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World Cultures Name:___________________________

Unit I Europe Block:_______

Exploring a European Country Research Activity
Instructions: Using the Worldmark Encyclopedia of Cultures and Daily Life (found through the library database Gale
Virtual Reference Library; username and password is colonials), research a European nation of interest to you and
complete the items below thoughtfully and completely. Be prepared to share what youve learned with your peers.
1. To what extent was this country ruled by others? Use evidence to support your answer.
For the most part, Italy was not run by others for very long. It was ruled by Rome but unified into a single country in
1870. Many tourists still visit just to look at the history of the Nation.
2. Which 20
century events had the greatest influence on this country? Choose two events and explain their impact.
In 1940 italy joined in on World War ll. This had a huge impact on them because not only did they gain a lot of
popularity because of the fighting, but it also helped them become a democratic nation. The Communist party was
trying to take control but the US helped push Italy to the democrat side. Another very important event was in 1911,
when Italy defeated the Ottoman Empire to gain control over Libya and Rhodes Archipelago. This was important
because Italy is gaining more land and expanding.

3. Identify the following:
Topic Details
Well known cities, regions, or
Some well-known cities are Rome, Venice, Florence, Milan and Turin. Italy also
has some well-known landforms. These include the Alps, the Po-Venetian Plain,
the Apennines, the islands, and the coastline.

Relative size (size in relationship to
another place)
The country of Italy takes up just a little bit more space than the state of Arizona
in the U.S would.
Description of natural environment Italy is very different everywhere you go depending on where in Italy you are
and the time of year. As far as land forms go though, Italy is very Mountainous
with a lot of rivers and vast land as well.

Population size The population size is 61.47 million people.
Degree of diversity
(1=homogenous; 10=very diverse)
with explanation
For the most part, Italy is very homogenous. However, there are some things like
culture, economics and politics that are very diverse. For these to even out I
would rate the diversity about a 6. I only rated a 6 because there are some
pretty important aspects that are very diverse.

Languages/Alphabets Most of Italy speaks Italian however French, Slovene, German, and Fruilian are
also spoken in Italy

4. How does folklore influence the peoples worldview or actions? Explain your answer using specific details.
People believe Italy was found by two twin brothers. The people believe this because of the popular myth. It says
that Remus was killed by Romulus and Romulus took over power.

5. What religion(s) is practiced in this country, and how does it impact the people?
Italy is a very catholic country. 90% of Italians consider themselves Roman Catholics. This affects people because
their lives revolve around church and religion. From teaching in schools to worshiping in the home, religion is huge
in Italy.
6. Are rites of passage in this country similar to or different from rites of passage in the U.S.? Explain your answer
using specific pieces of evidence.
The rites of passage are very similar to the ones here in the U.S. Teenagers in Italy share a lot of common interests in
clothing, music, and entertainment as teenagers in America.
7. What tips on interpersonal behavior might you give to an American who is about to travel to this country? Provide
at least three.
Talk with your hands to emphasize what youre trying to say. That is very common among Italians. Also, the most
common form of greeting is a handshake. Last, younger people need to stand when an older relative or friend enters
the room.
8. Is the standard of living in this country better, worse, or about the same as that of the U.S.? Justify your answer
with at least three pieces of evidence.
The standard of living is very similar to that in the U.S. Many people in cities live in apartments or condominiums.
However in small towns, they live in 2 story homes. They have the same basics like refrigerators and color TV. Last, a
lot of middle class people own summer homes to vacation at.
9. Is family important in this country? Why or why not? Use specific details in your response.
Families are huge in Italy. It is said that family is the backbone of Italian society. Families do everything together
and have a say in a lot. Marriage choices, employment, business relationships and political affiliations are all
influenced by families.

10. Does this country have distinctive traditional clothing? Explain your answer citing specific details.
Italy does have distinctive traditional clothing. Clothing brings in more money from exports than anything else. A lot
of their clothing is very similar to America but the brands are different. Many companies like Versace and Armani are
now marketing worldwide.
11. How has globalization impacted food and diet in this country? Explain your answer using specific facts.
Italys national food is pasta. However, depending on what part of Italy youre in, there are all different forms of
pasta. National foods are Ravioli in the North, lasagna in Bologna, cannel-loni in Sicily, and spaghetti with sauce in
Naples. Globalization hasnt really affected the food in Italy but it has helped their foods become very popular in
other countries.

12. How might your educational experience in this country differ from the schooling you receive in the U.S.?
The educational experience wouldnt be that different. Of course there would be a little difference in the way things
are taught but education from ages 6 to 14 is free and compulsory in both countries. Both countries also have
secondary schools and optional institutions or universities. The U.S is going to have a quite a few more colleges but
that could also be due to the fact that the U.S. is a lot bigger then Italy.

13. What cultural influences or accomplishments is this country best known for? List and describe at least three.
Italy is well-known for its visual arts. Visual arts and paintings have been around since ancient Rome. Italy is also
known for music. Its known for its glorious operatic tradition. Last is literature. Some of Italys greatest works
include pieces from the 14

14. Summarize the overall economy of this country in 2-3 sentences.
Employment in Italys service sector has increased rapidly. In 2001 it accounted for over 60% of the work force.
Southern Italy is less developed economically and has a higher rate of unemployment. Working abroad is now very
common among Sicilians and their earnings figure significantly in the islands economy.

15. How do people of this country spend their leisure time? List at least five activities. Would you want to live there?
There are many things Italians do in their free time. This includes watching soccer games either at home or at the
stadium. They also enjoy spending time at a caf with their friends. While at the caf, people find that to be a good
spot for reading and letter writing. Young teens enjoy spending time on the beach. They also hang out at pizza shops
or in the square.
16. List (in order of significance) what you feel are the three biggest problems that this country needs to resolve.
The most important problem that needs to be resolved is the Bureaucratic red tape and administrative inefficiency.
This is most important because it is affecting transportation, mail, phone services, health care, and banking. Another
big problem is organized crime. This needs to be resolved because there is such a high rate that needs to come way
down. Last, high unemployment remains a big problem. This a problem because many people are out of jobs and
struggling to support their family.

17. Are all people treated equally in this country? Why or why not? Explain your answer using specific evidence.
Not everyone is treated equally in Italy. For the most part, men and women are treated equally. Many women are
out working outside of the house. However, homosexuals are frowned upon. Everyone should be free to their own
feelings and sometimes cant help the fact that theyre gay. Italy has a negative attitude towards homosexuality and
that is so wrong to the homosexuals. Therefore, since they are looked at so horribly, not everyone is treated the

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