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Q1of 14What should you do to help someone whos having an asthma attack?

Help the person sit in a comfortable position and take their medication.
Help the person sit in a comfortable position and breathe into a paper bag.
Advise the person to do some stretches and run around the block.

If someone is bleeding from a wound, what can you do to help?
Let the blood drain out.
Put pressure on the injury.
Tie a tourniquet above the injury.

What should you do if you think someone has broken a leg?
Ask them to lean on their leg to check if it is painful.
Help them support their leg using a cushion or some clothing.
Leave it for a while to see if the pain gets better.

What is the most important thing to do to help someone who has a burn?
Wrap the burn in cling film or a clean plastic bag.
Wipe the burn with antiseptic wipes.
Cool the burn under cold running water.

Q5of 14What should you do to help someone who is choking?
Encourage them to breathe through their nose.
Help them drink some water to dislodge the object.
Hit them firmly on their back between the shoulder blades.
Which item below would be the best thing to apply to a head injury to reduce swelling?
A bag of frozen vegetables wrapped in cloth.
A wet cloth.
A can of cold soft drink.

How can you help someone who is having a seizure?
Put something in their mouth.
Restrain them.
Keep them safe from injury.

If someone is unconscious and breathing, how do you help keep their airway open?
Roll them on their side and tilt their head back.
Lie them on their front and tip their head back.
Make sure nothing is obstructing their nose.

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