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Whats the Scoop?

Week 5 September 29, 2014

The Sweet Life
in 4 and 5
Teacher: Ms. Krisman
Teacher E-Mail:
Class Website:
Check your Grades:
Check your Behavior:

Dear Parents,
Thank you to all families who came to mass yesterday and supported our
preschool at the fellowship afterwards. All students who attended the 11:00am mass will
be allowed to have FREE DRESS this Friday. Also this Friday is our Blessing of the animals
prayer service. The service will take place first thing in the morning so students may bring
their pets or stuffed animals to school with them. If they are bringing a larger animal, a
cat, or a dog, the parent or guardian must stay with them throughout the prayer service
and take them home immediately after. Smaller animals, like fish, turtles, hamsters, etc.
may return to class with the student and be taken home with them at the end of the day. Friday will be a 12:15pm dismissal
as well, due to teachers meetings.
This week in class we will be discussing Gods mercy and share examples of when we have experienced Gods mercy
in our own lives. We will be moving forward in math as we enter into Chapter 2. We will be starting a new unit of study
focused on the different systems of the human body in science that will be integrated into multiple subjects over the next
couple of months. Once the students have learned about the different systems of the body, they will be asked to create a
project as a their final assessment on the topic. When we get closer to the project there will be very detailed guidelines of
what is expected sent home and the student will have an ample amount of time to complete the project before the due date.
We will be creating a new vocabulary list today and the students will have until Friday to complete three assignments from
the homework choice board. Lately this has been an issue for some students who are not managing their time wisely, and
not completing the assignments. If you check Engrade, all assignments that were not turned in or did not have a name on it
are marked by an M for missing. If you notice your student has these markings consistently, please make sure that you are
helping them stay on top of their homework each day. I have also been sending out a photo of our daily homework board
through ClassDojo, so you know exactly what your child is responsible for each night. If you have not signed up for ClassDojo
yet, please do so in order to receive information about your childs behavior as well as these homework blasts.
This Wednesday, progress reports are being sent home. Please sign and return them by FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3. If you
would like a copy for yourself, please make a note in the parents comments section and I will make a copy and return it
home with your student. If you are confused, or concerned about their grades, please consult their Engrade account to see
how they are doing on specific assignments in their classes. I have sent all of their graded work back home with your
students as I have graded them, so please check in with your student for their work if you have not been seeing it. Please e-
mail me or message me through ClassDojo with any questions or concerns and have a wonderful week!

Thank You, and God Bless!

Ms. Krisman

Upcoming Events
-Oct. 3: 12:15pm Early
of the Animals
prayer service.
-Oct. 9: PTG meeting
-Oct. 21: PTG meeting
-Oct. 25: Golf
-Oct. 26: Fall Festival- A
Taste of OLSH
-Oct. 27: NO SCHOOL-
Festival Clean-Up
-Oct. 31: End of 1


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