 0e %oo<ed t%e ri-%t &ay.
usin- t%e same core means s%arin- a ma-netic fied; if %oo<ed impropery you oose.
t%e core inside t%e c%o<e ta<es on a disc%ar-e effect; &%en s%arin- cores t%e disc%ar-e
emf effect fas faster; it is 0etter to use sin-e cores so eac% c%o<es can fa at it9s on
eectro ma-netic fied rate.
it is /ery important t%at t%e 3rd cyce of t%e transformer %its t%e c%o<es at a disc%ar-e
e/e; if t%e transformer %its t%e c%o<es on t%e 3rd cyce and t%ey %a/e aready 0een
dis%c%ar-ed caused 0y usin- t%e same core; t%en you oose a-ain.
up$ate+4pg7 ,2+85 6B7 <,;9<-,
: Re/ly W=6? on: Se/tember 21# 266@# 62:=A:=B &M 6
#ound t%is patent t%at &as cited in Meyer patent. Someone in 1F)4 &%o produced
%ydro-en &it% pused po&er. May 0e it &i %ep us to impro/e t%e puse system and
3F!4!F2K:Kstep%enK%or/at%:1F)4.pdf; ((F.3 A@
: Re/ly W=1? on: Se/tember 22# 266@# 62:2B:=< &M 6
#ound t%is $anadian patent of Staney Meyer. 4ate 6 1F** 'ite6 ELE$'8I$+L
P+8'I$LE 5E.E8+'B8. "e sa& a dra&in- ,fi-. 33 of a /ery specia c%o<e of N3
parae non:ma-netic tu0eN. '%ere are ot%er <ind of c%o<e. I am not a speciaist; 0ut I
t%in< you s%uod read it.
staneyKmeyerKcanadianKpatentK11213()1.pdf; *1!.1* A@
: Ra*HH# Re/ly W=21 on: Se/tember 22# 266@# 6<:21:=? PM 6
M2L'IPLE @I#IL+8 SE'2P for "#$MM
Im sendin- a pic of t%e mutipe 0ifiars I tried on t%e "#$ Hust a &%ie a-o. '%ese
&ere connected to eac% pipe indi/iduay. 4iode used 1211 C 41 +mps. Soid core
en-t% *N &ound &it% 1.)11 mm conductor end to end.
'%e -eneration increased 0y approximatey anot%er 11cc of -as for a 21 second
period. '%is &or<s on efficiencyMM .eed to try out ot%er com0os to see if it can
increase some more.
: Re/ly W=<1 on: Se/tember 2<# 266@# 16:22:<< PM 6
It ne/er %urts to rem0er t%at %ydro-en is an a<ai meta..and t%at H21 coud sort of 0e
considered to 0e it9s 9oxidi=ed state9
: Ra*HH# Re/ly W==1 on: Se/tember 22# 266@# 62:2@:6< &M6
I t%in< my tu0es are sti 0ein- conditioned as I sa& a ot of 0ro&n stuff -eneration
&%en I connected t%e 0ifiar inductors. '%e conditionin- I presume %appens for e/ery
specific /ota-e.
'ry to use a ferrite core torroida to step up /ota-e connect to t%e inductors
,indi/idua and re-uar &ound3 as mentioned 0y Spe&in- on B/erunity t%read as of
no& as t%e 0ifiars are creatin- some pro0ems...I 0e& up 0ot% t%e 1211C 41+
diodes....oo<s i<e one of t%e tu0es , no.)3 %as -as production. '%e
/ota-es mi-%t %a/e -one /ery %i-% &it% t%e 0ifiars connected and t%eres a
possi0iity t%at t%is is creatin- pro0ems for t%e smaer -ap to s%ort out. 4ont use t%e
0ifiar inductors ti &e %a/e a proper understandin- of %o& t%ey can sta0y &or<.
: 8a/iK@ifiarK5enK11.Hp-; 111*.F) A@; 1121x1(11 :
: 8a/iK@ifiarK5enK12.Hp-; 11(F.F4 A@; 132Fx1211 :
: Re/ly W=AB on: Se/tember 2A# 266@# 61:22:66 &M 6
t%e transformer not under any <ind of oad s%oud put out &e o/er a t%ousand /ots;
t%e cois reduce current on 0ot% sides to t%e ce.. &%en t%e transformer starts to puse
t%e &fc t%re& t%e c%o<es t%e ce -ets ener-i=ed at t%at time; t%e ce is ta<in- on a
c%ar-e; durin- t%e off puse of t%e primary side of t%e transformer t%e c%o<es is
emittin- 0ac< emf to t%e transformer &itc% is in parae &it% 0ot% of t%e c%o<es Nat
t%at -i/en timeN. 0y t%e time t%e 3rd puse arri/es t%e c%o<es &or< &it% t%e
transformer in a series fas%ion; t%is mutipies t%e /ota-e across t%e ce.
eac% time t%e ce is step c%ar-ed t%e /ota-e across t%e ce increases; eac% time t%e
ce increases in /ota-e t%e output from t%e transformer to t%e c%o<es is increased;
and stron-er emf is emitted. once t%e ce reac%es its pea< t%e transfromer is no&
puttin- out o/er its maximum t%ousand /ot ratin- 0ecause of t%e series positionin- of
t%e c%o<es. t%e second side of t%e circuit is no& resonatin-; meanin- t%e circuit; not
t%e &ater fue ce.
eac% time t%e ce ta<es on a step c%ar-e t%e amount of amps in puses appied to t%e
primary side of t%e coi drops; &%en t%e ce 0ecomes competey c%ar-ed %ardy any
amps is consumed from t%e primary side of t%e transformer.
t%is is not o/erunity; it is Hust a resonatin- NcircuitN t%at &or<s
PPP $a*e !a.ton REP!IC&: ,pa-e created at .o/em0er 211) 2pdate3
PP Mars 266=# :irst Meyer-s Public Re/lica# by $a*e !a.ton; Extracts from
do&noada0e pdf fie6
I used 314 ss tu0es 13cm en-t%; outer tu0es 2!mm diameter; 1mm &a; inner tu0es
22mm diameter; 1mm -ap spaced &it% pastic ti&raps. '%ey &ere mounted on a
acryic disc &%ic% %ad %oes cut to matc% so t%e outer tu0e &as a ti-%t fit aso set in
epoxy. It &as t%en mounted on spacers and scre&ed &it% ss scre&s to t%e scre& on
0ase. +so &rapped a copper &ire coi &%ic% is %idden 0y t%e o&er pastic couper to
sync t%e protons and see &%at effect t%at %as; a 0it i<e a proton precession
"eded ss c%eese cutter &ire to 0ottom of eac% tu0e usin- a car 0attery; &or<s &e it
you are Guic< M '%e case &as made up from t&o 4inc% diameter &aste pipe coupers
&it% t&o scre& on end cap I 0ou-%t from a 0uider merc%ant for a0out L). '%e cear
12 inc% Poycar0onate tu0e cut to si=e &as L2(; ... -ued &it% poy=ap to secure. I
need to desi-n a mutipexer s&itc%er next for it and also condition eac tube before
... I sti experimentin- &it% t%e 'esa ce and %a/e used many confi-urations to dri/e
it incudin- Meyer CI$. I am 0e-inin- to finaise a circuit. ... 2n31!! po&er transistor
in common coector mode. '%is is dri/en from a !!! timer at freGuency of 11AH=
&it% a Mar<DSpace )*E; t%e timer is 0uffered &it% a coupe of o& po&er transistors.
... 'o -et resuts t%e tu0es %a/e to 0e conditioned o/er time; it is an ac%emica
process; a fim is formed on t%e surface; t%at is ony one of t%e <ey processes -oin-
Hi; for t%ose &%o %a/e tried to repicate t%e patent t%is may 0e of interest.
Here are my test resuts t%at so. te 3o"en claims are true.
5as U 13)cc; $urrent true 8MS U 1.1*)!+mps; 'ime U 21mn; Cot across $e true
8MS U 1.!C Q 2.4C $e Potentia U 3.FC; Po&er U 1.)3"att. Hydro-en U F1.3cc;
Bxy-en U 4!.)cc. @y #araday cacs for current 1.1*)!+ Y 21 minutes U
Hydro-enU2).)cc and Bxy-enU13.*cc
$ompared &it% #araday cacs &e %a/e 3 times more 5+S. To-en caim 3 times more
5as; t%is repication 0ac<s t%at caim up.
... "atts U 'rue 8MS current 1.1*)!+ x 3.FCU 1.)312! "att I "a/eform accross ce
U sGuare &a/e; freGuency 11.33 A%=; duty cyce Mar< )*E; space 22E.
... 'u0es spaced &it% pieces of pastic ty&rap to -i/e 1mm -ap. +s re-ars to To-en
patent; t%at &or<s 0ut I don9t i<e t%e desi-n and %a/e impro/ed t%e output 0y usin- a
medium po&er transistor @2T*)P formin- a 4arin-ton pair &it% t%e 2n31!!
'ransistor 0ut in common coector mode to -i/e a o& impedance output. I %a/e pics
and a /ideo of my 'est $e on icu0e forum if you are interested6
... 8an a strai-t% 4$ test to compare6 for 4*1secs Y 311m+ and 4.2Cots and
produced 2!cc of 5as I 0y #araday predicts 1(.F Hydro-enQ *.4! Bxy-en U 2!.3!cc
-as. Pusin- appears to increase -as production. +t t%e moment I am tryin- to
repicate Staney Meyer9s System; I -et any resuts positi/e or ne-ati/e I &i post
23 Bcto0er 2114; in a post from LaserLine; p21 of t%is pdf fie6 4a/e -a/e t%is to me
today and I9m assumin- a ot of you mi-%t 0e interested in t%is considerin- t%is is t%e
2nd %i-%est /ie&ed t%read in t%e forum.
... + post from #reedomfue; Bct 24; 21146 4a/es comment a0out %a/in- to condition
t%e ce 0y ao&in- a fim to de/eope on t%e eectrodes is interestin- 0ecause tis is
.at te cold fusion "uys do .it teir cells. '%ey sometimes use dua concentric
eectrodes i<e 4a/e9s one of &%ic% is made of pois%ed auminium. '%e eectroyte is
Potassium $ar0onate. + 12C 4$ suppy is connected to t%e ce &it% t%e positi/e ead
-oin- to t%e auminium eectrode. + /ery t%in; insuatin- anodic fim de/eopes on t%e
auminium eectrode. '%en t%e poarity is re/ersed so t%at t%e auminium eectrode
0ecomes t%e cat%ode durin- t%e experiment. Since t%e eectric fied stren-t% is t%e
-radient of t%e potentia across t%e anodised fim t%e eectric fied is stron- enou-%;
despite t%e o& /ota-e; to en%ance t%e production of c%ar-e custers at t%e cat%ode.
'%is is /isi0e as a pin< -o& in t%e eectroyte and if you oo< carefuy you can see
tiny spar<s comin- off t%e cat%ode as t%e c%ar-e custers ea/e an ioni=ed trai t%rou-%
t%e soution.
In a pre/ious post I su--ested t%at you coud ma<e t%e cat%ode a &ire inside a tu0e for
t%e anode. 4ue to t%e muc% smaer diameter of t%e cat%ode compared to t%e anode
t%e fied ines con/er-e to&ards t%e cat%ode -i/in- a %i-% enou-% potentia -radient
near t%e surface of t%e cat%ode to faciitate t%e production of c%ar-e custers.
,'%e next artice 0eo& t%is one &as aso extracted from t%is fie a fe& mont%s a-o3
--------------------------------------------- Return to the top
PP 266=# Eudicious comments about te $a*e-s circuit and Meyer-s
RES7)&)9 one; #rom
7ou may -enerate H2 &it% t%e circuit referenecd a0o/e; 0ut it does not .olly
conform to Meyers- teacin"s; and &i not ena0e one to ac%ie/e t%e necessary
resonance for Meyers:#racturin- of t%e &ater moecue. He used %i-% /ota-e +$; /ia
a torroida core transformer. #urt%er; %is electrolysin" circuit .as isolated from te
/rimary side ,M45 no/1)6 i<e in @edini circuits; to protect a-ainst t%e 8adiant
Ener-y Spi<es; t%at i<e to fry eectronic components3; and importanty; t&o c%o<es
are empoyed ,one adHusta0e3 to ac%ie/e a specia resonance condition &%en couped
&it% t%e concentric tu0e capacitors ,"#$9s3. 8esonance is t%e <ey to t%e &%oe
matter; and .itout te co0es; &%ic% are a0sent in t%e a0o/e circuit; no resonance is
possi0e ,M45 no/1)6 &it%out c%o<e; no 0ac< EM# U no 8adiant Ener-y3.
Meyer9s patent in< %ttp6DD&aterfuece.or-DuserupoadD2D&oF21)*(1a1.pdf
... '%e resonance freGuency depends on t%e -ap 0et&een t%e pates; composition of
t%e &ater; tu0e en-t%; and t%e inductors you use.
Ca/acitance of a "i*en W:C may be calculated usin" standard e5uations6
%ttp6DD%yperp%ysics.p%y:astr.-su.eduDH@+SEDeectricDcapcy.%tm ; and you can -et an
idea of t%e /ulse fre5uency e used from t%e "B patent appication; &%ic% &as in
t%e ran-e of about 16 ; 12 +HH.
Ano&in- t%e capacitance and approximate freGuency %e used ena0es calculation of
te a//ro3imate re5uired total inductance of te co0es; from standard
cacuations; suc% as t%ose s%o&n at6
'%is info s%oud easiy -et one cose to t%e resonance condition for a -i/en "#$I
usin- an adHusta0e c%o<e for one of t%e c%o<es is of %i-% utiity.
M$' feb6@: Personnal Remar06 It seems t%at Staney Meyer &as usin- ?o%n
@edini9s concept of s%ort pused 4$ current in cois; i<e in %is patents &%ere ?o%n
uses cois and 0atteries as di/oles; t%at create (ac0 EM:# -/um/ed- LPE t%at comes
and ma0es te electrolysis 8ob in t%e ce; &it%out %eatI and t%at seems t%e easiest
&ay to produce iters of Hydroxy per minute &it% an input of ess t%an a "att ...
Bff course t%e pure resonance of a /oume of &ater coud aso 0e found; appied
directy to t%is &ater; i<e in Mateiro eectroysis; or ?o%n Aeey9s experiments for
exampe t%rou-% sound &a/es; 0ut it oo<s muc% more difficut; 0ecause of muc%
more parameters in/o/in-; and a&ays c%an-in- ,ex. temperature; acidity; /oume
tota; ...3; and may 0e t%e need of mutipe &a/es sent simutanousy.
I used to test t%is <ind of $a*e>Hydrostar>Cemelec circuit; sendin- pused current
to t%e eectroysis patesDpipes; and ony produced t%is mysterious &%ite po&der
dropin- to t%e 0ottom of t%e ce ... 0ut no extraordinary -as productionI I t%in< it is
0ecause of t%e poor precision in adHustin- t%e freGuencies of t%is <ind of circuit. @ut
t%is po&der is aready an interrestin- fact t%at s%oud moti/ate to -o furt%er in
experimentin- ...
& bit of Mats6 4a/e reported t%e production of 6 5+S U 13)cc I $288E.' '82E
8MS U 1.1*)! +mps I 'IMEU 21 Min I CBL'S +$8BSS $ELL '82E
8MSU1.!CotsQ2.4 Cots $e Potentia U3.F Cots I PB"E8 "+''S U1.)3
'%at -i/es6 13) cc of -as D 21 minutes U (.!2 cc of -as D min &it% 1.)3 " of po&er. 1
"att of po&er &oud -i/e (.!2 D 1.)3 U F cc of -asDmin
If &e compare t%is production &it% our standard 2x( ces in serie; strai-%t 4$
eectroyser; descri0ed a0o/e; -i/in- 1 L of -as per minute for 211" of po&er ,1!
+mp x 14 Cots3;
We can a//reciate te difference of /roduction# because for 216 W of /
$a*e-s cell sould /roduce 1.AB !iter of "as /er minute P .at is 1.AB more tan
our already efficient strai"t $C a//aratus# so it-s almost 2 times more efficient
.it it-s desi"n and ad8usted /ulsed $C ... End of 8emar<.
U` $omment from artiberlin; %ttp6DDyoutu0e.comDuserD%arti0erin; on youtu0e9s
/ideo titted 94. La&ton Meyer 8epication 'est 2 :'ap "ater9 6 Hi -reat ce M 4o you
aready -et 0eo& 2.= Wattours of ener"y in/ut for 1 !iter HH7 "as L If yes; you
are o/erunity M Pease come to o/erunity dot com to discuss your tec%noo-y. Many
t%an<s. 8e-ards; Stefan. , admin of o/erunity dot com 3
P $a*e said also Don te same tread as abo*eF:
: Hi Simon ; '%e circuit is a 222 as a astable but .it steerin" diodes so as to
create a s5uare.a*e out/ut .it *ariable mar0 s/ace ratio. '%e timin- capacitor
on pin 2 need not 0e as t%is. I pay &it% it addin- ot%er caps as I experiment aso I use
a inductor in t%e : dri/e connection on t%e tu0e. '%e inductor used .as about 166
turns 2? s." co//er .ra//ed on a 1>2 ferrite core .en te fre5uency is ri"t
you a*e a reacti*e /ulse as te field colla/ses# tis is seen as a s/i0e ,M45
no/1)6 '%at9s caed t%e 0ac< EM#; and it %as a %i--er /ota-e t%an t%e ori-ina
/ota-e appied3.
+n add on can 0e anot%er !!! standed asta0e circuit &it% its output connected to pin
4 of t%e !!! so to to--e it on and off. '%e !!! s can 0e run from 12/ 0ut t%e mosfet
can 0e 3!/. @est 8e-ards 4a/e
: Hi Simon; #irst step is &it% ne& tu0es is to cean &it% a deter-ent ie &as%in-
deter-ent; t%is &i remo/e any fim &%ic% 0u00es cin- to; it &i act as a &ettin-
a-ent. I t%en run t%e reacter in s%ort 0ursts say ! to 1! mins; remem0er you need to
/ent t%e -as outside. I %a/e done t%is o/er a fe& days unti you 0uid up a poari=ation
on tu0es so t%at it oo<s i<e a 0attery ; my tu0es %a/e a potentiona of a0out 2.2 /ots
across t%em t%at is for t&o in parae. %ope t%is %eps; @est 8e-ards; 4a/e.
: .o not%in- to do &it% t%e Hydrostar 8ust a co0e in series te same as Stan
MeyerYs metod. '%e Hydrostar ferrite in my opinion is nonsense 0ecause t%e fux
&i a 0e contained in t%e core. '%ere seems to 0e a 0it of fo- a0out t%is I t%in< t%e
idea came from proton precession ma-netometers; t%e an-e of t%e precession of t%e
%ydro-en protons can 0e 0rou-%t into p%ase on appication of a ma-netic puse. @est
8e-ards; 4a/e.
: 7es you can do .itout a "ate resistor; 0ut if you do and remo/e t%e dri/e t%e fet
0u=3!1 &i stay s&itc%ed on; in a test circuit I can do &it%out t%at. +nd /ice/ersa you
can sti o0tain t%e same amount of current as &it%out a resistor 0y increasin- t%e
mar< puse .
: Hi 5ary "%at you are sayin- is true. N'%e 8ea Pro0em in +ns&erin- your
Juestion is Wat .ater .as e ,sin". $on/entiona 'ap &ater is Juite Lo& in
8esistance. 4istied &ater is Hi-%er in 8esistance. "ater &it% @a<in- Soda is 8eay
Lo& 8esistanceN. @ut in practice t%e space is fied &it% -as 0u00es; on s&itc% on t%e
ce &i dra& a coupe of amps; you -et a %i-% speed fo& of -as. 9e tric0 is to
bac0 off te current; if you -et it ri-%t you &i see i" *olta"e s/i0es of a fe.
undred *olts across te cell. @est 8e-ards; 4a/e.
: ... &%at I found is t%at a fe. am/s of current is needed to condition te cell. "%en
conditionin- is competed you can 0ac< off t%e current. I sa& a -ood idea some&ere
of someone usin" a modified / con*erter; if you can -et it off t%e s%ef use it; I
t%in< it &as usin- a puse &idt% moduator c%ip A+3!2!+ #airc%id dri/in- #ets to
%i-% freGuency transformer. '%ats t%e &ay I am -oin- at t%e moment. '%e nice t%in-
a0out t%is c%ip is t%at it %as a sut do.n /in for te rela3ation time as in Stan
Meyers circuit.. Bny usin- one c%o<e at t%e moment; sti exporin- ot%er
posi0iities.. @est 8e-ards 4a/e
I %ttp6DD&&&<D"or<s%opDad/iceDcoisD
: '%is may 0e of interest to ?o%n; its a test I did ast year usin- Aanare/bs information6
Hydro-en Water :uel Cell Results ,sin" +anare*-s $ata I
Modern Eectroy=ers consume 4 .1<"% per cu0ic meter of t%is -as. "%en one cu0ic
mete of %ydro-en is 0urnt;3.!! <&% of ener-y is reeased.
Bne itre of %ydro-en &ei-%s 1.1F -ram6Bne itre of oxy-en &ei-%s 1.4) -. It means
t%at it is possi0e to produce 111.11D.1FU1234.44 iters of %ydro-en and
***.*FD1.4)U(14.(F itres of oxy-en from one itre of &ater.Bne -ram of &ater
contains 1.23 itres of %ydro-en
Ener"y consum/tion for te /roduction of 1666 litres of ydro"en is = 0W and
for one litre =W.It is possi0e to produce 1.23 itres of %ydro-en from one -ram of
&ater;1.23x4 U4.F4"% is spent for %ydro-en production from one -ram of &ater.
Instruments and E5ui/ment used 6
Experimenta o& current &fc I filled .it ta/ .aterI Stop &atc% I Scaes type Satrue
mode S@:211 211- 1.1 -ram steps +/o M< F 'est Meter I Precision 5od mode
"-o21 4i-ita 'est MeterI 8aca 4ana 'rue 8MS Cotmeter mode F311 I Hame-
Bscioscope mode 213:! I 'e<tronix !4) oscioscope I
9e .ater fuel cell .as /ulsed at ? +H S5uare .a*e 26:26 duty cycle.
4uration of test in min. U (1 I 8MS Cota-e C U ).! I +mpmeter I; amperes U 1.1( I
Po&er P;&atts %our ,PUCxIxminD(13 1.4! I Mass of &fc in -rams U 11(.F I Mass
c%an-e in -rams m U 1.4 I E/aporatin- &ater mass me; U 1.14 I Mass of &ater spit
into -asses; m:me U 1.3( I Existin- ener-y consumption "%D- &ater U 4.F4 I
8eeased %ydro-en Guantity 1.3(x1.23x1.1FU 1.13F*! I Ener-y content of produced
%ydro-en ,"U1.13F*!x142D3.(3U 1.!)1*( I Ener"y Efficency DW3166>PF X FS <=B
Ener"y Efficency of tis W:C is <=B X or o*erunity P $ate of 9est : 12 Eune 266=
$one by $. !a.ton
: '%is is tryin- to repicate Stan Meyers met%od of dri/in- a "#$ usin- a car
aternater as in 2S Patent 4;)F*;((1 #i- ! NPuse /ota-e freGuency -eneratorN. +so
s%o&n in t%e 2A c%anne 4 documentary NI' 8uns Bn "aterN. '%ere is cip of t%is on
t%e &e0 site & s%o&in- t%e aternator and &fc. '%e aternator input 0ein-
pused 0y '%e rotary puse -enerator. I t%in< it &as a 0it economica &it% t%e trut%
at%ou-% it s%o&ed less tan an am/ into te alternator t%ere &as no mention of t%e
current into t%e ce.
9e setu/ I used .as a modified alternator; cut t%e connections to t%e rectifier
stac< and re-uater and made t%ree ne& connections to t%e p%ases &%ic% &ere 0rou-%t
out to a ne& set of rectifiers and &ired up as fi- ! in a0o/e patent.
'%e current 0ein- dra&n 0y t%e ce &as 4.! amps a/era-e.'%e dri/er I used &as a
po&er fet &it% a !!! timer -enerator to dri/e t%e rotor of t%e aternator. '%e
Scopes%ot s%o&s t%e &a/eforform across t%e ce; 26 *olts /ea0. :re5uency 266H#
/ulsed at 2 HH. My po&er suppy to t%e dri/er &as at 12 /ots and a input to
aternator rotor *11 miiamps a/era-e. @est re-ards; 4a/e.
P &lso e3tracted from tis tread6
: 2nder con/entiona eectroysis; t%e anode reaction is more efficient t%an t%e
cat%ode reaction; &%ic% causes t%e pH of t%e soution to increase as t%e eectroysis
proceeds. '%e increase in pH &i of course cause precipitation of trace metas in tap
&ater suc% as $a; M-; etc. as t%e car0onates or %ydroxides; causin- t%e &ater to coud
up as eectroysis proceeds.
In Meyer;fracturin"# tis /H can"e does not occur# .ic tends to su//ort a
conclusion tat liberation of bot H2 and 72 are e5ually efficient# .ic is in
line .it a mecanism oter tan tat of con*entional electrolysis.
In Meyer:fracturin-; t%e anode and cat%ode reactions &oud need to 0e eGuay
efficient; as &e as a0out tripe t%e efficiency of con/entiona eectroysis. '%e t%eory
of t%is; to 0e correct; &oud need to account for t%e <no&n aspects of mass transport
at t%e eectric dou0e ayer interfaces on eac% eectrode or pate of t%e capacitor.
'%at9s one &ay to c%ec< your resuts. If t%e pH of your test ce increases as %ydro-en
is i0erated o/er time; t%en you9re doin- con/entiona eectroysis. '%e precipitation of
car0onates and %ydroxides &i e/entuay ca<e up and cause you a mess.
'%e fact t%at Meyer-s direct H2 in8ectors functioned so lon" and ad suc ti"t
tolerances# seems indicati*e tat e .asn-t /roducin" /reci/itates .ic im/lies
tat is /H .as constant.
+so; Meyer mentioned usin- sea&ater as a &ater source. @ut eectroysis of sea&ater
&i produce %ypoc%orite; a.<.a. 0eac%; unti t%e point is reac%ed &%ere t%ere are no
cations present to counter0aance t%e c%ar-e of additiona %ypoc%orite; at &%ic% suc%
time c%orine -as &i e/o/e at t%e cat%ode. #ree $2 is not a -ood t%in- to expose an
en-ine to. "%ate/er fraction of it doesn9t react &it% t%e %ydro-en in t%e fue or t%e
interior components of t%e en-ine; &i 0e expeed as aGueous -aseous %ydroc%oric
acid; &%ic% is %ardy an en/ironmentay:0eni-n su0stance M
: If you produce H$; t%e acid &i e/entuay 0uid up to a concentration t%at &i
destroy your eectrodes; and of course; anyt%in- it touc%es. May0e e/en your en-ine.
$onsiderin- t%e do&nside of usin- sat&ater; it mi-%t 0e 0etter if you found a &ay to
use t%e ex%aust %eat from your en-ine to disti t%e sat&ater.
Hydro-en &on9t strip u0rication; it Hust doesn9t pro/ide any u0rication. 4iese
en-ines are desi-ned &it% a dependency on t%e u0ricatin- Guaities of diese fue.
Hi-% car0on stee is ess fexi0e t%an re-uar stee. Hi-% %ydro-en stee is ess
fexi0e t%an %i-% car0on stee; to t%e point of 0ein- 0ritte. If en-ine parts don9t fex;
t%ey 0rea<. Metas &it%in most en-ines contain penty of car0on due to t%e %i-%
car0on content of most fues. In order to maintain t%e protecti/e car0on content &it%in
t%e metas comprisin- your en-ine; you &i pro0a0y %a/e to continue to use some
fossi fue as you %a/e indicated.
+s I reca; Meyer did a*e to clean is system if e used anytin" oter tan
distilled .ater in it. $offey.
: Somet%in- curious a0out Stan Meyer9s ce &as 0rou-%t up 0y Peter !indemann in
a +eely)et conference ,you can -oo-e /ideo for it under 9free ener-y9 a0out 1634
into t%e /ideo3. He said Stan Meyer9s desi-n &as simpe enou-%; in t%at a it did &as
0uid up a c%ar-e in a capacitor ,i 0eie/e t%at &oud 0e t%e ce itsef3 t%at reac%ed
catastrop%ic pea<; t%en dumps t%at c%ar-e resutin- in t%e fracture of &ater. '%is of
course is repeated se/era times in t%e course of a moment ,/ery /a-uey spea<in-
&it% my =ero <no&ed-e3.
,M45 no/1)6 See 0eo& my transcription of t%is /ideo; t%e part concernin- Stan
Meyer; t%at is aso on 7outu0e.com3
: I can see t%e need for t%e dua freGuencies &%en usin- t%e %i-% /ota-e desi-ns.
Particuary &%en usin- Meyer9s rapid:fire pusin-. S%uttin- off t%e pusin- at re-uar
inter/as as Meyer does; ao&s for a settin- time ,or a re:-au-in- time3 for t%e &ater
to sette 0ac< do&n to a o&er /ota-e. Since Meyer is usin- %i-% /ota-e +$ at a
mosty positi/e potentia ,due to t%e duty cyce3; t%e &ater &i e/entuay c%ar-e to a
%i-% positi/e potentia; at &%ic% point t%e eectron fo& &i 0ecome t%inner and
t%inner. 'o put it anot%er &ay; since t%e eectron fo& created 0y t%e sin-e poarity
appication of a %i-% positi/e /ota-e is t%e catayst for excess -as production; te
/ulsin" as to be sut off on a re"ular basis to allo. te .ater to re"ain its lost
@ut in t%e o& /ota-e +$ desi-ns; t%e o& /ota-e +$ current is ao&ed to ma<e a
compete circuit; so t%at eectrons are fed into t%e &ater as fast as t%ey9re remo/ed.
'%us; t%ere is no reason for a re:-au-in- period since t%e &ater is constanty -ettin-
a t%e eectrons it needs to maintain t%e eectron fo&. '%e &ater aso remains at an
o/era potentia t%at9s fairy cose to =ero /ots.
So; if one uses t%e puses of t%e t%ree p%ases of an aternator; one s%oudn9t need any
timers at a. $offey.
: I <no& a patent %as 0een appied for on a de/ice t%at uses t&o radio freGuencies to
fracture &ater. '%e -uy uses 0ot% a 2H# and a CH# freGuency to do t%e Ho0. 8# 0ein-
&%at it is; t%e effect ony ta<es pace on t%e surface of t%e &ater. In order to create
more surface area; %e uses a spray no==e to create a mist inside t%e reaction c%am0er.
He aso %eats t%e &ater to near 0oiin-.
Seems to me t%at Stan Meyer used a pusatin- ma-netic fied and LE4 i-%t at certain
&a/een-t%s to au-ment production. I <no& %e used a pusatin- ma-netic fied and
LE4 i-%t to %ep raise eectron or0ita pat%s on indi/idua oxy-en atoms so %e coud
strip more eectrons off. My understandin- of t%e resuts of doin- t%is is t%e oxy-en
and %ydro-en can9t easiy recom0ine; and attempts to 0ond durin- i-nition create e/en
more %eat t%an norma. $offey.
: My Guestion is t%is6 Wit te bloc0in" diode# doesn-t tat /re*ent resonanceQ
7ou aso mentioned some&%ere t%at you coud te no difference &it% t%e c%o<e or
&it%out. +so; if it cannot resonate &it% t%e 0oc<in- diode; doesn9t t%at mean t%at you
are reay pusin- t%e Q on t%e &ater ce &it% on-itudina puses and t%at is more
important t%at resonanceL May0e it can resonate &it% t%e diode; 0ut I9m not sure %o&.
"it% t%e puse on; t%e inductor is c%ar-ed. "%en t%e puse is s%ut off; t%e inductor
reaxes and its c%ar-e in t%e same direction to&ards t%e Q on t%e ce. So &oudn9t t%e
ce Q 0e -ettin- spi<ed &it% a freGuency dou0e t%at of t%e puse -eneratorL Bne from
t%e initia spi<e and one from t%e inductor &%en it reaxesL So may0e t%e effect %as
not%in- to do &it% resonance reay 0ut freGuency is definitey important. If not
resonance; t%en a strai-%t on-itudina N&a/eN puserL E/eryt%in- is unidirectiona.
: '%ou-%t of usin- a pump to circuate t%e &ater t%ru a fiter; 0ut %a/e found t%at if I
use /o.erful ma"nets at te bottom of te cell te .ater s/ins. '%is coud 0e a no
externa ener-y &ay of accumuatin- t%e crap. Sti payin- a0out &it% t%is idea as
puse cois &i pro0a0y %a/e t%e same affect. 5ary.
: Hi 5ary; &%at materia is your pates or tu0es made fromL I use t314 stee tu0e setup
and I -et no -un<. '%e ony t%in- t%at e/en appears to corrode are t%e non ss eads
t%at connect to t%e positi/e tu0es.
+so; if "ettin" "un0# ten most li0ely you are "ettin" too muc re"ular
electrolysis. 9e idea is to /re*ent current from doin" tat. 9erefore# no o3y"en
can "o to your /ositi*e /lates>tubes and o3idiHe tem.
9e circuit is not a resonant circuit. 9e .ater doesn-t "o into some ma"ical
resonance. 9e bloc0in" diode sould be tellin" you all sometin". )o resonance.
9e *olta"e ne*er dro/s to ne"ati*e.
: "%at is t%e difference 0et&een a trans/erse &a/e and a on-itudina impuseL
%ttp6DD&&&.-mi.eduDRdrusseD4emosD&a/esD&a/emotion.%tm ; and
%ttp6DD&&&.-en0roo<.<12.i.usD-0ssciDp%ysD$assDsoundDu1110.%tm ; and
3 /ery -ood 0asic exampes. 2nidirectiona 4$ puses are not trans/erse &a/es. '%ey
are on-itudina impuses. '%e &%oe secret is sendin- 'IME IMP2LSES to t%e
"%at t%e -oa is is to pump t%e &ater &it% radiant ener-y. '%is is notin" but /ure
*olta"e /otential .it no current. "%en it is done ri-%t; you can create te *olta"e
/otentials .itout e*er inducin" electrons to flo. to be"in &it%. Ima-ine not
%a/in- a t%e pro0ems of %a/in- to restrict amps. I &i 0e %appy to s%are t%is &it%
anyone &%o is serious.
: '%e most current test I did. I used a /aria0e ac &%ic% %as ! amps max and 1!1/
max. Butput t%ru 0rid-e and pused 4$ t%rou-% a diode and t%at strai-%t to my tu0e
setup. '%is &as ony to test t%e ce. Witout te inductor# current of course
8um/ed u/ to about <;= am/s at only about @ *olts. Wen I /ut te inductor after
te diode# I could cran0 it u/ to about 22 *olts and te am/s .ere only as lo. as
about =66;266 milliam/s. ?ust %ad to see for mysef t%at t%is &as %appenin-.
... Ima-ine t%is and you can a test it for yoursef. Hit a capacitor at %i-% freGuency
.it notin" but te *olta"e /otential s/i0es and it WI!! car"e u/; %o&e/er;
tere is no current mo*in". Sounds stran-e 0ut I can -o into detais ater. ?ust try it
and you &i see. Ho& can a capacitor c%ar-e up &it%out currentL '%at is &%at you9re
a tryin- to do &it% t%e &ater ce. You-re car"in" it .it /ure *olta"e /otential
and )7 current. Ima-ine %a/in- an input t%at is /ota-e potentia spi<es as &e and
no current.../ery /ery /ery efficientM
I9m ta<in- a0out /ure radiant ener"y. Radiant ener"y &RE te *olta"e s/i0es you
ma0e. 9ose s/i0es are radiant ener"y .it )7 electrons. '%ere is a sma amount
of current in t%ese systems and t%at itte 0it is Hust enou-% to rip t%e moecues apart
and it is pused so t%ere is no steady current. Bn t%e coapse; a t%ose moecues %a/e
access to a sea of potentia radiant ener-y t%at %a/e 0een pumped into it.
'%e radiant ener-y comes from /acuum ener-y. '%e /irtua p%oton fux of t%e
Guantum mec%anica /acuum. '%e dipoe ,0attery; etc...3 0rea<s t%e symmetry of t%e
/irtua p%otons and t%ey mo/e to&ards t%e pose on a 0attery and fo& o/er t%e &ire.
'%e po&er to po&er a i-%t0u0 from a 0attery does .B' come from t%e inside of t%e
0attery. '%e eectroytes do B.E t%in- and B.E t%in- ony. Separate t%eir interna
c%ar-es to create a %i-% and o& potentia at t%e eectrodes. It is t%e /acuum ener-y
from 3d space and time t%at mo/e to&ard t%e eectrodes and o/er t%e &ires. '%is fo&
is &%at induces t%e eectron mo/ement to %a/e current. '%at fo& can 0e manipuated
to mo/e o/er &ires in a &ay t%at induces .B eectron mo/ement; t%erefore t%ere is
.B current ... ony /ota-e potentia.
... I am confident t%ou-% a0out t%e concept of &%at Meyers9 &as doin-. Pumpin-
radiant potentia into t%e &ater &it% no current or at east a 0are minimum. Meyer
=@BA??1 /atent as te scematic tat is nearly identical to te one used for
battery car"in" of (edini...
9e coils I-m usin" are 1:1 turn. 12 /ots in and t%e coapsed puses are not%in- 0ut
pure potentia spi<es of a0out 2!1:311 /ots 0ut /irtuay no amps. '%ose are -oin-
t%rou-% a 0rid-e to c%ar-e a cap. "%en t%e cap is c%ar-ed up; it is disc%ar-ed into
dead 0atteries.
Ho& can t%at 0e if t%e turns are 161L
1:1 is te most efficient coil for /roducin" te radiant s/i0es tat are de*oid of
: +ccordin- to my researc% extended periods of &ater eectroysis &i cause t%e build
u/ of an insulatin" film on te /lates &%ic% &i cause t%e apparatus to %eat up. '%e
fim may ori"inate from im/urities in te .ater suc as calcium &%ic% coud
expain &%y To-en reGuired tap &ater for t%eir ce to function fuy. In a science
experiment in &%ic% /ure .ater is used te e3/lanation /ro*ided is tat Hydro"en
at te catode Da*e I "ot tis ri"tQF could combine .it say )ic0el in te
catode to ma0e a Hydride com/ound.
: If you do a 5oo-e Searc%; you &i come up &it% Hundreds of t%ese I"nition coil
circuits. Most of t%em Hust use a 222 dri*in" a Mosfet.
@ut if t%e Purpose of t%is is to Produce %ydro-en t%rou-% Eectroysis; I su--est you
stic< &it% Lo& Cota-e and a P"M $ircuit. E/en '%ou-% you mi-%t %a/e a Hi-%
Cota-e comin- out of t%at I-nition $oi; 7ou &i .B' %a/e Hi-% Cota-e -oin-
t%rou-% t%e $e. '%e 8eati/ey Lo& 8esistance of t%e ce; Cerses t%e Cery Lo&
$urrent of t%at Hi-% /ota-e &i Pu t%e actua /ota-e do&n to no more t%an your
/ota-e is no&. Pro0a0y e/en Lo&er. N@asic B%ms La&N. 'a<e t%e Butput from an
I-nition $oi; Pace it across e/en a Sma #as%i-%t 0u0. It &i .B' Li-%t t%e @u0.
+nd if you put a Meter +cross it to measure t%e Cota-e it &i 0e +most .ot%in-.
,M45 no/1)6 In t%e case of Stan Meyer; t%e eectroysis ce is used i<e a capacitor;
&it% pure as possi0e &ater as 4IELE$'8I$; so I' H+S + S'8B.5 8ESIS'+.$E
to eectron fo&; unti t%e 0rea<do&n e/e is reac%ed ... so may 0e an i-nition coi
used as step up transformer; to send %i-% /ota-e puses in a c%o<eDcoiD0ifiar coi is a
5BB4 I4E+ ... 3
: Bne of t%e 8easons for Pusin- is to -i/e +o&ance for t%e @u00es to 8ise;
+o&in- for 0etter $onduction in t%e Soution.
: %ydrotec% &rote6 I am producin- enou-% -as to run my motorcye )!E on &ater
t%rou-% 12/ ! amp 0attery &it%out any 0attery or en-ine pro0em. I suppose t%is is
&%at e/ery0ody &ants; it s%oud ser/e your purpose &it%out creatin- muc% pro0em.
+nd i can te you t%at t%rou-% your eectroyser aso it can 0e run . "%y do peope
tend to for-et to modify t%eir en-ines parts for t%e ce to &or< correcty. I &oud 0e
furt%er upoadin- more detais re-ardin- t%e -as production met%ods. +ccordin- to
my pans if i use a circuit i<e yours aon- &it% t%e present system i dont <no& %o&
muc% -as can 0e produced; 0ut t%at &oud reay 0e immense I reay enou-% -as to
po&er a car soey on H748BT7 5+S May0e somet%in- i<e &%at 4anie 4in-e is
doin- . H748B'E$H . '+2#IJ2E + AH+..
,M45 no/1)6 motor0i<es can sa/e easiy a ot of fue &it% a /ery sma eectroy=er;
as &ritten a0o/e I and I %a/e run one motor0i<e on %ydroxy ony; 0ut at fix pace;
&it% a sma eectroy=er; and startin- on %ydroxy &as not possi0e I aso %a/e a friend
t%at can run %is Cira-o !11cc on Hydroxy ony; s%uttin- of t%e fue income; at fix
speed on t%e road; at *1 <mD%our; t%e rest of time %e sa/es an a/era-e !1E. + t%at is
&it% simpe 4$ eectroysis3
: I t%in< t%at I may %a/e fi-ured out t%e function of t%e torroidal coil in $a*es cell
and .ic first a//eared in te Jo"en /atent. I ne/er 0eie/ed t%at it %ad anyt%in-
to do &it% c%an-in- t%e proportion of Brt%o to Para%ydro-en. My %ypot%esis is t%at
t%e coi acts as an antenna to focus ener-y from t%e en/ironment and impro/e t%e
efficiency of t%e eectroysis. I reac%ed t%is concusion after readin- a0out t&o 9free
ener-y9 scams on t%e internet &%ic% use torroida cois as antennas for t%e &ireess
transmission of eectrica ener-y. It &as 'esa &%o first demonstrated t%e &ireess
transmisson of ener-y usin- on-itudinaDscaar &a/es from a sp%erica antenna. Later
in t%e 1F31s a 'esa fan demonstrated an eectric car po&ered from a remote
transmitter usin- t%e same tec%niGues. +ny type of coi can 0e used as antenna if it
does not produced an induced emf from a c%an-in- ma-netic fied. '%is is 0ecause
t%ese on-itudinaDscaar eectric &a/es do not contain a ma-netic fied /ector. Bt%er
types of coi you coud use are caduseus cois and 0ifaar &ound cois s%orted at one
: 7es a $oi can act as an antenna; @ut 'ypicay it &or<s 0est if it Bpen Ended and at
a 8esonant point of t%e Bri-iona #reGuency. If a $osed circuit it can 8adiate
Eectroma-netic Ener-y; 0asicay an +ir $ore transformer sendin- it into anot%er
: I9/e 0een foo&in- 4a/es ce for a &%ie no& in t%e s%ado&s and oo<in- at
5iman1<-s de*elo/ments as &e ,recenty 0anned3 and I am deffinety i<in- 4a/es
setup 0ein- soid state as apposed to 0edini9s &%ee of ma-nets o/er a coi.
: I &i do some 4$ Puse experiments &it% Hust B2?HH based on Mateiro s/ecs.
4inu %ttp6DD&&&.oumac%ines.comD
: '%e Meyers ce seemed a itte compicated unti I recenty &atc%ed t%e Peter
!indemann *ideo on free ener"y de*ices.
%ttp6DD/ideo.-oo-e.comD/ideopayLdocidU(1*32(31F(34241(*2*SGUc%emaoy I
#or&ard t%e /ideo to a0out 1 %our and 34 minutes. He starts tal0in" about
Cemalloy ten mo*es on to e3/lain o. Meyer-s cell .or0s. 7ou can find t%e
/ideo %ere6 %ttp6DD&&&.icu0enet&or<.comDfiesD&atercarDnon:
commerciaDda/eD/ideosD"fcrep."MC I Ma<e sure you do&noad t%e fie and don9t
stream it; so cic< Sa/e +s...
,M45 no/1)6 See artice 0eo& on t%is /ideo; from 7outu0e.com3
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PP Meyers .ater cell; 0y t%e /ery /ery -ood /anacea;bocaf.or" &e0site6
Meyers %ydro-en &ater fue ce tec%noo-y %as 0een suppressed due to t%e murder
of t%e in/entor and t%e in/entor9s 0usiness incompetence. '%is is mentioned in more
detai in 0ot% t%e 9&%ere t%ey &ent &ron- pa-e9 and furt%er under Panaceas 9media
script9 on t%e ener-y suppression pa-e.
Meyer9s tec%noo-y %as since 0een resurrected 0y t&o open sourced en-ineers.
Panacea can directy create more pu0ic 0enefit from t%eir repication resuts from t%e
Panacea faciities.
Patric< Aey one of t%e foundin- mem0ers and %epin- %ands of Panacea to-et%er
&it% anot%er open sourced en-ineer 4a/e La&ton %a/e coa0orated to-et%er to
discose t%e &ords first open sourced successfu repication of t%e Meyers de/ice.
=hots o! the Meyers hy$rogen water !ue' e'' rep'iation taDen !ro"
the vi$eo+
. 'ose up o! the hy$rogen pro$ution created from only 12
volts! not possible via conventional theory+
"it% out -oin- into too muc% tec%nica detai of %o& t%e &ater fue ce operates; t%e
tec%noo-y is muc% i<e To-en9s tec%noo-y : 0ein- uncon/entiona eectroysis.
@ot% open sourced en-ineers are <no&n to Panacea; t%eir open sourced contri0ution
can t%ri/e in t%e -ranted center9s conditions &%ic% can %ep &it% manufacture and
pro/ide furt%er pu0ic 0enefit.
'%is pu0ic 0enefit in/o/es su0mittin- t%e tec%noo-y at t%e facuty e/e in t%e
Panacea faciity to dispay a proof of principe to&ards up-radin- t%e current
con/entiona &ater eectroysis t%eories to&ards ceaner #8EE E.E857 production.
'%en t%ere is t%e socia reform t%e Panacea faciity &i create 0y pro/idin- pu0ic
security and access to t%e tec%noo-y; as &i 0e t%e case &it% a t%e ot%er principes
mentioned on t%e panacea pa-e. Panacea9s -ranted faciities can aso secure a
manufacturin- assistance in production of t%e units.
'%e -rant conditions in Panacea ao& for Guic<er pu0ic dissemination of t%e
tec%noo-y /ia t%is route.
+ profit from Panacea9s roe in t%is route must 0y a& -o 0ac< into an en/ironmenta
cause; and or into c%arita0e contri0utions. + t%e funds 0y any icenses created from
t%is tec%noo-y must 0y a& -o 0ac< into en/ironmenta 0enefit.
'%e Meyers tec%noo-y &i 0e studied and su0mitted into t%e centre for pu0ic
security and access.
PP :ull details# /otos# dia"rams and com/onents list to re/roduce te $a*e
!a.ton Re/lication# = se/t 266? do&noad t%e Patric< Aey9s exceent fie named
9414.pdf9 a/aia0e at %ttp6DD&&&.panaceauni/ersity.or-D414.pdf
... '%e tu0es in t%is repication are made of 31(L -rade stainess stee; fi/e inc%es on-
at%ou-% Stan9s tu0es &ere a0out t%ree times t%at en-t% ,14 to 23 inc%es3. '%e outer
tu0es are 1 inc% in diameter and t%e inner tu0es 3D4 inc% in diameter. +s t%e &a
t%ic<ness is 1D1( inc%; t%e -ap 0et&een t%em is 0et&een 1mm and 2mm. '%e inner
pipes are %ed in pace at eac% end 0y four ru00er strips a0out ine Guarter of an inc%
'%e container is made from t&o 4 inc% diameter pastic drain do&npipe couper
fittin-s connected to eac% and of a piece of acryic tu0e &it% PC$ co/ent cement...
It s%oud 0e noted t%at s%iny ne& stainess stee is not suita0e for use as an eectrode
in any form of eectroysis. '%is can 0e seen in ?oe $e construction &%ere t%e
stainess stee cyinders need to 0e conditioned t%rou-% repeated s%ort periods of
eectroysis. '%e same appies to fat pate eectroysers; &%ere @o0 @oyce points out
t%at no serious /oumes of -as &i 0e produced unti t%e stainess stee pates %a/e
recei/ed a &%ite coatin-; produced 0y ea/in- t%em to sit unused in t%e Potassium
Hydroxide soution for a fe& days. '%e same appies to t%is repication of Stan
Meyer9s eectroysis unit. "%en t%e po&er is first appied; /ery itte eectroysis ta<es
pace as t%e acti/e surfaces of t%e pipes -et co/ered &it% 0u00es &%ic% stic< to t%em.
Ho&e/er; if t%ey are eft for a &%ie &it% t%e 0u00es in pace; a 0ro&n scum forms on
t%e surface of t%e &ater. '%e scum is ceaned off and anot%er s%ort period of
eectroysis carried out to co/er t%e pates &it% 0u00es a-ain. +fter t%is process %as
0een carried out repeatedy; t%e 0ro&n scum no on-er forms and t%e acti/e tu0e
surfaces %a/e a &%ite coatin-. +t t%is point; t%e 9conditioned9 tu0es produce t%e <ind
of rapid eectroysis s%o&n in t%e /ideo.
... '%e eectrica connections to t%e pipes are /ia stainess stee &ire runnin- 0et&een
stainess stee 0ots tapped into t%e pipes and stainess stee 0ots runnin- t%rou-% t%e
0ase of t%e unit6
Meyer%s testing setup7 piture !ro" Eoutu#e+o" vi$eo
'%e 0ots tapped into t%e inner tu0es s%oud 0e on t%e inside and t%e 0ottom of t%e
t&o tu0es ai-ned in spite of t%em 0ein- spread out as s%o&n a0o/e. '%e dia-ram
s%o&s t%e inner connection on t%e oustide; ony for carity. '%e 0ots -oin- t%rou-%
t%e 0ase of t%e unit s%oud 0e tapped in to -i/e a ti-%t fit and t%ey s%oud 0e seaed
&it% Si<afex 0ondin- a-ent or some simiar &aterproofin- materia.
"%ie t%e a0o/e circuits %a/e 0een assessed as operatin- at a0out 311E of t%e
#araday assumed maximum efficiency; furt%er experimentation %as s%o&n t%at t%e
inductors used 0y Staney Meyer form a /ery important roe in raisin- t%e operatin-
efficiency sti %i-%er. 4a/e %as recenty introduced t&o inductors; eac% &ound &it%
111 turns of 22 S"5 ,21+"53 enameed copper &ire on a Fmm ,3D*N3 diameter
ferrite rod 2!mm ,1 inc%3 on-. '%e impro/ed circuit is no&; as 21 sept1)6
$ircuit operation6 Eac% .E!!! timer c%ip is paced in an osciator circuit &%ic% %as
0ot% /aria0e puse rate ,9freGuency93 and /aria0e Mar<DSpace ratio &%ic% does not
affect t%e freGuency. '%ese osciator circuits aso %a/e t%ree freGuency ran-es &%ic%
can 0e seected 0y a rotary s&itc%. '%e /aria0e resistors eac% %a/e a 111 o%m resistor
in series &it% t%em so t%at t%eir com0ined resistance cannot fa 0eo& 111 o%ms.
Eac% osciator circuit %as its suppy de:couped 0y pacin- a 111 microfarad capacitor
across t%e suppy rais and feedin- t%e capacitor t%rou-% a 111 o%m resistor. '%is %as
t%e effect of reducin- any pusin- 0ein- carried aon- t%e 0attery connections to affect
t%e adHoinin- circuit.
'%e first .E!!! circuit %as fairy ar-e capacitors &%ic% -i/e it comparati/ey so&
puses; as represented 0y t%e &a/eform s%o&n a0o/e it. '%e output from t%at .E!!!
is on pin 3 and can 0e s&itc%ed to feed t%e &a/eform to pin 4 of t%e second .E!!!
timer. '%is -ates t%e second; %i-%er freGuency osciator Bn and Bff to produce t%e
output &a/eform s%o&n Hust 0eo& t%e pipe eectrodes. '%e s&itc% at pin 3 of t%e first
.E!!! ao&s t%e -atin- to 0e s&itc%ed off; &%ic% causes t%e output &a/eform to 0e
Hust a strai-%t sGuare &a/e of /aria0e freGuency and Mar<DSpace ratio.
'%e output /ota-e from pin 3 of t%e second .E!!! c%ip is reduced 0y t%e 221 o%mD
*21 o%m resistor com0ination. '%e transistor acts as a current ampifier; capa0e of
pro/idin- se/era amps to t%e eectrodes. '%e 1.411) diode is incuded to protect t%e
MBS#E' s%oud it 0e decided at a ater date to introduce eit%er a coi ,9inductor93 or a
transformer in t%e output comin- from t%e MBS#E'; as sudden s&itc%in- off of a
current t%rou-% eit%er of t%ese coud 0riefy pu t%e 9drain9 connection a on- &ay
0eo& t%e 1 /ot ine and dama-e t%e MBS#E'; 0ut t%e 1.411) diode s&itc%es on
and pre/ents t%is from %appenin- 0y campin- t%e drain /ota-e to :1.) /ots if t%e
drain is dri/en to a ne-ati/e /ota-e.
'%e @2>3!1 MBS#E' %as a current ratin- of 22 amps so it &i run coo in t%is
appication. Ho&e/er; it is &ort% mountin- it on an auminium pate &%ic% &i act
0ot% as t%e mountin- and a %eat sin<. '%e current dra& in t%is arran-ement is
particuary interestin-. "it% Hust one tu0e in pace; t%e current dra& is a0out one
amp. "%en a second tu0e is added; t%e current increases 0y ess t%an %af an amp.
"%en t%e t%ird is added; t%e tota current is under 2 amps. '%e fourt% and fift% tu0es
add a0out 111 miiamps eac% and t%e sixt% tu0e causes amost no increase in current
at a. '%is su--ests t%at t%e efficiency coud 0e raised furt%er 0y addin- a ar-e
num0er of additiona tu0es; and as t%e -as is produced inside t%e tu0es and t%e outer
tu0es are connected eectricay; t%ey coud pro0a0y 0e 0unded to-et%er.
+t%ou-% t%e current is not particuary %i-%; a six amp circuit:0rea<er; or fuse; s%oud
0e paced 0et&een t%e po&er suppy and t%e circuit; to protect a-ainst accidenta
s%ort:circuits. If a unit i<e t%is is to 0e mounted in a /e%ice; t%en it is essentia t%at
t%e po&er suppy is arran-ed so t%at t%e eectroyser is disconnected if t%e en-ine is
s&itc%ed off. Passin- t%e eectrica po&er t%rou-% a reay &%ic% is po&ered /ia t%e
i-nition s&itc% is a -ood soution for t%is. It is aso /ita t%at at east one 0u00er is
paced 0et&een t%e eectroyser and t%e en-ine; to -i/e some protection if t%e -as
s%oud -et i-nited 0y an en-ine mafunction. It is aso a -ood idea for t%e 0u00er,s3
id to 0e a ti-%t pus% fit so t%at it can pop off in t%e e/ent of an exposion; and so
furt%er imit t%e effect of an accident.
:urter $e*elo/ments6 "%en producin- %ydroxy -as from &ater; it is not possi0e
to exceed t%e #araday maximum uness additiona ener-y is 0ein- dra&n in from t%e
surroundin- en/ironment. +s t%is ce runs cod and %as su0stantia -as output; t%ere
is e/ery indication t%at &%en it is runnin-; it is dra&in- in t%is extra ener-y.
'%is idea is supported 0y t%e fact t%at one of t%e <ey met%ods of tappin- t%is extra
ener-y is by /roducin" a train of *ery sar/ly risin" and sar/ly fallin" electrical
/ulses. '%is is exacty t%e o0Hecti/e of 4a/e9s circuit; so it &oud not 0e too surprisin-
if t%at effect &as %appenin-.
'He additiona ener-y 0ein- accessed is sometimes referred to as 9cod eectricity9;
&%ic% %as a /ery different c%aracteristics to norma con/entiona eectricity. "%ere
norma eectrica osses cause oca %eatin- as a 0y:product; 9cod9 eectricity %as
exacty t%e opposite effect; and &%ere a norma eectrica oss &oud ta<e pace; an
extra info& of usefu 9cod9 ener-y enters t%e circuit from outside. '%is fo& causes
t%e temperature of t%e circuitry to drop; instead of increase; &%ic% is &%y it is caed
9cod9 eectricity.
'%is remar<a0e occurence %as t%e most unusua effect of actuay reducin- t%e
amount of con/entiona po&er needed to dri/e t%e circuit; if t%e output oad is
increased. So; increasin- t%e oad po&ered 0y t%e circuit causes additiona ener-y to
fo& in from t%e en/ironment; po&erin- t%e extra oad and as &e; %epin- to dri/e
t%e ori-ina circuit. '%is seems /ery stran-e; 0ut t%en; 9cod9 eectricity operates in an
entirey different &ay to our famiiar con/entiona eectricity; and it %as its o&n set of
unfamiiar rues; &%ic% are -eneray t%e re/erse of &%at &e are used to.
'o test %is ce system furt%er; 4a/e connected an extra oad accross t%e eectrodes of
%is ce. +s t%e inductors connected eac% side of t%e ce -enerate /ery %i-%:/aue;
s%arp /ota-e spi<es; 4a/e connected t&o ar-e /aue capacitors ,*3;111 microfarad;
!1 /ots3 accross t%e ce as &e. '%e oad &as a 11 &att i-%t 0u0 &%ic% s%ines
0ri-t%y; and interestin"ly# te current dra. of te circuit "oes do.n rater tan
u/# in s/ite of te e3tra out/ut / '%e -as production rate appears
'%is is t%e ateration to t%at part of t%e circuit &%ic% &as used6
... 4a/e; &%o 0uit t%is repication; su--ests /arious impro/ements. #irsty; Stan
Meyer used a ar-er num0er of tu0es of -reater en-t%. @ot% of t%ose t&o factors
s%oud increase t%e -as production considera0y. Secondy; carefu examination of
/ideo of Stan9s demonstrations s%o&s t%at t%e outer tu0es &%ic% %e used %ad a
rectan-uar sot cut in t%e top of eac% tu0e6
,M45 no/1)6 see specific artice a0out t%e tu0es resonatin- su0Hect; 0eo&3
Some or-an pipes are fine:tuned 0y cuttin- sots i<e t%is in t%e top of t%e pipe; to
raise it9s pitc%; &%ic% is it9s freGuency of /i0ration. +s t%ey are t%inner; t%e inner pipes
in t%e Meyer ce &i resonate at a %i-%er freGuency t%an t%e outer pipes. It t%erefore
seems pro0a0e t%at t%e sots cut 0y Stan are to raise t%e resonant freGuency of t%e
ar-er pipes; to matc% t%e resonant freGuency of t%e inner pipes. If you &ant to do
t%at; %an-in- t%e inner tu0e up on a piece of t%read and tappin- it; &i produce a
sound at t%e resonant pitc% of t%e pipe. $uttin- a sot in one outer pipe; suspendin- it
on a piece of t%read and tappin- it; &i ao& t%e pitc% of t%e t&o pipes to 0e
compared. "%en one outer pipe %as 0een matc%ed to your satisfaction; t%en a sot of
exacty t%e same dimensions &i 0rin- t%e ot%er outer pipes to t%e same resonant
pitc%. It is said t%at Stan ran %is Lo<s&a-en car for four years; usin- Hust t%e -as from
four of t%ese units.
+ /ery important part of t%e ce 0uid is t%e conditionin- of t%e eectrodes tu0es;
usin- tap &ater. '%is is done as foo&s6
1 : 4o not use any resistance on t%e ne-ati/e side of t%e po&er suppy &%en
conditionin- t%e pipes.
2 : Start at 1.! +mps on t%e si-na -enerator and after 2! minutes; s&itc% off for 31
3 : '%en appy 1.1 +mp for 21 minutes and t%en sstop for 31 minutes.
4 : '%en appy 1.! +mp for 1! minutes and t%en stop for 21 minutes.
! : '%en appy 2 +mps for 11 minutes and after&ards stop for 21 minutes.
( : 5o to 2.! +mps for ! minutes and stop for 1! minutes.
) : 5o to 3.1 +mps for 121 to 1!1 seconds. 7ou need to c%ec< if t%e ce is -ettin-
%ot... if it is you need to reduce t%e time.
+fter t%e se/en steps a0o/e; et t%e ce stand for at east an %our 0efore you start a
o/er a-ain.
7ou &i see %ardy any -as -eneration in t%e eary sta-es of t%is conditionin- process;
0ut a ot of 0ro&n muc< &i 0e -enerated. Initiay; c%an-e t%e &ater after e/ery
cyce; 0ut do not touc% t%e tu0es &it% 0are %ands. If t%e ends of t%e tu0es need to
%a/e muc< ceaned off t%em; t%en use a 0rus% 0ut not touc% t%e eectrodes MM If t%e
0ro&n muc< is eft in t%e &ater durin- t%e next cyce; it causes t%e &ater to %eat up
and you need to a/oid t%is.
B/er a period of time; t%ere is a reduction in t%e amount of t%e 0ro&n stuff produced
and at some point; t%e pipes &on9t ma<e any 0ro&n stuff at a. 7ou &i 0e -ettin-
/ery -ood -as -eneration 0y no&. + &%itis% po&dery coat &i %a/e de/eoped on t%e
surface of t%e eectrodes. .e/er touc% t%e pipes &it% 0are %ands once t%is coatin- %as
Im/ortant6 4o t%e conditionin- in a &e:/entiated area; or aternati/ey; cose t%e
top of t%e ce and /ent t%e -as out into t%e open. 4urin- t%is process; t%e ce is eft
on for Guite some time; so e/en a /ery o& rate of -as production can accumuate a
serious amount of -as &%ic% &oud 0e a %a=ard if eft to coect in a sma space.
--------------------------------------------- Return to the top
PP $a*e !a.ton# Ima"es from Partici/atin" Researcers# 9e H2eart
Institute %ttp6DDmy.opera.comD%2eart%0eatDa0umsDs%o&.dmLidU211(33
--------------------------------------------- Return to the top
PP &bout te tubes resonatin" sub8ect6
+ccordin- t%e tu0es /i0rationa freGuencies; may 0e an additiona impro/ement to
increase efficiency; Sir 5riffin aso said a0out t%e tu0es6 9 9ey are 1= inces lon"
and are effecti*ely .a*e"uides.9
P from /arallel !C or serial !C
: ste*ie1661# Posted: Sun Se/ 2<# 266@ @:62 /m6
V...W '%e Pipes and conditionin-6 7ou are ri-%t a0out t%e proces of conditionin-. I %a/e
to do t%at a-ain &%en finis%in- my ceanin- and cuttin-.
@ut t%ere is more. 8on; &e are &it% a ot of peope focussin- on t%e eectronics and a
0it on t%e pipes. +fter a <inds of confi-urations &it% cois and trafo9s I %a/e made a
concusion. +s Staney said many times6 Its a a0out securin- %is patents. In ot%er
&ords6 $8+P.
7es; you can dou0e freGuency &it% t%e CI$ and 7es you can -et %i-%er /ota-e. +nd
%e is smiin- in %is -ra/e; if you as< me.
In a %is patent &it% t%e CI$ you see less info about is /i/es>tubes. @ut if you read
&e; I t%in< t%at t%ere is t%e rea t%in- %appenin-. He tal0s about resonance. 9e
resonant cati*yRRRR
He discripes t%ree different desi-ns of %is resonant $a/ity9s. 8esonance in cois is
&%at e/ery0ody understands and is tryin- &it% a t%e same 0ad resuts. +re &e a
stupidL .B.
I tryed to find any info or tread in many forums a0out t%e Resonant Ca*ity stuff.
.B' muc% to find as &eM '%is is aso a cue.
Staney pu0is%ed a formua %o& to cacuated %is pipes &it% care............. I try to find
out &%at to do &it% t%at.
#ocus6 21A%= is a nice freGuency for -ettin- Hydro-en. So %o& &oud pipes oo< i<e
for resonantin- on 21A%=L Its a0out en-%t and spacin- 0et&een t%e 2 pipes. Per%aps
aso a0out some <ind of form of t%e pipe:endin-. ,sorry for my poor en-is%3
8on; &%at do t%in< a0out my t%eory after a t%e time you spend &it% t%is su0HectL
,and a you ot%er -uys as &e; of course......3
: 2o2"o# Posted: Mon Se/ 2=# 266@ 12:2= am 6
I9m Hust -ettin- into t%is as a proHect 0ut I %a/e &ondered a0out t%e resonance of t%e
pipes as &e. Bne of my t%ou-%ts &as a0out mountin- t%e pipes. I9/e oo<ed at ots of
pictures of different setups and neary a %a/e one or 0ot% ends of t%e pipes ri-idy
mounted. If t%e pipes9 resonance is &%at9s needed to assist t%e 0rea<up of t%e &ater
moecue t%en isn9t e/eryone ma<in- t%eir &or< %arder 0y Noc<in- do&nN t%e a0iity
of t%e pipes to Nrin-NL #rom some of t%e pictures and /ids I9/e seen; some of t%e 0est
resuts &ere from test pipes t%at &ere merey suspended in t%e tan< for testin- instead
of ri-idy mounted.
My t%ou-%ts %a/e 0een to NtuneN t%e pipes to t%e same tone and t%en %an- t%em in
suc% a &ay t%at ets t%em /i0rate &it% t%e freGuencies 0ein- pumped into t%em. My
t%ou-%ts &ere to dri %oes t%rou-% t%e paired pipes near t%e top and to notc% t%e
0ottoms and t%en use ceramic rods to suspend t%em in t%e tan<. '%ey9d %an- from t%e
top rod &%ie t%e 0ottom rod &oud act as a Ns&in- stopN &it% t%e pipes notc%es 0ein-
o/er it. Sma ru00er &as%ers ,or somet%in- ese t%at &on9t conduct3 coud 0e used to
<eep t%e tu0es separated. 'o me t%is &oud ao& t%e pipes t%e easiest c%ance of
Nrin-in-N &it% t%e freGuency needed &it%out %u-e amounts of po&er 0ein- needed.
"e need to 0e t%in<in- Nmusica instrumentN and not Nindustria /i0ratorN.
: ste*ie1661# Posted: Mon Se/ 2=# 266@ 12:2B am6
Per%aps you are ri-%t a0out t%e mec%anica structure t%in- %ere. I &as more t%in<in-
a0out some <ind of &a/epipe; i<e you %a/e &it% 5%= fiter stuff.
'%e /ota-e &a/e s%oud 0ounc% 0et&een t%e innerpipe and t%e outerpipe as if t%e
freGuency of t%e &a/e matc%es t%e space 0et&een t%em.
+not%er t%eory6 +t t%is moment &e a put one &a/e in one pipe and t%e ot%er pipe is
-round. Per%aps &e %a/e to start t%in<in- of 2 &a/es. Bne in eac% pipe.
'ry to -et resonance 0et&een t&o freGuencys; i<e 21<%= and (1A%=. I read
somet%in- a0out t%e 21A%= is nice to Hydro-en and t%e difference s%oud 0e 1D3
: +ISS# Posted: Mon Se/ 2=# 266@ 1:2< am 6
E/en if 2 tu0es; inner and outer; are tuned to rin- t%e same; once you put a spacer
0et&een t%e 2 to space t%em; t%at spacer &oud act as a dampner and t%e pipes &oud
not rin-. '%at &oud 0e t%e %an-in- a set of tu0es from a strin- scenerio.
Bt%er t%an t%at scenario.... any touc%in- of t%e pipes suc% as standin- t%em on t%e
foor of t%e ce container; connectin- t%em to any mountin- fram&or<; or e/en
to-et%er; &oud dampen or disrupt t%e rin-in- of t%e pipes.
.ot sayin- t%is &oud stop t%em from rin-in- at a... 0ut &oud effect it considera0y.
Stan %ad %is set up to &%ere a t%e tu0es &ere tied to-et%er &it% a mountin- pate.
: 2o2"o# Posted: Mon Se/ 2=# 266@ 1:2= am 6
4ependin- upon circuit %oo<up; Hust -oin- 0y eectron fo&; t%e N-round pipeN is
-ettin- t%e &a/e first and t%e &ater is t%e media &%ere0y t%e &a/e propa-ates to t%e
positi/e pipe so 0ot% s%oud 0e resonatin- at t%e same freG. 0ut &it% a sma NdeayN
,or timin- offset3 0ecause of t%e time to tra/erse t%e &ater 0et&een. +s far as one pipe
0ein- N-roundN t%at9s ony if you connect it to Ncircuit -roundN. @ein- t%at t%ese -et
fed from t%e secondary of t%e transformer; you can ea/e it isoated from N-roundN
t%us ea/in- t%e oop,s3 to NfoatN at &%ate/er potentia is created. #rom t%e circuits
dra&in-s I9/e o0ser/ed t%e pipes are 0ein- pused in one direction ony so as not to
cance t%e effect &it% t%e re/erse /ota-e direction.
: 2o2"o# Posted: Mon Se/ 2=# 266@ 1:2B am6
In my mountin- scenario; t%e spacers &oud 0e on t%e ceramic rods and ao&
mo/ement 0et&een t%e pipes &it%out t%e pipes 0ein- a0e to touc% t%us ao&in-
maximum /i0rationa mo/ement...If it truy is a0out resonance; t%en ao&in-
maximum a0iity to /i0rate &oud reGuire ess po&er to initiate t%e effect.
: ste*ie1661# Posted: Mon Se/ 2=# 266@ <:<@ am Post sub8ect: )EW 9RE&$
&(7,9 9HE RES7)&)9 C&CI9Y IS S9&R9E$6
Lets continue 0urnin- our 0rains ces out a0out t%e pipesDtu0es and t%e 8esonant
$a/itys of Stany Meyer on a ne& tread. I opend it aready.
PP Post sub8ect: IC!A6<A Wa*eform 'enerator for your /ulse "enerators 6
: siberneti0# Posted: 9ue Se/ 1A# 266@ A:2= am 6
#irst I ma<e my puse circuit &it% !!! timer I$ 0ut i t%in< t%is I$ is not perform
sta0e and i start searc% eectronic data0ase pa-es on &e0 aaaand
i find ic*13* &a/e -enerator.'%is I$ is /ery 0asic and adHusta0e; if you can
do&noad t%is I$9s datas%eet from t%is adress; may 0e you can de/eope your puse
: ydrocars# Posted: 9ue Se/ 1A# 266@ 12:12 /m 6
!!! /ery sta0eM you must %a/e done somet%in- &ron-.
: %ttp6DD&&&.diy-uitarist.comD'estEGuipmentD#unction5enerator.%tm
: %ttp6DD&&&.cip.p%ysi<.uni:muenc%en.deDR&&ieserDeecDosciatorDI$L*13*D
: %ttp6DD&&&.intersi.comDcdaDde/iceinfoD1;14));I$L*13*;1.%tm
: %ttp6DD&&&.intersi.comDdataD#.D#.2*(4.pdf
: ydrocars# Posted: 9ue Se/ 1A# 266@ 12:1< /m 6
my secondary circuit i use.
: ecli/sed@A# Posted: 9ue Se/ 1A# 266@ <:1B /m:
I t%in< I a-ree &it% %ydro; t%e !!! is /ery sta0e and I mysef %a/e seen my 4L P"M
&or< 0uitifuy...I as<ed an eectronics en-ineer &%et%er t%e !!! c%ip &as unsta0e
and %e ans&ered &it% a Guestion.... %e said6 '%e !!! c%ip &as made in t%e )1s; if t%e
!!! c%ip &as unsta0e; &%y &oud t%ey 0e sti usin- it 31 years ater.
+t%ou-% %e doesn9t support t%e !!! c%ip &it% fact; %ere is t%e datas%eet on t%e !!!s
t%at I use... .E!!!P 0y texas intruments....
I %a/e no idea &%et%er if t%is means anyt%in- 0ut I found t%is6 '%e Butput:puse rise
time and t%e Butput:puse fa time is 111 to 311 ns tested &it% a capacitor of 1!p#
and a 'emp of 2! $
'%e data s%eet discri0es t%e !!! as N'%ese de/ices are precision timin- circuits
capa0e of producin- accurate time deays or osciation.N
8ef6 'exas Intruments datas%eet on .E!!!.pdf
I do not <no& &%y you are %a/in- pro0ems &it% t%e !!!; 0ut in my o&n experience
&it% cars; computers; c%emistry; soft&are; &omen; Ho0s; ife as &e <no& it; t%ere are
-enera rues to foo&; t%ey9re caed Murp%ies a&s..
rue P16 +nyt%in- t%at can -o &ron-; &i -o &ron-. ?ust remem0er t%at Murp%y &as
an optimist...
4ou0e c%ec< e/eryt%in- and test a components indi/iduay...sometimes i/e seen
t%e 411) not &or<in- and may0e t%e mosfet is 0o&n..sometimes I/e Hust %ad to
repace t%e 111o%m resistors; 0ut sometimes I/e repaced a of t%e diodes Hust
0ecuase I coudnt find t%e pro0em..,it &or<ed3...any&ays use t%e ori-ina 4L P"M
setup and do not connect anyt%in- from t%e input ,pin 4 or *3 to t%e Butput ,pin 33 as
t%e unedited re/ision of t%e 4L P"M t%at incude inductors in t%e soid state circuit
dia-ram...If you are %a/in- pro0ems on findin- t%e ori-ina /ersion t%at incuded t%e
notc%ed tu0es...%ere it is...
I am interested in t%e ic*13* t%ou-% as it does oo< i<e it %as coo fuctions; i<e
indi/idua pins for different s%aped &a/es...May0e some experimentation coud 0e
done to see if a different s%ape &a/es &oud &or< 0etter...0ut I am not <no&ed-ea0e
a0out eectronics enou-% to <no& %o& to desi-n a circuit usin- t%e ic*13*; may0e if
someone came up &it% somet%in-; I coud mode it in @2 spice to see if it &or<s....
: ecli/sed@A# Posted: Wed Se/ 2?# 266@ B:2B /m:
I did a itte researc% and found t%at t%e tc!!! texas instruments timer c%ip t%at is
fuy interc%an-a0e &it% t%e ne!!! and it can operate up to 2 M%=....%ere is t%e
datas%eet... if &e &ant %i-%er freGuencies; i t%in< extra capacitors &oud 0e a t%at is
needed to t%e existin- 4L P"M..
"%ere t%e rotory 3 turn 4 poe s&it% is connected to t%e t%e 3 capacitors; add a 2 or
more poe s&itc% and connect it to t%e existin- capacitors and 3 extra capacitors at
smaer capacitances; and connect t%e extra 3 capacitors to anot%er poe of t%e 3 turn 4
poe of t%e rotory s&itc% t%ere are 4 different poes; t%ese capacitors &i not 0e
connected to t%e ot%er capacitors; 4a/e &as a ri-%t to use t%e 3 turn 4 poe s&itc% as it
ao&ed more capacitors to 0e connected for a tota of 12 capacitors....I incuded a
dra&in- to /isuai=e &%at Im sayin-.
If anyt%in- more is needed; and if anyone %as any ideas on %o& to modify it to %ande
t%e %i-%er freG; or if anyone %as any ideas on &%at t%e capicatance /aues of t%e extra
capacitors coud 0e in order to -i/e ran-es of i<e 21 <%= to !1 <%=; !1 <H= to 111
<H=; 111 <H= to 211 <H=; 211 <H= to 311 < &oud 0e -reaty
I a&ays &ondered &%y %e used t%ose 4 poe 3 turn s&itc%es as I &as connectin- t%e
capacitors... any&ays; a-ain *13* is not nessacary; tc!!! can produce output
freGuencies of 2 M%=..
--------------------------------------------- Return to the top
PP Post sub8ect: (ES9 CIRC,I9# Wor0in" !C 6
: Hydrocars# Posted: :ri &u" 6<# 266@ 16:6@ /m:
'HE $I8$2I'S I. 'HESE '8E+4S "+S I. E88B8 +.4 4B .B' "B8A; SB
+''EMP' +' 7B28 B". 8ISA; +5+I.; 'HESE $I8$2I'S 4B .B' "B8AM
7ou -otta see it to 0eie/e itM i ony used one ss tu0e ce as in my ot%er post. Must
tryM 5otta tryM
May0ee some0ody can ta<e t%is furt%er; t%is is definity t%e ri-%t &ay...
i don9t <no& %o& it &or<s; it Hust doesM %a%a
'%is circuit doesn9t produce aot of %ydro-en; %o&e/er i don9t <no& %o& it is
&or<in-; it is unexpaina0e %o& it does &%at it does...
i don9t -et it; i unpu--ed t%e freG -enerator; and i &as &or<in- on it a0out to rearan-e
some stuff and i -ot s%oc<ed; i touc%ed it a-ain; i -ot s%oc<ed a-ain; i finay reai=ed
t%at no matter &%at; im -ettin- s%oc<ed; t%e circuit is resonatin-M and you can fee it
='oppy Fy$roars+4peg
: Hydrocars# Posted: Sat &u" 6=# 266@ A:26 am:
t%e coi &as t%e one i used in t%e ot%er post; t%e one from t%e t/; i don9t <no& t%e
&raps 0ut i can measure t%e resistance for ya.
if you put a c%ar-e on t%e caps; and remo/e t%e &ater fue ce; after you remo/e t%e
po&er source you can touc% t%e pro0es &%ere t%e &fc %oo<ed; you can fee it
osciatin-; it %urts; 0ut you can fee it; i can 0are t%e pain; its not a t%at; 0ut i i<e to
fee it osciate or resonate.
: Hydrocars# Posted: Sat &u" 6=# 266@ 12:<= /m:
1.31 amps; sc%ematic not s%o&n
: Hydrocars# Posted: Mon &u" 6?# 266@ 12:11 am :
i %a/e confirmed t%at t%e circuit is resonatin- at its o&n freGuency. to c%an-e t%e
freGuency &oud mean to c%an-e t%e si=e of t%e coi and cap. t%is circuit &i resonate
for a on- time.
'o o0ser/e resonation do t%is. 5et you a coi; a cois do not &or<. 2se a ma-netic
core and t%e &ire si=e around 22 or smaer seems to &or< 0est. '%e &indin- around
t%e core s%oud %a/e a resistance of around (.1 o%ms. If you &ant to -et t%e resuts i
am -ettin-.
4o t%is simpe test. 7ou &i need 1 ed; 2 diodes; any s%oud &or< 0ut i -uess smaer
&oud 0e 0etter; and a capacitor; i %a/e a 4)1 uf cap a0out t%e si=e of a Guarter and
a0out an inc% ta; it &or<s -reat; i aso %a/e a 4)1 uf cap a0out t%e si=e of an; &e its
a0out as round as a tip of an poo stic<; not %ardy t%at 0i-; 0ut any 0i- cap s%oud
&or<; and some sma ones.
I &i ma<e t%e sc%ematic in text ri-%t no&; te led sould stay lite for o*er 26
seconds; and e/en on-er if you don9t use a ed.
'%e ed &i stay it as on- as it is resonatin-; t%ere is no need for a #reGuency
5enerator; It don9t 4o anyt%in- to t%e circuit. 7ou &anted resonation; Here it is; Ha/e
Ma<e t%e circuit;; i &ant your comments. common; i <no& you -ot diodes and cois
yin- around t%e %ouse %e%e
: Hydrocars# Posted: Mon &u" 6?# 266@ 12:1A am :
I t%in< staney eft a diode out 0oysM you remo/e a diode from t%at circuit and it &ont
: Hydrocars# Posted: Mon &u" 6?# 266@ 1:<2 am :
Here ya -o .... = *olts .2< am/s# tis is .at it "ets yaR and t%e freGuency does seem
to affect it too; i &as &ron- earier.
: ste*ie1661# Posted: Mon &u" 6?# 266@ 11:2< /m :
Hydro; &%at you did is ama=in-. "%ere did you t%ou-%t of usin- t%e 2 cap9sL '%e
resut is /ery ne&. I t%in< e/en Meyer %a/ent t%ou-%t a0out t%at. '%e 2 cap9s are /ery
%ea/y; so t%e sma capacitance of t%e "#$ is not important for t%e resonance any
more. ?ust a itte 0it.
I &onder %o& sta0e t%is &i &or<. Sma c%an-es in t%e "#$ s%oud not effect t%e
resonance in t%is setup.
: Hydrocars# Posted: 9ue &u" 6@# 266@ 11:2B am :
'%ere is a terri0e error; t%e circuit &i not &or< for you ri-%t no&. I noticed &%en i
%oo<ed it up on t%e 0read 0oard t%e diode arran-ement; i aso &rote it do&n
immediatey. i used sma diodes t%en.
i aso %oo<ed it up &it% t%e &ater fue ce &it% ar-er diodes; &or<ed fineMMM
&rote it do&n; some%o& it &as %oo<ed differenty t%an t%e &ay on t%e 0read0oard;
N%ardy noticea0eN.
.o&; t%e reason it is &or<in- is 0ecause t%e diode is 0rea<in- do&n and re/ersin-; i
cant %ardy expain it; i need a itte %ep &it% it.
i do <no& it &or<s; 0ecause &%en i mo/ed a ma-net around t%e coi &%en it &as
emittin- i-%t it did c%an-e t%e 0e%a/iour of t%e i-%t. i <no& it &as resonatin-
0ecause of t%is. and i aso c%ec<ed it &it% a d/m; and &it% my fin-ers.
eac% time t%e circuit &as &or<in-; it &as ony 0ecause one of t%e diodes &as 0ro<en;
its /ery fusteratin- tryin- to fi-ure out &%ats -oin- on; and &%y it is &or<in-; i9m on
it; if a 0ro<e do&n diode can ma<e a circuit resonate t%en somet%in- is -oin- on %ere;
t%e diode is actin- as a resistor 0ut it9s sti doin- somet%in- stran-e; i %a/e yet to
repicate it 0ut i am oo<in- into %o& to do it &it%out a 0ro<en do&n diode.
: Hydrocars# Posted: 9ue &u" 6@# 266@ 12:=1 /m :
once a-ain; i9m sorry 0ut t%is seems to repicate &%at I &as seein- &it% t%e 0ro<en
diode; too< me a &%ie to fi-ure t%is circuit out; 0ut %ere is &%at a 0ro<en diode &i
-et ya M+.MM
i sti don9t see %o& a 0ro<en diode can do t%is; 0ut if you %oo< your stuff up t%e &ay i
%ad it in t%e sc%ematic; your diode &i pro0ey 0rea< do&n; so i &oudn9t do it.
t%is circuit aso expains t%e ma-net effect i &as -ettin-. Hrm; i &as sti -ettin- -ood
resuts &it% t%is circuit on t%e &ater fue ceLL %rmmm; i9m cueess if t%is sends
strai-%t 4$ to t%e &ater fue ce or notL
i did seem to -et &ac<y readin-s &it% it; &%at &as it; somet%in- i<e 4 /ots 12 ampsL
t%at &oud 0e -ood if it &as pused dc; 0ut t%at i don9t <no&; so frusterated.
t%is circuit can not resonate; any circuit t%at %as a diode of any <ind 0et&een a coi;
and an none 0ipoar po&er source can not resonate; i9m sorry -uys 0ut &it% a diode its
not resonatin-; t%e ony resonatin- is 0et&een t%e freGuency -enerator; and t%e
primary and secondary side of t%e coi.
i t%in< &e need %i-% /ots; .B' 'E.S B# 'HB2S+.4S &it% amps 0e%ind it; 5ood
+mps; If you puse it &it% t%at; i t%in< it &oud 0e &%at e/eryone is oo<in- for. Sorry
0ut trueM don9t %ate me
: ste*ie1661# Posted: 9u Se/ 6?# 266@ 2:<= am Post sub8ect:
'oday &as my day of 0ein- s%oc<ed. + my %air is -one no&... It9s funny to un%oo<
t%e feGuency -enerator; po&er etc and sti 0ein- eectrocuted...0y a sin-e coi; diodes
and a .222f capacitor.
'%e po&er is un0eie/a0e. It amost fed i<e a 231C 0o&. .o& tryin- to -et t%at
po&er in my testce.
--------------------------------------------- Return to the top
PP Post sub8ect: Hydro"en and o3y"en ionisationV# in Stanley Meyer-s Colta"e
Intesifer Circuit DCICF forum /art 6
: P,!SE$FRe*erseH>7fuelcell# Posted: Sat May 12# 266@ 11:16 /m :
'%is may 0e one &ay t%e "ater fue ce 0rea<s t%e co/aent 0ondin- of t%e &ater
moecue. '%e t&o eectrons co/aenty 0ondin- t%e %ydro-en to t%e oxy-en are
stripped of &%en t%e oxy-en is ionised and ooses four eectrons; no& 0ecause t%e
oxy-en atom needs anot%er eectron it ta<es it from t%e muc% &ea<er %ydro-en atom;
&%en it dose t%is t%e %ydro-en ooses its eectron to t%e muc% stron-er oxy-en atom.
'%e reason t%e oxy-en is stron-er t%en t%e %ydro-en is 0ecause t%e %ydro-en atom
%as ony one proton &%ereas t%e oxy-en atom %as ei-%t; so t%e oxy-en %as a stron-er
eectrica c%ar-e. "%en t%e oxy-en atom ta<es t%e %ydro-ens eectron it 0rea<s t%e
co/aent 0ond ,remem0er &e are ony doin- t%is &it% /ota-e3. '%e %ydro-en eectron
is t%e t%in- t%at is %odin- t%e &ater moecue to-et%er; so &%en t%e oxy-en atom
ta<es t%e %ydro-en atoms eectron it is 0rea<in- t%e co/aent 0ond. '%e oxy-en
normay -ets its eectrons from amp fo&; t%at &oud 0e t%e point &%ere t%e %i-%
currant &oud fo&; 0ut 0ecause &e are no& restrictin- eectron fo& t%e oxy-en atom
ta<es t%e eectrons from t%e %ydro-en atom; t%is 0rea<s t%e co/aent 0ond.
'%an<s; Su<%oi $ompany ,?S$3 : If t%e &ord s%oud 0o& itsef up; t%e ast audi0e
/oice &oud 0e t%at of an expert sayin- it can9t 0e done.
--------------------------------------------- Return to the top
PP Post sub8ect: Its ,/ to You )o.RRR Can you do itQQQQQ 6
: ydrocars# Posted: 9ue &u" 6@# 266@ 11:<1 /m :
.o ar-er t%an little o*er alf am/. '%is is a0out a t%e experimentin- i9m doin-
ri-%t no&; t%ere is no need to oo< any fut%er; its fi-ured out no&.
: ydrocars# Posted: Wed &u" 6A# 266@ 2:<< am :
'%e sc%ematic i made in t%e past &as a &or<in- &rec<; it &as ony &or<in- 0ecause it
&as scre&ed. no&; enou-% a0out t%at deformed circuit; ets -et on &it% t%e -ood stuff
and put t%at in t%e pastM
+ fe& t%in-s you s%oud <no& 0efore you continue your &ater fue ce ad/enture.
1. + coi of any <ind in parae or series &it% a ,Nnone @I poarN3 capacitor seperated
0y a diode in any direction $+. .B' +.4 "ILL .B' 8ESB.+'EM
2. + , @I PoarN3 $apacitor $an .ot resonate &it% a inductor in any <ind of
Pused 4$ B8 +$. D47nly bi/olar ones can do tis4FR
3. '%e #reGuency Is $BMPLE'E @2LLSHI' et me say t%at a-ain; it is $BMPLE'
@2LLSHI' t%ere is no #reGuency; Stanley did tis to confuse you. "it% 5ood
meanin-M you &oud %a/e did t%e same.
4. '%e Patent Nstaney meyersN; &%ic% s%o&s t%e ! spi<es seperated 0y a deay &%ere
t%e puses start at a o&er /ota-e; and &or<es its &ay up to t%e ! Spi<e t%en comes to
a deay &as simpy to confuse youMMM it9s not true.
#aGs; '%ere is a Puse needed at a desired #reGuency; 0ut it9s not%in- i<e you t%in<;
its not &%at you t%in<. i %ardy refer to it as a freGuency; its muc% so&er ,N%as
not%in- to do &it% t%e resonate or &ater moecueN.
9e unite .or0s off of C7!$ E!EC9RICI9Y "oo"le tat .it in*entors.
I can ceary see &%y staney used a aternator no&. His transformer t%at stated 211
&raps of 22 -au-e &ire &it% (11 turns of 3( a&- &ire &as compete 0u; it &as used
to t%ro& you for a oop Hust i<e t%e freGuency; staney NisN a smart man; i admire %im
for t%at; and i respect %imM
CH7+ES 6 '%ey9re /ery /ery important; t%e &ron- c%o<es &i -et reay %ot reay
fast; i Hust fi-ured a t%is out; so you -uys need to %ep me on t%em.
More to come if i don9t -et 0as%ed; @ut remem0er; #or-et t%e da/e a&ton circuit; its
not needed; and is a compete &ast of time if you9re tryin- to use it &it% t%e &fc; drop
it; it dont &or<. '%ere is no freGuency.
'%in< to yoursef; as< yoursef; 0ac< t%en if you &as staney meyers; &oud you
patent t%e compete trut%LL &oud you not do as %e didLLL
today is a differnt day# tere is no /atent# no. its /ublic and money is not an
ob8ect# te trut sall come out no.R
'%e construction of my resuts are ready for you to experience; &%at ya &aitin- onL
you -uys &it% me or notLL
"%en t%e "ater is Bran-e; you <no& you9re doin- somet%in- 8i-%tM '%at Hust
4a&ned on me o
: M=r0@B# Posted: Wed &u" 6A# 266@ @:21 am :
5reat &or<M 7es; t%atbs &ater spit 0y /ota-e potentia : /ery sma; &%ite -as0u00es;
%i-%y imposi/e and ener-etic
I am not ne& %ere; 0een readin- %ere Guite a &ie; 0ut no& i &oud i<e to s%are &%at
i t%in< a0out t%e CI$.
"%at %ydrocars says is &%at i aso t%in< no&; itbs so easy. I %ad 0een N0indetN aso
for a &ie; 0ut &%ie readin- t%e ne&est resuts %ere ast &ee<; it reay %it me6:3
May 0e Staney Meyer &as forced to compicate it; 0ecause it9s so easy and so
&oudn9t -et %is patent -ranted. "%o <no&s...
"e for me t%is .or0s e3actly li0e a oHon "enerator# only .it .ater. '%e %i-%
/ota-e potentia creates a coronaD cod pasma fied &it% amost no current and
transmutes t%e oxy-en in t%e air to o=one.
8emo/e t%e insoator 0et&een t%e pates or 0rin- t%em to cose to-et%er; t%e HC arcs
o/er: currentfo&. '%e corona potetiafied coapses instantyM
Same &%en usin- tap&ater or &ater &it% mineras ,conducti/e3 &it% t%e CI$; t%en
you -et current eectroysis; &%ic% isn9t t%at efficient and %ot c%o<es...
7ou ony need to it te self;resonance of te co0e ,&%ic% a cois &it% air-apped
ferrit:Dmetacore s%oud %a/e3; t%at9s &%y i .ould and .ill /ut all .indin"s on te
same core ,Step up S $%ar-in- c%o<e3
+t t%at sefresonance t%e c%o<e &i -enerate t%e stron-est coronaDcod pasma
fiedD/ota-e potentia in t%e &ater 0et&een t%e tu0es and transmutateDspit it into it9s
eements %ydro-en and oxy-en.
So i t%in< Stan Meyer ment t%is coi sefresonance ,"%ic% typicay ays in t%e
audiofreG. ran-e3 and t%e simpest pusin- circuit s%oud do t%e Ho0M
May 0e t%ere coud 0e a /isi0e 0ue:purpeis% pasma -o& 0et&een t%e tu0es in a
Guite dar< room.
So 0ecause Currentflo. .ill 0ill tis /lasmafield emidialy; i ony &i use
noncoducti/e demineraised &ater for t%e CI$.
: ydrocars# Posted: Wed &u" 6A# 266@ A:2= am :
'%is is not t%e circuit t%at made t%e /ideo at youtu0e; nor ,N+LLN3 t%e pictures on t%is
'%is circuit is intended to 'eac% you; and ao& yoursef to -ain an understandin- of
&%at is -oin- on.
"e9re sti in t%e 0a0y sta-es; 'a<e t%is and earn from it. "e &i a &or< on t%is
to-et%er %ere in t%e forumsM
t%e main -oa is t%at e/eryone understands %o& and &%y it &or<s; after you %a/e
reac%ed t%at e/e t%en it &oud 0e -reat to -o ar-er as i did manuay as you &i see
%o& i did t%e /ideo soon.
Here in t%is picture; you can see 1 Po&er in/erter; (11 &atts; one 'ransformer from
radio s%ac<; it is 121/ +$ to 2! /ots +$ Step 4o&n; 7ou &i aso see t%e 4)1uf
9HE C&P M,S9 (E 266* no smaller.
2 diodes rated at 1666 *olts; and you &i see $HBAES in tape i made; t%ey s%oud
0e 0i--er. after you experiment &it% t%e sc%ematic you &i see .at te co0es do;
and &%y you need t%em. '%ose of you &it%out ammeter9s you &i need an ammeter
t%at &i read ateast 11 amps ac and dc; you need to -et you one; if you don9t %a/e
one &e &i do our 0est at descri0in- &%ats -oin- on; i <no& &%at its i<e not to %a/e
an ammeter; it suc<s.
Later &e s%oud 0e deain- &it% reed reays; or -as or -ass tu0e reays; not /ery fast
0ut not so&; t%ey are idea and out perform todays eectronics; t%ey9re /ery %ard to
come across; 0e on t%e oo<out for t%ese.
aso &e need to earn to ma<e our on caps; i &ant co/er t%at %ere ri-%t no&; /ery
dan-erousM '%is is different; PLE+SE @E $+82#2LL
"+8.I.5 "+8.I.5 "+8.I.5 "+8.I.5 "+8.I.5 "+8.I.5 I .B
MB8E 'B2$HI.5 'HE '8+.S#B8ME8 B2'P2' B. +$$I4E.'
+.7MB8E; 7B2 SHB2L4 AEEP B.E H+.4 I. 7B28 PB$AE' "HE.
"B8AI.5 +8B2.4 'HE '8+.S#B8ME8; B8 H+CE 'HE PB"E8 B##.
: P,!SE$FRe*erseH>7fuelcell# Posted: Wed &u" 6A# 266@ ?:26 /m :
Hydro; t%ats -ood to %ear t%at you are -ettin- resutsM $oud you -i/e a rou-% circuit
t%at you used in your &ater fue ce; '%e circuit t%at made a t%at %ydro-en &it% c
an ampL Loo<in- for&ard to t%e /ideoM
.o& you say t%at t%e freGuency %as no roe to pay %ere; 0ut for an L$ circuits to
dresonatee you need a freGuency; no& I <no& t%at t%is is true 0ecause of my 'esa
coi. #or me to -et t%at %i-% /ota-e arc%s I needed to tune t%e freGuency -enerator
and t%e spar< -ap ,&itc% made t%e freGuency e/en %i-%er3. It seem t%at you %a/e
found somet%in- ne&;
Bn t%e ot%er %and; if you are sayin- t%at t%ere is no Zfixed[ freGuency; t%is opens up a
&%oe ne& can o &%oop ass. If t%at VisW &%at you meant t%en you are aso ri-%t ,you
&in eit%er &ay3; t%ere is no fixed resonatin- freGuency; it is a dependant on t%e
c%o<es and capacitors /aues. 7ou aso can find t%e resonatin- freGuency 0y doin-
some easy ,%ard3 mat%s; I t%in< I &i pass and do some freGuency tunin-.
If you oo< at &%at crux %as done t%en you can see %o& t%e freGuency is indeed
neededI no& I am -oin- to try t&o tests; t%e L$ circuit test; t%is needs t%e step c%ar-e
effect and %i-% /ota-e resonatin- puses &it% t%e 0oc<in- diode and Im -oin- to try
and repicate &%at you %a/e done.
'%at is &%y t%e ori-ina circuit %as t%e 0oc<in- diode V0eforeW t%e c%o<e and t%e
capacitor and not in:0et&een t%em; t%is ao&s for resonance 0et&een t%e inductor
and capacitor; t%us pro/in- more t%at a freGuency is needed; ,I am not sayin- you are
&ron-; it is Hust t%at you %a/e found somet%in- ne&M '%ats -reatM3.
'%ere is no fixed resonant freGuency t%at depends on so many factors. 7ou need t%e
freGuency -enerator t%ou-% for an L$ circuit.
My V12W / 0attery is arri/in- tomorro& and t%en I can -et started &it% my L$ testsM
I et you a <no& %o& t%at -oes
"it% re-ards to %i-% /ota-e; I o/e reatin- t%e 'esa coi to t%e &ater fue ce. I
t%in< t%ere is no arc% in t%e &ater 0et&een t%e positi/e and ne-ati/e eectrodes t%at
&oud 0e s%ortin- and &oud affect t%e &ater moecue. @ut t%is process appies to t%e
0ro&ns -as -enerator; t%e one &it% car0on rods and t%e under &ater arc.
8at%er t%e %i-% /ota-e affects t%e &ater moecues 0ecause of t%e %i-% /ota-e fied.
In a 'esa coi t%ere are arc%es and spar<s 0ut t%ere are /ery %i-% /ota-e fieds to. If
you can -et t%e /ota-e fied under &ater in t%e pates; and put t%e pates as cose
to-et%er &it%out arc%in-; you &i -et a pretty intense /ota-e fied. .o amps &oud
0e consumed Hust i<e a ma-netic fied.
'%e &ay to -enerate a %i-% /ota-e fied &oud 0e t%rou-% L$ resonance; t%is means
%i-% /ota-e so 0e carefu. '%e resonance 0uids up t%e /ota-e fied in t%e &ater
capacitor; and; Hust 0efore a dieectric faiure ,arc%in-3 occurs t%e %i-% /ota-e puses
stop; ony to start a-ain and so t%e process -oes; no amp fo& no eectricity 0ein-
used. Sure some ampera-e &i 0e used; not%in- is perfect; 0ut if &e can -et it as o&
as possi0e o& &atta-e &i 0e used.
111111/ x 1.111 amps U 11 &atts; easiy doa0e 0y t%e aternator.
: ydrocars# Posted: Sat &u" 11# 266@ 12:1@ am :
:` s0ee%re &rote6 o< i -et t%at 0ut coud you aso Hust %oo< up a pu- from your &a
outet to t%e transformerL t%ats if you didnt %a/e an in/erter.
yes you coud; 0ut it is important t%at t%e primary side is fused &it% a0out a 2 amp
fuse. t%e in/erter is ess dan-erous.
: ydrocars# Posted: Sun &u" 12# 266@ 2:=< /m :
:` $orona#ire &rote6 In your demo circuit; you %a/e t%e %i-% /ota-e ,121CL3 from
t%e in/erter -oin- into t%e transformer ,into t%e 2!C sideL3 so t%en t%e output from t%e
transformer ,t%e 121C sideL3 -oes into t%e diodes to t%e cap. '%at &oud mean you9/e
-ot !)(C 4$ at t%e cap; &%ic% you puse ,&it% t%e s&itc%3 t%rou-% t%e c%o<es and
across t%e &fc. '%at &oud su--est to me t%at t%e at east 211C ratin- you said for t%e
cap is no &%ere near %i-% enou-% to safey run; uness t%e transformer is around t%e
ot%er &ay and you ony %a/e 2!C. Is t%is a %i-% /ota-e setup or a o& /ota-e setupL
yea%; t%e transformer is %oo<ed up as it is 0uit for. 121/ to 2!/; 2!/ to t%e &ater fue
: ydrocars# Posted: Sun &u" 12# 266@ 2:=B /m :
:` @e-inner#ore/er &rote6 I aso %a/e Guestions for Hydrocars. In your dia-ram; &%at
are t%e t&o 0ac< rectan-esL and is t%e circe t%e &fcL &%at is t%e dimensions of your
SS tu0in-sL,inner and outer tu0in-s3; &%at -au-e; diameter; en-t%; spacin- 0et&een
t&o tu0es3
t%e 0ac< t%in-s are diodes. yes t%e circe is t%e &fc uness it9s dra&n i<e a cap
sym0o. 1 inc% tu0e od; inside tu0e 3D4 od; -ap 1D1(t%.
I am %a/in- issues; i9m %opin- t%at t%e caps i ordered &i &or< for t%is 0ut i am
%a/in- my dou0ts after &atc%in- To-ens Cideo at youtu0e; t%ey seem to %a/e it
fi-ured out; and t%ey mentioned t%at t%e proper freGuency &as needed; &%ere i &as
eanin- to&ard cod eectricity 0ecause i %a/e %ad no uc< &it% a freGuency; and aso
t%ere is a /ideo at youtu0e and t%ey -uy t%at stands up sounds Hust i<e staney
meyers; t%ey said on t%at /ideo t%e freGuency &as Hust to confuse you aso; i9m so
confused ri-%t no& and fusterated.
you dont <no& &%at to 0eie/e 0ecause To-en isn9t -onna &ant you to -et it &or<in-;
it &oud 0e a money t%in- for t%em; and you dont <no& &%at to 0eie/e &%en you
&atc% t%em <inda /ideo9s; t%ey seem to put in our %eads &%at t%ey &ant us to t%in<;
t%ey coud 0e eadin- us in t%e ri-%t direction; or t%ey coud Hust 0e t%ro&in- us a oop
of ies; &%o <no&s
: ydrocars# Posted: Mon &u" 1<# 266@ @:=2 am :
o%; im sorry -uy9s; t%e sc%ematic i &as usin- is found on pa-e 2 of t%is tread; it is
named Puser.Hpe-
i9m sorry i didn9t measure t%e iters output; i didn9t fee it &as time to do t%at 0ecause
t%e circuit dont run on- enou-% 0efore it o/er%eats.
i t%in< it is more important to -et a -ood &or<in- circuit first; 0ut t%ats &%at i used so
<noc< yoursef out; i didn9t use c%o<es in t%e /ideo.
: ydrocars# Posted: 9ue &u" 1=# 266@ 12:6@ am :
,Ni did not &ant to post t%isN3 0ut %ere it is pused.
: P,!SE$FRe*erseH>7fuelcell# Posted: Sat &u" 1A# 266@ B:<= /m :
'%ose capacitors store up t%e %i-% /ota-e and t%en once one disc%ar-es t%ey a -o
and dei/er a HI5H /ota-e disc%ar-e to t%e &ater eectrode; t%us %i-% /ota-e. I
?2S' -ot &%at you are ta<in- a0out i<e fi/e seconds a-oI it a Hust came 0ac< to
meM I &i post muc% more on t%is soonM
: Hydrocars# Posted: Mon &u" 26# 266@ 2:<< /m :
i9m readin- on %o& to dis%car-e t%e capacitors to t%e &fc; i t%in< cod ener-y &oud
do it; at%ou-% i9m not reay sure; Hust %a/e to try and see &%at t%e output is; ri-%t
no& i9m tryin- to fi-ure out %o& to c%ar-e t%e 0i- caps at a decent speed; its not
oo<in- -ood.
: P,!SE$FRe*erseH>7fuelcell# Posted: Mon &u" 26# 266@ B:16 /m :
Hey HydroM yea% I t%ou-%t to my sef &%en I sa& t%ose pictures of t%e capacitors;
Z%o& t%e %ec< is %e -onna c%ar-eem a[ In seriesM
I am -oin- to try my od 'C capacitors; and 0y t%e &ay; your ri-%t; I dont need to
spend a my money on ferrite core and &ire; Hust pop do&n to t%e dump and -et
yoursef an od 'C &%ip out its innards fip it on t%e top side and spin it inside outM
: P,!SE$FRe*erseH>7fuelcell# Posted: 9ue &u" 21# 266@ A:12 /m :
Hey Hydro; I Hust tested my ferrite rods and t%ey are ma-netic; 0ut t%e oose t%ere
ma-netic fieds /ery Guic<y. '%ey are ferrite cores t%ose dou-%nut s%aped t%in-s;
t%ey are ferrite. 5ood cores to use.
: P,!SE$FRe*erseH>7fuelcell# Posted: 9ue &u" 2A# 266@ 16:6= /m :
Hydros tests &or< on capaciti/e disc%ar-eI you put in %i-% /ota-e to t%e %i-%
/ota-e capacitors 0y means of a transformer; t%ese %i-% /ota-e puses c%ar-e t%e
first capacitor &itc%; &%en disc%ar-ed; 0uid up in t%e next capacitor and so on; unti
t%e ast capacitor is disc%ar-ed into t%e main capacitor; t%e &ater capacitor. It is t%is
%i-% /ota-e Zpotentia[ is &%at 0rea<s t%e &ater moecuar 0onds. .ot ampera-e; 0ut
%i-% /ota-e fieds.
'%is is not e/en Stan Meyers processM Stans process needs Vt&oW amps and Vfi/eW
/ots; t%ats 11 &atts of eectrica inputM
It t%en turns t%is into tens of t%ousands of /ots 0y eectrica Zresonance[; c%ar-in- t%e
&ater capacitor in series &it% a c%o<e at a resonant freGuency; mutipyin- t%e
'%is &or<s t%e same &ay as a 'esa coi; usin- o& input and usin- eectrica
resonance to -enerate /ery %i-% /ota-e.
I am -oin- to as< Mu==a to put a forum section for &ater fue ce s<epticism; or
If you %a/e any Guestions; fee free to as<; I am not tryin- to 0e mean; cuttin-; or a
<no& it a; if you stay i<e t%at you are Hust -oin- to -et &orse reception %ere; i-%ten
up a ittie; &ere %ere to %ep VyouW; not put you do&nM
7ou <no& &%at Znon directiona puses[ meansL '%at t%e freGuency is not aternatin-;
0ut direct currant; &itc% means t%at t%e &ater &i stay c%ar-ed and &i not drain.
7ou aso say t%at Stan Meyer did not -i/e cear instructions; you <no& &%yL It is
.E" you cant understand is o/erni-%t; it %as ta<en us a on- time to -et an
understandin- of t%is tec%noo-y; 0ut; t%an<s to t%e input of many %epfu and up
0uidin- peope &e can and are repicatin- it.
: Ron +ni"t# Posted: Wed &u" 2B# 266@ <:<@ am :
'%e ener-y t%at Stan9s tec%noo-y is usin- is 'esian in ori-in. @eo& are some &e0
pa-e addresses t%at &i %ep you to 0etter understand exacty %o& Stan &as doin- it
and ot%er researc%ers t%at use t%e same tec%noo-y. '%e @edini information is for
educationa purposesI any0ody found to 0e commerciay profitin- on t%e patented
tec%noo-y &i 0e prosecuted. 'rust me &%en I say a icense is not t%at expensi/e as
opposed to 0ein- sued.
: Staney Meyer : "ater #ue InHector
: Staney Meyer : Stainess Stee 314
: Staney Meyer : Eectron Extraction $ircuit
: Practica 5uide to #ree:Ener-y 4e/ices %ttp6DD&&&.panaceauni/ersity.or-D
: "ater #ue $e 'ec%nica @rief 0y Staney Meyer
@eo& are 'esian reated resources to en%ance your understandin-.
: Inter/ie& &it% Lt. $o. '%omas E. @earden ,ret.3
: @edini 'ec%noo-y %ttp6DD&&&.ice%ouse.netDHo%n1Dindex11.%tm
'%is -roup %ere is a -ood start to understandin- radiant ener-y. 7ou can 0uid a
&or<in- de/ice t%at &i positi/ey en%ance your understandin- to 8E and you mi-%t
e/en &ant to expore ot%er possi0iities.
: @edini Monopoe 3 -roup
'%is e-roup is for peope &is%in- to 0uid and test ?o%n @edini9s monopoe ener-i=ers
as directed. %ttp6DDtec%.-roups.ya%oo.comD-roupD@ediniKMonopoe3D
: ?o%n @edini Monopoe Mec%anica Bsciator Simpified Sc%oo 5ir ,SS53
Presentation %ttp6DDrpm-t.or-DSS5.%tm
: Hydrocars# Posted: Sat Se/ 61# 266@ 2:<? /m :
I found t%is on i<e t%e second pa-e of t%is t%read; if you reed t%re& it you &i 0e a0e
to te &%at i &as doin-.
t%is &as my sc%ematic i dre& up t%at e/eryone seems to %a/e o/eroo<.
--------------------------------------------- Return to the top
PP Post sub8ect: My Pro8ect .it Cideo 6
: Hydrocars; i t%in< i %ot t%ese in t%e ri-%t order
: %ttp6DD&&&.youtu0e.comD&atc%L/U!(Lcyp*T)!-
: %ttp6DD&&&.youtu0e.comD&atc%L/U'f)uaPy<-o
: %ttp6DD&&&.youtu0e.comD&atc%L/Ut@+<(xcB7-
: %ttp6DD&&&.youtu0e.comD&atc%L/UId$Ld/F.%fs
: %ttp6DD&&&.youtu0e.comD&atc%L/Ux(2E:>Hn24*
youtu0e is doin- a sorry Ho0; t%is &as o/er * %ours a-o i upoaded t%is.
: Hydrocars# Sun Se/ 6B# 266@ <:1? am :
it9s s%o&in- %ydro-en production at .!1 amps 1 amp and 2 amps. t%e circuit is s%o& in
t%e /ideo to. aso t%ere is a sin-e ce t%at i &as experementin- on..
--------------------------------------------- Return to the top
PP Post sub8ect: Stanley Meyers Coils & S/ecs 6
: Hydrocars# Posted: 9ue Eul 16# 266@ 12:2B am6
In t%e Exampe of a fue ce circuit of #I5. 1; a &ater capacitor is incuded. '%e step:
up coi is formed on a con/entiona toroida core formed of a compressed
ferroma-netic po&ered materia t%at &i not itsef 0ecome permanenty ma-neti=ed;
suc% as t%e trademar<ed N#erramic 1(P NPerma-N po&der as descri0ed in Siemens
#errites $atao-; $5:2111:112:121; ,$e/eand; B%io3 .o. #(2(:121!N. '%e core is
1.!1 inc% in diameter and 1.2! inc% in t%ic<ness. + primary coi of 211 turns of 24
-au-e copper &ire is pro/ided and coi of (11 turns of 3( -au-e &ire comprises t%e
secondary &indin-.
In t%e circuit of #I5 1; t%e diode is a 1.11F* diode &%ic% acts as a 0oc<in- diode
and an eectric s&itc% t%at ao&s /ota-e fo& in one direction ony. '%us; t%e
capacitor is ne/er su0Hected to a puse of re/erse poarity.
'%e primary coi of t%e toroid is su0Hect to a !1E duty cyce puse. '%e toroida
pusin- coi pro/ides a /ota-e step:up from t%e puse -enerator in excess of fi/e
times; at%ou-% t%e reati/e amount of step:up is determined 0y preseected criteria for
a particuar appication. +s t%e stepped:up puse enters first inductor ,formed from
111 turns of 24 -au-e &ire 1 inc% in diameter3; an eectroma-netic fied is formed
around t%e inductor; /ota-e is s&itc%ed off &%en t%e puse ends; and t%e fied
coapses and produces anot%er puse of t%e same poarity i.e.; anot%er positi/e puse
is formed &%ere t%e !1E duty cyce &as terminated. '%us; a dou0e puse freGuency
is producedI %o&e/er; in puse train of unipoar puses; t%ere is a 0rief time &%en
puses are not present.
@y 0ein- so su0Hected to eectrica puses in t%e circuit of #I5. 1; &ater confined in
t%e /oume t%at incudes t%e capacitor pates ta<es on an eectrica c%ar-e t%at is
increased 0y a step c%ar-in- p%enomenon occurrin- in t%e &ater capacitor. Cota-e
continuay increases ,to a0out 1111 /ots and more3 and t%e &ater moecues starts to
'%e puse train is t%en s&itc%ed offI t%e /ota-e across t%e &ater capacitor drops to
t%e amount of t%e c%ar-e t%at t%e &ater moecues %a/e ta<en on; i.e.; /ota-e is
maintained across t%e c%ar-ed capacitor. '%e puse train is t%e reappied
P from 6 rexresearc%.comDmeyer%yD4F3(F(1.%tm
'+@LE 1 I Process Steps6
'%e seGuence of t%e reati/e state of t%e &ater moecue andDor
%ydro-enDoxy-enDot%er atoms6
+. ,am0ient state3 random
@. +i-nment of poar fieds
$. Poari=ation of moecue
4. Moecuar eon-ation
E. +tom i0eration 0y 0rea<do&n of co/aent 0ond
#. 8eease of -ases
In t%e process; t%e point of optimum -as reease is reac%ed at a circuit resonance.
"ater in t%e fue ce is su0Hected to a pusatin-; poar eectric fied produced 0y t%e
eectrica circuit &%ere0y t%e &ater moecues are distended 0y reason of t%eir
su0Hection to eectrica poar forces of t%e capacitor pates.
'%e poar pusatin- freGuency appied is suc% t%at t%e pusatin- eectric fied induces
a resonance in t%e moecue. + cascade effect occurs and t%e o/era ener-y e/e of
specific &ater moecues is increased in cascadin-; incrementa steps.
'%e %ydro-en and oxy-en atomic -ases; and ot%er -as components formery
entrapped as disso/ed -ases in &ater; are reeased &%en t%e resonant ener-y exceeds
t%e co/aent 0ondin- force of t%e &ater moecue. + preferred construction materia
for t%e capacitor pates is stainess stee ':314 &%ic% is non:c%emica reacti/e &it%
&ater; %ydro-en; or oxy-en.
+n eectricay conducti/e materia &%ic% is inert in t%e fuid en/ironment is a
desira0e materia of construction for t%e eectrica fied pates of t%e N&ater
capacitorN empoyed in t%e circuit.
Bnce tri--ered; t%e -as output is controa0e 0y t%e attenuation of operationa
parameters. '%us; once t%e freGuency of resonance is identified; 0y /aryin- t%e
appied puse /ota-e to t%e &ater fue ce assem0y; -as output is /aried.
@y /aryin- t%e puse s%ape andDor ampitude or puse train seGuence of t%e initia
pusin- &a/e source; fina -as output is /aried. +ttenuation of t%e /ota-e fied
freGuency in t%e form of B## and B. puses i<e&ise affects output.
'%e o/era apparatus t%us incudes an eectrica circuit in &%ic% a &ater capacitor
%a/in- a <no&n dieectric property is an eement. '%e fue -ases are o0tained from
t%e &ater 0y t%e disassociation of t%e &ater moecue. '%e &ater moecues are spit
into component atomic eements ,%ydro-en and oxy-en -ases3 0y a /ota-e
stimuation process caed t%e eectrica poari=ation process &%ic% aso reeases
disso/ed -ases entrapped in t%e &ater.
#rom t%e outine of p%ysica p%enomena associated &it% t%e process descri0ed in
'a0e 1; t%e t%eoretica 0asis of t%e in/ention considers t%e respecti/e states of
moecues and -ases and ions deri/ed from iGuid &ater. @efore /ota-e stimuation;
&ater moecues are randomy dispersed t%rou-%out &ater in a container.
"%en a unipoar /ota-e puse train suc% as s%o&n in #I5S. 3@ t%rou-% 3# is appied
to positi/e and ne-ati/e capacitor pates; an increasin- /ota-e potentia is induced in
t%e moecues in a inear; step i<e c%ar-in- effect.
'%e eectrica fied of t%e partices &it%in a /oume of &ater incudin- t%e eectrica
fied pates increases from a o& ener-y state to a %i-% ener-y state successi/ey is a
step manner foo&in- eac% puse:train as iustrated fi-urati/ey in t%e depictions of
#I5. 3+ t%rou-% 3#.
'%e increasin- /ota-e potentia is a&ays positi/e in direct reations%ip to ne-ati/e
-round potentia durin- eac% puse. '%e /ota-e poarity on t%e pates &%ic% create t%e
/ota-e fieds remains constant at%ou-% t%e /ota-e c%ar-e increases. Positi/e and
ne-ati/e /ota-e N=onesN are t%us formed simutaneousy in t%e eectrica fied of t%e
capacitor pates.
In t%e first sta-e of t%e process descri0ed in 'a0e 1; 0ecause t%e &ater moecue
naturay ex%i0its opposite eectrica fieds in a reati/ey poar confi-uration ,t%e t&o
%ydro-en atoms are positi/ey eectricay c%ar-ed reati/e to t%e ne-ati/e eectricay
c%ar-ed oxy-en atom3; t%e /ota-e puse causes initiay randomy oriented &ater
moecues in t%e iGuid state to spin and orient t%emse/es &it% reference to positi/e
and ne-ati/e poes of t%e /ota-e fieds appied.
'%e positi/e eectricay c%ar-ed %ydro-en atoms of said &ater moecue are attracted
to a ne-ati/e /ota-e fiedI &%ie; at t%e same time; t%e ne-ati/e eectricay c%ar-ed
oxy-en atoms of t%e same &ater moecue are attracted to a positi/e /ota-e fied.
E/en a si-%t potentia difference appied to inert; conducti/e pates of a containment
c%am0er &%ic% forms a capacitor &i initiate poar atomic orientation &it%in t%e
&ater moecue 0ased on poarity differences.
"%en t%e potentia difference appied causes t%e orientated &ater moecues to ai-n
t%emse/es 0et&een t%e conducti/e pates; pusin- causes t%e /ota-e fied intensity to
0e increased in accordance &it% #I5. 3@. +s furt%er moecue ai-nment occurs;
moecuar mo/ement is %indered.
@ecause t%e positi/ey c%ar-ed %ydro-en atoms of said ai-ned moecues are
attracted in a direction opposite to t%e ne-ati/ey c%ar-ed oxy-en atoms; a poar
c%ar-e ai-nment or distri0ution occurs &it%in t%e moecues 0et&een said /ota-e
=ones; as s%o&n in #I5. 3@. +nd as t%e ener-y e/e of t%e atoms su0Hected to
resonant pusin- increases; t%e stationary &ater moecues 0ecome eon-ated as
s%o&n in #I5S. 3$ and 34. Eectricay c%ar-ed nucei and eectrons are attracted
to&ard opposite eectricay c%ar-ed eGuii0rium of t%e &ater moecue.
+s t%e &ater moecue is furt%er exposed to an increasin- potentia difference
resutin- from t%e step c%ar-in- of t%e capacitor; t%e eectrica force of attraction of
t%e atoms &it%in t%e moecue to t%e capacitor pates of t%e c%am0er aso increase in
stren-t%. +s a resut; t%e co/aent 0ondin- 0et&een &%ic% form t%e moecue is
&ea<ened ::: and utimatey terminated. '%e ne-ati/ey c%ar-ed eectron is attracted
to&ard t%e positi/ey c%ar-ed %ydro-en atoms; &%ie at t%e same time; t%e ne-ati/ey
c%ar-ed oxy-en atoms repe eectrons.
In a more specific expanation of t%e Nsu0:atomicN action t%e occurs in t%e &ater fue
ce; it is <no&n t%at natura &ater is a iGuid &%ic% %as a dieectric constant of )*.!4
at 21 de-rees $. and 1 atm pressure. VHand0oo< of $%emistry S P%ysics; (*t% ed.;
$8$ Press,@oca 8aton; #orida ,1F*):*3; Section E:!1. H21,&ater3W.
"%en a /oume of &ater is isoated and eectricay conducti/e pates; t%at are
c%emicay inert in &ater and are separated 0y a distance; are immersed in &ater; a
capacitor is formed; %a/in- a capacitance determined 0y t%e surface area of t%e pates;
t%e distance of t%eir separation and t%e dieectric constant of &ater.
"%en &ater moecues are exposed to /ota-e at a restricted current; &ater ta<es on an
eectrica c%ar-e. @y t%e a&s of eectrica attraction; moecues ai-n accordin- to
positi/e and ne-ati/e poarity fieds of t%e moecue and t%e ai-nment fied. '%e
pates of t%e capacitor constitute suc% as ai-nment fied &%en a /ota-e is appied.
"%en a c%ar-e is appied to a capacitor; t%e eectrica c%ar-e of t%e capacitor eGuas
t%e appied /ota-e c%ar-eI in a &ater capacitor; t%e dieectric property of &ater resists
t%e fo& of amps in t%e circuit; and t%e &ater moecue itsef; 0ecause it %as poarity
fieds formed 0y t%e reations%ip of %ydro-en and oxy-en in t%e co/aent 0ond; and
intrinsic dieectric property; 0ecomes part of t%e eectrica circuit; anao-ous to a
NmicrocapacitorN &it%in t%e capacitor defined 0y t%e pates.
In t%e Exampe of a fue ce circuit of #I5. 1; a &ater capacitor is incuded. '%e step:
up coi is formed on a con/entiona toroida core formed of a compressed
ferroma-netic po&ered materia t%at &i not itsef 0ecome permanenty ma-neti=ed;
suc% as t%e trademar<ed N#erramic 1(P NPerma-N po&der as descri0ed in Siemens
#errites $atao-; $5:2111:112:121; ,$e/eand; B%io3 .o. #(2(:121!N. '%e core is
1.!1 inc% in diameter and 1.2! inc% in t%ic<ness. + primary coi of 211 turns of 24
-au-e copper &ire is pro/ided and coi of (11 turns of 3( -au-e &ire comprises t%e
secondary &indin-.
In t%e circuit of #I5 1; t%e diode is a 1.11F* diode &%ic% acts as a 0oc<in- diode
and an eectric s&itc% t%at ao&s /ota-e fo& in one direction ony. '%us; t%e
capacitor is ne/er su0Hected to a puse of re/erse poarity.
'%e primary coi of t%e toroid is su0Hect to a !1E duty cyce puse. '%e toroida
pusin- coi pro/ides a /ota-e step:up from t%e puse -enerator in excess of fi/e
times; at%ou-% t%e reati/e amount of step:up is determined 0y preseected criteria for
a particuar appication. +s t%e stepped:up puse enters first inductor ,formed from
111 turns of 24 -au-e &ire 1 inc% in diameter3; an eectroma-netic fied is formed
around t%e inductor; /ota-e is s&itc%ed off &%en t%e puse ends; and t%e fied
coapses and produces anot%er puse of t%e same poarity i.e.; anot%er positi/e puse
is formed &%ere t%e !1E duty cyce &as terminated. '%us; a dou0e puse freGuency
is producedI %o&e/er; in puse train of unipoar puses; t%ere is a 0rief time &%en
puses are not present.
@y 0ein- so su0Hected to eectrica puses in t%e circuit of #I5. 1; &ater confined in
t%e /oume t%at incudes t%e capacitor pates ta<es on an eectrica c%ar-e t%at is
increased 0y a step c%ar-in- p%enomenon occurrin- in t%e &ater capacitor. Cota-e
continuay increases ,to a0out 1111 /ots and more3 and t%e &ater moecues starts to
'%e puse train is t%en s&itc%ed offI t%e /ota-e across t%e &ater capacitor drops to
t%e amount of t%e c%ar-e t%at t%e &ater moecues %a/e ta<en on; i.e.; /ota-e is
maintained across t%e c%ar-ed capacitor. '%e puse train is t%e reappied.
@ecause a /ota-e potentia appied to a capacitor can perform &or<; t%e %i-%er t%e
/ota-e t%e %i-%er t%e /ota-e potentia; t%e more &or< is performed 0y a -i/en
capacitor. In an optimum capacitor t%at is &%oy non:conducti/e; =ero ,13 current
fo& &i occur across t%e capacitor.
'%us; in /ie& of an ideai=ed capacitor circuit; t%e o0Hect of t%e &ater capacitor circuit
is to pre/ent eectron fo& t%rou-% t%e circuit; i.e. suc% as occurs 0y eectron fo& or
ea<a-e t%rou-% a resisti/e eement t%at produces %eat.
Eectrica ea<a-e in t%e &ater &i occur; %o&e/er; 0ecause of some residua
conducti/ity and impurities or ions t%at may 0e ot%er&ise present in t%e &ater. '%us;
t%e &ater capacitor is prefera0y c%emicay inert. +n eectroyte is not added to t%e
In t%e isoated &ater 0at%; t%e &ater moecue ta<es on c%ar-e; and t%e c%ar-e
increases. '%e o0Hect of t%e process is to s&itc% off t%e co/aent 0ondin- of t%e &ater
moecue and interrupt t%e su0atomic force; i.e. t%e eectrica force or eectroma-netic
force; t%at 0inds t%e %ydro-en and oxy-en atoms to form a moecue so t%at t%e
%ydro-en and oxy-en separate.
@ecause an eectron &i ony occupy a certain eectron s%e ,s%es are &e <no&n3
t%e /ota-e appied to t%e capacitor affects t%e eectrica forces in%erent in t%e
co/aent 0ond. +s a resut of t%e c%ar-e appied 0y t%e pates; t%e appied force
0ecomes -reater t%an t%e force of t%e co/aent 0onds 0et&een t%e atom of t%e &ater
moecueI and t%e &ater moecue 0ecomes eon-ated. "%en t%is %appens; t%e time
s%are ratio of t%e eectron s%es is modified.
In t%e process; eectrons are extracted from t%e &ater 0at%I eectrons are not consumed
nor are eectrons introduced into t%e &ater 0at% 0y t%e circuit as eectrons are
con/entionay introduced in as eectroysis process. '%ere may ne/ert%eess occur a
ea<a-e current t%rou-% t%e &ater.
'%ose %ydro-en atoms missin- eectrons 0ecome neutrai=edI atoms are i0erated
from t%e &ater. '%e c%ar-ed atoms and eectrons are attracted to t%e opposite poarity
/ota-e =ones created 0et&een t%e capacitor pates. '%e eectrons formery s%ared 0y
atoms in t%e &ater co/aent 0ond are reaocated suc% t%at neutra eementa -ases are
In t%e process; t%e eectrica resonance may 0e reac%ed at a e/es of /ota-e
potentia. '%e o/era circuit is c%aracteri=ed as a Nresonant c%ar-in- c%o<eN circuit
&%ic% is an inductor in series &it% a capacitor t%at produces a resonant circuit.
VS+MS Modern 4ictionary of Eectronics; 8udof 5arff; copyri-%t 1F*4; Ho&ard ".
Sams S $o. ,Indianapois; Ind.3; pa-e *!F.W
Suc% a resonant c%ar-in- c%o<e is on eac% side of t%e capacitor. In t%e circuit; t%e
diode acts as a s&itc% t%at ao&s t%e ma-netic fied produced in t%e inductor to
coapse; t%ere0y dou0in- t%e puse freGuency and pre/entin- t%e capacitor from
disc%ar-in-. In t%is manner a continuous /ota-e is produced across t%e capacitor
pates in t%e &ater 0at%I and t%e capacitor does not disc%ar-e. '%e &ater moecues are
t%us su0Hected to a continuousy c%ar-ed fied unti t%e 0rea<do&n of t%e co/aent
0ond occurs.
+s noted initiay; t%e capacitance depends on t%e dieectric properties of t%e &ater
and t%e si=e and separation of t%e conducti/e eements formin- t%e &ater capacitor.
: EJ&MP!E 1 6 In an exampe of t%e circuit of #I5. 1 ,in &%ic% ot%er circuit
eement specifications are pro/ided a0o/e3; t&o concentric cyinders 4 inc%es on-
formed t%e &ater capacitor of t%e fue ce in t%e /oume of &ater. '%e outside
cyinder &as 1.)! inc% in outside diameterI t%e inner cyinder &as 1.! inc% in outside
Spacin- from t%e outside of t%e inner cyinder to t%e inner surface of t%e outside
cyinder &as 1.1(2! inc%. 8esonance in t%e circuit &as ac%ie/ed at a 2( /ot appied
puse to t%e primary coi of t%e toroid at 1 AH=; and t%e &ater moecues disassociated
into eementa %ydro-en and oxy-en and t%e -as reeased from t%e fue ce comprised
a mixture of %ydro-en; oxy-en from t%e &ater moecue; and -ases formery disso/ed
in t%e &ater suc% as t%e atmosp%eric -ases or oxy-en; nitro-en; and ar-on.
In ac%ie/in- resonance in any circuit; as t%e puse freGuency is adHusted; t%e fo& of
amps is minimi=ed and t%e /ota-e is maximi=ed to a pea<. $acuation of t%e
resonance freGuency of an o/era circuit is determined 0y <no&n meansI different
ca/ities %a/e a different freGuency of resonance dependant on parameters of t%e &ater
dieectric; pate si=e; confi-uration and distance; circuit inductors; and t%e i<e.
$ontro of t%e production of fue -as is determined 0y /ariation of t%e period of time
0et&een a train of puses; puse ampitude and capacitor pate si=e and confi-uration;
&it% correspondin- /aue adHustments to ot%er circuit components.
'%e &iper arm on t%e second conductor tunes t%e circuit and accommodates to
contaminants in &ater so t%at t%e c%ar-e is a&ays appied to t%e capacitor. '%e
/ota-e appied determines t%e rate of 0rea<do&n of t%e moecue into its atomic
components. +s &ater in t%e ce is consumed; it is repaced 0y any appropriate means
or contro system.
Cariations of t%e process and apparatus may 0e e/ident to t%ose s<ied in t%e art.
"%at is caimed is6 V $aims not incuded %ere W
P +eelynet>Can"ard )otes 6
1.11F* 4iode is aso a .'E !FF! or a E$5 !FF4. It is a 41+ (11 PIC 4iode ,t%e
41+ is o/er <i and may not 0e needed3.
Stainess Stee N'314N is a type of &eda0e Stainess; 0ut ot%er types s%oud &or< t%e
same. N'314N is Hust t%e more common type of Stainess tu0in- a/aia0e.
'%e outer tu0e fi-ures out to 0e 3D4N 1( -au-e ,.1(1 N&aN3 tu0e ,a common si=e3 cut
to 4 inc% en-t%.
'%e inner tu0e fi-ures out to 0e 1D2N 1* -au-e ,.14F N&aN; t%is is a common si=e for
t%is tu0e; 0ut t%e actua -au-e cannot 0e fi-ured from t%is patent documentation; 0ut
t%is si=e s%oud &or<3 cut to 4 inc% en-t%.
7ou s%oud aso attac% t%e t&o eads to t%e Stainess; usin- Stainess soid rod ,1D( dia
&oud do3 and 2SE LE+4 #8EE SBL4E8 M ,you may &ant t%e purified &ater t%at is
returned to drin< some day3.
7ou aso need to fi-ure out a &ay to <eep t%e t&o tu0es separated from eac% ot%er.
'%is coud 0e done &it% sma pieces of pastic. '%ey cannot 0oc< t%e fo& of &ater
intoDout of t%e tu0es.
It &as not indicated if t%e inner tu0e is fu of &ater or not. '%e -uess %ere is t%at it is
fu of &ater; and t%is doesn9t effect t%e de/ice at a.
'%e Patent doesn9t say 0ut I &oud t%in< t%at insuatin- t%e eads &it% some type of
tu0in- up to t%e tu0es &oud 0e eectricay correct ,and pro0a0y &oudn9t %urt3.
'%e puse freGuency &as not printed; it is estimated from t%e si=e of t%e cois and
transformer t%at t%e freGuency doesn9t exceed !1 M%=. 4on9t depend on t%is 0ein-
fact; it9s Hust a educated -uess.
'%e circuit to do t%is is not s%o&n; Hust empty 0oxes. It9s time to -et out your S$BPE
and try t%in-sM 4on9t for-et to s%are your resuts &it% ot%ers M 58EE4 is &%y t%is
type of t%in- ne/er -ets out into t%e &ord to do some 5BB4. If you &ant to ma<e
some money; ma<e somet%in- P8+$'I$+L t%at "B8AS and t%at PEBPLE can use
in t%eir e/ery day i/es; t%en se itM Hodin- onto information i<e t%is ony %urts +LL
B# 2S MM
--------------------------------------------- Return to the top
PP Post sub8ect: Pulsed# Please el/ 6
: Hydrocars# Posted: Wed Se/ 12# 266@ @:=2 /m6
Pused; i &oud i<e for you to run a test for me; i can9t do it de& to not %a/in- a
ferrite 0ar; %o& many &raps does your ferrite %a/eL
i &oud i<e for you to run t%is test for me; use 0ot% c%o<es and puse t%em as usua;
ma<e sure you %a/e a diode on t%e c%o<es i<e in t%e picture; dont &orry a0out
re&rapin- your c%o<es; Hust run t%e test and -et 0ac< to me.
Pease ta<e note; you can %oo< t%e c%o<e up 0ac<&ards; it is important to -et t%e
poarity of t%e c%o<es ri-%t; if i am not mista<en one c%o<e %oo<es 0ac<&ards; it dont
matter &itc% c%o<e you c%oose to %oo< 0ac<&ards; as on- as one of t%em is.
i assume you %a/e instaed a diode on your a&ton circuitL if so pease test it to ma<e
sure it is not defecti/e; t%at diode is /ery important in t%is repication; if it is 0o&ed
remo/e it; Hust %oo< your c%o<es up i<e in t%e picture.
if it isn9t to muc% trou0e; try different &raps on t%e c%o<es; 22 to 24 -au-e is -ood.
i9m t%in<in- 111 &raps is t%e 0est; i %a/e not tried 211 &raps; i %a/e not tried 31 or !1
&raps; i &oud i<e to %ear your comment re-ardess %o& many &raps you are usin-.
&%en you do run t%is puse test on t%e c%o<es; pease use t%e capacitor on t%e second
a&ton circuit a0eed 113A; do not use t%e primary timer circuit. c%ec< your output at
.!1 amps; and ne/er re/erse your eads; <eep positi/e positi/e and ne-ati/e ne-ati/e;
if you re/erse t%em you &i see 0u00es and not &%ite trais.
: Hydrocars# Posted: 9u Se/ 1<# 266@ =:2A /m 6
i9/e oo<ed at my ce so muc% i reay cant te if i9m -ettin- more -as or not. i9m so
use to my output t%at if i &as producin- more i &oudn9t <no&. i remem0er &%en i
first setup my c%o<es i &as i<e &o&; i can notice &%en i un%oo< t%em t%e &%ite is
ess. it is -ood for ot%ers to test t%is and post t%ere comments. t%e more contri0uters
t%e 0est; 0ut Hust &%ene/er.
my -oa no& is to 0etter t%e c%o<es. i9m oo<in- for a on-er free cyce puse; t%an<s
to t%e source of my oscioscope i can ta<e t%is to t%e next e/eM
--------------------------------------------- Return to the top
PP Post sub8ect: W:C Cideos & Pictures# /a"e <
derUascS%i-%i-%tU 6
: P,!SE$FRe*erseH>7fuelcell# Posted: 9u Eul 2?# 266@ 12:1= am 6
Hey e/eryone; I am -ettin- t%e step:c%ar-e effectM
'%is &%oe t%in- i.e. $%o<es; "ater capacitor; freGuency -enerator etc; &or< &it% t%e
same principa as t%e 'esa coi; ony not as 0i-; and t%e capacitor on t%e top of t%e
coi in t%e /ideo is repaced &it% &ater eectrodes. +so t%ere is not suc% a %i-%
amount of /ota-e t%at is arc%es. '%e %i-% /ota-e in t%e teas coi is -enerated 0y t%e
resonant freGuency 0ein- payed ,&itc% expains t%e freGuency -enerator3.
4ontM I repeat 4B.' <i your se/es; &it% %ydro-en exposions or %i-% /ota-e
s%oc<sM "e need your %ep; read a0out safety; use ru00er -o/es and 0u00ersM Safety
comes 0efore runnin- a car on &ater. Im not Ho<in-; I ,you3 %a/e to ta<e safety /ery
seriousy; I/e %ad 0ad accidents and dont &ant any more; I %a/e to Guit aunc%in- H
roc<ets of my patio 1I for my safety 26 for t%e &idifes safety. Pease ta<e a
More t%in-s arri/in- today; i <eep you a posted; ater; Pused.
--------------------------------------------- Return to the top
PP Cars runnin" .it /ure .aterR MicelKs /ro8ect status DSe/t 62F from
9Mic%e "#$ 8eportKSept1! .pdf9 ,34 Ao3 at
"e 0eie/e in t%e S. Meyers concept; descri0ed in t%e patent 4 F3( F(1; 0ased on t%e
0rea< of t%e co/aent 0onds 0et&een Hydro-en and Bxy-en in t%e &ater moecue;
&%en its stressed 0y a %i-% pused eectrica fied; in order to produce %ydro-en and
oxy-en -as on demand in a car runnin- &it% &ater.
"e %a/e 0een studied t%e su0Hect for 2 years 0y readin- ot of documents on p%ysics;
c%emistry and eectronics; and %a/e aso done ot of 0asic tests to understand t%e
"e foo&ed t%e discussions on ot of #orums ,&atercar; icu0e; B2po&er O3
2. 7ur .ater fuel cell6 : Parae pates in stainess stee '314 materia ,)1x111 mm3
: $yindrica pates in stainess stee '314 materia ,dia 14D21mm; LU1!1 mm3
5ap is approx 1.! mm I "ater6 standard o& cost distied &ater and /ery pure &ater
from c%emica a0
P Water fuel cell 5ualification Delectrodes in .aterF6 Impedance of "#$ ,resisti/e;
capaciti/e and inducti/e parts3
U` Im/edance is mainly a /ure resistance# inde/endent of te dc si"nal
P Main conclusion of te tests: '%e sc%ematics and process; as descri0ed in t%e
patent; cannot &or<; 0ecause t%e step c%ar-in- effect is not possi0e &it% a "#$ as
descri0ed 0y S. Meyer.
'%e &ater fue ce ,i<e in t%e patent3 is not payin- as a capacitor; 0ut as a pure
resistor; e/en &it% /ery pure &ater.
"e t%in< t%at t%e "#$ must 0e a true capacitor in order to ma<e t%is patent &or<. "e
are currenty focusin- on t%at point.
@. 7ur 0ey /oints to reac 6
: .o dc current in &ater
: .o temperature increase
: Hi-% eectrica fied must 0e appied 0et&een t%e 2 eectrodes to stress t%e &ater
: Eectrica resonance is ony possi0e &it% inducti/e part of t%e c%ar-in- c%o<e; and
t%e pure capaciti/e part of t%e "#$
: In t%at case; t%e step c%ar-in- effect &i 0e possi0e.
?. +ey /oints of te /atent = B<? B?16 In our point of /ie&6
: '%e step c%ar-in- effect is possi0e &it% a rea capacitor
: "e 0eie/e in t%e -o0a process and description
: '%e ener-y &e -et -o0ay is comin- from t%e >PE ,/acuum ener-y3
: "e %a/e c%ec<ed t%at t%e dissociation process of t%e &ater moecue doesnt need
any eectron comin- from t%e ne-ati/e eectrode ,or /ice /ersa to -et an eectron from
t%e 0at% to t%e positi/e eectrode3
2. 7/en /oints tat are still unclear:
P $ri*in" si"nal6
: "%at is t%e minimum /aue of t%e /ota-e to start t%e fracturin- process in &ater6
1111C L more L
: Eectrica resonance 0et&een L ,c%ar-in- c%o<e3 and $ of t%e "#$6 impossi0e
0ecause "#$ is a mainy resistor in t%e ran-e 111 H= to 111 AH= ,pused 4$3
P Restriction flo. current circuit6 "it% any added component to restrict t%e current
fo&; t%e appied /ota-e on t%e "#$s Zcapacitor[ &i decrease; and t%e eectrica
fied E in t%e ce &i aso decrease M
PP Cars runnin" .it /ure .aterR MicelKs /ro8ect status DEanuary 6?F from
9Mic%e "#$ 8eportK?an1(.pdf9 ,2 Mo3 at
7ur main conclusion for te moment6 t%e process; as descri0ed in t%e patent ... F(1
doesn9t &or<M Most information in t%e patent and in t%e notes is separatey true and
seems co%erent; 0ut -o0ay; some information seems missin-; or %idden M
"e understood t%rou-% t%e /ideo; t%at Meyer &oud %a/e protected %is in/ention. "e
%a/e to in/esti-ate &it% patience to find a-ain %is secret.
Bne maHor point in our understandin- of t%e patent is t%at t%e "#$ is not a capacitor
as expained in t%e patent. '%e "#$ is in fact a pure resistor; /ery constant for any
freGuency and &a/e form. '%e /aue depends on t%e si=e of t%e eectrodes; t%e
distance; and t%e type of &ater.
P Conse5uences6
: '%e eectrica resonance 0et&een "#$ and resonant c%ar-in- c%o<e %as no meanin-
: '%e current ea<a-e in t%e &ater is /ery %i-%
: '%e step c%ar-in- effect seems impossi0e.
In t%e next pa-es; you &i find a sum up of t%e most important experiences &e did;
&it% dia-rams; expanatio; pros and cons; and concusion. '%en you &i see %o& &e
are comin- 0ac< to t%e ori-ina patent as descri0ed 0y Meyer.
@efore readin- t%is document; pease note t%at &e %a/e not yet produced any H2DB2
0u00es usin- t%e expained process of Meyer. + conditions are not yet finai=ed and
competed to start t%e fracturin- process.
P Circuit descri/tion6
: Sine &a/e -enerator6 output 11Ccc D (11 B%ms; freGuency adHusta0e ,used ran-e 1
to 41 A%=3
: Eectronic rectifier to %a/e a %af sine &a/e ,%ome made3
: +udio Po&er +mpifier ,Hi#i or simiar3
: 'ranformer 'r D different /ersions %a/e 0een tested
: 4iode 46 *11 C; rated for s&itc%in- po&er suppy ,%i-% freGuency3
: Inductor L6 t%e resonant c%ar-in- c%o<e6 different type; from 1.1 mH to ! mH; &it%
or &it%out ferrite coreI t%e /aue c%an-es dependin- of t%e position of t%e ferrite core
inside t%e c%ar-in- c%o<e.
: "#$6 repaced 0y a true capacitor ,7 type; used in t%e main fiter in s&itc%in-
po&er suppyI rated 411C; can a0sor0 2 AC
P Results6 Input of t%e transformer 1 to 21Cc max I Butput of t%e transformer6 1 to
(11Cc max
$aution6 dependin- of t%e si-na freGuency; and core type; si-na distortion coud
"it%out disc%ar-in- circuit; t%e /ota-e on t%e "#$ ,Ucapacitor3 0ecame constant
,4$3; i<e a cassica po&er suppyM
.eed of a disc%ar-in- circuit6 8esistor 8U1 Ao%ms; car0on type; 3" I 'ransistor '16
Mos typ& or Hex #et; rated *11C; 4+.
Principe6 "%en t%e capacitor is c%ar-ed; after some puses; t%e transistor '1 is dri/en
9on9 to disc%ar-e t%e capacitor &it% a 1 Ao%m resistor; see next pa-e.
P $ifferent transformers a*e been tested6
: Po&er suppy transformers !1D(1 H=
: S&itc%in- po&er suppy from an od P$ or ot%er eectronic de/ices
: #y 0ac< transformer for ine defection unit in 'C
: Home made transformers
7b8ecti*e6 Bur need is to define and to find t%e ri-%t transformer to -et a 1;!11 C
pusin- si-naI 8atio ot !1; &it% 31C si-na input s%oud compy.
P Sum u/ te tests and results6
1 : Po&er suppy transformers !1D(1 H=6 Prim 221 Cac; sec ( Cc; re/erse connected;
ratio 3! I '%e 0and&idt% is imited6 t%e usefu freGuency of t%e dri/in- si-na is from
!1H= to 1 or 2 A%= max; due to t%e meta core itsef and %i-% inductance.
2 : S.itcin" / su//ly from old PC or oter electronic de*ices6 Since t%e
core is in ferrite materia; t%e freGuency coud reac% !1 A%=; or more; dependin- of
t%e core type and t%e num0er of turns in/o/ed in t%e primary and secondary
&indin-s. '%e ratio 0et&een Primary and Secondary is 1! to 31 max.
3 : :ly bac0 transformer for line deflection unit in 9C or PC monitor6 'ypica
freGuency 1! to F1 A%=; typica /ota-e on t%e primary6 211 to 411 C; typica /ota-e
on t%e CHC 31 AC ,coour 'C3; ratio is approx. )! to 1!1 max. Hi-% /ota-e diodes
are 0uit in t%e transformer; unfortunatey; t%e -au-e of t%e &ire is not adapted for
%i-% current ,must 0e ess t%en 1.! m+M3. It coud 0e used ony in procss &or<in- &it%
insuated eectrodes and o& current in t%e "#$.
P Conclusion6 '%ere is no idea transformerI it depends on t%e need and associated
circuits and process.
,M45 no/1)6 It seems t%at Mic%e and a. are not a&are of t%e concept of c%ar-in-
t%e capacitor "#$ &it% %i-% /ota-e ,in t%e tens of t%ousands /ots3 8adiant Puses.
+nd to oo< for t%e rupture e/e of t%e &ater dieectric ayer. Bff course t%e dia-ram
in Meyer9s patent seems to miss somet%in- to ac%ie/e t%is o0Hecti/esI %o& can a
transformer &it% ratio 3 ,211 turns primary and (11 turns on secondary3; 0rin- tens of
t%ousands of /ots from a o& /ota-e inputL3
P Results6 different /ie&s of t%e step c%ar-in- effect. Cota-e can reac% *11 Cp ,See (
pictures on t%e ori-ina doc3
2 si-nas6 dri/in- si-na on t%e pusin- transformer; and step c%ar-in- effect6
"it% t%e pro-ramma0e counter; &e can define6 t%e num0er of puses needed for t%e
step c%ar-in-; and t%e num0ers of puses for t%e reax time.
'%e max /ota-e of t%e step c%ar-in- is defined 0y t%e ratio of t%e transformer 'r; and
t%e adHusta0e input /ota-e. 'ypica /aue is 411C pea<I %i-%er /ota-es are possi0e;
0ut some pro0ems occur6 distortion; noise; ....
'%e s%ape is aso adapted 0y tunin- t%e c%ar-in- c%o<e L.
.ote6 More detaied information is of course a/aia0e; 0ut &ritten in #renc%.
P Conclusion6 ...
@ut &e %a/e aready identified some imitations6
: '%e desi-n of t%e transformer to -et %i-% ratio is not so easy; -i/en a %i-% /aue of
t%e secondary inductance; and aso distortion of t%e &a/eI
: '%e current in t%e primary is /ery %i-%; t%e eectrica yied &i not 0e -ood;
: t%e po&er ampifier seems &ea< to dri/e inducti/e c%ar-es; ...
: "e are imited in t%e max /ota-e of t%e step c%ar-in- effect ,1;211C3; 0ecause t%e
transistor needed in t%e disc%ar-in- circuit.
P 9rials of ste/ car"in" on a real ca/acitor# <#<n: =66C6
In t%at experience; t%e inductance L ,resonant c%ar-in- c%o<e3 %as a sma infuence
on t%e step c%ar-in- effectI '%e more t%e num0er of puses; t%e %i-%er t%e /ota-e on
t%e capacitor ,of course imited 0y t%e max /aue of t%e puse on t%e secondary of t%e
"it% t%is met%od; itIs easy to -et %i-% /ota-e puses on t%e pusin- transformer. '%e
current in t%e primary is /ery o&; 0ecause t%e c%ar-e appied on t%e secondary is ony
t%e capacitor $ ,no 4$ current3. '%e 9step c%ar-in- effect9 is aso easy to o0tain.
P )e3t e3/eriments6 In t%e next fe& &ee<s; &e &oud appy t%is si-na to t%e
insuated eectrodes instead of t%e 7 capacitor. 'o foo& ...
,M45 no/1)6 I didn9t found yet more recent resuts on t%eir /ery /ery interrestin-
May 0e t%e soution to Meyer9s ce is t%e t%in fim t%at is reported to form
pro-ressi/ey on t%e eectrodes; i<e if t%ey needed a conditionin-I per%aps t%at fim
ma<es a po&erfu insuatin- ayer on t%e eectrodes; t%e ce 0ecomin- t%en a rea
capacitor &it%out any current ea<a-e. @ut in t%is case 0rin-in- t%e capacitorDce to
its 0rea<do&n /ota-e imit %as no more sens; 0ecause it &oud destroy t%is ayer at
eac% 0rea<do&n ... 3
P )e. analysis of te .ater bea*iour6 "e read recenty an artice a0out Meyer9s
in/ention; and some tec%nica comments6
9... '%e resonance of t%e ce is /ery s%arp; and can -eneray ony 0e found 0y carefu
monitorin- of t%e current &%ie adHustin- t%e puse freGuency /ery; /ery so&y. E/en
at freGuency /ery cose to t%e resonant freGuency; t%ere &i 0e no indication
&%atsoe/er t%at t%e freGuency %as amost 0enn reac%ed ...9
P :uture /ro8ect6 '%e idea is to -et a specific -enerator dri/en 0y a computer; &it% a
s&eep H= 0y H=. #reGuency increment is 1 H=; e/ery second for instance. So; it
&oud ta<e approx 21;111 sec U ! %ours.
'%e current o0ser/ation &i 0e automatic. If t%ere is any drop of current at a certain
freGuency; t%e s&eep on t%e -enerator &i immediatey 0e stopped 0y t%e computer;
and t%e freGuency memori=ed. '%is coud &or< automaticay; in t%e ni-%t. Se/era
tests coud 0e performed &it% different si-nas; &it% or &it%out 4$ component part;
different type of &ater ...
,M45 no/1)6 Successfu repications of Meyer9s ce 0y La&to&n and 8a/i seem to
pro/e t%at t%ere is no& 9ma-ica resonant freGuency9 to oo< for ... I remem0er readin-
some0ody affirmin- t%at t%e resonant freGuency &oudn9t appear at t%e exact moment
&e reac% it; 0ut t%at &e needed to stay at ist * seconds at t%is freGuency for t%e effect
to start ... I t%in< it &as a0out Mateiro Eectroysis; and it &as 0rin-in- t%e a staff a
e/e %i-%er in t%e compexity and unpro0a0iity to reproduce M3
P Car"in" co0es and inibitor circuit6 In t%e patent ... F(1; t%ere are 2 resonant
c%ar-in- c%o<es6 one is fixed; t%e ot%er one is adHusta0e.
In t%e patent ...F(1; t%ere are 2 resonant c%ar-in- c%o<es6 one is fixed; t%e ot%er one is
adHusta0e. 'i no&; &e %a/en9t understood t%e exact use of t%e 2 c%ar-in- c%o<es6 for
us; 2 inductances in series could be e5ui*alent to one; in a eectrica point of /ie&.
In our desi-n; t%e main inductance &as adHusta0eI and .e sa. clearly is action on
te ste/ car"in" effect.
#or exampe; our c%ar-in- c%o<e is 4.) mH &it%out ferrite rod; and 31 mH &it% it
inside. "e %a/e re considered t%e use of t%em; and especiay in te ability to reduce
te current lea0a"e in te W:C. In Meyer9s Memo 4224+ ,Memo33; t%e resonant
c%ar-in- c%o<es are t%e same ,111 turns eac%3. Bne is fixed; t%e ot%er adHusta0e; to
fine tune t%e resonant action.
'%e tota num0er of turns ,2113 is simiar to t%e primary inductance M interestin- M
$onsiderin- t%at t%e primary inductance stores a ma-netic ener-y durin- 1 puse; t%is
ener-y is transferred to t%e secondary; and t%is ener-y -oes t%rou-% t%e 2 c%ar-in-
c%o<es to&ards t%e "#$.
In ot%er Memo from Meyer; t%e 2 c%ar-in- c%o<es are ma-neticay couped. '%is
sounds -ood.
'%e current I
in t%e c%o<e L1 -oes t%rou-% "#$ and L2. @ut t%e same current in L1
produces a ma-netic fied; &%ic% creates in t%e c%o<e L2 t%e same current I
in t%e
4ependin- on t%e manner t%e connection is done &it% t%e 2 c%ar-in- c%o<es; t%e
current in t%e circuit &i 0e /ery different6
: '%e dri/in- si-na t%rou-% t%e transformer is a %af sine &a/e
: L1 and L26 ma-neticay coupedI c%ar-in- c%o<e6 2 x 2) mH
Important6 t%e 0e-innin- of eac% &indin-s is ocated 0y t%e red point
: "#$6 "ater #ue $e6 Stainess Stee eectrodes ) x 11 cm; 1mm -ap; in distied
&ater. '%e 0e%a/ior is i<e a pure resistor.
: 726 t%e scope measures t%e /ota-e on t%e "#$
: 716 t%e scope measures t%e current ,t%an<s to 1.2 o%ms resistor3
P Circuit 16 Standard connection; 71U 11*m+; 72U 1)Cots I '%e current is due to
t%e resisti/e part of t%e &ater; ,1!) o%ms; norma /aue3
'%ese /aues are sta0e in t%e ran-e !11 H= : 31 AH=; due to c%aracteristic of t%e
P Circuit 26 $ross connection; t%is is t%e circuit used 0y Meyer; caed in%i0itor
circuit ,M45 no/1)6 Is it t%e 'esaD@edini 0ifiar &e &ere oo<in- for to coect
8adiant PusesL3; 71U 2.!m+; 72U 1.4Cot I '%ese /aues are sta0e in t%e ran-e !11
H= : 31 AH=
P Conclusion6 In our experiment; t%e current is 43 times ess; and aso for t%e appied
/ota-e on t%e &ater ce.
"e tested anot%er component; rated 2 x 1! mH; and &e found Guite t%e same /aues.
Wen te car"in" co0es are connected as e3/lained in te Meyer document#
te current is drastically reduced in te resisti*e /art of te Water :uel Cell. End
of document.
--------------------------------------------- Return to the top
PP Essais Meyer# in :renc from 6
P Essais n
16 %ttp6DDusers.s<ynet.0eDfa2)2(FFDEner-ieDMeyerDessaisDessais1Dindex.%tm
P Essais n
26 %ttp6DDusers.s<ynet.0eDfa2)2(FFDEner-ieDMeyerDessaisDessais2Dindex.%tm
PPP More P,!SE$ E!EC9R7!YSIS Systems : ,pa-e created at .o/em0er 211)
PP 2662# & no*el metod of ydro"en "eneration by .ater electrolysis usin" an
ultra;sort;/ulse / su//ly# )aoiro SimiHu and al. from 9+ no/e met%od of
%ydro-en -eneration 0y &ater eectroysis usin-.pdf9 at
?ourna of +ppied Eectroc%emistry ,211(3 3(641F:423; $opyri-%t Sprin-er 211! I
8ecei/ed 21 ?une 211!I accepted in re/ised form 24 Bcto0er 211!.
0y .+BHI8B SHIMI>2; SB2>+@28B HB''+; '+A+72AI SEAI7+ and
BS+M2 B4+ I .5A Insuators; Ltd.; 2:!( Suda:c%o; Mi=u%o:<u; .a-oya; 4():
*!31; ?apan.
+ey.ords6 %ydro-en -eneration; inducti/e ener-y stora-e circuit; static induction
t%yristor; utra:s%ort puse; &ater eectroysis.
P &bstract6 + no/e met%od of %ydro-en -eneration 0y &ater eectroysis usin- utra:
s%ort:puse po&er suppy is demonstrated.
'%e utra:s%ort:puse po&er suppy consists of a static induction t%yristor ,SI'%y3 and
a specific circuit &%ic% is caed t%e inducti/e ener-y stora-e ,IES3 circuit. It &as
found t%at 0y usin- an utra:s%ort puse &it% t%e &idt% of 311ns; eectroysis ta<es
pace &it% a mecanism dominated by electron transfer; &%ic% is different from t%e
con/entiona diffusion imitin- process in 4$ eectroysis.
P Introduction6 It is possi0e to -enerate %ydro-en 0y con/entiona 4$ &ater
eectroysis; 0ut t%is is undesira0e for en/iromenta reasons if t%e eectrica ener-y
for t%e eectroysis is produced in t%erma po&er stations from fossi fue 0ecause of
t%e -eneration of car0on dioxide. #ue ces are promisin- and /arious systems are
0ein- studied &ord&ide. '%e -eneration of car0on dioxide durin- %ydro-en
-eneration t%rou-% natura -as for fue ces can 0e reduced compared &it% t%erma
po&er stations; 0ut car0on dioxide is sti -enerated. Hydro-en -eneration 0y p%oto:
cataysis is prefera0e 0ut t%e process efficiency is sti /ery o& for practica
8ecenty; &ater eectroysis %as 0een reconsidered as a promisin- met%od for
%ydro-en -eneration since t%e cost of eectricity is decreasin-; mainy as a resut of
&ind:-enerated po&er. Hydroeectricity and nucear po&er can 0e aso used for &ater
eectroysis &it%out -eneration of car0on dioxide. E/en t%ou-% t%e eectricity cost is
fain-; it is <no&n t%at t%e pant cost for &ater eectroysis 0y 4$ po&er sti
dominates a ar-e part of t%e %ydro-en production cost. It is t%erefore desira0e to find
a ne& met%od of -eneratin- %ydro-en from &ater at o&er cost. In t%e present &or<;
&e %a/e examined for t%e first time t%e appica0iity of an utra:s%ort:puse po&er
suppy for &ater eectroysis.
P Princi/le6 In t%e con/entiona 4$ eectroysis of &ater; %ydro-en is -enerated as a
resut of eectron transfer from t%e cat%ode eectrode to adsor0ed %ydro-en ions on t%e
eectrode surface. '%is eectroysis occurs &%en t%e appied /ota-e 0et&een t%e
anode and t%e cat%ode exceeds t%e &ater decomposition /ota-e of a0out 1.(C; t%e
sum of t%e t%eoretica decomposition /ota-e of 1.23C at room temperature and t%e
o/er/ota-e of a0out 1.4C dependin- on eectrode materias and ot%er factorsV1W. 4$
eectroysis is a diffusion imited process and t%e current fo& in &ater is determined
0y t%e diffusion coefficient of ions. It is t%erefore difficut to increase t%e input po&er
for a constant /oume eectroc%emica ce &it%out reduction in eectroysis efficiency.
"e %a/e appied an utra:s%ort pused po&er suppy 0ased on a static induction
t%yristor ,SI'%y3; in/ented 0y .is%i=a&a et a. V2;3W and de/eoped 0y S%imi=u et a.
V4;!W; and an inducti/e ener-y stora-e ,IES3 circuit in/ented and de/eoped 0y Iida et
a. V(;)W and appied in se/era &ays 0y ?ian- et a. V*W. SI'%ys are Si de/ices &it%
specia structures for %i-% po&er puse -eneration and IES circuits are sma:scaed
circuits 0ased on induction stora-e instead of con/entiona capacitor stora-e in order
to use SI'%ys. "e %a/e appied SI t%yristors de/eoped in our a0oratory to &ater
eectroysis and found t%at &ater eectroysis occurs 0y a different mec%anism from
t%e con/entiona 4$ one.
"%en t%e utra:s%ort puse /ota-e of ess t%an secera microseconds is appied to a
&ater eectroysis 0at%; te *olta"e a//lication is so fast neiter te electric double
layer nor te diffusion layer can be stably formed in te *icinity of electrodes.
'%e puse &idt% &%ic% is necessary for eectroysis &it%out formation of t%e diffusion
ayer is estimated VFW to 0e6
Here; 4e.t is t%e puse &idt% ,s3; 4 t%e diffusion coefficient ,cm
3; T
t%e density
of %ydro-en ions on t%e cat%ode eectrode ,cm
3 and T ,cm
3 is t%e concentration of
%ydro-en ions in t%e soution. '%is eGuation &as simpy cacuated under t%e
assumption t%at t%e tota amount of adsor0ed ions; T
; is eGua to t%e diffusion ayer
t%ic<ness d ,cm3 mutipied 0y T; and d must 0e ar-er t%an t%e diffusion en-t% ,44
durin- t%e puse appication; considerin- t%at t%e puse appication duration
must 0e s%orter t%an t%e time necessary to fi t%e diffusion ayer &it% %ydro-en ions.
#rom t%is eGuation; ta<in- as 4U2.3x11
for proton diffusion coefficient V1W;
for 1M for ABH soution and T
for patinum meta surface;
t%e puse &idt% is estimated to 0e a0out 3 microsecond. 9is means tat electrolysis
occurs .itout formin" te diffusion layer in te /resent .or0 since te /ulse
.idt is one tent of tis critical < microsec.. It is aso <no&n t%at t%e time
necessary for te formation of te stable electrical double layer is of te order of
se*eral tens of milliseconds Z1[. It is terefore e*ident tat te stable electrical
double layer is not formed durin- t%e present utra:s%ort puse appication. Since an
eectric fied as %i-% as 2.(:4)C cm
can 0e appied in t%e present &or<; t%e ac< of
formation of t%e sta0e eectric dou0e ayer means t%at ydro"en ions can be mo*ed
faster tan in con*entional $C electrolysis. '%ese different mec%anisms t%at arise
/ia utra:s%ort puse appication; eadin- to t%e a0sence of t%e diffusion ayer and t%e
sta0e eectrica dou0e ayer; mau open t%e possi0iity of %i-% capacity &ater
P E3/erimental6 In order to examine t%e possi0iity of &ater eectroysis 0y utra:
s%ort puses; 3.41 of 1M ABH soution &ere put in an eectroysis 0at%. 3.3xFcm
patinum pates &ere used as t%e anode and cat%ode. '%e distance 0et&een eectrodes
&as set as 3 cm. '%e soution temperature &as <ept at 2F3 Q:2 A durin- t%e
experiment. + con/entiona 4$ po&er suppy and an utra:s%ort puse po&er suppy
&ere used for comparison. '%e utra:s%ort puse po&er suppy consisted of t%e IES
circuit &it% a SI'%y as s%o&n in #i-ure1. 2tra:s%ort puses &it% a /ota-e puse:
&idt% of a0out 311ns; &it% t%e secondary pea< /ota-e ran-in from ).F to 141C &ere
appied to t%e eectroc%emica 0at% &it% t%e freGuency of 2:2! <H=. '%e input po&er
&as c%an-ed 0y increasin- t%e puse freGuency.
In t%e IES circuit ,#i-ure13; t%e -ate of t%e SI'%y is connected to t%e anode t%rou-% a
diode. "%en t%e #E' ,#ied Effect 'ransistor3 is s&itc%ed on; t%e current t%rou-% t%e
inducti/e coi ,L13 -raduay increases. "%en t%e #E' is s&itc%ed off at a certain
current e/e; t%e current fo& is instanty s&itc%ed off and te in*erse *olta"e C
induced trou" te coil D!1F. '%is IES circuit is t%e simpest and most compact one
yet reported for -eneratin- utra:s%ort puses V(:*W.
#i-.1. 2tra:s%ort pused po&er suppy circuit for &ater eectroysis 0ased on t%e
inducti/e ener-y stora-e ,IES3 circuit V(:)W &it% a static induction t%yristor ,SI'%y3.
In t%e case of &ater eectroysis usin- t%e a0o/e utra:s%ort puse po&er; t%e &ater
0at% eectrodes are connected to t%e secondary reactance L2 as seen in #i-ure1. '%e
pused /ota-e C
is induced in t%e secondary reactance L2; sync%roni=ed &it% t%e
pused /ota-e C
as seen in #i-ure2. In t%e first sta-e; &%en t%is secondary pused
/ota-e is appied to t%e eectrodes in t%e &ater 0at%; te bat acts as a 5uasi;
ca/acitor since te /ulse .idt is too sort for ions in te bat to cause a current
trou" te bat. '%is -i/es a /ery s%ort pused current I
in t%e circuit t%rou-% t%e
secondary coi ,L23. '%is current is too rapid to 0e seen in t%e fi-ure. '%e &ater 0at%
is not a rea capacitor since a eectrons coected at t%e cat%ode are transferred to
%ydro-en ions and %i-% /ota-e does not remain as in t%e case of con/entiona
capacitors. +fter t%is pused /ota-e %ad 0een appied to t%e eectroysis 0at%; in t%e
second sta-e; t%e current I2 fo&s t%rou-% t%e circuit. '%is current fo&s /ery so&y
as seen in t%e fi-ure &it% se/era tens microseconds. Since t%e appication of t%e
pused /ota-e C
&as aready terminated; t%is current fo& I2 may not 0e due to
eectron transfer to %ydro-en ions 0ut ion transport in t%e 0at%; t%us compensatin- t%e
ac< of %ydro-en ions in t%e /icinity of t%e cat%ode eectrode.
P Results and discussion6 '%e %ydro-en -eneration rate and its efficiency are potted
as a function of t%e input po&er 0et&een t%e eectrodes in #i-ure3. In t%e case of 4$
po&er eectroysis; &%en t%e appied /ota-e is increased; t%e current increases so t%at
%ydro-en -eneration rate increases; 0ut t%e efficiency compared &it% t%e idea
-eneration rate decreases from =6X at 2.2C to AX at 12.?C. Here; t%e idea
-eneration rate &as cacuated from t%ermodynamica data V11W; for t%e
t%ermodynamica ener-y for %ydro-en to 0e con/erted to room temperature &ater.
'%e decrease in efficiency can 0e expained 0ecause an eectron &it% %i-% ener-y can
ony reduce one %ydro-en ion so t%at t%e difference 0et&een t%e appied /ota-e and
t%e decomposition /ota-e is dissipated as %eat. Since t%e current itsef is aso
increased 0y increasin- t%e appied /ota-e; eectrons &%ic% are not used for %ydro-en
reduction are aso dissipated as %eat.
$ontrary to t%e case of 4$ po&er eectroysis; utra:s%ort po&er eectroysis s%o&s a
Guite different 0e%a/iour. +s seen in #i-ure3,a3; in t%e case of 4$ eectroysis; t%e
%ydro-en -eneration rate &as not proportiona to t%e input po&er. It de/iates from t%e
idea ine. '%e %ydro-en -eneration efficiency is cacuated as t%e ratio of t%e rea
-eneration rate to t%e idea %ydro-en -eneration rate and it can 0e seen in #i-ure3,03
t%at t%e efficiency is ar-ey decreased in t%e case of 4$ eectroysis. '%is decrease is
mainy 0ecause t%e ener-y of most eectrons is dissipated as %eat.
In t%e case of puse po&er; it is seen in #i-ure3,a3 t%at t%e %ydro-en -eneration rate is
increased as t%e pea< /ota-e is decreased. It s%oud 0e noted; %o&e/er; t%at t%e
%ydro-en -eneration rate increases as a function of t%e input po&er. '%is 0e%a/iour is
Guite different from t%e case of 4$ eectroysis. "%en t%e input po&er is increased 0y
increasin- t%e puse freGuency; t%e efficiency &as not decreased in t%e case of %i-%
pea< /ota-es; and &as increased in t%e case of o& pea< /ota-es as seen in
#i-ure3,03. 9is bea*iour is contrary to te case of $C / '%is increase of
t%e efficiency for t%e case of o& pea< /ota-e may 0e 0ecause t%e ener-y dissipation
is decreased since eac% eectron %as o&er ener-y and t%e puse &a/eform is s%arper
for o& pea< /ota-es. #or t%ese reasons; po&er can 0e efficienty consumed for
eectroysis. '%is fact impies t%at t%e utra:s%ort po&er eectroysis is a promisin-
met%od in &%ic% t%e po&er appication can 0e increased e/en &it% an increase in
eectroysis efficiency.
In t%e case of 4$ po&er; t%e eectric fied is a&ays present. '%e eectrica dou0e
ayer is aso present and t%e diffusion ayer a&ays exist. '%e current fo& is t%erefore
determined 0y t%e diffusion of ions &it% a dri/in- force of ion concentration
difference. "%en t%e appied /ota-e is increased; t%e efficiency decreases. In t%e cse
of 4$ po&er; t%e po&er appica0e for a certain /oume of t%e eectroysis 0at% is
t%erefore imited.
#i-.2. + typica exampe of puse &a/eforms for t%e first and second sta-es. In t%e
first sta-e; an utra:s%ort puse &it% t%e &idt% of a0out 311ns is appied. In t%e second
sta-e; t%e current fo&s so&y.
#i-.3. Hydro-en -eneration rate ,a3 and its efficiency ,03 as a function of t%e input
po&er. In t%e case of pused po&er; /arious circuits &it% different /ota-e ,C
current ,I
3 and freGuency ,,i3:,i/33 %a/e 0een compared. '%e input po&er is t%e
inte-ration of t%e secondary /ota-e and current mutipied 0y t%e freGuency. '%e
idea ine &as cacuated from t%e t%ermodynamica ener-y for %ydro-en to 0e
con/erted to room temperature &ater. Hydro-en -eneration efficiencies in ,03 &ere
cacuated as t%e %ydro-en -eneration rate di/ided 0y t%e idea %ydro-en -eneration
rate at t%e same input po&er.
In t%e case of utra:s%ort pused po&er; t%e eectric fied is appied for ony a /ery
s%ort time ess t%an se/era microseconds &%ic% is muc% s%orter t%an t%e time
necessary for t%e formation of t%e constant eectric dou0e ayer. (y te a//lication
of te ultra;sort /ulse# electrons are collected on te surface of te catode
electrode as in a ca/acitor. '%e eectrons -at%ered %o&e/er are Guic<y transferred
to %ydro-en ions for %ydro-en -eneration so t%at eectrons do not remain in t%e
eectrode as in a con/entiona capacitor. +fter t%is eectron transfer; t%e current I2
fo&s so&y as s%o&n in #i-ure2; pro0a0y due to t%e ion diffusion in t%e eectroysis
#rom t%e a0o/e considerations; it can 0e concuded t%at t%e eectroysis mec%anism
for utra:s%ort puse po&er is /ery different from t%at of 4$ eectroysis. 4$
eectroysis is 0ased on eectrica dou0e ayer formation and is a diffusion:imited
process; &%ie utra:s%ort puse po&er eectroysis is 0ased on t%e stron- eectric fied
appication and t%e eectron transfer imited process. '%is difference seems to 0e /ery
important for t%e practica and industria appication of utra:s%ort po&er eectroysis
since t%e eectroysis po&er can 0e increased &it%out decreasin- t%e efficiency.
P Conclusion6 "e %a/e s%o&n in t%is preiminary &or< %o& an utra:s%ort po&er
suppy; consistin- of a SI'%y and an IES circuit; can 0e appied to &ater eectroysis
for %ydro-en -eneration. It %as 0een found t%at an utra:s%ort puse of a0out 311ns
coud -enerate %ydro-en -as. It &as aso found t%at po&er coud 0e increased &it%out
decreasin- t%e eectroysis efficiency. '%e present resuts point to t%e possi0iity t%at
&ater eectroysis 0y utra:s%ort pused po&er occurs under t%e eectron transfer:rate
imitin- mec%anism; &%ic% is different from t%e con/entiona diffusion:imitin-
mec%anism in 4$ po&er eectroysis.
P &c0onled"ements6 "e t%an<s Messrs S. B%no and '. Ina0a for t%eir
encoura-ement of t%is &or<; Mrs A. Matsu%iro; 7. Imanis%i and S. 'an-e for t%eir
%epfu discussion; and Mr M. Imaeda for %is experimenta %ep.
P References6
1 : '. "atana0e and S..a<amura; Introduction to Eectroc%emistry6 $%emistry of
Eectron 'ransport ,?apan $%emica Society; 1FF(3
2 : ?. .is%i=a&a; '. 'eriya<i and ?. S%i0ata; 8es. Inst. Eectrica $omm. 'o%o<u 2ni/.
'ec%. 8ep.; 8IE$ '8:3( ,1F)33 1.
3 : ?. .is%i=a&a; '. 'eriya<i and ?. S%i0ata; IEEE 'rans. Eectron 4e/.; E4:22 ,1F)!3
4 : .. S%imi=u; A.:S. Lee; M. 7uri; 7. I<eda and A. Murdoc<; Proc. 11t% Symp. Static
Induct. 4e/.; SSI4:F):( ,1FF)3 2F.
! : 8. Hirona<a; M. "atana0e; E. Hotta; +. B<ino; M. Maeyama; A.:$. Ao and ..
S%imi=u; IEEE 'rans. Pasma Sci. 2* ,21113 1!24.
( : A. Iida and '. Sa<uma; Proc. 1!t% Symp. Static Induct. 4e/.; SSI4:12:F ,21123
) : .. S%imi=u; '. Se<iya; A. Iida; 7. Imanis%i; M. Aimura and ?. .is%i=a&a; Proc.
Int. Symp. Po&er Siicon. 4e/. ,ISPS43 P:31 ,21143 2*1.
* : ". ?ian-; A. 7atsui; A. 'a<ayama; M. +<emoto; E. .a<ayama; .. S%imi=u; +.
'o<uc%i; S. 8u<in; C. 'arasen<o and +. Pac%en<o; Proc. IEEE F2 ,21143 11*1.
F : B. Bda and .. S%imi=u; ?apan Patent Pendin-; 2114:223!F!.
11 : B. Au0asc%e&s<i; E.L. E/ans and $.@. +coc<; Metaur-ica '%ermoc%emistry
,Per-amon Press; 1F()3.
--------------------------------------------- Return to the top
PP 1BA=# 9ay;Hee Hau; Aorea; 2S442)!12+1 NW&9ER $EC7MP7SI9I7)
ME9H7$ &)$ $ECICE ,SI)' I7)IL&9I7) (Y C7!!ISI7)N ; from
"e0site update for ?uneD?uy 211( at6 %ttp6DD&&&.&aterfuece.or-D2pdatePa-e.%tm
&bstract6 '%is in/ention reates to t%e decomposition of &ater into oxy-en and
%ydro-en 0y t%e effect of ioni=ation 0y coision amon- t%e &ater moecues. "ater of
iGuid dieectric c%aracteristics is contained &it%in a soid dieectric container %a/in-
%i-%er dieectric constant reati/e to t%at of t%e &ater; t%e soid dieectric aso %a/in-
t%ermosta0iity. + %i-% /ota-e is t%en appied to t%e soid dieectric; creatin- a stron-
enou-% eectric fied; exceedin- t%e co/aent 0ond of t%e iGuid dieectric; to
decompose t%e &ater; &%ie t%e soid dieectric container maintains its sta0iity.
'%is is a continuation of appication Ser. .o. 1();14) fied ?uy *; 1F*1; no&
P (ac0"round of te in*ention6 2nti no& &e %a/e used t%e eectroc%emica
reaction in eectroysis; in &%ic% t%e ions in t%e eectroyte fo& to t%e opposite
eectrode to decompose t%e eectroyte and ma<e pure metas deposition on t%e
surface of t%e eectrode &%en t%e eectrode is put into t%e eectroyte and t%e direct
current is c%an-ed &it%.
In addition; in t%e case of non:eectroyte t%e eectroysis does not %appen t%ou-%
eGuippin- t%e dieectric &it% t%e eectrode. +nd if t%e %i-%er /ota-e is -i/en to t%e
dieectric t%an t%e &it%standin- /ota-e stren-t% of t%e dieectric; t%e eectroyte is
0ro<en do&n in t%e dieectric and t%e ar-e Guantity of eectric current is fo&ed
0et&een t%e eectrodes.
"e %a/e ony considered t%e pre/ention of t%e dieectric 0rea<do&n 0ecause &%en
t%is dieectric 0rea<do&n %appens; t%e moecue of t%e dieectric are often
decomposed; 0ut t%is dieectric and eectrica mac%inery 0ecome useess.
P $escri/tion of te /rior art6 2SP 3;()4;()( a0out t%e eectrode used in a0o/e
eectroysis. '%e cat%ode co/ered &it% t%e diap%ra-m is used at a re-uar inter/a
from t%e nei-%0orin- anode &%ic% is made 0y usin- titanium pate or expanded meta
or patinum -roup. +nd accordin- to "est:5ermany Pat. )2D1222! is <no&n to use
as0estos diap%ra-m &it% perfuoro et%yen or trifuoro et%yene sufon acid %a/in-
positi/e ion exc%an-ea0iity. @ut accordin- to a0o/e patents; t%ey %a/e t%e &ea< point
t%at t%ey ose exc%an-e:a0iity and need muc% expenditure ma<in- t%e diap%ra-m
P Summary of te in*ention6 It is an o0Hect of t%e present in/ention to pro/ide t%e
&ater decomposition met%od usin- ioni=ation 0y coision; and anot%er o0Hect of t%e
in/ention is to pro/ide t%e &ater decomposition de/ice.
'%e c%aracteristic of t%is in/ention is to decompose oxy-en,B23 and %ydro-en,H23
from t%e &ater moecues 0y causin- ioni=ation 0y coision; ma<in- compex
dieectric ayer fied &it% iGuid dieectric; t%at is; &ater 0et&een t%e soid dieectric
pate %a/in- t%e %i-% dieectric constant and &it%standin- /ota-e stren-t%; and 0y
causin- stron- eectric fied stren-t% o/er t%e &it%standin- /ota-e stren-t% in iGuid
dieectric %a/in- reati/ey o& dieectric constant in comparison &it% t%e soid
'%en as o& eectric fied stren-t% s%ort of t%e oit%standin- /ota-e stren-t% is
formed at 0ot% side of t%e iGuid dieectric and t%e soid dieectric restrain muc%
eectric disc%ar-e current to fo& 0et&een t%e eectrodes <eepin- sta0e state; t%e
&ater continuousy recei/es t%e stron- eectric fied stren-t%; and t%erefore &ater:
moecues are decomposed.
It t%e t&o <inds of dieectric &%ic% are differin- in dieectric constant comprise 3
ayer; t%at is; &e put t&o same eectric pate and put anot%er dieectric 0et&een t%em;
t%e dieectric &%ic% %as %i-% dieectric constant recei/es o& eectric fied stren-t%;
and %i-% eectric fied stren-t% is formed at t%e o& dieectric of o& dieectric
constant. '%en t%e dieectric intruded recei/es stron-er eectric fied stren-t% t%an
0ot% side of t%e dieectrics.
"%en t%e eectric fied stren-t% exceeds t%e &it%standin- /ota-e stren-t% of its o&n;
t%e moecues of t%e iGuid dieectric is decomposed 0y ioni=ation 0y coision; t%e
dieectric 0rea<do&n %appens and t%en 0ot% side of t%e dieectric ayer can 0e in
sta0e state 0ecause it recei/es &ea< eectric fied stren-t%.
'%erefore in t%e case of passin- stron- /ota-e to t%e compex dieectric ayer; t%e
stron- eectric fied stren-t% can 0e formed at a ayer and t%e moecues of t%e iGuid
dieectric can 0e decomposed 0y t%e ioni=ation 0y coision. '%e in/ention is
iustrated accordin- to t%e appended fi-ures.
P (rief descri/tion of te"s6
#i-.16 a cross section for iustration of t%is in/ention.
#i-.26 a side:/ie&.
#i-.36 a cross section for t%e iustration of a many:step decomposition de/ice as an
#i-.46 a side:/ie& iustration of #i-.3.
P $etailed descri/tion of te /referred embodiments6 #rom t%e #i-.1 and #i-.2; t%e
soid dieectric ,413 forms 929; t%e midde inter/a ,d23 is fied &it% iGuid dieectric
and t%e 0ot% sides of t%e soid dieectric ,413 %as t%e eectrode.
If t%e stron- /ota-e ,C3 for exampe 21<C:(1<C is -i/en to suc% eectrodes; t%e
eectric fied stren-t% satisfies t%ese eGuations.
'%e &it%standin- /ota-e stren-t% of t%e soid dieectric ,413 C.<CDm; t%e dieectric
constant of t%e soid dieectric6 e1; t%e eectric fied stren-t% of t%e soid dieectric6 E1;
t%e inter/a of t%e soid dieectric6 d1; t%e &it%:standin- /ota-e stren-t% of t%e iGuid
dieectric ,4236 C2 <CDm; t%e dieectric constant of t%e iGuid dieectric6 e2; t%e
eectric fied stren-t% of t%e iGuid dieectric6 E2; t%e inter/aof t%e iGuid dieectric6
d2; t%e ratio of t%e t&o dieectrics6 e2De1Uer.
+s &e can <no& from t%e a0o/e eGuations; if er; t%e ratio of t%e t&o dieectrics; is
muc% smaer t%an 1; o& eectric fied stren-t% is formed in t%e soid dieectric ,413
in comparison &it% t%e iGuid dieectric ,423.
8e/ersey if stron- eectric fied stren-t% is formed in t%e dieectric ,423 and t%e
eectric fied stren-t% exceeds t%e &it%standin- /ota-e stren-t% of its o&n; t%e
dieectric 0rea<do&n; t%at is; ioni=ation 0y coision %appens; and if it recei/es t%e
eectric fied stren-t% o&er t%an t%e &it%standin- /ota-e stren-t% of its o&n; it
0ecomes t%e sta0e state. +ccordin-y to a0o/e met%od; t%e &ater ,H2B3; iGuid
dieectric; can 0e decomposed &it% %ydro-en and oxy-en.
.o& 929; &%ic% &e can see from #i-.1 and #i-.2; is made of soid dieectric of t%e
type of ceramics &%ic% %as exceedin-y %i-% reati/e dieectric constant in
comparison &it% *1 and can resist %i-% &it%standin- /ota-e stren-t% and %i-%
temperature. If &e ma<e compex dieectric ayer &%ic% is fied &it% &ater in t%e
midde inter/a ,d23 and tens of t%ousand /ota-e is fo&ed into t%e eectrode ,p3;
t%en; as t%e reati/e dieectric constant 0ecomes erD1 0y t%e eGuation ,13 and ,23; t%e
&ater recei/es eectric fied stren-t% of its o&n and t%e moecues of t%e &ater are
decomposed into %ydro-en and oxy-en 0y t%e ioni=ation 0y coision.
+s 0ot% sides of t%e soid dieectric recei/e &ea< eectric fied stren-t% s%ort of t%e
&it%standin- /ota-e stren-t% of its o&n and restrain eectric disc%ar-e current to fo&
in t%e sta0e state; &ater is continuousy decomposed 0y recei/in- t%e stron- eectric
fied stren-t%.
'%is p%enomena can %appen on t%e condition t%at reati/e dieectric constant of t%e
soid dieectric is tens of times or %undreds of times as %i-% as t%at of t%e &ater; t%at
is; erXX1 and its nature is suc% t%at it can resist t%e &it%standin- /ota-e stren-t% and
%i-% temperature; and t%ere is t%e system of ceramics &%ic% satisfies t%ese conditions
and so t%ere is no difficuty in decomposin- &ater 0y usin" te teory of te
distributi*e electric field stren"t of t%e compex dieectric ayer and ioni=ation 0y
coision of t%e dieectric.
+s iustrated in #i-.4; 0y instain- -as:-at%erin-:%ouse ,H3 on t%e upper part of t%e
compex of dieectric ayers; &e can separate t%e %ydro-en and t%e oxy-en 0y
iGuefaction or can use t%e mixed -ases as it is. +0o/e met%od is exceent in t%at it
does not need ot%er additions in comparison &it% eectroysis and t%e eectrode is itte
coated from t%e eectric disc%ar-e current and needs no treatment.
+ccordin- to t%e exampe; t%e reati/e dieectric constant of t%e ceramics; soid
dieectricI E1U3;!11. t%e t%ic<ness of t%e dieectric ayerI 41U!mm; t%e &it%standin-
/ota-e stren-t% ,C13I C1Uo/er !4 <CDmm. '%e t%ic<ness of t%e iGuid dieectric ayer
fied &it% &aterI d2U2mm.
Li<e #i-.1 and #i-.2; &e made compex dieectric ayer and t%e /ota-e of !1<C
fo&ed into t%e eectrode ,p3 instaed and 0ot% sides of t%e soid dieectric ,413
recei/ed t%e eectric fied stren-t% E1U1.!2 <CDmm and it 0ecame in sta0e state
0ecause it is s%ort of t%e &it%standin- eectric fied stren-t% E2U22.42 <CDmm and t%e
ioni=ation 0y coision %appened and &as decomposed in %ydro-en and oxy-en. '%en;
as ).2 cc of &ater &as decomposed; t%e mixin- oxy-en and %ydro-en -as &as
"%at is caimed is6 1D + &ater decomposition met%od utii=in- ioni=ation 0y coision;
said met%od comprisin- t%e steps of6
pro/indin- a soid dieectric container formed from a materia %a/in- a su0stantiay
%i-%er dieectric constant t%an t%at of &ater and capa0e of &it%standin- /ota-es
-reater t%an a0out 21<C &it%out eectrica or p%ysica 0rea<do&n; said container
%a/in- a iGuid: recei/in- spaceI
positionin- a pair of eectrodes on opposite sides of t%e outside of said iGuid:
recei/in- space of said containerI
fiin- t%e iGuid:recei/in- space of said soid dieectric container &it% &ater
c%aracteri=ed 0y a co/aent 0ondI
appyin- a continuous /ota-e -reater t%an a0out 21<C to said soid dieectric
container and across said eectrodes to su0Hect said &ater to a stron- eectric fied
stren-t% exceedin- t%e co/aent 0ond stren-t% t%ereofI
&%erein said &ater is decomposed continuay; 0y ioni=ation 0y coision; into
%ydro-en and oxy-en for so on- as t%e /ota-e is appied to said eectrodesI
coectin- t%e %ydro-en and oxy-en -ases t%at are e/o/edI and
continuousy refiin- said iGuid:recei/in- space &it% &ater to maintain a
predetermined Guantity of &ater t%erein as decomposition occurs.
2D '%e met%od of caim 1; &%erein t%e soid dieectric container is made of ceramic.
3D 'He met%od of caim 1; &%erein said stron- eectric fied stren-t% is in t%e ran-e
21<CDmm : (1<CDmm
4D '%e met%od of caim 1; &%erein said stron- eectric fied stren-t% is -reater t%an
a0out !1<CDmm
!D '%e met%od of caim 1; &%erein said soid dieectric container comprises t&o
parae dieectric sa0s %a/in- a dieectric constant -reater t%an ten times t%at of
(D '%e met%od of caim !; &%erein said iGuid dieectric comprises pure &ater.
End of inte-ra transcription. Mista<es in en-is% an-ua-e are from t%e ori-ina
--------------------------------------------- Return to the top
PP 266@# Hydro"en and o3y"en ionisation# from te e3cellent .aterfuelcell.or"
Posted by -P,!SE$FRe*erseH>7fuelcell- : Sat May 12; 211) 11611 pm I Post
su0Hect6 Hydro-en and oxy-en ionisationO
Hydro-en and oxy-en ionisationO '%is may 0e one &ay t%e "ater fue ce ,Satn
Meyer9s one3 0rea<s t%e co/aent 0ondin- of t%e &ater moecue. '%e t&o eectrons
co/aenty 0ondin- t%e %ydro-en to t%e oxy-en are stripped of &%en t%e oxy-en is
ionised and ooses four eectrons; no& 0ecause t%e oxy-en atom needs anot%er
eectron it ta<es it from t%e muc% &ea<er %ydro-en atom; &%en it dose t%is t%e
%ydro-en ooses its eectron to t%e muc% stron-er oxy-en atom. '%e reason t%e
oxy-en is stron-er t%en t%e %ydro-en is 0ecause t%e %ydro-en atom %as ony one
proton &%ereas t%e oxy-en atom %as ei-%t; so t%e oxy-en %as a stron-er eectrica
c%ar-e. "%en t%e oxy-en atom ta<es t%e %ydro-ens eectron it 0rea<s t%e co/aent
0ond ,remem0er &e are ony doin- t%is &it% /ota-e3. '%e %ydro-en eectron is t%e
t%in- t%at is %odin- t%e &ater moecue to-et%er; so &%en t%e oxy-en atom ta<es t%e
%ydro-en atoms eectron it is 0rea<in- t%e co/aent 0ond. '%e oxy-en normay -ets
its eectrons from amp fo&; t%at &oud 0e t%e point &%ere t%e %i-% currant &oud
fo&; 0ut 0ecause &e are no& restrictin- eectron fo& t%e oxy-en atom ta<es t%e
eectrons from t%e %ydro-en atom; t%is 0rea<s t%e co/aent 0ond.
'%an<s; Su<%oi $ompany ,?S$3 :
If t%e &ord s%oud 0o& itsef up; t%e ast audi0e /oice &oud 0e t%at of an expert
sayin- it can9t 0e done.
--------------------------------------------- Return to the top
PP 1B@A# Si"eta H&SE(E# ,SP =#162#22A#&//aratus for $ecom/osition of
&5ueous !i5uid from 94e$ompKMa-netic CortexKPatent 411!!2*.pdf9 at
P &bstract6 + n apparatus for decomposition of iGuid in &%ic% /ortica ne-ati/e and
positi/e eectrodes are arran-ed in a cosed reation 0ut in s%ort free positions and
t%ese t&o eectrodes are suppied &it% a po&er t%rou-% externa terminas and t%e
eectroyte is paced to fo& 0et&een t%e ne-ati/e and positi/e eectrodes for t%e
eectroysis 0et&een t&o eectrodes under t%e function of t%e potentia ma-netic fied
formed 0y t%e coi current &%ic% is -enerated 0y t%e eectrodes &it% acti/e mo/ement
of an eectroytic ion so t%at t%e eectroysis of &ater ta<es pace smoot%y under t%e
spin functions of t%e atom and eectron.
P (ac0"round and Summary of te In*ention6 '%is in/ention reates to an
apparatus for decomposition of iGuid &%erein an eectroyte in fo& is su0Hected to an
eectroysis for production of -ases.
+s is &e <no&n; &ater is composed of a %ydro-en atom and an oxy-en atom. "%en
&ater is sufficienty ma-neti=ed; eac% constituti/e atom is aso &ea<y ma-neti=ed to
rotate t%e eementary particue in a particuar direction. '%is rotation of t%e
eementary particue is -eneray caed as 9spin9. '%at is; t%e spin function is caused
0y an eectron; atomic nuceous; atom and e/en 0y t%e moecue. "%en a ne-ati/e
eectrode is immersed in t%e eectroyte ,.aBH soution3 for appyin- a /ota-e
t%ereto to cause t%e eementary particue to react &it% t%e eectric fied; t%e coupin-
state of t%e %ydro-en &it% t%e oxy-en is /arried and t%e eectroysis is faciitated
under t%e function of spin.
In accordance &it% t%e present in/ention; /ortica ne-ati/e and positi/e eectrodes are
arran-ed in a cosed reation 0ut in s%ort free positions and t%ese t&o eectrodes are
suppied &it% a po&er t%rou-% externa terminas and t%e eectroyte is paced to fo&
0et&een t%e ne-ati/e and positi/e eectrodes. '%us; t%e eectroyte is su0Hected to t%e
eectroysis 0et&een t&o eectrodes under t%e function of t%e potentia ma-netic fied
formed 0y t%e coi current &%ic% is -enerated 0y t%e eectrodes &it% acti/e mo/ement
of an eectroytic ion ,.aQ; BH:3 so t%at t%e eectroysis of &ater ta<es pace smoot%y
under t%e spin functions of t%e atom and eectron.
It %as 0een confirmed t%at te rate of te electrolysis of .ater accordin" to te
in*ented /rocess is a//ro3imately 16 or more times Da//ro3imately 26 times on
calculationF as tat of te con*entional electrolysis.
'%e structura desi-n of eectroytic ce in accordance &it% t%e in/ented system is
c%aracteri=ed in t%at t%e eectroyte fo&in- t%rou-% t%e suppy ports pro/ided at t%e
o&er portion of t%e eectroytic ce is su0Hected to t%e potentia ma-netic fied in t%e
presence of t%e permanent ma-net and t%at t%e eectrodes for eectroysis is su0Hected
to t%e more potentia ma-netic and eectric fieds to o0tain a sufficient spin effect.
It is; t%erefore; a -enera o0Hect of t%e in/ention to pro/ide a no/e apparatus for
decomposition of iGuid in &%ic% an eectroyte ,.aBH3 soution is su0Hected to
ma-netic fied to carry out an eectroysis under t%e function of t%e spin of an eement
constitutin- &ater moecue t%ere0y to produce a -reat amount of -as &it% ess
consumption of eectric ener-y.
+ principa o0Hect of t%e in/ention is to pro/ide an apparatus for decomposition of
iGuid incudin- a iGuid circuatin- system for separation of -as and iGuid in &%ic%
positi/e and ne-ati/e /ortica eectrodes are arran-ed to tra/erse a fo& pat% of iGuid
and said /ortica eectrodes at t%eir opposite ends 0ein- arran-ed &it% ma-netic
materias to appy a predetermined /ota-e for a iGuid passin- t%rou-% a ma-netic
fied 0y said positi/e and ne-ati/e cortica eectrodes t%ere0y to promote -eneration
and separation of cation and anion &it% a %i-% efficiency in production of a ar-e
Guantity of -ases 0y &ay of an eectroysis of iGuid.
Bt%ers o0Hects and ad/anta-es of t%e present in/ention &i 0ecome apparent as t%e
detaied description t%ereof proceeds.
P (rief descri/tion of te"s6 '%e in/ention &i 0e descri0ed more in detai
in t%e foo&in- &it% reference to t%e accompnyin- dra&in-s; &%erein6
#i-.1 is a partiay cross:sectiona sc%ematic ee/ation of an apparatus in accordance
&it% t%e in/entionI
#i-.2 is a perspecti/e /ie& of eectrodes arran-ed in accordance &it% t%e in/entionI
#i-.3 is a pan /ie& of eectrodes &it% ma-netic materias.
P $escri/tion of te /referred embodiment6 In #i-.1; an eectroytic ce 11; a -as:
iGuid separation tan< 12 and a -as &as%in- tan< 14 are /erticay arran-ed in
Huxtaposition &it% a ocation of t%e eectroytic ce 11 in a itte o&er e/e t%an t%e
'%ese ce 11 and tan<s 12; 14 are communicated &it% eac% ot%er t%rou-% a dei/ery
pipe 1( &%ic% communicates t%e top of t%e eectroytic ce 11 &it% t%e midde portion
of t%e -as:iGuid separation tan< 12; a feed:0ac< pipe 1* pro/ided &it% a pump 21;
&%ic% communicates t%e 0ottom portion of t%e -as:iGuid separation tan< 12 &it% t%e
0ottom portion of t%e eectroytic ce 11; and a conduit 22; &%ic% is extended from
t%e top portion of t%e -as:iGuid separation tan< 12 t%rou-% a /a/e 24 into t%e 0ottom
portion of t%e -as &as%in- tan< 14. 'o t%e top portion of t%e -as &as%in- tan< 14 is
connected a drain pipe 2( t%rou-% a /a/e 2*.
In t%e eectroytic ce 11; positi/e and ne-ati/e /ortica eectrodes 31 of diameters as
defined in accordance &it% an interna diameter of t%e eectroytic ce 11 are arran-ed
coaxiay; and at upper and o&er positions of t%e /ortica eectrode 31 are arran-ed
ma"net rin"s <2 and <= of ferrite and te li0e; of &%ic% positi/e and ne-ati/e
ma-netic poes are confronted t%erein so t%at a ma-netic fied -enerated is ort%o-ona
to t%e axis of t%e eectroytic ce.
'%e /ortica eectrodes 31 are composed of t&o meta strips 3( &%ic% are &ound into
/ortica s%apes &it% a puraity of cyindrica insuatin- spacers 3* of ru00er and t%e
i<e interposed t%ere0et&een in attac%ment to t%e surface of t%e meta strips 3(.
#rom t%e meta strips 33( are &it%dra&n ead &ires 41; &%ic% are in turn connected
respecti/ey to positi/e or ne-ati/e eectrode terminas pro/ided int %e inner &a of
t%e eectroytic ce.
'%e eectroytic ce 11 and t%e -as:iGuid separation tan< 12 are fied &it% a
eectroyte 44 &%ic% may 0e circuated 0y t%e pump 21 &%ereas t%e -as &as%in- tan<
14 is fied &it% a &as%in- iGuid 4( to suc% a preferred e/e t%at -ases -us%in- out of
t%e conduit 22 is &e &as%ed.
'%e apparatus in accordance &it% t%e present in/ention may 0e &e appica0e to an
eectroysis of fo&in- &ater for production of %ydro-en -as and oxy-en -as at a %i-%
efficiency. '%at is to say; t%e eectroytic ce 11 and t%e -as:iGuid separation tan< 12
are fied &it% t%e eectroyte 44 &%ic% is constrained 0y operation of t%e pump 21 to
fo& t%rou-% a ma-netic fied in an annuar pat% in &%ic% positi/e and ne-ati/e
ma-netic poes .; S of t%e ma-nets 32 and 34 are confronted and t%rou-% t%e meta
pates 3( of t%e /ortica eectrode 31 to impart an orientation to an eectrica mi-ration
of cation and anion &it% increased -as separation rate and promotion of eectroysis.
Especiay; t%e fo&in- oxy-en -as ser/es to faciitate a -asification as it %as a
ma-netic property of /aria0e under an infuence of t%e ma-netic fied. 9e *ortical
electrodes <6 in accordance .it te in*ention brin"s a remar0able increasement
in te electrolytic rate since a ydraulic diameter in a s/ace bet.een metal stri/s
of te electrode <6 is reduced and ence te flo. *elocity in te s/ace is increased
so tat a /ositi*e con*ection in te "a/ ser*es to cause turbulence and
accordin"ly "asified bubbles /roduced by an electrolysis and attaced to te
surface of te electrode <6 are remo*ed instantly in re/lacement by fres ions.
'%e /ortica construction of positi/e and ne-ati/e meta strips aternatey opposin- to
eac% ot%er ena0es a desired reduction in 0u< of t%e ce; &%ie increasin- a
contactin- area &it% t%e eectroyte 44 &it% reati/ey s%ort mi-ration distance of ions
for promotion of -asification. Bn t%e ot%er %and; insuatin- spacers 3* interposed
0et&een t%e positi/e and ne-ati/e meta strips 3( ser/es to de/eope desired
tur0uence of t%e eectroyte passin- t%rou-% t%e space.
'%e iGuid circuatin- system for separation of -as and iGuid reGuires no ot%er dri/in-
unit except t%e circuation pump 21 to ac%ie/e separation of -as and iGuid 0y
utii=in- differences in &ater %eads de/eoped amon- t%e ce 11 and t%e tan<s 12 and
14. In ot%er &ords; a fo& of -as:iGuid mixture suppied from eectroytic ce 11 is
fed into t%e -as:iGuid separation tan< 12 &%ere due to t%e difference in 0uoyancy of
-ases and iGuid; -as rises and is fed into t%e -as &as%in- tan< 14 &%ereas t%e iGuid
-oes do&n and is returned a-ain to t%e eectroytic ce 11. '%e &as%in- tan< 14 is
fied &it% con/enient &as%in- iGuid 4( so t%at -ases -us%in- out of conduit 22 are
&as%ed and fed into t%e drain pipe 2(. '%us; t%e apparatus may 0e constructed at
reduced cost &it%out compexity.
+s %erein0efore descri0ed; t%e ma-nets 32 and 34 pro/ide positi/e and ne-ati/e
ma-netic poes .; S &%ic% are confronted in t%e annuar &a for faciitatin- an
ai-nment 0et&een t%e cross section of t%e fo&:pat% of t%e iGuid and t%e annuar
portion of t%e ma-nets 32; 34 and a -eneration of a ma-netic fied in a direction
perpendicuar to t%at of t%e iGuid fo& so t%at t%e iGuid is ensured to fo& in t%e
ma-netic fied.
,M45 no/1)6 11(cc of Hydroxy per sec. U =1@ !>our ,) LDmn3 for 31+% x 2.*CU
A=W I '%at9s 2 !iter of Hydro3y /er W \S] 6.2W /er liter RRR &M&LI)'
'%is concept produced 1! times more Hydroxy -as t%an our aready &e efficient (
serie:ces car eectroy=er strai-%t 4$ from aternator M
He %is usin- 2.*C; so coupin- ! of %is ces in series ,! x 2.* U 14C3 and usin- a car
aternator; for 31+ ,tota po&er consumption 31+ x 14C U 421"atts3; you &i -et an
ama=in- amount of ! x ) U 3! LDmn of Hydroxy M3
"it% our ( ces series &e are -ettin- 3"%DL ,1 LDmn for 1!+3 and &e &ere aready
/ery proud ... '%is desi-n is &ays o/er #araday9s maximum U BCE82.I'73
'%e t%eoretica amount of -eneration of %ydro-en and oxy-en 0y t%e eectroysis in
accordance &it% t%e present system are mentionned 0eo&. Hydro-en H
: 1 -ram U
11.2 ,1 de-. $ at 1 atm3. Bxy-en B
: * -ram U !.( ,B de-. $ at 1 atm3.
Ho&e/er; t%e experimenta daata %a/e s%o&ed t%e foo&in- facts6
E*en by correction at te room tem/erature of 26 de".C# te rate of "eneration
o*er 26 times could be obtained.
+s %erein0efore fuy descri0ed in accordance &it% t%e in/ention -eneration and
separation of cation and anion in a fo&in- iGuid is faciitated at a %i-% efficiency of
-as production rate 0y t%e eectroysis.
"%ie certain preferred em0odiments of t%e in/ention %a/e 0een iustrated 0y &ay of
exampe in t%e dra&in-s and particuary descri0ed; it &i 0e understood t%at /arious
modifications may 0e made in t%e constructions and t%at t%e in/ention is no &ay
imited to t%e em0odiments s%o&n.
P Wat I claim is6 1D +pparatus fro t%e decomposition of aGueous iGuid &%ere0y -as
is formed comprisin- a ce; %a/in- an inet at one end and an outet at t%e ot%er;
positi/e and ne-ati/e eectrodes mounted &it%in said ce 0et&een said inet and outet
connected to a source of eecctric current; said eectrodes 0ein- &ound a0out eac%
ot%er in su0stantiay coaxia %eices to form a /ortex trans/erse to t%e fo& of iGuid;
and ma-netic means mounted &it% said ce at eac% of t%e axia ends of said
2D '%e apparatus accordin- to caim 1; &%erein said inet and outet meansare at axia
ends of said eectrodes.
3D '%e apparatus accordin- to caim 2; incudin- a -as:iGuid separation tan< and a
-as:&as%in- tan< eac% /erticay arran-ed in Huxtaposition; conduit means connectin-
t%e top of t%e ce &it% t%e mid:portion of t%e -as:iGuid separation tan<; a feed:0ac<
conduit connectin- t%e 0ottom end of t%e -as:iGuid separation tan< &it% said pump; a
conduit connectin- t%e top end of t%e -as:iGuid separation tan< and t%e o&er portion
of t%e -as:&as%in- tan<; a /a/e inserted in said atter conduit and a drain pipe
connected to t%e top end of t%e -as:&as%in- tan< for ex%aust of t%e -as.
4D '%e apparatus accordin- to caim 1; incudin- a pump at t%e inet for feedin- t%e
iGuid under pressure t%rou-% said ce.
!D '%e apparatus accordin- to caim 1; &%erein eac% of said eectrodes is formed of at
east one s%eet of metaic materia; eac% eectrode 0ein- pro/ided &it% a ead &ire
secured to t%e ce; and %a/in- contact means extendin- t%rou-% t%e &a t%ereof.
(D '%e apparatus accordin- to caim 1 incudin- insuatin- spaces interposed 0et&een
said eectrodes.
)D '%e apparatus accordin- to caim 1; &%erein said ma-netic means comprise annuar
mem0ers %a/in- diametricay opposed positi/e and ne-ati/e poes yin- ort%o-ona
to t%e fo& of iGuid.
End of fu transcription of t%e patent.
--------------------------------------------- Return to the top
PP ).R. SEI$M&)# Entro/ic Re/ercussion of Water;$ielectric (rea0do.n#
Water :uel !!C# (ayside# )e. Yor0 11<?6# ,S&; from
9SeidmanCota-e@rea<do&n.pdf9 a/aia0e at
2pon ac%ie/in- t%e /ota-e ma-nitude t%res%od associated &it% &ater:dieectric
0rea<do&n; a pat% of moecues is ioni=ed 0et&een t%e ne-ati/e and positi/e capacitor
pates. +fter moecuar ioni=ation; an aternatin- positi/e ne-ati/e ionic arran-ement
emer-es &%ere t%e ne-ati/ey c%ar-ed capacitor pate is foo&ed 0y a positi/e ion
t%en a ne-ati/e ion in continuin- repetition unti t%e pat% is concuded 0y t%e
positi/ey c%ar-ed capacitor pateI t%e arran-ement of t%e ions is -o/erned 0y an
attempt to ac%ie/e c%ar-e neutraity. '%e ne&y esta0is%ed pat% of conducti/ity
ao&s t%e /ota-e stored in t%e capacitor to disc%ar-e /ia t%e creation of a current
fo& t%rou-% said pat%. In addition to t%e ener-y ,E
3 dei/ered 0y t%e disc%ar-in- of
t%e capacitor; t%is pu0ication su--ested t%at a net <inetic ener-y ,E
3 resuts from t%e
ai-nment of t%e ions associated &it% &ater:dieectric 0rea<do&n conditions.
I. Introduction6 '%e empirica parameters of &ater:dieectric 0rea<do&n %a/e 0een
t%orou-%y in/esti-ated t%rou-%out recenty scientific %istory. Most recent it %as 0een
in/esti-ated 0y Sandia .ationa La0oratories V1W. '%eir in/esti-ations %a/e produced
an empirica eGuation ,13 specific de/ised for capacitors &it% infinite area.

U 1.13!Q:1.11F ,13
In eGuation ,13; E
D d; &%ere E
is %as units of MCDcm; C
is t%e pea< /ota-e
across t%e capacitor &it% units of me-a/ots ,MC3; and d is t%e distance 0et&een t%e
capacitor pates &it% units of centimeters ,cm3. '
is a tempora parameter in/o/in-
t%e puse &idt% of t%e appied /ota-e si-naI t%is /aria0e is measured in units of
microseconds ,us3.
In t%e researc% 0y Sandia .ationa La0oratories V1W t%ere &as a tota of 2! point:pane
measurements ta<en and ta0uated for t%e primary purpose of -eneratin- eGuation ,13.
+dditiona anaysis of t%e 2! point:pane measurements %as produced eGuation ,23;
and uni<e eGuation ,13; eGuation ,23 %as an additiona parameter d; &%ic% is a
/aria0e representin- t%e distance 0et&een capacitor pates. '%e /aria0e d is
measured in centimeters ,cm3.
U 1.231 ,23
'%e researc% of Sandia .ationa La0oratories V1W; t%at produced eGuation ,13 and ,23;
&as desi-ned to supersede eGuation ,33 produced 0y Ei0ert and Lupton V2W for
systems assumin- infinite area capacitors. EGuation ,33 is an empirica reations%ip
specificay in/o/in- a finite area capacitor.
U 1.231 ,33
+not%er empirica eGuation ,43 specific to a finite area capacitor %as 0een created 0y
,+"8E3 at +dermaston; En-and V3; 4; !; (W; and pu0is%ed in 8eferences V!; (W.
U 1.3 ,43
EGuations ,13; ,23; ,33; and ,43 are t%e resut of a century of researc% and in/esti-ation
into t%e ma-nitude of parameters necessary to induce &ater:dieectric 0rea<do&n.
EGuation ,13 and ,23 &ere specificay created for t%e desi-n and construction of &ater
0ased eectrica insuation systems. EGuation ,33; and ,43 are more -enera and %a/e
0een created for ot%er purposes; at%ou-% %a/e 0een incuded in t%is pu0ication to
especiay %i-%i-%t t%e due dii-ence of past researc%ers to document t%e empirica
parameters necessary to induce &ater:dieectric 0rea<do&n.
+s a resut of t%e atter due dii-ence; esta0is%ed in eGuations ,13; ,23; ,33; and ,43; it
is no& possi0e to in/esti-ate t%e su0seGuent reaction ensuin- after t%e occurrence of
&aterdieectric 0rea<do&n. '%is pu0ication deas &it% a potentia entropic
repercussion of &aterdieectric 0rea<do&n; and t%e t%eori=ed <inetic ener-y ,E
3 t%at
emer-es from ionic ai-nment.
II. 9eory6 4ieectric 0rea<do&n resuts in t%e formation of positi/ey c%ar-ed and
ne-ati/ey c%ar-ed ions. '%ese positi/e and ne-ati/e c%ar-es arran-e in an aternatin-
fas%ion connectin- t%e ne-ati/e capacitor pate to t%e positi/e capacitor pate in an
attempt to maintain net c%ar-e neutraity. '%e aternatin- c%ar-es form a conducti/e
pat%; capa0e of propa-atin- eectric current; effecti/ey ao&in- t%e disc%ar-e of t%e
/ota-e stored in t%e capacitor 0e-innin- at t%e instant of dieectric 0rea<do&n. '%is
ne&y esta0is%ed conducti/e pat% is &e or-ani=ed; in a reati/ey inear fas%ion;
suc% t%at a o& state of entropy occurs. +ssociated &it% a o& state of entropy is a
%i-% moecuar <inetic ener-y ,E
3 ma-nitude; &%ereas t%e typica t%e random
motions of partices; in a %i-% state of entropy; tend to cance eac% ot%er.
III. Ionic &li"nment and te Resultin" Ma"nitude of +inetic Ener"y DE
F6 2pon
t%e ai-nment of t%e positi/e and ne-ati/e c%ar-ed ions; a state of o& entropy is
esta0is%ed resutin- in a Guantity of <inetic ener-y ,E
3. '%is Guantity of ener-y is in
addition to t%e ma-nitude dei/ered 0y t%e to t%e ma-nitude dei/ered 0y t%e current
fo& ,E
3 associated &it% t%e disc%ar-in- of t%e /ota-e stored in t%e capacitor.
IC. Ener"y &*ailability6 '%e atter su--ested <inetic ener-y ,E
3 is summated &it%
t%e input ener-y ,E
3 iustrated in eGuation ,!3. EGuation ,!3 aso eads into t%e
met%od of testin- su--ested in section C.
::` 2H
3 ,!3
C. Metod of 9estin"6 + met%od of testin- exists 0y usin- standard t%ermodynamic
eGuipment. '%e system must 0e controedI t%erefore a 0om0 caorimeter is to 0e used
to Guantity potentia exot%ermic %eat ener-y. '%e exact Guantity of eectrica ener-y
input into t%e system can 0e measured 0y standard a/aia0e eectronic testin-
eGuipment. '%e ener-y resutin- from t%e system ,E
3 can 0e measured 0y
Guantifyin- t%e atomic 0yproducts of t%e c%emica reaction in eGuation ,!3I suc%
Guantification can 0e ac%ie/ed 0y standard c%emica anaysis of t%e resutin- -ases.
+s a resut of %a/in- t%ese t&o parameters ,E
3; and ,E
3; a simpe arit%metic
su0traction cacuation can 0e made to determine t%e /aue of ,E
3 t%at &oud 0e
reGuired to 0aance t%e stoic%iometry.
CI. &//endi36
V1W ".+. Sty-ar; '.$. "a-oner; H.$. I/es; >.8. "aace; C. +naya; ?.P. $orey; M.E.
$uneo; H.$. HarHes; ?.+. Lott; 5.8. Mo&rer; E.+. Puet=; '.+. '%ompson; S.E. 'ripp;
?.P. Can4e/ender; and ?.8. "ood&ort%; in P%ysica 8e/ie& Specia 'opics
+cceerators and @eams F; 1)1411 ,211(3.
V2W 8.+. Ei0ert and ".H. Lupton ,unpu0is%ed3.
V3W I.4. Smit%; +tomic "eapons 8esearc% Esta0is%ment 8eport .o.
SS"+D?$MD(!11D@; 1F(!
V4W I.4. Smit%; +tomic "eapons 8esearc% Esta0is%ment 8eport .o. SS"+DI4SD((11
D111; 1F((.
V!W ?.$. Martin; Proc. IEEE *1; F34 ,1FF23.
V(W ?.$. Martin; in ?.$. Martin on Pused Po&er; Edited 0y '.H. Martin; +.H.
5uent%er; and M. Aristiansen ,Penum; .e& 7or<; 1FF(3.
V)W '%ermodynamics ,+n En-ineerin- +pproac%3; 0y 7unus +. $en-e and Mic%ae
+. @oes; #ourt% Edition ,21123.
--------------------------------------------- Return to the top
PP Re: & Second !oo0 at $ielectrics and LPE # by Randy on Sunday#
Se/tember 1?# 266@; from 9SeidmanCota-e@rea<do&n.pdf9 a/aia0e at
'%ere %as 0een some discussion %ere of usin- radio freGuency to impro/e t%e
efficiency of eectroysis. +ccordin- to "i<ipedia; t%ere are t&o mec%anisms
in/o/ed. Bne is <no&n as eectronic conduction &%ere t%e current fo& in t%e
osciatin- fied ao&s t%e materia to 0e &armed to a0sor0 ener-y as %eat.N '%is is
t%e essence of micro&a/e %eatin-.
'%e second met%od in/o/es an actua /i0ration of a dieectric medium in a radio
freGuency fied. '%is is caed Ndieectric %eatin-N and it in/o/es dipoe rotation6
NMoecuar rotation occurs in materias %a/in- an eectrica dipoe moment; &%ic%
&i ai-n t%emse/es in t%e fied 0y rotatin-I as t%e fied aternates; t%e moecues
re/erse direction and acceerate t%e motion of indi/idua moecues or atoms.N
So; t%e 0asic met%od of N0urnin- sea&aterN is simpy t%e pacement of t%e sea&ater in
a rea p%ysica /i0ration of radio freGuency. '%is can 0e ac%ie/ed 0y attac%in-
ma-nets to pie=oeectric Guantum dots and c%oosin- t%e dimensions so t%at t%ey
osciate at radio freGuency. '%is &i 0urn sea&ater. +so; a manufactured %oo&
dieectric sp%ere &it% attac%ed ma-nets and t%e dimensions c%osen to /i0rate or
NosciateN at radio freGuency &i cause sea&ater to com0ust and continue to 0urn as
on- as t%is rea p%ysica /i0ration continues.
$omputer simuation is needed to confirm t%e resuts of suc% a de/ice 0efore it is 0uit
so t%at ones efforts are not &asted. '%is &oud sa/e a -reat dea of time in t%e
de/eopment sta-e. 4ieectrics naturay poari=e t%emse/es in t%e presence of an
eectric fied.
'%ere is reay no need for fossi fue at a for po&erin- an interna com0ustion
en-ine if natura radiant ener-y is con/erted to actua radio freGuency p%ysica
/i0rations. Hydro-en on demand t%rou-% dieectric %eatin- assisted eectroysis may
0e t%e 0asis of a ne& -eneration of %ydro-en cars. Hydro-en on demand is a rea and
pausi0e soution to -o0a &armin-. "e Hust need to put t%e pan in pace.
"%at &e need is ne& eaders%ip and common sense science. 8andy
--------------------------------------------- Return to the top
PP ). +. +H7S!&# S. CE)+&9&CH&!&M# Pulsed electro"eneration of
bubbles for electroflotation# re*ised 22 Marc 1BB1# E7,R)&! 7: &PP!IE$
E!EC9R7CHEMIS9RY 21 DtBBtF BA?;BB6; from 9Pused eectro-eneration of
0u00es for eectrofotation.pdf9 a/aia0e at
.. A. AHBSL+; S. CE.A+'+$H+L+M; 4epartment of Metaur-ica En-ineerin-;
Indian Institute of 'ec%noo-y; Po&ai; @om0ay 4111)(; India
P. SBM+S2.4+8+.; Henry Arum0 Sc%oo of Mines; $oum0ia 2ni/ersity; .e&
7or<; .7 1112); 2.S.+.
#ine 0u00es of t%e si=e reGuired for many processes suc% as eectrofotation can 0e
-enerated 0y eectroysis. + ar-e num0er of factors suc% as eectrode materia;
eectrode surfaceDmorp%oo-ica properties; pH and current density affect t%e -as
0u00e si=e distri0ution. '%is &or< is aimed at studies on t%e effect of interrupted
current ,pused3 eectroysis on t%e -eneration of -as 0u00es. + microcomputer:
controed current source desi-ned to -enerate t%e reGuired puses is descri0ed aon-
&it% typica resuts o0tained &it% t%is system. It &as o0ser/ed t%at a decrease in duty
cyce at a -i/en pH and a/era-e current density causes an increase in fine si=ed
0u00es and concomitant increase in 0u00e fux. + mec%anism 0ased on oca
potentia -radients is proposed to expain t%is p%enomenon.
1. Introduction6 Muc% of t%e experimenta &or< addressin- t%e -eneration of 0u00es
%as 0een concerned &it% nuceate 0oiin-; -as -eneration durin- eectroytic
processin- of materias as &e as mass transferD%ydrodynamic aspects V1; 2W. +
specia consideration %o&e/er for eectro:fotation of minera fines is t%e need to -en:
erate fine ,X !1DRm3 dispersed -as 0u00es. #ine par: tice fotation &%ic% is imited
due to t%e diminis%in- pro0a0iity of 0u00e:partice coisions; can 0e impro/ed 0y
increasin- t%e num0er of fine si=ed 0u00es V3W. '%us; t%e present &or< is addressed
to&ards t%e -eneration of sma si=ed 0u00es. +n important outcome of smaer
0u00e si=e is an increase in 0u00efux ,t%e num0er of 0u00es tra/ersin- unit cross:
section per unit time3 as &e as t%e num0er of 0u00es per unit /oume for a -i/en
/oume of -as e/o/ed. '%ese t&o factors %a/e 0een s%o&n to %a/e a stron- infuence
in fine partice fotation V3W.
+ primary concern in processes suc% as eectrofotation is t%e -eneration of fine
0u00es of <no&n si=e at a <no&n 0u00e fux V3:)W. Carious in/esti-ators V3; 4:1(W
%a/e studied eectroytic -eneration of -as 0u00es and t%e p%ysica parameters
-o/ernin- t%e 0u00e si=eK '%e occurrence of increased %ydro-en 0u00e si=e in t%e
acidic pH re-ion and t%at of oxy-en in t%e a<aine re-ion is &e <no&n. @u00e
contact an-e VF:13W; eectrode condition ,for exampe; surface rou-%ness3 V3; 1(; 1)W;
%ydro-en o/er/ota-e V3W; current density V3; F:11; 1)W; poari=ation potentia V3W and
0u00e c%ar-e V1!; 1*W %a/e 0een su--ested 0y many &or<ers to 0e amon- t%e factors
-o/ernin- t%e 0u00e departure diameter. #or a -i/en set of system parameters suc% as
pH; temperature; rea-ent concentration and eectrode materia; t%e 0u00e properties
are fixed and it 0ecomes impractica to adHust t%ese parameters to o0tain efficient
-eneration of t%e desired fine si=ed 0u00es. '%us; t%ere is need for a tec%niGue to
-enerate 0u00es of desired 0u00e si=e distri0ution ar-ey independent of t%e
soution conditions. Pused eectroysis can 0e carried out 0y usin- a &a/eform
-enerator aon- &it% a potentiostat capa0e of fast se& rates. P$ pro-ramma0e
po&er suppies usuay %a/e o& se& rates and may not pro/e suita0e as a pused
current source for a capaciti/e oad suc% as an eectroytic ce in t%e freGuency ran-e
discussed in t%is &or<. In t%is &or< an I@MDP$ controed pused current source
%a/in- a %i-% /ota-e se& rate %as 0een descri0ed. '%e pused source can 0e
controed 0y appropriate soft&are &%ic% can 0e taiored to an indi/idua appication.
2. !iterature re*ie.6 '%e p%ysica process of -as e/oution can 0e di/ided into t%ree
sta-es6 nuceation; -ro&t% and detac%ment. @u00es nuceate at eectrode surfaces
from soutions %i-%y supersaturated &it% product -as and -ro& 0y diffusion of
disso/ed -as to t%e 0u00e surface or 0y coaescence at t%e eectrode &it% ot%er
0u00es V1FW. '%ey detac% from t%e eectrode &%en 0uoyancy or iGuid s%earin- forces
puin- t%e 0u00es a&ay o/ercome t%e forces 0indin- t%em.
Surface in%omo-eneities suc% as crac<s are -eneray considered %i-% ener-y
nuceation sites due to t%e a/aia0iity of atomic ed-es as %i-% ener-y anc%ora-e
points. '%is p%enomenon %as 0een a su0Hect of detaied in/esti-ation in nuceate
0oiin- V13W; crystai=ation and soidification V21; 21W. #or 0u00e -eneration in
/acuum or pressure reease fotation ,anao-ous to precipitation3 t%e a0o/e
p%enomenon is important. 4urin- t%e eectroysis it is -eneray a-reed t%at t%e
preferred nuceation sites are at surface in%omo-encities suc% as fissures; crac<s and
scratc%es V13; 1)W as &e as oca in%omo-eneities resutin- in donor:acceptor V3W and
o& o/erpotentia sites V3; 1)W. '%e dependence of t%e /ota-e -radient at t%e tip of a
neede eectrode upon its cur/ature is a &e <no&n p%enomenon. Bccurrence of suc%
s%arp points on an eectrode and t%e conseGuent presence of %i-% oca potentia
-radient sites cannot 0e rued out. '%e importance of t%e roe of /ota-e -radients
to&ards nuceation is cear from t%e o0ser/ation t%at on &ire and mes% eectrodes
0u00e si=e depends ar-ey on eectrode cur/ature ,and t%us potentia -radient3
amost independent of t%e current density V3; 13W. Ho&e/er; 0u00e -ro&t% rates are
not stron-y dependent on t%e diameter of &ire eectrodes V1)W.
Carious mec%anisms %a/e 0een proposed to determine t%e 0u00e departure diameter.
$oe%n V*W proposed t%at eectrostatic attraction 0et&een t%e 0u00e and t%e eectrode
is instrumenta in determinin- t%e departure diameter. Stron-er attraction reGuires a
ar-er 0uoyant force for detac%ment necessitatin- ar-er 0u00e diameters. @u00e
c%ar-e studies V1*W conducted on patinum anodes at 11:41 <+m :2 tend to support
t%is mec%anism. Ho&e/er; eectrostatic forces are predominant at current densities
,11( + m:23; ar-er t%an t%ose encountered in eectrofotation VF:11; 14; 1(W. 2sin-
%i-% speed p%oto-rap%y; 5as and "est&ater V1)W o0ser/ed t%at contact an-e is not as
si-nificant a factor as surface rou-%ness or eectrode materia in determinin- t%e
-ro&t% rate of 0u00es.
+ reation 0et&een t%e %ydro-en o/er/ota-e and t%e 0u00e si=e %as 0een o0ser/ed
It &as aso o0ser/ed t%at under cean conditions contact an-e is dependent on t%e
o/er/ota-e V4W.
'%us 0u00e si=e and fux in aGueous eectroysis seems to depend upon ,a3 surface
morp%oo-ica factors incudin- donor acceptor and o& o/erpotentia sites and ,03
t%e in%erent o/er/ota-e property of t%e eectrode materia.
3. E3/erimental details6 '%e pused d.c. source &as desi-ned as a circuit 0oard to 0e
interfaced to a microcomputer -i/in- t%e system fexi0iity in its confi-uration as a
constant currentD/ota-e source ,#i-. 13. 2ser interface is more /ersatie due to
soft&are contro of t%e eGuipment. '%e circuit is mapped on t%e ID1 0us of t%e
microcomputer usin- t%e s&itc% S:1 and address decoder ,4E$3. '%e micro:computer
sends data to t%e di-ita to anao- con/erter ,4+3 t%rou-% 0uffers ,@2#3. '%e timer
,'IM3 is pro-rammed to -enerate timin- puses to update 4+ under t%e direct
memory access ,4M+3 mode of t%e microcomputer. '%us; t%e reGuisite &a/eform is
-enerated 0y t%e computer in t%e 0ac<-round &%ie t%e computer is simutaneousy
a/aia0e for computationa and ot%er contro &or<. '%e 4+ output is fed to t%e po&er
ampifier ,P+3. '%e %i-% current suppy ,PS3 is capa0e of pro/idin- a pea< current of
! +. '%e use of a 12:0it 4+ operatin- under direct memory access of an I@MDP$
operatin- at * MH= offers a resoution of 1.124E for current ,maximum current of
4+3 and minimum puse cyce time of 3.2ms &it% 1.!E resoution.
Soft&are &as de/eoped for t%e -eneration of puses ,#i-. 23 of /aria0e duty cyce at
a seected a/era-e current. '%e a/era-e current ,i
U idDB13 &as com: puted from t%e
area under t%e cur/e ,s%aded3 and t%e duty cyce ,d3 as t%e percenta-e of cyce time
,icy3 durin- &%ic% t%e current fo&s t%rou-% t%e cet. '%us; for a sGuare &a/e; t%e
duty cyce is !1E. '%e soft&are &as desi-ned to -enerate a %i-% pea< current
nuceation puse at t%e start of eac% cyce. '%e contri0ution of t%e nuceation puse to
t%e tota ener-y &as ne-i-i0e , X 1.2E3.
Eectroysis &as carried out in a Guart= ce mounted on a stand 0ac<it &it% a 0ri-%t
i-%t source. + s%uttered /ideo camera ,1D1111 s%utter speed3 fitted &it% microscope
o0Hecti/e !1T to 311T3 &as used to record 0u00e dimensions on a /ideo recorder. +
/ideo -rap%ic printer &as used to print t%e picture frames for su0seGuent 0u00e si=e
measurement. '%e Guart= ce &as desi-ned to circuate t%e eectroyte ,1 M .a2SB43.
'%e eectroyte ,pH 11.13 &as circuated 0y means of peristatic pump and a ar-e
externa reser/oir of t%e eectroyte &as maintained to ensure minima pH c%an-e.
Eectroyte circuation aso faciitated remo/a of t%e -enerated -ases.
'%e patinum pate cat%ode ,1 cm
3 &as carefuy pois%ed and t%orou-%y de-reased.
$are &as ta<en to excude surface acti/e contaminants. '%e externa -ass reser/oir
for t%e eectroyte &as a&ays <ept co/ered to pre/ent air:0orne contamination. '%e
0u00es &ere o0ser/ed 0et&een 2 to 2.! mm /ertica3 a0o/e t%e eectrode.
Experiments &ere carried out for t%e eectro-eneration of %ydro-en 0u00es &it% a
pused current %a/in- a step &a/eform ,#i-. 23. '%e soutions &ere eectroysed &it%
an a/era-e current density ran-in- from 1.! to 2.1+m
and duty cyce ran-in- from
! to 111E. + cyce time of 31 ms &as used and a recordin- period of !min &as used
at eac% experimenta condition. @u00e si=e distri0ution &as computed 0y examinin-
at east 1!1:211 0u00es in s%arp focus.
4. Results6 Initia experimenta &or< on eectroysis &it% rectan-uar &a/eform
%a/in- a eadin- %i-% ener-y nuceation puse; s%o&ed no si-nificant difference from
t%e eectroysis carried out &it%out t%e eadin- nuceation puse. '%us a su0seGuent
&or< &as conducted &it%out a eadin- nuceation puse.
'%e resuts o0tained for 0u00e si=e distri0ution as a function of current density and
duty cyce are presented in #i-s 3:(. @u00e diameters &ere computed from t%e /ideo
prints 0y ta<in- t%e a/era-e of 0u00es found in s%arp focus. It can 0e seen from #i-s
3:( t%at at a -i/en a/era-e current density; a decrease in duty cyce resuts in an
increase of 0u00es of smaer diameter. '%is is expected to si-nificanty increase t%e
0u00e fux.
!. $iscussion6 '%e c%ief effect of pusin- o0ser/ed durin- eectroysis is t%e
occurrence of an increased num0er of sma si=ed ,X 11:1!um3 0u00es ,#i-s 3:!3.
'%us at o& duty cyce; %i-%er current durin- t%e 9on9 time forces a ar-er num0er of
0u00es to nuceate and -ro& resutin- in an increased 0u00e fux. '%e reGuirement
of %i-% current density for nuceation and -ro&t% %as 0een o0ser/ed 0y @randon V1*W
to 0e due to diffusion of disso/ed -as a&ay from t%e eectrode. '%us an induction
time is o0ser/ed for 0u00e nuceation. '%e induction time is t%e time reGuired to
attain t%e necessary supersaturation of t%e eectroyte &it% respect to t%e disso/ed -as
at t%e eectrode surface.
'%us 0u00es; once nuceated; reGuire a reati/ey %i-% current density for sustained
-ro&t%. Studies &it% patinum eectrodes %a/e s%o&n t%at 0u00e detac%ment is
-reaty faciitated 0y t%e interruption of current as &e as 0y a reduction in t%e
potentia V1*W.
Pused eectroysis pro/ides ampe opportunity for t%e 0u00es to disod-e since t%e
current is interrupted after eac% cyce.
'o study t%e effect of t%e presence of surface acti/e rea-ents durin- pused
eectroysis; experiments &ere performed in t%e presence of 1 x 11
M sodium
dodecysup%onate; t%e concentration c%osen 0ein- typica for frot% fotation systems.
8esuts potted in #i-. ( s%o& t%at t%e effect of surfactant at %i-% duty cyce ,!1E3; as
&e as o& duty cyce ,!E3; is not si-nificant. +n important effect of surfactant;
namey t%e modification of t%e 0u00e:eectrode contact an-e %as 0een s%o&n to %a/e
/ery itte effect in t%e case of %ydro-en 0u00es V1)W.
'%e foo&in- interpretation of t%e mec%anisms is su--ested for t%e nuceation and
-ro&t% of 0u00es durin- pused eectroysis.
!.1. .uceation 6 Potentia nuceation sites on t%e eectrode surface; suc% as scratc%
ed-es and ca/ities; possess a &ide /ariation in ener-y. '%e %i-%er /ota-e reGuired for
%i-%er instantaneous currents under pused conStions ar-ey offsets t%e effect of
oca potentia -radients and aso resuts in a %i-% de-ree of oca -as supersaturation;
t%us resutin- in %omo-eneous nuceation.
+t s%ort times i.e. t X 11ms; 0u00es -ro& 0y actin- as sin<s for t%e pre/iousy
-enerated disso/ed -as in t%e supersaturated soution adHacent to t%e eectrode V1*W.
Suc% -ro&t% is %ydrodynamicay controed 0y iGuid inertia.
!.2. 5ro&t% and detac%ment 6 5ro&t% is dri/en 0y t%e %i-% interna excess pressure
inside t%e 0u00e &%ic% is reated to t%e surface of iGuid:/apour interface. #rom
11ms on&ards; diffusion of disso/ed -as to t%e 0u00e contact perimeter 0ecomes
rate controin- V22W. 2nder pused conditions of o& duty cyce; -ro&t% is eit%er
entirey inertia or inertia and diffusion controed. 2nder conditions of o& current
density ,%i-% duty cyce3; &%ie most nucei may -ro& in a simiar manner durin- t%e
inertia p%ase; ony nucei at t%e o&est o/erpotentia sites -ro& durin- t%e diffusion
contro p%ase due to concentration poari=ation. #reGuent interruptions in current
durin- pused eectroysis aso promote 0u00e detac%ment. @u00e si=e increase 0y
coaescence at t%e eectrode V1; 1FW; as &e as 0y coaescence in 0u<; resuts in
furt%er increase in 0u00e diameter.
(. Conclusions6
1. Pused eectroysis can 0e used to re-uate 0u00e si=e independent of t%e a/era-e
current density and ot%er suc% parameters.
2. 4urin- &ater eectroysis; increase in current density resuts in finer 0u00es &%ic%
may find appication in processes suc% as eectrofotation.
&c0no.led"ements6 '%e aut%ors ac<no&ed-e t%e assistance of 4r 4. 8. Aet<ar;
4epartment of Metaur-ica En-ineerin-; Indian Institute of 'ec%noo-y; @om0ay; in
t%e experimenta &or<. '%is &or< &as supported 0y .ationa Science #oundation.
,5rant .o. I.':*)D1(F2(.3
V1e P.?. Sides; in 9Modern aspects of Eectroc%emistry9 ,edited 0y 8. E. "%ite; ?. B.9M.
@oc<ris and @. E. $on&ay3 1*; Penum Press; .e& 7or< ,1F*(3 p. 313.
V2W H. Co-t; in 9$ompre%ensi/e 'reatise on Eectroc%emistry9; Co. (; Penum Press;
.e& 7or< ,1F*33 p. 44!.
V3W .. +%med and 5. ?. ?ameson; Int. ?. Min. Process. 14 ,1F*!3 1F!.
V4W +.+. Mama<o/; in 9Modern State and Perspecti/e of Eectroytic #otation9; Co. I
,edited 0y C.P. Sc%tiinsta3; Ais%ine/ ,1F)!3 pp. 3:(( ,in 8ussian3.
V!W 5.@. 8aHu and P. 8. A%an-aon<ar; Int. ?. Min. Process. F ,1F*23 133.
V(W H. Ledesma and M. 5u=man; in 9Production and Processin- of #ine Partices9
,edited 0y +.?. Pumpton3; $anadian Institute of Minin- and Metaur-y; Montrea
,1F**3 pp. 1F!:212.
V)W E.+. $asse; A. M. Aaufman and E. MatiHe/ic; "ater 8esearc% F ,1F)!3 111).
V*W +. $oe%n; >. Ee<troc%em. 2F ,1F233 1.
VFW @... Aa0ano/; 9Eectroc%emistry of metas and adsorption9; .au<a; Mosco&
V11W @... Aa0ano/ and +. .. #rum<in; >. P%ys. $%em. 1(! ,1F333 !3F.
V11W @... Aa0ano/ and .. I. Cas%c%en<o; Eectrocapiary p%enomena and &etta0iity
of materias; Proceedin-s +cademy of Science 2SS8; $%emica Series ,1F3(3 )3!.
V12W +. $oe%n and H. .eumann; >. fiir P%ys. 21 ,1F233 !4.
V13W +.'. Au%n; $%emica Processin- 21 ,1F)43; ?une F:12; ?uy !:).
V14W C.I. Aassen and C. +. Mou<roso/; 9+n Introduction to '%e '%eory of #otation9;
@utter&ort%s; London ,1F(33 p. 4F3.
V1!W ..P. @randon; 5. H. Aesa; S. Le/ine and +. L. Smit%; ?. +pp. Eectroc%em. 1!
,1F*!3 4*!.
V1(W 4.8. Aet<ar; 8. Mai<arHunan and S. Cen<atac%aam; ?. Eectroc%em. Soc. India
3) ,1F**3 313.
V1)W ?.P. 5as and ?. ". "est&ater; Int. ?. Heat Mass 'ransfer ) ,1F(43 142).
V1*W ..P. @randon and 5. H. Aesa; ?. +pp. Eectroe%em. 1! ,1F*!3 4)!.
V1FW P. Sides and ?. 'o0ias; ?. Eectroc%em. Soc. 132 ,1F*!3 !*3.
V21W 8.4. 4o%erty; 9P%ysica Metaur-y Part II9; ,edited 0y 8. ". $a%n and P.
Haasen3; .ort%:Hoand; +mster: dam ,1F(33 pp. F():)!. E. Murr; 9Interfacia
P%enomena in Metas and +oys9; +ddison:"esey; 8eadin- M+ ,1F)!3 pp. 2!F:*1.
P. @randon; P%.4. t%esis; 2ni/ersity of London ,1F*!3.
V21W L.E. Murr; 9Interfacia P%enomena in Metas and +oys9; +ddison:"esey;
8eadin- M+ ,1F)!3 pp. 2!F:*1.
V22W ..P. @randon; P%.4. t%esis; 2ni/ersity of London ,1F*!3.
(7( (7YCE electrolyHer: ,pa-e created at .o/em0er 211) 2pdate3
PP (7( (7YCE# Hydro3y &d*enturer: 6
#rom t%e 'renc%es :: 7ne Man-s E3/erience .it :ree Ener"y
@o0 @oyce tes a0out %o& e built a carburetor usin" ydro"en and o3y"en s/lit
usin" /ro/er fre5uencies
#rom6 N@o0 @oyceN 'o6 Sent6 Bcto0er 1); 2112 *63*
O into %ydro-en researc% &%ere I &as 0uidin- small electrolyHer type units t%at
used distilled .ater mixed &it% an eectroyte and I &oud resonate t%e pates for
optima con/ersion efficiency. I disco/ered t%at &it% t%e ri-%t freGuencies; I &as a0e
to -enerate monoatomic %ydro-en and oxy-en; &%ic% &%en recom0ined; /roduces
about = times te ener"y out/ut of normal diatomic ydro"en and o3y"en
molecules since t%e process of com0ustion does not %a/e to 0rea< apart t%e moecues
first 0efore recom0inin- into &ater /apor. 4iatomic %ydro-en reGuires a0out 4E to air
to produce t%e same po&er as -asoine; &%ie monoatomic reGuires si-%ty ess t%an
1E to air for t%e same po&er. '%e ony dra&0ac< &as stora-e at pressure causes t%e
monoatoms to start Hoinin- into diatomic pairs; and t%e mixture &ea<ens; so it must 0e
produced on:demand and consumed ri-%t a&ay.
I used modified LP car0s on t%e 0oat en-ines to dea &it% usin- /apor fue. I e/en
con/erted an od c%ryser &it% a sant six en-ine to run on t%e %ydro-en setup and &e
tested it in t%e s%op.
OIt reGuires a ot of pates made of 31( stainess so it &i &it%stand t%e more exotic
eectroytes t%at are more efficient; a pastic 0ox to contain t%e pates; 1D*N spacers to
<eep t%e ro&s of pates apart; t%e eectroyte; and an adHusta0e freGuency modified
psuedo:sine&a/e in/erter can 0e used for t%e dri/e eectronics. I used (1 of t%e (N
sGuare pates to -i/e a ar-e surface area and scoured t%e surfaces &it% coarse
sandpaper in an NTN pattern to -i/e a fine cross%atc% -rain to add fine s%arp points. I
found t%is impro/ed efficiency as &e. '%e top of t%e 0ox %ad t&o t%readed ports; a
sma one for inHectin- repacement distied &ater; and a ar-er one for extractin- t%e
/apor. 2nder t%e top co/er sittin- on top of t%e pates I cut a piece of pastic mattin-
to pre/ent sos%in-.
It9s /ery important to <eep t%e tota eectroyte e/e at or 0eo& t%e tops of t%e pates
to pre/ent /ota-e from 0ypassin- any ces and creatin- excessi/e &ater /apor. I
paced a ! PSI cutoff s&itc% in a tee on t%e &ater inHection port t%at s%ut t%e dri/e
eectronics do&n &%en t%e pressure in t%e unit %it ! PSI. '%is ao&ed t%e unit to 0e
a0e to suppy on demand &it%out 0uidin- up too muc% pressure in o& demand
situations. I 0uit a 0u00er from a ar-e %ome cartrid-e type &ater fiter %ousin- to
pre/ent any 0ac<fire from tra/ein- 0ac< up t%e fue feed to t%e unit. "it%out some
sort of 0u00er you run t%e ris< of t%e unit expodin- if a fame front from t%e en-ine
fo&s 0ac< to it. I %a/e seen copper mes% screens desi-ned for &edin- -asses offered
for use on pans I seen years ater onine for simiar de/ices; 0ut %ydro-en %as a muc%
%i-%er fame propa-ation speed so t%e copper mes% may not 0e reia0e enou-% to ris<
Pace t%e unit cose to t%e en-ine to imit t%e amount of monoatom oss to diatomic
recom0ination and feed t%e fue /apor to t%e /apor portion of an LP car0 system. '%e
car0 &i %a/e to 0e modified for %ydro-en use ,different mixture rate t%an propane3
and adHusted &it% t%e system runnin- for 0est performance. '%e 0est eectroytes I
found to use &ere sodium %ydroxide and potassium %ydroxide. "%ie sodium
%ydroxide &or<s &e; it9s muc% easier to -et ,red de/i ye in most department stores3
t%an t%e muc% %arder to -et 0ut si-%ty more efficient potassium %ydroxide. "%ate/er
you do; 0e /ery carefu of materiasM Ma<e a0soutey sure t%ey are compati0e &it%
t%e eectroyte used. .e/er use -ass containers for mixin- or storin- potassium
P ,/date from 7, :orum :` Eectroysis S Hydro-en +ppications;
messa-e %ttp6DDoupo&er.comDp%p@@2D/ie&topic.p%pLtU)F!
(ob (oyce; 8e-uar Poster; ?oined6 2< Ean 2662; Posts6 !11; Location6 Eastern '.
Posted: Sat Eun 16# 266?
I &as too tired to respond ast ni-%t &%en I first read t%at; 0ut it did ma<e me c%uc<e.
It doesn9t 0ot%er me in t%e east; especiay &%en it9s from someone t%at ma<es it t%eir
ifes &or< to 0e a detractor a-ainst anyt%in- and e/eryt%in- different. I stopped -oin-
to most of t%e pu0ic forums 0ecause of peope i<e t%at tryin- to e-- me on.
'o -roup me in &it% peope t%at &ere; or are; out to run cars on &ater; is actuay
<inda funny; 0ecause t%at &as ne/er my -oa at a. My -oa ne/er &as to see<
pu0icity or fame; far from it; I &anted to 0e eft aone. .o&; I Hust &ant to try to
educate peope on t%e 0enefits of propery constructed series ces; and %o& to
propery condition to -et an efficient cataytic reaction. Let t%ese peope ta<e &%at
t%ey earn and appy it in t%eir o&n &ays.
I did run an oder car0urated car; 0ut it &as as a test Hi-; up on Hac< stands; not dri/in-
on t%e road. I re-retted mo/in- to t%at p%ase e/er since. "%ie I &as runnin- t%ose
sma marine race en-ines on strai-%t 4$ series ces; I ne/er %ad any pro0ems &it%
outside interference. .o0ody seemed to care. It &asn9t unti after I disco/ered t%e
resonance reaction 0y accident; t%en started t%e resonance researc% on t%e car en-ine;
t%at someone apparenty too< a <een interest in &%at I &as doin-.
May0e some day; t%e resonant reaction effect &i 0e fuy understood. 2nti t%en;
more researc% sti needs to 0e done to continue to impro/e upon t%e %ard&are to
ma<e t%e reaction more predicta0e and sta0e. I am &or<in- to&ards continuin- t%at
P &nd a second /ost in te same tread:
"%en I disco/ered t%e resonance reaction; I &as runnin- a pair of sma &ater:Het
po&ered race 0oats off of %ydroxy on demand systems. @ot% 0oats %ad identica
systems; &%ic% &ere comprised of 2 pairs of (:ce stac<s. @ot% used a pair of
dedicated propane car0s &it% 1N /apor fue ines comin- from t%e 0u00ers.
Eac% ce in t%e stac< &as 4 parae ces containin- 3 cat%ode pates and 2 anode
pates; &it% 1D*N ,3 mm3 spacin-. '%e ce stac<s &ere 1*N sGuare; so pate surface are
for t%ese &as massi/e. It &as essentiay a 0rute force system; at%ou-% I &as ta<in-
ad/anta-e of t%e series ce and t%e efficiency 0oost of t%e cataytic eectroyte. I %ad
disco/ered t%is desi-n in my attempts to impro/e efficiency of t%e 0asic eectroyser;
and it turned out to 0e muc% more efficient t%an t%e eectroysers of t%e day in a of
t%e iterature I coud find in t%e i0raries.
I %ad modified t%e 0attery system to use marine deep cyce 0atteries; &it% a %ea/y
soenoid to en-a-e and disen-a-e po&er to eac% unit. Po&er dra& for eac% on a fu
c%ar-e &as a0out 3!1 amps at t%e 12 /ots. @attery run time needed &as ony in t%e
minutes; so I Hust c%an-ed 0atteries 0efore eac% %eat; and <ept 0atteries on c%ar-e
durin- t%e e/ent.
'%e resonance effect %appened &%en t%e aternator on one of t%ese marine en-ines
faied ,rectifier s%orted3;and superimposed an +$ &a/eform onto t%e 4$ po&er 0us.
'%e effect &as imited to a particuar 8PM ran-e; and &as as if someone <ic<ed in an
after0urner; it made suc% a difference in en-ine %orsepo&er. +fter identifyin- t%e
cause of t%is unusua 0urst of %orsepo&er; I set out to find &ays to intentionay create
t%is reaction. '%e rest is %istory as t%ey say.
'%e auto en-ine I ran &as usin- a (1 series ce unit operatin- from a resonance
-enerator and dri/er. +t resonance; it too< a0out !!:(1 &atts to -enerate enou-%
%ydroxy -as to Hust ide t%e en-ine; and a0out 1(1 &atts to run t%e en-ine &%ere t%e
speedometer read (1 MPH in -ear. '%is &as &it% t%e car rear end up on Hac< stands;
so no /e%ice oad at a on t%e en-ine. '%e en-ine &as a c%ryser 1)1 $I4 sant six
,inine ( cyinder3 ean 0urn system &it% a car0 and a distri0utor type i-nition. I used
a propane adapter pate on t%at en-ine to adapt it to /apor fue.
In ans&er to t%e Guestion on -as /oume; yes; t%e /oume increased dramaticay
durin- resonance; &%ie current dra& &ent &ay do&n. I t%in< t%e imitin- factor on
t%ose eary (1 ce desi-ns &as t%e amount of -as t%at coud e/o/e out of soution
and come out of t%e c%am0er -i/en t%e pate area 0ein- 0oc<ed 0y t%e 0u00es. It &as
as if t%e &ater &as 0oiin- durin- resonance; and t%e 0u00es came out of soution;
not Hust at t%e pate surfaces. I endea/ored to find soutions to sta0ii=e and furt%er
impro/e reaction efficiency. 2nfortunatey; I &as una0e to continue my researc% after
it &as so rudey interrupted.
P &nd6
I tried strai-%t +$; 0ut t%at seemed to destroy t%e cataytic surface ayers on
conditioned pates. 2sin- +$ to condition produced no cataytic ayer at a. It did not
seem to &or< &e for re-uar eectroysis as &e. I did not ex%aust a possi0iities of
course; 0ut I did try enou-% to discoura-e me from %eadin- in t%at direction.
,to in< t%e artice a0o/e use6 P@@B73
P !&S9 ,P$&9E about (7( (7YCE; on ?anuary *; 211); at6
(ob (oyce-s ElectrolyHer Plans &*ailable to &ll# by Micael Couc# for Pure
Ener"y Systems )e.s
+ system for %i-%:efficiency eectroysis t%at in/o/es t%e ae-ed production of
monatomic %ydro-en; &%ic% %as %i-%y unusua and effecti/e properties in
accentuatin- miea-e.
@o0 @oyce &as &innin- races in mini po&er 0oats do&n in #orida; usin- Hydro-en
for fue.
... Bne day %e started noticin- t%at at a certain 8PM %is po&er <ic<ed up suddenyI as
t%ou-% %e %ad a nitro 0oost or somet%in-.
... It turned out t%at one of t%e diodes in %is +ternator %ad faied and &as pumpin- an
+$ into %is eectroy=er. "%en t%at certain rpm &as reac%ed t%e output from t%e
eectroy=er suddeny increased.
... %e found t%at &%en t%e freGuencies <ic<ed in %e &as producin- muc% more
monatomic %ydro-en. He &ent on to perfect %is eectroysis to t%e point t%at it
-enerates a ar-e /oume of -as and mosty monatomic %ydro-en.
... '%e eectroy=er ce itsef is eit%er (1 pates for torc%es and sma motorsI or *1
pates for ar-er -ensets; ...
... %e ma<es %is o&n P"M3 $ontroer for Hydroxy torc%es and -ensets. '%ey aren9t
for sae 0ut you can find t%e info in fies on t%e "e0. '%e controer uses t%ree !!(
4ua !!! timers. Eac% dua uses one !!! for puse &idt% and t%e ot%er for freGuency;
-eneratin- 42;*11I 21;411I and 11;)11 cps respecti/ey.
'%ese freGuencies dri/e t%e 2!E moduation on top of t%e pused 4$ carrier N0iasN
current. '%e 4$ @ias /ota-e is input at t%e 'oroida 'ransformer9s inputs &%ic% -ets
fitered into 4$ 0efore reac%in- t%e pates of %is eectroy=er &it% t%e +$ Cota-e
ridin- on it.
... @o0 says t%is causes a ma-netic circuit t%rou-% t%e center of t%e pates in t%e
eectroy=er. '%e resut of a t%ese refinements is t%at &%en t%e &ater is spit; t%e 0ias
/ota-e <eeps it from recom0inin-; and H moecues %a/e penty of eectrons to
a0sor0; pre/entin- t%e t&o Hs from Hoinin-. '%us t%e extra ar-e /oume of
monatomic Hydro-en moecues.
... '%e (Nx(N Pates are spaced 3mm apart exacty and seaed on t%e sides and 0ottom.
"ater e/es must 0e maintained in eac% ce. @o09s %as a suppy pipe &it% %oes
dried aon- it for eac% ce.
... @o0 says; you &i -et anot%er area of separation in t%e &ater 0et&een t%e ces as
&e as on t%e pates.
... Mr. @oyce is a true %umanitarian and %as paced %is system in t%e pu0ic domain in
t%e %opes of %epin- t%e panet re/erse -o0a &armin-; end oi &ars; and dei/er free
ener-y to t%e poor peopes of t%e &ord.
,to in< t%e artice a0o/e use6 P@B@13
P & messa"e from (ob (oyce: Water is !ife
Water IS life... and so muc more... So; &%y a of t%e excitment a0out common
"ater is te "lue tat bonds all of life to"eter. "it%out it &e &oud not exist. "it%
it; not ony do &e sur/i/e; 0ut &e may %a/e a soution to our -ro&in- -o0a ener-y
Ho& so you may as<L Water can be transformed into a /erfect ener"y su//ly. It is
a0undant; non:poutin-; and eterna in nature. 7ou spit it efficienty and com0ust it
efficienty. +fter %ar/estin- t%at reeased ener-y; you a"ain a*e H27 as te by;
/roduct. Hard to 0eatM
"i t%e -reed of 0i- oi and 0i- 0usiness e/er 0e satisfied enou-% t%at t%ey can stop
destroyin- t%is panetL I seriousy dou0t it.
'%ere is ener-y apenty in t%e &ind; t%e sun; in fo&in- ri/ers and &aterfas... E*en
in a cu/ of .ater# latent tere# 8ust .aitin" for te ad*enturous... 'o for itR
,to in< t%e artice a0o/e use6 P@B@113
--------------------------------------------- Return to the top
P (ob (7YCE full details# dia"rams and electronic to re/roduce is
su/erefficient electrolyser# /a"e 16 to 2B from 94F.pdf9 a/aia0e at
P Sort e3tracts6 @o0 0oyce is easiy t%e most experienced and <no&ed-ea0e
series:ce desi-ner. He ac%ie/es a massi/ey increased -as production rate 0y usin-
an eectroyser &it% a ar-e num0er of ces in it. @od uses one %undred ces ,111
pates3 in %is eectroyser. 2nits &it% Hust (1 ces are incined more to 0rute:force 4$
eectroysis; tendin- to mas< t%e -ains produced 0y pusin-. +s t%ere is a /ota-e drop
across eac% stainess stee eectrode pate; it is usua to ao& a0out 2 /ots across eac%
ce. Ho&e/er; @o0 finds t%at for i";efficiency /ulsin"# te o/timum *olta"e /er
cell is about 1.2 *olts. '%is means t%at a /ota-e of a0out 1.! x 111 U 1!1 /ots is
needed to po&er its to its maximum output.
'o -et t%is %i-%er /ota-e; @o0 uses a 111 Cot in/erter.... '%e output from t%e in/erter
is con/erted from +ternatin- $urrent to pusin- 4irect $urrent 0y passin- t%e output
t%rou-% a 4 diodes 0rid-e rectifier.
... +n eectroyser &it% a %undred ces; 0uit in t%is stye &i %a/e 111 meta pates
and 11 separate 0odies of eectroyte. In spite of t%ese ar-e num0ers; t%e si=e of t%e
o/era unit does not %a/e to 0e excessi/e. '%e spacin- 0et&een t%e pates is set to;
say; 3mm ,1D* inc%3 and t%e pate t%ic<ness mi-%t 0e 1( -au-e ,1.) to 1 mm3; so t%e
&idt% of any ce is not -reat; 0ein- rou-%y t%e same si=e as a /e%ice 0attery.
'%e si=e of t%e pates may 0e determined 0y t%e space a/aia0e in t%e en-ine
compartment. It t%ere is a ar-e amount of spare space; t%en t%e pate si=e may 0e
seected 0y ao&in- from t&o to four sGuare inc%es of area on 0ot% sides of eac%
pate; per ampere of current. Eac% side of e/ery pate is in a different eectroysis ce
so a ( inc% 0y ( inc% pate &i %a/e 3( sGuare inc%es on eac% face and so &oud carry
0et&een 3(D4 U F to 1* amps of current. '%e c%oice of current density is made 0y t%e
0uider of t%e eectroyser and it &i 0e infuenced 0y t%e si=e and cost of t%e in/erter
c%osen to dri/e t%e eectroyser and t%e ao&a0e current dra& from t%e 0attery.
+ (11 &att eectroyser &oud %a/e an a0soute maximum output current capacity of
(11"D 111CU !.4! +mps. '%e in/erter &i run muc% 0etter if not used at its
maximum oad a t%e time; so per%aps a current of 4 +mIs mi-%t 0e used as t%e tar-et
current. +t four sGuare inc%es per +mp; t%at indicates a pate area of 1( sGuare inc%es
,113 sGuare centimetres3; say !N x 3.!N for t%e part of %te pate 0eo& t%e surface of
t%e eectroyte. +s t%e pates need to proHect a0o/e t%e surface of t%e eectroyte; a
pate si=e of !N x 4.!N ,12!mm x 11!mm3 &oud 0e practica.
If t%e in/erter is *1E efficient; t%en if you feed 111 &atts of po&er into it; ony *1
&atts of eectrica ener-y comes out of it. '%at ost 21 &atts is 2!E of t%e actua
output from t%e unit. More current -oes into it t%an comes out of it ,t%e remainder
0ein- &asted as %eat inside t%e in/erter3. '%e po&er ta<en from t%e 0attery &oud
t%en 0e 4+ x 111CU 441" pus 2!E U !!1"atts. '%e current dra& from t%e 0attery
&oud 0e !!1 "attsD 13.*C; or a0out 41 +mps. @o0 @oyce recommends a (N x (N or
ar-er pate si=e; 0ut t%e si=e and s%ape of t%e spare space in t%e en-ine compartment
&oud 0e a maHor consideration. It is essentia t%at e/ery item &%ic% contains %ydroxy
-as ,M45 no/1)6 if not 0uid in a exposion:proof materia i<e t%ic< meta; "iiam
8HB4ES afirm in %is patent and paper; 1F(2; t%at %ydroxy is safey contained in 1(
5au-e t%ic< iron pipes; and can9t expode in t%at situation3 is ocated in t%e en-ine
compartment. 2nder no circumstances s%oud t%e eectroyser or 0u00er 0e ocated in
t%e passen-er area of t%e /e%ice; e/en if pop:off caps are pro/ided and a second
protecti/e outer %ousin- is pro/ided; as t%e exposi/e force is so -reat t%at permanent
%earin- dama-e &oud 0e a serious dan-er. ...
'%e one &ay /a/e s%o&n 0et&een t%e t&o 0u00ers; is to pre/ent t%e &ater in t%e
0u00er mounted 0eside t%e eectroyser; 0ein- dri/en into t%e eectroyser in t%e e/ent
of an exposion in t%e 0u00er mounted 0eside t%e en-ine. '%e o/era operation of
t%is stye of eectroyser is /ery muc% i<e ta<in- -as from a pressurised cyinder /ia a
pressure:re-uator /a/e. '%e eectroyser %as a pressure s&itc% disconnects t%e
eectrica suppy from t%e eectroyser &%en t%e -as pressure in t%e eectroyser
reac%es fi/e pounds per sGuare inc%6 see dia-ram.
... '%e preparation of t%e pates is one most important steps in producin- an
eectroyser &%ic% &or<s &e. '%is is a on- tas<; 0ut it is /ita t%at it is not s<imped
or %urried in any &ay. Surprisin-y; 0rand ne& s%iny stainess stee is not particuary
suita0e for use in an eectroyser and it needs to recei/e carefu treatment and
preparation 0efore it &i produce t%e expected e/e of -as output.
'%e first step is to treat 0ot% surfaces of e/ery pate to encoura-e -as 0u00es to 0rea<
a&ay from t%e surface of t%e pate. '%is coud 0e done 0y -rit 0astin-; 0ut if t%at
met%od is c%osen; -reat care must 0e ta<en t%at t%e -rit used does not contaminate t%e
pates. Stainess stee pates are not c%eap and if you -et -rit 0astin- &ron-; t%en t%e
pates &i 0e useess as far as eectroysis is concerned. + safe met%od &%ic% @o0
muc% prefers is to score t%e pate surface &it% coarse sandpaper. '%is is done in t&o
different directions to produce a cross:%atc% pattern. '%is produces microscopic s%arp
pea<s and /aeys on t%e surface of t%e pate and t%ose s%arp points and rid-es are
idea for %epin- 0u00es to form and 0rea< free of t%e pate. See dra&in-s.
@o0 uses a ( inc% x 4* inc% 0et sander &%ic% is -reat for preparin- t%e pates and t%e
uses it a t%e time no& &it% (1 or *1 -rit. +&ays &ear ru00er -o/es &%en %andin-
t%e pates to a/oid -ettin- fin-er mar<s on t%e pates. "earin- t%ese -o/es is /ery
important as t%e pates must 0e <ept as cean and as -rease:free as possi0e; ready for
t%e next sta-es of t%eir preparation.
+ny partices created 0y t%e sandin- process s%oud no& 0e &as%ed off t%e pates.
'%is can 0e done &it% cean tap &ater ,not city &ater t%ou-%; due to a t%e c%orine
and ot%er c%emicas added3; 0ut ony use distied &ater for t%e fina rinse.
+ point &%ic% is often missed 0y peope constructin- eectroysers is t%e fact t%at
eectroysis is not Hust an eectrica process; 0ut it is aso a ma"netic /rocess. It is
important for maximum operatin- efficiency t%at t%e pates are ai-ned ma-neticay.
'%is &i not 0e t%e case &%en t%e pates arri/e from t%e suppier as eac% paate &i
%a/e random ma-netic c%aracteristics. '%e easiest &ay to dea &it% t%is situation is to
-i/e t%e pates a mid ma-netic orientation. '%is can 0e done Guite simpy 0y
&rappin- a fe& turns of &ire around t%e stac< of pates and passin- some 0rief puses
of 4$ current t%rou-% t%e &ire.
B0/iousy; t%e pates need to 0e <ept in t%e same direction &%en 0ein- sotted into t%e
case. '%e next step in t%e preparation process is to ma<e up a &ea< soution of
potassium %ydroxide. '%is is done 0y addin- sma amounts of t%e potassium
%ydroxide to &ater %ed in a container. '%e container must not 0e -ass as t%at is not a
suita0e materia in &%ic% to mix t%e eectroyte.
Potassium %ydroxide; aso caed AHB or $austic Potas%; can 0e 0ou-%t in sma
Guantities from soap ma<in- suppy outets... +&ays store in a sturdy air:ti-%t
container &%ic% is ceary a0eed 4+.5E8 : Potassium Hydroxide. Aeep t%e
container in a safe pace; &%ere it can9t 0e reac%ed 0y c%idren; ... "%en mixin- t%e
eectroyte; ne*er use &arm &ater. '%e &ater s%oud 0e coo 0ecause t%e c%emica
reaction 0et&een t%e &ater and t%e ABH -enerates a -ood dea of %eat ...
Plate Cleansin"6 Prepare a !E to 11E ,0y &ei-t%3 ABH soution and et it coo
do&n. +s mentioned 0efore; ne/er %ande t%e pates &it% your 0are %ands; 0ut a&ays
use cean ru00er -o/es. Put t%e sanded and rinses pates into t%e sots in t%e
eectroyser case; <eepin- t%em a t%e same &ay round so t%at t%ey remain
ma-neticay matc%ed. #i t%e ectroyser &it% t%e ABH soution unti t%e pates are
Hust co/ered.
+ /ota-e is no& appied across t%e &%oe set of pates 0y attac%in- t%e eads to t%e
outermist t&o pates. '%is /ota-e s%oud 0e at east 2 /ots per ce; 0ut it s%oud not
exceed 2.! /ots per ce. Maintain t%is /ota-e across t%e set of pates for se/era
%ours at a time. '%e current is i<ey to 0e 4 amps or more. +s t%is process continues;
t%e 0oiin- action &i oosen partices from t%e pores and surfaces of t%e meta. '%is
process produces %ydroxy -as; so it is /ery important t%at t%e -as is not ao&ed to
coect any&%ere indoors ,suc% as on ceiin-s3.
+ fter se/era %ours; disconnect t%e eectrica suppy and pour t%e eectroyte soution
into a container. 8inse out t%e ces t%orou-%y &it% distied &ater. #iter t%e diute
ABH soution t%rou-% paper to&es or coffee fiters to remo/e t%e partices. Pour t%e
diute soution 0ac< into t%e eectroyser and repeat t%is ceanin- process. 7ou may
%a/e to repeat t%e eectroysis and risin- process many times 0efore t%e pates stop
puttin- out partices into t%e soution. If you &is%; you can use a ne& ABH soution
eac% time you ceanse; 0ut pease reaise t%at you can -o t%rou-% a ot of soution Hust
in t%is ceanin- sta-e if you c%oose to do it t%at &ay. "%en ceansin- is finis%ed
,typicay 3 days of ceansin-3; do a fina rinse &it% cean distied &ater.
P Plate Conditionin"6 2sin- t%e same concentration of soution as in ceansin-; fi
t%e eectroyser &it% diute soution up to 1D2N 0eo& t%e tops of t%e pates. 4o not
o/erfi t%e ces. +ppy a0out 2 /ots per ce and ao& t%e unit to run. 8emem0er
t%at /ery -ood /entiation is essentia durin- t%is process. '%e ces may o/erfo&; 0ut
t%is is o< for no&. +s &ater is consumed; t%e e/es &i drop. Bnce t%e ces sta0iise
&it% t%e iGuid e/e at t%e pate tops or Hust 0eo&; monitor t%e current dra&. If t%e
current dra& is fairy sta0e; continue &it% t%is conditionin- p%ase continuousy for
t&o to t%ree days; addin- Hust enou-% distied &ater to repace &%at is consumed. If
t%e soution c%an-es coour or de/eops a ayer of crud on t%e surface of t%e
eectroyte; t%en t%e ce stac< needs more ceansin- sta-es. 4o not ao& t%e ces to
o/erfi and o/erfo& at t%is point. +fter t&o to t%ree days of run time; pour out t%e
diute ABH soution and rinse out t%e eectroyser t%orou-%y &it% distied &ater.
... + serious issue &it% an eectroyser of t%is type is dealin" .it .ater loss. +s t%e
pates %a/e to 0e spaced cosey to-et%er and since t%e eectroyte 0et&een t%e ce is
effecti/ey isoated from t%e eectroyte in t%e ot%er ces; dri/in- a mie do&n t%e
raod is ia0e to o&er t%e &ater e/e 0y %af an inc% ,say; one cemntimeter3. It is
essentia to <eep repacin- t%e &ater &%ic% is used. ...
Simpe eectronics procide t%e ans&er to sensin- t%e e/e of t%e eectroyte; and a
&indscreen:&as%er &ater pump can 0e used to inHect t%e additiona &ater. ... +so @o0
recommends cuttin- t%e sots &%ic% %od t%e pates; 3 t%ousands of an inc% ,1.113N or
1.1)!mm3 ar-er t%an t%e actua t%ic<ness of t%e meta pates. '%is effecti/ey 0oc<s
eectrica ea<a-e 0et&een adHacent ces 0ut does ao& a /ery -radua mi-ration of
&ater 0et&een t%e ces to %ep maintain an e/an &ater surface across t%e ce. '%e
&ater:e/e sensor can 0e Hust one stiff stainess stee &ire run do&n eac% side of any
ce. '%ese &ires s%oud 0e insuated to ma<e sure t%at t%ey do not s%ort:circuit to
eit%er ,or 0ot%3 of t%e pates on eac% side of t%em. '%ey s%oud 0e set so t%at t%eir tips
are at t%e intended surface e/e of t%e eectroyte.
If t%e eectroyte e/e drops 0eo& t%e tip of t%e &ire sensors; t%en t%e resistance
0et&een t%e &ires &i fa; indicatin- t%at more &ater is needed. '%is scan s&itc% t%e
&ater pump on; &%ic% &i raise t%e &ater e/e unti t%e eectroyte e/e reac%es t%e
tip of t%e &ire a-ain. + possi0e circuit for doin- t%at is s%o&n %ere6
"%en t%e e/e of t%e eectroyte fas; t%e sensor &ires come cear of t%e iGuid and
t%e /ota-e at point 9+9 rises. Pro/ided t%at t%is situation remains for a second or t&o;
capacitor $2 c%ar-es up and t%e /ota-e on t%e 0ase of transistor 'r1 rises; causin- it
to s&itc% on. 'ransistors 'r1 and 'r2 are &ired as a Sc%mitt tri--er; so transistor 'r2
c%an-es state rapidy; raisin- t%e /ota-e at its coector; and causin- transistor 'r3 to
po&er t%e reay on. '%e reay contacts s&itc% t%e &ater pump on; &%ic% raises t%e
e/e of t%e eectroyte unti it reac%es t%e sensor &ires a-ain. '%is fips t%e circuit
0ac< into its stand0y state; po&erin- do&n t%e &ater pump. 8esistor 81 feeds
capacitor $1 to reduce t%e effects of /ariations of /ota-e reac%in- t%e sensor circuit.
'%e components s%o&n %ere are not critica and t%ere must 0e at east t&enty
aternati/e desi-ns for t%is circuit. + possi0e p%ysica ayout for t%is circuit is s%o&n
%ere6 See printa0e dia-rams on ori-ina pdf fie.
"it% an eectroyser of t%is <ind; &it% narro& -aps 0et&een si=ea0e pates; siftin"
bubbles off te /lates is im/ortant. +n importnat tec%niGue is to ater t%e freGuency
of t%e in/erter so t%at it ma<es t%e ce resonate. '%is can 0e done fairy easiy &it%
many in/erters as a it entais is repacin- one capacitor &it% one of a o&er /aue and
reacin- one resistor &it% a /aria0e resistor. (ob (oyce found tat te rate of
electrolysis increased considerably .en te cell .as resonated; and t%e freGuency
of HIS ce &as in t%e (11 to F11 H= ran-e. If you find t%is %ard to understand; t%en
may I su--est t%at you read t%rou-% t%e step 0y step eectronics tutorias &%ic%
accompany t%is document. '%ey are desi-ned to 0e easy for a tota 0e-inner to
understand and can ta<e you to t%e e/e &%ere you can read circuit dia-rams; desi-n
and -uid prototypes.
P Customs Electronics6 'He o0Hecti/e is to run a /e%ice en-ine &it% &ater as t%e
ony fue. '%is is not an easy t%in- to do as t%e /oume of -as needed is /ery %i-%
indeed; especiay since interna com0ustion en-ines %a/e an efficiency in t%e ran-e
of 2!E to 41E typicay. +so; in +merica; /e%ice en-ine si=es %a/e -ro&n and
-ro&n &it% mp- fi-ures; droppin- and droppin-.
Bne ?apanese in/entor %as Hust 0een -ranted a icense to test out %is ne& desi-n of
en-ine on pu0ic roads in ?apan. His met%od is to use a tan< of compressed %ydro-en
-as and a tan< of &ater. '%e %ydro-en is inHected into t%e cyinder and i-nited. +t t%e
moment of i-nition; a fine spray of tiny &ater droppets is inHected into t%e cyinder.
'%e %eat of t%e i-nited %ydro-en; con/erts t%e &ater dropets instanty into 9fas%
steam9 &it% a muc% ar-er /oume; and t%e pressure of t%e steam dri/es t%e piston
do&n on it9s po&er stro<e. "%ie t%at system is /ery effecti/e; ao&in- %i-% speed
dri/in- and considera0e ran-e on one tan< of %ydro-en -as; it is not a true Hydro-en:
Bn:4emand system &%ere &ater is t%e ony fue.
Mic%ae #arady in/esti-ated eectroysis and esta0is%ed t%e facts and fi-ures for
strai-%t 4$ eectroysis of &ater. "%ie %is meticuous &or< is to 0e admired; %is
resuts %a/e ed to a misconception on t%e part of t%e en-ineers of today. '%ey oo< at
#araday9s resuts; and concude t%at it is p%ysicay impossi0e to run a car on &ater
aone as it &oud ta<e too muc% current to produce t%e necessary amount of
eectroysis -as to po&er t%e en-ine. '%at is perfecty true if t%e eectroysis is done
t%e &ay #araday did it. It is not true if ot%er met%ods are used.
@o0 @oyce used to race po&er 0oats in competitions. He c%ar-ed ead:acid 0atteries
in %is &or<s%op; and t%en used %ea/y current from t%e 0atteries to produce ar-e
amounts of %ydro-en in %is 0oats; producin- %i-% speed performance; runnin- %is
en-ines on t%e %ydro-enDoxy-en -as mix produced 0y eectroysis of &ater. '%at &as
not Hydro-en:Bn:4emand as t%e 0atteries &ere c%ar-ed on and in t%e periods in:
0et&een t%e %eats in t%e races.
Bne day @o0 disco/ered t%at %is system &as -i/in- muc% %i-%er po&er; 0oostin- t%e
0oat performance in a most satisfactory &ay. Bn in/esti-ation %e disco/ered t%at one
of t%e diodes in %is eGuipment %ad faied and t%at fed a /ery Ha--ed /ota-e &a/eform
to %is eectroyser. '%is %ad t&o effects. #irsty; t%e /oume of -as produced &as
increased. Secondy; te nature of te "as .as different. "it% norma 4$
eectroysis po&ered 0y an ordinary car 0attery; t%e %ydro-en -as produced &as
mainy in t%e form of t&o in<ed %ydro-en atoms; caed 9diatomic9 %ydro-en. "it% %is
Ha--ed &a/eform; a -ood dea of t%e %ydro-en produced &as in separate sin-e
%ydro-en atoms; caed 9monatomic9 %ydro-en; and t%at form of %ydro-en produces
far more po&er &%en 0urnt.
$eary; @o0 &as onto a -ood t%in-; so %e in/esti-ated it furt%er. He modified %is
system and 0uit a ce as descri0ed a0o/e; &it% do=ens of pates. '%is needed a %i-%er
/ota-e to operate; so @o0 used a standard 9in/erter9 &%ic% is a 0attery po&ered de/ice
&%ic% -enerates an imitation of mains /ota-e and &a/efoem. @o0 modified t%e
in/erter; raisin- t%e rate at &%ic% it operated from (1 cyces per second to an
adHusta0e ran-e in t%e (11 to *11 cyces per second re-ion. He aso used some diodes
to con/ert t%e output of t%e in/erted from +ternatin- $urrent to 4irect $urrent puses
of a0out 1!1 Cots. '%is &as suc% a success t%at @o0 &as a0e to run %is car on t%e
eectroysis -as produced 0y t%e eectrica po&er from t%e car9s o&n aternator. He
Hac<ed t%e &%ees cear of t%e foor and ran t%e en-ine in -ear &it% t%e speedometer
s%o&in- (1 mp% for extended periods. '%at &as a practica exampe of &%at most
en-ineers; e/en today; 0eie/e is impossi0e.
@o0 is not aone in t%is; Henry Pu%aric% did it as &e and t%e &a/eform %e used is
s%o&n in %is patent &%ic% is one of t%e ot%er documents in t%is set. Henry9s &a/eform
oo<s i<e t%is6
Staney Meyer aso ran %is Co<s&a-en car for four years on t%e -as produced 0y
spittin- &ater. Stan 0ro<e do&n ordinary tap &ater usin- /ery itte current and a
&a/eform i<e t%is6
Step%en Meyer ,Stan9s t&in 0rot%er3 %as a current patent ,xo-en.com3 for a &ater:
spitter system &%ic% uses a &a/eform &%ic% is s%aped i<e t%is6
It is Guite cear from t%is; t%at #araday9s exceent &or< does not co/er e/ery met%od
of separatin- &ater into a mixture of -ases; and t%at a /ery muc% %i-%er /oume of
-as can 0e reeased if #araday9s 4$ current is repaced 0y a compex pused 4$
@o0 aso points out t%at %is 31(:-rade stainess stee eectrodes contain 0ot%
moy0denum and nic<e &%ic% act as cataysts &%ic% promote t%e 0rea<do&n of &ater
into -ases.
@o0 %as furt%er ad/anced %is eectroysis system and %as /ery <indy freey s%ared %is
de/eopment in t%e form of an open:source pu0ic discosure; &%ic% %e %as no
intention of patentin- and &%ic% %e &is%es to pre/ent ot%ers from patentin- 0y %is
prior pu0ic discosure of t%e information. So; pease note t%at (ob /ublicly disclosed
tis information early in 266? and any subse5uent /atent of it .ill be .olly
ineffecti*e as it cannot be enforced due to /rior /ublic disclosure.
@o09s current system uses t%ree adHusta0e osciations. Eac% osciator %as its o&n
adHusta0e 9-ate9 &%ic% r%yt%micay passes t%e si-na aon-; or 0riefy 0oc<s it. '%e
t%ree si-nas are t%en added to-et%er to produce a ric% &a/eform &%ic% is t%en
0oosted and passed to %is eectroysis ce6
@ecause 0ot% t%e osciator freGuency and t%e -atin- freGuency are /aria0e for eac%
of t%e t%ree osciators; t%e resutin- output &a/eform can %a/e many different s%apes;
most of &%ic% &i %a/e a roin- cycic repeatin- pattern.
'%e summation and dri/er section coud %a/e many different impementations. @o0
%as c%osen to opt for t%e same met%od as Stan Meyer used; &%ere t%e si-na po&er
e/e is 0oosted 0y an #E' transistor sta-e and t%en a torroida transformer is used to
inte-rate t%e si-nas. It s%oud 0e remar<ed %ere; t%at if a transformer is used; t%en
&it% freGuencies as %i-% as t%ese; t%e transformer core cannot 0e made from iron
aminations in t%e same &ay t%at mains transformers are constructed. '%at stye of
construction is -ood for t%e o& mains freGuency of !1H= or (1H=; 0ut t%e core ,t%e
transformer 9yo<e93 cannot %ande %i-% freGuencies. Stan Meyer used a torroida ferrite
rin- for %is transformer. @o0 aims at %a/in- t%e compex si-na from %is -enerator
added to t%e 4$ current t%rou-% %is ce &it% t%e si-na set at a0out 2!E of t%e 4$
@o0 does not specify exacty %o& t%e eectrica dri/e is connected to t%e ce; 0ut as
far as I can see; if t%e si-na is to 0e added to a standin- 4$ component; t%ere are
t%ree &ays t%at it coud 0e done6 see ori-ina pdf fie for dia-rams ...
Bf t%ese; option 1 is not attracti/e in t%at it reGuires a 0oc<in- capacitor to a/oid t%e
secondary of t%e transformer from pacin- an unnecessary %ea/y oad on t%e 0attery.
Bptions 2 and 3 are /ery simiar &it% not muc% to c%oose 0et&een t%em.
In eit%er of t%ese cases; t%e secondary &indin-s needs to 0e %ea/y:duty &ire to carry
t%e ce current; &%ic% in @o09s case &i 0e anyt%in- from ten to t%irty amps. +so; to
a/oid 0uidin- up too muc% resistance in t%e secondary; t%e num0er of turns &i not
0e fery -reat. '%e num0er of turns in t%e &indin-s of t%e t%ree primaries &i t%en 0e
adHusted to -i/e t%e su--ested 2!E rippe on t%e 4$ standin- component. If t%at
s%oud produce &indin- &it% ineffecti/ey fe& turns; t%en t%e num0er of turns s%oud
0e increased to a reasona0e e/e and t%e ma-nitude of t%e si-na po&erin- t%ose
&indin-s reduced eectronicay to t%e reGuired e/e.
+ possi0e aternati/e &oud 0e to %a/e Hust one primary &indin-; and sum t%e t%ree
input si-nas eectronicay 0efore dri/in- t%e primary. '%is can 0e done Guite easiy
0y appyin- t%e t%ree si-na inputs /ia t%ree resistors; to t%e -ate of t%e dri/in- #E'
transistor; and pacin- t%e primary &indin- as t%e oad of t%at #E'. #or t%e moment;
&e &i stic< &it% t%e soution used 0y Stan and @o0; and assume t%at t%ree primary
&indin-s &i 0e used.
(ob (oyce states tat te transformer is a *ery im/ortnat /art of te total
system. '%in< of it as one of t%e most important parts of t%e po&er suppy &%ic%
feeds t%e ces. It is an inductor; a transformer; and a source of ener-y from
con/ersion; a roed into one. '%e transformer %as 0een successfuy dupicated and
used 0y ot%ers; dri/en &it% my tripe:osciator 0oard; to ac%ie/e a resonant dri/e to
t%e ces &%ic% resuts in a performance &%ic% is &e 0eyond t%e maximum stated 0y
#araday. '%e reason t%ere is no step:0y:step instructions for constructin- t%e
transformer is 0ecause it must 0e &ound to matc% t%e oadDimpedance of t%e ces it
&i 0e dri/in-. '%ere is no 9one:transformer:fits:a9 soution for t%is. I use a ferrite
core of (.!N diameter for units up to 111 ces. '%e MicroMetas core; part num0er
9'(!1:!29 is a suita0e core and is a/aia0e from
%ttp6DD&&&.micrometas.comDpcpartsDtorcore).%tm and can 0e purc%ased in sma
Guantities /ia t%eir 9sampe reGuests9; &ic% can 0e su0mitted at
'%e primary of t%e transformer is 3:p%ase; &%ie t%e secondary is sin-e:p%ase. @asic
transformer <no&ed-e &i -o a on- &ay in cacuatin- t%e turns ratio and &ire si=e
needed for a particuar ce stac<. 8e-uar eectronics and transformer -uys may
scratc% t%eir %eads &onderin- %o& it can 0e possi0e &or< ... I-nore t%e 9it can9t
possi0y &or< i<e t%at9 reaction and Hust do it; t%e resuts are &e &ort% it.
'%e transformer desi-n depends on t%e ce curent and ce /ota-e. '%e ce durrent is
determined 0y t%e concentration of t%e eectroyte and to a esser extent; t%e pate
area; &%ie t%e ce /ota-e is determined 0y t%e num0er of pates in t%e ce. @o0
ceans and conditions eac% eectroyser for se/era days usin- %ea/y 4$ current and
t%en measures t%e ce current and /ota-e for optimum performance. He t%en uses
t%ese fi-ures to cacuate t%e &ire diameters and num0er of turns for t%e transformer.
He uses miitary:-rade tefon co/ered si/er:coated copper &ire for t%e &indin-s. '%e
co/erin- of any &ire %as a maHor effect on its capacity to carry current as neary a of
t%e current fo&s 0et&een t%e insuation and t%e outer surface of t%e &ire. '%e
primaries are usuay &ound from 21 +"5 ,21S"53 &ire and t%e secondary from 1(
+"5 ,1* S"53.
@o0 @oyce %as /ery <indy; freey s%ared %is 0oard desi-n for any0ody to 0uid and
use. His desi-n is descri0ed %ere &it% %is <ind permission. '%is unit is 0uit on a
dou0e:sided printed circuit 0oard; &%ere t%e connectins to some components are
made on t%e top of t%e 0oard &%ie ot%er components are sodered to t%e trac<s on t%e
underside of t%e 0oard.
See a necessary dia-rams and component ists in t%e pdf fie.
+nd an aternati/e /ie& of t%e component ayout is6
'%is circuit operates 0y addin- t%e outputs from t%ree separate osciators to-et%er to
form a compex &a/eform. Eac% osciator can aso %a/e its Mar<DSpace ,B.DB##3
8atio adHusted &it%out aterin- t%e freGuency of t%e osciator.
'%e timin- circuit is po&ered /ia an * /ot /ota-e sta0iiser c%ip &%ic% smoot%es out
any /ariations in t%e 0attery9s suppy /ota-e. Eac% -enerated si-na is 0oosted in
po&er 0y an #E' transistor &%ose oad -oes directy to t%e 0atteryDaternator po&er
ine. '%e output from eac% asciator can 0e s&itc%ed in or out of t%e fina &a/eform6
see dia-ram.
'%e eectroyser runs &it% a Potassium Hydroxide eectroyte and it s%oud 0e
remem0ered t%at t%e Potassium Hydroxide is ony a catayst and does not -et
consumed in t%e process; conseGuenty; t%e eectroyser -ets topped up &it% pain
&ater. @o0 uses t&o 0u00ers. Bne is ocated cose to t%e eectroy=er and t%e ot%er
cose to t%e en-ine. '%e first one traps any ABH /apour &%ic% comes out of t%e ce
&%ie t%e second one protects a-ainst any accidenta 0ac<fire ,assisted 0y one one:
&ay /a/e 0et&een t%e t&o 0u00ers3. @o0 pours t%e &ater in t%e first 0u00er; 0ac<
into t%e ce from time to time; so t%at no ABH is ost and ony &ater is needed to
<eep t%e system runnin- perfecty.
@o09s system is so /ery i<e t%at used 0y Staney Meyer t%at it mi-%t 0e expected t%at
t%e unit s%oud run on pure &ater. Ho&e/er; t%at is not so. If pure &ater &ere used
t%en t%e system &oud need %i-% /ota-e to ac%ie/e t%is rapid 0rea<do&n effect. "it%
an eectroyte soution; t%e &ater:spittin- ta<es pace at muc% o&er /ota-e. It s%oud
0e remem0ered t%at Stan Meyer used ! /ots at 2 amps for %is demonstration to
+dmira Sir 5riffin at t%e @ritis% +dmiraty; anf t%e resut &as descri0ed as 9ar-e
/oume of -as9. Pease remem0er t%at Potassium Hydroxide attac<s 9Lexan9 pastic
,Poycar0onate3 0ut is o< &it% PC$ and acryic. Sodium Hydroxide ,.aBH 9ye93 can
0e used &it% Lexan.
P Windin" te 9ransformer ,from 4F.pdf updated 1cto0er 1(;211)36 '%e
transformer in @o09s system is a /ery important component. It is an inductor; a
transformer; and a source of ener-y:form con/ersion; a roed into one. '%e
transformer %as 0een successfuy dupicated and used 0y ot%ers; dri/en &it% @o09s
tripe osciator 0oard; to ac%ie/e a resonant dri/e to t%e ces &%ic% resuts in a
performance &%ic% is &e 0eyond t%e maximum stated 0y #araday.
'%e reason &%y t%ere are no step:0y:step instructions for constructin- t%e transformer
is 0ecause it must 0e &ound to matc% t%e oadDimpedance of t%e ces it &i 0e
dri/in-. '%ere is no 9one:transformer:fits:a9 soution for t%is. @o0 uses a po&dered
iron core of (.!N diameter for units up to 111 ces. '%e ar-er t%e diameter; t%e -reater
t%e po&er. #errite is fine for o&er freGuencies; 0ut for t%is appication; a po&dered
iron toroid core is essentia. '%e MicroMetas core; part num0er 9'(!1:!29 is a
suita0e core.
'%e primary of t%e transformer is 3:p%ase; &%ie t%e secondary is sin-e:p%ase. +s
most current fo&s aon- t%e outside of &ires rat%er t%en t%rou-% t%e midde of t%e
&ire; t%e c%oice and si=e of t%e &ire c%osen to &ind t%e transformer is most
important. @o0 uses solid tefon:co/ered si/er:pated copper &ire. It is /ery
important t%at t%is &ire is soid core and not stranded as stranded &ire does not &or<
%ere ,due to t%e -eneration of inter:strand; p%ase:differentia induced eddy currents3.
@efore any &indin- is done; t%e toroid is -i/en a ayer of tape. +nd t%e materias to 0e
used are coected to-et%er; namey t%e tape; t%e &ire; t%e 0ees&ax and t%e %eat -un6
Bf paramount importance &it% t%e toroid is t%at unii<e traditiona transformer desi-n;
t%e secondary is &ound first; and t%e &indin-s must 0e e/eny spaced &%ere t%ey fan
out from t%e center of t%e core. '%is means e/en t%ou-% t%ey are ti-%ty pac<ed ri-%t
up a-ainst one anot%er at t%e center %oe; t%ey must not 0e &ound so t%at t%ey 0unc%
up and -ap open around t%e perip%ery. Mista<es %ere &i cause fied errors t%at &i
o&er t%e o/era efficiency.
+s you can see %ere; @o0 uses s%ort en-t%s of pastic strimmer ca0e as spacers for
t%e outside of t%e toroid; t%ou-% t%e picture a0o/e %as 0een ta<en to s%o& t%at a
partiay prepared secondary &indin- oo<s i<e &%en its &indin-s are 0ein- mo/ed
into /ery accurate positions.
7ou &i notice t%at @o0 %as &rapped t%e toroid in tape 0efore startin- t%e secondary
&indin-6 ... see picture in ori-ina Patric<9s fie
@o0 aso uses a Har to assist in appyin- 0ees&ax to t%e accuratey positioned turns of
t%e toroida transformer6
"%en t%e &indin-s are competed; correcty spaced and encased in 0ees&ax; eac%
ayer is finis%ed off &it% a ayer of tape.
So; to recap; t%e toroid is &rapped in tape; t%e secondary &ound extendin- t%e entire
&ay around t%e toroid; t%e &indin-s carefuy spaced out so t%at t%e -aps around t%e
outer ed-e of t%e toroid are exacty eGua; t%e &indin- encased in 0ees&ax; and t%en
t%e 0ees&ax co/ered &it% a ayer of tape6
#or t%e maHority of systems; t%e secondary &indin- is a ti-%ty &ound; sin-e ayer;
fu:fi &rap of 1( -au-e; sin-e:core; si/er:pated; tefon:insuated copper &ire.
'%ere &i 0e a0out 131 turns in t%is &indin-; needin- a &ire en-t% of a0out 111 feet
,33 meters3. $ount t%e exact num0er of turns in your actua &indin- and ma<e a note
of it. '%is secondary &indin- is %ed in pace &it% meted 0ees&ax; and &%en t%at %as
%ardened; t%e &indin- is t%en &rapped ti-%ty &it% a -ood Guaity -ass tape. '%is
ma<es a -ood 0ase for t%e primary &indin-s &%ic% &i 0e &ound on top of t%e tape
Pease note t%at e/ery &indin- starts 0y passin- o*er t%e toroid; proceeds in a
counter:coc<e&ise direction; and finis%es 0y passin- under t%e toroid. E/ery
&indin- is created in t%is &ay and t%e Guaity of &or<mans%ip is /ery important
indeed &%en ma<in- t%ese &indin-s. Eac% &indin- needs to 0e ti-%t and positioned
exacty &it% turns touc%in- eac% ot%er in t%e center of t%e toroid and positioned on t%e
outer ed-e &it% exacty eGua spaces 0et&een eac% tuen. 7our construction &or< as
to 0e 0etter t%an t%at of a commercia suppier and needs to reac% t%e Guaity
demanded 0y t%e miitary; &%ic% &oud cost t%ousands of doars for eac% toroid if it
&ere to 0e made up for you 0y professionas.
'%e t%ree primaries need to 0e &ound on toV of t%e tape &rappin- &%ic% co/ers t%e
secondary &indin-. '%ese t%ree &indin-s are spaced out eGuay around t%e toroid;
t%at is; at 121 de-ree centres. '%e primary &indin-s are %ed in pace &it% 0ees&ax;
and t%en ti-%ty taped. '%e primaries may need more t%an a sin-e ayer; and t%ey are
&ound &it% t%e same direction of &inds as t%e secondary; and t%e same care for e/en
&indin- spacin- as t%e secondary needed. 'ape t%e entire core &e &it% ti-%ty:
stretc%ed PC$ eectrica tape after &indin-; to ensure t%at t%e primary &indin-s do
not mo/e and t%en add an outer ayer of &indin- tape. ...
'%is is &ere t%e -entic information ends. '%e exact detais of t%e primary &indin-s
must 0e determined from t%e operationa c%aracteristics of t%e ces. '%is means t%at
you must 0uid; ceanse and condition your ces prior to ma<in- t%e operationa
measurements. #rom t%ose measurements; cacuations can 0e made to determine
&%at -au-e and %o& many turns of soid:core; si/er:pated; tefon insuated; copper
&ire are to 0e used for eac% of t%e t%ree primary &indin-s.
'%e o0Hecti/e %ere is to %a/e t%e compex &a/eform -enerated 0y t%e eectronics
produce /ota-es of a0out 2!E of t%e main po&er suppy /ota-e at t%e eectroy=er.
In ot%er &ords; if an in/erter is 0ein- used and its output rectified to produce a0out
1(1 C of pusin- 4$; t%en t%e toroid tranformer secondary s%oud -enerate a0out 41
'%e output from t%e eectronics 0oard is a0out 13.* Cots &%en dri/en 0y a /e%ice9s
eectrica sysstem; so to step t%at up to a0out 41C reGuires a step up of 2.F; &%ic%
means t%at t%e secondary &indin- needs to %a/e 2.F times as many turns in it as t%e
primary &indin- does. So di/ide t%e num0er of turns in youor secondary &indin- 0y
2.F to cacuate t%e num0er of turns in eac% of t%e t%ree primary &indin-s. If you %ad
131 turns in t%e secondary; t%en t%ere &oud 0e 4! turns in eac% of t%e t%ree primeray
.ormay; t%e diameter of t%e &ire used in t%e primaries &i 0e -reater t%an t%at of
t%e secondary 0ecause it &i 0e dri/en 0y a muc% o&er /ota-e and so &i need a
muc% %i-%er current; 0ut t%at is not t%e case %ere. .o& t%at you %a/e ceansed and
conditioned t%e pates in your eectroyser; po&er up your in/erter &it% your /e%ice
en-ine runnin- at 21118PM or so and measure t%e 4c current ta<en 0y t%e in/erter.
'%is is t%e e/e of current &%ic% t%e primary &indin-s %a/e to carry; so t%e &ire si=e
can 0e seected from t%is measurement. Eac% primary &indin- is pused; so it is not
carryin- current a of t%e time; aso; t%e fina primary current is t%e sum of t%e t%ree
pusin- si-nas; so a reduction can 0e ao&ed for t%at. "%ie t%e &ire diameter for t%e
primary &indin-s of eac% toroida transformer need to 0e cacuated separatey; a
common diameter turns out to 0e +"5 P21 ,21 S"53. '%e &ire en-t% for t%e
primaries &i 0e -reater per turn as t%e turns are no& 0ein- made o/er t%e secondary
&indin-. #orty:ei-%t turns of P21 &ire are i<ey to reGuire at east t%irty:fi/e feet ,12
meters3 and t%at for eac% of t%e t%ree &indin-s; assumin- t%at a turns can 0e aid fat
side:0y:side. If it is necessary to ma<e eac% a t&o:ayer &indin-; t%en t%e &ire en-t%
&i increase furt%er.
P Connectin" te Electrics6 @o0 %as specified t%at t%e primary &indin-s are
connected 0et&een t%e 0oard outputs and t%e positi/e suppy for t%e 0oard i<e %tis6
Pease note t%at t%e dia-ram a0o/e does not s%o& t%e o&:pass fiters needed in t%e
po&er suppy ines to contro eectroma-netic interferences. '%e /e%ice eectrics of
0attery and aternator; produce a0out 13.*Cots &%en t%e /e%ice en-ine is runnin-. If
a is &e and t%e contact:0rea<er ,or fuse3 is not tripped; t%e eectrica po&er passes
t%rou-% to t%e -as:pressure s&itc% mounted on t%e eectroyser. If t%e -as production
rate is -reater t%an t%e en-ine reGuirement and as a resut; t%e -as pressure inside t%e
eectroyser -ets a0o/e !psi; t%en t%e -as pressure s&itc% disconnects t%e eectrica
suppy &%ic% in turn; cuts off t%e -eneration of more -as unti t%e pressure inside t%e
eectroyser drops a-ain as t%e en-ine uses t%e -as. ... '%e in/erter output is 111Cots
+$ so it is passed t%rou-% a diode 0rid-e &%ic% con/erts it to pusin- 4$ &it% a pea<
/aue of a0out 1!!Cots. '%is /ota-e and t%e output of t%e eectronics 0oard toroida
transformer are passed to t%e eectroyser to eectroyse t%e &ater and -enerate
%ydroxy -as.
,from 943.pdf9; updated Bcto0er 31;211)3 '%e output &a/eform from @o0 @oyce9s
tripe:psciator 0oard is s%arpened up 0y t%e use of carefuy c%osen opto:isoators;
and t%at output &oud amost certainy dri/e 4a/e La&ton9s Meyer repication "ater
#ue $e. It &oud aso 0e interestin- to see if it %as t%e same effect on 0attery
rec%ar-in- as t%e ?o%n @edini puse:c%ar-in- circuits; as it is distincty possi0e t%at it
%as. 7ou &i notice t%at @o0 defeats t%e #araday maximum output 0y carefu
construction of t%e eectroyser; pus one apparenty simpe eectronics 0oard and one
apparenty simpe transformer. +-ain; t%ese components ca for /ery carefu; %i-%:
Guaity construction as is common for most successfu free:ener-y de/ices.
Serious &arnin- needs to 0e -i/en %ere. '%e com0ination of s%arp pusin- and
accuratey &ound toroid core composed of an iron po&der matrix; dra&s in so muc%
extra po&er from t%e en/ironment t%at it is essentia t%at it is ony used &it% t%e
eectroyser ce &%ic% is capa0e of soa<in- up excess ener-y sur-es. '%e extra
ener-y dra&n in is not a&ays constant and sur-es can occur &%ic% can -enerate
currents of 11;111 +mps. It s%oud 0e understood t%at t%is eectrica current &%ic% &e
can measure is ony t%e 9osses9 part of t%e rea po&er sur-e &%ic% is in a form &%ic%
&e can9t measure as &e %a/e no instruments &%ic% can measure it directy.
$onseGuenty; t%e actua en/ironmenta po&er sur-e is far; far in excess of t%is 11;111
+mps. It is /ery important t%en; t%at t%e eectronics 0oard and toroida transformer
are )79 connected to ot%er eGuipment 9to see &%at &i %appen9. E/en more
important is not to arran-e a pused; rotatin- ma-netic fied in t%e toroid 0y seGuentia
pusin- of cois spaced around t%e toroid. '%ese arran-ements can -enerate po&er
sur-es so -reat t%at t%e excess po&er not soa<ed up 0y t%e circuit ,especiay after it9s
instantaneous 0urn:out3 is ia0e to form t%e -round:eader of a i-%tnin- stri<e.
(ob e3/erimented .it tis and .as it by a direct li"tnin" stri0e. He .as *ery
luc0y to sur*i*e bein" it and e no. .or0s in a .orso/ .ic as metal .alls
ans roof# and li"tnin" "roundin" at eac corner of te buildin"# /lus a se/arate
"round for te e5ui/ment inside te buildin". & de*ice li0e tis is not a toy# and it
demonstrates te incredible le*el of free;ener"y .ic can be ta//ed by 5uite
sim/le de*ices if you 0no. .at you are doin".

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