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M1 Science Test-Cells

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. The basic activities of life occur in the ____.

a. nucleus c. mitochondria
b. DNA d. cell
____ 2. An organelle found only in plants is the ____.
a. nucleus c. mitochondria
b. chloroplast d. vacuole
____ 3. Unlike many other theories, the cell theory contains ____ distinct ideas.
a. one c. two
b. three d. four
____ 4. The inside of the cell has many ____ for carrying out specific life processes.
a. tissues c. organelles
b. mitochondria d. chromosomes
____ 5. A group of specialized cells first forms a(n) ____.
a. tissue c. system
b. cell d. organ
____ 6. The ____ provides support and protection for plant cells.
a. cell wall c. cell membrane
b. chloroplast d. vacuole
____ 7. Which of the following is NOT a part of the inner cell?
a. nucleus c. mitochondria
b. DNA d. calcium and phosphorous
____ 8. When evaluating whether something you are seeing under a microscope is a tissue, you should look for ____.
a. many cells
b. several different types of similar cells
c. organs
d. nerve cells
____ 9. A group of similar cells working together to do the same sort of work are ____.
a. tissues c. organ systems
b. organs d. cells
____ 10. An organelle responsible for making energy in the cell is the ____.
a. nucleus c. mitochondria
b. DNA d. cytoplasm


Match the organelle with the function listed below.

a. vacuole e. cytoplasm
b. mitochondrion f. membrane
c. nucleus g. chloroplast
d. wall h. chromosome
____ 11. hereditary material
____ 12. energy producer
____ 13. storage area
____ 14. area where DNA is stored
____ 15. outer covering of a cell
____ 16. gelatinlike substance
____ 17. captures energy
____ 18. plant support

Complete each statement. Correctly complete each sentence by choosing the best of the three choices in par-

19. The ____________________ (lightbulb, microscope, magnifying glass) was an invention that allowed scient-
ists to see extremely small things.
20. The cells of a plant that do not contain chloroplasts are ____________________ (stem, leaf, root) cells.
21. Different cells working together make ____________________ (tissues, chloroplasts, energy).
22. Bacteria are ____________________ (single, many, photosynthetic)-celled organisms.

Unscramble the letters in italics to form the correct word for each definition.

23. A cell’s activities are controlled by its usuncle. ____________________

24. Two or more different types of tissues working together can form a(n) groan. ____________________

Short Answer

25. Study the following diagrams. Then identify each part of the cells.

Part One

1. ___________________________ 5. ___________________________

2. ___________________________ 6. ___________________________

3. ___________________________ 7. ___________________________

4. ___________________________ 8. ___________________________
Part Two

1. ___________________________ 4. ___________________________

2. ___________________________ 5. ___________________________

3. ___________________________ 6. ___________________________
M1 Science Test-Cells
Answer Section


1. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: B OBJ: 1/1

2. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: B OBJ: 2/1
3. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: B OBJ: 1/1
4. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: B OBJ: 3/1
5. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: B OBJ: 5/2
6. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: B OBJ: 3/1
7. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: B OBJ: 2/1
8. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: B OBJ: 5/2
9. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: B OBJ: 5/2
10. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: B OBJ: 3/1


11. ANS: H PTS: 1 DIF: B OBJ: 2/1

12. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: B OBJ: 2/1
13. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: B OBJ: 2/1
14. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: B OBJ: 2/1
15. ANS: F PTS: 1 DIF: B OBJ: 2/1
16. ANS: E PTS: 1 DIF: B OBJ: 2/1
17. ANS: G PTS: 1 DIF: B OBJ: 2/1
18. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: B OBJ: 2/1


19. ANS: microscope

PTS: 1 DIF: B OBJ: 2/1

20. ANS: root

PTS: 1 DIF: B OBJ: 3/1

21. ANS: tissues

PTS: 1 DIF: A OBJ: 1/1

22. ANS: single

PTS: 1 DIF: B OBJ: 1/1

23. ANS: nucleus

PTS: 1 DIF: B OBJ: 4/2

24. ANS: organ
PTS: 1 DIF: B OBJ: 4/2


25. ANS:
1. mitochondrion
2. vacuole
3. chloroplast
4. cell wall
5. cell membrane
6. cytoplasm
7. nucleus
8. chromosome

1. cell membrane
2. nucleus
3. cytoplasm
4. nucleus
5. chromosome
6. cell membrane

PTS: 1 DIF: A OBJ: 4/2

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