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Culture of rock music

The origin of the rockers comes directly from the teddy English boys that there
were in the years 50, Presents in determined bars and the discotheques of the
center and of the popular neighborhoods, the characteristic Dress are the Toupee
and sideburns, short huntresses and Texans with big buckles of metal and insignias
drawn manually in the back; Cowboy boots with toecaps very carried to extremes.
Women with hair dyed, worn with cancans, cowboys with hem, or straight skirts.
The Kind preferred musical is Rock Music and the classical, American or English roll,
his Ideologa are Traditionalistic and rebellious, individualist and inbred.

Cultura del rock

El origen de los rockers viene directamente de los teddy boys ingleses que haba en
los aos 50, Presentes en determinados bares y discotecas del centro y de los
barrios populares, el Atuendo caracterstico son los Tup y patillas, cazadoras cortas
y tejanos con grandes hebillas de metal e insignias dibujadas manualmente en la
espalda; botas camperas con punteras muy extremadas. Mujeres con cabello teido,
vestido con cancanes, vaqueros con dobladillo, o faldas de tubo.
El Gnero musical preferido es el Rock & roll clsico, americano o ingls, su
Ideologa son Tradicionalistas y rebeldes, individualista y endogmico.

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