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Enter your title here
Una carta de felicitación

 Crea un libro en Excel con la siguiente información para almacenar las

direcciones de tus amigos. Guarda el libro en la carpeta Mis documentos
con el nombre direcciones.

 Crea una carta para felicitar el año nuevo a cada uno de tus amigos, con
la siguiente forma:
 Guarda el documento como nuevo_año.docx.

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Un mensaje de cumpleaños

El objetivo del ejercicio es obtener un documento que permita enviar un

correo electrónico a todos tus amigos que cumplan los años este mes.
 Añade a la tabla de direcciones una columna con el encabezado mes
nacimiento, y rellénala con el mes en que nació cada uno de tus amigos
(sólo el mes) y añade otra columna con el encabezado email para
introducir en ella la dirección de correo electrónico de tus amigos.
 Crea el mensaje de felicitación y envía los correos a todos tus amigos
que cumplan los años este mes.
 Guarda el documento como cumpleaños.docx.

Here comes your footer  Page 3

„The best thing about the future is that it
comes only one day at a time.“

Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)

Here comes your footer  Page 4

Enter your subtitle here

 This is a dummy text.  This is a dummy text.

Please ignore the following content as Please ignore the following content as
it is dummy text. it is dummy text.
 This is definitely some dummy text.  This is definitely some dummy text.
 The text here is meaningless as it is  The text here is meaningless as it is
used to fill this slide. used to fill this slide.
 Replace this dummy text with our own  Replace this dummy text with our own
text. text.

Here comes your footer  Page 5

Enter your title here
Enter your subtitle here

Enter your title here

 This is a dummy text.
Please ignore the following content as it is dummy text.
 This is definitely some dummy text.
 The text here is meaningless as it is used to fill this slide.

Enter your title here

 This is a dummy text.

Please ignore the following content as it is dummy text.
 This is definitely some dummy text.
 The text here is meaningless as it is used to fill this slide.

Here comes your footer  Page 6

Enter your title here
Enter your subtitle here

 This is a dummy text.

Please ignore the following content as it
is dummy text.
 This is definitely some dummy text.
 The text here is meaningless as it is
used to fill this slide. Color pallet
 Replace this dummy text with our own

Here comes your footer  Page 7

Enter your title here
Enter your subtitle here

 This is a dummy text.

Please ignore the following content as
it is dummy text.
 This is definitely some dummy text.
 The text here is meaningless as it is
used to fill this slide.
 Replace this dummy text with our own

Here comes your footer  Page 8

Enter your title here
Enter your subtitle here

 This is a dummy text. Please ignore the following content as it

is dummy text.
 This is definitely some dummy text.
 The text here is meaningless as it is used to fill this slide.
 Replace this dummy text with our own text.

 This is a dummy text. Please ignore the following content as it

is dummy text.
 This is definitely some dummy text.
 The text here is meaningless as it is used to fill this slide.
 Replace this dummy text with our own text.

Here comes your footer  Page 9

Enter your title here
Enter your subtitle here

 This is a dummy text. Please ignore
90 the following content as it is dummy
60  This is definitely some dummy text.
50  The text here is meaningless as it is
40 used to fill this slide.
30 35 32
 Replace this dummy text with our
31 27
20 own text.
20 20
2003 2004 2005 2006
Range A Range B

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Enter your title here
Enter your subtitle here

 This is a dummy text. Please ignore

the following content as it is dummy 45
 This is definitely some dummy text.
 The text here is meaningless as it is
used to fill this slide. 20
 Replace this dummy text with our
own text.

Range A Range B Range C

Range D Range E

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