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Alisha Patel

Robert Arnold
UWRT 1101-051
2 September 2014
Literacy Narrative Draft I
As I reflect back to my childhood, I remember certain things as if it was yesterday. Of
course I cant remember every minute detail, but it is because of my family that allows me to
reengage my memory to those specific moments of time. Since my childhood Ive been
surrounded by medical profession influences so I guess you could say I grew up playing with
children medical kits instead of Tickle me Elmos. By obsessing on this type of toy, it has led
me to become literate in the nursing field by allowing myself to complete my certified nursing
assistant classes and pursing my education in nursing. Not only was this toy the main reason for
choosing to become literate in this type of area, but also because of my mother and grandfather.
They, both as doctors, faced some difficulties, which limited me in practically living at the
hospital since we were always in and out so much due to their admission. The experiences at
different treatment centers and hospitals also help transform my literacy in nursing. By spending
so much time in these areas, it allowed me to observe and learn some of the things that were
going on around me. As my literacy was put to test by the Certification Nursing Assistance
exam, it had included some challenges and difficulties to my literacy. All of these factors has led
me to become literate in the nursing field which also leads me to taking it further by pursing my
education by having aspirations in attending and graduating nursing school.
I remember as I was growing up as a child, I was very different. Instead of getting the
new toy that went on the selves at Wal-Mart, the only thing I needed was the childrens doctor
kit. Inside it included a stethoscope, bandages, thermometer, and a few other objects. I would
always say, Mommy, mommy! Its time to see how you are doing today. Is something wrong?
Here she would create some false misinterpretation, something absolutely misleading just so I
could put her back together. I would always figure out what was wrong with her, even though
Im sure she was only telling me it was right to help my self-esteem. This was always the best
part of my day, which wasnt something the average child got to say at the age of four. Just by
practicing this everyday it help me become more exposed to terminology and practical care that
would be required if put in situations such as having a fever. For this specific age, I was to be
considered literate in this type of care.
As the years progressed, I extended my literacy unexpectedly. Around the age from six to
eleven years old, I was facing one of the most terrifying moments of my lifetime. People who
were really close to me started getting admitted to the hospitals more and more frequently, as
they always were sick. During these times, I got to learn so much more than I already did from
just my mother and her father being doctors. I would see the daily registered nurse, as she would
check vitals, temperature, and other registered nursing duties. I eventually knew all the terms
they were using such as what different things did in the body that help the body function better,
to surgical procedures that were going to be done the upcoming day. I got so comfortable and
used to going in and out of hospitals, I would start making rounds with some of the nurses as
they and other patients on the floor allowed me to because I was so interested. As much as I
hated being there, I loved it for many other reasons and so did the people who were admitted that
are close to me. Even with sitting at chemotherapy sessions with my mom allowed me to learn
so much just in that particular setting such as the basis of what chemotherapy is, how it is done,
and all the good and bad it accompanies. Theres so much to cancer than just being a life
threating illness. By being aware in these types of settings, it really allowed me to know exactly
what this profession is about, and what it takes and requires to know the human body and how it
functions in such conditions.
Recently, I pursued becoming a certified nursing assistant as part of the summer of 2014.
Not only is this a pre-requisite for nursing school here at UNC Charlotte, but also tested my
literacy in nursing and helped me become more literate than I once were. The classes lasted
about three hours long over duration of three weeks. Here we got to learn everything we needed
to know in order to succeed at clinical and our exam that was rather approaching. I learned how
to provide to give intensive care to patients in the nursing home and hospital setting. I practiced
hands on care, which focus primarily on bathing, dressing, eating, and oral care to people who
cannot complete this task on their own. I remember that some of these tasks were the hardest to
accomplish. It wasnt because I didnt know how to do it, but rather I didnt know how apply
certain skills that I learned in class towards the patient such as getting accurate vital signs. Vital
signs are something that can easily be inaccurate. It is so important to take the correct vital signs
because they can be crucial if you were supposed to give them medicine accordingly based on
the vitals. I remember the first day I started at the nursing home without the aid of anyone else.
My skills, patience, and physical labor were being put to the test especially on my first 16-hour
shift. They were specific moments where I felt so under pressure where I thought my vitals
werent accurate enough. Of course since I was trained to do this, they were just as accurate as
when someone else had checked them. Another struggle I faced was trying to put an IV into a
patient. This specific task requires patience as well as concentration. Even with these specific
skills, each patient I had to do this for was different. Some of the patients I had differed in sizes
that made trying to find veins so much harder. But as the shifts continued, I gradually became
better at putting IVs through patients. Even though some of these tasks were frustrating most of
the time, Im so glad that I finally accomplished it without having to face these challenges. These
struggles helped me become more literate in this specific profession.
From starting with a childrens play doctor kit, to becoming a certified nursing assistance
and pushing my education future has helped become literate. Due to all the certain events that
have taken place throughout my lifetime it has directed me to continue my literacy journey
further into actually trying to attend the nursing school here at Charlotte. The exposure I have
acquired over the years serves as an advantage as I am already aware of most of things that are
essential to this profession. Since I have become literate in this profession, attending nursing
school is one step closer into understanding the entire nursing processes that range from many
different practices and pushing my boundaries in becoming more literate than I already am.

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