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September 16 20, 2014

AfricAmricas II
We Are the Root of Change
Nine Cuban civil rights activists in Pittsburgh
sponsored by
Platform for Cuban integration
City of asylum
Carnegie Mellon university-
Program for deliberative democracy
720 records
!"#$%!&'#$%() ++ ,-./0 12 !#2 342 5663 6" 74(892
AfrlcAmerlcas ll week, We Are Lhe 8ooL of Change," from SepLember
16Lh-20Lh, 2014, ls Lhe resulL of a close collaborauon and exchange
beLween a number of organlzauons and lnsuLuuons, among Lhem: Lhe
lauorm for Cuban lnLegrauon, Cluzens' Commluee for 8aclal lnLegrauon
and nuevo als pro[ecLs (boLh ln Cuba) and oLhers, and lusburgh
lnsuLuuons llke Carnegle Mellon unlverslLy, ClLy of Asylum, La 8oche
College and 720 8ecords.
A group of Cubans ls back ln 'ua 8urgh,' brlnglng us new phoLos, lms, arL
and muslc Lhrough whlch Lo dlalogue wlLh Lhe clLy's resldenLs. 1he focus
ls on Lhe pllghL of marglnallzed people on Lhe lsland, parucularly Afro-
descendanLs, and Lhe eecL of marglnallzauon on chlldren. lusburghers
are lnvlLed Lo [oln as aL numerous evenLs, e.g., arL and phoLo exhlblLs,
lm presenLauons, workshop on dellberauve democracy, hlp hop concerL
and publlc mural palnung. 1hey wlll be able Lo chaL wlLh Cuban clvll rlghLs
and democracy acuvlsLs, among Lhem, Lwo preemlnenL hlp hop, arusLs,
phoLographers, hlsLorlans, and Lhe leaders of several Cuban clvll rlghLs
organlzauons on Lhe lsland. 1he goal ls Lo have a Lrue exchange, for
lusburghers Lo learn more abouL Cuba, lLs culLure, and Lhe dally
challenges and perspecuve of lLs lnhablLanLs, and for Lhe Cubans Lo learn
from Lhe experlences of Lhelr hosLs here ln Lhe clLy, Lhelr work and legacy
regardlng clvll and human rlghLs acuvlsm, Lhe arLs and Lechnology.
:42 ;$<)=>#94?7>=( 76882%@68
WhaL do Cuba, clvll rlghLs and culLural acuvlsm have Lo do wlLh
lusburgh? More Lhan one mlghL Lhlnk! Well, lL mlghL be Lhe facL LhaL
lusburgh and lLs cluzens are Lhe model of a clLy and populauon LhaL
have successfully Lurned Lhemselves around Lhrough Lhe arLs, culLure and
Lechnology! Why Cuba? AcLually, Cuba has held a greaL fasclnauon for
lusburghers for decades, noL [usL for pollucal sclenusLs, economlsLs,
labor experLs and hlsLorlans, buL also for arusLs, muslclans, clvll rlghLs
acuvlsLs, polluclans, farmers, rellglous groups, and even foodles. Cne
need only revlew a few hlghllghLs ln Lhe lusburgh-Cuba relauonshlp LhaL
has been golng sLrong for aL over 23 years:
- Lhe preemlnenL [ournal abouL Cuba, !"#$% '(")*+,, was publlshed aL
Lhe unlverslLy of lusburgh ress from 1986-2011,
- Lhe -.!/01$,(23, 423 1+$5+ humanlLarlan group LhaL Lravels Lhe counLry
and shlps ald Lo Cuba every year has rolled Lhrough lusburgh for 23
- ln 1998, a group of 17 lusburghers vlslLed MaLanzas, Cuba, Lhe lsland's
Lhlrd largesL clLy, and spenL a week meeung wlLh Cuban counLerparLs and
vlslung schools, hosplLals, daycare cenLers, eLc.,
ln 1998, a group of 12 professlonal Cubans vlslLed lusburgh Lo meeL
and shadow Lhelr dlsclpllnary counLerparLs (a docLor, speclal educauon
Leacher, arusL, archlLecL, school admlnlsLraLor, hosplLal admlnlsLraLor,
eLc.). uurlng Lhls vlslL, Lhe recelved Lhe keys Lo Lhe ClLy from Mayor
1om Murphy,
lusburgh has been a SlsLer ClLy Lo MaLanzas, Cuba, slnce 1999,
Lhrough Lhe u.S. SlsLer Clues ro[ecL,
- MaLanzas, Cuba, lusburgh's SlsLer ClLy ln Cuba, ls known as Lhe ClLy of
8rldges, lL has 3 rlvers wlLh a LoLal 17 brldges crosslng Lhem,
lusburgh-based, 8'nal 8'rlLh !ewlsh Cuban 8ellef ro[ecL SLanley Cohen
has been Laklng !ewlsh groups and ald Lo Cuba slnce 2003,
- 1he unlverslLy of lusburgh's lu ln Cuba sLudy abroad program has
been runnlng slnce 2009,
- a number of lusburgh culLural organlzauons have broughL ln Lop
Cuban muslcal LalenL, e.g., 1he 8uena vlsLa Soclal Club (2003), Cmara
orLuondo (2010), Cuban-born classlcal gulLarlsL Manuel 8arrueco (2010),
Los MunequlLos de MaLanzas (2011), Afro-Cuban All-SLars (2013), aqulLo
u' 8lvera (2014),
- Lhe SLaLe of ennsylvanla and Lhe orL of hlladelphla have had llmlLed
commerce wlLh Cuba slnce 2004,
- Lhe Mauress lacLory Museum hosLed a ground-breaklng exhlblL uLled
"Cuelolds," wlLh works by 13 Cuban arusLs from Lhe lsland, from CcLober
13, 2010 Lo lebruary 27, 2011,
- ln 2013, lusburgh's ConlcL klLchen, a socloculLural-cullnary pro[ecL Lo
explore Lhe culslnes and culLures of counLrles wlLh whlch Lhe u.S. ls ln
conlcL, or vlce-versa, oered lusburghers a menu of Cuban food and
lnformauon abouL Cuba and lLs people.
1hese are only some of Lhe Cuba hlghllghLs lusburgh has Lo lLs name so,
clearly, lusburgh has a speclal place ln lLs hearL for Cuba, and lsland
Cubans have found a home away from home ln 'ua 8urgh.' Pere Lhey
have found a place where Lhey can share Lhelr sLorles of sLruggle and
Lrlumph ln Lhe human and clvll rlghLs arena wlLh exLremely wllllng
lnLerlocuLors, people who have boLh paruclpaLed ln and wlLnessed a
soclal, culLural and economlc renalssance-Lhrough arL, muslc and
humanlsuc fellowshlp.
LasL year, ln her eye-openlng arucle abouL Lhe rsL AfrlcAmerlcas evenLs
held lasL year, osL-Cazeue wrlLer ulane nelson !ones wrlLes: "A group of
Cubans auendlng AfrlcAmerlcas, a slx-day evenL belng held here, Lold
sLorles LhaL mosL u.S. blacks would nd famlllar, 'buL as Manuel CuesLa
Morua sald.'lL ls noL llke here. ln Cuba, we are all equal, buL [blacks]
can'L be ln Lhe medla. We have Lhe same educauon, buL we can'L have
LhaL [ob.'" (8ead more: hup://
1hls year's !"#$%!&'#$%() ++ evenLs lnclude:
- a semlnar on dellberauve democracy
- a hlp hop concerL and separaLe roundup nlghL
- a communlLy mural palnung
- a presenLauon on cluzen empowermenL and Lechnology
- Lwo phoLo exhlblLs and a documenLary lm showlng Lhe currenL
slLuauon of poor, dlsenfranchlsed people ln Lhe caplLal clLy's 'hldden'
nelghborhoods and how people are deallng wlLh lL, wlLh C&A.
All Lhe evenLs are deslgned Lo draw ln and engage a broad cross-secuon
of lusburgh communlLy members-blacks, whlLes and Launos-wlLh
black Cuban llfe ln conLemporary Pavana and Lhe currenL clvll rlghLs
sLruggle Lhere belng led by Afro-Cubans.
LvenLs wlll be Laklng place aL 720 8ecords, La 8oche College, CMu and
ClLy of Asylum.
!"#$%!&'#$%() ++ ,#-)-./) /0- 12- !#- /0- 344/ 4" 50(.6-7
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>:-)9(?@ 8-,/-&A-# BC/0 D EFG
EHI 3-%4#9)@ 4403 8uLler SL, lusburgh, A 13201, (412) 904-4392.
lree and open Lo Lhe publlc.
!" $%" &'" ())& )* +',-.e" hlp-hop round up wlLh Lscuadrn aLrloLa,
uavld u. Cmnl and local rappers
/01"-20-. $*%02,3 4'" 5".,6)- )* $7,89: ;"%)"< 0- +97," phoLo exhlblL &
4'" =&'"% +97," shorL documenLary lm wlLh dlscusslon
Afro-Cuban arL exhlblL, palnungs by uavld u. Cmnl, feaLured arusL
2-9.-)9(?@ 8-,/-&A-# BE/0 D EFG
J( 34%0- 54;;-6- K(,,(;( 54;;-6- 5-./-#, 9000 8abcock 8lvd, lusburgh,
A 13237 (412-336-1300). lree and open Lo Lhe publlc.
>-<?0%0-. /@01"<3 A%0.'&"-0-. &'" B0C"< )* +97,D< >-C0<071" +'01E%"-" phoLo
exhlblL and presenLauon
4'" =&'"% +97," shorL documenLary lm wlLh dlscusslon
>0:#)9(?@ 8-,/-&A-# BL/0 D MNOIFG
5(#.-6$- G-;;4. P.$=-#)$/?@ Q$-/#$%0 54;;-6- 4" R:&(.$S-) T 84%$(;
8%$-.%-)@ U(V-# R(;; HWI, lusburgh, A 13213 (412-721-9208).
lree and open Lo Lhe publlc.
F"107"%,6C" F"@)2%,2G 0- H0I<79%.' ,-E +97," workshop and
conversauon oered by ur. 8oberL Cavaller (rogram for uellberauve
uemocracy), 1lm uawson (ArL of uemocracy) and Mohammed 8urney
(S4uu), wlLh speclal guesLs, nlne, Cuban clvll rlghLs and democracy acuvlsLs.
>0:#)9(?@ 8-,/-&A-# BL/0 D EFG
5$/? 4" !)?;:&@ !;,0(A-/ 5$/? >-./X, 330 Sampsonla Way, lusburgh, A
13212 (412-323-0278). lree and open Lo Lhe publlc.
!" ,%" &'" ())& )* +',-."3 +97, 0- &'" ;",%& )* H0I<79%.'" hlp-hop
concerL wlLh preemlnenL, Cuban rapper J<29,E%K- H,&%0)&, (8audel Collazo)
and uavld u. Cmnl (uavld Lscalona), boLh from Pavana. An evenlng of
soclally consclous hlp-hop ln Spanlsh wlLh Lngllsh Lranslauons.
8(/:#9(?@ 8-,/-&A-# HI/0 D BB!GYMFG
5$/? 4" !)?;:&@ !;,0(A-/ 5$/? >-./X, 330 Sampsonla Way, lusburgh, A
13212 (412-323-0278). lree and open Lo Lhe publlc.
Z[#4& !;(&(# /4 !;,0(A-/ 5$/?\ ubllc mural palnung wlLh uavld 'u. Cmnl'
Lscalona, member of Lhe Pavana arusLs' collecuve CMnl Zona lranca. Cpen
Lo communlLy paruclpauon.
AfricAmricas II Presents
Veizant Boloy Gonzlez is an attorney with a degree from
the University of Havana. He has worked at the National
Association of Collective Legal Ofces, as a Provincial
Judicial Consultant, is an expert in Cuban Penal Law, a
freelance journalist, and is currently working at the CubaLex
Legal Aid and Information Center in Havana and on Human
Rights in Cuba with the UNs Human Rights Commission.
Manuel Cuesta Mora is an anthropologist, historian and
political scientist. President of the Progressive Arc Party,
National Coordinator of the Nuevo Pas Platform, Secretary
General of the Socialist Democratic Current, all in Cuba, and
a freelance journalist. He is a regular contributor to
publications around the world on the subjects of racism,
discrimination and democratic reform. He was nominated for
the Vclev Havel Award for Human Rights last year.
Eleanor Calvo Martnez is a graduate of the University of
Havana. She is a spokesperson and moderator at the
national conventions of the Progressive Arc (Social
Democrat) Party in Cuba and co-founder of the Citizens
Committee for Racial Integration and the Citizens
Observatory Against Racial Discrimination in Havana. Calvo
Martnez is also a freelance writer.
Leonardo Calvo Crdenas is a historian and political
scientist, and a civil rights activist and freelance writer. He is
Vice-President of the Progressive Arc (Social Democrat)
Party, Secretary of the Socialist Democratic Current,
National Vice-Coordinator of the Citizens Committee for
Racial Integration and General Director of the Consenso
Media Group. In recent years, he has participated in
international meetings on racial discrimination at the
Organization of American States (OAS).
Juan Antonio Madrazo Luna has a degree in business
administration from the University of Havana. He is currently
the National Coordinator of the Citizens Committee for
Racial Integration, Coordinator of the Animando Sonrisas
project (promoting education for children in marginalized
neighborhoods in Havana, in collaboration with the Network
of Independent Libraries in Cuba), an international human
rights activist and a freelance journalist.
Nine Cuban Civil Rights Activists in Pittsburgh
Raudel Escuadrn Patriota Collazo has a degree in
psychology. While in his 20s, he embraced hip-hop music in
Cuba after a spiritual awakening that convinced him that
Rasta philosophy and rap music were the path he should
take to communicate his thoughts and philosophical ideas.
He is now Cubas preeminent rapper. His lyrics and
performances are often censored in Cuba due to their overt
social content, as it talks about racism, freedom and self-
David D. Omni Escalona is a multidisciplinary painter,
musician, poet/writer and rapper/performance artist member
of OMNI Zona Franca (an artists collective in Havana). He
has exhibited work and/or performed at galleries and venues
in cities such as Havana, Miami, Atlanta, Philadelphia, NY,
Washington, DC, New Orleans and Warsaw. Escalona co-
founded the Poesa Sin Fin Festival in Cuba. Escalona rmly
believes that he is planting seeds for Cubas future through
his music and art.
Rafel Campoamor studied engineering in Cuba, economics
in the USSR and information technology in France. He has
spent over 20 years managing IT project for companies
around the world, and has traveled extensively through the
developing world promoting technology as a tool for citizen
empowerment. In Cuba, he organizes a technology meeting
called Festival CLIC. Presently, he is President of the
EmpoderaCuba technology NGO, Vice President of the
Platform for Cuban Integration, webmaster for the
organizations Internet site,, and
designs its journal, IDENTIDADES.
Juan Antonio Alvarado has a doctorate in anthropology and
history from the University of Havana. He is President of the
Plataforma de Integracin Cuba (PIC), in the US, Editor-in-
Chief of the journal IDENTIDADES and the US
representative of the Cuban Citizens Committee for Racial
Integration (CIR) in Cuba. He was the author of the
Ethnographic Atlas in Cuba, at the Center for Anthropology at
the University of Havana, and has published extensively on
race relations on the island, the history and ethnography of
slavery in Cuba, interracial relationships, and racism and
discrimination in Cuba.
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A6 +$6 5"6 $##5 #4 2"+.:6
l'm noL lylng when l say Lhey losL conLrol
8ap concerLs lnvaded by securlLy agenLs ln acuon
Clve Lhe lmpresslon lL ls whaL lL ls noL/A Lense aLmosphere/And each
presenLauon Lalks abouL more respecL and reconclllauon.
l know lL Lakes a loL of work Lo wake up/no one evolves Lhe same way/l was a
faLal vlcum/lf Lhe lnformauon was only parual, Lhe lgnorance ls LoLal/lsolauon
ls leLhal/l can acLually prove lL.
l'm lncapable of promoung haLe/Cr of manlpulaung anyone/nor of glvlng
LoLally false Lesumony
l have a famlly/frlends and Cod ls my domaln/And l'm bemng on a change for
8esLralned/8ecause whaL mosL people Lhlnk/l know! WhaL mosL people hlde/
l know! WhaL mosL Cubans Lhlnk/l know!/8uL wlLh fear of whaL mlghL happen,
Lhey say noLhlng.
lrom every corner of my home Lhey Lell everyone LhaL Lscuadrn ls a LhreaL/
See Lhose who are bllnd Lhe lmage LhaL Lhey mosL llke.
ln sllence and wlLh Lears, Lhousands supporL me
erhaps Lhe LruLh ls relauve, buL we don'L belleve ourselves.
We are reallLy/1he dawn of a new day belng born beLween muslc and rhyLhm/
1hls ls a ured nauon LhaL ls now awakenlng.
Aer Lhls declarauon l ralse my eyes Lo Lhe sky/Cod, l am calm/And ln sllence l
ask Cod/1haL every Lear spllled ln Lrlbulauon brlng us mlracles of [oy and glve
us back our falLh and love.
8roLhers, look aL Lhe mounLaln. See Lhe llghL?
1haL someLhlng's belng revealed/We are Lhe rooL of change
1oo much Lhlnklng wlLhouL acung/WhaL are we walung for?
B!"#$%&'( A6 +$6 5"6 $##5 #4 2"+.:69C"61 2+.,5 &5#; %&9C"6 5$%5" /& /. 5"6
;6#;-69C"61 =.#> /59A6 +$6 5"6 $##5 #4 2"+.:6?
a' los nlnos y los anclanos [for Lhe chlldren and Lhe old ones]/a' los negros y
pa' los blancos [for blacks and for whlLes]/We are Lhe rooL of change/Lach
chlld ln each nelghborhood/Ln each Lown/WlLh a sL ralsed hlgh. We are Lhe
rooL of change
1oo much ume Lhlnklng and noL enough ume acung/WhaL are we walung for?
B!"#$%&'( A6 +$6 5"6 $##5 #4 2"+.:6
1hey can'L sLop us/1he LruLh ls wlLh Lhe people/1hey know lL
(Chorus): We are Lhe rooL of change
And from my ascendance: LLhlopla/1o my llne of descenL: Cuba
Love/eace and lalLh
All of Laun Amerlca/All peoples/All nelghborhoods/All of us who sacrlce
ourselves, and work for Lhls/We are Lhe soul of Lhe nauon
And no one can change LhaL
L|sten up, my peop|e]don't take s|des]get the heck out of those d|v|ded
groups]we are un|ted ||ke |t or not]that's how God wanted |t, he made us w|th
|ove]ok, my peop|e]enough w|th the b|uerness]the fa|se fears]fa|se pa|n]I am
here, my peop|e, pray|ng to God to wash away a|| the pa|n that Man h|mse|f
has brought upon h|mse|f]my heart has broken |n ha|f because there are
peop|e who no |onger want to change]who |atch onto power]to meanness]I
want ||ght for you]I want peace for you.
Are we down or are we not?
Where are my warr|ors for peace?
I know I'm not a|one]come on over]we are now go|ng to w|n.
A|| the ta|k about oppressor and tyrants]that's ok for h|d|ng]for wash|ng one's
hands we||]brothers, |et's get to the po|nt]|et's you and I be aga|nst our own
|nso|ence]We are ||ght |n the shadow]but we somenmes forget and we darken
our work star|ng at the darkness |n the shadow of another brother.
I've been strugg||ng for a |ong nme to br|ng peace to peop|e who hate each
other]I've sa|d the same th|ng backwards and forwards]I've gone around the
wor|d]I've never stopped seek|ng]wherever, there |s a pr|son]wherever, there
|s freedom]one fee|s sadness out there]one fee|s truth out there]on|y |n my
heart was I ab|e to hnd peace]|t was my ||ght am|dst a|| that darkness.
Are we don't or are we not?
Where are my warr|ors for peace?
I know I'm not a|one]come one over]we are now go|ng to w|n.
Marg|na| zones]ho|es |n the streets]rebars and g|ass]that's where I'm from]I
had chances and saw the money ow]but I dec|ded to stay to ra|se my vo|ce]
my fraterna| brothers]|mmorta| fr|ends]very |etha| s|sters]you are my
|nsp|ranon]A|amar forged me]A|amar made me]A|amar, I owe you who I am.
Iree |n your streets I becae beuer]th|s guy |oves you, dear hood]I have no
country]I have no nanon]I have you |n my heart]crad|e of what's beaunfu|]
crade|e of what's new]few |ove you ||ke I do]one song |s not enought to s|ng
your pra|ses]th|s |s your second song.
I|rst rock fesnva|
I|rst rap fesnva|
I|rst |ove fesnva|
I|rst peace fesnva|
1hey've wanted to c|ose you o]they've wanted to take you apart]censor|ng
your cu|ture]wannng to k||| your art.
Cn|y you
ou and no one e|se.
From Alamar to Alphabet City:
Cuba in the heart of pittsburgh
City of Asylum 300, Sampsonia Way, pgh, pa 15212 (412-323-0278)

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