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Tiger Shark - Galeocerdo cuvier

Tiger sharks are very large and so they require a considerable amount of wide
open space. They enjoy warm water so they are found in the tropic areas of the
world as well as some sub tropic locations. The Atlantic ocean is where most of
them have been recognied.
!ou can find many of them around the islands of "awaii.
#acts about Tiger Sharks
They are very aggressive by nature and will stop at nothing to complete a hunt for
food. They will attack when they feel they are in danger which is why they are
known to attack humans.
$t is the fourth largest shark found in the world. They are solitary sharks that tend to
live alone. They have amaing eyesight which is why they tend to hunt at night.
They can camouflage with their blue or green color.
%ating "abits of Tiger Sharks
A tiger shark will eat any type of fish& shark& animal& and small entity it can find in
the water. They are very curious by nature and will taste anything that comes their
Tiger sharks tend to have a very big appetite but they will also eat when they aren't
hungry just because they see something around them that they enjoy. The variation
in weight has to do with how much food is readily available in the area where they
Anatomy of a Tiger Shark
They can grow to be about ()-*+ feet in length with an average of (* feet. They
can vary in weight from ,-+ pounds to appro.imately (&)++ pounds. $t gets its
name due to the stripes found on it that resemble those on a tiger. %ach one of the
tiger sharks will have stripes that are different in color& design& and sie. !ou will
also notice that their dorsal fins are very close to the tail.
/eproduction of Tiger Sharks
#emale tiger sharks give birth to live young. The pups remain inside of their mother
for up to (0 months with () months being the average. They can give birth to
anywhere from (+ to ,+ pups at a time. They will be on their own from the second
they are born. #emales are ready to reproduce when they are about , years of
age. 1ales are ready when they are 0-2 years of age.
3onservation Status4 5ear Threatened.
Since tiger sharks are known for attacking people they are often killed. Since they
live in shallow water they are easy for hunters to spot. 6thers are killed by ships
and boats as they may be residing in river areas since they don't require deep
waters. They are continually hunted in "awaii in order to keep tourists from being
afraid to enter the waters.
They are also hunted to use for various types of products we consume. #or
e.ample they are used to make 7itamin A. $n some locations the flesh of the tiger
shark is used for meat. They don't seem to be in danger of a dwindling population
though even in spite of such hunting efforts.
The %lephant 5ose is an interesting fish that originates from the 5iger
/iver and its tributaries in 8estern Africa. $ts body is mostly black and
is irregularly shaped with a long narrow tail and what looks to be its
nose however this is actually an e.tension of the fish9s mouth. The
%lephant nose uses its trunk-like e.tension to forage for food&
communicate& move through the water and self defense. $t possesses
a weak electrical organ at the caudal peduncles which is used to locate
$t requires a minimum of a -+ gallon aquarium with good water
conditions. $t is generally timid and reclusive& preferring a fine-gravel-
bottom aquarium with plenty of plants and rocks for hiding places
where it can find refuge from the light. To better appreciate this fish&
many hobbyists will purchase a :ghost tube&: a clear plastic tube that
facilitates viewing during the day. 6nce accustomed to its
surroundings& the %lephant 5ose can become incredibly tame and
trusting to the point of being hand-held. $t does well with other& larger
species of a peaceful nature& but may be aggressive towards those of
similar or smaller sie.
The %lephant 5ose is carnivorous and will eat many types of meaty
foods including; blood worms& chopped earthworms& brine shrimp& flake
and pellet foods as well as an array of froen meaty foods.
Approximate Purchase Size: ): to 0:
They are oviparous.
some are quite aggressive with other species& while others are retiring.
They may be kept in a community aquarium with peaceful species who
share their water preferences. "owever& unless kept in an aquarium of
over )++ liters& it is unwise to keep more than one elephantnose fish as
they can be territorial. The conditions suggested to keep them in an
aquarium are as follows4 p" of 0., to 2.*& water temperature *0 to *,
degrees 3elsius& and water of medium hardness. The substrate should
always be something that does not irritate the sensitive snout of the
The weak electrical impulses generated by this fish can be made
audible by placing two electrodes in the fish tank that are then hooked
up to an audio amplifier or a pieoelectricearbud. The elephant nose
fish can use its electosensing to detect moving prey and worms in the
Although the elephant nose fish was once thought to have poor
eyesight& it is now known to have good low light vision. $ts eyes use a
combination of photonic crystals& parabolic mirrors and a clustered
arrangement of rods and cones.

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