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La utilizacin de un mtodo de enseanza u otro es un aspecto clave en la formacin de

los jvenes jugadores de ftbol. Por ello, en este estudio se intenta dar a conocer que
mtodos de enseanza estn siendo utilizados por los tcnicos deportivos de ftbol en
CATEGORAS DE FORMACIN. Los sujetos analizados a travs de una encuesta,
fueron 36 tcnicos deportivos de ftbol de la Comunidad Valenciana, que desarrollaban
su labor en las categoras Benjamn (23) y Alevn (13). Los resultados obtenidos tras
realizar un anlisis cuantitativo, muestran que el mtodo de enseanza ms utilizado por
los tcnicos deportivos de FTBOL BASE es el mtodo global o integral. Adems,
segn los tcnicos encuestados, la combinacin de varios mtodos de enseanza es la
forma ms idnea para la enseanza del ftbol.
Palabras clave: ftbol base, formacin, mtodos de enseanza, iniciacin deportiva.

The use of one teaching method or another is a key point in the training of young
football players. For this reason, this study tries to shed light on which teaching
methods are being used by football coaches in different categories of training. The
subjects analysed, via a survey, were 36 football coaches in the Valencian Community
who were carrying out their work in Benjamin (23) and Alevin (13) categories. The
results, gathered after performing a quantitative analysis, show that the most widely
used teaching method by grassroots/youth football coaches is the global or integral
method. Furthermore, according to the survey respondents, the combination of several
teaching methods is the most suitable way to coach football.
Key words: grassroots/youth football, training, teaching methods, sports initiation.

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