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DIVISION I GENERAL PROVISIONS:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #
# =ENERAL::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #
2 "IDDIN=:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #5
- CONTRACT A8ARD AND E>EC!TION::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2*
4 SCOPE OF 8OR':::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2$
* CONTROL OF 8OR'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: --
0 CONTROL OF ATERIALS:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *5
5 LE=AL RELATIONS AND RESPONSI"ILIT& TO T?E P!"LIC::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::0-
+ PROSEC!TION AND PRO=RESS::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $5
$ PA&ENT:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ###
DIVISION II GENERAL CONSTRUCTION::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #-#
#% =ENERAL::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #-#
## @!ALIT& CONTROL AND ASS!RANCE:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #--
#2 TEPORAR& TRAFFIC CONTROL:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #4#
#- 8ATER POLL!TION CONTROL:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #*$
#4 EN(IRONENTAL STE8ARDS?IP::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2%-
#* E>ISTIN= FACILITIES:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2#*
DIVISION III GRADING:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2*-
#0 CLEARIN= AND =R!""IN=:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2*-
#5 8ATERIN=:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2**
#+ D!ST PALLIATI(E:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2*5
#$ EART?8OR'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2*$
2% LANDSCAPE::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2+-
2# EROSION CONTROL:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -4#
22 FINIS?IN= ROAD8A&::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -*-
2- RESER(ED::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -*-
DIVISION IV SUBBASES AND BASES::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -**
24 STA"ILIAED SOILS::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -**
2* A==RE=ATE S!""ASES:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -0#
20 A==RE=ATE "ASES:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -0-
25 CEENT TREATED "ASES::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -05
2+ CONCRETE "ASES:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -5*
2$ TREATED PEREA"LE "ASES::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -5$
-%,-0 RESER(ED:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -+#
DIVISION V SURFACING AND PAVEMENTS::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -+-
-5 "IT!INO!S SEALS:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -+-
-+ RESER(ED::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4#%
-$ ?OT I> ASP?ALT::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4##
4% CONCRETE PA(EENT:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4*$
4# CONCRETE PA(EENT REPAIR:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4+$
42 =ROO(E AND =RIND CONCRETE::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *%$
4-B4* RESER(ED::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *#2
DIVISION VI STRUCTURES:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *#-
40 =RO!ND ANC?ORS AND SOIL NAILS::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *#-
45 EART? RETAININ= S&STES:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *25
4+ TEPORAR& STR!CT!RES::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *-5
4$ PILIN=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *45
*% PRESTRESSIN= CONCRETE:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *5*
*# CONCRETE STR!CT!RES::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *+-
*2 REINFORCEENT::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 025
*- S?OTCRETE::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 04$
*4 8ATERPROOFIN=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0**
** STEEL STR!CT!RES:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 00-
*0 SI=NS::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0+#
*5 8OOD AND PLASTIC L!"ER STR!CT!RES::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::0$$
*+ SO!ND 8ALLS::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5%$
*$ PAINTIN=:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5#*
0% RESER(ED::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 525
DIVISION VII DRAINAGE:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 52$
0# C!L(ERT AND DRAINA=E PIPE COINTS::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 52$
02 ALTERNATI(E C!L(ERTS::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5-*
0- RESER(ED::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5-5
04 PLASTIC PIPE::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5-$
0* CONCRETE PIPE::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 54*
00 CORR!=ATED ETAL PIPE:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5*-
05 STR!CT!RAL PLATE C!L(ERTS::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 50-
0+ S!"S!RFACE DRAINS:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 50$
0$ O(ERSIDE DRAINS:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 55$
5% ISCELLANEO!S DRAINA=E FACILITIES::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5+#
5# RESER(ED::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5++
DIVISION VIII MISCELLANEOUS CONSTRUCTION:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5+$
52 SLOPE PROTECTION:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5+$
5- CONCRETE C!R"S AND SIDE8AL'S::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +%-
54 P!PIN= E@!IPENT AND CONTROLS::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +%$
5* ISCELLANEO!S ETAL:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +-#
50 8ELLS:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +4*
55 LOCAL INFRASTR!CT!RE::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +45
5+B5$ RESER(ED::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +45
+% FENCES:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +4$
+# ON!ENTS::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +0#
DIVISION IX TRAFFIC CONTROL FACILITIES:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +0-
+2 AR'ERS AND DELINEATORS::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +0-
+- RAILIN=S AND "ARRIERS:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +05
+4 TRAFFIC STRIPES AND PA(EENT AR'IN=S::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ++#
+* PA(EENT AR'ERS::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ++5
+0 ELECTRICAL S&STES::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +$#
DIVISION X MATERIALS::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $*5
+5 ATERIALSB=ENERAL:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $*5
++ =EOS&NT?ETICS:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $*$
+$ RESER(ED::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $0*
$% CONCRETE::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $05
$# PAINT:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #%%-
$2 ASP?ALTS:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #%%*
$- LI@!ID ASP?ALTS::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #%%$
$4 ASP?ALTIC E!LSIONS::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #%#$
$* EPO>&:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #%2*
$0B$+ RESER(ED::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #%2+
DIVISION XI BUILDING CONSTRUCTION::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #%2$
$$ "!ILDIN= CONSTR!CTION:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #%2$
1-1.01 GENERAL
Se7tion # in7.6des ;enera. of interpretation:
The spe7ifi7ations are di<ided into ## di<isions:
Di<ision I in7.6des ;enera. spe7ifi7ations app.i7ab.e to e<ery 7ontra7t 6n.ess spe7ified as app.i7ab.e 6nder
7ertain 7onditions:
Di<ision II in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for ;enera. 7onstr67tion app.i7ab.e to e<ery 7ontra7t 6n.ess spe7ified as
app.i7ab.e 6nder 7ertain 7onditions:
Di<isions III thro6;h I> in7.6de 7onstr67tion spe7ifi7ations for spe7ifi7 bid items:
Di<ision > in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7ommon materia.s: For a materia. spe7ified in this di<ision) that
materia. spe7ified in any se7tion m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations in di<ision >:
Di<ision >I in7.6des 7onstr67tion spe7ifi7ations for b6i.din;s:
The bid items set forth the 7onstr67tion spe7ifi7ations that app.y: The first 2 di;its of a bid item 7ode
7orrespond to the spe7ifi7ation se7tion n6mber Dith the same 2 first di;its e37ept for bid item 7ode
$$$$$% that 7orresponds to se7tion $ and 6n.ess shoDn otherDise in the tab.e tit.ed E"id Items and
App.i7ab.e Se7tionsE in the spe7ia. pro<isions:
The spe7ifi7ations are Dritten to the "idder before aDard and the Contra7tor after: "efore aDard) interpret
senten7es Dritten in the imperati<e mood as startin; Dith EThe "idder m6stE and interpret Eyo6E as Ethe
"idderE and Eyo6rE as Ethe "idderFs:E After aDard) interpret senten7es Dritten in the imperati<e mood as
startin; Dith EThe Contra7tor m6stE and interpret Eyo6E as Ethe Contra7torE and Eyo6rE as Ethe
After Contra7t appro<a.) s6bmit do76ments and dire7t G6estions to the En;ineer: Orders) a6thoriHations)
and reG6ests to the Contra7tor are by the En;ineer:
The fo..oDin; items from the Department are in Dritin;:
#: Appro<a.s
2: A6thoriHations
-: De7isions
4: Notifi7ations
*: Orders
0: Responses
The fo..oDin; items from the Contra7tor m6st be in Dritin;:
#: Assi;nments
2: Notifi7ations
-: Proposa.s
4: Reports
*: ReG6ests) in7.6din; RFIs) seG6entia..y n6mbered
0: S6b7ontra7ts
5: Test res6.ts
8here a .o7ation is not spe7ified Dith the Dords EshoDn)E Espe7ified)E or Edes7ribed)E interpret:
#: EShoDnE as EshoDn on the p.ans:E
2: ESpe7ifiedE as Espe7ified in the spe7ifi7ations:E
-: EDes7ribedE as Edes7ribed in the Contra7t:E EDes7ribedE means EshoDn) spe7ified) or both:E
?eadin;s are in7.6ded for the p6rposes of or;aniHation and referen7in;: In7.6sion of a headin; Dith no
re.ated 7ontent) ENot !sed)E or EReser<edE does not indi7ate that no spe7ifi7ation e3ists for that s6bIe7tJ
app.i7ab.e spe7ifi7ations may be 7o<ered in a ;enera. or referen7ed spe7ifi7ation:
Se7tions are reser<ed in the Standard Specifications for 7orre.ation of spe7ia. pro<isions and re<ised
standard spe7ifi7ations Dith the Standard Specifications and for f6t6re e3pansion of the Standard
The spe7ifi7ations are e3pressed in !:S: 76stomary 6nits e37ept Dhere a referen7ed do76ment 6ses the
Internationa. System of !nits as the standard:
!n.ess an obIe7t or a7ti<ity is spe7ified to be .ess than the tota.) the G6antity or amo6nt is a.. of the obIe7t
or a7ti<ity:
A.. items in a .ist app.y 6n.ess the items are spe7ified as 7hoi7es:
The Department is ;rad6a..y standardiHin; the sty.e of the spe7ifi7ations: The 6se of the neD sty.e does
not 7han;e the meanin; of a Contra7t part not 6sin; this sty.e: The neD sty.e in7.6des:
#: !se of:
#:#: Imperati<e mood
#:2: Introd67tory modifiers
#:-: Conditiona. 7.a6ses
#:4: Ind6stry,standard terms
2: E.imination of:
2:#: Lan;6a;e <ariations
2:2: Definitions for ind6stry,standard terms
2:-: Red6ndant spe7ifi7ations
2:4: Need.ess 7ross,referen7es
"e7a6se of the transition) some terms or 7.a6ses 6sed in Di<ision I are different from those 6sed in other
di<isions and in other Contra7t parts: Interpret the eG6i<a.ent term or 7.a6se shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e
as ha<in; the same meanin; as the 7orrespondin; term or 7.a6se in Di<ision I:
Term E!"#$%&e'(#e
Term or 7.a6se in
Di<ision I
EG6i<a.ent term or phrase that may
be in other di<isions and in other
Contra7t parts
A6thoriHe Appro<e E37ept in a Change Order
A6thoriHed ateria.
Pre,@6a.ified Prod67ts List ,,
Department En;ineer 8here referrin; to anyone other than the
Resident En;ineer or the Resident
En;ineerFs a6thoriHed representati<es
f6rnished materia.
State,f6rnished materia. ,,
KDork des7riptionL
is 7han;e order
KDork des7riptionL Di.. be paid for
as e3tra Dork KDith or Ditho6t a
referen7e to a se7tionL
1-1.0)*1-1.0+ RESERVED
A referen7e Dithin parentheses to a .aD or re;6.ation is in7.6ded in the Contra7t for 7on<enien7e on.y and
is not a 7omprehensi<e .istin; of re.ated .aDs and re;6.ations: La7k of a referen7e does not indi7ate no
re.ated .aDs or re;6.ations e3ist:
8here the <ersion of a referen7ed do76ment is not spe7ified) 6se the 76rrent <ersion in effe7t on the date
of the Notice to Bidders:
A referen7e to a se7tion in7.6des the ;enera. spe7ifi7ations for the se7tion:
8here a se7tion n6mber is referen7ed Ditho6t a referen7e to a do76ment) the referen7e is to a se7tion of
the Standard Specifications as re<ised by any re<ised standard spe7ifi7ation) spe7ia. pro<ision) or both:
A 7ode not spe7ified as a federa. 7ode is a Ca.ifornia 7ode:
A department not spe7ified as a federa. or .o7a. department is a Ca.ifornia department:
Interpret the meanin; of an abbre<iation 6sed in the spe7ifi7ations and the "id Item List as shoDn in the
fo..oDin; tab.e:
Abbre<iation eanin;
AAS?TO Ameri7an Asso7iation of State ?i;hDay and Transportation Offi7ia.s
A" a;;re;ate base
ACI Ameri7an Con7rete Instit6te
AISC Ameri7an Instit6te of Stee. Constr67tion
AISI Ameri7an Iron and Stee. Instit6te
AA ar7haeo.o;i7a. monitorin; area
ANSI Ameri7an Nationa. Standards Instit6te
API Ameri7an Petro.e6m Instit6te
AREA Ameri7an Rai.Day En;ineerin; and aintenan7e,of,8ay Asso7iation
AS a;;re;ate s6bbase
ASE Ameri7an So7iety of e7hani7a. En;ineers
AS@ Ameri7an So7iety for @6a.ity
ATP" aspha.t treated permeab.e base
A8= Ameri7an 8ire =a6;e
A8PA Ameri7an 8ood Prote7tion Asso7iation
A8S Ameri7an 8e.din; So7iety
A88A Ameri7an 8ater 8orks Asso7iation
""S battery ba7k6p system
"NSF ";ton Northern Santa Fe
Ca.9OS?A Ca.ifornia Di<ision of O776pationa. Safety and ? Administration
C"C Ca.ifornia "6i.din; Code
CDP? Ca.ifornia Department of P6b.i7 ?
CID? 7ast,in,dri..ed,ho.e
CI? Certified Ind6stria. ?y;ienist
CIP 7ast in p.a7e
CCP 7omp.ete Ioint penetration
C! 7on7rete masonry 6nit
CP 7riti7a. path method
CPL 7omposite p.asti7 .6mber
CRCP 7ontin6o6s.y reinfor7ed 7on7rete pa<ement
CR 7r6mb r6bber modifier
CT" 7ement treated base
CTP" 7ement treated permeab.e base
C(N Charpy (,not7h
C8I A8S Certified 8e.din; Inspe7tor
D"E Disad<anta;ed "6siness Enterprise
DRA Disp6te Reso.6tion Ad<isor
DR" Disp6te Reso.6tion "oard
DTSC Department of To3i7 S6bstan7es Contro.
D("E Disab.ed (eteran "6siness Enterprise
ECTC Erosion Contro. Te7hno.o;y Co6n7i.
EIA E.e7troni7 Ind6stries A..ian7e
ESA en<ironmenta..y sensiti<e area
ETL E.e7tri7a. Testin; Laboratories
f7 e3treme fiber 7ompressi<e stress in 7on7rete at ser<i7e .oads
fF7 7ompressi<e stren;th of 7on7rete
F?8A Federa. ?i;hDay Administration
=AAP =enera..y A77epted A77o6ntin;
=="FS ;ro6nd ;ran6.ated b.ast f6rna7e s.a;J s.a; 7ement
=SP ;a.<aniHed stee. pipe
?A hot mi3 aspha.t
?A,O hot mi3 aspha.t /open ;raded1
?S hi;h stren;th
ICC Internationa. Code Co6n7i.
ITE Instit6te of Transportation En;ineers
IEEE Instit6te of E.e7tri7a. and E.e7troni7s En;ineers
CF Iob mi3 form6.a
CPCP Iointed p.ain 7on7rete pa<ement
ksf kips per sG6are foot
ksi kips per sG6are in7h
LC" .ean 7on7rete base
LEED Leadership in Ener;y and En<ironmenta. Desi;n
LOT" .o; of test borin;
LTDS .on; term desi;n stren;th
C medi6m 76rin;
ETS DepartmentFs ateria.s En;ineerin; and Testin; Ser<i7es
PI aster Painters Instit6te
R mo<ement ratin;
SDS materia. safety data sheet
T ma;neti7 parti7.e testin;
MUTCD Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices
NDT nondestr67ti<e testin;
NETA Internationa. E.e7tri7a. Testin; Asso7iation
NEC Nationa. E.e7tri7a. Code
NEA Nationa. E.e7tri7a. an6fa7t6rers Asso7iation
NFPA Nationa. Fire Prote7tion Asso7iation
NPDES Nationa. Po..6tant Dis7har;e E.imination System
NPT Nationa. Pipe Thread Taper
NRTL Nationa..y Re7o;niHed Testin; Laboratory
O"C optim6m binder 7ontent
O=FC open ;raded fri7tion 7o6rse
OSD Offi7es of Str67t6re Desi;n
PLAC permit) .i7ense) a;reement) 7ertifi7ation) or any 7ombination of these
PC pre7ast
PCC port.and 7ement 7on7rete
p7f po6nds per 76bi7 foot
P= performan7e ;rade
PI% Hero b.ankin; band profi.e inde3
PCP partia. Ioint penetration
P@R pro7ed6re G6a.ifi7ation re7ord
PS prestressed
PSF pedestrian si;na. fa7e
P( pro;rammed <isibi.ity
RAP re7.aimed aspha.t pa<ement
RCSC Resear7h Co6n7i. on Str67t6ra. Conne7tions
RECP ro..ed erosion 7ontro. prod67t
RFI reG6est for information
R?A r6bberiHed hot mi3 aspha.t
R?A,= r6bberiHed hot mi3 aspha.t /;ap ;raded1
R?A,O r6bberiHed hot mi3 aspha.t /open ;raded1
R?A,O,?" r6bberiHed hot mi3 aspha.t /open ;raded hi;h binder1
RPL re7y7.ed p.asti7 .6mber
RSC rapid stren;th 7on7rete
RSP ro7k s.ope prote7tion
RSS re<ised standard spe7ifi7ations
RT radio;raphi7 testin;
R8@C" Re;iona. 8ater @6a.ity Contro. "oard
SSA Standard etropo.itan Statisti7a. Area
SC s.oD 76rin;
SCC se.f,7onso.idatin; 7on7rete
SC s6pp.ementary 7ementitio6s materia.
SSPC The So7iety for Prote7ti<e Coatin;s
S8PPP storm Dater po..6tion pre<ention
TEES Transportation E.e7tri7a. EG6ipment Spe7ifi7ations
TIA time impa7t ana.ysis
T( tar;et <a.6e
!D"E !nder6ti.iHed Disad<anta;ed "6siness Enterprise
!FFA 6.tra fine f.y ash
!L !nderDriters Laboratories) In7
!SC !nited States Code
!S 6nidentified sto7k materia.
!T 6.trasoni7 testin;
(ECP <a.6e en;ineerin; 7han;e proposa.
(FD (ariab.e,freG6en7y dri<e
(P <o.ts per mi.
8PCP Dater po..6tion 7ontro. pro;ram
8PS De.din; pro7ed6re spe7ifi7ation
Interpret a referen7e to A8S as a referen7e to A8S) ANSI9A8S) or AAS?TO9A8S
B#1 I/em L#/$#%/#0'
Abbre<iation eanin;
ACRE a7re
CF 76bi7 foot
C& 76bi7 yard
EA ea7h
/F1 fina. pay item
=AL ;a..on
? ho6r
L" po6nd
LF .inear foot
LS .6mp s6m
LNI .ane mi.e
F" tho6sand foot board meas6re
I mi.e
S&D tho6sand station yard
STA station /#%% feet1
S@FT sG6are foot
S@&D sG6are yard
TON 2)%%% po6nds
8DA& Dorkin; day
1-1.02A Ge'er%&
Interpret terms as defined in the Contra7t do76ments:
1-1.02B G&0%r3
%(/ 04 G015 EA7ts of =odE as defined in P6b Cont Code M 5#%*
%(/#$#/35 Task) e<ent) or other proIe7t e.ement on a s7hed6.e that 7ontrib6tes to 7omp.etin; the proIe7t: An
a7ti<ity has a des7ription) start date) finish date) d6ration) and one or more .o;i7 ties:
%er#%&&3 1e60#/e1 &e%15 Lead primari.y from <ehi7.e emissions deposited Dithin 6npa<ed areas or
former.y 6npa<ed areas:
%r(7%e0&08#(%& m0'#/0r#'8 %re%5 Area Dithin or near 7onstr67tion .imits Dhere a77ess is a..oDed) b6t
Dork is s6bIe7t to ar7haeo.o;i7a. monitorin;:
%r(7%e0&08#(%& re0"r(e5 Remains of past h6man a7ti<ity) in7.6din; histori7 and prehistori7 materia.
/e:;:) too.s and too. fra;ments) hearth and food remains) str67t6ra. remains) and h6man remains1:
%"/70r#9e1 &%.0r%/0r35 Independent testin; .aboratory /#1 not emp.oyed or 7ompensated by any
s6b7ontra7tor or s6b7ontra7torFs affi.iate pro<idin; other ser<i7es for the Contra7t and /21 a6thoriHed
by the Department:
.%e5 Layer of spe7ified materia. of p.anned thi7kness p.a7ed immediate.y be.oD the pa<ement or
.%eme'/ m%/er#%&5 ateria. in e37a<ation or embankment 6nder the .oDest .ayer to be p.a7ed:
.#1 #/em5 Spe7ifi7 Dork 6nit for Dhi7h the "idder pro<ides a pri7e:
B#1 I/em L#/5 List of bid items and the asso7iated G6antities: The <erified "id Item List is the "id Item List
Dith <erified pri7es: The Contra7t Proposa. of LoD "idder at the DepartmentFs 8eb site is the <erified
"id Item List: After Contra7t aDard) interpret a referen7e to the "id Item List as a referen7e to the
<erified "id Item List:
.r#18e5 Str67t6re that:
#: ?as a brid;e n6mber
2: Carries a 6ti.ity or rai.road or <ehi7.e) pedestrian) or other traffi7 o<er) 6nder) or aro6nd obstr67tions or
."#&1#'8-(0'/r"(/#0' (0'/r%(/5 Contra7t that has E"6i.din; Constr67tionE on the 7o<er of the Notice to
Bidders and Special Provisions:
C%&#40r'#% Te/5 Department,de<e.oped test for determinin; Dork G6a.ity: For Ca.ifornia Tests) ;o to the
ETS 8eb site:
(er/#4#(%/e 04 (0m6&#%'(e5 Certifi7ate statin; the materia. 7omp.ies Dith the Contra7t:
Cer/#4#e1 I'1"/r#%& H38#e'#/5 Ind6stria. hy;ienist 7ertified in 7omprehensi<e pra7ti7e by the Ameri7an
"oard of Ind6stria. ?y;iene:
(7%'8e 0r1er :0r;5 8ork des7ribed in a Change Order) in7.6din; e3tra Dork and Dork des7ribed in the
Contra7t as 7han;e order Dork:
(0mmer(#%& !"%&#/35 @6a.ity meetin; the best ;enera. pra7ti7es:
(0mmer(#%& 0"r(e5 Estab.ished b6siness operatin; as a materia. so6r7e to the ;enera. p6b.i7:
C0'/r%(/5 8ritten and e3e76ted 7ontra7t betDeen the Department and the Contra7tor:
C0'/r%(/ %((e6/%'(e5 Dire7torFs Dritten a77eptan7e of a 7omp.eted Contra7t:
C0'/r%(/ (0m6&e/#0' 1%/e5 C6rrent e3tended date for 7omp.etion of the Contra7t shoDn on the Weekl
Statement of Working Das:
C0'/r%(/0r5 Person or b6siness or its .e;a. representati<e enterin; into a Contra7t Dith the Department
for performan7e of the Dork:
(0'/r0&&#'8 %(/#$#/35 Constr67tion a7ti<ity that Di.. e3tend the s7hed6.ed 7omp.etion date if de.ayed:
(r#/#(%& 1e&%35 De.ay that e3tends the s7hed6.ed 7omp.etion date:
(r#/#(%& 6%/75 Lon;est 7ontin6o6s 7hain of a7ti<ities for the proIe7t that has the .east amo6nt of tota. f.oat
of a.. 7hains: In ;enera.) a de.ay on the 7riti7a. path e3tends the s7hed6.ed 7omp.etion date:
(r#/#(%& 6%/7 me/7015 NetDork based p.annin; te7hniG6e 6sin; a7ti<ity d6rations and re.ationships
betDeen a7ti<ities to 7a.76.ate a s7hed6.e for the entire proIe7t:
("&$er/5 Str67t6re other than a brid;e that pro<ides an openin; 6nder a roadDay:
1%/% 1%/e5 Day after the date thro6;h Dhi7h a s7hed6.e is 76rrent: E<erythin; o776rrin; ear.ier than the
data date is as,b6i.t and e<erythin; on or after the data date is p.anned:
1%35 24 7onse76ti<e ho6rs r6nnin; from midni;ht to midni;htJ 7a.endar day:
#: ."#'e 1%35 Day on the 7a.endar e37ept Sat6rday or ho.iday:
2: :0r;#'8 1%35 Time meas6re 6nit for Dork pro;ress: A Dorkin; day is any day e37ept:
2:#: Sat6rday and ho.iday:
2:2: Day Dhen yo6 7annot perform Dork on the; a7ti<ity for at .east *% per7ent of the day
Dith at .east *% per7ent of the norma. .abor and eG6ipment d6e to any of the fo..oDin;:
2:2:#: Ad<erse Deather,re.ated 7onditions that 7a6se the Contra7tor to dismiss the 7reD:
2:2:2: aintainin; traffi7 6nder the Contra7t:
2:2:-: En;ineerFs dire7tion to s6spend the; a7ti<ities for reasons 6nre.ated to the
Contra7torFs performan7e:
2:2:4: !nanti7ipated e<ent not 7a6sed by either party s67h as:
2:2:4:#: A7t of =od
2:2:4:2: A7t of a p6b.i7 enemy:
2:2:4:-: Epidemi7:
2:2:4:4: Fire:
2:2:4:*: F.ood:
2:2:4:0: =o<ernor,de7.ared state of emer;en7y:
2:2:4:5: Lands.ide:
2:2:4:+: @6arantine restri7tion:
2:2:*: Iss6e in<o.<in; a third party) in7.6din;:
2:2:*:#: Ind6stry or area,Dide .abor strike:
2:2:*:2: ateria. shorta;e:
2:2:*:-: Frei;ht embar;o:
2:2:*:4: C6risdi7tiona. reG6irement of a .aD enfor7ement a;en7y:
2:2:*:*: 8orkfor7e .abor disp6te of a 6ti.ity or nonhi;hDay fa7i.ity oDner res6.tin; in
a nonhi;hDay fa7i.ity rearran;ement not des7ribed and not so.e.y for the
Contra7torFs 7on<enien7e: Rearran;ement of a nonhi;hDay fa7i.ity in7.6des
insta..ation) re.o7ation) a.teration) or remo<a. of the fa7i.ity:
1e1"(/#0'5 oney permanent.y taken from pro;ress payment and fina. payment: Ded67tions are
76m6.ati<e and are not retentions 6nder P6b Cont Code M 5#%5:
De6%r/me'/5 Department of Transportation as defined in St N ?Dy Code M 2% and a6thoriHed in St N ?Dy
Code M $%J its a6thoriHed representati<es:
1e/0"r5 Temporary ro6te for traffi7 aro6nd a 7.osed road part: A passa;eDay thro6;h a Iob site is not a
D#re(/0r5 DepartmentFs Dire7tor:
D#%.&e1 Ve/er%' B"#'e E'/er6r#e5 "6siness 7ertified as a D("E by the Department of =enera.
Ser<i7es) Offi7e of Sma.. "6siness and D("E Ser<i7es:
1#60e 045 Remo<e from the Iob site:
1#$#1e1 7#87:%35 ?i;hDay Dith separated tra<e.ed Days for traffi7) ;enera..y in opposite dire7tions:
E'8#'eer5 The Resident En;ineer responsib.e for the Contra7tFs administrationJ the Resident En;ineerFs
a6thoriHed representati<es:
e%r&3 (0m6&e/#0' /#me5 Differen7e in time betDeen an ear.y s7hed6.ed 7omp.etion date and the Contra7t
7omp.etion date:
e'$#r0'me'/%&&3 e'#/#$e %re%5 Area Dithin or near 7onstr67tion .imits Dhere a77ess is prohibited or
.imited to prote7t en<ironmenta. reso6r7es:
e/#m%/e1 (0/5 Estimated 7ost of the proIe7t as shoDn on the Notice to Bidders:
e<("%.&e 1e&%35 De.ay to a; a7ti<ity beyond the Contra7torFs 7ontro. and not reasonab.y
foreseeab.e Dhen the Dork be;an s67h as:
#: Chan;e in the Dork
2: Department a7tion that is not part of the Contra7t
-: Presen7e of an 6nder;ro6nd 6ti.ity main not des7ribed in the Contra7t or in a .o7ation s6bstantia..y
different from that spe7ified
4: Des7ribed fa7i.ity rearran;ement not rearran;ed as des7ribed) by the 6ti.ity oDner by the date
spe7ified) 6n.ess the rearran;ement is so.e.y for the Contra7torFs 7on<enien7e
*: DepartmentFs fai.6re to obtain time.y a77ess to the ri;ht,of,Day
0: DepartmentFs fai.6re to re<ieD a s6bmitta. or pro<ide notifi7ation in the time spe7ified
e</r% :0r;5 Any Dork) desired or performed) b6t not in7.6ded in the ori;ina. Contra7t:
4e1er%&-%#1 (0'/r%(/5 Contra7t that has a federa.,aid proIe7t n6mber on the 7o<er of the Notice to
Bidders and Special Provisions:
4#'%& 6%3 #/em5 "id item Dhose G6antity shoDn on the "id Item List is the G6antity paid:
4#<e1 (0/5 Labor) materia.) or eG6ipment 7ost dire7t.y in76rred by the Contra7tor as a res6.t of performin;
or s6pp.yin; a bid item that remains 7onstant re;ard.ess of the itemFs G6antity:
4&0%/5 Differen7e betDeen the ear.iest and .atest a..oDab.e start or finish times for an a7ti<ity:
40r(e %((0"'/ :0r;5 8ork ordered on a 7onstr67tion proIe7t Ditho6t an e3istin; a;reement on its 7ost)
and performed Dith the 6nderstandin; that the 7ontra7tor Di.. bi.. the oDner a77ordin; to the 7ost of
.abor) materia.s) and eG6ipment) p.6s a 7ertain per7enta;e for o<erhead and profit:
8r%1#'8 6&%'e5 "asement materia. s6rfa7e on Dhi7h the .oDest .ayer of s6bbase) base) pa<ement)
s6rfa7in;) or other spe7ified .ayer is p.a7ed:
7#87:%35 8ho.e ri;ht,of,Day or area reser<ed for 6se in 7onstr67tin; the roadDay and its app6rtenan7es:
70&#1%35 ?o.iday shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
?o.iday Date obser<ed
E<ery S6nday E<ery S6nday
NeD &earFs Day Can6ary #st
"irthday of artin L6ther 'in;) Cr: -rd onday in Can6ary
Lin7o.nFs "irthday Febr6ary #2th
8ashin;tonFs "irthday -rd onday in Febr6ary
Cesar Cha<eH Day ar7h -#st
emoria. Day Last onday in ay
Independen7e Day C6.y 4th
Labor Day #st onday in September
Co.6mb6s Day 2nd onday in O7tober
(eterans Day No<ember ##th
Thanks;i<in; Day 4th Th6rsday in No<ember
Day after Thanks;i<in; Day Day after Thanks;i<in; Day
Christmas Day De7ember 2*th
If Can6ary #st) Febr6ary #2th) ar7h -#st) C6.y 4th) No<ember ##th) or De7ember 2*th fa..s on a S6nday)
the onday fo..oDin; is a ho.iday: If No<ember ##th fa..s on a Sat6rday) the pre7edin; Friday is a ho.iday:
#1&e e!"#6me'/5 EG6ipment:
#: On the Iob site at the start of a de.ay
2: Id.ed be7a6se of the de.ay
-: Not operated d6rin; the de.ay
#'40rm%&-.#1 (0'/r%(/5 Contra7t that has EInforma. "id A6thoriHed by P6b Cont Code M #%#22E on the
7o<er of the Notice to Bidders and Special Provisions:
=0. #/e5 Area Dithin the defined bo6ndaries of a proIe7t:
Labor Surcharge and Equipment Rental Rates5 Department p6b.i7ation that .ists .abor s6r7har;e and
eG6ipment renta. rates:
&%'1(%6#'85 Pra7ti7e of a .ands7apin; 7ontra7tor 6nder #0 CA Code of Re;s M +-2:25:
&#/e1 6e(#e5 Any spe7ies .isted as threatened or endan;ered 6nder /#1 federa. Endan;ered Spe7ies
A7t of #$5-) #0 !SC M #*-# et seG:) /21 Ca.ifornia Endan;ered Spe7ies A7t) Fish N =ame Code MM
2%*%B2##*:*) or /-1 both:
m%/er#%&5 Any prod67t or s6bstan7e spe7ified for 6se in the 7onstr67tion of a proIe7t:
m%/er#%& 70r/%8e5 Shorta;e of raD or prod67ed materia. that is area,Dide and 7a6sed by an 6n6s6a.
market 7ondition e37ept if any of the fo..oDin; o776rs:
#: Shorta;e re.ates to a prod67ed) nonstandard materia.
2: S6pp.ierFs and the Contra7torFs priority for; an order differs
-: E<ent o6tside the !:S: for a materia. prod67ed o6tside the !:S:
m%/er#%& 0"r(e 4%(#&#/3 %"1#/5 Se.f,a6dit and a Department a6dit e<a.6atin; a fa7i.ityFs 7apabi.ity to
7onsistent.y prod67e materia.s that 7omp.y Dith Department standards:
me1#%'5 Portion of a di<ided hi;hDay separatin; the tra<e.ed Days in7.6din; inside sho6.ders:
m#&e/0'e5 E<ent a7ti<ity that has Hero d6ration and is typi7a..y 6sed to represent the start or end of a
7ertain sta;e of the proIe7t:
m0.#&#9%/#0'5 Preparatory Dork that m6st be performed or 7osts in76rred before startin; Dork on the
<ario6s items on the Iob site /P6b Cont Code M #%#%41:
'%rr%/#$e re60r/5 Do76ment s6bmitted Dith ea7h s7hed6.e that dis76sses topi7s re.ated to proIe7t
pro;ress and;:
'e%r (r#/#(%& 6%/75 Chain of a7ti<ities Dith tota. f.oat e37eedin; that of the 7riti7a. path b6t ha<in; no more
than #% Dorkin; days of tota. f.oat:
6%&e0'/0&08#(%& re0"r(e5 Fossi.s and the deposits they are fo6nd in: Fossi.s are e<iden7e of an7ient
.ife preser<ed in sediments and ro7k: of pa.eonto.o;i7a. reso6r7es are remains of /#1
anima.s) /21 anima. tra7ks) /-1 p.ants) and /41 other or;anisms: Ar7haeo.o;i7a. reso6r7es are not
pa.eonto.o;i7a. and fossi.s fo6nd Dithin an ar7haeo.o;i7a. reso6r7e are ;enera..y 7onsidered
ar7haeo.o;i7a. reso6r7es) not pa.eonto.o;i7a. reso6r7es:
6%$eme'/5 !ppermost .ayer of materia. p.a7ed on the tra<e.ed Day or sho6.der:
6erm#//e1 .#0&08#(%& %(/#$#/#e5 onitorin;) s6r<eyin;) or other pra7ti7es that reG6ire a take permit and
proIe7t,spe7ifi7 permission from the !:S: Fish and 8i.d.ife Ser<i7e or NOAA Fisheries or a take permit
or memorand6m of 6nderstandin; Dith the Department of Fish and =ame:
6&%'5 Standard p.ans) re<ised standard p.ans) and proIe7t p.ans:
#: /%'1%r1 6&%'5 DraDin;s standard to Department 7onstr67tion proIe7ts:
2: re$#e1 /%'1%r1 6&%'5 NeD or re<ised standard p.ans:
-: 6r0=e(/ 6&%'5 DraDin;s spe7ifi7 to the proIe7t) in7.6din; a6thoriHed shop draDin;s:
6&%'/ e/%.&#7me'/ 6er#015 N6mber of days shoDn on the Notice to Bidders for p.ant estab.ishment:
6r0/e(/#$e r%1#"5 inim6m distan7e betDeen 7onstr67tion a7ti<ities and a re;6.ated spe7ies:
!"%&#/3 (0'/r0& 6&%'5 Contra7torFs to ens6re @C:
re8"&%/e1 6e(#e5 Any spe7ies prote7ted by one or any 7ombination of the fo..oDin;:
#: Federa. Endan;ered Spe7ies A7t of #$5-) #0 !SC M #*-# et seG:
2: Ca.ifornia Endan;ered Spe7ies A7t) Fish N =ame Code MM 2%*%B2##*:*
-: Fish N =ame Code MM #0%%B#0#0
4: Nationa. En<ironmenta. Po.i7y A7t) 42 !SC M 4-2# et seG:
*: Ca.ifornia En<ironmenta. @6a.ity A7t) P6b Res Code M 2#%%% et seG:
0: Other .aD or re;6.ation that ;o<erns a7ti<ities that affe7t spe7ies or their habitats
r0%1.e15 RoadDay portion e3tendin; from 76rb .ine to 76rb .ine or sho6.der .ine to sho6.der .ine: A
di<ided hi;hDay has 2 roadbeds:
r0%1#1e5 Area betDeen the o6tside sho6.der ed;e and the ri;ht,of,Day .imits:
r0%1:%35 That portion of the hi;hDay Dithin the o6tside .ines of 76rbs) sideDa.ks) s.opes) dit7hes)
7hanne.s) or DaterDays: RoadDay in7.6des str67t6res and feat6res ne7essary for safety) prote7tion of
fa7i.ities) and draina;e:
r0"/#'e .#0&08#(%& %(/#$#/#e5 "io.o;i7a. monitorin;) s6r<eyin;) or other a7ti<ity that does not reG6ire a
take permit from the !:S: Fish and 8i.d.ife Ser<i7e or NOAA Fisheries or a take permit or memo of
6nderstandin; Dith the Department of Fish and =ame:
#: .%e&#'e (7e1"&e5 Initia. s7hed6.e shoDin; the ori;ina. Dork startin; on the date of Contra7t
appro<a.: This s7hed6.e shoDs no 7omp.eted Dork to date and no ne;ati<e f.oat or ne;ati<e .a; to
any a7ti<ity:
2: re$#e1 (7e1"&e5 S7hed6.e that in7orporates a proposed or past 7han;e to .o;i7 or a7ti<ity
-: "61%/e1 (7e1"&e5 C6rrent s7hed6.e de<e.oped from the a77epted base.ine and any s6bseG6ent
a77epted 6pdated or re<ised thro6;h re; month.y re<ieD to in7orporate a7t6a. past
(7e1"&e1 (0m6&e/#0' 1%/e5 P.anned proIe7t 7omp.etion date shoDn on the 76rrent s7hed6.e:
er$#(e-%66r0$e1 .#0&08#/5 "io.o;ist Dhose a7ti<ities m6st be appro<ed by a state or federa. a;en7y as
pro<ided in PLACs:
70"&1er5 RoadDay portion 7onti;6o6s Dith the tra<e.ed Day for stopped <ehi7.e a77ommodation)
emer;en7y 6se) and .atera. s6pport of base and s6rfa7e 7o6rses:
m%&& /00&5 Too. or pie7e of eG6ipment not .isted in Labor S6r7har;e and EG6ipment Renta. Rates that
has a rep.a7ement <a.6e of O*%% or .ess:
6e(#4#(%/#0'5 Standard spe7ifi7ations) re<ised standard spe7ifi7ations) and spe7ia. pro<isions:
#: /%'1%r1 6e(#4#(%/#0'5 Spe7ifi7ations standard to Department 7onstr67tion proIe7ts: These
spe7ifi7ations are in a book tit.ed Standard Specifications:
2: re$#e1 /%'1%r1 6e(#4#(%/#0'5 NeD or re<ised standard spe7ifi7ations: These spe7ifi7ations are
in a se7tion tit.ed !evised Standard Specifications of a book tit.ed Notice to Bidders and Special
-: 6e(#%& 6r0$##0'5 Spe7ifi7ations spe7ifi7 to the proIe7t: These spe7ifi7ations are in a se7tion tit.ed
Special Provisions of a book tit.ed Notice to Bidders and Special Provisions:
S/%/e5 The State of Ca.ifornia) in7.6din; its a;en7ies) departments or di<isions Dhose 7ond67t or a7tion is
re.ated to the Dork:
S/r"(/"re De#8'5 Offi7es of Str67t6re Desi;n of the Department of Transportation:
"..%e5 Layer of materia. betDeen a base and the basement materia.:
".8r%1e5 Roadbed portion on Dhi7h pa<ement) s6rfa7in;) base) s6bbase) or a .ayer of any other
materia. is p.a7ed:
#: %(/#0' ".m#//%&5 8ritten and ;raphi7 information and that reG6ire the DepartmentFs
2: #'40rm%/#0'%& ".m#//%&5 8ritten information that does not reG6ire the DepartmentFs response:
"./%'/#%& 1e4e(/5 Defe7ts p.ain.y seen as dama;ed) disp.a7ed) or missin; parts or improper
f6n7tionin; of materia.s) parts) eG6ipment) or systems:
"./r"(/"re5 "rid;e parts be.oD the brid;e seats) pier tops) and ha6n7hes for ri;id,framed brid;es or
sprin; .ines for ar7hed brid;esJ in7.6des ab6tment ba7kDa..s) ab6tment parapets) and Din;Da..s:
"6er/r"(/"re5 "rid;e parts e37ept the s6bstr67t6re:
"66&eme'/%& 6r0=e(/ #'40rm%/#0'5 Information re.e<ant to the proIe7t) spe7ified as s6pp.ementa. proIe7t
information) and made a<ai.ab.e to bidders:
De6%r/me'/-0:'e1 4&0%/5 Time sa<ed on the 7riti7a. path by a7tions of the Department: It is the .ast
a7ti<ity shoDn on the s7hed6.e before the s7hed6.ed 7omp.etion date:
"r4%(#'85 !ppermost .ayer of materia. p.a7ed on a tra<e.ed Day or sho6.dersJ pa<ement:
/%;e5 Le;a. definition re;ardin; harm to .isted spe7ies as defined in #0 !SC M #*-2 and Fish N =ame
Code M +0:
/%;e 6erm#/5 Permit ;ranted by the !:S: Fish and 8i.d.ife Ser<i7e or by the NOAA Fisheries that a..oDs
take of federa.,.isted spe7ies 6nder #0 !SC M #*-$ or by the Department of Fish and =ame that
a..oDs take of state,.isted spe7ies 6nder Fish N =ame Code M 2%+#:
/#me #m6%(/ %'%&3#5 Ana.ysis 6sin; a CP s7hed6.e de<e.oped spe7ifi7a..y to demonstrate the effe7t a
proposed or past 7han;e or de.ay has on the 76rrent s7hed6.ed 7omp.etion date:
/#me-(%&e1 'e/:0r; 1#%8r%m5 =raphi7 depi7tion of a CP s7hed6.e 7omprised of a7ti<ity bars Dith
re.ationships for ea7h a7ti<ity represented by arroDs: The tai. of ea7h arroD 7onne7ts to the a7ti<ity
bar for the prede7essor and points to the s677essor:
/0/%& .#15 S6m of the item tota.s as <erified by the DepartmentJ ori;ina. Contra7t pri7e:
/0/%& 4&0%/5 Amo6nt of time that an a7ti<ity or 7hain of a7ti<ities 7an be de.ayed before e3tendin; the
s7hed6.ed 7omp.etion date:
/r%44#(5 Pedestrians) bi7y7.ists) ridden or herded anima.s) < street7ars) and other 7on<eyan7es
either sin; or to;ether Dhi.e 6sin; any hi;hDay for p6rposes of tra<e.:
/r%44#( &%'e5 Portion of tra<e.ed Day 6sed for the mo<ement of a sin;.e .ine of <
/r%$e&e1 :%35 RoadDay portion for the mo<ement of < e37ept sho6.ders:
/"''e&5 T6nne. as defined in + CA Code of Re;s M +4%* et seG:
"'%"/70r#9e1 :0r;5 8ork performed beyond the .ines and ;rades des7ribed in the Contra7t or
estab.ished by the En;ineer or e3tra Dork performed Ditho6t a6thority:
:#/770&15 oney temporari.y or permanent.y taken from pro;ress payment:
:0r;5 Reso6r7es and a7ti<ities reG6ired for Contra7t a77eptan7e) in7.6din; .abor) materia.s) eG6ipment)
and the 7reated prod67t:
:0r; 6&%'5 Detai.ed form6.ation of a pro;ram of a7tion:
:0r; 90'e5 Area of a hi;hDay Dith 7onstr67tion) maintenan7e) or 6ti.ity Dork a7ti<ities:
The DepartmentFs distri7t 7omposition and offi7e addresses are as shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
D#/r#(/ C0m60#/#0' %'1 O44#(e A11ree
Distri7t Co6nties Street address; address
# De. Norte /DN1) ?6mbo.dt
/?6m1) Lake /Lak1) endo7ino
#0*0 !NION ST
PO "O> -5%%
E!RE'A CA $**%2
2 Lassen /Las1) odo7 /od1)
P.6mas /P.61) Shasta /Sha1)
Siskiyo6 /Sis1) Tehama /Teh1)
Trinity /Tri1
PO "O> 4$0%5-
REDDIN= CA $0%4$,0%5-
- "6tte /"6t1) Co.6sa /Co.1) E.
Dorado /ED1) =.enn /=.e1)
Ne<ada /Ne<1) P.a7er /P.a1)
Sa7ramento /Sa71) Sierra /Sie1)
S6tter /S6t1) &o.o /&o.1) &6ba
5%- " ST
PO "O> $##
AR&S(ILLE CA $*$%#
4 A.ameda /A.a1) Contra Costa
/CC1) arin /rn1) Napa /Nap1)
San Fran7is7o /SF1) San ateo
/S1) Santa C.ara /SC.1) So.ano
/So.1) Sonoma /Son1
### =RAND A(E
PO "O> 2-00%
OA'LAND CA $402-,
* onterey /on1 San "enito
/S"t1) San L6is Obispo /SLO1)
Santa "arbara /S"1) Santa Cr6H
*% ?I=!ERA ST
*% ?I=!ERA ST
0 Fresno /Fre1) 'ern /'er1) 'in;s
/'in1) adera /ad1) T6.are /T6.1
#-*2 8: OLI(E A(E
PO "O> #20#0
FRESNO CA $-52+,20#0
5 Los An; /LA1) (ent6ra /(en1 #%% S: AIN ST
#%% S AIN ST
+ Ri<erside /Ri<1) San "ernardino
404 8 4T? St
404 8 4T? St
$ Inyo /Iny1) ono /no1 *%% S AIN ST
*%% S AIN ST
"IS?OP CA $-*#4,-42-
#% A.pine /A.p1) Amador /Ama1)
Ca.a<eras /Ca.1) ariposa
/pa1) er7ed /er1) San
CoaG6in /SC1) Stanis.a6s /Sta1)
T6o.6mne /T6o1
#$50 E C?ARTER 8A&
PO "O> 2%4+
## Imperia. /Imp1) San Die;o /SD1 4%*% TA&LOR ST
4%*% TA&LOR ST
SAN DIE=O CA $2##%,
#2 Oran;e /Ora1 --45 IC?ELSON DR STE #%%
STE #%%
IR(INE CA $20#2,%00#
A proIe7t Dith Dork in Distri7t #) 2) or - is a North Re;ion proIe7t: For Distri7ts #) 2) and -) interpret ea7h
referen7e to the distri7t offi7e as the North Re;ion offi7e: The North Re;ion offi7e address is the Distri7t -
FreeHe,thaD areas are areas of the State Dhere freeHe,thaD and hea<y sa.tin; freG6ent.y o776r: A
proIe7t is in a freeHe,thaD area if the proIe7t is spe7ified in the spe7ia. pro<isions to be in a freeHe,thaD
Ae. S#/e, A11ree, %'1 Te&e670'e N"
Referen7e or
a;en7y or
department 6nit
8eb site Address Te.ephone no:
Laboratory Lists
A6thoriHed ateria.
A6thoriHed ateria.
So6r7e Lists
,, ,,
"iddersF E37han;e http:99DDD:dot:7
SC 20
#525 -%T? ST
SACRAENTO CA $*+#0,5%%*
/$#01 225,02*$
CA !nified
Pro;ramFs .ist of
7ertified D"Es
,, ,,
Department http:99DDD:dot:7
,, ,,
Department of
Offi7e of ine
,, ,,
Department of
=enera. Ser<i7es)
Offi7e of Sma..
"6siness and
D("E Ser<i7es
5%5 -RD ST
8EST SACRAENTO CA $*0%*,2+##
/+%%1 **$,**2$
/$#01 -5*,4$4%
Department of
Ind6stria. Re.ations
Di<ision of
A77o6ntin;) Offi7e
of E3terna.
A77o6nts Payab.e
P:O: "O> #0+%4-
SACRAENTO CA $*+#0,+%4-
/$#01 225,$%#-
Di<ision of
,, ,,
*$%% FOLSO "L(D
SACRAENTO CA $*+#$,40#2
/$#01 225,5%%%
ETS http:99DDD:dot:7
*$%% FOLSO "L(D
SACRAENTO CA $*+#$,40#2
/$#01 225,5%%%
Offi7e En;ineer ,, SC 4-
#525 -%T? ST
SACRAENTO CA $*+#0,5%%*
Offi7es of Str67t6re ,, SC $,494I /$#01 225,%5#0
Ae. S#/e, A11ree, %'1 Te&e670'e N"
Desi;n) Do76ments
#+%# -%T? ST
SACRAENTO CA $*+#0,5%%0
Distrib6tion !nit
SACRAENTO CA $*+#*,-+%%
ake 7he7ks and bonds payab.e to the Department of Transportation:
1-1.1)*1-1.1, RESERVED
2-1.01 GENERAL
Se7tion 2 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations re.ated to bid e.i;ibi.ity and the biddin; pro7ess:
A firm that has pro<ided ar7hite7t6ra. or en;ineerin; ser<i7es to the Department for this 7ontra7t before
bid s6bmitta. for this 7ontra7t is prohibited from any of the fo..oDin;:
#: S6bmittin; a bid
2: S6b7ontra7tin; for a part of the Dork
-: S6pp.yin; materia.s
2-1.0)*2-1.0, RESERVED
2-1.0-A Ge'er%&
Standard Specifications and Standard Plans may be <ieDed at the "iddersF E37han;e 8eb site and may
be p6r7hased at the P6b.i7ation Distrib6tion !nit:
The Notice to Bidders and Special Provisions and proIe7t p.ans may be <ieDed at the "iddersF E37han;e
8eb site and at the street address:
Bid books may be ordered at the "iddersF E37han;e 8eb site:
For an informa.,bid 7ontra7t in addition to <ieDin; and orderin; them as spe7ified abo<e) the Notice to
Bidders and Special Provisions) proIe7t p.ans) and Bid book may be obtained at the "iddersF E37han;e
street address:
The Notice to Bidders and Special Provisions in7.6des the Notice to Bidders) re<ised standard
spe7ifi7ations) and spe7ia. pro<isions:
2-1.0-B S"66&eme'/%& Pr0=e(/ I'40rm%/#0'
The Department makes s6pp.ementa. information a<ai.ab.e as spe7ified in the spe7ia. pro<isions:
Lo;s of test borin;s are s6pp.ementa. proIe7t information:
If an "nformation #andout is a<ai.ab.e:
#: &o6 may <ieD it at the "iddersF E37han;e 8eb site
2: For an informa.,bid 7ontra7t) yo6 may obtain it at the "iddersF E37han;e street address
If ro7k 7ores are a<ai.ab.e) yo6 may <ieD them by sendin; a reG6est to CoreroomRdot:7a:;o<:
If other s6pp.ementa. proIe7t information is a<ai.ab.e for inspe7tion) yo6 may <ieD it by phonin; in a
reG6est: ake yo6r reG6est at .east 5 days before <ieDin;: In7.6de in yo6r reG6est:
#: Distri7t,Co6nty,Ro6te
2: Contra7t n6mber
-: (ieDin; date
4: Conta7t information) in7.6din; te.ephone n6mber
For ro7k 7ores) in7.6de the brid;e n6mber in yo6r reG6est:
If brid;e as,b6i.t draDin;s are a<ai.ab.e:
#: For a proIe7t in Distri7t # thro6;h 0 or #%) yo6 may reG6est them from the Offi7e of Str67t6re
aintenan7e and In<esti;ations) fa3 /$#01 225,+-*5
2: For a proIe7t in Distri7t 5) +) $) ##) or #2) yo6 may reG6est them from the Offi7e of Str67t6re
aintenan7e and In<esti;ations) fa3 /$#01 225,+-*5) and are a<ai.ab.e at the Offi7e of Str67t6re
aintenan7e and In<esti;ations) Los An; CA) te.ephone /2#-1 +$5,%+55
As,b6i.t draDin;s may not shoD e3istin; dimensions and 7onditions: 8here neD 7onstr67tion dimensions
are dependent on e3istin; brid;e dimensions) <erify the fie.d dimensions and adI6st dimensions of the
Dork to fit e3istin; 7onditions:
2-1.0-C*2-1.0-D Reer$e1
2-1.02*2-1.11 RESERVED
2-1.12A Ge'er%&
Se7tion 2,#:#2 app.ies to a federa.,aid 7ontra7t:
!nder 4$ CFR 20:#-/b1:
The 7ontra7tor) s6b re7ipient or s6b7ontra7tor sha.. not dis7riminate on the basis of ra7e) 7o.or)
nationa. ori;in) or se3 in the performan7e of this 7ontra7t: The 7ontra7tor sha.. 7arry o6t
app.i7ab.e reG6irements of 4$ CFR part 20 in the aDard and administration of DOT,assisted
7ontra7ts: Fai.6re by the 7ontra7tor to 7arry o6t these reG6irements is a materia. brea7h of this
7ontra7t) Dhi7h may res6.t in the termination of this 7ontra7t or s67h other remedy as the
re7ipient deems appropriate:
Take ne7essary and reasonab.e steps to ens6re that D"Es ha<e opport6nity to parti7ipate in the Contra7t
/4$ CFR 201:
2-1.12B U'1er"/#&#9e1 D#%1$%'/%8e1 B"#'e E'/er6r#e
2-1.12BB1C Ge'er%&
Se7tion 2,#:#2" app.ies if a !D"E ;oa. is shoDn on the Notice to Bidders:
To ens6re eG6a. parti7ipation of D"E ;ro6ps pro<ided in 4$ CFR 20:*) the Department shoDs a ;oa. for
!D"Es: A !D"E is a firm that meets the definition of D"E and is a member of one of the fo..oDin;
#: ".a7k Ameri7ans
2: Nati<e Ameri7ans
-: Asian,Pa7ifi7 Ameri7ans
4: 8omen
Referen7es to D"Es in7.6de !D"Es) b6t referen7es to !D"Es do not in7.6de a.. D"Es:
ake Dork a<ai.ab.e to !D"Es and se.e7t Dork parts 7onsistent Dith a<ai.ab.e !D"E s6b7ontra7tors and
eet the !D"E ;oa. shoDn on the Notice to Bidders or demonstrate that yo6 made adeG6ate ;ood faith
efforts to meet this ;oa.:
&o6 are responsib.e to <erify that the at the bid openin; date the !D"E firm is 7ertified as D"E by the CA
!nified Certifi7ation Pro;ram:
On.y !D"E parti7ipation Di.. 7o6nt toDard the !D"E ;oa.: D"E parti7ipation Di.. 7o6nt toDard the
DepartmentFs federa..y,mandated stateDide o<era.. D"E ;oa.:
Credit for materia.s or s6pp.ies yo6 p6r7hase from !D"Es 7o6nts toDard the ;oa. in the fo..oDin;
#: #%% per7ent if the materia.s or s6pp.ies are obtained from a !D"E man6fa7t6rer:
2: 0% per7ent if the materia.s or s6pp.ies are obtained from a !D"E re;
-: On.y fees) 7ommissions) and 7har;es for assistan7e in the pro76rement and de.i<ery of materia.s or
s6pp.ies) if they are obtained from a !D"E that is neither a man6fa7t6rer nor re; 4$ CFR
20:** defines Eman6fa7t6rerE and Ere;
&o6 re7ei<e 7redit toDard the ;oa. if yo6 emp.oy a !D"E tr67kin; 7ompany that performs a 7ommer7ia..y
6sef6. f6n7tion as defined in 4$ CFR 20:**/d1/#1B/41) /01:
2-1.12BB2C UDBE C0mm#/me'/ S".m#//%&
S6bmit !D"E information on the Caltrans Bidder $ UDB% $ Commitment form /!D"E 7ommitment form1
in7.6ded in the Bid book: If the form is not s6bmitted Dith the bid) remo<e the form from the Bid book
before s6bmittin; yo6r bid:
If the !D"E 7ommitment form is not s6bmitted Dith the bid) the apparent .oD bidder) the 2nd .oD bidder)
and the -rd .oD bidder m6st 7omp.ete and s6bmit the form to the Offi7e En;ineer: The !D"E 7ommitment
form m6st be re7ei<ed by the Offi7e En;ineer no .ater than 4:%% p:m: on the 4th b6siness day after bid
Other bidders are not reG6ired to s6bmit the !D"E 7ommitment form 6n.ess the Department reG6ests it: If
the Department reG6ests a !D"E 7ommitment form from yo6) s6bmit the 7omp.eted form Dithin 4
b6siness days of the reG6est:
S6bmit Dritten 7onfirmation from ea7h !D"E shoDn on the form statin; that it Di.. be parti7ipatin; in the
Contra7t: In7.6de 7onfirmation Dith the !D"E 7ommitment form: A 7opy of a !D"EFs G6ote Di.. ser<e as
Dritten 7onfirmation that the !D"E Di.. be parti7ipatin; in the Contra7t:
If yo6 do not s6bmit the !D"E 7ommitment form by the spe7ified time) yo6r bid is nonresponsi<e:
2-1.12BB)C G001 F%#/7 E440r/ S".m#//%&
If yo6 ha<e not met the !D"E ;oa.) 7omp.ete and s6bmit the &ood 'aith %fforts Documentation form Dith
the bid shoDin; that yo6 made adeG6ate ;ood faith efforts to meet the ;oa.: On.y ;ood faith efforts
dire7ted toDard obtainin; parti7ipation by !D"Es are 7onsidered: If ;ood faith efforts do76mentation is
not s6bmitted Dith the bid) it m6st be re7ei<ed by the Offi7e En;ineer no .ater than 4:%% p:m: on the 4th
b6siness day after bid openin;:
If yo6r !D"E 7ommitment form shoDs that yo6 ha<e met the !D"E ;oa. or if yo6 are reG6ired to s6bmit
the !D"E 7ommitment form) yo6 m6st s6bmit ;ood faith efforts do76mentation Dithin the spe7ified time
to prote7t yo6r e.i;ibi.ity for aDard of the 7ontra7t in the e<ent the Department finds that the !D"E ;oa.
has not been met: =ood faith efforts do76mentation m6st in7.6de the fo..oDin; information and s6pportin;
do76ments) as ne7essary:
#: Items of Dork yo6 ha<e made a<ai.ab.e to !D"E firms: Identify those items of Dork yo6 mi;ht
otherDise perform Dith yo6r oDn for7es and those items that ha<e been broken doDn into
e7onomi7a..y feasib.e 6nits to fa7i.itate !D"E parti7ipation: For ea7h item .isted) shoD the <a.6e
and per7enta;e of the tota. bid: &o6 are responsib.e to demonstrate that s6ffi7ient Dork to meet the
;oa. Das made a<ai.ab.e to !D"E firms:
2: Names of 7ertified !D"Es and dates on Dhi7h they Dere so.i7ited to bid on the proIe7t: In7.6de the
items of Dork offered: Des7ribe the methods 6sed for fo..oDin; 6p initia. so.i7itations to determine Dith
7ertainty Dhether the !D"Es Dere interested and in7.6de the dates of the fo..oD,6p: Atta7h
s6pportin; do76ments s67h as 7opies of .etters) memos) sent) te.ephone .o;s) te.ephone; statements) and other e<iden7e of so.i7itation: &o6 are reminded to so.i7it 7ertified !D"Es
thro6;h a.. reasonab.e and a<ai.ab.e means and pro<ide eno6;h time to a..oD !D"Es to respond:
-: Name of se.e7ted firm and its stat6s as a !D"E for ea7h item of Dork made a<ai.ab.e: In7.6de name)
address) and te.ephone n6mber of ea7h !D"E that pro<ided a G6ote and its pri7e G6ote: If the firm
se.e7ted for the item is not a !D"E) pro<ide the reasons for the se.e7tion:
4: Name and date of ea7h p6b.i7ation in Dhi7h yo6 reG6ested !D"E parti7ipation for the proIe7t: Atta7h
7opies of the p6b.ished ad<ertisements:
*: Names of a;en7ies and dates on Dhi7h they Dere 7onta7ted to pro<ide assistan7e in 7onta7tin;)
re7r6itin;) and 6sin; !D"E firms: If the a;en7ies Dere 7onta7ted in Dritin;) pro<ide 7opies of
s6pportin; do76ments:
0: List of efforts made to pro<ide interested !D"Es Dith adeG6ate information abo6t the p.ans)
spe7ifi7ations) and reG6irements of the 7ontra7t to assist them in respondin; to a so.i7itation: If yo6
ha<e pro<ided information) identify the name of the !D"E assisted) the nat6re of the information
pro<ided) and date of 7onta7t: Pro<ide 7opies of s6pportin; do76ments) as appropriate:
5: List of efforts made to assist interested !D"Es in obtainin; bondin;) .ines of 7redit) ins6ran7e)
ne7essary eG6ipment) s6pp.ies) and materia.s e37.6din; s6pp.ies and eG6ipment that the !D"E
s6b7ontra7tor p6r7hases or .eases from the prime 7ontra7tor or its affi.iate: If s67h assistan7e is
pro<ided by yo6) identify the name of the !D"E assisted) nat6re of the assistan7e offered) and date
assistan7e Das offered: Pro<ide 7opies of s6pportin; do76ments) as appropriate:
+: Any additiona. data to s6pport demonstration of ;ood faith efforts:
The Department may 7onsider !D"E 7ommitments of the 2nd and -rd bidders in determinin; Dhether the
.oD bidder made ;ood faith efforts to meet the !D"E ;oa.:
2-1.1)*2-1.1+ RESERVED
2-1.1,A Ge'er%&
Se7tion 2,#:#* app.ies to a non,federa.,aid 7ontra7t:
Take ne7essary and reasonab.e steps to ens6re that D("Es ha<e opport6nity to parti7ipate in the
Comp.y Dith i. N (et Code M $$$ et seG:
2-1.1,B Pr0=e(/ D, M#&&#0' 0r Le
Se7tion 2,#:#*" app.ies to a proIe7t Dith an estimated 7ost of O* mi..ion or .ess:
ake Dork a<ai.ab.e to D("Es and se.e7t Dork parts 7onsistent Dith a<ai.ab.e D("E s6b7ontra7tors and
eet the ;oa. shoDn on the Notice to Bidders:
Comp.ete and s6bmit the Certified D(B% Summar form: List a.. D("E parti7ipation on this form: For an
informa.,bid 7ontra7t) s6bmit the form Dith yo6r bid: For a non,informa.,bid 7ontra7t) yo6 may s6bmit the
form Dith yo6r bidJ if yo6 do not) s6bmit it s67h that it is re7ei<ed at the Offi7e En;ineer no .ater than 4:%%
p:m: on the 4th b6siness day after bid openin;: If a D("E Ioint <ent6re is 6sed) s6bmit the Ioint <ent6re
a;reement Dith the Certified D(B% Summar form:
List ea7h #st,tier D("E s6b7ontra7tor in the Su)contractor *ist form re;ard.ess of per7enta;e of the tota.
2-1.1,C Pr0=e(/ M0re T7%' D, M#&&#0'
2-1.1,CB1C Ge'er%&
Se7tion 2,#:#*C app.ies to a proIe7t Dith an estimated 7ost of more than O* mi..ion
The Department en7o6ra;es bidders to obtain D("E parti7ipation to ens6re the Department a7hie<es its
State,mandated o<era.. D("E ;oa.:
If yo6 obtain D("E parti7ipation:
#: Comp.ete and s6bmit the Certified D(B% Summar form: List a.. D("E parti7ipation on this form:
2: List ea7h #st tier D("E s6b7ontra7tor in the Su)contractor *ist form re;ard.ess of per7enta;e of the
tota. bid:
2-1.1,CB2C DVBE I'(e'/#$e
The Department ;rants a D("E in7enti<e to ea7h bidder Dho a7hie<es a D("E parti7ipation of # per7ent
or ;reater /i. N (et Code $$$:* and Code of Re;s M #+$0:$+ et seG:1:
To re7ei<e this in7enti<e) s6bmit the Certified D(B% Summar form: For an informa.,bid 7ontra7t) s6bmit
the form Dith yo6r bid: For a non,informa.,bid,7ontra7t) yo6 may s6bmit the form Dith yo6r bidJ if yo6 do
not and yo6 are the .oD bidder or the 2nd or -rd .oD bidder) s6bmit it s67h that it is re7ei<ed at the Offi7e
En;ineer no .ater than 4:%% p:m: on the 4th b6siness day after bid openin;: If a D("E Ioint <ent6re is
6sed) s6bmit the Ioint <ent6re a;reement Dith the Certified D(B% Summar form: Other bidders may be
reG6ired to s6bmit this form if bid rankin; 7han;es:
2-1.1,CB)C I'(e'/#$e E$%&"%/#0'
The Department app.ies the sma.. b6siness and nonBsma.. b6siness preferen7e d6rin; bid <erifi7ation
and pro7eeds Dith the e<a.6ation spe7ified be.oD for D("E in7enti<e:
The D("E in7enti<e is a red67tion) for bid 7omparison on.y) in the tota. bid s6bmitted by the .esser of the
fo..oDin; amo6nts:
#: Per7enta;e of D("E a7hie<ement ro6nded to 2 de7ima. p.a7es of the <erified tota. bid of the .oD
2: * per7ent of the <erified tota. bid of the .oD bidder
-: O2*%)%%%
The Department app.ies D("E in7enti<e and determines Dhether bid rankin; 7han;es:
A nonBsma.. b6siness bidder 7annot disp.a7e a sma.. b6siness bidder: ?oDe<er) a sma.. b6siness bidder
Dith hi;her D("E a7hie<ement 7an disp.a7e another sma.. b6siness bidder:
The Department pro7eeds Dith aDardin; the 7ontra7t to the neD .oD bidder and posts the neD <erified bid
res6.ts at the DepartmentFs 8eb site:
2-1.1-*2-1.12 RESERVED
2-1.1>A Ge'er%&
Se7tion 2,#:#+ app.ies to a non,federa.,aid 7ontra7t:
The Department app.ies sma.. b6siness preferen7es and nonBsma.. b6siness preferen7es 6nder =o<t
Code M #4+-* et seG: and 2 CA Code of Re;s M #+$0 et seG:
Any 7ontra7tor) s6b7ontra7tors) s6pp.ier) or ser<i7e pro<ider Dho G6a.ifies as a sma.. b6siness is
en7o6ra;ed to app.y for 7ertifi7ation as a sma.. b6siness by s6bmittin; its app.i7ation to the Department of
=enera. Ser<i7es) Offi7e of Sma.. "6siness and D("E Ser<i7es:
7ontra7t aDard is based on the tota. bid) not the red67ed bid:
2-1.1>B Sm%&& B"#'e Pre4ere'(e
The Department a..oDs a bidder 7ertified as a sma.. b6siness by the Department of =enera. Ser<i7es)
Offi7e of Sma.. "6siness and D("E Ser<i7es) a preferen7e if:
#: "idder s6bmitted a 7omp.eted !e+uest for Small Business Preference or Non,Small Business
Preference form Dith its bid
2: LoD bidder did not reG6est the preferen7e or is not 7ertified as a sma.. b6siness
The bidderFs si;nat6re on the !e+uest for Small Business Preference or Non,Small Business Preference
form 7ertifies that the bidder is 7ertified as a sma.. b6siness at the time and day of bid or has s6bmitted a
7omp.ete app.i7ation to the Department of =enera. Ser<i7es: The 7omp.ete app.i7ation and any reG6ired
s6bstantiatin; do76mentation m6st be re7ei<ed by the Department of =enera. Ser<i7es by *:%% p:m: on
the bid openin; date:
The Department of =enera. Ser<i7es determines Dhether a bidder Das 7ertified on the bid openin; date:
The Department of Transportation 7onfirms the bidderFs stat6s as a sma.. b6siness before app.yin; the
sma.. b6siness preferen7e:
The sma.. b6siness preferen7e is a red67tion for bid 7omparison in the tota. bid s6bmitted by the sma..
b6siness 7ontra7tor by the .esser of the fo..oDin; amo6nts:
#: * per7ent of the <erified tota. bid of the .oD bidder
2: O*%)%%%
If the Department determines that a 7ertified sma.. b6siness bidder is the .oD bidder after the app.i7ation
of the sma.. b6siness preferen7e) the Department does not 7onsider a reG6est for nonBsma.. b6siness
2-1.1>C N0'*Sm%&& B"#'e S".(0'/r%(/0r Pre4ere'(e
The Department a..oDs a bidder not 7ertified as a sma.. b6siness by the Department of =enera. Ser<i7es)
Offi7e of Sma.. "6siness and D("E Ser<i7es) a preferen7e if:
#: "idder s6bmitted a 7omp.eted !e+uest for Small Business Preference or Non,Small Business
Preference form Dith its bid:
2: Certified Small Business *isting for the Non,Small Business Preference form shoDs that yo6 are
s6b7ontra7tin; at .east 2* per7ent to 7ertified sma.. b6sinesses: &o6 may s6bmit this information Dith
yo6r bid: If yo6 do not) s6bmit it s67h that it is re7ei<ed at the Offi7e En;ineer no .ater than 4:%% p:m:
on the 2nd b6siness day after bid openin;:
Ea7h .isted s6b7ontra7tor and s6pp.ier m6st be 7ertified as a sma.. b6siness at the time and day of bid or
m6st ha<e s6bmitted a 7omp.ete app.i7ation to the Department of =enera. Ser<i7es: The 7omp.ete
app.i7ation and any reG6ired s6bstantiatin; do76mentation m6st be re7ei<ed by the Department of
=enera. Ser<i7es by *:%% p:m: on the bid openin; date:
The nonBsma.. b6siness s6b7ontra7tor preferen7e is a red67tion for bid 7omparison in the tota. bid
s6bmitted by the nonBsma.. b6siness 7ontra7tor reG6estin; the preferen7e by the .esser of the fo..oDin;
#: * per7ent of the <erified tota. bid of the .oD bidder
2: O*%)%%%
2-1.1?*2-1.2) RESERVED
If a sma.. b6siness bidder and a nonBsma.. b6siness bidder reG6est preferen7es and the red67tions res6.t
in a tied bid) the Department aDards the 7ontra7t to the sma.. b6siness bidder:
If a D("E sma.. b6siness bidder and a non,D("E sma.. b6siness bidder reG6est preferen7es and the
red67tion res6.ts in a tied bid) the Department aDards the 7ontra7t to the D("E sma.. b6siness bidder:
After bid <erifi7ation) the Department breaks a tie betDeen 2 or more bidders Dith a 7oin toss:
2-1.2,*2-1.2- RESERVED
Se7tion 2,#:25 app.ies to a non,federa.,aid 7ontra7t:
!nder P6b Cont Code M 0#%5) the Department ;i<es preferen7e to a ECa.ifornia 7ompany)E as defined) for
bid 7omparison p6rposes o<er a nonresident 7ontra7tor from any state that ;i<es or reG6ires a preferen7e
to be ;i<en to 7ontra7tors from that state on its p6b.i7 entity 7onstr67tion 7ontra7ts:
Comp.ete a California Compan Preference form:
The Ca.ifornia 7ompany re7ipro7a. preferen7e amo6nt is eG6a. to the preferen7e amo6nt app.ied by the
state of the nonresident 7ontra7tor Dith the .oDest responsi<e bid 6n.ess the Ca.ifornia 7ompany is e.i;ib.e
for a sma.. b6siness preferen7e or a nonBsma.. b6siness s6b7ontra7tor preferen7e) in Dhi7h 7ase the
preferen7e amo6nt is the ;reater of the tDo) b6t not both:
If the .oD bidder is not a Ca.ifornia 7ompany and a Ca.ifornia 7ompanyFs bid Dith re7ipro7a. preferen7e is
eG6a. to or .ess than the .oDest bid) the Department aDards the 7ontra7t to the Ca.ifornia 7ompany on the
basis of its tota. bid:
2-1.2>*2-1.2? RESERVED
E3amine the Iob site and bid do76ments:
"id s6bmission is yo6r a7knoD.ed;ment that yo6 ha<e e3amined the Iob site and bid do76ments and are
satisfied Dith:
#: =enera. and .o7a. 7onditions to be en7o6ntered
2: Chara7ter) G6a.ity) and s7ope of Dork to be performed
-: @6antities of materia.s to be f6rnished
4: Chara7ter) G6a.ity) and G6antity of s6rfa7e and s6bs6rfa7e materia.s or
*: ReG6irements of the 7ontra7t
2-1.)1*2-1.)2 RESERVED
2-1.))A Ge'er%&
Comp.ete forms in the Bid book: S6bmit the forms Dith yo6r bid:
On the S6b7ontra7tor List yo6 may either s6bmit the per7enta;e of ea7h bid item s6b7ontra7ted Dith yo6r
bid or fa3 the per7enta;e to /$#01 225,02+2 Dithin 24 ho6rs after bid openin;:
E37ept for the per7enta;e of ea7h bid item s6b7ontra7ted) do not fa3 s6bmitta.s:
2-1.))B B#1 I/em L#/ %'1 B#1 C0m6%r#0'
S6bmit a bid based on the bid item G6antities the Department shoDs on the "id Item List:
For a .6mp s6m based bid) the Department 7ompares bids based on the tota. pri7e:
For a 6nit pri7e based bid) the Department 7ompares bids based on the s6m of the item tota.s:
For a 7ost p.6s time based bid) the Department 7ompares bids based on the s6m of the item tota.s and
the tota. bid for time:
2-1.))C S".(0'/r%(/0r L#/
On the Su)contractor *ist) .ist ea7h s6b7ontra7tor to perform Dork in an amo6nt in e37ess of #92 of #
per7ent of the tota. bid or O#%)%%%) Dhi7he<er is ;reater /P6b Cont Code M 4#%% et seG:1:
The Su)contractor *ist m6st shoD the name) address) and Dork portions to be performed by ea7h
s6b7ontra7tor .isted: ShoD Dork portions by bid item n6mber) des7ription) and per7enta;e of ea7h bid
item s6b7ontra7ted:
2-1.))D O6/ O"/ 04 P%3me'/ A1="/me'/ 40r Pr#(e I'1e< F&"(/"%/#0'
&o6 may opt o6t of the payment adI6stments for pri7e inde3 f.67t6ations spe7ified in se7tion $,#:%5: To opt
o6t) s6bmit a 7omp.eted Opt Out of Pament -d.ustments for Price "nde/ 'luctuations form Dith yo6r bid:
2-1.))E Reer$e1
S6bmit yo6r bid Dith one of the fo..oDin; forms of bidderFs se76rity eG6a. to at .east #% per7ent of the bid:
#: Cash
2: CashierFs 7he7k
-: Certified 7he7k
4: "idderFs bond si;ned by a s6rety ins6rer Dho is .i7ensed in Ca.ifornia
If 6sin; a bidderFs bond) yo6 may 6se the form in the Bid book: If yo6 do not 6se the form in the Bid book)
6se a form 7ontainin; the same information:
S6bmit the SSPC @P 7ertifi7ation reG6ired 6nder se7tion *$,2:%#D/#1 Dith yo6r bid: Fai.6re to s6bmit the
7ertifi7ation res6.ts in a nonresponsi<e bid:
S6bmit yo6r bid:
#: !nder sea.ed 7o<er
2: arked as a bid
-: Identifyin; the 7ontra7t n6mber and the bid openin; date
If an a;ent other than the a6thoriHed 7orporation offi7er or a partnership member si;ns the bid) fi.e a
PoDer of Attorney Dith the Department either before openin; bids or Dith the bid: OtherDise) the bid may
be nonresponsi<e:
2-1.)>*2-1.)? RESERVED
An a6thoriHed a;ent may DithdraD a bid before the bid openin; date and time by s6bmittin; a Dritten bid
DithdraDa. reG6est at the .o7ation Dhere the bid Das s6bmitted: 8ithdraDin; a bid does not pre<ent yo6
from s6bmittin; a neD bid:
After the bid openin; time) yo6 7annot DithdraD a bid:
2-1.+1*2-1.+2 RESERVED
The Department p6b.i7.y opens and reads bids at the time and p.a7e shoDn on the Notice to Bidders:
2-1.++*2-1.+, RESERVED
The Department may reIe7t:
#: A.. bids
2: A nonresponsi<e bid
The Department may ;rant bid re.ief 6nder P6b Cont Code M *#%% et seG: S6bmit any reG6est for bid
re.ief to the Offi7e En;ineer: The !elief of Bid !e+uest form is a<ai.ab.e at the DepartmentFs 8eb site:
The Department 7onsiders a bidderFs past fai.6re to s6bmit do76ments reG6ired after bid openin; in
determinin; a bidderFs responsibi.ity:
Se7tion 2,#:*% app.ies to a federa.,aid 7ontra7t:
The !:S: Department of Transportation /DOT1 pro<ides a to..,free hot.ine to report bid ri;;in; a7ti<ities:
!se the hot.ine to report bid ri;;in;) bidder 7o..6sion) and other fra6d6.ent a7ti<ities: The hot.ine n6mber
is /+%%1 424,$%5#: The ser<i7e is a<ai.ab.e 24 ho6rs 5 days a Deek and is 7onfidentia. and anonymo6s::
The hot.ine is part of the DOTFs effort to identify and in<esti;ate hi;hDay 7onstr67tion 7ontra7t fra6d and
ab6se and is operated 6nder the dire7tion of the DOT Inspe7tor =enera.:
)-1.01 GENERAL
Se7tion - in7.6des spe7ifi7ations re.ated to 7ontra7t aDard and e3e76tion:
)-1.02*)-1.0) RESERVED
S6bmit any bid protest to the Offi7e En;ineer:
If the Department aDards the 7ontra7t) the aDard is made to the .oDest responsib.e bidder Dithin the
n6mber of days shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
C0'/r%(/ A:%r1 Per#01
Days after bid openin; ProIe7t estimated 7ost shoDn on the Notice to
-% < O2%% mi..ion
0% S O2%% mi..ion
The Department may e3tend the spe7ified aDard period if the bidder a;rees:
The s677essf6. bidder m6st f6rnish 2 bonds:
#: Payment bond to se76re the 7.aim payments of .aborers) Dorkers) me7hani7s) or
pro<idin; ;oods) .abor) or ser<i7es 6nder the Contra7t: This bond m6st be eG6a. to at .east #%%
per7ent of the tota. bid:
2: Performan7e bond to ;6arantee the faithf6. performan7e of the Contra7t: This bond m6st be eG6a. to
at .east *% per7ent of the tota. bid:
The Department f6rnishes the s677essf6. bidder Dith bond forms:
For a federa.,aid 7ontra7t) the Contra7tor m6st be proper.y .i7ensed as a 7ontra7tor from 7ontra7t aDard
thro6;h Contra7t a77eptan7e /P6b Cont Code M #%#041:
For a non,federa.,aid 7ontra7t:
#: The Contra7tor m6st be proper.y .i7ensed as a 7ontra7tor from bid openin; thro6;h Contra7t
a77eptan7e /"6s N Prof Code M 5%2+:#*1
2: Coint <ent6re bidders m6st obtain a Ioint <ent6re .i7ense before 7ontra7t aDard /"6s N Prof Code M
The s677essf6. bidder m6st s6bmit:
#: Copy of its 7ommer7ia. ;enera. .iabi.ity po.i7y and its e37ess po.i7y or binder 6nti. s67h time as a
po.i7y is a<ai.ab.e) in7.6din; the de7.arations pa;e) app.i7ab.e endorsements) riders) and other
modifi7ations in effe7t at the time of 7ontra7t e3e76tion: Standard ISO form no: C= %%%# or
e37.6sions are a..oDed if not in7onsistent Dith se7tion 5,#:%0: A..oDan7e of additiona. e37.6sions is at
the dis7retion of the Department:
2: Certifi7ate of ins6ran7e shoDin; a.. other reG6ired 7o<era;es: Certifi7ates of ins6ran7e) as e<iden7e
of reG6ired ins6ran7e for the a6to .iabi.ity and any other reG6ired po.i7y) sha.. set forth ded67tib.e
amo6nts app.i7ab.e to ea7h po.i7y and a.. e37.6sions that are added by endorsement to ea7h po.i7y:
The e<iden7e of ins6ran7e sha.. pro<ide that no 7an7e..ation) .apse) or red67tion of 7o<era;e Di..
o776r Ditho6t #% days prior Dritten noti7e to the Department:
-: A de7.aration 6nder the pena.ty of perI6ry by a CPA 7ertifyin; the a77o6ntant has app.ied =AAP
;6ide.ines 7onfirmin; the s677essf6. bidder has s6ffi7ient f6nds and reso6r7es to 7o<er any se.f,
ins6red retentions if the se.f,ins6red retention is o<er O*%)%%%:
If the s677essf6. bidder 6ses any form of se.f,ins6ran7e for Dorkers 7ompensation in .ie6 of an ins6ran7e
po.i7y) it sha.. s6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7onsent to se.f,ins6re 6nder Labor Code M -5%%:
The Department has estab.ished an o<era.. 2* per7ent sma.. b6siness parti7ipation ;oa.: The Department
is tra7kin; sma.. b6siness parti7ipation on a.. 7ontra7ts to determine Dhether the ;oa. is a7hie<ed:
Comp.ete and si;n the Small Business 0SB1 Participation !eport form in7.6ded in the 7ontra7t do76ments
Dhether or not no sma.. b6siness parti7ipation is reported:
)-1.0?*)-1.10 RESERVED
Comp.ete and si;n the Paee Data !ecord form in7.6ded in the 7ontra7t do76ments:
Se7tion -,#:#2 app.ies to a federa.,aid 7ontra7t:
Comp.ete and si;n the Caltrans Bidder $ DB% "nformation form in7.6ded in the 7ontra7t do76ments
re;ard.ess of Dhether no D"E parti7ipation is reported:
Pro<ide Dritten 7onfirmation from ea7h D"E that the D"E is parti7ipatin; in the Contra7t: A 7opy of a
D"EFs G6ote ser<es as Dritten 7onfirmation: If a D"E is parti7ipatin; as a Ioint <ent6re partner) the
Department en7o6ra;es yo6 to s6bmit a 7opy of the Ioint <ent6re a;reement:
)-1.1)*)-1.12 RESERVED
The s677essf6. bidder m6st si;n the Contract form:
De.i<er to the Offi7e En;ineer:
#: Si;ned Contract form
2: Contra7t bonds
-: Do76ments identified in se7tion -,#:%5
4: Paee Data !ecord
*: Small Business 0SB1 Participation !eport form
0: For a federa.,aid 7ontra7t) Caltrans Bidder $ DB% "nformation form
For an informa.,bid 7ontra7t) the Offi7e En;ineer m6st re7ei<e these do76ments before the *th b6siness
day after the bidder re7ei<es the 7ontra7t:
For a.. other 7ontra7ts) the Offi7e En;ineer m6st re7ei<e these do76ments before the #%th b6siness day
after the bidder re7ei<es the 7ontra7t:
The bidderFs se76rity may be forfeited for fai.6re to e3e76te the 7ontra7t Dithin the time spe7ified /P6b
Cont Code MM #%#+#) #%#+2) and #%#+-1:
The fo..oDin; is a 7opy of the Contract form:
The Department keeps the se76rities of the #st) 2nd) and -rd .oD bidders 6nti. the 7ontra7t has been
e3e76ted: The other biddersF se76rities) other than biddersF bonds) are ret6rned 6pon determination of the
#st) 2nd) and -rd .oD bidders) and their biddersF bonds are of no f6rther effe7t /P6b Cont Code M #%#+41:
+-1.01 GENERAL
Se7tion 4 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations re.ated to the s7ope of Dork:
+-1.02 INTENT
The Contra7t intent is to pro<ide for Dork 7omp.etion 6sin; the best ;enera. pra7ti7es:
Nothin; in the spe7ifi7ations <oids the Contra7torFs p6b.i7 safety responsibi.ities:
Constr67t the Dork des7ribed on the Notice to Bidders and as des7ribed in the Contra7t:
&o6 may 6se a;;re;ate or other materia.s fo6nd in e37a<ation that 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations: The
Department pays for the materia. e37a<ated at the e37a<ation item Contra7t pri7e: Rep.a7e the G6antity of
materia. remo<ed and 6sed Dith an eG6a. G6antity of materia.: The materia. m6st ha<e been desi;nated
for 6se in the Dork: E37ept for materia. 6sed as str67t6re ba7kfi..) the Department does not pay for
rep.a7in; the materia.: The Department pays for e37a<ated materia. rep.a7ement 6sed for str67t6re
ba7kfi.. at the Contra7t pri7e for str67t6re ba7kfi..: Do not e37a<ate materia. from o6tside the e37a<ationFs
s.ope and ;rade .ines Ditho6t a6thoriHation:
+-1.0,A Ge'er%&
The Department may make 7han;es Dithin the s7ope of Dork and add e3tra Dork: The En;ineer
des7ribes the 7han;es and e3tra Dork) the payment basis) and any time adI6stment in a Change Order:
A Change Order is appro<ed Dhen the Department si;ns the Change Order:
!nti. the Department appro<es a Change Order2 7ontin6e to perform the Dork 6nder the Contra7t 6n.ess
the En;ineer orders yo6 to start the Dork des7ribed in the Change Order before its appro<a.:
S6bmit detai.ed 7ost data for a 6nit pri7e adI6stment for a bid item if /#1 the En;ineer reG6ests the data or
/21 yo6 reG6est a 6nit pri7e adI6stment res6.tin; from a 7han;e of more than 2* per7ent in the bid itemFs
+-1.0,B A0r;-C7%r%(/er C7%'8e
The Department adI6sts the 6nit pri7e for an item if:
#: An ordered or spe7ifi7ation 7han;e materia..y 7han;es the 7hara7ter of a Dork item from that on
Dhi7h the bid pri7e Das based
2: The 6nit 7ost of the 7han;ed item differs Dhen 7ompared to the 6nit 7ost of that item 6nder the
ori;ina. p.ans and spe7ifi7ations
-: No appro<ed Change Order addresses the payment
+-1.0-A Ge'er%&
+-1.0-B C0'/r%(/0rF N0/#4#(%/#0'
Prompt.y notify the En;ineer if yo6 find either of the fo..oDin; 7onditions:
#: Physi7a. 7onditions differin; materia..y from either of the fo..oDin;:
#:#: Contra7t do76ments
#:2: Cob site e3amination
2: Physi7a. 7onditions of an 6n6s6a. nat6re) differin; materia..y from those ordinari.y en7o6ntered and
;enera..y re7o;niHed as inherent in the Dork pro<ided for in the Contra7t
In7.6de detai.s e3p.ainin; the information yo6 re.ied on and the materia. differen7es yo6 dis7o<ered:
If yo6 fai. to prompt.y notify the En;ineer) yo6 Dai<e the differin; site 7ondition 7.aim for the period
betDeen yo6r dis7o<ery of the differin; site 7ondition and yo6r notifi7ation to the En;ineer:
If yo6 dist6rb the site after dis7o<ery and before the En;ineerFs in<esti;ation) yo6 Dai<e the differin; site
7ondition 7.aim:
+-1.0-C E'8#'eerF I'$e/#8%/#0' %'1 De(##0'
!pon yo6r notifi7ation) the En;ineer in<esti;ates Iob site 7onditions and:
#: Notifies yo6 Dhether to res6me affe7ted Dork
2: De7ides Dhether the 7ondition differs materia..y and is 7a6se for an adI6stment of time) payment) or
+-1.02A Ge'er%&
+-1.02B V%&"e E'8#'eer#'8 C7%'8e Pr060%&
&o6 may s6bmit a (ECP to red67e any of the fo..oDin;:
#: Tota. 7ost of 7onstr67tion
2: Constr67tion a7ti<ity d6ration
-: Traffi7 7on;estion
"efore preparin; a (ECP) meet Dith the En;ineer to dis76ss:
#: Proposa. 7on7ept
2: Permit iss6es
-: Impa7t on other proIe7ts
4: ProIe7t impa7ts) in7.6din; traffi7) s7hed6.e) and .ater sta;es
*: Peer re<ieDs
0: O<era.. proposa. merits
5: Re<ieD times reG6ired by the Department and other a;en7ies
The (ECP m6st not impair the proIe7tFs essentia. f6n7tions or 7hara7teristi7s) in7.6din;:
#: Ser<i7e .ife
2: Operation e7onomy
-: aintenan7e ease
4: Desired appearan7e
*: Desi;n and safety
The (ECP m6st in7.6de:
#: Des7ription of the Contra7t spe7ifi7ations and draDin; detai.s for performin; the Dork and the
proposed 7han;es:
2: ItemiHation of Contra7t spe7ifi7ations and detai.s that Do6.d be 7han;ed:
-: Detai.ed 7ost estimate for performin; the Dork 6nder the e3istin; Contra7t and 6nder the proposed
7han;e: Determine the estimates 6nder se7tion $,#:%4:
4: Dead.ine for the En;ineer to de7ide on the 7han;es:
*: "id items affe7ted and res6.tin; G6antity 7han;es:
The Department is not reG6ired to 7onsider a (ECP: If a (ECP is to a 7han;e in the p.ans or
spe7ifi7ations bein; 7onsidered by the Department at the time the proposa. is s6bmitted or if the proposa.
is based on or to p.ans or spe7ifi7ations adopted by the Department before Contra7t aDard) the
Department does not a77ept the (ECP and may make these 7han;es Ditho6t (ECP payments:
If the Department does not appro<e a Change Order before the dead.ine stated in the (ECP or other date
yo6 s6bseG6ent.y stated in Dritin;) the (ECP is reIe7ted: The Department does not adI6st time or
payment for a reIe7ted (ECP:
The Department de7ides Dhether to a77ept a (ECP and the estimated net 7onstr67tion,7ost sa<in;s from
adoptin; the (ECP or parts of it:
The Department may reG6ire yo6 to a77ept a share of the in<esti;ation 7ost as a 7ondition of re<ieDin; a
(ECP: After Dritten a77eptan7e) the Department 7onsiders the (ECP and ded67ts the a;reed 7ost:
If the Department a77epts the (ECP or parts of it) the Department iss6es a Change Order that:
#: In7orporates 7han;es in the Contra7t ne7essary to imp.ement the (ECP or the parts adopted
2: In7.6des the DepartmentFs a77eptan7e 7onditions
-: States the estimated net 7onstr67tion,7ost sa<in;s res6.tin; from the (ECP
4: Ob.i;ates the Department to pay yo6 *% per7ent of the estimated net sa<in;s
In determinin; the estimated net 7onstr67tion,7ost sa<in;s) the Department e37.6des yo6r (ECP
preparation 7ost and the DepartmentFs (ECP in<esti;ation 7ost) in7.6din; parts paid by yo6:
If a (ECP pro<idin; for a red67tion in Dorkin; days is a77epted by the Department) *% per7ent of the
red67tion is ded67ted from Contra7t time:
If a (ECP pro<idin; for a red67tion in traffi7 7on;estion or a<oidin; traffi7 7on;estion is a77epted by the
Department) the Department pays 0% per7ent of the estimated net sa<in;s in 7onstr67tion 7osts
attrib6tab.e to the (ECP: S6bmit detai.ed traffi7; 7omparisons betDeen the e3istin; Contra7t and
the proposed 7han;e) in7.6din; estimates of the traffi7 <o.6mes and 7on;estion:
The Department may app.y an a77epted (ECP for ;enera. 6se on other 7ontra7ts:
If an a77epted (ECP is adopted for ;enera. 6se) the Department pays on.y the 7ontra7tor Dho first
s6bmitted the (ECP and on.y to the 7ontra7ts aDarded to that 7ontra7tor before the s6bmission of the
a77epted (ECP:
If the Department does not adopt a ;enera.,6se (ECP) an identi7a. or s6bmitted proposa. is
e.i;ib.e for a77eptan7e:
+-1.02C V%&"e A'%&3# A0r;706
Se7tion 4,#:%5C app.ies to a non,b6i.din;,7onstr67tion 7ontra7t Dith a tota. bid of o<er O* mi..ion:
&o6 may reG6est a <a.6e ana.ysis Dorkshop by s6bmittin; a reG6est after Contra7t appro<a.:
The Department offers a <a.6e ana.ysis Dorkshop to:
#: Identify <a.6e enhan7in; opport6nities
2: Consider 7han;es to the Contra7t that Di.. red67e the tota. 7ost of 7onstr67tion) 7onstr67tion a7ti<ity
d6ration) or traffi7 7on;estion Ditho6t impairin; the essentia. f6n7tions spe7ified for a (ECP in se7tion
If the reG6est is a6thoriHed) yo6 and the En;ineer:
#: S7hed6.e a <a.6e ana.ysis Dorkshop
2: Se.e7t a fa7i.itator and Dorkshop site
-: A;ree to other Dorkshop administrati<e detai.s
The Dorkshop m6st be 7ond67ted 6nder the methods des7ribed in the DepartmentFs (alue -nalsis Team
&uide: For the ;6ide) ;o to the DepartmentFs Di<ision of Desi;n 8eb site:
The fa7i.itator m6st be a 7ertified <a.6e as re7o;niHed by the So7iety of Ameri7an (a.6e
The Department reimb6rses yo6 for #92 of the Dorkshop 7ost: The Dorkshop 7ost is the s6m of the
Dorkshop,fa7i.itator 7ost and the Dorkshop,site 7ost: The En;ineer determines the Dorkshop 7ost based
on the fa7i.itator and Dorkshop,site in<oi7e pri7es min6s any a<ai.ab.e or offered dis7o6nts: The
Department does not pay yo6 for any other asso7iated 7osts:
+-1.0>*+-1.12 RESERVED
+-1.1) CLEANUP
"efore fina. inspe7tion) .ea<e the Iob site neat and presentab.e and dispose of:
#: R6bbish
2: E37ess materia.s
-: Fa.seDork
4: Temporary str67t6res
*: EG6ipment
Do not remo<e Darnin;) re;6.atory) or ;6ide si;ns 6nti. Contra7t a77eptan7e:
,-1.01 GENERAL
Se7tion * in7.6des spe7ifi7ations re;ardin; the Contra7t partiesF re.ations and Contra7t a77eptan7e:
F6rnish the reso6r7es e37ept Department,f6rnished materia.s reG6ired to 7omp.ete the Dork as des7ribed
in the Contra7t:
Pro<ide @C:
8ork is s6bIe7t to the DepartmentFs @A: The DepartmentFs @A does not<e yo6 of yo6r responsibi.ity
to pro<ide @C:
Ens6re the DepartmentFs safe and 6nrestri7ted a77ess to the Dork: F6rnish fa7i.ities ne7essary for the
DepartmentFs inspe7tion:
8here the means and methods to 7omp.ete the Dork are not des7ribed in the Contra7t) 7hoose the
means and methods to 7omp.ete the Dork:
8here the Contra7t des7ribes more than # 7onstr67tion method or more than # type of materia. or
eG6ipment) the Department does not ass6re that ea7h 7onstr67tion method or type of materia. or
eG6ipment 7an be 6sed s677essf6..y thro6;ho6t a.. or any part of the proIe7t: &o6 are responsib.e to 6se
the a.ternati<e or a.ternati<es that Di.. a77omp.ish the Dork 6nder the 7onditions en7o6ntered:
Fai.6re to 7omp.y Dith any Contra7t part is a Dai<er of yo6r ri;ht to an adI6stment of time and payment
re.ated to that part:
!se 7ontra7t administration forms at the DepartmentFs 8eb site:
A 7omponent in one Contra7t part app.ies as if appearin; in ea7h: The parts are 7omp.ementary and
des7ribe and pro<ide for a 7omp.ete Dork:
If a dis7repan7y e3ists:
#: The ;o<ernin; rankin; of Contra7t parts in des7endin; order is:
#:#: Spe7ia. pro<isions
#:2: ProIe7t p.ans
#:-: Re<ised standard spe7ifi7ations
#:4: Standard spe7ifi7ations
#:*: Re<ised standard p.ans
#:0: Standard p.ans
#:5: S6pp.ementa. proIe7t information
2: 8ritten n6mbers and notes on a draDin; ;o<ern o<er ;raphi7s
-: A detai. draDin; ;o<erns o<er a ;enera. draDin;
4: A detai. spe7ifi7ation ;o<erns o<er a ;enera. spe7ifi7ation
*: A spe7ifi7ation in a se7tion ;o<erns o<er a spe7ifi7ation referen7ed by that se7tion
If a dis7repan7y is fo6nd or 7onf6sion arises) s6bmit an RFI:
The En;ineer makes the fina. de7ision on G6estions re;ardin; the Contra7t) in7.6din;:
#: 8ork G6a.ity and a77eptabi.ity
2: anner of performan7e of the Dork
-: DraDin; and spe7ifi7ation interpretation
4: Contra7t
*: Time and pro;ress rate
0: eas6rement and payment
The En;ineer has the a6thority to enfor7e or an order that yo6 fai. to prompt.y:
Fai.6re to enfor7e a Contra7t part does not Dai<e enfor7ement of any Contra7t pro<ision:
The En;ineer may reIe7t Dork that does not 7omp.y Dith the Contra7t at any time) in7.6din; after a
payment has been made:
,-1.0+*,-1.0, RESERVED
&o6 may protest an En;ineerFs de7ision by s6bmittin; an RFI:
,-1.02*,-1.0> RESERVED
,-1.0?A Ge'er%&
The Department stri<es to Dork 7ooperati<e.y Dith a.. 7ontra7torsJ partnerin; is o6r Day of doin; b6siness:
The Department en7o6ra;es proIe7t partnerin; amon; the proIe7t team made 6p of si;nifi7ant
7ontrib6tors from the Department and the Contra7tor and their in<ited stakeho.ders:
For a 7ontra7t Dith a tota. bid o<er O# mi..ion) professiona..y fa7i.itated proIe7t partnerin; is en7o6ra;ed:
For a 7ontra7t Dith a tota. bid o<er O#% mi..ion) professiona..y fa7i.itated proIe7t partnerin; is reG6ired:
In imp.ementin; proIe7t partnerin;) yo6 and the En;ineer mana;e the Contra7t by:
#: !sin; ear.y and re; 7omm6ni7ation Dith in<o.<ed parties
2: Estab.ishin; and maintainin; a re.ationship of shared tr6st) eG6ity) and 7ommitment
-: Identifyin;) G6antifyin;) and s6pportin; attainment of m6t6a. ;oa.s
4: De<e.opin; strate;ies for 6sin; risk mana;ement 7on7epts
*: Imp.ementin; time.y 7omm6ni7ation and de7ision makin;
0: Reso.<in; potentia. prob.ems at the .oDest possib.e .e<e. to a<oid ne;ati<e impa7ts
5: ?o.din; periodi7 partnerin; meetin;s and Dorkshops as appropriate to maintain partnerin;
re.ationships and benefits thro6;ho6t the .ife of the proIe7t
+: Estab.ishin; periodi7 Ioint e<a.6ations of the partnerin; pro7ess and attainment of m6t6a. ;oa.s
Partnerin; does not <oid any Contra7t part:
The DepartmentFs 'ield &uide to Partnering on Caltrans Construction Pro.ects is a<ai.ab.e to the proIe7t
team as referen7e: This ;6ide pro<ides str67t6re) 7onte3t) and 7.arity to the partnerin; pro7ess
reG6irements: For the ;6ide) ;o to the DepartmentFs Di<ision of Constr67tion 8eb site:
In imp.ementin; proIe7t partnerin;) the proIe7t team m6st:
#: Create a partnerin; 7harter that in7.6des:
#:#: 6t6a. ;oa.s) in7.6din; 7ore proIe7t ;oa.s and may in7.6de proIe7t,spe7ifi7 ;oa.s and
m6t6a..y s6pported indi<id6a. ;oa.s
#:2: Partnerin; maintenan7e and 7.ose,o6t
#:-: Disp6te reso.6tion that in7.6des a disp6te reso.6tion .adder and may in7.6de 6se of
fa7i.itated disp6te reso.6tion sessions
#:4: Team 7ommitment statement and si;nat6res
2: Parti7ipate in month.y partnerin; e<a.6ation s6r<eys to meas6re pro;ress on m6t6a. ;oa.s and may meas6re short,term key iss6es as they arise
-: E<a.6ate the partnerin; fa7i.itator on the Partnering 'acilitator %valuation forms: The En;ineer
pro<ides the e<a.6ation forms to the proIe7t team and 7o..e7ts the res6.ts: The Department makes
e<a.6ation res6.ts a<ai.ab.e 6pon yo6r reG6est: Fa7i.itator e<a.6ations m6st be 7omp.eted: at the end
-:#: Initia. partnerin; Dorkshop
-:2: ProIe7t 7.ose,o6t partnerin; Dorkshop
4: Cond67t a proIe7t 7.ose,o6t partnerin; Dorkshop
*: Do76ment .essons .earned before Contra7t a77eptan7e
,-1.0?B P%r/'er#'8 F%(#&#/%/0r, A0r;706, %'1 M0'/7&3 E$%&"%/#0' S"r$e3
The En;ineer sends yo6 a Dritten in<itation to enter into a partnerin; re.ationship after Contra7t appro<a.:
Respond Dithin #* days to a77ept the in<itation and reG6est the initia. and additiona. partnerin;
Dorkshops: After the En;ineer re7ei<es the reG6est) yo6 and the En;ineer 7ooperati<e.y:
#: Se.e7t a partnerin; fa7i.itator that offers the ser<i7e of a month.y partnerin; e<a.6ation s6r<ey Dith a
*,point ratin; and a;rees to fo..oD the DepartmentFs Partnering 'acilitator Standards and
%/pectations a<ai.ab.e at the DepartmentFs Di<ision of Constr67tion 8eb site
2: S7hed6.e initia. partnerin; Dorkshop
-: Determine initia. Dorkshop site and d6ration
4: A;ree to other Dorkshop administrati<e detai.s
Additiona. partnerin; Dorkshops and sessions are en7o6ra;ed thro6;ho6t the .ife of the proIe7t as
determined ne7essary by yo6 and the En;ineer) re7ommended G6arter.y:
,-1.0?C Tr%#'#'8 #' P%r/'er#'8 S;#&& De$e&06me'/
For a 7ontra7t Dith a tota. bid of O2* mi..ion or ;reater) trainin; in partnerin; ski..s de<e.opment is
For a 7ontra7t Dith a tota. bid betDeen O#% mi..ion and O2* mi..ion) trainin; in partnerin; ski..s is optiona.:
&o6 and the En;ineer 7ooperati<e.y s7hed6.e the trainin; session and se.e7t a professiona. trainer)
trainin; site) and # to 4 topi7s from the fo..oDin; .ist to be 7o<ered in the trainin;:
#: A7ti<e .istenin; #2: Ethi7s
2: "6i.din; teams #-: Fa7i.itation ski..s
-: Chan;e mana;ement #4: Leadership
4: Comm6ni7ation #*: Partnerin; pro7ess and 7on7epts
*: Conf.i7t reso.6tion #0: ProIe7t mana;ement
0: C6.t6ra. di<ersity #5: ProIe7t or;aniHation
5:; Dith diffi76.t peop.e #+: Prob.em so.<in;
+: De7ision makin; #$: R6nnin; effe7ti<e meetin;s
$: Effe7ti<e es7a.ation .adders 2%: Time mana;ement
#%: Emotiona. inte..i;en7e 2#: 8in,Din ne;otiation
##: Empathy
"efore the initia. partnerin; Dorkshop) the trainer 7ond67ts a #,day trainin; session in partnerin; ski..s
de<e.opment for the Contra7torFs and the En;ineerFs representati<es: This trainin; session m6st be a
separate session from the initia. partnerin; Dorkshop and m6st be 7ond67ted .o7a..y: The trainin; session
m6st be 7onsistent Dith the partnerin; 6nder the DepartmentFs 'ield &uide to Partnering on
Caltrans Construction Pro.ects:
Send at .east 2 representati<es to the trainin; session: One of these m6st be yo6r assi;ned
representati<e spe7ified in se7tion *,#:#0:
,-1.0?D P%3me'/
The Department pays yo6 for:
#: #92 of partnerin; Dorkshops and sessions based on fa7i.itator and Dorkshop site 7ost
2: #92 of month.y partnerin; e<a.6ation s6r<ey ser<i7e 7ost
-: Partnerin; ski..s de<e.opment trainer and trainin; site 7ost
The En;ineer determines the 7osts based on in<oi7e pri7es min6s any a<ai.ab.e or offered dis7o6nts: The
Department does not pay mark6ps on these 7osts:
The Department does not pay for Da;es) tra<e. e3penses) or other 7osts asso7iated Dith the partnerin;
Dorkshops and sessions) month.y partnerin; e<a.6ation s6r<eys) and trainin; in partnerin; ski..s
,-1.10*,-1.11 RESERVED
No third,party a;reement<es yo6 or yo6r s6rety of the responsibi.ity to 7omp.ete the Dork: Do not
se..) transfer) or otherDise dispose of any Contra7t part Ditho6t prior Dritten 7onsent from the Department:
If yo6 assi;n the ri;ht to re7ei<e Contra7t payments) the Department a77epts the assi;nment 6pon the
En;ineerFs re7eipt of a noti7e: Assi;ned payments remain s6bIe7t to ded67tions and Dithho.ds des7ribed
in the Contra7t: The Department may 6se Dithhe.d payments for Dork 7omp.etion Dhether payments are
assi;ned or not:
,-1.1)A Ge'er%&
No s6b7ontra7t re.eases yo6 from the Contra7t or<es yo6 of yo6r responsibi.ity for a s6b7ontra7torFs
"efore s6b7ontra7ted Dork starts) s6bmit a Su)contracting !e+uest form:
Do not 6se a debarred 7ontra7tor: For a .ist of debarred 7ontra7tors) ;o to the Department of Ind6stria.
Re.ationsF 8eb site:
If yo6 <io.ate P6b Cont Code M 4#%% et seG:) the Department may e3er7ise the remedies pro<ided 6nder
P6b Cont Code M 4##%: The Department may refer the <io.ation to the Contra7tors State Li7ense "oard
as pro<ided 6nder P6b Cont Code M 4###:
E37ept for a b6i.din;,7onstr67tion non,federa.,aid 7ontra7t) perform Dork; at .east -% per7ent of
the <a.6e of the ori;ina. tota. bid Dith yo6r emp.oyees and Dith eG6ipment yo6 oDn or rent) Dith or Ditho6t
Ea7h s6b7ontra7t m6st 7omp.y Dith the Contra7t:
The Department en7o6ra;es yo6 to in7.6de a disp6te reso.6tion pro7ess in ea7h s6b7ontra7t:
Ea7h s6b7ontra7tor m6st ha<e an a7ti<e and < State 7ontra7torFs .i7ense Dith a 7.assifi7ation
appropriate for the Dork to be performed /"6s N Prof Code M 5%%% et seG:1:
S6bmit 7opies of s6b7ontra7ts 6pon reG6est:
!pon reG6est) immediate.y remo<e and do not a;ain 6se a s6b7ontra7tor Dho fai.s to prose76te the Dork
,-1.1)B D#%1$%'/%8e1 B"#'e E'/er6r#e
,-1.1)BB1C Ge'er%&
Se7tion *,#:#-" app.ies to a federa.,aid 7ontra7t:
!se ea7h D"E s6b7ontra7tor as .isted on the Su)contractor *ist form and the Caltrans Bidder $ DB%
"nformation form 6n.ess yo6 re7ei<e a6thoriHation for a s6bstit6tion:
Notify the En;ineer of any 7han;es to yo6r anti7ipated D"E parti7ipation: S6bmit this notifi7ation before
startin; the affe7ted Dork:
aintain re7ords in7.6din;:
#: Name and b6siness address of ea7h #st,tier s6b7ontra7tor
2: Name and b6siness address of ea7h D"E s6b7ontra7tor) D"E <endor) and D"E tr67kin; 7ompany)
re;ard.ess of tier
-: Date of payment and tota. amo6nt paid to ea7h b6siness
If yo6 are a D"E 7ontra7tor) in7.6de the date of Dork performed by yo6r oDn for7es and the
7orrespondin; <a.6e of the Dork:
"efore the #*th day of ea7h month) s6bmit a Monthl DB% Trucking (erification form:
If a D"E s6b7ontra7tor is de7ertified before 7omp.etin; s6b7ontra7ted Dork) the s6b7ontra7tor m6st notify
yo6 in Dritin; of the de7ertifi7ation date: If a s6b7ontra7tor be7omes a 7ertified D"E before 7omp.etin;
s6b7ontra7ted Dork) the s6b7ontra7tor m6st notify yo6 in Dritin; of the 7ertifi7ation date: S6bmit the
notifi7ations: On Dork 7omp.etion) 7omp.ete a Disadvantaged Business %nterprises 0DB%1 Certification
Status Change form: S6bmit the form Dithin $% days of Contra7t a77eptan7e:
!pon Dork 7omp.etion) 7omp.ete a 'inal !eport , Utili3ation of Disadvantaged Business %nterprises
0DB%12 'irst$Tier Su)contractors form: S6bmit it Dithin $% days of Contra7t a77eptan7e: The Department
Dithho.ds O#%)%%% 6nti. the form is s6bmitted: The Department re.eases the Dithho.d 6pon s6bmission of
the 7omp.eted form:
,-1.1)BB2C U'1er"/#&#9e1 D#%1$%'/%8e1 B"#'e E'/er6r#e
Se7tion *,#:#-/"1/21 app.ies if a !D"E ;oa. is shoDn on the Notice to Bidders:
!D"Es m6st perform Dork or s6pp.y materia.s as .isted in the Caltrans Bidder $ UDB% $ Commitment
Do not terminate a !D"E .isted s6b7ontra7tor for 7on<enien7e and perform the Dork Dith yo6r oDn for7es
or obtain materia.s from other so6r7es Ditho6t Dritten a6thoriHation from the Department:
The Department a6thoriHes a reG6est to 6se other for7es or so6r7es of materia.s if it shoDs any of the
fo..oDin; I6stifi7ations:
#: Listed !D"E fai.s or ref6ses to e3e76te a Dritten 7ontra7t based on the p.ans and spe7ifi7ations for
the proIe7t:
2: &o6 stip6.ated that a bond is a 7ondition of e3e76tin; the s6b7ontra7t and the .isted !D"E fai.s to
meet yo6r bond reG6irements:
-: 8ork reG6ires a 7ontra7tors .i7ense and the .isted !D"E does not ha<e a < .i7ense 6nder
Contra7tors Li7ense LaD:
4: Listed !D"E fai.s or ref6ses to perform the Dork or f6rnish the .isted materia.s:
*: Listed !D"EFs Dork is 6nsatisfa7tory and not in 7omp.ian7e Dith the Contra7t:
0: Listed !D"E de.ays or disr6pts the pro;ress of the Dork:
5: Listed !D"E be7omes bankr6pt or inso.<ent:
If a .isted !D"E is terminated) yo6 m6st make ;ood faith efforts to find another !D"E to s6bstit6te for the
ori;ina. !D"E: The s6bstit6te !D"E m6st perform at .east the same amo6nt of Dork as the ori;ina.
!D"E 6nder the Contra7t to the e3tent needed to meet the !D"E ;oa.:
The s6bstit6te !D"E m6st be 7ertified as a D"E at the time of reG6est for s6bstit6tion:
!n.ess the Department a6thoriHes /#1 a reG6est to 6se other for7es or so6r7es of materia.s or /21 a ;ood
faith effort for a s6bstit6tion of a terminated !D"E) the Department does not pay for Dork .isted on the
Caltrans Bidder $ UDB% $ Commitment form 6n.ess it is performed or s6pp.ied by the .isted !D"E or an
a6thoriHed s6bstit6te:
,-1.1)C D#%.&e1 Ve/er%' B"#'e E'/er6r#e
Se7tion *,#:#-C app.ies to a non,federa.,aid 7ontra7t:
!se ea7h D("E as shoDn on the Certified D(B% Summar form 6n.ess yo6 re7ei<e a6thoriHation for a
The reG6irement that D("Es be 7ertified by the bid openin; date does not app.y to D("E s6bstit6tions
after Contra7t aDard:
aintain re7ords of s6b7ontra7ts made Dith D("Es: In7.6de in the re7ords:
#: Name and b6siness address of ea7h b6siness
2: Tota. amo6nt paid to ea7h b6siness
For the p6rpose of determinin; 7omp.ian7e Dith P6b Cont Code M #%##* et seG::
#: !pon Contra7t 7omp.etion) 7omp.ete and s6bmit 'inal !eport $ Utili3ation of Disa)led (eteran
Business %nterprises 0D(B%1 State 'unded Pro.ects Onl form:
2: !pon reasonab.e noti7e and d6rin; norma. b6siness ho6rs) permit a77ess to its premises for the
p6rposes of:
2:#: Inter<ieDin; emp.oyees:
2:2: Inspe7tin; and 7opyin; books) re7ords) a77o6nts and other materia. that may be re.e<ant to a
matter 6nder in<esti;ation:
,-1.1)D N0'*Sm%&& B"#'ee
Se7tion *,#:#-D app.ies to a non,federa.,aid 7ontra7t:
!se ea7h s6b7ontra7tor as shoDn on the Certified Small Business *isting for the Non$Small Business
Preference form 6n.ess yo6 re7ei<e a6thoriHation for a s6bstit6tion:
The reG6irement that sma.. b6sinesses be 7ertified by the bid openin; date does not app.y to sma..
b6siness s6bstit6tions after 7ontra7t aDard:
aintain re7ords of s6b7ontra7ts made Dith sma.. b6siness s6b7ontra7tors and re7ords of materia.s
p6r7hased from 7ertified sma.. b6siness s6pp.iers: In7.6de in the re7ords:
#: Name and b6siness address of ea7h b6siness
2: Tota. amo6nt paid to ea7h b6siness
For the p6rpose of determinin; 7omp.ian7e Dith 2 CA Code of Re;s M #+$0 et seG::
#: Pro<ide the Department re.e<ant information reG6ested
2: !pon reasonab.e noti7e and d6rin; norma. b6siness ho6rs) permit a77ess to its premises for the
p6rposes of:
2:#: Inter<ieDin; emp.oyees
2:2: Inspe7tin; and 7opyin; books) re7ords) a77o6nts and other materia. that may be re.e<ant to a
matter 6nder in<esti;ation
,-1.1)E*,-1.1)I Reer$e1
,-1.1+*,-1.1, RESERVED
"efore startin; Dork) assi;n a representati<e to:
#: Re7ei<e the En;ineerFs orders
2: Prose76te the En;ineerFs orders
-: S6per<ise the Dorkers
4: Coordinate the s6b7ontra7torsF Dork
The representati<e m6st be present at the Iob site Dhi.e Dork is in pro;ress: The representati<e m6st
s6bmit 7onta7t information /name) te.ephone n6mber1 so the representati<e 7an be easi.y 7onta7ted to
perform emer;en7y Dork Dhi.e Dork is not in pro;ress:
If a Dorker appears to the En;ineer to be in7ompetent or a7ts disorder.y or improper.y) dis7har;e the
Dorker immediate.y 6pon reG6est: Do not emp.oy that Dorker a;ain on the Dork:
,-1.1>*,.1? RESERVED
,-1.20A Ge'er%&
Other entities may perform Dork at or near the Iob site and materia. so6r7es at any time: Coordinate
a7ti<ities to a<oid de.ays:
Ea7h 7ontra7tor or other entity performin; Dork at or near the Iob or materia. site is responsib.e to the
other for dama;e to Dork) persons) or property and for 7osts d6e to 6nne7essary de.ays:
,-1.20B Perm#/, L#(e'e, A8reeme'/, %'1 Cer/#4#(%/#0'
,-1.20BB1C Ge'er%&
Comp.y Dith PLACs: The Department makes PLAC 7han;es 6nder se7tion 4,#:%*: aintain a 7opy of
ea7h PLAC at the Iob site:
,-1.20BB2C Be40re A:%r1
To make a 7han;e to a PLAC made a<ai.ab.e to yo6 before aDard) s6bmit the proposed 7han;e: The
Department sends the proposed 7han;e to the appropriate a6thority for 7onsideration:
,-1.20BB)C A4/er A:%r1
Confirm Dith the En;ineer Dhi7h after,aDard PLACs are obtained by the Department and Dhi7h are
obtained by the Contra7tor:
To make a 7han;e to an after,aDard PLAC obtained by the Department) s6bmit the proposed 7han;e:
The Department sends the proposed 7han;e to the appropriate a6thority for 7onsideration:
Obtain those PLACs to be iss6ed to yo6 and pay fees and 7osts asso7iated Dith obtainin; them: S6bmit
7opies of Contra7tor,obtained after,aDard PLACs for re<ieD:
,-1.20BB+C C0'/r%(/0r*Pr06er/3 O:'er A8reeme'/
"efore pro76rin; materia. from or disposin; of materia. on nonhi;hDay property:
#: S6bmit a Dritten a;reement from the property oDner:
#:#: For property 6se
#:2: Abso.<in; the Department from responsibi.ity in 7onne7tion Dith the property
2: Obtain a6thoriHation to start
"efore Contra7t a77eptan7e) s6bmit a do76ment si;ned by the oDner of the materia. so6r7e or disposa.
site statin; that the Contra7tor has 7omp.ied Dith the Contra7tor,oDner a;reement:
,-1.20C R%#&r0%1 Re&%/#0'
,-1.20D*,-1.20F Reer$e1
,-1.21*,-1.22 RESERVED
,-1.2)A Ge'er%&
Se7tion *,#:2- in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for a7tion and informationa. s6bmitta.s:
Any s6bmitta. not spe7ified as an informationa. s6bmitta. is an a7tion s6bmitta.:
Ea7h sheet of a s6bmitta. m6st in7.6de:
#: Contra7t n6mber
2: Distri7tBCo6ntyBRo6teBPost i.e
-: Str67t6re name and n6mber) if any
The Department reIe7ts a s6bmitta. if it has any error or any omission:
Con<ert forei;n .an;6a;e do76ments to En;.ish and !:S: 76stomary 6nits:
,-1.2)B A(/#0' S".m#//%&
,-1.2)BB1C Ge'er%&
A7tion s6bmitta.s in7.6de:
#: Shop draDin;s
2: Prod67t data
4: Test
*: @6a.ity 7ontro. p.ans
0: 8ork p.ans
5: ateria. so6r7es
+: Test data) test res6.ts) and e<a.6ation reports
aintain a seG6entia. .ist of s6bmitta.s e37ept for test and materia. so6r7es: 8ith ea7h
indi<id6a. s6bmitta.) s6bmit a 7opy of the 6pdated .ist:
S6bmit an a7tion s6bmitta. before the start of the affe7ted Dork to a..oD for re<ieD and 7orre7tions Ditho6t
Dork de.ays:
E37ept for test obtain the DepartmentFs a6thoriHation for a7tion s6bmitta.s before yo6 perform
Dork based on them:
E37ept for shop draDin;s and test a..oD #* days for re<ieD:
The time a..oDed for the re<ieD of a s6bmitta. starts Dhen the Department re7ei<es the s6bmitta.:
If the .ast day for s6bmittin; a do76ment fa..s on a Sat6rday or ho.iday) it may be s6bmitted on the ne3t
b6siness day Dith the same effe7t as if it had been s6bmitted on the day spe7ified:
Do not 7han;e the s7ope of Dork on re<ised s6bmitta.s:
The DepartmentFs a6thoriHation of a s6bmitta. does not <oid any Contra7t part:
,-1.2)BB2C S706 Dr%:#'8
S6bmit shop draDin;s as spe7ified and as otherDise reG6ired to 7ontro. the Dork:
Ea7h draDin; and 7a.76.ation sheet m6st be in b.a7k ink and seG6entia..y n6mbered:
Ea7h draDin; sheet m6st:
#: "e ## by #5 in7hes
2: "e on minim6m of 2% .b paper
-: ?a<e te3t of minim6m nomina. hei;ht of *9-2 in7h
Ea7h 7a.76.ation sheet m6st:
#: "e +,#92 by ## in7hes
2: ?a<e te3t of a minim6m #2,point font
Te3t and ;raphi7s m6st be .e;ib.e for photo7opyin; and red67tion:
Ca.76.ations m6st demonstrate the desi;n adeG6a7y: Ca.76.ations spe7ified as independent.y 7he7ked
m6st be sea.ed and si;ned by an en;ineer Dho is re;istered as a 7i<i. en;ineer in the State and Dho did
not sea. and si;n the draDin;s:
A..oD 2% days for the re<ieD:
If m6.tip.e sets are s6bmitted sim6.taneo6s.y or an additiona. set is s6bmitted before the re<ieD of a
pre<io6s.y s6bmitted set is 7omp.ete) desi;nate the seG6en7e that the sets are to be re<ieDed: A..oD
re<ieD time spe7ified p.6s #* days for ea7h additiona. set: A set 7onsists of 4% or feDer sheets:
If draDin;s reG6ire 7orre7tions) the Department:
#: Des7ribes defi7ien7ies
2: Stamps the draDin;s Dith the date that the re<ieD stopped
-: Ret6rns the draDin;s
For 7omp.ete res6bmitted draDin;s) a..oD 2% days for the re<ieD: ShoD set re<ision n6mber: !niG6e.y
n6mber ea7h re<ised detai.: ShoD the n6mber in an in<erted trian;.e near the re<ised portion of the detai.:
In a .e;end) des7ribe and date the re<ision:
!pon re<ieD 7omp.etion) the Department ret6rns # 7opy that shoDs the a6thoriHed date:
To make a 7han;e to an a6thoriHed draDin;) s6bmit it as spe7ified for a neD s6bmitta.: Note the 7han;es:
After the Dork shoDn on the draDin;s is 7omp.ete) s6bmit e.e7troni7 7opies of as,b6i.t draDin;s: In7.6de
an inde3 of sheet n6mbers and on the #st sheet for ea7h str67t6re: Arran;e the draDin;s in the
draDin;,n6mber order shoDn in the inde3:
,-1.2)BB)C Pr01"(/ D%/%
,-1.2)BB+C S%m6&e
,-1.2)BB,C Te/ S%m6&e
For test 7omp.y Dith se7tion 0,-:%*=:
If reG6ested) obtain the DepartmentFs a6thoriHation for the materia. before in7orporatin; the materia.
represented by the test samp.e into the Dork:
,-1.2)BB-C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& P&%'
S6bmit 5 7opies of ea7h a6thoriHed @C and make # 7opy a<ai.ab.e at ea7h .o7ation Dhere Dork is
,-1.2)BB2C A0r; P&%'
,-1.2)C I'40rm%/#0'%& S".m#//%&
Informationa. s6bmitta.s in7.6de:
#: Assi;nments
2: Certifi7ates of 7omp.ian7e
-: an6fa7t6rer instr67tions not asso7iated Dith draDin; s6bmitta.s
4: Notifi7ations
*: PLACs
0: S6b7ontra7ts
,-1.2+*,-1.2, RESERVED
The Department p.a7es stakes and marks 6nder Chapter #2) EConstr67tion S6r<eys)E of the DepartmentFs
Surves Manual:
S6bmit yo6r reG6est for Department,f6rnished stakes:
#: On7e stakin; area is ready for stakes
2: On a !e+uest for Construction Stakes form
After yo6r s6bmitta.) the Department starts stakin; Dithin 2 b6siness days:
Preser<e stakes and marks p.a7ed by the Department: If the stakes or marks are destroyed) the
Department rep.a7es them at the DepartmentFs ear.iest 7on<enien7e and ded67ts the 7ost:
,-1.22 RECORDS
,-1.22A Ge'er%&
,-1.22B Re(0r1 Re/e'/#0'
Retain proIe7t re7ords from bid preparation thro6;h:
#: Fina. payment
2: Reso.6tion of 7.aims) if any
For at .east - years after the .ater of these) retain 7ost re7ords) in7.6din; re7ords of:
#: "id preparation
2: O<erhead
-: Payro..s
4: Payments to s6b7ontra7tors and s6pp.iers
*: Cost a77o6ntin;
aintain the re7ords in an or;aniHed Day in the ori;ina. format) e.e7troni7 and hard 7opy) 7ond67i<e to
professiona. re<ieD and a6dit:
,-1.22C Re(0r1 I'6e(/#0', C063#'8, %'1 A"1#/#'8
ake yo6r re7ords a<ai.ab.e for inspe7tion) 7opyin;) and a6ditin; by State representati<es for the same
time frame spe7ified 6nder se7tion *,#:25": The re7ords of s6b7ontra7tors and s6pp.iers m6st be made
a<ai.ab.e for inspe7tion) 7opyin;) and a6ditin; by State representati<es for the same period: "efore
Contra7t a77eptan7e) the State representati<e notifies the Contra7tor) s6b7ontra7tor) or s6pp.ier *
b6siness days before inspe7tion) 7opyin;) or a6ditin;:
If an a6dit is to start more than -% days after Contra7t a77eptan7e) the State representati<e notifies the
Contra7tor) s6b7ontra7tor) or s6pp.ier Dhen the a6dit is to start:
,-1.22D C0/ A((0"'/#'8 Re(0r1
aintain 7ost a77o6ntin; re7ords for the proIe7t distin;6ishin; betDeen the fo..oDin; Dork 7ost
#: 8ork performed based on bid item pri7es
2: Chan;e order Dork other than e3tra Dork: Distin;6ish this Dork by:
2:#: "id item pri7es
2:2: For7e a77o6nt
2:-: A;reed pri7e
-: E3tra Dork: Distin;6ish e3tra Dork by:
-:#: "id item pri7es
-:2: For7e a77o6nt
-:-: A;reed pri7e
4: 8ork performed 6nder potentia. 7.aim re7ords
*: O<erhead
0: S6b7ontra7tors) s6pp.iers) oDner,operators) and professiona. ser<i7es
Cost a77o6ntin; re7ords m6st in7.6de:
#: Fina. 7ost 7ode .ists and definitions
2: ItemiHation of the materia.s 6sed and 7orrespondin; <endorFs in<oi7e 7opies
-: Dire7t 7ost of .abor
4: EG6ipment renta. 7har;es
*: 8orkersF 7ertified payro..s
0: EG6ipment:
0:#: SiHe
0:2: Type
0:-: Identifi7ation n6mber
0:4: ?o6rs operated
,-1.22E C7%'8e Or1er B#&&
aintain separate re7ords for 7han;e order Dork 7osts:
S6bmit 7han;e order bi..s 6sin; the DepartmentFs Internet 7han;e order; system:
The Contra7tor s6bmittin; and the En;ineer a6thoriHin; a 7han;e order bi.. 6sin; the Internet 7han;e
order; system is the same as ea7h party si;nin; the bi..:
The Department pro<ides; system:
#: Trainin; Dithin -% days of yo6r reG6est
2: A77o6nts and 6ser identifi7ation to yo6r assi;ned representati<es after a representati<e has re7ei<ed
Ea7h representati<e m6st maintain a 6niG6e passDord:
,-1.2>*,-1.2? RESERVED
Corre7t or remo<e and rep.a7e Dork that does not 7omp.y Dith the Contra7t) is 6na6thoriHed) or both: The
Department does not pay for any of the fo..oDin;:
#: Corre7ti<e) remo<a.) or rep.a7ement Dork
2: !na6thoriHed Dork
If ordered) s6bmit a Dork for the 7orre7ti<e) remo<a.) or rep.a7ement Dork:
The Department may red67e payment for non7omp.iant Dork .eft in p.a7e:
If yo6 fai. to 7omp.y prompt.y Dith an order 6nder se7tion *,#:-%) the Department may 7orre7t) remo<e) or
rep.a7e non7omp.iant or 6na6thoriHed Dork: The Department ded67ts the 7ost of this Dork:
'eep the Iob site neat: In areas <isib.e to the p6b.i7:
#: If pra7ti7ab.e) dispose of debris remo<ed d6rin; 7.earin; and ;r6bbin; 7on76rrent.y Dith its remo<a.: If; is ne7essary) dispose of Deek.y:
2: F6rnish trash bins for debris from 7onstr67tion: P.a7e debris in trash bins dai.y:
-: Sta7k forms for fa.seDork to be re6sed neat.y and 7on76rrent.y Dith their remo<a.:
O776py the hi;hDay on.y for p6rposes ne7essary to perform the Dork:
If no State,oDned area is desi;nated for the Contra7torFs 6se) yo6 may arran;e for temporary stora;e
Dith the Department:
Defend) indemnify) and ho.d the State harm.ess to the same e3tent as 6nder se7tion 5,#:%*:
The Department does not a..oD temporary residen7es Dithin the hi;hDay:
C.ear.y sten7i. or stamp at a 7.ear.y <isib.e .o7ation on ea7h pie7e of eG6ipment e37ept hand too.s an
identifyin; n6mber and:
#: On 7ompa7tin; eG6ipment) its make) mode. n6mber) and empty ;ross Dei;ht that is either the
man6fa7t6rerFs rated Dei;ht or the s7a.e Dei;ht
2: On meters and on the .oad,re7ei<in; e.ement and indi7ators of ea7h s7a.e) the make) mode.) seria.
n6mber) and man6fa7t6rerFs rated 7apa7ity
S6bmit a .ist des7ribin; ea7h pie7e of eG6ipment and its identifyin; n6mber
!pon reG6est) s6bmit man6fa7t6rerFs information that desi;nates portab.e <ehi7.e s7a.e 7apa7ities:
For proportionin; materia.s) 6se meas6rin; de<i7es) materia. p.ant 7ontro..ers) and 6nders6pports
7omp.yin; Dith se7tion $,#:%2":
eas6rin; de<i7es m6st be tested and appro<ed 6nder Ca.ifornia Test #%$ in the DepartmentFs presen7e
by any of the fo..oDin;:
#: Co6nty of 8ei;hts and eas6res
2: S7a.e Ser<i7e A;en7y
-: Di<ision of eas6rement Standards Offi7ia.
The indi7ator o<er,tra<e. m6st be at .east #9- of the .oadin; tra<e.: The indi7ators m6st be en7.osed
a;ainst moist6re and d6st:
=ro6p meas6rin; system dia.s s67h that the sma..est in7rement for ea7h indi7ator 7an be read from the
.o7ation at Dhi7h proportionin; is 7ontro..ed:
,-1.)+*,-1.), RESERVED
,-1.)-A Ge'er%&
Preser<e property and fa7i.ities) in7.6din;:
#: AdIa7ent property
2: DepartmentFs instr6mentation
-: ESAs
4: Lands administered by other a;en7ies
*: Rai.roads and rai.road eG6ipment
0: Roadside <e;etation not to be remo<ed
5: Temporary Dork
+: !ti.ities
$: 8aterDays
Immediate.y report dama;e to the En;ineer:
If yo6 7a6se dama;e) yo6 are responsib.e:
The Department may make a temporary repair to restore ser<i7e to a dama;ed fa7i.ity:
Insta.. sheet;) 7ribbin;) b6.kheads) shores) or other s6pports ne7essary to s6pport e3istin; fa7i.ities
or s6pport materia. 7arryin; the fa7i.ities:
aintain temporary fa7i.ities 6nti. they are no .on;er needed:
Dispose of temporary fa7i.ities Dhen they are no .on;er needed:
E37a<ate and ba7kfi.. as ne7essary to remo<e temporary fa7i.ities: "a7kfi.. Dith materia.s of eG6a. or
better G6a.ity and to a 7omparab.e density of s6rro6ndin; materia.s and ;rade s6rfa7e to mat7h the
e3istin; ;rade and 7ross s.ope:
,-1.)-B L%'1(%6e
If yo6 dama;e p.ants not to be remo<ed:
#: Dispose of them 6n.ess the En;ineer a6thoriHes yo6 to red67e them to 7hips and spread the 7hips
Dithin the hi;hDay at .o7ations desi;nated by the En;ineer
2: Rep.a7e them
Rep.a7e p.ants Dith p.ants of the same spe7ies:
Rep.a7e trees Dith 24,in7h,bo3 trees:
Rep.a7e shr6bs Dith no: #*,7ontainer shr6bs:
Rep.a7e ;ro6nd 7o<er p.ants Dith p.ants from f.ats: Rep.a7e Carpo)rotus ;ro6nd 7o<er p.ants Dith p.ants
from 76ttin;s: P.ant ;ro6nd 7o<er p.ants # foot on 7enter:
If a p.ant estab.ishment period is spe7ified) rep.a7e p.ants before the start of the p.ant estab.ishment
periodJ otherDise) rep.a7e p.ants at .east -% days before Contra7t a77eptan7e:
8ater ea7h p.ant immediate.y after p.antin; and sat6rate the ba7kfi.. soi. aro6nd and be.oD the roots or
ba.. of earth aro6nd the roots of ea7h p.ant: 8ater as ne7essary to maintain p.ants in a hea.thy 7ondition
6nti. Contra7t a77eptan7e:
,-1.)-C R%#&r0%1 Pr06er/3
If Dorkin; on or adIa7ent to rai.road property) do not interfere Dith rai.road operations:
For an e37a<ation on or affe7tin; rai.road property) s6bmit Dork p.ans shoDin; the system to be 6sed to
prote7t rai.road fa7i.ities: Instead of the #* days spe7ified in se7tion *,#:2-") a..oD 0* days for the re<ieD
of the p.ans:
,-1.)-D N0'7#87:%3 F%(#&#/#e
The Department may rearran;e a nonhi;hDay fa7i.ity d6rin; the Contra7t: Rearran;ement of a
nonhi;hDay fa7i.ity in7.6des insta..ation) re.o7ation) a.teration) or remo<a. of the fa7i.ity:
The Department may a6thoriHe fa7i.ity oDners and their a;ents to enter the hi;hDay to perform
rearran;ement Dork for their fa7i.ities or to make 7onne7tions or repairs to their property: Coordinate
a7ti<ities to a<oid de.ays:
Notify the En;ineer at .east - b6siness days before yo6 7onta7t the re;iona. notifi7ation 7enter 6nder =o<t
Code M 42#0 et seG: Fai.6re to 7onta7t the notifi7ation 7enter prohibits e37a<ation:
"efore startin; Dork that 7o6.d dama;e or interfere Dith 6nder;ro6nd infrastr67t6re) .o7ate the
infrastr67t6re des7ribed in the Contra7t) in7.6din; .atera.s and other app6rtenan7es) and determine the
presen7e of other 6nder;ro6nd infrastr67t6re inferred from <isib.e fa7i.ities s67h as b6i.din;s) meters) and
I6n7tion bo3es:
Notify the En;ineer if the infrastr67t6re des7ribed in the Contra7t 7annot be fo6nd: If after ;i<in; the
noti7e) yo6 find the infrastr67t6re in a s6bstantia..y different .o7ation from des7ribed) findin; the
infrastr67t6re is 7han;e order Dork:
!nder;ro6nd infrastr67t6re des7ribed in the Contra7t may be in different .o7ations from des7ribed) and
additiona. infrastr67t6re may e3ist:
!pon dis7o<erin; an 6nder;ro6nd main or tr6nk .ine not des7ribed in the Contra7t) immediate.y notify the
En;ineer and the infrastr67t6re oDner: The En;ineer orders the .o7atin; and prote7tin; of the
infrastr67t6re: The .o7atin; and prote7tin; is 7han;e order Dork: If ordered) repair infrastr67t6re dama;e:
If the dama;e is not d6e to yo6r ne;.i;en7e) the repair is 7han;e order Dork:
If ne7essary 6nder;ro6nd infrastr67t6re rearran;ement is not des7ribed in the Contra7t) the En;ineer may
order yo6 to perform the Dork: The rearran;ement is 7han;e order Dork:
If yo6 Dant infrastr67t6re rearran;ement different from that des7ribed in the Contra7t:
#: Notify the En;ineer
2: ake an arran;ement Dith the infrastr67t6re oDner
-: Obtain a6thoriHation for the rearran;ement
4: The Department does not adI6st time or payment for rearran;ement different from that des7ribed the
*: Pay the infrastr67t6re oDner any additiona. 7ost
Immediate.y notify the En;ineer of a de.ay d6e to:
#: The presen7e of main .ine 6nder;ro6nd infrastr67t6re not des7ribed in the Contra7t or in a
s6bstantia..y different .o7ation
2: Rearran;ement different from that des7ribed the Contra7t
,-1.)2A Ge'er%&
aintain and prote7t Dork 6nti. the Department has ;ranted re.ief from maintenan7e or a77epted the
Pre<ent 7onstr67tion eG6ipment that e37eeds the ma3im6m Dei;ht .imits in (eh Code Di< #* from
operatin; on 7omp.eted or e3istin; treated base) pa<ement) or str67t6res:
,-1.)2B L0%1 L#m#/
,-1.)2BB1C Ge'er%&
For areas Dithin the proIe7t .imits and s6bIe7t to the Contra7tor pro<idin; prote7ti<e meas6res and
repairin; re.ated dama;e) 7onstr67tion eG6ipment e37eedin; the siHe or Dei;ht .imits in (eh Code Di< #*
may mo<e o<er:
#: P6b.i7 roads Dithin the hi;hDay
2: Treated base or pa<ement 6nder 7onstr67tion or 7omp.eted
-: C6.<erts and pipes
4: Str67t6res not open to traffi7 that are desi;ned for AAS?TO ?S2%,44 .i<e .oadin;) e37ept 76.<erts and
pipes: "efore 7rossin; one of these str67t6res) s6bmit the dimensions and ma3im6m a3.e .oadin;s of
the eG6ipmentJ and 6n.ess a materia.; eG6ipment .ane on a brid;e is shoDn on the draDin;s)
7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin; spe7ifi7ations:
4:#: The ma3im6m .oadin; on a brid;e d6e to pne6mati7,tired tr67k and 7ombinations m6st
not e37eed:
4:#:#: 2+)%%% .b for sin;.e
4:#:2: 4+)%%% .b for tandem
4:#:-: 0%)%%% .b tota. ;ross .oad for sin;.e <
4:#:4: ##%)%%% .b tota. ;ross .oad for tr67k and or semi, 7ombinations
4:2: The .oadin; on a brid;e d6e to 2, and -,a3.e pne6mati7 tired earthmo<ers m6st not e37eed
that shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
A&&0:%.&e C0'/r"(/#0' L0%1#'8 0' Br#18e 40r 2- %'1 )-A<&e E%r/7m0$er
"rid;e ;irder 7enter,to,7enter spa7in;
a3im6m a3.e .oadin;
4 2+)%%%
* 2$)%%%
0 -%:%%%
5 -2)%%%
+ -4)%%%
$ -5)%%%
#% and o<er 4%)%%%
NOTE: inim6m a3.e spa7in;:
For 2,a3.e earthmo<ers: # to 2 T 2% feet
For -,a3.e earthmo<ers: # to 2 T + feet 2 to - T 2% feet
*: Comp.eted or e3istin; base) pa<ement) and str67t6res 6nder the DepartmentFs Transportation
Permits Manual) Dhether open to the p6b.i7 or not
Loads imposed on e3istin;) neD) or partia..y 7omp.eted str67t6res m6st not e37eed the .oad 7arryin;
7apa7ity of the str67t6re or any portion of the str67t6re as determined by AAS?TO LRFD Dith interims
and Ca.ifornia Amendments) Desi;n Stren;th Limit State II: The fF7 to be 6sed in 7omp6tin; the .oad
7arryin; 7apa7ity m6st be the of the fo..oDin;:
#: A7t6a. 7ompressi<e stren;th at the time of .oadin;
2: (a.6e of fF7 shoDn on the p.ans for that portion of the str67t6re or 2:* times the <a.6e of f7 shoDn on
the p.ans for portions of the str67t6re Dhere no fF7 is shoDn
,-1.)2BB2C I'(re%e1 L0%1 C%rr3#'8 C%6%(#/3
&o6 may s6bmit a reG6est to the Department to redesi;n a str67t6re to in7rease its .oad 7arryin; 7apa7ity:
The Department does not a6thoriHe a redesi;n for any of the fo..oDin;:
#: Load in7rease more than #-%)%%% .b per sin;.e a3.e or pair of .ess than + feet apart
2: Tota. ;ross <ehi7.e Dei;ht more than --%)%%% .b
&o6r reG6est to the Department m6st in7.6de:
#: Des7ription of the str67t6re or str67t6res
2: Detai.ed o<er.oad des7ription
-: Date the re<ised p.ans are reG6ired
4: Si;ned statement a;reein; to pay the 7osts) in7.6din; the en;ineerin; 7osts
*: Si;ned statement a;reein; to Dai<e a time e3tension reG6est for any de.ay
If the Department a6thoriHes a redesi;n to stren;then the str67t6re) the En;ineer notifies yo6 of the
7han;eFs estimated 7ost and a<ai.abi.ity date of the re<ised p.ans: If the 7ost and date are satisfa7tory to
yo6) the En;ineer prepares a Change Order for the 7han;es:
,-1.)2BB)C M%/er#%& H%"&#'8 E!"#6me'/ L%'e 0' Br#18e
Se7tion *,#:-5"/-1 app.ies to a brid;e 7onstr67ted Dith a materia.; eG6ipment .ane:
&o6 may 7ross the brid;e Dith pne6mati7,tired materia.; eG6ipment that e37eeds the siHe and
Dei;ht .imits spe7ified b6t that does not e37eed the .oad .imits shoDn on the materia.; eG6ipment
.oadin; dia;ram on the p.ans:
For ea7h brid;e Dith a materia.; eG6ipment .ane:
#: Constr67t a minim6m #*%,foot approa7h at ea7h brid;e end to a ;rade that pro<ides a smooth
transition to the brid;e roadDay ;rade: aintain these approa7hes in a smooth and 6niform 7ondition
d6rin; the operation of the eG6ipment:
2: Operate eG6ipment in a Day that pre<ents Io.tin; and bo6n7in; of the eG6ipment Dhi.e 7rossin; the
-: Confine eG6ipment to the materia.; .ane 6sin; temporary barriers 6n.ess the p.ans shoD that
the entire brid;e may be 6sed for; eG6ipment and the permanent barriers are 7omp.eted:
4: At most # pie7e of eG6ipment may be on the brid;e at one time:
If ordered) <erify the Dei;ht of .oaded materia.; eG6ipment by Dei;hin;: The Department f6rnishes
indi<id6a. Dhee. or a3.e type The Department Dei;hs the eG6ipment Dithin the proIe7t .imits and
Dithin the hi;hDay at a .o7ation a77essib.e to the eG6ipment: &o6 determine the e3a7t Dei;hin; .o7ation:
Insta.. and maintain the; and maintainin; is 7han;e order Dork:
&o6 may reG6est re.ief from maintenan7e and prote7tion responsibi.ities on a 7omp.eted Dork portion: The
Dork portion m6st ha<e been 7omp.eted 6nder the Contra7t and to the En;ineerFs satisfa7tion: 8ork parts
e.i;ib.e for re.ief in7.6de:
#: Comp.eted %:- mi of roadDay or %:- mi of one roadDay of a di<ided hi;hDay or fronta;e road
#:#: P.anned roadDay prote7tion Dork
#:2: Li;htin;
#:-: ReG6ired traffi7 7ontro.
#:4: A77ess fa7i.ities
2: "rid;e or other maIor str67t6re
-: Comp.ete 6nit of a traffi7 7ontro. si;na. system or a hi;hDay .i;htin; system
4: Nonhi;hDay fa7i.ity 7onstr67ted for another a;en7y
If<ed by the Department) yo6 are not reG6ired to perform f6rther Dork on that portion of Dork: On a<ed portion of Dork) yo6 are not responsib.e for dama;e) in7.6din; dama;e 7a6sed by traffi7 or the
e.ements) e37ept for that 7a6sed by yo6r oDn a7ti<ities or ne;.i;en7e
,-1.)?A Ge'er%&
"efore Contra7t a77eptan7e) restore dama;ed Dork to the same state of 7omp.etion as before the
dama;e: Restoration of dama;ed Dork in7.6des restoration of ere7ted fa.seDork and formDork:
The Department does not adI6st payment for repair or restoration that the En;ineer determines Das
7a6sed by yo6r fai.6re to 7onstr67t the Dork 6nder the Contra7t or prote7t the Dork:
,-1.)?B D%m%8e C%"e1 .3 %' A(/ 04 G01
!nder P6b Cont Code M 5#%*) the Department pays for repair or restoration to dama;ed Dork in e37ess
of * per7ent of the tota. bid if the dama;e Das 7a6sed by an a7t of =od:
S6bmit a reG6est for repair or restoration Dork payment before performin; Dork other than emer;en7y
The En;ineer determines the repair or restoration Dork 7ost 6nder se7tion $,#:%4 e37ept mark6ps are not
The Department may 7han;e the Contra7t for the areas reG6irin; repair or restoration: If the 7ost for the
7han;es e37eeds the repair or restoration 7ost based on the "id Item List) the En;ineer determines the
payment adI6stment 6nder se7tion $,#:%4:
,-1.)?C L%'1(%6e D%m%8e
,-1.)?CB1C Ge'er%&
Repair s.opes or other e3istin; fa7i.ities that Dere dama;ed after startin; Iob site a7ti<ities and before
startin; p.ant estab.ishment:
As ordered) rep.a7e p.ants that ha<e been dama;ed from either or both of the fo..oDin; 7onditions:
#: Ambient air temperat6re; be.oD -2 de;rees F d6rin; the p.ant estab.ishment period
2: Department or its s6pp.ier restri7tin; or stoppin; Dater de.i<ery d6rin; the p.ant estab.ishment period
This p.ant rep.a7ement Dork is 7han;e order Dork:
,-1.)?CB2C P&%'/ E/%.&#7me'/ Per#01 04 ) Ye%r 0r M0re
Se7tion *,#:-$C/21 app.ies if a p.ant estab.ishment period of - years or more is spe7ified in the spe7ia.
pro<isions: Perform Dork spe7ified in se7tion *,#:-$C/21 as ordered:
Repair s.opes or other e3istin; fa7i.ities that Dere dama;ed before startin; Iob site a7ti<ities: This Dork is
7han;e order Dork:
Repair s.opes or other e3istin; fa7i.ities that Dere dama;ed by a 7han;e in the r6noff pattern from that
Dhi7h e3isted on the date of the Notice to Bidders and Das the res6.t of Dork by others Dithin the
hi;hDay: This Dork is 7han;e order Dork:
Rep.a7e p.ants and repair s.opes) irri;ation systems) and other hi;hDay fa7i.ities dama;ed as a res6.t of
rain d6rin; the p.ant estab.ishment period: The Department pays #92 the a776m6.ated 7osts in e37ess of
the ;reater of * per7ent of the p.ant estab.ishment Dork or O2)%%%J the Contra7tor pays the other #92: The
En;ineer determines the repair 7ost 6nder se7tion $,#:%4:
,-1.+0*,-1.+1 RESERVED
S6bmit an RFI 6pon re7o;nition of any e<ent or G6estion of fa7t arisin; 6nder the Contra7t:
The En;ineer responds to the RFI Dithin * days: Pro7eed Dith the Dork 6n.ess otherDise ordered: &o6
may protest the En;ineerFs response by:
#: S6bmittin; an "nitial Potential Claim !ecord Dithin * days after re7ei<in; the En;ineerFs response
2: Comp.yin; Dith se7tion *,#:4-
,-1.+)A Ge'er%&
inimiHe and miti;ate impa7ts of potentia..y 7.aimed Dork or e<ent:
For ea7h potentia. 7.aim) assi;n an identifi7ation n6mber determined by 7hrono.o;i7a. seG6en7in; and the
#st date of the potentia. 7.aim:
!se the identifi7ation n6mber for ea7h potentia. 7.aim on the:
#: "nitial Potential Claim !ecord
2: Supplemental Potential Claim !ecord
-: 'ull and 'inal Potential Claim !ecord
Fai.6re to 7omp.y Dith this pro7ed6re is:
#: 8ai<er of the potentia. 7.aim and a Dai<er of the ri;ht to a 7orrespondin; 7.aim for the disp6ted Dork
in the administrati<e 7.aim pro7ed6re
2: "ar to arbitration /P6b Cont Code M #%24%:21
,-1.+)B I'#/#%& P0/e'/#%& C&%#m Re(0r1
S6bmit an "nitial Potential Claim !ecord Dithin * days of the En;ineerFs response to the RFI or Dithin *
days from the date Dhen a disp6te arises d6e to an a7t or fai.6re to a7t by the En;ineer: The "nitial
Potential Claim !ecord estab.ishes the 7.aim nat6re and 7ir76mstan7es: The 7.aim nat6re and
7ir76mstan7es m6st remain 7onsistent:
The En;ineer responds Dithin * days of re7ei<in; the "nitial Potential Claim !ecord: Pro7eed Dith the
potentia..y 7.aimed Dork 6n.ess otherDise ordered:
8ithin 2% days of a reG6est) pro<ide a77ess to the proIe7t re7ords determined ne7essary by the En;ineer
to e<a.6ate the potentia. 7.aim:
,-1.+)C S"66&eme'/%& P0/e'/#%& C&%#m Re(0r1
8ithin #* days of s6bmittin; the "nitial Potential Claim !ecord) s6bmit a Supplemental Potential Claim
!ecord in7.6din;:
#: Comp.ete nat6re and 7ir76mstan7es 7a6sin; the potentia. 7.aim or e<ent
2: Contra7t spe7ifi7ations s6pportin; the basis of a 7.aim
-: Estimated 7.aim 7ost and an itemiHed breakdoDn of indi<id6a. 7osts statin; hoD the estimate Das
4: TIA
The En;ineer e<a.6ates the Supplemental Potential Claim !ecord and f6rnishes yo6 a response Dithin 2%
days of re7ei<in; the s6bmitta.: To p6rs6e a potentia. 7.aim) 7omp.y Dith se7tions *,#:4-D and *,#:4-E:
If the estimated 7ost or effe7t on the s7hed6.ed 7omp.etion date 7han;es) 6pdate the Supplemental
Potential Claim !ecord information as soon as the 7han;e is re7o;niHed and s6bmit this information:
,-1.+)D F"&& %'1 F#'%& P0/e'/#%& C&%#m Re(0r1
Notify the En;ineer Dithin #% days of the 7omp.etion date of the potentia..y 7.aimed Dork: The En;ineer
a6thoriHes this 7omp.etion date or notifies yo6 of a re<ised date:
8ithin -% days of the 7omp.etion of the potentia..y 7.aimed Dork) s6bmit a 'ull and 'inal Potential Claim
!ecord in7.6din;:
#: A detai.ed fa7t6a. a77o6nt of the e<ents 7a6sin; the potentia. 7.aim) in7.6din;:
#:#: Pertinent dates
#:2: Lo7ations
#:-: 8ork items affe7ted by the potentia. 7.aim
2: The Contra7t do76ments s6pportin; the potentia. 7.aim and a statement of the reasons these parts
s6pport entit.ement
-: If a payment adI6stment is reG6ested) an itemiHed 7ost breakdoDn: Se;re;ate 7osts into the fo..oDin;
-:#: Labor) in7.6din;:
-:#:#: Indi<id6a.s
-:#:2: C.assifi7ations
-:#:-: Re; and o<ertime ho6rs Dorked
-:#:4: Dates Dorked
-:2: ateria.s) in7.6din;:
-:2:#: In<oi7es
-:2:2: P6r7hase orders
-:2:-: Lo7ation of materia.s either stored or in7orporated into the Dork
-:2:4: Dates materia.s Dere transported to the Iob site or in7orporated into the Dork
-:-: EG6ipment) in7.6din;:
-:-:#: Detai.ed des7riptions) in7.6din; make) mode.) and seria. n6mber
-:-:2: ?o6rs of 6se
-:-:-: Dates of 6se
-:-:4: EG6ipment rates at the renta. rate .isted in Labor S6r7har;e and EG6ipment Renta.
Rates in effe7t Dhen the affe7ted Dork re.ated to the 7.aim Das performed
4: If a time adI6stment is reG6ested:
4:#: Dates for the reG6ested time:
4:2: Reasons for a time adI6stment:
4:-: Contra7t do76mentation s6pportin; the reG6ested time adI6stment:
4:4: TIA: The TIA m6st demonstrate entit.ement to a time adI6stment:
*: Identifi7ation and 7opies of yo6r do76ments and 7opies of 7omm6ni7ations s6pportin; the potentia.
7.aim) in7.6din; 7ertified payro..s) bi..s) 7an7e..ed 7he7ks) Iob 7ost reports) payment re7ords) and
renta. a;reements
0: Re.e<ant information) referen7es) and ar;6ments that s6pport the potentia. 7.aim
The Department does not 7onsider a 'ull and 'inal Potential Claim !ecord that does not ha<e the same
nat6re) 7ir76mstan7es) and basis of 7.aim as those spe7ified on the "nitial Potential Claim !ecord and
Supplemental Potential Claim !ecord:
The En;ineer e<a.6ates the information presented in the 'ull and 'inal Potential Claim !ecord and
f6rnishes yo6 a response Dithin -% days of its re7eipt 6n.ess the 'ull and 'inal Potential Claim !ecord is
s6bmitted after Contra7t a77eptan7e) in Dhi7h 7ase) a response may not be f6rnished: The En;ineerFs
re7eipt of the 'ull and 'inal Potential Claim !ecord m6st be e<iden7ed by posta. ret6rn re7eipt or the
En;ineerFs Dritten re7eipt if de.i<ered by hand:
,-1.+)E A&/er'%/#$e D#6"/e Re0&"/#0'
,-1.+)EB1C Ge'er%&
,-1.+)EB1CB%C Ge'er%&
Se7tion *,#:4-E app.ies to a 7ontra7t Dith #%% or more Dorkin; days:
EThe partiesE in se7tion *,#:4-E means yo6 and the Department:
EDisp6te meetin;E in se7tion *,#:4-E refers to both the traditiona. and informa. disp6te meetin;
The a.ternati<e disp6te reso.6tion pro7ess m6st be 6sed for the time.y reso.6tion of disp6tes that arise o6t
of the Dork:
&o6 m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *,#:4-E to p6rs6e a 7.aim) fi.e for arbitration) or fi.e for .iti;ation: &o6 m6st
7omp.y Dith se7tion *,#:4-E/21/d1: &o6 may 7omp.y Dith se7tion *,#:4-E/#1/d1:
The a.ternati<e disp6te reso.6tion pro7ess is not a s6bstit6te for the s6bmittin; of an RFI or a potentia.
7.aim re7ord:
Do not 6se the a.ternati<e disp6te reso.6tion pro7ess for disp6tes betDeen yo6 and s6b7ontra7tors or
s6pp.iers that ha<e no ;ro6nds for a .e;a. a7tion a;ainst the Department: If yo6 fai. to 7omp.y Dith se7tion
*,#:4- for a potentia. 7.aim on beha.f of a s6b7ontra7tor or s6pp.ier) yo6 re.ease the Department of the
s6b7ontra7torFs potentia. 7.aim:
Do not 6se the a.ternati<e disp6te reso.6tion pro7ess for G6antifi7ation of disp6tes for o<erhead type
e3penses or 7osts: For disp6tes for o<erhead type e3penses or 7osts) 7omp.y Dith se7tion $,#:#5D:
&o6) the Department) and the DRA or DR" m6st 7omp.ete and 7omp.y Dith the Dispute !esolution
-dvisor -greement or Dispute !esolution Board -greement: For these a;reement forms2 ;o to the
DepartmentFs Di<ision of Constr67tion 8eb site:
No DRA, or DR",re.ated meetin;s are a..oDed 6nti. yo6) the Department) and the DRA or DR") e3e76te
the a;reement: ?oDe<er) yo6) the Department) and the DRA or DR") may a;ree to si;n and e3e76te the
a;reement at the #st meetin;:
,-1.+)EB1CB.C E/%.&#7me'/ 04 Pr0(e1"re
!pon se.e7tin; the DRA or DR") the parties m6st meet Dith the DRA or DR" to estab.ish and a;ree to
pro7ed6res for:
#: S6bmittin; do76ments
2: Cond67tin; hearin;s
-: Pro<idin; re7ommendations
4: Asso7iated tasks
The estab.ished pro7ed6res m6st 7omp.y Dith the Contra7t and the Dispute !esolution -dvisor
-greement or Dispute !esolution Board -greement: The pro7ed6res need not 7omp.y Dith .aDs of
,-1.+)EB1CB(C D#6"/e Mee/#'8
&o6 m6st fo..oD the traditiona. disp6te meetin; pro7ess to p6rs6e a potentia. 7.aim:
Either yo6 or the Department may refer a disp6te to the DRA or DR": To reG6est a disp6te meetin;)
s6bmit a 7opy of the referra. and s6pportin; do76mentation to the DRA or DR": The do76mentation m6st
des7ribe the disp6te in indi<id6a. dis7rete se;ments s67h that reso.<ed and 6nreso.<ed dis7rete se;ments
are differentiated: In7.6de an estimate of the 7ost of the affe7ted Dork and impa7ts to the Dork 7omp.etion
A 7opy of a.. do76ments s6bmitted to the DRA or DR" m6st be sim6.taneo6s.y s6bmitted to the other
The Department pro<ides the DRA or DR" Dith the Contra7t do76ments and pro<ides 7onferen7e
fa7i.ities for meetin;s at no 7ost to yo6:
Neither yo6 nor the Department may meet Dith or dis76ss Contra7t iss6es Dith the DRA or DR" members
6n.ess the other party is present:
On.y the En;ineer) the DepartmentFs area 7onstr67tion en;ineer) or the DepartmentFs str67t6re
representati<e and yo6r s6perintendent or proIe7t mana;er may present information at a disp6te meetin;:
If the disp6te in<o.<es a s6b7ontra7tor) the s6b7ontra7torFs s6perintendent or proIe7t mana;er m6st be
present at the disp6te meetin; and may present information:
On.y persons Dho are dire7t.y in<o.<ed Dith the Contra7t and Dho ha<e dire7t knoD.ed;e of the disp6te
may parti7ipate in the disp6te meetin;: No parti7ipation of either partyFs attorney is a..oDed: ?oDe<er) yo6
and the Department may a;ree to a reG6est from the DRA or DR" for parti7ipation of a person not
asso7iated Dith the Contra7t to pro<ide te7hni7a. ser<i7es if the ser<i7es are ne7essary to he.p the DRA or
DR" make a re7ommendation:
If the DRA or DR" needs o6tside te7hni7a. ser<i7es) yo6 and the Department m6st a;ree to the ser<i7es
before they are a7G6ired: If yo6) the Department) and the DRA or DR" a;ree) the te7hni7a. ser<i7es may
be pro<ided by te7hni7a. staff Dho Dorks for yo6 or the Department:
D6rin; a disp6te meetin;) ea7h party presents its position) makes reb6tta.s) pro<ides re.e<ant do76ments)
and responds to DRA or DR" G6estions and reG6ests: The fo..oDin; is not a..oDed:
#: Testimony 6nder oath
2: Cross,e3amination
-: Reportin; of the pro7ed6res by a shorthand reporter or by e.e7troni7 means
If either party fai.s to attend a disp6te meetin;) a.. do76ments s6bmitted by the nonattendin; party is
7onsidered as the nonattendin; partyFs entire ar;6ment:
,-1.+)EB1CB1C I'40rm%& D#6"/e Mee/#'8
&o6 and the Department may reso.<e sma.. and 6n7omp.i7ated disp6tes 6sin; an informa. pro7ess: &o6
and the Department may 6se this pro7ess on.y if yo6) the Department) and the DRA or DR" a;ree its 6se
is appropriate for reso.<in; the disp6te:
The informa. disp6te meetin; pro7ess is independent from the traditiona. pro7ess: The Department does
not ;rant time e3tensions for the traditiona. disp6te pro7ess if the informa. disp6te pro7ess is 6sed:
&o6 and the Department m6st ea7h f6rnish the DRA or DR" a #,pa;e brief des7ription of the disp6te Dith
s6pportin; do76mentation and any additiona. information reG6ested by the DRA or DR":
In an informa. disp6te meetin;) ea7h party presents its position and re7ei<es the DRAFs or DR"Fs
re7ommendation ora..y on the same day the disp6te is heard:
&o6 and the Department may ask for 7.arifi7ation of the DRAFs or DR"Fs re7ommendation Dithin * days of
the disp6te meetin;:
The DRA or DR" Di.. not be bo6nd by its informa. re7ommendation if a disp6te is .ater heard in a
traditiona. disp6te meetin;:
If the disp6te is not sett.ed 6sin; the informa. disp6te meetin; pro7ess) 7ontin6e to 7omp.y Dith se7tion *,
,-1.+)EB1CBeC Re(0mme'1%/#0'
Re7ommendations res6.tin; from the a.ternati<e disp6te reso.6tion pro7ess are nonbindin;:
If yo6 and the Department reso.<e the disp6te Dith the aid of the DRAFs or DR"Fs re7ommendation)
imp.ement the reso.6tion:
,-1.+)EB1CB4C C0m6&e/#0' 04 A&/er'%/#$e D#6"/e Re0&"/#0'
A.. a.ternati<e disp6te reso.6tion a7ti<ities m6st be 7omp.eted before Contra7t a77eptan7e: A77e.erated
timeframes may be 6sed if yo6) the Department) and the DRA or DR" a;ree:
If a disp6te be7omes an 6nreso.<ed 7.aim after Contra7t a77eptan7e) 7omp.y Dith se7tion $,#:#5D/21:
Neither yo6 nor the Department may 7a.. the DRA or DR" members Dho ser<ed on the Contra7t as a
Ditness in arbitration or other pro7eedin;s that may arise from the Contra7t:
&o6 and the Department m6st Ioint.y indemnify and ho.d harm.ess the DRA or DR" members from and
a;ainst a.. 7.aims) dama;es) .osses) and e3penses) in7.6din; attorneyFs fees) arisin; o6t of and res6.tin;
from the findin;s and re7ommendations of the DRA or DR":
,-1.+)EB1CB8C P%3me'/
Pay the DRA or ea7h DR" member O#)*%% per day for the DRAFs or DR"Fs parti7ipation at ea7h on,site
meetin; e37ept if the DRA or a DR" member ser<es on more than one Department DRA or DR") the
O#)*%% m6st be di<ided e<en.y amon; the 7ontra7ts:
On,site meetin;s in7.6de:
#: eetin; at the start of the proIe7t
2: S7hed6.ed pro;ress meetin;s for a proIe7t Dith a DR"
-: Disp6te meetin;s
This payment in7.6des f6.. 7ompensation for onsite time) tra<e. e3penses) transportation) .od;in;) tra<e.
time) and in7identa.s for ea7h day or portion thereof the DRA or DR" member is at a DRA or DR"
"efore a DRA or DR" member spends any time re<ieDin; p.ans and spe7ifi7ations) e<a.6atin; positions)
preparin; re7ommendations) or performs any other off,site DRA, or DR",re.ated tasks) yo6 and the
Department m6st a;ree to pay for the tasks: Pay the DRA or DR" member O#*% per ho6r for these tasks:
This payment in7.6des f6.. 7ompensation for in7identa.s s67h as e3penses for te.ephone) fa3) and
7omp6ter ser<i7es:
The Department reimb6rses yo6 for #92 of the in<oi7ed 7osts to the DRA or DR" and #92 of the 7osts of
any te7hni7a. ser<i7es a;reed to: S6bmit a 7han;e order bi.. and asso7iated in<oi7es Dith ori;ina.
s6pportin; do76ments in the form of a 7an7e..ed 7he7k or bank statement to re7ei<e reimb6rsement: Do
not add mark,6ps to the 7han;e order bi..:
The Department does not pay for any DRA, or DR",re.ated Dork performed after Contra7t a77eptan7e:
The Department does not pay yo6r 7ost of preparin; for and attendin; a disp6te reso.6tion meetin;:
,-1.+)EB2C D#6"/e Re0&"/#0' A1$#0r
,-1.+)EB2CB%C Ge'er%&
Se7tion *,#:4-E/21 app.ies to a 7ontra7t Dith a tota. bid from O- mi..ion to O#% mi..ion:
The DRA is a sin;.e,member board yo6 and the Department estab.ish:
,-1.+)EB2CB.C DRA Se&e(/#0'
8ithin -% days of Contra7t appro<a.) yo6 and the Department m6st se.e7t the DRA 6sin; the fo..oDin;
#: &o6 and the Department ea7h nominates - DRA member 7andidates: Ea7h 7andidate m6st be /#1 on
the DepartmentFs Disp6te Reso.6tion Ad<isor Candidates List at the DepartmentFs Di<ision of
Constr67tion 8eb site or /21 m6st:
#:#: "e knoD.ed;eab.e in the type of 7onstr67tion and 7ontra7t do76ments anti7ipated by the
#:2: ?a<e 7omp.eted trainin; by the Disp6te Reso.6tion "oard Fo6ndation
#:-: ?a<e ser<ed on at .east - disp6te reso.6tion boards on a Department 7ontra7t as a member or
at .east 2 disp6te reso.6tion boards on a Department 7ontra7t as the 7hairman
#:4: ?a<e no prior dire7t in<o.<ement on this Contra7t
#:*: ?a<e no finan7ia. interest in the Contra7t or Dith the parties) s6b7ontra7tors) s6pp.iers)
7ons6.tants) or asso7iated .e;a. or b6siness ser<i7es Dithin 0 months before aDard and d6rin;
the Contra7t e37ept for payments for Department DRA or DR" ser<i7es or payments for
retirement or pensions from either party not tied to) dependent on) or affe7ted by the net Dorth
of the party
2: &o6 and the Department m6st reG6est a dis7.os6re statement from ea7h nominated DRA 7andidate
and m6st f6rnish the - statements to the other party: Ea7h statement m6st in7.6de:
2:#: Res6me of the 7andidateFs e3perien7e
2:2: De7.aration statement that des7ribes past) present) anti7ipated) and p.anned professiona. or
persona. re.ationships Dith ea7h of the fo..oDin;:
2:2:#: Parties in<o.<ed in the Contra7t
2:2:2: PartiesF prin7ipa.s
2:2:-: PartiesF 7o6nse.
2:2:4: Asso7iated s6b7ontra7tors and s6pp.iers
-: &o6 and the Department m6st se.e7t # of the 0 7andidates to be the DRA: If yo6 and the Department
7annot a;ree on # 7andidate) yo6 and the Department ea7h m6st se.e7t # of the - nominated by the
other and the DRA is de7ided betDeen the 2 7andidates by a 7oin toss:
,-1.+)EB2CB(C DRA Re6&%(eme'/
The ser<i7es of the DRA may end at any time Dith noti7e of at .east #* days if:
#: The DRA resi;ns:
2: Either yo6 or the Department rep.a7es the DRA for; to f6..y 7omp.y at a.. times Dith the reG6ired
emp.oyment or finan7ia. dis7.os6re 7onditions of the DRA as des7ribed in the Contra7t and the
Dispute !esolution -dvisor -greement:
A DRA rep.a7ement is se.e7ted the same Day as the ori;ina. DRA: The se.e7tion of a rep.a7ement DRA
m6st start 6pon determination of the need for rep.a7ement and m6st be 7omp.eted Dithin #* days: The
Dispute !esolution -dvisor -greement m6st be amended to ref.e7t the 7han;e of the DRA:
,-1.+)EB2CB1C DRA Tr%1#/#0'%& D#6"/e Mee/#'8
If yo6 7hoose to p6rs6e a potentia. 7.aim) refer the disp6te to the DRA Dithin * days after re7ei<in; the
En;ineerFs response to yo6r Supplemental Potential Claim !ecord: The disp6te meetin; m6st be
s7hed6.ed no .ater than 2* days after of the DRA re7ei<es the referra. 6n.ess yo6 and the Department
otherDise a;ree:
At .east #% days before the s7hed6.ed disp6te meetin;) ea7h party m6st f6rnish the DRA do76mentation
that s6pports its position and any additiona. information reG6ested by the DRA:
If the DRA reG6ests additiona. information Dithin * days after the disp6te meetin;) the party re7ei<in; the
reG6est m6st f6rnish this information Dithin * days of re7ei<in; the reG6est:
The DRA pro<ides a Dritten re7ommendation report Dithin #% days of the disp6te meetin; 6n.ess yo6 and
the Department a;ree to a..oD more time:
8ithin * days of re7ei<in; the DRAFs re7ommendation report) either yo6 or the Department may reG6est
7.arifi7ation of any part of the report: On.y one reG6est for 7.arifi7ation from ea7h party is a..oDed per
8ithin #% days after re7ei<in; the DRAFs re7ommendation report) ea7h party m6st f6rnish a Dritten
response to the DRA indi7atin; a77eptan7e or reIe7tion of the re7ommendation: If a party reIe7ts the
re7ommendation and has neD information that s6pports its position) the party may reG6est
re7onsideration: The re7onsideration reG6est m6st be made Dithin #% days after re7ei<in; the DRAUs
re7ommendation report: On.y one re7onsideration reG6est from ea7h party is a..oDed per disp6te:
If both yo6 and the Department a77ept the DRAFs re7ommendation b6t 7annot a;ree on the time or
payment adI6stment Dithin -% days of a77eptin; the re7ommendation) either party may reG6est that the
DRA re7ommend an adI6stment:
,-1.+)EB)C D#6"/e Re0&"/#0' B0%r1
,-1.+)EB)CB%C Ge'er%&
Se7tion *,#:4-E/-1 app.ies to a 7ontra7t Dith a tota. bid of o<er O#% mi..ion:
The DR" is a -,member board that yo6 and the Department estab.ish:
,-1.+)EB)CB.C DRB Se&e(/#0'
8ithin 4* days of Contra7t appro<a.) yo6 and the Department m6st se.e7t DR" members and estab.ish
the DR" 6sin; the fo..oDin; pro7ed6re:
#: &o6 and the Department ea7h nominates a DR" member 7andidate Dho is on the DepartmentUs
appro<ed .ist: For the .ist of appro<ed member 7andidates) ;o to the DepartmentFs Di<ision of
Constr67tion 8eb site: If yo6 or the Department nominates someone Dho is not on that .ist) the
7andidate m6st:
#:#: "e knoD.ed;eab.e in the type of 7onstr67tion and 7ontra7t do76ments anti7ipated by the
#:2: ?a<e 7omp.eted trainin; by the Disp6te Reso.6tion "oard Fo6ndation
#:-: ?a<e no prior dire7t in<o.<ement on this Contra7t
#:4: ?a<e no finan7ia. interest in the Contra7t or Dith the parties) s6b7ontra7tors) s6pp.iers)
7ons6.tants) or asso7iated .e;a. or b6siness ser<i7es Dithin 0 months before aDard and d6rin;
the Contra7t) e37ept for payments for Department DRA or DR" ser<i7es) or payments for
retirement or pensions from either party not tied to) dependent on) or affe7ted by the net Dorth
of the party
2: &o6 and the Department m6st reG6est a dis7.os6re statement from ea7h nominated DR" member
7andidate and m6st ea7h f6rnish it to the other party: The statement m6st in7.6de:
2:#: Res6me of the 7andidateFs e3perien7e
2:2: De7.aration statement that des7ribes past) present) anti7ipated) and p.anned professiona. or
persona. re.ationships Dith ea7h of the fo..oDin;:
2:2:#: Parties in<o.<ed in the Contra7t
2:2:2: PartiesU prin7ipa.s
2:2:-: PartiesU 7o6nse.
2:2:4: Asso7iated s6b7ontra7tors and s6pp.iers
-: &o6 and the Department are a..oDed:
-:#: A one,time obIe7tion to the otherFs 7andidate
-:2: An obIe7tion to the otherFs 7andidate based on a spe7ifi7 brea7h of the 7andidateFs
responsibi.ities or G6a.ifi7ations 6nder items # and 2 abo<e:
4: If yo6 or the Department obIe7ts to the otherFs 7andidate) the party DhoUs 7andidate Das obIe7ted to
m6st nominate another DR" 7andidate Dithin #* days:
*: The #st 7andidate from a party that re7ei<es no obIe7tion be7omes that partyFs DR" member:
0: &o6 and the Department ea7h pro<ide Dritten notifi7ation to yo6r se.e7ted DR" member:
5: 8ithin #* days of their notifi7ations) the se.e7ted DR" members re7ommend to yo6 and the
Department the -rd DR" member 7andidate and pro<ide that 7andidateUs dis7.os6re statement:
+: 8ithin #* days of the re7ommendation) yo6 and the Department m6st ea7h notify the first 2 DR"
members Dhether yo6 appro<e or disappro<e of the re7ommended -rd DR" member 7andidate:
$: If the 2 DR" members 7annot a;ree on the -rd DR" 7andidate) they Di.. s6bmit a .ist of 7andidates to
yo6 and the Department for fina. se.e7tion and appro<a.:
#%: If the 2 DR" members do not re7ommend a -rd DR" 7andidate Dithin #* days of notifi7ation of their
se.e7tions) or if yo6 and the Department do not a;ree on the -rd DR" member 7andidate Dithin #*
days of the re7ommendation) or if yo6 and the Department do not a;ree on any of the 7andidates on
the .ist pro<ided by the first 2 se.e7ted DR" members) yo6 and the Department ea7h m6st se.e7t -
7andidates from the 76rrent .ist of arbitrators 7ertified by the P6b.i7 8orks Contra7t Arbitration
Committee estab.ished by P6b Cont Code M #%24* et seG: Dho Di.. be; to ser<e as a DR"
member: The first 2 se.e7ted DR" members m6st se.e7t the -rd member in a b.ind draD of these 0
##: The - DR" members then de7ide Dhi7h of the - Di.. a7t as the DR" 7hairman: If yo6 and the
Department do not a;ree Dith the se.e7ted 7hairman) the -rd member Di.. a7t as the DR" 7hairman:
,-1.+)EB)CB(C DRB Re6&%(eme'/
The ser<i7e of a DR" member may end at any time Dith noti7e of at .east #* days if:
#: A member resi;ns
2: The Department rep.a7es its se.e7ted member
-: &o6 rep.a7e yo6r se.e7ted member
4: The DepartmentFs and yo6r se.e7ted members rep.a7e the -rd member
*: &o6 or the Department rep.a7e any member Dho fai.s to 7omp.y Dith spe7ified emp.oyment or
finan7ia. dis7.os6re 7onditions of DR" membership
Rep.a7in; any DR" member m6st be a77omp.ished by Dritten notifi7ation to the DR" and the other party
Dith s6bstantiation for rep.a7in; the member:
A DR" member rep.a7ement is se.e7ted the same Day as the ori;ina. DR" member se.e7tion: Se.e7tin; a
rep.a7ement DR" member m6st start 6pon determination of the need for rep.a7ement and m6st be
7omp.eted Dithin #* days: The Dispute !esolution Board -greement m6st be amended to ref.e7t the
7han;e to the DR":
,-1.+)EB)CB1C DRB Pr08re Mee/#'8
&o6 and the Department m6st periodi7a..y meet Dith the DR" and <isit the Iob site so the DR" members
7an keep abreast of 7onstr67tion a7ti<ities and de<e.op fami.iarity Dith the Dork in pro;ress:
The pro;ress meetin;s m6st o776r at the start of the proIe7t and at .east on7e e<ery 4 months after that:
"oth parties m6st attend ea7h pro;ress meetin;:
&o6 and the Department may a;ree to Dai<e s7hed6.ed pro;ress meetin;s Dhen the on.y Dork remainin;
is p.ant estab.ishment:
,-1.+)EB)CBeC DRB Tr%1#/#0'%& D#6"/e Mee/#'8
If yo6 7hoose to p6rs6e a potentia. 7.aim) refer the disp6te to the DR" Dithin 2# days after re7ei<in; the
En;ineerFs response to yo6r Supplemental Potential Claim !ecord 6n.ess a fa7i.itated disp6te reso.6tion
is in7.6ded in the si;ned ori;ina. partnerin; 7harter) in Dhi7h 7ase) make the referra. Dithin 4# days after
re7ei<in; the response: The disp6te meetin; m6st be he.d no .ater than 0% days after the DR" re7ei<es
the referra. 6n.ess yo6 and the Department otherDise a;ree:
At .east #* days before the s7hed6.ed disp6te meetin;) ea7h party m6st f6rnish the DR" do76mentation
that s6pports its position and any additiona. information reG6ested by the DR":
If the DR" reG6ests additiona. information Dithin #% days after the disp6te meetin;) the party re7ei<in; the
reG6est m6st f6rnish this information Dithin #% days of re7ei<in; the reG6est:
The DR" pro<ides a Dritten re7ommendation report Dithin -% days of the disp6te meetin; 6n.ess yo6 and
the Department a;ree to a..oD more time:
8ithin #% days of re7ei<in; the DR"Fs re7ommendation report) either yo6 or the Department may reG6est
7.arifi7ation of any part of the report: On.y one reG6est for 7.arifi7ation from ea7h party is a..oDed per
8ithin -% days after re7ei<in; the DR"Fs re7ommendation report) ea7h party m6st f6rnish a Dritten
response to the DR" indi7atin; a77eptan7e or reIe7tion of the re7ommendation: If a party reIe7ts the
re7ommendation and has neD information that s6pports its position) the party may reG6est
re7onsideration: The re7onsideration reG6est m6st be made Dithin -% days after re7ei<in; the DR"Fs
re7ommendation report: On.y one reG6est for re7onsideration from ea7h party is a..oDed per disp6te:
If both yo6 and the Department a77ept the DR"Fs re7ommendation b6t 7annot a;ree on the time or
payment adI6stment Dithin 0% days of a77eptin; the re7ommendation) either party may reG6est that the
DR" re7ommend an adI6stment:
,-1.+)F Reer$e1
,-1.++*,-1.+, RESERVED
8hen yo6 7omp.ete the Dork) reG6est the En;ineerFs fina. inspe7tion:
If the En;ineer determines that the Dork is 7omp.ete) the En;ineer re7ommends Contra7t a77eptan7e:
Immediate.y after Contra7t a77eptan7e) yo6 are<ed from:
#: aintenan7e and prote7tion d6ties
2: Responsibi.ity for inI6ry to persons or property or dama;e to the Dork o776rrin; after Contra7t
a77eptan7e e37ept as spe7ified in se7tion 0,-:%0
,-1.+2*,-1.,0 RESERVED
--1.01 GENERAL
Se7tion 0 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations re.ated to 7ontro. of materia.s:
--2.01 GENERAL
ateria. in7orporated into the Dork m6st be neD:
"efore the pre7onstr67tion 7onferen7e) s6bmit materia. so6r7e information on a Notice of Materials to Be
Used form:
ReG6est Department,f6rnished materia. e37ept si;n pane.s at .east #* days before their s7hed6.ed
insta..ation: ReG6est si;n pane.s at .east -% days before their s7hed6.ed insta..ation:
If the Department f6rnishes the materia.:
#: At the Iob site) 6n.oad and store the materia.
2: At a .o7ation other than the Iob site) de.i<er the materia. to the Iob site and store it
The En;ineer orders the ret6rn and disposa. of s6rp.6s Department,f6rnished materia.: This ret6rnin; and
disposin; of materia. is 7han;e order Dork:
&o6 are responsib.e for the 7ost of rep.a7in; Department,f6rnished materia.: The Department ded67ts
rep.a7ement 7osts: Department,f6rnished materia. not 6sed in the Dork remains the property of the
Lo7a. materia. m6st be:
#: inera. materia.) in7.6din; ro7k) sand) or ;ra<e.) or earth
2: Se.e7ted materia. or materia. pro76red from an estab.ished 7ommer7ia. so6r7e and not .o7a. borroD
-: Pro76red or prod67ed from a so6r7e in the Dork <i7inity spe7ifi7a..y for proIe7t 6se
!pon yo6r reG6est) the Department tests materia. from an 6ntested .o7a. so6r7e: If satisfa7tory materia.
from that so6r7e is 6sed in the Dork) the Department does not 7har;e yo6 for the testsJ otherDise) the
Department ded67ts test 7osts:
--2.0,A Ge'er%&
--2.0,B Cr"m. R" BP". Re C01e H +220)BDCC
F6rnish 7r6mb r6bber Dith a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e: Cr6mb r6bber m6st be:
#: Prod67ed in the !:S
2: Deri<ed from Daste tires taken from < oDned and operated in the !:S
--2.0,C S/ee& %'1 Ir0' M%/er#%& B2) CFR -),.+10C
Se7tion 0,2:%*C app.ies to a federa.,aid 7ontra7t:
F6rnish stee. and iron materia.s to be in7orporated into the Dork Dith 7ertifi7ates of 7omp.ian7e: Stee. and
iron materia.s m6st be prod67ed in the !:S: e37ept:
#: Forei;n pi; iron and pro7essed) pe..etiHed) and red67ed iron ore may be 6sed in the domesti7
prod67tion of the stee. and iron materia.s V0% Fed Re; #*45+ /%-9249#$$*1W
2: If the tota. 7ombined 7ost of the materia.s does not e37eed the ;reater of %:# per7ent of the tota. bid
or O2)*%%) materia.s prod67ed o6tside the !:S: may be 6sed
Prod67tion in7.6des:
#: Pro7essin; stee. and iron materia.s) in7.6din; sme.tin; or other pro7esses that a.ter the physi7a. form
or shape /s67h as;) e3tr6din;) ma7hinin;) bendin;) ;rindin;) and;1 or 7hemi7a.
2: Coatin; app.i7ation) in7.6din; epo3y 7oatin;) ;a.<aniHin;) and paintin;) that prote7ts or enhan7es the
<a.6e of stee. and iron materia.s
--).01 GENERAL
Store materia.s and in a Day that preser<es the G6a.ity and fa7i.itates prompt inspe7tion:
A referen7e to a spe7ifi7 brand or trade name estab.ishes a G6a.ity standard and is not intended to .imit
7ompetition: &o6 may 6se a prod67t that is eG6a. to or better than the spe7ified brand or trade name if
S6bmit a s6bstit6tion reG6est Dith a time period that:
#: Fo..oDs Contra7t aDard
2: A..oDs -% days for re<ieD
-: Ca6ses no de.ay
In7.6de s6bstantiatin; data Dith the s6bstit6tion reG6est that pro<es that s6bstit6tion:
#: Ca6ses no de.ay
2: Is of eG6a. or better G6a.ity and s6itabi.ity
Se7tion 0,-:%- app.ies Dhere an a6thoriHed .aboratory is spe7ified to be on an A6thoriHed Laboratory List:
For pro7ed6res to be in7.6ded on an A6thoriHed Laboratory List) ;o to the ETS 8eb site:
ateria. prod67tion and testin; eG6ipment m6st meas6re a776rate.y and pre7ise.y:
Prepare and maintain @C re7ords) in7.6din;:
#: Inspe7tion types) res6.ts) and dates
2: Testin; types) res6.ts) and dates
-: Inspe7tor names and 7ertifi7ates
4: A77eptan7e 7riteria
*: Corre7ti<e a7tions
--).0,A Ge'er%&
The Department may 6se m6.tip.e @A methods for a materia.:
A..oD the Department to re7ord) in7.6din; photo;raph and <ideo re7ord) to ens6re a materia. is prod67ed
to 7omp.y Dith the Contra7t:
&o6 may e3amine the re7ords and reports of tests the Department performs if they are a<ai.ab.e at the Iob
S7hed6.e Dork to a..oD time for @A:
The Department ded67ts testin; 7osts for Dork that does not 7omp.y Dith the Contra7t:
The Department may retest materia. pre<io6s.y tested and a6thoriHed for 6se: If the Department notifies
yo6 of a retest) f6rnish reso6r7es for retestin;:
For a materia. spe7ified to 7omp.y Dith a State Spe7ifi7ation n6mber) the materia. may 7omp.y Dith a .ater
<ersion of the spe7ifi7ation: Obtain State Spe7ifi7ations from ETS:
For a materia. spe7ified to 7omp.y Dith a property shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e) the Department tests
6nder the 7orrespondin; Ca.ifornia Test shoDn:
C%&#40r'#% Te/
Property Ca.ifornia Test
Re.ati<e 7ompa7tion 2#0 or 2-#
Sand eG6i<a.ent 2#5
Resistan7e /R,<a.6e1 -%#
=radin; /sie<e ana.ysis1 2%2
D6rabi.ity inde3 22$
--).0,B S0"r(e I'6e(/#0' E<6e'e De1"(/#0'
For ea7h item shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e) the Department ded67ts the 7orrespondin; amo6nt shoDn:
S0"r(e I'6e(/#0' E<6e'e De1"(/#0'
Item Distan7e
Stee. pipe;
Prestressin; system
Pre7ast 7on7rete members spe7ified se7tion
Epo3y,7oated reinfor7ement
Str67t6ra. stee. for si;n str67t6res
is7e..aneo6s meta.
L -%% O*)%%%
L -)%%% O+)%%%
E3tin;6ishab.e messa;e si;ns
(ariab.e messa;e si;ns
Chan;eab.e messa;e si;ns
Ser<i7e eG6ipment en7.os6res
Te.ephone demar7ation 7abinets
C.osed 7ir76it te.e<ision 7abinets
8ei;h,in,motion 7abinets
?i;hDay ad<isory radio 7abinets
L -%% O2)%%% for e.e7tri7a. systems L -%% O#)%%% for X#% and
O#)%%% for e<ery m6.tip.e of #%
Str67t6ra. stee. L -%% The ;reater of:
#: O*)%%%
2: O%:%29.b
L -)%%% The ;reater of:
#: O+)%%%
2: O%:%-09.b
Str67t6ra. stee. paint L -%% The ;reater of:
#: O2)%%%
2: O%:%#9sG ft
L -)%%% The ;reater of:
#: O*)%%%
2: O%:%#*9sG ft
Che7k L -%% O2)%%%
?i;h mast L -%% O2)*%%
L -)%%% O*)%%%
PTFE bearin;s) X 2 .ots L -%% O*)%%%
L -)%%% O#*)%%%
PTFE bearin;s) L 2 .ots L -%% O#%)%%%
L -)%%% O2%)%%%
Distan7e is air,.ine from both Sa7ramento and Los An; to the inspe7tion so6r7e:
--).0,C M%/er#%& S0"r(e I'6e(/#0' %'1 Te/#'8
Se7tion 0,-:%*C app.ies if a materia. is to be inspe7ted or tested at the so6r7e:
S6bmit an inspe7tion reG6est form:
#: At .east - b6siness days before the reG6ested inspe7tion date for a materia. so6r7e Dithin Ca.ifornia:
2: At .east * b6siness days before the reG6ested inspe7tion date for a materia. so6r7e o6tside Ca.ifornia
b6t Dithin the !:S:
-: *% days before the p.anned prod67tion start for a materia. so6r7e o6tside the !:S: Notify the En;ineer
at .east 2% days before the a7t6a. start:
For the inspe7tion reG6est form and the pro7ed6re for its s6bmitta.) ;o to the ETS 8eb site: Notify the
En;ineer of ea7h s6bmitta.:
--).0,D E0. S#/e I'6e(/#0' %'1 Te/#'8
Se7tion 0,-:%*D app.ies if a materia. is to be inspe7ted or tested at the Iob site:
The materia. m6st be a6thoriHed for 6se before it is in7orporated into the Dork:
--).0,E Cer/#4#(%/e 04 C0m6&#%'(e
Se7tion 0,-:%*E app.ies /#1 Dhere a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e is spe7ified and /21 if any materia. is
prod67ed o6tside the !:S:
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate:
#: "efore the materia. is in7orporated into the Dork:
2: For ea7h .ot of the materia.: Identify the .ot on the 7ertifi7ate:
-: Si;ned by the prod67er of the materia. and statin; that the materia. 7omp.ies Dith the Contra7t:
--).0,F Te/ D%/%, Te/ Re60r/, %'1 E$%&"%/#0' Re60r/
--).0,G Te/ S%m6&e
Se7tion 0,-:%*= app.ies Dhere a test samp.e is spe7ified or if a test samp.e is reG6ested:
Notify the En;ineer #% days before takin; a samp.e:
S6bmit materia. to be tested Dith a Sample "dentification Card: For the 7ard) ;o to the ETS 8eb site:
Restore Dork immediate.y after;:
--).0,H Reer$e1
--).0,I A"/70r#9e1 F%(#&#/3 A"1#/ L#/
Se7tion 0,-:%*I app.ies Dhere a fa7i.ity is spe7ified to be on an A6thoriHed Fa7i.ity A6dit List:
An a6dit a6thoriHed by the Department not more than - years before 7omp.etion of the fabri7ation pro7ess
is a77eptab.e if the Department determines the a6dit Das for the same type of Dork to be performed:
For pro7ed6res to be in7.6ded on an A6thoriHed Fa7i.ity A6dit List) ;o to the ETS 8eb site:
--).0,E G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& P&%'
--).0,I A"/70r#9e1 M%/er#%& L#/
Se7tion 0,-:%*' app.ies Dhere a materia. is spe7ified to be on an A6thoriHed ateria. List:
The materia. m6st be on an A6thoriHed ateria. List before it is in7orporated into the Dork:
For pro7ed6res to be in7.6ded on an A6thoriHed ateria. List) ;o to the ETS 8eb site:
--).0,L A"/70r#9e1 M%/er#%& S0"r(e L#/
Se7tion 0,-:%*L app.ies Dhere a materia. is spe7ified to be on an A6thoriHed ateria. So6r7e List:
The materia. so6r7e m6st be on an A6thoriHed ateria. So6r7e List before the item from the so6r7e is
in7orporated into the Dork:
For pro7ed6res to be in7.6ded on an A6thoriHed ateria. So6r7e List) ;o to the ETS 8eb site:
=6arantee that Dork remains free from s6bstantia. defe7ts for # year after Contra7t a77eptan7e e37ept for
Dork portions for Dhi7h yo6 Dere<ed of maintenan7e and prote7tion: =6arantee ea7h of these<ed Dork portions for # year after the re.ief date:
The ;6arantee e37.6des dama;e or disp.a7ement 7a6sed by an e<ent o6tside yo6r 7ontro.) in7.6din;:
#: Norma. Dear and tear
2: Improper operation
-: Ins6ffi7ient maintenan7e
4: Ab6se
*: !na6thoriHed 7han;e
0: A7t of =od
D6rin; the ;6arantee period) repair or rep.a7e ea7h Dork portion ha<in; a s6bstantia. defe7t:
The Department does not pay for 7orre7ti<e Dork:
D6rin; 7orre7ti<e Dork a7ti<ities) pro<ide the same ins6ran7e spe7ified before Contra7t a77eptan7e:
The Contra7t bonds m6st be in for7e 6nti. the .ater of:
#: E3piration of ;6arantee period
2: Comp.etion of 7orre7ti<e Dork
If a Darranty spe7ifi7ation 7onf.i7ts Dith se7tion 0,-:%0) 7omp.y Dith the Darranty spe7ifi7ation:
D6rin; the ;6arantee period) the En;ineer monitors the 7omp.eted Dork: If the En;ineer finds Dork ha<in;
a s6bstantia. defe7t) the En;ineer .ists Dork parts and f6rnishes yo6 the .ist:
8ithin #% days of re7eipt of the .ist) s6bmit for a6thoriHation a detai.ed for 7orre7tin; the Dork:
In7.6de a s7hed6.e that in7.6des:
#: Start and 7omp.etion dates
2: List of .abor) eG6ipment) materia.s) and any spe7ia. ser<i7es yo6 to 6se
-: 8ork re.ated to the 7orre7ti<e Dork) in7.6din; traffi7 7ontro. and temporary and permanent pa<ement
The En;ineer notifies yo6 Dhen the is a6thoriHed: Start 7orre7ti<e Dork and re.ated Dork Dithin #*
days of noti7e:
If the En;ineer determines 7orre7ti<e Dork is 6r;ent.y reG6ired to pre<ent inI6ry or property dama;e:
#: The En;ineer f6rnishes yo6 an order to start emer;en7y repair Dork and a .ist of parts reG6irin;
7orre7ti<e Dork
2: obi.iHe Dithin 24 ho6rs and start Dork
-: S6bmit a 7orre7ti<e Dork Dithin * b6siness days of startin; emer;en7y repair Dork
If yo6 fai. to perform Dork as spe7ified) the Department may perform the Dork and bi.. yo6:
2-1.01 GENERAL
Se7tion 5 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations re;ardin; yo6r:
#: Comp.ian7e Dith .aDs
2: Responsibi.ities for p6b.i7 safety and 7on<enien7e
-: Responsibi.ities for indemnifi7ation) ins6ran7e) and .iabi.ity
2-1.02 LAAS
2-1.02A Ge'er%&
Comp.y Dith .aDs) re;6.ations) orders) and de7rees app.i7ab.e to the proIe7t: Indemnify and defend the
State a;ainst any 7.aim or .iabi.ity arisin; from the <io.ation of a .aD) re;6.ation) order) or de7ree by yo6 or
yo6r emp.oyees: Immediate.y report to the En;ineer a dis7repan7y or in7onsisten7y betDeen the Contra7t
and a .aD) re;6.ation) order) or de7ree:
If the Department in76rs any fines or pena.ties be7a6se of yo6r fai.6re to 7omp.y Dith a .aD) re;6.ation)
order) or de7ree) the Department ded67ts the amo6nt of the fine or pena.ty:
Immediate.y notify the En;ineer if a re;6.atory a;en7y reG6ests a77ess to the Iob site or to re7ords:
S6bmit a .ist of do76ments pro<ided to the a;en7y and iss6ed enfor7ement a7tions:
2-1.02B U.S. F%#r L%.0r S/%'1%r1 A(/
Comp.y Dith 2$ !SC M 2%# et seG:
2-1.02C Em##0' Re1"(/#0'
S6bmit to the Department the fo..oDin; 7ertifi7ation before performin; the Dork:
I am aDare of the emissions red67tion re;6.ations bein; mandated by the Ca.ifornia Air Reso6r7es
"oard: I Di.. 7omp.y Dith s67h re;6.ations before 7ommen7in; the performan7e of the Dork and
maintain 7omp.ian7e thro6;ho6t the d6ration of this Contra7t:
Contra7t si;nin; 7onstit6tes s6bmitta. of this 7ertifi7ation:
2-1.02D*2-1.02H Reer$e1
2-1.02I G0$er'me'/ C01e
2-1.02IB1C Ge'er%&
2-1.02IB2C N0'1#(r#m#'%/#0'
!nder 2 CA Code Re;s MM +#%5 and +2%-:
#: D6rin; the performan7e of this 7ontra7t) 7ontra7tor and its s6b7ontra7tors sha.. not 6n.aDf6..y
dis7riminate a;ainst any emp.oyee or app.i7ant for emp.oyment be7a6se of ra7e) re.i;ion) 7o.or)
nationa. ori;in) an7estry) physi7a. handi7ap) medi7a. 7ondition) marita. stat6s) a;e /o<er 4%1 or se3:
Contra7tors and s6b7ontra7tors sha.. ins6re that the e<a.6ation and treatment of their emp.oyees and
app.i7ants for emp.oyment are free of s67h dis7rimination: Contra7tors and s6b7ontra7tors sha..
7omp.y Dith the pro<isions of the Fair Emp.oyment and ?o6sin; A7t /=o<: Code) Se7tion #2$%% et
seG:1 and the app.i7ab.e re;6.ations prom6.;ated there6nder /Ca.: Admin: Code) Tit: 2) Se7tion
52+*:% et seG:1: The app.i7ab.e re;6.ations of the Fair Emp.oyment and ?o6sin; Commission
imp.ementin; =o<ernment Code) Se7tion #2$$%) set forth in Chapter * of Di<ision 4 of Tit.e 2 of the
Ca.ifornia Administrati<e Code are in7orporated into this 7ontra7t by referen7e and made a part
hereof as if set forth in f6..: Contra7tor and its s6b7ontra7tors sha.. ;i<e Dritten noti7e of their
ob.i;ations 6nder this 7.a6se to .abor or;aniHations Dith Dhi7h they ha<e a 7o..e7ti<e bar;ainin; or
other a;reement:
2: This Contra7tor sha.. in7.6de the nondis7rimination and 7omp.ian7e pro<isions of this 7.a6se in a..
s6b7ontra7ts to perform Dork 6nder the 7ontra7t:
/=O(: CODE) SECTION #2$$%1
These spe7ifi7ations are app.i7ab.e to a.. state 7ontra7tors and s6b7ontra7tors ha<in; a 7onstr67tion
7ontra7t or s6b7ontra7t of O*)%%%) or more:
#: As 6sed in the spe7ifi7ations:
a: EAdministratorE means Administrator) Offi7e of Comp.ian7e Pro;rams) Ca.ifornia Department of
Fair Emp.oyment and ?o6sin;) or any person to Dhom the Administrator de.e;ates a6thorityJ
b: EinorityE in7.6des:
/i1 ".a7k /a.. persons ha<in; primary ori;ins in any of the b.a7k ra7ia. ;ro6ps of Afri7a) b6t
not of ?ispani7 ori;in1J
/ii1 ?ispani7 /a.. persons of primary 76.t6re or ori;in in e3i7o) P6erto Ri7o) C6ba) Centra.
or So6th Ameri7a or other Spanish deri<ed 76.t6re or ori;in re;ard.ess of ra7e1J
/iii1 Asian 9 Pa7ifi7 Is.ander /a.. persons ha<in; primary ori;ins in any of the ori;ina. of the Far East) So6theast Asia) the Indian S6b7ontinent or the Pa7ifi7
Is.ands1J and
/i<1 Ameri7an Indian 9 A.askan Nati<e /a.. persons ha<in; primary ori;ins in any of the
ori;ina. of North Ameri7a and Dho maintain 76.t6re identifi7ation thro6;h triba.
affi.iation or 7omm6nity re7o;nition1:
2: 8hene<er the 7ontra7tor or any s6b7ontra7tor s6b7ontra7ts a portion of the Dork) it sha.. physi7a..y
in7.6de in ea7h s6b7ontra7t of O*)%%% or more the nondis7rimination 7.a6se in this 7ontra7t dire7t.y or
thro6;h in7orporation by referen7e: Any s6b7ontra7t for Dork in<o.<in; a 7onstr67tion trade sha..
in7.6de the Standard Ca.ifornia Constr67tion Contra7t Spe7ifi7ations) either dire7t.y or thro6;h
in7orporation by referen7e:
-: The 7ontra7tor sha.. imp.ement the spe7ifi7 nondis7rimination standards pro<ided in para;raph 0/a1
thro6;h /e1 of these spe7ifi7ations:
4: Neither the pro<isions of any 7o..e7ti<e bar;ainin; a;reement) nor the fai.6re by a 6nion Dith Dhom
the 7ontra7tor has a 7o..e7ti<e bar;ainin; a;reement) to refer either minorities or Domen sha.. e376se
the 7ontra7torFs ob.i;ations 6nder these spe7ifi7ations) =o<ernment Code) Se7tion #2$$%) or the
re;6.ations prom6.;ated p6rs6ant thereto:
*: In order for the nonDorkin; trainin; ho6rs of apprenti7es and trainees to be 7o6nted) s67h
apprenti7es and trainees m6st be emp.oyed by the 7ontra7tor d6rin; the trainin; period) and the
7ontra7tor m6st ha<e made a 7ommitment to emp.oy the apprenti7es and trainees at the 7omp.etion
of their trainin;) s6bIe7t to the a<ai.abi.ity of emp.oyment opport6nities: Trainees m6st be trained
p6rs6ant to trainin; pro;rams appro<ed by the !:S: Department of Labor or the Ca.ifornia
Department of Ind6stria. Re.ations:
0: The 7ontra7tor sha.. take spe7ifi7 a7tions to imp.ement its nondis7rimination pro;ram: The e<a.6ation
of the 7ontra7torFs 7omp.ian7e Dith these spe7ifi7ations sha.. be based 6pon its effort to a7hie<e
ma3im6m res6.ts from its a7tions: The 7ontra7tor m6st be ab.e to demonstrate f6..y its efforts 6nder
Steps a: thro6;h e: be.oD:
a: Ens6re and maintain a Dorkin; en<ironment free of harassment) intimidation) and 7oer7ion at
a.. sites) and at a.. fa7i.ities at Dhi7h the 7ontra7torFs emp.oyees are assi;ned to Dork: The
7ontra7tor) Dhere possib.e) Di.. assi;n tDo or more Domen to ea7h 7onstr67tion proIe7t: The
7ontra7tor sha.. spe7ifi7a..y ens6re that a.. foremen) s6perintendents) and other on,site
s6per<isory personne. are aDare of and 7arry o6t the 7ontra7torFs ob.i;ations to maintain s67h
a Dorkin; en<ironment) Dith spe7ifi7 attention to minority or fema.e indi<id6a.s Dorkin; at s67h
sites or in s67h fa7i.ities:
b: Pro<ide Dritten notifi7ation Dithin se<en days to the dire7tor of DFE? Dhen the 6nion or 6nions
Dith Dhi7h the Contra7tor has a 7o..e7ti<e bar;ainin; a;reement has not referred to the
Contra7tor a minority person or Doman sent by the Contra7tor) or Dhen the Contra7tor has
other information that the 6nion referra. pro7ess has impeded the Contra7torFs efforts to meet
its ob.i;ations:
7: Disseminate the Contra7torFs eG6a. emp.oyment opport6nity po.i7y by pro<idin; noti7e of the
po.i7y to 6nions and trainin;) re7r6itment and o6trea7h pro;rams and reG6estin; their
7ooperation in assistin; the Contra7tor to meet its ob.i;ationsJ and by postin; the 7ompany
po.i7y on b6..etin boards a77essib.e to a.. emp.oyees at ea7h .o7ation Dhere 7onstr67tion Dork
is performed:
d: Ens6re a.. personne. makin; mana;ement and emp.oyment de7isions re;ardin; hirin;)
assi;nment) .ayoff) termination) 7onditions of Dork) trainin;) rates of pay or other emp.oyment
de7isions) in7.6din; a.. s6per<isory personne.) s6perintendents) ;enera. foremen) on,site
foremen) et7:) are aDare of the Contra7torFs eG6a. emp.oyment opport6nity po.i7y and
ob.i;ations) and dis7har;e their responsibi.ities a77ordin;.y:
e: Ens6re that seniority pra7ti7es) Iob 7.assifi7ations) Dork assi;nments and other personne.
pra7ti7es) do not ha<e a dis7riminatory effe7t by 7ontin6a..y monitorin; a.. personne. and
emp.oyment re.ated a7ti<ities to ens6re that the eG6a. emp.oyment opport6nity po.i7y and the
Contra7torFs ob.i;ations 6nder these spe7ifi7ations are bein; 7arried o6t:
5: Contra7tors are en7o6ra;ed to parti7ipate in <o.6ntary asso7iations Dhi7h assist in; their eG6a.
emp.oyment opport6nity ob.i;ations: The efforts of a 7ontra7tor asso7iation) Ioint 7ontra7tor,6nion)
7ontra7tor,7omm6nity) or other ;ro6p of Dhi7h the 7ontra7tor is a member and parti7ipant) may
be asserted as; any one or more of its ob.i;ations 6nder these spe7ifi7ations pro<ided that the
7ontra7tor a7ti<e.y parti7ipates in the ;ro6p) makes e<ery effort to ass6re that the ;ro6p has a positi<e
impa7t on the emp.oyment of minorities and Domen in the ind6stry) ens6res that the 7on7rete benefits
of the pro;ram are ref.e7ted in the Contra7torFs minority and fema.e Dorkfor7e parti7ipation) and 7an
pro<ide a77ess to do76mentation Dhi7h demonstrates the effe7ti<eness of a7tions taken on beha.f of
the Contra7tor: The ob.i;ation to 7omp.y) hoDe<er) is the Contra7torFs:
+: The Contra7tor is reG6ired to pro<ide eG6a. emp.oyment opport6nity for a.. minority ;ro6ps) both ma.e
and fema.e) and a.. Domen) both minority and non,minority: ConseG6ent.y) the Contra7tor may be in
<io.ation of the Fair Emp.oyment and ?o6sin; A7t /=o<: Code) Se7tion #2$$% et seG:1 if a
;ro6p is emp.oyed in a s6bstantia..y disparate manner:
$: Estab.ishment and imp.ementation of a bona fide affirmati<e a7tion p6rs6ant to Se7tion +#%4 /b1
of this Chapter sha.. 7reate a reb6tta. pres6mption that a 7ontra7tor is in 7omp.ian7e Dith the
reG6irements of Se7tion #2$$% of the =o<ernment Code and its imp.ementin; re;6.ations:
#%: The Contra7tor sha.. not 6se the nondis7rimination standards to dis7riminate a;ainst any person
be7a6se of ra7e) 7o.or) re.i;ion) se3) nationa. ori;in) an7estry) physi7a. handi7ap) medi7a. 7ondition)
marita. stat6s or a;e o<er 4%:
##: The Contra7tor sha.. not enter into any s6b7ontra7t Dith any person or firm de7ertified from state
7ontra7ts p6rs6ant to =o<ernment Code Se7tion #2$$%:
#2: The Contra7tor sha.. 7arry o6t s67h san7tions and pena.ties for <io.ation of these spe7ifi7ations and
the nondis7rimination 7.a6se) in7.6din; s6spension) termination and 7an7e..ation of e3istin;
s6b7ontra7ts as may be imposed or ordered p6rs6ant to =o<ernment Code Se7tion #2$$% and its
imp.ementin; re;6.ations by the aDardin; a;en7y: Any Contra7tor Dho fai.s to 7arry o6t s67h
san7tions and pena.ties sha.. be in <io.ation of these spe7ifi7ations and =o<ernment Code Se7tion
#-: The Contra7tor sha.. desi;nate a responsib.e offi7ia. to monitor a.. emp.oyment re.ated a7ti<ity to
ens6re that the 7ompany eG6a. emp.oyment opport6nity po.i7y is bein; 7arried o6t) to s6bmit reports
re.atin; to the pro<isions hereof as may be reG6ired by OCP and to keep re7ords: Re7ords sha.. at
.east in7.6de for ea7h emp.oyee the name) address) te.ephone n6mbers) 7onstr67tion trade) 6nion
affi.iation if any) emp.oyee identifi7ation n6mber Dhen assi;ned) so7ia. se76rity n6mber) ra7e) se3)
stat6s) /e:;:) me7hani7) apprenti7e trainee) he.per) or .aborer1) dates of 7han;es in stat6s) ho6rs
Dorked per Deek in the indi7ated trade) rate of pay) and .o7ations at Dhi7h the Dork Das performed:
Re7ords sha.. be maintained in any easi.y 6nderstandab.e and retrie<ab.e formJ hoDe<er) to the
de;ree that e3istin; re7ords satisfy this reG6irement) 7ontra7tors sha.. not be reG6ired to maintain
separate re7ords:
2-1.02E Reer$e1
2-1.02I L%.0r C01e
2-1.02IB1C Ge'er%&
8ork on the Iob site m6st 7omp.y Dith Labor Code MM #525 and #55%B#+#* and + CA Code of Re;s M
#0%%% et seG: 8ork in7.6des roadside prod67tion and pro7essin; of materia.s:
Payro.. re7ords in7.6de time 7ards) 7an7e..ed 7he7ks) 7ash re7eipts) tr6st f6nd forms) books) do76ments) forms) reports) re7eipts or other information Dhi7h ref.e7t Iob assi;nments) Dork by
days and ho6rs) and the disb6rsement of payment to Dorkers /+ CA Code of Re;s M #0%%%1:
2-1.02IB2C A%8e
The Department obtains the ;enera. pre<; rate of Da;es app.i7ab.e to the Dork to be done: The rate
#: "asi7 ho6r.y rate
2: Emp.oyer payments for and De.fare) pension) <a7ation) apprenti7eship trainin; fees) tra<e.
time) and s6bsisten7e pay as pro<ided for in Labor Code M #55-:#
-: p6rposes
The ;enera. pre<; Da;e rates and any app.i7ab.e 7han;es to these Da;e rates are a<ai.ab.e:
#: At the DepartmentFs Labor Comp.ian7e Offi7e of the distri7t in Dhi7h the Dork is .o7ated
2: From the Department of Ind6stria. Re.ationsF 8eb site
Post the ;enera. pre<; Da;e rates at a prominent p.a7e at the Iob site /Labor Code M #55-:21:
The Da;e determinations refer to e3piration dates: The determinations Dith a sin;.e asterisk after the
e3piration date) and in effe7t on the date of ad<ertisement for bids) are ;ood for the .ife of the Contra7t:
The determinations Dith do6b.e asterisks after the e3piration date indi7ate the Da;e rate to be paid for
Dork performed after this date has been determined: If Dork is to e3tend past this date) pay the neD rate
and in7orporate it into the Contra7t: Chan;es in ;enera. pre<; Da;e determinations app.y to the
Contra7t Dhen the Dire7tor of Ind6stria. Re.ations has iss6ed them at .east #% days before ad<ertisement:
/Labor Code M #55-:0 and + CA Code of Re;s #02%41
The Department does not re7o;niHe any 7.aim for additiona. payment be7a6se of a payment by the
Contra7tor of any Da;e rate in e37ess of the pre<; Da;e rate spe7ified in the Contra7t:
The Contra7tor and any s6b7ontra7tor m6st forfeit to the Department not more than O*% per day or part of
a day for ea7h Dorker paid .ess than the pre<; Da;e rate and pay the Dorker the differen7e betDeen
the pre<; Da;e rate and the rate paid /Labor Code M #55*1: The Labor Commissioner determines the
amo6nt of this pena.ty and bases the amo6nt on:
#: 8hether the fai.6re to pay the 7orre7t pre<; Da;e rate Das a ;ood,faith mistake that the
Contra7tor or s6b7ontra7tor prompt.y and <o.6ntari.y 7orre7ted 6pon noti7e
2: The prior re7ord of the Contra7tor or s6b7ontra7tor in meetin; its pre<; Da;e ob.i;ations
-: The Contra7tor or s6b7ontra7torFs Di..f6. fai.6re to pay the 7orre7t rate of pre<; Da;es
If a Dorker emp.oyed by a s6b7ontra7tor on a p6b.i7 Dorks proIe7t is not paid the ;enera. pre<; per
diem Da;es by the s6b7ontra7tor) the Contra7tor is not .iab.e for the pena.ties des7ribed in se7tion 5,
#:%2'/21 6n.ess the Contra7tor had knoD.ed;e of the fai.6re to pay the 7orre7t ;enera. pre<; per diem
Da;es or 6n.ess the Contra7tor fai.s to 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin; reG6irements /Labor Code M #55*1:
#: The 7ontra7t e3e76ted betDeen the Contra7tor and the s6b7ontra7tor for the performan7e of Dork on
the p6b.i7 Dorks proIe7t m6st in7.6de a 7opy of the reG6irements in Labor Code MM #55#) #55*) #550)
#555:*) #+#- and #+#*:
2: The Contra7tor m6st monitor the payment of the spe7ified ;enera. pre<; rate of per diem Da;es
by periodi7 re<ieD of the 7ertified payro.. re7ords of the s6b7ontra7tor:
-: !pon be7omin; aDare of the s6b7ontra7torFs fai.6re to pay the spe7ified pre<; rate of Da;es to
the s6b7ontra7torFs Dorkers) the Contra7tor m6st di.i;ent.y take 7orre7ti<e a7tion to stop or re7tify the
fai.6re) in7.6din; Dithho.din; s6ffi7ient f6nds d6e the s6b7ontra7tor for Dork performed on the p6b.i7
Dorks proIe7t:
4: "efore makin; fina. payment to the s6b7ontra7tor for Dork performed on the p6b.i7 Dorks proIe7t) the
Contra7tor m6st obtain an affida<it si;ned 6nder pena.ty of perI6ry from the s6b7ontra7tor that the
s6b7ontra7tor has paid the spe7ified ;enera. pre<; rate of per diem Da;es to its emp.oyees on
the p6b.i7 Dorks proIe7t and any amo6nts d6e 6nder Labor Code M #+#-:
!nder Labor Code M #55*) the Department m6st notify the 7ontra7tor on a p6b.i7 Dorks proIe7t Dithin #*
days of re7eipt by the Department of a 7omp.aint of the fai.6re of a s6b7ontra7tor on that p6b.i7 Dorks
proIe7t to pay Dorkers the ;enera. pre<; rate of per diem Da;es:
2-1.02IB)C Cer/#4#e1 P%3r0&& Re(0r1 BL%.0r C01e H 122-C
'eep a776rate payro.. re7ords:
S6bmit a 7opy of yo6r 7ertified payro.. re7ords) Deek.y) in7.6din; those of s6b7ontra7tors: In7.6de:
#: Ea7h emp.oyeeFs:
#:#: F6.. name
#:2: Address
#:-: So7ia. se76rity n6mber
#:4: 8ork 7.assifi7ation
#:*: Strai;ht time and o<ertime ho6rs Dorked ea7h day and Deek
#:0: A7t6a. Da;es paid for ea7h day to ea7h:
#:0:#: Co6rneyman
#:0:2: Apprenti7e
#:0:-: 8orker
#:0:4: Other emp.oyee yo6 emp.oy for the Dork
#:5: Pay rate
#:+: ItemiHed ded67tions made
#:$: Che7k n6mber iss6ed
2: Apprenti7es and the apprenti7e,to,Io6rneyman ratio
Ea7h 7ertified payro.. re7ord m6st in7.6de a Statement of Compliance si;ned 6nder pena.ty of perI6ry that
#: The information 7ontained in the payro.. re7ord is tr6e) 7orre7t) and 7omp.ete
2: The emp.oyer has 7omp.ied Dith the reG6irements of se7tions #55#) #+##) and #+#* for any Dork
performed by his or her emp.oyees on the p6b.i7 Dorks proIe7t
-: The Da;e rates paid are at .east those reG6ired by the Contra7t
The Department a..oDs the 6se of a form Dith identi7a. Dordin; as the Statement of Compliance form
pro<ided by the Department:
&o6 may s6bmit 7ertified payro.. re7ords e.e7troni7a..y to the mai.bo3 address that 7orresponds to the
distri7t in Dhi7h the Dork is .o7ated: The distri7tsF e.e7troni7 mai.bo3 addresses are as shoDn in the
fo..oDin; tab.e:
E&e(/r0'#( M%#&.0<e
Distri7t Address
# distri7t#:payro..sRdot:7a:;o<
2 distri7t2:payro..sRdot:7a:;o<
- distri7t-:payro..sRdot:7a:;o<
4 distri7t4:payro..sRdot:7a:;o<
* distri7t*:payro..sRdot:7a:;o<
0 distri7t0:payro..sRdot:7a:;o<
5 distri7t5:payro..sRdot:7a:;o<
+ distri7t+:payro..sRdot:7a:;o<
$ distri7t$:payro..sRdot:7a:;o<
#% distri7t#%:payro..sRdot:7a:;o<
## distri7t##:payro..sRdot:7a:;o<
#2 distri7t#2:payro..sRdot:7a:;o<
"efore s6bmittin; the payro.. re7ords e.e7troni7a..y) yo6 m6st 7omp.ete and si;n the Contra7torFs
A7knoD.ed;ement and s6bmit it to the distri7tFs e.e7troni7 mai.bo3 address:
The Department responds Dith an e,mai. 7ontainin; a Ca.trans Internet Certifi7ate to be 6sed for the
e.e7troni7 s6bmission of payro.. re7ords: 8hen yo6 a77ept the 7ertifi7ate and rep.y to the e,mai.) the
Department is ready to a77ept yo6r e.e7troni7 s6bmissions:
Ea7h e.e7troni7 s6bmission m6st:
#: In7.6de 7ertified payro.. re7ords in a nonmodifiab.e pdf format: No spreadsheets) i7rosoft 8ord
do76ments) or passDord,prote7ted do76ments are a77epted:
2: In7.6de a si;ned Statement of Compliance form Dith ea7h Deek.y re7ord:
-: "e re7ei<ed by the Department by 7.ose of b6siness on the #*th day of the month for the prior
monthFs Dork:
4: "e en7rypted before s6bmission:
*: Contain the fo..oDin; information in the s6bIe7t .ine:
*:#: Contra7t n6mber:
*:2: 8eek endin; date as 89E mm9dd9yy:
0: Contain # 7ontra7t n6mber and Deek endin; date per s6bmission:
For additiona. information on e.e7troni7 s6bmission of 7ertified payro.. re7ords) ;o to the DepartmentFs
Labor Comp.ian7e 8eb site:
ake 7ertified payro.. re7ords a<ai.ab.e for inspe7tion at a.. reasonab.e ho6rs at yo6r main offi7e on the
fo..oDin; basis:
#: !pon the emp.oyeeFs reG6est or 6pon reG6est of the emp.oyeeFs a6thoriHed representati<e) make
a<ai.ab.e for inspe7tion a 7ertified 7opy of the emp.oyeeFs payro.. re7ord:
2: Refer the p6b.i7Fs reG6ests for 7ertified payro.. re7ords to the Department: !pon the p6b.i7Fs reG6est)
the Department makes a<ai.ab.e for inspe7tion or f6rnishes 7opies of yo6r 7ertified payro.. re7ords:
Do not ;i<e the p6b.i7 a77ess to the re7ords at yo6r main offi7e:
ake a.. payro.. re7ords a<ai.ab.e for inspe7tion and 7opyin; or f6rnish a 7opy 6pon reG6est of a
representati<e of the:
#: Department
2: Di<ision of Labor Standards Enfor7ement of the Department of Ind6stria. Re.ations
-: Di<ision of Apprenti7eship Standards of the Department of Ind6stria. Re.ations
F6rnish the Department the .o7ation of the re7ords: In7.6de the street address) 7ity) and 7o6nty: F6rnish
the Department a notifi7ation of a .o7ation and address 7han;e Dithin * b6siness days of the 7han;e:
Comp.y Dith a reG6est for the re7ords Dithin #% days after yo6 re7ei<e a Dritten reG6est: If yo6 do not
7omp.y Dithin this period) the Department Dithho.ds from pro;ress payments a O2* pena.ty for ea7h day
or part of a day for ea7h Dorker 6nti. yo6 7omp.y: &o6 are not assessed this pena.ty for a s6b7ontra7torFs
fai.6re to 7omp.y Dith Labor Code M #550:
The Department Dithho.ds from pro;ress payments for de.inG6ent or inadeG6ate re7ords /Labor Code M
#55#:*1: If yo6 ha<e not s6bmitted an adeG6ate re7ord by the monthFs #*th day for the period endin; on
or before the #st of that month) the Department Dithho.ds 6p to #% per7ent of the month.y pro;ress
estimate) e37.6si<e of mobi.iHation: The Department does not Dithho.d more than O#%)%%% or .ess than
2-1.02IB+C A66re'/#(e
Comp.y Dith the apprenti7e to Io6rneyman ratio reG6irements /Labor Code M #555:*/;11:
Comp.y Dith the trainin; 7ontrib6tion reG6irements /Labor Code M #555:*/m1/#11:
For ansDers to G6estions) 7onta7t the Di<ision of Apprenti7eship Standards before startin; Dork:
The Department ded67ts from pro;ress payments 7i<i. pena.ties assessed by the Chief of the Di<ision of
Apprenti7eship Standards for <io.atin; Labor Code M #555:* /Labor Code M #555:51:
2-1.02IB,C A0r;#'8 H0"r
Ei;ht ho6rs is a .e;a. dayFs Dork /Labor Code M #+#%1:
The time of ser<i7e of any Dorker emp.oyed on p6b.i7 Dork is .imited and restri7ted to + ho6rs in # day
and 4% ho6rs in # 7a.endar Deek) e37ept as pro<ided by Labor Code M #+#* /Labor Code M #+##1:
A Contra7torFs emp.oyee may Dork more than + ho6rs per day and 4% ho6rs per Deek if the Contra7tor
pays the emp.oyee #,#92 times the basi7 pay rate for the ho6rs Dorked in e37ess of + ho6rs per day and
4% ho6rs per Deek /Labor Code M #+#*1:
For ea7h Dorker emp.oyed in the Dork for ea7h day the Dorker Dorks more than + ho6rs in # day and 4%
ho6rs in # 7a.endar Deek Ditho6t o<ertime pay) the Department ded67ts O2* as a pena.ty for <io.atin;
Labor Code M #+#* /Labor Code M #+#-1:
2-1.02IB-C O(("6%/#0'%& S%4e/3 %'1 He%&/7 S/%'1%r1
2-1.02IB-CB%C Ge'er%&
Comp.y Dith app.i7ab.e o776pationa. safety and standards) re;6.ations) and orders: The
O776pationa. Safety and ? Standards "oard is the on.y a;en7y a6thoriHed in the State to adopt and
enfor7e o776pationa. safety and standards /Labor Code M #42 et seG:1:
&o6 are the; emp.oyer and m6st ens6re haHardo6s 7onditions are 7orre7ted /Labor Code M
The En;ineer may notify Ca.9OS?A if yo6 fai. to estab.ish or maintain a safe and hea.thf6. Dorkp.a7e:
S6bmit 7opies of yo6r InI6ry and I..ness Pre<ention Pro;ram and permits reG6ired by Ca.9OS?A: The
pro;ram m6st address the 6se of persona. and 7ompany,iss6ed e.e7troni7 de<i7es d6rin; Dork: Do not
a..oD the 6se of entertainment and persona. 7omm6ni7ation de<i7es in the Dork Hone: 8orkers may 6se a
7omm6ni7ation de<i7e for b6siness p6rposes in the Dork area) at a .o7ation Dhere their safety and the
safety of other Dorkers and the tra<; p6b.i7 is not 7ompromised:
2-1.02IB-CB.C E<(%$%/#0' S%4e/3
Comp.y Dith Labor Code M 05%* Dhi.e e37a<atin;: For an e37a<ation * feet or more in depth) s6bmit shop
draDin;s for a prote7ti<e system:
The draDin;s m6st shoD the desi;n and detai.s for pro<idin; Dorker prote7tion from 7a<in; ;ro6nd d6rin;
e37a<ation: The s6bmitta. m6st a..oD re<ieD time and in7.6de the 7ontents shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e
e37ept the re<ieD time is 0* days for an e37a<ation on or affe7tin; rai.road property:
Dr%:#'8 Re$#e: T#me %'1 C0'/e'/ not reG6irin; a si;nat6re reG6irin; a si;nat6re
Re<ieD time * b6siness days before e37a<atin; 2% days before e37a<atin;
Contents DraDin;s
ateria. information
Proprietary system information
ateria. information
Proprietary system information
Soi. 7.assifi7ation
Soi. properties
Soi. desi;n 7a.76.ations
2-1.02IB-CB(C T"''e& S%4e/3
Ca.9OS?A 7.assifies t6nne.s into one of the fo..oDin; 7.assifi7ations:
#: Non;assy
2: Potentia..y ;assy
-: =assy
4: E3trahaHardo6s
If a t6nne. .o7ation is des7ribed in the Contra7t) the 7.assifi7ation is in7.6ded in the "nformation #andout
and yo6 m6st:
#: Desi;nate an on,site Safety Representati<e 6nder + CA Code of Re;s M +4%0
2: S6bmit the name of yo6r on,site Safety Representati<e at .east 5 days before startin; Dork at ea7h
-: Prominent.y post a noti7e at the Iob site of:
-:#: T6nne. 7.assifi7ations
-:2: Any spe7ia. orders) spe7ia. 7onditions) or re;6.ations re.ated to t6nne. Dork
4: Ens6re yo6r Dorkers are informed of these 7.assifi7ations
Notify the En;ineer at .east 2% days before a Dorker enters a t6nne. not des7ribed in the Contra7t: The
Department obtains the 7.assifi7ation of the t6nne.: The En;ineer may s6spend the Dork be7a6se of a
7han;e dire7t.y res6.tin; from the Contra7torFs p.anned a7ti<ities that 7a6ses a7ti<ities to fa.. 6nder the
T6nne. Safety Orders of + CA Code of Re;s M +422:
2-1.02IB-CB1C C0'4#'e1 S6%(e S%4e/3
Comp.y Dith + CA Code of Re;s M *#*+ Dhi.e Dorkin; in a 7onfined spa7e:
2-1.02IB-CBeC*2-1.02IB-CB#C Reer$e1
2-1.02IB-CB=C Le%1 S%4e/3
2-1.02IB-CB=CB#C Ge'er%&
2-1.02IB-CB=CB##C Le%1 C0m6&#%'(e P&%'
Se7tion 5,#:%2'/01/I1/ii1 app.ies if the s6bmitta. of a .ead 7omp.ian7e is spe7ified in the spe7ia.
Re;6.ations 7ontainin; spe7ifi7 Ca.9OS?A reG6irements Dhen Dorkin; Dith .ead in7.6de + CA Code of
Re;s M #*-2:#:
S6bmit a
#: That do76ments yo6r 7omp.ian7e pro;ram to pre<ent or minimiHe Dorker e3pos6re to .ead
2: In7.6din; the items .isted in + CA Code of Re;s M #*-2:#/e1/21/"1
-: Si;ned and sea.ed by a CI?
A..oD 5 days for the En;ineerFs re<ieD: Obtain a6thoriHation for the before startin; any a7ti<ity that
presents the potentia. for .ead e3pos6re:
"efore startin; any a7ti<ity that presents the potentia. for .ead e3pos6re to emp.oyees Dho ha<e no prior
trainin;) in7.6din; State emp.oyees) pro<ide a safety trainin; pro;ram to these emp.oyees that 7omp.ies
Dith + CA Code of Re;s M #*-2:# and yo6r .ead 7omp.ian7e
S6bmit 7opies of air monitorin; or Iob site inspe7tion reports made by or 6nder the dire7tion of the CI?
6nder + CA Code of Re;s M #*-2:# Dithin #% days after the date of monitorin; or inspe7tion:
S6pp.y persona. prote7ti<e eG6ipment) trainin;) and Dashin; fa7i.ities reG6ired by yo6r .ead 7omp.ian7e for * State emp.oyees:
2-1.02IB-CB=CB###*$###C Reer$e1
2-1.02IB-CB;C*2-1.02IB-CB/C Reer$e1
2-1.02L P".&#( C0'/r%(/ C01e
2-1.02LB1C Ge'er%&
2-1.02LB2C A'/#/r"/ C&%#m
In enterin; into a p6b.i7 Dorks 7ontra7t or a s6b7ontra7t to s6pp.y ;oods) ser<i7es) or materia.s p6rs6ant
to a p6b.i7 Dorks 7ontra7t) the 7ontra7tor or s6b7ontra7tor offers and a;rees to assi;n to the aDardin;
body a.. ri;hts) tit.e) and interest in and to a.. 7a6ses of a7tion it may ha<e 6nder se7tion 4 of the C.ayton
A7t /#* !:S:C: Se7: #*1 or 6nder the CartDri;ht A7t /Chapter 2 /7ommen7in; Dith M #05%%1 of Part 2 of
Di<ision 5 of the "6siness and Professions Code1) arisin; from p6r7hases of ;oods) ser<i7es) or materia.s
p6rs6ant to the p6b.i7 Dorks 7ontra7t or the s6b7ontra7t: This assi;nment sha.. be made and be7ome
effe7ti<e at the time the aDardin; body tenders fina. payment to the 7ontra7tor) Ditho6t f6rther
a7knoD.ed;ment by the parties: VP6b Cont Code M 5#%-:* /b1W
2-1.02M P".&#( Re0"r(e C01e
2-1.02MB1C Ge'er%&
2-1.02MB2C Reer$e1
2-1.02MB)C S"r4%(e M#'#'8 %'1 Re(&%m%/#0' A(/
Imported borroD or a;;re;ate materia. m6st 7ome from a s6rfa7e mine permitted 6nder the S6rfa7e
inin; and Re7.amation A7t of #$5*) P6b Res Code M 25#% et seG:) or from a so6r7e not s6bIe7t to this
For the .ist of permitted sites) ;o to the Department of Conser<ation) Offi7e of ine Re7.amation 8eb site:
If yo6 import borroD or a;;re;ate materia. from a s6rfa7e mine not on this .ist) s6bmit proof that the
so6r7e is not s6bIe7t to this a7t:
2-1.02MB+C*2-1.02MB2C Reer$e1
2-1.02N Reer$e1
2-1.02O Ve7#(&e C01e
!nder (eh Code M *$#) the Department determines areas Dithin the proIe7t .imits are open to p6b.i7
traffi7: For those areas) 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements set forth in Di<isions ##) #2) #-) #4 and #* of the
(eh Code:
(eh Code M *$# does not<e yo6 or any other person from the d6ty of e3er7isin; d6e 7are:
2-1.02P*2-1.02G Reer$e1
2-1.02R E'$#r0'me'/%& S/e:%r17#6
Comp.y Dith se7tion #4:
2-1.02S*2-1.02@ Reer$e1
Comp.ian7e Dith se7tion 5,#:%- does not<e yo6 of yo6r responsibi.ity for p6b.i7 safety:
Constr67tion a7ti<ities m6st not in7on<enien7e the p6b.i7 or ab6ttin; property oDners: S7hed6.e and
7ond67t Dork to a<oid 6nne7essary in7on<enien7e to the p6b.i7 and ab6ttin; property oDners: A<oid
6nd6e de.ay in 7onstr67tion a7ti<ities to red67e the p6b.i7Fs e3pos6re to 7onstr67tion:
8here possib.e) ro6te traffi7 on neD or e3istin; pa<ed s6rfa7es:
aintain 7on<enient a77ess to dri<eDays) ho6ses) and b6i.din;s: 8hen an ab6ttin; property oDnerFs
a77ess a7ross the ri;ht,of,Day .ine is to be e.iminated or rep.a7ed 6nder the Contra7t) the e3istin; a77ess
m6st not be 7.osed 6nti. the rep.a7ement a77ess fa7i.ity is 6sab.e: Constr67t temporary approa7hes to a
7rossin; and an interse7tin; hi;hDay:
Pro<ide a reasonab.y smooth and e<en s6rfa7e for 6se by traffi7 at a.. time d6rin; the e37a<ation of a
roadDay and 7onstr67tion of an embankment: "efore other ;radin; a7ti<ities) p.a7e fi.. at 76.<erts and
brid;es to a..oD traffi7 to 7ross: If ordered) e37a<ate a roadDay 76t in .ayers and 7onstr67t an
embankment in partia. Didths at a time a.ternatin; 7onstr67tion from one side to the other and ro6tin;
traffi7 o<er the side opposite the one 6nder 7onstr67tion: Insta.. or 7onstr67t 76.<erts on on.y #92 the Didth
of the tra<e.ed Day at a timeJ keep the tra<e.ed Day portion bein; 6sed by traffi7 open and 6nobstr67ted
6nti. the opposite side of the tra<e.ed Day is ready for 6se by traffi7:
!pon 7omp.etion of ro6;h ;radin; or p.a7in; any s6bseG6ent .ayer) brin; the s6rfa7e of the roadbed to a
smooth and e<en 7ondition) free of h6mps and depressions) and satisfa7tory for the 6se of the p6b.i7:
After s6b;rade preparation for a spe7ified .ayer of materia. has been 7omp.eted) repair any dama;e to the
roadbed or 7omp.eted s6b;rade) in7.6din; dama;e 7a6sed by p6b.i7 6se:
8hi.e s6b;rade and pa<in; a7ti<ities are 6nderDay) a..oD the p6b.i7 to 6se the sho6.ders: If ha.f,Didth
pa<in; methods are 6sed) a..oD the p6b.i7 to 6se the side of the roadbed opposite the one 6nder
7onstr67tion: If eno6;h Didth is a<ai.ab.e) keep open a passa;eDay Dide eno6;h to a77ommodate at
.east 2 .anes of traffi7 at .o7ations Dhere s6b;rade and pa<in; a7ti<ities are 6nderDay: Shape sho6.ders
or reshape s6b;rade as ne7essary to a77ommodate traffi7 d6rin; s6b;rade preparation and pa<in;
App.y Dater or d6st pa..iati<e for the pre<ention or a..e<iation of d6st n6isan7e:
Insta.. si;ns) .i;hts) f.ares) Type ' temporary;) barri7ades and other fa7i.ities to dire7t traffi7: Pro<ide
f.a;;ers Dhene<er ne7essary to dire7t the mo<ement of the p6b.i7 thro6;h or aro6nd the Dork:
&o6 are reG6ired to pay for the 7ost of rep.a7in; or repairin; a.. fa7i.ities insta..ed 6nder 7han;e order
Dork for the 7on<enien7e) dire7tion) or Darnin; of the p6b.i7 that are .ost Dhi.e in yo6r 76stody or are
dama;ed by yo6r operations to s67h an e3tent as to reG6ire rep.a7ement or repair:
The En;ineer may order or 7onsent to yo6r reG6est to open a 7omp.eted se7tion of s6rfa7in;) pa<ement)
or str67t6re roadDay s6rfa7e for p6b.i7 6se: &o6 Di.. not be 7ompensated for any de.ay to yo6r
7onstr67tion a7ti<ities 7a6sed by the p6b.i7: This does not<e yo6 from any other 7ontra7t6a.
&o6 are responsib.e to pro<ide for p6b.i7 safety:
Do not 7onstr67t a temporary fa7i.ity that interferes Dith the safe passa;e of traffi7:
Contro. d6st res6.tin; from the Dork) inside and o6tside the ri;ht,of,Day:
o<e Dorkers) eG6ipment) and materia.s Ditho6t endan;erin; traffi7:
8hene<er yo6r operations 7reate a 7ondition haHardo6s to the p6b.i7) f6rnish) ere7t and maintain those
fen7es) temporary;) barri7ades) .i;hts) si;ns) and other de<i7es and take any other ne7essary
prote7ti<e meas6res to pre<ent dama;e or inI6ry to the p6b.i7:
Any fen7es) temporary;) barri7ades) .i;hts) si;ns) or other de<i7es f6rnished) ere7ted and
maintained by yo6 are in addition to those for Dhi7h payment is pro<ided e.seDhere in the spe7ifi7ations:
Pro<ide f.a;;ers Dhene<er ne7essary to ens6re that the p6b.i7 is ;i<en safe ;6idan7e thro6;h the Dork
Hone: At .o7ations Dhere traffi7 is bein; ro6ted thro6;h 7onstr67tion 6nder one,Day 7ontro.s) mo<e yo6r
eG6ipment in 7omp.ian7e Dith the one,Day 7ontro.s 6n.ess otherDise ordered:
!se of si;ns) .i;hts) f.a;s) or other prote7ti<e de<i7es m6st 7omp.y Dith the California MUTCD and any
dire7tions of the En;ineer: Si;ns) .i;hts) f.a;s or other prote7ti<e de<i7es m6st not obs76re the <isibi.ity of)
nor 7onf.i7t in intent) meanin;) and f6n7tion of either e3istin; si;ns) .i;hts and traffi7 7ontro. de<i7es) or
any 7onstr67tion area si;ns:
'eep e3istin; traffi7 si;na.s and hi;hDay .i;htin; in operation: Other for7es Dithin the Department Di..
perform ro6tine maintenan7e of these fa7i.ities d6rin; the Dork:
Co<er si;ns that dire7t traffi7 to a 7.osed area: E37ept for Dork spe7ified in se7tion #2) maintainin;) and
remo<in; the 7o<ers on 7onstr67tion area si;ns is 7han;e order Dork:
Insta.. temporary i..6mination in a manner Dhi7h the i..6mination and the i..6mination eG6ipment does not
interfere Dith p6b.i7 safety: The insta..ation of ;enera. roadDay i..6mination does not<e yo6 from
f6rnishin; and maintainin; any prote7ti<e de<i7es:
EG6ipment m6st enter and .ea<e the hi;hDay <ia e3istin; ramps and 7rosso<ers and m6st mo<e in the
dire7tion of traffi7: A.. mo<ements of Dorkmen and 7onstr67tion eG6ipment on or a7ross .anes open to
traffi7 m6st be performed in a manner that do not endan;er the p6b.i7: &o6r < or other mobi.e
eG6ipment .ea<in; an open traffi7 .ane to enter the 7onstr67tion area m6st s.oD doDn ;rad6a..y in
ad<an7e of the .o7ation of the t6rnoff to ;i<e the traffi7 fo..oDin; an opport6nity to s.oD doDn: 8hen
.ea<in; a Dork area and enterin; a roadDay 7arryin; traffi7) yo6r < and eG6ipment m6st yie.d to
Immediate.y remo<e; spi..a;e from a roadDay .ane or sho6.der open to traffi7: 8hen; on
roadDays) trim .oads and remo<e materia. from she.f areas to minimiHe spi..a;e:
Notify the En;ineer not .ess than 2% days and not more than $% days before the anti7ipated start of an
a7ti<ity that Di.. 7han;e the <erti7a. or horiHonta. 7.earan7e a<ai.ab.e to traffi7) in7.6din; sho6.ders:
If <erti7a. 7.earan7e is temporari.y red67ed to #*:* feet or .ess) p.a7e .oD 7.earan7e Darnin; si;ns in
7omp.ian7e Dith the California MUTCD and any dire7tions of the En;ineer: Si;ns m6st 7omp.y Dith the
dimensions) 7o.or) and .e;end reG6irements of the California MUTCD and se7tion #2,-:%0 e37ept that the
si;ns m6st ha<e b.a7k .etters and n6mbers on an oran;e retroref.e7ti<e ba7k;ro6nd: 8#2,2P si;ns m6st
be i..6minated so that the si;ns are 7.ear.y <isib.e:
Pa<e or pro<ide f6.. Didth 7ontin6o6s and 7.eared Dood Da.ks for pedestrian openin;s thro6;h fa.seDork:
Prote7t pedestrians from; obIe7ts and 7on7rete,76rin; Dater: E3tend o<erhead prote7tion for
pedestrians at .east 4 feet beyond the ed;e of the brid;e de7k: I..6minate a.. pedestrian openin;s thro6;h
fa.seDork: Temporary pedestrian fa7i.ities m6st 7omp.y Dith the California MUTCD) Part 0) Chapter 0D)
EPedestrian and 8orker Safety:E
Do not store < materia.) or eG6ipment in a Day that:
#: Creates a haHard to the p6b.i7
2: Obstr67ts traffi7 7ontro. de<i7es
Do not insta.. or p.a7e temporary fa7i.ities 6sed to perform the Dork Dhi7h interfere Dith the free and safe
passa;e of traffi7:
If yo6 appear to be ne;.e7tf6. or ne;.i;ent in f6rnishin; Darnin; de<i7es and takin; prote7ti<e meas6res)
the En;ineer may dire7t yo6r attention to the e3isten7e of a haHard: &o6 m6st f6rnish and insta.. the
ne7essary Darnin; de<i7es: If the En;ineer points o6t the inadeG6a7y of Darnin; de<i7es and prote7ti<e
meas6res) that a7tion on the part of the En;ineer does not<e yo6 from yo6r responsibi.ity for p6b.i7
safety or abro;ate yo6r ob.i;ation to f6rnish and pay for these de<i7es and meas6res:
Insta.. Type ' temporary; or other a6thoriHed prote7ti<e systems 6nder any of the fo..oDin;
#: E37a<ations: 8here the near ed;e of the e37a<ation is Dithin #* feet from the ed;e of an open traffi7
2: Temporari.y 6nprote7ted permanent 8hen the Dork in7.6des the insta..ation of a fi3ed
obsta7.e to;ether Dith a prote7ti<e system) s67h as a si;n str67t6re to;ether Dith prote7ti<e;)
and yo6 e.e7t to insta.. the obsta7.e before; the prote7ti<e systemJ or yo6) for yo6r
7on<enien7e and as a6thoriHed) remo<e a portion of an e3istin; prote7ti<e; at an obsta7.e and
do not rep.a7e s67h; 7omp.ete.y the same day
-: Stora;e areas: 8hen materia. or eG6ipment is stored Dithin #* feet of the ed;e of an open traffi7 .ane
and the stora;e is not otherDise prohibited by the Contra7t
4: ?ei;ht differentia.s: 8hen 7onstr67tion operations 7reate a hei;ht differentia. ;reater than %:#* feet
Dithin #* feet of the ed;e of traffi7 .ane
Insta..ation of Type ' temporary; is not reG6ired if an e37a<ation Dithin #* feet from the ed;e of an
open traffi7 .ane is prote7ted by any of the fo..oDin;:
#: Stee. p.ate or 7on7rete 7o<ers of adeG6ate thi7kness to pre<ent a77identa. entry by traffi7 or the p6b.i7
2: Side s.ope Dhere the doDnhi.. s.ope is 4:# /horiHonta.:<erti7a.1 or .ess 6n.ess a nat6ra..y o776rrin;
-: "arrier or;
Offset the approa7h end of Type ' temporary; a minim6m of #* feet from the ed;e of an open traffi7
.ane: Insta.. the temporary; on a skeD toDard the ed;e of the traffi7 .ane of not more than # foot
trans<erse.y to #% feet .on;it6dina..y Dith respe7t to the ed;e of the traffi7 .ane: If the #*,foot minim6m
offset 7annot be a7hie<ed) the temporary; m6st be insta..ed on the #% to # skeD to obtain the
ma3im6m a<ai.ab.e offset betDeen the approa7h end of the; and the ed;e of the traffi7 .ane) and an
array of temporary 7rash 76shion m6st be insta..ed at the approa7h end of the temporary;:
Se76re Type ' temporary; in p.a7e before startin; Dork for Dhi7h the temporary; is reG6ired:
8here 2 or more .anes in the same dire7tion are adIa7ent to the area Dhere the Dork is bein; performed)
in7.6din; sho6.ders) the adIa7ent .ane m6st be 7.osed 6nder any of the fo..oDin; 7onditions:
#: 8ork is off the tra<e.ed Day b6t Dithin 0 feet of the ed;e of the tra<e.ed Day) and the approa7h speed
is ;reater than 4* per ho6r
2: 8ork is off the tra<e.ed Day b6t Dithin - feet of the ed;e of the tra<e.ed Day) and the approa7h speed
is .ess than 4* per ho6r
C.os6re of the adIa7ent traffi7 .ane is not reG6ired Dhen performin; any of the fo..oDin;:
#: 8orkin; behind a barrier
2: Pa<in;) ;rindin;) or ;roo<in;
-:;) maintainin;) or remo<in; traffi7 7ontro. de<i7es e37ept Type ' temporary;
Do not red67e an open traffi7 .ane Didth to .ess than #% feet: 8hen traffi7 7ones or de.ineators are 6sed
for temporary ed;e de.ineation) the side of the base of the 7ones or de.ineators nearest to traffi7 is
7onsidered the ed;e of the tra<e.ed Day:
If a traffi7 .ane is 7.osed Dith 7hanne.iHers for e37a<ation Dork) mo<e the de<i7es to the adIa7ent ed;e of
the tra<e.ed Day Dhen not e37a<atin;: Spa7e the de<i7es as spe7ified for the .ane 7.os6re:
Do not mo<e or temporari.y s6spend anythin; o<er a traffi7 .ane open to the p6b.i7 6n.ess the p6b.i7 is
2-1.0,A Ge'er%&
&o6 m6st defend) indemnify) and sa<e harm.ess the State) in7.6din; its offi7ers) emp.oyees) and a;ents
/e37.6din; a;ents Dho are desi;n professiona.s1) from any and a.. 7.aims) demands) 7a6ses of a7tion)
dama;es) 7osts) e3penses) a7t6a. attorneysF fees) .osses or .iabi.ities) in .aD or in eG6ity /Se7tion 5,#:%*
C.aims1 arisin; o6t of or in 7onne7tion Dith yo6r performan7e of this Contra7t for:
#: "odi.y inI6ry in7.6din;) b6t not .imited to) bodi.y inI6ry) si7kness or disease) emotiona. inI6ry or death
to persons) in7.6din;) b6t not .imited to) the p6b.i7) any emp.oyees or a;ents of yo6) the State) or any
other 7ontra7torJ and
2: Dama;e to property of anyone in7.6din; .oss of 6se thereofJ 7a6sed or a..e;ed to be 7a6sed in Dho.e
or in part by any ne;.i;ent or otherDise .e;a..y a7tionab.e a7t or omission of yo6 or anyone dire7t.y or
indire7t.y emp.oyed by yo6 or anyone for Dhose a7ts yo6 may be .iab.e:
E37ept as otherDise pro<ided by .aD) these reG6irements app.y re;ard.ess of the e3isten7e or de;ree of
fa6.t of the State: &o6 are not ob.i;ated to indemnify the State for C.aims arisin; from 7ond67t de.ineated
in Ci< Code M 25+2 and for C.aims arisin; from any defe7ti<e or s6bstandard 7ondition of the hi;hDay that
e3isted at or before the start of Dork) 6n.ess this 7ondition has been 7han;ed by the Dork or the s7ope of
the Dork reG6ires yo6 to maintain e3istin; hi;hDay fa7i.ities and the C.aim arises from yo6r fai.6re to
maintain: &o6r defense and indemnity ob.i;ation sha.. e3tend to C.aims arisin; after the Dork is 7omp.eted
and a77epted if the C.aims are dire7t.y re.ated to a..e;ed a7ts or omissions by yo6 that o776rred d6rin;
the 7o6rse of the Dork: Any inspe7tion of the Dork by the State is not a Dai<er of f6.. 7omp.ian7e Dith
these reG6irements:
&o6r ob.i;ation to defend and indemnify is not e376sed be7a6se of yo6r inabi.ity to e<a.6ate .iabi.ity or
be7a6se yo6 e<a.6ate .iabi.ity and determine that yo6 are not .iab.e: &o6 m6st respond Dithin -% days to
the tender of any C.aim for defense and indemnity by the State) 6n.ess this time has been e3tended by
the State: If yo6 fai. to a77ept or reIe7t a tender of defense and indemnity Dithin -% days) in addition to
any other remedy a6thoriHed by .aD) the Department may Dithho.d s67h f6nds the State reasonab.y
7onsiders ne7essary for its defense and indemnity 6nti. disposition has been made of the C.aim or 6nti.
the Contra7tor a77epts or reIe7ts the tender of defense) Dhi7he<er o776rs first:
8ith respe7t to third,party 7.aims a;ainst yo6) yo6 Dai<e a.. ri;hts of any type to e3press or imp.ied
indemnity a;ainst the State) its offi7ers) emp.oyees) or a;ents /e37.6din; a;ents Dho are desi;n
Nothin; in the Contra7t is intended to estab.ish a standard of 7are oDed to any member of the p6b.i7 or to
e3tend to the p6b.i7 the stat6s of a third,party benefi7iary for any of these indemnifi7ation spe7ifi7ations:
2-1.0,B Re60'#.#&#/3 /0 O/7er E'/#/#e
&o6 are responsib.e for any .iabi.ity imposed by .aD and for inI6ries to or death of any person) in7.6din;
Dorkers and the p6b.i7) or dama;e to property: Indemnify and sa<e harm.ess any 7o6nty) 7ity or distri7t
and its offi7ers and emp.oyees 7onne7ted Dith the Dork) Dithin the .imits of Dhi7h 7o6nty) 7ity) or distri7t
the Dork is bein; performed) a.. in the same manner and to the same e3tent spe7ified for the prote7tion of
the State:
2-1.0-A Ge'er%&
Nothin; in the Contra7t is intended to estab.ish a standard of 7are oDed to any member of the p6b.i7 or to
e3tend to the p6b.i7 the stat6s of a third,party benefi7iary for any of these ins6ran7e spe7ifi7ations:
2-1.0-B C%"%&/3 I'"r%'(e
Obtain and maintain ins6ran7e on a.. of yo6r operations Dith 7ompanies a77eptab.e to the State as
#: 'eep a.. ins6ran7e in f6.. for7e and effe7t from the start of the Dork thro6;h Contra7t a77eptan7e:
2: A.. ins6ran7e m6st be Dith an ins6ran7e 7ompany Dith a ratin; from A:: "est Finan7ia. Stren;th
Ratin; of A, or better and a Finan7ia. SiHe Cate;ory of (II or better:
-: aintain 7omp.eted operations 7o<era;e Dith a 7arrier a77eptab.e to the State thro6;h the e3piration
of the patent defi7ien7y in 7onstr67tion stat6te of repose set forth in Ci< Pro Code M --5:#*:
2-1.0-C A0r;erF C0m6e'%/#0' %'1 Em6&03erF L#%.#&#/3 I'"r%'(e
!nder Labor Code M #+0%) se76re the payment of DorkerFs 7ompensation 6nder Labor Code M -5%%:
S6bmit to the Department the fo..oDin; 7ertifi7ation before performin; the Dork /Labor Code M #+0#1:
I am aDare of the pro<isions of Se7tion -5%% of the Labor Code Dhi7h reG6ire e<ery emp.oyer to be
ins6red a;ainst .iabi.ity for DorkersF 7ompensation or to 6ndertake se.f,ins6ran7e in a77ordan7e Dith
the pro<isions of that 7ode) and I Di.. 7omp.y Dith s67h pro<isions before 7ommen7in; the
performan7e of the Dork of this 7ontra7t:
Contra7t si;nin; 7onstit6tes 7ertifi7ation s6bmitta.:
Pro<ide Emp.oyerFs Liabi.ity Ins6ran7e in amo6nts not .ess than:
#: O#)%%%)%%% for ea7h a77ident for bodi.y inI6ry by a77ident
2: O#)%%%)%%% po.i7y .imit for bodi.y inI6ry by disease
-: O#)%%%)%%% for ea7h emp.oyee for bodi.y inI6ry by disease
If there is an e3pos6re of inI6ry to yo6r emp.oyees 6nder the !:S: Lon;shoremenFs and ?arbor 8orkersF
Compensation A7t) the Cones A7t) or 6nder .aDs) re;6.ations) or stat6tes app.i7ab.e to maritime
emp.oyees) 7o<era;e m6st be in7.6ded for s67h inI6ries or 7.aims:
2-1.0-D L#%.#&#/3 I'"r%'(e
2-1.0-DB1C Ge'er%&
Carry =enera. Liabi.ity and !mbre..a or E37ess Liabi.ity Ins6ran7e 7o<erin; a.. operations by or on beha.f
of yo6 pro<idin; ins6ran7e for bodi.y inI6ry .iabi.ity and property dama;e .iabi.ity for the fo..oDin; .imits and
in7.6din; 7o<era;e for:
#: Premises) operations and mobi.e eG6ipment
2: Prod67ts and 7omp.eted operations
-: "road form property dama;e /in7.6din; 7omp.eted operations1
4: E3p.osion) 7o..apse) and 6nder;ro6nd haHards
*: Persona. inI6ry
0: Contra7t6a. .iabi.ity
2-1.0-DB2C L#%.#&#/3 L#m#/JA11#/#0'%& I'"re1
The .imits of .iabi.ity m6st be at .east the <a.6es shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
L#%.#&#/3 L#m#/
Tota. bid For ea7h
A;;re;ate for
!mbre..a or
e37ess .iabi.ity
X O#)%%%)%%% O#)%%%)%%% O2)%%%)%%% O2)%%%)%%% O*)%%%)%%%
L O#)%%%)%%%
X O#%)%%%)%%% O#)%%%)%%% O2)%%%)%%% O2)%%%)%%% O#%)%%%)%%%
L O#%)%%%)%%%
X O2*)%%%)%%% O2)%%%)%%% O2)%%%)%%% O4)%%%)%%% O#*)%%%)%%%
L O2*)%%%)%%% O2)%%%)%%% O2)%%%)%%% O4)%%%)%%% O2*)%%%)%%%
Combined sin;.e .imit for bodi.y inI6ry and property dama;e:
This .imit m6st app.y separate.y to yo6r Dork 6nder this Contra7t:
The 6mbre..a or e37ess po.i7y m6st 7ontain a 7.a6se statin; that it takes effe7t /drops doDn1 in the e<ent
the primary .imits are impaired or e3ha6sted:
Do not reG6ire a sma.. b6siness s6b7ontra7tor to 7arry .iabi.ity ins6ran7e that e37eeds the .imits shoDn in
the pre7edin; tab.e: For a sma.. b6siness s6b7ontra7tor) interpret ETota. "idE in the tab.e as the
amo6nt of s6b7ontra7ted Dork:
As 6sed in se7tion 5,#:%0D/21) a sma.. b6siness:
#: For a non,federa.,aid 7ontra7t is defined in 2 CA Code of Re;s M #+$0 and is in7orporated by this
2: For a federa.,aid 7ontra7t is defined in #- CFR #2#:2%# and is in7orporated by this referen7e
The State) in7.6din; its offi7ers) dire7tors) a;ents /e37.6din; a;ents Dho are desi;n professiona.s1) and
emp.oyees) m6st be named as additiona. ins6reds 6nder the =enera. Liabi.ity and !mbre..a Liabi.ity
Po.i7ies Dith respe7t to .iabi.ity arisin; o6t of or 7onne7ted Dith Dork or operations performed by or on
beha.f of yo6 6nder this Contra7t: Co<era;e for s67h additiona. ins6reds does not e3tend to .iabi.ity:
#: Arisin; from any defe7ti<e or s6bstandard 7ondition of the roadDay Dhi7h e3isted at or before the
time yo6 started Dork) 6n.ess s67h 7ondition has been 7han;ed by the Dork or the s7ope of the Dork
reG6ires yo6 to maintain e3istin; roadDay fa7i.ities and the 7.aim arises from yo6r fai.6re to maintainJ
2: For 7.aims o776rrin; after the Dork is 7omp.eted and a77epted 6n.ess these 7.aims are dire7t.y
re.ated to a..e;ed a7ts or omissions of yo6 that o776rred d6rin; the 7o6rse of the DorkJ or
-: To the e3tent prohibited by Ins Code M ##*+%:%4:
Additiona. ins6red 7o<era;e m6st be pro<ided by a po.i7y pro<ision or by an endorsement pro<idin;
7o<era;e at .east as broad as -dditional "nsured /Form "1 endorsement form C= 2%#%) as p6b.ished by
the Ins6ran7e Ser<i7es Offi7e /ISO1) or other form desi;nated by the Department:
2-1.0-DB)C C0'/r%(/0rF I'"r%'(e P0&#(3 # Pr#m%r3
The po.i7y m6st stip6.ate that the ins6ran7e afforded the additiona. ins6reds app.ies as primary ins6ran7e:
Any other ins6ran7e or se.f,ins6ran7e maintained by the State is e37ess on.y and m6st not be 7a..ed 6pon
to 7ontrib6te Dith this ins6ran7e:
2-1.0-E A"/0m0.#&e L#%.#&#/3 I'"r%'(e
Carry a6tomobi.e .iabi.ity ins6ran7e) in7.6din; 7o<era;e for a.. oDned) hired) and nonoDned
The primary .imits of .iabi.ity m6st be not .ess than O#)%%%)%%% 7ombined sin;.e .imit ea7h a77ident for
bodi.y inI6ry and property dama;e: The 6mbre..a or e37ess .iabi.ity 7o<era;e reG6ired 6nder se7tion 5,
#:%0D/21 app.ies to a6tomobi.e .iabi.ity:
2-1.0-F P0&#(3 F0rm, E'10reme'/, %'1 Cer/#4#(%/e
Pro<ide yo6r =enera. Liabi.ity Ins6ran7e 6nder Commer7ia. =enera. Liabi.ity po.i7y form no: C=%%%# as
p6b.ished by the Ins6ran7e Ser<i7es Offi7e /ISO1 or 6nder a po.i7y form at .east as broad as po.i7y form
no: C=%%%#:
2-1.0-G De1"(/#.&e
The State may e3press.y a..oD ded67tib.e 7.a6ses) Dhi7h it does not 7onsider e37essi<e) o<er.y broad) or
harmf6. to the interests of the State: Re;ard.ess of the a..oDan7e of e37.6sions or ded67tions by the
State) yo6 are responsib.e for any ded67tib.e amo6nt and m6st Darrant that the 7o<era;e pro<ided to the
State 7omp.ies Dith se7tion 5,#:%0:
2-1.0-H E'40r(eme'/
The Department may ass6re yo6r 7omp.ian7e Dith yo6r ins6ran7e ob.i;ations: Ten days before an
ins6ran7e po.i7y .apses or is 7an7e.ed d6rin; the Contra7t period yo6 m6st s6bmit to the Department
e<iden7e of reneDa. or rep.a7ement of the po.i7y:
If yo6 fai. to maintain any reG6ired ins6ran7e 7o<era;e) the Department may maintain this 7o<era;e and
Dithho.d or 7har;e the e3pense to yo6 or terminate yo6r 7ontro. of the Dork:
&o6 are not<ed of yo6r d6ties and responsibi.ities to indemnify) defend) and ho.d harm.ess the State)
its offi7ers) a;ents) and emp.oyees by the DepartmentFs a77eptan7e of ins6ran7e po.i7ies and 7ertifi7ates:
inim6m ins6ran7e 7o<era;e amo6nts do not<e yo6 for .iabi.ity in e37ess of s67h 7o<era;e) nor do
they pre7.6de the State from takin; other a7tions a<ai.ab.e to it) in7.6din; the Dithho.din; of f6nds 6nder
this Contra7t:
2-1.0-I Se&4-I'"r%'(e
Se.f,ins6ran7e pro;rams and se.f,ins6red retentions in ins6ran7e po.i7ies are s6bIe7t to separate ann6a.
re<ieD and appro<a. by the State:
If yo6 6se a se.f,ins6ran7e pro;ram or se.f,ins6red retention) yo6 m6st pro<ide the State Dith the same
prote7tion from .iabi.ity and defense of s6its as Do6.d be afforded by first, ins6ran7e: E3e76tion of
the Contra7t is yo6r a7knoD.ed;ment that yo6 Di.. be bo6nd by a.. .aDs as if yo6 Dere an ins6rer as
defined 6nder Ins Code M 2- and that the se.f,ins6ran7e pro;ram or se.f,ins6red retention sha.. operate as
ins6ran7e as defined 6nder Ins Code M 22:
2-1.02A Ge'er%&
If .e;a. a7tion is bro6;ht a;ainst the Department o<er 7omp.ian7e Dith a State or federa. .aD) r6.e) or
re;6.ation app.i7ab.e to hi;hDay Dork) then:
#: If the Department in 7omp.yin; Dith a 7o6rt order prohibits yo6 from performin; Dork) the res6.tin;
de.ay is a s6spension re.ated to yo6r performan7e) 6n.ess the Department terminates the Contra7t:
2: If a 7o6rt order other than an order to shoD 7a6se or the fina. I6d;ment in the a7tion prohibits the
Department from reG6irin; yo6 to perform Dork) the Department may de.ete the prohibited Dork or
terminate the Contra7t:
2-1.02B Se%& C0%/ C&%#m
Pay for 7.aims for persona. property dama;e 7a6sed by s7reenin; and bit6mino6s binder: Sea. 7oat
7.aims are .imited to:
#: #% per7ent of the tota. bid
2: Dama;e o776rrin; betDeen the #st day of s7reenin; spreadin; and 4 days after the .ast day of
s7reenin; spreadin; for ea7h sea. 7oat .o7ation
8ithin -% days of the .ast s7reenin; spreadin;) do the fo..oDin;:
#: Pro7ess and reso.<e a.. 7.aims reported or s6bmitted to yo6 by the p6b.i7 as fo..oDs:
#:#: 8ithin - b6siness days of re7eipt of a 7.aim) s6bmit to the Department a 7opy of the 7.aim) a
Dritten ana.ysis of the 7.aim) and a statement indi7atin; Dhether or not yo6 Di.. pay the 7.aim: If
yo6 reIe7t a 7.aim) pro<ide the reasons for reIe7tion in Dritin;:
#:2: If the 7.aimant be7omes dissatisfied Dith yo6r; of the 7.aim) immediate.y refer the
7.aimant to the .o7a. distri7t 7.aims offi7e for assistan7e in reso.<in; the 7.aim:
2: S6bmit to the Department e<iden7e of yo6r paid 7.aims:
A.. 7.aims presented to the Department) any distri7t 7.aims offi7e) or the State "oard of Contro. /=o<t
Code M $%% et seG:1 are pro7essed and reso.<ed by the Department as fo..oDs:
#: The 7.aims are pro7essed as forma. ;o<ernment 7.aims s6bIe7t to a.. .aDs and po.i7ies and are
reso.<ed as the Department determines in7.6din; referrin; the 7.aim to yo6 for;:
2: If the Department or the State "oard of Contro. appro<es sett.ement of a 7.aim or is ordered to pay
p6rs6ant to a 7o6rt order) the 7.aim is paid from f6nds Dithhe.d from yo6:
-: 8ithin - b6siness days of the DepartmentUs determination that yo6 are responsib.e for reso.<in; the
7.aim) the Department sends a 7opy of the 7.aim to yo6 for reso.6tion or notifies yo6 of the
DepartmentUs de7ision to reso.<e the 7.aim:
The Department Dithho.ds an amo6nt not to e37eed * per7ent of the tota. bid to reso.<e a.. 7.aims: The
amo6nt is he.d no .on;er than 0% days fo..oDin; the .ast spreadin; of s7reenin;s so that the Department
has amp.e time to reso.<e any pendin; 7.aims: After 0% days) any remainin; amo6nt Dithhe.d is ret6rned
to yo6:
If no Dithhe.d f6nds remain or ha<e been ret6rned) the Department may pay any 7.aims and seek
reimb6rsement from yo6 thro6;h an offset or any other .e;a. means: Any reimb6rsement or offset to be
re7o<ered from yo6) in7.6din; a.. other paid 7.aims) is .imited to #% per7ent of the tota. bid:
Se7tion 5,#:%5" does not .imit yo6r ob.i;ation to defend and indemnify the Department:
Neither the Dire7tor) the En;ineer nor any other offi7er or a6thoriHed emp.oyee of the State of Ca.ifornia)
nor any offi7er or emp.oyee of any 7o6nty) 7ity or distri7t sha.. be persona..y responsib.e for any .iabi.ity
arisin; 6nder or by <irt6e of the Contra7t:
2-1.0?*2-1.10 RESERVED
2-1.11A Ge'er%&
Se7tion 5,#:## in7.6des spe7ifi7ations reG6ired in a federa.,aid 7onstr67tion 7ontra7t and app.ies to a
federa.,aid 7ontra7t:
Form F?8A,#25- is in7.6ded in the Contra7t in se7tion 5,#:##": Some Contra7t terms on the form are
different from those 6sed in other Contra7t parts as shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
FHAA-122) Term %'1 De6%r/me'/ E!"#$%&e'(#e
F?8A,#25- term EG6i<a.ent term 6sed in other Contra7t parts
proposa. bid
S?A Department
S?A 7ontra7tin; offi7er En;ineer
S?A resident en;ineer En;ineer
spe7ia. pro<ision spe7ifi7ation
2-1.11B FHAA-122)
F?8A,#25- E.e7troni7 <ersion ,, ar7h #%) #$$4
Dith re<ised Se7tion (I
I: =enera.
II: Nondis7rimination
III: Nonse;re;ated Fa7i.ities
I(: Payment of Predetermined inim6m 8a;e
(: Statements and Payro..s
(I: Re7ord of ateria.s) S6pp.ies) and Labor
(II: S6b.ettin; or Assi;nin; the Contra7t
(III:Safety: A77ident Pre<ention
I>: Statements Con7ernin; ?i;hDay ProIe7ts
>: Imp.ementation of C.ean Air A7t and Federa. 8ater Po..6tion Contro. A7t
>I: Certifi7ation Re;ardin; Debarment) S6spension) Ine.i;ibi.ity) and (o.6ntary E37.6sion
>II: Certifi7ation Re;ardin; !se of Contra7t F6nds for Lobbyin;
A: Emp.oyment Preferen7e for Appa.a7hian Contra7ts /in7.6ded in Appa.a7hian 7ontra7ts on.y1
#: These 7ontra7t pro<isions sha.. app.y to a.. Dork performed on the 7ontra7t by the 7ontra7torUs
oDn or;aniHation and Dith the assistan7e of Dorkers 6nder the 7ontra7torUs immediate
s6perintenden7e and to a.. Dork performed on the 7ontra7t by pie7eDork) station Dork) or by
2: E37ept as otherDise pro<ided for in ea7h se7tion) the 7ontra7tor sha.. insert in ea7h s6b7ontra7t
a.. of the stip6.ations 7ontained in these ReG6ired Contra7t Pro<isions) and f6rther reG6ire their
in7.6sion in any .oDer tier s6b7ontra7t or p6r7hase order that may in t6rn be made: The
ReG6ired Contra7t Pro<isions sha.. not be in7orporated by referen7e in any 7ase: The prime
7ontra7tor sha.. be responsib.e for 7omp.ian7e by any s6b7ontra7tor or .oDer tier s6b7ontra7tor
Dith these ReG6ired Contra7t Pro<isions:
-: A brea7h of any of the stip6.ations 7ontained in these ReG6ired Contra7t Pro<isions sha.. be
s6ffi7ient ;ro6nds for termination of the 7ontra7t:
4: A brea7h of the fo..oDin; 7.a6ses of the ReG6ired Contra7t Pro<isions may be ;ro6nds for
debarment as pro<ided in 2$ CFR *:#2:
Se7tion I) para;raph 2J
Se7tion I() para;raphs #) 2) -) 4) and 5J
Se7tion () para;raphs # and 2a thro6;h 2;:
*: Disp6tes arisin; o6t of the .abor standards pro<isions of Se7tion I( /e37ept para;raph *1 and
Se7tion ( of these ReG6ired Contra7t Pro<isions sha.. not be s6bIe7t to the ;enera. disp6tes
7.a6se of this 7ontra7t: S67h disp6tes sha.. be reso.<ed in a77ordan7e Dith the pro7ed6res of
the !:S: Department of Labor /DOL1 as set forth in 2$ CFR *) 0) and 5: Disp6tes Dithin the
meanin; of this 7.a6se in7.6de disp6tes betDeen the 7ontra7tor /or any of its s6b7ontra7tors1
and the 7ontra7tin; a;en7y) the DOL) or the 7ontra7torUs emp.oyees or their representati<es:
0: Se&e(/#0' 04 L%.0r5 D6rin; the performan7e of this 7ontra7t) the 7ontra7tor sha.. not:
a: dis7riminate a;ainst .abor from any other State) possession) or territory of the !nited
States /e37ept for emp.oyment preferen7e for Appa.a7hian 7ontra7ts) Dhen app.i7ab.e)
as spe7ified in Atta7hment A1) or
b: emp.oy 7on<i7t .abor for any p6rpose Dithin the .imits of the proIe7t 6n.ess it is .abor
performed by 7on<i7ts Dho are on paro.e) s6per<ised re.ease) or probation:
/App.i7ab.e to a.. Federa.,aid 7onstr67tion 7ontra7ts and to a.. re.ated s6b7ontra7ts of O#%)%%% or
#: E!"%& Em6&03me'/ O660r/"'#/35 EG6a. emp.oyment opport6nity /EEO1 reG6irements not to
dis7riminate and to take affirmati<e a7tion to ass6re eG6a. opport6nity as set forth 6nder .aDs)
e3e76ti<e orders) re;6.ations /2+ CFR -*) 2$ CFR #0-% and 4# CFR 0%1 and orders of
the Se7retary of Labor as modified by the pro<isions pres7ribed herein) and imposed p6rs6ant
to 2- !:S:C: #4% sha.. 7onstit6te the EEO and spe7ifi7 affirmati<e a7tion standards for the
7ontra7torUs proIe7t a7ti<ities 6nder this 7ontra7t: The EG6a. Opport6nity Constr67tion Contra7t
Spe7ifi7ations set forth 6nder 4# CFR 0%,4:- and the pro<isions of the Ameri7an Disabi.ities A7t
of #$$% /42 !:S:C: #2#%# et seG:1 set forth 6nder 2+ CFR -* and 2$ CFR #0-% are
in7orporated by referen7e in this 7ontra7t: In the e3e76tion of this 7ontra7t) the 7ontra7tor
a;rees to 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin; minim6m spe7ifi7 reG6irement a7ti<ities of EEO:
a: The 7ontra7tor Di.. Dork Dith the State hi;hDay a;en7y /S?A1 and the Federa.
=o<ernment in 7arryin; o6t EEO ob.i;ations and in their re<ieD of his9her a7ti<ities
6nder the 7ontra7t:
b: The 7ontra7tor Di.. a77ept as his operatin; po.i7y the fo..oDin; statement:
EIt is the po.i7y of this Company to ass6re that app.i7ants are emp.oyed)
and that emp.oyees are treated d6rin; emp.oyment) Ditho6t re;ard to their
ra7e) re.i;ion) se3) 7o.or) nationa. ori;in) a;e or disabi.ity: S67h a7tion sha..
in7.6de: emp.oyment) 6p;radin;) demotion) or transferJ re7r6itment or
re7r6itment ad<ertisin;J .ayoff or terminationJ rates of pay or other forms of
7ompensationJ and se.e7tion for trainin;) in7.6din; apprenti7eship)
preapprenti7eship) and9or on,the,Iob trainin;:E
2: EEO O44#(er5 The 7ontra7tor Di.. desi;nate and make knoDn to the S?A 7ontra7tin; offi7ers an
EEO Offi7er Dho Di.. ha<e the responsibi.ity for and m6st be 7apab.e of effe7ti<e.y
administerin; and promotin; an a7ti<e 7ontra7tor pro;ram of EEO and Dho m6st be assi;ned
adeG6ate a6thority and responsibi.ity to do so:
-: D#em#'%/#0' 04 P0&#(35 A.. members of the 7ontra7torUs staff Dho are a6thoriHed to hire)
s6per<ise) promote) and dis7har;e emp.oyees) or Dho re7ommend s67h a7tion) or Dho are
s6bstantia..y in<o.<ed in s67h a7tion) Di.. be made f6..y 7o;niHant of) and Di.. imp.ement) the
7ontra7torUs EEO po.i7y and 7ontra7t6a. responsibi.ities to pro<ide EEO in ea7h ;rade and
7.assifi7ation of emp.oyment: To ens6re that the abo<e a;reement Di.. be met) the fo..oDin;
a7tions Di.. be taken as a minim6m:
a: Periodi7 meetin;s of s6per<isory and personne. offi7e emp.oyees Di.. be 7ond67ted
before the start of Dork and then not .ess often than on7e e<ery si3 months) at Dhi7h
time the 7ontra7torUs EEO po.i7y and its imp.ementation Di.. be re<ieDed and
e3p.ained: The meetin;s Di.. be 7ond67ted by the EEO Offi7er:
b: A.. neD s6per<isory or personne. offi7e emp.oyees Di.. be ;i<en a thoro6;h
indo7trination by the EEO Offi7er) 7o<erin; a.. maIor aspe7ts of the 7ontra7torUs EEO
ob.i;ations Dithin thirty days fo..oDin; their reportin; for d6ty Dith the 7ontra7tor:
7: A.. personne. Dho are en;a;ed in dire7t re7r6itment for the proIe7t Di.. be instr67ted by
the EEO Offi7er in the 7ontra7torUs pro7ed6res for .o7atin; and hirin; minority ;ro6p
d: Noti7es and posters settin; forth the 7ontra7torUs EEO po.i7y Di.. be p.a7ed in areas
readi.y a77essib.e to emp.oyees) app.i7ants for emp.oyment and potentia. emp.oyees:
e: The 7ontra7torUs EEO po.i7y and the pro7ed6res to imp.ement s67h po.i7y Di.. be
bro6;ht to the attention of emp.oyees by means of meetin;s) emp.oyee handbooks) or
other appropriate means:
4: Re(r"#/me'/5 8hen ad<ertisin; for emp.oyees) the 7ontra7tor Di.. in7.6de in a.. ad<ertisements
for emp.oyees the notation: EAn EG6a. Opport6nity Emp.oyer:E A.. s67h ad<ertisements Di.. be
p.a7ed in p6b.i7ations ha<in; a .ar;e 7ir76.ation amon; minority ;ro6ps in the area from Dhi7h
the proIe7t Dork for7e Do6.d norma..y be deri<ed:
a: The 7ontra7tor Di..) 6n.ess pre7.6ded by a < bar;ainin; a;reement) 7ond67t
systemati7 and dire7t re7r6itment thro6;h p6b.i7 and pri<ate emp.oyee referra. so6r7es
.ike.y to yie.d G6a.ified minority ;ro6p app.i7ants: To meet this reG6irement) the
7ontra7tor Di.. identify so6r7es of potentia. minority ;ro6p emp.oyees) and estab.ish
Dith s67h identified so6r7es pro7ed6res Dhereby minority ;ro6p app.i7ants may be
referred to the 7ontra7tor for emp.oyment 7onsideration:
b: In the e<ent the 7ontra7tor has a < bar;ainin; a;reement pro<idin; for e37.6si<e
hirin; ha.. referra.s) he is e3pe7ted to obser<e the pro<isions of that a;reement to the
e3tent that the system permits the 7ontra7torFs 7omp.ian7e Dith EEO 7ontra7t
pro<isions: /The DOL has he.d that Dhere imp.ementation of s67h a;reements ha<e
the effe7t of dis7riminatin; a;ainst minorities or Domen) or ob.i;ates the 7ontra7tor to
do the same) s67h imp.ementation <io.ates E3e76ti<e Order ##240) as amended:1
7: The 7ontra7tor Di.. en7o6ra;e his present emp.oyees to refer minority ;ro6p app.i7ants
for emp.oyment: Information and pro7ed6res Dith re;ard to referrin; minority ;ro6p
app.i7ants Di.. be dis76ssed Dith emp.oyees:
*: Per0''e& A(/#0'5 8a;es) Dorkin; 7onditions) and emp.oyee benefits sha.. be estab.ished
and administered) and personne. a7tions of e<ery type) in7.6din; hirin;) 6p;radin;) promotion)
transfer) demotion) .ayoff) and termination) sha.. be taken Ditho6t re;ard to ra7e) 7o.or) re.i;ion)
se3) nationa. ori;in) a;e or disabi.ity: The fo..oDin; pro7ed6res sha.. be fo..oDed:
a: The 7ontra7tor Di.. 7ond67t periodi7 inspe7tions of proIe7t sites to ins6re that Dorkin;
7onditions and emp.oyee fa7i.ities do not indi7ate dis7riminatory treatment of proIe7t
site personne.:
b: The 7ontra7tor Di.. periodi7a..y e<a.6ate the spread of Da;es paid Dithin ea7h
7.assifi7ation to determine any e<iden7e of dis7riminatory Da;e pra7ti7es:
7: The 7ontra7tor Di.. periodi7a..y re<ieD se.e7ted personne. a7tions in depth to
determine Dhether there is e<iden7e of dis7rimination: 8here e<iden7e is fo6nd) the
7ontra7tor Di.. prompt.y take 7orre7ti<e a7tion: If the re<ieD indi7ates that the
dis7rimination may e3tend beyond the a7tions re<ieDed) s67h 7orre7ti<e a7tion sha..
in7.6de a.. affe7ted persons:
d: The 7ontra7tor Di.. prompt.y in<esti;ate a.. 7omp.aints of a..e;ed dis7rimination made
to the 7ontra7tor in 7onne7tion Dith his ob.i;ations 6nder this 7ontra7t) Di.. attempt to
reso.<e s67h 7omp.aints) and Di.. take appropriate 7orre7ti<e a7tion Dithin a
reasonab.e time: If the in<esti;ation indi7ates that the dis7rimination may affe7t
persons other than the 7omp.ainant) s67h 7orre7ti<e a7tion sha.. in7.6de s67h other
persons: !pon 7omp.etion of ea7h in<esti;ation) the 7ontra7tor Di.. inform e<ery
7omp.ainant of a.. of his a<en6es of appea.:
0: Tr%#'#'8 %'1 Pr0m0/#0'5
a: The 7ontra7tor Di.. assist in .o7atin;) G6a.ifyin;) and in7reasin; the ski..s of minority
;ro6p and Domen emp.oyees) and app.i7ants for emp.oyment:
b: Consistent Dith the 7ontra7torUs Dork for7e reG6irements and as permissib.e 6nder
Federa. and State re;6.ations) the 7ontra7tor sha.. make f6.. 6se of trainin; pro;rams)
i:e:) apprenti7eship) and on,the,Iob trainin; pro;rams for the ;eo;raphi7a. area of
7ontra7t performan7e: 8here feasib.e) 2* per7ent of apprenti7es or trainees in ea7h
o776pation sha.. be in their first year of apprenti7eship or trainin;: In the e<ent a
spe7ia. pro<ision for trainin; is pro<ided 6nder this 7ontra7t) this s6bpara;raph Di.. be
s6perseded as indi7ated in the spe7ia. pro<ision:
7: The 7ontra7tor Di.. ad<ise emp.oyees and app.i7ants for emp.oyment of a<ai.ab.e
trainin; pro;rams and entran7e reG6irements for ea7h:
d: The 7ontra7tor Di.. periodi7a..y re<ieD the trainin; and promotion potentia. of minority
;ro6p and Domen emp.oyees and Di.. en7o6ra;e e.i;ib.e emp.oyees to app.y for s67h
trainin; and promotion:
5: U'#0': If the 7ontra7tor re.ies in Dho.e or in part 6pon 6nions as a so6r7e of emp.oyees) the
7ontra7tor Di.. 6se his9her best efforts to obtain the 7ooperation of s67h 6nions to in7rease
opport6nities for minority ;ro6ps and Domen Dithin the 6nions) and to effe7t referra.s by s67h
6nions of minority and fema.e emp.oyees: A7tions by the 7ontra7tor either dire7t.y or thro6;h a
7ontra7torUs asso7iation a7tin; as a;ent Di.. in7.6de the pro7ed6res set forth be.oD:
a: The 7ontra7tor Di.. 6se best efforts to de<e.op) in 7ooperation Dith the 6nions) Ioint
trainin; pro;rams aimed toDard G6a.ifyin; more minority ;ro6p members and Domen
for membership in the 6nions and in7reasin; the ski..s of minority ;ro6p emp.oyees
and Domen so that they may G6a.ify for hi;her payin; emp.oyment:
b: The 7ontra7tor Di.. 6se best efforts to in7orporate an EEO 7.a6se into ea7h 6nion
a;reement to the end that s67h 6nion Di.. be 7ontra7t6a..y bo6nd to refer app.i7ants
Ditho6t re;ard to their ra7e) 7o.or) re.i;ion) se3) nationa. ori;in) a;e or disabi.ity:
7: The 7ontra7tor is to obtain information as to the referra. pra7ti7es and po.i7ies of the
.abor 6nion e37ept that to the e3tent s67h information is Dithin the e37.6si<e
possession of the .abor 6nion and s67h .abor 6nion ref6ses to f6rnish s67h information
to the 7ontra7tor) the 7ontra7tor sha.. so 7ertify to the S?A and sha.. set forth Dhat
efforts ha<e been made to obtain s67h information:
d: In the e<ent the 6nion is 6nab.e to pro<ide the 7ontra7tor Dith a reasonab.e f.oD of
minority and Domen referra.s Dithin the time .imit set forth in the 7o..e7ti<e bar;ainin;
a;reement) the 7ontra7tor Di..) thro6;h independent re7r6itment efforts) fi.. the
emp.oyment <a7an7ies Ditho6t re;ard to ra7e) 7o.or) re.i;ion) se3) nationa. ori;in) a;e
or disabi.ityJ makin; f6.. efforts to obtain G6a.ified and9or G6a.ifiab.e minority ;ro6p
persons and Domen: /The DOL has he.d that it sha.. be no e376se that the 6nion Dith
Dhi7h the 7ontra7tor has a 7o..e7ti<e bar;ainin; a;reement pro<idin; for e37.6si<e
referra. fai.ed to refer minority emp.oyees:1 In the e<ent the 6nion referra. pra7ti7e
pre<ents the 7ontra7tor from meetin; the ob.i;ations p6rs6ant to E3e76ti<e Order
##240) as amended) and these spe7ifi7ations) s67h 7ontra7tor sha.. immediate.y notify
the S?A:
+: Se&e(/#0' 04 S".(0'/r%(/0r, Pr0("reme'/ 04 M%/er#%& %'1 Le%#'8 04 E!"#6me'/5 The
7ontra7tor sha.. not dis7riminate on the ;ro6nds of ra7e) 7o.or) re.i;ion) se3) nationa. ori;in) a;e
or disabi.ity in the se.e7tion and retention of s6b7ontra7tors) in7.6din; pro76rement of materia.s
and .eases of eG6ipment:
a: The 7ontra7tor sha.. notify a.. potentia. s6b7ontra7tors and s6pp.iers of his9her EEO
ob.i;ations 6nder this 7ontra7t:
b: Disad<anta;ed b6siness enterprises /D"E1) as defined in 4$ CFR 2-) sha.. ha<e eG6a.
opport6nity to 7ompete for and perform s6b7ontra7ts Dhi7h the 7ontra7tor enters into
p6rs6ant to this 7ontra7t: The 7ontra7tor Di.. 6se his best efforts to so.i7it bids from and
to 6ti.iHe D"E s6b7ontra7tors or s6b7ontra7tors Dith meanin;f6. minority ;ro6p and
fema.e representation amon; their emp.oyees: Contra7tors sha.. obtain .ists of D"E
7onstr67tion firms from S?A personne.:
7: The 7ontra7tor Di.. 6se his best efforts to ens6re s6b7ontra7tor 7omp.ian7e Dith their
EEO ob.i;ations:
$: Re(0r1 %'1 Re60r/5 The 7ontra7tor sha.. keep s67h re7ords as ne7essary to do76ment
7omp.ian7e Dith the EEO reG6irements: S67h re7ords sha.. be retained for a period of three
years fo..oDin; 7omp.etion of the 7ontra7t Dork and sha.. be a<ai.ab.e at reasonab.e times and
p.a7es for inspe7tion by a6thoriHed representati<es of the S?A and the F?8A:
a: The re7ords kept by the 7ontra7tor sha.. do76ment the fo..oDin;:
#: The n6mber of minority and non,minority ;ro6p members and Domen
emp.oyed in ea7h Dork 7.assifi7ation on the proIe7tJ
2: The pro;ress and efforts bein; made in 7ooperation Dith 6nions) Dhen
app.i7ab.e) to in7rease emp.oyment opport6nities for minorities and DomenJ
-: The pro;ress and efforts bein; made in .o7atin;) hirin;) trainin;) G6a.ifyin;)
and 6p;radin; minority and fema.e emp.oyeesJ and
4: The pro;ress and efforts bein; made in se76rin; the ser<i7es of D"E
s6b7ontra7tors or s6b7ontra7tors Dith meanin;f6. minority and fema.e
representation amon; their emp.oyees:
b: The 7ontra7tors Di.. s6bmit an ann6a. report to the S?A ea7h C6.y for the d6ration of
the proIe7t) indi7atin; the n6mber of minority) Domen) and non,minority ;ro6p
emp.oyees 76rrent.y en;a;ed in ea7h Dork 7.assifi7ation reG6ired by the 7ontra7t
Dork: This information is to be reported on Form F?8A,#-$#: If on,the,Iob trainin; is
bein; reG6ired by spe7ia. pro<ision) the 7ontra7tor Di.. be reG6ired to 7o..e7t and report
trainin; data:
/App.i7ab.e to a.. Federa.,aid 7onstr67tion 7ontra7ts and to a.. re.ated s6b7ontra7ts of O#%)%%% or
a: "y s6bmission of this bid) the e3e76tion of this 7ontra7t or s6b7ontra7t) or the 7ons6mmation of
this materia. s6pp.y a;reement or p6r7hase order) as appropriate) the bidder) Federa.,aid
7onstr67tion 7ontra7tor) s6b7ontra7tor) materia. s6pp.ier) or <endor) as appropriate) 7ertifies that
the firm does not maintain or pro<ide for its emp.oyees any se;re;ated fa7i.ities at any of its
estab.ishments) and that the firm does not permit its emp.oyees to perform their ser<i7es at any
.o7ation) 6nder its 7ontro.) Dhere se;re;ated fa7i.ities are maintained: The firm a;rees that a
brea7h of this 7ertifi7ation is a <io.ation of the EEO pro<isions of this 7ontra7t: The firm f6rther
7ertifies that no emp.oyee Di.. be denied a77ess to adeG6ate fa7i.ities on the basis of se3 or
b: As 6sed in this 7ertifi7ation) the term Ese;re;ated fa7i.itiesE means any Daitin; rooms) Dork
areas) restrooms and Dashrooms) resta6rants and other eatin; areas) time7.o7ks) .o7ker
rooms) and other stora;e or dressin; areas) parkin; .ots) drinkin; fo6ntains) re7reation or
entertainment areas) transportation) and ho6sin; fa7i.ities pro<ided for emp.oyees Dhi7h are
se;re;ated by e3p.i7it dire7ti<e) or are) in fa7t) se;re;ated on the basis of ra7e) 7o.or) re.i;ion)
nationa. ori;in) a;e or disabi.ity) be7a6se of habit) .o7a. 76stom) or otherDise: The on.y
e37eption Di.. be for the disab.ed Dhen the demands for a77essibi.ity o<erride /e:;: disab.ed
7: The 7ontra7tor a;rees that it has obtained or Di.. obtain identi7a. 7ertifi7ation from proposed
s6b7ontra7tors or materia. s6pp.iers prior to aDard of s6b7ontra7ts or 7ons6mmation of
materia. s6pp.y a;reements of O#%)%%% or more and that it Di.. retain s67h 7ertifi7ations in its
/App.i7ab.e to a.. Federa.,aid 7onstr67tion 7ontra7ts e37eedin; O2)%%% and to a.. re.ated s6b7ontra7ts)
e37ept for proIe7ts .o7ated on roadDays 7.assified as .o7a. roads or r6ra. minor 7o..e7tors) Dhi7h are
#: Ge'er%&5
a: A.. me7hani7s and .aborers emp.oyed or Dorkin; 6pon the site of the Dork Di.. be paid
6n7onditiona..y and not .ess often than on7e a Deek and Ditho6t s6bseG6ent
ded67tion or rebate on any a77o6nt Ve37ept s67h payro.. ded67tions as are permitted
by re;6.ations /2$ CFR -1 iss6ed by the Se7retary of Labor 6nder the Cope.and A7t
/4% !:S:C: 25071W the f6.. amo6nts of Da;es and bona fide frin;e benefits /or 7ash
eG6i<a.ents thereof1 d6e at time of payment: The payment sha.. be 7omp6ted at Da;e
rates not .ess than those 7ontained in the Da;e determination of the Se7retary of
Labor /hereinafter Ethe Da;e determinationE1 Dhi7h is atta7hed hereto and made a part
hereof) re;ard.ess of any 7ontra7t6a. re.ationship Dhi7h may be a..e;ed to e3ist
betDeen the 7ontra7tor or its s6b7ontra7tors and s67h .aborers and me7hani7s: The
Da;e determination /in7.6din; any additiona. 7.assifi7ations and Da;e rates 7onformed
6nder para;raph 2 of this Se7tion I( and the DOL poster /8?,#-2#1 or Form F?8A,
#4$*1 sha.. be posted at a.. times by the 7ontra7tor and its s6b7ontra7tors at the site of
the Dork in a prominent and a77essib.e p.a7e Dhere it 7an be easi.y seen by the
Dorkers: For the p6rpose of this Se7tion) 7ontrib6tions made or 7osts reasonab.y
anti7ipated for bona fide frin;e benefits 6nder Se7tion #/b1 /21 of the Da<is, "a7on A7t
/4% !:S:C: 250a1 on beha.f of .aborers or me7hani7s are 7onsidered Da;es paid to
s67h .aborers or me7hani7s) s6bIe7t to the pro<isions of Se7tion I() para;raph -b)
hereof: for the p6rpose of this Se7tion) re; 7ontrib6tions made or 7osts
in76rred for more than a Deek.y period /b6t not .ess often than G6arter.y1 6nder p.ans)
f6nds) or pro;rams) Dhi7h 7o<er the Deek.y period) are deemed to be
7onstr67ti<e.y made or in76rred d6rin; s67h Deek.y period: S67h .aborers and
me7hani7s sha.. be paid the appropriate Da;e rate and frin;e benefits on the Da;e
determination for the 7.assifi7ation of Dork a7t6a..y performed) Ditho6t re;ard to ski..)
e37ept as pro<ided in para;raphs 4 and * of this Se7tion I(:
b: Laborers or me7hani7s performin; Dork in more than one 7.assifi7ation may be
7ompensated at the rate spe7ified for ea7h 7.assifi7ation for the time a7t6a..y Dorked
therein) pro<ided) that the emp.oyerUs payro.. re7ords a776rate.y set forth the time
spent in ea7h 7.assifi7ation in Dhi7h Dork is performed:
7: A..;s and interpretations of the Da<is,"a7on A7t and re.ated a7ts 7ontained in 2$
CFR #) -) and * are herein in7orporated by referen7e in this 7ontra7t:
2: C&%#4#(%/#0'5
a: The S?A 7ontra7tin; offi7er sha.. reG6ire that any 7.ass of .aborers or me7hani7s
emp.oyed 6nder the 7ontra7t) Dhi7h is not .isted in the Da;e determination) sha.. be
7.assified in 7onforman7e Dith the Da;e determination:
b: The 7ontra7tin; offi7er sha.. appro<e an additiona. 7.assifi7ation) Da;e rate and frin;e
benefits on.y Dhen the fo..oDin; 7riteria ha<e been met:
#: the Dork to be performed by the additiona. 7.assifi7ation reG6ested is not
performed by a 7.assifi7ation in the Da;e determinationJ
2: the additiona. 7.assifi7ation is 6ti.iHed in the area by the 7onstr67tion
-: the proposed Da;e rate) in7.6din; any bona fide frin;e benefits) bears a
reasonab.e re.ationship to the Da;e rates 7ontained in the Da;e
determinationJ and
4: Dith respe7t to he.pers) Dhen s67h a 7.assifi7ation pre<ai.s in the area in
Dhi7h the Dork is performed:
7: If the 7ontra7tor or s6b7ontra7tors) as appropriate) the .aborers and me7hani7s /if
knoDn1 to be emp.oyed in the additiona. 7.assifi7ation or their representati<es) and the
7ontra7tin; offi7er a;ree on the 7.assifi7ation and Da;e rate /in7.6din; the amo6nt
desi;nated for frin;e benefits Dhere appropriate1) a report of the a7tion taken sha.. be
sent by the 7ontra7tin; offi7er to the DOL) Administrator of the 8a;e and ?o6r
Di<ision) Emp.oyment Standards Administration) 8ashin;ton) D:C: 2%2#%: The 8a;e
and ?o6r Administrator) or an a6thoriHed representati<e) Di.. appro<e) modify) or
disappro<e e<ery additiona. 7.assifi7ation a7tion Dithin -% days of re7eipt and so
ad<ise the 7ontra7tin; offi7er or Di.. notify the 7ontra7tin; offi7er Dithin the -%,day
period that additiona. time is ne7essary:
d: In the e<ent the 7ontra7tor or s6b7ontra7tors) as appropriate) the .aborers or
me7hani7s to be emp.oyed in the additiona. 7.assifi7ation or their representati<es) and
the 7ontra7tin; offi7er do not a;ree on the proposed 7.assifi7ation and Da;e rate
/in7.6din; the amo6nt desi;nated for frin;e benefits) Dhere appropriate1) the
7ontra7tin; offi7er sha.. refer the G6estions) in7.6din; the <ieDs of a.. interested parties
and the re7ommendation of the 7ontra7tin; offi7er) to the 8a;e and ?o6r
Administrator for determination: Said Administrator) or an a6thoriHed representati<e)
Di.. iss6e a determination Dithin -% days of re7eipt and so ad<ise the 7ontra7tin;
offi7er or Di.. notify the 7ontra7tin; offi7er Dithin the -%,day period that additiona. time
is ne7essary:
e: The Da;e rate /in7.6din; frin;e benefits Dhere appropriate1 determined p6rs6ant to
para;raph 27 or 2d of this Se7tion I( sha.. be paid to a.. Dorkers performin; Dork in
the additiona. 7.assifi7ation from the first day on Dhi7h Dork is performed in the
-: P%3me'/ 04 Fr#'8e Be'e4#/5
a: 8hene<er the minim6m Da;e rate pres7ribed in the 7ontra7t for a 7.ass of .aborers or
me7hani7s in7.6des a frin;e benefit Dhi7h is not e3pressed as an ho6r.y rate) the
7ontra7tor or s6b7ontra7tors) as appropriate) sha.. either pay the benefit as stated in
the Da;e determination or sha.. pay another bona fide frin;e benefit or an ho6r.y 7ase
eG6i<a.ent thereof:
b: If the 7ontra7tor or s6b7ontra7tor) as appropriate) does not make payments to a
tr6stee or other third person) he9she may 7onsider as a part of the Da;es of any
.aborer or me7hani7 the amo6nt of any 7osts reasonab.y anti7ipated in pro<idin; bona
fide frin;e benefits 6nder a or pro;ram) pro<ided) that the Se7retary of Labor has
fo6nd) 6pon the Dritten reG6est of the 7ontra7tor) that the app.i7ab.e standards of the
Da<is,"a7on A7t ha<e been met: The Se7retary of Labor may reG6ire the 7ontra7tor to
set aside in a separate a77o6nt assets for the meetin; of ob.i;ations 6nder the or
4: A66re'/#(e %'1 Tr%#'ee BPr08r%m 04 /7e U.S. DOLC %'1 He&6er5
a: Apprenti7es:
#: Apprenti7es Di.. be permitted to Dork at .ess than the predetermined rate for
the Dork they performed Dhen they are emp.oyed p6rs6ant to and
indi<id6a..y re;istered in a bona fide apprenti7eship pro;ram re;istered Dith
the DOL) Emp.oyment and Trainin; Administration) "6rea6 of
Apprenti7eship and Trainin;) or Dith a State apprenti7eship a;en7y
re7o;niHed by the "6rea6) or if a person is emp.oyed in his9her first $% days
of probationary emp.oyment as an apprenti7e in s67h an apprenti7eship
pro;ram) Dho is not indi<id6a..y re;istered in the pro;ram) b6t Dho has
been 7ertified by the "6rea6 of Apprenti7eship and Trainin; or a State
apprenti7eship a;en7y /Dhere appropriate1 to be e.i;ib.e for probationary
emp.oyment as an apprenti7e:
2: The a..oDab.e ratio of apprenti7es to Io6rneyman,.e<e. emp.oyees on the
Iob site in any 7raft 7.assifi7ation sha.. not be ;reater than the ratio
permitted to the 7ontra7tor as to the entire Dork for7e 6nder the re;istered
pro;ram: Any emp.oyee .isted on a payro.. at an apprenti7e Da;e rate) Dho
is not re;istered or otherDise emp.oyed as stated abo<e) sha.. be paid not
.ess than the app.i7ab.e Da;e rate .isted in the Da;e determination for the
7.assifi7ation of Dork a7t6a..y performed: In addition) any apprenti7e
performin; Dork on the Iob site in e37ess of the ratio permitted 6nder the
re;istered pro;ram sha.. be paid not .ess than the app.i7ab.e Da;e rate on
the Da;e determination for the Dork a7t6a..y performed: 8here a 7ontra7tor
or s6b7ontra7tor is performin; 7onstr67tion on a proIe7t in a .o7a.ity other
than that in Dhi7h its pro;ram is re;istered) the ratios and Da;e rates
/e3pressed in per7enta;es of the Io6rneyman,.e<e. ho6r.y rate1 spe7ified in
the 7ontra7torUs or s6b7ontra7torUs re;istered pro;ram sha.. be obser<ed:
-: E<ery apprenti7e m6st be paid at not .ess than the rate spe7ified in the
re;istered pro;ram for the apprenti7eUs .e<e. of pro;ress) e3pressed as a
per7enta;e of the Io6rneyman,.e<e. ho6r.y rate spe7ified in the app.i7ab.e
Da;e determination: Apprenti7es sha.. be paid frin;e benefits in a77ordan7e
Dith the pro<isions of the apprenti7eship pro;ram: If the apprenti7eship
pro;ram does not spe7ify frin;e benefits) apprenti7es m6st be paid the f6..
amo6nt of frin;e benefits .isted on the Da;e determination for the
app.i7ab.e 7.assifi7ation: If the Administrator for the 8a;e and ?o6r Di<ision
determines that a different pra7ti7e pre<ai.s for the app.i7ab.e apprenti7e
7.assifi7ation) frin;es sha.. be paid in a77ordan7e Dith that determination:
4: In the e<ent the "6rea6 of Apprenti7eship and Trainin;) or a State
apprenti7eship a;en7y re7o;niHed by the "6rea6) DithdraDs appro<a. of an
apprenti7eship pro;ram) the 7ontra7tor or s6b7ontra7tor Di.. no .on;er be
permitted to 6ti.iHe apprenti7es at .ess than the app.i7ab.e predetermined
rate for the 7omparab.e Dork performed by re; emp.oyees 6nti. an
a77eptab.e pro;ram is appro<ed:
b: Trainees:
#: E37ept as pro<ided in 2$ CFR *:#0) trainees Di.. not be permitted to Dork at
.ess than the predetermined rate for the Dork performed 6n.ess they are
emp.oyed p6rs6ant to and indi<id6a..y re;istered in a pro;ram Dhi7h has
re7ei<ed prior appro<a.) e<iden7ed by forma. 7ertifi7ation by the DOL)
Emp.oyment and Trainin; Administration:
2: The ratio of trainees to Io6rneyman,.e<e. emp.oyees on the Iob site sha.. not
be ;reater than permitted 6nder the appro<ed by the Emp.oyment and
Trainin; Administration: Any emp.oyee .isted on the payro.. at a trainee rate
Dho is not re;istered and parti7ipatin; in a trainin; appro<ed by the
Emp.oyment and Trainin; Administration sha.. be paid not .ess than the
app.i7ab.e Da;e rate on the Da;e determination for the 7.assifi7ation of
Dork a7t6a..y performed: In addition) any trainee performin; Dork on the Iob
site in e37ess of the ratio permitted 6nder the re;istered pro;ram sha.. be
paid not .ess than the app.i7ab.e Da;e rate on the Da;e determination for
the Dork a7t6a..y performed:
-: E<ery trainee m6st be paid at not .ess than the rate spe7ified in the
appro<ed pro;ram for his9her .e<e. of pro;ress) e3pressed as a per7enta;e
of the Io6rneyman,.e<e. ho6r.y rate spe7ified in the app.i7ab.e Da;e
determination: Trainees sha.. be paid frin;e benefits in a77ordan7e Dith the
pro<isions of the trainee pro;ram: If the trainee pro;ram does not mention
frin;e benefits) trainees sha.. be paid the f6.. amo6nt of frin;e benefits .isted
on the Da;e determination 6n.ess the Administrator of the 8a;e and ?o6r
Di<ision determines that there is an apprenti7eship pro;ram asso7iated Dith
the 7orrespondin; Io6rneyman,.e<e. Da;e rate on the Da;e determination
Dhi7h pro<ides for .ess than f6.. frin;e benefits for apprenti7es) in Dhi7h
7ase s67h trainees sha.. re7ei<e the same frin;e benefits as apprenti7es:
4: In the e<ent the Emp.oyment and Trainin; Administration DithdraDs
appro<a. of a trainin; pro;ram) the 7ontra7tor or s6b7ontra7tor Di.. no
.on;er be permitted to 6ti.iHe trainees at .ess than the app.i7ab.e
predetermined rate for the Dork performed 6nti. an a77eptab.e pro;ram is
7: ?e.pers:
?e.pers Di.. be permitted to Dork on a proIe7t if the he.per 7.assifi7ation is
spe7ified and defined on the app.i7ab.e Da;e determination or is appro<ed
p6rs6ant to the 7onforman7e pro7ed6re set forth in Se7tion I(:2: Any Dorker
.isted on a payro.. at a he.per Da;e rate) Dho is not a he.per 6nder an
appro<ed definition) sha.. be paid not .ess than the app.i7ab.e Da;e rate on
the Da;e determination for the 7.assifi7ation of Dork a7t6a..y performed:
*: A66re'/#(e %'1 Tr%#'ee BPr08r%m 04 /7e U.S. DOTC5
Apprenti7es and trainees Dorkin; 6nder apprenti7eship and ski.. trainin; pro;rams Dhi7h ha<e
been 7ertified by the Se7retary of Transportation as promotin; EEO in 7onne7tion Dith Federa.,
aid hi;hDay 7onstr67tion pro;rams are not s6bIe7t to the reG6irements of para;raph 4 of this
Se7tion I(: The strai;ht time ho6r.y Da;e rates for apprenti7es and trainees 6nder s67h
pro;rams Di.. be estab.ished by the pro;rams: The ratio of apprenti7es and trainees
to Io6rneymen sha.. not be ;reater than permitted by the terms of the pro;ram:
0: A#/770&1#'85
The S?A sha.. 6pon its oDn a7tion or 6pon Dritten reG6est of an a6thoriHed representati<e of
the DOL Dithho.d) or 7a6se to be Dithhe.d) from the 7ontra7tor or s6b7ontra7tor 6nder this
7ontra7t or any other Federa. 7ontra7t Dith the same prime 7ontra7tor) or any other Federa..y,
assisted 7ontra7t s6bIe7t to Da<is,"a7on pre<; Da;e reG6irements Dhi7h is he.d by the
same prime 7ontra7tor) as m67h of the a77r6ed payments or ad<an7es as may be 7onsidered
ne7essary to pay .aborers and me7hani7s) in7.6din; apprenti7es) trainees) and he.pers)
emp.oyed by the 7ontra7tor or any s6b7ontra7tor the f6.. amo6nt of Da;es reG6ired by the
7ontra7t: In the e<ent of fai.6re to pay any .aborer or me7hani7) in7.6din; any apprenti7e)
trainee) or he.per) emp.oyed or Dorkin; on the site of the Dork) a.. or part of the Da;es reG6ired
by the 7ontra7t) the S?A 7ontra7tin; offi7er may) after Dritten noti7e to the 7ontra7tor) take s67h
a7tion as may be ne7essary to 7a6se the s6spension of any f6rther payment) ad<an7e) or
;6arantee of f6nds 6nti. s67h <io.ations ha<e 7eased:
5: O$er/#me Re!"#reme'/5
No 7ontra7tor or s6b7ontra7tor 7ontra7tin; for any part of the 7ontra7t Dork Dhi7h may reG6ire
or in<o.<e the emp.oyment of .aborers) me7hani7s) Dat7hmen) or ;6ards /in7.6din;
apprenti7es) trainees) and he.pers des7ribed in para;raphs 4 and * abo<e1 sha.. reG6ire or
permit any .aborer) me7hani7) Dat7hman) or ;6ard in any DorkDeek in Dhi7h he9she is
emp.oyed on s67h Dork) to Dork in e37ess of 4% ho6rs in s67h DorkDeek 6n.ess s67h .aborer)
me7hani7) Dat7hman) or ;6ard re7ei<es 7ompensation at a rate not .ess than one,and,one,ha.f
times his9her basi7 rate of pay for a.. ho6rs Dorked in e37ess of 4% ho6rs in s67h DorkDeek:
+: V#0&%/#0'5
Liabi.ity for !npaid 8a;esJ LiG6idated Dama;es: In the e<ent of any <io.ation of the 7.a6se set
forth in para;raph 5 abo<e) the 7ontra7tor and any s6b7ontra7tor responsib.e thereof sha.. be
.iab.e to the affe7ted emp.oyee for his9her 6npaid Da;es: In addition) s67h 7ontra7tor and
s6b7ontra7tor sha.. be .iab.e to the !nited States /in the 7ase of Dork done 6nder 7ontra7t for
the Distri7t of Co.6mbia or a territory) to s67h Distri7t or to s67h territory1 for .iG6idated
dama;es: S67h .iG6idated dama;es sha.. be 7omp6ted Dith respe7t to ea7h indi<id6a. .aborer)
me7hani7) Dat7hman) or ;6ard emp.oyed in <io.ation of the 7.a6se set forth in para;raph 5) in
the s6m of O#% for ea7h 7a.endar day on Dhi7h s67h emp.oyee Das reG6ired or permitted to
Dork in e37ess of the standard Dork Deek of 4% ho6rs Ditho6t payment of the o<ertime Da;es
reG6ired by the 7.a6se set forth in para;raph 5:
$: A#/770&1#'8 40r U'6%#1 A%8e %'1 L#!"#1%/e1 D%m%8e5
The S?A sha.. 6pon its oDn a7tion or 6pon Dritten reG6est of any a6thoriHed representati<e of
the DOL Dithho.d) or 7a6se to be Dithhe.d) from any monies payab.e on a77o6nt of Dork
performed by the 7ontra7tor or s6b7ontra7tor 6nder any s67h 7ontra7t or any other Federa.
7ontra7t Dith the same prime 7ontra7tor) or any other Federa..y,assisted 7ontra7t s6bIe7t to the
7ontra7t 8ork ?o6rs and Safety Standards A7t) Dhi7h is he.d by the same prime 7ontra7tor)
s67h s6ms as may be determined to be ne7essary to satisfy any .iabi.ities of s67h 7ontra7tor or
s6b7ontra7tor for 6npaid Da;es and .iG6idated dama;es as pro<ided in the 7.a6se set forth in
para;raph + abo<e:
/App.i7ab.e to a.. Federa.,aid 7onstr67tion 7ontra7ts e37eedin; O2)%%% and to a.. re.ated s6b7ontra7ts)
e37ept for proIe7ts .o7ated on roadDays 7.assified as .o7a. roads or r6ra. 7o..e7tors) Dhi7h are
#: C0m6&#%'(e :#/7 C06e&%'1 Re8"&%/#0' B2? CFR )C5
The 7ontra7tor sha.. 7omp.y Dith the Cope.and Re;6.ations of the Se7retary of Labor Dhi7h are
herein in7orporated by referen7e:
2: P%3r0&& %'1 P%3r0&& Re(0r15
a: Payro..s and basi7 re7ords re.atin; thereto sha.. be maintained by the 7ontra7tor and
ea7h s6b7ontra7tor d6rin; the 7o6rse of the Dork and preser<ed for a period of -
years from the date of 7omp.etion of the 7ontra7t for a.. .aborers) me7hani7s)
apprenti7es) trainees) Dat7hmen) he.pers) and ;6ards Dorkin; at the site of the Dork:
b: The payro.. re7ords sha.. 7ontain the name) so7ia. se76rity n6mber) and address of
ea7h s67h emp.oyeeJ his or her 7orre7t 7.assifi7ationJ ho6r.y rates of Da;es paid
/in7.6din; rates of 7ontrib6tions or 7osts anti7ipated for bona fide frin;e benefits or
7ash eG6i<a.ent thereof the types des7ribed in Se7tion #/b1/21/"1 of the Da<is "a7on
A7t1J dai.y and Deek.y n6mber of ho6rs DorkedJ ded67tions madeJ and a7t6a. Da;es
paid: In addition) for Appa.a7hian 7ontra7ts) the payro.. re7ords sha.. 7ontain a notation
indi7atin; Dhether the emp.oyee does) or does not) norma..y reside in the .abor area
as defined in Atta7hment A) para;raph #: 8hene<er the Se7retary of Labor) p6rs6ant
to Se7tion I() para;raph -b) has fo6nd that the Da;es of any .aborer or me7hani7
in7.6de the amo6nt of any 7osts reasonab.y anti7ipated in pro<idin; benefits 6nder a or pro;ram des7ribed in Se7tion #/b1/21/"1 of the Da<is "a7on A7t) the 7ontra7tor
and ea7h s6b7ontra7tor sha.. maintain re7ords Dhi7h shoD that the 7ommitment to
pro<ide s67h benefits is enfor7eab.e) that the or pro;ram is finan7ia..y
responsib.e) that the or pro;ram has been 7omm6ni7ated in Dritin; to the
.aborers or me7hani7s affe7ted) and shoD the 7ost anti7ipated or the a7t6a. 7ost
in76rred in pro<idin; benefits: Contra7tors or s6b7ontra7tors emp.oyin; apprenti7es or
trainees 6nder appro<ed pro;rams sha.. maintain Dritten e<iden7e of the re;istration
of apprenti7es and trainees) and ratios and Da;e rates pres7ribed in the app.i7ab.e
7: Ea7h 7ontra7tor and s6b7ontra7tor sha.. f6rnish) ea7h Deek in Dhi7h any 7ontra7t Dork
is performed) to the S?A resident en;ineer a payro.. of Da;es paid ea7h of its
emp.oyees /in7.6din; apprenti7es) trainees) and he.pers) des7ribed in Se7tion I()
para;raphs 4 and *) and Dat7hmen and ;6ards en;a;ed on Dork d6rin; the
pre7edin; Deek.y payro.. period1: The payro.. s6bmitted sha.. set o6t a776rate.y and
7omp.ete.y a.. of the information reG6ired to be maintained 6nder para;raph 2b of this
Se7tion (: This information may be s6bmitted in any form desired: Optiona. Form 8?,
-45 is a<ai.ab.e for this p6rpose and may be p6r7hased from the S6perintendent of
Do76ments /Federa. sto7k n6mber %2$, %%*,%%#4,#1) !:S: =o<ernment Printin;
Offi7e) 8ashin;ton) D:C: 2%4%2: The prime 7ontra7tor is responsib.e for the
s6bmission of 7opies of payro..s by a.. s6b7ontra7tors:
d: Ea7h payro.. s6bmitted sha.. be a77ompanied by a EStatement of Comp.ian7e)E si;ned
by the 7ontra7tor or s6b7ontra7tor or his9her a;ent Dho pays or s6per<ises the
payment of the persons emp.oyed 6nder the 7ontra7t and sha.. 7ertify the fo..oDin;:
#: that the payro.. for the payro.. period 7ontains the information reG6ired to be
maintained 6nder para;raph 2b of this Se7tion ( and that s67h information
is 7orre7t and 7omp.eteJ
2: that s67h .aborer or me7hani7 /in7.6din; ea7h he.per) apprenti7e) and
trainee1 emp.oyed on the 7ontra7t d6rin; the payro.. period has been paid
the f6.. Deek.y Da;es earned) Ditho6t rebate) either dire7t.y or indire7t.y)
and that no ded67tions ha<e been made either dire7t.y or indire7t.y from the
f6.. Da;es earned) other than permissib.e ded67tions as set forth in the
Re;6.ations) 2$ CFR -J
-: that ea7h .aborer or me7hani7 has been paid not .ess that the app.i7ab.e
Da;e rate and frin;e benefits or 7ash eG6i<a.ent for the 7.assifi7ation of
Dorked performed) as spe7ified in the app.i7ab.e Da;e determination
in7orporated into the 7ontra7t:
e: The Deek.y s6bmission of a proper.y e3e76ted 7ertifi7ation set forth on the re<erse
side of Optiona. Form 8?,-45 sha.. satisfy the reG6irement for s6bmission of the
EStatement of Comp.ian7eE reG6ired by para;raph 2d of this Se7tion (:
f: The fa.sifi7ation of any of the abo<e 7ertifi7ations may s6bIe7t the 7ontra7tor to 7i<i. or
7rimina. prose76tion 6nder #+ !:S:C: #%%# and -# !:S:C: 2-#:
;: The 7ontra7tor or s6b7ontra7tor sha.. make the re7ords reG6ired 6nder para;raph 2b
of this Se7tion ( a<ai.ab.e for inspe7tion) 7opyin;) or trans7ription by a6thoriHed
representati<es of the S?A) the F?8A) or the DOL) and sha.. permit s67h
representati<es to inter<ieD emp.oyees d6rin; Dorkin; ho6rs on the Iob: If the
7ontra7tor or s6b7ontra7tor fai.s to s6bmit the reG6ired re7ords or to make them
a<ai.ab.e) the S?A) the F?8A) the DOL) or a.. may) after Dritten noti7e to the
7ontra7tor) sponsor) app.i7ant) or oDner) take s67h a7tions as may be ne7essary to
7a6se the s6spension of any f6rther payment) ad<an7e) or ;6arantee of f6nds:
F6rthermore) fai.6re to s6bmit the reG6ired re7ords 6pon reG6est or to make s67h
re7ords a<ai.ab.e may be ;ro6nds for debarment a7tion p6rs6ant to 2$ CFR *:#2:
/As of ay 22) 2%%5) Form F?8A,45 is no .on;er reG6ired:1
#: The 7ontra7tor sha.. perform Dith its oDn or;aniHation 7ontra7t Dork amo6ntin; to not .ess than
-% per7ent /or a ;reater per7enta;e if spe7ified e.seDhere in the 7ontra7t1 of the tota. ori;ina.
7ontra7t pri7e) e37.6din; any spe7ia.ty items desi;nated by the State: Spe7ia.ty items may be
performed by s6b7ontra7t and the amo6nt of any s67h spe7ia.ty items performed may be
ded67ted from the tota. ori;ina. 7ontra7t pri7e before 7omp6tin; the amo6nt of Dork reG6ired to
be performed by the 7ontra7torUs oDn or;aniHation /2- CFR 0-*1:
a: EIts oDn or;aniHationE sha.. be 7onstr6ed to in7.6de on.y Dorkers emp.oyed and paid
dire7t.y by the prime 7ontra7tor and eG6ipment oDned or rented by the prime
7ontra7tor) Dith or Ditho6t operators: S67h term does not in7.6de emp.oyees or
eG6ipment of a s6b7ontra7tor) assi;nee) or a;ent of the prime 7ontra7tor:
b: ESpe7ia.ty ItemsE sha.. be 7onstr6ed to be .imited to Dork that reG6ires hi;h.y
spe7ia.iHed knoD.ed;e) abi.ities) or eG6ipment not ordinari.y a<ai.ab.e in the type of
7ontra7tin; or;aniHations G6a.ified and e3pe7ted to bid on the 7ontra7t as a Dho.e and
in ;enera. are to be .imited to minor 7omponents of the o<era.. 7ontra7t:
2: The 7ontra7t amo6nt 6pon Dhi7h the reG6irements set forth in para;raph # of Se7tion (II is
7omp6ted in7.6des the 7ost of materia. and man6fa7t6red prod67ts Dhi7h are to be p6r7hased
or prod67ed by the 7ontra7tor 6nder the 7ontra7t pro<isions:
-: The 7ontra7tor sha.. f6rnish /a1 a 7ompetent s6perintendent or s6per<isor Dho is emp.oyed by
the firm) has f6.. a6thority to dire7t performan7e of the Dork in a77ordan7e Dith the 7ontra7t
reG6irements) and is in 7har;e of a.. 7onstr67tion operations /re;ard.ess of Dho performs the
Dork1 and /b1 s67h other of its oDn or;aniHationa. reso6r7es /s6per<ision) mana;ement) and
en;ineerin; ser<i7es1 as the S?A 7ontra7tin; offi7er determines is ne7essary to ass6re the
performan7e of the 7ontra7t:
4: No portion of the 7ontra7t sha.. be assi;ned or otherDise disposed of e37ept Dith the
Dritten 7onsent of the S?A 7ontra7tin; offi7er) or a6thoriHed representati<e) and s67h 7onsent
Dhen ;i<en sha.. not be 7onstr6ed to<e the 7ontra7tor of any responsibi.ity for the of the 7ontra7t: 8ritten 7onsent Di.. be ;i<en on.y after the S?A has ass6red that
ea7h s6b7ontra7t is e<iden7ed in Dritin; and that it 7ontains a.. pertinent pro<isions and
reG6irements of the prime 7ontra7t:
#: In the performan7e of this 7ontra7t the 7ontra7tor sha.. 7omp.y Dith a.. app.i7ab.e Federa.)
State) and .o7a. .aDs ;o<ernin; safety) and sanitation /2- CFR 0-*1: The 7ontra7tor
sha.. pro<ide a.. safe;6ards) safety de<i7es and prote7ti<e eG6ipment and take any other
needed a7tions as it determines) or as the S?A 7ontra7tin; offi7er may determine) to be
reasonab.y ne7essary to prote7t the .ife and of emp.oyees on the Iob and the safety of
the p6b.i7 and to prote7t property in 7onne7tion Dith the performan7e of the Dork 7o<ered by
the 7ontra7t:
2: It is a 7ondition of this 7ontra7t) and sha.. be made a 7ondition of ea7h s6b7ontra7t) Dhi7h the
7ontra7tor enters into p6rs6ant to this 7ontra7t) that the 7ontra7tor and any s6b7ontra7tor sha..
not permit any emp.oyee) in performan7e of the 7ontra7t) to Dork in s6rro6ndin;s or 6nder
7onditions Dhi7h are 6nsanitary) haHardo6s or dan;ero6s to his9her or safety) as
determined 6nder 7onstr67tion safety and standards /2$ CFR #$201 prom6.;ated by the
Se7retary of Labor) in a77ordan7e Dith Se7tion #%5 of the Contra7t 8ork ?o6rs and Safety
Standards A7t /4% !:S:C: ---1:
-: P6rs6ant to 2$ CFR #$20:-) it is a 7ondition of this 7ontra7t that the Se7retary of Labor or
a6thoriHed representati<e thereof) sha.. ha<e ri;ht of entry to any site of 7ontra7t performan7e
to inspe7t or in<esti;ate the matter of 7omp.ian7e Dith the 7onstr67tion safety and
standards and to 7arry o6t the d6ties of the Se7retary 6nder Se7tion #%5 of the Contra7t 8ork
?o6rs and Safety Standards A7t /4% !:S:C: ---1:
In order to ass6re hi;h G6a.ity and d6rab.e 7onstr67tion in 7onformity Dith appro<ed p.ans and
spe7ifi7ations and a hi;h de;ree of re.iabi.ity on statements and representations made by En;ineers)
7ontra7tors) s6pp.iers) and Dorkers on Federa.,aid hi;hDay proIe7ts) it is essentia. that a.. persons
7on7erned Dith the proIe7t perform their f6n7tions as 7aref6..y) thoro6;h.y) and honest.y as possib.e:
8i..f6. fa.sifi7ation) distortion) or misrepresentation Dith respe7t to any fa7ts re.ated to the proIe7t is a
<io.ation of Federa. .aD: To pre<ent any mis6nderstandin; re;ardin; the serio6sness of these and a7ts) the fo..oDin; noti7e sha.. be posted on ea7h Federa.,aid hi;hDay proIe7t /2- CFR 0-*1 in
one or more p.a7es Dhere it is readi.y a<ai.ab.e to a.. persons 7on7erned Dith the proIe7t:
#+ !:S:C: #%2% reads as fo..oDs:
E8hoe<er) bein; an offi7er) a;ent) or emp.oyee of the !nited States) or of any State or Territory) or
Dhoe<er) Dhether a person) asso7iation) firm) or 7orporation) knoDin;.y makes any statement) representation) or report as to the 7hara7ter) G6a.ity) G6antity) or 7ost of the materia. 6sed
or to be 6sed) or the G6antity or G6a.ity of the Dork performed or to be performed) or the 7ost thereof
in 7onne7tion Dith the s6bmission of p.ans) maps) spe7ifi7ations) 7ontra7ts) or 7osts of 7onstr67tion
on any hi;hDay or re.ated proIe7t s6bmitted for appro<a. to the Se7retary of TransportationJ or
8hoe<er knoDin;.y makes any statement) representation) report or 7.aim Dith
respe7t to the 7hara7ter) G6a.ity) G6antity) or 7ost of any Dork performed or to be performed) or
materia.s f6rnished or to be f6rnished) in 7onne7tion Dith the 7onstr67tion of any hi;hDay or re.ated
proIe7t appro<ed by the Se7retary of TransportationJ or
8hoe<er knoDin;.y makes any statement or representation as to materia. fa7t in any
statement) 7ertifi7ate) or report s6bmitted p6rs6ant to pro<isions of the Federa.,aid Roads A7t
appro<ed C6.y #) #$#0) /-$ Stat: -**1) as amended and s6pp.ementedJ
Sha.. be fined not more that O#%)%%% or imprisoned not more than * years or both:E
/App.i7ab.e to a.. Federa.,aid 7onstr67tion 7ontra7ts and to a.. re.ated s6b7ontra7ts of O#%%)%%% or
"y s6bmission of this bid or the e3e76tion of this 7ontra7t) or s6b7ontra7t) as appropriate) the bidder)
Federa.,aid 7onstr67tion 7ontra7tor) or s6b7ontra7tor) as appropriate) Di.. be deemed to ha<e
stip6.ated as fo..oDs:
#: That any fa7i.ity that is or Di.. be 6ti.iHed in the performan7e of this 7ontra7t) 6n.ess s67h
7ontra7t is e3empt 6nder the C.ean Air A7t) as amended /42 !:S:C: #+*5 et seG:) as amended
by P6b:L: $#,0%41) and 6nder the Federa. 8ater Po..6tion Contro. A7t) as amended /-- !:S:C:
#2*# et seG:) as amended by P6b:L: $2,*%%1) E3e76ti<e Order ##5-+) and re;6.ations in
imp.ementation thereof /4% CFR #*1 is not .isted) on the date of 7ontra7t aDard) on the !:S:
En<ironmenta. Prote7tion A;en7y /EPA1 List of (io.atin; Fa7i.ities p6rs6ant to 4% CFR #*:2%:
2: That the firm a;rees to 7omp.y and remain in 7omp.ian7e Dith a.. the reG6irements of Se7tion
##4 of the C.ean Air A7t and Se7tion -%+ of the Federa. 8ater Po..6tion Contro. A7t and a..
re;6.ations and ;6ide.ines .isted there6nder:
-: That the firm sha.. prompt.y notify the S?A of the re7eipt of any 7omm6ni7ation from the
Dire7tor) Offi7e of Federa. A7ti<ities) EPA) indi7atin; that a fa7i.ity that is or Di.. be 6ti.iHed for
the 7ontra7t is 6nder 7onsideration to be .isted on the EPA List of (io.atin; Fa7i.ities:
4: That the firm a;rees to in7.6de or 7a6se to be in7.6ded the reG6irements of para;raph #
thro6;h 4 of this Se7tion > in e<ery none3empt s6b7ontra7t) and f6rther a;rees to take s67h
a7tion as the ;o<ernment may dire7t as a means of enfor7in; s67h reG6irements:
#: I'/r"(/#0' 40r Cer/#4#(%/#0' - Pr#m%r3 C0$ere1 Tr%'%(/#0'5
/App.i7ab.e to a.. Federa.,aid 7ontra7ts , 4$ CFR 2$1
a: "y si;nin; and s6bmittin; this proposa.) the prospe7ti<e primary parti7ipant is
pro<idin; the 7ertifi7ation set o6t be.oD:
b: The inabi.ity of a person to pro<ide the 7ertifi7ation set o6t be.oD Di.. not ne7essari.y
res6.t in denia. of parti7ipation in this 7o<ered transa7tion: The prospe7ti<e parti7ipant
sha.. s6bmit an e3p.anation of Dhy it 7annot pro<ide the 7ertifi7ation set o6t be.oD: The
7ertifi7ation or e3p.anation Di.. be 7onsidered in 7onne7tion Dith the department or
a;en7yUs determination Dhether to enter into this transa7tion: ?oDe<er) fai.6re of the
prospe7ti<e primary parti7ipant to f6rnish a 7ertifi7ation or an e3p.anation sha..
disG6a.ify s67h a person from parti7ipation in this transa7tion:
7: The 7ertifi7ation in this 7.a6se is a materia. representation of fa7t 6pon Dhi7h re.ian7e
Das p.a7ed Dhen the department or a;en7y determined to enter into this transa7tion: If
it is .ater determined that the prospe7ti<e primary parti7ipant knoDin;.y rendered an
erroneo6s 7ertifi7ation) in addition to other remedies a<ai.ab.e to the Federa.
=o<ernment) the department or a;en7y may terminate this transa7tion for 7a6se of
d: The prospe7ti<e primary parti7ipant sha.. pro<ide immediate Dritten noti7e to the
department or a;en7y to Dhom this proposa. is s6bmitted if any time the prospe7ti<e
primary parti7ipant .earns that its 7ertifi7ation Das erroneo6s Dhen s6bmitted or has
be7ome erroneo6s by reason of 7han;ed 7ir76mstan7es:
e: The terms E7o<ered transa7tion)E Edebarred)E Es6spended)E Eine.i;ib.e)E E.oDer tier
7o<ered transa7tion)E Eparti7ipant)E Eperson)E Eprimary 7o<ered transa7tion)E Eprin7ipa.)E
Eproposa.)E and E<o.6ntari.y e37.6ded)E as 6sed in this 7.a6se) ha<e the meanin;s set
o6t in the Definitions and Co<era;e se7tions of imp.ementin; E3e76ti<e Order
#2*4$: &o6 may 7onta7t the department or a;en7y to Dhi7h this proposa. is s6bmitted
for assistan7e in obtainin; a 7opy of those re;6.ations:
f: The prospe7ti<e primary parti7ipant a;rees by s6bmittin; this proposa. that) sho6.d the
proposed 7o<ered transa7tion be entered into) it sha.. not knoDin;.y enter into any
.oDer tier 7o<ered transa7tion Dith a person Dho is debarred) s6spended) de7.ared
ine.i;ib.e) or <o.6ntari.y e37.6ded from parti7ipation in this 7o<ered transa7tion) 6n.ess
a6thoriHed by the department or a;en7y enterin; into this transa7tion:
;: The prospe7ti<e primary parti7ipant f6rther a;rees by s6bmittin; this proposa. that it
Di.. in7.6de the 7.a6se tit.ed ECertifi7ation Re;ardin; Debarment) S6spension)
Ine.i;ibi.ity and (o.6ntary E37.6sion,LoDer Tier Co<ered Transa7tion)E pro<ided by the
department or a;en7y enterin; into this 7o<ered transa7tion) Ditho6t modifi7ation) in a..
.oDer tier 7o<ered transa7tions and in a.. so.i7itations for .oDer tier 7o<ered
h: A parti7ipant in a 7o<ered transa7tion may re.y 6pon a 7ertifi7ation of a prospe7ti<e
parti7ipant in a .oDer tier 7o<ered transa7tion that is not debarred) s6spended)
ine.i;ib.e) or <o.6ntari.y e37.6ded from the 7o<ered transa7tion) 6n.ess it knoDs that the
7ertifi7ation is erroneo6s: A parti7ipant may de7ide the method and freG6en7y by Dhi7h
it determines the e.i;ibi.ity of its prin7ipa.s: Ea7h parti7ipant may) b6t is not reG6ired to)
7he7k the nonpro76rement portion of the ELists of Parties E37.6ded From Federa.
Pro76rement or Nonpro76rement Pro;ramsE /Nonpro76rement List1 Dhi7h is 7ompi.ed
by the =enera. Ser<i7es Administration:
i: Nothin; 7ontained in the fore;oin; sha.. be 7onstr6ed to reG6ire estab.ishment of a
system of re7ords in order to render in ;ood faith the 7ertifi7ation reG6ired by this
7.a6se: The knoD.ed;e and information of parti7ipant is not reG6ired to e37eed that
Dhi7h is norma..y possessed by a pr6dent person in the ordinary 7o6rse of b6siness;s:
I: E37ept for transa7tions a6thoriHed 6nder para;raph f of these instr67tions) if a
parti7ipant in a 7o<ered transa7tion knoDin;.y enters into a .oDer tier 7o<ered
transa7tion Dith a person Dho is s6spended) debarred) ine.i;ib.e) or <o.6ntari.y
e37.6ded from parti7ipation in this transa7tion) in addition to other remedies a<ai.ab.e
to the Federa. =o<ernment) the department or a;en7y may terminate this transa7tion
for 7a6se or defa6.t:
Cer/#4#(%/#0' Re8%r1#'8 De.%rme'/, S"6e'#0', I'e&#8#.#&#/3
%'1 V0&"'/%r3 E<(&"#0'--Pr#m%r3 C0$ere1 Tr%'%(/#0'
#: The prospe7ti<e primary parti7ipant 7ertifies to the best of its knoD.ed;e and be.ief) that it and
its prin7ipa.s:
a: Are not present.y debarred) s6spended) proposed for debarment) de7.ared ine.i;ib.e)
or <o.6ntari.y e37.6ded from 7o<ered transa7tions by any Federa. department or
b: ?a<e not Dithin a -,year period pre7edin; this proposa. been 7on<i7ted of or had a
7i<i. I6d;ement rendered a;ainst them for 7ommission of fra6d or a 7rimina. offense in
7onne7tion Dith obtainin;) attemptin; to obtain) or performin; a p6b.i7 /Federa.) State
or .o7a.1 transa7tion or 7ontra7t 6nder a p6b.i7 transa7tionJ <io.ation of Federa. or State
antitr6st stat6tes or 7ommission of embeHH.ement) theft) for;ery) bribery) fa.sifi7ation or
destr67tion of re7ords) makin; statements) or re7ei<in; sto.en propertyJ
7: Are not present.y indi7ted for or otherDise 7rimina..y or 7i<i..y 7har;ed by a
;o<ernmenta. entity /Federa.) State or .o7a.1 Dith 7ommission of any of the offenses
en6merated in para;raph #b of this 7ertifi7ationJ and
d: ?a<e not Dithin a -,year period pre7edin; this app.i7ation9proposa. had one or more
p6b.i7 transa7tions /Federa.) State or .o7a.1 terminated for 7a6se or defa6.t:
2: 8here the prospe7ti<e primary parti7ipant is 6nab.e to 7ertify to any of the statements in this
7ertifi7ation) s67h prospe7ti<e parti7ipant sha.. atta7h an e3p.anation to this proposa.:
2: I'/r"(/#0' 40r Cer/#4#(%/#0' - L0:er T#er C0$ere1 Tr%'%(/#0'5
/App.i7ab.e to a.. s6b7ontra7ts) p6r7hase orders and other .oDer tier transa7tions of O2*)%%% or
more , 4$ CFR 2$1
a: "y si;nin; and s6bmittin; this proposa.) the prospe7ti<e .oDer tier is pro<idin; the
7ertifi7ation set o6t be.oD:
b: The 7ertifi7ation in this 7.a6se is a materia. representation of fa7t 6pon Dhi7h re.ian7e
Das p.a7ed Dhen this transa7tion Das entered into: If it is .ater determined that the
prospe7ti<e .oDer tier parti7ipant knoDin;.y rendered an erroneo6s 7ertifi7ation) in
addition to other remedies a<ai.ab.e to the Federa. =o<ernment) the department) or
a;en7y Dith Dhi7h this transa7tion ori;inated may p6rs6e a<ai.ab.e remedies)
in7.6din; s6spension and9or debarment:
7: The prospe7ti<e .oDer tier parti7ipant sha.. pro<ide immediate Dritten noti7e to the
person to Dhi7h this proposa. is s6bmitted if at any time the prospe7ti<e .oDer tier
parti7ipant .earns that its 7ertifi7ation Das erroneo6s by reason of 7han;ed
d: The terms E7o<ered transa7tion)E Edebarred)E Es6spended)E Eine.i;ib.e)E Eprimary
7o<ered transa7tion)E Eparti7ipant)E Eperson)E Eprin7ipa.)E Eproposa.)E and E<o.6ntari.y
e37.6ded)E as 6sed in this 7.a6se) ha<e the meanin;s set o6t in the Definitions and
Co<era;e se7tions of imp.ementin; E3e76ti<e Order #2*4$: &o6 may 7onta7t the
person to Dhi7h this proposa. is s6bmitted for assistan7e in obtainin; a 7opy of those
e: The prospe7ti<e .oDer tier parti7ipant a;rees by s6bmittin; this proposa. that) sho6.d
the proposed 7o<ered transa7tion be entered into) it sha.. not knoDin;.y enter into any
.oDer tier 7o<ered transa7tion Dith a person Dho is debarred) s6spended) de7.ared
ine.i;ib.e) or <o.6ntari.y e37.6ded from parti7ipation in this 7o<ered transa7tion) 6n.ess
a6thoriHed by the department or a;en7y Dith Dhi7h this transa7tion ori;inated:
f: The prospe7ti<e .oDer tier parti7ipant f6rther a;rees by s6bmittin; this proposa. that it
Di.. in7.6de this 7.a6se tit.ed ECertifi7ation Re;ardin; Debarment) S6spension)
Ine.i;ibi.ity and (o.6ntary E37.6sion,LoDer Tier Co<ered Transa7tion)E Ditho6t
modifi7ation) in a.. .oDer tier 7o<ered transa7tions and in a.. so.i7itations for .oDer tier
7o<ered transa7tions:
;: A parti7ipant in a 7o<ered transa7tion may re.y 6pon a 7ertifi7ation of a prospe7ti<e
parti7ipant in a .oDer tier 7o<ered transa7tion that is not debarred) s6spended)
ine.i;ib.e) or <o.6ntari.y e37.6ded from the 7o<ered transa7tion) 6n.ess it knoDs that the
7ertifi7ation is erroneo6s: A parti7ipant may de7ide the method and freG6en7y by Dhi7h
it determines the e.i;ibi.ity of its prin7ipa.s: Ea7h parti7ipant may) b6t is not reG6ired to)
7he7k the Nonpro76rement List:
h: Nothin; 7ontained in the fore;oin; sha.. be 7onstr6ed to reG6ire estab.ishment of a
system of re7ords in order to render in ;ood faith the 7ertifi7ation reG6ired by this
7.a6se: The knoD.ed;e and information of parti7ipant is not reG6ired to e37eed that
Dhi7h is norma..y possessed by a pr6dent person in the ordinary 7o6rse of b6siness;s:
i: E37ept for transa7tions a6thoriHed 6nder para;raph e of these instr67tions) if a
parti7ipant in a 7o<ered transa7tion knoDin;.y enters into a .oDer tier 7o<ered
transa7tion Dith a person Dho is s6spended) debarred) ine.i;ib.e) or <o.6ntari.y
e37.6ded from parti7ipation in this transa7tion) in addition to other remedies a<ai.ab.e
to the Federa. =o<ernment) the department or a;en7y Dith Dhi7h this transa7tion
ori;inated may p6rs6e a<ai.ab.e remedies) in7.6din; s6spension and9or debarment:
Cer/#4#(%/#0' Re8%r1#'8 De.%rme'/, S"6e'#0', I'e&#8#.#&#/3 %'1 V0&"'/%r3 E<(&"#0'--L0:er T#er
C0$ere1 Tr%'%(/#0'5
#: The prospe7ti<e .oDer tier parti7ipant 7ertifies) by s6bmission of this proposa.) that
neither it nor its prin7ipa.s is present.y debarred) s6spended) proposed for debarment)
de7.ared ine.i;ib.e) or <o.6ntari.y e37.6ded from parti7ipation in this transa7tion by any
Federa. department or a;en7y:
2: 8here the prospe7ti<e .oDer tier parti7ipant is 6nab.e to 7ertify to any of the
statements in this 7ertifi7ation) s67h prospe7ti<e parti7ipant sha.. atta7h an e3p.anation
to this proposa.:
/App.i7ab.e to a.. Federa.,aid 7onstr67tion 7ontra7ts and to a.. re.ated s6b7ontra7ts Dhi7h e37eed
O#%%)%%% , 4$ CFR 2%1
#: The prospe7ti<e parti7ipant 7ertifies) by si;nin; and s6bmittin; this bid or proposa.) to the best
of his or her knoD.ed;e and be.ief) that:
a: No Federa. appropriated f6nds ha<e been paid or Di.. be paid) by or on beha.f of the
6ndersi;ned) to any person for inf.6en7in; or attemptin; to inf.6en7e an offi7er or
emp.oyee of any Federa. a;en7y) a ember of Con;ress) an offi7er or emp.oyee of
Con;ress) or an emp.oyee of a ember of Con;ress in 7onne7tion Dith the aDardin;
of any Federa. 7ontra7t) the makin; of any Federa. ;rant) the makin; of any Federa.
.oan) the enterin; into of any 7ooperati<e a;reement) and the e3tension) 7ontin6ation)
reneDa.) amendment) or modifi7ation of any Federa. 7ontra7t) ;rant) .oan) or
7ooperati<e a;reement:
b: If any f6nds other than Federa. appropriated f6nds ha<e been paid or Di.. be paid to
any person for inf.6en7in; or attemptin; to inf.6en7e an offi7er or emp.oyee of any
Federa. a;en7y) a ember of Con;ress) an offi7er or emp.oyee of Con;ress) or an
emp.oyee of a ember of Con;ress in 7onne7tion Dith this Federa. 7ontra7t) ;rant)
.oan) or 7ooperati<e a;reement) the 6ndersi;ned sha.. 7omp.ete and s6bmit Standard
Form,LLL) EDis7.os6re Form to Report Lobbyin;)E in a77ordan7e Dith its instr67tions:
2: This 7ertifi7ation is a materia. representation of fa7t 6pon Dhi7h re.ian7e Das p.a7ed Dhen this
transa7tion Das made or entered into: S6bmission of this 7ertifi7ation is a prereG6isite for
makin; or enterin; into this transa7tion imposed by -# !:S:C: #-*2: Any person Dho fai.s to fi.e
the reG6ired 7ertifi7ation sha.. be s6bIe7t to a 7i<i. pena.ty of not .ess than O#%)%%% and not
more than O#%%)%%% for ea7h s67h fai.6re:
-: The prospe7ti<e parti7ipant a;rees by s6bmittin; his or her bid or proposa. that he or she
sha.. reG6ire that the .an;6a;e of this 7ertifi7ation be in7.6ded in a.. .oDer tier s6b7ontra7ts)
Dhi7h e37eed O#%%)%%% and that a.. s67h re7ipients sha.. 7ertify and dis7.ose a77ordin;.y:
2-1.11C Fem%&e %'1 M#'0r#/3 G0%&
To 7omp.y Dith se7tion II) ENondis7rimination)E of EReG6ired Contra7t Pro<isions Federa.,Aid Constr67tion
Contra7ts)E the Department is in7.6din; in se7tion 5,#:##C fema.e and minority 6ti.iHation ;oa.s for federa.,
aid 7onstr67tion 7ontra7ts and s6b7ontra7ts that e37eed O#%)%%%:
The nationDide ;oa. for fema.e 6ti.iHation is 0:$ per7ent:
The ;oa.s for minority 6ti.iHation V4* Fed Re; 0*$+4 /#%9-9#$+%1W are as shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
M#'0r#/3 U/#&#9%/#0' G0%&
E7onomi7 area =oa.
#54 Reddin; CA:
Non,SSA Co6nties:
CA LassenJ CA odo7J CA P.6masJ CA ShastaJ CA Siskiyo6J CA Tehama
#5* E6reka) CA
Non,SSA Co6nties:
CA De. NorteJ CA ?6mbo.dtJ CA Trinity
#50 San Fran7is7o,Oak.and,San Cose) CA:
SSA Co6nties:
5#2% Sa.inas,Seaside,onterey) CA
CA onterey
5-0% San Fran7is7o,Oak.and
CA A.amedaJ CA Contra CostaJ CA arinJ CA San Fran7is7oJ CA San ateo
54%% San Cose) CA
CA Santa C.ara) CA
54+* Santa Cr6H) CA
CA Santa Cr6H
5*%% Santa Rosa
CA Sonoma
+52% (a..eIo,Fairfie.d,Napa) CA
CA NapaJ CA So.ano
Non,SSA Co6nties:
CA LakeJ CA endo7inoJ CA San "enito
#55 Sa7ramento) CA:
SSA Co6nties:
0$2% Sa7ramento) CA
CA P.a7erJ CA Sa7ramentoJ CA &o.o
Non,SSA Co6nties
CA "6tteJ CA Co.6saJ CA E. DoradoJ CA =.ennJ CA Ne<adaJ CA SierraJ CA S6tterJ CA
#5+ Sto7kton,odesto) CA:
SSA Co6nties:
*#5% odesto) CA
CA Stanis.a6s
+#2% Sto7kton) CA
CA San CoaG6in
Non,SSA Co6nties
CA A.pineJ CA AmadorJ CA Ca.a<erasJ CA ariposaJ CA er7edJ CA T6o.6mne
#5$ Fresno,"akersfie.d) CA
SSA Co6nties:
%0+% "akersfie.d) CA
CA 'ern
2+4% Fresno) CA
CA Fresno
Non,SSA Co6nties:
CA 'in;sJ CA aderaJ CA T6.are
#+% Los An; CA:
SSA Co6nties:
%-0% Anaheim,Santa Ana,=arden =ro<e) CA
CA Oran;e
44+% Los An;,Lon; "ea7h) CA
CA Los An;
0%%% O3nard,Simi (a..ey,(ent6ra) CA
CA (ent6ra
05+% Ri<erside,San "ernardino,Ontario) CA
CA Ri<ersideJ CA San "ernardino
54+% Santa "arbara,Santa aria,Lompo7) CA
CA Santa "arbara
Non,SSA Co6nties
CA InyoJ CA onoJ CA San L6is Obispo
#+# San Die;o) CA:
SSA Co6nties
5-2% San Die;o) CA
CA San Die;o
Non,SSA Co6nties
CA Imperia.
For ea7h C6.y d6rin; Dhi7h Dork is performed 6nder the Contra7t) yo6 and ea7h non,materia.,s6pp.ier
s6b7ontra7tor Dith a s6b7ontra7t of O#%)%%% or more m6st 7omp.ete Form F?8A PR,#-$# /Appendi3 C to
2- CFR 2-%1: S6bmit the forms by A6;6st #*:
2-1.11D Tr%#'#'8
Se7tion 5,#:##D app.ies if a n6mber of trainees or apprenti7es is shoDn on the Notice to Bidders:
As part of yo6r eG6a. opport6nity affirmati<e a7tion pro;ram) pro<ide on,the,Iob trainin; to de<e.op f6..
Io6rneymen in the types of trades or Iob 7.assifi7ations in<o.<ed:
&o6 ha<e primary responsibi.ity for meetin; this trainin; reG6irement:
If yo6 s6b7ontra7t a Contra7t part) determine hoD many trainees or apprenti7es are to be trained by the
8here feasib.e) 2* per7ent of apprenti7es or trainees in ea7h o776pation m6st be in their #st year of
apprenti7eship or trainin;:
Distrib6te the n6mber of apprenti7es or trainees amon; the Dork 7.assifi7ations on the basis of yo6r
needs and the a<ai.abi.ity of Io6rneymen in the <ario6s 7.assifi7ations Dithin a reasonab.e re7r6itment
"efore startin; Dork) s6bmit:
#: N6mber of apprenti7es or trainees to be trained for ea7h 7.assifi7ation
2: Trainin; pro;ram to be 6sed
-: Trainin; startin; date for ea7h 7.assifi7ation
Obtain the DepartmentFs appro<a. for this s6bmitted information before yo6 start Dork: The Department
7redits yo6 for ea7h apprenti7e or trainee yo6 emp.oy on the Dork Dho is 76rrent.y enro..ed or be7omes
enro..ed in an appro<ed pro;ram:
The primary obIe7ti<e of se7tion 5,#:##D is to train and 6p;rade minorities and Domen toDard
Io6rneymen stat6s: ake e<ery effort to enro.. minority and Domen apprenti7es or trainees) s67h as
7ond67tin; systemati7 and dire7t re7r6itment thro6;h p6b.i7 and pri<ate so6r7es .ike.y to yie.d minority
and Domen apprenti7es or trainees) to the e3tent they are a<ai.ab.e Dithin a reasonab.e re7r6itment area:
ShoD that yo6 ha<e made the efforts: In makin; these efforts) do not dis7riminate a;ainst any app.i7ant
for trainin;:
Do not emp.oy as an apprenti7e or trainee an emp.oyee:
#: In any 7.assifi7ation in Dhi7h the emp.oyee has s677essf6..y 7omp.eted a trainin; 7o6rse .eadin; to
Io6rneyman stat6s or in Dhi7h the emp.oyee has been emp.oyed as a Io6rneyman
2: 8ho is not re;istered in a pro;ram appro<ed by the !:S: Department of Labor) "6rea6 of
Apprenti7eship and Trainin;
Ask the emp.oyee if the emp.oyee has s677essf6..y 7omp.eted a trainin; 7o6rse .eadin; to Io6rneyman
stat6s or has been emp.oyed as a Io6rneyman: &o6r re7ords m6st shoD the emp.oyeeFs ansDers to the
In yo6r trainin; pro;ram) estab.ish the minim6m .en;th and trainin; type for ea7h 7.assifi7ation: The
Department and F?8A appro<es a pro;ram if one of the fo..oDin; is met:
#: It is 7a.76.ated to:
#:#: eet yo6r eG6a. emp.oyment opport6nity responsibi.ities:
#:2: @6a.ify the a<era;e apprenti7e or trainee for Io6rneyman stat6s in the 7.assifi7ation in<o.<ed by
the end of the trainin; period:
2: It is re;istered Dith the !:S: Department of Labor) "6rea6 of Apprenti7eship and Trainin; and it is
administered in a Day 7onsistent Dith the eG6a. emp.oyment responsibi.ities of federa.,aid hi;hDay
7onstr67tion 7ontra7ts:
Obtain Department appro<a. for yo6r trainin; pro;ram before yo6 start Dork in<o.<in; the 7.assifi7ation
7o<ered by the pro;ram:
Pro<ide trainin; in the 7onstr67tion 7rafts) not in 7.erk,typist or se7retaria.,type positions: Trainin; is
a..oDed in .oDer .e<e. mana;ement positions s67h as offi7e en;ineers) estimators) and timekeepers if the
trainin; is oriented toDard 7onstr67tion app.i7ations: Trainin; is a..oDed in the .aborer 7.assifi7ation if
si;nifi7ant and meanin;f6. trainin; is pro<ided and appro<ed by the F?8A di<ision offi7e: Off,site trainin;
is a..oDed if the trainin; is an inte;ra. part of an appro<ed trainin; pro;ram and does not make 6p a
si;nifi7ant part of the o<era.. trainin;:
The Department reimb6rses yo6 +% 7ents per ho6r of trainin; ;i<en an emp.oyee on this Contra7t 6nder
an appro<ed trainin; pro;ram:
#: For on,site trainin;
2: For off,site trainin; if the apprenti7e or trainee is 76rrent.y emp.oyed 6nder a federa.,aid 7ontra7t and
yo6 do at .east one of the fo..oDin;:
2:#: Contrib6te to the 7ost of the trainin;
2:2: Pro<ide the instr67tion to the apprenti7e or trainee
2:-: Pay the apprenti7eFs or traineeFs Da;es d6rin; the off,site trainin; period
-: If yo6 7omp.y Dith se7tion 5,#:##D
Ea7h apprenti7e or trainee m6st:
#: Start trainin; on the proIe7t as soon as feasib.e after the start of Dork in<o.<in; the apprenti7eFs or
traineeFs 7raft
2: Remain on the proIe7t as .on; as trainin; opport6nities e3ist in the apprenti7eFs or traineeFs Dork
7.assifi7ation or 6nti. the apprenti7e or trainee has 7omp.eted the trainin; pro;ram
F6rnish the apprenti7e or trainee:
#: Copy of the pro;ram yo6 Di.. 7omp.y Dith in pro<idin; the trainin;
2: Certifi7ation shoDin; the type and .en;th of trainin; satisfa7tori.y 7omp.eted
aintain re7ords and s6bmit reports do76mentin; yo6r performan7e 6nder se7tion 5,#:##D:
>-1.01 GENERAL
Se7tion + in7.6des spe7ifi7ations re.ated to prose76tin; the Contra7t and Dork pro;ress:
>-1.02A Ge'er%&
!pon 7omp.etion of a.. Dork) the Department ret6rns the Dithho.ds asso7iated Dith se7tion +,#:%2 and
makes a payment adI6stment for Dork not performed in the same manner as Dork,7hara7ter 7han;es:
>-1.02B Le$e& 1 Cr#/#(%& P%/7 Me/701 S(7e1"&e
>-1.02BB1C Ge'er%&
Se7tion +,#:%2" app.ies to a 7ontra7t Dith a tota. bid .ess than O# mi..ion and .ess than #%% Dorkin; days:
"efore or at the pre7onstr67tion 7onferen7e) s6bmit a CP base.ine s7hed6.e:
For ea7h s7hed6.e s6bmitta.:
#: S6bmit a p.otted ori;ina.) time,s7a.ed netDork dia;ram on a sheet at .east +,#92 by ## in7hes Dith a
tit.e b.o7k and time.ine
2: If a 7omp6ter pro;ram is 6sed to make the s7hed6.e) s6bmit a read,on.y 7ompa7t dis7 or other
En;ineer,a6thoriHed data,stora;e de<i7e 7ontainin; the s7hed6.e data: Labe. the data stora;e de<i7e
2:#: Contra7t n6mber
2:2: CP s7hed6.e n6mber and date prod67ed
2:-: Fi.e name
>-1.02BB2C S(7e1"&e F0rm%/
On ea7h s7hed6.e) shoD:
#: P.anned and a7t6a. start and 7omp.etion date of ea7h Dork a7ti<ity) in7.6din; app.i7ab.e:
#:#: S6bmitta. de<e.opment
#:2: S6bmitta. re<ieD and a77eptan7e
#:-: ateria. pro76rement
#:4: Contra7t mi.estones and 7onstraints
#:*: EG6ipment and p.ant set6p
#:0: Interfa7es Dith o6tside entities
#:5: Ere7tion and remo<a. of fa.seDork and shorin;
#:+: Test periods
#:$: aIor traffi7 sta;e 7han;e
#:#%: Fina. 7.ean6p
2: Order that yo6 propose to prose76te the Dork
-: Lo;i7a. .inks betDeen the time,s7a.ed Dork a7ti<ities
4: A..; a7ti<ities
*: Le;ib.e des7ription of ea7h a7ti<ity
0: At .east # prede7essor and # s677essor to ea7h a7ti<ity e37ept for proIe7t start and proIe7t end
5: D6ration of at .east # Dorkin; day for ea7h a7ti<ity
+: Start mi.estone date as the Contra7t appro<a. date
>-1.02BB)C U61%/e1 S(7e1"&e
S6bmit a month.y 6pdated s7hed6.e that in7.6des the stat6s of Dork 7omp.eted to date and the Dork yet
to be performed as p.anned:
&o6 may in7.6de 7han;es on 6pdated that do not a.ter a 7riti7a. path or e3tend the s7hed6.ed
7omp.etion date 7ompared to the 76rrent s7hed6.e: Chan;es may in7.6de:
#: Addin; or de.etin; a7ti<ities
2: Chan;in; a7ti<ity 7onstraints
-: Chan;in; d6rations
4: Chan;in; .o;i7
If any proposed 7han;e in p.anned Dork res6.ts in a.terin; the 7riti7a. path or e3tendin; the s7hed6.ed
7omp.etion date) s6bmit a re<ised s7hed6.e Dithin #* days of the proposed 7han;e:
>-1.02C Le$e& 2 Cr#/#(%& P%/7 Me/701 S(7e1"&e
>-1.02CB1C Ge'er%&
Se7tion +,#:%2C app.ies to a 7ontra7t Dith /#1 a tota. bid .ess than O# mi..ion and #%% or more Dorkin;
days) /21 a tota. bid from O# to O* mi..ion) or /-1 a tota. bid o<er O* mi..ion and .ess than #%% Dorkin; days:
S6bmit base.ine) month.y 6pdated) and fina. 6pdated ea7h 7onsistent in a.. respe7ts Dith the
time and order of Contra7t Dork reG6irements: Perform Dork in the seG6en7e indi7ated on the 76rrent
a77epted s7hed6.e:
!se 7omp6ter softDare to prepare ea7h s7hed6.e:
S6bmit 7ompatib.e softDare for the En;ineerFs e37.6si<e possession and 6se:
&o6 are responsib.e for ass6rin; that a.. a7ti<ity seG6en7es are .o;i7a. and that ea7h s7hed6.e shoDs a
7oordinated for 7omp.ete performan7e of the Dork:
If the Contra7t in7.6des 7onstr67tion sta;in; and yo6 propose 7han;es to the des7ribed sta;in;) do not
perform Dork affe7ted by the proposed 7han;es 6nti. the En;ineer a77epts yo6r s7hed6.e: Chan;es to the
s7hed6.e that 7han;e des7ribed sta;in; is 7han;e order Dork:
The En;ineerFs re<ieD and a77eptan7e of does not <oid any Contra7t part and does not <oid
yo6r responsibi.ity for s6bmittin; 7omp.ete and a776rate information:
Corre7t reIe7ted and res6bmit them Dithin 5 days of notifi7ation by the En;ineer: A..oD 5 days
for the En;ineerFs re<ieD of the res6bmitta.:
Errors or omissions on do not <oid yo6r responsibi.ity for 7omp.etin; a.. Dork Dithin the time
spe7ified for 7omp.etion of the Contra7t:
If either yo6 or the En;ineer dis7o<ers that any aspe7t of the s7hed6.e has an error or omission after a
s7hed6.e has been a77epted) 7orre7t it on the ne3t 6pdated s7hed6.e:
>-1.02CB2C S(7e1"&e F0rm%/
For the s7hed6.e format) 7omp.y Dith the #st para;raph of se7tion +,#:%2"/21 and shoD:
#: Ca.76.ations 6sin; the CP to determine; a7ti<ities:
2: D6ration a7ti<ities .ess than 2% Dorkin; days:
-: Ea7h reG6ired 7onstraint: Constraints other than those reG6ired by the spe7ifi7ations may be in7.6ded
on.y if a6thoriHed:
>-1.02CB)C C0m6"/er S04/:%re
>-1.02CB)CB%C Ge'er%&
S6bmit a des7ription of the proposed s7hed6.e softDare to be 6sed: After a6thoriHation of the proposed
softDare) s6bmit s7hed6.e softDare and ori;ina. softDare instr67tion man6a.s:
SoftDare m6st be 7ompatib.e Dith the 76rrent <ersion of the i7rosoft 8indoDs operatin; system in 6se
by the En;ineer:
The s7hed6.e softDare m6st in7.6de the .atest <ersion of Prima<era P0 for 8indoDs or eG6a.:
Any proposed s7hed6.e softDare eG6a. to Prima<era P0 m6st be 7apab.e of:
#: =eneratin; that 7an be imported into Prima<era P0
2: Comparin; 2 and pro<idin; reports of 7han;es in a7ti<ity ID) a7ti<ity des7ription)
7onstraints) 7a.endar assi;nments) d6rations) and .o;i7 ties
The En;ineer ret6rns the s7hed6.e softDare to yo6 before the fina. estimate: The Department pays yo6 by
for7e a77o6nt for rep.a7ement of softDare or man6a.s dama;ed) .ost) or sto.en after s6bmitta.:
>-1.02CB)CB.C C0m6"/er S04/:%re Tr%#'#'8
Instr67t the En;ineer in the 6se of the softDare and pro<ide softDare s6pport 6nti. Contra7t a77eptan7e:
8ithin #* days of Contra7t appro<a.) pro<ide a 7ommer7ia. trainin; session for 2 Department emp.oyees
in the 6se of the softDare at a .o7ation a77eptab.e to the En;ineer: For Prima<era P0 softDare) the
trainin; session m6st be + ho6rs: For other softDare) the trainin; session m6st be #0 ho6rs:
The Department re7ommends that yo6 send at .east 2 emp.oyees to the same trainin; session to fa7i.itate
de<e.opment of knoD.ed;e and ski..s in the 6se of the softDare:
>-1.02CB+C D%/% %'1 Ne/:0r; D#%8r%m
For ea7h s7hed6.e) s6bmit:
#: # data,stora;e de<i7e 7ontainin; the s7hed6.e data
2: 2 sets of ori;ina..y p.otted) time,s7a.ed netDork dia;rams
The data,stora;e de<i7e m6st 7omp.y Dith item 2 of the -rd para;raph of se7tion +,#:%2"/#1:
The time,s7a.ed netDork dia;rams m6st:
#: ShoD a 7ontin6o6s f.oD of information from .eft to ri;ht
2: "e based on ear.y start and ear.y finish dates of a7ti<ities
-: C.ear.y shoD the primary 7riti7a. path 6sin; ;raphi7a. presentation
4: "e on ## by #5 in7hes or .ar;er sheets
*: In7.6de a tit.e b.o7k and a time.ine on ea7h pa;e
>-1.02CB,C B%e&#'e S(7e1"&e
S6bmit a base.ine s7hed6.e and a.. s6pport data Dithin 2% days of Contra7t appro<a.: A..oD 2% days for
the En;ineerFs re<ieD after the s6bmitta.:
Startin; the Deek the base.ine s7hed6.e is first s6bmitted) meet Dith the En;ineer Deek.y to dis76ss and
reso.<e s7hed6.e iss6es 6nti. the base.ine s7hed6.e is a77epted:
The base.ine s7hed6.e s6bmitta. is not 7omp.ete 6nti. the 7omp6ter softDare is insta..ed for 6se:
The base.ine s7hed6.e m6st in7.6de the entire s7ope of Dork and hoD yo6 to 7omp.ete a.. Dork
The base.ine s7hed6.e m6st shoD the a7ti<ities that define the 7riti7a. path: 6.tip.e 7riti7a. paths and
near,7riti7a. paths m6st be kept to a minim6m: A tota. of not more than *% per7ent of the base.ine
s7hed6.e a7ti<ities m6st be 7riti7a. or near 7riti7a. 6n.ess otherDise a6thoriHed:
The base.ine s7hed6.e m6st not e3tend beyond the n6mber of Contra7t Dorkin; days:
>-1.02CB-C U61%/e1 S(7e1"&e
Ea7h 6pdated s7hed6.e m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion +,#:%2"/-1:
eet Dith the En;ineer to re<ieD Dork pro;ress on or before the #st day of ea7h month) startin; # month
after the base.ine s7hed6.e is a77epted:
A..oD #* days for re<ieD after the 6pdated s7hed6.e and a.. s6pport data are s6bmitted: The re<ieD period
does not start 6nti. the pre<io6s monthFs reG6ired s7hed6.e is a77epted:
!pdated not a77epted or reIe7ted Dithin the re<ieD period are a77epted:
The 6pdated s7hed6.e m6st:
#: ?a<e a data date of the 2#st day of the month or other date estab.ished by the En;ineer
2: ShoD 7han;es from a77epted re<ised
>-1.02CB2C F#'%& U61%/e1 S(7e1"&e
S6bmit a fina. 6pdated as,b6i.t s7hed6.e Dith a7t6a. start and finish dates for the a7ti<ities Dithin -% days
after Dork 7omp.etion:
S6bmit a Dritten 7ertifi7ate Dith this s6bmitta. si;ned by yo6r proIe7t mana;er or an offi7er of the
7ompany statin;:
ETo my knoD.ed;e and be.ief) the en7.osed fina. 6pdated s7hed6.e ref.e7ts the a7t6a. start and finish
dates of the a7t6a. a7ti<ities for the proIe7t 7ontained herein:E
An offi7er of the 7ompany may de.e;ate in Dritin; the a6thority to si;n the 7ertifi7ate to a responsib.e
>-1.02D Le$e& ) Cr#/#(%& P%/7 Me/701 S(7e1"&e
>-1.02DB1C Ge'er%&
Se7tion +,#:%2D app.ies to a 7ontra7t Dith a tota. bid o<er O* mi..ion and #%% or more Dorkin; days:
Comp.y Dith se7tion +,#:%2D/#1:
>-1.02DB2C S(7e1"&e F0rm%/
For the s7hed6.e format) 7omp.y Dith se7tion +,#:%2C/21 and shoD:
#: At .east *% b6t not more than *%% a7ti<ities 6n.ess a6thoriHed: The n6mber of a7ti<ities m6st be
s6ffi7ient to ass6re adeG6ate p.annin; of the proIe7t) to permit monitorin; and e<a.6ation of pro;ress)
and to do an ana.ysis of time impa7ts:
2: Department,oDned f.oat as the prede7essor a7ti<ity to the s7hed6.ed 7omp.etion date:
-: A7ti<ities Dith identifi7ation 7odes for responsibi.ity) sta;e) Dork shifts) .o7ation) and bid items:
&o6 may shoD ear.y 7omp.etion time on any s7hed6.e if yo6 7omp.y Dith the Contra7t: Ear.y 7omp.etion
time is a reso6r7e for yo6r e37.6si<e 6se: &o6 may in7rease ear.y 7omp.etion time by impro<in;
prod67tion) rea..o7atin; reso6r7es to be more effi7ient) performin; seG6entia. a7ti<ities 7on76rrent.y) or by
7omp.etin; a7ti<ities ear.ier than p.anned: &o6 may s6bmit a (ECP that Di.. red67e 7onstr67tion time:
&o6 may shoD a s7hed6.ed 7omp.etion date that is .ater than the Contra7t 7omp.etion date on an 6pdated
s7hed6.e after the base.ine s7hed6.e is a77epted: Pro<ide an e3p.anation for a .ate s7hed6.ed 7omp.etion
date in the narrati<e report in7.6ded Dith the s7hed6.e:
>-1.02DB)C C0m6"/er S04/:%re
Comp6ter softDare m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion +,#:%2C/-1:
>-1.02DB+C D%/%, Ne/:0r; D#%8r%m, %'1 Re60r/
For ea7h s7hed6.e s6bmitta.) s6bmit:
#: # data,stora;e de<i7e 7ontainin; the s7hed6.e data
2: 2 sets of ori;ina..y p.otted) time,s7a.ed netDork dia;rams
-: 2 7opies of a narrati<e report
The data,stora;e de<i7e m6st 7omp.y Dith item 2 of the -rd para;raph of se7tion +,#:%2"/#1:
The netDork dia;rams m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion +,#:%2C/41 e37ept the sheets m6st be -4 by 44 in7hes:
The narrati<e report m6st be or;aniHed in the fo..oDin; seG6en7e Dith a.. app.i7ab.e do76ments in7.6ded:
#: Transmitta. .etter
2: 8ork 7omp.eted d6rin; the period
-: Identifi7ation of 6n6s6a. 7onditions or restri7tions re;ardin; .abor) eG6ipment) or materia.J in7.6din;
m6.tip.e shifts) 0,day Dork Deeks) spe7ified o<ertime or Dork at times other than re; days or
4: Des7ription of the 76rrent 7riti7a. path
*: Chan;es to the 7riti7a. path and s7hed6.ed 7omp.etion date sin7e the .ast s7hed6.e s6bmitta.
0: Des7ription of prob.em areas
5: C6rrent and anti7ipated de.ays) in7.6din;:
5:#: Ca6se of de.ay
5:2: Impa7t of de.ay on other a7ti<ities) mi.estones) and 7omp.etion dates
5:-: Corre7ti<e a7tion and s7hed6.e adI6stments to 7orre7t the de.ay
+: Pendin; items and stat6s of:
+:#: Permits
+:2: Chan;e orders
+:-: Time adI6stments
+:4: Non7omp.ian7e noti7es
$: Reasons for an ear.y or .ate s7hed6.ed 7omp.etion date in 7omparison to the Contra7t 7omp.etion
A s7hed6.e s6bmitta. is 7omp.ete on.y Dhen a.. do76ments and data are s6bmitted as spe7ified in se7tion
>-1.02DB,C Pre(0'/r"(/#0' S(7e1"&#'8 C0'4ere'(e
?o.d a pre7onstr67tion; 7onferen7e Dith yo6r proIe7t mana;er and the En;ineer Dithin #* days
after Contra7t appro<a.: The En;ineer 7ond67ts the 7onferen7e and re<ieDs se7tion +,#:%2D Dith yo6:
8ithin #% days after Contra7t appro<a.) s6bmit a ;enera. time,s7a.ed .o;i7 dia;ram shoDin; the maIor
a7ti<ities and seG6en7e of p.anned operations: "e prepared to dis76ss the proposed Dork and
s7hed6.e methodo.o;y d6rin; the pre7onstr67tion; 7onferen7e:
If the Contra7t in7.6des 7onstr67tion sta;in; and yo6 propose 7han;es to the des7ribed sta;in;) the
;enera. time,s7a.ed .o;i7 dia;ram m6st shoD the 7han;es and res6.tin; time impa7ts: "e prepared to
dis76ss the proposa.:
At this 7onferen7e) s6bmit the a.phan6meri7 7odin; str67t6re and a7ti<ity identifi7ation system for;
Dork a7ti<ities:
To easi.y identify re.ationships) ea7h a7ti<ity des7ription m6st indi7ate its asso7iated s7ope or .o7ation of
Dork by in7.6din; s67h terms as G6antity of materia.) type of Dork) brid;e n6mber) station to station
.o7ation) side of hi;hDay /s67h as .eft) ri;ht) northbo6nd) or so6thbo6nd1) .ane n6mber) sho6.der) ramp
name) ramp .ine des7riptor) or main.ine:
The En;ineer re<ieDs the .o;i7 dia;ram) 7odin; str67t6re) and a7ti<ity identifi7ation system and pro<ides
any reG6ired base.ine s7hed6.e 7han;es to yo6 for imp.ementation:
>-1.02DB-C B%e&#'e S(7e1"&e
The base.ine s7hed6.e m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion +,#:%2C/*1:
The base.ine s7hed6.e m6st ha<e a data date of Contra7t appro<a.:
If yo6 start Dork before Contra7t appro<a.) the base.ine s7hed6.e m6st ha<e a data date of the #st day
yo6 performed Dork at the Iob site:
If yo6 s6bmit an ear.y 7omp.etion base.ine s7hed6.e that shoDs Contra7t 7omp.etion in .ess than +*
per7ent of the Contra7t Dorkin; days) the base.ine s7hed6.e m6st be s6pp.emented Dith reso6r7e
a..o7ations for e<ery task a7ti<ity and in7.6de time,s7a.ed reso6r7e histo;rams: Reso6r7e a..o7ations m6st
be shoDn to a .e<e. of detai. that fa7i.itates report ;eneration based on .abor 7rafts and eG6ipment 7.asses
for yo6 and yo6r s6b7ontra7tors:
!se a<era;e 7omposite 7reDs to disp.ay the .abor .oadin; of Iob site 7onstr67tion a7ti<ities: OptimiHe and
.e<e. .abor to ref.e7t a reasonab.e for a77omp.ishin; the Dork and to ass6re that reso6r7es are not
d6p.i7ated in 7on76rrent a7ti<ities:
The time,s7a.ed reso6r7e histo;rams m6st shoD .abor 7rafts and eG6ipment 7.asses to be 6sed:
The En;ineer may re<ieD the base.ine s7hed6.e a7ti<ity reso6r7e a..o7ations 6sin; Means Productivit
Standards for Construction or eG6i<a.ent to determine Dhether the s7hed6.e is pra7ti7ab.e:
>-1.02DB2C U61%/e1 S(7e1"&e
The 6pdated s7hed6.e m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion +,#:%2C/01 e37ept the *th para;raph:
The 6pdated s7hed6.e m6st:
#: ?a<e a data date of the 2#st day of the month or other date estab.ished by the En;ineer
2: ShoD the stat6s of Dork a7t6a..y 7omp.eted to date and the Dork yet to be performed as p.anned
-: ShoD a7t6a. a7ti<ity start dates) per7ent 7omp.ete) and finish dates
4: ShoD d6rations for Dork that has been 7omp.eted as the Dork a7t6a..y o776rred) in7.6din; the
En;ineerFs re<ieD and yo6r res6bmitta. times
C6stify in Dritin; the reasons for any 7han;es to p.anned Dork: If any proposed 7han;es in p.anned Dork
res6.ts in a.terin; a 7riti7a. path or near 7riti7a. path or e3tendin; the s7hed6.e 7omp.etion date) s6bmit a
re<ised s7hed6.e and a TIA Dithin #* days of the proposed 7han;e:
>-1.02DB>C T#me Im6%(/ A'%&3#
>-1.02DB>CB%C Ge'er%&
S6bmit a TIA Dith ea7h reG6est for adI6stment of Contra7t time or Dhene<er yo6 or the En;ineer
7onsiders that an a6thoriHed or anti7ipated 7han;e may impa7t the 7riti7a. path or Dork pro;ress:
The TIA m6st:
#: I..6strate the impa7ts of ea7h 7han;e or de.ay on the 76rrent s7hed6.ed 7omp.etion date or interna.
2: !se the a77epted s7hed6.e that has a data date 7.osest to and before the e<ent: If the En;ineer
determines that the a77epted s7hed6.e 6sed does not appropriate.y represent the 7onditions before
the e<ent) the a77epted s7hed6.e m6st be 6pdated to the day before the e<ent bein; ana.yHed:
-: In7.6de an impa7t s7hed6.e de<e.oped from in7orporatin; the e<ent into the a77epted s7hed6.e by
addin; or de.etin; a7ti<ities or by 7han;in; d6rations or .o;i7 of e3istin; a7ti<ities: If the impa7t
s7hed6.e shoDs that in7orporatin; the e<ent modifies the 7riti7a. path and s7hed6.ed 7omp.etion date
of the a77epted s7hed6.e) the differen7e betDeen s7hed6.ed 7omp.etion dates of the 2
m6st be eG6a. to the adI6stment of Contra7t time:
The En;ineer may 7onstr67t and 6se an appropriate proIe7t s7hed6.e or other re7o;niHed method to
determine adI6stments in Contra7t time 6nti. yo6 s6bmit the TIA:
S6bmit 2 7opies of the TIA Dithin 2% days of re7ei<in; a Dritten reG6est for a TIA: A..oD the En;ineer #*
days after re7eipt to re<ieD the s6bmitted TIA: A6thoriHed TIA s7hed6.e 7han;es m6st be shoDn on the
ne3t 6pdated s7hed6.e:
If a TIA yo6 s6bmit is reIe7ted) meet Dith the En;ineer to dis76ss and reso.<e iss6es re.ated to the TIA: If
7.arifi7ation is needed after yo6 meet) yo6 are a..oDed #* days to s6bmit a protest: If a;reement is not
rea7hed) yo6 are a..oDed * days from the date yo6 re7ei<e the En;ineerFs response to yo6r protest to
s6bmit an "nitial Potential Claim !ecord4
ShoD on.y a7t6a. as,b6i.t Dork) not 6na6thoriHed 7han;es re.ated to the TIA) in s6bseG6ent 6pdated
If a;reement is rea7hed at a .ater date) the a6thoriHed TIA s7hed6.e 7han;es m6st be shoDn on the ne3t
6pdated s7hed6.e:
The Department Dithho.ds remainin; payment on the pro;ress s7hed6.e /7riti7a. path method1 bid item if
a TIA is reG6ested and not s6bmitted Dithin 2% days:
The Department ret6rns the Dithho.d in the ne3t pro;ress payment after the s6bmitta. of the reG6ested
>-1.02DB>CB.C De6%r/me'/-O:'e1 F&0%/
Prepare a TIA Dhene<er reG6ested to determine the effe7t of Department,oDned f.oat: Department,
oDned f.oat is a reso6r7e for the e37.6si<e 6se of the Department:
The En;ineer may a77r6e Department,oDned f.oat by ear.y re<ieD 7omp.etion of any s6bmitta. if the ear.y
re<ieD 7omp.etion sa<es time on the 7riti7a. path:
The En;ineer do76ments Department,oDned f.oat by orderin; yo6 to 6pdate the Department,oDned f.oat
a7ti<ity on the ne3t 6pdated s7hed6.e:
In7.6de a .o; of the a7tion on the Department,oDned f.oat a7ti<ity and in7.6de a dis76ssion of the a7tion in
the narrati<e report:
The En;ineer may 6se Department,oDned f.oat to miti;ate past) present) or f6t6re Department de.ays by
offsettin; a potentia. time e3tension for a Change Order:
>-1.02DB>CB(C Or1ere1 C7%'8e
For an ordered 7han;e that affe7ts the s7hed6.ed 7omp.etion date) prepare a TIA to determine the effe7t
of adI6stin; Contra7t Dorkin; days:
In7.6de the impa7ts of the ordered 7han;e in the ne3t 6pdated s7hed6.e:
An ordered 7han;e that affe7ts the; a7ti<ity on the 7riti7a. path is a basis for a time adI6stment:
The Department ;rants a time e3tension on.y if the tota. f.oat is absorbed and the s7hed6.ed 7omp.etion
date is de.ayed # or more Dorkin; days d6e to the ordered 7han;e:
>-1.02DB?C F#'%& U61%/e1 S(7e1"&e
The fina. 6pdated s7hed6.e m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion +,#:%2C/51:
>-1.02DB10C P%3me'/
The Department pays yo6 for pro;ress s7hed6.e /7riti7a. path method1 as fo..oDs:
#: A tota. of 2* per7ent of the item tota. is paid 6pon:
#:#: Comp.etion of * per7ent of a.. Dork
#:2: A77eptan7e of and a6thoriHation of TIAs reG6ired Dhen * per7ent of a.. Dork is
#:-: S6bmitta. of s7hed6.e softDare
#:4: Comp.etion of reG6ired s7hed6.e,softDare trainin;
2: A tota. of *% per7ent of the item tota. is paid 6pon 7omp.etion of 2* per7ent of a.. Dork and
a77eptan7e of and a6thoriHation of TIAs reG6ired Dhen 2* per7ent of a.. Dork is 7omp.ete
-: A tota. of 5* per7ent of the item tota. is paid 6pon 7omp.etion of *% per7ent of a.. Dork and
a77eptan7e of and a6thoriHation of TIAs reG6ired Dhen *% per7ent of a.. Dork is 7omp.ete
4: A tota. of #%% per7ent of the item tota. is paid 6pon 7omp.etion of a.. Dork) a77eptan7e of
and a6thoriHation of TIAs reG6ired Dhen a.. Dork is 7omp.ete) and s6bmitta. of the 7ertified fina.
6pdated s7hed6.e
The Department does not adI6st payment for any in7reased or de7reased Dork ordered in s6bmittin;
>-1.02E*>-1.02F Reer$e1
Attend a pre7onstr67tion 7onferen7e Dith key personne.) in7.6din; yo6r assi;ned representati<e) at a time
and .o7ation determined by the En;ineer: S6bmit do76ments as reG6ired before the pre7onstr67tion
7onferen7e: &o6 may start Dork before the pre7onstr67tion 7onferen7e:
"e prepared to dis76ss the topi7s and do76ments shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Topi7s Do76ment
Potentia. 7.aim and disp6te reso.6tion Potentia. 7.aim forms
Contra7torFs representation Assi;nment of Contra7torFs representati<e
D"E and D("E Fina. 6ti.iHation reports
EG6ipment EG6ipment .ist
Labor 7omp.ian7e and eG6a. emp.oyment
Cob site posters and benefit and payro.. reports
ateria. inspe7tion Notice of Materials to )e Used
ateria.s on hand !e+uest for Pament for Materials on #and
eas6rements ,,
Partnerin; ,,
@6a.ity 7ontro. @C p.ans
Safety InI6ry and I..ness Pre<ention Pro;ram and Iob site
S7hed6.e "ase.ine s7hed6.e and Weekl Statement of Working
S6b7ontra7tin; Su)contracting !e+uest
S6r<eyin; Surve !e+uest
Traffi7 7ontro. Traffi7 7ontin;en7y and traffi7 7ontro. p.ans
!ti.ity Dork ,,
8ei;ht .imitations ,,
8ater po..6tion 7ontro. S8PPP or 8PCP
8ork restri7tions PLACs
A7tion s6bmitta.s ,,
>-1.0+A Ge'er%&
>-1.0+B S/%'1%r1 S/%r/
Start Iob site a7ti<ities Dithin #* days after re7ei<in; noti7e that the Contra7t has been appro<ed by the
Attorney =enera. or the attorney appointed and a6thoriHed to represent the Department:
S6bmit a noti7e 52 ho6rs before startin; Iob site a7ti<ities: If the proIe7t has more than # .o7ation of Dork)
s6bmit a separate noti7e for ea7h .o7ation:
&o6 may start Iob site a7ti<ities before re7ei<in; noti7e of Contra7t appro<a. if yo6:
#: De.i<er the si;ned Contra7t) bonds) and e<iden7e of ins6ran7e to the Department
2: S6bmit 52,ho6r noti7e
-: Obtain an en7roa7hment permit from the Department
4: Are a6thoriHed by the Department to start
*: Perform Dork at yo6r oDn risk
0: Perform Dork 6nder the Contra7t
If the Contra7t is appro<ed) Dork a.ready performed that 7omp.ies Dith the Contra7t is a6thoriHed:
If the Contra7t is not appro<ed) .ea<e the Iob site in a neat 7ondition: If a fa7i.ity has been 7han;ed)
restore it to its former 7ondition or an eG6i<a.ent 7ondition: The Department does not pay for the
The Department does not adI6st time for startin; before the #st Dorkin; day:
>-1.0+C De&%3e1 S/%r/
>-1.0+D E%r&3 Re/"r'-E%r&3 S/%r/
>-1.0+E Ne</-D%3 S/%r/
>-1.0+F*>-1.0+E Reer$e1
>-1.0, TIME
Contra7t time starts on the day spe7ified in se7tion +,#:%4 or on the day yo6 start Iob site a7ti<ities)
Dhi7he<er o776rs first:
Comp.ete the Dork:
#: 8ithin the n6mber of Dorkin; days shoDn on the Notice to Bidders for a nonB7ost p.6s time based bid
2: 8ithin the n6mber of Dorkin; days bid for a 7ost p.6s time based bid
eet ea7h spe7ified interim Dork 7omp.etion date:
The En;ineer iss6es a Weekl Statement of Working Das by the end of the fo..oDin; Deek 6n.ess the
Contra7t is s6spended for reasons 6nre.ated to yo6r performan7e:
The Weekl Statement of Working Das shoDs:
#: 8orkin; days and nonBDorkin; days d6rin; the reportin; Deek
2: Time adI6stments
-: 8ork 7omp.etion date 7omp6tations) in7.6din; Dorkin; days remainin;
4:; a7ti<ities
>-1.0-A Ge'er%&
The En;ineer may s6spend Dork Dho..y or in part d6e to any of the fo..oDin;:
#: Conditions are 6ns6itab.e for Dork pro;ress:
2: &o6 fai. to do any of the fo..oDin;:
2:#: the En;ineerFs orders:
2:2: a Contra7t part:
2:-: Perform Deather,dependent Dork Dhen 7onditions are fa<orab.e so that Deather,re.ated
6ns6itab.e 7onditions are a<oided or do not o776r:
!pon the En;ineerFs order of s6spension) s6spend Dork immediate.y: Pro<ide for p6b.i7 safety and a
smooth and 6nobstr67ted passa;eDay thro6;h the Dork Hone d6rin; the s6spension as 6nder se7tions 5,
#:%- and 5,#:%4: Res6me Dork Dhen ordered:
>-1.0-B S"6e'#0' U're&%/e1 /0 C0'/r%(/0r Per40rm%'(e
For a s6spension 6nre.ated to yo6r performan7e) pro<idin; for a smooth and 6nobstr67ted passa;eDay
thro6;h the Dork d6rin; the s6spension is for7e a77o6nt Dork:
The days d6rin; a s6spension 6nre.ated to yo6r performan7e are nonBDorkin; days:
>-1.0-C S"6e'#0' Re&%/e1 /0 C0'/r%(/0r Per40rm%'(e
For a s6spension re.ated to yo6r performan7e) the Department may pro<ide for a smooth and
6nobstr67ted passa;eDay thro6;h the Dork d6rin; the s6spension and ded67t the 7ost from payments:
The days d6rin; a s6spension re.ated to yo6r performan7e are Dorkin; days:
>-1.02 DELAYS
>-1.02A Ge'er%&
To reG6est a de.ay,re.ated time or payment adI6stment) s6bmit an RFI:
>-1.02B T#me A1="/me'/
For an e376sab.e 7riti7a. de.ay) the Department may make a time adI6stment: The En;ineer 6ses
information from the s7hed6.e to e<a.6ate reG6ests for time adI6stments:
If reG6estin; an adI6stment) s6bmit a re<ised s7hed6.e shoDin; the de.ayFs effe7t on the;
a7ti<ity: If the de.ay has:
#: O776rred) s6bmit re7ords of dates and Dhat Dork Das performed d6rin; the de.ayed a7ti<ity
2: Not o776rred) s6bmit the e3pe7ted dates or d6ration of the de.ayed a7ti<ity
If the En;ineer reG6ests) 6pdate the s7hed6.e to the .ast Dorkin; day before the start of the de.ay:
>-1.02C P%3me'/ A1="/me'/
The Department may make a payment adI6stment for an e376sab.e de.ay that affe7ts yo6r 7osts:
On.y .osses for id.e eG6ipment) id.e Dorkers) and eG6ipment mo<in; or transportin; are e.i;ib.e for de.ay,
re.ated payment adI6stments:
The En;ineer determines payment for id.e time of eG6ipment in the same manner as determinations are
made for eG6ipment 6sed in the performan7e of for7e a77o6nt Dork 6nder se7tion $,#:%4 Dith the
fo..oDin; e37eptions:
#: De.ay fa7tor in the *a)or Surcharge and %+uipment !ental !ates app.ies to ea7h eG6ipment renta.
2: Dai.y n6mber of payab.e ho6rs eG6a.s the norma. Dorkin; ho6rs d6rin; the de.ay) not to e37eed +
ho6rs per day:
-: De.ay days e37.6de nonBDorkin; days:
4: ark6ps are not added:
The En;ineer determines payment adI6stment for id.e Dorkers 6nder se7tion $,#:%4") b6t does not add
The En;ineer in7.6des 7osts d6e to ne7essary e3tra eG6ipment mo<in; or transportin;:
>-1.0>*>-1.0? RESERVED
>-1.10A Ge'er%&
The Department spe7ifies .iG6idated dama;es /P6b Cont Code M #%2201: LiG6idated dama;es) if any)
a77r6e startin; on the #st day after the e3piration of the Dorkin; days thro6;h the day of Contra7t
a77eptan7e e37ept as spe7ified in se7tions +,#:%+" and +,#:%+C:
The Department Dithho.ds .iG6idated dama;es before the a77r6a. date if the anti7ipated .iG6idated
dama;es may e37eed the <a.6e of the remainin; Dork:
LiG6idated dama;es for a.. Dork e37ept p.ant estab.ishment are as shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
L#!"#1%/e1 D%m%8e
Tota. bid LiG6idated dama;es
From o<er To per day
O% O*%)%%% O#)2%%
O*%)%%% O#2%)%%% O#)*%%
O#2%)%%% O#)%%%)%%% O#)$%%
O#)%%%)%%% O*)%%%)%%% O-)%%%
O*)%%%)%%% O#%)%%%)%%% O*)4%%
O#%)%%%)%%% O-%)%%%)%%% O+)-%%
O-%)%%%)%%% O#%%)%%%)%%% O#%)*%%
O#%%)%%%)%%% O2*%)%%%)%%% O2+)*%%
If a.. Dork e37ept p.ant estab.ishment is 7omp.ete and the tota. n6mber of Dorkin; days ha<e e3pired)
.iG6idated dama;es are O$*% per day:
>-1.10B F%#&"re /0 C0m6&e/e A0r; P%r/ :#/7#' S6e(#4#e1 T#me
The Department may ded67t spe7ified dama;es from payments for ea7h day in 7omp.etin; a Dork part
beyond the time spe7ified for 7omp.etin; the Dork part:
Dama;es for 6ntime.y 7omp.etion of Dork parts may not be eG6a. to the dai.y amo6nt spe7ified as
.iG6idated dama;es for the proIe7t as a Dho.e) b6t the Department does not sim6.taneo6s.y assess
dama;es for 6ntime.y 7omp.etion of Dork parts and for the Dho.e Dork:
Dama;es a77r6e startin; the #st day after a Dork part e37eeds the spe7ified time thro6;h the day the
spe7ified Dork part is 7omp.ete:
>-1.10C F%#&"re /0 C0m6&e/e A0r; P%r/ .3 S6e(#4#e1 D%/e
The Department may ded67t spe7ified dama;es from payments for ea7h day in 7omp.etin; a Dork part
beyond the spe7ified 7omp.etion date for the Dork part:
Dama;es for 6ntime.y Dork part 7omp.etion may not be eG6a. to the dai.y amo6nt spe7ified as .iG6idated
dama;es for the proIe7t as a Dho.e) b6t the Department does not sim6.taneo6s.y assess dama;es for
6ntime.y Dork part 7omp.etion and the Dho.e Dork:
Dama;es a77r6e startin; the #st day after an 6nmet 7omp.etion date thro6;h the day the Dork part is
>-1.10D D#re(/0r D%3
If the Dork is not 7omp.eted Dithin the Dorkin; days) the Dire7tor may ;rant dire7tor days if it ser<es the
StateFs best interest:
"y ;rantin; dire7tor days) the Dire7tor adds Dorkin; days to the Contra7t: The Dire7tor may either ;rant
eno6;h days to e.iminate the .iG6idated dama;es or feDer: In the .atter 7ase) the Department ded67ts
.iG6idated dama;es for the remainin; o<err6n in Contra7t time: The Dire7tor may ded67t the DepartmentFs
en;ineerin;) inspe7tion) and o<erhead 7osts in76rred d6rin; the period of e3tension ;ranted as dire7tor
>-1.11*>-1.12 RESERVED
The Department may terminate yo6r 7ontro. of the Dork for fai.6re to do any of the fo..oDin; /P6b Cont
Code M #%2*-1:
#: S6pp.y an adeG6ate Dorkfor7e
2: S6pp.y materia. as des7ribed
-: Pay s6b7ontra7tors /P6b Cont Code M#%2021
4: Prose76te the Dork as des7ribed in the Contra7t
The Department may terminate yo6r 7ontro. for fai.6re to maintain ins6ran7e 7o<era;e:
For a federa.,aid proIe7t) the Department may terminate yo6r 7ontro. of the Dork for fai.6re to in7.6de
EReG6ired Contra7t Pro<isions) Federa.,Aid Constr67tion Contra7tsE in s6b7ontra7ts:
The Department ;i<es yo6 and yo6r s6rety noti7e at .east * b6siness days before terminatin; 7ontro.: The
noti7e des7ribes the fai.6res and the time a..oDed to remedy the fai.6res: If fai.6res are not remedied
Dithin the time pro<ided) the Department takes 7ontro. of the Dork:
The Department may 7omp.ete the Dork if the Department terminates the Contra7torFs 7ontro. or yo6
abandon the proIe7t /P6b Cont Code M #%2**1: The Department determines the 6npaid ba.an7e 6nder
P6b Cont Code M #%2*+ and the Contra7t:
At any time before fina. payment of a.. 7.aims) the Department may 7on<ert a Contra7torFs 7ontro.
termination to a Contra7t termination:
>-1.1+A Ge'er%&
The Dire7tor may terminate the Contra7t if it ser<es the StateFs best interest: The Department iss6es yo6
a Dritten noti7e) imp.ements the termination) and pays yo6:
>-1.1+B Re&#e4 4r0m Re60'#.#&#/3 40r A0r;
!pon re7ei<in; a termination noti7e:
#: Stop Dork
2: Notify s6b7ontra7tors and s6pp.iers of the Contra7t termination and stop Contra7t,re.ated Dork
-: Perform the En;ineer,ordered Dork to se76re the Iob site for termination
4: Remo<e eG6ipment
*: S6bIe7t to the En;ineerFs a6thoriHation) sett.e termination,re.ated 7.aims and .iabi.ities in<o.<in;
s6b7ontra7tors and s6pp.iersJ assi;n to the Department the ri;hts) or interests he.d by yo6 Dith
respe7t to these parties
>-1.1+C Re60'#.#&#/3 40r M%/er#%&
!pon re7ei<in; a termination noti7e) prote7t 6n6sed materia. 6nti.:
#: &o6 s6bmit an in<entory of materia.s a.ready prod67ed) p6r7hased) or ordered b6t not yet 6sedJ
in7.6de the .o7ation of the materia.:
2: The En;ineer identifies materia.s that Di.. be retained by the Department: S6bmit bi..s of or
other re7ords of materia. tit.e:
-: The En;ineer 7onfirms that 6n6sed materia.s paid by pro;ress payment and materia.s f6rnished by
the State ha<e been de.i<ered and stored as ordered:
4: The are transferred for materia.s p6r7hased by the Department:
Dispose of materia.s that Di.. not be retained by the Department:
>-1.1+D C0'/r%(/ A((e6/%'(e %4/er Term#'%/#0'
The En;ineer re7ommends Contra7t a77eptan7e after determinin; 7omp.etion of:
#: 8ork ordered to be 7omp.eted before termination
2: Other Dork ordered to se76re the proIe7t before termination
-: ateria. de.i<ery and tit.e transfer
The Department pays yo6 6nder se7tion $,#:#5:
>-1.1+E P%3me'/ A1="/me'/ 40r Term#'%/#0'
If the Department iss6es a termination noti7e) the En;ineer determines payment for termination based on
the fo..oDin;:
#: Dire7t 7ost for the Dork:
#:#: In7.6din;:
#:#:#: obi.iHation:
#:#:2: Demobi.iHation:
#:#:-: Se76rin; the Iob site for termination:
#:#:4: Losses from the sa.e of materia.s:
#:2: Not in7.6din;:
#:2:#: Cost of materia.s yo6 keep:
#:2:2: Profit rea.iHed from the sa.e of materia.s:
#:2:-: Cost of materia. dama;ed by:
#:2:-:#: A7t of =od:
#:2:-:2: A7t of a p6b.i7 enemy:
#:2:-:-: Fire:
#:2:-:4: F.ood:
#:2:-:*: =o<ernor,de7.ared state of emer;en7y:
#:2:-:0: Lands.ide:
#:2:-:5: Ts6nami:
#:2:4: Other 7redits:
2: Cost of remedia. Dork) as estimated by the En;ineer) is not reimb6rsed:
-: A..oDan7e for profit not to e37eed 4 per7ent of the 7ost of the Dork: Pro<e a .ike.ihood of ha<in; made
a profit had the Contra7t not been terminated:
4: ateria.; 7osts for materia. ret6rned to the <endor or disposed of as ordered:
*: Costs in determinin; the payment adI6stment d6e to the termination) e37.6din; attorney fees and
.iti;ation 7osts:
Termination of the Contra7t does not<e the s6rety of its ob.i;ation for any I6st 7.aims arisin; o6t of
the Dork performed:
>-1.1,*>-1.1- RESERVED
?-1.01 GENERAL
Se7tion $ in7.6des spe7ifi7ations re.ated to Dork payment:
?-1.02A Ge'er%&
The Department determines bid item G6antities 6nder !:S: 76stomary 6nits:
E37ept for fina. pay item G6antities) the En;ineer meas6res G6antities for payment:
?-1.02B Ae#87#'8 E!"#6me'/ %'1 Pr0(e1"re
?-1.02BB1C Ge'er%&
eas6re materia. G6antities for payment Dith de<i7es that 7omp.y Dith:
#: 4 CA Code of Re;s M 4%%% et seG:
2: "6s N Prof Code M #2%%# et seG:
To determine the materia. payment G6antities) 6se meas6rin; de<i7es that ha<e been sea.ed by the
Department of Food and A;ri76.t6reFs Di<ision of eas6rement Standards or its desi;nated
If a de<i7e is not type appro<ed by the Di<ision of eas6rement Standards) type appro<e it 6nder
Ca.ifornia Test #%$:
Notify the En;ineer at .east # b6siness day in ad<an7e of eG6ipment testin;:
!se materia. p.ant 7ontro..ers ha<in; e.ements affe7tin; the data a776ra7y and de.i<ery that ha<e been
sea.ed by the En;ineer: ake these e.ements a<ai.ab.e to the En;ineer for inspe7tion: If the e.ements are
adeG6ate for 6se) the En;ineer sea.s them: If se76rity sea. manip6.ation o776rs) stop materia. prod67tion:
Do not res6me prod67tion 6nti. the En;ineer reinspe7ts and resea.s the de<i7e:
eas6re materia. paid for by Dei;ht onsea.ed re; inspe7ted by the Department of Food and
A;ri76.t6reFs Di<ision of eas6rement Standards or its desi;nated representati<e:
Obtain a6thoriHation of portab.e <ehi7.e s7a.e insta..ations before;:
?-1.02BB2C E!"#6me'/
Ea7h s7a.e m6st be .on; eno6;h to fit an entire <ehi7.e or a 7ombination <ehi7.e on the s7a.e de7k: The
Department a..oDs yo6 to Dei;h a 7ombination <ehi7.e separate.y if yo6 dis7onne7t the <
Constr67t s7a.e 6nders6pports:
#: !sin; port.and 7ement 7on7rete 7ontainin; at .east 45% po6nds of 7ement per 76bi7 yard prod67ed
from 7ommer7ia. G6a.ity materia.s
2: S67h that footin; hei;hts are at .east 2% in7hes thi7k
-: 8ith a bearin; s6rfa7e at .east -% in7hes Dide and bearin; press6re on the footin; not o<er 4%%%
.b9sG ft
In 7onstr67tin; a s7a.e:
#: F6rnish draina;e to pre<ent Dater from sat6ratin; the ;ro6nd 6nder the s7a.e
2: !se b6.kheads that pre<ent disp.a7ement
-: If shimmin; is ne7essary:
-:#: !se se76re.y atta7hed meta. shims or ;ro6t
-:2: Do not 6se Ded;es to shim the s6pports
-:-: Do not 6se shim materia. in e37ess of - in7hes
4: Insta.. me7hani7a. indi7atin; e.ements .e<e.) p.6mb) and ri;id.y mo6nted on the 7on7rete
*: For a hopper s7a.e) ri;id.y atta7h hopper s7a.e .e<er systems and me7hani7a. indi7atin; e.ements so
no Dei;ht is .ost from bendin; or s6pport distortion
Ea7h s7a.e 6sed to determine materia. payment G6antities m6st be operated by a .i7ensed Dei;hmaster
/"6s N Prof Code M #25%% et seG:1:
S6bmit a p6b.i7 Dei;hmasterFs 7ertifi7ate or 7ertified dai.y s6mmary Dei;h sheets for ea7h Dei;hed
materia. G6antity: The Department may Ditness materia. Dei;hin; and 7he7k and 7ompi.e the dai.y s7a.e
Dei;ht re7ord:
Ea7h <ehi7.e operator m6st obtain Dei;ht or .oad s.ips from the Dei;hmaster: S6bmit these re7ords at the
de.i<ery point:
?-1.02BB)C Pr0(e1"re
8ei;h empty < 6sed to ha6. materia. paid for by Dei;ht dai.y: Ea7h <ehi7.e m6st ha<e a .e;ib.e
identifi7ation mark: The Department may <erify materia. Dei;ht by ha<in; an empty and .oaded <ehi7.e
Dei;hed on any s7a.e the En;ineer desi;nates:
If imported topsoi.) soi. amendment) or m6.7h is meas6red by <o.6me:
#: Ea7h <ehi7.e m6st a..oD for an a776rate 7ontents determination
2: !n.ess < are of 6niform 7apa7ity) ea7h <ehi7.e m6st ha<e a .e;ib.e identifi7ation mark shoDin;
its <o.6me 7apa7ity
-: Load < to at .east the <o.6me 7apa7ity
4: Le<e. <ehi7.e .oads on arri<a. at the de.i<ery point
If determinin; a G6antity paid on a <o.6me basis is impra7ti7a. or if yo6 reG6est and the reG6est is
a6thoriHed) Dei;h the materia. and the En;ineer 7on<erts the res6.t to a <o.6me meas6rement: The
En;ineer determines the 7on<ersion fa7tors and) if yo6 a;ree) adopts this method of meas6rement:
?-1.02C F#'%& P%3 I/em G"%'/#/#e
The Department shoDs a bid item G6antity as a fina. pay item for payment p6rposes on.y: For a fina. pay
item) a77ept payment based on the "id Item List G6antity) re;ard.ess of a7t6a. G6antity 6sed 6n.ess
dimensions are 7han;ed by the En;ineer:
?-1.02D G"%'/#/#e 04 A88re8%/e %'1 O/7er R0%1:%3 M%/er#%&
The En;ineer determines the Dei;ht of a;;re;ate and other roadDay materia. that are bein; paid for by
Dei;ht as shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e and does not in7.6de the ded67ted Dei;ht of Dater in their payment
De/erm#'%/#0' 04 G"%'/#/#e 04 A88re8%/e %'1 O/7er R0%1:%3 M%/er#%&
ateria. @6antity determination
A;;re;ate or other roadDay materia.
e37ept as otherDise shoDn in this
"y ded67tin; the Dei;ht of Dater in the materia.
in e37ess of -
per7ent of the dry Dei;ht of the materia. from the Dei;ht of the
Imported borroD) imported topsoi.)
a;;re;ate s6bbase
"y ded67tin; the Dei;ht of Dater in the materia.
in e37ess of 0
per7ent of the dry Dei;ht of the materia. from the Dei;ht of the
StraD "y ded67tin; the Dei;ht of Dater in the materia.
in e37ess of #*
per7ent of the dry Dei;ht of the materia. from the Dei;ht of the
En;ineer does not ded67t the Dei;ht of Dater
A;;re;ate base and a;;re;ate for
7ement treated bases
As spe7ified in se7tion 20 and se7tion 25
NOTE: Per7enta;e of Dater is determined by Ca.ifornia Test 220:
At the time of Dei;hin;
8ei;ht of Dater in the fiber
m6st not e37eed #* per7ent of the dry Dei;ht of the fiber:
The Department pays yo6 for f6rnishin; the reso6r7es and a7ti<ities reG6ired to 7omp.ete the Dork: The
DepartmentFs payment is f6.. 7ompensation for f6rnishin; the reso6r7es and a7ti<ities) in7.6din;:
#: Risk) .oss) dama;e repair) or 7ost of Dhate<er 7hara7ter arisin; from or re.atin; to the Dork and
performan7e of the Dork
2: PLACs and ta3es
The Department does not pay for yo6r .oss) dama;e) repair) or e3tra 7osts of Dhate<er 7hara7ter arisin;
from or re.atin; to the Dork that is a dire7t or indire7t res6.t of yo6r 7hoi7e of 7onstr67tion methods)
materia.s) eG6ipment) or manpoDer) 6n.ess spe7ifi7a..y mandated by the Contra7t:
Payment is:
#: F6.. 7ompensation for a.. Dork in<o.<ed in ea7h bid item spe7ified by the des7ription and
meas6rement 6nit shoDn on the "id Item List
2: For the pri7e bid for ea7h bid item shoDn on the "id Item List or as 7han;ed by 7han;e order Dith a
spe7ified pri7e adI6stment
F6.. 7ompensation for Dork spe7ified in di<isions I) II) and > is in7.6ded in the payment for the bid items
#: "id item for the Dork is shoDn on the "id Item List
2: 8ork is spe7ified as 7han;e order Dork
8ork paid for 6nder one bid item is not paid for 6nder any other bid item:
Payment for a bid item in7.6des payment for Dork in se7tions referen7ed by the se7tion set forth by that
bid item:
If an a.ternati<e is des7ribed in the Contra7t) the Department pays based on the bid items for the detai.s
and spe7ifi7ations not des7ribed as an a.ternati<e 6n.ess the bid item is des7ribed as an a.ternati<e) in
Dhi7h 7ase) the Department pays based on the detai.s and spe7ifi7ations for that a.ternati<e:
The Department pays for 7han;e order Dork based on one or a 7ombination of the fo..oDin;:
#: "id item pri7es
2: For7e a77o6nt
-: A;reed pri7e
If the En;ineer 7hooses to pay for 7han;e order Dork based on an a;reed pri7e) b6t yo6 and the
En;ineer 7annot a;ree on the pri7e) the Department pays by for7e a77o6nt:
If a portion of e3tra Dork is 7o<ered by bid items) the Department pays for this Dork as 7han;ed G6antities
in those items: The Department pays for the remainin; portion of the e3tra Dork by for7e a77o6nt or
a;reed pri7e:
The Department pays #% per7ent ann6a. interest for 6npaid and 6ndisp6ted:
#: Pro;ress payments
2: After,a77eptan7e payment e37ept for 7.aims
For these payments) interest starts to a77r6e -% days after the #st Dorkin; day fo..oDin; the 2%th day of
the month payment is d6e: For a 7han;e order bi.. not s6bmitted Dithin 5 days after performin; the Dork)
interest starts to a77r6e 0% days after the #st Dorkin; day fo..oDin; the 2%th day of the month payment is
The Department pays 0 per7ent ann6a. interest for 6npaid and 6ndisp6ted 7.aims: Interest starts to
a77r6e 0# days after the Department a77epts a 7.aim statement:
The Department pays 0 per7ent ann6a. interest for aDards in arbitration /Ci< Code M -2+$1:
If the amo6nt of a ded67tion or Dithho.d e37eeds fina. payment) the Department in<oi7es yo6 for the
differen7e) to be paid 6pon re7eipt:
Pay yo6r s6b7ontra7tors Dithin #% days of re7eipt of ea7h pro;ress payment 6nder P6b Cont Code MM
#%202 and #%202:*:
?-1.0+A Ge'er%&
For Dork paid by for7e a77o6nt) the En;ineer 7ompares the DepartmentFs re7ords to yo6r dai.y for7e
a77o6nt Dork report: 8hen yo6 and the En;ineer a;ree on the 7ontents of the dai.y for7e a77o6nt Dork
reports) the En;ineer a77epts the report and the Department pays for the Dork: If the re7ords differ) the
Department pays for the Dork based on.y on the information shoDn on the DepartmentFs re7ords:
If a s6b7ontra7tor performs Dork at for7e a77o6nt) a77ept an additiona. #% per7ent mark6p to the tota.
7ost of that Dork paid at for7e a77o6nt) in7.6din; mark6ps spe7ified in se7tion $,#:%4) as reimb6rsement
for additiona. administrati<e 7osts:
The mark6ps spe7ified in .abor) materia.s) and eG6ipment in7.6de 7ompensation for a.. de.ay 7osts)
o<erhead 7osts) and profit:
If an itemFs 6nit pri7e is adI6sted for Dork,7hara7ter 7han;es) the Department e37.6des yo6r 7ost of
determinin; the adI6stment:
Payment for oDner,operated .abor and eG6ipment is made at the market,pri7ed in<oi7e s6bmitted:
?-1.0+B L%.0r
Labor payment is f6.. 7ompensation for the 7ost of .abor 6sed in the dire7t performan7e of the Dork p.6s a
-* per7ent mark6p: For7e a77o6nt .abor payment 7onsists of:
#: Emp.oyer payment to the Dorker for:
#:#: "asi7 ho6r.y Da;e
#:2: ? and De.fare
#:-: Pension
#:4: (a7ation
#:*: Trainin;
#:0: Other State and federa. re7o;niHed frin;e benefit payments
2: Labor s6r7har;e per7enta;e in *a)or Surcharge and %+uipment !ental !ates 76rrent d6rin; the Dork
paid at for7e a77o6nt for:
2:#: 8orkersF 7ompensation ins6ran7e
2:2: So7ia. se76rity
2:-: edi7are
2:4: Federa. 6nemp.oyment ins6ran7e
2:*: State 6nemp.oyment ins6ran7e
2:0: State trainin; ta3es
-: S6bsisten7e and tra<e. a..oDan7es paid to the Dorkers
4: Emp.oyer payment to s6per<isors) if a6thoriHed
The -* per7ent mark6p 7onsists of payment for a.. o<erhead 7osts re.ated to .abor b6t not desi;nated as
7osts of .abor 6sed in the dire7t performan7e of the Dork in7.6din;:
#: ?ome offi7e o<erhead
2: Fie.d offi7e o<erhead
-: "ond 7osts
4: Profit
*: Labor .iabi.ity ins6ran7e
0: Other fi3ed or administrati<e 7osts that are not 7osts of .abor 6sed in the dire7t performan7e of the
?-1.0+C M%/er#%&
ateria. payment is f6.. 7ompensation for materia.s yo6 f6rnish and 6se in the Dork: The En;ineer
determines the 7ost based on the materia. p6r7hase pri7e) in7.6din; de.i<ery 7har;es) e37ept:
#: A #* per7ent mark6p is added
2: S6pp.ier dis7o6nts are s6btra7ted Dhether yo6 took them or not
-: If the En;ineer<es the materia. p6r7hase pri7es are e37essi<e) the Department pays the .oDest
76rrent Dho.esa.e pri7e for a materia. G6antity
4: If yo6 pro76red the materia.s from a so6r7e yo6 Dho..y or partia..y oDn) the determined 7ost is based
on the .oDer of the:
4:#: Pri7e paid by the p6r7haser for materia.s from that so6r7e on Contra7t items
4:2: C6rrent Dho.esa.e pri7e for those materia.s
*: If yo6 do not s6bmit a materia. 7ost re7ord Dithin -% days of;) the determined 7ost is based on
the .oDest Dho.esa.e pri7e:
*:#: D6rin; that period
*:2: In the G6antities 6sed
?-1.0+D E!"#6me'/ Re'/%&
?-1.0+DB1C Ge'er%&
EG6ipment renta. payment is f6.. 7ompensation for:
#: Renta. eG6ipment 7osts) in7.6din; mo<in; renta. eG6ipment to and from the 7han;e order Dork site
6sin; its oDn poDer:
2: Transport eG6ipment 7osts for renta. eG6ipment that 7annot be transported e7onomi7a..y 6sin; its
oDn poDer: No payment is made d6rin; transport for the transported eG6ipment:
-: #* per7ent mark6p:
If yo6 Dant to ret6rn the eG6ipment to a .o7ation other than its ori;ina. .o7ation) the payment to mo<e the
eG6ipment m6st not e37eed the 7ost of ret6rnin; the eG6ipment to its ori;ina. .o7ation: If yo6 6se the
eG6ipment for Dork other than Dork paid by for7e a77o6nt) the transportation 7ost is in7.6ded in the other
"efore mo<in; or .oadin; the eG6ipment) obtain a6thoriHation for the eG6ipment renta.Fs ori;ina. .o7ation:
The En;ineer determines renta. 7osts:
#: !sin; rates in *a)or Surcharge and %+uipment !ental !ates:
#:#: "y 7.assifyin; eG6ipment 6sin; man6fa7t6rerFs ratin;s and man6fa7t6rer,appro<ed 7han;es:
#:2: C6rrent d6rin; the Dork paid by for7e a77o6nt:
#:-: Re;ard.ess of eG6ipment oDnershipJ b6t the Department 6ses the renta. do76ment rates or
minim6m renta. 7ost terms if:
#:-:#: Rented from eG6ipment b6siness yo6 do not oDn:
#:-:2: The Labor S6r7har;e and EG6ipment Renta. Rates ho6r.y rate is O#%:%% per ho6r or
2: !sin; rates estab.ished by the En;ineer for eG6ipment not .isted in *a)or Surcharge and %+uipment
!ental !ates: &o6 may s6bmit 7ost information that the En;ineer estab.ish the renta. rateJ b6t
the Department 6ses the renta. do76ment rates or minim6m renta. 7ost terms if:
2:#: Rented from eG6ipment b6siness yo6 do not oDn:
2:2: The En;ineer estab.ishes a rate of O#%:%% per ho6r or .ess:
-: !sin; rates for transport eG6ipment not e37eedin; the ho6r.y rates 7har;ed by estab.ished ha6.ers:
EG6ipment renta. rates in7.6de the 7ost of:
#: F6e. 5: Repairs and maintenan7e
2: Oi. +: Depre7iation
-: L6bri7ation $: Stora;e
4: S6pp.ies #%: Ins6ran7e
*: Sma.. too.s that are not 7ons6med by 6se ##: In7identa.s
0: Ne7essary atta7hments
The Department pays for sma.. too.s 7ons6med by 6se: The En;ineer determines payment for sma.. too.s
7ons6med by 6se based on Contra7tor,s6bmitted in<oi7es:
The En;ineer may a6thoriHe rates in e37ess of those in the *a)or Surcharge and %+uipment !ental
!ates if:
#: &o6 s6bmit a reG6est to 6se rented eG6ipment
2: EG6ipment is not a<ai.ab.e from yo6r norma. so6r7es or from one of yo6r s6b7ontra7tors
-: Rented eG6ipment is from an independent renta. 7ompany
4: Proposed eG6ipment renta. rate is reasonab.e
*: The En;ineer a6thoriHes the eG6ipment so6r7e and the renta. rate before yo6 6se the eG6ipment
The Department pays for f6e. 7ons6med d6rin; the operation of rented eG6ipment not in7.6ded in the
in<oi7ed renta. rates:
?-1.0+DB2C E!"#6me'/ O' /7e E0. S#/e
For eG6ipment on the Iob site at the time reG6ired to perform Dork paid by for7e a77o6nt) the time paid is
the time:
#: To mo<e the eG6ipment to the .o7ation of Dork paid by for7e a77o6nt p.6s an eG6a. amo6nt of time to
mo<e the eG6ipment to another .o7ation on the Iob site Dhen the Dork paid by for7e a77o6nt is
2: To .oad and 6n.oad eG6ipment
-: EG6ipment is operated to perform Dork paid by for7e a77o6nt and:
-:#: ?o6r.y rates are paid in #92,ho6r in7rements
-:2: Dai.y rates are paid in #92,day in7rements
?-1.0+DB)C E!"#6me'/ N0/ O' /7e E0. S#/e Re!"#re1 40r Or#8#'%&-C0'/r%(/ A0r;
For eG6ipment not on the Iob site at the time reG6ired to perform Dork paid by for7e a77o6nt and reG6ired
for ori;ina.,Contra7t Dork) the time paid is the time the eG6ipment is operated to perform Dork paid by
for7e a77o6nt and the time to mo<e the eG6ipment to a .o7ation on the Iob site Dhen the Dork paid by
for7e a77o6nt is 7omp.eted:
The minim6m tota. time paid is:
#: # day if dai.y rates are paid
2: + ho6rs if ho6r.y rates are paid
If dai.y rates are re7orded) eG6ipment:
#: Id.ed is paid as #92 day
2: Operated 4 ho6rs or .ess is paid as #92 day
-: Operated 4 ho6rs or more is paid as # day
If the minim6m tota. time e37eeds + ho6rs and if ho6r.y rates are .isted) the Department ro6nds 6p ho6rs
operated to the nearest #92,ho6r in7rement and pays based on the ho6rs shoDn the fo..oDin; tab.e: The
tab.e does not app.y Dhen eG6ipment is not operated d6e to breakdoDns) in Dhi7h 7ase renta. ho6rs are
the ho6rs the eG6ipment Das operated:
E!"#6me'/ Re'/%& H0"r
?o6rs operated ?o6rs paid
%:% 4:%%
%:* 4:2*
#:% 4:*%
#:* 4:5*
2:% *:%%
2:* *:2*
-:% *:*%
-:* *:5*
4:% 0:%%
4:* 0:2*
*:% 0:*%
*:* 0:5*
0:% 5:%%
0:* 5:2*
5:% 5:*
5:* 5:5*
S+:% ho6rs 6sed
?-1.0+DB+C E!"#6me'/ N0/ O' /7e E0. S#/e N0/ Re!"#re1 40r Or#8#'%&-C0'/r%(/ A0r;
For eG6ipment not on the Iob site at the time reG6ired to perform Dork paid by for7e a77o6nt and not
reG6ired for ori;ina.,Contra7t Dork) the time paid is the time:
#: To mo<e the eG6ipment to the .o7ation of Dork paid by for7e a77o6nt p.6s an eG6a. amo6nt of time to
ret6rn the eG6ipment to its so6r7e Dhen the Dork paid by for7e a77o6nt is 7omp.eted
2: To .oad and 6n.oad eG6ipment
-: EG6ipment is operated to perform Dork paid by for7e a77o6nt
?-1.0+DB,C N0'-O:'er-O6er%/e1 D"m6 Tr"(; Re'/%&
S6bmit the renta. rate for non,oDner,operated d6mp tr67k renta.: The En;ineer determines the payment
rate: Payment for non,oDner,operated d6mp tr67k renta. is for the 7ost of rentin; a d6mp tr67k) in7.6din;
its dri<er: For the p6rpose of mark6p payment on.y) the non,oDner,operated d6mp tr67k is renta.
eG6ipment and the oDner is a s6b7ontra7tor:
If the En;ineer determines that yo6 or yo6r s6b7ontra7tors are not 7apab.e of performin; spe7ia.ty e3tra
Dork) a may be 6sed: ItemiHe the .abor) materia.) and eG6ipment renta. 7osts 6n.ess it is not the
spe7ia. ser<i7e ind6stryFs estab.ished pra7ti7e to pro<ide itemiHation) in Dhi7h 7ase) the En;ineer a77epts
76rrent market,pri7ed in<oi7es for the Dork:
The En;ineer may a77ept an in<oi7e as a; for Dork performed at an offBIob site
man6fa7t6rin; p.ant or ma7hine shop:
The En;ineer determines the 7ost based on the in<oi7e pri7e min6s any a<ai.ab.e or offered
dis7o6nts p.6s a #% per7ent mark6p:
?-1.0-A Ge'er%&
The 6nit pri7es spe7ified in se7tion $,#:%0 are adI6sted 6nder se7tion $,#:%4:
?-1.0-B I'(re%e 04 M0re T7%' 2, Per(e'/
If the tota. bid item G6antity e37eeds #2* per7ent of the G6antity shoDn on the "id Item List and if no
appro<ed Change Order addresses payment for the G6antity e37eedin; #2* per7ent) the En;ineer may
adI6st the 6nit pri7e for the e37ess G6antity 6nder se7tion $,#:%4 or the fo..oDin;:
#: The adI6stment is the differen7e betDeen the 6nit pri7e and the 6nit 7ost of the tota. item pay G6antity:
2: In determinin; the 6nit 7ost) the En;ineer e37.6des the itemFs fi3ed 7osts: &o6 ha<e re7o<ered the
fi3ed 7osts in the payment for #2* per7ent shoDn on the "id Item List:
-: After e37.6din; fi3ed 7osts) the En;ineer determines the item 6nit 7ost 6nder se7tion $,#:%4:
If the payment for the n6mber of 6nits of a bid item in e37ess of #2* per7ent of the "id Item List is .ess
than O*)%%% at the 6nit pri7e) the En;ineer may not adI6st the 6nit pri7e 6n.ess yo6 reG6est it:
?-1.0-C De(re%e 04 M0re T7%' 2, Per(e'/
If the tota. item pay G6antity is .ess than 5* per7ent of the G6antity shoDn on the "id Item List and if no
appro<ed Change Order addresses payment for the G6antity .ess than 5* per7ent) yo6 may reG6est a 6nit
pri7e adI6stment: The En;ineer may adI6st the 6nit pri7e for the de7reased G6antity 6nder se7tion $,#:%4
or the fo..oDin;:
#: The adI6stment is the differen7e betDeen the 6nit pri7e and the 6nit 7ost of the tota. pay G6antity:
2: In determinin; the 6nit 7ost) the En;ineer in7.6des the itemFs fi3ed 7osts:
-: After in7.6din; fi3ed 7osts) the En;ineer determines the item 6nit 7ost 6nder se7tion $,#:%4:
The Department does not pay more than 5* per7ent of the item tota. in the "id Item List:
?-1.0-D E&#m#'%/e1 I/em
If the En;ineer e.iminates an item) the Department pays yo6r 7osts in76rred before the En;ineerFs
e.imination notifi7ation date:
If yo6 order a6thoriHed materia. for an e.iminated item before the notifi7ation date and the order 7annot be
7an7e.ed) either of the fo..oDin; o776rs:
#: If the materia. is ret6rnab.e to the <endor) the En;ineer orders yo6 to ret6rn the materia. and the
Department pays yo6r; 7osts and <endor 7har;es:
2: The Department pays yo6r 7ost for the materia. and its; and be7omes the materia. oDner:
The En;ineer determines the payment for the e.iminated bid item 6nder se7tion $,#:%4:
?-1.02A Ge'er%&
Se7tion $,#:%5 app.ies to aspha.t 7ontained in materia.s for pa<ement str67t6re and pa<ement s6rfa7e
treatments s67h as ?A) ta7k 7oat) aspha.ti7 em6.sions) bit6mino6s sea.s) aspha.t binders) and modified
aspha.t binders p.a7ed in the Dork: Se7tion $,#:%5 does not app.y if yo6 opted o6t of payment
adI6stments for pri7e inde3 f.67t6ations at the time of bid:
The En;ineer adI6sts payment Dhene<er the Ca.ifornia stateDide 7r6de oi. pri7e inde3 for the month the
materia. is p.a7ed is more than * per7ent hi;her or .oDer than the pri7e inde3 at the time of bid:
The Department determines the Ca.ifornia stateDide 7r6de oi. pri7e inde3 ea7h month on or abo6t the #st
b6siness day of the month 6sin; the a<era;e of the posted pri7es in effe7t for the pre<io6s month as
posted by Che<ron) E33onobi.) and Cono7oPhi..ips for the "6ena (ista) ?6ntin;ton "ea7h) and idDay
S6nset fie.ds:
If a 7ompany dis7ontin6es postin; its pri7es for a fie.d) the Department determines the inde3 from the
remainin; posted pri7es: The Department may in7.6de additiona. fie.ds to determine the inde3:
For the Ca.ifornia stateDide 7r6de oi. pri7e inde3) ;o to the DepartmentFs Di<ision of Constr67tion 8eb
If the adI6stment is a de7rease in payment) the Department ded67ts the amo6nt from the month.y
pro;ress payment:
The Department in7.6des payment adI6stments d6e to pri7e inde3 f.67t6ations for 7han;ed G6antities
6nder se7tion $,#:%0:
If yo6 do not 7omp.ete the Dork Dithin the Contra7t time) payment adI6stments d6rin; the o<err6n period
are determined 6sin; the Ca.ifornia stateDide 7r6de oi. pri7e inde3 in effe7t for the month in Dhi7h the
o<err6n period be;an:
If the pri7e inde3 at the time of p.a7ement in7reases:
#: *% per7ent or more o<er the pri7e inde3 at bid openin;) notify the En;ineer:
2: #%% per7ent or more o<er the pri7e inde3 at bid openin;) do not f6rnish materia. 7ontainin; aspha.t
6nti. the En;ineer a6thoriHes yo6 to pro7eed Dith that Dork: The Department may de7rease bid item
G6antities) e.iminate bid items) or terminate the Contra7t:
"efore p.a7in; materia. 7ontainin; aspha.t) s6bmit the 76rrent and 6se ta3 rate in effe7t in the ta3
I6risdi7tion Dhere the materia. is to be p.a7ed:
S6bmit a p6b.i7 Dei;hmasterFs 7ertifi7ate for ?A) ta7k 7oat) aspha.ti7 em6.sions) and modified aspha.t
binders) in7.6din; those materia.s not paid for by Dei;ht: For s.6rry sea.s) s6bmit a p6b.i7 Dei;hmasterFs
7ertifi7ate separate.y for the aspha.ti7 em6.sion:
?-1.02B A67%&/ G"%'/#/#e
?-1.02BB1C Ge'er%&
?-1.02BB2C H0/ M#< A67%&/
The En;ineer 7a.76.ates the G6antity of aspha.t in ?A 6sin; the fo..oDin; form6.a:
5h T #M-TT 3 V6a 9 /#%% Y 6a1W
5h T G6antity in tons of aspha.t 6sed in ?A
#M-TT T ?A) tota. tons p.a7ed
6a T theoreti7a. aspha.t 7ontent from the Iob mi3 form6.a e3pressed as a per7enta;e of the Dei;ht of
dry a;;re;ate
?-1.02BB)C R" H0/ M#< A67%&/
The En;ineer 7a.76.ates the G6antity of aspha.t in R?A 6sin; the fo..oDin; form6.a:
5rh T !#M-TT 3 %:+% 3 V6ar) 9 /#%% Y 6ar)1W
5rh T G6antity in tons of aspha.t in aspha.t r6bber binder 6sed in R?A
!#M-TT T R?A) tota. tons p.a7ed
6ar) T theoreti7a. aspha.t r6bber binder 7ontent from the Iob mi3 form6.a e3pressed as a per7enta;e
of the Dei;ht of dry a;;re;ate
?-1.02BB+C M01#4#e1 A67%&/ B#'1er #' H0/ M#< A67%&/
The En;ineer 7a.76.ates the G6antity of aspha.t in modified aspha.t binder 6sin; the fo..oDin; form6.a:
5mh T M#M-TT 3 V/#%% , 6am1 9 #%%W 3 V6ma) 9 /#%% Y 6ma)1W
5mh T G6antity in tons of aspha.t in modified aspha.t binder 6sed in ?A
M#M-TT T modified aspha.t binder ?A) tota. tons p.a7ed
6am T spe7ified per7enta;e of aspha.t modifier
6ma) T theoreti7a. modified aspha.t binder 7ontent from the Iob mi3 form6.a e3pressed as a
per7enta;e of the Dei;ht of dry a;;re;ate
?-1.02BB,C H0/ M#< A67%&/ C0'/%#'#'8 Re(&%#me1 A67%&/ P%$eme'/
The En;ineer 7a.76.ates the G6antity of aspha.t in ?A 7ontainin; RAP 6sin; the fo..oDin; form6.a:
5rap T #M-TT 3 V6aa 9 /#%% Y 6aa1W
6aa T 6ta , V/#%% , 6ne71 3 /6ra 9 #%%1W
5rap T G6antity in tons of aspha.t 6sed in ?A 7ontainin; RAP
#M-TT T ?A) tota. tons p.a7ed
6aa T aspha.t 7ontent of ?A adI6sted to a77o6nt for the aspha.t 7ontent in RAP e3pressed as a
per7enta;e of the Dei;ht of dry a;;re;ate
6ta T tota. aspha.t 7ontent of ?A e3pressed as a per7enta;e of the Dei;ht of dry a;;re;ate
6ne7 T theoreti7a. per7enta;e of neD a;;re;ate in the ?A 7ontainin; RAP determined from the
RAP per7enta;e in the Iob mi3 form6.a
6ra T aspha.t 7ontent of RAP e3pressed as per7enta;e
?-1.02BB-C T%(; C0%/
The En;ineer 7a.76.ates the G6antity of aspha.t in ta7k 7oat /@t71 as either of the fo..oDin;:
#: Aspha.t binder 6sin; the aspha.t binder tota. tons p.a7ed as ta7k 7oat
2: Aspha.ti7 em6.sion by app.yin; the form6.a in se7tion $,#:%5"/51 to the aspha.ti7 em6.sion tota. tons
p.a7ed as ta7k 7oat
?-1.02BB2C A67%&/#( Em"&#0'
The En;ineer 7a.76.ates the G6antity of aspha.t in aspha.ti7 em6.sions) in7.6din; fo; sea.s and ta7k 7oat)
6sin; the fo..oDin; form6.a:
5e T -%TT 3 /6e 9 #%%1
5e T G6antity in tons of aspha.t 6sed in aspha.ti7 em6.sions
-%TT T 6ndi.6ted aspha.ti7 em6.sions) tota. tons p.a7ed
6e T minim6m per7ent resid6e spe7ified in se7tion $4 based on the type of em6.sion 6sed
&o6 may determine 6e by s6bmittin; dai.y test res6.ts for aspha.t resid6e for the aspha.ti7 em6.sion 6sed:
If yo6 7hoose this option) yo6 m6st:
#: Take # samp.e for e<ery 2%% tons b6t not .ess than # samp.e per day in the presen7e of the En;ineer
from the de.i<ery tr67k) at mid.oad from a; tap or thief) and as fo..oDs:
#:#: DraD and dis7ard the #st ;a..on
#:2: Take 2 separate #92 ;a.
2: S6bmit the #st samp.e at the time of;
-: F6rnish the 2nd samp.e Dithin - b6siness days of; to an a6thoriHed .aboratory that
parti7ipates in the AAS?TO Profi7ien7y Samp.e Pro;ram
4: S6bmit test res6.ts from the .aboratory Dithin #% b6siness days of samp.e date
?-1.02BB>C S&"rr3 Se%&
The En;ineer 7a.76.ates the G6antity of aspha.t in s.6rry sea.s /@ss1 by app.yin; the form6.a in se7tion $,
#:%5"/51 to the G6antity of aspha.ti7 em6.sion 6sed in prod67in; the s.6rry sea. mi3:
?-1.02BB?C M01#4#e1 A67%&/ B#'1er
The En;ineer 7a.76.ates the G6antity of aspha.t in modified aspha.t binder 6sin; the fo..oDin; form6.a:
5ma) T M-BTT 3 V/#%% , 6am1 9 #%%W
5ma) T G6antity in tons of aspha.t 6sed in modified aspha.t binder
M-BTT T modified aspha.t binder) tota. tons p.a7ed
>am T spe7ified per7enta;e of aspha.t modifier
?-1.02BB10C O/7er M%/er#%&
For materia.s 7ontainin; aspha.t not 7o<ered in se7tions $,#:%5"/#1 thro6;h $,#:%5"/$1) the En;ineer
determines the method for 7a.76.atin; the G6antity of aspha.t /5o1:
?-1.02C P%3me'/ A1="/me'/
The En;ineer in7.6des payment adI6stments for pri7e inde3 f.67t6ations in pro;ress estimates: If materia.
7ontainin; aspha.t is p.a7ed Dithin 2 months d6rin; # estimate period) the En;ineer 7a.76.ates 2 separate
adI6stments: Ea7h adI6stment is 7a.76.ated 6sin; the pri7e inde3 for the month in Dhi7h the G6antity of
materia. 7ontainin; aspha.t s6bIe7t to adI6stment is p.a7ed in the Dork: The s6m of the 2 adI6stments is
6sed for in7reasin; or de7reasin; payment in the pro;ress estimate:
The En;ineer 7a.76.ates ea7h payment adI6stment 6sin; the fo..oDin; form6.a:
P- T 5t 3 -
P- T Payment adI6stment in do..ars for aspha.t 7ontained in materia.s p.a7ed in the Dork for a ;i<en
5t T S6m of a.. G6antities of aspha.t /5h Y 5rh Y 5mh Y 5rap Y 5tc Y 5e Y 5ss Y 5ma) Y 5o1
- T AdI6stment in do..ars per ton of aspha.t 6sed to prod67e materia.s p.a7ed in the Dork ro6nded to
the nearest O%:%#
- T V/"u 9 ")1 , #:%*W 3 ") 3 V# Y /T 9 #%%1W for an in7rease in the 7r6de oi. pri7e inde3 e37eedin; *
- T V/I6 9 Ib1 , %:$*W 3 Ib 3 V# Y /T 9 #%%1W for a de7rease in the 7r6de oi. pri7e inde3 e37eedin; *
"u T Ca.ifornia stateDide 7r6de oi. pri7e inde3 for the month in Dhi7h the G6antity of aspha.t s6bIe7t to
adI6stment Das p.a7ed in the Dork
") T Ca.ifornia stateDide 7r6de oi. pri7e inde3 for the month in Dhi7h the bid openin; for the proIe7t
T T and 6se ta3 rate e3pressed as a per7ent 76rrent.y in effe7t in the ta3 I6risdi7tion Dhere the
materia. is p.a7ed: If the ta3 rate information is not s6bmitted time.y) the stateDide and
6se ta3 rate is 6sed in the payment adI6stment 7a.76.ations 6nti. the ta3 rate information is
?-1.0>*?-1.10 RESERVED
?-1.11A Ge'er%&
Se7tion $,#:## app.ies to a proIe7t Dith /#1 an estimated 7ost o<er O* mi..ion and /21 #%% or more Dorkin;
days not in7.6din; any p.ant estab.ishment period Dorkin; days:
The #st senten7e of se7tion +,#:%5C and Ee376sab.e de.ayE and its definition in se7tion #,#:%5" do not
Time,re.ated o<erhead in7.6des 7osts for fie.d, and home,offi7e o<erhead for the time reG6ired to
7omp.ete the Dork: It does not in7.6de non,time,re.ated 7osts s67h as mobi.iHation) .i7enses) permits) and
other 7har;es in76rred on7e d6rin; the Contra7t:
Time,re.ated o<erhead does not app.y to s6b7ontra7tors of any tier) s6pp.iers) fabri7ators) man6fa7t6rers)
or other parties asso7iated Dith yo6:
Costs for fie.d offi7e o<erhead are time,re.ated 7osts asso7iated Dith the norma. and re76rrin;
7onstr67tion a7ti<ities not dire7t.y attrib6ted to the Contra7t Dork s67h as:
#: Sa.aries) benefits) and eG6ipment 7osts of:
#:#: ProIe7t mana;ers
#:2: =enera. s6perintendents
#:-: Fie.d offi7e mana;ers
#:4: Fie.d offi7e staff assi;ned to the proIe7t
2: Rent
-: !ti.ities
4: aintenan7e
*: Se76rity
0: S6pp.ies
5: Offi7e eG6ipment 7osts for the proIe7tFs fie.d offi7e
Costs for home,offi7e o<erhead are fi3ed ;enera. and administrati<e 7osts for operatin; yo6r b6siness
s67h as:
#: =enera. administration
2: Ins6ran7e
-: Personne. and s6b7ontra7t administration
4: P6r7hasin;
*: A77o6ntin;
0: ProIe7t en;ineerin; and estimatin;
?ome,offi7e o<erhead 7osts e37.6de e3penses spe7ifi7a..y re.ated to:
#: &o6r other 7ontra7ts or other b6sinesses
2: EG6ipment 7oordination
-: ateria. de.i<eries
4: Cons6.tant and .e;a. fees
Ea7h bid item pri7e e37ept time,re.ated o<erhead m6st e37.6de time,re.ated o<erhead 7osts:
The Department does not make the 6nit pri7e adI6stment res6.tin; from a 7han;e of more than 2*
per7ent in the bid itemFs G6antity spe7ified in se7tion 4,#:%*A for the time,re.ated o<erhead bid item:
Se7tion $,#:#5D/21/b1 does not app.y:
?-1.11B A"1#/ E<%m#'%/#0' %'1 Re60r/
If the tota. time,re.ated o<erhead bid item e37eeds #4$ per7ent of the G6antity at the time of bid and if
ordered) s6bmit an a6dit e3amination and report prepared by an independent CPA Dithin 0% days of the
order: The a6dit e3amination and report m6st shoD yo6r a7t6a. o<erhead 7osts) in7.6din;:
#: ProIe7t and 7ompany,Dide finan7ia. re7ords
2: O<era.. a<era;e dai.y rates for both fie.d and home offi7e o<erhead for the entire d6ration of the
proIe7t and Dhether the 7osts ha<e been proper.y a..o7ated: The fie.d and home offi7e o<erhead rates
m6st be:
2:#: A..oDab.e 6nder 4+ CFR -#
2:2: S6pported by re.iab.e re7ords
2:-: Re.ated so.e.y to the proIe7t
The CPAUs a6dit m6st be performed 6nder the Attestation Standards p6b.ished by the Ameri7an Instit6te
of Certified P6b.i7 A77o6ntants:
8ithin 2% days of re7eipt of the En;ineerFs order) make yo6r finan7ia. re7ords a<ai.ab.e for an a6dit by the
State for the p6rpose of <erifyin; the a7t6a. rate of time,re.ated o<erhead des7ribed in yo6r s6bmitted
a6dit: The En;ineer may or may not a77ept the rate of time,re.ated o<erhead s6bmitted:
The Department pays the a77epted a7t6a. rate for time,re.ated o<erhead in e37ess of #4$ per7ent of the
G6antity shoDn on the "id Item List:
The Department pays #92 the 7ost of performin; the e3amination and preparin; the reportJ the Contra7tor
pays the other #92: The 7ost is determined 6nder se7tion $,#:%*:
The Department does not pay for an a6dit performed for the p6rpose of <erifyin; a7t6a. rates for:
#: O<erhead 7osts in76rred before the #st Dorkin; day
2: O<erhead 7.aims
?-1.11C P%3me'/
Time for p.ant estab.ishment is not in7.6ded in the G6antity for time,re.ated o<erhead:
The En;ineer in7reases the G6antity of time,re.ated o<erhead if:
#: A s6spension is ordered not re.ated to:
#:#: 8eather 7onditions 6nfa<orab.e for the s6itab.e prose76tion of the; a7ti<ity:
#:2: &o6r fai.6re to 7arry o6t orders ;i<en or perform the Dork 6nder the Contra7t:
#:-: Fa7tors beyond yo6r 7ontro. not 7a6sed by either the Department or yo6:
#:4: Conditions that m6t6a..y benefit the State and yo6:
2: An in7rease of Contra7t time for a 7ompensab.e de.ay is ;ranted: A 7ompensab.e de.ay is 7a6sed
so.e.y by the fa6.t) defi7ien7y) error) omission) or 7han;e made by the Department: A time adI6stment
and payment adI6stment for the a7t6a. 7ost Ditho6t mark6p or profit are a..oDed: A TIA is 6sed to
determine the d6ration of the 7ompensab.e de.ay:
The En;ineer de7reases the G6antity of time,re.ated o<erhead if a de7rease in Contra7t time d6e to an
appro<ed Change Order is ;ranted:
The Department does not adI6st the G6antity of time,re.ated o<erhead for:
#: Ear.y 7omp.etion of the proIe7t:
2: Performin; 7han;e order Dork that does not affe7t a; a7ti<ity:
-: NonBDorkin; days:
4: De.ays to the; a7ti<ities that o776r before the #st Dorkin; day:
*: None376sab.e de.ay: A none376sab.e de.ay is 7a6sed by yo6 or yo6r s6b7ontra7tors of any tier or
s6pp.iers for either nonperforman7e or defi7ien7y of the Dork: Days d6rin; a none376sab.e de.ay are
Dorkin; days: No time or payment adI6stment for a none376sab.e de.ay is a..oDed:
0: E376sab.e de.ay: An e376sab.e de.ay is 7a6sed by fa7tors beyond yo6r or the DepartmentFs 7ontro.:
Days d6rin; an e376sab.e de.ay are nonBDorkin; days:
5: 2 or more 7on76rrent de.ays that o776r Dhen a none376sab.e or e376sab.e de.ay o<er.aps partia..y or
entire.y Dith an e376sab.e or 7ompensab.e de.ay:
+: S6spensions ordered d6e to:
+:#: 8eather 7onditions 6nfa<orab.e for the s6itab.e prose76tion of the; a7ti<ity:
+:2: Fai.6re to 7arry o6t orders ;i<en or perform the Dork 6nder the Contra7t:
+:-: Fa7tors beyond yo6r 7ontro. not 7a6sed by either the Department or yo6:
$: S6spensions that m6t6a..y benefit yo6 and the Department:
For a 7ost,p.6s,time 7ontra7t) if the G6antity of time,re.ated o<erhead is adI6sted) the .6mp s6m pri7e for
time,re.ated o<erhead is adI6sted for ea7h day by an amo6nt eG6a. to the .6mp s6m pri7e bid di<ided by
the n6mber of Dorkin; days bid to 7omp.ete the Contra7t:
The Department makes pro;ress payments for time,re.ated o<erhead based on the n6mber of Dorkin;
days 6sed d6rin; that estimate period) in7.6din; 7ompensab.e s6spensions and de.ays: The amo6nt paid
per Dorkin; day is the .esser of the fo..oDin; amo6nts:
#: "id item pri7e for a non,7ost,p.6s,time 7ontra7t
2: "id item .6mp s6m pri7e di<ided by the n6mber of Dorkin; days bid for a 7ost,p.6s,time 7ontra7t
-: 2% per7ent of the tota. bid di<ided by the Contra7t n6mber of Dorkin; days
8orkin; days ;ranted by an appro<ed Change Order d6e to 7han;es and e3tra Dork is paid for 6pon
Contra7t 7omp.etion:
Payment for time,re.ated o<erhead in7.6des f6.. 7ompensation for additiona. o<erhead 7osts in76rred
d6rin; days of in7.ement Deather Dhen the Contra7t is e3tended into any additiona. 7onstr67tion seasons
d6e to de.ays 7a6sed by the Department:
Payment for time,re.ated o<erhead does not in7.6de payment for additiona. o<erhead 7ost in<o.<ed in:
#: Satisfyin; an interna. mi.estone or m6.tip.e 7a.endar reG6irements
2: Performin; additiona. Dork not 7onsidered a; a7ti<ity
-: O<erhead 7osts in76rred by yo6r s6b7ontra7tors of any tier) s6pp.iers) fabri7ators) man6fa7t6rers) and
other asso7iates
4: Other non,time,re.ated,o<erhead 7osts
For a proIe7t Ditho6t p.ant estab.ishment Dork) the Department pays yo6 the remainin; ba.an7e of time,
re.ated o<erhead as spe7ified in se7tion $,#:#5":
For a proIe7t Dith p.ant estab.ishment Dork) the Department pays yo6 the remainin; ba.an7e of time,
re.ated o<erhead in the #st pro;ress payment after the Dork e37ept p.ant estab.ishment Dork is
For Dork yo6 perform that is paid by for7e a77o6nt) the Department pays yo6 based on the mark6ps
shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e instead of the mark6ps spe7ified in se7tion $,#:%4:
Cost Per7ent mark6p
Labor -%
ateria.s #%
EG6ipment renta. #%
Note: The mark6ps app.y to Dork paid by for7e a77o6nt) re;ard.ess of Dhether the Dork re<ises the
76rrent Contra7t 7omp.etion date:
For s6b7ontra7ted Dork paid by for7e a77o6nt) the mark6ps in se7tion $,#:%4 app.y:
?-1.12*?-1.1+ RESERVED
The Department adI6sts a bid item 6nit pri7e based on the differen7e betDeen the 7ost to perform the
Dork as p.anned and the 7ost to perform the Dork as 7han;ed: The En;ineer determines the payment
adI6stment 6nder se7tion $,#:%4: The Department adI6sts payment for on.y the Dork portion that 7han;ed
in 7hara7ter:
?-1.1-A Ge'er%&
The Department pays yo6 based on En;ineer,prepared month.y pro;ress estimates: Ea7h estimate
#: Tota. Dork 7omp.eted d6rin; the pay period
2: Chan;e order bi..s if:
2:#: S6bmitted by the #*th day of a month
2:2: Appro<ed by the 2%th day of a month
-: Amo6nt for materia.s on hand
4: Amo6nt earned for mobi.iHation
*: Ded67tions
0: 8ithho.ds
5: Reso.<ed potentia. 7.aims
+: Payment adI6stments
S6bmit 7ertifi7ation statin; the Dork 7omp.ies Dith the @C pro7ed6res: The En;ineer does not pro7ess a
pro;ress estimate Ditho6t a si;ned 7ertifi7ation:
?-1.1-B S(7e1"&e 04 V%&"e
Se7tion $,#:#0" app.ies to a .6mp s6m bid item for Dhi7h a s7hed6.e of <a.6es is spe7ified to be
The s6m of the amo6nts for the Dork 6nits .isted in the s7hed6.e of <a.6es m6st eG6a. the .6mp s6m pri7e
bid for the bid item:
Obtain a6thoriHation of a s7hed6.e of <a.6es before yo6 perform Dork shoDn on the s7hed6.e: The
Department does not pro7ess a pro;ress payment for the bid item Ditho6t an a6thoriHed s7hed6.e of
A77ept pro;ress payments for o<erhead) profit) bond 7osts) and other fi3ed or administrati<e 7osts as
distrib6ted proportiona..y amon; the items .isted e37ept that for a 7ontra7t Dith a bid item for mobi.iHation)
a77ept pro;ress payments for bond 7osts as in7.6ded in the mobi.iHation bid item:
For 7han;ed G6antities of the Dork 6nits .isted) the Department adI6sts payments in the same manner as
spe7ified for 7han;ed G6antities of bid items 6nder se7tion $,#:%0:
?-1.1-C M%/er#%& O' H%'1
A materia. on hand b6t not in7orporated into the Dork is e.i;ib.e for pro;ress payment if:
#: Listed in a spe7ia. pro<ision as e.i;ib.e and is in 7omp.ian7e Dith other Contra7t parts
2: P6r7hased
-: An in<oi7e is s6bmitted
4: Stored Dithin the State and yo6 s6bmit e<iden7e that the stored materia. is s6bIe7t to the
DepartmentFs 7ontro.
*: ReG6ested on the Department,f6rnished form
?-1.1-D M0.#&#9%/#0'
obi.iHation is e.i;ib.e for partia. payments if the Contra7t in7.6des a bid item for mobi.iHation: The
Department makes the partia. payments 6nder P6b Cont Code M #%204: If the Contra7t does not in7.6de a
mobi.iHation bid item) mobi.iHation is in7.6ded in the payment for the <ario6s bid items:
The Department pays the item tota. for mobi.iHation in e37ess of #% per7ent of the tota. bid in the #st
payment after Contra7t a77eptan7e:
?-1.1-E A#/770&1
?-1.1-EB1C Ge'er%&
The Department may Dithho.d payment for non7omp.ian7e:
The Department ret6rns the non7omp.ian7e Dithho.d in the pro;ress payment fo..oDin; 7orre7tion of
8ithho.ds are not retentions 6nder P6b Cont Code M 5#%5 and do not a77r6e interest 6nder P6b Cont
Code M #%20#:*:
8ithho.ds are 76m6.ati<e and independent of ded67tions:
Se7tion $,#:#0E does not in7.6de a.. Dithho.ds that may be takenJ the Department may Dithho.d other
payments as spe7ified:
?-1.1-EB2C Pr08re A#/770&1
The Department Dithho.ds #% per7ent of a pro;ress payment for non7omp.iant pro;ress: Non7omp.iant
pro;ress o776rs Dhen:
#: Tota. days to date e37eed 5* per7ent of the re<ised Contra7t Dorkin; days
2: Per7ent of Dorkin; days e.apsed e37eeds the per7ent of <a.6e of Dork 7omp.eted by more than #*
The En;ineer determines the per7ent of Dorkin; days e.apsed by di<idin; the tota. days to date by the
re<ised Contra7t Dorkin; days and 7on<ertin; the G6otient to a per7enta;e:
The En;ineer determines the per7ent of <a.6e of Dork 7omp.eted by s6mmin; payments made to date
and the amo6nt d6e on the 76rrent pro;ress estimate) di<idin; this s6m by the 76rrent tota. estimated
<a.6e of the Dork) and 7on<ertin; the G6otient to a per7enta;e: These amo6nts are shoDn on the
Progress Pament (oucher:
8hen the per7ent of Dorkin; days e.apsed min6s the per7ent of <a.6e of Dork 7omp.eted is .ess than or
eG6a. to #* per7ent) the Department ret6rns the Dithho.d in the ne3t pro;ress payment:
?-1.1-EB)C Per40rm%'(e F%#&"re A#/770&1
D6rin; ea7h estimate period yo6 fai. to 7omp.y Dith a Contra7t part) in7.6din; s6bmitta. of a do76ment as
spe7ified) the Department Dithho.ds a part of the pro;ress payment: The do76ments in7.6de @C p.ans) traffi7 7ontro. p.ans) and Dater po..6tion 7ontro. s6bmitta.s:
For # performan7e fai.6re) the Department Dithho.ds 2* per7ent of the pro;ress payment b6t does not
Dithho.d more than #% per7ent of the tota. bid:
For m6.tip.e performan7e fai.6res) the Department Dithho.ds #%% per7ent of the pro;ress payment b6t
does not Dithho.d more than #% per7ent of the tota. bid:
?-1.1-EB+C S/06 N0/#(e A#/770&1
The Department may Dithho.d payments to 7o<er 7.aims fi.ed 6nder Ci< Code M -#5$ et seG:
Stop noti7e information may be obtained from the Di<ision of A77o6ntin;) Offi7e of E3terna. A77o6nts
?-1.1-EB,C Pe'%&/3 A#/770&1
Pena.ties in7.6de fines and dama;es that are proposed) assessed) or .e<ied a;ainst yo6 or the
Department by a ;o<ernmenta. a;en7y or pri<ate .aDs6it: Pena.ties are payments made or 7osts
in76rred in; a..e;ed <io.ations of federa.) state) or .o7a. .aDs) re;6.ations) reG6irements) or PLACs:
The 7ost in76rred may in7.6de the amo6nt spent for miti;ation or 7orre7tin; a <io.ation:
If the Department is assessed a pena.ty) the Department may Dithho.d the pena.ty amo6nt 6nti. the
pena.ty disposition has been reso.<ed: The Department may Dithho.d pena.ty amo6nts Ditho6t notifyin;
Instead of the Dithho.d) yo6 may pro<ide a bond eG6a. to the hi;hest estimated .iabi.ity for any disp6ted
pena.ties proposed e37ept yo6 may not pro<ide a bond for Dithho.ds re.ated to .abor 7omp.ian7e
?-1.1-EB-C*?-1.1-EB10C Reer$e1
?-1.1-F Re/e'/#0'
Se7tion $,#:#0F app.ies before Can6ary #) 2%#4:
The Department does not retain moneys from pro;ress payments d6e to the Contra7tor for Dork
performed /P6b Cont Code M 52%21:
?-1.1-G*?-1.1-M Reer$e1
?-1.12A Ge'er%&
?-1.12B P%3me'/ Be40re F#'%& E/#m%/e
After Contra7t a77eptan7e) the Department pays yo6 based on the En;ineer,prepared estimate that
in7.6des Dithho.ds and the ba.an7e d6e after ded67tion of pre<io6s payments:
?-1.12C Pr060e1 F#'%& E/#m%/e
The En;ineer estimates the amo6nt of Dork 7omp.eted and shoDs the amo6nt payab.e in a proposed fina.
estimate based on:
#: Contra7t items
2: Payment adI6stments
-: 8ork paid by for7e a77o6nt or a;reed pri7e
4: E3tra Dork
*: Ded67tions
S6bmit either a Dritten fina. estimate a77eptan7e or a 7.aim statement no .ater than the -%th day after
re7ei<in; the proposed fina. estimate: E<iden7e of the Contra7torFs re7eipt of the fina. estimate and the
En;ineerFs re7eipt of the Contra7torFs Dritten a77eptan7e or 7.aim statement is a de.i<ery ser<i7eFs proof of
de.i<ery or En;ineerFs Dritten re7eipt if hand de.i<ered:
If yo6 7.aim that the fina. estimate is .ess than $% per7ent of yo6r tota. bid) the Department adI6sts the
fina. payment to 7o<er yo6r o<erhead: The adI6stment is #% per7ent of the differen7e betDeen the tota.
bid and the fina. estimate: The Department does not make this adI6stment on a terminated 7ontra7t:
?-1.12D F#'%& P%3me'/ %'1 C&%#m
?-1.12DB1C Ge'er%&
If yo6 a77ept the proposed fina. estimate or do not s6bmit a 7.aim statement Dithin -% days of re7ei<in;
the estimate) the En;ineer f6rnishes the fina. estimate to yo6 and the Department pays the amo6nt d6e
Dithin -% days: This fina. estimate and payment is 7on7.6si<e e37ept as spe7ified in se7tions *,#:25) 0,
-:%0) and $,#:2#:
If yo6 s6bmit a 7.aim statement Dithin -% days of re7ei<in; the En;ineerFs proposed fina. estimate) the
En;ineer f6rnishes a semifina. estimate to the Contra7tor and the Department pays the amo6nt d6e Dithin
-% days: The semifina. estimate is 7on7.6si<e as to the amo6nt of Dork 7omp.eted and the amo6nt
payab.e e37ept as affe7ted by the 7.aims or as spe7ified in se7tions *,#:25) 0,-:%0) and $,#:2#:
?-1.12DB2C C&%#m S/%/eme'/
?-1.12DB2CB%C Ge'er%&
For ea7h 7.aim) s6bmit a 7.aim statement shoDin; on.y the identifi7ation n6mber that 7orresponds to the
'ull and 'inal Potential Claim !ecord and the fina. amo6nt of additiona. payment reG6ested e37ept:
#: If the fina. amo6nt of reG6ested payment differs from the amo6nt reG6ested in the 'ull and 'inal
Potential Claim !ecord
2: For a 7.aim for G6antities) Dithho.ds) ded67tions) .iG6idated dama;es) or 7han;e order bi..s
-: For an o<erhead 7.aim
If the fina. amo6nt of reG6ested payment differs from the amo6nt reG6ested in the 'ull and 'inal Potential
Claim !ecord) s6bmit:
#: Identifi7ation n6mber that 7orresponds to the 'ull and 'inal Potential Claim !ecord
2: Fina. amo6nt of additiona. payment reG6ested
-: "asis for the 7han;ed amo6nt
4: Contra7t do76mentation that s6pports the 7han;ed amo6nt
*: Statement of the reasons the Contra7t do76mentation s6pports the 7.aim
The En;ineer notifies yo6 of an omission of or a disparity in the e37.6si<e identifi7ation n6mber: 8ithin #*
days of the notifi7ation) 7orre7t the omission or disparity: If the omission or disparity is not reso.<ed after
the #* days) the En;ineer assi;ns a neD n6mber:
For a 7.aim for G6antities) Dithho.ds) ded67tions) or 7han;e order bi..s s6bmit:
#: Fina. amo6nt of additiona. payment reG6ested
2: Eno6;h detai. to enab.e the En;ineer to determine the basis and amo6nts of the additiona. payment
?-1.12DB2CB.C O$er7e%1 C&%#m
In7.6de Dith an o<erhead 7.aim:
#: Fina. amo6nt of additiona. payment reG6ested
2: Independent CPA a6dit report
Fai.6re to s6bmit the a6dit report Dith an o<erhead 7.aim Dith the 7.aim statement is a Dai<er of the
o<erhead 7.aim and operates as a bar to arbitration on the 7.aim /P6b Cont Code M #%24%:21:
The Department ded67ts an amo6nt for fie.d and home offi7e o<erhead paid on added Dork from any
7.aim for o<erhead: The <a.6e of the added Dork eG6a.s the <a.6e of the Dork 7omp.eted min6s the tota.
bid: The home offi7e o<erhead ded67tion eG6a.s * per7ent of the added Dork: The fie.d offi7e o<erhead
ded67tion eG6a.s *,#92 per7ent of the added Dork:
If yo6 intend to p6rs6e a 7.aim for reimb6rsement for fie.d or home offi7e o<erhead beyond that pro<ided
e3press.y by the Contra7t:
#: Notify the En;ineer Dithin -% days of re7eipt of the proposed fina. estimate of yo6r intent to seek
reimb6rsement for spe7ifi7 o<erhead 7osts beyond that pro<ided by the Contra7t
2: Spe7ifi7a..y identify ea7h 7.aim and ea7h date asso7iated Dith ea7h 7.aim from Dhi7h yo6 seek
reimb6rsement for spe7ifi7 o<erhead 7osts beyond that pro<ided by the Contra7t
-: Time.y s6bmit a.. other 7.aims
4: 8ithin -% days of re7eipt of the proposed fina. estimate) s6bmit an a6dit report prepared by an
independent CPA
4:#: The a6dit report m6st shoD 7a.76.ations Dith s6pportin; do76mentation of a7t6a. home offi7e
and proIe7t fie.d o<erhead 7osts
4:2: The 7a.76.ations m6st spe7ify the a7t6a. dai.y rates for both fie.d and home offi7e o<erhead for
the entire d6ration of the proIe7t e3pressed as a rate per Dorkin; day
4:-: The start and end dates of the a7t6a. proIe7t performan7e period) n6mber of Dorkin; days)
o<erhead 7ost poo.s) and a.. a..o7ation bases m6st be dis7.osed in the 7a.76.ations of yo6r
a7t6a. fie.d and home offi7e o<erhead dai.y rates
4:4: Neither dai.y rate may in7.6de a mark6p for profit
*: Fie.d o<erhead 7osts from Dhi7h the dai.y rate is 7a.76.ated m6st be:
*:#: A..oDab.e 6nder 4+ CFR -#
*:2: S6pported by re.iab.e re7ords
*:-: Re.ated so.e.y to the proIe7t
*:4: In76rred d6rin; the a7t6a. proIe7t performan7e period
*:*: Comprised of on.y time,re.ated fie.d o<erhead 7osts
*:0: Not a dire7t 7ost
0: ?ome offi7e o<erhead 7osts from Dhi7h the dai.y rate is 7a.76.ated m6st be:
0:#: A..oDab.e 6nder 4+ CFR -#
0:2: S6pported by re.iab.e re7ords
0:-: In76rred d6rin; the a7t6a. proIe7t performan7e period
0:4: Comprised of on.y fi3ed home offi7e o<erhead 7osts
0:*: Not a dire7t 7ost
The a7t6a. rate of time,re.ated o<erhead is s6bIe7t to a6thoriHation by the En;ineer:
The CPAUs a6dit m6st be performed 6nder the Attestation Standards p6b.ished by the Ameri7an Instit6te
of Certified P6b.i7 A77o6ntants: The CPAUs a6dit report m6st e3press an opinion Dhether or not yo6r
7a.76.ations of yo6r a7t6a. fie.d and home offi7e o<erhead dai.y rates 7omp.y Dith se7tion $,#:#5D/21/b1:
The attest do76mentation prepared by the CPA in 7onne7tion Dith the a6dit m6st be reprod67ed and
s6bmitted for re<ieD Dith the a6dit report:
The Department pro<ides mark6ps for a.. Dork paid by for7e a77o6nt: O<erhead for fie.d and home offi7e
7osts are in7.6ded in the mark6ps: O<erhead 7.aims in e37ess of Contra7t mark6ps are not a..oDed 6nder
the Contra7t: If yo6 seek reimb6rsement for 7osts not a..oDed 6nder the Contra7t) the Department does
not pay yo6r 7ost of performin; the independent CPA e3amination spe7ified in se7tion $,#:#5D/21/b1)
in7.6din; preparation of the a6dit report:
?-1.12DB2CB(C De(&%r%/#0'
S6bmit a de7.aration that in7.6des the fo..oDin; .an;6a;e Dith the 7.aim statement:
I de7.are 6nder pena.ty of perI6ry) a77ordin; to the .aDs of the State of Ca.ifornia) that the fore;oin;
7.aims) Dith spe7ifi7 referen7e to the Ca.ifornia C.aims A7t /=o<t Code M #20*% et seG:1 and to
the e3tent the proIe7t 7ontains federa. f6ndin;) the !:S: C.aims A7t /-# !SC M -52$ et seG:1)
are tr6e and 7orre7t) and that this de7.aration Das si;ned on PPPPPP/date1PPPPPPP) 2%PP at
?-1.12DB2CB1C A%#$er
A 7.aim is Dai<ed if:
#: C.aim does not ha<e a 7orrespondin; 'ull and 'inal Potential Claim !ecord identifi7ation n6mber
2: C.aim does not ha<e the same nat6re) 7ir76mstan7es) and basis of 7.aim as the 7orrespondin; 'ull
and 'inal Potential Claim !ecord
-: C.aim is not in7.6ded in the 7.aim statement
4: &o6 do not 7omp.y Dith the 7.aim pro7ed6res
*: &o6 do not s6bmit the de7.aration spe7ified in se7tion $,#:#5D/21/71
?-1.12DB)C F#'%& De/erm#'%/#0' 04 C&%#m
Fai.6re to a..oD time.y a77ess to 7.aim s6pportin; data Dhen reG6ested Dai<es the 7.aim:
The DepartmentFs 7osts in re<ieDin; or a6ditin; a 7.aim not s6pported by the Contra7torFs a77o6ntin; or
other re7ords are dama;es in76rred by the State Dithin the meanin; of the Ca.ifornia C.aims A7t:
If the En;ineer determines that a 7.aim reG6ires additiona. ana.ysis) the En;ineer a board of
re<ieD meetin;: eet Dith the board of re<ieD and make a presentation s6pportin; the 7.aim:
After 7.aim re<ieD 7omp.etion by the En;ineer or board of re<ieD) the Department makes the fina.
determination of 7.aims and f6rnishes it to the Contra7tor:
After the determination) the En;ineer f6rnishes a fina. estimate to the Contra7tor and the Department
pays the amo6nt d6e Dithin -% days: The fina. estimate is 7on7.6si<e as to the amo6nt of Dork 7omp.eted
and the amo6nt payab.e e37ept as spe7ified in se7tions *,#:25) 0,-:%0) and $,#:2#:
The Contra7torFs fai.6re to 7omp.y Dith the 7.aim pro7ed6res is a bar to arbitration 6nder P6b Cont Code M
?-1.1>*?-1.20 RESERVED
For - years after Contra7t a77eptan7e) estimates and payments are open to 7orre7tion and adI6stment for
7.eri7a. errors: Either the Department or the Contra7tor pays to the other the amo6nt d6e e37ept for
7.eri7a. errors res6.tin; in an adI6stment .ess than O2%%) in Dhi7h 7ase) no payment is made:
P6b Cont Code M #%24% thro6;h #%24%:#- pro<ides for the reso.6tion of 7ontra7t 7.aims by arbitration:
Start arbitration by; a 7omp.aint Dith the Offi7e of Administrati<e ?earin;s in Sa7ramento /# CA Code
Re;s M #-*%1: Fi.e the arbitration 7omp.aint no .ater than $% days after re7ei<in; the DepartmentFs fina.
Dritten de7ision on a 7.aim /P6b Cont Code M #%24%:#1:
10-2.01 GENERAL
10-2.02 LEED
10-2.02A*10-2.02H Reer$e1
10-2.0)*10-2.10 RESERVED
10-)*10-10 RESERVED
11-1.01 GENERAL
Se7tion ## in7.6des spe7ifi7ations re.atin; to G6a.ity 7ontro. and ass6ran7e:
8here a @C mana;er is spe7ified) assi;n a @C mana;er before startin; 7onstr67tion a7ti<ities: The @C
mana;er m6st be the so.e indi<id6a. responsib.e for:
#: Re7ei<in;) re<ieDin;) and appro<in; a.. 7orresponden7e) s6bmitta.s) and reports before they are
s6bmitted to the Department
2: Si;nin; @C p.ans
-: Imp.ementin; @C p.ans
4: aintainin; @C re7ords
The @C mana;er m6st be responsib.e dire7t.y to yo6 for the G6a.ity of the Dork) in7.6din; materia.s and
Dorkmanship performed by yo6 and yo6r s6b7ontra7tors:
The @C mana;er m6st be yo6r emp.oyee or m6st be hired by a s6b7ontra7tor pro<idin; on.y @C
ser<i7es: The @C mana;er m6st not be emp.oyed or 7ompensated by a s6b7ontra7tor or by other
persons or entities hired by s6b7ontra7tors Dho Di.. pro<ide other ser<i7es or materia.s for the proIe7t:
Notify the En;ineer of the name and 7onta7t information of the @C mana;er:
11-2.01 GENERAL
Se7tion ##,2 app.ies to PC 7on7rete members fabri7ated 6nder se7tions 4$ or *# e37.6din; PC 7on7rete
members fabri7ated Dith minor 7on7rete:
Fabri7ate PC 7on7rete members at a p.ant on the A6thoriHed Fa7i.ity A6dit List:
Assi;n a PC 7on7rete @C mana;er for ea7h pre7astin; p.ant:
The @C inspe7tor m6st Ditness a.. PC 7on7rete a7ti<ities:
The @C inspe7tor m6st either /#1 be re;istered as a 7i<i. en;ineer in the State or /21 ha<e a 76rrent P.ant
@6a.ity Personne. Certifi7ation) Le<e. II from the Pre7ast9Prestressed Con7rete Instit6te:
The @C inspe7tor m6st perform inspe7tion and testin; before pre7astin;) d6rin; pre7astin;) and after
pre7astin;) as spe7ified and as ne7essary to ens6re that materia.s and Dorkmanship 7omp.y Dith the
Re;ard.ess of yo6r a77eptan7e of a PC 7on7rete member) the En;ineer inspe7ts PC 7on7rete members
and reIe7ts any members that do not 7omp.y Dith the Contra7t:
11-2.0+A Ge'er%&
"efore s6bmittin; the PC 7on7rete @C ho.d a meetin; to dis76ss the reG6irements for PC 7on7rete
@C: The meetin; attendees m6st in7.6de the En;ineer) the PC 7on7rete @C mana;er) and a
representati<e from ea7h p.ant performin; PC 7on7rete a7ti<ities for the Contra7t:
11-2.0+B Pre(%/ C0'(re/e G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& P&%'
"efore performin; any pre7astin; a7ti<ities) s6bmit - 7opies of a PC 7on7rete @C for ea7h member
to be pre7ast: S6bmit a separate @C for ea7h p.ant: A..oD 2* days for the En;ineerFs re<ieD:
Ea7h @C m6st in7.6de:
#: Name of the pre7astin; p.ant) 7on7rete p.ant to be 6sed) and any 7on7rete testin; .aboratory to be
2: an6a. prepared by the pre7astin; p.ant that in7.6des eG6ipment) testin; pro7ed6res) safety
and the names) G6a.ifi7ations) and do76mentation of 7ertifi7ations for a.. personne. to be 6sed:
-: Name of the @C mana;er and the names) G6a.ifi7ations) and do76mentation of 7ertifi7ations for a..
@C inspe7tors:
4: Or;aniHationa. 7hart shoDin; a.. @C personne. and their assi;ned @C responsibi.ities:
*: ethods and freG6en7ies for performin; a.. reG6ired @C pro7ed6res) in7.6din; a.. inspe7tions)
materia. testin;) and any reG6ired s6r<ey pro7ed6res for a.. 7omponents of the PC 7on7rete members
in7.6din; prestressin; systems) 7on7rete) ;ro6t) reinfor7ement) stee. 7omponents embedded or
atta7hed to the PC 7on7rete member) mis7e..aneo6s meta.) and formDork:
0: System for reportin; non7omp.iant PC 7on7rete members to the En;ineer:
5: System for identifi7ation and tra7kin; of any reG6ired repairs) hoD they Dere repaired) and a
pro7ed6re for the reinspe7tion of any repaired PC 7on7rete members:
+: Forms to be 6sed for 7ertifi7ates of 7omp.ian7e) dai.y prod67tion .o;s) and dai.y reports:
A @C that Das pre<io6s.y a6thoriHed no more than # year before the start of Iob site a7ti<ities on the
Contra7t is a77eptab.e for the entire period of the Contra7t) if the En;ineer determines the @C is for
the same type of Dork that is to be performed on the Contra7t:
S6bmit an amended @C or an addend6m to the @C for any 7han;es to:
#: Con7rete p.ants or so6r7e materia.s
2: ateria. testin; pro7ed6res and testin; .abs
-: Pro7ed6res and eG6ipment
4: !pdated systems for tra7kin; and identifyin; PC 7on7rete members
*: @C personne.
S6bmit 5 7opies of ea7h a6thoriHed @C and make # 7opy a<ai.ab.e at ea7h .o7ation Dhere Dork is
11-2.0+C D%#&3 Pr01"(/#0' L08
The @C inspe7tor m6st pro<ide reports to the @C mana;er on a dai.y basis for ea7h day that pre7astin;
a7ti<ities are performed:
The @C mana;er m6st maintain a dai.y prod67tion .o; for pre7astin; for ea7h day that pre7astin;
a7ti<ities are performed) in7.6din; settin; forms) p.a7in; reinfor7ement) settin; prestressin; stee.) 7astin;)
76rin;) post tensionin;) and form re.ease: This dai.y .o; m6st be a<ai.ab.e for <ieDin; by the En;ineer at
the pre7astin; p.ant: The dai.y .o; m6st in7.6de:
#: P.ant .o7ation
2: Spe7ifi7 des7ription of 7astin; or re.ated a7ti<ities
-: Any prob.ems or defi7ien7ies dis7o<ered
4: Any testin; or repair Dork performed
*: Names of a.. @C inspe7tors and the spe7ifi7 @C inspe7tions they performed that day
0: Reports for that dayFs pre7astin; a7ti<ities from ea7h @C inspe7tor
Notify the En;ineer immediate.y Dhen any pre7astin; prob.ems or defi7ien7ies are dis7o<ered and s6bmit
the proposed repair or pro7ess 7han;es reG6ired to 7orre7t them: A..oD 2* days for the En;ineer Fs
11-2.0+D Pre(%/ C0'(re/e Re60r/
S6bmit a PC 7on7rete report Dithin #* days fo..oDin; the 7omp.etion of any PC 7on7rete member: The
report m6st in7.6de:
#: Reports of a.. materia. tests and any reG6ired s6r<ey 7he7ks:
2: Do76mentation that yo6 ha<e e<a.6ated a.. tests and 7orre7ted a.. reIe7ted defi7ien7ies) and a..
repairs ha<e been re,e3amined Dith the reG6ired tests and fo6nd a77eptab.e:
-: Dai.y prod67tion .o;s:
4: Certifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e si;ned by the @C mana;er: The 7ertifi7ate m6st state that a.. of the
materia.s and Dorkmanship in7orporated in the Dork and a.. reG6ired tests and inspe7tions of this
Dork) ha<e been performed as des7ribed in the Contra7t:
The person Dho performed the materia. tests and reG6ired s6r<ey 7he7ks m6st si;n a.. reports re;ardin;
these tests and s6r<ey 7he7ks and f6rnish these reports dire7t.y to the @C mana;er for re<ieD and
si;nat6re before s6bmitta. to the En;ineer: Correspondin; names m6st be 7.ear.y printed or typed ne3t to
a.. si;nat6res:
11-).01 GENERAL
11-).01A Ge'er%&
Se7tion ##,-:%# in7.6des ;enera. spe7ifi7ations for De.din; Dhere De.din; is spe7ified to 7omp.y Dith an
A8S De.din; 7ode:
Do not perform De.din; 6sin; f.63,7ored De.din; e.e7trodes that 7omp.y Dith A8S A*:2%) E0>T,4 or
8here<er referen7e is made to the fo..oDin; A8S De.din; 7odes in the Contra7t) the year of adoption for
these 7odes is shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
A8S 7ode &ear of adoption
D#:# 2%%+
D#:- 2%%+
D#:4 2%%*
D#:* 2%%+
D#:0 2%%5
D#:+ 2%%$
11-).01B De4#'#/#0'
(0'/#'"0" #'6e(/#0'5 @C Inspe7tor m6st be Dithin 7.ose pro3imity of a.. De.ders or De.din; operators
so that inspe7tions by the @C Inspe7tor of ea7h De.din; a7ti<ity at ea7h De.din; .o7ation does not
.apse for a period e37eedin; -% min6tes:
8r0 '0'(0'40rm%'(e5 S6m of p.anar type reIe7tab.e indi7ations in more than 2% per7ent of the tested
11-).01C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& I'6e(/0r
Rep.a7e 7.a6se 0:#:- of A8S D#:#) the #st para;raph of se7tion 5:#:2 of A8S D#:4) and 7.a6se 0:#:#:2 of
A8S D#:* Dith:
The @C Inspe7tor m6st be the d6.y assi;ned person Dho a7ts for and on yo6r beha.f for inspe7tion)
testin;) and G6a.ity re.ated matters for a.. De.din;:
@6a.ity ass6ran7e is the prero;ati<e of the En;ineer: The @A Inspe7tor is the d6.y desi;nated person
Dho a7ts for and on beha.f of the En;ineer:
The @C Inspe7tor m6st be responsib.e for @C a77eptan7e or reIe7tion of materia.s and Dorkmanship:
8here the term EInspe7torE is 6sed Ditho6t f6rther G6a.ifi7ation) it refers to the @C Inspe7tor:
The @C Inspe7tor m6st do76ment inspe7tion and appro<a. of:
#: A.. Ioint preparations) assemb.y pra7ti7es) Ioint fit,6ps) De.din; te7hniG6es
2: Performan7e of ea7h De.der) De.din; operator) and ta7k De.der on a dai.y basis for ea7h day De.din;
is performed
For ea7h inspe7tion) in7.6din; fit,6p) 8PS <erifi7ation) and fina. De.d inspe7tion) the @C Inspe7tor m6st
7onfirm and do76ment 7omp.ian7e Dith A8S De.din; 7odes and the spe7ifi7ations on a.. De.ded Ioints
before De.din;) d6rin; De.din;) and after the 7omp.etion of ea7h De.d:
11-).01D Per0''e& G"%&#4#(%/#0' %'1 Cer/#4#(%/#0'
The En;ineer has the a6thority to <erify the G6a.ifi7ations or 7ertifi7ations of any De.der) @C Inspe7tor) or
NDT personne. to spe7ified .e<e.s by retests or other means determined by the En;ineer: The period of
effe7ti<eness for a De.derFs or De.din; operatorFs G6a.ifi7ation m6st be a ma3im6m of - years for the
same De.d pro7ess) De.din; position) and De.d type: If De.din; Di.. be performed Ditho6t ;as shie.din;)
then G6a.ifi7ation m6st in7.6de De.din; Ditho6t ;as shie.din;: E37.6din; De.din; of fra7t6re 7riti7a.
members) a < G6a.ifi7ation at the start of Iob site a7ti<ities on a 7ontra7t is a77eptab.e for the entire
period of the Contra7t) as .on; as the De.derFs or De.din; operatorFs Dork remains satisfa7tory:
Rep.a7e 7.a6se 0:#4:0 of A8S D#:#) se7tion 5:+ of A8S D#:4) and 7.a6se 0:#:-:4 of A8S D#:* Dith:
Personne. performin; NDT m6st be G6a.ified and 7ertified 6nder Ameri7an So7iety for Nondestr67ti<e
Testin; /ASNT1 Re7ommended Pra7ti7e No: SNT,TC,#A and the Dritten pra7ti7e of the NDT firm: The
Dritten pra7ti7e of the NDT firm m6st 7omp.y Dith or e37eed the ;6ide.ines of the ASNT
Re7ommended Pra7ti7e No: SNT,TC,#A: Indi<id6a.s Dho perform NDT) re<ieD the res6.ts) and
prepare the Dritten reports m6st be one of the fo..oDin;:
#: Certified NDT Le<e. II te7hni7ians
2: Le<e. III te7hni7ians Dho ho.d a 76rrent ASNT Le<e. III 7ertifi7ate in that dis7ip.ine and are
7ertified to perform the Dork of Le<e. II te7hni7ians
11-).01E E0#'/ Ae&1 De/%#&
If Ioint De.d detai.s proposed for 6se in the Dork are not preG6a.ified 6nder 7.a6se - of A8S D#:# or fi;6re
2:4 or 2:* of A8S D#:*) s6bmit the Ioint De.d detai.s) in7.6din; their intended .o7ations) De.din;
parameters) and essentia. <
!pon a6thoriHation of the proposed Ioint detai. .o7ations and G6a.ifi7ation of the proposed Ioint detai.s)
De.ders and De.din; operators 6sin; these detai.s m6st De.d a G6a.ifi7ation test p.ate 6sin; the 8PS
< and the Ioint De.d detai. to be 6sed in prod67tion: The test p.ate m6st:
#: ?a<e the ma3im6m thi7kness to be 6sed in prod67tion and a minim6m .en;th of #+ in7hes:
2: "e me7hani7a..y and radio;raphi7a..y tested: e7hani7a. and radio;raphi7 testin; and a77eptan7e
7riteria m6st 7omp.y Dith the app.i7ab.e A8S 7odes:
If a nonstandard De.d Ioint is to be made 6sin; a 7ombination of 8PSs for Dork De.ded 6nder A8S D#:#)
yo6 may 7ond67t a sin;.e test 7ombinin; the 8PSs to be 6sed in prod67tion) if the essentia. <
in7.6din; De.d bead p.a7ement) of ea7h pro7ess are .imited to those estab.ished in tab.e 4:* of A8S D#:#:
The En;ineer Di.. Ditness a.. pro7ed6re G6a.ifi7ation tests for 8PSs that Dere not pre<io6s.y a6thoriHed
by the Department:
S6bmit an inspe7tion reG6est form to ETS at .east 5 days before performin; any pro7ed6re G6a.ifi7ation
tests: Notify the En;ineer of yo6r s6bmitta.: 8itnessin; of G6a.ifi7ation tests by the En;ineer does not
7onstit6te a6thoriHation of the intended Ioint .o7ations) De.din; parameters) or essentia. <
11-).01F N0'1e/r"(/#$e Te/#'8
Rep.a7e para;raph - of 7.a6se 0:20:-:2 of A8S D#:* Dith:
-: If indi7ations that e3hibit these p.anar 7hara7teristi7s are present at s7annin; sensiti<ity) or
other e<iden7e e3ists to s6;;est the presen7e of trans<erse 7ra7ks) a more detai.ed e<a.6ation
of the dis7ontin6ity by other means m6st be performed /e:;:) a.ternate !T te7hniG6es) RT)
;rindin;) or ;o6;in; for <is6a. inspe7tion or T of the e37a<ated areas:1: For De.ds that ha<e
trans<erse 7ra7ks) remo<e the meta. for the f6.. .en;th of the 7ra7k p.6s 2 in7hes on ea7h side
of the 7ra7k and reDe.d:
C.a6se 0:0:* of A8S D#:#) se7tion 5:0:* of A8S D#:4) and 7.a6se 0:0:* of A8S D#:* do not app.y:
The En;ineer may order yo6 to perform NDT that is in addition to the <is6a. inspe7tion or NDT spe7ified in
the spe7ifi7ations or A8S De.din; 7ode: The additiona. NDT and asso7iated repair Dork is 7han;e order
Dork: If the NDT dis7.oses an attempt to defra6d or re<ea.s a ;ross non7onforman7e) the Department
does not pay for the 7osts asso7iated Dith the repair of the defi7ient area) the NDT of the De.d and of the
repair) or any de.ays 7a6sed by the repair:
If .ess than #%% per7ent of NDT is spe7ified for any De.d) the entire .en;th of De.d m6st 7omp.y Dith the
spe7ified a77eptan7e 7riteria: If any De.din; defi7ien7ies are dis7o<ered by additiona. NDT ordered or
performed by the En;ineer that 6ses the same NDT method as that ori;ina..y spe7ified) the Department
does not pay for the 7osts asso7iated Dith the repair of the defi7ient area) in7.6din; NDT of the De.d and
of the De.d repair) or any de.ays 7a6sed by the repair:
If any De.din; defi7ien7ies are dis7o<ered by <is6a. inspe7tion ordered or performed by the En;ineer) the
Department does not pay for the 7osts asso7iated Dith the repair of a defi7ient area or any de.ays 7a6sed
by the repair:
11-).02A Ge'er%&
Se7tion ##,-:%2 app.ies to Dork De.ded 6nder se7tions 4$) *2) **) 5*,#:%-E) and $$,%*#2%:
A.. De.din; reG6ires inspe7tion by the En;ineer:
&o6 m6st pro<ide 7ontin6o6s inspe7tion Dhen any De.din; is bein; performed:
11-).02B Ae&1#'8 G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& M%'%8er
Assi;n a De.din; @C mana;er: The De.din; @C mana;er m6st be re;istered as a 7i<i. en;ineer in the
State or 76rrent.y 7ertified as a C8I:
11-).02C S".m#//%&
11-).02CB1C Ge'er%&
If De.din; is performed at the Iob site) s6bmit an inspe7tion reG6est form at .east - b6siness days before
performin; De.din; at the Iob site: Notify the En;ineer of yo6r s6bmitta.:
11-).02CB2C Ae&1#'8 G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& P&%'
"efore s6bmittin; a De.din; @C ho.d a preDe.din; meetin; to dis76ss the reG6irements for the
De.din; @C The meetin; attendees m6st in7.6de the En;ineer) yo6r De.din; @C mana;er) and a
representati<e from ea7h entity performin; De.din; or inspe7tion for the Contra7t:
For the 7ontents) format) and or;aniHation reG6ired for a De.din; @C ;o to the ETS 8eb site:
S6bmit 2 7opies of a De.din; @C for ea7h s6b7ontra7tor or s6pp.ier for ea7h item of Dork for Dhi7h
De.din; is performed:
S6bmit an amended De.din; @C or an addend6m to the De.din; @C for any 7han;es to:
#: 8PS
2: NDT firms
-: @C and @C personne.
4: NDT personne. or pro7ed6res
*: Systems for tra7kin; and identifyin; De.ds
0: 8e.din; personne.
A..oD 5 days for the En;ineerFs re<ieD of an amended De.din; @C or an addend6m to the De.din;
S6bmit 5 7opies of ea7h a6thoriHed @C and make # 7opy a<ai.ab.e at ea7h .o7ation Dhere Dork is
11-).02CB)C Ae&1#'8 Re60r/
S6bmit a De.din; report Dithin #* days fo..oDin; the performan7e of any De.din;: The De.din; report m6st
#: Dai.y prod67tion .o; for De.din; for ea7h day that De.din; is performed
2: Reports of a.. <is6a. De.d inspe7tions and NDT performed) Dhether spe7ified) additiona.) or
-: Radio;raphs and radio;raphi7 reports) and other reG6ired NDT reports
4: S6mmary of De.din; and NDT a7ti<ities that o776rred d6rin; the reportin; period
*: Reports of ea7h app.i7ation of heat strai;htenin;
0: S6mmariHed .o; .istin; the reIe7ted .en;ths of De.d by De.der) position) pro7ess) Ioint 7onfi;6ration)
and pie7e n6mber
5: Do76mentation that yo6 ha<e
5:#: E<a.6ated a.. radio;raphs and radio;raph reports and NDT and NDT reports
5:2: Corre7ted a.. reIe7tab.e defi7ien7ies and that a.. repaired De.ds ha<e been ree3amined 6sin;
the reG6ired NDT and fo6nd a77eptab.e
The dai.y prod67tion .o; m6st in7.6de:
#: Lo7ations of a.. De.din;
2: For ea7h .o7ation) the De.dersF names) G6antity of De.din; performed) any prob.ems or defi7ien7ies
dis7o<ered) and any testin; or repair Dork performed
-: Dai.y report from ea7h @C Inspe7tor
C.ear.y Drite the fo..oDin; information on the o6tside of radio;raphi7 en<e.opes:
#: Name of the @C mana;er
2: Name of the NDT firm
-: Name of the radio;rapher
4: Date
*: Contra7t n6mber
0: Comp.ete part des7ription
5: A.. in7.6ded De.d n6mbers) report n6mbers) and station markers or <ieDs as detai.ed in the De.din;
C.ear.y Drite on a.. inter.ea<es the part des7ription and a.. in7.6ded De.d n6mbers and station markers or
<ieDs as detai.ed in the De.din; @C !se a ma3im6m of 2 pie7es of fi.m for ea7h inter.ea<e:
The @C Inspe7tor or 7ertified te7hni7ian m6st si;n a.. <is6a. inspe7tion and NDT reports and s6bmit them
dai.y to the De.din; @C mana;er for re<ieD and si;nat6re before s6bmitta. to the En;ineer:
Correspondin; names m6st be 7.ear.y printed or typeDritten ne3t to a.. si;nat6res: S6bmit reports of a..
NDT performed) Dhether spe7ified) additiona.) or informationa.:
The En;ineer re<ieDs the De.din; report to determine Dhether yo6 are 7omp.yin; Dith the De.din; @C and the Contra7t: E37ept for fie.d De.ded stee. pipe; and fie.d De.ded bar reinfor7ement in CIP
#: A..oD the En;ineer #* days to re<ieD the report:
2: &o6 may en7ase in 7on7rete or 7o<er De.ds for Dhi7h the De.din; report has been s6bmitted before
re7ei<in; a6thoriHation of the De.din; report: If yo6 7hoose this option) yo6 Di.. not be<ed of the
responsibi.ity for in7orporatin; materia. in the Dork that 7omp.ies Dith the Contra7t: ateria. not
7omp.yin; Dith the Contra7t is s6bIe7t to reIe7tion:
For fie.d De.ded stee. pipe; and fie.d De.ded bar reinfor7ement in CIP 7on7rete;:
#: A..oD the En;ineer 2 b6siness days to re<ieD the De.din; report
2: Do not insta.. the stee. pipe; or en7ase the reinfor7ement in 7on7rete 6nti. the En;ineer has
a6thoriHed the De.din; report
11-).02CB+C Cer/#4#(%/e 04 C0m6&#%'(e
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e for ea7h item of Dork for Dhi7h De.din; is performed: The 7ertifi7ate
m6st be si;ned by the De.din; @C mana;er: The 7ertifi7ate m6st state that a.. of the materia.s and
Dorkmanship in7orporated in the Dork) and a.. reG6ired tests and inspe7tions of this Dork) ha<e been
performed in 7omp.ian7e Dith the Contra7t:
11-).02D Per0''e& G"%&#4#(%/#0' %'1 Cer/#4#(%/#0'
C.a6ses 0:#:4:# and 0:#:4:- of A8S D#:#) the 2nd para;raph of se7tion 5:#:2 of A8S D#:4) and 7.a6ses
0:#:-:2 thro6;h 0:#:-:- of A8S D#:* are rep.a7ed Dith:
The @C Inspe7tor m6st be 76rrent.y 7ertified as an A8S Certified 8e.din; Inspe7tor 6nder A8S @C#:
The @C Inspe7tor may be assisted by an Assistant @C Inspe7tor pro<ided that this indi<id6a. is
76rrent.y 7ertified as an A8S Certified Asso7iate 8e.din; Inspe7tor 6nder A8S @C#: The Assistant
@C Inspe7tor may perform inspe7tion 6nder the dire7t s6per<ision of the @C Inspe7tor pro<ided the
assistant is a.Days Dithin <isib.e and a6dib.e ran;e of the @C Inspe7tor: The @C Inspe7tor m6st be
responsib.e for si;nin; a.. reports and for determinin; if De.ded materia.s 7omp.y Dith the
Dorkmanship and a77eptan7e 7riteria: The ratio of @C Assistants to @C Inspe7tors m6st not e37eed *
to #:
8e.din; inspe7tion personne. or NDT firms to be 6sed in the Dork m6st not be emp.oyed or 7ompensated
by any s6b7ontra7tor or by other persons or entities hired by s6b7ontra7tors Dho Di.. pro<ide other
ser<i7es or materia.s for the Contra7t) 6n.ess one of the fo..oDin; 7onditions is met:
#: 8ork is De.ded 6nder A8S D#:* and is performed at a permanent fabri7ation or man6fa7t6rin; p.ant
that is 7ertified 6nder the AISC @6a.ity Certifi7ation Pro;ram) Cate;ory C"R) aIor Stee. "rid;es)
and Fra7t6re Criti7a. Endorsement F) if reG6ired
2: Str67t6ra. stee. for b6i.din; Dork is De.ded 6nder A8S D#:# and is performed at a permanent
fabri7ation or man6fa7t6rin; p.ant that is 7ertified 6nder the AISC @6a.ity Certifi7ation Pro;ram)
Cate;ory STD) Standard for Stee. "6i.din; Str67t6res
For De.din; performed at these fa7i.ities) the inspe7tion personne. or NDT firms may be emp.oyed or
7ompensated by the p.ant performin; the De.din; if the p.ant maintains a @C pro;ram independent from
An a6thoriHed independent -rd party m6st Ditness the G6a.ifi7ation tests for De.ders or De.din; operators:
The independent -rd party m6st be 76rrent.y 7ertified as a C8I and m6st not be an emp.oyee of the
Contra7tor performin; the De.din;: A..oD #* days for the En;ineer to re<ieD the G6a.ifi7ations and 7opy of
the 76rrent 7ertifi7ation of the independent -rd party:
11-).02E Ae&1#'8 I'6e(/#0'
Rep.a7e 7.a6se 0:*:4 of A8S D#:* Dith:
The @C Inspe7tor m6st inspe7t and appro<e ea7h Ioint preparation) assemb.y pra7ti7e) De.din;
te7hniG6e) Ioint fit,6p) and the performan7e of ea7h De.der) De.din; operator) and ta7k De.der to
make 7ertain that the app.i7ab.e reG6irements of this 7ode and the G6a.ified 8PS are met: The @C
Inspe7tor m6st e3amine the Dork to make 7ertain that it 7omp.ies Dith 7.a6ses - and 0:20: The siHe
and 7onto6r of a.. De.ds m6st be meas6red 6sin; s6itab.e ;a;es: (is6a. inspe7tion for 7ra7ks in De.ds
and base meta.) and for other dis7ontin6ities m6st be aided by stron; .i;ht) ma;nifiers) or other
de<i7es as ne7essary: &o6 may 6se a77eptan7e 7riteria different from those spe7ified in this 7ode if
11-).02F Ae&1#'8 Pr0(e1"re G"%&#4#(%/#0'
8e.din; pro7ed6res G6a.ifi7ation for Dork De.ded 6nder A8S D#:* m6st 7omp.y Dith 7.a6se *:#2 or *:#-
of A8S D#:*) and the fo..oDin;:
#: !n.ess 7onsidered preG6a.ified) G6a.ify De.ds in ea7h position: Cond67t the De.d so6ndness
test 6sin; the essentia. < of the 8PS as estab.ished by the P@R:
2: For G6a.ifyin; Ioints that do not 7omp.y Dith fi;6res 2:4 and 2:* of A8S D#:*) 7ond67t at .east 2 8PS
G6a.ifi7ation tests: Cond67t the tests 6sin; both fi;6re *:# and fi;6re *:-: Cond67t the test 7omp.yin;
Dith fi;6re *:# 6nder 7.a6se *:#2 or *:#- of A8S D#:*: Cond67t the test 7omp.yin; Dith fi;6re *:-
6sin; the De.din; e.e7tri7a. parameters that Dere estab.ished for the test 7ond67ted 7omp.yin; Dith
fi;6re *:#: The ran;es of De.din; e.e7tri7a. parameters estab.ished d6rin; De.din; 6nder fi;6re *:# in
7omp.ian7e Dith 7.a6se *:#2 of A8S D#:* m6st be f6rther restri7ted in 7omp.ian7e Dith the .imits in
tab.e *:- d6rin; De.din; 6nder fi;6re *:-:
-: &o6 may G6a.ify m6.tip.e Hones Dithin a De.d Ioint: The tra<e. speed) ampera;e) and <o.ta;e <a.6es
that are 6sed for tests 7ond67ted 6nder 7.a6se *:#- of A8S D#:* m6st be 7onsistent for ea7h pass in
a De.d Ioint and m6st not <ary by more than Z#% per7ent for tra<e. speed) Z#% per7ent for ampera;e)
and Z5 per7ent for <o.ta;e as meas6red from a predetermined tar;et <a.6e or a<era;e Dithin ea7h
De.d pass or Hone: The tra<e. speed m6st not <ary by more than Z#* per7ent Dhen 6sin; s6bmer;ed
ar7 De.din;:
4: For a 8PS G6a.ified 6nder 7.a6se *:#- of A8S D#:*) base the <a.6es to be 6sed for 7a.76.atin;
ran;es for 76rrent and <o.ta;e on the a<era;e of a.. De.d passes made in the test: Ca.76.ate heat
inp6t 6sin; the a<era;e of 76rrent and <o.ta;e of a.. De.d passes made in the test for a 8PS G6a.ified
6nder 7.a6se *:#2 or *:#- of A8S D#:*:
*: a7roet7h tests are reG6ired for 8PS G6a.ifi7ation tests) and a77eptan7e m6st 7omp.y Dith 7.a6se
*:#$:- of A8S D#:*:
0: If a nonstandard De.d Ioint is to be made 6sin; a 7ombination of 8PSs) yo6 may 7ond67t a test 6nder
fi;6re *:-) 7ombinin; the 8PSs to be 6sed in prod67tion) if the essentia. < in7.6din; De.d
bead p.a7ement) of ea7h pro7ess are .imited to those estab.ished in tab.e *:- of A8S D#:*:
5: "efore preparin; me7hani7a. test spe7imens) inspe7t the P@R De.ds by <is6a. and radio;raphi7 tests:
The ba7kin; bar m6st be - in7hes in Didth and m6st remain in p.a7e d6rin; NDT: Res6.ts of the <is6a.
and radio;raphi7 tests m6st 7omp.y Dith 7.a6se 0:20:2 of A8S D#:* e37.6din; 7.a6se 0:20:2:2: Do
not 6se test p.ates that do not 7omp.y Dith both tests:
11-).02G Re6%#r A0r;
Notify the En;ineer immediate.y Dhen yo6 dis7o<er De.din; prob.ems) defi7ien7ies) base meta. repairs) or
any other type of repairs not in7.6ded in the De.din; @C S6bmit the proposed repair pro7ed6res to
7orre7t them:
A..oD the En;ineer 5 days to re<ieD the repair pro7ed6res:
&o6 m6st re7ei<e a6thoriHation before performin;:
#: -rd,time e37a<ations of De.ds or base meta. to repair 6na77eptab.e dis7ontin6ities) re;ard.ess of NDT
2: Repairs of 7ra7ks
For reG6ests to perform -rd,time e37a<ations or repairs of 7ra7ks) in7.6de an en;ineerin; e<a.6ation of
the proposed repair: At a minim6m) the en;ineerin; e<a.6ation m6st address:
#: Ca6se of ea7h defe7t
2: 8hy the repair Di.. not de;rade the materia. properties
-: 8hat steps are bein; taken to pre<ent defe7ts from happenin; a;ain
11-).0)A Ge'er%&
Se7tion ##,-:%- app.ies to Dork De.ded 6nder se7tions *0,- and +0,2:%4:
Fabri7ate o<erhead si;n and po.e str67t6res at a p.ant on the A6thoriHed Fa7i.ity A6dit List:
11-).0)B Ae&1#'8 I'6e(/#0'
8e.din; inspe7tion personne. or NDT firms to be 6sed in the Dork m6st not be emp.oyed or 7ompensated
by any s6b7ontra7tor or by other persons or entities hired by s6b7ontra7tors Dho pro<ide other ser<i7es or
materia.s for the Contra7t e37ept for De.din; performed at a permanent fabri7ation or man6fa7t6rin; p.ant
that is 7ertified 6nder the AISC @6a.ity Certifi7ation Pro;ram:
The AISC Certifi7ation 7ate;ory for o<erhead si;n str67t6res is the Simp.e Stee. "rid;e Str67t6res /S"R1:
The AISC Certifi7ation 7ate;ory for po.e str67t6res is the Simp.e Stee. "rid;e Str67t6res /S"R1 or
Standard for Stee. "6i.din; Str67t6res /STD1:
11-).0)C S".m#//%&
S6bmit a De.din; report 6nder se7tion ##,-:%2C/-1 e37ept s6bmit the De.din; report 2 b6siness days
before s6bmittin; the 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e:
11-+*11-? RESERVED
12-1.01 GENERAL
Se7tion #2,# in7.6des ;enera. spe7ifi7ations for f.a;;in;) p.a7in; and; temporary traffi7,;
eG6ipment and de<i7es) maintainin; traffi7) p.a7in; and; temporary traffi7 7ontro. systems) and
p.a7in; temporary pa<ement de.ineation:
Temporary traffi7 7ontro. m6st 7omp.y Dith part 0) ETemporary Traffi7 Contro.)E of the California MUTCD:
For the California MUTCD) ;o to the DepartmentFs 8eb site:
12-1.02 FLAGGERS
F.a;;in; appare.) traffi7 7ontro. de<i7es) and eG6ipment for f.a;;ers m6st 7omp.y Dith part 0) ETemporary
Traffi7 Contro.)E of the California MUTCD: Assi;n f.a;;ers to 7ontro. traffi7 and to Darn the p6b.i7 of any
dan;ero6s 7onditions res6.tin; from Dork a7ti<ities: aintain f.a;;in; appare.) traffi7 7ontro. de<i7es) and
eG6ipment for f.a;;ers in ;ood repair at a.. times:
&o6 and the State share the 7ost of f6rnishin; a.. f.a;;ers) in7.6din; transportin; f.a;;ers and f6rnishin;
stands and toDers for f.a;;ers to pro<ide for the passa;e of traffi7 thro6;h the Dork as spe7ified in
se7tions 5,#:%- and 5,#:%4: The Department determines the 7ost 6nder se7tion $,#:%4 and pays yo6 #92
of the 7ost: F6rnishin; and operatin; pi.ot 7ars if ordered is 7han;e order Dork:
12-).01 GENERAL
12-).01A Ge'er%&
12-).01AB1C S"mm%r3
Se7tion #2,- in7.6des ;enera. spe7ifi7ations for p.a7in;);) maintainin;) repairin;) rep.a7in;) and
remo<in; traffi7,; eG6ipment and de<i7es:
Perform a.. .ayo6t Dork ne7essary to p.a7e 7hanne.iHin; de<i7es:
#: On the proper a.i;nment
2: !niform.y at the .o7ation and spa7in; shoDn
-: Strai;ht on a tan;ent a.i;nment
4: On a tr6e ar7 in a 76r<ed a.i;nment
Do not intermi3 different types of temporary traffi7 7ontro. de<i7es on the same a.i;nment: Types in7.6de
p.asti7 dr6ms) portab.e de.ineators) 7hanne.iHers) markers) traffi7 7ones) and Type I and Type II
Immediate.y rep.a7e or restore traffi7,; eG6ipment and de<i7es at their ori;ina. .o7ation in an
6pri;ht position Dhene<er they are disp.a7ed or not in an 6pri;ht position from any 7a6se:
At yo6r e3pense) repair or rep.a7e traffi7,; eG6ipment and de<i7es dama;ed from any 7a6se
d6rin; the Contra7t) in7.6din; repaintin; if ne7essary:
Remo<e traffi7,; eG6ipment and de<i7es from the Iob site Dhen they are no .on;er needed for; traffi7:
12-).01AB2C De4#'#/#0'
C%/e80r3 1 /em60r%r3 /r%44#( (0'/r0& 1e$#(e5 Sma..) .i;htDei;ht de<i7es Dei;hin; .ess than #%%
po6nds 7ertified as 7rashDorthy by 7rash testin; or 7rash testin; of de<i7es: Cate;ory #
temporary traffi7 7ontro. de<i7es in7.6de traffi7 7ones) p.asti7 traffi7 dr6ms) portab.e de.ineators) and
C%/e80r3 2 /em60r%r3 /r%44#( (0'/r0& 1e$#(e5 Sma..) .i;htDei;ht de<i7es Dei;hin; .ess than #%%
po6nds that are not e3pe7ted to prod67e si;nifi7ant 7han;es in < <e.o7ity) b6t 7o6.d 7a6se
harm to impa7tin; < Cate;ory 2 temporary traffi7 7ontro. de<i7es in7.6de barri7ades and
portab.e si;n s6pports:
C%/e80r3 ) /em60r%r3 /r%44#( (0'/r0& 1e$#(e5 Temporary traffi7,; eG6ipment and de<i7es
Dei;hin; #%% po6nds or more that are e3pe7ted to prod67e si;nifi7ant 7han;es in the <
<e.o7ity of impa7tin; < Cate;ory - temporary traffi7,; eG6ipment and de<i7es in7.6de
7rash 76shions) impa7t atten6ator < temporary;) temporary barrier) and end treatments
for temporary;s and barriers:
70"r 04 1%r;'e5 As defined 6nder (eh Code M 2+%:
"e%.&e 70"&1er %re%5 Any .on;it6dina. pa<ed or 6npa<ed 7onti;6o6s s6rfa7e adIa7ent to the tra<e.ed
Day Dith:
#: Eno6;h Dei;ht,bearin; 7apa7ity to s6pport traffi7 7ontro. < and eG6ipment) s67h as f.ashin;
arroD si;ns) portab.e 7han;eab.e messa;e si;ns) and impa7t atten6ator <
2: S.ope not ;reater than 0:# /horiHonta.:<erti7a.1
12-).01AB)C S".m#//%&
!pon notifi7ation s6bmit the fo..oDin; informationa. s6bmitta.s:
#: Se.f,7ertifi7ation for 7rashDorthiness of Cate;ory # temporary traffi7 7ontro. de<i7es at .east *
b6siness days before startin; any Dork 6sin; the de<i7es or Dithin 2 b6siness days after the
notifi7ation if the de<i7es are a.ready in 6se: Either yo6 or the man6fa7t6rer m6st perform the se.f,
7ertifi7ation: In7.6de the fo..oDin; information:
#:#: Date
#:2: Federa. Aid n6mber if app.i7ab.e
#:-: Contra7t n6mber) distri7t) 7o6nty) ro6te and post mi.e of proIe7t .imits
#:4: Company name of 7ertifyin; <endor) street address) 7ity) state and Hip 7ode
#:*: Printed name) si;nat6re and tit.e of 7ertifyin; person
#:0: Types of Cate;ory # temporary traffi7 7ontro. de<i7es
2: List of proposed Cate;ory 2 temporary traffi7 7ontro. de<i7es at .east * b6siness days before startin;
any Dork 6sin; the de<i7es or Dithin 2 b6siness days after the notifi7ation if the de<i7es are a.ready in
Obtain a standard form for se.f,7ertifi7ation from the En;ineer:
S6bmit a samp.e of the type of portab.e de.ineator that yo6 Di.. be 6sin; on the proIe7t before p.a7in;
portab.e de.ineators on the Iob site:
12-).01AB+C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
Cate;ory 2 temporary traffi7 7ontro. de<i7es m6st be on the A6thoriHed ateria. List for a77eptab.e)
7rashDorthy Cate;ory 2 hardDare for Dork Hones:
Cate;ory 2 temporary traffi7 7ontro. de<i7es m6st be .abe.ed Dith the F?8A a77eptan7e .etter n6mber
and the name of the man6fa7t6rer: The .abe. m6st be .e;ib.e and permanent.y affi3ed to the traffi7 7ontro.
de<i7e by the man6fa7t6rer:
Cate;ory - temporary traffi7 7ontro. de<i7es m6st be the type shoDn and on the A6thoriHed ateria. List
for hi;hDay safety feat6res:
Retroref.e7ti<ity for the fo..oDin; materia.s m6st 7omp.y Dith Tab.e 2A,-) Einim6m Retroref.e7ti<ity
ReG6irements)E of the California MUTCD and be on the A6thoriHed ateria. List for si;nin; and
de.ineation materia.s:
#: Retroref.e7ti<e sheetin; for barri7ades
2: Retroref.e7ti<e bands for portab.e de.ineators
-: Retroref.e7ti<e sheetin; for 7onstr67tion area si;ns
4: Retroref.e7ti<e sheetin; for 7hanne.iHers
*: Ref.e7tors for Type ' temporary;
0: Retroref.e7ti<e 7one<es
5: 8hite and oran;e,7o.ored retroref.e7ti<e stripes for p.asti7 traffi7 dr6ms:
The fo..oDin; traffi7,; de<i7es m6st be <isib.e from #)%%% feet d6rin; the ho6rs of darkness 6nder
i..6mination of .e;a. hi;h,beam head.i;hts by persons Dith 2%92% <ision or <ision 7orre7ted to 2%92%:
#: Retroref.e7ti<e bands on portab.e de.ineators
2: Retroref.e7ti<e sheetin; on 7hanne.iHers
-: Retroref.e7ti<e 7one<es on traffi7 7ones
12-).01B M%/er#%&
Not !sed
12-).01C C0'/r"(/#0'
F6rnishin;);) maintainin;) mo<in;) remo<in; traffi7 7ontro. eG6ipment and de<i7es) and
performin; .ane 7.os6res ordered by the En;ineer e37ept for pro<idin; for p6b.i7 safety and 7on<enien7e
6nder se7tion 5 is 7han;e order Dork:
12-).01D P%3me'/
Not !sed
12-).02A Ge'er%&
Se7tion #2,-:%2 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for p.a7in; barri7ades:
Do not imprint oDner identifi7ation on the retroref.e7ti<e fa7e of any rai.:
12-).02B M%/er#%&
arkin;s for barri7ade rai.s m6st be a.ternatin; oran;e and Dhite retroref.e7ti<e stripes:
Oran;e retroref.e7ti<e sheetin; m6st mat7h 7o.or PR no: 0) ?i;hDay Oran;e) of the Federa. ?i;hDay
AdministrationFs Co.or To.eran7e Chart:
The interfa7e betDeen the rai. s6rfa7e and the retroref.e7ti<e sheetin; m6st be free of air or
The predominant 7o.or of barri7ade 7omponents other than the rai.s m6st be Dhite or 6npainted
;a.<aniHed meta. or a.6min6m:
If a Type III barri7ade is 6sed for a si;n s6pport) it m6st be s677essf6..y 7rash tested 6nder NC#!P
!eport 89: 7riteria as a sin;.e 6nit Dith an atta7hed si;n pane. of the siHe and type 6sed:
Si;n pane.s for 7onstr67tion area si;ns and marker pane.s to be mo6nted on barri7ades m6st 7omp.y Dith
se7tion #2,-:%0"/21:
12-).02C C0'/r"(/#0'
P.a7e barri7ades so that the stripes s.ope doDnDard in the dire7tion road 6sers are to pass:
P.a7e sand,fi..ed ba;s near ;ro6nd .e<e. on the .oDer parts of the frame or stays to ser<e as ba..ast for
the barri7ades: Do not p.a7e ba..ast on top of barri7ades or o<er any retroref.e7ti<e barri7ade rai. fa7e that
is fa7in; traffi7:
Insta.. 7onstr67tion area si;ns and marker pane.s on barri7ades at the .o7ations shoDn:
Do not remo<e barri7ades that are shoDn to be .eft in p.a7e at the time of proIe7t 7omp.etion:
o<in; the barri7ades from .o7ation to .o7ation is 7han;e order Dork if ordered after initia. p.a7ement of
the barri7ades:
12-).02D P%3me'/
Payment for barri7ades des7ribed for a traffi7 7ontro. system is not in7.6ded in the payment for
12-).0)A Ge'er%&
Se7tion #2,-:%- in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for p.a7in; and operatin; f.ashin; arroD si;ns:
F.ashin; arroD si;ns m6st 7omp.y Dith the minim6m .e;ibi.ity distan7e shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Le8#.#&#/3 Re!"#reme'/
Type in siHe
in n6mber of
pane. .i;hts
in .e;ibi.ity
I 4+E 3 $0E #* # mi.e
II -0E 3 52E #- -94 mi.e
The minim6m .e;ibi.ity distan7e is the distan7e that a f.ashin; arroD
si;n m6st be .e;ib.e at noon on a 7.o6d.ess day and d6rin; the ho6rs
of darkness by persons Dith 2%92% <ision or <ision 7orre7ted to 2%92%:
12-).0)B M%/er#%&
F.ashin; arroD si;ns m6st be finished Dith 7ommer7ia.,G6a.ity),b.a7k ename. and m6st be eG6ipped
Dith ye..oD or amber .amps that form arroDs or arroDheads as reG6ired: Ea7h .amp m6st be pro<ided Dith
a <isor and the .amps m6st be 7ontro..ed by an e.e7troni7 7ir76it that pro<ides betDeen -% and 4*
7omp.ete operatin; per min6te in ea7h of the disp.ays and modes spe7ified: The 7ontro. m6st
in7.6de pro<isions for dimmin; the .amps by red67in; the <o.ta;e to *% Z * per7ent for ni;httime 6se:
Type I si;ns m6st ha<e both man6a. and a6tomati7 photoe.e7tri7,dimmin; 7ontro.s: Dimmin; in both
modes m6st be 7ontin6o6s.y <ariab.e o<er the entire dimmin; ran;e:
F.ashin; arroD si;ns m6st be 7apab.e of bein; operated in the fo..oDin; disp.ay modes:
#: Pass Left Disp.ay
2: Pass Ri;ht Disp.ay
-: Sim6.taneo6s Disp.ay
4: Ca6tion Disp.ay
F.ashin; arroD si;ns m6st be 7apab.e of operatin; in the f.ashin; arroD mode or the seG6entia. mode:
In the f.ashin; arroD mode) a.. .amps formin; the arroDhead and shaft m6st f.ash on and off
In the seG6entia. mode) either arroDheads or arroDs m6st f.ash seG6entia..y in the dire7tion indi7ated:
In the sim6.taneo6s disp.ay mode) the .amps formin; both the ri;ht and .eft arroDheads and the .amps
formin; the arroD shaft or 7enter - .amps for Type I si;ns m6st f.ash sim6.taneo6s.y: For Type II si;ns) the
.amps formin; the ri;ht and .eft arroDhead) b6t not the 7enter .amp) may be i..6minated 7ontin6o6s.yJ the
.amps formin; the shaft and the 7enter .amp of the arroDheads m6st f.ash on and off sim6.taneo6s.y:
In the 7a6tion disp.ay mode) a 7ombination of .amps not; any other disp.ay or mode m6st f.ash:
Ea7h f.ashin; arroD si;n m6st be:
#: o6nted on a tr67k or
2: Capab.e of operatin; Dhen the <ehi7.e is mo<in;
-: Capab.e of bein; p.a7ed and maintained in operation at .o7ations des7ribed
The bottom of the f.ashin; arroD si;n m6st be a minim6m of 5 feet abo<e the roadDay Dhen mo6nted:
F.ashin; arroD si;n trai.ers m6st be eG6ipped Dith de<i7es so that they 7an be .e<e.ed and p.6mbed:
Si;n trai.ers m6st be eG6ipped Dith a s6pp.y of e.e7tri7a. ener;y 7apab.e of operatin; the si;n as
spe7ified in se7tion #2,-:%-:
12-).0)C C0'/r"(/#0'
Not !sed
12-).0)D P%3me'/
Not !sed
12-).0+A Ge'er%&
Se7tion #2,-:%4 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for p.a7in; portab.e de.ineators:
!se on.y one type of portab.e de.ineator on the proIe7t:
12-).0+B M%/er#%&
Portab.e de.ineators) in7.6din; the base) m6st be 7omposed of a materia. that has eno6;h ri;idity to
remain 6pri;ht Dhen 6nattended and m6st be f.e3ib.e or 7o..apsib.e 6pon impa7t by a <ehi7.e: The base
m6st be shaped to pre<ent; after impa7t: The base m6st be an7hored or Dei;h eno6;h to keep the
de.ineator in an 6pri;ht position: Comp.y Dith the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions for ba..ast for portab.e
The <erti7a. portion of portab.e de.ineators m6st be f.6ores7ent oran;e or predominant.y oran;e: The
posts m6st be not .ess than - in7hes in Didth or diameter: The minim6m hei;ht m6st be -0 in7hes abo<e
the tra<e.ed Day:
A minim6m of 2 Dhite retroref.e7ti<e bands) ea7h not .ess than - in7hes Dide) m6st be mo6nted a
minim6m of #,#92 in7hes apart: The .oDer retroref.e7ti<e band m6st be from 2:* to - feet abo<e the
roadDay s6rfa7e:
12-).0+C C0'/r"(/#0'
Not !sed
12-).0+D P%3me'/
Not !sed
12-).0-A Ge'er%&
12-).0-AB1C S"mm%r3
Se7tion #2,-:%0 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for p.a7in;);) maintainin;) and remo<in; 7onstr67tion area
Constr67tion area si;ns in7.6de a.. temporary si;ns and obIe7t markers reG6ired for the dire7tion of traffi7
thro6;h or Dithin the proIe7t .imits:
If 7onstr67tion area si;ns are not shoDn as stationary,mo6nted si;ns or portab.e si;ns) yo6 may 6se
either type:
12-).0-AB2C De4#'#/#0'
.%(;8r0"'15 Dominant si;n 7o.or:
&e8e'15 A.. .etters) n6mera.s) ti.des) bars) arroDs) ro6te shie.ds) symbo.s) .o;os) borders) artDork) and
mis7e..aneo6s 7hara7ters that are intended to 7on<ey spe7ifi7 meanin;s on traffi7 si;ns: The sty.e)
font) siHe) and spa7in; of the .e;end m6st 7omp.y Dith the Standard -lpha)ets p6b.ished in the
'#W-;s Standard #igh7a Signs Book:
12-).0-AB)C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
Constr67tion area si;ns m6st be the prod67t of a 7ommer7ia. si;n man6fa7t6rer:
Constr67tion area si;ns m6st be <isib.e from *%% feet and .e;ib.e from -%% feet at noon on a 7.o6d.ess
day and d6rin; the ho6rs of darkness 6nder i..6mination of .e;a. .oD,beam head.i;hts by persons Dith
2%92% <ision or <ision 7orre7ted to 2%92%: Fabri7 si;n pane.s on portab.e si;ns are not s6bIe7t to the
<isibi.ity and .e;ibi.ity reG6irements for head.i;ht i..6mination d6rin; the ho6rs of darkness:
Constr67tion area si;ns may be neD or 6sed: !sed si;ns m6st ha<e the spe7ified sheetin; materia. and
m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion #2,-:%#A/41: A si;nifi7ant differen7e betDeen day and ni;httime retroref.e7ti<e
7o.or is 7a6se for reIe7tin; si;ns:
12-).0-B M%/er#%&
12-).0-BB1C Ge'er%&
!n.ess the ba7k;ro6nd and .e;end are shoDn different.y) 7onstr67tion area Darnin; and ;6ide si;ns m6st
ha<e a b.a7k .e;end on a retroref.e7ti<e) f.6ores7ent oran;e ba7k;ro6nd: 8#%,# and 845/CA1 ad<an7e
Darnin; si;ns for hi;hDay,rai. ;rade 7rossin;s m6st ha<e a b.a7k .e;end on a retroref.e7ti<e ye..oD
Constr67tion area si;ns m6st ha<e Type III or hi;her ;rade retroref.e7ti<e sheetin;:
12-).0-BB2C S/%/#0'%r3-M0"'/e1 S#8'
ateria.s for stationary,mo6nted si;ns m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *0,2 for the type of pane. in<o.<ed:
Temporary si;n s6pports of any type p.a7ed Dithin #* feet from the ed;e of the tra<e.ed Day m6st 7omp.y
Dith se7tion #2,-:%# for Cate;ory 2 temporary traffi7 7ontro. de<i7es:
Post siHe and n6mber of posts m6st be as shoDn: The En;ineer determines the post siHe and n6mber of
posts if the type of si;n insta..ation is not shoDn:
Si;n posts m6st be ;ood) so6nd Dood posts: 8ood posts m6st ha<e the breakaDay feat6re shoDn:
Fastenin; hardDare and ba7k bra7es m6st be 7ommer7ia.,G6a.ity materia.s:
12-).0-BB)C P0r/%.&e S#8'
Ea7h portab.e si;n m6st 7onsist of a base) standard or frameDork) and a si;n pane.: !nits de.i<ered to
the Iob site m6st be 7apab.e of bein; p.a7ed into immediate operation:
Si;n pane.s for portab.e si;ns m6st be one of the fo..oDin;:
#: Si;n pane.s spe7ified for stationary si;ns
2: Type (I) retroref.e7ti<e) e.astomeri7 ro..,6p fabri7 on the A6thoriHed ateria. List for si;nin; and
de.ineation materia.s
-: Nonretroref.e7ti<e 7otton dri.. fabri7
4: Nonretroref.e7ti<e f.e3ib.e ind6stria. ny.on fabri7
*: Another type of fabri7) if a6thoriHed
Do not 6se nonretroref.e7ti<e portab.e si;ns d6rin; the ho6rs of darkness: The siHe) 7o.or) and .e;end for
portab.e si;ns m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion #2,-:%0"/21:
The hei;ht abo<e the ed;e of tra<e.ed Day to the bottom of the portab.e si;n pane. m6st be at .east #
12-).0-BB+C Tem60r%r3 O.=e(/ M%r;er
Temporary obIe7t markers m6st be mo6nted on stationary Dood or meta. posts as shoDn and m6st
7omp.y Dith se7tion +2:
arker pane.s for Type N /CA1) Type P /CA1) and Type R /CA1 obIe7t markers m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion
#2,-:%0"/21 for stationary si;n pane.s:
Tar;et p.ates) posts) and hardDare for Type ' /CA1 and Type L /CA1 temporary obIe7t markers m6st
7omp.y Dith se7tion +2:
12-).0-C C0'/r"(/#0'
12-).0-CB1C Ge'er%&
P.a7e a.. 7onstr67tion area si;ns o6tside of the tra<e.ed Day: Do not b.o7k bi7y7.e and pedestrian
pathDays Dith 7onstr67tion area si;ns:
P.a7e) insta..) maintain) and remo<e temporary obIe7t markers shoDn as 7onstr67tion area si;ns in the
same Day spe7ified for 7onstr67tion area si;ns:
aintain a776rate information on 7onstr67tion area si;ns: Immediate.y rep.a7e or 7orre7t si;ns that
7on<ey ina776rate information:
D6rin; the pro;ress of Dork) immediate.y 7o<er or remo<e 6nneeded si;ns: Che7k 7o<ered si;ns dai.y for
dama;e and immediate.y rep.a7e 7o<ers if needed:
Co<ers for 7onstr67tion area si;ns m6st be of s6ffi7ient siHe and density to 7omp.ete.y b.o7k o6t the
messa;e so that it is not <isib.e: Se76re.y fasten 7o<ers to pre<ent mo<ement from Dind:
C.ean a.. 7onstr67tion area si;n pane.s at the time of insta..ation and at .east on7e e<ery 4 months
"e prepared to f6rnish additiona. 7onstr67tion area si;n pane.s) posts and mo6ntin; hardDare) or portab.e
si;n mo6nts on short noti7e d6e to 7han;in; traffi7 7onditions or dama;e 7a6sed by traffi7 or other
7onditions: aintain an in<entory of 7ommon.y reG6ired items at the Iob site or make arran;ements Dith a
s6pp.ier Dho is ab.e) on a dai.y basis) to f6rnish the items on short noti7e:
Rep.a7e any dama;ed 7onstr67tion area si;n or repair the si;n if a6thoriHed:
Remo<e si;n pane.s that e3hibit irre; .6minan7e) shadoDin;) or dark b.ot7hes at ni;httime 6nder
< head.i;ht i..6mination at yo6r e3pense:
12-).0-CB2C S/%/#0'%r3-M0"'/e1 S#8'
Insta.. stationary,mo6nted si;ns as shoDn for the insta..ation of roadside si;ns e37ept as fo..oDs:
#: "a7k bra7es and b.o7ks for si;n pane.s are not reG6ired for si;ns that do not e37eed 4+ in7hes in
Didth or diamond,shaped si;ns that are not .ar;er than 4+ by 4+ in7hes:
2: The hei;ht abo<e the ed;e of tra<e.ed Day to the bottom of the si;n pane. m6st be at .east 5 feet:
-: &o6 may insta.. 7onstr67tion area si;ns on abo<e,;ro6nd) temporary p.atform si;n s6pports or on
e3istin; .i;htin; standards or other s6pports if a6thoriHed: Do not make in the standards to
s6pport the si;n if insta..ed on e3istin; .i;htin; standards:
4: Post embedment m6st be 2:* feet if post are ba7kfi..ed aro6nd the posts Dith PCC prod67ed
from 7ommer7ia.,G6a.ity a;;re;ates: The 7on7rete m6st 7ontain at .east 2$* po6nds of 7ementitio6s
materia. per 76bi7 yard:
E37a<ate post by hand methods Ditho6t the 6se of poDer eG6ipment: &o6 may 6se poDer
eG6ipment at .o7ations Dhere yo6 determine that s6bs6rfa7e 6ti.ities are not present in the area of the
proposed post if a6thoriHed: The post ho.e diameter m6st be at .east 4 in7hes ;reater than the
.on;est 7ross,se7tiona. dimension of the post if ba7kfi..ed Dith PCC:
F6rnishin;);) maintainin;) mo<in;) and remo<in; any additiona. 7onstr67tion area si;ns if ordered
is 7han;e order Dork:
12-).0-D P%3me'/
Payment for 7onstr67tion area si;ns des7ribed for a traffi7 7ontro. system is not in7.6ded in the payment
for 7onstr67tion area si;ns:
12-).02A Ge'er%&
Se7tion #2,-:%5 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for p.a7in; 7hanne.iHers:
12-).02B M%/er#%&
Channe.iHers m6st be on the A6thoriHed ateria. List for si;nin; and de.ineation materia.s:
Channe.iHer posts m6st be oran;e:
Channe.iHers m6st be affi3ed Dith retroref.e7ti<e Dhite sheetin;) - by #2 in7hes in siHe:
Channe.iHer bases m6st be 7emented to the pa<ement 6nder se7tion +*,#:%- for 7ementin; pa<ement
markers to the pa<ement:
12-).02C C0'/r"(/#0'
Insta.. 7hanne.iHers to 7.ean) dry s6rfa7es:
8hen no .on;er reG6ired for the Dork) remo<e the 7hanne.iHers e37ept those to be .eft in p.a7e and the
6nder.yin; adhesi<e 6sed to 7ement the 7hanne.iHer bases to the pa<ement: Channe.iHers and adhesi<e
that yo6 remo<e be7ome yo6r property:
Do not remo<e 7hanne.iHers that are shoDn to be .eft in p.a7e at the time of proIe7t 7omp.etion:
12-).02D P%3me'/
Not !sed
12-).0>A Ge'er%&
12-).0>AB1C S"mm%r3
Se7tion #2,-:%+ in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for p.a7in;) maintainin;) repairin;) rep.a7in;) and remo<in; Type
' temporary;) in7.6din; reinfor7ement) Type P marker pane.s) ref.e7tors) e37a<ation and ba7kfi..); and bondin; threaded rods or doDe.s if reG6ired) remo<in; threaded rods or doDe.s and; the dri..ed Dith mortar) and mo<in; and rep.a7in; remo<ab.e pane.s as reG6ired:
Type ' temporary; m6st 7onsist of inter7onne7ted neD or 6ndama;ed) 6sed pre7ast 7on7rete
barrier 6nits as shoDn:
&o6 may ha<e yo6r name or .o;o on ea7h pane. of Type ' temporary;: The name or .o;o m6st not
be more than 4 in7hes in hei;ht and m6st be .o7ated not more than #2 in7hes abo<e the bottom of the rai.
12-).0>AB2C S".m#//%&
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e for neD and 6sed Type ' temporary; not 7ast at the Iob site:
12-).0>B M%/er#%&
12-).0>BB1C Ge'er%&
Paint e3posed s6rfa7es of neD and 6sed Type ' temporary; Dith Dhite paint 6nder se7tion $#,4
before p.a7in; them on the Iob site: Repaintin; of 6nits is 7han;e order Dork if ordered after the 6nits are
in p.a7e:
Con7rete m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for minor 7on7rete: Load ti7kets and a 7ertifi7ate of
7omp.ian7e are not reG6ired:
Reinfor7in; stee. m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *2:
Stee. bars to re7ei<e bo.ts at ends of 7on7rete pane.s m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A -09A -0: "o.ts m6st
7omp.y Dith AST A -%5:
&o6 may s6bstit6te a ro6nd bar of the same diameter for the end,7onne7tin; bo.t shoDn: If a ro6nd bar is
6sed) the ro6nd bar m6st:
#: Comp.y Dith AST A -09A -0
2: ?a<e a minim6m .en;th of 20 in7hes
-: ?a<e a -,in7h diameter by -9+,in7h thi7k p.ate De.ded on the 6pper end Dith a -9#0,in7h De.d
The fina. s6rfa7e finish of Type ' temporary; m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *#,#:%-F/21:
C6re the e3posed s6rfa7es of 7on7rete e.ements by the Dater method) the forms,in,p.a7e method) or the
76rin; 7ompo6nd method: Comp.y Dith se7tion $%,#:%-"/-1 for 76rin; 7ompo6nd no: # if the 76rin;
7ompo6nd method is 6sed:
12-).0>BB2C T36e I Tem60r%r3 Term#'%& Se(/#0'
12-).0>C C0'/r"(/#0'
P.a7e Type ' temporary; on a firm) stab.e fo6ndation: =rade the fo6ndation to pro<ide a 6niform
bearin; s6rfa7e thro6;ho6t the entire .en;th of the;:
Str67t6re e37a<ation and str67t6re ba7kfi.. m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion #$,- e37ept 7ompa7tion of earth fi..
p.a7ed behind Type ' temporary; in a 76r<ed .ayo6t is not reG6ired:
P.a7e and maintain ab6ttin; ends of pre7ast 7on7rete 6nits in a.i;nment Ditho6t s6bstantia. offset to ea7h
"ond threaded rods or doDe.s in dri..ed in the e3istin; 7on7rete at the .o7ations shoDn:; of and bondin; of threaded rods or doDe.s m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *#,# for bondin; doDe.s: After
yo6 remo<e Type ' temporary;) remo<e a.. threaded rods or doDe.s to a depth of at .east # in7h
be.oD the s6rfa7e of the 7on7rete: Fi.. the res6.tin; Dith mortar 6nder se7tion *#,#) e37ept the
mortar m6st be 76red by the Dater method or by the 76rin; 7ompo6nd method: Comp.y Dith se7tion +-,
2:%2D/*1 for 76rin; 7on7rete barrier if the 76rin; 7ompo6nd method is 6sed:
Insta.. a ref.e7tor on top of the rai. of ea7h rai. 6nit p.a7ed Dithin #% feet of a traffi7 .ane: Ref.e7tors m6st
be on the A6thoriHed ateria. List for si;nin; and de.ineation materia.s: The adhesi<e for mo6ntin; the
ref.e7tor m6st 7omp.y Dith the ref.e7tor man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions:
Insta.. a Type P marker pane. at ea7h end of; insta..ed adIa7ent to a 2,.ane) 2,Day hi;hDay and at
the end fa7in; traffi7 for; insta..ed adIa7ent to a #,Day roadbed: If the; is p.a7ed on a skeD)
insta.. the marker at the end of the skeD nearest the tra<e.ed Day: Type P marker pane.s m6st 7omp.y
Dith se7tion +2) e37ept yo6 m6st f6rnish the marker pane.s:
After yo6 remo<e Type ' temporary;) restore any area to its pre<io6s 7ondition or 7onstr67t it to its
p.anned 7ondition Dhere temporary e37a<ation or embankment Das 6sed to a77ommodate the;:
8hene<er the En;ineer orders a .atera. mo<e of Type ' temporary; and the repositionin; is not
shoDn) the .atera. mo<e is 7han;e order Dork and the; is not meas6red in the neD position:
12-).0>D P%3me'/
Temporary; /Type '1 is meas6red a.on; the top of the;:
Te.es7opin; f.a; trees m6st be man6fa7t6red from 7ommer7ia.,G6a.ity materia. desi;ned for the intended
p6rpose and 7apab.e of maintainin; an 6pri;ht position at a.. times Dhi.e in 6se:
Traffi7 7ones m6st be f.e3ib.e) f.6ores7ent oran;e) and be man6fa7t6red from 7ommer7ia.,G6a.ity materia.
desi;ned for the intended p6rpose:
The o6ter se7tion of the portion abo<e the base of the traffi7 7one m6st be trans.67ent and be of a hi;h.y
pi;mented) f.6ores7ent oran;e) po.y<iny. 7ompo6nd: The o<era.. hei;ht of a traffi7 7one m6st be at .east
2+ in7hes and the bottom inside diameter m6st be at .east #%:* in7hes: The base m6st be an7hored or
ha<e eno6;h siHe and mass to keep the traffi7 7one in an 6pri;ht position:
D6rin; the ho6rs of darkness) traffi7 7ones m6st ha<e retroref.e7ti<e 7one<es:
Retroref.e7ti<e 7one<es m6st be one of the fo..oDin; types:
#: Remo<ab.e f.e3ib.e retroref.e7ti<e 7one<es fabri7ated from retroref.e7ti<e sheetin; at .east #-
in7hes in hei;ht) p.a7ed a ma3im6m of - in7hes from the top of the 7one: Do not 6se the<es
d6rin; day.i;ht ho6rs:
2: Permanent.y affi3ed) semitransparent) retroref.e7ti<e 7one<es fabri7ated from semitransparent)
retroref.e7ti<e sheetin; at .east #- in7hes in hei;ht) p.a7ed a ma3im6m of - in7hes from the top of the
7one: &o6 may 6se traffi7 7ones Dith semitransparent retroref.e7ti<e 7one<es d6rin; day.i;ht
-: Permanent.y affi3ed do6b.e,band retroref.e7ti<e 7one<es 7onsistin; of 2 Dhite retroref.e7ti<e
bands: The top band m6st be 0 in7hes in hei;ht) p.a7ed a ma3im6m of 4 in7hes from the top of the
7one: The .oDer band m6st be 4 in7hes in hei;ht) p.a7ed 2 in7hes be.oD the bottom of the top band:
&o6 may 6se traffi7 7ones Dith do6b.e,band retroref.e7ti<e 7one<es d6rin; day.i;ht ho6rs:
!se the same type of retroref.e7ti<e 7one<e for a.. 7ones 6sed on the proIe7t:
12-).11A Ge'er%&
12-).11AB1C S"mm%r3
Se7tion #2,-:## in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for p.a7in; and remo<in; p.asti7 traffi7 dr6ms:
P.asti7 traffi7 dr6ms m6st 7omp.y Dith the man6fa7t6rerUs instr67tions for Dei;ht and ba..ast:
12-).11AB2C De4#'#/#0'
0r%'8e-(0&0re15 The 7o.ors of oran;e) red,oran;e) f.6ores7ent oran;e) or f.6ores7ent red,oran;e:
12-).11AB)C S".m#//%&
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e for p.asti7 traffi7 dr6ms:
12-).11B M%/er#%&
P.asti7 traffi7 dr6ms m6st:
#: "e oran;e,7o.ored) .oD,density po.yethy.ene
2: "e f.e3ib.e and 7o..apsib.e 6pon <ehi7.e impa7t
-: ?a<e a Dei;hted base to maintain an 6pri;ht position and pre<ent disp.a7ement by passin; traffi7
The Dei;hted base m6st:
#: "e deta7hab.e
2: "e shaped to pre<ent; 6pon impa7t
-: ?a<e a ma3im6m o6tside diameter of -+ in7hes
4: ?a<e a ma3im6m hei;ht abo<e the ;ro6nd s6rfa7e of 4 in7hes
!se the same type and brand of retroref.e7ti<e sheetin; for a.. p.asti7 traffi7 dr6ms 6sed on the proIe7t:
12-).11C C0'/r"(/#0'
!se one type of p.asti7 traffi7 dr6m on the proIe7t:
Do not 6se sandba;s or 7omparab.e ba..ast:
P.asti7 traffi7 dr6ms m6st be a minim6m of -0 in7hes in hei;ht abo<e the tra<e.ed Day:
o<in; p.asti7 traffi7 dr6ms from .o7ation to .o7ation if ordered after initia. p.a7ement is 7han;e order
!pon 7omp.etion of Dork) p.asti7 traffi7 dr6ms be7ome yo6r property and m6st be remo<ed from the Iob
12-).11D P%3me'/
Not !sed
12-).12A Ge'er%&
12-).12AB1C S"mm%r3
Se7tion #2,-:#2 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for p.a7in;) operatin;) maintainin;) repairin;) rep.a7in;)
transportin; from .o7ation to .o7ation) and remo<in; portab.e 7han;eab.e messa;e si;ns:
Ea7h,mo6nted portab.e 7han;eab.e messa;e si;n m6st 7onsist of a 6nit) a poDer s6pp.y)
and a str67t6ra. s6pport system: The 6nit m6st be assemb.ed to form a 7omp.ete se.f,7ontained portab.e
7han;eab.e messa;e si;n that 7an be de.i<ered to the Iob site and p.a7ed into immediate operation: The
si;n 6nit m6st be 7apab.e of operatin; in an ambient air temperat6re from ,4 to #*+ de;rees F and m6st
be 6naffe7ted by 6na6thoriHed mobi.e,radio transmissions: The m6st be eG6ipped so that it 7an be
.e<e.ed and p.6mbed:
12-).12AB2C S".m#//%&
!pon notifi7ation) s6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e for ea7h portab.e 7han;eab.e messa;e si;n:
12-).12AB)C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
Comp.y Dith the man6fa7t6rerFs operatin; instr67tions for the portab.e 7han;eab.e messa;e si;n:
Approa7hin; dri<ers m6st be ab.e to read the entire messa;e at .east 2 times before passin; the portab.e
7han;eab.e messa;e si;n at the posted speed .imit: !se more than # portab.e 7han;eab.e messa;e si;n
to 7omp.y Dith this reG6irement if ne7essary:
12-).12B M%/er#%&
The te3t disp.ayed on a portab.e 7han;eab.e messa;e si;n m6st not s7ro.. or tra<e. horiHonta..y or
<erti7a..y a7ross the fa7e of the messa;e pane.:
The si;n fa7e m6st be b.a7k: The si;n fa7e m6st be prote7ted from the ;.are of the s6n by a method
that does not interfere Dith the 7.arity of the si;n messa;e: The si;n m6st be raised and .oDered by
means of a poDer,dri<en .iftin; me7hanism:
atri3 si;ns m6st pro<ide 7omp.ete a.phan6meri7 se.e7tion:
atri3,type si;ns 6ti.iHin; .amps m6st be eG6ipped Dith an a6tomati7,dimmin; mode that a6tomati7a..y
7ompensates for the inf.6en7e of temporary .i;ht so6r7es or other abnorma. .i;htin; 7onditions: The si;n
m6st ha<e - or more man6a. dimmin; modes of different .amp intensities:
D6rin; the ho6rs of darkness) matri3 si;ns not 6ti.iHin; .amps m6st be either interna..y or e3terna..y
The m6st be an a..,state 6nit 7ontainin; a.. the ne7essary 7ir76itry for the stora;e of at
.east * prepro;rammed messa;es: The m6st be insta..ed at a .o7ation that a..oDs the operator
to perform a.. f6n7tions from a sin;.e position: The m6st ha<e a keyboard entry system that
a..oDs the operator to ;enerate an infinite n6mber of additiona. messa;es in addition to the
prepro;rammed stored messa;es: The keyboard m6st be eG6ipped Dith a se76rity .o7ko6t feat6re to
pre<ent 6na6thoriHed 6se of the
The m6st 7ontain non<o.ati.e memory that ho.ds keyboard,7reated messa;es in memory d6rin;
periods Dhen the poDer is not a7ti<ated: The m6st pro<ide for a <ariab.e disp.ay rate that a..oDs
the operator to mat7h the information disp.ay to the speed of approa7hin; traffi7: The operator m6st be
ab.e to adI6st the f.ashin;,off time from Dithin the 7ontro. 7abinet:
12-).12C C0'/r"(/#0'
P.a7e a portab.e 7han;eab.e messa;e si;n as far from the tra<e.ed Day as pra7ti7ab.e Dhere it is .e;ib.e
to approa7hin; traffi7 Ditho6t en7roa7hin; on the tra<e.ed Day: At .o7ations Dhere <erti7a. roadDay
76r<at6re restri7ts the si;ht distan7e of approa7hin; traffi7) p.a7e the portab.e 7han;eab.e si;n on or
before the 7rest of the 76r<at6re Dhere it is most <isib.e to the approa7hin; traffi7: At .o7ations Dhere
horiHonta. roadDay 76r<at6re restri7ts the si;ht distan7e of approa7hin; traffi7) p.a7e the portab.e
7han;eab.e messa;e si;n at or before the 76r<e Dhere it is most <isib.e to approa7hin; traffi7: 8here
pra7ti7ab.e) p.a7e a portab.e 7han;eab.e messa;e si;n behind ;6ardrai. or Type ' temporary;:
E37ept Dhere p.a7ed behind ;6ardrai. or Type ' temporary;) make a taper 7onsistin; of $ traffi7
7ones p.a7ed 2* feet apart to de.ineate the .o7ation of a portab.e 7han;eab.e messa;e si;n:
8hen in f6.. operation) the bottom of a portab.e 7han;eab.e messa;e si;n m6st be at .east 5 feet abo<e
the ;ro6nd and the top m6st be no more than #4:* feet abo<e the ;ro6nd:
The si;n pane. m6st be 7apab.e of disp.ayin; a -,.ine messa;e Dith at .east 5 7hara7ters per .ine: The
7hara7ters m6st be at .east #+ in7hes in hei;ht Dhere the 6seab.e sho6.der area is at .east #* feet Dide:
To pre<ent en7roa7hment onto the tra<e.ed Day Dhere the 6seab.e sho6.der area is .ess than #* feet
Dide) yo6 may 6se a messa;e pane. Dith at .east #2,in7h hi;h 7hara7ters:
The messa;e disp.ayed on the si;n m6st be <isib.e from a distan7e of #)*%% feet and m6st be .e;ib.e from
a distan7e of 5*% feet at noon on a 7.o6d.ess day by persons Dith 2%92% <ision or <ision 7orre7ted to
Disp.ay on.y messa;es shoDn or ordered:
Repeat the entire messa;e 7ontin6o6s.y in not more than 2 phases of at .east - se7onds per phase:
&o6 m6st be a<ai.ab.e by 7e.. phone d6rin; a7ti<ities that reG6ire a portab.e 7han;eab.e messa;e si;n:
"efore startin; the a7ti<ity) s6bmit yo6r 7e.. phone n6mber: "e prepared to 7han;e the disp.ayed
messa;e immediate.y 6pon notifi7ation: &o6 may operate the portab.e 7han;eab.e messa;e si;n Dith a
24,ho6r timer 7ontro. or remote 7ontro. if a6thoriHed:
After initia. p.a7ement) mo<e portab.e 7han;eab.e messa;e si;ns from .o7ation to .o7ation as ordered:
o<e 6nprote7ted portab.e 7han;eab.e messa;e si;ns to an area at .east #* feet from the ed;e of the
tra<e.ed Day or remo<e them from the Iob site aDay from traffi7 Dhen not in 6se:
12-).12D P%3me'/
Not !sed
12-).1,A Ge'er%&
Se7tion #2,-:#* in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for; and maintainin; sand,fi..ed temporary 7rash 76shion in ;ro6pin;s or arrays: The ;ro6pin; or array of sand,fi..ed m6st form a 7omp.ete sand,
fi..ed temporary 7rash 76shion as des7ribed:
8hene<er Dork a7ti<ity e3poses traffi7 to a fi3ed obsta7.e) prote7t the traffi7 from the obsta7.e Dith a
sand,fi..ed temporary 7rash 76shion: The 7rash 76shion m6st be in p.a7e before openin; traffi7 .anes
adIa7ent to the obsta7.e:
12-).1,B M%/er#%&
A sand,fi..ed temporary 7rash 76shion mod6.e m6st be man6fa7t6red after ar7h -#) #$$5 and be on the
A6thoriHed ateria. List for hi;hDay safety feat6res: 7ontained in the same ;ro6pin; or array m6st be of the same type: The 7o.or of the
m6st be standard ye..oD Dith b.a7k .ids as f6rnished by the man6fa7t6rer: The m6st e3hibit ;ood
Dorkmanship) free from str67t6ra. f.aDs and obIe7tionab.e s6rfa7e defe7ts: The need not be neD:
&o6 may 6se ;ood) 6sed) 6ndama;ed For Fit7h reG6irin; a sea.) the top ed;e of the
sea. m6st be se76re.y fastened to the Da.. of the mod6.e by a 7ontin6o6s strip of hea<y,d6ty tape:
Fi.. the Dith sand 6nder the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions and to the sand 7apa7ity in po6nds for
ea7h mod6.e shoDn: Sand for; the m6st be 7.ean) 7ommer7ia.,G6a.ity) Dashed 7on7rete
sand: At the time the sand is p.a7ed in the the sand m6st 7ontain not more than 5 per7ent Dater
Dhen tested 6nder Ca.ifornia Test 220:
12-).1,C C0'/r"(/#0'
Se76re the sand,fi..ed in p.a7e before 7ommen7in; a Dork a7ti<ity reG6irin; a temporary 7rash
aintain sand,fi..ed temporary 7rash 76shions in p.a7e at ea7h .o7ation) in7.6din; times Dhen Dork is not
a7ti<e.y in pro;ress: &o6 may remo<e sand,fi..ed temporary 7rash 76shions d6rin; the Dork period for
a77ess to the Dork if the e3posed fi3ed obsta7.e is #* feet or more from the nearest .ane 7arryin; traffi7:
Reset the 7rash 76shion before the end of the Dork period: Remo<e sand,fi..ed temporary 7rash 76shions
Dhen no .on;er reG6ired:
Immediate.y repair sand,fi..ed temporary 7rash 76shion dama;ed d6e to yo6r a7ti<ities: Remo<e
and rep.a7e any mod6.e dama;ed beyond repair: Repair of temporary 7rash 76shion dama;ed
by traffi7 is 7han;e order Dork:
&o6 may p.a7e sand,fi..ed temporary 7rash 76shion on mo<ab.e pa..ets or frames 7omp.yin; Dith
the dimensions shoDn: The pa..ets or frames m6st pro<ide a f6..Bbearin; base beneath the Do
not mo<e the and s6pportin; pa..ets or frames by s.idin; or skiddin; a.on; the pa<ement or
brid;e de7k:
Atta7h a Type R or Type P marker pane. to the front of the temporary 7rash 76shion if the 7.osest point of
the 7rash 76shion array is Dithin #2 feet of the tra<e.ed Day: Firm.y fasten the marker pane. to the 7rash
76shion Dith 7ommer7ia. G6a.ity hardDare or by other a6thoriHed methods:
Remo<e sand,fi..ed temporary 7rash 76shion in7.6din; sand) pa..ets or frames) and marker
pane.s) at the time of Contra7t a77eptan7e: Do not insta.. sand,fi..ed temporary 7rash 76shion in
the permanent Dork:
12-).1,D P%3me'/
The Department does not pay for temporary 7rash 76shion p.a7ed 6nder se7tion 5,#:%4 or
p.a7ed in e37ess of the n6mber des7ribed:
A .atera. mo<e of temporary 7rash 76shion mod6.e is 7han;e order Dork if ordered and the repositionin;
is not shoDn: The Department does not 7o6nt repositioned in the 7o6nt of temporary 7rash
12-+.01 GENERAL
Se7tion #2,4 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for maintainin; traffi7 thro6;h 7onstr67tion DorkHones:
C.os6res m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion #2,*:
A 7.os6re is defined as the 7.os6re of a traffi7 .ane or .anes) in7.6din; sho6.der) ramp) or 7onne7tor .anes)
Dithin a sin;.e traffi7 7ontro. system:
8here<er .o7a. a6thorities re;6.ate traffi7) notify the .o7a. a6thorities at .east * b6siness days before the
start of Dork: Cooperate Dith the .o7a. a6thorities to hand.e traffi7 thro6;h the Dork area and to make
arran;ements to keep the Dork area 7.ear of parked <
12-+.02A Ge'er%&
Limit Dork that interferes Dith traffi7 to the ho6rs 7.os6res are a..oDed:
If 7omp.ete ramp 7.os6re ho6rs and ramp .ane reG6irements are not in7.6ded) yo6 may 7.ose the ramp
adIa7ent to the 7.osed freeDay .ane:
AdIa7ent ramps in the same dire7tion of tra<e. ser<i7in; 2 7onse76ti<e .o7a. streets m6st not be 7.osed
sim6.taneo6s.y) 6n.ess dire7ted by the En;ineer:
!se the si;ns as shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Si;n no: Si;n des7ription Condition
C4-/CA1 Fresh Con7rete !se at the be;innin; of a pa<ement s.ab rep.a7ement Dork area and
keep the si;n in p.a7e thro6;ho6t the 76rin; period:
Ramp C.osed !se to inform motorists that a 7onne7tor) entran7e ramp) or e3it
ramp Di.. be 7.osed for /#1 # b6siness day and 6se si;n SC0,-/CA1
or /21 more than # b6siness day and 6se si;n SC0,4/CA1: Notify the
En;ineer at .east 2 b6siness days before; the si;n and
insta.. the si;n 5 to #* days before the 7.os6re:
FreeDays may be 7.osed on.y if si;ned for 7.osin; 5 days in ad<an7e: Notify the En;ineer at .east *
b6siness days before si;nin; the freeDay: If the freeDay is not 7.osed on the posted day) 7han;e the
7.os6re to a..oD a -,b6siness,day ad<an7e noti7e before 7.os6re:
If a minor de<iation from the .ane reG6irement 7harts is reG6ired) s6bmit a reG6est: If no si;nifi7ant
in7rease in 7ost is a77r6ed to the Department and the Dork 7an be e3pedited and better ser<e the traffi7)
the de<iation may be a6thoriHed:
If pedestrian traffi7 is a..oDed to pass thro6;h 7onstr67tion areas) pro<ide a pedestrian a77ess fa7i.ity
thro6;h the 7onstr67tion areas Dithin the hi;hDay: The Da.kDay m6st:
#: "e s6rfa7ed Dith ?A) PCC) or timber:
2: "e skid resistant and free of irre;6.arities:
-: In7.6de hand;s on ea7h side of the Da.kDay as ne7essary to prote7t pedestrian traffi7 from
haHards 7a6sed by 7onstr67tion a7ti<ities or adIa7ent < traffi7:; m6st be made of Dood)
S4S) and painted Dhite:
4: In7.6de prote7ti<e o<erhead 7o<erin; as ne7essary to ins6re prote7tion from; obIe7ts and drips
from o<erhead str67t6res:
At .o7ations Dhere pedestrian openin;s thro6;h fa.seDork are reG6ired) pro<ide pedestrian a77ess
fa7i.ities d6rin; a.. brid;e 7onstr67tion a7ti<ities: If an a7ti<ity reG6ires a 7.os6re of a Da.kDay) another
Da.kDay m6st be made a<ai.ab.e nearby off of the tra<e.ed Day:
aintain;s and Da.kDays in ;ood 7ondition and keep Da.kDays 7.ear of obstr67tions:
Ere7t and remo<e fa.seDork # .o7ation at a time: D6rin; fa.seDork ere7tion and remo<a.) deto6r or stop
traffi7 in the .anes o<er Dhi7h fa.seDork is ere7ted or remo<ed as spe7ified: Fa.seDork ere7tion in7.6des
adI6stments or remo<a. of 7omponents that 7ontrib6te to the horiHonta. stabi.ity of the fa.seDork system:
Fa.seDork remo<a. in7.6des .oDerin; the fa.seDork) b.oDin; sand from sand Ia7ks) t6rnin; s7reDs on
s7reD Ia7ks) and remo<in; Ded;es:
If fa.seDork pa<ement .i;htin; or pedestrian openin;s thro6;h the fa.seDork are reG6ired) fa.seDork
.i;htin; m6st be insta..ed 6nder se7tion +0,0:#-:
Payment for pro<idin; pedestrian fa7i.ities is in7.6ded in the payment for the bid items in<o.<ed:
12-+.02B Se%& C0%/
On the days that .ane 7.os6res are not a..oDed) mo<in; .ane 7.os6res are a..oDed to maintain the sea.
7oat s6rfa7e as spe7ified in se7tion -5,2:%-I: Lane 7.os6res to maintain the sea. 7oat s6rfa7e m6st be
restri7ted to day.i;ht ho6rs Dhen traffi7 Di.. be .east in7on<enien7ed and de.ayed as determined by the
If traffi7 is ro6ted o<er a s6rfa7e Dhere a sea. 7oat app.i7ation is intended) the sea. 7oat m6st not be
app.ied to more than ha.f the Didth of the tra<e.ed Day at a time and the remainin; Didth m6st be kept
free of obstr67tions and open to traffi7 6nti. the pre<io6s.y app.ied Didth is ready for traffi7 6se:
Pi.ot 7ars 6sed to 7on<oy or 7ontro. traffi7 m6st ha<e radio 7onta7t Dith other pi.ot 7ars and personne. in
the Dork area: The ma3im6m speed of the pi.ot 7ars 7on<oyin; or; traffi7 thro6;h the traffi7
7ontro. Hone m6st be #* mph on 2,.ane) 2,Day roadDays and 2* mph on m6.ti.ane di<ided and 6ndi<ided
roadDays: Pi.ot 7ars m6st on.y 6se traffi7 .anes open to traffi7:
On 2,.ane) 2,Day roadDays) p.a7e 8+,5) ELoose =ra<e.)E and 8#-,# /-*1 speed ad<isory si;ns at
ma3im6m 2)%%%,foot inter<a.s a.on; ea7h side of the tra<e.ed Day Dhere s7reenin;s are spread on a
traffi7 .ane and at p6b.i7 roads or streets enterin; the sea. 7oat area: P.a7e the #st 8+,5 si;n in ea7h
dire7tion Dhere traffi7 first en7o6nters .oose s7reenin;s) re;ard.ess of Dhi7h .ane the s7reenin;s are
spread: A 8#-,# /-*1 si;n is not reG6ired Dhere the posted speed .imit is .ess than 4% mph:
On freeDays) e3pressDays) and m6.ti.ane 7on<entiona. hi;hDays) p.a7e 8+,5) ELoose =ra<e.)E and 8#-,
# /-*1 speed ad<isory si;ns at ma3im6m 2)%%%,foot inter<a.s a.on; the o6tside ed;e of the tra<e.ed Day
nearest to the .ane Dorked on) at on ramps) and at p6b.i7 roads or streets enterin; the sea. 7oat area:
P.a7e the #st 8+,5 si;n Dhere the s7reenin;s start Dith respe7t to the dire7tion of tra<e. on that .ane: A
8#-,# /-*1 si;n is not reG6ired Dhere the posted speed .imit is .ess than 4% mph:
aintain si;ns in p.a7e at ea7h .o7ation 6nti. the fina. broomin; of the sea. 7oat s6rfa7e for that .o7ation is
7omp.ete: Si;ns may be set on temporary portab.e s6pports Dith the 8#-,# si;n be.oD the 8+,5 si;n or
on barri7ades Dith the 8#-,# si;n a.ternatin; Dith the 8+,5 si;n:
Payment for f6rnishin; and 6sin; pi.ot 7ars to red67e the speed of traffi7 and 7on<oy or 7ontro. traffi7) as
spe7ified) is in7.6ded in the payment for the bid items in<o.<ed 6n.ess a bid item for traffi7 7ontro. system
is in7.6ded in the "id Item List:
12-+.02C Br#18e P%#'/#'8 %'1 C&e%'#'8
In addition to the si;ns shoDn) f6rnish and p.a7e the si;ns shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Si;n des7ription ReG6irements
82%,# Road 8ork Ahead P.a7e a portab.e -% by -% in7h si;n at .o7ations Dhere traffi7
approa7hes a brid;e Dith Dork 6nderDay: If the approa7h speed is
;reater than *% mph) the siHe of the si;n m6st be 4+ by 4+ in7hes: The
si;n pane. base materia. m6st not be p.yDood: Atta7h an oran;e or
f.6ores7ent red,oran;e f.a; not .ess than a #0,in7h sG6are to ea7h
si;n: The e3a7t .o7ation of the si;ns Di.. be determined by the
En;ineer: Si;ns m6st not be 6sed 6nti. needed: aintain si;ns in p.a7e
Dhi.e 7.eanin; and paintin; operations are performed and remo<e at
the end of ea7h dayFs Dork:
C.eanin; and
Paintin; Operations
P.a7e a 4+ by 4+ in7h sG6are si;n near ea7h 82%,# si;n: !se 4,in7h
hi;h b.a7k .etterin; and in7.6de yo6r name) address) and te.ephone
n6mber on an oran;e ba7k;ro6nd: aintain the si;n in p.a7e Dhi.e
7.eanin; and paintin; operations are performed and remo<e at the end
of ea7h dayFs Dork:
At the end of ea7h dayFs Dork) Dhen a7ti<ities are not in pro;ress) remo<e obstr67tions and .ea<e the
roadDay 7.ear and 6nobstr67ted to a..oD free passa;e for traffi7: Remo<e b.ast 7.eanin; resid6e from the
tra<e.ed Day before openin; the area to traffi7:
&o6 may .ay s6pp.y .ines a.on; the top of 76rbs adIa7ent to; posts if the .ines do not interfere Dith
traffi7: Remo<e the .ines Dhen Dork is not in pro;ress:
12-+.02D T0&& Br#18e
E<ery onday by noon) s6bmit a s7hed6.e of p.anned 7.os6res for the ne3t Deek period: The ne3t Deek
period is defined as S6nday noon thro6;h the fo..oDin; S6nday noon:
S6bmit a s7hed6.e not .ess than 2* days and not more than #2* days before the anti7ipated start of any
a7ti<ity that Di..:
#: Red67e the horiHonta. 7.earan7es of tra<e.ed Days) in7.6din; sho6.ders) to 2 .anes or .ess d6e to
operations s67h as temporary barrier p.a7ement and pa<in;
2: Red67e the <erti7a. 7.earan7es a<ai.ab.e to the p6b.i7 d6e to operations s67h as pa<ement o<er.ay)
o<erhead si;n insta..ation) or fa.seDork or ;irder ere7tion
!se the 7.os6re s7hed6.e reG6est form from the En;ineer and shoD the .o7ations and times of the
proposed 7.os6res: C.os6re s6bmitted Dith in7omp.ete or ina776rate information Di.. be
reIe7ted and ret6rned for 7orre7tion and res6bmitta.: &o6 Di.. be notified of 6na6thoriHed 7.os6res or
7.os6res that reG6ire 7oordination Dith other parties as a 7ondition of appro<a.:
S6bmit 7.os6re s7hed6.e amendments) in7.6din; addin; additiona. 7.os6res) by noon at .east - b6siness
days before a p.anned 7.os6re: Appro<a. of amendments Di.. be at the dis7retion of the En;ineer:
The En;ineer m6st be notified of a 7an7e..ed 7.os6re 2 b6siness days before the date of the 7.os6re:
The En;ineer may res7hed6.e a 7.os6re 7an7e..ed d6e to 6ns6itab.e Deather:
A detai.ed 7ontin;en7y m6st be prepared for reopenin; 7.os6res to traffi7: The 7ontin;en7y m6st
be s6bmitted Dithin # b6siness day of the En;ineerFs reG6est:
If a 7.os6re is not reopened to traffi7 by the spe7ified time) Dork m6st be s6spended: No f6rther 7.os6res
are a..oDed 6nti. the En;ineer has re<ieDed and a77epted a Dork s6bmitted by yo6 that ins6res that
f6t6re 7.os6res Di.. be reopened to traffi7 at the spe7ified time: A..oD the Department 2 b6siness days to
re<ieD yo6r proposed Dork &o6 are not entit.ed to 7ompensation for the s6spension of Dork
res6.tin; from the .ate reopenin; of 7.os6res:
Notify the En;ineer of de.ays in yo6r a7ti<ities 7a6sed by:
#: &o6r proposed 7.os6re s7hed6.e bein; denied a.tho6;h yo6r p.anned 7.os6res are Dithin the time
frame a..oDed for 7.os6res as spe7ified in the spe7ia. pro<isions: &o6 Di.. not be entit.ed to
7ompensation for amendments to the 7.os6re s7hed6.e that are not a6thoriHed:
2: &o6r 7onfirmed 7.os6re bein; denied:
If in the opinion of the En;ineer yo6r; a7ti<ities are de.ayed or interfered Dith by reason of the
7onditions .isted abo<e and yo6r .oss d6e to that de.ay 7o6.d not ha<e been a<oided by; the
affe7ted 7.os6re or by I6di7io6s; of for7es) eG6ipment and p.ant) yo6 Di.. be 7ompensated for the
If yo6 are dire7ted to remo<e a 7.os6re before the time desi;nated in the a6thoriHed 7.os6re s7hed6.e) yo6
Di.. be 7ompensated for the de.ay:
12-+.0,A Ge'er%&
12-+.0,B Free:%3 %'1 E<6re:%3 L%'e Re!"#reme'/
12-+.0,C C0m6&e/e Free:%3 %'1 E<6re:%3 C&0"re H0"r
12-+.0,D C0m6&e/e C0''e(/0r C&0"re H0"r %'1 C0''e(/0r L%'e Re!"#reme'/
12-+.0,E C0m6&e/e R%m6 C&0"re H0"r %'1 R%m6 L%'e Re!"#reme'/
12-+.0,F C0'$e'/#0'%& H#87:%3 L%'e Re!"#reme'/
12-+.0,G C0m6&e/e C0'$e'/#0'%& H#87:%3 C&0"re H0"r
12-+.0,H Reer$e1
12-+.0,I Reer$e1
12--.01 GENERAL
Se7tion #2,0 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7.osin; ramps: A traffi7 7ontro. system for a ramp 7.os6re m6st
7omp.y Dith the detai.s shoDn:
!se a SC0,-/CA1 ERamp C.osedE si;n to inform motorists of a temporary 7.osin; of a freeDay or an
e3pressDay entran7e or an e3it ramp for # day or .ess:
!se a SC0,4/CA1 ERamp C.osedE si;n to inform motorists of a temporary 7.osin; of a freeDay or an
e3pressDay entran7e or an e3it ramp for more than # day:
C.ose ramps at the times and .o7ations spe7ified in se7tion #2,4:
Insta.. a SC0,-/CA1 or a SC0,4/CA1 si;n) Dhi7he<er is app.i7ab.e) at .east 5 days before 7.osin; a ramp
b6t not more than #4 days in ad<an7e of the ramp 7.os6re: Notify the En;ineer at .east 2 b6siness days
before; a SC0,-/CA1 or SC0,4/CA1 si;n: The SC0,-/CA1 or SC0,4/CA1 si;n m6st be stationary,
mo6nted at the .o7ations shoDn and m6st remain in p.a7e and <isib.e to motorists d6rin; the ramp
8hene<er 7omponents of the traffi7 7ontro. system are disp.a7ed or 7ease to operate or f6n7tion as
spe7ified from any 7a6se) immediate.y repair the 7omponents to the ori;ina. 7ondition or rep.a7e the
7omponents and restore the 7omponents to the ori;ina. .o7ation:
For a ramp 7.os6re made on.y for the Dork period) remo<e the 7omponents of the traffi7 7ontro. system
from the tra<e.ed Day and sho6.der) e37ept for portab.e de.ineators p.a7ed a.on; open tren7hes or
e37a<ation adIa7ent to the tra<e.ed Day at the end of ea7h Dork period: &o6 may store the 7omponents at
se.e7ted 7entra. .o7ations desi;nated by the En;ineer Dithin the .imits of the hi;hDay:
aintain a776rate and time.y information on the SC0,-/CA1 or SC0,4/CA1 si;n: Immediate.y 6pdate the
si;n messa;e Dhen the information be7omes o6tdated: Co<er or remo<e a SC0,-/CA1 or SC0,4/CA1 si;n
Dhen it is no .on;er reG6ired:
12--.0+ PAYMENT
Traffi7 7ontro. system for ramp 7.os6re is paid for as traffi7 7ontro. system:
12-2.01 GENERAL
Se7tion #2,5 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; temporary pedestrian Da.kDays:
Pro<ide temporary pedestrian a77ess thro6;h Dork areas Dithin the hi;hDay:
In addition to the reG6ired openin;s thro6;h fa.seDork) pro<ide temporary pedestrian a77ess d6rin; pi.e
dri<in;) footin;) Da..) and other brid;e Dork a7ti<ities: At .east # Da.kDay m6st be a<ai.ab.e at a.. times: If
Dork a7ti<ities reG6ire the 7.os6re of the Da.kDay) pro<ide another Da.kDay nearby) off the tra<e.ed Day:
12-2.02 MATERIALS;s for a temporary pedestrian Da.kDay m6st be S4S .6mber and painted Dhite:
The Da.kDay m6st be s6rfa7ed Dith ?A) port.and 7ement 7on7rete) or Dood: The s6rfa7e m6st be skid
resistant and free of irre;6.arities:
aintain;s and Da.kDays in ;ood 7ondition: 'eep Da.kDays 7.ear of obstr67tions:
Constr67t a hand; on ea7h side of a temporary pedestrian Da.kDay as ne7essary to prote7t
pedestrian traffi7 from haHards d6e to Dork a7ti<ities or adIa7ent < traffi7:
Constr67t a prote7ti<e o<erhead 7o<erin; as ne7essary to prote7t pedestrians from; obIe7ts and
drippin;s from o<erhead str67t6res:
12-2.0+ PAYMENT
Not !sed
1)-1.01 GENERAL
1)-1.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion #-,# in7.6des ;enera. spe7ifi7ations for pre<entin;);) and abatin; Dater po..6tion in
streams) DaterDays) and other bodies of Dater:
Information on forms) reports) and other do76ments 7an be fo6nd in the fo..oDin; Department man6a.s:
#: 'ield &uide for Construction Site De7atering
2: Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan 0SWPPP1 and Water Pollution Control Program 0WPCP1
Preparation Manual
-: Construction Site Best Management Practices 0BMP1 Manual
4: Construction Site Monitoring Program 0CSMP1 &uidance Manual
For the abo<e,referen7ed man6a.s) ;o to the DepartmentFs 8eb site for the Di<ision of Constr67tion)
Storm 8ater and 8ater Po..6tion Contro. Information or the DepartmentFs p6b.i7ation distrib6tion 6nit:
Do not start Iob site a7ti<ities 6nti.:
#: The 8PCP or S8PPP is a6thoriHed:
2: The Daste dis7har;e identifi7ation n6mber is iss6ed if the proIe7t reG6ires a S8PPP:
-: 8PCP or S8PPP re<ieD reG6irements ha<e been If the R8@C" reG6ires time for re<ieD)
a..oD -% days for the re<ieD: For proIe7ts in the Lake Tahoe ?ydro.o;i7 !nit and the ammoth Lakes
?ydro.o;i7 !nit) the Lahontan R8@C" Di.. re<ieD the 8PCP or S8PPP:
If yo6 operate a Contra7tor,s6pport fa7i.ity) prote7t stormDater systems or re7ei<in; Daters from the
dis7har;e of potentia. po..6tants by 6sin; Dater po..6tion 7ontro. pra7ti7es:
Contra7tor,s6pport fa7i.ities in7.6de:
#: Sta;in; areas
2: Stora;e yards for eG6ipment and materia.s
-: obi.e operations
4: "at7h p.ants for PCC and ?A
*: Cr6shin; p.ants for ro7k and a;;re;ate
0: Other fa7i.ities insta..ed for yo6r 7on<enien7e) s67h as ha6. roads
Dis7har;es from man6fa7t6rin; fa7i.ities) s67h as bat7h p.ants and 7r6shin; p.ants) m6st 7omp.y Dith the
;enera. Daste dis7har;e reG6irements for Order No4 <=$:8$DW52 NPD%S &eneral Permit No4
C-S:::::>) iss6ed by the State 8ater Reso6r7es Contro. "oard for EDischarge of Storm Water
-ssociated 7ith "ndustrial -ctivities %/cluding Construction -ctivitiesE and referred to herein as E=enera.
Ind6stria. Permit:E For the =enera. Ind6stria. Permit) ;o to the 8eb site for the State 8ater Reso6r7es
Contro. "oard:
If yo6 operate a bat7h p.ant to man6fa7t6re PCC) ?A) or other materia. or a 7r6shin; p.ant to prod67e
ro7k or a;;re;ate) obtain 7o<era;e 6nder the =enera. Ind6stria. Permit: &o6 m6st be 7o<ered 6nder the
=enera. Ind6stria. Permit for bat7h p.ants and 7r6shin; p.ants .o7ated:
#: O6tside of the Iob site
2: 8ithin the Iob site that ser<e # or more 7ontra7ts
If yo6 obtain or dispose of materia. at a non7ommer7ia..y operated borroD or disposa. site) pre<ent Dater
po..6tion d6e to erosion at the site d6rin; and after 7omp.etion of yo6r a7ti<ities: !pon 7omp.etion of yo6r
Dork) .ea<e the site in a 7ondition s67h that Dater Di.. not 7o..e7t or stand therein:
The Department does not pay for Dater po..6tion 7ontro. pra7ti7es at Contra7tor,s6pport fa7i.ities and
non7ommer7ia..y operated borroD or disposa. sites:
1)-1.01B De4#'#/#0'
%(/#$e %re%5 Area Dhere soi.,dist6rbin; Dork a7ti<ities ha<e o776rred at .east on7e Dithin #* days:
(0'/r"(/#0' 67%e5 In7.6des /#1 hi;hDay 7onstr67tion phase for b6i.din; roads and str67t6res) /21 p.ant
estab.ishment and maintenan7e phase for p.a7in; <e;etation for fina. stabi.iHation) and /-1
s6spension phase for s6spension of Dork a7ti<ities or Dinter sh6tdoDn: The 7onstr67tion phase
7ontin6es from the start of Dork a7ti<ities to Contra7t a77eptan7e:
#'%(/#$e %re%5 Area Dhere soi.,dist6rbin; Dork a7ti<ities ha<e not o776rred Dithin #* days:
'0rm%& :0r;#'8 70"r5 ?o6rs yo6 norma..y Dork on the proIe7t:
!"%&#43#'8 r%#' e$e'/5 Storm that prod67es at .east %:* in7h of pre7ipitation Dith a 4+,ho6r or ;reater
period betDeen rain e<ents:
/0rm e$e'/5 Storm that prod67es or is fore7asted to prod67e at .east %:#% in7h of pre7ipitation Dithin a
24,ho6r period:
1)-1.01C S".m#//%&
8ithin 4+ ho6rs after the 7on7.6sion of a storm e<ent res6.tin; in a dis7har;e) after a nonstormDater
dis7har;e) or after re7ei<in; a Dritten noti7e or an order from the R8@C" or another re;6.atory a;en7y)
the 8PC mana;er m6st s6bmit the fo..oDin; information:
#: Date) time) .o7ation) and nat6re of the a7ti<ity and the 7a6se of the noti7e or order
2: Type and G6antity of dis7har;e
-: 8ater po..6tion 7ontro. pra7ti7es in 6se before the dis7har;e or before re7ei<in; the noti7e or order
4: Des7ription of Dater po..6tion 7ontro. pra7ti7es and 7orre7ti<e a7tions taken to mana;e the dis7har;e
or 7a6se of the noti7e
S6bmit Dater po..6tion 7ontro. trainin; re7ords for a.. emp.oyees and s6b7ontra7tors Dho Di.. be Dorkin;
at the Iob site as an informationa. s6bmitta.: In7.6de the trainin; s6bIe7ts) trainin; dates) on;oin; trainin;)
and tai.;ate meetin;s Dith yo6r s6bmitta.: S6bmit re7ords for:
#: E3istin; emp.oyees Dithin * b6siness days of obtainin; S8PPP or 8PCP a6thoriHation
2: NeD emp.oyees Dithin * b6siness days of re7ei<in; the trainin;
-: S6b7ontra7torFs emp.oyees at .east * b6siness days before a s6b7ontra7tor starts Dork
At .east * b6siness days before operatin; any Contra7tor,s6pport fa7i.ity) s6bmit:
#: A shoDin; the .o7ation and G6antity of Dater po..6tion 7ontro. pra7ti7es asso7iated Dith the
Contra7tor,s6pport fa7i.ity
2: A 7opy of the noti7e of intent appro<ed by the R8@C" and the 8PCP or S8PPP appro<ed by the
R8@C" if yo6 Di.. be operatin; a bat7h p.ant or a 7r6shin; p.ant 6nder the =enera. Ind6stria. Permit
1)-1.01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
1)-1.01DB1C Ge'er%&
1)-1.01DB2C Tr%#'#'8
Emp.oyees m6st re7ei<e initia. Dater po..6tion 7ontro. trainin; before startin; Dork at the Iob site:
For yo6r proIe7t mana;ers) s6per<isory personne.) s6b7ontra7tors) and emp.oyees in<o.<ed in Dater
po..6tion 7ontro. Dork:
#: Pro<ide stormDater trainin; in the fo..oDin; s6bIe7ts:
#:#: 8ater po..6tion 7ontro. and re;6.ations
#:2: Imp.ementation and maintenan7e for:
#:2:#: Temporary soi. stabi.iHation
#:2:2: Temporary sediment 7ontro.
#:2:-: Tra7kin; 7ontro.
#:2:4: 8ind erosion 7ontro.
#:2:*: ateria. po..6tion pre<ention and 7ontro.
#:2:0: 8aste mana;ement
#:2:5: NonstormDater mana;ement
2: Cond67t Deek.y trainin; meetin;s 7o<erin;:
2:#: Defi7ien7ies and 7orre7ti<e a7tions for Dater po..6tion 7ontro. pra7ti7es
2:2: 8ater po..6tion 7ontro. pra7ti7es reG6ired for Dork a7ti<ities d6rin; the Deek
2:-: Spi.. pre<ention and 7ontro.
2:4: ateria. de.i<ery) stora;e) 6sa;e) and disposa.
2:*: 8aste mana;ement
2:0: NonstormDater mana;ement pro7ed6res
Trainin; for personne. Dho 7o..e7t Dater G6a.ity m6st in7.6de:
#: CSP re<ieD
2: ? and safety re<ieD
-:; sim6.ations
1)-1.01DB)C A%/er P0&&"/#0' C0'/r0& M%'%8er
1)-1.01DB)CB%C Ge'er%&
The 8PC mana;er m6st be a @SP if the proIe7t reG6ires a 8PCP: The 8PC mana;er m6st be a @SD if
the proIe7t reG6ires a S8PPP:
Assi;n # 8PC mana;er to imp.ement the 8PCP or S8PPP) Dhi7he<er is app.i7ab.e for the proIe7t:
1)-1.01DB)CB.C G"%&#4#(%/#0'
The @SD m6st:
#: ?a<e 7omp.eted the stormDater mana;ement trainin; des7ribed in the DepartmentFs 8eb site for the
Di<ision of Constr67tion) Storm 8ater and 8ater Po..6tion Contro. Information
2: "e re;istered or 7ertified for at .east one of the fo..oDin;:
2:#: Ca.ifornia re;istered 7i<i. en;ineer
2:2: Ca.ifornia re;istered professiona. ;eo.o;ist or en;ineerin; ;eo.o;ist
2:-: Ca.ifornia .i7ensed .ands7ape ar7hite7t
2:4: Professiona. hydro.o;ist re;istered thro6;h the Ameri7an Instit6te of ?ydro.o;y
2:*: Certified Professiona. in Erosion and Sediment Contro. /CPESC1[ re;istered thro6;h En<iro
Cert Internationa.) In7:
2:0: Certified Professiona. in Storm 8ater @6a.ity /CPS8@1[ re;istered thro6;h En<iro Cert
Internationa.) In7:
2:5: Professiona. in erosion and sediment 7ontro. re;istered thro6;h the Nationa. Instit6te for
Certifi7ation in En;ineerin; Te7hno.o;ies /NICET1
The @SP m6st 7omp.y Dith the G6a.ifi7ations for a @SD or m6st:
#: ?a<e 7omp.eted the storm Dater mana;ement trainin; des7ribed in the DepartmentFs 8eb site for the
Di<ision of Constr67tion) Storm 8ater and 8ater Po..6tion Contro. Information
2: "e 7ertified for at .east one of the fo..oDin;:
2:#: Certified Erosion) Sediment and Storm 8ater Inspe7tor /CESS8I1[ re;istered thro6;h En<iro
Cert Internationa.) In7:
2:2: Certified Inspe7tor of Sediment and Erosion Contro. /CISEC1 re;istered thro6;h CISEC) In7:
1)-1.01DB)CB(C Re60'#.#&#/#e
The 8PC mana;er m6st:
#: "e responsib.e for Dater po..6tion 7ontro. Dork
2: "e the primary 7onta7t for Dater po..6tion 7ontro. Dork
-: O<ersee:
-:#: aintenan7e of Dater po..6tion 7ontro. pra7ti7es
-:2: Inspe7tions of Dater po..6tion 7ontro. pra7ti7es identified in the S8PPP or 8PCP
-:-: Inspe7tions and reports for <is6a. monitorin;
-:4: Preparation and imp.ementation of REAPs
-:*:; and ana.ysis
-:0: Preparation and s6bmitta. of:
-:0:#: NAL e37eedan7e reports
-:0:2: NEL <io.ation reports
-:0:-: S8PPP ann6a. 7ertifi7ation
-:0:4: Ann6a. reports
-:0:*: "P stat6s reports
4: O<ersee and enfor7e haHardo6s Daste mana;ement pra7ti7es 6nder se7tion #4,##) in7.6din; spi..
pre<ention and 7ontro. meas6res
*: ?a<e a6thority to mobi.iHe 7reDs to make immediate repairs to Dater po..6tion 7ontro. pra7ti7es
0: Ens6re that a.. emp.oyees ha<e 76rrent Dater po..6tion 7ontro. trainin;
5: Imp.ement the a6thoriHed S8PPP or 8PCP
+: Amend the S8PPP or 8PCP if reG6ired
$: "e at the Iob site Dithin 2 ho6rs of bein; 7onta7ted
#%: ?a<e the a6thority to stop 7onstr67tion a7ti<ities dama;in; Dater po..6tion 7ontro. pra7ti7es or
7a6sin; Dater po..6tion
1)-1.01DB+C*1)-1.01DB-C Reer$e1
Not !sed
1)-1.0)A Ge'er%&
Insta.. fa7i.ities and de<i7es 6sed for Dater po..6tion 7ontro. pra7ti7es before performin; Dork a7ti<ities:
Insta.. soi. stabi.iHation materia.s for Dater po..6tion 7ontro. pra7ti7es in a.. Dork areas that are ina7ti<e or
before storm e<ents:
Repair or rep.a7e Dater po..6tion 7ontro. pra7ti7es Dithin 24 ho6rs of dis7o<erin; any dama;e) 6n.ess a
.on;er period is a6thoriHed:
The Department does not pay for the 7.ean6p) repair) remo<a.) disposa.) or rep.a7ement of Dater po..6tion
7ontro. pra7ti7es d6e to improper insta..ation or yo6r ne;.i;en7e:
&o6 may reG6est 7han;es to the Dater po..6tion 7ontro. Dork or the En;ineer may order 7han;es to Dater
po..6tion 7ontro. Dork: Chan;es may in7.6de additiona. or neD Dater po..6tion 7ontro. pra7ti7es: Additiona.
Dater po..6tion 7ontro. Dork is 7han;e order Dork:
Retain a printed 7opy of the a6thoriHed 8PCP or S8PPP at the Iob site:
1)-1.0)B M0'#/0r#'8
onitor the Nationa. 8eather Ser<i7eFs fore7ast on a dai.y basis: For the Nationa. 8eather Ser<i7eFs
fore7ast) ;o to the 8eb site for the Nationa. 8eather Ser<i7e:
1)-1.0)C I'6e(/#0'
!se the Storm7ater Site "nspection !eport form for do76mentin; site inspe7tions:
The 8PC mana;er m6st o<ersee:
#: Inspe7tions of Dater po..6tion 7ontro. pra7ti7es identified in S8PPP or 8PCP:
#:#: "efore a fore7asted storm e<ent
#:2: After a G6a.ifyin; rain e<ent that prod67es site r6noff
#:-: At 24,ho6r inter<a.s d6rin; e3tended storm e<ents
#:4: On a predetermined s7hed6.e of at .east on7e a Deek
2: Dai.y inspe7tions of:
2:#: Stora;e areas for haHardo6s materia.s and Daste 6nder se7tion #4,##
2:2: ?aHardo6s Daste disposa. and transportin; a7ti<ities 6nder se7tion #4,##
2:-: ?aHardo6s materia. de.i<ery and stora;e a7ti<ities
-: Inspe7tions of:
-:#: (ehi7.e and eG6ipment 7.eanin; fa7i.ities:
-:#:#: Dai.y if <ehi7.e and eG6ipment 7.eanin; o776rs dai.y
-:#:2: 8eek.y if <ehi7.e and eG6ipment 7.eanin; does not o776r dai.y
-:2: (ehi7.e and eG6ipment maintenan7e and; areas:
-:2:#: Dai.y if <ehi7.e and eG6ipment maintenan7e and; o776rs dai.y
-:2:2: 8eek.y if <ehi7.e and eG6ipment maintenan7e and; does not o776r dai.y
-:-: ( and eG6ipment at the Iob site for .eaks and spi..s on a dai.y s7hed6.e: (erify that
operators are inspe7tin; < and eG6ipment ea7h day of 6se:
-:4: Demo.ition sites Dithin *% feet of storm drain systems and re7ei<in; Daters dai.y:
-:*: Pi.e dri<in; areas for .eaks and spi..s:
-:*:#: Dai.y if pi.e dri<in; o776rs dai.y
-:*:2: 8eek.y if pi.e dri<in; does not o776r dai.y
-:0: Temporary 7on7rete Dasho6ts:
-:0:#: Dai.y if 7on7rete Dork o776rs dai.y
-:0:2: 8eek.y if 7on7rete Dork does not o776r dai.y
-:5: Pa<ed roads at Iob site a77ess points for street sDeepin;:
-:5:#: Dai.y if earthDork and other sediment or debris,;eneratin; a7ti<ities o776r dai.y
-:5:2: 8eek.y if earthDork and other sediment or debris,;eneratin; a7ti<ities do not o776r
-:5:-: 8ithin 24 ho6rs of pre7ipitation fore7asted by the Nationa. 8eather Ser<i7e
-:+: DeDaterin; Dork:
-:+:#: Dai.y if deDaterin; Dork o776rs dai.y
-:+:2: 8eek.y if deDaterin; Dork does not o776r dai.y
-:$: Temporary a7ti<e treatment system:
-:$:#: Dai.y if temporary a7ti<e treatment system a7ti<ities o776r dai.y
-:$:2: 8eek.y if temporary a7ti<e treatment system a7ti<ities do not o776r dai.y
-:#%: 8ork o<er Dater:
-:#%:#: Dai.y if Dork o<er Dater o776rs dai.y
-:#%:2: 8eek.y if Dork o<er Dater does not o776r dai.y
1)-1.0)D De4#(#e'(#e
8hene<er yo6 or the En;ineer identify a defi7ien7y in the imp.ementation of the a6thoriHed 8PCP or
S8PPP) 7orre7t the defi7ien7y:
#: Immediate.y) 6n.ess a .ater date is a6thoriHed
2: "efore pre7ipitation o776rs
The Department may 7orre7t the defi7ien7y and ded67t the 7ost of 7orre7tin; the defi7ien7y from payment
if yo6 fai. to 7orre7t the defi7ien7y by the a;reed date or before the onset of pre7ipitation:
1)-1.0)E*1)-1.0)G Reer$e1
1)-1.0+ PAYMENT
Not !sed
1)-2.01 GENERAL
1)-2.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion #-,2 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for de<e.opin; and imp.ementin; a 8PCP for proIe7ts Dhere soi.
dist6rban7e from Dork a7ti<ities Di.. be one of the fo..oDin;:
#: Less than # a7re
2: Less than * a7res if the proIe7t has an %nvironmental Protection -genc Small Construction Pro.ect
%rosivit Waiver referred to herein as EErosi<ity 8ai<erE
Prepare Dater po..6tion 7ontro. pro;ram in7.6des de<e.opin; and imp.ementin; the 8PCP) pro<idin; a
8PC mana;er) 7ond67tin; Dater po..6tion 7ontro. trainin;) and monitorin;) inspe7tin; and 7orre7tin;
Dater po..6tion 7ontro. pra7ti7es:
&o6 may assi;n a @SP other than the 8PC mana;er to de<e.op the 8PCP:
1)-2.01B S".m#//%&
8ithin 5 days after Contra7t appro<a.:
#: S6bmit 2 7opies of yo6r 8PCP for re<ieD: The En;ineer pro<ides 7omments and spe7ifies the date
Dhen the re<ieD stopped if re<isions are reG6ired:
2: Res6bmit a re<ised 8PCP Dithin 5 days of re7ei<in; the En;ineerFs 7omments: The DepartmentFs
re<ieD res6mes Dhen the 7omp.ete 8PCP has been res6bmitted:
-: 8hen the En;ineer a6thoriHes the 8PCP) s6bmit an e.e7troni7 7opy and - printed 7opies of the
a6thoriHed 8PCP:
4: If the R8@C" reG6ires re<ieD of the a6thoriHed 8PCP) the En;ineer s6bmits the a6thoriHed 8PCP
to the R8@C" for its re<ieD and 7omment:
*: If the En;ineer orders 7han;es to the 8PCP based on the R8@C"Fs 7omments) amend the 8PCP
Dithin - b6siness days:
The 8PCP m6st 7omp.y Dith the DepartmentFs Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan 0SWPPP1 and
Water Pollution Control Plan 0WPCP1 Preparation Manual and m6st:
#: ShoD the .o7ation of dist6rbed soi. areas) Dater bodies) and Dater 7on<eyan7es
2: Des7ribe the Dork in<o.<ed in the insta..ation) maintenan7e) repair) and remo<a. of temporary Dater
po..6tion 7ontro. pra7ti7es
-: ShoD the .o7ations and types of Dater po..6tion 7ontro. pra7ti7es that Di.. be 6sed for:
-:#: StormDater and nonstormDater in areas o6tside the Iob site b6t re.ated to Dork a7ti<ities)
-:#:#: Sta;in; areas
-:#:2: Stora;e yards
-:#:-: A77ess roads
-:2: A7ti<ities or mobi.e a7ti<ities re.ated to a.. NPDES permits
-:-: Contra7tor,s6pport fa7i.ities
4: ShoD the .o7ations and types of temporary Dater po..6tion 7ontro. pra7ti7es that Di.. be 6sed in the
Dork for ea7h 7onstr67tion phase
*: ShoD the .o7ations and types of Dater po..6tion 7ontro. pra7ti7es that Di.. be insta..ed permanent.y
6nder the Contra7t
0: In7.6de a s7hed6.e shoDin; Dhen:
0:#: 8ork a7ti<ities Di.. be performed that 7o6.d 7a6se the dis7har;e of po..6tants into stormDater
0:2: 8ater po..6tion 7ontro. pra7ti7es asso7iated Dith ea7h 7onstr67tion phase Di.. be imp.emented
0:-: Soi. stabi.iHation and sediment 7ontro. pra7ti7es for dist6rbed soi. areas Di.. be imp.emented
5: In7.6de a 7opy of permits obtained by the Department) in7.6din; Fish N =ame permits) !S Army
Corps of En;ineers permits) R8@C" 4%# 7ertifi7ations) aeria..y deposited .ead <arian7e from the
Department of To3i7 S6bstan7e Contro.) aeria..y deposited .ead <arian7e notifi7ation) and R8@C"
Daste dis7har;e reG6irements for aeria..y deposited .ead re6se
Amend the 8PCP Dhene<er:
#: Chan;es in Dork a7ti<ities 7o6.d affe7t the dis7har;e of po..6tants
2: 8ater po..6tion 7ontro. pra7ti7es are added by 7han;e order Dork
-: 8ater po..6tion 7ontro. pra7ti7es are added at yo6r dis7retion
4: Chan;es in the G6antity of dist6rbed soi. are s6bstantia.
*: ObIe7ti<es for red67in; or e.iminatin; po..6tants in stormDater dis7har;es ha<e not been a7hie<ed
0: ProIe7t re7ei<es a Dritten noti7e or order from the R8@C" or any other re;6.atory a;en7y
A..oD the same re<ieD time for amendments to the 8PCP as for the ori;ina. 8PCP:
Not !sed
ana;e Dork a7ti<ities in a Day that red67es the dis7har;e of po..6tants to s6rfa7e Daters) ;ro6ndDater)
and separate m6ni7ipa. storm seDer systems:
onitor and inspe7t Dater po..6tion 7ontro. pra7ti7es at the Iob site:
Notify the En;ineer Dithin 0 ho6rs Dhene<er any of the fo..oDin; o776rs:
#: &o6 identify dis7har;es into re7ei<in; Daters or draina;e systems that are 7a6sin; or 7o6.d 7a6se
Dater po..6tion
2: &o6 re7ei<e a Dritten noti7e or order for the proIe7t from the R8@C" or any other re;6.atory a;en7y
Contin6e 8PCP imp.ementation d6rin; any s6spension of Dork a7ti<ities:
&o6 are responsib.e for de.ays and yo6 m6st pay a.. 7osts asso7iated Dith s6bmittin; a S8PPP d6e to
yo6r a7tions that res6.t in one of the fo..oDin;:
#: # or more a7res of soi. dist6rban7e on proIe7ts Ditho6t an Erosi<ity 8ai<er
2: ore than * a7res of soi. dist6rban7e on proIe7ts Dith an Erosi<ity 8ai<er
-: Fai.6re to 7omp.y Dith the s7hed6.e for soi. dist6rbin; a7ti<ities for proIe7ts Dith an Erosi<ity 8ai<er if
the de.ays <oid the Erosi<ity 8ai<er
1)-2.0+ PAYMENT
The Department pays yo6 for prepare Dater po..6tion 7ontro. pro;ram as fo..oDs:
#: A tota. of 5* per7ent of the item tota. 6pon a6thoriHation of the 8PCP
2: A tota. of #%% per7ent of the item tota. 6pon Contra7t a77eptan7e
1)-).01 GENERAL
1)-).01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion #-,- in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for de<e.opin; and imp.ementin; a S8PPP for proIe7ts Dhere soi.
dist6rban7e from Dork a7ti<ities Di.. be # or more a7res:
Prepare storm Dater po..6tion pre<ention in7.6des de<e.opin; and imp.ementin; the S8PPP)
pro<idin; a 8PC mana;er) 7ond67tin; Dater po..6tion 7ontro. trainin;) and monitorin;) inspe7tin;) and
7orre7tin; Dater po..6tion 7ontro. pra7ti7es:
&o6 may assi;n a @SD other than the 8PC mana;er to de<e.op the S8PPP:
Dis7har;es of stormDater from the proIe7t m6st 7omp.y Dith NPDES =enera. Permit for Storm Water
Discharges -ssociated 7ith Construction and *and Distur)ance -ctivities 0Order No4 ?::<$:::<$DW52
NPD%S No4 C-S:::::?1 referred to herein as EPermit:E
8hene<er a G6a.ifyin; rain e<ent prod67es r6noff for a risk .e<e. 2 or risk .e<e. - proIe7t); and
ana.ysis Dork m6st 7omp.y Dith the proIe7tFs CSP:
A storm Dater ann6a. report m6st 7o<er the pre7edin; period from C6.y #st to C6ne -%th:
1)-).01B S".m#//%&
1)-).01BB1C Ge'er%&
1)-).01BB2C S/0rm A%/er P0&&"/#0' Pre$e'/#0' P&%'
1)-).01BB2CB%C Ge'er%&
8ithin 2% days of Contra7t appro<a.:
#: S6bmit - 7opies of yo6r S8PPP for re<ieD: A..oD 2% days for the DepartmentFs re<ieD: The En;ineer
pro<ides 7omments and spe7ifies the date Dhen the re<ieD stopped if re<isions are reG6ired:
2: Chan;e and res6bmit a re<ised S8PPP Dithin #* days of re7ei<in; the En;ineerFs 7omments: The
DepartmentFs re<ieD res6mes Dhen a 7omp.ete S8PPP has been res6bmitted:
-: 8hen the En;ineer a6thoriHes the S8PPP) s6bmit an e.e7troni7 7opy and 4 printed 7opies of the
a6thoriHed S8PPP:
4: If the R8@C" reG6ires re<ieD of the a6thoriHed S8PPP) the En;ineer s6bmits the a6thoriHed
S8PPP to the R8@C" for its re<ieD and 7omment:
*: If the En;ineer reG6ests 7han;es to the S8PPP based on the R8@C"Fs 7omments) amend the
S8PPP Dithin #% days:
The S8PPP m6st 7omp.y Dith the DepartmentFs Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan 0SWPPP1 and
Water Pollution Control Plan 0WPCP1 Preparation Manual: In7.6de the fo..oDin; in the S8PPP:
#: Des7ription of the Dork in<o.<ed in the insta..ation) maintenan7e) repair) and remo<a. of temporary
and permanent Dater po..6tion 7ontro. pra7ti7es:
2: aps shoDin;:
2:#: Lo7ations of dist6rbed soi. areas
2:2: 8ater bodies and 7on<eyan7es
2:-: Lo7ations and types of Dater po..6tion 7ontro. pra7ti7es that Di.. be 6sed for ea7h Contra7tor,
s6pport fa7i.ity:
2:4: Lo7ations and types of temporary Dater po..6tion 7ontro. pra7ti7es that Di.. be 6sed in the Dork
for ea7h 7onstr67tion phase
2:*: Lo7ations and types of Dater po..6tion 7ontro. pra7ti7es that Di.. be insta..ed permanent.y 6nder
the Contra7t
2:0: Po..6tant; .o7ations
2:5: Lo7ations p.anned for stora;e and 6se of potentia. non<isib.e po..6tants
2:+: Re7ei<in; Dater; .o7ations
-: CSP
4: Copy of permits obtained by the Department) in7.6din; Fish N =ame permits) !S Army Corps of
En;ineers permits) R8@C" 4%# 7ertifi7ations) aeria..y deposited .ead <arian7e from the Department
of To3i7 S6bstan7e Contro.) aeria..y deposited .ead <arian7e notifi7ation) and R8@C" Daste
dis7har;e reG6irements for aeria..y deposited .ead re6se:
In7.6de the fo..oDin; items in the S8PPP:
#: For a.. proIe7ts:
#:#: S7hed6.e
#:2: CSP
2: For risk .e<e. 2 proIe7ts add:
2:#: Adheren7e to eff.6ent standards for NALs
2:2: REAP
-: For risk .e<e. - proIe7ts add:
-:#: Adheren7e to eff.6ent standards for NALs and NELs
-:2: REAP
The S8PPP s7hed6.e m6st shoD Dhen:
#: 8ork a7ti<ities Di.. be performed that 7o6.d 7a6se the dis7har;e of po..6tants into stormDater
2: 8ater po..6tion 7ontro. pra7ti7es asso7iated Dith ea7h 7onstr67tion phase Di.. be imp.emented
-: Soi. stabi.iHation and sediment 7ontro. pra7ti7es for dist6rbed soi. areas Di.. be imp.emented
Amend and res6bmit the S8PPP:
#: Ann6a..y before C6.y #*th
2: 8hene<er:
2:#: Chan;es in Dork a7ti<ities 7o6.d affe7t the dis7har;e of po..6tants
2:2: 8ater po..6tion 7ontro. pra7ti7es are added by 7han;e order Dork
2:-: 8ater po..6tion 7ontro. pra7ti7es are added at yo6r dis7retion
2:4: Chan;es in the G6antity of dist6rbed soi. are s6bstantia.
2:*: ObIe7ti<es for red67in; or e.iminatin; po..6tants in stormDater dis7har;es ha<e not been
2:0: &o6 re7ei<e a Dritten noti7e of a permit <io.ation for the proIe7t from the R8@C" or any other
re;6.atory a;en7y
A..oD the same re<ieD time for amendments to the S8PPP as for the ori;ina. S8PPP:
1)-).01BB2CB.C C0'/r"(/#0' S#/e M0'#/0r#'8 Pr08r%m
A @SD m6st prepare the CSP: Chan;e the pro;ram to ref.e7t 76rrent Iob site a7ti<ities as needed: The
CSP m6st in7.6de the fo..oDin;:
#: For a.. proIe7ts:
#:#: (is6a. monitorin; pro7ed6res
#:2: SAP for non<isib.e po..6tants
#:-: SAP for nonstormDater dis7har;es
#:4: SAP for monitorin; reG6ired by R8@C"
2: For risk .e<e. 2 proIe7ts add:
2:#: SAP for p? and t6rbidity
-: For risk .e<e. - proIe7ts add:
-:#: SAP for p? and t6rbidity
-:2: SAP for temporary a7ti<e treatment systems
1)-).01BB2CB(C S%m6&#'8 %'1 A'%&3# P&%'
The SAP m6st 7omp.y Dith the DepartmentFs Construction Site Monitoring Program 0CSMP1 &uidance
Des7ribe the fo..oDin; Dater G6a.ity; pro7ed6res in the SAP:
#:; eG6ipment
2: Samp.e preparation
-: Co..e7tion
4: Fie.d meas6rement methods
*: Ana.yti7a. methods
0: @6a.ity ass6ran7e and G6a.ity 7ontro.
5: Samp.e preser<ation and;
+: Co..e7tion do76mentation
$: Samp.e shippin;
#%: Chain of 76stody
##: Data mana;ement and reportin;
#2: Pre7a6tions from the 7onstr67tion site and safety
#-: Laboratory se.e7tion and 7ertifi7ations
The SAP m6st identify the State,7ertified .aboratory) samp.e 7ontainers) preser<ation reG6irements)
ho.din; times) and ana.yti7a. method: For a .ist of State,7ertified .aboratories ;o to the CDP? 8eb site:
In7.6de pro7ed6res for samp.e 7o..e7tion d6rin; pre7ipitation:
List 7onditions Dhen yo6 Di.. not be reG6ired to physi7a..y 7o..e7t s67h as:
#: Dan;ero6s Deather
2: F.oodin; or e.e7tri7a. storms
-: Times o6tside of norma. Dorkin; ho6rs
Amend the SAP Dhene<er dis7har;es or; .o7ations 7han;e be7a6se of 7han;ed Dork a7ti<ities
or knoD.ed;e of site 7onditions:
In7.6de pro7ed6res for 7o..e7tin; and ana.yHin; at .east - for ea7h day of ea7h G6a.ifyin; rain
e<ent for a risk .e<e. 2 or risk .e<e. - proIe7t: Des7ribe the 7o..e7tion of eff.6ent at a.. .o7ations
Dhere the stormDater is dis7har;ed off,site:
1)-).01BB2CB1C S%m6&#'8 %'1 A'%&3# P&%' 40r N0'$##.&e P0&&"/%'/
The SAP for non<isib.e po..6tants m6st des7ribe the; and ana.ysis strate;y for monitorin;
non<isib.e po..6tants:
The SAP for non<isib.e po..6tants m6st identify potentia. non<isib.e po..6tants present at the Iob site
asso7iated Dith any of the fo..oDin;:
#: Constr67tion materia.s and Dastes
2: E3istin; 7ontamination d6e to histori7a. site 6sa;e
-: App.i7ation of soi. amendments) in7.6din; soi. stabi.iHation materia.s) Dith the potentia. to 7han;e p?
or 7ontrib6te to3i7 po..6tants to stormDater
The SAP for non<isib.e po..6tants m6st in7.6de; pro7ed6res for the fo..oDin; 7onditions Dhen
obser<ed d6rin; a stormDater <is6a. inspe7tion: In7.6de a pro7ed6re for 7o..e7tin; at .east # samp.e for
ea7h storm e<ent for:
#: ateria.s or Dastes 7ontainin; potentia. non<isib.e po..6tants not stored 6nder Daterti;ht 7onditions
2: ateria.s or Dastes 7ontainin; potentia. non<isib.e po..6tants stored 6nder Daterti;ht 7onditions at
.o7ations Dhere a brea7h) .eak) ma.f6n7tion) or spi.. o776rred and Das not 7.eaned 6p before the
-: Chemi7a. app.i7ations o776rrin; Dithin 24 ho6rs before pre7ipitation or d6rin; pre7ipitation that 7o6.d
dis7har;e po..6tants to s6rfa7e Daters or draina;e systems) in7.6din; ferti.iHer) pesti7ide) herbi7ide)
methy. metha7ry.ate 7on7rete sea.ant) or nonpi;mented 76rin; 7ompo6nd
4: App.ied soi. amendments) in7.6din; soi. stabi.iHation materia.s that 7o6.d 7han;e p? .e<e.s or
7ontrib6te to3i7 po..6tants to stormDater r6noff and dis7har;e po..6tants to s6rfa7e Daters or draina;e
systems) 6n.ess independent test data is a<ai.ab.e to indi7ate a77eptab.e 7on7entrations of non<isib.e
po..6tants in the materia.
*: StormDater r6noff from an area 7ontaminated by histori7a. 6sa;e of the site that 7o6.d dis7har;e
po..6tants to s6rfa7e Daters or draina;e systems
The SAP for non<isib.e po..6tants m6st pro<ide; pro7ed6res and a s7hed6.e for:
#: Samp.e 7o..e7tion d6rin; the first 2 ho6rs of rain e<ents that ;enerate r6noff
2: Samp.e 7o..e7tion d6rin; norma. Dorkin; ho6rs
-: Ea7h non<isib.e po..6tant so6r7e
4: !n7ontaminated 7ontro. samp.e
The SAP for non<isib.e po..6tants m6st identify .o7ations for; doDnstream and 7ontro.
and the reasons for se.e7tin; those .o7ations: Se.e7t .o7ations for 7ontro. Dhere the samp.e does
not 7ome in 7onta7t Dith materia.s) Dastes) or areas asso7iated Dith potentia. non<isib.e po..6tants or
dist6rbed soi. areas:
1)-).01BB2CBeC*1)-).01BB2CB8C Reer$e1
1)-).01BB)C A''"%& Cer/#4#(%/#0'
S6bmit an ann6a. 7ertifi7ation of 7omp.ian7e as des7ribed in the DepartmentFs Storm Water Pollution
Prevention Plan 0SWPPP1 and Water Pollution Control Plan 0WPCP1 Preparation Manual before C6.y #*th
of ea7h year:
1)-).01BB+C S#/e I'6e(/#0' Re60r/
The 8PC mana;er m6st s6bmit the fo..oDin; informationa. s6bmitta.s Dithin 24 ho6rs of 7omp.etin; a
Deek.y inspe7tion:
#: Comp.eted Storm7ater Site "nspection !eport form:
2: "P stat6s report: The 8PC mana;er m6st o<ersee the preparation of the report: The report m6st
2:#: Lo7ation and G6antity of insta..ed Dater po..6tion 7ontro. pra7ti7es
2:2: Lo7ation and G6antity of dist6rbed soi. for a7ti<e and ina7ti<e areas
1)-).01BB,C V#"%& M0'#/0r#'8 Re60r/
S6bmit <is6a. monitorin; reports for:
#: Ea7h storm e<ent: In7.6de:
#:#: Date) time) and rain ;a6;e readin;
#:2: (is6a. obser<ations:
#:2:#: 8ithin 2 b6siness days before the storm for:
#:2:#:#: Spi..s) .eaks) or 6n7ontro..ed po..6tants in draina;e areas
#:2:#:2: Proper imp.ementation of Dater po..6tion 7ontro. pra7ti7es
#:2:#:-: Leaks and adeG6ate freeboard in stora;e areas
#:2:2: E<ery 24 ho6rs d6rin; the storm e<ent for:
#:2:2:#: Effe7ti<e operation of Dater po..6tion 7ontro. pra7ti7es
#:2:2:2: 8ater po..6tion 7ontro. pra7ti7es needin; maintenan7e and repair
#:2:-: 8ithin 2 b6siness days after the G6a.ifyin; rain e<ent for:
#:2:-:#: StormDater dis7har;e .o7ations
#:2:-:2: E<a.6ation of desi;n) imp.ementation) effe7ti<eness) and .o7ations of Dater
po..6tion 7ontro. pra7ti7es in7.6din; .o7ations Dhere additiona. Dater
po..6tion 7ontro. pra7ti7es may be needed
2: NonstormDater dis7har;es d6rin; ea7h of the fo..oDin; periods:
2:#: Can6ary thro6;h ar7h
2:2: Apri. thro6;h C6ne
2:-: C6.y thro6;h September
2:4: O7tober thro6;h De7ember
!se the Storm7ater Site "nspection !eport form to do76ment <is6a. monitorin;: A <is6a. monitorin; report
m6st in7.6de:
#: Name of personne. performin; the inspe7tion) inspe7tion date) and date the inspe7tion report is
2: Storm and Deather 7onditions
-: Lo7ation of any:
-:#: F.oatin; and s6spended materia.) sheen on the s6rfa7e) dis7o.oration) t6rbidity) odor) and
so6r7e of obser<ed po..6tants for f.oDin; and 7ontained stormDater systems
-:2: NonstormDater dis7har;es and their so6r7es
4: Corre7ti<e a7tion taken
Retain <is6a. monitorin; reports at the Iob site as part of the S8PPP:
1)-).01BB-C S%m6&#'8 %'1 A'%&3# D%3
1)-).01BB-CB%C Ge'er%&
S6bmit a printed 7opy and e.e7troni7 7opy of Dater G6a.ity ana.ysis res6.ts) and G6a.ity ass6ran7e and
G6a.ity 7ontro. reports Dithin 4+ ho6rs of fie.d;) and Dithin -% days of .aboratory ana.ysis:
E.e7troni7 7opies m6st be in one of the fo..oDin; formats: /#1 3.s) /21 :t3t) /-1 :7<s) /41 :dbs) or /*1 :mdb:
In7.6de an e<a.6ation of Dhether the doDnstream shoD .e<e.s of the tested parameter that are
hi;her than the 7ontro. samp.e: The e<a.6ation m6st in7.6de:
#: Samp.e identifi7ation n6mber
2: Contra7t n6mber
-: Constit6ent
4: Reported <a.6e
*: Ana.yti7a. method
0: ethod dete7tion .imit
5: Reported .imit
1)-).01BB-CB.C N"mer#( A(/#0' Le$e& E<(ee1%'(e Re60r/
8hene<er a NAL is e37eeded) notify the En;ineer and s6bmit a NAL e37eedan7e report Dithin 4+ ho6rs
after 7on7.6sion of a storm e<ent: The report m6st in7.6de:
#: Fie.d; res6.ts and inspe7tions) in7.6din;:
#:#: Ana.yti7a. methods) reportin; 6nits) and dete7tion .imits
#:2: Date) .o7ation) time of;) <is6a. obser<ations) and meas6rements
#:-: @6antity of pre7ipitation from the storm e<ent
2: Des7ription of "Ps and 7orre7ti<e a7tions taken to mana;e NAL e37eedan7e
1)-).01BB-CB(C N"mer#( E44&"e'/ L#m#/ V#0&%/#0' Re60r/
8hene<er a NEL is e37eeded) notify the En;ineer and s6bmit a NEL <io.ation report Dithin 0 ho6rs: The
report m6st in7.6de:
#: Fie.d; res6.ts and inspe7tions) in7.6din;:
#:#: Ana.yti7a. methods) reportin; 6nits) and dete7tion .imits
#:2: Date) .o7ation) time of;) <is6a. obser<ation and meas6rements
#:-: @6antity of pre7ipitation from the storm e<ent
2: Des7ription of "Ps and 7orre7ti<e a7tions taken to mana;e NEL e37eedan7e
1)-).01BB-CB1C*1)-).01BB-CB4C Reer$e1
1)-).01BB2C R%#' E$e'/ A(/#0' P&%'
For a risk .e<e. 2 or risk .e<e. - proIe7t) s6bmit a REAP Dhene<er the Nationa. 8eather Ser<i7e is
predi7tin; a storm e<ent Dith at .east *% per7ent probabi.ity of pre7ipitation Dithin 52 ho6rs:
The 8PC mana;er m6st s6bmit the REAP at .east 4+ ho6rs before a fore7asted storm e<ent:
The REAP m6st in7.6de:
#: Site .o7ation
2: ProIe7t risk .e<e.
-: Conta7t information in7.6din; 24,ho6r emer;en7y phone n6mbers for:
-:#: 8PC mana;er
-:2: Erosion and sediment 7ontro. pro<iders or s6b7ontra7tors
-:-: StormDater; pro<iders or s6b7ontra7tors
4: Storm information
*: Des7ription of:
*:#: Constr67tion phase) in7.6din; a7ti<e and ina7ti<e areas
*:2: A7ti<e Dork areas and a7ti<ities
*:-: S6b7ontra7tors and trades on the Iob site
*:4: Prestorm a7ti<ities in7.6din;:
*:4:#: Responsibi.ities of the 8PC mana;er
*:4:2: Responsibi.ities of the 7reD and 7reD siHe
*:4:-: Stabi.iHation for a7ti<e and ina7ti<e dist6rbed soi. areas
*:4:4: Sto7kpi.e mana;ement
*:4:*: Corre7ti<e a7tions taken for defi7ien7ies identified d6rin; prestorm <is6a. inspe7tions
*:*: A7ti<ities to be performed d6rin; storm e<ents) in7.6din;:
*:*:#: Responsibi.ities of the 8PC mana;er
*:*:2: Responsibi.ities of the 7reD and 7reD siHe
*:*:-: "Ps for maintenan7e and repair
0: F.ood 7ontin;en7y meas6res
1)-).01BB>C S/0rm A%/er A''"%& Re60r/
S6bmit the storm Dater ann6a. report before C6.y #*th if 7onstr67tion o776rs from C6.y #st thro6;h C6ne
-%th or Dithin #* days after Contra7t a77eptan7e if 7onstr67tion ends before C6ne -%th: S6bmit 2 7opies
of the report: A..oD #% days for the En;ineerFs re<ieD: The En;ineer pro<ides 7omments and spe7ifies the
date Dhen the re<ieD stopped if re<isions are reG6ired:
Obtain a6thoriHation for the format of the storm Dater ann6a. report: The report m6st in7.6de:
#: ProIe7t information s67h as des7ription and Dork .o7ations
2: StormDater monitorin; information) in7.6din;:
2:#: S6mmary and e<a.6ation of; and ana.ysis res6.ts and .aboratory reports
2:2: Ana.yti7a. methods) reportin; 6nits) and dete7tions .imits for ana.yti7a. parameters
2:-: S6mmary of 7orre7ti<e a7tions taken
2:4: Identifi7ation of 7orre7ti<e a7tions taken and 7omp.ian7e a7ti<ities not imp.emented
2:*: S6mmary of <io.ations
2:0: Names of indi<id6a.s performin; stormDater inspe7tions and;
2:5: Lo;isti7a. information for inspe7tions and;) in7.6din; .o7ation) date) time) and
2:+: (is6a. obser<ations and samp.e 7o..e7tion re7ords
-: Do76mentation of trainin; for indi<id6a.s responsib.e for:
-:#: Permit 7omp.ian7e
-:2: "P insta..ation) inspe7tion) maintenan7e) and repair
-:-: Preparin;) re<isin;) and amendin; the S8PPP
S6bmit a re<ised report Dithin * b6siness days of re7ei<in; the En;ineerFs 7omments: The En;ineerFs
re<ieD res6mes Dhen a 7omp.ete report has been res6bmitted:
8hen the storm Dater ann6a. report is a6thoriHed) s6bmit # e.e7troni7 7opy and 2 printed 7opies of the
report si;ned by the 8PC mana;er:
1)-).01BB?C*1)-).01BB11C Reer$e1
1)-).01C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
1)-).01CB1C Ge'er%&
Assi;n trained personne. to 7o..e7t Dater G6a.ity Do76ment the personne. and trainin; in the
SAP: taken by assi;ned fie.d personne. m6st 7omp.y Dith the eG6ipment man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions
for 7o..e7tion) ana.yti7a. methods) and eG6ipment 7a.ibration: taken for .aboratory ana.ysis m6st 7omp.y Dith Dater G6a.ity; pro7ed6res and be
ana.yHed by a State,7ertified .aboratory 6nder 4% CFR part #-0) &uidelines %sta)lishing Test Procedures
for the -nalsis of Pollutants:
8hene<er doDnstream shoD in7reased .e<e.s of po..6tants) assess Dater po..6tion 7ontro.
pra7ti7es) site 7onditions) and s6rro6ndin; inf.6en7es to determine the probab.e 7a6se for the in7rease:
For a risk .e<e. 2 or risk .e<e. - proIe7t) obtain of p? and t6rbidity as shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Parameter Test method Dete7tion
.imit /min1
T6rbidity Fie.d test Dith
7a.ibrated portab.e
# NT!
p? Fie.d test Dith
7a.ibrated portab.e
%:2 p? 6nits
For a risk .e<e. - proIe7t) obtain and ana.yHe the s6spended sediment 7on7entration Dhene<er
the t6rbidity NEL is e37eeded as shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Parameter Test method Dete7tion
.imit /min1
S6spended sediment 7on7entration AST D -$55 * ;9L
For a risk .e<e. - proIe7t) obtain of p? and t6rbidity from representati<e and a77essib.e .o7ations
6pstream of the dis7har;e point and doDnstream of the dis7har;e point:
For m6.tip.e dis7har;e points) obtain from a sin;.e 6pstream and a sin;.e doDnstream .o7ation:
1)-).01CB2C N"mer#( A(/#0' Le$e&
For a risk .e<e. 2 or risk .e<e. - proIe7t) NALs m6st 7omp.y Dith the <a.6es shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
N"mer#( A(/#0' Le$e&
Parameter Test method Dete7tion
.imit /min1
!nit (a.6e
p? Fie.d test
%:2 p? LoDer NAL T 0:*
!pper NAL T +:*
T6rbidity Fie.d test
# NT! 2*% NT! ma3
1)-).01CB)C N"mer#( E44&"e'/ L#m#/
For a risk .e<e. - proIe7t) NELs m6st 7omp.y Dith the <a.6es shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
N"mer#( E44&"e'/ L#m#/
Parameter Test method Dete7tion
.imit /min1
!nit (a.6e
p? Fie.d test Dith
%:2 p? LoDer NEL T 0:%
!pper NEL T $:%
T6rbidity Fie.d test Dith
# NT! *%% NT! ma3
The storm e<ent dai.y a<era;e for storms 6p to the *,year) 24,ho6r storm m6st not e37eed the NEL for
The dai.y a<era;e; res6.ts m6st not e37eed the NEL for p?:
1)-).01CB+C*1)-).01CB-C Reer$e1
Not !sed
1)-).0)A Ge'er%&
Obtain) insta..) and maintain a rain ;a6;e at the Iob site: Obser<e and re7ord dai.y pre7ipitation:
Comp.ete REAP a7ti<ities) in7.6din; 7reD mobi.iHation) Dithin 24 ho6rs before pre7ipitation o776rs:
Contin6e S8PPP imp.ementation d6rin; any s6spension of Dork a7ti<ities:
&o6 may reG6est or the En;ineer may order .aboratory ana.ysis of stormDater If ordered)
.aboratory ana.ysis of stormDater is 7han;e order Dork:
The Department does not pay for the preparation) 7o..e7tion) .aboratory ana.ysis) and reportin; of
stormDater for non<isib.e po..6tants if Dater po..6tion 7ontro. pra7ti7es are not imp.emented
before pre7ipitation or if yo6 fai. to 7orre7t a Dater po..6tion 7ontro. pra7ti7e before pre7ipitation:
1)-).0)B R%#' E$e'/ A(/#0' P&%'
?a<e the REAP at the Iob site at .east 24 ho6rs before a fore7asted storm e<ent: The 8PC mana;er
m6st s6bmit the REAP on the fo..oDin; forms:
#: !ain %vent -ction Plan #igh7a Construction Phase
2: !ain %vent -ction Plan Plant %sta)lishment Phase
-: !ain %vent -ction Plan 'or "nactive Pro.ect
Retain a printed 7opy of ea7h REAP at the Iob site as part of the S8PPP:
Imp.ement the REAP) in7.6din; mobi.iHin; 7reDs to 7omp.ete a7ti<ities) Dithin 24 ho6rs before
pre7ipitation o776rs:
1)-).0)C S%m6&#'8 %'1 A'%&3# D%3
For a risk .e<e. 2 or risk .e<e. - proIe7t) 7o..e7t
#: D6rin; a storm e<ent for:
#:#: Ea7h non<isib.e po..6tant so6r7e and a 7orrespondin; 6n7ontaminated 7ontro. samp.e
#:2: A.. .o7ations identified on the Storm %vent Sampling and -nalses Plan form
2: D6rin; a G6a.ifyin; rain e<ent for:
2:#: Ea7h non<isib.e po..6tant so6r7e and a 7orrespondin; 6n7ontaminated 7ontro. samp.e
2:2: T6rbidity) p?) and other 7onstit6ents as reG6ired
2:-: At .east - for ea7h day of a G6a.ifyin; rain e<ent
2:4: A.. .o7ations identified on the 5ualifing !ain %vent Sampling and -nalses Plan form
Perform samp.e 7o..e7tion d6rin;:
#: Norma. Dorkin; ho6rs
2: Ea7h G6a.ifyin; rain e<ent
-: First 2 ho6rs of ea7h storm e<ent
Co..e7t re7ei<in;,Dater for a risk .e<e. - proIe7t and Dhene<er a dire7t dis7har;e to re7ei<in;
Daters o776rs and NELs are <io.ated:
Do not physi7a..y 7o..e7t d6rin; dan;ero6s Deather 7onditions) s67h as f.oodin; or e.e7tri7a.
8hene<er doDnstream shoD in7reased .e<e.s of t6rbidity) p?) and other 7onstit6ents) assess
Dater po..6tion 7ontro. pra7ti7es) site 7onditions) and s6rro6ndin; inf.6en7es to determine the probab.e
7a6se for the in7rease:
Do76ment samp.e 7o..e7tion d6rin; pre7ipitation:
Retain do76mentation of Dater G6a.ity; and ana.ysis res6.ts Dith the S8PPP at the Iob site:
1)-).0)D S/0rm A%/er A''"%& Re60r/
Do76ment and s6mmariHe monitorin;); and ana.ysis res6.ts) .aboratory reports) and trainin;:
1)-).0)E*1)-).0)G Reer$e1
1)-).0+ PAYMENT
For proIe7ts Dith 0% Dorkin; days or .ess) the Department pays yo6 for prepare stormDater po..6tion
pre<ention as fo..oDs:
#: A tota. of 5* per7ent of the item tota. 6pon a6thoriHation of the S8PPP
2: A tota. of #%% per7ent of the item tota. 6pon Contra7t a77eptan7e
For proIe7ts Dith more than 0% Dorkin; days) the Department pays yo6 for prepare stormDater po..6tion
pre<ention as fo..oDs:
#: A tota. of *% per7ent of the item tota. 6pon a6thoriHation of the S8PPP
2: A tota. of $% per7ent of the item tota. o<er the .ife of the Contra7t
-: A tota. of #%% per7ent of the item tota. 6pon Contra7t a77eptan7e
The Department pays O*%% for ea7h rain e<ent a7tion s6bmitted:
The Department does not adI6st the 6nit pri7e for an in7rease or de7rease in the rain e<ent a7tion
The Department does not adI6st the 6nit pri7e for an in7rease or de7rease in the storm Dater;
and ana.ysis day G6antity:
The Department pays O2)%%% for ea7h storm Dater ann6a. report s6bmitted:
The Department does not adI6st the 6nit pri7e for an in7rease or de7rease in the storm Dater ann6a.
report G6antity:
For ea7h fai.6re to s6bmit a 7omp.eted storm Dater ann6a. report) the Department Dithho.ds O#%)%%%:
This Dithho.d is in addition to other performan7e fai.6re Dithho.ds:
1)-+.01 GENERAL
1)-+.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion #-,4 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for performin; Iob site mana;ement) in7.6din; spi.. pre<ention and
7ontro.) materia. mana;ement) Daste mana;ement) nonstormDater mana;ement) and deDaterin;
Imp.ement effe7ti<e;) stora;e) 6sa;e) and disposa. pra7ti7es to 7ontro. materia. po..6tion and
mana;e Daste and nonstormDater at the Iob site before they 7ome in 7onta7t Dith storm drain systems
and re7ei<in; Daters:
Linear sediment barriers m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion #-,#%:
1)-+.01B S".m#//%&
"efore yo6 start deDaterin;) s6bmit a deDaterin; and dis7har;e Dork The deDaterin; and
dis7har;e Dork m6st in7.6de:
#: Tit.e sheet and tab.e of 7ontents
2: Des7ription of deDaterin; and dis7har;e a7ti<ities; .o7ations) G6antity of Dater) eG6ipment)
and dis7har;e point
-: Estimated s7hed6.e for deDaterin; and dis7har;e start and end dates of intermittent and 7ontin6o6s
4: Dis7har;e a.ternati<es) s67h as d6st 7ontro. or per7o.ation
*: (is6a. monitorin; pro7ed6res Dith inspe7tion .o;
0: Copy of Dritten appro<a. to dis7har;e into a sanitary seDer system at .east * b6siness days before
startin; dis7har;e a7ti<ities
S6bmit the fo..oDin; informationa. s6bmitta.s:
#: SDS at .east * b6siness days before materia. is 6sed or stored
2: onth.y in<entory re7ords for materia. 6sed or stored
S6bmit Dritten appro<a. from the .o7a. a;en7y) 7ity) 7o6nty) and seDer distri7t before dis7har;in;
from a sanitary or septi7 system dire7t.y into a sanitary seDer system:
Not !sed
1)-+.0)A Ge'er%&
1)-+.0)B S6#&& Pre$e'/#0' %'1 C0'/r0&
'eep materia. or Daste stora;e areas 7.ean) De.. or;aniHed) and eG6ipped Dith eno6;h 7.ean6p s6pp.ies
for the materia. bein; stored:
Imp.ement spi.. and .eak pre<ention pro7ed6res for 7hemi7a.s and haHardo6s s6bstan7es stored on the
Iob site: 8hene<er yo6 spi.. or .eak 7hemi7a.s or haHardo6s s6bstan7es at the Iob site) yo6 are
responsib.e for a.. asso7iated 7.ean6p 7osts and re.ated .iabi.ity:
Report minor) semisi;nifi7ant) and si;nifi7ant or haHardo6s spi..s to the 8PC mana;er: The 8PC
mana;er m6st notify the En;ineer immediate.y:
As soon as it is safe) 7ontain and 7.ean 6p spi..s of petro.e6m materia.s and sanitary and septi7 Daste
s6bstan7es .isted 6nder 4% CFR) parts ##%) ##5) and -%2: Comp.y Dith se7tion #4,## Dhene<er spi..s or
.eaks prod67e haHardo6s Daste:
1)-+.0)BB1C M#'0r S6#&&
inor spi..s 7onsist of G6antities of oi.) ;aso.ine) paint) or other materia.s that are sma.. eno6;h to be
7ontro..ed by a first responder 6pon dis7o<ery of the spi..:
C.ean 6p a minor spi.. 6sin; the fo..oDin; pro7ed6res:
#: Contain the spread of the spi..
2: Re7o<er the spi..ed materia. 6sin; absorption
-: C.ean the 7ontaminated area
4: Dispose of the 7ontaminated materia. and absorbents prompt.y and proper.y
1)-+.0)BB2C Sem##8'#4#(%'/ S6#&&
Semisi;nifi7ant spi..s 7onsist of spi..s that 7an be 7ontro..ed by a first responder Dith he.p from other
C.ean 6p a semisi;nifi7ant spi.. immediate.y 6sin; the fo..oDin; pro7ed6res:
#: Contain the spread of the spi..:
2: On pa<ed or imper<io6s s6rfa7es) en7ir7.e and re7o<er the spi..ed materia. Dith absorbent materia.s:
Do not a..oD the spi.. to spread Dide.y:
-: If the spi.. o776rs on soi.) 7ontain the spi.. by 7onstr67tin; an earthen dike and di; 6p the
7ontaminated soi. for disposa.:
4: If the spi.. o776rs d6rin; pre7ipitation) 7o<er the spi.. Dith #%,mi. p.asti7 sheetin; or other materia. to
pre<ent 7ontamination of r6noff:
*: Dispose of the 7ontaminated materia. prompt.y and proper.y:
1)-+.0)BB)C S#8'#4#(%'/ 0r H%9%r10" S6#&&
Si;nifi7ant or haHardo6s spi..s 7onsist of spi..s that 7annot be 7ontro..ed by Iob site personne.:
Immediate.y notify G6a.ified personne. of a si;nifi7ant or haHardo6s spi..: Take the fo..oDin; steps:
#: Do not attempt to 7.ean 6p the spi.. 6nti. G6a.ified personne. ha<e arri<ed
2: Notify the En;ineer and fo..oD 6p Dith a report
-: Obtain the immediate ser<i7es of a spi.. 7ontra7tor or haHardo6s materia. team
4: Notify .o7a. emer;en7y response teams by; $## and 7o6nty offi7ia.s by 6sin; the emer;en7y
phone n6mbers retained at the Iob site
*: Notify the Ca.ifornia Emer;en7y ana;ement A;en7y State 8arnin; Center at /$#01 +4*,+$##
0: Notify the Nationa. Response Center at /+%%1 424,++%2 re;ardin; spi..s of Federa. reportab.e
G6antities 6nder 4% CFR ##%) ##$) and -%2
5: Notify other a;en7ies as appropriate) in7.6din;:
5:#: Fire Department
5:2: P6b.i7 8orks Department
5:-: Coast =6ard
5:4: ?i;hDay Patro.
5:*: City Po.i7e or Co6nty SheriffFs Department
5:0: Department of To3i7 S6bstan7es
5:5: Ca.ifornia Di<ision of Oi. and =as
5:+: Ca.9OS?A
5:$: Re;iona. 8ater Reso6r7es Contro. "oard
Pre<ent a spi.. from enterin; stormDater r6noff before and d6rin; 7.ean6p a7ti<ities: Do not b6ry or Dash
the spi.. Dith Dater:
1)-+.0)BB+C*1)-+.0)BB-C Reer$e1
1)-+.0)C M%/er#%& M%'%8eme'/
1)-+.0)CB1C Ge'er%&
inimiHe or e.iminate dis7har;e of materia. into the air) storm drain systems) and re7ei<in; Daters Dhi.e
takin; de.i<ery of) 6sin;) or storin; the fo..oDin; materia.s:
#: ?aHardo6s 7hemi7a.s) in7.6din; a7ids) .ime) ;.6es) adhesi<es) paints) so.<ents) and 76rin;
2: Soi. stabi.iHers and binders
-: Ferti.iHers
4: Deter;ents
*: P.aster
0: Petro.e6m materia.s) in7.6din; f6e.) oi.) and ;rease
5: Aspha.t and 7on7rete 7omponents
+: Pesti7ides and herbi7ides
Emp.oyees trained in emer;en7y spi.. 7.ean6p pro7ed6res m6st be present d6rin; the 6n.oadin; of
haHardo6s materia.s or 7hemi7a.s:
!se .ess haHardo6s materia.s if pra7ti7ab.e:
The fo..oDin; a7ti<ities m6st be performed at .east #%% feet from 7on7entrated f.oDs of stormDater)
draina;e 7o6rses) and in.ets if Dithin the f.oodp.ain and at .east *% feet if o6tside the f.oodp.ain) 6n.ess
otherDise a6thoriHed:
#:; materia.s
2: Storin; pi.e,dri<in; eG6ipment and .iG6id Daste 7ontainers
-: 8ashin; < and eG6ipment in o6tside areas
4:; and maintainin; < and eG6ipment
1)-+.0)CB2C M%/er#%& S/0r%8e
If materia.s are stored:
#: Store .iG6ids) petro.e6m materia.s) and s6bstan7es .isted in 4% CFR ##%) ##5) and -%2 and p.a7e
them in se7ondary 7ontainment fa7i.ities as spe7ified by !SDOT for stora;e of haHardo6s materia.s:
2: Se7ondary 7ontainment fa7i.ities m6st be imper<io6s to the materia.s stored there for a minim6m
7onta7t time of 52 ho6rs:
-: Co<er se7ondary 7ontainment fa7i.ities d6rin; nonDorkin; days and Dhene<er pre7ipitation is
fore7asted: Se7ondary 7ontainment fa7i.ities m6st be adeG6ate.y <enti.ated:
4: 'eep se7ondary 7ontainment fa7i.ities free of a776m6.ated rainDater or spi..s: After pre7ipitation) or in
the e<ent of spi..s or .eaks) 7o..e7t a776m6.ated .iG6id and p.a7e it into dr6ms Dithin 24 ho6rs: ?and.e
the .iG6id as haHardo6s Daste 6nder se7tion #4,## 6n.ess testin; 7onfirms that the .iG6id is
*: Do not store in7ompatib.e materia.s) s67h as 7h.orine and ammonia) in the same se7ondary
7ontainment fa7i.ity:
0: Store materia.s in their ori;ina. 7ontainers Dith the ori;ina. materia. .abe.s maintained in .e;ib.e
7ondition: Immediate.y rep.a7e dama;ed or i..e;ib.e .abe.s:
5: Se7ondary 7ontainment fa7i.ities m6st ha<e the 7apa7ity to 7ontain pre7ipitation from a 24,ho6r,.on;)
2*,year storm) p.6s #% per7ent of the a;;re;ate <o.6me of a.. 7ontainers or the entire <o.6me of the
.ar;est 7ontainer Dithin the fa7i.ity) Dhi7he<er is ;reater:
+: Store ba;;ed or bo3ed materia. on pa..ets: Prote7t ba;;ed or bo3ed materia. from Dind and rain
d6rin; nonDorkin; days and Dhene<er pre7ipitation is fore7asted:
$: Pro<ide s6ffi7ient separation betDeen stored 7ontainers to a..oD for spi.. 7.ean6p or emer;en7y
response a77ess: Stora;e areas m6st be kept 7.ean) De.. or;aniHed) and eG6ipped Dith 7.ean6p
s6pp.ies appropriate for the materia.s bein; stored:
#%: Repair or rep.a7e perimeter 7ontro.s) 7ontainment str67t6res) 7o<ers) and .iners as ne7essary: Inspe7t
stora;e areas before and after pre7ipitation and at .east Deek.y d6rin; other times:
1)-+.0)CB)C S/0(;6#&e M%'%8eme'/
inimiHe; of materia.s at the Iob site:
Imp.ement Dater po..6tion 7ontro. pra7ti7es Dithin 52 ho6rs of; materia. or before a fore7asted
storm e<ent) Dhi7he<er o776rs first: If are bein; 6sed) do not a..oD soi.) sediment) or other
debris to enter storm drains) open draina;es) and Dater7o6rses:
A7ti<e and ina7ti<e soi. m6st be:
#: Co<ered Dith soi. stabi.iHation materia. or a temporary 7o<er
2: S6rro6nded Dith a .inear sediment barrier of aspha.t 7on7rete and PCC r6bb.e) ?A) a;;re;ate base) or a;;re;ate s6bbase m6st be:
#: Co<ered Dith a temporary 7o<er
2: S6rro6nded Dith a .inear sediment barrier of press6re,treated Dood m6st be:
#: P.a7ed on pa..ets
2: Co<ered Dith impermeab.e materia. of 7o.d mi3 aspha.t 7on7rete m6st be:
#: P.a7ed on an imper<io6s s6rfa7e
2: Co<ered Dith an impermeab.e materia.
-: Prote7ted from stormDater r6n,on and r6noff
Contro. Dind erosion year ro6nd 6nder se7tion #4,$:%-:
Repair or rep.a7e .inear sediment barriers and 7o<ers as needed to keep them f6n7tionin; proper.y:
8hene<er sediment a776m6.ates to #9- of the .inear sediment barrier hei;ht) remo<e the a776m6.ated
1)-+.0)CB+C*1)-+.0)CB-C Reer$e1
1)-+.0)D A%/e M%'%8eme'/
1)-+.0)DB1C Ge'er%&
ana;e Daste 6nder se7tion #4,#%:
ana;e haHardo6s Daste 6nder se7tion #4,##:
1)-+.0)DB2C P%#'/ A%/e
C.ean Dater,based and oi.,based paint from br6shes or eG6ipment Dithin a 7ontained area in a Day that
does not 7ontaminate soi.) re7ei<in; Daters) or storm drain systems: ?and.e and dispose of the fo..oDin;
as haHardo6s Daste 6nder se7tion #4,##: paints) thinners) so.<ents) resid6es) and s.6d;es that 7annot be
re7y7.ed or re6sed: 8hen thoro6;h.y dry) dispose of the fo..oDin; as Daste 6nder se7tion #4,#%: dry
.ate3 paint) paint 7ans) 6sed br6shes) ra;s) absorbent materia.s) and drop 7.oths:
1)-+.0)DB)C C0'(re/e A%/e
!se pra7ti7es to pre<ent the dis7har;e of aspha.t 7on7rete) PCC) and ?A Daste into storm drain
systems and re7ei<in; Daters:
Co..e7t and dispose of aspha.t 7on7rete) PCC) and ?A Daste at .o7ations Dhere:
#: Con7rete materia.) in7.6din; ;ro6t) is 6sed
2: Con7rete d6st and debris res6.t from demo.ition
-: SaD76ttin;) 7orin;) ;rindin;) ;roo<in;) or hydro,7on7rete demo.ition 7reates a resid6e or s.6rry
4: Con7rete tr67ks or other 7on7rete,7oated eG6ipment is 7.eaned at the Iob site
1)-+.0)DB+C S%'#/%r3 %'1 Se6/#( A%/e
Do not b6ry or dis7har;e DasteDater from a sanitary or septi7 system Dithin the hi;hDay: A sanitary
fa7i.ity dis7har;in; into a sanitary seDer system m6st be proper.y 7onne7ted and free from .eaks: P.a7e a
portab.e sanitary fa7i.ity at .east *% feet aDay from storm drains) re7ei<in; Daters) and f.oD .ines:
Comp.y Dith .o7a. a;en7y pro<isions if 6sin; an on,site disposa. system:
1)-+.0)DB,C L#!"#1 A%/e
!se pra7ti7es that Di.. pre<ent Iob,site .iG6id Daste from enterin; storm drain systems and re7ei<in;
Daters: LiG6id Dastes in7.6de the fo..oDin;:
#:; s.6rries or f.6ids
2: =rease,free and oi.,free DasteDater and rinse Dater
-: Dred;in;s) in7.6din; .iG6id Daste from 7.eanin; draina;e systems
4: LiG6id Daste r6nnin; off a s6rfa7e) in7.6din; Dash or rinse Dater
*: Other nonstormDater .iG6ids not 7o<ered by separate permits
?o.d .iG6id Daste in str67t6ra..y so6nd) .eak,proof 7ontainers) s67h as ro..,off bins or portab.e tanks:
LiG6id Daste 7ontainers m6st be of s6ffi7ient G6antity and <o.6me to pre<ent o<erf.oD) spi..s) and .eaks:
Store 7ontainers at .east *% feet from mo<in; < and eG6ipment:
Remo<e and dispose of deposited so.ids from sediment traps 6nder se7tion #4,#% 6n.ess the En;ineer
a6thoriHes another method:
LiG6id Daste may reG6ire testin; to determine haHardo6s materia. 7ontent before disposa.:
Dispose of; f.6ids and resid6e:
If an a6thoriHed .o7ation is a<ai.ab.e Dithin the Iob site) f.6ids and resid6e e3empt 6nder 2- CA Code of
Re;s M 2*##/;1 may be dried by e<aporation in a .eak,proof 7ontainer: Dispose of the remainin;
Daste 6nder se7tion #4,#%:
1)-+.0)DB-C*1)-+.0)DB>C Reer$e1
1)-+.0)E N0'/0rm:%/er M%'%8eme'/
1)-+.0)EB1C A%/er C0'/r0& %'1 C0'er$%/#0'
ana;e Dater 6sed for Dork a7ti<ities in a Day that Di.. pre<ent erosion and the dis7har;e of po..6tants
into storm drain systems and re7ei<in; Daters: Obtain a6thoriHation before Dashin; anythin; at the Iob
site Dith Dater that 7o6.d dis7har;e into a storm drain system or re7ei<in; Daters: Report dis7har;es
Imp.ement Dater 7onser<ation pra7ti7es if Dater is 6sed at the Iob site: Inspe7t irri;ation areas: AdI6st
Daterin; to pre<ent erosion) e37ess Daterin;) or r6noff: Sh6t off the Dater so6r7e to broken
.ines) sprink.ers) or <a.<es and repair breaks Dithin 24 ho6rs: Re6se Dater from Dater.ine f.6shin; for
.ands7ape irri;ation if pra7ti7ab.e: SDeep and <a766m pa<ed areas: Do not Dash pa<ed areas Dith Dater:
Dire7t r6noff Dater) in7.6din; Dater from Dater .ine repair) from the Iob site to areas Dhere it 7an infi.trate
into the ;ro6nd: Do not a..oD r6noff Dater to enter storm drain systems and re7ei<in; Daters: Do not a..oD
spi..ed Dater to es7ape; areas for Dater tr67ks: Dire7t Dater from off,site so6r7es aro6nd the Iob site
if pra7ti7ab.e: inimiHe the 7onta7t of off,site Dater Dith Iob site Dater:
1)-+.0)EB2C I&&#(#/ C0''e(/#0' %'1 I&&e8%& D#(7%r8e De/e(/#0' %'1 Re60r/#'8
"efore startin; Dork) inspe7t the Iob site and the Iob siteFs perimeter for e<iden7e of i..i7it 7onne7tions)
i..e;a. dis7har;es) and d6mpin;: After startin; Dork) inspe7t the Iob site and perimeter on a dai.y s7hed6.e
for i..i7it 7onne7tions and i..e;a. d6mpin; and dis7har;es:
8hene<er i..e;a. 7onne7tions) dis7har;es) or d6mpin; are dis7o<ered) notify the En;ineer immediate.y:
Do not take f6rther a7tion 6n.ess ordered: Ass6me that 6n.abe.ed or 6nidentifiab.e materia. is haHardo6s:
Look for the fo..oDin; e<iden7e of i..i7it 7onne7tions) i..e;a. dis7har;es) and d6mpin;:
#: Debris or trash
2: Stainin; or dis7o.oration on pa<ement or soi.s
-: P6n;ent odors 7omin; from draina;e systems
4: Dis7o.oration or oi.y sheen on Dater
*: Stains and resid6e in dit7hes) 7hanne.s) or drain bo3es
0: Abnorma. Dater f.oD d6rin; dry Deather
5: E37essi<e sediment deposits
+: Nonstandard draina;e I6n7tion str67t6res
$: "roken 7on7rete or other dist6rban7es at or near I6n7tion str67t6res
1)-+.0)EB)C Ve7#(&e %'1 E!"#6me'/ C&e%'#'8
Limit <ehi7.e and eG6ipment 7.eanin; or Dashin; at the Iob site e37ept Dhat is ne7essary to 7ontro.
<ehi7.e tra7kin; or haHardo6s Daste: Notify the En;ineer before 7.eanin; < and eG6ipment at the
Iob site Dith soap) so.<ents) or steam: Contain and re7y7.e or dispose of res6.tin; Daste 6nder se7tion #4,
## or se7tion #-,4:%-D/*1) Dhi7he<er is app.i7ab.e: Do not 6se diese. to 7.ean < or eG6ipment:
inimiHe the 6se of so.<ents:
C.ean or Dash < and eG6ipment in a str67t6re eG6ipped Dith disposa. fa7i.ities: &o6 may Dash
< in an o6tside area if the area is:
#: Pa<ed Dith aspha.t 7on7rete) ?A) or PCC
2: S6rro6nded by a 7ontainment berm
-: EG6ipped Dith a s6mp to 7o..e7t and dispose of Dash Dater
!se as .itt.e Dater as pra7ti7ab.e Dhene<er Dashin; < and eG6ipment Dith Dater: ?oses m6st be
eG6ipped Dith a positi<e sh6toff <a.<e:
Dis7har;e .iG6id from Dash ra7ks to a; system or to another a6thoriHed system: Remo<e .iG6ids
and sediment as ne7essary:
1)-+.0)EB+C Ve7#(&e %'1 E!"#6me'/ F"e&#'8 %'1 M%#'/e'%'(e
If pra7ti7ab.e) perform maintenan7e on < and eG6ipment off,site:
If; or maintenan7e m6st be done at the Iob site) assi;n a site or sites) and obtain a6thoriHation
before 6sin; them: inimiHe mobi.e; and maintenan7e a7ti<ities:; and maintenan7e
a7ti<ities m6st be performed on .e<e. ;ro6nd in areas prote7ted from stormDater r6n,on and r6noff:
!se 7ontainment berms or dikes aro6nd; and maintenan7e areas: 'eep adeG6ate G6antities of
absorbent spi..,7.ean6p materia. and spi.. kits in the; or maintenan7e area and on; tr67ks:
Dispose of spi..,7.ean6p materia. and kits immediate.y after 6se: !se drip pans or absorbent pads d6rin;; or maintenan7e:
Do not .ea<e; or maintenan7e areas 6nattended d6rin;; and maintenan7e a7ti<ities:; m6st be eG6ipped Dith an a6tomati7 sh6toff 7ontro.: m6st be eG6ipped Dith <apor,
re7o<ery; Dhere reG6ired by the Air @6a.ity ana;ement Distri7t: Se76re in an
6pri;ht position Dhen not in 6se: Do not top off f6e. tanks:
Re7y7.e or proper.y dispose of 6sed batteries and tires:
If .eaks 7annot be repaired immediate.y) remo<e the <ehi7.e or eG6ipment from the Iob site:
1)-+.0)EB,C M%/er#%& %'1 E!"#6me'/ Ue1 O$er A%/er
P.a7e drip pans and absorbent pads 6nder < and eG6ipment 6sed o<er Dater: 'eep an adeG6ate
s6pp.y of spi..,7.ean6p materia. Dith < and eG6ipment: P.a7e drip pans or p.asti7 sheetin; 6nder
< and eG6ipment on do7ks) bar;es) or other s6rfa7es o<er Dater Dhene<er < or eG6ipment
Di.. be id.e for more than # ho6r:
F6rnish Daterti;ht 76rbs or toe boards on bar;es) p.atforms) do7ks) or other s6rfa7es o<er Dater to
7ontain materia.) debris) and too.s: Se76re materia. to pre<ent spi..s or dis7har;e into the Dater d6e to
Report dis7har;es to re7ei<in; Daters immediate.y 6pon dis7o<ery: S6bmit a dis7har;e notifi7ation:
1)-+.0)EB-C S/r"(/"re Rem0$%& O$er 0r A1=%(e'/ /0 A%/er
Do not a..oD demo.ished materia. to enter storm drain systems and re7ei<in; Daters: !se a6thoriHed
7o<ers and p.atforms to 7o..e7t debris: !se atta7hments on eG6ipment to 7at7h debris d6rin; sma..
demo.ition a7ti<ities: Empty debris,7at7hin; de<i7es dai.y and hand.e debris 6nder se7tion #-,4:%-D:
1)-+.0)EB2C P%$#'8, Se%&#'8, S%:("//#'8, Gr00$#'8, %'1 Gr#'1#'8 A(/#$#/#e
Pre<ent materia. from enterin; storm drain systems and re7ei<in; Daters in7.6din;:
#: Cementitio6s materia.
2: Aspha.ti7 materia.
-: A;;re;ate or s7reenin;s
4: SaD76ttin;) ;roo<in;) and ;rindin; resid6e
*: Pa<ement 7h6nks
0: Sho6.der ba7kin;
5: etha7ry.ate
+: Sandb.astin; resid6e
Co<er draina;e in.ets and 6se .inear sediment barriers to prote7t doDnhi.. re7ei<in; Daters 6nti. pa<in;);) saD76ttin;) ;roo<in;) and ;rindin; a7ti<ities are 7omp.eted and e37ess materia. has been
remo<ed: Co<er draina;e in.ets and d6rin; the app.i7ation of sea. 7oat) ta7k 7oat) s.6rry sea.) or
fo; sea.:
8hene<er pre7ipitation is fore7asted) .imit pa<in;) saD76ttin;) and ;rindin; to p.a7es Dhere r6noff 7an be
Do not start sea. 7oat) ta7k 7oat) s.6rry sea.) or fo; sea. a7ti<ities Dhene<er pre7ipitation is fore7asted
d6rin; the app.i7ation and 76rin; period: Do not e37a<ate materia. from e3istin; roadDays d6rin;
!se a <a766m to remo<e s.6rry immediate.y after s.6rry is prod67ed: Do not a..oD the s.6rry to r6n onto
.anes open to traffi7 or off the pa<ement:
Co..e7t the resid6e from PCC ;roo<in; and ;rindin; a7ti<ities Dith a <a766m atta7hment on the ;rindin;
ma7hine: Do not .ea<e the resid6e on the pa<ement or a..oD the resid6e to f.oD a7ross pa<ement:
&o6 may sto7kpi.e materia. e37a<ated from e3istin; roadDays 6nder se7tion #-,4:%-C/-1 if a6thoriHed:
Do not 7oat aspha.t tr67ks and eG6ipment Dith s6bstan7es that 7ontain soap) foamin; a;ents) or to3i7
Park pa<in; eG6ipment o<er drip pans or p.asti7 sheetin; Dith absorbent materia. to 7at7h drips if the
pa<in; eG6ipment is not in 6se:
1)-+.0)EB>C T7erm06&%/#( S/r#6#'8 %'1 P%$eme'/ M%r;er
Do not preheat) transfer) or .oad thermop.asti7 Dithin *% feet of draina;e in.ets and re7ei<in; Daters:
Do not 6n.oad) transfer) or .oad bit6mino6s materia. for pa<ement markers Dithin *% feet of draina;e in.ets
and re7ei<in; Daters:
Co..e7t and dispose of bit6mino6s materia. from the roadDay after remo<in; markers:
1)-+.0)EB?C P#&e Dr#$#'8
'eep spi.. kits and 7.ean6p materia.s at pi.e dri<in; .o7ations: Park pi.e dri<in; eG6ipment o<er drip pans)
absorbent pads) or p.asti7 sheetin; Dith absorbent materia.: Prote7t pi.e dri<in; eG6ipment by parkin; on
p.yDood and 7o<erin; Dith p.asti7 Dhene<er pre7ipitation is fore7asted:
Store pi.e dri<in; eG6ipment on .e<e. ;ro6nd and prote7t it from stormDater r6n,on Dhen not in 6se: !se
<e;etab.e oi. instead of hydra6.i7 f.6id if pra7ti7ab.e:
1)-+.0)EB10C C0'(re/e C"r#'8
Do not o<erspray 7hemi7a. 76rin; 7ompo6nds: inimiHe the drift by sprayin; as 7.ose to the 7on7rete as
pra7ti7ab.e: Do not a..oD r6noff of 76rin; 7ompo6nds: Co<er draina;e in.ets before app.yin; the 76rin;
inimiHe the 6se and dis7har;e of Dater by 6sin; Det b.ankets or methods to maintain moist6re
Dhen 7on7rete is 76rin;:
1)-+.0)EB11C C0'(re/e F#'#7#'8
Co..e7t and dispose of Dater and Daste from hi;h,press6re Dater b.astin;: Co..e7t and dispose of
sand and Daste from sandb.astin;: "efore sandb.astin;) 7o<er draina;e in.ets Dithin *% feet of
sandb.astin;: inimiHe the drift of d6st and b.ast materia. by keepin; the noHH.e 7.ose to the s6rfa7e of
the 7on7rete: If the 7hara7ter of the b.ast resid6e is 6nknoDn) test it for haHardo6s materia.s and dispose
of it proper.y:
Inspe7t 7ontainment str67t6res for 7on7rete finishin; for dama;e before ea7h day of 6se and before
fore7asted pre7ipitation: Remo<e .iG6id and Daste from 7ontainment str67t6res after ea7h Dork shift:
1)-+.0)EB12C*1)-+.0)EB1,C Reer$e1
1)-+.0)F S:ee6#'8
SDeep by hand or me7hani7a. methods) s67h as <a766min;: Do not 6se methods that 6se on.y
me7hani7a. ki7k brooms:
SDeep pa<ed roads at 7onstr67tion entran7e and e3it .o7ations and pa<ed areas Dithin the Iob site:
#: D6rin; 7.earin; and ;r6bbin; a7ti<ities
2: D6rin; earthDork a7ti<ities
-: D6rin; tren7hin; a7ti<ities
4: D6rin; pa<ement str67t6re a7ti<ities
*: 8hen < are enterin; and .ea<in; the Iob site
0: After soi.,dist6rbin; a7ti<ities
5: After obser<in; off,site tra7kin; of materia.
onitor pa<ed areas and roadDays Dithin the proIe7t: SDeep Dithin:
#: # ho6r Dhene<er sediment or debris is obser<ed d6rin; a7ti<ities that reG6ire sDeepin;
2: 24 ho6rs Dhene<er sediment or debris is obser<ed d6rin; a7ti<ities that do not reG6ire sDeepin;
Remo<e 7o..e7ted materia.) in7.6din; sediment) from pa<ed sho6.ders) drain in.ets) 76rbs and dikes) and
other draina;e areas: &o6 may sto7kpi.e 7o..e7ted materia. at the Iob site: Dispose of 7o..e7ted materia. at
.east on7e per Deek if sto7kpi.ed:
&o6 may dispose of sediment Dithin the Iob site 7o..e7ted d6rin; sDeepin; a7ti<ities: Prote7t the disposa.
areas a;ainst erosion:
'eep d6st to a minim6m d6rin; street sDeepin; a7ti<ities: !se Dater or a <a766m Dhene<er d6st
;eneration is e37essi<e or sediment pi7k6p is ineffe7ti<e:
Remo<e and dispose of trash 7o..e7ted d6rin; sDeepin;:
1)-+.0)G De:%/er#'8
DeDaterin; 7onsists of dis7har;in; a776m6.ated stormDater) ;ro6ndDater) or s6rfa7e Dater from
e37a<ations or temporary 7ontainment fa7i.ities:
Perform deDaterin; Dork as spe7ified for the Dork items in<o.<ed) s67h as temporary a7ti<e treatment
system or deDaterin; and dis7har;e:
If deDaterin; and dis7har;in; a7ti<ities are not spe7ified 6nder a Dork item and yo6 perform deDaterin;
#: Cond67t deDaterin; a7ti<ities 6nder the DepartmentFs 'ield &uide for Construction Site De7atering:
2: Ens6re that any deDaterin; dis7har;e does not 7a6se erosion) s7o6r) or sedimentary deposits that
7o6.d impa7t nat6ra. beddin; materia.s:
-: Dis7har;e the Dater Dithin the proIe7t .imits: Dispose of the Dater if it 7annot be dis7har;ed Dithin
proIe7t .imits d6e to site 7onstraints or 7ontamination:
4: Do not dis7har;e stormDater or nonstormDater that has an odor) dis7o.oration other than sediment)
an oi.y sheen) or foam on the s6rfa7e: Notify the En;ineer immediate.y 6pon dis7o<erin; any s67h
1)-+.0)H*1)-+.0)E Reer$e1
1)-+.0+ PAYMENT
Cob site mana;ement is paid for as 7onstr67tion site mana;ement:
1)-,.01 GENERAL
Se7tion #-,* in7.6des ;enera. spe7ifi7ations for app.yin; temporary soi. stabi.iHation:
The En;ineer desi;nates the areas to re7ei<e soi. stabi.iHation materia.s by dire7tin; the p.a7ement of
stakes or other s6itab.e markers in in7rements of # a7re or .ess: F6rnish too.s) .abor) materia.s) and
transportation for markin; areas that Di.. re7ei<e temporary soi. stabi.iHation:
o<e,in9mo<e,o6t temporary erosion 7ontro. in7.6des: /#1 mo<in; onto the proIe7t Dhen the En;ineer
determines an area is ready to re7ei<e temporary soi. stabi.iHation materia.s) /21 settin; 6p a.. reG6ired
personne. and eG6ipment) and /-1 mo<in; o6t a.. personne. and eG6ipment Dhen Dork in that area is
1)-,.02A Ge'er%&
The fo..oDin; materia.s m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 2#,#:%2:
#: Ta7kifier
2: Fiber
-: Seed
4: StraD
1)-,.02B Er0#0' C0'/r0& B&%';e/
Erosion 7ontro. b.ankets m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 2#,#:%2O for I6te mesh) nettin;) and erosion 7ontro.
An erosion 7ontro. b.anket 7.assified as .on;,term and nonde;radab.e m6st be ro7k s.ope prote7tion
fabri7) C.ass +:
1)-,.02C M"&(7
Temporary m6.7h m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 2%,5:%2D/01:
1)-,.02D Ceme'/#/#0" B#'1er
Cementitio6s binder m6st be:
#: Ca.7i6m s6.fate hemihydrate
2: At .east +* per7ent p6re
-: F6n7tiona. for at .east -0* days
4: Ab.e to easi.y mi3 Dith Dater and fiber
*: Nonto3i7 to aG6ati7 or;anisms
0: Free from ;roDth or ;ermination,inhibitin; fa7tors
5: Nonf.ammab.e
1)-,.02E S0#& B#'1er
Soi. binder m6st 7omp.y Dith the materia. spe7ifi7ations for ta7kifier:
1)-,.02F Tem60r%r3 C0$er
Temporary 7o<er m6st be ;eosyntheti7 fabri7) p.asti7 sheetin;) or a 7ombination:
P.asti7 sheetin; m6st be sin;.e,p.y ;eomembrane materia.) #% mi.s thi7k) 7omp.yin; Dith AST D2#%-:
!se restrainers to se76re the 7o<er fabri7 or p.asti7 sheetin; to the s6rfa7e of the s.ope or sto7kpi.e:
Restrainers m6st be one of the fo..oDin;:
#: =ra<e.,fi..ed ba;s roped to;ether and spa7ed not more than 0 feet apart:
2: 8ooden .ath and an7hor restrainers as shoDn: 8ooden .ath m6st be 2 by 4 in7hes by + feet made
from fir or pine: An7hor restrainers m6st be made from stee. reinfor7in; bars and spa7ed not more
than 4 feet apart a.on; the Dooden .ath:
-: Another a6thoriHed method:
Rope m6st be at .east -9+ in7h in diameter and be biode;radab.e or nonde;radab.e: "iode;radab.e rope
m6st be made from sisa.) mani.a) or other nat6ra. fiber: Nonde;radab.e rope m6st be made from ny.on)
po.ypropy.ene) or other ;eosyntheti7 fiber:
!se a .inear sediment barrier 6nder se7tion #-,#%:
1)-,.02G Gr%$e&-F#&&e1 B%8
=ra<e.,fi..ed ba;s m6st:
#: "e made of ;eosyntheti7 ;ra<e.,fi..ed ba;:
2: ?a<e inside dimensions from 24 to -2 in7hes .on; and from #0 to 2% in7hes Dide:
-: ?a<e a bo6nd openin; to keep ;ra<e.: The openin; m6st be seDn Dith yarn) bo6nd Dith Dire) or
se76red Dith a 7.os6re de<i7e:
4: 8ei;h from -% to *% po6nds Dhen fi..ed Dith ;ra<e.:
=ra<e. for ;ra<e.,fi..ed ba;s m6st be from -9+ to -94 in7h in diameter and m6st be 7.ean and free of 7.ay
ba..s) or;ani7 matter) and other de.eterio6s materia.s:
1)-,.02H*1)-,.02E Reer$e1
1)-,.0)A Ge'er%&
App.y temporary soi. stabi.iHation materia.s Dithin 24 ho6rs after an area is ready to re7ei<e temporary soi.
stabi.iHation or before a fore7asted storm e<ent: Do not 6se hydra6.i7a..y,app.ied materia.s 6nder the
fo..oDin; 7onditions:
#: D6rin; pre7ipitation
2: 8hene<er Dater is standin; on or mo<in; a7ross the soi. s6rfa7e
-: Soi. is froHen
4: Air temperat6re is be.oD 4% de;rees F d6rin; the ta7kifierFs 76rin; period 6n.ess a..oDed by the
ta7kifier man6fa7t6rer and a6thoriHed
1)-,.0)B Tem60r%r3 Er0#0' C0'/r0& B&%';e/
App.y temporary erosion 7ontro. b.anket 6nder se7tion 2#,#:%-O:
1)-,.0)C Tem60r%r3 M"&(7
App.y temporary m6.7h 6nder se7tion 2%,5:%-I/#%1:
If rates are not shoDn) spread m6.7h to a 6niform thi7kness to form a 2,in7h thi7k b.anket:
1)-,.0)D Tem60r%r3 H31r%"&#( M"&(7
App.y temporary hydra6.i7 m6.7h 6nder se7tion 2#,#:%-E:
If rates are not shoDn) app.y temporary hydra6.i7 m6.7h at the fo..oDin; rate:
#: Fiber at 2)%%% .b9a7re
2: Ta7kifier 6nder the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions for the s.ope) soi.) and Dind 7onditions
1)-,.0)E Tem60r%r3 H31r%"&#( M"&(7 BB0'1e1 M%/r#<C
App.y temporary hydra6.i7 m6.7h /bonded fiber matri31 6nder se7tion 2#,#:%-C:
If rates are not shoDn) app.y temporary hydra6.i7 m6.7h /bonded fiber matri31 at the rate of -)*%% .b9a7re:
1)-,.0)F Tem60r%r3 H31r%"&#( M"&(7 BP0&3mer-S/%.#&#9e1 M%/r#<C
App.y temporary hydra6.i7 m6.7h /po.ymer,stabi.iHed fiber matri31 6nder se7tion 2#,#:%-I:
If rates are not shoDn) app.y temporary hydra6.i7 m6.7h /po.ymer,stabi.iHed fiber matri31 at the fo..oDin;
#: Fiber at 2)%%% .b9a7re
2: Ta7kifier at + ;a..ons9a7re
1)-,.0)G Tem60r%r3 H31r%"&#( M"&(7 BCeme'/#/#0" B#'1erC
App.y temporary hydra6.i7 m6.7h /7ementitio6s binder1 6nder se7tion 2#,#:%-E:
If rates are not shoDn) app.y temporary hydra6.i7 m6.7h /7ementitio6s binder1 at the fo..oDin; rate:
#: Fiber at 2)%%% .b9a7re
2: Cementitio6s binder at 4)%%% .b9a7re
Fiber for temporary hydra6.i7 m6.7h /7ementitio6s binder1 m6st be at .east *% per7ent Dood fiber: The
remainin; per7enta;e m6st be 7e..6.ose fiber) a.ternate fiber) or a 7ombination:
1)-,.0)H Tem60r%r3 T%(;e1 S/r%:
App.y temporary ta7ked straD 6nder se7tion 2#,#:%-?:
If rates are not shoDn) app.y temporary ta7ked straD at the fo..oDin; rate:
#: StraD at 2:% tons9a7re
2: Fiber at 2)%%% .b9a7re
-: Ta7kifier 6nder the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions for the s.ope) soi.) and Dind 7onditions
Fiber for temporary ta7ked straD m6st be at .east *% per7ent Dood fiber: The remainin; per7enta;e m6st
be 7e..6.ose fiber) a.ternate fiber) or a 7ombination:
1)-,.0)I Tem60r%r3 H31r0ee1
App.y temporary hydroseed 6nder se7tion 2#,#:%-E:
If rates are not shoDn for fiber and ta7kifier) app.y temporary hydroseed at the fo..oDin; rate:
#: Seed as shoDn
2: Fiber at 2)%%% .b9a7re
-: Ta7kifier 6nder the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions for the s.ope) soi.) and Dind 7onditions
Fiber for temporary hydroseed m6st be at .east *% per7ent Dood fiber: The remainin; per7enta;e m6st be
7e..6.ose fiber) a.ternate fiber) or a 7ombination:
1)-,.0)E Tem60r%r3 S0#& B#'1er
App.y temporary soi. binder 6nder se7tion 2#,#:%-E:
If rates are not shoDn) app.y temporary soi. binder 6nder the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions for the s.ope)
soi.) and Dind 7onditions:
1)-,.0)I Tem60r%r3 C0$er
Insta.. temporary 7o<er fabri7 as fo..oDs:
#: P.a7e fabri7 .oose.y on the s.ope or sto7kpi.e Dith the .on;it6dina. ed;es to the s.ope
2: P.a7e fabri7 on the 6pper portion of the s.ope to o<er.ap the fabri7 on the .oDer portion of the s.ope:
-: P.a7e fabri7 on the side fa7in; the pre<; Dind to o<er.ap the fabri7 on the doDnDind side of the
4: An7hor the perimeter ed;e of the fabri7 in key tren7hes:
*: O<er.ap ed;es of the fabri7 by at .east 2 feet:
0: P.a7e restrainers at the o<er.ap area and a.on; the toe of the s.ope: Spa7e the restrainers a
ma3im6m of + feet on 7enter betDeen the o<er.aps:
5: If an7hor restraints are 6sed) ens6re that the .e; of the stee. reinfor7in; bar pier7es the fabri7 and
ho.ds the Dooden .ath firm.y a;ainst the s6rfa7e of the s.ope or sto7kpi.e:
Insta.. a temporary .inear sediment barrier to prote7t e37a<ation and embankment s.opes from r6n,on and
7on7entrated f.oDs of stormDater: P.a7e the barrier para..e. Dith the s.ope 7onto6r at the toe of the s.ope:
An;.e the .ast 0 feet of the barrier 6ps.ope at the doDnhi.. end of the r6n:
Insta.. a temporary .inear sediment barrier to pre<ent r6n,on and 7on7entrated f.oDs of stormDater from
to67hin; sto7kpi.ed materia.: S6rro6nd the sto7kpi.e Dith the barrier: Add additiona. barrier Dithin 24 ho6rs
of addin; more materia. to the sto7kpi.e:
8hene<er yo6 remo<e a temporary 7o<er to perform other Dork) rep.a7e and rese76re it Dithin # ho6r of
stoppin; Dork:
aintain a temporary 7o<er to minimiHe e3pos6re of s.opes and and pre<ent materia.
mo<ement beyond the .inear sediment barrier:
Re.o7ate and se76re restrainers to keep erosion 7ontro. b.ankets in p.a7e: 8hene<er a temporary 7o<er
breaks free) rese76re it immediate.y:
Repair or rep.a7e a temporary 7o<er Dhene<er any of the fo..oDin; o776r:
#: Co<ered area be7omes e3posed or e3hibits <isib.e erosion
2: 8asho6ts o776r betDeen the Ioints or beneath the .inear sediment barrier
-: Temporary 7o<er be7omes deta7hed) torn) or 6nra<e.ed
1)-,.0)L*1)-,.0)N Reer$e1
1)-,.0+ PAYMENT
"id items paid for by the area are meas6red para..e. Dith the ;ro6nd s6rfa7e e37ept o<er.aps:
E37ept for maintainin; a temporary 7o<er) yo6 and the Department share the 7ost of maintainin; soi.
stabi.iHation meas6res: The Department determines the maintenan7e 7ost 6nder se7tion $,#:%4 and pays
yo6 #92 of that 7ost:
1)--.01 GENERAL
Se7tion #-,0 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; meas6res for temporary sediment 7ontro.:
Temporary .inear sediment barriers m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion #-,#%:
1)--.02A Ge'er%&
Erosion 7ontro. b.anket m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 2#,#:%2O/41:
Fiber ro..s) rope) stakes) ;ra<e.,fi..ed ba;s) and foam barriers m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion #-,#%:%2:
1)--.02B R#8#1 P&%/#( B%rr#er
A ri;id p.asti7 barrier m6st:
#: ?a<e an inte;rated fi.ter
2: ?a<e a formed o6ter Ia7ket of perforated ?DPE or po.yethy.ene terephtha.ate
-: ?a<e a f.attened,shaped 7ross se7tion
4: "e made from <ir;in or re7y7.ed materia.s
*: "e free from biode;radab.e materia.s that de;rade the physi7a. or 7hemi7a. 7hara7teristi7s of the
7omp.eted fi.ter 7ore or o6ter Ia7ket
0: ?a<e a .en;th of at .east 4 feet per 6nit
5: ?a<e the abi.ity to inter.o7k separate 6nits into a .on; barrier so that Dater does not f.oD betDeen the
+: "e se76red to:
+:#: Pa<ement Dith #,in7h 7on7rete nai.s Dith #,in7h Dashers and so.<ent,free adhesi<e) ;ra<e.,
fi..ed ba;s) or a 7ombination
+:2: Soi. Dith 0,in7h nai.s Dith #,in7h Dashers and Dood stakes
$: Comp.y Dith the <a.6es of the properties shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Property Test
=rab tensi.e stren;th of o6ter Ia7ket materia.) .b9sG in) min in ea7h
"reak stren;th of o6ter Ia7ket) .b9sG in AST
Permitti<ity of fi.ter 7ore) #9se7:) min AST
F.oD rate of fi.ter 7ore) ;pm per sG ft AST
#%% min
2%% ma3
Fi.ter 7ore apert6re siHe) ma3 AOS) mi7rons ,, 42*
!( stabi.ity /o6ter Ia7ket N fi.ter 7ore1) \ tensi.e stren;th retained
after *%% ho6rs) min) 3enon,ar7 .amp and Dater spray Deatherin;
or appropriate test method for spe7ifi7 po.ymer
For a 76rb Ditho6t a ;rate) ri;id p.asti7 barriers m6st be siHed to fit the 7at7h basin or draina;e
and ha<e:
#: ?oriHonta. f.ap of at .east 0 in7hes Dith an 6nder,sea. ;asket to pre<ent 6nderf.oDs
2: ?i;h,f.oD bypass
-: (erti7a. hei;ht of at .east 5 in7hes after insta..ation
For a ;rated 7at7h basin Ditho6t a 76rb ri;id p.asti7 barriers m6st be siHed to fit the 7at7h basin or
draina;e and:
#: Co<er the ;rate by at .east 2 in7hes on ea7h side and ha<e an 6nder,sea. ;asket to pre<ent
2: ?a<e a hi;h,f.oD bypass
-: ?a<e a <erti7a. hei;ht of at .east #:* in7hes after insta..ation
For a 76rb Dith a ;rate) ri;id p.asti7 barriers m6st be siHed to fit the 7at7h basin or draina;e and
#: ?oriHonta. f.ap that 7o<ers the ;rate by at .east 2 in7hes on the - sides that are aDay from the 76rb
openin; and m6st ha<e an 6nder,sea. ;asket to pre<ent 6nderf.oDs
2: ?i;h,f.oD bypass
-: (erti7a. se7tion that 7o<ers the 76rb openin; by at .east * in7hes after insta..ation
1)--.02C Se1#me'/ F#&/er B%8
Ea7h sediment fi.ter ba; m6st be siHed to fit the 7at7h basin or draina;e and ha<e a hi;h,f.oD
Sediment fi.ter ba;s may in7.6de a meta. frame: If the sediment fi.ter ba; does not ha<e a meta. frame
and is deeper than #+ in7hes) it m6st in7.6de .iftin; .oops) d6mp straps) and a restraint 7ord to keep the
sides of the ba; aDay from the Da..s of the 7at7h basin:
1)--.02D*1)--.02F Reer$e1
1)--.0)A Ge'er%&
Remo<e sediment deposits Dhene<er the sediment e37eeds # in7h in depth from the s6rfa7e of an
erosion 7ontro. b.anket:
Remo<e sediment from a Type 2 sediment trap of a temporary Dhene<er the <o.6me has been
red67ed by appro3imate.y #92:
Remo<e sediment from a sediment fi.ter ba; Dhene<er it be7omes f6.. or Dhene<er the restraint 7ords are
no .on;er <isib.e: Empty a sediment fi.ter ba; Ditho6t a meta. frame by p.a7in; #,in7h stee. reinfor7in;
bars thro6;h the .iftin; .oops and .iftin; the fi..ed ba; from the draina;e Empty a sediment fi.ter ba;
Dith a meta. frame by .iftin; the meta. frame from the draina;e Rinse the sediment fi.ter ba; before
rep.a7in; it at the draina;e 8hene<er rinsin; a sediment fi.ter ba;) do not a..oD the rinse Dater to
enter a draina;e or DaterDay:
8hene<er yo6 p.a7e the remo<ed sediment Dithin the Iob site) stabi.iHe the sediment deposits to pre<ent
1)--.0)B Tem60r%r3 C7e(; D%m
"efore p.a7in; a temporary 7he7k dam) remo<e obstr67tions) in7.6din; ro7ks) 7.ods) and debris ;reater
than # in7h in diameter from the ;ro6nd:
If a temporary 7he7k dam is to be p.a7ed in the same area as an erosion 7ontro. b.anket) insta.. the
b.anket before p.a7in; the dam:
A temporary 7he7k dam m6st be:
#: P.a7ed appro3imate.y to the 7enter.ine of the dit7h or draina;e .ine
2: Insta..ed Dith s6ffi7ient spi..Day depth to pre<ent f.ankin; of 7on7entrated f.oD aro6nd the ends of the
7he7k dam
-: Type 2 if the dit7h is .ined Dith 7on7rete or ?A
4: Type # or Type 2 if the dit7h is 6n.ined
For a Type # temporary 7he7k dam:
#: Se76re the fiber ro..s Dith rope and not7hed Dood stakes as shoDn:
2: Dri<e the stakes into the soi. 6nti. the not7h is e<en Dith the top of the fiber ro..:
-: La7e rope betDeen the stakes and o<er the fiber ro..: 'not the rope at ea7h stake:
4: Ti;hten by dri<in; the stakes f6rther into the soi. and for7in; the fiber ro.. a;ainst the s6rfa7e of the
dit7h or draina;e .ine:
P.a7e a Type 2 temporary 7he7k dam as a sin;.e .ayer of ;ra<e.,fi..ed ba;s) p.a7ed end,to,end to
e.iminate ;aps: If yo6 need to in7rease the hei;ht of the dam) add more .ayers of ;ra<e.,fi..ed ba;s: Sta7k
the ba;s in the 6pper roD to o<er.ap the Ioints in the .oDer roD: Stabi.iHe the roDs by addin; more roDs of
ba;s in the .oDer .ayers:
1)--.0)C Tem60r%r3 Dr%#'%8e I'&e/ Pr0/e(/#0'
Pro<ide temporary draina;e prote7tion aro6nd draina;e in.ets as 7han;in; 7onditions reG6ire:
Draina;e prote7tion m6st be Type #) Type 2) Type -A: Type -") Type 4A) Type 4") Type *) Type 0A)
Type 0") or a 7ombination) as appropriate for 7onditions aro6nd the draina;e
For draina;e prote7tion at draina;e in.ets in pa<ed and 6npa<ed areas:
#: Pre<ent r6noff ponds from en7roa7hin; onto the tra<e.ed Day or o<ertoppin; the 76rb or dike: !se a
.inear sediment barrier to redire7t r6noff and 7ontro. pondin;:
2: C.ear the area aro6nd ea7h draina;e of obstr67tions) in7.6din; ro7ks) 7.ods) and debris ;reater
than # in7h in diameter) before; the draina;e prote7tion:
-: Insta.. the .inear sediment barrier 6ps.ope of the e3istin; draina;e and para..e. Dith the 76rb)
dike) or f.oD .ine to pre<ent sediment from enterin; the draina;e
If ;ra<e.,fi..ed ba;s are 6sed for Type -A and Type -" temporary draina;e prote7tion) p.a7e the
;ra<e.,fi..ed ba;s end,to,end to e.iminate ;aps: Sta7k the ba;s so that the 6pper roD o<er.aps Ioints in the
.oDer roD: Arran;e the ba;s to 7reate a spi..Day by remo<in; # or more ;ra<e.,fi..ed ba;s from the 6pper
P.a7e fiber ro..s o<er the erosion 7ontro. b.anket for Type 4A temporary draina;e prote7tion:
If a foam barrier is 6sed for Type 4" temporary draina;e prote7tion) se76re the barrier to the
pa<ement at the an;.e and spa7in; shoDn: P.a7e the barrier to pro<ide a ti;ht Ioint Dith the 76rb or dike:
C6t the 7o<er fabri7 or Ia7ket to ens6re a ti;ht fit:
If a ri;id sediment barrier is 6sed for Type 0A or Type 0" temporary draina;e prote7tion at a ;rated
7at7h basin Ditho6t a 76rb p.a7e the barrier 6sin; a ;asket to pre<ent r6noff from f.oDin; 6nder the
barrier: Se76re the barrier to the pa<ement Dith nai.s and adhesi<e) ;ra<e.,fi..ed ba;s) or a 7ombination:
Insta.. a sediment fi.ter ba; for Type * temporary draina;e prote7tion as fo..oDs:
#: Remo<e the draina;e ;rate
2: P.a7e the sediment fi.ter ba; in the openin;
-: Rep.a7e the ;rate to se76re the sediment fi.ter ba; in p.a7e
The Department does not pay for re.o7ation of temporary draina;e prote7tion d6rin; the 7o6rse of
1)--.0)D Tem60r%r3 Se1#me'/ B%#'
1)--.0)E Tem60r%r3 R0&&
Insta.. a temporary fiber ro.. 6nder se7tion 2#,#:%-P:
1)--.0)F Tem60r%r3 Gr%$e& B%8 Berm
Insta.. a temporary ;ra<e. ba; berm 6nder se7tion #-,#%:%-C:
1)--.0)G Tem60r%r3 L%r8e Se1#me'/ B%rr#er
Insta.. a temporary .ar;e sediment barrier 6nder se7tion #-,#%:%-D:
1)--.0)H Tem60r%r3 Re#'40r(e1 S#&/ Fe'(e
Insta.. a temporary reinfor7ed si.t fen7e 6nder se7tion #-,#%:%-E:
1)--.0)I Tem60r%r3 S#&/ Fe'(e
Insta.. a temporary si.t fen7e 6nder se7tion #-,#%:%-F:
1)--.0)E Tem60r%r3 S/r%: B%&e B%rr#er
Insta.. a temporary straD ba.e barrier 6nder se7tion #-,#%:%-D:
1)--.0)I*1)--.0)M Reer$e1
1)--.0+ PAYMENT
Items paid for by .en;th are meas6red a.on; the 7enter.ine of the insta..ed materia.:
8here temporary fiber ro..s are Ioined and o<er.apped) the o<er.ap is meas6red as a sin;.e insta..ed
7he7k dam:
&o6 and the Department share the maintenan7e 7ost of sediment 7ontro. meas6res: The Department
determines the maintenan7e 7ost 6nder se7tion $,#:%4 and pays yo6 #92 of that 7ost:
1)-2.01 GENERAL
1)-2.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion #-,5 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for .imitin; and remo<in; sediment and debris tra7ked onto
1)-2.01B S".m#//%&
For a 7onstr67tion entran7e) s6bmit detai.s for a.ternati<es at .east * b6siness days before insta..ation:
&o6 may propose a.ternati<es for s6mp and 7orr6;ated stee. pane.s: &o6 may e.iminate the s6mp if
At .east * b6siness days before startin; 7.earin; and ;r6bbin;) earthDork) or other a7ti<ities Dith the
potentia. for tra7kin; sediment or debris) s6bmit the n6mber and type of street sDeeper that Di.. be 6sed
on the proIe7t:
1)-2.01C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
Retain and s6bmit re7ords of street sDeepin; a7ti<ities) in7.6din; sDeepin; times) sDeepin; .o7ations)
and the G6antity of disposed sDeepin; Daste:
1)-2.02A Ge'er%&
The street sDeeper m6st be one of the fo..oDin;:
#: e7hani7a. sDeeper fo..oDed by a <a766m,assisted sDeeper
2: (a766m,assisted dry) Dater.ess) sDeeper
-: Re;enerati<e,air sDeeper
Fabri7 for a temporary 7onstr67tion entran7e m6st be ro7k s.ope prote7tion fabri7) C.ass +:
Fabri7 for temporary 7onstr67tion roadDay m6st be ro7k s.ope prote7tion fabri7) C.ass #%:
1)-2.02B R0(;
Type A ro7k m6st 7omp.y Dith:
#: Se7tion 52,2:%2
2: SiHes shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
SG6are s7reen siHe
Per7enta;e passin; Per7enta;e retained
0 #%% %
- % #%%
Type " ro7k m6st be rai.Day ba..ast n6mber 2*: Do not 6se b.ast f6rna7e s.a;: Rai.Day ba..ast n6mber 2*
m6st 7omp.y Dith:
#: Des7ription in -!%M- Manual for !ail7a %ngineering
2: SiHes shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Per7enta;e passin;
-E 2,#92E 2E #,#92E #E -94E #92E -9+E No: 4
2,#92EB-9+E #%% +%B#%% 0%B+* *%B5% 2*B*% ,, *B2% %B#% %B-
-: (a.6es of the properties shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Property Test method (a.6e
Per7ent materia. passin; no: 2%% sie<e) ma3 AST C##5 #:%
"6.k spe7ifi7 ;ra<ity) min AST C#25 2:0%
Absorption) \ min AST C#25 #:%
C.ay .6mps and friab.e \ ma3 AST C#42 %:*
De;radation) \ ma3 AST C*-* -%
So6ndness /sodi6m s6.fate1) \ ma3 AST C++ *:% e.on;ated or both) \ ma3 AST D45$# *:%
1)-2.02C C0rr"8%/e1 S/ee& P%'e&
Corr6;ated stee. pane.s m6st:
#: "e made of stee.
2: "e pressed or shop De.ded
-: ?a<e a s.ot or hook for 7onne7tin; the pane.s to;ether
1)-2.02D*1)-2.02F Reer$e1
1)-2.0)A Ge'er%&
Prepare the .o7ation for a temporary 7onstr67tion entran7e or roadDay as fo..oDs:
#: Remo<e <e;etation to ;ro6nd .e<e. and 7.ear aDay debris
2: =rade the ;ro6nd to a 6niform p.ane
-: =rade the ;ro6nd s6rfa7e to drain
4: Remo<e sharp obIe7ts that 7o6.d dama;e the fabri7
*: Compa7t the top #:* feet of the soi. to at .east $% per7ent re.ati<e 7ompa7tion
Constr67t a temporary 7onstr67tion entran7e or roadDay as fo..oDs:
#: Position the fabri7 a.on; the .en;th of the entran7e or roadDay
2: O<er.ap the sides and ends of the fabri7 by at .east #2 in7hes
-: Spread ro7k o<er the fabri7 in the dire7tion of traffi7
4: Co<er the fabri7 Dith ro7k Dithin 24 ho6rs
*: 'eep a 0,in7h .ayer of ro7k o<er the fabri7 to pre<ent dama;e from spreadin; eG6ipment
Do not dri<e on the fabri7 6nti. the ro7k is spread:
Repair fabri7 dama;ed d6rin; ro7k spreadin; by p.a7in; neD fabri7 o<er the dama;ed area: The neD
fabri7 m6st be .ar;e eno6;h to 7o<er the dama;ed area and pro<ide at .east an #+,in7h o<er.ap on a..
aintain a temporary 7onstr67tion entran7e or roadDay to minimiHe the ;eneration of d6st and tra7kin; of
soi. and sediment onto p6b.i7 roads: 8hene<er d6st or sediment tra7kin; in7reases) p.a7e additiona. ro7k
6n.ess the En;ineer a6thoriHes another method:
Repair a temporary 7onstr67tion entran7e or roadDay if:
#: Fabri7 is e3posed
2: Depressions in the s6rfa7e de<e.op
-: Ro7k is disp.a7ed
8hen the temporary 7onstr67tion entran7e or roadDay is bein; 6sed) do not a..oD soi.) sediment) and
other debris that is tra7ked onto the pa<ement to enter storm drains) open draina;e fa7i.ities) and
Dater7o6rses: 8hen materia. is tra7ked onto the pa<ement) remo<e it Dithin 0 ho6rs) 6n.ess the En;ineer
a6thoriHes a .on;er period:
The Department does not pay the additiona. 7ost of re.o7atin; temporary 7onstr67tion entran7es or
roadDays d6rin; the 7o6rse of Dork:
1)-2.0)B Tem60r%r3 C0'/r"(/#0' E'/r%'(e
If a Type # temporary 7onstr67tion entran7e is shoDn) 6se Type A ro7k:
If a Type 2 temporary 7onstr67tion entran7e is shoDn) 6se Type " ro7k 6nder the 7orr6;ated stee. pane.s:
!se at .east 0 7orr6;ated stee. pane.s for ea7h entran7e: Co6p.e the pane.s to;ether to pre<ent
If 6sin; a s6mp) insta.. the s6mp Dithin 2% feet of ea7h temporary 7onstr67tion entran7e:
1)-2.0)C Tem60r%r3 C0'/r"(/#0' R0%1:%3
1)-2.0)D S/ree/ S:ee6#'8
Street sDeepin; does not <oid spe7ifi7ations for main resid6e 7o..e7tion in7.6ded in other Dork a7ti<ities)
s67h as ;roo<in;) ;rindin;) or aspha.t 7on7rete p.anin;:
Street sDeepin; m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion #-,4:%-F e37ept 6se a street sDeeper:
At .east # street sDeeper m6st be kept at the Iob site at a.. times Dhen street sDeepin; Dork is reG6ired:
The street sDeeper m6st be in ;ood Dorkin; order:
1)-2.0)E*1)-2.0)G Reer$e1
1)-2.0+ PAYMENT
&o6 and the Department share the 7ost of maintainin; a temporary 7onstr67tion entran7e or roadDay: The
Department determines the maintenan7e 7ost 6nder se7tion $,#:%4 and pays yo6 #92 of that 7ost:
1)->.01 GENERAL
1)->.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion #-,+ in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for desi;nin;);) operatin;) monitorin;) maintainin;) and
remo<in; a temporary a7ti<e treatment system for the treatment and dis7har;e of 6n7ontaminated
;ro6ndDater and a776m6.ated stormDater from e37a<ations or other areas reG6irin; deDaterin;:
Desi;n) insta..ation) operation) and monitorin; of an ATS and monitorin; of the treated eff.6ent m6st
7omp.y Dith Atta7hment F of NPDES &eneral Permit for Storm7ater Discharges -ssociated 7ith
Construction and *and Distur)ance -ctivities 0Order No4 ?::<$:::<$DW52 NPD%S No4 C-S:::::?1:
&o6 may dis7har;e into a p6b.i7.y oDned treatment Dorks system instead of 6sin; an ATS: If
6n7ontaminated ;ro6ndDater) stormDater) or both are dis7har;ed to a p6b.i7.y oDned treatment Dorks)
obtain a m6ni7ipa. bat7h dis7har;e permit: &o6 are responsib.e for a.. 7osts and reG6irements re.ated to
obtainin; the m6ni7ipa. bat7h dis7har;e permit and dis7har;in; the Dater:
1)->.01B S".m#//%&
1)->.01BB1C Ge'er%&
1)->.01BB2C A(/#$e Tre%/me'/ S3/em P&%'
Start the fo..oDin; pro7ess for the ATS Dithin 2% days of Contra7t appro<a.:
#: S6bmit - 7opies of the ATS A..oD 2% days for the DepartmentFs re<ieD: The En;ineer pro<ides
7omments and spe7ify the date Dhen the re<ieD stopped if re<isions are reG6ired:
2: Chan;e and res6bmit a re<ised ATS Dithin #* days of re7ei<in; the En;ineerFs 7omments: The
En;ineerFs re<ieD res6mes Dhen a 7omp.ete ATS has been res6bmitted:
-: 8hen the En;ineer a6thoriHes the ATS s6bmit an e.e7troni7 7opy and 4 printed 7opies of the
a6thoriHed ATS
4: A..oD #* days for the En;ineer to s6bmit the a6thoriHed ATS to the State 8ater Reso6r7es
Contro. "oard and R8@C":
*: If the En;ineer reG6ests 7han;es to the ATS based on the State 8ater Reso6r7es Contro.
"oardFs or R8@C"Fs 7omments) amend the ATS Dithin * b6siness days:
The ATS m6st in7.6de:
#: Tit.e sheet:
2: Tab.e of 7ontents:
-: Certifi7ation and appro<a. sheet des7ribed in the DepartmentFs Storm Water Prevention Plan
0SWPPP1 and Water Pollution Control Plan 0WPCP1 Preparation Manual4
4: Amendment .o; and format des7ribed in the DepartmentFs Storm Water Prevention Plan 0SWPPP1
and Water Pollution Control Plan 0WPCP1 Preparation Manual4
*: Des7ription and s7hed6.e of the dis7har;e a7ti<ities:
0: Dis7har;e a.ternati<es) in7.6din;:
0:#: Re6se of treated Dater for Iob site a7ti<ities) s67h as d6st 7ontro.) irri;ation) fi.. 7ompa7tion) or
7on7rete bat7h p.ant
0:2: Per7o.ation
0:-: Storm seDers
0:4: S6rfa7e Daters
5: Treatment system des7ription and 7omponents:
+: Anti7ipated f.oD rates:
$: Operation and maintenan7e man6a. for eG6ipment:
#%: onitorin;);) and reportin; in7.6din; G6a.ity ass6ran7e and G6a.ity 7ontro.:
##: ? and safety
#2: Spi.. pre<ention
#-: Fie.d,re7orded data) <is6a. inspe7tion) 7a.ibration pro7ed6res) and of .o;s:
#4: eas6rin; eG6ipment des7riptions:
#*: Shop draDin;s shoDin;:
#*:#: Se7tion and <ieDs of stormDater eff.6ent treatment systems
#*:2: Lo7ation of; points for Dater G6a.ity meas6rements
#*:-: F.oD path and p.a7ement of pipes) hoses) p6mps) ho.din; tanks) and other eG6ipment 6sed to
7on<ey Dater
#*:4: =enera. position of treatment 7omponents re.ati<e to e37a<ations or other areas reG6irin;
#*:*: Point of stormDater dis7har;e
#0: Dai.y inspe7tion report form: The dai.y inspe7tion report m6st in7.6de:
#0:#: Dis7har;e <o.6mes
#0:2: 8ater G6a.ity monitorin; re7ords
#0:-: Dis7har;e point information that in7.6des:
#0:-:#: Date and time
#0:-:2: 8eather 7onditions) in7.6din; Dind dire7tion and <e.o7ity
#0:-:-: Presen7e or absen7e of Dater foD. or aG6ati7 Di.d.ife
#0:-:4: Co.or and 7.arity of the eff.6ent dis7har;e
#0:-:*: Erosion or pondin; doDnstream of the dis7har;e site
#0:-:0: Photo;raphs .abe.ed Dith the time) date) and .o7ation
#5: 6ni7ipa. bat7h dis7har;e permit from a p6b.i7.y oDned treatment Dorks if reG6ired:
#+: Coa;6.ant pre<ention Dork if yo6 6se 7hemi7a. 7oa;6.ants) in,.ine f.o776.ants) or both) in the
treatment system: The 7oa;6.ant pre<ention Dork m6st in7.6de:
#+:#: Des7ription of "Ps to pre<ent a77identa. spi..a;e) o<erfeedin; into the treatment system) or
other; of 7oa;6.ant a;ents
#+:2: onitorin; for a.. 7oa;6.ants) f.o776.ants) or both
#+:-: Des7ription of the a;ents) in7.6din; 7hemi7a. and trade names
#+:4: Determination of a76te and 7hroni7 to3i7ity for aG6ati7 or;anisms 7onformin; to EPA methods
for the a;ents
#+:*: onitorin; to dete7t a resid6a. a;ent at 7on7entrations at or be.oD estab.ished a76te
to3i7ity .e<e.s for freshDater and marine 7onditions for that a;ent
1)->.01BB)C N0/#(e 04 D#(7%r8e Re60r/
8hene<er obser<ations and meas6rements 7onfirm that a resid6a. 7hemi7a. or Dater G6a.ity standard is
#: S6bmit the noti7e of dis7har;e Dithin 4+ ho6rs after e37eedin; the .imits
2: Do76ment the reasons for e37eedin; the Dater G6a.ity standard and any 7orre7ti<e Dork performed to
pre<ent a re76rren7e in the noti7e of dis7har;e
1)->.01BB+C N"mer#( E44&"e'/ L#m#/ V#0&%/#0' Re60r/
8hene<er the NEL is e37eeded for a risk .e<e. - proIe7t) notify the En;ineer and s6bmit a NEL <io.ation
report Dithin 0 ho6rs: The report m6st in7.6de:
#: Fie.d; res6.ts and inspe7tions) in7.6din;:
#:#: Parameters) ana.yti7a. methods) reportin; 6nits) and dete7tion .imits
#:2: Date) .o7ation) time of;) <is6a. obser<ations) and meas6rements
#:-: @6antity of pre7ipitation of the storm e<ent
2: Des7ription of "Ps and 7orre7ti<e a7tions taken to mana;e NEL e37eedan7e
1)->.01BB,C O/7er A(/#$e Tre%/me'/ S3/em S".m#//%&
If the ATS is dis7har;in; treated eff.6ent) s6bmit a dai.y inspe7tion report Dithin 24 ho6rs:
S6bmit re7ords of de.i<ery and remo<a. of ATS 7omponents:
1)->.01BB-C*1)->.01BB>C Reer$e1
1)->.01C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
A resid6a. 7hemi7a. for the 7oa;6.ant m6st be at .ess than #% per7ent of the ma3im6m a..oDab.e thresho.d
7on7entration for the most sensiti<e spe7ies:
Dis7har;es from an ATS m6st 7omp.y Dith the NEL <a.6es shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
N"mer#( E44&"e'/ L#m#/
Parameter Test method Dete7tion .imit
!nit (a.6es
T6rbidity EPA %#+%:# or
fie.d test Dith
# NT! #% NT! for dai.y f.oD,
Dei;hted a<era;e and 2%
NT! for any sin;.e samp.e
p? Fie.d test Dith
%:2 p? LoDer NEL T 0:%
!pper NEL T $:%
1)->.02A Ge'er%&
Desi;n and imp.ement an appropriate a7ti<e Dater treatment system for the site 7onditions and
anti7ipated f.oD rate that in7.6des /#1 a treatment system) /21 a 7o..e7tion and 7on<eyan7e system) and
/-1 a dis7har;e method:
Desi;n and imp.ement an ATS to 7apt6re and treat) Dithin a 52,ho6r period) a <o.6me eG6a. to the r6noff
from a #%,year) 24,ho6r storm e<ent 6sin; a Datershed 7oeffi7ient of #:%:
1)->.02B Tre%/me'/ S3/em
The treatment system m6st be 7apab.e of remo<in; sediment and t6rbidity,prod67in; s6spended so.ids:
Primary and se7ondary treatment may be reG6ired) or the desi;n of the treatment system may reG6ire
7ombined 6se of the <ario6s treatment 7omponents in series to a7hie<e effe7ti<e treatment: The
treatment system m6st ha<e 7omponents to:
#: Remo<e sediment and t6rbidity,prod67in; s6spended so.ids: Components may in7.6de desi.tin;
basins); tanks) sediment traps) ;ra<ity ba; fi.ters) sand media fi.ters) press6riHed ba; fi.ters)
7artrid;e fi.ters) 7hemi7a. 7oa;6.ants and in,.ine f.o776.ants) temporary ho.din; tanks) or any
7ombination ne7essary to pro<ide primary and se7ondary treatment:
2: AdI6st p? or disso.<ed o3y;en by:
2:#: Addition of s6.f6ri7) phosphori7) 7itri7) or nitri7 a7id 6nder the s6pp.ierFs spe7ifi7ations for
treatment of Dater Dith hi;h p?: &o6 may 6se hydro7h.ori7 a7id if the Dater is de7h.orinated
before dis7har;e:
2:2: Fi.tration thro6;h a .imestone bed or addition of sodi6m hydro3ide for treatment of Dater Dith a
.oD p?: &o6 may 6se 7arbon dio3ide diff6sion that prod67es 7arboni7 a7id for p? adI6stment:
2:-: Aeration for treatment of Dater Dith .oD disso.<ed o3y;en:
1)->.02C C0&&e(/#0' %'1 C0'$e3%'(e S3/em
Pro<ide p6mps and pipin; to 7on<ey the Dater from the point of deDaterin; or stormDater 7apt6re to the
treatment system and to the point of dis7har;e: P6mps and pipin; m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 54,2:
!se a f.oD meter to meas6re a.. dis7har;es from treatment a7ti<ities:
1)->.02D D#(7%r8e Me/701
Pro<ide a method for dis7har;in; treated Dater and in7.6de a dis7har;e .o7ation: Do not dis7har;e
treated Dater in a Day that impa7ts the nat6ra. beddin; and aG6ati7 .ife:
Dis7har;e treated Dater:
#: To 7ontro. d6st in a7ti<e Dork areas:
2: To .and Dhere the ;rade a..oDs sheet f.oD and the soi. a..oDs infi.tration:
-: In a Day that does not 7a6se erosion and s7o6r: 8hene<er s7o6r o776rs) repair the dama;e and
insta.. a <e.o7ity dissipater:
1)->.02E*1)->.02G Reer$e1
1)->.0)A Ge'er%&
8ater G6a.ity m6st 7omp.y Dith .imits for dis7har;e eff.6ents and the re7ei<in; Daters: 8hene<er
obser<ations and meas6rements 6nder se7tion #-,+:%-" determine the Dater G6a.ity .imits are e37eeded:
#: Stop the dis7har;e immediate.y
2: Notify the En;ineer
-: Start 7orre7ti<e meas6res to 7han;e) repair) or rep.a7e the eG6ipment and pro7ed6res 6sed to treat
the Dater
After the En;ineer inspe7ts and a6thoriHes yo6r 7orre7ti<e meas6res) res6me treatment and dis7har;e
a7ti<ities 6nder the start6p,phase; reG6irements before res6min; re;,phase;:
aintain the ATS to pro<ide proper f6n7tion and pre<ent .eaks: 8hene<er a 7omponent of the deDaterin;
eG6ipment is not f6n7tionin; proper.y) dis7ontin6e the treatment a7ti<ities and repair or rep.a7e the
Sediments remo<ed from 6n7ontaminated areas d6rin; maintenan7e of the treatment system m6st be
dried) distrib6ted 6niform.y) and stabi.iHed at a .o7ation Dithin the proIe7t .imits Dhere a6thoriHed:
Re.o7ate the ATS as needed:
1)->.0)B M0'#/0r#'8
Comp.y Dith the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions for a.. 7a.ibrations of the f.oD meter: Perform 7a.ibrations in
the presen7e of the En;ineer:
8hi.e the ATS is bein; operated) monitor:
#: Inf.6ent t6rbidity
2: Eff.6ent t6rbidity
-: Inf.6ent p?
4: Eff.6ent p?
*: Resid6a. 7hemi7a.
0: Eff.6ent f.oD rate
5: Eff.6ent f.oD <o.6me
onitorin; eG6ipment for the ATS m6st re7ord data at .east on7e e<ery #* min6tes: C6m6.ati<e f.oD data
m6st be re7orded dai.y: The re7ordin; system m6st ha<e the 7apa7ity to re7ord a minim6m of 5 days of
7ontin6o6s data:
onitorin; eG6ipment m6st be interfa7ed Dith the 7ontro. system of the ATS to pro<ide sh6toff or
re7ir76.ation Dhene<er eff.6ent readin;s e37eed .imits for t6rbidity and p?: The 7ontro. system m6st
defa6.t to re7ir76.ation or sh6toff d6rin; a poDer fai.6re or other 7atastrophi7 e<ent:
The 7ontro. system m6st 7ontro. the dose of the 7oa;6.ant) f.o776.ant) or both to pre<ent o<erdosin;:
Take Dater G6a.ity meas6rements to <erify .imit reG6irements for re7ei<in; Daters and dis7har;e eff.6ent
#: Dis7har;es of Dater that e37eed 4 ho6rs in d6ration o776rrin; Dithin a 24,ho6r period as fo..oDs:
#:#: If the dis7har;e 7o6.d affe7t the re7ei<in; body of Dater in a stormDater draina;e system) take
meas6rements at the ba7k;ro6nd and re7ei<in; Dater,; .o7ations not more than # ho6r
before dis7har;in; the treated Dater:
#:2: Perform start,6p phase; #% to -% min6tes after meas6rab.e r6noff o776rs d6rin; a
storm: Start6p,phase; in7.6des stormDater r6noff) ba7k;ro6nd) and re7ei<in; Dater
meas6rements taken d6rin; the first - days of dis7har;e: Take at re; inter<a.s
d6rin; the storm: Take at .east 4 for ea7h dis7har;e .astin; 4 ho6rs or more: The time
betDeen; m6st not e37eed 4 ho6rs:
#:-: Perform re;,phase; at .east tDi7e dai.y: Re;,phase; in7.6des eff.6ent)
ba7k;ro6nd) and re7ei<in; Dater meas6rements that o776r after the -rd day of a7ti<ities: Take at re; inter<a.s:
#:4: 8hene<er the re7ei<in; body of Dater noti7eab.y 7han;es in 7o.or or 7.arity) take additiona.
eff.6ent) ba7k;ro6nd) and doDnstream meas6rements:
#:*: 8hene<er an initia. meas6rement shoDs that the Dater G6a.ity .imits are e37eeded) take an
additiona. meas6rement not .ess than #* min6tes and not more than # ho6r after the initia.
#:0: 8hene<er the 2nd test 7onfirms the .imits Dere e37eeded) re<ert to the start6p,phase;
reG6irements before res6min; re;,phase;:
#:5: For 7offerdam maintenan7e deDaterin;) yo6 may dis7ontin6e re;,phase monitorin; after #%
days if the eff.6ent and re7ei<in; Dater meas6rements are 7onsistent.y be.oD the Dater G6a.ity
2: Dis7har;es of Dater for 4 ho6rs or .ess in d6ration o776rrin; Dithin a 24,ho6r period as fo..oDs:
2:#: If the dis7har;e 7o6.d affe7t the re7ei<in; body of Dater in a stormDater draina;e system) take
meas6rements at the ba7k;ro6nd and re7ei<in; Dater,; .o7ations no more than # ho6r
before dis7har;in; the treated Dater:
2:2: Take eff.6ent) ba7k;ro6nd) and re7ei<in; Dater meas6rements from #% to -% min6tes after
initiatin; the dis7har;e: Contin6e to take meas6rements e<ery ho6r:
2:-: 8hene<er an initia. meas6rement shoDs that the Dater G6a.ity .imits are e37eeded) take an
additiona. meas6rement not more than #* min6tes after the initia. meas6rement:
2:4: 8hene<er the re7ei<in; body of Dater noti7eab.y 7han;es in 7o.or or 7.arity) take additiona.
eff.6ent) ba7k;ro6nd) and doDnstream meas6rements:
-: A.. other dis7har;es of Dater as fo..oDs:
-:#: eas6re stormDater eff.6ent t6rbidity and p? at the end of the o6tfa.. or in,.ine; port:
-:2: eas6re re7ei<in; Dater t6rbidity) p?) and disso.<ed o3y;en at a point Dithin the mi3in; Hone:
-:-: eas6re re7ei<in; Dater t6rbidity) p?) and disso.<ed o3y;en at a point Dithin #* feet
doDnstream of the dis7har;e point:
-:4: eas6re nat6ra. ba7k;ro6nd t6rbidity) disso.<ed o3y;en) and p? at a .o7ation that is from $ to
#* feet 6pstream of the dis7har;e point: If another Iob site a7ti<ity is bein; performed) meas6re
at .east #*% feet 6pstream of the dis7har;e point:
-:*: If the dis7har;e is made into a s6rfa7e body of Dater or into a stormDater draina;e system that
prod67es an obser<ab.e effe7t on a s6rfa7e body of Dater) monitor the re7ei<in; Dater:
4: Re7ei<in; Dater and nat6ra. ba7k;ro6nd meas6rements as fo..oDs:
4:#: If the re7ei<in; Dater is deeper than - feet) take depth,a<era;ed meas6rements by takin; from - points Dithin the Dater 7o.6mn and a<era;in; the fo..oDin; - meas6rements:
4:#:#: #2 in7hes be.oD the s6rfa7e:
4:#:2: id,depth:
4:#:-: #2 in7hes abo<e the bottom:
4:2: If the re7ei<in; Dater is .ess than - feet in depth) take the meas6rement #2 in7hes be.oD the
Comp.y Dith the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions for the 6se and 7a.ibration of meters and de<i7es for takin;
Dater G6a.ity meas6rements: Perform 7a.ibrations in the presen7e of the En;ineer:
1)->.0)C*1)->.0)E Reer$e1
1)->.0+ PAYMENT
Not !sed
1)-?.01 GENERAL
1)-?.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion #-,$ in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for; temporary 7on7rete Dasho6ts: Temporary 7on7rete
Dasho6ts in7.6de:
#: Temporary 7on7rete Dasho6t fa7i.ities
2: Portab.e temporary 7on7rete Dasho6ts
-: Temporary 7on7rete Dasho6t bins
1)-?.01B S".m#//%&
At .east * b6siness days before 7on7rete a7ti<ities start) s6bmit an informationa. s6bmitta. that in7.6des:
#: Lo7ation of ea7h 7on7rete Dasho6t
2: Name and .o7ation of the off,site 7on7rete Daste disposa. p.ant to re7ei<e the 7on7rete Daste
-: Copy of the permit iss6ed by the R8@C" for the off,site 7ommer7ia. disposa. p.ant
4: Copy of the permit iss6ed by the state or .o7a. a;en7y ha<in; I6risdi7tion o<er the disposa. p.ant if the
disposa. site is .o7ated o6tside of the State
Retain and s6bmit an informationa. s6bmitta. for re7ords of disposed 7on7rete Daste) in7.6din; Dei;ht
ti7kets and re7eipts for de.i<ery and remo<a. of temporary 7on7rete Dasho6ts:
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e for:
#: =ra<e.,fi..ed ba;
2: P.asti7 .iner
S6bmit a samp.e of yo6r a.ternate atta7hment de<i7e for temporary sediment barriers if yo6 propose not
to 6se
1)-?.02A Ge'er%&
The si;n for a 7on7rete Dasho6t m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion #2,-:%0"/-1) e37ept the si;n pane. may be
p.yDood if a6thoriHed: The si;n pane. m6st be at .east 2 by 4 feet in siHe: The si;n .e;end m6st read
ECon7rete 8asho6tE in at .east -,in7h hi;h b.a7k .etters on a Dhite ba7k;ro6nd:
1)-?.02B Tem60r%r3 C0'(re/e A%70"/ F%(#&#/3
Stakes for a temporary 7on7rete Dasho6t fa7i.ity m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion #-,#%:%2C:
StraD for a temporary 7on7rete Dasho6t fa7i.ity m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion #-,#%:%2?:
=ra<e.,fi..ed ba;s for a temporary 7on7rete Dasho6t fa7i.ity m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion #-,*:%2=:
The p.asti7 .iner for a temporary 7on7rete Dasho6t fa7i.ity m6st be:
#: Sin;.e p.y) neD po.yethy.ene sheetin;) Ditho6t seams or o<er.appin; Ioints
2: At .east #% mi.s thi7k
-: Free of p6n7t6res) tears or other defe7ts
1)-?.02C P0r/%.&e Tem60r%r3 C0'(re/e A%70"/
A portab.e temporary 7on7rete Dasho6t m6st be a 7ommer7ia..y a<ai.ab.e) Daterti;ht 7ontainer Dith
eno6;h 7apa7ity to 7ontain a.. .iG6id and 7on7rete Daste ;enerated by Dasho6t a7ti<ities Ditho6t seepa;e
or spi..s and be:
#: At .east ** ;a..ons in 7apa7ity:
2: Labe.ed for e37.6si<e 6se as a 7on7rete Daste and Dasho6t fa7i.ity: Sten7i. ECon7rete 8aste ateria.E
in -,in7h hi;h b.a7k .etters on Dhite ba7k;ro6nd Dhere the top of; is #2 in7hes from the top
of the 7ontainer:
1)-?.02D Tem60r%r3 C0'(re/e A%70"/ B#'
A temporary 7on7rete Dasho6t bin m6st be a 7ommer7ia..y a<ai.ab.e) Daterti;ht 7ontainer Dith eno6;h
7apa7ity to 7ontain a.. .iG6id and 7on7rete Daste ;enerated by Dasho6t a7ti<ities Ditho6t seepa;e or spi..s
and be:
#: At .east * 76bi7 yards in 7apa7ity
2: Ro..,off type Dith or Ditho6t fo.din; stee. ramps
-: Labe.ed for e37.6si<e 6se as a 7on7rete Daste and Dasho6t fa7i.ity
1)-?.02E*1)-?.02G Reer$e1
P.a7e a 7on7rete Dasho6t at the Iob site:
#: "efore 7on7rete p.a7ement a7ti<ities start
2: In the immediate area of 7on7rete Dork Dhere a6thoriHed
-: No 7.oser than *% feet from storm drain in.ets) open draina;e fa7i.ities) ESAs) and Dater7o6rses
4: ADay from traffi7 or p6b.i7 a77ess areas
Insta.. a 7on7rete Dasho6t si;n adIa7ent to ea7h 7on7rete Dasho6t .o7ation:
!se a 7on7rete Dasho6t to 7o..e7t:
#: 8asho6t from 7on7rete de.i<ery tr67ks
2: S.6rries 7ontainin; PCC or ?A from saD76ttin;) 7orin;) ;rindin;) ;roo<in;) and hydro,7on7rete
-: Con7rete Daste from mortar mi3in; stations
Do not fi.. a 7on7rete Dasho6t hi;her than 0 in7hes be.oD the 6pper rim:
Remo<e and dispose of 7on7rete Daste Dithin 2 b6siness days after a 7on7rete Dasho6t be7omes fi..ed:
Dispose of 7on7rete Daste materia. from a 7on7rete Dasho6t at a p.ant .i7ensed to re7ei<e 7on7rete
Daste) .iG6id 7on7rete Daste) or both:
Re.o7ate a portab.e temporary 7on7rete Dasho6t or bin as needed for 7on7rete Dork:
The Department does not pay for re.o7atin; a portab.e temporary 7on7rete Dasho6t or bin:
Se76re a portab.e temporary 7on7rete Dasho6t or bin to pre<ent; of 7on7rete Daste materia.
Dhene<er it is bein; re.o7ated or transported Dithin the Iob site: 8hene<er any spi..ed materia. is
obser<ed) 7.ean 6p the spi..ed materia. and p.a7e it ba7k into the 7on7rete Dasho6t 6nit:
1)-?.0+ PAYMENT
Not !sed
1)-10.01 GENERAL
1)-10.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion #-,#% in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for; temporary .inear sediment barriers:
1)-10.01B S".m#//%&
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e for:
#: Fiber ro..
2: Safety 7ap for meta. posts
-: Si.t fen7e fabri7
4: Sediment fi.ter ba;
*: Foam barrier
0: =ra<e.,fi..ed ba; fabri7
If yo6 s6bstit6te stee. Dire Dith an a.ternati<e atta7hment de<i7e) s6bmit a samp.e of the de<i7e
for appro<a. at .east * b6siness days before insta..ation:
1)-10.02 MATERIALS
1)-10.02A Ge'er%&
Fasteners and stakes m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 2#,#:%2R:
1)-10.02B R0&&
Fiber ro..s m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 2#,#:%2P:
Fiber ro..s for a .ar;e sediment barrier m6st be Type ") e37ept the dimensions m6st be from #+ to 22
in7hes in diameter) at .east + feet .on;) and Dei;h at .east 0:* po6nds per .inear foot:
1)-10.02C P0/
Posts m6st be Dood or meta.:
8ood posts m6st be:
#: At .east 2 by 2 in7hes in siHe and 4 feet .on;
2: !ntreated fir) redDood) 7edar) or pine) 76t from so6nd timber
-: Strai;ht and free of .oose or 6nso6nd knots and other defe7ts that 7o6.d render the posts 6nfit for 6se
4: Pointed on the end to be dri<en into the ;ro6nd
eta. posts m6st:
#: "e at .east 4 feet .on;:
2: "e made of stee.:
-: ?a<e a !,shaped) T,shaped) L,shaped) or other 7ross,se7tiona. shape that 7an resist fai.6re from
.atera. .oads:
4: "e pointed on the end to be dri<en into the ;ro6nd:
*: 8ei;h at .east %:5* po6nd per foot:
0: ?a<e a safety 7ap atta7hed to the e3posed end: The safety 7ap m6st be oran;e or red p.asti7 and
m6st fit sn6;.y onto the meta. post:
Do not 6se meta. posts for a temporary .ar;e sediment barrier:
Posts for a temporary reinfor7ed si.t fen7e m6st be at .east 0 feet in .en;th for a Type # insta..ation and *
feet in .en;th for a Type 2 insta..ation:
Posts 6sed as stakes for a temporary straD,ba.e barrier m6st be Dood or meta.:
1)-10.02D H#87 V##.#&#/3 Fe'(e
?i;h <isibi.ity fabri7 m6st 7ontain !( inhibitors and 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Property Spe7ifi7ations ReG6irements
8idth) in7hes) min eas6red 4+
Openin; siHe in7hes eas6red #E 3 #E /min1
2E 3 4E /ma31
Co.or Obser<ed Oran;e
Ro.. Dei;ht) .b) min for 4U 3 #%%U ro.. eas6red #2
Tensi.e stren;th) .b) min AST D4*$* -2%
1)-10.02E A#re Me7
8ire mesh for a temporary reinfor7ed si.t fen7e m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion +%,2:%2E) be fabri7ated from at
.east #4,;a;e horiHonta. and <erti7a. Dires De.ded at ea7h interse7tion) and ha<e a ma3im6m openin; 2
in7hes Dide by 4 in7hes hi;h: The fen7e m6st be s6pp.ied in *%,foot ro..s:
1)-10.02F A#re
8ire for ;6y Dires and tie Dires for a temporary reinfor7ed si.t fen7e m6st be #0,;a;e iron or stee.:
1)-10.02G A'(70r
An7hors for a temporary reinfor7ed si.t fen7e m6st be fabri7ated from no: 4 stee. reinfor7in; bar:
1)-10.02H S/r%: B%&e
StraD for straD m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 2#,#:%2I:
StraD m6st be:
#: At .east #4 in7hes Dide) #+ in7hes hi;h) -0 in7hes .on;) and Dei;h at .east *% po6nds:
2: Composed entire.y of <e;etati<e matter e37ept for the bindin; materia.:
-: "o6nd by Dire) ny.on) or po.ypropy.ene strin;: Do not 6se I6te or 7otton bindin;: "; Dire m6st be
at .east #0 ;a6;e: Ny.on or po.ypropy.ene strin; m6st be appro3imate.y %:%+ in7h in diameter Dith +%
po6nds of breakin; stren;th:
1)-10.02I F0%m B%rr#er
Foam barriers m6st ha<e:
#: !rethane foam,fi..ed 7ore
2: =eosyntheti7 fabri7 7o<er and f.ap
-: Trian; or sG6are 7ross se7tion
4: (erti7a. hei;ht of at .east * in7hes after insta..ation
*: ?oriHonta. f.ap at .east + in7hes in Didth
0: A .en;th of at .east 4 feet per 6nit
5: Abi.ity to inter.o7k separate 6nits into a .on; barrier so that Dater Di.. not f.oD betDeen 6nits
The ;eosyntheti7 fabri7 7o<er and f.ap for foam barriers m6st ha<e the <a.6es of the properties shoDn in
the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Property Test method (a.6e
=rab breakin; .oad
#,in7h ;rip) .b) min in ea7h dire7tion
AST D40-2 2%%
Apparent e.on;ation
\) min in ea7h dire7tion
AST D40-2 #*
8ater f.oD rate
ma3 a<era;e ro.. <a.6e) ;pm9sG ft
AST D44$# #%%B#*%
#9se7) min
AST D44$# %:%*
Apparent openin; siHe
ma3 a<era;e ro.. <a.6e) !:S: standard sie<e siHe
AST D45*# 4%
!( resistan7e) \
min retained ;rab breakin; .oad) *%% hr
AST D4-** 5%
Se76re foam barriers to:
#: Pa<ement Dith #,in7h 7on7rete nai.s) #,in7h Dashers) and so.<ent,free adhesi<e
2: Soi. Dith 0,in7h nai.s and #,in7h Dashers
1)-10.02E Gr%$e&-4#&&e1 B%8 Berm
=ra<e.,fi..ed ba;s for the temporary ;ra<e. ba; berm m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion #-,*:%2=:
1)-10.02I*1)-10.02M Reer$e1
1)-10.0)A Ge'er%&
"efore; a temporary .inear sediment barrier) remo<e obstr67tions) in7.6din; ro7ks) 7.ods) and
debris ;reater than # in7h in diameter from the ;ro6nd:
aintain a temporary .inear sediment barrier to pro<ide sediment,ho.din; 7apa7ity and to red67e
7on7entrated f.oD <e.o7ities:
Repair or adI6st the barrier Dhene<er ri..s and other e<iden7e of 7on7entrated r6noff are o776rrin;
beneath the barrier:
Repair or rep.a7e torn) or 6nra<e.ed materia.: Add or rep.a7e posts) stakes) or fasteners as needed
to pre<ent sa;;in; or s.6mpin;:
8hene<er a barrier be7omes deta7hed or dis.od;ed from the pa<ement) reatta7h it:
Repair a or torn ri;id p.asti7 barrier Dith #0,;a6;e ;a.<aniHed stee. Dire or !(,stabi.iHed 7ab.e ties
from * to 5 in7hes in .en;th:
Remo<e sediment deposits) trash) and other debris as needed or ordered:
Remo<e sediment deposits Dhene<er the sediment e37eeds:
#: #9- of the hei;ht abo<e ;ro6nd behind a fen7e
2: # in7h in depth behind a f.e3ib.e sediment barrier
8hene<er yo6 p.a7e the remo<ed sediment deposits Dithin the Iob site) stabi.iHe the sediment deposits to
pre<ent erosion:
P.a7e ;ra<e.,fi..ed ba;s behind Type ' temporary; if 6sed Dithin a sho6.der area:
1)-10.0)B Tem60r%r3 R0&&
Insta.. temporary fiber ro..s 6nder se7tion 2#,#:%-P:
1)-10.0)C Tem60r%r3 Gr%$e& B%8 Berm
P.a7e the ba;s end,to,end to e.iminate ;aps: P.a7e ba;s appro3imate.y para..e. Dith the s.ope 7onto6r:
An;.e the .ast 0 feet 6ps.ope at the doDnhi.. end of the r6n: Sta7k the ba;s so that the 6pper roD o<er.aps
Ioints in the .oDer roD:
If yo6 need to in7rease the hei;ht of a temporary ;ra<e. ba; berm) add more .ayers of ;ra<e.,fi..ed ba;s:
Sta7k the ba;s in the 6pper roD to o<er.ap the Ioints in the .oDer roD: Stabi.iHe the roDs by addin; more
roDs of ba;s in the .oDer .ayers:
1)-10.0)D Tem60r%r3 L%r8e Se1#me'/ B%rr#er
Insta.. a temporary .ar;e sediment barrier as fo..oDs:
#: P.a7e a sin;.e roD of fiber ro..s end,to,end appro3imate.y para..e. Dith the s.ope 7onto6r: For any 2%,
foot se7tion of fiber ro..) do not a..oD the fiber ro.. to <ary by more than * per7ent from .e<e.:
2: P.a7e the fiber ro..s in a f6rroD that is from 0 to + in7hes deep:
-: Se76re the fiber ro..s Dith Dood stakes 4 feet apart:
4: P.a7e a stake #+ in7hes from ea7h end of ea7h fiber ro..:
*: Dri<e the stakes into the soi. so that the top of the stakes are .ess than 2 in7hes abo<e the top of the
fiber ro..s:
0: An;.e the .ast 0 feet 6ps.ope at the doDnhi.. end of the r6n:
1)-10.0)E Tem60r%r3 Re#'40r(e1 S#&/ Fe'(e
P.a7e a temporary reinfor7ed si.t fen7e para..e. Dith the s.ope 7onto6r: For any *%,foot se7tion of
reinfor7ed si.t fen7e) do not a..oD the e.e<ation at the base of the fen7e to <ary by more than #9- of the
fen7e hei;ht:
Insta.. a temporary reinfor7ed si.t fen7e as fo..oDs:
#: Di; a 0,in7h deep tren7h:
2: P.a7e the Dire mesh and the bottom of the si.t fen7e fabri7 in the tren7h:
-: P.a7e posts on the doDnhi.. side of the fabri7 and Dire mesh:
4: Atta7h the si.t fen7e fabri7 to the Dire mesh Dith tie Dires or .o7kin; p.asti7 fasteners a.on; the .en;th
of the fen7e at not more than -,foot horiHonta. spa7in; and from top to bottom at not more than +,in7h
<erti7a. spa7in;:
*: "a7kfi.. the tren7h Dith soi. by hand or me7hani7a. tampin; to se76re the si.t fen7e fabri7 and the Dire
mesh in the tren7h:
0: Atta7h ;6y Dires and an7hors at ea7h post: Insta.. at .east 2 an7hors and ;6y Dires at an;.e points
and end posts:
Conne7t se7tions of temporary reinfor7ed si.t fen7e as fo..oDs:
#: Coin separate se7tions of the si.t fen7e to form rea7hes not more than *%% feet .on;: Ea7h se7tion
m6st be a 7ontin6o6s r6n of si.t fen7e from end,to,end or from an end to an openin;) in7.6din; Ioined
2: Se76re the end posts of ea7h se7tion by Drappin; the tops of the posts Dith at .east 2 Draps of #0,
;a6;e tie Dire:
If temporary reinfor7ed si.t fen7e Type # is shoDn) atta7h hi;h,<isibi.ity fabri7 to the stee. posts by 6sin;
tie Dires or .o7kin; p.asti7 fasteners:
1)-10.0)F Tem60r%r3 S#&/ Fe'(e
Constr67t a temporary si.t fen7e Dith si.t fen7e fabri7) posts) and fasteners assemb.ed at the Iob site or
Dith prefabri7ated si.t fen7e:
If prefabri7ated si.t fen7e is 6sed) atta7h the fabri7 to the posts by insertin; the posts into the seDn
po7kets: If assemb.ed at the Iob site:
#: Fasten the fabri7 to the posts Dith or nai.s if Dood posts are 6sed
2: Fasten the fabri7 to the posts Dith tie Dires or .o7kin; p.asti7 fasteners if stee. posts are 6sed
-: Spa7e the fasteners not more than + in7hes apart
P.a7e temporary si.t fen7e para..e. Dith the s.ope 7onto6r: For any *%,foot se7tion of temporary si.t fen7e)
do not a..oD the base e.e<ation of the fen7e to <ary by more than #9- of the hei;ht of the fen7e abo<e the
Insta.. a temporary si.t fen7e as fo..oDs:
#: P.a7e the bottom of the fabri7 in a 0,in7h deep tren7h
2: Se76re it Dith the posts p.a7ed on the doDnhi.. side of the fabri7
-: "a7kfi.. the tren7h Dith soi. and 7ompa7t by hand or me7hani7a. methods to se76re the fabri7 in the
Conne7t se7tions of a temporary si.t fen7e as fo..oDs:
#: Coin separate se7tions of the si.t fen7e to form rea7hes not more than *%% feet .on;: Ea7h se7tion
m6st be a 7ontin6o6s r6n from end,to,end or from an end to an openin;) in7.6din; Ioined pane.s:
2: Se76re the end posts of ea7h se7tion by Drappin; the tops of the posts Dith at .east 2 Draps of #0,
;a6;e tie Dire:
&o6 may insta.. the si.t fen7e by me7hani7a..y p6shin; the si.t fen7e fabri7 <erti7a..y into the soi.:
e7hani7a..y insta..ed fabri7 m6st not s.ip o6t of the soi. or a..oD sediment to pass 6nder the fabri7:
1)-10.0)G Tem60r%r3 S/r%: B%&e B%rr#er
Insta.. a temporary straD ba.e barrier as fo..oDs:
#: P.a7e a sin;.e roD of straD end,to,end para..e. Dith the s.ope 7onto6r: For any 2%,foot se7tion
of straD ba.e barrier) do not a..oD it to <ary by more than * per7ent from .e<e.:
2: P.a7e straD in a tren7h or keyed into the s.ope: P.a7e the so that the bindin; Dire or strin;
does not 7ome in 7onta7t Dith the soi.:
-: Se76re ea7h straD ba.e Dith 2 stakes: The first stake in ea7h ba.e m6st be dri<en toDard the
pre<io6s.y .aid ba.e to for7e the to;ether:
4: Dri<e the stakes into the soi. so that the top of the stake is .ess than 2 in7hes abo<e the top of the
straD ba.e:
*: An;.e the .ast 0 feet 6ps.ope at the doDnhi.. end of the r6n:
1)-10.0)H Tem60r%r3 F0%m B%rr#er
Se76re temporary foam barriers to the pa<ement Dith nai.s and adhesi<e) ;ra<e.,fi..ed ba;s) or a
Insta.. the foam barrier Dith the horiHonta. f.ap in a -,in7h deep tren7h and se76re Dith nai.s and Dashers
p.a7ed not more than 4 feet apart: Se76re the barrier Dith 2 nai.s at the 7onne7tion points Dhere barriers
o<er.ap: Do not pier7e the barrierFs 7ore Dith nai.s or stakes:
1)-10.0)I Tem60r%r3 E%r/7e' Berm
Constr67t a temporary earthen berm Dith nati<e soi. or se.e7ted materia. at .east + in7hes hi;h by -0
in7hes Dide: Compa7t by hand or me7hani7a. methods:
1)-10.0)E*1)-10.0)L Reer$e1
1)-10.0+ PAYMENT
Not !sed
1)-11*1)-1+ RESERVED
1+-1.01 GENERAL
Se7tion #4,# in7.6des ;enera. spe7ifi7ations for en<ironmenta. 7omp.ian7e and en<ironmenta. reso6r7e
1+-1.02A Ge'er%&
Se7tion #4,#:%2 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for en<ironmenta..y sensiti<e area reG6irements:
If an ESA is shoDn:
#: The bo6ndaries shoDn are appro3imateJ the Department marks the e3a7t bo6ndaries on the ;ro6nd
2: Do not enter the ESA 6n.ess a6thoriHed
-: If the ESA is brea7hed) immediate.y:
-:#: Se76re the area and stop a.. operations Dithin 0% feet of the ESA bo6ndary
-:2: Notify the En;ineer
4: If the ESA is dama;ed) the Department determines Dhat efforts are ne7essary to remedy the dama;e
and Dho performs the remedyJ yo6 are responsib.e for remedies and 7har;es
1+-1.02B M%/er#%&
Not !sed
1+-1.02C C0'/r"(/#0'
Not 6sed
1+-1.02D P%3me'/
Not 6sed
1+-1.0)A Ge'er%&
1+-1.0)AB1C S"mm%r3
Se7tion #4,#:%- in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for;) maintainin;) and remo<in; Type ESA temporary
Type ESA temporary fen7e pro<ides a <isib.e bo6ndary adIa7ent to prote7ted areas s67h as an ESA:
Si;ns are reG6ired for Type ESA temporary fen7e:
1+-1.0)AB2C S".m#//%&
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e for hi;h <isibi.ity fabri7 and safety 7aps for meta. posts:
1+-1.0)B M%/er#%&
1+-1.0)BB1C H#87 V##.#&#/3 F%.r#(
?i;h <isibi.ity fabri7 for Type ESA temporary fen7e m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion #-,#%:%2D and m6st:
#: Contain 6.tra< inhibitors
2: Comp.y Dith the ESA properties in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Property Spe7ifi7ations ReG6irements
8idth) in7hes) min eas6red 4+
Openin; siHe)
eas6red # by # in7h /min1
2 by 4 in7hes /ma31
Co.or Obser<ed Oran;e
Ro.. Dei;ht) .b) min
for 4 by #%% foot
eas6red #2
Tensi.e stren;th) .b)
AST D4*$* -2%
1+-1.0)BB2C P0/
Posts for Type ESA temporary fen7e m6st be Dood or stee.:
8ood and meta. posts for Type ESA temporary fen7e m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion #-,#%:%2:
8ood posts m6st be at .east 2 by 2 in7hes in siHe and 0 feet .on;:
eta. posts m6st be at .east 0 feet .on;:
1+-1.0)BB)C S#8'
Si;ns for Type ESA temporary fen7e m6st be:
#: 8eatherproof and fade,proof and may in7.6de p.asti7 .aminated printed paper affi3ed to an inf.e3ib.e
Deatherproof ba7ker board
2: Atta7hed to the hi;h <isibi.ity fabri7 Dith tie Dire or .o7kin; p.asti7 fasteners
1+-1.0)C C0'/r"(/#0'
1+-1.0)CB1C Ge'er%&
Insta.. Type ESA temporary fen7e:
#: 8ith hi;h <isibi.ity fabri7) posts) and fasteners as fo..oDs:
#:#: If Dood posts are 6sed) fasteners m6st be or nai.s
#:2: If stee. posts are 6sed) fasteners m6st be tie Dires or .o7kin; p.asti7 fasteners
#:-: Spa7in; of the fasteners m6st be no more than + in7hes apart
2: "efore 7.earin; and ;r6bbin; a7ti<ities
-: From o6tside of the prote7ted area
4: 8ith posts spa7ed + feet apart and embedded at .east #0 in7hes in the soi.
Si;ns m6st be atta7hed Dith the top of the si;n pane. f.6sh Dith the top of the hi;h <isibi.ity fabri7 and
p.a7ed #%% feet apart a.on; the .en;th and at ea7h end of the fen7e:
If trees and other p.ants need prote7tion) insta.. the fen7e to en7.ose the drip .ine of the fo.ia;e 7anopy of
prote7ted p.ants and prote7t <isib.e roots from en7roa7hment:
1+-1.0)CB2C M%#'/e'%'(e
aintain Type ESA temporary fen7e by:
#: 'eepin; posts in a <erti7a. position
2: Reatta7hin; fabri7 to posts
-: Rep.a7in; dama;ed se7tions of fabri7
4: Rep.a7in; and se76rin; si;ns
1+-1.0)D P%3me'/
The fen7e payment G6antity does not in7.6de the Didth of openin;s:
The fen7e is meas6red:
#: Para..e. to the ;ro6nd s.ope
2: A.on; the fen7e
1+-1.0+*1+-1.10 RESERVED
1+-2.01 GENERAL
Se7tion #4,2 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations re.atin; to 76.t6ra. reso6r7es:
1+-2.02A Ge'er%&
Se7tion #4,2:%2 app.ies if ar7haeo.o;i7a. reso6r7es are dis7o<ered at the Iob site: Do not dist6rb the
reso6r7es and immediate.y:
#: Stop a.. Dork Dithin a 0%,foot radi6s of the dis7o<ery
2: Prote7t the dis7o<ery area
-: Notify the En;ineer
The Department in<esti;ates: Do not mo<e ar7haeo.o;i7a. reso6r7es or take them from the Iob site: Do
not res6me Dork Dithin the dis7o<ery area 6nti. a6thoriHed:
If ordered) f6rnish reso6r7es to assist in the in<esti;ation or re7o<ery of ar7haeo.o;i7a. reso6r7es: This
Dork is 7han;e order Dork:
1+-2.02B M%/er#%&
Not !sed
1+-2.02C C0'/r"(/#0'
Not 6sed
1+-2.02D P%3me'/
Not 6sed
1+-2.0)A Ge'er%&
Se7tion #4,2:%- app.ies if an AA is des7ribed in the Contra7t:
The Department assi;ns an ar7haeo.o;i7a. monitor to monitor Iob site a7ti<ities Dithin the AA: Do not
Dork Dithin the AA 6n.ess the ar7heo.o;i7a. monitor is present:
The En;ineer and the DepartmentFs ar7haeo.o;i7a. monitor 7ond67t an AA .o7ation fie.d re<ieD Dith yo6
at .east * b6siness days before start of Dork: The Department marks the e3a7t bo6ndaries of the AA on
the ;ro6nd:
If Type ESA temporary fen7e or other en7.os6re for an AA is des7ribed in the Contra7t) insta.. Type ESA
temporary fen7e or other en7.os6re to define the bo6ndaries of the AA d6rin; the AA .o7ation fie.d
At .east * b6siness days before startin; Dork Dithin an AA) s6bmit a s7hed6.e of days and ho6rs to be
Dorked for the En;ineerFs a6thoriHation: If yo6 reG6ire 7han;es in the s7hed6.e) s6bmit an 6pdate for the
En;ineerFs a6thoriHation at .east * b6siness days before any 7han;ed Dork day:
If ar7haeo.o;i7a. reso6r7es are dis7o<ered Dithin an AA) 7omp.y Dith se7tion #4,2:%2:
1+-2.0)B M%/er#%&
Not !sed
1+-2.0)C C0'/r"(/#0'
Not 6sed
1+-2.0)D P%3me'/
Not 6sed
1+-2.0+*1+-2.0? RESERVED
1+-2.11*1+-2.1- RESERVED
1+-).01*1+-).10 RESERVED
1+-+.01*1+-+.10 RESERVED
1+-,.01*1+-,.10 RESERVED
1+--.01 GENERAL
1+--.01A Ge'er%&
1+--.01AB1C S"mm%r3
Se7tion #4,0 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations re.atin; to bio.o;i7a. reso6r7es:
1+--.01AB2C De4#'#/#0'
N0'8%me .#r15 "irds identified in the Fish and =ame Code as non;ame birds:
1+--.01B M%/er#%&
Not !sed
1+--.01C C0'/r"(/#0'
Not !sed
1+--.01D P%3me'/
Not !sed
1+--.0)A Ge'er%&
Se7tion #4,0:%- in7.6des spe7ifi7ations re.atin; to bird prote7tion:
Prote7t mi;ratory and non;ame birds) their o776pied nests) and their e;;s:
The Department anti7ipates nestin; or attempted nestin; from Febr6ary #* to September #:
The federa. i;ratory "ird Treaty A7t) #0 !SC M 5%-B5##) and *% CFR Pt #% and Fish N =ame Code MM
-*%-) -*#-) and -+%% prote7t mi;ratory and non;ame birds) their o776pied nests) and their e;;s:
The federa. Endan;ered Spe7ies A7t of #$5-) #0 !SC M #*-# and M #*4-) and the Ca.ifornia Endan;ered
Spe7ies A7t) Fish N =ame Code MM 2%*%B2##*:*) prohibit the take of .isted spe7ies and prote7t o776pied
and 6no776pied nests of threatened and endan;ered bird spe7ies:
The "a.d and =o.den Ea;.e Prote7tion A7t) #0 !SC M 00+) prohibits the destr67tion of ba.d and ;o.den
ea;.es and their o776pied and 6no776pied nests:
If mi;ratory or non;ame bird nests are dis7o<ered that may be ad<erse.y affe7ted by 7onstr67tion
a7ti<ities or an inI6red or ki..ed bird is fo6nd) immediate.y:
#: Stop a.. Dork Dithin a #%%,foot radi6s of the dis7o<ery
2: Notify the En;ineer
The Department in<esti;ates: Do not res6me Dork Dithin the spe7ified radi6s of the dis7o<ery 6nti.
1+--.0)B M%/er#%&
Not !sed
1+--.0)C C0'/r"(/#0'
If ordered) 6se e37.6sion de<i7es) take nestin; pre<ention meas6res) remo<e and dispose of partia..y
7onstr67ted and 6no776pied nests of mi;ratory or non;ame birds on a re; basis to pre<ent their
o776pation) or perform any 7ombination of these: This Dork is 7han;e order Dork:
Pre<ent nest materia.s from; into DaterDays:
1+--.0)D P%3me'/
Not 6sed
Se7tion #4,0:%4 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations re.atin; to fish prote7tion:
Prote7t a.. .ife sta;es of anadromo6s fish in streams and 7ond67t Dork a7ti<ities to a..oD free passa;e of
anadromo6s mi;ratory fish: Ass6re that 7onstr67tion Dork does not prod67e so6nd in Dater that res6.ts in
6na6thoriHed take of .isted spe7ies:
1+--.10*1+--.20 RESERVED
1+-2.01 GENERAL
Se7tion #4,5 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations re.atin; to pa.eonto.o;i7a. reso6r7es:
1+-2.02A Ge'er%&
Se7tion #4,5:%2 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations re.atin; to pa.eonto.o;i7a. reso6r7e dis7o<ery:
If pa.eonto.o;i7a. reso6r7es are dis7o<ered at the Iob site) do not dist6rb the materia. and immediate.y:
#: Stop a.. Dork Dithin a 0%,foot radi6s of the dis7o<ery
2: Prote7t the area
-: Notify the En;ineer
The Department in<esti;ates and modifies the dimensions of the prote7ted area if ne7essary: Do not
mo<e pa.eonto.o;i7a. reso6r7es or take them from the Iob site: Do not res6me Dork Dithin the spe7ified
radi6s of the dis7o<ery 6nti. a6thoriHed:
1+-2.02B M%/er#%&
Not !sed
1+-2.02C C0'/r"(/#0'
Not !sed
1+-2.02D P%3me'/
Not !sed
1+-2.0)*1+-2.10 RESERVED
1+->.01 GENERAL
Se7tion #4,+ in7.6des spe7ifi7ations re.atin; to; noise and <ibration:
1+->.02A Ge'er%&
Se7tion #4,+:%2 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations re.atin; to noise 7ontro.:
Do not e37eed +0 d"A La3 at *% feet from the Iob site a7ti<ities from $ p:m: to 0 a:m:
EG6ip an interna. 7omb6stion en;ine Dith the man6fa7t6rer,re7ommended Do not operate an
interna. 7omb6stion en;ine on the Iob site Ditho6t the appropriate
1+->.02B M%/er#%&
Not !sed
1+->.02C C0'/r"(/#0'
Not !sed
1+->.02D P%3me'/
Not !sed
1+->.0)*1+->.10 RESERVED
1+-?.01 GENERAL
Se7tion #4,$ in7.6des spe7ifi7ations re.atin; to air G6a.ity:
1+-?.02A Ge'er%&
Se7tion #4,$:%2 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations re.atin; to air po..6tion 7ontro.:
Comp.y Dith air po..6tion 7ontro. re;6.ations) ordinan7es) and stat6tes that app.y to Dork performed
6nder the Contra7t) in7.6din; air po..6tion 7ontro. re;6.ations) ordinan7es) and stat6tes pro<ided in
=o<t Code M ##%#5 /P6b Cont Code M #%2-#1:
Do not b6rn materia. to be disposed of:
1+-?.02B M%/er#%&
Not !sed
1+-?.02C C0'/r"(/#0'
Not !sed
1+-?.02D P%3me'/
Not !sed
1+-?.0)A Ge'er%&
Se7tion #4,$:%- in7.6des spe7ifi7ations re.atin; to d6st 7ontro.:
Pre<ent and a..e<iate d6st by app.yin; Dater) d6st pa..iati<e) or both 6nder se7tion #4,$:%2 and by
7o<erin; a7ti<e and ina7ti<e 6nder se7tions #-,4:%-C/-1 and #4,$:%2:
App.y Dater 6nder se7tion #5:
App.y d6st pa..iati<e 6nder se7tion #+:
If ordered) app.y Dater) d6st pa..iati<e) or both to 7ontro. d6st 7a6sed by p6b.i7 traffi7: This Dork is 7han;e
order Dork:
1+-?.0)B M%/er#%&
Not !sed
1+-?.0)C C0'/r"(/#0'
Not !sed
1+-?.0)D P%3me'/
Not !sed
1+-?.0,*1+-?.10 RESERVED
1+-10.01 GENERAL
Se7tion #4,#% in7.6des ;enera. spe7ifi7ations re.atin; to Daste disposa. and;:
Do not a..oD .itter) trash) or debris to a776m6.ate anyDhere on the Iob site) in7.6din; storm drain ;rates)
trash ra7ks) and dit7h .ines: Pi7k 6p and remo<e .itter) trash) and debris from the Iob site at .east on7e a
Deek: 8PC mana;er m6st monitor Daste stora;e and disposa. pro7ed6res on the Iob site:
If pra7ti7ab.e) re7y7.e nonhaHardo6s Iob site Daste and e37ess materia.: If; is not pra7ti7ab.e)
dispose of it:
F6rnish eno6;h 7.osed,.id d6mpsters of s6ffi7ient siHe to 7ontain the Daste ;enerated by Dork
a7ti<ities: 8hen ref6se rea7hes the fi.. .ine) empty the d6mpsters: D6mpsters m6st be Daterti;ht: Do not
Dash o6t d6mpsters at the Iob site: F6rnish additiona. 7ontainers and more freG6ent pi7k6p d6rin; the
demo.ition phase of 7onstr67tion: Daste in7.6des:
#: "ri7k
2: ortar
-: Timber
4: eta. s7raps
*: SaDd6st
0: Pipe
5: E.e7tri7a. 76ttin;s
+: NonhaHardo6s eG6ipment parts
$: Styrofoam and other pa7ka;in; materia.s
#%: (e;etati<e materia. and p.ant 7ontainers from hi;hDay p.antin;
##: Litter and smokin; materia.) in7.6din; .itter ;enerated random.y by the p6b.i7
#2: Other trash and debris
F6rnish and 6se trash in the Iob site yard) fie.d trai.ers) and .o7ations Dhere Dorkers ;ather
for .6n7h and breaks:
1+-10.02A Ge'er%&
Se7tion #4,#%:%2 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations re.atin; to the Daste disposa. and; report:
1+-10.02AB1C S".m#//%&
S6bmit an ann6a. 8aste Disposa. and; Report betDeen Can6ary # and #* for ea7h year
Dork is performed 6nder the Contra7t at any time d6rin; the pre<io6s 7a.endar year: ShoD the types and
amo6nts of proIe7t,;enerated Daste taken to or di<erted from .andfi..s or re6sed on the proIe7t from
Can6ary # thro6;h De7ember -# of the pre<io6s 7a.endar year:
S6bmit a fina. ann6a. 8aste Disposa. and; Report Dithin * b6siness days after Contra7t
a77eptan7e: ShoD the types and amo6nts of proIe7t,;enerated Daste taken to or di<erted from
.andfi..s or re6sed on the proIe7t from Can6ary # to Contra7t a77eptan7e:
For ea7h fai.6re to s6bmit a 7omp.eted report) the Department Dithho.ds O#%)%%%:
1+-10.02B M%/er#%&
Not !sed
1+-10.02C C0'/r"(/#0'
Not !sed
1+-10.02D P%3me'/
Not !sed
1+-10.0)*1+-10.10 RESERVED
1+-11.01 GENERAL
1+-11.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion #4,## in7.6des ;enera. spe7ifi7ations re.atin; to haHardo6s Daste and 7ontamination
If haHardo6s Daste is) or Di.. be) ;enerated on the Iob site) the 8PC mana;er m6st be thoro6;h.y fami.iar
Dith proper haHardo6s Daste; and emer;en7y pro7ed6res 6nder 4% CFR M 202:-4/d1/*1/iii1 and
m6st ha<e s677essf6..y 7omp.eted trainin; 6nder 22 CA Code of Re;s M 0020*:#0:
The 8PC mana;er m6st:
#: O<ersee and enfor7e haHardo6s Daste mana;ement pra7ti7es
2: Inspe7t a.. haHardo6s Daste stora;e areas dai.y) in7.6din; a.. temporary 7ontainment fa7i.ities and
sate..ite 7o..e7tion .o7ations
-: O<ersee a.. haHardo6s Daste transportation a7ti<ities on the Iob site
1+-11.01B S".m#//%&
1+-11.01BB1C D#60%& D0("me'/%/#0' 04 C0'/r%(/0r-Ge'er%/e1 H%9%r10" A%/e
S6bmit a 7opy of 6niform haHardo6s Daste manifest forms Dithin 24 ho6rs of transportin; haHardo6s
1+-11.01BB2C D#60%& D0("me'/%/#0' 04 De6%r/me'/ Ge'er%/e1 H%9%r10" A%/e
S6bmit re7ei<in; .andfi.. do76mentation of proper disposa. Dithin * b6siness days of haHardo6s Daste
transport from the proIe7t:
1+-11.02A U'%'/#(#6%/e1 D#(0$er3 04 A.e/0 %'1 H%9%r10" S"./%'(e
!pon dis7o<ery) immediate.y stop Dorkin; in and notify the En;ineer of areas Dhere asbestos or a
haHardo6s s6bstan7e is present if the:
#: Contra7tor reasonab.y<es the s6bstan7e is asbestos as defined in Labor Code M 0*%#:5 or a
haHardo6s s6bstan7e as defined in ? N Safety Code M 2*-#0 and M 2*-#5
2: Presen7e is not des7ribed in the Contra7t
-: S6bstan7e has not been made harm.ess
1+-11.02B H%9%r10" A%/e M%'%8eme'/ Pr%(/#(e
?and.e) store) and dispose of haHardo6s Daste 6nder 22 CA Code of Re;s Di< 4:*:
!se the fo..oDin; stora;e pro7ed6res:
#: Store haHardo6s Daste and potentia..y haHardo6s Daste separate.y from nonhaHardo6s Daste at the
Iob site:
2: For haHardo6s Daste stora;e) 6se meta. 7ontainers appro<ed by the !nited States Department of
Transportation /!S DOT1 for the transportation and temporary stora;e of haHardo6s Daste:
-: Store haHardo6s Daste in sea.ed) 7o<ered 7ontainers .abe.ed Dith the 7ontents and a776m6.ation
start date 6nder 22 CA Code of Re;s) Di< 4:*: Labe.s m6st 7omp.y Dith the pro<isions of 22 CA Code
of Re;s) Di< 4:*:M 00202:-# and M 00202:-2: Immediate.y rep.a7e dama;ed or i..e;ib.e .abe.s:
4: ?and.e haHardo6s Daste 7ontainers s67h that no spi..a;e o776rs:
*: Store haHardo6s Daste aDay from storm drains) Dater7o6rses) mo<in; < and eG6ipment:
0: F6rnish 7ontainers Dith adeG6ate stora;e <o.6me at 7on<enient sate..ite .o7ations for haHardo6s
Daste 7o..e7tion: Immediate.y mo<e these 7ontainers to se76re temporary 7ontainment fa7i.ities Dhen
no .on;er needed at the 7o..e7tion .o7ation or Dhen f6..:
5: Store haHardo6s Daste and potentia..y haHardo6s Daste in se76re temporary 7ontainment en7.os6res
ha<in; se7ondary 7ontainment fa7i.ities imper<io6s to the materia.s stored there for a minim6m
7onta7t time of 52 ho6rs: Temporary 7ontainment en7.os6res m6st be .o7ated aDay from p6b.i7
a77ess: A77eptab.e se76re en7.os6res in7.6de a .o7ked 7hain .ink fen7ed area or a .o7kab.e shippin;
7ontainer .o7ated Dithin the proIe7t .imits 6nti. disposa. as a6thoriHed:
+: Desi;n and 7onstr67t se7ondary 7ontainment fa7i.ities Dith the 7apa7ity to 7ontain pre7ipitation from a
24,ho6r,.on;) 2*,year stormJ and #% per7ent of the a;;re;ate <o.6me of a.. 7ontainers) or the entire
<o.6me of the .ar;est 7ontainer Dithin the fa7i.ity) Dhi7he<er is ;reater:
$: Co<er se7ondary 7ontainment fa7i.ities d6rin; non,Dorkin; days and if a storm e<ent is predi7ted:
Se7ondary 7ontainment fa7i.ities m6st be adeG6ate.y <enti.ated:
#%: 'eep se7ondary 7ontainment fa7i.ity free of a776m6.ated rainDater or spi..s: After a storm e<ent) or in
the e<ent of spi..s or .eaks) 7o..e7t a776m6.ated .iG6id and p.a7e into dr6ms Dithin 24 ho6rs: ?and.e
these .iG6ids as haHardo6s Daste 6n.ess testin; determines them to be nonhaHardo6s:
##: Do not store in7ompatib.e Dastes) s67h as 7h.orine and ammonia) in the same se7ondary
7ontainment fa7i.ity:
#2: Pro<ide s6ffi7ient separation betDeen stored 7ontainers to a..oD for spi.. 7.ean6p or emer;en7y
response a77ess: Stora;e areas m6st be kept 7.ean) De.. or;aniHed) and eG6ipped Dith 7.ean6p
s6pp.ies appropriate for the Dastes bein; stored:
#-: Repair or rep.a7e perimeter 7ontro.s) 7ontainment str67t6res) 7o<ers) and .iners as ne7essary: Inspe7t
stora;e areas before and after a storm e<ent) and at .east Deek.y d6rin; other times:
Do not:
#: O<erfi.. haHardo6s Daste 7ontainers
2: Spi.. haHardo6s Daste or potentia..y haHardo6s Daste
-: i3 haHardo6s Dastes
4: A..oD haHardo6s Daste or potentia..y haHardo6s Daste to a776m6.ate on the ;ro6nd
Dispose of haHardo6s Daste Dithin $% days of the start of ;eneration: !se a haHardo6s Daste manifest
and a transporter re;istered Dith the DTSC and in 7omp.ian7e Dith the CA ?i;hDay Patro. "iennia.
Inspe7tion of Termina.s Pro;ram to transport haHardo6s Daste to an appropriate.y permitted haHardo6s
Daste mana;ement fa7i.ity:
1+-11.02C D"/ C0'/r0&
E37a<ation) transportation) and; of materia. 7ontainin; haHardo6s Daste or 7ontamination m6st
res6.t in no <isib.e d6st mi;ration: ?a<e a Dater tr67k or tank on the Iob site at a.. times Dhi.e 7.earin; and
;r6bbin; and performin; earthDork operations in Dork areas 7ontainin; haHardo6s Daste or
1+-11.02D S/0(;6#&#'8
Do not sto7kpi.e materia. 7ontainin; haHardo6s Daste or 7ontamination 6n.ess ordered by the En;ineer: of materia. 7ontainin; haHardo6s Daste or 7ontamination m6st not be p.a7ed Dhere affe7ted by
s6rfa7e r6n,on or r6n,off: Co<er Dith #- mi.s minim6m thi7kness of p.asti7 sheetin; or # foot of
nonhaHardo6s materia.: Do not p.a7e in en<ironmenta..y sensiti<e areas: Sto7kpi.ed materia.
m6st not enter storm drains) in.ets) or Daters of the State:
1+-11.02DB1C L#'er
1+-11.02E C0'/r%(/0r-Ge'er%/e1 H%9%r10" A%/e
1+-11.02EB1C Ge'er%&
&o6 are the ;enerator of haHardo6s Daste ;enerated as a res6.t of materia.s yo6 brin; to the Iob site: !se
haHardo6s Daste mana;ement pra7ti7es 6nder se7tion #4,##:%2" if yo6 ;enerate Daste on the Iob site
from the fo..oDin; s6bstan7es:
#: Petro.e6m materia.s
2: Aspha.t materia.s
-: Con7rete 76rin; 7ompo6nd
4: Pesti7ides
*: A7ids
0: Paints
5: Stains
+: So.<ents
$: 8ood preser<ati<es
#%: Roofin; tar
##: Road f.ares
#2: Lime
#-: =.6es and adhesi<es
#4: ateria.s 7.assified as haHardo6s Daste 6nder 22 CA Code of Re;s) Di< 4:*
If haHardo6s Daste 7onstit6ent 7on7entrations are 6nknoDn) 6se a .aboratory 7ertified by the
En<ironmenta. Laboratory A77reditation Pro;ram 6nder the Ca.ifornia Department of P6b.i7 ?
/CDP?1 to ana.yHe a minim6m of 4 dis7rete representati<e of the Daste to determine Dhether it
is a haHardo6s Daste and to determine safe and .aDf6. methods for stora;e and disposa.: Perform; and ana.ysis in 7omp.ian7e Dith !S EPA Test ethods for E<a.6atin; 8aste)
Physi7a.9Chemi7a. ethods /S8,+401 and 6nder 22 CA Code of Re;s) Di< 4:*:
!se yo6r oDn !S EPA =enerator Identifi7ation N6mber and si;n haHardo6s Daste manifests for the
haHardo6s Daste yo6 ;enerate:
1+-11.02EB2C C0'/%m#'%/e1 S0#&
Identify 7ontaminated soi. res6.tin; from spi..s or .eaks by noti7in; dis7o.oration) or differen7es in soi.
properties: Immediate.y notify the En;ineer of spi..s or .eaks: C.ean 6p spi..s and .eaks 6nder the
En;ineerFs dire7tion and to the satisfa7tion of the En;ineer: Soi. Dith e<iden7e of 7ontamination m6st be
samp.ed and ana.ysis performed by a .aboratory 7ertified by the ELAP:
If; and ana.ysis of 7ontaminated soi. demonstrates that it is a haHardo6s Daste) hand.e and
dispose of the soi. as haHardo6s Daste: &o6 are the ;enerator of haHardo6s Daste 7reated as the res6.t of
spi..s or .eaks for Dhi7h yo6 are responsib.e:
Pre<ent the f.oD of Dater) in7.6din; ;ro6nd Dater) from mi3in; Dith 7ontaminated soi. by 6sin; one or a
7ombination of the fo..oDin; meas6res:
#: "erms
2: Cofferdams
-: =ro6t 76rtains
4: FreeHe Da..s
*: Con7rete sea. 7o6rse
If Dater mi3es Dith 7ontaminated soi. and be7omes 7ontaminated) samp.e and ana.yHe the Dater 6sin; a
.aboratory 7ertified by the ELAP: If ana.ysis res6.ts demonstrate that the Dater is a haHardo6s Daste)
mana;e and dispose of the Dater as haHardo6s Daste:
1+-11.02F De6%r/me'/-Ge'er%/e1 H%9%r10" A%/e
1+-11.02FB1C Ge'er%&
If the Department is the ;enerator of haHardo6s Daste d6rin; the Dork performed on this proIe7t 6se
haHardo6s Daste mana;ement pra7ti7es 6nder se7tion #4,##:%2":
1+-11.02FB2C H%9%r10" A%/e S/0r%8e
Labe.s m6st 7omp.y Dith the pro<isions of 22 CA Code of Re;s M 00202:-# and M 00202:-2: ark .abe.s
#: Date the haHardo6s Daste is ;enerated
2: The Dords E?aHardo6s 8asteE
-: Composition and physi7a. state of the haHardo6s Daste /for e3amp.e) aspha.t ;rindin;s Dith
thermop.asti7 or paint1
4: The Dord ETo3i7E
*: Name) address) and te.ephone n6mber of the En;ineer
0: Contra7t n6mber
5: Contra7tor or s6b7ontra7tor name
?and.e the 7ontainers s67h that no spi..a;e o776rs: &o6 are the ;enerator of any haHardo6s Daste
;enerated as the res6.t of 7.ean6p of spi..a;e:
1+-11.02FB)C H%9%r10" A%/e Tr%'60r/ %'1 D#60%&
Dispose of haHardo6s Daste Dithin Ca.ifornia at a disposa. site operatin; 6nder a permit iss6ed by DTSC:
The En;ineer Di.. obtain the !S EPA =enerator Identifi7ation N6mber for haHardo6s Daste disposa.:
The En;ineer Di.. si;n a.. haHardo6s Daste manifests: Notify the En;ineer * b6siness days before the
manifests are to be si;ned:
The Department Di.. not 7onsider yo6 a ;enerator of the haHardo6s Daste and yo6 Di.. not be ob.i;ated
for f6rther 7.ean6p) remo<a.) or remedia. a7tion for s67h materia. hand.ed or disposed of 6nder these
spe7ifi7ations and the appropriate State and federa. .aDs and re;6.ations and 7o6nty and m6ni7ipa.
ordinan7es and re;6.ations re;ardin; haHardo6s Daste:
1+-11.11*1+-11.20 RESERVED
1+-12.01 GENERAL
Se7tion #4,#2 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations re.atin; to other intera;en7y re.ations:
1+-12.02 RESERVED
1+-12.0) STATE PARIS
1+-12.0,*1+-12.1, RESERVED
1,-1.01 GENERAL
Se7tion #*,# in7.6des ;enera. spe7ifi7ations for performin; Dork on e3istin; fa7i.ities:
8here<er Dork reG6ires remo<in; materia.s) the Dork in7.6des disposin; of the materia.s 6n.ess
sa.<a;in; or in7orporatin; the materia.s into the fina. Dork is des7ribed:
8here<er Dork in7.6des remo<in;) sa.<a;in;) re7onstr67tin;) abandonin;) destroyin;) modifyin;)
resettin;) re.o7atin;) or re.ayin;) do not start s67h a7ti<ities 6nti. the fa7i.ity is no .on;er needed or not
bein; 6sed:
Portions of the e3istin; fa7i.ities that are to remain in p.a7e m6st be prote7ted) preser<ed) and maintained:
If yo6 dama;e a portion of the fa7i.ity that is to remain in p.a7e) yo6 m6st repair or rep.a7e the dama;ed
fa7i.ity: After the repair or rep.a7ement) the 7ondition of the fa7i.ity m6st be eG6a. or better in G6a.ity than it
Das before be;innin; the Dork: Remo<e materia.s that are not repaired:
Draina;e fa7i.ities in7.6de 76.<erts) in.ets) headDa..s) endDa..s) aprons) drains) pipes) 7at7h basins)
;6tters) ;6tter depressions) I6n7tion str67t6res) spi..Days) and 7he7k dams:
Not !sed
1,-1.0)A Ge'er%&
Tren7hes) depressions) and pits 7a6sed by remo<in;) sa.<a;in;) re7onstr67tin;) abandonin;)
destroyin;) modifyin;) resettin;) re.o7atin;) adI6stin;) re.ayin;);) and rehabi.itatin; hi;hDay
fa7i.ities m6st be ba7kfi..ed Dith embankment materia. 6nder se7tion #$: If the tren7hes)
depressions) and pits are in s6rfa7ed areas that otherDise remain 6ndist6rbed) ba7kfi.. Dith materia. that
is eG6a. or better in G6a.ity and to the thi7kness of the s6rro6ndin; materia.s:
8here partia. remo<a. of reinfor7ed 7on7rete is reG6ired) remo<e a s6ffi7ient <o.6me of 7on7rete to
e3pose the reinfor7ement for sp.i7in;: Sp.i7in; m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *2: C.ean off materia. adherin;
to the reinfor7ement before p.a7in; neD 7on7rete:
1,-1.0)B Re#1"e C0'/%#'#'8 Le%1 4r0m P%#'/ %'1 T7erm06&%/#(
1,-1.0)C L006 De/e(/0r
1,-1.0)D H#87:%3 Irr#8%/#0' F%(#&#/#e
!nder;ro6nd irri;ation fa7i.ities are either shoDn or marked by the En;ineer: If 6nder;ro6nd irri;ation
fa7i.ities are not shoDn or marked by the En;ineer and yo6 dama;e them) the repair or rep.a7ement is
7han;e order Dork:
aintain the e3istin; Dater s6pp.y 6nder se7tion 2%,-:%-"/-1:
1,-1.0)E*1,-1.0)E Reer$e1
1,-1.0+ PAYMENT
Not !sed
1,-2.01 GENERAL
1,-2.01A Ge'er%&
Se7tion #*,2 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for remo<in;) sa.<a;in;) re7onstr67tin;) abandonin;) destroyin;)
modifyin;) resettin;) re.o7atin;) re.ayin;);) and adI6stin; mis7e..aneo6s hi;hDay fa7i.ities:
1,-2.01B M%/er#%&
!n.ess des7ribed otherDise) 6se minor 7on7rete:
Reinfor7ement m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *2:
1,-2.01C C0'/r"(/#0'
If a portion of the meta. beam ;6ard; or thrie beam barrier is to remain in p.a7e) remo<in;)
sa.<a;in;) re7onstr67tin;) re.o7atin;) or resettin; Dork in7.6des:
#: Resettin; end 7aps) ret6rn 7aps) termina. se7tions) and b6ried post an7hors
2: Pro<idin; 7onne7tions to e3istin; and neD fa7i.ities) in7.6din; 7onne7tions to 7on7rete
1,-2.01D P%3me'/
E37ept for 7on7rete barrier) remo<e) sa.<a;e) re7onstr67t) re.o7ate) or reset; or barrier is meas6red
as spe7ified for meas6rin; neD; or barrier:
Remo<e) sa.<a;e) re7onstr67t) re.o7ate) or reset fen7in; is meas6red para..e. to the top of the fen7e:
=ates are 6nits: The fen7e payment G6antity does not in7.6de the Didth of the ;ate:
Remo<e) sa.<a;e) re7onstr67t) re.o7ate) or reset roadside si;ns are meas6red as a 6nit: Ea7h indi<id6a.
si;n insta..ation is a 6nit re;ard.ess of the n6mber of posts or si;n pane.s in<o.<ed:
1,-2.02 REMOVE
1,-2.02A Ge'er%&
Se7tion #*,2:%2 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for remo<in; fa7i.ities or portions of fa7i.ities as des7ribed:
Remo<e brid;es or portions of brid;es 6nder se7tion #*,4 e37ept remo<in; s6rfa7in; on 7on7rete brid;es
and approa7hes m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion #*,*:
1,-2.02B Rem0$e P%$eme'/
1,-2.02BB1C Ge'er%&
Remo<in; pa<ement in7.6des 7o.d p.anin; AC pa<ement and ob.iteratin; roads) deto6rs) and s6rfa7in;:
Remo<in; PCC pa<ement m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion #*,-:
1,-2.02BB2C O.&#/er%/e R0%1, De/0"r, %'1 S"r4%(#'8
8here a portion of the s6rfa7e is to remain in p.a7e) saD a neat .ine a.on; the ed;e of the portion to
remain in p.a7e before startin; the ob.iteration operation:
Do not ob.iterate roads) deto6rs) or s6rfa7in; 6nti. after they are no .on;er reG6ired for the passa;e of
p6b.i7 traffi7:
Ob.iterate by rootin;) p.oDin;) p6.<eriHin;) or s7arifyin; to the ;reater depth of 0 in7hes or the bottom of
the impermeab.e 6nder.yin; base: Ob.iterate so that the materia. .6mps are no .ar;er than 4 in7hes in
;reatest dimension: i3 bit6mino6s materia. Dith eG6a. amo6nts of 6nder.yin; permeab.e materia.: =rade
the area so that it b.ends Dith the s6rro6ndin; terrain and drains De..:
&o6 may ob.iterate by s7arifyin; the e3istin; base and s6rfa7in; for their f6.. depth so that the materia.
.6mps are no .ar;er than #2 in7hes in ;reatest dimension: Co<er the area Dith at .east 0 in7hes of earth
7o<er: =rade the area so that it b.ends Dith the s6rro6ndin; terrain and drains De..:
1,-2.02BB)C C0&1 P&%'#'8 A67%&/ C0'(re/e P%$eme'/
1,-2.02BB+C Rem0$e S"..%e, B%e, %'1 B#/"m#'0" S"r4%(#'8
1,-2.02BB+CB%C Ge'er%&
Remo<e the s6bbase) base) and bit6mino6s s6rfa7in; to a depth of at .east 0 in7hes be.oD the ;rade of
the e3istin; s6rfa7in;: S6bbases and bases in7.6de the <ario6s types shoDn: "a7kfi.. the res6.tin;
and depressions Dith earth materia. from the e37a<ation and to the .ines and ;rades estab.ished by the
1,-2.02BB+CB.C P%3me'/
For a ;i<en .o7ation if there is no bid item for 7o.d p.ane or remo<e /#1 <ario6s types of pa<ement) /21
<ario6s types of s6rfa7in;) /-1 s6bbase) /41 base) or /*1 bit6mino6s s6rfa7in;) payment for remo<e is
in7.6ded in the payment for the type of e37a<ation shoDn in the "id Item List that 7orresponds to that
;i<en .o7ation:
1,-2.02C Rem0$e Tr%44#( S/r#6e %'1 P%$eme'/ M%r;#'8
1,-2.02CB1C Ge'er%&
Remo<e traffi7 stripes before makin; any 7han;e to the traffi7 pattern:
Remo<e traffi7 stripes and pa<ement markin;s by methods that do not materia..y dama;e the pa<ement:
Remo<e pa<ement markin; ima;es so that the o.d messa;e 7annot be identified: 8here<er remo<in; by
;rindin;) make the ;rindin; area re7tan; The minim6m dimensions of the re7tan;.e is the hei;ht and
Didth of the pa<ement markin;:
SDeep 6p or <a766m any resid6e before it 7an /#1 be b.oDn by traffi7 or Dind) /21 mi;rate a7ross .anes or
sho6.ders) or /-1 enter a draina;e fa7i.ity:
If b.ast 7.eanin; is 6sed for remo<a. and the Dork is performed Dithin #% feet of a traffi7 .ane that is open
to the p6b.i7) remo<e the resid6e Dith a <a766m atta7hment that operates 7on76rrent.y Dith the b.ast
7.eanin;: The resid6e and d6st m6st be remo<ed immediate.y after 7onta7t betDeen the sand and the
1,-2.02CB2C Rem0$e Tr%44#( S/r#6e %'1 P%$eme'/ M%r;#'8 C0'/%#'#'8 Le%1
1,-2.02CB)C P%3me'/
The payment G6antities for traffi7 stripes are determined as fo..oDs:
#: For sin;.e traffi7 stripes that are 0,in7hes Dide) the .en;th is m6.tip.ied by #:*
2: For sin;.e traffi7 stripes that are +,in7hes Dide) the .en;th is m6.tip.ied by 2
-: For do6b.e traffi7 stripes) the .en;th is m6.tip.ied by 2
4: For trip.e traffi7 stripes) the .en;th is m6.tip.ied by -
The payment G6antity for remo<e traffi7 stripe does not in7.6de the ;aps in broken traffi7 stripes: Payment
for remo<a. of paint e<ident in a ;ap is in7.6ded in the payment for remo<e traffi7 stripe of the type
If no bid item is shoDn for remo<e pa<ement markin;) remo<e pa<ement markin; is paid for as remo<e
traffi7 stripe of the types shoDn in the "id Item List) and the payment G6antity for # sG6are foot of
pa<ement markin; is - .inear feet:
1,-2.02D Rem0$e P%$eme'/ M%r;er
Remo<e pa<ement markers and the 6nder.yin; adhesi<e by methods that 7a6se the .east possib.e
dama;e to the pa<ement or s6rfa7in;:
D6rin; remo<a. of 7erami7,type pa<ement markers) 6se s7reens or other prote7ti<e de<i7es to 7ontain
Fra;ments from the remo<a. Dork m6st be remo<ed before openin; the .anes to p6b.i7 traffi7:
1,-2.02E Rem0$e C0'/r%/ Tre%/me'/
Remo<e 7ontrast treatment by methods that do not materia..y dama;e the pa<ement:
SDeep 6p or <a766m the remo<a. resid6e before it 7an /#1 be b.oDn by traffi7 or Dind) /21 mi;rate a7ross
.anes or sho6.ders) or /-1 enter the draina;e fa7i.ity:
If b.ast 7.eanin; is 6sed for remo<a. and the Dork is performed Dithin #% feet of a traffi7 .ane that is open
to the p6b.i7) remo<e the resid6e Dith a <a766m atta7hment that operates 7on76rrent.y Dith the b.ast
7.eanin;: Resid6e and d6st m6st be remo<ed immediate.y after 7onta7t betDeen the sand and the
1,-2.02F Rem0$e A67%&/ C0'(re/e D#;e
1,-2.02G Rem0$e Me/%& Be%m G"%r1 R%#&#'8
8here remo<in; meta. beam ;6ard;) remo<e any 7on7rete an7hors and stee. fo6ndation t6bes:
1,-2.02H Rem0$e C%.&e C7%#' L#'; B%rr#er
8here remo<in; 7ab.e,7hain .ink barrier) remo<e any an7hor b.o7ks and post footin;s:
8here post footin;s do not 7onf.i7t Dith the insta..ation of the neD barrier) the post footin;s may remain in
8here posts are in a brid;e) remo<e the posts: Pipe post<es or other type of post an7hora;es m6st
be 76t off f.6sh Dith the brid;e de7k: C.ean the<e and fi.. Dith ;ro6t: =ro6t m6st 7onsist of # part
port.and 7ement to 0 parts sand:
1,-2.02I Rem0$e S#8' S/r"(/"re
1,-2.02E Rem0$e R0%1#1e S#8'
Do not remo<e roadside si;ns 6nti. the rep.a7ement si;ns are insta..ed or 6nti. the e3istin; si;ns are no
.on;er reG6ired for p6b.i7 traffi7:
1,-2.02I Rem0$e Dr%#'%8e F%(#&#/#e
"o3 76.<erts) in.ets) headDa..s) and endDa..s m6st be 7omp.ete.y remo<ed if any portion of these
str67t6res is /#1 Dithin - feet of the ;radin; p.ane in e37a<ation areas) /21 Dithin one foot of ori;ina.
;ro6nd in embankment areas) or /-1 shoDn to be remo<ed:
E37ept for 7on7rete pipe) remo<in; PCC 7omponents of draina;e fa7i.ities m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion #*,-:
Re6se frames) ;rates) and 7o<ers at the .o7ations shoDn: Payment for remo<in; and re6sin; frames)
;rates) and 7o<ers is in7.6ded in the payment for the <ario6s items of Dork that in7.6de the re6sed
frames) ;rates) and 7o<ers:
1,-2.02L Rem0$e Irr#8%/#0' F%(#&#/#e
Remo<e irri;ation fa7i.ities as shoDn: Fa7i.ities that are more than 0 in7hes be.oD the finished ;rade may
be abandoned in p.a7e 6n.ess sa.<a;in; is spe7ified or shoDn:
Immediate.y after dis7onne7tin; an e3istin; irri;ation fa7i.ity to be remo<ed or abandoned from an e3istin;
fa7i.ity to remain) the remainin; fa7i.ity m6st be 7apped or p.6;;ed or 7onne7ted to a neD or e3istin;
irri;ation fa7i.ity:
1,-2.02M*1,-2.02R Reer$e1
1,-2.0) SALVAGE
1,-2.0)A Ge'er%&
1,-2.0)AB1C Ge'er%&
Se7tion #*,2:%- in7.6des spe7ifi7ations remo<in;);) 7.eanin;) preparin;) markin;);)
pa7ka;in;) ta;;in;);) and; fa7i.ities or portions of fa7i.ities as des7ribed:
Sa.<a;ed materia. and items remain the property of the Department:
Sa.<a;in; does not in7.6de preparation of e3istin; materia. that is re6sed:
1,-2.0)AB2C M%/er#%&
1,-2.0)AB2CB%C Ge'er%&
C.eanin; in7.6des remo<in; earth) forei;n materia.s) and 7on7rete:
Comp.y Dith the reG6irements for and pa7ka;es shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
ateria. or item Component "6nd.e or pa7ka;e
eta. beam ;6ard;
Rai. 2*9b6nd.e
8ood posts) 0 by +
8ood posts) #% by
#% in7hes
Stee. posts #%9b6nd.e
".o7ks *%9b6nd.e
Chain .ink fabri7 *%
Corner posts and
end posts
assemb.y9b6nd.e or in.ets
or other fa7i.ities
Frames and 7o<ers
at7h marked
Frames and ;rates
at7h marked
Sin;.e sheet
a.6min6m si;ns
"anded on a
Dith a tota. Dei;ht
of not more than
Ta; in7omp.ete or pa..ets and shoD the G6antity 7ontained:
Ta; a.. materia. and items 6sin; Department,f6rnished ta;s) and shoD the fo..oDin; information as
#: Name or des7ription of materia. or item
2: Type or mode. n6mber
-: Dimensions
4: @6antity if more than one
Sa.<a;ed materia. and items m6st be ha6.ed dire7t.y to the spe7ified sa.<a;e stora;e .o7ation and
sto7kpi.ed: If a6thoriHed) yo6 may temporari.y store sa.<a;ed materia.s at yo6r .o7ation and .ater ha6. to
and sto7kpi.e at the spe7ified .o7ation: &o6 m6st rep.a7e any materia. or items that are .ost before they
are sto7kpi.ed at the spe7ified .o7ation: The Department does not pay for rep.a7ement of .ost materia. or
1,-2.0)AB2CB.C De6%r/me'/ S%&$%8e L0(%/#0'
1,-2.0)AB)C C0'/r"(/#0'
Se;re;ate dama;ed from 6ndama;ed materia.s) and remo<e the dama;ed materia. or items:
If yo6 dama;e materia. or items to be sa.<a;ed) repair) or rep.a7e them at yo6r e3pense: Rep.a7ements
for .ost or dama;ed materia.s m6st be of the same kind and of the same or better G6a.ity and 7ondition as
the .ost or dama;ed materia.s prior to remo<a.: If a6thoriHed) the 7ost of rep.a7ement Di.. be ded67ted in
.ie6 of yo6 pro<idin; a rep.a7ement:
1,-2.0)AB+C P%3me'/
1,-2.0)B S%&$%8e Me/%& Be%m G"%r1 R%#&#'8
1,-2.0)C S%&$%8e Irr#8%/#0' F%(#&#/#e
1,-2.0)D*1,-2.0)H Reer$e1
1,-2.0+A Ge'er%&
Se7tion #*,2:%4 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for remo<in;);) and 7onstr67tin; fa7i.ities a;ain at
the ori;ina. or neD .o7ations:
F6rnish and insta.. neD parts and 7onstr67t a.terations as des7ribed:
Re7onstr67ted fa7i.ities m6st 7onform to the desi;n of the e3istin; fa7i.ity and be eG6a. to the best
portions of the e3istin; fa7i.ity:
Re7onstr67tion Dork m6st 7omp.y Dith the app.i7ab.e spe7ifi7ations for neD Dork of 7hara7ter:
C.ean the materia. to be re7onstr67ted: Remo<e earth) forei;n materia.s) and 7on7rete:
Se;re;ate dama;ed from 6ndama;ed materia. or items) and remo<e the dama;ed materia. or items:
If yo6 dama;e materia. or items to be re7onstr67ted) repair) or rep.a7e them at yo6r e3pense: The
rep.a7ement for the dama;ed materia. or item m6st be of the same kind and of the same or better G6a.ity
and 7ondition as the materia. or item before remo<a.: If a6thoriHed) the 7ost of rep.a7ement Di.. be
ded67ted in .ie6 of yo6 pro<idin; a rep.a7ement:
"efore remo<a.) if the En;ineer determines that a portion of the e3istin; fa7i.ity 7annot be re6sed in the
re7onstr67tion) remo<e that portion: F6rnishin; the rep.a7ement materia. or item for that portion of the
e3istin; fa7i.ity is 7han;e order Dork:
1,-2.0+B Re(0'/r"(/ Fe'(e
Pre<ent .i<esto7k from es7apin; d6rin; fen7e re7onstr67tion:
At the I6n7tion of the re7onstr67ted fen7e and 7ross fen7e) p.a7e 7orner posts Dith bra7es and Ioin the
=ates to be re6sed m6st be insta..ed in re7onstr67ted fen7es at the .o7ations desi;nated by the En;ineer:
Fen7e re7onstr67tion in7.6des ne7essary 7.earin;: C.earin; m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion +%,#:%2:
If the amo6nt of fen7e to be disassemb.ed e37eeds the amo6nt needed for re7onstr67tion) dispose of the
e37ess fen7in;:
1,-2.0+C Re(0'/r"(/ S#8' S/r"(/"re
1,-2.0+D Re(0'/r"(/ Me/%& Be%m G"%r1 R%#&#'8
1,-2.0+E Re(0'/r"(/ Me/%& Br#18e R%#&#'8
1,-2.0+F*1,-2.0+E Reer$e1
1,-2.0, ABANDON
1,-2.0,A Ge'er%&
Se7tion #*,2:%* in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for partia..y remo<in; and renderin; fa7i.ities 6nser<i7eab.e in
8here<er or draina;e fa7i.ities are abandoned) pipes enterin; the manho.e or draina;e fa7i.ity
m6st be se76re.y 7.osed by a ti;ht,fittin; p.6; that is either of the fo..oDin;:
#: 8a.. of minor 7on7rete not .ess than 0 in7hes thi7k
2: Ti;ht bri7k Da.. not .ess than + in7hes thi7k Dith 7ement mortar Ioints
The bases of or draina;e fa7i.ities m6st be broken so that Dater is pre<ented from bein;
entrapped: Demo.ish the manho.e or draina;e fa7i.ity to an e.e<ation that is -:* feet be.oD finished ;rade:
"a7kfi.. m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion #$,-:%-E:
1,-2.0,B A.%'10' M%'70&e
1,-2.0,C A.%'10' C"&$er/ %'1 P#6e&#'e
1,-2.0,D A.%'10' I'&e/
1,-2.0,E A.%'10' Pe1e/r#%' U'1er(r0#'8
1,-2.0,F*1,-2.0,E Reer$e1
1,-2.0- DESTROY
1,-2.0-A Ge'er%&
Se7tion #*,2:%0 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for renderin; fa7i.ities 6nser<i7eab.e in p.a7e:
1,-2.0-B De/r03 Ae&&
1,-2.0-C*1,-2.0,F Reer$e1
1,-2.02 MODIFY
1,-2.02A Ge'er%&
Se7tion #*,2:%5 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for partia..y remo<in;) adI6stin;) and addin; to fa7i.ities:
1,-2.02B M01#43 S#8' S/r"(/"re
1,-2.02C M01#43 P#6e
odifyin; pipes in7.6des e3tendin; pipes: E3tendin; pipes m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for neD
pipe insta..ation:
E3istin; headDa..s or end Da..s m6st be remo<ed or mo<ed to a neD .o7ation:
If headDa..s or end Da..s are to be mo<ed) 76t the pipe so that it has smooth ed;es at a point
appro3imate.y # foot behind the headDa.. or end Da..s and to the 7enter.ine of the pipe:
o<e the headDa.. or end Da.. to the re7onstr67ted .o7ation and 7onne7t the pipes:
1,-2.02D M01#43 I'&e/, M%'70&e, %'1 R#er
odify manho.e) and riser str67t6res by 7appin;:
E37a<ate and remo<e str67t6res to a depth of at .east # foot be.oD the ;radin; p.ane:
Cap str67t6res Dith minor 7on7rete: 8here shoDn) ro6nd the bottom of str67t6res Dith minor
7on7rete: inor 7on7rete m6st 7ontain at .east *$% .b976 yd of 7ementitio6s materia.:
"a7kfi.. to mat7h the ;radin; p.ane:
1,-2.02E*1,-2.02E Reer$e1
1,-2.0> RESET
1,-2.0>A Ge'er%&
Se7tion #*,2:%+ in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for remo<in; and; fa7i.ities at or near the ori;ina.
.o7ations: The e3a7t .o7ations are as shoDn or as a6thoriHed:
1,-2.0>B Ree/ M%#&.0<e
1,-2.0>BB1C Ge'er%&
ai.bo3es in7.6de neDspaper bo3es: Pro<ide a77ess for the mai. and neDspaper de.i<ery at a.. times:
Reset the mai. bo3 .o7ation as ne7essary d6rin; yo6r Dork: o6nt mai.bo3es on posts that are set in the
;ro6nd: If a6thoriHed) temporary s6pports may be 6sed: Do not 6se posts 7on7reted in b67kets for
temporary s6pports:
Reset a neDspaper bo3 Dhere<er the neDspaper bo3 is atta7hed to the e3istin; fa7i.ity:
For the fina. .o7ation) insta.. mai.bo3es on neD redDood posts that 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for si;n
posts 6nder se7tion *0:
"a7kfi.. the spa7e aro6nd posts Dith earth materia.: P.a7e the ba7kfi.. in 4,in7h thi7k .ayers: oisten and
thoro6;h.y 7ompa7t ea7h .ayer:
Dispose of posts) mo6nts) and hardDare that are no .on;er 6sed:
1,-2.0>BB2C P%3me'/
A mai. bo3 is one 6nit: A neDspaper bo3 is one 6nit:
6.tip.e bo3es on a sin;.e post are 7o6nted as m6.tip.e 6nits:
Payment for a 6nit in7.6des resettin; as many times as ne7essary d6rin; yo6r Dork:
1,-2.0>C Ree/ R0%1#1e S#8'
Ea7h roadside si;n m6st be reset on the same day that the si;n is remo<ed:
8here shoDn) dri.. 2 in ea7h post to pro<ide the breakaDay feat6re:
1,-2.0>D*1,-2.0>H Reer$e1
1,-2.0? RELOCATE
1,-2.0?A Ge'er%&
Se7tion #*,2:%$ in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for remo<in; and; fa7i.ities at neD .o7ations:
1,-2.0?B Re&0(%/e S#8' S/r"(/"re
1,-2.0?C Re&0(%/e R0%1#1e S#8'
Ea7h roadside si;n m6st be re.o7ated on the same day that the si;n is remo<ed:
Re.o7ate 6sin; e3istin; posts: If an e3istin; post is deteriorated or broken) notify the En;ineer: If ordered)
6se a neD post and pro<ide the breakaDay feat6re shoDn:
If a neD post is ordered for reasons other than dama;e 7a6sed by yo6) the post and insta..ation is 7han;e
order Dork:
1,-2.0?D Re&0(%/e Irr#8%/#0' F%(#&#/#e
Re.o7atin; irri;ation fa7i.ities in7.6des re.o7atin; <a.<es) Dye strainers) sprink.ers) p6.. bo3es) ba7kf.oD
pre<enter assemb.ies) irri;ation 7ontro..ers) and other fa7i.ities shoDn:
(a.<es and Dye strainers in7.6de <a.<e bo3es and <a.<e bo3 7o<ers: Insta.. re.o7ated <a.<e bo3es Dith
neD Do<en,Dire 7.oth and ;ra<e. or 7r6shed ro7k beddin; as shoDn:
Sprink.ers in7.6de risers) riser s6pports) 7he7k <a.<es) and 7on7rete prote7tors as shoDn:
P6.. bo3es in7.6de p6.. bo3 7o<ers: Insta.. re.o7ated p6.. bo3es Dith neD Do<en 7.oth and 7r6shed ro7k
beddin; as shoDn for <a.<e bo3 insta..ations:
"a7kf.oD pre<enter assemb.ies in7.6de ba7kf.oD pre<enters) Dye strainers) ;ate <a.<es) 6nions) fittin;s)
7on7rete pads) thr6st b.o7ks) pipe s6pports) ba7kf.oD pre<enter assemb.y en7.os6res) and ba7kf.oD
pre<enter assemb.y b.ankets:
Insta.. ;a.<aniHed stee. or 7opper pipe s6pp.y .ines and fittin;s to the Dater meters or points of
7onne7tions as shoDn:
Irri;ation 7ontro..ers in7.6de) en7.os6res) en7.os6re 7abinets) 7on7rete pads) an7hor
bo.ts) and e.e7tri7a. 7ond6its: E.e7tri7a. 7ond6its in7.6de 7ontro. 7ond67tors) ne6tra. 7ond67tors) and
e.e7tri7a. poDer 7ond67tors: Cond6its for 7ontro. and ne6tra. 7ond67tors and e.e7tri7a. poDer 7ond67tors
m6st terminate in separate neD or re.o7ated p6.. bo3es .o7ated Dithin * feet of the neD 7on7rete pads:
8here re.o7atin; #2%,<o.t e.e7tri7a. poDer for irri;ation fa7i.ities) 7omp.y Dith se7tion +0,2:##":
Irri;ation fa7i.ities to be re.o7ated and that are determined 6ns6itab.e by the En;ineer m6st be rep.a7ed
6nder se7tion #*,2:%4A:
After irri;ation fa7i.ities ha<e been re.o7ated) demonstrate in the presen7e of the En;ineer that the
re.o7ated fa7i.ities f6n7tion proper.y:
1,-2.0?E*1,-2.0?H Reer$e1
1,-2.10 ADEUST
1,-2.10A Ge'er%&
Se7tion #*,2:#% in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for partia..y remo<in; and either .oDerin; or raisin; fa7i.ities:
AdI6st to ;rade Dith neD materia.s that are in 7hara7ter to the e3istin; materia.s:
1,-2.10B A1="/ Fr%me, C0$er, Gr%/e, %'1 M%'70&e
AdI6st frames) 7o<ers) ;rates and by .oDerin; before 7o.d p.anin; and raisin; after pa<in; or
s6rfa7in;: "efore openin; the .ane to traffi7) either /#1 7omp.ete permanent pa<in; or s6rfa7in; or /21
temporari.y fi.. any depressions Dith ?A:
8here pa<in; or s6rfa7in; Dork is shoDn) do not adI6st to fina. ;rade 6nti. the adIa7ent pa<ement or
s6rfa7in; is 7omp.ete:
For a str67t6re that is to be raised) remo<e the 7o<er or frame and trim the top of the str67t6re to pro<ide
a s6itab.e fo6ndation for the neD materia.:
Instead of 6sin; neD materia.s in 7hara7ter to those in the e3istin; str67t6re) yo6 may 6se raisin;
de<i7es to adI6st a manho.e to ;rade: "efore startin; pa<in; Dork) meas6re) fabri7ate) and insta.. raisin;
de<i7es: Raisin; de<ises m6st:
#: Comp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for se7tion 5* e37ept that ;a.<aniHin; is not reG6ired
2 ?a<e a shape and siHe that mat7hes the e3istin; frame
-: "e mat7h marked by paintin; identifi7ation n6mbers on the de<i7e and 7orrespondin; str67t6re
4: Res6.t in an insta..ation that is eG6a. to or better than the e3istin; one in stabi.ity) s6pport) and
nonro7kin; 7hara7teristi7s
*: "e fastened se76re.y to the e3istin; frame Ditho6t proIe7tions abo<e the s6rfa7e of the road or into
the 7.ear openin;
8here are to be .oDered) remo<e the fa7i.ity to -:* feet be.oD finished ;rade or to an
a6thoriHed depth: AdI6st the manho.e 6sin; the taper needed to mat7h the finished ;rade:
If a manho.e 7o<er is 6nstab.e or noisy 6nder traffi7) p.a7e a 7oi. of aspha.t,sat6rated rope) a p.asti7
Dasher) or aspha.ti7 7ompo6nd on the 7o<er seat: "efore p.a7ement) obtain a6thoriHation for 6se of the
If no item is des7ribed for adI6st /#1 frames) /21 7o<ers) /-1 ;rates) or /41 payment for adI6stin;
these materia.s is in7.6ded in the payment for the type of pa<ement or type of s6rfa7in; in<o.<ed:
If no item is shoDn for adI6st /#1 frames) /21 7o<ers) /-1 ;rates) or /41 and if pa<ement or
s6rfa7in; is not in<o.<ed) payment for adI6stin; these materia.s is in7.6ded in the payment for the type of
e37a<ation shoDn in the "id Item List:
1,-2.10C A1="/ I'&e/
AdI6st in.ets as shoDn:
!se minor 7on7rete Dith at .east *$% .b976 yd of 7ementitio6s materia.:
8here in.ets are adI6sted before p.a7in; the 6ppermost .ayer of pa<ement or s6rfa7in;) .imit the Dork
area so that adI6stin; the and fina. pa<in; or s6rfa7in; is 7omp.eted Dithin the same Dork day: The
top of the ;rate or 7o<er m6st be prote7ted d6rin; pa<in; operations by hea<y p.yDood 7o<ers) stee.
p.ate 7o<ers) or other a6thoriHed methods: E37ess pa<in; materia. m6st be remo<ed before;:
8here in.ets are adI6sted after p.a7in; the 6ppermost .ayer of pa<ement or s6rfa7in;) do not adI6st the to fina. ;rade 6nti. the pa<in; or s6rfa7in; has been 7omp.eted immediate.y adIa7ent to the
If adI6st is paid by the .inear foot) adI6stin; the is meas6red as the differen7e in the .en;th
betDeen the top of the e3istin; and the top of the adI6sted
If no item is shoDn for adI6st payment for adI6stin; the is in7.6ded in the payment for the type
of pa<ement or s6rfa7in; shoDn in the "id Item List:
If /#1 no item is shoDn for adI6st and /21 pa<ement or s6rfa7in; is not in<o.<ed) payment for adI6stin;
the is in7.6ded in the payment for the type of e37a<ation shoDn in the "id Item List:
1,-2.10D A1="/ Me/%& Be%m G"%r1 R%#&#'8
1,-2.10E*1,-2.10H Reer$e1
1,-2.11 RELAY
1,-2.11A Ge'er%&
Se7tion #*,2:## in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for remo<in; and re.ayin; fa7i.ities at the ori;ina. or neD .o7ations:
1,-2.11B*1,-2.11F Reer$e1
1,-2.12 REMODEL
1,-2.12A Ge'er%&
Se7tion #*,2:#2 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for reb6i.din; fa7i.ities at the ori;ina. .o7ation:; may
reG6ire some remo<a.:
1,-2.12B*1,-2.12F Reer$e1
1,-2.1)*1,-2.1, RESERVED
1,-).01 GENERAL
Se7tion #*,- in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for remo<in; a.. or a portion of a 7on7rete fa7i.ity:
Remo<e brid;es or portions of brid;es 6nder se7tion #*,4:
Remo<e 7on7rete pipe 6nder se7tion #*,2:%2':
Types of 7on7rete fa7i.ities to be remo<ed may in7.6de 76rbs) ;6tters) ;6tter depressions) sideDa.ks)
dri<eDays) s.ope pa<in;) is.and pa<in;) barriers) retainin; Da..s) minor str67t6res) aprons) spi..Days)
dams) and PCC pa<ement:
8here broken,7on7rete s.ope prote7tion is shoDn) 6se broken PCC for the 7onstr67tion of the broken,
7on7rete s.ope prote7tion:
As an a.ternati<e to remo<in; broken 7on7rete from the Iob site) yo6 may p.a7e broken 7on7rete on the
Iob site by:
#: "6ria. in embankments: Con7rete m6st be broken into pie7es that 7an be readi.y hand.ed and
in7orporated into embankments and p.a7ed at a depth of at .east - feet be.oD the finished ;rade and
s.ope .ines: Con7rete m6st not be b6ried in areas Dhere; is to be p.a7ed or Dithin #% feet of
trees) pipe.ines) b6i.din;s or other permanent obIe7ts or str67t6res:
2: P.a7ement at a6thoriHed .o7ations: The broken 7on7rete m6st not present an 6nsi;ht.y appearan7e
from the hi;hDay:
Con7rete materia.s in7.6de PCC) masonry) and mortared r6bb.e masonry:
Remo<e 7on7rete to a depth of at .east - feet be.oD finished ;rade 6n.ess des7ribed otherDise:
"ar reinfor7ement or other stee. may be en7o6ntered in portions of 7on7rete to be remo<ed:
E3istin; 7on7rete m6st be 76t to a tr6e .ine Dhere neD 7on7rete is Ioined to e3istin; 7on7rete:
8here no Ioint e3ists betDeen the 7on7rete fa7i.ity to be remo<ed and 7on7rete to remain in p.a7e) 6se a
poDer,dri<en saD to 76t the 7on7rete on a neat .ine to a minim6m depth of 2 in7hes before remo<in; the
8here no Ioint e3ists betDeen PCC pa<ement to be remo<ed and 7on7rete pa<ement to remain in p.a7e)
6se a poDer,dri<en saD to 76t the pa<ement on a neat .ine to a minim6m depth of 2 in7hes before
remo<in; the pa<ement: If there is o<er.yin; materia. on the pa<ement) remo<e it Dith the pa<ement:
8here 7on7rete has been remo<ed o6tside the roadDay prism) the ba7kfi..ed areas m6st be ;raded to
drain and b.end in Dith the s6rro6ndin; terrain:
The f.oors of 7on7rete basements) pits) and str67t6res that are not reG6ired to be remo<ed and that are
.o7ated Dithin the roadDay m6st be broken so that Dater Di.. not be trapped:
8here shatterin; 7on7rete is des7ribed) shatter the 7on7rete into pie7es that are eG6a. to or .ess than 2
feet in ;reatest dimension:
1,-).0+ PAYMENT
Con7rete is meas6red before startin; remo<a.:
If there is an item for the remo<a. of a 7on7rete fa7i.ity that has portions be.oD ;ro6nd) the payment
G6antity in7.6des the be.oD,;ro6nd portion:
Payment for remo<in; reinfor7ement and remo<in; stee. is in7.6ded in the payment for the remo<e
7on7rete in<o.<ed: If there is no item for remo<e 7on7rete) remo<in; reinfor7ement and remo<in; stee. is
in7.6ded in the type of remo<a. Dork in<o.<ed:
1,-+.01 GENERAL
1,-+.01A Ge'er%&
1,-+.01AB1C S"mm%r3
Se7tion #*,4 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for remo<in; and disposin; of brid;es or portions of brid;es:
Desi;n and 7onstr67t temporary s6pport shorin;) temporary bra7in;) and prote7ti<e 7o<ers 6nder se7tion
1,-+.01AB2C S".m#//%&
If reG6ired) s6bmit a dai.y inspe7tion report:
S6bmit a brid;e remo<a. Dork for ea7h str67t6re: In7.6de detai.s for the fo..oDin;:
#: Remo<a. seG6en7e) in7.6din; sta;in; of remo<a. operations and eG6ipment .o7ations
2: Temporary s6pport shorin; or bra7in;
-: Lo7ations Dhere Dork is performed o<er traffi7) 6ti.ities) or rai.road property
4: Lo7ations and types of prote7ti<e 7o<ers
*: Prote7tion of peop.e) property) 6ti.ities) and impro<ements
0: ethods for pre<entin; materia.) eG6ipment) and debris from; onto p6b.i7 traffi7 or rai.road
If prote7ti<e 7o<ers are reG6ired or s6perstr67t6re remo<a. Dork is performed) brid;e remo<a. Dork p.ans
m6st be /#1 a77ompanied by s6bstantiatin; 7a.76.ations and /21 si;ned by an en;ineer Dho is re;istered
as a 7i<i. en;ineer in the State:
Ca.76.ations for brid;e remo<a. Dork p.ans m6st demonstrate the stabi.ity of the str67t6re d6rin; ea7h
sta;e of remo<a.: A sta;e is remo<a. of /#1 the de7k) soffit) or ;irders in any spanJ or /21 Da..s) bent 7aps)
or 7o.6mns at s6pport .o7ations: In7.6de dead and .i<e .oads 6sed in the desi;n of prote7ti<e 7o<ers:
1,-+.01AB)C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
1,-+.01AB)CB%C Ge'er%&
For brid;e remo<a. Dork p.ans si;ned by a re;istered en;ineer) the en;ineer si;nin; the Dork m6st:
#: "e present at a.. times d6rin; brid;e remo<a. a7ti<ities:
2: Prepare a dai.y inspe7tion report for remo<a. a7ti<ities: The dai.y inspe7tion report m6st des7ribe Dork
a7ti<ities for ea7h day and the 7ondition of the remainin; str67t6re: A 7opy of the report m6st be
a<ai.ab.e at the Iob site at a.. times:
-: Immediate.y s6bmit a Dork for de<iations from the a6thoriHed or 6np.anned e<ents:
1,-+.01AB)CB.C De#8' Cr#/er#%
For remo<a. a7ti<ities) the horiHonta. .oad to be resisted in any dire7tion for temporary s6pport shorin; and
temporary bra7in; m6st be /#1 the s6m of a7t6a. horiHonta. .oads d6e to eG6ipment) 7onstr67tion
seG6en7e) or other 7a6ses p.6s an a..oDan7e for Dind and /21 not .ess than * per7ent of the tota. dead
.oad of the str67t6re bein; remo<ed:
Temporary s6pport shorin;) temporary bra7in;) and prote7ti<e 7o<ers o<er rai.road property m6st /#1
7onform to ;6ide.ines of the rai.road 7ompany in<o.<ed and /21 pro<ide the minim6m 7.earan7es spe7ified
for rai.road traffi7:
1,-+.01B M%/er#%&
Not !sed
1,-+.01C C0'/r"(/#0'
1,-+.01CB1C Ge'er%&
Type and .imits of remo<a. are des7ribed:
1,-+.01CB2C Pre6%r%/#0'
1,-+.01CB2CB%C Ge'er%&
The En;ineer may reG6ire yo6 to perform additiona. e3p.oratory Dork of brid;e members for 6nforeseen
dama;e: This is 7han;e order Dork:
Temporary s6pport shorin;) temporary bra7in;) and prote7ti<e 7o<ers m6st not en7roa7h Dithin + feet
horiHonta..y or #* feet <erti7a..y of traffi7 .anes or sho6.ders open to p6b.i7 traffi7:
1,-+.01CB2CB.C Pr0/e(/#$e C0$er
Pro<ide prote7ti<e 7o<ers for remo<a. Dork o<er traffi7 or rai.road property: Prote7ti<e 7o<ers m6st:
#: "e 7onstr67ted before startin; remo<a. a7ti<ities:
2: Pre<ent any materia.s) eG6ipment) or debris from; onto traffi7 or rai.road property:
-: "e s6pported 6sin; shorin;) fa.seDork) or the e3istin; str67t6re:
4: Pro<ide the openin;s spe7ified in se7tion #2,4: If no openin;s are spe7ified for brid;e remo<a.)
pro<ide a <erti7a. openin; of #* feet and a horiHonta. openin; of -2 feet for p6b.i7 traffi7:
*: "e 7.eaned of debris and fines before bein; remo<ed:
Desi;n and 7onstr67t prote7ti<e 7o<ers) shorin;) and fa.seDork Dith s6ffi7ient stren;th and ri;idity to
s6pport a.. imposed .oads: Co<ers m6st be at .east eG6a. to 2,in7h Do6;.as fir p.ankin; on posts at *,foot
At .o7ations Dhere on.y brid;e; is remo<ed) prote7ti<e 7o<ers m6st e3tend from the fa7e of the
e3terior ;irder or at .east 2 feet inside of the; to be remo<ed to at .east 4 feet beyond the o6tside
fa7e of the;:
At .o7ations Dhere entire ;irders are remo<ed) prote7ti<e 7o<ers m6st e3tend at .east #% feet beyond the
o6tside fa7e of the brid;e;:
A separate prote7ti<e 7o<er is not reG6ired d6rin; remo<a. of brid;e se;ments if portions of the brid;e
satisfy the reG6irements for prote7ti<e 7o<ers:
1,-+.01CB)C C0'/r"(/#0'
1,-+.01CB)CB%C Ge'er%&
8here<er 7omp.ete brid;es are remo<ed) do not start remo<a. a7ti<ities 6nti. traffi7 is no .on;er 7arried on
the brid;e:
"efore remo<in; portions of mono.ithi7 7on7rete e.ements <isib.e in the 7omp.eted Dork) make a #,in7h
deep saD 76t a.on; neat .ines aro6nd the perimeter of the 7on7rete to be remo<ed:
Repair or rep.a7e materia.s to be 6sed in the re7onstr67ted Dork that are dama;ed d6rin; Dork a7ti<ities:
Remo<e;) piers) ab6tments) and pedesta.s to # foot be.oD the ;ro6nd .ine or - feet be.oD finished
;rade) Dhi7he<er is .oDer:
Prote7t e3istin; reinfor7ement to be in7orporated into the neD Dork from dama;e: Thoro6;h.y remo<e a..
materia. adherin; to the e3istin; reinfor7ement before embeddin; it in neD 7on7rete:
&o6 may 6se f.ame and saD 76ttin; for remo<in;) Didenin;) or modifyin; brid;es:
Do not 6se e3p.osi<es:
Do not 6se the fo..oDin; for breakin; or remo<in; 7on7rete atta7hed to or s6pported by brid;es:
#: Too.s Dith a man6fa7t6rerFs,rated strikin; ener;y of more than #)2%% ft,.b per b.oD
2: Free.y; mass
-:; mass atta7hed to a 7ab.e) rope) or 7hain
Do not 6se a free.y; mass or a; mass atta7hed to a 7ab.e) rope) or 7hain abo<e any p6b.i7
spa7e: Do not 6se; masses Dithin -% feet horiHonta..y of any p6b.i7 spa7e Ditho6t prote7ti<e shie.ds:
Desi;n prote7ti<e shie.ds as reG6ired by the eG6ipment and a7ti<ities bein; performed: Prote7ti<e shie.ds
m6st be at .east eG6a. to 2,in7h Do6;.as fir p.ankin; on posts at *,foot 7enters:
Remo<e and sto7kpi.e sa.<a;ed materia.s 6nder se7tion #*,2:%-:
&o6 may dispose of broken 7on7rete in embankments 6nder se7tion #*,-:
The En;ineer may reG6ire yo6 to remo<e e3istin; footin; 7on7rete that is be.oD ;ro6nd and o6tside of the
footin; .imits: This is 7han;e order Dork:
For brid;e remo<a. a7ti<ities o<er or adIa7ent to roadDays that are on.y 7.osed to traffi7 Dhen remo<a.
Dork is bein; performed) the fo..oDin; reG6irements app.y:
#: ?a<e a.. ne7essary personne.) materia.s) and eG6ipment to 7omp.ete the Dork onsite before 7.osin;
the roadDay: Perform a7ti<ities Ditho6t interr6ption 6nti. the roadDay is reopened:
2: Perform brid;e remo<a. a7ti<ities on.y Dhen the roadDay is 7.osed to traffi7 e37ept as spe7ified for
pre.iminary Dork:
-: D6rin; roadDay 7.os6res) debris from brid;e remo<a. operations may fa.. dire7t.y onto the roadDay if
prote7tion is f6rnished for hi;hDay fa7i.ities: inim6m prote7tion for pa<ed areas is a 2,foot thi7k
earthen pad or a #,in7h thi7k stee. p.ate p.a7ed o<er the impa7t area: "efore reopenin; the roadDay)
a.. debris) prote7ti<e pads) and de<i7es m6st be remo<ed and the roadDay sDept 7.ean Dith Det
poDer sDeepers or eG6i<a.ent methods:
4: For ;irder brid;es) 7omp.ete.y remo<e ea7h ;irder Dithin a span before startin; remo<a. of the
adIa7ent ;irder:
*: For s.ab brid;es) perform remo<a. a7ti<ities Dithin a span a.on; a front para..e. Dith the primary
reinfor7in; stee.:
0: Prote7ti<e 7o<ers are not reG6ired:
1,-+.01CB)CB.C Pre&#m#'%r3 A0r;
Pre.iminary Dork is .imited to a7ti<ities that /#1 Di.. not red67e the str67t6ra. stren;th or stabi.ity of the
brid;e or brid;e e.ements to a haHardo6s .e<e. as determined by the En;ineer or /21 do not 7a6se debris
or any other materia. to fa.. onto the roadDay:
&o6 may 6se prote7ti<e 7o<ers to perform pre.iminary Dork if 7o<ers s6pport a.. .oads and pre<ent d6st
and fine materia. from; onto the tra<e.ed Day:
Prote7ti<e 7o<ers m6st e3tend 4 feet beyond the .imit of the Dork bein; performed: "ottom s.abs of bo3
;irders may be 7onsidered as prote7ti<e 7o<ers for pre.iminary Dork performed on top s.abs inside the
.imits of the e3terior ;irders:
!se temporary s6pport shorin; and bra7in; d6rin; pre.iminary Dork if needed to ens6re the stabi.ity of the
1,-+.01D P%3me'/
Not !sed
1,-+.02A Ge'er%&
Se7tion #*,4:%2 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for /#1 remo<in; portions of brid;es to pro<ide 7e.. a77ess and /21
7.osin; a77ess openin;s:
1,-+.02B M%/er#%&
Con7rete m6st be rapid,settin; 7on7rete 7omp.yin; Dith se7tion #*,*:%2:
Reinfor7ement m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *2:
Stee. p.ates) hardDare) and thread .o7kin; 7ompo6nd m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 5*,#:%-:
1,-+.02C C0'/r"(/#0'
1,-+.02CB1C Ge'er%&
Limits of remo<a. shoDn are appro3imate: The En;ineer a6thoriHes remo<a. .imits before yo6 start
remo<a. a7ti<ities:
SaD 76t 7on7rete to a depth of # in7h aro6nd remo<a. .imits before remo<in; 7on7rete:
Remo<e 7on7rete and reinfor7ement to the .imits shoDn: Paint e3posed ends of the remainin;
reinfor7ement Dith 2 7oats of or;ani7 Hin7,ri7h 7oatin; 6nder se7tion *$,2:%-C/21/a1:
8ithin 7e..s Dhere Dork a7ti<ities are performed) remo<e e3istin; formDork and 7on7rete that interfere
Dith the Dork: In 7e..s that adIoin hin;es) bent 7aps) or ab6tments) remo<e e3istin; forms and sharp
proIe7tions in the 7e.. betDeen the adIoined e.ement and * feet past the a77ess openin;:
1,-+.02CB2C De(; A((e O6e'#'8
1,-+.02CB)C S044#/ A((e O6e'#'8
Sea. a77ess openin;s Dith a77ess doors Dhen 7e.. a77ess is no .on;er reG6ired:
1,-+.02CB+C S044#/ A((e E</e'#0'
For brid;e soffit a77ess e3tensions) remo<e and rep.a7e 7on7rete Dithin the .imits shoDn: &o6 may
red67e remo<a. .imits if a6thoriHed:
Re7onstr67t soffit 7on7rete to the ori;ina. dimensions Dhen 7e.. a77ess is no .on;er reG6ired:
1,-+.02CB,C C&0e De(; A((e O6e'#'8
Temporari.y 7.ose de7k a77ess openin;s that are not 7omp.eted before the traffi7 .ane is opened:
Temporary de7k 7o<er p.ates m6st /#1 be in p.a7e o<er a77ess openin;s Dhen .anes are not 7.osed to
traffi7 and /21 remain in p.a7e 6nti. the 7on7rete o<er.ay 7.osin; the openin; is p.a7ed:
!se Dater to f.6sh d6st from areas to be fi..ed Dith 7on7rete: Remo<e a.. Dater by air b.astin; before
p.a7in; 7on7rete:
Do not a..oD p6b.i7 traffi7 on the neD 7on7rete 6nti. # ho6r after fina. set 6n.ess a6thoriHed:
1,-+.02D P%3me'/
Not !sed
1,-+.0)*1,-+.10 RESERVED
1,-,.01 GENERAL
1,-,.01A Ge'er%&
Se7tion #*,* in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for rehabi.itatin; 7on7rete brid;es:
1,-,.01B M%/er#%&
Stee. shot m6st 7omp.y Dith SSPC,A" -: Re7y7.ed stee. shot m6st 7omp.y Dith SSPC,A" 2:
1,-,.01C C0'/r"(/#0'
1,-,.01CB1C Ge'er%&
"efore startin; Dork) remo<e traffi7 stripes) pa<ement markin;s) and pa<ement markers 6nder se7tion #*,
Coarse a;;re;ate remainin; abo<e the remo<a. depth m6st be firm.y embedded:
?i;h,press6re Dater Iet eG6ipment m6st:
#: ?a<e rotatin; or os7i..atin; Iets
2: "e rated at -%)%%% psi minim6m
Co.d; eG6ipment m6st:
#: ?a<e a minim6m 7on7rete remo<a. depth of #94 in7h
2: Pro<ide a s6rfa7e re.ief of at most #94 in7h
-: Pro<ide a *9-2,in7h ;rade to.eran7e
Co.d; eG6ipment m6st ha<e the fo..oDin; feat6res:
#: - or 4 ridin; tra7ks
2: A6tomati7 ;rade 7ontro. system Dith e.e7troni7 a<era;in; ha<in; - sensors on ea7h side
-: Con<eyer system that .ea<es no debris on the brid;e
4: Dr6m that operates in an 6p,; dire7tion
*: " tooth too.s Dith t6n;sten 7arbide stee. 76ttin; tips
0: a3im6m too. spa7in; of #94 in7h
5: a3im6m operatin; Dei;ht of 00)%%% .b
+: a3im6m tra7k 6nit Dei;ht of 0)%%% .b9ft
$: NeD tooth too.s at the start of the Dork
Pro<ide personne. on ea7h side of the; dr6m to monitor; a7ti<ities: aintain 7onstant radio
7omm6ni7ation Dith the operator d6rin;; a7ti<ities:
1,-,.01CB2C Pre6%re C0'(re/e De(; S"r4%(e
Prepare 7on7rete brid;e de7ks before app.yin; de7k treatments or p.a7in; de7k o<er.ays:
Perform the fo..oDin; a7ti<ities in the order .isted:
#: Abrasi<e b.ast the de7k s6rfa7e Dith stee. shot
2: SDeep the de7k s6rfa7e
-: ".oD the de7k s6rfa7e 7.ean 6sin; hi;h,press6re air
Remo<e 6nso6nd 7on7rete 6nder se7tion #*,*:%#C/*1 before abrasi<e b.astin;:
The de7k s6rfa7e m6st be dry Dhen abrasi<e b.astin; is performed: Remo<e a.. .aitan7e) s6rfa7e
7ontaminants) and forei;n materia. from the de7k s6rfa7e:
If the de7k s6rfa7e be7omes 7ontaminated before p.a7in; the de7k treatment or o<er.ays) abrasi<e b.ast
7.ean the 7ontaminated area and sDeep the de7k 7.ean:
1,-,.01CB)C Rem0$e C0'(re/e De(; S"r4%(e
Remo<e 7on7rete de7k s6rfa7e to the spe7ified depth:
"efore remo<in; 7on7rete /#1 sDeep the de7k s6rfa7e and /21 b.oD the de7k 7.ean Dith hi;h,press6re air:
Remo<e de7k s6rfa7e by 7o.d; or hi;h,press6re Dater Iettin;:
1,-,.01CB+C Rem0$e A67%&/ C0'(re/e S"r4%(#'8
8here shoDn) remo<e aspha.t 7on7rete s6rfa7in; and reinfor7ed 7on7rete e3pansion dams from 7on7rete
brid;es and approa7hes:
"efore remo<in; aspha.t 7on7rete s6rfa7in;) <erify the depth of aspha.t 7on7rete e<ery *% feet /#1 on ea7h
sho6.der) /21 in the tra<e.ed Day) and /-1 at the roadDay 7roDn if a 7roDn is shoDn:
Remo<e aspha.t 7on7rete s6rfa7in; and 7on7rete e3pansion dams by 7o.d;: At .east #92 in7h of
aspha.t 7on7rete s6rfa7in; m6st remain after; a7ti<ities:
Remo<e remainin; aspha.t s6rfa7in; 6sin; other a6thoriHed means: Do not dama;e the 7on7rete s.ab:
1,-,.01CB,C Rem0$e U'0"'1 C0'(re/e
8here shoDn) remo<e 6nso6nd portions of brid;e de7ks) 76rbs) and;s:
!nso6nd 7on7rete is 7on7rete that emits a dead or ho..oD so6nd Dhen 7hained or tapped Dith a meta.
too.: The En;ineer determines the so6ndness of 7on7rete:
EG6ipment and too.s that in the En;ineerFs opinion remo<e e37ess G6antities of so6nd 7on7rete are not
For brid;es o<er rai.roads) stop remo<a. a7ti<ities Dhen trains pass 6nder the brid;e:
Reinfor7in; stee. e3posed after remo<in; 6nso6nd 7on7rete m6st be restored to position and b.o7ked and
tied in 7onforman7e Dith se7tion *2:
Rep.a7e or repair reinfor7in; stee. dama;ed and rendered 6se.ess d6rin; remo<a.:
1,-,.01CB-C Rem0$e C7#6 Se%&
8here shoDn) remo<e bit6mino6s 7hip sea.s) bit6mino6s s.6rry sea.s) and po.ymer 7hip sea.s from brid;e
de7ks by ;rindin;:
Remo<e the sea. from the de7k 6nder se7tion 42,-: Remo<e no more than #94 in7h of 7on7rete de7k
1,-,.01D P%3me'/
8here<er rapid settin; 7on7rete is 6sed to fi.. <oids from 6nso6nd 7on7rete) the pay G6antity for remo<e
6nso6nd 7on7rete is the same as the pay G6antity for rapid settin; 7on7rete /pat7h1: No ded67tion is
made for 7on7rete 6sed to fi.. spa..s that e3isted before Dork be;an:
1,-,.02A Ge'er%&
Se7tion #*,*:%2 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7.eanin; de7k s6rfa7es and p.a7in; rapid settin; 7on7rete
pat7hes 6p to 4 in7hes in depth:
1,-,.02B M%/er#%&
Rapid settin; 7on7rete m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for bondin; materia.s in se7tion *#,#:%2C:
&o6 may e3tend 7on7rete 6sin; a 7.ean) 6niform) ro6nded a;;re;ate Dith a moist6re 7ontent of no
more than %:* per7ent: A;;re;ate ;radin; m6st 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin;
Sie<e siHe Per7enta;e passin;
#92E #%%
No: #0 %B*
The amo6nt of a;;re;ate m6st 7omp.y Dith the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions: Con7rete stren;ths for
e3tended 7on7rete m6st be at .east as spe7ified for ma;nesi6m phosphate 7on7rete:
Combine 7omponents of d6a.,7omponent ma;nesi6m phosphate by mi3in; on.y 7omp.ete 6nits s6pp.ied
by the man6fa7t6rer: Do not add Dater to d6a.,7omponent ma;nesi6m phosphate:
1,-,.02C C0'/r"(/#0'
Abrasi<e b.ast 7.ean the 7onta7t s6rfa7es of e3istin; 7on7rete and reinfor7in; stee.: Remo<e at .east #9+
in7h of 7on7rete and a.. forei;n materia.: Immediate.y before p.a7in; neD 7on7rete) re7.ean s6rfa7es by
sDeepin; and press6re Iettin; or other a6thoriHed means to remo<e debris:
The s6rfa7e temperat6re of the e3istin; 7on7rete m6st be at .east 4% de;rees F d6rin; p.a7ement:
Conta7t s6rfa7es to re7ei<e ma;nesi6m phosphate 7on7rete m6st be dry: Conta7t s6rfa7es to re7ei<e
modified hi;h,a.6mina 7on7rete or port.and 7ement 7on7rete may be damp b6t not sat6rated:
a;nesi6m phosphate 7on7rete m6st not be mi3ed in 7ontainers or Dorked Dith too.s 7ontainin; Hin7)
7admi6m) a.6min6m) or 7opper: odified hi;h,a.6mina based 7on7rete m6st not be mi3ed in 7ontainers or
Dorked Dith too.s 7ontainin; a.6min6m:
Do not retemper 7on7rete: Finishin; too.s 7.eaned Dith Dater m6st be thoro6;h.y dried before Dorkin;
The En;ineer may reG6ire that yo6 6se a f.oD,7ontro..ed modified 7on7rete on s.opes o<er * per7ent:
C6re modified hi;h,a.6mina based 7on7rete and port.and 7ement based 7on7rete 6sin; the 76rin;
7ompo6nd method: Do not 76re ma;nesi6m phosphate 7on7rete:
1,-,.02D P%3me'/
Pay G6antities of rapid settin; 7on7rete /pat7h1 are determined from the po6nds of 7on7rete 6sed as
meas6red by s7a.e Dei;hts di<ided by a p.asti7 density of #-* .b976 ft:
1,-,.0)A Ge'er%&
1,-,.0)AB1C S"mm%r3
Se7tion #*,*:%- in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for remo<in; and pat7hin; spa..ed 7on7rete s6rfa7es other than
brid;e de7ks:
1,-,.0)AB2C S".m#//%&
S6bmit a test samp.e of at .east # 7omp.ete 6nit of materia.: A..oD 4* days for testin;:
For 7ontra7ts of .ess than 0% Dorkin; days) s6bmit 7ertifi7ates of 7omp.ian7e for the materia. and
bondin; a;ents:
1,-,.0)B M%/er#%&
ortar m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *#,#:%2C:
Shot7rete m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *-:
A.ternati<e materia.s and bondin; a;ents m6st ha<e the <a.6es for the materia. properties shoDn in
the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Property Test method (a.6e
Abrasion resistan7e) 2+ days Ca.ifornia Test **% 2* ;rams) ma3im6m
od6.6s of e.asti7ity) 2+ days Ca.ifornia Test **# #%:- to 24:# =Pa
8ater so.6b.e 7h.orides Ca.ifornia Test 422 *%% m;9k;) ma3im6m
8ater so.6b.e s6.fates Ca.ifornia Test 4#5 2)*%% m;9k;) ma3im6m
For proIe7ts of .ess than 0% days) a.ternati<e materia.s m6st be a6thoriHed before 6se:
1,-,.0)C C0'/r"(/#0'
Remo<e 6nso6nd 7on7rete 6nder se7tion #*,*:%#C/*1:
C.ean 7on7rete s6rfa7es and e3istin; reinfor7in; stee. by abrasi<e b.astin; before p.a7in; materia.:
P.a7e reinfor7in; stee. Dhere shoDn:
Fi.. spa..ed s6rfa7e areas 6nder se7tion *#,#:%-F/21 or yo6 may 6se an a.ternati<e materia. and
bondin; a;ent:
If 6sin; an a.ternati<e materia.) app.y bondin; epo3y before p.a7in; the materia.: P.a7e the
materia. 6nder the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions:
If 6sin; shot7rete) yo6 may app.y the shot7rete 6sin; a dry mi3 pro7ess Dith a hydration .iG6id app.ied
immediate.y after p.a7in; the shot7rete:
Pat7hed 7on7rete m6st emit a rin;in; so6nd to adIa7ent so6nd 7on7rete Dhen str67k Dith a meta.
too. #4 days after p.a7ement:
Remo<in; and pat7hin; spa..ed 7on7rete more than 4 in7hes deep is 7han;e order Dork:
1,-,.0)D P%3me'/
Repair spa..ed s6rfa7e area is meas6red by the sG6are foot of 7omp.eted) repaired s6rfa7e: eas6red
areas are re7orded dai.y by the En;ineer and a;reed 6pon by yo6:
1,-,.0+A Ge'er%&
Se7tion #*,*:%4 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for refinishin; s6rfa7es of brid;e de7ks e3posed Dhen;s)
76rbs) or sideDa.ks are remo<ed:
The En;ineer determines the e3a7t area to be refinished:
1,-,.0+B M%/er#%&
!se either port.and 7ement 7on7rete or rapid settin; 7on7rete:
Port.and 7ement 7on7rete m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion $%,# and the fo..oDin;:
#: Con7rete m6st 7ontain at .east 05* po6nds of 7ementitio6s materia. per 76bi7 yard:
2: Free Dater m6st not e37eed 2+% .b976 yd:
-: A;;re;ate m6st 7ontain betDeen *% and ** per7ent fine a;;re;ate: The remainin; portion m6st be
pea ;ra<e.: =rade pea ;ra<e. so that #%% per7ent passes the #92,in7h sie<e and at most * per7ent
passes the no: #0 sie<e:
4: The En;ineer may reG6est admi3t6res be 6sed:
Rapid settin; 7on7rete m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion #*,*:%2:
1,-,.0+C C0'/r"(/#0'
1,-,.0+CB1C Ge'er%&
For remo<a. Dork performed Dithin #% feet of a traffi7 .ane or o<er traffi7) remo<e d6st and resid6e 6sin;
an a6thoriHed <a766m) Dater spray) or shie.d method:
ake a -94,in7h deep saD 76t aro6nd the perimeter of the de7k to be refinished: Remo<e 7on7rete in
areas to be refinished to a depth of appro3imate.y -94 in7h: Do not dama;e 7on7rete to remain in p.a7e:
Prepare e3istin; de7k areas more than -94 in7h be.oD adIoinin; de7k s6rfa7es by remo<in; at .east #94
in7h of s6rfa7e materia. to e3pose so6nd a;;re;ate: Remo<e 7on7rete by abrasi<e b.ast 76ttin;) abrasi<e
saDin;) impa7t too. 76ttin;) ma7hine rotary abradin;) or other methods: Remo<a. methods m6st be
C.ean prepared areas of d6st and .oose and de.eterio6s materia.s by broomin;) abrasi<e b.ast 7.eanin;)
and 6sin; hi;h,press6re air: Reb.ast 7ontaminated areas before startin; 7on7rete p.a7ement a7ti<ities:
Prote7t e3istin; reinfor7ement e3posed d6rin; 7on7rete remo<a.:
C6t off doDe.s # in7h be.oD the e3istin; de7k s6rfa7e or at the bottom of 7on7rete remo<a.) Dhi7he<er is
8here refinishin; is not reG6ired) 76t doDe.s off # in7h be.oD the finished s6rfa7e: Pat7h Dith rapid
settin; 7on7rete 7omp.yin; Dith se7tion #*,*:%2:
&o6 may refinish iso.ated hi;h areas by 76ttin; the 7on7rete doDn f.6sh Dith adIoinin; de7k s6rfa7es: !se
abrasi<e saDin;) ;rindin;) impa7t too. 76ttin;) or other a6thoriHed methods:
Fi.. prepared areas f.6sh Dith the p.ane of the adIoinin; de7k 6sin; 7on7rete:
Trans<erse.y s7ore fresh 7on7rete s6rfa7es: !se a stiff,brist.ed broom or s6itab.e de<i7e:
Comp.eted s6rfa7es m6st ha<e a 6niform te3t6re Dith a 7oeffi7ient of fri7tion of at .east %:-* Dhen tested
6nder Ca.ifornia Test -42:
=rind or ;roo<e s6rfa7es ha<in; a 7oeffi7ient of fri7tion .ess than %:-* 6nder se7tion 42:
Refinished s6rfa7es m6st /#1 be f.6sh Dith the adIoinin; s6rfa7e and /21 not <ary more than %:%2 foot from
the .oDer ed;e of a #2,foot strai;hted;e in the .on;it6dina. dire7tion:
1,-,.0+CB2C P&%(#'8 P0r/&%'1 Ceme'/ C0'(re/e
Abrasi<e b.ast 7.ean s6rfa7es to be refinished: SDeep b.ast,7.eaned s6rfa7es and b.oD them 7.ean 6sin;
hi;h,press6re air:
App.y an epo3y adhesi<e to 7.eaned s6rfa7es immediate.y after 7.eanin;: S6rfa7es m6st be dry and ha<e
a temperat6re of at .east 4% de;rees F Dhen app.yin; the adhesi<e: F6rnish and app.y epo3y 6nder
se7tion $*,2:%-: The En;ineer determines the app.i7ation rate:
P.a7e 7on7rete on fresh epo3y adhesi<e: Conso.idate 7on7rete immediate.y after p.a7ement 6nti. <oids
are fi..ed and free mortar appears on the s6rfa7e: Strike off 7on7rete to the reG6ired ;rade:
C6re 7on7rete 6nder se7tion *#,#:%-?:
Do not .oad 7on7rete for 5 days after p.a7ement:
1,-,.0+CB)C P&%(#'8 R%6#1 Se//#'8 C0'(re/e
".oD s6rfa7es to be refinished Dith hi;h,press6re air immediate.y before p.a7in; 7on7rete: Abrasi<e b.ast
7.ean s6rfa7es that are 7ontaminated before the 7on7rete is p.a7ed:
Do not a..oD p6b.i7 traffi7 on 7on7rete 6nti. 24 ho6rs after fina. set 6n.ess a6thoriHed:
1,-,.0+D P%3me'/
Refinish brid;e de7k is meas6red from refinished areas meas6red horiHonta..y) p.6s %:2 sG6are foot for
pat7hin; aro6nd ea7h doDe.:
The Department does not adI6st the 6nit pri7e for an in7rease or de7rease in the refinish brid;e de7k
1,-,.0,A Ge'er%&
1,-,.0,AB1C S"mm%r3
Se7tion #*,*:%* in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for app.yin; a hi;h Dei;ht metha7ry.ate resin system
Dith sand and absorbent materia. to brid;e de7ks:
1,-,.0,AB2C S".m#//%&
S6bmit a Dork for p.a7ement of the resin system: In7.6de the fo..oDin;:
#: S7hed6.e of Dork and testin; for ea7h brid;e
2: Des7ription of eG6ipment for app.yin; resin
-: Ran;e of ;e. time and fina. 76re time for resin
4: Des7ription of absorbent materia. to be 6sed
*: Des7ription of eG6ipment for app.yin; and remo<in; e37ess sand and absorbent materia.
0: Pro7ed6re for remo<in; resin from the de7k and eG6ipment to be 6sed
5: Pro7ed6re for storin; and; resin 7omponents and absorbent materia.
+: Pro7ed6re for disposin; of e37ess resin and 7ontainers
S6bmit a materia. safety data sheet for ea7h resin system 7omponent and diatoma7eo6s earth shipment
before 6se:
S6bmit test of metha7ry.ate resin 7omponents #* days before 6se:
1,-,.0,AB)C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
The En;ineer performs Ca.ifornia Test -42 on treated de7k s6rfa7es: The 7oeffi7ient of fri7tion m6st be at
.east %:-*: The En;ineer pro<ides a #*,day noti7e for yo6 to pro<ide traffi7 7ontro. for testin; at ea7h
brid;e .o7ation:
Comp.ete a test area before startin; prod67tion treatment a7ti<ities:
The test area m6st:
#: "e appro3imate.y *%% sG ft
2: "e p.a7ed Dithin the proIe7t .imits o6tside the tra<e.ed Day at an a6thoriHed .o7ation
-: "e 7onstr67ted 6sin; the same eG6ipment as the prod67tion Dork
4: Rep.i7ate fie.d 7onditions for the prod67tion Dork
*: Demonstrate that the proposed means and methods 7omp.y Dith the a77eptan7e 7riteria
0: Demonstrate that the prod67tion Dork Di.. be 7omp.eted Dithin the time a..oDed
The En;ineer determines a77eptabi.ity of the test area: The test area is a77eptab.e if:
#: The treated de7k s6rfa7e is ta7k free and not oi.y
2: The sand 7o<er adheres and resists br6shin; by hand
-: E37ess sand and absorbent materia. has been remo<ed
4: The 7oeffi7ient of fri7tion is at .east %:-*
1,-,.0,B M%/er#%&
Notify the En;ineer #* days before de.i<ery of metha7ry.ate resin 7omponents in 7ontainers o<er **
;a..ons to the Iob site:
A hi;h,,Dei;ht metha7ry.ate resin system 7onsists of resin) promoter) and initiator:
?i;h,,Dei;ht metha7ry.ate resin m6st be .oD odor and ha<e the <a.6es for the materia.
properties shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Property Test method (a.6e
(o.ati.e 7ontent
AST D 2-0$ -% per7ent ma3im6m
AST D 2#$0 2* 7P ma3im6m
"rookfie.d R(T Dith !L adaptor) *% RP at 55 ]F
Spe7ifi7 ;ra<ity
AST D #45* %:$% minim6m at 55 ]F
F.ash point
AST D -25+ #+% ]F) minim6m
(apor press6re
AST D -2- #:% mm ?; ma3im6m at 55 ]F
Ta7k,free time Prepare
spe7imens per
Ca.ifornia Test **#
4%% min6tes ma3im6m at 2* ]C
s6rfa7e,dry bond
Ca.ifornia Test **# -:* Pa minim6m at 24 ho6rs and 2# Z # ]C
Test m6st be performed before addin; initiator:
Sand for abrasi<e sand finish m6st be:
#: Commer7ia.,G6a.ity) dry,b.ast sand
2: A ;radin; ha<in; not .ess than $* per7ent pass the no: + sie<e and not .ess than $* per7ent retained
on the no: 2% sie<e Dhen tested 6nder Ca.ifornia Test 2%*
Absorbent materia. m6st be diatoma7eo6s earth) abrasi<e b.ast d6st) or an a6thoriHed s6bstit6te
re7ommended by the resin s6pp.ier:
1,-,.0,C C0'/r"(/#0'
The En;ineer determines the e3a7t metha7ry.ate resin app.i7ation rate at time of p.a7ement:
?i;h,,Dei;ht metha7ry.ate resin app.ied by ma7hine m6st be /#1 7ombined in <o.6metri7
streams of promoted resin to initiated resin by stati7 in,.ine mi3ers and /21 app.ied Ditho6t atomiHation:
&o6 may app.y resin man6a..y: i3 at most * ;a..ons of resin at a time:
Prepare the de7k 6nder se7tions #*,*:%#C/21) #*,*:%#C/*1) and #*,*:%2:
The de7k m6st be dry before app.yin; resin: The 7on7rete s6rfa7e m6st be from *% to #%% de;rees F:
Re.ati<e h6midity m6st be not more than +* per7ent d6rin; the Dork shift:
Thoro6;h.y mi3 a.. resin 7omponents: App.y resin to the de7k Dithin * min6tes of mi3in; at an
appro3imate app.i7ation rate of $% sG ft9;a.: Resin that thi7kens d6rin; app.i7ation is reIe7ted:
Spread resin 6niform.y: Comp.ete.y 7o<er s6rfa7es to be treated and fi.. a.. 7ra7ks: Redistrib6te e37ess
resin 6sin; sG6ee;ees or brooms Dithin #% min6tes of app.i7ation: For te3t6red or ;roo<ed de7k s6rfa7es)
e37ess resin m6st be remo<ed from the te3t6re indentations:
App.y the abrasi<e sand finish no sooner than 2% min6tes after app.yin; resin: The sand app.i7ation rate
m6st at .east 2 .b9sG yd or 6nti. sat6ration as determined by the En;ineer: App.y absorbent materia. before
openin; .ane to traffi7: Remo<e e37ess sand and absorbent materia. by <a766min; or poDer sDeepin;:
Traffi7 or eG6ipment is a..oDed on the o<er.ay after the En;ineer has determined:
#: The treated de7k s6rfa7e is ta7k free and not oi.y
2: The sand 7o<er adheres and resists br6shin; by hand
-: E37ess sand and absorbent materia. has been remo<ed
4: No materia. Di.. be tra7ked beyond the .imits of treatment by traffi7
Remo<e resin from the de7k s6rfa7e if the En;ineer determines /#1 the 7onditions .isted abo<e ha<e not
been met and /21 the a..oDab.e .ane 7.os6re time Di.. be e37eeded:
1,-,.0,D P%3me'/
F6rnish brid;e de7k treatment materia. is meas6red by the ;a..on of mi3ed hi;h,,Dei;ht
metha7ry.ate resin p.a7ed:
P.a7e brid;e de7k metha7ry.ate resin treatment is paid as treat brid;e de7k:
1,-,.0-A Ge'er%&
1,-,.0-AB1C S"mm%r3
Se7tion #*,*:%0 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for p.a7in; a po.yester 7on7rete o<er.ay Dith a prime 7oat of hi;h,,Dei;ht metha7ry.ate resin to brid;e de7ks:
1,-,.0-AB2C S".m#//%&
S6bmit a Dork for o<er.ay p.a7ement: In7.6de the fo..oDin;:
#: S7hed6.e of o<er.ay Dork and testin; for ea7h brid;e
2: Des7ription of eG6ipment for app.yin; metha7ry.ate resin
-: Des7ription of eG6ipment for meas6rin;) mi3in;) p.a7in;) and finishin; the po.yester 7on7rete o<er.ay
4: ethod for iso.atin; e3pansion Ioints
*: C6re time for po.yester 7on7rete
0: Des7ription of eG6ipment for app.yin; sand
5: ethod for stora;e and; of metha7ry.ate resin and po.yester 7on7rete 7omponents
+: ethod for disposa. of e37ess metha7ry.ate resin) po.yester 7on7rete) and 7ontainers
For ea7h shipment of metha7ry.ate and po.yester 7on7rete) s6bmit a materia. safety data sheet for ea7h
S6bmit test of metha7ry.ate and po.yester resins #* days before 6se:
S6bmit a;;re;ate and resin <o.6mes re7orded from the <o.6metri7 mi3er at the end of ea7h Dork shift:
1,-,.0-AB)C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
Comp.ete a tria. o<er.ay before startin; prod67tion o<er.ay a7ti<ities:
The tria. o<er.ay m6st:
#: "e at .east #2 feet Dide by 0 feet .on; and the same thi7kness as the proIe7t o<er.ay
2: "e 7onstr67ted on a prepared 7on7rete base
-: "e p.a7ed Dithin the proIe7t .imits at an a6thoriHed .o7ation
4: "e 7onstr67ted 6sin; the same eG6ipment as the prod67tion Dork
*: Rep.i7ate fie.d 7onditions for the prod67tion Dork
0: "e 6sed to determine the initia. po.yester,7on7rete set time
5: Demonstrate s6itabi.ity of the proposed means and methods
The En;ineer determines a77eptabi.ity of the tria. o<er.ay:
Dispose of the tria. o<er.ay and 7on7rete base after a77eptan7e:
1,-,.0-B M%/er#%&
Notify the En;ineer #* days before de.i<ery of resin in 7ontainers o<er ** ;a..ons to the Iob site:
Po.yester 7on7rete 7onsists of po.yester resin binder and a;;re;ate:
Po.yester resin binder m6st:
#: "e an 6nsat6rated isophtha.i7 po.yester,styrene 7o,po.ymer
2: Contain not .ess than # per7ent by Dei;ht ;amma,metha7ry.o3ypropy.trimetho3ysi.ane) an
or;anosi.ane ester si.ane
-: "e 6sed Dith a promoter 7ompatib.e Dith s6itab.e methy. ethy. ketone pero3ide and 76mene
hydropero3ide initiators
4: ?a<e the <a.6es for the materia. properties shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Property Test method (a.6e
AST D 2#$0 5* to 2%% 7P
R(T) no: # spind.e) 2% RP at 55 ]F
Spe7ifi7 ;ra<ity
AST D #45* #:%* to #:#% at 55 ]F
E.on;ation AST D 0-+ -* per7ent) minim6m
Type I spe7imen) %:2* Z %:%- in7h thi7k
Rate T %:4* in7h9min6te
AST D 0#+ Samp.e Conditionin;: #+92*9*%Y*95%
Tensi.e stren;th AST D 0-+ 2)*%% psi) minim6m
Type I spe7imen) %:2* Z %:%- in7h thi7k
Rate T %:4* in7h9min6te
AST D 0#+ Samp.e 7onditionin;: #+92*9*%Y*95%
Styrene 7ontent
AST D 2-0$ 4% per7ent to *% per7ent by Dei;ht
PCC sat6rated s6rfa7e,dry
bond stren;th
Ca.ifornia Test **# -:* Pa minim6m at 24 ho6rs and 2# Z # ]C
Stati7 <o.ati.e emission
SCA@D ethod
0% ;ram9sG m .oss) ma3im6m
Test m6st be performed before addin; initiator:
A;;re;ate for po.yester 7on7rete m6st:
#: Comp.y Dith se7tions $%,#:%2C/#1) $%,#:%2C/21) and $%,#:%2C/-1
2: ?a<e not more than 4* per7ent 7r6shed retained on the no: + sie<e Dhen tested 6nder
Ca.ifornia Test 2%*
-: ?a<e fine a;;re;ate 7onsistin; of nat6ra. sand
4: ?a<e a Dei;hted,a<era;e a;;re;ate absorption of no more than # per7ent Dhen tested 6nder
Ca.ifornia Tests 2%0 and 2%5
*: At the time of mi3in; Dith resin) ha<e a moist6re 7ontent of not more than one ha.f of the Dei;hted,
a<era;e a;;re;ate absorption Dhen tested 6nder Ca.ifornia Test 220
0: Comp.y Dith the reG6irements for one of the a;;re;ate ;radin;s shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Sie<e siHe
Per7enta;e passin;
-9+ in7h ma3im6m No: 4 ma3im6m
#92E #%% #%%
-9+E +-B#%% #%%
No: 4 0*B+2 02B+*
No: + 4*B04 4*B05
No: #0 25B4+ 2$B*%
No: -% #2B-% #0B-0
No: *% 0B#5 *B2%
No: #%% %B5 %B5
No: 2%% %B- %B-
?i;h,,Dei;ht metha7ry.ate for the resin prime 7oat m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion #*,*:%*" e37ept
the metha7ry.ate resin m6st be free of Da3 and ta7k,free time reG6irements do not app.y:
Sand for abrasi<e sand finish m6st:
#: "e 7ommer7ia.,G6a.ity b.ast sand
2: ?a<e not .ess than $* per7ent pass the no: + sie<e and not .ess than $* per7ent retained on the no:
2% sie<e Dhen tested 6nder Ca.ifornia Test 2%*
-: ?a<e an a<era;e absorption of not more than # per7ent Dhen tested 6nder Ca.ifornia Test 2%5
1,-,.0-C C0'/r"(/#0'
1,-,.0-CB1C Ge'er%&
The En;ineer determines the e3a7t per7enta;e of po.yester resin binder at the time of p.a7in;:
The En;ineer pro<ides fina. ;rade and 7ross s.ope before the start of o<er.ay Dork:
The En;ineer tests e3istin; de7k s6rfa7e smoothness 6nder se7tion *#,#:%-F/*1 and may reG6ire yo6 to
modify the e3istin; de7k smoothness 6nder se7tion 42,-: odifyin; the e3istin; de7k smoothness is
7han;e order Dork:
Constr67tion of approa7h s.abs m6st be 7omp.ete before p.a7in; po.yester o<er.ay:
NeD 7on7rete de7k s6rfa7es m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *#,#:%-E/*1 before startin; o<er.ay Dork:
!se a 7ontin6o6s mi3er to mi3 po.yester 7on7rete: The 7ontin6o6s mi3er m6st:
#: Emp.oy an a6;er s7reD de<i7e Dith a dis7har;e 7h6te
2: "e eG6ipped Dith an a6tomati7 meterin; de<i7e that meas6res and re7ords a;;re;ate and resin
-: ?a<e a <isib.e reado6t ;a;e that disp.ays <o.6mes of a;;re;ate and resin bein; re7orded
4: "e 7ertified 6nder Ca.ifornia Test #%$ before 6se
*: Prod67e a satisfa7tory mi3 7onsistent.y d6rin; a demonstration
Re7ord po.yester 7on7rete <o.6mes at .east e<ery * min6tes) in7.6din; time and date:
Finishin; eG6ipment for po.yester 7on7rete m6st:
#: ?a<e ;rade 7ontro. 7apabi.ities
2: "e 6sed to 7onso.idate the po.yester 7on7rete
Prepare the de7k 6nder se7tions #*,*:%#C/21) #*,*:%#C/*1) and #*,*:%2:
The de7k m6st be dry before p.a7in; the metha7ry.ate prime 7oat: The 7on7rete s6rfa7e m6st be from *%
to #%% de;rees F: Re.ati<e h6midity m6st be not more than +* per7ent:
SDeep the de7k: ".oD the de7k 7.ean Dith 7ompressed air:
Thoro6;h.y mi3 a.. 7omponents of metha7ry.ate resin: App.y metha7ry.ate resin to the de7k s6rfa7e Dithin
* min6tes of mi3in;: App.y metha7ry.ate resin 6niform.y and spread to 7omp.ete.y 7o<er s6rfa7es to be
The rate of app.i7ation for metha7ry.ate resin m6st be appro3imate.y ** sG ft9;a.:
P.a7e metha7ry.ate prime 7oat on ma;nesi6m phosphate 7on7rete no sooner than 52 ho6rs after fina. set
or on modified hi;h,a.6mina based 7on7rete no sooner than -% min6tes after fina. set:
For man6a. mi3ers) initiate the po.yester resin binder and b.end 7omp.ete.y: Add a;;re;ate and mi3 for
not .ess than 2 min6tes:
P.a7e po.yester 7on7rete:
#: Immediate.y after app.yin; the metha7ry.ate prime 7oat
2: "efore ;;
-: 8ithin #* min6tes of addin; initiator
The Dei;ht of resin binder m6st be appro3imate.y #2 per7ent of the Dei;ht of the a;;re;ate: Po.yester
7on7rete m6st ha<e an initia. set time of from -% to #2% min6tes Dhen tested 6sin; an initia.,settin;,time
=i..more need.e 6nder AST C 200:
Conso.idate and finish the o<er.ay to the reG6ired ;rade and 7ross se7tion 6sin; finishin; eG6ipment:
Po.yester 7on7rete m6st be 7onso.idated to a re.ati<e 7ompa7tion of not .ess than $5 per7ent Dhen tested
6nder Ca.ifornia Test **2:
App.y a sand finish of not .ess than %:+ .b9sG yd before ;; o776rs:
Prote7t the o<er.ay from moist6re for not .ess than 4 ho6rs after finishin;: Do not a..oD traffi7 or
eG6ipment on the o<er.ay for not .ess than 4 ho6rs after fina. finishin;:
Comp.eted po.yester,7on7rete de7k s6rfa7es m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *#,#:%-F/*1:
Taper po.yester 7on7rete o<er.ay ed;es if the o<er.ay /#1 is not 7omp.eted Dithin the a..oDab.e .ane
7.os6re time and /21 is more than #92 in7h hi;her in e.e<ation than the adIa7ent pa<ement: Taper ed;es
that are trans<erse to the dire7tion of traffi7 at a 2%:# /horiHonta.:<erti7a.1 s.ope: Taper ed;es that are
.on;it6dina. to the dire7tion of traffi7 at a 4:# /horiHonta.:<erti7a.1 s.ope:
Tapers may remain and be o<er.aid Dith po.yester 7on7rete o<er.ay:
1,-,.0-CB2C E<6%'#0' D%m
&o6 may mi3 po.yester 7on7rete for e3pansion dams 6sin; me7hani7a. mi3ers of not more than $,yards
For neD aspha.t 7on7rete o<er.ays) p.a7e the aspha.t 7on7rete o<er.ay before startin; po.yester 7on7rete
a7ti<ities: SaD 76t and remo<e aspha.t 7on7rete at e3pansion dam .o7ations:
Remo<e aspha.t 7on7rete and e3pansion dams: Do not dama;e the de7k or aspha.t 7on7rete to remain in
The app.i7ation rate of metha7ry.ate resin m6st be appro3imate.y #%% sG ft9;a.:
&o6 may p.a7e and finish e3pansion dams 6sin; hand methods:
Prote7t e3pansion dams from moist6re) traffi7) and eG6ipment for not .ess than 4 ho6rs after finishin;:
For e3pansion dams o<er 0 feet .on;) insta.. #94,in7h Dide Ioint materia. at 0,foot inter<a.s a7ross the
Didth of the e3pansion dam: Coint materia. m6st be either e3panded po.y6rethane or e3panded
1,-,.0-D P%3me'/
The En;ineer determines the payment G6antity of f6rnishin; po.yester 7on7rete 6sin; the fo..oDin;:
#: @6antity of resin binder 6sed
2: Per7ent by Dei;ht of resin binder in the po.yester 7on7rete
-: !nit Dei;ht of #-* .b976 ft
P.a7e po.yester 7on7rete o<er.ay is meas6red by the sG6are foot based on the dimensions shoDn:
E3pansion dam is meas6red by the 76bi7 foot based on the dimensions shoDn:
Payment for tria. o<er.ay and 7on7rete base for the tria. o<er.ay is in7.6ded in the payment for f6rnish
po.yester 7on7rete:
1,-,.02A Ge'er%&
1,-,.02AB1C Ge'er%&
Se7tion #*,*:%5 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7orin; thro6;h 7on7rete brid;e members:
1,-,.02AB2C M%/er#%&
8ater for 7orin; a7ti<ities m6st be from the .o7a. Dater s6pp.y or 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin;:
#: Contain not more than #)%%% ppm 7h.orides as C.
2: Contain not more than #)-%% ppm of s6.fates as SO4
-: Contain no imp6rities that dis7o.or the 7on7rete or et7h the s6rfa7e
1,-,.02AB)C C0'/r"(/#0'
!se 7orin; methods that do not shatter or dama;e the 7on7rete adIa7ent to the
Do not a..oD Dater from 7orin; a7ti<ities to fa.. on p6b.i7 traffi7) f.oD a7ross sho6.ders or .anes o776pied
by p6b.i7 traffi7) or f.oD into ;6tters or other draina;e fa7i.ities:
1,-,.02AB+C P%3me'/
Corin; 7on7rete is meas6red by the .inear foot meas6red a.on; the 7enter.ine of the ho.e: No ded67tion is
made for e3pansion Ioints:
1,-,.02B C0re %'1 Pre"re Gr0"/ D0:e&
1,-,.02BB1C Ge'er%&
Se7tion #*,*:%5" in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7orin; thro6;h reinfor7ed 7on7rete) p.a7in; doDe.s)
and; Dith press6riHed ;ro6t:
1,-,.02BB2C M%/er#%&
=ro6t m6st 7omp.y Dith AST C ##%5 or AST C +4*) Type ') Dith a 7ompressi<e stren;th of *)%%% psi
at 2+ days Dhen tested 6nder Ca.ifornia Test **#:
DoDe.s m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for bar reinfor7in; stee. in se7tion *2:
8ater for ;ro6t m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for Dater in se7tion $%,#:%2D:
Admi3t6res m6st 7ontain not more than *%% ppm of 7h.orides as C. Dhen tested 6nder Ca.ifornia Test 422
and not more than 2)*%% ppm of s6.fates as SO4 Dhen tested 6nder Ca.ifornia Test 4#5:
1,-,.02BB)C C0'/r"(/#0'
C.ean .oose and forei;n materia. from 7on7rete and stee. s6rfa7es that Di.. 7onta7t ;ro6t: F.6sh Dith
Dater and .et dry to a s6rfa7e,dry 7ondition immediate.y before ;ro6tin;:
i3 ;ro6t in 7onforman7e Dith the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions: Fi.. 7ored Dith ;ro6t: P.a7e doDe.s
into ;ro6ted Sea. the ends of after p.a7in; doDe.s:
P.a7e a <ent t6be at # end of the ho.e and an inIe7tion feed t6be at the other end: For Dith on.y a
sin;.e end) p.a7e <ent and inIe7tion feed t6bes in the same ho.e: T6bes m6st /#1 <ent air from and
/21 7omp.ete.y fi.. Dith ;ro6t:
P6mp ;ro6t into !se s6ffi7ient press6re to e.iminate <oids: Contin6a..y Daste ;ro6t 6nti. air and
Dater eIe7t from the <ent t6bes and there are no <isib.e s.6;s:
1,-,.02BB+C P%3me'/
DoDe.s for press6re ;ro6tin; are paid for as bar reinfor7in; stee. /brid;e1:
1,-,.0>A Ge'er%&
1,-,.0>AB1C S"mm%r3
Se7tion #*,*:%+ in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for; 7ra7ks in 7on7rete str67t6res Dith press6re,inIe7ted
1,-,.0>AB2C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
Take a -,o6n7e samp.e of mi3ed epo3y from the inIe7tion ;6n /#1 before startin; inIe7tion a7ti<ities and
/21 at ho6r.y inter<a.s Dhen reG6ested by the En;ineer: If shoD improper proportionin; or mi3in;)
stop inIe7tion a7ti<ities and 7orre7t defi7ien7ies:
1,-,.0>B M%/er#%&
Epo3y m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion $*,2:##: 6.tip.e form6.ations may be reG6ired for 7ra7ks of <aryin;
1,-,.0>C C0'/r"(/#0'
The En;ineer se.e7ts 7ra7ks ha<in; Didths from + to 2*% mi.s for;:
C.ean 7ra7ks of materia. that Do6.d impair bondin; of epo3y 6sin; oi.,free 7ompressed air: Remo<e any
remainin; materia. by f.6shin; Dith Dater 6nder press6re: After f.6shin;) b.oD 7ra7ks 7.ean Dith oi.,free
7ompressed air:
Insert inIe7tion ports into 7ra7ks: Spa7e ports not more than a distan7e eG6a. to the thi7kness of the
7on7rete bein; inIe7ted: Spa7in; at ends of 7ra7ks m6st be eG6a. to ha.f the 7on7rete thi7kness: AdI6st
port spa7in; to ens6re epo3y s6bstantia..y fi..s the 7ra7ks:
Sea. 7ra7k s6rfa7es betDeen ports Dith tape or other temporary sea.ant 7apab.e of retainin; epo3y in
7ra7ks d6rin; press6re inIe7tion and 6nti. epo3y has hardened:
Con7rete temperat6re m6st be from *% to $% de;rees F d6rin; inIe7tion a7ti<ities:
Press6re inIe7t epo3y adhesi<e into 7ra7ks thro6;h inIe7tion ports: !se the .oDest pra7ti7a. p6mpin;
press6re: InIe7tion eG6ipment m6st maintain epo3y proportion and mi3 7onsisten7y: Fi.. 7ra7ks
7omp.ete.y: Do not a..oD epo3y to r6n doDn the fa7e of the 7on7rete from the head of the inIe7tion ;6n:
Start inIe7tion at the first port at the end of a 7ra7k: P6mp epo3y into the port 6nti. epo3y r6ns s6bstantia..y
from the ne3t adIa7ent port: Sea. the first port and start inIe7tion from the ne3t port: Contin6e in this
manner 6nti. the 7ra7k is fi..ed: For s.antin; or <erti7a. 7ra7ks) start inIe7tin; at the .oDer end of the 7ra7k:
8here <erti7a. and horiHonta. 7ra7ks interse7t) inIe7t the <erti7a. 7ra7k be.oD the interse7tion first:
Sea. ports by remo<in; the fittin;); the <oid Dith epo3y) and 7o<erin; the <oid Dith tape or s6rfa7e
sea.ant: Lea<e the; tape and temporary s6rfa7e sea.ant in p.a7e 6nti. the epo3y has hardened:
C.ean e37ess epo3y from 7on7rete s6rfa7es e3posed to p6b.i7 <ieD after remo<in; sea.ant:
1,-,.0>D P%3me'/
InIe7t 7ra7k /epo3y1 is paid for as the tota. .en;th of 7ra7ks desi;nated by the En;ineer to be inIe7ted and
that are fi..ed Dith epo3y:
For 7ra7ks e3tendin; aro6nd 7orners of members) the 7ra7k .en;th is meas6red on both fa7es:
&o6 are paid for 7ra7ks desi;nated to be fi..ed on opposite sides of a member if the 7ra7ks on both sides
are 7omp.ete.y fi..ed after inIe7tion from on.y one side:
1,-,.0?*1,-,.20 RESERVED
1,--.01 GENERAL
1,--.01A Ge'er%&
1,--.01AB1C S"mm%r3
Se7tion #*,0 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7.eanin; and preparin;) inspe7tin; and e<a.6atin;) repairin;)
rehabi.itatin;) and reinspe7tin; 76.<erts:
8here<er storm drains) pipes) 7ond6it) risers) doDndrains) median draina;e in.ets) and 6nderdrains are
atta7hed to the 76.<ert) they are in7.6ded in the Dork 6nder se7tion #*,0:
Repair as des7ribed) and repairin; may in7.6de:
#:; <oids be.oD and aro6nd the e3terior of the 76.<erts
2: Restorin; 76.<ert openin;s
-: Smoothin; protr6sions inside 76.<erts
Rehabi.itate as des7ribed) and rehabi.itatin; may in7.6de:
#:; <oids be.oD and aro6nd 76.<erts
2: Pa<in; 76.<ert in<erts
-:; pipe.iners inside 76.<erts
For a ;i<en 76.<ert) if on.y # type of pipe.iner is shoDn) insta.. that type of pipe.iner: For a ;i<en 76.<ert) if
more than # type of pipe.iner is shoDn) 7hoose one of the types shoDn:
1,--.01AB2C De4#'#/#0'
%&/er'%/#$e 6#6e&#'er5 "id items 6sed Dhere more than # type of pipe.iner is shoDn for a ;i<en 76.<ert:
%''"&%r 6%(e5 Spa7e or <oid betDeen the o6tside Da.. of the pipe.iner and the inside Da.. of a 76.<ert:
&%/er%& 6#6e 06e'#'85 Openin; in a 76.<ert for a 7onne7tin; pipe or drain of any kind:
er$#(e 06e'#'85 Openin; in a 76.<ert for maintenan7e) repair) inspe7tion) or 7.eanin;:
:%/e:%/er5 8ater and 7ontaminants ;enerated by 76.<ert rehabi.itation:
:%/er:%35 E3istin; draina;e system) in7.6din; s6rfa7e Dater) trib6taries) and ;ro6ndDater:
1,--.01AB)C S".m#//%&
1,--.01AB)CB%C Ge'er%&
For ea7h 76.<ert) s6bmit a Dork in a -,rin; binder that has .abe.ed di<iders for ea7h type of The
Dork m6st in7.6de:
#: C.eanin;
2: Inspe7tion
-: Conta7t ;ro6tin; Dhen this Dork is des7ribed
4:,spa7e ;ro6tin; Dhen this Dork is des7ribed
*: Inspe7tion and e<a.6ation report
0: Postrehabi.itation inspe7tion report
For ea7h portion of the Dork obtain the DepartmentFs a6thoriHation before yo6 perform Dork based
on that portion:
At the prerehabi.itation meetin;) s6bmit the Dork In7.6de Dork p.ans for 7onta7t ;ro6tin; and
;ro6tin; Dhen this Dork is des7ribed: A..oD 5 days for the DepartmentFs re<ieD: If m6.tip.e binders are
s6bmitted sim6.taneo6s.y or a binder is s6bmitted before the re<ieD of a pre<io6s.y s6bmitted binder is
7omp.ete) desi;nate the seG6en7e that the binders are to be re<ieDed: A..oD re<ieD time spe7ified p.6s -
days for ea7h additiona. binder:
8ithin 5 days of the inspe7tion of a 76.<ert) s6bmit an inspe7tion and e<a.6ation report: A..oD 5 days for
the DepartmentFs re<ieD: If m6.tip.e reports are s6bmitted sim6.taneo6s.y or a report is s6bmitted before
the re<ieD of a pre<io6s.y s6bmitted report is 7omp.ete) desi;nate the seG6en7e that the reports are to be
re<ieDed: A..oD the re<ieD time spe7ified p.6s - days for ea7h additiona. report:
8ithin 5 days of the 7omp.etion of a.. 76.<ert Dork) s6bmit a postrehabi.itation inspe7tion report as an
a7tion s6bmitta.: A..oD * days for the DepartmentFs re<ieD: If m6.tip.e reports are s6bmitted
sim6.taneo6s.y or an additiona. report is s6bmitted before the re<ieD of a pre<io6s.y s6bmitted report is
7omp.ete) desi;nate the seG6en7e that the reports are to be re<ieDed: A..oD the spe7ified re<ieD time
p.6s - days for ea7h additiona. reinspe7tion report: Obtain Dritten appro<a. of the reinspe7tion report:
To make a 7han;e to an a6thoriHed or report) s6bmit it as spe7ified for a neD s6bmitta.: Note the
Retain a 7opy of the 76.<ert inspe7tion <ideos and re7ords 6nti. the postrehabi.itation inspe7tion report is
1,--.01AB)CB.C C&e%'#'8 P&%'
The 7.eanin; m6st in7.6de methods for:
#: C.eanin;
2:; sediments dis.od;ed d6rin; the 7.eanin;
-:; and di<ertin; the e3istin; stream or ;ro6ndDater f.oD: The bypass system m6st ha<e
adeG6ate 7apa7ity and siHe: In7.6de:
-:#: &o6r 7a.76.ations for the e3istin; f.oDs and the 7apa7ity of the bypass system
-:2: &o6r s7hed6.e for the reG6ired 6se of the bypass system
1,--.01AB)CB(C I'6e(/#0' P&%'
The inspe7tion m6st in7.6de:
#: Samp.e of the printed CCT( <ideo .o;: The printed .o; m6st in7.6de di;ita. photo;raphs of materia.
not dis.od;ed d6rin; 7.eanin; operations) .o7ations Dhere in<ert repairs Dere ne7essary) 76.<ert
Ioints) .atera. 7onne7tion Ioints) protr6sions) and other portions of the 76.<ert:
2: Samp.e CCT( <ideo re7ordin; from pre<io6s 76.<ert inspe7tion Dork: The <ideo m6st ha<e a6dio
7ommentary statin; operationa. and str67t6ra. defe7ts in pipes that are the same siHe as those for this
Contra7t: Samp.e <ideo re7ordin; m6st be taken Dith the same 7amera and .i;htin; eG6ipment
proposed for this Dork: Des7ribe the 7amera type) mode.: and transporter:
If h6man entry is possib.e) the m6st in7.6de obtained from handhe.d <ideo and sti..
photo;raphs: In7.6de the fo..oDin;:
#: Samp.e of the printed <ideo .o;: The printed .o; m6st in7.6de di;ita. photo;raphs of materia. not
dis.od;ed d6rin; 7.eanin; operations) .o7ations Dhere in<ert repairs Dere ne7essary) 76.<ert Ioints)
.atera. 7onne7tion Ioints) protr6sions) et7:
2: Samp.e <ideo re7ordin; from pre<io6s 76.<ert inspe7tion Dork: The <ideo m6st ha<e a6dio
7ommentary shoDin; operationa. and str67t6ra. defe7ts in pipes that are the same siHe as those for
this Contra7t: Samp.e <ideo re7ordin; m6st be taken Dith the same 7amera and .i;htin; eG6ipment
proposed for this Dork: Des7ribe the 7amera type) mode.) and transporter:
1,--.01AB)CB1C C0'/%(/ Gr0"/#'8 P&%'
If 7onta7t ;ro6tin; is des7ribed) ordered) or proposed as a repair method) s6bmit a 7onta7t ;ro6tin;
The ;ro6tin; m6st in7.6de:
#: Order of Dork
2: a3im6m inIe7tion press6res
-: Detai.s and data for; and ;ro6tin; eG6ipment
4: P.ans for; ;ro6ndDater and e3istin; 76.<ert stream f.oDs
*: Press6re ;a;e) re7order) and fie.d eG6ipment 7ertifi7ations) in7.6din; 7a.ibrations by an independent
testin; a;en7y
0: Samp.e printo6t of the form for re7ordin; ;ro6tin; operations: Form m6st shoD the fo..oDin; tab6.ated
information for ea7h ;ro6t port:
0:#: port .o7ation
0:2: press6re
0:-: <o.6me
0:4: start and end time
5: S7hed6.e of ;ro6t port insta..ations and method for obtainin; probe depth dimensions at ;ro6t portsJ
tab6.ation of .o7ations and dimensions
+: C6.<ert str6t detai.s as ne7essary
$: ethod for monitorin; deformation of 76.<ert or 7on7rete .inin;
#%: =ro6t mi3 desi;n) in7.6din;:
#%:#: Densities and <is7osity
#%:2: Initia. set time
#%:-: ateria.s and the independent testin; a;en7yFs test data as spe7ified in se7tion 4#,#:%#
#%:4: =ro6t Dorkin; time before #* per7ent 7han;e in density or <is7osity o776rs
1,--.01AB)CBeC A''"&%r S6%(e Gr0"/#'8 P&%'
If a pipe.iner Dith spa7e ;ro6tin; is des7ribed) s6bmit an spa7e ;ro6tin; S6bmit a
separate for ea7h kind of ;ro6t or <ariation in ;ro6tin; pro7ed6re or pipe.iner insta..ation: For ea7h state the 7orrespondin; 76.<ert .o7ation and app.i7ab.e insta..ation 7onditions: 8ith a6thoriHation)
yo6 may 7han;e the ;ro6t mi3 or ;ro6tin; pro7ed6re before startin; ;ro6tin; at the ;i<en 76.<ert .o7ation:
The ;ro6t m6st shoD ;ro6tin; methods and pro7ed6res and in7.6de:
#: =ro6t mi3 desi;n: In7.6de detai.s of and test res6.ts from an independent testin; a;en7y for the
#:#: Components and proportions
#:2: Densities and <is7osity
#:-: Initia. set time of the ;ro6t
#:4: 2+,day minim6m ;ro6t 7ompressi<e stren;th
#:*: =ro6t Dorkin; time before a #* per7ent 7han;e in density or <is7osity o776rs
2: a3im6m inIe7tion press6res) in7.6din; those for the sta;e at the 7roDn of the 76.<ert
-: Proposed ;ro6t .ift hei;hts and <o.6mes /e:;:) sta;e # to sprin; .ineJ sta;e 2 is f6..y ;ro6ted1
4: "6.khead desi;ns and .o7ations
*: Ca.76.ations of the b6oyant for7es d6rin; ;ro6tin; and detai.s for ho.din; the pipe.iner on the in<ert of
the 76.<ert for a period of time .on; eno6;h to a..oD the first .ift of ;ro6t to set before pro7eedin; to
the se7ond .ift
0: Detai.s for re,estab.ishin; .atera. 7onne7tions and openin;s
5: Press6re ;a;e) re7order) and fie.d eG6ipment 7a.ibration re7ords from an independent testin; a;en7y
+: Proposed n6mber and .o7ation of <ents re.ati<e to pipe.iner diameter) pipe.iner stiffness) and depth of
f.oD of ;ro6t in the pipe
$: C6.<ert str6t detai.s as ne7essary
#%: 8ritten 7onfirmation that yo6 ha<e 7oordinated ;ro6tin; pro7ed6res Dith the ;ro6t and
pipe.iner man6fa7t6rer
##: Ca.76.ations or other do76mentation <erifyin; that pipe.iner Ioints Di.. not .eak) separate) or deform
6nder the proposed ;ro6tin; press6re
1,--.01AB)CB4C I'6e(/#0' %'1 E$%&"%/#0' Re60r/
Report inspe7tion findin;s and re7ommended repairs: CCT( or <ideo re7ordin; and photo;raphy m6st
7omp.y Dith se7tion #*,0:%#/A1/41:
The inspe7tion and e<a.6ation report m6st in7.6de:
#: 2 7opies of the CCT( or <ideo re7ordin; and on the o6tside of ea7h 7opy in7.6de:
#:#: Re7ordin; n6mber:
#:2: Inspe7tion date:
#:-: C6rrent distan7e a.on; the 76.<ert meas6red by a 7o6nt meter:
#:4: En7oded te3t des7ription of .o7ation) 76.<ert siHe) type and .en;th:
#:*: Printed .abe.s Dith .o7ation and date on a hard 7opy of the <ideo re7ordin;:
#:0: A6dio portion statin;:
#:0:#: Inspe7tion date:
#:0:2: Confirmation of the orientation and ori;in of the tape 7o6nter meter:
#:0:-: Des7ription of 76.<ert siHe) type and .en;th:
#:0:4: Des7ription and .o7ation of ea7h defe7t:
#:0:*: Des7ription and .o7ation of ea7h .atera. pipe openin;:
#:0:0: Des7ription of f.oD dire7tion:
2: # set of the di;ita. photo;raphs:
-: Do76mentation of the 7ondition of the 76.<ert) in7.6din;:
-:#: Any 7ondition that mi;ht pre<ent proper insta..ation of pipe.iner or in<ert pa<in;:
-:2: Protr6sions:
-:-: Co..apsed or 7r6shed areas:
-:4: Red67ed 7ross,se7tiona. areas:
-:*: Ea7h .atera. pipe openin;) in7.6din;:
-:*:#: Draina;e system identifi7ation:
-:*:2: Distan7e into 76.<ert:
-:*:-: E3a7t position and orientation Dithin 76.<ert Da..:
-:*:4: SiHe or dimensions of openin;:
-:*:*: Conne7tin; Ioint:
-:*:0: F.oD dire7tion:
-:0: Ea7h 76.<ert Ioint:
4: Either a re7ommendation for repairs or statement that no repairs are needed:
*: If repairs are re7ommended) des7ribe the .o7ation and 7onditions) in7.6din; any sharp or protr6din;
app6rtenan7es that mi;ht sna; or tear the pipe.iner: If possib.e) in7.6de a detai.ed e<a.6ation by
h6man entry of the areas Dhere repairs are needed: Des7ribe any 7orre7ti<e a7tion proposed to re,
estab.ish .atera. pipe and ser<i7e openin;s:
If the En;ineer determines that the inspe7tion do76mentation is not adeG6ate) yo6r inspe7tion and
e<a.6ation report Di.. be reIe7ted and yo6 m6st reinspe7t and res6bmit yo6r report: InadeG6ate
do76mentation may in7.6de poor 7amera head position) poor 7amera fo76s) poor i..6mination) rapid rate
of pro;ression) and in7omp.ete re7ords and .o;s: No payment is made for re7.eanin; and reinspe7tin;:
1,--.01AB)CB8C P0/re7%.#&#/%/#0' I'6e(/#0' Re60r/
After the 7omp.etion of the postrehabi.itation inspe7tion) s6bmit a postrehabi.itation inspe7tion report: The
Dritten .o;s) <ideos) and photo;raphs m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion #*,0:%#A/-1/f1:
The report m6st do76ment the repairs) rehabi.itation) and any s6bseG6ent defi7ien7ies) in7.6din;:
#: Defe7ts
2: Dis7o.oration
-: Irre;6.arities
4: S6rfa7e dis7ontin6ities
*: Anoma.ies
0: Constri7tions
5: Deformities
If there are defi7ien7ies and h6man entry is possib.e) the report m6st in7.6de more detai.ed
do76mentation of h6man,entry inspe7tion) 7on7entratin; on the areas Dith defi7ien7ies:
If there are defi7ien7ies) the inspe7tion report m6st in7.6de re7ommendations to 7orre7t the defi7ien7ies:
If the En;ineer determines that the inspe7tion report is not adeG6ate) yo6r report Di.. be reIe7ted and yo6
m6st reinspe7t and res6bmit yo6r report: InadeG6ate do76mentation may in7.6de poor 7amera head
position) .a7k of fo76s) poor i..6mination) rapid rate of pro;ression) and in7omp.ete re7ords and .o;s: No
payment is made for re7.eanin; and reinspe7tin;:
If there are defi7ien7ies) do not start 7orre7tions 6nti. yo6 ha<e obtained a6thoriHation of the report:
1,--.01AB+C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
1,--.01AB+CB%C Ge'er%&
!se an a6thoriHed .aboratory Dith staff e3perien7ed and 7apab.e of 7ond67tin; the spe7ified testin;:
&o6r staff that performs inspe7tions m6st be trained and e3perien7ed in .o7atin; defe7ts) breaks) and
1,--.01AB+CB.C Prere7%.#&#/%/#0' Mee/#'8
"efore startin; 7.eanin; and preparation Dork) yo6 m6st s7hed6.e and attend a prerehabi.itation meetin;
Dith the En;ineer: In7.6de any s6b7ontra7tors) man6fa7t6rers and other parties in<o.<ed in the 76.<ert
Dork: Pro<ide a meetin; fa7i.ity that is Dithin * of the Iob site or at another .o7ation a77epted by the
En;ineer: Se.e7t a date and time that is a77eptab.e to the En;ineer and so that a.. parti7ipants Di.. attend:
1,--.01AB+CB(C Pre8r0"/#'8 Mee/#'8
"efore startin; ;ro6tin; Dork) yo6 m6st s7hed6.e and 7ond67t a ;ro6tin; meetin; Dith the En;ineer and
yo6r personne. in<o.<ed in the ;ro6tin; Dork) in7.6din; yo6r:
#: ProIe7t s6perintendent
2: S6per<isory personne.
-: =ro6tin; foreman
4: =ro6tin; s6b7ontra7tors
Pro<ide a meetin; fa7i.ity that is Dithin * of the Iob site or at another .o7ation a77epted by the
En;ineer: Se.e7t a date and time that is a77eptab.e to the En;ineer and so that a.. parti7ipants Di.. attend:
1,--.01AB+CB1C CCTV
CCT( re7ordin;s m6st be made and s6bmitted in hi;h G6a.ity e.e7troni7 media s67h as (?S) CD) or
The CCT( eG6ipment m6st in7.6de:
#: CCT( 7amera Dith arti76.atin; head
2: Transporter adapted for 7onditions of the 76.<ert
-: Te.e<ision monitor
4: Li;htin;
*: and poDer so6r7es
CCT( eG6ipment m6st:
#: "e spe7ifi7a..y desi;ned and 7onstr67ted for pipe inspe7tion
2: ?a<e 7amera .i;htin; for minimiHin; ref.e7ti<e ;.are
-: ?a<e an adI6stab.e fo7a.,distan7e ran;e from 0 in7hes to infinity
4: Prod67e a minim6m reso.6tion of -*0 .ines per in7h for both the 7amera and monitor
*: ?a<e a remote,readin; meter 7o6nter a776rate to # per7ent o<er the .en;th of the se7tion
bein; inspe7ted
(erify a776ra7y of the distan7e meter in the CCT( Dith a Da.kin; meter) ro..,a,tape) or other a6thoriHed
8here h6man entry is possib.e for the entire .en;th of the 76.<ert) yo6 may 6se a handhe.d <ideo 7amera
Dith .i;htin; as an a.ternati<e to CCT(: (ideo and a6dio 7ontent m6st 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements for
CCT(: Inspe7t at a rate that is not more than -% feet per min6te:
1,--.01AB+CBeC P70/08r%67
!se a di;ita. 7amera and .i;htin;: Li;htin; and photo G6a.ity m6st be s6itab.e to pro<ide 7.ear and
fo76sed photo;raphs of the entire 76.<ert s6rfa7e 6nder a.. 7onditions:
1,--.01AB+CB4C M0'#/0r#'8 04 A''"&%r S6%(e Gr0"/#'8
8here<er a pipe.iner Dith spa7e ;ro6tin; is des7ribed) monitor the ;ro6tin; and re7ord press6res
thro6;ho6t the ;ro6tin; pro7ess: (erify 7omp.ian7e Dith the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions for ea7h phase of
the ;ro6tin; pro7ess: =a;es m6st 7omp.y Dith ANSI "4%) =rade 2A: The press6re ;a;es) re7order) and
fie.d eG6ipment m6st be 7a.ibrated by an independent testin; a;en7y:
1,--.01AB+CB8C P#6e&#'er
Pipe.iners m6st be 7ontin6o6s o<er the entire .en;th of the 76.<ert and m6st ha<e no <is6a. defe7t s67h as
forei;n in7.6sions) 7on7entrated rid;es) dis7o.oration) pittin;) pin 7ra7kin; or other deformities: The
pipe.iner m6st not be o<er,def.e7ted: There m6st not be se;re;ation or <oids in the ;ro6t:
1,--.01AB+CB7C De4&e(/#0' Te/#'8 04 P#6e&#'er
If a pipe.iner Dith spa7e ;ro6tin; is des7ribed) test the pipe.iner for def.e7tion: Test after ;ro6tin;
and in the presen7e of the En;ineer:
For pipe.iners Dith a nomina. inside diameter of -0 in7hes and .ess) either p6.. a mandre. thro6;h the
pipe.iner by hand or 6se another a6thoriHed method: The mandre. m6st be:
#: Ri;id and nonadI6stab.e
2: Comprised of at .east $ .e;s and ha<e an odd n6mber of tota. .e;s
-: Lon;er than it is Dide
4: ade of stee.
*: Fitted Dith; rin;s at ea7h end
0: Stamped or en;ra<ed on some se;ment other than a r6nner indi7atin; pipe.iner materia.
spe7ifi7ation) nomina. siHe) and mandre. o6tside diameter /e:;:) ?DPE F 5#4,SDR 20, -0E B -#:*0$E1
5: F6rnished in a s6itab.e 7arryin; 7ase .abe.ed Dith the same data as stamped on the mandre.
+: A6thoriHed before 6se
For pipe.iners Dith a nomina. inside diameter ;reater than -0 in7hes) determine the def.e7tion 6sin; a #,
in7h diameter) ri;id) nonadI6stab.e meta. barJ a minim6m,radi6s ri;id temp.ateJ or other a6thoriHed
The pipe.iner m6st not be o<er,def.e7ted: For pipe.iners -0 in7hes or .ess in nomina. diameter) the
mandre. m6st pass thro6;h the entire pipe.iner: For pipe.iners ;reater than -0 in7hes in nomina. diameter)
the def.e7tion m6st be the .esser of either of the fo..oDin;:
#: * per7ent ;reater than the a7t6a. dimension of the pipe.iner in p.a7e: This a7t6a. dimension in7.6des
the pipe Ioint system:
2: 0,#92 per7ent of the nomina. pipe.iner dimension
If more than + per7ent of the nomina. pipe.iner dimension is o<er,def.e7ted) the pipe.iner is reIe7ted: If +
per7ent or .ess of the nomina. pipe.iner dimension is o<er,def.e7ted) the pipe.iner may remain in p.a7e and
the Department ded67ts 2% per7ent of the bid amo6nt for that pipe.iner:
1,--.01B M%/er#%&
1,--.01BB1C Ge'er%&
S.6rry 7ement ba7kfi.. for 76.<erts m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion #$,-:%2D:
1,--.01BB2C C0'/%(/ Gr0"/
=ro6t for 7onta7t ;ro6tin; m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 4#,#:%2 and 7ontain:
#: Not more than 2 per7ent bentonite by Dei;ht of 7ement and Dater
2: Not .ess than *$% .b of 7ement per 76bi7 yard
If sand is 6sed in the ;ro6t mi3) sand m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion $%,#:%2C/-1 and the ;radin; reG6irements
in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Sie<e siHe Per7ent passin;
No: + #%%
No: #0 $*B#%%
No: -% 0%B+*
No: *% 2%B*%
No: #%% #%B-%
No: 2%% %B2%
1,--.01BB)C A''"&%r S6%(e Gr0"/
=ro6t for spa7e ;ro6tin; m6st be .oD,density foam 7on7rete that 7onsists of Dater) 7ementitio6s
materia.s) foamin; a;ent) and optiona. 7hemi7a. admi3t6res:
Cementitio6s materia.s m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion $%,# e37ept:
#: !se of SC is not mandatory
2: &o6 may on.y 6se SC if yo6 s6bmit a statement from the foamin; a;entFs man6fa7t6rer <erifyin;
that the foamin; a;ent is 7ompatib.e Dith the SC
Foamin; a;ent m6st 7omp.y Dith AST C +0$:
The ;ro6t 7ast density at the point of p.a7ement m6st be from *- to 0+ .b976 ft and the minim6m
7ompressi<e stren;th m6st be -%% psi at 2+ days:
Test the ;ro6t 7ompressi<e stren;th 6nder AST C 4$* e37ept that spe7imens m6st be moist 76red
before the 2+,day 7ompressi<e stren;th test and not be o<en dried: If the ;ro6tin; shoDs m6.tip.e
sta;es) the ;ro6tin; m6st in7.6de test res6.ts that <erify that the ;ro6t stiffness is adeG6ate for
p.a7ement of m6.tip.e .ifts:
1,--.01C C0'/r"(/#0'
1,--.01CB1C Ge'er%&
Comp.y Dith the fo..oDin; Dork seG6en7e and notify the En;ineer before yo6 start ea7h of the fo..oDin;
#: C.ean and prepare
2: Inspe7t and e<a.6ate
-: Repair 76.<ert
4: Rehabi.itate 76.<ert
*: Restore openin;s
0: Perform postrehabi.itation inspe7tion
"efore startin; the inspe7tion) the 76.<ert m6st be 7.ean and free of Dater and debris: D6rin; a.. 76.<ert
Dork) keep the 76.<ert 7.ean and free of Dater and debris:
8here<er 76.<ert str6ts are des7ribed in the ;ro6tin; insta.. str6ts before startin; any ;ro6tin;:
8here<er str67t6ra. 7on7rete repairs to the 76.<ert are shoDn or ordered) the str67t6ra. 7on7rete repair
m6st be 7omp.ete and the 7on7rete m6st ha<e a 7ompressi<e stren;th of at .east 2)*%% psi before startin;
any ;ro6tin;:
8here<er 7on7rete in<ert pa<in; is shoDn or ordered) the in<ert pa<in; m6st be 7omp.ete and the
7on7rete pa<in; m6st ha<e a 7ompressi<e stren;th of at .east 2)*%% psi before startin; any ;ro6tin;:
1,--.01CB2C C&e%'#'8 %'1 Pre6%r%/#0'
Remo<e a.. debris) sediment) and other a776m6.ated materia. from the 76.<ert in<ert and restore the f.oD
area to the ori;ina. f.oD area or to the diameter shoDn:
8here shoDn) dis7onne7t doDn drains toDards the doDnstream end of the 76.<ert:
C.ean the 76.<ert Dith hi;h,<e.o7ity 7.eanin; eG6ipment and air mo<er or me7hani7a..y poDered
eG6ipment: If h6man entry is possib.e) yo6 may 6se nonme7hani7a..y poDered 7.eanin; eG6ipment:
1,--.01CB)C I'6e(/#0' %'1 E$%&"%/#0'
After 7.eanin; and preparation is 7omp.ete) inspe7t the entire .en;th of the 76.<ert) and s6bmit the
inspe7tion and e<a.6ation report: Inspe7t by either CCT( or h6man entry:
If sediment) debris) or other a776m6.ated materia. is fo6nd d6rin; inspe7tion) stop the inspe7tion and
re7.ean the 76.<ert: C.eanin; m6st 7omp.y Dith the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions for the type of pipe.iners
shoDn: C.eanin; m6st be 7omp.ete to a..oD a776rate CCT( and photo;raphy of the entire 76.<ert: No
payment is made for re7.eanin;:
ake a -0%,de;ree inspe7tion) <ideo) and photo;raphi7 re7ord of ea7h Ioint and .atera. Ioint:
If the CCT( 7amera does not pass from one end of the 76.<ert thro6;h the entire .en;th of the 76.<ert)
reset the eG6ipment and inspe7t from both ends 6nti. the entire .en;th is do76mented:
If the inspe7tion <ideo is .oD G6a.ity and does not adeG6ate.y depi7t the 7ondition of the 76.<ert) 7orre7t
the defi7ien7ies and reinspe7t the 76.<ert: LoD G6a.ity may res6.t from:
#: Poor 7amera head position
2: Poor fo76s
-: LoD .i;htin;
4: Rapid rate of pro;ression
*: issin; do76mentation of time and .o7ation
0: InadeG6ate 7.eanin; of the 76.<ert
No payment is made for reinspe7tion d6e to .oD G6a.ity and re7.eanin;:
1,--.01CB+C Re6%#r#'8
After obtainin; a6thoriHation of the inspe7tion and e<a.6ation report) repair the e3istin; 76.<ert as
des7ribed or ordered:
Comp.ete repairs before startin; rehabi.itation Dork:
1,--.01CB,C Re7%.#&#/%/#0'
1,--.01CB,CB%C Ge'er%&
P.a7e s.6rry 7ement ba7kfi.. aro6nd the 76.<ert and be.oD the 76.<ert in<ert as shoDn:
1,--.01CB,CB.C A''"&%r S6%(e Gr0"/#'8
"efore startin; ;ro6tin; a7ti<ities) insta.. the b6.kheads and p.a7e ;ro6t inIe7tion t6bes and breather t6bes
Dith remo<ab.e p.6;s aro6nd the pipe.iner and thro6;h b6.kheads as shoDn in the a6thoriHed ;ro6tin;
=ro6t the entire spa7e betDeen the pipe.iner and 76.<ert Ditho6t <oids or ;ro6t se;re;ation: If
before startin; ;ro6tin; yo6 determine that the entire spa7e is not a77essib.e for ;ro6tin;) s6bmit
a Dork for 7orre7tin; the spa7e to a..oD for ;ro6tin;: No payment is made for 7orre7tion of
the spa7e to a..oD for ;ro6tin;:
i3 the Dater) 7ementitio6s materia.s) and 7hemi7a. admi3t6res before addin; the foamin; a;ent to the
;ro6t: Add the foamin; a;ent at the Iob site:
For ea7h bat7h of ;ro6t) perform density and <is7osity tests 6nder AST C#-+ and AST C $-$ in the
presen7e of the En;ineer: =ro6t density m6st be Dithin - .b976 ft of the density in the a6thoriHed ;ro6t Dith mi3 desi;n: The time of eff.63 /o6tf.oD1 m6st not e37eed 2% se7onds as spe7ified in AST C
$-$ 6n.ess otherDise a6thoriHed:
For pipe.iners Dith a stiffness .ess than 2$ psi) the ;ro6t p6mpFs press6re meas6red at the point of
inIe7tion m6st not e37eed either of the fo..oDin;:
#: * psi
2: an6fa7t6rerFs instr67tion
For pipe.iners Dith a stiffness at .east 2$ psi) the ;ro6t p6mpFs press6re meas6red at the point of inIe7tion
m6st not e37eed 5:2* psi:
The pipe.iner m6st be ab.e to Dithstand a stati7 head of ;ro6t that is 0 in7hes abo<e the hi;hest 7roDn
e.e<ation: The ma3im6m ;ro6t press6re for a stati7 ;ro6t head m6st not e37eed the ;ro6t p6mpsFs
ma3im6m a..oDab.e press6re:
Insta.. a ;ro6t press6re ;a;e and re7order immediate.y adIa7ent to ea7h inIe7tion port: Contin6o6s.y
re7ord on paper Dith ink the a7t6a. ;ro6tin; press6re <ers6s time: Re7ord ;ro6t press6re to an a776ra7y
of Z%:* psi: Atta7h a ;a;e to a sadd.e,type diaphra;m sea. to pre<ent 7.o;;in; Dith ;ro6t:
=ro6t m6st be p.a7ed in a 7ontin6o6s manner and inIe7ted in .ifts: The hei;ht of the .ifts m6st /#1 not
e37eed the hei;ht in the a6thoriHed ;ro6t or /21 be .ess if needed to a<oid f.oatin;) shiftin;) or
deformin; the pipe.iner: onitor the inIe7tion press6re) in7.6din; the press6re for the .ast .ift at the 7roDn:
If the pipe.iner 7annot Dithstand ;ro6tin; press6res or stati7 head) either the ma3im6m press6re at the
point of ;ro6t inIe7tion m6st be red67ed) or sta;ed ;ro6tin; m6st be emp.oyed:
1,--.01CB-C Re/0r#'8 O6e'#'8
8ithin 52 ho6rs of; a pipe.iner) restore the .atera. pipe and ser<i7e openin;s) risers) doDndrains)
median draina;e in.ets) and 6nderdrains: Restore these openin;s before startin; pipe.iner insta..ation at
another 76.<ert .o7ation: The openin;s m6st 7onform and mat7h the in<ert of 7onne7tin; pipes:
Do not e37a<ate 6n.ess a6thoriHed:
Restore openin;s from the interior of the pipe: !se either a CCT( and remote,7ontro. 76ttin; de<i7e or
h6man entry:
The area of the restored openin; m6st be at .east $* per7ent of the ori;ina. area: Openin;s m6st ha<e an
ed;e that is 7ra7k,free) smooth) and free of b6rrs and proIe7tions:
8here h6man entry is possib.e) ;ro6t the restored openin; so that the sea. is Daterti;ht: =ro6t m6st be
either of the fo..oDin;:
#: @6i7k,set epo3y mortar
2: ?i;h <is7osity epo3y
-: ?ydrophi.i7 <6.7aniHed e3pansi<e r6bber strip
4: an6fa7t6rerFs re7ommended mi3
1,--.01CB2C P0/re7%.#&#/%/#0' I'6e(/#0'
Postrehabi.itation inspe7tion m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion #*,0:%#C/-1:
1,--.01D P%3me'/
Payment for the fo..oDin; Dork is in7.6ded in the payment for 7.eanin;) inspe7tin;) and preparin; the
#: C.eanin; and preparation
2: @6a.ity 7ontro. and ass6ran7e
-: 'eepin; the 76.<ert free of Dater and debris
4: Inspe7tion and e<a.6ation
*: Repairin;
0: Performin; postrehabi.itation inspe7tion
!n.ess a separate pay item is des7ribed for di<ertin; the 76.<ert f.oD) payment for di<ertin; the f.oD of
Dater aDay from the 76.<ert is in7.6ded in the payment for 7.eanin;) inspe7tin;) and preparin; the 76.<ert:
Repairs) additiona. 7.eanin;) dis7onne7tin; doDndrains) and re7onne7tin; doDn drains are paid as
7han;e order Dork 6n.ess s67h Dork is:
#: D6e to yo6r ne;.i;en7e: If yo6 7a6se dama;e) yo6 are responsib.e:
2: Des7ribed in the Contra7t
Re7ord the G6antity of s.6rry 7ement ba7kfi.. that is insta..ed in the 76.<ert and s6bmit this G6antity: The
Department does not pay for s.6rry 7ement ba7kfi.. materia. that is Dasted) disposed of) or remainin; on
hand after 7omp.etion of the Dork:
Pipe.iners are meas6red a.on; the f.oD .ine of the e3istin; 76.<ert: No payment is made for pipe.iner
.en;th in e37ess of the meas6red .en;th:
1,--.0,*1,--.0? RESERVED
1,--.1)A Ge'er%&
1,--.1)AB1C S"mm%r3
Se7tion #*,0:#- in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for fi3ed diameter and e3pandab.e diameter P(C pipe.iner that is
ma7hine spira. Do6nd and insta..ed dire7t.y into the 76.<ert:
Restore openin;s:
1,--.1)AB2C S".m#//%&
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e for ea7h ree. of P(C strip and in7.6de:
#: Name of man6fa7t6rer
2: P.ant .o7ation
-: Date of man6fa7t6re and shift
4: Ce.. 7.assifi7ation
*: !nit mass
0: A<era;e pipe.iner stiffness and profi.e type
1,--.1)AB)C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
Ea7h ree. and 7ontin6o6s P(C strip m6st be distin7ti<e.y marked on the inside s6rfa7e) at inter<a.s not
e37eedin; * feet) and Dith a 7oded n6mber: The 7oded n6mber m6st in7.6de:
#: Name of man6fa7t6rer
2: P.ant .o7ation
-: Date of man6fa7t6re and shift
4: inim6m strip thi7kness
*: Ce.. 7.assifi7ation and profi.e type
0: SiHe
The markin; m6st be <isib.e from inside the 7omp.eted pipe.iner:
1,--.1)B M%(7#'e S6#r%& A0"'1 PVC P#6e&#'er, F#<e1 D#%me/er
1,--.1)C M%(7#'e S6#r%& A0"'1 PVC P#6e&#'er, E<6%'1%.&e D#%me/er
1,--.1,*1,--.20 RESERVED
1--1.01 GENERAL
Se7tion #0 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7.earin; and ;r6bbin;:
C.earin; and ;r6bbin; 7onsists of remo<in; obIe7tionab.e materia. from Dithin the hi;hDay) brid;e
7onstr67tion areas) road approa7hes) materia. sites Dithin the ri;ht,of,Day) areas thro6;h Dhi7h dit7hes
and 7hanne.s are to be e37a<ated) and other spe7ified areas:
8ork spe7ified in se7tion 2%,-:%-"/41 m6st be 7omp.eted before 7.earin; and ;r6bbin;:
Not !sed
1--1.0)A Ge'er%&
C.ear and ;r6b before performin; earthDork in an area:
Do not inI6re standin; trees) p.ants) and impro<ements shoDn to be prote7ted:
C.ear and ;r6b 7onstr67tion areas on the Iob site Dhere fa7i.ities are shoDn to be 7onstr67ted) in7.6din;
hi;hDays) str67t6res) road approa7hes) fronta;e roads) a77essory roads and 7onne7tions) streets) ramps)
dit7hes) and 7hanne.s:
C.ear and ;r6b to:
#: * feet o6tside of e37a<ation and embankment s.ope .ines Dhere s.opes are not ro6nded
2: O6tside .imits of s.opes Dhere s.opes are ro6nded
-: * feet o6tside of str67t6res
4: * feet o6tside of s.ope .ines for dit7hes and 7hanne.s Dith a bottom Didth of #2 feet or more
*: 2 feet o6tside of s.ope .ines for dit7hes and 7hanne.s Dith a bottom Didth of .ess than #2 feet
C.ear and ;r6b materia. sites and 7onstr67tion areas en7.osed by inter7han;e .oops and ramps:
If the 7onstr67tion area in7.6des an or7hard) <ineyard) or other 76.ti<ated area) 7.ear and ;r6b the entire
1--1.0)B C&e%r#'8
C.ear the area abo<e ori;ina. ;ro6nd of a.. obIe7tionab.e materia. in7.6din; trees) <ines) .o;s) 6pt6rned
st6mps) doDned trees) p.ants) br6sh) ;rass) Deeds) 7on7rete) and masonry:
C6t tree bran7hes that e3tend o<er the roadDay and han; Dithin 2% feet of finished ;rade: C6t off
bran7hes 7.ose to the tr6nk 6nder se7tion 2%,#:%-D: C6t other bran7hes to ;i<e ea7h tree a ba.an7ed
1--1.0)C Gr"..#'8
In embankment areas Dhere the ;radin; p.ane is .ess than 2 feet abo<e ori;ina. ;ro6nd) ;r6b to a depth
ne7essary to remo<e a.. st6mps) roots) b6ried .o;s) and other obIe7tionab.e materia.:
In embankment areas Dhere the ;radin; p.ane is 2 feet or more abo<e ori;ina. ;ro6nd) 76t off trees)
st6mps) and roots not more than # foot abo<e ori;ina. ;ro6nd:
Remo<e trees) st6mps) and roots 7omp.ete.y Dhere Dork in7.6des:
#: RoadDay e37a<ation
2: EarthDork s.ope 7onstr67tion
-: Str67t6re 7onstr67tion
4: Pi.e 7onstr67tion
*: Tren7h) dit7h) or 7hanne. e37a<ation
0: Remo<a. of 6ns6itab.e materia.
1--1.0)D D#60%& 04 M%/er#%&
!n.ess the Contra7t in7.6des a bid item for d6ff as spe7ified in se7tion 2#,#:%2C) dispose of obIe7tionab.e
materia.s res6.tin; from 7.earin; and ;r6bbin; a7ti<ities: Do not .ea<e obIe7tionab.e materia. in or 6nder
embankments) in7.6din; dikes:
&o6 may red67e 7omb6stib.e materia. to 7hips Dith a ma3im6m thi7kness of #92 in7h: Spread 7hips in
areas en7.osed by inter7han;e .oops and ramps or betDeen s.ope .ines and ri;ht,of,Day .ines: Either b6ry
or distrib6te 6niform.y by mi3in; Dith 6nder.yin; soi. to pre<ent 7omb6stion:
A776m6.ation of f.ammab.e materia. is not a..oDed:
1--1.0+ PAYMENT
Not !sed
12-1.01 GENERAL
12-1.01A Ge'er%&
Se7tion #5,# in7.6des ;enera. spe7ifi7ations for Daterin;:
If an a<ai.ab.e so6r7e of Dater is des7ribed in the "nformation #andout) <erify the G6a.ity and G6antity of
If Dater be7omes 6na<ai.ab.e in the G6antities needed for the Dork) the 6na<ai.abi.ity of Dater is a materia.
12-1.01B S".m#//%&
For re7y7.ed Dater) s6bmit a 7opy of the Daste Dater dis7har;e permit or Dai<er from the appropriate
R8@C" for ea7h Dater so6r7e before 6sin; the Dater in the Dork:
12-1.01C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
For re7y7.ed Dater) meet the CDP? and the appropriate R8@C" reG6irements: Fi.e a report Dith the
appropriate R8@C":
8ater may be potab.e or nonpotab.e: Nonpotab.e Dater m6st be either re7y7.ed Dater or nonpotab.e
Dater de<e.oped from other so6r7es:
Not !sed
12-1.0+ PAYMENT
Not !sed
12-2.01 GENERAL
12-2.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion #5,2 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for de<e.opin; a Dater s6pp.y:
12-2.01B S".m#//%&
S6bmit PLACs for de<e.opin; a Dater s6pp.y system:
12-2.01C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
Do not 7on<ey nonpotab.e Dater in tanks or drain pipes that Di.. be 6sed to 7on<ey potab.e Dater:
Labe. nonpotab.e Dater s6pp.y) tanks) pipes) and any other 7on<eyan7es of nonpotab.e Dater as fo..oDs:
F6rnish pipe.ines or other ne7essary eG6ipment to s6pp.y Dater for the Dork) in7.6din; 7han;e order
Ea7h Dater stora;e tank and distrib6tion system m6st be eG6ipped Dith positi<e sh6t,off <a.<es:
Not !sed
12-2.0+ PAYMENT
Not !sed
12-).01 GENERAL
Se7tion #5,- in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for app.yin; Dater:
Not !sed
App.y Dater in the G6antity) at the .o7ation) and for the p6rpose des7ribed or ordered:
For 7ompa7tin; embankment materia.) s6bbase) base) and s6rfa7in; materia. and for d6st 7ontro.) app.y
Dater Dith the appropriate eG6ipment to ens6re the 6niform app.i7ation of Dater:
&o6 may 6se a 7hemi7a. additi<e in Dater for 7ompa7tion if a6thoriHed:
!n.ess a.. Dater is app.ied by means of pipe.ines or 6n.ess otherDise a6thoriHed) yo6 m6st ha<e at .east #
mobi.e 6nit a<ai.ab.e at a.. times: The 6nit m6st ha<e a 7apa7ity of at .east #)%%% ;a.:
12-).0+ PAYMENT
Not !sed
1>-1.01 GENERAL
Se7tion #+ in7.6des ;enera. spe7ifi7ations for; d6st 6sin; binder or d6st pa..iati<e:
onitor air G6a.ity and pro<ide d6st 7ontro. meas6res to .imit d6st be.oD n6isan7e .e<e.s 6nder se7tion
D6st 7ontro. binders or d6st pa..iati<e m6st be either mis7ib.e in Dater or a materia. that is dire7t.y app.ied
to the s6rfa7e Ditho6t mi3in; Dith Dater:
"inders that are mis7ib.e in Dater m6st be one of the fo..oDin; types:
#: Resin em6.sion 7omposed from *5 to 0- per7ent of semi.iG6id petro.e6m resin and the remainder
7omposed of Dater to Dhi7h a s6itab.e em6.sifyin; a;ent has been added: Resin em6.sion m6st
7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin;:
#:#: Resin em6.sion m6st be readi.y mis7ib.e Dith Dater and Dhen di.6ted Dith any hard Dater in the
proportions of # part em6.sion to #% parts Dater m6st shoD no si;ns of breakdoDn or
separation of the petro.e6m resin base:
#:2: Resin em6.sion that has been stored in 7.osed 7ontainers at temperat6res abo<e freeHin; for a
period 6p to - months m6st shoD no si;ns of separation:
#:-: Resin em6.sion that has been stored for more than - months m6st not be 6sed 6nti. tested and
2: Aspha.ti7 em6.sion 7omp.yin; Dith the materia. spe7ifi7ations for aspha.ti7 em6.sions) =rade SS#:
-: "inder materia.s 7omposed of .i;nin s6.fonate:
4: "inder materia. that is non7orrosi<e) effe7ti<e as a d6st pa..iati<e) and mis7ib.e in Dater in the
proportions spe7ified in se7tion #+,#:%-C:
"inders that are dire7t.y app.ied to the s6rfa7e Ditho6t mi3in; Dith Dater m6st be a prod67t prepared from
7r6de petro.e6m that is effe7ti<e as a d6st pa..iati<e:
1>-1.0)A Ge'er%&
onitor 7onditions and app.y d6st pa..iati<e for d6st 7ontro. as des7ribed and as ordered: D6st 7ontro.
may be reG6ired at any time:
1>-1.0)B M#<#'8
i3 binders that are mis7ib.e in Dater Dith additiona. Dater at a rate of 4 to #$ parts Dater to # part binder:
The e3a7t rate m6st be a6thoriHed: A77omp.ish mi3in; by p.a7in; the binder and Dater in the spreadin;
eG6ipment sim6.taneo6s.y or by another mi3in; method that prod67es eG6i<a.ent res6.ts:
1>-1.0)C A66&#(%/#0'
App.y binders that are mis7ib.e in Dater Dith press6re type Dater distrib6tor tr67ks eG6ipped Dith a spray
system or press6re type aspha.t distrib6tors that 7omp.y Dith mi3in; and app.i7ation spe7ifi7ations in
se7tion $-: App.y materia. at an appro3imate rate of %:2 to %:+ ;a.9sG yd:
App.y binders that are dire7t.y app.ied to the s6rfa7e Ditho6t mi3in; Dith Dater 6sin; a6thoriHed
eG6ipment: App.y binder at a rate of %:#% to %:2* ;a.9sG yd:
1>-1.0+ PAYMENT
D6st pa..iati<e Dei;ht is meas6red before addin; Dater:
The Department does not adI6st the 6nit pri7e for an in7rease or de7rease in the binder /d6st pa..iati<e1 or
d6st pa..iati<e /stabi.iHin; em6.sion1:
1?-1.01 GENERAL
1?-1.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion #$,# in7.6des ;enera. spe7ifi7ations for performin; earthDork a7ti<ities in7.6din;:
#: E37a<atin;
2: E37a<atin; and rep.a7in; 6ns6itab.e materia.
-: Remo<in; s.ides and s.ipo6ts
4: Preparin; basement materia.
*: Constr67tin; embankments and sho6.der ba7kin;
0: ";
5: =radin;
8ork spe7ified in se7tion 2%,-:%-"/41 m6st be 7omp.eted before startin; earthDork a7ti<ities:
1?-1.01B De4#'#/#0'
4#'#7e1 8r%1e5 Fina. s6rfa7e of the 7omp.eted fa7i.ity: If the Contra7t in7.6des sta;e 7onstr67tion) the
re.ation betDeen finished ;rade and the Dork 6nder this Contra7t is shoDn:
"'"#/%.&e m%/er#%&5 ateria. en7o6ntered be.oD the nat6ra. ;ro6nd s6rfa7e in embankment areas or
be.oD the ;radin; p.ane in e37a<ation areas determined to be any of the fo..oDin;:
#: Of s67h 6nstab.e nat6re that it 7annot be 7ompa7ted to the spe7ified density 6sin; ordinary methods
at optim6m moist6re 7ontent:
2: Too Det to be proper.y 7ompa7ted and 7annot be dried before in7orporatin; into the Dork: E37essi<e
moist6re is not s6ffi7ient 7a6se for determinin; that the materia. is 6ns6itab.e:
-: Inappropriate for p.anned 6se:
Not !sed
1?-1.0)A Ge'er%&
!n.ess otherDise spe7ified in se7tion #4,##) 6se materia. res6.tin; from any e37a<ation to 7onstr67t
embankments and dikes or yo6 may 6se it to ba7kfi.. str67t6res: If the G6antity of e37a<ated materia. is
not s6ffi7ient to 7onstr67t embankments) obtain materia. 6nder se7tion #$,5:
App.y Dater 6nder se7tion #5,-:
1?-1.0)B U'"#/%.&e M%/er#%&
E37a<ate 6ns6itab.e materia.:
Notify the En;ineer before remo<in; the 6ns6itab.e materia. if:
#: Remo<a. is not otherDise des7ribed
2: &o6 reG6est payment for remo<a. as 7han;e order Dork
"a7kfi.. the spa7e res6.tin; from e37a<atin; 6ns6itab.e materia. Dith materia. s6itab.e for the p.anned 6se:
P.a7e and 7ompa7t s6itab.e materia. 6nder se7tion #$,0:
1?-1.0)C Gr%1e T0&er%'(e
Immediate.y before p.a7in; s6bseG6ent .ayers of materia.) prepare the ;radin; p.ane to 7omp.y Dith the
#: 8here ?A is to be p.a7ed) the ;radin; p.ane m6st not <ary more than %:%* foot abo<e or be.oD the
;rade estab.ished by the En;ineer:
2: 8here PCC base or pa<ement is to be p.a7ed) the ;radin; p.ane m6st not e3tend abo<e the ;rade
estab.ished by the En;ineer:
-: 8here str67t6re approa7h s.abs or the thi7kened portion of s.eeper s.abs are to be p.a7ed) the
;radin; p.ane for the embankments beneath m6st not e3tend abo<e the ;rade estab.ished by the
4: If materia. to be p.a7ed on the ;radin; p.ane is paid by the 76bi7 yard) the ;radin; p.ane at any point
m6st be Dithin %:%* foot abo<e the ;rade estab.ished by the En;ineer:
*: If s6bbase or base materia. to be p.a7ed on the ;radin; p.ane is paid by the ton) the ;radin; p.ane at
any point m6st be Dithin %:#% foot abo<e the ;rade estab.ished by the En;ineer:
1?-1.0)D B"r#e1 M%'-M%1e O.=e(/
Remo<e and dispose of a b6ried man,made obIe7t en7o6ntered in an e37a<ation as part of the
e37a<ation Dork:
Notify the En;ineer before remo<in; the b6ried man,made obIe7t if:
#: Remo<a. of the obIe7t is not otherDise des7ribed
2: ObIe7t 7o6.d not ha<e been determined by <is6a. inspe7tion
-: &o6 reG6est payment for remo<a. and disposa. as 7han;e order Dork
1?-1.0)E D#/(7 E<(%$%/#0'
E37a<ate dit7hes in7.6din; 7hanne.s for 7han;in; the 7o6rse of streams:
The e37a<ation reG6ired to 7onstr67t a dit7h or 7hanne. Dith a bottom Didth .ess than #2 feet is 7.assified
as dit7h e37a<ation:
The e37a<ation reG6ired to 7onstr67t a dit7h or 7hanne. Dith a bottom Didth #2 feet or more is 7.assified
as roadDay e37a<ation:
A<oid e37a<atin; be.oD the ;rade for the bottom of the dit7h or Dater 7hanne.: If yo6 e37a<ate be.oD
;rade) ba7kfi.. Dith s6itab.e materia. and 7ompa7t:
1?-1.0+ PAYMENT
If remo<a. of 6ns6itab.e materia. is des7ribed) remo<in; 6ns6itab.e materia. is paid for as the type of
e37a<ation in<o.<ed:
If remo<a. of 6ns6itab.e materia. is not des7ribed) remo<in; 6ns6itab.e materia. is paid for as the type of
e37a<ation in<o.<ed) 6n.ess before remo<a. a7ti<ities) /#1 remo<in; the materia. is ordered as 7han;e
order Dork or /21 yo6 reG6est the remo<a. to be 7han;e order Dork:
If remo<a. of a b6ried man,made obIe7t is des7ribed) payment for remo<in; the obIe7t en7o6ntered in an
e37a<ation is in7.6ded in the type of e37a<ation in<o.<ed:
If remo<a. of a b6ried man,made obIe7t is not des7ribed) payment for remo<in; a b6ried man,made obIe7t
is in7.6ded in the type of e37a<ation in<o.<ed) 6n.ess before remo<a. a7ti<ities) /#1 remo<in; the obIe7t is
ordered as 7han;e order Dork or /21 yo6 reG6est the remo<a. to be 7han;e order Dork:
The payment G6antity for dit7h e37a<ation is determined based on a<era;e areas and the distan7es
betDeen them:
1?-2.01 GENERAL
1?-2.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion #$,2 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for e37a<atin; and ;radin; to 7onstr67t the roadDay:
Comp.y Dith se7tion #$,*:
RoadDay e37a<ation does not in7.6de str67t6re e37a<ation) dit7h e37a<ation) or other e37a<ation Dork
paid for as a separate item:
1?-2.01B De4#'#/#0'
e&e(/e1 m%/er#%&5 Spe7ifi7 materia. e37a<ated from a des7ribed .o7ation on the Iob site: Se.e7ted
materia. in7.6des top soi.:
Not !sed
1?-2.0)A Ge'er%&
E37a<ate to the des7ribed or a6thoriHed ;rade: If yo6 o<ere37a<ate) ba7kfi.. Dith a6thoriHed materia. and
8here a portion of the e3istin; pa<ement is to be remo<ed) 76t the o6t.ine of the area to be remo<ed on a
neat .ine Dith a poDer,dri<en saD to a depth of at .east %:#5 foot before remo<in; s6rfa7in;:
Constr67t embankments 6nder se7tion #$,0:
1?-2.0)B S"r6&" M%/er#%&
If a G6antity of s6rp.6s materia. is des7ribed) the G6antity is appro3imate:
Ens6re eno6;h materia. is a<ai.ab.e to 7omp.ete the embankments before p.a7in; the materia. at other
.o7ations on the Iob site or disposin; of it:
Obtain a6thoriHation before disposin; of s6rp.6s materia. or 6sin; it for any of the fo..oDin;:
#: 8idenin; embankments 6niform.y
2: F.attenin; s.opes
-: P.a7in; a.on; the roadDay or at other .o7ations
If yo6 7annot 6se s6rp.6s materia. Dithin the hi;hDay) dispose of it:
If yo6 dispose of any s6rp.6s materia. premat6re.y and .ater find a materia. shorta;e) yo6 m6st rep.a7e it
Dith a6thoriHed materia.: The Department does not pay for rep.a7in; the materia.:
If an ordered 7han;e in7reases the G6antity of e37a<ation or de7reases the G6antity of embankment so
that s6rp.6s materia. m6st be disposed of) disposin; of this materia. is 7han;e order Dork:
1?-2.0)C De4#(#e'(3 M%/er#%&
If the G6antity of a77eptab.e materia. from e37a<ation is not eno6;h to 7onstr67t the embankments) the
G6antity of materia. needed to 7omp.ete the embankments m6st 7onsist of .o7a. or imported borroD:
Obtain .o7a. or imported borroD 6nder se7tion #$,5:
If the Contra7t does not in7.6de a bid item for imported borroD) obtainin; imported borroD is 7han;e order
1?-2.0)D Se&e(/e1 M%/er#%&
!se se.e7ted materia. as des7ribed:
If not 6sed for topsoi. or any other spe7ified .ayer) p.a7e se.e7ted materia. in the roadDay prism as
embankment or str67t6re ba7kfi..:
If se.e7ted materia. is 6sed as a spe7ified .ayer) spread and 7ompa7t it 6nder se7tion 2*:
If pra7ti7ab.e and 6n.ess pro7essin; of materia. is reG6ired) ha6. se.e7ted materia. dire7t.y from the
e37a<ation to its fina. position in the roadDay prism and 7ompa7t it in p.a7e: This Dork is paid for as the
type of roadDay e37a<ation in<o.<ed:
Se.e7ted materia. m6st remain in p.a7e 6nti. it 7an be p.a7ed in its fina. position as pro<ided abo<e: The
Department does not pay for any de.ay or in7on<enien7e in e37a<ation operations:
If; of se.e7ted materia. is ordered) payment for e37a<atin; and; the materia. is
in7.6ded in the payment for the type of roadDay e37a<ation in<o.<ed:
If; of se.e7ted materia. is ordered) remo<in; se.e7ted materia. from and p.a7in; it in
its fina. position in the roadDay prism is a;ain paid for as roadDay e37a<ation of the type in<o.<ed) e37ept
G6antities are determined from meas6rements of the sto7kpi.e before remo<a.:
The Department does not pay for; se.e7ted materia. 6n.ess; is ordered:
Topsoi. p.a7ed a.on; the tops of s.opes as erosion 7ontro. is not 7onsidered sto7kpi.ed materia.:
1?-2.0)E B&%/#'8
The Department does not a..oD e37essi<e b.astin;:
Remo<e materia. o6tside the p.anned 7ross se7tion that is shattered or .oosened d6e to b.astin;:
S6spend b.astin; a7ti<ities if any of the fo..oDin; 7onditions o776rs:
#: O<ershootin;
2: Endan;erment to the p6b.i7
-: Destr67tion of property or nat6ra. feat6res
1?-2.0)F S&#1e %'1 S&#60"/
E37a<ate and remo<e materia.:
#: O6tside the p.anned roadDay or dit7h s.ope that is 6nstab.e and 7onstit6tes a potentia. s.ide
2: From a s.ide that has 7ome into the roadDay or dit7h
-: S.ipped o6t of neD or e3istin; embankments
E37a<ate to the desi;nated .ines or s.opes either by ben7hin; or as ordered:
!se remo<ed materia. to 7onstr67t embankments 6n.ess otherDise ordered:
If yo6 7omp.ete a s.ope and are ordered to remo<e 6nstab.e or stab.e materia. and res.ope the area) the
remo<a. and res.opin; is 7han;e order Dork:
Repair any dama;e to finished Dork res6.tin; from a s.ide or s.ipo6t as ordered: Repair Dork is paid for at
the bid pri7e for the item of Dork in<o.<ed 6n.ess a6thoriHed as 7han;e order Dork:
If a s.ide or s.ipo6t is 7a6sed by yo6r a7ti<ities or ne;.i;en7e) the Department does not pay for remo<in;
s.ide or s.ipo6t materia. and restorin; the s.ope:
1?-2.0)G S&06e
Constr67t s.opes to the .ines and ;rades estab.ished by the En;ineer: S.ope to.eran7es are meas6red to the p.anned s.ope:
Any point on the 7omp.eted e37a<ation s.ope m6st be Dithin %:* foot of the p.anned s.ope) e37ept if the
e37a<ation is in ro7k) any point on the 7omp.eted s.ope m6st be Dithin 2 feet of the p.anned s.ope:
No portion of the s.ope may en7roa7h on the roadbed:
Ro6nd the tops of e37a<ation s.opes and ends of e37a<ations:
Any point on the 7omp.eted embankment s.ope m6st be Dithin %:* foot of the p.anned s.ope for s.opes
Dithin 4 feet of the sho6.der ;rade: S.opes be.oD 4 feet m6st be Dithin # foot of the p.anned s.ope:
If an embankment is 7onstr67ted of .ar;e ro7k and the siHe of ro7ks make it impra7ti7ab.e to 7onstr67t
s.opes Dithin # foot) the En;ineer may a6thoriHe yo6 to 7onstr67t s.opes more than 4 feet be.oD sho6.der
;rade to Dithin 2 feet of the p.anned s.ope:
For median and side s.opes Dith a 0:# /horiHonta.:<erti7a.1 or f.atter s.ope:
#: Comp.eted s.opes m6st be Dithin %:2 foot from the ;rade estab.ished by the En;ineer
2: F.oD.ines m6st be ;raded to drain and m6st be Dithin %:# foot from the ;rade estab.ished by the
If the s.ope is to be 76.ti<ated or straD is to be in7orporated into the s6rfa7e) remo<e .oose ro7ks .ar;er
than 2,#92 in7hes in ma3im6m dimension) roots) and other debris on the s6rfa7e of the s.ope before
76.ti<ation or in7orporation of straD:
aintain 7omp.eted s.opes tr6e and smooth: The Department does not pay for repairin; s.ope dama;e
7a6sed by erosion re;ard.ess of amo6nt or e3tent:
1?-2.0+ PAYMENT
The payment G6antity for roadDay e37a<ation is determined based on a<era;e end areas and the
distan7es betDeen them:
8hene<er 7han;ed 7onditions or nat6re of a operation make it impra7ti7a. to determine
G6antities of roadDay e37a<ation based on a<era;e end areas) the En;ineer 7omp6tes the G6antities of
materia. e37a<ated by a method best s6ited to obtain an a776rate determination:
8hen G6antities of roadDay e37a<ation are determined based on a<era;e end areas and 7enter .ine
distan7es) a 7orre7tion for 76r<at6re is not app.ied to G6antities Dithin the roadDay prism: In determinin;
the G6antity of materia. o6tside the ori;ina. roadDay prism) Dhere the roadDay 7enter.ine is 6sed as a
base) 7orre7tion is made for 76r<at6re if the 7enter.ine radi6s is #)%%% feet or .ess:
The Department does not pay for an e37a<ation in e37ess of the .imits shoDn or a6thoriHed:
If remo<a. of a s.ide or a s.ipo6t is des7ribed) remo<in; the fai.ed materia. is paid for as the type of
roadDay e37a<ation in<o.<ed:
If remo<a. of a s.ide or a s.ipo6t is not des7ribed) remo<in; the fai.ed materia. is paid for as the type of
roadDay e37a<ation in<o.<ed) 6n.ess before remo<a. a7ti<ities) /#1 remo<in; the materia. is ordered as
7han;e order Dork or /21 yo6 reG6est the remo<a. to be 7han;e order Dork:
1?-).01 GENERAL
1?-).01A Ge'er%&
1?-).01AB1C S"mm%r3
Se7tion #$,- in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for performin; str67t6re e37a<ation and ba7kfi..:
1?-).01AB2C S".m#//%&
1?-).01AB2CB%C Ge'er%&
1?-).01AB2CB.C C044er1%m
S6bmit shop draDin;s for 7offerdam 7onstr67tion: In7.6de 7onstr67tion methods and 7a.76.ations in the
shop draDin;s: Shop draDin;s and 7a.76.ations m6st be sea.ed and si;ned by an en;ineer Dho is
re;istered as a 7i<i. en;ineer in the State:
For 7offerdams on or affe7tin; rai.road property) a..oD 0% days for re<ieD:
1?-).01AB2CB(C S0&1#er P#&e A%&&
S6bmit shop draDin;s for so.dier pi.e Da.. 7onstr67tion: Shop draDin;s m6st in7.6de:
#: Constr67tion seG6en7e
2: Traffi7 7ontro.
-: ethod of so.dier pi.e insta..ation
4: ethod of p.a7in; .a;;in;
*: E37a<ation .ift .imits
0:; and e37a<ation eG6ipment
5: Ca.76.ations shoDin; soi. stabi.ity at a.. sta;es of 7onstr67tion
Shop draDin;s and 7a.76.ations m6st be sea.ed and si;ned by an en;ineer Dho is re;istered as a 7i<i.
en;ineer in the State:
A..oD #% days for re<ieD:
1?-).01AB2CB1C Gr0"'1 A'(70r %'1 S0#& N%#& A%&&
S6bmit shop draDin;s for earthDork for ea7h ;ro6nd an7hor Da.. and soi. nai. Da.. to OSD) Do76ments
!nit: Notify the En;ineer of the s6bmitta.: In7.6de in the notifi7ation the date and 7ontents of the s6bmitta.:
The shop draDin;s m6st in7.6de:
#: 8a.. 7onstr67tion s7hed6.e Dith 7onstr67tion seG6en7e
2: eas6res to ens6re Da.. and s.ope stabi.ity d6rin; 7onstr67tion
-: Pro<isions for; <erifi7ation and proof test nai.s
4: ethods of e37a<ation for the sta;ed .ifts and types of e37a<ation eG6ipment
*: E37a<ation .ift hei;ht and ma3im6m d6ration of e3pos6re for ea7h Da.. Hone) in7.6din; s6pportin;
7a.76.ations and pro<isions to stabi.iHe the e3posed e37a<ated fa7e
0: Detai.s for meas6rin; the mo<ement of the e37a<ated fa7e and the Da.. d6rin; stabi.ity testin; and
5: Spa7e reG6irements for insta..ation eG6ipment
+: DeDaterin; to di<ert) 7ontro.) and dispose of s6rfa7e and ;ro6nd Dater d6rin; 7onstr67tion
Shop draDin;s and 7a.76.ations m6st be sea.ed and si;ned by an en;ineer Dho is re;istered as a 7i<i.
en;ineer in the State:
S6bmit * sets of shop draDin;s for initia. re<ieD: A..oD -% days for re<ieD:
S6bmit from 0 to #2 sets of fina. shop draDin;s as reG6ested by the En;ineer for fina. a6thoriHation:
1?-).01AB2CBeC Te/ Re"&/
S6bmit test res6.ts of any stabi.ity testin; performed for ;ro6nd an7hor Da..s and soi. nai. Da..s:
1?-).01AB)C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
1?-).01AB)CB%C Ge'er%&
1?-).01AB)CB.C S/%.#&#/3 Te/ 40r Gr0"'1 A'(70r %'1 S0#& N%#& A%&&
If yo6 6se an e37a<ation .ift hei;ht ;reater than * feet or an e3pos6re d6ration .on;er than # Dork shift)
perform stabi.ity testin;: Stabi.ity testin; m6st be performed before roadDay e37a<ation:
Perform at .east # stabi.ity test Dithin the .imits of ea7h Da.. Hone:
E37a<ate a neat fa7e at most - feet in front of the fina. Da.. fa7e a.i;nment: The e37a<ated fa7e m6st:
#: ?a<e a hei;ht as shoDn in the a6thoriHed shop draDin;s:
2: "e 2% feet .on; and para..e. to the Da.. a.i;nment Dith a 7onstant hei;ht: &o6 may e37a<ate ramps
o6tside the 2%,foot se7tion for 7onstr67tion a77ess:
-: "e .eft open for the proposed e3pos6re time spe7ified in the a6thoriHed shop draDin;s:
4: aintain its inte;rity Ditho6t ra<;) s.o6;hin;) or meas6rab.e disp.a7ement thro6;ho6t the
proposed e3pos6re time:
After a6thoriHation of the test res6.ts) yo6 may 6se the proposed e37a<ation hei;ht Dithin the tested Da..
Hone for the obser<ed e3pos6re time: For ;ro6nd an7hor Da..s) a Da.. Hone is the entire Da..:
If the En;ineer determines the e3posed e37a<ated fa7e is not maintainin; its inte;rity) yo6 m6st stabi.iHe
the e37a<ated fa7e immediate.y and perform additiona. stabi.ity testin;:
Stabi.ity testin; does not app.y to ;ro6nd an7hored so.dier pi.e Da..s:
1?-).02A Ge'er%&
1?-).02B S/r"(/"re B%(;4#&&
Str67t6re ba7kfi.. m6st be free of or;ani7 or other 6nsatisfa7tory materia.:
Str67t6re ba7kfi.. 7ompa7ted to a re.ati<e 7ompa7tion of at .east $* per7ent and materia. p.a7ed behind
retainin; Da..s m6st ha<e a sand eG6i<a.ent <a.6e of at .east 2% and 7omp.y Dith the ;radin;
reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Sie<e siHe Per7enta;e passin;
-E #%%
No: 4 -*B#%%
No: -% 2%B#%%
E37ept for materia. p.a7ed behind retainin; Da..s) str67t6re ba7kfi.. 7ompa7ted to a re.ati<e 7ompa7tion of
at .east $% per7ent m6st 7omp.y Dith the ;radin; reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Sie<e siHe Per7enta;e passin;
-E #%%
Str67t6re ba7kfi.. for 7rib Da..s m6st 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin;
8a.. hei;ht
Type of ba7kfi..
Thi7kness of ea7h .ayer of
materia. before 7ompa7tion /feet1
!nder #% C) D) or E #
#%B2* D or E 2
O<er 2* E 4
"a7kfi.. =radin;
C -E #%% None $%\ min
D -E #%% -% min $%\ min
No: 4 -*B#%%
E -E #%% None $%\ min
No: 4 2*B5%
No: *% *B2%
No: 2%% %B*
1?-).02C Per$#0" B%(;4#&& M%/er#%&
Per<io6s ba7kfi.. materia. m6st 7onsist of one or any 7ombination of the fo..oDin; materia.s:
#: =ra<e.
2: Cr6shed ;ra<e.
-: Cr6shed ro7k
4: Nat6ra. sand
*: an6fa7t6red sand
Per<io6s ba7kfi.. materia. m6st 7omp.y Dith the ;radin; reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Sie<e siHes Per7enta;e passin;
2E #%%
No: *% %B#%%
No: #%% %B+
No: 2%% %B4
=radin; for sa7ked per<io6s ba7kfi.. materia. behind Da.. drain o6t.ets m6st 7omp.y Dith the ;radin;
spe7ified for #,#92 3 -94 in7h primary a;;re;ate in se7tion $%,#:%2C/41/b1:
1?-).02D S&"rr3 Ceme'/ B%(;4#&&
S.6rry 7ement ba7kfi.. m6st be a f.6id Dorkab.e mi3t6re of a;;re;ate) 7ement) and Dater:
Cement m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion $%,#:%2"/21 e37ept testin; is not reG6ired:
8ater m6st be free from oi.) sa.ts) and other imp6rities that ad<erse.y affe7t the ba7kfi..:
A;;re;ate m6st be one of the fo..oDin;:
#: Commer7ia.,G6a.ity 7on7rete sand
2: E37a<ated or imported materia. in any 7ombination) free of or;ani7 materia. and other de.eterio6s
s6bstan7es and 7omp.yin; Dith the ;radin; reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Sie<e siHe Per7enta;e passin;
#,#92E #%%
#E +%B#%%
-94E 0%B#%%
-9+E *%B#%%
No: 4 4%B+%
No: #%% #%B4%
Proportion s.6rry 7ement ba7kfi.. by Dei;ht or <o.6me: !se at .east #++ po6nds of 7ement per 76bi7 yard:
!se s6ffi7ient Dater to prod67e a f.6id Dorkab.e mi3 that f.oDs and 7an be p6mped Ditho6t se;re;ation
d6rin; p.a7ement:
i3 materia.s thoro6;h.y by ma7hine: !se a p6;mi..) rotary dr6m) or other a6thoriHed mi3er: i3 6nti.
7ement and Dater are thoro6;h.y dispersed:
&o6 may 6se s.6rry 7ement ba7kfi.. as str67t6re ba7kfi.. for pipe 76.<erts:
1?-).02E C"&$er/ Be11#'8
1?-).02EB1C Ge'er%&
C6.<ert beddin;s 7onsist of shaped beddin;) sand beddin;) or soi. 7ement beddin;:
If more than one type of beddin; is a..oDed) 6se the same beddin; for the entire .en;th of the 76.<ert:
1?-).02EB2C S%'1 Be11#'8
Sand beddin; m6st 7onsist of sand:
#: Free from 7.ay or or;ani7 materia.
2: S6itab.e for the p6rpose intended
-: Comp.yin; Dith the ;radin; reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Sie<e siHes Per7enta;e passin;
No: 4 $%B#%%
No: 2%% %B*
1?-).02EB)C S0#& Ceme'/ Be11#'8
ateria. and mi3in; reG6irements for soi. 7ement beddin; m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for s.6rry
7ement ba7kfi.. in se7tion #$,-:%2D e37ept:
#: !se at .east 2+2 po6nds of 7ement per 76bi7 yard
2: Do not 6se 7ommer7ia.,G6a.ity 7on7rete sand as a;;re;ate
1?-).02F C0'/r0&&e1 L0:-S/re'8/7 M%/er#%&
&o6 may reG6est to 6se 7ontro..ed .oD,stren;th materia. as str67t6re ba7kfi.. for pipe 76.<erts e37ept Dhen
pipe 76.<erts ha<e a diameter or span more than 2% feet:
Contro..ed .oD,stren;th materia. m6st be a f.6id Dorkab.e mi3t6re of a;;re;ate) 7ement) and Dater:
Cement m6st 7omp.y Dith one of the fo..oDin;:
#: AST C #*%
2: ".ended hydra6.i7 7ement 7omp.yin; Dith either of the fo..oDin;:
2:#: AST C *$*
2:2: Physi7a. reG6irements in AST C ##*5
If yo6 propose 6sin; 7ontro..ed .oD,stren;th materia.) s6bmit a mi3 desi;n in7.6din; test data before
e37a<atin; the tren7h Dhere 7ontro..ed .oD,stren;th materia. is to be 6sed: 8hen tested 6nder AST D
4+-2) the materia. m6st ha<e a 2+,day 7ompressi<e stren;th:
#: From *% to #%% psi for pipe 76.<erts Dith 2% feet or .ess in hei;ht of 7o<er
2: At .east #%% psi for pipe 76.<erts Dith o<er 2% feet in hei;ht of 7o<er
8ater m6st be free from oi.) sa.ts) and other imp6rities that ad<erse.y affe7t the ba7kfi..:
A;;re;ate m6st be one of the fo..oDin;:
#: Commer7ia.,G6a.ity 7on7rete sand
2: E37a<ated or imported materia. in any 7ombination) free of or;ani7 materia. and other de.eterio6s
s6bstan7es and 7omp.yin; Dith the ;radin; reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Sie<e siHe Per7enta;e passin;
#,#92E #%%
#E +%B#%%
-94E 0%B#%%
-9+E *%B#%%
No: 4 4%B+%
No: #%% #%B4%
1?-).02G C0'(re/e B%(;4#&&
Con7rete ba7kfi.. en7asin; stee. so.dier be.oD the .a;;in; m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion $% and 7ontain
at .east *%* po6nds of 7ementitio6s materia. per 76bi7 yard:
1?-).02H Le%' C0'(re/e B%(;4#&&
Lean 7on7rete ba7kfi.. m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for s.6rry 7ement ba7kfi.. in se7tion #$,-:%2D
e37ept a;;re;ate m6st be 7ommer7ia.,G6a.ity 7on7rete sand:
1?-).0)A Ge'er%&
1?-).0)B S/r"(/"re E<(%$%/#0'
1?-).0)BB1C Ge'er%&
Str67t6re e37a<ation in7.6des:
#: E37a<atin; fo6ndations for str67t6res) in7.6din; tren7hes for 76.<erts) pipes) rods) deadmen) 76toff
Da..s) and other fa7i.ities
2: Contro. and remo<a. of Dater
-: Insta..ation and remo<a. of fa7i.ities reG6ired to 7omp.ete the Dork 6n.ess spe7ified or a..oDed to
remain in p.a7e
Str67t6re e37a<ation /Type A1 in7.6des e37a<ation for footin;s Dhere sea. 7o6rses are shoDn:
Obtain the En;ineerFs a77eptan7e of the 7omp.eted str67t6re e37a<ation before p.a7in; any 7on7rete or
8hen embankments m6st be 7onstr67ted before 76.<erts are p.a7ed) 7onstr67t embankments to the
spe7ified hei;ht and for a distan7e on ea7h side of the 76.<ert .o7ation * times the 76.<ert diameter or
hei;ht before e37a<atin; for and; 76.<erts: 8here embankments are 7onstr67ted on a steep
s.ope or at a diffi76.t .o7ation) the En;ineer may modify embankment hei;hts before 76.<erts are insta..ed:
1?-).0)BB2C S0&1#er P#&e A%&&
E37a<ate for and 7onstr67t so.dier pi.e Da..s in .ifts from the top doDn:
E37a<ate in a Day that minimiHes <oids reG6irin; ba7kfi.. behind the .a;;in;:
Do not e37a<ate more than - feet be.oD any .e<e. of ;ro6nd an7hors that ha<e not been stressed and
The En;ineer determines Dhether bo6.ders or portions of bo6.ders that interfere Dith .a;;in; m6st be
remo<ed: Perform any additiona. earthDork ordered: The additiona. earthDork is 7han;e order Dork:
Comp.ete p.a7in; .a;;in; to the f6.. hei;ht of the e3posed e37a<ation fa7e by the end of the Dork shift:
1?-).0)BB)C P#er C0&"m' E<(%$%/#0'
1?-).0)C C044er1%m
Cofferdams for fo6ndation 7onstr67tion m6st be /#1 7arried be.oD the bottom of footin;s and /21 bra7ed
and as Daterti;ht as pra7ti7ab.e: Interior dimensions of 7offerdams m6st pro<ide s6ffi7ient spa7e inside for form 7onstr67tion and pi.e dri<in; and a..oD p6mpin; of Dater from o6tside fo6ndation forms:
&o6 may 7onstr67t the 7offerdam .ar;e eno6;h to pro<ide 7.earan7e to perform the Dork: The Department
does not pay for the in7rease in G6antities ;reater than # foot o6tside the footin; dimensions:
Cofferdams ti.ted or mo<ed o6t of position d6rin; sinkin; m6st be ri;hted or;ed to pro<ide the
reG6ired 7.earan7e and proper pier .o7ation:
In tida. Daters or in streams that may f.ood) <ent 7offerdam Da..s at .oD Dater e.e<ation to ens6re eG6a.
hydrostati7 head inside and o6tside the 7offerdam Dhen p.a7in; and settin; sea.s:
No shorin; is a..oDed in 7offerdams that Do6.d ind67e stress) sho7k) or <ibration in the permanent
Cross str6ts or bra7in; may e3tend thro6;h fo6ndation 7on7rete if a6thoriHed: Str6ts or bra7in; be.oD .oD
Dater may remain in p.a7e e37ept in na<i;ab.e streams or Dhen spe7ified to be remo<ed: Remo<e str6ts
or bra7in; abo<e .oD Dater: Fi.. res6.tin; spa7es Dith 7on7rete of the type spe7ified for the s6rro6ndin;
Remo<e 7offerdams Dith a.. sheetin; and bra7in; to at .east 2 feet be.oD the streambed after 7omp.etin;
s6bstr67t6re 7onstr67tion: Do not dist6rb or mar the finished 7on7rete or masonry:
1?-).0)D A%/er C0'/r0& %'1 F0"'1%/#0' Tre%/me'/
Se.e7t the method to remo<e and 7ontro. Dater at e37a<ations Dhere sea. 7o6rses are not shoDn:
ethods may in7.6de De.. point systems) p6mpin; s6mps) 7offerdams) or 7on7rete sea. 7o6rses: If yo6
7hoose a sea. 7o6rse) /#1 the -rd para;raph of se7tion *#,#:%-D/-1) does not app.y for spread footin;s
and /21 se7tion *#,#:%-D/-1 does not app.y for pi.e footin;s:
8here 7on7rete sea. 7o6rses are shoDn) 6se a 7offerdam) 7on7rete sea. 7o6rse) and deDaterin; p6mps:
P.a7e sea. 7o6rse 7on7rete 6nder se7tion *#,#:%-D/-1:
If no are 6sed and footin; 7on7rete) 76.<erts) or other str67t6res are p.a7ed on an e37a<ated s6rfa7e
other than ro7k) 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin;:
#: Perform e37a<ation Ditho6t dist6rbin; fo6ndation materia.: DeDater the e37a<ation if ;ro6nd Dater is
en7o6ntered and no sea. 7o6rse is 6sed: Contin6e deDaterin; a7ti<ities before or d6rin; s6bseG6ent
e37a<ation: Fo6ndations m6st be free of Dater Dhen footin; 7on7rete or pipes are p.a7ed: Contin6e
deDaterin; a7ti<ities as reG6ired to pre<ent dama;e to the Dork:
2: If fo6ndation materia. is dist6rbed by e37a<ation a7ti<ities) dama;ed by Dater) or remo<ed for yo6r
7on<enien7e in deDaterin;) restore the fo6ndation to a 7ondition at .east eG6a. to the 6ndist6rbed
fo6ndation: For 76.<erts) 6se C.ass 2 a;;re;ate base that 7omp.ies Dith se7tion 20 to rep.a7e
dama;ed or remo<ed fo6ndation materia.: Compa7t C.ass 2 a;;re;ate base as spe7ified for str67t6re
ba7kfi.. in se7tion #$,-:%-E:
If the En;ineer determines the 6ndist6rbed ori;ina. materia. of the e37a<ation is 6ns6itab.e) 7orre7t as
ordered: Corre7ti<e Dork is 7han;e order Dork:
8hen footin; 7on7rete or masonry is p.a7ed on ro7k) the ro7k m6st be f6..y 6n7o<ered and the s6rfa7e
remo<ed to so6nd ro7k: Ro7k m6st be .e<e.ed or 76t to steps and then ro6;hened:
Press6re ;ro6t or treat seams in ro7k as ordered: This Dork is 7han;e order Dork:
E37ept for ar7h 76.<erts) if yo6 en7o6nter ro7k or other 6nyie.din; materia. Dhen e37a<atin; for a
76.<ert at the e.e<ation of the 76.<ert bottom) remo<e the materia. be.oD the bottom of the 76.<ert to a
depth of #924 the hei;ht of embankment abo<e the top of 76.<ert: This remo<a. m6st be a minim6m of #
foot to a ma3im6m of * feet: "a7kfi.. the res6.tin; spa7e be.oD the 76.<ert 6sin; str67t6re ba7kfi.. 6nder
se7tion #$,-:%-E: E37a<atin; and; be.oD the p.anned e.e<ation of the bottom of the 76.<ert is
7han;e order Dork:
For footin;s on 7omp.ete e37a<ation to the bottom of footin;s before dri<in; or;;: If sDe..
or s6bsiden7e res6.ts from pi.e dri<in;) e37a<ate or ba7kfi.. the footin; area to the ;rade of the bottom of
the footin;: If the materia. 6nder footin;s Do6.d mi3 Dith footin; 7on7rete or Do6.d not s6pport the Dei;ht
of Det 7on7rete) rep.a7e the materia. Dith s6itab.e materia.) insta.. soffit forms) or pro<ide a p.atform 6sin;
a6thoriHed means on Dhi7h to 7ast the footin;:
1?-).0)E S/r"(/"re B%(;4#&&
1?-).0)EB1C Ge'er%&
P.a7e str67t6re ba7kfi.. in 6niform .ayers: "rin; ba7kfi.. 6p 6niform.y on a.. sides of str67t6res: "a7kfi..
.ayers m6st be at most %:05 foot thi7k before 7ompa7tin; e37ept Dhen 7ompa7tion is done by pondin;
and Iettin;) the thi7kness m6st be at most 4 feet:
Do not 6se 7ompa7tion eG6ipment or methods that may 7a6se e37essi<e disp.a7ement or dama;e
Do not p.a7e str67t6re ba7kfi.. 6nti. footin;s or other portions of the str67t6re or fa7i.ity are inspe7ted by
the En;ineer and a6thoriHed for;: Do not p.a7e ba7kfi.. a;ainst the ba7k of ab6tments) retainin;
Da..s) or o6tside Da..s of CIP 7on7rete str67t6res 6nti. 7on7rete has attained a 7ompressi<e stren;th of at
.east 2)*%% psi or the 7on7rete has been in p.a7e for 2+ days:
P.a7e ba7kfi.. inside brid;e Din;Da..s and ab6tments before;s on Din;Da..s are 7onstr67ted:
Compa7tion by pondin; and Iettin; may be a6thoriHed 6nder the fo..oDin; 7onditions:
#: "a7kfi.. materia. is se.f,drainin; Dhen 7ompa7ted
2: Fo6ndation materia.s Di.. not soften or be dama;ed by Dater
-: Str67t6res Di.. not be dama;ed by hydrostati7 press6re
Pondin; and Iettin; of the 6pper 4 feet be.oD finished ;rade is not a..oDed: Perform Dork Ditho6t
dama;in; the str67t6re or embankment and s67h that Dater is not impo6nded: S6pp.ement pondin; and
Iettin; Dith <ibratory or other 7ompa7tion eG6ipment:
Compa7t str67t6re ba7kfi.. to a re.ati<e 7ompa7tion of at .east $* per7ent e37ept yo6 may 7ompa7t
str67t6re ba7kfi.. to a re.ati<e 7ompa7tion of at .east $% per7ent at the fo..oDin; .o7ations:
#: O<erside drains
2: Footin;s for s.ope prote7tion) s.ope pa<in;) and aprons
-: ?eadDa..s) endDa..s) and 76.<ert Din;Da..s
4: Retainin; Da..s) e37ept for portions 6nder any s6rfa7in;
*: In.ets in median areas or in traffi7 inter7han;e .oops
0: Footin;s and p6mpin; p.ants not beneath s6rfa7in;
8here ordered) p.a7e a 7ompa7ted imper<io6s ba7kfi.. materia. instead of str67t6re ba7kfi.. at the
fo..oDin; .o7ations:
#: O6ter 2,foot portion of str67t6re ba7kfi.. adIa7ent to in.ets and o6t.ets for pipes and 76.<erts
2: Str67t6re ba7kfi.. p.a7ed Dithin 2 feet of finished ;rade at ab6tments) ab6tment Din;Da..s) retainin;
Da..s) and other portions of str67t6res
For the imper<io6s ba7kfi.. materia.) 6se an a6thoriHed earthy materia.: The sand eG6i<a.ent reG6irement
does not app.y:
Str67t6re ba7kfi.. p.a7ed at brid;e s6pports in DaterDays and Dater 7hanne.s not beneath any
embankment) pa<ement) or s.ope prote7tion:
#: Does not need to be 7ompa7ted
2: 6st be soi. free of or;ani7 matter) trash) or other 6nsatisfa7tory materia.
-: 6st be p.a7ed to the .e<e. of ori;ina. ;ro6nd or finished ;rade shoDn
If yo6 e37a<ate o6tside the desi;nated pay .imits) materia. p.a7ed in those e37a<ation areas m6st 7omp.y
Dith the materia. and 7ompa7tion reG6irements of the adIa7ent str67t6re ba7kfi..:
If the Contra7t in7.6des an item for imported borroD) yo6 may 6se imported borroD as str67t6re ba7kfi.. if it
7omp.ies Dith the spe7ifi7ations for str67t6re ba7kfi..: No ded67tion is made in the G6antity of imported
borroD paid if yo6 pro<ide rep.a7ement materia. for imported borroD p.a7ed as str67t6re ba7kfi..:
ateria. from str67t6re e37a<ation not s6itab.e for 6se as str67t6re ba7kfi.. may be 6sed to rep.a7e
imported borroD or other e37a<ated materia.:
ateria. from str67t6re e37a<ation not 6sed as str67t6re ba7kfi.. m6st be p.a7ed in roadDay embankments
6nder se7tion #$,0 or disposed of 6nder se7tion #$,2:%-":
1?-).0)EB2C Cr#. A%&&
"a7kfi.. 7e..s formed by 7rib members and the spa7e betDeen 7rib Da..s and .imits for str67t6re
e37a<ation: In7.6de spa7e from materia. remo<ed o6tside e37a<ation .imits:
Str67t6re ba7kfi.. for 7rib Da..s m6st not sift or f.oD thro6;h the openin;s in the Da..s:
"a7kfi.. 7rib Da..s sim6.taneo6s.y d6rin; Da.. ere7tion: P.a7e materia. in 6niform .ayers before 7ompa7tin;:
Compa7t materia. by hand tampin;) me7hani7a. 7ompa7tion) or other a6thoriHed 7ompa7tion means:
1?-).0)EB)C S0&1#er P#&e A%&&
Compa7t str67t6re ba7kfi.. behind .a;;in; of so.dier pi.e Da..s by hand tampin; or me7hani7a. 7ompa7tion:
In fi.. areas behind the .a;;in;) key str67t6re ba7kfi.. into the e3istin; or e37a<ated ba7k s.ope:
P.a7e and 7ompa7t ba7kfi.. behind the .a;;in; at .east * feet abo<e the .e<e. of ;ro6nd an7hors before; for the an7hors: P.a7e and 7ompa7t the remainin; ba7kfi.. behind the .a;;in; after the an7hors are
dri..ed) stressed) and ;ro6ted:
1?-).0)F S&"rr3 Ceme'/ B%(;4#&&
P.a7e s.6rry 7ement ba7kfi.. Dithin # ho6r of mi3in;: P.a7e in a 6niform manner Ditho6t <oids or
se;re;ation: P.a7e in a manner that does not f.oat or shift 76.<erts: Remo<e forei;n materia. that fa..s into
Do not ba7kfi.. o<er or p.a7e materia. o<er s.6rry 7ement ba7kfi.. 6nti. 4 ho6rs after p.a7ement: !n.ess
7on7rete sand is 6sed as a;;re;ate and the in,p.a7e materia. is free drainin;) yo6 may start; as
soon as the s6rfa7e Dater is ;one:
If s.6rry 7ement ba7kfi.. is 6sed for str67t6re ba7kfi..) yo6 may red67e the e37a<ation Didth so that the
7.ear distan7e betDeen the o6tside of the pipe and the side of the e37a<ation on ea7h side of the pipe is
at .east /#1 0 in7hes for pipes 42 in7hes or .ess in diameter or span or /21 # foot for pipes o<er 42 in7hes
in diameter or span:
P.a7e s.6rry 7ement ba7kfi.. on.y for that portion of str67t6re ba7kfi.. /#1 be.oD the ori;ina. ;ro6nd or
;radin; p.ane or /21 be.oD the top of embankment p.a7ed before e37a<atin; for 76.<ert pipe: 8here
ne7essary) 7ompa7t earth p.6;s at ea7h end of the pipe before p.a7in; ba7kfi.. to 7omp.ete.y 7ontain s.6rry
in the pipe tren7h:
1?-).0)G Per$#0" B%(;4#&& M%/er#%&
P.a7e per<io6s ba7kfi.. materia. in .ayers a.on; Dith and by the same methods spe7ified for str67t6re
ba7kfi..: Per<io6s ba7kfi.. materia. at any one .o7ation m6st ha<e appro3imate.y the same ;radin;: Co<er
per<io6s ba7kfi.. materia. at .o7ations e3posed to erosion Dith a #,foot .ayer of a6thoriHed earthen
8here shoDn) yo6 may 6se the Weep #ole and &eocomposite Drain a.ternati<e instead of per<io6s
ba7kfi.. materia.: The a.ternati<e m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 0+,5:
1?-).0)H C"&$er/ Be11#'8
Shape tren7h beds to fit the bottom of the 76.<ert and to pro<ide 6niform s6pport a.on; the entire 76.<ert
.en;th: &o6 may e37a<ate the tren7h be.oD the bottom of the 76.<ert and 7onstr67t shaped beddin; by; and 7ompa7tin; 76.<ert ba7kfi.. materia.: Shape beds 6sin; a temp.ate 7onformin; to the
o6tside shape of the 76.<ert that is ;6ided by headers set para..e. to the 76.<ert ;rade: ?eaders may be
.eft in p.a7e:
P.a7e soi. 7ement beddin; as spe7ified in se7tion #$,-:%-F) e37ept do not ba7kfi.. o<er soi. 7ement
beddin; 6nti. + ho6rs after p.a7in; beddin;:
1?-).0)I C0'/r0&&e1 L0:-S/re'8/7 M%/er#%&
If a 7ontro..ed .oD,stren;th materia. . is 6sed as str67t6re ba7kfi..) the e37a<ation Didth may be red67ed so
that the 7.ear distan7e betDeen the o6tside of the pipe 76.<ert and the side of the e37a<ation on ea7h side
of the pipe 76.<ert is at .east /#1 0 in7hes for pipe 76.<erts Dith 2% feet or .ess in hei;ht of 7o<er or Dith 42
in7hes or .ess of diameter or span or /21 # foot for pipe 76.<erts Dith o<er 2% feet in hei;ht of 7o<er or o<er
42 in7hes in diameter or span:
i3 materia.s thoro6;h.y by ma7hine: !se a p6;mi..) rotary dr6m) or other a6thoriHed mi3er: i3 6nti.
7ement and Dater are thoro6;h.y dispersed:
P.a7e 7ontro..ed .oD,stren;th materia. for that portion of str67t6re ba7kfi.. /#1 be.oD the ori;ina. ;ro6nd or
;radin; p.ane or /21 be.oD the top of embankment that is p.a7ed before e37a<atin; for the pipe: Compa7t
earth p.6;s at ea7h end of the pipe 76.<ert before p.a7in; ba7kfi.. to 7omp.ete.y 7ontain s.6rry in the pipe
76.<ert tren7h:
For tren7hes in e3istin; pa<ement) p.a7e 7ontro..ed .oD,stren;th materia. no hi;her than the bottom of the
e3istin; pa<ement permeab.e draina;e .ayer: 8here a draina;e .ayer does not e3ist) p.a7e the materia.
no hi;her than # in7h be.oD the bottom of the e3istin; AC s6rfa7in; or no hi;her than the top of the base
be.oD e3istin; PCC pa<ement:
For ri;id pipe 76.<erts) the minim6m hei;ht of 7ontro..ed .oD,stren;th materia. re.ati<e to the pipe 76.<ert
in<ert m6st be %:* times the pipe 76.<ert diameter or %:* times the pipe 76.<ert hei;ht:
For f.e3ib.e pipe 76.<erts) the minim6m hei;ht of 7ontro..ed .oD,stren;th materia. m6st be %:5 times the
pipe 76.<ert diameter or %:5 times the pipe 76.<ert hei;ht:
8hene<er 7ontro..ed .oD,stren;th materia. is p.a7ed Dithin the tra<e..ed Day or 7o<ered by pa<in; or
embankment materia.s) the 7ontro..ed .oD,stren;th materia. m6st a7hie<e a ma3im6m indentation
diameter of - in7hes as determined 6nder AST D 0%24 before 7o<erin; and openin; to traffi7:
1?-).0)E S0&1#er P#&e A%&&
8here ne7essary) remo<e .ean 7on7rete ba7kfi.. from dri..ed and in front of pi.e;es to insta..
1?-).0)I Gr0"'1 A'(70r %'1 S0#& N%#& A%&&
E37a<ate in .ifts from the top doDn:
"efore yo6 e37a<ate for the insta..ation of prod67tion or proof test soi. nai.s in a Da.. Hone:
#: Comp.ete stabi.ity testin;
2: Comp.ete <erifi7ation testin;
-: Obtain a6thoriHation of test data
C.ean the e37a<ated fa7e of .oose materia.s) m6d) rebo6nd) and other materia.s that pre<ent or red67e
shot7rete bond to the e37a<ated fa7e and soi. nai.s:
Remo<e bo6.ders) portions of bo6.ders) or debris at the fina. Da.. a.i;nment that protr6de more
than 2 in7hes from the e37a<ated fa7e: "a7kfi.. the o<er e37a<ation Dith shot7rete:
If stabi.ity testin; is not performed) app.y the shot7rete fa7in; d6rin; the same Dork shift that the
e37a<ation is performed: &o6 may de.ay p.a7in; the shot7rete fa7in; 6p to 24 ho6rs if yo6 demonstrate
the inte;rity of the e37a<ated fa7e is maintained:
Notify the En;ineer immediate.y if ra<; or instabi.ity of the e37a<ated fa7e o776rs or the Da.. fa7e
mo<es horiHonta..y more than %:4 per7ent of the e37a<ated Da.. hei;ht:
Stabi.iHe 6nstab.e areas immediate.y by b6ttressin; the e37a<ated fa7e Dith an earth berm or other
a6thoriHed methods: Stop 7onstr67tion in 6nstab.e areas 6nti. remedia. meas6res are a6thoriHed:
Prote7t insta..ed soi. nai.s and ;ro6nd an7hors d6rin; 7onstr67tion: Rep.a7e dama;ed soi. nai.s and
;ro6nd an7hors:
Do not e37a<ate to the ne3t 6nder.yin; e37a<ation .ift 6nti. the fo..oDin; 7onditions ha<e been attained for
the portion of the Da.. in the 76rrent e37a<ation .ift:
#: Soi. nai.s or ;ro6nd an7hors are insta..ed and ;ro6ted
2: Reinfor7ed shot7rete fa7in; is 7onstr67ted
-: Soi. nai. ;ro6t and shot7rete fa7in; ha<e 76red for 52 ho6rs
4: The soi. nai. fa7in; an7hora;es are atta7hed
*: Representati<e soi. nai. tests are 7omp.ete for that portion of Da.. and the res6.ts are a6thoriHed
Do not e37a<ate beyond the horiHonta. .imits of the o<er.yin; 7omp.eted Da.. se7tion: At the end of ea7h
e37a<ation .ift) maintain temporary s.opes f.atter than 2:# /horiHonta.:<erti7a.1 to ens6re s.ope stabi.ity:
1?-).0+ PAYMENT
The Department does not pay for:
#: Remo<a. of materia. 7omin; into an e37a<ation from o6tside the des7ribed .imits
2: Remo<a. of materia. res6.tin; from hea<e 7a6sed by the dri<in; of in an e37a<ation
-: (o.6me of ba7kfi.. o776pied by the neD str67t6re
4: F6rnishin; and p.a7in; ba7kfi.. materia. in an e37a<ation that is be.oD or o6tside the des7ribed .imits
!n.ess otherDise shoDn) G6antities for str67t6re e37a<ation and ba7kfi.. for str67t6res other than 76.<erts
are 7omp6ted as fo..oDs:
#: ?oriHonta. .imits are <erti7a. p.anes # foot o6tside neat .ines of footin;s or str67t6res Ditho6t footin;s:
2: !pper .imit for str67t6re e37a<ation is the ;ro6nd s6rfa7e before startin; 7onstr67tion a7ti<ities:
8here str67t6re e37a<ation is performed Dithin roadDay e37a<ation or dit7h e37a<ation area) the
6pper .imit is the p.ane of the bottom and side s.opes of the e37a<ated area: In neD embankments)
the 6pper .imit is the p.ane of the neD embankment at the spe7ified e.e<ation: In no 7ase is the 6pper
.imit abo<e the p.ane of the neD embankment:
-: The 6pper .imit for str67t6re ba7kfi.. is the finished ;radin; p.ane or the finished s.ope .ines: If the
En;ineer a6thoriHes a hi;her .imit) the .imit for payment is the a6thoriHed hi;her .imit:
4: The .oDer .imit is a p.ane at the bottom of the 7omp.eted footin;s or str67t6res or the .oDer o6tside
s6rfa7e of rods or deadmen:
If the En;ineer a6thoriHes an in7rease in depth or Didth of str67t6re e37a<ation for str67t6res e37ept
76.<erts) e37a<ation to a depth of 2 feet be.oD and for a Didth 6p to - times the o6tside Didth of the
footin; is paid for at the bid pri7e for str67t6re e37a<ation: E37a<ation to ;reater depths or Didths is paid
for at the 7ontra7t pri7e for str67t6re e37a<ation 6n.ess before remo<a. a7ti<ities) /#1 the En;ineer
a6thoriHes this e37a<ation to be paid for as 7han;e order Dork or /21 yo6 reG6est this e37a<ation be paid
as 7han;e order Dork: Payment for str67t6re ba7kfi.. is in7reased and paid for at the bid pri7e for
str67t6re ba7kfi..:
8here a sea. 7o6rse is shoDn) str67t6re e37a<ation for footin;s is meas6red as str67t6re e37a<ation
/Type A1: If the depth of the str67t6re e37a<ation is red67ed d6e to a red67tion or e.imination of the sea.
7o6rse) no de7rease in the G6antity of str67t6re e37a<ation /Type A1 is made:
The <o.6me of per<io6s ba7kfi.. materia. Dithin the .imits of str67t6re ba7kfi.. is ded67ted from the
G6antities of str67t6re ba7kfi..:
Str67t6re e37a<ation or str67t6re ba7kfi.. for brid;es not desi;nated by type is paid as str67t6re
e37a<ation /brid;e1 and str67t6re ba7kfi.. /brid;e1:
The a7t6a. depth of str67t6re e37a<ation for 76.<erts is the <erti7a. distan7e betDeen the ;ro6nd .ine
before e37a<atin; and the bottom of the 76.<ert tren7h: If the str67t6re e37a<ation depth is more than %:*
foot from the depth shoDn and an adI6stment is reG6ested or ordered) the Department makes a payment
adI6stment 6nder se7tion 4,#:%*": In7reased depth d6e to 6ns6itab.e materia.) ro7k) other 6nyie.din;
materia. be.oD the p.anned ;rade is not 7onsidered in determinin; the depth of str67t6re e37a<ation for
8here 7ompa7tion is not reG6ired) payment for str67t6re ba7kfi.. is in7.6ded in payment for the type of
str67t6re e37a<ation in<o.<ed:
Payment for shot7rete 6sed on ;ro6nd an7hor and soi. nai. Da..s to fi.. <oids 7reated by the remo<a. of and bo6.ders or other obstr67tions is in7.6ded in the payment for shot7rete:
1?-,.01 GENERAL
1?-,.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion #$,* in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for obtainin; reG6ired 7ompa7tion for a.. earthDork e37ept str67t6re
Not !sed
1?-,.0)A Ge'er%&
Re.ati<e 7ompa7tion spe7ifi7ations app.y to materia. Dhether in e37a<ation or embankment:
The moist6re 7ontent of materia. to be 7ompa7ted to at .east $* per7ent m6st be s67h that the spe7ified
re.ati<e 7ompa7tion is obtained and the embankment is in a firm and stab.e 7ondition:
Do not 7ompa7t materia. that 7ontains e37essi<e moist6re 6nti. the materia. is dry eno6;h:
1?-,.0)B Re&%/#$e C0m6%(/#0' B?, Per(e'/C
Obtain a re.ati<e 7ompa7tion of at .east $* per7ent for at .east a depth of:
#: %:* foot be.oD the ;radin; p.ane for the Didth betDeen the o6ter ed;es of sho6.ders
2: 2:* feet be.oD the finished ;rade for the Didth of the tra<e.ed Day p.6s - feet on ea7h side
E37ept for the o6ter * feet meas6red horiHonta..y from the embankment side s.ope) 7ompa7t the f6.. Didth
and depth of the embankment Dithin #*% feet of ea7h brid;e ab6tment to at .east $* per7ent re.ati<e
7ompa7tion: The #*%,foot .imit is meas6red horiHonta..y from the brid;e ab6tment and either para..e. or
7on7entri7 Dith the roadDay 7enter.ine:
Obtain a re.ati<e 7ompa7tion of at .east $* per7ent for embankments 6nder retainin; Da.. footin;s Ditho6t
pi.e fo6ndations:
#: For the f6.. depth
2: 8ithin the .imits estab.ished by in7.ined p.anes s.opin; #:*:# /horiHonta.:<erti7a.1 o6t and doDn from
.ines # foot o6tside the bottom ed;es of the footin;:
1?-,.0)C Re&%/#$e C0m6%(/#0' B?0 Per(e'/C
Obtain a re.ati<e 7ompa7tion of at .east $% per7ent in embankment areas not reG6ired to be 7ompa7ted to
$* per7ent:
1?-,.0)D F0"'1%/#0' Pre6%r%/#0'
&o6 are responsib.e for preparin; the fo6ndation to re7ei<e materia.:
If yo6 e.e7t to e37a<ate and rep.a7e basement materia. to fa7i.itate 7ompa7tion) before rep.a7ement
be;ins and if ordered) 7ompa7t a .ayer be.oD the e37a<ated materia. to the depth) Didth) and de;ree of
7ompa7tion ordered: The ordered Dork is 7han;e order Dork:
1?-,.0+ PAYMENT
If basement materia. is /#1 p.a7ed in the embankment or 6sed in other p.anned or a6thoriHed Dork and /21
rep.a7ed Dith p.anned e37a<ated materia. or imported borroD) then the rep.a7ed materia. is paid for at the
bid pri7e for the type of e37a<ation or imported borroD in<o.<ed:
1?--.01 GENERAL
Se7tion #$,0 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; embankments:
Embankment 7onstr67tion in7.6des:
#: Preparin; areas to re7ei<e embankment materia.
2: P.a7in; and 7ompa7tin; embankment materia. in7.6din;:
2:#: S6itab.e materia. Dithin roadDay areas Dhere 6ns6itab.e materia. has been remo<ed
2:2: ateria. in pits) and other depressions Dithin the roadDay area
-: Constr67tin; a temporary s6r7har;e embankment abo<e the ;radin; p.ane
4: Constr67tin; dikes on or off the Iob site
1?--.02A Ge'er%&
!se materia. from e37a<ations or from .o7a. or imported borroD:
In embankment areas Dhere are to be p.a7ed or dri<en) do not 6se materia. 7ontainin; ro7ks) broken
7on7rete) or other materia.s .ar;er than 4 in7hes in ;reatest dimension:
8hene<er se.e7tion of materia. is possib.e) do not p.a7e borroD or e37a<ation materia. ha<in; a sand
eG6i<a.ent <a.6e .ess than #% Dithin 2:* feet of finished ;rade: !se this materia. to 7onstr67t the .oDer
portions of embankments:
1?--.02B Ge03'/7e/#( Re#'40r(e1 Em.%';me'/
Ea7h ;eosyntheti7 reinfor7ement ro.. m6st be .abe.ed Dith:
#: an6fa7t6rerFs name
2: Prod67tion identifi7ation
-: Ro.. dimensions
4: Lot n6mber
*: Date of man6fa7t6re
"a7kfi.. for ;eosyntheti7 reinfor7ed embankment m6st be free from:
#: Or;ani7 materia.
2: Sha.e) soft) or poor d6rabi.ity
-: Re7y7.ed materia.s s67h as ;.ass) shredded tires) 7on7rete r6bb.e) or other 6ns6itab.e materia.s
4: Loose or e3traneo6s materia. and sharp obIe7ts that may 7ome in 7onta7t Dith the ;eosyntheti7
"a7kfi.. m6st 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements in the fo..oDin; 2
Sie<e siHe Per7ent passin;
#,#92E #%%
-94E 5*B#%%
No: 4 2%B#%%
No: 4% %B0%
No: 2%% %B*%
Property ReG6irement Ca.ifornia Test
P.asti7ity inde3 2% ma3 2%4
p? *B$ 04-
The En;ineer may a6thoriHe the 6se of ba7kfi.. Dith ;radin; .ar;er than the spe7ified siHe 6p to a 4 in7hes
ma3im6m if yo6 s6bmit) Dith yo6r LTDS 7a.76.ations) test res6.ts for insta..ation dama;e red67tion fa7tors
for ea7h type of ;eosyntheti7 reinfor7ement 6nder F?8A,N?I,%%,%44) se7tion *:#:
1?--.0)A Ge'er%&
Compa7t embankment 6nder se7tion #$,*:
Constr67t embankment s.opes 6nder se7tion #$,2:%-=:
8hen 7onstr67tin; an embankment on an e3istin; roadDay) s7arify) Dater) ;rade) and ro.. the e3istin;
roadbed before p.a7in; neD materia.:
8hen 7onstr67tin; an embankment a;ainst an e3istin; s.ope or Dhen 7onstr67tin; #92 the embankment
Didth at a time) prepare the s.ope by 76ttin; into it at .east 0 feet horiHonta..y as yo6 p.a7e the neD
embankment in .ayers: Compa7t the 76t materia. a.on; Dith the neD embankment materia.: If ordered to
76t more than 0 feet) the e37a<ated materia. in e37ess of 0 feet is paid for as roadDay e37a<ation:
For brid;e footin;s to be 7onstr67ted in embankment) 7onstr67t the embankment to the ;radin; p.ane
e.e<ation and e3tend the finished s.ope to the ;radin; p.ane before:
#: E37a<atin; for footin;s
2: Dri<in; or; for CIP
The ;radin; p.ane of embankments beneath str67t6re approa7h s.abs and beneath the thi7kened portion
of s.eeper s.abs m6st not proIe7t abo<e the ;rade estab.ished by the En;ineer:
=rade tren7hes) depressions) and pits o6tside of areas Dhere embankments are to be 7onstr67ted
to pro<ide a presentab.e and De..,drained area:
1?--.0)B S".#1e'(e
1?--.0)C P&%(#'8 %'1 C0m6%(/#'8
Do not 7onstr67t embankments Dhen materia. is froHen or a b.anket of snoD pre<ents proper 7ompa7tion:
Constr67t embankment in .ayers: The .oose thi7kness of ea7h .ayer m6st not e37eed + in7hes:
"reak 6p 7.ods or hard .6mps of earth that are o<er + in7hes in ;reatest dimension before 7ompa7tin;
materia. in the embankment) e37ept if materia.) s67h as hardpan or 7emented ;ra<e.) 7annot be broken
#: Distrib6te materia. thro6;ho6t the embankment:
2: P.a7e eno6;h earth or other fine materia. aro6nd the .ar;er materia. as yo6 deposit it to fi.. the
intersti7es and prod67e a dense) 7ompa7t embankment:
If embankment materia. 7ontains the fo..oDin; per7enta;es by <o.6me of ro7k .ar;er than + in7hes in
;reatest dimension) before 7ompa7tion) the .oose thi7kness of ea7h .ayer of embankment materia. be.oD
a p.ane - feet be.oD finished ;rade m6st 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Per7ent by <o.6me Loose .ayer thi7kness
O<er *% a3: ro7k siHe
From 2* to *% a3: ro7k siHe 6p to - feet
Less than 2* + in7hes in areas betDeen ro7ks
.ar;er than + in7hes
Reinfor7ement or meta. atta7hed to reinfor7ed 7on7rete r6bb.e p.a7ed in embankments m6st not protr6de
abo<e the ;radin; p.ane: Trim reinfor7ement or meta. to .ess than -94 in7h from the fa7e of the reinfor7ed
7on7rete r6bb.e materia. before p.a7in; the materia. Dithin 2 feet be.oD the ;radin; p.ane:
In a sidehi.. embankment Dhere the Didth) in7.6din; ben7h 76ts for bondin; e3istin; and neD
embankments) is too narroD to a77ommodate mobi.e poDer 7ompa7tin; eG6ipment) yo6 may p.a7e the
materia. by end d6mpin;) if a6thoriHed:
If end d6mpin; is a..oDed for 7onstr67tin; embankment a;ainst e3istin; s.opes or #92 the embankment
Didth at a time) then p.oD or 76t the s.opes of the ori;ina. ;ro6nd or embankment before end d6mpin;
8here embankments are 7onstr67ted a7ross .oD) sDampy ;ro6nd that 7annot s6pport the Dei;ht of; eG6ipment) yo6 may 7onstr67t the .oDer part of the embankment by d6mpin; s677essi<e .oads in
a 6niform.y distrib6ted .ayer that 7an s6pport eG6ipment for p.a7in; s6bseG6ent .ayers:
Constr67t embankments s67h that ea7h .ayer has a 7ross fa.. .ess than * per7ent:
At .o7ations Dhere it is impra7ti7a. to 6se mobi.e poDer 7ompa7tin; eG6ipment) 7ompa7t embankment
.ayers by any method that obtains the spe7ified 7ompa7tion:
1?--.0)D Se//&eme'/ Per#01 %'1 S"r(7%r8e
8here an embankment sett.ement period is spe7ified) 7onstr67t the embankment to at .east the ;radin;
p.ane and to the .imits des7ribed for:
#: Distan7e of at .east #*% feet meas6red para..e. to the 7enter.ine of the roadDay from ea7h brid;e
2: Entire .en;th of a retainin; Da.. and a Didth of at .east -% feet from the fa7e of the Da..
If a s6r7har;e is spe7ified) p.a7e s6r7har;e in 6niform .ayers to the des7ribed hei;ht and .imits: Compa7t
the f6.. Didth of the s6r7har;e by ro6tin; the ;radin; eG6ipment:
Retain embankment and any spe7ified s6r7har;e from en7roa7hin; 6pon the tra<e.ed Day or e3istin;
The sett.ement period starts after the embankment and any spe7ified s6r7har;e is 7omp.ete:
If ordered) insta.. sett.ement p.atforms: The insta..ation is 7han;e order Dork:
The s6r7har;e m6st remain in p.a7e 6nti. the end of the spe7ified sett.ement period or as ordered:
"efore the end of the sett.ement period) do not:
#: E37a<ate for ab6tments) bent footin;s) Din;Da..s) or retainin; Da.. footin;s
2: Dri<e fo6ndation or dri.. for CIP
If an ordered sett.ement period in7reases or de7reases the Contra7t 7omp.etion time) the Department
makes a time adI6stment:
Fo..oDin; remo<a. of s6r7har;e materia. abo<e the ;radin; p.ane and before p.a7in; s6bseG6ent .ayers of
s6bbase or base) the embankment be.oD the ;radin; p.ane m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion #$,*:
1?--.0)E Ge03'/7e/#( Re#'40r(e1 Em.%';me'/
P.a7e ;eosyntheti7 reinfor7ement Dithin - in7hes of the desi;n e.e<ations:
P.a7e at .east - in7hes of 7ompa7ted ba7kfi.. betDeen .ayers of ;eosyntheti7 reinfor7ement) 6n.ess
otherDise shoDn:
=eosyntheti7 reinfor7ement m6st be:
#: Se76red Dith pins) or sma.. of ba7kfi..
2: P.a7ed Ditho6t
-: A.i;ned Dith the primary stren;th dire7tion to s.ope 7onto6rs
4: Sp.i7ed 6nder man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions
*: "6tted ed;e,to,ed;e for strai;ht s.ope 7onto6rs
0: "6tted ed;e,to,ed;e at the s.ope fa7e and fanned o6t or o<er.apped into the ba7kfi.. for 76r<ed s.ope
Co<er ;eosyntheti7 reinfor7ement Dith ba7kfi.. Dithin the same Dork shift:
P.a7e at .east 0 in7hes of ba7kfi.. on the ;eosyntheti7 reinfor7ement before operatin; or dri<in; eG6ipment
or < o<er it) e37ept those 6sed 6nder the 7onditions spe7ified be.oD for spreadin; ba7kfi..:
&o6 may dri<e eG6ipment or < for spreadin; ba7kfi.. dire7t.y on the ;eosyntheti7 reinfor7ement if
#: Comp.y Dith man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions
2: !se r6bber,tire <
-: inimiHe traffi7 repetitions
4: aintain speed .ess than * mph
*: A<oid s6dden brakin; and sharp t6rnin;
8here ;6ard; posts Di.. be p.a7ed at the top 7rest of the ;eosyntheti7 reinfor7ed embankment and
the ;eosyntheti7 reinfor7ement interferes Dith p.a7ement of posts) yo6 may pre76t affe7ted .ayers of
reinfor7ement into 7ross,shaped patterns: The pre76ttin; dimensions m6st not e37eed post dimensions
by more than #2 in7hes:
Do not e3tend ;eosyntheti7 reinfor7ement into the pa<ement str67t6re:
Rep.a7e or repair any ;eo;rid reinfor7ement dama;ed d6rin; 7onstr67tion: Repair by p.a7in; additiona.
reinfor7ement to 7o<er the dama;ed area and:
#: For reinfor7ement p.a7ed para..e. to s.ope 7onto6rs) o<er.appin; * apert6re openin;s or + in7hes
Dhi7he<er is ;reater
2: For reinfor7ement p.a7ed to s.ope 7onto6rs) sp.i7in; the ed;es as instr67ted by the
Rep.a7e any ;eote3ti.e reinfor7ement dama;ed d6rin; 7onstr67tion:
=rade and 7ompa7t ba7kfi.. to ens6re the reinfor7ement remains ta6t:
Compa7t ba7kfi.. 6nder se7tion #$,*:%-C: If hand,operated eG6ipment is 6sed) do not p.a7e more than 0
in7hes of ba7kfi.. before 7ompa7tion:
!se hand,operated eG6ipment to 7ompa7t areas Dithin - feet of:
#: S.ope 7onto6rs
2: !nder;ro6nd str67t6res
Do not disk or p.oD in the reinfor7ed area:
1?--.0+ PAYMENT
Remo<in; s6r7har;e materia. is paid for as roadDay e37a<ation:
1?-2.01 GENERAL
1?-2.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion #$,5 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for obtainin; .o7a. and imported borroD materia. for embankment
1?-2.01B De4#'#/#0'
&0(%& .0rr0:5 ateria. obtained by Didenin; 76ts or e37a<atin; from so6r7es o6tside the p.anned or
a6thoriHed 7ross se7tion on the Iob site: The .o7ation of the .o7a. borroD is des7ribed or desi;nated by
the En;ineer:
#m60r/e1 .0rr0:5 ateria. obtained from so6r7es that 7omp.y Dith se7tion 0,2:%4 or from any other
so6r7e yo6 7hoose:
1?-2.01C S".m#//%&
S6bmit PLACs for ea7h imported borroD site:
1?-2.01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
Notify the En;ineer s6ffi7ient.y in ad<an7e of openin; any imported borroD materia. site so that 7ross,
se7tion e.e<ations and meas6rements of the ;ro6nd s6rfa7e after strippin; may be taken and the materia.
may be tested:
1?-2.02A Ge'er%&
"orroD materia. m6st be:
#: S6itab.e for the p6rpose intended
2: Free of 6ns6itab.e materia. in7.6din; or;ani7 matter
1?-2.02B L0(%& B0rr0:
1?-2.02C Im60r/e1 B0rr0:
Imported borroD m6st be free of man,made ref6se s67h as:
#: Port.and 7ement 7on7rete
2: Aspha.t 7on7rete
-: Resid6e from ;roo<in; and ;rindin; operations
4: eta.
*: R6bber
0: i3ed debris
5: R6bb.e
1?-2.0)A Ge'er%&
C.ear) ;r6b) and strip borroD sites if ne7essary:
E37a<ate) .oad) and if ne7essary ha6. borroD materia.:
Constr67t embankments 6nder se7tion #$,0:
1?-2.0)B L0(%& B0rr0:
Obtain .o7a. borroD s67h that no s7ar or 6nsi;ht.y appearan7e is ;enerated:
1?-2.0)C Im60r/e1 B0rr0:
"efore p.a7in; imported borroD in embankments) ens6re eno6;h spa7e is a<ai.ab.e in embankment
.o7ations for p.a7in; p.anned or desi;nated e37a<ated materia. from the Iob site: &o6 are responsib.e for
disposin; of s6rp.6s materia.:
1?-2.0+ PAYMENT
Lo7a. borroD is paid for as roadDay e37a<ation:
The payment G6antity of imported borroD is determined based on a<era;e areas and the distan7es
betDeen them:
Areas and distan7es are based on those from the materia. site before and after the imported borroD is
The Department does not pay for imported borroD that is not 6sed in the Dork:
The Department does not pay for disposa. of s6rp.6s imported borroD:
1?->.01 GENERAL
Se7tion #$,+ in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for p.a7in; s6b;rade enhan7ement ;eote3ti.e betDeen the s6b;rade
and pa<ement str67t6re:
S6b;rade enhan7ement ;eote3ti.e m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion ++,#:%2O:
"efore p.a7in; s6b;rade enhan7ement ;eote3ti.e) remo<e .oose or e3traneo6s materia. and sharp obIe7ts
that may 7ome in 7onta7t Dith the ;eote3ti.e materia.:
P.a7e s6b;rade enhan7ement ;eote3ti.e:
#: !nder man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions
2: Lon;it6dina..y a.on; the roadDay a.i;nment
-: 8itho6t
Do not 6se a po.yester,type ;eote3ti.e Dithin 4 in7hes of re7y7.ed 7on7rete:
O<er.ap adIa7ent ed;es of ro..s at .east 2 feet: O<er.ap the ends of ro..s at .east 2 feet in the dire7tion yo6
spread the materia. 7o<erin; the ;eote3ti.e:
&o6 may fo.d or 76t s6b;rade enhan7ement ;eote3ti.e to 7onform to 76r<es: If 76t) o<er.ap at .east #,#92
feet: ?o.d the o<er.ap in p.a7e Dith pins) or sma.. of materia. p.a7ed on the ;eote3ti.e:
Do not:
#: Sto7kpi.e materia. on the ;eote3ti.e
2: Operate eG6ipment or < dire7t.y on the ;eote3ti.e
-: P.a7e more ;eote3ti.e than 7an be 7o<ered in 52 ho6rs
4: Compa7t Dith a sheepsfoot or other nonBsmooth
*: T6rn < on materia. p.a7ed dire7t.y o<er ;eote3ti.e
"efore operatin; eG6ipment on areas Dhere ;eote3ti.e has been p.a7ed) spread and 7ompa7t 0 in7hes of
materia. on the ;eote3ti.e: Compa7t it Dith either /#1 a smooth,Dhee.ed Dith no <ibrations or /21 a
Repair or rep.a7e dama;ed s6b;rade enhan7ement ;eote3ti.e: ake repairs by p.a7in; a neD pie7e of
;eote3ti.e Dith at .east - feet of o<er.ap from the ed;es of the dama;ed area:
1?->.0+ PAYMENT
The Department does not pay for additiona. ;eote3ti.e 6sed for o<er.aps:
1?-?.01 GENERAL
Se7tion #$,$ in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; sho6.der ba7kin; adIa7ent to the ed;e of neD
pa<ement s6rfa7in;:
Sho6.der ba7kin; m6st be 7.ean and 7onsist of one or any 7ombination of the fo..oDin; materia.s:
#: "roken stone
2: Cr6shed ;ra<e.
-: Nat6ra. ro6;h s6rfa7ed ;ra<e.
4: Sand
*: Re7.aimed pro7essed aspha.t 7on7rete) PCC) LC") or CT"
Sho6.der ba7kin; may be #%% per7ent re7.aimed aspha.t 7on7rete:
Sho6.der ba7kin; m6st 7omp.y Dith the ;radin; reG6irements for the sie<e siHes shoDn in the fo..oDin;
Sie<e siHes Per7enta;e passin;
2E #%%
#E 5*B#%%
-94E 0*B#%%
No: 4 -*B0%
No: -% #%B-*
No: 2%% *B#*
8hene<er #%% per7ent re7.aimed aspha.t 7on7rete is 6sed) sho6.der ba7kin; m6st 7omp.y Dith the
;radin; reG6irements for the sie<e siHes shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Sie<e siHes Per7enta;e passin;
#,#92E #%%
-94E 5%B#%%
No: 4 -%B+%
Sand eG6i<a.ent for sho6.der ba7kin; m6st be from #% to -* e37ept Dhene<er #%% per7ent re7.aimed
aspha.t 7on7rete is 6sed) the sand eG6i<a.ent m6st be #% minim6m:
If a 7ombination of broken stone) 7r6shed ;ra<e.) nat6ra. ro6;h s6rfa7ed ;ra<e.) and sand is 6sed)
sho6.der ba7kin; m6st 7omp.y Dith the G6a.ity reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Property Ca.ifornia
Sand eG6i<a.ent 2#5 #%B-%
Per7enta;e 7r6shed /\)
One fra7t6red fa7e
TDo fra7t6red fa7es
D6rabi.ity inde3 22$ 2*
App.ies to materia. retained on no: 4 sie<e on.y
8hen tested 6nder Ca.ifornia Test 2#2 6sin; the roddin; method) the minim6m 6nit Dei;ht of sho6.der
ba7kin; m6st be #%* .b976 ft:
Sho6.der ba7kin; p.a7ed Dithin #%% feet meas6red horiHonta..y from a 76.<ert) Dater7o6rse) or brid;e
m6st not 7ontain re7.aimed aspha.t 7on7rete:
Remo<e Deeds) ;rass) and debris from the area to re7ei<e sho6.der ba7kin;:
S7arify basement materia. to re7ei<e sho6.der ba7kin; at .east %:2* foot deep and Dater immediate.y
before p.a7in; sho6.der ba7kin;:
P.a7e and spread sho6.der ba7kin; dire7t.y on the basement materia.: After p.a7ement) Dater sho6.der
ba7kin; and 7ompa7t Dith a minim6m of 2 passes Dith a stee. tired Dei;hin; not .ess than + tons:
8here<er the tota. thi7kness of sho6.der ba7kin; is more than 0 in7hes) p.a7e sho6.der ba7kin; 6nder
se7tion #$,* and se7tion #$,0: Form smooth and 6niform 7ross se7tions and s.opes:
Do not deposit sho6.der ba7kin; on neD pa<ement:
Comp.ete sho6.der ba7kin; Dithin * days after p.a7ement of adIa7ent neD s6rfa7in;:
"efore openin; a .ane adIa7ent to 6n7omp.eted sho6.der ba7kin;) p.a7e portab.e de.ineators and 8+,$
/LO8 S?O!LDER1 si;ns off of and adIa7ent to the neD pa<ement s6rfa7in;:
Portab.e de.ineators and si;ns m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion #2 e37ept the si;ns may be set on temporary
portab.e s6pports or on barri7ades:
P.a7e portab.e de.ineators at the be;innin; and a.on; the drop,off of the ed;e of pa<ement in the
dire7tion of tra<e.) at ma3im6m inter<a.s of *%% feet on tan;ents and 2%% feet on 76r<es:
P.a7e the 8+,$ si;ns at the be;innin; and a.on; the drop,off of the ed;e of pa<ement in the dire7tion of
tra<e.) at ma3im6m inter<a.s of 2)%%% feet:
Remo<e portab.e de.ineators and 8+,$ si;ns Dhen the sho6.der ba7kin; is 7omp.ete in that area:
1?-?.0+ PAYMENT
Not !sed
20-1.01 GENERAL
20-1.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion 2%,# in7.6des ;enera. spe7ifi7ations for performin; .ands7apin;:
8here<er Dork reG6ires remo<in; materia.s) the Dork in7.6des disposin; of the materia.s 6n.ess
in7orporatin; the materia.s into the fina. Dork is des7ribed:
Immediate.y before performin; any 7onstr67tion a7ti<ity) remo<e Deeds) trash and debris Dithin the
7onstr67tion area:
20-1.01B De4#'#/#0'
;#&&#'8 :ee15 '; Deeds by hand) by the 6se of pesti7ides) or by other a6thoriHed methods:
m0:#'8 :ee15 oDin; Deeds by moDer) strin; trimmer) si7k.e) or other a6thoriHed methods:
6e/#(#1e5 Any s6bstan7e or mi3t6re of s6bstan7es intended for pre<entin;);) miti;atin; or
destroyin; Deeds) inse7ts) diseases) rodents) or nematodes and any s6bstan7e or mi3t6re of
s6bstan7es intended for 6se as a p.ant re;6.ator) defo.iant or desi77ant: This in7.6des herbi7ides)
inse7ti7ides) f6n;i7ides) rodenti7ides) ;ermi7ides) nemato7ides) ba7teri7ides) inhibitors) f6mi;ants)
defo.iants) desi77ants) soi. steri.ants) s6rfa7tants) and repe..ents:
20-1.01C S".m#//%&
20-1.01CB1C Ge'er%&
At .east #* days before 6sin; any pesti7ide) s6bmit a 7opy of the .i7ensed pest 7ontro. ad<iserFs
re7ommendation: The re7ommendation m6st be a6thoriHed before 6sin; any pesti7ides:
At the end of ea7h Deek) s6bmit a report do76mentin; the app.i7ation of a.. pesti7ides as an informationa.
s6bmitta.: !se forms f6rnished by the Department:
20-1.01CB2C N0/#4#(%/#0'
Notify the En;ineer:
#: At .east 52 ho6rs before reG6irin; initia. a77ess to the e3istin; irri;ation 7ontro..ers:
2: At .east #% days before the shipment date Dhen p.ants are to be shipped to the Iob site:
-: Of the .o7ation Dhere 76ttin;s are to be taken at .east #% days before takin; Carpo)rotus and
Delosperma 76ttin;s: If 76ttin;s are taken from the hi;hDay no notifi7ation is reG6ired:
4: At .east #* days before ;atherin; Di..oD 76ttin;s:
*: At .east 24 ho6rs before ea7h app.i7ation of pesti7ide and indi7ate the ho6rs of app.i7ation:
0: At .east 4 b6siness days before the 7omp.etion of Dork for ea7h sta;e of an area as part of the
pro;ress inspe7tions:
20-1.01CB)C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
20-1.01CB)CB%C Ge'er%&
Obtain permits and pay the inspe7tion fees in<o.<ed in obtainin; Di..oD 76ttin;s:
20-1.01CB)CB.C Pe/#(#1e
Comp.y Dith a.. and re;6.ations of the Department of Food and A;ri76.t6re) Department of P6b.i7
? Department of Ind6stria. Re.ations) and a.. other a;en7ies that ;o<ern the 6se of pesti7ides:
!n.ess prohibited by the Co6nty A;ri76.t6ra. Commissioner) pesti7ides may be 6sed for hi;hDay p.antin;
Dork: Obtain a .i7ensed pest 7ontro. ad<iserFs re7ommendations for the 6se of a.. pesti7ides 6nder Food N
A;ri Code: The re7ommendation m6st in7.6de the pesti7ides to be 6sed) rates of app.i7ation) methods of
app.i7ation and app.i7ation areas:
20-1.02A A%/er
8ater m6st be of a G6a.ity that Di.. promote ;ermination of seeds and ;roDth of p.ants:
20-1.02B Pe/#(#1e
If reG6ested) other pesti7ides may be s6bmitted for 6se:
Do not 6se oi. or pe..eted forms of pesti7ides for Deed 7ontro.:
20-1.0)A Pr08re I'6e(/#0'
Pro;ress inspe7tions are performed by the En;ineer for 7omp.eted hi;hDay p.antin; and irri;ation system
Dork at desi;nated sta;es d6rin; the Contra7t:
Inspe7tions are performed at the fo..oDin; sta;es of Dork:
#: D6rin; press6re testin; of pipe.ines on the s6pp.y side of 7ontro. <a.<es
2: D6rin; testin; of .oD <o.ta;e 7ond67tors
-: "efore p.antin; be;ins and after 7omp.etion of Dork spe7ified in se7tion 2%,5:%-C
4: "efore p.ant estab.ishment Dork be;ins and after Dork spe7ified in se7tion 2%,5:%-I
*: On7e a month d6rin; the p.ant estab.ishment period
Do not pro;ress beyond ea7h sta;e of Dork 6nti. the inspe7tion has been 7omp.eted) 7orre7ti<e Dork has
been performed and the Dork is a77epted) 6n.ess otherDise a6thoriHed:
A..oD at .east - Dorkin; days for the inspe7tion:
20-1.0)B Pe/#(#1e
Do not app.y pesti7ides:
#: On Sat6rdays or ho.idays 6n.ess a6thoriHed
2: 8hene<er Deather and Dind 7onditions are 6ns6itab.e for app.i7ation
-: 8ithin the .imits of the p.ant basins) e37ept for transp.ant tree and transp.ant pa.m tree p.ant basins
4: So that the pesti7ides 7ome in 7onta7t Dith the fo.ia;e and Doody parts of the p.ant
"efore mi3in; a pesti7ide) s6bmit a 7opy of the re;istered .abe. for the pesti7ide as an informationa.
s6bmitta.: If 6na<ai.ab.e to 7opy) a..oD the En;ineer to read the .abe. on the 7ontainer:
i3 pesti7ides a77ordin; to the instr67tions on the re;istered .abe.:
App.y pesti7ides a77ordin; to the instr67tions on the re;istered .abe.:
App.y pesti7ides for Deed 7ontro. Dith a photosensiti<e dye that prod67es a 7ontrastin; 7o.or Dhen
sprayed on the ;ro6nd: The 7o.or m6st disappear betDeen 2 to - days after bein; app.ied: The dye m6st
not stain s6rfa7es or inI6re p.ants or Di.d.ife Dhen app.ied at the man6fa7t6rerFs re7ommended app.i7ation
'i.. sto.on,type Deeds Dith ;.yphosate:
20-1.0)C A%/er#'8
8ater a<ai.ab.e from an e3istin; Department,oDned fa7i.ity Dithin the proIe7t .imits or an irri;ation system
to be insta..ed 6nder the Contra7t is f6rnished at no 7har;e: If Dater is not a<ai.ab.e) make arran;ements
for f6rnishin; and app.yin; Dater:
If f.67t6ations of Dater press6re) Dater s6pp.y or both are en7o6ntered d6rin; norma. Dorkin; ho6rs)
p.ants m6st be Datered at other times) as often) and in s6ffi7ient amo6nts as 7onditions may reG6ire:
8ater neD p.ants and e3istin; p.ants to be maintained as needed to keep the p.ants in a hea.thy ;roDin;
7ondition 6nti. Contra7t a77eptan7e:
The remote 7ontro. <a.<e master) ba.. <a.<e) or ;ate <a.<e on the dis7har;e side of ba7kf.oD pre<enters
m6st be 7.osed Dhen the irri;ation system is not in 6se:
Take pre7a6tions to pre<ent Dater from Dettin; < pedestrians) and pa<ement: Do not 7a6se
erosion of the soi.:
20-1.0)D Pr"'#'8
Pr6nin; in7.6des remo<in; deadDood) s67kers) and broken or br6ised bran7hes # in7h or .ar;er in
Pr6ne p.ants 6nder the .atest edition of ANSI A-%% part #) Pruning) p6b.ished by the Tree Care Ind6stry
Do not 6se tree sea. 7ompo6nds to 7o<er pr6nin; 76ts:
Dispose of pr6ned materia.s:
20-1.0+ PAYMENT
Not !sed
20-2.01 GENERAL
20-2.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion 2%,2 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for performin; e3istin; hi;hDay p.antin;) in7.6din; transp.ant tree)
transp.ant pa.m tree and maintain e3istin; p.anted areas:
20-2.01B S".m#//%&
S6bmit the fo..oDin;:
#: A Dork that des7ribes remo<in;) transportin;) storin;) p.antin;) ;6yin;) and maintainin; the
transp.anted trees: In7.6de root ba.. siHe) method of root ba.. 7ontainment) and a maintenan7e
pro;ram for ea7h tree to be transp.anted:
2: A 7opy of the root stim6.ant man6fa7t6rerFs prod67t sheet and instr67tions for the app.i7ation of the
root stim6.ant:
20-2.02A P%(;e/ Fer/#&#9er 40r Tr%'6&%'/ Tree %'1 Tr%'6&%'/ P%&m Tree
Comp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for pa7ket ferti.iHer 6nder se7tion 2%,5:%2D/#1/71:
20-2.02B R00/ S/#m"&%'/ 40r Tr%'6&%'/ Tree %'1 Tr%'6&%'/ P%&m Tree
20-2.02C B%(;4#&& M%/er#%& 40r Tr%'6&%'/ P%&m Tree
"a7kfi.. materia. for the transp.ant pa.m tree p.antin; m6st be #%% per7ent Dashed p.aster sand:
20-2.0)A Tr%'6&%'/ Tree %'1 Tr%'6&%'/ P%&m Tree
20-2.0)AB1C Ge'er%&
Remo<e and transp.ant or store the trees to be transp.anted before performin; Dork Dithin the areas
Dhere the e3istin; trees to be transp.anted are .o7ated:
Transp.ant trees on the same day the trees are remo<ed: If the transp.ant .o7ations are not ready to
re7ei<e the trees) store and maintain the trees to be transp.anted 6nti. the transp.ant .o7ations are
a6thoriHed: Store the trees 6pri;ht:
Sat6rate the area aro6nd ea7h tree Dith Dater before transp.antin;:
"a7kfi.. res6.tin; from the remo<a. of the transp.anted trees the same day the trees are remo<ed:
&o6 may 6se soi. from the s6rro6ndin; area to ba7kfi..: o6nd the ba7kfi.. in the p.ant basin s.i;ht.y abo<e
the s6rro6ndin; ;ro6nd .e<e.: =rade the ba7kfi.. to 7onform Dith the adIa7ent e3istin; ;rade:
Co<er e3posed root ba..s Dith Det b6r.ap or 7an<as and 7roDn Dith $% per7ent shade 7.oth 6nti. p.anted:
Do not dra; trees: The 6se of 7hains is not a..oDed:
Do not .ay trees on the ;ro6nd: Trees are to remain 6pri;ht:
Prote7t tree tr6nks from inI6ry:
App.y root stim6.ant a77ordin; to the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions:
Sat6rate the p.antin; before transp.antin; trees:
P.a7e pa7ket ferti.iHer at the time of p.antin; at the rate shoDn:
After the p.antin; ha<e been ba7kfi..ed) app.y Dater to the f6.. depth of the ba7kfi.. soi.:
If the ba7kfi.. materia. be.oD the reG6ired .e<e. after p.antin; and Daterin;) add additiona. ba7kfi.. to
brin; the ba7kfi.. to the reG6ired .e<e. after p.antin;:
Constr67t a Daterin; basin aro6nd ea7h transp.anted tree as shoDn:
20-2.0)AB2C Tr%'6&%'/ Tree
Pr6ne trees to be transp.anted immediate.y before remo<in;:
20-2.0)AB)C Tr%'6&%'/ P%&m Tree
Transp.ant pa.m trees betDeen ar7h #* and O7tober #*:
"efore transp.antin; a pa.m tree) remo<e dead fronds and frond st6bs from the tr6nk: Remo<e ;reen
fronds 6p to 2 roDs of fronds aDay from the 7enter of ;roDth: Tie the remainin; 2 roDs of fronds in an
6pri;ht position Dith .i;ht hemp or mani.a rope: Remo<e fronds and frond st6bs at the tr6nk in a manner
that Di.. not inI6re the tr6nk: Remo<e fronds and frond st6bs for Phoeni/ dactlifera /Date Pa.m1
appro3imate.y 4 in7hes from the tr6nk:
20-2.0)B Re6&%(eme'/
20-2.0)BB1C Ge'er%&
Comp.y Dith se7tion 2%,5:%-I/#01 for the rep.a7ement of dama;ed transp.anted trees:
Dispose of dama;ed transp.anted trees:
20-2.0)BB2C Tr%'6&%'/ Tree
The rep.a7ement trees m6st be p.anted in indi<id6a. p.ant at the .o7ations determined by the
En;ineer Dithin the area of the tree bein; rep.a7ed:
Comp.y Dith se7tion 2%,5 for the p.antin; of the rep.a7ement trees:
20-2.0)BB)C Tr%'6&%'/ P%&m Tree
Pa.m tree rep.a7ement p.antin; m6st 7omp.y Dith the Dork and be p.anted in the same p.antin; ho.e:
20-2.0)C M%#'/%#' Tr%'6&%'/ Tree %'1 Tr%'6&%'/ P%&m Tree
'i.. Deeds Dithin the basin) in7.6din; the basin Da..s: If pesti7ides are 6sed to ki.. Deeds) Deeds m6st be
ki..ed before the Deeds rea7h the seed sta;e of ;roDth or e37eed 4 in7hes in .en;th) Dhi7he<er o776rs
first: If Deeds are to be ki..ed by hand;) Deeds m6st be hand p6..ed before the Deeds rea7h the
seed sta;e of ;roDth or e37eed 4 in7hes in .en;th) Dhi7he<er o776rs first: Dispose of hand p6..ed Deeds
the same day they are p6..ed: Comp.y Dith se7tion 2%,#:%2":
20-2.0)D M%#'/%#' E<#/#'8 P&%'/e1 Are%
aintain e3istin; p.anted areas as shoDn:
aintain e3istin; p.anted areas m6st be maintained from the #st Dorkin; day thro6;h Contra7t
E3istin; p.ants to be maintained m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 2%,#:%-C:
Inspe7t for defi7ien7ies Dith the En;ineer present: Comp.ete the inspe7tion Dithin #* days after the start
of Dork:
Defi7ien7ies reG6irin; 7orre7ti<e a7tion in7.6de:
#: 8eeds
2: Dead) diseased) or 6nhea.thy p.ants
-: issin; p.ant stakes and tree ties
4: InadeG6ate p.ant basins and basin m6.7h
*: Other defi7ien7ies needin; 7orre7ti<e a7tion to promote hea.thy p.ant .ife
0: Rodents and pests
Corre7t defi7ien7ies as ordered Dithin #* days of the order: Corre7tion of defi7ien7ies is 7han;e order
20-2.0+ PAYMENT
Not !sed
20-).01 GENERAL
20-).01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion 2%,- in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for /#1 maintainin; e3istin; irri;ation fa7i.ities) /21; or
modifyin; man6a. and a6tomati7 irri;ation systems) and /-1 disposin; of remo<ed materia.:
20-).01B De4#'#/#0'
#rr#8%/#0' (r00$er5 Irri;ation 7rosso<er in7.6des 7ond6it) 7ontro. 7rosso<er) Dater .ine
7rosso<er and app6rtenan7es:
6r#';&er (0'/r0& (r00$er5 7ontro. 7rosso<er is e.e7tri7a. 7ond6it for 7ontro. and ne6tra.
7ond67tors insta..ed in a .ar;er 7ond6it that is 6sed as an irri;ation 7rosso<er 6nder a roadDay or
other fa7i.ity:
:%/er &#'e (r00$er5 8ater .ine 7rosso<er is p.asti7 pipe s6pp.y .ine insta..ed in 7ond6it:
20-).01C S".m#//%&
20-).01CB1C Ge'er%&
20-).01CB2C Pr01"(/ D%/%
S6bmit the man6fa7t6rerFs des7ripti<e and te7hni7a. .iterat6re for a.. materia.s:
20-).01CB)C C0'/r0& %'1 Ne"/r%& C0'1"(/0r S(7e1"&e 04 V%&"e
20-).01CB+C A#r#'8 P&%' %'1 D#%8r%m
S6bmit shop draDin;s for the e.e7tri7a. 7omponents of the irri;ation system e37ept e.e7tri7a. ser<i7e: The
draDin;s m6st:
#: ShoD Dire and 7ond6it siHes and the Dire ro6tes betDeen e.e7tri7a. 7omponents
2: "ear the Dritten appro<a. of the man6fa7t6rer or the man6fa7t6rerFs a6thoriHed a;ent
"efore Contra7t a77eptan7e) s6bmit - 7opies of the as,b6i.t s7hemati7 Dirin; dia;ram) in7.6din; any
Dirin; modifi7ations) for ea7h type of insta..ed:
For ea7h .aminate and p.a7e in an en<e.ope # 7opy of:
#: As,b6i.t s7hemati7 Dirin; dia;ram in7.6din; Dirin; modifi7ations:
2: ## by #5 in7hes red67ed irri;ation shoDin; the eG6ipment 7ontro..ed by the in7.6din;
the insta..ed .o7ations and station n6mbers for ea7h remote 7ontro. <a.<e:
The .aminate m6st be 7.ear) mat,finished p.asti7 that is at .east #% mi.s thi7k: The en<e.ope m6st be
hea<y,d6ty p.asti7:
Atta7h the en<e.ope to the inside of the en7.os6re or 7abinet door: If the door is not .ar;e
eno6;h to se76re the en<e.ope) s6bmit the en<e.ope and its 7ontents:
S6bmit Dire Dith 7o.ors to be 6sed and a sp.i7e samp.e:
20-).01CB,C M%'"4%(/"rerF I'/r"(/#0'
Fi<e b6siness days before startin; insta..ation) s6bmit the man6fa7t6rerFs Dritten instr67tions for the
fo..oDin; items:
#:;s for 7ond6its 6sed for irri;ation 7rosso<ers
2: P.asti7 pipe and fittin;s
-: So.<ent 7ement for p.asti7 pipe and f.e3ib.e hose
4: Sprink.ers Type D
*: F.oD sensors
20-).01CB-C Cer/#4#(%/e 04 C0m6&#%'(e
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e for /#1 po.yethy.ene pipe and /21 p.asti7 pipe s6pp.y .ine for pipe Dith
Da.. thi7kness of the be.. .ess than the spe7ified minim6m Da.. thi7kness of the pipe:
20-).01CB2C N0/#4#(%/#0'
Notify the En;ineer:
#: At .east 4 b6siness days before sh6ttin; off the Dater s6pp.y to any portion of the e3istin; irri;ation
system: Notify the En;ineer immediate.y after restorin; the Dater s6pp.y to any portion of the e3istin;
irri;ation system:
2: At .east * b6siness days before testin; ba7kf.oD pre<enters:
-: At .east 24 ho6rs before performin; any press6re tests:
4: At .east * b6siness days before performin; any f6n7tiona. tests:
20-).01CB>C M%#'/e'%'(e %'1 O6er%/#0' M%'"%&
S6bmit as an informationa. s6bmitta. a 7omp.ete man6fa7t6rerUs maintenan7e and operations man6a. for
ea7h type of insta..ed: S6bmit the man6a. at the time the Dirin; p.ans and dia;rams are p.a7ed
inside the en7.os6re or 7abinet door:
20-).01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 G"%&#/3 A"r%'(e
20-).01DB1C Cer/#43 B%(;4&0: Pre$e'/er
A.. ba7kf.oD pre<enters m6st be 7ertified by a ba7kf.oD pre<enter tester Dith a < 7ertifi7ation from the
.o7a. ;o<ernin; a6thority:
The .o7a. ;o<ernin; a6thority m6st be the 7o6nty) 7ity) or Dater p6r<eyor ha<in; the ;o<ernin; a6thority
o<er testin; of ba7kf.oD pre<enters in<o.<ed: If the .o7a. ;o<ernin; a6thority does not ha<e a 7ertifi7ation
pro;ram) the tester m6st be 7ertified by A88A or a 7o6nty that has a 7ertifi7ation pro;ram:
A.. ba7kf.oD pre<enters m6st be re7ertified e<ery year 6nti. Contra7t a77eptan7e: An additiona.
7ertifi7ation m6st be done #% days before Contra7t a77eptan7e:
20-).01DB2C P&%/#( P#6e Irr#8%/#0' L#'e
20-).02A Ge'er%&
E.e7tri7a. materia. and eG6ipment m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion +0,#:%2:
20-).02B B%(;4&0: Pre$e'/#0' De$#(e %'1 A66"r/e'%'(e
20-).02BB1C A/m067er#( V%(""m Bre%;er
Atmospheri7 <a766m breakers m6st ha<e a brass or bronHe body) si.i7one f.oat dis7) and a p.asti7 f.oat:
20-).02BB2C B%(;4&0: Pre$e'/er Aem.&#e
"a7kf.oD pre<enter assemb.ies in7.6de ba7kf.oD pre<enter) Dye strainer) fittin;s) s6pports) 7on7rete thr6st
b.o7ks) and pad as des7ribed:
"a7kf.oD pre<enter m6st be a red67ed,press6re prin7ip.e type and 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements of the
Dater 6ti.ity 7ompany or Dater distri7t that has I6risdi7tion o<er the Iob site:
"a7kf.oD pre<enters m6st be fa7tory assemb.ed and ha<e 2 7he7k <a.<es) # press6re differentia. re.ief
<a.<e) 2 sh6t,off <a.<es) and 4 test 7o7ks: "a7kf.oD pre<enters and <a.<es m6st be the same siHe as the
pipe.ine Dhere they are insta..ed:
Sh6t,off <a.<es m6st be man6fa7t6red from iron or bronHe and be either /#1 resi.ient Ded;e ;ate <a.<es)
/21 resi.ient seated and f6..y ported ba.. <a.<es) or /-1 resi.ient seated b6tterf.y <a.<es: Pro<ide 6nions as
shoDn: !nions m6st be brass or ma..eab.e iron:
"a7kf.oD pre<enter assemb.y 7omponents m6st be 7apab.e of Dithstandin; a 7o.d,Dater Dorkin;
press6re of #*% psi:
=ate <a.<es atta7hed to the o6t.ets of the Dye strainer m6st be:
#: Threaded
2: "rass or bronHe body
-: Stem and Ded;e type
4: Same siHe as the
*: odified so that atta7hments 7annot be made to the <a.<es
The seatin; rin;s on the dis7har;e side of the ;ate <a.<es m6st be Tef.on: (a.<e Ded;es m6st be dri<en
ob.iG6e.y by 7am a7tion into the seatin; rin;s:
20-).02BB)C B%(;4&0: Pre$e'/er Aem.&3 B&%';e/
"a7kf.oD pre<enter assemb.y b.anket m6st:
#: "e po.yester fabri7 that is 7oated Dith <iny. or po.ymeri7 resin
2: "e resistant to !() Dater) mi.deD) and f.ames
-: ?a<e an R,<a.6e from R,-% to R,-+
4: "e ;reen as a6thoriHed
".ankets m6st ha<e a se76rin; me7hanism that in7.6des either Hippers) <e.7ro) ;rommets) snaps) b6ttons
or any 7ombination of these: 8here<er the ba7kf.oD pre<enter is not in an en7.os6re) the se76rin;
me7hanism m6st be 7apab.e of a77eptin; a pad.o7k: The pad.o7k is f6rnished by the En;ineer:
20-).02BB+C B%(;4&0: Pre$e'/er Aem.&3 E'(&0"re
Fabri7ate en7.os6res 6sin; str67t6ra. stee. an;.es and f.attened e3panded meta.: The en7.os6re m6st
7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin;:
#: E3panded meta. sides) ends) and top pane.s m6st be fabri7ated from $,;a6;e minim6m thi7kness
sheet stee.: The f.attened e3panded meta. openin;s m6st be appro3imate.y -94 by #,-94 in7hes:
2: E3panded meta. pane.s m6st be atta7hed to the -9#0,in7h thi7k stee. frames by a series of De.ds that
are not .ess than #94 in7h in .en;th) spa7ed not more than 4 in7hes on 7enter a.on; the ed;es of the
-: Lo7k ;6ards m6st be 7o.d ro..ed stee. Dith a minim6m thi7kness of -9#0 in7h:
4: =a.<aniHe the en7.os6re after fabri7ation 6nder se7tion 5*,#:%*:
*: ?o.d,doDn bo.t assemb.ies m6st be ;a.<aniHed: N6ts m6st be he3a;ona. and Dashers m6st be .o7k
0: En7.os6re m6st be painted by the man6fa7t6rer Dith # app.i7ation of pretreatment) <iny. Dash primer
and a minim6m of # app.i7ation of e3terior ename. for meta.: The 7o.or m6st mat7h no: 2%4*% of FED,
The pad.o7k is f6rnished by the En;ineer:
20-).02C B00/er P"m6
"ooster p6mp m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 54,4:
20-).02D C0'(re/e
Con7rete m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for minor 7on7rete) e37ept the 7on7rete m6st not 7ontain
.ess than 40- po6nds of 7ementitio6s materia. per 76bi7 yard: ?and mi3in; of the 7on7rete is a..oDed:
20-).02E C0'1"(/0r, E&e(/r#(%& C0'1"#/, %'1 P"&& B0<e
20-).02EB1C C0'/r0& %'1 Ne"/r%& C0'1"(/0r
Cond67tors m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion +0,2:%+ and the fo..oDin;:
#: No: #2 A8= or .ar;er:
2: For insta..ations .ess than *% () rated for dire7t b6ria.) 6nder;ro6nd feeder type identified as E!FE Dith
a minim6m P(C ins6.ation thi7kness of *0 mi.s for 7ond67tors no: #% and and 5% mi.s for
7ond67tors no: + and .ar;er) yo6 may 6se !L .isted po.yethy.ene ins6.ation 7onformin; to !L 44 test
standards Dith a minim6m thi7kness of 4# mi.s for Dire siHes #% A8= and
-: The 7o.or of .oD <o.ta;e ne6tra. and 7ontro. 7ond67tor ins6.ation) e37ept for the striped portions) m6st
be homo;eneo6s thro6;ho6t the entire thi7kness of the ins6.ation:
NeD 7ontro. and ne6tra. 7ond67tors that are to rep.a7e e3istin; 7ontro. and ne6tra. 7ond67tors m6st be
the same siHe and 7o.or as the e3istin; 7ontro. and ne6tra. 7ond67tors bein; rep.a7ed:
20-).02EB2C Arm0r-C&%1 C0'1"(/0r
Armor, 7ond67tors m6st 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin;:
#: Cond67tors m6st be 6n7oated 7opper:
2: Cond67tor siHe m6st be not .ess than $% per7ent of the A8= diameter reG6ired and the proper siHe
for the app.i7ation:
-: Cond67tor ins6.ation 7o<erin; m6st be either of the fo..oDin;:
-:#: P(C) !L sty.e type !F 0% de;rees C) 0%% (: The a<era;e thi7kness of ins6.ation m6st not be
.ess than 0% mi.s Dith a minim6m thi7kness of *4 mi.s:
-:2: Po.yethy.ene) !L .isted) 7omp.yin; Dith !L 44 test standards Dith a minim6m ins6.ation
thi7kness of 4# mi.s for Dire siHed #% A8= and
4: Armor m6st be stain.ess stee. tape) Type -%4 he.i7a..y Drapped o<er ea7h 7ond67tor Dith a --
per7ent minim6m o<er.ap: Tape siHe m6st be %:* in7h Dide and at .east %:%%* in7h thi7k:
*: O6ter 7ond67tor Ia7ket m6st be !( resistant P(C and 7omp.y Dith the ICEA S,0#,4%2) NEA
standard 8C* and !L .istin; #20-: Ca7ket nomina. thi7kness m6st be -% mi.s Dith a minim6m
thi7kness of 24 mi.s:
20-).02EB)C E&e(/r#(%& C0'1"#/
E.e7tri7a. 7ond6it m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion +0,2:%*A and se7tion +0,2:%*":
20-).02EB+C P"&& B0<e
P6.. bo3es m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion +0,2:%0A and be no: * or .ar;er 6n.ess otherDise shoDn: P6.. bo3es
for .oD <o.ta;e 7ond67tors m6st not ha<e side openin;s:
P6.. bo3 7o<ers 6sed so.e.y for e.e7tri7a. ser<i7e m6st be marked to 7omp.y Dith +0,2:%0": A.. other
irri;ation system p6.. bo3 7o<ers m6st be marked Contro.E 6nder se7tion +0,2:%0":
20-).02F F#&/er Aem.&3 U'#/
Fi.ter assemb.y 6nits in7.6de the fi.ter ho6sin;) re6sab.e fi.ter 7artrid;e) ba.. <a.<e) fittin;s) pipe and <a.<e
bo3 Dith Do<en Dire 7.oth and ;ra<e. as shoDn:
Fi.ter ho6sin; m6st /#1 Dithstand a 7o.d,Dater Dorkin; press6re of #*% psi and /21 be man6fa7t6red of
reinfor7ed po.ypropy.ene p.asti7:
Comp.y Dith se7tion 2%,-:%2R/#1 for ba.. <a.<es:
20-).02G F&e<#.&e H0e
F.e3ib.e hose m6st be nonri;id P(C and 7omp.y Dith AST D 22+5) 7e.. Type 0*04*%%: The hose Da..
thi7kness m6st 7omp.y Dith AST D 2#22 and the dimensions shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
?ose siHe) nomina.
inim6m Da.. thi7kness

#92 %:#45
-94 %:#*4
# %:#5$
As meas6red at any point on the 7ross,se7tion
The hose m6st pro<ide .eak,free) nonseparatin; 7onne7tions s6itab.e for the p6rpose intended Dhen
7onne7ted to the fittin;s spe7ified:
Fittin;s for f.e3ib.e hose m6st be inIe7ted mo.ded P(C) S7hed6.e 4% and 7omp.y Dith AST D 2400:
Fittin;s m6st be so.<ent 7emented type:
So.<ent 7ement for f.e3ib.e hose and fittin;s m6st be spe7ifi7a..y man6fa7t6red for the 6se Dith nonri;id
P(C hose: Primer for hose fittin;s m6st be the same as spe7ified for p.asti7 pipe s6pp.y .ine fittin;s:
20-).02H Irr#8%/#0' C0'/r0&&er S3/em
20-).02HB1C Irr#8%/#0' C0'/r0&&er
Irri;ation 7ontro..ers m6st be sin;.e) state independent 7ontro..ers and 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin;:
#: F6..y a6tomati7 and operate a 7omp.ete #4 day or .on;er irri;ation pro;ram:
2: A sDit7h or b6tton on the fa7e of the irri;ation 7ontro. pane. m6st be so that the irri;ation
7an be t6rned on or off and pro<ide for a6tomati7 or man6a. operation: an6a. operation m6st a..oD
7y7.e start at the desired station and a..oD a7ti<ation of a sin;.e station:
-: 8aterin; time of ea7h station m6st be disp.ayed on the fa7e of the 7ontro. pane.:
4: Irri;ation me7hanism) pane. and 7ir76it board m6st be 7onne7ted to the .oD <o.ta;e 7ontro.
and ne6tra. 7ond67tors by means of a p.6; and re7epta7.e 7onne7tors: The 7onne7tion m6st be
.o7ated Dithin the 7abinet en7.os6re:
*: Ea7h station m6st ha<e a <ariab.e or in7rementa. timin; adI6stment ran;in; from a ma3im6m of at
.east $% min6tes to a minim6m of # min6te:
0: Contro..ers m6st be 7apab.e of a minim6m of 2 pro;ram
5: Contro..ers m6st ha<e an o6tp6t that 7an ener;iHe a p6mp start 7ir76it or a remote 7ontro. <a.<e
+: Contro..ers and .oD <o.ta;e o6tp6t so6r7e m6st be prote7ted by f6ses or 7ir76it breakers:
Rain sensor 6nit m6st be a state) a6tomati7 sh6t,off type) 7ompatib.e Dith the irri;ation
Rain sensor 6nit m6st a6tomati7a..y interr6pt the master remote 7ontro. <a.<es Dhen appro3imate.y #9+
in7h of rain has fa..en: The irri;ation system m6st a6tomati7a..y be enab.ed a;ain Dhen the a776m6.ated
rainfa.. e<aporates from the rain sensor 6nit 7o..e7tion 76p: Rain sensor 6nits m6st be rated 24 (/a71 to -%
Irri;ation 7ontro..ers m6st operate on #2% () 0% ?H/a71 and s6pp.y 24 to -% () 0% ?H/a71 for operatin;
e.e7tri7a. remote 7ontro. <a.<es:
?o6se irri;ation 7ontro..ers in pedesta. or Da.. mo6nted en7.os6res as des7ribed:
Irri;ation 7ontro..ers not insta..ed in en7.os6re 7abinets m6st be Deatherproof) 7onstr67ted of fiber;.ass or
meta. and ha<e a door .o7k Dith 2 keys pro<ided:
20-).02HB2C Irr#8%/#0' C0'/r0&&er B%//er3
20-).02HB)C Irr#8%/#0' C0'/r0&&er S0&%r
20-).02I Irr#8%/#0' C0'/r0&&er E'(&0"re C%.#'e/
Fabri7ate irri;ation en7.os6re 7abinet 6nder se7tion +0,-:%4A:
Irri;ation en7.os6re 7abinets fabri7ated of 7o.d ro..ed stee. or a.6min6m m6st be 7.eaned and
painted by the man6fa7t6rer and 7omp.y Dith se7tion +0,-:%4A:
Pro<ide 7ross <enti.ation) roof <enti.ation) or a 7ombination of both: (enti.ation m6st not 7ompromise the
Deather resistan7e properties of the 7abinet and m6st be fabri7ated by the 7abinet man6fa7t6rer:
In7.6de prote7tion a;ainst .i;htnin; dama;e:
The inside of the 7abinet doors m6st ha<e pro<isions for stora;e of the as,b6i.t s7hemati7 Dirin; dia;ram
and irri;ation p.ans:
If a remote irri;ation 7ontro. system is spe7ified) the eG6ipment m6st be shop insta..ed in the 7abinet
before fie.d insta..ation) e37ept for fie.d Dirin;:
20-).02E Irr#8%/#0' Cr00$er
20-).02EB1C C0'1"#/
20-).02EB1CB%C C0rr"8%/e1 S/ee& P#6e C0'1"#/
Corr6;ated stee. pipe 7ond6it m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 00: The nomina. thi7kness of meta. sheets for
pipe m6st be %:%04 in7h for 7orr6;ated stee. pipe and %:%0% in7h for 7orr6;ated a.6min6m pipe:;
bands and hardDare m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 00:
20-).02EB1CB.C Ae&1e1 S/ee& P#6e C0'1"#/
8e.ded stee. pipe m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A *-: Pipe m6st be either b.a7k or ;a.<aniHed and ha<e
De.ded or threaded Ioints:
The minim6m Da.. thi7kness for the <ario6s siHes of De.ded stee. pipe m6st 7omp.y Dith the dimensions
shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Pipe siHe) nomina.
inim6m Da.. thi7kness

- %:2#0
4 %:2-5
0 %:2+%
+ %:255
#% %:25$
#2 %:--%
As meas6red at any point on the 7ross,se7tion
Pipe m6st be siHed to Dithstand Ia7kin; or; operations:
20-).02EB1CB(C ABS C0m60#/e P#6e
A"S 7omposite pipe and;s m6st 7omp.y Dith AST D 20+%:;s m6st be so.<ent 7ement
20-).02EB1CB1C B#/"m#'0" C0%/e1 C0rr"8%/e1 S/ee& P#6e C0'1"#/
"it6mino6s 7oated 7orr6;ated stee. pipe 7ond6it m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 00: The nomina. thi7kness of
meta. sheets for pipe m6st be %:%04 in7h for 7orr6;ated stee. pipe and %:%0% in7h for 7orr6;ated
a.6min6m pipe:; bands and hardDare m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 00:
20-).02EB1CBeC C0rr"8%/e1 H#87 De'#/3 P0&3e/73&e'e P#6e C0'1"#/
Corr6;ated hi;h density po.yethy.ene pipe m6st 7omp.y Dith AST F 4%* and F 005 or be Type S and
7omp.y Dith AAS?TO 2*2 and 2$4:;s and fittin;s m6st be as re7ommended by the pipe
20-).02EB2C Cr00$er
20-).02EB2CB%C S6r#';&er C0'/r0& Cr00$er
E.e7tri7a. 7ond6it for 7ontro. 7rosso<ers m6st be ri;id) nonmeta..i7 type: Comp.y Dith se7tion +0,
2:%*A) Type -: The siHe of 7ond6it is as des7ribed:
20-).02EB2CB.C A%/er L#'e Cr00$er
8ater .ine 7rosso<er m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 2%,-:%2/-1/a1:
Fittin;s m6st be S7hed6.e +%:
20-).02I Irr#8%/#0' S&ee$e
Irri;ation<es m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 2%,-:%2/-1/a1:
Fittin;s m6st be S7hed6.e +%:
20-).02L L0(%/#0' M%r;er
Lo7ation markers m6st be S7hed6.e 4% Dhite P(C p.asti7 pipe:
20-).02M P#6e
20-).02MB1C C066er P#6e
Copper pipe m6st be Type ' ri;id pipe and 7omp.y Dith AST " ++: Fittin;s m6st be Dro6;ht 7opper or
7ast bronHe either so.dered or threaded:
So.der m6st be $* per7ent tin and * per7ent antimony:
20-).02MB2C G%&$%'#9e1 S/ee& P#6e S"66&3 L#'e
=a.<aniHed stee. pipe s6pp.y .ines and;s m6st be standard Dei;ht and 7omp.y Dith AST A *-)
e37ept that the Hin7 7oatin; m6st not be .ess than $% per7ent of the spe7ified amo6nt: E37ept for;s) fittin;s m6st be ;a.<aniHed ma..eab.e iron) banded and threaded) and 7omp.y Dith ANSI "#0:-)
C.ass #*%:
20-).02MB)C P&%/#( P#6e
P.asti7 pipe for irri;ation systems in7.6des p.asti7 pipe s6pp.y .ine and p.asti7 pipe irri;ation .ine:
20-).02MB)CB%C P&%/#( P#6e S"66&3 L#'e
P.asti7 pipe s6pp.y .ines m6st be P(C ##2% or P(C #22% press6re rated pipe:
P.asti7 pipe s6pp.y .ines m6st be S7hed6.e 4% P(C and 7omp.y Dith AST D #5+*:
P.asti7 pipe s6pp.y .ines m6st ha<e so.<ent,7emented type Ioints: Primer m6st be 6sed in the so.<ent,
7emented type Ioints:
"e.. end pipe m6st 7omp.y Dith AST D 2052 and be marked Dith either AST D 2052 or D 224#:
Threaded fittin;s and fittin;s to be so.<ent 7emented to p.asti7 pipe s6pp.y .ine m6st be inIe7tion mo.ded
P(C) S7hed6.e 4%) and 7omp.y Dith AST D 2400) e37ept fittin;s for Dater .ine 7rosso<ers and irri;ation<es m6st be S7hed6.e +%:
Risers and threaded for irri;ation fa7i.ities m6st be S7hed6.e +%) P(C ##2% or P(C #22% pipe and
7omp.y Dith AST D #5+*:
So.<ent 7ement and primer for P(C p.asti7 pipe and fittin;s for s6pp.y .ine m6st be spe7ifi7a..y
man6fa7t6red for 6se Dith ri;id P(C p.asti7 pipe and fittin;s and m6st be app.ied separate.y: So.<ent
7ement m6st 7omp.y Dith the .o7a. Air @6a.ity ana;ement Distri7t reG6irements:
The so.<ent 7ement and primer m6st be made by the same man6fa7t6rer and the primer 7o.or m6st
7ontrast Dith the 7o.or of the pipe and fittin;s:
P.asti7 pipe s6pp.y .ine m6st be NSF appro<ed and 7omp.y Dith either AST D 224# or D 2052:
20-).02MB)CB.C P&%/#( P#6e Irr#8%/#0' L#'e
20-).02MB+C Re(3(&e1 A%/er S"66&3 L#'e
Re7y7.ed Dater s6pp.y .ines m6st be p6rp.e P(C and m6st:
#: "e S7hed6.e 4%) P(C ##2%:
2: Comp.y Dith one of the fo..oDin; standards:
2:#: AST D #5+*
2:2: AST D -#-$
2:-: AST D 224#
2:4: AST D 2052
Pipe m6st ha<e permanent Dordin; ECA!TION REC&CLED 8ATERE in 2 roDs on the pipe: The roDs
m6st be spa7ed appro3imate.y #+% de;rees apart in the .on;it6dina. dire7tion of the pipe: Repeat the
Dordin; e<ery 24 in7hes a.on; pipe:
20-).02MB,C U&/r%$#0&e/ Re#/%'/ P&%/#( P#6e
!(,resistant p.asti7 pipe s6pp.y .ine m6st be S7hed6.e 4%) Type I) =rade #) !(,resistant P(C pipe /!(C,
P(C1 and m6st 7omp.y Dith AST D #5+*:
Fittin;s m6st be S7hed6.e 4%) !(,resistant P(C) Type I) =rade #) and 7omp.y Dith AST D 2400:
The pipe m6st be homo;eneo6s) 6niform 7o.or and be man6fa7t6red of:
#: At .east +% per7ent <iny. 7h.oride resin Dith !( stabi.iHers
2: Non,P(C resin modifiers and 7o.orin; in;redients
-: Co.orin; in;redients that resist the dama;in; effe7ts of !( Da<e .en;ths of radiation:
So.<ent 7ement for !(,resistant p.asti7 pipe and fittin;s m6st 7omp.y Dith the .o7a. Air @6a.ity
ana;ement Distri7t and be re7ommended by the pipe man6fa7t6rer:
20-).02N Re(3(&e1 A%/er A%r'#'8 S#8'
8arnin; si;n de7a.s m6st shoD the phrase) ERe7y7.ed 8ater) Do Not DrinkE and the EDo Not DrinkE
drinkin; ;.ass ;raphi7 symbo.:
8arnin; si;n de7a.s m6st be !( fade resistant) a.. Deather) and man6fa7t6red from a f.e3ib.e <iny. based
or f.e3ib.e <iny. based Dith prod67t: De7a.s m6st ha<e a p6rp.e ba7k;ro6nd) b.a7k te3t) and ba7kin;
that has a pee.,off 7o<er that is se.f,adhesi<e:
A.6min6m si;n p.ates m6st be #9#0,in7h a.6min6m:
8arnin; ta;s m6st shoD the phrase ERe7y7.ed 8aterE and the EDo Not DrinkE drinkin; ;.ass ;raphi7
symbo.: 8arnin; ta;s m6st be p6rp.e) do6b.e,sided) and man6fa7t6red from po.y6rethane) in7orporatin;
an inte;ra. ne7k atta7hment and atta7hment ho.e: The atta7hment ho.e m6st be 7apab.e of Dithstandin;
#5+ po6nds of p6.. o6t resistan7e: Ta; .etterin; m6st be hot,stamped in b.a7k and 7apab.e of Dithstandin;
o6tdoor 6sa;e:
20-).02O Rem0/e C0'/r0& V%&$e A(/"%/0r S3/em
A remote 7ontro. <a.<e a7t6ator system in7.6des a portab.e handhe.d re7ei<er) transmitter) fie.d 7arryin;
7ase) /a71 poDer 7har;in; 6nit) and a re7ei<er 7onne7tor: The remote 7ontro. <a.<e a7t6ator eG6ipment
m6st be f6..y 7ompatib.e Dith the irri;ation The re7ei<er and transmitter m6st 7omp.y Dith FCC) and Re;6.ations) part #*) as of the date of man6fa7t6re:
The re7ei<er 7onne7tor m6st be atta7hed dire7t.y to the termina. strip or an e3istin; p.6; of ea7h irri;ation It m6st 7ontin6e o6t to the so7ket head mo6nted to the o6tside of the irri;ation
en7.os6re 7abinet as shoDn: The 7onne7tor ho6sin; m6st be Deather resistant thermop.asti7 Dith a
hin;ed so7ket head 7ap and s7reD to be 6sed as a .o7kin; me7hanism:
The re7ei<er m6st:
#: Operate the stations of the irri;ation on radio si;na.s from the transmitter
2: Re7ei<e radio si;na.s at a minim6m distan7e of # mi.e
-: "e prote7ted from o<er.oad by a fie.d rep.a7eab.e f6se
4: Operate on 24 (/a71
The transmitter m6st:
#: Pro<ide a 2,Day F radio si;na. for a minim6m ran;e of # mi.e to the re7ei<er .o7ated at the irri;ation en7.os6re 7abinet:
2: ?a<e a di;ita. keypad and instant a7t6ation of the stations) master <a.<es) or p6mps: A7t6ation m6st
be ab.e to be random) n6meri7a. or re<erse n6meri7a. seG6en7es and by pressin; a sin;.e key for
ea7h f6n7tion:
-: A..oD for remote data retrie<a.) man6a. 7ontro.) and pro;rammin;:
4: Operate a master <a.<e or p6mp independent.y of the stations:
The poDer so6r7e for the portab.e 6nits m6st in7.6de an interna. 7har;ed battery pa7k) that is re7har;ed
by the 7har;in; 6nit: The 7har;in; 6nit m6st ha<e an inp6t of ##% (/a71 and an o6tp6t of 24 (/a71 at #:*
20-).02P S6r#';&er
20-).02PB1C Ge'er%&
Sprink.ers in7.6de risers) riser s6pports) sDin; Ioints) f.oD sh6t,off de<i7es) press6re 7ompensation
de<i7es) 7he7k <a.<es and fittin;s as shoDn:
F.e3ib.e risers m6st be !( resistant and broDn:
F.oD sh6t,off de<i7es on risers m6st a6tomati7a..y and instant.y stop the f.oD of Dater from a riser Dhen
the riser is broken on the doDnstream side of the de<i7e: Insta.. the f.oD sh6t,off a77ordin; to the
man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions:
20-).02PB2C S6r#';&er T36e C-2 M01 Type C,2 od in7.6des a Type 2 inserted in a drainpipe Dith ;ra<e. and 7apped Dith a
drain ;rate:
Drainpipe m6st be 7ommer7ia. type) ri;id) perforated) P(C pipe Dith spa7ed not more than 0 in7hes
on 7enter on # side of the pipe:
Drain ;rate m6st be 7ommer7ia..y a<ai.ab.e) # pie7e) inIe7tion mo.ded drain ;rate man6fa7t6red from
str67t6ra. foam po.yo.efins Dith !( .i;ht inhibitors: Drain ;rate m6st be b.a7k:
=ra<e. for; the drainpipe m6st be ;raded s67h that #%% per7ent passes the -94,in7h sie<e and #%%
per7ent is retained on the #92,in7h sie<e: =ra<e. m6st be 7.ean) Dashed) dry) and free from 7.ay or
or;ani7 materia.:
20-).02PB)C S6r#';&er T36e D Type D m6st be p.asti7) nonadI6stab.e) press6re 7ompensatin; emitters Dith a6tomati7 f.6shin;
a7tion: m6st be re;6.ated by d6a. si.i7one diaphra;ms Dith a f.oD rate and operatin; press6re
ran;e shoDn:
F.e3ib.e t6bin; for the emitters m6st be <ir;in po.yethy.ene p.asti7 7ontainin; 2 to - per7ent 7arbon b.a7k:
The siHe of the t6bin; m6st be as re7ommended by the emitter man6fa7t6rer:
20-).02G U'#0'
!nions m6st be brass or ma..eab.e iron: !nions m6st Dithstand the Dorkin; press6re ran;e of the pipes
for Dhi7h the 6nions are 6sed:
20-).02R V%&$e
20-).02RB1C B%&& V%&$e
P(C or 7h.orinated P(C ba.. <a.<es m6st 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Property ReG6irements
Nonsho7k 7o.d,Dater
Dorkin; press6re for -94 to
4 in7h <a.<es) min
2-* psi
Nonsho7k 7o.d,Dater
Dorkin; press6re for 0 in7h
<a.<es) min
#*% psi
Seats PTFE
O,rin; sea.s EPD
or (iton
EPD /ethy.ene,propy.ene,diene,monomer1
TDo,pie7e brass or bronHe body) f6.. port openin; ba.. <a.<es m6st 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements shoDn in
the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Property ReG6irements
Nonsho7k 7o.d,Dater Dorkin; press6re)
4%% psi
Seats Tef.on
O,rin; sea.s Tef.on
20-).02RB2C C7e(; V%&$e
Che7k <a.<e sprin;s m6st be fa7tory set at #% psi:
20-).02RB)C C0'/r0& V%&$e
Contro. <a.<es m6st be man6a. or remote 7ontro. as shoDn: Contro. <a.<es m6st be 7apab.e of
Dithstandin; a 7o.d,Dater press6re of #*% psi:
20-).02RB)CB%C M%'"%& C0'/r0& V%&$e
an6a. 7ontro. <a.<es m6st be made of brass or bronHe: (a.<e m6st be brass or bronHe:
20-).02RB)CB.C Rem0/e C0'/r0& V%&$e
Remote 7ontro. <a.<es m6st be as spe7ified:
Remote 7ontro. <a.<es m6st:
#: "e norma..y 7.osed type:
2: "e 7omp.ete.y ser<i7eab.e from the top Ditho6t remo<in; the <a.<e body from the system:
-: "e eG6ipped Dith a de<i7e that re;6.ates and adI6sts the f.oD of Dater and be pro<ided Dith a man6a.
sh6t,off: The man6a. sh6t,off for <a.<es .ar;er than -94 in7h m6st be operated by a 7ross hand.e:
4: "e the same mode. series and 7ompatib.e Dith the mode. series of the irri;ation
*: ?a<e so.enoids operate on the .oD <o.ta;e /a71 76rrent s6pp.ied from the irri;ation
0: ?a<e a man6a. b.eed de<i7e:
5: EG6ipped Dith interna. diaphra;ms insta..ed in the <a.<e body 7astin;:
Compression dis7s or diaphra;ms in <a.<es m6st be rep.a7eab.e:
(a.<e in.ets and o6t.ets m6st ha<e threaded fittin;s:
(a.<e m6st be of the same siHe as the pipe.ine that the <a.<e ser<es) 6n.ess otherDise shoDn:
(a.<e so.enoids for or battery 7ontro..ers m6st be DC .at7hin; and operate on -:* (:
20-).02RB)CB(C Rem0/e C0'/r0& V%&$e :#/7 Pre"re Re8"&%/0r
Remote 7ontro. <a.<e m6st be fitted Dith an adI6stab.e press6re re;6.ator: Press6re re;6.ator m6st be
7ompatib.e for 6se Dith the remote 7ontro. <a.<e and be made by the same man6fa7t6rer as the remote
7ontro. <a.<e:
Press6re re;6.ators m6st re;6.ate and maintain the press6re re;ard.ess of the in7omin; press6re:
Press6re re;6.ators m6st Dithstand a 7o.d,Dater Dorkin; press6re of 2%% psi: AdI6st the press6re
re;6.ator to pro<ide proper operation of the irri;ation system doDnstream of the remote 7ontro. <a.<e:
20-).02RB+C F&"7 V%&$e
F.6sh <a.<es in7.6de a ;arden <a.<e) riser) and .o7ation marker: F6rnish - .oose keys for the f.6sh <a.<es
before Contra7t a77eptan7e:
20-).02RB,C G%/e V%&$e
=ate <a.<es m6st be:
#: Either;ed or threaded type
2: Iron or bronHe body
-: "ronHe trimmed <a.<es Dith either of the fo..oDin;:
-:#: Interna..y threadin; risin; stem
-:2: Nonrisin; stem
4: Ab.e to Dithstand a 7o.d,Dater Dorkin; press6re of #*% psi
*: Same siHe as the pipe.ine that the <a.<es ser<es 6n.ess otherDise shoDn
=ate <a.<es than - in7hes m6st ha<e a 7ross hand.e:
=ate <a.<es - in7hes or .ar;er m6st be;ed type Dith a sG6are n6t: F6rnish - .on; shank keys to
operate the <a.<e before Contra7t a77eptan7e: Pipe;es 6sed to 7onne7t p.asti7 or meta. pipe to ;ate
<a.<es m6st be p.asti7 or meta.: =ate <a.<es m6st ha<e a bronHe or brass Ded;e:
20-).02RB-C Pre"re Re8"&%/#'8 V%&$e
Press6re re;6.atin; <a.<es m6st be:
#: Either;ed or threaded type 7onne7tions
2: "rass) bronHe or 7ast iron body
-: Sprin; diaphra;m
4: ?ydra6.i7a..y operated
*: Pi.ot 7ontro..ed
Press6re re;6.atin; <a.<es m6st not ha<e interna. fi.ter s7reens:
Press6re ;a6;es m6st be hermeti7a..y sea.ed Dith neoprene: The ;a6;es m6st ha<e Daterti;ht
po.y7arbonate 7ases and 7o<ers Dith mo.ded 7.ear po.y7arbonate DindoDs: =a6;es m6st be 2 in7hes in
diameter 7a.ibrated from % to #0% psi) and ha<e brass stems and b.a7k a.6min6m pointers that 7ontrast
Dith ;a6;e fa7es: Interna. ;a6;e parts m6st be brass or bronHe:
20-).02RB2C Pre"re Re&#e4 V%&$e
Press6re re.ief <a.<es m6st ha<e brass or bronHe bodies) stain.ess stee. sprin;s) bronHe ni7ke. 7hrome
seats) 7omposition seat dis7s) fema.e bottom in.ets and fema.e side o6t.ets:
20-).02RB>C G"#(; C0"6&#'8 V%&$e
@6i7k; <a.<es m6st be -94 in7h do6b.e s.otted Dith a se.f,7.osin; 7ap) -94,in7h brass key and -94,
in7h brass hose sDi<e. 6n.ess otherDise shoDn: E37ept for the 7ap) G6i7k; <a.<es m6st be brass
or bronHe 7onstr67tion: F6rnish - .oose G6i7k; brass keys and brass hose sDi<e.s before Contra7t
20-).02RB?C G%r1e' V%&$e
=arden <a.<es m6st be the in<erted nose type of brass or bronHe 7onstr67tion Dith fema.e thread
rep.a7eab.e seat Dasher) risin; <a.<e stem Dithin a prote7ti<e and ma.e thread hose =arden
<a.<es m6st ha<e a .oose key hand.e:
20-).02S C%m C0"6&er Aem.&#e
Fabri7ate 7am assemb.ies as shoDn:
Cam assemb.ies 7onsist of a 7am d6st 7ap) 7he7k <a.<e) pipes) fittin;s) 7on7rete thr6st
b.o7k) and <a.<e bo3 Dith Do<en Dire 7.oth and ;ra<e.:
Cam 7o6p.ers and keys m6st be man6fa7t6red of brass or bronHe and be ab.e to Dithstand a 7o.d,Dater
Dorkin; press6re of #*% psi:
F6rnish - .oose 7am brass keys before Contra7t a77eptan7e:
20-).02T V%&$e Aem.&3 U'#/
A <a.<e assemb.y 6nit in7.6des a remote 7ontro. <a.<e) Dye strainer) ;arden <a.<e) and *9+,in7h diameter
;arden hose: The hose m6st be - feet .on; and atta7hed Dith a -94,in7h interna. pipe siHe fema.e fittin;:
Pipe and fittin;s for <a.<e assemb.y 6nits m6st be S7hed6.e +% P(C:
20-).02U V%&$e B0<e %'1 C0$er
(a.<e bo3es m6st be pre7ast 7on7rete:
(a.<e bo3es m6st not ha<e side openin;s:
Co<ers m6st be 7on7rete or stee.: Stee. 7o<ers m6st be hin;ed Dith brass hin;e pins for <a.<e bo3es
7ontainin; <a.<es than 2 in7hes:
Co<ers m6st be marked Dith E8ATERE in 7ast,in .etters not .ess than # in7h hi;h:
Co<ers m6st be # pie7e) e37ept Dhen the Dei;ht of the <a.<e bo3 7o<er e37eeds -* po6nds) then the
7o<er m6st be 2 pie7es:
Identify <a.<e bo3es on the top s6rfa7e of the 7o<ers Dith .abe.s 7ontainin; the appropriate abbre<iation
for the irri;ation fa7i.ity 7ontained in the <a.<e bo3 as shoDn: (a.<e bo3es that 7ontain remote 7ontro.
<a.<es m6st be identified Dith the appropriate .etter and station n6mber as shoDn: Labe.
materia. m6st be po.y6rethane:
Paint the <a.<e bo3 7o<ers for re7y7.ed Dater s6pp.y .ines Dith e3terior .ate3 paint: The 7o.or m6st 7.ose.y
mat7h the .i;ht p6rp.e of the re7y7.ed Dater s6pp.y .ines:
Labe. remote 7ontro. <a.<es for re7y7.ed Dater s6pp.y .ines as spe7ified abo<e and as spe7ified 6nder
se7tion 2%,-:%2N:
20-).02V A%/er Me/er
20-).02A A3e S/r%#'er
8ye strainers m6st ha<e a 7ast iron or a.. bronHe body Dith a remo<ab.e stain.ess stee. or mone. strainer:
8ye strainers m6st be 7apab.e of Dithstandin; a 7o.d,Dater Dorkin; press6re of #*% psi: 8ye strainers at
ba7kf.oD pre<enter assemb.ies m6st be eG6ipped Dith a ;ate <a.<e at the A.. other Dye strainers
m6st be eG6ipped Dith a ;arden <a.<e at the
The strainer s7reen for the Dye strainer in a ba7kf.oD pre<enter assemb.y m6st ha<e an open area eG6a.
to at .east - times the 7ross,se7tiona. area of the pipe based on an iron pipe siHe: S7reen m6st be 2%,
mesh Do<en Dire mesh or perforated sheet Dith %:%4*,in7h diameter
8ye strainer for the <a.<e assemb.y 6nit m6st be stain.ess stee. Dith +% siHe mesh: A.. other Dye strainers
m6st be eG6ipped Dith 4%,mesh strainer s7reens:
20-).0)A Ge'er%&
Che7k for defi7ien7ies of e3istin; p.ants that are to remain in p.a7e before startin; irri;ation Dork 6nder
se7tion 2%,2:%-D:
E37ept for .o7ations) the irri;ation systems shoDn are dia;rammati7:
S6pp.y .ines) 7ontro. and ne6tra. 7ond67tors and e.e7tri7a. 7ond6its insta..ed in 7ommon tren7hes m6st
not be insta..ed abo<e ea7h other:
Insta.. ho.d,doDn assemb.ies for the ba7kf.oD pre<enter assemb.y en7.os6res Dhen 7on7rete is sti..
Insta.. 7ontro. <a.<es and sprink.ers:
#: 0,#92 to + feet from 76rbs) dikes) and sideDa.ks
2: #% feet from pa<ed sho6.ders
-: - feet from fen7es) Da..s) or both
If 7ontro. <a.<es and sprink.ers 7annot be insta..ed Dithin these .imits) the .o7ations Di.. be determined by
the En;ineer:
If the s6pp.y .ine .o7ation interferes Dith the e37a<ation of p.ant re.o7ate the p.ant ho.e to 7.ear the
s6pp.y .ine: Do not insta.. s6pp.y .ines thro6;h p.ant 6n.ess shoDn:
Conne7t 6nder;ro6nd meta..i7 pipes) <a.<es) or fittin;s made of meta.s thro6;h a die.e7tri7; or b6shin;: Pipe insta..ed in this manner m6st be physi7a..y separated from the other meta.
obIe7ts: Die.e7tri7;s m6st physi7a..y separate the pipes a minim6m of #9+ in7h in a.. dire7tions:
Non7ond67tin; spa7ers that ens6re the physi7a. separation of pipe from forei;n obIe7ts may be reG6ired
by the En;ineer:
Pre<ent forei;n materia. from enterin; the irri;ation system d6rin; insta..ation: Immediate.y before;) 7.ean a.. pipes) <a.<es) and fittin;s: P.6; or 7ap a.. 6natta7hed ends of pipe) fittin;s) and
<a.<es pendin; atta7hment of additiona. pipe or fittin;s: F.6sh o6t a.. .ines before atta7hment of sprink.ers)
emitters) and other termina. fittin;s:
Set risers for sprink.ers on s.opes to the p.ane of the s.ope:
Repair irri;ation systems Dithin 5 days after a ma.f6n7tion or dama;e has o776rred:
Finish e3posed top s6rfa7es of 7on7rete fo6ndations and pads Dith a medi6m broom finish app.ied
para..e. to the .on; dimension of fo6ndations and pads:
!se minor 7on7rete for rep.a7in; remo<ed 7on7rete fa7i.ities:
?A for rep.a7in; remo<ed aspha.t 7on7rete s6rfa7in; and fa7i.ities m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion -$: &o6
may 6se minor ?A if a6thoriHed:
20-).0)B E<#/#'8 F%(#&#/#e
20-).0)BB1C Ge'er%&
20-).0)BB2C E<#/#'8 Irr#8%/#0' F%(#&#/#e
E3istin; irri;ation fa7i.ities m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion #*:
20-).0)BB)C M%#'/%#' E<#/#'8 A%/er S"66&3
aintain the e3istin; Dater s6pp.y: A temporary Dater s6pp.y may be 6sed if a6thoriHed:
If e3istin; p.ants are to be maintained by the Department and Contra7tor from the same Dater s6pp.y)
s6ffi7ient Dater m6st be s6pp.ied to the Department for Daterin; p.antin;s on and off the hi;hDay as
ne7essary to maintain a hea.thy 7ondition thro6;h Contra7t a77eptan7e:
If the e3istin; Dater s6pp.y is interr6pted for more than - 7onse76ti<e days) pro<ide an a.ternati<e Dater
s6pp.y: 8ater a.. e3istin; p.ants in the area irri;ated from that Dater s6pp.y) in7.6din; those maintained by
the Department) as often as ne7essary to maintain hea.thy p.ant ;roDth:
'eep e3istin; irri;ation fa7i.ities in p.a7e that are des7ribed to be remo<ed) re.o7ated) or sa.<a;ed 6nti. the
En;ineer determines their 6se is no .on;er reG6ired:
Repair or rep.a7e e3istin; irri;ation fa7i.ities dama;ed by yo6r operations Dithin #% Dorkin; days of the
dama;e: The repaired or rep.a7ed irri;ation fa7i.ities m6st be 7ompatib.e Dith the irri;ation systems to
remain: After repair or rep.a7ement of the fa7i.ities is 7omp.ete) demonstrate to the En;ineer that the
repaired or rep.a7ed fa7i.ities operate proper.y: If remote 7ontro. <a.<es are repaired or rep.a7ed) the
<a.<es m6st be tested Dith the irri;ation in the a6tomati7 mode:
20-).0)BB+C C7e(; %'1 Te/ E<#/#'8 Irr#8%/#0' F%(#&#/#e
"efore performin; irri;ation system Dork) 7he7k e3istin; irri;ation fa7i.ities to remain in p.a7e or to be
re.o7ated for defi7ien7ies in7.6din; missin; parts) dama;ed 7omponents) and improper operation:
Pro<ide a .ist of irri;ation system defi7ien7ies Dithin 5 days after 7he7kin; the e3istin; fa7i.ities:
The En;ineer determines Daterin; 7y7.e .en;ths for 7he7kin; and testin; e3istin; irri;ation fa7i.ities:
Corre7tion of defi7ien7ies is 7han;e order Dork:
E37ept for Dork spe7ified 6nder se7tion #* and se7tion 2%,-:%-"/*1) perform additiona. repairs reG6ired to
the e3istin; irri;ation system as ordered: This Dork is 7han;e order Dork:
20-).0)BB,C M%#'/%#' E<#/#'8 Irr#8%/#0' F%(#&#/#e
E3istin; irri;ation fa7i.ities shoDn to be maintained m6st be maintained thro6;h Contra7t a77eptan7e:
aintain e3istin; irri;ation fa7i.ities be;ins after 7omp.etion of repairs fo6nd d6rin; 7he7k and test e3istin;
irri;ation fa7i.ities:
aintain a.. e3istin; irri;ation fa7i.ities e37ept for Dater meters) 6nder;ro6nd pipe s6pp.y .ines) 7ontro. and
ne6tra. 7ond67tors) and e.e7tri7a. 7ond6its:
aintainin; e3istin; irri;ation fa7i.ities in7.6des 7he7kin; for proper operation and adI6stin;) repairin; or
rep.a7in; <a.<es) <a.<e bo3es) sprink.ers) risers) sDin; Ioints) Dye strainers) <a.<e assemb.y 6nits) and
fi.ter assemb.y 6nits: Che7k irri;ation systems and fa7i.ities for proper operation at .east on7e e<ery -%
days: Comp.ete adI6stments and repairin; or rep.a7in; irri;ation fa7i.ities Dithin 5 days after 7he7kin; the
irri;ation system:
Operate a6tomati7 irri;ation systems a6tomati7a..y 6nti. Contra7t a77eptan7e: an6a. operation is
a..oDed for Dork d6rin; p.ant rep.a7ement) ferti.iHation) Deed ;ermination and repair of irri;ation fa7i.ities:
Pro;ram the irri;ation 7ontro..ers for seasona. reG6irements: D6rin; the Dinter season irri;ation systems
m6st be operated a6tomati7a..y a minim6m of 2 min6tes e<ery 2 Deeks:
Perform a fina. 7.eanin; of Dye strainers and fi.ters Dithin #* Dorkin; days of Contra7t a77eptan7e:
20-).0)BB-C L0(%/e E<#/#'8 Cr00$er
"efore performin; Dork on irri;ation systems) .o7ate e3istin; 7rosso<ers and 7ond6its shoDn to be
in7orporated into the neD Dork:
"efore remo<in; or dist6rbin; e3istin; Type A pa<ement markers that shoD the .o7ation of the e3istin;
7rosso<er 7ond6it) mark the .o7ation of the e3istin; 7rosso<er 7ond6it on the pa<ement:
Lo7ate e3istin; 7ond6its by e37a<atin; e3p.oratory at the .o7ations indi7ated by e3istin; markers or
as dire7ted: E37a<ate e3p.oratory to a ma3im6m siHe of 2,#92 feet Dide by * feet deep para..e. Dith
the roadDay * feet on ea7h side of the marker or dire7ted .o7ation:
"a7kfi.. e3p.oratory and rep.a7e pa<ement markers:
If the siHe of the e3p.oratory ho.e m6st be in7reased as a6thoriHed by the En;ineer) the additiona.
e37a<ation and ba7kfi.. is paid as 7han;e order Dork:
Remo<e debris fo6nd in the 7ond6it before performin; other Dork in the 7ond6its: Debris fo6nd more than
- feet from the ends of the 7ond6its is remo<ed as 7han;e order Dork:
20-).0)BB2C Re&0(%/e E<#/#'8 Irr#8%/#0' F%(#&#/#e
Re.o7ate e3istin; irri;ation fa7i.ities m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion #*,2:%$D:
20-).0)BB>C Rem0$e E<#/#'8 Irr#8%/#0' F%(#&#/#e
Remo<e e3istin; irri;ation fa7i.ities m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion #*,2:%2L:
20-).0)BB?C Re6&%(e E<#/#'8 V%&$e B0< C0$er
E3istin; <a.<e bo3 7o<ers shoDn to be rep.a7ed m6st remain 6nti. the neD 7o<ers are ready to be
(a.<e bo3 7o<ers m6st be /#1 7on7rete or stee. for 7on7rete bo3es and /21 ;.ass fiber reinfor7ed p.asti7 for
reinfor7ed p.asti7 and p.asti7 bo3es: (a.<e bo3 7o<ers m6st be the same siHe as the 7o<ers they rep.a7e:
Identifi7ation); and 7o.or m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 2%,-:%2!:
Dispose of remo<ed <a.<e bo3 7o<ers:
20-).0)C Irr#8%/#0' Cr00$er
20-).0)CB1C C0'1"#/ I'/%&&%/#0' Me/701 40r Irr#8%/#0' Cr00$er
20-).0)CB1CB%C E%(; %'1 Dr#&&
Do not dist6rb pa<ement Ditho6t a6thoriHation) and on.y Dhen obstr67tions are en7o6ntered:
If a6thoriHed) sma.. may be 76t in the pa<ement to .o7ate or remo<e obstr67tions: Ca7kin; or;
pits m6st be at .east 2 feet from pa<ement ed;e Dhene<er possib.e: Do not 6se e37essi<e Dater that Di..
soften s6b;rade or 6ndermine pa<ement:
Insta.. 7ond6its not .ess than #+ in7hes be.oD the top of 76rb ;rade in sideDa.k areas and not .ess than 4%
in7hes be.oD finished ;rade in a.. other areas meas6red to the top of 7ond6it: If possib.e insta.. 7ond6its
Dithin # foot be.oD the minim6m depth:
20-).0)CB1CB.C O6e' Tre'(7
Insta.. 7ond6its in a tren7h 6nder areas to be pa<ed or 6nder e3istin; pa<ement in a tren7h appro3imate.y
#2 in7hes Dider than the o6tside diameter of the 7ond6it to be insta..ed: The top of the insta..ed 7ond6it
m6st be a minim6m of 24 in7hes be.oD finished ;rade:
Do not 76t or remo<e 7on7rete 76rbs) 7on7rete draina;e ;6tters) and aspha.t 7on7rete dikes for the
insta..ation of 7ond6its 6n.ess shoDn:
If no Ioint e3ists in a 7on7rete sideDa.k) 76t the sideDa.k on a strai;ht .ine at the .o7ation determined by
the En;ineer:
E3istin; 7on7rete m6st be 76t to a strai;ht .ine Dhere neD 7on7rete is to Ioin the e3istin; 7on7rete:
If no Ioint e3ists betDeen the e3istin; aspha.t 7on7rete or 7on7rete s6rfa7in; to be remo<ed and the
aspha.t 7on7rete or 7on7rete s6rfa7in; to remain in p.a7e) o6t.ine the areas to be remo<ed as determined
by the En;ineer: C6t the o6t.ine of the s6rfa7in; to be remo<ed 6sin; a poDer dri<en saD) on a strai;ht
.ine Dith no shatter o6tside of the remo<a. area) to a minim6m depth of 2 in7hes before remo<in; the
s6rfa7in; materia.:
Rep.a7ed 7on7rete m6st be performed by methods that prod67e a s6rfa7e of 6niform smoothness) 7o.or
and te3t6re at .east eG6a. to the adIa7ent 7on7rete s6rfa7e:
Dispose of remo<ed aspha.t 7on7rete) 7on7rete) and s6rp.6s e37a<ated materia.:
=rade and prepare the bottom of the tren7h to pro<ide a firm and 6niform bearin; thro6;ho6t the entire
.en;th of the 7ond6it: D6rin; ba7kfi.. operation) the 7ond6it m6st be ri;id.y s6pported so that no mo<ement
or dama;e to the 7ond6it or Ioints o776rs:
"a7kfi.. for tren7hes m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion #$,-:%2":
"a7kfi.. 6nder s6rfa7ed areas m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion #$,-: The 7ompa7ted thi7kness of the
rep.a7ement 6nder.yin; materia.) ?A) or 7on7rete m6st not be .ess than the thi7kness of the materia.
remo<ed: The finished s6rfa7e of the rep.a7ed materia. m6st be f.6sh Dith the adIa7ent s6rfa7e:
20-).0)CB1CB(C D#re(/#0'%& B0r#'8
20-).0)CB2C Irr#8%/#0' Cr00$er I'/%&&%/#0'
20-).0)CB2CB%C Ge'er%&
Insta.. 7ond6its for Dater .ine 7rosso<ers and 7ontro. 7rosso<ers before; other pipe
s6pp.y .ines:
Irri;ation 7rosso<ers in7.6de 7ond6it) Dater .ine 7rosso<ers) 7ontro. 7rosso<ers) 7on7rete thr6st
b.o7ks) and app6rtenan7es as shoDn) as De.. as press6re testin; of neD Dater .ine 7rosso<ers: The siHe
of 7ond6it) Dater .ine 7rosso<ers and 7ontro. 7rosso<ers m6st be as shoDn:
E3tend 7ond6its 2 feet beyond a.. pa<in; 6n.ess otherDise shoDn:
After insta..ation of 7ond6its for Dater .ine 7rosso<ers and 7ontro. 7rosso<ers) and p.a7ement of
base and s6rfa7in; is 7omp.ete) demonstrate the 7ond6its are free of obstr67tions and restri7tions:
If there are no 7ond67tors insta..ed in e.e7tri7a. 7ond6its) insta.. p6.. bo3es for irri;ation 7rosso<ers on a
fo6ndation of 7ompa7ted soi.:
Cap the ends of 7ond6its Dith a pie7e of no: -% aspha.t,fe.t b6i.din; paper se76red Dith ;a.<aniHed Dire:
Desi;nate the .o7ation of ea7h 7ond6it by 7ementin; a Type A pa<ement marker as shoDn to the pa<ed
sho6.der near ea7h end and o<er the 7enter.ine of the 7ond6it 6sin; a standard set type adhesi<e: Type A
pa<ement markers and adhesi<e m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion +*:
Rep.a7e ;ro6nd 7o<er p.ants that ha<e been remo<ed or dama;ed: Comp.y Dith se7tion 2%,5:%-I/#01:
20-).0)CB2CB.C S6r#';&er C0'/r0& Cr00$er 7ontro. 7rosso<ers in7.6des; e.e7tri7a. 7ond6it) p6.. bo3es and app6rtenan7es as
At ea7h end of a 7ontro. 7rosso<er) insta.. a no: * p6.. bo3 that 7omp.ies Dith se7tion 2%,-:%-?/21
20-).0)CB2CB(C A%/er L#'e Cr00$er
Insta..ation of Dater .ine 7rosso<ers for irri;ation 7rosso<ers in7.6des:
#:; s6pp.y .ine pipes in 7ond6its and app6rtenan7es
2: Press6re testin; 6nder se7tion 2%,-:%-N
After 7omp.etin; 7ond6it ba7kfi.. abo<e irri;ation 7rosso<er 7ond6it) demonstrate that the Dater .ine
7rosso<er 7an be mo<ed .on;it6dina..y Dithin the 7ond6it:
Repair .eaks and retest 6nti. a satisfa7tory press6re test is a7hie<ed:
8here Dater .ine 7rosso<ers are not to be 7onne7ted to other s6pp.y .ines) 7ap the ends of the 7rosso<ers
immediate.y after testin;:
20-).0)CB2CB1C E</e'1 Irr#8%/#0' Cr00$er
E3tendin; irri;ation 7rosso<ers in7.6des 7ond6it) Dater .ine 7rosso<ers and 7ontro. 7rosso<er
e3tensions) 7on7rete thr6st b.o7ks) and app6rtenan7es as shoDn) .o7atin; e3istin; 7rosso<ers) and
press6re testin; e3istin; and neD Dater .ine 7rosso<ers:
"efore startin; Dork in an area Dhere an e3istin; irri;ation 7rosso<er 7ond6it is to be e3tended) .o7ate the
e3istin; 7ond6it: If e3p.oratory are 6sed to .o7ated the e3istin; 7ond6it) e37a<ate the e3p.oratory 6nder se7tion 2%,-:%-"/01:
"efore insta..ation of Dater .ine 7rosso<er e3tension) press6re test the e3istin; Dater .ine 6nder se7tion
After insta..ation of Dater .ine 7rosso<er e3tensions) e3istin; and e3tended Dater .ine 7rosso<ers m6st be
retested for .eaka;e 6nder se7tion 2%,-:%-P: Leaks that de<e.op m6st be repaired and the Dater .ine
7rosso<ers m6st be retested 6nti. a satisfa7tory press6re test is a7hie<ed:
E3istin; 7ond67tors m6st be remo<ed from e3istin; 7ontro. 7rosso<ers to be e3tended:
After insta..ation of the 7ontro. 7rosso<er e3tension) insta.. 7ond67tors Ditho6t sp.i7es in the
e3istin; e3tended 7rosso<er: NeD 7ond67tors m6st mat7h the remo<ed 7ond67tors in 7o.or and
siHe and be sp.i7ed to the e3istin; 7ond67tors in adIa7ent p6.. bo3es:
After the neD 7ond67tors are insta..ed) the 7ond67tors m6st be tested 6nder se7tion +0,2:#4":
20-).0)D Irr#8%/#0' S&ee$e
Insta.. irri;ation<es so that the top of a<e is at .east #+ in7hes be.oD finished ;rade: E3tend<es 0 in7hes beyond pa<in;) C.ass 2 A") ;ra<e. a77ess roads) and de7omposed ;ranite: Cap ends of<es 6nti. 6sed:
20-).0)E Tre'(7#'8 %'1 B%(;4#&&#'8
20-).0)EB1C Ge'er%&
Tren7h and ba7kfi.. 6nder se7tions +0,2:%# and +0,2:%2:
Open tren7hes and e37a<ation pits from a sin;.e Dater ser<i7e point 7an be open # at a time: After
press6re testin; is 7omp.ete) ba7kfi.. tren7hes and pits before e37a<atin; for 7ond6it or s6pp.y .ines from
another Dater ser<i7e point:
Tren7hes for so.<ent,7emented p.asti7 pipe s6pp.y .ines m6st be a s6ffi7ient Didth to permit snakin; of the
pipe: Do not e37a<ate other tren7hes Dider than ne7essary for the proper insta..ation of pipe s6pp.y .ines:
Tren7hin; m6st be smooth and free of Ia;;ed r6bb.e or sharp obIe7ts that 7o6.d 7a6se bendin; stresses
or 6ne<en .oad distrib6tion to pipes) 7ond6its and 7ond67tors d6rin; ba7kfi.. operations:
Ro7ks or debris en7o6ntered d6rin; tren7hin; operations m6st be bro6;ht to the s6rfa7e of the ;ro6nd:
Remo<e ro7ks or debris .ar;er than 2 in7hes in ma3im6m dimension 6n.ess otherDise a6thoriHed:
Dispose of any pa<ement remo<ed d6rin; tren7hin;:
"a7kfi.. pipe tren7hes so that the pipe is prote7ted from dama;e by sharp obIe7ts: Do not p.a7e ro7ks
dire7t.y on the pipe:
E37ept as spe7ified) 6se materia. e37a<ated from the tren7hes as ba7kfi.. materia.: Compa7t by pondin;
or Iettin; Dith Dater 6nti. the ba7kfi.. materia. is .e<e. Dith the s6rro6ndin; soi. after sett.ement:
The En;ineer may determine that the e37a<ated materia. is not s6itab.e for; a;ainst the pipe: If
ordered) ba7kfi.. a;ainst the pipe Dith sand or topsoi. before; the remainder of the tren7h:
"; Dith sand or topsoi. is 7han;e order Dork:
If a ba7kfi.. area has sett.ed) refi.. the area Dith additiona. materia. and 7ompa7t:
20-).0)EB2C Rem0$e E<#/#'8 P&%'/ 40r Tre'(7#'8
Remo<in; e3istin; p.ants for tren7hin; in7.6des remo<in; and rep.a7in; ;ro6nd 7o<er) pr6nin; trees and
shr6bs Dithin the tren7h .o7ation) and disposin; of remo<ed p.ant materia.) in7.6din; pr6ned materia.:
8hen tren7hin; for irri;ation fa7i.ities in areas Dhere e3istin; trees or shr6bs are present) adI6st the
tren7h a.i;nment to a<oid dama;e to the trees or shr6bs:
8hen tren7hin; for irri;ation fa7i.ities Dhere ;ro6nd 7o<er is present) remo<e s6ffi7ient ;ro6nd 7o<er to
permit the proper insta..ation of the fa7i.ities) b6t do not remo<e more than a 0 foot Didth:
E3istin; Carpo)rotus and Delosperma ;ro6nd 7o<er may be rototi..ed if the ba7kfi.. for the tren7hes Di..
not 7ontain p.ants .on;er than 0 in7hes in .en;th:
Rep.a7e ;ro6nd 7o<er remo<ed or rototi..ed Dith the same <ariety as the e3istin; ;ro6nd 7o<er: For
Carpo)rotus or Delosperma rep.a7ement p.ants) 6se 76ttin;s that 7omp.y Dith se7tion 2%,5:%2C/#1: P.ant
76ttin;s #2 in7hes on 7enter: Other rep.a7ement ;ro6nd 7o<er p.ants m6st be from f.ats and p.anted #2
in7hes on 7enter:
Perform ;ro6nd 7o<er rep.a7ement p.antin; before the start of the p.ant estab.ishment period: If no p.ant
estab.ishment period is spe7ified) p.ant at .east #* days before Contra7t a77eptan7e:
P.antin; of ;ro6nd 7o<er p.ants m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 2%,5:%-I/$1:
8ater rep.a7ement ;ro6nd 7o<er:
Rep.a7ement p.antin; is not reG6ired in areas Dithin 0 feet of fen7es) 76rbs) dikes or sho6.ders:
Trees and shr6bs adIa7ent to dikes) Da.ks) fen7es) ;6ard; and pa<ement ed;es may be pr6ned
ba7k #% feet from these fa7i.ities for tren7hin; Dork: 8here tren7hin; is adIa7ent to other trees and
shr6bs that 7an not be a<oided) they may be pr6ned if a6thoriHed: If the En;ineer determines these trees
and shr6bs m6st be remo<ed after pr6nin;) the remo<a. and disposa. is 7han;e order Dork:
Dispose of remo<ed ;ro6nd 7o<er and pr6ned materia.s:
20-).0)EB)C Rem0$e E<#/#'8 T"r4 S01 40r Tre'(7#'8
Remo<e e3istin; t6rf sod in tren7hin; areas and rep.a7e 6nder se7tion 2%,5:
If 7rossin; e3istin; t6rf sod areas) the tren7h Didth m6st not e37eed #2 in7hes:
20-).0)EB+C O6e' Tre'(7#'8 #' E<#/#'8 S"r4%(#'8
Pipe s6pp.y .ines and 7ontro. and ne6tra. 7ond67tors in e.e7tri7a. 7ond6its m6st be insta..ed in 7ommon
open tren7h Dhere tren7hin; is /#1 to be insta..ed 6nder 7on7rete sideDa.ks or /21 be.oD e3istin; aspha.t
7on7rete s6rfa7in; not s6bIe7t to traffi7 .oads or /-1 not bein; insta..ed in an irri;ation 7rosso<er:
Do not e37a<ate open tren7hes a7ross traffi7 .anes:
For pipe s6pp.y .ines or e.e7tri7a. 7ond6its - in7hes or .ess in diameter:
#: Tren7h Didth in aspha.t 7on7rete s6rfa7in; m6st not e37eed #2 in7hes:
2: Tren7h Didth in 7on7rete sideDa.ks m6st not e37eed #+ in7hes:
The tops of the insta..ed pipe s6pp.y .ines and e.e7tri7a. 7ond6its m6st be a minim6m of #2 in7hes be.oD
finished ;rade:
Insta.. pipes and 7ond6its at the bottom of tren7hes and ba7kfi.. Dith sand to a depth of 2 in7hes o<er the
top of the pipes and 7ond6its: E37.6din; the part of the tren7h ba7kfi..ed Dith s6rfa7in; or pa<ement) the
remainder of the tren7h m6st be ba7kfi..ed Dith materia. that is e37a<ated from the tren7h: Ro7k) broken
7on7rete) aspha.t 7on7rete and other .ar;er than 2 in7hes in ;reatest dimension m6st not be
For pipe s6pp.y .ines betDeen - to #2 in7hes in diameter and e.e7tri7a. 7ond6its more than - in7hes in
diameter) the tren7h Didth in aspha.t 7on7rete s6rfa7in; and 7on7rete sideDa.ks m6st be a minim6m of 0
in7hes o6tside the proposed pipe diameter and e.e7tri7a. 7ond6it:
Tren7hes m6st be deep eno6;h so that the tops of the pipe or 7ond6it are a minim6m of 4 diameters
be.oD the finished ;rade:
20-).0)F P#6e
20-).0)FB1C Ge'er%&
S6pp.y .ine tren7hes .o7ated adIa7ent to 76rbs) dikes and pa<ed sho6.ders m6st be at .east 4 feet from
the 76rbs) dikes and pa<ed sho6.ders:
Pipe s6pp.y .ines insta..ed betDeen Dater meters and ba7kf.oD pre<enter assemb.ies m6st be insta..ed
not .ess than #+ in7hes be.oD finished ;rade meas6red to the top of the pipe:
8here a 7onne7tion is made to e3istin; s6pp.y .ines) 7ompression type fittin;s may be 6sed:
C6t pipe strai;ht and tr6e: After 76ttin;) ream o6t the ends to the f6.. inside diameter of the pipe:
&o6 may insta.. p.asti7 pipe s6pp.y .ine Dith so.<ent,7emented fittin;s or p.asti7 pipe irri;ation .ine by
methods other than tren7hin;) pro<ided that pipes are insta..ed at the depths spe7ified:
20-).0)FB2C G%&$%'#9e1 S/ee& P#6e S"66&3 L#'e
Coat ma.e pipe threads on ;a.<aniHed stee. pipe Dith a Ioint 7ompo6nd that is nonhardenin; and
non7orrosi<e: App.y Ioint 7ompo6nds a77ordin; to the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions: Pipe thread sea.ant
tape Di.. not be a..oDed:
S6pp.y .ines that 7ross pa<ed dit7hes more than - feet deep at their f.oD .ine m6st be ;a.<aniHed stee.
pipe and span the dit7hes:
Comp.y Dith se7tion 2%,4 for s6pp.y .ines that are s6rfa7ed mo6nted on 7on7rete str67t6res:
20-).0)FB)C P&%/#( P#6e S"66&3 L#'e
P.asti7 pipe s6pp.y .ines Dith so.<ent,7emented type Ioints m6st be insta..ed not .ess than # foot be.oD
finished ;rade meas6red to the top of the pipe:
S6pp.y .ines m6st be insta..ed 6nder pa<ed dit7hes that are - feet deep or .ess at their f.oD .ine:
Insta.. p.asti7 pipe and fittin;s a77ordin; to the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions and as spe7ified:
For P(C pipe #,#92 in7hes in diameter or 76t the pipe Dith P(C 76tters:
So.<ent,7ement De.din; m6st 7omp.y Dith the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions for the so.<ent 7ement:
8rap the ma.e portion of ea7h threaded p.asti7 pipe fittin; Dith at .east 2 .ayers of pipe thread sea.ant
Snake p.asti7 pipe insta..ed by tren7hin; and; methods:
20-).0)FB+C P&%/#( P#6e Irr#8%/#0' L#'e
20-).0)FB,C U&/r%$#0&e/ Re#/%'/ P&%/#( P#6e
!( resistant p.asti7 pipe m6st be se76red on ;rade as shoDn:
20-).0)FB-C Re(3(&e1 A%/er S"66&3 L#'e
20-).0)G T7r"/ B&0(;
Insta.. thr6st b.o7ks on the main s6pp.y .ine at a.. 7han;es in dire7tion and termin6s r6n and as shoDn:
20-).0)H E&e(/r#(%& I'/%&&%/#0' 40r E&e(/r#(%& A"/0m%/#( Irr#8%/#0' S3/em
20-).0)HB1C Ge'er%&
E.e7tri7a. systems for e.e7tri7a. a6tomati7 irri;ation systems m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion +0,#:%2:
E.e7tri7a. 7omponents for e.e7tri7a. a6tomati7 irri;ation systems in7.6de:
#: Contro..ers Dith en7.os6res
2: en7.os6re 7abinets
-: "ase stations
4: Fie.d 6nits
*: Remote 7ontro. <a.<es
0: (a.<e bo3es and p6.. bo3es
5: E.e7tri7a. 7ond6its
+: Cond67tors betDeen irri;ation system 7omponents
$: oist6re sensors
#%: F.oD sensors
##: Remote 7ontro. <a.<e a7t6ators
#2: A.. app6rtenan7es) in7identa.s and a77essories reG6ired for the proper insta..ation and operation of
the e.e7tri7a. portion for the e.e7tri7a. a6tomati7 irri;ation systems
The e.e7tri7a. ser<i7e is not in7.6ded in the e.e7tri7a. 7omponents:
odifi7ations to e.e7tri7a. 7omponents reG6ired to meet spe7ifi7ations m6st be done by the man6fa7t6rer
before shipment to the Iob site:
20-).0)HB2C C0'1"(/0r, E&e(/r#(%& C0'1"#/, %'1 P"&& B0<e
20-).0)HB2CB%C C0'1"(/0r
Cond67tors m6st be 7o.or 7oded Dhere /#1 2 or more 7ontro..ers are .o7ated Dithin # irri;ation
en7.os6re 7abinet or /21 7ond67tors from more than # are insta..ed in a 7ommon tren7h: The
7o.or of the 7ond67tors m6st be 6niform from any one to its <a.<es: Ne6tra. 7ond67tors m6st be
Dhite: Do not 6se Dhite for 7ontro. 7ond67tors: Cond67tors Dith ;reen ins6.ation m6st not be 6sed e37ept
as permitted by the NEC:
LoD <o.ta;e 7ond67tors m6st be -0 ( or .ess:
Ea7h irri;ation m6st ha<e a 7ommon ne6tra. 7ond67tor to its respe7ti<e remote 7ontro. <a.<es:
Ea7h remote 7ontro. <a.<e m6st ha<e a separate 7ontro. 7ond67tor from the irri;ation Dith no
other <a.<es 7onne7ted:
If 7ond67tors are insta..ed in a 7ommon tren7h and not in a 7ond6it) they m6st be Drapped to;ether Dith
e.e7tri7a. tape at * foot inter<a.s:
Lea<e at .east 2 feet of s.a7k for ea7h 7ond67tor at ea7h p6.. bo3:
At ea7h <a.<e bo3) at .east 2 feet of s.a7k m6st be .eft for ea7h 7ond67tor that is /#1 7onne7ted to other
fa7i.ities Dithin the bo3 or /21 sp.i7ed Dithin the bo3:
Sp.i7es for .oD <o.ta;e 7ontro. and ne6tra. 7ond67tors m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tions +0,2:%$C) +0,2:%$D)
and +0,2:%$E e37ept method " sp.i7e ins6.ation m6st not be 6sed: Tape 6sed for sp.i7e ins6.ation m6st
be P(C tape:
Sp.i7es m6st be made on.y in p6.. bo3es or <a.<e bo3es:
Do not sp.i7e 7ond67tors in irri;ation 7abinets:
Do not 6se temporary sp.i7es 6sed for testin; <a.<e 7ir76its as permanent sp.i7es:
Permanent sp.i7e 7onne7tions m6st be made Dith fresh.y 76t and skinned 7ond67tors:
8here 7ond67tors are insta..ed in the same tren7h or openin; as s6pp.y .ine pipe) the 7ond67tors m6st be
insta..ed at the same depth as the pipe: At other .o7ations the 7ond67tors m6st be insta..ed not .ess than
#2 in7hes be.oD finished ;rade:
8here 7ond67tors are .o7ated adIa7ent to 76rbs) dikes and pa<ed sho6.ders) and not in a s6pp.y .ine pipe
tren7h) they m6st be at .east 4 feet from the 76rbs) dikes and pa<ed sho6.ders:
&o6 may insta.. 7ond67tors for an irri;ation system by methods other than tren7hin; pro<ided that
7ond67tors are insta..ed at the depths spe7ified and the 7ond67tor ins6.ation is not dama;ed:
Cond67tors m6st be insta..ed in e.e7tri7a. 7ond6it if 7ond67tors are to be:
#: S6rfa7e mo6nted
2: Insta..ed in or on str67t6res
-: Insta..ed 6nder pa<ed areas
4: Insta..ed in irri;ation 7rosso<ers
*: P.a7ed in 7on7rete
ark .oD <o.ta;e 7ontro. and ne6tra. 7ond67tors in p6.. bo3es) <a.<e bo3es) at irri;ation 7ontro. termina.s)
and at sp.i7es:
ark 7ond67tor terminations and sp.i7es Dith adhesi<e 7.oth Drap,aro6nd markers: Sea. markers Dith
7.ear) heat,shrinkab.e<es:
ark nonsp.i7ed 7ond67tors Dith 7.ip,on C,shaped Dhite e3tr6ded P(C<es:<es m6st ha<e b.a7k
indented .e;ends of 6niform depth Dith transparent o<er.ays o<er the .e;ends and 7he<ron 76ts for the
a.i;nment of 2 or more<es:
arkers for the 7ontro. 7ond67tors m6st be identified Dith the appropriate n6mber or .etter desi;nations or
irri;ation 7ontro..ers and station n6mbers: arkers for ne6tra. 7ond67tors m6st be identified Dith the
appropriate n6mber or .etter desi;nations of the irri;ation 7ontro..ers:
20-).0)HB2CB.C E&e(/r#(%& C0'1"#/
S6rfa7e mo6nted 7ond6its) 7ond6its insta..ed in or on a str67t6reJ 7ond6its insta..ed in 7on7reteJ and
7ond6its insta..ed by Ia7kin; and; m6st be the ri;id stee. type: A.. other e.e7tri7a. 7ond6its) in7.6din;
e.e7tri7a. 7ond6it insta..ed in irri;ation 7rosso<er 7ond6its for Dater .ine 7rosso<ers and 7ontro.
7rosso<ers and 7ond6its 6nder pa<ed areas m6st be nonmeta..i7:
20-).0)HB2CB(C P"&& B0<e
Insta.. p6.. bo3es as shoDn for the <a.<e bo3:
Insta.. p6.. bo3es at the fo..oDin; .o7ations:
#: At a.. 7ond67tor sp.i7es e37ept sp.i7es made in <a.<e bo3es
2: 8ithin * feet of irri;ation 7ontro..ers
-: At ends of e.e7tri7a. 7ond6its
4: At other .o7ations shoDn
If no 7ond67tors are insta..ed in e.e7tri7a. 7ond6its) p6.. bo3es for irri;ation 7rosso<ers m6st be insta..ed
on a fo6ndation of 7ompa7ted soi.:
Insta..ation inter<a.s of p6.. bo3es m6st not e37eed *%% feet a.on; any .oD <o.ta;e 7ontro. and ne6tra.
7ond67tor r6n:
(a.<e bo3es insta..ed a.on; a 7ond67tor r6n m6st not be 7onsidered as p6.. bo3es in determinin; the
spa7in;: If a6thoriHed yo6 may insta.. additiona. p6.. bo3es to fa7i.itate the Dork:
20-).0)HB)C C0'1"(/0r Te/#'8
Perform fie.d tests on a.. 7ond67tors: Fie.d tests m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for .i;htin; 7ir76its in
se7tion +0,2:#4":
8here the 7ond67tors are insta..ed by tren7hin; and;) fie.d tests m6st be performed after at
.east 0 in7hes of ba7kfi.. materia. has been p.a7ed o<er the 7ond67tors and the materia. has been
7ompa7ted: Compa7t ba7kfi.. materia. 6nder se7tion 2%,-:%-E:
20-).0)HB+C C0'/r0&&er
20-).0)HB+CB%C Irr#8%/#0' C0'/r0&&er
Insta.. irri;ation 7ontro..ers per the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions and as des7ribed:
The insta..ation date and e3piration date of the man6fa7t6rerUs ;6arantee for the 7ontro..ers m6st be
permanent.y marked on the inside fa7e of the
If 2 or more irri;ation 7ontro..ers operate the same remote 7ontro. <a.<e master) an iso.ation re.ay m6st be
pro<ided and insta..ed per the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions:
Irri;ation 7ontro..ers m6st be the same make:
8here dire7t b6ria. 7ond67tors are to be 7onne7ted to the termina. strip) the 7ond67tors m6st be
7onne7ted Dith the proper siHe open,end,7rimp,on Dire termina.s: E3posed Dire m6st not e3tend beyond
the 7rimp of the termina. and the Dires m6st be para..e. on the termina. strip:
20-).0)HB+CB.C Irr#8%/#0' C0'/r0&&er B%//er3
20-).0)HB+CB(C Irr#8%/#0' C0'/r0&&er S0&%r
20-).0)HB,C Rem0/e C0'/r0& V%&$e A(/"%/0r S3/em
The re7ei<er 7onne7tor m6st be atta7hed dire7t.y to the termina. strip or an e3istin; p.6; on ea7h irri;ation and 7ontin6e o6t to the so7ket head mo6nted to the o6tside of the irri;ation en7.os6re
7abinet as shoDn:
The re7ei<er m6st be p.6;;ed into the re7ei<er 7onne7tor:
20-).0)HB-C R%#' Se'0r
Insta.. rain sensor 6nits for irri;ation 7ontro..ers on the irri;ation en7.os6re 7abinets: Pro<ide
prote7tion a;ainst .i;htnin; dama;e:
20-).0)I Ser$#(e
Insta..ation of e.e7tri7a. ser<i7e m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion +0,2:##A and as des7ribed:
20-).0)E Re(3(&e1 A%/er A%r'#'8 S#8'
Fasten re7y7.ed Dater Darnin; si;ns to abo<e ;ro6nd irri;ation fa7i.ities that are asso7iated Dith re7y7.ed
P.a7e si;ns on the abo<e ;ro6nd irri;ation fa7i.ities in <isib.e .o7ations:
P.a7e si;n de7a.s dire7t.y to 7.ean) smooth s6rfa7es: C.ean the s6rfa7e Dith a.7oho.) or an eG6i<a.ent
7.eaner before app.yin; the de7a.:
App.y Darnin; si;n de7a.s dire7t.y to irri;ation fa7i.ities Dith smooth s6rfa7es or affi3ed to a.6min6m si;n
p.ates) that are atta7hed to the <ario6s abo<e,;ro6nd irri;ation fa7i.ities:
Permanent.y atta7h Darnin; si;n de7a.s or Darnin; si;n de7a.s on a.6min6m si;n p.ates to:
#: "a7kf.oD pre<enters
2: (a.<e bo3es
-: NoHH.e .ines
4: Con7rete prote7tors
*: risers
0: Irri;ation en7.os6re 7abinets
5: F.oD sensors
+: Irri;ation en7.os6res not in 7abinets
$: =ates
#%: Fen7es
##: Other irri;ation fa7i.ities as shoDn
Permanent.y atta7h si;n de7a.s appro3imate.y 2,#92 by - in7hes to risers:
Permanent.y atta7h a 4 by 4 in7h Darnin; si;n de7a. to:
#: Irri;ation en7.os6re 7abinet doors:
#:#: Atta7h de7a.s for 7abinets to a.6min6m si;n p.ates and the p.ates atta7hed Dith 7admi6m
p.ated) nonremo<ab.e) se.f,tappin; s7reDs or 7admi6m p.ated bo.ts) n6ts and Dashers:
2: Irri;ation en7.os6res not in 7abinets:
-: "a7kf.oD pre<enter assemb.ies:
4: "a7kf.oD pre<enter assemb.y en7.os6res:
*: (a.<e bo3 7o<ers:
P.a7e a #2 by #2 in7h Darnin; si;n de7a. on an a.6min6m si;n p.ate and atta7h to ;ates) fen7es) and
Da..s * feet abo<e finished ;rade: Si;n p.ates for ;ates and fen7es m6st be atta7hed Dith S hooks and C
7.ips or #4,;a6;e ;a.<aniHed stee. Dire as shoDn: Si;n p.ates for 7on7rete Da..s or other ro6;h s6rfa7es
m6st be affi3ed Dith a si.i7on,based adhesi<e:
Atta7h Darnin; ta;s to the remote 7ontro. <a.<es and remote 7ontro. <a.<es /master1: Ta;s m6st be 2 by 2
in7hes: Atta7h them inside the <a.<e bo3 a77ordin; to the man6fa7t6rerUs instr67tions:
Post and fastenin; hardDare for post mo6nted re7y7.ed Dater Darnin; si;ns m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *0,
ark 6nder;ro6nd pipe for re7y7.ed Dater 6nder se7tion 2%,-:%2/41:
20-).0)I S6r#';&er T36e D
Insta.. Sprink.ers Type D as shoDn and a77ordin; to the man6fa7t6rerUs instr67tions:
Sprink.ers m6st be eG6ipped Dith a sin;.e barb inserted into a shr6b n6t: The shr6b n6t m6st be insta..ed
on a threaded P(C riser:
Dis7har;e ends of t6bin; m6st be he.d in p.a7e by p.asti7 or meta. stakes Dithin the basin and
appro3imate.y 2 in7hes abo<e ;rade: Comp.y Dith the man6fa7t6rerUs instr67tions for stake
20-).0)L V%&$e %'1 V%&$e B0<e
20-).0)LB1C Ge'er%&
Insta.. and identify <a.<e bo3es as shoDn:
Insta.. <a.<es) f.oD sensor) Dye strainers) fi.ter assemb.y 6nits) and 7am assemb.ies in <a.<e
bo3es as shoDn:
8here insta..ed in Da.kDays and pa<ed areas) insta.. the tops of <a.<e bo3es f.6sh Dith the s6rro6ndin;
finished ;rade: In other areas) the top of <a.<e bo3es m6st be insta..ed 2 in7hes abo<e the s6rro6ndin;
finished ;rade:
20-).0)LB2C B%&& V%&$e
"a.. <a.<es m6st be the same siHe as the s6pp.y .ine that the <a.<e ser<es 6n.ess otherDise shoDn:
20-).0)LB)C C7e(; V%&$e
Insta.. sprin;,a7tion 7he7k <a.<es 6sed as anti,drain <a.<es at .o7ations shoDn: The siHe of the 7he7k
<a.<e m6st be the same siHe as the s6pp.y .ine it ser<es: If .o7ations are not shoDn the En;ineer Di..
determine the .o7ation:
20-).0)LB+C G%r1e' V%&$e
8here a ;arden <a.<e is open on /#1 a <a.<e assemb.y 6nit or /21 a Dye strainer in a <a.<e bo3) the
dis7har;e m6st be 6p and o6t of the <a.<e bo3:
20-).0)LB,C Pre"re Re8"&%/#'8 V%&$e
Insta.. press6re re;6.atin; <a.<es Dith threaded 7onne7tions and a 6nion on the side of the <a.<es:
20-).0)LB-C F&"7 V%&$e
Insta.. .o7ation marker + to #% in7hes from the ba7k of the ;arden <a.<e:
20-).0)M A3e S/r%#'er
Insta.. Dye strainers other than Dithin the ba7kf.oD pre<enter assemb.ies on the 6pstream side of the
remote 7ontro. <a.<es as shoDn:
20-).0)N Pre"re Te/#'8
Perform press6re testin; before; s6pp.y .ine tren7hes: Press6re testin; m6st be performed in
the presen7e of the En;ineer:
Perform press6re tests betDeen + a:m: and * p:m:: Do not test on Sat6rdays or ho.idays:
Perform press6re testin; for .eaka;e on a.. pipe s6pp.y .ines insta..ed) e37ept for nonri;id pipe.ines and
pipe.ines Dith spray or emitters insta..ed into the pipe:
Test pipe.ines after insta..ation Dith a.. open ends of the pipe.ine and fittin;s p.6;;ed or 7apped:
Choose either ethod A or " to test /#1 pipes insta..ed by tren7hin; and; and /21 pipe.ines that
are 7omp.ete.y <isib.e after insta..ation: A.. other pipe.ines) in7.6din; those insta..ed in the ;ro6nd by
methods other than tren7hin; and; m6st be tested by ethod A:
Test Dater .ine 7rosso<ers and e3tended Dater .ine 7rosso<ers by ethod A Dith the testin; period
modified to %:* ho6r and a..oDab.e press6re drop is modified to no drop in press6re:
20-).0)NB1C Me/701 A
ethod A press6re testin; pro7ed6res for .eaka;e m6st 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin;:
#: The press6re ;a6;e m6st be 7a.ibrated from % to 2%% psi in * psi in7rements and be a776rate to
Dithin a to.eran7e of 2 psi:
2: Fi.. the pipe.ine to be tested Dith Dater and 7onne7t a press6re ;a6;e to the pipe.ine: P.a7e the
pipe.ine 6nder a press6re of #2* psi by air or Dater press6re: Remo<e the so6r7e of press6re and
.ea<e the .ine 6nder the reG6ired press6re:
-: Test the pipe.ine 6nder the reG6ired press6re for a period of # ho6r: The press6re ;a6;e m6st remain
in p.a7e 6nti. ea7h test period is 7omp.eted:
4: Leaks that de<e.op in the tested portion of the system m6st be .o7ated and repaired after ea7h test
period if a drop of more than * psi is indi7ated by the press6re ;a6;e: After the .eaks ha<e been
repaired) repeat the # ho6r press6re test 6nti. the drop in press6re is * psi or .ess:
If a system 7onsists of neD pipe.ines 7onne7ted to e3istin; pipe.ines) the neD pipe.ines m6st be iso.ated
from the e3istin; pipe.ines and the neD pipe.ines m6st be tested:
20-).0)NB2C Me/701 B
ethod " press6re testin; pro7ed6res for .eaka;e m6st 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin;:
#: "efore any portion of the pipe.ine on the s6pp.y side of a 7ontro. <a.<e is ba7kfi..ed) Dater m6st be
t6rned on for that portion of the .ine and maintained at f6.. press6re from the Dater so6r7e for a period
not .ess than + 7onse76ti<e ho6rs after a.. air has been e3pe..ed from the .ine: "efore any portion of
the pipe.ine on the dis7har;e side of the 7ontro. <a.<e is ba7kfi..ed) perform the same test for a period
not .ess than # ho6r:
2: Repair .eaks that de<e.op in the tested portion of the system: After the .eaks ha<e been repaired)
repeat the press6re test 6nti. no .eaks o776r as determined by the En;ineer:
20-).0)O Re6%#r %'1 S6r#';&er C0$er%8e
Leaks that de<e.op and defe7ti<e materia. in any portion of the irri;ation system insta..ed 6nder this
Contra7t m6st be repaired or rep.a7ed:
After insta..ation of the sprink.ers) 7he7k and adI6st the entire system for 6niform and 7omp.ete
7o<era;e: Che7k emitters for proper orientation and 7.ean or rep.a7e:
Any ordered 7han;es to the neD irri;ation system ne7essary to a7hie<e 7omp.ete and a776rate 7o<era;e
of an area to be Datered is 7han;e order Dork:
20-).0)P Irr#8%/#0' S3/em F"'(/#0'%& Te/
F6n7tiona. tests m6st be satisfa7tori.y 7omp.eted before:
#: P.antin; the p.ants: !pon 7omp.etion of a satisfa7tory f6n7tiona. test) the p.ants to be p.anted in the
areas Datered by the irri;ation system may be p.anted) if the p.antin; areas ha<e been prepared as
2: The 2nd test m6st be performed after the p.antin; of p.ants and before the start of the p.ant
estab.ishment period:
The f6n7tiona. tests for ea7h irri;ation and asso7iated a6tomati7 irri;ation system ser<ed by a
sin;.e e.e7tri7 ser<i7e point or a ;ro6p of irri;ation 7ontro..ers and asso7iated a6tomati7 irri;ation systems
ser<ed by a sin;.e e.e7tri7 ser<i7e point m6st 7onsist of not .ess than # 7omp.ete 7y7.e of operation:
The En;ineer determines the .en;th of the 7y7.e:
20-).0)G F#'%& Irr#8%/#0' S3/em C7e(;
A fina. 7he7k of the e3istin; and neD irri;ation fa7i.ities m6st be performed not more than -% Dorkin; days
and not .ess than 2% Dorkin; days before Contra7t a77eptan7e:
The En;ineer determines the .en;th of the 7y7.e:
Remote 7ontro. <a.<es 7onne7ted to e3istin; and neD irri;ation 7ontro..ers m6st be 7he7ked for a6tomati7
performan7e Dhen the 7ontro..ers are in a6tomati7 mode:
!nsatisfa7tory performan7e of irri;ation fa7i.ities insta..ed or modified m6st be repaired and re7he7ked
6nti. satisfa7tory performan7e is obtained:
20-).0+ PAYMENT
8ork des7ribed in this se7tion is paid 6nder bid items spe7ified in se7tion 2%,-:%2 e37ept for 7he7k and
test e3istin; irri;ation fa7i.ities) maintain e3istin; irri;ation fa7i.ities) rep.a7e e3istin; <a.<e bo3 7o<ers) and
e3tend irri;ation 7rosso<er:
Pipes and 7ond6its are meas6red a.on; the s.ope:
Payment for maintain e3istin; Dater s6pp.y is in7.6ded in payment for the <ario6s items of Dork:
Payment for irri;ation 7rosso<ers is in7.6ded in payment for the <ario6s types and siHes of 7ond6it:
Payment for e3tend irri;ation 7rosso<er is in7.6ded in payment for the <ario6s siHes of 7ond6it e3tensions:
Payment for Dater .ine 7rosso<er) app6rtenan7es) and for press6re testin; the Dater .ine 7rosso<er is
in7.6ded in payment for the <ario6s types and siHes of p.asti7 pipe s6pp.y .ine:
Payment for 7ontro. 7rosso<ers) Dater .ine 7rosso<ers) pa<ement markers) p6.. Dires) p6.. bo3es)
and app6rtenan7es) and for press6re testin; the Dater .ine 7rosso<er is in7.6ded in payment for <ario6s
types and siHes of 7ond6it:
Payment for pipe s6pp.y .ine from Dater meter thro6;h the ba7kf.oD pre<enter to p.asti7 pipe s6pp.y .ine is
in7.6ded in payment for the <ario6s siHes of ba7kf.oD pre<enters:
Payment for remo<e e3istin; t6rf sod for tren7hin; or remo<e e3istin; p.ants for tren7hin; is in7.6ded in
payment for the <ario6s types and siHes of pipe s6pp.y .ine:
Payment for f.6sh <a.<es and atmospheri7 <a766m breakers is in7.6ded in payment for the <ario6s types
and siHes of p.asti7 pipe s6pp.y .ine:
Payment for remote 7ontro. <a.<e /master1 and remote 7ontro. <a.<e Dith press6re re;6.ator is paid for as
remote 7ontro. <a.<e:
Payment for remote 7ontro. <a.<e a7t6ator system is in7.6ded in payment for the <ario6s types of irri;ation
Payment for rain sensor is in7.6ded in payment for the irri;ation en7.os6re 7abinet:
Payment for 7he7kin; and 7.eanin; emitters and for 7he7kin; and adI6stin; the <ario6s types of sprink.ers
for proper f.oD and 7o<era;e after insta..ation is in7.6ded in the payment for the <ario6s types of
E.e7tri7a. 7ond6it and p6.. bo3es are meas6red and paid for as 7ontro. and ne6tra. 7ond67tors:
Armor, 7ond67tors are meas6red and paid for as 7ontro. and ne6tra. 7ond67tors:
Payment for re7y7.ed Dater s6pp.y .ines and !(,resistant p.asti7 pipe Di.. be meas6red and paid for as
p.asti7 pipe s6pp.y .ine:
Payment for f6n7tiona. tests and fina. irri;ation system 7he7k are in7.6ded in payment for the <ario6s
items of Dork:
20-+.01 GENERAL
20-+.01A Ge'er%&
20-+.01AB1C S"mm%r3
Se7tion 2%,4 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for; Dater s6pp.y .ines thro6;h brid;es and on the e3terior of
7on7rete str67t6res:
20-+.01AB2C De4#'#/#0'
20-+.01AB)C S".m#//%&
S6bmit a Dork for temporary 7asin; s6pport at the ab6tments as an informationa. s6bmitta.:
20-+.01AB+C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
20-+.01AB+CB%C Ge'er%&
"efore; seismi7 e3pansion assemb.ies or e3pansion assemb.ies) the En;ineer m6st a6thoriHe
the e3tension settin;:
20-+.01AB+CB.C Re8"&%/0r3 Re!"#reme'/
Pipin; materia.s m6st bear the .abe.) stamp) or other markin;s of the spe7ified standards:
20-+.01AB+CB(C S#/e Te/
Test Dater s6pp.y .ines before:
#: ";
2: "e;innin; Dork on bo3 ;irder 7e.. de7ks
-: OtherDise 7o<erin; the Dater s6pp.y .ines
F6rnish pipe an7hora;es to resist thr6st for7es o776rrin; d6rin; testin;:
Test the Dater s6pp.y .ines as # 6nit: The .imits of the 6nit m6st be * feet beyond the 7asin; at ea7h end
of the brid;e:
Cap ea7h end of the Dater s6pp.y .ines before testin;: Caps m6st be rated for the test press6re:
Test Dater s6pp.y .ines 6nder se7tion 2%,-:%-N/#1) e37ept that the testin; period m6st be 4 ho6rs Dith no
press6re drop:
For Dater s6pp.y .ines 4 in7hes and .ar;er testin; m6st meet the fo..oDin; additiona. reG6irements:
#: Testin; press6re m6st be at .east #2% psi
2: Air re.ief <a.<e m6st not be s6bIe7ted to Dater press6re d6e to testin;
If Dater s6pp.y .ines fai. testin;) retest the .ines after repair:
20-+.01B M%/er#%&
20-+.01BB1C Ge'er%&
Prote7t stored pipin; from moist6re and dirt: E.e<ate pipin; abo<e ;rade: S6pport pipin; to pre<ent
sa;;in; and bendin;:
Prote7t;es) fittin;s) and assemb.ies from moist6re and dirt:
20-+.01BB2C A#r Re&e%e V%&$e Aem.&#e
Air re.ease <a.<e assemb.ies in7.6de an air re.ease <a.<e) ba.. <a.<e) tank <ent) and pipe sadd.e:
Assemb.ies m6st 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin;:
#: Air re.ease <a.<es m6st ha<e a 7ast iron body Dith stain.ess stee. trim and f.oat) #,in7h NPT #92,
in7h NPT and -9#0,in7h orifi7e:
2: "a.. <a.<es m6st ha<e a 2,pie7e bronHe body Dith 7hrome p.ated or brass ba..) #,in7h f6..,siHe port)
and be rated for at .east 4%% psi:
-: Tank <ents m6st ha<e a #92,in7h NPT and doDnDard,fa7in; do6b.e openin;s Dith s7reened
4: m6st be s7hed6.e 4% ;a.<aniHed stee. pipe:
*: Pipe sadd.e m6st be rated for at .east #*% psi and 7ompatib.e Dith Dater s6pp.y .ine: Pipe sadd.e
m6st be /#1 sin;.e strap pipe sadd.e for Dater s6pp.y .ines than 4 in7hes or /21 do6b.e strap
pipe sadd.e for Dater s6pp.y .ines 4 in7hes and .ar;er: &o6 may 6se a tee fittin; for ;a.<aniHed stee.
Dater s6pp.y .ines:
20-+.01BB)C C%#'8
Casin;s m6st be De.ded stee. pipe 7asin; 7omp.yin; Dith se7tion 5%,5:
20-+.01BB+C P#6e Ar%6 T%6e
Pipe Drap tape m6st be press6re sensiti<e tape made from P(C or po.yethy.ene: Pipe Drap tape m6st be
at .east *% mi.s thi7k and not Dider than 2 in7hes:
20-+.01BB,C P#6e H%'8er
Pipe han;ers m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 5%,5:%2C:
The pipe han;er m6st be rated for the Dater s6pp.y .ine: If 7asin;s are shoDn) in7.6de the 7asin;s Dei;ht:
20-+.01BB-C E60<3 A17e#$e
Epo3y 6sed for an7horin; 7on7rete pipe s6pports m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 5%,5:%2D:
20-+.01BB2C C0'(re/e P#6e S"660r/
Con7rete pipe s6pports m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 5%,5:%2D:
20-+.01BB>C P#6e C&%m6 %'1 A'(70r
eta. 7.amps m6st be 7ommer7ia. G6a.ity stee. 7omp.yin; Dith se7tion 5*,#:%2: An7hors m6st 7omp.y Dith
the spe7ifi7ations for 7on7rete an7hora;e de<i7es in se7tion 5*,#:%-C:
20-+.01BB?C P"&& B0<e
P6.. bo3es and 7o<ers m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 2%,-:%-?/21/71:
20.+.01C C0'/r"(/#0'
20-+.01CB1C Ge'er%&
S6pport Dater s6pp.y .ines as des7ribed:
8here Dater s6pp.y .ines penetrate brid;e s6perstr67t6re 7on7rete) either form or insta.. pipe<es at
.east 2 pipe siHes .ar;er than the pipe:
20-+.01CB2C Pre6%r%/#0'
C.ean the interior of the pipe before insta..ation: Cap or p.6; openin;s as pipe is insta..ed to pre<ent the
entran7e of forei;n materia.: Lea<e 7aps or p.6;s in p.a7e 6nti. the ne3t pipe se7tion is insta..ed:
20-+.01CB)C I'/%&&%/#0'
20-+.01CB)CB%C Ge'er%&
20-+.01CB)CB.C C%#'8
Insta.. 7asin;s 6nder se7tion 5%,5:%-:
Sea. 7asin; end Dith + in7hes of po.y6rethane foam at dirt stop or pipe end sea.:
20-+.01CB)CB(C Ar%66#'8 A%/er S"66&3 L#'e
8rap dama;ed s6pp.y .ine 7oatin;s Dith pipe Drap tape: 8rap fie.d Ioints and fittin;s that are in 7onta7t
Dith the earth:
8rappin; m6st 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin;:
#: C.ean and prime area as re7ommended by the tape man6fa7t6rer:
2: Ti;ht.y Drap tape Dith #92 6niform o<er.ap) free from and <oids) to pro<ide not .ess than a
#%% mi. thi7kness:
-: The tape m6st 7onform to Ioint or fittin; 7onto6rs:
4: E3tend tape at .east 0 in7hes o<er adIa7ent pipe:
20-+.01CB)CB1C P#6e C&%m6 %'1 A'(70r
Insta.. Dater s6pp.y .ines on the e3terior s6rfa7es of brid;es or other 7on7rete str67t6res Dith meta.
7.amps and an7hors:; of for an7hors m6st 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin;:
#: Dri.. to man6fa7t6rers re7ommended depth:
2:; too.s m6st be a6thoriHed:
-: Do not dri.. 7.oser than 0 in7hes to the ed;e of a 7on7rete str67t6re:
4: Re.o7ate if reinfor7in; stee. is en7o6ntered: Fi.. abandoned Dith mortar: ortar m6st
7omp.y Dith se7tion *#,#:%2F:
8here Dater s6pp.y .ines are mo6nted <erti7a..y for more than 2 feet) insta.. 7.amps and an7hors Dithin 0
in7hes of the e.boDs:
8here Dater s6pp.y .ines are mo6nted <erti7a..y for more than #% feet) insta.. additiona. 7.amps and
an7hors at #% foot 7enters 6n.ess otherDise shoDn:
20-+.01CB+C Se!"e'(e 04 O6er%/#0'
If the brid;e s6perstr67t6re is to be prestressed do not p.a7e mortar aro6nd 7asin;s in ab6tments and
hin;es 6nti. brid;e s6perstr67t6re prestressin; has been 7omp.eted:
20-+.01D P%3me'/
S6pp.y .ine on str67t6res is meas6red from end to end) a.on; the 7enter.ine:
The Department does not pay for fai.ed tests:
20-+.02A Ge'er%&
20-+.02AB1C S"mm%r3
Se7tion 2%,4:%2 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for; Dater s6pp.y .ines than 4 in7hes:
20-+.02AB2C De4#'#/#0'
20-+.02AB)C S".m#//%&
Prod67t data for materia.s in7.6des 7ata.o; 76ts) performan7e data) and insta..ation instr67tions:
S6bmit prod67t data for:
#: 8ater s6pp.y .ine
2: E3pansion assemb.ies
-: Casin; ins6.ators
4: Pipe end sea.s
*: Pipe an7hora;es
0: Air re.ease <a.<e assemb.ies
5: Casin;s
+: Pipe han;ers
$: Epo3y adhesi<es
#%: Con7rete pipe s6pports
20-+.02AB+C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
20-+.02B M%/er#%&
20-+.02BB1C Ge'er%&
20-+.02BB2C A%/er S"66&3 L#'e
8ater s6pp.y .ines m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 2%,-:%2/21:
20-+.02BB)C E<6%'#0' Aem.&#e
E3pansion assemb.ies m6st 7onsist of a hose Dith ends) ins6.ated;e 7onne7tions) and e.boDs:
E3pansion assemb.ies m6st ha<e the same nomina. inside diameter as the Dater s6pp.y .ine: 8orkin;
press6re m6st be at .east #*% psi:
?ose m6st be medi6m or hea<y Dei;ht) 7r6sh and kink resistant) rated for at .east #*% psi: Co<er m6st be
f.e3ib.e) oi. resistant r6bber or syntheti7) reinfor7ed Dith at .east 2,p.y syntheti7 yarn or stee. Dire: The
inner t6be m6st meet FDA and !SDA Standards for potab.e Dater: ?ose ends m6st be stain.ess stee.
SECTION 20 LANDSCAPE;ed 7onne7tions Dith stain.ess stee. 7rimped bands or sDa;ed end 7onne7tors: Do not 6se barbed
ends Dith band 7.amps:
E.boDs m6st be 4* de;ree) standard Dei;ht ;a.<aniHed stee. fittin;s:
20-+.02BB+C C%#'8 I'"&%/0r
Casin; ins6.ators m6st be:
#: 2,pie7e) hi;h,density) inIe7tion,mo.ded po.yethy.ene) non7ond67ti<e inner .iner) Dith 7admi6m,p.ated
n6ts and bo.ts:
2: Fa7tory 7onstr67ted to ens6re the Dater s6pp.y .ine is 7entered in the 7asin;: Ins6.ators m6st not
a..oD any 7onta7t betDeen pipe and 7asin; and ha<e at .east 2 r6nners seated on the bottom of the
-: SiHed for the 7asin; and Dater s6pp.y .ine shoDn:
20-+.02BB,C P#6e A'(70r%8e
Pipe an7hora;es m6st 7onsist of an I,beam) !,bo.ts) an7hors) and do6b.e n6ts:
!se 7on7rete an7hora;e de<i7es for an7hors on e3istin; brid;es: !se L,an7hor bo.ts for an7hors on neD
Fabri7ate the I,beam from #92,in7h stee. p.ate: Stee. p.ate) !,bo.ts) L,an7hors) and n6ts m6st 7omp.y Dith
se7tion 5*,#:%2: Con7rete an7hora;e de<i7es m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 5*,#:%-C:
20-+.02BB-C P#6e E'1 Se%&
Pipe end sea.s m6st 7onsist of a pipe end sea.) stain.ess stee. bands) and po.y6rethane foam:
Pipe end sea. m6st be fa7tory 7onstr67ted from seam.ess neoprene and siHed for the 7asin; and Dater
s6pp.y .ine shoDn: Neoprene m6st be at .east #9+ in7h thi7k: Stain.ess stee. bands m6st be 7rimped:
Po.y6rethane foam m6st be e3pandin; foam spray that is Dater resistant and moist6re 76red:
20-+.02C C0'/r"(/#0'
Lo7ate pipe an7hora;e ha.fDay betDeen e3pansion assemb.ies:
Pipe end sea. m6st be p6..ed onto the 7asin; d6rin; pipe insta..ation: Do not 6se Drap,aro6nd type end
20-+.02D P%3me'/
S6pp.y .ine on str67t6res is paid for as ;a.<aniHed stee. pipe /s6pp.y .ine on brid;e1:
20-+.0)A Ge'er%&
20-+.0)AB1C S"mm%r3
Se7tion 2%,4:%- in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for; Dater s6pp.y .ines 4 in7hes and .ar;er:
20-+.0)AB2C De4#'#/#0'
20-+.0)AB)C S".m#//%&
Prod67t data for materia.s in7.6des 7ata.o; 76ts) performan7e data) and insta..ation instr67tions:
S6bmit prod67t data for:
#: 8ater s6pp.y .ine
2: E3pansion assemb.ies
-:;e ins6.atin; ;askets
4: Casin; ins6.ators
*: Seismi7 e3pansion assemb.ies
0: Latera. restraint assemb.ies
5: Air re.ease <a.<e assemb.ies
+: Casin;s
$: Pipe han;ers
#%: Epo3y adhesi<es
##: Con7rete pipe s6pports
S6bmit the ma3im6m ran;e and preset dimension for ea7h e3pansion assemb.y or seismi7 e3pansion
assemb.y as an informationa. s6bmitta.:
S6bmit at .east * sets of prod67t data to OSD) Do76ments !nit: Ea7h set m6st be bo6nd to;ether and
in7.6de an inde3 statin; eG6ipment names) man6fa7t6rers) and mode. n6mbers: TDo sets Di.. be
ret6rned: Notify the En;ineer of the s6bmitta.: In7.6de in the notifi7ation the date and 7ontents of the
20-+.0)AB+C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
20-+.0)B M%/er#%&
20-+.0)BB1C Ge'er%&
20-+.0)BB2C A%/er S"66&3 L#'e
8ater s6pp.y .ines m6st 7onsist of d67ti.e iron pipe and fittin;s: Pipe m6st 7omp.y Dith ANSI9A88A
C#*#9A2#:*#) C.ass -*%: Fittin;s m6st 7omp.y Dith ANSI9A88A C##%9A2#:#%) rated for a Dorkin;
press6re of -*% psi:
D67ti.e iron pipe 7onne7tions to e3pansion assemb.ies m6st be a;ed Ioint 7omp.yin; Dith
ANSI9A88A C##*9A2#:#*:;e ;askets m6st be rated for a Dorkin; press6re of -*% psi: Fasteners
m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 5*,#:%2) e37ept that stain.ess stee. fasteners m6st not be 6sed:
A.. other d67ti.e iron pipe and fittin; Ioints m6st be p6sh,on) restrained type 7omp.yin; Dith ANSI9A88A
C###9A2#:##: P6sh,on) restrained type Ioints may 6se proprietary dimensions and proprietary restrained
Ioint .o7kin; systems:
D67ti.e iron pipe and fittin;s m6st ha<e an aspha.ti7 7oatin; 7omp.yin; Dith ANSI9A88A C#*#9A2#:*#)
and a 7ement mortar .inin; 7omp.yin; Dith ANSI9A88A C#%49A2#:4:
20-+.0)BB)C E<6%'#0' Aem.&#e
E3pansion assemb.ies m6st be a<e type e3pansion Ioint: The e3pansion assemb.y m6st ha<e:
#: D67ti.e iron body 7omp.yin; Dith ANSI9A88A C#*-9A2#:*-
2:;ed ends 7omp.yin; Dith ANSI9A88A C##%9A2#:#%
-: F6sion bonded epo3y interna. .inin; 7omp.yin; Dith ANSI9A88A C2#- at .east #* mi.s thi7k
4: Interna. e3pansion<e .imitin; stop 7o..ars and be press6re ba.an7ed
*: 8orkin; press6re of at .east -*% psi for siHes 24 in7hes and and 2*% psi for siHes .ar;er than
24 in7hes
0: NSF 0# 7ertifi7ation
The e3pansion assemb.y m6st be fa7tory set at #92 the e3tension 7apa7ity:
20-+.0)BB+C F&%'8e I'"&%/#'8 G%;e/;e ins6.atin; ;askets m6st 7onsist of a die.e7tri7;e ;asket) ins6.atin; Dashers and<es) and
7ommer7ia. G6a.ity stee. bo.ts and n6ts: Die.e7tri7;e ;asket m6st ha<e a die.e7tri7 stren;th of at .east
*%% <pm:
20-+.0)BB,C C%#'8 I'"&%/0r
Casin; ins6.ators m6st be:
#: 2,pie7e) +,in7h) #4,;a6;e epo3y,7oated or ;a.<aniHed stee. band) fo6r 2,in7h,Dide ;.ass,reinfor7ed
po.yester or po.yethy.ene r6nners) Dith 7admi6m,p.ated n6ts and bo.ts:
2: Coated Dith at .east #*,mi.s heat,f6sed P(C to pro<ide a non7ond67ti<e inner .iner:
-: Fa7tory 7onstr67ted to ens6re the Dater s6pp.y .ine is 7entered in the 7asin;: Ins6.ators m6st not
a..oD any pipe to 7asin; 7onta7t and ha<e at .east 2 r6nners seated on the bottom of the 7asin;:
4: SiHed for the 7asin; and Dater s6pp.y .ine shoDn:
20-+.0)BB-C D#r/ S/06
Dirt stops m6st 7onsist of a redDood 7o<er Dith po.y6rethane foam:
!se 7onstr67tion heart ;rade redDood 7omp.yin; Dith *5,2:%#"/21: Constr67t 7o<er to fit sn6;.y aro6nd
the Dater s6pp.y .ine: The 7o<er m6st be 2 in7hes and 2 in7hes Dider than the 7asin;:
Po.y6rethane foam m6st be e3pandin; foam spray that is Dater resistant and moist6re 76red:
20-+.0)BB2C Se#m#( E<6%'#0' Aem.&#e
Seismi7 e3pansion assemb.ies m6st be a<e type e3pansion Ioint Dith inte;ra. ba.. Ioints at ea7h end:
Seismi7 e3pansion assemb.ies m6st ha<e:
#: Abi.ity to Dithstand at .east #* de;ree an; def.e7tion at ea7h end and ma3im6m mo<ement in a.. -
p.anes at the same time
2: D67ti.e iron body 7omp.yin; Dith ANSI9A88A C#*-9A2#:*-
-:;ed ends 7omp.yin; Dith ANSI9A88A C##%9A2#:#%
4: F6sion bonded epo3y interna. .inin; 7omp.yin; Dith ANSI9A88A C2#- at .east #* mi.s thi7k
*: Interna. e3pansion<e .imitin; stop 7o..ars and press6re ba.an7ed
0: "a.. Ioints 7ontained in;ed retainers Dith sea. ;askets
5: 8orkin; press6re of at .east -*% psi for siHes 24 in7hes and and 2*% psi for siHes .ar;er than
24 in7hes
+: NSF 0# 7ertifi7ation
The seismi7 e3pansion assemb.y m6st be fa7tory set at #92 the e3tension 7apa7ity:
20-+.0)BB>C L%/er%& Re/r%#'/ Aem.&#e
Latera. restraint assemb.ies m6st be /#1 7onstr67ted from 7ommer7ia. G6a.ity stee. 7omponents 7omp.yin;
Dith se7tion 5*,#:%2) /21 adI6stab.e) and /-1 ab.e to resist a horiHonta. for7e of #% per7ent of the
7ontrib6tory dead .oad:
20-+.0)C C0'/r"(/#0'
Ea7h d67ti.e iron pipe m6st be 7onne7ted and f6..y e3tended /p6..ed o6t1 after Ioint assemb.y before the
ne3t pipe se7tion is added:
Insta..;e ins6.atin; ;askets on the o6tside;e of seismi7 e3pansion assemb.ies and e3pansion
20-+.0)D P%3me'/
S6pp.y .ine on str67t6res is paid for as s6pp.y .ine /brid;e1:
20-2.01 GENERAL
20-2.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion 2%,5 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for p.antin; in7.6din; 7.earin; p.antin; areas) preparin; p.antin;
areas) and p.antin; p.ants:
Some p.ants reG6ired for this Contra7t may not be readi.y a<ai.ab.e and m6st be ;roDn spe7ifi7a..y for this
20-2.01B S".m#//%&
20-2.01BB1C Ve'10r S/%/eme'/
8ithin -% days after Contra7t appro<a.) s6bmit a statement from the <endor that the order for the p.ants to
be ;roDn for this Contra7t) in7.6din; inspe7tion p.ants and rep.a7ement p.ants) has been re7ei<ed and
a77epted by the <endor: The statement from the <endor m6st in7.6de the names) siHes) and G6antities of
p.ants ordered and the anti7ipated de.i<ery date: Notify the En;ineer Dhen the <endor has started to ;roD
the p.ants:
At .east 0% days before p.antin; the p.ants) s6bmit a statement from the <endor that the order for the
p.ants reG6ired for this Contra7t) in7.6din; inspe7tion p.ants) has been re7ei<ed and a77epted by the
<endor: The statement from the <endor m6st in7.6de the names) siHes) and G6antities of p.ants ordered
and the anti7ipated de.i<ery date:
20-2.01BB2C Cer/#4#(%/e 04 C0m6&#%'(e
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e for:
#: T6rf sod
2: Soi. amendment
-: 6.7h
S6bmit a 2 76 ft m6.7h samp.e Dith the m6.7h so6r7e .isted on the ba; and obtain appro<a. before
de.i<ery of m6.7h to the Iob site:
20-2.01BB)C Pr01"(/ D%/%
S6bmit a 7opy of the root stim6.ant man6fa7t6rerFs prod67t sheet and the instr67tions for the app.i7ation
of the root stim6.ant:
20-2.01BB+C N"rer3 I'$0#(e
S6bmit n6rsery in<oi7es for p.ants f6rnished shoDin; spe7ies or <ariety:
20-2.01C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
P.ants m6st 7omp.y Dith federa. and state .aDs reG6irin; inspe7tion for p.ant diseases and infestations:
Inspe7tion 7ertifi7ates reG6ired by .aD m6st a77ompany ea7h shipment of p.ants and m6st be f6rnished to
the En;ineer:
Obtain 7.earan7e from the 7o6nty a;ri76.t6ra. 7ommissioner as reG6ired by .aD before p.antin; p.ants
de.i<ered from a so6r7e o6tside the 7o6nty Dhere the p.ants are to be p.anted: F6rnish e<iden7e that
7.earan7e is obtained:
20-2.02A Ge'er%&
P.ant ;ro6ps des7ribed b6t not spe7ified 6nder se7tion 2%,5:%2 m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 2%,5:
P.ants m6st be the <ariety and siHe shoDn and tr6e to the type or name shoDn: P.ants m6st be
indi<id6a..y ta;;ed or ta;;ed in ;ro6ps identifyin; the p.ants by spe7ies or <ariety: Ta;;in; is not reG6ired
for Carpo)rotus and Delosperma 76ttin;s:
F6rnish hea.thy) shape.y and De..,rooted p.ants Dith roots that shoD no e<iden7e of bein; restri7ted or
deformed: P.ants m6st be De..,;roDn) free from inse7t pests and disease) and ;roDn in n6rseries
inspe7ted by the Department of Food and A;ri76.t6re:
Root 7ondition of p.ants f6rnished in 7ontainers are determined by remo<a. of earth from the roots of not
.ess than 2 p.ants nor more than 2 per7ent of the tota. n6mber of p.ants of ea7h spe7ies or <ariety:
If 7ontainer,;roDn p.ants are pro<ided from se<era. so6r7es) the roots of not .ess than 2 p.ants of ea7h
spe7ies or <ariety from ea7h so6r7e m6st be inspe7ted to determine the root 7ondition:
If the samp.e p.ants inspe7ted are fo6nd to be defe7ti<e) in7.6din; p.ants that are root bo6nd or ha<e an
6nderde<e.oped root ba..) the entire .ot or .ots of p.ants represented by the defe7ti<e may be
reIe7ted: Samp.e p.ants rendered 6ns6itab.e for p.antin; be7a6se of this inspe7tion are 7onsidered as at yo6r e3pense:
20-2.02B De&#$er3, S/0r%8e, %'1 H%'1&#'8
Tr67ks 6sed for transportin; p.ants m6st be eG6ipped Dith 7o<ers to prote7t p.ants from Dindb6rn:
De.i<er ferti.iHer in .abe.ed 7ontainers shoDin; Dei;ht) 7hemi7a. ana.ysis) and name of the man6fa7t6rer:
Roots of p.ants not in 7ontainers m6st be kept moist and 7o<ered 6nti. the p.ants are p.anted:
"efore transportin; the p.ants to the p.antin; area) thoro6;h.y Det the root ba..:
?and.e and pa7k p.ants in an a6thoriHed Day for the spe7ies or <ariety:
Prote7t t6rf sod Dith tarps or other prote7ti<e 7o<ers d6rin; de.i<ery: Do not a..oD t6rf sod to dry o6t d6rin;
de.i<ery or before p.a7ement:
Any p.ant) determined to be dama;ed or is dry or in a Di.ted 7ondition Dhen de.i<ered to the p.antin; area
m6st be rep.a7ed:
20-2.02C P&%'/
20-2.02CB1C Carpobrotus %'1 Delosperma C"//#'8 40r P&%'/ Gr0"6 H
Carpo)rotus 76ttin;s m6st be #% in7hes or more in .en;th and not rooted: Delosperma 76ttin;s m6st be 0
in7hes or more in .en;th and not rooted: C6ttin;s m6st be tip 76ttin;s from hea.thy) <i;oro6s) and stron;
;roDin; p.ants free from inse7ts and disease:
Carpo)rotus 76ttin;s m6st not be taken from any p.ants that shoD the presen7e of i7e p.ant s7a.e
/Pulvinaria spe7ies1:
at6re or broDn stem ;roDths or 76ttin;s that ha<e been trimmed are not a77epted:
Carpo)rotus and Delosperma 76ttin;s may be taken from e3istin; p.antin;s to the e3tent a<ai.ab.e Dithin
the hi;hDay 6nder permit: C6ttin;s a<ai.ab.e from e3istin; p.ants on the hi;hDay may not be eno6;h to
7omp.ete the Dork: Conta7t the DepartmentFs en7roa7hment permit offi7e in the distri7t Dhere the Dork is
to be performed for information 7on7ernin; areas Dhere the remo<a. of 76ttin;s Di.. be permitted:
P.ant 76ttin;s no more than 2 days after bein; 76t: Do not a..oD 76ttin;s to dry or Dither:
20-2.02CB2C L#'er P&%'/ 40r P&%'/ Gr0"6 M
Do not 6se 7ontainers made of biode;radab.e materia.:
20-2.02CB)C P&"8 P&%'/ 40r P&%'/ Gr0"6 P
P.6; p.ants m6st be ;roDn in indi<id6a. 7ontainer 7e..s:
Do not 6se 7ontainers made of biode;radab.e materia.:
20-2.02CB+C See1&#'8 P&%'/ 40r P&%'/ Gr0"6 S; p.ants m6st be bare root:
20-2.02CB,C T"r4 S01
T6rf sod m6st be ;roDn to 7omp.y Dith the Food N A;ri Code: T6rf sod m6st be free from disease) Deeds)
inse7ts) and 6ndesirab.e types of ;rasses and 7.o<ers: Soi. 6pon Dhi7h the t6rf sod is ;roDn m6st 7ontain
.ess than *% per7ent si.t and 7.ay:
T6rf sod m6st be ma7hine,76t to a 6niform soi. thi7kness of *9+ Z #94 in7h) not in7.6din; top ;roDth and
20-2.02D M#(e&&%'e0"
20-2.02DB1C Fer/#&#9er
20-2.02DB1CB%C Ge'er%&
Ferti.iHer m6st 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements of the Food N A;ri Code:
20-2.02DB1CB.C S&0:-Re&e%e 0r C0'/r0&&e1-Re&e%e Fer/#&#9er
S.oD,re.ease or 7ontro..ed,re.ease ferti.iHer m6st be a pe..eted or ; form) m6st be s.oD,re.ease or
7ontro..ed,re.ease Dith a n6trient re.ease o<er an + to #2 month period) and m6st fa.. Dithin the fo..oDin;
;6aranteed 7hemi7a. ana.ysis ran;e:
In;redient Content
Nitro;en #0B2#
Phosphori7 a7id 0,+
8ater so.6b.e potash 4,#%
20-2.02DB1CB(C P%(;e/ Fer/#&#9er
Pa7ket ferti.iHer m6st be s.oD re.ease or 7ontro..ed re.ease in a biode;radab.e pa7ket: The pa7ket m6st
;rad6a..y re.ease n6trients o<er a #2 month period: Ea7h pa7ket m6st ha<e a Dei;ht of #% Z #; and ha<e
the fo..oDin; ;6aranteed 7hemi7a. ana.ysis:
In;redient Content
Nitro;en 2%
Phosphori7 a7id #%
8ater so.6b.e potash *
20-2.02DB1CB1C Or8%'#( Fer/#&#9er
20-2.02DB2C R00/ S/#m"&%'/
20-2.02DB)C F0&#%8e Pr0/e(/0r
Fo.ia;e prote7tor m6st be:
#: Fabri7ated from #,in7h) he3a;ona. pattern) 2%,;a6;e mesh Dire
2: Appro3imate.y 4 feet hi;h and 2 feet in diameter
8ire ed;es at the top of the 7y.inder m6st be the 6n76t man6fa7t6red finished ed;e free of sharp points:
Other Dire ed;es that are 76t m6st be free of sharp points:
S6pport stakes m6st be one of the fo..oDin;:
#: -94,in7h reinfor7in; stee. bar a minim6m of * feet .on; Dith an oran;e or red p.asti7 safety 7ap that
fits sn6;.y onto the top of the reinfor7in; stee. bar
2: 2 in7h nomina. diameter or 2 by 2 in7h nomina. siHe Dood stakes a minim6m of * feet .on;: 8ood
stakes m6st be strai;ht
Comp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for I6te mesh 6nder se7tion 2#,#:%2O/21:
TDine reG6ired to ho.d the I6te mesh 7o<er in p.a7e m6st be #9+,in7h diameter mani.a hemp tDine:
20-2.02DB+C Ir0' S"&4%/e
Iron s6.fate m6st be ferro6s s6.fate in pe..eted or ; form 7ontainin; not .ess than #+:* per7ent iron
e3pressed as meta..i7 iron: Iron s6.fate m6st 7omp.y Dith the Food N A;ri Code:
20-2.02DB,C E18#'8
20-2.02DB,CB%C He%1er B0%r1 E18#'8
An7hor ed;in; Dith stakes: Stakes m6st be the siHe and shape shoDn:
L6mber m6st be one of the fo..oDin; types:
#: Constr67tion ;rade 7edar
2: Press6re,treated Do6;.as fir
-: Constr67tion heart ;rade redDood 7omp.yin; Dith *5,2:%#"/21:
L6mber m6st be:
#: Ro6;h 76t from so6nd timber:
2: Strai;ht: SDeep m6st not e37eed # in7h in 0 feet:
-: Free from .oose or 6nso6nd knots: 'nots m6st be so6nd) ti;ht) De.. spa7ed) and not to e37eed 2
in7hes in siHe on any fa7e:
4: Free of shakes in e37ess of #9- the thi7kness of the .6mber:
*: Free of sp.its .on;er than the thi7kness of the .6mber:
0: Free of other defe7ts that Do6.d render the .6mber 6nfit str67t6ra..y for the p6rpose intended:
20-2.02DB,CB.C Me/%& E18#'8
eta. ed;in; m6st be 7ommer7ia. G6a.ity) made of a.6min6m or stee.) and ha<e an L,shaped desi;n:
Ed;in; m6st be a minim6m of 4 in7hes in hei;ht: Thi7kness m6st be as re7ommended by the
man6fa7t6rer for 7ommer7ia. insta..ation for the 6se intended: An7hor ed;in; Dith stee. spikes or stakes)
Dhi7he<er is pro<ided by the man6fa7t6rer: Spike or stake siHe m6st 7omp.y Dith the man6fa7t6rerFs
re7ommendations for 6se and site 7onditions:
20-2.02DB,CB(C H#87 De'#/3 P0&3e/73&e'e E18#'8
Ed;in; m6st be 7ommer7ia. G6a.ity ?DPE ed;in;: Ed;in; m6st be a minim6m of 4 in7hes in hei;ht:
Thi7kness m6st be as re7ommended by the man6fa7t6rer for 7ommer7ia. insta..ation for the 6se intended:
An7hor ed;in; Dith spikes or stakes) Dhi7he<er is pro<ided by the man6fa7t6rer: Spike or stake siHe m6st
7omp.y Dith the man6fa7t6rerFs re7ommendations for 6se and site 7onditions:
20-2.02DB,CB1C C0'(re/e E18#'8
Con7rete for ed;in; m6st be minor 7on7rete:
20-2.02DB-C M"&(7
20-2.02DB-CB%C Ge'er%&
6.7h m6st not 7ontain more than %:# per7ent of de.eterio6s materia.s s67h as ro7ks) ;.ass) p.asti7s)
meta.s) 7.ods) Deeds) Deed seeds) 7oarse obIe7ts) sti7ks .ar;er than the spe7ified parti7.e siHe) sa.ts)
paint) petro.e6m prod67ts) pesti7ides or other 7hemi7a. resid6es harmf6. to p.ant or anima. .ife:
20-2.02DB-CB.C Tree B%r; M"&(7
Tree bark m6.7h m6st be deri<ed from 7edar) Do6;.as fir) or redDood spe7ies:
Tree bark m6.7h m6st be ;ro6nd so that a minim6m of $* per7ent of the materia. by <o.6me is .ess than 2
in7hes and no more than -% per7ent by <o.6me is .ess than # in7h:
20-2.02DB-CB(C A001 C7#6 M"&(7
8ood 7hip m6.7h m6st be deri<ed from 7.ean Dood and not 7ontain .ea<es or sma.. tDi;s:
8ood 7hip m6.7h m6st ha<e an a<era;e thi7kness of #9#0 in7h) .en;th betDeen #92 in7h and - in7hes)
and a Didth -9+ in7h or ;reater: At .east $* per7ent of Dood 7hips) by <o.6me) m6st 7onform to these
20-2.02DB-CB1C S7re11e1 B%r; M"&(7
Shredded bark m6.7h m6st be a b.end of .oose) .on;) thin Dood or bark pie7es deri<ed from trees Dith a
hi;h .en;th,to,Didth ratio: A minim6m of $* per7ent of the Dood strands m6st ha<e .en;ths from 2 to +
in7hes) Dith a Didth and thi7kness from #9+ to #,#92 in7hes:
20-2.02DB-CBeC Tree Tr#mm#'8 M"&(7
Tree trimmin; m6.7h m6st be deri<ed from 7hipped trees and may 7ontain .ea<es and sma.. tDi;s:
Tree trimmin; m6.7h m6st ha<e a parti7.e siHe s67h that a minim6m of $* per7ent of the materia. by
<o.6me is .ess than - in7hes and no more than -% per7ent by <o.6me is .ess than # in7h:
20-2.02DB2C R00/ B%rr#er
20-2.02DB>C R00/ Pr0/e(/0r
Root prote7tor m6st be:
#: Fabri7ated from #,in7h) he3a;ona. pattern) 2%,;a6;e mesh Dire
2: C.osed bottom desi;n Dith a hei;ht and diameter that pro<ides a minim6m of 0 in7hes of 7.earan7e
betDeen the root ba.. and the sides and bottom of the Dire 7y.inder
8ire ed;es at the top of the 7y.inder m6st be the 6n76t man6fa7t6red finished ed;e free of sharp points:
=a.<aniHed Dire mesh m6st be treated Dith a 7hemi7a. so.6tion that Di.. remo<e the ;a.<aniHed materia.
prior to insta..ation:
20-2.02DB?C S0#& Ame'1me'/
Soi. amendment m6st 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements in the Food N A;ri Code:
20-2.02DB10C A001 P&%'/ S/%;e
P.ant stakes insta..ed at trees and shr6bs m6st be of s6ffi7ient .en;ths to s6pport ea7h p.ant in an 6pri;ht
position: P.ant stakes m6st be either 2 in7h nomina. diameter or 2 by 2 in7h nomina. siHe stakes:
P.ant stakes for <ines m6st be # by # in7h nomina. siHe stakes) #+ in7hes .on;:
20-2.02DB11C P&%'/ T#e
P.ant ties m6st be e3tr6ded <iny.,based tape) # in7h Dide and a minim6m of #% mi.s thi7k:
20-2.0)A Ge'er%&
P.antin; in7.6des de.i<ery) stora;e) and;:
P.antin; in7.6des p.ant stakes and p.ant ties:
20-2.0)B R0%1#1e C&e%r#'8
20-2.0)BB1C Ge'er%&
Roadside 7.earin; in7.6des:
#: Remo<in; of trash and debris
2: Remo<in; of e3istin; p.ants
-: ';);) and moDin; Deeds
4:; rodents and pests
Perform roadside 7.earin; Dhere des7ribed:
Remo<e e3istin; p.ants Dhere des7ribed: Remo<a. of e3istin; p.ants in7.6des remo<in; their st6mps and
roots 2 in7hes or .ar;er in diameter to a minim6m depth of #2 in7hes be.oD finished ;rade: "a7kfi..
res6.tin; from st6mp remo<a. to finished ;rade Dith materia. obtained from adIa7ent areas:
8eeds Dithin the Di.df.oDer seedin; areas m6st be 7ontro..ed by moDin; 6nti. the start of the Di.df.oDer
seedin; operation:
8here pesti7ides are 6sed to ki.. Deeds) Deeds m6st be ki..ed before they rea7h the seed sta;e of ;roDth
or e37eed 4 in7hes in .en;th) Dhi7he<er o776rs first:
Areas to be moDed m6st be moDed before the Deeds rea7h the seed sta;e of ;roDth or e37eed 0 in7hes
in .en;th) Dhi7he<er o776rs first: 8eeds m6st be moDed to a hei;ht of - in7hes: Remo<e trash and debris
before moDin;:
A ;roDth re;6.ator may be app.ied to Deed ;roDth in moDed areas: =roDth re;6.ator m6st be app.ied
before the Deeds rea7h the seed sta;e of ;roDth or e37eed 0 in7hes in .en;th) Dhi7he<er o776rs first:
8eeds to be hand p6..ed m6st be p6..ed before they rea7h the seed sta;e of ;roDth or e37eed 4 in7hes
in .en;th) Dhi7he<er o776rs first) e37ept for t6mb.eDeeds:
T6mb.eDeeds m6st be ki..ed by hand; before they rea7h the seed sta;e of ;roDth or e37eed 0
in7hes in .en;th) Dhi7he<er o776rs first:
20-2.0)BB2C I'#/#%& R0%1#1e C&e%r#'8
Disposa. of Deeds ki..ed d6rin; the initia. roadside 7.earin; is not reG6ired e37ept for:
#: 8eeds ki..ed from Dithin areas Dhere aspha.t 7on7rete s6rfa7in;) 7on7rete s6rfa7in;) ro7k b.ankets)
;ra<e.ed or de7omposed ;ranite areas are to be p.a7ed) and 6npa<ed ;ore areas betDeen the ed;e
of pa<ement and p.antin; areas as shoDn:
2: 8eeds ki..ed by hand;: Dispose of them the same day they are p6..ed:
-: T6mb.eDeeds: Dispose of them the same day they are p6..ed:
Dispose of Deeds 7ontro..ed by moDin; that are o6tside of m6.7hed areas) p.ant basins) ;ro6nd 7o<er
and Dithin Di.df.oDer seedin; areas:
Dispose of e3istin; ;ro6nd 7o<er:
20-2.0)BB)C A4/er I'#/#%& R0%1#1e C&e%r#'8
After the initia. roadside 7.earin; Dork is 7omp.ete) additiona. roadside 7.earin; Dork m6st be performed
as often as reG6ired to maintain the areas in a neat and presentab.e 7ondition: Contin6e the Dork as
spe7ified 6nder initia. roadside 7.earin; 6nti. Contra7t a77eptan7e or the start of the p.ant estab.ishment
period: This Dork in7.6des; Deeds in p.ant basins) in7.6din; basin Da..s by hand; after the
p.ants ha<e been p.anted:
Disposa. of moDed materia. and Deeds ki..ed d6rin; the after initia. roadside 7.earin; is not reG6ired
e37ept for:
#: 8eeds ki..ed from Dithin areas Dhere aspha.t 7on7rete s6rfa7in;) 7on7rete s6rfa7in;) ro7k b.ankets)
;ra<e.ed or de7omposed ;ranite areas are to be p.a7ed) and 6npa<ed ;ore areas betDeen the ed;e
of pa<ement and p.antin; areas as shoDn:
2: 8eeds ki..ed by hand;: Dispose of them the same day they are p6..ed:
-: T6mb.eDeeds: Dispose of them the same day they are p6..ed:
Dispose of e3istin; ;ro6nd 7o<er:
20-2.0)C Pre6%re P&%'/#'8 Are%
Prepare p.antin; area in7.6des:
#: Preparin; in7.6din; 7onstr67tin; p.ant basins
2: Preparin; tren7hes in7.6din; 7onstr67tin; p.ant basins
-: C6.ti<atin;
4: 8eed ;ermination
*: Constr67tin; ed;in;
20-2.0)D Pre6%re H0&e
The En;ineer desi;nates the ;ro6nd .o7ation of a.. p.ants by dire7tin; the p.a7in; of the p.ants or p.a7in;
of stakes or other s6itab.e markers:
Cond67t Dork so the e3istin; f.oD .ine in draina;e dit7hes is maintained: ateria. disp.a7ed by yo6r
operations that interferes Dith draina;e m6st be remo<ed:
!n.ess .ar;er p.antin; are spe7ified) p.ants m6st be p.anted in .ar;e eno6;h to re7ei<e the
root ba.. or the tota. .en;th and Didth of roots) ba7kfi..) amendments and ferti.iHer: 8here ro7k or other
hard materia. prohibits from bein; e37a<ated) neD m6st be e37a<ated and the abandoned ba7kfi..ed:
E37a<ate p.antin; by hand di;;in; or by;: Do not 6se Dater for the e37a<ation of p.antin;
At .o7ations shoDn) .on;it6dina. basins m6st be formed by 7onstr67tin; a 7ontin6o6s dike on ea7h side of
the p.antin; .ine: Form 7ross 7he7ks to pond irri;ation Dater aro6nd ea7h p.ant:
Remo<e e3istin; pa<ement shoDn Dhere p.antin; are to be e37a<ated:
20-2.0)E Pre6%re Tre'(7
Center p.antin; tren7hes on the p.antin; .ine:
!n.ess otherDise des7ribed) the tren7h Didth and depth m6st be .ar;e eno6;h to re7ei<e the p.ant roots
or root ba..) soi. amendments) and ferti.iHer:
Soi. amendments) if spe7ified to be added to the p.ants) m6st be added to the p.ant .o7ation of ea7h p.ant
at the rate shoDn and thoro6;h.y mi3ed Dith the tren7h soi.:
Remo<e e3istin; pa<ement shoDn Dhere p.antin; tren7hes are to be e37a<ated:
20-2.0)F C"&/#$%/e
C6.ti<ation m6st be by me7hani7a. methods and performed 6nti. the soi. is in a .oose 7ondition to a
minim6m depth of 0 in7hes: Soi. 7.ods m6st not be .ar;er than 2 in7hes in ma3im6m dimension after
The 6se of r6bber,tired eG6ipment Di.. be permitted for 76.ti<atin; operations pro<ided the eG6ipment
6sed 7omp.ete.y eradi7ates any 7ompa7tion 7a6sed by the tires: R6bber,tired eG6ipment of any kind Di..
not be a..oDed on 76.ti<ated areas after 76.ti<ation:
The o6ter .imits of the areas to be 76.ti<ated m6st e3tend #2 in7hes beyond the o6ter roDs of p.ants
reG6irin; 76.ti<ation) 6n.ess otherDise des7ribed:
C6.ti<ate areas to be 76.ti<ated before addin; soi. amendment and ferti.iHer:
Add soi. amendment and ferti.iHer at the rates shoDn:
Re76.ti<ate to thoro6;h.y mi3 soi. amendment and ferti.iHer Dith the soi.:
P.antin; areas that ha<e been 76.ti<ated and be7ome 7ompa7ted m6st be re76.ti<ated:
Ro7ks or debris en7o6ntered d6rin; soi. preparation in p.antin; areas m6st be bro6;ht to the s6rfa7e of
the ;ro6nd: Remo<e ro7ks or debris .ar;er than 2 in7hes in ma3im6m dimension 6n.ess otherDise
Remo<e e3istin; pa<ement shoDn Dhere 76.ti<ation is to be done:
20-2.0)G Aee1 Germ#'%/#0'
20-2.0)H E18#'8
Constr67t ed;in; as shoDn) in7.6din; e37a<ation and ba7kfi..:
Spike or stake spa7in; m6st 7omp.y Dith the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions for 6se and site 7onditions:
SaD 76t s6rfa7es Dhere /#1 aspha.t 7on7rete or 7on7rete s6rfa7in; m6st be remo<ed to permit the
insta..ation of ed;in; and /21 no Ioint e3ists betDeen the s6rfa7in; to be remo<ed and the s6rfa7in; to
remain in p.a7e: The s6rfa7in; m6st be 76t in a strai;ht .ine to a minim6m depth of 2 in7hes Dith a poDer,
dri<en saD before the s6rfa7in; is remo<ed:
20-2.0)I P&%'/#'8
20-2.0)IB1C Ge'er%&
P.antin; Dork in7.6des:
#: P.antin; p.ants
2: App.yin; or p.a7in; ferti.iHer) app.yin; iron s6.fate) addin; soi. amendment) and p.a7in; or spreadin;
-: Stakin; p.ants
4:; t6rf sod
*: 8aterin;
0:; fo.ia;e prote7tor) root barrier) and root prote7tor
5: P.ant rep.a7ement
Do not be;in p.antin; 6nti. a6thoriHed:
Do not perform p.antin; in an area 6nti. the f6n7tiona. test has been 7omp.eted for the irri;ation system
ser<in; that area:
AdI6st p.ant .o7ations for trees and shr6bs so no p.ant is 7.oser than + feet to an impa7t) rotary ;ear
dri<en or pop,6p type
Trees) shr6bs) and <ines p.anted Dithin ;ro6nd 7o<er or 76ttin; p.antin; areas or both m6st be p.anted
before ;ro6nd 7o<er p.ants or 76ttin;s are p.anted:
8here shr6bs and ;ro6nd 7o<ers are shoDn to be p.anted in ;ro6ps) the o6ter roDs dire7t.y adIa7ent to
the nearest roadDay or hi;hDay fen7e m6st be para..e. to the nearest roadDay or hi;hDay fen7e: Sta;;er
shr6bs and ;ro6nd 7o<ers in adIa7ent roDs: AdI6stment in the n6mber or a.i;nment of p.ants m6st be
made betDeen the o6ter roDs:
8here <ines are to be p.anted a;ainst Da..s or fen7es) p.ant as 7.ose as possib.e to the Da.. or fen7e:
(ines p.anted ne3t to Da..s and fen7es m6st be staked and tied thereto as shoDn) at the time of p.antin;:
(ines p.anted ne3t to fen7es m6st be tied to the fen7e Dith p.ant tie materia. at the time of p.antin;:
Core in 7on7rete masonry b.o7k Da.. as shoDn:
Do not distrib6te more p.ants than 7an be p.anted and Datered on that day:
Remo<e 7ontainers from p.ants Dhen p.antin;:
Remo<e 7ontainers from p.ants in s67h a manner that the ba.. of earth s6rro6ndin; the roots is not
broken: P.ant 7ontainers m6st not be 76t before de.i<ery of the p.ants to the p.antin; area: P.ant and Dater
p.ants immediate.y after remo<a. from their 7ontainers:
"efore p.antin;) app.y Dater to the ba7kfi.. Dith a pipe or t6be inserted into the bottom of the ho.e or
tren7h 6nti. the ba7kfi.. materia. is sat6rated for the f6.. depth:
Set p.ants in the ba7kfi.. materia. in bottom to a depth so that after sett.ement of the ba7kfi..) the
ba7kfi.. is # in7h be.oD the top of the root ba.. as shoDn: If the ba7kfi.. materia. be.oD this .e<e. after
p.antin; and Daterin;) add additiona. ba7kfi.. to brin; the ba7kfi.. to the reG6ired .e<e. after p.antin;:
P.ants m6st be p.anted in s67h a manner that the roots are not restri7ted or distorted:
Any p.ant that has sett.ed deeper than shoDn m6st be raised ba7k to the reG6ired .e<e. after p.antin;:
The Department reIe7ts or s6spends p.antin; Dork if /#1 p.antin; is done in soi. that is too Det) too dry or
not proper.y 7onditioned as spe7ified or /21 p.antin; is in a 7ondition not ;enera..y a77epted as
satisfa7tory for p.antin; from a horti76.t6ra. standpoint:
"a7kfi.. materia. for p.ant m6st be a mi3t6re of nati<e soi. and soi. amendment: Soi. amendment
m6st be added at the rate shoDn: Thoro6;h.y mi3 ba7kfi.. materia. and 6niform.y distrib6te thro6;ho6t the
entire depth of the p.ant ho.e Ditho6t 7.ods or .6mps:
Remo<e n6rsery stakes after p.antin;:
20-2.0)IB2C Carpobrotus 0r Delosperma C"//#'8 40r P&%'/ Gr0"6 H
P.ant Carpo)rotus 76ttin;s to a depth Dhere not .ess than 2 nodes are 7o<ered Dith soi.: The basa. end of
Delosperma 76ttin;s m6st not be .ess than 2 in7hes be.oD the s6rfa7e of the soi. and the basa. end of
Carpo)rotus 76ttin;s m6st be not .ess than 4 in7hes be.oD the s6rfa7e of the soi.:
App.y root stim6.ant to Delosperma 76ttin;s before p.antin; and app.y root stim6.ant a77ordin; to the
man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions:
Do not p.ant Carpo)rotus or Delosperma 76ttin;s in soi. that does not 7ontain s6ffi7ient moist6re at an
a<era;e depth of 2 in7hes be.oD the s6rfa7e:
20-2.0)IB)C L#'er P&%'/ 40r P&%'/ Gr0"6 M
20-2.0)IB+C P&"8 P&%'/ 40r P&%'/ Gr0"6 P
20-2.0)IB,C See1&#'8 P&%'/ 40r P&%'/ Gr0"6 S
20-2.0)IB-C Fer/#&#9er
App.y or p.a7e ferti.iHer at the time of p.antin;) at the rate shoDn:
S.oD,re.ease) 7ontro..ed,re.ease or or;ani7 ferti.iHer reG6ired d6rin; p.antin; as des7ribed) m6st be mi3ed
into the p.ant ho.e ba7kfi.. a minim6m depth of 2 in7hes near the root ba..:
Pa7ket ferti.iHer reG6ired d6rin; p.antin; as des7ribed) m6st be p.a7ed in the ba7kfi.. of ea7h p.ant: P.a7e
to Dithin 0 to + in7hes of the ;ro6nd s6rfa7e and appro3imate.y # in7h from the root ba..: If more than #
pa7ket is reG6ired per p.ant) distrib6te the pa7kets e<en.y aro6nd the root ba..:
Ferti.iHer reG6ired d6rin; p.antin; as des7ribed) m6st be app.ied to ;ro6nd 7o<er p.ants p.anted from
76ttin;s) p.6;s) or f.ats immediate.y after p.antin; and Datered into the soi.:
20-2.0)IB2C F0&#%8e Pr0/e(/0r
Insta.. fo.ia;e prote7tors o<er the p.ants Dithin 2 days after p.antin;:
Insta.. fo.ia;e prote7tors <erti7a..y and 7entered o<er the p.ant as shoDn: If fo.ia;e prote7tors are not
insta..ed in p.ant basins) 76t the bottom of the Dire 7y.inder to mat7h the s.ope of the ;ro6nd: Do not .ea<e
sharp points of Dire after 76ttin;: Sharp points m6st be bent o<er or b.6nted:
Insta.. 2 s6pport stakes for fo.ia;e prote7tors <erti7a..y and embed in the soi. on opposite sides of the
p.ant as shoDn and in a trans<erse dire7tion to the pre<; Dind:
Either Dea<e the s6pport stakes thro6;h the Dire 7y.inder mesh at 0 in7h ma3im6m 7enters or fasten the
Dire 7y.inder to the s6pport stakes at 0 in7h ma3im6m 7enters:
The Dire 7y.inder m6st be sn6; a;ainst the s6pport stakes b6t .oose eno6;h to be raised for pesti7ide
app.i7ation or to perform Deedin; Dithin the p.ant basin:
Insta.. I6te mesh 7o<er o<er the fo.ia;e prote7tor and se76re Dith tDine as shoDn:
20-2.0)IB>C Ir0' S"&4%/e
App.y iron s6.fate at the time of p.antin;) at the rate shoDn:
Comp.y Dith the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions:
Iron s6.fate reG6ired d6rin; p.antin; as des7ribed) m6st be e<en.y distrib6ted Dithin the p.ant basin and
mi3ed into the p.ant ho.e ba7kfi.. a minim6m depth of 2 in7hes:
20-2.0)IB?C Gr0"'1 C0$er
=ro6nd 7o<er p.ants in areas Dith an irri;ation system m6st be p.anted in b.o7ks that 7omp.y Dith the
desi;n of the irri;ation system:
Ea7h ;ro6nd 7o<er p.antin; area 7o<ered by a sin;.e 7ontro. <a.<e m6st be 7omp.ete.y p.anted and
Datered before p.antin; other ;ro6nd 7o<er p.antin; areas:
P.ant ;ro6nd 7o<er p.ants in moist soi.) and in neat) strai;ht roDs) spa7ed as shoDn: Do not p.ant ;ro6nd
7o<er p.ants 7.oser than * feet to trees or shr6bs) nor 7.oser than 0F,0E to 76rbs) dikes) pa<ed areas) Da..s)
and fen7es) 6n.ess shoDn:
20-2.0)IB10C M"&(7
Spread m6.7h p.a7ed in areas o6tside of p.ant basins to a 6niform thi7kness as shoDn:
6.7h m6st be p.a7ed at the rate des7ribed and p.a7ed in the p.ant basins or spread in areas as shoDn
after the p.ants ha<e been p.anted: 6.7h p.a7ed in p.ant basins m6st not 7ome in 7onta7t Dith the p.ant
7roDn and stem:
Spread m6.7h from the o6tside ed;e of the proposed p.ant basin or p.ant Ditho6t basin to the adIa7ent
ed;es of sho6.ders) pa<in;) retainin; Da..s) dikes) 76rbs) sideDa.ks) Da..s) fen7es) and e3istin; p.antin;s:
If the proposed p.ant or p.ant Ditho6t basin is #2 feet or more from the adIa7ent ed;es of sho6.ders)
pa<in;) retainin; Da..s) dikes) 76rbs) sideDa.ks) Da..s) fen7es) and e3istin; p.antin;s) spread the m6.7h 0
feet beyond the o6tside ed;e of the proposed p.ant basin or p.ant Ditho6t basin:
Do not p.a7e m6.7h Dithin 4 feet of the /#1 f.oD .ine of earthen draina;e dit7hes) /21 ed;e of pa<ed
dit7hes) or /-1 draina;e f.oD .ines:
20-2.0)IB11C A%/er#'8
P.ants m6st be Datered immediate.y after p.antin;: 8ater m6st be app.ied 6nti. the ba7kfi.. soi. aro6nd
and be.oD the roots or ba.. of earth aro6nd the roots of ea7h p.ant is thoro6;h.y sat6rated: 8hen Daterin;
Dith a hose) an a77epted noHH.e) Dater disb6rsement de<i7e or press6re red67in; de<i7e m6st be 6sed:
Do not a..oD the f6.. for7e of the Dater from the open end of the hose to fa.. Dithin the basin aro6nd any
p.ant: =ro6nd 7o<er p.ants in areas pro<ided Dith an irri;ation system m6st be Datered by sprink.ers:
Se<era. 7onse76ti<e Daterin;s may be ne7essary to thoro6;h.y sat6rate the soi. aro6nd ea7h p.ant:
20-2.0)IB12C R00/ B%rr#er
20-2.0)IB1)C R00/ Pr0/e(/0r
Insta.. root prote7tors at the time the p.ant are bein; prepared as shoDn: P.a7e root prote7tors in the
p.ant as shoDn:
20-2.0)IB1+C T"r4 S01
Areas to be p.anted Dith sod m6st be 76.ti<ated:
Fine ;rade and ro.. areas to be p.anted Dith sod after 7omp.etin; 76.ti<ation) insta..ation of irri;ation
systems) and e37a<ation and; of p.ant =rade to drain: =rade to a smooth and 6niform
s6rfa7e before p.a7in; sod:
Areas p.anted Dith sod adIa7ent to sideDa.ks) ed;in; and other pa<ed borders and s6rfa7ed areas m6st
be # in7h be.oD the finished s6rfa7e e.e<ation of the fa7i.ities) after fine ;radin;);) and sett.ement of
the soi.:
P.a7e sod s67h that the ends of adIa7ent strips of sod are sta;;ered a minim6m of 2 feet: P.a7e ed;es
and ends of sod firm.y a;ainst adIa7ent sod and a;ainst sideDa.ks) ed;in;) and other pa<ed borders and
s6rfa7ed areas:
Li;ht.y ro.. the entire sodded area to e.iminate air po7kets and ens6re 7.ose 7onta7t Dith the soi. after
p.a7ement of sod: 8ater the sodded areas so that the soi. is moistened to a minim6m depth of 4 in7hes
after;: Do not a..oD the sod to dry o6t:
If irre; or 6ne<en areas appear in the sodded areas) restore to a smooth and e<en appearan7e:
T6rf sod ed;es) in7.6din; ed;es adIa7ent to sideDa.ks) ed;in;) and other pa<ed borders and s6rfa7ed
areas) m6st be trimmed to a 6niform ed;e not e3tendin; beyond the ed;e of t6rf or the fa7i.ities: oDed
and trimmed ;roDth m6st be remo<ed:
20-2.0)IB1,C P&%'/ S/%;e %'1 T#e
P.ants to be staked m6st be staked at the time of p.antin; as shoDn:
Insta.. 2 p.ant stakes for ea7h p.ant to be staked as shoDn) a;ainst b6t not thro6;h the root ba..:
Tie the p.ant to the stakes Dith p.ant ties) # tie to ea7h stake: Insta.. ties at the .oDest position that Di..
s6pport the p.ant in an 6pri;ht position: Ties m6st pro<ide tr6nk f.e3ibi.ity b6t not a..oD the tr6nk to r6b
a;ainst the stakes: Ea7h tie m6st form a fi;6re + by 7rossin; the tie betDeen the p.ant and the stake as
shoDn: The fi;6re + m6st be formed tDi7e: 8rap ea7h end of the tie #,#92 t6rns aro6nd the stake and
se76re.y tie:
The top of the stakes m6st ha<e a minim6m 4 in7h 7.earan7e from the bottom of the tree 7roDn Dhere
app.i7ab.e after insta..ation of tree stakes:
20-2.0)IB1-C Re6&%(eme'/ P&%'/
P.ants that shoD si;ns of fai.6re to ;roD at any time or are so inI6red or dama;ed as to render them
6ns6itab.e for the p6rpose intended) m6st be remo<ed) rep.a7ed) and rep.anted: Rep.a7e 6ns6itab.e
p.ants Dithin 2 Deeks after the En;ineer marks or indi7ates that the p.ants m6st be rep.a7ed:
Rep.a7ement p.antin; m6st 7omp.y Dith the ori;ina. p.antin; reG6irements) spa7in;) and siHe pro<isions
des7ribed for the p.ants bein; rep.a7ed:
Rep.a7ement ;ro6nd 7o<er p.ants m6st be the same spe7ies spe7ified for the ;ro6nd 7o<er bein;
rep.a7ed: Other rep.a7ement p.ants m6st be the same spe7ies as the p.ants bein; rep.a7ed:
P.a7e orders for rep.a7ement p.ants Dith the <endor at the appropriate time so that the rep.a7ement p.ants
are not in a root,bo6nd 7ondition:
The Department does not pay for rep.a7ement p.ants or the p.antin; of rep.a7ement p.ants:
20-2.0+ PAYMENT
eas6re root barriers by the tota. .en;th of the insta..ed pane.s) meas6red para..e. to the ;ro6nd s6rfa7e:
Items paid by the sG yd are 7a.76.ated by a7t6a. or 7omp6ted s.ope meas6rements:
eas6rement for s.oD,re.ease or 7ontro..ed,re.ease ferti.iHer) or;ani7 ferti.iHer) or iron s6.fate is
determined from marked Dei;ht or sa7k 7o6nt:
6.7h and soi. amendment are meas6red in the <ehi7.e at the point of de.i<ery:
C6.ti<ation area is meas6red from areas shoDn to be p.anted Dith p.ants reG6irin; 76.ti<ation) p.6s the
area #2 in7hes beyond the o6ter roD of p.ants in ea7h area: P.antin; areas for p.ants Dithin the 76.ti<ation
areas that do not reG6ire 76.ti<ation Di.. not be ded67ted from the 76.ti<ation payment area:
(ario6s siHes and types of p.ants are meas6red by either the prod67t of the a<era;e p.ant density and the
tota. area p.anted or by a7t6a. 7o6nt of the .i<in; p.ants in p.a7e) determined by the En;ineer: The
a<era;e p.ant density is the n6mber of .i<in; p.ants per sG yd determined from a7t6a. 7o6nt of test areas
7hosen representin; the tota. p.anted area: The siHe and .o7ation of the test areas is determined by yo6
and the En;ineer) e37ept that the tota. area tested m6st be eG6a. to not .ess than - per7ent nor more than
* per7ent of the p.anted area bein; determined: The En;ineer Di.. make the fina. determination of the
areas to be tested:
8ork des7ribed in this se7tion is paid 6nder bid items spe7ified 6nder se7tion 2%,5:%2) e37ept for
Roadside C.earin;) Prepare ?o.e) Prepare Tren7h) C6.ti<ate) and 8eed =ermination:
20->.01 GENERAL
20->.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion 2%,+ in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for p.antin; Di.df.oDer seeds in7.6din; moDin; Deeds) s7arifyin; the
soi.) in7orporatin; ferti.iHer) and dry app.yin; nati<e Di.df.oDer seed to Di.df.oDer seedin; areas shoDn:
Pesti7ides m6st not be 6sed on Di.df.oDer seedin; areas after the seed has been app.ied:
Comp.y Dith se7tion 2%,$:%-F:
20->.01B S".m#//%&
S6bmitta.s m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 2#,#:%#":
20->.01C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
@6a.ity 7ontro. and ass6ran7e m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 2#,#:%#C:
20->.01D S#/e C0'1#/#0'
The En;ineer desi;nates the e3tent of Di.df.oDer seedin; areas by dire7tin; the p.a7ement of stakes or
other s6itab.e markers in in7rements of # a7re or .ess: F6rnish too.s) .abor) materia.s) and transportation
reG6ired to mark areas re7ei<in; Di.df.oDer seedin;:
20->.02A Ge'er%&
20->.02B De&#$er3, S/0r%8e, %'1 H%'1&#'8
De.i<ery) stora;e) and; m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 2#,#:%2":
20->.02C See1
Seed m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 2#,#:%2=:
20->.02D Fer/#&#9er
20->.02DB1C Or8%'#( Fer/#&#9er
20->.0)A Ge'er%&
20->.0)B S#/e Pre6%r%/#0'
Immediate.y before app.yin; Di.df.oDer seed to Di.df.oDer seedin; areas) trash and debris m6st be
remo<ed and Deeds m6st be moDed as 7.ose to the ;ro6nd as possib.e: Disposa. of moDed materia. is
not reG6ired:
After moDin; and I6st before seed app.i7ation) Di.df.oDer seedin; areas m6st be s7arified to a minim6m
depth of # in7h:
20->.0)C A66&#(%/#0'
App.y seed and ferti.iHer at the rates shoDn and in7orporate into the soi. to a ma3im6m depth of #94 in7h
by rakin;) dra;;in;) or;:
8aterin; of Di.df.oDer seedin; areas is not reG6ired 6n.ess ordered: If ordered) Daterin; is 7han;e order
20->.0)D M%#'/e'%'(e
20->.0+ PAYMENT
8i.df.oDer seedin; is meas6red by the area para..e. to the ;ro6nd s6rfa7e:
20-?.01 GENERAL
20-?.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion 2%,$ in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for performin; p.ant estab.ishment Dork that 7onsists of 7arin; for the
hi;hDay p.antin;) in7.6din; Daterin; p.ants) pr6nin; p.ants) rep.a7in; dama;ed p.ants) Deed) rodent and
pest 7ontro.) and the operation and repair of a.. e3istin; irri;ation fa7i.ities 6sed and irri;ation fa7i.ities
insta..ed as part of the neD irri;ation system:
20-?.01B De4#'#/#0'
T36e 1 6&%'/ e/%.&#7me'/5 P.ant estab.ishment period Dith the n6mber of Dorkin; days spe7ified for
p.ant estab.ishment be;innin; after a.. Dork has been 7omp.eted e37ept for p.ant estab.ishment Dork
and other bid items spe7ified to be performed 6nti. Contra7t a77eptan7e:
T36e 2 6&%'/ e/%.&#7me'/5 P.ant estab.ishment period Dith the n6mber of Dorkin; days spe7ified for
p.ant estab.ishment be;innin; after a.. p.antin; Dork has been 7omp.eted e37ept for p.ant
estab.ishment Dork and other bid items spe7ified to be performed 6nti. Contra7t a77eptan7e) pro<ided
that the Contra7t m6st not be a77epted 6n.ess the p.ant estab.ishment Dork has been satisfa7tori.y
performed for at .east the n6mber of Dorkin; days spe7ified for p.ant estab.ishment:
If maintenan7e and prote7tion re.ief is ;ranted for a 7omp.eted portion of the Dork 6nder se7tion *,
#:-+) Type 2 p.ant estab.ishment period for the 7omp.eted portion of the Dork is the time betDeen
7omp.etion of a.. p.antin; Dork e37ept for p.ant estab.ishment Dork) and the ;rantin; of maintenan7e
and prote7tion re.ief) pro<ided that the re.ief m6st not be ;ranted 6n.ess the p.ant estab.ishment Dork
in the 7omp.eted portion of the Dork has been satisfa7tori.y performed for at .east the n6mber of
Dorkin; days spe7ified for the p.ant estab.ishment period:
20-?.01C S".m#//%&
20-?.01CB1C Ge'er%&
S6bmit seasona. Daterin; for 6se d6rin; the p.ant estab.ishment period Dithin #% days after the
start of the p.ant estab.ishment period: Remote irri;ation 7ontro. system Daterin; s7hed6.e m6st 6ti.iHe
the remote irri;ation 7ontro. system softDare pro;ram:
S6bmit 6pdated Daterin; Dithin * b6siness days after any 7han;es ha<e been made to the
S6bmit a re<ised Daterin; s7hed6.e for ea7h irri;ation not .ess than -% days before 7omp.etion
of the p.ant estab.ishment period:
20-?.01C2C N0/#4#(%/#0'
The En;ineer Di.. notify yo6 in Dritin; Dhen the p.ant estab.ishment period be;ins and Di.. f6rnish
statements re;ardin; the n6mber of Dorkin; days 7redited to the p.ant estab.ishment period after the
Notify the En;ineer at .east * b6siness days before app.yin; ea7h app.i7ation of ferti.iHer:
20-?.02A Ge'er%&
20-?.02B Fer/#&#9er
Ferti.iHer m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 2%,5:%2D/#1/b1 and 2%,5:%2D/#1/d1:
20-?.0)A Ge'er%&
8orkin; days on Dhi7h no Dork is reG6ired) as determined by the En;ineer) Di.. be 7redited as a p.ant
estab.ishment Dorkin; day) re;ard.ess of Dhether or not yo6 perform p.ant estab.ishment Dork:
8orkin; days Dhene<er yo6 fai. to adeG6ate.y perform p.ant estab.ishment Dork Di.. not be 7redited
toDard the p.ant estab.ishment Dorkin; days:
Remo<e trash and debris:
S6rp.6s earth a776m6.ated in roadside 7.earin; and p.antin; areas m6st be remo<ed:
20-?.0)B P&%'/ Gr0:/7 C0'/r0&
Pr6ne p.ants p.anted as part of the Contra7t as a6thoriHed:
Remo<e p.ant ;roDth that e3tends Dithin 2 feet of sideDa.ks) 76rbs) dikes) sho6.ders) Da..s or fen7es:
Remo<e proposed and e3istin; ;ro6nd 7o<er from Dithin the p.ant basins) in7.6din; basin Da..s) t6rf
areas) and p.antin; areas Dithin ed;in;:
(ines ne3t to Da..s and fen7es m6st be kept staked and tied: Train <ines on fen7es and Da..s or thro6;h
7ored in Da..s:
20-?.0)C Fer/#&#9er
App.y ferti.iHer to the p.ants as spe7ified and Dater into the soi. after ea7h app.i7ation:
App.y ferti.iHer at the rates shoDn and spread Dith a me7hani7a. spreader) Dhene<er possib.e:
20-?.0)D Aee1 C0'/r0&
8eeds in roadside 7.earin; and p.antin; areas as des7ribed m6st be 7ontro..ed as spe7ified in se7tion 2%,
A ;roDth re;6.ator may be app.ied to Deed ;roDth in moDed areas: =roDth re;6.ator m6st be app.ied
before the Deeds rea7h the seed sta;e of ;roDth or e37eed 0 in7hes in .en;th) Dhi7he<er o776rs first:
8here pesti7ides are 6sed to ki.. Deeds) Deeds m6st be ki..ed before they rea7h the seed sta;e of ;roDth
or e37eed 4 in7hes in .en;th) Dhi7he<er o776rs first:
8here Deeds are to be moDed) moD Deeds before they rea7h the seed sta;e of ;roDth or e37eed 0
in7hes in .en;th) Dhi7he<er o776rs first: oD Deeds to a hei;ht of - in7hes: Disposa. of moDed Deeds is
not reG6ired: Remo<e trash and debris before moDin;:
8here Deeds are to be ki..ed by hand;) Deeds m6st be hand p6..ed before they rea7h the seed
sta;e of ;roDth or e37eed 4 in7hes in .en;th) Dhi7he<er o776rs first) e37ept for t6mb.eDeeds: Dispose of
Deeds the same day they are p6..ed:
T6mb.eDeeds are to be ki..ed by hand; before the t6mb.eDeeds rea7h the seed sta;e of ;roDth or
e37eed 0 in7hes in .en;th) Dhi7he<er o776rs first: Dispose of t6mb.eDeeds the same day they are p6..ed:
Remo<e dead Deed ;roDth if the En;ineer determines it Di.. interfere Dith s6bseG6ent p.ant
estab.ishment or be7ome 6nsi;ht.y:
Perform Deed 7ontro. to maintain the hi;hDay in a neat and presentab.e 7ondition:
20-?.0)E R01e'/ %'1 Pe/ C0'/r0&
Contro. rodents and pests:
20-?.0)F A#&14&0:er See1#'8 Re/r#(/#0'
The En;ineer notifies yo6 of the start of the p.ant estab.ishment period if /#1 Di.df.oDer seedin; 7annot be
performed Dithin the time .imits spe7ified and /21 the En;ineer determines that the Dork e37ept for
Di.df.oDer seedin; and p.ant estab.ishment Dork has been 7omp.eted:
8i.df.oDer seedin; that is not performed before the start of the p.ant estab.ishment period m6st be
performed d6rin; the p.ant estab.ishment period at a time determined by the En;ineer:
P.ant estab.ishment Dork) e37ept for moDin;) is not reG6ired for Di.df.oDer seedin; areas after soDin;
Di.df.oDer seed: oD after Di.df.oDer seeds ha<e set and the Di.df.oDers ha<e started to die ba7k: oD
Di.df.oDers to a hei;ht of - in7hes: Remo<e trash and debris before moDin;:
20-?.0)G P&%'/ S/%;#'8
Rep.a7e the p.ant stakes that are inadeG6ate to s6pport p.ants Dith .ar;er stakes at yo6r e3pense if
Remo<e p.ant stakes Dhen the En;ineer determines they are no .on;er needed:
20-?.0)H Re6&%(eme'/ P&%'/
Rep.a7ement p.ants m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 2%,5:%-I/#01:
Rep.a7ement of p.ants 6p to and in7.6din; the #2*th p.ant estab.ishment Dorkin; day m6st be Dith a p.ant
of the same siHe as ori;ina..y spe7ified: P.ants of a .ar;er 7ontainer siHe than those ori;ina..y spe7ified for
rep.a7ement p.ants may be 6sed d6rin; the first #2* Dorkin; days of the p.ant estab.ishment period:
Rep.a7ement of p.ants after the #2*th p.ant estab.ishment Dorkin; day m6st 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin;
siHe reG6irements:
P.ant siHe
P.ant siHe
No: # 7ontainer
No: # 7ontainer No: * 7ontainer
No: * 7ontainer No: #* 7ontainer
Other rep.a7ement p.ants m6st be the same siHe as ori;ina..y spe7ified:
Rep.a7ement ;ro6nd 7o<er p.ants m6st 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin; spa7in; reG6irements:
On 7enter spa7in; of rep.a7ement ;ro6nd 7o<er
N6mber of 7omp.eted p.ant estab.ishment
Dorkin; days
#B#2* #20B#$% #$#BEnd of
$ $ 0 0
#2 #2 $ 0
#+ #+ #2 $
24 24 #+ #2
-0 -0 24 #+
20-?.0)I A%/er#'8
Operate the e.e7tri7 a6tomati7 irri;ation systems in the a6tomati7 mode 6n.ess a6thoriHed:
If any 7omponent of the e.e7tri7 a6tomati7 irri;ation system is operated man6a..y) the day Di.. not be
7redited as a p.ant estab.ishment Dorkin; day 6n.ess the man6a. operation is a6thoriHed:
8ater p.ants 6ti.iHin; the remote irri;ation 7ontro. system softDare pro;ram 6n.ess a6thoriHed:
Imp.ement the Daterin; s7hed6.e pro;ram not .ess than #% Dorkin; days before 7omp.etion of the p.ant
estab.ishment period:
20-?.0)E M#(e&&%'e0" P&%'/ E/%.&#7me'/ A0r;
oD and trim t6rf areas: Dispose of moDed and trimmed materia.:
If irre; or 6ne<en areas appear Dithin t6rf areas) restore to a smooth and e<en appearan7e: Re,seed
t6rf seed areas:
Remo<e the tops of fo.ia;e prote7tors if p.ants be7ome restri7ted:
Remo<e fo.ia;e prote7tors) in7.6din; s6pport stakes) Dithin 2% Dorkin; days before the 7omp.etion of the
p.ant estab.ishment period:
'eep p.ant basin Da..s De.. formed:
C.ean neD Dye strainers and e3istin; Dye strainers that are a part of the neD irri;ation system ann6a..y
6nti. the 7omp.etion of the p.ant estab.ishment period: The .ast 7.eanin; m6st be done Dithin #* Dorkin;
days before the 7omp.etion of the p.ant estab.ishment period:
Remo<e) 7.ean) and reinsta.. neD fi.ters and e3istin; fi.ters that are a part of the neD irri;ation system
ann6a..y 6nti. the 7omp.etion of the p.ant estab.ishment period: The .ast 7.eanin; m6st be done Dithin #*
Dorkin; days before the 7omp.etion of the p.ant estab.ishment period:
20-?.0)I Tr%#'#'8
Pro<ide trainin; by a G6a.ified person on the 6se and adI6stment of the irri;ation 7ontro..ers insta..ed) -%
Dorkin; days before 7omp.etion of the p.ant estab.ishment period:
20-?.0)L F#'%& I'6e(/#0'
Comp.ete the fina. inspe7tion not more than -% Dorkin; days and not .ess than 2% Dorkin; days before
the 7omp.etion of the p.ant estab.ishment period:
20-?.0+ PAYMENT
Not !sed
20-10.01 GENERAL
20-10.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion 2%,#% in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for p.a7in; and stabi.iHin; de7omposed ;ranite as shoDn:
20-10.01B S".m#//%&
S6bmit the fo..oDin;:
#: Prod67t data in7.6din; the man6fa7t6rerFs prod67t sheet to;ether Dith the instr67tions for;
the fi.ter fabri7 and so.idifyin; em6.sion:
2: Certifi7ates of 7omp.ian7e for the fo..oDin; items at .east * b6siness days before de.i<ery of the
materia.s to the Iob site:
2:#: Fi.ter fabri7:
2:2: So.idifyin; em6.sion:
-: Fi<e po6nd samp.e of the de7omposed ;ranite:
20-10.01C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
20-10.01CB1C Te/ P&0/
Constr67t a test p.ot at .east - by #2 feet at a .o7ation desi;nated by the En;ineer: Notify the En;ineer not
.ess than 5 days before 7onstr67tin; the test p.ot: Constr67t the test p.ot Dith the same materia.s) too.s)
eG6ipment) and methods to be 6sed in the fina. p.a7ement of the de7omposed ;ranite:
The test p.ot m6st be 7onstr67ted so that the de7omposed ;ranite is /#1 mi3ed Dith the so.idifyin;
em6.sion and Dater 6nder the man6fa7t6rerUs rates and instr67tions and /21 7ompa7ted to a re.ati<e
7ompa7tion of not .ess than $% per7ent: If ordered) 7onstr67t additiona. test p.ots: Additiona. test p.ots are
7han;e order Dork:
Obtain a6thoriHation of the test p.ot before p.a7in; the de7omposed ;ranite: !se the a6thoriHed test p.ot
as the standard for 7omparison in determinin; a77eptabi.ity of the de7omposed ;ranite: If the test p.ot is
not in7orporated into the Dork and the En;ineer determines it is no .on;er needed) remo<e of it:
20-10.02 MATERIALS
20-10.02A Ge'er%&
20-10.02B S0#& S/er#&%'/
Soi. steri.ant m6st be o3adiaHon ; preemer;ent and m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 2%,#:%2":
20-10.02C E18#'8
Ed;in; and stakes m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 2%,5:%2D/*1:
20-10.02D A88re8%/e B%e
A;;re;ate base m6st 7omp.y Dith the -94,in7h ma3im6m) a;;re;ate ;radin; 6nder se7tion 20,#:%2":
20-10.02E F#&/er F%.r#(
Fi.ter fabri7 m6st be C.ass A:
20-10.02F F%/e'er for fi.ter fabri7 m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 2#,#:%2R:
20-10.02G De(0m60e1 Gr%'#/e
20-10.02H S0&#1#43#'8 Em"&#0'
So.idifyin; em6.sion m6st be either a Dater,based po.ymer or nonto3i7 or;ani7 poDdered binder
spe7ifi7a..y man6fa7t6red to harden de7omposed ;ranite: The so.idifyin; em6.sion m6st not a.ter the
de7omposed ;ranite 7o.or:
20-10.0)A Ge'er%&
20-10.0)B E%r/7:0r;
EarthDork m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion #$:
E37a<ate areas to re7ei<e de7omposed ;ranite to the depth shoDn after 7.earin;: 8here de7omposed
;ranite is to be p.a7ed adIa7ent to e3istin; 76rbs) dikes) pa<ement) sideDa.ks or so6nd Da..s) e37a<ate so
that the finished de7omposed ;ranite e.e<ation adIa7ent to those items Di.. maintain the p.anned f.oD
.ines) s.ope ;radients) and 7onto6rs of the Iob site: After e37a<ation) ;rade s6b;rade to re7ei<e
de7omposed ;ranite to a smooth) 6niform s6rfa7e) and 7ompa7t to not .ess than $% per7ent re.ati<e
20-10.0)C Tre%/me'/ 04 S0#&
Steri.iHe areas Dith o3adiaHon after 7ompa7tion: App.y soi. steri.ant at the ma3im6m .abe. rate: Do not
app.y soi. steri.ant more than #2 in7hes beyond the de7omposed ;ranite .imits: The soi. steri.ant
app.i7ation and de7omposed ;ranite p.a7ement m6st be 7omp.eted in these areas Dithin the same Dork
20-10.0)D E18#'8
Insta.. ed;in; to de.ineate the .imits of the de7omposed ;ranite areas: Ed;in; Di.. not be reG6ired
betDeen de7omposed ;ranite areas and the adIa7ent fa7e of so6nd Da..s) pa<ement ed;es) 76rbs) dikes
or ro7k b.anket areas:
20-10.0)E A88re8%/e B%e
Spread and 7ompa7t a;;re;ate base as spe7ified 6nder se7tion 20,#:%-C and se7tion 20,#:%-D:
20-10.0)F F#&/er F%.r#(
Immediate.y before p.a7in; fi.ter fabri7) s6rfa7es to re7ei<e fi.ter fabri7 m6st be free of .oose or e3traneo6s
materia. and sharp obIe7ts that may dama;e the fi.ter fabri7 d6rin; insta..ation:
A.i;n fabri7 and p.a7e in a Drink.e,free manner:
O<er.ap adIa7ent ro..s of the fabri7 from #2 to #+ in7hes: Spread ea7h o<er.appin; ro.. in the same
dire7tion: Fasten fabri7 Dith f.6sh Dith the fabri7 to pre<ent mo<ement of fabri7 by p.a7ement of
de7omposed ;ranite:
Repair or rep.a7e fabri7 dama;ed d6rin; p.a7ement of de7omposed ;ranite Dith s6ffi7ient fabri7 to 7omp.y
Dith o<er.ap reG6irements:
20-10.0)G De(0m60e1 Gr%'#/e
Do not p.a7e de7omposed ;ranite d6rin; rainy 7onditions:
i3 so.idifyin; em6.sion thoro6;h.y and 6niform.y thro6;ho6t the de7omposed ;ranite and 6nder the
man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions: i3 the materia. in the fie.d 6sin; portab.e mi3in; eG6ipment) or de.i<ered in
mi3er tr67ks from a .o7a. ready,mi3ed p.ant:
P.a7e de7omposed ;ranite 6niform.y in .ayers no more than #,#92 in7h thi7k: Compa7t ea7h .ayer of
de7omposed ;ranite to a re.ati<e 7ompa7tion of not .ess than $% per7ent: Compa7tion m6st not be;in .ess
than 0 ho6rs or more than 4+ ho6rs after p.a7ement:
App.y a fina. app.i7ation of so.idifyin; em6.sion as re7ommended by the man6fa7t6rer: Pre<ent r6noff or
o<erspray of so.idifyin; em6.sion onto adIa7ent pa<ed or p.antin; areas:
The finished de7omposed ;ranite s6rfa7e m6st be smooth and 6niform) 7ompa7ted to a re.ati<e
7ompa7tion of not .ess than $% per7ent) maintainin; ori;ina. f.oD .ines) s.ope ;radients) and 7onto6rs of
the Iob site:
20-10.0+ PAYMENT
De7omposed ;ranite is meas6red para..e. to the de7omposed ;ranite s6rfa7e:
20-11.01 GENERAL
20-11.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion 2%,## in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for p.a7in; ;ra<e. m6.7h as shoDn:
20-11.01B S".m#//%&
S6bmit the fo..oDin;:
#: Prod67t data in7.6din; the man6fa7t6rerFs prod67t sheet and the instr67tions for; the fi.ter
2: Certifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e for fi.ter fabri7 at .east * b6siness days before de.i<ery of the materia. to the
Iob site
-: Fi<e po6nd samp.e of the ;ra<e. m6.7h
20-11.02 MATERIALS
20-11.02A Ge'er%&
20-11.02B S0#& S/er#&%'/
Soi. steri.ant m6st be o3adiaHon ; preemer;ent and m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 2%,#:%2":
20-11.02C E18#'8
Ed;in; and stakes m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 2%,5:%2D/*1:
20-11.02D A88re8%/e B%e
A;;re;ate base m6st 7omp.y Dith -94 in7h ma3im6m) a;;re;ate ;radin; 6nder se7tion 20,#:%2":
20-11.02E F#&/er F%.r#(
Fi.ter fabri7 m6st be C.ass A:
20-11.02F F%/e'er for fi.ter fabri7 m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 2#,#:%2R:
20-11.02G Gr%$e& M"&(7
20-11.0)A Ge'er%&
20-11.0)B E%r/7:0r;
EarthDork m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion #$:
E37a<ate areas to re7ei<e ;ra<e. m6.7h to the depth shoDn after 7.earin;: 8here ;ra<e. m6.7h is to be
p.a7ed adIa7ent to e3istin; 76rbs) dikes) pa<ement) sideDa.ks or so6nd Da..s) e37a<ate so that the
finished ;ra<e. m6.7h e.e<ation adIa7ent to those items Di.. maintain the p.anned f.oD .ines) s.ope
;radients) and 7onto6rs of the Iob site: After e37a<ation) ;rade s6b;rade to re7ei<e ;ra<e. m6.7h to a
smooth) 6niform s6rfa7e) and 7ompa7t to not .ess than $% per7ent re.ati<e 7ompa7tion:
20-11.0)C Tre%/me'/ 04 S0#&
Steri.iHe areas Dith o3adiaHon after 7ompa7tion: App.y soi. steri.ant at the ma3im6m .abe. rate: Do not
app.y soi. steri.ant more than #2 in7hes beyond the ;ra<e. m6.7h .imits: The soi. steri.ant app.i7ation and
;ra<e. m6.7h p.a7ement m6st be 7omp.eted in these areas Dithin the same Dork day:
20-11.0)D E18#'8
Insta.. ed;in; to de.ineate the .imits of the ;ra<e. m6.7h areas: Ed;in; is not reG6ired betDeen ;ra<e.
m6.7h areas and the adIa7ent fa7e of so6nd Da..s) pa<ement ed;es) 76rbs) dikes or ro7k b.anket areas:
20-11.0)E A88re8%/e B%e
Spread and 7ompa7t a;;re;ate base as spe7ified 6nder se7tion 20,#:%-C and se7tion 20,#:%-D:
20-11.0)F F#&/er F%.r#(
Immediate.y before p.a7in; fi.ter fabri7) s6rfa7es to re7ei<e fi.ter fabri7 m6st be free of .oose or e3traneo6s
materia. and sharp obIe7ts that may dama;e the fi.ter fabri7 d6rin; insta..ation:
A.i;n fabri7 and p.a7e in a Drink.e,free manner:
O<er.ap adIa7ent ro..s of the fabri7 from #2 to #+ in7hes: Spread ea7h o<er.appin; ro.. in the same
dire7tion: Fasten fabri7 Dith f.6sh Dith the fabri7 to pre<ent mo<ement of fabri7 by p.a7ement of
;ra<e. m6.7h:
Repair or rep.a7e fabri7 dama;ed d6rin; p.a7ement of ;ra<e. m6.7h Dith s6ffi7ient fabri7 to 7omp.y Dith
o<er.ap reG6irements:
20-11.0)G Gr%$e& M"&(7
Do not p.a7e ;ra<e. m6.7h d6rin; rainy 7onditions:
P.a7e ;ra<e. and 7ompa7t by;:
The finished ;ra<e. m6.7h s6rfa7e m6st be smooth and 6niform) maintainin; ori;ina. f.oD .ines) s.ope
;radients) and 7onto6rs of the Iob site:
20-11.0+ PAYMENT
=ra<e. m6.7h is meas6red para..e. to the ;ra<e. m6.7h s6rfa7e:
20-12.01 GENERAL
20-12.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion 2%,#2 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for p.a7in; ro7k b.anket as shoDn:
20-12.01B S".m#//%&
S6bmit a # sG yd samp.e of the <ario6s ro7k siHes:
20-12.02 MATERIALS
20-12.02A Ge'er%&
20-12.02B S0#& S/er#&%'/
Soi. steri.ant m6st be o3adiaHon ; preemer;ent and m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 2%,#:%2":
20-12.02C C0'(re/e
Con7rete m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for minor 7on7rete and ha<e a ma3im6m a;;re;ate siHe of
-94 in7h:
20-12.02D R0(;
20-12.02E M0r/%r
ortar m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *#,#:%2F:
20-12.0)A Ge'er%&
20-12.0)B E%r/7:0r;
EarthDork m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion #$:
E37a<ate areas to re7ei<e ro7k b.anket to the depth shoDn after 7.earin;: 8here ro7k b.anket is to be
p.a7ed adIa7ent to e3istin; 76rbs) dikes) pa<ement) sideDa.ks or so6nd Da..s) e37a<ate so that the
finished ro7k b.anket e.e<ation adIa7ent to those items Di.. maintain the p.anned f.oD .ines) s.ope
;radients) and 7onto6rs of the Iob site: After e37a<ation) ;rade s6b;rade to re7ei<e ro7k b.anket to a
smooth) 6niform s6rfa7e) and 7ompa7t to not .ess than $% per7ent re.ati<e 7ompa7tion:
20-12.0)C Tre%/me'/ 04 S0#&
Steri.iHe areas Dith o3adiaHon after 7ompa7tion: App.y soi. steri.ant at the ma3im6m .abe. rate: Do not
app.y soi. steri.ant more than #2 in7hes beyond the ro7k b.anket .imits: The soi. steri.ant app.i7ation and
ro7k b.anket p.a7ement m6st be 7omp.eted in these areas Dithin the same Dork day:
20-12.0)D P&%(eme'/
P.a7e 7on7rete as shoDn:
Ro7k m6st be p.a7ed Dhi.e 7on7rete is sti.. p.asti7:
Spa7e ro7ks a ma3im6m of #92 in7h apart:
Ro7ks m6st ha<e a # in7h ma3im6m separation betDeen the top of adIa7ent ro7k s6rfa7es:
Remo<e 7on7rete adherin; to the e3posed s6rfa7es of the ro7k:
Loose ro7ks) or ro7ks Dith a ;ap ;reater than -9+ in7h) m6st be reset by methods a77epted by the
En;ineer: The ro7k ;ap is meas6red from the ed;e of the ro7k to the s6rro6ndin; 7on7rete beddin;:
P.a7e mortar as shoDn:
20-12.0+ PAYMENT
Ro7k b.anket is meas6red para..e. to the ro7k b.anket s6rfa7e:
20-1).01 GENERAL
20-1).01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion 2%,#- in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for app.yin; stain to the e3terior s6rfa7e of .ands7ape bo6.ders)
nati<e ro7k that has been dama;ed or s7arred) ro7k ener;y dissipaters) ro7k s.ope prote7tion and ;abion
20-1).01B S".m#//%&
S6bmit the fo..oDin;:
#: 8ork shoDin; methods to 7ontro. o<erspray and spi..a;e) and to prote7t adIa7ent s6rfa7es
2: Prod67t data in7.6din; the man6fa7t6rerFs prod67t sheet and the instr67tions for the app.i7ation of the
20-1).01C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
20-1).01CB1C Te/ P&0/
App.y stain to a test p.ot ro7k area not .ess than - by - feet at a .o7ation desi;nated by the En;ineer:
Notify the En;ineer not .ess than 5 days before stainin; the test p.ot: Prepare and stain the test p.ot Dith
the same materia.s) too.s) eG6ipment) and methods to be 6sed in stainin; fina. s6rfa7es: Separate test
p.ots are reG6ired for stainin; ro7k s.ope prote7tion and nati<e ro7k: If ordered) prepare additiona. test
p.ots: Additiona. test p.ots are 7han;e order Dork:
Obtain a6thoriHation of the test p.ot before stainin; s6rfa7es: !se the a6thoriHed test p.ot as the standard
for 7omparison in determinin; a77eptabi.ity of stainin;: If the test p.ot is not in7orporated into the Dork and
the En;ineer determines it is no .on;er needed) remo<e of it:
20-1).02 MATERIALS
20-1).02A Ge'er%&
20-1).02B S/%#'
20-1).0)A Ge'er%&
20-1).0)B A66&#(%/#0'
"efore app.yin; stain) the areas to be stained m6st be identified and a6thoriHed:
Remo<e oi.s) dirt) and other 7ontaminants and then dry s6rfa7es before stainin;:
After areas to be stained ha<e been identified) prepared) and test p.ot a6thoriHed) stain e3posed s6rfa7es
6nder the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions to a7hie<e a 7o.or 7onsistent Dith) or as 7.ose as possib.e to) the
a6thoriHed test area 7o.or:
Contro. o<erspray and prote7t adIa7ent s6rfa7es:
Stained s6rfa7es m6st be kept dry for a minim6m of 2% days fo..oDin; the app.i7ation of stain:
20-1).0+ PAYMENT
Ro7k stain areas are meas6red a.on; the s.ope fa7e:
20-1+.01 GENERAL
20-1+.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion 2%,#4 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for obtainin;) transportin;) preparin; p.antin; and p.antin;
Di..oD 76ttin;s:
20-1+.01B S".m#//%&
S6bmit the fo..oDin;:
#: 8ork for maintainin; Di..oD 76ttin;s
2: Prod67t data in7.6din; a 7opy of the root stim6.ant man6fa7t6rerFs prod67t sheet and the instr67tions
for the app.i7ation of the root stim6.ant
20-1+.02 MATERIALS
20-1+.02A Ge'er%&
20-1+.02B A#&&0: C"//#'8 40r P&%'/ Gr0"6 A
Take 76ttin;s from areas shoDn or desi;nated by the En;ineer: Take 76ttin;s at random from hea.thy)
<i;oro6s p.ants: Do not 76t more than *% per7ent of the p.ants in an area: Do not 76t more than 2*
per7ent of an indi<id6a. p.ant: ake 76ts Dith sharp) 7.ean too.s:
A 76ttin; m6st be:
#: Reasonab.y strai;ht
2: 2% to 24 in7hes in .en;th
-: -94 to #,#92 in7h in diameter at the base of the 76ttin;
The top of ea7h 76ttin; m6st be 76t sG6are abo<e a .eaf b6d: The base m6st be 76t be.oD a .eaf b6d at
appro3imate.y a 4* de;ree an;.e:
Trim off .ea<es and bran7hes f.6sh Dith the stem of the 76ttin;:
'eep 76ttin;s Det 6nti. p.anted:
20-1+.02C P%(;e/ Fer/#&#9er
Comp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for pa7ket ferti.iHer 6nder se7tion 2%,5:%2D/#1/71:
20-1+.02D R00/ S/#m"&%'/
20-1+.0)A Ge'er%&
20-1+.0)B P&%'/#'8
"efore p.antin;) remo<e trash) debris) and Deeds Dithin an area 2 feet in diameter 7entered at ea7h
proposed p.antin; .o7ation as shoDn: Pesti7ides m6st not be 6sed for Deed 7ontro. Dithin the 2 foot
P.ant 76ttin;s Dithin 4+ ho6rs after 76ttin;: C6ttin;s not p.anted Dithin 4+ ho6rs after 76ttin; or a..oDed to
dry o6t m6st not be 6sed:
P.antin; m6st be made to the ;ro6nd .ine and m6st be formed Dith a stee. bar or
e37a<ated by the 6se of an a6;er) post ho.e di;;er) or too.s: P.ant m6st be .ar;e eno6;h to
re7ei<e the 76ttin;s and p.anted to the spe7ified depths Ditho6t dama;in; the bark:
8here ro7k or other hard materia. prohibits the e37a<ation of the p.antin; e37a<ate neD and
ba7kfi.. the 6n6sed
If the soi. in and aro6nd the p.ant ho.e is not Det before p.antin;) the soi. m6st be Datered and kept Det
6nti. the 76ttin;s are p.anted:
App.y root stim6.ant a77ordin; to the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions:
P.ant the base of the 76ttin; from #% to #2 in7hes deep and ha<e from - to * b6d s7ars e3posed abo<e
the ;ro6nd: If more than * b6d s7ars are e3posed) remo<e the e37ess s7ars by pr6nin;:
P.a7e # ferti.iHer pa7ket in the ba7kfi.. of ea7h 76ttin;: P.a7e to Dithin 0 to + in7hes of the ;ro6nd s6rfa7e
and appro3imate.y # in7h from the 76ttin;:
After p.antin;) the p.ant m6st be ba7kfi..ed Dith e37a<ated materia.: The e37a<ated materia. m6st be
distrib6ted e<en.y Dithin the ho.e Ditho6t 7.ods) .6mps) or air po7kets: Compa7t the ba7kfi.. Ditho6t
dama;in; the 76ttin;Fs bark: Compa7tion m6st be eno6;h so that the 76ttin; is pre<ented from bein;
easi.y remo<ed from the soi.:
Dispose of trimmin;s) pr6nin;s) and 6n6sed 76ttin;s:
Rep.a7e dead 76ttin;s 6nder se7tion 2%,5:%-I/#01:
20-1+.0)C M%#'/%#' P&%'/e1 A#&&0: C"//#'8
20-1+.0+ PAYMENT
8i..oD 76ttin;s are meas6red from a7t6a. 7o6nt in p.a7e: No payment is made for 6n6sed 76ttin;s and
rep.a7ement 76ttin;s:
21-1.01 GENERAL
21-1.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion 2# in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for app.yin; permanent erosion 7ontro. meas6res to the soi. s6rfa7e:
The En;ineer desi;nates the e3tent of erosion 7ontro. areas by dire7tin; the p.a7ement of stakes or other
s6itab.e markers in in7rements of # a7re or .ess: F6rnish too.s) .abor) materia.s) and transportation
reG6ired to mark areas re7ei<in; erosion 7ontro. treatments:
o<e,in9mo<e,o6t for erosion 7ontro. in7.6des /#1 mo<in; onto the proIe7t Dhen the En;ineer determines
an area is ready to re7ei<e erosion 7ontro. materia.s) /21 settin; 6p a.. reG6ired personne. and eG6ipment)
and /-1 mo<in; o6t a.. personne. and eG6ipment Dhen Dork in that area is 7omp.ete:
21-1.01B S".m#//%&
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e for ta7kifier) bonded fiber matri3) and po.ymer,stabi.iHed fiber matri3 at
.east * b6siness days before app.i7ation: Certifi7ates of 7omp.ian7e m6st in7.6de:
#: Material Safet Data Sheet
2: Prod67t .abe.
-: List of app.i7ab.e non<isib.e po..6tant indi7ators for soi. amendment and stabi.iHation prod67ts as
shoDn in the tab.e tit.ed EPo..6tant Testin; =6idan7e Tab.eE in the Ca.trans Construction Site
Monitoring Program &uidance Manual
4: Report of a76te and 7hroni7 to3i7ity tests on aG6ati7 or;anisms 7onformin; to EPA methods
*: List of in;redients) in7.6din; 7hemi7a. form6.ation
0: Properties of po.ya7ry.amide in ta7kifier in7.6din; /#1 per7ent p6rity by Dei;ht) /21 per7ent a7ti<e
7ontent) /-1 a<era;e Dei;ht) and /41 7har;e density
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e for straD) fiber) RECP) and fasteners before app.i7ation:
At .east 0% days before seed app.i7ation) s6bmit proof that the order for seed reG6ired for the Contra7t
has been p.a7ed and a77epted by the seed <endor: In7.6de the seedFs botani7a. names) G6antity ordered)
and the anti7ipated date of de.i<ery:
S6bmit the 7ompost prod67erFs Compost Technical Data Sheet in7.6din; test res6.ts and Seal of Testing
-ssurance 7ertifi7ate before app.i7ation:
S6bmit a 7opy of the -nalsis !eport for ea7h seed spe7ies before app.i7ation:
S6bmit G6a.ity 7ontro. re7ords for hydra6.i7a..y app.ied erosion 7ontro. materia.s that indi7ate /#1
7omp.ian7e Dith the spe7ified app.i7ation rates) /21 areas treated and G6antity of materia.s app.ied) and
/-1 app.i7ation date and time:
21-1.01C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
Obtain seed from .ots that ha<e been tested for p6rity and ;ermination by a seed .aboratory 7ertified by
the Asso7iation of Offi7ia. Seed Ana.ysts or by a seed te7hno.o;ist 7ertified by the So7iety of Commer7ia.
Seed Te7hno.o;ists: Tests m6st be performed not more than #2 months before app.i7ation:
Seed m6st not 7ontain prohibited no3io6s Deed seed or more than #:% per7ent tota. Deed seed by Dei;ht:
Pro<ide seed .abe.s from the seed s6pp.ier that indi7ate:
#: Seed <ariety in7.6din; botani7a. name and 7ommon name
2: Lot n6mber or other .ot identifi7ation
-: Ori;in
4: Net Dei;ht
*: Per7ent p6re .i<e seed
0: Per7ent tota. <iabi.ity) Dhi7h is eG6a. to the s6m of the per7ent ;ermination) per7ent hard seed) and
the per7ent dormant seed
5: Per7ent by Dei;ht inert matter
+: Per7ent by Dei;ht other 7rop seed
$: Per7ent by Dei;ht Deed seed
#%: Name of restri7ted no3io6s Deed seed by n6mber per po6nd of seed
##: Name and address of the s6pp.ier or ;roDer responsib.e for the ana.ysis
Compost prod67ers m6st be permitted by the Ca.ifornia Department of Reso6r7es; and
Re7o<ery) Lo7a. Enfor7ement A;en7ies) and any other State and .o7a. a;en7ies that re;6.ate Daste
fa7i.ities: If e3empt from State permittin; reG6irements) the 7ompostin; fa7i.ity m6st 7ertify it 7omp.ies Dith
the ;6ide.ines and pro7ed6res for prod67tion of 7ompost 6nder the en<ironmenta. standards of CA
Code of Re;s MM #5+0+:#B#5+0+:4:
Compost prod67ers m6st be parti7ipants in the !nited States Compostin; Co6n7i.Fs Sea. of Testin;
Ass6ran7e pro;ram:
21-1.02A Ge'er%&
21-1.02B De&#$er3, S/0r%8e, %'1 H%'1&#'8
De.i<er seed to the Iob site in 6nopened) separate 7ontainers Dith the seed ta; atta7hed:
The En;ineer takes a samp.e of appro3imate.y # o6n7e or #94 76p of seed for ea7h seed .ot ;reater than
2 po6nds: At the time of seed;) pro<ide the En;ineer Dith a ;.assine,.ined ba; and 76stody sea.
ta; for ea7h seed .ot samp.e:
De.i<er ferti.iHer in .abe.ed 7ontainers shoDin; Dei;ht) 7hemi7a. ana.ysis) and name of the man6fa7t6rer:
F6rnish RECP in s6itab.e Drappin; to prote7t a;ainst moist6re and e3tended 6.tra< e3pos6re
o776rrin; before p.a7ement: Labe. RECP to pro<ide identifi7ation s6ffi7ient for in<entory and G6a.ity
7ontro. p6rposes:
21-1.02C D"44
D6ff m6st 7onsist of <e;etation remo<ed and 7o..e7ted from 7.earin; and ;r6bbin; a7ti<ities: (e;etation
may in7.6de trees) shr6bs) ;ro6nd 7o<er) ;rasses) bark) .ea<es) and roots Dith atta7hed soi.:
Pro7ess <e;etation into d6ff by t6b ;rindin; or 7hippin; it into pie7es not e37eedin; 0 in7hes in any
Sto7kpi.e d6ff 6nti. Dork area to re7ei<e d6ff is 7omp.ete: D6ff m6st not e37eed * feet in hei;ht:
21-1.02D T060#&
Obtain topsoi. from so6r7es Dithin or o6tside the Iob site as shoDn:
Topsoi. m6st 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin; reG6irements:
#: Lo7a. topsoi. m6st 7onform to the reG6irements for se.e7ted materia. in se7tion #$ and 7onsists of /#1
e37a<atin; topsoi.) in7.6din; or;ani7 materia. and .eaf .itter) in desi;nated areas to the depth
indi7ated) /21; the soi. on site) and /-1 maintainin; the sto7kpi.e 6nti. the materia. is re6sed
in the Dork:
2: Imported topsoi. m6st 7onsist of ferti.e) friab.e soi. of .oamy 7hara7ter that 7ontains or;ani7 matter in
amo6nts nat6ra. to the re;ion and be 7apab.e of s6stainin; hea.thy p.ant .ife: Imported topsoi. m6st
be free from de.eterio6s s6bstan7es s67h as .itter) ref6se) to3i7 Daste) stones .ar;er than # in7h in
siHe) 7oarse sand) hea<y or stiff 7.ay) br6sh) sti7ks) ;rasses) roots) no3io6s Deed seed) Deeds) and
other s6bstan7es detrimenta. to p.ant) anima.) and h6man
Fiber m6st be Dood fiber) 7e..6.ose fiber) a.ternate fiber) or a 7ombination of these fibers:
8ood fiber m6st be a .on; strand) Dho.e Dood fiber thermome7hani7a..y pro7essed from 7.ean Dho.e
Dood 7hips:
Ce.6..ose fiber m6st be made from nat6ra. or re7y7.ed p6.p fiber) s67h as Dood 7hips) saDd6st) neDsprint)
7hipboard) 7orr6;ated 7ardboard) or a 7ombination of these materia.s:
A.ternate fiber m6st be a .on; strand) Dho.e nat6ra. fiber made from 7.ean straD) 7otton) 7orn) or other
nat6ra. feed sto7k:
Fiber m6st:
#: Disperse into a 6niform s.6rry Dhen mi3ed Dith Dater:
2: Contain -94,in7h fiber strands for at .east 2* per7ent by tota. <o.6me:
-: ?a<e at .east 4% per7ent retained Dhen passed thro6;h a no: 2* sie<e:
4: ?a<e an initia. moist6re 7ontent of no more than #* per7ent of its dry Dei;ht Dhen tested 6nder CA
Test 220: The moist6re 7ontent m6st be marked on the pa7ka;in;:
*: ?a<e a Dater ho.din; 7apa7ity) by Dei;ht) of at .east #)2%% per7ent Dhen tested 6nder the pro7ed6re
desi;nated in the DepartmentFs Fina. Report) CA,DOT,TL,2#50,#,50,-0) E8ater ?o.din; Capa7ity for
?ydrom6.7h)E a<ai.ab.e from ETS:
0: "e nonto3i7 to p.ants and anima. .ife:
5: "e free of syntheti7 or p.asti7 materia.s) .ead paint) printin; ink) <arnish) petro.e6m prod67ts) seed
;ermination inhibitors) and 7h.orine b.ea7h:
+: Contain .ess than 2*% ppm of boron:
$: Contain .ess than 5 per7ent ash Dhen tested 6nder Te7hni7a. Asso7iation of the P6.p and Paper
Ind6stry) TAPPI Standard T 4#-:
#%: "e 7o.ored to 7ontrast Dith the area on Dhi7h the fiber is to be app.ied: The 7o.orin; a;ent m6st be
biode;radab.e) nonto3i7) and free from 7opper) mer76ry and arseni7 and m6st not stain 7on7rete or
painted s6rfa7es:
Fiber for temporary hydra6.i7 m6.7h m6st be at .east *% per7ent Dood fiber: The remainin; per7enta;e
m6st be 7e..6.ose fiber) a.ternate fiber) or a 7ombination:
Fiber for temporary bonded fiber matri3 and bonded fiber matri3 m6st be #%% per7ent Dood fiber and
7omp.y Dith the reG6irements for fiber e37ept the sie<e reG6irement m6st be at .east *% per7ent retained
on a no: 2* sie<e:
Fiber for po.ymer stabi.iHed fiber matri3 m6st be at .east *% per7ent Dood fiber: The remainin; per7enta;e
m6st be 7e..6.ose fiber) a.ternate fiber) or a 7ombination:
21-1.02F T%(;#4#er
21-1.02FB1C Ge'er%&
Ta7kifier m6st be /#1 free from ;roDth or ;ermination inhibitin; fa7tors) /21 nonf.ammab.e) /-1 nonto3i7 to
aG6ati7 or;anisms) and /41 f6n7tiona. for a minim6m of #+% days:
=enera. p6rpose ta7kifier may be either a p.ant based prod67t or a po.ymeri7 em6.sion b.end as fo..oDs:
#: P.ant based ta7kifier m6st be a nat6ra. hi;h Dei;ht po.ysa77haride) a hi;h <is7osity
hydro7o..oid that is mis7ib.e in Dater) and .abe.ed as either ;6ar) psy..i6m) or star7h) as fo..oDs:
#:#: =6ar ;6m based prod67t m6st be deri<ed from the ;ro6nd endosperm of the ;6ar p.ant)
Cyanmopsis tetra;ono.ob6s: It m6st be treated Dith dispersin; a;ents for easy mi3in;: It m6st
be ab.e to be di.6ted at the rate of # to * po6nds per #%% ;a..ons of Dater:
#:2: Psy..i6m based prod67t m6st be man6fa7t6red from the fine.y ;ro6nd) m67i..oid 7oatin; of
Plantago ovata or Plantago ispaghula seeds and ab.e to dry and form a firm b6t reDettab.e
#:-: Star7h based prod67t m6st be a nonioni7) Dater,so.6b.e) ; materia. deri<ed from 7orn)
potato) or other p.ant,based so6r7e:
2: Po.ymeri7 em6.sion b.end ta7kifier m6st be a prepa7ka;ed .iG6id or dry poDder) anioni7 form6.ation
Dith a resid6a. monomer 7ontent not e37eedin; %:%* per7ent by Dei;ht: The ta7kifier m6st 7ontain
and be .abe.ed Dith one of the fo..oDin; as the primary a7ti<e in;redients:
2:#: A7ry.i7 7opo.ymers and po.ymers:
2:2: Po.ymers of metha7ry.ates and a7ry.ates:
2:-: Copo.ymers of sodi6m a7ry.ates and a7ry.amides:
2:4: Po.ya7ry.amide and 7opo.ymer of a7ry.amide:
2:*: ?ydro7o..oid po.ymers:
21-1.02FB2C P0&3mer S/%.#&#9e1 M%/r#< T%(;#4#er
Ta7kifier for po.ymer stabi.iHed fiber matri3 m6st be:
#: A .iG6id form6.ation Dith po.ya7ry.amide as the primary a7ti<e in;redient Dith the fo..oDin;
#:#: Linear) anioni7 7opo.ymer of a7ry.amide and sodi6m a7ry.ate:
#:2: Anioni7 Dith a resid6a. monomer 7ontent that is at most %:%* per7ent by Dei;ht:
2: Form6.ated and .abe.ed as one of the fo..oDin;:
2:#: 8ater,in,oi. em6.sion 7ontainin; at .east 2:0 po6nds of p6re po.ya7ry.amide per ;a..on: P6re
po.ya7ry.amide m6st be at .east -% per7ent a7ti<e:
2:2: LiG6id dispersed po.ya7ry.amide 7ontainin; at .east 4:4 po6nds p6re po.ya7ry.amide per ;a..on:
P6re po.ya7ry.amide m6st be at .east -* per7ent a7ti<e:
21-1.02FB)C B0'1e1 M%/r#< T%(;#4#er
Ta7kifier for bonded fiber matri3 m6st:
#: "e bonded to the fiber or prepa7ka;ed Dith the fiber by the man6fa7t6rer
2: Contain a minim6m of #% per7ent of the 7ombined Dei;ht of the dry fiber) a7ti<atin; a;ents) and
-: "e an or;ani7) hi;h <is7osity 7o..oida. po.ysa77haride Dith a7ti<atin; a;ents or a b.ended
hydro7o..oid,based binder
21-1.02G See1
Seed Dith a ;ermination rate .oDer than the minim6m rate shoDn may be 6sed if a6thoriHed:
eas6re and mi3 indi<id6a. seed spe7ies in the presen7e of the En;ineer before app.yin; seed:
21-1.02H Fer/#&#9er
Ferti.iHer m6st 7omp.y Dith the materia. spe7ifi7ations for ferti.iHer in se7tion 2%,5:%2D/#1:
21-1.02I S/r%:
StraD m6st be sta.ks from Dheat) ri7e) or bar.ey f6rnished in air,dry 7ondition Dith a 7onsisten7y
7ompatib.e for app.i7ation Dith 7ommer7ia. straD,b.oDin; eG6ipment: 8heat and bar.ey straD m6st be
deri<ed from irri;ated 7rops:
StraD m6st be free of p.asti7) ;.ass) meta.) ro7ks) and ref6se or other de.eterio6s materia.:
StraD m6st ha<e not ha<e been 6sed for stab.e beddin;:
21-1.02E P0&3mer S/%.#&#9e1 M%/r#<
Po.ymer stabi.iHed fiber matri3 m6st be a hydra6.i7a..y app.ied materia. 7omposed of fiber and ta7kifier
and may in7.6de seed and ferti.iHer as shoDn:
21-1.02I B0'1e1 M%/r#<
"onded fiber matri3 m6st be a hydra6.i7a..y,app.ied materia. 7omposed of fiber and ta7kifier and may
in7.6de seed and ferti.iHer as shoDn:
21-1.02L H31r%"&#(%&&3 A66&#e1 Er0#0' C0'/r0& Pr01"(/
21-1.02M C0m60/
Compost m6st be deri<ed from one or a 7ombination of the fo..oDin; types of materia.s:
#: =reen materia. 7onsistin; of 7hipped) shredded) or ;ro6nd <e;etation or 7.ean) pro7essed) re7y7.ed
Dood prod67ts
2: "ioso.ids
-: an6re
4: i3ed food Daste
Compost m6st not be deri<ed from mi3ed) m6ni7ipa. Daste and m6st not 7ontain paint) petro.e6m
prod67ts) pesti7ides or other 7hemi7a. resid6es harmf6. to p.ant or anima. .ife: ateria.s m6st be
7omposted to red67e Deed seeds) patho;ens) and de.eterio6s materia.s 6nder #4 CA Code of Re;s
eta. 7on7entrations in 7ompost m6st not e37eed the ma3im6m .isted 6nder #4 CA Code of Re;s
Compost m6st 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Property Test method
p? TECC %4:##,A
E.astomeri7 p? #:* s.6rry method
So.6b.e sa.ts TECC %4:#%,A
E.e7tri7a. 7ond67ti<ity #:* s.6rry method
dS9m /mmhos97m1
oist6re 7ontent TECC %-:%$,A
Tota. so.ids N moist6re at 5% Z * ]C
\ Det Dei;ht basis
Or;ani7 matter
TECC %*:%5,A
Loss,on,i;nition or;ani7 matter method /LOI1
\ dry Dei;ht basis
at6rity TECC %*:%*,A
=ermination and <i;or
Seed emer;en7e +% or abo<e; <i;or +% or abo<e
\ re.ati<e to positi<e 7ontro.
Stabi.ity TECC %*:%+,"
Carbon dio3ide e<o.6tion rate
m; CO2,C9; O per day + or be.oD
Parti7.e siHe:
fine 7ompost
TECC %2:%2," Samp.e sie<in; for a;;re;ate
SiHe 7.assifi7ation \ dry Dei;ht basis
min ma3
Pass *9+,in7h sie<e $*\ ,,
Pass -9+,in7h sie<e 5%\ ,,
a3im6m parti7.e .en;th: 0 in7hes
Parti7.e siHe:
medi6m 7ompost
TECC %2:%2," samp.e sie<in; for a;;re;ate
SiHe 7.assifi7ation \ dry Dei;ht basis
min ma3
Pass 2,in7h sie<e $*\ ,,
Pass #,in7h sie<e /minim6m 5%\ retained1 ,, -%\
a3im6m parti7.e .en;th: 0 in7hes
Parti7.e siHe:
7oarse 7ompost
TECC %2:%2," samp.e sie<in; for a;;re;ate
SiHe 7.assifi7ation \ dry Dei;ht basis
min ma3
Pass 2,#92,in7h sie<e $$\ ,,
Pass -9+,in7h sie<e /minim6m 0%\ retained1 ,, 4%\
a3im6m parti7.e .en;th: 0 in7hes
Patho;en TECC %5:%#,"
K - PN per 4 ;rams) dry Dei;ht basis
Patho;en TECC %5:%#,"
Fe7a. 7o.iform ba7teria
K #)%%% PN per ;ram) dry Dei;ht basis
TECC %2:%2,C an,made inert remo<a. and
P.asti7) ;.ass) and meta.
\ L 4 mm fra7tion
7ombined tota.:
K #:%
TECC %2:%2,C
an,made inert remo<a. and 7.assifi7ation:
none dete7ted
Sharps /seDin; strai;ht pins and
hypodermi7 need.es1
\ L 4mm fra7tion
TECC refers to ETest ethods for the E3amination of Compostin; and Compost)E p6b.ished
by the !nited States Department of A;ri76.t6re and the !nited States Compost Co6n7i. /!SCC1:
21-1.02N Reer$e1
21-1.02O R0&&e1 Er0#0' C0'/r0& Pr01"(/
21-1.02OB1C Ge'er%&
RECP m6st be a .on;,term) de;radab.e) open,Dea<e te3ti.e man6fa7t6red or fabri7ated into ro..s
desi;ned to red67e soi. erosion and assist in the ;roDth) estab.ishment) and prote7tion of <e;etation:
RECP m6st 7onform to the 7.assifi7ation system estab.ished by the Erosion Contro. Te7hno.o;y Co6n7i.:
21-1.02OB2C E"/e Me7
C6te mesh m6st be made of pro7essed nat6ra. I6te yarns Do<en into a matri3: C6te mesh m6st 7omp.y
Dith the reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
E"/e Me7
Property ReG6irements Test method
C.assifi7ation ECTC Type -" ,,
inim6m strands per foot in ea7h
#4B2% ,,
inim6m ro.. Didth 4+ in7hes ,,
atri3 !nb.ea7hed and 6ndyed Do<en I6te ,,
!ni<ersa. soi. .oss eG6ation
/!SLE1 C,Fa7tor for a #:*:# /?:(1
6n<e;etated s.ope:
X %:2* ,,
a3im6m shear stress 2:% psf AST D 040%
inim6m tensi.e stren;th #%% psf AST D *%-*
F6n7tiona. .on;e<ity #2 months ,,
A<era;e open area 0* Z *\ ,,
inim6m Dei;ht of fabri7 #4:4B#$:2 oH9sG yd AST D -550
21-1.02OB)C Ne//#'8
Nettin; m6st be made of 7o7on6t fiber Do<en into a matri3: Nettin; m6st 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements
shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Property Type ReG6irements Test method
C.assifi7ation ,, ECTC Type 4 ,,
inim6m thi7kness A) ") C %:-% in7h ,,
Ro.. Didth A) ") C 52B#*+ in7hes ,,
atri3 A) ") C
#%%\ Do<en 7oir /7o7on6t
!ni<ersa. Soi. Loss EG6ation
/!SLE1 C,Fa7tor for a #:# /?:(1
6n<e;etated s.ope
A) ") C X %:2* ,,
a3im6m shear stress
2:2* psf
4:4 psf
4:0 psf
AST D 040%
inim6m tensi.e stren;th A) ") C #2* psf AST D *%-*
F6n7tiona. .on;e<ity A) ") C -0 months ,,
A<era;e open area
0- Z *\
4+ Z *\
-+ Z *\
inim6m Dei;ht of fabri7
##:+ oH9sG yd
2% oH9sG yd
20 oH9sG yd
AST D -550
21-1.02OB+C Er0#0' C0'/r0& B&%';e/
Erosion 7ontro. b.anket m6st be made of pro7essed nat6ra. fibers that are me7hani7a..y) str67t6ra..y) or
7hemi7a..y bo6nd to;ether to form a 7ontin6o6s matri3 that is s6rro6nded by 2 nat6ra. nets: The erosion
7ontro. b.anket m6st 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Er0#0' C0'/r0& B&%';e/
Property Type ReG6irements Test ethod
C.assifi7ation ,, ECTC Type 2D ,,
Net type A) ") C Nat6ra. ,,
N6mber of nets A) ") C Do6b.e ,,
inim6m ro.. Didth A) ") C 52 in7hes ,,
5%9-%\ /straD97o7on6t fiber1
#%%\ Do<en 7oir /7o7on6t fiber1
8ood e37e.sior /+% per7ent of the
fiber 0 in7hes or .on;er1
!ni<ersa. soi. .oss eG6ation
/!SLE1 C,Fa7tor for a 2:#
/?:(1 6n<e;etated s.ope:
A) ") C X %:2% ,,
a3im6m shear stress
A) ") C #:5* psf
AST D 040%
inim6m tensi.e stren;th
A) ") C 5* psf
AST D *%-*
F6n7tiona. .on;e<ity
A) ") C #2 months
21-1.02OB,C T"r4 Re#'40r(eme'/ M%/
T6rf reinfor7ement mat m6st be a nonde;radab.e) open,Dea<e te3ti.e made of syntheti7 fibers) fi.aments)
nets) Dire mesh or other e.ements) pro7essed into a permanent) three,dimensiona. matri3: T6rf
reinfor7ement mat m6st 7omp.y Dith reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
T"r4 Re#'40r(eme'/ M%/
Property Type ReG6irements Test ethod
C.assifi7ation ,, ECTC Type * ,,
Net type A) ") C Syntheti7 ,,
N6mber of nets A) ") C
Per man6fa7t6rerFs
inim6m thi7kness A) ") C %:2* in7h AST D 0*2*
inim6m ro.. Didth A) ") C 52 in7hes ,,
atri3 A) ") C
Per man6fa7t6rerFs
!ni<ersa. soi. .oss eG6ation
/!SLE1 C,Fa7tor for a #:*:# /?:(1
6n<e;etated s.ope:
A) ") C X %:2* ,,
a3im6m shear stress
0 psf
+:4 psf
#% psf
AST D 040%
inim6m tensi.e stren;th
#2* psf
#*% psf
#5* psf
AST D *%-*
F6n7tiona. .on;e<ity A) ") C -0 months ,,
!( stabi.ity A) ") C +%\ at *%% ho6rs AST D 4-**
21-1.02P R0&&
Fiber ro.. m6st ha<e a minim6m f6n7tiona. .on;e<ity of # year and 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin; reG6irements:
#: Type A fiber ro.. m6st be fabri7ated from an erosion 7ontro. b.anket ro..ed a.on; its Didth: Se76re Dith
nat6ra. fiber tDine at 0,foot inter<a.s) and 0 in7hes from ea7h end: Fiber ro.. siHe m6st 7omp.y Dith
either one of the fo..oDin;:
#:#: + to #% in7hes in diameter) #% to 2% feet .on;) and at .east %:* .b9ft
#:2: #% to #2 in7hes in diameter) at .east #% feet .on;) and at .east 2 .b9ft
2: Type " fiber ro.. m6st be a preman6fa7t6red ro.. fi..ed Dith ri7e or Dheat straD) Dood e37e.sior) or
7o7on6t fiber: Ro..s m6st be 7o<ered Dith biode;radab.e I6te) sisa.) or 7oir fiber nettin; se76red ti;ht.y
at ea7h end: Fiber ro.. siHe m6st 7omp.y Dith either one of the fo..oDin;:
2:#: + to #% in7hes in diameter) #% to 2% feet .on;) and at .east #:# .b9ft
2:2: #% to #2 in7hes in diameter) at .east #% feet .on;) and at .east - .b9ft
21-1.02G C0m60/ S0(;
Compost so7k m6st be a mesh t6be #2 in7hes in diameter fi..ed Dith 7ompost and m6st ha<e a f6n7tiona.
.on;e<ity of # year:
The mesh t6be m6st be 7omposed of a nat6ra. biode;radab.e prod67t s67h as 7otton) I6te) sisa.) b6r.ap)
or 7oir: The mesh t6be m6st be 7.ean) e<en.y Do<en) and free of en7r6sted 7on7rete or other
7ontaminatin; materia.s) 76ts) tears) broken or missin; yarns) and thin) open) or Deak p.a7es:
Compost parti7.e siHe for 7ompost so7k m6st 7omp.y Dith the materia. spe7ifi7ation for 7oarse 7ompost in
the tab.e tit.ed ECompost PropertiesE spe7ified in se7tion 2#,#:%2:
21-1.02R F%/e'er
8ood stakes m6st be 6ntreated fir) redDood) 7edar) or pine and 76t from so6nd timber: The ends m6st be
pointed for dri<in; into the ;ro6nd: Not7hed stakes m6st be at .east # by 2 by 24 in7hes in siHe: Stakes
Ditho6t not7hes m6st be at .east # by # by 24 in7hes:
eta. stakes m6st be at .east #92 in7h in diameter and ha<e tops bent at $%,de;ree an;.es or 7apped Dith
an oran;e or red p.asti7 safety 7ap that fits sn6;.y onto the meta. stake:
Stee. m6st be a minim6m of ##,;a6;e) 0,in7h) !,shaped Dith a #,in7h 7roDn: Pro<ide
hea<ier ;a6;e and ;reater .en;th if reG6ired by the site 7onditions: &o6 may 6se an a.ternati<e
atta7hment de<i7e s67h as a #%% per7ent biode;radab.e fastener to insta.. RECP instead of
Rope to fasten fiber ro..s and 7ompost so7ks m6st be #94 in7h in diameter and biode;radab.e) s67h as
sisa. or mani.a:
21-1.02S A%/er
8ater m6st be of a G6a.ity that promotes ;ermination of seeds and ;roDth of p.ants:
21-1.0)A Ge'er%&
"efore app.yin; erosion 7ontro. meas6res) <erify that finished ;rades meet the reG6irements for ;rade)
7ompa7tion and finish as spe7ified in se7tion #$:
App.y erosion 7ontro. materia.s Dithin 24 ho6rs after the fina. preparation of the erosion 7ontro. areas: Do
not app.y hydra6.i7a..y app.ied materia.s 6nder the fo..oDin; 7onditions:
#: Pre7ipitation
2: 8ater is standin; on or mo<in; a7ross the soi. s6rfa7e
-: Soi. is froHen
4: Air temperat6re is be.oD 4% de;rees F d6rin; the ta7kifier 76rin; period 6n.ess a..oDed by the
ta7kifier man6fa7t6rer and a6thoriHed
21-1.0)B S#/e Pre6%r%/#0'
Remo<e and dispose of trash) debris) and Deeds in areas to re7ei<e erosion 7ontro. materia.s:
Remo<e and dispose of .oose ro7ks .ar;er than 2,#92 in7hes in ma3im6m dimension 6n.ess otherDise
Prote7t the tra<e.ed Day) sideDa.ks) .ined draina;e 7hanne.s) and e3istin; <e;etation from o<erspray of
hydra6.i7a..y,app.ied materia.:
21-1.0)C D"44
!pon 7omp.etion of the earthDork in an area) spread d6ff to a 6niform thi7kness: Do not app.y d6ff Dithin
#% feet of the pa<ement ed;e: RoadDay and adIa7ent areas m6st be .eft in a neat and finished
Tra7kDa.k d6ff Dith tra7ked eG6ipment r6n to s.ope 7onto6rs: 8ater may be 6sed to assist
this pro7ess b6t m6st not 7a6se erosion:
21-1.0)D T060#&
P.a7e topsoi. after a.. other earthDork in an area is 7omp.ete:
Spread topsoi. to a 6niform thi7kness:
Tra7kDa.k topsoi. Dith tra7ked eG6ipment r6n to s.ope 7onto6rs: 8ater may be 6sed to
assist the pro7ess b6t m6st not 7a6se erosion:
21-1.0)E H31r0m"&(7 %'1 H31r0ee1
App.y hydrom67h Dith hydra6.i7 spray eG6ipment that mi3es fiber) ta7kifier) ferti.iHer) and other erosion
7ontro. materia.s spe7ified: If app.yin; hydroseed) add seed to hydrom6.7h: Seed may be dry app.ied to
sma.. areas not a77essib.e by hydroseedin; eG6ipment if a6thoriHed:
Add Dater to hydrom6.7h and hydroseed materia.s as re7ommended by the man6fa7t6rer and mi3
s6ffi7ient.y to ens6re an e<en app.i7ation: A dispersin; a;ent may be added to the mi3t6re if a6thoriHed:
EG6ipment m6st 6ti.iHe a b6i.t,in 7ontin6o6s a;itation and dis7har;e system 7apab.e of prod67in; a
homo;eneo6s mi3t6re and a 6niform app.i7ation rate: The tank m6st ha<e a minim6m 7apa7ity of #)%%%
;a..ons: &o6 may 6se a tank if a6thoriHed:
App.y materia.s in .o7ations) rates) and n6mber of app.i7ations shoDn and as fo..oDs:
#: "e;in app.i7ation Dithin 0% min6tes after addin; seed to the tank:
2: App.y in s677essi<e passes as ne7essary to a7hie<e the reG6ired app.i7ation rate:
-: App.y a.. hydrom6.7h or hydroseed materia.s indi7ated for a sin;.e area Dithin 52 ho6rs:
8hen hydrom6.7h or hydroseed materia.s are app.ied to areas 7o<ered by RECP) app.y hydrom6.7h and
hydroseed materia.s to the ro..ed prod67t as fo..oDs:
#: (erify the RECP is in 6niform 7onta7t Dith the s.ope s6rfa7e:
2: Spray materia.s into the RECP to the s.ope and inte;rate De..:
-: Do not disp.a7e or dama;e the RECP:
After the fina. app.i7ation) do not a..oD pedestrians or eG6ipment onto the treated areas:
21-1.0)F Dr3 See1
App.y dry seed and ferti.iHer at the rates shoDn after site preparation: S7arify areas to a minim6m depth of
# in7h: App.y and in7orporate materia.s into the soi. to a ma3im6m depth of #94 in7h by dra;;in; or rakin;:
21-1.0)G Dr#&& See1
Dri..,seedin; eG6ipment m6st be a ran;e.and dri.. seeder Dith a rin; atta7hed: The seeder m6st be
eG6ipped Dith a f.6ffy seed bo3 Dith a;itators to pre<ent brid;in; and 7.o;;in;: The seed bo3 m6st ha<e
meta. roD di<iders and indi<id6a. bo3 adI6stments to meter the seed f.oD:
App.y dri.. seed as fo..oDs:
#: Dri.. seed in roDs no ;reater than + in7hes apart and to a depth of #94 in7h:
2: ake a minim6m of - passes in different dire7tions Dith seedin; eG6ipment to red67e any 6niform
roD appearan7e:
-: Do not app.y seed Dithin + feet of the pa<ement ed;e:
21-1.0)H S/r%:
App.y straD by spreadin; it 6niform.y Ditho6t 7.6mpin; or; at the rates shoDn) based 6pon s.ope
meas6rements: On7e straD Dork is started in an area) app.y a.. materia.s for that area in the same
Dorkin; day:
21-1.0)I P0&3mer S/%.#&#9e1 M%/r#<
App.y po.ymer stabi.iHed fiber matri3 materia.s from m6.tip.e dire7tions and an;.es to ens6re 7omp.ete
7o<era;e in the .o7ations) app.i7ation rate) and n6mber of app.i7ations shoDn:
21-1.0)E B0'1e1 M%/r#<
App.y bonded fiber matri3 materia.s in the .o7ations) rates) and n6mber of app.i7ations shoDn and as
#: App.y in s677essi<e passes as ne7essary to a7hie<e the reG6ired app.i7ation rate:
2: Form a 7ontin6o6s 6niform mat Dith no ;aps betDeen the mat and the soi. s6rfa7e as fo..oDs:
2:#: App.y in 2 or more dire7tions if ne7essary:
2:2: App.y in .ayers as ne7essary to a<oid s.6mpin; and aid dryin;:
21-1.0)I H31r%"&#( Er0#0' C0'/r0& Pr01"(/
21-1.0)L C0m60/
App.y 7ompost to a 6niform thi7kness in the .o7ations shoDn: If 7ompost and seed are app.ied
sim6.taneo6s.y) mi3 and app.y to;ether Dith eG6ipment s6itab.e for the app.i7ation s67h as a pne6mati7
b.oDer tr67k:
21-1.0)M Reer$e1
21-1.0)N I'(0r60r%/e M%/er#%&
In7orporate topsoi.) d6ff) 7ompost) and m6.7h to the depth shoDn 6nti. De.. mi3ed: ateria.s may be
mi3ed to;ether before in7orporation if a6thoriHed:
Do not in7orporate materia.s Dithin 2 feet of the pa<ement ed;e:
In7orporate straD Dith a made of appro3imate.y 59+,in7h stee. p.ate eG6ipped Dith strai;ht st6ds
p.a7ed appro3imate.y + in7hes apart and sta;;ered: St6ds m6st not be .ess than 0 in7hes .on; nor more
than 0 in7hes Dide and m6st be ro6nded to pre<ent the straD DithdraDin; from the soi.: The Dei;ht
m6st be s6ffi7ient to in7orporate the straD into the soi. to a depth that Di.. not s6pport 7omb6stion and
res6.t in a 6niform s6rfa7e:
Compa7t the area to a re.ati<e 7ompa7tion betDeen +2 per7ent and $% per7ent e37ept as otherDise
spe7ified in se7tion #$,*:
21-1.0)O R0&&e1 Er0#0' C0'/r0& Pr01"(/
"efore p.a7in; RECP) ens6re the s6b;rade has been ;raded smooth and has no depressed <oids: The
s6b;rade m6st be free from obstr67tions) s67h as tree roots) proIe7tin; stones) or forei;n matter ;reater
than # in7h in diameter:
Fasten RECP to the s6rfa7e Dith and an7hor as shoDn:
Do not dri<e < 6pon RECP fo..oDin; p.a7ement:
21-1.0)P R0&&
"efore; fiber ro.. remo<e obstr67tions from the ;ro6nd) in7.6din; ro7ks) 7.ods) and debris ;reater
than # in7h in diameter:
Insta.. fiber ro.. appro3imate.y para..e. to the s.ope 7onto6r: For any 2%,foot se7tion of fiber ro..) pre<ent the
fiber ro.. from <aryin; more than * per7ent from .e<e.: Insta.. fiber ro.. on s.opes at the fo..oDin; spa7in;
6n.ess shoDn otherDise:
#: #% feet apart for s.opes steeper than 2:# /horiHonta.:<erti7a.1
2: #* feet apart for s.opes from 2:# to 4:# /horiHonta.:<erti7a.1
-: 2% feet apart for s.opes from 4:# to #%:# /horiHonta.:<erti7a.1
4: *% feet apart for s.opes f.atter than #%:# /horiHonta.:<erti7a.1
Type # fiber ro.. insta..ation 7onsists of p.a7in; and fastenin; as fo..oDs:
#: P.a7e in a f6rroD that is from 2 to 4 in7hes deep:
2: Fasten Dith Dood stakes e<ery 4 feet a.on; the .en;th of the fiber ro..:
-: Fasten the ends of the fiber ro.. by p.a7in; a stake 0 in7hes from the end of the ro..:
4: Dri<e the stakes into the soi. so that the top of the stake is .ess then 2 in7hes abo<e the top of the
fiber ro..:
Type 2 fiber ro.. insta..ation 7onsists of p.a7in; and fastenin; as fo..oDs:
#: Fasten Dith not7hed Dood stakes and rope:
2: Dri<e stakes into the soi. 6nti. the not7h is e<en Dith the top of the fiber ro..:
-: La7e the rope betDeen stakes and o<er the fiber ro..: 'not the rope at ea7h stake:
4: Ti;hten the fiber ro.. to the s6rfa7e of the s.ope by dri<in; the stakes f6rther into the soi.:
aintain fiber ro.. in a manner that pro<ides sediment ho.din; 7apa7ity and red67es r6noff <e.o7ities as
#: Remo<e sediment from behind the fiber ro.. Dhen sediment is #9- of fiber ro.. hei;ht abo<e ;ro6nd:
2: Repair or adI6st the fiber ro.. Dhen ri..s or other e<iden7e of 7on7entrated r6noff o776r beneath the
fiber ro..:
-: Repair or rep.a7e the fiber ro.. Dhen they be7ome torn) or 6nra<e.ed:
4: Add stakes Dhen the fiber ro.. s.6mps or sa;s:
*: Rep.a7e broken or Dood stakes:
0: Remo<e sediment deposits) trash) and debris from fiber ro.. as needed or Dhen ordered: If remo<ed
sediment is deposited Dithin proIe7t .imits) it m6st be stabi.iHed and not e3posed to erosion by Dind or
21-1.0)G C0m60/ S0(;
"efore; 7ompost so7k remo<e obstr67tions from the ;ro6nd in7.6din; ro7ks) 7.ods) and debris
;reater than # in7h in diameter:
Insta.. and maintain 7ompost so7k fo..oDin; the pro7ed6res for fiber ro..s and the fo..oDin;:
#: P.a7e mesh t6be) se76re the end) and fi.. 6niform.y Dith 7ompost: Se76re the remainin; end:
2 Fasten 7ompost so7k to soi. s6rfa7e fo..oDin; the pro7ed6res for Type # and Type 2 insta..ation of
fiber ro..:
-: Remo<e so7k Dhen ordered: C6t so7k and empty 7ontents in p.a7e: Dispose of so7k:
21-1.0+ PAYMENT
Items paid for by area or .en;th are meas6red para..e. to the ;ro6nd s6rfa7e e37.6din; o<er.aps:
A mo<e,in fo..oDed by a mo<e,o6t 7o6nts as # 6nit: The Department does not adI6st the 6nit pri7e for an
in7rease or de7rease in the mo<e,in9mo<e,o6t G6antity:
Co..e7tin;) pro7essin;) and; of d6ff is paid for as 7.earin; and ;r6bbin; as spe7ified in se7tion
#0: Spreadin; d6ff is paid for as d6ff:
Lo7a. topsoi. is paid for as roadDay e37a<ation as spe7ified in se7tion #$,2:
Imported topsoi. is meas6red in the <ehi7.e at the point of de.i<ery:
22-1.01 GENERAL
Se7tion 22 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for finishin; the roadDay:
Perform finishin; a7ti<ities after 7omp.etin; a.. other 7onstr67tion a7ti<ities:
Not !sed
Trim and shape ;raded areas Ditho6t s6rfa7in; to smooth and 6niform 7ross se7tions and s.opes:
#: "etDeen ed;e of sho6.der and hin;e point of s.opes
2: At medians
For a ;raded roadbed Ditho6t s6rfa7in; or pa<ement) trim and shape the entire roadbed to 6niform 7ross
se7tions and s.opes:
Trim s.opes of ;6tters Ditho6t .inin; or s6rfa7in; to the reG6ired ;rade and 7ross se7tion:
Do not sto7kpi.e materia. on finished pa<ement or a..oD materia. to drift a7ross pa<ement: C.ean finished
pa<ement of dirt and forei;n materia.:
C.ear debris and obstr67tions from dit7hes and 7hanne.s 7onstr67ted 6nder the Contra7t:
C.ean o6t seDers) 76.<erts) and other draina;e fa7i.ities and app6rtenant str67t6res 7onstr67ted 6nder the
Remo<e debris and e37ess materia. ne3t to 76.<erts) headDa..s and endDa..s) brid;e ends) posts)
trees) or other obIe7ts and .ea<e in a neat and order.y 7ondition:
Remo<e from s.opes any e3posed materia. that mi;ht be7ome .oose s67h as ro7ks and roots:
Remo<e .oose ro7k .ar;er than 2,#92 in7hes in ma3im6m dimension from:
#: "etDeen ed;e of sho6.der and hin;e point of s.opes
2: At medians
-: Finished roadbed
Dispose of materia. res6.tin; from finishin; a7ti<ities: If a6thoriHed) soi. and ro7k res6.tin; from finishin;
a7ti<ities may be 6sed a.on; the roadDay:
22-1.0+ PAYMENT
Not !sed
2+-2.01 GENERAL
2+-2.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion 24 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for stabi.iHin; soi. by mi3in; .ime and Dater Dith soi. and 7ompa7tin;
the mi3t6re:
2+-2.01B De4#'#/#0'
me&&0:#'8 6er#015 Time betDeen the initia. and fina. mi3in; to promote initia. 7hemi7a. rea7tions betDeen
.ime) Dater) and soi.:
2+-2.01C S".m#//%&
From -% to #+% days before 6se) s6bmit one #% .b samp.e of ea7h .ime prod67t proposed and from ea7h
S6bmit .ime in airti;ht 7ontainers 6nder AST C *%: ark the samp.e date on the 7ontainer:
In7.6de the SDS and 7hemi7a. and physi7a. ana.ysis Dith the s6bmitta.:
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e Dith the .ime that in7.6des a statement 7ertifyin; the .ime
f6rnished is the same as on the A6thoriHed ateria. So6r7e List:
At .east #* days before startin; soi. stabi.iHation a7ti<ities) s6bmit the name of the a6thoriHed .aboratory
yo6 Di.. 6se for @C tests: The .aboratory m6st be G6a.ified 6nder the DepartmentFs Independent
Ass6ran7e Pro;ram:
At .east 2* days before app.yin; .ime in s.6rry form) s6bmit the s.6rryFs .ime 7ontent for a6thoriHation:
"efore performin; @C; and testin;) s6bmit the time and .o7ation the; and testin; Di..
o776r: S6bmit @C testin; res6.ts Dithin 24 ho6rs of re7ei<in; the res6.ts:
2+-2.01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
2+-2.01DB1C Ge'er%&
Perform @C testin; in the presen7e of the En;ineer:
P.a7e 6niG6e) seG6entia..y n6mbered .o7k sea.s on ea7h .oad and affi3 them to b.oD doDn <a.<es
that are .o7ked open: The bi.. of .adin; for ea7h .ime de.i<ery m6st ha<e that spe7ifi7 .o7k sea. n6mber
.e;ib.y and <isib.y imprinted:
2+-2.01DB2C Pre6%r#'8 S0#&
After preparin; an area for .ime soi. stabi.iHation <erify the s6rfa7e ;rades: For e<ery *%% 76 yd of soi.
prepared for .ime soi. stabi.iHation:
#: Test the re.ati<e 7ompa7tion 6nder Ca.ifornia Test 2-#
2: Test the moist6re 7ontent 6nder Ca.ifornia Test 220
2+-2.01DB)C A66&3#'8 L#me
The En;ineer determines the fina. app.i7ation rate for ea7h .ime prod67t proposed from the
s6bmitted: 8here<er the soi. to be stabi.iHed 7han;es) the En;ineer 7han;es the app.i7ation rate: "ased
on Ca.ifornia Test -5-) the En;ineer reports the app.i7ation rate as the per7ent of .ime by dry Dei;ht of
soi.: The En;ineer pro<ides the optim6m moist6re 7ontent determined 6nder Ca.ifornia Test -5- for ea7h
app.i7ation rate:
8hene<er .ime is 6sed in dry form) the En;ineer <erifies the app.i7ation rate 6sin; the drop pan method
on7e per 4%)%%% sG6are feet stabi.iHed) or tDi7e per day) Dhi7he<er is ;reater:
8hene<er .ime in s.6rry form is 6sed) report the G6antity of s.6rry p.a7ed by meas6rin; the <o.6me of
s.6rry in the ho.din; tank on7e per 4%)%%% sG6are feet stabi.iHed) or tDi7e per day) Dhi7he<er is ;reater:
2+-2.01DB+C M#<#'8
For ea7h day of initia. mi3in;) test the moist6re 7ontent 6nder Ca.ifornia Test 2-# and <erify moist6re
7ontent 6nder Ca.ifornia Test 220: Samp.e the materia. immediate.y after initia. mi3in;:
Random.y test the adeG6a7y of the fina. mi3in; Dith a pheno.phtha.ein indi7ator so.6tion:
D6rin; mi3in; operations) meas6re and re7ord the ;ro6nd temperat6re at f6.. mi3in; depth:
Take a 7omposite samp.e from * random .o7ations after initia. mi3in;: The moist6re 7ontent of the
7omposite samp.e tested 6nder Ca.ifornia Test 220 m6st be a minim6m of - per7ent ;reater than
optim6m: Determine the moist6re <ers6s density re.ationship of the 7omposite samp.e materia. 6nder
Ca.ifornia Test 2#0) e37ept part 2) se7tion E) para;raph 0 is modified as fo..oDs:
After adI6stment of the moist6re 7ontent) 7ompa7t ea7h of the remainin; test spe7imens in the mo.d)
then re7ord the Dater adI6stment) tamper readin;) and the 7orrespondin; adI6sted Det density from
the 7hart on Tab.e # 6sin; the 7o.6mn 7orrespondin; to the a7t6a. Det Dei;ht of the test spe7imen
7ompa7ted: Note ea7h of these Det Dei;hts on Line I:
After mi3in; and before 7ompa7tin;) determine ma3im6m density 6nder Ca.ifornia Test 2#0 from
7omposite of mi3ed materia. from * random .o7ations and at ea7h distin7t 7han;e in
materia.: Test the ;radation for 7omp.ian7e Dith se7tion 24,2:%-D: Test the moist6re 7ontent of the mi3ed
materia. 6nder Ca.ifornia Test 220:
2+-2.01DB,C C0m6%(/#0'
Test re.ati<e 7ompa7tion on a Det Dei;ht basis:
After initia. 7ompa7tion determine in,p.a7e density 6nder Ca.ifornia Test 2-# and moist6re 7ontent 6nder
Ca.ifornia Test 220) at the same .o7ations: Perform one test per 2*% 76 yd of .ime stabi.iHed soi.: Test in
%:*%,foot depth inter<a.s:
Constr67t test pads for 7ompa7tion tests by s7rapin; aDay materia. to the depth ordered: If a 7ompa7tion
test fai.s) 7orre7ti<e a7tion m6st in7.6de the .ayers of materia. a.ready p.a7ed abo<e the test pad e.e<ation:
2+-2.01DB-C Te/ S/r#6
Constr67t test strips Dith materia.s) too.s) eG6ipment) and methods yo6 Di.. 6se in the Dork:
2+-2.01DB2C Te/ Re"&/ D#6"/e
8ork Dith the En;ineer to a<oid potentia. 7onf.i7ts and reso.<e disp6tes re;ardin; test res6.t
dis7repan7ies: If yo6 disp6te the test res6.t notify the En;ineer Dithin * days of re7ei<in; the test res6.t:
If yo6 or the En;ineer disp6te ea7h otherFs test res6.ts) s6bmit Dritten G6a.ity 7ontro. test res6.ts and
7opies of paperDork in7.6din; Dorksheets 6sed to determine the disp6ted test res6.ts: An Independent
Third Party /ITP1 m6st perform referee testin;: "efore the ITP parti7ipates in a disp6te reso.6tion) the ITP
m6st be a77redited 6nder the DepartmentFs Independent Ass6ran7e Pro;ram: The ITP m6st be
independent of the proIe7t: "y m6t6a. a;reement) the ITP is 7hosen from:
#: A Department .aboratory
2: A Department .aboratory in a distri7t or re;ion not in the distri7t or re;ion the proIe7t is .o7ated
-: The Transportation Laboratory
4: A .aboratory not 76rrent.y emp.oyed by yo6 or yo6r .ime prod67er
If G6a.ity 7ontro. or a77eptan7e are not a<ai.ab.e) the ITP 6ses any a<ai.ab.e materia.
representin; the disp6ted materia. for e<a.6ation:
2+-2.02A Ge'er%&
2+-2.02B L#me
Lime so6r7es m6st be on the A6thoriHed ateria. So6r7e List:
Lime m6st 7omp.y Dith AST C $55 and the reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
L#me G"%&#/3
Property AST ReG6irements
A<ai.ab.e 7a.7i6m and ma;nesi6m
o3ide /min) \1
C 2*
C #-%# and C #25#
?i;h 7a.7i6m G6i7k.ime:
CaO L $%
Do.omiti7 G6i7k.ime:
CaO L ** and CaO Y ;O L $%
Loss on i;nition /ma3) \1 C 2* 5 /tota. .oss1
* /7arbon dio3ide1
2 /free moist6re1
S.akin; rate C ##% -% ]C rise in + min6tes
A %:*% .b samp.e of .ime dry,sie<ed in a me7hani7a. sie<e shaker for #% min6tes Z-% se7onds m6st
7omp.y Dith the ;radin; shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
L#me Gr%1#'8
Sie<e siHes Per7enta;e passin;
-9+ in7h $+B#%%
S.6rry m6st:
#: "e free of 7ontaminants
2: Contain at .east the minim6m dry so.ids
-: ?a<e 6niform 7onsisten7y
Prepare .ime s.6rry at the Iob site:
2+-2.02C A%/er
8hene<er a<ai.ab.e) 6se potab.e Dater for mi3in; soi. and .ime: Notify the En;ineer if Dater other than
potab.e Dater is 6sed: 8ater) other than potab.e Dater m6st:
#: Contain no more than 0*% parts per mi..ion of 7h.orides as C.) and no more than #)-%% parts per
mi..ion of s6.fates as SO4
2: Not 7ontain an amo6nt of imp6rities that Di.. 7a6se a red67tion in the stren;th of the stabi.iHed soi.
2+-2.02D C"r#'8 Se%&
C6rin; sea. m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion $4) =rade SS#) SS#h) CSS#) or CSS#h:
2+-2.0)A Ge'er%&
Do not mi3 different types of .ime or .ime from more than one so6r7e: The En;ineer determines separate
app.i7ation rates:
De.i<er .ime in f6.. .oads 6n.ess it is the .ast .oad needed for a Dork shift:
"efore app.yin; .ime) meas6re the ;ro6nd s6rfa7e temperat6re: App.y .ime at ;ro6nd temperat6res abo<e
-* de;rees F: Do not app.y .ime if yo6 e3pe7t the ;ro6nd temperat6re to drop be.oD -* de;rees F before
yo6 7omp.ete mi3in; and 7ompa7tin;:
D6rin; mi3in;) maintain the in,p.a7e moist6re of the soi. to be stabi.iHed a minim6m - per7ent abo<e the
optim6m moist6re determined 6nder Ca.ifornia Test 2#0 as modified in se7tion 24,2:%-D: D6rin;
7ompa7tion and finish ;radin;) add Dater to the s6rfa7e to pre<ent dryin; 6nti. the ne3t .ayer of mi3ed
materia. is p.a7ed) or 6nti. yo6 app.y 76rin; treatment:
S7arify the s6rfa7e of .ime stabi.iHed soi. at .east 2 in7hes betDeen ea7h .ayer: Do not s7arify the finished
s6rfa7e of the .ime stabi.iHed soi.:
From the app.i7ation of .ime to - days after the app.i7ation of 76rin; treatment) on.y eG6ipment and
< essentia. to the .ime stabi.iHation Dork are a..oDed on the soi.:
2+-2.0)B Pre6%r#'8 S0#&
For nati<e soi. and embankment other than imported borroD) remo<e ro7ks or so.ids .ar;er than #9- of the
.ayer thi7kness: Re;ard.ess of the .ayer thi7kness) remo<e ro7ks and so.ids ;reater than 4 in7hes:
Remo<in; soi. 7.ods is not reG6ired: Notify the En;ineer if yo6 en7o6nter ro7ks or so.ids ;reater than #9-
of the .ayer thi7kness: Remo<in; and disposin; of ro7ks and so.ids is 7han;e order Dork:
"efore addin; .ime) p.a7e the soi. to be stabi.iHed to Dithin %:%+ foot of the spe7ified .ines and ;rades and
7ompa7t to not .ess than $% per7ent re.ati<e 7ompa7tion:
2+-2.0)C A66&3#'8 L#me
App.y .ime in dry form: &o6 may app.y .ime in s.6rry form) if a6thoriHed:
App.y .ime 6niform.y o<er the area to be stabi.iHed 6sin; a <ane spreader:
Do not <ary from the En;ineerFs determined app.i7ation rate by more than * per7ent:
Lime s.6rry m6st be in s6spension d6rin; app.i7ation: App.y .ime s.6rry 6niform.y makin; s677essi<e
passes o<er a meas6red se7tion or roadDay 6nti. the spe7ified .ime 7ontent is rea7hed: App.y the resid6e
from .ime s.6rry o<er the .en;th of the roadDay bein; pro7essed:
2+-2.0)D M#<#'8
Lime and soi. to be stabi.iHed m6st be 6niform.y mi3ed at .east tDi7e to Dithin %:#% foot of the depth
shoDn at any point: If the mi3in; depth e37eeds the depth shoDn by more than #% per7ent) add .ime in
proportion to the e37eeded depth: The Department does not pay for this added .ime:
i3 .ime on the same day it is app.ied: After the initia. mi3in;) a..oD a me..oDin; period for at .east -0
ho6rs before fina. mi3in;: oist6re 7ontent d6rin; the me..oDin; period determined 6nder Ca.ifornia Test
220 m6st be at .east - per7ent hi;her than the optim6m moist6re 7ontent: &o6 may add Dater and mi3
d6rin; the me..oDin; period:
Remi3 6nti. the mi3t6re is 6niform Dith no streaks or po7kets of .ime:
E37ept for 7.ods .ar;er than # in7h) mi3ed materia. m6st ha<e a 7o.or rea7tion Dith sprayed
pheno.phtha.ein a.7oho. indi7ator so.6tion:
Comp.ete a.. the mi3in; Dork Dithin 5 days of the initia. app.i7ation of .ime:
"efore 7ompa7tion) the mi3ed materia. e37.6din; ro7k m6st ha<e the ;radin; shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
M#<e1 M%/er#%& Gr%1#'8
Sie<e siHes Per7enta;e
#E $+B#%%
No: 4 0%B#%%
2+-2.0)E C0m6%(/#0'
"e;in 7ompa7tin; immediate.y after fina. mi3in;:
Compa7t 6sin; a sheepsfoot or se;mented Dhee. ro..ers immediate.y fo..oDed by stee. dr6m or
pne6mati7,tired ro..ers: Do not 6se <ibratory ro..ers:
8here<er the thi7kness shoDn is %:*% foot or .ess) 7ompa7t in # .ayer: 8here<er the thi7kness shoDn is
more than %:*% foot) 7ompa7t in 2 or more .ayers of appro3imate.y eG6a. thi7kness: The ma3im6m
7ompa7ted thi7kness of any # .ayer m6st not e37eed %:*% foot 6n.ess yo6 first 7onstr67t a test strip to
demonstrate yo6r eG6ipment and methods pro<ide 6niform distrib6tion of .ime and a7hie<e the spe7ified
7ompa7tion: The test strip m6st 7ontain no more materia. than # dayFs prod67tion:
!se other 7ompa7tion methods in areas ina77essib.e to ro..ers:
Compa7t the .ime stabi.iHed soi. to at .east $* per7ent re.ati<e 7ompa7tion determined 6nder Ca.ifornia
Test 2#0 as modified in se7tion 24,2:%-D The re.ati<e 7ompa7tion is determined on a Det Dei;ht basis:
2+-2.0)F F#'#7 Gr%1#'8
aintain the moist6re 7ontent of the .ime stabi.iHed soi. at a minim6m of - per7ent abo<e optim6m
moist6re 7ontent thro6;h the entire finish ;radin; operation:
The finished s6rfa7e of the .ime stabi.iHed soi. m6st not <ary more than %:%+ foot abo<e or be.oD the
;rade estab.ished by the En;ineer 6n.ess the .ime stabi.iHed soi. is to be 7o<ered by materia. paid for by
the 76bi7 yard) in Dhi7h 7ase the finished s6rfa7e may not <ary abo<e the ;rade estab.ished by the
8here<er .ime stabi.iHed soi. is abo<e the a..oDab.e to.eran7e) trim) remo<e) and dispose of the e37ess
materia.: Do not .ea<e .oose materia. on the finished s6rfa7e: If finish; 7annot be 7omp.eted Dithin 2
ho6rs of trimmin;) defer trimmin;:
8here<er .ime stabi.iHed soi. is be.oD the a..oDab.e to.eran7e) yo6 may 6se trimmed materia. to fi.. .oD
areas on.y if fina. ;radin; and fina. 7ompa7tion o776rs Dithin 4+ ho6rs of be;innin; initia. 7ompa7tion:
"efore p.a7in; trimmed materia.) s7arify the s6rfa7e of the area to be fi..ed at .east 2 in7hes deep:
Finish; of trimmed s6rfa7es m6st be performed Dith at .east # 7omp.ete 7o<era;e Dith stee. dr6m or
pne6mati7,tired ro..ers:
Do not pro7eed Dith 7onstr67tion a7ti<ities for s6bseG6ent .ayers of materia. 6nti. the En;ineer <erifies the
fina. ;rades of the .ime stabi.iHed soi.:
2+-2.0)G C"r#'8
2+-2.0)GB1C Ge'er%&
C6re by any one of the fo..oDin; methods:
#: 8ater 76re
2: C6rin; sea.
-: oist materia. b.anket
Choose the method of 76rin; and app.y the 7hosen 76re method Dithin 4+ ho6rs of 7omp.etin; the
sheepsfoot or se;mented Dhee. 7ompa7tion and Dithin the same day of any trimmin; and finish ;radin;:
2+-2.0)GB2C A%/er C"re
8ater may be 6sed to 76re the finished s6rfa7e before yo6 p.a7e a moist materia. b.anket or app.y 76rin;
sea.: 'eep the s6rfa7e abo<e the optim6m moist6re 7ontent of the .ime stabi.iHed soi.: !se this method for
no more than - days) after Dhi7h yo6 m6st app.y a 76rin; sea. or p.a7e a moist materia. b.anket:
2+-2.0)GB)C C"r#'8 Se%&
C6rin; sea. eG6ipment m6st ha<e a ;a6;e indi7atin; the <o.6me of 76rin; sea. in the stora;e tank:
App.y 76rin; sea.:
#: To the finished s6rfa7e of .ime stabi.iHed soi. 6nder se7tion $4,#:%0
2: At a rate from %:#% to %:2% ;a..on per sG6are yard: The e3a7t rate is ordered
-: 8hen the .ime stabi.iHed soi. is at optim6m moist6re
4: 8hen the ambient temperat6re is abo<e 4% de;rees F and risin;
Repair dama;ed 76rin; sea. the same day the dama;e o776rs:
2+-2.0)GB+C M0#/ M%/er#%& B&%';e/
oist materia. b.anket m6st be moist str67t6ra. materia.: oist materia. b.anket may be either a temporary
or permanent .ayer of materia. of s6ffi7ient thi7kness to pre<ent dryin; of the .ime stabi.iHed soi.: &o6 may
6se moist materia. b.anket if the .ime stabi.iHed soi. 7an bear the Dei;ht of 7onstr67tion eG6ipment:
aintain the moist materia. b.anket abo<e the optim6m moist6re 7ontent) as appropriate) 6nti. the ne3t
str67t6ra. .ayer is p.a7ed:
2+-2.0+ PAYMENT
Lime stabi.iHed soi. is meas6red from horiHonta. meas6rements of the p.anned s6rfa7e of the .ime
stabi.iHed soi.:
C6rin; sea. G6antity is determined 6nder se7tion $4: The amo6nt of 76rin; sea. 6sed is determined from
the ;a6;e on the 76rin; eG6ipment:
The Department does not adI6st the 6nit pri7e for an in7rease or de7rease in .ime G6antity:
@6antities of .ime Dasted or disposed of in a manner not spe7ified) or remainin; on hand after 7omp.etion
of the Dork) Di.. not be paid for: If yo6 6se a partia. .oad of .ime) Dei;h the tr67k and the remainin; .ime on
a s7a.e and s6bmit a Dei;hmaster 7ertifi7ate:
If the disp6te reso.6tion ITP determines the En;ineerFs test res6.ts are 7orre7t) the En;ineer ded67ts the
ITPFs testin; 7osts from payments and pays the ITP: If the ITP determines yo6r test res6.ts are 7orre7t)
the Department pays the ITP testin; 7osts Ditho6t ded67tion:
2+-)*2+-- RESERVED
2,-1.01 GENERAL
Se7tion 2* in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for spreadin; and 7ompa7tin; AS:
2,-1.02A Ge'er%&
A;;re;ate for C.ass #) 2) -) and 4 AS m6st be 7.ean and 7onsist of any 7ombination of the fo..oDin;:
#: "roken stone
2: Cr6shed ;ra<e.
-: Nat6ra. ro6;h s6rfa7ed ;ra<e.
4: Sand
*: Re7.aimed pro7essed aspha.t 7on7rete) PCC) LC") or CT"
C.ass * AS is spe7ified in the spe7ia. pro<isions:
2,-1.02B C&% 1, C&% 2, %'1 C&% ) A88re8%/e S"..%e
8hen tested 6nder Ca.ifornia Test 2%2) a;;re;ate m6st 7omp.y Dith the ;radin; reG6irements for the
sie<e siHes shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
A88re8%/e Gr%1#'8
Sie<e siHe
Per7enta;e passin;
C.ass # C.ass 2 C.ass -
-E #%% #%% #%% #%% #%% #%%
2 #92E $%B#%% +5B#%% $%B#%% +5B#%% $%B#%% +5B#%%
No: 4 -*B5% -%B5* 4%B$% -*B$* *%B#%% 4*B#%%
No: 2%% %B2% %B2- %B2* %B2$ %B-% %B-4
A;;re;ate m6st 7omp.y Dith the G6a.ity reG6irements for the 7.asses shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
A88re8%/e G"%&#/3
C.ass # C.ass 2 C.ass -
2#5 2# #+ 2# #+ 2# #+
-%# ,, 0% ,, *% ,, 4%
If the a;;re;ate ;radin; test res6.ts) the sand eG6i<a.ent test res6.ts) or both 7omp.y Dith 7ontra7t
7omp.ian7e reG6irements b6t not operatin; ran;e reG6irements) yo6 may 7ontin6e p.a7in; AS for the
remainder of the Dork day: Do not p.a7e additiona. AS 6nti. yo6 demonstrate to the En;ineer the AS to be
p.a7ed 7omp.ies Dith the operatin; ran;e reG6irements:
If the a;;re;ate ;radin; test res6.ts) sand eG6i<a.ent test res6.ts) or both do not 7omp.y Dith 7ontra7t
7omp.ian7e reG6irements) remo<e the AS or reG6est a payment ded67tion: If yo6r reG6est is a6thoriHed)
O2:%%976 yd is ded67ted for ea7h non7omp.iant test res6.t: An a;;re;ate ;radin; and a sand eG6i<a.ent
test represents 6p to /#1 *%% 76 yd or /21 # dayFs prod67tion if .ess than *%% 76 yd:
2,-1.02C C&% + A88re8%/e S"..%e
2,-1.02D C&% , A88re8%/e S"..%e
2,-1.0)A Ge'er%&
8ater AS 6nder se7tion #5,-:
2,-1.0)B S".8r%1e
Immediate.y before spreadin; the AS) the s6b;rade m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ified 7ompa7tion and
e.e<ation to.eran7e for the materia. in<o.<ed and be free from .oose or e3traneo6s materia.:
Areas of the s6b;rade .oDer than the ;rade estab.ished by the En;ineer may be fi..ed Dith AS: AS 6sed to
fi.. .oD areas of the s6b;rade is not in7.6ded in the G6antity for payment:
2,-1.0)C S6re%1#'8
De.i<er 6niform mi3t6res of AS to the roadbed: Deposit AS in .ayers or DindroDs: Spread and shape the
AS to s67h thi7kness that after Daterin; and 7ompa7tin;) the 7omp.eted AS is Dithin the to.eran7es
spe7ified in se7tion 2*,#:%-D: 8hen AS is spread and 7ompa7ted the moist6re 7ontent m6st be 6niform
and s6ffi7ient to obtain the reG6ired 7ompa7tion: A<oid materia. se;re;ation: AS m6st be free from
po7kets of 7oarse or fine materia.:
8here the s6b;rade is 7ohesion.ess sand and if a6thoriHed) yo6 may d6mp AS in and spread it
ahead in s6ffi7ient G6antities to stabi.iHe the s6b;rade:
8here the shoDn s6bbase thi7kness is %:*% foot or .ess yo6 may spread and 7ompa7t the AS in one
.ayer: 8here the shoDn thi7kness is more than %:*% foot) spread and 7ompa7t in 2 or more .ayers
appro3imate.y eG6a. in thi7kness: The 7ompa7ted thi7kness of any one .ayer m6st not e37eed %:*% foot:
At .o7ations ina77essib.e to spreadin; eG6ipment) spread and 7ompa7t AS by any means that Di.. prod67e
the spe7ified res6.ts:
2,-1.0)D C0m6%(/#'8
Compa7t ea7h AS .ayer to at .east $* per7ent re.ati<e 7ompa7tion 6nder Ca.ifornia Test 2-#:
The finished s6rfa7e of AS not 7o<ered) or 7o<ered by materia. paid for by Dei;ht) m6st not <ary more
than %:%+ foot abo<e or be.oD the ;rade estab.ished by the En;ineer:
The finished s6rfa7e of AS 7o<ered by materia. paid for by <o.6me m6st not proIe7t abo<e the ;rade
estab.ished by the En;ineer at any point:
Corre7t areas of AS that do not 7omp.y Dith the thi7kness shoDn if an eG6i<a.ent thi7kness of o<er.yin;
base Di.. not 7ompensate or reG6est a payment ded67tion: If yo6r reG6est is a6thoriHed) the En;ineer
7a.76.ates the ded67tion by m6.tip.yin;:
#: Defi7ient thi7kness .ess a..oDab.e to.eran7e
2: P.anned Didth
-: Lon;it6dina. distan7e of the defi7ient thi7kness
4: O##:%%976 yd
2,-1.0+ PAYMENT
The payment G6antity of AS is based on the dimensions shoDn:
2--1.01 GENERAL
Se7tion 20 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for spreadin; and 7ompa7tin; A":
2--1.02A Ge'er%&
A;;re;ate for C.ass 2 and C.ass - A" m6st be 7.ean and 7onsist of any 7ombination of the fo..oDin;:
#: "roken stone
2: Cr6shed ;ra<e.
-: Nat6ra. ro6;h s6rfa7ed ;ra<e.
4: Sand
*: Pro7essed re7.aimed aspha.t 7on7rete) PCC) LC") or CT"
!se either #,#92 in7h or -94 in7h a;;re;ate ;radin;: Do not 7han;e yo6r se.e7ted a;;re;ate ;radin;
Ditho6t a6thoriHation:
If the a;;re;ate ;radin; test res6.ts) sand eG6i<a.ent test res6.ts) or both 7omp.y Dith 7ontra7t 7omp.ian7e
reG6irements b6t not operatin; ran;e reG6irements) yo6 may 7ontin6e p.a7in; A" for the remainder of the
Dork day: Do not p.a7e additiona. A" 6nti. yo6 demonstrate to the En;ineer the A" to be p.a7ed 7omp.ies
Dith the operatin; ran;e reG6irements:
If the a;;re;ate ;radin; test res6.ts) sand eG6i<a.ent test res6.ts) or both do not 7omp.y Dith 7ontra7t
7omp.ian7e reG6irements) remo<e the A" or reG6est a payment ded67tion: If yo6r reG6est is a6thoriHed)
O2:%%976 yd is ded67ted: If A" is paid by Dei;ht) the En;ineer 7on<erts tons to 76bi7 yards for the p6rpose
of red67in; payment for non7omp.iant A" .eft in p.a7e: An a;;re;ate ;radin; and a sand eG6i<a.ent test
represents 6p to /#1 *%% 76 yd or /21 # dayFs prod67tion if .ess than *%% 76 yd:
2--1.02B C&% 2 A88re8%/e B%e
8hen tested 6nder Ca.ifornia Test 2%2) a;;re;ate m6st 7omp.y Dith the ;radin; reG6irements for the
sie<e siHes shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
A88re8%/e Gr%1#'8
Sie<e siHes
Per7enta;e passin;
#,#92 in7h ma3im6m -94 in7h ma3im6m
2E #%% #%% ,, ,,
#,#92E $%B#%% +5B#%% ,, ,,
#E ,, ,, #%% #%%
-94E *%B+* 4*B$% $%B#%% +5B#%%
No: 4 2*B4* 2%B*% -*B0% -%B0*
No: -% #%B2* 0B2$ #%B-% *B-*
No: 2%% 2B$ %B#2 2B$ %B#2
A;;re;ate m6st 7omp.y Dith the G6a.ity reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
A88re8%/e G"%&#/3
Property Ca.ifornia
Operatin; ran;e Contra7t 7omp.ian7e
Resistan7e /R,<a.6e1 /min1 -%# ,, 5+
Sand eG6i<a.ent /min1 2#5 2* 22
D6rabi.ity inde3 /min1 22$ ,, -*
A;;re;ate m6st not be treated Dith .ime) 7ement) or 7hemi7a.s before testin; for d6rabi.ity inde3:
A;;re;ate from 6ntreated re7.aimed pro7essed aspha.t 7on7rete) PCC) LC") or CT" is not 7onsidered
2--1.02C C&% ) A88re8%/e B%e
8hen tested 6nder Ca.ifornia Test 2%2) a;;re;ate m6st 7omp.y Dith the ;radin; reG6irements for the
sie<e siHes shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
A88re8%/e Gr%1#'8
Per7enta;e passin;
#,#92 in7h ma3im6m -94 in7h ma3im6m
Contra7t 7omp.ian7e Operatin; ran;e
2E #%% #%% ,, ,,
#,#92E $%B#%% +5B#%% ,, ,,
#E ,, ,, #%% #%%
-94E *%B$% 4*B$* $%B#%% +5B#%%
No: 4 2*B0% 2%B0* 4%B5% -*B5*
No: -% #%B-* 0B-$ #2B4% 5B4*
No: 2%% -B#* %B#$ -B#* %B#$
A;;re;ate m6st 7omp.y Dith the G6a.ity reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
A88re8%/e G"%&#/3
Property Ca.ifornia
Operatin; ran;e Contra7t 7omp.ian7e
Resistan7e /R,<a.6e1 /min1 -%# ,, *%
Sand eG6i<a.ent /min1 2#5 2# #+
2--1.0)A Ge'er%&
8ater A" 6nder se7tion #5,-:
2--1.0)B S".8r%1e
Immediate.y before spreadin; A") the s6b;rade m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ified 7ompa7tion and e.e<ation
to.eran7e for the materia. in<o.<ed and be free from .oose or e3traneo6s materia.:
If A" is paid by <o.6me) fi.. areas of finished AS that are .oDer than the ;rade estab.ished by the En;ineer
Dith A": A" 6sed to fi.. .oD areas is not in7.6ded in the G6antity for payment:
If the s6b;rade is not AS and A" is paid by <o.6me) areas that are .oDer than the ;rade estab.ished by
the En;ineer may be fi..ed Dith A": A" 6sed to fi.. .oD areas Dhere AS is not spe7ified is not in7.6ded in
the G6antity for payment: If the basement materia. is imported borroD) A" p.a7ed to fi.. .oD areas is not
meas6red or paid for as imported borroD:
2--1.0)C S6re%1#'8
De.i<er 6niform mi3t6res of A" to the roadbed: Deposit A" in .ayers or DindroDs: Spread and shape the
A" to s67h thi7kness that after Daterin; and 7ompa7tin;) the 7omp.eted A" is Dithin the to.eran7es
spe7ified in se7tion 20,#:%-D: 8hen A" is spread and 7ompa7ted the moist6re 7ontent m6st be 6niform
and s6ffi7ient to obtain the reG6ired 7ompa7tion: A<oid materia. se;re;ation: A" m6st be free from
po7kets of 7oarse or fine materia.:
8here the s6b;rade is 7ohesion.ess sand yo6 may d6mp A" in and spread it ahead in s6ffi7ient
G6antities to stabi.iHe the s6b;rade) if a6thoriHed:
8here the shoDn A" thi7kness is %:*% foot or .ess yo6 may spread and 7ompa7t the A" in one .ayer:
8here the shoDn thi7kness is more than %:*% foot) spread and 7ompa7t in 2 or more .ayers
appro3imate.y eG6a. in thi7kness: The 7ompa7ted thi7kness of any one .ayer m6st not e37eed %:*% foot:
At .o7ations ina77essib.e to spreadin; eG6ipment) spread and 7ompa7t A" by any means that Di.. obtain
the spe7ified res6.ts:
2--1.0)D C0m6%(/#'8
Compa7t ea7h A" .ayer to at .east $* per7ent re.ati<e 7ompa7tion 6nder Ca.ifornia Test 2-#:
The finished A" s6rfa7e m6st not <ary more than %:%* foot from the ;rade estab.ished by the En;ineer:
Corre7t areas of A" that do not 7omp.y Dith the des7ribed thi7kness or reG6est a payment ded67tion if A"
is paid for by <o.6me: If yo6r reG6est is a6thoriHed) the En;ineer 7a.76.ates the ded67tion by m6.tip.yin;:
#: Defi7ient thi7kness .ess a..oDab.e to.eran7e
2: P.anned Didth
-: Lon;it6dina. distan7e of the defi7ient thi7kness
4: O#5:%% per 76bi7 yard or the item bid pri7e adI6sted for 76bi7 yards) Dhi7he<er is hi;her
2--1.0+ PAYMENT
If A" is paid for by <o.6me) the G6antity is determined from the dimensions shoDn:
If A" is paid for by Dei;ht) the En;ineer adI6sts the Dei;ht in the Dei;hmaster 7ertifi7ate of the de.i<ered
A" by ded67tin; the Dater Dei;ht o<er one per7ent p.6s the optim6m moist6re 7ontent: The En;ineer
determines the A" Dater 7ontent 6nder Ca.ifornia Test 220 and A" optim6m moist6re 7ontent 6nder
Ca.ifornia Test 2#0: The En;ineer does not pay for the ded67ted Dater Dei;ht:
22-1.01 GENERAL
Se7tion 25,# in7.6des ;enera. spe7ifi7ations for mi3in; and p.a7in; 7ement treated bases:
Cement m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion $%,#:%2"/21) Type ..:
8ater m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion $%,#:%2D:
22-1.0+ PAYMENT
If an in7rease or de7rease in the spe7ified 7ement 7ontent is ordered) payment Di.. be adI6sted based on
the 7ost of 7ement per ton) f:o:b: the 7ement mi.. in7.6din; ta3 p.6s the frei;ht 7ost per ton for
de.i<ery from the mi.. to the p.ant: In determinin; payment) any 7ash or trade dis7o6nt offered or a<ai.ab.e
re;ard.ess of Dhether it Das taken by the p6r7haser Di.. be 7redited to the Department:
S6bmit e<iden7e of the 7ost of 7ement 6sed for an ordered in7rease or de7rease: aintain re7ords that
a..oD a 7.ear determination of the 7ement 7osts asso7iated Dith the in7rease or de7rease:
If yo6r re7ords shoD an e37essi<e pri7e for the in7rease or de7rease of 7ement or yo6 f6rnish inadeG6ate
e<iden7e for the 7ost) the En;ineer determines the pri7e to be the .oDest Dho.esa.e 7ost that the 7ement
Das a<ai.ab.e in the G6antities de.i<ered to the point of prod67tion) .ess any a<ai.ab.e dis7o6nts:
The G6antity of 7ement s6bIe7t to in7reased or de7reased 7ompensation Di.. be the differen7e betDeen
the spe7ified theoreti7a. G6antity of 7ement and the theoreti7a. G6antity of 7ement ordered by the
En;ineer: No additiona. adI6stment of 7ompensation Di.. be made for <ariations in the 7ost of Dork
res6.tin; from the 7han;e in the G6antity of port.and 7ement:
22-2.01 GENERAL
22-2.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion 25,2 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for mi3in; a;;re;ate) 7ement and Dater) and spreadin; and
7ompa7tin; the mi3t6re:
22-2.01B De4#'#/#0'
(0%re %88re8%/e5 A;;re;ate retained on a no: 4 sie<e:
4#'e %88re8%/e5 A;;re;ate passin; a no: 4 sie<e:
8hen tested 6nder Ca.ifornia Test 2%2) the per7enta;e 7omposition by Dei;ht of the a;;re;ate m6st
7omp.y Dith the ;radin; reG6irements for the sie<e siHes shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
A88re8%/e Gr%1#'8
Sie<e siHes
Per7enta;e passin;
C.ass A C.ass "
Operatin; ran;e Contra7t 7omp.ian7e Operatin; ran;e Contra7t 7omp.ian7e
-E ,, ,, #%% #%%
2,#92E ,, ,, $%B#%% +5B#%%
#E #%% #%% ,, ,,
-94E $%B#%% +5B#%% ,, ,,
No: 4 4%B5% -*B5* -*B5% 2+B55
No: -% #2B4% 5B4* ,, ,,
No: 2%% -B#* %B#$ -B2% %B24
Ca.ifornia Test 2%2 is modified by Ca.ifornia Test #%* Dhene<er the differen7e in sp ;r betDeen the
7oarse and fine portions of the a;;re;ate or betDeen the b.ends of different a;;re;ates is %:2 or more:
A;;re;ate m6st 7omp.y Dith the G6a.ity reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
A88re8%/e G"%&#/3
Property Ca.ifornia Test Operatin; ran;e Contra7t 7omp.ian7e
Sand eG6i<a.ent /min1
2#5 2# #+
Compressi<e stren;th /psi1 /min1
-#2 ,, 5*%
For C.ass A CT" on.y
8hen tested 6nder Ca.ifornia Test -%#) a;;re;ate for C.ass " CT" m6st ha<e /#1 a resistan7e /R,<a.6e1
of at .east 0% before mi3in; Dith 7ement and /21 an R,<a.6e of at .east +% Dhen a;;re;ate is mi3ed Dith
an amo6nt of 7ement that does not e37eed 2:* per7ent by Dei;ht of the dry a;;re;ate:
A;;re;ate m6st be 7.ean and free from de.eterio6s s6bstan7es: A;;re;ate m6st not be treated
Dith .ime) 7ement) or 7hemi7a.s before testin; for sand eG6i<a.ent:
If the a;;re;ate ;radin; test res6.ts) the sand eG6i<a.ent test res6.ts) or both 7omp.y Dith 7ontra7t
7omp.ian7e reG6irements b6t not operatin; ran;e reG6irements) yo6 may 7ontin6e p.a7in; CT" for the
remainder of the Dork day: Do not p.a7e additiona. CT" 6nti. yo6 demonstrate to the En;ineer the CT" to
be p.a7ed 7omp.ies Dith the operatin; ran;e reG6irements:
If the a;;re;ate ;radin; test res6.ts) sand eG6i<a.ent test res6.ts) or both do not 7omp.y Dith 7ontra7t
7omp.ian7e reG6irements) remo<e the CT" or reG6est a payment ded67tion: If yo6r reG6est is a6thoriHed)
O2:*%976 yd is ded67ted: If CT" is paid by Dei;ht) the En;ineer 7on<erts tons to 76 yd for the p6rpose of
red67in; payment for non7omp.iant CT" .eft in p.a7e: An a;;re;ate ;radin; and a sand eG6i<a.ent test
represents 6p to /#1 *%% 76 yd or /21 # dayFs prod67tion if .ess than *%% 76 yd:
22-2.0)A Ge'er%&
After the CT" has been spread on the s6b;rade before initia. 7ompa7tion) the 7ement 7ontent of the
7omp.eted mi3t6re of CT" m6st not <ary from the spe7ified 7ement 7ontent by more than %:0 per7ent of
the Dei;ht of the dry a;;re;ate Dhen tested 6nder Ca.ifornia Test --+:
22-2.0)B S".8r%1e
Immediate.y before spreadin; CT") the s6b;rade) m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ified 7ompa7tion and
e.e<ation to.eran7e for the materia. in<o.<ed and be free from .oose or e3traneo6s materia.:
22-2.0)C De60#/#'8 A88re8%/e %'1 M#<#'8 R0%1-M#<e1 Ceme'/ Tre%/e1 B%e
22-2.0)CB1C De60#/#'8 A88re8%/e
For road,mi3ed CT") deposit s6ffi7ient 6ntreated a;;re;ate on the roadbed to 7omp.y Dith the Didth and
depth spe7ifi7ations in se7tion 25,2:%-E and ;rade to.eran7e spe7ifi7ations in se7tion 25,2:%-F: Do not
mi3 the a;;re;ate to be treated Dith roadbed materia. that is not to be treated:
8hene<er 2 or more nomina. siHes of 7oarse and fine a;;re;ate are deposited on the ;rade) a776rate.y
and 6niform.y meter ea7h nomina. siHe as it is deposited: "efore addin; 7ement) mi3 the deposited
a;;re;ate as many times as ne7essary to prod67e a 6niform mi3t6re that 7omp.ies Dith the spe7ified
For mi3in; done from DindroDs) shape the DindroD to a 6niform 7ross se7tion Dith a siHin; de<i7e: Do
not 6se a motor ;rader 6n.ess eG6ipped Dith a siHin; de<i7e:
A;;re;ate mi3ed Dith 7ement and Dater before de.i<ery on the roadbed m6st be deposited and spread on
the prepared s6b;rade 6nder se7tion 25,2:%-E:
22-2.0)CB2C M#<#'8
i3 road,mi3ed CT" by any of the fo..oDin; methods:
#: Road,mi3ed method:
#:#: On the roadbed
#:2: At a .o7ation off the roadbed
2: P.ant,mi3ed method 6nder se7tion 25,2:%-D e37ept a C.ass 2 bat7h p.ant may be 6sed
!se me7hani7a. eG6ipment that 6niform.y distrib6tes 7ement and Dater: 8hene<er 7ement is added to
DindroDed a;;re;ates) f.atten or s.i;ht.y tren7h the top of the DindroD to re7ei<e 7ement: 8hene<er
7ross,shaft mi3ers are 6sed) spread 7ement 6niform.y o<er the entire s6rfa7e of the deposited a;;re;ate:
Do not spread 7ement on a;;re;ate more than 4 ho6rs before the road,mi3in; operation:
The road,mi3in; ma7hine m6st introd67e Dater at the time of mi3in; Dith a meterin; de<i7e or other
a6thoriHed methods: S6pp.y the 7orre7t G6antity of Dater by means of 7ontro.s that Di.. prod67e a
7omp.eted mi3t6re Dith a 6niform moist6re 7ontent: Corre7t Dater .eaks from eG6ipment or e37essi<e
amo6nts of Dater d6rin; app.i7ation before pro7eedin;:
C6st before initia. 7ompa7tion the moist6re 7ontent of the 7omp.eted mi3t6re) Dhen tested 6nder Ca.ifornia
Test 220) m6st be at .east the optim6m moist6re 7ontent .ess # per7ent: The optim6m moist6re 7ontent is
determined 6nder Ca.ifornia Test -#2:
For CT" spread and 7ompa7ted in 2 or more .ayers) mi3 materia. for ea7h .ayer separate.y:
8hene<er more than # pass of the road,mi3in; ma7hine is reG6ired to obtain a 6niform mi3t6re) at .east #
pass m6st be made before addin; Dater to the materia.:
Re;6.ate the .en;th of road,mi3ed se7tions to 7omp.y Dith se7tion 25,2:%-=:
22-2.0)D Pr060r/#0'#'8 %'1 M#<#'8 P&%'/-M#<e1 Ceme'/ Tre%/e1 B%e
22-2.0)DB1C Ge'er%&
i3 p.ant,mi3ed CT" at a 7entra. mi3in; p.ant by either of the fo..oDin;:
#: "at7h type mi3in; 6sin; either of the fo..oDin;:
#:#: Re<o.<in; b.ade
#:2: Rotary dr6m mi3ers
2: Contin6o6s type mi3in;:
In a.. mi3in; p.ants) proportion a;;re;ate) 7ement) and Dater by Dei;ht or <o.6me: The En;ineer m6st be
ab.e to readi.y <erify the amo6nt of Dater per bat7h or the f.oD rate for 7ontin6o6s mi3in;: The time of the
addition of Dater or the points Dhere it is introd67ed into the mi3er m6st be a6thoriHed:
In a.. mi3in; p.ants) add 7ement in s67h a manner that it Di.. be 6niform.y distrib6ted thro6;ho6t the
a;;re;ates d6rin; the mi3in; operation:
Pro<ide safe) 7on<enient fa7i.ities in the s6pp.y .ine to the Dei;h hopper or p6;mi.. for; 7ement:
At the point of de.i<ery to the Dork) the moist6re 7ontent of the 7omp.eted mi3t6re m6st be at .east the
optim6m moist6re 7ontent .ess # per7ent: Determine moist6re 7ontent 6nder Ca.ifornia Test 220 and
optim6m moist6re 7ontent 6nder Ca.ifornia Test -#2:
22-2.0)DB2C B%/(7 M#<#'8
8hene<er different a;;re;ate siHes are 6sed) the a;;re;ates m6st be b.ended as they enter the mi3er:
8ei;h 7ement for ea7h bat7h on that are separate and distin7t from the a;;re;ate bat7hin; Ea7h 7ement s7a.e ;rad6ation m6st be appro3imate.y #9#%%% of the tota. s7a.e 7apa7ity: The tota.
7apa7ity of the s7a.e m6st not e37eed the 7apa7ity of the sma..est 7ommer7ia..y a<ai.ab.e s7a.e that is
7apab.e of Dei;hin; tDi7e the amo6nt of 7ement Dhen the p.ant is operated at f6.. 7apa7ity: No s7a.e is
reG6ired to ha<e a tota. 7apa7ity .ess than #%%% .b or ;rad6ations .ess than # .b:
i3in; p.ants m6st be C.ass # 6n.ess C.ass 2 is spe7ified:
C.ass # bat7h mi3in; p.ants m6st be eG6ipped Dith:
#: S6ffi7ient n6mber of arran;ed to prod67e a 6niform mi3t6re
2: i3er p.atform .ar;e eno6;h to pro<ide safe and 7on<enient a77ess to the mi3er and other eG6ipment
-: Timin; de<i7e a776rate to Dithin 2 se7onds that indi7ates the end of the mi3in; period by a6dib.e or
<is6a. si;na.
For C.ass # mi3in; p.ants) the mi3in; period be;ins after a.. the in;redients are in the mi3er and ends
Dhen the mi3er is ha.f empty: i3 6nti. a homo;eneo6s mi3t6re Dith 6niform.y distrib6ted and proper.y
7oated a;;re;ates) that do not 7han;e appearan7e) is prod67ed and testin; indi7ates the 7ement 7ontent
7onsistent.y 7omp.ies Dith se7tion 25,2:%-A: The mi3in; period m6st not be .ess than -% se7onds:
C.ass # mi3in; p.ants m6st be eG6ipped Dith a6tomati7; de<i7es a7t6ated by operation of a p6sh
b6tton or de<i7e: 8hen a; de<i7e is a7t6ated it m6st sim6.taneo6s.y de.i<er a
representati<e samp.e of ea7h siHe of a;;re;ate or the 7ombined a;;re;ates to adeG6ate.y siHed Ea7h samp.e m6st Dei;h from ** to 0* .b: Lo7ate safe.y 7.ear of p.ant operations
Dith 7on<enient a77ess:
C.ass 2 mi3in; p.ants m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for a C.ass # mi3in; p.ant e37ept /#1 a timin;
de<i7e to si;na. the end of mi3in; is not reG6ired and /21 a6tomati7; de<i7es are not reG6ired:
C.ass 2 mi3in; p.ants m6st pro<ide safe and 7on<enient a77ess to; fa7i.ities for obtainin;
representati<e of a;;re;ate and the mi3t6re:
22-2.0)DB)C C0'/#'"0" M#<#'8
DraD a;;re;ate from stora;e fa7i.ities by a feeder or feeders that 7ontin6o6s.y s6pp.y the 7orre7t amo6nt
of a;;re;ate in proportion to 7ement: 8hene<er different a;;re;ate siHes are 6sed) arran;e feeders so
the proportion of ea7h a;;re;ate siHe 7an be separate.y adI6sted:
Stora;e fa7i.ities for fine a;;re;ate m6st be eG6ipped Dith a de<i7e that effe7ti<e.y <ibrates the side Da..s
of the feeder pre<entin; han;,6p of materia. Dhi.e the p.ant is operatin;:
The p.ant m6st be eG6ipped Dith a 7ontro. system that a6tomati7a..y 7.oses doDn the p.ant Dhen the
materia. in any stora;e fa7i.ity approa7hes the strike,off 7apa7ity of the feed ;ate: The p.ant m6st not be
operated 6n.ess the a6tomati7 7ontro. system is in ;ood Dorkin; 7ondition:
The a;;re;ate feeder m6st be me7hani7a..y or e.e7tri7a..y dri<en:
e7hani7a..y dri<en feeders m6st be dire7t.y 7onne7ted to the 7ement feeder dri<e: The dri<e shaft on the
feeder m6st be eG6ipped Dith a re<o.6tion 7o6nter that reads to #9#% re<o.6tion Dith s6ffi7ient 7apa7ity to
re;ister the tota. n6mber of re<o.6tions in a dayFs r6n:
E.e7tri7a..y dri<en feeders m6st be a7t6ated by the same 7ir76it that pro<ides poDer to the 7ement feeder
motor: For e.e7tri7 poDer obtained from a non7ommer7ia. so6r7e) a freG6en7y meter m6st be 7onne7ted
to the 7ement feeder motor 7ir76it: The meter m6st ha<e a minim6m ran;e from *5 to 0- ?H and m6st be
;rad6ated in # ?H in7rements or .ess:
A <o.ta;e re;6.atin; transformer m6st be insta..ed in the 7ir76it of <ibratory a;;re;ate feeders: The
transformer m6st maintain the <o.ta;e to the feeder motors to Dithin # per7ent of their namep.ate <o.ta;e:
A <o.tmeter m6st be 7onne7ted to the se7ondary of the <o.ta;e re;6.atin; transformer: The meter m6st
ha<e a ran;e from ,#% to Y#% per7ent of the motor namep.ate <o.ta;e and m6st be ;rad6ated in
in7rements of # per7ent of the namep.ate <o.ta;e) or .ess:
For p.ants eG6ipped Dith e.e7tri7a..y a7t6ated a;;re;ate feeders) the poDer m6st ha<e a freG6en7y of 0%
Z # ?H:
Contin6o6s mi3in; p.ants m6st be eG6ipped Dith an a6tomati7; de<i7e spe7ified for C.ass #
p.ants in se7tion 25,2:%-D/21 that a..oDs; Dhen the p.ant is in f6.. operation:
The 7ement feeder and a;;re;ate feeders m6st be eG6ipped Dith de<i7es that a..oD the feed rate to be
determined Dhen the p.ant is in f6.. operation:
22-2.0)E S6re%1#'8 Tre%/e1 M#</"re
Transport materia.s mi3ed at a .o7ation off the roadbed as a 6niform mi3t6re: Co<er the mi3t6re d6rin;
transport to a<oid moist6re .oss) if ordered: Deposit the mi3t6re on the roadbed at a G6antity that pro<ides
the spe7ified 7ompa7ted thi7kness Ditho6t spottin;) pi7kin; 6p) or shiftin; the mi3t6re:
C6st before depositin; p.ant,mi3ed or spreadin; road,mi3ed CT") moisten the area to be 7o<ered: The
area m6st be kept moist) b6t not e37essi<e.y Det:
A<oid materia. se;re;ation: CT" m6st be free from po7kets of 7oarse or fine materia.:
Spread the mi3ed materia.s in Didths not .ess than 2 .anes) insofar as the Didth of the CT" to be spread
permits: Se7tions Dith -,.ane Didth may be spread as a 2,.ane Didth and a #,.ane Didth: Spread materia.s
Dith # spreader or Dith se<era. spreaders operatin; in a sta;;ered position a7ross the s6b;rade) 6n.ess
traffi7 7onditions .imit spreadin; to .ess than a 2,.ane Didth: 8hene<er traffi7 7onditions .imit spreadin; to
.ess than a 2,.ane Didth) spread the remainder of the 2,.ane se7tion Dithin 2 ho6rs: For traffi7 7onditions
that pre<ent p.a7ement of CT" in adIa7ent .anes Dithin 2 ho6rs) a .on;er time may be a6thoriHed:
Lon;it6dina. 7onstr67tion Ioints m6st be Dithin # foot of .ane .ine de.ineation:
For areas ina77essib.e to me7hani7a. spreadin; eG6ipment) spread CT" in # .ayer 6sin; an a6thoriHed
method: After spreadin;) thoro6;h.y 7ompa7t the mi3t6re Dith pne6mati7 tampers or other 7ompa7tin;
eG6ipment that obtains the de;ree of 7ompa7tion spe7ified in se7tion 25,2:%-F to the reG6ired .ines)
;rades) and 7ross se7tion:
Do not mi3 or p.a7e CT" Dhi.e the atmospheri7 temperat6re is be.oD -* de;rees F: Do not p.a7e CT" on
froHen ;ro6nd: App.y 76rin; sea. to 7omp.eted CT" before the atmospheri7 temperat6re fa..s be.oD -*
de;rees F:
Comp.y Dith one of the fo..oDin; types of spreadin; operations:
#: For Type # spreadin; operation) spread CT" Dith a se.f,prope..ed me7hani7a. spreader in one
operation: The CT" m6st be ready for 7ompa7tion Ditho6t f6rther shapin;: EG6ipment not prope..ed
by the 6n.oadin; eG6ipment is 7onsidered se.f,prope..ed: The spreader m6st be eG6ipped Dith a
s7reed that strikes off and distrib6tes the materia. to the f6.. Didth bein; spread and Dithin the
spe7ified s6rfa7e to.eran7e: The s7reed m6st be adI6stab.e to prod67e the reG6ired 7ross se7tion:
S7reed a7tion in7.6des any 76ttin;) 7roDdin; or other pra7ti7a. motion that prod67es a finished
s6rfa7e te3t6re of 6niform appearan7e: The me7hani7a. spreader m6st be eG6ipped Dith f6..y
a6tomati7 s7reed and ;rade sensin; 7ontro.s that 7ontro. the .on;it6dina. ;rade and 7ross s.opes of
the s7reed: S7reed 7ontro.s m6st be ab.e to a6tomati7a..y 7ompensate for differen7es from the s.ope
and ;rade estab.ished by the En;ineer:
2: For Type 2 spreadin; operation) 7omp.y Dith Type # e37ept a6tomati7 s7reed 7ontro.s and ;rade
sensin; 7ontro.s are not reG6ired:
-: For Type - spreadin; operation) spread the treated mi3t6re Dith any eG6ipment that Di.. 7onsistent.y
finish the base Dithin the to.eran7e spe7ified in se7tion 25,2:%-F Ditho6t materia. se;re;ation:
8hene<er a spreadin; type is not spe7ified) 6se Type - on ramps and Type # at a.. other .o7ations:
E37ept as otherDise spe7ified) do not 6sed motor ;raders for spreadin; and 7ompa7tin; operations: In
order to finish the base Dithin the spe7ified to.eran7e) motor ;raders may be 6sed to trim the ed;es and
s6rfa7e of CT" after initia. 7ompa7tion: A motor ;rader is 7onsidered a se.f,prope..ed me7hani7a.
spreader if:
#: EG6ipped Dith end Din;s on the b.ade
2: ".ade is .o7ked in a position to the dire7tion of tra<e.
-: EG6ipped Dith 7ross s.ope and a6tomati7 ;rade 7ontro.s that 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements for the
spe7ified type of spreadin; operation
22-2.0)F C0m6%(/#'8
Compa7tin; eG6ipment m6st prod67e the reG6ired 7ompa7tion Dithin the operation time .imit spe7ified in
Immediate.y fo..oDin; the spreadin; operation) 7ompa7t the CT" Dith at .east # 7omp.ete 7o<era;e:
After initia. 7ompa7tion) Dhere<er the finished s6rfa7e is hi;her than the spe7ified to.eran7e) trim off hi;h
spots to Dithin to.eran7e: Do not fi.. .oD areas by driftin; or; trimmed materia.:: Fo..oDin; trimmin;)
the trimmed areas m6st be 7ompa7ted Dith # 7omp.ete 7o<era;e so that the entire .ayer of CT" 7omp.ies
Dith the spe7ified 7ompa7tion reG6irements: Perform fina. 7ompa7tion in s67h a manner that no .oose
materia. remains on the s6rfa7e and tear marks are e.iminated:
8hene<er CT" is spread and 7ompa7ted in more than # .ayer) 7ompa7t ea7h .oDer .ayer to the reG6ired
de;ree of 7ompa7tion before p.a7in; the ne3t .ayer: Trim on.y to 7omp.y Dith the spe7ified .ayer thi7kness:
The 7ompa7ted thi7kness of any # .ayer m6st not e37eed %:*% foot or be .ess than %:2* foot: 8hen p.a7ed
in more than # .ayer) keep the 7ompa7ted materia. moist 6nti. 7o<erin; Dith the ne3t .ayer or 76rin; sea.:
App.y 76rin; sea. to the s6rfa7e of a .oDer .ayer that Di.. not be 7o<ered Dith the ne3t .ayer on the same
The re.ati<e 7ompa7tion of CT" m6st not be .ess than $* per7ent: For C.ass A CT") 7ompa7tion is tested
6nder Ca.ifornia Test -#2 or 2-#: Ea7h .ayer of CT" may be tested for 7ompa7tion) or a.. .ayers may be
tested to;ether) at the option of the En;ineer: 8hene<er a.. .ayers are tested to;ether) yo6 are not<ed of the responsibi.ity to a7hie<e the reG6ired 7ompa7tion in ea7h .ayer p.a7ed:
The finished CT" s6rfa7e m6st be 6niform and m6st not de<iate at any point more than %:%- foot from the
bottom of a #2,foot strai;ht ed;e .aid in any dire7tion:
The finished CT" s6rfa7e m6st not <ary %:%* foot abo<e or be.oD the ;rade estab.ished by the En;ineer)
e37ept Dhene<er 7on7rete pa<ement Di.. be p.a7ed on CT") the finished CT" s6rfa7e m6st not e3tend
abo<e the ;rade estab.ished by the En;ineer:
8here<er the s6rfa7e of hardened CT" is .oDer than %:%* foot from the ;rade estab.ished by the
En;ineer) remo<e the base and rep.a7e it Dith CT" or) if a6thoriHed fi.. .oD areas a77ordin; to the
pa<ement materia. as fo..oDs:
#: For ?A pa<ement) fi.. .oD areas Dith ?A that 7omp.ies Dith the spe7ifi7ations for the .oDest .ayer
of ?A pa<ement: Do not fi.. .oD areas 7on76rrent.y Dith the pa<in; operation:
2: For 7on7rete pa<ement) fi.. .oD areas Dith pa<ement 7on7rete 7on76rrent Dith the pa<in; operation:
The s6rfa7e m6st be kept moist at a.. times 6nti. the 76rin; sea. is app.ied:
E37ess materia. may be p.a7ed as a;;re;ate for sho6.der 7onstr67tion if:
#: Sho6.der s6b;rade is prepared as spe7ified:
2: ?ardened 7h6nks of trimmed materia. are remo<ed or red67ed to the ma3im6m siHe spe7ified for
sho6.der a;;re;ate:
-: Trimmed materia. in7orporated into the sho6.der does not e37eed 2* per7ent of the p.anned <o.6me
of sho6.der a;;re;ate per .inear foot of sho6.der: 8hene<er trimmed materia. e37eeds this .imit) it
m6st be remo<ed and p.a7ed in other areas to 7omp.y Dith the 2* per7ent .imit:
4: E37ess materia. is 6niform.y distrib6ted in the sho6.der area prior to spreadin; additiona. sho6.der
E37ess materia. may be 6sed in other Dork pro<ided the materia. 7omp.ies Dith the app.i7ab.e
22-2.0)G O6er%/#0' T#me Re!"#reme'/
Do not a..oD more than 2 ho6rs to e.apse from the time Dater is added to the a;;re;ate and 7ement to
7omp.etion of initia. 7ompa7tion before trimmin;: Do not a..oD more than 2,#92 ho6rs to e.apse from the
time Dater is added to the a;;re;ate and 7ement to 7omp.etion of fina. 7ompa7tion after trimmin;:
22-2.0)H C0'/%(/ E0#'/
Constr67t a 7onta7t Ioint at the end of ea7h Dork day and Dhene<er CT" operations are de.ayed or
stopped for more than 2 ho6rs: Conta7t Ioints m6st be 7onstr67ted in thoro6;h.y 7ompa7ted materia.)
norma. to the roadbed 7enter.ine) Dith a <erti7a. fa7e: Do not p.a7e additiona. CT" 6nti. the 7onta7t Ioint is
8here CT" has been fina..y 7ompa7ted for more than # ho6r) 7onstr67t .on;it6dina. Ioints by 76ttin;
<erti7a..y into the e3istin; ed;e appro3imate.y - in7hes deep: oisten the fa7e of the 76t Ioint in ad<an7e
of p.a7in; adIa7ent base: ateria. from 76ttin; may be 6sed as e37ess materia. as spe7ified in se7tion 25,
22-2.0)I C"r#'8
Co<er the 7omp.eted CT" Dith aspha.ti7 em6.sion 76rin; sea.: Aspha.ti7 em6.sion 76rin; sea. m6st
7omp.y Dith se7tion $4) =rade SS# or CSS#:
Di.6te and thoro6;h.y mi3 aspha.ti7 em6.sion for 76rin; sea. at a ratio of # part Dater to # part aspha.ti7
em6.sion: The Dater m6st not 7a6se premat6re separation of the em6.sion: !niform.y app.y the di.6ted
76rin; sea. at a rate betDeen %:2% to %:-% ;a.9sG yd of CT" s6rfa7e: The e3a7t rate Di.. be ordered:
App.y 76rin; sea. on the same day as 7omp.etion of fina. 7ompa7tion and as soon after fina. 7ompa7tion
is pra7ti7ab.e: 'eep the s6rfa7e moist 6nti. 76rin; sea. is app.ied:
Do not a..oD traffi7 or eG6ipment on the CT" for 52 ho6rs after app.i7ation of the 76rin; sea.: After 52
ho6rs) .imit traffi7 and eG6ipment on the CT" to that 6sed in pa<in; operations or p.a7in; additiona. .ayers
of CT":
22-2.0+ PAYMENT
8hene<er e37ess materia. is p.a7ed in an area in Dhi7h the item is meas6red by the ton) payment as the
item Dhere p.a7ed Di.. not be a..oDed 6n.ess app.i7ab.e meas6rement spe7ifi7ations for the item Dhere
p.a7ed are 7omp.ied Dith:
8hene<er CT" is paid for by the ton) the G6antity of e37ess materia. Di.. be ded67ted from the meas6red
G6antity of CT" e37ept) the G6antity of CT" 6sed in sho6.ders:
For CT" paid for by the 76 yd) a ded67tion Di.. be made Dhen areas that are defi7ient in thi7kness and for
Dhi7h the defi7ient thi7kness has not been 7ompensated for by; of .oD areas Dith CT": The
ded67tion Di.. be 7omp6ted as the prod67t of:
#: Defi7ient thi7kness .ess a..oDab.e to.eran7e
2: Spread Didth
-: Lon;it6dina. distan7e of the defi7ient thi7kness
4: O2+:%% per 76bi7 yard or the item bid pri7e) Dhi7he<er is hi;her
For determinin; areas of defi7ient thi7kness) the .on;it6dina. distan7e betDeen thi7kness meas6rements
Di.. not e37eed #)%%% .inear feet for ea7h dire7tion of tra<e.: 8hene<er reG6ested) the En;ineer Di.. make
additiona. meas6rements at the En;ineerFs dis7retion to define the area of defi7ient thi7kness at yo6r
8hene<er CT" is meas6red by the 76 yd:
#: The <o.6me Di.. be 7a.76.ated on the basis of the dimension shoDn
2: CT" p.a7ed be.oD the ;rade estab.ished by the En;ineer Di.. not be meas6re or paid for:
-: If an in7rease or de7rease in the spe7ified G6antity of port.and 7ement is ordered) the G6antity of
7ement s6bIe7t to in7reased or de7reased 7ompensation Di.. be the differen7e betDeen the spe7ified
theoreti7a. G6antity of 7ement and the theoreti7a. G6antity of 7ement ordered: The theoreti7a. G6antity
of 7ement Di.. be determined by 6se of the fo..oDin; form6.a:
87 T #0+0C 3 (/D , 1
#%% Y C
87 T Theoreti7a. G6antity of 7ement in .b
( T Pay <o.6me of CT" in 76 yd
C T Per7enta;e of 7ement in the mi3
D T A<era;e in,p.a7e Det density in
T A<era;e in,p.a7e moist6re in
8hene<er CT" is meas6red by the ton:
#: @6antity of CT" to be paid for Di.. be the s6m of the Dei;ht of the a;;re;ate 6sed in the mi3 and the
Dei;ht of 7ement to be added to the mi3:
2: @6antity of a;;re;ate for road,mi3ed CT" that is mi3ed on the roadbed Di.. be meas6red before
de.i<ery to the roadbed 6nder se7tion $,#:%2 e37ept) the Dei;ht to be paid for Di.. be determined by
ded67tin; from the Dei;ht of the a;;re;ate) and the Dei;ht of the Dater in the a;;re;ate at the time
of Dei;hin; in e37ess of - per7ent of the dry Dei;ht of the a;;re;ate:
-: @6antity of port.and 7ement for road,mi3ed CT" that is mi3ed on the roadbed to be in7.6ded in the
G6antity of the 7ombined item of road,mi3ed CT" for payment Di.. be the Dei;ht) in tons) 7a.76.ated
by m6.tip.yin; the spe7ified per7enta;e of 7ement to be added to the mi3 by the Dei;ht of dry
4: @6antity of p.ant,mi3ed CT" or road,mi3ed CT" that is mi3ed by the p.ant,mi3ed method Di.. be
meas6red) after mi3in;) 6nder se7tion $,#:%2 e37ept that moist6re in e37ess of - per7ent of the dry
Dei;ht of the mi3t6re Di.. be ded67ted from the Dei;ht of the 7ombined a;;re;ate) 7ement and Dater:
8hen the spe7ified G6antity of port.and 7ement is in7reased in p.ant,mi3ed CT" or road,mi3ed CT"
mi3ed by the p.ant,mi3ed method) the Dei;ht of 7ement s6bIe7t to in7reased 7ompensation) as
pro<ided in se7tion 25,#:%4 is ded67ted from the 7ombined Dei;ht of a;;re;ate and 7ement:
2>-2.01 GENERAL
2>-2.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion 2+ in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for mi3in; a;;re;ate) port.and 7ement) Dater) and 7hemi7a. admi3t6res
and spreadin;) shapin;) and 7ompa7tin; the mi3t6re:
2>-2.01B S".m#//%&
S6bmit the ;radin; of the a;;re;ate to be 6sed as an information s6bmitta.: The materia. m6st be
a<ai.ab.e for; and testin; at .east 4* days before p.a7in; LC": If yo6 7han;e the a;;re;ate
so6r7e) s6bmit the neD so6r7e and ;radin; and ha<e the a;;re;ate a<ai.ab.e for; and testin; at
.east 4* days before 6se:
2>-2.01C De4#'#/#0'
(0%re %88re8%/e5 A;;re;ate retained on a no: 4 sie<e:
4#'e %88re8%/e5 A;;re;ate passin; a no: 4 sie<e:
Cement m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion $%,#:%2"/21) Type II:
8ater m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion $%,#:%2D:
The air 7ontent in LC" m6st not e37eed 4 per7ent: If the a;;re;ate 6sed for LC" is prod67ed from
pro7essed re7.aimed aspha.t 7on7rete or other materia. that may 7a6se the air 7ontent to e37eed 4
per7ent) red67e the air 7ontent Dith an admi3t6re:
The port.and 7ement 7ontent of LC" m6st be at .east 25% .b976 yd e37ept) after testin; from the
proposed a;;re;ate s6pp.y an in7rease in the 7ement 7ontent may be ordered: Compensation for an
ordered in7rease is spe7ified in se7tion 2+,2:%4:
A Dater,red67in; 7hemi7a. admi3t6re may be 6sed: 8ater,red67in; 7hemi7a. admi3t6re m6st 7omp.y Dith
AST C 4$4) Type A or Type F:
Air,entrainin; admi3t6res m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion $%,#:%2E:
A;;re;ate m6st be 7.ean and free from de7omposed materia.) or;ani7 materia.) and other de.eterio6s
s6bstan7es: A;;re;ate m6st not be treated Dith .ime) 7ement) or 7hemi7a.s before testin; for
sand eG6i<a.ent:
!se either #,#92 in7h or # in7h ;radin;: Do not 7han;e yo6r se.e7ted a;;re;ate ;radin; Ditho6t
8hen tested 6nder Ca.ifornia Test 2%2) the per7enta;e 7omposition by Dei;ht of the a;;re;ate m6st
7omp.y Dith the ;radin; reG6irements for the sie<e siHes shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
A88re8%/e Gr%1#'8
Sie<e siHes
Per7enta;e passin;
#,#92E ma3im6m #E ma3im6m
Operatin; ran;e Contra7t 7omp.ian7e Operatin; ran;e Contra7t 7omp.ian7e
2E #%% #%% ,, ,,
#,#92E $%B#%% +5B#%% #%% #%%
#E ,, ,, $%B#%% +5B#%%
-94E *%B+* 4*B$% *%B#%% 4*B#%%
-9+E 4%B5* -*B+% 4%B5* -*B+%
No: 4 2*B0% 2%B0* -*B0% -%B0*
No: -% #%B-% 0B-4 #%B-% 0B-4
No: 2%% %B#2 %B#* %B#2 %B#*
odify Ca.ifornia Test 2%2 6nder Ca.ifornia Test #%* Dhene<er the differen7e in the spe7ifi7 ;ra<ities of
the 7oarse and fine portions of the a;;re;ate or the b.ends of different a;;re;ates is %:2 or more:
A;;re;ate m6st 7omp.y Dith the G6a.ity reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
A88re8%/e G"%&#/3
Property Ca.ifornia Test Operatin; ran;e Contra7t 7omp.ian7e
Sand eG6i<a.ent /min1 2#5 2# #+
Compressi<e stren;th /psi1 /min1 *4+ ,, 5%%
If the a;;re;ate ;radin; or the sand eG6i<a.ent test res6.ts) or both 7omp.y Dith 7ontra7t 7omp.ian7e
reG6irements b6t not operatin; ran;e reG6irements) yo6 may 7ontin6e p.a7in; LC" for the remainder of
the Dork day: Do not p.a7e additiona. LC" 6nti. yo6 demonstrate to the En;ineer the LC" to be p.a7ed
7omp.ies Dith the operatin; ran;e reG6irements:
If the a;;re;ate ;radin; or sand eG6i<a.ent test res6.ts) or both do not 7omp.y Dith 7ontra7t 7omp.ian7e
reG6irements) remo<e the LC" or reG6est a payment ded67tion: If yo6r reG6est is a6thoriHed) O2:*%976 yd
is ded67ted: An a;;re;ate ;radin; and a sand eG6i<a.ent test represents 6p to /#1 *%% 76 yd or /21 #
dayFs prod67tion if .ess than *%% 76 yd:
2>-2.0)A Ge'er%&
2>-2.0)B S".8r%1e
Immediate.y before spreadin; LC") the s6b;rade m6st:
#: Comp.y Dith the spe7ified 7ompa7tion and e.e<ation to.eran7e for the materia. in<o.<ed
2: "e free from .oose or e3traneo6s materia.
-: "e 6niform.y moist
Areas of s6b;rade .oDer than the ;rade estab.ished by the En;ineer m6st be fi..ed Dith LC": LC" 6sed to
fi.. .oD areas of s6b;rade is not in7.6ded in the G6antity of LC" for payment:
2>-2.0)C Pr060r/#0'#'8, M#<#'8, %'1 Tr%'60r/#'8
Proportion LC" 6nder se7tion $%,#:%2F e37ept) a;;re;ate does not ha<e to be separated into siHes:
i3 and transport LC" 6nder se7tion $%,#:%2= e37ept) the *th and 5th para;raphs in se7tion $%,#:%2=/01
do not app.y:
Nomina. penetration ran;e for LC" m6st be from % to #,#92 in7hes: a3im6m penetration m6st not
e37eed 2 in7hes:
2>-2.0)D P&%(#'8
P.a7e LC" 6nder se7tion 4%,#:%-?/#1 e37ept the -rd para;raph does not app.y:
!n.ess shoDn or spe7ified) 7onstr67t LC" in minim6m Didths of #2 feet separated by 7onstr67tion Ioints:
For LC" 7onstr67ted mono.ithi7a..y in Didths ;reater than 20 feet) 7onstr67t a .on;it6dina. 7ontra7tion Ioint
offset no more than - feet from the 7enter.ine of the Didth bein; 7onstr67ted:
Lon;it6dina. 7ontra7tion Ioints m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 4%,#:%-E/*1:
For LC" to be pa<ed Dith 7on7rete pa<ement) 7onstr67t .on;it6dina. 7onstr67tion and 7ontra7tion Ioints in
LC" to pro<ide at .east # foot horiHonta. 7.earan7e from p.anned .on;it6dina. 7onstr67tion and 7ontra7tion
Ioints in the 7on7rete pa<ement:
Do not mi3 or p.a7e LC" Dhen the atmospheri7 temperat6re is be.oD -* de;rees F: Do not p.a7e LC" on
froHen ;ro6nd:
2>-2.0)E S6re%1#'8, C0m6%(/#'8, %'1 S7%6#'8
Spread) 7ompa7t) and shape LC" 6nder se7tion 4%,#:%-?/41 or 6nder se7tion 4%,#:%-?/*1:
For LC" to be pa<ed Dith ?A) before 76rin; operation te3t6re the LC" finished s6rfa7e by dra;;in; a
broom) b6r.ap) or a sprin; stee. tine de<i7e: If 6sin; a sprin; stee. tine de<i7e) the de<i7e m6st prod67e a
s7ored s6rfa7e Dith s7ores para..e. or trans<erse to the pa<ement 7enter.ine: Te3t6re at a time and in a
manner that prod67es the 7oarsest te3t6re for the method 6sed:
Do not te3t6re LC" to be pa<ed Dith 7on7rete pa<ement: "efore app.yin; 76rin; 7ompo6nd) finish LC" to
a smooth s6rfa7e free from mortar rid;es and other proIe7tions:
The finished s6rfa7e m6st be free from poro6s areas:
For LC" to be pa<ed Dith ?A) the finished s6rfa7e m6st not <ary more than %:%* foot from the ;rade
estab.ished by the En;ineer:
For LC" to be pa<ed Dith 7on7rete pa<ement) the finished s6rfa7e m6st not be abo<e the ;rade) or more
than %:%* foot be.oD the ;rade estab.ished by the En;ineer:
2>-2.0)F C"r#'8
C6re LC" Dith pi;mented 76rin; 7ompo6nd 6nder se7tion $%,#:%-"/-1 and 4%,2:%-C e37ept) for LC" to
be pa<ed Dith 7on7rete pa<ement 6se 76rin; 7ompo6nd no: - that 7ontains a minim6m of 22 per7ent
non<o.ati.e < 7onsistin; of at .east *% per7ent paraffin Da3: App.y 76rin; 7ompo6nd to the area to
be pa<ed Dith 7on7rete pa<ement:
#: In 2 separate app.i7ations
2: At a rate of # ;a.9#*% sG ft for ea7h app.i7ation
-: "efore the atmospheri7 temperat6re fa..s be.oD 4% de;rees F
4: 8ithin 4 days after the .ast app.i7ation) 7.ean the s6rfa7e and app.y 76rin; 7ompo6nd at a rate of #
;a.92%% sG ft
Do not a..oD traffi7 or eG6ipment on the LC" for 52 ho6rs after app.i7ation of the 76rin; 7ompo6nd: After
52 ho6rs) .imit traffi7 and eG6ipment on the LC" to that 6sed in pa<in; operations or p.a7in; additiona.
.ayers of LC":
Immediate.y repair dama;e to the 76rin; 7ompo6nd or LC":
2>-2.0)G S"r4%(e N0/ A#/7#' T0&er%'(e
8here LC" Di.. be pa<ed Dith 7on7rete pa<ement) remo<e the base Dhere<er the s6rfa7e is hi;her than
the ;rade estab.ished by the En;ineer and rep.a7e it Dith LC": 8here LC" Di.. not be pa<ed Dith
7on7rete pa<ement) remo<e the base Dhere<er the s6rfa7e is hi;her than %:%* foot abo<e the ;rade
estab.ished by the En;ineer and rep.a7e it Dith LC": If a6thoriHed) ;rind the s6rfa7e Dith either a diamond
or 7arbor6nd6m b.ade to Dithin to.eran7e: After ;rindin; LC" to be pa<ed Dith 7on7rete pa<ement and
after a.. free Dater has .eft the s6rfa7e) 7.ean forei;n materia. and ;rindin; resid6e from the s6rfa7e: App.y
76rin; 7ompo6nd to the ;ro6nd area at a rate of appro3imate.y # ;a.9#*% sG ft:
8here the s6rfa7e of LC" is .oDer than %:%* foot from the ;rade estab.ished by the En;ineer) remo<e the
base and rep.a7e it Dith LC" or) if a6thoriHed) fi.. .oD areas a77ordin; to the pa<ement materia. as fo..oDs:
#: For ?A pa<ement) fi.. .oD areas Dith ?A that 7omp.ies Dith the spe7ifi7ations for the .oDest .ayer
of pa<ement: Do not fi.. .oD areas 7on76rrent.y Dith the pa<in; operation:
2: For 7on7rete pa<ement) fi.. .oD areas Dith pa<ement 7on7rete 7on76rrent Dith the pa<in; operation:
2>-2.0+ PAYMENT
LC" is meas6red from the dimensions shoDn:
If an in7rease in the spe7ified 7ement 7ontent is ordered) payment for the in7rease in 7ement Di.. be the
7ost of 7ement per ton) f:o:b: the 7ement mi.. in7.6din; ta3 p.6s the frei;ht 7ost per ton for de.i<ery
from the mi.. to the p.ant: In determinin; payment) any 7ash or trade dis7o6nt offered or a<ai.ab.e
re;ard.ess of Dhether it Das taken by the p6r7haser Di.. be 7redited to the Department:
S6bmit e<iden7e of the 7ost of 7ement 6sed for an ordered in7rease: aintain re7ords that a..oD a 7.ear
determination of the 7ement 7osts asso7iated Dith the in7rease:
If yo6r re7ords shoD an e37essi<e pri7e for the in7rease of 7ement or yo6 f6rnish inadeG6ate e<iden7e for
the 7ost) the En;ineer determines the pri7e to be the .oDest Dho.esa.e 7ost that the 7ement Das a<ai.ab.e
in the G6antities de.i<ered to the point of prod67tion) .ess any a<ai.ab.e dis7o6nts:
The G6antity of 7ement s6bIe7t to in7reased 7ompensation Di.. be the differen7e betDeen the spe7ified
theoreti7a. G6antity of 7ement and the theoreti7a. G6antity of 7ement ordered by the En;ineer: No
additiona. adI6stment of 7ompensation Di.. be made for <ariations in the 7ost of Dork res6.tin; from the
7han;e in the G6antity of port.and 7ement:
2>-)*2>-- RESERVED
2?-1.01 GENERAL
Se7tion 2$ in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for mi3in; a;;re;ate Dith aspha.t binder or mi3in; a;;re;ate Dith
port.and 7ement and Dater) spreadin;) 7ompa7tin;) and shapin; the mi3t6re:
2?-1.02A Ge'er%&
2?-1.02B A67%&/ Tre%/e1 Perme%.&e B%e
A;;re;ates m6st be 7.ean and free from de7omposed materia.) or;ani7 materia.) and other de.eterio6s
8hen tested 6nder Ca.ifornia Test 2%2) a;;re;ate m6st 7omp.y Dith the ;radin; reG6irements for the
sie<e siHes shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
A88re8%/e Gr%1#'8
Sie<e siHes Per7enta;e passin;
#E #%%
-94E $%B#%%
#92E -*B0*
-9+E 2%B4*
No: 4 %B#%
No: + %B*
No: 2%% %B2
A;;re;ate m6st 7omp.y Dith the G6a.ity reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
A88re8%/e G"%&#/3
Per7enta;e of 7r6shed /min1 2%* $%\
Los An; .oss at *%% re< /ma31 2## 4*\
C.eanness <a.6e /min1 225 *5
Fi.m strippin; /ma31 -%2 2*\
2?-1.02C Ceme'/ Tre%/e1 Perme%.&e B%e
A;;re;ate m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion $%,#:%2C: A;;re;ate ;radin; m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for
the #E 3 no: 4 primary a;;re;ate nomina. siHe 7oarse ;radin; in se7tion $%,#:%2C/41/b1:
Cement m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion $%,#:%2"/21)Type II:
8ater m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion $%,#:%2D:
2?-1.0)A Ge'er%&
Immediate.y before spreadin; treated permeab.e base) the s6b;rade m6st:
#: Comp.y Dith the spe7ified 7ompa7tion and e.e<ation to.eran7e for the materia. in<o.<ed
2: "e free from .oose or e3traneo6s materia.
-: "e 6niform.y moist
Areas of s6b;rade .oDer than the ;rade estab.ished by the En;ineer m6st be fi..ed Dith treated permeab.e
base: Treated permeab.e base 6sed to fi.. .oD areas of s6b;rade is not in7.6ded in the G6antity of treated
permeab.e base for payment:
Spread treated permeab.e base Dhen the atmospheri7 temperat6re is abo<e 4% de;rees F:
Finish treated permeab.e base to a 6niform s6rfa7e Dithin %:%* foot of the ;rade estab.ished by the
P.a7e fi.ter fabri7 on the ed;e and on the top of the hi;h side /the side opposite the ed;e drain side1 of the
treated permeab.e base and at intermediate 7ross drain inter7eptors: P.a7e fi.ter fabri7 6nder se7tion 0+,
P.a7e and 7ompa7t treated permeab.e base for ed;e drains 6nder se7tion 0+,4:%2C:
2?-1.0)B A67%&/ Tre%/e1 Perme%.&e B%e
Prod67e ATP" 6nder se7tion -$,#:%+ e37ept:
#: A;;re;ate does not need to be separated into siHes:
2: Temperat6re of the a;;re;ate before addin; the aspha.t binder m6st be from 25* to -2* de;rees F:
-: Do not store ATP" .on;er than 2 ho6rs:
4: Combine a;;re;ate Dith 2:* per7ent aspha.t binder by Dei;ht of dry a;;re;ate: An in7rease or
de7rease in the aspha.t 7ontent may be ordered after yo6r proposed a;;re;ate s6pp.y has been
tested: If an ordered in7rease or de7rease e37eeds the spe7ified amo6nt of aspha.t 7ontent by more
than %:# per7ent by Dei;ht of dry a;;re;ate) 7ompensation for ATP" is determined by the tota.
in7rease or de7rease in aspha.t:
*: The En;ineer has the option of determinin; the aspha.t 7ontent of the aspha.t mi3t6re 6nder
Ca.ifornia Test -#%) -02) or -5$: The bit6men ratio /po6nds of aspha.t per #%% .b of dry a;;re;ate1
m6st not <ary more than %:* .b of aspha.t abo<e or be.oD the amo6nt desi;nated by the En;ineer: 6sed to determine the bit6men ratio are obtained from tr67ks at the p.ant or from the mat
behind the pa<er before;: If the samp.e is taken from the mat behind the pa<er) the bit6men
ratio m6st not be .ess than the amo6nt desi;nated by the En;ineer) .ess %:5 .b of aspha.t per #%% .b of
dry a;;re;ate:
Spreadin; and 7ompa7tin; ATP" m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for spreadin; and 7ompa7tin; ?A
in se7tion -$,- e37ept) spread and 7ompa7t base in # .ayer 6sin; one of the fo..oDin; methods:
#: One 7omp.ete 7o<era;e Dith a stee.,tired) 2,a3.e tandem that has an operatin; Dei;ht be.oD
##% .b per .inear in7h of stee.,tire Didth: Compa7t Dhen the base mi3t6re is from 2*% to 2%% de;rees
2: One 7omp.ete 7o<era;e Dith a stee.,tired) 2,a3.e tandem Dei;hin; from + to #2 tons: Compa7t
Dhen the base mi3t6re is from #*% to #%% de;rees F:
Do not 6se Dater to 7oo. the ATP":
(ibratory ro..ers 7omp.yin; Dith the abo<e reG6irements may be 6sed if the <ibratory 6nit is t6rned off:
2?-1.0)C Ceme'/ Tre%/e1 Perme%.&e B%e
Store) proportion) mi3) and transport a;;re;ates) 7ement and Dater) 6nder se7tions $%,#:%2F and $%,
#:%2= e37ept) a;;re;ate does not ha<e to be separated into siHes and the Dater amo6nt and penetration
reG6irements do not app.y:
The 7ement 7ontent of CTP" m6st be at .east 2+5 .b976 yd:
The Dater to 7ement ratio m6st be appro3imate.y %:-5: The En;ineer determines the e3a7t Dater to
7ement ratio:
P.a7e CTP" 6nder se7tion 4%,#:%-?/#1 e37ept the -rd para;raph does not app.y:
Spread) 7ompa7t) and shape CTP" 6nder se7tion 4%,#:%-?/41 or 6nder se7tion 4%,#:%-?/*1: (ibrators
m6st not be 6sed:
Compa7t Dith a 2,a3.e stee.,tired Dei;hin; from 0 to #% tons: Compa7t Dithin -% min6tes after
spreadin; the base: Compa7tion m6st 7onsist of 2 7omp.ete passes of the CTP":
C6re CTP" by; the 7omp.eted s6rfa7e Dith a fine spray of Dater e<ery 2 ho6rs for a period of +
ho6rs: Start 76rin; the mornin; after base has been p.a7ed:
2?-1.0)D S"r4%(e O"/ 04 T0&er%'(e
8here the s6rfa7e of treated permeab.e base is hi;her than %:%* foot from the ;rade estab.ished by the
En;ineer) remo<e the base and rep.a7e it Dith the spe7ified treated permeab.e base: If a6thoriHed)
remo<e hi;h spots to 7omp.y Dith the spe7ified to.eran7e by any method that does not prod67e
7ontaminatin; fines or dama;e the base remainin; in p.a7e: =rindin; is not a..oDed:
8here the s6rfa7e of treated permeab.e base is .oDer than %:%* foot from the ;rade estab.ished by the
En;ineer) remo<e the base and rep.a7e it Dith the spe7ified treated permeab.e base: If a6thoriHed) fi.. .oD
areas Dith pa<ement materia. as fo..oDs:
#: For ?A pa<ement) fi.. .oD areas Dith ?A that 7omp.ies Dith the spe7ifi7ations for the .oDest .ayer
of ?A pa<ement: Do not fi.. .oD areas 7on76rrent.y Dith the ?A pa<in; operation:
2: For 7on7rete pa<ement) fi.. .oD areas Dith pa<in; 7on7rete 7on76rrent Dith the 7on7rete pa<ement
pa<in; operation:
2?-1.0+ PAYMENT
ATP" and CTP" is meas6red from the dimensions shoDn: !n.ess ordered) base p.a7ed o6tside of the
shoDn dimensions Di.. not be meas6red or paid for:
Treated permeab.e base for ed;e drains insta..ed adIa7ent to treated permeab.e base is not meas6red or
paid for as treated permeab.e base:
)2-1.01 GENERAL
Se7tion -5,# in7.6des ;enera. spe7ifi7ations for app.yin; bit6mino6s sea.s:
)2-2.01 GENERAL
)2-2.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion -5,2 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for app.yin; sea. 7oats and s7reenin;s:
Sea. 7oat in7.6des app.yin; aspha.ti7 em6.sion fo..oDed by s7reenin;s:
Fo; sea. 7oat in7.6des app.yin; s.oD,settin; aspha.ti7 em6.sion:
F.6sh 7oat in7.6des app.yin; a fo; sea. 7oat to the s6rfa7e of a sea. 7oat) fo..oDed by sand:
odified em6.sion sea. 7oat in7.6des app.yin; po.ymer modified aspha.ti7 em6.sion) fo..oDed by
s7reenin;s) and then a f.6sh 7oat:
)2-2.01B De4#'#/#0'
)2-2.01C S".m#//%&
)2-2.01CB1C Ge'er%&
)2-2.01CB2C A67%&/#( Em"&#0' Se%& C0%/
S6bmit a #92 ;a..on samp.e of aspha.ti7 em6.sion in a p.asti7 7ontainer: Take the samp.e from the
distrib6tor tr67k spray bar at mid .oad:
)2-2.01CB)C F08 Se%& C0%/
S6bmit a #92 ;a..on samp.e of aspha.ti7 em6.sion for fo; sea. 7oats in a p.asti7 7ontainer: Take the samp.e
from the distrib6tor tr67k spray bar at mid,.oad:
)2-2.01CB+C P0&3mer M01#4#e1 A67%&/#( Em"&#0' Se%& C0%/
At .east #% days before startin; modified em6.sion sea. 7oat app.i7ation) s6bmit the name of an
a6thoriHed .aboratory for po.ymer modified aspha.ti7 em6.sion G6a.ity 7ontro. testin;:
S6bmit a samp.e of po.ymer modified aspha.ti7 em6.sion to the a6thoriHed .aboratory and the En;ineer:
Ea7h samp.e m6st be s6bmitted in an ins6.ated shippin; 7ontainer Dithin 24 ho6rs of;:
8ithin 5 days after takin; s6bmit the a6thoriHed .aboratoryFs test res6.ts for po.ymer modified
aspha.ti7 em6.sion:
At .east #% days before startin; modified,em6.sion sea. 7oat app.i7ation) s6bmit a si;ned 7opy of the test
res6.t report of the ( test method for a;;re;ate retention in 7hip sea.s /fren7h 7hip1 to the En;ineer
and to:
Di<ision of aintenan7e) RoadDay aintenan7e Offi7e
##2% N Street) S -#
Sa7ramento) CA $*+#4
)2-2.01CB,C Reer$e1
)2-2.01CB-C U'"#/%.&e D%3 N0/#(e
S6bmit the name of a representati<e and pro<ide a means for the En;ineer to 7omm6ni7ate an 6ns6itab.e
day noti7e:
)2-2.01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
)2-2.01DB1C Ge'er%&
)2-2.01DB2C A67%&/#( Em"&#0' Se%& C0%/ for the s7reenin;s ;radin; and 7.eanness <a.6e m6st be taken from the spreader 7on<eyor be.t:
)2-2.01DB)C P0&3mer M01#4#e1 A67%&/#( Em"&#0' Se%& C0%/ for the s7reenin;s ;radin; and 7.eanness <a.6e m6st be taken from the spreader 7on<eyor be.t:
8ithin - b6siness days of;) the a6thoriHed .aboratory m6st test po.ymer modified aspha.ti7
em6.sion for the fo..oDin; properties:
#: (is7osity /AAS?TO T *$1
2: Sie<e test/AAS?TO T *$1
-: Dem6.sibi.ity /AAS?TO T *$1
4: Torsiona. re7o<ery /Ca.ifornia Test --21
The a6thoriHed .aboratory m6st test s7reenin;s for retention 6nder the ( test method for a;;re;ate in
7hip sea.s /fren7h 7hip1: The ( test res6.ts are not 6sed for a77eptan7e: The ( test is a<ai.ab.e at
the ETS 8eb site:
Cir76.ate po.ymer modified aspha.ti7 em6.sion in the distrib6tor tr67k before;: Take from
the distrib6tor tr67k at mid .oad or from a; tap or thief: "efore takin; draD and dispose
of # ;a..on: Take tDo #92,;a..on in the presen7e of the En;ineer:
If the test res6.ts for po.ymer modified aspha.ti7 em6.sion do not 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations) the
En;ineer assesses a pay fa7tor <a.6e for the fo..oDin; properties and in7rements:
P0&3mer M01#4#e1 A67%&/#( Em"&#0' P%3 F%(/0r T%.&e
Test method and property In7rement Pay fa7tor
Test on aspha.ti7 em6.sion /po.ymer modified1
/(is7osity) se7 Saybo.t F6ro.) at *%
Ea7h #% se7onds abo<e ma3 or
be.oD min
/sett.ement) * days) per7ent1
Ea7h #:* per7ent abo<e ma3 #
/sie<e test) per7ent ma31
Ea7h %:2 per7ent abo<e ma3 #
/dem6.sibi.ity per7ent1
Ea7h 2 per7ent be.oD min #
Test on resid6e from e<aporation test
/penetration) #* C1
Ea7h 2 dm abo<e ma3 or be.oD min #
AST D -0
/fie.d softenin; point C1
2 C be.oD min #
Ca.ifornia Test --2
/torsiona. re7o<ery
For ea7h # in7rement be.oD the min
<a.6e of #+
For ea7h 2 in7rements be.oD the min
<a.6e of #+
For ea7h - or more in7rements
be.oD the min <a.6e of #+
The hi;hest pay fa7tor app.ies
The En;ineer assesses a pay fa7tor of # for; not performed in 7omp.ian7e Dith the spe7ifi7ations)
in7.6din; shippin; and; 7ontainers:
If test res6.ts for po.ymer modified aspha.ti7 em6.sion are not in 7omp.ian7e Dith the spe7ifi7ations) yo6
may reG6est that the sea. 7oat represented by the tests remain in p.a7e Dith a payment ded67tion based
on the pay fa7tors:
If a test res6.t for the s7reenin;s 7.eanness <a.6e is from 5* to +0) yo6 may reG6est that the sea. 7oat
represented by the test remain in p.a7e: A payment ded67tion is made as spe7ified in se7tion -5,2:%4 If
the s7reenin;s 7.eanness <a.6e is .ess than 5*) remo<e the sea. 7oat:
)2-2.01DB+C Reer$e1
)2-2.02A Ge'er%&
)2-2.02B A67%&/#( Em"&#0'
)2-2.02C A67%&/#( Em"&#0' 40r F08 Se%& C0%/
Aspha.ti7 em6.sion for fo; sea. 7oat m6st be any of the s.oD,settin; ;rades of aspha.ti7 em6.sion:
If additiona. Dater is added to the aspha.ti7 em6.sion) the res6.tant mi3t6re m6st not be more than # part
aspha.ti7 em6.sion to # part Dater: The En;ineer determines the e3a7t amo6nt of additiona. Dater:
)2-2.02D A67%&/#( Em"&#0' 40r F&"7 C0%/
The En;ineer se.e7ts the type of aspha.ti7 em6.sion from =rade CSS#) =rade CSS#h) or =rade C@S#h:
)2-2.02E Pr#me C0%/
LiG6id aspha.t for prime 7oat m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion $-:
)2-2.02F P0&3mer M01#4#e1 A67%&/#( Em"&#0'
Po.ymer modified aspha.ti7 em6.sion m6st in7.6de e.astomeri7 po.ymer:
odified em6.sion m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion $4) Tab.e -) 6nder the test on resid6e from e<aporation test
for =rades PRS2) PRS2h) PCRS2) and PCRS2h and the fo..oDin;:
#: The penetration at *$ de;rees F /5 oH for 0% se7onds1 determined 6nder AAS?TO T 4$ m6st be at
.east 0:
2: Test e.asti7 re7o<ery 6nder AAS?TO T -%#:
-: Po.ymer 7ontent in per7ent by Dei;ht does not app.y:
4: The minim6m rin; and ba.. softenin; point temperat6re determined 6nder AAS?TO T *- for Test on
Resid6e from E<aporation Test m6st 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin;:
4:#: #20 de;rees F for a ;eo;raphi7a. ambient temperat6re from -2 to #%4 de;rees F
4:2: #2$ de;rees F for a ;eo;raphi7a. ambient temperat6re from #+ to #%4 de;rees F
4:-: #-* de;rees F for a ;eo;raphi7a. ambient temperat6re from #+ to ;reater than #%4 de;rees F
)2-2.02G Reer$e1
)2-2.02H S(ree'#'8
)2-2.02HB1C Ge'er%&
S7reenin;s m6st be broken stone) 7r6shed ;ra<e.) or both: At .east $% per7ent of s7reenin;s by Dei;ht
m6st be 7r6shed as determined 6nder Ca.ifornia Test 2%*:
S7reenin;s for sea. 7oats m6st ha<e the properties spe7ified in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Se%& C0%/ S(ree'#'8
Properties Test method Spe7ifi7ation
Los An; \) ma3
Loss at #%% re<o.6tions:
Loss at *%% re<o.6tions:
Ca.ifornia Test
2## #%
Fi.m strippin;) \) ma3 Ca.ifornia Test
)2-2.02HB2C A67%&/#( Em"&#0' Se%& C0%/
S7reenin;s for aspha.ti7 em6.sion sea. 7oat m6st ha<e the ;radation as determined 6nder Ca.ifornia Test
2%2 in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
A67%&/#( Em"&#0' Se%& C0%/ S(ree'#'8 Gr%1%/#0'
Per7enta;e passin;
#92E ma3
-9+E ma3
edi6m fine
*9#0E ma3
#94E ma3
-94E #%% ,, ,, ,,
#92E $*B#%% #%% ,, ,,
-9+E *%B+% $%B#%% #%% #%%
No: 4 %B#* *B-% -%B0% 0%B+*
No: + %B* %B#% %B#* %B2*
No: #0 ,, %B* %B* %B*
No: -% ,, ,, %B- %B-
No: 2%% %B2 %B2 %B2 %B2
The 7.eanness <a.6e determined 6nder Ca.ifornia Test 225 m6st be +%:
)2-2.02HB)C P0&3mer M01#4#e1 A67%&/#( Em"&#0' Se%& C0%/
S7reenin;s for po.ymer modified aspha.ti7 em6.sion sea. 7oat m6st ha<e the ;radation as determined
6nder Ca.ifornia Test 2%2 in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
P0&3mer M01#4#e1 A67%&/#( Em"&#0' Se%& C0%/ S(ree'#'8
Per7enta;e passin;
#92E ma3
-9+E ma3
edi6m fine
*9#0E ma3
#94E ma3
-94E #%% ,, ,, ,,
#92E +*B#%% #%% ,, ,,
-9+E %B-% +*B#%% #%% #%%
No: 4 %B* %B#* %B*% 0%B+*
No: + ,, %B* %B#* %B2*
No: #0 ,, ,, %B* %B*
No: -% ,, ,, %B- %B-
No: 2%% %B2 %B2 %B2 %B2
The 7.eanness <a.6e determined 6nder Ca.ifornia Test 225 m6st be +0:
)2-2.02HB+C Reer$e1
)2-2.02I P0&3mer M01#4#e1 A67%&/#( Em"&#0' %'1 S(ree'#'8 Te/
Po.ymer modified aspha.ti7 em6.sion and s7reenin;s m6st ha<e $% per7ent retention Dhen tested 6nder
the ( test method for a;;re;ate in 7hip sea.s /fren7h 7hip1:
)2-2.02E S%'1
Sand for f.6sh 7oat m6st 7omp.y Dith the materia. spe7ifi7ations for fine a;;re;ate ;radin; in se7tion $%,
#:%2C/-1: Sand m6st not in7.6de or;ani7 materia. or 7.ay:
)2-2.0)A Ge'er%&
8here<er fina. sDeepin; or broomin; of the sea. 7oat s6rfa7e is 7omp.ete) p.a7e permanent traffi7 stripes
and pa<ement markin;s Dithin #% days:
)2-2.0)B E!"#6me'/
)2-2.0)BB1C Ge'er%&
EG6ipment for sea. 7oats m6st in7.6de and 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin;:
#: S7reenin;s ha6. tr67ks: ?a6. tr67ks m6st ha<e:
#:#: Tai.;ates that dis7har;e s7reenin;s
#:2: De<i7es to .o7k onto the rear s7reenin;s spreader hit7h
#:-: D6mp beds that Di.. not p6sh doDn on the spreader Dhen f6..y raised
#:4: D6mp beds that Di.. not spi.. s7reenin;s on the roadDay Dhen transferred to the spreader
2: Se.f,prope..ed s7reenin;s spreader: The spreader m6st ha<e:
2:#: S7reenin;s hopper in the rear
2:2: "e.t 7on<eyors that 7arry the s7reenin;s to the front
2:-: Spreadin; hopper 7apab.e of pro<idin; a 6niform s7reenin; spread rate o<er the entire Didth of
the traffi7 .ane in # app.i7ation:
-: Se.f,prope..ed poDer brooms: Do not 6se ;6tter brooms or stee.,tined brooms: "rooms m6st be
7apab.e of remo<in; .oose s7reenin;s adIa7ent to barriers that pre<ent s7reenin;s from bein; sDept
off the roadDay) in7.6din; 76rbs) ;6tters) dikes) berms) and;s:
4: Pne6mati7,tired ro..ers: Pne6mati7,tired ro..ers m6st be an os7i..atin; type at .east 4 feet Dide: Ea7h m6st be se.f,prope..ed and re<ersib.e: Pne6mati7 tires m6st be of eG6a. siHe) diameter) type)
and p.y: The m6st 7arry at .east -)%%% .b of .oad on ea7h Dhee. and ea7h tire m6st ha<e an air
press6re of #%% Z * psi:
)2-2.0)BB2C Reer$e1
)2-2.0)C U'"#/%.&e D%3
The En;ineer may notify yo6 of 6ns6itab.e 7onditions before 4:%% p:m: on the day before yo6r #st
intended Dorkin; day to p.a7e sea. 7oat: After yo6 ha<e started sea. 7oat p.a7ement a7ti<ities) the
En;ineer has 6nti. 4:%% p:m: on the day before the ne3t Dorkin; day to ;i<e yo6 an 6ns6itab.e day noti7e:
If the En;ineer ;i<es yo6 an 6ns6itab.e day noti7e /#1 do not p.a7e sea. 7oat on the ne3t Dorkin; day and
/21 the Department does not pay for the ret6rn) stora;e or disposa. of materia.s de.i<ered to the Iob site or
the time of Dorkers: If maintenan7e of pre<io6s.y app.ied sea. 7oat 7an be performed) 7ontin6e to perform
In the absen7e of an 6ns6itab.e day noti7e or if the En;ineer ;i<es noti7e after 4:%% p:m: of the pre<io6s
#: Comp.y Dith spe7ifi7ations restri7tin; sea. 7oat app.i7ation:
2: Ret6rn) store) or dispose of any sea. 7oat materia.s yo6 de.i<er to the Iob site Dhen 7onditions are
-: The Department adI6sts payment for the ret6rn) stora;e or disposa. of materia.s de.i<ered to the Iob
4: The Department adI6sts payment for the shoD,6p time of Dorkers Dho Do6.d ha<e app.ied sea. 7oat:
*: Payment of materia.s and .abor Di.. be determined 6nder se7tion $,#:%4) e37ept mark6ps are not
It is a nonDorkin; day if the sea. 7oat Dork is the; operation and /#1 the En;ineer pro<ides yo6
time.y noti7e of an anti7ipated 6ns6itab.e day or /21 there is 6ntime.y or no noti7e and 7onditions are
6ns6itab.e for p.a7in; sea. 7oat:
If yo6 fai. to s6bmit the name of a person a6thoriHed to 7omm6ni7ate Dith the En;ineer abo6t 6ns6itab.e
day noti7es) the spe7ifi7ations for payment do not app.y:
)2-2.0)D S"r4%(e Pre6%r%/#0'
"efore app.yin; sea. 7oat) 7o<er <a.<e and mon6ment 7o<ers) ;rates) or other e3posed
fa7i.ities .o7ated Dithin the area of app.i7ation) 6sin; a p.asti7 or oi. resistant 7onstr67tion paper se76red
by tape of adhesi<e to the fa7i.ity bein; 7o<ered: Referen7e the 7o<ered fa7i.ities Dith a s6ffi7ient n6mber
of 7ontro. points to re.o7ate the fa7i.ities after the app.i7ation of the sea. 7oat:
After 7omp.etion of the sea. 7oat operation) remo<e 7o<ers from the fa7i.ities:
Immediate.y before app.yin; sea. 7oat) 7.ean the s6rfa7e to re7ei<e sea. 7oat by remo<in; e3traneo6s
materia. and dryin;: C.eanin; the e3istin; pa<ement in7.6des the 6se of brooms:
If sea. 7oat is app.ied to 6ntreated materia.) app.y a prime 7oat of .iG6id aspha.t: The prime 7oat
app.i7ation rate m6st be from %:2% to %:-- ;a.9sG yd: The En;ineer determines the e3a7t rate:
)2-2.0)E Reer$e1
)2-2.0)F A66&3#'8 Em"&#0'
)2-2.0)FB1C Ge'er%&
For areas not a77essib.e to a tr67k distrib6tor bar) app.y the em6.sion Dith a sG6ee;ee) rake or other
means a6thoriHed by the En;ineer:
Pre<ent spray on e3istin; pa<ement not intended for sea. 7oat or on pre<io6s.y app.ied sea. 7oat 6sin; a
materia. s67h as b6i.din; paper: Remo<e the materia. after 6se: At .on;it6dina. Ioints) yo6 may o<er.ap the
em6.sion app.i7ations before the app.i7ation of s7reenin;s if the o<er.ap is dispersed Dith sG6ee;ees or
A.i;n .on;it6dina. Ioints betDeen sea. 7oat app.i7ations Dith desi;nated traffi7 .anes: O<er.ap .on;it6dina.
Ioints by not more than 4 in7hes: &o6 may o<er.ap .on;it6dina. Ioints 6p to + in7hes if a6thoriHed:
Do not app.y the em6.sion 6n.ess there are s6ffi7ient s7reenin;s at the Iob site to 7o<er the em6.sion or
Dis7ontin6e app.i7ation of em6.sion ear.y eno6;h to 7omp.y Dith .ane 7.os6re spe7ifi7ations and
darkness: App.y to # .ane at a time and 7o<er the .ane entire.y in # operation:
)2-2.0)FB2C A67%&/#( Em"&#0' 40r F08 Se%& C0%/
App.y aspha.ti7 em6.sion for fo; sea. 7oat at a resid6a. aspha.t rate from %:%2 to %:%0 ;a.9sG yd: The
En;ineer determines the e3a7t rate:
App.y fo; sea. 7oat Dhen the ambient air temperat6re is abo<e 4% de;rees F:
Sprink.e Dater on fo; sea. 7oat that be7omes ta7ky in an amo6nt determined by the En;ineer):
If fo; sea. 7oat and sea. 7oat Dith s7reenin;s are spe7ified on the same proIe7t) app.y fo; sea. 7oat at
.east 4 days before app.yin; the adIoinin; sea. 7oat Dith s7reenin;s: The Ioint betDeen the sea. 7oats
m6st be neat and 6niform:
)2-2.0)FB)C A67%&/#( Em"&#0' 40r Se%& C0%/
Aspha.ti7 em6.sion m6st be app.ied Dithin the app.i7ation rate ran;es shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
A67%&/#( Em"&#0' A66&#(%/#0' R%/e
S7reenin;s App.i7ation rate ran;e/;a..ons
per sG6are yard1
Fine %:#*B%:-%
edi6m fine %:2*B%:-*
edi6m %:2*B%:4%
Coarse %:-%B%:4%
The En;ineer determines the e3a7t app.i7ation rate:
At the time of app.i7ation) the temperat6re of the aspha.ti7 em6.sion m6st be from #-% to #+% de;rees F:
App.y aspha.ti7 em6.sion Dhen the ambient air temperat6re is from 0* to ##% de;rees F and the
pa<ement s6rfa7e temperat6re is at .east +% de;rees F:
Do not app.y aspha.ti7 em6.sion Dhen Deather fore7asts predi7t the ambient air temperat6re Di.. fa..
be.oD -$ de;rees F Dithin 24 ho6rs after app.i7ation:
8hen tested 6nder Ca.ifornia Test --$) the app.i7ation rate for aspha.ti7 em6.sion m6st not <ary from the
a<era;e by more than:
#: #* per7ent in the trans<erse dire7tion
2: #% per7ent in the .on;it6dina. dire7tion
)2-2.0)FB+C P0&3mer M01#4#e1 A67%&/#( Em"&#0' 40r M01#4#e1 Em"&#0' Se%& C0%/
Po.ymer modified aspha.ti7 em6.sion m6st be app.ied Dithin the app.i7ation rate ran;es shoDn in the
fo..oDin; tab.e:
P0&3mer M01#4#e1 A67%&/#( Em"&#0' A66&#(%/#0' R%/e
S7reenin;s App.i7ation rate ran;e/;a..ons
per sG6are yard1
Fine %:#*B%:-%
edi6m fine %:2*B%:-*
edi6m %:2*B%:4%
Coarse %:-%B%:4%
The En;ineer determines the e3a7t app.i7ation rate:
At the time of app.i7ation) the temperat6re of po.ymer modified aspha.ti7 em6.sion m6st be from #-% to
#+% de;rees F:
App.y po.ymer modified aspha.ti7 em6.sion Dhen the ambient air temperat6re is from 0% to #%* de;rees F
and the pa<ement s6rfa7e temperat6re is at .east ** de;rees F:
Do not app.y po.ymer modified aspha.ti7 em6.sion Dhen Deather fore7asts predi7t the ambient air
temperat6re Di.. fa.. be.oD -$ de;rees F Dithin 24 ho6rs after app.i7ation:
8hen tested 6nder Ca.ifornia Test --$) the app.i7ation rate for po.ymer modified aspha.ti7 em6.sion m6st
not <ary from the a<era;e by more than:
#: #* per7ent in the trans<erse dire7tion
2: #% per7ent in the .on;it6dina. dire7tion
)2-2.0)FB,C A67%&/#( Em"&#0' 40r F&"7 C0%/
App.y aspha.ti7 em6.sion for f.6sh 7oat at a resid6a. aspha.t rate from %:%2 to %:%0 ;a.9sG yd: The
En;ineer determines the e3a7t rate:
D6rin; f.6sh 7oat a7ti<ities) 7.ose adIa7ent .anes to traffi7: Do not tra7k aspha.ti7 em6.sion on e3istin;
pa<ement s6rfa7es:
App.y sand immediate.y after the aspha.ti7 em6.sion app.i7ation:
Spread sand Dith a se.f,prope..ed s7reenin;s spreader eG6ipped Dith a me7hani7a. de<i7e that spreads
sand at a 6niform rate o<er the f6.. Didth of a traffi7 .ane in a sin;.e app.i7ation: Spread sand at a rate
from 2 to 0 .b9sG yd: The En;ineer determines the e3a7t rate:
)2-2.0)FB-C Reer$e1
)2-2.0)G S6re%1#'8 S(ree'#'8
)2-2.0)GB1C Ge'er%&
Pre<ent < from dri<in; on aspha.ti7 em6.sion before spreadin; s7reenin;s:
Spread s7reenin;s at a 6niform rate o<er the f6.. .ane Didth in # app.i7ation:
"room e37ess s7reenin;s at Ioints before spreadin; adIa7ent s7reenin;s:
Operate the spreader at speeds s.oD eno6;h to pre<ent s7reenin;s from; o<er after droppin;:
If the spreader is not mo<in;) s7reenin;s m6st not drop: If yo6 stop spreadin; and s7reenin;s drop)
remo<e the e37ess s7reenin;s before res6min; a7ti<ities:
)2-2.0)GB2C A67%&/#( Em"&#0' Se%& C0%/ S(ree'#'8
&o6 may sto7kpi.e s7reenin;s for aspha.ti7 em6.sion sea. 7oat if yo6 pre<ent 7ontamination: S7reenin;s
m6st ha<e damp s6rfa7es at spreadin;: If Dater <isib.y separates from the s7reenin;s) do not spread: &o6
may redampen them in the de.i<ery <ehi7.e:
Spread s7reenin;s before the aspha.ti7 em6.sion sets or breaks:
Spread s7reenin;s Dithin #% per7ent of the rate determined by the En;ineer: S7reenin;s m6st ha<e a
spread rate Dithin the ran;es shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
S(ree'#'8 S6re%1 R%/e
Sea. 7oat type Ran;e /.b9sG yd1
Fine #2B2%
edi6m fine #0B2*
edi6m 2%B-%
Coarse 2-B-%
Do not spread s7reenin;s more than 2)*%% feet ahead of the 7omp.eted initia.;:
)2-2.0)GB)C P0&3mer M01#4#e1 A67%&/#( Em"&#0' Se%& C0%/ S(ree'#'8
&o6 may sto7kpi.e s7reenin;s for po.ymer modified em6.sion sea. 7oat if yo6 pre<ent 7ontamination:
S7reenin;s m6st ha<e damp s6rfa7es at spreadin;: If Dater <isib.y separates from the s7reenin;s) do not
spread: &o6 may redampen them in the de.i<ery <ehi7.e:
Spread s7reenin;s before the modified em6.sion sets or breaks:
Spread s7reenin;s Dithin #% per7ent of the rate determined by the En;ineer: S7reenin;s m6st ha<e a
spread rate Dithin the ran;es shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
S(ree'#'8 S6re%1 R%/e
Sea. 7oat type Ran;e /.b9sG yd1
Fine #2B2%
edi6m fine #0B2*
edi6m 2%B-%
Coarse 2-B-%
Do not spread s7reenin;s more than 2)*%% feet ahead of the 7omp.eted initia.;:
)2-2.0)GB+C Reer$e1
)2-2.0)H F#'#7#'8
)2-2.0)HB1C Ge'er%&
Remo<e rid;es) or 6ne<en.y distrib6ted s7reenin;s: Repair permanent rid;es) b6mps) or
depressions in the finished s6rfa7e: Spread additiona. s7reenin;s and ro.. if s7reenin;s are pi7ked 6p by
ro..ers or <
Sea. 7oat Ioints betDeen adIa7ent app.i7ations of sea. 7oat m6st be smooth) strai;ht) 6niform) and
7omp.ete.y 7o<ered: Lon;it6dina. Ioints m6st be at .ane .ines and not o<er.ap by more than 4 in7hes:
".end the adIa7ent app.i7ations by broomin;:
A 7o<era;e is the n6mber of passes a needs to 7o<er the Didth: A pass is # mo<ement para..e.
to the sea. 7oat app.i7ation in either dire7tion: O<er.appin; passes are part of the 7o<era;e bein; made
and are not part of a s6bseG6ent 7o<era;e: Do not start a 7o<era;e 6nti. 7omp.etin; the pre<io6s
"efore openin; to traffi7) finish sea. 7oat in the fo..oDin; seG6en7e:
#: Perform initia.; 7onsistin; of # 7o<era;e Dith a pne6mati7
2: Perform fina.; 7onsistin; of - 7o<era;eFs Dith pne6mati7,tired ro..ers
-: "room e37ess s7reenin;s from the roadDay and adIa7ent ab6ttin; areas
4: App.y f.6sh 7oat if spe7ified
The En;ineer may order sa.<a;in; of e37ess s7reenin;s:
Dispose of e37ess s7reenin;s the En;ineer determines are not sa.<a;eab.e: Dispose of s7reenin;s in any
of the fo..oDin; Days or .o7ations:
#: !nder se7tion #4,#%
2: On embankment s.opes
-: In a6thoriHed areas
Sa.<a;in; and; e37ess s7reenin;s is 7han;e order Dork:
)2-2.0)HB2C Reer$e1
)2-2.0)I Se%& C0%/ M%#'/e'%'(e
Sea.s 7oat s6rfa7es m6st be maintained for 4 7onse76ti<e days from the day s7reenin;s are app.ied:
aintenan7e m6st in7.6de broomin; to maintain a s6rfa7e free of .oose s7reenin;s) to distrib6te
s7reenin;s o<er the s6rfa7e so as to absorb any free aspha.ti7 materia.) to 7o<er any areas defi7ient in
7o<er 7oat materia.) and to pre<ent formation of 7orr6;ations
After 4 7onse76ti<e days) e37ess s7reenin;s m6st be remo<ed from the pa<ed areas: "roomin; m6st not
disp.a7e s7reenin;s set in aspha.ti7 materia.:
The e3a7t time of broomin; Di.. be determined by the En;ineer: As a minim6m) broomin; Di.. be reG6ired
at the fo..oDin; times:
#: On 2,.ane 2,Day roadDays) from 2 to 4 ho6rs after traffi7) 7ontro..ed Dith pi.ot 7ars) has been ro6ted
on the sea. 7oat
2: On m6.ti.ane roadDays) from 2 to 4 ho6rs after s7reenin;s ha<e been p.a7ed
-: In addition to pre<io6s broomin;) immediate.y before openin; any .ane to p6b.i7 traffi7) not 7ontro..ed
Dith pi.ot 7ars
4: As the #st order of Dork on the mornin; fo..oDin; the app.i7ation of s7reenin;s on any .ane that has
been open to p6b.i7 traffi7 not 7ontro..ed Dith pi.ot 7ars:
For 2,.ane 2,Day roadDays 6nder #,Day traffi7 7ontro.) 6pon 7omp.etion of se7ondary;) p6b.i7 traffi7
m6st be 7ontro..ed Dith pi.ot 7ars and ro6ted o<er the neD sea. 7oat for a period of 2 to 4 ho6rs: The
En;ineer Di.. determine the e3a7t period of time:
S7hed6.e the operations so that sea. 7oat is p.a7ed on both .anes of the tra<e.ed Day ea7h Dork shift and
so that #,Day traffi7 7ontro. is dis7ontin6ed # ho6r before darkness: At the end of the Dork shift) the end of
the sea. 7oat on both .anes m6st ;enera..y mat7h:
On m6.ti.ane roadDays) initia. broomin; m6st be;in after the s7reenin;s ha<e been in p.a7e for a period of
2 to 4 ho6rs: 8hen the initia. broomin; is not 7omp.eted d6rin; the Dork shift in Dhi7h the s7reenin;s
Dere p.a7ed) the initia. broomin; m6st be 7omp.eted as the #st order of Dork at the be;innin; of the ne3t
Dork shift:
P6b.i7 traffi7 m6st be 7ontro..ed Dith pi.ot 7ars and be ro6ted on the neD sea. 7oat s6rfa7e of the .ane for
a minim6m of 2 ho6rs after 7omp.etion of the initia. broomin; and before openin; the .ane to traffi7 not
7ontro..ed Dith pi.ot 7ars: 8hen traffi7 is 7ontro..ed Dith pi.ot 7ars) a ma3im6m of # .ane in the dire7tion of
tra<e. m6st be open to p6b.i7 traffi7: On7e traffi7 7ontro..ed Dith pi.ot 7ars is ro6ted o<er the sea. 7oat at a .o7ation) 7ontin6o6s 7ontro. m6st be maintained at that .o7ation 6nti. the sea. 7oat p.a7ement
and broomin; on adIa7ent .anes to re7ei<e sea. 7oat is 7omp.eted:
)2-2.0+ PAYMENT
If there is no bid item for a traffi7 7ontro. system) f6rnishin; and 6sin; a pi.ot 7ar is in7.6ded in the <ario6s
items of the Dork in<o.<ed in app.yin; the sea. 7oat:
If test res6.ts for the s7reenin;s ;radin; do not 7omp.y Dith spe7ifi7ations) yo6 may remo<e the sea. 7oat
represented by these tests or reG6est that it remain in p.a7e Dith a payment ded67tion: The ded67tion is
O#:5* per ton for the s7reenin;s represented by the test res6.ts:
If aspha.ti7 em6.sion sea. 7oat Dith s7reenin;s does not 7omp.y Dith the 7.eanness <a.6e spe7ifi7ations)
yo6 may reG6est that the sea. 7oat remain in p.a7e Dith a pay ded67tion 7orrespondin; to the 7.eanness
<a.6e shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
A67%&/#( Em"&#0' Se%& C0%/ C&e%''e V%&"e De1"(/#0'
C.eanness <a.6e Ded67tion
+% or o<er None
5$ O2:%% 9ton
55B5+ O4:%% 9ton
5*B50 O0:%% 9ton
If po.ymer modified aspha.ti7 em6.sion sea. 7oat Dith s7reenin;s does not 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations
for 7.eanness <a.6e yo6 may reG6est that the sea. 7oat remain in p.a7e Dith a pay ded67tion
7orrespondin; by the 7.eanness <a.6e shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
P0&3mer M01#4#e1 A67%&/#( Em"&#0' Se%& C0%/ C&e%''e
V%&"e De1"(/#0'
C.eanness <a.6e Ded67tion
+0 or o<er None
+#B+* O2:2%9ton
55B+% O4:4%9ton
5*B50 O0:0%9ton
If test res6.ts for po.ymer modified aspha.ti7 em6.sion a;;re;ate ;radin; and 7.eanness <a.6e test res6.ts
do not 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations) a.. ded67tions are made: A test for aspha.ti7 em6.sion /po.ymer
modified1 represents the of ** tons or # dayFs prod67tion: A test for the s7reenin;s ;radin; or
7.eanness <a.6e represents the of -%% tons or # dayFs prod67tion:
The Department does not adI6st the 6nit pri7e for an in7rease or de7rease in the sand 7o<er for the f.6sh
7oat G6antity:
The Department does not adI6st the 6nit pri7e for an in7rease or de7rease in the aspha.ti7 em6.sion /fo;
sea. 7oat1 G6antity:
The payment ded67tion for non7omp.iant modified em6.sion is based on the tota. pay fa7tor <a.6e
determined from the tab.e tit.ed) EPo.ymer odified Aspha.ti7 Em6.sion Pay Fa7tor Ded67tion:E &o6 m6st
remo<e modified em6.sion sea. 7oat Dith a pay fa7tor <a.6e ;reater than 2%: &o6 may reG6est sea. 7oat
Dith non7omp.iant modified em6.sion to remain in p.a7e Dith a pay ded67tion for the tota. pay fa7tor <a.6e
shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
P0&3mer M01#4#e1 A67%&/#( Em"&#0' P%3
F%(/0r De1"(/#0'
Tota. pay fa7tor
% none
#B2 O*:%%9ton
-B* O#%:%%9ton
0B$ O#*:%%9ton
#%B#4 O2*:%%9ton
#*B2% O*%:%%9ton
)2-).01 GENERAL
)2-).01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion -5,- in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for app.yin; s.6rry sea. and mi7ro,s6rfa7in; :
S.6rry sea. in7.6des app.yin; a mi3t6re of aspha.ti7 em6.sion or po.ymer modified aspha.ti7 em6.sion)
a;;re;ate) set,7ontro. additi<es) and Dater spread on a s6rfa7e or pa<ement:
i7ro,s6rfa7in; in7.6des app.yin; a mi3t6re of mi7ro,s6rfa7in; em6.sion) Dater) additi<es) minera.
and a;;re;ate spread on pa<ement:
)2-).01B De4#'#/#0'
)2-).01C S".m#//%&
)2-).01CB1C Ge'er%&
The testin; .aboratory m6st si;n the ori;ina. .aboratory report and mi3 desi;n:
If the mi3 desi;n 7onsists of the same materia.s 7o<ered by a pre<io6s .aboratory report) yo6 may s6bmit
the pre<io6s .aboratory report) Dhi7h m6st in7.6de materia. testin; data performed Dithin the pre<io6s #2
months for a6thoriHation:
If reG6estin; s6bstit6te materia.s) s6bmit a neD .aboratory report and mi3 desi;n at .east 5 days before
startin; p.a7ement:
)2-).01CB2C S&"rr3 Se%&
S6bmit a .aboratory report of test res6.ts and a proposed mi3 desi;n 5 days before startin; p.a7ement of
s.6rry sea.: The report and mi3 desi;n m6st in7.6de the spe7ifi7 materia.s to be 6sed:
The .aboratory report m6st in7.6de:
#: Test res6.ts 6sed in the mi3 desi;n
2: Proportion of the fo..oDin; materia. based on the a;;re;ateFs dry Dei;ht:
2:#: A;;re;ate
2:2: determined from tests) minim6m and ma3im6m
2:-: 8ater) minim6m and ma3im6m
2:4: Aspha.t so.ids 7ontent
2:*: Set 7ontro. a;ent
-: Comparison of s.6rry sea. test res6.ts to the spe7ified <a.6es
Ea7h day) s6bmit moist6re data for the a;;re;ate 7o..e7ted e<ery 2 ho6rs Dhen yo6 are 6nab.e to
maintain the moist6re 7ontent to Dithin a ma3im6m dai.y <ariation of Z %:* per7ent:
)2-).01CB)C M#(r0-"r4%(#'8
S6bmit a .aboratory report of test res6.ts and a proposed mi3 desi;n #% days before startin; p.a7ement of
mi7ro,s6rfa7in;: The report and mi3 desi;n m6st in7.6de the spe7ifi7 materia.s to be 6sed and shoD a
7omparison of test res6.ts and spe7ifi7ations:
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e Dith ea7h shipment of mi7ro,s6rfa7in; em6.sion as spe7ified for
aspha.ti7 em6.sion in se7tion $4,#:%#":
"efore mi7ro,s6rfa7in; a7ti<ities start) s6bmit the name of a person a6thoriHed to 7omm6ni7ate Dith the
En;ineer abo6t days Dhen 6ns6itab.e Deather 7onditions pre<ent mi7ro,s6rfa7in;:
The mi3 desi;n report m6st in7.6de:
#: Test res6.ts 6sed in the mi3 desi;n
2: Proportions of the fo..oDin; materia. based on the a;;re;ateFs dry Dei;ht:
2:#: A;;re;ate
2:2: 8ater) minim6m and ma3im6m
2:-: Additi<es
2:4: inera. minim6m and ma3im6m
2:*: i7ro,s6rfa7in; em6.sion resid6a. aspha.t 7ontent) minim6m and ma3im6m
-: Re7ommended 7han;es to the fo..oDin; proportions based on heatin; the mi3t6re to #%% de;rees F
and mi3in; for 0% se7onds:
-:#: 8ater
-:2: Additi<es
-:-: inera.
Do not re7ommend these 7han;es Dhen ni;httime app.i7ations are spe7ified or Dhen atmospheri7
temperat6res be.oD $% de;rees F are fore7ast for daytime app.i7ations:
4: Comparison of ea7h indi<id6a. materia.Fs test res6.ts to its spe7ified <a.6es:
*: @6antitati<e moist6re effe7ts on the a;;re;ateFs 6nit Dei;ht determined 6nder AST C 2$:
)2-).01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
)2-).01DB1C Ge'er%&
&o6r .aboratory m6st be ab.e to perform Internationa. S.6rry S6rfa7in; Asso7iation tests and mi3 desi;ns:
)2-).01DB2C S&"rr3 Se%&
Ca.ibrate ea7h tr67k mo6nted mi3er,spreader 6sed in the presen7e of the En;ineer: Ca.ibration m6st
7omp.y Dith Ca.ifornia Test #%$:
Ca.ibrate the adI6stab.e 76t,off ;ate settin;s of ea7h mi3er,spreader tr67k on the proIe7t to a7hie<e the
7orre7t de.i<ery rate of a;;re;ate and em6.sion per re<o.6tion of the a;;re;ate feeder in 7omp.ian7e Dith
Ca.ifornia Test #%$:
Che7ks m6st be performed for ea7h a;;re;ate so6r7e 6sin; an appro<ed Ca.ifornia Test #%$ <ehi7.e
Indi<id6a. 7he7ks of the a;;re;ate be.t feederFs de.i<ery rate to the p6;mi.. mi3er m6st not <ary more than
2 per7ent from the a<era;e of - r6ns of at .east - tons ea7h:
Indi<id6a. 7he7ks of the em6.sion p6mpFs de.i<ery rate to the p6;mi.. mi3er m6st not <ary more than 2
per7ent from the a<era;e of - r6ns of at .east *%% ;a. ea7h:
eas6re a;;re;ate moist6re e<ery 2 ho6rs d6rin; s.6rry sea. p.a7ement or maintain the moist6re 7ontent
Dithin a ma3im6m dai.y <ariation of Z %:* per7ent:
)2-).01DB)C M#(r0-"r4%(#'8
Ca.ibrate ea7h tr67k,mo6nted mi3er,spreader 6sed in the presen7e of the En;ineer: Notify the En;ineer
at .east * b6siness days before 7a.ibratin;: Ca.ibration m6st 7omp.y Dith the DepartmentFs ateria. P.ant
@6a.ity Pro;ram:
If the Department a6thoriHes a tr67k,mo6nted mi3er,spreader) its 7a.ibration is < for 0 months pro<ided
#: !se the same tr67k <erified Dith a 6niG6e identifyin; n6mber
2: !se the same materia.s in 7omp.ian7e Dith the a6thoriHed mi3 desi;n
-: Do not perform any repair or a.teration to the proportionin; systems
"efore 6sin; a <ariab.e,rate em6.sion p6mp) the p6mp m6st be 7a.ibrated and sea.ed in the 7a.ibrated
7ondition 6nder the DepartmentFs ateria. P.ant @6a.ity Pro;ram:
For the a;;re;ate be.t feeder) the de.i<ery rate for any indi<id6a. 7he7k r6n m6st not de<iate more than 2
per7ent from the a<era;e of the rates of - r6ns of at .east - tons ea7h:
For the em6.sion p6mp) the de.i<ery rate for any indi<id6a. 7he7k r6n m6st not de<iate more than 2
per7ent from the a<era;e of the rates of - r6ns of at .east -%% ;a..ons ea7h:
)2-).01DB+C M#< De#8'
)2-).01DB+CB%C Ge'er%&
)2-).01DB+CB.C S&"rr3 Se%&
The s.6rry sea. mi3 desi;n m6st 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
S&"rr3 Se%& M#< De#8' Re!"#reme'/
Properties Internationa.
Consisten7y) mm) ma3 Te7hni7a.
"6..etin #%0
8et strippin; Te7hni7a.
"6..etin ##4
Compatibi.ity Te7hni7a.
"6..etin ##*
Cohesion test
) k;,mm Dithin
# ho6r) min
"6..etin #-$
8et tra7k abrasion) ;9m
"6..etin #%%
i3in; test m6st pass at the ma3im6m e3pe7ted air temperat6re
at the Iob site d6rin; p.a7ement:
!sin; proIe7t so6r7e a;;re;ate) aspha.ti7 em6.sion) and set,
7ontro. a;ents) if any:
The mi3 desi;n m6st ha<e the per7ent of aspha.ti7 em6.sion) based on per7enta;e by Dei;ht of the dry
a;;re;ate) Dithin the ran;es shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
A67%&/#( Em"&#0' Per(e'/%8e
A;;re;ate type Ran;e
I #*B2%
II #2B#+
III #%B#*
The En;ineer determines the e3a7t per7enta;e based on the desi;n aspha.t binder 7ontent and the
aspha.t so.ids 7ontent of the aspha.ti7 em6.sion f6rnished
A;;re;ate type is des7ribed in se7tion -5,-:%2A:
)2-).01DB+CB(C M#(r0-"r4%(#'8
i7ro,s6rfa7in; mi3 desi;n m6st ha<e the materia. proportion .imits shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
M#(r0-"r4%(#'8 M#< De#8' Pr060r/#0' L#m#/
ateria. Proportion .imits
em6.sion resid6a.
*:*B$:*\ of a;;re;ate dry Dei;ht
8ater and
No .imit
inera. %B-\ of a;;re;ate dry Dei;ht
The mi7ro,s6rfa7in; mi3 desi;n m6st ha<e the properties as spe7ified in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
M#(r0-"r4%(#'8 M#< De#8' Te/
Property Internationa.
test method
8et 7ohesion
R -% min6te /set1) min)
R 0% min6te /traffi71)
min) k;,7m
"6..etin #-$ #2
E37ess aspha.t) ma3) ;9m2 Te7hni7a.
"6..etin #%$
8et strippin;) min) \ Te7hni7a.
"6..etin ##4
8et tra7k abrasion .oss
0,day soak) ma3) ;9m2
"6..etin #%% +#%
Latera.) ma3) \
Spe7ifi7 ;ra<ity after
#%%% of *5 k;)
C.assifi7ation 7ompatibi.ity)
min) ;rade points
"6..etin #44 /AAA) "AA1 ##
i3 time R 2* ]C) min Te7hni7a.
"6..etin ##-
Contro..ab.e to #2%
)2-).02A Ge'er%&
A;;re;ate m6st ha<e the fo..oDin; ;radation as determined 6nder Ca.ifornia Test 2%2:
A88re8%/e Gr%1#'8
Per7enta;e passin; by a;;re;ate type
Sie<e siHes I II III
-9+E ,, #%% #%%
No: 4 #%% $4B#%% 5%B$%
No: + $%B#%% 0*B$% 4*B5%
No: #0 0%B$% 4%B5% 2+B*%
No: -% 4%B0* 2*B*% #$B-4
No: 2%% #%B2% *B#* *B#*
A;;re;ate m6st be ro7k d6st or sand s67h as p.aster sand: A;;re;ate .ar;er than the no: *% sie<e m6st
be #%% per7ent 7r6shed ro7k: A;;re;ate m6st be free from <e;etab.e matter) de.eterio6s s6bstan7es)
7aked or 7.ay .6mps) and o<ersiHed
)2-).02B S&"rr3 Se%&
)2-).02BB1C Ge'er%&
)2-).02BB2C A88re8%/e
If the spe7ifi7 ;ra<ities differ by %:2 or more) Ca.ifornia Test 2%2 is rep.a7ed Dith Ca.ifornia Test #%* for
b.ends of different a;;re;ates:
A;;re;ate for s.6rry sea. m6st ha<e the G6a.ity 7hara7teristi7s as spe7ified in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
A88re8%/e G"%&#/3
Spe7ifi7ation by
a;;re;ate type
@6a.ity 7hara7teristi7 Test
Sand eG6i<a.ent) min Ca.ifornia
Test 2#5
4* ** 0%
D6rabi.ity inde3) min Ca.ifornia
Test 22$
** ** **
Ea7h dayFs a;;re;ate moist6re 7ontent meas6rements m6st not <ary more than Z%:* per7ent:
)2-).02BB)C A67%&/#( Em"&#0'
)2-).02BB)CB%C Ge'er%&
Aspha.ti7 em6.sion m6st be either =rade @S#h anioni7 or =rade C@S#h 7ationi7:
8ater m6st not a..oD separation of the aspha.ti7 em6.sion from the em6.sion before yo6 p.a7e the s.6rry
sea.: &o6 may 6se a set,7ontro. a;ent that does not ad<erse.y affe7t the s.6rry sea.:
)2-).02BB)CB.C P0&3mer M01#4#e1 A67%&/#( Em"&#0'
Po.ymer modified aspha.ti7 em6.sion m6st:
#: Consist of a po.ymer mi3ed Dith a bit6mino6s materia. 6niform.y em6.sified Dith Dater and an
em6.sifyin; or stabi.iHation a;ent
2: !se either neoprene po.ymer or b6tadiene and styrene 7opo.ymer: The po.ymer m6st be
homo;eneo6s and mi..ed into the aspha.ti7 em6.sion at the 7o..oid mi..:
-: Po.ymer modified aspha.ti7 em6.sion m6st be =rade PC@S#h 7ationi7 and ha<e the <a.6es of the
properties shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
P0&3mer M01#4#e1 A67%&/#( Em"&#0'
Property Test method (a.6e
in a3
Tests on em6.sion:
Saybo.t F6ro. (is7osity R 2*
AAS?TO T *$ #* $%
Sie<e test) \ AAS?TO T *$ ,, %:-%
Stora;e stabi.ity) # day) \ AAS?TO T *$ ,, #
Resid6e by e<aporation) \ Ca.ifornia Test --# *5 ,,
Parti7.e 7har;e AAS?TO T *$ Positi<e
Tests on resid6e by e<aporation
Penetration) 2* ]C AAS?TO T 4$ 4% $%
D67ti.ity) 2* ]C) mm AAS?TO T *# 4%% ,,
Torsiona. re7o<ery) \ Ca.ifornia Test --2 #+ ,,
Po.ymer 7ontent) \ Ca.ifornia Test 4%# 2:* ,,
SFS means Saybo.t F6ro. se7onds; m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion $4,#:%-:
)2-).02C M#(r0-"r4%(#'8
)2-).02CB1C Ge'er%&
)2-).02CB2C A88re8%/e
If yo6 b.end a;;re;ate from different so6r7es) ea7h so6r7eFs a;;re;ate m6st 7omp.y Dith the a;;re;ate
spe7ifi7ations e37ept ;radin;:
A;;re;ate for mi7ro,s6rfa7in; e37.6din; minera. m6st ha<e the G6a.ity 7hara7teristi7s as spe7ified in
the fo..oDin; tab.e:
M#(r0-"r4%(#'8 A88re8%/e
@6a.ity 7hara7teristi7
Sand eG6i<a.ent) min
Ca.ifornia Test
D6rabi.ity inde3) min
Ca.ifornia Test
Per7enta;e of 7r6shed min
Ca.ifornia Test
Los An;
Loss at *%% re<o.6tions)
Ca.ifornia Test
Cr6shed m6st ha<e at .east # fra7t6red fa7e:
Ca.ifornia Test 2## m6st be performed on the a;;re;ate
before 7r6shin;:
)2-).02CB)C M#(r0-"r4%(#'8 Em"&#0'
i7ro,s6rfa7in; em6.sion m6st be a homo;eneo6s mi3t6re of aspha.t) po.ymer) and em6.sifier so.6tion:
Add po.ymer modifier to aspha.t or em6.sifier so.6tion before em6.sifi7ation: Po.ymer so.ids m6st be a
minim6m - per7ent by Dei;ht of the mi7ro,s6rfa7in; em6.sionFs resid6a. aspha.t:
i7ro,s6rfa7in; em6.sion m6st ha<e the <a.6es of the properties as spe7ified in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
M#(r0-"r4%(#'8 Em"&#0'
Property Test method (a.6e
Saybo.t F6ro. (is7osity R 2*
AAS?TO T *$ #*B$% se7onds
Sie<e test) ma3 AAS?TO T *$ %:-%\
Sett.ement) * days) ma3
AST D 244 *\
Stora;e stabi.ity) # day) ma3 AAS?TO T *$ #\
Resid6e by e<aporation) min Ca.ifornia Test
SFS means Saybo.t F6ro. se7onds
8ai<ed if 6sed Dithin 4+ ho6rs of shipment:
The mi7ro,s6rfa7in; em6.sionFs resid6e by e<aporation m6st ha<e the <a.6es of the properties shoDn in
the fo..oDin; tab.e:
M#(r0-"r4%(#'8 Em"&#0' Re#1"e B3 E$%60r%/#0'
Property Test method (a.6e
=^ R 2% _C) #% rad9se7)
AAS?TO T -#* Report on.y
Penetration R 2* _C AAS?TO T 4$ 4%B$%
Phase an;.e R *% C) #%
PA /ma3im6m1 , PA base
AAS?TO T -#* Report on.y
Softenin; point) min) _C AAS?TO T *- *5
Stiffness R ,#2 C) Pa)
and ,<a.6e
AAS?TO T -#- Report on.y
)2-).02CB+C M#'er%& F#&&er
If port.and 7ement is 6sed as minera. it m6st be any 7ombination of Type I) Type II) or Type III
)2-).0)A Ge'er%&
"efore app.yin; s.6rry sea. or mi7ro,s6rfa7in;) 7o<er <a.<e and mon6ment 7o<ers) ;rates) or
other e3posed fa7i.ities .o7ated Dithin the area of app.i7ation) 6sin; a p.asti7 or oi. resistant 7onstr67tion
paper se76red by tape of adhesi<e to the fa7i.ity bein; 7o<ered: Referen7e the 7o<ered fa7i.ities Dith a
s6ffi7ient n6mber of 7ontro. points to re.o7ate the fa7i.ities after the app.i7ation of the sea. 7oat:
In areas ina77essib.e to spreadin; eG6ipment) spread the s.6rry sea. or mi7ro,s6rfa7in; mi3t6re Dith hand
too.s or other a6thoriHed methods: If p.a7in; Dith hand too.s) first .i;ht.y dampen the area: Do not hand.e
or shift the materia.:
)2-).0)B Pr060r/#0'#'8
)2-).0)BB1C Ge'er%&
The En;ineer determines the aspha.t distrib6tion 6nder Ca.ifornia Test -#%: The bit6men ratio) in
ki.o;rams of aspha.t per #%% k; of dry a;;re;ate) m6st not <ary more than Z%:* k; of aspha.t from the
determined amo6nt:
)2-).0)BB2C S&"rr3 Se%&
Proportion s.6rry sea. in;redients in 7omp.ian7e Dith the a6thoriHed mi3 desi;n: Proportion and b.end
different a;;re;ate types before addin; other in;redients:
After proportionin;) the s.6rry sea. mi3t6re m6st be Dorkab.e and permit traffi7 Dithin # ho6r after
p.a7ement Ditho6t o776rren7es of b.eedin;) ra<;) separation or other distresses: None of the same
o776rren7es m6st be present #* days after p.a7in; the s.6rry sea.:
)2-).0)BB)C M#(r0-"r4%(#'8
Proportion the mi7ro,s6rfa7in; materia.s 6sin; the a6thoriHed mi3 desi;n:
Fie.d 7onditions may reG6ire adI6stments d6rin; 7onstr67tion: Obtain a6thoriHation before adI6stin;
)2-).0)C M#<#'8 %'1 S6re%1#'8 E!"#6me'/
)2-).0)CB1C Ge'er%&
i3in; and spreadin; eG6ipment for s.6rry sea. and mi7ro,s6rfa7in; m6st proportion aspha.ti7 em6.sion)
Dater) a;;re;ate) and any set,7ontro. additi<es by <o.6me and mi3 them in 7ontin6o6s p6;mi.. mi3ers:
Contin6o6s p6;mi.. mi3ers m6st be of adeG6ate siHe and poDer for the type of materia.s to be mi3ed:
)2-).0)CB2C Tr"(; M0"'/e1 M#<er S6re%1er
Tr67k mo6nted mi3er spreaders m6st 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin;:
#: Rotatin; and re7ipro7atin; eG6ipment m6st be 7o<ered Dith meta. ;6ards:
2 Proportion a;;re;ate 6sin; a be.t feeder Dith an adI6stab.e 76toff ;ate: The hei;ht of the ;ate
openin; m6st be determinab.e:
-: The be.t feeder m6st ha<e a depth monitor de<i7e: The depth monitor de<i7e m6st a6tomati7a..y sh6t
doDn poDer to the be.t feeder Dhene<er the a;;re;ate depth is .ess than 5% per7ent of the tar;et
4: A separate monitor de<i7e m6st dete7t the re<o.6tions of the be.t feeder: This de<i7e m6st
a6tomati7a..y sh6t doDn poDer to the be.t feeder if it dete7ts no re<o.6tions: If the be.t feeder is an
inte;ra. part of the eG6ipmentFs dri<e 7hain) the monitor de<i7e is not reG6ired:
*: The a;;re;ate be.t feeder m6st be 7onne7ted dire7t.y to the dri<e on the em6.sion p6mp: The
a;;re;ate feeder dri<e shaft m6st ha<e a re<o.6tion 7o6nter readin; the nearest %:#% re<o.6tion for
mi7ro,s6rfa7in;) and nearest # re<o.6tion for s.6rry sea.:
0: Em6.sion stora;e m6st be eG6ipped Dith a de<i7e that a6tomati7a..y sh6ts doDn poDer to the
em6.sion p6mp and a;;re;ate be.t feeder Dhen the .e<e. of stored em6.sion is .oDered: To a..oD for
norma. f.67t6ations) there may be a de.ay of - se7onds betDeen dete7tion of .oD em6.sion stora;e
.e<e.s or .oD a;;re;ate depths and a6tomati7 poDer sh6t doDn:
5: Em6.sion stora;e m6st be .o7ated immediate.y before the em6.sion p6mp:
+: The em6.sion stora;e tank m6st ha<e a temperat6re indi7ator at the p6mp s67tion .e<e.: The indi7ator
m6st be a776rate to Z* de;rees F:
$: No,f.oD and re<o.6tion Darnin; de<i7es m6st be in Dorkin; 7ondition and 7omp.y Dith Ca.ifornia Test
#%$: LoD,f.oD indi7ators m6st be <isib.e Dhi.e Da.kin; a.on;side the eG6ipment:
)2-).0)CB)C C0'/#'"0" Se&4-L0%1#'8 M#<#'8 M%(7#'e
Contin6o6s se.f,.oadin; mi3in; ma7hines m6st be a6tomati7a..y seG6en7ed and se.f,prope..ed: The
mi3in; ma7hine m6st de.i<er the materia.s to a do6b.e shafted mi3er and dis7har;e the mi3ed prod67t on
a 7ontin6o6s f.oD basis: The mi3in; ma7hine m6st ha<e s6ffi7ient stora;e 7apa7ity to maintain a
7ontin6o6s s6pp.y of materia.s to the proportionin; 7ontro.s: The mi3in; ma7hine m6st be se.f,.oadin;
Ditho6t interr6ptin; p.a7ement: The mi3in; ma7hine operator m6st ha<e f6.. 7ontro. of forDard and
re<erse speeds d6rin; p.a7ement:
)2-).0)CB+C S&"rr3 Se%& E!"#6me'/
)2-).0)CB+CB%C Ge'er%&
Introd67e em6.sion into the mi3er Dith a positi<e disp.a7ement p6mp: If yo6 6se a <ariab.e,rate p6mp) the
adI6stin; 6nit m6st be sea.ed in its 7a.ibrated position:
Introd67e Dater into the mi3er Dith a meter that meas6res ;a..ons:
Identifyin; n6mbers for eG6ipment m6st be at .east 2 in7hes hi;h and .o7ated on the front and rear of the
)2-).0)CB+CB.C S6re%1er B0<
Spread the s.6rry mi3t6re Dith a spreader bo3 that 7omp.ies Dith the fo..oDin;:
#: Capab.e of spreadin; a .ane Didth
2: EG6ipped Dith materia. s67h as f.e3ib.e r6bber be.tin; on ea7h side and in 7onta7t Dith the pa<ement
to pre<ent .oss of s.6rry from the bo3
-: If Dider than 5:* feet) a spreader bo3 eG6ipped Dith a means) s67h as or re<ersib.e motor,
dri<en a6;ers) to 6niform.y app.y s.6rry sea. on s6pere.e<ated se7tions and sho6.der s.opes
4: EG6ipped Dith rear f.e3ib.e strike,off b.ades makin; 7.ose 7onta7t Dith the pa<ement and adI6stab.e to
<ario6s 7roDn shapes in order to app.y a 6niform s.6rry sea.
*: EG6ipped Dith f.e3ib.e dra;s atta7hed to the rear and 7.eaned dai.y and 7han;ed if .on;it6dina.
s7o6rin; o776rs
0: C.ean and free of s.6rry sea. or em6.sion at the start of ea7h Dork shift
)2-).0)CB,C M#(r0-"r4%(#'8 E!"#6me'/
)2-).0)CB,CB%C Ge'er%&
Choose a 7ontin6o6s se.f,.oadin; mi3in; ma7hine or tr67k mo6nted mi3er,spreader:
Proportion mi7ro,s6rfa7in; em6.sion 6sin; a positi<e disp.a7ement p6mp:
Identifyin; n6mbers for eG6ipment m6st be at .east - in7hes hi;h and .o7ated on the front and rear of the
)2-).0)CB,CB.C S6re%1er B0<
The spreader bo3 m6st be 7apab.e of spreadin; the mi7ro,s6rfa7in; a minim6m of #2 feet Dide and
pre<entin; the .oss of mi7ro,s6rfa7in;: Spreader bo3es o<er + feet in app.i7ation Didth m6st ha<e a
de<i7e) s67h as or re<ersib.e motor dri<en a6;ers) to ens6re 6niform app.i7ation on s6pere.e<ated
se7tions and sho6.der s.opes: C.ean mi7ro,s6rfa7in; and mi7ro,s6rfa7in; em6.sion from the spreader bo3
before ea7h Dork shift:
The spreader bo3 m6st ha<e a series of strike,off de<i7es at its rear:
The .eadin; strike,off de<i7e m6st be:
#: Fabri7ated of a s6itab.e materia. s67h as stee. or stiff r6bber
2: Desi;ned to maintain 7.ose 7onta7t Dith the pa<ement d6rin; spreadin;
-: Capab.e of obtainin; the spe7ified thi7kness
4: Capab.e of bein; adI6sted to the <ario6s pa<ement 7ross se7tions
The fina. strike,off de<i7e m6st be:
#: Fabri7ated of f.e3ib.e materia. that prod67es a 6niform te3t6re in the finished s6rfa7e
2: C.eaned dai.y and 7han;ed if .on;it6dina. s7o6rin; o776rs in the mi7ro,s6rfa7in;
Do not 6se f.e3ib.e dra;s atta7hed to the rear of the spreader bo3:
)2-).0)CB,CB(C S70"&1er E!"#6me'/
Spread mi7ro,s6rfa7in; on sho6.ders Dith a de<i7e s67h as an ed;e bo3 that forms 7.ean and strai;ht
Ioints and ed;es:
)2-).0)CB,CB1C S(r%/(7 C0"re B0<
Spread s7rat7h 7o6rse Dith the same type of spreader bo3 6sed to spread mi7ro,s6rfa7in; e37ept 6se an
adI6stab.e stee. strike,off de<i7e instead of a fina. strike,off de<i7e:
)2-).0)CB,CBeC A7ee& P%/7 De6re#0' BR"/C B0<
8hee. path depression /r6t1 bo3es m6st ha<e adI6stab.e strike,off de<i7es betDeen * and 0 feet Dide that
re;6.ate depth: The r6t bo3 m6st ha<e de<i7es s67h as hydra6.i7 a6;ers 7apab.e of:
#: o<in; the mi3ed materia. from the rear to the front of the; 7hamber
2: =6idin; .ar;er a;;re;ate into the deeper se7tion of the Dhee. path depression
-: For7in; the finer materia. toDards the o6ter ed;es of the spreader bo3
)2-).0)D P&%(#'8
)2-).0)DB1C Ge'er%&
If tr67k,mo6nted mi3er,spreaders are 6sed) keep at .east 2 operationa. spreaders at the Iob site d6rin;
In areas ina77essib.e to spreadin; eG6ipment) spread the s.6rry sea. or mi7ro,s6rfa7in; mi3t6re Dith hand
too.s: If p.a7in; Dith hand too.s) first .i;ht.y dampen the area: Do not hand.e or shift the mi3t6re:
)2-).0)DB2C S"r4%(e Pre6%r%/#0'
)2-).0)DB2CB%C Ge'er%&
"efore yo6 p.a7e s.6rry sea. or mi7ro,s6rfa7in;) 7.ean the pa<ement s6rfa7e:
Remo<e .oose of e3traneo6s materia.s) in7.6din; pa<in; and dirt: !se any nondestr67ti<e
method) s67h as f.6shin; or sDeepin;:
)2-).0)DB2CB.C S&"rr3 Se%&
If s.6rry sea. operations affe7t a77ess to p6b.i7 parkin;) residentia. property) or 7ommer7ia. property) notify
residents) b6sinesses) and .o7a. a;en7ies at .east 24 ho6rs before startin; a7ti<ities: The noti7e m6st:
#: Des7ribe the Dork to be performed
2: Detai. streets and .imits of a7ti<ities
-: Indi7ate Dork ho6rs
4: "e a6thoriHed
"efore startin; s.6rry sea. a7ti<ities) post si;ns at #%%,foot inter<a.s on the affe7ted streets: Si;ns m6st
disp.ay ENo Parkin; B ToD ADay:E Si;ns m6st state the day of the Deek and ho6rs parkin; or a77ess Di..
be restri7ted:
8ithin # ho6r after p.a7ement) s.6rry sea. m6st be set eno6;h to a..oD traffi7 Ditho6t pi.ot 7ars: S.6rry sea.
m6st not e3hibit distress from traffi7 s67h as b.eedin;) ra<;) separation or other distresses:
)2-).0)DB2CB(C M#(r0-"r4%(#'8
)2-).0)DB2CB(CB#C Ge'er%&
&o6 may fo; the roadDay s6rfa7e Dith Dater ahead of the spreader bo3: The fo; spray m6st be adI6sted
for pa<ement:
#: Temperat6re
2: S6rfa7e te3t6re
-: Dryness
)2-).0)DB2CB(CB##C Re6%#r A7ee& P%/7 De6re#0'
If repair Dhee. path depression is spe7ified) fi.. Dhee. path depressions and irre;6.arities Dith mi7ro,
s6rfa7in; materia. before spreadin; mi7ro,s6rfa7in;: If the depressions are .ess than %:%4 foot deep) fi..
Dith a s7rat7h 7o6rse: If the depressions are %:%4 foot deep or more) fi.. the depressions 6sin; Dith a
Dhee. path depression /r6t1 bo3:
Spread s7rat7h 7o6rse by adI6stin; the stee. strike,off of a s7rat7h 7o6rse bo3 6nti. it is dire7t.y in 7onta7t
Dith the pa<ement s6rfa7e:
Spread mi7ro,s6rfa7in; Dith a r6t bo3 .ea<in; a s.i;ht 7roDn at the s6rfa7e: !se m6.tip.e app.i7ations to fi..
depressions more than %:#2 foot deep: Do not app.y more than %:#2 foot in a sin;.e app.i7ation:
A..oD traffi7 to 7ompa7t ea7h fi..ed Dhee. path depression for a minim6m of #2 ho6rs before p.a7in;
additiona. mi7ro,s6rfa7in;:
)2-).0)DB)C Te/ S/r#6
)2-).0)DB)CB%C Ge'er%&
)2-).0)DB)CB.C S&"rr3 Se%&
Test strip does not app.y to s.6rry sea.:
)2-).0)DB)CB(C M#(r0-"r4%(#'8
)2-).0)DB+C P&%(eme'/
)2-).0)DB+CB%C Ge'er%&
)2-).0)DB+CB%CB#C Ge'er%&
Lon;it6dina. and trans<erse Ioints m6st be:
#: !niform
2: Strai;ht
-: Neat in appearan7e
4: "6tt,type Ioints
*: 8itho6t materia. b6i.d6p
0: 8itho6t 6n7o<ered areas
P.a7e .on;it6dina. Ioints:
#: On 7enter.ines) .ane .ines) ed;e .ines) or sho6.der .ines
2: 8ith o<er.aps not more than - in7hes
Set the .eadin; ed;e of roofin; fe.t on trans<erse Ioints to 7reate a strai;ht b6tt Ioint Dith the ne3t
app.i7ation Dhen the roofin; fe.t is remo<ed:
)2-).0)DB+CB%CB##C Ae%/7er C0'1#/#0'
On.y p.a7e s.6rry sea. or mi7ro,s6rfa7in; if both the pa<ement and air temperat6res are at .east *%
de;rees F and risin;: Do not p.a7e s.6rry sea. or mi7ro,s6rfa7in; if either the pa<ement or air temperat6re
is be.oD *% de;rees F and;: The e3pe7ted hi;h temperat6re m6st be at .east 0* de;rees F Dithin 24
ho6rs after p.a7ement:
Do not p.a7e s.6rry sea. or mi7ro,s6rfa7in; if rain is imminent or the air temperat6re is e3pe7ted to be
be.oD -0 de;rees F Dithin 24 ho6rs after p.a7ement:
)2-).0)DB+CB%CB###C U'"#/%.&e D%3
The En;ineer may notify yo6 of 6ns6itab.e 7onditions before 4:%% p:m: on the day before yo6r #st
intended Dorkin; day to p.a7e s.6rry sea. or mi7ro,s6rfa7in;: After yo6 ha<e started s.6rry sea. or mi7ro,
s6rfa7in; p.a7ement a7ti<ities) the En;ineer has 6nti. 4:%% p:m: on the day before the ne3t Dorkin; day to
;i<e yo6 an 6ns6itab.e day noti7e: If the En;ineer ;i<es yo6 an 6ns6itab.e day noti7e /#1 do not p.a7e
s.6rry sea. or mi7ro,s6rfa7in; on the ne3t Dorkin; day and /21 the Department does not pay for ret6rn)
stora;e or disposa. of materia.s de.i<ered to the Iob site and the time of Dorkers: If maintenan7e of
pre<io6s.y app.ied s.6rry sea. or mi7ro,s6rfa7in; 7an be performed) 7ontin6e to perform maintenan7e:
In the absen7e of an 6ns6itab.e day noti7e or if the En;ineer ;i<es noti7e after 4:%% p:m: of the pre<io6s
#: Comp.y Dith spe7ifi7ations restri7tin; s.6rry sea. or mi7ro,s6rfa7in; app.i7ation:
2: Ret6rn) store) or dispose of any s.6rry sea. or mi7ro,s6rfa7in; materia.s yo6 de.i<er to the Iob site
Dhen 7onditions are 6ns6itab.e:
-: The Department adI6sts payment for the ret6rn) stora;e or disposa. of materia.s de.i<ered to the Iob
4: The Department adI6sts payment for the shoD,6p time of Dorkers Dho Do6.d ha<e app.ied s.6rry sea.
or mi7ro,s6rfa7in;:
*: Payment of materia.s and .abor Di.. be determined 6nder se7tion $,#:%4) e37ept mark6ps are not
It is a nonDorkin; day if the s.6rry sea. or mi7ro,s6rfa7in; Dork is the; operation and /#1 the
En;ineer pro<ides yo6 time.y noti7e of an anti7ipated 6ns6itab.e day or /21 there is 6ntime.y or no noti7e
and 7onditions are 6ns6itab.e for p.a7in; s.6rry sea. or mi7ro,s6rfa7in;:
If yo6 fai. to s6bmit the name of a person a6thoriHed to 7omm6ni7ate Dith the En;ineer abo6t 6ns6itab.e
day noti7es) the spe7ifi7ations for payment do not app.y:
)2-).0)DB+CB.C S&"rr3 Se%&
Spread s.6rry sea. 6niform.y Dithin the spe7ified rate: Do not spot) rehand.e) or shift the mi3t6re:
If there is a bid item for ta7k 7oat) 7oat the pa<ement s6rfa7e Dith an SS or CSS ;rade aspha.ti7 em6.sion
mi3ed Dith additiona. Dater: The ration of Dater to aspha.ti7 em6.sion m6st be - to #: App.y the ta7k 7oat
at a rate from %:%+ to %:#* ;a.9sG yd: The e3a7t rate m6st be a6thoriHed:
The En;ineer determines the e3a7t spread rate for s.6rry sea.: The 7omp.eted rate m6st be Dithin #%
per7ent of the En;ineerFs determined spread rate: The s.6rry sea. spread rates m6st be Dithin the ran;es
shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
S&"rr3 Se%& S6re%1 R%/e
Type of
/.b of dry
a;;re;ate9sG yd1
I +B#2
II #%B#*
III 2%B2*
Lon;it6dina. Ioints m6st 7orrespond Dith .ane .ines: &o6 may reG6est other .on;it6dina. Ioint patterns if
they do not ad<erse.y affe7t the s.6rry sea.:
Spread s.6rry sea. in f6.. .ane Didths: Do not o<er.ap s.6rry sea. betDeen adIa7ent .anes more than -
!se a materia.) s67h as b6i.din; paper at trans<erse Ioints and o<er pre<io6s.y p.a7ed s.6rry sea. to
pre<ent do6b.e p.a7ement: Remo<e the materia. after 6se: !se hand too.s to remo<e spi..a;e:
The finished s6rfa7e m6st be smooth:
The mi3t6re m6st be 6niform and homo;eneo6s after spreadin; and there m6st not be separation of the
em6.sion and a;;re;ate after settin;:
Prote7t the s.6rry sea. from dama;e 6nti. it has 76red and Di.. not adhere or be pi7ked 6p by <ehi7.e tires:
)2-).0)DB+CB(C M#(r0-"r4%(#'8
)2-).0)DB+CB(CB#C Ge'er%&
The En;ineer determines the e3a7t spread rate for mi7ro,s6rfa7in;) The 7omp.eted spread rate m6st be
Dithin #% per7ent of the En;ineerFs determined spread rate: The mi7ro,s6rfa7in; spread rates m6st be
Dithin the ran;es shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
M#(r0-"r4%(#'8 S6re%1 R%/e
i7ro,s6rfa7in; type Lo7ation Ran;e /.b of dry
a;;re;ate9sG yd1
Type II F6.. .ane Didth #%B2%
Type III
F6.. .ane Didth 2%B-2
Type III
F6.. .ane Didth -%B-2
O<er aspha.t 7on7rete pa<ement
O<er 7on7rete pa<ement and 7on7rete brid;e de7ks
Spread mi7ro,s6rfa7in; either in the dire7tion of traffi7 or in the opposite dire7tion:
'eep hand too.s a<ai.ab.e to remo<e spi..a;e:
)2-).0)DB+CB(CB##C E0#'/
The ma3im6m differen7e betDeen the pa<ement s6rfa7e and the bottom ed;e of a #2,foot strai;hted;e
p.a7ed to the Ioint m6st be:
#: %:%4 foot for .on;it6dina. Ioints
2: %:%- foot for trans<erse Ioints
)2-).0)DB+CB(CB###C F#'#7e1 S"r4%(e
Finished mi7ro,s6rfa7in; m6st be free of irre;6.arities s67h as s7rat7h or tear marks: &o6 may .ea<e 6p to
4 marks that are #92 in7h or more Dide and 0 in7hes or more .on; per 5* .inear feet of mi7ro,s6rfa7in;
p.a7ed: Do not .ea<e any marks that are o<er # in7h Dide or 0 in7hes .on;:
SDeep the mi7ro,s6rfa7in; 24 ho6rs after p.a7ement Ditho6t dama;in; the mi7ro,s6rfa7in;: For * days
afterDard) sDeep the mi7ro,s6rfa7in; dai.y:
)2-).0)DB+CB(CB#$C Re6%#r 04 E%r&3 D#/re
If b.eedin;) ra<;) de.aminatin;) r6ttin;) or Dashboardin; o776rs after p.a7in; the mi7ro,s6rfa7in;)
make repairs 6sin; an a6thoriHed method:
)2-).0+ PAYMENT
)2-).0+A Ge'er%&
If ta7k 7oat is spe7ified) it Di.. be meas6red 6nder se7tion $4,#:%4:
)2-).0+B S&"rr3 Se%&
S.6rry sea. is meas6red by 7ombinin; the Dei;ht of the a;;re;ate and aspha.ti7 em6.sion: The Dei;ht of
added Dater and set,7ontro. additi<e are not meas6red:
If test res6.ts for a;;re;ate ;radin; or sand eG6i<a.ent do not 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations) yo6 may
remo<e the insta..ed s.6rry sea. represented by the test res6.ts or reG6est it remain in p.a7e Dith a
payment ded67tion: The ded67tion is O#:5* per ton:
If test res6.ts for both a;;re;ate ;radin; and sand eG6i<a.ent do not 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations) both
ded67tions are made: An a;;re;ate ;radin; or 7.eanness <a.6e test represents -%% tons or # dayFs
prod67tion) Dhi7he<er is .ess:
)2-).0+C M#(r0-"r4%(#'8
i7ro,s6rfa7in; is meas6red by 7ombinin; the Dei;ht of the a;;re;ate and mi7ro,s6rfa7in; em6.sion)
in7.6din; test strips: The Dei;ht of added Dater and set,7ontro. additi<es are not meas6red for payment:
If test res6.ts for a;;re;ate ;radin; or sand eG6i<a.ent do not 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations) yo6 may
remo<e the insta..ed mi7ro,s6rfa7in; represented by the test res6.ts or reG6est it remain in p.a7e Dith a
payment ded67tion: The ded67tion is O2:%% per ton:
If test res6.ts for both a;;re;ate ;radin; and sand eG6i<a.ent do not 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations) both
ded67tions are made:
)2-+.01 GENERAL
)2-+.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion -5,4 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for app.yin; a mi3t6re of aspha.ti7 em6.sion) a;;re;ate) po.ymer) and
Dater spread on a s6rfa7e or pa<ement:
)2-+.01B De4#'#/#0'
)2-+.01C S".m#//%&
At .east #* days before startin; p.a7ement) s6bmit of the a;;re;ate to be 6sed: The
m6st be pro7essed the same Day as the a;;re;ate to be 6sed in the Dork:
At .east #% days before startin; p.a7ement) s6bmit the name of a .aboratory to perform testin; and mi3
At .east 5 days before startin; p.a7ement) s6bmit a .aboratory report of test res6.ts and a proposed mi3
desi;n: The report and mi3 desi;n m6st in7.6de the spe7ifi7 materia.s to be 6sed and shoD a 7omparison
of test res6.ts and spe7ifi7ations: The mi3 desi;n report m6st in7.6de the amo6nt of Dater a..oDed to be
added at the Iob site: The .aboratory performin; the tests m6st si;n the ori;ina. .aboratory report and mi3
If the mi3 desi;n 7onsists of the same materia.s 7o<ered by a pre<io6s .aboratory report) yo6 may s6bmit
the pre<io6s .aboratory report Dhi7h m6st in7.6de materia. testin; data performed Dithin the pre<io6s #2
months for a6thoriHation:
If yo6 reG6est s6bstit6te materia.s) s6bmit a neD .aboratory report and mi3 desi;n at .east #% days before
startin; p.a7ement:
At .east #% days before 6se) s6bmit the man6fa7t6rerFs prod67t data for oi. sea. primer and po.ymer:
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e for the parkin; area sea. materia.:
)2-+.01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
Samp.e the 6ndi.6ted parkin; area sea. materia.:
)2-+.02A Ge'er%&
A;;re;ate m6st be 7.ean) hard) d6rab.e) 6n7oated) and free from or;ani7 and de.eterio6s s6bstan7es:
One h6ndred per7ent of the a;;re;ate m6st pass the no: #0 sie<e:
Aspha.ti7 em6.sion m6st be either =rade SS#h or CSS#h: Aspha.ti7 em6.sion m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion
$4) e37ept in # and 2) the <a.6es for penetration at 2* de;rees C for tests on resid6e from
disti..ation m6st be from 2% to 0%: &o6 may 6se 7.ay,stabi.iHed em6.sion Dith a so.ids 7ontent not .ess than
4* per7ent by Dei;ht:
Po.ymer m6st be either neoprene) ethy.ene <iny. a7etate) or a b.end of b6tadiene and styrene:
Oi. sea. primer m6st be a G6i7k,dryin; em6.sion Dith admi3t6res: Oi. sea. primer m6st be man6fa7t6red to
iso.ate the parkin; area s.6rry sea. from pa<ement Dith resid6a. oi.s) petro.e6m ;rease) and spi..ed
Cra7k sea.ant m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion -5,*:
8ater m6st be potab.e and not separate from the em6.sion before the materia. is p.a7ed:
)2-+.02B M#< De#8'
The proposed mi3 desi;n for parkin; area sea.s m6st ha<e the <a.6es of the properties shoDn in the
fo..oDin; tab.e:
P%r;#'8 Are% Se%& M#< De#8' Re!"#reme'/
Property Test method in a3
ass per .iter AST D 244 #:# k;
Cone penetration)
Ca.ifornia Test 4#- -4% 5%%
\ Non<o.ati.e AST D 2%42
\ Non<o.ati.e
so.6b.e in tri,
#% -*
8et tra7k abrasion)
AST D -$#% -+%
Dried fi.m 7o.or ".a7k
(is7osity AST D *02 5* '!
8ei;h #% ; of homo;eno6s prod67t into a pre<io6s.y tared) sma..
ointment 7an: P.a7e in a 7onstant temperat6re o<en at #0* Z * ]C
for $% Z - min6tes: Coo.) reDei;h) and 7a.76.ate non<o.ati.e
7omponents as a per7ent of the ori;ina. Dei;ht:
'rebs 6nits
Parkin; area sea.s m6st 7ontain a minim6m of 2 per7ent po.ymer by <o.6me of 6ndi.6ted aspha.ti7
)2-+.0)A Ge'er%&
)2-+.0)B Pr060r/#0'#'8
i3 parkin; area sea. in;redients in a 7entra. p.ant: The p.ant m6st in7.6de me7hani7a. or e.e7troni7
7ontro.s that 7onsistent.y proportion the in;redients: i3 aspha.ti7 em6.sion Dith the other in;redients
Store the parkin; area sea. in a tank eG6ipped Dith mi3in; or a;itation de<i7es: 'eep stored materia.s
thoro6;h.y mi3ed: Prote7t stored materia.s from freeHin; 7onditions:
)2-+.0)C S"r4%(e Pre6%r%/#0'
If 7ra7ks in the e3istin; pa<ement are from #94 to # in7h Dide) treat the 7ra7ks 6nder se7tion -5,*: Do not
p.a7e the parkin; area sea. 6nti. the En;ineer determines that the 7ra7k treatment is 76red:
If 7ra7ks in the e3istin; pa<ement are ;reater than # in7h Dide) the En;ineer orders the repair:
After any 7ra7k treatment and before p.a7in; parkin; area sea.) 7.ean the pa<ement s6rfa7e) in7.6din;
remo<a. of oi. and ;rease spots: Do not 6se so.<ents:
If 7.eanin; the pa<ement Dith deter;ents) thoro6;h.y rinse Dith Dater: A..oD standin; Dater to dry before
p.a7in; parkin; area sea.:
&o6 m6st sea. oi. and ;rease spots that remain after 7.eanin;: !se an oi. sea. primer and fo..oD the
man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions:
If the e3istin; pa<ement has oi. and ;rease spots that do not 7ome 7.ean and; is ins6ffi7ient) the
En;ineer orders the repair of the pa<ement: This Dork is 7han;e order Dork:
)2-+.0)D P&%(eme'/
Do not p.a7e parkin; area sea. Dhen the ambient temperat6re is .ess than ** de;rees F or the s6rfa7e
temperat6re is .ess than 0% de;rees F: Do not p.a7e sea. Dithin 24 ho6rs of rain or Dithin 24 ho6rs of
fore7ast rain or freeHin; temperat6res: ReG6est that the En;ineer sh6t off the irri;ation 7ontro. system at
.east * days before p.a7in; the sea.: Do not Dater p.ants adIa7ent to the sea. at .east 24 ho6rs before and
after the sea. 7oat p.a7ement:
Add po.ymer at the Iob site in the En;ineerFs presen7e:
If addin; Dater at the Iob site based on the man6fa7t6rerFs re7ommendations for 7onsisten7y and
spreadabi.ty) do not e37eed #* per7ent by <o.6me of 6ndi.6ted aspha.ti7 em6.sion:
"efore p.a7in; the parkin; area sea.) dampen the pa<ement s6rfa7e 6sin; a distrib6tor tr67k: P.a7e the
sea. on the damp pa<ement b6t do not p.a7e it Dith standin; Dater on the pa<ement:
P.a7e the parkin; area sea. in # or more app.i7ation: The sea. m6st be 6niform and smooth) free of rid;es
or 6n7oated areas:
If p.a7in; in m6.tip.e app.i7ations) a..oD the .ast app.i7ation to thoro6;h.y dry before the s6bseG6ent
Do not a..oD traffi7 on the parkin; area sea. for at .east 24 ho6rs after p.a7ement:
Do not stripe the parkin; area sea. 6nti. it is dry:
)2-+.0+ PAYMENT
Parkin; area sea. is meas6red by 7ombinin; the Dei;ht of the a;;re;ate and aspha.ti7 em6.sion: Added
Dater and set,7ontro. additi<e are not meas6red:
)2-,.01 GENERAL
)2-,.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion -5,* in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for treatin; 7ra7ks in aspha.t 7on7rete pa<ement) in7.6din; sho6.ders:
)2-,.01B De4#'#/#0'
)2-,.01C S".m#//%&
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e if yo6r se.e7ted 7ra7k treatment materia. is on the A6thoriHed ateria.
List: The s6bmitta. m6st in7.6de:
#: an6fa7t6rerFs name
2: Prod67tion .o7ation
-: Prod67t brand or trade name
4: Prod67t desi;nation
*: "at7h or .ot n6mber
0: Cra7k treatment materia. type
5: Contra7tor or s6b7ontra7tor name
+: Contra7t n6mber
$: Lot siHe
#%: Shipment date
##: an6fa7t6rerFs si;nat6re
If yo6r se.e7ted 7ra7k treatment materia. is not on the A6thoriHed ateria. List s6bmit a samp.e and test
res6.ts from ea7h bat7h or .ot 2% days before 6se: Testin; m6st be done by an a6thoriHed .aboratory and
test res6.ts m6st shoD 7omp.ian7e Dith the spe7ifi7ations: Test reports m6st in7.6de the information
spe7ified for the 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e s6bmitta.: ?ot,app.ied 7ra7k treatment materia. m6st
be - po6nds minim6m in a si.i7one re.ease 7ontainer: Co.d,app.ied 7ra7k treatment materia.
m6st be s6bmitted in a minim6m 2,G6art p.asti7 7ontainer:
S6bmit the fo..oDin; Dith ea7h de.i<ery of 7ra7k treatment materia. to the Iob site:
#: an6fa7t6rerFs heatin; and app.i7ation instr67tions
2: an6fa7t6rerFs SDS
-: Name of the man6fa7t6rerFs re7ommended deta7kifier
)2-,.01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
?ot,app.ied 7ra7k treatment materia. m6st be samp.ed at .east on7e per proIe7t in the En;ineerFs
presen7e: Co..e7t tDo -,po6nd minim6m of 7ra7k treatment materia. from the dispensin; Dand
into si.i7one re.ease bo3es: S6bmit # samp.e:
Co.d,app.ied 7ra7k treatment materia. m6st be samp.ed at .east on7e per proIe7t in the En;ineerFs
presen7e: Co..e7t 2 of 7ra7k treatment materia. from the dispensin; Dand into #,G6art 7ontainers
and s6bmit # samp.e:
Cra7k treatment materia. m6st ha<e the <a.6es of the properties shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Cr%(; Tre%/me'/ M%/er#%&
AST test
Type #
Type 2
Type -
Type 4
Type *
Softenin; point
/min1 D -0 #%2 ]C $0 ]C $% ]C +4 ]C +4 ]C
penetration at
55 ]F /ma31 D *-2$ -* 4% *% 5% $%
Resi.ien7e at
55 ]F) 6na;ed)
\ D *-2$ 2%B0% 2*B0* -%B5% -*B5* 4%B+%
D -### % ]C % ]C % ]C ,## ]C ,2+ ]C
adhesion) \)
/min1 D *-2$ -%% 4%% 4%% *%% *%%
Spe7ifi7 ;ra<ity
/ma31 D 5% #:2* #:2* #:2* #:2* #:2*
7ompatibi.ity D *-2$ Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
Sie<e test
passin;1 See note d #%% #%% #%% #%% #%%
Co.d,app.ied 7ra7k treatment materia. resid6e 7o..e7ted 6nder AST D 0$4-) ethod " and
samp.ed 6nder AST D #4% m6st 7omp.y Dith the ;rade spe7ifi7ations:
E37ept for <is7osity) 76re ea7h spe7imen at a temperat6re of 2- Z 2 ]C and a re.ati<e h6midity
of *% Z #% per7ent for 24 Z 2 ho6rs before testin;:
For the f.e3ibi.ity test) the spe7imen siHe m6st be 0:4 Z %:2 mm thi7k by 2* Z %:2 mm Dide by
#*% Z %:* mm .on;: The test mandre. diameter m6st be 0:4 Z %:2 mm: The bend ar7 m6st be
#+% de;rees: The bend rate m6st be 2 Z # se7onds: At .east 4 of * test spe7imens m6st pass at
the spe7ified test temperat6re Ditho6t fra7t6re) 7raHin;) or 7ra7kin;:
For hot,app.ied 7ra7k treatment) di.6te Dith to.6ene and sie<e thro6;h a no: + sie<e: For 7o.d,
app.ied 7ra7k treatment) sie<e the prod67t as,re7ei<ed thro6;h a no: + sie<e: If the
man6fa7t6rer pro<ides a statement that added 7omponents passed the no: #0 sie<e before
b.endin;) this reG6irement is <oid:
Cra7k treatment materia. m6st be de.i<ered to the Iob site Dith the information .isted be.oD: If 7ra7k
treatment materia. is de.i<ered to the Iob site in 7ontainers) ea7h 7ontainer m6st be marked Dith the
fo..oDin; information:
#: an6fa7t6rerFs name
2: Prod67tion .o7ation
-: Prod67t brand or trade name
4: Prod67t desi;nation
*: Cra7k treatment trade name
0: "at7h or .ot n6mber
5: a3im6m heatin; temperat6re
+: E3piration date for 7o.d app.i7ation on.y
?ot,app.ied 7ra7k treatment m6st be de.i<ered to the Iob site premi3ed in 7ardboard 7ontainers Dith in7.6sion .iners or in a f6..y pa7ka;e:
Co.d,app.ied 7ra7k treatment m6st ha<e a minim6m she.f .ife of - months from the date of man6fa7t6re:
Sand app.ied to ta7ky 7ra7k treatment materia. m6st be 7.ean) free of 7.ay) and ha<e the fo..oDin;
S%'1 Gr%1%/#0'
Sie<e siHe Per7ent passin;
No: 4 #%%
No: *% %B-%
No: 2%% %B*
Treat 7ra7ks from #94 to # in7h in Didth for the entire .en;th of the 7ra7k: Fi.. or repair 7ra7ks Dider than #
in7h as ordered:; 7ra7ks Dider than # in7h is 7han;e order Dork:
For hot,app.ied 7ra7k treatment materia. ro6t 7ra7ks or saD 76t to form a reser<oir:
Cra7ks m6st be 7.ean and dry before treatin;: "efore treatin;) b.ast 7ra7ks Dith oi.,free 7ompressed air at
a press6re of at .east $% psi:
If the pa<ement temperat6re is be.oD 4% de;rees F or if there is e<iden7e of moist6re in the 7ra7k) 6se a
hot air .an7e immediate.y before app.yin; 7ra7k treatment: The hot air .an7e m6st not app.y f.ame dire7t.y
on the pa<ement:
?eat hot,app.ied 7ra7k treatment materia. in 7omp.ian7e Dith the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions: Comp.y Dith
the man6fa7t6rerFs app.i7ation instr67tions:
App.y 7o.d,app.ied 7ra7k treatment materia. Dith a distrib6tor kett.e) a piston) or a diaphra;m barre. p6mp
that 7an de.i<er from *% to 5* psi: The app.i7ation .ine m6st ha<e a press6re ;a6;e and a fi.ter: The
press6re in the app.i7ation .ine m6st not e37eed 2% psi: The press6re ;a6;e m6st ha<e a re;6.ator: !se a
hi;h,press6re hose Dith a #92,in7h Nationa. Pipe Tapered Thread /NPT1 sDi<e. 7onne7tion and a
dispensin; Dand:
App.y 7ra7k treatment Dith a noHH.e inserted into the 7ra7k: Fi.. the 7ra7k f.6sh: If after 2 days the 7ra7k
treatment is more than #94 in7h be.oD the spe7ified .e<e.) the sea.ant fai.s or the 7ra7k re,opens) re,treat
the 7ra7k:
Immediate.y remo<e 7ra7k treatment materia. that is spi..ed or deposited on the pa<ement s6rfa7e:
"efore openin; to traffi7) app.y sand or the man6fa7t6rerFs re7ommended deta7kifyin; a;ent to ta7ky
7ra7k treatment materia. on the tra<e.ed Day: SDeep 6p e37ess sand before openin; to traffi7:
)2-,.0+ PAYMENT
Cra7k treatment is meas6red by the .ane,mi.e: A .ane,mi.e 7onsists of a pa<ed .ane and any adIa7ent
sho6.ders: The En;ineer determines the G6antity paid from a7t6a. meas6rements a.on; the ed;e of ea7h
pa<ed .ane para..e. Dith the pa<ement 7enter.ine:
)?-1.01 GENERAL
)?-1.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion -$,# in7.6des ;enera. spe7ifi7ations for prod67in; and p.a7in; ?A by mi3in; a;;re;ate and
aspha.t binder at a mi3in; p.ant and spreadin; and 7ompa7tin; the ?A mi3t6re:
?A in7.6des one or more of the fo..oDin; types:
#: Type A
2: Type "
-: O=FC) in7.6din; ?A,O) R?A,O) and R?A,O,?"
4: R?A,=
The ?A 7onstr67tion pro7ess in7.6des one or more of the fo..oDin;:
#: Standard
2: ethod
-: @C9@A
)?-1.01B De4#'#/#0'
(0%re %88re8%/e5 A;;re;ate retained on a no: 4 sie<e:
4#'e %88re8%/e5 A;;re;ate passin; the no: 4 sie<e:
"66&eme'/%& 4#'e %88re8%/e5 A;;re;ate passin; the no: -% sie<e) in7.6din; hydrated .ime) port.and
7ement) and fines from d6st 7o..e7tors:
)?-1.02A Ge03'/7e/#( P%$eme'/ I'/er&%3er
=eosyntheti7 pa<ement inter.ayer m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for pa<ement fabri7) pa<in; mat)
pa<in; ;rid) pa<in; ;eo7omposite ;rid) or ;eo7omposite strip membrane:
)?-1.02B T%(; C0%/
Ta7k 7oat m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for aspha.ti7 em6.sion or aspha.ts: Choose the type and
Notify the En;ineer if yo6 di.6te aspha.ti7 em6.sion Dith Dater: The Dei;ht ratio of added Dater to
aspha.ti7 em6.sion m6st not e37eed # to #:
eas6re added Dater either by Dei;ht or <o.6me in 7omp.ian7e Dith se7tion $,#:%2 or yo6 may 6se Dater
meters from Dater distri7ts) 7ities) or 7o6nties: If yo6 meas6re Dater by <o.6me) app.y a 7on<ersion fa7tor
to determine the 7orre7t Dei;ht:
8ith ea7h di.6tion) s6bmit:
#: 8ei;ht ratio of Dater to bit6mino6s materia. in the ori;ina. aspha.ti7 em6.sion
2: 8ei;ht of aspha.ti7 em6.sion before di.6tin;
-: 8ei;ht of added Dater
4: Fina. di.6tion Dei;ht ratio of Dater to aspha.ti7 em6.sion
)?-1.02C A67%&/ B#'1er
Aspha.t binder in ?A m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for aspha.ts or se7tion -$,#:%2D:
Aspha.t binder for ;eosyntheti7 pa<ement inter.ayer m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for aspha.ts:
Choose from =rades P= 04,#%) P= 04,#0) or P= 5%,#%:
)?-1.02D A67%&/ R" B#'1er
)?-1.02DB1C Ge'er%&
!se aspha.t r6bber binder in R?A,=) R?A,O) and R?A,O,?": Aspha.t r6bber binder m6st be a
7ombination of:
#: Aspha.t binder
2: Aspha.t modifier
-: CR
The 7ombined aspha.t binder and aspha.t modifier m6st be +%:% Z 2:% per7ent by Dei;ht of aspha.t r6bber
)?-1.02DB2C A67%&/ M01#4#er
Aspha.t modifier m6st be a resino6s) hi;h f.ash point and aromati7 hydro7arbon and m6st ha<e the <a.6es
for the G6a.ity 7hara7teristi7s shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
A67%&/ M01#4#er 40r A67%&/ R" B#'1er
@6a.ity 7hara7teristi7 Test method (a.6e
(is7osity) m
9s /3 #%
1 at #%% ]C AST D 44* > Z -
F.ash point) C.e<e.and Open C6p)
AST D $2 2%5 min ana.ysis
Aspha.tenes) per7ent by mass AST D 2%%5 %:# ma3
Aromati7s) per7ent by mass AST D 2%%5 ** min
The symbo. E>E is the proposed aspha.t modifier <is7osity: E>E m6st be from #$ to -0: A 7han;e in
E>E reG6ires a neD aspha.t r6bber binder desi;n:
Aspha.t modifier m6st be from 2:% to 0:% per7ent by Dei;ht of the aspha.t binder in the aspha.t r6bber
)?-1.02DB)C Cr"m. R" M01#4#er
CR 7onsists of a ;ro6nd or ;ran6.ated 7ombination of s7rap tire 7r6mb r6bber and hi;h nat6ra. r6bber:
CR m6st be 5*:% Z 2:% per7ent s7rap tire r6bber and 2*:% Z 2:% per7ent hi;h nat6ra. r6bber by tota.
Dei;ht of CR: S7rap tire 7r6mb r6bber m6st be from any 7ombination of a6tomobi.e tires) tr67k tires) or
tire b6ffin;s:
Samp.e and test the s7rap tire 7r6mb r6bber and hi;h nat6ra. r6bber separate.y: CR m6st ha<e the
<a.6es for the G6a.ity 7hara7teristi7s shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Cr"m. R" M01#4#er 40r A67%&/ R" B#'1er
@6a.ity 7hara7teristi7 Test method (a.6e
S7rap tire 7r6mb r6bber ;radation
/\ passin; no: + sie<e1
LP,#% #%%
?i;h nat6ra. r6bber ;radation
/\ passin; no: #% sie<e1
LP,#% #%%
8ire in CR /\ ma3:1 LP,#% %:%#
Fabri7 in CR /\ ma3:1 LP,#% %:%*
CR parti7.e .en;th /in7h ma3:1
,, -9#0
CR spe7ifi7 ;ra<ity
Test 2%+
Nat6ra. r6bber 7ontent in hi;h nat6ra. r6bber /\1
AST D 2$5 4%:%B4+:%
Test at mi3 desi;n and for 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e:
CR m6st be ;ro6nd and ;ran6.ated at ambient temperat6re: If stee. and fiber are 7ryo;eni7a..y
separated) it m6st o776r before ;rindin; and ;ran6.atin;: If 7ryo;eni7a..y prod67ed) CR m6st
be .ar;e eno6;h to be ;ro6nd or ;ran6.ated and not pass thro6;h the ;rinder or ;ran6.ator:
CR m6st be dry) free,f.oDin; that do not sti7k to;ether: CR m6st not 7a6se foamin; Dhen
7ombined Dith the aspha.t binder and aspha.t modifier: &o6 may add 7a.7i6m 7arbonate or ta.7 6p to -
per7ent by Dei;ht of CR:
)?-1.02DB+C A67%&/ R" B#'1er De#8' %'1 Pr04#&e
S6bmit a proposa. for aspha.t r6bber binder desi;n and profi.e: In the desi;n) in7.6de the aspha.t) aspha.t
modifier) and CR and their proportions: The profi.e is not a performan7e spe7ifi7ation and on.y ser<es to
indi7ate e3pe7ted trends in aspha.t r6bber binder properties d6rin; binder prod67tion: The profi.e m6st
in7.6de the same 7omponent so6r7es for the aspha.t r6bber binder 6sed:
Desi;n the aspha.t r6bber binder from testin; yo6 perform for ea7h G6a.ity 7hara7teristi7 and for the
rea7tion temperat6res e3pe7ted d6rin; prod67tion: The 24,ho6r /#)44%,min6te1 intera7tion period
determines the desi;n profi.e: At a minim6m) mi3 aspha.t r6bber binder 7omponents) take and
perform and re7ord the tests shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
A67%&/ R" B#'1er Re%(/#0' De#8' Pr04#&e
Test in6tes of rea7tion
4* 0% $% #2% 24% -0% #44%
Cone penetration R 55 ]F) %:#%,mm
/AST D 2#51
> > 2*B5%
Resi.ien7e R 55 ]F) per7ent rebo6nd
/AST D *-2$1
> > > #+ min:
Fie.d softenin; point) ]F
/AST D -01
> > > #2*B#0*
(is7osity) 7entipoises /LP,##1 > > > > > > > #)*%%B4)%%%
Si3 ho6rs /-0% min6tes1 after CR addition) red67e the o<en temperat6re to 25* ]F for #0 ho6rs: After
the #0,ho6r /#)-2%,min6tes1 7oo.doDn after CR addition) reheat the binder to the rea7tion temperat6re
e3pe7ted d6rin; prod67tion for; and testin; at 24 ho6rs /#)44% min6tes1:
E>E denotes reG6ired testin;
)?-1.02DB,C A67%&/ R" B#'1er
After intera7tin; for at .east 4* min6tes) aspha.t r6bber binder m6st ha<e the <a.6es for the G6a.ity
7hara7teristi7s shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
A67%&/ R" B#'1er
@6a.ity 7hara7teristi7 Test for G6a.ity
7ontro. or
Test method (a.6e
inim6m a3im6m
Cone penetration R 55 ]F) %:#% mm A77eptan7e AST D 2#5 2* 5%
Resi.ien7e R 55 ]F) per7ent rebo6nd A77eptan7e AST D *-2$ #+ ,,
Fie.d softenin; point) ]F A77eptan7e AST D -0 #2* #0*
(is7osity R -5* ]F) 7entipoises @6a.ity 7ontro. LP,## #)*%% 4)%%%
)?-1.02E A88re8%/e
A;;re;ate m6st be 7.ean and free from de.eterio6s s6bstan7es:
The spe7ified a;;re;ate ;radation m6st be determined before the addition of aspha.t binder and in7.6des
s6pp.ementa. fine a;;re;ate: The Department tests for a;;re;ate ;radin; 6nder Ca.ifornia Test 2%2)
modified by Ca.ifornia Test #%* if there is a differen7e in spe7ifi7 ;ra<ity of %:2 or more betDeen the
7oarse and fine parts of different a;;re;ate b.ends:
Choose sie<e siHe T( Dithin ea7h T( .imit presented in the a;;re;ate ;radation
The proposed a;;re;ate ;radation m6st be Dithin the T( .imits for the spe7ified sie<e siHes shoDn in the
A88re8%/e Gr%1%/#0'
BPer(e'/%8e P%#'8C
HMA T36e A %'1 B
-94,in7h ?A Types A and "
Sie<e siHes T( .imits A..oDab.e to.eran7e
#E #%% ,,
-94E $%B#%% T( Z *
#92E 5%B$% T( Z 0
No: 4 4*B** T( Z 5
No: + -2B4% T( Z *
No: -% #2B2# T( Z 4
No: 2%% 2:%B5:% T( Z 2
#92,in7h ?A Types A and "
Sie<e siHes T( .imits A..oDab.e to.eran7e
-94E #%% `
#92E $*B$$ T( Z 0
-9+E 5*B$* T( Z 0
No: 4 **B00 T( Z 5
No: + -+B4$ T( Z *
No: -% #*B25 T( Z 4
No: 2%% 2:%B+:% T( Z 2
-9+,in7h ?A Types A and "
Sie<e siHes T( .imits A..oDab.e to.eran7e
#92E #%% ,,
-9+E $*B#%% T( Z 0
No: 4 *+B52 T( Z 5
No: + -4B4+ T( Z 0
No: -% #+B-2 T( Z *
No: 2%% 2:%B$:% T( Z 2
No: 4 ?A Types A and "
Sie<e siHes T( .imits A..oDab.e to.eran7e
-9+E #%% ,,
No: 4 $*B#%% T( Z 5
No: + 52B55 T( Z 5
No: -% -5B4- T( Z 5
No: 2%% 2:%B#2:% T( Z 4
-94,in7h R?A,=
Sie<e siHes T( .imits A..oDab.e to.eran7e
#E #%% `
-94E $*B#%% T( Z *
#92E +-B+5 T( Z 0
-9+E 0*B5% T( Z 0
No: 4 2+B42 T( Z 5
No: + #4B22 T( Z *
No: 2%% %B0:% T( Z 2
#92,in7h R?A,=
Sie<e siHes T( .imits A..oDab.e to.eran7e
-94E #%% ,,
#92E $%B#%% T( Z 0
-9+E +-B+5 T( Z 0
No: 4 2+B42 T( Z 5
No: + #4B22 T( Z *
No: 2%% %B0:% T( Z 2
#,in7h O=FC
Sie<e siHes T( .imits A..oDab.e to.eran7e
# #92E #%% `
#E $$B#%% T( Z *
-94E +*B$0 T( Z *
#92E **B5# T( Z 0
No: 4 #%B2* T( Z 5
No: + 0B#0 T( Z *
No: 2%% #:%B0:% T( Z 2
#92,in7h O=FC
Sie<e siHes T( .imits A..oDab.e to.eran7e
-94E #%% ,,
#92E $*B#%% T( Z 0
-9+E 5+B+$ T( Z 0
No: 4 2+B-5 T( Z 5
No: + 5B#+ T( Z *
No: -% %B#% T( Z 4
No: 2%% %B-:% T( Z 2
-9+,in7h O=FC
Sie<e siHes T( .imits A..oDab.e to.eran7e
#92E #%% ,,
-9+E $%B#%% T( Z 0
No: 4 2$B-0 T( Z 5
No: + 5B#+ T( Z 0
No: -% %B#% T( Z *
No: 2%% %B-:% T( Z 2
"efore the addition of aspha.t binder and .ime treatment) a;;re;ate m6st ha<e the <a.6es for the G6a.ity
7hara7teristi7s shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
A88re8%/e G"%&#/3
@6a.ity 7hara7teristi7 Test method ?A type
A " R?A,= O=FC
Per7ent of 7r6shed
Coarse a;;re;ate /\ min:1
One fra7t6red fa7e
TDo fra7t6red fa7es
Fine a;;re;ate /\ min1
/Passin; no: 4 sie<e
and retained on no: + sie<e:1
One fra7t6red fa7e
Test 2%*
Los An; /\ ma3:1
Loss at #%% re<:
Loss at *%% re<:
Test 2## #2
Sand eG6i<a.ent /min:1
Test 2#5
45 42 45 ,,
Fine a;;re;ate an;6.arity
/\ min:1
Test 2-4
4* 4* 4* ,, and e.on;ated
/\ ma3: by Dei;ht R *:#1
Test 2-*
#% #% #% #%
Reported <a.6e m6st be the a<era;e of - tests from a sin;.e samp.e:
The En;ineer Dai<es this spe7ifi7ation if ?A 7ontains .ess than #% per7ent of nonman6fa7t6red sand
by Dei;ht of tota. a;;re;ate: an6fa7t6red sand is fine a;;re;ate prod67ed by 7r6shin; ro7k or ;ra<e.:
)?-1.02F Re(&%#me1 A67%&/ P%$eme'/
&o6 may prod67e ?A Type A or ") 6sin; RAP: ?A prod67ed 6sin; RAP m6st 7omp.y Dith the
spe7ifi7ations for ?A) e37ept a;;re;ate G6a.ity spe7ifi7ations do not app.y to RAP: &o6 may s6bstit6te
RAP a;;re;ate for a part of the <ir;in a;;re;ate in ?A in a G6antity not e37eedin; #*:% per7ent of the
a;;re;ate b.end: Do not 6se RAP in O=FC and R?A,=:
Assi;n the s6bstit6tion rate of RAP a;;re;ate for <ir;in a;;re;ate Dith the CF s6bmitta.: The CF m6st
in7.6de the per7ent of RAP 6sed: If yo6 7han;e yo6r assi;ned RAP a;;re;ate s6bstit6tion rate by more
than * per7ent /Dithin the #*:% per7ent .imit1) s6bmit a neD CF:
Pro7ess RAP from aspha.t 7on7rete: &o6 may pro7ess and sto7kpi.e RAP d6rin; the entire proIe7t:
Pre<ent materia. 7ontamination and se;re;ation: Store RAP in on smooth s6rfa7es free of
debris and or;ani7 materia.: Pro7essed RAP m6st be on.y homo;eneo6s RAP:
)?-1.0)A Ge'er%&
The mi3 desi;n pro7ess 7onsists of performin; Ca.ifornia Test -05 and .aboratory pro7ed6res on
7ombinations of a;;re;ate ;radations and aspha.t binder 7ontents to determine the O"C and ?A
mi3t6re G6a.ities: The res6.ts be7ome the proposed CF:
!se the Contractor #ot Mi/ -sphalt Design Data form to re7ord a;;re;ate G6a.ity and mi3 desi;n data:
!se the Contractor @o) Mi/ 'ormula Proposal form to present the CF:
Laboratories testin; a;;re;ate G6a.ities and preparin; the mi3 desi;n and CF m6st be G6a.ified 6nder
the DepartmentFs Independent Ass6ran7e Pro;ram: Take 6nder Ca.ifornia Test #2*:
The En;ineer re<ieDs the a;;re;ate G6a.ities) mi3 desi;n) and CF and <erifies and a6thoriHes the CF:
&o6 may 7han;e the CF d6rin; prod67tion: Do not 6se the 7han;ed CF 6nti. it is a6thoriHed: E37ept if
adI6stin; the CF as spe7ified in se7tion -$,#:%-E) perform a neD mi3 desi;n and s6bmit a neD CF
s6bmitta. if yo6 7han;e any of the fo..oDin;:
#: Tar;et aspha.t binder per7enta;e
2: Aspha.t binder s6pp.ier
-: Aspha.t r6bber binder s6pp.ier
4: Component materia.s 6sed in aspha.t r6bber binder or per7enta;e of any 7omponent materia.s
*: Combined a;;re;ate ;radation
0: A;;re;ate so6r7es
5: S6bstit6tion rate for RAP a;;re;ate of more than * per7ent
+: Any materia. in the CF
For O=FC) s6bmit a 7omp.ete CF s6bmitta.) e37ept for aspha.t binder 7ontent: The Department
determines the aspha.t binder 7ontent 6nder Ca.ifornia Test -0+ Dithin 2% days of yo6r 7omp.ete CF
s6bmitta. and pro<ides yo6 a Caltrans #ot Mi/ -sphalt (erification form:
)?-1.0)B H0/ M#< A67%&/ M#< De#8'
Perform a mi3 desi;n that prod67es ?A Dith the <a.6es for the G6a.ity 7hara7teristi7s shoDn in the
fo..oDin; tab.e:
HMA M#< De#8' Re!"#reme'/
@6a.ity 7hara7teristi7 Test
?A type
A " R?A,=
Air <oid 7ontent /\1 Ca.ifornia
Test -05
4:% 4:% Se7tion -$,#:%-"
(oids in minera. a;;re;ate /\ min:1
No: 4 ;radin;
-9+E ;radin;
#92E ;radin;
-94E ;radin;
Test -05 #5:%
(oids fi..ed Dith aspha.t /\1
No: 4 ;radin;
-9+E ;radin;
#92E ;radin;
-94E ;radin;
Test -05 50:%B+%:%
Note 7
D6st proportion
No: 4 and -9+E ;radin;s
#92E and -94E ;radin;s
Test -05 %:$B2:%
Note 7
Stabi.ometer <a.6e /min:1
No: 4 and -9+E ;radin;s
#92E and -94E ;radin;s
Test -00 -%
(oids in minera. a;;re;ate for R?A,= m6st be Dithin this ran;e:
Ca.ifornia Test -%4) Part 2:#-:
Report this <a.6e in the CF s6bmitta.:
Report the a<era;e of - tests: If the ran;e of stabi.ity for the - briG6ettes is more than + points) prepare
neD briG6ettes and test a;ain: The a<era;e air <oid 7ontent may <ary from the spe7ified air <oid 7ontent
by Z%:* per7ent:
)?-1.0)C E0. M#< F0rm"&% S".m#//%&
Ea7h CF s6bmitta. m6st 7onsist of:
#: Proposed CF on a Contractor @o) Mi/ 'ormula Proposal form
2: i3 desi;n re7ords on a Contractor #ot Mi/ -sphalt Design Data form dated Dithin #2 months of
-: CF <erifi7ation on a Caltrans #ot Mi/ -sphalt (erification form) if app.i7ab.e
4: CF reneDa. on a Caltrans Production Start$Up %valuation form) if app.i7ab.e
*: SDS for the fo..oDin;:
*:#: Aspha.t binder
*:2: "ase aspha.t binder 6sed in aspha.t r6bber binder
*:-: CR and aspha.t modifier 6sed in aspha.t r6bber binder
*:4: ".ended aspha.t r6bber binder mi3t6re
*:*: S6pp.ementa. fine a;;re;ate e37ept fines from d6st 7o..e7tors
*:0: Antistrip additi<es
If the En;ineer reG6ests) samp.e the fo..oDin; materia.s in the presen7e of the En;ineer and p.a7e in
.abe.ed 7ontainers Dei;hin; no more than *% .b ea7h:
#: Coarse) fine) and s6pp.ementa. fine a;;re;ate from 7o.d feed be.ts) or hot bins:
m6st be at .east #2% .b for ea7h 7oarse a;;re;ate) +% .b for ea7h fine a;;re;ate) and #% .b for ea7h
type of s6pp.ementa. fines: The Department 7ombines these a;;re;ate to 7omp.y Dith the
CF T(s s6bmitted on a Contractor @o) Mi/ 'ormula Proposal form:
2: RAP from or RAP system: m6st be at .east 0% .b:
-: Aspha.t binder from the binder s6pp.ier: m6st be in tDo #,G6art 7y.indri7a.,shaped 7ans Dith
open top and fri7tion .ids:
4: Aspha.t r6bber binder Dith the 7omponents b.ended in the proportions to be 6sed: m6st be
in fo6r #,G6art 7y.indri7a.,shaped 7ans Dith open top and fri7tion .ids:
Notify the En;ineer at .east 2 b6siness days before; materia.s: For a;;re;ate and RAP) the into at .east 4 parts: S6bmit - parts to the En;ineer and 6se # part for yo6r testin;:
For ?A Type A or " prod67ed 6nder the @C9@A 7onstr67tion pro7ess) s6bmit Dith the CF s6bmitta.:
#: Ca.ifornia Test 2%4 p.asti7ity inde3 res6.ts
2: Ca.ifornia Test -5# tensi.e stren;th ratio res6.ts for 6ntreated ?A
-: Ca.ifornia Test -5# tensi.e stren;th ratio res6.ts for treated ?A if 6ntreated ?A tensi.e stren;th
ratio is be.oD 5%
For R?A,= prod67ed 6nder the @C9@A 7onstr67tion pro7ess) s6bmit Dith the CF s6bmitta.:
#: Ca.ifornia Test -5# tensi.e stren;th ratio res6.ts for 6ntreated R?A,=
2: Ca.ifornia Test 2%4 p.asti7ity inde3 res6.ts on the a;;re;ate b.end if 6ntreated R?A,= tensi.e
stren;th ratio is be.oD 5%
-: Ca.ifornia Test -5# tensi.e stren;th ratio res6.ts for treated R?A,= if 6ntreated R?A,= tensi.e
stren;th ratio is be.oD 5%
For any ?A prod67ed 6nder the @C9@A 7onstr67tion pro7ess) s6bmit the Ca.ifornia Test -5# test res6.ts
to the En;ineer and to:
)?-1.0)D E0. M#< F0rm"&% Re$#e:
The En;ineer re<ieDs ea7h mi3 desi;n and proposed CF Dithin * b6siness days from the 7omp.ete CF
s6bmitta.: The re<ieD 7onsists of re<ieDin; the mi3 desi;n pro7ed6res and 7omparin; the proposed CF
Dith the spe7ifi7ations:
The En;ineer may <erify a;;re;ate G6a.ity 7hara7teristi7s d6rin; this re<ieD period:
)?-1.0)E E0. M#< F0rm"&% Ver#4#(%/#0'
If yo6 7annot s6bmit a Department,<erified CF on a Caltrans #ot Mi/ -sphalt (erification form dated
Dithin #2 months before ?A prod67tion) the En;ineer <erifies the CF:
"ased on yo6r testin; and prod67tion e3perien7e) yo6 may s6bmit an adI6sted CF on a Contractor @o)
Mi/ 'ormula Proposal form before <erifi7ation testin;: CF adI6stments may in7.6de a 7han;e in the:
#: Aspha.t binder 7ontent T( 6p to Z%:0 per7ent from the O"C <a.6e s6bmitted on a Contractor #ot Mi/
-sphalt Design Data form) e37ept for R?A,=) do not adI6st the T( for aspha.t r6bber binder be.oD
5:% per7ent
2: A;;re;ate ;radation T(s Dithin the T( .imits spe7ified in the a;;re;ate ;radation
For ?A Type A) Type ") and R?A,=) the En;ineer <erifies the CF from taken from ?A
prod67ed by the p.ant to be 6sed: Notify the En;ineer at .east 2 b6siness days before; materia.s:
In the En;ineerFs presen7e and from the same prod67tion r6n) take of:
#: A;;re;ate
2: Aspha.t binder
-: RAP
4: ?A
Samp.e a;;re;ate from 7o.d feed be.ts or hot bins: Samp.e RAP from the RAP system: Samp.e ?A
6nder Ca.ifornia Test #2*) e37ept if yo6 reG6est and if a6thoriHed) yo6 may samp.e from any of the
fo..oDin; .o7ations:
#: P.ant
2: Tr67k
-: 8indroD
4: Pa<er hopper
*: at behind the pa<er
&o6 may samp.e from a different proIe7t) in7.6din; a non,Department proIe7t) if yo6 make arran;ements
for the En;ineer to be present d6rin;;:
For a;;re;ate) RAP) and ?A) the into at .east 4 parts and .abe. their 7ontainers: S6bmit - parts and keep # part for yo6r testin;:
The En;ineer <erifies ea7h proposed CF Dithin 2% days of re7ei<in; a.. <erifi7ation and the CF
s6bmitta. has been a77epted: If yo6 reG6est) the En;ineer <erifies R?A,= G6a.ity reG6irements Dithin -
b6siness days of;: (erifi7ation is testin; for 7omp.ian7e Dith the spe7ifi7ations for:
#: A;;re;ate G6a.ity
2: A;;re;ate ;radation T(s Dithin the T( .imits
-: Aspha.t binder 7ontent T( Dithin the T( .imit
4: ?A G6a.ity spe7ified in the tab.e ?A i3 Desi;n ReG6irements e37ept:
4:#: Air <oid 7ontent) desi;n <a.6e Z2:% per7ent
4:2: (oids fi..ed Dith aspha.t) report on.y if an adI6stment for aspha.t binder 7ontent T( is .ess than
Z %:- per7ent from O"C
4:-: D6st proportion) report on.y if an adI6stment for aspha.t binder 7ontent T( is .ess than Z%:-
per7ent from O"C
The En;ineer prepares - briG6ettes from a sin;.e samp.e: To <erify the CF for stabi.ity and air <oid
7ontent) the En;ineer tests the - briG6ettes and reports the a<era;e of - tests: The En;ineer prepares
neD briG6ettes if the ran;e of stabi.ity for the - briG6ettes is more than + points:
The En;ineer may 6se the briG6ettes 6sed for stabi.ity testin; to determine b6.k spe7ifi7 ;ra<ity 6nder
Ca.ifornia Test -%+: If the same briG6ettes are 6sed and the tests 6sin; b6.k spe7ifi7 ;ra<ity fai.) the
En;ineer prepares - neD briG6ettes and determines a neD b6.k spe7ifi7 ;ra<ity:
If the CF is <erified) the En;ineer pro<ides yo6 a Caltrans #ot Mi/ -sphalt (erification form:
If tests on p.ant,prod67ed do not <erify the CF) the En;ineer notifies yo6 and yo6 m6st s6bmit a
neD CF s6bmitta. or s6bmit an adI6sted CF based on yo6r testin;: CF adI6stments may in7.6de a
7han;e in:
#: Aspha.t binder 7ontent T( 6p to Z%:0 per7ent from the O"C <a.6e s6bmitted on a Contractor #ot Mi/
-sphalt Design Data form e37ept do not adI6st the T( for aspha.t r6bber binder for R?A,= be.oD
5:% per7ent
2: A;;re;ate ;radation T(s Dithin the T( .imits spe7ified in the a;;re;ate ;radation
&o6 may adI6st the CF on.y on7e d6e to a fai.ed <erifi7ation test: An adI6sted CF reG6ires a neD
Contractor @o) Mi/ 'ormula Proposal form and <erifi7ation of a p.ant,prod67ed samp.e:
The En;ineer re<erifies the CF if ?A prod67tion has stopped for .on;er than -% days and the <erified
CF is o.der than #2 months:
For ea7h ?A type and a;;re;ate siHe spe7ified) the En;ineer <erifies at the DepartmentFs e3pense 6p to
2 proposed CF) in7.6din; a CF adI6sted after <erifi7ation fai.6re: The En;ineer ded67ts O-)%%% from
payments for ea7h <erifi7ation e37eedin; this .imit: This ded67tion does not app.y to <erifi7ations initiated
by the En;ineer or if a CF e3pires Dhi.e ?A prod67tion is stopped .on;er than -% days:
For any ?A prod67ed 6nder the @C9@A 7onstr67tion pro7ess) the Department does not 6se Ca.ifornia
Test -5# test res6.ts for CF <erifi7ation:
)?-1.0)F E0. M#< F0rm"&% Re'e:%&
&o6 may reG6est a CF reneDa. by s6bmittin;:
#: Proposed CF on a Contractor @o) Mi/ 'ormula Proposal form
2: Pre<io6s.y <erified CF do76mented on a Caltrans #ot Mi/ -sphalt (erification form dated Dithin #2
-: i3 desi;n do76mentation on a Contractor #ot Mi/ -sphalt Design Data form 6sed for the pre<io6s.y
<erified CF
If the En;ineer reG6ests) samp.e the fo..oDin; materia.s in the presen7e of the En;ineer and p.a7e in
.abe.ed 7ontainers Dei;hin; no more than *% .b ea7h:
#: Coarse) fine) and s6pp.ementa. fine a;;re;ate from 7o.d feed be.ts) or hot bins:
m6st in7.6de at .east #2% .b for ea7h 7oarse a;;re;ate) +% .b for ea7h fine a;;re;ate) and #% .b for
ea7h type of s6pp.ementa. fines: The Department 7ombines these a;;re;ate to 7omp.y Dith
the CF T(s s6bmitted on a Contractor @o) Mi/ 'ormula Proposal form:
2: RAP from or RAP system: m6st be at .east 0% .b:
-: Aspha.t binder from the binder s6pp.ier: m6st be in tDo #,G6art 7y.indri7a.,shaped 7ans Dith
open top and fri7tion .ids:
4: Aspha.t r6bber binder Dith the 7omponents b.ended in the proportions to be 6sed: m6st be
in fo6r #,G6art 7y.indri7a.,shaped 7ans Dith open top and fri7tion .ids:
Notify the En;ineer at .east 2 b6siness days before; materia.s: For a;;re;ate) RAP) and ?A) into at .east 4 parts: S6bmit - parts to the En;ineer and 6se # part for yo6r testin;:
The En;ineer re<ieDs ea7h 7omp.ete CF reneDa. s6bmitta. Dithin * b6siness days:
The En;ineer may <erify a;;re;ate G6a.ities d6rin; this re<ieD period:
The En;ineer <erifies the CF 6nder se7tion -$,#:%-E e37ept:
#: En;ineer retains 6nti. yo6 pro<ide test res6.ts for yo6r part on a Contractor @o) Mi/ 'ormula
!ene7al form:
2: Department tests of materia.s obtained from the ?A prod67tion 6nit after yo6 s6bmit test
res6.ts that 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for the G6a.ity 7hara7teristi7s in se7tion -$,#:%-E:
-: En;ineer <erifies ea7h proposed CF Dithin -% days of re7ei<in; <erifi7ation
4: &o6 may not adI6st the CF d6e to a fai.ed <erifi7ation:
*: For ea7h ?A type and a;;re;ate ;radation spe7ified) the En;ineer <erifies at the DepartmentFs
e3pense # proposed CF:
If the En;ineer <erifies the CF reneDa.) the En;ineer pro<ides yo6 a Caltrans #ot Mi/ -sphalt
(erification form:
)?-1.0)G E0. M#< F0rm"&% A((e6/%'(e
&o6 may start ?A prod67tion if:
#: En;ineerFs re<ieD of the CF shoDs 7omp.ian7e Dith the spe7ifi7ations
2: Department has <erified the CF Dithin #2 months before ?A prod67tion
-: En;ineer a6thoriHes the <erified CF
)?-1.0+A Ge'er%&
Estab.ish) maintain) and 7han;e a G6a.ity 7ontro. system to ens6re materia.s and Dork 7omp.y Dith the
spe7ifi7ations: S6bmit G6a.ity 7ontro. test res6.ts Dithin - days of a reG6est) e37ept if the @C9@A
7onstr67tion pro7ess is spe7ified:
&o6 m6st identify the ?A; .o7ation in yo6r @C D6rin; prod67tion) take 6nder
Ca.ifornia Test #2*) e37ept if yo6 reG6est and if a6thoriHed) samp.e ?A from any of the fo..oDin;
#: P.ant
2: Tr67k
-: 8indroD
4: Pa<er hopper
*: at behind the pa<er
)?-1.0+B Pre6%$#'8 C0'4ere'(e
?o.d a prepa<in; 7onferen7e Dith the En;ineer at a m6t6a..y a;reed time and p.a7e: Dis76ss methods of
performin; the prod67tion and pa<in; Dork:
)?-1.0+C A67%&/ R" B#'1er
Take aspha.t r6bber binder from the feed .ine 7onne7tin; the aspha.t r6bber binder tank to the
?A p.ant: Samp.e and test aspha.t r6bber binder 6nder Laboratory Pro7ed6re LP,##:
Test aspha.t r6bber binder for 7omp.ian7e Dith the <is7osity spe7ifi7ations in se7tion -$,#:%2: D6rin; the
aspha.t r6bber binder prod67tion and ?A prod67tion 6sin; aspha.t r6bber binder) meas6re the <is7osity
e<ery ho6r Dith not .ess than # readin; for ea7h aspha.t r6bber binder bat7h: Lo; the meas6rements Dith
the 7orrespondin; time and aspha.t r6bber binder temperat6re: S6bmit the .o; dai.y:
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e and test res6.ts for CR and aspha.t modifier Dith ea7h tr67k.oad
de.i<ered to the ?A p.ant: A 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e for aspha.t modifier m6st not represent more than
*)%%% .b: !se an AAS?TO,7ertified .aboratory for testin;:
Samp.e and test ;radation and Dire and fabri7 7ontent of CR on7e per #%)%%% .b of s7rap tire 7r6mb
r6bber and on7e per -)4%% .b of hi;h nat6ra. r6bber: Samp.e and test s7rap tire 7r6mb r6bber and hi;h
nat6ra. r6bber separate.y:
S6bmit 7ertified Dei;ht s.ips for the f6rnished CR and aspha.t modifier:
)?-1.0+D A88re8%/e
Determine the a;;re;ate moist6re 7ontent and RAP moist6re 7ontent in 7ontin6o6s mi3in; p.ants at .east
tDi7e a day d6rin; prod67tion and adI6st the p.ant Determine the RAP moist6re 7ontent in
bat7h mi3in; p.ants at .east tDi7e a day d6rin; prod67tion and adI6st the p.ant
)?-1.0+E Re(&%#me1 A67%&/ P%$eme'/
Perform RAP G6a.ity 7ontro. testin; ea7h day:
Samp.e RAP on7e dai.y and determine the RAP a;;re;ate ;radation 6nder Ca.ifornia Test -05) appendi3
") and s6bmit the res6.ts Dith the 7ombined a;;re;ate ;radation:
)?-1.0+F De'#/3 C0re
To determine density for Standard and @C9@A 7onstr67tion pro7ess proIe7ts) take 4, or 0,in7h diameter
density 7ores at .east on7e e<ery * b6siness days: Take # density 7ore for e<ery 2*% tons of ?A from
random .o7ations the En;ineer desi;nates: Take density 7ores in the En;ineerFs presen7e and ba7kfi.. and
7ompa7t Dith a6thoriHed materia.: "efore s6bmittin; a density 7ore) mark it Dith the density 7oreFs
.o7ation and p.a7e it in a prote7ti<e 7ontainer:
If a density 7ore is dama;ed) rep.a7e it Dith a density 7ore taken Dithin # foot .on;it6dina..y from the
ori;ina. density 7ore: Re.o7ate any density 7ore .o7ated Dithin # foot of a r6mb.e strip to # foot
trans<erse.y aDay from the r6mb.e strip:
)?-1.0+G Br#!"e//e
Prepare - briG6ettes for ea7h stabi.ity and air <oid 7ontent determination: Report the a<era;e of - tests:
Prepare neD briG6ettes and test a;ain Dhen the ran;e of stabi.ity for the - briG6ettes is more than +
&o6 may 6se the same briG6ettes 6sed for stabi.ity testin; to determine b6.k spe7ifi7 ;ra<ity 6nder
Ca.ifornia Test -%+: If yo6 6se these briG6ettes and tests 6sin; b6.k spe7ifi7 ;ra<ity fai.) yo6 may prepare
- neD briG6ettes and determine a neD b6.k spe7ifi7 ;ra<ity:
?A a77eptan7e is spe7ified in the se7tions for ea7h ?A 7onstr67tion pro7ess:
The Department materia.s for testin; 6nder Ca.ifornia Test #2* and the app.i7ab.e test method)
e37ept may be taken:
#: At the p.ant from a tr67k or an a6tomati7; de<i7e
2: From the mat behind the pa<er; m6st be independent of Contra7tor G6a.ity 7ontro.) statisti7a..y based) and random:
If yo6 reG6est) the Department sp.its and pro<ides yo6 Dith a part:
?A a77eptan7e is based on:
#: A6thoriHed CF
2: A77epted @C for Standard and @C9@A 7onstr67tion pro7ess proIe7ts
-: Comp.ian7e Dith the ?A a77eptan7e
4: Lot a77eptan7e for @C9@A 7onstr67tion pro7ess proIe7ts
*: (is6a. inspe7tion
The Department prepares - briG6ettes for ea7h stabi.ity and air <oid 7ontent determination: The a<era;e
of - tests is reported: If the ran;e of stabi.ity for the - briG6ettes is more than + points) neD briG6ettes are
prepared and tested:
The Department may 6se the briG6ettes 6sed for stabi.ity testin; to determine b6.k spe7ifi7 ;ra<ity 6nder
Ca.ifornia Test -%+: If the En;ineer 6ses the same briG6ettes and the tests 6sin; that b6.k spe7ifi7 ;ra<ity
fai.) the En;ineer prepares - neD briG6ettes and determines a neD b6.k spe7ifi7 ;ra<ity:
8ork Dith the En;ineer to a<oid potentia. 7onf.i7ts and to reso.<e disp6tes re;ardin; test res6.t
dis7repan7ies: Notify the En;ineer Dithin * days of re7ei<in; a test res6.t if yo6 disp6te the test res6.t:
If yo6 or the En;ineer disp6te ea7h otherFs test res6.ts) s6bmit G6a.ity 7ontro. test res6.ts and 7opies of
paperDork in7.6din; Dorksheets 6sed to determine the disp6ted test res6.ts: An independent third party
performs referee testin;: "efore the independent third party parti7ipates in a disp6te reso.6tion) the party
m6st be a77redited 6nder the DepartmentFs Independent Ass6ran7e Pro;ram: The independent third party
m6st be independent of the proIe7t: "y m6t6a. a;reement) the independent third party is 7hosen from:
#: Department .aboratory
2: Department .aboratory in a distri7t or re;ion not in the distri7t or re;ion the proIe7t is .o7ated
-: Transportation Laboratory
4: Laboratory not 76rrent.y emp.oyed by yo6 or yo6r ?A prod67er
If G6a.ity 7ontro. or a77eptan7e are not a<ai.ab.e) the independent third party 6ses any
a<ai.ab.e materia. representin; the disp6ted ?A for e<a.6ation:
The En;ineer e<a.6ates ?A prod67tion and p.a7ement at prod67tion start,6p:
8ithin the first 5*% tons prod67ed on the #st day of ?A prod67tion) in the En;ineerFs presen7e and from
the same prod67tion r6n) take of:
#: A;;re;ate
2: Aspha.t binder
-: RAP
4: ?A
Samp.e a;;re;ate from 7o.d feed be.ts or hot bins: Take RAP from the RAP system: Samp.e
?A 6nder Ca.ifornia Test #2*) e37ept if yo6 reG6est and if a6thoriHed) yo6 may samp.e ?A from any of
the fo..oDin; .o7ations:
#: P.ant
2: Tr67k
-: 8indroD
4: Pa<er hopper
*: at behind the pa<er
For a;;re;ate) RAP) and ?A) the into at .east 4 parts and .abe. their 7ontainers: S6bmit - parts and keep # part:
For Standard and @C9@A 7onstr67tion pro7ess proIe7ts) yo6 and the Department m6st test the and report test res6.ts Dithin - b6siness days of;: If yo6 pro7eed before re7eipt of the
test res6.ts) the En;ineer may 7onsider the ?A p.a7ed to be represented by these test res6.ts:
For Standard and @C9@A 7onstr67tion pro7ess proIe7ts) take 4, or 0,in7h diameter density 7ores Dithin
the first 5*% tons on the #st day of ?A prod67tion: For ea7h density 7ore) the Department reports the
b6.k spe7ifi7 ;ra<ity determined 6nder Ca.ifornia Test -%+) ethod A) in addition to the per7ent of
ma3im6m theoreti7a. density: &o6 may test for in,p.a7e density at the density 7ore .o7ations and in7.6de
them in yo6r prod67tion tests for per7ent of ma3im6m theoreti7a. density:
)?-1.0>A Ge'er%&
Prod67e ?A in a bat7h mi3in; p.ant or a 7ontin6o6s mi3in; p.ant: Proportion a;;re;ate by hot or 7o.d
feed 7ontro.:
?A p.ants m6st be Department G6a.ified: "efore prod67tion) the ?A p.ant m6st ha<e 76rrent
G6a.ifi7ation 6nder the DepartmentFs ateria.s P.ant @6a.ity Pro;ram:
D6rin; prod67tion) yo6 may adI6st:
#: ?ot or 7o.d feed proportion 7ontro.s for <ir;in a;;re;ate and RAP
2: Set point for aspha.t binder 7ontent
)?-1.0>B M#<#'8
i3 ?A in;redients into a homo;eneo6s mi3t6re of 7oated a;;re;ates:
Aspha.t binder m6st be from 25* to -5* de;rees F Dhen mi3ed Dith a;;re;ate:
Aspha.t r6bber binder m6st be from -*% to 42* de;rees F Dhen mi3ed Dith a;;re;ate:
8hen mi3ed Dith aspha.t binder) a;;re;ate m6st not be more than -2* de;rees F) e37ept a;;re;ate for
O=FC m6st be not more than 25* de;rees F: These a;;re;ate temperat6re spe7ifi7ations do not app.y if
yo6 6se RAP:
?A Dith or Ditho6t RAP m6st not be more than -2* de;rees F:
)?-1.0>C A67%&/ R" B#'1er
De.i<er s7rap tire 7r6mb r6bber and hi;h nat6ra. r6bber in separate ba;s:
Either proportion and mi3 aspha.t binder) aspha.t modifier) and CR sim6.taneo6s.y or premi3 the aspha.t
binder and aspha.t modifier before addin; CR: If yo6 premi3 the aspha.t binder and aspha.t modifier) the
aspha.t binder m6st be from -5* to 42* de;rees F Dhen yo6 add the aspha.t modifier: i3 for at .east 2%
min6tes: 8hen yo6 add CR) the aspha.t binder and aspha.t modifier m6st be from -5* to 42* de;rees
Do not 6se aspha.t r6bber binder d6rin; the first 4* min6tes of the rea7tion period: D6rin; this period) the
aspha.t r6bber binder mi3t6re m6st be from -5* to the .oDer of 42* de;rees F or 2* de;rees F be.oD the
aspha.t binderFs f.ash point des7ribed in the SDS:
If any aspha.t r6bber binder is not 6sed Dithin 4 ho6rs after the rea7tion period) dis7ontin6e heatin;: If the
aspha.t r6bber binder drops be.oD -5* de;rees F) reheat before 6se: If yo6 add more s7rap tire 7r6mb
r6bber to the reheated aspha.t r6bber binder) the binder m6st rea7t for 4* min6tes: The added s7rap tire
7r6mb r6bber m6st not e37eed #% per7ent of the tota. aspha.t r6bber binder Dei;ht: Reheated and
rea7ted aspha.t r6bber binder m6st 7omp.y Dith the <is7osity spe7ifi7ations for aspha.t r6bber binder in
se7tion -$,#:%2D: Do not reheat aspha.t r6bber binder more than tDi7e:
)?-1.0?A Ge'er%&
Prepare s6b;rade or app.y ta7k 7oat to s6rfa7es re7ei<in; ?A: If spe7ified) p.a7e ;eosyntheti7
pa<ement inter.ayer o<er a 7oat of aspha.t binder:
)?-1.0?B S".8r%1e
S6b;rade to re7ei<e ?A m6st 7omp.y Dith the 7ompa7tion and e.e<ation to.eran7e spe7ifi7ations in the
se7tions for the materia. in<o.<ed: S6b;rade m6st be free of .oose and e3traneo6s materia.: If ?A is
pa<ed on e3istin; base or pa<ement) remo<e .oose pa<in; dirt) and other e3traneo6s materia.
by any means in7.6din; f.6shin; and sDeepin;:
)?-1.0?C T%(; C0%/
App.y ta7k 7oat:
#: To e3istin; pa<ement) in7.6din; p.aned s6rfa7es
2: "etDeen ?A .ayers
-: To <erti7a. s6rfa7es of:
-:#: C6rbs
-:2: =6tters
-:-: Constr67tion Ioints
"efore p.a7in; ?A) app.y ta7k 7oat in # app.i7ation: The app.i7ation rate m6st be the minim6m resid6a.
rate spe7ified for the 6nder.yin; s6rfa7e 7onditions shoDn in the fo..oDin;
T%(; C0%/ A66&#(%/#0' R%/e 40r HMA T36e A, T36e B, %'1 RHMA-G
?A o<er.ay o<er:
inim6m resid6a. rates /;a.9sG yd1
SS#9SS#h and
RS#9RS2 and
Aspha.t binder and
aspha.ti7 em6.sion
NeD ?A /betDeen .ayers1 %:%2 %:%- %:%2
PCC and e3istin; ?A /AC1
%:%- %:%4 %:%-
P.aned PCC and ?A /AC1
%:%* %:%0 %:%4
T%(; C0%/ A66&#(%/#0' R%/e 40r OGFC
O=FC o<er:
inim6m resid6a. rates /;a.9sG yd1
SS#9SS#h and
RS#9RS2 and
Aspha.t binder and
aspha.ti7 em6.sion
NeD ?A %:%- %:%4 %:%-
PCC and e3istin; ?A /AC1
%:%* %:%0 %:%4
P.aned PCC and ?A /AC1
%:%0 %:%5 %:%*
If yo6 di.6te aspha.ti7 em6.sion) mi3 6nti. homo;eneo6s before app.i7ation:
For <erti7a. s6rfa7es) app.y a resid6a. ta7k 7oat rate that Di.. thoro6;h.y 7oat the <erti7a. fa7e Ditho6t
r6nnin; off:
If yo6 reG6est and if a6thoriHed) yo6 may:
#: Chan;e ta7k 7oat rates
2: Omit ta7k 7oat betDeen .ayers of neD ?A d6rin; the same Dork shift if:
2:#: No d6st) dirt) or e3traneo6s materia. is present
2:2: S6rfa7e is at .east #4% de;rees F
Immediate.y in ad<an7e of p.a7in; ?A) app.y additiona. ta7k 7oat to dama;ed areas or Dhere .oose or
e3traneo6s materia. is remo<ed:
C.ose areas re7ei<in; ta7k 7oat to traffi7: Do not tra7k ta7k 7oat onto pa<ement s6rfa7es beyond the Iob
Aspha.t binder ta7k 7oat m6st be from 2+* to -*% de;rees F Dhen app.ied:
)?-1.0?D Ge03'/7e/#( P%$eme'/ I'/er&%3er
P.a7e ;eosyntheti7 pa<ement inter.ayer 6nder the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tion:
"efore p.a7in; the ;eosyntheti7 pa<ement inter.ayer and aspha.t binder:
#: Repair 7ra7ks #94 in7h and Dider) spa..s) and in the pa<ement: These repairs are 7han;e order
2: C.ean the pa<ement of .oose and e3traneo6s materia.:
Immediate.y before p.a7in; the inter.ayer) app.y %:2* Z %:%- ;a. of aspha.t binder per sG6are yard of
inter.ayer or 6nti. the fabri7 is sat6rated: App.y aspha.t binder the Didth of the ;eosyntheti7 pa<ement
inter.ayer p.6s - in7hes on ea7h side: At inter.ayer o<er.aps) app.y aspha.t binder on the .oDer inter.ayer
the same o<er.ap distan7e as the 6pper inter.ayer:
Aspha.t binder m6st be from 2+* to -*% de;rees F and be.oD the minim6m me.tin; point of the
;eosyntheti7 pa<ement inter.ayer Dhen app.ied:
A.i;n and p.a7e the inter.ayer Dith no fo.ds that res6.t in a trip.e thi7kness) e37ept that trip.e thi7kness
.ayers .ess than # in7h in Didth may remain if .ess than #92 in7h in hei;ht: Fo.ds that res6.t in a trip.e .ayer
;reater than a # in7h Didth m6st be and o<er.apped in a do6b.e thi7kness at .east 2 in7hes in Didth:
The minim6m ?A thi7kness o<er the inter.ayer m6st be %:#2 foot thi7k) in7.6din; 7onform tapers: Do not
p.a7e the inter.ayer on a Det or froHen s6rfa7e:
O<er.ap the inter.ayer borders from 2 to 4 in7hes: In the dire7tion of pa<in;) o<er.ap the fo..oDin; ro.. Dith
the pre7edin; ro.. at any break:
&o6 may 6se; eG6ipment to 7orre7t distortions or in the inter.ayer:
If aspha.t binder tra7ked onto the inter.ayer or bro6;ht to the s6rfa7e by 7onstr67tion eG6ipment 7a6ses
inter.ayer disp.a7ement) 7o<er it Dith a sma.. G6antity of ?A:
"efore p.a7in; ?A on the inter.ayer) do not e3pose the inter.ayer to:
#: Traffi7) e37ept for 7rossin;s 6nder traffi7 7ontro.) and on.y after yo6 p.a7e a sma.. ?A G6antity
2: Sharp t6rns from 7onstr67tion eG6ipment
-: Dama;in; e.ements
Pa<e ?A on the inter.ayer d6rin; the same Dork shift:
Pa<in; eG6ipment for spreadin; m6st be:
#: Se.f,prope..ed
2: e7hani7a.
-: EG6ipped Dith a s7reed or strike,off assemb.y that 7an distrib6te ?A the f6.. Didth of a traffi7 .ane
4: EG6ipped Dith a f6..,Didth 7ompa7tin; de<i7e
*: EG6ipped Dith a6tomati7 s7reed 7ontro.s and sensin; de<i7es that 7ontro. the thi7kness) .on;it6dina.
;rade) and trans<erse s7reed s.ope
Insta.. and maintain ;rade and s.ope referen7es:
The s7reed m6st prod67e a 6niform ?A s6rfa7e te3t6re Ditho6t tearin;) sho<in;) or ;o6;in;:
The pa<er m6st not .ea<e marks s67h as rid;es and indentations) 6n.ess yo6 7an e.iminate them by;:
Ro..ers m6st be eG6ipped Dith a system that pre<ents ?A from sti7kin; to the Dhee.s: &o6 may 6se a
partin; a;ent that does not dama;e the ?A or impede the bondin; of .ayers:
In areas ina77essib.e to spreadin; and 7ompa7tin; eG6ipment:
#: Spread the ?A by any means to obtain the spe7ified .ines) ;rades) and 7ross se7tions:
2: !se a pne6mati7 tamper) p.ate 7ompa7tor) or eG6i<a.ent to a7hie<e thoro6;h 7ompa7tion:
Do not pa<e ?A on Det pa<ement or a froHen s6rfa7e:
&o6 may deposit ?A in a DindroD and .oad it in the pa<er if:
#: Pa<er is eG6ipped Dith a hopper that a6tomati7a..y feeds the s7reed
2: Loadin; eG6ipment 7an pi7k 6p the DindroDed materia. and deposit it in the pa<er hopper Ditho6t
dama;in; base materia.
-: A7ti<ities for deposit) pi7k6p) .oadin;) and pa<in; are 7ontin6o6s
4: ?A temperat6re in the DindroD does not fa.. be.oD 20% de;rees F
&o6 may pa<e ?A in # or more .ayers on areas .ess than * feet Dide and o6tside the tra<e.ed Day)
in7.6din; sho6.ders: &o6 may 6se me7hani7a. eG6ipment other than a pa<er for these areas: The
eG6ipment m6st prod67e 6niform smoothness and te3t6re:
?A hand.ed) spread) or DindroDed m6st not stain the finished s6rfa7e of any impro<ement) in7.6din;
Do not 6se petro.e6m prod67ts s67h as kerosene or diese. f6e. to re.ease ?A from tr67ks) spreaders) or
?A m6st be free of:
#: Se;re;ation
2: Coarse or fine a;;re;ate po7kets
-: ?ardened .6mps
Lon;it6dina. Ioints in the top .ayer m6st mat7h spe7ified .ane ed;es: A.ternate the .on;it6dina. Ioint offsets
in the .oDer .ayers at .east %:* foot from ea7h side of the spe7ified .ane ed;es: &o6 may reG6est other
.on;it6dina. Ioint p.a7ement patterns:
!nti. the adIoinin; thro6;h .aneFs top .ayer has been pa<ed) do not pa<e the top .ayer of:
#: Sho6.ders
2: Tapers
-: Transitions
4: Road 7onne7tions
*: Dri<eDays
0: C6r<e Didenin;s
5: Chain 7ontro. .anes
+: T6rno6ts
$: T6rn po7kets
If the n6mber of .anes 7han;es) pa<e ea7h thro6;h .aneFs top .ayer before pa<in; a taperin; .aneFs top
.ayer: Sim6.taneo6s to pa<in; a thro6;h .aneFs top .ayer) yo6 may pa<e an adIoinin; areaFs top .ayer)
in7.6din; sho6.ders: Do not operate spreadin; eG6ipment on any areaFs top .ayer 6nti. 7omp.etin; fina.
If .e<; Dith ?A is spe7ified) fi.. and .e<e. irre;6.arities and r6ts Dith ?A before spreadin; ?A o<er
the base) e3istin; s6rfa7es) or brid;e de7ks: &o6 may 6se me7hani7a. eG6ipment other than a pa<er for
these areas: The eG6ipment m6st prod67e 6niform smoothness and te3t6re: ?A 6sed to 7han;e an
e3istin; s6rfa7eFs 7ross s.ope or profi.e is not paid for as ?A /.e<;1:
If p.a7in; ?A a;ainst the ed;e of e3istin; pa<ement) saD76t or ;rind the pa<ement strai;ht and <erti7a.
a.on; the Ioint and remo<e e3traneo6s materia.:; m6st .ea<e the 7omp.eted s6rfa7e 7ompa7ted and smooth Ditho6t tearin;) 7ra7kin;) or sho<in;:
Comp.ete finish; a7ti<ities before the pa<ement s6rfa7e temperat6re is:
#: "e.oD #*% de;rees F for ?A Dith 6nmodified binder
2: "e.oD #4% de;rees F for ?A Dith modified binder
-: "e.oD 2%% de;rees F for R?A,=
If a <ibratory is 6sed as a finish t6rn the <ibrator off:
Do not 6se a pne6mati7,tired to 7ompa7t R?A,=:
For Standard and @C9@A 7onstr67tion pro7esses) if -94,in7h a;;re;ate ;radin; is spe7ified) yo6 may 6se
#92,in7h a;;re;ate ;radin; if the tota. .ayer thi7kness is from %:#2* to %:2% foot thi7k:
Spread and 7ompa7t ?A 6nder se7tions -$,-:%- and -$,-:%4 if any of the fo..oDin; app.ies:
#: Spe7ified pa<ed thi7kness is .ess than %:#* foot:
2: Spe7ified pa<ed thi7kness is .ess than %:2% foot and -94,in7h a;;re;ate ;radin; is spe7ified and
-: &o6 spread and 7ompa7t at:
-:#: Aspha.t 7on7rete s6rfa7in; rep.a7ement areas
-:2: Le<; 7o6rses
-:-: Areas for Dhi7h the En;ineer determines 7on<entiona. 7ompa7tion and 7ompa7tion
meas6rement methods are impeded
Do not a..oD traffi7 on neD ?A pa<ement 6nti. its mid,depth temperat6re is be.oD #0% de;rees F:
If yo6 reG6est and if a6thoriHed) yo6 may 7oo. ?A Type A and Type " Dith Dater Dhen; a7ti<ities
are 7omp.ete: App.y Dater 6nder se7tion #5,-:
Spread sand at a rate from # to 2 .b9sG yd on neD R?A,=) R?A,O) and R?A,O,?" pa<ement Dhen
finish; is 7omp.ete: Sand m6st be free of 7.ay or or;ani7 matter: Sand m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion $%,
#:%2C/41/71: 'eep traffi7 off the pa<ement 6nti. spreadin; sand is 7omp.ete:
)?-1.12A Ge'er%&
Determine ?A smoothness Dith a profi.o;raph and a strai;hted;e:
Smoothness spe7ifi7ations do not app.y to O=FC p.a7ed on e3istin; pa<ement not 7onstr67ted 6nder the
same proIe7t:
If 7on7rete pa<ement is p.a7ed on ?A:
#: Co.d p.ane the ?A finished s6rfa7e to Dithin spe7ified to.eran7es if it is hi;her than the ;rade
2: Remo<e and rep.a7e ?A if the finished s6rfa7e is .oDer than %:%* foot be.oD the ;rade ordered:
)?-1.12B S/r%#87/e18e
The top .ayer of ?A pa<ement m6st not <ary from the .oDer ed;e of a #2,foot strai;hted;e:
#: ore than %:%# foot Dhen the strai;hted;e is .aid para..e. Dith the 7enter.ine
2: ore than %:%2 foot Dhen the strai;hted;e is .aid to the 7enter.ine and e3tends from
ed;e to ed;e of a traffi7 .ane
-: ore than %:%2 foot Dhen the strai;hted;e is .aid Dithin 24 feet of a pa<ement 7onform
)?-1.12C Pr04#&08r%67
For the top .ayer of ?A Type A) Type ") and R?A,= pa<ement) determine the PI% and m6st,;rinds
6nder Ca.ifornia Test *20: Take 2 Dithin ea7h traffi7 .ane) - feet from and para..e. Dith the ed;e of
ea7h .ane:
A m6st,;rind is a de<iation of %:- in7h or more in a .en;th of 2* feet: &o6 m6st 7orre7t m6st,;rinds:
For O=FC) on.y determine m6st,;rinds if p.a7ed o<er ?A 7onstr67ted 6nder the same proIe7t: The top
.ayer of the 6nder.yin; ?A m6st 7omp.y Dith the smoothness spe7ifi7ations before p.a7in; O=FC:
Profi.e the pa<ement in the En;ineerFs presen7e:
On tan;ents and horiHonta. 76r<es Dith a 7enter.ine radi6s of 76r<at6re of 2)%%% feet) the PI% m6st be at
most - in7hes per %:#,mi.e se7tion:
On horiHonta. 76r<es Dith a 7enter.ine radi6s of 76r<at6re from #)%%% to 2)%%% feet) in7.6din; pa<ement
Dithin the s6pere.e<ation transitions) the PI% m6st be at most 0 in7hes per %:#,mi.e se7tion:
"efore the En;ineer a77epts ?A pa<ement for smoothness) s6bmit fina. profi.o;rams:
S6bmit # 7opy of profi.e information in i7rosoft E37e. and # 7opy of .on;it6dina. pa<ement in
E:erdE format or other Pro(AL 7ompatib.e format to the En;ineer and to:
The fo..oDin; ?A pa<ement areas do not reG6ire a PI%: &o6 m6st meas6re these areas Dith a #2,foot
strai;hted;e and determine m6st,;rinds Dith a profi.o;raph:
#: NeD ?A Dith a tota. thi7kness .ess than %:2* foot
2: ?A se7tions of 7ity or 7o6nty streets and roads) t6rn .anes) and 7o..e7tor .anes .ess than #)*%% feet
in .en;th
The fo..oDin; ?A pa<ement areas do not reG6ire a PI% and yo6 m6st meas6re them Dith a #2,foot
#: ?oriHonta. 76r<es Dith a 7enter.ine radi6s of 76r<at6re .ess than #)%%% feet) in7.6din; pa<ement Dithin
the s6pere.e<ation transitions of those 76r<es
2: 8ithin #2 feet of a trans<erse Ioint separatin; the pa<ement from:
2:#: E3istin; pa<ement not 7onstr67ted 6nder the same proIe7t
2:2: A brid;e de7k or approa7h s.ab
-: E3it ramp termini) tr67k Dei;h stations) and Dei;h,in,motion areas
4: If steep ;rades and s6pere.e<ation rates ;reater than 0 per7ent are present:
4:#: Ramps
4:2: Conne7tors
*: T6rn .anes
0: Areas Dithin #* feet of or draina;e transitions
5: A77e.eration and de7e.eration .anes for at,;rade interse7tions
+: Sho6.ders and mis7e..aneo6s areas
$: ?A pa<ement Dithin - feet from and para..e. to the 7onstr67tion Ioints formed betDeen 76rbs)
;6tters) or e3istin; pa<ement
)?-1.12D Sm00/7'e C0rre(/#0'
If the top .ayer of ?A Type A) Type ") or R?A,= pa<ement does not 7omp.y Dith the smoothness
spe7ifi7ations) ;rind the pa<ement to Dithin spe7ified to.eran7es) remo<e and rep.a7e it) or p.a7e an
o<er.ay of ?A: Do not start 7orre7ti<e Dork 6nti. yo6r 7hoi7e of methods is a6thoriHed:
Remo<e and rep.a7e areas of O=FC not in 7omp.ian7e Dith the m6st,;rind and strai;hted;e
spe7ifi7ations) e37ept yo6 may ;rind O=FC for 7orre7tin; smoothness:
#: At trans<erse Ioints separatin; the O=FC from pa<ement not 7onstr67ted 6nder the same proIe7t
2: 8ithin #2 feet of a trans<erse Ioint separatin; the O=FC from a brid;e de7k or approa7h s.ab
Corre7ted ?A pa<ement areas m6st be 6niform re7tan;.es Dith ed;es:
#: Para..e. to the nearest ?A pa<ement ed;e or .ane .ine
2: to the pa<ement 7enter.ine
eas6re the 7orre7ted ?A pa<ement s6rfa7e Dith a profi.o;raph and a #2,foot strai;hted;e and 7orre7t
the pa<ement to Dithin spe7ified to.eran7es: If a m6st,;rind area or strai;hted;ed pa<ement 7annot be
7orre7ted to Dithin spe7ified to.eran7es) remo<e and rep.a7e the pa<ement:
On areas ;ro6nd b6t not o<er.aid Dith O=FC) app.y fo; sea. 7oat 6nder se7tion -5,2:
Prod67e and p.a7e ?A on brid;e de7ks 6nder the ethod 7onstr67tion pro7ess:
A;;re;ate m6st 7omp.y Dith the #92,in7h ?A Types A and " ;radation:
If a6thoriHed) a;;re;ate may 7omp.y Dith the no: 4 ?A Types A and " ;radation for a se7tion or taper at
a brid;e end that is .ess than # in7h in tota. depth:
If a 7on7rete e3pansion dam is to be p.a7ed at a brid;e de7k e3pansion Ioint) tape oi.,resistant
7onstr67tion paper to the de7k o<er the area to be 7o<ered by the dam before p.a7in; the ta7k 7oat and
?A a7ross the Ioint:
Do not .ea<e a <erti7a. Ioint more than %:#* foot hi;h betDeen adIa7ent .anes open to traffi7:
The ta7k 7oat app.i7ation rate m6st be the minim6m resid6a. rate spe7ified in se7tion -$,#:%$C: For ?A
p.a7ed on a de7k sea.) 6se the minim6m resid6a. rate spe7ified for a PCC 6nder.yin; s6rfa7e:
?A p.a7ed on a de7k sea. m6st be p.a7ed in at .east 2 appro3imate.y eG6a. .ayers: The #st .ayer m6st
be at .east # in7h thi7k after 7ompa7tion: Prote7t the de7k sea. thro6;ho6t a.. operations:
For p.a7ement of the #st ?A .ayer on a de7k sea.:
#: Comp.y Dith the ?A app.i7ation temperat6re re7ommended by the de7k sea. man6fa7t6rer:
2: De.i<er and p.a7e ?A 6sin; eG6ipment Dith pne6mati7 tires or r6bber,fa7ed Dhee.s: Do not operate
other < or eG6ipment on the bare de7k sea.:
-: Deposit ?A on the de7k sea. in s67h a Day that the de7k sea. is not dama;ed: Do not DindroD the
?A materia. on the brid;e de7k sea.:
4: P.a7e ?A in a doDnhi.. dire7tion on brid;e de7ks Dith ;rades o<er 2 per7ent:
*: Spreadin; eG6ipment need not be se.f,prope..ed:
The fo..oDin; spe7ifi7ations in se7tion -$ do not app.y to mis7e..aneo6s areas and dikes:
#: ?A 7onstr67tion pro7ess
2: ?A mi3 desi;n reG6irements
-: Contra7tor G6a.ity 7ontro.
4: Prod67tion start,6p e<a.6ation
is7e..aneo6s areas are o6tside the tra<e.ed Day and in7.6de:
#: edian areas not in7.6din; inside sho6.ders
2: Is.and areas
-: SideDa.ks
4: =6tters
*: =6tter f.ares
0: Dit7hes
5: O<erside drains
+: Aprons at the ends of draina;e str67t6res
Spread mis7e..aneo6s areas in # .ayer and 7ompa7t to the spe7ified .ines and ;rades:
For mis7e..aneo6s areas and dikes:
#: Do not s6bmit a CF:
2: Choose the -9+,in7h or #92,in7h ?A Type A and Type " a;;re;ate ;radations:
-: inim6m aspha.t binder 7ontent m6st be 0:+ per7ent for -9+,in7h a;;re;ate and 0:% per7ent for #92,
in7h a;;re;ate: If yo6 reG6est and if a6thoriHed) yo6 may red67e the minim6m aspha.t binder 7ontent:
4: Choose aspha.t binder =rade P= 5%,#% or the same ;rade spe7ified for ?A:
)?-1.1,A GENERAL
)?-1.1,AB1C S"mm%r3
The fo..oDin; spe7ifi7ations in se7tion -$ do not app.y to minor ?A:
#: ?A 7onstr67tion pro7ess
2: ?A mi3 desi;n reG6irements
-: Contra7tor G6a.ity 7ontro.
4: Prod67tion start,6p e<a.6ation
)?-1.1,AB2C De4#'#/#0'
)?-1.1,AB)C S".m#//%&
)?-1.1,AB+C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
The minim6m aspha.t binder 7ontent m6st be 0:+ per7ent for -9+,in7h a;;re;ate ;radation and 0:%
per7ent for #92,in7h a;;re;ate ;radation:
Choose aspha.t binder =rade P= 04,#%) P= 04,#0) or P= 5%,#%:
If yo6 reG6est and if a6thoriHed) yo6 may red67e the minim6m aspha.t binder 7ontent:
Choose the -9+,in7h or #92,in7h ?A Type A or Type " a;;re;ate ;radation:
Prod67e ?A at a 7entra. mi3in; p.ant:
Choose any method and eG6ipment to spread and 7ompa7t:
The s6rfa7e m6st be:
#: Te3t6red 6niform.y
2: Compa7ted firm.y
-: 8itho6t depressions) h6mps) and irre;6.arities
Smoothness spe7ifi7ations do not app.y:
)?-1.12 DATA CORES
)?-1.)0*)?-1.+0 RESERVED
)?-2.01 GENERAL
Se7tion -$,2 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for ?A prod67ed and 7onstr67ted 6nder the Standard 7onstr67tion
)?-2.02A G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& P&%'
Estab.ish) imp.ement) and maintain a @C for ?A: The @C m6st des7ribe the or;aniHation and
pro7ed6res yo6 Di.. 6se to:
#: Contro. the G6a.ity 7hara7teristi7s
2: Determine Dhen 7orre7ti<e a7tions are needed /a7tion .imits1
-: Imp.ement 7orre7ti<e a7tions
8hen yo6 s6bmit the proposed CF) s6bmit the proposed @C &o6 and the En;ineer m6st dis76ss
the @C d6rin; the prepa<in; 7onferen7e:
The @C m6st address the e.ements affe7tin; ?A G6a.ity in7.6din;:
#: A;;re;ate
2: Aspha.t binder
-: Additi<es
4: Prod67tion
*: Pa<in;
The En;ineer re<ieDs ea7h @C Dithin * b6siness days from the s6bmitta.: Do not prod67e ?A 6nti.
the En;ineer a6thoriHes the @C
)?-2.02B G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& Te/#'8
Perform; and testin; at the spe7ified freG6en7y for the G6a.ity 7hara7teristi7s shoDn in the
fo..oDin; tab.e:
M#'#m"m G"%&#/3 C0'/r0&LS/%'1%r1 C0'/r"(/#0' Pr0(e
and testin;
?A type
A " R?A,= O=FC
Test 2%2
# per 5*%
tons and
Sand eG6i<a.ent
Test 2#5
45 42 45 ,,
Aspha.t binder
7ontent /\1
Test -5$
or -+2
CF %:4* CF %:4* CF %:*% CF %:*%
?A moist6re
7ontent /\) ma31
Test 220
or -5%
# per 2)*%%
tons b6t
not .ess
than # per
pa<in; day
#:% #:% #:% #:%
Per7ent of
theoreti7a. density
d) e
@C 2 per
day /min:1
$#B$5 $#B$5 $#B$5 ,,
Stabi.ometer <a.6e
7) f
No: 4 and -9+E
#92E and -94E
Test -00
One per
4)%%% tons
or 2 per *
is ;reater
Air <oid 7ontent
7) ;
Test -05
4 2 4 2 T( 2 ,,
moist6re 7ontent
at 7ontin6o6s
mi3in; p.ants and
RAP moist6re
7ontent at
7ontin6o6s mi3in;
p.ants and bat7h
mi3in; p.ants
Test 220
or -5%
2 per day
,, ,, ,, ,,
Per7ent of 7r6shed 7oarse
a;;re;ate /\)
One fra7t6red
TDo fra7t6red
Fine a;;re;ate
/\) min1
/Passin; no: 4
sie<e and
retained on
no: + sie<e:1
One fra7t6red
Test 2%*
in the @C At
.east on7e
per proIe7t
Los An; /\) ma31
Loss at #%%
Test 2##
#2 ,, #2 #2
Loss at *%%
4* *% 4% 4% and e.on;ated /\) ma3
by Dei;ht R *:#1
Test 2-*
Report on.y Report on.y Report on.y Report on.y
Fine a;;re;ate
an;6.arity /\) min1
Test 2-4
4* 4* 4* ,,
(oids fi..ed Dith
aspha.t /\1
No: 4 ;radin;
-9+E ;radin;
#92E ;radin;
-94E ;radin;
Test -05
Report on.y ,,
(oids in minera.
a;;re;ate /\ min1
No: 4 ;radin;
-9+E ;radin;
#92E ;radin;
-94E ;radin;
Test -05
D6st proportion
No: 4 and -9+E
#92E and -94E
Test -05 %:$B2:%
Report on.y
Smoothness Se7tion
ed;e) m6st
;rind) and
ed;e) m6st
;rind) and
ed;e) m6st
;rind) and
ed;e) m6st
;rind) and
Aspha.t r6bber
binder <is7osity R
-*% ]F) 7entipoises
-$,#:%4C ,, ,,
Aspha.t modifier Se7tion
,, ,,
CR Se7tion
,, ,, Se7tion
Determine 7ombined a;;re;ate ;radation 7ontainin; RAP 6nder Ca.ifornia Test -05:
The to.eran7es m6st 7omp.y Dith the a..oDab.e to.eran7es in se7tion -$,#:%2E:
Report the a<era;e of - tests from a sin;.e samp.e:
ReG6ired for ?A Type A) Type ") and R?A,= if the spe7ified pa<ed thi7kness is at .east %:#* foot:
Determine ma3im6m theoreti7a. density /Ca.ifornia Test -%$1 at the freG6en7y spe7ified for Test
a3im6m Density 6nder Ca.ifornia Test -5*) Part *:D:
Ca.ifornia Test -%4) Part 2:#-:
Determine the b6.k spe7ifi7 ;ra<ity of ea7h .ab,7ompa7ted briG6ette 6nder Ca.ifornia Test -%+)
ethod A) and theoreti7a. ma3im6m spe7ifi7 ;ra<ity 6nder Ca.ifornia Test -%$:
For adI6stin; the p.ant at the ?A p.ant:
Report on.y if the adI6stment for the aspha.t binder 7ontent T( is .ess than or eG6a. to Z%:- per7ent
from O"C <a.6e s6bmitted on a Contractor #ot Mi/ -sphalt Design Data form:
(oids in minera. a;;re;ate for R?A,= m6st be Dithin this ran;e:
For any sin;.e G6a.ity 7hara7teristi7 e37ept smoothness) if 2 7onse76ti<e G6a.ity 7ontro. test res6.ts do not
7omp.y Dith the a7tion .imits or spe7ifi7ations:
#: Stop prod67tion:
2: Notify the En;ineer:
-: Take 7orre7ti<e a7tion:
4: Demonstrate 7omp.ian7e Dith the spe7ifi7ations before res6min; prod67tion and p.a7ement:
)?-2.0)A Te/#'8
The Department for a77eptan7e testin; and tests for the G6a.ity 7hara7teristi7s shoDn in the
fo..oDin; tab.e:
HMA A((e6/%'(eLS/%'1%r1 C0'/r"(/#0' Pr0(e
@6a.ity 7hara7teristi7 Test
?A type
A " R?A,= O=FC
A;;re;ate ;radation
Test 2%2
Sie<e -94E #92E -9+E
#92E >
-9+E >
No: 4 >
No: + > > >
No: 2%% > > >
Sand eG6i<a.ent /min1
Test 2#5
45 42 45 ,,
Aspha.t binder 7ontent /\1 Ca.ifornia
Test -5$
or -+2
CF %:4* CF %:4* CF %:*% CF %:*%
?A moist6re 7ontent
/\) ma31
Test 220
or -5%
#:% #:% #:% #:%
Per7ent of ma3im6m
theoreti7a. density /\1
e) f
Test -5*
$#B$5 $#B$5 $#B$5 ,,
Stabi.ometer <a.6e /min1
No: 4 and -9+E ;radin;s
#92E and -94E ;radin;s
Test -00 -%
Air <oid 7ontent /\1
d) h
Test -05
4 2 4 2 T( 2 ,,
Per7ent of 7r6shed
Coarse a;;re;ate /\) min1
One fra7t6red fa7e
TDo fra7t6red fa7es
Fine a;;re;ate /\) min1
/Passin; no: 4 sie<e and
retained on no: + sie<e:1
One fra7t6red fa7e
Test 2%*
Los An; /\) ma31
Loss at #%% re<:
Loss at *%% re<:
Test 2## #2
Fine a;;re;ate an;6.arity /\)
Test 2-4 4* 4* 4* ,, and e.on;ated
/\) ma3 by Dei;ht R *:#1
Test 2-*
Report on.y Report on.y Report on.y Report on.y
(oids fi..ed Dith aspha.t /\1
No: 4 ;radin;
-9+E ;radin;
#92E ;radin;
-94E ;radin;
Test -05 50:%B+%:%
Report on.y ,,
(oids in minera. a;;re;ate
/\ min1
No: 4 ;radin;
-9+E ;radin;
#92E ;radin;
-94E ;radin;
Test -05
D6st proportion
No: 4 and -9+E ;radin;s
#92E and -94E ;radin;s
Test -05 %:$B2:%
Report on.y ,,
Smoothness Se7tion
ed;e) m6st
;rind) and
ed;e) m6st
;rind) and
ed;e) m6st
;rind) and
ed;e and
m6st ;rind
Aspha.t binder (ario6s Se7tion $2 Se7tion $2 Se7tion $2 Se7tion $2
Aspha.t r6bber binder (ario6s ,, ,, Se7tion
and se7tion
and se7tion
Aspha.t modifier (ario6s ,, ,, Se7tion
CR (ario6s ,, ,, Se7tion
The En;ineer determines 7ombined a;;re;ate ;radations 7ontainin; RAP 6nder Ca.ifornia Test -05:
E>E denotes the sie<es the En;ineer tests for the spe7ified a;;re;ate ;radation:
The to.eran7es m6st 7omp.y Dith the a..oDab.e to.eran7es in se7tion -$,#:%2E:
The En;ineer reports the a<era;e of - tests from a sin;.e samp.e:
The En;ineer determines per7ent of ma3im6m theoreti7a. density if the spe7ified pa<ed thi7kness is
at .east %:#* foot 6nder Ca.ifornia Test -5*) e37ept the En;ineer 6ses:
#: Ca.ifornia Test -%+) ethod A) to determine in,p.a7e density of ea7h density 7ore instead of
6sin; the n67.ear ;a6;e in Part 4) EDeterminin; In,P.a7e Density "y The N67.ear Density
2: Ca.ifornia Test -%$ to determine ma3im6m theoreti7a. density instead of 7a.76.atin; test
ma3im6m density in Part *) EDeterminin; Test a3im6m Density:E
The En;ineer determines ma3im6m theoreti7a. density /Ca.ifornia Test -%$1 at the freG6en7y
spe7ified for Test a3im6m Density 6nder Ca.ifornia Test -5*) Part *:D:
Ca.ifornia Test -%4) Part 2:#-:
The En;ineer determines the b6.k spe7ifi7 ;ra<ity of ea7h .ab,7ompa7ted briG6ette 6nder Ca.ifornia
Test -%+) ethod A) and theoreti7a. ma3im6m spe7ifi7 ;ra<ity 6nder Ca.ifornia Test -%$:
Report on.y if the adI6stment for the aspha.t binder 7ontent T( is .ess than or eG6a. to Z%:- per7ent
from the O"C <a.6e s6bmitted on a Contractor #ot Mi/ -sphalt Design Data form:
(oids in minera. a;;re;ate for R?A,= m6st be Dithin this ran;e:
No sin;.e test res6.t may represent more than 5*% tons or # dayFs prod67tion) Dhi7he<er is .ess:
For any sin;.e G6a.ity 7hara7teristi7 e37ept smoothness) if 2 7onse76ti<e a77eptan7e test res6.ts do not
7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations:
#: Stop prod67tion:
2: Take 7orre7ti<e a7tion:
-: Take and ea7h samp.e into 4 parts in the En;ineerFs presen7e: Test # part for
7omp.ian7e Dith the spe7ifi7ations and s6bmit - parts to the En;ineer: The Department tests # part for
7omp.ian7e Dith the spe7ifi7ations and reser<es and stores 2 parts:
4: Demonstrate 7omp.ian7e Dith the spe7ifi7ations before res6min; prod67tion and p.a7ement:
The Department tests the density 7ore yo6 take from ea7h 2*% tons of ?A prod67tion: The Department
determines the per7ent of ma3im6m theoreti7a. density for ea7h density 7ore by determinin; the density
7oreFs density and di<idin; by the ma3im6m theoreti7a. density:
If the spe7ified tota. pa<ed thi7kness is at .east %:#* foot and any .ayer is .ess than %:#* foot) the
Department determines the per7ent of ma3im6m theoreti7a. density from density 7ores taken from the
fina. .ayer meas6red the f6.. depth of the tota. pa<ed ?A thi7kness:
For per7ent of ma3im6m theoreti7a. density) the En;ineer determines a ded67tion for ea7h test res6.t
o6tside the spe7ifi7ations 6sin; the red67ed payment fa7tors shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Re1"(e1 P%3me'/ F%(/0r 40r Per(e'/ 04 M%<#m"m T7e0re/#(%& De'#/3
?A Type A and "
and R?A,=
per7ent of
theoreti7a. density
Red67ed payment
?A Type A and "
and R?A,=
per7ent of
theoreti7a. density
Red67ed payment
%:%%%% $5:% %:%%%%
%:%#2* $5:# %:%#2*
%:%2*% $5:2 %:%2*%
%:%-5* $5:- %:%-5*
%:%*%% $5:4 %:%*%%
%:%02* $5:* %:%02*
%:%5*% $5:0 %:%5*%
%:%+5* $5:5 %:%+5*
%:#%%% $5:+ %:#%%%
%:##2* $5:$ %:##2*
%:#2*% $+:% %:#2*%
%:#-5* $+:# %:#-5*
%:#*%% $+:2 %:#*%%
%:#02* $+:- %:#02*
%:#5*% $+:4 %:#5*%
%:#+5* $+:* %:#+5*
%:2%%% $+:0 %:2%%%
%:2#2* $+:5 %:2#2*
%:22*% $+:+ %:22*%
%:2-5* $+:$ %:2-5*
%:2*%% $$:% %:2*%%
K +$:%
Remo<e and
L $$:%
Remo<e and
Determine the n6mber of ro..ers needed to obtain the spe7ified density and s6rfa7e finish:
)?-).01 GENERAL
Se7tion -$,- in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for ?A prod67ed and 7onstr67ted 6nder the ethod 7onstr67tion
)?-).02A Te/#'8
The Department for a77eptan7e testin; and tests for the G6a.ity 7hara7teristi7s shoDn in the
fo..oDin; tab.e:
HMA A((e6/%'(eLMe/701 C0'/r"(/#0' Pr0(e
@6a.ity 7hara7teristi7 Test
?A type
A " R?A,= O=FC
A;;re;ate ;radation
Test 2%2
Sand eG6i<a.ent /min1
Test 2#5
45 42 45 ,,
Aspha.t binder 7ontent /\1 Ca.ifornia
Test -5$
or -+2
CF %:4* CF %:4* CF %:*% CF %:*%
?A moist6re 7ontent /\) ma31 Ca.ifornia
Test 220
or -5%
#:% #:% #:% #:%
Stabi.ometer <a.6e /min1
7) d
No: 4 and -9+E ;radin;s
#92E and -94E ;radin;s
Test -00 -%
Per7ent of 7r6shed
Coarse a;;re;ate /\ min1
One fra7t6red fa7e
TDo fra7t6red fa7es
Fine a;;re;ate /\ min1
/Passin; no: 4 sie<e and
retained on no: + sie<e:1
One fra7t6red fa7e
Test 2%*
Los An; /\ ma31
Loss at #%% re<:
Loss at *%% re<:
Test 2## #2
Air <oid 7ontent /\1
7) e
Test -05
4 2 4 2 T( 2 ,,
Fine a;;re;ate an;6.arity
/\ min1
Test 2-4
4* 4* 4* ,, and e.on;ated
/\ ma3 by Dei;ht R *:#1
Test 2-*
Report on.y Report on.y Report on.y Report on.y
(oids fi..ed Dith aspha.t
No: 4 ;radin;
-9+E ;radin;
#92E ;radin;
-94E ;radin;
Test -05
Report on.y ,,
(oids in minera. a;;re;ate
/\ min1
No: 4 ;radin;
-9+E ;radin;
#92E ;radin;
-94E ;radin;
Test -05
D6st proportion
No: 4 and -9+E ;radin;s
#92E and -94E ;radin;s
Test -05 %:$B2:%
Report on.y ,,
Smoothness Se7tion
ed;e and
ed;e and
ed;e and
ed;e and
Aspha.t binder (ario6s Se7tion $2 Se7tion $2 Se7tion $2 Se7tion $2
Aspha.t r6bber binder (ario6s ,, ,, Se7tion
and se7tion
and se7tion
Aspha.t modifier (ario6s ,, ,, Se7tion
CR (ario6s ,, ,, Se7tion
The En;ineer determines 7ombined a;;re;ate ;radations 7ontainin; RAP 6nder Ca.ifornia Test -05:
The to.eran7es m6st 7omp.y Dith the a..oDab.e to.eran7es in se7tion -$,#:%2E:
The En;ineer reports the a<era;e of - tests from a sin;.e samp.e:
Ca.ifornia Test -%4) Part 2:#-:
The En;ineer determines the b6.k spe7ifi7 ;ra<ity of ea7h .ab,7ompa7ted briG6ette 6nder Ca.ifornia
Test -%+) ethod A) and theoreti7a. ma3im6m spe7ifi7 ;ra<ity 6nder Ca.ifornia Test -%$:
Report on.y if the adI6stment for the aspha.t binder 7ontent T( is .ess than or eG6a. to Z%:- per7ent
from the O"C <a.6e s6bmitted on a Contractor #ot Mi/ -sphalt Design Data form:
(oids in minera. a;;re;ate for R?A,= m6st be Dithin this ran;e:
No sin;.e test res6.t may represent more than 5*% tons or # dayFs prod67tion) Dhi7he<er is .ess:
For any sin;.e G6a.ity 7hara7teristi7 e37ept smoothness) if 2 7onse76ti<e a77eptan7e test res6.ts do not
7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations:
#: Stop prod67tion:
2: Take 7orre7ti<e a7tion:
-: Take and ea7h samp.e into 4 parts in the En;ineerFs presen7e: Test # part for
7omp.ian7e Dith the spe7ifi7ations and s6bmit - parts to the En;ineer: The Department tests # part for
7omp.ian7e Dith the spe7ifi7ations and reser<es and stores 2 parts:
4: Demonstrate 7omp.ian7e Dith the spe7ifi7ations before res6min; prod67tion and p.a7ement:
Ea7h pa<er spreadin; ?A Type A and Type " m6st be fo..oDed by - ro..ers as fo..oDs:
#: One <ibratory spe7ifi7a..y desi;ned to 7ompa7t ?A: The m6st be 7apab.e of at .east
2)*%% <ibrations per min6te and m6st be eG6ipped Dith amp.it6de and freG6en7y 7ontro.s: The ro..erFs
;ross stati7 Dei;ht m6st be at .east 5:* tons:
2: One os7i..atin; type pne6mati7,tired at .east 4 feet Dide: Pne6mati7 tires m6st be of eG6a. siHe)
diameter) type) and p.y: The tires m6st be inf.ated to 0% psi minim6m and maintained so that the air
press6re does not <ary more than * psi:
-: One stee.,tired) 2,a3.e tandem The ro..erFs ;ross stati7 Dei;ht m6st be at .east 5:* tons:
Ea7h m6st ha<e a separate operator: Ro..ers m6st be se.f,prope..ed and re<ersib.e:
Compa7t R?A,= as spe7ified for ?A Type A and Type " e37ept do not 6se pne6mati7,tired ro..ers:
Compa7t O=FC Dith stee.,tired) 2,a3.e tandem ro..ers: If p.a7in; -%% tons or more of O=FC per ho6r) 6se
at .east - ro..ers for ea7h pa<er: If p.a7in; .ess than -%% tons of O=FC per ho6r) 6se at .east 2 ro..ers for
ea7h pa<er: Ea7h m6st Dei;h from #20 to #52 .b per .inear in7h of dr6m Didth: T6rn the <ibrator off:
Pa<e ?A in ma3im6m %:2*,foot thi7k 7ompa7ted .ayers:
If the s6rfa7e to be pa<ed is both in s6n.i;ht and shade) pa<ement s6rfa7e temperat6res m6st be taken in
the shade:
Spread ?A Type A and Type " at the atmospheri7 and s6rfa7e temperat6res shoDn in the fo..oDin;
M#'#m"m A/m067er#( %'1 S"r4%(e Tem6er%/"re
Compa7ted .ayer
thi7kness) feet
Atmospheri7) F S6rfa7e) F
aspha.t binder
odified aspha.t
aspha.t binder
odified aspha.t
< %:#* ** *% 0% **
%:#*B%:2* 4* 4* *% *%
E37ept aspha.t r6bber binder:
If the aspha.t binder for ?A Type A and Type " is 6nmodified aspha.t binder) 7omp.ete:
#: First 7o<era;e of breakdoDn 7ompa7tion before the s6rfa7e temperat6re drops be.oD 2*% de;rees F
2: "reakdoDn and intermediate 7ompa7tion before the s6rfa7e temperat6re drops be.oD 2%% de;rees F
-: Finish 7ompa7tion before the s6rfa7e temperat6re drops be.oD #*% de;rees F
If the aspha.t binder for ?A Type A and Type " is modified aspha.t binder) 7omp.ete:
#: First 7o<era;e of breakdoDn 7ompa7tion before the s6rfa7e temperat6re drops be.oD 24% de;rees F
2: "reakdoDn and intermediate 7ompa7tion before the s6rfa7e temperat6re drops be.oD #+% de;rees F
-: Finish 7ompa7tion before the s6rfa7e temperat6re drops be.oD #4% de;rees F
For R?A,=:
#: On.y spread and 7ompa7t if the atmospheri7 temperat6re is at .east ** de;rees F and the s6rfa7e
temperat6re is at .east 0% de;rees F:
2: Comp.ete the #st 7o<era;e of breakdoDn 7ompa7tion before the s6rfa7e temperat6re drops be.oD
2+% de;rees F:
-: Comp.ete breakdoDn and intermediate 7ompa7tion before the s6rfa7e temperat6re drops be.oD 2*%
de;rees F:
4: Comp.ete finish 7ompa7tion before the s6rfa7e temperat6re drops be.oD 2%% de;rees F:
*: Co<er .oads in tr67ks Dith tarpa6.ins) if the atmospheri7 temperat6re is be.oD 5% de;rees F: The
tarpa6.ins m6st 7omp.ete.y 7o<er the e3posed .oad 6nti. yo6 transfer the mi3t6re to the pa<erFs hopper
or to the pa<ement s6rfa7e:
For ?A,O Dith 6nmodified aspha.t binder:
#: On.y spread and 7ompa7t if the atmospheri7 temperat6re is at .east ** de;rees F and the s6rfa7e
temperat6re is at .east 0% de;rees F:
2: Comp.ete the #st 7o<era;e 6sin; 2 ro..ers before the s6rfa7e temperat6re drops be.oD 24% de;rees
-: Comp.ete a.. 7ompa7tion before the s6rfa7e temperat6re drops be.oD 2%% de;rees F:
4: Co<er .oads in tr67ks Dith tarpa6.ins) if the atmospheri7 temperat6re is be.oD 5% de;rees F: The
tarpa6.ins m6st 7omp.ete.y 7o<er the e3posed .oad 6nti. yo6 transfer the mi3t6re to the pa<erFs hopper
or to the pa<ement s6rfa7e:
For ?A,O Dith modified aspha.t binder) e37ept aspha.t r6bber binder:
#: On.y spread and 7ompa7t if the atmospheri7 temperat6re is at .east *% de;rees F and the s6rfa7e
temperat6re is at .east *% de;rees F:
2: Comp.ete the #st 7o<era;e 6sin; 2 ro..ers before the s6rfa7e temperat6re drops be.oD 24% de;rees
-: Comp.ete a.. 7ompa7tion before the s6rfa7e temperat6re drops be.oD #+% de;rees F:
4: Co<er .oads in tr67ks Dith tarpa6.ins) if the atmospheri7 temperat6re is be.oD 5% de;rees F: The
tarpa6.ins m6st 7omp.ete.y 7o<er the e3posed .oad 6nti. yo6 transfer the mi3t6re to the pa<erFs hopper
or to the pa<ement s6rfa7e:
For R?A,O and R?A,O,?":
#: On.y spread and 7ompa7t if the atmospheri7 temperat6re is at .east ** de;rees F and s6rfa7e
temperat6re is at .east 0% de;rees F:
2 Comp.ete the #st 7o<era;e 6sin; 2 ro..ers before the s6rfa7e temperat6re drops be.oD 2+% de;rees
-: Comp.ete 7ompa7tion before the s6rfa7e temperat6re drops be.oD 2*% de;rees F:
4: Co<er .oads in tr67ks Dith tarpa6.ins) if the atmospheri7 temperat6re is be.oD 5% de;rees F: The
tarpa6.ins m6st 7omp.ete.y 7o<er the e3posed .oad 6nti. yo6 transfer the mi3t6re to the pa<erFs hopper
or to the pa<ement s6rfa7e:
For R?A,= and O=FC) tarpa6.ins are not reG6ired if the time from dis7har;in; to the tr67k 6nti. transfer
to the pa<erFs hopper or the pa<ement s6rfa7e is .ess than -% min6tes:
?A 7ompa7tion 7o<era;e is the n6mber of passes needed to 7o<er the pa<in; Didth: A pass is # ro..erFs
mo<ement para..e. to the pa<in; in either dire7tion: O<er.appin; passes are part of the 7o<era;e bein;
made and are not a s6bseG6ent 7o<era;e: Do not start a 7o<era;e 6nti. 7omp.etin; the prior 7o<era;e:
Start; at the .oDer ed;e and pro;ress toDard the hi;hest part:
Perform breakdoDn 7ompa7tion of ea7h .ayer of ?A Type A) Type ") and R?A,= Dith - 7o<era;es
6sin; a <ibratory The speed of the <ibratory in per ho6r m6st not e37eed the <ibrations
per min6te di<ided by #)%%%: If the thi7kness of the ?A .ayer is .ess than %:%+ foot) t6rn the <ibrator off:
The En;ineer may order feDer 7o<era;es if the thi7kness of the ?A .ayer is .ess than %:#* foot:
Perform intermediate 7ompa7tion of ea7h .ayer of ?A Type A and Type " Dith - 7o<era;es 6sin; a
pne6mati7,tired at a speed not e37eedin; * mph:
Perform finish 7ompa7tion of ?A Type A) Type ") and R?A,= Dith # 7o<era;e 6sin; a stee.,tired
Compa7t O=FC Dith 2 7o<era;es 6sin; stee.,tired ro..ers:
)?-+.01 GENERAL
Se7tion -$,4 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for ?A prod67ed and 7onstr67ted 6nder the @6a.ity Contro. 9
@6a.ity Ass6ran7e 7onstr67tion pro7ess:
The @C9@A 7onstr67tion pro7ess 7onsists of:
#: Estab.ishin;) maintainin;) and 7han;in; if needed a G6a.ity 7ontro. system pro<idin; ass6ran7e the
?A 7omp.ies Dith the spe7ifi7ations
2:; and testin; at spe7ified inter<a.s) or s6b.ots) to demonstrate 7omp.ian7e and to 7ontro. the
-: Department; and testin; at spe7ified inter<a.s to <erify the testin; pro7ess and ?A G6a.ity
4: En;ineer 6sin; test res6.ts) statisti7a. e<a.6ation of <erified G6a.ity 7ontro. tests) and inspe7tion to
a77ept ?A for payment
A .ot is a G6antity of ?A: The En;ineer desi;nates a neD .ot Dhen:
#: 2% s6b.ots are 7omp.ete
2: CF 7han;es
-: Prod67tion stops for more than -% days
Ea7h .ot 7onsists of no more than 2% s6b.ots: A s6b.ot is 5*% tons) e37ept a G6antity of ?A pa<ed at
dayFs end ;reater than 2*% tons is a s6b.ot: If a G6antity of ?A pa<ed at dayFs end is .ess than 2*% tons)
yo6 may either make this G6antity a s6b.ot or in7.6de it in the pre<io6s s6b.otFs test res6.ts for statisti7a.
)?-+.02A Ge'er%&
!se a 7omposite G6a.ity fa7tor) @FC) and indi<id6a. G6a.ity fa7tors) @F@Ci) to 7ontro. yo6r pro7ess and
e<a.6ate the G6a.ity 7ontro. pro;ram: For G6a.ity 7hara7teristi7s Ditho6t G6a.ity fa7tors) 6se yo6r @C p.anFs
a7tion .imits to 7ontro. yo6r pro7ess:
Contro. ?A G6a.ity in7.6din;:
#: ateria.s
2: Proportionin;
-: Spreadin; and 7ompa7tin;
4: Finished roadDay s6rfa7e
De<e.op) imp.ement) and maintain a G6a.ity 7ontro. pro;ram that in7.6des:
#: Inspe7tion
-: Testin;
)?-+.02B G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& P&%'
8ith the CF s6bmitta.) s6bmit a @C The @C m6st 7omp.y Dith the DepartmentFs 5ualit
Control Manual for #ot Mi/ -sphalt Production and Placement: Dis76ss the @C Dith the En;ineer
d6rin; the prepa<in; 7onferen7e:
The En;ineer re<ieDs ea7h @C Dithin * b6siness days from the s6bmitta.: Do not prod67e ?A 6nti.
the En;ineer a6thoriHes the @C
The @C m6st in7.6de the name and G6a.ifi7ations of a @C mana;er: The @C mana;er administers
the @C and d6rin; pa<in; m6st be at the Iob site Dithin - ho6rs of re7ei<in; noti7e: The @C mana;er
m6st not be any of the fo..oDin; on the proIe7t:
#: Foreman
2: Prod67tion or pa<in; 7reDmember
-: Inspe7tor
4: Tester
The @C m6st in7.6de a7tion .imits and detai.s of 7orre7ti<e a7tion yo6 Di.. take if a test res6.t for any
G6a.ity 7hara7teristi7 fa..s o6tside an a7tion .imit:
As Dork pro;resses) yo6 m6st s6bmit a @C s6pp.ement to 7han;e G6a.ity 7ontro. pro7ed6res)
personne.) tester G6a.ifi7ation stat6s) or .aboratory a77reditation stat6s:
)?-+.02C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& I'6e(/#0', S%m6&#'8, %'1 Te/#'8
Samp.e) test) inspe7t) and mana;e ?A G6a.ity 7ontro.:
Pro<ide a roadDay inspe7tor Dhi.e ?A pa<in; a7ti<ities are in pro;ress: Pro<ide a p.ant inspe7tor d6rin;
?A prod67tion:
Inspe7tors m6st 7omp.y Dith the DepartmentFs 5ualit Control Manual for #ot Mi/ -sphalt Production and
Pro<ide a testin; .aboratory and personne. for G6a.ity 7ontro. testin;: Pro<ide the En;ineer 6nrestri7ted
a77ess to the G6a.ity 7ontro. a7ti<ities: "efore pro<idin; ser<i7es for the proIe7t) the En;ineer re<ieDs)
a77redits) and G6a.ifies the testin; .aboratory and personne. 6nder the DepartmentFs Independent
Ass6ran7e Pro;ram:
For ?A at prod67tion start,6p and e<ery *)%%% tons) samp.e and test 6nder Ca.ifornia Test -5#: S6bmit
the test res6.ts to the En;ineer and to:
For ?A at prod67tion start,6p and on7e d6rin; prod67tion) s6bmit from yo6r ?A
prod67tion samp.e for Ca.ifornia Test -5# to the En;ineer and the Transportation Laboratory) Attention:
oist6re Test:
The Department does not 6se res6.ts from Ca.ifornia Test -5# to determine spe7ifi7ation 7omp.ian7e:
Comp.y Dith the <a.6es for the ?A G6a.ity 7hara7teristi7s and minim6m random; and testin; for
G6a.ity 7ontro. shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
M#'#m"m G"%&#/3 C0'/r0&LGCJGA C0'/r"(/#0' Pr0(e
?A Type Lo7ation
A " R?A,=
Test 2%2
# per 5*%
Test #2*
Aspha.t binder
7ontent /\1
Test -5$
or -+2
CF Z%:4* CF Z%:4* CF Z%:*%
Test #2*
Per7ent of
density /\1
@C $2B$0 $2B$0 $#B$0 @C
7ontent at
mi3in; p.ants
and RAP
7ontent at
mi3in; p.ants
and bat7h
mi3in; p.ants
Test 220
or -5%
2 per day
,, ,, ,,
Sto7k, or
7o.d feed
Test 2#5
# per 5*%
45 42 45
Test #2*
?A moist6re
Test 220
or -5%
# per
2)*%% tons
not .ess
than # per
#:% #:% #:%
Test #2*
<a.6e /min1
No: 4 and -9+E
#92E and -94E
Test -00
# per
4)%%% tons
or 2 per *
is ;reater
Air <oid
7ontent /\1
Test -05
4 Z 2 4 Z 2 T( Z 2
Per7ent of
/\ min:1:
One fra7t6red
TDo fra7t6red
/\ min1
/Passin; no: 4
sie<e and
retained on
no: + sie<e:1:
One fra7t6red
Test 2%*
As desi;n,
ated in
At .east
on7e per
proIe7t: $%
Test #2*
Los An; /\
Loss at #%%
Loss at *%%
Test 2##
Test #2*
/\ min1
Test 2-4
4* 4* 4*
Test #2* and
/\ ma3 by
Dei;ht R *:#1
Test 2-*
Test #2*
(oids fi..ed
Dith aspha.t
No: 4 ;radin;
-9+E ;radin;
#92E ;radin;
-94E ;radin;
Test -05 50:%B+%:%
Test -05
(oids in
/\ min:1
No: 4 ;radin;
-9+E ;radin;
#92E ;radin;
-94E ;radin;
Test -05
Test -05
No: 4 and -9+E
#92E and -94E
Test -05
Test -05
;rind) and
;rind) and
;rind) and
r6bber binder
<is7osity R
-*% ]F)
,, ,, ,,
CR Se7tion
,, ,, ,, Se7tion
Determine 7ombined a;;re;ate ;radation 7ontainin; RAP 6nder Ca.ifornia Test -05:
The to.eran7es m6st 7omp.y Dith the a..oDab.e to.eran7es in se7tion -$,#:%2E:
ReG6ired for ?A Type A) Type ") and R?A,= if the spe7ified pa<ed thi7kness is at .east %:#*
Determine ma3im6m theoreti7a. density /Ca.ifornia Test -%$1 at the freG6en7y spe7ified for test
ma3im6m density 6nder Ca.ifornia Test -5*) Part * D:
For adI6stin; the p.ant at the ?A p.ant:
Report the a<era;e of - tests from a sin;.e samp.e:
Ca.ifornia Test -%4) Part 2:#-:
Determine the b6.k spe7ifi7 ;ra<ity of ea7h .ab,7ompa7ted briG6ette 6nder Ca.ifornia Test -%+)
ethod A) and theoreti7a. ma3im6m spe7ifi7 ;ra<ity 6nder Ca.ifornia Test -%$:
Report on.y if the adI6stment for the aspha.t binder 7ontent T( is .ess than or eG6a. to Z%:- per7ent
from the O"C <a.6e s6bmitted on a Contractor #ot Mi/ -sphalt Design Data form:
(oids in minera. a;;re;ate for R?A,= m6st be Dithin this ran;e:
8ithin the spe7ified reportin; time) s6bmit test res6.ts in7.6din;:
#:; .o7ation) G6antity) and time
2: Testin; res6.ts
-: S6pportin; data and 7a.76.ations
If test res6.ts for any G6a.ity 7hara7teristi7 are beyond the a7tion .imits in the @C take 7orre7ti<e
a7tions: Do76ment the 7orre7ti<e a7tions taken in the inspe7tion re7ords 6nder se7tion -$,4:%2E:
Stop prod67tion) notify the En;ineer) take 7orre7ti<e a7tion) and demonstrate 7omp.ian7e Dith the
spe7ifi7ations before res6min; prod67tion and p.a7ement if:
#: A .otFs 7omposite G6a.ity fa7tor) @FC) or an indi<id6a. G6a.ity fa7tor) @F@Ci for i T -) 4) or *) is be.oD
%:$% determined 6nder se7tion -$,4:%2F 6sin; G6a.ity 7ontro. data
2: An indi<id6a. G6a.ity fa7tor) @F@Ci for i T # or 2) is be.oD %:5* 6sin; G6a.ity 7ontro. data
-: @6a.ity 7hara7teristi7s for Dhi7h a G6a.ity fa7tor) @F@Ci) is not determined has 2 7onse76ti<e G6a.ity
7ontro. tests not in 7omp.ian7e Dith the spe7ifi7ations
)?-+.02D C7%r/ %'1 Re(0r1
Re7ord; and testin; res6.ts for G6a.ity 7ontro. on forms pro<ided in the 5ualit Control Manual for
#ot Mi/ -sphalt Production and Placement) or on forms yo6 s6bmit Dith the @C The @C m6st in7.6de postin; .o7ations and s6bmitta. times for forms:
S6bmit G6a.ity 7ontro. test res6.ts 6sin; the DepartmentFs statisti7a. e<a.6ation pro;ram) ?APay: For
?APay) ;o to the DepartmentFs Constr67tion 8eb site:
)?-+.02E Re(0r1 04 I'6e(/#0' %'1 Te/#'8
D6rin; ?A prod67tion) s6bmit a dai.y:
#: #M- Construction Dail !ecord of "nspection: make this re7ord a<ai.ab.e at the ?A p.ant and
Iob site ea7h day:
2: #M- "nspection and Testing Summar: In7.6de in the s6mmary:
2:#: @C Dorksheet Dith 6pdated test res6.ts from the ?APay pro;ram
2:2: Test forms Dith the testersF si;nat6res and @C mana;erFs initia.s
2:-: Inspe7tion forms Dith the inspe7torsF si;nat6res and @C mana;erFs initia.s
2:4: List and e3p.anation of de<iations from the spe7ifi7ations or re; pra7ti7es
2:*: Si;ned statement by the @C mana;er that says:
EIt is hereby 7ertified that the information 7ontained in this re7ord is a776rate) and that
information) tests) or 7a.76.ations do76mented herein 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations of the
Contra7t and the standards set forth in the testin; pro7ed6res: E37eptions to this 7ertifi7ation
are do76mented as part of this re7ord:E
Retain for inspe7tion the re7ords ;enerated as part of G6a.ity 7ontro.) in7.6din; inspe7tion);) and
testin; for at .east - years after fina. a77eptan7e:
)?-+.02F S/%/#/#(%& E$%&"%/#0'
)?-+.02FB1C Ge'er%&
Determine a .otFs 7omposite G6a.ity fa7tor) @FC) and the indi<id6a. G6a.ity fa7tors) @F@Ci: Perform statisti7a.
e<a.6ation 7a.76.ations to determine these G6a.ity fa7tors based on G6a.ity 7ontro. test res6.ts for:
#: A;;re;ate ;radation
2: Aspha.t binder 7ontent
-: Per7ent of ma3im6m theoreti7a. density
The En;ineer ;rants a Dai<er and yo6 m6st 6se #:% as the indi<id6a. G6a.ity fa7tor for per7ent of
ma3im6m theoreti7a. density) @F@C*) for ?A pa<ed in:
#: Areas Dhere the tota. pa<ed thi7kness is .ess than %:#* foot
2: Areas Dhere the tota. pa<ed thi7kness is .ess than %:2% foot and -94,in7h ;radin; is spe7ified and
-: Di; o6ts
4: Le<; 7o6rses
*: Areas Dhere 7ompa7tion or 7ompa7tion meas6rement by 7on<entiona. methods is impeded
)?-+.02FB2C S/%/#/#(%& E$%&"%/#0' C%&("&%/#0'
!se the (ariabi.ity,!nknoDn 9 Standard De<iation ethod to determine the per7enta;e of a .ot not in
7omp.ian7e Dith the spe7ifi7ations:
Determine the per7enta;e of Dork not in 7omp.ian7e Dith the spe7ifi7ation .imits for ea7h G6a.ity
7hara7teristi7 as fo..oDs:
#: Ca.76.ate the arithmeti7 mean /
1 of the test <a.6es
X =

/ A indi<id6a. test <a.6es
n A n6mber of test <a.6es
2: Ca.76.ate the standard de<iation
s =
n ( x
1 A s6m of the sG6ares of indi<id6a. test <a.6es
A s6m of the indi<id6a. test <a.6es sG6ared
n A n6mber of test <a.6es
-: Ca.76.ate the 6pper G6a.ity inde3 /@61

!SL T T( p.6s the prod67tion to.eran7e or 6pper spe7ifi7ation .imit
s T standard de<iation
T arithmeti7 mean
4: Ca.76.ate the .oDer G6a.ity inde3 /@L1J

LSL T T( min6s prod67tion to.eran7e or .oDer spe7ifi7ation .imit
s T standard de<iation
T arithmeti7 mean
*: From the tab.e) !pper @6a.ity Inde3 @U or LoDer @6a.ity Inde3 @*) determine PU J
PU T estimated per7enta;e of Dork o6tside the !SL
PU T %) if !SL is not spe7ified
0: From the tab.e) !pper @6a.ity Inde3 @U or LoDer @6a.ity Inde3 @*) determine P*J
P* T estimated per7enta;e of Dork o6tside the LSL
P* T %) if LSL is not spe7ified
5: Ca.76.ate the tota. estimated per7enta;e of Dork o6tside the !SL and LSL) per7ent defe7ti<e
Per7ent defe7ti<e T P! Y PL
The PU and P* are determined from the fo..oDin;:
PU U66er G"%&#/3 I'1e< GU 0r L0:er G"%&#/3 I'1e< GL
or Samp.e SiHe /n1
P* * 0 5 + $ #%,
% #:52 #:++ #:$$ 2:%5 2:#- 2:2% 2:2+ 2:-4 2:-$ 2:44 2:4+ 2:*# 2:*0
# #:04 #:5* #:+2 #:++ #:$# #:$0 2:%# 2:%4 2:%5 2:%$ 2:#2 2:#4 2:#0
2 #:*+ #:00 #:52 #:5* #:5+ #:+# #:+4 #:+5 #:+$ #:$# #:$- #:$4 #:$*
- #:*2 #:*$ #:0- #:00 #:0+ #:5# #:5- #:5* #:50 #:5+ #:5$ #:+% #:+#
4 #:45 #:*2 #:*0 #:*+ #:0% #:02 #:04 #:0* #:00 #:05 #:0+ #:0$ #:5%
* #:42 #:45 #:4$ #:*# #:*2 #:*4 #:** #:*0 #:*5 #:*+ #:*$ #:*$ #:0%
0 #:-+ #:4# #:4- #:4* #:40 #:45 #:4+ #:4$ #:*% #:*% #:*# #:*# #:*2
5 #:-- #:-0 #:-+ #:-$ #:4% #:4# #:4# #:42 #:4- #:4- #:44 #:44 #:44
+ #:2$ #:-# #:-- #:-- #:-4 #:-* #:-* #:-0 #:-0 #:-5 #:-5 #:-5 #:-+
$ #:2* #:25 #:2+ #:2+ #:2$ #:2$ #:-% #:-% #:-% #:-# #:-# #:-# #:-#
#% #:2# #:2- #:2- #:24 #:24 #:24 #:2* #:2* #:2* #:2* #:2* #:20 #:20
## #:#+ #:#+ #:#$ #:#$ #:#$ #:#$ #:2% #:2% #:2% #:2% #:2% #:2% #:2%
#2 #:#4 #:#4 #:#* #:#* #:#* #:#* #:#* #:#* #:#* #:#* #:#* #:#* #:#*
#- #:#% #:#% #:#% #:#% #:#% #:#% #:## #:## #:## #:## #:## #:## #:##
#4 #:%5 #:%5 #:%5 #:%0 #:%0 #:%0 #:%0 #:%0 #:%0 #:%0 #:%0 #:%0 #:%0
#* #:%- #:%- #:%- #:%- #:%2 #:%2 #:%2 #:%2 #:%2 #:%2 #:%2 #:%2 #:%2
#0 #:%% %:$$ %:$$ %:$$ %:$$ %:$+ %:$+ %:$+ %:$+ %:$+ %:$+ %:$+ %:$+
#5 %:$5 %:$0 %:$* %:$* %:$* %:$* %:$4 %:$4 %:$4 %:$4 %:$4 %:$4 %:$4
#+ %:$- %:$2 %:$2 %:$2 %:$# %:$# %:$# %:$# %:$% %:$% %:$% %:$% %:$%
#$ %:$% %:+$ %:++ %:++ %:++ %:+5 %:+5 %:+5 %:+5 %:+5 %:+5 %:+5 %:+5
2% %:+5 %:+0 %:+* %:+* %:+4 %:+4 %:+4 %:+- %:+- %:+- %:+- %:+- %:+-
2# %:+4 %:+2 %:+2 %:+# %:+# %:+# %:+% %:+% %:+% %:+% %:+% %:+% %:5$
22 %:+# %:5$ %:5$ %:5+ %:5+ %:55 %:55 %:55 %:50 %:50 %:50 %:50 %:50
2- %:55 %:50 %:5* %:5* %:54 %:54 %:54 %:5- %:5- %:5- %:5- %:5- %:5-
24 %:54 %:5- %:52 %:52 %:5# %:5# %:5% %:5% %:5% %:5% %:5% %:5% %:5%
2* %:5# %:5% %:0$ %:0$ %:0+ %:0+ %:05 %:05 %:05 %:05 %:05 %:05 %:00
20 %:0+ %:05 %:05 %:0* %:0* %:0* %:04 %:04 %:04 %:04 %:04 %:04 %:0-
25 %:0* %:04 %:0- %:02 %:02 %:02 %:0# %:0# %:0# %:0# %:0# %:0# %:0%
2+ %:02 %:0# %:0% %:*$ %:*$ %:*$ %:*+ %:*+ %:*+ %:*+ %:*+ %:*+ %:*5
2$ %:*$ %:*+ %:*5 %:*5 %:*0 %:*0 %:** %:** %:** %:** %:** %:** %:*4
-% %:*0 %:** %:*4 %:*4 %:*- %:*- %:*2 %:*2 %:*2 %:*2 %:*2 %:*2 %:*2
-# %:*- %:*2 %:*# %:*# %:*% %:*% %:*% %:4$ %:4$ %:4$ %:4$ %:4$ %:4$
-2 %:*% %:4$ %:4+ %:4+ %:4+ %:45 %:45 %:45 %:40 %:40 %:40 %:40 %:40
-- %:45 %:4+ %:4* %:4* %:4* %:44 %:44 %:44 %:44 %:4- %:4- %:4- %:4-
-4 %:4* %:4- %:4- %:42 %:42 %:42 %:4# %:4# %:4# %:4# %:4# %:4# %:4%
-* %:42 %:4% %:4% %:-$ %:-$ %:-$ %:-+ %:-+ %:-+ %:-+ %:-+ %:-+ %:-+
-0 %:-$ %:-+ %:-5 %:-5 %:-0 %:-0 %:-0 %:-0 %:-0 %:-0 %:-0 %:-0 %:-0
-5 %:-0 %:-* %:-4 %:-4 %:-4 %:-- %:-- %:-- %:-- %:-- %:-- %:-- %:-2
-+ %:-- %:-2 %:-2 %:-# %:-# %:-# %:-% %:-% %:-% %:-% %:-% %:-% %:-%
-$ %:-% %:-% %:2$ %:2+ %:2+ %:2+ %:2+ %:2+ %:2+ %:2+ %:2+ %:2+ %:2+
4% %:2+ %:2* %:2* %:2* %:2* %:2* %:2* %:2* %:2* %:2* %:2* %:2* %:2*
4# %:2* %:2- %:2- %:2- %:2- %:2- %:2- %:2- %:2- %:2- %:2- %:2- %:2-
42 %:2- %:2% %:2% %:2% %:2% %:2% %:2% %:2% %:2% %:2% %:2% %:2% %:2%
4- %:#+ %:#+ %:#+ %:#+ %:#+ %:#+ %:#+ %:#+ %:#+ %:#+ %:#+ %:#+ %:#+
44 %:#0 %:#* %:#* %:#* %:#* %:#* %:#* %:#* %:#* %:#* %:#* %:#* %:#*
4* %:#- %:#- %:#- %:#- %:#- %:#- %:#- %:#- %:#- %:#- %:#- %:#- %:#-
40 %:#% %:#% %:#% %:#% %:#% %:#% %:#% %:#% %:#% %:#% %:#% %:#% %:#%
45 %:%+ %:%+ %:%+ %:%+ %:%+ %:%+ %:%+ %:%+ %:%+ %:%+ %:%+ %:%+ %:%+
4+ %:%* %:%* %:%* %:%* %:%* %:%* %:%* %:%* %:%* %:%* %:%* %:%* %:%*
4$ %:%- %:%- %:%- %:%- %:%- %:%- %:%- %:%- %:%- %:%- %:%- %:%- %:%-
*% %:%% %:%% %:%% %:%% %:%% %:%% %:%% %:%% %:%% %:%% %:%% %:%% %:%%
#: If the <a.6e of @U or @* does not 7orrespond to a <a.6e in the tab.e) 6se the ne3t .oDer <a.6e:
2: If @U or @* are ne;ati<e <a.6es) PU or P* is eG6a. to #%% min6s the tab.e <a.6e for PU or P*:
)?-+.02FB)C G"%&#/3 F%(/0r De/erm#'%/#0'
Determine indi<id6a. G6a.ity fa7tors) @F@Ci) 6sin; per7ent defe7ti<e T PU Y P* and the fo..oDin;:
G"%&#/3 F%(/0r
a3im6m a..oDab.e per7ent defe7ti<e /PU Y P*1
@6a.ity Samp.e siHe /n1
fa7tor * 0 5 + $ #%,
#:%* % % % % % % % % % %
#:%4 % # - * 4 4 4 - - - -
#:%- % 2 4 0 + 5 5 0 * * 4 4
#:%2 # - 0 $ ## #% $ + 5 5 0 0
#:%# % 2 * + ## #- #2 ## #% $ + + 5
#:%% 22 2% #+ #5 #0 #* #4 #- #2 ## #% $ +
%:$$ 24 22 2% #$ #+ #5 #0 #* #4 #- ## #% $
%:$+ 20 24 22 2# 2% #$ #+ #0 #* #4 #- #2 #%
%:$5 2+ 20 24 2- 22 2# #$ #+ #5 #0 #4 #- #2
%:$0 -% 2+ 20 2* 24 22 2# #$ #+ #5 #0 #4 #-
%:$* -2 2$ 2+ 20 2* 24 22 2# 2% #+ #5 #0 #4
%:$4 -- -# 2$ 2+ 25 2* 24 22 2# 2% #+ #5 #*
%:$- -* -- -# 2$ 2+ 25 2* 24 22 2# 2% #+ #0
%:$2 -5 -4 -2 -# -% 2+ 25 2* 24 22 2# #$ #+
%:$# -+ -0 -4 -2 -# -% 2+ 20 2* 24 22 2# #$
%:$% -$ -5 -* -4 -- -# 2$ 2+ 20 2* 2- 22 2%
%:+$ 4# -+ -5 -* -4 -2 -# 2$ 2+ 20 2* 2- 2#
%:++ 42 4% -+ -0 -* -4 -2 -% 2$ 25 20 24 22
%:+5 4- 4# -$ -+ -5 -* -- -2 -% 2$ 25 2* 2-
%:+0 4* 42 4# -$ -+ -0 -4 -- -# -% 2+ 20 24
%:+* 40 44 42 4% -$ -+ -0 -4 -- -# 2$ 2+ 2*
%:+4 45 4* 4- 42 4% -$ -5 -* -4 -2 -% 2$ 25
%:+- 4$ 40 44 4- 42 4% -+ -0 -* -- -# -% 2+
%:+2 *% 45 40 44 4- 4# -$ -+ -0 -4 -- -# 2$
%:+# *# 4$ 45 4* 44 42 4# -$ -5 -0 -4 -2 -%
%:+% *2 *% 4+ 40 4* 44 42 4% -+ -5 -* -- -#
%:5$ *4 *# 4$ 4+ 40 4* 4- 4# -$ -+ -0 -4 -2
%:5+ ** *2 *% 4$ 4+ 40 44 42 4# -$ -5 -* --
%:55 *0 *4 *2 *% 4$ 45 4* 4- 42 4% -+ -0 -4
%:50 *5 ** *- *# *% 4+ 40 44 4- 4# -$ -5 -*
%:5* *+ *0 *4 *2 *# 4$ 45 40 44 42 4% -+ -0
0% *5 ** *- *2 *# 4+ 45 4* 4- 4# 4% -5
0# *+ *0 ** *- *2 *% 4+ 40 44 4- 4# -+
ReIe7t 02 *$ *5 *0 *4 *- *# 4$ 45 4* 44 42 -$
0- 0# *+ *5 ** *4 *2 *% 4+ 45 4* 4- 4%
04 02 0% *+ *5 ** *- *# 4$ 4+ 40 44 4#
ReIe7t <a.6es ;reater than those shoDn abo<e
NOTE: To obtain a G6a.ity fa7tor if the estimated per7ent o6tside spe7ifi7ation .imits from tab.e tit.ed)
E!pper @6a.ity Inde3 @U or LoDer @6a.ity Inde3 @*)E does not 7orrespond to a <a.6e in the tab.e) 6se the
ne3t .ar;er <a.6e:
Comp6te the 7omposite of sin;.e G6a.ity fa7tors) @FC) for a .ot 6sin;:



i = 1

@FC T the 7omposite G6a.ity fa7tor for the .ot ro6nded to 2 de7ima. p.a7es
@F5Ci T the G6a.ity fa7tor for the indi<id6a. G6a.ity 7hara7teristi7
D T the Dei;htin; fa7tor .isted in the tab.e tit.ed E?A A77eptan7e B @C9@A
Constr67tion Pro7essE
i T the G6a.ity 7hara7teristi7 inde3 n6mber in the tab.e tit.ed E?A A77eptan7e B
@C9@A Constr67tion Pro7essE
)?-+.0)A Ge'er%&
The Department ass6res G6a.ity by:
#: Re<ieDin; mi3 desi;ns and proposed CF
2: Inspe7tin; pro7ed6res
-: Cond67tin; o<ersi;ht of G6a.ity 7ontro. inspe7tion and re7ords
4: (erifi7ation; and testin; d6rin; prod67tion and pa<in;
)?-+.0)B Ver#4#(%/#0' S%m6&#'8 %'1 Te/#'8
)?-+.0)BB1C Ge'er%&
The Department
#: A;;re;ate to <erify ;radation
2: ?A to <erify aspha.t binder 7ontent
)?-+.0)BB2C Ver#4#(%/#0'
For a;;re;ate ;radation and aspha.t binder 7ontent) the ratio of <erifi7ation testin; freG6en7y to the
minim6m G6a.ity 7ontro. testin; freG6en7y is #:*: The Department performs at .east - <erifi7ation tests per
!sin; the t,test) the En;ineer 7ompares G6a.ity 7ontro. tests res6.ts for a;;re;ate ;radation and aspha.t
binder 7ontent Dith 7orrespondin; <erifi7ation test res6.ts: The En;ineer 6ses the a<era;e and standard
de<iation of 6p to 2% seG6entia. s6b.ots for the 7omparison: The En;ineer 6ses prod67tion start,6p
e<a.6ation tests to represent the #st s6b.ot: If there are .ess than 2% seG6entia. s6b.ots) the En;ineer 6ses
the ma3im6m n6mber of seG6entia. s6b.ots a<ai.ab.e: The 2#st s6b.ot be7omes the #st s6b.ot /n T #1 in
the ne3t .ot:
The t,<a.6e for a ;ro6p of test data is 7omp6ted as fo..oDs:
t =
Xc Xv
- 1) + S
- 1)
+ n
- 2
nc T N6mber of G6a.ity 7ontro. tests /2 min) 2% ma31:
nv T N6mber of <erifi7ation tests /min of # reG6ired1:
ean of G6a.ity 7ontro. tests:
ean of <erifi7ation tests:
Sp T Poo.ed standard de<iation /Dhen nv

T #) Sp

T Sc1:
Sc T Standard de<iation of G6a.ity 7ontro. tests:
Sv T Standard de<iation of <erifi7ation tests /Dhen nv L #1:
The 7omparison of G6a.ity 7ontro. test res6.ts and the <erifi7ation test res6.ts is at a .e<e. of si;nifi7an7e of
a T %:%2*: The En;ineer 7omp6tes t and 7ompares it to the fo..oDin; 7riti7a. t,<a.6es) t7rit:
Cr#/#(%& T-V%&"e
De;rees of freedom
/for T %:%2*1
De;rees of freedom
/for T %:%2*1
# 24:4*2 #+ 2:44*
2 0:2%* #$ 2:4--
- 4:#55 2% 2:42-
4 -:4$* 2# 2:4#4
* -:#0- 22 2:4%*
0 2:$0$ 2- 2:-$+
5 2:+4# 24 2:-$#
+ 2:5*2 2* 2:-+*
$ 2:0+* 20 2:-5$
#% 2:0-4 25 2:-5-
## 2:*$- 2+ 2:-0+
#2 2:*0% 2$ 2:-04
#- 2:*-- -% 2:-0%
#4 2:*#% 4% 2:-2$
#* 2:4$% 0% 2:2$$
#0 2:45- #2% 2:25%
#5 2:4*+ b
If the t,<a.6e 7omp6ted is .ess than or eG6a. to t7rit) G6a.ity 7ontro. test res6.ts are <erified:
If the t,<a.6e 7omp6ted is ;reater than t7rit and both X
and X
7omp.y Dith a77eptan7e spe7ifi7ations)
the G6a.ity 7ontro. tests are <erified: &o6 may 7ontin6e to prod67e and p.a7e ?A Dith the fo..oDin;
a..oDab.e differen7es:
#: c v X X X #:% per7ent for any ;radin;
2: c v X X X %:# per7ent for aspha.t binder 7ontent
If the t,<a.6e 7omp6ted is ;reater than t7rit and the c v X X for ;radin; and aspha.t binder 7ontent are
;reater than the a..oDab.e differen7es) G6a.ity 7ontro. test res6.ts are not <erified and:
#: En;ineer notifies yo6:
2: &o6 and the En;ineer m6st in<esti;ate Dhy the differen7e e3ists:
-: If the reason for the differen7e 7annot be fo6nd and 7orre7ted) the DepartmentFs test res6.ts are 6sed
for a77eptan7e and pay:
)?-+.0+A Te/#'8
The En;ineer for a77eptan7e testin; and tests for the fo..oDin; G6a.ity 7hara7teristi7s:
HMA A((e6/%'(eLGCJGA C0'/r"(/#0' Pr0(e
@6a.ity 7hara7teristi7 8ei;ht
?A type
A " R?A,=
Test 2%2
CF Z To.eran7e
Sie<e -94E #92E -9+E
# #92E >
,, ,, %:%*
# -9+E ,, > ,, %:%*
# No: 4 ,, ,, > %:%*
2 No: + > > > %:#%
- No:
> > > %:#*
4 Aspha.t binder 7ontent /\1 %:-% Ca.ifornia
Test -5$
or -+2
CF Z %:4* CF Z %:4* CF Z %:*
* Per7ent of ma3im6m
theoreti7a. density /\1
d) e
%:4% Ca.ifornia
Test -5*
$2B$0 $2B$0 $#B$0
Sand eG6i<a.ent /min1
Test 2#5
45 42 45
Stabi.ometer <a.6e /min1
No: 4 and -9+E
#92E and -94E ;radin;s
Test -00 -%
Air <oid 7ontent /\1
f) h
Test -05
4 Z 2 4 Z 2 T( Z 2
Per7ent of 7r6shed 7oarse a;;re;ate
/\ min1
One fra7t6red fa7e
TDo fra7t6red fa7es
Fine a;;re;ate /\ min1
/Passin; No: 4 sie<e
and retained on No: +
One fra7t6red fa7e
Test 2%*
?A moist6re 7ontent
/\) ma31
Test 220
or -5%
#:% #:% #:%
Los An; /\
Loss at #%% re<:
Loss at *%% re<:
Test 2##
Fine a;;re;ate an;6.arity
/\ min1
Test 2-4
4* 4* 4* and e.on;ated parti7.e
/\ ma3 by Dei;ht R *:#1
Test 2-*
Report on.y Report on.y Report on.y
(oids in minera. a;;re;ate
/\ min1
No: 4 ;radin;
-9+E ;radin;
#92E ;radin;
-94E ;radin;
Test -05
/Note I1
(oids fi..ed Dith aspha.t
No: 4 ;radin;
-9+E ;radin;
#92E ;radin;
-94E ;radin;
Test -05
Report on.y
D6st proportion
No: 4 and -9+E
#92E and -94E ;radin;s
Test -05 %:$B2:%
Report on.y
Smoothness Se7tion
ed;e) m6st
;rind) and
ed;e) m6st
;rind) and
ed;e) m6st
;rind) and
Aspha.t binder (ario6s Se7tion $2 Se7tion $2 Se7tion $2
Aspha.t r6bber binder (ario6s ,, ,,
and se7tion
Aspha.t modifier (ario6s ,, ,,
CR (ario6s ,, ,,
The En;ineer determines 7ombined a;;re;ate ;radations 7ontainin; RAP 6nder Ca.ifornia Test -05:
E>E denotes the sie<es the En;ineer tests for the spe7ified a;;re;ate ;radation:
The to.eran7es m6st 7omp.y Dith the a..oDab.e to.eran7es in se7tion -$,#:%2E:
The En;ineer determines per7ent of ma3im6m theoreti7a. density if the spe7ified tota. pa<ed
thi7kness is at .east %:#* foot 6nder Ca.ifornia Test -5* e37ept the En;ineer 6ses:
#: Ca.ifornia Test -%+) ethod A) to determine in,p.a7e density of ea7h density 7ore instead of
6sin; the n67.ear ;a6;e in Part 4) EDeterminin; In,P.a7e Density "y The N67.ear Density De<i7e:E
2: Ca.ifornia Test -%$ to determine ma3im6m theoreti7a. density instead of 7a.76.atin; test
ma3im6m density in Part *) EDeterminin; Test a3im6m Density:E
The En;ineer determines ma3im6m theoreti7a. density /Ca.ifornia Test -%$1 at the freG6en7y
spe7ified for Test a3im6m Density 6nder Ca.ifornia Test -5*) Part *:D:
The En;ineer reports the a<era;e of - tests from a sin;.e samp.e:
Ca.ifornia Test -%4) Part 2:#-:
The En;ineer determines the b6.k spe7ifi7 ;ra<ity of ea7h .ab,7ompa7ted briG6ette 6nder Ca.ifornia
Test -%+) ethod A) and theoreti7a. ma3im6m spe7ifi7 ;ra<ity 6nder Ca.ifornia Test -%$:
Report on.y if the adI6stment for the aspha.t binder 7ontent T( is .ess than or eG6a. to Z%:- per7ent
from the O"C <a.6e s6bmitted on a Contractor #ot Mi/ -sphalt Design Data form:
(oids in minera. a;;re;ate for R?A,= m6st be Dithin this ran;e:
The Department determines the per7ent of ma3im6m theoreti7a. density from the a<era;e density of -
density 7ores yo6 take from e<ery 5*% tons of prod67tion or part thereof di<ided by the ma3im6m
theoreti7a. density:
If the spe7ified tota. pa<ed thi7kness is at .east %:#* foot and any .ayer is .ess than %:#* foot) the
Department determines the per7ent of ma3im6m theoreti7a. density from density 7ores taken from the
fina. .ayer meas6red the f6.. depth of the tota. pa<ed ?A thi7kness:
The En;ineer 7a.76.ates @F@Ci for i T #) 2) -) and 4 6sin; G6a.ity 7ontro. data and @F@Ci for i T * 6sin;
G6a.ity ass6ran7e data)
The En;ineer stops prod67tion and terminates a .ot if:
#: A .otFs 7omposite G6a.ity fa7tor) @FC) or an indi<id6a. G6a.ity fa7tor) @F@Ci for i T -) 4) or *) is be.oD
%:$% determined 6nder se7tion -$,4:%2F
2: An indi<id6a. G6a.ity fa7tor) @F@Ci for i T # or 2) is be.oD %:5*
-: @6a.ity 7hara7teristi7s for Dhi7h a G6a.ity fa7tor) @F@Ci) is not determined has 2 7onse76ti<e
a77eptan7e or G6a.ity 7ontro. test res6.ts not in 7omp.ian7e Dith the spe7ifi7ations
For any sin;.e G6a.ity 7hara7teristi7 for Dhi7h a G6a.ity fa7tor) @F@Ci) is not determined) e37ept
smoothness) if 2 7onse76ti<e a77eptan7e test res6.ts do not 7omp.y Dith spe7ifi7ations:
#: Stop prod67tion:
2: Take 7orre7ti<e a7tion:
-: Take and ea7h samp.e into 4 parts in the En;ineerFs presen7e: Test # part for
7omp.ian7e Dith the spe7ifi7ations and s6bmit - parts to the En;ineer: The Department tests # part for
7omp.ian7e Dith the spe7ifi7ations and reser<es and stores 2 parts:
4: Demonstrate 7omp.ian7e Dith the spe7ifi7ations before res6min; prod67tion and p.a7ement:
)?-+.0+B S/%/#/#(%& E$%&"%/#0', De/erm#'%/#0' 04 G"%&#/3 F%(/0r, %'1 A((e6/%'(e
)?-+.0+BB1C S/%/#/#(%& E$%&"%/#0' %'1 De/erm#'%/#0' 04 G"%&#/3 F%(/0r
To determine the indi<id6a. G6a.ity fa7tor) @F@Ci) for any G6a.ity fa7tor i T # thro6;h * or a .otFs 7omposite
G6a.ity fa7tor) @FC) for a77eptan7e and payment adI6stment) the En;ineer 6ses the e<a.6ation
spe7ifi7ations 6nder se7tion -$,4:%2F and the fo..oDin;:
#: (erified G6a.ity 7ontro. test res6.ts for a;;re;ate ;radation
2: (erified G6a.ity 7ontro. test res6.ts for aspha.t binder 7ontent
-: DepartmentFs test res6.ts for per7ent of ma3im6m theoreti7a. density
)?-+.0+BB2C L0/ A((e6/%'(e B%e1 0' G"%&#/3 F%(/0r
The En;ineer a77epts a .ot based on the G6a.ity fa7tors determined for a;;re;ate ;radation and aspha.t
binder 7ontent) @F@Ci for i T # thro6;h 4) 6sin; the tota. n6mber of <erified G6a.ity 7ontro. test res6.t <a.6es
and the tota. per7ent defe7ti<e /PU Y P*14
The En;ineer a77epts a .ot based on the G6a.ity fa7tor determined for ma3im6m theoreti7a. density)
@F@C*) 6sin; the tota. n6mber of test res6.t <a.6es from 7ores and the tota. per7ent defe7ti<e /PU Y P*14
The En;ineer 7a.76.ates the G6a.ity fa7tor for the .ot) @FC) Dhi7h is a 7omposite of Dei;hted indi<id6a.
G6a.ity fa7tors) @F@Ci) determined for ea7h G6a.ity 7hara7teristi7 in the ?A A77eptan7e B @C9@A tab.e in
se7tion -$,4:%4A:
The En;ineer a77epts a .ot based on G6a.ity fa7tors if:
#: C6rrent 7omposite G6a.ity fa7tor) @FC) is %:$% or ;reater
2: Ea7h indi<id6a. G6a.ity fa7tor) @F@Ci for i T -) 4) and *) is %:$% or ;reater
-: Ea7h indi<id6a. G6a.ity fa7tor) @F@Ci for i T # and 2) is %:5* or ;reater
No sin;.e G6a.ity 7hara7teristi7 test may represent more than 5*% tons or # dayFs prod67tion) Dhi7he<er is
)?-+.0+BB)C P%3me'/ A1="/me'/
If a .ot is a77epted) the En;ineer adI6sts payment Dith the fo..oDin; form6.a:
i i QCi i * ) ( * *

+ =
PA T payment adI6stment ro6nded to 2 de7ima. p.a7es
#M-CP T ?A Contra7t pri7e
#M-TT T ?A tota. tons represented in the .ot
W#M-TTi T tota. tons of Dai<ed G6a.ity 7hara7teristi7 ?A
5'5Ci T r6nnin; G6a.ity fa7tor for the indi<id6a. G6a.ity 7hara7teristi7
@F5Ci for i T # thro6;h 4 m6st be from <erified Contra7torFs @C res6.ts:
@F5C9 m6st be determined from the En;ineerFs res6.ts on density 7ores
taken for per7ent of ma3im6m theoreti7a. density determination:
7 A Dei;htin; fa7tor .isted in the ?A a77eptan7e tab.e
i A G6a.ity 7hara7teristi7 inde3 n6mber in the ?A a77eptan7e tab.e
If the payment adI6stment is a ne;ati<e <a.6e) the En;ineer ded67ts this amo6nt from payment: If the
payment adI6stment is a positi<e <a.6e) the En;ineer adds this amo6nt to payment:
The 2#st s6b.ot be7omes the #st s6b.ot /n T #1 in the ne3t .ot: If the 2#st seG6entia. s6b.ot be7omes the
#st s6b.ot) the pre<io6s 2% seG6entia. s6b.ots be7ome a .ot for Dhi7h the En;ineer determines a G6a.ity
fa7tor: The En;ineer 6ses this G6a.ity fa7tor to pay for the ?A in the .ot: If the ne3t .ot 7onsists of .ess
than + s6b.ots) these s6b.ots m6st be added to the pre<io6s .ot for G6a.ity fa7tor determination 6sin; 2# to
25 s6b.ots:
)?-+.0+C D#6"/e Re0&"/#0'
For a .ot) if yo6 or the En;ineer disp6te any G6a.ity fa7tor) @F@Ci) or <erifi7ation test res6.t) e<ery s6b.ot in
that .ot m6st be retested:
Referee tests m6st be performed 6nder the spe7ifi7ations for a77eptan7e testin;:
Any G6a.ity fa7tor) @F@Ci) m6st be determined 6sin; the referee tests:
For any G6a.ity fa7tor) @F@Ci) for i T # thro6;h *) disp6te reso.6tion:
#: If the differen7e betDeen the G6a.ity fa7tors for @F@Ci 6sin; the referee test res6.t and the disp6ted
test res6.t is .ess than or eG6a. to %:%#) the ori;ina. test res6.t is 7orre7t
2: If the differen7e betDeen the G6a.ity fa7tor for @F@Ci 6sin; the referee test res6.t and the disp6ted test
res6.t is more than %:%#) the G6a.ity fa7tor determined from the referee tests s6persedes the
pre<io6s.y determined G6a.ity fa7tor
Se7tion -$,0 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for ?A payment: The Dei;ht of ea7h ?A mi3t6re desi;nated in the
"id Item List m6st be the 7ombined mi3t6re Dei;ht:
If the @C9@A 7onstr67tion pro7ess is spe7ified) the En;ineer adI6sts payment 6nder se7tion -$,4:
If re7orded bat7h Dei;hts are printed a6tomati7a..y) the bid item for ?A is meas6red by 6sin; the printed
bat7h Dei;hts) pro<ided:
#: Tota. a;;re;ate and s6pp.ementa. fine a;;re;ate Dei;ht per bat7h is printed: If s6pp.ementa. fine
a;;re;ate is Dei;hed 76m6.ati<e.y Dith the a;;re;ate) the tota. a;;re;ate bat7h Dei;ht m6st in7.6de
the s6pp.ementa. fine a;;re;ate Dei;ht:
2: Tota. aspha.t binder Dei;ht per bat7h is printed:
-: Ea7h tr67k.oadFs Hero to.eran7e Dei;ht is printed before Dei;hin; the #st bat7h and after Dei;hin; the
.ast bat7h:
4: Time) date) mi3 n6mber) .oad n6mber) and tr67k identifi7ation is 7orre.ated Dith a .oad s.ip:
*: Copy of the re7orded bat7h Dei;hts is 7ertified by a .i7ensed Dei;hmaster and s6bmitted to the
If ta7k 7oat) aspha.t binder) and aspha.ti7 em6.sion are paid Dith separate 7ontra7t items) their 7ontra7t
items are meas6red 6nder se7tion $2 or se7tion $4:
The Department does not adI6st the 6nit pri7e for an in7rease or de7rease in the ta7k 7oat G6antity:
Se7tion $,#:%0 does not app.y to ta7k 7oat:
P.a7e hot mi3 aspha.t dike of the type spe7ified is meas6red a.on; the 7omp.eted .en;th:
P.a7e hot mi3 aspha.t /mis7e..aneo6s areas1 is meas6red as the in,p.a7e 7ompa7ted area:
?A dike is paid for as p.a7e hot mi3 aspha.t dike of the type spe7ified in the "id Item List and by Dei;ht
for hot mi3 aspha.t:
?A spe7ified to be p.a7ed in mis7e..aneo6s areas is paid for as p.a7e hot mi3 aspha.t /mis7e..aneo6s
area1 and by Dei;ht for hot mi3 aspha.t:
If the @C9@A 7onstr67tion pro7ess is spe7ified) ?A p.a7ed in dikes and mis7e..aneo6s areas is paid for
as hot mi3 aspha.t as spe7ified in se7tion -$,4 e37ept se7tion -$,4:%4" does not app.y:
If minor hot mi3 aspha.t is paid by area) it is meas6red from the dimensions shoDn:
Payment for ta7k 7oat for minor ?A is in7.6ded in payment for minor hot mi3 aspha.t or the bid item that
reG6ires minor ?A:
=eosyntheti7 pa<ement inter.ayer is meas6red for the a7t6a. pa<ement area 7o<ered:
If the disp6te reso.6tion independent third party determines the DepartmentFs test res6.ts are 7orre7t) the
En;ineer ded67ts the independent third partyFs testin; 7osts from payments: If the independent third party
determines yo6r test res6.ts are 7orre7t) the Department pays the independent third partyFs testin; 7osts:
+0-1.01 GENERAL
+0-1.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion 4%,# in7.6des ;enera. spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; 7on7rete pa<ement and app.yin; 7ra7k
+0-1.01B De4#'#/#0'
+0-1.01C S".m#//%&
+0-1.01CB1C Ge'er%&
+0-1.01CB2C Cer/#4#(%/e 04 C0m6&#%'(e
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e for the fo..oDin; materia.s:
#: Tie bars
2: Threaded tie bar sp.i7e 7o6p.ers
-: DoDe. bars
4: Tie bar baskets
*: DoDe. bar baskets
0: Chemi7a. adhesi<e for; and bondin; tie bars and doDe. bars
5: Si.i7one Ioint sea.ant
+: Aspha.t r6bber Ioint sea.ant
$: Preformed 7ompression sea.
#%: "a7ker rods) in7.6din; the man6fa7t6rerFs statement of 7ompatibi.ity Dith the sea.ant to be 6sed:
##: Coint materia.
#2: Epo3y poDder 7oatin;
+0-1.01CB)C Dr#&&e1 C0r#'8
S6bmit ea7h 7ore taken in a p.asti7 ba; for a77eptan7e: ark ea7h 7ore Dith a .o7ation des7ription:
+0-1.01CB+C I'1e6e'1e'/ T7#r1 P%r/3 A#r C0'/e'/ Te/#'8 L%.0r%/0r3
S6bmit for a6thoriHation) the name of a .aboratory that Di.. test dri..ed 7ore spe7imens for air 7ontent in
7ase of disp6te:
+0-1.01CB,C Fre!"e'(3 Me%"r#'8 De$#(e BT%(70me/erC
S6bmit as an information s6bmitta.) 7a.ibration do76mentation and operationa. ;6ide.ines for freG6en7y
meas6rin; de<i7es for 7on7rete 7onso.idation <ibrators:
+0-1.01CB-C M%'"4%(/"rerF Re(0mme'1%/#0' %'1 I'/r"(/#0'
At .east #* days before de.i<ery to the Iob site) s6bmit man6fa7t6rerFs re7ommendations and instr67tions
for stora;e and insta..ation of:
#: Threaded tie bar sp.i7e 7o6p.ers
2: Chemi7a. adhesi<e for; and bondin; tie bars and doDe. bars
-: Si.i7one .iG6id sea.ant
4: Aspha.t r6bber .iG6id sea.ant
*: Preformed 7ompression sea.s
0: Coint materia.
+0-1.01CB2C Pre40rme1 C0m6re#0' Se%&
S6bmit the man6fa7t6rerFs data sheet 6sed to de<e.op the re7ommended preformed 7ompression sea.
based on the Ioint dimensions:
+0-1.01CB>C Pr0/e(/#'8 C0'(re/e P%$eme'/ D"r#'8 C0&1 Ae%/7er
S6bmit a for prote7tin; 7on7rete pa<ement d6rin; the initia. 52 ho6rs after pa<in; Dhen the a<era;e
ambient dai.y temperat6re is be.oD 4% de;rees F and daytime ambient temperat6re is .ess than *%
de;rees F:
+0-1.01CB?C M#< De#8'
At .east #* days before testin; for mi3 proportions) s6bmit a 7opy of the AAS?TO a77reditation for yo6r
.aboratory determinin; the mi3 proportions: At .east -% days before startin; fie.d G6a.ifi7ation) s6bmit the
proposed 7on7rete mi3 proportions determined 6nder Ca.ifornia Test **$) the 7orrespondin; mi3
identifi7ations) and .aboratory test reports in7.6din; the mod6.6s of r6pt6re for ea7h tria. mi3t6re at #%) 2#)
2+) and 42 days:
+0-1.01CB10C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& P&%'
S6bmit a 7on7rete pa<ement @C The @C m6st detai. the methods 6sed to ens6re the G6a.ity of
the Dork: &o6 or the En;ineer may reG6est a meetin;: The meetin; m6st in7.6de yo6 and the En;ineer to
dis76ss the @C A..oD -% days for the DepartmentFs re<ieD:
+0-1.01CB11C C0'(re/e F#e&1 G"%&#4#(%/#0'
S6bmit fie.d G6a.ifi7ation data and test reports in7.6din;:
#: i3in; date
2: i3in; eG6ipment and pro7ed6res 6sed
-: "at7h <o.6me in 76bi7 yards
4: Type and so6r7e of in;redients 6sed
*: Penetration of the 7on7rete
0: Air 7ontent of the p.asti7 7on7rete
5: A;e and stren;th at time of 7on7rete beam testin;
Fie.d G6a.ifi7ation test reports m6st be 7ertified Dith a si;nat6re by an offi7ia. in responsib.e 7har;e of the
.aboratory performin; the tests:
+0-1.01CB12C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& C7%r/
S6bmit 6pdated G6a.ity 7ontro. 7harts ea7h pa<in; day:
+0-1.01CB1)C Pr04#&08r%m
S6bmit profi.o;rams Dithin * b6siness days of initia.; and Dithin 2 b6siness days of;
7orre7ted se7tions:
S6bmit # e.e7troni7 7opy of profi.e information to the En;ineer and to:
The Contra7t Di.. not be a77epted 6nti. the ori;ina. fina. profi.o;rams are s6bmitted and a77epted:
S6bmitted profi.o;rams be7ome the DepartmentFs property:
+0-1.01CB1+C Reer$e1
+0-1.01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
+0-1.01DB1C Ge'er%&
+0-1.01DB2C E"/-I'-T#me-Tr%#'#'8
+0-1.01DB)C Pre6%$#'8 C0'4ere'(e
S7hed6.e a prepa<in; 7onferen7e at a m6t6a..y a;reed 6pon time and p.a7e to meet Dith the En;ineer:
ake the arran;ements for the 7onferen7e fa7i.ity: Dis76ss methods of performin; ea7h item of the Dork:
Prepa<in; 7onferen7e attendees m6st si;n an attendan7e sheet pro<ided by the En;ineer: The prepa<in;
7onferen7e m6st be attended by yo6r:
#: ProIe7t s6perintendent
2: @C mana;er
-: Pa<in; 7onstr67tion foreman
4: 8orkers and yo6r s6b7ontra7torFs Dorkers) in7.6din;:
4:#: Foremen
4:2: Con7rete p.ant mana;er
4:-: Con7rete p.ant operator
4:4: Personne. performin; saD 76ttin; and Ioint;
Do not start pa<in; a7ti<ities in7.6din; test strips 6nti. the .isted personne. ha<e attended a prepa<in;
+0-1.01DB+C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& P&%'
Estab.ish) imp.ement) and maintain a @C for CPCP and CRCP: The @C m6st des7ribe the
or;aniHation and pro7ed6res 6sed to:
#: Contro. the prod67tion pro7ess
2: Determine if a 7han;e to the prod67tion pro7ess is needed
-: Imp.ement a 7han;e
The @C m6st in7.6de detai.s of 7orre7ti<e a7tion to be taken if any pro7ess is o6t of 7ontro.: As a
minim6m) a pro7ess is o6t of 7ontro. if any of the fo..oDin; o776rs:
#: For fine and 7oarse a;;re;ate ;radation) 2 7onse76ti<e r6nnin; a<era;es of 4 tests are o6tside the
spe7ifi7ation .imits
2: For fine and 7oarse a;;re;ates) the moist6re 7ontent of either a;;re;ate 7han;es by more than %:*
per7enta;e point from any readin;
-: For indi<id6a. penetration or air 7ontent meas6rements:
-:#: One point fa..s o6tside the s6spension .imit .ine
-:2: TDo points in a roD fa.. o6tside the a7tion .imit .ine
Stop prod67tion and take 7orre7ti<e a7tion for o6t of 7ontro. pro7esses or the En;ineer reIe7ts s6bseG6ent
materia.: &o6 may 7ontin6e prod67tion Dhen fine and 7oarse a;;re;ate moist6re 7ontent is o6t of 7ontro.)
b6t take 7orre7ti<e a7tion:
The @C m6st address the e.ements affe7tin; 7on7rete pa<ement G6a.ity in7.6din;:
#: i3 proportions
2: A;;re;ate ;radation
-: ateria.s G6a.ity
4: Sto7kpi.e mana;ement
*: Line and ;rade 7ontro.
0: Proportionin;
5: i3in; and transportation
+: P.a7in; and 7onso.idation
$: Contra7tion and 7onstr67tion Ioints
#%: "ar reinfor7ement p.a7ement and a.i;nment
##: DoDe. bar p.a7ement) a.i;nment) and an7hora;e
#2: Tie bar p.a7ement
#-: od6.6s of r6pt6re
#4: Finishin; and 76rin;
#*: S6rfa7e smoothness
#0: Coint sea.ant and 7ompression sea. insta..ation
+0-1.01DB,C M#< De#8' 40r P0r/&%'1 Ceme'/ C0'(re/e
&o6r .aboratory m6st determine the minim6m 7ementitio6s materia.s 7ontent or the ma3im6m Dater to
7ementitio6s materia.s ratio 6nder Ca.ifornia Test **$:
ake tria. mi3t6res no more than 24 months before fie.d G6a.ifi7ation:
od6.6s of r6pt6re 6sed to determine the minim6m 7ementitio6s materia.s 7ontent or ma3im6m Dater to
7ementitio6s materia.s ratio m6st be at .east *5% psi at 2+ days a;e and at .east 0*% psi at 42 days a;e:
&o6r .aboratory m6st determine an in7rease in the 7ementitio6s materia.s 7ontent or a de7rease in the
Dater to 7ementitio6s materia.s ratio from the tria. mi3t6res to ens6re 7omp.ian7e Dith the spe7ifi7ations:
If 7han;in; an a;;re;ate s6pp.y so6r7e or the mi3 proportions) prod67e a tria. bat7h and fie.d,G6a.ify the
neD 7on7rete: The En;ineer does not adI6st 7ontra7t time for performin;;) testin;) and G6a.ifyin;
neD mi3 proportions or 7han;in; an a;;re;ate s6pp.y so6r7e:
+0-1.01DB-C F#e&1 G"%&#4#(%/#0'
"efore p.a7in; 7on7rete pa<ement) proposed mi3 proportions m6st be fie.d G6a.ified: !se an ACI 7ertified
ECon7rete Laboratory Te7hni7ian) =rade IE to perform fie.d G6a.ifi7ation tests and 7a.76.ations:
+0-1.01DB2C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& Te/#'8
Se.e7t random .o7ations and perform; and testin; for the tests shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& Te/#'8
Test FreG6en7y Test method
C.eanness <a.6e 2 per day Ca.ifornia Test 225
Sand eG6i<a.ent 2 per day Ca.ifornia Test 2#5
2 per day Ca.ifornia Test 2%2
Air 7ontent /freeHe
# per ho6r Ca.ifornia Test *%4
Air 7ontent /non,
freeHe thaD1
# per 4 ho6rs Ca.ifornia Test *%4
Density # per 4 ho6rs Ca.ifornia Test *#+
Penetration # per 4 ho6rs Ca.ifornia Test *--
Ca.ibration of
moist6re meter

# per day Ca.ifornia Test 22-
or Ca.ifornia Test
If air entrainment is spe7ified) make at .east # air 7ontent
meas6rement per ho6r: If air entrainment is not spe7ified) make at
.east # air 7ontent meas6rement per 4 ho6rs:
ake at .east # meas6rement of moist6re 7ontent per Deek to
7he7k the 7a.ibration of an e.e7troni7a..y a7t6ated moist6re meter:
Random .o7ation; and testin; does not app.y:
If air entrainment is spe7ified) the testin; .aboratory and tester m6st be G6a.ified 6nder the DepartmentFs
"ndependent -ssurance Manual: The man6a. is a<ai.ab.e at the ETS Deb site:
+0-1.01DB2C%*+0-1.01DB2C7 Reer$e1
+0-1.01DB>C C0'/r0& C7%r/
aintain 7ontro. 7harts to identify potentia. prob.ems and assi;nab.e 7a6ses: Post a 7opy of ea7h 7ontro.
7hart at a .o7ation determined by the En;ineer:
Indi<id6a. meas6rement 7ontro. 7harts m6st 6se the tar;et <a.6es in the mi3 proportions as indi7ators of
7entra. tenden7y:
De<e.op .inear 7ontro. 7harts for:
#: C.eanness <a.6e
2: Sand eG6i<a.ent
-: Fine and 7oarse a;;re;ate ;radation
4: Air 7ontent
*: Penetration
Contro. 7harts m6st in7.6de:
#: Contra7t n6mber
2: i3 proportions
-: Test n6mber
4: Ea7h test parameter
*: A7tion and s6spension .imits
0: Spe7ifi7ation .imits
5: @6a.ity 7ontro. test res6.ts
For fine and 7oarse a;;re;ate ;radation 7ontro. 7harts) re7ord the r6nnin; a<era;e of the pre<io6s 4
7onse76ti<e ;radation tests for ea7h sie<e and s6perimpose the spe7ifi7ation .imits:
For penetration and air 7ontent 7ontro. 7harts) re7ord the indi<id6a. meas6rements and s6perimpose the
a7tion and s6spension .imits shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Pe'e/r%/#0' %'1 A#r C0'/e'/ A(/#0' %'1 S"6e'#0' L#m#/
Indi<id6a. meas6rements
Contro. parameter A7tion .imit S6spension .imit
Ca.ifornia Test *--
# in7h #,#92 in7h
Air 7ontent)
Ca.ifornia Test *%4
#:% \ #:* \
The a7tion .imit is the .imitin; <a.6e at Dhi7h 7orre7ti<e a7tions m6st be made Dhi.e prod67tion may
7ontin6e: The s6spension .imit is the .imitin; <a.6e at Dhi7h prod67tion m6st be s6spended Dhi.e
7orre7tions are made:
+0-1.01DB?C C0'(re/e P%$eme'/ Sm00/7'e
For the fo..oDin; 7on7rete pa<ement areas) a profi.o;raph is not reG6ired: Test and 7orre7t hi;h points
determined by a #2,foot strai;hted;e p.a7ed para..e. Dith and to the 7enter.ine:
#: ?oriHonta. 76r<es Dith a 7enter.ine radi6s of 76r<at6re .ess than #)%%% feet in7.6din; 7on7rete
pa<ement Dithin the s6pere.e<ation transitions of those 76r<es:
2: E3it ramp termini) tr67k Dei;h stations) and Dei;h,in,motion areas
-: 8here steep ;rades and s6pere.e<ation rates ;reater than 0 per7ent are present on:
-:#: Ramps
-:2: Conne7tors
4: T6rn .anes and areas aro6nd or draina;e transitions
*: A77e.eration and de7e.eration .anes for at,;rade interse7tions
0: is7e..aneo6s ;ore areas
5 Sho6.ders
eas6re the PI% of neD 7on7rete pa<ement s6rfa7e 6sin; a Hero /n6..1 b.ankin; band 6nder Ca.ifornia
Test *20 Dithin #% days after pa<in;:
!se a Ca.ifornia profi.o;raph or eG6i<a.ent to determine the 7on7rete pa<ement profi.e: If the profi.o;raph
6ses a me7hani7a. re7order) 6se an e.e7troni7 s7anner to red67e the profi.o;ram:
The profi.o;raph operator m6st be G6a.ified 6nder the DepartmentFs "ndependent -ssurance Manual: The
man6a. is a<ai.ab.e at the ETS Deb site:
Notify at .east 2 b6siness days before performin; profi.o;raph testin;: Ea7h day before performin;
profi.o;raph testin;) notify the En;ineer of the start .o7ation: Perform profi.o;raph testin; in the En;ineerFs
"efore startin; profi.o;raph testin;) remo<e forei;n obIe7ts from the 7on7rete pa<ement s6rfa7e:
"efore startin; profi.o;raph testin;) 7a.ibrate the profi.o;raph in the En;ineerFs presen7e: If the En;ineer
7hooses not to be present d6rin; profi.o;raph testin;) yo6 may perform the testin; Dith a6thoriHation:
Note the En;ineerFs absen7e on the profi.o;ram:
Determine PI% <a.6es for the fina. 7on7rete pa<ement s6rfa7e of ea7h %:#,mi.e se7tion of a traffi7 .ane:
Take 2 Dithin ea7h traffi7 .ane) - feet from and para..e. Dith the ed;e of ea7h .ane: Ea7h se7tionFs
PI% is the a<era;e of the PI% <a.6es for the meas6rements Dithin that traffi7 .ane: A se7tion that is .ess than
%:%# mi.e and is the res6.t of an interr6ption to 7ontin6o6s 7on7rete pa<ement s6rfa7e m6st 7omp.y Dith
the PI% spe7ifi7ations for a f6.. se7tion: AdI6st the PI% for a partia. se7tion to ref.e7t a f6.. se7tion:
!se stationin; to .o7ate <erti7a. de<iations ;reater than %:- in7h: The profi.o;ram stationin; m6st be the
same as the proIe7t stationin;: Note %:#,mi.e se;ments on the profi.o;ram:
Labe. the profi.o;ram Dith:
#: Contra7t n6mber
2: Co6nty and ro6te n6mber
-: Stationin;
4: OperatorFs name
*: Test date
0: Test n6mber
5: Traffi7 dire7tion
+: Traffi7 .ane /n6mbered from .eft to ri;ht in dire7tion of tra<e.1
$: Test Dhee. path /.eft or ri;ht in dire7tion of tra<e.1
#%: Test dire7tion
##: Pa<in; dire7tion
+0-1.01DB10C L%.0r%/0r3 Re!"#reme'/
!se a .aboratory that 7omp.ies Dith AST C #%55 to determine the mi3 proportions for 7on7rete
pa<ement: The .aboratory m6st ha<e a 76rrent AAS?TO a77reditation for:
#: AAS?TO T $5 or AST C 5+
2: AST C #$29C #$2
+0-1.01DB11C E0#'/ Se%&%'/ %'1 C0m6re#0' Se%& I'/%&&%/#0' Tr%#'#'8
"efore; Ioint sea.ant or 7ompression sea.s) arran;e for a representati<e from the Ioint sea.ant or
7ompression sea. man6fa7t6rer to pro<ide trainin; on the 7.eanin; and preparation of the Ioint and; the sea.ant or sea.: !nti. yo6r personne. and the DepartmentFs personne. ha<e been trained) do
not insta.. Ioint sea.ant or 7ompression sea.s:
+0-1.01DB12C Fre!"e'(3 Me%"r#'8 De$#(e BT%(70me/erC
"efore ea7h dayFs 7on7rete pa<ement p.a7ement and at inter<a.s not to e37eed 4 ho6rs of prod67tion)
test and re7ord <ibration freG6en7y for 7on7rete 7onso.idation <ibrators:
+0-1.01DB1)C A((e6/%'(e Cr#/er#%
+0-1.01DB1)CB%C Ge'er%&
Con7rete pa<ement is a77epted based on the DepartmentFs testin; for the 7on7rete pa<ement G6a.ity
7hara7teristi7s shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
C0'(re/e P%$eme'/ A((e6/%'(e Cr#/er#%
Test method
2+,day mod6.6s of
r6pt6re) for PCC
#)%%% C& Ca.ifornia Test
Thi7kness #)2%% sG yd for primary area
Ca.ifornia Test
DoDe. bar
5%% sG yd meas6rement
Tie bar p.a7ement 4)%%% sG yd meas6rement
Coeffi7ient of
One dayFs pa<in; Ca.ifornia Test
Air 7ontent /freeHe,
One dayFs pa<in; Ca.ifornia Test
If air entrainment is spe7ified) air 7ontent tests m6st be performed:
A sin;.e test represents no more than the G6antity spe7ified:
Con7rete pa<ement may be a77epted based on the DepartmentFs testin; for smoothness: A sin;.e test
represents no more than %:# mi.e:
Other 7on7rete pa<ement G6a.ity 7hara7teristi7s are 7onsidered in determinin; fina. a77eptan7e:
A77eptan7e of mod6.6s of r6pt6re) thi7kness) doDe. bar and tie bar p.a7ement) 7oeffi7ient of fri7tion)
smoothness) and air 7ontent) does not 7onstit6te fina. 7on7rete pa<ement a77eptan7e:
+0-1.01DB1)CB.C F#e&1 G"%&#4#(%/#0'
Fie.d G6a.ifi7ation is a77epted 6nder the fo..oDin; 7riteria:
#: Ca.ifornia Test *2- m6st be performed at #%) 2#) and 2+ days of a;e
2: At an a;e not .ater than 2+ days) Dhen * beams are tested 6nder Ca.ifornia Test *2-) no sin;.e
beamFs mod6.6s of r6pt6re is .ess than **% psi and the a<era;e mod6.6s of r6pt6re is at .east *5% psi
+0-1.01DB1)CB(C M01"&" 04 R"6/"re
+0-1.01DB1)CB(CB1C Ge'er%&
+0-1.01DB1)CB(CB2C P0r/&%'1 Ceme'/ C0'(re/e
Con7rete pa<ement is a77epted for mod6.6s of r6pt6re on a .ot basis: The minim6m mod6.6s of r6pt6re
for ea7h .ot is *5% psi at 2+ days:
For mod6.6s of r6pt6re) a .ot of 7on7rete for 7on7rete pa<ement m6st 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin;:
#: @6antity m6st not e37eed #)%%% 76bi7 yards:
2: Department determines the mod6.6s of r6pt6re of test beams a;ed #% days and 2+ days:
-: Department 7a.76.ates the mod6.6s of r6pt6re by a<era;in; the indi<id6a. test res6.ts of 2 beams
a;ed for 2+ days:
4: Differen7e in the indi<id6a. test res6.ts of beams a;ed 2+ days m6st not e37eed #2 per7ent Dhen
tested by ethod #) or #0 per7ent Dhen tested by ethod 2: The En;ineer 7a.76.ates the differen7e
re.ati<e to the a<era;e of the 2 test res6.ts:
The Department pro<ides mo.ds and ma7hines for mod6.6s of r6pt6re a77eptan7e testin;: Pro<ide the
materia. and .abor the En;ineer may reG6ire:
+0-1.01DB1)CB1C C0'(re/e P%$eme'/ Sm00/7'e
If the Department tests for smoothness) testin; 7omp.ies Dith se7tion 4%,#:%#D/$1:
The En;ineer a77epts 7on7rete pa<ement for smoothness in 7omp.ian7e Dith the fo..oDin;:
#: For tan;ents and horiHonta. 76r<es ha<in; a 7enter.ine radi6s of 76r<at6re 2)%%% feet or more) the PI%
m6st be at most - in7hes per %:#,mi.e se7tion:
2: For horiHonta. 76r<es ha<in; a 7enter.ine radi6s of 76r<at6re from #)%%% to 2)%%% feet in7.6din;
7on7rete pa<ement Dithin the s6pere.e<ation transitions of those 76r<es) the PI% m6st be at most 0
in7hes per %:#,mi.e se7tion:
-: If 6sin; a profi.o;raph to meas6re smoothness) the s6rfa7e m6st not ha<e indi<id6a. hi;h points
;reater than %:- in7h:
4: If 6sin; a strai;hted;e to meas6re smoothness) the s6rfa7e m6st be Dithin %:%2 foot of the
strai;hted;eFs .oDer ed;e:
Profi.e inde3 spe7ifi7ations app.y to e3istin; pa<ement Dithin *% feet of the trans<erse Ioint separatin;
neD 7on7rete pa<ement and the e3istin; pa<ement:
If the DepartmentFs profi.o;raph test res6.ts do not mat7h yo6rs) the En;ineer may order yo6 to
re7a.ibrate yo6r profi.o;raph eG6ipment and perform a retest: If yo6r test res6.ts are ina776rate d6e to
operator error) the En;ineer may disG6a.ify yo6r profi.o;raph operator: If the En;ineer determines yo6r
test res6.ts are ina776rate) the Department does not make adI6stments to payment or 7ontra7t time for
re7a.ibratin;) retestin;) and de.ays:
+0-1.01DB1)CBeC C0'(re/e P%$eme'/ T7#(;'e
Con7rete pa<ement is a77epted for thi7kness based on 7orin; in the primary area) Dhi7h is the area
p.a7ed in # day for ea7h thi7kness: Con7rete pa<ement thi7kness m6st not be defi7ient by more than %:%*
After 7orre7ti<e ;rindin; has been 7omp.eted) 7ore 7on7rete pa<ement in the primary area 6nder se7tion
4%,#:%-F at .o7ations determined by the En;ineer and in the En;ineerFs presen7e: The 7ore spe7imen
diameter m6st be 4 in7hes: To identify the .imits of 7on7rete pa<ement defi7ient in thi7kness by more than
%:%* foot) yo6 may di<ide primary areas into se7ondary areas: Spe7ifi7ations that may affe7t 7on7rete
pa<ement thi7kness s67h as a..oDab.e to.eran7es for s6b;rade 7onstr67tion do not 7han;e the thi7kness
spe7ified for 7on7rete pa<ement:
In ea7h primary area) the En;ineer meas6res 7on7rete pa<ement thi7kness e<ery #)2%% sG6are yards and
any remainin; area: The En;ineer meas6res 7ores 6nder Ca.ifornia Test *-# to the nearest %:%# foot:
Core at .east # foot from e3istin;) 7onti;6o6s) and para..e. 7on7rete pa<ement not 7onstr67ted as part of
this Contra7t:
&o6 may reG6est the En;ineer make additiona. thi7kness meas6rements and 6se them to determine the
a<era;e thi7kness <ariation: The En;ineer determines the .o7ations Dith random; methods:
If ea7h thi7kness meas6rement in a primary area is .ess than %:%* foot defi7ient) the En;ineer 7a.76.ates
the a<era;e thi7kness defi7ien7y in that primary area: The En;ineer 6ses %:%2 foot for a thi7kness
differen7e more than %:%2 foot o<er the spe7ified thi7kness:
For ea7h thi7kness meas6rement in a primary area defi7ient by more than %:%* foot) the En;ineer
determines a se7ondary area Dhere the thi7kness defi7ien7y is more than %:%* foot: The En;ineer
determines this se7ondary area by meas6rin; the thi7kness of ea7h 7on7rete pa<ement s.ab adIa7ent to
the meas6rement fo6nd to be more than %:%* foot defi7ient: The En;ineer 7ontin6es to meas6re the
thi7kness 6nti. an area that is bo6nd by s.abs Dith thi7kness defi7ient by %:%* foot or .ess is determined:
S.abs Ditho6t bar reinfor7ement are defined as the areas bo6nd by .on;it6dina. and trans<erse Ioints and
7on7rete pa<ement ed;es: S.abs Dith bar reinfor7ement are defined as the areas bo6nd by .on;it6dina.
Ioints and 7on7rete pa<ement ed;es and #*,foot .en;ths: Se7ondary area thi7kness meas6rements in a
s.ab determine that entire s.abFs thi7kness:
The En;ineer meas6res the remainin; primary area thi7kness after remo<in; the se7ondary areas from
7onsideration for determinin; the a<era;e thi7kness defi7ien7y:
The En;ineer determines the s.abs to remo<e and rep.a7e:
+0-1.01DB1)CB4C Re!"#re1 Ue 04 A#r-E'/r%#'#'8 A1m#</"re
If air,entrainin; admi3t6res are spe7ified) the En;ineer may 7hoose to a77ept 7on7rete pa<ement for air
7ontent based on yo6r air 7ontent G6a.ity 7ontro. tests: The En;ineer de7ides to 6se yo6r air 7ontent
G6a.ity 7ontro. tests based on a t,test that determines the differen7e in the means of yo6r test and the
En;ineerFs <erifi7ation tests: The En;ineer 7a.76.ates the t,<a.6e of the test data as fo..oDs:
t =
Xc Xv
- 1) + S
- 1)
+ n
- 2
nc T N6mber of yo6r G6a.ity 7ontro. tests /minim6m of 2 reG6ired1
nv T N6mber of <erifi7ation tests /minim6m of # reG6ired1
T ean of yo6r G6a.ity 7ontro. tests
T ean of the <erifi7ation tests
Sp T Poo.ed standard de<iation
/8hen nv

T #) Sp T Sc1
Sc T Standard de<iation of yo6r G6a.ity 7ontro. tests
Sv T Standard de<iation of the <erifi7ation tests /Dhen nv L #1
The En;ineer 7ompares yo6r G6a.ity 7ontro. test res6.ts Dith the DepartmentFs <erifi7ation test res6.ts at a
.e<e. of si;nifi7an7e of T %:%#: The En;ineer 7ompares the t,<a.6e to tcrit) determined from:
de;rees of freedom
/for T %:%#1
# 0-:0*5
2 $:$2*
- *:+4#
4 4:0%4
* 4:%-2
0 -:5%5
5 -:4$$
+ -:-**
$ -:2*%
#% -:#0$
If the t,<a.6e 7a.76.ated is .ess than or eG6a. to tcrit) yo6r G6a.ity 7ontro. test res6.ts are <erified: If the t,
<a.6e 7a.76.ated is ;reater than tcrit) G6a.ity 7ontro. test res6.ts are not <erified:
If yo6r G6a.ity 7ontro. test res6.ts are not <erified) 7ore at .east - spe7imens from 7on7rete pa<ement
6nder se7tion 4%,#:%-F: The En;ineer se.e7ts the 7ore .o7ations: &o6r appro<ed third party independent
testin; .aboratory m6st test these spe7imens for air 7ontent 6nder AST C 4*5: The En;ineer 7ompares
these test res6.ts Dith yo6r G6a.ity 7ontro. test res6.ts 6sin; the t,test method: If yo6r G6a.ity 7ontro. test
res6.ts are <erified based on this 7omparison) the En;ineer 6ses the G6a.ity 7ontro. test res6.ts for
a77eptan7e of 7on7rete pa<ement for air 7ontent: If yo6r G6a.ity 7ontro. test res6.ts are not <erified based
on this 7omparison) the En;ineer 6ses the air 7ontent of 7ore spe7imens determined 6nder AST C 4*5
for a77eptan7e:
+0-1.01DB1)CB8C D0:e& B%r %'1 T#e B%r P&%(eme'/
Core spe7imens are 6sed to e<a.6ate and a77ept 7on7rete pa<ement: E37ept for CRCP) 7ore spe7imens
#: DoDe. bar p.a7ement
2: Tie bar p.a7ement
-: Con7rete 7onso.idation aro6nd doDe. and tie bars
Obtain 7ores 6nder se7tion 4%,#:%-F: The En;ineer determines the 7ore .o7ations: Ea7h 7ore m6st ha<e a
nomina. diameter of 4 in7hes: Core ea7h dayFs pa<in; Dithin 2 b6siness days in 7omp.ian7e Dith:
#: One test for e<ery 5%% sG6are yards of doDe.ed 7on7rete pa<ement or remainin; fra7tion of that area:
Ea7h doDe. bar test 7onsists of 2 7ores) # on ea7h doDe. bar end to e3pose both ends and a..oD
2: One test for e<ery 4)%%% sG6are yards of 7on7rete pa<ement Dith tie bars or remainin; fra7tion of that
If the tests indi7ate doDe. or tie bars are not p.a7ed Dithin the spe7ified to.eran7es or if there are air <oids
aro6nd the doDe. or tie bars) 7ore additiona. spe7imens to determine the .imits of 6na77eptab.e Dork:
The En;ineer determines the s.abs to remo<e and rep.a7e:
If a6thoriHed) s.abs may remain in p.a7e Dith an adI6stment in payment for:
#: DoDe. bars Dith 7enters from Z 2 to - in7hes from the saD 76t of a trans<erse 7ontra7tion Ioint or Dith
defi7ient 7on7rete 7onso.idation aro6nd the doDe. bars
2: Tie bars p.a7ed o6tside their spe7ified p.a7ement and position or Dith defi7ient 7on7rete 7onso.idation
aro6nd the tie bars
+0-1.01DB1)CB7C B%r Re#'40r(#'8 S/ee&
"ar reinfor7in; stee. is a77epted based on inspe7tion before 7on7rete p.a7ement:
+0-1.02A Ge'er%&
+0-1.02B C0'(re/e
+0-1.02BB1C Ge'er%&
+0-1.02BB2C P0r/&%'1 Ceme'/ C0'(re/e
PCC for 7on7rete pa<ement m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion $%,#:
+0-1.02BB2CB%C Ceme'/#/#0" M%/er#%&
PCC for 7on7rete pa<ement m6st 7ontain from *%* po6nds to 05* po6nds 7ementitio6s materia. per 76bi7
yard: The spe7ifi7ations for red67in; 7ementitio6s materia. 7ontent in se7tion $%,#:%2E/21 do not app.y to
7on7rete pa<ement:
+0-1.02BB2CB.C A1m#</"re
For a proIe7t shoDn in the .oD and so6th mo6ntain 7.imate re;ions) add air,entrainin; admi3t6re spe7ified
in se7tion $%,#:%2E to attain an air 7ontent of 4 Z #:* per7ent in the fresh.y mi3ed 7on7rete:
For a proIe7t shoDn in the hi;h desert and hi;h mo6ntain 7.imate re;ions) add air,entrainin; admi3t6re
spe7ified in se7tion $%,#:%2E to attain an air 7ontent of 0 Z #:* per7ent in the fresh.y mi3ed 7on7rete:
+0-1.02BB2CB(C A88re8%/e
A;;re;ate m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion $%,#:%2C e37ept the spe7ifi7ations for red67tion in operatin; ran;e
and 7ontra7t 7omp.ian7e for 7.eanness <a.6e and sand eG6i<a.ent spe7ified in se7tion $%,#:%2C/21 and
se7tion $%,#:%2C/-1 do not app.y to 7on7rete pa<ement:
For 7ombined a;;re;ate ;radin;s) the differen7e betDeen the per7ent passin; the -9+,in7h sie<e and the
per7ent passin; the no: + sie<e m6st not be .ess than #0 per7ent of the tota. a;;re;ate:
+0-1.02C C"r#'8 C0m60"'1
C6rin; 7ompo6nd m6st be 76rin; 7ompo6nd no: # or 2:
+0-1.02D B%r Re#'40r(eme'/
"ar reinfor7ement m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *2:
If the Iob site is shoDn to be in hi;h desert or any mo6ntain 7.imate re;ions) bar reinfor7ement m6st be
one of the fo..oDin;:
#: Epo3y,7oated stee. reinfor7in; bar:
#:#: "ar m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A 0#*9A 0#*) =rade 4% or 0%J AST A $$09A $$0J or AST A
5%09A 5%0:
#:2: Epo3y 7oatin; m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *2,2:%-" for prefabri7ated bar reinfor7ement: ?and.e
6nder AST D -$0-9D -$0- and se7tion *2,2:%2C:
2: LoD 7arbon) 7hromi6m stee. bar:
2:#: LoD 7arbon) 7hromi6m stee. bar m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A #%-*9A #%-* :
+0-1.02E T#e B%r
Tie bars m6st be one of the fo..oDin;:
#: Epo3y,7oated stee. reinfor7in; bar:
#:#: "ar reinfor7in; m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A 0#*9A 0#*) =rade 4% or 0%J AST A $$09A $$0J
or AST A 5%09A 5%0
#:2: Epo3y 7oatin; m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *2,2:%2" for epo3y 7oated bar reinfor7ement or
se7tion *2,2:%-" for prefabri7ated bar reinfor7ement:
2: Stain.ess,stee. bar:
2:#: Stain.ess,stee. bar m6st be des7a.ed) pi7k.ed) and po.ished stain.ess,stee. bars !NS
Desi;nation S-#0%- or S-#+%-) =rade 0% 6nder AST A $**9A $**:
-: LoD 7arbon) 7hromi6m,stee. bar:
-:#: LoD 7arbon) 7hromi6m,stee. bar m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A #%-*9A #%-*:
For a proIe7t shoDn to be in hi;h desert or any mo6ntain 7.imate re;ion) tie bars m6st be one of the
#: Epo3y,7oated stee. reinfor7in; bar:
#:#: "ar m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A 0#*9A 0#*) =rade 4% or 0%J AST A $$09A $$0J or AST A
5%09A 5%0:
#:2: Epo3y 7oatin; m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *2,2:%-" for prefabri7ated bar reinfor7ement:
2: Stain.ess,stee. bar:
2:#: Stain.ess,stee. bar m6st be des7a.ed) pi7k.ed) and po.ished stain.ess,stee. bars !NS
Desi;nation S-#0%- or S-#+%-) =rade 0% 6nder AST A $**9A $**
Fabri7ate) samp.e) and hand.e epo3y,7oated tie bars 6nder AST D -$0-9D -$0-) se7tion *2,2:%2" or
se7tion *2,2:%-C:
Do not bend epo3y,7oated tie bars:
+0-1.02F D0:e& B%r
DoDe. bars m6st be p.ain stee. bars and one of the fo..oDin;:
#: Epo3y,7oated bar
#:# "ar m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A 0#*9A 0#*) =rade 4% or 0%
#:2 Epo3y 7oatin; m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *2,2:%2" for epo3y,7oated Dire reinfor7ement and
se7tion *2,2:%-" for epo3y,7oated prefabri7ated Dire reinfor7ement:
2: Stain.ess,stee. bar:
2:#: Stain.ess,stee. bar m6st be des7a.ed) pi7k.ed) and po.ished stain.ess,stee. bars) !NS
Desi;nation S-#0%- or S-#+%-) =rade 0% 6nder AST A 2509A 250) and AST A $**9A
-: LoD 7arbon) 7hromi6m,stee. bar:
-:#: LoD 7arbon) 7hromi6m,stee. bar m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A #%-*9A #%-*:
For a proIe7t shoDn to be in hi;h desert or any mo6ntain 7.imate re;ion) doDe. bars m6st be one of the
#: Epo3y,7oated bar
#:# "ar m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A 0#*9A 0#*) =rade 4% or 0%
#:2 Epo3y 7oatin; m6st 7omp.y Dith *2,2:%-" for epo3y,7oated prefabri7ated Dire reinfor7ement:
2: Stain.ess,stee. bar:
2:#: Stain.ess,stee. bar m6st be des7a.ed) pi7k.ed) and po.ished stain.ess,stee. bars) !NS
Desi;nation S-#0%- or S-#+%-) =rade 0% 6nder AST A 2509A 250) and AST A $**9A
Fabri7ate) samp.e) and hand.e epo3y,7oated doDe. bar and doDe. bar baskets at the Iob site 6nder AST
D -$0-9D -$0- and se7tion *2,2:%-C e37ept ea7h samp.e m6st be #+ in7hes .on;:
+0-1.02FB1C D0:e& B%r L".r#(%'/
DoDe. bar .6bri7ant m6st be petro.e6m paraffin based or a 76rin; 7ompo6nd: Paraffin,based .6bri7ant
m6st be Dayton S6perior DSC "",Coat or (a.<o.ine Te7ty. *%0 or an appro<ed eG6a. and m6st be
fa7tory,app.ied: C6rin; 7ompo6nd m6st be 76rin; 7ompo6nd no: -:
+0-1.02FB2C Reer$e1
+0-1.02G D0:e& %'1 T#e B%r B%;e/
DoDe. and tie bar baskets m6st be:
#: inim6m 8#% Dire siHe n6mber in 7omp.ian7e Dith AST A +29A +2
2: Either !,frame or A,frame shape
-: 8e.ded 6nder AST A #+*9A #+*) se7tion 5:4
DoDe. and tie bar baskets may be epo3y,7oated:
Epo3y 7oatin; m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *2,2:%2" for epo3y,7oated Dire reinfor7ement and se7tion *2,
2:%-" for epo3y,7oated prefabri7ated Dire reinfor7ement:
For a proIe7t shoDn to be in hi;h desert or any mo6ntain 7.imate re;ion) doDe. bar and tie bar baskets
m6st be one of the fo..oDin;:
#: Epo3y,7oated
#:# Epo3y 7oatin; m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *2,2:%-" for epo3y,7oated prefabri7ated Dire
2: Stain.ess,stee.
2:2: Stain.ess,stee. baskets m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A #%22 9 A #%22) !NS S-#0%% or S-#0%-
and be des7a.ed) pi7k.ed) and po.ished stain.ess stee. Dire) =rade 0% 6nder AST A
250 9A 250 :
If tie bars or doDe. bars are stain.ess stee.) tie bar and doDe. bar baskets m6st be stain.ess stee.:
If tie bars or doDe. bars 7omp.y Dith AST A #%-*9A #%-*) tie bar or doDe. bar baskets m6st 7omp.y
Dith AST A #%-*9A #%-*:
?and.e epo3y,7oated tie bar and doDe. bar baskets 6nder AST D -$0-9D -$0-) se7tion *2,2:%2" or
Fasteners m6st be dri<en fasteners in 7omp.ian7e Dith AST F #005: Fasteners on .ean 7on7rete base or
?A m6st ha<e a minim6m shank diameter of -9#0 in7h and a minim6m shank .en;th of 2,#92 in7hes: For
aspha.t treated permeab.e base or 7ement treated permeab.e base) the shank diameter m6st be at .east
-9#0 in7h and the shank .en;th m6st be at .east * in7hes:
Fasteners) 7.ips) and Dashers m6st ha<e a minim6m %:2,mi. thi7k Hin7 7oatin; app.ied either by
e.e7trop.atin; or ;a.<aniHin;:
+0-1.02H C7em#(%& A17e#$e 40r Dr#&& %'1 B0'1
Chemi7a. adhesi<e for; and bondin; doDe.s and tie bars m6st be preG6a.ified: A .ist of preG6a.ified
7hemi7a. adhesi<es is a<ai.ab.e on the DepartmentFs ETS 8eb site: The preG6a.ified .ist indi7ates the
appropriate 7hemi7a. adhesi<e system for the 7on7rete temperat6re and insta..ation 7onditions:
Ea7h 7hemi7a. adhesi<e system m6st 7.ear.y and permanent.y shoD the fo..oDin;:
#: an6fa7t6rerFs name
2: ode. n6mber of the system
-: an6fa7t6re date
4: "at7h n6mber
*: E3piration date
0: C6rrent Internationa. Conferen7e of "6i.din; Offi7ia.s E<a.6ation Report n6mber
5: Dire7tions for 6se
+: 8arnin;s or pre7a6tions reG6ired by state and federa. .aDs and re;6.ations
+0-1.02I E0#'/ Se%&%'/
+0-1.02IB1C Ge'er%&
+0-1.02IB2C S#&#(0'e E0#'/ Se%&%'/
Si.i7one Ioint sea.ant m6st be .oD mod6.6s f6rnished in a #,part si.i7one form6.ation: Do not 6se a7id 76re
sea.ant: Si.i7one Ioint sea.ant m6st be 7ompatib.e Dith the s6rfa7e it is app.ied to and ha<e properties
shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
S#&#(0'e E0#'/ Se%&%'/
Property Test
Tensi.e stress) #*%\ e.on;ation) 5,
day 76re at 55 Z 2 ]F and from 4*\
to **\ R:?:
/Die C1
4* psi ma3:
F.oD at 55 Z 2 ]F AST C
m6st not f.oD
from 7hanne.
E3tr6sion rate at 55 Z 2 ]F AST C
- to $ oH9min:
Spe7ifi7 ;ra<ity AST D
#:%# to #:*#
D6rometer hardness) at % ]F) Shore
A) 76red 5 days at 55 Z 2 ]F
#% to 2*
OHone and !( resistan7e) after
*)%%% ho6rs
no 7ha.kin;)
7ra7kin; or bond
Ta7k,free at 55 Z 2 ]F and 4*\ to
**\ R:?:
.ess than 5*
E.on;ation) 5 day 76re at 55 Z 2 ]F
and 4*\ to **\ R:?:
/Die C1
*%% per7ent min:
Set to To67h) at 55 Z 2 ]F and 4*\
to **\ R:?:
Less than 5*
She.f Life) from date of shipment ,, 0 months min:
"ond) to 7on7rete mortar,7on7rete
briG6ettes) air 76red 5 days at 55 Z 2
T #-2
*% psi min:
o<ement 7apabi.ity and adhesion)
#%%\ e3tension at % ]F after) air
76red 5 days at 55 Z 2 ]F) and
fo..oDed by 5 days in Dater at 55 Z 2
no adhesi<e or
7ohesi<e fai.6re
after *
R:?: eG6a.s re.ati<e h6midity:
AST C 0-$ odified /#* per7ent s.ope 7hanne. A1:
AST C 0%-) thro6;h %:#2,in7h openin; at *% psi:
o.d briG6ettes 6nder AAS?TO T #-2) saD in ha.f and bond Dith
a %:0%,in7h ma3im6m thi7kness of sea.ant and test 6nder AAS?TO
T #-2: "riG6ettes m6st be dried to 7onstant mass at 2#2 Z#% ]F:
Prepare #2 by # by - in7h 7on7rete b.o7ks 6nder AST C 5#$:
!se a saDed fa7e for bond s6rfa7e: Sea. 2 in7hes of b.o7k .ea<in;
%:*% in7h on ea7h end of spe7imen 6nsea.ed: The depth of sea.ant
m6st be %:4% in7h and the Didth %:*% in7h:
After app.i7ation) si.i7one Ioint sea.ant m6st not f.oD on ;rades 6p to #* per7ent:
+0-1.02IB)C A67%&/ R" E0#'/ Se%&%'/
Aspha.t r6bber Ioint sea.ant m6st be pa<in; aspha.t mi3ed Dith ;ro6nd r6bber 7ontainin; not .ess than 22
per7ent ;ro6nd r6bber by Dei;ht: One h6ndred per7ent of ;ro6nd r6bber m6st pass a no: + sie<e: =ro6nd
r6bber m6st be <6.7aniHed or a 7ombination of <6.7aniHed and de<6.7aniHed materia.s:
Aspha.t r6bber Ioint sea.ant m6st 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin;:
#: AST D 00$%) Type II e37ept:
2:#: Cone penetration reG6irement m6st not e37eed #2% at 55 de;rees F) * o6n7es) *
2:2: Resi.ien7e reG6irement m6st be a minim6m *% per7ent re7o<ery Dhen tested at 55
de;rees F
2: Rin; and "a.. softenin; point m6st be #-* de;rees F minim6m Dhen tested 6nder AAS?TO T *-
-: Capab.e of bein; me.ted and app.ied to 7ra7ks and Ioints at temperat6res be.oD 4%% de;rees F
Do not app.y aspha.t r6bber Ioint sea.ant Dhen the 7on7rete pa<ement s6rfa7e temperat6re is be.oD *%
de;rees F:
+0-1.02IB+C Pre40rme1 C0m6re#0' E0#'/ Se%&
Preformed 7ompression Ioint sea.s m6st 7omp.y Dith AST D 202+: L6bri7ant adhesi<e 6sed Dith the
sea.s m6st 7omp.y Dith AST D 2+-*: Preformed 7ompression Ioint sea.s m6st ha<e * or 0 7e..s) e37ept
sea.s for Type A2 and Type " Ioints may ha<e 4 7e..s: Insta.. preformed 7ompression Ioint sea.s in
7omp.ian7e Dith the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions: ShoD e<iden7e that the sea.s are 7ompressed from 4% to
*% per7ent for the Ioint Didth and depth:
+0-1.02IB,C B%(;er R01
"a7ker rods m6st 7omp.y Dith AST D *24$) Type #: "a7ker rod diameter m6st be at .east 2* per7ent
;reater than the saD 76t Ioint Didth: "a7ker rod materia. m6st be e3panded) 7ross.inked) 7.osed,7e..
po.yethy.ene foam: Do not a..oD bondin; or an ad<erse rea7tion to o776r betDeen the ba7ker rod and
sea.ant: Do not 6se hot,po6r sea.ant that Di.. me.t the ba7ker rod:
+0-1.02IB-C E0#'/ F#&&er M%/er#%&
Coint for iso.ation Ioints m6st be preformed e3pansion Ioint for 7on7rete /bit6mino6s type1 in
7omp.ian7e Dith AST D $$4:
+0-1.02E N0'7r#'; H31r%"&#( Ceme'/ Gr0"/
Nonshrink hydra6.i7 7ement ;ro6t m6st 7omp.y Dith AST C ##%59C ##%5: C.ean) 6niform) ro6nded
a;;re;ate may be 6sed to e3tend the ;ro6t: A;;re;ate m6st not e37eed 0% per7ent of the ;ro6t
mass or the ma3im6m re7ommended by the man6fa7t6rer) Dhi7he<er is .ess: A;;re;ate moist6re
7ontent m6st not e37eed %:* per7ent: A;;re;ate m6st 7omp.y the ;radin; shoDn in the fo..oDin;
A88re8%/e F#&&er Gr%1#'8
Sie<e siHe Per7enta;e passin;
#92,in7h #%%
-9+,in7h +*B#%%
No: 4 #%B-%
No: + %B#%
No: #0 %B*
+0-1.02I T%(; C0%/
Ta7k 7oat m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion -$:
+0-1.02L A%/er F0r C0re Dr#&&#'8
8ater for 7ore; m6st be from a .o7a. domesti7 Dater s6pp.y: 8ater m6st not 7ontain:
#: ore than #)%%% parts per mi..ion of 7h.orides as CL
2: ore than #)-%% parts per mi..ion of s6.fates as S%4
-: Imp6rities that 7a6se 7on7rete dis7o.oration or s6rfa7e et7hin;
+0-1.0)A Ge'er%&
A;;re;ate and b6.k 7ementitio6s materia. m6st be proportioned by Dei;ht by means of a6tomati7
proportionin; de<i7es of appro<ed types:
+0-1.0)B A%/er S"66&3
"efore p.a7in; 7on7rete pa<ement) de<e.op eno6;h Dater s6pp.y for the Dork:
+0-1.0)C S".8r%1e Pre6%r%/#0'
Immediate.y before p.a7in; 7on7rete) the s6b;rade to re7ei<e 7on7rete m6st be:
#: In 7omp.ian7e Dith the spe7ified 7ompa7tion and e.e<ation to.eran7es
2: Free of .oose and e3traneo6s materia.
-: !niform.y moist) b6t free of standin; or f.oDin; Dater
4: E37a<ated for thi7kened parts of 7on7rete pa<ement end an7hors Dith no dist6rbed 7ompa7tion
o6tside the end an7hor dimensions
For 7ement treated permeab.e base) 7o<er the base s6rfa7e Dith aspha.ti7 em6.sion before p.a7in;
7on7rete pa<ement: App.y the aspha.ti7 em6.sion 6niform.y at a rate of %:# ;a.9sG yd: Aspha.ti7 em6.sion
m6st 7omp.y Dith anioni7 s.oD,settin; type) SS#h ;rade in se7tion $4: Repair dama;ed aspha.ti7
em6.sion before p.a7in; 7on7rete pa<ement:
+0-1.0)D S70"&1er R"m.&e S/r#6
+0-1.0)DB1C Ge'er%&
Constr67t sho6.der r6mb.e strips by; or ;rindin; indentations in neD 7on7rete pa<ement:
Do not 7onstr67t sho6.der r6mb.e strips on str67t6res or approa7h s.abs:
Constr67t r6mb.e strips Dithin 2 in7hes of the spe7ified a.i;nment: R6mb.e strip eG6ipment m6st be
eG6ipped Dith a si;htin; de<i7e; the operator to maintain the r6mb.e strip a.i;nment:
Indentations m6st not <ary from the spe7ified dimensions by more than #9#0 in7h in depth or more than
#% per7ent in .en;th and Didth:
=rind or remo<e and rep.a7e non7omp.iant r6mb.e strip indentations as determined by the En;ineer to
brin; them to Dithin spe7ified to.eran7es: =ro6nd s6rfa7e areas m6st be neat and 6niform in appearan7e:
Pi7k 6p resid6e from ;rindin; Dith a <a766m atta7hment on the ;rindin; ma7hine:
+0-1.0)DB2C Gr0"'1-I' I'1e'/%/#0'
Con7rete pa<ement m6st be hardened before ;rindin; r6mb.e strips indentations: Do not 7onstr67t
indentations 6nti. the fo..oDin; o776rs:
#: #% days e.apse after 7on7rete p.a7ement
2: Con7rete has de<e.oped a mod6.6s of r6pt6re of **% psi determined 6nder Ca.ifornia Test *2-)
+0-1.0)DB)C R0&&e1-I' I'1e'/%/#0'
Constr67t ro..ed,in indentations before fina. 7on7rete set: Indentation 7onstr67tion m6st not disp.a7e
adIa7ent 7on7rete:
+0-1.0)E E0#'/
+0-1.0)EB1C Ge'er%&
Con7rete pa<ement Ioints 7onsist of:
#: Lon;it6dina. and trans<erse 7onstr67tion Ioints
2: Lon;it6dina. and trans<erse 7ontra7tion Ioints
-: Iso.ation Ioints
Constr67tion Ioints m6st be to the 7on7rete pa<ement s6rfa7e:
'eep Ioints free from forei;n materia. in7.6din; soi.) ;ra<e.) 7on7rete) or aspha.t mi3 6nti. Contra7t
For 7on7rete pa<ement dama;ed d6rin; Ioint 7onstr67tion) repair the pa<ement 6nder se7tion 4%,
Do not bend tie bars or reinfor7ement in e3istin; 7on7rete pa<ement Ioints:
+0-1.0)EB2C C0'/r"(/#0' E0#'/
Constr67tion Ioints form Dhere fresh 7on7rete is p.a7ed a;ainst hardened 7on7rete) e3istin; pa<ements)
or str67t6res:
"efore p.a7in; 7on7rete at 7onstr67tion Ioints) app.y 76rin; 7ompo6nd no: # or 2 to the <erti7a. s6rfa7e of
e3istin; or hardened 7on7rete and a..oD it to dry:
!se a meta. or Dooden b6.khead to form trans<erse 7onstr67tion Ioints: If doDe. bars are spe7ified) the
b6.khead m6st a..oD doDe. bar insta..ation:
If a transition Ioint betDeen 7on7rete pa<ement and ?A is spe7ified) app.y ta7k 7oat betDeen the
7on7rete pa<ement and ?A:
+0-1.0)EB)C C0'/r%(/#0' E0#'/
In mono.ithi7 7on7rete pa<ement) 7onstr67t .on;it6dina. 7ontra7tion Ioints as shoDn Dith the saDin;
method: Constr67t trans<erse 7ontra7tion Ioints Dith the saDin; method:
Constr67t trans<erse 7ontra7tion Ioints Dithin # foot of their spe7ified spa7in;: If a s.ab .en;th of .ess than
* feet Do6.d be formed) adI6st the trans<erse 7ontra7tion Ioint spa7in;:
Constr67t trans<erse 7ontra7tion Ioints a7ross the f6.. 7on7rete pa<ement Didth re;ard.ess of the n6mber
or types of .on;it6dina. Ioints 7rossed: In areas of 7on<er;in; and di<er;in; pa<ements) spa7e trans<erse
7ontra7tion Ioints so their a.i;nment is 7ontin6o6s a7ross the f6.. Didth Dhere 7on<er;in; and di<er;in;
pa<ements are 7onti;6o6s: Lon;it6dina. 7ontra7tion Ioints m6st be para..e. Dith the 7on7rete pa<ement
7enter.ine: Trans<erse and .on;it6dina. 7ontra7tion Ioints m6st not de<iate by more than %:# foot from
either side of a #2,foot strai;ht .ine) e37ept for .on;it6dina. Ioints para..e. to a 76r<in; 7enter.ine:
If Didenin; e3istin; 7on7rete pa<ement) do not 7onstr67t trans<erse 7ontra7tion Ioints to mat7h the
e3istin; pa<ementFs Ioint spa7in; or skeD 6n.ess spe7ified:
+0-1.0)EB+C I0&%/#0' E0#'/
Constr67t iso.ation Ioints by saD 76ttin; a minim6m #9+,in7h Didth to f6.. 7on7rete pa<ement depth at the
e3istin; 7on7rete pa<ementFs ed;e: Remo<e the 7on7rete to e3pose a <erti7a. s6rfa7e: "efore p.a7in;
7on7rete) se76re Ioint materia. that pre<ents neD 7on7rete from adherin; to the e3istin; 7on7rete
+0-1.0)EB,C S%:#'8 Me/701
SaDin; method 7onsists of 76ttin; a ;roo<e in the 7on7rete pa<ement Dith a poDer dri<en 7on7rete saD:
=roo<es for .on;it6dina. and trans<erse 7ontra7tion Ioints m6st be the minim6m Didth possib.e for the
type of saD 6sed: If ne7essary) the top of the Ioint m6st be saDn Dider to pro<ide spa7e for Ioint sea.ant:
Immediate.y Dash s.6rry from the Ioint Dith Dater at #%% psi ma3im6m press6re:
SaD .on;it6dina. and trans<erse 7ontra7tion Ioints before 7ra7kin; o776rs and after the 7on7rete is hard
eno6;h to saD Ditho6t;) ra<;) or tearin;:
To keep forei;n materia. o6t of ;roo<es before Ioint sea.ant or 7ompression sea. insta..ation) yo6 may 6se
a in saDed 7ontra7tion Ioints: Coint materia. m6st not rea7t ad<erse.y Dith the 7on7rete or 7a6se
7on7rete pa<ement dama;e: After saDin; and Dashin; a Ioint) insta.. Ioint materia. that keeps
moist6re in the adIa7ent 7on7rete d6rin; the 52 ho6rs after pa<in;: If yo6 insta.. Ioint materia.) the
spe7ifi7ations for sprayin; the saDed Ioint Dith additiona. 76rin; 7ompo6nd in se7tion 4%,#:%-N do not
app.y: If 6sin; absorpti<e materia.) moisten the immediate.y before or after insta..ation:
+0-1.0)EB-C E0#'/ Se%&%'/ %'1 C0m6re#0' Se%& I'/%&&%/#0'
+0-1.0)EB-CB%C Ge'er%&
Do not sea. 7onstr67tion Ioints:
At .east 5 days after 7on7rete pa<ement p.a7ement and not more than 4 ho6rs before; Ioint
sea.ant or 7ompression sea. materia.s) 6se dry sandb.astin; and other methods to 7.ean the Ioint Da..s of
obIe7tionab.e materia. s67h as soi.) aspha.t) 76rin; 7ompo6nd) paint) and r6st: The ma3im6m
sandb.astin; noHH.e diameter m6st be #94 in7h: The minim6m press6re m6st be $% psi: Sandb.ast ea7h
side of the Ioint at .east on7e) in at .east 2 separate passes: ?o.d the noHH.e at an an;.e to the Ioint from #
to 2 in7hes from the 7on7rete pa<ement: !sin; a <a766m) 7o..e7t sand) d6st) and .oose materia. at .east 2
in7hes on ea7h side of the Ioint: Remo<e s6rfa7e moist6re and dampness at the Ioints Dith 7ompressed
air that may be moderate.y hot:
"efore yo6 insta.. Ioint sea.ant or 7ompression sea.) the Ioint Da.. m6st be free of moist6re) resid6e) or
If ;rindin; or ;roo<in; o<er or adIa7ent to sea.ed Ioints) remo<e and dispose of Ioint sea.ant or
7ompression sea. materia.s: After ;rindin; or ;roo<in;) rep.a7e the Ioint sea.ant or 7ompression sea.
+0-1.0)EB-CB.C L#!"#1 Se%&%'/
Insta.. ba7ker rods Dhen the 7on7rete pa<ement temperat6re is abo<e the air deD point and Dhen the air
temperat6re is at .east 4% de;rees F:
Insta.. .iG6id sea.ant immediate.y after; the ba7ker rod: Insta.. sea.ant 6sin; a me7hani7a. de<i7e
Dith a noHH.e shaped to introd67e the sea.ant from inside the Ioint: E3tr6de sea.ant e<en.y and Dith
7ontin6o6s 7onta7t Dith the Ioint Da..s: Re7ess the sea.ant s6rfa7e after p.a7ement: Remo<e e37ess
sea.ant from the 7on7rete pa<ement s6rfa7e:
Do not a..oD traffi7 o<er sea.ed Ioints 6nti. the sea.ant is set:
+0-1.0)EB-CB(C Pre40rme1 C0m6re#0' Se%&
Insta.. preformed 7ompressions sea.s in iso.ation Ioints Dhen spe7ified:
Insta.. .on;it6dina. sea.s before trans<erse sea.s: Lon;it6dina. sea.s m6st be 7ontin6o6s e37ept at
interse7tions Dith trans<erse sea.s: Insta.. trans<erse sea.s in # 7ontin6o6s pie7e for the entire trans<erse
.en;th of 7on7rete pa<ement: 8ith a sharp instr6ment) 76t a7ross the .on;it6dina. sea. at the interse7tion
Dith trans<erse 7onstr67tion Ioints: If the .on;it6dina. sea. does not re.a3 eno6;h to proper.y insta.. the
trans<erse sea.) trim the .on;it6dina. sea. to form a ti;ht sea. betDeen the 2 Ioints:
!se a ma7hine spe7ifi7a..y desi;ned for preformed 7ompression sea. insta..ation: The ma7hine m6st
insta.. the sea.:
#: To the spe7ified depth
2: To make 7ontin6o6s 7onta7t Dith the Ioint Da..s
-: 8itho6t 76ttin;) ni7kin;) or tDistin; the sea.
4: 8ith .ess than 4 per7ent stret7h
Lay a .en;th of preformed 7ompression sea. materia. 76t to the e3a7t .en;th of the pa<ement Ioint to be
sea.ed: The En;ineer meas6res this .en;th: After yo6 insta.. the .en;th of preformed 7ompression Ioint
sea.ant) the En;ineer meas6res the e37ess amo6nt of materia. at the Ioint end: The En;ineer di<ides the
e37ess amo6nt .en;th by the ori;ina. meas6red .en;th to determine the per7enta;e of stret7h:
+0-1.0)F Dr#&&e1 C0re
Dri.. 7on7rete pa<ement 7ores 6nder AST C 429C 42: Core; eG6ipment m6st 6se diamond
impre;nated bits:
C.ean) dry) and fi.. 7ore Dith hydra6.i7 7ement ;ro6t /nonshrink1 or pa<ement 7on7rete: Coat the
7ore ho.e Da..s Dith epo3y adhesi<e for bondin; neD 7on7rete to o.d 7on7rete 6nder se7tion $*: The
ba7kfi.. m6st mat7h the adIa7ent 7on7rete pa<ement s6rfa7e e.e<ation and te3t6re:
+0-1.0)G Te/ S/r#6
Se7tion 4%,#:%-= app.ies to proIe7ts Dith more than 2)%%% 76bi7 yards of CPCP or CRCP:
The first pa<in; a7ti<ity m6st be to 7onstr67t a test strip:
#: 5%% to #)%%% feet .on;
2: Same Didth as the p.anned pa<in;
-: 8ith the same eG6ipment 6sed for the p.anned pa<in;
The En;ineer e<a.6ates the test strip for 7omp.ian7e Dith the spe7ifi7ations for a77eptan7e 7riteria:
The En;ineer se.e7ts from 0 to #2 7ore .o7ations for doDe. bars and 6p to 0 .o7ations for tie bars per test
If yo6 6se me7hani7a. doDe. bar inserters) the test strip m6st demonstrate they do not .ea<e <oids)
se;re;ations) or s6rfa7e irre;6.arities s67h as depressions) dips) or hi;h areas:
A..oD the En;ineer - b6siness days to e<a.6ate the test strip for:
#: Smoothness
2: DoDe. bar and tie bar a.i;nment
-: Thi7kness
4: Fina. finishin; e37ept 7oeffi7ient of fri7tion
D6rin; the - b6siness day e<a.6ation) the En;ineer reIe7ts a test strip if any of the fo..oDin; o776rs:
#: S6rfa7e <aries more than %:%2 foot from a #2,foot strai;hted;eFs .oDer ed;e
2: 8hee. pathFs indi<id6a. hi;h points are ;reater than %:%2* foot in 2* feet
-: DoDe. bars do not 7omp.y Dith spe7ified p.a7ement to.eran7es
4: Con7rete pa<ement thi7kness defi7ien7y is ;reater than %:%* foot
*: Fina. finishin; does not 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations e37ept 7oeffi7ient of fri7tion
Remo<e the test strip if the En;ineer reIe7ts it for non7omp.ian7e Dith the spe7ifi7ations for doDe. bar
a.i;nment) or thi7kness: Dispose of reIe7ted test strip materia.:
If the En;ineer reIe7ts the test strip for non7omp.ian7e Dith the smoothness or fina. finishin; spe7ifi7ations
e37ept 7oeffi7ient of fri7tion) yo6 may ;rind the test strip into 7omp.ian7e if yo6 intend to .ea<e it as part of
the pa<in;:
If the En;ineer does not reIe7t the test strip d6rin; the -,b6siness,day e<a.6ation) yo6 may be;in
prod67tion pa<in; Dhi.e the En;ineer 7ontin6es to e<a.6ate the test strip for 7omp.ian7e Dith the other
spe7ifi7ations: If the En;ineer reIe7ts the test strip for non7omp.ian7e Dith the other spe7ifi7ations) stop
prod67tion pa<in; 6nti. yo6 7onstr67t a test strip the En;ineer a77epts:
For reIe7ted test strips) s6bmit a for 7han;ed materia.s) methods) or eG6ipment before 7onstr67tin;
additiona. test strips: Constr67t additiona. test strips 6nti. the En;ineer a77epts one:
Constr67t additiona. test strips if yo6:
#: Propose different pa<in; eG6ipment in7.6din;:
#:#: "at7h p.ant
#:2: Pa<er
#:-: DoDe. bar inserter
#:4: Tie bar inserter
#:*: Tinin;
#:0: C6rin; eG6ipment
2: Chan;e 7on7rete mi3 proportions
The En;ineer may a6thoriHe pa<in; to start Ditho6t a test strip if yo6 6se a bat7h p.ant mi3er) pa<in;
eG6ipment) and personne. that 7omp.eted a Department proIe7t of the same type Dithin the pre7edin; #2
months: S6bmit s6pportin; do76ments and pre<io6s proIe7t information:
+0-1.0)H P&%(#'8 C0'(re/e
+0-1.0)HB1C Ge'er%&
P.a7e 7on7rete pa<ement Dith stationary side forms or s.ip,form pa<in; eG6ipment:
P.a7e 7onse76ti<e 7on7rete .oads Dithin -% min6tes of ea7h other: Constr67t a trans<erse 7onstr67tion
Ioint Dhen 7on7rete p.a7ement is interr6pted by more than -% min6tes: The trans<erse 7onstr67tion Ioint
m6st 7oin7ide Dith the ne3t 7ontra7tion Ioint .o7ation) or yo6 m6st remo<e fresh 7on7rete pa<ement to the
pre7edin; trans<erse Ioint .o7ation:
P.a7e 7on7rete pa<ement in f6.. s.ab Didths separated by 7onstr67tion Ioints or mono.ithi7a..y in
of f6.. .ane Didths Dith a .on;it6dina. 7ontra7tion Ioint at ea7h traffi7 .ane .ine:
Do not retemper 7on7rete:
If the 7on7rete pa<ement s6rfa7e Didth is 7onstr67ted as spe7ified) yo6 may 7onstr67t 7on7rete pa<ement
sides on a batter not f.atter than 0:# /<erti7a.:horiHonta.1:
+0-1.0)HB2C C0'(re/e P%$eme'/ A#1e'#'8
If 7on7rete pa<ement is p.a7ed adIa7ent to e3istin; pa<ement not 7onstr67ted as part of the 7ontra7t)
;rind the e3istin; 7on7rete pa<ement .ane or sho6.der adIa7ent to the neD 7on7rete pa<ement: Perform
the ;rindin; before neD 7on7rete pa<ement is p.a7ed: The neD 7on7rete pa<ement m6st mat7h the
e.e<ation of the e3istin; 7on7rete pa<ement after ;rindin;: =rind e3istin; 7on7rete pa<ement 6nder
se7tion 42,- e37ept profi.e inde3 m6st 7omp.y Dith the pa<ement smoothness spe7ifi7ations in se7tion 4%,
!se pa<in; eG6ipment Dith padded tra7ks or r6bber,tired Dhee.s on the e3istin; 7on7rete
pa<ement Dith eno6;h offset to a<oid breakin; or 7ra7kin; the e3istin; 7on7rete pa<ementFs ed;e:
+0-1.0)HB)C C0'(re/e P%$eme'/ Tr%'#/#0' P%'e&
For 7on7rete pa<ement p.a7ed in a transition pane.) te3t6re the s6rfa7e Dith a dra; strip of b6r.ap) a
broom) or a sprin; stee. tine de<i7e that prod67es s7orin; in the finished s6rfa7e: The s7orin; m6st be
either para..e. Dith or trans<erse to the 7enter.ine: For the method yo6 7hoose) te3t6re at the time that
prod67es the 7oarsest te3t6re:
+0-1.0)HB+C S/%/#0'%r3 S#1e F0rm C0'/r"(/#0'
Stationary side forms m6st be strai;ht and Ditho6t defe7ts in7.6din; Darps) bends) and indentations: Side
forms m6st be meta. e37ept at end 7.os6res and trans<erse 7onstr67tion Ioints Dhere other materia.s may
be 6sed:
&o6 may b6i.d 6p side forms by atta7hin; a se7tion to the top or bottom: If atta7hed to the top of meta.
forms) the atta7hed se7tion m6st be meta.:
The side formFs base Didth m6st be at .east +% per7ent of the spe7ified 7on7rete pa<ement thi7kness:
Side forms in7.6din; inter.o7kin; 7onne7tions Dith adIoinin; forms m6st be ri;id eno6;h to pre<ent
sprin;in; from s6b;radin; and pa<in; eG6ipment and 7on7rete press6re:
Constr67t s6b;rade to fina. ;rade before p.a7in; side forms: Side forms m6st bear f6..y on the fo6ndation
thro6;ho6t their .en;th and base Didth: P.a7e side forms to the spe7ified ;rade and a.i;nment of the
finished 7on7rete pa<ementFs ed;e: S6pport side forms d6rin; 7on7rete p.a7in;) 7ompa7tin;) and
After s6b;rade Dork is 7omp.ete and immediate.y before p.a7in; 7on7rete) tr6e side forms and set to .ine
and ;rade for a distan7e that a<oids de.ays d6e to form adI6stment:
C.ean and oi. side forms before ea7h 6se:
Side forms m6st remain in p.a7e for at .east # day after p.a7in; 7on7rete and 6nti. the 7on7rete pa<ement
ed;e no .on;er reG6ires prote7tion from the forms:
Spread) s7reed) shape) and 7onso.idate 7on7rete Dith # or more ma7hines: The ma7hines m6st 6niform.y
distrib6te and 7onso.idate the 7on7rete: The ma7hines m6st operate to p.a7e the 7on7rete pa<ement to
the spe7ified 7ross se7tion Dith minima. hand Dork:
Conso.idate the 7on7rete Ditho6t se;re;ation: If <ibrators are 6sed:
#: The <ibration rate m6st be at .east -)*%% per min6te for s6rfa7e <ibrators and *)%%% per
min6te for interna. <ibrators
2: Amp.it6de of <ibration m6st 7a6se per7eptib.e 7on7rete s6rfa7e mo<ement at .east # foot from the
<ibratin; e.ement
-: !se a 7a.ibrated ta7hometer for meas6rin; freG6en7y of <ibration
4: (ibrators m6st not rest on side forms or neD 7on7rete pa<ement
*: PoDer to <ibrators m6st a6tomati7a..y 7ease Dhen forDard or ba7kDard motion of the pa<in; ma7hine
is stopped
!se hi;h,freG6en7y interna. <ibrators Dithin #* min6tes of depositin; 7on7rete on the s6b;rade to
6niform.y 7onso.idate the 7on7rete a7ross the pa<in; Didth in7.6din; adIa7ent to forms: Do not 6se
<ibrators to shift the mass of 7on7rete:
+0-1.0)HB,C S&#6-F0rm C0'/r"(/#0'
If s.ip,form 7onstr67tion is 6sed) spread) s7reed) shape) and 7onso.idate 7on7rete to the spe7ified 7ross
se7tion Dith s.ip,form ma7hines and minima. hand Dork: S.ip,form pa<in; ma7hines m6st be eG6ipped
Dith tra<; side forms and m6st not se;re;ate the 7on7rete:
Do not de<iate from the spe7ified 7on7rete pa<ement a.i;nment by more than %:# foot:
S.ip,form pa<in; ma7hines m6st 6se hi;h freG6en7y interna. <ibrators to 7onso.idate 7on7rete: &o6 may
mo6nt <ibrators Dith their a3es para..e. or norma. to the 7on7rete pa<ement a.i;nment: If mo6nted Dith
a3es para..e. to the 7on7rete pa<ement a.i;nment) spa7e <ibrators no more than 2:* feet meas6red 7enter
to 7enter: If mo6nted Dith a3es norma. to the 7on7rete pa<ement a.i;nment) spa7e the <ibrators Dith a
ma3im6m %:*,foot .atera. 7.earan7e betDeen indi<id6a. <ibrators:
Ea7h <ibrator m6st ha<e a <ibration rate from *)%%% to +)%%% per min6te: The amp.it6de of <ibration
m6st 7a6se per7eptib.e 7on7rete s6rfa7e mo<ement at .east # foot from the <ibratin; e.ement: !se a
7a.ibrated ta7hometer to meas6re freG6en7y of <ibration:
+0-1.0)I T#e B%r P&%(eme'/
P.a7e tie bars to the .on;it6dina. 7on7rete pa<ement Ioint and para..e. Dith the 7on7rete
pa<ement s6rfa7e at mid,s.ab depth Dithin the fo..oDin; to.eran7es:
#: Not .ess than #92 in7h be.oD the saD 76t depth of Ioints
2: 8ith not .ess than 2 in7hes 7.earan7e from the 7on7rete pa<ementFs s6rfa7e and bottom
-: 8ith embedment .en;th to.eran7e of Z2 in7hes
Insta.. tie bars at .on;it6dina. Ioints by one of the fo..oDin; methods:
#: Dri.. 7on7rete and bond tie bars Dith 7hemi7a. adhesi<e in 7omp.ian7e Dith the man6fa7t6rerFs
instr67tions: C.ean and dry dri..ed before p.a7in; 7hemi7a. adhesi<e and tie bars: After insertin;
tie bars into 7hemi7a. adhesi<e) s6pport the bars to pre<ent mo<ement d6rin; 76rin;: If the En;ineer
reIe7ts a tie bar insta..ation) 76t the tie bar f.6sh Dith the Ioint fa7e and 7oat the e3posed end of the tie
bar Dith 7hemi7a. adhesi<e 6nder se7tion 4%,#:%2?: Offset neD - in7hes horiHonta..y from the
reIe7ted ho.eFs 7enter:
2: Insert tie bars into p.asti7 s.ip,formed 7on7rete before finishin;: Inserted tie bars m6st ha<e f6..
7onta7t betDeen the bar and the 7on7rete: If tie bars are inserted thro6;h the p.asti7 7on7rete
s6rfa7e) e.iminate e<iden7e of the insertion by reDorkin; the 7on7rete o<er the tie bars:
-: !se threaded tie bar sp.i7e 7o6p.ers fabri7ated from deformed bar reinfor7ement free of e3terna.
De.din; or ma7hinin;:
4: !se tie bar baskets: An7hor baskets at .east 2%% feet in ad<an7e of the 7on7rete p.a7ement a7ti<ity: If
yo6 reG6est a Dai<er) des7ribe the 7onstr67tion .imitations or restri7ted a77ess pre<entin; the
ad<an7ed an7horin;: After the baskets are an7hored and before the 7on7rete is p.a7ed) 76t and
remo<e temporary spa7er Dires and demonstrate the tie bars do not mo<e from their spe7ified depth
and a.i;nment d6rin; 7on7rete p.a7ement: !se fasteners to an7hor tie bar baskets:
If tie bars are not p.a7ed 7orre7t.y) stop pa<in; a7ti<ities 6nti. yo6 demonstrate to the En;ineer 7orre7tion
of the 7a6se:
+0-1.0)E D0:e& B%r P&%(eme'/
Center doDe. bars Dithin 2 in7hes in the .on;it6dina. dire7tion on trans<erse 7ontra7tion Ioints or
7onstr67tion Ioints:
If 6sin; 76rin; 7ompo6nd as .6bri7ant) app.y the 76rin; 7ompo6nd to doDe.s in 2 separate app.i7ations:
L6bri7ate ea7h doDe. bar entire.y before p.a7ement: The .ast app.i7ation m6st be app.ied not more than +
ho6rs before p.a7in; the doDe. bars: App.y ea7h 76rin; 7ompo6nd app.i7ation at a rate of # ;a..on per #*%
sG6are feet:
If doDe. bars are p.a7ed by me7hani7a. insertion) e.iminate e<iden7e of the insertion by reDorkin; the
7on7rete o<er the doDe. bars:
If; and bondin; doDe. bars at 7onstr67tion Ioints) 6se a ;ro6t retention rin;:
If 6sin; doDe. bar baskets) an7hor them Dith fasteners:
!se at .east #% fasteners for basket se7tions ;reater than #2 feet and .ess than or eG6a. to #0 feet:
"askets m6st be an7hored at .east 2%% feet in ad<an7e of the 7on7rete p.a7ement a7ti<ity 6n.ess yo6r
Dai<er reG6est is a6thoriHed: If reG6estin; a Dai<er) des7ribe the 7onstr67tion .imitations or restri7ted
a77ess pre<entin; the ad<an7ed an7horin;: After the baskets are an7hored and before the 7on7rete is
p.a7ed) 76t and remo<e temporary spa7er Dires and demonstrate the doDe. bars do not mo<e from their
spe7ified depth and a.i;nment d6rin; 7on7rete p.a7ement:
P.a7e doDe. bars to the to.eran7es shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
D0:e& B%r T0&er%'(e
Dimension To.eran7e
?oriHonta. offset Z# in7h
Lon;it6dina. trans.ation Z2 in7hes
?oriHonta. skeD -9+ in7h) ma3
(erti7a. skeD -9+ in7h) ma3
(erti7a. depth The minim6m distan7e be.oD the
7on7rete pa<ement s6rfa7e m6st
D" T d9- Y #92 in7h
D" T <erti7a. distan7e in
in7hes) meas6red from
7on7rete pa<ement s6rfa7e
to any point a.on; the top of
doDe. bar
d T 7on7rete pa<ement
thi7kness in in7hes
The ma3im6m distan7e be.oD the
depth shoDn m6st be %:%* foot:
If doDe. bars are not p.a7ed 7orre7t.y) stop pa<in; a7ti<ities 6nti. yo6 demonstrate to the En;ineer
7orre7tion of the 7a6se:
Remo<e and rep.a7e the 7on7rete pa<ement - feet on either side of a Ioint Dith a reIe7ted doDe. bar:
+0-1.0)I B%r Re#'40r(eme'/
P.a7e bar reinfor7ement 6nder se7tion *2: "ar reinfor7ement m6st be more than #92 in7h be.oD the saD
76t depth at 7on7rete pa<ement Ioints:
+0-1.0)L Pre&#m#'%r3 F#'#7#'8
+0-1.0)LB1C Ge'er%&
Pre.iminary finishin; m6st prod67e a smooth and tr6e,to,;rade finish: After pre.iminary finishin;) mark
ea7h dayFs 7on7rete pa<ement Dith a stamp: The stamp m6st be a6thoriHed before pa<in; starts: The
stamp m6st be appro3imate.y # by 2 feet in siHe: The stamp m6st form a 6niform mark from #9+ to #94
in7h deep: Lo7ate the mark 2% Z * feet from the trans<erse 7onstr67tion Ioint formed at ea7h dayFs start of
pa<in; and # Z %:2* foot from the 7on7rete pa<ementFs o6tside ed;e: The stamp mark m6st shoD the
month) day) and year of p.a7ement and the station of the trans<erse 7onstr67tion Ioint: Orient the stamp
mark so it 7an be read from the 7on7rete pa<ementFs o6tside ed;e:
Do not app.y more Dater to the 7on7rete pa<ement s6rfa7e than 7an e<aporate before f.oat finishin; and
te3t6rin; are 7omp.eted:
A..oD eno6;h time to 7omp.ete finishin; a7ti<ities d6rin; day.i;ht: 8ork may 7ontin6e after day.i;ht if the
En;ineer a77epts the .i;htin; yo6 pro<ide:
+0-1.0)LB2C S/%/#0'%r3 S#1e F0rm F#'#7#'8
If stationary side form 7onstr67tion is 6sed) ;i<e the 7on7rete a pre.iminary finish by the ma7hine f.oat
method or the hand method:
If 6sin; the ma7hine f.oat method:
#: !se se.f,prope..ed ma7hine f.oats:
2: Determine the n6mber of ma7hine f.oats reG6ired to perform the Dork at a rate eG6a. to the 7on7rete
de.i<ery rate: If the time from 7on7rete p.a7ement to ma7hine f.oat finishin; e37eeds -% min6tes) stop
7on7rete de.i<ery : 8hen ma7hine f.oats are in proper position) yo6 may res6me 7on7rete de.i<ery
and pa<in;:
-: R6n ma7hine f.oats on side forms or adIa7ent 7on7rete pa<ement .anes: If r6nnin; on adIa7ent
7on7rete pa<ement) prote7t the adIa7ent 7on7rete pa<ement s6rfa7e 6nder se7tion 4%,#:%-P: F.oats
m6st be hardDood) stee.) or stee.,shod Dood: F.oats m6st be eG6ipped Dith de<i7es that adI6st the
6nderside to a tr6e s6rfa7e:
If 6sin; the hand method) finish 7on7rete smooth and tr6e to ;rade Dith man6a..y operated f.oats or
poDered finishin; ma7hines:
+0-1.0)LB)C S&#6-F0rm F#'#7#'8
If s.ip,form 7onstr67tion is 6sed) the s.ip,form pa<er m6st ;i<e the 7on7rete pa<ement a pre.iminary finish:
&o6 may s6pp.ement the s.ip,form pa<er Dith ma7hine f.oats:
"efore the 7on7rete hardens) 7orre7t 7on7rete pa<ement ed;e s.6mp in e37ess of %:%2 foot e37.6si<e of
ed;e ro6ndin;:
+0-1.0)M F#'%& F#'#7#'8
After 7omp.etin; pre.iminary finishin;) ro6nd the ed;es of the initia. pa<in; Didths to a %:%4,foot radi6s:
Ro6nd trans<erse and .on;it6dina. 7onstr67tion Ioints to a %:%2,foot radi6s:
"efore 76rin;) te3t6re the pa<ement: Perform initia. te3t6rin; Dith a b6r.ap dra; or broom de<i7e that
prod67es striations para..e. to the 7enter.ine: Perform fina. te3t6rin; Dith a stee.,tined de<i7e that
prod67es ;roo<es para..e. Dith the 7enter.ine:
Constr67t .on;it6dina. ;roo<es Dith a se.f,prope..ed ma7hine desi;ned spe7ifi7a..y for ;roo<in; and
te3t6rin; 7on7rete pa<ement: The ma7hine m6st ha<e tra7ks to maintain 7onstant speed) pro<ide tra7tion)
and maintain a776rate tra7kin; a.on; the pa<ement s6rfa7e: The ma7hine m6st ha<e a sin;.e roD of
re7tan; sprin; stee. tines: The tines m6st be from -9-2 to #9+ in7h Dide) on -94,in7h 7enters) and m6st
ha<e eno6;h .en;th) thi7kness) and resi.ien7e to form ;roo<es appro3imate.y -9#0 in7h deep: The
ma7hine m6st ha<e horiHonta. and <erti7a. 7ontro.s: The ma7hine m6st app.y 7onstant doDn press6re on
the pa<ement s6rfa7e d6rin; te3t6rin;: The ma7hines m6st not 7a6se ra<e.s:
Constr67t ;roo<es o<er the entire pa<ement Didth in a sin;.e pass e37ept do not 7onstr67t ;roo<es -
in7hes from the 7on7rete pa<ement ed;es and .on;it6dina. Ioints: Fina. te3t6re m6st be 6niform and
smooth: !se a ;6ide to proper.y a.i;n the ;roo<es: =roo<es m6st be para..e. and a.i;ned to the pa<ement
ed;e a7ross the pa<ement Didth: =roo<es m6st be from #9+ to -9#0 in7h deep after the 7on7rete has
For irre; areas and areas ina77essib.e to the ;roo<in; ma7hine) yo6 may hand,7onstr67t ;roo<es
6nder se7tion 4%,#:%-L/21 6sin; the hand method: ?and,7onstr67ted ;roo<es m6st 7omp.y Dith the
spe7ifi7ations for ma7hine,7onstr67ted ;roo<es:
Initia. and fina. te3t6rin; m6st prod67e a 7oeffi7ient of fri7tion of at .east %:-% Dhen tested 6nder Ca.ifornia
Test -42: Notify the En;ineer Dhen the 7on7rete pa<ement is s7hed6.ed to be opened to traffi7: A..oD at
.east 2* days for the Department to test for 7oeffi7ient of fri7tion from the .ater of:
#: Se<en days after 7on7rete p.a7ement
2: 8hen the 7on7rete pa<ement has attained a mod6.6s of r6pt6re of **% psi
Do not open the 7on7rete pa<ement to traffi7 6n.ess the 7oeffi7ient of fri7tion is at .east %:-%:
+0-1.0)N C"r#'8
C6re the 7on7rete pa<ementFs e3posed area 6nder se7tion $%,#:%-" 6sin; the Daterproof membrane
method or 76rin; 7ompo6nd method: If 6sin; the 76rin; 7ompo6nd method 6se 76rin; 7ompo6nd no: # or
2: 8hen side forms are remo<ed Dithin 52 ho6rs of the start of 76rin;) 76re the 7on7rete pa<ement
App.y 76rin; 7ompo6nd Dith me7hani7a. sprayers: Reapp.y 76rin; 7ompo6nd to saD 76ts and dist6rbed
+0-1.0)O E%r&3 Ue 04 C0'(re/e P%$eme'/
If reG6estin; ear.y 6se of 7on7rete pa<ement:
#: F6rnish mo.ds and ma7hines for mod6.6s of r6pt6re testin;
2: Samp.e 7on7rete
-: Fabri7ate beam spe7imens
4: Test for mod6.6s of r6pt6re 6nder Ca.ifornia Test *2-
If yo6 reG6est ear.y 6se) 7on7rete pa<ement m6st ha<e a mod6.6s of r6pt6re of at .east -*% psi: Prote7t
7on7rete pa<ement 6nder se7tion 4%,#:%-P:
+0-1.0)P Pr0/e(/#'8 C0'(re/e P%$eme'/
Prote7t 7on7rete pa<ement 6nder se7tion $%,#:%-C:
aintain the 7on7rete pa<ement temperat6re at not .ess than 4% de;rees F for the initia. 52 ho6rs:
Prote7t the 7on7rete pa<ement s6rfa7e from a7ti<ities that 7a6se dama;e and red67e te3t6re and
7oeffi7ient of fri7tion: Do not a..oD soi.) ;ra<e.) petro.e6m prod67ts) 7on7rete) or aspha.t mi3es on the
7on7rete pa<ement s6rfa7e:
Constr67t 7rossin;s for traffi7 7on<enien7e: If a6thoriHed) yo6 may 6se Type III port.and 7ement in the
7on7rete for 7rossin;s: Do not open 7rossin;s 6nti. the Department determines by Ca.ifornia Test *2- the
7on7rete pa<ementFs mod6.6s of r6pt6re is at .east **% psi:
Do not open 7on7rete pa<ement to traffi7 or 6se eG6ipment on the 7on7rete pa<ement for #% days after
pa<in; nor before the 7on7rete has attained a mod6.6s of r6pt6re of **% psi e37ept:
#: If the eG6ipment is for saDin; 7ontra7tion Ioints
2: If a6thoriHed) one side of pa<in; eG6ipmentFs tra7ks may be on the 7on7rete pa<ement after a
mod6.6s of r6pt6re of -*% psi has been attained) pro<ided:
2:#: !nit press6re e3erted on the 7on7rete pa<ement by the pa<er does not e37eed 2% psi
2:2: &o6 7han;e the pa<in; eG6ipment tra7ks to pre<ent dama;e or the pa<in; eG6ipment tra7ks
tra<e. on prote7ti<e materia. s67h as p.anks
2:-: No part of the tra7k is 7.oser than # foot from the 7on7rete pa<ementFs ed;e
If 7on7rete pa<ement dama;e in7.6din; <isib.e 7ra7kin; o776rs) stop operatin; pa<in; eG6ipment on the
7on7rete pa<ement and repair the dama;e:
+0-1.0)G Re6%#r %'1 Re6&%(eme'/ 04 Ne: C0'(re/e P%$eme'/
+0-1.0)GB1C Ge'er%&
+0-1.0)GB2C Re6%#r 04 S6%&&, R%$e&#'8, %'1 Te%r#'8
"efore 7on7rete pa<ement is open to traffi7) repair spa..s) ra<;) and tearin; in saDed Ioints: ake
repairs in 7omp.ian7e Dith the fo..oDin;:
#: SaD a re7tan; area Dith a diamond,impre;nated b.ade at .east 2 in7hes deep:
2: Remo<e 6nso6nd and dama;ed 7on7rete betDeen the saD 76t and the Ioint and to the saD 76tFs
depth: Do not 6se a pne6mati7 hammer hea<ier than #* po6nds: Do not dama;e 7on7rete pa<ement
to remain in p.a7e:
-: Dispose of remo<ed 7on7rete pa<ement:
4: C.ean the repair areaFs e3posed s6rfa7es Dith hi;h press6re abrasi<e Dater b.astin;: F6rther 7.ean
and dry the e3posed s6rfa7es Dith 7ompressed air free of moist6re and oi.:
*: App.y epo3y 6nder se7tion $* for epo3y resin adhesi<e for bondin; neD 7on7rete to o.d 7on7rete:
App.y the epo3y Dith a stiff brist.e br6sh:
0: App.y a port.and 7ement 7on7rete or mortar pat7h immediate.y fo..oDin; the epo3y app.i7ation: Insta..
Ioint form board to pre<ent bondin; of the sides of p.anned Ioints:
Repair spa..s:
#: Deeper than %:%* foot
2: 8ider than %:%4 foot
-: Lon;er than %:- foot
+0-1.0)GB)C Re6%#r 04 Cr%(;
If 7ra7ks form that do not e3tend to the f6.. depth of a s.ab) treat the 7ra7ks Dith a hi;h Dei;ht
metha7ry.ate resin 6nder se7tion 4%,0:
8orkin; 7ra7ks are f6..,depth 7ra7ks essentia..y para..e. to a p.anned 7ontra7tion Ioint beneath Dhi7h a
7ontra7tion 7ra7k has not formed: If ordered take 4,in7h nomina. diameter 7ores on desi;nated 7ra7ks
6nder se7tion 4%,#:%-F:
Treat Dorkin; 7ra7ks Dithin %:* foot of either side of a p.anned 7ontra7tion Ioint in 7omp.ian7e Dith the
#: Ro6te and sea. the 7ra7k Dith epo3y resin in 7omp.ian7e Dith the fo..oDin;:
#:#: !se a poDered rotary ro6ter mo6nted on Dhee.s) Dith a <erti7a. shaft and a ro6tin; spind.e that
7asters as it mo<es a.on; the 7ra7k
#:2: Form a reser<oir -94 in7h deep by -9+ in7h Dide in the 7ra7k
#:-: !se eG6ipment that does not 7a6se ra<; or;
#:4: P.a7e .iG6id sea.ant
2: Treat the 7ontra7tion Ioint adIa7ent to the Dorkin; 7ra7k in 7omp.ian7e Dith the fo..oDin;:
2:#: !se epo3y resin spe7ified in AST C ++#9C ++#) Type I() =rade 2 for Type " Ioints and
se7ondary saD 76ts for Type A# and Type A2 Ioints
2:2: Press6re inIe7t epo3y resin spe7ified in AST C ++#9C++#) Type I() =rade # for narroD saD
76ts in7.6din; initia. saD 76ts for Type A# and Type A2 Ioints
If a Dorkin; 7ra7k interse7ts a 7ontra7tion Ioint) ro6te and sea. the Dorkin; 7ra7k and sea. the 7ontra7tion
Ioint as spe7ified for; .iG6id sea.ant in se7tion 4%,#:%-E/01:
+0-1.0)GB+C Rem0$%& %'1 Re6&%(eme'/
As spe7ified) remo<e and rep.a7e s.abs or partia. s.abs for:
#: Ins6ffi7ient thi7kness
2: DoDe. bar misa.i;nment
-: 8orkin; 7ra7ks more than %:* foot from a p.anned 7ontra7tion Ioint
+0-1.0)GB,C Sm00/7'e %'1 Fr#(/#0' C0rre(/#$e A(/#0'
Corre7t 7on7rete pa<ement not 7omp.yin; Dith the a77eptan7e 7riteria spe7ified for smoothness by
;rindin; 6nder se7tion 42,- and for 7oeffi7ient of fri7tion by ;roo<in; or ;rindin; 6nder se7tion 42:
Do not ;rind before:
#: Ten days after 7on7rete pa<ement p.a7ement
2: The 7on7rete has de<e.oped a mod6.6s of r6pt6re of at .east **% psi
=rind the entire .ane Didth: 8hen 7omp.eted) the .ane Didth m6st be 6niform in te3t6re and appearan7e:
SG6are the 7orre7ted areaFs start and end norma. to the pa<ed s6rfa7eFs 7enter.ine:
"efore openin; to traffi7) retest se7tions Dhere 7orre7tions Dere made: A..oD at .east 2* days for the
Department to retest se7tions for 7oeffi7ient of fri7tion:
+0-1.0+ PAYMENT; Ioints are meas6red from fie.d meas6rements for ea7h type of sea.ed Ioint:
Transition pane.s to ?A pa<ement are meas6red from dimensions shoDn:
The En;ineer 7a.76.ates the <o.6me for the payment of 7on7rete pa<ement based on the
The En;ineer adI6sts payment for ea7h primary area for the a<era;e thi7kness defi7ien7y shoDn in the
fo..oDin; tab.e:
P%3 A1="/me'/ 40r De4#(#e'/ T7#(;'e
A<era;e thi7kness
defi7ien7y /foot1
Defi7ien7y adI6stment
/O9sG yd1
%:%# %:$%
%:%2 2:-%
%:%- 4:#%
%:%4 0:4%
%:%* $:##
If the a<era;e thi7kness defi7ien7y is .ess than %:%# foot) the En;ineer does not adI6st payment for
thi7kness defi7ien7y: If the a<era;e thi7kness defi7ien7y is more than %:%# foot) the En;ineer ro6nds to
the nearest %:%# foot and 6ses the adI6stment tab.e:
The Department does not pay for the portion of 7on7rete that penetrates treated permeab.e base:
The materia. and Dork ne7essary for the 7onstr67tion of 7rossin;s for p6b.i7 7on<enien7e) and their
s6bseG6ent remo<a. and disposa.) Di.. be paid for at the 7ontra7t pri7es for the items of Dork in<o.<ed and
if there are no 7ontra7t items for the Dork in<o.<ed) payment for 7on7rete pa<ement 7rossin;s Di.. be
7han;e order Dork:
Sho6.der r6mb.e strips Di.. be meas6red by the station a.on; ea7h sho6.der on Dhi7h the r6mb.e strips
are 7onstr67ted Ditho6t ded67tions for ;aps betDeen indentations:
The Department red67es payments by O*0:#2 per sG6are yard for CPCP s.abs a..oDed to remain in p.a7e
represented by 7ores indi7atin; doDe. bars p.a7ed Dith their 7enters from Z2 to Z- in7hes from the saD
76t of a trans<erse 7ontra7tion Ioint:
The En;ineer Di.. 7a.76.ate the red67ed payment 6sin; the s.ab dimensions adIa7ent to and in7.6si<e of
the Ioints Dith misp.a7ed doDe. bars: This red67ed payment is in addition to other spe7ified payment
The Department red67es payments to the Contra7tor by O*$:*0 per sG6are yard for CPCP a..oDed to
remain in p.a7e represented by 7ores indi7atin; either of the fo..oDin;:
#: Tie bars p.a7ed o6tside their spe7ified p.a7ement and position to.eran7es
2: "ar reinfor7ement p.a7ed o6tside their spe7ified p.a7ement and position to.eran7es
The En;ineer 7a.76.ates the red67ed payment 6sin; the s.ab dimensions adIa7ent to and in7.6si<e of the
Ioints Dith misp.a7ed tie bars: This red67ed payment is in addition to other spe7ified payment red67tions:
If the initia. 7ores shoD that doDe. bars or tie bars are Dithin a.i;nment to.eran7es and the En;ineer
orders more doDe. or tie bar 7orin;) the additiona. 7ores Di.. be paid for as 7han;e order Dork:
The Department Di.. not pay for additiona. 7orin; to 7he7k doDe. or tie bar a.i;nment yo6 reG6est:
If the En;ineer a77epts a test strip and it remains as part of the pa<in; s6rfa7e) the test strip is meas6red
as spe7ified for CPCP or CRCP) sea. pa<ement Ioint) and sea. iso.ation Ioint:
If the 76r<at6re of a s.ab affe7ts tie bar spa7in; and additiona. tie bars are reG6ired) they are in7.6ded in
the payment for Iointed p.ain 7on7rete pa<ement:
+0-+*+0-, RESERVED
+0--.01 GENERAL
+0--.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion 4%,0 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for app.yin; a hi;h Dei;ht metha7ry.ate resin system to
7on7rete pa<ement s6rfa7e 7ra7ks that do not e3tend the f6.. s.ab depth: ?i;h Dei;ht
metha7ry.ate is not to be app.ied to any 7ra7ks in CRCP:
?i;h Dei;ht metha7ry.ate resin system 7onsists of:
#: ?i;h Dei;ht metha7ry.ate resin
2: Promoter
-: Initiator
+0--.01B De4#'#/#0'
+0--.01C S".m#//%&
+0--.01CB1C Ge'er%&
S6bmit hi;h Dei;ht metha7ry.ate 2% days before 6se:
If sea.ant is to be remo<ed) s6bmit the proposed remo<a. method at .east 5 days before sea.ant remo<a.:
Do not remo<e sea.ant 6nti. the proposed sea.ant remo<a. method is a6thoriHed:
+0--.01CB2C P".&#( S%4e/3 P&%'
"efore startin; 7ra7k treatment) s6bmit the fo..oDin; p.ans as shop draDin;s:
#: P6b.i7 safety for hi;h Dei;ht metha7ry.ate resin system
2: P.a7ement for the 7onstr67tion a7ti<ity
-: SDS for ea7h 7omponent of the hi;h Dei;ht metha7ry.ate resin system
The p6b.i7 safety and the p.a7ement m6st identify materia.s) eG6ipment) and methods to be
The p6b.i7 safety m6st in7.6de detai.s for:
#: Shippin;
2: Stora;e
-: ?;
4: Disposa. of resid6a. hi;h Dei;ht metha7ry.ate and the 7ontainers
If the proIe7t is in an 6rban area adIa7ent to a s7hoo. or residen7e) the p6b.i7 safety m6st
in7.6de an airborne emissions monitorin; prepared by a ind6stria. hy;ienist Dith 76rrent 7ertifi7ation
in Comprehensi<e Pra7ti7e by the Ameri7an "oard of Ind6stria. ?y;iene: S6bmit a 7opy of the hy;ienistFs
7ertifi7ation: The hy;ienist m6st monitor the emissions at a minim6m of 4 points in7.6din; the mi3in;
point) the app.i7ation point) and the point of nearest p6b.i7 7onta7t: At Dork 7omp.etion) s6bmit a report by
the ind6stria. hy;ienist Dith res6.ts of the airborne emissions monitorin;
The p.a7ement m6st in7.6de:
#: Cra7k treatment s7hed6.e in7.6din; 7oeffi7ient of fri7tion testin;
2: ethods and materia.s in7.6din;:
2:#: EG6ipment des7ription for hi;h Dei;ht metha7ry.ate resin system app.i7ation
2:2: EG6ipment des7ription for sand app.i7ation
2:-: =e. time ran;e and fina. 76re time for resin
Re<ise reIe7ted p.ans and res6bmit: 8ith ea7h reIe7tion) the En;ineer ;i<es re<ision dire7tions
in7.6din; detai.ed 7omments in Dritin;: The En;ineer notifies yo6 of a p.anFs a77eptan7e or reIe7tion
Dithin 2 Deeks of re7ei<in; that
+0--.01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
+0--.01DB1C Ge'er%&
+0--.01DB2C Te/ Are%
"efore startin; 7ra7k treatment) treat a *%%,sG6are foot test area Dithin the proIe7t .imits and at a .o7ation
a77epted by the En;ineer: !se test areas o6tside the tra<e.ed Day if a<ai.ab.e: 8eather and pa<ement
7onditions d6rin; the test 7ra7k treatment m6st be to those e3pe7ted d6rin; prod67tion 7ra7k
treatment: !se eG6ipment d6rin; testin; to those to be 6sed d6rin; 7ra7k treatment:
For the test area and d6rin; 7ra7k treatment) 6se test for e<a.6atin; the hi;h Dei;ht
metha7ry.ate resin system 76re time: Coat at .east one 4 by 4 in7h smooth ;.aHed ti.e for ea7h bat7h of
hi;h Dei;ht metha7ry.ate resin system: P.a7e the 7oated ti.e adIa7ent to the area bein; treated:
Do not app.y sand to the test
Do not start 7ra7k treatment 6nti. the En;ineer a77epts the test area:
The En;ineer a77epts a treated area if:
#: Correspondin; test are dry to the to67h
2: Treated s6rfa7e is ta7k,free and nonoi.y
-: Sand 7o<er adheres eno6;h to resist hand br6shin;
4: E37ess sand is remo<ed
*: Coeffi7ient of fri7tion is at .east %:-% determined 6nder Ca.ifornia Test -42
+0--.02A Ge'er%&
+0--.02B H#87 M0&e("&%r Ae#87/ Me/7%(r3&%/e Re#'
Promoter and initiator in the hi;h Dei;ht metha7ry.ate resin system m6st be 7ompatib.e: The
hi;h Dei;ht metha7ry.ate resin may be a prepromoted resin 7onsistin; of promoter and resin
mi3ed to;ether before; 7ontainers: Identify prepromoted resin on the 7ontainer .abe.:
The resin ;e. time m6st be from 4% to $% min6tes at the app.i7ation temperat6re: AdI6st the ;e. time to
7ompensate for temperat6re 7han;es thro6;ho6t the app.i7ation:
?i;h Dei;ht metha7ry.ate resin m6st 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin; reG6irements:
H#87 M0&e("&%r Ae#87/ Me/7%(r3&%/e Re#'
Property ReG6irement Test method
2* 7P) ma3im6m)
/"rookfie.d R(T Dith
!L adapter) *% RP
at 55 ]F
AST D 2#$0
Spe7ifi7 ;ra<ity
%:$% minim6m)
at 55 ]F
AST D #45*
F.ash point
#+% ]F, minim6m AST D -25+
(apor press6re
#:% mm ?;)
ma3im6m) at 55 ]F
AST D -2-
Ta7k,free time 4%% min6tes)
ma3im6m) at 55 ]F
Spe7imen prepared
6nder Ca.ifornia Test
(o.ati.e 7ontent
-% per7ent)
AST D 2-0$
PCC sat6rated
s6rfa7e,dry bond
*%% psi) minim6m) at
24 ho6rs and 55 Z 2
Ca.ifornia Test **#
Test m6st be performed before addin; initiator:
Sand m6st be 7ommer7ia. G6a.ity dry b.ast sand: At .east $* per7ent of the sand m6st pass the no: +
sie<e and at .east $* per7ent m6st be retained on the no: 2% sie<e:
+0--.0)A Ge'er%&
App.y hi;h Dei;ht metha7ry.ate resin system after any ;rindin;:
Pre<ent de.eterio6s materia. s67h as oi. from bein; deposited on the pa<ement by eG6ipment Dith de<i7es
s67h as traps) fi.ters) and drip pans:
"efore app.yin; hi;h Dei;ht metha7ry.ate resin system) 7.ean the pa<ement s6rfa7e by
abrasi<e b.astin; and b.oD .oose materia. from <isib.e 7ra7ks Dith hi;h,press6re air: Remo<e 7on7rete
76rin; sea.s from the pa<ement to be treated: The pa<ement m6st be dry Dhen b.ast 7.eanin; is
performed: If the pa<ement s6rfa7e be7omes 7ontaminated before app.yin; the hi;h Dei;ht
metha7ry.ate resin system) 7.ean the pa<ement s6rfa7e by abrasi<e b.astin;:
If performin; abrasi<e b.astin; Dithin #% feet of a .ane o776pied by traffi7) operate abrasi<e b.astin;
eG6ipment Dith a 7on76rrent.y operatin; <a766m atta7hment:
D6rin; pa<ement treatment) prote7t pa<ement Ioints) Dorkin; 7ra7ks) and s6rfa7es not to be treated:
".o7k drains and openin;s that 7on<ey Dater to Dater Days:
The ma7hine app.yin; hi;h Dei;ht metha7ry.ate resin system m6st 7ombine the 7omponents
by either stati7 in,.ine mi3ers or by e3terna. interse7tin; spray fans: The p6mp press6re at the spray bars
m6st not 7a6se atomiHation: Do not 6se 7ompressed air to prod67e the spray: !se a shro6d to en7.ose
the spray bar apparat6s:
&o6 may app.y hi;h Dei;ht metha7ry.ate resin system man6a..y to pre<ent o<erspray onto
adIa7ent traffi7: If app.yin; resin man6a..y) .imit the bat7h G6antity of hi;h Dei;ht metha7ry.ate
resin system to * ;a..ons:
Do not app.y hi;h Dei;ht metha7ry.ate resin system in more than $% per7ent re.ati<e h6midity:
The prepared area m6st be dry and the s6rfa7e temperat6re m6st be from *% to #%% de;rees F Dhen the
hi;h Dei;ht metha7ry.ate resin system is app.ied: App.y hi;h Dei;ht metha7ry.ate
resin system at a rate of $% sG6are feet per ;a..on:
Prote7t e3istin; fa7i.ities from the hi;h Dei;ht metha7ry.ate resin system app.i7ation: Repair or
rep.a7e e3istin; fa7i.ities 7ontaminated Dith hi;h Dei;ht metha7ry.ate resin system at yo6r
F.ood the treatment area Dith hi;h Dei;ht metha7ry.ate resin system) penetratin; the pa<ement
and 7ra7ks: App.y hi;h Dei;ht metha7ry.ate resin system Dithin * min6tes after 7omp.ete
mi3in;: i3ed hi;h Dei;ht metha7ry.ate resin system <is7osity m6st not in7rease: Redistrib6te
e37ess materia. Dith sG6ee;ees or brooms Dithin #% min6tes of app.i7ation: Remo<e e37ess materia.
from tined ;roo<es:
8ait at .east 2% min6tes after app.yin; hi;h Dei;ht metha7ry.ate resin system before app.yin;
sand: App.y sand at a rate of appro3imate.y 2 po6nds per sG6are yard or 6nti. ref6sa.: Remo<e e37ess
sand by <a766min; or sDeepin;:
Do not a..oD traffi7 on the treated s6rfa7e 6nti.:
#: Treated s6rfa7e is ta7k,free and nonoi.y
2: Sand 7o<er adheres eno6;h to resist hand br6shin;
-: E37ess sand is remo<ed
4: Coeffi7ient of fri7tion is at .east %:-* determined 6nder Ca.ifornia Test -42
+0--.0+ PAYMENT
Payment for hi;h Dei;ht metha7ry.ate 7ra7k treatment is in7.6ded in payment for 7on7rete
+1-1.01 Ge'er%&
Se7tion 4# in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for pa<ement;) pa<ement Ia7kin;) repair spa..ed Ioints); 7on7rete pa<ement Ioints) 7ra7k e3istin; 7on7rete pa<ement) pa<ement transition taper) doDe. bar
retrofit and indi<id6a. s.ab rep.a7ement Dith rapid stren;th 7on7rete:
+1-2.01 GENERAL
+1-2.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion 4#,2 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for; <oids 6nder e3istin; 7on7rete pa<ement by;
thro6;h the pa<ement and 6nder.yin; base) 7.eanin; the inIe7tin; ;ro6t) and; the Dith
mortar or 7on7rete:
+1-2.01B De4#'#/#0'
+1-2.01C S".m#//%&
S6bmit shippin; in<oi7es Dith pa7ka;ed or b6.k f.y ash) 7ement and b.ended 7ement:
"efore ;ro6tin; a7ti<ities be;in) s6bmit a proposa. for the materia.s to be 6sed: In7.6de a6thoriHed
.aboratory test data for the ;ro6t indi7atin;:
#: Initia. set time
2: Compressi<e stren;th res6.ts at #) -) and 5 days for #%) #2) and #4,se7ond eff.63 times: !se
spe7imen mo.ds and 76rin; 7onditions spe7ified in AST C #%$
If reG6estin; a s6bstit6tion of ;ro6t materia.s) s6bmit a proposa. that in7.6des test data:
+1-2.01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
+1-2.02A Ge'er%&
+1-2.02B Gr0"/
=ro6t m6st 7onsist of port.and 7ement) f.y ash) and Dater: Proportion port.and 7ement and f.y ash by
Dei;ht: !se from 2:4 to 2:5 parts f.y ash to # part port.and 7ement: Add eno6;h Dater to prod67e a ;ro6t
eff.63 time from #% to #0 se7onds determined 6nder Ca.ifornia Test *4#) part D:
Cement for ;ro6t m6st 7omp.y Dith materia. spe7ifi7ations for port.and 7ement) Type II:
&o6r test res6.t for the 5,day 7ompressi<e stren;th m6st be at .east 5*% psi at #2,se7ond eff.63 time:
&o6 may 6se 7hemi7a. admi3t6res and 7a.7i6m 7h.oride in ;ro6t:
+1-2.02C C7em#(%& A1m#</"re %'1 C%&(#"m C7&0r#1e
Chemi7a. admi3t6res m6st 7omp.y Dith the materia. spe7ifi7ations for 7on7rete admi3t6res: Ca.7i6m
7h.oride m6st 7omp.y Dith AST D $+:
+1-2.02D F&3 A7
F.y ash m6st 7omp.y Dith AAS?TO 2$*) C.ass C or C.ass F: F.y ash so6r7es m6st be on the A6thoriHed
ateria. List:
+1-2.02E M0r/%r
If mortar is 6sed to fi.. inIe7tion it m6st be # part port.and 7ement to - parts fine a;;re;ate by
<o.6me: Fine a;;re;ate and a;;re;ate ;radin;s m6st 7omp.y Dith the materia. spe7ifi7ations for their 6se
in 7on7rete: Add on.y eno6;h Dater to the mortar to prod67e a 7onsisten7y that a..oDs for p.a7in; and
pa7kin; into the &o6 may 6se a 7ommer7ia.,G6a.ity premi3ed fast,settin; mortar or 7on7rete:
Do not inIe7t ;ro6t if the atmospheri7 or s6b;rade temperat6re is be.oD 4% de;rees F: Do not inIe7t ;ro6t
in in7.ement Deather: If rainDater is present in the obtain the En;ineerFs a6thoriHation before
inIe7tin; ;ro6t:
Do not inIe7t ;ro6t 6nti. at .east 2 7onse76ti<e s.abs that reG6ire; are dri..ed ahead of the
;ro6tin; a7ti<ities:
Dri.. thro6;h the pa<ement and 6nder.yin; base to a depth from #* to #+ in7hes be.oD the
pa<ement s6rfa7e: The ho.e diameter m6st mat7h the fittin; for the ;ro6t inIe7tin; eG6ipment:
Do not .ea<e dri..ed 6n;ro6ted for more than 2 b6siness days:
Immediate.y before ;ro6t inIe7tion) 7.ean the inIe7tion Dith Dater at a minim6m press6re of 4% psi:
The 7.eanin; de<i7e m6st ha<e at .east 4 Iets that dire7t Dater horiHonta..y at the s.ab,base interfa7e:
The ;ro6t p.ant m6st 7onsist of a positi<e disp.a7ement 7ement inIe7tion p6mp and a hi;h,speed 7o..oida.
mi3er: The 7o..oida. mi3er m6st operate from +%% to 2)%%% rpm: The inIe7tion p6mp m6st s6stain #*% psi if
p6mpin; ;ro6t mi3ed to a #2,se7ond f.oD time: A press6re ;a6;e m6st be .o7ated immediate.y adIa7ent
to the s6pp.y <a.<e of the ;ro6t hose s6pp.y <a.<e and positioned for easy monitorin;:
"efore mi3in;) Dei;h dry 7ement and f.y ash if de.i<ered in b6.k: If the materia.s are pa7ka;ed) ea7h
7ontainer m6st Dei;h the same:
Introd67e Dater to the mi3er thro6;h a meter or s7a.e:
Dispose of ;ro6t not 6sed Dithin # ho6r of mi3in;:
InIe7t ;ro6t 6nder press6re 6nti. the <oids 6nder the pa<ement s.ab are fi..ed: If a s.ab raises more than
%:%*% in7h d6e to ;ro6t inIe7tion) stop inIe7tin; ;ro6t in that ho.e:
The inIe7tion noHH.e m6st not .eak: Do not inIe7t ;ro6t Dith the noHH.e be.oD bottom of the s.ab: InIe7t
;ro6t # ho.e at a time: Stop inIe7tin; ;ro6t in a ho.e if inIe7ted ;ro6t rises to the s6rfa7e at any Ioint) or
7ra7k) or f.oDs into an adIa7ent ho.e:
If ;ro6t does not f.oD 6nder a s6stained p6mp ;a6;e press6re of #*% psi after 5 se7onds and there is no
indi7ation the s.ab is raisin;) stop inIe7tin; ;ro6t at that ho.e:
Immediate.y after remo<in; the noHH.e) p.6; the ho.e Dith a ro6nd and tapered Dooden p.6;: Do not
remo<e p.6;s 6nti. inIe7tin; ;ro6t in adIa7ent pro;resses eno6;h so that ;ro6t does not s6rfa7e
thro6;h pre<io6s.y ;ro6ted
After ;ro6tin;) remo<e ;ro6t from dri..ed at .east 4 in7hes be.oD the pa<ement s6rfa7e: C.ean
and fi.. Dith mortar or 7on7rete: Finish fi..ed f.6sh Dith the pa<ement s6rfa7e:
+1-2.0+ PAYMENT
Dri.. ho.e /;1 is meas6red by a7t6a. 7o6nt of dri..ed Dri..ed not shoDn are not
=ro6t /;1 is meas6red as the dry Dei;ht of 7ement and f.y ash: The En;ineer meas6res the f.y
ash and 7ement mi3ed into ;ro6t and 6sed in the Dork: 8asted ;ro6t d6e to .eakin; is not meas6red:
+1-).01 GENERAL
+1-).01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion 4#,- in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for; the <oids beneath pa<ement and raisin; the pa<ement to
;rade by; thro6;h e3istin; pa<ement) 7.eanin; the inIe7tin; ;ro6t thro6;h the
;rindin; or rep.a7in; 7on7rete pa<ement raised too hi;h) and; the Dith mortar or 7on7rete:
+1-).01B De4#'#/#0'
+1-).01C S".m#//%&
S6bmit shippin; in<oi7es Dith pa7ka;ed or b6.k f.y ash) 7ement and b.ended 7ement:
"efore ;ro6tin; a7ti<ities be;in) s6bmit a proposa. for the materia.s to be 6sed:
In7.6de a6thoriHed .aboratory test data for the ;ro6t indi7atin;:
#: Initia. set time
2: Compressi<e stren;th res6.ts for #) -) and 5 days at #%) #2) and #4,se7ond eff.63 times !se
spe7imen mo.ds and 76rin; 7onditions spe7ified in AST C #%$
If reG6estin; a s6bstit6tion of ;ro6t materia.s) s6bmit a proposa. that in7.6des test data:
+1-).01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
ateria.s m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for pa<ement; in se7tion 4#,#:%2 Dith the
fo..oDin; e37eptions for ;ro6t:
#: Add eno6;h Dater to prod67e a ;ro6t eff.63 time from #0 to 20 se7onds determined 6nder Ca.ifornia
Test *4#) part D:
2: To initiate the press6re inIe7tion of ;ro6t) yo6 may add additiona. Dater to red67e the ;ro6t eff.63 time
to not .ess than #% se7onds:
Pa<ement Ia7kin; m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for pa<ement; in se7tion 4#,2:%- Dith
the fo..oDin; e37eptions:
#: Positi<e disp.a7ement p6mp for ;ro6t inIe7tion m6st pro<ide a s6stained ;a6;e press6re of 2%% psi:
=a6;e press6res may be from 2%% to 0%% psi for brief periods to start s.ab mo<ement:
2: Raise the s.abs 6niform.y: !se strin; .ines to monitor the pa<ements mo<ement:
-: Raised pa<ement fina. e.e<ation m6st be Dithin %:%# foot of the estab.ished ;rade: If the raised
pa<ement fina. e.e<ation is %:%# foot hi;her than the estab.ished ;rade) ;rind the pa<ement to Dithin
%:%# foot of the estab.ished ;rade) e37ept remo<e and rep.a7e pa<ement hi;her than %:#% foot: For
rep.a7ement) 6se 7on7rete pa<ement spe7ified in se7tion 4%: =rind 6nder se7tion 42,-:
4: Do not mo<e adIa7ent s.abs not spe7ified for ;rade adI6stment: If yo6 mo<e adIa7ent s.abs not
spe7ified for ;rade adI6stment) 7orre7t the ;rade of adIa7ent s.abs: If ;rade 7orre7tion is ;reater than
%:# foot) remo<e s.ab and rep.a7e Dith CPCP spe7ified in se7tion 4%: If ;rade 7orre7tion is .ess than
%:# foot) ;rind 6nder se7tion 42,-:
+1-).0+ PAYMENT
Dri.. ho.e /Ia7kin;1 is meas6red by a7t6a. 7o6nt of dri..ed Dri..ed not shoDn are not 7o6nted:
=ro6t /Ia7kin;1 is the meas6red Dei;ht of dry 7ement and f.y ash: The En;ineer meas6res the f.y ash and
7ement mi3ed into ;ro6t and 6sed in the Dork: 8asted ;ro6t d6e to .eakin; is not meas6red:
The En;ineer does not pay for ;rindin; or remo<in; and rep.a7in; of 7on7rete pa<ement d6e to pa<ement
Ia7kin; hi;her than the to.eran7es for the estab.ished ;rade:
+1-+.01 GENERAL
+1-+.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion 4#,4 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for repairin; spa..ed Ioints by remo<in; 6nso6nd or dama;ed
7on7rete and; the area Dith a fast,settin; ;ro6t or po.yester ;ro6t:
+1-+.01B De4#'#/#0'
+1-+.01C S".m#//%&
If po.yester ;ro6t is 6sed) s6bmit a SDS for ea7h shipment of po.yester resin binder before 6sin;:
+1-+.01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
If po.yester ;ro6t is 6sed) a..oD #4 days for; and testin; of the po.yester resin binder before the
proposed 6se:
If po.yester resin binder is stored in 7ontainers .ar;er than ** ;a..ons) notify the En;ineer #% days before
the de.i<ery of the resin to the Iobsite:
+1-+.02A Ge'er%&
+1-+.02B F%/-Se//#'8 Gr0"/
Fast,settin; ;ro6t m6st be one of the fo..oDin; types:
#: One of the fo..oDin; ma;nesi6m phosphate ;ro6ts:
#:#: Sin;.e 7omponent Dater a7ti<ated
#:2: D6a. 7omponent Dith a prepa7ka;ed .iG6id a7ti<ator
2: odified hi;h a.6mina based ;ro6t
-: Port.and 7ement based ;ro6t
Addition of retarders to the fast,settin; ;ro6t m6st 7omp.y Dith the ;ro6t man6fa7t6rerFs
&o6 may 6se any a77e.eratin; admi3t6res 7omp.yin; Dith AST C 4$49C 4$4 ) Type C and 7omp.yin;
Dith the materia. spe7ifi7ations for 7on7rete admi3t6res: Fast,settin; ;ro6t m6st 7omp.y Dith the <a.6es
for the properties shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
F%/-Se//#'8 Gr0"/
Property Test method ReG6irement
Compressi<e stren;th ,, ,,
at - ho6rs) psi Ca.ifornia Test **# -)%%% min
at 24 ho6rs) psi Ca.ifornia Test **# *)%%% min
F.e36ra. stren;th ,, ,,
at 24 ho6rs) psi Ca.ifornia Test **# *%% min
"ond stren;th at 24 ho6rs ,, ,,
Sat6rated s6rfa7e dry
7on7rete) psi
Ca.ifornia Test **# -%% min
Dry 7on7rete) psi Ca.ifornia Test **# 4%% min
8ater absorption) \ Ca.ifornia Test **# #% ma3
Abrasion resistan7e at 24
ho6rs) ;rams
Ca.ifornia Test **% 2* ma3
Dryin; shrinka;e at 4 days)
AST C *$0 %:#- ma3
So.6b.e 7h.orides by Dei;ht)
Ca.ifornia Test 422 %:%* ma3
8ater so.6b.e s6.fates
Dei;ht) \
Ca.ifornia Test 4#5 %:2* ma3
Test m6st be performed on a 76be spe7imen) fabri7ated 6nder CT
**#) 76red at .east #4 days) and then p6.<eriHed to #%%\ passin;
the no: *% sie<e:
A;;re;ate may be 6sed to e3tend prepa7ka;ed ;ro6t: A;;re;ate m6st be 7.ean) 6niform.y
ro6nded) and ha<e a moist6re 7ontent that does not e37eed %:*,per7ent by Dei;ht:
8hen tested 6nder Ca.ifornia Test 2%2) a;;re;ate m6st 7omp.y Dith the ;radin; reG6irements for the
sie<e siHes shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
A88re8%/e F#&&er Gr%1#'8
Sie<e siHe Per7enta;e passin;
#94E #%%
No: #0 %B*
A;;re;ate m6st not e37eed *% per7ent of the ;ro6t <o.6me or the ma3im6m re7ommended by the
man6fa7t6rer) Dhi7he<er is .ess:
Fast,settin; ;ro6t m6st be form6.ated for a minim6m initia. set time of #* min6tes and a minim6m fina. set
time of 2* min6tes at 5% de;rees F: Fast,settin; ;ro6t materia.s m6st be stored in a 7oo. and dry
i3 Dater 6sed Dith Dater a7ti<ated materia. m6st be free from oi. and not 7ontain more than 2)%%% parts
per mi..ion of 7h.orides as C.) or more than #)*%% parts per mi..ion of s6.fates as SO4:
8ater for 76rin; m6st not 7ontain eno6;h imp6rities to 7a6se dis7o.oration of the 7on7rete s6rfa7e or
s6rfa7e et7hin;:
For ma;nesi6m phosphate ;ro6t) the G6antity of Dater or .iG6id a7ti<ator b.ended Dith the dry 7omponent
m6st 7omp.y Dith the .imits re7ommended by the man6fa7t6rer:
+1-+.02C P0&3e/er Gr0"/
Po.yester ;ro6t 7onsists of po.yester resin binder and dry a;;re;ate: The po.yester resin binder m6st be
an 6nsat6rated isophtha.i7 po.yester,styrene 7opo.ymer:
Po.yester resin binder m6st ha<e the reG6ired <a.6es for the properties shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
P0&3e/er Re#' B#'1er
Property Test method ReG6irement
/R(T) no: #
2% RP at 55
AST D 2#$0 %:%5* to %:2%%
at 55
AST D #45* #:%*B#:#%
E.on;ation) \)
Type I at %:4*
Thi7kness T
%:2* Z %:%*
AST D 0-+ -* min
AST D 0#+ Samp.e 7onditionin;:
#+92*9*% Y *95%
stren;th) psi)
Type I at %:4*
Thi7kness T
%:2* Z %:%*
AST D 0-+ 2)*%% min
AST D 0#+ Samp.e 7onditionin;:
#+92*9*% Y *95%
\ /by
AST D 2-0$ 4%B*%
/by Dei;ht of
styrene resin1
#:% min
PCC sat6rated
dry bond
stren;th) psi)
at 24 ho6rs
and 5% Z 2 ]F
Ca.ifornia Test **# *%% min
Stati7 <o.ati.e
oH 9
sG yd) .oss)
So6th Coast Air
Standard ethod
2 ma3
Test m6st be performed before addin; initiator:
SCA@D ethod -%$,$#) Determination of Stati7 (o.ati.e
Si.ane m6st be an or;anosi.ane ester) ;amma,metha7ry.o3ypropy.trimetho3ysi.ane: Promoter
m6st be 7ompatib.e Dith s6itab.e methy. ethy. ketone pero3ide /E'P1 and 76mene hydropero3ide /C?P1
A;;re;ate for po.yester ;ro6t m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for 7on7rete a;;re;ate: !se either the
-9+ in7h ma3im6m ;radin; or the no: 4 ma3im6m ;radin;: 8hen tested 6nder Ca.ifornia Test 2%2)
a;;re;ate m6st 7omp.y Dith the 7ombined a;;re;ate ;radin; reG6irements for the sie<e siHes shoDn in
the fo..oDin; tab.e:
C0m.#'e1 A88re8%/e Gr%1#'8
Sie<e siHe
Per7enta;e passin;
-9+ in7h ma3im6m No: 4 ma3im6m
#92E #%% #%%
-9+E +-B#%% #%%
No: 4 0*B+2 02B+*
No: + 4*B04 4*B05
No: #0 25B4+ 2$B*%
No: -% #2B-% #0B-0
No: *% 0B#5 *B2%
No: #%% %B5 %B5
No: 2%% %B- %B-
A;;re;ate retained on the no: + sie<e m6st ha<e a ma3im6m of 4* per7ent 7r6shed Dhen tested
6nder Ca.ifornia Test 2%*: Fine a;;re;ate m6st be nat6ra. sand:
Po.yester resin binder in ;ro6t m6st be appro3imate.y #2 per7ent by Dei;ht of the dry a;;re;ate: The
En;ineer determines the e3a7t per7enta;e:
The a<era;e of 7oarse and fine a;;re;ate absorption m6st not e37eed # per7ent Dhen tested 6nder
Ca.ifornia Tests 2%0 and 2%5:
At the time of mi3in; Dith the resin) the moist6re 7ontent of the 7ombined a;;re;ate m6st not e37eed #92
of the a<era;e a;;re;ate absorption Dhen tested 6nder Ca.ifornia Test 220:
+1-+.02D E0#'/ F0rm B0%r1
Coint form board m6st be 7orr6;ated 7ardboard Dith a 0,mi. po.yethy.ene 7o<erin; or e3panded
po.ystyrene materia.: Do not 6se po.ystyrene Dhen po.yester ;ro6t is 6sed:
+1-+.02E B0'1#'8 A8e'/
"ondin; a;ent m6st be a type re7ommended by the ;ro6t man6fa7t6rer:
+1-+.0)A Ge'er%&
+1-+.0)B C0'(re/e Rem0$%&
C6t a.on; the o6t.ines of re7tan; areas marked by the En;ineer Dith a diamond b.aded saD: If fast,
settin; ;ro6t is spe7ified) 76t to a minim6m depth of 2 in7hes: If po.yester ;ro6t is 6sed) 76t to a minim6m
depth of #,#92 in7hes b6t not ;reater than #9- of the depth of pa<ement
Remo<e 6nso6nd and dama;ed 7on7rete betDeen the saD 76t and the Ioint to the depth of the saD 76t by
methods that Di.. not dama;e the 7on7rete pa<ement to remain in p.a7e: If yo6 dama;e 7on7rete
pa<ement o6tside the .imits of the desi;nated repair);e the spa.. repair to en7ompass the dama;ed
7on7rete: The Department does not pay for the repair of the added area: Do not 6se pne6mati7 hammers
that Dei;h more than #* .b for 7on7rete remo<a.:
+1-+.0)C C&e%'#'8
After 6nso6nd 7on7rete has been remo<ed from the repair area) 7.ean the e3posed fa7es of the 7on7rete:
C.ean by sand b.astin; or hi;h press6re Dater b.astin;: 8ater b.astin; eG6ipment m6st be 7apab.e of
prod67in; a b.ast press6re from -)%%% to 0)%%% psi:
After b.astin;) 7.ean the e3posed 7on7rete area Dith moist6re,free and oi.,free 7ompressed air to remo<e
debris: Air 7ompressors m6st de.i<er air at a minim6m of #2% 76 ft9min and de<e.op $% psi of noHH.e
+1-+.0)D E0#'/ F0rm B0%r1 I'/%&&%/#0'
After 7.eanin;) form the Ioint Dithin the repair area to mat7h the e3istin; Ioint Didth and a.i;nment: P.a7e
the Ioint form board f6.. depth a.on; the Ioint) and e3tend # in7h into the Ioint beyond the ed;es of the
+1-+.0)E B0'1#'8 A8e'/ A66&#(%/#0'
i3 bondin; a;ent at the Iob site in sma.. G6antities 6nder the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions: "efore p.a7in;
;ro6t) app.y a thin e<en 7oat of bondin; a;ent Dith a stiff brist.e br6sh s7r6bbin; the entire area) in7.6din;
the pat7hed Da..s:
+1-+.0)F M#<#'8
+1-+.0)FB1C Ge'er%&
+1-+.0)FB2C F%/-Se//#'8 Gr0"/
i3 fast,settin; ;ro6t in a sma.. mobi.e dr6m or padd.e mi3er 6nder the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions:
The d6a. 7omponents of prepa7ka;ed ma;nesi6m phosphate ;ro6t Dith a prepa7ka;ed .iG6id a7ti<ator
m6st be as s6pp.ied by the man6fa7t6rer: !se the f6.. amo6nt of ea7h 7omponent: Do not add Dater to
d6a. 7omponent ma;nesi6m phosphate ;ro6t:
a;nesi6m phosphate ;ro6t m6st not be mi3ed in 7ontainers or Dorked Dith too.s 7ontainin; Hin7)
7admi6m) a.6min6m) or 7opper: ?i;h a.6mina based ;ro6t m6st not be mi3ed in 7ontainers or Dorked Dith
too.s 7ontainin; a.6min6m:
+1-+.0)FB)C P0&3e/er Gr0"/
i3 po.yester ;ro6t 6nder the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions:
+1-+.0)G P&%(eme'/
+1-+.0)GB1C Ge'er%&
P.a7e ;ro6t on a dry s6rfa7e e37ept if a bondin; a;ent is 6sed:
+1-+.0)GB2C F%/-Se//#'8 Gr0"/
=ro6t other than ma;nesi6m phosphate may be p.a7ed on a s6rfa7e that has been dampened and
a..oDed to dry or on a bondin; a;ent re7ommended by the man6fa7t6rer:
+1-+.0)GB)C P0&3e/er Gr0"/
P.a7e ;ro6t on a s6rfa7e Dith a bondin; a;ent:
+1-+.0)H C"r#'8
C6re a77ordin; to the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions: If 76rin; 7ompo6nd is re7ommended by the
man6fa7t6rer) it m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for the 76rin; 7ompo6nd method) 76rin; 7ompo6nd
no: # or 2:
+1-+.0)I Pr0/e(/#'8 S6%&& Re6%#r
Prote7t fast settin; ;ro6t from traffi7 for at .east 2 ho6rs after the ;ro6t sets: Prote7t po.yester ;ro6t from
traffi7 for at .east # ho6r after the ;ro6t sets:
+1-+.0+ PAYMENT
Repair spa..ed Ioint is meas6red as the a7t6a. area of pa<ement s6rfa7e repaired:
+1-,.01 GENERAL
+1-,.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion 4#,* in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; or rep.a7in; sea.ed Ioints in 7on7rete pa<ement at
e3istin; trans<erse and .on;it6dina. 7ontra7tion Ioints Dith si.i7one or aspha.t r6bber .iG6id sea.ant:
Sea. 7on7rete pa<ement Ioints 7onsists of 76ttin; and 7.eanin; neD reser<oirs and p.a7in; neD Ioint
Rep.a7e 7on7rete pa<ement Ioints 7onsists of remo<in; e3istin; Ioint sea.ant and ba7ker rod) 7.eanin;
e3istin; Ioint reser<oirs) and p.a7in; neD Ioint sea.ant and ba7ker rod:
+1-,.01B De4#'#/#0'
+1-,.01C S".m#//%&
"efore 6se) s6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e for the Ioint sea.ant: 8ith ea7h 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e)
s6bmit a 7ertified test report of the res6.ts for the reG6ired tests performed Dithin #2 months before the
proposed 6se: S6bmit the 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e and a77ompanyin; test report for ea7h .ot of Ioint
sea.ant shipped to the Iob site:
S6bmit a man6fa7t6rerFs data sheet <erifyin; that the ba7ker rod is 7ompatib.e Dith the si.i7one Ioint
sea.ant to be 6sed:
S6bmit the man6fa7t6rerFs app.i7ation instr67tions and SDS at .east #% days before be;innin; sea.ant
p.a7ement a7ti<ities:
S6bmit one of the fo..oDin; for the fa7i.ity that yo6 ha<e arran;ed to re7ei<e the 7on7rete saD 76ttin;
#: Copy of the fa7i.ityFs R8@C" or other app.i7ab.e a;en7y permit
2: R8@C" or other app.i7ab.e a;en7yFs Dritten appro<a.
-: App.i7ab.e .o7a.) state) or federa. a;en7y permits if .o7ated o6tside the State
At .east #% days before be;innin; remo<a. Dork) s6bmit the proposed remo<a. method of e3istin; sea.ant)
in7.6din; ba7ker rods: Do not remo<e e3istin; sea.ant 6nti. the En;ineer a6thoriHes a sea.ant remo<a.
+1-,.01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
+1-,.02A Ge'er%&
+1-,.02B S#&#(0'e E0#'/ Se%&%'/
Si.i7one Ioint sea.ant m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 4%,#:%2I/21:
+1-,.02C A67%&/ R" E0#'/ Se%&%'/
Aspha.t r6bber Ioint sea.ant m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 4%,#:%2I/-1:
+1-,.02D B%(;er R01
"a7ker rods m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 4%,#:%2I/*1:
+1-,.0)A Ge'er%&
+1-,.0)B Rem0$e E<#/#'8 Se%&%'/
Remo<e e3istin; Ioint sea.ant materia.s and ba7ker rods by saDin;) p.oDin;) or 76ttin;: Do not dama;e
the e3istin; sea.ant reser<oir or pa<ement: If the p.oDin; method is 6sed) 6se re7tan; p.oDs:
+1-,.0)C C0'/r"(/ E0#'/ Se%&%'/ Reer$0#r
Constr67t a Ioint sea.ant reser<oir in 7on7rete pa<ement by the saDin; method: The saDin; ma7hine
m6st ha<e a <a766m atta7hment to pi7k 6p resid6e from saDin;: Pre<ent resid6e from f.oDin; a7ross the
pa<ement or remainin; on the pa<ement s6rfa7e:
Dispose of remo<ed 7on7rete pa<ement and resid6e from saDin; at an appropriate disposa. fa7i.ity:
+1-,.0)D E0#'/ C&e%'#'8
+1-,.0)DB1C Ge'er%&
+1-,.0)DB2C De.r# Rem0$%&
C.ean d6st) dirt) or <isib.e tra7es of o.d sea.ant from the Ioint: Do not 6se 7hemi7a. so.<ents to Dash the
Ioint: Immediate.y remo<e s.6rry or remainin; debris after saDin;) p.oDin;) 76ttin;) or man6a. remo<a.:
C.ean in # dire7tion to minimiHe 7ontamination of s6rro6ndin; areas:
+1-,.0)DB)C Reer$0#r Dr3#'8
After debris remo<a.) dry the sea.ant reser<oir Dith 7ompressed air or moderate.y hot 7ompressed air) or
yo6 may reG6est another means: Dryin; a7ti<ities m6st not .ea<e a resid6e or fi.m on the reser<oir Da..:
+1-,.0)DB+C S%'1.&%/#'8
After reser<oir dryin;) sandb.ast the reser<oir to remo<e remainin; resid6e: Do not sandb.ast strai;ht into
the reser<oir: Point the sandb.astin; noHH.e 7.ose to the s6rfa7e at an an;.e to 7.ean ea7h reser<oir fa7e:
ake at .east # pass a.on; ea7h reser<oir fa7e:
+1-,.0)DB,C A#r B&%/#'8
After sandb.astin;) air b.ast the reser<oir to remo<e sand) dirt) and d6st: Air b.ast Dithin # ho6r before
p.a7ement of sea.ant: Compressed air 6sed to air b.ast the reser<oir m6st not introd67e oi. into the
reser<oir: If oi. is a77identa..y introd67ed into the reser<oir) redo the Ioint 7.eanin; seG6en7e 6nti. the
En;ineer determines the reser<oir is 7.ean before yo6 7ontin6e Dork on the Ioint: Compressed air m6st be
de.i<ered at a minim6m rate of #2% 76bi7 feet per min6te and de<e.op at .east $% psi noHH.e press6re:
+1-,.0)DB-C V%(""m#'8
After air b.astin;) 6se a <a766m sDeeper to remo<e debris or 7ontaminants from the s6rro6ndin;
pa<ement s6rfa7es:
+1-,.0)E B%(;er R01 I'/%&&%/#0'
Insta.. the ba7ker rod after 7.eanin; the pa<ement s6rfa7e and the Ioints to be sea.ed ha<e been pat7hed)
7.eaned) and dried: Insta.. if the temperat6re of the pa<ement is abo<e the deD point of the air and if the
air temperat6re is at .east 4% de;rees F: "a7ker rod insta..ation m6st not .ea<e a resid6e or fi.m on the
reser<oir Da..s:
+1-,.0)F Se%&%'/ I'/%&&%/#0'
"efore; sea.ant) demonstrate that fresh .iG6id sea.ant is eIe7ted from the noHH.e free of 7oo.ed or
76red materia.:
If aspha.t r6bber sea.ant is spe7ified) heat and p.a7e aspha.t r6bber Ioint sea.ant 6nder the man6fa7t6rerFs
instr67tions: Do not p.a7e aspha.t r6bber Ioint sea.ant if the pa<ement s6rfa7e temperat6re is be.oD *%
de;rees F:
P6mp sea.ant thro6;h a noHH.e siHed for the Didth of the sea.ant reser<oir so that sea.ant is p.a7ed
dire7t.y onto the ba7ker rod: The m6st draD the noHH.e toDard his body:
After p6mpin; the sea.ant into the Ioint) too. it to the re7essed depth shoDn: Too. the sea.ant Dithin #%
min6tes of insta..ation or before the sea.ant be;ins to form a skin:
After ea7h Ioint is sea.ed) remo<e s6rp.6s Ioint on the pa<ement s6rfa7e: Do not a..oD traffi7 o<er
the sea.ed Ioints 6nti. the sea.ant is ta7k free and firm eno6;h to pre<ent embedment of roadDay debris
into the sea.ant:
+1-,.0+ PAYMENT
Sea. 7on7rete pa<ement Ioint is meas6red as the a7t6a. .en;th of Ioints insta..ed:
Rep.a7e 7on7rete pa<ement Ioint is meas6red as the a7t6a. .en;th of Ioints insta..ed:
+1--.01 GENERAL
+1--.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion 4#,0 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7ra7kin; and seatin; e3istin; 7on7rete pa<ement to form dis7rete
se;ments of pa<ement) in7.6din; 7.eanin; .oose debris and; Ioints) 7ra7ks) and spa..s:
+1--.01B De4#'#/#0'
+1--.01C S".m#//%&
S6bmit 7ores taken to <erify 7ra7kin; eG6ipment and pro7ed6re:
+1--.01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
"efore startin; 7ra7kin; operations) the En;ineer se.e7ts and marks a test se7tion from - to * e3istin;
s.abs Dithin the .imits of pa<ement to be 7ra7ked:
Demonstrate the abi.ity of the se.e7ted eG6ipment and pro7ed6re to prod67e 7ra7ks in the 7on7rete
pa<ement as spe7ified:
Immediate.y before 7ra7kin; the test se7tion s.abs) app.y Dater to the s6rfa7e of the s.abs in s6ffi7ient
G6antity so that 7ra7kin; 7an readi.y be determined: After the app.i7ation of Dater) 7ra7k the test se7tion
pa<ement 6sin; <aryin; impa7t ener;y and strikin; patterns 6nti. a proper pro7ed6re is estab.ished:
To <erify that the pro7ed6re is prod67in; 7ra7ked pa<ement that 7omp.ies Dith the spe7ifi7ations) take at
.east 2 dri..ed pa<ement 7ores at .east 0 in7hes in diameter: The En;ineer orders the e3a7t .o7ation Dhere
7ores are to be taken: Take 7ores 6nder AST C 42: Fi.. 7ore Dith a fast,settin; ;ro6t that 7omp.ies
Dith se7tion 4#,-:%2":
+1--.02A Ge'er%&
+1--.02B H0/ M#<e1 A67%&/
?ot mi3 aspha.t /?A1 for; spa..s m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion -$) Type ": A;;re;ate for ?A m6st
7omp.y Dith se7tion -$,#:%2E) no: 4 ;radation: Choose aspha.t binder =rade P= 04,#%) P= 04,#0) or P=
5%,#%: The minim6m aspha.t binder 7ontent m6st be 0:+ per7ent:
Do not a..oD f.yin; debris d6rin; 7ra7kin; operations:
Cra7k e3istin; 7on7rete pa<ement into se;ments that nomina..y meas6re 0 feet trans<erse.y by 4 feet
.on;it6dina..y: If e3istin; pane.s are a.ready 7ra7ked into se;ments) 7ra7k them f6rther into eG6a.,siHed
sG6are or re7tan; pie7es that nomina..y meas6re not more than 0 feet trans<erse.y and from - to *
feet .on;it6dina..y: The pa<ement 7ra7kin; eG6ipment m6st not impa7t the pa<ement Dithin # foot of
another break .ine) pa<ement Ioint) or ed;e of pa<ement:
Cra7k 7on7rete pa<ement so that <erti7a. 7ra7ks are formed 7omp.ete.y thro6;h the pa<ement: The
<erti7a. 7ra7ks m6st not de<iate from <erti7a. by more than 0 in7hes betDeen the pa<ement s6rfa7e and
bottom: The 7ra7ks m6st be 7ontin6o6s Ditho6t s6rfa7e; o<er %:#%,foot in depth a.on; the 7ra7k
and Ditho6t e37essi<e shatterin; of the pa<ement or base:
EG6ipment for 7ra7kin; 7on7rete pa<ement m6st impa7t the pa<ement Dith a <ariab.e for7e and a point of
impa7t that 7an be 7ontro..ed: Do not 6se eG6ipment and pro7ed6res that 6ti.iHe 6n;6ided free,;
Dei;hts s67h as Eheada7he ba..s:E
After the eG6ipment and the pro7ed6re for 7ra7kin; pa<ement ha<e been a6thoriHed by the En;ineer) 6se
that eG6ipment and pro7ed6re to 7ra7k the 7on7rete pa<ement: Take 7ores of the 7ra7ked 7on7rete
pa<ement in the same manner spe7ified for 7orin; test se7tions: Take 7ores at inter<a.s of not .ess than #
7ore per .ane mi.e for ea7h ma7hine 6sed: If 7ores indi7ate the 7ra7kin; does not 7omp.y Dith the
reG6irements or if the eG6ipment or pro7ed6res are 7han;ed) the En;ineer orders and marks an
additiona. test se7tion: Cra7k the additiona. test se7tions and 7ore samp.e 6nti. the 7ra7ked pa<ement
7omp.ies Dith the reG6irements:
Areas of 7on7rete pa<ement that are 7o<ered Dith %:#%,foot or .ess of aspha.t 7on7rete may be 7ra7ked
Ditho6t remo<a. of the aspha.t 7on7rete if) after 7ra7kin; the pa<ement) a strip of the aspha.t 7on7rete
s6rfa7in; at .east *% feet .on; is remo<ed for inspe7tion Dhere ordered by the En;ineer: If the inspe7tion
strip does not 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations) modify the eG6ipment and pro7ed6res) 7ra7k another area)
and remo<e another *%,foot strip of aspha.t 7on7rete for inspe7tion: If the inspe7tion strip 7omp.ies Dith
the spe7ifi7ations) 6se the eG6ipment and pro7ed6re to 7ra7k the remainder of the 7on7rete pa<ement
7o<ered Dith %:#%,foot or .ess of aspha.t 7on7rete: Dispose of aspha.t 7on7rete s6rfa7in; remo<ed from
the 7on7rete pa<ement:
"efore openin; 7ra7ked 7on7rete pa<ement to traffi7) sDeep the pa<ement of .oose debris:
A..oD p6b.i7 traffi7 on neD.y 7ra7ked pa<ement or the first .ayer of ?A p.a7ed for no more than #* days:
Seat 7ra7ked 7on7rete by makin; not .ess than * passes o<er the 7ra7ked 7on7rete Dith an os7i..atin;
pne6mati7,tired as spe7ified in se7tion -$,-:%- and Dei;hin; not .ess than #* tons) or a <ibratory
sheepsfoot e3ertin; a dynami7 7entrif6;a. for7e of at .east #% tons: A pass m6st be # mo<ement of a in either dire7tion: The speed m6st not e37eed * per ho6r:
After a.. se;ments ha<e been seated) 7.ean .oose debris from Ioints and 7ra7ks 6sin; 7ompressed,air:
Fi.. Ioints) 7ra7ks) and spa..s ;reater than -94 in7h in Didth and ;reater than # in7h in depth by app.yin;
ta7k 7oat); Dith ?A) and 7ompa7tin; the ?A) before openin; to traffi7 or before app.yin; ta7k 7oat
for the #st .ayer of ?A:
8ithin 24 ho6rs of seatin; any se;ment of 7ra7ked pa<ement) p.a7e the #st .ayer of ?A on it:
+1--.0+ PAYMENT
Cra7k e3istin; 7on7rete pa<ement is meas6red from the f6.. Didth and .en;th of the pa<ement 7ra7ked:
No ded67tion is made for e3istin; 7ra7ked se;ments:
+1-2.01 GENERAL
+1-2.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion 4#,5 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; pa<ement transition tapers in e3istin; pa<ement:
+1-2.01B De4#'#/#0'
+1-2.01C S".m#//%&
+1-2.01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
!se eG6ipment that 7an 7onstr67t a pa<ement transition taper Ditho6t dama;in; the 7on7rete pa<ement
to remain in p.a7e:
Do not a..oD f.yin; debris d6rin; the 7onstr67tion of tapers:
E3istin; 7on7rete pa<ement shoDn to be tapered may be remo<ed and rep.a7ed: If yo6 remo<e the
e3istin; 7on7rete) the rep.a7ement 7on7rete m6st 7omp.y Dith indi<id6a. s.ab rep.a7ement 6nder se7tion
#: E3istin; base need not be remo<ed
2: Finished s6rfa7e of the rep.a7ement 7on7rete pa<ement m6st appro3imate the p.anned pa<ement
transition taper s6rfa7e
-: Rep.a7ement 7on7rete pa<ement s6rfa7e m6st be a 7oarse broom finish
If the fina. .ayer of ?A is not p.a7ed before openin; the .ane to p6b.i7 traffi7) p.a7e temporary ?A in the
taper: Temporary ?A m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion -$,#:#*: Remo<e temporary ?A before p.a7in; the
fina. .ayer of ?A:
+1-2.0+ PAYMENT
The Department does not pay for temporary ?A:
Pa<ement transition tapers are meas6red from the dimensions shoDn:
If yo6 7hoose to remo<e and rep.a7e 7on7rete pa<ement) the Department does not make additiona.
payment for this Dork:
+1-?.01 GENERAL
+1-?.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion 4#,$ in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for remo<in; e3istin; pa<ement and possib.y the 6nder.yin; base and
7onstr67tin; 7on7rete pa<ement and possib.y the 6nder.yin; base) 6sin; RSC:
+1-?.01B De4#'#/#0'
e%r&3 %8e5 The a;e .ess than #% times the 7on7rete fina. set time:
4#'%& e/ /#me5 Time a spe7ifi7 penetration resistan7e of 4)%%% psi is a7hie<ed) determined 6nder AST C
#'1#$#1"%& &%. re6&%(eme'/5 Rep.a7ement of short se;ments of sin;.e or m6.tip.e seG6entia. s.abs and
possib.y the 6nder.yin; base in the same .ane to mat7h the e3istin; 7on7rete thi7kness:
06e'#'8 %8e5 A;e at Dhi7h the 7on7rete a7hie<es the spe7ified stren;th for openin; to traffi7) in7.6din;
7onstr67tion traffi7:
+1-?.01C S".m#//%&
+1-?.01CB1C Cer/#4#(%/e 04 C0m6&#%'(e
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e for the fo..oDin; materia.s:
#: DoDe. bars
2: Chemi7a. adhesi<e for; and bondin; doDe. bars
-: Si.i7one Ioint sea.ant
4: Aspha.t r6bber Ioint sea.ant
*: Preformed 7ompression sea.
0: "a7ker rods) in7.6din; the man6fa7t6rerFs statement of 7ompatibi.ity Dith the sea.ant to be 6sed:
5: Coint materia.
+: Epo3y poDder 7oatin;
+1-?.01CB2C M%'"4%(/"rerF Re(0mme'1%/#0' %'1 I'/r"(/#0'
At .east #* days before de.i<ery to the Iob site) s6bmit man6fa7t6rerFs re7ommendations and instr67tions
for stora;e and insta..ation of:
#: Chemi7a. adhesi<e for; and bondin; doDe. bars
2 Si.i7one .iG6id sea.ant
-: Aspha.t r6bber .iG6id sea.ant
4: Preformed 7ompression sea.s
*: Coint materia.
+1-?.01CB)C Pr0/e(/#'8 P%$eme'/ D"r#'8 C0&1 Ae%/7er
S6bmit a for prote7tin; pa<ement d6rin; the initia. 52 ho6rs after pa<in; if the a<era;e ambient dai.y
temperat6re is be.oD 4% de;rees F and daytime ambient temperat6re is .ess than *% de;rees F:
+1-?.01CB+C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& P&%'
+1-?.01CB,C R%6#1 S/re'8/7 C0'(re/e
At .east 4* days before the intended 6se) s6bmit a samp.e of 7ement from ea7h proposed .ot and of proposed admi3t6res in the G6antities ordered by the En;ineer:
D6rin; RSC pa<ement operations) s6bmit 6niformity reports for hydra6.i7 7ement at .east on7e e<ery -%
days to ETS) Attention: Cement Laboratory: !niformity reports m6st 7omp.y Dith AST C $#5) e37ept
testin; a;e and Dater 7ontent may be modified to s6it the materia.:
At .east #% days before 6se in a tria. s.ab) s6bmit a mi3 desi;n that in7.6des:
#: Openin; a;e
2: Proposed a;;re;ate ;radation
-: Proportions of hydra6.i7 7ement and a;;re;ate
4: Types and amo6nts of 7hemi7a. admi3t6res
*: a3im6m time a..oDed betDeen bat7hin; and p.a7in;
0: Ran;e of ambient temperat6res o<er Dhi7h the mi3 desi;n is effe7ti<e
5: Fina. set time
+: Any spe7ia. instr67tions or 7onditions s67h as Dater temperat6re reG6irements
S6bmit more than # mi3 desi;n to for ambient temperat6re <ariations anti7ipated d6rin; RSC
p.a7ement: Ea7h mi3 desi;n m6st ha<e a ma3im6m ambient temperat6re ran;e of #+ de;rees F:
S6bmit mod6.6s of r6pt6re de<e.opment data for ea7h mi3 desi;n: &o6 may 6se mod6.6s of r6pt6re
de<e.opment data from .aboratory,prepared The mod6.6s of r6pt6re de<e.opment data m6st
in7.6de tests at # ho6r before openin; a;e) openin; a;e) # ho6r after openin; a;e) 24 ho6rs) 5 days) and
2+ days:
+1-?.01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
+1-?.01DB1C E"/-I'-T#me-Tr%#'#'8
+1-?.01DB2C Pre6%$#'8 C0'4ere'(e
S7hed6.e a prepa<in; 7onferen7e at a m6t6a..y a;reed time and p.a7e to meet Dith the En;ineer: ake
the arran;ements for the 7onferen7e fa7i.ity: Dis76ss methods of performin; ea7h item of the Dork:
Prepa<in; 7onferen7e attendees m6st si;n an attendan7e sheet pro<ided by the En;ineer: The prepa<in;
7onferen7e m6st be attended by yo6r:
#: ProIe7t s6perintendent
2: ProIe7t mana;er
-: @C mana;er
4: 8orkers and yo6r s6b7ontra7torFs Dorkers) in7.6din;:
4:#: Foremen
4:2: Con7rete p.ant mana;er
4:-: Con7rete p.ant operator
4:4: Con7rete p.ant inspe7tors
4:*: Personne. performin; saD 76ttin; and Ioint;
4:0: Pa<in; ma7hine operators
4:5: Inspe7tors
4:+: Samp.ers
4:$: Testers
Do not start pa<in; a7ti<ities) in7.6din; test strips) 6nti. the .isted personne. ha<e attended a
pre7onstr67tion 7onferen7e:
The p6rpose of the prepa<in; 7onferen7e is to fami.iariHe personne. Dith the proIe7tFs spe7ifi7ations:
Items to be dis76ssed in7.6de the pro7esses for:
#: Prod67tion
2: Transportation
-: P.a7ement
4: Rep.a7in; pa<ement
*: Contin;en7y
5: Testin;
+1-?.01DB)C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& P&%'
+1-?.01DB+C Tr#%& S&%.
"efore startin; indi<id6a. s.ab rep.a7ement Dork) 7omp.ete # tria. s.ab for ea7h mi3 desi;n: Demonstrate
that yo6 are 7apab.e of 7onstr67tin; indi<id6a. s.ab rep.a7ement in 7omp.ian7e Dith the spe7ifi7ations
Dithin the spe7ified time periods in7.6din; de.i<ery) p.a7ement) finishin;) and 76rin; times) and 6nder atmospheri7 and temperat6re 7onditions e3pe7ted d6rin; rep.a7ement operations:
D6rin; tria. s.ab 7onstr67tion) samp.e and the a;;re;ate for ;radin;) 7.eanness <a.6e) and sand
eG6i<a.ent testin;:
8ithin 2% min6tes after rapid stren;th 7on7rete de.i<ery for tria. s.abs) fabri7ate test beams 6nder
Ca.ifornia Test *24: !se test beams to determine ear.y a;e and 5,day mod6.6s of r6pt6re <a.6es:
C6re beams fabri7ated for ear.y a;e testin; s67h that the monitored temperat6res in the beams and the
s.ab are a.Days Dithin * de;rees F: onitor and re7ord the interna. temperat6res of tria. s.abs and ear.y
a;e beams at inter<a.s of at .east * min6tes: Insta.. or thermistors 7onne7ted to strip,7hart
re7orders or di;ita. data .o;;ers to monitor the temperat6res: Temperat6re re7ordin; de<i7es m6st be
a776rate to Dithin Z2 de;rees F: eas6re interna. temperat6res at # in7h from the top) # in7h from the
bottom) and no 7.oser than - in7hes from any ed;e 6nti. ear.y a;e testin; is 7omp.eted:
C6re beams fabri7ated for 5,day testin; 6nder Ca.ifornia Test *24 e37ept p.a7e them into sand at a time
that is from * to #% times the fina. set time) or 24 ho6rs) Dhi7he<er is ear.ier:
Tria. s.abs m6st ha<e an ear.y a;e mod6.6s of r6pt6re of not .ess than 4%% psi and a 5,day mod6.6s of
r6pt6re of not .ess than 0%% psi:
+1-?.01DB,C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& Te/#'8
+1-?.01DB-C A((e6/%'(e Cr#/er#%
+1-?.01DB-CB%C Ge'er%&
+1-?.01DB-CB.C C0'(re/e P%$eme'/ Sm00/7'e
The Department tests for smoothness 6sin; a #2,foot strai;hted;e p.a7ed para..e. Dith and
to the 7enter.ine: Strai;hted;e smoothness spe7ifi7ations do not app.y to the pa<ement s6rfa7e p.a7ed
Dithin #2 in7hes of e3istin; 7on7rete pa<ement e37ept yo6 m6st p.a7e a strai;hted;e .on;it6dina..y Dith
the midpoint 7oin7ident Dith the trans<erse 7onstr67tion Ioint: The 7on7rete pa<ement s6rfa7e m6st be
Dithin %:%2 foot of the strai;hted;eUs .oDer ed;e:
+1-?.01DB-CB(C M01"&" 04 R"6/"re
RSC pa<ement m6st de<e.op a minim6m mod6.6s of r6pt6re of 4%% psi at openin; a;e: RSC pa<ement
m6st de<e.op a minim6m mod6.6s of r6pt6re of 0%% psi at 5 days after p.a7ement: The En;ineer may
a77ept RSC pa<ement that does not attain the spe7ified mod6.6s of r6pt6re 6nder se7tion 4#,$:%4": The
Department determines the mod6.6s of r6pt6re by testin; - beam spe7imens 6nder Ca.ifornia Test *24
e37ept beam spe7imens may be fabri7ated 6sin; an interna. <ibrator 6nder AST C -# and a<era;in; the
res6.ts: No sin;.e test represents more than that dayFs prod67tion or #-% 76bi7 yards) Dhi7he<er is .ess:
The En;ineer determines the mod6.6s of r6pt6re at other a;es 6sin; beams 76red and tested 6nder
Ca.ifornia Test *24 e37ept the En;ineer p.a7es them in sand from * to #% times the fina. set time or 24
ho6rs) Dhi7he<er is ear.ier:
+1-?.02A R%6#1 S/re'8/7 C0'(re/e
RSC for 7on7rete pa<ement m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion $%,-:
Choose the 7ombined a;;re;ate ;radin; for RSC from either the #,#92 in7h ma3im6m or the #,in7h
ma3im6m 7ombined ;radin; in se7tion $%,#:%2C/41/d1:
RSC m6st de<e.op the spe7ified stren;th at openin; a;e and 5,day mod6.6s of r6pt6re stren;ths:
+1-?.02B Tem60r%r3 R0%1:%3 P%$eme'/ S/r"(/"re
+1-?.02BB1C Ge'er%&
+1-?.02BB2C A88re8%/e B%e
A;;re;ate base for temporary roadDay pa<ement str67t6re m6st be prod67ed from any 7ombination of
broken stone) 7r6shed ;ra<e.) nat6ra. ro6;h,s6rfa7ed ;ra<e.) re7.aimed 7on7rete and sand: =radin; of A"
m6st 7omp.y Dith the -94,in7h ma3im6m ;radin; spe7ified in se7tion 20,#:%2":
+1-?.02BB)C H0/ M#< A67%&/
For ?A:
#: Choose the -9+ in7h or #92 in7h ?A Type A or Type " a;;re;ate ;radation in se7tion -$,#:%2E:
2: inim6m aspha.t binder 7ontent m6st be 0:+ per7ent for -9+,in7h a;;re;ate ;radation and 0:%
per7ent for #92 in7h a;;re;ate ;radation:
-: Choose aspha.t binder =rade P= 04,#%) P= 04,#0) or P= 5%,#% in se7tion $2:
+1-?.02BB+C C0'(re/e
RSC not 7onformin; to the spe7ifi7ations may ser<e as temporary roadDay and m6st be rep.a7ed d6rin;
the ne3t pa<in; shift:
+1-?.02C B0'1 Bre%;er
"ond breaker m6st be one of the fo..oDin;:
#: 8hite 76rin; paper spe7ified in AST C #5#
2: 8hite opaG6e po.yethy.ene fi.m spe7ified in AST C #5#) e37ept the minim6m thi7kness m6st be 0
-: Pa<in; aspha.t) =rade P= 04,#%) 6nder se7tion $2:
4: C6rin; 7ompo6nd no: *
+1-?.02D C7em#(%& A17e#$e 40r Dr#&& %'1 B0'1
Chemi7a. adhesi<e for; and bondin; doDe.s m6st be on the A6thoriHed ateria. List a<ai.ab.e on
the DepartmentFs ETS Debsite: The A6thoriHed ateria. List indi7ates the appropriate 7hemi7a.
adhesi<e system for the 7on7rete temperat6re and insta..ation 7onditions:
Ea7h 7hemi7a. adhesi<e system m6st 7.ear.y and permanent.y shoD the fo..oDin;:
#: an6fa7t6rerFs name
2: ode. n6mber of the system
-: an6fa7t6re date
4: "at7h n6mber
*: E3piration date
0: C6rrent Internationa. Conferen7e of "6i.din; Offi7ia.s /IC"O1 E<a.6ation Report n6mber
5: Dire7tions for 6se
+: 8arnin;s or pre7a6tions reG6ired by State and Federa. .aDs and re;6.ations
+1-?.0)A Ge'er%&
Contin;en7y eG6ipment) materia.s and personne. for temporary roadDay pa<ement str67t6re m6st
be present at the Iob site:
+1-?.0)B Tr#%& S&%.
Tria. s.abs m6st be #% by 2% feet: The tria. s.ab thi7kness m6st be at .east #% in7hes: P.a7e tria. s.abs
near the Iob site at a m6t6a..y,a;reed .o7ation that is neither on the roadDay nor Dithin the proIe7t .imits:
Dispose of tria. s.abs and test spe7imens for tria. s.abs:
+1-?.0)C Rem0$#'8 E<#/#'8 P%$eme'/ %'1 B%e M%/er#%&
The e3a7t .imits of indi<id6a. s.ab rep.a7ement is shoDn or dire7ted by the En;ineer:
Remo<e e3istin; pa<ement) and 6nder.yin; base materia. if shoDn) and rep.a7e it Dith base materia. and
7on7rete pa<ement: If yo6 are 6nab.e to 7onstr67t) finish) and 76re 7on7rete pa<ement before the
spe7ified traffi7 openin; time) 7onstr67t a temporary roadDay pa<ement str67t6re:
SaD 76t the o6t.ine of 7on7rete pa<ement to be remo<ed e37ept Dhere adIa7ent to an aspha.t 7on7rete
sho6.der Dith a poDer,dri<en saD: Do not saD 76t Dithin 7on7rete pa<ement s.abs more than 2 b6siness
days before 7on7rete pa<ement s.ab remo<a.: If yo6 saD 76t in Dork shifts that are before the a7t6a.
remo<a. Dork shift) do not make saD 76ts para..e. or dia;ona. to the tra<e.ed Day: SaD 76t s67h that traffi7
Di.. not dis.od;e any pie7es or se;ments:
SaD thro6;h any tie bars and doDe. bars before 7on7rete pa<ement s.ab remo<a.:
Inside the saDed o6t.ine) do not impa7t the s6rfa7e Dithin #+ in7hes of pa<ement to remain in p.a7e:
Remo<e the pa<ement and base Ditho6t dama;e to the pa<ement or base remainin; in p.a7e:
Dispose of remo<ed materia.s:
After remo<in; pa<ement and base to the reG6ired depth shoDn) ;rade to a 6niform p.ane: 8ater and
7ompa7t the materia. remainin; in p.a7e to a firm and stab.e base: The finished s6rfa7e of the remainin;
materia. m6st not e3tend abo<e the ;rade estab.ished by the En;ineer: At yo6r e3pense) fi.. areas that
Dere o<er,e37a<ated d6rin; base remo<a. Dith rep.a7ement materia. in the same operation as the base
+1-?.0)D B%e Re6&%(eme'/ L%3er
Rep.a7e remo<ed base materia.s Dith the spe7ified base materia. in a separate and distin7t operation
from rep.a7in; 7on7rete pa<ement:
Finish the rep.a7ement base .ayer to the ;rade of the ori;ina. base .ayer: Do not te3t6re the s6rfa7e:
Finish to a smooth s6rfa7e) free of <oids) poro6s areas and proIe7tions s67h as mortar rid;es:
+1-?.0)E B0'1 Bre%;er
"efore app.i7ation) remo<e forei;n and .oose materia.s:
P.a7e bond breaker betDeen rep.a7ement pa<ement and e3istin; .ean,7on7rete base) 7ement,treated
base) or neD base rep.a7ement .ayer:
If yo6 6se 76rin; paper or po.yethy.ene fi.m) p.a7e it in a Drink.e free manner: O<er.ap adIa7ent sheets a
minim6m of 0 in7hes in the same dire7tion as the 7on7rete po6r:
If yo6 6se pa<in; aspha.t) do not add Dater before app.yin; aspha.t to the base s6rfa7e: App.y the pa<in;
aspha.t in # e<en app.i7ation at a rate from %:%2 to %:#% ;a..on per sG6are yard o<er the entire base
s6rfa7e area: Do not p.a7e 7on7rete pa<ement 6nti. the pa<in; aspha.t has 76red:
If yo6 6se 76rin; 7ompo6nd) app.y it in 2 separate app.i7ations: App.y ea7h app.i7ation e<en.y at a rate
from %:%5 to %:## ;a..on per sG6are yard o<er the entire base s6rfa7e area:
+1-?.0)F S6re%1#'8, C0m6%(/#'8, %'1 S7%6#'8
!se meta. or Dood side forms: 8ood side forms m6st not be .ess than #,#92 in7hes thi7k: Side forms
m6st be of s6ffi7ient ri;idity) both in the form and in the 7onne7tion Dith adIoinin; forms) that mo<ement
Di.. not o776r 6nder for7es from s6b;radin; and pa<in; eG6ipment or from the press6re of 7on7rete:
Side forms m6st remain in p.a7e 6nti. the pa<ement ed;e no .on;er reG6ires the prote7tion of forms:
C.ean and oi. side forms before ea7h 6se:
After yo6 deposit the RSC) 7onso.idate RSC Dith hi;h,freG6en7y interna. <ibrators: Conso.idate adIa7ent
to forms and a7ross the f6.. pa<in; Didth: P.a7e RSC as near.y as possib.e to its fina. position: Do not 6se
<ibrators for e3tensi<e shiftin; of 7on7rete pa<ement:
Spread and shape RSC Dith poDered finishin; ma7hines s6pp.emented by hand finishin;: After yo6 mi3
and p.a7e RSC) do not add Dater to the s6rfa7e to fa7i.itate finishin;: !se s6rfa7e finishin; additi<es as
re7ommended by the man6fa7t6rer of the 7ement after their 6se is a6thoriHed:
+1-?.0)G E0#'/
"efore p.a7in; RSC a;ainst e3istin; 7on7rete) p.a7e #94,in7h thi7k 7ommer7ia. G6a.ity po.yethy.ene
f.e3ib.e foam e3pansion Ioint a7ross the ori;ina. trans<erse and .on;it6dina. Ioint fa7es and e3tend
the e37a<ationFs f6.. depth: P.a7e the top of the Ioint f.6sh Dith the top of the pa<ement: Se76re Ioint to the Ioint fa7e of the e3istin; pa<ement to pre<ent the Ioint from mo<in; d6rin; the p.a7ement
of RSC:
8here the e3istin; trans<erse Ioint spa7in; in an adIa7ent .ane e37eeds #* feet) 7onstr67t an additiona.
trans<erse 7ontra7tion Ioint midDay betDeen the e3istin; Ioints: Comp.ete saDin; of 7ontra7tion Ioints
Dithin 2 ho6rs of 7omp.etion of fina. finishin;:
C6t 7ontra7tion Ioints a minim6m of #9- the depth of the s.ab:
+1-?.0)H D0:e& B%r
Dri.. e3istin; 7on7rete and bond doDe. bars Dith 7hemi7a. adhesi<e at trans<erse 7onstr67tion Ioints as
shoDn: Do not p.a7e doDe. bars in trans<erse 7ontra7tion Ioints:
C.ean dri..ed in 7omp.ian7e Dith the 7hemi7a. adhesi<e man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions: ? m6st be
dry at the time of p.a7in; the 7hemi7a. adhesi<e and doDe. bars: Immediate.y after insertin; the doDe.
bars into the 7hemi7a. adhesi<e) s6pport the doDe. bars to pre<ent mo<ement d6rin; 76rin;: Lea<e the
s6pported doDe. bars 6ndist6rbed 6nti. the 7hemi7a. adhesi<e has 76red a minim6m time instr67ted by
the man6fa7t6rer: If the En;ineer reIe7ts doDe. bars) dri.. neD adIa7ent to the reIe7ted p.a7e
neD doDe. bars) and se76re.y bond to the 7on7rete:
+1-?.0)I F#'%& F#'#7#'8
After 7omp.etin; pre.iminary finishin;) ro6nd the ed;es of the initia. pa<in; Didths to a %:%4,foot radi6s:
Ro6nd trans<erse and .on;it6dina. 7onstr67tion Ioints to a %:%2,foot radi6s:
"efore 76rin;) te3t6re the pa<ement: Perform initia. te3t6rin; Dith a b6r.ap dra; or broom de<i7e that
prod67es striations para..e. to the 7enter.ine: Perform fina. te3t6rin; Dith a stee.,tined de<i7e that
prod67es ;roo<es para..e. Dith the 7enter.ine:
The tines m6st be from -9-2 to #9+ in7h Dide) on -94,in7h 7enters) and m6st ha<e eno6;h .en;th)
thi7kness) and resi.ien7e to form ;roo<es appro3imate.y -9#0 in7h deep:
Constr67t ;roo<es o<er the entire pa<ement Didth e37ept do not 7onstr67t ;roo<es - in7hes from the
7on7rete pa<ement ed;es and .on;it6dina. Ioints: Fina. te3t6re m6st be 6niform and smooth: =roo<es
m6st be para..e. and a.i;ned to the pa<ement ed;e a7ross the pa<ement Didth: =roo<es m6st be from #9+
to -9#0 in7h deep after 7on7rete has hardened:
If the En;ineer determines by <is6a. inspe7tion that the fina. te3t6rin; may not 7omp.y Dith the
spe7ifi7ations for 7oeffi7ient of fri7tion) the En;ineer tests to determine the 7oeffi7ient of fri7tion: Open the
pa<ement to traffi7 and a..oD 2* days after 7on7rete p.a7ement for the Department to test for the
7oeffi7ient of fri7tion: If pa<ement does not 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for 7oeffi7ient of fri7tion) ;roo<e
or ;rind the pa<ement 6nder se7tion 42: Perform ;roo<in; or ;rindin; before the insta..ation of any
reG6ired Ioint sea. or ed;e drains adIa7ent to the areas to be ;roo<ed or ;ro6nd:
Prote7t 7on7rete pa<ement 6nder se7tion $%,#:%-C:
aintain the 7on7rete pa<ement temperat6re at not .ess than 4% de;rees F for the initia. 52 ho6rs:
Corre7t pa<ement at 7onstr67tion Ioints not in 7omp.ian7e Dith strai;hted;e smoothness spe7ifi7ations
Dithin 4+ ho6rs by ;rindin;:
+1-?.0)E Tem60r%r3 R0%1:%3 P%$eme'/ S/r"(/"re
P.a7e ?A and a;;re;ate base Dhere e3istin; pa<ement is rep.a7ed for 7onstr67tion of a temporary
roadDay pa<ement str67t6re: The G6antity m6st be eG6a. to the G6antity of pa<ement remo<ed d6rin; the
Dork shift: If yo6 p.a7e temporary roadDay pa<ement str67t6re) it m6st be maintained and .ater remo<ed
as the #st order of Dork if rep.a7e 7on7rete pa<ement a7ti<ities res6me: The temporary roadDay
pa<ement str67t6re m6st 7onsist of -,#92 in7h thi7k ?A o<er a;;re;ate base: Con7rete not 7onformin;
to the spe7ifi7ations may be 6sed for temporary roadDay pa<ement str67t6re Dith a6thoriHation:
Spread and 7ompa7t a;;re;ate base and ?A by methods that prod67e a De..,7ompa7ted) 6niform base)
Dith a s6rfa7e of 6niform smoothness) te3t6re and density: S6rfa7es m6st be free from po7kets of 7oarse
or fine materia.: &o6 may spread a;;re;ate base and ?A ea7h in # .ayer: The finished s6rfa7e of ?A
m6st not <ary more than %:%* foot from the .oDer ed;e of a #2,foot .on; strai;hted;e p.a7ed para..e. Dith
the 7enter.ine and m6st mat7h the e.e<ation of e3istin; 7on7rete pa<ement a.on; the Ioints betDeen the
e3istin; pa<ement and temporary s6rfa7in;:
After remo<in; temporary roadDay pa<ement str67t6re) yo6 may sto7kpi.e remo<ed a;;re;ate base at
the Iob site and re6se it for temporary roadDay pa<ement str67t6res: If no .on;er reG6ired) dispose of
standby materia. or sto7kpi.ed materia. for temporary roadDay pa<ement str67t6res:
+1-?.0)I Reer$e1
+1-?.0+ PAYMENT
+1-?.0+A Ge'er%&
Indi<id6a. s.ab rep.a7ement is meas6red based on fie.d meas6rements:
Dri.. and bond doDe. bars are not in7.6ded in payment for indi<id6a. s.ab rep.a7ement:
If 7a.ibration of <o.6metri7 bat7h,tr67ks is performed more than #%% from the proIe7t .imits) tota.
payment for RSC is red67ed by O#)%%% per 7a.ibration session:
+1-?.0+B P%3 F%(/0r A1="/me'/ 40r L0: M01"&" 04 R"6/"re 04 RSC
The En;ineer adI6sts payment for RSC for mod6.6s of r6pt6re as fo..oDs:
#: Payment for RSC Dith a mod6.6s of r6pt6re of 4%% psi or ;reater before openin; to traffi7 and 5,day
mod6.6s of r6pt6re of 0%% psi or ;reater is not adI6sted:
2: Payment for RSC Dith a 5,day mod6.6s of r6pt6re .ess than *%% psi is not adI6sted and no payment
is made: Remo<e this RSC and rep.a7e it at yo6r e3pense Dith RSC that 7omp.ies Dith the
-: Payment for RSC Dith a mod6.6s of r6pt6re .ess than -%% psi before openin; to traffi7 is not adI6sted
and no payment is made: Remo<e this RSC and rep.a7e it at yo6r e3pense Dith RSC that 7omp.ies
Dith the spe7ifi7ations:
4: Payment for RSC Dith a mod6.6s of r6pt6re of -%% psi or ;reater before openin; to traffi7 and a 5,day
mod6.6s of r6pt6re ;reater than or eG6a. to *%% psi is red67ed by the per7enta;e in the fo..oDin; pay
tab.e for the G6antity represented by the tests:
Per(e'/%8e P%3 T%.&e
od6.6s of r6pt6re
/psi1 at openin; to
5,Day mod6.6s of r6pt6re /psi1
than or
eG6a. to
Less than 0%%
and ;reater
than or eG6a.
to **%
Less than **%
and ;reater
than or eG6a.
to *%%
=reater than or
eG6a. to 4%%
#%%\ $*\ $%\
Less than 4%% and
;reater than
or eG6a. to -*%
$*\ $*\ $%\
Less than -*% and
;reater than or
eG6a. to -%%
The En;ineer reIe7ts any RSC area that de<e.ops # or more
trans<erse 7ra7ks Dithin 2# days after p.a7ement: Remo<e this
RSC at yo6r e3pense and rep.a7e it Dith RSC that 7omp.ies Dith
the spe7ifi7ations: A trans<erse 7ra7k is a 7ra7k r6nnin; from one
.on;it6dina. ed;e of the pane. to the other:
+2-1.01 GENERAL
+2-1.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion 42,# in7.6des ;enera. spe7ifi7ations for:
#: =roo<in; and ;rindin; the s6rfa7e of pa<ement and brid;e de7ks
2: Disposin; of pa<ement ;roo<in; and ;rindin; resid6e
+2-1.01B De4#'#/#0'
+2-1.01C S".m#//%&
S6bmit one of the fo..oDin; for the fa7i.ity that yo6 ha<e arran;ed to re7ei<e the 7on7rete resid6e:
#: Copy of the fa7i.ityFs R8@C" or other app.i7ab.e a;en7y permit
2: R8@C"Fs or other a;en7yFs Dritten appro<a.
-: App.i7ab.e .o7a.) state) or federa. a;en7y permits if .o7ated o6tside the State
8ithin * b6siness days after 7omp.etin; 7on7rete ;roo<in; or ;rindin; a7ti<ities) s6bmit disposa. fa7i.ity
re7eipts and Dei;ht ti7kets for 7on7rete ;roo<in; or ;rindin; resid6e:
+2-1.01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
+2-1.0)A Ge'er%&
+2-1.0)B P%$eme'/ Gr00$#'8 %'1 Gr#'1#'8 Re#1"e
Remo<e ;roo<in; and ;rindin; resid6e Dith a <a766m atta7hed to the ;roo<in; or ;rindin; ma7hine:
Pre<ent resid6e from f.oDin; a7ross the pa<ement or remainin; on the pa<ement s6rfa7e: Dispose of
;roo<in; and ;rindin; resid6e at an appropriate disposa. fa7i.ity:
Do not store 7on7rete pa<ement ;roo<in; or ;rindin; resid6e Dithin the hi;hDay:
If a6thoriHed) yo6 may transport .iG6id ;roo<in; or ;rindin; resid6e to an offsite .o7ation for dryin;: The
offsite dryin; .o7ation m6st be identified and prote7ted 6nder the S8PPP or 8ater Po..6tion Contro.
+2-1.0+ PAYMENT
+2-2.01 GENERAL
+2-2.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion 42,2 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for ;roo<in; the s6rfa7e of pa<ement and brid;e de7ks:
+2-2.01B De4#'#/#0'
+2-2.01C S".m#//%&
+2-2.01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
The En;ineer se.e7ts and meas6res ;roo<ed areas for a77eptan7e: =roo<ed areas are a77epted if at
.east $* per7ent of any 2 by #%% foot .on;it6dina. pa<ement area is ;roo<ed e37ept Dhere pre<ented by
irre;6.arities in the pa<ement s6rfa7e: Omitted ;roo<es res6.tin; from a sin;.e fai.ed b.ade are a..oDed to
remain and are meas6red as ;roo<ed: Omitted ;roo<es res6.tin; from more than a sin;.e fai.ed b.ade that
is not more than *% feet in .en;th are a..oDed to remain and are meas6red as ;roo<ed: Other omitted
;roo<es reG6ired to be re76t m6st be ;roo<ed before the area is meas6red for payment:
+2-2.0)A Ge'er%&
+2-2.0)B Gr00$#'8 E!"#6me'/
=roo<in; b.ades m6st be %:%$* Z %:%%* in7h Dide and spa7ed on -94,in7h 7enters:
At the start of ea7h neD Dork shift) ;roo<in; ma7hines m6st be eG6ipped Dith a f6.. 7omp.ement of
f6n7tionin; ;roo<in; b.ades:
+2-2.0)C Gr00$#'8
"e;in and end ;roo<in; at .ines norma. to the roadDay 7enter.ine: Center ;roo<in; Dithin the .ane Didth:
For neD pa<ement or brid;e de7ks) ;roo<e the f6.. .ane Didth:
=roo<e pa<ement from #9+ to #94 in7h deep: =roo<e brid;e de7ks from #9+ to -9#0 in7h deep: If ;roo<in;
o<er ind67ti<e .oop dete7tors) ;roo<e from #9#0 to #9+ in7h deep:
If a sin;.e ;roo<in; b.ade on any ;roo<in; ma7hine fai.s to 76t a ;roo<e in 7omp.ian7e Dith the
spe7ifi7ations) yo6 may 7ontin6e to ;roo<e for the remainder of the Dorkshift: Do not re,;roo<e be7a6se
of a sin;.e fai.ed b.ade: If more than a sin;.e b.ade fai.s) perform either of the fo..oDin;:
#: Dis7ontin6e Dork Dith that ;roo<in; ma7hine Dithin *% feet of the fai.6re: Do not 76t omitted ;roo<es:
2: Contin6e ;roo<in; Dith that ;roo<in; ma7hine 6nti. the end of the Dork shift and 76t a.. the omitted
;roo<es by other means Dithin the same Dork shift: The En;ineer does not a77ept any ;roo<es in
that Dork shift 6nti. yo6 76t a.. omitted ;roo<es:
+2-2.0+ PAYMENT
=roo<e e3istin; 7on7rete pa<ement and ;roo<e e3istin; brid;e de7k are meas6red by m6.tip.yin; the
Didth by the .en;th of the ;roo<ed area:
+2-).01 GENERAL
+2-).01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion 42,- in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for ;rindin; the s6rfa7e of pa<ement and brid;e de7ks) and;
the ;ro6nd s6rfa7e to determine smoothness:
&o6 may rep.a7e 7on7rete pa<ement instead of ;rindin;: Smoothness spe7ifi7ations app.y to rep.a7ed
7on7rete pa<ement:
+2-).01B De4#'#/#0'
+2-).01C S".m#//%&
+2-).01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
Pa<ement ;rindin; m6st res6.t in a finish s6rfa7e that 7omp.ies Dith the G6a.ity 7ontro. and ass6ran7e
spe7ifi7ations for s6rfa7e smoothness in se7tion 4%,#:%#D:
+2-).0)A Ge'er%&
+2-).0)B E!"#6me'/
=rind Dith abrasi<e ;rindin; eG6ipment 6sin; diamond 76ttin; b.ades mo6nted on a se.f,prope..ed
ma7hine desi;ned for ;rindin; and te3t6rin; 7on7rete pa<ements:
+2-).0)C Gr#'1#'8
=rind brid;e de7ks on.y Dhen spe7ified: "e;in and end ;rindin; at .ines to the roadDay
=rind in the .on;it6dina. dire7tion of the tra<e.ed Day and ;rind the f6.. .ane Didth:
=rindin; 7on7rete m6st res6.t in a para..e. 7ord6roy te3t6re Dith ;roo<es from %:%+ to %:#2 in7h Dide and
from ** to 0% ;roo<es per foot of Didth: =roo<es m6st be from %:%0 to %:%+ in7h from the top of the rid;e
to the bottom of the ;roo<e:
=rindin; 7on7rete pa<ement not 7onstr67ted as part of the proIe7t m6st 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin;:
#: "oth sides of trans<erse Ioints and 7ra7ks m6st ha<e the same depth of te3t6re: The s6rfa7e m6st be
Dithin %:%# foot of the .oDer ed;e of a #2,foot .on; strai;hted;e Dhen .aid para..e. Dith the 7enter.ine
Dith its midpoint at the Ioint or 7ra7k:
2: If ne7essary) perform additiona. ;rindin; to a7hie<e the reG6ired s6rfa7e smoothness: Strai;hted;e
and profi.o;raph reG6irements do not app.y to areas abnorma..y depressed from s6bsiden7e or other
.o7a.iHed 7a6ses: End profi.o;raph testin; 2* feet before and res6me 2* feet after these areas:
-: Cross,s.ope m6st be 6niform and ha<e positi<e draina;e a7ross the tra<e.ed Day and sho6.der: The
s6rfa7e m6st be Dithin %:%2 foot of the .oDer ed;e of a #2,foot .on; strai;hted;e Dhen .aid to the 7enter.ine:
4: For Dei;h,in,motion the profi.e inde3 spe7ifi7ations do not app.y: The s6rfa7e m6st be Dithin
%:%# foot of the .oDer ed;e of a #2,foot .on; strai;hted;e .aid para..e. or to the
The fo..oDin; ;ro6nd areas m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for smoothness and 7on7rete 7o<er o<er
reinfor7in; stee. in se7tion *#,#:%#D/41:
#: Str67t6res
2: Approa7h s.abs
-: AdIa7ent *% feet of approa7h pa<ement
The 7oeffi7ient of fri7tion for ;ro6nd pa<ements m6st be at .east %:-% determined 6nder Ca.ifornia Test
The 7oeffi7ient of fri7tion for brid;e de7ks and approa7h s.abs m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *#,#:%#D/41:
+2-).0)D P%$eme'/ Re6&%(eme'/
Instead of ;rindin;) yo6 may rep.a7e e3istin; 7on7rete pa<ement: The neD 7on7rete pa<ement m6st be
the same thi7kness as the remo<ed pa<ement: Rep.a7e betDeen .on;it6dina. Ioints or pa<ement ed;es
and betDeen trans<erse Ioints: Do not remo<e portions of s.abs:
Rep.a7ement of 7on7rete pa<ement m6st 7omp.y Dith indi<id6a. s.ab rep.a7ement 6nder se7tion 4#,$:
For rep.a7ement 7on7rete pa<ement) yo6 may stir pi;mented 76rin; 7ompo6nd man6a..y d6rin;
app.i7ation: &o6 may app.y 76rin; 7ompo6nd Dith hand,he.d sprayin; eG6ipment and the noHH.e may be
Do not dist6rb adIa7ent 7on7rete pa<ement and s6b;rade d6rin; 7on7rete pa<ement remo<a. and
rep.a7ement: Re7ompa7t dist6rbed s6b;rade to $* per7ent re.ati<e 7ompa7tion at yo6r e3pense:
+2-).0+ PAYMENT
=rind e3istin; 7on7rete pa<ement and ;rind e3istin; brid;e de7k are meas6red by m6.tip.yin; the Didth
by the .en;th of the a7t6a. area ;ro6nd:
If yo6 be;in ;rindin; and 7han;e to rep.a7in; 7on7rete pa<ement) the ;rindin; is not paid for:
Rep.a7ement 7on7rete pa<ement 7onstr67ted instead of ;rindin; is meas6red by m6.tip.yin; the Didth by
the .en;th of the area of rep.a7ed pa<ement and is paid for as ;rind e3istin; 7on7rete pa<ement:
The Department does not pay for ;rindin; rep.a7ement 7on7rete pa<ement or for additiona. ;rindin; to
7omp.y Dith smoothness reG6irements:
+--1.01 GENERAL
+--1.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion 40,# in7.6des ;enera. spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; ;ro6nd an7hors and soi. nai.s:
+--1.01B De4#'#/#0'
+--1.01C S".m#//%&
+--1.01CB1C Ge'er%&
S6bmit a 7ertified 7a.ibration 7hart for ea7h Ia7k and its ;a;e as an informationa. s6bmitta.:
+--1.01CB2C S706 Dr%:#'8
S6bmit shop draDin;s to OSD) Do76ments !nit: Notify the En;ineer of the s6bmitta.: In7.6de in the
notifi7ation the date and 7ontents of the s6bmitta.: S6bmit * sets of shop draDin;s for initia. re<ieD: After
re<ieD) s6bmit from 0 to #2 sets) as reG6ested) for a6thoriHation and 6se d6rin; 7onstr67tion:
Shop draDin;s for ;ro6nd an7hors and soi. nai.s m6st in7.6de:
#: &o6r name) address) and te.ephone and fa3 n6mbers:
2: Constr67tion s7hed6.e and seG6en7e of; and ;ro6tin;:
-: En7aps6.ation detai.s:
4: Repair pro7ed6re for dama;ed sheathin;:
*:; methods and eG6ipment) in7.6din;:
*:#: Dri..ed ho.e diameter
*:2: EG6ipment spa7e reG6irements
0: =ro6t mi3 desi;n and testin; pro7ed6res:
5: =ro6t p.a7ement eG6ipment and pro7ed6res) in7.6din; minim6m reG6ired 76re time:
+: Detai.s for pro<idin; the bonded and 6nbonded .en;th: If pa7kers or other de<i7es are to be
6sed) in7.6de the type:
$: Testin; eG6ipment) in7.6din;:
$:#: Ca7kin; frame and app6rtenant bra7in;
$:2: ethod and eG6ipment for meas6rin; mo<ement d6rin; testin;
=ro6nd an7hor shop draDin;s m6st in7.6de:
#: Detai.s and spe7ifi7ations for the an7hora;e system and ;ro6nd an7hors
2: Detai.s for the transition betDeen the 7orr6;ated p.asti7 sheathin; and the an7hora;e assemb.y
-: If shims are 6sed d6rin; .o7k,off) shim thi7kness and s6pportin; 7a.76.ations
Soi. nai. shop draDin;s m6st in7.6de:
#: Detai.s and spe7ifi7ations for:
#:#: An7hora;e system
#:2: Prod67tion soi. nai.s
#:-: Test soi. nai.s
2:; methods and eG6ipment) in7.6din;:
2:#: S6pportin; 7a.76.ations
2:2: Ass6med bond stren;th
-: Detai.s for iso.atin; insta..ed proof test soi. nai.s d6rin; shot7rete app.i7ation
4: Pro7ed6re for e3tra7tin; ;ro6ted soi. nai.s
Soi. nai. shop draDin;s m6st be sea.ed and si;ned by an en;ineer Dho is re;istered as a 7i<i. en;ineer in
the State:
A..oD -% days for the DepartmentFs re<ieD of soi. nai. shop draDin;s:
+--1.01CB)C Te/ D%/%
S6bmit the fo..oDin; data for ea7h ;ro6nd an7hor or soi. nai. test:
#: 'ey personne.
2: Test .oadin; eG6ipment
-: An7hor or nai. .o7ation
4: Time and date of:
4:2: Insta..ation
4:-: =ro6tin;
4:4: Testin;
*: ?o.e diameter and depth
0:; method
5: Soi. or ro7k 7.assifi7ation and des7ription
+: "onded and 6nbonded .en;th
$: @6antity of ;ro6nd Dater en7o6ntered Dithin the bonded .en;th
#%: =ro6t G6antity and press6re 6sed Dithin the bonded .en;th
##: An7hor end or nai. head mo<ement at ea7h .oad in7rement or at ea7h time in7rement d6rin; the .oad
ho.d period
S6bmit the test data Dhen ;ro6nd an7hor or soi. nai. testin; is 7omp.ete or Dhen reG6ested:
+--1.01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
+--1.01DB1C Ge'er%&
Stabi.ity testin; and Da.. Hones m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion #$,-:
+--1.01DB2C L0%1 Te/#'8
+--1.01DB2CB%C Ge'er%&
The Ia7kin; eG6ipment and the mo<ement meas6rin; system m6st be stab.e d6rin; a.. phases of .oadin;:
Do not 6n.oad or reposition the test eG6ipment d6rin; .oad testin;:
+--1.01DB2CB.C E%(;#'8 E!"#6me'/ %'1 C%&#.r%/#0'
App.y the test .oads 6sin; a hydra6.i7 Ia7k s6pported by a rea7tion frame that 7an s6pport the test
eG6ipment Ditho6t e37essi<e deformation:
!se a 7a.ibrated press6re ;a;e or a .oad 7e.. to determine the ma;nit6de of app.ied test .oads:
The press6re ;a;e m6st ha<e an a776rate.y readin;) 7.ear.y <isib.e dia. or disp.ay: Dia. ;a;es m6st be
;rad6ated in #%% psi in7rements or .ess:
Ca.ibrate ea7h Ia7k and its ;a;e as a 6nit) Dith the 7y.inder e3tension in the appro3imate position it Di..
ha<e at the fina. Ia7kin; for7e: Ca.ibrate the Ia7k and ;a;e assemb.y 6nder the spe7ifi7ations for Ia7ks
6sed to stress tendons permanent.y an7hored at 2* per7ent or more of the spe7ified 6.timate tensi.e
stren;th in se7tion *%,#:%#D/-1:
The .oad 7e.. m6st be 7a.ibrated and ha<e an indi7ator 7apab.e of meas6rin; the ma3im6m test .oad: The
.oad 7e.. ran;e m6st be s67h that the .oDer #% per7ent of the man6fa7t6rerFs rated 7apa7ity is not 6sed in
determinin; the Ia7kin; for7e:
+--1.01DB2CB(C Me%"r#'8 M0$eme'/
The eG6ipment for meas6rin; the mo<ement at the an7hor end or nai. head m6st be a776rate to %:%%#
in7h and ha<e eno6;h 7apa7ity to 7omp.ete the test Ditho6t bein; reset:
+--1.01DB2CB1C Pr0(e1"re
At ea7h .oad in7rement) in7.6din; the endin; a.i;nment .oad) meas6re the mo<ement at the an7hor end or
nai. head re.ati<e to an independent) fi3ed referen7e point: Re7ord the mo<ements to the nearest %:%%#
aintain ea7h test .oad Dithin * per7ent of the spe7ified .oad thro6;ho6t ea7h ho.d period:
The Department may <erify the test .oads 6nder Ca.ifornia Test 055 6sin; Department,f6rnished testin;
eG6ipment: If reG6ested) insta.. and s6pport the eG6ipment d6rin; testin; and remo<e the eG6ipment after
testin; is 7omp.ete:
+--1.01E Ree%r(7 I'$e/#8%/#0'
+--1.02A Ge'er%&
+--1.02B S7e%/7#'8
P(C sheathin; m6st 7omp.y Dith AST D #5+4) C.ass #-404,":
?DPE sheathin; m6st ha<e a density of from $4% to $0% k;9m
Dhen meas6red 6nder AST D 5$2:
Smooth and 7orr6;ated sheathin;) in7.6din; Ioints) m6st be:
#: Stron; eno6;h to pre<ent dama;e d6rin; 7onstr67tion
2: 8aterti;ht
-: Chemi7a..y stab.e Ditho6t embritt.ement or softenin;
4: Nonrea7ti<e Dith:
4:#: Con7rete
4:2: Stee.
4:-: Corrosion,inhibitin; ;rease) if 6sed
The 7orr6;ation Didth) the distan7e betDeen 7orr6;ations) and the 7orr6;ation hei;ht of 7orr6;ated
p.asti7 sheathin; m6st be appro3imate.y eG6a.:
+--1.0)A Ge'er%&
8ater or ;ro6t from ;ro6nd an7hor or soi. nai. 7onstr67tion m6st not:
#: Fa.. on traffi7
2: F.oD a7ross sho6.ders or .anes o776pied by traffi7
-: F.oD into .ands7apin;) ;6tters) or other draina;e fa7i.ities
Do not 6se an e37essi<e G6antity of Dater Dhen; and; ;ro6nd an7hors:
+--1.0)B Dr#&&#'8
Dri..ed m6st not e3tend beyond the ri;ht,of,Day or easement .imits:; eG6ipment m6st prod67e strai;ht) 7.ean
!se the rotary or rotary per76ssion; method to dri.. ;ro6nd an7hor or soi. nai. in the
fo6ndation materia.:
At .o7ations Dhere 7a<in; is anti7ipated) keep eno6;h 7asin; and a6;er .en;ths on the Iob site to
maintain 6ninterr6pted an7hor or nai. insta..ation:
At .o7ations Dhere hard; 7onditions) s67h as ro7k) bo6.ders) or obstr67tions) are
anti7ipated) keep a doDn,ho.e pne6mati7 hammer dri.. ri; and dri.. bit a<ai.ab.e on the Iob site for;
C.ean the to remo<e materia. from; a7ti<ities: Do not 6se Dater to 7.ean soi. nai. 6n.ess
+--1.0)C I'/%&&%/#0'
"efore yo6 insert ea7h ;ro6nd an7hor or soi. nai. into a dri..ed ho.e) 7.ean the an7hor or nai. of oi.) ;rease)
dirt) and other e3traneo6s s6bstan7es and repair or rep.a7e any dama;ed sheathin;:
There m6st be no e<iden7e of distress in the p.asti7 sheathin; or 7r6shin; of the ;ro6t Dithin the
pre;ro6ted sheathin;:
Do not insert an an7hor or nai. into a ho.e 6nti. the ho.e has been inspe7ted by the En;ineer:
Insta.. the an7hor or nai. in the dri..ed ho.e prompt.y so that 7a<in; or deterioration of the ho.e does not
If yo6 7annot insert an an7hor or nai. into a dri..ed ho.e to the reG6ired depth Ditho6t diffi76.ty) remo<e the
an7hor or nai. and 7.ean or redri.. the ho.e: Do not for7e or dri<e a partia..y inserted an7hor or nai. into a
dri..ed ho.e: Partia..y inserted an7hors or nai.s are reIe7ted:
For open,ho.e; methods) keep ho.e,7.eanin; too.s on the Iob site: The too.s m6st be s6itab.e for
7.eanin; dri..ed a.on; their f6.. .en;th I6st before insertin; the an7hor or nai.:
+--1.0+ PAYMENT
Not !sed
+--2.01 GENERAL
+--2.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion 40,2 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; ;ro6nd an7hors:
A ;ro6nd an7hor 7onsists of a stee. bar or strand tendon Dith an an7hora;e assemb.y p.a7ed in a 7ored)
formed) or dri..ed ho.e) and then ;ro6ted and stressed:
Fabri7ation) insta..ation) and testin; of ;ro6nd an7hors m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *%: Interpret EmemberE in
se7tion *% as E;ro6nd an7hor:E
+--2.01B De4#'#/#0'
&0(;-044 &0%15 Load maintained on the Ia7ks Dhi.e the an7hor head or an7hor n6ts on the ;ro6nd an7hor
are permanent.y set:
+--2.01C S".m#//%&
At .east 4% days before 6sin; the 7orrosion,inhibitin; ;rease) s6bmit a test samp.e from the .ot to be 6sed
and test data shoDin; 7omp.ian7e Dith the spe7ifi7ations for strand 7oatin; and en7aps6.ation:
+--2.01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
+--2.01DB1C Ge'er%&
+--2.01DB2C L0%1 Te/#'8
+--2.01DB2CB%C Ge'er%&
The Contra7t des7ribes Dhi7h ;ro6nd an7hors are to be performan7e tested: Proof test a.. ;ro6nd
an7hors that are not performan7e tested:
Perform .oad testin; a;ainst the 7omp.eted str67t6ra. e.ement shoDn: Do not test dire7t.y a;ainst the soi.:
Do not stress a;ainst the 7on7rete 6nti. it has attained a 7ompressi<e stren;th of at .east 2)++% psi or has
76red for at .east 5 days:
"earin; pads m6st be a minim6m of # foot aDay from the ed;es of the dri..ed ho.e:
+--2.01DB2CB.C Pr0(e1"re
Cond67t the performan7e and proof tests as fo..oDs:
#: In7rementa..y .oad and 6n.oad the an7hor as shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
L0%1#'8 S(7e1"&e
Performan7e test Proof test
?o.d time
?o.d time
AL !nti. stab.e AL !nti. stab.e
%:2%FTL #B2 %:2%FTL #B2
AL !nti. stab.e %:4%FTL #B2
%:2%FTL #B2 %:0%FTL #B2
%:4%FTL #B2 %:+%FTL #B2
AL !nti. stab.e #:%%FTL
#% or 0%
%:2%FTL #B2 AL !nti. stab.e
%:4%FTL #B2 ,, ,,
%:0%FTL #B2 ,, ,,
AL !nti. stab.e ,, ,,
%:2%FTL #B2 ,, ,,
%:4%FTL #B2 ,, ,,
%:0%FTL #B2 ,, ,,
%:+%FTL #B2 ,, ,,
AL !nti. stab.e ,, ,,
%:2%FTL #B2 ,, ,,
%:4%FTL #B2 ,, ,,
%:0%FTL #B2
%:+%FTL #B2 ,, ,,
#% or 0% ,, ,,
AL !nti. stab.e ,, ,,
NOTE: FTL T fa7tored test .oad shoDn: AL T a.i;nment .oad) %:#%FTL:
a3im6m test .oad
2: App.y ea7h .oad in7rement in .ess than # min6te and ho.d it for the .en;th of time shoDn in the tab.e
tit.ed ELoadin;
-: eas6re and re7ord the app.ied test .oad and the an7hor end mo<ement at ea7h .oad in7rement:
4: 8hen app.yin; the ma3im6m test .oad:
4:#: ?o.d the .oad 7onstant for #% min6tes
4:2: Start the obser<ation period for the .oad ho.d Dhen the p6mp starts to app.y the .ast .oad
4:-: eas6re and re7ord the an7hor end mo<ement at #) 2) -) 4) *) 0) and #% min6tes
*: If the mo<ement meas6red from # to #% min6tes is ;reater than %:%4 in7h:
*:#: ?o.d the .oad 7onstant for an additiona. *% min6tes
*:2: eas6re and re7ord the an7hor end mo<ement at #*) 2%) 2*) -%) 4*) and 0% min6tes
*:-: P.ot a 7reep 76r<e as a f6n7tion of the .o;arithm of time) shoDin; the an7hor end mo<ement
from 0 to 0% min6tes
0: Red67e the .oad to the endin; a.i;nment .oad and re7ord the resid6a. mo<ement:
+--2.01DB2CB(C A((e6/%'(e Cr#/er#%
A performan7e, or proof,tested ;ro6nd an7hor is a77eptab.e if:
#: Tota. meas6red mo<ement at the ma3im6m test .oad min6s the meas6red resid6a. mo<ement at the
endin; a.i;nment .oad e37eeds +% per7ent of the theoreti7a. e.asti7 e.on;ation of the s6m of the
6nbonded .en;th and the Ia7kin; .en;th:
2: Creep mo<ement 7omp.ies Dith one of the fo..oDin;:
2:#: For a #%,min6te .oad ho.d) the 7reep mo<ement meas6red from # to #% min6tes is .ess than
%:%4 in7h:
2:2: For a 0%,min6te .oad ho.d) the 7reep mo<ement meas6red from 0 to 0% min6tes is .ess than
%:%+ in7h and the 7reep rate is .inear or de7reasin; in time .o;arithmi7 s7a.e from the 0, to the
0%,min6te readin;:
If a ;ro6nd an7hor fai.s to 7omp.y Dith the a77eptan7e 7riteria) redesi;n or rep.a7e the ;ro6nd an7hor: Do
not retest a ;ro6nd an7hor 6n.ess yo6 post,;ro6t the an7hor bond .en;th after the 6na77eptab.e test:
+--2.02A Ge'er%&
If a bond breaker is shoDn near the bearin; p.ate) 6se a #94,in7h premo.ded Ioint that 7omp.ies Dith
se7tion *#,2:%#:
+--2.02B S/ee&
The an7hora;e en7.os6re and the stee. t6be and bearin; p.ate of the an7hora;e assemb.y m6st be
;a.<aniHed stee. 7omp.yin; Dith se7tion **: Se7tion ##,-:%2 does not app.y to the an7hora;e en7.os6re
De.ds or to the De.d betDeen the stee. t6be and the bearin; p.ate:
The permanent bearin; p.ate m6st effe7ti<e.y distrib6te the fa7tored test .oad 6niform.y to the 7on7rete
s67h that:
#: Con7rete bearin; stress does not e37eed 2)4%% psi
2: "endin; stress of the p.ate does not e37eed:
2:#: %:$% of the yie.d stren;th for stee.
2:2: %:** of the yie.d stren;th for 7ast stee. or 7ast iron
+--2.02C S7e%/7#'8
+--2.02CB1C Ge'er%&
Po.ypropy.ene sheathin; m6st ha<e a density of from $%% to $#% k;9m
Dhen meas6red 6nder AST D
+--2.02CB2C Sm00/7 P&%/#( S7e%/7#'8
Smooth sheathin; for bar tendons m6st be P(C or ?DPE:
Smooth sheathin; for en7aps6.atin; indi<id6a. strands of strand tendons m6st be ?DPE or po.ypropy.ene
and m6st ha<e a minim6m Da.. thi7kness of 4% mi.s:
+--2.02CB)C C0rr"8%/e1 P&%/#( S7e%/7#'8
Corr6;ated p.asti7 sheathin; m6st be P(C or ?DPE:
P(C 7orr6;ated sheathin; m6st ha<e a nomina. Da.. thi7kness of 4% mi.s:
?DPE 7orr6;ated sheathin; Dith an o6tside diameter of - in7hes or ;reater m6st ha<e a nomina. Da..
thi7kness of 0% mi.s: ?DPE 7orr6;ated sheathin; Dith an o6tside diameter of .ess than - in7hes m6st
ha<e a nomina. Da.. thi7kness of 4% mi.s:
+--2.02D S/r%'1 C0%/#'8 %'1 E'(%6"&%/#0'
8ithin the 6nbonded .en;th of strand tendons) f6..y 7oat ea7h indi<id6a. strand Dith 7orrosion,inhibitin;
;rease and en7aps6.ate it Dith a smooth ?DPE or po.ypropy.ene sheath:
?ot me.t e3tr6de or shop app.y the sheath onto the strand 6sin; a method that ens6res a.. spa7es
betDeen the sheath) strand) and strand Dires are fi..ed Dith 7orrosion,inhibitin; ;rease:
The 7orrosion,inhibitin; ;rease m6st:
#: Fi.. a.. spa7e betDeen the strand Dires
2: En7aps6.ate the strand) ;i<in; an en7asement diameter at .east * mi.s ;reater than the diameter of
the bare strand
-: Pro<ide a 7ontin6o6s) nonbritt.e fi.m of 7orrosion prote7tion to the prestressin; stee.
4: Pro<ide .6bri7ation betDeen the strand and the sheathin;
*: Resist f.oD from the sheathin;
0: "e 7hemi7a..y stab.e and nonrea7ti<e Dith the prestressin; stee.) sheathin; materia.) and 7on7rete
5: "e or;ani7
+: ?a<e appropriate moist6re,disp.a7in;) and 7orrosion,inhibitin; additi<es
$: ?a<e the physi7a. properties shoDn in Tab.e # of Specification for Un)onded Single Strand Tendons
p6b.ished by the Post,Tensionin; Instit6te
+--2.02E Gr0"/
The ;ro6t m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *%) e37ept the ;ro6t is not reG6ired to pass thro6;h a s7reen Dith
%:%5,in7h ma3im6m 7.ear openin;s before bein; introd67ed into the ;ro6t p6mp:
For dri..ed + in7hes or .ar;er in diameter) yo6 may add fine a;;re;ate to the ;ro6t 6sed o6tside of
the 7orr6;ated sheathin;: The fine a;;re;ate m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion $%,#:%2C: =ro6t Dith fine
a;;re;ate m6st 7ontain at .east +4* po6nds of 7ement per 76bi7 yard:
+--2.0)A Ge'er%&
=ro6nd an7hor insta..ation m6st 7omp.y Dith the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions 6n.ess otherDise spe7ified:
Determine the bonded .en;th ne7essary to 7omp.y Dith the spe7ified a77eptan7e 7riteria:
Sheath the tendons in the 6nbonded .en;th Dith smooth p.asti7 sheathin; that e3tends into the stee. t6be
of the permanent an7hora;e assemb.y: Sheath the tendons f6.. .en;th Dith 7orr6;ated p.asti7 sheathin;:
The transition betDeen the 7orr6;ated p.asti7 sheathin; and the an7hora;e assemb.y m6st a..oD
stressin; to the ma3im6m test .oad Ditho6t e<iden7e of distress in the 7orr6;ated p.asti7 sheathin;:
Se.e7t a ;ro6nd an7hor insta..ation method that a7hie<es the .oadin;s spe7ified:
Do not dri.. for ;ro6nd an7hors in a Da.. Hone 6nti. any reG6ired stabi.ity testin; is 7omp.ete and the test
res6.ts are a6thoriHed:
Dri.. the for ;ro6nd an7hors in the fo6ndation materia. deep eno6;h to pro<ide the ne7essary bond
.en;th beyond the minim6m 6nbonded .en;th shoDn:
If 7orin; thro6;h 7on7rete str67t6res) 7ore the 6sin; methods that do not shatter or dama;e the
7on7rete adIa7ent to the ho.e:
The diameter of the dri..ed ho.e m6st be .ar;e eno6;h to pro<ide a minim6m ;ro6t 7o<er of # in7h o<er the
7orr6;ated sheathin; for the f6.. .en;th of the tendon:
"efore; a ;ro6nd an7hor) repair or rep.a7e any dama;ed portions of the sheathin;:
P.a7e 7entra.iHers at #%,foot ma3im6m inter<a.s for the f6.. .en;th of the tendon) Dith the 6ppermost
7entra.iHer .o7ated 2 feet from the end of the stee. t6be and the deepest 7entra.iHer .o7ated 2 feet from the
end of the an7hor:
Pre;ro6t ea7h tendon at .east 4+ ho6rs before yo6 p.a7e the tendon in the dri..ed ho.e:
At ea7h ;ro6tin; sta;e) inIe7t the ;ro6t at the .oD end of the <oid to be fi..ed: P.a7e the ;ro6t 6sin; ;ro6t
t6bes: Do not p.a7e ;ro6t in the 6nbonded .en;th 6nder press6re: Re7ord the G6antity of ;ro6t and the
;ro6t press6res:
After initia. ;ro6tin;) the an7hor m6st remain 6ndist6rbed 6nti. the ;ro6t is stron; eno6;h to pro<ide
an7hora;e d6rin; .oad testin;:
Prote7t the an7hora;e assemb.y a;ainst r6st) 7orrosion) and physi7a. dama;e 6nti. the en7.os6re is
;ro6ted or the assemb.y is en7ased in 7on7rete:
For ;ro6nd an7hors insta..ed inside dri<en str67t6ra. e.ements) s67h as pipe) 7asin;) she..s) and pipe 7onstr67t the dri..ed ho.e in the fo6ndation materia. as fo..oDs:
#: !se 7onstr67tion methods that do not red67e the 7ompression or tension 7apa7ity of the dri<en
2: After the dri<en e.ement is insta..ed) ad<an7e the an7hor ho.e Dith a dri.. 7asin; 6sin; rotary methods
to at .east #% feet beyond the tip of the dri<en e.ement: Do not 6se per76ssion; 6nti. the 7asin;
is in p.a7e:
-: Do not e3tra7t the 7asin; 6nti. the tendon is insta..ed and the portion of the initia. ;ro6t o6tside the
7orr6;ated sheathin; and Dithin the bonded .en;th has been p.a7ed:
+--2.0)B B%r Te'10'
For bar tendons) pro<ide a sea. betDeen the smooth sheathin; and the 7orr6;ated sheathin; at the top
and bottom of the .en;th of smooth sheathin;:
Center the bar in the 7orr6;ated sheathin; and pre;ro6t the spa7e betDeen the bar and the
sheathin; before p.a7in; the tendon in the dri..ed ho.e:
&o6 may p.a7e the initia. ;ro6t in the dri..ed ho.e before or after insertin; the bar tendon:
Stress the bars for m6.tip.e,bar tendons sim6.taneo6s.y:
+--2.0)C S/r%'1 Te'10'
Separate the indi<id6a. strands of strand tendons Dithin the bonded .en;th 6sin; spa7ers s67h that the
entire s6rfa7e of ea7h strand is bonded in the ;ro6t: The spa7ers m6st be:
#: Spa7ed at * feet ma3im6m
2: ade of p.asti7
-: Stron; eno6;h to s6pport the indi<id6a. strands d6rin; 7onstr67tion a7ti<ities
Pre;ro6t the 7orr6;ated sheathin; a minim6m .en;th of 2 feet before insertin; the strand tendon in the
After insertin; the strand tendon and before p.a7in; the initia. ;ro6t in the ho.e) inIe7t ;ro6t into the
7orr6;ated sheathin; to the .imits shoDn:
+--2.0)D L0(;-044
After a s677essf6. ;ro6nd an7hor test) tension the an7hor and .o7k it off at the .o7k,off .oad shoDn:
Lo7k off strand tendons as fo..oDs:
#: Stress the tendon to the ma3im6m test .oad:
2: F6..y set the permanent Ded;es in the an7hor head:
-: Remo<e the shims or 6se other appropriate means to a7hie<e the .o7k,off .oad shoDn:
Immediate.y after .o7k,off) perform a .ift,off test to <erify that the .o7k,off .oad has been attained: If
ne7essary) adI6st the shim thi7kness to a7hie<e the .o7k,off .oad:
After .o7k,off) p.a7e ;ro6t to the se7ondary ;ro6t .e<e. shoDn: At .east 24 ho6rs after the se7ondary ;ro6t
has set) fi.. the remainin; <oid in the stee. t6be and bearin; p.ate Dith ;ro6t: aintain a minim6m ;ro6t
head of 2 feet 6nti. the ;ro6t has set:
If a ;ro6ted an7hora;e en7.os6re is shoDn) insta.. the en7.os6re as fo..oDs:
#: =ro6t the stee. t6be:
2: C.ean the bearin; p.ate s6rfa7e:
-: P.a7e the sea.ant:
4: "o.t the an7hora;e en7.os6re in p.a7e:
*: Fi.. the <oid in the an7hora;e en7.os6re Dith ;ro6t:
0: C.ean and sea. any in the top of the an7hora;e en7.os6re 6sed for ;ro6t p.a7ement: !se a
nonsa; po.ys6.fide or po.y6rethane; 7ompo6nd that 7omp.ies Dith AST C $2%:
+--2.0+ PAYMENT
Not !sed
+--).01 GENERAL
+--).01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion 40,- in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; soi. nai.s:
A soi. nai. 7onsists of stee. bar reinfor7ement Dith an an7hora;e assemb.y p.a7ed in a dri..ed ho.e and
+--).01B De4#'#/#0'
6"&&0"/ 4%#&"re5 O776rren7e in Dhi7h attempts to in7rease the test .oad res6.t in nai. head mo<ement
re.ati<e to a fi3ed referen7e point Ditho6t an in7rease in .oad:
+--).01C S".m#//%&
If a p6..o6t fai.6re o776rs) s6bmit the p6..o6t fai.6re .oad as part of the test data:
If prod67tion soi. nai.s are reIe7ted 6nder se7tion 40,-:%#D/21/71) s6bmit re<ised shop draDin;s:
If additiona. <erifi7ation soi. nai.s are reG6ired 6nder se7tion 40,-:%#D/21/71) s6bmit re<ised shop draDin;s
and a test borin; report:
The test borin; report m6st in7.6de:
#: S6mmary of; methods); eG6ipment) dri.. p.atforms) and; diffi76.ties en7o6ntered
2: Lo7ation map of the s6r<eyed position of the neD test borin;s re.ati<e to e3istin; and proposed
fa7i.ities in the Ca.ifornia Coordinate System and brid;e stationin;
-: "ore ho.e s6r<eyin; notes
4: Depth in7rements of borin;s
*: Soi. and ro7k 7.assifi7ations and des7riptions
0: Photo;raphs of 76ttin;s
5: Copies of ori;ina. dai.y; notes) in7.6din; dates and Deather 7onditions
C.assify soi. and ro7k 6nder the Soil and !ock *ogging2 Classification2 and Presentation Manual: For the
man6a.) ;o to the =eote7hni7a. Ser<i7es 8eb site:
The test borin; report m6st be sea.ed and si;ned by a ;eo.o;ist or en;ineer re;istered as a ;eo.o;ist or
7i<i. en;ineer in the State:
+--).01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
+--).01DB1C Ge'er%&
+--).01DB2C L0%1 Te/#'8
+--).01DB2CB%C Ge'er%&
Perform .oad testin; of <erifi7ation and proof test soi. nai.s to <erify the insta..ation methods and p6..o6t
Load testin; m6st in7.6de in7rementa..y .oadin; the soi. nai. 6nti. the ma3im6m test .oad is he.d for the
spe7ified d6ration or a p6..o6t fai.6re o776rs: If a p6..o6t fai.6re o776rs) re7ord the p6..o6t fai.6re .oad:
+--).01DB2CB.C Pr0(e1"re
+--).01DB2CB.CB#C Ge'er%&
Determine the test .oad 6sin; the fo..oDin; eG6ation:
T T Lb 3 @d
T T test .oad) .b
Lb T soi. nai. bonded .en;th) feet) #% feet minim6m
@d T desi;n p6..o6t resistan7e shoDn) .b9ft
+--).01DB2CB.CB##C Ver#4#(%/#0' Te/
Perform <erifi7ation testin; in the En;ineerFs presen7e:
Insta.. and test 2 <erifi7ation test soi. nai.s for ea7h Da.. Hone: &o6 may insta.. and test the nai.s d6rin;
stabi.ity testin;:
Cond67t the <erifi7ation test as fo..oDs:
#: In7rementa..y .oad the test soi. nai. as shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Ver#4#(%/#0' Te/ L0%1#'8 S(7e1"&e
Load in7rement
?o.d time
AL !nti. stab.e
%:2%T #B2
%:4%T #B2
%:0%T #B2
%:+%T #B2
#:2*T #B2
AL !nti. stab.e
NOTE: T T test .oad: AL T a.i;nment .oad) %:#%T:
Creep test
a3im6m test .oad
2: App.y ea7h .oad in7rement in .ess than # min6te and ho.d it for the .en;th of time shoDn in the tab.e
tit.ed E(erifi7ation Test Loadin; S7hed6.e:E
-: eas6re and re7ord the app.ied test .oad and the nai. head mo<ement at ea7h .oad in7rement:
4: D6rin; the 7reep test:
4:#: ?o.d the .oad 7onstant for 0% min6tes
4:2: Start the obser<ation period for the .oad ho.d Dhen the p6mp starts to app.y the .oad in7rement
from %:+%T to #:%%T
4:-: eas6re and re7ord the nai. head mo<ement at #) 2) -) 4) *) 0) #%) 2%) -%) 4%) *%) and 0%
4:4: P.ot a 7reep 76r<e as a f6n7tion of the .o;arithm of time) shoDin; the nai. head mo<ement from
0 to 0% min6tes
*: If the mo<ement meas6red from 0 to 0% min6tes is .ess than %:%+ in7h:
*:#: In7rease the .oad in7rementa..y to #:*%T
*:2: ?o.d the .oad 7onstant for #% min6tes
*:-: Start the obser<ation period for the .oad ho.d Dhen the p6mp starts to app.y the .oad in7rement
from #:2*T to #:*%T
*:4: eas6re and re7ord the nai. head mo<ement at #) 2) -) 4) *) 0) and #% min6tes
*:*: Red67e the .oad to the endin; a.i;nment .oad and re7ord the resid6a. mo<ement
0: If the mo<ement meas6red from 0 to 0% min6tes is %:%+ in7h or ;reater) red67e the .oad to the endin;
a.i;nment .oad:
+--).01DB2CB.CB###C Pr004 Te/
Prod67tion soi. nai.s m6st be represented by proof test soi. nai.s Dithin a ;i<en Da.. Hone:
Perform proof testin; in the En;ineerFs presen7e at the .o7ations shoDn:
Test a;ainst a temporary yoke that bears dire7t.y on the shot7rete fa7in;: Test .oads transmitted thro6;h
the temporary yoke m6st not fra7t6re the shot7rete or 7a6se disp.a7ement or s.o6;hin; of the soi.
s6rro6ndin; the dri..ed ho.e:
Cond67t the proof test as fo..oDs:
#: In7rementa..y .oad the test soi. nai. as shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Pr004 Te/ L0%1#'8 S(7e1"&e
Load in7rement
?o.d time
AL !nti. stab.e
%:2%T #B2
%:4%T #B2
%:0%T #B2
%:+%T #B2
#% or 0%
AL !nti. stab.e
NOTE: T T test .oad: AL T a.i;nment .oad) %:#%T:
Creep test
a3im6m test .oad for proof test
Loads for s6pp.ementa. testin; on.y
2: App.y ea7h .oad in7rement in .ess than # min6te and ho.d it for the .en;th of time shoDn in the tab.e
tit.ed EProof Test Loadin; S7hed6.e:E
-: eas6re and re7ord the app.ied test .oad and the nai. head mo<ement at ea7h .oad in7rement:
4: D6rin; the 7reep test:
4:#: ?o.d the .oad 7onstant for #% min6tes
4:2: Start the obser<ation period for the .oad ho.d Dhen the p6mp starts to app.y the .oad in7rement
from %:+%T to #:%%T
4:-: eas6re and re7ord the nai. head mo<ement at #) 2) -) 4) *) 0) and #% min6tes
*: If the mo<ement meas6red from # to #% min6tes is ;reater than %:%+ in7h:
*:#: ?o.d the .oad 7onstant for an additiona. *% min6tes
*:2: eas6re and re7ord the nai. head mo<ement at 2%) -%) 4%) *%) and 0% min6tes
*:-: P.ot a 7reep 76r<e as a f6n7tion of the .o;arithm of time) shoDin; the nai. head mo<ement from
0 to 0% min6tes
0: Red67e the .oad to the endin; a.i;nment .oad and re7ord the resid6a. mo<ement:
+--).01DB2CB.CB#$C S"66&eme'/%& Te/
The En;ineer se.e7ts 6p to #92 of proof test soi. nai.s for s6pp.ementa. testin;: On.y proof test soi. nai.s
Dith a 7reep mo<ement .ess than %:%+ in7h meas6red from # to #% min6tes are 7onsidered for
s6pp.ementa. testin;:
Perform s6pp.ementa. testin; immediate.y fo..oDin; 7reep testin;: In7rementa..y .oad the soi. nai.s as
shoDn in the tab.e tit.ed EProof Test Loadin; S7hed6.e:E Re7ord the test .oad and nai. head mo<ement as
part of the test data:
+--).01DB2CB(C A((e6/%'(e Cr#/er#%
A soi. nai. is a77eptab.e if:
#: For <erifi7ation tests:
#:#: Creep mo<ement meas6red from 0 to 0% min6tes is .ess than %:%+ in7h:
#:2: Creep rate is .inear or de7reasin; in time .o;arithmi7 s7a.e from the 0, to the 0%,min6te
2: For proof tests) the 7reep mo<ement 7omp.ies Dith one of the fo..oDin;:
2:#: Creep mo<ement meas6red from # to #% min6tes is no more than %:%+ in7h:
2:2: Creep mo<ement meas6red from 0 to 0% min6tes is .ess than %:%+ in7h and the 7reep rate is
.inear or de7reasin; in time .o;arithmi7 s7a.e from the 0, to the 0%,min6te readin;:
-: Tota. meas6red mo<ement at the ma3im6m test .oad min6s the meas6red resid6a. mo<ement at the
endin; a.i;nment .oad e37eeds +% per7ent of the theoreti7a. e.asti7 e.on;ation of the 6nbonded
4: P6..o6t fai.6re does not o776r:
(erifi7ation test soi. nai.s that fai. to 7omp.y Dith the a77eptan7e 7riteria are reIe7ted: Insta.. and test
additiona. <erifi7ation test soi. nai.s 6nti. they 7omp.y Dith the a77eptan7e 7riteria: S6bmit re<ised shop
draDin;s for additiona. <erifi7ation test soi. nai.s:
The En;ineer determines the 7a6se of fai.6re for ea7h reIe7ted <erifi7ation test soi. nai.:
If the En;ineer determines that the insta..ation methods are the 7a6se of fai.6re) the insta..ation methods
are reIe7ted: ShoD a.ternati<e insta..ation methods on the re<ised shop draDin;s:
If the En;ineer re<ises soi. nai. .en;ths or desi;n p6..o6t resistan7e <a.6es) any additiona. <erifi7ation test
soi. nai.s are 7han;e order Dork:
Lo; horiHonta. borin;s for additiona. <erifi7ation test soi. nai.s and s6bmit a test borin; report 6nder
se7tion 40,-:%#C: The .o;;in; of horiHonta. test borin;s and the s6bmitta. of the test borin; report is
7han;e order Dork:
Prod67tion soi. nai.s represented by proof test soi. nai.s that fai. to 7omp.y Dith the a77eptan7e 7riteria)
e37ept those represented by proof test soi. nai.s se.e7ted for s6pp.ementa. testin;) are reIe7ted: S6bmit
re<ised shop draDin;s for rep.a7ement nai.s that shoD a.ternati<e insta..ation methods) re<ised prod67tion
soi. nai.s) or a modified soi. nai.
+--).01DB)C Gr0"/
"efore 6sin; ;ro6t Dith fine a;;re;ate) prod67e a test bat7h to <erify the 7onsisten7y: Prod67e and
de.i<er the test bat7h 6nder 7onditions and in time periods to those e3pe7ted d6rin; the ;ro6tin; of
soi. nai.s:
P.a7e the test bat7h ;ro6t in an e37a<ated ho.e or a 7ontainer of s6itab.e siHe to a..oD testin; 6nder
Ca.ifornia Test *--: The test bat7h m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ified nomina. penetration: Dispose of the
;ro6t after testin;:
+--).02A Ge'er%&
Ea7h prod67tion soi. nai. m6st be either a reinfor7in; bar en7aps6.ated f6.. .en;th in a ;ro6ted 7orr6;ated
p.asti7 sheathin; or an epo3y,7oated prefabri7ated reinfor7in; bar partia..y en7aps6.ated in a ;ro6ted
7orr6;ated p.asti7 sheathin;: The epo3y,7oated prefabri7ated reinfor7in; bar m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion
*2,2:%- and m6st ha<e a minim6m epo3y thi7kness of #2 mi.s:
"ar reinfor7ement for test soi. nai.s is not reG6ired to be epo3y 7oated or en7aps6.ated in ;ro6ted p.asti7
If yo6 are ordered to .en;then <erifi7ation or proof test soi. nai.s) the .en;thenin; of test soi. nai.s is
7han;e order Dork:
If yo6 are ordered to .en;then prod67tion soi. nai.s or insta.. additiona. prod67tion soi. nai.s) the
.en;thenin; or addition of prod67tion soi. nai.s is 7han;e order Dork:
+--).02B S/ee&
Soi. nai. an7hora;e assemb.ies m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 5*,#:%2) e37ept ;a.<aniHin; is not reG6ired for
n6ts) Dashers) Ded;es) and bearin; p.ates if they are f6..y en7ased in 7on7rete) ;ro6t) or shot7rete:
Con7rete an7hors on bearin; p.ates m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for st6d 7onne7tors in se7tion **,
+--).02C B%r Re#'40r(eme'/
"ar reinfor7ement m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *2:
Sp.i7e the bar reinfor7ement on.y Dhere shoDn on the a6thoriHed shop draDin;s or at the end of a soi.
nai. that is ordered to be .en;thened:
For bar reinfor7ement for prod67tion soi. nai.s:
#: =rade 0% bar reinfor7ement m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A 0#*9A 0#* or A 5%09A 5%0:
2: =rade 5* bar reinfor7ement m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A 0#*9A 0#*:
-: Reinfor7ement m6st ha<e at .east a 0,in7h .en;th of thread on the an7hora;e end: Threadin; m6st be
either 7ontin6o6s spira. deformed ribbin; pro<ided by the bar deformations or 76t into the bar: For
bars Dith 76t threads) 6se the ne3t .ar;er bar siHe from that shoDn and 6se 7oarse threads:
4: Epo3y 7oatin; at the an7hora;e end of epo3y,7oated bars may be omitted for no more than 0 in7hes:
*: eta. s6rfa7es of assemb.ed sp.i7es of epo3y,7oated bars m6st be epo3y 7oated:
Choose the bar reinfor7ement siHe and ;rade for test soi. nai.s: Test soi. nai. bars m6st not be
than the prod67tion soi. nai.s they represent:
Do not sp.i7e a test soi. nai. Dithin the bonded .en;th:
+--).02D S7e%/7#'8
Corr6;ated p.asti7 sheathin; m6st be P(C or ?DPE and m6st ha<e a minim6m thi7kness of 2* mi.s:
+--).02E Gr0"/
=ro6t m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *%) e37ept testin; 6nder Ca.ifornia Test *4# is not reG6ired and the ;ro6t
is not reG6ired to pass thro6;h a s7reen Dith %:%5,in7h ma3im6m 7.ear openin;s before bein; introd67ed
into the ;ro6t p6mp:
For dri..ed 0 in7hes or .ar;er in diameter) yo6 may add fine a;;re;ate to the ;ro6t: =ro6t Dith fine
a;;re;ate m6st:
#: Contain at .east +4* po6nds of 7ement per 76bi7 yard of ;ro6t
2: !se fine a;;re;ate that 7omp.ies Dith se7tion $%,#:%2C
-: ?a<e a nomina. penetration of at .east -,#92 in7hes Dhen meas6red 6nder Ca.ifornia Test *--
4: ?a<e an air 7ontent of no more than 2 per7ent Dhen meas6red 6nder Ca.ifornia Test *%4
*: Not 7ontain air,entrainin; admi3t6res
+--).0)A Ge'er%&
Determine the dri..ed ho.e diameter and insta..ation method reG6ired to a7hie<e the soi. nai. p6..o6t
resistan7e <a.6es shoDn:
Do not dri.. for proof test or prod67tion soi. nai.s in a Da.. Hone 6nti. stabi.ity testin;) if reG6ired) and
<erifi7ation soi. nai. testin; are 7omp.ete in the Da.. Hone and the test res6.ts are a6thoriHed:
+--).0)B Te/ S0#& N%#&
Constr67t <erifi7ation and proof test soi. nai.s 6sin; the same eG6ipment) methods) nai. in7.ination) and
dri..ed ho.e diameter as to be 6sed for prod67tion soi. nai.s:
Dri..) insta..) and ;ro6t <erifi7ation test soi. nai.s in the En;ineerFs presen7e:
&o6 may insta.. <erifi7ation test soi. nai.s by any of the fo..oDin; means:
#: Thro6;h the e3istin; s.ope fa7e:
2: Thro6;h the dri.. p.atform Dork ben7h:
-: Thro6;h the stabi.iHation berm:
4: Thro6;h the stabi.ity test e3posed fa7e:
*: Into s.ot 76ts made for the .ift in Dhi7h <erifi7ation test soi. nai.s are .o7ated: A s.ot 76t m6st be no
.ar;er than is needed to a77ommodate the dri.. and test set6p eG6ipment:
Insta.. the <erifi7ation test soi. nai.s Dithin the .imits of ea7h Da.. Hone or Dithin the .imits of the e37a<ated
stabi.ity test fa7e: Spa7e the <erifi7ation test soi. nai.s at .east #% feet apart:
=ro6t on.y the bonded .en;th of <erifi7ation and proof test soi. nai.s:
Remo<e ea7h <erifi7ation and proof test soi. nai. to 0 in7hes behind the front fa7e of the shot7rete after
testin; is 7omp.ete: Fi.. the <oid Dith ;ro6t:
If reG6ested) e3tra7t the <erifi7ation and proof test soi. nai.s and fi.. the <oids Dith ;ro6t:
+--).0)C I'/%&&%/#0'
Insta.. and ;ro6t the soi. nai.s in the same Dork shift that the are dri..ed:
!se 7entra.iHers to s6pport the soi. nai. in the 7enter of the dri..ed ho.e: Spa7e the 7entra.iHers at 5:* feet
ma3im6m a.on; the bar .en;th and #:* feet from the bar ends: &o6 may 6se p.asti7 7entra.iHers:
(erify and re7ord the dri..ed ho.e .en;th before ;ro6tin;:
=ro6t the dri..ed ho.e after; the soi. nai.: InIe7t the ;ro6t at the .oD end of the dri..ed ho.e: Fi.. the
dri..ed ho.e Dith a dense ;ro6t) free of <oids and forei;n materia.: =ro6t the ho.e in # 7ontin6o6s
operation: Do not 6se 7o.d Ioints in the ;ro6t p.a7ement:
Fi.. any <oid remainin; at the open end of the dri..ed ho.e of a prod67tion soi. nai. Dith shot7rete: Se76re
the soi. nai. at the fa7e of the shot7rete: The bearin; p.ate m6st ha<e f6.. bearin; on the shot7rete s6rfa7e:
?and ti;hten the n6t on the end of the prod67tion soi. nai. bar before the initia. set of the shot7rete: ake
the n6t Dren7h ti;ht after the shot7rete has set for 24 ho6rs) 6n.ess a shorter time is a6thoriHed:
After p.a7in; the ;ro6t) the soi. nai.s m6st remain 6ndist6rbed for the minim6m 76re time shoDn on the
a6thoriHed shop draDin;s:
+--).0+ PAYMENT
Soi. nai.s are meas6red a.on; the bar 7enter.ine from the ba7k fa7e of shot7rete to the tip end shoDn or
(erifi7ation and proof test soi. nai.s are paid for as soi. nai.s:
For proof test soi. nai.s that fai. s6pp.ementa. testin;) the Department ded67ts O#:%% per .inear foot of
proof test soi. nai.:
+2-1.01 GENERAL
Se7tion 45 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; earth retainin; systems:
+2-2.01 Ge'er%&
+2-2.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion 45,2 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; me7hani7a..y stabi.iHed embankments:
Con7rete pane.s m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *#:
Reinfor7ement m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *2:
=eo;rid reinfor7ement m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion ++:
EarthDork m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion #$:
+2-2.01B De4#'#/#0'
+2-2.01C S".m#//%&
S6bmit res6.ts from proposed b6tton,head Dire test:
S6bmit res6.ts from ea7h prod67tion b6tton,head Dire test:
+2-2.01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
Perform tension and s.ip tests on the proposed b6tton,head Dire soi. reinfor7ement and
7onne7tion: Testin; m6st be performed by an a6thoriHed .aboratory: Test 0 7onne7tion test Test m6st 7onsist of 2 b6tton,head Dires ea7h 24 in7hes .on; 7onne7ted by a sDa;ed test m6st 7omp.y Dith minim6m tensi.e spe7ifi7ations for 8## and 82% stee. Dire in
AST A +29A +2: Tota. Dire s.ip m6st be at most -9#0 in7h Dhen tested 6nder the spe7ifi7ations for
tension testin; of ro6nd Dire test in AST A -5%: Test 6sin; D,## and D,2% deformed
stee. Dire m6st 7omp.y Dith minim6m tensi.e spe7ifi7ations in AST A 4$09A 4$0:
If any test fai.) re<ise the 7onne7tion and retest: Do not start fa7e pane. insta..ation 6nti. tension
and s.ip test res6.ts are a77epted:
Perform tension and s.ip testin; on prod67tion b6tton,head Dire and 7onne7tions d6rin; Da..
7onstr67tion: Test 4 7onne7tion test for ea7h .ot of *%% mat Dire 7onne7tions 6sed in the Dork: If
2 or more test fai.) the entire represented .ot is reIe7ted: If # test samp.e fai.s to 7omp.y Dith
spe7ified 7riteria) test an additiona. 4 test If any of these additiona. fai.) the entire
represented .ot is reIe7ted:
+2-2.02 M%/er#%&
+2-2.02A Ge'er%&
Con7rete .e<; pads m6st be minor 7on7rete:
=a.<aniHe soi. reinfor7ement) 7onne7tin; e.ements) and other stee. 7omponents in 7onta7t Dith the earth
6nder se7tion 5*,#:%*:
Threaded ends of inspe7tion Dires for meta..i7 soi. reinfor7ement may be formed before or after
;a.<aniHin;: Coat the fina. 4 in7hes of the Dire Dith 2 app.i7ations of or;ani7 Hin7,ri7h primer: En7ase the
threaded end Dith a Daterproof <iny. en7.os6re se76red Dith a ny.on tie: If the threaded end is ;a.<aniHed
after threadin;) 7.ean the threads before paintin;:
Corr6;ated stee. pipe m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 00:
Perforated stee. pipe 6nderdrains and 6nderdrain o6t.ets and risers m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 0+,2:
Ro7k for ro7k s.ope prote7tion at drain pipe o6t.ets m6st be no: - ba7kin; and m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion
Fi.ter fabri7 m6st be C.ass A: Adhesi<e for bondin; fi.ter fabri7 to 7on7rete pane.s m6st be 7ommer7ia.
Resin bonded 7ork for horiHonta. Ioints m6st 7omp.y Dith AST D #5*2) Type II) Dith a 7ompressi<e .oad
of at .east #%% psi:
Pipe pins m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A *-9A *- e37ept the Hin7 7oatin; of a7t6a. s6rfa7e m6st a<era;e at
.east 2:% oH9sG ft and no indi<id6a. spe7imen may be .ess than #:+ oH9sG ft:
+2-2.02B F%(e P%'e&
Con7rete pane.s in freeHe,thaD areas m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion $%,#:%2I and 7ontain at .east 05* po6nds
of 7ementitio6s materia. per 76bi7 yard:
If ar7hite7t6ra. treatment is not reG6ired) finish e3posed s6rfa7es of 7on7rete members 6nder the
spe7ifi7ations for C.ass # s6rfa7e finish in se7tion *#,#:%-F/-1:
+2-2.02C S/r"(/"re B%(;4#&&
Str67t6re ba7kfi.. m6st:
#: "e free of or;ani7 materia. and s6bstantia..y free of sha.e and other soft materia. of poor d6rabi.ity
2: Not 7ontain s.a; a;;re;ate or re7y7.ed materia.s s67h as:
2:#: =.ass
2:2: Shredded tires
2:-: Port.and 7ement 7on7rete r6bb.e
2:4: Aspha.ti7 7on7rete r6bb.e in7.6din; aspha.ti7 d6st) sand) ro7k) ;rindin;s) s.abs) and bo6.ders
2:*: Other 6ns6itab.e materia. as determined by the En;ineer
For meta..i7 soi. reinfor7ement) str67t6re ba7kfi.. m6st 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements shoDn in the
Gr%1%/#0' Re!"#reme'/
Sie<e siHe Per7enta;e passin; Ca.ifornia Test
0E #%% 2%2
-E 5+,+% 2%2
No: -% %,0% 2%2
No: 2%% %,#* 2%2
Pr06er/3 Re!"#reme'/
Test ReG6irement Ca.ifornia Test
Sand eG6i<a.ent #2 minim6m 2#5
P.asti7ity inde3 0 ma3im6m 2%4
inim6m resisti<ity 2%%% ohm,7m 04-
Ch.orides K 2*% ppm 422
S6.fates K *%% ppm 4#5
p? *:* to #%:% 04-
NOTE : If #2 per7ent or .ess passes the no: 2%% sie<e and
*% per7ent or .ess passes the no: 4 sie<e) the Sand
EG6i<a.ent and P.asti7ity Inde3 reG6irements do not app.y:
For ;eosyntheti7 soi. reinfor7ement) str67t6re ba7kfi.. m6st 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements shoDn in the
Gr%1%/#0' Re!"#reme'/
Sie<e siHe Per7enta;e passin; Ca.ifornia Test
2E #%% 2%2
No: 4 *%,+% 2%2
No: 4% %,-% 2%2
No: 2%% %,#* 2%2
Pr06er/3 Re!"#reme'/
Test ReG6irement Ca.ifornia Test
Sand eG6i<a.ent -% minim6m 2#5
P.asti7ity inde3 0 ma3im6m 2%4
D6rabi.ity Inde3 -* minim6m 22$
p? 4:* to $:% 04-
+2-2.02D Perme%.&e M%/er#%&
Permeab.e materia. m6st be C.ass #) Type ") 7omp.yin; Dith se7tion 0+,2:%2F:
Permeab.e materia. for str67t6res Dith meta..i7 soi. reinfor7ement m6st 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements
shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Pr06er/3 Re!"#reme'/
Test ReG6irement Ca.ifornia Test
inim6m resisti<ity 2)%%% ohm,7m 04-
Ch.orides K 2*% ppm 422
S6.fates K *%% ppm 4#5
p? *:* to #%:% 04-
Permeab.e materia. for str67t6res Dith ;eosyntheti7 soi. reinfor7ement m6st 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements
shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Pr06er/3 Re!"#reme'/
Test ReG6irement Ca.ifornia Test
p? 4:* to $:% 04-
+2-2.02E S0#& Re#'40r(eme'/
8## and 82% stee. Dire m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A +29A +2: 8e.ded Dire reinfor7ement m6st 7omp.y
Dith AST A #+*9A #+*: &o6 may s6bstit6te D## deformed stee. Dire for 8## stee. Dire and D2%
deformed stee. Dire for 82% stee. Dire: 8e.ded Dire reinfor7ement 6sin; deformed stee. Dire m6st
7omp.y Dith AST A 4$09A 4$0 and A 4$59A 4$5:
For b6tton,headed Dires:
#: "6ttons m6st be 7o.d formed symmetri7a..y abo6t the a3es of the Dires
2: "6ttons m6st de<e.op the minim6m ;6aranteed 6.timate tensi.e stren;th of the Dire
-: Do not 6se a 7o.d formin; pro7ess that 7a6ses indentations in the Dire
4: "6tton heads m6st not 7ontain Dide open sp.its) more than 2 sp.its per head) or sp.its nonpara..e. Dith
the a3is of the Dire
Co6p.ers at Dire reinfor7ement 7onne7tions m6st be seam.ess stee.<es app.ied o<er the b6tton,head
Dires: SDa;e 7o6p.ers Dith a hydra6.i7 press: Co6p.ers m6st de<e.op the Dire minim6m tensi.e stren;th
Dith a tota. s.ip of at most -9#0 in7h:
Sp.i7e De.ded Dire reinfor7ement a.on; its .en;th Dith me7hani7a. 7o6p.ers that de<e.op the minim6m
tensi.e stren;th of the Dire:
Identifi7ation) stora;e) and; of ;eo;rid reinfor7ement m6st 7omp.y Dith AST D 4+5- and any
a.ternati<e system detai.s: Prote7t the ;eo;rid from 7hemi7a.s) f.ames) De.din; sparks) and temperat6res
.ess than 2% de;rees F or ;reater than #4% de;rees F: Do not a..oD forei;n materia.s to 7ome into 7onta7t
Dith or be7ome affi3ed to the ;eo;rid:
+2-2.0) C0'/r"(/#0'
+2-2.0)A Ge'er%&
8ater for earthDork or for d6st 7ontro. Dithin *%% feet of str67t6res Dith meta..i7 soi. reinfor7ement m6st
7omp.y Dith se7tion $%,#:%2D:
Do not dama;e the 6nthreaded portion of the ;a.<aniHed inspe7tion Dire:
+2-2.0)B E%r/7:0r;
+2-2.0)BB1C Ge'er%&
=rade fo6ndations .e<e. for a Didth eG6a. to the .en;th of soi. reinfor7ement e.ements p.6s # foot or as
shoDn: Compa7t fo6ndation materia. to a re.ati<e 7ompa7tion of at .east $* per7ent: Start Da..
7onstr67tion a7ti<ities after the En;ineer a77epts the 7ompa7ted fo6ndation area:
If ordered) remo<e 6ns6itab.e materia.: This Dork is 7han;e order Dork:
P.a7e str67t6re ba7kfi.. sim6.taneo6s.y Dith ere7tion of fa7in; pane.s: P.a7e and 7ompa7t materia. Ditho6t
distortin; soi. reinfor7ement or disp.a7in; fa7in; pane.s: P.a7e str67t6re ba7kfi.. at the front of the Da..
before; more than #* feet abo<e the bottom of the .oDermost fa7e e.ement:
If a me7hani7a..y stabi.iHed embankment Dith soi. reinfor7ement is to be 7onstr67ted on an embankment)
the embankment m6st attain at .east $* per7ent re.ati<e 7ompa7tion Dithin the .imits estab.ished by
in7.ined p.anes s.opin; #:*:# /horiHonta.:<erti7a.1 from .ines # foot o6tside the bottom .imits of the
me7hani7a..y stabi.iHed embankment) in7.6din; any permeab.e materia.:
Start p.a7in; and 7ompa7tin; str67t6re ba7kfi.. # foot from the ba7k fa7e of Da.. pane.s: Pro;ress toDard
the free end of the soi. reinfor7ement: Operate 7ompa7tion eG6ipment para..e. to the Da.. fa7in;: P.a7e
and 7ompa7t the remainin; Didth of ba7kfi.. behind Da.. pane.s after soi. reinfor7ement is 7o<ered to a
depth of 0 in7hes:
Do not 6se sheepsfoot or ;rid,type ro..ers Dithin the .imits of soi. reinfor7ement: !se hand,he.d or hand,
;6ided 7ompa7tin; eG6ipment Dithin - feet of fa7in; pane.s:
Constr67t the str67t6re ba7kfi.. at ea7h .e<e. of soi. reinfor7ement to a p.ane 2 in7hes abo<e the e.e<ation
of the soi. reinfor7ement 7onne7tion) startin; - feet from the ba7k of the fa7e pane. and e3tendin; for at
.east the remainin; .en;th of soi. reinfor7ement: Comp.ete this ;radin; before p.a7in; the ne3t .ayer of soi.
P.a7e permeab.e materia. and fi.ter fabri7 Dhen p.a7in; str67t6re ba7kfi..: P.a7e permeab.e materia. in
.ayers .ess than 2 feet thi7k: Compa7tion of permeab.e materia. for the draina;e system o6tside the .imits
of soi. reinfor7ement is not reG6ired: Do not operate eG6ipment dire7t.y on the permeab.e materia. or fi.ter
fabri7: If a s.oped .ayer of permeab.e materia. is p.a7ed to fa7i.itate the Dork or to satisfy safety
7onsiderations) the <erti7a. .imits of the permeab.e materia. m6st remain 6n7han;ed and the thi7kness of
the .ayer of permeab.e materia. is meas6red norma. to the s.ope:
=rade ba7kfi.. to drain aDay from the Da.. fa7e at the end of ea7h Dork shift: !se berms or dit7hes to
dire7t r6noff aDay from the Da.. site: Do not a..oD s6rfa7e r6noff from adIa7ent areas to enter the
7onstr67tion site:
+2-2.0)BB2C S0#& Re#'40r(eme'/
P.a7e ;eo;rid soi. reinfor7ement in f6..,.en;th se7tions:
Co<er soi. reinfor7ement Dith str67t6re ba7kfi.. d6rin; the same Dork shift that it is p.a7ed:
Tension soi. reinfor7ement in the dire7tion to the Da.. fa7e: !se s6ffi7ient for7e to remo<e
s.a7k in the 7onne7tion and the soi. reinfor7ement: Se76re soi. reinfor7ement in p.a7e before and d6rin;
Do not operate 7onstr67tion eG6ipment dire7t.y on soi. reinfor7ement: aintain a .ayer of str67t6re ba7kfi..
at .east 0 in7hes thi7k betDeen soi. reinfor7ement and any 7onstr67tion eG6ipment:
P.a7e str67t6re ba7kfi.. o<er ;eo;rid soi. reinfor7ement in .ifts of at most 0 in7hes if 6sin; hand,operated
7ompa7tion eG6ipment and + in7hes if 6sin; hea<y 7ompa7tion eG6ipment:
+2-2.0)BB)C F%(e P%'e&
(erti7a. and horiHonta. pane. a.i;nment offset m6st not e37eed -94 in7h Dhen meas6red a.on; a #%,foot
strai;hted;e: The offset in any pane. Ioint m6st not e37eed -94 in7h:
+2-2.0)C F#&/er F%.r#(
Immediate.y before p.a7in; fi.ter fabri7) the s6b;rade to re7ei<e fi.ter fabri7 m6st be free of .oose or
e3traneo6s materia. and sharp obIe7ts that may dama;e the fi.ter fabri7:
Con7rete pane. s6rfa7es to re7ei<e fi.ter fabri7 m6st be dry and thoro6;h.y 7.eaned:
?and.e and p.a7e fi.ter fabri7 6nder the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions: Stret7h) a.i;n) and p.a7e fabri7
AdIa7ent borders of fi.ter fabri7 m6st be stit7hed or o<er.apped: O<er.ap ro..s #2 to #+ in7hes: P.a7e the
pre7edin; ro.. o<er the fo..oDin; ro.. in the dire7tion the materia. is bein; spread: Stit7h fabri7 6sin; yarn of
a 7ontrastin; 7o.or: &arn siHe and 7omposition m6st be as re7ommended by the fi.ter fabri7 man6fa7t6rer:
!se * to 5 stit7hes per in7h of seam:
Repair dama;ed fi.ter fabri7 by p.a7in; a pie7e of fi.ter fabri7 .ar;e eno6;h to 7o<er the dama;ed area
and pro<ide at .east a #2,in7h o<er.ap:
aintain at .east 0 in7hes of permeab.e materia. betDeen fi.ter fabri7 and eG6ipment d6rin; spreadin; of
permeab.e materia.: 8here str67t6re ba7kfi.. is to be p.a7ed on fi.ter fabri7) maintain at .east #+ in7hes of
str67t6re ba7kfi.. materia. betDeen fi.ter fabri7 and eG6ipment d6rin; p.a7ement: Do not operate
eG6ipment or < dire7t.y on fi.ter fabri7:
+2-2.0)D C0'(re/e
P.a7e 7on7rete for .e<; pads at .east 24 ho6rs before ere7tin; fa7e pane.s:
After p.a7in; ba7kfi.. to 2 feet abo<e inspe7tion e.ements) dry pa7k <oids in fa7e pane.s Dith mortar 6nder
se7tion *#,#:%-E/21 e37ept the proportion of 7ementitio6s materia. to sand m6st be s67h that the mortar
a7hie<es a 2+ day 7ompressi<e stren;th of #)%%% to #)*%% psi:
+2-2.0+ P%3me'/
The <erti7a. hei;ht of ea7h se7tion is the differen7e in e.e<ation on the o6ter fa7e from the bottom of the
.oDermost fa7e e.ement to the top of Da.. profi.e:
+2-).01 Ge'er%&
+2-).01A Ge'er%&
Se7tion 45,- in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; 7rib Da..s:
+2-).01B M%/er#%&
Not !sed
+2-).01C C0'/r"(/#0'
P.a7e 7rib Da..s to the .ines and ;rades estab.ished by the En;ineer: The fo6ndation m6st be a77epted by
the En;ineer before any 7rib members are p.a7ed:
+2-).01D P%3me'/
Not !sed
+2-).02 Re#'40r(e1 C0'(re/e Cr#. A%&&
+2-).02A Ge'er%&
Se7tion 45,-:%2 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; reinfor7ed 7on7rete 7rib Da..s:
Reinfor7ed 7on7rete 7rib Da..s m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *#:
Con7rete 7rib Da..s 7onsist of a series of re7tan; 7e..s 7omposed of inter.o7kin;) pre7ast) reinfor7ed
7on7rete headers) stret7hers) and b.o7ks:
+2-).02B M%/er#%&
+2-).02BB1C Ge'er%&
Pads shoDn to be p.a7ed betDeen bearin; s6rfa7es m6st either be /#1 neoprene 7omp.yin; Dith the
spe7ifi7ations for strip Daterstops in se7tion *#,2:%* or /21 7ommer7ia. G6a.ity no: -% aspha.t fe.t: The
prote7ti<e board is not reG6ired for neoprene pads:
+2-).02BB2C Cr#.
+2-).02BB2CB%C Ge'er%&
A.. members may be man6fa7t6red to dimensions #9+ in7h ;reater in thi7kness than shoDn: The thi7kness
of the .oDest step m6st not be .ess than the dimension shoDn:
Stret7hers may be man6fa7t6red #92 in7h .ess in .en;th than shoDn:
8hen an openin; is shoDn in the fa7e of the Da..) spe7ia. .en;th stret7hers and additiona. headers may
be ne7essary:
For nontan;ent Da.. a.i;nments) spe7ia. .en;th stret7hers may be reG6ired:
For nontan;ent Da.. a.i;nments and at .o7ations Dhere b.o7ks are reG6ired) spe7ia. .en;th front fa7e
7.os6re members may be reG6ired:
+2-).02BB2CB.C Re#'40r(eme'/
Reinfor7in; stee. m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A 5%09A 5%0:
Reinfor7in; Dire m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A 4$09A 4$0:
For hoops or stirr6ps 6se either /#1 reinfor7in; Dire or /21 deformed stee. De.ded Dire reinfor7ement: The
siHe m6st be eG6i<a.ent to the reinfor7in; stee. shoDn: Deformed stee. De.ded Dire reinfor7ement m6st
7omp.y Dith AST A 4$59A 4$5:
+2-).02BB2CB(C C0'(re/e
Con7rete test 7y.inders m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion $%,#:%#D/*1) e37ept Dhen the penetration of fresh
7on7rete is .ess than # in7h) the 7on7rete in the test mo.d m6st be 7onso.idated by <ibratin; the mo.d
eG6i<a.ent to the 7onso.idatin; effort bein; 6sed to 7onso.idate the 7on7rete in the members:
C6re 7rib members 6nder se7tion *#,4:%2C:
8hen remo<ed from forms) the members m6st present a tr6e s6rfa7e of e<en te3t6re) free from
honey7ombs and <oids .ar;er than # in7h in diameter and *9#0 in7h in depth: C.ean and fi.. other po7kets
Dith mortar 6nder se7tions *#,#:%2F and *#,#:%-E/21:
E3terna. <ibration res6.tin; in adeG6ate 7onso.idation may be 6sed:
If the En;ineer determines that ro7k po7kets are of the e3tent or 7hara7ter as to affe7t the stren;th of the
member or to endan;er the .ife of the stee. reinfor7ement) rep.a7e the member:
Finish 7on7rete,to,7on7rete bearin; s6rfa7es to a smooth p.ane: Se7tion *#,#:%-F does not app.y to
7on7rete 7rib members:
+2-).02C C0'/r"(/#0'
The ;ap betDeen bearin; s6rfa7es m6st not e37eed #9+ in7h:
8here a ;ap of #9#0 in7h to #9+ in7h e3ists or Dhere shoDn) p.a7e a #9#0,in7h pad of aspha.t fe.t or sheet
neoprene betDeen the bearin; s6rfa7es:
+2-).02D P%3me'/
The area of reinfor7ed 7on7rete 7rib Da.. is meas6red on the batter at the o6ter fa7e for the hei;ht from
the bottom of the bottom stret7her to the top of the top stret7her and for a .en;th meas6red from end to
end of ea7h se7tion of Da..:
+2-).0) S/ee& Cr#. A%&&
+2-).0)A Ge'er%&
+2-).0)AB1C S"mm%r3
Se7tion 45,-:%- in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; stee. 7rib Da..s:
Stee. 7rib Da..s 7onsist of a series of re7tan; 7e..s 7omposed of stee. members:
+2-).0)AB2C De4#'#/#0'
+2-).0)AB)C S".m#//%&
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e from the man6fa7t6rer for the stee. prod67ts:
+2-).0)AB+C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
+2-).0)B M%/er#%&
+2-).0)BB1C Ge'er%&
Fabri7ate 7rib members Dith ;a.<aniHed stee. sheets 7omp.yin; Dith AAS?TO 2#+:
The En;ineer may reG6est 7opies of mi.. test reports for ea7h heat and thi7kness:
The nomina. thi7kness of ;a.<aniHed sheets for 7rib members m6st be eG6a. to or ;reater than that
Fabri7ate 7rib members s67h that:
#: embers of the same nomina. siHe are inter7han;eab.e:
2: "o.t are not more than #9+ in7h .ar;er than the bo.t diameter:
-: inim6m formin; radi6s of # in7h is maintained:
4: Fabri7ation is performed Ditho6t dama;e to the ;a.<aniHin;:;) p6n7hin;) or driftin; bo.t to 7orre7t defe7ts in fabri7ation is not a..oDed:
Rep.a7e any member that is tDisted) bent) or that has improper.y .o7ated
Load) ha6.) and hand.e ;a.<aniHed materia. Ditho6t dama;in; the ;a.<aniHin;: Repair abraded or
dama;ed ;a.<aniHed s6rfa7es 6nder se7tion 5*,#:%*:
For nontan;ent Da.. a.i;nments) spe7ia. .en;th strin;ers may be reG6ired:
+2-).0)BB2C B0&/ %'1 N"/
Comp.y Dith AST A -%5) =rade A: !se either of the fo..oDin;:
#: ?ea<y he3a;on heads and n6ts Ditho6t Dashers
2: ?e3a;on heads and n6ts Dith p.ate Dashers 6nder the heads and n6ts
8ashers m6st be ro6nd #9+,in7h,minim6m,thi7kness stee. p.ate) in7.6din; 7oatin;: ? in Dashers m6st
not be more than #9#0 in7h .ar;er than the diameter of the bo.t:
=a.<aniHe bo.ts) n6ts) and Dashers 6nder se7tion 5*:
TorG6e a.. bo.ts from 2* to 5* ft,.b:
+2-).0)C P%3me'/
The area of stee. 7rib Da.. Di.. be meas6red on the batter at the o6ter fa7e for the hei;ht from the bottom
of the base p.ate to the top strin;er and for a .en;th meas6red from end to end of ea7h se7tion of Da..:
+2-,.01 Ge'er%&
Se7tion 45,* in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; Type 0 retainin; Da..s:
Type 0 retainin; Da..s 7onsist of 7on7rete footin;s Dith either reinfor7ed 7on7rete stems or reinfor7ed
7on7rete masonry 6nit stems:
Reinfor7ed 7on7rete footin;s and stems m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *#:
C! stems m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *+,2:
+2-,.02 M%/er#%&
?o..oD C!s m6st 7omp.y Dith AST C $%) norma. Dei;ht) and m6st be of 6niform 7o.or and siHe:
Ca6.kin; for; e3pansion Ioints m6st be a nonsa; po.ys6.fide or po.y6rethane type 7omp.yin; Dith
AST C $2%:
=ro6t m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *+,2:%2D and 7ontain at .east *$% .b976 yd of 7ementitio6s materia.:
+2-,.0) C0'/r"(/#0'
&o6 may 7onstr67t Da.. stems of reinfor7ed 7on7rete or reinfor7ed C!s: !se on.y # stem type for ea7h
i3 mortar fresh as ne7essary:
C! 7onstr67tion m6st be tr6e and p.6mb:
Pro<ide re7esses in the 6nits for horiHonta. reinfor7ement:
Pro<ide 7.eano6t openin;s at the bottoms of 7e..s Dhere the Da.. hei;ht is o<er 4 feet: Sea. 7.eano6ts
after inspe7tion and before; 7e..s Dith ;ro6t:
Lay 6nits Dith f6.. mortar 7o<era;e of the fa7e in both <erti7a. and horiHonta. Ioints e37ept at Deep
Sho<e <erti7a. Ioints ti;ht: E3posed Ioints m6st be 7on7a<e and too.ed smooth:
Fi.. 7e..s in ho..oD 6nit masonry Dith ;ro6t: Conso.idate ;ro6t Dhi.e po6rin; by; or <ibratin;: P.a7e
the top .ift of ;ro6t appro3imate.y # in7h be.oD the top of 6nits: P.a7e a mortar 7ap abo<e the top .ift:
Do not p.a7e ba7kfi.. a;ainst the ba7k of Type 0 retainin; Da..s 6nti. ;ro6t stren;th is #)*%% psi or the ;ro6t
has been in p.a7e for 2+ days:
+2-,.0+ P%3me'/
Type 0 retainin; Da..s are meas6red by the sG6are foot of 7omp.eted Da.. stem in7.6din; 7ap) meas6red
a.on; the horiHonta. .en;th and the <erti7a. hei;ht from top of footin; to top of Da..:
+2--.01 Ge'er%&
+2--.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion 45,0 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; a.ternati<e earth retainin; systems:
&o6 may 6se an a.ternati<e earth retainin; system Dhen spe7ified:
!se on.y # type of system at any one .o7ation:
+2--.01B De4#'#/#0'
+2--.01C S".m#//%&
S6bmit shop draDin;s for the a.ternati<e system to OSD) Do76ments !nit: S6bmit * sets for initia. re<ieD:
S6bmit from 0 to #2 sets of fina. shop draDin;s as reG6ested for fina. a6thoriHation: In7.6de the fo..oDin;:
#: A.. information reG6ired for 7onstr67tion of the system at ea7h .o7ation
2: E3istin; ;ro6nd .ine at the Da.. fa7e
-: Desi;n parameters) materia. notes) and Da.. 7onstr67tion pro7ed6res
(erify e3istin; ;ro6nd e.e<ations before s6bmittin; draDin;s:
Shop draDin;s and 7a.76.ations m6st be sea.ed and si;ned by an en;ineer Dho is re;istered as a 7i<i.
en;ineer in the State:
A..oD -% days for the DepartmentFs re<ieD:
For as,b6i.t draDin;s 7ommon to more than # str67t6re) s6bmit the as,b6i.t draDin;s for ea7h str67t6re:
S6bmit 7ertifi7ates of 7omp.ian7e for the a.ternati<e system statin; the s6pp.ied materia. 7omp.ies Dith the
inde3 7riteria for the system at the time of preG6a.ifi7ation:
+2--.01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& A'1 A"r%'(e
The a.ternati<e systems spe7ified are taken from the A6thoriHed ateria. List: On.y systems ha<in;
7hara7teristi7s s6itab.e for this proIe7t are spe7ified: Some systems may be proprietary:
A.ternati<e systems are se.e7ted 6sin; data f6rnished by s6pp.iers or man6fa7t6rers of ea7h system:
A6thoriHation of additiona. systems is 7ontin;ent on the system 7omp.yin; Dith the preG6a.ifi7ation 7riteria
a<ai.ab.e on the A6thoriHed ateria. List Deb site:
A G6a.ified representati<e of the a.ternati<e system man6fa7t6rer m6st be present d6rin; ere7tion and
ba7kfi.. of the first #% <erti7a. feet of the entire .en;th of the Da..: The representati<e m6st be a<ai.ab.e
d6rin; any remainin; insta..ations: The representati<e m6st not be yo6r emp.oyee:
+2--.02 M%/er#%&
+2--.0) C0'/r"(/#0'
Constr67t the str67t6re to the .ines and ;rades shoDn: The str67t6re m6st 7omp.y Dith the a6thoriHed
system detai.s: Che7k <erti7a. and horiHonta. a.i;nment at ea7h 7o6rse d6rin; ere7tion: In7.6de a
draina;e system Dhere shoDn:
8here shoDn) 7onstr67t the a.ternati<e system to a77ommodate /#1 Da..,mo6nted .i;htin; and drainpipes
and /21 pane.s for f6t6re draina;e in.ets:
The top of Da.. profi.e m6st 7onform to the profi.e shoDn: The bottom of Da.. e.e<ations m6st be at or
be.oD e.e<ations shoDn: !se a minim6m hei;ht and .en;th of Da.. adeG6ate for the spe7ified .oadin; and
site 7onditions:
The .en;th of soi. reinfor7ement for any system m6st not be .ess than that shoDn:
The 7opin; .ip or barrier s.ab .ip m6st 7o<er the top of fa7e pane.s at .east 5 in7hes:
P.a7e the top .e<e. of soi. reinfor7ement:
#: Para..e. to the top of the 7on7rete pane.
2: At .east - in7hes be.oD the bottom of either the barrier s.ab .ip or 7on7rete ;6tter behind the 7opin;
-: At .east * in7hes be.oD the top ed;e of the 7on7rete pane.
+2--.0+ P%3me'/
+>-1.01 GENERAL
Se7tion 4+ in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; temporary str67t6res:
+>-2.01 GENERAL
+>-2.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion 4+,2 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; fa.seDork:
&o6 m6st desi;n) 7onstr67t) and maintain fa.seDork that:
#: Is safe and adeG6ate
2: Pro<ides the ne7essary ri;idity
-: S6pports the .oads imposed
4: Prod67es a finished str67t6re that 7onforms to the .ines and ;rades shoDn
+>-2.01B De4#'#/#0'
6re$#0"&3 :e&1e1 6&#(e5 Sp.i7e made in a fa.seDork member before the member is shipped to the Iob
+>-2.01C S".m#//%&
+>-2.01CB1C Ge'er%&
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e for ea7h de.i<ery of str67t6ra. 7omposite .6mber 6sed in fa.seDork:
S6bmit a .etter of 7ertifi7ation that 7ertifies a.. 7omponents of the man6fa7t6red assemb.ies are 6sed in
7omp.ian7e Dith the man6fa7t6rerFs re7ommendations:
If reG6ested /#1 s6bmit man6fa7t6rerFs data for man6fa7t6red assemb.ies to <erify man6fa7t6rerFs
re7ommendations or /21 perform tests demonstratin; adeG6a7y of the proposed assemb.ies:
S6bmit fie.d a77eptan7e 7riteria for fa.seDork Dith a 7a.76.ated nomina. resistan7e ;reater than 2%%
tons: "ase a77eptan7e 7riteria on a Da<e eG6ation ana.ysis performed on dynami7 monitorin; of
fa.seDork pi.e dri<in;: Ana.yses m6st be si;ned by an en;ineer Dho is re;istered as a 7i<i. en;ineer in the
State: S6bmit a77eptan7e 7riteria before fa.seDork ere7tion is 7omp.ete:
S6bmit a .etter of 7ertifi7ation for a.. fa.seDork members Dith fie.d De.ded sp.i7es: The .etter m6st 7ertify
that a.. De.din; and NDT) in7.6din; <is6a. inspe7tion) 7omp.y Dith the Contra7t and the De.din; standard
shoDn on the shop draDin;s: The .etter m6st be si;ned by an en;ineer Dho is re;istered as a 7i<i.
en;ineer in the State: S6bmit the .etter before p.a7in; any 7on7rete on the fa.seDork bein; 7ertified:
S6bmit a De.din; 7ertifi7ation for fa.seDork members Dith pre<io6s.y De.ded sp.i7es: The 7ertifi7ation
#: ItemiHe the testin; and inspe7tion methods 6sed
2: In7.6de tra7kin; and identifyin; do76ments for pre<io6s.y De.ded members
-: "e si;ned by an en;ineer Dho is re;istered as a 7i<i. en;ineer in the State
4: "e s6bmitted before ere7tin; the members
+>-2.01CB2C S706 Dr%:#'8
S6bmit shop draDin;s Dith s6pportin; 7a.76.ations for fa.seDork:
Shop draDin;s and 7a.76.ations m6st be si;ned by an en;ineer Dho is re;istered as a 7i<i. en;ineer in
the State if any of the fo..oDin; 7onditions app.y:
#: ?ei;ht of any portion of the fa.seDork meas6red from the ;ro6nd .ine to the soffit of the s6perstr67t6re
is more than #4 feet
2: Any indi<id6a. fa.seDork 7.ear span is more than #0 feet
-: Pro<isions for < pedestrian) or rai.road traffi7 thro6;h the fa.seDork are made
Shop draDin;s and 7a.76.ations for fa.seDork Dith a 7a.76.ated .oadin; 7apa7ity ;reater than #%%
tons m6st be desi;ned by an en;ineer Dho is re;istered as a 7i<i. or ;eote7hni7a. en;ineer in the State:
S6bmit 0 sets of fa.seDork draDin;s and 2 sets of desi;n 7a.76.ations: In7.6de the fo..oDin;:
#: Detai.s of ere7tion and remo<a. a7ti<ities:
2: ethods and seG6en7es of ere7tion and remo<a.) in7.6din; eG6ipment:
-: Detai.s for the stabi.ity of fa.seDork d6rin; a.. sta;es of ere7tion and remo<a. a7ti<ities:
4: S6perstr67t6re p.a7in; dia;ram shoDin; 7on7rete p.a7in; seG6en7e and 7onstr67tion Ioint .o7ations:
If a s7hed6.e for p.a7in; 7on7rete is shoDn) no de<iation is a..oDed:
*: Ass6med soi. bearin; <a.6es for fa.seDork footin;s:
0: a3im6m horiHonta. distan7e fa.seDork may be p6..ed for p.a7ement 6nder 7aps:
5: a3im6m de<iation of fa.seDork from <erti7a.:
+: Anti7ipated tota. fa.seDork and form sett.ements) in7.6din; footin; sett.ement and Ioint take,6p:
$: =rade /E,<a.6e1) spe7ies) and type of any str67t6ra. 7omposite .6mber: In7.6de man6fa7t6rerFs
tab6.ated Dorkin; stress <a.6es for the .6mber:
#%: Desi;n 7a.76.ations in7.6din; stresses and def.e7tions in .oad 7arryin; members:
##: Pro<isions for 7omp.yin; Dith temporary bra7in; reG6irements:
#2: 8e.din; standard 6sed for De.ded members:
S6bmit separate draDin;s and 7a.76.ations for ea7h sin;.e brid;e or portion of brid;e:
For m6.ti,frame brid;es) s6bmit a separate s6bmitta. for ea7h frame:
If yo6 s6bmit m6.tip.e s6bmitta.s at the same time or additiona. s6bmitta.s before re<ieD of a pre<io6s
s6bmitta. is 7omp.ete:
#: &o6 m6st desi;nate a re<ieD seG6en7e for s6bmitta.s
2: Re<ieD time for any s6bmitta. is 2% days p.6s #* days for ea7h s6bmitta. of hi;her priority sti.. 6nder
&o6 may re<ise a6thoriHed fa.seDork shop draDin;s if there is s6ffi7ient time for the DepartmentFs re<ieD
before 7onstr67tion starts on the re<ised se7tion: The additiona. time Di.. not be more than that ori;ina..y
For fa.seDork o<er rai.Days) a6thoriHation of fa.seDork draDin;s is 7ontin;ent 6pon the draDin;s bein;
satisfa7tory to the rai.Day 7ompany in<o.<ed:
The .i7ensed en;ineer si;nin; the fa.seDork draDin;s m6st 7ertify that the fa.seDork is 7onstr67ted as
shoDn in the a6thoriHed shop draDin;s before 7on7rete is p.a7ed: The 7ertifi7ation m6st in7.6de any
ne7essary testin; to <erify the abi.ity of the fa.seDork members to s6stain the stresses reG6ired by the
fa.seDork desi;n: The .i7ensed en;ineer may desi;nate a representati<e to perform this 7ertifi7ation as
#: 8here fa.seDork 7ontains openin;s for rai.roads) < traffi7) or pedestrians) the desi;nated
representati<e m6st /#1 ha<e at .east - years of 7ombined e3perien7e in fa.seDork desi;n or
s6per<isin; fa.seDork 7onstr67tion and /21 be re;istered as a 7i<i. en;ineer in the State
2: For other fa.seDork) the desi;nated representati<e m6st ha<e at .east - years of 7ombined
e3perien7e in fa.seDork desi;n or s6per<isin; fa.seDork 7onstr67tion
-: The En;ineer may reG6est yo6 7ertify the e3perien7e of the desi;nated representati<e and pro<ide
s6pportin; do76mentation demonstratin; the reG6ired e3perien7e
+>-2.01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
+>-2.01DB1C Ge'er%&
+>-2.01DB2C Ae&1#'8 %'1 N0'1e/r"(/#$e Te/#'8
8e.din; m6st 7omp.y Dith A8S D#:# or other re7o;niHed De.din; standard e37ept /#1 for pre<io6s.y
De.ded sp.i7es and /21 if De.ds are 6sed Dhere .oad demands are #)%%% .b or .ess per in7h for ea7h
#9+ in7h of De.d:
Perform NDT on sp.i7es made by fie.d De.din; at the Iob site: &o6 may 6se !T or RT: Ea7h fie.d De.d and
any repair made to a pre<io6s.y De.ded sp.i7e m6st be tested: &o6 m6st se.e7t .o7ations for testin;: The
.en;th of a sp.i7e De.d Dhere NDT is to be performed m6st be a 76m6.ati<e De.d .en;th eG6a. to 2*
per7ent of the ori;ina. sp.i7e De.d .en;th: The 7o<er pass m6st be ;ro6nd smooth at test .o7ations:
A77eptan7e 7riteria m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for 7y7.i7a..y .oaded 7onne7tions
s6bIe7t to tensi.e stress in 7.a6se 0 of A8S D#:#: If repairs are reG6ired in a portion of the De.d) perform
additiona. NDT on the repaired se7tions: The NDT method 7hosen m6st be 6sed for an entire sp.i7e
e<a.6ation) in7.6din; any repairs:
For pre<io6s.y De.ded sp.i7es) yo6 m6st determine and perform a.. ne7essary testin; and inspe7tion
reG6ired to 7ertify the abi.ity of the fa.seDork members to s6stain the desi;n stresses:
+>-2.01DB)C De#8' Cr#/er#%
+>-2.01DB)CB%C Ge'er%&
Desi;n fa.seDork to resist the s6m of the dead and .i<e <erti7a. .oads and an ass6med horiHonta. .oad:
Anti7ipated fa.seDork sett.ement m6st not e37eed # in7h:
Desi;n footin;s to 7arry the imposed .oads Ditho6t e37eedin; estimated soi. bearin; <a.6es or anti7ipated
Fa.seDork spans for T,beam ;irders m6st not e37eed #4 feet p.6s +:* times the T,beam ;irder depth:
Desi;n fa.seDork s6pportin; de7k s.abs and o<erhan;s on ;irder brid;es so there is no differentia.
sett.ement betDeen the ;irders and the de7k forms d6rin; de7k 7on7rete p.a7ement:
For indi<id6a. stee. toDers Dith ma3im6m .e; .oads e37eedin; -% kips) desi;n fo6ndations to pro<ide
6niform sett.ement 6nder a.. .e;s of ea7h toDer:
Desi;n s6pport systems for form pane.s s6pportin; 7on7rete de7k s.abs and o<erhan;s on ;irder brid;es
as fa.seDork:
Temporary bra7in; m6st be desi;ned to Dithstand a.. imposed .oads d6rin; ere7tion) 7onstr67tion and
remo<a. of any fa.seDork: 8ind .oads m6st be in7.6ded in the desi;n of the bra7in; or methods:
+>-2.01DB)CB.C L0%1
The desi;n .oad for fa.seDork m6st 7onsist of dead and .i<e <erti7a. .oads) and an ass6med horiHonta.
.oad: The minim6m tota. desi;n .oad for any fa.seDork is #%% psf) in7.6din; members that s6pport
Da.kDays for the 7ombined .i<e and dead .oad:
Dead .oads m6st in7.6de the Dei;ht of 7on7rete) reinfor7in; stee.) forms) and fa.seDork: Loads d6e to
7on7rete) reinfor7in; stee.) and forms m6st be ass6med to be at .east:
#: #0% p7f for norma. 7on7rete
2: #-% p7f for .i;htDei;ht 7on7rete
Li<e .oads m6st in7.6de:
#: A7t6a. Dei;ht of any eG6ipment to be s6pported by the fa.seDork app.ied as 7on7entrated .oads at the
points of 7onta7t
2: !niform .oad of at .east 2% psf app.ied o<er the area s6pported by the fa.seDork
-: Load of 5* .b9ft app.ied at the o6tside ed;e of de7k o<erhan;s
The ass6med horiHonta. .oad the fa.seDork bra7in; system m6st resist m6st be the s6m of the a7t6a.
horiHonta. .oads d6e to eG6ipment) 7onstr67tion seG6en7e or other 7a6ses) and a Dind .oadin;: The
horiHonta. .oad in any dire7tion m6st be at .east 2 per7ent of the tota. dead .oad:
If the 7on7rete is to be prestressed) desi;n the fa.seDork to s6pport any in7reased or readI6sted .oads
7a6sed by the prestressin; for7es:
Desi;n the fa.seDork Dith s6ffi7ient ri;idity to resist the ass6med horiHonta. .oad Ditho6t 7onsiderin; the
7on7rete .oad:
For hea<y,d6ty stee. shorin; or stee. pipe 7o.6mn fa.seDork Dith a <erti7a. .oad 7apa7ity ;reater than -%
kips per .e; or 7o.6mn) the minim6m horiHonta. Dind .oadin; m6st eG6a. the s6m of the prod67ts of the
Dind impa7t area) shape fa7tor) and Dind press6re <a.6e for ea7h hei;ht Hone: The Dind impa7t area is
the tota. proIe7ted area of a.. e.ements in the toDer fa7e or fa.seDork bent norma. to the dire7tion of the
app.ied Dind: !se a shape fa7tor of 2:2 for hea<y,d6ty stee. shorin; and #:% for pipe 7o.6mn fa.seDork:
!se Dind press6re <a.6es shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
?ei;ht Hone
/feet abo<e ;ro6nd1
8ind press6re <a.6e
Shores or 7o.6mns
adIa7ent to traffi7
At other
/psf1 /psf1
%B-% 2% #*
-%B*% 2* 2%
*%B#%% -% 2*
O<er #%% -* -%
For a.. other fa.seDork) the minim6m horiHonta. Dind .oadin; m6st eG6a. the s6m of the prod67ts of the
Dind impa7t area and the Dind press6re <a.6e for ea7h hei;ht Hone: The Dind impa7t area is the ;ross
proIe7ted area of the fa.seDork and any 6nrestrained portion of the permanent str67t6re e37ept for the
areas betDeen fa.seDork bents or toDers Dhere dia;ona. bra7in; is not 6sed: !se the Dind press6re
<a.6es shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
?ei;ht Hone
/feet abo<e
8ind press6re <a.6e
For members o<er and bents
adIa7ent to traffi7 openin;
At other
/psf1 /psf1
%B-% 2:% @ #:* @
-%B*% 2:* @ 2:% @
*%B#%% -:% @ 2:* @
O<er #%% -:* @ -:% @
@ T # Y %:28) b6t not more than #%
8TDidth of the fa.seDork system in feet) meas6red in
the dire7tion of the Dind for7e
Desi;n fa.seDork to s6pport p.a7ement of the entire s6perstr67t6re 7ross,se7tion) e37ept;) at one
time: &o6 may 7onsider ;irder stems and 7onne7ted bottom s.abs se.f,s6pportin; betDeen fa.seDork
posts if:
#: They are p.a7ed more than * days before the top s.ab
2: The distan7e betDeen fa.seDork posts is at most 4 times the depth of the portion of the ;irder stem
p.a7ed in the #st po6r
Fa.seDork for bo3 ;irder str67t6res Dith interna. fa.seDork bra7in; systems that 6se f.e3ib.e members
7apab.e of Dithstandin; on.y tensi.e for7es m6st be desi;ned to in7.6de /#1 the <erti7a. effe7ts 7a6sed by
e.on;ation of the f.e3ib.e member and /21 the desi;n horiHonta. .oad 7ombined Dith the dead and .i<e
.oads imposed by 7on7rete p.a7ement for ;irder stems and 7onne7ted bottom s.abs: This reG6irement
does not app.y to fa.seDork 7omposed of indi<id6a. stee. toDers that 6se f.e3ib.e members 7apab.e of
Dithstandin; on.y tensi.e for7es to resist o<ert6rnin;:
+>-2.01DB)CB(C S/ree, L0%1#'8, %'1 De4&e(/#0'
+>-2.01DB)CB(CB#C Ge'er%&
a3im6m a..oDab.e stresses and .oadin;s spe7ified in se7tion 4+,2:%#D/-1/71 are based on the 6se of
6ndama;ed hi;h,G6a.ity materia.s: Red67e stresses and .oadin;s for materia.s of .esser G6a.ity:
Desi;n timber 7onne7tions 6nder the DepartmentFs 'alse7ork Manual:
The ma3im6m a..oDab.e stresses) .oadin;s) and def.e7tions for timber are shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Property ReG6irement
to the ;rain
4*% psi
Compression para..e. to the
4+%)%%%9/L9d1d psiJ
#)0%% psi ma3im6m
F.e36ra. stress
#)+%% psiJ #)*%% psi ma3im6m for
members Dith a nomina. depth of
+ in7hes or .ess:
?oriHonta. shear #4% psi
A3ia. tension #)2%% psi
Def.e7tion d6e to 7on7rete
.oadin; on.y
#924% of span .en;th
od6.6s of e.asti7ity /E1 #:0 3 #%
Timber 4* tons
L T 6ns6pported .en;th) in7hes
d T .east dimension of a sG6are or re7tan; 7o.6mn or the
Didth of a sG6are of eG6i<a.ent 7ross,se7tiona. area for ro6nd
7o.6mns) in7hes
Do not in7.6de def.e7tion 7ompensated for in 7amber strips
+>-2.01DB)CB(CB###C S/ee&
E37ept for f.e36ra. 7ompressi<e stresses) desi;n stresses for identified ;rades of stee. m6st not e37eed
stresses spe7ified in the AISC Steel Manual:
E37ept for f.e36ra. 7ompressi<e stresses) desi;n stresses for 6nidentified stee. m6st not e37eed those
spe7ified for stee. 7omp.yin; Dith AST A -09A -0 in the AISC Steel Manual or the fo..oDin;:
Property ReG6irement
Tension) a3ia. and f.e36ra. 22)%%% psi
Compression) a3ia. #0)%%% , %:-+/L9r1
Shear on ;ross se7tion of Deb
of ro..ed shapes
#4)*%% psi
8eb yie.din; for ro..ed shapes 25)%%% psi
od6.6s of e.asti7ity /E1 -% 3 #%
L T 6ns6pported .en;th) in7hes
r T radi6s of ;yration of the member) in7hes
L9r m6st not e37eed #2%
Desi;n stresses and def.e7tions for a.. ;rades of stee. m6st not e37eed the fo..oDin;:
Property ReG6irement
Compression) f.e36ra. #2)%%%)%%%9V/L 3 d19/b 3 t1W psi
Def.e7tion d6e to 7on7rete
.oadin; on.y
#924% of the span
od6.6s of e.asti7ity /E1 -% 3 #%
L T 6ns6pported .en;th) in7hes
d T .east dimension of re7tan; 7o.6mns or the Didth of a
sG6are of eG6i<a.ent 7ross,se7tiona. area for ro6nd 7o.6mns) or
the depth of beams) in7hes
b T Didth of the 7ompression;e) in7hes
t T thi7kness of the 7ompression;e) in7hes
Fy T spe7ified minim6m yie.d stress in psi
Not to e37eed /#1 22)%%% psi for 6nidentified stee.) /21 22)%%% psi
for stee. 7omp.yin; Dith AST A -09A -0) or /-1 %:0Fy for other
identified stee.
Do not in7.6de def.e7tion 7ompensated for in 7amber strips
+>-2.01DB)CB(CB#$C M%'"4%(/"re1 Aem.&#e
Do not e37eed the man6fa7t6rerFs re7ommendations for .oadin;s and def.e7tions on Ia7ks) bra7kets)
7o.6mns) Ioists) and other man6fa7t6red de<i7es) e37ept the dead .oad def.e7tion of Ioists at .o7ations
other than 6nder de7k s.abs betDeen ;irders m6st not e37eed #924% of their spans:
+>-2.01DB)CB1C S6e(#%& L0(%/#0'
Desi;n and 7onstr67t fa.seDork o<er or adIa7ent to roadDays or rai.roads that are open to traffi7 s67h that
the fa.seDork is stab.e if s6bIe7ted to impa7t by <
Fa.seDork posts at the fo..oDin; .o7ations are 7onsidered adIa7ent to roadDays or rai.roads:
#: Posts s6pportin; members that 7ross o<er a roadDay or rai.road
2: Posts .o7ated in the roD of fa.seDork posts nearest to the roadDay or rai.road and the horiHonta.
distan7e from the traffi7 side of the fa.seDork to the ed;e of pa<ement or to a point #% feet from the
7enter.ine of tra7k is .ess than the tota. hei;ht of the fa.seDork and forms
The fa.seDork desi;n at the abo<e .o7ations m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 4+,2:%#D/-1 and the fo..oDin;
#: The <erti7a. .oad 6sed for the desi;n of fa.seDork posts and toDers that s6pport the portion of the
fa.seDork o<er openin;s m6st be the ;reater of:
#:# #*% per7ent of the desi;n .oad 7a.76.ated 6nder se7tion 4+,2:%#D/-1/b1) not in7.6din; any
in7reased or readI6sted .oads 7a6sed by prestressin; for7es
#:2 In7reased or readI6sted .oads 7a6sed by prestressin; for7es
2: Fa.seDork posts m6st be stee. Dith a minim6m se7tion mod6.6s abo6t ea7h a3is of $:* 76bi7 in7hes
or so6nd timbers Dith a minim6m se7tion mod6.6s abo6t ea7h a3is of 2*% 76bi7 in7hes:
-: Ea7h fa.seDork post m6st be me7hani7a..y 7onne7ted to the s6pport footin; at its base or .atera..y
restrained to Dithstand a for7e of at .east 2)%%% .b app.ied at the base of the post in any dire7tion
e37ept toDard the roadDay or rai.road tra7k: Posts m6st be me7hani7a..y 7onne7ted to the fa.seDork
7ap or strin;er: The me7hani7a. 7onne7tion m6st resist a .oad in any horiHonta. dire7tion of at .east
#)%%% .b:
4: e7hani7a..y 7onne7t /#1 e3terior fa.seDork strin;ers) /21 strin;ers adIa7ent to the ends of
dis7ontin6o6s 7aps) /-1 strin;ers o<er points of minim6m <erti7a. 7.earan7e) and /41 e<ery *th
remainin; strin;er to the fa.seDork 7ap or framin;: For fa.seDork o<er rai.roads) me7hani7a..y 7onne7t
a.. strin;ers to 7aps: e7hani7a. 7onne7tions m6st resist at .east a *%%,.b .oad in any dire7tion)
in7.6din; 6p.ift on the strin;er: Insta.. 7onne7tions before traffi7 passes 6nder the span:
*: Conne7t timber bra7in; to fa.seDork 6sin; at .east *9+,in7h,diameter bo.ts or 7oi. rod Dith a root
diameter eG6a. to that of the shank of a *9+,in7h,diameter bo.t:
0: Fa.seDork member 7.earan7es m6st be at .east those shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
To; members) barriers) and
an7hored temporary;s
To 6nan7hored
Footin;s %F,-E 2F,%E #F,%E 2F,$E
Other members 2F,%E 2F,$E
5: Fa.seDork bents Dithin 2% feet of the 7enter.ine of a rai.Day tra7k m6st be sheathed from - to #5
feet abo<e the tra7k on the side fa7in; the tra7k: Sheathin; m6st be p.yDood at .east *9+ in7h thi7k or
.6mber at .east -94 in7h thi7k: "ra7e these bents to resist the reG6ired ass6med horiHonta. .oad or
*)%%% .b) Dhi7he<er is .ar;er:
+: Pro<ide 7.ear openin;s thro6;h fa.seDork as des7ribed:
Not !sed
+>-2.0)A Ge'er%&
Insta.. temporary bra7in; as ne7essary to Dithstand a.. imposed .oads d6rin; ere7tion) 7onstr67tion) and
remo<a. of any fa.seDork:
The materia.s 6sed in the fa.seDork 7onstr67tion m6st be of the G6a.ity ne7essary to s6stain the stresses
reG6ired by the fa.seDork desi;n:
Insta.. Type ' temporary; on both sides of < openin;s thro6;h fa.seDork: The En;ineer may
order yo6 to insta.. temporary; at other fa.seDork .ess than #2 feet from the ed;e of a traffi7 .ane:
Temporary;s for < openin;s m6st start #*% feet in ad<an7e of the fa.seDork and e3tend past
the fa.seDork in the dire7tion of adIa7ent traffi7 f.oD: For 2,Day traffi7 openin;s) temporary; m6st
e3tend at .east 0% feet past the fa.seDork in the dire7tion of adIa7ent traffi7 f.oD:
Insta.. temporary 7rash 76shion as shoDn at the approa7h end of temporary;s .o7ated .ess
than #* feet from the ed;e of a traffi7 .ane: For 2,Day traffi7 openin;s insta.. temporary 7rash 76shion at the departin; end of temporary;s .o7ated .ess than 0 feet from the ed;e of a traffi7 .ane:
The En;ineer orders the .o7ation and .en;th of; and the type of f.are to be 6sed:
Insta.. a.. temporary; prote7tin; fa.seDork before ere7tin; fa.seDork: Do not remo<e temporary; 6nti. a6thoriHed:
+>-2.0)B F0"'1%/#0'
Constr67t fa.seDork on footin;s 7apab.e of s6pportin; fa.seDork .oads: Prote7t footin;s from
softenin; and 6nderminin;: The En;ineer may order yo6 to <erify the desi;n soi. bearin; <a.6es do not
e37eed the soi. 7apa7ity 6sin; .oad testin;:
&o6 may p.a7e fa.seDork fo6ndation pads and before shop draDin;s are a6thoriHed:
Fa.seDork m6st be dri<en and the a7t6a. nomina. pi.e resistan7e assessed 6nder se7tion 4$:
+>-2.0)C Ere(/#0'
Constr67t fa.seDork to s6pport the .oads imposed Ditho6t sett.ement or take,6p beyond that shoDn on the
fa.seDork draDin;s:
Insta.. the fina. bra7in; system before p.a7in; fa.seDork members abo<e strin;ers:
If fa.seDork is o<er or adIa7ent to roadDays or rai.roads) a.. detai.s of the fa.seDork system that 7ontrib6te
to horiHonta. stabi.ity and resistan7e to impa7t) e37ept for bo.ts in bra7in;) m6st /#1 be insta..ed at the time
ea7h e.ement of the fa.seDork is ere7ted and /21 remain in p.a7e 6nti. the fa.seDork is remo<ed:
If ordered) 6se 7amber strips to 7ompensate for fa.seDork def.e7tion) <erti7a. a.i;nment) and anti7ipated
str67t6re def.e7tion: The En;ineer f6rnishes the amo6nt of 7amber to be 6sed in 7onstr67tin; fa.seDork:
Insta.. te.., that /#1 are atta7hed to the soffit forms and /21 7an be read from the ;ro6nd: Pro<ide
s6ffi7ient te.., to a..oD the tota. sett.ement Dhere 7on7rete is bein; p.a7ed to be determined:
Constr67t de7k s.ab forms betDeen ;irders Dith no a..oDan7e for sett.ement re.ati<e to the ;irders:
Do not app.y dead .oads other than forms and reinfor7in; stee. to fa.seDork 6nti. a6thoriHed:
If /#1 e<ents o776r that the En;ineer determines Di.. res6.t in a str67t6re that does not 7omp.y Dith the
str67t6re as des7ribed or /21 sett.ements o776r that are more than Z-9+ in7h ;reater than those shoDn on
the fa.seDork draDin;s) stop 7on7rete p.a7ement and emp.oy 7orre7ti<e meas6res satisfa7tory to the
En;ineer: If satisfa7tory meas6res are not pro<ided before initia. 7on7rete set o776rs) stop 7on7rete
p.a7ement at a .o7ation ordered:
+>-2.0)D Rem0$%&
Remo<e fa.seDork s67h that portions of fa.seDork not yet remo<ed remain stab.e at a.. times:
E37ept for 7on7rete abo<e the de7k) do not re.ease fa.seDork s6pportin; any span of a:
#: Simp.e span brid;e before #% days after the .ast 7on7rete has been p.a7ed:
2: Contin6o6s or ri;id frame brid;e before #% days after the .ast 7on7rete has been p.a7ed in that span
and in adIa7ent portions of ea7h adIoinin; span for a .en;th eG6a. to one,ha.f of the span Dhere
fa.seDork is to be re.eased:
-: Simp.e span brid;e or a 7ontin6o6s or ri;id frame brid;e 6nti. the s6pported 7on7rete has attained a
7ompressi<e stren;th of 2)0%% psi or +% per7ent of the spe7ified stren;th) Dhi7he<er is ;reater:
Do not re.ease fa.seDork for prestressed portions of str67t6res 6nti. prestressin; stee. has been
Do not remo<e fa.seDork s6pportin; any span of a 7ontin6o6s or ri;id frame brid;e 6nti. a.. reG6ired
prestressin; is 7omp.ete /#1 in that span and /21 in adIa7ent portions of ea7h adIoinin; span for a .en;th
eG6a. to at .east one,ha.f of the span Dhere fa.seDork is to be re.eased:
Re.ease fa.seDork s6pportin; spans of CIP ;irders) s.ab brid;es) or 76.<erts before 7onstr67tin; or;;s or barriers on the spans 6n.ess a6thoriHed:
Remo<e fa.seDork for ar7h brid;es 6niform.y and ;rad6a..y: Start at the 7roDn and Dork toDard the
sprin;in;: Remo<e fa.seDork for adIa7ent ar7h spans 7on76rrent.y:
Do not re.ease fa.seDork that s6pports o<erhan;s) de7k s.abs betDeen ;irders) or ;irder stems that s.ope
4* de;rees or more from <erti7a. before 5 days after de7k 7on7rete has been p.a7ed:
&o6 may re.ease fa.seDork s6pportin; the sides of ;irder stems that s.ope .ess than 4* de;rees from
<erti7a. before p.a7in; de7k 7on7rete if yo6 insta.. .atera. s6pports: Latera. s6pports m6st be:
#: Desi;ned to resist rotationa. for7es on the ;irder stem) in7.6din; for7es d6e to 7on7rete de7k
2: Insta..ed immediate.y after ea7h form pane. is remo<ed
-: Insta..ed before re.easin; s6pports for the adIa7ent form pane.
Do not re.ease fa.seDork for bent 7aps s6pportin; stee. or PC 7on7rete ;irders before 5 days after p.a7in;
bent 7ap 7on7rete: Do not ere7t ;irders onto bent 7aps 6nti. bent 7ap 7on7rete has attained a
7ompressi<e stren;th of 2)0%% psi or +% per7ent of the spe7ified stren;th) Dhi7he<er is ;reater:
Remo<e fa.seDork for str67t6ra. members s6bIe7t to bendin; as spe7ified for simp.e span brid;es:
Do not re.ease fa.seDork for bo3 76.<erts and other str67t6res Dith de7ks .oDer than the roadDay
pa<ement and span .en;ths of #4 feet or .ess 6nti. the .ast p.a7ed 7on7rete has attained a 7ompressi<e
stren;th of #)0%% psi: C6rin; of the 7on7rete m6st not be interr6pted: Fa.seDork remo<a. for other bo3
76.<erts m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for the re.ease of brid;e fa.seDork:
Do not re.ease fa.seDork for ar7h 76.<erts sooner than 4% ho6rs after 7on7rete has been p.a7ed:
Remo<e fa.seDork; to at .east 2 feet be.oD the ori;ina. ;ro6nd or streambed: Remo<e fa.seDork; dri<en Dithin dit7h or 7hanne. e37a<ation .imits to at .east 2 feet be.oD the bottom and side s.opes of
the e37a<ated areas:
Dispose of fa.seDork materia.s and Dork debris:
+>-2.0+ PAYMENT
Not !sed
+>--*+>-10 RESERVED
+?-1.01 GENERAL
+?-1.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion 4$,# in7.6des ;enera. spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; fo6ndation
+?-1.01B De4#'#/#0'
(0'/r0& 90'e5 Aone that has the same s6bs6rfa7e profi.e and en;ineerin; properties as a 7orrespondin;
s6pport .o7ation:
'0m#'%& 1r#$#'8 re#/%'(e5 S6m of /#1 nomina. resistan7e reG6ired to resist the fa7tored a3ia. .oads and
/21 dri<in; resistan7e from 6ns6itab.e or s7o6rab.e penetrated soi. .ayers that do not 7ontrib6te to the
desi;n resistan7e:
'0m#'%& re#/%'(e5 Desi;n 7apa7ity reG6ired to resist the fa7tored a3ia. .oads:
6#&e /r"(/"r%& (%6%(#/3 1e#8'5 Desi;n based on the nomina. stren;th as defined in Arti7.e +:#:- of the
Caltrans Bridge Design Specifications or the nomina. resistan7e as defined in Arti7.e #:-:2:# of the
--S#TO *!'D Bridge Design Specifications:
+?-1.01C S".m#//%&
+?-1.01CB1C Ge'er%&
"efore; or; at a .o7ation that is 7.oser than the .en;th of the pi.e bein; hand.ed or
insta..ed to the ed;e of any tra<e.ed Day open to p6b.i7 6se) s6bmit a Dork of the meas6res that Di..
be 6sed to pro<ide for the safety of traffi7 and the p6b.i7:
S6bmit a (ECP for re<isions to spe7ified tip e.e<ations shoDn or insta..ation methods:
+?-1.01CB2C Te/ B0r#'8
If test borin;s are spe7ified in the spe7ia. pro<isions) s6bmit the .o; of test borin;s and the test borin;
report 6pon 7omp.etion of a.. test borin;s: S6bmit 4 sets of the test borin; report and the .o; of test
borin;s to OSD) Do76ments !nit: The s6bmitta. m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for shop draDin;s:
Notify the En;ineer of yo6r s6bmitta.: In7.6de in the notifi7ation the date and 7ontents of the s6bmitta.:
If 7orre7tions to the s6bmitta. are reG6ired) s6bmit # set of the 7orre7ted test borin; report and the .o; of
test borin;s to OSD) Do76ments !nit:
+?-1.01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
+?-1.01DB1C Ge'er%&; m6st ha<e s6ffi7ient .en;th to attain the spe7ified tip e.e<ation shoDn and e3tend into the pi.e 7ap or
+?-1.01DB2C De/erm#'%/#0' 04 Le'8/7
&o6 may 7ond67t additiona. fo6ndation in<esti;ation) in7.6din;; and a3ia. .oad testin; of
additiona. nonprod67tion indi7ator; and performin; test borin;s: The En;ineer m6st a6thoriHe
.o7ations of additiona. fo6ndation testin;: Notify the En;ineer at .east * b6siness days before startin;
additiona. fo6ndation testin;:
Comp.ete additiona. fo6ndation in<esti;ation before reG6estin; re<ised spe7ified pi.e tip e.e<ations or
re<isions to the des7ribed insta..ation methods:
The En;ineer does not a6thoriHe a re<ision to:
#: Spe7ified insta..ation methods Dhere sett.ement or .atera. .oads 7ontro. the desi;n tip e.e<ation
2: Spe7ified pi.e tip e.e<ation abo<e the desi;n tip e.e<ation shoDn for sett.ement or .atera. .oads
-: Spe7ified pi.e tip e.e<ation Dhere the tip e.e<ation is 7ontro..ed by .iG6efa7tion or s7o6r
Indi7ator 7ompression pi.e .oad testin; m6st 7omp.y Dith AST D ##4-: The pi.e m6st s6stain the #st
7ompression test .oad app.ied that is eG6a. to the nomina. dri<in; resistan7e) Dith no more than #92,in7h
tota. <erti7a. mo<ement at the top of the pi.e meas6red re.ati<e to the top of the pi.e before the start of
7ompression .oad testin;:
Indi7ator tension pi.e .oad testin; m6st 7omp.y Dith AST D -0+$ e37ept do not 6se the .oadin;
apparat6s des7ribed as ELoad App.ied to Pi.e by ?ydra6.i7 Ca7k/s1 A7tin; at One End of Test "eam/s1
An7hored to the Pi.e:E The pi.e m6st s6stain the #st tension test .oad app.ied that is eG6a. to the nomina.
resistan7e in tension shoDn Dith no more than #92,in7h tota. <erti7a. mo<ement at the top of the pi.e
meas6red re.ati<e to the top of the pi.e before the start of tension .oad testin;:
Remo<e indi7ator; as spe7ified for remo<in; portions of brid;es:
+?-1.01DB)C L0%1 Te/ P#&e
8here shoDn) 7omp.ete .oad testin; of ea7h .oad test pi.e before; 7astin;;) 76ttin;; to .en;th) dri<in;;) and fabri7atin; reinfor7in; stee. 7a;es for any represented by the .oad
test pi.e:
Notify the En;ineer at .east #% days before; or dri<in; to be .oad tested:
E37ept in 7offerdams) the bottom of the footin; e37a<ation m6st be .e<e. and deDatered before pi.e .oad
testin;: The e37a<ation m6st be kept deDatered d6rin; .oad testin;:
Insta.. .oad test Dith the same type of eG6ipment that is to be 6sed for insta..ation of prod67tion
Load test m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for; as des7ribed: Lo7ate .oad test s67h that
they may be 76t off and be7ome a part of the 7omp.eted str67t6re:
Remo<e .oad test and an7hor that are not in7orporated in the 7omp.eted str67t6re as spe7ified for
remo<in; portions of brid;es:
For .oad test an7hora;es in 6sed as an7hor
#: ?S threaded stee. rods m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A 522 for 6n7oated) deformed) Type II) ?S stee. bars)
in7.6din; a.. s6pp.ementary reG6irements) e37ept the ma3im6m Dei;ht reG6irement does not app.y:
2: Stee. p.ates m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A 5%$9A 5%$) =rade -0:
-: An7hor n6ts m6st ho.d the ?S stee. rods at a .oad prod67in; a stress of not .ess than $* per7ent of
the spe7ified 6.timate tensi.e stren;th of the ?S stee. rod:
4: Pipe);s) and fittin;s m6st be 7ommer7ia..y a<ai.ab.e materia.s of the types and ratin;s shoDn:
&o6 may 6se additiona. 7ementitio6s materia. in .oad test and an7hor
&o6 may 6se Type III 7ement in any .oad test and an7hor pi.e not 6sed as a part of the 7omp.eted
F6rnish .abor) materia.s) too.s) eG6ipment) and in7identa.s as reG6ired to assist the Department in the
insta..ation) operation) and remo<a. of Department,f6rnished stee. .oad test beams) Ia7ks) bearin; p.ates)
dri..s) and other test eG6ipment: This is 7han;e order Dork:
The Department performs testin; of .oad test Dhen the 7on7rete in the .oad test and an7hor
has de<e.oped a 7ompressi<e stren;th of at .east 2)%%% psi:
A..oD the Department #* days to perform pi.e .oad tests at ea7h test .o7ation: A..oD an additiona. #% days
for the Department to re<ise the spe7ified tip e.e<ations:
+?-1.01DB+C D3'%m#( M0'#/0r#'8
Se7tion 4$,#:%#D/41 app.ies if dynami7 monitorin; of dri<en; is spe7ified in the spe7ia. pro<isions:
The Department determines Dhi7h from a 7ontro. Hone or s6pport .o7ation Di.. re7ei<e dynami7
The Department dynami7a..y monitors dri<en 6sin; Department,f6rnished dynami7 pi.e ana.yHer
monitorin; instr6ments:
The 4th para;raph of se7tion 4$,2:%#A/41/b1 does not app.y to dri<en if dynami7 monitorin; is
The Department 7ond67ts penetration and bearin; ana.ysis of dynami7a..y monitored and de<e.ops
bearin; a77eptan7e 7riteria 76r<es for these Penetration and bearin; ana.yses are based on a Da<e
eG6ation ana.ysis:
E37ept for .oad test and an7hor do not insta.. prod67tion 6nti. the En;ineer pro<ides yo6 Dith
the bearin; a77eptan7e 7riteria 76r<es for any represented by the dynami7a..y monitored to be dynami7a..y monitored m6st be:
#: A<ai.ab.e to the Department at .east 2 b6siness days before dri<in;:
2: Safe.y s6pported at .east 0 in7hes off the ;ro6nd in a horiHonta. position on at .east 2 s6pport b.o7ks:
If reG6ested) rotate the on the b.o7ks:
-: Positioned s67h that the Department has safe a77ess to the entire pi.e .en;th and 7ir76mferen7e for
the insta..ation of an7hora;es and 7ontro. marks for monitorin;:
Prepare and dri<e to be dynami7a..y monitored in the fo..oDin; seG6en7e:
#: "efore dri<in;) rotate and a.i;n the pi.e in the dri<in; .eads as ordered by the Department:
2: Temporari.y s6spend dri<in; operations for appro3imate.y #* min6tes Dhen the pi.e tip is 2* feet
abo<e the spe7ified tip e.e<ation shoDn:
-: D6rin; the #* min6te s6spension) bo.t the #,po6nd instr6ment pa7ka;e se76re.y to p.6;s or
e3pansion an7hors pre<io6s.y insta..ed in the pi.e by the Department: Conne7t e.e7tri7a. to the
instr6ment pa7ka;e as ordered by the Department:
4: Res6me dri<in; operations as ordered by the Department: S6spend dri<in; operations appro3imate.y
# foot abo<e the spe7ified tip e.e<ation:
*: Remo<e the and instr6ment pa7ka;e from the pi.e and de.i<er them to the En;ineer:
0: The fo..oDin; b6siness day) insta.. the instr6ment pa7ka;e on the pi.e and atta7h the and
res6me dri<in; the pi.e to the spe7ified tip e.e<ation:
5: Remo<e the and instr6ments from the monitored pi.e and de.i<er them to the En;ineer:
Rep.a7e any dama;ed or instr6ments in kind that are dama;ed by yo6r a7ti<ities:
After the pi.e has been dynami7a..y monitored:
#: A..oD #* days for the Department to re<ise the spe7ified tip e.e<ations and to pro<ide bearin;
a77eptan7e 7riteria 76r<es:
2: If pi.e .oad testin; is performed in addition to dynami7 monitorin;) a..oD 2* days for the Department to
re<ise the spe7ified tip e.e<ations and to pro<ide bearin; a77eptan7e 7riteria 76r<es:
+?-1.01DB,C Te/ B0r#'8
Se7tion 4$,#:%#D/*1 app.ies if test borin;s are spe7ified in the spe7ia. pro<isions:
Notify the En;ineer at .east #* days before; test borin;s:
Dri.. test borin;s 6nder the site s6per<ision of) Dith the .o; of test borin;s stamped by) and Dith the test
borin; s6bmitta. si;ned by a ;eo.o;ist or 7i<i. en;ineer Dho is re;istered in the State and has at .east *
years of ;eote7hni7a. en;ineerin; e3perien7e Dith deep fo6ndations in both soi. and ro7k:
Dri.. test borin;s at the 7enter of ea7h pi.e .o7ation shoDn:
Dri.. test borin;s by rotary dri.. methods to a depth of at .east 2% feet be.oD the spe7ified tip e.e<ation
shoDn: Test borin;s m6st be at .east - in7hes in diameter:
Perform standard penetration tests in a.. soi. types 6nder AST D #*+0 for ea7h test borin; at *,foot
ma3im6m inter<a.s and terminate Dhen /#1 bedro7k is en7o6ntered) /21 #% b.oDs Dith no dis7ernab.e ad<an7ement is obser<ed) or /-1 ordered:
Core the bedro7k:
#: Contin6o6s.y Dith at .east $% per7ent 7ore re7o<ery: Ro7k m6st not be .o;;ed from dri.. 76ttin;s: Ro7k
G6a.ity desi;nation m6st be made at *,foot ma3im6m inter<a.s:
2: !sin; an o6ter and inner 7ore barre.; system: The o6ter 7ore barre. m6st be fitted Dith a
diamond impre;nated or po.y7rysta..ine dri.. bit and ha<e an o6tside diameter of at .east - in7hes: The inner t6be 7ore barre. m6st ha<e an inside diameter of at .east 2 in7hes:
Photo;raph the ro7k 7ores:
#: "efore remo<a. from the inner t6be barre.s and p.a7ement into 7ore bo3es
2: After 7ore bo3es are fi..ed and before bo3es are remo<ed from the; p.atform
Ro7k 7ore photo;raphs m6st be in 7o.or) * by 5 in7hes) and .abe.ed Dith the boreho.e n6mber) samp.e
e.e<ation) s7a.e) and date and time of photo;raph:
P.a7e the ro7k 7ores in ro7k 7ore bo3es that are .abe.ed as spe7ified in the Soil and !ock *ogging2
Classification and Presentation Manual: In7.6de the s6pport or pi.e .o7ation: Store ro7k 7ore bo3es on or
near the Iob site at an a6thoriHed .o7ation: Preser<e and se76re the ro7k 7ore in a Deather,
prote7ted fa7i.ity 6nti. notified by the En;ineer: Dispose of ro7k 7ores or transport them to =eote7hni7a.
Ser<i7es) as ordered:
The .o; of test borin;s and 7.assifyin; and des7ribin; soi.s and ro7k m6st 7omp.y Dith the Soil and !ock
*ogging2 Classification and Presentation Manual a<ai.ab.e at the =eote7hni7a. Ser<i7es Debsite: !se the
same <ersion of the Soil and !ock *ogging2 Classification2 and Presentation Manual shoDn: If no <ersion
is shoDn) 6se the most 76rrent <ersion of the man6a.:
The test borin; report m6st in7.6de:
#: S6mmary of; methods); eG6ipment) dri.. p.atforms) and; diffi76.ties en7o6ntered
2: Lo7ation map of the s6r<eyed position of the test borin;s re.ati<e to the neD pi.e .o7ations in the
Ca.ifornia Coordinate System and brid;e stationin;
-: "ore ho.e s6r<eyin; notes
4: Photo;raphs of ro7k 7ores
*: Copies of ori;ina. dai.y; notes
After the test borin; report and the .o; of test borin;s ha<e been a6thoriHed) a..oD 2% days for the
En;ineer to notify yo6 of 7onfirmation of or re<isions to the spe7ified pi.e tip e.e<ations: Do not fabri7ate or
man6fa7t6re to .en;th stee. pipe;) permanent stee. 7asin;);) and fi..ed and 6nfi..ed stee.
7asin; 6nti. yo6 ha<e been notified:
If the Contra7t a..oDs the 6se of more than # pi.e type) 6se the same type of pi.e for a.. Dithin ea7h
indi<id6a. footin;:
Reinfor7ed 7on7rete e3tensions m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *#:
+?-1.0+ PAYMENT
The payment G6antity of .oad test and adIa7ent an7hor is the .en;th 6sed in the .oad testin;:
Load test and adIa7ent an7hor are paid for as the type or 7.ass of; shoDn in the "id Item
The .en;th of the reinfor7ed 7on7rete e3tension is meas6red from the p.ane of pi.e 76toff to the top of the
e3tension: The e3tension is paid for as f6rnish; or CID? 7on7rete; of the type of; on Dhi7h
it is 7onstr67ted:
Payment for str67t6re e37a<ation and str67t6re ba7kfi.. in<o.<ed in 7onstr67tin; 7on7rete e3tensions is
in7.6ded in the payment for dri<e pi.e or CID? 7on7rete; of the type of; on Dhi7h the e3tension
is 7onstr67ted:
+?-2.01 GENERAL
+?-2.01A Ge'er%&
+?-2.01AB1C S"mm%r3
Se7tion 4$,2 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; dri<en
+?-2.01AB2C De4#'#/#0'
+?-2.01AB)C S".m#//%&
+?-2.01AB)CB%C Ge'er%&
For pi.e dri<in; hammers Dith no Day of <is6a..y obser<in; the ram stroke) s6bmit a printed reado6t as an
informationa. s6bmitta. shoDin; hammer ener;y d6rin; dri<in; operations:
+?-2.01AB)CB.C Dr#$#'8 S3/em S".m#//%&
Se7tion 4$,2:%#A/-1/b1 app.ies if a dri<in; system s6bmitta. is spe7ified in the spe7ia. pro<isions:
The dri<in; system s6bmitta. m6st be sea.ed and si;ned by an en;ineer Dho is re;istered as a 7i<i.
en;ineer in the State:
A..oD #* days for the DepartmentFs re<ieD: A..oD an additiona. #* days for the re<ieD of any res6bmitta.s:
S6bmit a re<ised dri<in; system s6bmitta. if the hammers 7han;e from those shoDn in the s6bmitta.:
For the dri<in; system s6bmitta.) perform dri<eabi.ity st6dies as fo..oDs:
#: ode. the proposed dri<in; system in7.6din; hammers) 7ap b.o7ks) and pi.e 76shions based on a
Da<e eG6ation ana.ysis:
2: !se an a6thoriHed 7omp6ter pro;ram:
-: If the dri<eabi.ity ana.ysis hammers indi7ate that open,ended pipe pi.e and stee. she.. penetration
rates are .ess than # foot per 2%% b.oDs and the dri<in; stresses e37eed +% per7ent of the yie.d
stren;th of the pipe and stee. she..) in7.6de ass6mptions for; thro6;h the 7enter of the and
4: If a fo..oDer is 6sed) in7.6de /#1 an ana.ysis of the dri<in; system Dith the fo..oDer and /21 an ana.ysis
of the dri<in; system Ditho6t the fo..oDer:
In7.6de in the dri<in; system s6bmitta.:
#: Res6.ts of the dri<eabi.ity ana.ysis shoDin; that a.. proposed dri<in; systems Di.. insta.. to the
spe7ified tip e.e<ation and nomina. dri<in; resistan7e shoDn: Dri<in; systems m6st ;enerate s6ffi7ient
ener;y to dri<e the Dith 7ompressi<e and tensi.e stresses not more than $% per7ent of the yie.d
stren;th of the pi.e as dri<en: Res6.ts m6st in7.6de:
#:# Pi.e 7ompressi<e stress <ers6s b.oDs per foot:
#:2 Pi.e tensi.e stress <s: b.oDs per foot:
#:- Nomina. dri<in; resistan7e <s: b.oDs per foot:
2: Comp.ete des7ription of:
2:# Soi. parameters 6sed) in7.6din; soi. G6ake and dampin; 7oeffi7ients) skin fri7tion distrib6tion)
and ratio of shaft resistan7e to tota. resistan7e:
2:2 Ass6mptions made re;ardin; the formation of soi. p.6;s); thro6;h the 7enter of open,
ended stee. she..s) and the 6se of 7.os6re p.ates) shoes) and other tip treatment:
-: List of a.. hammer operation parameters ass6med in the ana.ysis) in7.6din; f6e. settin;s) stroke
.imitations) and hammer effi7ien7y:
4: Copies of a.. test res6.ts from any pre<io6s pi.e .oad tests) dynami7 monitorin;) and a.. dri<in; re7ords
6sed in the ana.yses:
*: Comp.eted Pile and Driving Data 'orm:
+?-2.01AB+C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
+?-2.01AB+CB%C Ge'er%&
+?-2.01AB+CB.C P#&e Dr#$#'8 A((e6/%'(e Cr#/er#%
E37ept for to be .oad tested and sheet dri<e to at .east the nomina. dri<in; resistan7e and
the spe7ified tip e.e<ation shoDn:
Dri<e to be .oad tested and sheet to the spe7ified tip e.e<ation shoDn:
8here the pi.e nomina. dri<in; resistan7e is not shoDn) dri<e the pi.e to the nomina. resistan7e shoDn:
For pi.e a77eptan7e) 6se the fo..oDin; form6.a to determine the reG6ired n6mber of hammer b.oDs in the
.ast foot of dri<in;:
R6 T /#:+- 3 /Er1
3 .o;#% /%:+- 3 N11 , #24
R6 T nomina. dri<in; resistan7e) kips
T man6fa7t6rerFs ratin; for foot,po6nds of ener;y de<e.oped by the hammer at the obser<ed fie.d
drop hei;ht
N T n6mber of hammer b.oDs in the .ast foot) /ma3im6m <a.6e a..oDed for N is $01
+?-2.01B M%/er#%&
+?-2.01C C0'/r"(/#0'
+?-2.01CB1C Ge'er%&
If the En;ineer re<ises the pi.e tip e.e<ation for dri<en the Dork in<o.<ed in f6rnishin;) sp.i7in;) and
dri<in; the additiona. .en;th of pi.e is 7han;e order Dork:
If the En;ineer orders additiona. .6;s be p.a7ed on stee. f6rnishin; and p.a7in; these .6;s is 7han;e
order Dork: The Department does not pay for the additiona. Dork in<o.<ed in dri<in; d6e to these
additiona. .6;s:
+?-2.01CB2C Dr#$#'8 E!"#6me'/
Insta.. dri<en 6sin; an a6thoriHed impa7t hammer: The impa7t hammer m6st be:
#: Steam) hydra6.i7) air) or diese.
2: Ab.e to de<e.op s6ffi7ient ener;y to dri<e the pi.e at a penetration rate of not .ess than #9+ in7h per
b.oD at the nomina. dri<in; resistan7e shoDn
Do not 6se <ibratory hammers) os7i..ators) or rotators to insta.. dri<en
?ammers Dith an e3terna. 7omb6stion en;ine that are not sin;.e a7tion m6st ha<e a transd67er that
re7ords ram <e.o7ity:
Do6b.e a7tin; diese. hammers Dith interna. 7omb6stion en;ines m6st ha<e a transd67er that re7ords
bo6n7e 7hamber press6re:
Steam or air hammers m6st ha<e or air 7apa7ity of at .east that spe7ified by the man6fa7t6rer: The or air 7ompressor m6st be eG6ipped Dith an a776rate press6re ;a;e:
aintain the <a.<e me7hanism and other parts of steam) air) or diese. hammers s67h that the .en;th of
stroke and n6mber of b.oDs per min6te for Dhi7h the hammer is desi;ned is attained: Do not 6se
ineffi7ient steam) air) or diese. hammers:
&o6 may 6se fo..oDers or 6nderDater hammers for dri<in; Dhere a6thoriHed: If 6sin; a fo..oDer or
6nderDater hammer) <erify its effi7ien7y by f6rnishin; the #st pi.e in ea7h bent or footin; s6ffi7ient.y .on;
and dri<e the pi.e Ditho6t the 6se of a fo..oDer or 6nderDater hammer:
+?-2.01CB)C Dr#&&#'8
If ne7essary to attain the spe7ified tip e.e<ation shoDn and Dhere a6thoriHed) yo6 may dri.. Dith a
diameter not ;reater than the .east dimension of the pi.e to the spe7ified depth before dri<in; the
+?-2.01CB+C Pre1r#&&e1 H0&e
For to be dri<en thro6;h embankments 7onstr67ted 6nder the Contra7t) dri<e thro6;h predri..ed Dhere the depth of the neD embankment at the pi.e .o7ation is in e37ess of * feet:
The ho.e diameter m6st be at .east 0 in7hes .ar;er than the ;reatest dimension of the pi.e 7ross se7tion:
After dri<in; the pi.e) fi.. the spa7e aro6nd the pi.e to the ;ro6nd s6rfa7e Dith dry sand or pea ;ra<e.:
+?-2.01CB,C Dr#$#'8
!se dri<in; heads or dri<in; b.o7ks that ho.d the pi.e in position dire7t.y 6nder the hammer Dhen dri<in;:
Prote7t the heads of dri<en from dire7t impa7t of the hammer Dith a 76shion dri<in; b.o7k: aintain
the 76shion in ;ood 7ondition d6rin; the entire dri<in; operation: Arran;e the 76shion dri<in; b.o7k s67h
that any reinfor7in; bars proIe7tin; abo<e the pi.e are not disp.a7ed or dama;ed d6rin; dri<in;:
Pro<ide spe7ia. dri<in; tips or hea<ier pi.e se7tions or take other a6thoriHed meas6res to pre<ent dama;e
to stee. stee. she..s) or stee. 7asin;s d6rin; insta..ation:
If yo6 en7o6nter obstr67tions to dri<in;) pro<ide spe7ia. dri<in; tips or hea<ier pi.e se7tions) or
s6be37a<ate be.oD the bottom of footin;) or take other meas6res to pre<ent dama;e to the pi.e d6rin;
dri<in;: This is 7han;e order Dork:
Dri<e to the position and .ine shoDn: The En;ineer reIe7ts materia..y o6t of .ine: Dispose of
reIe7ted that interfere Dith the Dork: ReIe7ted that do not interfere Dith the Dork may be
remo<ed or 76t off and abandoned in p.a7e:
+?-2.01CB-C P#&e C"/044
C6t off dri<en at the e.e<ations shoDn and an7hor them to the str67t6re: Do not dama;e the pi.e
be.oD 76toff:
Dispose of a.. 76toff .en;ths of
+?-2.01D P%3me'/
Dri<en; is paid for as f6rnish; and dri<e pi.e of the 7.ass) type) siHe) or a.ternati<e shoDn in the
"id Item List:
F6rnish; is meas6red from the spe7ified tip e.e<ation shoDn to the p.ane of pi.e 76toff:
Payment for f6rnish; in7.6des:
#: F6rnishin; to the Iob site
2: Sp.i7in;
-: F6rnishin; and; pi.e an7hors and .6;s
Payment for dri<e pi.e in7.6des:
#: Dri<in; and 76ttin; the off at the e.e<ations shoDn
2: F6rnishin; spe7ia. dri<in; tips or hea<ier se7tions of stee.
-:; or; thro6;h embankments
4: Disposin; of materia. res6.tin; from; or;
+?-2.02A Ge'er%&
+?-2.02AB1C S"mm%r3
Se7tion 4$,2:%2 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; stee. pipe
+?-2.02AB2C De4#'#/#0'
706 :e&1#'85 8e.din; performed at a permanent p.ant:
4#e&1 :e&1#'85 8e.din; performed at the Iob site:
+?-2.02AB)C S".m#//%&
+?-2.02AB)CB%C Ge'er%&
+?-2.02AB)CB.C Cer/#4#(%/e 04 C0m6&#%'(e
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e for stee. pipe The 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e m6st be si;ned by the
p.antFs @C representati<e: The @C representati<e m6st be on re7ord Dith the DepartmentFs Offi7e of
Str67t6ra. ateria.s: In7.6de Dith the 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e:
#: Statement that a.. materia.s and Dorkmanship in7orporated in the Dork and a.. reG6ired tests and
inspe7tions of this Dork ha<e been performed as des7ribed:
2: Certified mi.. test reports for ea7h heat n6mber of stee. pipe bein; f6rnished:
-: Test reports for tensi.e) 7hemi7a.) and any spe7ified NDT: Test reports m6st be based on test
taken from the base meta.) stee.) 7oi. or from the man6fa7t6red or fabri7ated
4: Ca.76.ated 7arbon eG6i<a.ent: The 7arbon eG6i<a.ent may be shoDn on the mi.. test report:
+?-2.02AB)CB(C I'6e(/#0' Re!"e/ F0rm
S6bmit an inspe7tion reG6est form at .east #% days before performin; any De.din; of C.ass N stee. pipe
+?-2.02AB)CB1C S706 Dr%:#'8
S6bmit shop draDin;s for atta7hin;; de<i7es to stee. pipe Shop draDin;s m6st in7.6de the
.o7ations); and fittin; de<i7e detai.s) and 7onne7tion detai.s: A..oD 5 days for re<ieD of the shop
+?-2.02AB+C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
+?-2.02AB+CB%C Ge'er%&
Se7tion ##,-:%2 does not app.y to .on;it6dina.) ske.p end) or spira. seam De.ds in stee. pipe
+?-2.02AB+CB.C P&%'/ A"1#/
Fabri7ate stee. pipe at a p.ant on the DepartmentFs A6thoriHed Fa7i.ity A6dit List:
+?-2.02AB+CB(C N0'1e/r"(/#$e Te/#'8
+?-2.02AB+CB(CB1C Ge'er%&
Se7tion 4$,2:%2A/41/71 app.ies to NDT of C.ass N stee. pipe
E37ept for De.din; performed 6nder API *L) the a77eptan7e 7riteria for RT and !T m6st 7omp.y Dith A8S
D#:# for 7y7.i7a..y .oaded 7onne7tions for De.ds s6bIe7t to tensi.e stress:
Perform NDT on ba7kin; rin; De.ds 6sin; RT or !T for a materia. thi7kness of *9#0 in7h or ;reater or
6sin; RT for a materia. thi7kness .ess than *9#0 in7h:
+?-2.02AB+CB(CB2C S706 Ae&1
Se7tion 4$,2:%2A/41/71/21 app.ies to NDT of shop De.ds:
For De.din; performed 6nder API *L:
#: S6bmit a D(D or (?S <ideo7assette re7ordin; of the a7t6a. materia. testin; if radio.o;i7a. testin; is
6sed or the a7t6a. radio;raphi7 fi.m if fi.m radio;raphy is 6sed: S6bmit the re7ordin; before shippin;
the materia. from the p.ant:
2: If fi.m radio;raphy is 6sed to inspe7t pipe ends or repairs) the transmitted fi.m density m6st be from
2:% to 4:% in the area of interest) De.d) base meta.) and ima;e G6a.ity indi7ators:
-: Reinspe7t repaired defe7ts 6sin; the NDT method that ori;ina..y dete7ted the defe7t e37ept yo6 may
6se fi.m radio;raphy for the inspe7tion of repairs if the defe7t Das ori;ina..y dete7ted 6sin;
radio.o;i7a. testin;:
For De.din; performed 6nder A8S D#:#:
#: Perform NDT on 2* per7ent of ea7h .on;it6dina.) 7ir76mferentia.) or spira. De.d 6sin; RT or !T:
2: 8here repairs are reG6ired in a portion of the tested De.d:
2:#: Perform NDT on the repaired portion:
2:2: Perform additiona. NDT on 6ntested areas on ea7h side of the repaired portion: The .en;th of
additiona. NDT on ea7h side of the repaired portion m6st eG6a. #% per7ent of the pipeFs o6tside
2:-: After this additiona. 2% per7ent of NDT is performed) and if additiona. repairs are reG6ired)
determine and re7ord the tota. 76m6.ati<e repair .en;ths from a.. NDT: If the 76m6.ati<e De.d
repair .en;th is eG6a. to or more than #% per7ent of the pipeFs o6tside 7ir76mferen7e) then
perform NDT on the entire De.d:
+?-2.02AB+CB(CB)C F#e&1 Ae&1
Se7tion 4$,2:%2A/41/71/-1 app.ies to NDT of fie.d De.ds:
Perform NDT on 2* per7ent of ea7h fie.d De.d by RT or !T at .o7ations se.e7ted by the En;ineer: The
En;ineer may se.e7t se<era. .o7ations on a ;i<en sp.i7e: The 7o<er pass m6st be ;ro6nd smooth at
.o7ations to be tested:
Personne. performin; !T for fie.d De.ds m6st ha<e their G6a.ifi7ations <erified before performin; NDT) by
both Dritten and pra7ti7a. e3ams: For !T G6a.ifi7ation pro7ed6res) ;o to the ETS 8eb site:
8here repairs are reG6ired in a portion of the tested De.d:
#: Perform NDT on the repaired portion:
2: Perform additiona. NDT on 6ntested areas on ea7h side of the repaired portion: The .en;th of
additiona. NDT on ea7h side of the repaired portion m6st eG6a. #% per7ent of the pipeFs o6tside
-: After this additiona. 2% per7ent of NDT is performed) and if additiona. repairs are reG6ired) determine
and re7ord the tota. 76m6.ati<e repair .en;ths from a.. NDT: If the 76m6.ati<e De.d repair .en;th is
eG6a. to or more than #% per7ent of the pipeFs o6tside 7ir76mferen7e) then perform NDT on the entire
+?-2.02B M%/er#%&
+?-2.02BB1C Ge'er%&
+?-2.02BB1CB%C Ge'er%& not spe7ified as C.ass N in the spe7ia. pro<isions m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for C.ass R:
The 7arbon eG6i<a.ent of stee. in stee. pipe m6st not e37eed %:4* per7ent: !se the fo..oDin; form6.a
to 7a.76.ate the 7arbon eG6i<a.ent:
CE T C Y /n Y Si190 Y /Cr Yo Y(19* Y /Ni Y C619#*
CE T 7arbon eG6i<a.ent) per7ent
S6.f6r 7ontent of stee. in stee. pipe m6st not e37eed %:%* per7ent:
Seams in stee. pipe m6st be CCP De.ds:
For De.din; and preG6a.ifyin; base meta. 6nder Tab.e -:# of A8S D#:#) treat stee. pipe 7omp.yin;
Dith AST A 2*2 as either AST A *52) =rade *%) or AST A 5%$) =rade *%:
"6tt De.ded seams s6bseG6ent.y formed) in7.6din; ske.p end De.ds) m6st be #%% per7ent 6.trasoni7a..y
tested in the fina. formed and De.ded 7ondition: The a77eptan7e 7riteria for !T m6st 7omp.y Dith one of
the fo..oDin;:
#: API *L for API,.i7ensed fa7i.ities
2: A8S D#:# for 7y7.i7a..y .oaded 7onne7tions for De.ds s6bIe7t to tensi.e stress:
E37ept for ta7k De.din;) do not 6se ;as meta. ar7 De.din; for De.din; of stee. pipe If ;as meta. ar7
De.din; is 6sed for ta7k De.din;) do not deposit meta. by short 7ir76itin; transfer:
+?-2.02BB1CB.C C#r("m4ere'/#%& Ae&1
Cir76mferentia. De.ds m6st be CCP De.ds 7omp.yin; Dith A8S D#:#:
Lo7ate 7ir76mferentia. De.ds at .east #2 in7hes aDay from a ske.p end De.d:
"a7kin; rin;s m6st 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin;:
#: The minim6m thi7kness of the ba7kin; rin; m6st be #94 in7h and the ba7kin; rin; m6st be
2: Sp.i7es in the ba7kin; rin; m6st be made by CCP De.ds: These De.ds m6st be 7omp.eted and
inspe7ted) in7.6din; performin; any reG6ired NDT) before fina. insertion into a pipe end:
-: Atta7h ba7kin; rin;s to pipe ends 6sin; the minim6m siHe and spa7in; of ta7k De.ds that Di.. se76re.y
ho.d the ba7kin; rin; in p.a7e: Ta7k De.d in the root area of the De.d sp.i7e: Remo<e and rep.a7e
7ra7ked ta7k De.ds before s6bseG6ent De.d passes:
4: The ;ap betDeen the ba7kin; rin; and the stee. pipe Da.. m6st not be ;reater than *904 in7h: One
.o7a.iHed portion of the ba7kin; rin; fit,6p may be offset by a ;ap eG6a. to or .ess than #94 in7h) if the
.o7a.iHed portion is /#1 eG6a. to or .ess than 2% per7ent of the o6tside 7ir76mferen7e of the pipe) /21
first sea. De.ded 6sin; shie.ded meta. ar7 E5%#0 or E5%#+ e.e7trodes) and /-1 marked so that it 7an
be referen7ed d6rin; any reG6ired NDT:
*: "a7kin; rin;s m6st ha<e eno6;h Didth s67h that the ba7kin; rin; does not interfere Dith the
interpretation of the NDT:
For stee. pipe Dith an o6tside diameter ;reater than 42 in7hes and a Da.. thi7kness ;reater than #
in7h) yo6 may in7rease the root openin; to.eran7es to a ma3im6m of -9#0 in7h:
For De.din; .imited to fit,6p and atta7hin; ba7kin; rin;s and; de<i7es) the preheat and interpass
temperat6res m6st 7omp.y Dith 7.a6se -:* and tab.e -:2) Cate;ory C) of A8S D#:#:
If sp.i7in; stee. pipe 6sin; a 7ir76mferentia. De.d) the m6st 7omp.y Dith the fit,6p reG6irements
of 7.a6se *:22:-:# of A8S D#:#:
+?-2.02BB1CB(C T0&er%'(e
Dimensiona. to.eran7es of stee. pipe m6st 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin;:
#: O6tside diameter: Z%:5* per7ent of the o6tside diameter shoDn
2: 8a.. thi7kness: ,* to Y#% per7ent of the nomina. Da.. thi7kness shoDn
-: Strai;htness: Z#:% per7ent o<er the .en;th of the pipe
+?-2.02BB1CBeC M%r;#'8
E37ept for stee. pipe marked Dith the API mono;ram) mark ea7h .en;th of the stee. pipe pi.e as
#: Name and .o7ation of the; man6fa7t6rer
2: State Contra7t n6mber) for C.ass N on.y
-: ?eat n6mber
4: 8e.din; pro7ess
*: O6ter diameter) nomina. Da.. thi7kness) minim6m Da.. thi7kness) and .en;th
0: &ear; Das prod67ed
5: arked as spe7ified for ea7h 7.ass of stee. pipe;
On.y Department a6thoriHed a6dited fa7i.ities are a6thoriHed to mark; for 6se on a Contra7t:
+?-2.02BB1CB4C S"./#/"/#0'
+?-2.02BB2C C&% N S/ee& P#6e P#&#'8
Se7tion 4$,2:%2"/21 app.ies to stee. pipe spe7ified as C.ass N in the spe7ia. pro<isions:
C.ass N stee. pipe m6st 7omp.y Dith one of the fo..oDin;:
#: API *L) minim6m =rade >*2) PSL#) and m6st be:
#:#: an6fa7t6red) De.ded) tested) and inspe7ted at a p.ant .i7ensed to app.y the API mono;ram
#:2: arked Dith the API mono;ram on ea7h .en;th of stee. pipe
2: AST A 2*2) =rade -) and the fo..oDin;:
2:# 8e.din; m6st 7omp.y Dith A8S D#:#:
2:2: =roo<e De.ds 6sin; s6bmer;ed ar7 De.din; from both sides Ditho6t ba7k;o6;in; reG6ire a
pro7ed6re G6a.ifi7ation re7ord Ditnessed by the En;ineer:
2:- At the start of fabri7ation and for ea7h thi7kness of the;) f6rnish - ma7roet7h 7ross,se7tion
test spe7imens that ha<e been prepared 6nder 7.a6se 4:+:4 of A8S D#:#: Remo<e spe7imens
at .o7ations se.e7ted by the En;ineer and in the presen7e of the En;ineer: Test spe7imens
m6st indi7ate that the De.d is free of 7ra7ks and has thoro6;h f6sion betDeen adIa7ent .ayers
of De.d meta. and betDeen De.d meta. and base meta.: !nder76t m6st not e37eed #9-2 in7h:
2:4 The Dei;hin; of indi<id6a. pipe is not reG6ired as spe7ified in AST A 2*2:
2:* Ea7h .en;th of pipe m6st be marked ECa.trans C.ass N , A2*2:E
+?-2.02BB)C C&% R S/ee& P#6e P#&#'8
Se7tion 4$,2:%2"/-1 app.ies to C.ass R stee. pipe
C.ass R stee. pipe m6st 7omp.y Dith one of the fo..oDin;:
#: API *L) minim6m =rade >*2) PSL#) and m6st be:
#:#: an6fa7t6red) De.ded) tested) and inspe7ted at a p.ant .i7ensed to app.y the API mono;ram)
e37ept that hydrostati7 testin;) f.attenin; tests) and the API mono;ram are not reG6ired
#:2: arked ECa.trans C.ass R , APIE on ea7h .en;th of stee. pipe
2: AST A 2*2) =rade -) and the fo..oDin;:
2:#: Ar7 De.din; pro7esses m6st 7omp.y Dith A8S D#:#
2:2: =roo<e De.ds 6sin; s6bmer;ed ar7 De.din; from both sides Ditho6t ba7k;o6;in; Di.. reG6ire a
pro7ed6re G6a.ifi7ation re7ord Ditnessed by the En;ineer
2:-: !nderfi.. is not a..oDed
2:4: For e.e7tri7 resistan7e De.ded pipe) remo<e the o6ter diameter f.ash to a ma3im6m of #9-2 in7h
2:*: The De.d reinfor7ement m6st not e37eed #9+ in7h
2:0: The Dei;hin; of indi<id6a. pipe is not reG6ired as spe7ified in AST A 2*2
2:5: Ea7h .en;th of pipe m6st be marked ECa.trans C.ass R , A 2*2E
+?-2.02C C0'/r"(/#0'
+?-2.02CB1C Ge'er%&
Stee. pipe may be retapped to pre<ent pi.e set,6p pro<ided the fie.d De.ded sp.i7e remains at .east -
feet abo<e the Dork p.atform 6nti. the En;ineer a6thoriHes the sp.i7e:
8hen atta7hin;; de<i7es to stee. pipe a.i;n the De.ds para..e. to the a3is of the pi.e: 8e.ds
m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for atta7hin; ba7kin; rin;s in se7tion 4$,2:%2"/#1/b1: Permanent
bo.ted 7onne7tions m6st be 7orrosion resistant:
+?-2.02CB2C F#e&1 Ae&1
Fie.d De.ds m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 4$,2:%2"/#1/b1:
Fie.d De.ds made in the horiHonta. position Dhere the .on;it6dina. pipe a3is is <erti7a. m6st be sin;.e,
be<e. ;roo<e De.ds:
The minim6m preheat and interpass temperat6re for sp.i7e De.din; and for makin; repairs m6st be #*%
de;rees F: 8hen fie.d De.din; is disr6pted) preheatin; to #*% de;rees F m6st o776r before De.din; is
Do not Dater G6en7h fie.d De.ds: A..oD De.ds to 7oo. 6nassisted to ambient temperat6re:
Remo<e ends of stee. pipe to be sp.i7ed that ha<e been dama;ed d6rin; dri<in; to a so6nd and
6niform se7tion: Pipe ends m6st 7omp.y Dith the to.eran7es for diameter) ed;e a.i;nment) and ro6ndness
in se7tion 4$,2:%2": Pipe ends m6st be fie.d 76t 6sin; a6tomated ;6ided 76ttin; eG6ipment: Do not 6se
man6a. f.ame 76ttin;:
+?-2.02D P%3me'/
Not !sed
+?-2.0)A Ge'er%&
+?-2.0)AB1C S"mm%r3
Se7tion 4$,2:%- in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; str67t6ra. shape stee.
+?-2.0)AB2C De4#'#/#0'
+?-2.0)AB)C S".m#//%&
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e that in7.6des:
#: Test reports for tensi.e) 7hemi7a.) and any spe7ified NDT: Test m6st be taken from the base
meta.) stee.) or from the man6fa7t6red or fabri7ated pi.e:
2: A statement that a.. materia.s and Dorkmanship in7orporated in the Dork and a.. reG6ired tests and
inspe7tions of this Dork ha<e been performed as des7ribed:
+?-2.0)AB+C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
+?-2.0)B M%/er#%&
Str67t6ra. shape stee. m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A -0 or AST A *52:
Sp.i7es m6st be CCP ;roo<e De.ds 7omp.yin; Dith A8S D#:#:
+?-2.0)C C0'/r"(/#0'
Fie.d sp.i7es m6st be CCP ;roo<e De.ds 7omp.yin; Dith A8S D#:#:
+?-2.0)D P%3me'/
Not !sed
+?-2.0+A Ge'er%&
+?-2.0+AB1C S"mm%r3
Se7tion 4$,2:%4 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; PC PS 7on7rete
PC PS 7on7rete m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tions *%) *#) and *2:
+?-2.0+AB2C De4#'#/#0'
+?-2.0+AB)C S".m#//%&
If reG6ested) s6bmit 2 sets of shop draDin;s for PC PS 7on7rete for 6se d6rin; 7onstr67tion: In7.6de
the fo..oDin; detai.s in the shop draDin;s:
#: Pi.e dimensions
2: ateria. type
-: Prestressin; methods
4: Tendon arran;ement and Dorkin; stresses
*: Any addition or rearran;ement of reinfor7ement from that shoDn
Se7tion *%,#:%#C/-1 does not app.y to prestressin; systems 6sed for PC PS 7on7rete
A6thoriHation of the shop draDin;s is not reG6ired:
+?-2.0+AB+C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
PC PS 7on7rete m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion ##,2:
The Department inspe7ts PC PS 7on7rete at the fabri7ation site: Notify the Department at .east #%
days before fabri7atin; any ateria.s to be 6sed m6st be a<ai.ab.e to the Department for testin;:
+?-2.0+B M%/er#%&
+?-2.0+BB1C Ge'er%&
Threaded inserts and other fittin;s m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 5*,#:%-:
+?-2.0+BB2C F%.r#(%/#0'
P.a7e 7on7rete for PC PS 7on7rete in smooth) mortar,ti;ht forms: S6pport the forms to pre<ent
appre7iab.e deformation or sett.ement d6rin; p.a7in; or 76rin;:
Finish 6nformed s6rfa7es to a smooth s6rfa7e:
C6re PC PS 7on7rete 6nder se7tion $%,4:%- e37ept to be p.a7ed in a 7orrosi<e en<ironment
m6st be steam or Dater 76red:
If to be p.a7ed in a 7orrosi<e en<ironment are steam 76red) steam 76re the 6nder se7tion $%,
4:%- e37ept m6st be kept 7ontin6o6s.y Det for at .east - days) in7.6din; the ho.din; and steam
76rin; periods:
If to be p.a7ed in a 7orrosi<e en<ironment are Dater 76red) the m6st be kept 7ontin6o6s.y Det
by the app.i7ation of Dater as spe7ified in se7tion $%,#:%-"/21:
8hen remo<ed from the form) the pi.e m6st:
#: ?a<e tr6e) smooth) e<en s6rfa7es) free from honey7ombs and <oids
2: "e strai;ht s67h that a .ine stret7hed from b6tt to tip on any pi.e fa7e is not more than # in7h from the
fa7e of the pi.e at any point
E37ept for PC PS 7on7rete to be p.a7ed in a 7orrosi<e en<ironment) remo<e .iftin; an7hors and fi.. 6nder se7tion *#,#:%-F/21:
For PC PS 7on7rete to be p.a7ed in a 7orrosi<e en<ironment) remo<e .iftin; an7hors to a depth of at
.east # in7h be.oD the s6rfa7e of the 7on7rete: Fi.. Dith epo3y adhesi<e before de.i<erin; to the
Iob site: The epo3y adhesi<e m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion $*,2:%#:
If 6sin; pi.e an7hor doDe.s) an7hor the doDe.s in 7ast or dri..ed in the 7on7rete pi.e Dith neat
7ement paste: The diameter of the m6st be the minim6m 7onsistent Dith p.a7in; the neat 7ement
paste and doDe.:
!se methods for; that Di.. not dama;e the 7on7rete) reinfor7ement) or prestressin; stee.:
The dri..ed ho.e m6st be free of d6st and other de.eterio6s materia. Dhen p.a7in; the neat 7ement paste:
Neat 7ement paste and doDe. m6st 7omp.ete.y fi.. the dri..ed ho.e: The doDe.s m6st be .eft 6ndist6rbed
6nti. the paste has hardened:
+?-2.0+BB)C S"./#/"/#0'
+?-2.0+C C0'/r"(/#0'
+?-2.0+CB1C Ge'er%&
PC PS 7on7rete m6st not be dri<en 6nti. at .east #4 days after 7astin;:
+?-2.0+CB2C H%'1&#'8
8hen; or transportin; PC PS 7on7rete pro<ide;s or other eG6ipment to a<oid bendin;
the pi.e or 7ra7kin; the 7on7rete: Rep.a7e materia..y dama;ed in; or d6rin; dri<in;:
+?-2.0+CB)C S6&#(#'8 Pre(%/ Pre/ree1 C0'(re/e P#&e
+?-2.0+D P%3me'/
Not !sed
+?-2.0,A Ge'er%&
Se7tion 4$,2:%* in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for; permanent stee. sheet
+?-2.0,B M%/er#%&
Stee. sheet m6st be inter.o7kin; stee. sheet 7omp.yin; Dith AST A -2+9A -2+:
The minim6m se7tion mod6.6s per .inear foot of Da.. m6st be the se7tion mod6.6s shoDn:
&o6 may insta.. 6sed sheet pro<ided the are in ;ood 7ondition and no a.terations ha<e been
made to red67e the se7tion mod6.6s: Inter.o7ks m6st be strai;ht) tr6e) and ha<e no ;o6;es or kinks:
F6rnish in .en;ths meas6red from the spe7ified tip e.e<ation shoDn to the 76toff e.e<ation: Sp.i7es in
stee. sheet m6st be CCP De.ds 7omp.yin; Dith A8S D#:#:
+?-2.0,C C0'/r"(/#0'
Dri<e stee. sheet to the spe7ified tip e.e<ation shoDn: Remo<e and redri<e or rep.a7e that are
materia..y o6t of .ine:
+?-2.0,D P%3me'/
Not !sed
+?-).01 GENERAL
+?-).01A Ge'er%&
Se7tion 4$,- in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; CIP 7on7rete
CIP 7on7rete in7.6de:
#: CID? 7on7rete
2: CID? 7on7rete pi.e ro7k so7kets
-: Dri<en stee. she..s fi..ed Dith 7on7rete and reinfor7ement
"ar reinfor7in; stee. m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *2:
+?-).01B M%/er#%&
+?-).01BB1C Ge'er%&
!n.ess otherDise shoDn) 7on7rete m6st ha<e a minim6m 2+,day 7ompressi<e stren;th of -)0%% psi:
PreG6a.ify the 7on7rete 6nder se7tion $%,#:%#D/*1/b1:
The 7ombined a;;re;ate ;radin; m6st 7omp.y Dith the #,in7h ma3im6m ;radin;) the #92,in7h ma3im6m
;radin;) or the -9+,in7h ma3im6m ;radin; spe7ified in se7tion $%,#:%2C/41:
+?-).01BB2C M% C0'(re/e
Se7tion 4$,-:%#"/21 app.ies to CIP 7on7rete Dith a diameter ;reater than + feet:
The G6antity of 7ementitio6s materia. m6st 7omp.y Dith the <a.6es shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Pi.e diameter /D1
a3im6m G6antity of
7ementitio6s materia.
/.b976 yd1
+ K D X #% 5*%
#% K D X #4 52%
Cementitio6s materia. m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion $%,#:%2"/-1) e37ept at .east 2* per7ent of the tota.
7ementitio6s materia. m6st be f.y ash:
For Dith a diameter ;reater than #4 feet) 7on7rete m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for mass
7on7rete in se7tion *#,0:
+?-).01C C0'/r"(/#0'
Constr67t CIP 7on7rete s67h that the e37a<ation methods and the 7on7rete p.a7ement pro7ed6res
pro<ide for p.a7in; the 7on7rete a;ainst 6ndist6rbed materia. in a dry or deDatered ho.e:
P.a7e and se76re reinfor7ement symmetri7a..y abo6t the a3is of the pi.e: Se76re.y b.o7k the reinfor7ement
to pro<ide the minim6m 7.earan7e shoDn betDeen the reinfor7in; stee. 7a;e and the sides of the dri..ed
ho.e or stee. she..:
Stee. she..s and deDatered dri..ed m6st be 7.ean and free of Dater and debris before reinfor7ement
and 7on7rete are p.a7ed:
Pro<ide a s6itab.e .i;ht to the En;ineer for inspe7tin; the entire .en;th of the stee. she.. or deDatered ho.e
before p.a7in; reinfor7ement and 7on7rete:
The methods 6sed to p.a7e the 7on7rete m6st pre<ent se;re;ation:
Con7rete m6st not be a..oDed to fa.. from a hei;ht ;reater than + feet Ditho6t the 6se of adI6stab.e .en;th
pipes or t6bes 6n.ess the f.oD of 7on7rete is dire7ted into the 7enter of the ho.e and the 7on7rete is not
a..oDed to strike the reinfor7ement) reinfor7ement bra7in;) and other obIe7ts in the ho.e:
(ibrate 7on7rete in the 6pper #* feet of CIP 7on7rete
After p.a7in; 7on7rete) 76re the temporari.y e3posed s6rfa7es of the CIP 7on7rete 6nder se7tion *#,
+?-).01D P%3me'/
"ar reinfor7in; stee. is not in7.6ded in the payment for CIP 7on7rete; 6n.ess the CIP 7on7rete;
is .ess than 24 in7hes in diameter or for po.e or o<erhead si;n str67t6res:
+?-).02A Ge'er%&
+?-).02AB1C S"mm%r3
Se7tion 4$,-:%2 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; CID? 7on7rete and CID? 7on7rete pi.e ro7k
+?-).02AB2C De4#'#/#0'
+?-).02AB)C S".m#//%&
+?-).02AB)CB%C Ge'er%&
+?-).02AB)CB.C P#&e I'/%&&%/#0' P&%'
S6bmit a pi.e insta..ation In7.6de 7omp.ete des7riptions) detai.s) and s6pportin; 7a.76.ations for the
#: Con7rete mi3 desi;n) 7ertified test data) and tria. bat7h reports:
2:; or 7orin; methods and eG6ipment:
-: Proposed method for 7asin; insta..ation and remo<a.) if ne7essary:
4: ethods for p.a7in;) positionin;) and s6pportin; bar reinfor7ement:
*: ethods and eG6ipment for determinin;:
0:# Depth of 7on7rete
0:2 Theoreti7a. <o.6me of 7on7rete to be p.a7ed) in7.6din; the effe7ts on <o.6me if 7asin;s are
0:- A7t6a. <o.6me of 7on7rete p.a7ed
0: ethods and eG6ipment for <erifyin; the bottom of the dri..ed ho.e is 7.ean before p.a7in; 7on7rete:
5: ethods and eG6ipment for pre<entin; 6pDard mo<ement of reinfor7ement) in7.6din; the means of
dete7tin; and meas6rin; 6pDard mo<ement d6rin; 7on7rete p.a7ement a7ti<ities:
For 7on7rete p.a7ed 6nder s.6rry) in7.6de 7omp.ete des7riptions) detai.s) and s6pportin; 7a.76.ations in
the pi.e insta..ation for:
#: Con7rete bat7hin;) de.i<ery) and p.a7in; systems) in7.6din; time and 7apa7ities: Time m6st in7.6de the time reG6ired for ea7h 7on7rete p.a7in; a7ti<ity at ea7h pi.e:
2: Con7rete p.a7in; rate 7a.76.ations: If reG6ested) base 7a.76.ations on the initia. p6mp press6res or
stati7 head on the 7on7rete and .osses thro6;ho6t the p.a7in; system) in7.6din; anti7ipated head of
s.6rry and 7on7rete to be disp.a7ed:
-: S6pp.iersU test reports on the physi7a. and 7hemi7a. properties of the s.6rry and any proposed s.6rry
7hemi7a. additi<es) in7.6din; SDSs:
4: S.6rry testin; eG6ipment and pro7ed6res:
*: ethods of remo<a. and disposa. of e37a<ation) s.6rry) and 7ontaminated 7on7rete) in7.6din; remo<a.
0: ethods and eG6ipment for s.6rry a;itatin;) re7ir76.atin;) and 7.eanin;:
+?-).02AB)CB(C I'6e(/#0' P#6e C0"6&er L08
8here inspe7tion pipes are reG6ired) s6bmit a .o; of the .o7ations of inspe7tion pipe 7o6p.ers as an
informationa. s6bmitta. 6pon 7omp.etion of 7on7rete p.a7ement in the ho.e:
+?-).02AB)CB1C C0'(re/e P&%(eme'/ L08
S6bmit the 7on7rete p.a7ement .o; as an informationa. s6bmitta. Dithin # b6siness day of 7omp.etion of
7on7rete p.a7ement in the ho.e:
+?-).02AB)CBeC C0r#'8 L08 %'1 C0'(re/e C0re
If 7orin; is performed 6nder se7tion 4$,-:%2A/41) s6bmit 7orin; .o;s and 7on7rete 7ores:
+?-).02AB)CB4C Te/#'8 Re60r/
If yo6 perform testin; on a reIe7ted pi.e) s6bmit this additiona. information in a report: The report m6st be
sea.ed and si;ned by an en;ineer Dho is re;istered as a 7i<i. en;ineer in the State: A..oD the Department
#% days for re<ieD and ana.ysis of this report:
+?-).02AB)CB8C M#/#8%/#0' P&%'
For ea7h reIe7ted pi.e) s6bmit a miti;ation for repair) s6pp.ementation) or rep.a7ement: The
miti;ation m6st:
#: Comp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for shop draDin;s:
2: "e sea.ed and si;ned by an en;ineer Dho is re;istered as a 7i<i. en;ineer in the State This
reG6irement is Dai<ed for either of the fo..oDin; 7onditions:
2:# The proposed miti;ation Di.. be performed 6nder the 76rrent Department a6thoriHed <ersion of
-DSC Standard Mitigation Plan ;-; $ Basic !epair Ditho6t e37eption or modifi7ation:
2:2 The En;ineer determines that the reIe7ted pi.e does not reG6ire miti;ation d6e to str67t6ra.)
;eote7hni7a.) or 7orrosion 7on7erns) and yo6 e.e7t to repair the pi.e 6sin; the 76rrent
Department a6thoriHed <ersion of -DSC Standard Mitigation Plan ;B; $ &routing !epair Ditho6t
e37eption or modifi7ation:
The most re7ent <ersion of the -DSC Standard Mitigation Plan is a<ai.ab.e at the fo..oDin; 8eb site:
Pi.e miti;ation p.ans m6st in7.6de:
#: Desi;nation and .o7ation of the reIe7ted pi.e:
2: Re<ieD of the str67t6ra.) ;eote7hni7a.) and 7orrosion desi;n reG6irements of the reIe7ted pi.e:
-: Step by step des7ription of the miti;ation Dork to be performed) in7.6din; draDin;s if ne7essary:
4: Assessment of hoD the proposed miti;ation Dork addresses the str67t6ra.) ;eote7hni7a.) and
7orrosion desi;n reG6irements of the reIe7ted pi.e:
*: ethods for preser<ation or restoration of e3istin; earthen materia.s:
0: List of any affe7ted fa7i.ities: In7.6de methods and eG6ipment to be 6sed for the prote7tion of these
fa7i.ities d6rin; miti;ation:
5: &o6r name and the names of any s6b7ontra7tors on ea7h sheet:
+: List of materia.s Dith G6antity estimates for the miti;ation Dork and a .ist of personne. Dith their
G6a.ifi7ations Dho Di.. be performin; the miti;ation Dork:
For reIe7ted to be repaired) in7.6de the fo..oDin; in the pi.e miti;ation
#: Assessment of the nat6re and siHe of the anoma.ies in the reIe7ted pi.e
2: Pro<isions for a77ess for additiona. pi.e testin;) if reG6ested
For reIe7ted to be rep.a7ed or s6pp.emented) in7.6de the fo..oDin; in the pi.e miti;ation
#: Proposed .o7ation and siHe of additiona.
2: Str67t6ra. detai.s and 7a.76.ations for any modifi7ation to the str67t6re to a77ommodate the
rep.a7ement or s6pp.ementa.
Rep.a7ement m6st 7omp.y Dith the Contra7t for CID? 7on7rete
+?-).02AB)CB7C M#/#8%/#0' Re60r/
If repairs are performed) s6bmit a miti;ation report as an informationa. s6bmitta. Dithin #% days of
7omp.etion of the repair: The report m6st state e3a7t.y Dhat repair Dork Das performed and G6antify the
s677ess of the repairs re.ati<e to the s6bmitted miti;ation The miti;ation report m6st be sea.ed and
si;ned by an en;ineer Dho is re;istered as a 7i<i. en;ineer in the State: The miti;ation report m6st
in7.6de yo6r name and the names of any s6b7ontra7tors on ea7h sheet:
+?-).02AB+C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
+?-).02AB+CB%C Ge'er%&
+?-).02AB+CB.C Pre(0'/r"(/#0' Mee/#'8
+?-).02AB+CB(C C0'(re/e Te/ B%/(7
Se7tion 4$,-:%2A/41/71 app.ies if 7on7rete is p.a7ed 6nder s.6rry:
"efore p.a7in; 7on7rete 6nder s.6rry) prod67e a 7on7rete test bat7h and transport it to the Iob site 6nder
the same 7onditions and in the same time frame that is anti7ipated d6rin; the p.a7ement of 7on7rete in
At the Iob site) p.a7e the test bat7h 7on7rete in an e37a<ated ho.e or s6itab.e 7ontainer to a..oD for testin;:
P.a7in; 7on7rete 6nder s.6rry is not reG6ired: The test bat7h m6st demonstrate that the proposed mi3
desi;n Di.. a7hie<e the minim6m reG6ired s.6mp after the spe7ified set period:
Do not <ibrate or a;itate the 7on7rete d6rin; the set period:
The En;ineer tests the 7on7rete for s.6mp 6nder Ca.ifornia Test **0: In addition to meetin; the spe7ified
nomina. s.6mp) the s.6mp of the 7on7rete m6st 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
S&"m6 Re!"#reme'/
Time reG6ired to p.a7e
) T
inim6m set period before
S.6mp) after set
T X 2 ho6rs 2T S 5 in7hes
T L 2 ho6rs T Y 2 ho6rs S 5 in7hes
As des7ribed in the pi.e insta..ation
The set period starts at the start of 7on7rete p.a7ement:
After testin;) dispose of the 7on7rete test bat7h:
+?-).02AB+CB1C A((e6/%'(e Te/#'8
+?-).02AB+CB1CB#C Ge'er%&
Se7tion 4$,2:%-A/41/d1 app.ies to CID? 7on7rete e37ept for /#1 .ess than 24 in7hes in diameter
or /21 7onstr67ted in dry or deDatered Ditho6t the 6se of temporary 7asin; to 7ontro. ;ro6nd
The Department performs a77eptan7e testin; 6sin; ;amma,;amma .o;;in; to test the 7on7rete density
of the pi.e for homo;eneity:
After notifi7ation by the En;ineer of pi.e a77eptan7e) deDater the inspe7tion pipes and 7ored and fi..
them Dith ;ro6t: =ro6t m6st 7omp.y se7tion *%,#:%2C: Fi.. inspe7tion pipes and 6sin; ;ro6t t6bes
that e3tend to the bottom of the pipe or ho.e or into the ;ro6t a.ready p.a7ed:
+?-).02AB+CB1CB##C Ver/#(%& I'6e(/#0' P#6e
Insta.. <erti7a. inspe7tion pipes for a77eptan7e testin; as fo..oDs:
#: Inspe7tion pipes m6st be s7hed6.e 4% P(C pipe Dith a nomina. pipe siHe of 2 in7hes: 8aterti;ht P(C
7o6p.ers are a..oDed to fa7i.itate pipe .en;ths in e37ess of those 7ommer7ia..y a<ai.ab.e: Lo; the
.o7ation of the inspe7tion pipe 7o6p.ers Dith respe7t to the p.ane of pi.e 76toff:
2: Cap ea7h inspe7tion pipe at the bottom: E3tend the pipe from - feet abo<e the pi.e 76toff to the
bottom of the reinfor7in; 7a;e: Pro<ide a temporary top 7ap or means to keep the pipes 7.ean
before testin;: If pi.e 76toff is be.oD the ;ro6nd s6rfa7e or Dorkin; p.atform) e3tend inspe7tion pipes
to - feet abo<e the ;ro6nd s6rfa7e or Dorkin; p.atform:
-: If any 7han;es are made to the pi.e tip) e3tend the inspe7tion pipes to the bottom of the reinfor7in;
4: Insta.. inspe7tion pipes in a strai;ht a.i;nment) para..e. to the main reinfor7ement) and se76re.y
fastened in p.a7e to pre<ent misa.i;nment d6rin; insta..ation of the reinfor7ement and p.a7in; of
7on7rete in the ho.e: Constr67t CID? 7on7rete s67h that the re.ati<e distan7e of inspe7tion pipes
to <erti7a. stee. reinfor7ement remains 7onstant:
*: Fi.. inspe7tion pipes Dith Dater 6pon 7omp.etion of the 7on7rete p.a7ement to pre<ent debondin; of
the pipe:
0: Inspe7tion pipes m6st be 7omp.ete.y 7.ean) dry) and 6nobstr67ted at the time of testin; pro<idin; a 2,
in7h diameter 7.ear openin;:
5: Pro<ide safe a77ess to the tops of the t6bes:
After p.a7in; 7on7rete and before reG6estin; a77eptan7e testin;) test ea7h inspe7tion pipe in the
presen7e of the En;ineer by passin; a #,#94,in7h,diameter by 4:*,foot,.on; ri;id 7y.inder thro6;h the
.en;th of pipe:
If an inspe7tion pipe fai.s to pass the ri;id 7y.inder:
#: Immediate.y fi.. a.. inspe7tion pipes in the pi.e Dith Dater
2: Core a nomina. 2,in7h diameter ho.e thro6;h the 7on7rete for the entire .en;th of the pi.e for ea7h
inspe7tion pipe that does not pass the ri;id 7y.inder
-: Lo7ate 7ored as 7.ose as possib.e to the inspe7tion pipes they are rep.a7in; and no more than
* in7hes 7.ear from the reinfor7ement
Corin; m6st not dama;e the pi.e reinfor7ement: Core 6sin; a do6b.e Da.. 7ore barre. system Dith a t6be type inner barre.: Corin; Dith a type inner barre. is not a..oDed: Corin; methods and
eG6ipment m6st pro<ide inta7t 7ores for the entire .en;th of the pi.e: Preser<e 7ores and identify them Dith
the e3a7t .o7ation the 7ore Das re7o<ered from the pi.e:
The 7orin; a7ti<ity m6st be .o;;ed by an en;ineerin; ;eo.o;ist or 7i<i. en;ineer .i7ensed in the State and
e3perien7ed in 7ore .o;;in;: Corin; .o;s m6st 7omp.y Dith the DepartmentFs Soil and !ock *ogging2
Classification2 and Presentation Manual: Corin; .o;s m6st in7.6de 7ore re7o<ery) ro7k G6a.ity desi;nation)
.o7ations of breaks) and 7omp.ete des7riptions of in7.6sions and <oids en7o6ntered d6rin; 7orin;:
The Department e<a.6ates the portion of the pi.e represented by the 7ored ho.e based on the s6bmitted
7ore .o;s: If the Department determines that a pi.e is anoma.o6s based on the 7orin; .o;s) the pi.e is
+?-).02AB+CB1CB###C G%mm%-G%mm% L088#'8
The Department performs ;amma,;amma .o;;in; 6nder Ca.ifornia Test 2--:
Separate reinfor7in; stee. as ne7essary to a..oD the Department a77ess to the inspe7tion pipes:
After reG6estin; testin; and pro<idin; a77ess to the a..oD #* days for the Department to perform the
testin; and to prepare and pro<ide the pi.e a77eptan7e test report:
D6rin; testin;) do not perform 7onstr67tion a7ti<ities Dithin 2* feet of any ;amma,;amma .o;;in; a7ti<ity:
If the Department determines that a pi.e is anoma.o6s 6nder Ca.ifornia Test 2--) part *C) the pi.e is
+?-).02AB+CB1CB#$C Re=e(/e1 P#&e
If a pi.e is reIe7ted:
#: S6spend 7on7rete p.a7ement in the remainin;
2: Re<ise the pi.e insta..ation and s6bmit it to the En;ineer
-: Do not res6me 7on7rete p.a7ement 6nti. the re<ised pi.e insta..ation is a6thoriHed
A..oD -% days for the Department to determine Dhether the reIe7ted pi.e reG6ires miti;ation and to
pro<ide this information to yo6: Day # of the -% days is the #st day after a77ess has been pro<ided to the
Department to perform a77eptan7e testin;:
The Department may perform additiona. tests to f6rther e<a.6ate a reIe7ted pi.e: These tests may in7.6de
7rossho.e soni7 .o;;in; and other means of inspe7tion se.e7ted by the Department: The pi.e a77eptan7e
test report Di.. indi7ate if the Department intends to perform any additiona. testin; and Dhen the testin;
Di.. be performed: A..oD the Department 2% additiona. days for a tota. of *% days to perform these tests
and to pro<ide s6pp.ementa. res6.ts:
&o6 may perform testin; on the reIe7ted pi.e:
The Department determines Dhether the reIe7ted pi.e reG6ires miti;ation d6e to str67t6ra.) ;eote7hni7a.)
or 7orrosion 7on7erns: The Department 7onsiders the estimated siHe and .o7ation of the anoma.y and
potentia. effe7ts on the desi;n: The Department pro<ides yo6 Dith the 7on7.6sions of this ana.ysis for
de<e.opin; the miti;ation
If a reIe7ted pi.e does not reG6ire miti;ation) yo6 may repair the pi.e 6nder an a6thoriHed miti;ation
or the Department Di.. ded67t the amo6nt shoDn in the tab.e for ea7h anoma.y 6p to the ma3im6m tota.
Anoma.y ded67tion
Anoma.y .o7ation D K 4 feet 4 X D K 0 D S 0
Entire.y or partia..y Dithin the
6pper 29- of the pi.e .en;th
O#)%%% O2)%%% O4)%%%
Entire.y Dithin the .oDer #9- of
the pi.e .en;th
O*%% O#)%%% O2)%%%
a3im6m tota. ded67tion O2)%%% O4)%%% O+)%%%
D T Nomina. pi.e diameter
If a reIe7ted pi.e reG6ires miti;ation or yo6 e.e7t to repair a reIe7ted pi.e that does not reG6ire miti;ation)
s6bmit a miti;ation for the repair) s6pp.ementation) or rep.a7ement of the reIe7ted pi.e:
If the En;ineer determines that it is not feasib.e to repair the reIe7ted pi.e) s6bmit a miti;ation for
rep.a7ement or s6pp.ementation of the reIe7ted pi.e:
+?-).02B M%/er#%&
+?-).02BB1C Ge'er%&
+?-).02BB2C C0'(re/e
Con7rete p.a7ed 6nder s.6rry m6st:
#: ?a<e a nomina. s.6mp eG6a. to or ;reater than 5 in7hes: The nomina. and ma3im6m s.6mp and
penetration spe7ifi7ations in se7tion $%,#:%2=/01 do not app.y to 7on7rete p.a7ed 6nder s.6rry:
2: Contain not .ess than 05* po6nds of 7ementitio6s materia. per 76bi7 yard and be proportioned to
pre<ent e37essi<e b.eed Dater and se;re;ation:
In a freeHe,thaD area) the formed portion of CID? 7on7rete m6st 7ontain not .ess than 05* po6nds
of 7ementitio6s materia. per 76bi7 yard:
+?-).02BB)C A88re8%/e Gr%1#'8
For 7on7rete p.a7ed 6nder s.6rry) the 7ombined a;;re;ate ;radin; m6st 7omp.y Dith the #92,in7h
ma3im6m ;radin; or the -9+,in7h ma3im6m ;radin; spe7ified in se7tion $%,#:%2C/41:
+?-).02BB+C Perm%'e'/ S/ee& C%#'8
Permanent stee. 7asin;s m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 4$,2:%2:
+?-).02BB,C Gr0"/
=ro6t 6sed to ba7kfi.. 7asin;s m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *%,#:%2C e37ept:
#: inim6m 7ement 7ontent of the ;ro6t m6st not be .ess than +4* .b976 yd of ;ro6t:
2: A;;re;ate m6st be 6sed to e3tend the ;ro6t: The a;;re;ate m6st 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin;:
2:# A;;re;ate m6st 7onsist of at .east 5% per7ent fine a;;re;ate and appro3imate.y -% per7ent pea
;ra<e.) by Dei;ht:
2:2 Fine a;;re;ate m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion $%,#:%2C:
2:- SiHe of pea ;ra<e. m6st be s67h that #%% per7ent passes the #92,in7h sie<e) a minim6m $%
per7ent passes the -9+,in7h sie<e) and not more than * per7ent passes the no: + sie<e:
+?-).02BB-C S&"rr3
+?-).02BB-CB%C Ge'er%&
+?-).02BB-CB.C M#'er%& S&"rr3
inera. s.6rry m6st be mi3ed and thoro6;h.y hydrated in s.6rry tanks: Samp.e and test s.6rry from the
s.6rry tanks before p.a7ement in the dri..ed ho.e:
Re7ir76.ate or 7ontin6o6s.y a;itate s.6rry in the dri..ed ho.e:
For re7ir76.ated s.6rry:
#: Remo<e dri.. 76ttin;s from the s.6rry before dis7har;in; the s.6rry ba7k into the dri..ed ho.e:
2: Samp.e and test s.6rry at .east e<ery 2 ho6rs after startin; its 6se 6nti. tests shoD that the
taken from the s.6rry tank and from near the bottom of the ho.e ha<e 7onsistent spe7ified properties:
On7e 7onsistent properties ha<e been a7hie<ed) samp.e s.6rry at .east tDi7e per shift as .on; as the
spe7ified properties remain 7onsistent:
For nonre7ir76.ated s.6rry:
#: Samp.e and test s.6rry from the dri..ed ho.e at .east e<ery 2 ho6rs after startin; its 6se: Samp.e the
s.6rry at mid,hei;ht and near the bottom of the ho.e:
2: Re7ir76.ate s.6rry if tests shoD taken from mid,hei;ht and near the bottom of the ho.e do not
ha<e 7onsistent spe7ified properties:
Samp.e and test s.6rry before fina. 7.eanin; of the bottom of the ho.e and a;ain I6st before p.a7in;
7on7rete: Samp.e the s.6rry at mid,hei;ht and near the bottom of the ho.e: C.eanin; of the bottom of the
ho.e and p.a7ement of the 7on7rete m6st not start 6nti. tests shoD that the ha<e 7onsistent
spe7ified properties:
inera. s.6rry m6st 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
M#'er%& S&"rr3 Re!"#reme'/
Property Test method (a.6e
6d 8ei;ht /Density1)
API #-",#
se7tion #
"efore p.a7ement in the dri..ed ho.e
and d6rin;;
04:-B0$:# p7f
"efore fina. 7.eanin; and
immediate.y before p.a7in; 7on7rete
04:-B5*:% p7f
arsh F6nne. and C6p:
API #-",#) se7tion 2:2
"entonite 2+B*% se79Gt
Attap6.;ite 2+B4% se79Gt
p? =.ass e.e7trode p? meter or
p? paper
Sand 7ontent Sand)
API #-",#) se7tion * "efore fina. 7.eanin; and
immediate.y before p.a7in; 7on7rete
X 4:% per7ent
S.6rry temperat6re m6st be at .east 4% de;rees F Dhen tested:
If a6thoriHed) yo6 may 6se s.6rry in sa.t Dater: The a..oDab.e density of s.6rry in sa.t Dater
may be in7reased 6p to 2 p7f:
Remo<e any 7aked s.6rry on the sides or bottom of ho.e before p.a7in; reinfor7ement:
8hen 7on7rete is not p.a7ed immediate.y after p.a7in; reinfor7ement) the reinfor7ement m6st be remo<ed
and 7.eaned of s.6rry) the sides of the dri..ed ho.e m6st be 7.eaned of 7aked s.6rry) and the reinfor7ement
a;ain p.a7ed in the ho.e for 7on7rete p.a7ement:
+?-).02BB-CB(C S3'/7e/#( S&"rr3
Syntheti7 s.6rry materia. and property reG6irements are spe7ified in the spe7ia. pro<isions:
Do not 6se syntheti7 s.6rries in dri..ed in primari.y soft or <ery soft 7ohesi<e soi.s as determined by
the En;ineer:
A man6fa7t6rerFs representati<e m6st:
#: Pro<ide te7hni7a. assistan7e for the 6se of their materia.
2: "e at the Iob site before introd67tion of the syntheti7 s.6rry into the dri..ed ho.e
-: Remain at the Iob site 6nti. re.eased by the En;ineer
Samp.e and test syntheti7 s.6rries:
#: 8hen the s.6rry temperat6re is at .east 4% de;rees F:
2: At mid,hei;ht and near the bottom of the ho.e:
-: D6rin;; to <erify the s.6rry properties:
4: 8hen; is 7omp.ete b6t before fina. 7.eanin; of the bottom of the ho.e: 8hen 7omp.y
Dith the reG6irements shoDn in the for the s.6rry materia. se.e7ted) 7.ean the bottom of the ho.e
of any .oose or sett.ed materia.:
*: After fina. 7.eanin; and before p.a7in; 7on7rete:
+?-).02BB-CB1C A%/er S&"rr3
&o6 may 6se Dater as s.6rry if a 7asin; is 6sed for the entire .en;th of the dri..ed ho.e:
8ater s.6rry properties m6st 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
A%/er S&"rr3 Re!"#reme'/
Property Test (a.6e
Density 6d 8ei;ht /Density1)
API #-",#
se7tion #
"efore fina. 7.eanin; and immediate.y
before p.a7in; 7on7rete
0-:* p7f
Sand 7ontent Sand)
"efore fina. 7.eanin; and
immediate.y before p.a7in; 7on7rete
API #-",#) se7tion * X %:* per7ent
If a6thoriHed) yo6 may 6se sa.t Dater s.6rry: The a..oDab.e density of the s.6rry may be
in7reased by 2 p7f:
+?-).02BB2C*+?-).02BB10C Reer$e1
+?-).02C C0'/r"(/#0'
+?-).02CB1C Ge'er%&
E37ept for CID? 7on7rete for so6nd Da..s and retainin; Da..s) yo6 may propose to in7rease the
diameter and re<ise the pi.e tip e.e<ation of CID? 7on7rete Dith a diameter .ess than 2 feet:
For CID? 7on7rete for so6nd Da..s and retainin; Da..s) yo6 may propose to in7rease the diameter of
CID? 7on7rete Dith a diameter .ess than 2 feet) e37ept that pi.e tip e.e<ations m6st not be re<ised:
+?-).02CB2C Dr#&&e1 H0&e
The a3is of the dri..ed ho.e m6st not de<iate from p.6mb more than #,#92 in7hes per #% feet of .en;th:
D6rin; e37a<ation) do not dist6rb the fo6ndation materia. s6rro6ndin; the pi.e: EG6ipment or methods
6sed for e37a<atin; m6st not 7a6se G6i7k soi. 7onditions or 7a6se s7o6rin; or 7a<in; of the ho.e:
For ro7k so7kets) eG6ipment and dri.. methods m6st not res6.t in soften materia.s on the boreho.e Da..s:
After e37a<ation has started) 7onstr67t the pi.e e3peditio6s.y to pre<ent deterioration of the s6rro6ndin;
fo6ndation materia. from air s.akin; or from the presen7e of Dater: Remo<e and dispose of deteriorated
fo6ndation materia.) in7.6din; materia. that has softened) sDo..en) or de;raded) from the sides and the
bottom of the ho.e:
C6st before p.a7in; reinfor7ement or 7on7rete) 7.ean the bottom of the ho.e to remo<e any .oose sand)
;ra<e.) dirt) and dri.. 76ttin;s:
After p.a7in; reinfor7ement and before p.a7in; 7on7rete in the ho.e) if 7a<in; o776rs or deteriorated
fo6ndation materia. a776m6.ates on the bottom of the ho.e) 7.ean the bottom of the ho.e: &o6 m6st <erify
that the bottom of the ho.e is 7.ean:
Remo<e Dater that has infi.trated the ho.e before p.a7in; 7on7rete: Do not a..oD f.6<ia. or draina;e Dater
to enter the ho.e:
Portions of the ho.e may be;ed) ba7kfi..ed Dith s.6rry 7ement ba7kfi..) 7on7rete) or other materia.)
and redri..ed to the diameter shoDn to 7ontro. 7a<in;: "a7kfi.. materia. at;ed m6st be
7hemi7a..y 7ompatib.e Dith 7on7rete and stee.) be dri..ab.e) and ha<e the ne7essary stren;th reG6ired for
the 7onditions:
Dispose of materia. res6.tin; from p.a7in; 7on7rete:
+?-).02CB)C Tem60r%r3 S/ee& C%#'8
F6rnish temporary stee. 7asin;s Dhere shoDn and Dhere ne7essary to 7ontro. Dater or to pre<ent G6i7k
soi. 7onditions or 7a<in; of the ho.e: P.a7e temporary 7asin;s ti;ht in the ho.e:
Se7tion ##,- does not app.y to temporary stee. 7asin;s:
Temporary 7asin;s m6st be:
#: 8aterti;ht and of s6ffi7ient stren;th to Dithstand the .oads from insta..ation) remo<a.) .atera. 7on7rete
press6res) and earth press6res
2: Non7orr6;ated Dith smooth s6rfa7es
-: C.ean and free of hardened 7on7rete
Remo<e the temporary 7asin; d6rin; 7on7rete p.a7ement: In a deDatered ho.e) maintain the 7on7rete in
the 7asin; at a .e<e. of at .east * feet abo<e the bottom of the 7asin; or /21 at a .e<e. abo<e the bottom of
the 7asin; adeG6ate to pre<ent disp.a7ement of the 7on7rete by materia. from o6tside the 7asin;)
Dhi7he<er is ;reater:
If s.6rry is not 6sed) do not DithdraD the temporary 7asin; 6nti. the 7on7rete head in the 7asin; is ;reater
than the ;ro6ndDater head o6tside of the 7asin;: aintain this positi<e 7on7rete head d6rin; DithdraDa.
of the 7asin;:
&o6 may <ibrate or hammer the temporary 7asin; to /#1 assist in remo<a. of the 7asin; from the ho.e) /21
pre<ent .iftin; of the reinfor7ement) and /-1 pre<ent 7on7rete 7ontamination:
The DithdraDa. of 7asin;s m6st not .ea<e <oids or 7a6se 7ontamination of the 7on7rete Dith soi. or other
+?-).02CB+C Re#'40r(eme'/
Reinfor7ement for CID? 7on7rete Dith in7reased diameters and re<ised tip e.e<ations m6st 7omp.y
Dith the fo..oDin;:
#: SiHe and n6mber of the reinfor7in; bars and hoops) the per7enta;e of bars reG6ired to e3tend to the
pi.e tip) and the siHe and pit7h of spira. reinfor7ement m6st be the same as shoDn for the ori;ina.
2: ReG6ired .en;th of the spira. reinfor7ement and of any reinfor7in; bars that do not e3tend to the pi.e
tip m6st be at .east the .en;th that Do6.d ha<e been reG6ired for the ori;ina. spe7ified or ordered tip
-: Diameter of the spira. or hoop reinfor7ement m6st remain the same as reG6ired for the ori;ina. pi.e or
may be in7reased to pro<ide not .ess than the 7on7rete 7o<er reG6ired for the ori;ina. pi.e: Pro<ide
positi<e means to ens6re that the reinfor7ement is 7entered in the pi.e:
+?-).02CB,C Perm%'e'/ S/ee& C%#'8 I'/%&&%/#0'
Se7tion 4$,2:%#A/41/b1 does not app.y to permanent stee. 7asin;s:
For permanent stee. 7asin;s p.a7ed in a dri..ed ho.e:
#: The 7asin;s m6st be Daterti;ht and of s6ffi7ient stren;th to pre<ent dama;e and to Dithstand the
.oads from insta..ation a7ti<ities); and; eG6ipment) .atera. 7on7rete press6res) and earth
2: !se spa7ers to 7enter the 7asin; inside the dri..ed ho.e: &o6 may De.d spa7ers to the o6tside of the
-: Fi.. <oids in the spa7e betDeen the 7asin; and the soi. Dith ;ro6t:
4: P.a7e ;ro6t from the bottom of the 7asin; 6sin; ;ro6t t6bes: P.a7e ;ro6t 7ontin6o6s.y 6nti. a.. <oids
ha<e been fi..ed and the ;ro6t rea7hes the top of the 7asin;: Free fa.. of the ;ro6t from the top to the
bottom of the 7asin; is not a..oDed:
*: P6mp ;ro6t into the spa7e s67h that the ;ro6t head is maintained 6niform.y aro6nd the
7asin; and no <isib.e e<iden7e of Dater or air is eIe7ted at the top of the ;ro6t:
0: P.a7e ;ro6t t6bes a.on; the 7ir76mferen7e of the 7asin; Dith a minim6m of 4 ;ro6t t6bes per 7asin;:
The spa7in; of the ;ro6t t6bes m6st not e37eed 4 feet:
5: E3tend ;ro6t t6bes to Dithin # foot of the bottom of the 7asin;:
If the En;ineer .oDers the permanent stee. 7asin; tip e.e<ation:
#: CID? 7on7rete pi.e) in7.6din; bar reinfor7in; stee. and inspe7tion pipes) m6st e3tend to that same
2: Tip e.e<ation of the ro7k so7ket m6st e3tend to maintain the .en;th of the ro7k so7ket into ro7k as
The additiona. Dork in<o.<ed in .oDerin; the permanent stee. 7asin; tip e.e<ation is 7han;e order Dork:
+?-).02CB-C O6/#0'%& C0'/r"(/#0' E0#'/
Se7tion 4$,-:%2C/01 app.ies to CID? 7on7rete Dhere an optiona. 7onstr67tion Ioint is shoDn:
If yo6 7hoose to 7onstr67t the optiona. 7onstr67tion Ioint and a permanent stee. 7asin; is not shoDn) yo6
m6st f6rnish and insta.. a permanent 7asin;: The permanent 7asin; m6st:
#: "e Daterti;ht and of s6ffi7ient stren;th to pre<ent dama;e and to Dithstand the .oads from insta..ation
pro7ed6res); and; eG6ipment) .atera. 7on7rete press6res) and earth press6res:
2: E3tend at .east * feet be.oD the 7onstr67tion Ioint: If p.a7in; 7asin; into ro7k) the 7asin; m6st e3tend
at .east 2 feet be.oD the 7onstr67tion Ioint:
-: Not e3tend abo<e the top of the dri..ed ho.e or fina. ;rade Dhi7he<er is .oDer:
4: Not in7rease the diameter of the CID? 7on7rete pi.e more than 2 feet:
*: "e insta..ed by impa7t or <ibratory hammers) os7i..ators) rotators) or by p.a7in; in a dri..ed ho.e:
Casin;s p.a7ed in a dri..ed ho.e m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 4$,-:%2C/*1:
Se7tion 4$,2:%#A/41/b1 does not app.y to permanent 7asin;s:
+?-).02CB2C P&%(#'8 C0'(re/e
Se7tion *#,#:%-D/-1 does not app.y to CID? 7on7rete
&o6 may 7onstr67t CID? 7on7rete 24 in7hes in diameter or .ar;er by e37a<atin; and depositin;
7on7rete 6nder s.6rry:
Form) finish) and 76re portions of CID? 7on7rete shoDn to be formed 6nder se7tion *#:
+?-).02CB>C P&%(#'8 C0'(re/e U'1er S&"rr3
Se7tion 4$,-:%2C/+1 app.ies if p.a7in; 7on7rete 6nder s.6rry:
After p.a7in; reinfor7ement and before p.a7in; 7on7rete in the dri..ed ho.e) if dri.. 76ttin;s sett.e o6t of the
s.6rry) 7.ean the bottom of the dri..ed ho.e: (erify that the bottom of the dri..ed ho.e is 7.ean:
Caref6..y p.a7e 7on7rete in a 7ompa7t) mono.ithi7 mass) 6sin; a method that pre<ents Dashin; of the
7on7rete: (ibratin; of 7on7rete is not reG6ired:
P.a7in; 7on7rete m6st be a 7ontin6o6s a7ti<ity .astin; no .on;er than the time spe7ified for ea7h 7on7rete
p.a7in; a7ti<ity at ea7h pi.e in yo6r pi.e insta..ation
The de.i<ery t6be system m6st 7onsist of one of the fo..oDin;:
#: A tremie t6be or t6bes) ea7h of Dhi7h is at .east #% in7hes in diameter) fed by one or more 7on7rete
2: One or more 7on7rete p6mp dis7har;e t6bes) ea7h fed by a sin;.e 7on7rete p6mp
The de.i<ery t6be system m6st 7onsist of Daterti;ht t6bes Dith s6ffi7ient ri;idity to keep the t6be ends
a.Days in the mass of 7on7rete p.a7ed: If on.y # de.i<ery t6be is 6sed to p.a7e the 7on7rete) p.a7e the t6be
near the 7enter of the ho.e: 6.tip.e t6bes m6st be 6niform.y spa7ed in the ho.e:
Interna. bra7in; for the stee. reinfor7in; 7a;e m6st a77ommodate the de.i<ery t6be system: Do not 6se
tremies for Ditho6t spa7e for a #%,in7h,diameter t6be:
D6rin; 7on7rete p.a7ement) pro<ide a f6..y operationa. standby 7on7rete p6mp at the Iob site that is
adeG6ate to 7omp.ete the Dork in the time spe7ified in the pi.e insta..ation
Do not a..oD 7on7rete to fa.. into the s.6rry d6rin; 7on7rete p.a7in; a7ti<ities: Cap the de.i<ery t6be Dith a
Daterti;ht 7ap) or p.6; the t6be abo<e the s.6rry .e<e. Dith a ;ood G6a.ity) ti;ht fittin;) mo<in; p.6; that Di..
e3pe. the s.6rry from the t6be as the t6be is 7har;ed Dith 7on7rete: The 7ap or p.6; m6st be desi;ned to
re.ease as the t6be is 7har;ed:
E3tend the p6mp dis7har;e or tremie t6be to the bottom of the ho.e before 7har;in; the t6be Dith
7on7rete: After 7har;in; the t6be Dith 7on7rete) ind67e the f.oD of 7on7rete thro6;h the t6be by s.i;ht.y
raisin; the dis7har;e end:
D6rin; 7on7rete p.a7ement:
#: Embed the tip of the de.i<ery t6be Dithin 0 in7hes of the bottom of the ho.e 6nti. #% feet of 7on7rete
has been p.a7ed: aintain the embedment of the tip at .east #% feet be.oD the top s6rfa7e of the
2: Do not rapid.y raise or .oDer the de.i<ery t6be
-: aintain the s.6rry .e<e. #% feet abo<e the pieHometri7 head or Dithin #2 in7hes of the top of the
dri..ed ho.e) Dhi7he<er is hi;her
If the sea. is .ost or the de.i<ery t6be be7omes p.6;;ed and m6st be remo<ed:
#: 8ithdraD and 7.ean the t6be:
2: Cap the tip of the t6be to pre<ent s.6rry from enterin;:
-: Restart the operation by p6shin; the 7apped t6be #% feet into the 7on7rete and then reinitiatin; the
f.oD of 7on7rete:
aintain a .o; of 7on7rete p.a7ement for ea7h dri..ed ho.e: The .o; m6st:
#: ShoD the pi.e .o7ation) tip e.e<ation) dates of e37a<ation and 7on7rete p.a7ement) tota. G6antity of
7on7rete p.a7ed) .en;th and tip e.e<ation of any 7asin;) and detai.s of any ho.e stabi.iHation method
and materia.s 6sed:
2: In7.6de an +,#92 by ## in7h ;raph of 7on7rete p.a7ed <ers6s depth of ho.e fi..ed as fo..oDs:
2:# Labe. the ;raph Dith the pi.e .o7ation) tip e.e<ation) 76toff e.e<ation) and the dates of
e37a<ation and 7on7rete p.a7ement:
2:2 P.ot the ;raph 7ontin6o6s.y thro6;ho6t 7on7rete p.a7ement: P.ot the depth of dri..ed ho.e fi..ed
<erti7a..y Dith the pi.e tip at the bottom and the G6antity of 7on7rete p.a7ed horiHonta..y:
2:- Take readin;s at ea7h * feet of pi.e depth) and indi7ate the time of the readin; on the ;raph:
If a temporary 7asin; is 6sed) maintain 7on7rete p.a7ed 6nder s.6rry at a .e<e. at .east * feet abo<e the
bottom of the 7asin;: The DithdraDa. of the 7asin; m6st not 7a6se 7ontamination of the 7on7rete Dith
The eG6i<a.ent hydrostati7 press6re inside the 7asin; m6st be ;reater than the hydrostati7 press6re on
the o6tside of the 7asin;:
Dispose of materia. res6.tin; from 6sin; s.6rry:
+?-).02D P%3me'/
Not !sed
+?-).0)A Ge'er%&
+?-).0)AB1C S"mm%r3
Se7tion 4$,-:%- in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; CIP 7on7rete 7onsistin; of dri<en stee. she..s
fi..ed Dith 7on7rete and reinfor7ement:
+?-).0)AB2C De4#'#/#0'
+?-).0)AB)C S".m#//%&
S6bmit a 7.eano6t method for open,ended stee. she..s as an informationa. s6bmitta.:
+?-).0)AB+C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
After the stee. she.. is dri<en and before p.a7in; reinfor7ement and 7on7rete) the En;ineer e3amines the
stee. she.. for 7o..apse or a red67ed diameter at any point: The En;ineer reIe7ts any stee. she.. that is
improper.y dri<en) broken) or shoDs partia. 7o..apse to an e3tent as to materia..y de7rease its nomina.
+?-).0)B M%/er#%&
Stee. she..s m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for stee. pipe in se7tion 4$,2:%2:
Stee. she..s m6st be s6ffi7ient.y Daterti;ht to e37.6de Dater d6rin; 7on7rete p.a7ement:
+?-).0)C C0'/r"(/#0'
+?-).0)CB1C Ge'er%&
Dri<e stee. she..s 6nder se7tion 4$,2:
Remo<e and rep.a7e reIe7ted stee. she..s) or dri<e a neD she.. adIa7ent to the reIe7ted she..: Fi.. reIe7ted
she..s that 7annot be remo<ed Dith 7on7rete: If a neD she.. is dri<en to rep.a7e a reIe7ted she..);e
the footin;:
If the En;ineer re<ises the pi.e tip e.e<ation) the Dork in<o.<ed in f6rnishin;) sp.i7in;) and dri<in; the
additiona. .en;th of pi.e is 7han;e order Dork:
+?-).0)CB2C O6e'-E'1e1 S/ee& S7e&&
Se7tion 4$,-:%-C/21 app.ies to open,ended stee. she..s:
Interna. p.ates m6st not be 6sed:
After dri<in;) 7.ean o6t the stee. she.. as fo..oDs:
#: Do not dist6rb the fo6ndation materia. s6rro6ndin; the pi.e Dhen 7.eanin; o6t the stee. she..:
2: EG6ipment or methods 6sed m6st not 7a6se G6i7k soi. 7onditions or 7a6se s7o6rin; or 7a<in; aro6nd
or be.oD the pi.e:
-: Stee. she..s m6st be free of any soi.) ro7k) or other materia. de.eterio6s to the bond betDeen 7on7rete
and stee. before p.a7in; reinfor7ement and 7on7rete:
4: The bottom + feet of the pi.e m6st not be 7.eaned o6t:
After the stee. she.. has been 7.eaned o6t) 7onstr67t the pi.e e3peditio6s.y in order to pre<ent deterioration
of the s6rro6ndin; fo6ndation materia. from the presen7e of Dater: Remo<e deteriorated fo6ndation
materia.s from the bottom of the stee. she..) in7.6din; materia.s that ha<e softened) sDo..en) or de;raded:
Dispose of materia. res6.tin; from 7.eanin; o6t the stee. she..s:
8here 7onditions render it impossib.e or inad<isab.e in the opinion of the En;ineer to deDater the stee.
she..s before p.a7in; reinfor7ement and 7on7rete) sea. the bottom of the stee. she.. 6nder se7tion *#,
#:%-D/-1: After;) deDater and 7.ean o6t the stee. she..:
+?-).0)CB)C C&0e-E'1e1 S/ee& S7e&&
+?-).0)D P%3me'/
Dri<en stee. she..s fi..ed Dith 7on7rete and reinfor7ement are paid for as f6rnish; and dri<e pi.e:
Payment for f6rnish; in7.6des:
#: F6rnishin; stee. she..s at the Iob site
2: F6rnishin; 7on7rete
2: F6rnishin; reinfor7ement e37ept for Dith a diameter of 24 in7hes or ;reater
-: Sp.i7in; stee. she..s
Payment for dri<e pi.e in7.6des:
#: Dri<in; and 76ttin; off the stee. she..s at the e.e<ations shoDn
2: F6rnishin; spe7ia. dri<in; tips or hea<ier se7tions of stee. she..s
-:; or; thro6;h embankments
4: C.eanin; o6t and disposin; of materia. from open,end stee. she..s
*: P.a7in; sea. 7o6rse 7on7rete in open,ended stee. she..s
0: DeDaterin; open,ended stee. she..s
5: P.a7in; reinfor7ement and 7on7rete
+: Disposin; of materia. res6.tin; from;; or 7.eanin; o6t open,ended stee.
+?-+.01 GENERAL
Se7tion 4$,4 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for; and; stee. so.dier in the dri..ed
+?-+.02A Ge'er%&
Stee. so.dier m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 4$,2:%-:
+?-+.02B C0'(re/e A'(70r
Con7rete an7hors m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for st6d 7onne7tors in se7tion **:
St6d 7onne7tors m6st be Type " 7omp.yin; Dith 7.a6se 5 of A8S D#:*:
+?-+.0)A Ge'er%&
C.ean and prepare in heat affe7ted areas before sp.i7in; stee. or De.din; 7on7rete an7hors:
+?-+.0)B Dr#&&e1 H0&e
Dri.. for stee. so.dier into nat6ra. fo6ndation materia.: Dri..ed m6st be a776rate.y .o7ated)
strai;ht) and tr6e:
P.6mb and a.i;n the pi.e before p.a7in; 7on7rete ba7kfi.. and .ean 7on7rete ba7kfi..: The pi.e m6st be at
.east # in7h 7.ear of the sides of the ho.e for the f6.. .en;th of the ho.e to be fi..ed Dith 7on7rete ba7kfi.. and
.ean 7on7rete ba7kfi..: Ream or;e that do not pro<ide the 7.earan7e aro6nd stee.
F6rnish and p.a7e temporary 7asin;s or tremie sea.s Dhere ne7essary to 7ontro. Dater or to pre<ent
7a<in; of the ho.e:
"efore p.a7in; the stee. so.dier pi.e) remo<e .oose materia.s e3istin; at the bottom of the ho.e after;
a7ti<ities ha<e been 7omp.eted:
Do not a..oD s6rfa7e Dater to enter the ho.e: Remo<e a.. Dater in the ho.e before p.a7in; 7on7rete:
If temporary 7asin;s are 6sed) they m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 4$,-:%2C/-1:
aintain a.i;nment of the pi.e in the ho.e Dhi.e p.a7in; ba7kfi.. materia.:
+?-+.0+ PAYMENT
Not !sed
+?-2*+?-10 RESERVED
,0-1.01 GENERAL
,0-1.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion *% in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for prestressin; 7on7rete:
,0-1.01B De4#'#/#0'
,0-1.01C S".m#//%&
,0-1.01CB1C Ge'er%&
S6bmit 7ertifi7ations and test to ETS:
,0-1.01CB2C Cer/#4#(%/#0'
S6bmit the 7ertifi7ations spe7ified in the fo..oDin;:
#: AST A 4#09A 4#0 for 6n7oated se<en,Dire stee. strand
2: AST A 5229A 522 for 6n7oated ?S stee. bars
-: AST A ++29A ++2 for fi..ed epo3y,7oated se<en,Dire prestressin; stee. strand
In7.6de Dith ea7h 7ertifi7ation:
#: Representati<e .oad,e.on;ation 76r<e for ea7h siHe and ;rade of strand and for ea7h siHe of bar
2: Copy of the @C tests performed by the man6fa7t6rer
,0-1.01CB)C S706 Dr%:#'8
S6bmit shop draDin;s for the prestressin; system proposed for 6se to OSD) Do76ments !nit: Notify the
En;ineer of the s6bmitta.: In7.6de in the notifi7ation the date and .ist of 7ontents of the s6bmitta.:
For initia. re<ieD) s6bmit:
#: 0 sets for rai.road brid;es
2: + sets for rai.road brid;es if the proIe7t in7.6des a "NSF Rai.Day 6nderpass
-: 4 sets for other str67t6res
After initia. re<ieD) s6bmit from 0 to #2 sets to OSD) Do76ments !nit) as reG6ested:
The shop draDin;s m6st shoD 7omp.ete detai.s and s6bstantiatin; 7a.76.ations of the method and
materia.s proposed for 6se in the prestressin; a7ti<ities) in7.6din; the addition or rearran;ement of
reinfor7in; stee.:
The detai.s m6st o6t.ine the method and seG6en7e of stressin; and m6st in7.6de:
#: Comp.ete spe7ifi7ations and detai.s of the prestressin; stee. and an7hora;e system:
2: Ca7kin; stresses:
-: Type of d67ts:
4: Proposed arran;ement of the prestressin; stee. in the members:
*: E3a7t .o7ation of an7hora;e system 7omponents) d67ts) and other re.ated e.ements: ShoD d67t
.o7ation data) in7.6din; e.e<ations at .east e<ery #9+th point of the span for ea7h span:
0: E.on;ation 7a.76.ations:
5: A.. other data pertainin; to the prestressin;:
Ea7h shop draDin; s6bmitta. m6st 7onsist of draDin;s for a sin;.e brid;e or portion of a brid;e: For
m6.tiframe brid;es) ea7h frame m6st ha<e a separate shop draDin; s6bmitta.:
A..oD the fo..oDin; time for re<ieD of the shop draDin;s:
#: 0% days for rai.road brid;es
2: 4* days for other str67t6res
For rai.road brid;es) a6thoriHation of the shop draDin;s is 7ontin;ent 6pon the draDin;s bein;
satisfa7tory to the rai.Day 7ompany in<o.<ed:
,0-1.01CB+C Te/ S%m6&e
S6bmit test for the materia.s to be 6sed as shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
ateria. N6mber of test
Test samp.e des7ription
!n7oated strand
# 4,foot,.on; samp.e from ea7h ree. or pa7k
Epo3y,7oated strand:
!n7oated strand
# 4,foot,.on; samp.e of 6n7oated strand remo<ed from ea7h
ree. or pa7k before 7oatin;
Coated strand
4 *,foot,.on; samp.e from ea7h ree. or pa7k of 7oated strand
Epo3y poDder # +,o6n7e samp.e from ea7h bat7h
Epo3y pat7hin;
# +,o6n7e samp.e from ea7h bat7h
# 5,foot,.on; samp.e of ea7h siHe for ea7h heat
# from ea7h .ot of 7o6p.ers Dith tDo 4,foot,.on;
# An7hora;e assemb.y from ea7h .ot of an7hora;e
Random.y se.e7ted by the En;ineer:
Pa7ka;ed in an airti;ht 7ontainer and identified Dith the man6fa7t6rerFs name and bat7h n6mber:
S6bmit and bar assemb.ed: The bars m6st be from the same bar heats to be 6sed in
the Dork:
Samp.e 6nder the AST spe7ified for testin; the samp.e:
8ith ea7h bar or strand test samp.e) in7.6de a 7ertifi7ate from the man6fa7t6rer statin; the minim6m
;6aranteed 6.timate tensi.e stren;th of ea7h bar or strand test samp.e:
"efore s6bmittin; test to ETS:
#: Identify ea7h test samp.e by .o7ation and Contra7t n6mber Dith Deatherproof markin;s
2: Atta7h a 7omp.eted Sample "dentification Card to ea7h test samp.e
A..oD 4* days for the DepartmentFs testin;:
Obtain the DepartmentFs a6thoriHation of the materia. before in7orporatin; it into the Dork:
,0-1.01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
,0-1.01DB1C Ge'er%&
The fo..oDin; items m6st be on the A6thoriHed ateria. List:
#: Post,tensionin; prestressin; systems
2: Or;ani7 Hin7,ri7h primer
For a776rate identifi7ation) /#1 assi;n an indi<id6a. .ot n6mber and /21 ta; ea7h .ot of the fo..oDin; items
to be shipped to the Iob site or 7astin; site:
#: "ars of ea7h siHe from ea7h heat
2: Strand from ea7h ree. or pa7k
-: An7hora;e assemb.ies
4: "ar 7o6p.ers
The Department reIe7ts any 6nidentified prestressin; stee.) an7hora;e assemb.ies) or bar 7o6p.ers
re7ei<ed at the Iob site or 7astin; site:
,0-1.01DB2C G"%&#/3 A"r%'(e Te/#'8
The Department tests the test for 7omp.ian7e Dith se7tion *%,#:%2":
The Department tests the eff.63 time of ;ro6t 6nder Ca.ifornia Test *4#:
The Department may <erify the prestressin; for7e:
#: !sin; Department,f6rnished .oad 7e..s for post,tensionin; of prestressin; stee.
2: !nder Ca.ifornia Test 055 for pretensionin; prestressin; stee.
The Department determines the red67tion of area of ea7h test samp.e bar Dith the deformations remo<ed:
The deformations are remo<ed by ma7hinin; the bar no more than ne7essary to remo<e the deformations
o<er a .en;th of #2 in7hes:
,0-1.01DB)C E!"#6me'/ %'1 C%&#.r%/#0'
EG6ip ea7h hydra6.i7 Ia7k 6sed to tension prestressin; stee. Dith 2 press6re ;a;es or # press6re ;a;e
and a .oad 7e..:
Ea7h Ia7k body m6st be permanent.y marked Dith the ram area:
Ea7h press6re ;a;e m6st be f6..y f6n7tiona. and ha<e an a776rate.y readin; dia. at .east 0 in7hes in
Ea7h .oad 7e.. m6st be 7a.ibrated and ha<e an indi7ator that 7an be 6sed to determine the for7e in the
prestressin; stee.:
The ran;e of ea7h .oad 7e.. m6st be s67h that the .oDer #% per7ent of the man6fa7t6rerFs rated 7apa7ity is
not 6sed in determinin; the Ia7kin; for7e:
Ca.ibrate Ia7kin; eG6ipment as fo..oDs:
#: Ca.ibrate ea7h Ia7k and its ;a;e as a 6nit Dith the 7y.inder e3tension in the appro3imate position that
it Di.. be at the fina. Ia7kin; for7e:
2: Ea7h Ia7k 6sed to tension prestressin; stee. permanent.y an7hored at 2* per7ent or more of its
spe7ified minim6m 6.timate tensi.e stren;th m6st be 7a.ibrated by ETS Dithin # year of 6se and
after ea7h repair: &o6 m6st:
#:#: S7hed6.e the 7a.ibration of the Ia7kin; eG6ipment Dith ETS
#:2: (erify that the Ia7k and s6pportin; systems are 7omp.ete) Dith proper 7omponents) and are in
;ood operatin; 7ondition
#:-: e7hani7a..y 7a.ibrate the ;a;es Dith a dead Dei;ht tester or other a6thoriHed means before
7a.ibration of the Ia7kin; eG6ipment by ETS
#:4: Pro<ide eno6;h .abor) eG6ipment) and materia. to /#1 insta.. and s6pport the Ia7kin; and
7a.ibration eG6ipment and /21 remo<e the eG6ipment after the 7a.ibration is 7omp.ete
#:*: P.ot the 7a.ibration res6.ts
-: Ea7h Ia7k 6sed to tension prestressin; stee. permanent.y an7hored at .ess than 2* per7ent of its
spe7ified minim6m 6.timate tensi.e stren;th m6st be 7a.ibrated by an a6thoriHed .aboratory Dithin 0
months of 6se and after ea7h repair:
,0-1.02A Ge'er%&
,0-1.02B Pre/re#'8 S/ee&
!n7oated strand m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A 4#09A 4#0:
Epo3y,7oated strand m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A ++29A ++2) ;rit impre;nated 7oatin;) in7.6din; Anne3
"ars m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A 5229A 522) Type II) in7.6din; a.. s6pp.ementary reG6irements) e37ept
the ma3im6m Dei;ht reG6irements do not app.y: The red67tion of area of the bars Dith the deformations
remo<ed m6st be at .east 2% per7ent:
If 7o6p.ers are 6sed to e3tend bars:
#: Assemb.ed 6nits m6st ha<e a tensi.e stren;th of at .east the man6fa7t6rerFs minim6m ;6aranteed
6.timate tensi.e stren;th of the bars: If the test samp.e does not meet this reG6irement) the heat of
bars and .ot of 7o6p.ers represented by the samp.e Di.. be reIe7ted:
2: Lo7ation of 7o6p.ers in the member m6st be a6thoriHed:
Prote7t the prestressin; stee. a;ainst physi7a. dama;e and r6st or other res6.ts of 7orrosion at a.. times)
from man6fa7t6re to ;ro6tin; or en7asin; in 7on7rete:
Pa7ka;e prestressin; stee. in 7ontainers or shippin; forms that prote7t the stee. a;ainst physi7a. dama;e
and 7orrosion d6rin; shippin; and stora;e:
E37ept for epo3y,7oated strand) a 7orrosion inhibitor that pre<ents r6st or other res6.ts of 7orrosion m6st
be /#1 p.a7ed in the 7ontainer or shippin; form) /21 in7orporated in a 7orrosion,inhibitor,7arrier,type
pa7ka;in; materia.) or /-1 app.ied dire7t.y to the stee. if a6thoriHed:
Corrosion inhibitors m6st not ha<e a de.eterio6s effe7t on the stee.) 7on7rete) or bond stren;th of the stee.
to 7on7rete:
C.ear.y mark ea7h shippin; 7ontainer or form Dith:
#: Statement that the pa7ka;e 7ontains prestressin; stee.
2: Type of 7orrosion inhibitor 6sed
-: Date pa7ka;ed
Immediate.y rep.a7e or restore any dama;ed 7ontainer or shippin; form to its ori;ina. 7ondition:
Do not store epo3y,7oated strand Dithin #)%%% feet of o7ean or tida. Dater for more than 2 months:
The En;ineer reIe7ts prestressin; stee. that has s6stained physi7a. dama;e:
The En;ineer may reIe7t prestressin; stee. that has de<e.oped <isib.e r6st or other res6.ts of 7orrosion:
Pat7hin; materia. for epo3y,7oated strand m6st be:
#: F6rnished by the man6fa7t6rer of the epo3y poDder
2: App.ied 6nder the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions
-: Compatib.e Dith the ori;ina. epo3y poDder materia.
4: Inert in 7on7rete
,0-1.02C Gr0"/
=ro6t m6st 7onsist of 7ement and Dater and may 7ontain an admi3t6re if a6thoriHed:
Cement m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion $%,#:%2"/21
8ater m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion $%,#:%2D:
Admi3t6res m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion $%) e37ept admi3t6res /#1 m6st not 7ontain 7h.oride ions in e37ess
of %:2* per7ent by Dei;ht and /21 may be dispensed in form:
i3 the ;ro6t as fo..oDs:
#: Add Dater to the mi3er fo..oDed by 7ement and any admi3t6re:
2: i3 the ;ro6t Dith me7hani7a. mi3in; eG6ipment that prod67es a 6niform and thoro6;h.y mi3ed ;ro6t:
-: Do not e37eed * ;a..ons of Dater per $4 .b of 7ement: Retemperin; of ;ro6t is not a..oDed:
4: A;itate the ;ro6t 7ontin6o6s.y 6nti. the ;ro6t is p6mped:
The eff.63 time of ;ro6t immediate.y after mi3in; m6st be at .east ## se7onds:
,0-1.02D D"(/
D67ts for prestressin; stee. m6st:
#: "e ;a.<aniHed ri;id ferro6s meta.
2: "e fabri7ated Dith either De.ded or inter.o7ked seams) e37ept ;a.<aniHin; of the De.ded seams is not
-: "e mortar ti;ht
4: ?a<e s6ffi7ient stren;th to maintain their 7orre7t a.i;nment d6rin; p.a7in; of 7on7rete
*: ?a<e positi<e meta..i7 7onne7tions at Ioints betDeen se7tions that do not res6.t in an;.e 7han;es at
the Ioints
0: ?a<e Daterproof tape at the 7onne7tions
5: ?a<e bends that are not 7rimped or f.attened
+: ?a<e ferro6s meta. or po.yo.efin transition;s 7onne7tin; the d67ts to an7hora;e system
7omponents: Ferro6s meta. transition;s need not be ;a.<aniHed
$: ?a<e an inside diameter of at .east:
$:#: 2:* times the net area of the prestressin; stee. for m6.tistrand tendons that Di.. be p.a7ed by
the p6..,thro6;h method
$:2: 2:% times the net area of the prestressin; stee. for m6.tistrand tendons that Di.. not be p.a7ed
by the p6..,thro6;h method
#%: ?a<e an inside diameter of at .east -9+ in7h .ar;er than the diameter of the bar
##: ?a<e an o6tside diameter not e37eedin; *% per7ent of the ;irder Deb Didth
F6rnish a.. d67ts or an7hora;e assemb.ies Dith pipes or other s6itab.e 7onne7tions for the inIe7tion of
;ro6t after prestressin;:
,0-1.02E Ve'/
(ent a.. d67ts ha<in; a <erti7a. d67t profi.e 7han;e of 0 in7hes or more: P.a7e <ents Dithin 0 feet of e<ery
hi;h point in the d67t profi.e: (ents m6st:
#: "e at .east #92,in7h,diameter standard pipe or s6itab.e p.asti7 pipe:
2: "e 7onne7ted to d67ts 6sin; meta..i7 or p.asti7 str67t6ra. fasteners: P.asti7 7omponents m6st not
rea7t Dith the 7on7rete or enhan7e 7orrosion of the prestressin; stee. and m6st be free from Dater
so.6b.e 7h.orides:
-: "e mortar ti;ht and taped as ne7essary:
4: Pro<ide a means for inIe7tion of ;ro6t thro6;h the <ents and for; the <ents:
,0-1.02F F&"7#'8 A%/er
8ater 6sed for f.6shin; d67ts m6st 7ontain %:# po6nd of G6i7k.ime /7a.7i6m o3ide1 or s.aked .ime /7a.7i6m
hydro3ide1 per ;a..on of Dater: !se on.y oi.,free 7ompressed air to b.oD o6t d67ts:
,0-1.0)A Ge'er%&
,0-1.0)AB1C Ge'er%&
If a6thoriHed) yo6 may:
#: App.y a portion of the tota. prestressin; for7e to a PC member before the member has obtained the
7on7rete stren;th shoDn
2: o<e the member after app.yin; the portion of prestressin; for7e
E37ept for epo3y,7oated strand) prestressin; stee. insta..ed in members before p.a7in; and 76rin; of the
7on7rete m6st be 7ontin6o6s.y prote7ted a;ainst r6st or other res6.ts of 7orrosion 6nti. ;ro6ted: Prote7t
the stee. by 6sin; a 7orrosion inhibitor p.a7ed in the d67ts or app.ied to the stee. in the d67t:
After fina. fabri7ation of the strand) do not perform any e.e7tri7 De.din; on the prestressin; stee.: If e.e7tri7
De.din; is performed on or near members 7ontainin; prestressin; stee.) atta7h the De.din; ;ro6nd
dire7t.y to the stee. bein; De.ded:
,0-1.0)AB2C E60<3-C0%/e1 S/r%'1
Co<er epo3y,7oated strand Dith an opaG6e po.yethy.ene sheetin; or other s6itab.e prote7ti<e materia. to
prote7t the strand from e3pos6re to s6n.i;ht) sa.t spray) and Deather: For sta7ked 7oi.s) drape the
prote7ti<e 7o<erin; aro6nd the perimeter of the sta7k: The 7o<erin; m6st be adeG6ate.y se76red and
a..oD for air 7ir76.ation aro6nd the strand to pre<ent 7ondensation 6nder the 7o<erin;:
C6t epo3y,7oated strand 6sin; an abrasi<e saD:
Pat7h a.. <isib.e dama;e to the epo3y 7oatin; 7a6sed by shippin;) Iob site;) insta..ation) or 76ttin;
of ends) 6nder AST A ++29A ++2:
,0-1.0)AB)C D"(/
A776rate.y p.a7e prestressin; d67ts: Se76re.y fasten the d67ts in p.a7e to pre<ent mo<ement of the d67ts
d6rin; 7on7rete p.a7ement:
After insta..ation) 7o<er the d67t ends to pre<ent Dater or debris from enterin;:
,0-1.0)B Pre/re#'8
,0-1.0)BB1C Ge'er%&
Tension the prestressin; stee. 6sin; hydra6.i7 Ia7ks: The for7e in the prestressin; stee. m6st be at .east
the <a.6e shoDn:
,0-1.0)BB2C P0/-Te'#0'e1
,0-1.0)BB2CB%C Ge'er%&
"efore p.a7in; forms for de7k s.abs of bo3 ;irder brid;es) demonstrate that any prestressin; stee. p.a7ed
in the d67ts is free and 6nbonded: If no prestressin; stee. is in the d67ts) demonstrate that the d67ts are
6nobstr67ted before p.a7in; the forms:
If prestressin; stee. is insta..ed after the 7on7rete is p.a7ed) demonstrate that the d67ts are free of Dater
and debris immediate.y before; the stee.:
"efore post,tensionin; any member) demonstrate that the prestressin; stee. is free and 6nbonded in the
The En;ineer m6st Ditness a.. demonstrations:
If reG6ested) for <erifi7ation of the for7e in the prestressin; stee.) f6rnish the reso6r7es ne7essary to
insta.. and s6pport the DepartmentFs testin; eG6ipment at the prestressin; stee. .o7ation and to remo<e
the eG6ipment after the testin; is 7omp.ete:
Cond67t the tensionin; pro7ess s67h that the for7e bein; app.ied and the e.on;ation of the prestressin;
stee. 7an be meas6red at a.. times:
The ma3im6m temporary tensi.e stren;th in the prestressin; stee. of post,tensioned members m6st not
e37eed 5* per7ent of the spe7ified minim6m 6.timate tensi.e stren;th of the prestressin; stee.:
If steam 76rin; is 6sed for pre7ast members) do not insta.. prestressin; stee. for post,tensionin; 6nti. the
steam 76rin; is 7omp.eted:
If non,epo3y,7oated prestressin; stee. is insta..ed in the d67ts after 7omp.etion of 7on7rete 76rin;) and
tensionin; and ;ro6tin; are 7omp.eted Dithin #% days after the insta..ation) then /#1 r6st that may form
d6rin; this period is not 7a6se for reIe7tion of the stee. and /21 the 6se of a 7orrosion inhibitor in the d67t
is not reG6ired fo..oDin; insta..ation:
Do not tension the prestressin; stee. of post,tensioned members 6nti. /#1 at .east #% days after the .ast
7on7rete has been p.a7ed in the member and /21 the 7on7rete has attained the 7ompressi<e stren;th
Distrib6te the prestressin; for7e of post,tensioned brid;e ;irders Dith an appro3imate.y eG6a. G6antity in
ea7h ;irder and p.a7e the for7e symmetri7a..y abo6t the 7enter.ine of the str67t6re: In s.abs) distrib6te the
prestressin; for7e 6niform.y a7ross the s.ab:
SeG6en7e the stressin; of post,tensioned brid;e ;irders s67h that no more than #92 of the prestressin;
for7e in any ;irder is app.ied before an eG6a. for7e is app.ied in the adIa7ent ;irders: The ma3im6m
temporary for7e <ariation betDeen ;irders m6st not e37eed the prestressin; for7e of the .ar;est tendon
6sed in a.. ;irders: Do not app.y an e77entri7 for7e abo6t the 7enter.ine of the str67t6re that e37eeds #90
of the tota. prestressin; for7e at any time d6rin; the prestressin;:
,0-1.0)BB2CB.C L0e
,0-1.0)BB2CB(C A'(70r%8e %'1 D#/r#."/#0'
The ends of post,tensioned prestressin; stee. m6st be se76red Dith a permanent type an7horin; system:
The an7hora;e system for post,tensionin; m6st:
#: ?o.d the prestressin; stee. at a for7e prod67in; a stress of at .east $* per7ent of the spe7ified
6.timate tensi.e stren;th of the stee.
2: Permanent.y se76re the ends of the prestressin; stee.
&o6 may omit the stee. distrib6tion p.ates or assemb.ies if yo6 6se an an7hora;e de<i7e of a type that is
s6ffi7ient.y .ar;e and that is 6sed in 7onI6n7tion Dith a stee. ;ri..a;e embedded in the 7on7rete that
effe7ti<e.y distrib6tes the 7ompressi<e stresses to the 7on7rete:
If .oop tendon an7hora;es are 6sed) en7.ose the an7hora;es in d67ts for their entire .en;th:
8here the end of a post,tensioned assemb.y is not to be 7o<ered by 7on7rete) re7ess the an7hora;e
system s67h that the ends of the prestressin; stee. and a.. parts of the an7hora;e system are at .east 2
in7hes inside of the end s6rfa7e of the members 6n.ess a ;reater embedment is shoDn: After post,
tensionin;) fi.. the re7esses Dith 7on7rete and finish f.6sh:
The 7on7rete 6sed to fi.. the re7ess m6st be the same as that 6sed for the str67t6re:
Distrib6te the an7hora;e .oad to the 7on7rete by 6sin; a post,tensionin; system:
The .oad from the an7hora;e system m6st be effe7ti<e.y distrib6ted to the 7on7rete s67h that:
#: Con7rete bearin; stress dire7t.y 6nderneath the p.ate or assemb.y does not e37eed -)-%% psi
2: 8hen the prestressin; stee. is tensioned to $* per7ent of its spe7ified 6.timate tensi.e stren;th:
2:# "endin; stress in the p.ate materia. or assemb.y materia. does not e37eed the yie.d point of the
2:2 No <isib.e distortion is e<ident in the an7hora;e p.ate
,0-1.0)BB2CB1C B0'1#'8 %'1 Gr0"/#'8
,0-1.0)BB2CB1CB#C Ge'er%&
"ond the post,tensioned prestressin; stee. to the 7on7rete by 7omp.ete.y; the entire <oid spa7e
betDeen the d67t and the prestressin; stee. Dith ;ro6t:
D67ts m6st be 7.ean and free from Dater and de.eterio6s materia.s that Do6.d impair bondin; of the ;ro6t
or interfere Dith ;ro6tin; pro7ed6res:
=ro6t m6st pass thro6;h a s7reen Dith %:%5,in7h ma3im6m 7.ear openin;s before bein; introd67ed into
the ;ro6t p6mp:
Pre<ent the .eaka;e of ;ro6t thro6;h the an7hora;e assemb.y by positi<e me7hani7a. means:
P6mp ;ro6t thro6;h the d67t as fo..oDs:
#: Contin6o6s.y Daste ;ro6t at the 6nti. no <isib.e s.6;s or other e<iden7e of Dater or air is eIe7ted
and the eff.63 time of eIe7ted ;ro6t is at .east ## se7onds
2: C.ose the <a.<e and ho.d the p6mpin; press6re momentari.y
-: C.ose the <a.<e at the Dhi.e maintainin; the press6re
If hot Deather 7onditions Di.. 7ontrib6te to G6i7k stiffenin; of the ;ro6t) 7oo. the ;ro6t by a6thoriHed
methods as ne7essary to pre<ent b.o7ka;es d6rin; p6mpin; a7ti<ities:
If freeHin; Deather 7onditions are anti7ipated d6rin; and fo..oDin; the p.a7ement of ;ro6t) pro<ide
adeG6ate means to prote7t the ;ro6t in the d67ts from dama;e by freeHin;:
After 7omp.etin; d67t ;ro6tin; a7ti<ities:
#: Abrasi<e b.ast 7.ean and e3pose the a;;re;ate of 7on7rete s6rfa7es Dhere 7on7rete is to be p.a7ed
to 7o<er and en7ase the an7hora;e assemb.ies
2: Remo<e the ends of <ents # in7h be.oD the roadDay s6rfa7e
,0-1.0)BB2CB1CB##C Gr0"/#'8 E!"#6me'/
=ro6tin; eG6ipment m6st be:
#: Capab.e of ;ro6tin; at a press6re of at .east #%% psi
2: EG6ipped Dith a press6re ;a;e ha<in; a f6..,s7a.e readin; of not more than -%% psi
8here <ents are reG6ired) f6rnish standby f.6shin; eG6ipment 7apab.e of de<e.opin; a p6mpin; press6re
of 2*% psi and of s6ffi7ient 7apa7ity to f.6sh o6t any partia..y ;ro6ted d67ts:
Fit ;ro6t inIe7tion pipes) eIe7tion pipes) and <ents Dith positi<e me7hani7a. sh6toff <a.<es 7apab.e of
Dithstandin; the p6mpin; press6res: Do not remo<e or open <a.<es 6nti. the ;ro6t has set: If a6thoriHed)
yo6 may s6bstit6te me7hani7a. <a.<es Dith s6itab.e a.ternati<es after demonstratin; their effe7ti<eness:
,0-1.0)BB)C Pre/e'#0'e1
If prestressin; stee. for pretensionin; is p.a7ed in the stressin; bed and is e3posed to the e.ements for
more than -0 ho6rs before en7asement in 7on7rete) prote7t the stee. from 7ontamination or 7orrosion
6sin; a6thoriHed meas6res:
Do not 76t or re.ease prestressin; stee. in pretensioned members 6nti. the 7on7rete in the member has
attained a 7ompressi<e stren;th of at .east the <a.6e shoDn or 4)%%% psi) Dhi7he<er is ;reater: If epo3y,
7oated strand is 6sed) do not 76t or re.ease the stee. 6nti. the temperat6re of the 7on7rete s6rro6ndin; the
strand is .ess than #*% de;rees F and;:
If reG6ested) 7he7k indi<id6a..y,tensioned strands for .oss of prestress not more than 4+ ho6rs before
p.a7in; 7on7rete for the members) 6sin; a6thoriHed methods and eG6ipment: Strands shoDin; a .oss of
prestress of more than - per7ent m6st be retensioned to the ori;ina. 7omp6ted Ia7kin; for7e:
If prestressin; stee. in pretensioned members is tensioned at a temperat6re appre7iab.y .oDer than the
estimated temperat6re of the 7on7rete and the prestressin; stee. at the time of initia. set of the 7on7rete)
the 7a.76.ated e.on;ation of the prestressin; stee. m6st be in7reased to 7ompensate for the .oss in stress:
The ma3im6m temporary tensi.e stress in the prestressin; stee. of pretensioned members m6st not
e37eed +% per7ent of the spe7ified minim6m 6.timate tensi.e stren;th of the prestressin; stee.:
Perform the 76ttin; and re.easin; of prestressin; stee. in pretensioned members in s67h an order that
.atera. e77entri7ity of prestress is a minim6m:
An7hor the prestressin; stee. at stresses that Di.. res6.t in the 6.timate retention of Ia7kin; for7es at .east
eG6a. to those shoDn:
C6t off pretensioned prestressin; stee. f.6sh Dith the end of the member: After 76ttin; the stee.) 7.ean and
paint the e3posed ends of the stee. and a #,in7h strip of adIoinin; 7on7rete as fo..oDs:
#: 8ire br6sh or abrasi<e b.ast 7.ean to remo<e a.. dirt and resid6e on the meta. and 7on7rete s6rfa7es:
2: Immediate.y after 7.eanin;) app.y # app.i7ation of or;ani7 Hin7,ri7h primer to the s6rfa7es) e37ept
app.y 2 app.i7ations to s6rfa7es that Di.. not be 7o<ered by 7on7rete or mortar: Do not 6se aeroso.
7ans: i3 the paint thoro6;h.y Dhen app.yin; and Dork into any <oids in the prestressin; stee.:
,0-1.0+ PAYMENT
Not !sed
,1-1.01 GENERAL
,1-1.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion *#,# in7.6des ;enera. spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; 7on7rete str67t6res) in7.6din; brid;es)
approa7h s.abs) 76.<erts) retainin; Da..s) minor str67t6res) and other str67t6res:
S.idin; Ioints) Daterstops) and strip Daterstops m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *#,2:
E.astomeri7 bearin; pads m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *#,-:
Fa.seDork for 7onstr67tin; 7on7rete str67t6res m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 4+,2:
&o6 may 6se RSC on.y Dhere the spe7ifi7ations a..oD the 6se of RSC:
,1-1.01B De4#'#/#0'
40rm 6%'e&5 Contin6o6s se7tion of form fa7in; materia.) 6nbroken by Ioint marks) a;ainst Dhi7h 7on7rete
is p.a7ed:
06e'#'8 %8e5 inim6m a;e at Dhi7h an e.ement 7onstr67ted Dith RSC may be opened to traffi7:
6#er (0&"m'5 E3tension of a 7o.6mn or pier into bedro7k materia.:
,1-1.01C S".m#//%&
,1-1.01CB1C Ge'er%&
If reG6ested) s6bmit 7on7rete form desi;n and materia.s data for ea7h formin; system:
S6bmit a de7k p.a7ement Dork for 7on7rete brid;e de7ks:
For 7o.ored 7on7rete) s6bmit te7hni7a. data) man6fa7t6rerFs spe7ifi7ations) and a Dork for mi3in;)
de.i<ery) p.a7ement) finishin;) and 76rin; of the 7on7rete:
,1-1.01CB2C Perm%'e'/ S/ee& De(; F0rm
S6bmit - sets of shop draDin;s for permanent stee. de7k forms: In7.6de in the s6bmitta.:
#: Layo6t
2: =rade of stee.
- Physi7a. and se7tion properties of members
4: ethod of s6pport and ;rade adI6stment
*: ethod for a77ommodatin; skeD
0: ethods of; a;ainst ;ro6t .eaks
,1-1.01CB)C B0'1#'8 M%/er#%&
E37ept for a bondin; materia. pre<io6s.y a6thoriHed by the Department) s6bmit at .east a 4*,po6nd test
samp.e to ETS: A..oD 4* days for testin;: Obtain the DepartmentFs a6thoriHation of the bondin; materia.
before in7orporatin; it into the Dork:
For a bondin; materia. pre<io6s.y a6thoriHed by the Department) s6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e for
ea7h shipment of the materia.:
,1-1.01CB+C R%6#1 S/re'8/7 C0'(re/e
For RSC) s6bmit the mi3 desi;n at .east #% days before 6se: In7.6de in the s6bmitta.:
#: Compressi<e stren;th test res6.ts for preG6a.ifi7ation of RSC at a;e of break) at - days) and at 2+
2: Openin; a;e in ho6rs
-: Proposed a;;re;ate ;radin;
4: i3 proportions of 7ementitio6s materia.) a;;re;ate) and Dater
*: Types and G6antities of 7hemi7a. admi3t6res) if 6sed
0: Ran;e of ambient temperat6res o<er Dhi7h the mi3 desi;n Di.. a7hie<e the reG6ired minim6m
7ompressi<e stren;th
5: So6r7e of materia.s
,1-1.01CB,C C7em#(%& A17e#$e
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e for 7hemi7a. adhesi<e statin; 7omp.ian7e Dith IC"O AC *+ and
Ca.trans A6;mentation9Re<isions to IC"O AC *+: Re<isions to IC"O AC *+ are on the A6thoriHed
ateria. List:
S6bmit 7hemi7a. adhesi<e man6fa7t6rerFs insta..ation pro7ed6res and Darnin;s or pre7a6tions as an
informationa. s6bmitta. at .east 2 b6siness days before startin; Dork:
S6bmit # test samp.e of ea7h 7hemi7a. adhesi<e system to be 6sed from ea7h .ot to ETS for testin; at
.east 2* days before 6se: The test samp.e m6st 7onsist of # 6nit of 7hemi7a. adhesi<e) # mi3in; noHH.e)
and # retainin; n6t: A .ot for 7hemi7a. adhesi<es is #%% 6nits) or fra7tion thereof) of the same brand and
prod67t name:
Ea7h test samp.e m6st be 7.ear.y marked Dith the fo..oDin;:
#: an6fa7t6rerFs name and system mode. n6mber
2: Date of man6fa7t6re
-: Lot n6mber
4: She.f .ife or e3piration date
*: C6rrent IC"O e<a.6ation report n6mber
,1-1.01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
,1-1.01DB1C Ge'er%&
,1-1.01DB2C R%6#1 S/re'8/7 C0'(re/e
PreG6a.ify RSC before 6se: PreG6a.ifi7ation of a RSC mi3 desi;n in7.6des determinin; the openin; a;e
and attainin; the minim6m spe7ified 2+,day 7ompressi<e stren;th:
PreG6a.ify RSC 6nder se7tion $%,#:%#D/*1/b1:
Determine the openin; a;e of the RSC mi3 desi;n as fo..oDs:
#: Fabri7ate at .east * test 7y.inders to be 6sed to determine the a;e of break:
2: Immediate.y after fabri7ation of the * test 7y.inders) store the 7y.inders in a temperat6re medi6m of 5%
Z - de;rees F 6nti. the 7y.inders are tested:
-: Determine the a;e of break to attain an a<era;e stren;th of the * test 7y.inders:
4: Openin; a;e is the a;e of break p.6s # ho6r:
The a<era;e stren;th of the * test 7y.inders m6st be at .east #)2%% psi: Not more than 2 test 7y.inders
may ha<e a stren;th of .ess than #)#*% psi:
If 7ompressi<e stren;th tests performed in the fie.d shoD that the 7on7rete has attained the spe7ified
a<era;e stren;th) yo6 may open the .ane to traffi7 at the a;e of break: Perform the 7ompressi<e stren;th
tests 6nder the spe7ifi7ations for; and testin; 7y.inders in se7tion $%,#:%#D/*1/a1: If yo6 7hoose
to 6se this option) notify the En;ineer before startin; 7onstr67tion:
,1-1.01DB)C Te/ P%'e&
Test pane.s m6st be:
#: Constr67ted at an a6thoriHed .o7ation
2: At .east 4 by 4 feet by * in7hes deep
-: Constr67ted and finished 6sin; the personne.) materia.s) eG6ipment) and methods to be 6sed in the
4: A6thoriHed before startin; Dork
The En;ineer may reG6est that additiona. test pane.s be 7onstr67ted 6nti. the spe7ified finish) te3t6re) and
7o.or are attained:
The En;ineer 6ses the a6thoriHed test pane. to determine a77eptabi.ity of the Dork:
,1-1.01DB+C Te/#'8 R0%1:%3 S"r4%(e
,1-1.01DB+CB%C Ge'er%&
The En;ineer tests roadDay s6rfa7es for smoothness) 7oeffi7ient of fri7tion) and 7ra7k intensity:
,1-1.01DB+CB.C S"r4%(e Sm00/7'e
The En;ineer tests the s6rfa7e smoothness of the fo..oDin;:
#: Comp.eted roadDay s6rfa7es of str67t6res and approa7h s.abs and the adIa7ent *% feet of approa7h
2: S6rfa7es of 7on7rete de7ks to be 7o<ered Dith another materia.
&o6 m6st s7hed6.e smoothness testin;: A..oD #% days for the En;ineer to perform smoothness testin;:
"efore the testin;) 7.ean the test area and remo<e obstr67tions:
S6rfa7e smoothness is tested 6sin; a brid;e profi.o;raph 6nder Ca.ifornia Test *45: TDo are
obtained in ea7h .ane appro3imate.y - feet from the .ane .ines and # profi.e is obtained in ea7h sho6.der
appro3imate.y - feet from the 76rb or rai. fa7e: are taken para..e. to the dire7tion of traffi7:
De7k s6rfa7es m6st 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin; smoothness reG6irements:
#: Profi.e tra7e ha<in; no hi;h points o<er %:%2 foot
2: Profi.e 7o6nt of * or .ess in any #%%,foot se7tion for portions Dithin the tra<e.ed Day
-: S6rfa7e not <aryin; more than %:%2 foot from the .oDer ed;e of a #2,foot,.on; strai;hted;e p.a7ed
trans<erse.y to traffi7
=rind s6rfa7es not 7omp.yin; Dith the smoothness reG6irements 6nder se7tion 42,- 6nti. the reG6ired
smoothness is attained: =rindin; m6st not red67e the 7on7rete 7o<er on reinfor7in; stee. to .ess than #,
#92 in7hes:
Rep.a7e portions of de7ks that 7annot be 7orre7ted by ;rindin;:
,1-1.01DB+CB(C C0e44#(#e'/ 04 Fr#(/#0'
After de7k s6rfa7es and approa7h s.abs ha<e been te3t6red) the En;ineer tests the 7oeffi7ient of fri7tion
of the 7on7rete s6rfa7es 6nder Ca.ifornia Test -42:
If portions of 7omp.eted de7k s6rfa7es or approa7h s.abs ha<e a 7oeffi7ient of fri7tion of .ess than %:-*)
those portions m6st be ;ro6nd to prod67e a 7oeffi7ient of fri7tion of not .ess than %:-* or ;roo<ed para..e.
to the 7enter .ine: =rindin; and ;roo<in; m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 42:
,1-1.01DB+CB1C Cr%(; I'/e'#/3
The En;ineer meas6res 7ra7k intensity of de7k s6rfa7es after 76rin;) before prestressin;) and before
fa.seDork re.ease: C.ean the s6rfa7e for the En;ineer to meas6re s6rfa7e 7ra7k intensity:
In any *%% sG ft portion of a neD de7k s6rfa7e) if there are more than *% feet of 7ra7ks ha<in; a Didth at
any point of o<er %:%2 in7h) treat the de7k Dith metha7ry.ate resin 6nder se7tion #*,*:%*: Treat the entire
de7k Didth betDeen barriers to * feet beyond Dhere the f6rthest 7ontin6o6s 7ra7k emanatin; from the *%%
sG ft se7tion is %:%2 in7h Dide: Treat the de7k s6rfa7e before ;rindin;:
,1-1.01DB,C C7em#(%& A17e#$e
Chemi7a. adhesi<es for bondin; doDe.s m6st be on the A6thoriHed ateria. List: The 7hemi7a. adhesi<e
m6st be appropriate for the insta..ation 7onditions:
,1-1.02A Ge'er%&
,1-1.02B C0'(re/e
E37ept for minor str67t6res) the 7ementitio6s materia. 7ontent per 76bi7 yard of 7on7rete in str67t6res or
portions of str67t6res m6st 7omp.y Dith the 7ontent shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
!se Cementitio6s materia. 7ontent
/.b976 yd1
De7k s.abs and s.ab spans of brid;es 05* min) +%% ma3
Roof se7tions of e3posed top bo3 76.<erts 05* min) +%% ma3
Pier 7o.6mns 05* min) +%% ma3
Sea. 7o6rses 05* min
Other portions of str67t6res *$% min) +%% ma3
Con7rete for PC members *$% min) $2* ma3
E37ept for minor str67t6res) the minim6m reG6ired 7ompressi<e stren;th for 7on7rete in str67t6res or
portions of str67t6res is the stren;th des7ribed or -)0%% psi at 2+ days) Dhi7he<er is ;reater:
,1-1.02C B0'1#'8 M%/er#%&
"ondin; materia.s m6st be ma;nesi6m phosphate 7on7rete) modified hi;h,a.6mina,based 7on7rete) or
port.and,7ement,based 7on7rete:
a;nesi6m phosphate 7on7rete m6st be either sin;.e 7omponent /Dater a7ti<ated1 or d6a. 7omponent
/prepa7ka;ed .iG6id a7ti<ator1:
odified hi;h,a.6mina,based 7on7rete and port.and,7ement,based 7on7rete m6st be Dater a7ti<ated:
"ondin; materia.s m6st 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Property Test method ReG6irement
Compressi<e stren;th at: Ca.ifornia Test **#
- ho6rs 2# Pa min
24 ho6rs -* Pa min
F.e36ra. stren;th at 24 ho6rs Ca.ifornia Test **# -:* Pa min
"ond stren;th at 24 ho6rs: Ca.ifornia Test **#
Sat6rated s6rfa7e dry 7on7rete 2:# Pa min
Dry 7on7rete 2:+ Pa min
8ater absorption Ca.ifornia Test **# #% per7ent ma3
Abrasion resistan7e at 24 ho6rs Ca.ifornia Test **% 2* ; ma3
Dryin; shrinka;e at 4 days AST C *$0 %:#- per7ent ma3
So.6b.e 7h.orides by Dei;ht Ca.ifornia Test 422 %:%* per7ent ma3
8ater so.6b.e s6.fates by Dei;ht Ca.ifornia Test 4#5 %:2* per7ent ma3
a;nesi6m phosphate 7on7rete m6st be form6.ated for a minim6m initia. set time of #* min6tes and
minim6m fina. set time of 2* min6tes at 5% de;rees F: Store the materia.s in a 7oo.) dry en<ironment
before 6se:
The mi3 Dater 6sed Dith Dater,a7ti<ated materia. m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion $%,#:%2D:
The G6antity of Dater for sin;.e,7omponent type or .iG6id a7ti<ator for d6a.,7omponent type to be b.ended
Dith the dry 7omponent) m6st be Dithin the .imits re7ommended by the man6fa7t6rer and m6st be the
.east amo6nt reG6ired to prod67e a po6rab.e batter:
If a6thoriHed) yo6 may add retarders to ma;nesi6m phosphate 7on7rete: The addition of retarders m6st
7omp.y Dith the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions:
a;nesi6m phosphate 7on7rete m6st not be mi3ed in 7ontainers or Dorked Dith too.s 7ontainin; Hin7)
7admi6m) a.6min6m) or 7opper meta.s: odified hi;h a.6mina based 7on7rete m6st not be mi3ed in
7ontainers or Dorked Dith too.s 7ontainin; a.6min6m:
,1-1.02D R%6#1 S/re'8/7 C0'(re/e
RSC p.a7ed in brid;e de7ks m6st 7ontain at .east 05* po6nds of 7ementitio6s materia. per 76bi7 yard:
RSC m6st ha<e a minim6m 2+,day 7ompressi<e stren;th of 4)%%% psi e37ept RSC p.a7ed in brid;e de7ks
m6st ha<e a minim6m 2+,day 7ompressi<e stren;th of 4)*%% psi:
,1-1.02E C0&0re1 C0'(re/e
Co.or pi;ments for 7o.ored 7on7rete m6st be of iron o3ides 7omp.yin; Dith AST C $5$: The dosa;e
m6st not e37eed #% per7ent by Dei;ht of 7ementitio6s materia. in the 7on7rete mi3 desi;n:
8hen test pane.s are spe7ified) 7ementitio6s materia.s and a;;re;ates from the same so6r7es 6sed in
the a6thoriHed test pane. m6st be 6sed for the 7o.ored 7on7rete in the 7omp.eted Dork:
,1-1.02F M0r/%r
ortar m6st be 7omposed of 7ement) sand) and Dater: ateria.s for mortar m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion $%:
The proportion of sand to 7ement meas6red by <o.6me m6st be 2 to #: ortar m6st 7ontain on.y eno6;h
Dater to a..oD p.a7in; and pa7kin;: Sand m6st be no .ar;er than #92 the siHe of the re7ess or
spa7e in Dhi7h the mortar is to be p.a7ed:
,1-1.02G Gr0"/
=ro6t m6st 7onsist of port.and 7ement and Dater) Dith a Dater 7ontent of at most 4 ;a..ons per $4 po6nds
of 7ement:
,1-1.02H M#(e&&%'e0" Me/%&
ateria.s for a77ess openin; 7o<ers for neD str67t6res m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 5*,#:%-:
,1-1.02I M#(e&&%'e0" M%/er#%&
P.asti7 pipe for de7k b.eeder drains m6st be s7hed6.e 4% P(C 7omp.yin; Dith AST D #5+*:
=a.<aniHed Dire 7.oth for de7k b.eeder drains m6st be #94,in7h mesh Dith %:%45,in7h,diameter Dire:
,1-1.0)A Ge'er%&
,1-1.0)B Me/701 %'1 E!"#6me'/
( Dei;hin; o<er #)%%% .b are not a..oDed on any brid;e span 6nti. the 7on7rete attains a
7ompressi<e stren;th of at .east 2)4%% psi: ( Dei;hin; o<er 4)%%% .b are not a..oDed on any span
6nti. the 7on7rete attains a 7ompressi<e stren;th of at .east -)2*% psi or attains an a;e of 2+ days:
( e37eedin; the Dei;ht .imitations in (eh Code Di< #* that 7ross brid;es as a..oDed in se7tion *,
#:-5" m6st not make repetiti<e 7rossin;s of any span 6nti. the 7on7rete attains an a;e of 2+ days:
( Dith a ;ross Dei;ht o<er #%)%%% .b are not a..oDed on any span of PS 7on7rete str67t6res 6nti.
the prestressin; stee. for that span is tensioned:
&o6 may pre7ast str67t6ra. e.ements not desi;nated as PC members if a6thoriHed: If reG6ested) s6bmit
shop draDin;s for proposed PC members: In7.6de 7onstr67tion Ioint detai.s) fo6ndation beddin;) and
other reG6ested information:
&o6 may 6se the s.ip form method for 7onstr67tin; pier shafts if /#1 the res6.ts are eG6a. to those obtained
by 7omp.ian7e Dith these spe7ifi7ations and /21 adeG6ate arran;ements are made and 7arried o6t for
76rin;) finishin;) and prote7tin; the 7on7rete:
8hen s.ip forms are 6sed for pier 7onstr67tion) the .ine and ;rade f6rnished by the En;ineer is .imited to
estab.ishin; 7ontro. points and 7he7ks of s.ip form position: &o6 m6st pro<ide tar;ets) markers) or other
de<i7es for the En;ineer to determine the pier shaft position:
Shot7rete is not a..oDed as an a.ternati<e 7onstr67tion method for reinfor7ed 7on7rete members:
&o6 may 7onstr67t Darped portions of Din;Da..s at the ends of 76.<erts 6sin; shot7rete 7omp.yin; Dith
se7tion *-,#:
,1-1.0)C Pre6%r%/#0'
,1-1.0)CB1C Ge'er%&
"ottom of footin; e.e<ations shoDn are appro3imate:
The En;ineer may order 7han;es in footin; dimensions or e.e<ations: Payment for additiona. str67t6re
e37a<ation and str67t6re ba7kfi.. res6.tin; from these 7han;es is made 6nder se7tion #$,-:%4:
The Department does not pay for additiona. 7osts d6e to fabri7atin; or performin; other re.ated Dork
before the fina. fo6ndation 7onfi;6ration is determined:
8here a ro6;hened 7on7rete s6rfa7e is des7ribed) ro6;hen the e3istin; 7on7rete s6rfa7e to a f6..
amp.it6de of appro3imate.y #94 in7h by abrasi<e b.astin;) Dater b.astin;) or 6sin; me7hani7a. eG6ipment:
P6mp Dater from the interior of fo6ndation en7.os6res Ditho6t remo<in; 7on7rete materia.s: Do not p6mp
Dater d6rin; 7on7rete p.a7ement or for 24 ho6rs after p.a7in; 7on7rete) 6n.ess the p6mpin; is done from
a s6mp separated from the 7on7rete Dork:
,1-1.0)CB2C F0rm
,1-1.0)CB2CB%C Ge'er%&
Forms m6st be:
#: ortar ti;ht
2: Tr6e to the dimensions) .ines) and ;rades of the str67t6re
-: Stron; eno6;h to pre<ent def.e7tion d6rin; 7on7rete p.a7ement
Fa7e e3posed s6rfa7es of 7on7rete str67t6res Dith form pane.s:
Form pane.s for e3posed s6rfa7es m6st be p.yDood 7omp.yin; Dith or e37eedin; the reG6irements of
!:S: Prod67t Standard PS # for E3terior "," /Con7rete Form1 C.ass I P.yDood or any materia. that
prod67es a smooth) 6niform s6rfa7e: For e3posed s6rfa7es) 6se on.y form pane.s in ;ood
7ondition and free of defe7ts s67h as s7ars) dents) or de.aminations:
Desi;n and 7onstr67t forms for e3posed s6rfa7es s67h that s6rfa7es do not 6nd6.ate more than -9-2 in7h
or #925% of the 7enter,to,7enter distan7e betDeen st6ds) Ioists) form stiffeners) form fasteners) or in
any dire7tion: Stop 6sin; forms or formin; systems that prod67e e37essi<e 6nd6.ations 6nti. modifi7ations
satisfa7tory to the En;ineer are made: The En;ineer may reIe7t portions of str67t6res Dith e37essi<e
Form e3posed s6rfa7es of ea7h e.ement of a 7on7rete str67t6re Dith the same formin; materia. or Dith
materia.s that prod67e s6rfa7e te3t6res) 7o.or) and appearan7e:
!se form pane.s in 6niform Didths of at .east - feet and 6niform .en;ths of at .east 0 feet e37ept at the
ends of 7ontin6o6s.y formed s6rfa7es Dhere the fina. pane. .en;th is .ess than 0 feet: For members .ess
than - feet Dide) form pane.s m6st be the Didth of the entire member:
Arran;e form pane.s in symmetri7a. patterns 7onformin; to the ;enera. .ines of the str67t6re: P.a7e pane.s
for <erti7a. s6rfa7es Dith the .on; dimension horiHonta. and horiHonta. Ioints .e<e. and 7ontin6o6s:
Form pane.s for 76r<ed 7o.6mn s6rfa7es m6st be 7ontin6o6s for at .east #94 of the 7ir76mferen7e or 0
feet: For Da..s Dith s.opin; footin;s that do not ab6t other Da..s) yo6 may p.a7e pane.s Dith the .on;
dimension para..e. to the footin;:
A.i;n form pane.s on ea7h side of pane. Ioints Dith s6pports or fasteners 7ommon to both pane.s so that a
7ontin6o6s) 6nbroken 7on7rete p.ane res6.ts: Form pane.s that Ioin prefabri7ated pane.s m6st /#1
ha<e a 6niform Didth of at .east # foot and /21 prod67e a smooth) 6niform s6rfa7e Dith 7onsistent
.on;it6dina. Ioint .ines betDeen pane.s:
Constr67t forms for e3posed s6rfa7es Dith trian; fi..ets at .east -94 by -94 in7h: Atta7h fi..ets so as to
pre<ent mortar r6ns and to prod67e smooth) strai;ht 7hamfers at a.. sharp ed;es of the 7on7rete:
C.ean inside form s6rfa7es of dirt) mortar) and forei;n materia.: Thoro6;h.y 7oat forms to be remo<ed Dith
form oi. before p.a7in; 7on7rete: Form oi. m6st:
#: "e 7ommer7ia. G6a.ity or an eG6i<a.ent 7oatin;
2: A..oD the ready re.ease of forms
-: Not dis7o.or the 7on7rete
Do not p.a7e 7on7rete in forms 6nti.:
#: A.. form 7onstr67tion Dork has been 7omp.eted) in7.6din; remo<in; forei;n materia.
2: A.. materia.s to be embedded in the 7on7rete ha<e been p.a7ed
-: En;ineer has inspe7ted the forms
Forms for 7on7rete s6rfa7es that Di.. not be 7omp.ete.y en7.osed or hidden be.oD the permanent ;ro6nd
s6rfa7e m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for forms for e3posed s6rfa7es: Interior s6rfa7es of
6nder;ro6nd draina;e str67t6res are 7onsidered 7omp.ete.y en7.osed s6rfa7es:
!se form fasteners to pre<ent form spreadin; d6rin; 7on7rete p.a7ement: Do not 6se tDisted Dire ties to
ho.d forms in position:
Form fasteners and an7hors m6st be of those types that 7an be remo<ed as spe7ified for form bo.ts in
se7tion *#,#:%-F/21 Ditho6t 7hippin;);) heatin; or otherDise dama;in; the 7on7rete s6rfa7e:
&o6 may 7ast an7hor de<i7es into the 7on7rete for s6pportin; forms or .iftin; PC members: Do not 6se
dri<en types of an7hora;es for fastenin; forms or form s6pports to 7on7rete e37ept for interior s6rfa7es of
;irders in PS bo3 ;irder brid;es Dhere:
#: =irders ha<e more than 2 in7hes of 7o<er o<er the reinfor7ement
2: An7hora;es do not penetrate the ;irder more than 2 in7hes and ha<e a minim6m spa7in; of 0 in7hes
-: An7hora;es are p.a7ed at .east - in7hes 7.ear from the ed;e of 7on7rete
,1-1.0)CB2CB.C Rem0$#'8 F0rm
Remo<e a.. forms) e37ept soffit forms for de7k s.abs of CIP bo3 ;irders) forms for the interior <oids of PC
members) and the forms in ho..oD ab6tments or piers may remain in p.a7e for any of the fo..oDin;
#: Permanent a77ess into the 7e..s or <oids is not shoDn
2: !ti.ity fa7i.ities are not to be insta..ed in the 7omp.eted 7e..s or <oids
-: !ti.ity fa7i.ities to be insta..ed in 7omp.eted 7e..s or <oids are to be inserted into 7asin;s that are
p.a7ed before the 7omp.etion of the 7e.. or <oid
4: Permanent a77ess is shoDn or 6ti.ity fa7i.ities other than those in prep.a7ed 7asin;s are to be
insta..ed in 7e..s or <oids) and yo6:
4:# Remo<e the portions of the forms that obstr67t a77ess openin;s or 7onf.i7t Dith 6ti.ity fa7i.ities:
4:2 Pro<ide a .on;it6dina. 7raD. spa7e at .east - feet hi;h and 2 feet Dide thro6;ho6t the .en;th of
these 7e..s or <oids
4:- !se a formin; system that .ea<es no sharp proIe7tions into the 7e..s or <oids
4:4 Remo<e forms betDeen the hin;e and * feet past the a77ess openin;s in 7e..s of CIP bo3
;irder brid;es Dith a77ess openin;s near the hin;es
C.ear the inside of the 7e..s or <oids of a.. .oose materia. before 7omp.etin; the formin; for the de7k of CIP
bo3 ;irders or for the 7e..s or <oids of other members Dhen the forms are to remain in p.a7e) or after the
remo<a. of the forms or portions of forms:
&o6 may remo<e forms that do not s6pport the dead .oad of 7on7rete if 24 ho6rs ha<e e.apsed after
7on7rete p.a7ement and the 7on7rete has s6ffi7ient stren;th to pre<ent dama;e to the s6rfa7e:
&o6 may remo<e forms for;s or barriers after the 7on7rete has hardened: Prote7t e3posed s6rfa7es
from dama;e:
,1-1.0)CB2CB(C Perm%'e'/ S/ee& De(; F0rm
,1-1.0)CB2CB(CB#C Ge'er%&
Permanent stee. de7k forms and s6pports m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A 0*-9A 0*-) Desi;nation SS)
=rades -- thro6;h +%) 7oatin; desi;nation =#0*:
,1-1.0)CB2CB(CB##C De#8' Re!"#reme'/
Desi;n permanent stee. de7k forms based on the 7ombined dead .oad of forms) reinfor7ement) and
p.asti7 7on7rete Dith an a..oDan7e for 7onstr67tion .oads of at .east *% psf: The 7ombined dead .oad m6st
be ass6med to be at .east #0% p7f for norma. 7on7rete and #-% p7f for .i;htDei;ht 7on7rete:
Confi;6re forms s67h that the Dei;ht of de7k s.ab and forms is at most ##% per7ent of the Dei;ht of the
de7k s.ab as shoDn:
Comp6te physi7a. desi;n properties 6nder EDesi;n of Co.d,Formed Stee. Str67t6ra. embersE of the
AISC Steel Manual:
The desi;n span for form sheets is the 7.ear span of the form p.6s 2 in7hes) meas6red para..e. to the form
a3im6m a..oDab.e stresses and def.e7tions are as fo..oDs:
#: Tensi.e stress m6st not e37eed the .esser of %:52* times the spe7ified yie.d stren;th or -0)%%% psi:
2: Dead .oad def.e7tion m6st not e37eed the .esser of %:%%*0 times the form span or #92 in7h: The dead
.oad for def.e7tion 7a.76.ations m6st be at .east #2% psf tota.:
-: &o6 may 6se form 7amber based on the a7t6a. dead .oad 7ondition: Do not 6se 7amber to
7ompensate for def.e7tion e37eedin; the a..oDab.e .imits:
,1-1.0)CB2CB(CB###C I'/%&&%/#0'
Do not De.d stee. de7k forms to;es of stee. ;irders:
Permanent stee. de7k forms m6st not interfere Dith mo<ement at de7k e3pansion Ioints:
C.earan7e betDeen de7k forms and bar reinfor7ement m6st be at .east # in7h:
Do not 6se permanent stee. de7k forms for se7tions of de7k s.abs Dith .on;it6dina. e3pansion Ioints
6n.ess additiona. s6pports are p.a7ed 6nder the Ioint:
Do not rest form sheets dire7t.y on top of ;irder;es: Fasten sheets se76re.y to form s6pports: Pro<ide
at .east # in7h of bearin; at ea7h end: P.a7e form s6pports in dire7t 7onta7t Dith ;irder;es: Atta7h
s6pports 6sin; bo.ts) 7.ips) or other a6thoriHed means:
Lo7ate trans<erse de7k 7onstr67tion Ioints at the bottom of f.6tes: Fie.d dri.. #94,in7h Deep at not
.ess than #2 in7hes on 7enter a.on; the Ioint .ine:
Repair ;a.<aniHed form s6rfa7es dama;ed before insta..ation by Dire br6shin; to remo<e .oose and
7ra7ked 7oatin; and app.yin; 2 7oats of Hin7,ri7h primer: Do not 6se aeroso. 7ans: &o6 do not need to
repair minor heat dis7o.oration in De.ded areas:
,1-1.0)D P&%(#'8 C0'(re/e
,1-1.0)DB1C Ge'er%&
Thoro6;h.y moisten forms and s6b;rade Dith Dater immediate.y before p.a7in; 7on7rete:
P.a7e and 7onso.idate 7on7rete 6sin; methods that /#1 do not 7a6se se;re;ation of the a;;re;ate and /21
prod67e dense) homo;eneo6s 7on7rete Ditho6t <oids or ro7k po7kets:
P.a7e 7on7rete Dhi.e fresh and before initia. set: Do not retemper partia..y hardened 7on7rete Dith
additiona. Dater:
P.a7e 7on7rete 7ontin6o6s.y in ea7h inte;ra. part of the str67t6re: Do not start Dork 6n.ess p.a7ement 7an
be 7omp.eted 6ninterr6pted:
P.a7e 7on7rete for ;irder spans in at .east 2 operations: The .ast operation m6st 7onsist of p.a7in; the
de7k s.ab: A..oD at .east * days betDeen operations:
P.a7e 7on7rete as 7.ose to its fina. position as possib.e: Do not 6se <ibrators for e3tensi<e shiftin; of
E37ept for CIP do not a..oD fresh 7on7rete to fa.. more than + feet Ditho6t 6sin; pipes) t6bes) or
do6b.e be.tin; to pre<ent se;re;ation: Do not 6se do6b.e be.tin; 6n.ess the member thi7kness is .ess
than #0 in7hes:
Conso.idate 7on7rete 6sin; hi;h,freG6en7y <ibrators Dithin #* min6tes of p.a7ement: Do not 6se <ibrators
for pipe 76.<ert headDa..s and endDa..s) s.ope pa<in; and aprons) and 7on7rete p.a7ed 6nder Dater: Do
not atta7h <ibrators to or ho.d them a;ainst forms or reinfor7in; stee.: Do not disp.a7e reinfor7ement)
d67ts) or prestressin; stee. d6rin; <ibratin;:
For str67t6re footin;s o<er 2:* feet in depth that ha<e a top .ayer of reinfor7ement) re7onso.idate the
7on7rete to a depth of # foot after p.a7in;) 7onso.idatin;) and initia. s7reedin; of the 7on7rete:
Re7onso.idate the 7on7rete as .ate as the 7on7rete Di.. respond a;ain to <ibration b6t not .ess than #*
min6tes after the initia. s7reedin;:
(ibrators 6sed for 7on7rete Dith epo3y,7oated reinfor7ement or prestressin; stee. m6st ha<e a resi.ient
7o<erin; to pre<ent dama;e to the epo3y 7oatin;:
&o6 may 6se e3terna. <ibrators on.y if 7onso.idation by other means is not possib.e: Forms m6st be
s6ffi7ient.y ri;id to resist disp.a7ement or dama;e: The 6se of e3terna. <ibrators m6st be a6thoriHed:
Do not p.a7e 7on7rete for horiHonta. members 6nti. the 7on7rete in s6pportin; <erti7a. members has been
7onso.idated and sett.ement d6e to b.eedin; is 7omp.ete:
8here shoDn) app.y a bond breaker to Ioint s6rfa7es:
Do not 7onstr67t draina;e str67t6res to fina. ;rade 6nti. adIa7ent pa<in; or s6rfa7in; is 7omp.ete:
,1-1.0)DB2C C0'(re/e Br#18e De(;
For 7on7rete de7ks p.a7ed on 7ontin6o6s stee. ;irders or PC 7on7rete ;irders) p.a7e the portion of de7k
o<er the s6pports .ast:
For de7ks on PC 7on7rete ;irders) p.a7e intermediate and end diaphra;ms at .east * days before p.a7in;
the de7k 7on7rete:
For de7ks on str67t6ra. stee.) insta.. 7ross frames the entire Didth of the brid;e before p.a7in; the de7k
De7k 7.os6re po6rs m6st 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin;:
#: D6rin; primary de7k p.a7ement and for at .east 24 ho6rs after 7omp.etin; the de7k p.a7ement)
reinfor7in; stee. protr6din; into the 7.os6re spa7e m6st be free from any 7onne7tion to reinfor7in;
stee.) 7on7rete) forms) or other atta7hments of the adIa7ent str67t6re:
2: C.os6re po6r forms m6st be s6pported from the s6perstr67t6re on both sides of the 7.os6re spa7e:
,1-1.0)DB)C C0'(re/e P&%(e1 U'1er A%/er
On.y sea. 7o6rse 7on7rete may be p.a7ed 6nder Dater:
If the En;ineer determines that it is impossib.e or inad<isab.e to deDater e37a<ations before p.a7in;
7on7rete) p.a7e a sea. 7o6rse 6nder the Dater 6sin; a tremie or a 7on7rete p6mp: The sea. 7o6rse m6st
be at .east 2 feet thi7k and thi7k eno6;h to sea. the 7offerdam:
The tremie m6st be a Daterti;ht t6be at .east #% in7hes in diameter Dith a hopper at the top: 8hen
7on7rete is deposited into the hopper) f.oD is ind67ed by raisin; the dis7har;e end: EG6ip dis7har;e and
tremie t6bes Dith a de<i7e to pre<ent Dater from enterin; the t6be Dhen 7har;in; the t6be Dith 7on7rete:
S6pport the t6bes so as to a..oD for free mo<ement of the dis7har;e end o<er the entire Dork s6rfa7e and
rapid .oDerin; of the t6be:
Fi.. the t6bes 6sin; a method that pre<ents Dashin; of the 7on7rete: 'eep the dis7har;e end s6bmer;ed
in the 7on7rete at a.. times: The t6be m6st 7ontain eno6;h 7on7rete to pre<ent Dater entry:
P.a7e the 7on7rete 7aref6..y in a 7ompa7t mass: Con7rete f.oD m6st be 7ontin6o6s 6nti. 7omp.etion of the
sea. 7o6rse: The sea. 7o6rse m6st be mono.ithi7 and homo;eneo6s: Do not dist6rb 7on7rete after
p.a7ement: aintain sti.. Dater at the point of p.a7ement:
C6re the sea. 7o6rse 7on7rete for at .east * days before deDaterin; the 7offerdam: In7rease the 76rin;
time for sea. 7o6rse 7on7rete p.a7ed in Dater that is be.oD 4* de;rees F: Periods of time Dhen the Dater
temperat6re is 7ontin6o6s.y be.oD -+ de;rees F is not 7onsidered as 76rin; time:
DeDater the 7offerdam after the sea. 7o6rse has adeG6ate stren;th to resist the hydrostati7 .oad: After
deDaterin;) 7.ean the top of the 7on7rete of a.. s76m) .aitan7e) and sediment: Remo<e .o7a. hi;h spots to
pro<ide the spe7ified 7.earan7e for reinfor7in; stee. before p.a7in; fresh 7on7rete:
,1-1.0)DB+C C0'/r"(/#0' E0#'/
P.a7e 7onstr67tion Ioints on.y Dhere des7ribed 6n.ess a6thoriHed:
At horiHonta. 7onstr67tion Ioints:
#: Thoro6;h.y 7onso.idate fresh 7on7rete s6rfa7es Ditho6t 7omp.ete.y remo<in; s6rfa7e irre;6.arities
2: At Ioints betDeen ;irder stems and de7ks) ro6;hen the s6rfa7es of fresh 7on7rete to at .east a #94,
in7h amp.it6de
Abrasi<e b.ast 7.ean 7onstr67tion Ioint s6rfa7es before p.a7in; fresh 7on7rete a;ainst the Ioint s6rfa7es:
Remo<e s6rfa7e .aitan7e) 76rin; 7ompo6nd) and other forei;n materia.s:
F.6sh 7onstr67tion Ioint s6rfa7es Dith Dater and a..oD the s6rfa7es to dry to a s6rfa7e,dry 7ondition
immediate.y before p.a7in; 7on7rete:
If a6thoriHed in an emer;en7y) yo6 may p.a7e a 7onstr67tion Ioint at a .o7ation not des7ribed: The
En;ineer determines the .o7ation of the 7onstr67tion Ioint and the G6antity of additiona. reinfor7in; stee. to
be p.a7ed a7ross the Ioint:
Lo7ate .on;it6dina. 7onstr67tion Ioints in brid;e de7ks a.on; .ane .ines if a Ioint .o7ation is not shoDn:
,1-1.0)DB,C C0&0re1 C0'(re/e
8hen p.a7in; 7o.ored 7on7rete:
#: onitor the Dater 7ontent) Dei;ht of 7ementitio6s materia.s) and siHe) Dei;ht) and 7o.or of a;;re;ate
to maintain 7onsisten7y and a776ra7y of the mi3ed 7o.ored 7on7rete:
2: S7hed6.e de.i<ery of 7on7rete to pro<ide 7onsistent mi3 times from bat7hin; 6nti. dis7har;e: Do not
add Dater after a portion of the bat7h has been dis7har;ed:
-: !se 7onsistent finishin; pra7ti7es to ens6re 6niformity of te3t6re and 7o.or:
4: Prote7t s6rro6ndin; e3posed s6rfa7es d6rin; p.a7ement) finishin;) and 76rin; a7ti<ities of 7o.ored
If more than # 7on7rete p6mp is 6sed to p.a7e 7on7rete) desi;nate the p6mps to re7ei<e 7o.ored 7on7rete:
The desi;nated p6mps m6st re7ei<e on.y 7o.ored 7on7rete thro6;ho6t the 7on7rete p.a7ement operation:
C6re 7o.ored 7on7rete by the forms,in,p.a7e method or the 76rin; 7ompo6nd method:
If the 76rin; 7ompo6nd method is 6sed) the 76rin; 7ompo6nd m6st be 7.ear or mat7h the 7o.or of the
7o.ored 7on7rete and m6st be man6fa7t6red spe7ifi7a..y for 7o.ored 7on7rete: Do not 6se 76rin;
7ompo6nds 7ontainin; 7a.7i6m 7h.oride: The time betDeen 7omp.etin; s6rfa7e finishin; and app.yin; the
76rin; 7ompo6nd m6st be the same for ea7h 7o.ored 7on7rete 7omponent:
,1-1.0)DB-C Be%r#'8 S"r4%(e
For e.astomeri7 bearin; pads) Dood f.oat finish the 7on7rete bearin; s6rfa7e to a .e<e. p.ane that <aries at
most #9#0 in7h from a strai;hted;e p.a7ed in any dire7tion and is Dithin #9+ in7h of the spe7ified e.e<ation:
The bearin; area m6st e3tend at .east # in7h beyond the .imits of the bearin; pads:
For bearin; assemb.ies or masonry p.ates not embedded in 7on7rete) 7onstr67t the 7on7rete bearin; area
abo<e ;rade and ;rind to a tr6e .e<e. p.ane that /#1 does not <ary per7eptib.y from a strai;hted;e p.a7ed
in any dire7tion and /21 is Dithin #9+ in7h of the e.e<ation shoDn:
,1-1.0)E M#(e&&%'e0" C0'/r"(/#0'
,1-1.0)EB1C Ge'er%&
8here shoDn) paint the brid;e name) brid;e n6mber) and bent n6mber in neat) 2,#92,in7h,hi;h b.a7k
.etters and fi;6res:
8here shoDn and before; to Dithin - feet of finished ;rade) insta.. temporary b6mpers at the
ends of brid;es and ;rade top 76.<erts:
8here pipes o6tside the str67t6re Ioin the str67t6re) 7ast be.. re7esses in the 7on7rete to re7ei<e the pipe
or 7ast se7tions of the pipe in the 7on7rete: If be.. re7esses are 6sed) mortar the pipe end into the be..:
,1-1.0)EB2C P&%(#'8 M0r/%r
P.a7e mortar in re7esses and on s6rfa7es) 6nder str67t6ra. members) and at other .o7ations Dhere
C.ean 7on7rete areas to be in 7onta7t Dith mortar of .oose or forei;n materia. that Do6.d pre<ent bondin;
betDeen the mortar and the 7on7rete s6rfa7es: F.6sh the 7on7rete areas Dith Dater and a..oD them to dry
to a s6rfa7e,dry 7ondition immediate.y before p.a7in; the mortar:
Ti;ht.y pa7k mortar to 7omp.ete.y fi.. spa7es: Lo7ations Dhere mortar 7an es7ape m6st be mortar,ti;ht
before p.a7in; mortar: C6re mortar for - days 6sin; the Dater method 6nder se7tion $%,#:%-":
Do not .oad mortar 6nti. 52 ho6rs after p.a7ement 6n.ess a6thoriHed:
,1-1.0)EB)C Dr#&& %'1 B0'1 D0:e&
For dri.. and bond doDe.s) dri.. the Ditho6t dama;in; the adIa7ent 7on7rete: ? for bonded
doDe.s m6st be #92 in7h .ar;er than the nomina. doDe. diameter:
If reinfor7ement is en7o6ntered d6rin;; before the spe7ified depth is attained) notify the En;ineer:
!n.ess 7orin; thro6;h the reinfor7ement is a6thoriHed) dri.. a neD ho.e adIa7ent to the reIe7ted ho.e to the
depth shoDn:
Coat the s6rfa7e of any doDe. 7oated Dith Hin7 or 7admi6m Dith a 7o.ored .a7G6er: A..oD the .a7G6er to
dry thoro6;h.y before; the doDe.:
Ea7h dri..ed ho.e m6st be 7.ean and dry Dhen p.a7in; the bondin; materia. and doDe.: The bondin;
materia. and doDe. m6st 7omp.ete.y fi.. the dri..ed ho.e: The s6rfa7e temperat6re m6st be at .east 4%
de;rees F Dhen ma;nesi6m phosphate 7on7rete is p.a7ed:
Thoro6;h.y dry finishin; too.s 7.eaned Dith Dater before Dorkin; ma;nesi6m phosphate 7on7rete:
Lea<e doDe.s 6ndist6rbed for - ho6rs or 6nti. the doDe.s 7an be s6pported by the 7on7rete:
C6re modified hi;h,a.6mina,based 7on7rete and port.and,7ement,based 7on7rete 6sin; the 76rin;
7ompo6nd method: Do not 76re ma;nesi6m phosphate 7on7rete:
Rep.a7e doDe.s that fai. to bond or are dama;ed:
,1-1.0)EB+C Dr#&& %'1 Gr0"/ D0:e&
Dri.. the 6nder se7tion *#,#:%-E/-1:
For dri.. and ;ro6t doDe.s) dri.. the #94 in7h .ar;er than the nomina. doDe. diameter: Immediate.y
before p.a7in; doDe.s) m6st be 7.eaned) be thoro6;h.y sat6rated Dith Dater) ha<e a.. free Dater
remo<ed) and be dried to a sat6rated s6rfa7e dry 7ondition:
P.a7e ;ro6t into the and insert the doDe.s: Retemperin; of ;ro6t is not a..oDed: C6re ;ro6t at .east
- days or 6nti. the doDe.s are en7ased in 7on7rete: Immobi.iHe the doDe.s d6rin; the 76rin; period: C6re
6sin; 76rin; 7ompo6nd method or by keepin; the s6rfa7e 7ontin6o6s.y damp:
Rep.a7e doDe.s that fai. to bond or are dama;ed:
,1-1.0)EB,C Dr#&& %'1 B0'1 D0:e& BC7em#(%& A17e#$eC
For dri.. and bond doDe. /7hemi7a. adhesi<e1) the dri..ed ho.e diameter and depth m6st 7omp.y Dith the
IC"O e<a.6ation report for the siHe of doDe. bein; insta..ed 6n.ess otherDise shoDn: In7rease the dri..ed
ho.e depth spe7ified in the IC"O e<a.6ation report by *% per7ent Dhen doDe.s are epo3y 7oated:
Immediate.y after insertin; the doDe.s into the 7hemi7a. adhesi<e) s6pport the doDe.s as ne7essary to
pre<ent mo<ement 6nti. the epo3y has 76red the minim6m time spe7ified in the A6thoriHed ateria. List:
Rep.a7e doDe.s that fai. to bond or are dama;ed: Dri.. neD adIa7ent to reIe7ted doDe.s and insta..
rep.a7ement doDe.s:
,1-1.0)EB-C N0';#1 A.r%#$e F#'#7
8here shoDn) p.a7e a nonskid abrasi<e finish on pedestrian Da.kDays) stair treads) and .andin;s: The
nonskid finish m6st 7onsist of 7ommer7ia.,G6a.ity a.6min6m o3ide) si.i7on 7arbide) or a.mandite ;arnet ;rit sie<e siHe no: #2 to -% or no: #4 to -*: !niform.y app.y ;rit at a rate of at .east %:- .b9sG
ft onto the f.oated 7on7rete s6rfa7e Dhi.e the 7on7rete is p.asti7: "6ry the into the 7on7rete to a
depth of appro3imate.y %:5 times the diameter of ea7h parti7.e:
,1-1.0)EB2C Dr%#' #' A%&&
8here shoDn) 7onstr67t drain and Deep in ab6tment Da..s) Din;Da..s) and retainin; Da..s:
Co<er retainin; Da.. and ab6tment Da.. drains at the ba7k fa7e of the Da.. Dith #94,in7h mesh) %:%2*,in7h,
diameter a.6min6m or ;a.<aniHed stee. Dire hardDare 7.oth: o6nt hardDare 7.oth in forms before po6rin;
7on7rete or fasten the 7.oth to the e3terior 7on7rete s6rfa7e Dith masonry nai.s:
In addition to Da.. drains) insta.. hydrostati7 press6re re.ief - in7hes in diameter at the bottom of
Da..s immediate.y abo<e footin;s at appro3imate.y #*,foot 7enters:
,1-1.0)EB>C De(; B&ee1er Dr%#'
The En;ineer pro<ides the e3a7t .o7ation for ea7h de7k b.eeder drain:
Dri.. the for drains in e3istin; brid;es 6sin; a diamond 7ore dri.. bit: Do not spa.. ho.e ed;es: ?
m6st be 2 in7hes in diameter:
Insta.. drains s67h that the top of the pipe is appro3imate.y #94 in7h be.oD the 7on7rete de7k s6rfa7e:
Rep.a7e drains o6t of position as determined by the En;ineer:
Se76re p.asti7 pipe insta..ed in e3istin; brid;es Dith an epo3y adhesi<e: S7ore the o6tside s6rfa7es of the
pipe before; the pipe: Spread epo3y on both the pipe and ho.e s6rfa7es: Epo3y m6st 7omp.ete.y
fi.. the spa7e betDeen the pipe and the ho.e:
Insta.. drains before p.a7in; the de7k sea.: Center the Dire 7.oth abo<e the drains: P.a7e the 7.oth after
p.a7in; the de7k sea. and before p.a7in; the ?A: Se76re the 7.oth 6sin; an a6thoriHed method to
pre<ent mo<ement d6rin; ?A p.a7ement: Do not dama;e the de7k sea.:
,1-1.0)EB?C U/#&#/3 F%(#&#/#e
8here shoDn) 6ti.ity fa7i.ities Di.. be 7arried in or on str67t6res:
Insta.. han;ers) an7hor bo.t inserts) manho.e frames and 7o<ers)<es) and other a77essories reG6ired
for the 6ti.ity fa7i.ity that m6st be 7ast in the 7on7rete: The 6ti.ity oDner Di.. f6rnish these items:
The 6ti.ity oDner Di.. f6rnish and insta.. 7ond67tors and 7asin;s Dhen the str67t6re is ready for the
insta..ation and before any Dork that interferes Dith insta..ation is started:
Notify the En;ineer at .east -% days before the date str67t6res are ready for 6ti.ity insta..ation: The
En;ineer Di.. notify the 6ti.ity oDner:
,1-1.0)EB10C C0'(re/e He%1er %'1 S/ee& P&%/e
Con7rete for 7on7rete headers m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for minor 7on7rete:
Stee. p.ates and atta7hment hardDare m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 5* e37ept that ;a.<aniHin; is not
,1-1.0)EB11C P#er C0&"m'
P.a7e 7on7rete for pier 7o.6mns a;ainst firm) 6ndist6rbed fo6ndation materia. on the bottom and sides of
the pier 7o.6mn e37a<ations e37ept p.a7e 7on7rete a;ainst forms Dhere shoDn: Immediate.y before
p.a7in; 7on7rete) a.. e37a<ated s6rfa7es a;ainst Dhi7h the 7on7rete is to be p.a7ed m6st be free from
standin; Dater) m6d) debris) and .oose materia.:
,1-1.0)EB12C D#%67r%8m B0&/er
,1-1.0)EB1)C H#'8e T#e10:'
,1-1.0)F F#'#7#'8 C0'(re/e
,1-1.0)FB1C Ge'er%&
Strike off e3posed s6rfa7es of 7onso.idated 7on7rete to the .ines and ;rades shoDn: Pro<ide a 6niform
s6rfa7e te3t6re ha<in; the spe7ified finish Ditho6t 6nd6.ations or irre;6.arities:
The En;ineer determines the a77eptabi.ity of the s6rfa7e finishes:
Finish sideDa.ks) 76rbs) and stairDays on str67t6res 6nder se7tion 5-,- e37ept s6rfa7es are not marked:
,1-1.0)FB2C Or1#'%r3 S"r4%(e F#'#7
App.y ordinary s6rfa7e finish to a.. 7on7rete s6rfa7es as a fina. finish or before app.yin; a hi;her 7.ass
Ordinary s6rfa7e finish in7.6des:
#:; or depressions
2: Repairin; ro7k po7kets and 6nso6nd 7on7rete
-: Remo<in; fins and proIe7tions f.6sh to the s6rfa7e
4: Remo<in; stains and dis7o.orations <isib.e from tra<e.ed Days
&o6 do not need to remo<e fins from s6rfa7es that are b6ried 6nder;ro6nd or en7.osed:
Ordinary s6rfa7e finish m6st be the fina. finish for the fo..oDin; s6rfa7es:
#: !nders6rfa7es of s.ab spans) bo3 ;irders) spandre. ar7h spans) and f.oor s.abs betDeen ;irders of
2: Inside <erti7a. s6rfa7es of T ;irders of s6perstr67t6res
-: S6rfa7es to be b6ried 6nder;ro6nd or 7o<ered Dith embankment and s6rfa7es of 76.<erts abo<e
finished ;ro6nd that are not <isib.e from the tra<e.ed Day
Remo<e form bo.ts and meta. p.a7ed for yo6r 7on<enien7e to at .east # in7h be.oD the 7on7rete s6rfa7e:
C.ean and fi.. the res6.tin; Dith mortar: &o6 do not need to remo<e form bo.ts in bo3 ;irder 7e..s
e37ept yo6 m6st remo<e bo.ts f.6sh if de7k forms are remo<ed from the 7e..s:
Fi.. bo.t Dith mortar 6nder se7tion *#,#:%-E/21: Fi.. depressions and po7kets Dith pa7ked mortar or
shot7rete as determined by the En;ineer: C6re 6nder se7tion *#,#:%-?:
For e3posed s6rfa7es) add eno6;h Dhite 7ement to the pat7hin; materia. to mat7h the s6rro6ndin;
7on7rete after dryin;:
If the En;ineer determines that ro7k po7kets are e3tensi<e) remo<e and rep.a7e the affe7ted portions of
the str67t6re:
,1-1.0)FB)C C&% 1 S"r4%(e F#'#7
C.ass # s6rfa7e finish in7.6des finishin; 7on7rete s6rfa7es to prod67e smooth) e<en s6rfa7es of 6niform
te3t6re and appearan7e Ditho6t b6.;es) depressions) or other imperfe7tions: !se poDer 7arbor6nd6m
stones or disks to remo<e b6.;es and other imperfe7tions:
Do not app.y C.ass # s6rfa7e finish 6nti. a 6niform appearan7e 7an be attained:
Sand areas not 7omp.yin; Dith the C.ass # s6rfa7e finish reG6irements 6sin; poDer sanders or other
a6thoriHed abrasi<e means 6nti. the spe7ified s6rfa7e finish is attained:
C.ass # s6rfa7e finish m6st be the fina. s6rfa7e finish for the fo..oDin; s6rfa7es:
#: E37ept for those s6rfa7es .isted in ordinary s6rfa7e finish) the s6rfa7es of brid;e s6perstr67t6res)
in7.6din; the 6nders6rfa7es of de7k o<erhan;s
2: S6rfa7es of brid;e piers) 7o.6mns) and ab6tments) and retainin; Da..s abo<e finished ;ro6nd
and to at .east # foot be.oD finished ;ro6nd
-: S6rfa7es of open spandre. ar7h rin;s) spandre. 7o.6mns) and ab6tment toDers
4: S6rfa7es of pedestrian 6nder7rossin;s) e37ept f.oors and s6rfa7es to be 7o<ered Dith earth
*: S6rfa7es of 76.<ert headDa..s abo<e finished ;ro6nd and endDa..s <isib.e from a tra<e.ed Day
0: Interior s6rfa7es of 76.<ert barre.s ha<in; a hei;ht of 4 feet or more for a distan7e eG6a. to the 76.<ert
hei;ht Dhere <isib.e from a tra<e.ed Day
5: Interior s6rfa7es of p6mp ho6se motor and 7ontro. rooms and en;ine,;enerator rooms
+: S6rfa7es of;s
,1-1.0)FB+C C&% 2 S"r4%(e F#'#7
8here a C.ass 2 s6rfa7e finish is des7ribed:
#: App.y an ordinary s6rfa7e finish to the 7on7rete s6rfa7e:
2: Abrasi<e b.ast the s6rfa7e to a ro6;h te3t6re and then thoro6;h.y Dash the s6rfa7e Dith Dater:
-: Pne6mati7a..y app.y a mortar 7oat appro3imate.y #94 in7h thi7k in at .east 2 passes to the damp
s6rfa7e: The 7oatin; m6st firm.y bond to the 7on7rete s6rfa7e:
The mortar 7oat m6st 7onsist of either /#1 sand) port.and 7ement) and Dater) me7hani7a..y mi3ed before
enterin; the noHH.e or /21 premi3ed sand and port.and 7ement) Dith Dater added before .ea<in; the
noHH.e: The proportion of 7ement to sand m6st be at .east # to 4: !se sand Dith a ;radin; s6itab.e for the
&o6 may s6bstit6te 7ementitio6s materia. 7omp.yin; Dith se7tion $% for port.and 7ement: &o6 may 6se
admi3t6res spe7ified in se7tion $% if a6thoriHed:
Do not mortar 7oat areas Dhere brid;e name or other desi;nations are to be painted:
The 7oatin; s6rfa7e m6st be /#1 6niform Ditho6t 6nsi;ht.y b6.;es) depressions) or other imperfe7tions and
/21 as .eft by the noHH.e: Prote7t the 7oatin; from dama;e and keep it damp for - days after p.a7in;:
Remo<e and rep.a7e .oose areas of 7oatin;:
8here a C.ass 2 s6rfa7e finish is des7ribed for a pedestrian 6nder7rossin;) 6se si.i7a sand and Dhite
port.and 7ement:
,1-1.0)FB,C F#'#7#'8 R0%1:%3 S"r4%(e
,1-1.0)FB,CB%C Ge'er%&
Constr67t roadDay s6rfa7es of str67t6res) approa7h s.abs) s.eeper s.abs) and adIoinin; approa7h
pa<ement) and 7on7rete de7ks to be 7o<ered Dith another materia.) to the ;rade and 7ross se7tion
shoDn: S6rfa7es m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ified smoothness) s6rfa7e te3t6re) and s6rfa7e 7ra7k
The En;ineer sets de7k e.e<ation 7ontro. points for yo6r 6se in estab.ishin; the ;rade and 7ross se7tion
of the de7k s6rfa7e: The ;rade estab.ished by the de7k e.e<ation 7ontro. points in7.6des a.. 7amber
a..oDan7es: E.e<ation 7ontro. points Di.. not be 7.oser to;ether than appro3imate.y + feet .on;it6dina..y
and 24 feet trans<erse.y to the brid;e 7enter.ine:
"efore startin; 7on7rete p.a7ement for any de7k se7tion:
#: Set to ;rade a.. rai.s and headers 6sed to s6pport or 7ontro. the finishin; eG6ipment
2: Che7k rai.s and headers to ens6re the 7omp.eted de7k 7omp.ies Dith smoothness reG6irements
-: o<e the finishin; eG6ipment o<er the .en;th of the se7tion to 7he7k stee. and b6.khead 7.earan7es
De7k s6rfa7es and approa7h s.abs m6st ha<e a 6niform s6rfa7e te3t6re Dith a 7oeffi7ient of fri7tion of not
.ess than %:-* Dhen opened to traffi7 or before sea. 7oats are p.a7ed) Dhi7he<er o776rs first:
Comp.ete the smoothness testin; and any reG6ired ;rindin; before app.yin; sea. 7oats:
Finish brid;e de7ks to be 7o<ered Dith membrane sea.s to a smooth s6rfa7e free of mortar rid;es and
other proIe7tions: The 7oeffi7ient of fri7tion reG6irements do not app.y for these brid;e de7ks:
8here a f6t6re Didenin; is shoDn) strike off de7k s6rfa7es 6nder 76rbs);s) barriers) and sideDa.ks
to the same p.ane as the roadDay and .ea<e 6ndist6rbed:
,1-1.0)FB,CB.C Br#18e De(; S"r4%(e Te</"re
,1-1.0)G C0'(re/e S"r4%(e Te</"re
,1-1.0)GB1C Ge'er%&
Pro<ide the 7on7rete s6rfa7e te3t6res shoDn: The En;ineer determines the a77eptabi.ity of the s6rfa7e
Fra7t6red rib te3t6re m6st 7onsist of strai;ht ribs of 7on7rete Dith a fra7t6red te3t6re on the raised s6rfa7e
betDeen ribs: =roo<es betDeen ribs m6st be /#1 7ontin6o6s Dith no apparent 76r<es or dis7ontin6ities
and /21 strai;ht to Dithin #94 in7h in #% feet: The te3t6re m6st ha<e random shadoD patterns: "roken
7on7rete at adIoinin; ribs and ;ro6ps of ribs m6st ha<e a random pattern: The te3t6re m6st not ha<e
repetiti<e fra7t6red s6rfa7es or se7ondary shadoD patterns:
?ea<y b.ast te3t6re m6st 7onsist of an abrasi<e,b.asted 7on7rete s6rfa7e of 6niform 7o.or and sandy
te3t6re Dith air and Dater in the 7on7rete partia..y e3posed:
Formed re.ief te3t6re m6st 7onsist of a formed re.ief 7onstr67ted to the dimensions and shapes shoDn
Dith a C.ass # s6rfa7e finish: Interse7tin; 7orners of p.ane s6rfa7es m6st be sharp and 7risp Ditho6t
easin; or ro6ndin;:
Constr67t a test pane. for ea7h type of 7on7rete s6rfa7e te3t6re shoDn:
C6re 7on7rete s6rfa7e te3t6res by the forms,in,p.a7e or Dater methods:
,1-1.0)GB2C F0rm L#'er
!se form .iners for 7on7rete s6rfa7e te3t6res e37ept for hea<y b.ast and formed re.ief te3t6res: Other
formin; methods m6st be a6thoriHed:
Form .iners m6st /#1 be man6fa7t6red from an e.astomeri7 materia. by a man6fa7t6rer of 7ommer7ia..y
a<ai.ab.e 7on7rete form .iners and /21 .ea<e a 7risp) sharp definition of the 7on7rete s6rfa7e te3t6re:
Form .iners m6st 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Property Test ReG6irement
Shore A hardness AST D 224% *%B$%
Tensi.e stren;th AST D 4#2 #)%%% psi min
Comp.y Dith the form .iner man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions for 6se:
Sea. and repair 76ts and tears in form .iners 6nder the form .iner man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions: Do not 6se
form .iners that are de.aminated or deformed:
E3tend form .iners the f6.. .en;th of te3t6rin;) Dith trans<erse Ioints at +,foot minim6m spa7in;: Do not 6se
sma.. pie7es of form .iners: A.i;n ;roo<es strai;ht and tr6e: =roo<es m6st mat7h at Ioints betDeen form
.iners: For ;roo<ed patterns) Ioints in the dire7tion of ;roo<es m6st be .o7ated in depressions: "6tt
adIoinin; .iners to;ether Ditho6t distortion) open 7ra7ks) or offsets: C.ean Ioints betDeen .iners and
remo<e mortar before 6se:
Adhesi<es m6st be 7ompatib.e Dith the form .iner materia. and the 7on7rete: Adhesi<es m6st be
re7ommended by the .iner man6fa7t6rer and not 7a6se; of the .iner materia.:
Cast form .iner patterns to pre<ent re76rrin; te3t6ra. 7onfi;6rations e3hibited by repeatin;) re7o;niHab.e
shadoD patterns: Remo<e s6rfa7es Dith re76rrin; te3t6ra. 7onfi;6rations by reDorkin; 6sin; a6thoriHed
methods or by rep.a7ement:
!se form re.ease a;ents re7ommended by the form .iner man6fa7t6rer: Re.ease a;ents m6st not:
#: Ca6se; of the .iner materia.
2: Ca6se de.amination from the forms
-: Stain the 7on7rete
4: Rea7t Dith the .iner materia.
Coat form .iners Dith a thin fi.m of re.ease a;ent: For te3t6res Dith .on;it6dina. patterns) app.y the re.ease
a;ent 6sin; a nat6ra. brist.e br6sh in the dire7tion of the pattern: C.ean e37ess re.ease a;ent from .iners
6sin; 7ompressed air: Remo<e re.ease a;ent b6i.d6p d6e to .iner re6se at .east e<ery * 6ses:
Form .iners m6st re.ease Ditho6t .ea<in; pie7es of .iner on the 7on7rete or remo<in; 7on7rete from the
E37ept for formed re.ief te3t6res) abrasi<e b.ast 7on7rete s6rfa7e te3t6res Dith fine abrasi<e after
remo<in; forms to remo<e sheen Ditho6t e3posin; 7oarse a;;re;ate:
,1-1.0)H C"r#'8 C0'(re/e S/r"(/"re
E37ept for brid;e de7ks) 76re neD.y p.a7ed 7on7rete for CIP str67t6res 6sin; the Dater method or the
forms,in,p.a7e method 6nder se7tion $%,#:%-":
C6re the top s6rfa7e of brid;e de7ks 6sin; both the 76rin; 7ompo6nd method and the Dater method: The
76rin; 7ompo6nd m6st be 76rin; 7ompo6nd no: #:
C6re the top s6rfa7e of brid;e de7ks to be sea.ed Dith b6ty. r6bber membrane 6sin; on.y the Dater
For brid;e de7ks and s.abs 6sin; the Dater method Ditho6t a 76rin; medi6m) keep the entire s6rfa7e
damp by app.yin; Dater Dith an atomiHin; noHH.e that forms a mist and not a spray 6nti. the 7on7rete has
set: After the 7on7rete has set) 7ontin6o6s.y sprink.e the entire 7on7rete s6rfa7e Dith Dater for at .east 5
&o6 may 6se a pi;mented 76rin; 7ompo6nd 7omp.yin; Dith se7tion $%,#:%-"/-1 for the fo..oDin;:
#: Con7rete s6rfa7es of 7onstr67tion Ioints
2: Con7rete s6rfa7es that are to be b6ried 6nder;ro6nd
-: Con7rete s6rfa7es not <isib.e from a p6b.i7 tra<e.ed Day) Dhere on.y a ordinary s6rfa7e finish is to be
app.ied and a 6niform 7o.or is not reG6ired
If yo6 6se the 76rin; 7ompo6nd method on the bottom s.ab of bo3 ;irder spans) the 76rin; 7ompo6nd
m6st be 76rin; 7ompo6nd no: #:
8hen ordered d6rin; periods of hot Deather) app.y Dater to 7on7rete s6rfa7es bein; 76red by the 76rin;
7ompo6nd method or by the forms,in,p.a7e method 6nti. the En;ineer determines that a; effe7t is
no .on;er reG6ired: This is 7han;e order Dork:
For RSC 6sin; port.and 7ement:
#: C6re the 7on7rete 6sin; the 76rin; 7ompo6nd method: Fo;;in; of the s6rfa7e Dith Dater after the
76rin; 7ompo6nd has been app.ied is not reG6ired:
2: Immediate.y repair any dama;e to the fi.m of the 76rin; 7ompo6nd Dith additiona. 76rin; 7ompo6nd:
Do not repair dama;e to the 76rin; 7ompo6nd after the 7on7rete is opened to traffi7:
-: Co<er the s6rfa7e Dith an ins6.atin; .ayer or b.anket Dhen the ambient temperat6re is be.oD 0*
de;rees F d6rin; the 76rin; period: The ins6.ation .ayer or b.anket m6st ha<e the R,<a.6e ratin;
shoDn in the tab.e be.oD: A heatin; tent may be 6sed instead of or in 7ombination Dith the ins6.atin;
.ayer or b.anket:
Temperat6re ran;e d6rin;
76rin; period /]F1
R,<a.6e ratin;) min
**B0* #
4*B** 2
-$B4* -
,1-1.0)I Pr0/e(/#'8 C0'(re/e S/r"(/"re
aintain 7on7rete at a temperat6re of not .ess than 4* de;rees F for 52 ho6rs after p.a7in; and at not
.ess than 4% de;rees F for an additiona. 4 days:
,1-1.0+ PAYMENT
If 7on7rete in<o.<ed in brid;e Dork is not desi;nated by type and is not otherDise paid for 6nder a
separate bid item) the 7on7rete is paid for as str67t6ra. 7on7rete) brid;e:
The Department does not ded67t the <o.6me of bar reinfor7in; stee.) str67t6ra. stee.) prestressin;
materia.s) or; from the str67t6ra. 7on7rete G6antity:
For sea. 7o6rse 7on7rete) the ma3im6m <o.6me to be paid is the <o.6me 7ontained betDeen <erti7a.
p.anes # foot o6tside the neat .ines of the sea. 7o6rse shoDn: No adI6stment to 6nit pri7e is made for
in7reases or de7reases in the G6antity of sea. 7o6rse 7on7rete:
Payment for bar reinfor7in; stee.) str67t6re e37a<ation) and str67t6re ba7kfi.. 6sed in 7onstr67tin;
str67t6ra. 7on7rete for so6nd Da..s is in7.6ded in the payment for str67t6ra. 7on7rete /so6nd Da..1:
Payment for str67t6re e37a<ation and str67t6re ba7kfi.. 6sed in 7onstr67tin; str67t6ra. 7on7rete for bo3
76.<erts is in7.6ded in the payment for str67t6ra. 7on7rete) bo3 76.<ert:
Str67t6ra. 7on7rete for pier 7o.6mns is meas6red as fo..oDs:
#: ?oriHonta. .imits are <erti7a. p.anes at the neat .ines of the pier 7o.6mn shoDn:
2: "ottom .imit is the bottom of the fo6ndation e37a<ation in the 7omp.eted Dork:
-: !pper .imit is the top of the pier 7o.6mn 7on7rete as shoDn:
,1-2.01 GENERAL
,1-2.01A Ge'er%&
,1-2.01AB1C S"mm%r3
Se7tion *#,2:%# in7.6des ;enera. spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin;);) and prote7tin; Ioints in 7on7rete
,1-2.01AB2C De4#'#/#0'
,1-2.01AB)C S".m#//%&
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e for po.yethy.ene materia. for snoD p.oD def.e7tors:
,1-2.01AB+C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
,1-2.01B M%/er#%&
,1-2.01BB1C Ge'er%&
Premo.ded e3pansion Ioint m6st 7omp.y Dith AST D #5*#:
E3panded po.ystyrene m6st be 7ommer7ia..y a<ai.ab.e po.ystyrene board Dith /#1 a f.e36ra. stren;th of at
.east -* psi Dhen tested 6nder AST C 2%- and /21 a 7ompressi<e yie.d stren;th from #0 to 4% psi at *
per7ent 7ompression: Fa7e the s6rfa7es of e3panded po.ystyrene that 7on7rete is p.a7ed a;ainst Dith #9+,
in7h,thi7k hardboard 7omp.yin; Dith ANSI A#-*:4: &o6 may 6se other fa7in; materia.s that pro<ide
eG6i<a.ent prote7tion: Se76re the hardboard 6sin; nai.s) Daterproof adhesi<e) or other a6thoriHed means:
,1-2.01BB2C E<6%'#0' E0#'/ Arm0r
Fabri7ate e3pansion Ioint armor from stee. p.ates) an;.es) or other str67t6ra. shapes 6nder se7tion 5*:
Shape the armor to the se7tion of the 7on7rete de7k and mat7h,mark it in the shop:
,1-2.01BB)C S'0:6&0: De4&e(/0r
SnoDp.oD def.e7tors m6st 7onsist of 6.tra,hi;h,,Dei;ht po.yethy.ene p.ates Dith an7hora;e
An7hora;e de<i7es m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A 250) type !NS S-22%* or S-#+%-:
!.tra,hi;h,,Dei;ht po.yethy.ene p.ates m6st be !( stabi.iHed and 7omp.y Dith AST D 4%2%
and the reG6irements shoDn the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Property Test method ReG6irement
Density AST D 5$2 *+ p7f) min
Tensi.e stren;th) 6.timate AST D 0-+ *)+%% psi) min
Tensi.e stren;th) yie.d AST D 0-+ 2)5*% psi) min
E.on;ation at break AST D 0-+ 2$%\
?ardness AST D 224%) Shore D 0% min; and bondin; an7hora;e de<i7es m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for; and bondin;
doDe.s in se7tion *#,#:%-E/-1:
8here shoDn) app.y a thread .o7kin; system to the an7hora;e de<i7es 6nder se7tion 5*,#:%-:
,1-2.01C C0'/r"(/#0'
Constr67t open Ioints 6sin; a s6itab.e materia. that yo6 s6bseG6ent.y remo<e: Do not 7hip or break
7on7rete 7orners Dhen remo<in; the materia.: Reinfor7ement m6st not e3tend a7ross an open Ioint:
For fi..ed Ioints) p.a7e premo.ded or e3panded po.ystyrene Ioint in position before p.a7in; 7on7rete:
Fi.. and Ioints Dith masti7 to pre<ent the passa;e of mortar or 7on7rete:
Finish 7on7rete ed;es at Ioints 6sin; an ed;er:
Strai;hten Darped se7tions of e3pansion Ioint armor before p.a7in;: !se positi<e methods to ho.d
assemb.ies in the 7orre7t position d6rin; 7on7rete p.a7ement:
,1-2.01D P%3me'/
Not !sed
,1-2.02A Ge'er%&
,1-2.02AB1C Ge'er%&
,1-2.02AB1CB%C S"mm%r3
Se7tion *#,2:%2 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for fabri7atin; and; sea.ed Ioints:
Sea.ed Ioints m6st:
#: "e in p.anned position
2: Resist the intr6sion of forei;n materia. and Dater
-: Pro<ide b6mp,free passa;e of traffi7
R is meas6red norma. to the .on;it6dina. Ioint a3is:
!se the sea. type shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e for the R shoDn:
o<ement ratin; Sea. type
R # in7h Type A or "
# in7h K R 2 in7hes Type "
2 in7hes K R 4 in7hes Strip sea. Ioint sea. assemb.y
R > 4 in7hes 6nit Ioint sea. assemb.y or seismi7 Ioint
,1-2.02AB1CB.C De4#'#/#0'
,1-2.02AB1CB(C S".m#//%&
S6bmit a Dork for 7.eanin; e3pansion Ioints: In7.6de detai.s for pre<entin; materia.) eG6ipment) or
debris from; onto traffi7 or rai.road property:
,1-2.02AB1CB1C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
,1-2.02AB2C M%/er#%&
&o6 may 7.ean and paint meta. s6rfa7es of Ioint sea. assemb.ies instead of ;a.<aniHin;: C.eanin; and
paintin; m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for neD str67t6ra. stee. in se7tion *$,2 e37ept SSPC,@P #)
SSPC,@P 2) and SSPC,@P - 7ertifi7ations are not reG6ired: Finish 7oats are not reG6ired: Do not paint
stain.ess stee. or an7hora;es embedded in 7on7rete:
,1-2.02AB)C C0'/r"(/#0'
The En;ineer may order yo6 to insta.. a Ioint sea. .ar;er than reG6ired by the R: This is 7han;e order
The Ioint openin; at the time of p.a7ement m6st be that shoDn adI6sted for temperat6re: Do not impair
the Ioint 7.earan7e:
Co<er or otherDise prote7t Ioints at a.. times before Ioint sea.s are insta..ed: Do not a..oD debris or forei;n
materia. to enter Ioints:
C.ean e3pansion Ioints at e3istin; brid;es before; Ioint sea.s: Remo<e a.. e3istin; sea. materia.)
dirt) debris) dama;ed Daterstops) and Ioint !se methods that do not dama;e e3istin; so6nd
(erify the Ioint siHe after 7.eanin;:
C.ean e3istin; Ioints Dith 6ndama;ed Daterstops to the top of the Daterstop 6n.ess the Daterstop is to be
C.ean e3istin; Ioints Ditho6t Daterstops and Ioints Dith dama;ed Daterstops doDn to the hin;e or bearin;
Repair Ioint dama;e as ordered:
C.eanin; Ioints be.oD e3istin; Daterstops that are dama;ed and repairin; e3istin; Ioint dama;e is 7han;e
order Dork:
,1-2.02AB+C P%3me'/
Coint sea.s and Ioint sea. assemb.ies are meas6red from end to end a.on; the 7enter.ine of the 7omp.eted
sea.) in7.6din; ret6rn se7tions and 76rb fa7es:
,1-2.02B T36e A %'1 AL E0#'/ Se%&
,1-2.02BB1C Ge'er%&
,1-2.02BB1CB%C S"mm%r3
Se7tion *#,2:%2" in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for; Type A and AL Ioints sea.s:
Type A and AL Ioint sea.s 7onsist of fie.d,mi3ed si.i7one sea.ant p.a7ed in ;roo<es in the 7on7rete:
,1-2.02BB1CB.C De4#'#/#0'
,1-2.02BB1CB(C S".m#//%&
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e and 7ertified test report for ea7h bat7h of sea.ant:
At .east -% days before 6se) s6bmit #,G6art test of the fo..oDin; to ETS:
#: "oth 7omponents from ea7h bat7h of sea.ant
2: an6fa7t6rer,reG6ired primers
,1-2.02BB1CB1C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
The Department tests sea.ants 6nder Ca.ifornia Test 4-*:
,1-2.02BB2C M%/er#%&
The sea.ant m6st be a 2,7omponent si.i7one type that Dithstands a Z*% per7ent mo<ement:
The sea.ant m6st 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Property Test method ReG6irement
od6.6s at #*% per7ent
Ca.ifornia Test 4-* +B5* psi
Re7o<ery Ca.ifornia Test 4-* 2#9-2 in7h ma3
Not7h test Ca.ifornia Test 4-* Not7hed or .oss of bond) #94 in7h ma3
8ater resistan7e Ca.ifornia Test 4-* Not7hed or .oss of bond) #94 in7h ma3
!.tra< e3pos6re Ca.ifornia Test 4-* No more than s.i;ht 7ra7kin; or 7he7kin;
Cone penetration Ca.ifornia Test 4-* 4:*B#2:% mm
The sea.ant m6st be se.f,.e<; and 76re rapid.y eno6;h to not f.oD on ;rades 6p to #* per7ent:
Labe. sea.ant 7ontainers or pro<ide identifi7ation ti7kets for tanks of 2,7omponent materia.: In7.6de the
#: ateria. desi;nation
2: Lot n6mber
-: an6fa7t6rerFs name and instr67tions for 6se
4: Dates of man6fa7t6re) pa7kin;) and e3piration
Do not 6se materia. that has e3pired 6n.ess it is retested and a6thoriHed:
Po.yethy.ene foam or rod sto7k for retainin; sea.ant m6st be 7ommer7ia. G6a.ity Dith a 7ontin6o6s)
imper<io6s ;.aHed s6rfa7e:
,1-2.02BB)C C0'/r"(/#0'
,1-2.02BB)CB%C Ge'er%&
Do not 6se sea.ant or adhesi<e that has skinned o<er or 7annot be redispersed by hand stirrin;:
Abrasi<e b.ast 7.ean Ioints and remo<e forei;n materia. Dith hi;h,press6re air immediate.y before; sea.s: Prote7t Daterstops d6rin; 7.eanin;:
Coint s6rfa7es m6st be s6rfa7e dry Dhen sea.s are p.a7ed:
P.a7e the sea.ant 6sin; eG6ipment that mi3es and e3tr6des the sea.ant into the Ioint: The eG6ipment and
the sea.ant p.a7ement m6st be as re7ommended by the sea.ant man6fa7t6rer:
Do not 6se .iG6id 7omponents that ha<e been e3posed to air for more than 24 ho6rs:
,1-2.02BB)CB.C T36e A Se%& Pre6%r%/#0'
For Type A Ioint sea.s) do not start 76ttin; ;roo<es 6nti. Ioint materia. is de.i<ered to the Iob site:
C6t ;roo<es in the 7on7rete 6sin; saDs ha<in; diamond b.ades Dith at .east a -9#0,in7h thi7kness: The
#st pass depth for ;roo<e sides m6st be at .east 2 in7hes: The top Didth m6st be Dithin #9+ in7h of
spe7ified Didth and the bottom Didth m6st not <ary from the top by more than #9#0 in7h for e<ery 2 in7hes
of depth:
C6ttin; ;roo<es in e3istin; de7ks in7.6des 76ttin; 7onf.i7tin; reinfor7in; stee.:
SaD 76ttin; ;roo<es is not reG6ired at the fo..oDin; .o7ations:
#: Coints armored Dith meta.
2: Coints in 76rbs) sideDa.ks) barriers) and;s) if ;roo<es are formed to the reG6ired dimensions
-: E3istin; Ioints Dhere Type A sea.s are to be insta..ed
Remo<e a.. materia. from the de7k Ioint to the bottom of the saD 76t: Remo<e forei;n materia. from Ioints
in 76rbs) sideDa.ks) barriers);s) and de7k s.ab o<erhan;s:
The En;ineer may order yo6 to saD 76t ;roo<es at e3istin; Ioints to be sea.ed Dith a Type A Ioint sea.:
This is 7han;e order Dork:
Repair spa..s) fra7t6res) or <oids in the ;roo<ed s6rfa7e at .east 04 ho6rs before; the Ioint sea.:
"e<e. the .ips of saD 76ts by ;rindin;:
,1-2.02BB)CB(C T36e AL Se%& Pre6%r%/#0'
For Type AL Ioint sea.s) remo<e e3panded po.ystyrene and forei;n materia. to the depth of the Ioint sea.:
=rind or ed;e the .ip of the Ioint:
,1-2.02BB+C P%3me'/
Not !sed
,1-2.02C T36e B E0#'/ Se%&
,1-2.02CB1C Ge'er%&
,1-2.02CB1CB%C S"mm%r3
Se7tion *#,2:%2C in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for; Type " Ioint sea.s:
Type " Ioint sea.s 7onsist of preformed e.astomeri7 Ioint sea.s p.a7ed in ;roo<es in the 7on7rete:
,1-2.02CB1CB.C De4#'#/#0'
,1-2.02CB1CB(C S".m#//%&
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e Dith 7ertified test report for ea7h .ot of e.astomeri7 Ioint sea. and
.6bri7ant,adhesi<e: Test reports m6st in7.6de the sea. R) the man6fa7t6rerFs minim6m 6n7ompressed
Didth) and test res6.ts:
S6bmit Ioint sea. test se.e7ted by the En;ineer for testin; Dith 7ertifi7ates of 7omp.ian7e at .east
-% days before 6se:
,1-2.02CB1CB1C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
The En;ineer se.e7ts test of Ioint sea. materia. and .6bri7ant,adhesi<e at random from ea7h .ot of
materia.: Test are se.e7ted from sto7k at the Iob site or at a .o7ation a77eptab.e to the En;ineer
and the man6fa7t6rer: Coint sea. test m6st be at .east - feet .on;:
Demonstrate the adeG6a7y of insta..ation pro7ed6res for Type " sea.s before startin; insta..ation
,1-2.02CB2C M%/er#%&
Preformed e.astomeri7 Ioint sea.s m6st:
#: Comp.y Dith AST D 202+
2: Consist of a m6.ti,7hanne.) nonporo6s) homo;eneo6s materia. f6rnished in a finished) e3tr6ded form
-: ?a<e a minim6m sea. depth at the 7onta7t s6rfa7e of at .east $* per7ent of the minim6m
6n7ompressed sea. Didth desi;nated by the man6fa7t6rer
4: Pro<ide a R of at .east that shoDn Dhen tested 6nder Ca.ifornia Test 05-
*: ?a<e the top and bottom ed;es in 7ontin6o6s 7onta7t Dith the sides of the ;roo<e thro6;ho6t the
entire ran;e of Ioint mo<ement
0: "e f6rnished f6.. .en;th for ea7h Ioint Dith at most # shop sp.i7e in any 0%,foot .en;th
For sea.s that Do6.d admit Dater or debris) fi.. ea7h 7e.. to a depth of - in7hes at the open ends Dith open,
7e.. po.y6rethane foam or 7.ose the 7e..s by other a6thoriHed means:
&o6 may make # fie.d sp.i7e per Ioint if a6thoriHed: Sp.i7e .o7ations and methods m6st be a6thoriHed:
Sea.s m6st be man6fa7t6red f6.. .en;th and then 76t at the sp.i7e .o7ation and remat7hed before sp.i7in;:
Shop and fie.d sp.i7es m6st ha<e no <isib.e offset of e3terior s6rfa7es and no e<iden7e of bond fai.6re:
Combination .6bri7ant,adhesi<e m6st 7omp.y Dith AST D 4%5%:
,1-2.02CB)C C0'/r"(/#0'
Prepare Ioints 6nder se7tion *#,2:%2"/-1/b1 e37ept remo<e a.. materia. from the de7k Ioint to the top of
the Daterstop or to the depth of the sea. to be insta..ed p.6s - in7hes:
Thoro6;h.y 7.ean 7onta7t s6rfa7es and s6rfa7es #92 in7h from either ed;e of the ;roo<e immediate.y
before app.yin; the .6bri7ant,adhesi<e: Libera..y app.y the .6bri7ant,adhesi<e to <erti7a. ;roo<e s6rfa7es
and the sides of the Ioint sea. 6nder the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions:
Insta.. Ioint sea.s f6.. .en;th for ea7h Ioint 6sin; eG6ipment that does not distort or dama;e the sea. or the
7on7rete: The top ed;es of the insta..ed sea. m6st be in a p.ane norma. to the sides of the ;roo<e:
,1-2.02CB+C P%3me'/
Not !sed
,1-2.02D E0#'/ Se%& Aem.&#e :#/7 % M0$eme'/ R%/#'8 04 + #'(7e 0r Le
,1-2.02DB1C Ge'er%&
,1-2.02DB1CB%C S"mm%r3
Se7tion *#,2:%2D in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for fabri7atin; and; Ioint sea. assemb.ies Dith a R of 4
in7hes or .ess:
Coint sea. assemb.ies Dith a R of 4 in7hes or .ess m6st 7onsist of meta. or meta. and e.astomeri7
assemb.ies p.a7ed in re7esses o<er Ioints: Strip sea. Ioint sea. assemb.ies 7onsist of a # Ioint 7e..:
If a6thoriHed) yo6 may 6se an a.ternati<e Ioint sea. assemb.y if:
#: @6a.ity of the a.ternati<e assemb.y and its s6itabi.ity for the intended app.i7ation are at .east eG6a. to
that of the Ioint sea. assemb.y shoDn: The fa7tors to be 7onsidered in7.6de the abi.ity of the assemb.y
to resist the intr6sion of forei;n materia. and Dater thro6;ho6t the f6.. ran;e of mo<ement for the
app.i7ation and the abi.ity to f6n7tion Ditho6t distress to any 7omponent:
2: A.ternati<e Ioint sea. assemb.y has had at .east # year of pro<en satisfa7tory ser<i7e 6nder 7onditions to those des7ribed:
,1-2.02DB1CB.C De4#'#/#0'
,1-2.02DB1CB(C S".m#//%&
,1-2.02DB1CB(CB#C Ge'er%&
For a.ternati<e Ioint sea. assemb.ies) s6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e for ea7h shipment of Ioint sea.
materia.s: The 7ertifi7ate m6st state that the materia.s and fabri7ation in<o.<ed 7omp.y Dith the
spe7ifi7ations and the data s6bmitted in obtainin; the a6thoriHation for the a.ternati<e Ioint sea. assemb.y:
,1-2.02DB1CB(CB##C S706 Dr%:#'8
For a.ternati<e Ioint sea. assemb.ies) s6bmit * sets of shop draDin;s for ea7h Ioint sea. assemb.y to OSD)
Do76ments !nit: Notify the En;ineer of yo6r s6bmitta.: In7.6de in the notifi7ation the date and 7ontents of
the s6bmitta.:
After re<ieD) s6bmit 0 to #2 sets) as reG6ested) for fina. a6thoriHation and 6se d6rin; 7onstr67tion: In7.6de
detai.s of the Ioint sea. assemb.y and an7hora;e 7omponents) method of insta..ation) b.o7ko6t detai.s) and
additions or rearran;ements of reinfor7in; stee.:
If reG6ested) s6bmit s6pp.ementa. 7a.76.ations for ea7h proposed a.ternati<e Ioint sea. assemb.y:
In7.6de in the shop draDin;s the therma. eG6ation for settin; the minim6m Ioint openin; at insta..ation:
Shop draDin;s and 7a.76.ations m6st be sea.ed and si;ned by an en;ineer Dho is re;istered as a 7i<i.
A..oD 2* days for the DepartmentFs re<ieD:
S6bmit # 7orre7ted set to OSD) Do76ments !nit) for ea7h Ioint sea. assemb.y Dithin 2% days of fina.
,1-2.02DB1CB1C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
,1-2.02DB2C M%/er#%&
,1-2.02DB2CB%C Ge'er%&
eta. parts m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 5*,#:%-:
"o.ts) n6ts) and Dashers m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A -2*:
Sheet neoprene m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for neoprene in se7tion *#,2:%4: Fabri7ate sheet
neoprene to fit the Ioint sea. assemb.y a776rate.y:
,1-2.02DB2CB.C A&/er'%/#$e E0#'/ Se%& Aem.&#e
A.ternati<e Ioint sea. assemb.ies m6st ha<e CIP an7hora;e 7omponents for 7astin; into the de7k:
The an7hora;e 7omponents m6st in7.6de an7hor st6ds spa7ed at a ma3im6m of 4,#92 in7hes: The st6ds
m6st be at .east *9+ in7h in diameter and + in7hes .on;) e37ept the st6ds may be 0 in7hes .on; in the
Instead of 7omp.yin; Dith se7tion 5*,#:%-) meta. parts may 7omp.y Dith AST A *529A *52:
E.astomer m6st be neoprene 7omp.yin; Dith the reG6irements shoDn in Tab.e # of AST D 202+) e37ept
re7o<ery and 7ompression,def.e7tion tests are not reG6ired) and the reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin;
Property Test method ReG6irement
?ardness) Type A d6rometer AST D 224%
**B5% points
Compression set) 5% ho6rs at
#%% ]C
AST D -$*
4% per7ent ma3
The desi;n .oadin; m6st be the AAS?TO LRFD "rid;e Desi;n Spe7ifi7ations Desi;n Tr67k Dith #%%
per7ent dynami7 .oad a..oDan7e: The tire 7onta7t area m6st be #% in7hes meas6red norma. to the
.on;it6dina. assemb.y a3is by 2% in7hes Dide: The assemb.y m6st pro<ide a smooth,ridin; Ioint Ditho6t
s.appin; of 7omponents or tire r6mb.e:
The R of the assemb.y m6st be meas6red norma. to the .on;it6dina. a3is of the assemb.y: Dimensions
for positionin; the assemb.y Dithin the R d6rin; insta..ation m6st be meas6red norma. to the .on;it6dina.
a3is: Do not 7onsider skeD of the de7k e3pansion Ioint:
The ma3im6m depth and Didth of the re7ess m6st be s67h that the primary reinfor7ement pro<idin; the
ne7essary stren;th of the str67t6ra. members is o6tside the re7ess: The ma3im6m depth at ab6tments
and hin;es is #% in7hes: The ma3im6m Didth on ea7h side of the e3pansion Ioint is #2 in7hes:
?oriHonta. an;.e points and <erti7a. 7orners at 76rbs m6st be premo.ded se7tions or standard se7tions of
the assemb.y that ha<e been miter 76t or bent to fit:
,1-2.02DB)C C0'/r"(/#0'
De7k s6rfa7es m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *#,#:%-F/*1 before p.a7in; and an7horin; Ioint sea. assemb.ies:
Preassemb.e meta. parts of assemb.ies before insta..ation to <erify ;eometry:
E37ept for primary reinfor7ement) 7ontin6e reinfor7ement thro6;h the re7ess 7onstr67tion Ioint into the
re7ess and en;a;e an7hora;e 7omponents of the assemb.y:
Thoro6;h.y 7.ean Ioints immediate.y before; sheet neoprene: Insta.. sheet neoprene at s67h time
that it Di.. not be dama;ed by 7onstr67tion a7ti<ities:
P.a7e the assemb.y in the b.o7ked,o6t re7ess in the 7on7rete de7k s6rfa7e: The depth and Didth of the
re7ess m6st a..oD the insta..ation of the assemb.y an7hora;e 7omponents or an7hora;e bearin; s6rfa7e
to the .ines and ;rades shoDn:
For a.ternati<e Ioint sea. assemb.ies) insta.. e.astomer 6nder the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions: Thoro6;h.y
7.ean the Ioint and b.o7ko6t immediate.y before e.astomer insta..ation: Do not dama;e the insta..ed
e.astomer d6rin; 7onstr67tion a7ti<ities:
,1-2.02DB+C P%3me'/
Not !sed
,1-2.02E E0#'/ Se%& Aem.&#e :#/7 % M0$eme'/ R%/#'8 O$er + #'(7e
,1-2.02EB1C Ge'er%&
,1-2.02EB1CB%C S"mm%r3
Se7tion *#,2:%2E in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for fabri7atin; and; Ioint sea. assemb.ies Dith a R o<er
4 in7hes:
Coint sea. assemb.ies and seismi7 Ioints 7onsist of meta. or meta. and e.astomeri7 assemb.ies that are
an7hored or 7ast into a re7ess in the 7on7rete o<er the Ioint:
Coint sea. assemb.ies m6st 7onsist of a meta. frame system) s6pportin; rai.s) and s6pport bars Dith
inter<enin; neoprene ;.ands:
Coint sea. assemb.ies Di.. not be a6thoriHed Ditho6t e<iden7e of # year of satisfa7tory ser<i7e 6nder 7onditions:
A G6a.ified representati<e of the assemb.y man6fa7t6rer m6st be present d6rin; the insta..ation of the #st
assemb.y and a<ai.ab.e d6rin; remainin; insta..ations:
,1-2.02EB1CB.C De4#'#/#0'
,1-2.02EB1CB(C S".m#//%&
S6bmit shop draDin;s for ea7h Ioint sea. assemb.y to OSD) Do76ments !nit: Notify the En;ineer of yo6r
s6bmitta.: In7.6de in the notifi7ation the date and 7ontents of the s6bmitta.:
After re<ieD) s6bmit 0 to #2 sets) as reG6ested) for fina. a6thoriHation and 6se d6rin; 7onstr67tion: In7.6de
detai.s of the Ioint sea. assemb.y and an7hora;e 7omponents) method of insta..ation) b.o7ko6t detai.s) and
additions or rearran;ements of reinfor7in; stee.:
If reG6ested) s6bmit s6pp.ementa. 7a.76.ations for ea7h proposed a.ternati<e Ioint sea. assemb.y:
Shop draDin;s and 7a.76.ations m6st be sea.ed and si;ned by an en;ineer Dho is re;istered as a 7i<i.
A..oD -% days for the DepartmentFs re<ieD:
S6bmit # 7orre7ted set to OSD) Do76ments !nit) for ea7h Ioint sea. assemb.y Dithin 2% days of
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e for ea7h shipment of Ioint sea. assemb.y materia.s:
,1-2.02EB1CB1C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
,1-2.02EB1CBeC De#8' Re!"#reme'/
If the assemb.y 7onsists of more than # 7omponent) desi;n the assemb.y s67h that the e3terna.
7omponents 7an be remo<ed and reinsta..ed at any position Dithin the .ar;er ha.f of the R to a..oD for
inspe7tion of the interna. 7omponents:
The desi;n .oadin; m6st be the AAS?TO LRFD "rid;e Desi;n Spe7ifi7ations Desi;n Tr67k Dith #%%
per7ent dynami7 .oad a..oDan7e: The tire 7onta7t area m6st be #% in7hes meas6red norma. to the
.on;it6dina. assemb.y a3is by 2% in7hes Dide: The assemb.y m6st pro<ide a smooth,ridin; Ioint Ditho6t
s.appin; of 7omponents or tire r6mb.e:
The ma3im6m Didth of 6ns6pported or yie.din; 7omponents or ;roo<es in the roadDay s6rfa7e of the
assemb.y m6st be - in7hes meas6red in the dire7tion of < traffi7:
The assemb.y m6st ha<e CIP an7hora;e 7omponents that form a me7hani7a. 7onne7tion betDeen the
Ioint 7omponents and the 7on7rete de7k:
,1-2.02EB2C M%/er#%&
Neoprene ;.ands m6st 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements shoDn in Tab.e # of AST D 202+) e37ept re7o<ery
and 7ompression,def.e7tion tests are not reG6ired) and the reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Property Test method ReG6irement
?ardness) Type A d6rometer AST D 224%
**B5% points
Compression set) 5% ho6rs at
#%% ]C
AST D -$*
4% per7ent ma3
eta. parts of the Ioint sea. assemb.y m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 5*,#:%- or AST A *529A *52: "o.ts)
n6ts) and Dashers m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for ?S stee. fastener assemb.ies in se7tion 5*,
An7hora;e 7omponents m6st in7.6de an7hor st6ds spa7ed at a ma3im6m of 4,#92 in7hes: St6ds m6st be
at .east *9+ in7h in diameter and + in7hes .on;) e37ept the st6ds may be 0 in7hes .on; in the o<erhan;:
Assemb.ies m6st be assemb.ed at the fabri7ation site:
,1-2.02EB)C C0'/r"(/#0'
eas6re dimensions for positionin; the assemb.y d6rin; insta..ation norma. to the .on;it6dina. a3is of the
assemb.y) disre;ardin; the skeD of the de7k e3pansion Ioint: Assemb.ies m6st be 7apab.e of adI6stment
to the EaE dimension shoDn:
De7k s6rfa7es m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *#,#:%-F/*1 before p.a7in; Ioint sea. assemb.ies and
The assemb.y m6st be 7omp.ete.y shop,assemb.ed and p.a7ed in a b.o7ked,o6t re7ess in the 7on7rete
de7k s6rfa7e: The depth and Didth of the re7ess m6st a..oD the insta..ation of the assemb.y an7hora;e
7omponents or an7hora;e bearin; s6rfa7e to the .ines and ;rades shoDn:
E37ept for primary reinfor7ement) 7ontin6e reinfor7ement thro6;h the re7ess 7onstr67tion Ioint into the
re7ess and en;a;e an7hora;e 7omponents of the assemb.y:
(erti7a. e3pansion Ioints in barriers m6st be a77essib.e for inspe7tion after re7ess 7on7rete is p.a7ed:
Assemb.ies m6st make a Daterti;ht) 7ontin6o6s ret6rn 0 in7hes 6p into barriers at the .oD side of the
de7k: Neoprene ;.ands m6st be 7ontin6o6s Ditho6t fie.d sp.i7es or Ioints:
,1-2.02EB+C P%3me'/
Not !sed
,1-2.02F A67%&/#( P&"8 E0#'/ Se%&
,1-2.02FB1C Ge'er%&
,1-2.02FB1CB%C S"mm%r3
Se7tion *#,2:%2F in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; aspha.ti7 p.6; Ioint sea.s:
Aspha.ti7 p.6; Ioint sea.s 7onsist of an aspha.ti7 binder and a;;re;ate Ioint sea. system:
,1-2.02FB1CB.C De4#'#/#0'
,1-2.02FB1CB(C S".m#//%&
S6bmit * sets of shop draDin;s for the proposed aspha.ti7 p.6; Ioint sea. system to OSD) Do76ments
!nit: Notify the En;ineer of yo6r s6bmitta.: In7.6de in the notifi7ation the date and 7ontents of the
A..oD -% days for the DepartmentFs re<ieD: After re<ieD) s6bmit 0 to #2 sets) as reG6ested) for fina.
a6thoriHation and 6se d6rin; 7onstr67tion:
S6bmit e<iden7e from the man6fa7t6rer that *)%%% .inear feet of the Ioint sea. has had at .east 2 years of
satisfa7tory ser<i7e 6nder 7onditions:
S6bmit 7ertifi7ates of 7omp.ian7e for materia.s 6sed in the Ioint sea.s:
S6bmit a 7opy of the 7ertified test report for binder materia.:
S6bmit a #%,po6nd test samp.e of binder materia. to ETS: The test samp.e m6st be remo<ed from the
same materia. to be shipped to the Iob site: S6bmit the test samp.e at .east #* days before shipment to
the Iob site:
,1-2.02FB1CB1C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
"inder materia. m6st be tested and 7ertified by an a6thoriHed .aboratory:
A te7hni7a. representati<e of the Ioint sea. man6fa7t6rer m6st be present d6rin; insta..ation:
,1-2.02FB2C M%/er#%&
A.. Ioint 7omponents m6st be from a sin;.e man6fa7t6rer:
The binder m6st be a thermop.asti7) po.ymeri7,modified aspha.tJ thermop.asti7) po.ymer,modified
bit6menJ po.ymer,modified aspha.t sea.antJ or modified e.astomeri7 binder 7omp.yin; Dith the
reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Property Test method ReG6irement
Aspha.t 7ompatibi.ity AST D *-2$ Pass
"ond) nonimmersed AST D *-2$ Pass - at ,2% ]F) *%\
Pass - at % ]F) #%%\
Cone penetration)
AST D *-2$
# mm min at % Z 2 ]F)
2%% ; tota. Dei;ht) 0% se7onds
$ mm ma3 at 55 Z 2 ]F)
#*% ; tota. Dei;ht) * se7onds
D67ti.ity AST D ##- 4% 7m min at 55 Z 2 ]F
F.e3ibi.ity AST D *-2$
Pass at #% Z 2 ]F
F.oD AST D *-2$ - mm ma3 at #4% Z 2 ]F)
* ho6rs
Resi.ien7e AST D *-2$ 4%\ min at 55 Z 2 ]F
Softenin; point AST D -0 #+% ]F min
Tensi.e adhesion AST D *-2$ **%\ min
Safe heatin; temperat6re -$%B4#% ]F
Re7ommended po6rin;
-0%B-$% ]F
Do not o<en a;e spe7imens: After 24 ho6rs at standard 7onditions) a..oD
spe7imens to 7ondition at ,#% Z 2 de;rees F for 2 ho6rs before testin;:
"inder materia. de.i<ered to the Iob site m6st be .abe.ed Dith:
#: an6fa7t6rerFs name
2: Lot or bat7h n6mber
-: Dates of man6fa7t6rin;) pa7ka;in;) and e3piration
4: an6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions for 6se
"inder materia. m6st be retested and re7ertified for 6se if the e3piration date passes:
A;;re;ates m6st 7omp.y Dith:
#: Se7tion $%,#:%2C e37ept the res6.ts of 7.eanness <a.6e and sand eG6i<a.ent tests m6st 7omp.y Dith
the reG6irements for both operatin; ran;e and 7ontra7t 7omp.ian7e
2: Aspha.ti7 p.6; man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions
The po.yethy.ene ba7ker rod m6st be 7ommer7ia. G6a.ity Dith a 7ontin6o6s) imper<io6s) ;.aHed s6rfa7e
that 7an Dithstand the hot .iG6id binder materia. and is s6itab.e for retainin; the hot .iG6id binder Dhi.e it
The brid;in; p.ate m6st be + in7hes Dide and at .east #94 in7h thi7k and 7omp.y Dith AST A -09A -0:
C6t the brid;in; p.ate into 4+,in7h,minim6m,.en;th se7tions: P.a7e for .o7atin; pins a.on; the
.on;it6dina. p.ate 7enter.ine #2 in7hes on 7enter: The .o7atin; pins m6st be at .east #0d 7ommon stee.
nai.s or eG6a.:
,1-2.02FB)C C0'/r"(/#0'
!niform.y do6b.e Dash and dry nat6ra. a;;re;ates before 6se:
Remo<e e3istin; e3pansion dams and aspha.ti7 7on7rete to the .imits shoDn: Do not dama;e the de7k or
remainin; aspha.ti7 7on7rete: Dispose of remo<ed materia.s:
Stee. doDe.s e3posed Dhen remo<in; 7on7rete m6st be 76t off f.6sh Dith the e3istin; 7on7rete or at the
bottom of 7on7rete remo<a.) Dhi7he<er is .oDer: Pat7hin; aro6nd or o<er doDe.s in so6nd 7on7rete is not
reG6ired: Chip <oids ba7k to so6nd 7on7rete and fi.. <oids Dith ma;nesi6m phosphate 7on7rete:
C.ean e3pansion Ioints 6nder se7tion *#,2:%2C/-1: Repair spa..s Dhen ordered: Repairin; spa..s is
7han;e order Dork:
Abrasi<e b.ast b.o7ko6t s6rfa7es to re7ei<e the aspha.ti7 p.6; Ioint sea.:
C.ean and dry b.o7ko6t s6rfa7es and the adIa7ent 0 in7hes of roadDay immediate.y before p.a7in; the
Ioint sea.: !se a hot air .an7e prod67in; a minim6m temperat6re of 2)*%% de;rees F and a dire7tiona.
<e.o7ity of at .east 2)*%% feet9se7ond: There m6st be no moist6re present d6rin; insta..ation:
P.a7e the top of the ba7ker rod to a depth of at .east # in7h and at most eG6a. to the Didth of the e3istin;
;ap be.oD the bottom of the b.o7ko6t:
Center brid;in; p.ate se7tions o<er the e3istin; ;ap: P.a7e the se7tions on the bottom of the b.o7ko6t:
The se7tions m6st be b6tt Iointed: Do not o<er.ap the se7tions or a..oD ;aps betDeen the p.ate and
Insta.. the Ioint sea. 6nder the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions:
,1-2.02FB+C P%3me'/
Not !sed
,1-2.0)A Ge'er%&
Se7tion *#,2:%- in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; s.idin; Ioints:
S.idin; Ioints 7onsist of neoprene strips .6bri7ated Dith si.i7one ;rease and 7o<ered Dith sheet meta.:
,1-2.0)B M%/er#%&
Neoprene strips m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for neoprene in se7tion *#,2:%4:
Si.i7one ;rease m6st 7omp.y Dith So7iety of A6tomoti<e En;ineers AS +00%:
Sheet meta. m6st be 7ommer7ia.,G6a.ity ;a.<aniHed sheet stee.) smooth and free of kinks) bends) or
b6rrs: Coints m6st be b6tt Ioints sea.ed Dith p.asti7) d67t,; tape:
,1-2.0)C C0'/r"(/#0'
App.y a 6niform fi.m of si.i7one ;rease to the 6pper s6rfa7e of the neoprene strip before p.a7in; the sheet
F.oat the 7on7rete s6rfa7es Dhere neoprene strips are p.a7ed to a .e<e. p.ane and finish Dith a stee.
Do not a..oD ;ro6t or 7on7rete seepa;e into the s.idin; Ioint d6rin; 7on7rete p.a7ement:
,1-2.0)D P%3me'/
Not !sed
,1-2.0+A Ge'er%&
,1-2.0+AB1C S"mm%r3
Se7tion *#,2:%4 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for; Daterstops:
8aterstops m6st 7omp.y Dith the 7ross se7tion and minim6m dimensions shoDn:
,1-2.0+AB2C De4#'#/#0'
,1-2.0+AB)C S".m#//%&
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e for Daterstop materia. statin; 7omp.ian7e Dith para;raph 0 of Army
Corps of En;ineers CRD,C *52:
,1-2.0+AB+C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
,1-2.0+B M%/er#%&
8aterstops m6st be man6fa7t6red from neoprene or P(C:
Neoprene m6st /#1 be man6fa7t6red from a <6.7aniHed e.astomeri7 7ompo6nd 7ontainin; neoprene as
the on.y e.astomer and /21 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Property Test method ReG6irement
Tensi.e stren;th AST D 4#2 2)%%% psi min
!.timate e.on;ation AST D 4#2 -%% per7ent min
Compression set)
22 ho6rs at 5% ]C
AST D -$*) ethod " -% per7ent ma3
Tear stren;th AST D 024) Die C 20 kN9m min
?ardness) Type A AST D 224% ** Z *
OHone resistan7e 2%\ strain)
#%% ho6rs at #%% Z 2:2 ]F
AST D ##4$ e37ept #%% Z 2%
parts per #%%)%%%)%%% No 7ra7ks
"ritt.eness temperat6re at ,4% ]C AST D 540) Pro7ed6re " Pass
F.ame propa;ation AST C *42 6st not propa;ate f.ame
Chan;e in <o.6me) IR $%-)
immersed 5% ho6rs at #%% ]C
AST D 45# +% per7ent ma3
Chan;e in mass)
immersed 5 days at 5% ]C
AST D 45# #* per7ent ma3
After a77e.erated a;in; 6nder AST D *5- for 5% ho6rs at #%% de;rees C) the e.astomer m6st not shoD
property 7han;es ;reater than those shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Property ReG6irement
Tensi.e stren;th ,#* per7ent
E.on;ation at break ,4% per7ent
?ardness Y#% points
P(C Daterstops m6st /#1 be man6fa7t6red from P(C 7omp.yin; Dith CRD,C *52 and /21 7omp.y Dith the
oHone resistan7e reG6irement for neoprene:
F6rnish Daterstops f6.. .en;th for strai;ht portions of Ioints: an6fa7t6rerFs shop sp.i7es m6st be f6..y
,1-2.0+C C0'/r"(/#0'
!se spa7ers) Dire) or other a6thoriHed methods to se76re reinfor7in; bars s6pportin; Daterstops:
If Daterstops are o6t of shape or position after p.a7in; 7on7rete) remo<e the 7on7rete and reset
Fie.d sp.i7es for neoprene Daterstops m6st be one of the fo..oDin;:
#: (6.7aniHed
2: e7hani7a. 6sin; stain.ess stee. parts
-: ade Dith a sp.i7in; 6nion of the same sto7k as the Daterstop
Comp.eted fie.d sp.i7es m6st ha<e a f6..,siHe tensi.e stren;th of #%% po6nds per in7h of Didth:
Fie.d sp.i7e P(C Daterstops by heat; 6nder the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions: Do not b6rn the p.asti7
Dhen me.tin;:
C6t and sp.i7e Daterstops at 7han;es in dire7tion as ne7essary to a<oid; or distortion of the
,1-2.0+D P%3me'/
Not !sed
,1-2.0,A Ge'er%&
Se7tion *#,2:%* in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for; strip Daterstops:
,1-2.0,B M%/er#%&
The neoprene sheet m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for neoprene in se7tion *#,2:%4":
The neoprene adhesi<e m6st 7omp.y Dith Federa. Spe7ifi7ation ,A,#2#:
The prote7ti<e board m6st be at .east #92,in7h,thi7k Dood or fiberboard that is at .east 4 ft .on; and the
Didth shoDn:
The neoprene sheet m6st be smooth and free from pin or s6rfa7e b.emishes and shoD no si;n of
de.amination: S6rfa7es Dhere adhesi<e is to be app.ied m6st ha<e a 7.oth finish or a b6ffed finish:
S6rfa7es m6st be 7.ean and dry Dhen the adhesi<e is app.ied:
,1-2.0,C C0'/r"(/#0'
Coin neoprene sheets as fo..oDs:
#: Lap the sheets at .east #2 in7hes:
2: App.y the adhesi<e to both fa7es at the man6fa7t6rerFs re7ommended rate:
-: Let the adhesi<e dry to an a;;ressi<e ta7k:
4: "rin; the sheets to;ether and ro.. in both dire7tions to obtain a ti;ht bond:
Abrasi<e b.ast 7.ean the 7on7rete s6rfa7es to re7ei<e a strip Daterstop: A..oD the 7.eaned s6rfa7es to air
dry 24 ho6rs before app.yin; the adhesi<e:
App.y the adhesi<e to the 7on7rete and neoprene sheet at the man6fa7t6rerFs re7ommended rate: Let the
adhesi<e dry to an a;;ressi<e ta7k: App.y the sheet to the 7on7rete s6rfa7e and ro.. in both dire7tions to
obtain a ti;ht bond:
Comp.ete.y 7o<er the insta..ed strip Daterstops Dith # .ayer of prote7ti<e board atta7hed Dith adhesi<e:
The prote7ti<e board m6st remain in p.a7e 6nti.; is 7omp.ete:
,1-2.0,D P%3me'/
Not !sed
,1-).01 GENERAL
Se7tion *#,- in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for fabri7atin; and; bearin;s:
,1-).02A Ge'er%&
,1-).02AB1C S"mm%r3
Se7tion *#,-:%2 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for fabri7atin; and; e.astomeri7 bearin; pads:
,1-).02AB2C De4#'#/#0'
,1-).02AB)C S".m#//%&
,1-).02AB)CB%C Ge'er%&
,1-).02AB)CB.C P&%#' E&%/0mer#( Be%r#'8 P%1
For p.ain e.astomeri7 bearin; pads) s6bmit:
#: Certifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e Dith 7ertified test res6.ts for the e.astomer
2: E.astomeri7 bearin; pad test at .east -% days before 6se
,1-).02AB)CB(C S/ee&-Re#'40r(e1 E&%/0mer#( Be%r#'8 P%1
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e Dith 7ertified test res6.ts from the bearin; man6fa7t6rer for stee.,
reinfor7ed e.astomeri7 bearin; pads:
S6bmit # test samp.e from ea7h .ot of stee.,reinfor7ed bearin; pads at .east 2% days before 6se: The siHe
of the test samp.e m6st be as shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
"earin; pad thi7kness Test samp.e siHe
2 in7hes or .ess Sma..est 7omp.ete bearin; shoDn
ore than 2 in7hes 2:2* Z %:#2*,in7h,thi7k test samp.e at .east
+ by #2 in7hes 76t by the man6fa7t6rer from
the 7enter of the thi7kest 7omp.ete bearin;
S6bmit the test samp.e and the remainin; parts of the 7omp.ete
,1-).02AB+C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
,1-).02AB+CB%C Ge'er%&
,1-).02AB+CB.C P&%#' E&%/0mer#( Be%r#'8 P%1
For p.ain e.astomeri7 bearin; pads) the En;ineer se.e7ts a test samp.e that is at .east + by #2 in7hes from
ea7h .ot of pads or bat7h of e.astomer to be f6rnished) Dhi7he<er res6.ts in the .ar;er n6mber of test &o6 may desi;nate that test be taken at the point of man6fa7t6re or at the Iob site: Cob
site test are 7omp.eted pads as shoDn: F6rnish additiona. pads to rep.a7e the pads se.e7ted for
The Department takes spe7imens from the test samp.e pads) prepares them by 76ttin; and ;rindin; and
tests them for tensi.e stren;th) e.on;ation) tear stren;th) and oHone resistan7e:
,1-).02AB+CB(C S/ee&-Re#'40r(e1 E&%/0mer#( Be%r#'8 P%1
The Department tests a spe7imen taken from the test samp.e stee.,reinfor7ed bearin; pad 6nder
Ca.ifornia Test 00-: Spe7imens m6st shoD no .oss of bond betDeen the stee. and e.astomer .aminates:
,1-).02B M%/er#%&
,1-).02BB1C Ge'er%&
E.astomeri7 bearin; pads #92 in7h or .ess in thi7kness m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *#,-:%2"/21:
E.astomeri7 bearin; pads o<er #92 in7h in thi7kness m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *#,-:%2"/21 or se7tion *#,
Si.i7one ;rease m6st 7omp.y Dith So7iety of A6tomoti<e En;ineers AS +00%:
Sheet meta. m6st be 7ommer7ia.,G6a.ity ;a.<aniHed sheet stee.) smooth and free of kinks) bends) or
b6rrs: Coints m6st be b6tt Ioints sea.ed Dith p.asti7 d67t,; tape:
,1-).02BB2C P&%#' E&%/0mer#( Be%r#'8 P%1
For p.ain e.astomeri7 bearin; pads) pads #92 in7h or .ess in thi7kness m6st be either .aminated or a..
e.astomer: Pads o<er #92 in7h in thi7kness m6st be .aminated: The sta7kin; of indi<id6a..y .aminated pads
to attain thi7knesses o<er #92 in7h or the 7o.d bondin; of indi<id6a. .aminated pads is not a..oDed:
E.astomeri7 bearin; pads may be 76t from .ar;e sheets: C6ttin; m6st be performed so as to a<oid
heatin; of the materia.) to prod67e a smooth ed;e Dith no tears or other Ia;;ed areas) and to 7a6se as
.itt.e dama;e to the materia. as possib.e:
Neoprene m6st be the on.y po.ymer in the e.astomeri7 7ompo6nd and m6st be not .ess than 0% per7ent
by <o.6me of the tota. 7ompo6nd: The e.astomer m6st 7omp.y Dith AST D 4%#4) Type CR) =rade -) Dith
a shear mod6.6s of ##% Z #% psi:
The e.astomer m6st 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Property Test method ReG6irement
Tensi.e stren;th AST D 4#2 2)2*% psi min
!.timate e.on;ation AST D 4#2 -*% per7ent min
Compression set) 22 ho6rs
at 5% ]C
AST D -$*) ethod " 2* per7ent ma3
Tear stren;th AST D 024) Die C -#:* kN9m min
?ardness) Type A AST D 224% Dith
2 k; mass
** Z *
OHone resistan7e 2%\
strain) #%% ho6rs
at 4% Z 2 ]C
AST D ##4$
e37ept #%% Z 2% parts
per #%%)%%%)%%%
No 7ra7ks
Instantaneo6s therma.
stiffenin; at ,4% ]C
AST D #%4- Not more than 4
times the stiffness
meas6red at 2- ]C
LoD temperat6re
britt.eness at ,4% ]C
AST D 540)
Pro7ed6re "
After a77e.erated a;in; 6nder AST D *5- for 5% ho6rs at #%% de;rees C) the e.astomer m6st not shoD
property 7han;es ;reater than those shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Property Chan;e
Tensi.e stren;th #* per7ent .oss
!.timate e.on;ation 4% per7ent .ossJ b6t not .ess than -%%
per7ent tota. e.on;ation of the materia.
?ardness Y#% points
,1-).02BB)C S/ee&-Re#'40r(e1 E&%/0mer#( Be%r#'8 P%1
Stee.,reinfor7ed e.astomeri7 bearin; pads m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for stee.,.aminated
e.astomeri7 bearin;s in AST D 4%#4 and the fo..oDin;:
#: "earin; pads m6st 7onsist of a.ternatin; stee. .aminates and interna. e.astomer .aminates Dith top)
bottom) and side e.astomer 7o<ers: Stee. .aminates m6st ha<e a nomina. thi7kness of %:%5* in7h /#4
;a;e1: Interna. e.astomer .aminates m6st ha<e a thi7kness of #92 in7h: Top and bottom e.astomer
7o<ers m6st ea7h ha<e a thi7kness of #94 in7h: The 7ombined thi7kness of interna. e.astomer
.aminates and top and bottom e.astomer 7o<ers m6st be eG6a. to the bearin; pad thi7kness shoDn:
The e.astomer 7o<er to the stee. .aminates at the sides of the bearin; m6st be #9+ in7h: If ;6ide pins
or other de<i7es are 6sed to 7ontro. the side 7o<er o<er the stee. .aminates) any e3posed portions of
the stee. .aminates m6st be sea.ed by <6.7aniHed pat7hin;:
2: Tota. bearin; thi7kness m6st be eG6a. to the s6m of the thi7knesses of the e.astomeri7 .aminates and
7o<ers and the stee. .aminates:
-: E.astomer m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *#,-:%2"/21:
,1-).02C C0'/r"(/#0'
Notify the En;ineer of the type of bearin; pad to be 6sed before 7onstr67tin; the bearin; seats: The
bearin; seat e.e<ation m6st 7orrespond to the se.e7ted bearin; thi7kness:
8here shoDn) .6bri7ate the 6pper s6rfa7e of the e.astomeri7 bearin; pad Dith a 6niform fi.m of si.i7one
;rease before p.a7in; the sheet meta. 7o<er:
Do not a..oD ;ro6t or 7on7rete seepa;e into the s.idin; s6rfa7e d6rin; 7on7rete p.a7ement:
,1-).02D P%3me'/
Not !sed
,1-).0+*,1-).0, RESERVED
,1-+.01 GENERAL
,1-+.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion *#,4 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; PC 7on7rete members:
&o6 may 7onstr67t PC PS 7on7rete brid;e members 6sin; se;menta. 7onstr67tion:
,1-+.01B De4#'#/#0'
,1-+.01C S".m#//%&
,1-+.01CB1C Ge'er%&
S6bmit shop draDin;s for PC 7on7rete members:
,1-+.01CB2C G#r1er
For PC PS 7on7rete ;irders) shop draDin;s m6st in7.6de:
#: Anti7ipated def.e7tions of the ;irders before de7k p.a7ement and the methods of a77ommodation:
In7.6de the fo..oDin; anti7ipated def.e7tions:
#:# !pDard def.e7tion d6e to prestressin; for7es
#:2 DoDnDard def.e7tion d6e to ;irder dead .oad
#:- Def.e7tion d6e to 7reep and shrinka;e from the time of ;irder stressin; to the p.anned de7k
2: Def.e7tion 7a.76.ations that 7onsider the a;e of the ;irder 7on7rete at the time of stressin; and the
p.anned p.a7ement of the de7k: !se the 7on7rete prod67erFs estimated mod6.6s of e.asti7ity at the
app.i7ab.e 7on7rete a;e for 7a.76.atin; def.e7tions:
S6bmit a ;irder ere7tion Dork In7.6de pro7ed6res) detai.s) and seG6en7es for 6n.oadin;) .iftin;) and
ere7tin; ;irders and for temporary bra7in; insta..ation: The Dork m6st be si;ned by an en;ineer Dho
is re;istered as a 7i<i. en;ineer in the State:
For se;menta. ;irder 7onstr67tion) shop draDin;s m6st in7.6de the fo..oDin; additiona. information:
#: Detai.s shoDin; 7onstr67tion Ioints
2: Con7rete form and 7astin; detai.s
-: Arran;ement of bar reinfor7in; stee.) prestressin; tendons) and press6re,;ro6tin; pipe
4: ateria.s and methods for makin; 7.os6res
*: Constr67tion Ioint keys and s6rfa7e treatment
0: Other reG6ested information
,1-+.01CB)C C&0"re A%&& P%'e&
S6bmit 2 sets of shop draDin;s for PC 7on7rete 7.os6re Da.. pane.s as an informationa. s6bmitta.: In7.6de
in the s6bmitta.:
#: Pane. dimensions
2: ateria.s
-: Prestressin; methods
4: Tendon arran;ement and stresses
*: Additions or rearran;ement of reinfor7in; stee. from that shoDn
,1-+.01CB+C B0< C"&$er/
Shop draDin;s for PC 7on7rete bo3 76.<erts m6st in7.6de the 7onstr67tion method) dimensions)
reinfor7ement in7.6din; sp.i7e type and .o7ation) and hei;ht of earth 7o<er:
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e si;ned by the man6fa7t6rerFs @C representati<e for ea7h shipment:
,1-+.01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
PC materia.s m6st be a<ai.ab.e to the Department for inspe7tion: A..oD the Department free a77ess at a..
times to any portion of the fabri7ation site Dhere materia. is stored or Dork is performed:
PC 7on7rete members are inspe7ted at the fabri7ation site: Notify the Department Dhen materia.s are
de.i<ered to the fabri7ation site: A..oD #% days after notifyin; the Department before startin; fabri7ation:
The man6fa7t6rer of bo3 76.<erts m6st samp.e and test the 7on7rete for 7ompressi<e stren;th at .east
on7e e<ery prod67tion shift b6t not .ess than on7e dai.y: Test res6.t re7ords m6st be a<ai.ab.e to the
En;ineer d6rin; re; Dork shifts:
,1-+.02A Ge'er%&
Prestressin; m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *%:
Reinfor7ement m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *2:
In a freeHe,thaD area) epo3y 7oat the reinfor7ement 6nder se7tion *2,2:%2:
"earin; p.ates) threaded inserts) and other meta. fittin;s m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 5*,#:%-
Con7rete for keyDays m6st ha<e a 7ementitio6s materia. 7ontent of at .east *$% .b976 yd and a #,in7h
ma3im6m ;radin;: Penetration of the 7on7rete m6st be near the .oDer .imit of the spe7ified nomina.
=ro6t m6st 7omp.y Dith AST C ##%5:
De7k shear 7onne7tor rods) shoDn as tie rods) m6st 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin;:
#: Stee. fastener 7omponents m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion **:
2: Lo7k Dashers m6st be ANSI hea<y d6ty sprin; Dashers:
-: A.. meta. m6st be hot,dip ;a.<aniHed after fabri7ation 6nder AST A#2-9A#2-:
,1-+.02B F%.r#(%/#'8 Pre(%/ C0'(re/e
,1-+.02BB1C Ge'er%&
,1-+.02BB2C G#r1er, B0< G#r1er, %'1 D0".&e T G#r1er
"efore 76rin; a7ti<ities) the top s6rfa7e of ea7h PC member m6st be ;i<en a 7oarse te3t6re by broomin;
Dith a stiff brist.ed broom or by other s6itab.e de<i7es that res6.ts in 6niform trans<erse s7orin;:
Additiona..y) the top s6rfa7e te3t6re of the fo..oDin; PC members m6st ha<e at .east a #94,in7h amp.it6de:
#: =irders
2: "o3 ;irders Dith a 7on7rete de7k shoDn
-: T ;irders Dith a 7on7rete de7k shoDn
8ood f.oat portions of the top s6rfa7e of bo3 ;irders to be 7o<ered by e3panded po.ystyrene:
For se;menta. 7onstr67tion) materia.s for 7onstr67tion Ioints at e3terior ;irders m6st mat7h the 7o.or and
te3t6re of the adIoinin; 7on7rete:
,1-+.02BB)C S&%.
Forms for <oids in 7on7rete s.abs m6st /#1 be Daterti;ht and 7onstr67ted of an a6thoriHed materia.
that does not break or deform d6rin; 7on7rete p.a7ement and /21 not in7rease the span dead .oad:
"efore 76rin;) the top s6rfa7e of 7on7rete s.abs m6st be ;i<en a 7oarse te3t6re by broomin; Dith a stiff,
brist.ed broom or by other s6itab.e de<i7es that res6.ts in 6niform trans<erse s7orin;: The reG6irements of
the 0th and 5th para;raphs of se7tion *#,#:%#D/41/b1 do not app.y:
,1-+.02BB+C C&0"re A%&& P%'e&
E3posed s6rfa7es of 7.os6re Da.. pane.s m6st mat7h the adIa7ent CIP 7on7rete:
Prestressin; stee. m6st be /#1 p.a7ed not more than 0 in7hes from pane. ed;es and /21 spa7ed not more
than #+ in7hes on 7enter betDeen ed;e tendons:
An7hora;e hardDare m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 5*,#:%-: "o.t m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion **,#:%2"/01
/b1 e37ept m6st not be p6n7hed f6.. siHe:
,1-+.02BB,C B0< C"&$er/
Reinfor7ement for PC 7on7rete bo3 76.<erts may be De.ded Dire reinfor7ement:
an6fa7t6rin; to.eran7es for PC se7tions m6st 7omp.y Dith the to.eran7es spe7ified in se7tion ## of
AAS?TO 2*$:
&o6 may 6se the dry 7ast method of 7onstr67tion Dhere shoDn on the a6thoriHed shop draDin;s: Res6.ts
m6st be eG6a. to those obtained 6nder se7tion *#: E3terna. <ibrators m6st be 6sed: Forms m6st be
s6ffi7ient.y ri;id to resist disp.a7ement or dama;e: Dry 7astin; forms may be remo<ed after 7onso.idatin;
if no s.6mpin; of the 7on7rete o776rs:
Form the ends of members s67h that se7tions 7an be .aid to;ether to make a 7ontin6o6s .ine of bo3
se7tions Dith a smooth interior free of irre;6.arities in the f.oD .ine:
Sp.i7es in 7ir76mferentia. reinfor7ement m6st be .apped: 8e.ded sp.i7es for the o6tside apron of stee. are
a..oDed on.y Dhere shoDn: 8a.. reinfor7ement on the inside of the bo3 may be .apped and De.ded at any
.o7ation or 7onne7ted by De.din; at the 7orners to s.ab reinfor7ement at the inside of the bo3:
?; de<i7es or are a..oDed in members for; and .ayin;: C.ean and fi.. the res6.tin; Dith mortar:
E3posed spa7ers) standoffs) or ends of .on;it6dina.s 6sed to position reinfor7ement are not a 7a6se for
reIe7tion: Do not De.d spa7ers or standoffs to 7ir76mferentia. reinfor7ement: &o6 may De.d spa7ers or
standoffs to .on;it6dina. reinfor7ement:
C.ear.y mark ea7h PC 6nit: !se indentation) Daterproof paint) or other a6thoriHed means: In7.6de 7ontra7t
n6mber) date of man6fa7t6re) man6fa7t6rer) and the desi;n earth 7o<er: ark ea7h 6nit by indentation on
the inner or o6ter s6rfa7e so that the top is e<ident immediate.y after strippin; forms: Paint the Dord
ETOPE Dith Daterproof paint on the inside and o6tside s6rfa7es of the tops of ea7h 6nit:
,1-+.02BB-C L%88#'8
Con7rete for PC 7on7rete .a;;in; in a freeHe,thaD area m6st 7ontain at .east 05* po6nds of 7ementitio6s
materia. per 76bi7 yard:
If 7on7rete .a;;in; is steam 76red) s6pports for reinfor7ement m6st be stain.ess stee. 7ontainin; at .east
#0 per7ent 7hromi6m:
,1-+.02BB2C De(; P%'e&
,1-+.02C C"r#'8 Pre(%/ C0'(re/e
C6re PC 7on7rete members 6nder se7tion $%,4:%-:
,1-+.0)A Ge'er%&
,1-+.0)B G#r1er, B0< G#r1er, %'1 D0".&e T G#r1er
Caref6..y hand.e) store) transport) and ere7t PC 7on7rete members to a<oid tDistin;) ra7kin;) or other
distortion that Do6.d res6.t in 7ra7kin; or dama;e to the members:
?and.e) store) transport) and ere7t PC members in an 6pri;ht position s67h that the points of s6pport and
dire7tions of the rea7tions Dith respe7t to the member are appro3imate.y the same as Dhen the member
is in its fina. position:
For ;irders and bo3 ;irders or do6b.e T ;irders Dith a 7on7rete de7k shoDn) 7.ean top s6rfa7es of .aitan7e
and 76rin; 7ompo6nd before p.a7in; de7k 7on7rete:
&o6 may make adI6stments to a77ommodate ;irder def.e7tions before p.a7in; de7k 7on7rete) in7.6din;
adI6stments to bearin; seat e.e<ations: AdI6stments are .imited by the fo..oDin;:
#: inim6m permanent <erti7a. 7.earan7e 6nder the str67t6re is not red67ed:
2: De7k profi.e ;rade and 7ross s.ope 7annot be 7han;ed:
-: E37ept for bo3 ;irders) a minim6m of # in7h of de7k s.ab 7on7rete is maintained betDeen the de7k
s.ab reinfor7ement and the top of the ;irders:
4: For bo3 ;irders) a minim6m of # in7h of de7k s.ab 7on7rete m6st be maintained betDeen the top of
e3panded po.ystyrene in the area betDeen the ;irder Debs and the de7k s.ab reinfor7ement:
AdI6stments to a77ommodate ;irder def.e7tions are not 7onsidered a 7han;e in dimensions:
=ro6t keyDays after PC members are in fina. position: "efore ;ro6tin;) abrasi<e b.ast 7.ean the keyDays
to e3pose 7.ean a;;re;ate and f.6sh Dith Dater: A..oD to dry to a s6rfa7e dry 7ondition immediate.y before
p.a7in; the ;ro6t:
Do not p.a7e eG6ipment or other .oads on spans that ha<e been ;ro6ted for at .east 52 ho6rs after
;ro6tin;: Do not tension or ti;hten trans<erse post,tensionin; tendons 6nti. 24 ho6rs after ;ro6tin; the
.ast keyDay:
,1-+.0)C S&%.
For s.ab spans Dith a 7on7rete o<er.ay) 7.ean the s.ab top s6rfa7es 6nder se7tion *#,#:%-D/41:
For s.ab spans Dith a ?A o<er.ay) remo<a. of .aitan7e and 76rin; 7ompo6nd from the top s6rfa7es is not
8here the ends of trans<erse rods Di.. be e3posed) re7ess e3posed n6ts and ends of rods at .east # in7h
be.oD the member s6rfa7e: Sn6; ti;hten n6ts after the de7k 6nits are positioned and before p.a7in;
mortar in the keyDays:
Fi.. the an7hor doDe. Dith mortar after the s.abs are in fina. position:
Fi.. keyDays Dith 7on7rete: 'eyDays m6st be mortar,ti;ht before p.a7in; 7on7rete: Thoro6;h.y
7onso.idate the 7on7rete in keyDays:
Ti;hten n6ts 24 ho6rs after 7on7rete in the keyDays has been p.a7ed: "6rr threads at the ends of bo.ts or
rods to pre<ent .oosenin;: Fi.. re7esses Dith mortar after ti;htenin; n6ts:
No eG6ipment or other .oads are a..oDed on spans 6nti. 52 ho6rs after the .ast mortar is p.a7ed in an7hor
doDe. or the .ast 7on7rete is p.a7ed in keyDays:
For s.ab spans Dith a 7on7rete o<er.ay) at .east - s.abs adIa7ent to a span m6st be in p.a7e before the
7on7rete o<er.ay is p.a7ed in that span:
,1-+.0)D C&0"re A%&& P%'e&
,1-+.0)E B0< C"&$er/
Constr67t bo3 76.<erts 6sin; PC members Dhere des7ribed:
&o6 m6st se.e7t the 7ombination of 7on7rete dimensions and reinfor7ement if more than # a..oDab.e
7ombination is shoDn:
Str67t6re e37a<ation and ba7kfi.. m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion #$,-:
Layin; of PC 7on7rete bo3 76.<erts m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for .ayin; reinfor7ed 7on7rete pipe
in se7tion 0*,2:%-D:
Coints m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for 7ement mortar or resi.ient materia. Ioints in se7tion 0*,
2:%2E: &o6 may 6se an e3terna.; band 7omp.yin; Dith AST C +55 instead of Ioint materia.:
,1-+.0)F L%88#'8
P.a7e 7on7rete .a;;in; for so.dier Da..s .e<e.: P.a7e a 7on7rete .e<; 7o6rse if reG6ired:
Ea7h .a;;in; member m6st be 7ontin6o6s o<er 2 and 7anti.e<er at .east 0 in7hes beyond pi.e
7enter.ines: Contin6ity o<er - is not a..oDed:
,1-+.0)G De(; P%'e&
,1-+.0+ PAYMENT
E37ept for;) f6rnishin; of PC 7on7rete members in7.6des payment for de.i<ery to the Iob site ready to
in7orporate into the Dork:
Ere7t PC 7on7rete members in7.6des payment for ere7tion into the fina. position in the Dork:
Diaphra;m doDe.s and bo.ts in PC 7on7rete members are paid for as bar reinfor7in; stee. /brid;e1:
PC 7on7rete .a;;in; is meas6red based on the ;ross Da.. area dimensions shoDn: No ded67tion is made
for spa7in; betDeen .a;;in; or openin;s for draina;e pipin;:
PC 7on7rete bo3 76.<ert is meas6red as spe7ified for reinfor7ed 7on7rete pipe in se7tion 0*,2:%4:
Con7rete 7.os6re Da..s are meas6red on the o6tside s6rfa7e of 7omp.eted pane.s:
,1-,.01 GENERAL
,1-,.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion *#,* in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; approa7h s.abs and pa<in; not7h e3tensions:
Str67t6re approa7h draina;e systems m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 0+,5:
,1-,.01B De4#'#/#0'
,1-,.01C S".m#//%&
If 6sin; RSC) s6bmit the RSC mi3 desi;n at .east #% days before 7onstr67tin; the tria. s.ab:
,1-,.01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
,1-,.01DB1C Ge'er%&
If Do<en tape fabri7 is shoDn) notify the En;ineer of the so6r7e of Do<en tape fabri7 at .east 4* days
before 6se:
Notify the En;ineer of the type of treated permeab.e base to be 6sed 6nder approa7h s.abs at .east -%
days before startin; p.a7ement: After notifi7ation) do not 7han;e the type of permeab.e base Ditho6t
,1-,.01DB2C R%6#1 S/re'8/7 C0'(re/e
"efore startin; Dork on approa7h s.abs 7onstr67ted 6sin; RSC) prepare a tria. s.ab for ea7h 7on7rete mi3
Tria. s.abs m6st be:
#: Constr67ted) finished) and 76red Dithin the a..oDed time Dith the materia.s) too.s) eG6ipment)
personne.) and methods to be 6sed in the Dork
2: #% by 2% feet by $ in7hes thi7k
-: Constr67ted near the Iob site o6tside the proIe7t .imits at an a6thoriHed .o7ation
Tria. s.abs m6st demonstrate that yo6 are 7apab.e of prod67in; approa7h s.abs Dithin the anti7ipated time
periods) in7.6din; de.i<ery) p.a7ement) finishin;) and 76rin; times) and 6nder atmospheri7 and
temperat6re 7onditions e3pe7ted d6rin; 7onstr67tion operations: 6.tip.e tria. s.abs for ea7h 7on7rete mi3
desi;n may be reG6ired to en7ompass <ariab.e atmospheri7 7onditions:
Test the tria. s.ab 7on7rete for 7ompressi<e stren;th 6nder se7tion $%,#:%#D/*1: Tria. s.ab 7on7rete m6st
de<e.op the fo..oDin; minim6m 7ompressi<e stren;ths:
#: #)2%% psi at the a;e of break
2: 2)*%% psi at - days
-: 4)%%% psi at 2+ days
,1-,.02A Ge'er%&
?ardboard and e3panded po.ystyrene m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *#,2:%#"/#1:
,1-,.02B F%.r#(
Fi.ter fabri7 m6st be C.ass A:
8o<en tape fabri7 m6st:
#: "e fabri7 of Do<en strips or tapes
2: Retain at .east 5% per7ent tensi.e stren;th Dhen tested 6nder AST D 4-** Dith *%% ho6rs e3pos6re
-: Comp.y Dith the reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Property Test method ReG6irement
8ei;ht AST D -550 - oH9sG yd min
=rab breakin; .oad AST D 40-2 *% .b min
Apparent e.on;ation AST D 40-2 -* per7ent min
,, #)2%% .b min
Per7ent apparent e.on;ation times the ;rab breakin; .oad
,1-,.02C C0'(re/e
Con7rete for approa7h s.abs and pa<in; not7h e3tensions m6st 7ontain at .east 05* po6nds of
7ementitio6s materia. per 76bi7 yard and 7omp.y Dith one of the fo..oDin;:
#: C6re for at .east * days before openin; to traffi7
2: Comp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for RSC
For pa<in; not7h e3tensions) yo6 may 6se ma;nesi6m phosphate 7on7rete) modified hi;h,a.6mina,based
7on7rete) or port.and,7ement,based 7on7rete) 7omp.yin; Dith the spe7ifi7ations for bondin; materia.s in
se7tion *#,#: The 7on7rete may be e3tended by 6sin; a 7.ean) 6niform) ro6nded a;;re;ate Dith a
moist6re 7ontent of at most %:* per7ent: The G6antity of a;;re;ate m6st 7omp.y Dith the
man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions: Con7rete stren;ths for the e3tended 7on7rete m6st be at .east that spe7ified
for the bondin; materia.s: The a;;re;ate ;radin; m6st 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements shoDn in the
fo..oDin; tab.e:
Sie<e siHe Per7enta;e passin;
#92,in7h #%%
No: #0 %B*
In freeHe,thaD areas) 7on7rete for approa7h s.abs and pa<in; not7h e3tensions m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion
Con7rete for draina;e pads m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for minor 7on7rete:
,1-,.02D A88re8%/e B%e
A" m6st be prod67ed from 7ommer7ia.,G6a.ity a;;re;ates 7onsistin; of broken stone) 7r6shed ;ra<e. or
nat6ra. ro6;h,s6rfa7ed ;ra<e.) and sand) in any 7ombination: =radin; m6st 7omp.y Dith the -94,in7h
ma3im6m ;radin; spe7ified in se7tion 20,#:%2":
,1-,.02E B%r Re#'40r(eme'/
"ar reinfor7in; stee. m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *2:
In a freeHe,thaD area) epo3y 7oat bar reinfor7ement 6nder se7tion *2,2:%2:
=a.<aniHe 6nbonded portions of bar reinfor7ement 6nder se7tion *2,-:
,1-,.02F M#(e&&%'e0" E0#'/ M%/er#%&
Stee. 7omponents of ab6tment ties m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 5*,#:%-:
P(C 7ond6it 6sed to en7ase ab6tment tie rods m6st be 7ommer7ia. G6a.ity:
Stee. an;.es) p.ates) and bars at 7on7rete barrier Ioints m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 5*,#:%-:
Type AL Ioint sea.s m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *#,2:%2":
The po6rab.e sea. betDeen the stee. an;.e and 7on7rete barrier m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for
Type A and AL Ioint sea.s in se7tion *#,2:%2":
Sea.ants may be mi3ed by hand,he.d) poDer,dri<en a;itators and p.a7ed by hand methods:
S.idin; Ioints for the s.eeper s.abs m6st 7omp.y Dith *#,2:%-:
"6i.din; paper m6st be 7ommer7ia.,G6a.ity) -%,po6nd aspha.t fe.t:
,1-,.02G H0/ M#< A67%&/
?A for a temporary roadDay str67t6ra. se7tion m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion -$: A;;re;ate ;radin; m6st be
-94,in7h ?A Types A or ": Aspha.t binder m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for .iG6id aspha.t SC,+%%
in se7tion $-: The G6antity of aspha.t binder mi3ed Dith a;;re;ate m6st be %:- per7ent .ess than the O"C
as determined 6nder Ca.ifornia Test -05:
,1-,.0)A Ge'er%&
Dri.. and bond bar reinfor7ement and ab6tment tie rods 6nder se7tion *#,#:%-E/-1:
Finish and treat the top s6rfa7es of approa7h s.abs 6nder se7tion *#,#:%-F/*1: Ed;er finish the s.ab
C6re approa7h s.abs 6sin; 76rin; 7ompo6nd no: #:
Abrasi<e b.ast 7.ean 7on7rete s6rfa7es and thoro6;h.y 7.ean Ioints immediate.y before p.a7in; sea.s: Coint
s6rfa7es m6st be dry at the time sea.s are p.a7ed:
,1-,.0)B T36e N A66r0%(7 S&%.
,1-,.0)BB1C Ge'er%&
,1-,.0)BB2C F#&/er F%.r#(
P.a7e fi.ter fabri7 immediate.y after ;radin; and 7ompa7tin; the s6b;rade: ?and.e and p.a7e fi.ter fabri7
6nder the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions:
AdIa7ent borders of fi.ter fabri7 m6st be o<er.apped from #2 to #+ in7hes or stit7hed: If o<er.appin; the
borders) the pre7edin; ro.. m6st o<er.ap the fo..oDin; ro.. in the dire7tion the materia. is bein; spread: If
stit7hin; the border) 6se yarn of a 7ontrastin; 7o.or: &arn siHe and 7omposition m6st be as re7ommended
by the fabri7 man6fa7t6rer: !se * to 5 stit7hes per in7h of seam:
Do not operate eG6ipment or < on fi.ter fabri7:
,1-,.0)BB)C Tre%/e1 Perme%.&e B%e
Constr67t the treated permeab.e base 6nder se7tion 2$:
P.a7e and 7ompa7t ATP" at a temperat6re from 2%% to 2*% de;rees F: Do not 6se materia. stored for
more than 2 ho6rs in the Dork:
Compa7t ATP" base as soon as the mi3t6re has 7oo.ed s6ffi7ient.y to s6pport the Dei;ht of the
eG6ipment Ditho6t 6nd6e disp.a7ements: !se a <ibratin;,shoe,type 7ompa7tor or a Dei;hin; from
#:* to * tons:
Compa7t CTP" Dith a <ibratin;,shoe,type 7ompa7tor or Dith a stee.,dr6m Dei;hin; from #:* to *
tons: Compa7tion m6st start Dithin #92 ho6r of spreadin; and m6st 7onsist of 2 7omp.ete 7o<era;es of the
,1-,.0)C T36e EG A66r0%(7 S&%.
,1-,.0)D T36e R A66r0%(7 S&%.
,1-,.0)DB1C Ge'er%&
The Type R approa7h s.ab thi7knesses shoDn are minim6ms: Thi7knesses may <ary d6e to materia.
Str67t6re e37a<ation and ba7kfi.. m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion #$,-:
At .o7ations Dhere the remo<a. of e3istin; materia.s and approa7h s.ab 7onstr67tion is not reG6ired to be
7omp.eted Dithin the same Dork shift) the reG6irements for a temporary roadDay str67t6ra. se7tion and
tria. s.ab do not app.y:
,1-,.0)DB2C Rem0$%& 04 E<#/#'8 F%(#&#/#e
Remo<e portions of e3istin; str67t6res) pa<ement and base) approa7h s.abs) ?A s6rfa7in;) 7on7rete
pa<ement); materia.) and 7ement,treated base) as ne7essary for the 7onstr67tion of the neD
approa7h s.ab:
Remo<e portions of seat,type ab6tments 6nder se7tion #*,4:
SaD76t f6.. depth the o6t.ine of 7on7rete pa<ement to be remo<ed 6sin; a poDer,dri<en saD: Do not 6se
poDer impa7t too.s Dithin #:* feet of pa<ement to remain in p.a7e:
"efore remo<in; ?A) 76t the o6t.ines of e37a<ations in ?A on a neat .ine to a minim6m depth of %:2*
foot 6sin; a poDer,dri<en 7on7rete saD or Dhee.,type ro7k,76ttin; e37a<ator: These e37a<ations m6st be
permanent.y or temporari.y ba7kfi..ed to 7onform to the ;rade of the adIa7ent pa<ement before openin;
the .ane to traffi7:
Dispose of materia.s no .on;er 6sed in the Dork:
,1-,.0)DB)C E<#/#'8 B%e M%/er#%&
!niform.y ;rade and 7ompa7t the e3istin; base materia. remainin; in p.a7e after remo<in; the e3istin;
pa<ement and base materia.s to the reG6ired depth: The finished s6rfa7e of the base materia. at any point
m6st not e3tend abo<e the a6thoriHed ;rade:
Fi.. areas of base materia. that are .oD as a res6.t of o<ere37a<ation Dith str67t6re approa7h s.ab 7on7rete
at the same time that the neD 7on7rete is p.a7ed:
8here pa<ement; has been performed 6nder e3istin; approa7h s.abs) remo<e the f6.. depth of; materia.: 8here remo<a. of CT" is reG6ired to 7onstr67t the approa7h s.ab) remo<e the f6..
depth of the CT":
Fi.. <oids betDeen the neD approa7h s.ab and the base materia. remainin; in p.a7e that are 7a6sed by
remo<a. of; materia. or CT" Dith either A" or approa7h s.ab 7on7rete: If yo6 fi.. these <oids
Dith str67t6re approa7h s.ab 7on7rete) fi.. the <oids at the same time that the neD 7on7rete is p.a7ed:
,1-,.0)DB+C A88re8%/e B%e
Spread and 7ompa7t A" for; <oids be.oD the str67t6re approa7h s.ab 7on7rete by methods that Di..
prod67e a De..,7ompa7ted) 6niform base) free from po7kets of 7oarse or fine materia.) to the a6thoriHed
;rade: 8here the reG6ired thi7kness of A" is + in7hes or .ess) the base may be spread and 7ompa7ted in
# .ayer: 8here the reG6ired thi7kness of A" is more than + in7hes) the base m6st be spread and
7ompa7ted in 2 or more .ayers of appro3imate.y eG6a. thi7kness: The ma3im6m 7ompa7ted thi7kness of
any # .ayer m6st not e37eed + in7hes:
,1-,.0)DB,C Pr04#&e Gr%1e
Estab.ish a ;rade .ine for the neD approa7h s.ab that Di.. pro<ide a smooth profi.e ;rade: The profi.e
;rade m6st be a6thoriHed:
,1-,.0)DB-C Tem60r%r3 R0%1:%3 S/r"(/"r%& Se(/#0'
If approa7h s.abs 7annot be 7onstr67ted before the .ane is opened to traffi7) fi.. the e37a<ation Dith a
temporary roadDay str67t6ra. se7tion: Temporary str67t6ra. se7tion m6st 7onsist of a %:-,foot,thi7k .ayer
of ?A o<er A":
'eep a standby G6antity of ?A and A" at the Iob site for a temporary roadDay str67t6ra. se7tion:
Spread and 7ompa7t the A" and ?A: Prod67e a De..,7ompa7ted) 6niform base ha<in; a s6rfa7e of
6niform smoothness) te3t6re) and density) Ditho6t po7kets of 7oarse or fine materia.: &o6 may spread and
7ompa7t A" and ?A in # .ayer ea7h:
The finished s6rfa7e /#1 m6st not <ary more than %:%* foot from the .oDer ed;e of a #2,foot strai;hted;e
p.a7ed para..e. Dith the 7enter.ine and /21 m6st mat7h the e.e<ation of the e3istin; pa<ement and
str67t6re a.on; the Ioints betDeen the e3istin; pa<ement and str67t6re and the temporary s6rfa7in;:
aintain the temporary str67t6ra. se7tion 6nti. it is rep.a7ed Dith the approa7h s.ab:
,1-,.0)E P%$#'8 N0/(7 E</e'#0'
The 7onstr67tion Ioint betDeen the pa<in; not7h e3tension and the e3istin; ab6tment m6st 7omp.y Dith
the spe7ifi7ations for horiHonta. 7onstr67tion Ioints in se7tion *#,#:%-D/41: Pat7h spa..s in the e3istin;
pa<in; not7h Dhen p.a7in; the pa<in; not7h e3tension:
The s6rfa7e temperat6re m6st be at .east 4% de;rees F d6rin; 7on7rete p.a7ement: Conta7t s6rfa7es to
re7ei<e 7on7rete may be damp b6t not sat6rated:
Retemperin; of 7on7rete is not a..oDed: Finishin; too.s 7.eaned Dith Dater m6st be thoro6;h.y dried
before Dorkin; 7on7rete:
The En;ineer may reG6ire yo6 to 6se a f.oD,7ontro..ed modified materia. Dhen p.a7in; 7on7rete on s.opes
o<er * per7ent:
E37ept for ma;nesi6m phosphate 7on7rete) 76re the 7on7rete 6sin; the 76rin; 7ompo6nd method:
A..oD #2 ho6rs betDeen p.a7in; the pa<in; not7h e3tension and p.a7in; the approa7h s.ab:
,1-,.0+ PAYMENT
The G6antity of a;;re;ate base /approa7h s.ab1 to be paid in7.6des the a7t6a. <o.6me 6sed to fi.. <oids
be.oD approa7h s.ab 7on7rete: No payment is made for A" p.a7ed to fi.. o<ere37a<ation:
,1--.01 GENERAL
,1--.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion *#,0 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for p.a7in; mass 7on7rete e.ements:
,1--.01B De4#'#/#0'
,1--.01C S".m#//%&
S6bmit a therma. 7ontro. Dith desi;n 7a.76.ations for ea7h mass 7on7rete e.ement: The therma.
7ontro. and the 7a.76.ations m6st be sea.ed and si;ned by an en;ineer Dho is re;istered as a 7i<i.
en;ineer in the State: S6bmit 0 7opies of the 7ontro. and 2 7opies of the desi;n 7a.76.ations: In7.6de
the fo..oDin;:
#: i3 desi;n
2: D6ration and method of 76rin;
-: a3im6m a..oDab.e temperat6re differentia.s betDeen the hottest point of the 7on7rete and the
e3terior 7on7rete fa7es
4: Pro7ed6res to 7ontro. 7on7rete temperat6re differentia.s at time of p.a7ement
*: ethods of; temperat6re differentia.s
0: Temperat6re differentia. monitorin; and re7ordin; system detai.s
5: Temperat6re sensor types and .o7ations
+: eas6res to ens6re 7omp.ian7e Dith ma3im6m temperat6re and temperat6re differentia.
Determine the ma3im6m a..oDab.e temperat6re differentia. ass6min; 7ra7kin; d6e to heat of hydration
m6st not o776r:
S6bmit temperat6re data dai.y as an informationa. s6bmitta.:
S6bmit a dai.y pro;ress report as an informationa. s6bmitta.: A 7opy of the dai.y report m6st be a<ai.ab.e
at the Iob site:
S6bmit a modified therma. 7ontro. to 7orre7t defi7ien7ies for rep.a7ement mass 7on7rete: In7.6de
s6pportin; 7a.76.ations:
,1--.01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
,1--.01DB1C Ge'er%&
An en;ineer Dho is re;istered as a 7i<i. en;ineer in the State m6st:
#: Inspe7t and test the temperat6re monitorin; and re7ordin; systems before 7on7rete p.a7ement
2: "e present d6rin; mass 7on7rete a7ti<ities
-: Pro<ide dai.y pro;ress reports
,1--.01DB2C Tem6er%/"re M0'#/0r#'8
Pro<ide a temperat6re monitorin; and re7ordin; system for mass 7on7rete e.ements: The system m6st
7onsist of temperat6re sensors 7onne7ted to a data a7G6isition system: The system m6st be 7apab.e of
re7ordin;) printin;) and doDn.oadin; temperat6re data to a 7omp6ter:
Lo7ate temperat6re sensors Dithin mass 7on7rete e.ements s67h that the ma3im6m temperat6re
differen7e Dithin the e.ement is monitored: At a minim6m) monitor temperat6res at the fo..oDin; .o7ations:
#: Ca.76.ated hottest .o7ation
2: 2 o6ter fa7es
-: 2 7orners e37ept for CIP; e.ements
4: Top s6rfa7es
Re7ord temperat6re readin;s a6tomati7a..y at .east e<ery ho6r: Insta.. a red6ndant set of sensors near the
primary set Dith re7ordin; 7apabi.ity: ake re7ords 6sin; the red6ndant set if the primary set fai.s:
&o6 may dis7ontin6e ho6r.y temperat6re re7ordin; 6nder the fo..oDin; 7onditions:
#: a3im6m interna. temperat6re is;
2: Differen7e betDeen the interior 7on7rete temperat6re and the a<era;e dai.y air temperat6re is .ess
than the a..oDab.e temperat6re differentia. for - 7onse76ti<e days
-: There are no mass 7on7rete e.ements to be 7ast adIa7ent
Prote7t the temperat6re sensor Dirin; to pre<ent mo<ement d6rin; 7on7rete p.a7ement: 'eep Dire r6ns
as short as possib.e: Do not .et the ends of temperat6re sensors 7ome into 7onta7t Dith 7on7rete
s6pports) forms) or reinfor7ement:
Do not dama;e the monitorin; and re7ordin; system Dhen p.a7in; and 7onso.idatin; 7on7rete:
Corre7t eG6ipment fai.6res in temperat6re 7ontro. and monitorin; and re7ordin; systems immediate.y:
The temperat6re a77eptan7e 7riteria for mass 7on7rete e.ements are as fo..oDs:
#: a3im6m a..oDab.e temperat6re m6st not e37eed #0% de;rees F:
2: a3im6m temperat6re differentia. m6st not e37eed that .isted in the therma. 7ontro.
Not !sed
&o6 may 6se me7hani7a.; systems to 7ontro. interna. 7on7rete temperat6res d6rin; 76rin;:
e7hani7a.; systems m6st 7omp.y Dith the therma. 7ontro.
Embed the system Dithin mass 7on7rete e.ements: S6rfa7e 7onne7tions to; pipes m6st be
remo<ab.e to 4 in7hes be.oD the 7on7rete s6rfa7e:
Desi;n the forms s67h that; or temperat6re monitorin; is not dist6rbed d6rin; form remo<a.:
Se76re the; pipes to pre<ent mo<ement d6rin; 7on7rete p.a7ement: Rep.a7e dama;ed;
pipes immediate.y:
Press6re test the; system for .eaks at -% psi for -% min6tes before p.a7in; 7on7rete: Coo.ant m6st
be 7ir76.atin; Dhen 7on7rete p.a7ement starts:
Press6re ;ro6t the; pipes after; is 7omp.ete: !se a nonshrink ;ro6t mi3 7omp.yin; Dith
AST C ##%5 and AST C +25 for %:% per7ent shrinka;e and %:% per7ent minim6m and 4:% per7ent
ma3im6m e3pansion: P.a7e the ;ro6t 6nder the man6fa7t6rerUs instr67tions:
After the s6rfa7e 7onne7tions are remo<ed) the m6st be reamed and fi..ed Dith mortar:
Remo<e mass 7on7rete e.ements that do not 7omp.y Dith the temperat6re a77eptan7e 7riteria:
,1--.0+ PAYMENT
Not !sed
,1-2.01 GENERAL
,1-2.01A Ge'er%&
Se7tion *#,5 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; minor str67t6res:
&o6 may 7onstr67t minor str67t6res 6sin; PC 6nits or a 7ombination of PC and CIP str67t6res as an
a.ternati<e to CIP 7onstr67tion) pro<ided that the str67t6re in p.a7e s6bstantia..y 7omp.ies Dith the
spe7ified CIP 7onstr67tion:
&o6 may 6se PC draina;e in.ets as an a.ternati<e to CIP draina;e in.ets:
EarthDork m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion #$,-:
,1-2.01B M%/er#%&
Con7rete for pipe headDa..s) endDa..s) draina;e in.ets) and str67t6res identified as minor str67t6res m6st
7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for minor 7on7rete:
"ar reinfor7in; stee. m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *2:
eta. frames) 7o<ers) ;rates) and other mis7e..aneo6s iron and stee. 6sed Dith minor str67t6res m6st
7omp.y Dith se7tion 5*,#:%2:
,1-2.01C C0'/r"(/#0'
PC 6nits for draina;e in.ets m6st be ro6nd) o<a.) or re7tan; in 7ross se7tion) or any 7ombination:
Transitions from a re7tan; ;rate openin; to a ro6nd or o<a. basin m6st be made in not .ess than +
in7hes: Pro<ide means for fie.d adI6stment to meet fina. ;rade) pa<in;) or s6rfa7in;:
&o6 may 7onstr67t forms for draina;e in.ets 6sin; any materia. that prod67es the interior dimensions and
Da.. thi7knesses shoDn: !nd6.ations of interior Da.. s6rfa7es m6st not e37eed #92 in7h: E3tend the
o6tside forms at .east * in7hes be.oD the top of the &o6 may p.a7e 7on7rete a;ainst e37a<ated earth
be.oD this depth e37ept yo6 m6st 6se f6..,depth o6tside forms or other prote7tion Dhen Dork a7ti<ities or
6nstab.e earth may 7a6se haHardo6s 7onditions or 7ontamination of the 7on7rete:
Remo<e e3terior forms to at .east * in7hes be.oD the fina. ;ro6nd s6rfa7e: E3terior forms be.oD this depth
may remain if their tota. thi7kness is not more than # in7h:
C6re 7on7rete s6rfa7es of minor str67t6res 6sin; the Dater method) the forms,in,p.a7e method) or the
76rin; 7ompo6nd method:
,1-2.01D P%3me'/
The Department does not adI6st the payment for minor str67t6res desi;nated as fina. pay on the "id Item
List Dhen the 7onstr67ted hei;ht of the minor str67t6re is Dithin 0 in7hes of the <erti7a. dimension shoDn:
eta. frames and 7o<ers or frames and ;rates are not in7.6ded in the payment for minor str67t6res:
,2-1.01 GENERAL
,2-1.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion *2,# in7.6des ;enera. spe7ifi7ations for fabri7atin; and p.a7in; reinfor7ement:
,2-1.01B De4#'#/#0'
%44e(/e1 90'e5 Portion of the reinfor7in; bar Dhere any properties of the bar) in7.6din; the physi7a.)
meta..6r;i7a.) or materia. 7hara7teristi7s) ha<e been 7han;ed by:
#: Fabri7ation or insta..ation of a sp.i7e: The De.d and # in7h adIa7ent to the De.d is part of the affe7ted
2: an6fa7t6rin; pro7ess for headed bar reinfor7ement:
#: #*% 7o6nt) or fra7tion thereof) of the same type of me7hani7a. sp.i7e mode. for ea7h:
#:#: "ar siHe
#:2: "ar deformation pattern
#:-: ?oop diameter
2: #*% 7o6nt) or fra7tion thereof) of CCP b6tt,De.ded sp.i7es or resistan7e,b6tt,De.ded sp.i7es for ea7h:
2:#: "ar siHe
2:2: ?oop diameter
-: #*% 7o6nt) or fra7tion thereof) of headed bar reinfor7ement for ea7h:
-:# "ar siHe
-:2 ?ead siHe
-:- ?ead type
-:4 ethod of man6fa7t6re
-:* ?eat n6mber of bar materia.
-:0 ?eat n6mber of head materia.
A reinfor7in; bar Dith a head on ea7h end is 7o6nted as 2 headed reinfor7in; bars for estab.ishin;
and testin; prod67tion .ots:
,2-1.01C S".m#//%&
,2-1.01CB1C Ge'er%&
,2-1.01CB2C Cer/#4#(%/e 04 C0m6&#%'(e
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e for ea7h shipment of reinfor7ement:
If reG6ested) s6bmit the fo..oDin;:
#: Copy of the 7ertified mi.. test report for ea7h heat and siHe of reinfor7in; stee. shoDin; physi7a. and
7hemi7a. ana.ysis
2: 2 7opies of a .ist of a.. reinfor7ement before startin; reinfor7ement p.a7ement
,2-1.01CB)C S706 Dr%:#'8
,2-1.01CB)CB%C Ge'er%&
Shop draDin;s and 7a.76.ations m6st be sea.ed and si;ned by an en;ineer Dho is re;istered as a 7i<i.
en;ineer in the State:
,2-1.01CB)CB.C Tem60r%r3 S"660r/ S3/em
If a portion of an assemb.a;e of bar reinfor7in; stee. e37eeds 2% feet in hei;ht and is not en7ased in
7on7rete) s6bmit shop draDin;s and desi;n 7a.76.ations for a temporary s6pport system:
The temporary s6pport system m6st be desi;ned to:
#: Resist a.. e3pe7ted .oads
2: Pre<ent 7o..apse or o<ert6rnin; of the 7a;e
If form insta..ation or other Dork reG6ires 7han;es to or the temporary re.ease of any part of the temporary
s6pport system) the shop draDin;s m6st shoD the s6pport system to be 6sed d6rin; these 7han;es or
the temporary re.ease:
The minim6m horiHonta. Dind .oad to be app.ied to the reinfor7in; stee. assemb.a;e or to a 7ombined
assemb.a;e of reinfor7in; stee. and forms m6st be the s6m of the prod67ts of the Dind impa7t area and
the app.i7ab.e Dind press6re <a.6e for ea7h hei;ht Hone:
The Dind impa7t area is the tota. proIe7ted area of the assemb.a;e norma. to the dire7tion of the app.ied
Dind: Determine Dind press6re <a.6es 6sin; the fo..oDin; tab.e:
A#'1 Pre"re
?ei;ht Hone) ?
/feet abo<e
8ind press6re
% -% 2%
-% K ? *% 2*
*% K ? #%% -%
? L #%% -*
,2-1.01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
,2-1.02A Ge'er%&
,2-1.02B B%r Re#'40r(eme'/
Reinfor7in; bars m6st be deformed bars 7omp.yin; Dith AST A 5%09A 5%0) e37ept yo6 may 6se
deformed or p.ain bars 7omp.yin; Dith AST A 0#*9A 0#*) =rade 4% or 0%) as reinfor7ement in the
#: S.ope and 7hanne. pa<in;
2: inor str67t6res
-: Si;n and si;na. fo6ndations
4: Roadside rest fa7i.ities
*: Con7rete barrier Type *% and 0%
&o6 may 6se p.ain bars 7omp.yin; Dith AST A 5%09A 5%0 for spira. or hoop reinfor7ement in str67t6res
and 7on7rete
&o6 may s6bstit6te De.ded Dire reinfor7ement for reinfor7in; bars in the fo..oDin;:
#: S.ope pa<in; and .ined dit7hes
2: Retainin; Da..s
-: Con7rete barriers
4: SideDa.ks) 76rbs) and ;6tters on str67t6res
*: Nonstr67t6ra. aestheti7 additions
0: C6.<ert headDa..s) end Da..s) and Din; Da..s
5: Shot7rete
+: De7k o<er.ays
S6bstit6ted De.ded Dire reinfor7ement m6st be on an eG6i<a.ent area basis and p.a7ed as ordered: If the
De.ded Dire reinfor7ement does not pro<ide the reG6ired area of stee.) s6pp.ement it Dith reinfor7in; bars:
,2-1.02C Ae&1e1 A#re Re#'40r(eme'/
8e.ded Dire reinfor7ement m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A #+*9A #+* or AST A 4$59A 4$5:
,2-1.02D Re#'40r(#'8 A#re
Reinfor7in; Dire m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A +29A +2:
,2-1.0)A Ge'er%&
,2-1.0)B C&e%'#'8
"efore 7on7rete is p.a7ed) the reinfor7ement to be embedded m6st be free of mortar) oi.) dirt) e37essi<e
mi.. s7a.e and s7abby r6st) and other 7oatin;s that Do6.d destroy or red67e the bond:
,2-1.0)C Be'1#'8
Do not bend or strai;hten bars in a Day that dama;es the materia.: Do not 6se bars Dith kinks or
improper bends:
?ooks and bends m6st 7omp.y Dith the Building Code !e+uirements for Structural Concrete p6b.ished by
,2-1.0)D P&%(#'8
Firm.y and se76re.y ho.d reinfor7ement in position by:
#: 8irin; at interse7tions and sp.i7es:
2: !sin; pre7ast mortar b.o7ks or ferro6s meta. 7hairs) spa7ers) meta. han;ers) s6pportin; Dires) or
other a6thoriHed de<i7es stron; eno6;h to resist 7r6shin; 6nder app.ied .oads: Do not 6se a.6min6m)
p.asti7) or Dood s6pports:
Do not p.a7e bars on .ayers of fresh 7on7rete as the Dork pro;resses:
eta. s6pports m6st ha<e a 7.ear 7o<er of at .east # in7h: Do not 7onsider prote7ti<e 7oatin;s on meta.
s6pports Dhen determinin; 7.ear 7o<er: 8here the 7.ear 7o<er to reinfor7ement shoDn or ordered
e37eeds the minim6m spe7ified 7.ear 7o<er) in7rease the 7.ear 7o<er for meta. s6pports a77ordin;.y:
The 7enter,to,7enter spa7in; of para..e. bars m6st be at .east 2:* times the bar diameter:
The 7.ear distan7e betDeen of bars and adIa7ent or sin;.e bars m6st be at .east:
#: #:* times the ma3im6m siHe of the 7oarse a;;re;ate
2: 2 times the .ar;er bar diameter for 2,bar
-: 2:* times the .ar;er bar diameter for -,bar
Tie b6nd.e bars to;ether at not more than 0,foot 7enters:
!n.ess otherDise shoDn) reinfor7ement m6st ha<e a 2,in7h 7.ear 7o<er meas6red from the s6rfa7e of the
7on7rete to the o6tside of the reinfor7ement:
AdI6st or re.o7ate reinfor7ement in post,tensioned 7on7rete d6rin; the insta..ation of prestressin; d67ts or
tendons as reG6ired to pro<ide des7ribed 7.earan7es to the prestressin; tendons) an7hora;es) Ia7ks) and
eG6ipment: Obtain a6thoriHation for any adI6stments or re.o7ations:
!n.ess otherDise shoDn) an7hor ea7h 6nit of Dire spira. reinfor7ement at both ends by a #-*,de;ree hook
Dith a 0,in7h tai. hooked aro6nd an interse7tin; .on;it6dina. bar: Dis7ontin6ities in spira. reinfor7ement
may be made on.y Dhere shoDn or a6thoriHed: The spira. on ea7h side of a dis7ontin6ity or a .ap sp.i7e is
a separate 6nit: 8here dis7ontin6ities in spira. reinfor7ement are not a..oDed) sp.i7e spira. reinfor7ement
6nder se7tion *2,0: Lap sp.i7es in spira. reinfor7ement m6st be .apped at .east +% Dire diameters:
Ro.. De.ded Dire reinfor7ement before p.a7in; 7on7rete: Se76re De.ded Dire reinfor7ement in p.a7e
Dith de<i7es that pre<ent the reinfor7ementFs <erti7a. and trans<erse mo<ement:
Do not ta7k De.d on reinfor7in; bars 6n.ess shoDn:
For 7o.6mn and pi.e bar reinfor7in; 7a;es meas6rin; 4 feet in diameter and .ar;er:
#: Tie a.. reinfor7ement interse7tions Dith do6b.e Dire ties on at .east 4 <erti7a. bars of ea7h 7a;e
eG6a..y spa7ed aro6nd the 7ir76mferen7e:
2: Tie at .east 2* per7ent of remainin; reinfor7ement interse7tions in ea7h 7a;e Dith sin;.e Dire ties:
Sta;;er tied interse7tions from adIa7ent ties:
-: Pro<ide bra7in; to a<oid 7o..apse of the 7a;e d6rin; assemb.y) transportation) and insta..ation:
,2-1.0+ PAYMENT
The payment G6antity of bar reinfor7in; stee. is the 7a.76.ated Dei;ht of the reinfor7in; bars and Dire
p.a7ed as des7ribed:
The payment G6antity of bar reinfor7in; stee. in7.6des the .ap of bars for .ap sp.i7in;) in7.6din; .o7ations
Dhere yo6 6se a 7ontin6o6s bar instead of the sp.i7e shoDn:
The payment G6antities are based on the fo..oDin;:
B%r Re#'40r(#'8 S/ee& G"%'/#/#e
Deformed bar
desi;nation no:
/po6nds per foot1
Nomina. diameter
- %:-50 %:-5*
4 %:00+ %:*%%
* #:%4- %:02*
0 #:*%2 %:5*%
5 2:%44 %:+5*
+ 2:05% #:%%%
$ -:4%% #:#2+
#% 4:-%- #:25%
## *:-#- #:4#%
#4 5:0*% #:0$-
#+ #-:0%% 2:2*5
NOTE: "ar n6mbers appro3imate the n6mber of ei;hths of an
in7h in7.6ded in the nomina. diameter of the bars: The nomina.
diameter of a deformed bar is eG6a. to the diameter of a p.ain
ro6nd bar ha<in; the same Dei;ht per .inear foot as the
deformed bar:
The Department 7onsiders /#1 the 7ross se7tiona. area of reinfor7in; Dire) in h6ndredths of sG6are in7hes)
to be eG6a. to its 8,siHe n6mber and /21 the density of reinfor7in; Dire to be %:2+-- .b976 in:
The payment G6antity of De.ded Dire reinfor7ement is determined based on the meas6red area 7o<ered
by the reinfor7ement and does not in7.6de .aps:
If a.ternati<e trans<erse de7k reinfor7ement p.a7ement detai.s are shoDn) the payment G6antities are
based on the detai. that shoDs tr6ss bars:
"ar reinfor7in; stee. in<o.<ed in brid;e Dork is paid for as bar reinfor7in; stee. /brid;e1 or bar reinfor7in;
stee. /epo3y 7oated1/brid;e1 6n.ess it is in7.6ded in a separate bid item:
,2-2.01 GENERAL
,2-2.01A Ge'er%&
,2-2.01AB1C S"mm%r3
Se7tion *2,2:%# in7.6des ;enera. spe7ifi7ations for fabri7atin; and p.a7in; epo3y,7oated reinfor7ement
and epo3y,7oated prefabri7ated reinfor7ement:
The s6bstit6tion of De.ded Dire reinfor7ement for bar reinfor7ement spe7ified in *2,#:%2" is not a..oDed
for epo3y,7oated bar reinfor7ement or epo3y,7oated prefabri7ated bar reinfor7ement:
,2-2.01AB2C De4#'#/#0'
,2-2.01AB)C S".m#//%&
,2-2.01AB)CB%C Ge'er%&
,2-2.01AB)CB.C E60<3 P0:1er Te/ S%m6&e
S6bmit a test samp.e) from ea7h bat7h of epo3y poDder to be 6sed for epo3y 7oatin; reinfor7ement) to
Ea7h test samp.e m6st be:
#: 4 o6n7es
2: Pa7ka;ed in an airti;ht 7ontainer
-: Identified Dith the man6fa7t6rerFs name and bat7h n6mber
,2-2.01AB)CB(C P%/(7#'8 M%/er#%& Te/ S%m6&e
S6bmit a test samp.e) from ea7h bat7h of pat7hin; materia. to be 6sed to repair epo3y 7oatin; on
reinfor7ement) to ETS:
Ea7h test samp.e m6st be:
#: 4 o6n7es
2: Pa7ka;ed in an airti;ht 7ontainer
-: Identified Dith the man6fa7t6rerFs name and bat7h n6mber
,2-2.01AB)CB1C G"%&#/3 A"r%'(e Te/ S%m6&e
S6bmit test of epo3y,7oated reinfor7ement and epo3y,7oated prefabri7ated reinfor7ement to
,2-2.01AB+C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
The fo..oDin; m6st be on the A6thoriHed ateria. List:
#: Epo3y poDder
2: Corrosion prote7tion 7o<erin; for sp.i7es
,2-2.01B M%/er#%&
E37ept for fie.d De.din; of b6tt sp.i7es) 7omp.ete De.din; of the reinfor7ement before epo3y 7oatin;:
If a part of a bar or Dire is des7ribed to be epo3y 7oated) 7oat the entire bar 6n.ess the bar or Dire is
sp.i7ed o6tside the .imits of epo3y 7oatin;) in Dhi7h 7ase epo3y 7oatin; is not reG6ired on the part of the
bar or Dire beyond the sp.i7e:
Do not store reinfor7ement Dithin #)%%% feet of o7ean or tida. Dater for more than 2 months:
Pat7hin; materia. and the pat7hin; pro7ess m6st be s6itab.e for fie.d app.i7ation:
,2-2.01C C0'/r"(/#0'
E37ept for .ap sp.i7es) 7o<er sp.i7es of reinfor7ement Dith a 7orrosion prote7tion 7o<erin;: Insta.. 7o<erin;
6nder the man6fa7t6rerUs instr67tions:
,2-2.01D P%3me'/
The Dei;ht of epo3y 7oatin; is not in7.6ded in the Dei;ht of reinfor7ement:
"ar or Dire reinfor7ement e3tendin; beyond the .imits for epo3y,7oated reinfor7ement shoDn is paid for
as bar reinfor7in; stee. /brid;e1:
,2-2.02A Ge'er%&
,2-2.02AB1C S"mm%r3
Se7tion *2,2:%2 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for fabri7atin; and p.a7in; epo3y,7oated reinfor7ement:
In a freeHe,thaD area) epo3y 7oat the fo..oDin;:
#: A.. .on;it6dina. and trans<erse reinfor7ement in a brid;e de7k #2 in7hes or .ess in thi7kness
2: Lon;it6dina. and trans<erse reinfor7ement Dithin 0 in7hes of the top s6rfa7e of a brid;e de7k ;reater
than #2 in7hes in thi7kness
-: Reinfor7ement that e3tends to Dithin 0 in7hes of the top s6rfa7e of the brid;e de7k
4: Reinfor7ement Dithin or that e3tends to Dithin 0 in7hes of the top s6rfa7e of ab6tment ba7kDa..s)
Dhen the top s6rfa7e of the ba7kDa.. is at de7k .e<e.
*: Reinfor7ement in 7on7rete barriers
0: Reinfor7ement at .o7ations shoDn
,2-2.02AB2C De4#'#/#0'
,2-2.02AB)C S".m#//%&
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e for ea7h shipment of epo3y,7oated reinfor7ement: In7.6de Dith the
#: Certifi7ation that the 7oated reinfor7ement 7omp.ies Dith AST A 55*9A 55* for bar reinfor7ement
or AST A ++49A ++4) C.ass A) Type #) for Dire reinfor7ement
2: A.. 7ertifi7ations spe7ified in AST A 55*9A 55* for bar reinfor7ement or AST A ++49A ++4 for
Dire reinfor7ement
Perform G6a.ifi7ation testin; and 7ertifi7ations reG6ired by AST A 55*9A 55* and AST A ++49A ++4
at an a6thoriHed .aboratory:
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e for the pat7hin; materia. that in7.6des a 7ertifi7ation that the pat7hin;
materia. is 7ompatib.e Dith the epo3y poDder to be 6sed:
Instead of pro<idin; a 7ertifi7ation for the pat7hin; materia.) yo6 may identify on the 7ontainer that the
pat7hin; materia. is 7ompatib.e Dith the epo3y poDder to be 6sed:
,2-2.02AB+C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
F6rnish tDo -%,in7h test of ea7h siHe from ea7h shipment of epo3y,7oated reinfor7ement to the
Iob site:
"efore transportin; test
#: Se76re.y b6nd.e and pa7ka;e the 2 test in a Day that preser<es their 7ondition d6rin;
2: Identify ea7h test samp.e by shipment and Contra7t n6mber 6sin; Deatherproof markin;s
-: Atta7h a 7omp.eted Sample "dentification Card to the test
The Department tests the test
Test m6st 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements for 7oatin; thi7kness and 7oatin; adhesion spe7ified in
AST A 55*9A 55* for bar reinfor7ement or AST A ++49A ++4 C.ass A) Type # for Dire
reinfor7ement) as fo..oDs:
#: If both test 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements) the Department a77epts a.. epo3y,7oated
reinfor7ement represented by the test:
2 If both test do not 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements) the Department performs # additiona. test
on the reinfor7ement of the same siHe from the same shipment: This additiona. test 7onsists of testin;
2 test random.y se.e7ted by the En;ineer) for 7oatin; thi7kness and adhesion: If both test do not 7omp.y Dith the spe7ified reG6irements) the Department reIe7ts a.. epo3y,7oated
reinfor7ement represented by the test:
,2-2.02B M%/er#%&
Epo3y,7oated reinfor7ement m6st 7omp.y Dith:
#: AST A 55*9A 55* for bar reinfor7ement
2: AST A ++49A ++4) C.ass A) Type #) for Dire reinfor7ement
Fabri7ation and Iob site; of epo3y,7oated bar reinfor7ement m6st 7omp.y Dith AST D -$0-9D
Coatin; m6st be .i;ht ;reen:
,2-2.02C C0'/r"(/#0'
If dama;e to the 7oatin; o776rs d6rin; fie.d bendin;) pat7h the area immediate.y:
Cob site pra7ti7es m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tions >#:-:# thro6;h >#:-:#* of appendi3 ># of AST A ++49A
++4 for Dire reinfor7ement) e37ept rep.a7e the term Esho6.dE Dith the term Em6st:E
,2-2.02D P%3me'/
Not !sed
,2-2.0)A Ge'er%&
,2-2.0)AB1C S"mm%r3
Se7tion *2,2:%- in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for fabri7atin; and p.a7in; epo3y,7oated prefabri7ated
,2-2.0)AB2C De4#'#/#0'
,2-2.0)AB)C S".m#//%&
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e for ea7h shipment of epo3y,7oated reinfor7ement: In7.6de Dith the
#: Certifi7ation that the 7oated reinfor7ement 7omp.ies Dith AST A $-49A $-4 for bar reinfor7ement
or AST A ++49A ++4 C.ass A) Type 2 for Dire reinfor7ement
2: A.. 7ertifi7ations spe7ified in AST A $-49A $-4 for bar reinfor7ement or AST A ++49A ++4 for
Dire reinfor7ement
Perform G6a.ifi7ation testin; and 7ertifi7ation reG6ired by AST A $-49A $-4 and AST A ++49A ++4
at an a6thoriHed .aboratory:
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e for the pat7hin; materia. that in7.6des a 7ertifi7ation that the pat7hin;
materia. is 7ompatib.e Dith the epo3y poDder to be 6sed:
Instead of pro<idin; a 7ertifi7ation for the pat7hin; materia.) yo6 may identify on the 7ontainer that the
pat7hin; materia. is 7ompatib.e Dith the epo3y poDder to be 6sed:
,2-2.0)AB+C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
F6rnish tDo -%,in7h,.on; test of ea7h siHe from ea7h shipment to the Iob site of epo3y,7oated
prefabri7ated reinfor7ement:
"efore transportin; test
#: Se76re.y b6nd.e and pa7ka;e the 2 test in a Day that preser<es their 7ondition d6rin;
2: Identify ea7h test samp.e by shipment and Contra7t n6mber 6sin; Deatherproof markin;s
-: Atta7h a 7omp.eted Sample "dentification Card to the test
The Department tests the test
Test m6st 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements for 7oatin; thi7kness and 7oatin; adhesion spe7ified in
AST A $-49A $-4 for bar reinfor7ement or AST A ++49A ++4 C.ass A) Type 2 for Dire
reinfor7ement) as fo..oDs:
#: If both test 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements) the Department a77epts a.. epo3y,7oated
reinfor7ement represented by the test:
2 If both test do not 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements) the Department performs # additiona. test
on the reinfor7ement of the same siHe from the same shipment: This additiona. test 7onsists of testin;
2 test random.y se.e7ted by the En;ineer) for 7oatin; thi7kness and adhesion: If both test do not 7omp.y Dith the spe7ified reG6irements) the Department reIe7ts a.. epo3y,7oated
reinfor7ement represented by the test:
,2-2.0)B M%/er#%&
Epo3y,7oated prefabri7ated reinfor7ement m6st 7omp.y Dith:
#: AST A $-49A $-4 for bar reinfor7ement
2: AST A ++49A ++4) C.ass A) Type 2) for Dire reinfor7ement
Coatin; m6st be p6rp.e or ;ray:
,2-2.0)C C0'/r"(/#0'
Do not bend epo3y,7oated prefabri7ated bar or Dire reinfor7ement after 7oatin; app.i7ation:
Cob site pra7ti7es m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tions >2:-:# thro6;h >2:-:#* of appendi3 >2 of AST A $-49A
$-4 for bar reinfor7ement) e37ept rep.a7e the term Esho6.dE Dith the term Em6st:E
,2-2.0)D P%3me'/
Not !sed
,2-).01 GENERAL
Se7tion *2,- in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for fabri7atin; and p.a7in; ;a.<aniHed bar reinfor7ement:
=a.<aniHe bar reinfor7ement 6nder AST A 5059A 505) C.ass #) e37ept 7hromatin; is not reG6ired:
Cob site pra7ti7es m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tions >#:-:# thro6;h >#:-:#2 of appendi3 ># of AST A 5059A
505 for bar reinfor7ement) e37ept rep.a7e the term Esho6.dE Dith the term Em6st:E
,2-).0+ PAYMENT
Not !sed
,2-,.01 GENERAL
,2-,.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion *2,* in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for fabri7atin; headed bar reinfor7ement:
,2-,.01B De4#'#/#0'
$##.&e 'e(;#'85 (isib.e de7rease in the test samp.eFs 7ross se7tiona. area at the point of fra7t6re:
,2-,.01C S".m#//%&
,2-,.01CB1C Ge'er%&
If any part of the head is fabri7ated in the fie.d) s6bmit a preG6a.ifi7ation report as spe7ified for ser<i7e
sp.i7es and 6.timate b6tt sp.i7es 6nder se7tion *2,0:%#C/41:
,2-,.01CB2C Cer/#4#(%/e 04 C0m6&#%'(e
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e for ea7h shipment of headed bar reinfor7ement: In7.6de Dith the
s6bmitta. 7opies of:
#: i.. test reports for the:
#:#: "ar reinfor7ement
#:2: ?ead materia.
2: Prod67tion test reports
-: Dai.y prod67tion .o;s
,2-,.01CB)C Pr01"(/#0' Te/ Re60r/
S6bmit a prod67tion test report prepared by the .aboratory performin; the testin;: The report m6st be
si;ned by an en;ineer Dho represents the .aboratory and is re;istered as a 7i<i. en;ineer in the State:
For ea7h test) the report m6st in7.6de:
#: Lot n6mber
2: "ar siHe
-: Type of headed bar reinfor7ement
4: Physi7a. 7ondition of ea7h test samp.e
*: Notab.e defe7ts on any test samp.e
0: Affe7ted Hone .imits of ea7h test samp.e
5: Lo7ation of <isib.e ne7kin; area on ea7h test samp.e
+: !.timate stren;th of ea7h test samp.e
,2-,.01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
,2-,.01DB1C Ge'er%&
?eaded bar reinfor7ement m6st ha<e f6.. siHe heads and m6st be on the A6thoriHed ateria. List:
If any part of the head is fabri7ated in the fie.d) the operator and pro7ed6re m6st be preG6a.ified as
spe7ified for ser<i7e and 6.timate b6tt sp.i7es 6nder se7tion *2,0:%#D/21:
Se7tion ##,-:%2 does not app.y to headed bar reinfor7ement:
8e.din;) De.der G6a.ifi7ations) and inspe7tion of De.din; m6st 7omp.y Dith A8S C0:#:
,2-,.01DB2C D%#&3 Pr01"(/#0' L08
aintain a dai.y prod67tion .o; for the fabri7ation of headed bar reinfor7ement for ea7h prod67tion .ot: The
.o; m6st in7.6de:
#: Prod67tion .ot n6mbers
2: N6mber of bars in ea7h prod67tion .ot
-: ?eats of bar materia. and head materia. 6sed in ea7h prod67tion .ot
4: Fabri7ation re7ords) in7.6din; tra7kin; and prod67tion parameters for De.ds or for;in;s
,2-,.01DB)C Pr01"(/#0' Te/#'8
A prod67tion test m6st 7onsist of tensi.e testin; 4 headed bar reinfor7ement test se.e7ted from
ea7h .ot of 7omp.eted headed bar reinfor7ement before shippin; the .ot to the Iob site:
After 7omp.etin; fabri7ation of a .ot of headed bar reinfor7ement) in7.6din; preparation for any reG6ired
epo3y 7oatin;) notify the En;ineer that the .ot is ready for testin;:
After bein; notified) the En;ineer random.y se.e7ts the 4 test to be remo<ed from the .ot by yo6
and p.a7es tamper,proof markin;s or sea.s on them:
Test m6st be 4 feet .on; for bar reinfor7ement siHes no: $ and be.oD) and 0 feet .on; for bar
reinfor7ement siHes no: #% and abo<e:
A test samp.e Di.. be reIe7ted if the tamper,proof markin; or sea. is dist6rbed before testin;:
"efore transportin; test to an a6thoriHed .aboratory:
#: Se76re.y b6nd.e and pa7ka;e the 4 test for ea7h test in a Day that preser<es their 7ondition
d6rin; transportation
2: Identify ea7h test samp.e by .ot n6mber and Contra7t n6mber 6sin; Deatherproof markin;s
-: Atta7h a 7omp.eted Sample "dentification Card to ea7h b6nd.e
Tensi.e test headed bar reinfor7ement test
#: At a .aboratory on the A6thoriHed Laboratory List
2: In the 7ondition re7ei<ed
-: !nder AST A $5%9A$5%
Do not perform tests on test from 7ontainin; feDer than 4 test
At .east * b6siness days before performin; any testin; at the a6thoriHed .aboratory) notify the En;ineer of:
#: Date of the testin;
2: Lo7ation of the a6thoriHed .aboratory Dhere the tests Di.. be 7ond67ted
-: N6mber of .ots to be tested
At r6pt6re) headed bar reinfor7ement test m6st 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements spe7ified in se7tion
*2,*:%2 as fo..oDs:
#: If on.y # sp.i7e test samp.e 7omp.ies Dith the reG6irements) the Department reIe7ts a.. headed bar
reinfor7ement in the .ot:
2: If on.y 2 sp.i7e test 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements) perform # additiona. test on the same .ot
of headed bar reinfor7ement: This additiona. test m6st 7onsist of tensi.e testin; 4 sp.i7e test
random.y se.e7ted by the En;ineer and remo<ed by yo6 from the .ot: If any of the 4 test from
this additiona. test do not attain the spe7ified minim6m tensi.e stren;th) the Department reIe7ts a..
headed bar reinfor7ement in the .ot:
-: If - or more sp.i7e test 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements) the Department a77epts a.. headed bar
reinfor7ement in the .ot:
Ta; ea7h headed bar in a prod67tion .ot to be shipped to the Iob site in a Day that a..oDs a776rate
identifi7ation at the Iob site:
?eaded bar reinfor7ement m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A $5%9A$5%:
At r6pt6re) headed bar reinfor7ement m6st:
#: Comp.y Dith the tensi.e reG6irements of AST A $5%9A$5%) C.ass A:
2: ShoD si;ns of <isib.e ne7kin; in the reinfor7in; bar: The <isib.e ne7kin; m6st be .o7ated at .east # bar
diameter aDay from the affe7ted Hone:
EG6ipment 6sed to perform fri7tion De.din; m6st be fitted Dith an in,pro7ess monitorin; system to re7ord
essentia. prod67tion parameters that des7ribe the pro7ess of De.din; the head onto the reinfor7ement:
The parameters to be re7orded in7.6de:
#: Fri7tion De.din; for7e
2: For;e for7e
-: Rotationa. speed
4: Fri7tion 6pset distan7e and time
*: For;e 6pset distan7e and time
If headed bar reinfor7ement is to be epo3y 7oated:
#: Ro6nd ed;es of heads
2: Remo<e sharp ed;es) b6rrs) and De.d f.ash that Do6.d pre<ent proper 7oatin; of the headed bar
Do not 6se threaded heads Dhen headed bar reinfor7ement is to be epo3y 7oated:
,2-,.0+ PAYMENT
The payment G6antity of headed bar reinfor7ement is the G6antity of heads on.y:
Reinfor7in; bar 6sed for headed bar reinfor7ement is paid for as bar reinfor7in; stee.: The .en;th of bar
6sed in 7a.76.atin; the Dei;ht of reinfor7in; bar is the entire .en;th of the 7omp.eted headed bar in7.6din;
the head thi7kness:
,2--.01 GENERAL
,2--.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion *2,0 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for sp.i7in; bar reinfor7ement:
Reinfor7in; bar sp.i7es 7onsist of .ap sp.i7es) ser<i7e sp.i7es) or 6.timate b6tt sp.i7es:
,2--.01B De4#'#/#0'
,2--.01C S".m#//%&
,2--.01CB1C Ge'er%&
Se7tion *2,0:%#C app.ies if ser<i7e sp.i7es or 6.timate b6tt sp.i7es are 6sed in the Dork:
,2--.01CB2C Cer/#4#(%/e 04 C0m6&#%'(e
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e for ea7h shipment of sp.i7e materia.: In7.6de Dith the s6bmitta.:
#: Type or series identifi7ation of the sp.i7e materia.) in7.6din; tra7kin; information for tra7eabi.ity
2: =rade and siHe n6mber of reinfor7ement to be sp.i7ed
-: Statement that the sp.i7e materia. 7omp.ies Dith the type of me7hani7a. sp.i7e on the A6thoriHed
ateria. List
4: For resistan7e,b6tt,De.ded materia.:
4:#: ?eat n6mber
4:2: Lot n6mber
4:-: i.. 7ertifi7ates
,2--.01CB)C Ae&1er %'1 Ae&1#'8 Pr0(e1"re G"%&#4#(%/#0'
S6bmit De.der and De.din; pro7ed6re G6a.ifi7ations as an informationa. s6bmitta.:
,2--.01CB+C S6&#(e Pre!"%&#4#(%/#0' Re60r/
For ea7h sp.i7e type to be 6sed in the Dork) s6bmit a sp.i7e preG6a.ifi7ation report for ser<i7e sp.i7es and
6.timate b6tt sp.i7es that in7.6des:
#: Copy of the man6fa7t6rerFs prod67t .iterat6re ;i<in; 7omp.ete data on the sp.i7e materia. and
insta..ation pro7ed6res
2: Names of the operators Dho Di.. be performin; the sp.i7in;
-: Des7riptions of the positions) .o7ations) eG6ipment) and pro7ed6res that Di.. be 6sed in the Dork
4 Certified test res6.ts from the a6thoriHed .aboratory for the preG6a.ifi7ation sp.i7e test
*: Certifi7ations from the fabri7ator for operator and pro7ed6re preG6a.ifi7ation
,2--.01CB,C Ae&1 F&%7 Rem0$%& Pr0(e
S6bmit a proposed De.d f.ash remo<a. pro7ess: The s6bmitta. m6st shoD that the pro7ess prod67es a
smooth profi.e that 7an be s677essf6..y epo3y 7oated 6nder se7tion *2,2:
Remo<a. of the De.d f.ash m6st prod67e a smooth profi.e free of any sharp ed;es that Do6.d pre<ent
proper 7oatin; of the reinfor7ement s67h that:
#: !.timate tensi.e stren;th and e.on;ation properties of the bar are not red67ed
2: O6tside radi6s of the f.ash at any point a.on; the 7ir76mferen7e of the bar is not:
2:#: Less than the nomina. radi6s of the bar
2:2: =reater than -9#0 in7h beyond the nomina. radi6s of the bar
,2--.01CB-C Pr01"(/#0' Te/ Re60r/
S6bmit a prod67tion test report for ea7h .ot prepared by the .aboratory performin; the testin;: The report
m6st be si;ned by an en;ineer Dho represents the .aboratory and is re;istered as a 7i<i. en;ineer in the
A..oD - b6siness days for the En;ineerFs re<ieD:
Ea7h report m6st in7.6de:
#: Lot n6mber and .o7ation
2: "ar siHe
-: Sp.i7e type
4: e7hani7a. sp.i7e .en;th
*: Test spe7imen .en;th
0: Physi7a. 7ondition of sp.i7e test samp.e
5: Notab.e defe7ts
+: Tota. meas6red s.ip
$: !.timate tensi.e stren;th of ea7h sp.i7e
#%: For 6.timate b6tt sp.i7es:
#%:#: Lo7ation of <isib.e ne7kin; area
#%:2: Lar;est meas6red strain
&o6 may en7ase sp.i7es in 7on7rete:
#: After s6bmittin; the prod67tion test report for re<ieD
2: "efore re7ei<in; notifi7ation from the En;ineer that the prod67tion test report is a6thoriHed
-: "efore s6bmittin; the prod67tion test report for re<ieD for sp.i7es made <erti7a..y at the Iob site in or
abo<e their fina. positions for bar reinfor7ement of 7o.6mns or CIP 7on7rete
,2--.01CB2C G"%&#/3 A"r%'(e Te/ S%m6&e
S6bmit test for @A testin; to ETS:
In7.6de 7opies of the 7ertifi7ates of 7omp.ian7e Dith the @A test for me7hani7a. sp.i7es and
resistan7e,b6tt,De.ded sp.i7es:
,2--.01CB>C S6&#(e Re=e(/#0' Re60r/
For a reIe7ted .ot) s6bmit a sp.i7e reIe7tion report:
A..oD - b6siness days for the En;ineerFs re<ieD:
,2--.01CB?C R%1#08r%67#( F#&m De$e&06#'8 Pr0(e Re(0r1
If reG6ested) s6bmit re7ords of radio;raphi7 fi.m de<e.opin; pro7esses and any 7hemi7a. 7han;es to the
de<e.opin; pro7esses:
,2--.01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
,2--.01DB1C Ge'er%&
Se7tion *2,0:%#D app.ies if ser<i7e sp.i7es or 6.timate b6tt sp.i7es are 6sed in the Dork:
Assi;n a sp.i7in; @C mana;er:
If a .ot of sp.i7es is reIe7ted) do not 6se the reIe7ted .ot or any s6bseG6ent .ots 6nti.:
#: @C mana;er performs a 7omp.ete re<ieD of yo6r @C pro7ess for these sp.i7es
2: &o6 prepare a sp.i7e reIe7tion report des7ribin; the 7a6se of the fai.6re for the sp.i7es in the reIe7ted
.ot and pro<isions for pre<entin; fai.6res in f6t6re .ots
-: En;ineer has notified yo6 that the sp.i7e reIe7tion report is a6thoriHed
"efore testin; resistan7e,b6tt,De.ded sp.i7e test of reinfor7ement to be epo3y 7oated) remo<e
the De.d f.ash 6sin; the a6thoriHed pro7ess for f.ash remo<a.:
The fo..oDin; m6st be on the A6thoriHed ateria. List:
#: e7hani7a. 7o6p.ers
2: Fabri7ators of resistan7e,b6tt,De.ded sp.i7es
&o6 may en7ase sp.i7es in 7on7rete before re7ei<in; notifi7ation of the @A test res6.ts from the En;ineer:
If yo6 en7ase any sp.i7es in 7on7rete before re7ei<in; notifi7ation from the En;ineer) yo6 Di.. not be<ed of yo6r responsibi.ity for in7orporatin; materia. into the Dork that 7omp.ies Dith the Contra7t:
Se7tion ##,-:%2 does not app.y to resistan7e,b6tt,De.ded sp.i7es:
,2--.01DB2C O6er%/0r %'1 Pr0(e1"re Pre!"%&#4#(%/#0'
"efore performin; any ser<i7e or 6.timate b6tt sp.i7in;) obtain 7ertifi7ations from the fabri7ator for
preG6a.ifi7ation of the operators and the pro7ed6res to be 6sed in the Dork:
For ea7h bar siHe of ea7h sp.i7e type to be 6sed) ea7h operator m6st prepare:
#: 2 preG6a.ifi7ation sp.i7e test
2: 2 additiona. preG6a.ifi7ation sp.i7e test if 6sin; sp.i7es dependent on bar deformations
Sp.i7e test m6st ha<e been prepared and tested no more than 2 years before the s6bmitta. of the
sp.i7e preG6a.ifi7ation report:
Sp.i7e test and testin; m6st 7omp.y Dith the prod67tion testin; reG6irements spe7ified in se7tion
*2,0:%#D/41 for the type of sp.i7e to be 6sed in the Dork:
,2--.01DB)C Ae&1er %'1 Ae&1#'8 Pr0(e1"re G"%&#4#(%/#0'
"efore performin; any CCP b6tt De.ds) G6a.ify De.ders and De.din; pro7ed6res 6nder A8S D#:4:
@6a.ify De.ders and De.din; pro7ed6res on sp.i7e test of the type to be 6sed in the Dork:
,2--.01DB+C Pr01"(/#0' Te/#'8
,2--.01DB+CB%C Ge'er%&
Prod67tion testin; in7.6des tota. s.ip testin;) ser<i7e sp.i7e testin;) and 6.timate b6tt sp.i7e testin;:
Sp.i7e test m6st 7omp.y Dith Ca.ifornia Test 05%:
For sp.i7in; neD reinfor7ement to e3istin; reinfor7ement) make sp.i7e test 6sin; on.y
reinfor7ement ha<in; the deformation pattern of the neD reinfor7ement:
"efore transportin; sp.i7e test to an a6thoriHed .aboratory or to ETS:
#: Se76re.y b6nd.e and pa7ka;e the 4 test for ea7h test in a Day that preser<es their 7ondition
d6rin; transportation
2: Identify ea7h sp.i7e test samp.e by .o7ation and Contra7t n6mber 6sin; Deatherproof markin;s
-: Atta7h a 7omp.eted Sample "dentification Card to ea7h b6nd.e
Test prod67tion sp.i7e test
#: At a .aboratory on the A6thoriHed Laboratory List
2: In the 7ondition re7ei<ed
-: !nder Ca.ifornia Test 05%
"efore performin; ser<i7e sp.i7e or 6.timate b6tt sp.i7e testin;) perform tota. s.ip testin; on the ser<i7e
sp.i7e or 6.timate b6t sp.i7e test as spe7ified in se7tion *2,0:%#D/41/b1:
Do not perform tests on sp.i7e test from 7ontainin; feDer than 4 test
At .east * b6siness days before performin; any testin; at the a6thoriHed .aboratory) notify the En;ineer of:
#: Date of the testin;
2: Lo7ation of the a6thoriHed .aboratory Dhere the tests Di.. be 7ond67ted
-: N6mber of .ots to be tested
If a prod67tion test for a .ot is reIe7ted) repair or rep.a7e reinfor7in; bars from Dhi7h test Dere
remo<ed before the En;ineer se.e7ts additiona. sp.i7es from this .ot for more testin;:
,2--.01DB+CB.C T0/%& S&#6 Te/#'8
E37ept for me7hani7a. .ap) De.ded) or hoop sp.i7es) test # of the 4 sp.i7e test for tota. s.ip:
If the sp.i7e test samp.e e37eeds the tota. s.ip <a.6e spe7ified in se7tion *2,0:%2") test the - remainin;
test for tota. s.ip: If any of the - remainin; test e37eed the spe7ified tota. s.ip <a.6e) the
Department reIe7ts a.. sp.i7es in the .ot:
,2--.01DB+CB(C Ser$#(e S6&#(e Te/#'8
A ser<i7e sp.i7e test 7onsists of preparin; and testin; 4 sp.i7e test for ea7h .ot of 7omp.eted
Prepare the test 6sin; the same sp.i7e materia.) position) operators) .o7ation) eG6ipment) and
pro7ed6res to be 6sed in the Dork:
Sp.i7e test m6st 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements spe7ified in *2,0:%2C as fo..oDs:
#: If on.y # sp.i7e test samp.e 7omp.ies Dith the reG6irements) the Department reIe7ts a.. sp.i7es in the
2: If on.y 2 sp.i7e test 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements) perform # additiona. test on the same .ot
of sp.i7es: This additiona. test m6st 7onsist of tensi.e testin; 4 sp.i7e test random.y se.e7ted
by the En;ineer and remo<ed by yo6 from the .ot of 7omp.eted sp.i7es: If any of the 4 sp.i7e test from this additiona. test do not attain the spe7ified minim6m tensi.e stren;th) the Department
reIe7ts a.. sp.i7es in the .ot:
-: If - or more sp.i7e test 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements) the Department a77epts a.. sp.i7es in
the .ot:
,2--.01DB+CB1C U&/#m%/e B"// S6&#(e Te/#'8
,2--.01DB+CB1CB#C Ge'er%&
An 6.timate b6tt sp.i7e test 7onsists of remo<in; and testin; 4 sp.i7e test from ea7h .ot of
7omp.eted sp.i7es:
After 7omp.etin; the sp.i7es in a .ot) in7.6din; any reG6ired epo3y 7oatin;) notify the En;ineer that the
sp.i7es are ready for testin;: E37ept for hoops) the En;ineer se.e7ts sp.i7e test at the Iob site:
The En;ineer se.e7ts sp.i7e test for hoops at the Iob site or fabri7ation p.ant:
After bein; notified) the En;ineer random.y se.e7ts the 4 sp.i7e test to be remo<ed by yo6 and
p.a7es tamper,proof markin;s or sea.s on them:
If the tamper,proof markin; or sea. is dist6rbed before testin;) the Department reIe7ts the sp.i7e test
At r6pt6re) sp.i7e test m6st 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements spe7ified in se7tion *2,0:%2D as
#: If on.y # sp.i7e test samp.e 7omp.ies Dith the reG6irements) the Department reIe7ts a.. sp.i7es in the
2: If on.y 2 sp.i7e test 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements) perform # additiona. 6.timate b6tt sp.i7e
test on the same .ot of sp.i7es: If any of these 4 sp.i7e test do not 7omp.y Dith the spe7ified
reG6irements) the Department reIe7ts a.. sp.i7es in the .ot:
-: If - or more sp.i7e test 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements) the Department a77epts a.. sp.i7es in
the .ot:
The Department does not reG6ire 6.timate b6tt sp.i7e testin; on repaired sp.i7es from a .ot 6n.ess an
additiona. 6.timate b6tt sp.i7e test is reG6ired on the same .ot of sp.i7es: If this additiona. test is reG6ired)
the En;ineer may se.e7t any repaired sp.i7e for the additiona. test:
If sp.i7es are made <erti7a..y at the Iob site in or abo<e their fina. positions for bar reinfor7ement of
7o.6mns or CIP 7on7rete instead of remo<in; the sp.i7e test from the 7omp.eted .ot) yo6
may prepare the as spe7ified for ser<i7e sp.i7e test in se7tion *2,0:%#D/41/71: Test the
sp.i7e test as spe7ified for 6.timate b6tt sp.i7e test
,2--.01DB+CB1CB##C R%1#08r%67#( Te/#'8
Se7tion *2,0:%#D/41/d1/ii1 app.ies Dhen test for CCP b6tt,De.ded sp.i7es are not remo<ed from a
.ot of 7omp.eted sp.i7es:
Notify the En;ineer 4+ ho6rs before performin; any RT:
Perform RT of CCP b6tt,De.ded sp.i7es 6nder A8S D#:4:
#: "efore tensi.e testin; the sp.i7e test
2: On 2* per7ent of CCP b6tt,De.ded sp.i7es from a prod67tion .ot
The En;ineer se.e7ts the sp.i7es that 7ompose the prod67tion .ot and the sp.i7es Dithin ea7h .ot to re7ei<e
If more than #2 per7ent of the sp.i7es radio;raphi7a..y tested in a prod67tion .ot are defe7ti<e) perform RT
on an additiona. 2* per7ent of the sp.i7es se.e7ted by the En;ineer from the same prod67tion .ot: If more
than #2 per7ent of the 76m6.ati<e tota. of sp.i7es tested from the same prod67tion .ot are defe7ti<e)
perform RT on a.. remainin; sp.i7es in the .ot:
The Department does not pay for additiona. RT performed d6e to the identifi7ation of defe7ti<e sp.i7es:
Repair defe7ts 6nder A8S D#:4:
Radio;raphi7 pro7ed6res m6st 7omp.y Dith A8S D#:# and D#:4:
For fie.d,prod67ed CCP b6tt De.ds) do not radio;raph more than # De.d d6rin; # e3pos6re:
ake radio;raphs by either >,ray or ;amma ray: Ea7h radio;raph m6st ha<e a density of from 2:- to -:*
in the area of interest: The Department a..oDs a density to.eran7e of %:%* for densitometer <ariations:
=amma rays m6st be from the iridi6m #$2 isotope and the emittin; spe7imen m6st not e37eed %:#+ in7h
in the ;reatest dia;ona. dimension:
&o6 may add an a..oDab.e De.d b6i.d6p of %:#0 in7h to the tota. materia. thi7kness Dhen determinin; the
proper penetrameter se.e7tion: The Department does not a77ept ima;e G6a.ity indi7ator eG6i<a.en7y:
S6ffi7ient.y shim penetrameters 6sin; a radio;raphi7a..y identi7a. materia.: Penetrameter ima;e densities
m6st be from 2:% to -:0:
Re;ard.ess of the reinfor7in; bar siHe) radio;raphi7 fi.m m6st be C.ass #:
The Department does not a..oD si;ht de<e.opment:
Re7ord the res6.ts of radio;raphi7 interpretations on a si;ned 7ertifi7ation and keep a 7opy Dith the fi.m
Te7hniG6e sheets prepared 6nder ASE " and Press6re (esse. Code) se7tion () arti7.e 2) se7tion T,
2$#) m6st in7.6de the de<e.oper temperat6re) de<e.opin; time) fi3in; d6ration) and a.. rinse times:
,2--.01DB,C G"%&#/3 A"r%'(e Te/#'8
At the same time yo6 prepare or remo<e sp.i7e test for prod67tion testin;) prepare or remo<e 4
@A sp.i7e test for:
#: #st prod67tion test performed
2: # of e<ery * s6bseG6ent prod67tion tests) or fra7tion thereof) random.y se.e7ted by the En;ineer
@A sp.i7e test m6st 7omp.y Dith Ca.ifornia Test 05%:
Se76re) identify) and transport @A sp.i7e test as spe7ified for sp.i7e test in se7tion *2,
The Department tests @A ser<i7e sp.i7es and @A 6.timate b6tt sp.i7es as spe7ified for prod67tion testin;
in se7tion *2,0:%#D/41:
The Department Di.. notify yo6 of the @A test res6.ts for ea7h b6nd.e of 4 test of sp.i7es Dithin -
b6siness days after ETS re7ei<es the b6nd.e 6n.ess more than # b6nd.e is re7ei<ed on the same day) in
Dhi7h 7ase a..oD 2 additiona. b6siness days for ea7h additiona. b6nd.e re7ei<ed:
,2--.02A Ge'er%&
,2--.02B T0/%& S&#6 Re!"#reme'/
The tota. s.ip m6st not e37eed the <a.6es shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e Dhen tested 6nder Ca.ifornia Test
T0/%& S&#6
Reinfor7in; bar no: Tota. s.ip /in7h1
4 %:%2%
* %:%2%
0 %:%2%
5 %:%2+
+ %:%2+
$ %:%2+
#% %:%-0
## %:%-0
#4 %:%4+
#+ %:%0%
,2--.02C Ser$#(e S6&#(e Re!"#reme'/
Ser<i7e sp.i7es m6st de<e.op a minim6m tensi.e stren;th of +%)%%% psi:
,2--.02D U&/#m%/e B"// S6&#(e Re!"#reme'/
!.timate b6tt sp.i7es m6st do one of the fo..oDin;:
#: R6pt6re in the reinfor7in; bar o6tside of the affe7ted Hone and shoD <isib.e ne7kin; as spe7ified in
Ca.ifornia Test 05%) Ne7kin; /Option I1
2: R6pt6re anyDhere and ne7k as spe7ified in Ca.ifornia Test 05%) Ne7kin; /Option II1
,2--.0)A Ge'er%&
"6tt,De.ded or me7hani7a. sp.i7es not shoDn as reG6irin; a ser<i7e sp.i7e or an 6.timate b6tt sp.i7e m6st
7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for ser<i7e sp.i7es:
Do not p.a7e sp.i7es at a .o7ation shoDn as a no,sp.i7e Hone:
Reinfor7in; bars may be 7ontin6o6s Dhere sp.i7es are shoDn: If sp.i7e .o7ations are not shoDn)
determine sp.i7e .o7ations 6sin; 7ommer7ia. .en;ths Dhere pra7ti7ab.e:
!n.ess another option is shoDn) sta;;er sp.i7es in adIa7ent reinfor7in; stee.: The minim6m distan7e
betDeen sta;;ered:
#: Lap sp.i7es or me7hani7a. .ap sp.i7es m6st be the same as the .en;th reG6ired for a .ap sp.i7e in the
.ar;est bar
2: "6tt sp.i7es m6st be 2 feet meas6red betDeen the sp.i7e midpoints a.on; a .ine 7entered betDeen the
a3es of the adIa7ent bars
For reinfor7in; bars Dhere sp.i7e test Dere remo<ed) rep.a7e either of the fo..oDin;:
#: Remo<ed portion of the bar or hoop 6sin; me7hani7a. 6.timate b6tt sp.i7es
2: "ar or hoop in kind
,2--.0)B L%6 S6&#(#'8
Sp.i7es made by .appin; m6st 7onsist of p.a7in; reinfor7in; bars in 7onta7t and Dirin; them to;ether Dhi.e
maintainin; the a.i;nment of the bars and the minim6m 7.earan7es:
Do not sp.i7e reinfor7in; bars by .appin; Dhere yo6 7annot pro<ide a minim6m 7.ear distan7e of 2 in7hes
betDeen the sp.i7e and the nearest adIa7ent bar:
Do not sp.i7e nos: #4 and #+ bars by .appin;:
For reinfor7in; bars 7omp.yin; Dith AST A 0#*9A 0#*) =rade 0%) or AST A 5%09A 5%0) the .en;th of
.ap sp.i7es m6st be at .east:
#: 4* diameters of the bar sp.i7ed for reinfor7in; bars no: + or
2: 0% diameters of the bar sp.i7ed for reinfor7in; bars nos: $) #%) and ##
For reinfor7in; bars 7omp.yin; Dith AST A 0#*9A 0#*) =rade 4%) the .en;th of .ap sp.i7es m6st be at
#: -% diameters of the bar sp.i7ed for reinfor7in; bars no: + or
2: 4* diameters of the bar sp.i7ed for reinfor7in; bars nos: $) #%) and ##
For sp.i7es in b6nd.ed bars) the .en;th of the .ap sp.i7es m6st be:
#: Same as the .en;th of a sin;.e bar .ap sp.i7e for of 2 bars
2: #:2 times the .en;th of a sin;.e bar .ap sp.i7e for of - bars
Lap De.ded Dire reinfor7ement s67h that the o<er.ap betDeen the o6termost 7ross Dires is at .east the
.ar;er of the fo..oDin;:
#: 0 in7hes
2: Spa7in; of the 7ross Dires p.6s 2 in7hes
-: N6meri7a. <a.6e of the .on;it6dina. Dire siHe /8,siHe n6mber1 times 4:- di<ided by the spa7in; of the
.on;it6dina. Dires in in7hes
,2--.0)C Ser$#(e S6&#(e %'1 U&/#m%/e B"// S6&#(e
,2--.0)CB1C Ge'er%&
Ser<i7e sp.i7es and 6.timate b6tt sp.i7es m6st be one of the fo..oDin;:
#: e7hani7a. sp.i7es
2: Resistan7e,b6tt,De.ded sp.i7es
-: CCP b6tt,De.ded sp.i7es
,2--.0)CB2C Me(7%'#(%& S6&#(e
Perform ser<i7e sp.i7in; and 6.timate b6tt sp.i7in; of me7hani7a. sp.i7es:
#: !nder the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions) 6n.ess otherDise spe7ified
2: !sin; the man6fa7t6rerFs standard eG6ipment) Ii;s) 7.amps) and other reG6ired a77essories
Sp.i7e de<i7es m6st ha<e a 7.ear 7o<er of at .east #,-94 in7hes meas6red from the s6rfa7e of the 7on7rete
to the o6tside of the sp.i7e de<i7e: To pro<ide the spe7ified 7.ear 7o<er to reinfor7ement:
#: AdI6st or re.o7ate stirr6ps) ties) and other reinfor7ement
2: P.a7e additiona. reinfor7ement) if needed
,2--.0)CB)C Re#/%'(e-B"//-Ae&1e1 S6&#(e
If resistan7e,b6tt,De.ded bar reinfor7ement is to be epo3y 7oated) remo<e the De.d f.ash 6sin; the
a6thoriHed pro7ess for f.ash remo<a.:
,2--.0)CB+C C0m6&e/e-E0#'/-Pe'e/r%/#0' B"//-Ae&1e1 S6&#(e
CCP b6tt,De.ded sp.i7es m6st 7omp.y Dith A8S D#:4:
!se on.y the Ioint detai.s and dimensions shoDn in Fi;6re -:2 of A8S D#:4: Do not 6se pipe ba7kin;:
ake b6tt De.ds Dith m6.tip.e De.d passes Ditho6t an appre7iab.e Dea<in; motion 6sin; a strin;er bead
ha<in; a Didth at most 2:* times the diameter of the e.e7trode: Perform s.a;;in; betDeen ea7h De.d
pass: 8e.d reinfor7ement m6st not e37eed %:#0 in7h in 7on<e3ity:
E.e7trodes for De.din; m6st ha<e a minim6m C(N impa7t <a.6e of 25 C at ,4 de;rees F:
For De.din; of bars 7omp.yin; Dith AST A 0#*9A 0#*) =rade 4% or 0%) the reG6irements of Tab.e *:2 of
A8S D#:4 are s6perseded by the fo..oDin;: The minim6m preheat and interpass temperat6res m6st be
4%% de;rees F for =rade 4% bars and 0%% de;rees F for =rade 0% bars: Immediate.y after 7omp.etin; the
De.din;) 7o<er at .east 0 in7hes of the bar on ea7h side of the sp.i7e Dith ins6.ated Drappin; to 7ontro. the
rate of;: The ins6.ated Drappin; m6st remain in p.a7e 6nti. the bar has 7oo.ed be.oD 2%% de;rees
If De.din; different ;rades of reinfor7in; bars:
#: E.e7trode m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for =rade 4% bar
2: Preheat m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for =rade 0% bar
If any of the spe7ified preheat) interpass) and post De.d; temperat6res are not met) remo<e the
De.d and heat,affe7ted,Hone meta. and reDe.d the sp.i7e:
Prote7t De.din; from air 76rrents) drafts) and pre7ipitation to pre<ent .oss of heat or .oss of ar7 shie.din;:
Do not dire7t b6tt sp.i7e reinfor7in; bars by thermite De.din;:
,2--.0+ PAYMENT
Not !sed
,2-2.01 GENERAL
,2-2.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion *2,5 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for; stray 76rrent prote7tion:
Stray 76rrent prote7tion 7onsists of one or a 7ombination of the fo..oDin;:
#: Prestress tendon 7onne7tions
2: "ar reinfor7in; stee. 7onne7tions
-: Copper 7ab.e to bar reinfor7in; stee. 7onne7tions
4: Pi.e and 7on7rete epo3y ins6.ation
*: Con7rete ins6.ation 7o6rse
0: Neoprene sheet ins6.ation
5: Coint sea.ant ins6.ation
+: embrane ins6.ation
$: ortar b.o7k ins6.ation
#%: Epo3y,7oated reinfor7in; stee. ins6.ation
##: P.asti7 end 7o<er ins6.ators
#2: Pipe Drappin; tape ins6.ation
#-: Epo3y for ins6.ation of embedded meta. materia.s
The types of stray 76rrent prote7tion to be insta..ed are shoDn:
,2-2.01B De4#'#/#0'
,2-2.01C S".m#//%&
,2-2.01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
,2-2.01DB1C Ge'er%&
,2-2.01DB2C Pre/re Te'10' C0''e(/#0'
"efore De.din; in the Dork) De.din; operators m6st be preG6a.ified by satisfa7tori.y 7omp.etin; a fie.d
G6a.ifi7ation test De.d: The operator m6st make G6a.ifi7ation test De.ds in the presen7e of the En;ineer
6sin; materia.s to those in the Dork in the same position and 6nder the same 7onditions of De.din;
that Di.. be en7o6ntered in the Dork:
(is6a. inspe7tion of 7omp.eted De.ds m6st shoD no e<iden7e of 7ra7ks) .a7k of f6sion) or 6nder76ttin;:
,2-2.01DB)C*,2-2.01DB,C Reer$e1
,2-2.02A Ge'er%&
,2-2.02B Pre/re Te'10' C0''e(/#0'
For prestress tendon 7onne7tions) the no: 0 stee. Dire m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A +29A +2) A *#%) or A
,2-2.02C B%r Re#'40r(#'8 S/ee& C0''e(/#0'
,2-2.02D C066er C%.&e /0 B%r Re#'40r(#'8 S/ee& C0''e(/#0'
ateria.s for e3othermi7 De.din; the 7opper 7ab.e to bar reinfor7in; stee. 7onne7tions m6st 7omp.y Dith
the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions for the mo.d siHe and shape) and the 7har;e siHe and a..oy mi3t6re for the
The 7opper 7ab.e m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion +0,2:%+C:
The tape m6st be 7ommer7ia..y a<ai.ab.e <iny. e.e7tri7a. tape Dith a thi7kness of at .east 5 mi.s:
The test bo3 7o<er and an7hora;e de<i7es m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 5*,#:%-: The ;asket m6st be made
of 7ommer7ia..y a<ai.ab.e neoprene:
,2-2.02E P#&e %'1 C0'(re/e E60<3 I'"&%/#0'
For pi.e and 7on7rete epo3y ins6.ation) epo3y m6st be 7ommer7ia. G6a.ity) non7ond67ti<e) and s6itab.e for
adheren7e to 7on7rete and stee. s6rfa7es:
,2-2.02F C0'(re/e I'"&%/#0' C0"re
Con7rete ins6.ation 7o6rses m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *# and 7ontain at .east *$% po6nds of 7ementitio6s
materia. per 76bi7 yard of 7on7rete:
,2-2.02G Ne06re'e S7ee/ I'"&%/#0'
Fabri7ate neoprene sheet ins6.ation from sheet neoprene 7omp.yin; Dith the spe7ifi7ations for neoprene
in se7tion *#,2:%4:
The sheet m6st be at .east #9+ in7h thi7k:
,2-2.02H E0#'/ Se%&%'/ I'"&%/#0'
The Ioint sea.ant ins6.ation m6st be a sin;.e,7omponent nonsa; po.y6rethane sea.ant 7omp.yin; Dith
AST C $2%:
The primer and ba7kin; rod m6st 7omp.y Dith the Ioint sea.ant man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions:
,2-2.02I Mem.r%'e I'"&%/#0'
embrane ins6.ation m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for dampproofin; or preformed membrane
Daterproofin; in se7tion *4:
,2-2.02E M0r/%r B&0(; I'"&%/#0'
ortar b.o7k ins6.ation m6st 7ontain at .east 50% po6nds of 7ementitio6s materia. per 76bi7 yard: The
b.o7ks m6st be dense) homo;eneo6s) and Daterti;ht:
,2-2.02I E60<3-C0%/e1 Re#'40r(#'8 S/ee& I'"&%/#0'
Epo3y,7oated reinfor7in; stee. ins6.ation m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *2,2:
If a; n6t is 6sed at an atta7hment betDeen an approa7h s.ab and an ab6tment) the n6t m6st be
epo3y 7oated either before or after fabri7ation:
,2-2.02L P&%/#( E'1 C0$er I'"&%/0r
The p.asti7 end 7o<er ins6.ators m6st be of the type 7ommer7ia..y a<ai.ab.e to prote7t Dorkers from
protr6din; reinfor7in; bars: "ond the 7o<ers to the reinfor7in; bars Dith 7ommer7ia..y a<ai.ab.e epo3y that
is 7ompatib.e Dith the p.asti7 7o<ers:
,2-2.02M P#6e Ar%66#'8 T%6e I'"&%/#0'
For pipe Drappin; tape ins6.ation) the tape m6st be press6re,sensiti<e P(C or po.yethy.ene tape Dith a
nomina. thi7kness of 2% mi.s: !se a primer as re7ommended by the man6fa7t6rer of the tape:
,2-2.02N E60<3 40r I'"&%/#0' 04 Em.e11e1 Me/%& M%/er#%&
For ins6.ation of embedded meta. materia.s) epo3y m6st be 7ommer7ia. G6a.ity) non7ond67ti<e) and
s6itab.e for adherin; to meta. s6rfa7es:
Instead of epo3y 7oatin; han;er rods) yo6 may 6se 7ommer7ia. G6a.ity neoprene b6shin;s aro6nd the
pipe at strap s6pports:
Instead of epo3y 7oatin; meta. parts of Ioint sea. assemb.ies in 7onta7t Dith 7on7rete) yo6 may app.y a
hea<y 7oat of bit6mino6s paint:
,2-2.0)A Ge'er%&
,2-2.0)B Pre/re Te'10' C0''e(/#0'
Do not perform De.din; on the prestress an7hora;e de<i7es: Do not perform ar7 De.din; on the
prestressin; strand:
Conne7t 7o..e7tor Dire to the prestressed strand by ;as De.din;: Do not ;as De.d 6nti. the tendons are
;ro6ted and ha<e 76red for at .east 24 ho6rs: &o6 may Ioin 2 Dire pi;tai. ends by ;as De.din; at any sta;e
of the Dork:
O3ya7ety.ene De.din; m6st 7omp.y Dith the best standards of the ind6stry: !se ;as De.din; rods
7omp.yin; Dith C.ass R=4* /stee. rods1:
,2-2.0)C B%r Re#'40r(#'8 S/ee& C0''e(/#0'
8e.d bars and sp.i7es by the man6a. shie.ded meta.,ar7 pro7ess before; any prestressin;
strands: !se .oD,hydro;en e.e7trodes 7omp.yin; Dith the spe7ifi7ations for E5%#0 e.e7trodes in A8S
,2-2.0)D C066er C%.&e /0 B%r Re#'40r(#'8 S/ee& C0''e(/#0'
F6sion De.d the 7opper 7ab.e to the bar reinfor7in; stee. by an e3othermi7 type De.din; pro7ess:
App.y 7ommer7ia..y a<ai.ab.e r6bber sp.i7in; 7ompo6nd to the De.ded 7onne7tion:
App.y 2 .ayers of tape) ea7h ha.f .apped:
,2-2.0)E P#&e %'1 C0'(re/e E60<3 I'"&%/#0'
Abrasi<e b.ast 7.ean 7on7rete s6rfa7es on Dhi7h epo3y ins6.ation is to be app.ied to the e3tent that 7.ean
a;;re;ate is e3posed:
App.y the epo3y by br6sh or other means that Di.. 7omp.ete.y and 6niform.y 7o<er the s6rfa7es:
Remo<e .iftin; an7hors as spe7ified for their remo<a. in a 7orrosi<e en<ironment in se7tion 4$,2:%4"/21:
,2-2.0)F C0'(re/e I'"&%/#0' C0"re
E37a<ate and ba7kfi.. for 7on7rete ins6.ation 7o6rse 6nder se7tion #$,-:
The Ioint betDeen the 7on7rete ins6.ation 7o6rse and the footin; m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for
horiHonta. 7onstr67tion Ioints in se7tion *#,#:%-D/41) e37ept abrasi<e b.ast 7.eanin; is not reG6ired:
,2-2.0)G Ne06re'e S7ee/ I'"&%/#0'
For neoprene sheet ins6.ation) .ap ea7h s677essi<e sheet se76re.y to the pre7edin; sheet by at .east 0
,2-2.0)H E0#'/ Se%&%'/ I'"&%/#0'
Abrasi<e b.ast 7.ean and prime 7on7rete s6rfa7es to re7ei<e Ioint sea.ant ins6.ation:
,2-2.0)I Mem.r%'e I'"&%/#0'
The e3posed s6rfa7es of membrane ins6.ation m6st be of 6niform hei;ht abo<e ;ro6nd Ditho6t 6nsi;ht.y
b6.;es) depressions) or other imperfe7tions:
embrane ins6.ation m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for dampproofin; or preformed membrane
Daterproofin; in se7tion *4:
,2-2.0)E M0r/%r B&0(; I'"&%/#0'
,2-2.0)I E60<3-C0%/e1 Re#'40r(#'8 S/ee& I'"&%/#0'
For a; n6t epo3y 7oated after fabri7ation) app.y the epo3y by br6sh or other means that Di..
7omp.ete.y and 6niform.y 7o<er the s6rfa7es in 7onta7t Dith 7on7rete:
,2-2.0)L P&%/#( E'1 C0$er I'"&%/0r
!se eno6;h epo3y to ens6re no <oids e3ist betDeen the p.asti7 end 7o<er ins6.ators and the reinfor7in;
,2-2.0)M P#6e Ar%66#'8 T%6e I'"&%/#0'
For pipe Drappin; tape ins6.ation) app.y # .ayer of tape ha.f .apped:
,2-2.0)N E60<3 40r I'"&%/#0' 04 Em.e11e1 Me/%& M%/er#%&
For embedded meta.s ins6.ated Dith epo3y:
#: Prepare ;a.<aniHed s6rfa7es 6nder se7tion *$,-:%-:
2: App.y the epo3y by br6sh or other means to 7omp.ete.y and 6niform.y 7o<er the s6rfa7es in 7onta7t
Dith 7on7rete:
,2-2.0+ PAYMENT
Not !sed
,)-1.01 GENERAL
,)-1.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion *-,# in7.6des ;enera. spe7ifi7ations for p.a7in; shot7rete:
Reinfor7ement m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *2:
,)-1.01B De4#'#/#0'
1r3-m#< 6r0(e5 De.i<erin; mi3ed a;;re;ate and 7ementitio6s materia. pne6mati7a..y or me7hani7a..y
to the noHH.e body and addin; Dater and mi3in; the materia.s in the noHH.e body:
:e/-m#< 6r0(e5 De.i<erin; mi3ed a;;re;ate) 7ementitio6s materia.) and Dater pne6mati7a..y to the
noHH.e and addin; any admi3t6re at the noHH.e:
re.0"'15 Shot7rete materia. that has ri7o7heted off the re7ei<in; s6rfa7e) Dhi7h is re7o<ered and is 7.ean
and free of forei;n materia.:
Shot7rete m6st 7onsist of 7ementitio6s materia.) fine a;;re;ate) and Dater: Cementitio6s materia.) fine
a;;re;ate) and Dater m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion $%,#:
For the dry,mi3 pro7ess:
#: Thoro6;h.y mi3 # part 7ementitio6s materia. to not more than 4:* parts fine a;;re;ate in a dry state
before 7har;in; into the ma7hine: eas6rement m6st be either by <o.6me or Dei;ht:
2: Fine a;;re;ate m6st 7ontain not more than 0 per7ent moist6re by Dei;ht:
For the Det,mi3 pro7ess:
#: Shot7rete m6st 7ontain not .ess than 0-2 po6nds of 7ementitio6s materia. per 76bi7 yard:
2: &o6 may s6bstit6te a ma3im6m of -% per7ent pea ;ra<e. for the fine a;;re;ate: The ma3im6m siHe of
pea ;ra<e. m6st be s67h that #%% per7ent passes the #92,in7h s7reen and at .east $% per7ent passes
the -9+,in7h s7reen:
-: Admi3t6res may be added: They m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion $%,#:%2E:
If 7o.ored shot7rete is des7ribed) 7o.or shot7rete by mi3in; a fine ;ro6nd) syntheti7 minera. o3ide into the
shot7rete: The syntheti7 minera. o3ide m6st be spe7ifi7a..y man6fa7t6red for 7o.orin; shot7rete: The
7o.orin; a;ent m6st be 6niform.y and homo;eneo6s.y mi3ed Dith the shot7rete:
,)-1.0)A Ge'er%&
,)-1.0)B Pre6%r#'8 F0"'1%/#0'
E<en.y ;rade fo6ndations before app.yin; shot7rete: No point on the ;raded s.ope may be abo<e the
s.ope p.ane shoDn:
Thoro6;h.y 7ompa7t fo6ndations: Fo6ndations m6st 7ontain eno6;h moist6re to pro<ide a firm fo6ndation
and to pre<ent absorption of Dater from the shot7rete: Fo6ndations m6st be free of s6rfa7e Dater:
!se ;ro6nd or ;a;in; Dires Dhere ne7essary to estab.ish thi7kness) s6rfa7e p.anes) and finish .ines:
,)-1.0)C P&%(#'8 S70/(re/e
App.y shot7rete by either the dry,mi3 or Det,mi3 pro7ess:
Dire7t the noHH.e in a manner to minimiHe rebo6nd of the shot7rete:
aintain a 6niform <e.o7ity of the materia. as it .ea<es the noHH.e and at a rate determined for the Iob site
For dry,mi3 shot7rete:
#: aintain a 7onstant press6re of at .east 4* psi in the p.a7in; ma7hine if the hose .en;th is #%% feet or
.ess: In7rease the press6re at .east * psi for ea7h additiona. *% feet of hose or fra7tion thereof:
2: aintain 6niform Dater press6re at the noHH.e of at .east #* psi ;reater than the air press6re at the
-: Do not 6se a;;re;ate and 7ementitio6s materia.s that ha<e been mi3ed for more than 4* min6tes:
For Det,mi3 shot7rete:
#: Transport shot7rete 6nder se7tion $%,#:%2=/-1
2: Limit p.a7in; to +,foot .ifts meas6red a.on; the s.ope
-: P.a7e ;a;in; Dires at appro3imate.y 5,foot 7enters
4: Do not 6se materia.s that ha<e been mi3ed for more than $% min6tes
&o6 may re6se rebo6nd as fine a;;re;ate in G6antities not to e37eed 2% per7ent of the tota. fine
a;;re;ate reG6irements:
,)-1.0)D F#'#7#'8 S70/(re/e
P.a7e shot7rete to the depth shoDn and 7he7k s6rfa7e Dith a strai;hted;e: "rin; to ;rade any .oD spots
or depressions by p.a7in; additiona. shot7rete: The finished s6rfa7e m6st be reasonab.y smooth and
6niform for the type of Dork in<o.<ed:
Remo<e and rep.a7e .oose areas of shot7rete:
C6re shot7rete for at .east 52 ho6rs by sprayin; Dith Dater) by a moist earth b.anket) or by any of the
methods spe7ified in se7tion $%,#:%-":
If yo6 add a 7o.orin; a;ent to the shot7rete and yo6 6se the 76rin; 7ompo6nd method for 76rin; the
shot7rete) 6se 76rin; 7ompo6nd no: 0:
Prote7t shot7rete 6nder se7tion $%,#:%-C:
,)-1.0+ PAYMENT
Shot7rete is meas6red a.on; the s.ope of areas p.a7ed and the thi7kness shoDn:
The Department does not pay for shot7rete p.a7ed o6tside the dimensions shoDn or to fi.. .oD areas of
,)-2.01 GENERAL
,)-2.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion *-,2 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for p.a7in; str67t6ra. shot7rete:
,)-2.01B De4#'#/#0'
,)-2.01C S".m#//%&
S6bmit the fo..oDin;:
#: @C that in7.6des:
#:#: N6mber and G6a.ifi7ations of noHH.emen a<ai.ab.e to p.a7e shot7rete) n6mber of noHH.emen on
the Iob site at any time d6rin; shot7rete p.a7ement) des7ription of their Dork s7hed6.e) and
pro7ed6res for a<oidin; fati;6e of any noHH.eman
#:2: Proposed method of p.a7in; shot7rete) in7.6din; app.i7ation rates) detai.s of proposed
7onstr67tion Ioints and their .o7ations) and methods for a7hie<in; the reG6ired thi7kness and
s6rfa7e finish
#:-: Pro7ed6res for 76rin; shot7rete s6rfa7es
#:4: Des7ription of any reG6ired debris 7ontainment system
2: Pre7onstr67tion test pane.s and test res6.ts
-: Prod67tion test 7ores and test res6.ts
,)-2.01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
,)-2.01DB1C Ge'er%&
Notify the En;ineer at .east 24 ho6rs before performin; any 7orin; or testin;:
Obtain and test a.. 7ores for 7ompressi<e stren;th at 2+ days 6nder AST C 429C 42 at an a6thoriHed
.aboratory: The 7ompressi<e stren;th is the a<era;e stren;th of the - 7ores:
Shot7rete m6st ha<e a minim6m 7ompressi<e stren;th of -)0%% psi at 2+ days:
,)-2.01DB2C G"%&#4#(%/#0'
Ea7h noHH.eman m6st ha<e at .east -)%%% ho6rs of e3perien7e as a noHH.eman on proIe7ts Dith a
,)-2.01DB)C Pre(0'/r"(/#0' Te/ P%'e&
Obtain a6thoriHation of the @C before 7onstr67tin; test pane.s:
Constr67t # 6nreinfor7ed test pane. and # reinfor7ed test pane. for ea7h proposed mi3 desi;n: !se
noHH.emen) app.i7ation 7reD) eG6ipment) materia.s) mi3 desi;ns) and pro7ed6res proposed for the Dork:
C6re the test pane.s 6nder 7onditions to those in the Dork:
For the 6nreinfor7ed test pane.:
#: Determine the siHe of the test pane.:
2: Obtain three -,in7h 7ores from the test pane.:
-: Identify ea7h 7ore:
4: Test 7ores for 7ompressi<e stren;th: Dis7ard 7ores that shoD e<iden7e of improper 7orin;: The
7ompressi<e stren;th is the a<era;e stren;th of the remainin; 7ores:
*: Labe. and s6bmit test pane. and a 7opy of the test res6.ts Dithin * days of testin;:
0: In7.6de the mi3 desi;n and ambient temperat6re in the s6bmitta.:
For the reinfor7ed test pane.:
#: Constr67t a sG6are test pane. that has the same /#1 thi7kness) /21 bar siHe and G6antity of bar
reinfor7ement or other obstr67tions) and /-1 positionin; of bar reinfor7ement or obstr67tions as the
most hea<i.y reinfor7ed se7tion of shot7rete to be p.a7ed
2: inim6m .en;th of ea7h side m6st eG6a. - times the thi7kness of the most hea<i.y reinfor7ed se7tion
of shot7rete to be p.a7ed b6t not .ess than -% in7hes
-: "reak the test pane. in the presen7e of the En;ineer after a minim6m 5,day 76re into pie7es no .ar;er
than #% in7hes in the ;reatest dimension
4: S6rfa7es of the broken pie7es m6st be dense and free of .aminations and sand po7kets and m6st
shoD that the bar reinfor7ement or other obstr67tions are 7omp.ete.y en7ased
Instead of 7onstr67tin; a separate 6nreinfor7ed test pane.) yo6 may obtain 7ores from the reinfor7ed test
pane. to determine the 7ompressi<e stren;th: If yo6 7hoose this option) do not break the test pane. 6nti. it
has 76red for at .east #4 days:
Dispose of test pane.s:
,)-2.01DB+C F#e&1 G"%&#/3 C0'/r0&
,)-2.01DB+CB%C Ge'er%&
Obtain at .east three -,in7h,diameter test 7ores from ea7h *% 76 yd) or portion thereof) of shot7rete p.a7ed
ea7h day: The En;ineer determines ea7h 7ore .o7ation:
Cores m6st be both <is6a..y inspe7ted and tested for 7ompressi<e stren;th: The En;ineer performs the
<is6a. inspe7tion and yo6 m6st perform 7ompressi<e stren;th testin;:
Identify ea7h 7ore) in7.6din; a des7ription of the 7ore .o7ation and mi3 desi;n) and s6bmit the 7ores
immediate.y after 7orin;:
The En;ineer Di.. perform the <is6a. inspe7tion and ret6rn the 7ores to yo6 for 7ompressi<e stren;th
testin; Dithin 4+ ho6rs:
,)-2.01DB+CB.C V#"%& I'6e(/#0'
Ea7h 7ore m6st:
#: "e dense and be free of .aminations and sand po7kets
2: ShoD reinfor7ement or other obstr67tions are 7omp.ete.y en7ased
Shot7rete) represented by an 6na77eptab.e 7ore) Di.. be reIe7ted 6n.ess yo6 s6bmit e<iden7e that the
G6a.ity of the shot7rete p.a7ed in the Dork is a77eptab.e:
,)-2.01DB+CB(C C0m6re#$e S/re'8/7 Te/#'8
Dis7ard 7ores that 7ontain bar reinfor7ement or other obstr67tions or shoD e<iden7e of improper 7orin;:
The 7ompressi<e stren;th is the a<era;e stren;th of the remainin; 7ores:
If the 7ompressi<e stren;th of the shot7rete is be.oD the spe7ified 7ompressi<e stren;th:
#: ake 7orre7tions to the mi3 desi;n or fabri7ation pro7ed6res and obtain a6thoriHation before yo6
p.a7e additiona. shot7rete:
2: Shot7rete represented by the 7ores is s6bIe7t to one of the fo..oDin;:
2:# If the 7ompressi<e stren;th is at .east $* per7ent of the spe7ified stren;th) O#%976 yd is
ded67ted from the payment for str67t6ra. shot7rete:
2:2 If the 7ompressi<e stren;th is be.oD $* per7ent of the spe7ified stren;th b6t is at .east +*
per7ent of the spe7ified stren;th) O#*976 yd is ded67ted from the payment for str67t6ra.
2:- If the 7ompressi<e stren;th is be.oD +* per7ent of the spe7ified stren;th) the shot7rete m6st be
If the 7ompressi<e stren;th is be.oD the spe7ified stren;th b6t is at .east +* per7ent of the spe7ified
stren;th) the ded67tions spe7ified abo<e app.y 6n.ess yo6 obtain and s6bmit e<iden7e that the stren;th of
the 7on7rete p.a7ed in the Dork is ;reater than or eG6a. to the spe7ified stren;th and this e<iden7e is
a77epted by the En;ineer:
If the 7ompressi<e stren;th is be.oD +* per7ent of the spe7ified 7ompressi<e stren;th) the non7omp.iant
7on7rete represented by the test m6st be remo<ed 6n.ess yo6 obtain and s6bmit e<iden7e that the
stren;th of the 7on7rete p.a7ed in the Dork is at .east +* per7ent of the spe7ified 7ompressi<e stren;th
and this e<iden7e is a77epted by the En;ineer:
If the e<iden7e 7onsists of tests made on 7ores taken from the Dork) obtain and test the 7ores 6nder
AST C 429C42:
ortar m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *#,#:%2F:
Forms m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *#,#:%-C/21:
Sp.i7in; of reinfor7in; bars no: 5 or .ar;er m6st be made 6sin; a ser<i7e b6tt sp.i7e:
App.y shot7rete by the Det,mi3 pro7ess: Shot7rete m6st 7omp.ete.y en7ase reinfor7ement and other
obstr67tions: Rebo6nd m6st not be 6sed in str67t6ra. shot7rete:
Taper 7onstr67tion Ioints: Constr67tion Ioints m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *#,#:%-D/41:
"efore fina. set) 6se air b.oDpipes to remo<e rebo6nd) o<erspray) and other debris from the areas to
re7ei<e shot7rete:
If a finish 7oat is 6sed) remo<e .oose materia.) 6ne<en or e37ess materia.) and ;.aHe: S7arify the
remainin; s6rfa7e: Remo<e s6rfa7e deposits that take a fina. set by abrasi<e b.astin;: "efore p.a7in; the
finish 7oat) Dash re7ei<in; s6rfa7e Dith an air,Dater b.ast:
&o6 may app.y finish 7oats by the dry,mi3 pro7ess if a6thoriHed:
Remo<e shot7rete that e3tends into the spa7e shoDn for CIP 7on7rete:
C6re shot7rete 6nder se7tion *#,#:%-?: The s6rfa7e finish of the shot7rete m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *#,
Shot7rete m6st be maintained at a temperat6re of not .ess than 4* de;rees F for 52 ho6rs after p.a7in;
and at not .ess than 4% de;rees F for an additiona. 4 days:
After remo<in; fie.d @C test 7ores) fi.. the Dith mortar 6nder se7tion *#,#:%-E/21:
,)-2.0+ PAYMENT
Payment for bar reinfor7in; stee. is not in7.6ded in the payment for str67t6ra. shot7rete:
,)-+*,)-? RESERVED
,+-1.01 GENERAL
,+-2.01 GENERAL
Se7tion *4,2 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for app.yin; aspha.t membrane Daterproofin; and dampproofin;:
Aspha.t membrane Daterproofin; 7onsists of a 7oatin; of primer and a firm.y bonded membrane
7omposed of 2 .ayers of sat6rated ;.ass fabri7 and - moppin;s of Daterproofin; aspha.t:
Dampproofin; 7onsists of a 7oatin; of primer and 2 moppin;s of Daterproofin; aspha.t:
8aterproofin; aspha.t m6st 7omp.y Dith AST D 44$) Type I for be.oD ;ro6nd and Type II for abo<e
The primer m6st 7omp.y Dith AST D 4#:
Treated ;.ass fabri7 m6st 7omp.y Dith AST D #00+) Type I:
,+-2.0)A Ge'er%&
The s6rfa7e to be Daterproofed m6st be smooth and free from and proIe7tions that 7o6.d p6n7t6re
or dama;e the membrane:
The s6rfa7e to be Daterproofed or dampproofed m6st be dry and thoro6;h.y 7.eaned of d6st and .oose
Do not app.y primer or aspha.t in Det Deather or at ambient temperat6res be.oD 0* de;rees F:
App.y the primer to the s6rfa7e and a..oD it to dry before app.yin; the #st 7oat of aspha.t:
App.y the Daterproofin; aspha.t at a temperat6re of from -%% to -*% de;rees F:
For Daterproofin; on stee. 7o.6mn 7asin;s) app.y aspha.t membrane Daterproofin; to the painted
6nder7oat of the 7asin;s:
For a ba7kfi..ed s6rfa7e) yo6 may 6se preformed membrane Daterproofin; as an a.ternati<e to aspha.t
membrane Daterproofin;:
,+-2.0)B A%/er6r004#'8
After primin; the s6rfa7e) app.y the Daterproofin; as fo..oDs:
#: Startin; at the .oDest point) mop the Daterproofin; aspha.t thoro6;h.y onto the primed s6rfa7e:
2: Ro.. a strip of fabri7 of #92 the Didth of the fabri7 ro.. onto the hot aspha.t immediate.y and press into
p.a7e) e.iminatin; a.. air and obtainin; 7.ose 7onformity Dith the s6rfa7e:
-: op hot aspha.t onto this strip and an adIa7ent se7tion of the s6rfa7e of a Didth eG6a. to s.i;ht.y
;reater than #92 the Didth of the fabri7 bein; 6sed: Ro.. a f6.. Didth of the fabri7 into this hot aspha.t)
7omp.ete.y 7o<erin; the first strip: Press into p.a7e in the same Day as for the #st strip:
4: op the 2nd strip and an adIa7ent se7tion of the s6rfa7e Dith hot aspha.t: Shin;.e a -rd strip of fabri7
on s67h that it .aps the #st strip by at .east 2 in7hes:
*: Contin6e this pro7ess 6nti. the entire s6rfa7e is 7o<ered) Dith ea7h strip of fabri7 .appin; at .east 2
in7hes o<er the se7ond to .ast strip:
0: op the entire s6rfa7e Dith hot aspha.t: Ens6re a thoro6;h sea. and firm bond at a.. fabri7 .aps:
Re;6.ate the Dork s67h that at the end of the Dork day the fina. moppin; of aspha.t has been app.ied to
a.. the fabri7 in p.a7e:
The e3posed s6rfa7es of the membrane Daterproofin; app.ied to stee. 7o.6mn 7asin;s m6st be of 6niform
hei;ht abo<e ;ro6nd) Ditho6t 6nsi;ht.y b6.;es) depressions) or other imperfe7tions:
Do not app.y aspha.t membrane Daterproofin; to a s6rfa7e 6nti. yo6 are prepared to p.a7e the ba7kfi..
Dithin a short eno6;h time s67h that the Daterproofin; is not dama;ed as a res6.t of e3pos6re: Remo<e
and rep.a7e Daterproofin; membrane that .oses bond Dith the s6rfa7e:
,+-2.0)C D%m66r004#'8
App.y dampproofin; 6sin; the fo..oDin; pro7ed6re:
#: Prime the s6rfa7e to be dampproofed:
2: Thoro6;h.y mop the s6rfa7e Dith Daterproofin; aspha.t:
-: After the #st moppin; of aspha.t has set s6ffi7ient.y) mop the entire s6rfa7e Dith a 2nd 7oat of hot
4: Ens6re that there are no skips in the 7oatin;s and that a.. s6rfa7es are thoro6;h.y 7o<ered:
,+-2.0+ PAYMENT
Not !sed
,+-).01 GENERAL
,+-).01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion *4,- in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for app.yin; preformed membrane Daterproofin; to s6rfa7es that are
to be ba7kfi..ed:
,+-).01B De4#'#/#0'
,+-).01C S".m#//%&
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e for the preformed membrane sheet) in7.6din;:
#: Type of preformed membrane sheet
2: Conditioner or primer app.i7ation rates
,+-).01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
Preformed membrane Daterproofin; m6st 7onsist of:
#: Adhesi<e
2: Conditioner or primer app.ied to a prepared s6rfa7e
-: Preformed membrane sheet of r6bberiHed aspha.t or po.ymer,modified bit6men
4: asti7 or tape for; the ed;es of the sheet
*: Prote7ti<e 7o<erin; o<er the sheet he.d by an adhesi<e
The preformed membrane sheet m6st be permanent.y app.ied to a po.yethy.ene fi.m or reinfor7ed Dith
one of the fo..oDin;:
#: Po.ypropy.ene mesh fabri7
2: Po.yester9po.ypropy.ene fabri7
-: Fiber;.ass mesh fabri7
The tota. thi7kness of the membrane sheet and po.yethy.ene fi.m or fabri7 reinfor7ement m6st be at .east
0% mi.s:
The membrane sheet m6st 7omp.y Dith the <a.6es shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Mem.r%'e S7ee/ Pr06er/3 Re!"#reme'/
Property Test
(a.6e /min1
Po.yethy.ene fi.m Fabri7 reinfor7ed
"reakin; stren;th
AST D ++2
2% .b9in
2% .b9in
Per7ent e.on;ation at break
AST D ++2
#*% per7ent
2* per7ent
P.iabi.ity AST D #40
No 7ra7ks No 7ra7ks
R6bberiHed aspha.t softenin; point AAS?TO T *- #0* ]F #0* ]F
Po.ymer,modified bit6men softenin; point AAS?TO T *- 2#% ]F 2#% ]F
"reakin; fa7tor in ma7hine dire7tion
ethod A) a<era;e *
At 5-:4 Z -:0 de;rees F
a7hine dire7tion
#+%,de;ree bend o<er a #,in7h mandre. at #% de;rees F
Adhesi<e) 7onditioner) primer) masti7) and; tape m6st be man6fa7t6red for 6se Dith the membrane
sheet materia. 6sed:
The prote7ti<e 7o<erin; m6st be hardboard at .east #9+ in7h thi7k or another materia. that f6rnishes
eG6i<a.ent prote7tion:
App.y adhesi<e) 7onditioner) primer) masti7) and; tape 6nder the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions:
"a7kfi.. materia. and eG6ipment m6st not 76t) s7rat7h) depress) or 7a6se any other dama;e to the
preformed membrane:
Thoro6;h.y 7.ean dirt) d6st) .oose or 6nso6nd 7on7rete) and other e3traneo6s materia. from the s6rfa7e to
re7ei<e the Daterproofin;: The s6rfa7e m6st be free from fins) sharp ed;es) and protr6sions that 7o6.d
p6n7t6re or dama;e the membrane: Ro6nd o6tside 7orners and 7hamfer inside 7orners to be 7o<ered:
The s6rfa7e m6st be dry Dhen app.yin; 7omponents of the Daterproofin;:
Do not app.y preformed membrane Daterproofin; to a s6rfa7e 6nti. yo6 are prepared to p.a7e the
prote7ti<e 7o<erin; and ba7kfi.. Dithin a short eno6;h time s67h that the membrane is not dama;ed by
Dorkers) eG6ipment) e3pos6re to Deatherin;) or any other 7a6se: Repair or rep.a7e dama;ed membrane
or prote7ti<e 7o<erin;:
F.ash a.. proIe7tions) s67h as pipes) 7ond6its) and<es) passin; thro6;h the preformed membrane
Daterproofin; Dith prefabri7ated or fie.d,fabri7ated boots) fitted 7o<erin;s) or other de<i7es as ne7essary
to pro<ide Daterti;ht 7onstr67tion:
Thoro6;h.y mi3 and 7ontin6o6s.y a;itate the 7onditioner or primer d6rin; app.i7ation: A..oD the
7onditioner) primer) or adhesi<e to dry to a ta7k,free 7ondition before p.a7in; membrane sheets:
Re7oat the s6rfa7e if the membrane sheet is not p.a7ed o<er the primer) 7onditioner) or adhesi<e Dithin
the time re7ommended by the man6fa7t6rer:
Do not app.y preformed membrane sheets in Det or fo;;y Deather or Dhen the ambient temperat6re is
be.oD 4% de;rees F:
P.a7e the preformed membrane materia. startin; at the bottom and .ap by a minim6m of 0 in7hes at
sp.i7es and at repairs to or tears:
After p.a7in; the membrane) app.y a troDe..ed bead of man6fa7t6rer,re7ommended masti7 or;
tape to the e3posed ed;es of the membrane sheets:
The s6rfa7e of the preformed membrane m6st be free from dirt and other e3traneo6s materia. before
p.a7in; the prote7ti<e 7o<erin;:
P.a7e the prote7ti<e 7o<erin; on a 7oatin; of adhesi<e: App.y the adhesi<e at a rate s6ffi7ient to ho.d the
prote7ti<e 7o<erin; in position 6nti. ba7kfi..ed:
,+-).0+ PAYMENT
Not !sed
,+-+.01 GENERAL
Se7tion *4,4 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for app.yin; membrane Daterproofin; and prote7ti<e 7o<er to de7k
s6rfa7es of rai.road 6nderpasses:
F6rnish and app.y the Daterproofin; and 7o<er 6nder the AREA Manual for !ail7a %ngineering:
,+-+.02A Ge'er%&
,+-+.02B Mem.r%'e
The Daterproofin; membrane m6st 7onsist of b6ty. r6bber se76red Dith an a6thoriHed adhesi<e:
&o6 may s6bstit6te ethy.ene propy.ene diene monomer /EPD1 for the b6ty. r6bber if it 7omp.ies Dith the
spe7ifi7ations for b6ty. r6bber:
Comp.y Dith the AREA Manual for !ail7a %ngineering2 7hapter +) part 2$) for:
#: "6ty. r6bber membrane
2: Adhesi<e
-: Sp.i7in; 7ement
4: "6ty. ;6m sp.i7in; tape
*: Antibondin; paper
0: Fibered a.6min6m roof 7oatin;
The b6ty. r6bber membrane m6st be at .east %:%0% in7h thi7k:
,+-+.02C Pr0/e(/#$e C0$er
The prote7ti<e 7o<er m6st 7omp.y Dith the AREA Manual for !ail7a %ngineering) 7hapter +) part 2$)
and m6st 7onsist of 2 .ayers of aspha.ti7 pane.s app.ied Dith adhesi<e and; 7ompo6nd to a tota.
thi7kness of at .east -94 in7h:; 7ompo6nd for Ioints and ed;es m6st be 7ompatib.e Dith:
#: embrane
2: Adhesi<e 6sed to fasten the membrane to the de7k
-: Sp.i7in; 7ement
4: Prote7ti<e 7o<er pane.s
The indi<id6a. pane.s m6st be -9+ in7h thi7k:
The insta..ed pane.s m6st be at .east 4 by + feet e37ept as 76t for 7.os6res:
Ship and store the pane.s on smooth) s6rfa7es:
If the pane.s are shipped Dith an inert materia. betDeen the sheets to pre<ent sti7kin;) remo<e the inert
materia. before insta..ation:
,+-+.0)A Ge'er%&
Do not app.y the membrane Daterproofin; 6nti. yo6 are prepared to p.a7e the prote7ti<e 7o<er Dithin a
short eno6;h time s67h that the membrane is not dama;ed by Dorkers) eG6ipment) e3pos6re to
Deatherin;) or any other 7a6se: Repair or rep.a7e dama;ed membrane:
SDeep or air b.oD the 7on7rete s6rfa7es to re7ei<e the sea. to 7.ean them of dirt) d6st) ;ra<e.) .oose
7on7rete and other e3traneo6s materia.s) and remo<e proIe7tions or fi.. depressions that 7o6.d
dama;e the membrane:
The horiHonta. s6rfa7es of the finished Daterproofin; m6st be free from depressions and po7kets: The
membrane m6st be 7aref6..y t6rned into draina;e fittin;s: Take spe7ia. 7are to make the Daterproofin;
effe7ti<e at the fo..oDin; .o7ations:
#: A.on; the sides and ends of ;irders
2: At stiffeners) ;6ssets) e3pansion Ioints) offsets in ba..ast retainers) and other dis7ontin6ities
For retainer,b6ffers and headers) 6se no: # str67t6ra. ;rade Do6;.as fir timbers press6re treated 6nder
A8PA !#) !se Cate;ory !C4") Commodity Spe7ifi7ation A) e37ept do not 6se 7hromated 7opper
arsenate: For the an7hor bo.t assemb.ies asso7iated Dith retainer,b6ffers and headers) 6se 7ommer7ia.,
G6a.ity) hot,dip ;a.<aniHed stee. bo.ts) p.ates) and sheet meta.:
,+-+.0)B B"/3& Mem.r%'e A%/er6r004#'8
The s6rfa7e to be Daterproofed m6st be dry at the time of membrane app.i7ation:
Do not app.y the membrane Dhen the atmospheri7 temperat6re is be.oD -4 de;rees F:
App.y the membrane 6sin; the fo..oDin; pro7ed6re:
#: Position and draD the membrane sheets ti;ht Ditho6t stret7hin;:
2: Ro.. #92 of the membrane 6niform.y in a dire7tion aDay from the startin; ed;e or s6bseG6ent sp.i7e:
-: App.y the adhesi<e to the e3posed de7k area Dith a sG6ee;ee at a rate of at .east # ;a..on per #%%
sG6are feet of de7k s6rfa7e:
4: A..oD the adhesi<e to dry to a ta7k,free 7ondition:
*: !nro.. and press the membrane firm.y and 6niform.y in p.a7e) a<oidin; trappin; of air:
0: Repeat the same pro7ed6re for the remainin; #92 of the membrane sheet) a<oidin; and Position ea7h s677eedin; sheet to fit the pre<io6s.y insta..ed sheet and sp.i7e the sheets:
embrane sp.i7es m6st be ton;6e,and,;roo<e type as shoDn in fi;6re +,2$,-) no: -) of the AREA
Manual for !ail7a %ngineering) 7hapter +) part 2$:
Sp.i7e the membrane sheets 6sin; the fo..oDin; pro7ed6re:
#: C.ean a.. seam) .ap) and sp.i7e areas Dith heptane) he3ane) to.6ene) tri7h.oroethy.ene) or Dhite
;aso.ine 6sin; a 7.ean 7.oth) mop) or syntheti7 7.eanin; de<i7e:
2: Spread sp.i7in; 7ement 7ontin6o6s.y on the seam) .ap) and sp.i7e areas at a 6niform rate of at .east #
;a..on per 5* sG6are feet based on both matin; s6rfa7es:
-: After the 7ement has dried to a ta7k,free 7ondition) app.y b6ty. ;6m sp.i7in; tape to the 7emented
area of the membrane) e3tendin; the tape to at .east #9+ in7h beyond the ed;es of the sp.i7e and .ap
4: Ro.. or press the tape firm.y into p.a7e to obtain f6.. 7onta7t) a<oidin; brid;in; and
*: Reinfor7e 7orner sp.i7es Dith 2 7ontin6o6s .ayers of r6bber membrane o<er # .ayer of b6ty. tape:
F.ash a.. proIe7tions) s67h as pipes) 7ond6its) and<es) passin; thro6;h the membrane Daterproofin;
Dith prefabri7ated or fie.d,fabri7ated boots) fitted 7o<erin;s) or other de<i7es as ne7essary to pro<ide
Daterti;ht 7onstr67tion: !se b6ty. ;6m tape betDeen .ayers of r6bber membrane:
Pat7h in the membrane sheetin; 6nder the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions Dith a minim6m o<er.ap of 4
"efore .ayin; the membrane a7ross a trans<erse e3pansion Ioint in the brid;e de7k) .ay and 7enter on the
Ioint a #2,in7h,Dide) ;a.<aniHed) 22,;a;e stee. sheet 7o<ered by an #+,in7h,Dide strip of antibond paper:
,+-+.0)C A67%&/#( Pr0/e(/#$e C0$er
"efore p.a7in; the prote7ti<e 7o<er:
#: Thoro6;h.y 7.ean the s6rfa7e of the app.ied membrane of dirt) d6st) .oose or 6nso6nd 7on7rete) and
other e3traneo6s materia.
2: At trans<erse e3pansion Ioints in the brid;e de7k) .ay and 7enter on the Ioint abo<e the membrane a
#2,in7h,Dide) ;a.<aniHed) 22,;a;e stee. sheet 7o<ered by an #+,in7h,Dide strip of antibond paper
Lay the pane.s Dith 2 s6perimposed .ayers: Offset the Ioints in the 2nd .ayer from the Ioints in the #st
.ayer by appro3imate.y #92 the Didth of the pane.:
Lay the pane.s in an adhesi<e 7oatin; 6sin; the fo..oDin; pro7ed6re:
#: App.y the adhesi<e Dith a sG6ee;ee at a rate of at .east # ;a..on per #%% sG6are feet of de7k s6rfa7e:
2: As yo6 .ay s677essi<e pane.s) thoro6;h.y 7oat the ed;es and ends of adIa7ent pane.s a.ready .aid
Dith a; 7ompo6nd:
-: Lay the pane.s ti;ht.y a;ainst those pre<io6s.y .aid s67h that the; 7ompo6nd 7omp.ete.y fi..s
the Ioints and sG6eeHes o6t at the top:
4: After a.. of the pane.s ha<e been .aid) fi.. any <oids betDeen the pane.s Dith; 7ompo6nd:
8here an ed;e or protr6sion of aspha.ti7 pane.s is e3posed to pro.on;ed s6n.i;ht) 7oat the area Dith
fibered a.6min6m roof 7oatin;:
,+-+.0+ PAYMENT
8aterproofin; and 7o<er is meas6red a.on; the s.ope and in7.6des the area of timber retainers and
,+-,.01 GENERAL
,+-,.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion *4,* in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for app.yin; a de7k sea.:
The de7k sea. m6st 7onsist of a preformed membrane sea. system:
For p.a7in; ?A on a de7k sea.) 7omp.y Dith se7tion -$,#:#-:
,+-,.01B De4#'#/#0'
,+-,.01C S".m#//%&
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e for the preformed membrane sheet) in7.6din; the type of sheet and the
7onditioner or primer app.i7ation rates:
,+-,.01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
The preformed membrane sea. system m6st 7onsist of:
#: Primer or 7onditioner app.ied to a prepared 7on7rete s6rfa7e
2: Preformed membrane sheet of r6bberiHed aspha.t or po.ymer,modified bit6men
-: asti7 for bindin; and; the ed;es of the sheet to the barrier or 76rb fa7e
The preformed membrane sheet m6st be reinfor7ed Dith one of the fo..oDin;:
#: Po.ypropy.ene mesh
2: Po.yester9po.ypropy.ene fabri7
-: Fiber;.ass mesh
The tota. thi7kness of the membrane sheet and po.yethy.ene fi.m or fabri7 reinfor7ement m6st be at .east
0* mi.s:
The membrane sheet m6st 7omp.y Dith the <a.6es shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
De(; Se%& Mem.r%'e S7ee/ Pr06er/3 Re!"#reme'/
Property Test (a.6e /min1
"reakin; stren;th
AST D ++2
*% .b9in
Per7ent e.on;ation at break
AST D ++2
#* per7ent
P.iabi.ity AST D #40
No 7ra7ks
R6bberiHed aspha.t softenin; point AAS?TO T *- #0* ]F
Po.ymer,modified bit6men softenin; point AAS?TO T *- 2#% ]F
"reakin; fa7tor in ma7hine dire7tion
ethod A) a<era;e *
At 5-:4 Z -:0 de;rees F
a7hine dire7tion
#+%,de;ree bend o<er a #,in7h mandre. at #% de;rees F
Primer) 7onditioner) and masti7 m6st be man6fa7t6red for 6se Dith the preformed membrane sheet
materia. 6sed:
"efore app.yin; the de7k sea.:
#: 8here a s.6rry .e<; 7o6rse is shoDn) app.y the s.6rry .e<; 7o6rse:
2: SDeep or air b.oD the 7on7rete s6rfa7es to re7ei<e the sea. to 7.ean them of dirt) d6st) ;ra<e.) .oose
7on7rete and other e3traneo6s materia.s: &o6 may .ea<e 7on7rete 76rin; 7ompo6nd on the
-: Remo<e sharp protr6sions from the s6rfa7e that 7o6.d p6n7t6re the membrane:
4: Ro6nd or 7hamfer sharp 7orners to be 7o<ered: !se port.and 7ement 7on7rete or mortar to make
7hamfers or to fi.. the <oid beneath; b6mper rai.s:
"efore app.yin; the primer or 7onditioner) tape or adhere oi.,resistant 7onstr67tion paper mask to de7k
areas that are to be 7o<ered by e3pansion dams: P.a7e the membrane sea. and ?A 7ontin6o6s.y a7ross
the paper masks) e37ept 76t the mask and the preformed sheet at or near the e3pansion Ioint if
The s6rfa7es m6st be dry and the temperat6re of the de7k and of the materia.s m6st be at .east *%
de;rees F Dhen the membrane sea. is app.ied) e37ept the r6bberiHed aspha.t materia. may be app.ied
Dhen the temperat6re is at .east 2* de;rees F:
App.y primer) 7onditioner) and masti7 6nder the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions:
App.y the primer or 7onditioner to the entire area to be sea.ed) e37ept Dhere a s.6rry .e<; 7o6rse has
been app.ied: 8here a s.6rry .e<; 7o6rse has been app.ied) app.y a prime 7oat 7onsistin; of an RS#
;rade aspha.ti7 em6.sion spread at a rate of # ;a..on per #%% sG yd of s6rfa7e 7o<ered:
Thoro6;h.y mi3 and 7ontin6o6s.y a;itate the primer and 7onditioner d6rin; app.i7ation:
A..oD the primer to dry to a ta7k,free 7ondition before p.a7in; membrane sheets:
Re7oat the s6rfa7e if the membrane sheet is not p.a7ed o<er the primer or 7onditioner Dithin the time
re7ommended by the man6fa7t6rer:
App.y the preformed membrane sheet to the primed or 7onditioned s6rfa7e either by hand methods or by
me7hani7a. app.i7ators:
P.a7e the membrane sheets 6sin; the fo..oDin; pro7ed6re to a7hie<e a shin;.in; effe7t in the dire7tion
that Dater Di.. drain:
#: P.a7e a minim6m #2,in7h,Dide membrane strip a.on; the I6n7t6re of the de7k and the base of the
barrier 76rb fa7e at the .oD side of the de7k Dith the sheet e3tendin; 6p the fa7e - in7hes:
2: Startin; at the ;6tter .ine) .ay sheets .on;it6dina..y) side .apped Dith adIa7ent sheets by at .east -
in7hes and end .apped by at .east 0 in7hes:
-: If the de7k has a re<ersin; s6pere.e<ation) p.a7e a minim6m #2,in7h,Dide strip at the I6n7t6re of the
de7k and the base of the barrier or 76rb at the hi;h side of the de7k e3tendin; 6p the fa7e - in7hes:
4: Ro.. the membrane sheets Dith hand ro..ers or other apparat6s as ne7essary to de<e.op a firm and
6niform bond Dith the primed or 7onditioned 7on7rete s6rfa7e) minimiHin; and air
*: Pat7h tears) 76ts) or narroD o<er.aps 6sin; an adhesi<e as fo..oDs:
*:#: P.a7e se7tions of a membrane sheet o<er the defe7ti<e area s67h that the pat7h e3tends at
.east 0 in7hes beyond the defe7t:
*:2: For modified bit6men sheets Dith a permanent po.yester fi.m) 6se a propane tor7h to me.t the
po.yester fi.m on the se7tion to be pat7hed: P.a7e the pat7h o<er the heated s6rfa7e and ro.. or
press it firm.y onto the s6rfa7e:
At open Ioints and de7k b.eeder pipes) 76t and t6rn the membrane sheet into the Ioint or b.eeder Dhi.e
.ayin; the membrane sheet:
If the membrane sheet is man6fa7t6red Dith a re.ease fi.m) remo<e the fi.m from the 7onta7t area of the
.ap Ioint or sp.i7e before makin; the Ioint or sp.i7e: Do not remo<e the fi.m from the remainder of the
membrane sheet 6nti. immediate.y before p.a7in; the ?A:
App.y a bead of masti7 at the fo..oDin; .o7ations:
#: A.on; the e3posed ed;e of the membrane sheet that e3tends 6p the barrier or 76rb fa7e
2: If the de7k has a re<ersin; s6pere.e<ation) a.on; the ed;e in the hi;h side ;6tter after; the
P.a7e ?A o<er the preformed membrane sea. Dithin 5 days after insta..ation of the sea. and before
a..oDin; traffi7 on the sea.:
,+-,.0+ PAYMENT
De7k sea. is meas6red as the area 7o<ered by the sea. Ditho6t a ded67tion for masked areas:
,+--.01 GENERAL
Se7tion *4,0 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for app.yin; a s.6rry .e<; 7o6rse on ro6;h,s6rfa7ed) deteriorated
brid;e de7ks:
The s.6rry .e<; 7o6rse m6st 7onsist of a mi3t6re of 2 parts of 6ndi.6ted aspha.ti7 em6.sion mi3ed Dith
- parts by <o.6me of a;;re;ate:
The aspha.ti7 em6.sion m6st be 7ommer7ia.,G6a.ity =rade @S#h or C@S#h:
The a;;re;ate m6st be a 7ommer7ia.,G6a.ity sand that passes a no: -% sie<e:
i3 the s.6rry sea. in a 7ontin6o6s p6;mi.. mi3er: The mi3er m6st prod67e a 6niform and homo;eneo6s
&o6 may b.end additiona. Dater into the s.6rry to impro<e mi3in; and spreadin; properties if the added
Dater p.6s the s6rfa7e moist6re on the a;;re;ate does not e37eed 2% per7ent by <o.6me of the 6ndi.6ted
Prote7t s6rfa7es of the brid;e and other impro<ements that are not to re7ei<e s.6rry .e<; 7o6rse from
spatter and stains:
Spread the s.6rry on Dater,dampened b6t p6dd.e,free 7on7rete s6rfa7es Dith a sG6ee;ee or broom of
s6itab.e stiffness: App.y the s.6rry at a rate s6ffi7ient to fi.. .o7a. depressions in the de7k Ditho6t; o<er
hi;h de7k areas: ask or 7o<er open Ioints) drains) a77ess openin;s) and s.idin; s6rfa7es d6rin; the
app.i7ation of s.6rry:
,+--.0+ PAYMENT
S.6rry .e<; 7o6rse is meas6red as the G6antity of 6ndi.6ted aspha.ti7 em6.sion 6sed to prod67e the
s.6rry) not in7.6din; any additiona. Dater b.ended into the s.6rry:
,,-1.01 GENERAL
,,-1.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion **,# in7.6des ;enera. spe7ifi7ations for f6rnishin; and ere7tin; str67t6ra. stee. or meta.Dork:
Conne7tion detai.s for hi;hDay brid;es m6st 7omp.y Dith --S#TO *!'D Bridge Design Specifications
Dith Ca.ifornia Amendments:
Desi;n detai.s) fabri7ation) and Dorkmanship for rai.Day brid;es m6st 7omp.y Dith 7hapter #* of the
AREA Manual for !ail7a %ngineering:
,,-1.01B De4#'#/#0'
/7re%1 /#(;0"/5 The threaded end of a bo.t proIe7tin; past the o6ter n6t fa7e:
"'#1e'/#4#e1 /0(; m%/er#%&5 ateria. that 7annot be identified Dith 7ertified mi.. test reports:
,,-1.01C S".m#//%&
,,-1.01CB1C Ge'er%&
S6bmit a 7a.ibration 7ertifi7ate for ea7h bo.t tension meas6rin; de<i7e and 7a.ibrated Dren7h before 6se:
S6bmit detai.s for methods of strai;htenin; materia. to be fabri7ated:
S6bmit a De.din; @C Dith the stee. str67t6res shop draDin;s: List methods and personne. to satisfy
the reG6irements of A8S D#:*:
S6bmit reports from testin; performed on fastener 7omponents and assemb.ies before shipment to the
Iob site: Test reports m6st in7.6de the rotationa. 7apa7ity .ot n6mbers and the reports .isted in the
ECertifi7ation)E EReport)E EN6mber of Tests and Retests)E and ECertifi7ation and Test ReportE se7tions of
the referen7ed AST standards: For AST A -%5 an7hor bo.ts) in7.6de 7hemi7a. 7omposition and 7arbon
eG6i<a.en7e for ea7h heat of stee.:
S6bmit 7opies of mi.. orders Dhen orders are p.a7ed:
S6bmit 7ertified mi.. test reports before fabri7ation: In7.6de C(N impa7t test res6.ts if impa7t testin; is
spe7ified: In7.6de ;rain siHe if fine ;rain stee. is spe7ified:
S6bmit 7ertifi7ates of 7omp.ian7e for materia.s 6sed in the Dork e37ept for 6nidentified sto7k materia.:
,,-1.01CB2C S706 Dr%:#'8
S6bmit shop draDin;s for stee. str67t6res to OSD) Do76ments !nit: Notify the En;ineer of the s6bmitta.:
In7.6de the s6bmitta. date and 7ontents in the notifi7ation: A..oD 4* days for the DepartmentFs re<ieD for
hi;hDay brid;es and 0% days for rai.Day brid;es: S6bmit 0 sets for hi;hDay brid;es and #% sets for
rai.Day brid;es: S6bmit 0 to #2 sets) as reG6ested by the En;ineer) to OSD) Do76ments !nit after re<ieD
for fina. a6thoriHation:
In7.6de the fo..oDin; in the shop draDin;s:
#: SeG6en7e of shop and fie.d assemb.y and ere7tion
2: 8e.din; seG6en7es and pro7ed6res
-: Layo6t draDin; of the entire str67t6re Dith .o7ations of b6tt De.ded sp.i7es
4: Lo7ations of temporary s6pports
*: (erti7a. a.i;nment of ;irders at ea7h sta;e of ere7tion
0: at7h,markin; dia;rams
5: Detai.s for 7onne7tions not shoDn or dimensioned on the p.ans
+: Detai.s of a..oDed options in7orporated in the Dork
$: Dire7tion of; of p.ates Dhere orientation is spe7ified
S6bmit 7amber 7a.76.ations Dith the shop draDin;s:
,,-1.01CB)C C7e(; Te/#'8
S6bmit test for 7he7k testin; to ETS: S6bmit test for ea7h heat of ma3im6m thi7kness
#: Tension;es and Debs of fra7t6re 7riti7a. members
2: Tension;es and Debs of 76r<ed ;irders
-: Tension han;er p.ates
F6rnish p.ates) shapes) or bars 7ontainin; test from the mi.. Dith e3tra .en;th to pro<ide for
remo<a. of 7he7k at the fabri7ation site: may be 76t from either end:
&o6 may remo<e test at the; mi..: Remo<e from the mi.. p.ate that Di.. be stripped
by the fabri7ator to prod67e the desi;nated p.ate: Take from any .o7ation Dithin the p.ate: ark
donor p.ates Dith the same identifyin; n6mbers as the test
Remo<e materia. for test in the En;ineerFs presen7e: Test for p.ates o<er 24 in7hes
Dide m6st be #4 by #+ in7hes Dith the .on; dimension trans<erse to the dire7tion of;: Test
for other prod67ts m6st be #+ in7hes .on; taken in the dire7tion of; Dith a Didth eG6a. to the prod67t
S6bmit test before fabri7atin; into 7omponents: ark Dith the dire7tion of;) heat
n6mbers) and p.ate n6mbers 6sin; paint or inde.ib.e markin; materia.: &o6 may stee. stamp in
one 7orner of the p.ate instead of markin;:
Res6.ts of 7he7k testin; are reported to yo6 no sooner than 2% days after de.i<ery to ETS: For m6.tip.e s6bmitted on the same day) an additiona. day is added for e<ery 2 s6bmitted and the
test report is made for the ;ro6p of
,,-1.01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
,,-1.01DB1C Ge'er%&
8e.der G6a.ifi7ation and inspe7tion m6st 7omp.y Dith A8S D#:*:
The res6.ts of the DepartmentFs tensi.e and impa7t testin; of test m6st not <ary more than *
per7ent be.oD the spe7ified minim6m or * per7ent abo<e the spe7ified ma3im6m reG6irements: If initia.
test res6.ts <ary more than * per7ent b6t .ess than #% per7ent from the spe7ified reG6irements) a retest
may be performed on another test samp.e from the same heat and thi7kness:
Ea7h man6a. torG6e Dren7h m6st ha<e a dia. ;a;e or di;ita. read o6t: Any e.e7tri7) pne6mati7) or
hydra6.i7 7a.ibrated Dren7h 6sed to tension fasteners m6st ha<e an adI6stab.e 7ontro. 6nit to sh6t off the
Dren7h at the desired torG6e:
"o.t tension meas6rin; de<i7es and 7a.ibrated Dren7hes m6st be 7a.ibrated not more than # year before
6se and at .east year.y d6rin; the proIe7t: The 7a.ibration m6st be performed by an a6thoriHed .aboratory
or a6thoriHed repair and 7a.ibration 7enter appro<ed by the too. man6fa7t6rer: Certifi7ation eG6ipment and
7a.ibration standards m6st be tra7eab.e to NIST:
Ca.ibrate bo.t tension meas6rin; de<i7es to be a776rate to Dithin # per7ent of a7t6a. tension: Ca.ibration
m6st 7onsist of at .east 4 e<en.y spa7ed <erifi7ation readin;s performed o<er a ran;e of 2% to +% per7ent
of f6.. s7a.e:
Ca.ibrate 7a.ibrated Dren7hes to be a776rate to Dithin 2 per7ent of a7t6a. torG6e: Ca.ibration m6st 7onsist
of at .east 4 e<en.y spa7ed <erifi7ation readin;s performed o<er a ran;e of 2% to #%% per7ent of f6.. s7a.e:
If a torG6e m6.tip.ier is 6sed) 7a.ibrate the torG6e m6.tip.ier and 7a.ibrated Dren7h as a 6nit: In7.6de
so7kets and e3tensions of the same .en;th to be 6sed in the Dork d6rin; 7a.ibration: AdI6st the
man6fa7t6rerFs torG6e m6.tip.ier d6rin; 7a.ibration so that the prod67t of the torG6e m6.tip.ier and the inp6t
7a.ibrated Dren7h readin; is Dithin 2 per7ent of a7t6a. torG6e <a.6e: !se this system on.y as 7a.ibrated:
,,-1.01DB2C Cer/#4#(%/#0'
,,-1.01DB)C S0"r(e G"%&#/3 C0'/r0&
,,-1.01DB)CB%C Ge'er%&
The Department inspe7ts str67t6ra. stee. at the fabri7ation site: Notify the En;ineer Dhen materia.s are
de.i<ered to the fabri7ation site: A..oD at .east #% days betDeen ;i<in; noti7e and startin; fabri7ation:
In addition to NDT reG6irements in A8S D#:*) 6.trasoni7a..y test 2* per7ent of a.. main member tension
;roo<e De.ds in materia. o<er #92 in7h thi7k: The En;ineer determines the .o7ation of a.. NDT testin; for
,,-1.01DB)CB.C R0/%/#0'%& C%6%(#/3 Te/#'8
,,-1.01DB)CB.CB#C Ge'er%&
Perform rotationa. 7apa7ity testin; on ?S fastener assemb.ies before shipment to the Iob site:
Test ea7h 7ombination of bo.t prod67tion .ot) n6t .ot) and Dasher .ot as an assemb.y: Assi;n a rotationa.
7apa7ity .ot n6mber to ea7h 7ombination of .ots tested: ark ea7h shippin; 6nit of fastener assemb.ies
Dith the rotationa. 7apa7ity .ot n6mber:
Test 2 fastener assemb.ies from ea7h .ot: "oth fastener assemb.ies tested from a rotationa. 7apa7ity .ot
m6st pass for the .ot to be a77eptab.e:
!se # hardened Dasher 6nder the n6t for testin;:
Test Hin7,7oated assemb.ies after .6bri7ation:
&o6 do not need to test 7ap s7reDs or bo.ts 6sed for s.ip base p.ates:
Test pro7ed6res spe7ified are for A -2* bo.ts:
,,-1.01DB)CB.CB##C L0'8 B0&/ Te/
!se the fo..oDin; eG6ipment for .on; bo.t testin;:
#: Ca.ibrated bo.t tension meas6rin; de<i7e:
2: ?and Dren7h or s6itab.e too. for t6rnin; bo.t:
-: Ca.ibrated dia. or di;ita. torG6e Dren7h Dith so7ket:
4: Spa7er Dashers or b6shin;s: Spa7er Dashers or b6shin;s m6st ha<e the same inside diameter and
an eG6a. or .ar;er o6tside diameter as the appropriate hardened Dashers 7omp.yin; Dith AST F
*: Stee. beam or member to Dhi7h the tension meas6rin; de<i7e Di.. be atta7hed: The member m6st be
a77essib.e from the ;ro6nd:
!se the fo..oDin; pro7ed6re:
#: eas6re and re7ord the bo.t .en;th from the bo.t Dasher fa7e to the end of the shank:
2: Insta.. the n6t on the bo.t s67h that the first - to * f6.. threads 7.osest to the bo.t head are betDeen the
n6t fa7e and bo.t head:
-: eas6re and re7ord the .en;th of bo.t thread protr6din; beyond the o6ter n6t fa7e: If the n6t 7annot
be f6..y threaded onto the bo.t) test the assemb.y 6nder se7tion **,#:%#D/-1/b1/iii1:
4: Insert the bo.t into the tension meas6rin; de<i7e: Insta.. the hardened Dasher and any reG6ired
spa7ers 6nder the n6t to prod67e the thread .en;th re7orded in step - abo<e:
*: Ti;hten the n6t 6sin; a hand Dren7h to the minim6m sn6; tension shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
T%.&e 1 A)2, S'"8-T#87/ Te'#0' V%&"e
"o.t diameter
inim6m sn6; tension
#92 #
*9+ 2
-94 -
59+ 4
# *
#,#9+ 0
#,#94 5
#,-9+ $
#,#92 #%
The tension may e37eed the tab.e # <a.6e by at
most 2 kips:
0: at7h,mark the assemb.y as fo..oDs:
0:#: P.a7e a mark on # 7orner of the n6t:
0:2: P.a7e a hea<y referen7e .ine on the fa7e p.ate of the tension meas6rin; de<i7e that a.i;ns Dith
the mark on the n6t:
0:-: P.a7e a .ine that a.i;ns Dith the mark on the n6t a7ross the end of the bo.t shank or on the
e3posed portions of the threads of tension 7ontro. bo.ts:
0:4: P.a7e a mark on the o6tside of the t6rnin; so7ket: The mark m6st be a.i;ned Dith the mark on
the n6t 7orner and be <isib.e Dhen the n6t is bein; t6rned:
0:*: ake an additiona. mark on the fa7e p.ate at the reG6ired rotation shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e
7.o7kDise from the hea<y referen7e .ine:
T%.&e 2 Re!"#re1 N"/ R0/%/#0' 40r R0/%/#0'%& C%6%(#/3 Te/
"o.t .en;th
ReG6ired rotation /t6rn1
4 bo.t diameters or .ess 29-
ore than 4 and at most + bo.t diameters #
ore than + and at most #2 bo.t
N6t rotation is re.ati<e to bo.t) re;ard.ess of the e.ement bein; t6rned:
For bo.ts insta..ed by #92 t6rn or .ess) the to.eran7e is Z-% de;reesJ for
bo.ts insta..ed by 29- t6rn or more) the to.eran7e is Z4* de;rees:
App.i7ab.e on.y to 7onne7tions in Dhi7h a.. materia. Dithin the ;rip of
the bo.t is stee.:
As meas6red in step # abo<e:
If the bo.t .en;th e37eeds #2 diameters) the reG6ired rotation m6st be
determined by a7t6a. tests in a s6itab.e tension de<i7e sim6.atin; site
5: T6rn the n6t to attain the minim6m tension for the app.i7ab.e bo.t diameter shoDn the fo..oDin; tab.e:
T%.&e ) A)2, M#'#m"m Te'#0' V%&"e
"o.t diameter /in7hes1 inim6m tension /kips1
#92 #2
*9+ #$
-94 2+
59+ -$
# *#
#,#9+ *0
#,#94 5#
#,-9+ +*
#,#92 #%-
+: After attainin; the tension shoDn in tab.e -) re7ord in ft,.b the mo<in; torG6e reG6ired to t6rn the n6t
and the 7orrespondin; bo.t tension: eas6re torG6e Dith the n6t in motion: !se this 7orrespondin;
bo.t tension to determine T 6sin; the fo..oDin; form6.a:
T A ) / dCDE
b T 7orrespondin; bo.t tension in po6nds
d T bo.t diameter in in7hes
$: T6rn the n6t 6nti. the rotation shoDn in tab.e 2 is attained: eas6re the rotation from the hea<y
referen7e .ine on the fa7e p.ate: Re7ord the bo.t tension:
#%: Remo<e the n6t and e3amine the threads on the n6t and bo.t:
A77eptan7e 7riteria is as fo..oDs:
#: o<in; torG6e re7orded in step + m6st be .ess than or eG6a. to the 7a.76.ated <a.6e T4
2: "o.t tension re7orded in step $ m6st be at .east the t6rn test tension <a.6e shoDn in tab.e 4:
-: N6t is remo<ed from the bo.t Dith no si;ns of thread strippin; or ;; on the bo.t or n6t:
4: "o.t m6st not shear or fai. d6rin; the test:
*: Assemb.y m6st not seiHe before the fina. rotation in step + is attained:
T%.&e + A)2, T"r' Te/ Te'#0' V%&"e
"o.t diameter /in7hes1 T6rn test tension /kips1
#92 #4
*9+ 22
-94 -2
59+ 4*
# *$
#,#9+ 04
#,#94 +2
#,-9+ $+
#,#92 ##+
,,-1.01DB)CB.CB###C S70r/ B0&/ Te/
!se the fo..oDin; eG6ipment for short bo.t testin;:
#: Ca.ibrated dia. or di;ita. torG6e Dren7h Dith so7ket:
2: ?and Dren7h:
-: Spa7er Dashers or b6shin;s: Spa7er Dashers or b6shin;s m6st ha<e the same inside diameter and
an eG6a. or .ar;er o6tside diameter as the appropriate hardened Dashers 7omp.yin; Dith AST F
4: Stee. p.ate or ;irder: This member m6st ha<e a thi7kness that pro<ides the reG6ired n6mber of
threads Dithin the bo.t ;rip as spe7ified in pro7ed6re step 2 of se7tion **,#:%#D/-1/b1/ii1:
!se the fo..oDin; pro7ed6re:
#: eas6re and re7ord the bo.t .en;th from the bo.t Dasher fa7e to the end of the shank:
2: Insta.. the n6t on the bo.t: The first - to * f6.. threads m6st be .o7ated betDeen the n6t Dasher fa7e
and the bo.t Dasher fa7e: eas6re and re7ord the .en;th of bo.t thread protr6din; beyond the o6ter
n6t fa7e:
-: Insta.. the bo.t into the ho.e in the p.ate or ;irder: The ho.e m6st be #9#0 in7h .ar;er than the nomina.
bo.t diameter: Insta.. the hardened Dasher and any reG6ired spa7ers to prod67e the thread .en;th
re7orded in step 2:
4: Ti;hten the n6t sn6; ti;ht 6sin; a hand Dren7h: Do not e37eed 2% per7ent of the ma3im6m a..oDab.e
torG6e <a.6e shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
T%.&e , A)2, M%<#m"m A&&0:%.&e T0r!"e
"o.t diameter /in7hes1 TorG6e /ft,.b1
#92 #4*
*9+ 2+*
-94 *%%
59+ +2%
# #22%
#,#9+ #*%%
#,#94 2#-%
#,-9+ 2+%%
#,#92 -5%%
*: at7h,mark the assemb.y as fo..oDs:
*:#: P.a7e a mark on # 7orner of the n6t:
*:2: P.a7e a hea<y referen7e .ine on the stee. p.ate or ;irder that a.i;ns Dith the mark on the n6t:
*:-: P.a7e a .ine that a.i;ns Dith the mark on the n6t a7ross the end of the bo.t shank or on the
e3posed portions of the threads of tension 7ontro. bo.ts:
*:4: P.a7e a mark on the o6tside of the t6rnin; so7ket that a.i;ns Dith the mark on the n6t: This
mark m6st be <isib.e Dhen the n6t is bein; t6rned:
*:*: ake 2 additiona. sma.. marks on the stee. p.ate or ;irder) one at #9- of a t6rn and one at 29- of
a t6rn 7.o7kDise from the hea<y referen7e .ine on the stee. p.ate or ;irder:
0: Ti;hten the n6t to the rotation <a.6e shoDn in tab.e 0: eas6re the rotation from the hea<y referen7e
.ine on the stee. ;irder or p.ate: Do not a..oD the bo.t head to t6rn d6rin; ti;htenin;:
T%.&e - N"/ R0/%/#0' Re!"#re1
40r T"r'-04-N"/ I'/%&&%/#0'
"o.t .en;th
ReG6ired rotation /t6rn1
4 bo.t diameters or .ess #9-
N6t rotation is re.ati<e to bo.t re;ard.ess of the
e.ement bein; t6rned: For bo.ts insta..ed by #92 t6rn or
.ess the to.eran7e is Z-% de;rees:
App.i7ab.e on.y to 7onne7tions in Dhi7h a.. materia.
Dithin the ;rip of the bo.t is stee.:
eas6red in step #:
5: Re7ord in ft,.b the mo<in; torG6e reG6ired to t6rn the n6t Dhen the rotation <a.6e shoDn in tab.e 0 is
+: Ti;hten the n6t f6rther to the rotation <a.6e shoDn in tab.e 5: eas6re the rotation from the hea<y
referen7e .ine on the stee. ;irder or p.ate: The .ine on the end of the bo.t shank or on the e3posed
threads of tension 7ontro. bo.ts m6st remain in a.i;nment Dith the start .ine:
T%.&e 2 Re!"#re1 N"/ R0/%/#0'
40r R0/%/#0'%& C%6%(#/3 Te/
"o.t .en;th
ReG6ired rotation /t6rn1
4 bo.t diameters or .ess 29-
eas6red in step #:
$: Remo<e the n6t and e3amine the threads on the n6t and bo.t:
A77eptan7e 7riteria is as fo..oDs:
#: o<in; torG6e re7orded from step 5 m6st be .ess than or eG6a. to the ma3im6m a..oDab.e torG6e
shoDn in tab.e *:
2: N6t is remo<ed from the bo.t Dith no si;ns of thread strippin; or ;; on the bo.t or n6t after the
rotation in step + has been attained:
-: "o.t m6st not shear or fai. d6rin; the test:
4: Assemb.y m6st not seiHe before the fina. rotation in step + is attained:
,,-1.01DB+C F#e&1 G"%&#/3 C0'/r0&
,,-1.01DB+CB%C Ge'er%&
Perform Iob site ?S fastener testin; in the En;ineerFs presen7e:
The En;ineer reIe7ts 6ninsta..ed fasteners in the same rotationa. 7apa7ity .ot as fasteners that fai. a Iob
site insta..ation tension test or rotationa. 7apa7ity test:
Perform additiona. rotationa. 7apa7ity tests) insta..ation tension tests) and tests to determine neD
inspe7tion torG6es on rotationa. 7apa7ity .ots if any of the fo..oDin; o776r:
#: Any fastener is not 6sed Dithin - months after arri<a. on the Iob site
2: Fasteners are improper.y hand.ed) stored) or s6bIe7ted to in7.ement Deather before fina. ti;htenin;
-: Chan;es are noted in ori;ina. s6rfa7e 7ondition of threads) Dashers) or n6t .6bri7ant
4: ReG6ired inspe7tions are not performed Dithin 4+ ho6rs after a.. fasteners in a Ioint ha<e been
,,-1.01DB+CB.C R0/%/#0'%& C%6%(#/3 Te/#'8
Perform rotationa. 7apa7ity testin; on ea7h rotationa. 7apa7ity .ot 6nder se7tion **,#:%#D/-1/b1 before
,,-1.01DB+CB(C I'/%&&%/#0' Te'#0' Te/#'8
Perform insta..ation tension testin; on ea7h rotationa. 7apa7ity .ot before insta..ation:
Test - representati<e ?S fastener assemb.ies 6nder se7tion + of Specification for Structural @oints Using
-STM - 8?9 or - D<: Bolts of the RCSC: For short bo.ts) test - representati<e ?S fastener assemb.ies
6nder EPre,Insta..ation (erifi7ation Pro7ed6resE of Structural Bolting #and)ook of the Stee. Str67t6res
Te7hno.o;y Center:
If 6sin; dire7t tension indi7ators) perform insta..ation <erifi7ation tests 6nder appendi3 ># of AST F $*$
e37ept that bo.ts m6st be initia..y tensioned to a <a.6e * per7ent ;reater than the minim6m reG6ired bo.t
,,-1.01DB+CB1C Ver#4#(%/#0' Te'#0' Te/#'8
(erify minim6m fastener tension in ?S bo.ted 7onne7tions no .ater than 4+ ho6rs after a.. fasteners in a
7onne7tion ha<e been tensioned:
The En;ineer se.e7ts fasteners to be tested: Perform testin; s67h that the En;ineer 7an read the torG6e
Dren7h or a77ess dire7t tension indi7ator ;aps d6rin; testin;:
Che7k #% per7ent of ea7h type of fastener assemb.y in ea7h ?S bo.ted 7onne7tion for minim6m tension
6nder se7tion #% of Specification for Structural @oints Using -STM - 8?9 or - D<: Bolts of the RCSC:
Che7k at .east 2 assemb.ies per 7onne7tion: For short bo.ts determine the arbitration torG6e 6sin; steps #
thro6;h 5 of EArbitration of Disp6tes) TorG6e ethod,Short "o.tsE in Structural Bolting #and)ook of the
Stee. Str67t6res Te7hno.o;y Center:
Determine and 6se a separate inspe7tin; torG6e for ea7h different rotationa. 7apa7ity .ot of fasteners:
,,-1.02A Ge'er%&
,,-1.02AB1C Ge'er%&
ateria.s m6st 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin;
S/r"(/"r%& S/ee&
ateria. Spe7ifi7ation
Carbon stee. AST A 5%$9A 5%$) =rade -0 or
{AST A-09A-0}
?S .oD a..oy 7o.6mbi6m
<anadi6m stee.
AST A 5%$9A 5%$) =rade *% or
{AST A *529A *52) =rade *%}
?S .oD a..oy str67t6ra. stee. AST A 5%$9A 5%$) =rade *%8) =rade ?PS
*%8) or {AST A *++9A *++}
?S .oD a..oy str67t6ra. stee.
AST A 5%$9A 5%$) =rade ?PS 5%8
?i;h,yie.d stren;th G6en7hed
and tempered a..oy stee.
p.ate s6itab.e for De.din;
AST A 5%$9A 5%$) =rade #%% and =rade
#%%8 or {AST A *#49A *#4}
=rades yo6 may s6bstit6te for the eG6i<a.ent AST A 5%$ stee. s6bIe7t to the
modifi7ations and additions spe7ified and to the reG6irements of AST A 5%$:
ateria. Spe7ifi7ation
Stee. fastener 7omponents
for ;enera. app.i7ations:
"o.ts and st6ds AST A -%5
An7hor bo.ts AST F #**4 or AST A -%5) =rade C
?S bo.ts and st6ds AST A 44$) Type #
?S threaded rods AST A 44$) Type #
?S nonheaded an7hor
AST F #**4) =rade #%*) C.ass 2A
N6ts AST A *0-) in7.6din; appendi3 >#
8ashers AST F +44
Components of ?S stee.
fastener assemb.ies for 6se
in str67t6ra. stee. Ioints:
"o.ts AST A -2*) Type #
Tension 7ontro. bo.ts AST F #+*2) Type #
N6ts AST A *0-) in7.6din; appendi3 >#
?ardened Dashers AST F 4-0) Type #) in7.6din;
S# s6pp.ementary reG6irements
Dire7t tension indi7ators AST F $*$) Type -2*) Hin7,7oated
Ain7,7oated n6ts ti;htened beyond sn6; or Dren7h ti;ht m6st be f6rnished Dith
a dry .6bri7ant 7omp.yin; Dith s6pp.ementary reG6irement S2 in AST A *0-:
O/7er M%/er#%&
ateria. Spe7ifi7ation
Carbon stee. for for;in;s)
pins) and ro..ers
AST A 00+9A 00+) C.ass D
A..oy stee. for for;in;s AST A 00+9A 00+) C.ass =
Pin n6ts AST A -09A -0
Carbon,stee. 7astin;s AST A 259A 25) =rade 0*,-*) C.ass #
a..eab.e iron 7astin;s AST A 459A 45) =rade -2*#% /=rade 22%#%1
=ray iron 7astin;s AST A 4+) C.ass -%"
Carbon stee. str67t6ra. t6bin; AST A *%%) =rade " or AST A *%#
Stee. pipe
AST A *-) Type E or S) =rade "J
AST A #%0) =rade "J or AST A #-$) =rade "
St6d 7onne7tors A8S D#:*
?ydrostati7 testin; Di.. not app.y:
,,-1.02AB2C C7%r63 V-'0/(7 Re!"#reme'/
Str67t6ra. stee. p.ate 6sed for the fo..oDin; 7omponents m6st 7omp.y Dith .on;it6dina. C(N impa7t <a.6es
shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
#: Tension members) tension;es) eyebars) and han;er p.ates
2: Sp.i7e p.ates of tension members) tension;es) and eyebars
ateria. 7omp.yin; Dith
AST A 5%$9A 5%$
C(N impa7t <a.6e
/ft,.b at temperat6re1
=rade -0 #* at 4% _F
=rade *%
/Thi7kness 6p to 2 in7hes1 #* at 4% _F
=rade *%8
/Thi7kness 6p to 2 in7hes1 #* at 4% _F
=rade *%
/Thi7kness o<er 2 in7hes 6p to 4 in7hes 1
2% at 4% _F
=rade *%8
/Thi7kness o<er 2 in7hes 6p to 4
2% at 4% _F
=rade ?PS *%8
/Thi7kness 6p to 4 in7hes1 2% at #% _F
=rade ?PS 5%8 /Thi7kness 6p to 4 in7hes1 2* at ,#% _F
=rade #%% /Thi7kness of 2,#92 in7hes or .ess1 2* at % _F
=rade #%%8 /Thi7kness o<er 2,#92 in7hes 6p to
4 in7hes1
-* at % _F
If the materia. yie.d point is more than 0*)%%% psi) red67e the temperat6re
for the C(N impa7t <a.6e #* de;rees F for ea7h in7rement of #%)%%% psi
abo<e 0*)%%% psi:
Determine C(N <a.6es 6nder AST E 2-:; pro7ed6res m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A 05-: !se the
FreG6en7y ? /?eat1 testin; for stee.s 7omp.yin; Dith AST A 5%$9A 5%$) =rades -0) *%) *%8) and ?PS
*%8: !se the FreG6en7y P /Pie7e1 testin; for stee.s 7omp.yin; Dith AST A 5%$9A 5%$) =rades ?PS
5%8) #%%) and #%%8:
For fra7t6re 7riti7a. members) minim6m C(N impa7t <a.6es are spe7ified in the spe7ia. pro<isions:
,,-1.02AB)C S/r"(/"r%& S/ee&
!n.ess otherDise des7ribed) str67t6ra. stee. p.ates) shapes) and bars m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A 5%$9A
5%$) =rade *%: &o6 may in7rease ;irder;e p.ate thi7kness and .en;th if the 7han;e does not
de7rease any portion of the p.ates in detai.ed thi7kness: For 7ontin6o6s ;irders) in7reases in the .en;th of
;irder;e p.ates that 7han;e .o7ations of b6tt De.ds betDeen different thi7knesses of;e p.ates
m6st be a6thoriHed before fabri7ation:
St6d type shear 7onne7tors .on;er than + in7hes may 7onsist of m6.tip.e shorter st6ds 7onne7ted Dith
7omp.ete Ioint penetration De.ds:
A.. str67t6ra. stee. that is pre76t before arri<a. at the fabri7ation site m6st be 76t so that the primary
dire7tion of; is para..e. to the dire7tion of the main tensi.e or 7ompressi<e stress in the member:
Do not 6se 7oi.ed stee. p.ate for the fo..oDin; items:
#:;es or eyebars
2: ?an;er p.ates
-: Sp.i7e p.ates for;es or eyebars
For members shoDn) yo6 may s6bstit6te ro..ed shapes for De.ded se7tions and De.ded se7tions for ro..ed
shapes if the s6bstit6ted members 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin;:
#: Depth) Didth) and a<era;e thi7knesses are at .east eG6a. to the rep.a7ed shape or se7tion
2: For De.ded se7tions) the;es are De.ded to the Deb Dith 7ontin6o6s De.ds on ea7h side of
the Deb
-: Stren;th 7.assifi7ation of the materia. is not red67ed
,,-1.02AB+C Be%r#'8 P%1
E.astomeri7 bearin; pads m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *#,-:%2:
,,-1.02AB,C C%/#'8
Stee.) ;ray iron) and ma..eab.e iron 7astin;s m6st ha<e adeG6ate 7ontin6o6s fi..ets 7ast in p.a7e in
reentrant an;.es: The radi6s of 76r<at6re of the e3posed s6rfa7e of a Di.. define the siHe: The
siHe of fi..ets m6st be at .east #92 the thi7kness of the thinnest adIoined member b6t not .ess than #92 in7h:
Finished 7astin; dimensions m6st be at .east eG6a. to the dimensions shoDn: Castin;s m6st be not more
than 5:* per7ent o<erDei;ht: Lar;e 7astin;s m6st be s6spended and hammered o<er their entire area:
Cra7ks) f.aDs) or other defe7ts m6st not be present after hammerin;:
,,-1.02AB-C U'#1e'/#4#e1 S/0(; M%/er#%&
&o6 may 6se 6nidentified sto7k materia. on nonBfra7t6re 7riti7a. members if:
#: No more than -%)%%% po6nds is 6sed:
2: !nidentified sto7k materia. is se;re;ated from a.. other materia.s 6sed in the Dork:
-: ateria. is a6thoriHed before fabri7ation:
The En;ineer may se.e7t for testin; from ea7h pie7e of 6nidentified sto7k materia. proposed for
6se: Testin; of m6st be performed by an a6thoriHed .aboratory 6nder the app.i7ab.e AST:
,,-1.02AB2C M#(e&&%'e0" M%/er#%&
Ca6.kin; m6st be po.ys6.fide or po.y6rethane 7a6.kin; 7omp.yin; Dith AST C $2%) Type S) =rade NS:
,,-1.02B F%.r#(%/#0'
,,-1.02BB1C Ge'er%&
Ro..ed materia. m6st be strai;ht before bein; .aid o6t or Dorked: S6bassemb.ies and 7omp.eted members
m6st be strai;ht before bein; in7orporated into the Dork: The Department reIe7ts strai;htened materia.
shoDin; e<iden7e of dama;e:
C6t and fabri7ate stee. p.ates for;es) eyebars) han;er p.ates) and sp.i7e p.ates for;es and
eyebars s67h that the primary dire7tion of; is para..e. to the dire7tion of the main tensi.e or
7ompressi<e stress in the member:
e7hani7a..y 76t ed;es m6st be 7.ean 76t Ditho6t torn or ra;;ed ed;es:
8e.d ;irder stiffeners shoDn as bearin; stiffeners: Ends of stiffeners shoDn as ti;ht,fit m6st bear on the
;irder;e Dith at .east point bearin;: Lo7a. 7.earan7es betDeen the end of the stiffener and the ;irder;e m6st be at most #9#0 in7h: E37ept Dhere stiffeners are 76t ba7k) 7a6.k ;aps betDeen stiffener ends
and the ;irder;e before paintin;:
"6i.d f.oor beams) strin;ers) and ;irders ha<in; end 7onne7tion an;.es to e3a7t .en;th ba7k to ba7k of
7onne7tion an;.es: If end 7onne7tions are fa7ed) the finished an;.e thi7kness m6st be at .east that shoDn
on the shop draDin;s:
Finished members m6st be tr6e to .ine and free from tDists) bends) and open Ioints:
at7h,mark 7onne7tin; parts that are preassemb.ed for settin; 6p for De.din; or for; or reamin; for fie.d 7onne7tions:
8here ;a.<aniHin; is des7ribed) ;a.<aniHe str67t6ra. stee. 6nder se7tion 5*,#:%*:
Neat.y finish e3posed parts of the Dork: S.i;ht.y ro6nd ed;es) sharp 7orners) and ed;es marred) 76t) or
ro6;hened d6rin;; or ere7tion:
C.ean and paint iron and stee. s6rfa7es 6nder se7tion *$:
,,-1.02BB2C F&%/'e 04 F%3#'8 %'1 Be%r#'8 S"r4%(e
S6rfa7es of bearin; and base p.ates and other meta. s6rfa7es that 7onta7t ea7h other or ;ro6nd 7on7rete
s6rfa7es m6st be to Dithin #9-2 in7h in #2 in7hes and #9#0 in7h o<era..:
S6rfa7es of bearin; and base p.ates and other meta. bearin; s6rfa7es that 7onta7t mortar) preformed
fabri7 pads) or e.astomeri7 bearin; pads m6st be to Dithin #9+ in7h in #2 in7hes and -9#0 in7h o<era..:
&o6 may heat strai;hten stee. s.abs not in 7onta7t Dith other meta. bearin; s6rfa7es if the abo<e
to.eran7es are met:
,,-1.02BB)C Be'/ P&%/e
Co.d,bent .oad,7arryin; ro..ed stee. p.ates m6st 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin;:
#: Dire7tion of bendin; m6st be at ri;ht an;.es to the dire7tion of;
2: Radi6s of bend meas6red to the 7on7a<e fa7e m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A09A0
-: "efore bendin;) the 7orners of the p.ate m6st be ro6nded to a #9#0,in7h radi6s thro6;ho6t that
portion of the p.ate Dhere bendin; is to o776r
P.ates to be bent to a shorter radi6s than spe7ified in AST A09A0 m6st be bent hot: ?ot bent p.ates
m6st ha<e the dire7tion of bendin; at ri;ht an;.es to the dire7tion of;:
,,-1.02BB+C F%/e'er T7re%1
Fastener threads for ;enera. app.i7ations m6st 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin;:
#: E3terna. threads m6st 7omp.y Dith the !nified Coarse Thread Series reG6irements in ANSI "#:# Dith
C.ass 2A to.eran7es before 7oatin; Dith Hin7
2: Interna. threads m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A *0-
Threads for pin ends and n6ts #,#92 in7hes or more in diameter m6st 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin;:
#: E3terna. threads m6st be !nified In7h S7reD Threads) !N Series Dith 0 threads per in7h) 7omp.yin;
Dith ANSI "#:# Dith C.ass 2A to.eran7es
2: Interna. threads m6st be !nified In7h S7reD Threads) !N Series Dith 0 threads per in7h) 7omp.yin;
Dith ANSI "#:# Dith C.ass 2" to.eran7es
,,-1.02BB,C P#' C0''e(/#0'
Pins m6st be:
#: T6rned to the dimensions shoDn
2: Strai;ht) smooth) and free from f.aDs
-: ?a<e the fina. s6rfa7e prod67ed by a finishin; 76t
In pins more than $ in7hes in diameter) bore a f6.. .en;th ho.e at .east #,59+ in7hes in diameter a.on; the
pin a3is after; and before;:
"ore for pins:
#: Tr6e to the diameter spe7ified
2: At ri;ht an;.es to the member a3is
-: E37ept for pins Dhere nonpara..e. are reG6ired) m6st be para..e. Dith ea7h other
4: Smooth and strai;ht Dith the fina. s6rfa7e prod67ed by a finishin; 76t
Coat ma7hined s6rfa7es of pins and Dith an easi.y remo<ed r6st inhibitor:
The distan7e betDeen for pins m6st not <ary by more than #9-2 in7h from that shoDn Dhen
meas6red o6tside,to,o6tside for tension members and inside,to,inside for 7ompression members:
The diameter of for pins m6st not e37eed the pin diameter by more than #9*% in7h for pins * in7hes
or .ess in diameter or #9-2 in7h for .ar;er pins:
"ore for pins in b6i.t,6p members after assemb.y: If a6thoriHed) yo6 may bore before
assemb.y if the same de;ree of a776ra7y is a7hie<ed as borin; after assemb.y:
"ore pin,7onne7ted han;er p.ates in pairs or in sta7ks bo.ted or 7.amped to;ether s67h that ea7h pair of
han;er p.ates is mat7hed:
!se pi.ot and dri<in; n6ts for dri<in; pins: Dri<e pins s67h that the members Di.. bear f6..y on them: For
fie.d assemb.y 6se a positi<e .o7kin; de<i7e to ti;hten and se76re pin n6ts:
,,-1.02BB-C B0&/e1 C0''e(/#0'
,,-1.02BB-CB%C Ge'er%&
"o.ted 7onne7tions in str67t6ra. stee. Ioints m6st be made Dith ?S stee. fastener assemb.ies 7onsistin; of
one of the fo..oDin;:
#: ?S stee. bo.t) n6t) and hardened Dasher: &o6 may 6se a dire7t tension indi7ator Dith the bo.t) n6t) and
hardened Dasher:
2: Tension 7ontro. bo.t) n6t) and hardened Dasher
If the bo.t head is the t6rned e.ement d6rin; insta..ation) perform insta..ation tension testin; and
<erifi7ation tension testin;) in7.6din; determinin; inspe7tion torG6e) by t6rnin; the bo.t head:
Ea7h .en;th and diameter of fastener assemb.y 6sed in any sin;.e Ioint of a ?S bo.ted 7onne7tion m6st
be from the same rotationa. 7apa7ity .ot: 'eep a re7ord of Dhi7h .ots are 6sed in ea7h Ioint:
,,-1.02BB-CB.C B0&/ H0&e
,,-1.02BB-CB.CB#C Ge'er%&
"o.t m6st be one of the fo..oDin;:
#: P6n7hed f6.. siHe
2: Dri..ed f6.. siHe
-: S6bp6n7hed and reamed
4: S6bdri..ed and reamed
Finished for bo.ts m6st be:
#: Cy.indri7a. and to the p.ane of the 7onne7tion
2: At most #9#0 in7h .ar;er than the nomina. bo.t diameter
-: C.ean 76t Ditho6t torn or ra;;ed ed;es
4: 8itho6t irre;6.arities that pre<ent seatin;
? p6n7hed f6.. siHe) s6bp6n7hed) or s6bdri..ed m6st pass a pin #9+ in7h than the nomina. ho.e
siHe Ditho6t driftin; in at .east 5* per7ent of the for ea7h 7onne7tion after; and before
any reamin;:
A.. m6st pass a pin -9#0 in7h in diameter than the nomina. ho.e siHe:
Do not 7orre7t misp6n7hed or misdri..ed by De.din; 6n.ess a6thoriHed:
,,-1.02BB-CB.CB##C P"'(7#'8
Do not p6n7h or s6bp6n7h AST A -09A -0 str67t6ra. stee. thi7ker than 59+ in7h: Do not p6n7h or
s6bp6n7h ?S str67t6ra. stee. thi7ker than -94 in7h:
The diameter of the p6n7hin; die m6st not e37eed the p6n7h diameter by more than -9-2 in7h:
S6bp6n7h to be reamed to a diameter #94 in7h than the finished ho.e:
,,-1.02BB-CB.CB###C Dr#&&#'8
Dri.. f6..,siHed Dith the parts assemb.ed or to a stee. temp.ate Dith hardened b6shin;s: If a6thoriHed)
yo6 may dri.. f6..,siHed Dith ;an; dri.. eG6ipment:
The En;ineer may reG6est a proof assemb.y to 7he7k the fit of maIor fie.d 7onne7tions:
S6bdri.. to be reamed to a diameter #94 in7h than the finished ho.e:
Dri.. thro6;h temp.ates after the temp.ates ha<e been firm.y 7.amped or bo.ted:
If members are dri..ed Dhi.e assemb.ed) ho.d parts to;ether se76re.y d6rin;;:
&o6 may sta7k dri.. p.ates 6sin; ;an; dri..s if:
#: Parts are firm.y 7.amped d6rin;;
2: Dri.. bits remain to the Dork d6rin;;
,,-1.02BB-CB.CB#$C Re%m#'8
Perform reamin; after b6i.t,6p members are assemb.ed and firm.y bo.ted to;ether or after temp.ates are
se76re.y .o7ated o<er the member: Remo<e sha<in;s after reamin;: ark pie7es reamed to;ether so that
they may be reassemb.ed in the same position: Do not inter7han;e reamed parts:
Reamin; temp.ates m6st:
#: ?a<e hardened stee. b6shin;s
2: ?a<e a776rate.y dimensioned
-: ?a<e referen7e .ines for .o7atin; temp.ates on members
4: "e firm.y 7.amped or bo.ted in position
Temp.ates 6sed for reamin; of mat7hin; members or the opposite fa7es of one member m6st be e3a7t
For reamin; in assemb.ed materia.) do not mi3 f6..,siHed Dith s6bp6n7hed or s6bdri..ed
,,-1.02BB-CB(C I'/%&&%/#0'
"o.ted 7onne7tions 6sin; ?S fastener assemb.ies m6st 7omp.y Dith Specification for Structural @oints
Using -STM - 8?9 or - D<: Bolts of the RCSC:
Tension ?S bo.ted 7onne7tions as s.ip 7riti7a.:
!se the same bo.t head orientation Dithin a sin;.e ?S bo.ted 7onne7tion:
Insta.. the hardened Dasher 6nder the e.ement t6rned in ti;htenin;: Lo7ate n6ts on the side of the
member not <isib.e from the tra<e.ed Day: Lo7ate n6ts for bo.ts partia..y embedded in 7on7rete on the side
of the member to be en7ased in 7on7rete:
If s6rfa7e moist6re is present at a ?S bo.ted 7onne7tion:
#: Do not insta.. ?S fastener assemb.ies ha<in; 7omponents f6rnished Dith Dater so.6b.e .6bri7ants:
2: The En;ineer may reG6ire yo6 to perform additiona. fastener testin; if fastener assemb.ies are
f6rnished Dith .6bri7ants not so.6b.e in Dater:
Sea. the sheared ends of tension 7ontro. bo.ts Dith 7a6.kin;: Ca6.kin; m6st be ;ray and at .east *% mi.s
thi7k: App.y 7a6.k to a 7.ean s6rfa7e the same day the sp.ined end is sheared off:
For a.. bo.ts) thread sti7ko6t after tensionin; m6st be at .east f.6sh Dith the o6ter n6t fa7e and at most #94
in7h: At .east - f6.. threads m6st be .o7ated Dithin the ;rip of the 7onne7tion: For tension 7ontro. bo.ts)
meas6re thread sti7ko6t from the o6ter n6t fa7e to the first f6.. thread near the sheared end of the bo.t
&o6 may 6se # additiona. hardened Dasher 6nder the nont6rnin; e.ement to 7orre7t e37essi<e thread
Thread sti7ko6t of st6ds) rods) and an7hor bo.ts m6st be at .east f.6sh Dith the o6ter n6t fa7e and at most
# in7h:
&o6 may 6se bo.ts Dith diameters 6p to #94 in7h .ar;er than the spe7ified bo.t diameter if:
#: A6thoriHed
2: &o6 7omp.y Dith the spa7in; and ed;e distan7e reG6irements for the .ar;er bo.t
-: Net se7tion is adeG6ate
If 6sin; dire7t tension indi7ators:
#: Insta.. # indi7ator 6nder ea7h bo.t head: The protr6sions m6st 7onta7t the bo.t head:
2: ?o.d the bo.t head stationary and t6rn the n6t:
-: Fo..oD the man6fa7t6rerFs insta..ation pro7ed6res:
4: Tension bo.ts in not .ess than 2 sta;es 6nti. at .east *% per7ent of the ;aps on ea7h indi7ator are
betDeen %:%%% and %:%%* in7h: Indi7ators Dith a.. protr6sions 7omp.ete.y 7r6shed are reIe7ted:
Do not torG6e the sp.ined end of tension 7ontro. bo.ts before fina. tensionin;:
,,-1.02BB2C Ae&1#'8
,,-1.02BB2CB%C Ge'er%&
8e.din; m6st 7omp.y Dith A8S D#:*:
Rep.a7e Tab.e 2:2 of A8S D#:* Dith the fo..oDin; tab.e:
"ase meta. thi7kness of the
thi7ker part Ioined /in7hes1
inim6m effe7ti<e partia. Ioint
penetration ;roo<e De.d siHe
O<er #94 to #92 in7.6si<e -9#0
O<er #92 to -94 in7.6si<e #94
O<er -94 to #,#92 in7.6si<e *9#0
O<er #,#92 to 2,#94 in7.6si<e -9+
O<er 2,#94 to 0 in7.6si<e #92
O<er 0 *9+
8e.d siHe need not e37eed the thi7kness of the thinner part Ioined:
E37ept for De.ds to reinfor7e ;roo<e De.ds) minim6m De.d siHe m6st 7omp.y Dith the siHes shoDn in
the fo..oDin; tab.e:
"ase meta. thi7kness of the thi7ker
part Ioined /in7hes1
inim6m De.d siHe
To -94 in7.6si<e #94
O<er -94 *9#0
8e.d siHe need not e37eed the thi7kness of the thinner part Ioined:
Dimensiona. detai.s and Dorkmanship for De.ded Ioints in and pipe 7onne7tions m6st 7omp.y Dith
part A) ECommon ReG6irements for Desi;n of 8e.ded Conne7tionsE and part D) ESpe7ifi7 ReG6irements
for Desi;n of Conne7tions)E in se7tion 2 of A8S D#:#:
The side of b6tt,De.ded Ioints m6st not de<iate from f.atness by more than %:2% in7h in a 2,foot .en;th
7entered o<er the De.d:
Do not De.d or ta7k bra7kets) 7.ips) shippin; de<i7es) or other materia. not des7ribed to any part of the
;irders 6n.ess shoDn on the shop draDin;s:
=rind De.d s6rfa7es smooth and f.6sh Dhen NDT is reG6ired:
8ork 7omp.yin; Dith se7tions *0,- or se7tion +0,2:%4 does not need to 7omp.y Dith A8S D#:*:
,,-1.02BB2CB.C B%(;#'8 40r Ae&1
,,-1.02BB>C C"r$e1 G#r1er
,,-1.02BB?C S706 Aem.&3
Prepare and paint 7onta7t s6rfa7es of ?S bo.ted 7onne7tions before assemb.y: C.ean a.. other meta.
7onta7t s6rfa7es thoro6;h.y before assemb.y:
Preassemb.e 7omp.eted s6bassemb.ies for str67t6res or 6nits of str67t6res before ere7tion to <erify
;eometry and to <erify or prepare fie.d 7onne7tions:
"o.ted tr6sses) skeD porta.s) skeD 7onne7tions) ri;id frames) bents) and toDers m6st be 7omp.ete.y
preassemb.ed) adI6sted to .ine and 7amber) and prepared for De.din; or 7he7ked for bo.t fit before
Preassemb.e .on; span tr6ss Dork in .en;ths of at .east - ab6ttin; pane.s and adI6st members for .ine
and 7amber: Prepare Ioints for De.din; or dri.. or ream for fie.d 7onne7tions d6rin; preassemb.y: For pre<io6s.y dri..ed f6.. siHe) 7he7k for bo.t fit:
Preassemb.e bo.ted sp.i7e Ioints for p.ate ;irders and adI6st ab6ttin; se7tions for .ine and 7amber: Dri.. or
ream for fie.d 7onne7tions d6rin; preassemb.y:
Sp.i7e Ioints for De.ded ;irders m6st be preassemb.ed Dith ab6ttin; members) adI6sted for .ine and
7amber) and prepared for De.din;:
Preassemb.y methods m6st be 7ompatib.e Dith the ere7tion methods 6sed:
Preassemb.e a.. ma7hinery 7omp.ete.y: Fit bearin;s to the 7.earan7es and a.i;nments spe7ified: =ear
red67tions and .ine ;ears m6st ha<e ;ear 7enter distan7es set and the ;ears mat7h,marked:
Assemb.e parts into fina. positions Ditho6t dama;e: Fo..oD a.. mat7hmarks: Do not dama;e or distort
members Dhen hammerin;:
Driftin; done d6rin; assemb.y m6st not;e bo.t or distort the meta.:
,,-1.02C De&#$er3, S/0r%8e, %'1 H%'1&#'8
ark the Dei;ht of any member Dei;hin; o<er 0)%%% .b on the member:
Do not bend) s7rape) or o<erstress members d6rin;; and shippin;: The En;ineer reIe7ts bent or
dama;ed members:
'eep str67t6ra. materia. 7.ean d6rin; .oadin;) transportin;) and 6n.oadin;:
Store str67t6ra. materia. abo<e ;ro6nd on s6pports: 'eep materia. 7.ean) drained) and prote7ted from
7orrosion: Store ;irders 6pri;ht and shored: S6pport .on; members on skids p.a7ed to pre<ent def.e7tion:
,,-1.0)A Ge'er%&
,,-1.0)B F%&e:0r;
Fa.seDork m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 4+,2 e37ept that dead .oads 7onsist of the Dei;ht of the str67t6ra.
stee. and portions of the str67t6re s6pported by the fa.seDork:
Constr67t fa.seDork and 7on7rete forms on stee. str67t6res s67h that .oads app.ied to ;irder Debs are /#1
app.ied Dithin 0 in7hes of a;e or stiffener and /21 do not prod67e .o7a. distortion of the Deb: Pro<ide
temporary str6ts and ties to /#1 resist .atera. .oads app.ied to ;irder;es and /21 pre<ent appre7iab.e
<erti7a. mo<ement betDeen the ed;e of de7k form and the adIa7ent stee. ;irder:
,,-1.0)C Ere(/#0'
,,-1.0)CB1C Ge'er%&
&o6 may ere7t str67t6ra. stee. ;irders to pro<ide ;irder dead .oad 7ontin6ity as ass6med in desi;n: If
ere7tion pro7ed6res pro<ide dead .oad ;irder 7ontin6ity) preassemb.e members Dith fie.d Ioints in a no,
.oad 7ondition in a horiHonta. or an 6pri;ht position:
&o6 may ere7t str67t6ra. stee. ;irders s67h that dead .oad ;irder 7ontin6ity is not pro<ided: If ere7tion
pro7ed6res do not pro<ide dead .oad ;irder 7ontin6ity:
#: S6bmit proposed stee. ere7tion pro7ed6res Dith 7a.76.ations that shoD ;irder 7apa7ity and ;eometry
Di.. be 7orre7t
2: &o6 may in7rease 7ross,se7tiona. areas or 7han;e ;rades of stee. to pro<ide the spe7ified 7apa7ity if
-: After ere7tion) the ere7ted str67t6re m6st ha<e a .oad 7arryin; 7apa7ity at .east eG6a. to the str67t6re
,,-1.0)CB2C Be%r#'8 %'1 A'(70r%8e
Set bearin; assemb.ies .e<e.: The En;ineer pro<ides adI6stments to horiHonta. positions of bearin;
assemb.ies d6e to temperat6re: Obtain f6.. bearin; on the 7on7rete 6nder bearin; assemb.ies:
Immediate.y before settin; bearin; assemb.ies or masonry p.ates on ;ro6nd 7on7rete s6rfa7es)
thoro6;h.y 7.ean and app.y 7a6.kin; to a.. 7onta7t s6rfa7es:
D6rin; De.din;) prote7t nonmeta..i7 bearin; pads 6sin; a6thoriHed methods:
The embedded end of ea7h an7hor bo.t m6st terminate Dith a head or a n6t and Dasher: An7hor bo.ts
m6st permit tr6e positionin; of bearin; assemb.ies:
ortar p.a7ed /#1 6nder masonry p.ates or bearin; assemb.ies or /21 in an7hor bo.t<es or 7anisters
m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *#,#:%2F e37ept the 7ement to sand ratio m6st be # to -: ortarin; and
7onstr67tin; mortar pads 6nder masonry p.ates m6st be done after ;irder ere7tion and before p.a7in;
de7k 7on7rete:
If an7hor bo.ts are insta..ed in pipe<es or meta. 7anisters) fi.. the pipes or 7anisters 7omp.ete.y Dith
,,-1.0)CB)C He%/ S/r%#87/e'#'8 S/ee& G#r1er
,,-1.0)CB+C*,,-1.0)CB10C Reer$e1
,,-1.0+ PAYMENT
,,-1.0+A Me%"reme'/
Str67t6ra. stee. and iron is meas6red by the po6nd 7omp6ted from dimensions shoDn 6sin; the fo..oDin;:
#: Density of str67t6ra. and 7ast stee. is ass6med at %:2+-- .b976 in: The density of 7ast iron is ass6med
at %:20 .b976 in:
2: 8ei;ht of ro..ed shapes and str67t6ra. p.ate is 7omp6ted 6sin; nomina. Dei;ht and dimensions Dith
no ded67tion for 7opes) 76ts) and
-: 8ei;ht of De.ds is ass6med as shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
SiHe of De.d /in7hes1 8ei;ht /.b9.f1
-9#0 %:%+
#94 %:#4
*9#0 %:22
-9+ %:-%
#92 %:**
*9+ %:+%
-94 #:#%
59+ #:*%
# 2:%%
4: 8ei;ht of ;a.<aniHin; is added to the 7a.76.ated base meta. Dei;ht 6sin; the tab.e of Dei;hts of Hin7
7oatin;s in AST A #*-9A #*-:
*: 8ei;ht of bo.ts) n6ts) and Dashers is added to obtain the Dei;ht of 7omp.eted members: The Dei;ht
of o<ersiHe bo.ts and n6ts is not in7.6ded:
0: 8ei;ht of n6ts) bo.ts) Dashers) 7ap s7reDs) an7hor bo.ts) and an7hor pipe<es in the finished
str67t6re is based on nomina. Dei;ht and dimensions:
5: 8ei;ht of paint is not in7.6ded:
,,-1.0+B P%3me'/
F6rnish str67t6ra. stee. /brid;e1 in7.6des fabri7atin; and de.i<erin; str67t6ra. stee. to the Iob site ready to
in7orporate into the Dork:
Ere7t str67t6ra. stee. /brid;e1 in7.6des ere7tin; str67t6ra. stee. at the Iob site into fina. position in the Dork:
Str67t6ra. stee. /brid;e1 in7.6des f6rnishin; and ere7tin; str67t6ra. stee.:
,,-+*,,-10 RESERVED
,--2.01 GENERAL
,--2.01A Ge'er%&
,--2.01AB1C S"mm%r3
Se7tion *0,2 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for fabri7atin; and f6rnishin; si;n pane.s:
Si;ns m6st 7omp.y Dith the California Sign Specifications and the federa. Standard #igh7a Signs and
Markings "ook: Those p6b.i7ations and re.ated p6b.i7ations are a<ai.ab.e at the DepartmentFs Traffi7
Operations 8eb site 6nder si;ns and Dork Hones:
,--2.01AB2C De4#'#/#0'
.%(;8r0"'15 Dominant si;n 7o.or:
&e8e'15 A.. .etters) n6mera.s) ti.des) bars) arroDs) ro6te shie.ds) symbo.s) .o;os) borders) artDork) and
mis7e..aneo6s 7hara7ters that are intended to 7on<ey spe7ifi7 meanin;s on traffi7 si;ns: The sty.e)
font) siHe) and spa7in; of the .e;end m6st 7omp.y Dith the standard a.phabets in the federa. Standard
#igh7a Signs and Markings "ook:
,--2.01AB)C S".m#//%&
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e for:
#: A.6min6m sheetin;
2: Retroref.e7ti<e sheetin;
-: S7reened,pro7ess 7o.ors
4: Nonref.e7ti<e) opaG6e) b.a7k fi.m
*: Prote7ti<e,o<er.ay fi.m
!pon reG6est) s6bmit test of si;n pane.s and materia.s at <ario6s sta;es of prod67tion: Si;n
pane. m6st be at .east #2 by #2 in7hes in siHe and in7.6de ba7k;ro6nd materia. and .e;end:
8ithin #* days before startin; si;n fabri7ation) s6bmit at .east - 7opies of yo6r G6a.ity 7ontro. for si;n
pane.s: A..oD #% days for the DepartmentFs re<ieD: Do not start fabri7atin; si;n pane.s 6nti. the En;ineer
a77epts the G6a.ity 7ontro. The G6a.ity 7ontro. m6st in7.6de:
#: Identifi7ation of the person responsib.e for si;n G6a.ity 7ontro.
2: "asis of a77eptan7e for in7omin; raD materia.s at the fabri7ation p.ant
-: Type) method) and freG6en7y of G6a.ity 7ontro. testin; at the fabri7ation p.ant
4: Types and brand names of retroref.e7ti<e sheetin;
*: List of the retroref.e7ti<e sheetin; man6fa7t6rerFs appro<ed pro7ess 7o.ors) prote7ti<e o<er.ay fi.m)
and b.a7k nonref.e7ti<e fi.m) in7.6din; the man6fa7t6rerFs name and prod67t name for ea7h item
0: Retroref.e7ti<e sheetin; man6fa7t6rerFs insta..ation and sp.i7in; instr67tions
5: Re7ommended 7.eanin; pro7ed6re for ea7h prod67t
+: ethod of pa7ka;in;) transportin;) and storin; si;ns
Do not s6bmit a G6a.ity 7ontro. for 7onstr67tion area si;ns spe7ified in se7tion #2,-:%0:
,--2.01AB+C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
Si;n pane.s m6st be prod67ed at a fabri7ation p.ant:
The Department may inspe7t si;ns at the fabri7ation p.ant or the Iob site: The En;ineer Di.. reIe7t
dama;ed si;ns) defe7ti<e si;ns) and si;ns Dith; errors before or after insta..ation:
8hene<er instr6menta. testin; 6nder AST D4$*0 is in disp6te) the En;ineerFs <is6a. test Di.. determine
the 7o.or of the retroref.e7ti<e sheetin;) s7reened pro7ess 7o.ors) or fi.m:
Constr67tion area si;ns and permanent si;ns m6st be free from b.emishes that 7o6.d affe7t ser<i7eabi.ity
and detra7t from the ;enera. si;n 7o.or and appearan7e Dhen <ieDed d6rin; the daytime and ni;httime
from a distan7e of 2* feet: The fa7e of 7omp.eted si;ns m6st be 6niform) smooth) and free of defe7ts)
s7rat7hes) ;e.) hard spots) streaks) e3tr6sion marks) and air The front) ba7k) and ed;es
of si;n pane.s m6st be free of ro6ter 7hatter marks) b6rns) sharp ed;es) .oose ri<ets) de.aminated skins)
e37essi<e adhesi<e o<er,spray) and a.6min6m marks:
Si;ns m6st not be 7hipped or bent:
,--2.01B M%/er#%&
,--2.01BB1C Ge'er%&
,--2.01BB2C F%.r#(%/#0'
Retroref.e7ti<e sheetin; m6st be app.ied to si;n pane.s at the fabri7ation p.ant 6nder the retroref.e7ti<e
sheetin; man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions Ditho6t appre7iab.e stret7hin;) tearin;) and dama;e:
The orientation of the .e;end m6st 7omp.y Dith the retroref.e7ti<e sheetin; man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions:
The retroref.e7ti<e sheetin; on a si;n pane. Dith a minor dimension of 4+ in7hes or .ess m6st be a sin;.e)
7onti;6o6s sheet Ditho6t sp.i7es e37ept for the sp.i7es prod67ed d6rin; the man6fa7t6rin; pro7ess of the
retroref.e7ti<e sheetin;: A si;n pane. Dith a minor dimension ;reater than 4+ in7hes may ha<e #
horiHonta. sp.i7e in the retroref.e7ti<e sheetin; other than the sp.i7es prod67ed d6rin; the man6fa7t6rin;
pro7ess of the retroref.e7ti<e sheetin;:
!n.ess the retroref.e7ti<e sheetin; man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions reG6ire a different method) sp.i7es in the
retroref.e7ti<e sheetin; m6st o<er.ap by a minim6m of # in7h: The retroref.e7ti<e sheetin; on either side of
a sp.i7e m6st not e3hibit a 7o.or differen7e 6nder in7ident and ref.e7ted .i;ht:
For si;ns 7omposed of m6.tip.e pane.s) the .e;end m6st be p.a7ed a7ross Ioints in a Day that does not
affe7t the siHe) shape) spa7in;) and appearan7e of the .e;end on the assemb.ed si;n:
For formed pane. si;ns) the retroref.e7ti<e sheetin; for the ba7k;ro6nd and .e;end m6st be Drapped
aro6nd the interior <erti7a. ed;es of ea7h pane. as shoDn to pre<ent de.amination:
Si;n information m6st be imprinted in #94,in7h 6pper 7ase .etters and n6mera.s: Lo7ate this information
on the ba7k) .oDer ri;ht of ea7h si;n pane. so that it Di.. not be b.o7ked by a si;n post or mo6ntin; frame:
Si;n information m6st in7.6de:
#: Phrase EProperty of the State of Ca.iforniaE
2: Si;n fabri7atorFs name
-: onth and year of fabri7ation
4: Type of retroref.e7ti<e sheetin;
*: Sheetin; man6fa7t6rerFs identifi7ation and .ot n6mber for the retroref.e7ti<e sheetin;
Si;n information m6st be imprinted at the fabri7ation p.ant by die,stampin; on a.6min6m pane.s or by an
eG6i<a.ent method for fiber;.ass,reinfor7ed p.asti7 si;ns) s67h as affi3in; a die,stamped a.6min6m ta;:
The information m6st not be painted) s7reened) inked) or en;ra<ed: The information m6st be imprinted in
a Day that does not dama;e the fa7e of the si;n:
8here shoDn) a si;n Dith prote7ti<e,o<er.ay fi.m m6st be marked at the fabri7ation p.ant Dith a -9+,in7h
diameter dot: The dot m6st be p.a7ed on the .oDer border of the si;n before app.yin; the prote7ti<e,
o<er.ay fi.m: The fabri7ator m6st determine the app.i7ation method and e3a7t .o7ation of the dot e37ept
the dot m6st not be p.a7ed on the .e;end or near bo.t The dot m6st be b.a7k if p.a7ed on a Dhite
border and Dhite if p.a7ed on a b.a7k border:
,--2.01BB)C S/0r%8e %'1 H%'1&#'8
Prote7t) transport) and store si;n pane.s fabri7ated Dith s7reened,pro7ess 7o.ors 6nder the retroref.e7ti<e
sheetin; man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions:
Transport si;n pane.s so that the fa7e of the pane.s are prote7ted from dama;e and Deather: Ship the
pane.s on pa..ets) in 7rates) or in tier ra7ks: Ship the pane.s <erti7a..y on ed;e: Do not sta7k the pane.s
horiHonta..y: P.a7e paddin; and prote7ti<e materia.s betDeen the pane.s as ne7essary: 'eep the pane.s
dry d6rin; transit:
Store si;n pane.s in a dry en<ironment at a.. times: Store the pane.s <erti7a..y on ed;e Dhether indoors or
o6tdoors: Do not store the pane.s dire7t.y on the ;ro6nd: Do not .et the pane.s ;et Det d6rin; stora;e: In
areas of hi;h heat and h6midity) store the pane.s in en7.osed) 7.imate,7ontro..ed trai.ers or 7ontainers:
Store the pane.s indoors Dhene<er the stora;e d6ration Di.. e37eed -% days:
,--2.01BB+C S#8' P%'e& %'1 F%/e'#'8 H%r1:%re
F6rnish mo6ntin; hardDare for a.. types of si;n pane.s) in7.6din;:
#: La; s7reDs) n6ts) bo.ts) and Dashers for roadside si;ns
2: "ra7es and Dood b.o7k spa7ers for roadside si;ns
-: Type A,# and Type A,2 mo6ntin; hardDare for o<erhead) .aminated pane. si;ns
4: Type A,- mo6ntin; hardDare for o<erhead) formed pane. si;ns
The e3posed portion of the mo6ntin; hardDare on the si;n fa7e) in7.6din; ri<ets 6sed to atta7h sheetin;
to framin; members) m6st ha<e a fa7tory) or fie.d,app.ied finish that mat7hes 7.ose.y the 7o.or of the
ba7k;ro6nd and .e;end Dhere it is p.a7ed:
,--2.01BB,C A&"m#'"m S7ee/#'8
The a..oy and temper of a.6min6m sheetin; m6st 7omp.y Dith AST "2%$ for the desi;nation spe7ified:
A.6min6m sheetin; m6st be pretreated for 7orrosion resistan7e 6nder AST "44$: The s6rfa7e of the
a.6min6m sheetin; m6st be 7.eaned) deo3idiHed) and 7oated Dith a .i;ht) ti;ht.y adherent 7hromate
7on<ersion 7oatin; free of poDdery resid6e: The 7on<ersion 7oatin; m6st be C.ass 2 Dith a Dei;ht from
#% mi..i;rams per sG6are foot to -* mi..i;rams per sG6are foot and an a<era;e Dei;ht of 2* mi..i;rams per
sG6are foot: After the 7.eanin; and 7oatin; pro7ess) prote7t the a.6min6m sheetin; from e3pos6re to
;rease) oi.s) d6st) and 7ontaminants:
A.6min6m sheetin; m6st be free of Darps) dents) b6rrs) and defe7ts res6.tin; from
The base p.ate for standard ro6te markers m6st be die 76t:
,--2.01BB-C Re/r0re4&e(/#$e S7ee/#'8
Retroref.e7ti<e sheetin; 6sed for ba7k;ro6nd and .e;end m6st 7omp.y Dith AST D4$*0 and m6st be on
the A6thoriHed ateria. List for si;nin; and de.ineation materia.s:
Type II) III) I() (III) I>) and >I retroref.e7ti<e sheetin; m6st ha<e C.ass #) -) or 4 adhesi<e ba7kin; e37ept
Type II retroref.e7ti<e sheetin; may ha<e C.ass 2 adhesi<e ba7kin;: The adhesi<e ba7kin; m6st be
press6re sensiti<e and f6n;6s resistant:
,--2.01BB2C Pr0(e C0&0r %'1 F#&m
The type of materia. 6sed for s7reened,pro7ess 7o.ors) nonref.e7ti<e) opaG6e) b.a7k fi.m) and prote7ti<e,
o<er.ay fi.m m6st be the type re7ommended by the retroref.e7ti<e sheetin; man6fa7t6rer:
The fabri7ator m6st perform a.. patterns) .ayo6ts) and set,6ps ne7essary for the s7reenin; pro7ess:
The 7omp.eted s6rfa7e of the app.ied s7reened,pro7ess 7o.or m6st be and smooth:
Co.ored retroref.e7ti<e sheetin; m6st be 6sed for the ba7k;ro6nd: Re<erse,s7reened,pro7ess 7o.or on
Dhite retroref.e7ti<e sheetin; for si;ns Dith ;reen) red) b.6e) and broDn ba7k;ro6nds may be s6bstit6ted
for the ba7k;ro6nd 7o.or:
The 7oeffi7ient of retroref.e7tion for re<erse,s7reened,pro7ess 7o.ors 6sed on Dhite retroref.e7ti<e
sheetin; m6st be not .ess than 5% per7ent of the 7oeffi7ient of retroref.e7tion spe7ified in AST D4$*0 for
the 7orrespondin; 7o.ored retroref.e7ti<e sheetin;:
The .e;end m6st be b.a7k) s7reened,pro7ess 7o.or or nonref.e7ti<e) opaG6e) b.a7k fi.m:
S7reened,pro7ess 7o.ors and nonref.e7ti<e) opaG6e) b.a7k fi.m m6st ha<e eG6i<a.ent o6tdoor
Deatherabi.ity 7hara7teristi7s as the retroref.e7ti<e sheetin; spe7ified in AST D4$*0: Nonref.e7ti<e)
opaG6e) b.a7k fi.m m6st be <iny. or a7ry.i7 materia.:
C6red) s7reened,pro7ess 7o.ors m6st be ab.e to Dithstand remo<a. Dhen tested by app.yin; the -
CompanyFs S7ot7h brand 7e..ophane tape no: 0%% or eG6i<a.ent tape o<er the 7o.or and remo<in; it Dith a
sin;.e) G6i7k motion at a $% de;ree an;.e norma. to the s6rfa7e of the si;nFs fa7e:
,--2.01C C0'/r"(/#0'
Do not 7hip or bend si;n pane.s:
Do not insta.. the .e;end at the Iob site:
Immediate.y rep.a7e si;n pane.s e3hibitin; a si;nifi7ant 7o.or differen7e betDeen daytime and ni;httime:
Do not repair si;n pane.s at the Iob site 6n.ess a6thoriHed:
,--2.01D P%3me'/
F6rnishin; si;n pane.s is meas6red by the dimensions shoDn:
The Department does not pay for f6rnishin; si;n pane.s 6nti. the si;n pane.s are insta..ed:
,--2.02A Ge'er%&
Sin;.e sheet a.6min6m pane.s m6st be framed or 6nframed pane.s as determined from the siHes shoDn:
,--2.02B M%/er#%&
A.6min6m sheetin; for framed and 6nframed pane.s m6st be a.6min6m a..oy 0%0#,T0 or *%*2,?-+:
Sin;.e sheet a.6min6m pane.s m6st not ha<e a <erti7a. sp.i7e in the a.6min6m sheetin;: For a pane. Dith
a depth ;reater than 4+ in7hes) # horiHonta. sp.i7e is a..oDed in the a.6min6m sheetin;:
For a framed pane.) the framin; members m6st be a.6min6m 7hanne. or re7tan; a.6min6m t6bin;:
The framin; members m6st be Dithin #9+ in7h of the .en;th shoDn:
A.6min6m 7hanne.s or re7tan; a.6min6m t6bin;s m6st be De.ded to;ether as shoDn: 8e.d Dith the
inert ;as,shie.ded ar7 De.din; pro7ess 6sin; E4%4- a.6min6m,e.e7trode Dires: The Didth m6st
be eG6a. to the Da.. thi7kness of the sma..est De.ded 7hanne. or t6bin;:
Atta7h the a.6min6m sheetin; to the frame Dith -9#0,in7h,diameter ri<ets at the spa7in; shoDn: The ri<ets
m6st be at .east #92 in7h from the Deb 7hanne. ed;es: The ri<ets m6st be made of a.6min6m a..oy *%*2
and be anodiHed or treated Dith 7on<ersion 7oatin; to pre<ent 7orrosion:
Comp.eted) sin;.e sheet) a.6min6m pane.s m6st be:
#: 8ithin #9+ in7h of the dimensions shoDn
2: Dithin a to.eran7e of #9-2 in9.f of pane. dimension in any dire7tion as meas6red from a strai;ht
.ine a7ross the p.ane of the pane. to the pane. s6rfa7e
,--2.02C C0'/r"(/#0'
Not !sed
,--2.02D P%3me'/
Not !sed
,--2.0)A Ge'er%&
Fiber;.ass,reinfor7ed p.asti7 pane.s m6st 7omp.y Dith AST D-+4# and be on the A6thoriHed ateria.
List for si;nin; and de.ineation materia.s:
,--2.0)B M%/er#%&
Fiber;.ass,reinfor7ed p.asti7 pane.s m6st be Deather,resistant) =rade II) thermoset po.yester .aminate:
The p.asti7 m6st:
#: "e a7ry.i7 modified and !( stabi.iHed for o6tdoor Deatherabi.ity:
2: Contain additi<es desi;ned to s6ppress fire i;nition and f.ame propa;ation: 8hen tested 6nder AST
D0-*) the e3tent of b6rnin; m6st not e37eed # in7h:
-: "e stabi.iHed to pre<ent the re.ease of so.<ents and monomers: The front and ba7k s6rfa7es of the
.aminate m6st be 7.ean and free of 7onstit6ents and re.easin; a;ents that 7o6.d interfere Dith the
bondin; of the retroref.e7ti<e sheetin;:
The 7o.or of fiber;.ass,reinfor7ed p.asti7 pane.s m6st be 6niform ;ray 6nder 6nse.. 7o.or notation N5:*
to N+:*:
Fiber;.ass,reinfor7ed p.asti7 pane.s m6st be 76t from a sin;.e pie7e of .aminate: o6ntin; bo.t m6st
be predri..ed: The predri..ed bo.t pane. ed;es) and the front and ba7k s6rfa7es of the pane.s m6st
be tr6e and smooth: The pane. s6rfa7es m6st be free of <isib.e 7ra7ks) forei;n in7.6sions)
Darpin;) and that mi;ht affe7t performan7e and ser<i7eabi.ity:
Comp.eted fiber;.ass,reinfor7ed p.asti7 pane.s m6st be:
#: At .east %:#-* in7h thi7k
2: Dithin a to.eran7e of #9-2 in9.f of pane. dimension in any dire7tion as meas6red from a strai;ht
.ine a7ross the p.ane of the pane. to the pane. s6rfa7e
-: 8ithin #9+ in7h of the dimensions shoDn
,--2.0)C C0'/r"(/#0'
Not !sed
,--2.0)D P%3me'/
Not !sed
,--2.0+A Ge'er%&
Not !sed
,--2.0+B M%/er#%&
,--2.0+BB1C Ge'er%&
Laminated pane.s m6st 7onsist of a honey7omb 7ore and e3tr6ded a.6min6m frame .aminated betDeen 2
sheets of a.6min6m sheetin; to prod67e ri;id pane.s:
The fa7e sheet m6st be a sin;.e 7onti;6o6s sheet of %:%0-,in7h,thi7k a.6min6m sheetin;) a..oy 0%0#,T0
or *%*2,?-2: The ba7k sheet m6st be a sin;.e) 7onti;6o6s sheet of %:%4%,in7h,thi7k a.6min6m sheetin;)
a..oy -%%-,?#4:
The 7ore materia. m6st be %:20 .b9sG ft pheno.i7,impre;nated kraft paper Dith the fo..oDin; properties:
#: Impre;nated #+ per7ent pheno.i7 by Dei;ht
2: #92,in7h honey7omb 7e.. siHe
-: F6n;6s resistant 6nder IL,STD,4%#"
The adhesi<e 6sed to .aminate the fa7e and ba7k sheets to the honey7omb 7ore and e3tr6ded a.6min6m
frame m6st prod67e a bond that is stron;) permanent) and resistant to oi. and Dater: The Department Di..
reIe7t a .aminated pane. if a %:%#% by #92,in7h Dide ;a6;e 7an be inserted to a depth of more than
#92 in7h betDeen the e3tr6ded a.6min6m frame and the a.6min6m sheetin;:
Laminated pane.s m6st be ab.e to resist a Dind .oad of -- .b9sG ft Dith a bendin; safety fa7tor of #:2*
Dhen tested for the fo..oDin; simp.e span .en;ths:
Pane. type Nomina. pane.
Simp.e span .en;th
A # in7h $F,%E
" # in7h $F,%E
2,#92 in7hes #4F,0E
? 2,#92 in7hes #4F,0E
The tensi.e stren;th of .aminated pane.s m6st be at .east 4% .b9sG in Dhen tested 6nder AST C2$5 and
C4+#) Cy7.e ") after a;in;: Instead of sprayin; Dith hot Dater) the spe7imen m6st be tota..y immersed in
#*+ de;ree F hot Dater:
A.. .aminated pane.s m6st 7omp.y Dith in7rementa. ;radations for the <ario6s siHes shoDn:
Indi<id6a. .aminated pane.s m6st not e37eed 24F,%E in .en;th and *F,%E in depth: Indi<id6a. .aminated
pane.s m6st be fabri7ated as sin;.e 6nits Ditho6t horiHonta. and <erti7a. Ioints) sp.i7es) and seams:
For si;ns e37eedin; *F,%E in depth) 6se 2 .aminated pane.s: Ea7h .aminated pane. m6st be *F,%E or .ess in
depth: &o6 may 6se - .aminated pane.s to a<oid p.a7in; the .e;end o<er a horiHonta. Ioint if a6thoriHed:
8e.ds are not reG6ired on the side of the framin; members Dhere the fa7e and ba7k sheets Di.. be
After .aminatin;) -9#0,in7h,diameter ri<ets m6st be p.a7ed at ea7h 7orner of the perimeter frame thro6;h
the fa7e and ba7k sheets: The ri<ets m6st be made of a.6min6m a..oy *%*2 and be anodiHed or treated
Dith 7on<ersion 7oatin; to pre<ent 7orrosion:
Sea.ant m6st be p.a7ed at the 7orners of the perimeter frame to pre<ent Dater intr6sion:
The fa7e of a 7omp.eted .aminated pane. m6st be Dithin a to.eran7e of -9-2 in9.f of pane. dimension
in any dire7tion as meas6red from a strai;ht .ine a7ross the p.ane of the pane. to the pane. s6rfa7e:
8here<er .aminated pane.s adIoin) the ;ap betDeen the adIoinin; ed;es m6st not de<iate by more than
#9-2 in7h from a strai;ht .ine p.a7ed from 7orner to 7orner: NonadIoinin; ed;es m6st not de<iate by more
than #9+ in7h from a strai;ht .ine p.a7ed from 7orner to 7orner: The fa7e and ba7k sheets m6st be f.6sh
Dith the perimeter frame: A.. pane. ed;es m6st be smooth:
Laminated pane.s m6st be from ,#92 to Y#9+ in7h of the dimensions shoDn: The differen7e in the .en;th
betDeen adIoinin; pane.s of m6.tip.e,pane. si;ns m6st not be ;reater than #92 in7h:
,--2.0+BB2C R0%1#1e L%m#'%/e1 P%'e&
Laminated pane.s for roadside si;ns m6st be Type " or Type ? as determined from the siHes shoDn:
For Type " pane.s:
#: Channe. ed;es m6st be De.ded to;ether to form the perimeter frame
2: (erti7a. t6be spa7ers m6st be De.ded to the perimeter frame
For Type ? pane.s:
#: Channe. ed;es m6st be s7reDed to the t6be 7hanne. ed;es Dith se.f,tappin; he3 head stain.ess stee.
s7reDs to form the perimeter frame:
2: Center.ine pane. t6be m6st be De.ded to the perimeter frame a.on; the horiHonta. 7enter.ine of the
pane.: The 7enter.ine pane. t6be m6st be a sin;.e) 7onti;6o6s e3tr6sion Ditho6t Ioints:
-: (erti7a. t6be spa7ers m6st be De.ded to the perimeter frame and to the 7enter.ine pane. t6be:
,--2.0+BB)C O$er7e%1 L%m#'%/e1 P%'e&
Laminated pane.s for o<erhead si;ns m6st be Type A:
Channe. ed;es m6st be s7reDed to the modified ? se7tions Dith se.f,tappin; he3 head stain.ess stee.
s7reDs to form the perimeter frame:
A.6min6m mo6ntin; 7.amps for A,# hardDare m6st be 7ast a.6min6m a..oy Dith a tensi.e stren;th of at
.east 2* kips9sG in: The insta..ed bo.t torG6e m6st not e37eed #%% in,.b:
For si;ns e37eedin; 24F,%E in .en;th) the En;ineer determines the .en;th of Type A pane.s if the pane.
.en;ths are not shoDn) e37ept indi<id6a. pane.s m6st not e37eed 24F,%E in .en;th or *F,%E in depth:
,--2.0+C C0'/r"(/#0'
For m6.tip.e,pane. si;ns) p.a7e a ?,se7tion 7.os6re e3tr6sion in the top 7hanne. of the .oDer pane. before
mo6ntin; the 6pper pane.: 8hen mo6nted) the bottom 7hanne. of the adIoinin; 6pper pane. m6st fit
to;ether as shoDn to en7.ose the ?,se7tion 7.os6re e3tr6sion for the f6.. .en;th of the pane. Ditho6t ;aps:
,--2.0+D P%3me'/
Not !sed
,--2.0,A Ge'er%&
,--2.0,B M%/er#%&
Formed pane.s m6st be fabri7ated from a sin;.e) 7onti;6o6s sheet of %:%0-,in7h,thi7k a.6min6m sheetin;)
a..oy *%*2,?-2:
A.6min6m sheetin; m6st be atta7hed to str6ts Dith -9#0,in7h,diameter anodiHed a.6min6m ri<ets: Ri<et
thro6;h the si;n fa7e at the spa7in; shoDn after app.yin; the ba7k;ro6nd materia. and .e;end:
Formed ed;es m6st be sG6are: Dri..ed mo6ntin; m6st be strai;ht and to the front and
ba7k s6rfa7es of the formed ed;es at the spa7in; shoDn: The Department reIe7ts formed pane. si;ns Dith that are s.anted or in7orre7t.y spa7ed:
Comp.eted formed,pane. si;ns m6st be:
#: Dithin a to.eran7e of #9+ in9.f of pane. dimension in any dire7tion as meas6red from a strai;ht
.ine a7ross the p.ane of the pane. to the pane. s6rfa7e
2: 8ithin #9#0 in7h of the dimensions shoDn
,--2.0,C C0'/r"(/#0'
Not !sed
,--2.0,D P%3me'/
Not !sed
,--).01 GENERAL
,--).01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion *0,- in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; o<erhead si;n str67t6res:
F6rnishin; o<erhead si;n str67t6res in7.6des f6rnishin; an7hor bo.t assemb.ies) remo<ab.e si;n pane.
frames) si;n str67t6re hardDare) and fabri7ated si;n str67t6res at the Iob site) ready for insta..ation)
in7.6din; De.din; and s6rfa7e finishin; as reG6ired:
Insta..ation of o<erhead si;n str67t6res in7.6des; an7hor bo.t assemb.ies) remo<ab.e si;n pane.
frames) si;n pane.s) and performin; any De.din;) and paintin; or ;a.<aniHin; reG6ired d6rin; insta..ation:
The types of si;n str67t6res in7.6de:
#: Tr6ss
2: "o3 beam,7.osed tr6ss
4: Li;htDei;ht
*: "rid;e mo6nted
,--).01B De4#'#/#0'
,--).01C S".m#//%&
,--).01CB1C Ge'er%&
,--).01CB2C S706 Dr%:#'8
"efore fabri7atin; si;n str67t6res) s6bmit 2 sets of shop draDin;s: In7.6de the fo..oDin;:
#: Si;n pane. dimensions
2: Span .en;ths
-: Post hei;hts
4: An7hora;e .ayo6ts
*: Proposed sp.i7e .o7ations
0: Sn6;;in; and tensionin; pattern for an7hor bo.ts and hi;h,stren;th bo.ted 7onne7tions
5: Detai.s for permanent stee. an7hor bo.t temp.ates
+: @6a.ity 7ontro. pro;ram in7.6din;:
+:#: ethods
+:2: EG6ipment
+:-: Personne.
$: Detai.s of 7.ips) eyes) or remo<ab.e de<i7es for pre<entin; dama;e to the finished ;a.<aniHed or
painted s6rfa7es 6sed for:
$:# Se76rin; the si;n d6rin; shippin;
$:2 Liftin; and mo<in; d6rin; ere7tion
A..oD -% days for the DepartmentFs re<ieD:
,--).01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
,--).01DB1C Ge'er%&
The Department inspe7ts str67t6ra. materia.s for si;n str67t6res at the fabri7ation site: &o6 m6st:
#: Notify the En;ineer Dhen the materia.s are de.i<ered to the fabri7ation site
2: A..oD at .east #% days after de.i<ery of the materia. for inspe7tion before startin; fabri7ation
Si;n str67t6res m6st be:
#: Free from kinks) tDists) or bends
2: !niform in appearan7e
Assemb.e the 7omp.eted se7tions in the shop: Che7k se7tions for strai;htness) a.i;nment) and dimension:
Corre7t any <ariation:
Se.e7t the 6nder7oatin; for 6n;a.<aniHed s6rfa7es from the A6thoriHed ateria. List:
,--).01DB2C Ae&1#'8
,--).01DB2CB%C Ge'er%&
Perform NDT of stee. members 6nder A8S D#:# and the reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
N0'1e/r"(/#$e Te/#'8 40r S#8' S/r"(/"re
8e.d .o7ation 8e.d type inim6m reG6ired NDT
Cir76mferentia. sp.i7es
aro6nd the perimeter of se7tions)
and arms:
CCP ;roo<e De.d Dith ba7kin; rin; #%%\ !T or RT
Lon;it6dina. seam CCP or PCP ;roo<e De.d Random 2*\ T
Lon;it6dina. seam
Dithin 0 in7hes of a
7ir76mferentia. sp.i7e:
CCP ;roo<e De.d #%%\ !T or RT
8e.ds atta7hin; base
p.ates);e p.ates) or
po.e or mast arm p.ates)
to or arm t6bes
CCP ;roo<e De.d Dith ba7kin; rin;
and reinfor7in;
tS *9#0 in7h: #%%\ !T and
#%%\ T
tK *9#0 in7h: #%%\ T after root
De.d pass and fina. De.d pass
E3terna. /top1 De.d for so7ket,
type 7onne7tions
#%%\ T
NOTE: t T po.e or arm thi7kness
,--).01DB2CB.C U&/r%0'#( Te/#'8
The a77eptan7e 7riteria for !T m6st 7omp.y Dith C.a6se 0:#-:-:# of A8S D#:#) for De.ded Ioints of
members .ess than *9#0 in7h thi7k or se7tions .ess than #- in7hes in diameter:
The a77eptan7e,reIe7tion 7riteria for !T m6st 7omp.y Dith Tab.e 0:- of A8S D#:# for 7y7.i7a..y .oaded 7onne7tions for other De.ded Ioints:
8hen performin; !T) 6se an a6thoriHed pro7ed6re 6nder A8S D#:#) Anne3 S:
,--).01DB2CB(C R%1#08r%67#( Te/#'8
The a77eptan7e 7riteria for radio;raphi7 or rea. time ima;e testin; m6st 7omp.y Dith A8S D#:# for tensi.e
stress De.ds:
,--).01DB2CB1C L0'8#/"1#'%& Se%m Ae&1
The En;ineer se.e7ts random .o7ations for NDT:
=rind the 7o<er pass smooth at the .o7ations to be tested:
If repairs are reG6ired in a portion of a tested De.d) perform NDT on the repaired portion and on 2*
per7ent of the 6ntested portions of the De.d: If more repairs are reG6ired) perform NDT on the entire
.on;it6dina. seam:
,--).01DB2CBeC C#r("m4ere'/#%& Ae&1 %'1 B%e P&%/e /0 P0/ Ae&1
8itho6t a6thoriHation) yo6 may make # repair to 7ir76mferentia. De.ds and to base p.ate,to,post De.ds:
Obtain a6thoriHation before makin; any additiona. repairs:
,--).01DB)C C7%r63 V-'0/(7 Im6%(/
,--).02A Ge'er%&
ateria.s m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion **:
Do not 6se Deatherin; stee.:
,--).02B B%r, P&%/e, S7%6e, %'1 S/r"(/"r%& T".#'8
"ars and p.ates m6st be str67t6ra. stee. 7omp.yin; Dith one or more of the fo..oDin;:
#: AST A-09A-0
2: AST A5%$9A5%$) =rade -0 or *%
-: AST A*529A*52) =rade *%
Other open shapes m6st be str67t6ra. stee. 7omp.yin; Dith one or more of the fo..oDin;:
#: AST A-09A-0
2: AST A5%$9A5%$) =rade -0 or *%
-: AST A$$29A$$2
Li;ht fi3t6re mo6ntin; 7hanne. m6st be 7ontin6o6s s.ot 7hanne. made from one of the fo..oDin;:
#: Stee. 7omp.yin; Dith AST A#%##9A#%##) Desi;nation SS) =rade --
2: E3tr6ded a.6min6m of a..oy 0%0-,T0 7omp.yin; Dith AST "22# or "22#
Str67t6ra. t6bin; and ho..oD str67t6ra. se7tions m6st be str67t6ra. stee. 7omp.yin; Dith AST A*%%)
=rade ":
S6rfa7e f.atness after ;a.<aniHin; m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A 09A 0 for the fo..oDin;:
#: "ase p.ates that are to 7ome in 7onta7t Dith 7on7rete) ;ro6t) or Dashers and .e<; n6ts
2: P.ates in hi;h,stren;th bo.ted 7onne7tions
,--).02C S7ee/
Sheets m6st be 7arbon,stee. 7omp.yin; Dith AST A #%##9A #%##) Desi;nation SS) =rade --:
,--).02D B0&/e1 C0''e(/#0'
"o.ts) n6ts) and Dashers m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion **,#:%2A/#1:
Components of ?S bo.ts m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion ** for hi;h stren;th stee. fastener assemb.ies 6n.ess
the bo.ts are shoDn to be sn6; ti;ht: "o.ts) n6ts) and Dashers for ?S bo.ts shoDn to be sn6; ti;ht m6st
7omp.y on.y Dith se7tion **,#:%2A/#1:
An7hor bo.ts m6st 7omp.y Dith AST F #**4) =rade **) De.dab.e stee.:
!se a permanent stee. temp.ate to maintain the proper an7hor bo.t spa7in;:
Pro<ide # top n6t) # .e<; n6t) and 2 Dashers for the 6pper threaded portion of ea7h an7hor bo.t:
,--).02E A'(70r%8e
An7hora;es for brid;e mo6nted si;n str67t6res m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for 7on7rete
an7hora;e de<i7es in se7tion 5*,#:%-:
,--).02F P#6e P0/
Pipe posts m6st be De.ded or seam.ess stee. pipes: Pipe posts m6st 7omp.y Dith one of the fo..oDin;:
#: AST A *-9A *-) =rade "
2: AST A #%09A #%0) =rade "
-: API Spe7ifi7ation *L PSL2 =rade ") =rade >42R or =rade >42 6sin; nomina. pipe siHes for
threaded end pipe
&o6 may fabri7ate posts from str67t6ra. stee. 7omp.yin; Dith AST A -09A -0:
Spira. seam De.ds are not a..oDed:
,--).02G S/ee& A%&;:%3 Gr%/#'8
Stee. Da.kDay ;ratin;s m6st 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin;:
#: =ratin;s m6st be the standard prod67t of an estab.ished ;ratin; man6fa7t6rer
2: ateria. for ;ratin;s m6st be str67t6ra. stee. 7omp.yin; Dith AST A #%##9A #%## as spe7ified for
Desi;nation CS) Type " or Desi;nation SS) =rade-0) Type #
-: For De.ded type ;ratin;s) ea7h Ioint m6st be f6.. resistan7e De.ded 6nder press6re) to pro<ide a
so6nd) 7omp.ete.y beaded Ioint
4: For me7hani7a..y .o7ked ;ratin;s:
4:#: ethod of fabri7ation and inter.o7kin; of the members m6st be a6thoriHed
4:2: Fabri7ated ;ratin; m6st be eG6a. in stren;th to the De.ded type
*: =ratin;s m6st be a776rate.y fabri7ated and free from Darps) tDists) or defe7ts affe7tin; their
appearan7e or ser<i7eabi.ity in7.6din;:
*:#: Ends of a.. re7tan; pane.s m6st be sG6are
*:2: Tops of the bearin; bars and 7ross members m6st be in the same p.ane
*:-: =ratin;s distorted by the ;a.<aniHin; pro7ess m6st be strai;htened
,--).02H E&%/0mer#( Be%r#'8 P%1
E.astomeri7 bearin; pads m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *#,-:%2:
,--).02I S%4e/3 C7%#' %/ A%&;:%3
Safety 7hain at Da.kDays m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A4#-) =rade 4-: The nomina. 7hain siHe m6st be #94
in7h: !se the minim6m .en;th that a..oDs .o7k,6p of safety;:
,--).02E S%4e/3 C%.&e %/ A%&;:%3
Safety 7ab.e at Da.kDays m6st:
#: "e 7onstr67ted of Type -%2 or -%4 stain.ess stee. 5 by #$ Dire strand 7ore
2: ?a<e a 7ab.e breakin; stren;th of at .east #%)%%% .b
-: Not be prestret7hed
,--).02I F%.r#(%/#0'
,--).02IB1C Ge'er%&
Fabri7ate si;n str67t6res into the .ar;est pra7ti7a. se7tions before ;a.<aniHin;:
Affi3 7.ips) eyes) and remo<ab.e bra7kets to a.. si;ns and a.. posts for se76rin; the si;n d6rin; shippin;)
.iftin;) mo<in;) and ere7tion: Se76re the si;n as ne7essary to pre<ent dama;e to the finished ;a.<aniHed
or painted s6rfa7es:
Do not make any in members 6n.ess the are shoDn or a6thoriHed:
Form the posts for si;n str67t6res to the radii shoDn by heat treatment or by fabri7ation methods
that Di.. not:
#: Crimp or b67k.e the interior radi6s of the pipe bend
2: Chan;e the physi7a. 7hara7teristi7s of the materia.
,--).02IB2C B0&/e1 C0''e(/#0'
E37ept for ?S bo.ts shoDn to be sn6;,ti;ht) ?S bo.ted 7onne7tions m6st be ?S assemb.ies 7omp.yin;
Dith se7tion **,#:%2"/01 e37ept assemb.ies m6st 7onsist of:
#: ?S stee. bo.ts
2: N6ts
-: ?ardened Dashers
4: Dire7t tension indi7ators
?S fastener assemb.ies and any other bo.ts) n6ts) and Dashers atta7hed to si;n str67t6res m6st be Hin7,
7oated by the me7hani7a. deposition pro7ess:
N6ts for ?S bo.ts at Ioints desi;nated as sn6;,ti;ht m6st not be .6bri7ated:
!se an a.ternatin; sn6;;in; and tensionin; pattern for an7hor bo.ts and ?S bo.ted sp.i7es: On7e
tensioned) do not re6se ?S fastener 7omponents:
For bo.t diameters .ess than -9+ in7h) the diameter of the bo.t ho.e m6st be not more than #9-2 in7h .ar;er
than the nomina. bo.t diameter:
For bo.t diameters ;reater than or eG6a. to -9+ in7h) the diameter of the bo.t ho.e m6st be not more than
#9#0 in7h .ar;er than the nomina. bo.t diameter:
Fasten ribbed sheet meta. pane.s for bo3 beam,7.osed tr6ss si;n str67t6res to the tr6ss members Dith
one of the fo..oDin;:
#: Cap s7reDs:
2: "o.ts:
-: -9#0,in7h stain.ess stee. b.ind ri<ets 7omp.yin; Dith Ind6stria. Fasteners Instit6te) Standard IFI,##4)
=rade *#: The o6tside diameter of the .ar;e;e ri<et head m6st be not .ess than *9+ in7h in
diameter: 8eb sp.i7es in ribbed sheet meta. pane.s may be made Dith a type of b.ind ri<ets of
a siHe s6itab.e for the thi7kness of the materia. bein; 7onne7ted:
,--).02IB)C I1e'/#4#(%/#0' P&%/e
Permanent.y atta7h an a.6min6m identifi7ation p.ate near the base 6sin; either stain.ess stee. ri<ets or
stain.ess stee. s7reDs: Atta7h the p.ate adIa7ent to the traffi7 side on # of the <erti7a. posts:
The information on the p.ate m6st in7.6de:
#: Name of the man6fa7t6rer
2: Date of man6fa7t6re
-: Contra7t n6mber
,--).02IB+C A%&;:%3
The assemb.ed and raised Da.kDay safety; m6st ha<e .ess than # in7h of Dobb.e Dhen a *%,.b
horiHonta. .oad is app.ied a.ternatin; ea7h Day at the top 7enter of ea7h; se7tion:
Safety 7ab.e at Da.kDays m6st be 7ontin6o6s betDeen .6;s: "efore ti;htenin; 7ab.e 7.ips at the end
an7hora;e) remo<e the s.a7k in the 7ab.e by the f6.. effort of a typi7a. 7onstr67tion Dorker:
Safety 7ab.e at Da.kDays m6st not be kinked) knotted) deformed) or sp.i7ed:
Insta.. 7.ips at safety 6nder the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions:
,--).02IB,C H%'170&e
The ed;es of and other .ar;e po.e openin;s m6st be ;ro6nd smooth: The ro6;hness of ed;es
m6st be .ess than %:%%# in7h:
,--).02L Ae&1#'8
8e.din; of stee. o<erhead si;n str67t6re members m6st 7omp.y Dith A8S D#:#:
PCP .on;it6dina. seam De.ds for tapered members m6st ha<e at .east the minim6m penetration
shoDn b6t not .ess than 0% per7ent penetration: 8ithin 0 in7hes of 7ir76mferentia. De.ds) .on;it6dina.
seam De.ds m6st be CCP ;roo<e De.ds: Lon;it6dina. seam De.ds on str67t6res Dith te.es7opi7 sp.i7es
7onne7tin; po.e se;ments m6st be CCP ;roo<e De.ds on the fema.e end Dith a .en;th eG6a. to the
desi;nated s.ip fit sp.i7e .en;th p.6s 0 in7hes:
E37ept for De.ds at posts shoDn as PCP De.ds) .on;it6dina. seam De.ds of fabri7ated pipe posts m6st be
CCP ;roo<e De.ds:
The .en;th of te.es7opi7 s.ip,fit sp.i7es m6st be at .east #:* times the inside diameter of the e3posed end
of the fema.e se7tion:
,--).02M S"r4%(e F#'#7
,--).02MB1C Ge'er%&
=a.<aniHe a.. ferro6s meta. parts of the fo..oDin; si;n str67t6re types:
#: Tr6ss
2: Li;htDei;ht
-: "rid;e mo6nted
4: "o3,beam,7.osed tr6ss) 7.ean and paint a.. ferro6s meta. parts after ;a.<aniHin;
*: 7.ean and paint a.. ferro6s meta. parts after ;a.<aniHin;
Do not treat ;a.<aniHed s6rfa7es Dith 7hemi7a.s before 7.eanin; and paintin;:
=a.<aniHe and do not paint Da.kDay ;ratin;s) Da.kDay bra7kets) ;6tters) safety;s) stee. mo6ntin;s
for .i;ht fi3t6res and a.. n6ts) bo.ts) and Dashers for si;n str67t6res after fabri7ation:
,--).02MB2C G%&$%'#9#'8
=a.<aniHin; m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 5*,#:%* e37ept s6rfa7es may be 7oated Dith Hin7 by the therma.
spray 7oatin; pro7ess if a6thoriHed:
If a6thoriHed to 6se therma. spray 7oatin;) app.y the 7oatin; 6nder se7tion *$,#%: The thi7kness of the
sprayed Hin7 7oat m6st be at .east * mi.s:
Do not 6se Hin7 so.ders or Hin7 a..oys that 7ontain tin to repair a dama;ed ;a.<aniHed s6rfa7e:
,--).02MB)C C&e%'#'8 %'1 P%#'/#'8
,--).02MB)CB%C Ge'er%&
C.ean and paint si;n str67t6res 6nder se7tion *$,* and se7tion *$,-:
C.ean and paint a.. e3terior s6rfa7es of and bo3 beam,7.osed tr6ss type si;n str67t6res) in7.6din;
the areas to be 7o<ered by si;n pane.s:
,--).02MB)CB.C U'1er(0%/#'8 04 U'8%&$%'#9e1 S"r4%(e
".ast,7.eaned s6rfa7es m6st re7ei<e a sin;.e 6nder7oat 7onsistin; of an inor;ani7 Hin7 7oatin; as
spe7ified in AAS?TO -%%) Type I or Type II) e37ept:
#: The first 2 senten7es of se7tion *:0 do not app.y
2: Se7tion *:0:# does not app.y
If yo6 propose to 6se a 7oatin; that is not on the A6thoriHed ateria. List) s6bmit the reG6ired
do76mentation spe7ified in se7tion *:0 of AAS?TO -%%: A..oD -% days for the En;ineerFs re<ieD:
,--).02MB)CB(C Te/#'8 04 I'0r8%'#( @#'( C0%/#'8
Perform adhesion and hardness testin; no sooner than 52 ho6rs after app.i7ation of the sin;.e 6nder7oat
of inor;ani7 Hin7 7oatin;:
,--).02MB)CB1C F#'#7 C0%/#'8
The e3posed area of inor;ani7 Hin7 7oatin; m6st re7ei<e a minim6m of 2 finish 7oats of e3terior ;rade
.ate3 paint:
The 2nd finish 7oat 7o.or m6st mat7h no: 244$# of FED,STD,*$*: The tota. dry fi.m thi7kness of the
app.i7ations of the 2nd finish 7oat m6st be not .ess than 2 mi.s:
,--).0)A Ge'er%&
Do not fasten brid;e,mo6nted si;n to 7on7rete e.ements of brid;es or;s before the 7on7rete attains
a 7ompressi<e stren;th of 2)*%% psi:
After ere7tion) remo<e the bra7kets 6sed to se76re si;n str67t6res d6rin; shippin; and .iftin;:
Insta.. .aminated and formed si;n pane.s on si;n str67t6res 6sin; fastenin; hardDare of the type and
siHes shoDn:
Insta.. si;n pane.s as shoDn:
,--).0)B F0"'1%/#0'
Comp.ete the CID? 7on7rete pi.e fo6ndation at .east 5 days before ere7tin; the si;n str67t6re:
,--).0)C E&e(/r#(%& I'/%&&%/#0'
E.e7tri7a. insta..ations m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion +0:
,--).0+ PAYMENT
The Dei;ht of remo<ab.e si;n pane. frames and an7hora;e assemb.ies is in7.6ded in the Dei;ht for si;n
The Dei;ht of si;n pane.s is not in7.6ded in the Dei;ht of si;n str67t6res:
E3tr6ded a.6min6m 6sed for stee. s.ot 7hanne. for the .i;ht fi3t6re mo6ntin; 7hanne. is meas6red and paid
for on the basis of the 7omp6ted Dei;ht of the stee. 7hanne.:
E.e7tri7a. insta..ations are paid 6nder se7tion +0:
The payment for f6rnishin; si;n pane.s is not in7.6ded in the payment for f6rnish and insta.. si;n str67t6re:
,--+.01 GENERAL
,--+.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion *0,4 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; roadside si;ns:
Roadside si;ns in7.6de insta..ation of si;n pane.s) fastenin; hardDare) ba7k bra7es) straps and sadd.e
bra7kets) and frame assemb.ies for m6.tip.e si;n pane.s:
A roadside si;n in7.6des a traffi7 si;n Dith # or more si;n pane.s atta7hed to a s6pportin; str67t6re: A
s6pportin; str67t6re is typi7a..y # or 2 posts) a si;na. standard) or an e.e7tro.ier:
,--+.01B De4#'#/#0'
,--+.01C S".m#//%&
,--+.01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
Si;ns m6st not be 7hipped or bent:
,--+.02A Ge'er%&
,--+.02B Me/%& P0/
o6ntin;s for roadside si;ns to be insta..ed on barriers or;s m6st be fabri7ated from /#1 De.ded or
seam.ess stee. pipe 6nder AST A*-9A*-) =rade ") and /21 str67t6ra. stee. 7omp.yin; Dith AST
"o.ted 7onne7tions m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *0,-:%2D: Con7rete an7hora;e de<i7es m6st 7omp.y Dith
se7tion 5*,#:%-:
A.. meta. parts for mo6ntin; roadside si;ns m6st be ;a.<aniHed after fabri7ation: =a.<aniHation m6st
7omp.y Dith se7tion 5*,#:%*:
,--+.02C A001 P0/
8ood posts m6st 7omp.y Dith the a..oDab.e ;rades and spe7ies for the siHes shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Nomina. post siHe
A..oDab.e ;rades and spe7ies
4 3 4 in7hes
Se.e7t heart redDood
No: # heart str67t6ra. redDood /#%*%f1
No: 2 heart str67t6ra. redDood /$%%f1
No: # str67t6ra. .i;ht framin; Do6;.as fir) free of heart 7enter
No: # str67t6ra. .i;ht framin; ?em,Fir) free of heart 7enter
No: # str67t6ra. .i;ht framin; So6thern ye..oD pine) free of
heart 7enter
4 3 0 in7hes
Se.e7t heart ;rade redDood
Se.e7t heart str67t6ra. ;rade redDood /##%%f1
No: # heart str67t6ra. redDood /$*%f1
No: 2 str67t6ra. Ioists and p.anks) Do6;.as fir) free of heart
No: # str67t6ra. Ioists and p.anks ?em,Fir) free of heart 7enter
No: 2 str67t6ra. Ioists and p.anks So6thern ye..oD pine
=reater than 4 3 0 in7hes
Se.e7t heart redDood
No: # heart str67t6ra. redDood /$*%f1
No: # posts and timbers / knoDn as No: # str67t6ra.1
Do6;.as Fir) free of heart 7enter
Se.e7t str67t6ra. posts and timbers ?em,Fir) free of heart
7enterJ and No: # timbers So6thern ye..oD pine) free of heart
SiHes shoDn are minim6m dressed dry siHes
Posts m6st be ;raded as spe7ified in se7tion *5,2:%#"/21: The sDeep m6st not e37eed %:%+ foot in #%
"efore preser<ati<e treatment) the moist6re 7ontent of Do6;.as fir) ?em,Fir) and So6thern ye..oD pine
posts m6st be not more than 2* per7ent at the midpoint of the post in the o6ter # in7h as meas6red 6nder
AST D4444 Dith an a6thoriHed moist6re meter:
8hen de.i<ered to the Iob site) treated posts m6st ha<e a moist6re 7ontent of not more than 2* per7ent
Dhen tested as des7ribed abo<e) and m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ified ;radin; reG6irements:
Do6;.as Fir and ?em Fir posts m6st be treated 6nder se7tions *5,2 and 6nder A8PA !#) !se Cate;ory
!C4A) Commodity Spe7ifi7ation A: Posts m6st be in7ised) and the minim6m retention of preser<ati<e
m6st be as spe7ified in the A8PA reG6irements:
&o6 may 76t the ends of Dood posts at the Iob site: 8here<er 76ttin; or borin; is performed after treatin;
posts Dith preser<ati<e) man6a..y app.y preser<ati<e to the 76ts and 6nder se7tion *5,2:%#C/-1/b1:
Treat Dood b.o7k spa7ers inserted betDeen the post and si;n pane. on sin;.e,post insta..ations Dith Dood
preser<ati<e 6nder se7tion *5,2:
!n.ess des7ribed otherDise) do not paint Dood posts and b.o7k spa7ers:
,--+.02D L%m#'%/e1 A001 B0< P0/
The Department f6rnishes .aminated Dood bo3 posts Dith atta7hed meta. 7aps at the top of ea7h post:
If yo6 do not immediate.y 6se .aminated Dood bo3 posts) neat.y sta7k them on d6nna;e: ?and.e the posts
in a Day that does not dama;e the posts:
,--+.02E S#8' P%'e& F%/e'#'8 H%r1:%re
Frame assemb.ies for m6.tip.e si;n insta..ations m6st be fabri7ated from str67t6ra. stee. 7omp.yin; Dith
AST A-09A-0 or a.6min6m a..oy as shoDn: Frames fabri7ated from str67t6ra. stee. m6st be hot,dip
;a.<aniHed after fabri7ation:
"a7k bra7es for si;ns m6st be 7ommer7ia. G6a.ity) mi.d stee.) and hot,dip ;a.<aniHed after fabri7ation:
Straps and sadd.e bra7kets for mo6ntin; si;n pane.s on e.e7tro.iers) si;n str67t6re posts) and traffi7
si;na. standards m6st be stain.ess stee. 6nder AST A#05) Type -%2 or -%4: 8here shoDn) theft,proof
bo.ts m6st be stain.ess stee. Dith a 7hromi6m 7ontent of at .east #0 per7ent and a ni7ke. 7ontent of at
.east + per7ent:
E37ept for theft,proof bo.ts) the .a; s7reDs) bo.ts) meta. Dashers) and n6ts m6st be 7ommer7ia. G6a.ity
stee. and hot,dip ;a.<aniHed after fabri7ation: Fiber Dashers m6st be 7ommer7ia. G6a.ity:
=a.<aniHin; m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 5*,.:%*:
,--+.0)A Ge'er%&
E37a<ate post to the depth shoDn: P.a7e posts in the
"a7kfi.. the spa7e aro6nd Dood posts to the 7omp.eted ;ro6nd s6rfa7e Dith se.e7ted earth or sand that is
free of ro7ks or other de.eterio6s materia.: "a7kfi.. the spa7e aro6nd .aminated Dood bo3 posts to the
7omp.eted ;ro6nd s6rfa7e Dith ; materia.: P.a7e the ba7kfi.. materia. in .ayers appro3imate.y #9-
foot thi7k: oisten and thoro6;h.y 7ompa7t ea7h .ayer:
Dri.. 2 in ea7h Dood post to pro<ide the breakaDay feat6re shoDn:
"a7kfi.. materia. for meta. posts m6st be minor 7on7rete: inor 7on7rete m6st 7ontain at .east 40- po6nds
of 7ementitio6s materia. per 76bi7 yard:
Dispose of s6rp.6s e37a<ated materia. 6niform.y a.on; the adIa7ent roadDay:
The .ine betDeen the 7enter of the top of a post and the 7enter of the post at ;ro6nd .e<e. m6st not
de<iate from a p.6mb .ine by more than %:%2 foot in #% feet:
ake breakaDay saD 76ts and for the saD 76ts in .aminated Dood bo3 posts after insta..ation of the
posts: Do not sp.i7e the posts: &o6 may make # trim 76t at the bottom of the post:
Dri.. for bo.ts) threaded rods) or e3pansion an7hora;e de<i7es dri..ed in e3istin; 7on7rete by a
method that Di.. not shatter the 7on7rete adIa7ent to the
Repair any; or 7hippin; of 7on7rete str67t6res at yo6r e3pense:
App.y standard 7ommer7ia. po.y<iny. 7h.oride tape) po.yethy.ene tape) or other a6thoriHed 7orrosion,
resistant barrier to the areas on meta. si;n s6rfa7es or hardDare that Di.. be in 7onta7t Dith treated Dood:
"efore insertin; bo.ts) fi.. a.. bo.t Dith the hardDare man6fa7t6rerFs re7ommended 7orrosion
prote7tion ;rease that Di.. not me.t or r6n at a temperat6re of #*% de;rees F: The 7orrosion,resistant
barrier and ;rease is not reG6ired if Dood posts and b.o7ks are treated Dith penta7h.oropheno. in
hydro7arbon so.<ent:
Sa.<a;e or remo<e and dispose of e3istin; si;n pane.s as shoDn:
,--+.0)B S#8' P%'e& I'/%&&%/#0'
Insta.. si;n pane.s as shoDn:
Atta7h si;n pane.s to meta. and Dood posts) .aminated Dood bo3 posts) e.e7tro.iers) si;n str67t6re posts)
traffi7 si;na. standards) and mast arms Dith fastenin; hardDare of the types and siHes shoDn:
Insta.. .a; s7reDs by t6rnin; the .a; s7reD into pi.ot by 6se of a Dren7h: "ore the pi.ot Dith a
bit diameter eG6a. to the root diameter of the .a; s7reD thread:
,--+.0+ PAYMENT
A roadside si;n 7onsistin; of # post Dith atta7hed si;n pane.s is paid for as # roadside si;n , one post: An
insta..ed roadside si;n 7onsistin; of 2 posts Dith atta7hed si;n pane.s is paid for as # roadside si;n , tDo
A roadside si;n 7onsistin; of # or 2 .aminated Dood bo3 posts Dith atta7hed si;n pane.s is 7o6nted as #
roadside si;n and paid for as insta.. roadside si;n /.aminated Dood bo3 post1:
A roadside si;n mo6nted on a barrier or; is meas6red by s7a.e Dei;hin;s and paid for as meta. /rai.
mo6nted si;n1: S7a.e Dei;hin;s in7.6de pipe posts) base p.ates) an7hora;e assemb.ies) and other meta.
parts e37ept si;n pane.s and si;n,pane. fastenin; hardDare:
Type N /CA1) Type P /CA1) and Type R /CA1 marker pane.s are paid for as roadside si;ns:
Payment for f6rnishin; si;n pane.s is not in7.6ded in the payment for roadside si;n:
,--,.01 GENERAL
Se7tion *0,* in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for; si;n pane.s on e3istin; frames in p.a7e:
Not !sed
Sa.<a;e or remo<e and dispose of e3istin; si;n pane.s as shoDn:
Insta.. si;n pane.s on e3istin; frames Dith fastenin; hardDare spe7ified in se7tion *0,2:%#"/41:
,--,.0+ PAYMENT
Payment for f6rnishin; si;n pane.s is not in7.6ded in the payment for insta.. si;n pane. on e3istin; frame:
,---.01 GENERAL
Se7tion *0,0 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for f6rnishin; and; remo<ab.e si;n pane. frames Dith si;n
pane.s atta7hed on neD or e3istin; si;n str67t6res:
Not !sed
Sa.<a;e or remo<e and dispose of e3istin; si;n pane.s and remo<ab.e si;n pane. frames as shoDn:
Insta.. remo<ab.e si;n pane. frames as shoDn:
Insta.. si;n pane.s on remo<ab.e si;n pane. frames Dith fastenin; hardDare spe7ified in se7tion *0,
,---.0+ PAYMENT
A remo<ab.e si;n pane. frame 7onsistin; of a sin;.e remo<ab.e si;n pane. frame Dith atta7hed si;n
pane.s is 7o6nted as # remo<ab.e si;n pane. frame:
Payment for f6rnishin; si;n pane.s is not in7.6ded in the payment for f6rnish remo<ab.e si;n pane. frame
Dith si;n pane.s atta7hed and insta.. remo<ab.e si;n pane. frame:
,--2.01 GENERAL
Se7tion *0,0 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for; si;n o<er.ays:
Si;n o<er.ay in7.6des f6rnishin; si;n o<er.ay:
Si;n o<er.ay materia.s m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *0,2:%#":
Insta.. si;n o<er.ay as shoDn:
Se.f,p.6;;in; b.ind ri<ets for; si;n o<er.ays m6st ha<e a -9#0 by *9+,in7h shank: Dri.. the ri<et Dith a no: #% dri.. bit: If the o<er.ay is not pre,p6n7hed) the ma3im6m ri<et spa7in; m6st be #0
If the e3istin; si;n pane. is por7e.ain ename.ed stee.) dri.. the ri<et Dith a diamond bit: Co<er the
e3posed meta. aro6nd the ho.e Dith a thin 7oat of si.i7one adhesi<e:
,--2.0+ PAYMENT
Not !sed
,2-1.01 GENERAL
,2-1.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion *5,# in7.6des ;enera. spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; Dood and p.asti7 .6mber str67t6res:
,2-1.01B De4#'#/#0'
7%r1:%re5 "o.ts Dith ne7essary n6ts and Dashers) timber 7onne7tors) drift pins) doDe.s) nai.s) s7reDs)
spikes) Dire rope for Drappin;) .a; s7reDs) and other meta. fastenin;s:
/r"(/"r%& me/%&5 Str67t6ra. shapes) eyebars) 7astin;s) rods Dith ne7essary n6ts and Dashers) meta.
shoes) and p.ates) b6t not in7.6din; hardDare:
,2-1.01C S".m#//%&
,2-1.01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
,2-1.02A Ge'er%&
De.i<er) store) and hand.e timber and .6mber as fo..oDs:
#: Store in at the Iob site 6n.ess it is to be p.a7ed in the str67t6re immediate.y:
2: Sta7k neat.y on d6nna;e abo<e ;ro6nd s67h that it 7an be readi.y inspe7ted:
-: Store and hand.e s67h that inI6ry and breaka;e are a<oided:
4: Prote7t from the s6n to pre<ent Darpin;:
,2-1.02B S/r"(/"r%& Me/%&
Str67t6ra. meta. m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 5*,#:%-:
?ot,dip ;a.<aniHe str67t6ra. meta. 6nder se7tion 5*,#:%*:
,2-1.02C H%r1:%re
?ardDare m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 5*:
E37ept for ma..eab.e iron Dashers) hot,dip ;a.<aniHe hardDare 6nder se7tion 5*,#:%*:
"o.ts and n6ts m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A -%5:
a7hine bo.t heads and n6ts m6st be re; sG6are series and threads m6st be 7oarse thread series)
C.ass 2 to.eran7e) a.. 7omp.yin; Dith ANSI Standard:
8ashers m6st be 7ast iron o;ee) ma..eab.e iron) p.ate) or 76t Dashers:
Nai.s m6st be 7ommon Dire nai.s:
8ire rope m6st be 7ommer7ia.,G6a.ity ;a.<aniHed stee. Dire rope: Sp.i7es and end 7onne7tions of Dire
rope m6st be made Dith meta. 7.ips:
Not !sed
,2-1.0+ PAYMENT
Timber and .6mber are meas6red from nomina. Didths and thi7knesses and the a7t6a. .en;ths of the
pie7es in the 7omp.eted str67t6re:
,2-2.01 GENERAL
,2-2.01A Ge'er%&
,2-2.01AB1C S"mm%r3
Se7tion *5,2 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; Dood str67t6res:
,2-2.01AB2C De4#'#/#0'
,2-2.01AB)C S".m#//%&
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e for timber and .6mber statin; the spe7ies of the materia. to be shipped
and in7.6din; a 7ertified ;radin; report: If timber is treated) in7.6de a 7ertified treatin; report:
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e for ;.6ed .aminated timbers and ;.6ed .aminated de7kin;:
,2-2.01AB+C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
Treated and 6ntreated timber and .6mber m6st 7omp.y Dith the ;radin; spe7ifi7ations Dhen de.i<ered to
the Iob site:
,2-2.01B M%/er#%&
,2-2.01BB1C Ge'er%&
=rease 6sed to fi.. bo.t m6st be re7ommended by the man6fa7t6rer for 7orrosion prote7tion and
m6st not me.t or r6n at a temperat6re of #*% de;rees F:
,2-2.01BB2C S/r"(/"r%& %'1 L"
Str67t6ra. timber and .6mber m6st be one of the spe7ies shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Type Spe7ies
Do6;.as fir Pseudotsuga men3iesii
?em,Fir -)ies magnifica2 -)ies grandis2 -)ies procera2 -)ies
ama)illis2 -)ies concolor2 Tsuga heterophlla
RedDood Se+uoia sempervirens
So6thern ye..oD pine One of the spe7ies re7o;niHed by the So6thern Pine
Inspe7tion "6rea6
Inspe7t and ;rade mark str67t6ra. timber and .6mber:
=rade the timber and .6mber 6nder the and spe7ifi7ations shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e: %'1 L" Gr%1#'8
Type R6.es9spe7ifi7ations and p6b.isher
Do6;.as fir and ?em,Fir Standard No4 >= &rading !ules for West Coast *um)er
p6b.ished by 8est Coast L6mber Inspe7tion "6rea6
Western *um)er &rading !ules p6b.ished by 8estern
8ood Prod67ts Asso7iation
RedDood Standard Specifications for &rades of California !ed7ood
*um)er p6b.ished by RedDood Inspe7tion Ser<i7e
So6thern ye..oD pine Standard &rading !ules for Southern Pine *um)er
p6b.ished by So6thern Pine Inspe7tion "6rea6
Stress,;raded .6mber m6st 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin;:
#: 8ood m6st be so6nd and free from de7ay:
2: =reen timber m6st be prote7ted from 6ne<en seasonin; d6rin; transit:
-: Do6;.as fir m6st be end 7oated Dith a prote7ti<e 7oatin; d6rin; man6fa7t6rin; to retard 7he7kin;:
For a.. stress,;rades) the siHes des7ribed for timber and .6mber are nomina. siHes 6nder -merican
Soft7ood *um)er Standard) PS 2%) p6b.ished by NIST:
P.yDood m6st be -94,in7h,thi7k =rade "C Do6;.as fir p.yDood man6fa7t6red Dith adhesi<es for Det 6se
and m6st be preser<ati<e treated:
Ea7h ;.6ed .aminated timber or de7kin; 6nit m6st bear the Ameri7an Instit6te of Timber Constr67tion
G6a.ity mark:
=.6ed .aminated timbers m6st be ar7hite7t6ra. ;rade Dith ;.6e for Det 6se and saD,te3t6red e3posed
=.6ed .aminated timbers m6st 7omp.y Dith Prod67t Standard PS *0 p6b.ished by NIST and Standard ##5
p6b.ished by the Ameri7an Instit6te of Timber Constr67tion:
=.6ed .aminated de7kin; 6nits m6st be:
#: Do6;.as fir) Dhite pine) or ?em,Fir
2: 'i.n,dried sto7k .6mber
-: Fa7tory .aminated 6sin; adhesi<e for Det 6se
4: At .east - p.ies thi7k) Dith ton;6e and ;roo<e ed;es
*: At .east *:* in7hes in Didth and thi7kness
The s6rfa7e of ;.6ed .aminated de7kin; 6nits at e3posed fa7es m6st be saD te3t6red:
,2-2.01BB)C Preer$%/#$e Tre%/me'/
8here preser<ati<e treatment of timber and .6mber is spe7ified) treat the timber) .6mber) and; after
mi..Dork is 7omp.eted:
Preser<ati<e,treated timber m6st be Do6;.as fir or ?em,Fir:
Preser<ati<es) treatment) and treatment res6.ts m6st 7omp.y Dith A8PA Standards !# and T# and the
spe7ified A8PA !se Cate;ory: If a !se Cate;ory is not spe7ified) the preser<ati<e treatment m6st 7omp.y
Dith A8PA !#) !se Cate;ory !C4":
Chromated 7opper arsenate m6st not be 6sed for preser<ati<e treatment:
The treatin; p.ant m6st imprint .e;ib.e symbo.s in the ends of a.. treated timber and .6mber: The symbo.s
m6st indi7ate the name of the treatin; 7ompany and the type and year of treatment 6nder A8PA
Standards # and 0:
8here timber is spe7ified to be ki.n dried before treatment) the moist6re 7ontent after dryin; and
immediate.y before treatin; m6st not e37eed 2* per7ent: eas6re the moist6re 7ontent 6nder AST D
4444 at the midpoint of the pie7e in the o6ter # in7h: !se an a6thoriHed type of moist6re meter:
Timber and .6mber treated Dith Daterborne preser<ati<es m6st be dried after treatment and ha<e a
moist6re 7ontent of no more than 2* per7ent Dhen shipped to the Iob site:
For treated Dood that is to be painted) 6se a Daterborne Dood preser<ati<e:
an6a..y app.ied Dood preser<ati<e m6st be 7reosote or 7opper naphthenate 7omp.yin; Dith A8PA
Standard 4:
,2-2.01C C0'/r"(/#0'
,2-2.01CB1C Ge'er%&
,2-2.01CB2C Fr%m#'8
Timber and .6mber m6st be a776rate.y 76t and framed to a 7.ose fit and m6st ha<e e<en bearin; o<er the
entire 7onta7t s6rfa7e: Do not 6se shimmin; in makin; Ioints:
"ore fastener as shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
F%/e'er B0re H0&e
Fastener type ember type "orin; reG6irement
Drift pin or
!ntreated timber ?o.e diameter a minim6m of #9#0 in7h .ess
than the pin or doDe. diameter
Treated timber ?o.e diameter the same as the pin or doDe.
"o.t A.. 7ases ?o.e diameter a ma3im6m of #9#0 in7h
.ar;er than the bo.t diameter
La; s7reD A.. 7ases "it diameter a ma3im6m of the root
diameter of the .a; s7reD thread
"oat or Dire
Sma.. member) if ne7essary
to pre<ent sp.ittin;
"it diameter the same as the spike diameter
or the sma..est dimension of the spike
Fit ea7h bo.t *9+ in7h or .ess in diameter Dith a 76t Dasher: Fit ea7h bo.t or .a; s7reD o<er *9+ in7h in
diameter Dith a 7ast or ma..eab.e iron Dasher:
Framed bents m6st 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin;:
#: 6d si..s m6st be firm.y and e<en.y bedded in materia.:
2: Si..s m6st ha<e f6..) e<en bearin; on the pedesta.s) m6d si..s) or
-: Posts m6st be framed tr6e and m6st ha<e f6.. bearin; on pedesta.s) si..s) and 7aps:
A.i;n bents before p.a7in; bra7in;: Pro<ide a minim6m of + in7hes betDeen the o6tside bo.t and the end
of the bra7e:
For brid;e de7k strin;ers) p.a7e the better ed;e doDn: After p.a7in; strin;ers) the tops of the strin;ers
m6st not <ary from a p.ane more than Di.. a..oD bearin; of the f.oor on a.. the strin;ers:
8hee. ;6ards and;s m6st be a776rate.y framed and a.i;ned:
,2-2.01CB)C Tre%/e1
,2-2.01CB)CB%C Ge'er%&
Se7tion *#,2:%#C/-1 app.ies to treated timber:
Do not remo<e bo.ts and hardDare 6sin; f.ame,type or air,ar7 76ttin; eG6ipment:
Predri.. for brid;e spikes Dithin # foot of the ends of e3istin; timbers and neD p.ankin;: Predri.. e.seDhere
if ne7essary to a<oid sp.ittin; the timber or bendin; the spikes:
If a6thoriHed) yo6 may re.o7ate the for neD bo.ts and drift pins to a<oid 7onf.i7ts Dith e3istin;
hardDare embedded in e3istin; Dood:
For .6mber treated Dith ammonia7a. 7opper arsenate) ammonia7a. 7opper Hin7 arsenate) ammonia7a.
7opper G6at) or 7opper aHo.e:
#: Fi.. bo.t Dith ;rease before insertin; bo.ts
2: !se ny.on spa7ers) po.yethy.ene tape) or other a6thoriHed 7orrosion,resistant barrier on s6rfa7es of
hardDare that Di.. be in 7onta7t Dith treated Dood
,2-2.01CB)CB.C M%'"%& Tre%/me'/
Do not man6a..y app.y preser<ati<e to 6nprote7ted Dood in Det or damp Deather or to Dood Dith a
moist6re 7ontent e37eedin; 2* per7ent or Dith free s6rfa7e moist6re:
If man6a..y app.yin; preser<ati<e) 6se s6itab.e br6shes for e3posed s6rfa7es) 6se sDabs for or 6se
other means that res6.t in adeG6ate 7o<era;e:
If treated timber is framed) 76t) or bored after treatment) thoro6;h.y sDab ea7h 76t) dap) or ho.e Dith 2
app.i7ations of the same preser<ati<e spe7ified for the timber treatment or of 7opper naphthenate:
an6a..y treat the fo..oDin; items Dith 2 app.i7ations of Dood preser<ati<e:
#: Portions of rai. posts to be embedded in earth or 7on7rete
2: Fa7es of timber b6.kheads to be in 7onta7t Dith earth e37ept those of treated Do6;.as fir
,2-2.01CB)CB(C H%'1&#'8
?and.e and 7are for press6re,treated Dood materia.s 6nder A8PA Standard 4:
?and.e treated timber Dith rope;s:
Do not 6se 7ant hooks) pea<eys) or other sharp instr6ments to hand.e treated timber:
,2-2.01CB+C P%#'/#'8
For painted timber and .6mber) 7omp.y Dith se7tion *$:
Paint the fo..oDin; items Dith # app.i7ation of .ate3,base Dood primer and 2 app.i7ations of Dhite e3terior
.ate3,base paint:
#: Rai.s
2: Portions of rai. posts not embedded in earth or 7on7rete
-: 8hee. ;6ards or timber 76rbs e37ept the bottom fa7es o<er an earth s6rfa7e
4: E3posed fa7es of posts
,2-2.01D P%3me'/
Not !sed
,2-2.02A Ge'er%&
,2-2.02AB1C S"mm%r3
Se7tion *5,2:%2 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for; timber .a;;in; for so.dier pi.e retainin; Da..s:
,2-2.02AB2C De4#'#/#0'
,2-2.02AB)C S".m#//%&
,2-2.02AB+C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
,2-2.02B M%/er#%&
Timber members m6st be preser<ati<e,treated Do6;.as fir and m6st be f6.. saDn to the dimensions
,2-2.02C C0'/r"(/#0'
If no 7on7rete fa7in; is shoDn:
#: La;;in; members 4 in7hes thi7k or .ess m6st be insta..ed Dith a -9+,in7h ;ap betDeen members
2: La;;in; members ;reater than 4 in7hes thi7k m6st be insta..ed Dith a #92,in7h ;ap betDeen members
If a 7on7rete fa7in; is shoDn) insta.. the .a;;in; members Dith mortar,ti;ht Ioints:
,2-2.02D P%3me'/
Not !sed
,2-2.0)A Ge'er%&
,2-2.0)AB1C S"mm%r3
Se7tion *5,2:%- in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; timber 7atDa.ks:
A timber 7atDa.k 7onsists of a Da.kDay of tDo -, by #2,in7h p.anks bo.ted to stee. s6pports and a 7ab.e
handrai.) if shoDn:
,2-2.0)AB2C De4#'#/#0'
,2-2.0)AB)C S".m#//%&
,2-2.0)AB+C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
,2-2.0)B M%/er#%&
,2-2.0)BB1C Ge'er%&
,2-2.0)BB2C P&%';
The timber p.anks m6st be 6ntreated Do6;.as fir Dense no: #) ro6;h saDn on top) optiona. s6rfa7ed on
,2-2.0)BB)C C%.&e H%'1r%#&
The 7ab.e for the 7ab.e handrai. m6st be Dire rope Dith a minim6m diameter of #92 in7h and a minim6m
breakin; stren;th of 5)*%% .b: =a.<aniHe the 7ab.e Dith a C.ass A 7oatin; 6nder AST A 0%-:
The !,bo.ts) and m6st be 7ommer7ia. G6a.ity: The m6st be stee. pipe
type or drop for;ed stee. and m6st ha<e IaD or eye ends: The and !,bo.ts m6st ha<e a
minim6m breakin; stren;th of 5)*%% .b:
The 7ab.e 7.amps and other reG6ired fittin;s m6st be 7ommer7ia.,G6a.ity stee.) ma..eab.e iron) or Dro6;ht
The hardDare) !,bo.ts) 7ab.e 7.amps) and other fittin;s m6st be ;a.<aniHed 6nder se7tion 5*,
,2-2.0)C C0'/r"(/#0'
Tension the handrai. to pro<ide ta6t;s betDeen s6pports:
Stee. s6rfa7es to be 7o<ered by timber m6st be painted the f6.. n6mber of app.i7ations spe7ified before
p.a7in; timber: Paintin; of timber p.anks is not reG6ired:
,2-2.0)D P%3me'/
Timber 7atDa.k is meas6red a.on; its .en;th:
,2-2.0+*,2-2.0> RESERVED
,2-).01 GENERAL
,2-).01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion *5,- in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; p.asti7 .6mber str67t6res:
,2-).01B De4#'#/#0'
60/(0'"mer :%/e5 Finished materia.) not in7.6din; man6fa7t6rin; Daste) that has 7omp.eted its .ife
7y7.e as a 7ons6mer item and Do6.d ha<e been disposed of as a Daste:
6r01"(/#0' &0/ 04 6&%/#( &"m.er5 @6antity of #%% 76 yd or .ess that is ready for shipment to the Iob site
and is of the same type) man6fa7t6red by the same method) and made of the same materia.:
re(3(&e1 6r01"(/5 ateria.) ;ood) or s6pp.y) of Dhi7h at .east *% per7ent of its tota. mass 7onsists of
se7ondary Daste and at .east #% per7ent of its tota. mass 7onsists of post7ons6mer Daste:
e(0'1%r3 :%/e5 Finished prod67ts or fra;ments of finished prod67ts of a man6fa7t6rin; pro7ess)
in7.6din; post7ons6mer Daste b6t not in7.6din; e37ess <ir;in reso6r7es of the man6fa7t6rin;
,2-).01C S".m#//%&
S6bmit * sets of shop draDin;s for the p.asti7 .6mber for initia. re<ieD: After re<ieD) s6bmit from 0 to #2
sets) as reG6ested) for a6thoriHation and 6se d6rin; 7onstr67tion:
Shop draDin;s m6st shoD:
#: Detai.s for 7omponent .ayo6t and 7onne7tions
2: SeG6en7e of shop and fie.d assemb.y
-: Insta..ation pro7ed6res
S6bmit the fo..oDin; prod67t data:
#: an6fa7t6rerFs materia. test reports
2: an6fa7t6rerFs performan7e data
-: SDSs
4: 2 7opies of the printed .iterat6re for the prod67t
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e for ea7h shipment of p.asti7 .6mber: The 7ertifi7ate m6st be
a77ompanied by a .aboratory test report:
S6bmit test for <oid testin;:
S6bmit stiffness test res6.ts:
,2-).01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
,2-).01DB1C Ge'er%&
Start a neD prod67tion .ot if any prod67tion parameter 7han;es before the ma3im6m prod67tion .ot siHe is
,2-).01DB2C S/#44'e Te/
"efore shipment to the Iob site) perform stiffness tests for the p.asti7 .6mber in the presen7e of the
En;ineer at an a6thoriHed .aboratory: Notify the En;ineer at .east #* days before 7ond67tin; the tests:
The En;ineer random.y se.e7ts 2 test from ea7h prod67tion .ot for stiffness testin;:
Determine the stiffness and the yie.d stress in bendin; 6nder AST D 5$%) e37ept the test m6st
ha<e a minim6m .en;th of #- feet and tests m6st be performed on a #2,foot span .en;th at a 7rosshead
motion of %:2* in7h per min6te: Ca.76.ate the stiffness 6sin; the se7ant mod6.6s at the f.e36ra. strain of
%:%#% in7h per in7h:
If the stiffness or the yie.d stress in bendin; of either of the 2 test does not 7omp.y Dith se7tion
*5,-:%2A) perform a retest on 2 additiona. test se.e7ted by the En;ineer:
If the stiffness or the yie.d stress in bendin; of either of the 2 additiona. test does not 7omp.y Dith
se7tion *5,-:%2A in the retest) the entire prod67tion .ot of p.asti7 .6mber represented by the test
is reIe7ted:
,2-).01DB)C V0#1 Te/
,2-).01DB)CB%C Ge'er%&
"efore 6se in the Dork) the p.asti7 .6mber m6st be tested for both e3terior and interior <oids:
A..oD #* days for <oid testin;:
The En;ineer se.e7ts 2 test of ea7h siHe from ea7h prod67tion .ot of p.asti7 .6mber de.i<ered to
the Iob site:
,2-).01DB)CB.C E</er#0r V0#1 Te/
The En;ineer e3amines the test for e3terior <oids:
If the e3terior <oids of either of the 2 test do not 7omp.y Dith se7tion *5,-:%2A) the En;ineer
se.e7ts 2 additiona. test and performs a retest:
If the e3terior <oids of either of the 2 additiona. test do not 7omp.y Dith se7tion *5,-:%2A in the
retest) the entire prod67tion .ot of p.asti7 .6mber represented by the test is reIe7ted:
,2-).01DB)CB(C I'/er#0r V0#1 Te/
After a77eptan7e 6nder the e3terior <oid test) 76t the test into #,foot,.on; se;ments: The
En;ineer e3amines the 76t se7tions for interior <oids:
If the interior <oids of a 76t se7tion of either of the 2 test do not 7omp.y Dith se7tion *5,-:%2A)
the En;ineer se.e7ts 2 additiona. test and performs a retest:
If the interior <oids of a 76t se7tion of either of the 2 additiona. test do not 7omp.y Dith se7tion
*5,-:%2A in the retest) the entire prod67tion .ot of p.asti7 .6mber represented by the test is
,2-).02A Ge'er%&
P.asti7 .6mber m6st:
#: "e prod67ed 7ontin6o6s.y and homo;eneo6s.y Ditho6t Ioints
2: "e strai;ht and tr6e and free from tDist) 76r<at6re) b6.;in;) or other deformations
-: ?a<e a smooth o6ter .ayer Dith no <isib.e <oids
4: Not <ary from the dimensions shoDn by more than #92 in7h for the 7ross,se7tiona. dimensions or #
in7h for the .en;th
*: ?a<e tota. resistan7e to marine borers and dry rot and m6st not sDe..) shrink) or 7ra7k
0: Comp.y Dith the physi7a. property reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Property Test ReG6irement
Density AST D 5$2)
Test ethod A
Skin: ++% k;9m
Core: 0+% k;9m
8ater absorption AST D *5% a3 in7rease in Dei;ht of #:% per7ent at 2
ho6rs and -:% per7ent at 24 ho6rs
"ritt.eness AST D 540 Skin: No break at ,4% ]C
?ardness AST D 224%)
Type D
Skin: 4*B5*
!( deterioration AST D 4*+5
AST D 224%)
Type D
Skin: After *%% ho6rs of e3pos6re) hardness
m6st not ha<e 7han;ed by more than #%
Abrasion AST D 4%0% #%)%%%
8hee.: CS#5
Load: # k;
8ei;ht .oss: K *%% m;
8ear inde3: 2:*B-:%
Chemi7a. resistan7e AST D *4-
Pra7ti7e A)
Pro7ed6re #
Sea Dater: K #:* per7ent Dei;ht in7rease
=aso.ine: K 5:* per7ent Dei;ht in7rease
No: 2 diese.: K 0:% per7ent Dei;ht in7rease
Coeffi7ient of therma.
AST D 0$0 %:%%%%$9]C ma3
I;nition temperat6re AST D #$2$ L -4% ]C
AST D 4-2$ 6sin; !(A -4% operatin; at a !( intensity of %:55 89m
meas6red at -4% nm: The e3pos6re 7y7.e m6st be 4 ho6rs of !( e3pos6re at 0%
de;rees C and 4 ho6rs of 7ondensate e3pos6re at 4% de;rees C:
Stiffness and yie.d stress in bendin; of p.asti7 .6mber m6st ha<e at .east the <a.6es shoDn in the fo..oDin;
Cross se7tion siHe
Stiffness EI
/kip,sG ft1
&ie.d stress in bendin;
+ 3 #% $-2 4)0*%
+ 3 #2 ++- -)55*
#% 3 #% #)504 -)$%%
#% 3 #2 #)+-% -)02*
#2 3 #2 2)+$2 -)%*%
NOTE: These <a.6es are for the Deak a3is of re7tan; se7tions:
For the e3terior <oids at ea7h e3posed end of p.asti7 .6mber:
#: a3im6m dimension of any <oid m6st not e37eed # in7h:
2: Tota. n6mber of <oids Dith a ma3im6m dimension ;reater than #94 in7h m6st not e37eed 4:
For the interior <oids in the 76t se7tions of ea7h se;ment of p.asti7 .6mber:
#: a3im6m dimension of any <oid in a 76t se7tion m6st not e37eed #92 in7h:
2: Tota. area of <oids in a 76t se7tion m6st not e37eed * per7ent of the tota. 7ross,se7tiona. area:
Permanent.y mark ea7h pie7e of p.asti7 .6mber Dith the man6fa7t6rerFs name:
Ship and store p.asti7 .6mber in a Day that minimiHes s7rat7hin; or dama;e to the o6ter s6rfa7es:
,2-).02B Re#'40r(e1 Re(3(&e1 P&%/#( L"
Reinfor7ed RPL m6st 7onsist of re7y7.ed p.asti7 reinfor7ed Dith fiber;.ass reinfor7in; bar e.ements)
fiber;.ass fi.aments) or a 7ombination of both:
Reinfor7ed RPL m6st be a re7y7.ed prod67t:
Fabri7ate reinfor7ed RPL from one or more of the fo..oDin; thermop.asti7s:
#: ?i;h,density po.yethy.ene
2: edi6m,density po.yethy.ene
-: LoD,density po.yethy.ene
4: ?i;h,density po.ypropy.ene
Reinfor7ed RPL m6st ha<e a dense o6ter skin at .east -9#0 in7h thi7k s6rro6ndin; a .ess dense 7ore: The
p.asti7 for the o6ter skin m6st be mi3ed Dith 7o.orants to mat7h 7o.or no: -5%-% or -%%$5 of FED,STD,
*$* and m6st 7ontain a !( inhibitor and antio3idants:
Fiber;.ass reinfor7in; bar e.ements m6st 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Property Test ReG6irement
F.e36ra. stren;th AST D 5$% 5%)%%% psi min
Compression mod6.6s AST D 0$* 4%)%%% psi min
Tensi.e stren;th AST D 0-+ 5%)%%% psi min
Fiber;.ass fi.aments m6st 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Property Test ReG6irement
Density AST D 5$2 2)*0%B2)*$2 k;9m
e7hani7a.) sin;.e fi.ament tensi.e stren;th AST D -+22 -)4*%B-)5$% Pa
Tensi.e mod6.6s of e.asti7ity AST D -+22 0$B52 Pa
A.. reinfor7ed RPL m6st 7ontain the same type of reinfor7ement:
,2-).02C C0m60#/e P&%/#( L"
CPL may be s6bstit6ted for reinfor7ed RPL:
Fabri7ate the she.. for CPL from po.yester or epo3y resin reinfor7ed Dith E,;.ass and mi3ed Dith
7o.orants) !( inhibitors) and antio3idants: The CPL 7oatin; m6st mat7h 7o.or no: -5%-% or -%%$5 of FED,
The 7ore materia. for CPL m6st be .i;htDei;ht a;;re;ate po.ymer 7on7rete:
CPL m6st 7omp.y Dith the physi7a. property reG6irements spe7ified for reinfor7ed RPL and the
reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Property Test ReG6irement
Density of 7on7rete 7ore AST D 5$2 #)502 k;9m
2+,day 7ompressi<e stren;th of
7on7rete 7ore
AST C *5$ *)%%% psi min
Str67t6ra. stren;th of she.. Less than #% per7ent .oss
after !( deterioration test
spe7ified for p.asti7 .6mber
Tensi.e stren;th) tensi.e mod6.6s AST D 0-+
F.e36ra. stren;th) f.e36ra. mod6.6s AST D 5$%
Dry fi.m thi7kness of 7oatin; ,, #* mi.s min
Co.or 7han;e of 7oatin; AST D 4*+5)
Test Cy7.e 2
No <isib.e 7o.or 7han;e Dhen
tested for +%% ho6rs
Initia. adhesion of 7oatin; AST D 4*4# #*% psi min
De7rease in initia. adhesion of 7oatin; AST D 4*4#
AST D ##+-) Test
Condition D
No more than #% per7ent
de7rease fo..oDin; 2
!se a .oD temperat6re phase at 4 Z * de;rees F and hi;h temperat6re phase at #4% Z *
de;rees F:
Sea. the 76t ends of CPL Dith a 7ap se76re.y he.d in p.a7e Dith an adhesi<e re7ommended by the
man6fa7t6rer: The adhesi<e m6st shoD no more than a #% per7ent de7rease in stren;th Dhen tested
6nder AST D -#04 fo..oDin; 2 of e3pos6re 6nder AST D ##+-) Test Condition D) Dith a .oD
temperat6re phase of ,#0 Z - de;rees C and a hi;h temperat6re phase of 0% Z - de;rees C:
,2-).02D U're#'40r(e1 Re(3(&e1 P&%/#( L"
!nreinfor7ed RPL may be s6bstit6ted for reinfor7ed RPL for 7ho7ks) b.o7ks) and other nonstr67t6ra.
members shoDn: !nreinfor7ed RPL m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for reinfor7ed RPL) e37ept
fiber;.ass reinfor7ement is not reG6ired and stiffness tests do not app.y:
Insta.. p.asti7 .6mber 6nder the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions:
C6t) be<e.) dri..) 7o6nterbore) and otherDise fabri7ate p.asti7 .6mber 6nder the man6fa7t6rerFs
instr67tions: Fabri7ate .6mber in the man6fa7t6rerFs p.ant to the ;reatest e3tent possib.e:
Ea7h ho.e for a bo.t in the p.asti7 .6mber m6st be bored #9+ in7h .ar;er in diameter than the bo.t to be
p.a7ed: Ea7h ho.e for a .a; s7reD m6st be bored to a diameter 6nder the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions:
"o.ts and .a; s7reD heads m6st be re7essed #92 in7h from the s6rfa7e of the fa7e of p.asti7 .6mber
Coat dri..ed thro6;h CPL members Dith a 7on7rete sea.ant 6nder the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions:
P.asti7 .6mber e.ements that are broken) Darped) or otherDise dama;ed are reIe7ted:
,2-).0+ PAYMENT
Not !sed
,>-1.01 GENERAL
Se7tion *+,# in7.6des ;enera. spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; so6nd Da..s:
Reinfor7ement m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *2:
Str67t6re e37a<ation and str67t6re ba7kfi.. m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion #$,-:
Not !sed
Not !sed
,>-1.0+ PAYMENT
So6nd Da..s are meas6red by the area of Da.. proIe7ted on a <erti7a. p.ane betDeen the e.e<ation .ines
and Da.. .en;th:
,>-2.01 GENERAL
,>-2.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion *+,2 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; masonry b.o7k so6nds Da..s:
,>-2.01B De4#'#/#0'
,>-2.01C S".m#//%&
,>-2.01CB1C Ge'er%&
,>-2.01CB2C Te/ D%/%
S6bmit test data for:
#: Prepa7ka;ed mortar materia.s
2: Compressi<e stren;th of masonry for pre7onstr67tion testin; and fie.d @C testin;
-: =ro6t 7ompressi<e stren;th
,>-2.01CB)C Pr01"(/ D%/%
S6bmit man6fa7t6rerUs des7ripti<e data for ea7h type of C!) a77essory) and man6fa7t6red materia. as
an informationa. s6bmitta.:
,>-2.01CB+C M#< De#8'
S6bmit a mi3 desi;n for ea7h ;ro6t mi3 proposed for 6se: Admi3t6res are not a..oDed 6n.ess a6thoriHed:
S6bmit a mi3 desi;n for the mortar 7ap:
,>-2.01CB,C S%m6&e
S6bmit of the C!s for ea7h 7o.or and te3t6re as spe7ified in AST C $%:
,>-2.01CB-C G"%&#4#(%/#0' D%/%
S6bmit G6a.ifi7ation data for the a6thoriHed .aboratory as an informationa. s6bmitta.:
,>-2.01CB2C Cer/#4#(%/e 04 C0m6&#%'(e
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e for C!s) a;;re;ate for ;ro6t) and ;ro6t:
,>-2.01CB>C D%#&3 F#e&1 Re60r/ %'1 F#'%& Re60r/
S6bmit a 7opy of the dai.y fie.d report on the b6siness day fo..oDin; the preparation of the report:
!pon 7omp.etion of the Dork reG6irin; spe7ia. inspe7tion) s6bmit a 7opy of the fina. report:
,>-2.01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
,>-2.01DB1C Ge'er%&
,>-2.01DB2C C0'(re/e M%0'r3 U'#/
Obtain C!s of a 6niform 7o.or and te3t6re from a sin;.e so6r7e and from a sin;.e man6fa7t6rer:
,>-2.01DB)C M0r/%r
Obtain mortar in;redients of a 6niform G6a.ity) in7.6din; 7o.or) from a sin;.e man6fa7t6rer for 7ement and
.ime and from a sin;.e so6r7e or prod67er for ea7h a;;re;ate:
If prepa7ka;ed mortar materia.s are 6sed) perform the fo..oDin; pre7onstr67tion tests at an a6thoriHed
#: Ca.ifornia Test **#: Test data m6st be from ha<in; a moist 76re e37ept that the
m6st not be immersed in .ime Dater: The a<era;e 2+,day 7ompressi<e stren;th of mortar m6st be not
.ess than #)+%% psi:
2: Ca.ifornia Test 422 or 4#5: ortar m6st not 7ontain more than %:%* per7ent so.6b.e 7h.orides Dhen
tested 6nder Ca.ifornia Test 422 or more than %:2* per7ent so.6b.e s6.fates as SO4 Dhen tested 6nder
Ca.ifornia Test 4#5:
,>-2.01DB+C M%0'r3 Pre(0'/r"(/#0' Te/#'8
Perform masonry pre7onstr67tion testin; at an a6thoriHed .aboratory: The a6thoriHed .aboratory m6st
7omp.y Dith AST E -2$:
Determine the 7ompressi<e stren;th of masonry for ea7h ;ro6t mi3 to be 6sed 6nder one of the fo..oDin;
2%%5 C"C test methods:
#: !nit stren;th method in se7tion 2#%*:2:2:# e37ept ;ro6t m6st 7omp.y Dith item -:-:2 in the #st
para;raph of se7tion 2#%*:2:2:#:2
2: Prism test method se7tion 2#%*:2:2:2
If the prism test method is 6sed to determine the 7ompressi<e stren;th) yo6 m6st test the ;ro6t
7ompressi<e stren;th 6nder AST C #%#$:
,>-2.01DB,C F#e&1 G"%&#/3 C0'/r0&
,>-2.01DB,CB%C Ge'er%&
&o6 m6st emp.oy a spe7ia. inspe7tor and an a6thoriHed .aboratory to perform inspe7tions and str67t6ra.
tests of masonry to <erify the masonry 7onstr67tion 7omp.ies Dith se7tion #5%4) ESpe7ia. Inspe7tions)E
and se7tion 2#%*) E@6a.ity Ass6ran7e)E of the 2%%5 C"C:
asonry spe7ia. inspe7tion personne. 6sed in the Dork m6st not be emp.oyed or 7ompensated by any
s6b7ontra7tor) or by other persons or entities hired by s6b7ontra7tors) Dho Di.. pro<ide other ser<i7es or
materia.s for the proIe7t:
,>-2.01DB,CB.C S6e(#%& I'6e(/0r
The spe7ia. inspe7tor m6st be an ICC 7ertified Str67t6ra. asonry Spe7ia. Inspe7tor: The spe7ia.
inspe7tor m6st perform the inspe7tions reG6ired in se7tion #5%4:*) Easonry Constr67tion)E of the 2%%5
The spe7ia. inspe7tor m6st prepare a dai.y fie.d report pro<idin; information re;ardin; the spe7ifi7
a7ti<ities Ditnessed) in7.6din; p.a7in; of C!s and bar reinfor7in;) ;ro6tin;) fabri7ation of test
spe7imens) and other obser<ations of importan7e to the Dork:
A dai.y fie.d report is reG6ired for ea7h day that the spe7ia. inspe7tor is on the Iob site: The spe7ia.
inspe7tor m6st prepare a si;ned fina. report statin; Dhether the Dork reG6irin; spe7ia. inspe7tion Das) to
the best of the inspe7torFs knoD.ed;e) in 7omp.ian7e Dith the p.ans) spe7ifi7ations) and the app.i7ab.e
Dorkmanship reG6irements of these spe7ifi7ations and the 2%%5 C"C:
,>-2.01DB,CB(C M%0'r3 C0m6re#$e S/re'8/7 Te/#'8
Test the 7ompressi<e stren;th of masonry for ea7h #%)%%% sG ft of so6nd Da.. area) or portion thereof:
Determine the 7ompressi<e stren;th as spe7ified for masonry pre7onstr67tion testin; in se7tion *+,
,>-2.02A Ge'er%&
,>-2.02B C0'(re/e M%0'r3 U'#/
C!s m6st 7omp.y Dith AST C $% for ho..oD) .oad bearin;) .i;htDei;ht or medi6m Dei;ht 7.ass 6nits:
&o6 may 6se standard or open,end 6nits: If yo6 6se open,ended 6nits) do not red67e the spa7in; of the
bar reinfor7ement shoDn:
The Dei;ht of a C! for a so6nd Da.. on a brid;e m6st not e37eed -+ .b:
Identify ea7h ?S C! Dith a ;roo<e in an interior 7orner: The ;roo<e m6st e3tend from a mortar s6rfa7e
for a .en;th of abo6t 2 in7hes and m6st ha<e a depth of abo6t -9#0 in7h:
,>-2.02C M0r/%r
ortar m6st 7omp.y Dith AST C 25% e37ept the 7ement m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion $%,#:%2"/21:
A;;re;ate m6st 7omp.y Dith AST C #44:
?ydrated .ime m6st 7omp.y Dith AST C 2%5) Type S:
ortar for .ayin; C!s m6st 7onsist by <o.6me of # part 7ement) %:2* to %:* part hydrated .ime) and 2:2*
to - parts mortar sand: Add eno6;h Dater to make a Dorkab.e mortar: A776rate.y meas6re and thoro6;h.y
mi3 ea7h bat7h of mortar: Do not retemper mortar more than # ho6r after mi3in;:
ortar 7o.or m6st mat7h the C!: Co.or pi;ments m6st be iron o3ides 7omp.yin; Dith AST C $5$: The
dosa;e m6st not e37eed #% per7ent by Dei;ht of 7ement in the mortar:
If a6thoriHed) yo6 may 6se prepa7ka;ed mortar materia.s and mortar 7ontainin; admi3t6res 7omp.yin;
Dith AST C 25%:
Pa7ka;es of mortar materia.s m6st bear the man6fa7t6rerFs name) brand) 7ontents) Dei;ht) and 7o.or
,>-2.02D Gr0"/
The minim6m 7ompressi<e stren;th of the ;ro6t at 2+ days m6st be +* per7ent of the ;reater of /#1 the
masonry 7ompressi<e stren;th shoDn or /21 2)%%% psi:
Cementitio6s materia. m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion $%,#:%2":
=ro6t m6st 7ontain at .east **% po6nds of 7ementitio6s materia. per 76bi7 yard: =ro6t for ?S C!s m6st
7ontain at .east 05* po6nds of 7ementitio6s materia. per 76bi7 yard:
A;;re;ate m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion $%,#:%2C e37ept se7tion $%,#:%2C/41 does not app.y:
A;;re;ate for ;ro6t m6st be a mi3t6re of fine and 7oarse a;;re;ate: At .east 2% per7ent of the a;;re;ate
m6st be 7oarse a;;re;ate: One h6ndred per7ent of the 7ombined ;radin; m6st pass the #92,in7h sie<e:
i3 ;ro6t Dith s6ffi7ient Dater to prod67e a mi3 7onsisten7y s6itab.e for p6mpin; Ditho6t se;re;ation:
Pro<ide ;ro6t Dith a s.6mp from + to ## in7hes:
,>-2.02E L#87/:e#87/ A88re8%/e
,>-2.02F Re#'40r(eme'/
"ar reinfor7in; stee. m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A 0#*9A 0#* ) =rade 0% or AST A 5%09A 5%0 :
Ladder type Ioint reinfor7ement m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A $*#) hot,dip ;a.<aniHed:
,>-2.02G E<6%'#0' E0#'/ F#&&er
E3pansion Ioint m6st 7omp.y Dith AST D #5*# or AST D 2%%% 2AA +%*:
,>-2.02H A((e G%/e
Timber members m6st be ton;6e and ;roo<e Do6;.as fir s6bf.oorin; free of
Timber members) stee. frames) 7hanne.s) an7hora;e de<i7es) mo6ntin; hardDare) ;ate ro..ers)
7orr6;ated stee. pipe) ny.on Dashers) and neoprene t6bin; m6st be 7ommer7ia. G6a.ity:
The .adder r6n;s m6st be no: + deformed bar reinfor7in; stee. Dith a nonskid s6rfa7e:
=ate ro..ers m6st be ri;id 7asters Dith se.f,.6bri7atin; bearin;s and hard r6bber Dhee.s:
eta. parts and hardDare m6st be hot,dip ;a.<aniHed 6nder se7tion 5*,#:%*:
Primer and stain m6st be top ;rade primer and stain from a man6fa7t6rer Dho has man6fa7t6red
ind6stria. paints and stains 7omp.yin; Dith 76stom spe7ifi7ations for at .east #% years:
If the ba7k side of the masonry Da.. is 7onstr67ted of,fa7ed or ro6;h,s6rfa7e b.o7ks) the bond beam
abo<e the ;ate openin; Dhere the 6pper ;ate ;6ide is to be mo6nted m6st ha<e smooth,sided b.o7ks:
A;;re;ate; the inside of 7orr6;ate stee. pipe .andin;s m6st be a 7oarse 7on7rete a;;re;ate of
7ommer7ia. G6a.ity: Compa7tion of the a;;re;ate is not reG6ired:
,>-2.0)A Ge'er%&
Constr67t so6nd Da.. Dith hand .aid C!s:
(erti7a. .ines and s6rfa7es m6st not <ary from p.6mb by more than #94 in7h in #% feet:
Pro<ide bond beam 6nits or re7esses for horiHonta. reinfor7ement:
Constr67t Da..s in 4,foot,ma3im6m,hei;ht .ifts: Comp.ete ;ro6tin; of ea7h .ift before startin; 7onstr67tion
of the ne3t .ift: The top 7o6rse of ea7h .ift m6st be a bond beam:
"ond beams m6st be 7ontin6o6s: Co<er the top of 6nfi..ed 7e..s 6nder horiHonta. bond beams Dith meta.
or p.asti7 .ath:
Ro6;hen) 7.ean) and .i;ht.y Det 7onta7t s6rfa7es Dhere fresh masonry Ioins masonry that is partia..y or
tota..y set: The ro6;hened s6rfa7e m6st be at .east as ro6;h as a Dood troDe.ed s6rfa7e: Remo<e
.aitan7e) 76rin; 7ompo6nds) debris) dirt) and any s6bstan7e that de7reases bond to the fresh masonry:
Ro6;hen and 7.ean 7on7rete s6rfa7es on Dhi7h masonry Da..s are to be 7onstr67ted) e3posin; the
a;;re;ate: Immediate.y before .ayin; the C!s) f.6sh the s6rfa7e Dith Dater and a..oD to dry to a s6rfa7e
dry 7ondition:
!se a masonry saD to 76t C!s to neat and tr6e .ines:
Prote7t masonry as spe7ified for prote7tin; 7on7rete in se7tion *#,#:%-I:
D6rin; ere7tion in in7.ement Deather) keep 7e..s dry by 7o<erin; partia..y 7omp.eted Da..s: The 7o<erin;
m6st be Daterproof fabri7) p.asti7 or paper sheetin;) or other a6thoriHed materia.: Do not 6se Dooden
boards or p.anks as 7o<erin; materia.s: E3tend the 7o<erin; doDn ea7h side of masonry Da..s
appro3imate.y 2 feet:
Remo<e sp.ashes) stains) and spots from e3posed fa7es of the Da..:
,>-2.0)B M0r/%r Be11#'8 %'1 E0#'/#'8
ortar Ioints m6st be appro3imate.y -9+ in7h thi7k:
8a..s and 7ross Debs formin; 7e..s to be fi..ed Dith ;ro6t m6st be f6.. bedded in mortar to pre<ent .eaka;e
of ;ro6t: A.. head and bed Ioints m6st be fi..ed Dith mortar for a distan7e in from the fa7e of the Da..
or 6nit not .ess than the thi7kness of the .on;it6dina. fa7e she..s: Sho<e head Ioints ti;ht:
,>-2.0)C Re#'40r(eme'/
"efore p.a7in; ;ro6t) se76re.y ho.d the reinfor7ement in position at the top and bottom and at inter<a.s not
e37eedin; #$2 bar diameters Dith Dire ties or spa7in; de<i7es: 8ire m6st be #0 ;a;e or hea<ier:
8ooden) a.6min6m) or p.asti7 spa7in; de<i7es m6st not be 6sed:
Sp.i7e <erti7a. reinfor7ement on.y at the .o7ations shoDn:
,>-2.0)D Gr0"/#'8
Preser<e the 6nobstr67ted <erti7a. 7ontin6ity of the ;ro6t d6rin; mortar p.a7ement in Ioints: Any
o<erhan;in; mortar proIe7tin; more than #92 in7h) or other obstr67tion or debris) m6st be remo<ed from
the inside of 7e..s:
On.y fi.. 7e..s 7ontainin; reinfor7ement Dith ;ro6t:
Conso.idate ;ro6t in the 7e..s by <ibratin; and re7onso.idatin; after e37ess moist6re has been absorbed
and before p.asti7ity is .ost: Do not s.i7e ;ro6t Dith a troDe.:
If p.a7in; of ;ro6t in ;ro6t fi..ed 7e..s is stopped for more than # ho6r) a 7onstr67tion Ioint m6st be made:
The 7onstr67tion Ioint m6st be appro3imate.y #,#92 in7hes be.oD the top of the .ast 7o6rse fi..ed Dith
,>-2.0)E A((e G%/e
Constr67t a77ess ;ates Dith the ton;6e in the 6p position: Remo<e the ton;6e of the top board and the
;roo<e of the bottom board: Sta;;er knot .o7ations of adIoinin; boards:
Prime and stain timber s6rfa7es of a77ess ;ates Dith 2 7oats of stain to mat7h the adIa7ent so6nd Da..:
For ba7kfi.. o6tside of pipe .andin;s) yo6 may 6se materia. from e37a<ation:
,>-2.0+ PAYMENT
Not !sed
,>-+.01 GENERAL
,>-+.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion *+,4 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; a.ternati<e so6nd Da.. systems:
&o6 may on.y 6se an a.ternati<e so6nd Da.. system Dhere spe7ified in the spe7ia. pro<isions:
,>-+.01B De4#'#/#0'
,>-+.01C S".m#//%&
S6bmit proIe7t spe7ifi7 shop draDin;s to the OSD) Do76ments !nit: Notify the En;ineer of yo6r s6bmitta.:
For initia. re<ieD) s6bmit 4 sets of shop draDin;s: A..oD 2* days for the DepartmentFs re<ieD: After re<ieD
and 7orre7tion) s6bmit from 0 to #2 sets) as reG6ested) to the OSD) Do76ments !nit) for a6thoriHation and
6se d6rin; 7onstr67tion:
The shop draDin;s m6st in7.6de:
#: Desi;n firmFs name) address) and te.ephone and fa3 n6mbers
2: Information reG6ired for the proper 7onstr67tion of the system at ea7h .o7ation
-: Desi;n parameters) materia. notes) and Da.. 7onstr67tion pro7ed6res
4: Ca.76.ations for ea7h insta..ation of the system
S6bmit as,b6i.t draDin;s at the 7omp.etion of ea7h so6nd Da..:
,>-+.01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
Not !sed
Constr67t the a.ternati<e so6nd Da.. system to the .ines and ;rades shoDn e37ept that the a.ternati<e
so6nd Da.. system may ha<e a hei;ht ;reater than that shoDn: The 7onstr67tion m6st 7omp.y Dith the
detai.s shoDn on the a6thoriHed shop draDin;s and proprietary system detai.s:
,>-+.0+ PAYMENT
Not !sed
,>-,*,>-- RESERVED
,?-1.01 GENERAL
,?-1.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion *$,# in7.6des ;enera. spe7ifi7ations for paintin; neD insta..ations and repaintin; e3istin;
,?-1.01B De4#'#/#0'
,?-1.01C S".m#//%&
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e and SDS for ea7h shipment of b.ast 7.eanin; materia.:
,?-1.01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
eas6re 7oatin; dry fi.m thi7kness Dith a 7a.ibrated Type 2 ma;neti7 fi.m thi7kness ;a;e 6nder SSPC,PA
2 e37ept there is no .imit to the n6mber or .o7ation of spot meas6rements that may be reG6ested by the
En;ineer to <erify 7oatin; thi7kness:
eas6re 7oatin; adhesion stren;th Dith a se.f,a.i;nin; adhesion tester 6nder AST D 4*4#:
eas6re .e<e.s of so.6b.e sa.ts on s6rfa7es 6sin; a retrie<a. method spe7ified in SSPC,=6ide #*:
,?-1.02A Ge'er%&
8ater for rinsin; and press6re Dashin; m6st be fresh potab.e Dater Dith a 7h.oride 7ontent of not more
than 5* ppm and a s6.fate 7ontent of not more than 2%% ppm: Contin6o6s; of rinse Dater is not
a..oDed: &o6 may 7o..e7t rinse Dater in a tank for re6se if test meet spe7ified reG6irements and
no Dater is added to the tank after;:; 7ompo6nd m6st be a po.ys6.fide or po.y6rethane type 7omp.yin; Dith AST C $2%) Type S)
=rade NS) C.ass 2*) !se :
,?-1.02B A.r%#$e
Abrasi<es for b.ast 7.eanin; m6st be of a ;radin; s6itab.e to prod67e satisfa7tory res6.ts: !se on.y the
fo..oDin; abrasi<es 6n.ess a6thoriHed:
#: C.ean dry sand: Do not 6se 6nDashed bea7h sand 7ontainin; sa.t or e37essi<e si.t:
2: inera. ;rit:
-: Stee. shot:
4: Stee. ;rit:
inera. and s.a; abrasi<es m6st 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements for C.ass A) =rade 2 to - abrasi<es in
SSPC,A" # and m6st not 7ontain haHardo6s materia.:
Stee. abrasi<e m6st 7omp.y Dith SSPC,A" -: Re7y7.ed stee. abrasi<e m6st 7omp.y Dith SSPC,A" 2:
,?-1.02C C0%/#'8
Coatin;s m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion $#:
Coatin;s se.e7ted for 6se m6st 7omp.y Dith the <o.ati.e or;ani7 7ompo6nd .imits spe7ified for the air
G6a.ity distri7t Dhere the proIe7t is .o7ated:
,?-1.0)A Ge'er%&
Notify the En;ineer * b6siness days before startin; Dork:
Pro<ide prote7ti<e de<i7es to pre<ent dama;e to the Dork) property) or persons:
,?-1.0)B Ae%/7er C0'1#/#0'
App.y paint on.y to thoro6;h.y dry s6rfa7es d6rin; periods of fa<orab.e Deather:
Do not perform b.ast 7.eanin; or app.y so.<ent,borne paint Dhen the atmospheri7 or s6rfa7e temperat6re
is be.oD -0 de;rees F or abo<e #%% de;rees F or Dhen the re.ati<e h6midity is more than +* per7ent:
Do not app.y Dater,borne paint Dhen the atmospheri7 or s6rfa7e temperat6re is be.oD *# de;rees F or
abo<e #%% de;rees F or Dhen the re.ati<e h6midity e37eeds 5* per7ent:
E37ept for Dork Dithin en7.os6res) do not app.y paint if:
#: Fresh.y painted s6rfa7es may be7ome dama;ed by rain) fo;) or 7ondensation
2: Atmospheri7 temperat6re or re.ati<e h6midity Di.. not remain Dithin the spe7ified app.i7ation
7onditions d6rin; the dryin; period
-: Stee. s6rfa7e temperat6re is .ess than * de;rees F abo<e the deD point
Repair or rep.a7e 6n76red paint dama;ed by Deather:
If a6thoriHed) yo6 may 6se en7.os6res to a..oD paintin; d6rin; in7.ement Deather: En7.os6res m6st
pro<ide atmospheri7 7onditions Dithin spe7ified .imits:
,?-1.0)C C&e%'#'8
,?-1.0)CB1C Ge'er%&
Prepare and 7.ean s6rfa7es before paintin;:
,?-1.0)CB2C Pre"re R#'#'8
Press6re rinsin; in7.6des 7.eanin; s6rfa7es 6sin; a press6re Dash system Dith a minim6m noHH.e
press6re of #)#0% psi: 'eep the noHH.e tip from #2 to #+ in7hes from the s6rfa7e: The noHH.e m6st ha<e a
ma3im6m fan tip an;.e of 4* de;rees:
,?-1.0)CB)C Pre"re A%7#'8
Press6re Dashin; in7.6des 7.eanin; s6rfa7es 6sin; a press6re Dash system Dith a noHH.e press6re from
2)*%% to *)%%% psi and a ma3im6m fan tip an;.e of 4* de;rees:
,?-1.0)CB+C S/e%m C&e%'#'8
Steam 7.eanin; in7.6des 7.eanin; dirt) ;rease) .oose paint) and other forei;n materia. from
s6rfa7es 6sin; steam: Steam temperat6re at the noHH.e m6st be from 20* to -5* de;rees F:
!se a biode;radab.e deter;ent d6rin; steam 7.eanin;: After steam 7.eanin;) rinse 7.eaned s6rfa7es Dith
fresh Dater:
Do not perform steam 7.eanin; more than 2 Deeks before paintin; or other phases of 7.eanin;:
Do not paint steam,7.eaned s6rfa7es 6nti. they are thoro6;h.y dry and 24 ho6rs ha<e e.apsed:
,?-1.0)CB,C B&%/ C&e%'#'8
".ast 7.eanin; in7.6des abrasi<e b.astin; s6rfa7es to be painted:
S6rfa7es to be b.ast 7.eaned m6st be dry:
Prime or treat b.ast,7.eaned s6rfa7es the same day b.ast 7.eanin; is performed 6n.ess otherDise
,?-1.0)D P%#'/#'8
Ea7h spray pot m6st ha<e an a6thoriHed Dater trap insta..ed:
Thinnin; of paint is not a..oDed 6n.ess a6thoriHed:
"efore app.yin;) mi3 paint 6sin; me7hani7a. mi3ers to thoro6;h.y b.end pi;ment and <ehi7.e to;ether:
App.y paint to 7.ean dry s6rfa7es in a neat and Dorkman.ike manner: App.y by br6sh) spray) or in
any 7ombination: =6n e3tensions are not a..oDed: Aeroso. 7ans are not a..oDed:
"r6shes m6st ha<e s6ffi7ient brist.e body and .en;th to spread paint in a 6niform fi.m: Paint m6st be
e<en.y spread and thoro6;h.y br6shed o6t:
Ro..ers m6st not .ea<e a stipp.ed te3t6re in the paint fi.m:
App.y paint to areas not a77essib.e to re; means 6sin; da6bers) bott.e br6shes) or other a6thoriHed
Thoro6;h.y 76re ea7h app.i7ation of paint and 7orre7t skips) ho.idays) thin areas) or other defi7ien7ies
before the ne3t app.i7ation: Painted s6rfa7es bein; 7o<ered m6st be free from moist6re and de.eterio6s
materia. that Do6.d pre<ent bondin; of s677eedin; 7oats: In spot paintin;) remo<e o.d paint that .ifts after
the first paint app.i7ation by s7rapin; and repaint the area before the ne3t app.i7ation:
Press6re rinse painted s6rfa7es before app.yin; additiona. paint if 5 days or more e.apse betDeen paint
The En;ineer may reG6ire yo6 to b.ast 7.ean and reapp.y paint to areas Dith r6ns) sa;s) thin and
e37essi<e.y thi7k areas in the paint fi.m) skips) ho.idays) or areas of non6niform appearan7e:
Repair painted s6rfa7es dama;ed d6rin; Dork a7ti<ities Dith materia.s and to a 7ondition eG6a. to that of
the spe7ified 7oatin;:
Remo<e paint or paint stains on s6rfa7es not desi;nated to be painted:
Thoro6;h.y 7.ean painted s6rfa7es after 7omp.etin; paintin; a7ti<ities and other Dork that Do6.d deposit
forei;n materia. on the painted s6rfa7es:
Sten7i. the month and year of paintin; on str67t6res at 2 .o7ations se.e7ted by the En;ineer: !se b.o7k
.etters 2,#92 in7hes hi;h: The paint 6sed m6st 7ontrast Dith the ba7k;ro6nd:
,?-1.0+ PAYMENT
Not !sed
,?-2.01 GENERAL
,?-2.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion *$,2 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for preparin; and paintin; str67t6ra. stee. and other meta.) e37ept
;a.<aniHed or therma. spray 7oated s6rfa7es:
,?-2.01B De4#'#/#0'
,?-2.01C S".m#//%&
,?-2.01CB1C Ge'er%&
S6bmit 7ertifi7ation shoDin; the ma3im6m a..oDab.e dry fi.m thi7kness for inor;ani7 Hin7,ri7h 7oatin;s to
be 6sed on fayin; s6rfa7es of ?S bo.ted 7onne7tions as determined 6nder appendi3 A of Specification for
Structural @oints Using -STM -8?9 or -D<: Bolts of the RCSC:
,?-2.01CB2C M%'1%/0r3 SSPC-GP Cer/#4#(%/#0'
,?-2.01CB)C P%#'/#'8 G"%&#/3 A0r; P&%'
S6bmit - 7opies of a paintin; G6a.ity Dork for ea7h Dork item reG6irin; str67t6ra. stee. paintin; or
paint remo<a.: A..oD 2% days for the DepartmentFs re<ieD: S6bmit the Dork after attendin; the
prepaintin; meetin;: In7.6de the fo..oDin;:
#: Names of the paintin; 7ontra7tor and any s6b7ontra7tors to be 6sed:
2: # 7opy of ea7h app.i7ab.e AST and SSPC spe7ifi7ation and G6a.ifi7ation pro7ed6re:
-: Coatin; man6fa7t6rerFs ;6ide.ines and instr67tions for s6rfa7e preparation) paintin;) dryin;) 76rin;);) shippin;) and stora;e of painted str67t6ra. stee.: In7.6de testin; methods and ma3im6m
a..oDab.e .e<e.s for so.6b.e sa.ts:
4: ateria.s) methods) and eG6ipment to be 6sed:
*: Proof of reG6ired SSPC,@P 7ertifi7ations or G6a.ifi7ation statements shoDin; 7omp.ian7e Dith SSPC,
@P 7ertifi7ation:
0: ethods to 7ontro. en<ironmenta. 7onditions:
5: ethods to prote7t the 7oatin; d6rin; 76rin;) shippin;);) and stora;e:
+: Rinse Dater 7o..e7tion
$: Detai.ed paint repair for dama;ed areas:
#%: Pro7ed6res for 7ontainin; b.ast media and Dater:
##: of proposed dai.y reports for testin; to be performed) in7.6din; type of testin;) .o7ation) .ot
siHe) time) Deather 7onditions) test personne.) and res6.ts:
,?-2.01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
,?-2.01DB1C Ge'er%&
&o6 m6st ho.d fo..oDin; the SSPC 7ertifi7ations in ;ood standin; thro6;ho6t the Contra7t to perform the
fo..oDin; paintin; a7ti<ities:
#: For 7.eanin; and paintin; str67t6ra. stee. in the fie.d) SSPC,@P #
2: For remo<in; haHardo6s 7oatin;s from str67t6ra. stee.) SSPC,@P 2
-: For 7.eanin; and paintin; str67t6ra. stee. in a permanent paintin; fa7i.ity) SSPC,@P - or AISC SPE)
Certifi7ation P,# En7.osed
,?-2.01DB2C Mee/#'8
"efore startin; paintin; a7ti<ities) 7ond67t a meetin; to dis76ss paintin; G6a.ity Dork reG6irements:
eetin; attendees m6st in7.6de the En;ineer and a.. paintin; s6b7ontra7tors:
,?-2.01DB)C F#e&1 G"%&#/3 C0'/r0&
&o6 m6st determine the seG6en7e of testin;: The En;ineer se.e7ts test .o7ations:
If repairs are reG6ired) retest reIe7ted areas after 7omp.etin; repairs:
Test b.ast,7.eaned stee. for so.6b.e sa.ts 6sin; a C.ass A or " retrie<a. method before app.yin; the
6nder7oat: Le<e.s of so.6b.e sa.ts m6st not e37eed the .esser of the 7oatin; man6fa7t6rerFs
re7ommendations or #% e;9sG 7m: Perform - tests for the first #)%%% sG ft prepared per shift and # test for
ea7h additiona. #)%%% sG ft or portion thereof: Perform at .east 2 tests Dhen .ess than #)%%% sG ft is
prepared in a shift: C.ean and retest areas represented by so.6b.e sa.t tests e37eedin; spe7ified .imits:
Test the inor;ani7 Hin7 6nder7oat before app.yin; fina. or finish 7oats: Perform adhesion and hardness
testin; no sooner than 52 ho6rs after app.i7ation:
Test the inor;ani7 Hin7 6nder7oat as fo..oDs:
#: Perform - adhesion tests per ;irder or #)%%% sG ft of painted s6rfa7e) Dhi7he<er is .ess: If .ess than
#)%%% sG ft is painted in a Dork shift) perform - tests: The 7oatin; m6st ha<e an adhesion to stee. of at
.east 0%% psi: If 2 or more .o7ations fai. adhesion reG6irements) the area represented by the tests is
reIe7ted: If # of the .o7ations fai.s adhesion reG6irements) test - additiona. .o7ations: If any of the
additiona. .o7ations fai.) the area represented by the tests is reIe7ted: Repair reIe7ted areas by b.ast
7.eanin; and repaintin;: Repair test .o7ations meetin; adhesion reG6irements by app.yin; or;ani7
Hin7,ri7h primer to the spe7ified dry fi.m thi7kness:
2: Test s6rfa7es Dhere finish 7oats are to be app.ied for so.6b.e sa.ts: So.6b.e sa.t .e<e.s m6st not
e37eed the .esser of the 7oatin; man6fa7t6rerFs re7ommendations or #% e;9sG 7m: Perform - tests for
the first #)%%% sG ft prepared per day and # test for ea7h additiona. #)%%% sG ft or portion thereof:
Perform at .east 2 tests Dhen .ess than #)%%% sG ft is prepared in a shift: C.ean and retest areas
represented by so.6b.e sa.t tests e37eedin; spe7ified .imits:
-: The inor;ani7 Hin7 7oatin; m6st e3hibit a hard) and po.ished meta. s6rfa7e Dhen firm.y s7raped
Dith the kn6r.ed ed;e of a G6arter before fina. or finish 7oats are app.ied: Repair areas that are
poDdery) soft) or do not e3hibit a po.ished meta. s6rfa7e) as determined by the En;ineer) by b.ast
7.eanin; and repaintin;:
Perform the fo..oDin; additiona. testin; for AAS?TO -%% Type II inor;ani7 Hin7 primers:
#: Determine the dry,to,so.<ent inso.6bi.ity 6nder AST D 45*2 e37ept 6se Dater as the so.<ent: The
resistan7e ratin; m6st be at .east 4: The test rate is # test per *%% sG ft or portion thereof: Repair
inor;ani7 Hin7 7oatin; represented by tested areas that fai. to meet so.<ent inso.6bi.ity reG6irements
by b.ast 7.eanin; and repaintin;:
2: "efore app.yin; finish 7oats) test the s6rfa7e p?: 8et the s6rfa7e Dith deioniHed Dater for #* to -%
min6tes: App.y p? paper Dith meas6rin; in7rements of %:* p? 6nits: Take at .east 2 p? readin;s for
e<ery *%% sG ft or portion thereof: If .ess than *%% sG ft is 7oated in a sin;.e shift) take at .east 2 p?
readin;s: Do not app.y finish 7oats 6nti. the s6rfa7e p? is 5 or .ess:
Perform the fo..oDin; additiona. testin; for AAS?TO -%% Type I inor;ani7 Hin7 primers:
#: Determine the dry,to,so.<ent inso.6bi.ity 6nder AST D 45*2: The resistan7e ratin; m6st be at .east
4: The test rate is # test per *%% sG ft or portion thereof: Repair inor;ani7 Hin7 7oatin; represented by
tested areas that fai. to meet so.<ent inso.6bi.ity reG6irements by b.ast 7.eanin; and repaintin;:
2: Determine s6rfa7e hardness 6nder AST D --0-: ?ardness m6st be 2? or harder: The test rate is #
test per *%% sG ft or portion thereof: Repair inor;ani7 Hin7 7oatin; represented by tests that fai. to
meet s6rfa7e hardness reG6irements by b.ast 7.eanin; and repaintin;:
Inor;ani7 Hin7,ri7h primer 6sed on fayin; s6rfa7es m6st 7omp.y Dith the s.ip 7oeffi7ient spe7ifi7ations for
C.ass " 7oatin;s on b.ast,7.eaned stee. in appendi3 A of Specification for Structural @oints Using -8?9 or
-D<: Bolts of the RCSC:
,?-2.0)A Ge'er%&
C.ean and paint a.. e3posed str67t6ra. stee. and other meta. s6rfa7es:
&o6 m6st pro<ide en7.os6res for 7.eanin; and paintin; str67t6ra. stee.: C.eanin; and paintin; of neD
str67t6ra. stee. m6st be performed in a Cate;ory I En7.os6re as defined in SSPC,@P -: aintain
atmospheri7 7onditions inside en7.os6res Dithin spe7ified .imits:
E37ept for b.ast 7.eanin; Dithin 7.osed b6i.din;s) perform b.ast 7.eanin; and paintin; d6rin; day.i;ht
Coatin;s for neD str67t6ra. stee. m6st 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
T%.&e 1 C0%/#'8 40r Ne: S/r"(/"r%& S/ee&
Des7ription Coatin; Dry fi.m thi7kness) mi.s
A.. s6rfa7es:
!nder7oat Inor;ani7 Hin7 primer)
AAS?TO -%% Type I or II
Finish 7oat
E3terior ;rade .ate3)
2 7oats
2 minim6m ea7h 7oat)
4B+ tota.
Tota. thi7kness) a.. 7oats +B#4
If no finish 7oats are des7ribed) a fina. 7oat of inor;ani7 Hin7 primer is reG6ired
Coatin;s for e3istin; str67t6ra. stee. m6st 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
T%.&e 2 C0%/#'8 40r E<#/#'8 S/r"(/"r%& S/ee&
Des7ription Coatin; Dry fi.m thi7kness)
Conne7tions to neD
str67t6ra. stee.:
!nder7oat Inor;ani7 Hin7 primer)
AAS?TO -%% Type I or II
Finish 7oat
E3terior ;rade .ate3)
2 7oats
2 minim6m ea7h 7oat)
4B+ tota.
Tota. thi7kness) a.. 7oats +B#4
Other s6rfa7es 7.eaned to
bare meta.:
#st 6nder7oat
2nd 6nder7oat
State Spe7ifi7ation P8" #4*
State Spe7ifi7ation P8" #40
#st finish 7oat
2nd finish 7oat
State Spe7ifi7ation P8" #5#
State Spe7ifi7ation P8" #52
Tota. thi7kness) a.. 7oats 5B#2
E3istin; painted s6rfa7es
to be top7oated:
!nder7oat State Spe7ifi7ation P8" #40 2B-
#st finish 7oat
2nd finish 7oat
State Spe7ifi7ation P8" #5#
State Spe7ifi7ation P8" #52
Tota. thi7kness) neD 7oats *B$
In7.6des the fo..oDin; .o7ations:
#: NeD and e3istin; 7onta7t s6rfa7es
2: E3istin; member s6rfa7es 6nder ?S bo.t heads) n6ts) or Dashers
-: "are s6rfa7es of e3istin; stee. after trimmin;) 76ttin;);) or reamin;
4: Areas Dithin a 4,in7h radi6s from the point of app.i7ation of heat for De.din; or
f.ame 76ttin;
If no finish 7oats are des7ribed) a fina. 7oat of inor;ani7 Hin7 primer is reG6ired
,?-2.0)B S"r4%(e Pre6%r%/#0'
,?-2.0)BB1C Ge'er%&
Corners m6st be 7hamfered and Ditho6t sharp ed;es:
Condition therma.,76t ed;es before b.ast 7.eanin; by sha..oD ;rindin; or other a6thoriHed method to
remo<e the thin) hardened .ayer res6.tin; from reso.idifi7ation d6rin;;:
Remo<e <is6a..y e<ident base meta. s6rfa7e irre;6.arities and defe7ts 6nder AST A 0 or AAS?TO #0%
before b.ast 7.eanin;:
After remo<in; materia. defe7ts e3posed by b.ast 7.eanin;) restore the b.ast profi.e by b.ast 7.eanin; or
6sin; me7hani7a. too.s 6nder SSPC,SP ##:
,?-2.0)BB2C C&e%'#'8
,?-2.0)BB2CB%C Ge'er%&
C.ean pre<io6s.y painted s6rfa7es by press6re Dashin; or steam 7.eanin; before performin; other
7.eanin; or paintin; a7ti<ities: Remo<e ;.oss from e3istin; paint Ditho6t remo<in; so6nd paint: Li;ht.y
ro6;hen remainin; areas of ;.oss 6sin; #%%,to 2%%,;rit sandpaper: Remo<e paint that be7omes .oose)
76r.ed) .ifted) or that .oses its bond after 7.eanin; to so6nd paint or meta.:
After press6re Dashin; or steam 7.eanin;) spot b.ast 7.ean painted s6rfa7es ha<in; r6st or forei;n
materia. remainin; that Do6.d hinder bondin; of neD paint as determined by the En;ineer: 8hen there is
no bid item for spot b.ast 7.eanin;) this is 7han;e order Dork: Spot b.ast 7.ean s6rfa7es 6nder SSPC,SP
0: For sma.. areas) the En;ineer may a..oD 7.eanin; 6nder SSPC,SP ##:
Remo<e dirt) .oose r6st) mi.. s7a.e) or paint not firm.y bonded to s6rfa7es 6nder SSPC,SP 2: Feather
ed;es of remainin; paint: Do not 6se pne6mati7 7hippin; hammers 6n.ess a6thoriHed:
,?-2.0)BB2CB.C B&%/ C&e%'#'8
".ast 7.ean stee. s6rfa7es to be 7oated Dith inor;ani7 Hin7 6nder SSPC,SP #%: After b.ast 7.eanin;)
s6rfa7es m6st ha<e a dense) 6niform) an; an7hor pattern of from #:* to -:* mi.s Dhen meas6red
6nder AST D 44#5:
8here shoDn) spot b.ast 7.ean e3istin; painted stee. s6rfa7es 6nder SSPC,SP 0: After b.ast 7.eanin;)
s6rfa7es m6st ha<e a dense) 6niform) an; an7hor pattern of at .east #:* mi.s Dhen meas6red 6nder
AST D 44#5:
Sea. Io6rna.s) bearin;s) motors) and mo<in; parts before b.ast 7.eanin; near ma7hinery:
Reb.ast 7.eaned s6rfa7es that r6st or be7ome 7ontaminated before paint is app.ied:
Do not e3pose b.ast,7.eaned stee. to re.ati<e h6midity e37eedin; +* per7ent before paintin;:
,?-2.0)C P%#'/#'8
,?-2.0)CB1C Ge'er%&
Paint neD str67t6ra. stee. as fo..oDs:
#: App.y the tota. thi7kness of 6nder7oats before ere7tion: App.y finish 7oats and fina. 7oats after
ere7tion: If a 7on7rete de7k is p.a7ed on stee. members) app.y finish and fina. 7oats after de7k
2: After ere7tion and de7k p.a7ement) 7.ean and spot paint areas of dama;ed or deteriorated 7oatin;
and e3posed 6npainted s6rfa7es Dith 6nder7oats to the spe7ified thi7kness before app.yin;
s6bseG6ent 7oatin;s:
-: C.ean and paint s6rfa7es e3posed to the atmosphere and ina77essib.e for paintin; after ere7tion Dith
the f6.. n6mber of 7oats before ere7tion:
Paint e3istin; str67t6ra. stee. as fo..oDs:
#: Pre7ede ea7h 6nder7oat by a stripe 7oat of 6nder7oat paint on a.. ed;es) 7orners) seams) 7re<i7es)
interior an;.es) I6n7tions of Ioinin; members) De.d .ines) and s6rfa7e irre;6.arities: The stripe
7oat m6st 7omp.ete.y hide the s6rfa7e bein; 7o<ered and be fo..oDed as soon as pra7ti7a. by the
2: App.y finish 7oats after the tota. dry fi.m thi7kness of 6nder7oat has been app.ied:
Ca6.k 7onta7t s6rfa7es of stiffeners);s) b6i.t 6p members) or open seam more than 0 mi.s Dide Dith; 7ompo6nd or other a6thoriHed materia.: App.y; 7ompo6nd no sooner than 52 ho6rs after
the .ast app.i7ation of 6nder7oat 6n.ess a6thoriHed: C6re the; 7ompo6nd as re7ommended by the
man6fa7t6rer before performin; s6bseG6ent paintin; a7ti<ities: If no finish 7oats are app.ied) the;
7ompo6nd 7o.or m6st be ;ray:
Limit the thi7kness of ea7h paint app.i7ation to a..oD 6niform dryin; thro6;ho6t the paint fi.m:
For e3istin; str67t6ra. stee.) app.y a.. 6nder7oats and the #st finish 7oat Dithin -% days of initia. 7.eanin;
Paint 6n;a.<aniHed an7hor bo.t assemb.ies Dith 2 app.i7ations of or;ani7 Hin7,ri7h primer before
insta..ation: &o6 do not need to paint other meta. s6rfa7es to be embedded in 7on7rete:
Prepare and paint /#1 the bottom s6rfa7es of masonry p.ates and /21 str67t6ra. stee. s6rfa7es 7onta7tin;
e.astomeri7 bearin; pads or preformed fabri7 pads Dith the f6.. n6mber of app.i7ations before ere7tion:
E37ept for /#1 ab6ttin; 7hord and 7o.6mn sp.i7es and /21 7o.6mn and tr6ss shoe bases) 7oat ma7hine,
finished s6rfa7es Dith an easi.y remo<ed r6st inhibitor: Paint ma7hine,finished s6rfa7es of iron and stee.
7astin;s Dith # 7oat of shop paint:
8here brid;e de7k drains are .o7ated o<er stee. ;irders) paint the top and ed;es of top;es beneath
drains and for 2 in7hes on ea7h side of drains before; the drains:
Paint s6rfa7es of ma7hinery e3posed to air Dith 2 7oats of or;ani7 Hin7,ri7h primer before insta..ation:
Paint e3posed s6rfa7es after insta..ation Dith 2 finish 7oats of 7ommer7ia. G6a.ity ;ray ;.oss ename.:
,?-2.0)CB2C @#'( C0%/#'8
,?-2.0)CB2CB%C Ge'er%&
Strain Hin7 7oatin;s after mi3in; thro6;h a -%, to 0%,mesh s7reen immediate.y before or Dhen po6rin;
into the spray pot:
!se an a;itatin; spray pot: The a;itator or stirrin; rod m6st rea7h to Dithin 2 in7hes of the bottom of the
spray pot and be mo<in; at a.. times d6rin; paintin;: The a;itator m6st keep the 7oatin; De.. mi3ed:
App.y Hin7 7oatin;s by spray: On areas ina77essib.e to spray app.i7ation) yo6 may make .imited
app.i7ations Dhen a6thoriHed by br6sh) da6ber) or
Ain7 7oatin;s m6st be free from d6st) dirt) sa.t) and other de.eterio6s deposits and thoro6;h.y 76red
before app.yin; s6bseG6ent 7oats:
,?-2.0)CB2CB.C I'0r8%'#( @#'( U'1er(0%/
,?-2.0)CB2CB.CB#C Ge'er%&
!se inor;ani7 Hin7 primer Dithin #2 ho6rs of initia. mi3in; of 7omponents:
App.y the 6nder7oat in 2 or more app.i7ations Dithin + ho6rs of startin; b.ast 7.eanin;:
".ast 7.ean and repaint areas Dhere m6d7ra7kin; of the 6nder7oat o776rs:
Prote7t s6rfa7es 7oated Dith Type II inor;ani7 Hin7 from 7onditions that may 7a6se the 7oatin; fi.m to
disso.<e: ".ast 7.ean and repaint areas of disso.<ed 7oatin;:
Remo<e dry spray by s7reenin; or other methods that minimiHe s6rfa7e po.ishin; before app.yin;
additiona. 7oats or fina. a77eptan7e: Dry fi.m thi7kness after dry spray remo<a. m6st 7omp.y Dith the
spe7ified thi7kness:
For dama;ed areas of the 6nder7oat) the fo..oDin; app.y:
#: If the En;ineer determines the dama;ed area is more than 2 per7ent of the tota. 6nder7oated s6rfa7e)
b.ast 7.ean and repaint dama;ed areas Dith inor;ani7 Hin7:
2: If the En;ineer determines the dama;ed area is 2 per7ent or .ess of the tota. 6nder7oated s6rfa7e)
yo6 may Dire br6sh the dama;ed s6rfa7es to remo<e .oose or 7ra7ked 7oatin; and app.y 2 7oats of
or;ani7 Hin7,ri7h primer:
At fayin; s6rfa7es) the tota. 6nder7oat dry fi.m thi7kness m6st be from # mi. to the ma3im6m a..oDab.e for
C.ass " 7oatin;s as determined by 7ertified testin; 6nder appendi3 A of Specification for Structural @oints
Using -8?9 or -D<: Bolts of the RCSC:
Comp.ete fie.d testin; of the 6nder7oat and 7orre7t defi7ien7ies before app.yin; s6bseG6ent 7oats:
,?-2.0)CB2CB.CB##C F#'%& C0%/
App.y a fina. 7oat of inor;ani7 Hin7 primer to 6nder7oated s6rfa7es that do not re7ei<e finish 7oats: !se
the same 7oatin; as 6sed for the 6nder7oat:
Li;ht.y ro6;hen areas to re7ei<e a fina. 7oat by abrasi<e b.astin;: !se an abrasi<e no .ar;er than -%
mesh: Prote7t 6nders6rfa7es of ;irder;es from abrasi<e b.astin;:
App.y the fina. 7oat in # app.i7ation Dithin 24 ho6rs of ro6;henin;: The fina. 7oat dry fi.m thi7kness m6st
be from # to - mi.s: The tota. thi7kness of 6nder7oat and fina. 7oat m6st be from * to $ mi.s:
,?-2.0)CB2CB.CB###C F#'#7 C0%/
Press6re rinse 6nder7oated s6rfa7es to re7ei<e finish 7oats: Perform press6re rinsin; no sooner than 52
ho6rs after the fina. app.i7ation of 6nder7oat:
The #st finish 7oat m6st be app.ied Dithin 4+ ho6rs of press6re rinsin;:
App.y the #st finish 7oat in 2 app.i7ations: The #st app.i7ation 7onsists of a spray,app.ied mist app.i7ation:
App.y the 2nd app.i7ation after the mist app.i7ation has dried to a set,to,to67h 7ondition as determined
6sin; the pro7ed6re in se7tion 5 of AST D #04%:
App.y the 2nd finish 7oat after the #st finish 7oat has dried #2 ho6rs 6n.ess a6thoriHed: &o6 may app.y the
2nd finish 7oat in a sin;.e app.i7ation:
The #st finish 7oat 7o.or m6st mat7h 7o.or no: -4252 of FED,STD,*$*: The 2nd finish 7oat 7o.or m6st
mat7h 7o.or no:#4%$% of FED,STD,*$*:
,?-2.0+ PAYMENT
Not !sed
,?-).01 GENERAL
Se7tion *$,- in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for paintin; ;a.<aniHed meta. s6rfa7es:
Coatin;s m6st 7omp.y Dith either State Spe7ifi7ation P8",#54A or Dith se7tion $#,2:%2:
C.ean ;a.<aniHed s6rfa7es by press6re Dashin; or steam 7.eanin;:
Ro6;hen ;a.<aniHed areas after 7.eanin; by abrasi<e b.astin;: !se an abrasi<e no .ar;er than -% mesh:
Do not remo<e ;a.<aniHin;:
App.y 2 finish 7oats in not .ess than 2 app.i7ations: App.y the #st finish 7oat the same day abrasi<e
b.astin; is performed 6n.ess a6thoriHed: App.y the 2nd finish 7oat after the #st finish 7oat has dried #2
ho6rs 6n.ess a6thoriHed: The dry fi.m thi7kness of ea7h finish 7oat m6st be at .east 2 mi.s: The dry fi.m
thi7kness of a.. 7oats m6st be from 4 to + mi.s:
The 2nd finish 7oat 7o.or m6st mat7h 7o.or no: #4%$% of FED,STD,*$*:
,?-).0+ PAYMENT
Not !sed
,?-+.01 GENERAL
Se7tion *$,4 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for preparin; and paintin; timber insta..ations:
Not !sed
Remo<e 7ra7ked or pee.ed paint) .oose paint) dirt) and other forei;n materia. immediate.y before
paintin;: The moist6re 7ontent of the timber m6st be not more than 2% per7ent at the time of initia. paint
&o6 may app.y the #st 7oat before ere7tion if a6thoriHed:
Paint neD timber Dith - 7oats 7onsistin; of # 7oat of Dood primer and 2 7oats of e3terior paint:
Paint pre<io6s.y painted timber Dith 2 7oats of e3terior paint: Prime bare Dood Dith # 7oat of Dood primer:
After timber is in p.a7e) p6tty 7ra7ks) 7he7ks) nai. and other depressions f.6sh Dith the s6rfa7e: Let
dry before app.yin; the #st 7oat of e3terior paint:
,?-+.0+ PAYMENT
Not !sed
,?-,.01 GENERAL
Se7tion *$,* in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for preparin; and paintin; si;n str67t6res:
Not !sed
Prepare and paint and bo3 beam,7.osed tr6ss si;n str67t6res 6nder se7tions *$,2 and *$,-: Do
not paint other types of si;n str67t6res 6n.ess spe7ified in the spe7ia. pro<isions:
&o6 may prepare and paint si;n str67t6res before or after ere7tion: After ere7tion) repair dama;ed paint to
the satisfa7tion of the En;ineer:
The tota. dry fi.m thi7kness of finish 7oats on 7onta7t s6rfa7es of ;a.<aniHed ?S bo.ted 7onne7tions /#1
m6st be from # to 4 mi.s and /21 may be app.ied in # app.i7ation:
,?-,.0+ PAYMENT
Not !sed
,?--.01 GENERAL
Se7tion *$,0 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for paintin; 7on7rete s6rfa7es:
S6bmit 7oatin; man6fa7t6rerFs app.i7ation instr67tions 5 days before 6se:
Coatin;s m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion $#,4:%*: !n.ess otherDise shoDn) 7oatin;s m6st be Dhite:
NeD 7on7rete m6st be at .east 2+ days o.d before paintin;:
Prepare s6rfa7es 6nder SSPC,SP #-9NACE no: 0:
Press6re rinse prepared s6rfa7es before app.yin; 7oatin;: S6rfa7es m6st be thoro6;h.y dry at the time of
paintin;: &o6 may 6se artifi7ia. dryin; methods if a6thoriHed:
App.y at .east 2 7oats 6nder the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions and SSPC,PA 5:
,?--.0+ PAYMENT
,?-2.01 GENERAL
Se7tion *$,5 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for preparin; and stainin; 7on7rete s6rfa7es 6sin; an a7id stain:
S6bmit stain man6fa7t6rerFs prod67t data and app.i7ation instr67tions 5 days before startin; stainin;
Con7rete stain m6st:
#: "e a Dater,based so.6tion of inor;ani7 meta..i7 sa.ts
2: Contain di.6te a7id that penetrates and et7hes the 7on7rete s6rfa7e:
-: "e a 7ommer7ia. G6a.ity prod67t desi;ned spe7ifi7a..y for e3terior app.i7ations
4: Prod67e abrasion resistant 7o.or deposits
*: "e a6thoriHed before 6sin;
Sea. Ioints betDeen 7on7rete s6rfa7es to be stained and adIa7ent meta. before app.yin; stain:
Test s6rfa7es for a77eptan7e of stain before app.yin; stain: C.ean s6rfa7es that resist a77eptin; stain and
retest 6nti. passin;:
App.y stain 6nder the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions: App.y stain 6niform.y to a<oid e37essi<e r6ndoDn: 8ork
the stain into the 7on7rete 6sin; a ny.on brist.e br6sh in a motion:
After the .ast 7oat of stain has dried) rinse stained s6rfa7es Dith Dater and Det s7r6b Dith a stiff brist.e
ny.on br6sh 6nti. the rinse Dater r6ns 7.ear: A.. rinse Dater m6st be 7o..e7ted:
Prote7t adIa7ent s6rfa7es d6rin; stainin; 6sin; an a6thoriHed method:
,?-2.0+ PAYMENT
,?->.01 GENERAL
Se7tion *$,+ in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for app.yin; a sa7rifi7ia. anti,;raffiti 7oatin;:
S6bmit man6fa7t6rerFs app.i7ation and remo<a. instr67tions 5 days before startin; Dork:
Anti,;raffiti 7oatin; m6st:
#: "e a nonto3i7) sa7rifi7ia.) nonf.ammab.e) Dater,based 7oatin; desi;ned for prote7tin; 7on7rete from
2: "e 7ompatib.e Dith the 7on7rete s6rfa7e treatment
-: ?a<e a 7.ear matte finish Dhen dry
4: "e remo<ab.e Dith a hot press6re Dasher
Test s6rfa7es for a77eptan7e of 7oatin; before app.yin;: C.ean s6rfa7es that resist a77eptin; 7oatin; and
retest 6nti. passin;:
App.y anti,;raffiti 7oatin; 6nder the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions in at .east 2 e<en 7oats:
,?->.0+ PAYMENT
Not !sed
,?-?.01 GENERAL
Se7tion *$,$ in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for preparin; and paintin; stee. so.dier
8here shoDn) prepare and paint stee. so.dier 6nder the spe7ifi7ations for neD str67t6ra. stee. in
se7tion *$,2:
Not !sed
Repair dama;ed areas of the 6nder7oat before;
Prote7t the e3posed e3terior;e and;e ed;es of 6nder7oated from .ean 7on7rete ba7kfi.. to
minimiHe 6nder7oatin; repairs:
After remo<in; .ean 7on7rete ba7kfi..) repair dama;ed or deteriorated 6nder7oat by b.ast 7.eanin; and
repaintin; Dith the same inor;ani7 Hin7 7oatin; 6sed for the 6nder7oat:
App.y fina. or finish 7oats after insta..ation and e37a<ation are 7omp.ete:
Ca6.k open Ioints betDeen 7on7rete and stee. so.ider Dith; 7ompo6nd or other a6thoriHed
,?-?.0+ PAYMENT
Not !sed
,?-10.01 GENERAL
,?-10.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion *$,#% in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7oatin; stee. s6rfa7es Dith a therma. spray 7oatin;:
Limits for 7oatin; are shoDn:
,?-10.01B De4#'#/#0'
,?-10.01C S".m#//%&
,?-10.01CB1C Ge'er%&
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e for ea7h shipment of Dire feedsto7k:
,?-10.01CB2C C0%/#'8 G"%&#/3 A0r; P&%'
S6bmit - 7opies of a 7oatin; G6a.ity Dork for therma. spray 7oatin; a7ti<ities: A..oD 2% days for the
DepartmentFs re<ieD: S6bmit the Dork after attendin; the preIob meetin;: In7.6de the fo..oDin;:
#: Names of the 7oatin; 7ontra7tor and any s6b7ontra7tors to be 6sed:
2: # 7opy ea7h of app.i7ab.e AST and SSPC spe7ifi7ations or G6a.ifi7ation pro7ed6res:
-: ateria.s) methods) and eG6ipment to be 6sed:
4: Proof of 7ertifi7ation for ea7h therma. spray 7oatin; operator:
*: ethods to 7ontro. en<ironmenta. 7onditions:
0: ethods to prote7t the 7oatin; d6rin; shippin;);) and stora;e:
5: Pro7ed6res for 7ontainin; b.ast media:
+: of proposed dai.y reports for testin; to be performed) in7.6din; type of testin;) .o7ation)
time) Deather 7onditions) test personne.) and res6.ts:
,?-10.01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
,?-10.01DB1C Ge'er%&
Ea7h therma. spray 7oatin; operator m6st be 7ertified 6nder A8S C2:#09C2:#0:
,?-10.01DB2C Mee/#'8
"efore startin; 7oatin; a7ti<ities) 7ond67t a meetin; to dis76ss 7oatin; G6a.ity Dork reG6irements:
eetin; attendees m6st in7.6de the En;ineer and a.. 7oatin; s6b7ontra7tors:
,?-10.01DB)C Te/ C0"60'
Therma. spray 7oatin; operators m6st prepare - test 7o6pons for bend testin; before ea7h Dork shift:
Test 7o6pons m6st:
#: "e 2 by 0 in7hes by #9#0,in7h thi7k
2: "e the same materia. as the s6rfa7e to be 7oated
-: Pass bend test reG6irements before the operator starts prod67tion Dork
"end test 7o6pons 6nder se7tion 0:* of SSPC,CS 2-:%%: Co6pons m6st e3hibit no 7ra7kin; Dith .iftin;
from s6bstrate:
,?-10.01DB+C F#e&1 G"%&#/3 C0'/r0&
The En;ineer se.e7ts test .o7ations:
If repairs are reG6ired) retest reIe7ted areas after 7omp.etin; repairs:
Test the s6rfa7e profi.e of b.ast,7.eaned stee. 6nder AST D 44#5) ethod C: Perform - tests for the first
2%% sG ft of b.ast,7.eaned stee. and # test e<ery 2%% sG ft thereafter:
Test b.ast,7.eaned stee. for so.6b.e sa.ts before 7oatin;: Le<e.s of so.6b.e sa.ts m6st not e37eed #% e;9sG
7m: Perform - tests for the first 2%% sG ft p.a7ed d6rin; a shift and # test e<ery 2%% sG ft thereafter:
Inspe7t s6rfa7es for <is6a. 7.ean.iness 6nder SSPC,SP #% before app.yin; 7oatin;:
Test 7oatin; thi7kness 6nder se7tion 0:- of SSPC,CS 2-:%%: Perform # test for e<ery #*% sG ft of 7oatin;
and # test for ea7h fayin; s6rfa7e:
Perform 76t testin; 6nder SSPC,CS 2-:%%: Perform - tests of - 76ts for e<ery #)%%% sG ft of 7oatin;:
S6rfa7es m6st e3hibit no; or de.amination:
Test 7oatin; adhesion to stee. before app.yin; sea. 7oatin;: Therma. spray 7oatin; m6st ha<e an
adhesion to s6bstrate of at .east +*% psi: Perform - tests for e<ery 2%% sG ft of 7oatin;:
Repair areas represented by tests; adhesion or 76t testin; by remo<in; and reapp.yin; 7oatin;:
,?-10.02 MATERIALS
Abrasi<es m6st be /#1 s.a; or minera. abrasi<e or /21 stee. or re7y7.ed stee.:
8ire feedsto7k m6st be +*9#* An9A. 7omp.yin; Dith AST " +--:
Sea. 7oat paint m6st be a6thoriHed before 6se:
Do not app.y 7oatin; Dhen the stee. s6rfa7e temperat6re is .ess than -2 de;rees F:
Prepare s6rfa7es 6nder se7tion *$,2:%-"/#1:
".ast 7.ean s6rfa7es 6nder SSPC,SP #%: S6rfa7es m6st ha<e a sharp) an; an7hor pattern of from 2:*
to 4:% mi.s: Reb.ast s6rfa7es that r6st or be7ome 7ontaminated before 7oatin; is app.ied:
App.y 7oatin; 6sin; ar7,spray eG6ipment Dithin 0 ho6rs of startin; b.ast 7.eanin;: Coatin; thi7kness m6st
be #%Z2 mi.s: Coatin; thi7kness on fayin; s6rfa7es m6st be not more than #% mi.s:
App.y a sea. 7oatin; to therma. spray,7oated s6rfa7es 6nder se7tion *$,2: App.y the sea. 7oat Dithin 0
ho6rs of app.yin; the therma. spray 7oatin;: Dry fi.m thi7kness m6st be from #:* to 2:% mi.s: Do not app.y
the sea. 7oatin; to fayin; s6rfa7es:
&o6 may fie.d De.d therma. spray,7oated s6rfa7es if a6thoriHed in ad<an7e: Remo<e therma. spray
7oatin; from De.d .o7ations by b.ast 7.eanin; 6nder SSPC,SP #% or Dith poDer too.s 6nder SSPC,SP ##
immediate.y before De.din;: Re7oat De.ded 7onne7tions after fabri7ation:
Repair test areas of therma. spray 7oatin; that meet adhesion and 76t test reG6irements Dith 2 7oats of
or;ani7 Hin7,ri7h primer:
,?-10.0+ PAYMENT
Not !sed
,?-11*,?-20 RESERVED
-1-1.01 GENERAL
-1-1.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion 0# in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; Ioint systems or 7o6p.ers for 76.<erts and draina;e
pipes) testin; Ioints for Daterti;htness) and fie.d .eaka;e testin; for pipe systems:
Coint systems or 7o6p.ers for 76.<erts and draina;e pipes are des7ribed by 7.assifi7ation as EStandard)E
EPositi<e)E or EDoDndrain:E
&o6 may 6se either:
#: Coint systems or 7o6p.ers 7omp.yin; Dith the 7.assifi7ation shoDn and as spe7ified in se7tions 04) 0*)
00) and 0$ for the type of pipe insta..ed
2: Coint systems or 7o6p.ers 6nder se7tion 0#,#:%#D/#1/b1 if a6thoriHed
The En;ineer may reG6ire fie.d tests to <erify 7omp.ian7e:
-1-1.01B De4#'#/#0'
7e%r /re'8/75 The reG6ired Ioint shear stren;th is e3pressed as a per7enta;e of the 7a.76.ated pipe
shear stren;th at a trans<erse se7tion remote from the Ioint: A.. Ioints) in7.6din; any 7onne7tion) m6st
be 7apab.e of transferrin; the reG6ired shear a7ross the Ioint:
m0me'/ /re'8/75 The moment stren;th reG6ired of the Ioint is e3pressed as a per7enta;e of the
7a.76.ated moment 7apa7ity of the pipe on a trans<erse se7tion remote from the Ioint:
/e'#&e /re'8/75 The tensi.e stren;th is the resistan7e to the .on;it6dina. for7e that tends to separate
/disIoint1 adIa7ent pipe se7tions:
#'/e8r%& =0#'/ 0$er&%65 The inte;ra. Ioint o<er.ap is the proIe7tion of # pipe barre. into an adIa7ent pipe
&ee$e =0#'/ 0$er&%65 The<e Ioint o<er.ap is the minim6m<e Didth reG6ired to en;a;e ab6tted
pipe barre.s:
:%/er/#87/'e5 8aterti;htness is the abi.ity of a Ioint to ho.d Dater 6nder press6re Ditho6t .eakin;:
=0#'/5 The 7onne7tion point for 2 or more pipe se7tions:
-1-1.01C S".m#//%&
If Ioints are des7ribed as Daterti;ht) s6bmit yo6r ana.ysis or test res6.ts performed on representati<e Ioints
proposed for insta..ation as spe7ified in se7tion 0#,#:%#D/#1/a1 for Daterti;htness:
If 6sin; Ioint systems or 7o6p.ers 6nder se7tion 0#,#:%#D/#1/b1) s6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e
7ertifyin; 7omp.ian7e Dith the tab.e tit.ed ECoint PropertiesE shoDn in se7tion 0#,#:%#D/#1/b1:
8here fie.d .eaka;e testin; is shoDn for pipe systems) s6bmit:
#: Proposed fie.d .eaka;e test pro7ed6re for ea7h portion of ea7h pipe system at .east #* days before
yo6 start testin;: The s6bmitta. for ea7h proposed fie.d .eaka;e test pro7ed6re m6st in7.6de the
fo..oDin; information:
#:# Type of test: e3fi.tration) .oD,press6re air) ne;ati<e air press6re) or other a6thoriHed method
#:2: Spe7ifi7 Ioints or pipe se7tions to be tested
#:-: a3im6m and minim6m press6res or hydrostati7 head to be app.ied
#:4: D6ration of tests from .o7ation to .o7ation
#:*: Date and time of ea7h test
#:0: List of test eG6ipment to be 6sed
#:5: Date of .ast 7a.ibration if app.i7ab.e
2: Leaka;e 7a.76.ations for the e3fi.tration and infi.tration tests
-: Repair pro7ed6re for the repair of Ioints or pipe se7tions that fai. the fie.d .eaka;e test
-1-1.01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
-1-1.01DB1C S0"r(e G"%&#/3 C0'/r0&
-1-1.01DB1CB%C A%/er/#87/'e
8aterti;htness m6st be attained by 6se of an a6thoriHed d6rab.e) hi;h,G6a.ity) resi.ient Ioint materia.
desi;ned to perform the intended f6n7tion: The materia. m6st be neoprene e3panded r6bber or sheet
r6bber ;askets) EOE rin; r6bber ;askets) b6ty. r6bber base Ioint sea.ant) or other a6thoriHed resi.ient
Assemb.ed Ioints m6st pass the fo..oDin; performan7e tests Ditho6t Ioint .eaka;e:
#: Test the hydrostati7 press6re on a Ioint by 7onne7tin; 2 pipe se7tions 6nder the man6fa7t6rerFs
instr67tions: Pro<ide s6itab.e b6.kheads Dithin the pipe adIa7ent to and on either side of the Ioint or at
the o6ter ends of the Ioined pipe se7tions: Do not p.a7e mortar or 7on7rete 7oatin;);) or pa7kin;
in addition to that norma..y reG6ired for the Ioint before 7ond67tin; the Daterti;htness test: After the
pipe se7tions are fitted to;ether Dith the ;asket or ;askets in p.a7e) s6bIe7t the assemb.y to a #%,foot
Dater press6re head abo<e the pipe 7roDn for #% min6tes: oist6re or beads of Dater appearin; on
the s6rfa7e of the Ioint are not 7onsidered .eaka;e: Perform the test on indi<id6a. Ioints at the
man6fa7t6rerFs p.ant:
2: Test Ioint Daterti;htness on pipe se7tions in strai;ht a.i;nment and on pipe se7tions def.e7ted from
strai;ht a.i;nment: 8hen yo6 test Ioints on pipe se7tions not in strai;ht a.i;nment) position the pipe
se7tions to 7reate a ;ap on # side of the o6tside pipe perimeter that is #92 in7h Dider than the ;ap for
the pipe se7tions in strai;ht a.i;nment: If yo6 6se; bands to test the pipe se7tions not in
strai;ht a.i;nment and the ma3im6m ;ap on # side of the o6tside pipe perimeter is .ess than #92 in7h
Dider than that for the pipe se7tions in strai;ht a.i;nment) position the; band and the pipe
se7tions to pro<ide the ma3im6m ;ap:
-1-1.01DB1CB.C Per40rm%'(e S6e(#4#(%/#0' 40r C"&$er/ %'1 Dr%#'%8e P#6e E0#'/
If 6sin; Ioint systems or 7o6p.ers 6nder se7tion 0#,#:%#D/#1/b1) determine the <a.6es for Ioint properties
by mathemati7a. ana.ysis or a s6itab.e) a6thoriHed test: Coint 7omponents s6bIe7t to bendin; for7es m6st
not be stressed beyond the minim6m spe7ified yie.d stren;th of the materia. as determined by 6sin; the
p.asti7 se7tion mod6.6s:
Coint systems or 7o6p.ers m6st:
#: Perform their intended f6n7tion
2: Possess d6rabi.ity eG6i<a.ent to that of the pipe
-: Comp.y Dith the Ioint property <a.6es for the Ioint 7.assifi7ations shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Pr06er/#e 04 E0#'/ C&%#4#(%/#0'
Property Standard Positi<e
Shear stren;th 2\ *\ *\
oment stren;th %\ #*\ #*\
Tensi.e stren;th
0EB42E dia
% % *)%%% .b
4*EB+4E dia
% % #%)%%% .b
Coint o<er.ap
#2E and dia
#94 Emin #92E min ,,
#*EB--E dia
#92E min -94E min ,,
-0E and .ar;er dia
-94E min #E min ,,<e min Didth #%,#92E #%,#92E #%,#92E
8aterti;htness If
Positi<e Ioints m6st 7omp.y Dith either /#1 shear stren;th) moment
stren;th) and Ioint o<er.ap,<e properties) or /21 shear stren;th
and Ioint o<er.ap,inte;ra. properties:
Coints for doDndrains m6st 7omp.y Dith spe7ified <a.6es Dhen
tested Dith Ioints sea.ed as proposed to 7omp.y Dith the
Daterti;htness reG6irement:
Limits for 7orr6;ated meta. pipe ar7h depend 6pon the eG6i<a.ent
diameter of pipe 6nder AAS?TO -0 for 7orr6;ated stee.
pipe and AAS?TO #$0 for 7orr6;ated a.6min6m pipe:
Coints desi;ned to 7omp.y Dith reG6ired <a.6es by means other than
Ioint o<er.ap as shoDn in the tab.e may be 6sed if a6thoriHed:
Inside diameter of pipes or inside horiHonta. dimension of
o<a. or ar7h pipes:
-1-1.01DB2C F#e&1 G"%&#/3 C0'/r0&
-1-1.01DB2CB%C F#e&1 Le%;%8e Te/#'8 40r C"&$er/ %'1 Dr%#'%8e P#6e
-1-1.01DB2CB%CB#C Ge'er%&
8here fie.d .eaka;e testin; is shoDn for a pipe system) perform fie.d .eaka;e testin; on 76.<erts and
draina;e str67t6res:
Do not perform fie.d .eaka;e testin; if the pipe system is to be f6..y en7ased in 7on7rete ba7kfi..:
Fie.d .eaka;e testin; in7.6des performin; fie.d .eaka;e tests for 76.<erts and draina;e pipes by:
#: C.eanin; and presoakin; pipes
2:; and remo<in; b6.kheads or p.6;s ne7essary to perform tests
-: Remo<in; and disposin; of Daste materia.s
4: Retestin;
*: Repairin;
0: Chan;in; the draina;e system to 7omp.y Dith spe7ifi7ations for fie.d .eaka;e testin;
Test a.. Ioints for .eaka;e in pipe systems .ess than #)*%% feet in .en;th:
For pipe systems #)*%% feet or ;reater in .en;th) test ea7h pipe system for .eaka;e at .o7ations se.e7ted
by the En;ineer at a rate of:
#: *% Ioints per #%% pipe Ioints if .ess than # mi.e in .en;th
2: -% Ioints per #%% pipe Ioints if betDeen # mi.e and - in .en;th
-: 2% Ioints per #%% pipe Ioints if more than - in .en;th
For e<ery se.e7ted Ioint or se7tion that fai.s .eaka;e reG6irements) the En;ineer may se.e7t 6p to 4 more
Ioint .o7ations or se7tions betDeen Ioints for testin;:
C.ean and test ea7h pipe system and app6rtenan7es by the e3fi.tration) .oD,press6re air) or ne;ati<e air
press6re method after;: &o6 may 6se the infi.tration test Dhere the ;ro6ndDater tab.e is .oD as
determined by the En;ineer: &o6 may test insta..ed pipe Ioints 6sin; air or Dater 6nder .oD press6re:
C.ean the pipe and remo<e debris and sediment before yo6 start testin;:
Do not 6se yo6r test eG6ipment 6nti. it is a6thoriHed: The En;ineer may reG6ire a 7a.ibration test of
;a6;es or other instr6mentation:
!se on.y # .eak test method on a 7onti;6o6s pipe system 6n.ess the pipe type or diameter 7han;es in the
same r6n:
Comp.ete the 7.eanin; and testin; of ea7h pipe system betDeen in.ets or ends Dithin 2% days after; the storm drain .ines and str67t6res:
Perform ea7h test in the presen7e of the En;ineer:
Pre<ent Ioints from draDin; d6rin; a test: Repair any dama;e res6.tin; from the fie.d .eaka;e test:
Take 7orre7ti<e a7tion and retest the .ine if the .eaka;e e37eeds the a..oDab.e G6antity: Determine the
.eak so6r7e and repair or rep.a7e the defe7ti<e pipe Dhene<er an insta..ed pipe system fai.s to 7omp.y
Dith the reG6irements 6nder the test method 6sed:
The En;ineer Di.. not a77ept a pipe insta..ation if it fai.s to pass the fie.d .eaka;e test:
Stop a.. ob<io6s .eaks e<en if the .eaka;e is be.oD the a..oDab.e G6antity:
-1-1.01DB2CB%CB##C E<4#&/r%/#0' %'1 I'4#&/r%/#0' Te/#'8
E3fi.tration and infi.tration tests m6st 7omp.y Dith AST C $0$ e37ept:
#: &o6 may fi.. the pipe Dith 7.ear Dater to a..oD norma. absorption into the pipe Da.. before performin;
the e3fi.tration .eaka;e test: Start the .eaka;e test Dithin 52 ho6rs after; the pipe and 7omp.ete
the fie.d .eaka;e test Dithin 24 ho6rs thereafter: The test period m6st be at .east # ho6r in d6ration:
For p.asti7 and meta. pipe) the absorption period is not needed:
2: Leaka;e m6st not be more than #)%%% ;a..ons per in7h of nomina. pipe diameter per mi.e of pipe per
day Dith a minim6m test press6re of 0 feet of Dater 7o.6mn abo<e the pipe 7roDn at the 6pper end of
the pipe or abo<e the a7ti<e ;ro6ndDater tab.e) Dhi7he<er is hi;her: Limit the .en;th of pipe yo6 test
so that the press6re on the in<ert of the .oDer end of the se7tion does not e37eed 2% feet of Dater
7o.6mn: In7rease the a..oDab.e .eaka;e by + per7ent for ea7h in7rease in press6re of #:* feet abo<e
the basi7 0,foot Dater 7o.6mn meas6red abo<e the 7roDn or at the .oDer end of the se7tion:
-: 8hene<er a s6itab.e head of ;ro6ndDater e3ists abo<e the pipe 7roDn and if the pipe is .ar;e eno6;h
to Dork inside) the En;ineer may a77ept the insta..ed pipe on the basis of <isib.e .eaka;e repair
d6rin; the infi.tration .eaka;e test:
4: Take into a77o6nt a.. .atera. or side storm drains in7.6ded in the test se7tion Dhen 7omp6tin; the
a..oDab.e .eaka;e: ake an a..oDan7e of %:2 ;a..ons per ho6r per foot of head abo<e the in<ert for
ea7h I6n7tion str67t6re or draina;e in7.6ded in the test se7tion:
Storm drains) side storm drains) and fittin;s m6st be open) 7.ean) and free drainin; 6pon fina. 7omp.etion
of the Dork:
-1-1.01DB2CB%CB###C L0:-Pre"re A#r Te/
&o6 may 6se the .oD,press6re air test instead of the e3fi.tration test or the infi.tration test for pipes -%
in7hes in nomina. diameter or .ess: &o6 may preDet the pipes: Test pipes from to or shorter
.en;ths: Do not 6se the .oD,press6re air test for draina;e pipes o<er -% in7hes in nomina. diameter
re;ard.ess of the materia. type: If yo6 6se a .oD,press6re air test) perform the test immediate.y fo..oDin;
pipe 7.eanin;:
"ra7e p.6;s and b6.kheads to pre<ent re.ease d6rin; the .oD,press6re air test: Lo7ate ;a6;es) air pipin;
manifo.ds) and <a.<es abo<e the ;ro6nd: Do not a..oD anyone to enter a manho.e or of a p.6;;ed
pipe Dhen it is 6nder press6re: EG6ip the air testin; apparat6s Dith a press6re re.ease de<i7e) s67h as a
r6pt6re disk or a press6re re.ief <a.<e) desi;ned to<e press6re in the pipe at 0 psi Dhen 6nder test:
Start the test after the press6re is stabi.iHed at or abo<e an interna. press6re of -:* psi ;reater than the
a<era;e ba7k press6re of the ;ro6ndDater that 7o6.d s6bmer;e the pipe: Start re7ordin; the time Dhen
the interna. press6re drops to -:* psi: The tested portion of the pipe passes the fie.d .eaka;e test Dhen
the press6re drop is .ess than # psi for the time period 7a.76.ated for the siHe and .en;th of the pipe to be
tested as shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
M#'#m"m Te/ T#me 40r Pre"re Dr06
Nomina. pipe diameter
Time for press6re drop
/min6tes9#%% feet1
0 %:5
+ #:2
#% #:*
#2 #:+
#* 2:#
#+ 2:4
2# -:%
24 -:0
25 4:2
-% 4:+
-1-1.01DB2CB%CB#$C O/7er A&&0:%.&e Te/
If a6thoriHed) yo6 may test:
#: Pipes o<er 25 in7hes in nomina. diameter # Ioint at a time 6nder AST C ##%- instead of the
e3fi.tration test 6nder se7tion 0#,#:%#D/21/a1/ii1:
2: P.asti7 pipe -% in7hes or .ess in nomina. diameter Dith the .oD,press6re air test 6nder AST F #4#5:
-: Pipes -0 in7hes or .ess in nomina. diameter Dith the ne;ati<e -:* psi air press6re /<a766m1 test
6nder AST C #2#4 instead of the e3fi.tration test or .oD,press6re air test 6nder se7tion 0#,#:%#D/21
/a1/ii1: The minim6m test times for press6re drop for pipes:
-:#: -% in7hes in nomina. diameter and m6st be the same as the .oD,press6re air test 6nder
se7tion 0#,#:%#D/21/a1/ii1
-:2: -- in7hes in nomina. diameter m6st be *:4 min6tes per #%% feet
-:-: -0 in7hes in nomina. diameter m6st be 0:% min6tes per #%% feet
-1-1.01DB2CB%CB$C E0#'/ 0r P#6e Se(/#0' N0/ P%#'8 Le%;%8e Te/#'8
Identify Ioints or pipe se7tions that e37eed the ma3im6m a..oDab.e .eaka;e after yo6 7omp.ete fie.d
.eaka;e testin;: Repair and retest the fai.ed Ioints or pipe se7tions 6nti. they 7omp.y Dith test
Repair and retest the fai.ed Ioints or pipe se7tions as des7ribed in the repair pro7ed6res s6bmitted 6nder
se7tion 0#,#:%#C: If the same Ioint fai.s the .eaka;e test a 2nd time) remo<e and rep.a7e the pipe se7tions
on either side of the Ioint Dith neD pipes: 8hene<er a pipe se7tion fai.s) rep.a7e it: Retest the rep.a7ed
pipe se7tion for .eaks: The Department does not pay for repair) rep.a7ement) and retestin; of fai.ed Ioints
or pipe se7tions:
-1-1.01DB2CB.C Reer$e1
Not !sed
Not !sed
-1-1.0+ PAYMENT
Fie.d .eaka;e testin; is meas6red a.on; the in<ert of the pipe: The payment G6antity in7.6des the .en;th
thro6;h e.boDs) tees) and other fittin;s that ha<e passed fie.d .eaka;e tests: Len;ths of pipe that need to
be retested are not in7.6ded in the meas6red G6antities 6nti. passin; fie.d .eaka;e tests ha<e been
attained: 8here draina;e in.ets or str67t6res are Dithin the .en;th of the pipe to be tested) the
.en;th of pipe is meas6red to the inside fa7e of the str67t6re:
-2-1.01 GENERAL
Se7tion 02,# in7.6des ;enera. spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; a.ternati<e 76.<erts) a.ternati<e s.otted pipe)
temporary 76.<erts) and for p.a7in; 7on7rete ba7kfi.. for pipe tren7hes:
Choose from the types of a.ternati<e 76.<erts shoDn: If 7hosen for a.ternati<e 76.<ert:
#: Reinfor7ed 7on7rete pipe and pipe ar7hes m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 0*
2: Corr6;ated stee. pipe and pipe ar7hes m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 00
-: Corr6;ated a.6min6m pipe and pipe ar7hes m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 00
4: ?i;h density po.yethy.ene pipe m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 04
*: Po.y<iny. 7h.oride pipe m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 04
0: Str67t6ra. stee. p.ate pipe) ar7hes) and pipe ar7hes m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 05
5: Str67t6ra. a.6min6m p.ate pipe) ar7hes) and pipe ar7hes m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 05
+: Reinfor7ed 7on7rete bo3 76.<erts and ar7h 76.<erts m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *#
-2-2.01 GENERAL
Se7tion 02,2 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; a.ternati<e s.otted pipe:
Choose from the types of a.ternati<e s.otted pipe shoDn: Do not mi3 types of s.otted pipe in the same
If 7hosen for a.ternati<e s.otted pipe:
#: S.otted p.asti7 pipe m6st 7omp.y se7tion 04,2
2: S.otted 7orr6;ated stee. pipe m6st 7omp.y the spe7ifi7ations for s.otted 7orr6;ated stee. pipe in
se7tion 00,2
Not !sed
Not !sed
-2-2.0+ PAYMENT
Not !sed
-2-).01 GENERAL
Se7tion 02,- in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; temporary 76.<erts:
Temporary 76.<erts in7.6de pipe bends) Dyes) tees) and other bran7hes:
E37a<ation) ba7kfi..) and shaped beddin; m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion #$,-:
&o6 may 6se 6sed pipe if the pipe 7omp.ies Dith the spe7ifi7ations for neD pipe: Obtain a6thoriHation for
6sed pipe:
Insta.. a siHe and type of temporary 76.<ert at ea7h .o7ation 7apab.e of s6stainin; the intended .oad and
dis7har;in; a G6antity of Dater eG6i<a.ent to the type and siHe of 76.<ert shoDn: Obtain a6thoriHation for
the stren;th and 7apa7ity of the 76.<ert before insta..ation:
&o6 may insta.. a remo<ed) 6ndama;ed) temporary 76.<ert in the permanent Dork if it 7omp.ies Dith the
spe7ifi7ations for the permanent 76.<ert and it is neD Dhen insta..ed as a temporary 76.<ert on the proIe7t:
E37a<ate and ba7kfi.. the tren7h for a temporary 76.<ert in a Day that pro<ides a firm);
fo6ndation for the roadbed to be 7onstr67ted o<er the 76.<ert:
Remo<e and dispose of the 76.<ert Dhen the En;ineer determines that the temporary 76.<ert is no .on;er
reG6ired for the Dork:
-2-).0+ PAYMENT
Temporary 76.<ert is meas6red a.on; the 7enter.ine of the pipe and para..e. Dith the s.ope .ine: The
payment G6antity in7.6des the .en;th of pipe red67ers) bends) Dyes) tees) and other bran7hes to the point
of interse7tion: The payment G6antity is the .en;th determined by the En;ineer: If pipes are 76t to fit a
str67t6re or s.ope) the payment G6antity is the .en;th of pipe ne7essary to be p.a7ed before 76ttin;)
meas6red in 2,foot in7rements:
Pipe red67ers are paid for as pipe of the .ar;er diameter 7onne7ted to the red67er:
-2-+.01 GENERAL
-2-+.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion 02,4 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for p.a7in; 7on7rete ba7kfi.. in pipe tren7hes:
-2-+.01B S".m#//%&
If RSC is 6sed for 7on7rete ba7kfi..) s6bmit the 7on7rete mi3 desi;n and test data from an a6thoriHed
.aboratory #% days before e37a<atin; the pipe tren7h: The .aboratory m6st spe7ify the 76re time reG6ired
for the 7on7rete mi3 to attain *%% psi 7ompressi<e stren;th Dhen tested 6nder Ca.ifornia Test *2#:
Con7rete for 7on7rete ba7kfi.. m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for minor 7on7rete) e37ept the 7on7rete
m6st 7ontain at .east -+% po6nds of 7ementitio6s materia. per 76bi7 yard: &o6 may 6se RSC instead of
minor 7on7rete for 7on7rete ba7kfi..:
If RSC is 6sed for 7on7rete ba7kfi..) the RSC m6st:
#: Contain at .east *%* po6nds of 7ementitio6s materia. per 76bi7 yard
2: Comp.y Dith se7tion $%,-:%2A e37ept se7tion $%,# does not app.y
-: Comp.y Dith se7tion $%,2
For insta..ation of p.asti7 pipe Dhere sat6rated 7.ay) peat) or other 6ns6itab.e materia. is en7o6ntered
immediate.y adIa7ent to the pipe tren7h) the materia. m6st be remo<ed to a distan7e at .east eG6a. to #94
of the pipe diameter) b6t not .ess than 0 in7hes) on ea7h side of the pipe:
P.a7e 7on7rete ba7kfi.. in the tren7h a;ainst 6ndist6rbed materia. at the sides and bottom of the tren7h in
a Day that pre<ents /#1 f.oatin; or shiftin; of the pipe and /21 <oids or se;re;ation of the 7on7rete:
Immediate.y remo<e forei;n materia. that fa..s into the tren7h before or d6rin; p.a7ement of the 7on7rete:
Constr67t and 7ompa7t earth p.6;s at the ends of the p.anned 7on7rete ba7kfi.. to 7ontain the 7on7rete
Dithin the tren7h Dhere ne7essary:
8here<er minor 7on7rete is 6sed) do not p.a7e materia.s on top of the 7on7rete ba7kfi.. Dithin + ho6rs of
p.a7in; the 7on7rete ba7kfi..:
8here<er RSC is 6sed) do not p.a7e materia.s on top of the 7on7rete ba7kfi.. before the reG6ired 76re
time to a7hie<e *%% psi as spe7ified in se7tion 02,4:%#":
Conso.idate 7on7rete ba7kfi.. 6sin; hi;h,freG6en7y interna. <ibrators:
If ?A is to be p.a7ed dire7t.y thereon) broom the 7on7rete ba7kfi.. s6rfa7e Dith a hea<y broom to
prod67e a 6niform ro6;h s6rfa7e:
-2-+.0+ PAYMENT
If the .imits of 7on7rete ba7kfi.. for pipe tren7hes are shoDn) the <o.6me of 7on7rete ba7kfi.. is based on
the dimensions shoDn and the .en;th of pipe desi;nated by the En;ineer:
If the .imits of 7on7rete ba7kfi.. for pipe tren7hes are not shoDn) the <o.6me of 7on7rete ba7kfi.. is based
on the fo..oDin;:
#: ?oriHonta. .imits are determined from <erti7a. p.anes 0 in7hes o6tside of ea7h side of the pipe for a
diameter or span of .ess than 42 in7hes and #2 in7hes o6tside of ea7h side of the pipe for a diameter
or span of 42 in7hes or ;reater:
2: !pper .imit is determined from a horiHonta. p.ane #2 in7hes abo<e the top of the pipe:
-: LoDer .imit is determined from a horiHonta. p.ane at the bottom of the pipe:
4: Len;th of pipe desi;nated by the En;ineer:
*: (o.6me o776pied by the pipe Di.. not be in7.6ded in the G6antities: Con7rete ba7kfi.. p.a7ed o6tside of
these .imits Di.. not be in7.6ded in the G6antities paid for 6n.ess ;reater .imits are ordered:
If a.ternati<e pipe is shoDn) the <o.6me of 7on7rete ba7kfi.. is based on the reG6ired tren7h Didth for the
pipe Dith the sma..est o6tside diameter:
-+-1.01 GENERAL
-+-1.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion 04,# in7.6des ;enera. spe7ifi7ations for fabri7atin; and 7onstr67tin; p.asti7 pipe:
P.asti7 pipe in7.6des a.. ne7essary e.boDs) Dyes) tees) other bran7hes) fittin;s) and; systems:
-+-1.01B S".m#//%&
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e for p.asti7 pipe) in7.6din; the a<era;e pipe stiffness) resin materia. 7e..
7.assifi7ation and date of man6fa7t6re:
For 7orr6;ated po.yethy.ene pipe) s6bmit the man6fa7t6rerFs 7opy of p.ant a6dits and test res6.ts from the
Nationa. Transportation Prod67t E<a.6ation Pro;ram for the 76rrent 7y7.e of testin; for ea7h pipe diameter
-+-1.02A Ge'er%&
P.asti7 pipe m6st be Type C or Type S 7orr6;ated po.yethy.ene pipe) or 7orr6;ated P(C pipe Dith smooth
The resid6e from the i;nition of ?DPE and P(C 7ompo6nds m6st not e37eed -% per7ent as determined
6nder AST D2*+4 e37ept the m6ff.e f6rna7e temperat6re m6st be +4% Z 4* de;rees F:
Pipes and fittin;s m6st be homo;eno6s thro6;ho6t and 6niform in 7o.or) opa7ity) density) and other
properties: The inside and o6tside s6rfa7es m6st be semi,matte or ;.ossy in appearan7e and free of sti7ky) or ta7ky materia.: The pipe Da..s m6st be free of 7ra7ks) b.isters) <oids) forei;n
in7.6sions) or other defe7ts affe7tin; the pipe Da.. inte;rity or <isib.e to the naked eye: Do not 6se pipes or
fittin;s Dith abrasions or s7rat7hes deeper than #% per7ent of the Da.. thi7kness: The Ioint s6rfa7es Dhere
the ;askets bear m6st be smooth and free of imperfe7tions) rid;es) fra7t6res) or 7ra7ks that 7o6.d
ad<erse.y affe7t the Ioint sea.:
Store pipes in a Day that prote7ts ;askets from the Deather:
Store pipes in 6nit pa7ka;es: Prote7t the be.. end of pipes from dama;e: S6pport 6nit pa7ka;es Dith
ra7ks or d6nna;e to pre<ent dama;e and bendin;: Take meas6res to ens6re the Dei;ht of the 6pper 6nits
does not 7a6se deformation to pipes in the .oDer 6nits Dhene<er the 6nit pa7ka;es are sta7ked: Do not
store pipes adIa7ent to heat so6r7es: Do not a..oD pipes to o<erhan; < or stora;e areas
6ns6pported for more than - feet:
Co<er pipes to pro<ide temporary s6n b.o7k prote7tion: Pro<ide adeG6ate air 7ir76.ation aro6nd the
7o<ered pipes to red67e e37essi<e heat a776m6.ation: Prote7t ;askets from e3pos6re to heat) oHone) oi.)
;rease) and s6n.i;ht for any time period e37eedin; 4+ ho6rs: Do not store ;askets near e.e7tri7a. or
e3ha6st heat so6r7es:
The Department reIe7ts pipes Dith 7ra7ked or ;askets:
Prote7t pipes and fittin;s from dama;e Dhen; and;: Do not dama;e p.a7ed pipes: Do not
6se 7ra7ked or 7hipped pipes and fittin;s:
-+-1.02B B%(;4#&&
Str67t6re ba7kfi.. materia. for p.asti7 pipe m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion #$,- e37ept the ;radation of str67t6re
ba7kfi.. m6st 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin; tab.e:
S/r"(/"re B%(;4#&& 40r P&%/#( P#6e
Sie<e siHe Per7enta;e passin;
#,#92E #%%
No: 4 2*B5%
No: *% *B2%
No: 2%% %B*
Contro..ed .oD,stren;th materia. and s.6rry 7ement ba7kfi.. m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion #$,-:
-+-1.02C C0rr"8%/e1 P0&3e/73&e'e P#6e
Corr6;ated po.yethy.ene pipe m6st be 0% in7hes or .ess in nomina. diameter:
Type C and Type S 7orr6;ated po.yethy.ene pipe m6st 7omp.y Dith AAS?TO 2$4: Corr6;ated
po.yethy.ene pipe m6st be man6fa7t6red from ?DPE <ir;in 7ompo6nds:
?DPE 7ompo6nds 6sed in the man6fa7t6re of 7orr6;ated po.yethy.ene pipe and fittin;s m6st 7omp.y Dith
AAS?TO 2$4 e37ept the mi3 m6st 7ontain from 2 to 4 per7ent De..,dispersed 7arbon b.a7k:
The 7orr6;ated po.yethy.ene pipe man6fa7t6rer m6st:
#: Parti7ipate in Nationa. Transportation Prod67t E<a.6ation Pro;ram for ea7h p.ant s6pp.yin;
7orr6;ated po.yethy.ene pipe and fittin;s for the proIe7t
2: Cond67t and maintain a G6a.ity 7ontro. pro;ram 6nder Nationa. Transportation Prod67t E<a.6ation
-+-1.02D C0rr"8%/e1 PVC P#6e :#/7 Sm00/7 I'/er#0r
Corr6;ated P(C pipe m6st ha<e a smooth interior:
Corr6;ated P(C pipe Dith smooth interior m6st be man6fa7t6red as a sin;.e e3tr6sion: The 7orr6;ated
e3terior profi.e m6st be and seam.ess: The pipe dimensions) Da.. thi7kness) so7ket siHes) and
fittin; to.eran7es m6st 7omp.y Dith AST F$4$:
The minim6m stiffness of 7orr6;ated P(C pipe m6st be 40 psi Dhen tested 6nder AST D24#2:
Corr6;ated P(C pipe and fittin;s m6st be man6fa7t6red from P(C <ir;in 7ompo6nds) e37ept 7.ean)
reDorked) re7y7.ed P(C materia.s ;enerated from the man6fa7t6rerFs pipe or fittin; fabri7ation may be
Corr6;ated P(C pipe m6st 7omp.y Dith AST F$4$ for 7e.. 7.assifi7ation #24*4 6nder AST D#5+4:
Fi..ers that .oDer the tensi.e stren;th of the 7ompo6nd or 7han;e the minim6m 7e.. 7.assifi7ation are not
a..oDed: P(C 7ompo6nds m6st 7ontain at .east %:* per7ent by Dei;ht r6ti.e titani6m dio3ide or the
G6antity re7ommended by the pipe man6fa7t6rer:
The 7hemi7a. resistan7e of 7orr6;ated P(C pipe and fittin;s m6st 7omp.y Dith AST D*20% for 7e..
7.assifi7ation S45**2:
The man6fa7t6rerFs 7ode m6st in7.6de the day) month) year) shift) and p.ant of man6fa7t6re:
Do not e3pose pipes to dire7t s6n.i;ht for more than -% days:
-+-1.02E E0#'/
P.asti7 pipe Ioints m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 0#,#:%#D/#1/b1 for standard or positi<e Ioints: 8here<e
Ioint 7onne7tions are 6sed) the<e Didth m6st be at .east 5,-94 in7hes and en;a;e at .east 2
7orr6;ations of ea7h pipe bein; Ioined:
Coints for pipes shoDn as Daterti;ht m6st be Daterti;ht 6nder press6re and a.. 7onditions of e3pansion)
7ontra7tion) and sett.ement) and m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 0#,#:%#D/#1/b1 for Daterti;htness:
For 7orr6;ated po.yethy.ene pipe:
#: If Daterti;ht Ioints are not shoDn) Type S 7orr6;ated po.yethy.ene pipe m6st in7orporate a 7.osed,7e..
e3panded r6bber ;asket on ea7h side of the Ioint 7omp.yin; Dith AST D#%*0) =rade 2A2: =askets
m6st be fa7tory,insta..ed:
2: Corr6;ated po.yethy.ene pipe Ioints man6fa7t6red to 7omp.y Dith se7tion 0#,#:%#D/#1/b1 for inte;ra.
Ioints m6st be .aid to .ine and ;rade Dith se7tions 7.ose.y Iointed: Corr6;ated po.yethy.ene pipe to be
Ioined by<e Ioints m6st be .aid to .ine and ;rade Dith the separate se7tions not more than #,#92
in7hes apart and then firm.y Ioined to;ether Dith at .east 2 7orr6;ations from ea7h pipe se7tion
en;a;ed in the
For 7orr6;ated P(C pipe Dith smooth interior:
#: E.astomeri7 ;askets m6st 7omp.y Dith AST F455 for .oD,head app.i7ations: !se e3tr6ded or
mo.ded ;askets 76red in a Day so that any 7ross se7tion Di.. be dense) homo;eneo6s) and free of
porosity) b.isters) pittin; or other imperfe7tions: Do6b.e ;askets m6st be sin;.e,pie7e ;askets that fit
into the first 2 f6.. 7orr6;ation <a..eys on the spi;ot end: Ship ;askets in 7ontainers that Di.. pre<ent
dama;e from !( e3pos6re and;:
2: 8yes) tees) red67ers) e.boDs);s) .atera.s) and other fittin;s m6st be mo.ded or fabri7ated
6nder AST F$4$ for 7e.. 7.assifi7ation #24*4 or #--4- as spe7ified in AST D#5+4:
-: L6bri7ant m6st 7omp.y Dith the pipe man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions: The .6bri7ant m6st not ha<e a
detrimenta. effe7t on ;askets or pipes:
4: Coints m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 0#,#:%#D/#1/b1 for inte;ra. Ioints e37ept the Ioint o<er.ap
reG6irements m6st be as shoDn: Pipe Ioints m6st be be.. and spi;ot type Dith ;askets ready for fie.d
assemb.y: Insta.. Ioints so that the e.astomeri7 ;asket Di.. be 7ompressed radia..y betDeen the pipe
be.. and spi;ot to form a ti;ht sea. Dhen assemb.ed:
-+-1.02F*-+-1.02H Reer$e1
-+-1.0)A Ge'er%&
Insta.. Type C 7orr6;ated po.yethy.ene pipe Dhere<er 7orr6;ated interior Da.. type is shoDn:
Insta.. Type S 7orr6;ated po.yethy.ene pipe or 7orr6;ated P(C pipe Dhere<er smooth interior Da.. type is
&o6 may insta.. 7orr6;ated or smooth interior Da.. pipe if the type of p.asti7 pipe is not shoDn:
For P(C pipe) Dhene<er the atmospheri7 temperat6re is fore7ast to be 4% de;rees F or .ess) demonstrate
to the En;ineer that the bar and b.o7k method or any other me7hani7a. assistan7e method for;
the pipes Di.. not dama;e the pipes before pro7eedin; Dith pipe assemb.y:
-+-1.0)B E%r/7:0r;
E37a<ation) ba7kfi..) and shaped beddin; m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion #$,- e37ept:
#: 8here sat6rated 7.ay) peat) or other 6ns6itab.e materia. is en7o6ntered immediate.y adIa7ent to the
pipe tren7h) remo<e the materia. to a distan7e at .east eG6a. to the pipe diameter on ea7h side of the
pipe if 7ompa7ted ba7kfi.. is to be p.a7ed) or a distan7e at .east eG6a. to #94 the pipe diameter) b6t not
.ess than 0 in7hes) on ea7h side of the pipe if s.6rry 7ement or 7ontro..ed .oD,stren;th materia. is to
be p.a7ed:
2: "a7kfi.. 7orr6;ated po.yethy.ene pipe ;reater than 4+ in7hes in nomina. diameter Dith either 7ontro..ed
.oD,stren;th materia. 6nder se7tion #$,-:%2F or Dith s.6rry 7ement ba7kfi.. 6nder se7tion #$,-:%2D:
-: P.a7e 7ontro..ed .oD,stren;th materia. or s.6rry 7ement ba7kfi.. 6sed for str67t6re ba7kfi.. to a .e<e. at
.east #2 in7hes abo<e the pipe 7roDn:
Lay p.asti7 pipe in a tren7h e37a<ated to the estab.ished .ines and ;rades: =rade and prepare the bottom
of the tren7h as shoDn thro6;ho6t the entire .en;th of the pipe:
Remo<in; 6ns6itab.e materia. and rep.a7in; it Dith s6itab.e materia. is 7han;e order Dork:
-+-1.0)C L%3#'8 P#6e
Pro<ide the ne7essary fa7i.ities for .oDerin; and proper.y p.a7in; pipe se7tions in the tren7h:
Lay p.asti7 pipe to .ine and ;rade Dith se7tions 7.ose.y Iointed:
Do not .et the pipe tren7h f.ood before;:
Conne7t neD p.asti7 pipe to e3istin; or neD draina;e fa7i.ities as shoDn: Constr67t 7on7rete 7o..ars or tee
7onne7tions Dith minor 7on7rete Dhene<er 7on7rete 7o..ars or tee 7onne7tions are reG6ired to 7onne7t
neD p.asti7 pipe to e3istin; or neD pipes: Reinfor7ement for 7on7rete 7o..ars and tees m6st 7omp.y Dith
se7tion *2:
For 7orr6;ated P(C pipe Dith smooth interior:
#: Insta.. ;askets on pipe spi;ots after the pipe is p.a7ed into the tren7h and ready for Ioint 7onne7tion:
P.a7e the ;asket on the spi;ot end 6nder the pipe man6fa7t6rerFs insta..ation instr67tions: The .eadin;
ed;e of the ;asket m6st point in the dire7tion of the spi;ot end Dhene<er a do6b.e ;asket is 6sed:
"oth the spi;ot and be.. ends m6st be free of debris before 7onne7tion: App.y the pipe man6fa7t6rerFs
re7ommended .6bri7ant to the inside of the be.. and o<er the ;asket: Insert the spi;ot end of the pipe
into the be.. end 6nti. the fa7tory pro<ided insertion .ine on the spi;ot end .ines 6p Dith the be.. ed;e:
2: 8hene<er the spi;ot end of a pipe is shortened) 76t the end sG6are and be<e. it to the same an;.e as
pro<ided on the fa7tory,finished spi;ot end so that b6rrs are not <isib.e: Re,mark the shortened pipe
Dith a neD insertion .ine on the spi;ot 6sin; a fa7tory,marked spi;ot insertion .ine as a ;6ide:
-: Co<er the ends of insta..ed 7orr6;ated P(C pipe that Dere not ba7kfi..ed after insta..ation at the end
of ea7h day:
4: Pipes m6st not e3hibit def.e7tion in e37ess of * per7ent of the ori;ina. inside diameter at any .o7ation
after bein; ba7kfi..ed to at .east * feet abo<e the top of the pipe or to the 7omp.eted ;rade) Dhi7he<er
is .ess:
-+-1.0+ PAYMENT
P.asti7 pipe is meas6red a.on; the 7enter.ine of the pipe and para..e. Dith the s.ope .ine: The payment
G6antity in7.6des the .en;th of e.boDs) Dyes) tees) and other bran7hes to the point of interse7tion: The
payment G6antity is the .en;th desi;nated by the En;ineer: If the pipe is 76t to fit a str67t6re or s.ope) the
payment G6antity is the .en;th of pipe ne7essary to be p.a7ed before 76ttin;) meas6red in 2,foot
-+-2.01 GENERAL
-+-2.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion 04,2 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for fabri7atin; and 7onstr67tin; s.otted p.asti7 pipe:
S.otted p.asti7 pipe in7.6des str67t6re e37a<ation) 7on7rete ba7kfi..) 7onne7tin; neD pipe to neD or
e3istin; fa7i.ities) 7on7rete 7o..ars) reinfor7ement) and other 7onne7tin; de<i7es:
-+-2.01B S".m#//%&
If RSC is 6sed for 7on7rete ba7kfi.. for s.otted p.asti7 pipe) s6bmit the 7on7rete mi3 desi;n and test data
from an a6thoriHed .aboratory #% days before e37a<atin; the pipe tren7h: The .aboratory m6st spe7ify the
76re time reG6ired for the 7on7rete mi3 to attain 2)%%% psi 7ompressi<e stren;th Dhen tested 6nder
Ca.ifornia Test *2#:
-+-2.02A Ge'er%&
The interior s6rfa7e of s.otted p.asti7 pipe m6st be smooth e37ept for the <erti7a. and top Da.. stiffenin;
rid;es: S.otted p.asti7 pipe m6st be po.yethy.ene:
S.otted p.asti7 pipe m6st:
#: "e man6fa7t6red from po.yethy.ene 7onsistin; of <ir;in po.yethy.ene resin and 7arbon b.a7k
2: Comp.y Dith the resin and reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
S&0//e1 P&%/#( P#6e Pr06er/3 Re!"#reme'/
Property AST test
Resin Properties:
Density /;97mf1 D#*%* %:$-4B%:$-*
e.t inde3 /;9#% min6tes1 D#2-+ *B#%
Performan7e Properties:
F.e36ra. mod6.6s /psi1 D5$% +%)%%% /min1
Tensi.e stren;th R yie.d /psi1 D0-+ 2)4%% /min1
En<ironmenta. stress 7ra7k
D#0$- Test 7ondition ") d6ration 24 hr)
4*\ fai.6re /ma31
?ydrostati7 desi;n basis D2+-5 Not press6re rated
Co.or and !( stabi.iHer ,, C
Resin m6st not 7ontain .ess than 2 Z %:* per7ent 7arbon b.a7k !( stabi.iHer:
The Da.. thi7kness of s.otted p.asti7 pipe m6st be at .east %:2- in7h: The <erti7a. and top s.ope Da..s)
e37ept the s.ot) m6st be shaped to 7reate e3terna. rid;es at .east -9+ in7h deep and #,-9+ in7hes Dide at
inter<a.s not ;reater than #% in7hes on 7enter Dhen the pipe is man6fa7t6red: The rid;es m6st pro<ide
eno6;h Da.. stiffness so that the pipe does not def.e7t more than #9#0 in7h Dhen 7on7rete ba7kfi.. is
p.a7ed a;ainst the pipe Da..s:
End 7aps m6st be man6fa7t6red to the same materia. reG6irements as p.asti7 s.otted pipe: The end 7aps
and p.asti7 s.otted pipe m6st be made by the same man6fa7t6rer: The end 7aps m6st pre<ent 7on7rete
ba7kfi.. from enterin; the pipe:
S.otted p.asti7 pipe m6st ha<e ton;6e,and,;roo<e inter.o7kin; ends and 7.ips mo.ded into the sides of the
7hanne. to a77ommodate <erti7a. reinfor7in; bars for positionin; and an7horin; p6rposes: S.ots m6st be
at .east #,-94 in7hes Dide and ha<e ho..oD throat stiffeners at *,in7h ma3im6m inter<a.s to keep the s.ot
sides apart:
-+-2.02B C0'(re/e B%(;4#&& 40r S&0//e1 P&%/#( P#6e
Con7rete for 7on7rete ba7kfi.. for s.otted p.asti7 pipe m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for minor
7on7rete: &o6 may 6se RSC instead of minor 7on7rete for 7on7rete ba7kfi..:
If RSC is 6sed for 7on7rete ba7kfi..) the RSC m6st:
#: Contain at .east *$% po6nds of 7ementitio6s materia. per 76bi7 yard
2: Comp.y Dith se7tion $%,-:%2A) e37ept se7tion $%,# does not app.y
-: Comp.y Dith se7tion $%,2
-+-2.02C Hee& Re#/%'/ Gr%/e
?ee. resistant ;rates m6st 7omp.y Dith ADA reG6irements: =rate s.ots m6st be #92 in7h Dide ma3im6m
Dith an open area of at .east 5:4- sG6are in7hes per sG6are foot area of ;rate: =rates m6st be d67ti.e
-+-2.02D B%r Re#'40r(eme'/
"ar reinfor7ement m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A0#*9A0#*) =rade 0%) or AST A5%09A5%0) =rade 0%:
-+-2.02E M#(e&&%'e0" Me/%&
D67ti.e iron) n6ts) bo.ts) and Dashers m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 5*:
-+-2.02F Gr0"/
=ro6t m6st be nonshrink ;ro6t 7omp.yin; Dith AST C##%59C##%5:
-+-2.02G Reer$e1
8here<er minor 7on7rete is 6sed for 7on7rete ba7kfi.. for s.otted p.asti7 pipe) do not a..oD traffi7 on top of
the 7on7rete ba7kfi.. Dithin 5 days of p.a7in; the 7on7rete ba7kfi..:
8here<er RSC is 6sed for 7on7rete ba7kfi.. for s.otted p.asti7 pipe) do not a..oD traffi7 on top of the
7on7rete ba7kfi.. before the reG6ired 76re time to a7hie<e 2)%%% psi as spe7ified in se7tion 04,2:%#":
E37a<ation m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion #$,-:
Pa<e adIa7ent traffi7 .anes before; s.otted p.asti7 pipe:
Lay and Ioin s.otted p.asti7 pipe 6nder the pipe man6fa7t6rerUs instr67tions:
Lay s.otted p.asti7 pipe to .ine and ;rade Dith se7tions 7.ose.y Iointed and adeG6ate.y se76red to pre<ent
separation d6rin; p.a7ement of the ba7kfi..: If the p.asti7 s.otted pipe does not ha<e a positi<e inter.o7kin;
me7hanism .ike a s.ot and ton;6e 7onne7tion) se76re the se7tions to;ether Dith n6ts) bo.ts and Dashers
The top of s.otted p.asti7 pipe m6st not e3tend abo<e the 7omp.eted s6rfa7e: Position the pipe so that the
7omp.eted 7on7rete ba7kfi.. Di.. be f.6sh Dith the s6rro6ndin; ;rade and #9+ to #94 in7h abo<e the top of
the ;rate:
P.a7e 7hanne.s Dith the ma.e and fema.e ends fa7in; ea7h other:
8e.d s.otted p.asti7 pipe at Ioints Dith a 7ommer7ia. e.e7tri7 De.din; too. 6nder the pipe man6fa7t6rerFs
instr67tions Dhere shoDn: The 7onstr67ted De.ds m6st not ha<e <isib.e The Department may
reIe7t transition pie7es that ha<e De.ds Dith Do not re6se the reIe7ted materia.: Dispose of
reIe7ted pie7es:
P.a7e .atera. s6pport bar reinfor7ement on both sides of the ;rate s.ots Dhere shoDn: The s6pport bar
reinfor7ement m6st r6n the f6.. .en;th of the ;rate s.ot:
An7hor hee. resistant ;rates to the 7on7rete ba7kfi.. Dith bent #+,in7h) no: - reinfor7ement bars threaded
thro6;h a meta. hook or eye atta7hed to the 6nderside ed;e of the ;rate Dhere shoDn: P.a7e the
reinfor7ement bars at 2%,in7h ma3im6m inter<a.s on ea7h .on;it6dina. ed;e of the ;rate: &o6 may 6se
another method to se76re the ;rate to the 7on7rete ba7kfi.. if a6thoriHed -% days before insta..ation:
!se a transition fittin; to 7onne7t a s.otted p.asti7 pipe to a draina;e The transition fittin; m6st be
s6pp.ied by the pipe man6fa7t6rer:
Fi.. the ;ap aro6nd the pipe in the str67t6re Da.. Dith nonshrink ;ro6t Dhere the p.asti7 s.otted pipe
7onne7ts to an e3istin; draina;e str67t6re: Insta.. the ;ro6t 6nder the pipe man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions:
C6t the pipe as shoDn after the ;ro6t 6sed to sea. the transition fittin; has 76red for at .east 24 ho6rs:
Co<er s.ots Dith hea<y,d6ty tape or other a6thoriHed 7o<erin; d6rin;; and pa<in; a7ti<ities to
pre<ent materia. from enterin; the s.ots:
P.a7e 7on7rete ba7kfi.. Dhere shoDn:
Conso.idate the 7on7rete ba7kfi.. Dith hi;h,freG6en7y interna. <ibrators:
Te3t6re the 7on7rete s6rfa7e Dith a broom or b6r.ap dra; to prod67e a d6rab.e skid,resistant s6rfa7e:
App.y a nonpi;mented 76rin; 7ompo6nd to the e3posed 7on7rete ba7kfi.. s6rfa7e Dhene<er the
atmospheri7 temperat6re Di.. be $% de;rees F or ;reater after p.a7in; the 7on7rete ba7kfi..: The
nonpi;mented 76rin; 7ompo6nd m6st 7omp.y Dith AST C-%$ Type #) C.ass ":
-+-2.0+ PAYMENT
S.otted p.asti7 pipe is meas6red a.on; the 7enter.ine of the pipe and para..e. Dith the s.ope .ine: The
payment G6antity is the .en;th desi;nated by the En;ineer: If the pipe is 76t to fit a str67t6re or s.ope) the
payment G6antity is the .en;th of pipe ne7essary to be p.a7ed before 76ttin;) meas6red in 2,foot
-,-1.01 GENERAL
Se7tion 0*,# in7.6des ;enera. spe7ifi7ations for fabri7atin; and 7onstr67tin; 7on7rete pipe:
Con7rete pipe in7.6des a.. ne7essary bends) Dyes) tees) and other bran7hes:
E37a<ation) ba7kfi..) and 76.<ert beddin;s m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion #$,-:
-,-2.01 GENERAL
-,-2.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion 0*,2 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for fabri7atin; and 7onstr67tin; reinfor7ed 7on7rete pipe) o<a.
shaped pipe) and pipe ar7hes and nonreinfor7ed 7on7rete pipe for 76.<erts) siphons) drains) and 7ond6its:
-,-2.01B De4#'#/#0'
m01#4#e1 1e#8'5 Desi;ns that differ from dire7t desi;ns shoDn Dith respe7t to reinfor7ement on.y:
6e(#%& 1e#8'5 Desi;ns that differ from dire7t desi;ns in any respe7t from those shoDn:
0$%& 7%6e1 6#6e5 Pipes ha<in; maIor and minor interna. a3ia. dimensions as des7ribed: The minor a3is
.en;th m6st be 0% to 0* per7ent of the maIor a3is .en;th: The #st dimension desi;nated represents
the rise and the 2nd dimension represents the span:
-,-2.01C S".m#//%&
If yo6 7hoose to 6se resi.ient Ioint materia.s) s6bmit the resi.ient Ioint materia.s for testin; and
S6bmit the fo..oDin; for reinfor7ed 7on7rete pipe) dire7t desi;n method:
#: Shop draDin;s: odified desi;ns and spe7ia. desi;ns m6st 7omp.y Dith the DepartmentFs brid;e
desi;n spe7ifi7ations: For modified desi;ns) do not 7han;e the 7.ear 7o<era;e betDeen the s6rfa7e of
the 7on7rete and the o6tside of the reinfor7ement or the thi7kness of the pipe barre. Da.. shoDn:
S6bmit - sets of shop draDin;s for initia. re<ieD by the Offi7e of C6.<erts and !nder;ro6nd
Str67t6res: S6bmit 0 sets of shop draDin;s after the initia. re<ieD for 6se d6rin; 7onstr67tion and by
the Offi7e of C6.<erts and !nder;ro6nd Str67t6res: Shop draDin;s m6st in7.6de:
#:#: 8a.. thi7kness
#:2: Type) siHe) .o7ation) and 7onfi;6ration of the reinfor7ement
#:-: List of station .o7ations for the pipes) in7.6din; the siHe) Da.. type) and ma3im6m 7o<er hei;ht
#:4: ethod of e37a<ation) beddin;) and ba7kfi.. for ea7h .o7ation
2: Proof of adeG6a7y for modified desi;n proposa.s and spe7ia. desi;n proposa.s: The En;ineer Di..
determine the adeG6a7y of modified and spe7ia. desi;ns based 6pon 7omp.ian7e Dith 7ra7k
reG6irements and str67t6ra. desi;n parameters: The Department Di.. not be .iab.e to yo6 for fai.6re to
a77ept any modified desi;n or spe7ia. desi;n yo6 s6bmit:
-: Copy of the 7on7rete mi3 desi;n before 6sin; the 7on7rete or re<isin; the mi3 proportions
4: Certifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e for ea7h pipe shipment: The 7ertifi7ate m6st:
4:#: "e si;ned by the man6fa7t6rerFs G6a.ity 7ontro. representati<e
4:2: State that a.. materia.s and Dorkmanship 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations and a6thoriHed shop
For nonreinfor7ed 7on7rete pipe s6bstit6ted for reinfor7ed 7on7rete pipe des7ribed or 7hosen by
7.ass) s6bmit proof of adeG6a7y for proposed modifi7ations or spe7ia. desi;ns: Proof m6st 7onsist of -,
ed;e bearin; tests either /#1 7ertified by an a6thoriHed .aboratory or /21 be pipe man6fa7t6rerFs tests
Ditnessed by State representati<es: The tests m6st demonstrate the adeG6a7y of the proposed desi;n: A
minim6m of - proof tests Di.. be reG6ired for ea7h siHe and 7.ass yo6 s6pp.y:
-,-2.01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
-,-2.01DB1C Ge'er%&
-,-2.01DB2C F#e&1 Te/#'8 04 S#670' %'1 Pre"re P#6e
Perform fie.d .eaka;e tests on siphons and .oD,head 7ond6its Dith interna. hydrostati7 heads not
e37eedin; *% feet:
Fi.. the pipe Dith Dater to a hydrostati7 head of #% feet abo<e the hi;hest point in the .ine after the pipe
has been .aid and ba7kfi.. has been p.a7ed and 7ompa7ted to a minim6m of 2 feet abo<e the pipe:
Cond67t a hydrostati7 test for a period of not .ess than 24 ho6rs: ake a776rate meas6rements of the
Dater reG6ired to maintain the test press6re d6rin; that period: Any .eaka;e de<e.oped by the test m6st
not e37eed the a..oDab.e .eaka;e as 7omp6ted by the fo..oDin; form6.a:
% A :4::::?#
E T a..oDab.e .eaka;e in ;pm
? T differen7e in e.e<ation in feet betDeen the Dater s6rfa7e at #% feet abo<e the hi;hest point in
the .ine and the in<ert e.e<ation of the pipe at its .oDest point
L T .en;th of the 76.<ert or draina;e pipe in feet
D T interna. diameter of the pipe in in7hes
F6rnish a.. Dater) materia.s) and .abor for the hydrostati7 test: Cond67t a.. hydrostati7 tests in the
presen7e of the En;ineer: The Department does not pay for hydrostati7 testin;:
Stop any .eaka;e in e37ess of the a..oDab.e .eaka;e as a6thoriHed: Repeat the hydrostati7 test 6nti. the
tota. .eaka;e does not e37eed the a..oDab.e .eaka;e: Stop a.. ob<io6s .eaks Dhether or not the .eaka;e
from the .ine e37eeds the a..oDab.e .eaka;e:
&o6 may maintain the pipe .ine f6.. of Dater for not more than + ho6rs before yo6 start hydrostati7 testin;:
-,-2.02A Ge'er%&
The 7ementitio6s materia. and a;;re;ate for reinfor7ed 7on7rete pipe m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion $%,#:%2)
e37ept /#1 ;radin; reG6irements do not app.y to the a;;re;ate and /21 the 6se of SC m6st 7omp.y Dith
AAS?TO #5%:
The 7on7rete for reinfor7ed 7on7rete pipe m6st 7ontain at .east 45% po6nds of 7ementitio6s materia. per
76bi7 yard and ha<e a Dater,7ementitio6s materia. ratio that does not e37eed %:4% by Dei;ht: &o6 may
6se SC: Reinfor7ement m6st ha<e a minim6m 7o<er of # in7h) e37ept pipes Dith a nomina. diameter of
#+ in7hes or .ess m6st ha<e a minim6m 7o<er of -94 in7h:
Spe7ia. reinfor7ed 7on7rete pipe ha<in; 7on7rete 7o<er o<er the stee. reinfor7ement ;reater than the
7o<er 6nder AAS?TO #5% m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 0*,2:%2) e37ept the 7ra7k Didth prod67ed by the
D,.oad test 6nder AAS?TO #5% m6st be determined by the fo..oDin; form6.a:
) T
t , -9+d
/ :4:> inch
t , -9+d ,
) T 8idth of 7ra7k to be prod67ed instead of
%:%#,in7h 7ra7k 6nder
AAS?TO #5%
t T 8a.. thi7kness of pipe) in7hes
d T Effe7ti<e depth of se7tion to be tested) feet
C T Con7rete 7o<er o<er stee. reinfor7ement in
e37ess of 7o<er 6nder AAS?TO #5%
"efore hydrostati7 testin;) reinfor7ed 7on7rete pipe m6st be tested 6nder the -,ed;e bearin; method to a
ma3im6m D,.oad that is #% per7ent ;reater than the %:%#,in7h 7ra7kin; D,.oad 6nder AAS?TO #5% or
to the a7t6a. D,.oad reG6ired to prod67e a %:%#,in7h,Dide 7ra7k) Dhi7he<er is .ess:
-,-2.02B C#r("&%r Re#'40r(e1 C0'(re/e P#6e
-,-2.02BB1C Ge'er%& reinfor7ed 7on7rete pipe des7ribed by 7.ass m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 0*,2:%2"/21 for the 7.ass of
pipe des7ribed:
If the 7.ass of pipe is not des7ribed) and the nomina. diameter is .ess than 24 in7hes) 7hoose the 7.ass of
pipe: The pipe 7hosen m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 0*,2:%2"/21:
If the 7.ass of pipe is not des7ribed) and the nomina. diameter is 24 in7hes or ;reater) 7hoose either:
#: The 7.ass of pipe: The pipe 7hosen m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 0*,2:%2"/21
2: The Da.. thi7kness and reinfor7ement detai.s 6nder se7tion 0*,2:%2"/-1
-,-2.02BB2C C#r("&%r Re#'40r(e1 C0'(re/e P#6e, De(r#.e1 0r C70e' .3 C&% reinfor7ed 7on7rete pipe des7ribed or 7hosen by 7.ass m6st 7omp.y Dith AAS?TO #5%:
If the 7.ass of reinfor7ed 7on7rete pipe is not des7ribed) 7hoose the 7.ass of pipe and
7orrespondin; method of ba7kfi.. for the type of insta..ation shoDn:
If the 7.ass of reinfor7ed 7on7rete pipe is des7ribed) 7hoose the method of ba7kfi.. for the type of
insta..ation shoDn:
The D,.oad to prod67e a %:%#,in7h,Dide 7ra7k m6st be not .ess than the spe7ified D,.oad:
For pipe 7.asses not spe7ified 6nder AAS?TO #5%) b6t Dithin the minim6m and ma3im6m siHe .imits
6nder AAS?TO #5%) determine the Da.. thi7kness and stee. area by interpo.ation from data ;i<en in the for pipes of the ne3t siHe and pipes of the ne3t .ar;er siHe:
For pipe 7.asses) e37ept C.ass I) that are .ess than the minim6m siHe for a 7.ass 6nder AAS?TO
#5%) the minim6m Da.. thi7kness m6st be not .ess than #,-94 in7hes and the stee. area m6st be not
.ess than %:%0 sG6are in7h per .inear foot of pipe barre.:
The Department Di.. ;rant the a6thoriHation reG6ired 6nder AAS?TO #5% to e3trapo.ate minim6m Da..
thi7knesses and stee. areas beyond the .imits for 8a..s A or " in tab.e 4 and for 8a.. " in tab.e * 6nder
AAS?TO #5% if yo6 s6bmit yo6r pipe desi;ns in ad<an7e and the pipes 7omp.y Dith a.. of the spe7ified
tests and performan7e reG6irements:
The basis for a77eptan7e of reinfor7ed 7on7rete pipe o<er 24 in7hes in nomina. diameter is determined
from res6.ts of the -,ed;e bearin; test for the .oad to prod67e a %:%#,in7h,Dide 7ra7k: Testin; to the
6.timate .oad is not reG6ired e37ept as ne7essary to obtain for the absorption test:
Pipes 24 in7hes in nomina. diameter and do not need to be tested to the .oad to prod67e a %:%#,
in7h,Dide 7ra7k if the pipe is s6bIe7ted to a .oad eG6i<a.ent to the 6.timate test .oad and 7omp.ies Dith
se7tion 0*,2:%2: Instead of broken pipe pie7es obtained as spe7ified abo<e) yo6 may f6rnish 4,in7h,
diameter 7ores from pipe se7tions se.e7ted by the En;ineer for performin; the absorption test: Pipe
se7tions that ha<e been tested to the a7t6a. %:%#,in7h,Dide 7ra7k Di.. not be .oad,tested f6rther) and those
se7tions that 7omp.y Dith or e37eed the reG6ired stren;th and Dorkmanship standards may be 6sed in the
Dork if a6thoriHed:
Pipes m6st be marked as spe7ified in AAS?TO #5%) e37ept pipe se7tions Dith e..ipti7a.
reinfor7in; m6st ha<e the .o7ation of the minor a3is of the reinfor7in; indi7ated by -,in7h,Dide)
Daterproof) painted stripes on the inside and o6tside of ea7h pipe at the top and bottom) at .east #2
in7hes .on; at ea7h pipe se7tion end) or yo6 may pro<ide a .ift ho.e or .ift at the top of ea7h pipe
a.on; the minor a3is of the reinfor7ement: If # .ift ho.e is pro<ided) the .ift ho.e m6st be .o7ated at the
ba.an7e pointJ if 2 .ift are pro<ided) the .ift m6st be spa7ed eG6idistant on ea7h side of the
ba.an7e point: The .ift m6st not interfere Dith the reinfor7ement: After p.a7in; the pipe) fi.. the open
.ift Dith 7ement mortar or 7on7rete p.6;s before;:
For reinfor7ed 7on7rete pipe siHes -0 in7hes in nomina. diameter and yo6 may s6bstit6te
nonreinfor7ed 7on7rete pipe if the nonreinfor7ed 7on7rete pipe 7omp.ies Dith the fo..oDin; reG6irements:
#: inim6m -,ed;e bearin; stren;th m6st be the D,.oad to prod67e the 6.timate .oad for the 7.ass of
eG6i<a.ent reinfor7ed 7on7rete pipe 6nder AAS?TO #5%:
2: Pipes m6st 7omp.y Dith AAS?TO +09 +0) C.ass #) 2 or - as reG6ired to 7omp.y Dith the
spe7ified D,.oad reG6irements: &o6 may reG6est a6thoriHation for modified or spe7ia. desi;ns 6nder
AAS?TO +09 +0:
-: Cementitio6s materia. and a;;re;ate for nonreinfor7ed 7on7rete pipe m6st 7omp.y Dith spe7ifi7ations
for 7ementitio6s materia. and a;;re;ate 6nder se7tion 0*,2:%2:
-,-2.02BB)C C#r("&%r Re#'40r(e1 C0'(re/e P#6e, D#re(/ De#8' Me/701 reinfor7ed 7on7rete pipe) dire7t desi;n method m6st 7omp.y Dith AAS?TO #5%:
The Da.. thi7kness and reinfor7ement yo6 7hoose m6st 7omp.y Dith the detai.s shoDn and se7tion 0*,
2:%2"/-1: !se the ba7kfi.. method shoDn for the pipe desi;n 7hosen:
The -,ed;e bearin; test does not app.y to dire7t desi;n method pipes:
The Da.. thi7kness of Wall 6 reinfor7ed 7on7rete pipe m6st not <ary by more than #94 in7h from
the Da.. thi7kness shoDn:
Determine the mi3 proportions for the 7on7rete to be 6sed in dire7t desi;n method pipes:
Con7rete m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for 7on7rete desi;nated by 7ompressi<e stren;th:
Samp.e and test the 7on7rete 7ompressi<e stren;th at .east on7e e<ery prod67tion shift) b6t not .ess than
on7e dai.y:
The 7ir76mferentia. reinfor7ement for reinfor7ed 7on7rete pipe m6st be smooth or deformed
reinfor7ement Dith a minim6m yie.d stren;th of 0*)%%% psi: Lon;it6dina. reinfor7ement m6st be De.ded to
it at not more than +,in7h spa7in; if the reinfor7ement is smooth or at not more than #0,in7h spa7in; if the
reinfor7ement is deformed:
Sp.i7es of 7ir76mferentia. reinfor7ement m6st de<e.op a stren;th at .east eG6a. to -7r / ':
-7r T reG6ired area of reinfor7ement shoDn
' A spe7ified yie.d stren;th of reinfor7ement
Spa7ers or stirr6ps may be De.ded to the .on;it6dina. reinfor7ement: The De.din; of spa7ers or stirr6ps
Di.. be a..oDed on not more than #% per7ent of the 7ir76mferentia. reinfor7ement at not .ess than 24,in7h
spa7in; a.on; the pipe .en;th: The stren;th of the 7ir76mferentia. reinfor7ement a7ross the 7omp.eted
De.ds m6st be at .east eG6a. to >4> / -7r / ' Dhere spa7ers or stirr6ps are De.ded to the 7ir76mferentia.
reinfor7ement in e37ess of the abo<e reG6irements or Dhere .on;it6dina.s are De.ded to the
7ir76mferentia. reinfor7ement:
If yo6 determine that; and insta..ation stresses reG6ire additiona. reinfor7ement) f6rnish and p.a7e
additiona. reinfor7ement: The Department does not pay for additiona. reinfor7ement reG6ired for;
and insta..ation stresses:
arkin;s for reinfor7ed 7on7rete pipe) dire7t desi;n method m6st 7omp.y Dith AAS?TO #5%)
e37ept the pipe 7.ass markin; is not reG6ired: The markin;s 6nder AAS?TO #5% m6st be
s6pp.emented Dith the Contra7t n6mber) ma3im6m 7o<er hei;ht) and method of ba7kfi..:
-,-2.02C O$%& S7%6e1 Re#'40r(e1 C0'(re/e P#6e
O<a. shaped reinfor7ed 7on7rete pipe m6st 7omp.y Dith AAS?TO 2%59 2%5:
The Department Di.. ;rant the a6thoriHation reG6ired 6nder AAS?TO 25%9 25% to e3trapo.ate the
minim6m Da.. thi7knesses and stee. areas beyond the .imits in tab.e # and tab.e 2 6nder AAS?TO
2%59 2%5 if yo6 s6bmit yo6r pipe desi;ns in ad<an7e and the pipes 7omp.y Dith the spe7ified tests and
performan7e reG6irements:
The basis for a77eptan7e of o<a. shaped reinfor7ed 7on7rete pipe .ar;er in siHe than an eG6i<a.ent 24,
in7h,nomina.,diameter pipe m6st be determined by the res6.ts of the -,ed;e,bearin; test for the
.oad to prod67e a %:%#,in7h,Dide 7ra7k: Testin; to the 6.timate .oad Di.. not be reG6ired e37ept as
ne7essary to obtain for the absorption test:
O<a. shaped reinfor7ed 7on7rete pipe 24 in7hes in nomina. diameter and does not need to be
tested to the .oad to prod67e a %:%#,in7h,Dide 7ra7k if the pipe is s6bIe7ted to a .oad eG6i<a.ent to the
6.timate test .oad and 7omp.ies Dith se7tion 0*,2:%2: Instead of broken pipe pie7es obtained as spe7ified
abo<e) yo6 may f6rnish 4,in7h,diameter 7ores from pipe se7tions se.e7ted by the En;ineer for performin;
the absorption test: Pipe se7tions that ha<e been tested to the a7t6a. %:%#,in7h,Dide 7ra7k Di.. not be
.oad,tested f6rther) and those se7tions that 7omp.y Dith or e37eed the reG6ired stren;th and Dorkmanship
standards may be 6sed in the Dork if a6thoriHed:
Spe7ia. o<a. shaped reinfor7ed 7on7rete pipe ha<in; 7on7rete 7o<er o<er the stee. reinfor7ement ;reater
than the 7o<er spe7ified 6nder AAS?TO 2%59 2%5 m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 0*,2:%2C) e37ept the
7ra7k Didth prod67ed by the D,.oad test 6nder AAS?TO 2%59 2%5 m6st be determined by the
fo..oDin; form6.a:
) T
t , -9+d
3 %:%# in7h
t , -9+d ,
) T 8idth of 7ra7k to be prod67ed instead of
%:%#,in7h 7ra7k 6nder
AAS?TO 25%
t T 8a.. thi7kness of pipe) in7hes
d T Effe7ti<e depth of se7tion to be tested) feet
C T Con7rete 7o<er o<er stee. reinfor7ement in
e37ess of 7o<er 6nder AAS?TO 2%59 2%5
"efore hydrostati7 testin;) o<a. shaped reinfor7ed 7on7rete pipe m6st be stren;th tested by the -,ed;e
bearin; method to a ma3im6m D,.oad that is #% per7ent ;reater than the %:%#,in7h 7ra7kin; D,.oad 6nder
AAS?TO 2%5 or to the a7t6a. D,.oad reG6ired to prod67e a %:%#,in7h Dide 7ra7k) Dhi7he<er is .ess:
-,-2.02D Re#'40r(e1 C0'(re/e P#6e Ar(7e
Reinfor7ed 7on7rete pipe ar7hes m6st 7omp.y Dith AAS?TO 2%09 2%0:
Reinfor7ed 7on7rete pipe ar7hes m6st be of the 7.ass des7ribed:
The basis for a77eptan7e of reinfor7ed 7on7rete pipe ar7hes m6st be determined from res6.ts of the -,
ed;e,bearin; test for the .oad to prod67e a %:%#,in7h,Dide 7ra7k: Testin; to the 6.timate .oad Di.. not be
reG6ired) e37ept as ne7essary to obtain for the absorption test:
-,-2.02E E0#'/
Coints for 76.<ert and draina;e pipes m6st be standard Ioints 6n.ess the 7.assifi7ation is des7ribed:
At yo6r 7hoosin;) reinfor7ed 7on7rete pipe Ioints m6st 7omp.y Dith the detai.s shoDn or se7tion 0#,
Sea. ea7h Ioint to pre<ent .eaka;e and infi.tration: !n.ess des7ribed otherDise); materia.s m6st be
one or more of the fo..oDin;:
#: Cement mortar 7omposed of # part port.and 7ement and 2 parts sand by <o.6me and the fo..oDin;:
#:#: Sand m6st be De.. ;raded and of s67h siHe that it Di.. pass a no: + sie<e:
#:2: ateria.s m6st be mi3ed to a 7onsisten7y s6itab.e for the p6rpose intended: !se the mortar
Dithin -% min6tes after yo6 add the mi3in; Dater:
#:-: &o6 may 6se admi3t6res of hydrated .ime) fire 7.ay) diatoma7eo6s earth) or other a6thoriHed
inert materia. in the mortar to fa7i.itate Dorkabi.ity: Obtain a6thoriHation for the G6antity of
2: R6bber ;asketed Ioints 7omp.yin; Dith AST C44-: R6bber ;asketed Ioints m6st be:
2:#: F.e3ib.e and ab.e to Dithstand e3pansion) 7ontra7tion) and sett.ement:
2:2: Stored at 5% de;rees F or .ess: Do not e3pose r6bber ;askets to dire7t s6n rays for more than
52 ho6rs:
2:-: Type of r6bber ;askets reG6irin; .6bri7ation: L6bri7ate the r6bber ;askets Dith .6bri7ant
re7ommended and s6pp.ied by the pipe man6fa7t6rer:
-: Resi.ient Ioint materia.s 7onsistin; of po.y<iny. 7h.oride) or fiber;.ass impre;nated Dith epo3y resin) or
other s6itab.e resi.ient materia.s:
&o6 may 6se other Ioint sea.ant materia.s that pre<ent .eaka;e and infi.tration if a6thoriHed:
Coints for siphons and press6re pipes and Ioints for pipes shoDn as Daterti;ht m6st be Daterti;ht 6nder
press6re and a.. 7onditions of e3pansion) 7ontra7tion) and sett.ement) and m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 0#,
#:%#D/#1/b1 for Daterti;htness:
-,-2.0)A Ge'er%&
-,-2.0)B E%r/7:0r;
If yo6 s6bstit6te nonreinfor7ed 7on7rete pipe for reinfor7ed 7on7rete pipe) e37a<ation and ba7kfi.. for
nonreinfor7ed 7on7rete pipe m6st 7omp.y Dith the detai.s shoDn for reinfor7ed 7on7rete pipe:
Lay the pipe in a tren7h e37a<ated to the .ines and ;rades estab.ished by the En;ineer: =rade and
prepare the bottom of the tren7h to pro<ide a firm and 6niform bearin; thro6;ho6t the entire pipe .en;th:
&o6 may partia..y or 7omp.ete.y ba7kfi.. 76.<ert pipe tren7hes Dhi.e the Ioint mortar is sti.. p.asti7: If the
Ioint mortar sets before yo6 p.a7e the ba7kfi..) do not ba7kfi.. the pipe tren7h Dithin #0 ho6rs after Iointin;
the pipe se7tions:
-,-2.0)C S/r"(/"re
8here pipes are 7onne7ted to and str67t6res) p.a7e the ends of the pipes f.6sh or 76t them off
f.6sh Dith the str67t6re fa7e:
-,-2.0)D L%3#'8 P#6e
Reinfor7ed 7on7rete pipe 6sed for siphons and .oD,head 7ond6its Dith interna. hydrostati7 heads not
e37eedin; *% feet m6st ha<e Daterti;ht Ioints 6nder press6re and a.. 7onditions of e3pansion) 7ontra7tion)
and sett.ement:
Lay and Ioint reinfor7ed 7on7rete pipe 6sed for draina;e p6rposes and dry 7ond6its 6nder ;enera..y
a77epted pra7ti7es s6itab.e for the p6rpose intended:
Conne7t neD reinfor7ed 7on7rete pipe to neD or e3istin; draina;e fa7i.ities as shoDn: If 7on7rete 7o..ars
or tee 7onne7tions are reG6ired to 7onne7t neD reinfor7ed 7on7rete pipe to neD or e3istin; pipes) the
7on7rete 7o..ars or tee 7onne7tions m6st be 7onstr67ted of minor 7on7rete: The reinfor7ement for the
7on7rete 7o..ars or tee 7onne7tions m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *2:
F6rnish the ne7essary fa7i.ities for .oDerin; and proper.y p.a7in; pipe se7tions in the tren7h:
P.a7e pipe Dith e..ipti7a. reinfor7ement Dith the minor a3is of the reinfor7ement in the <erti7a.
Lay pipes to .ines and ;rades Dith the se7tions 7.ose.y Iointed: Lay pipes 6p;rade:
C.ean and then sea. Ioints Dith the type of; materia. ne7essary to make a ti;ht Ioint:
Fi.. any <oids o776rrin; in the o6ter and inner; materia. Dith the same type of;
materia. and finish the inside of the Ioint smooth:
S6ffi7ient.y prote7t Iointin; materia.s from the air and s6n to pre<ent dryin; or deterioration:
'eep .iG6id types of; materia.s in mo.ds or r6nners: Po6r or p6mp .iG6id materia.s into the Ioint
spa7e in a 7ontin6o6s operation and a;itate 6nti. the Ioint is 7omp.ete.y fi..ed:
Take e<ery pre7a6tion to pre<ent f.oodin; of the pipe tren7h before; a7ti<ities start: Do not a..oD
free Dater to 7ome in 7onta7t Dith the pipe.ine 6nti. port.and 7ement; materia.s ha<e set at .east 24
-,-2.0+ PAYMENT
Reinfor7ed 7on7rete pipe is meas6red a.on; the 7enter.ine of the pipe and para..e. Dith the s.ope .ine: The
payment G6antity in7.6des the .en;th of bends) Dyes) tees) and other bran7hes to the point of interse7tion:
The payment G6antity is the .en;th desi;nated by the En;ineer: If pipes are 76t to fit a str67t6re or a
s.ope) the payment G6antity is the .en;th of pipe ne7essary to be p.a7ed before 76ttin;) meas6red in 2,
foot in7rements: If yo6 7hoose to 7onstr67t a 7ast,in,p.a7e 7onne7tion instead of 76ttin; off the pipe to fit
the str67t6re) the payment G6antity is the .en;th of pipe meas6red a.on; the 7enter.ine of the pipe to the
inside fa7e of the str67t6re:
---1.01 GENERAL
---1.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion 00,# in7.6des ;enera. spe7ifi7ations for fabri7atin; and 7onstr67tin; 7orr6;ated meta. pipe and
pipe ar7hes for 76.<erts) siphons) drains) s.otted pipe) and 7ond6its:
Corr6;ated meta. pipe and pipe ar7hes in7.6de a.. ne7essary bends) Dyes) tees) other bran7hes) 7on7rete
7o..ars or tees) and reinfor7ement:
Corr6;ated meta. pipe ar7hes m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 00,#:%2E:
E37a<ation) ba7kfi..) and shaped beddin; m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion #$,-:
---1.01B S".m#//%&
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e for:
#: Corr6;ated stee. materia.s
2: Corr6;ated a.6min6m materia.s
---1.01C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
---1.01CB1C Ge'er%&
---1.01CB2C F#e&1 Te/#'8 04 C0rr"8%/e1 S/ee& P#6e S#670'
Perform fie.d .eaka;e tests on 7orr6;ated stee. pipe siphons:
Fi.. the pipe Dith Dater to a hydrostati7 head of #% feet abo<e the hi;hest point in the .ine after the pipe
has been .aid and ba7kfi.. has been p.a7ed and 7ompa7ted to a minim6m of 2 feet abo<e the pipe:
Cond67t a hydrostati7 test for a period of not .ess than 24 ho6rs: ake a776rate meas6rements of the
Dater reG6ired to maintain the test press6re d6rin; the test period: Any .eaka;e de<e.oped by the test
m6st not e37eed the a..oDab.e .eaka;e as 7omp6ted by the fo..oDin; form6.a:
E T %:%%%%2?
% T a..oDab.e .eaka;e in ;pm
# T differen7e in e.e<ation in feet betDeen the Dater s6rfa7e at #% feet abo<e the hi;hest point in
the .ine and the in<ert e.e<ation of the pipe at its .oDest point
* T .en;th of the 76.<ert or draina;e pipe in feet
D T interna. diameter of the pipe in in7hes
F6rnish a.. Dater) materia.s) and .abor for the hydrostati7 test: Cond67t a.. hydrostati7 tests in the
presen7e of the En;ineer: The Department does not pay for hydrostati7 testin;:
Stop any .eaka;e in e37ess of the a..oDab.e .eaka;e as a6thoriHed: Repeat the hydrostati7 test 6nti. the
tota. .eaka;e does not e37eed the a..oDab.e .eaka;e: Stop a.. ob<io6s .eaks Dhether or not the .eaka;e
from the .ine e37eeds the a..oDab.e .eaka;e:
---1.02A Ge'er%&
Corr6;ated meta. pipe m6st be 7orr6;ated a.6min6m pipe or 7orr6;ated stee. pipe as des7ribed: Do not
mi3 a.6min6m and stee. materia.s in any insta..ation) e37ept; band fastenin; hardDare:
Ship) hand.e) and .ay 7orr6;ated meta. materia.s in a Day that pre<ents br6isin;);) or breakin; of
the ;a.<aniHed s6rfa7e) a.6miniHed s6rfa7e) or prote7ti<e 7oatin;:
---1.02B D#me'#0' %'1 T7#(;'e
Dimensions and thi7knesses shoDn are nomina. and m6st 7omp.y Dith AAS?TO -0 for 7orr6;ated
stee. pipe and AAS?TO #$0 for 7orr6;ated a.6min6m pipe:
The nomina. sheet thi7kness for 7orr6;ated meta. pipe m6st be eG6a. to or ;reater than the nomina.
thi7kness des7ribed:
Lapped .on;it6dina. seams of ri<eted pipe ar7hes m6st be p.a7ed in the top ar7h and m6st be sta;;ered
so as to a.ternate on ea7h side of the 7enter of the top ar7h at .east - in7hes:
---1.02C Pr0/e(/#$e C0%/#'8, L#'#'8, %'1 P%$#'8
8here 7oatin;) .inin;) or pa<in; is shoDn) pipes m6st be prote7ted Dith bit6mino6s 7oatin; or bit6mino6s
.inin;) or ha<e the in<ert pa<ed Dith one or more of the fo..oDin; materia.s:
#: "it6mino6s 7oatin;
2: Po.ymeriHed aspha.t in<ert 7oatin;
-: Po.ymeri7 sheet 7oatin;
4: "it6mino6s .inin;
*: "it6mino6s in<ert pa<in;
Remo<e moist6re) dirt) oi.) 6nbonded or in7ompatib.e paint) ;rease) a.ka.ies) or other forei;n matter from
the s6rfa7e to be prote7ted before app.i7ation of the 7oatin;: .inin;) or pa<in; materia.:
The bit6mino6s 7oatin; for bit6mino6s 7oated pipes m6st be app.ied to the inside and o6tside of pipes to
a minim6m thi7kness of %:%* in7h 6nder AAS?TO #$%) Type A:; bands and 7onne7tin; hardDare for 7oated pipes m6st ha<e a prote7ti<e 7oatin;:;
bands to be prote7ted by 7oatin;s 6nder AAS?TO #$% may be sin;.e,dipped Dith the 7oatin; thi7kness
reG6irement Dai<ed:
A bit6mino6s .inin; m6st be app.ied to the inside of the pipe o<er the bit6mino6s 7oatin; Dhere<er
bit6mino6s .inin; is shoDn:
"it6mino6s pa<in; m6st be app.ied to the inside bottom portion of the pipe o<er the bit6mino6s 7oatin;
6nder AAS?TO #$%) Type C) Dhere bit6mino6s pa<in; is shoDn:
An aspha.t masti7 7oatin; may be 6sed instead of the bit6mino6s 7oatin; on 7orr6;ated stee. pipe if
.inin;s and pa<in;s are not reG6ired: The aspha.t masti7 m6st be p.a7ed on the o6tside s6rfa7e of the
pipe: The inside of the pipe does not need to be 7oated:
Aspha.t masti7 7oatin;s m6st 7omp.y Dith AAS?TO 24-) e37ept the asbestos fibers are not reG6ired:
The aspha.t masti7 materia. m6st be app.ied 6niform.y to the s6rfa7e Dith a thi7kness of at .east %:%* in7h
at any point: The aspha.t masti7 7oatin; m6st be app.ied at the fabri7ation p.ant: b.isters)
7ra7ks) or .a7k of bond are 7a6se for reIe7tion:
Po.ymeri7 sheet 7oatin;s m6st 7omp.y Dith AAS?TO 240: The po.ymeri7 sheet 7oatin; m6st be
app.ied to both sides of the ;a.<aniHed sheet before 7orr6;atin;: The thi7kness of the 7oatin; m6st be at
.east %:%#% in7h: b.isters) 7ra7ks) or .a7k of bond are 7a6se for reIe7tion:
Po.ymeriHed aspha.t in<ert 7oatin;s m6st be app.ied 6nder AST A+4$ for E"nvert Paved Tpe With
Polmer Material 0Class P1)E e37ept app.y the po.ymeriHed aspha.t 7oatin;s by immersion to a thi7kness
of at .east %:%*% in7h abo<e the 7rests and tro6;hs of the 7orr6;ations of the interior and e3terior in<erts
in7.6din; the pipe ends: The po.ymeriHed aspha.t materia. m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A5429A542
!e+uirements for Polmer Coating and the fo..oDin;:
#: Po.ymeriHed aspha.t m6st be hot,app.ied thermop.asti7 materia. 7ontainin; a minim6m of 5:% per7ent
styrene,b6tadiene,styrene b.o7k 7opo.ymer:
2: !nder76ttin; or de.amination from the s7ribe m6st not be more than #94 in7h Dhen a minim6m #2,by,
#2,in7h 7o6pon 76t from the 7oated pipe is e3posed for #)%%% ho6rs 6nder AST "##5: The 76t
ed;es m6st be sea.ed by dippin; in a samp.e of the po.ymeriHed aspha.t 7oatin; heated to the
man6fa7t6rerFs re7ommended app.i7ation temperat6re: The sea.ed ed;es m6st not e3hibit 7orrosion
or de.amination from the sea.ed ed;es fo..oDin; e3pos6re as spe7ified:
For bit6mino6s .ined 7orr6;ated meta. pipe) the ri<et heads inside the pipe m6st be .o7ated in the <a..ey of
the 7orr6;ation: Pro<isions m6st be made at the ends of the pipes to retain bit6mino6s materia. d6rin; the
fabri7ation pro7ess: "oth the inside and o6tside s6rfa7es m6st be bit6mino6s 7oated 6nder AAS?TO
#$%) Type A: In addition to this 7oatin;) the <a..eys on the inside periphery m6st be fi..ed by the 7entrif6;a.
pro7ess Dith the same type of bit6mino6s materia. to the e3tent that the thi7kness on the 7rests of
7orr6;ations is at .east #9+ in7h: The .inin; m6st be smooth and 6niform) and its s6rfa7e m6st be para..e.
to a .ine proIe7ted a.on; the 7rests of the 7orr6;ations:
If prote7ti<e 7oatin;s are app.ied to pipes) 7.ear.y identify the thi7kness of the meta. on ea7h se7tion of
pipe and fittin;s on the inner s6rfa7e Dith paint or by other a6thoriHed means:
Repair dama;ed prote7ti<e 7oatin;s) .inin;s) and in<ert pa<in;: !se bit6mino6s materia. 6nder AAS?TO
#$% or other a6thoriHed materia.s to repair dama;ed bit6mino6s 7oatin;s: !se aspha.t masti7 materia.
6nder AAS?TO 24- to repair dama;ed aspha.t masti7 7oatin;s: !se tar base materia. 6nder AAS?TO
24- to repair dama;ed po.ymeri7 sheet 7oatin;s: Repair dama;ed po.ymeriHed aspha.t 7oatin;s 6nder
AST A5029A502) se7tion ##) ERepair of Dama;ed Coatin;s:E
---1.02D C0"6&#'8 B%'1; bands for 7orr6;ated meta. pipe m6st 7omp.y Dith either se7tion 00,#:%2D or se7tion 0#,
Choose one of the types of 7orr6;ated meta. pipe; bands shoDn: The meta. bands m6st be
7orr6;ated) dimp.ed) or otherDise formed in a Day that Di.. effe7ti<e.y en;a;e the 7orr6;ations of the pipe
ends:; bands for 7orr6;ated stee. pipe m6st 7omp.y Dith AAS?TO -0:; bands for 7orr6;ated
a.6min6m pipe m6st 7omp.y Dith AAS?TO #$0:
If 7hanne. or Din; 7hanne.; bands are 6sed) the interior bend radii of the pipe;e and the
7hanne. m6st be at .east the thi7kness of the meta. of Dhi7h they are formed:
Coints for siphons m6st 7onsist of 7onne7tions made Dith; bands shoDn for positi<e Ioints: Do not
6se 6ni<ersa.; bands:
Coints for siphons and Ioints for pipes shoDn as Daterti;ht m6st be Daterti;ht 6nder press6re and a..
7onditions of e3pansion) 7ontra7tion) and sett.ement) and m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 0#,#:%#D/#1/b1 for
---1.02E C0rr"8%/e1 S/ee& P#6e
---1.02EB1C Ge'er%&
Corr6;ated stee. materia.s m6st 7omp.y Dith AAS?TO -0 and be fabri7ated from either Hin7,7oated
stee. sheet or a.6min6m,7oated stee. sheet as shoDn:
Ain7,7oated stee. sheet m6st 7omp.y Dith AAS?TO 2#+) e37ept the 7oatin; Dei;ht is determined 6nder
AST A#2-9A#2- and A#*-9A#*-:
A.6min6m,7oated stee. sheet m6st 7omp.y Dith AAS?TO 254:
---1.02EB2C F%.r#(%/#0'
---1.02EB2CB%C Ge'er%&
Corr6;ated stee. pipe m6st be fabri7ated by one of the fo..oDin; methods:
#: Ri<etin;
2: ?e.i7a..y 7orr6;ated stee. pipe Dith a 7ontin6o6s he.i7a. .o7k seam
-: Contin6o6s he.i7a. De.ded seam; the 7orr6;ation
Pipes fabri7ated from %:%*%,in7h thi7k sheets m6st be he.i7a..y 7orr6;ated stee. pipe Dith a 7ontin6o6s
he.i7a. .o7k seam or a 7ontin6o6s he.i7a. De.ded seam: 7orr6;ated stee. pipe m6st be fabri7ated from sheets ha<in; either 2,29-,by,#92,in7h or -,by,#,
in7h 7orr6;ations:
---1.02EB2CB.C F%.r#(%/#0' .3 R#$e/#'8
Pipes fabri7ated by ri<etin; m6st 7omp.y Dith AAS?TO -0:
---1.02EB2CB(C F%.r#(%/#0' .3 C0'/#'"0" He&#(%& Se%m
---1.02EB2CB(CB#C Ge'er%&
?e.i7a..y 7orr6;ated stee. pipe m6st 7omp.y Dith AAS?TO -0:
?e.i7a..y 7orr6;ated pipe m6st be fabri7ated 6sin; 7orr6;ation and 7ontin6o6s he.i7a. seam
pit7hes as shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
C0rr"8%/#0' Pr04#&e
Nomina. pit7h
a3: pit7h
Nomina. depth
Seam pit7h
0B#+ #,#92 #,59+ #94 #2
#2B+4 2,29- 2,-94 #92 24
4+B#2% - -,#94 # 2#
4+B#2% * *,-9#0 # 2$,#92
Pit7h m6st be meas6red at ri;ht an;.es to the dire7tion of 7orr6;ations: A to.eran7e of Z#92
in7h on seam pit7h is a..oDab.e:
---1.02EB2CB(CB##C F%.r#(%/#0' .3 C0'/#'"0" L0(; Se%m
&o6 may 6se pipes fabri7ated Dith a 7ontin6o6s he.i7a. .o7k seam e3tendin; from end to end of ea7h
.en;th for f6.. 7ir7.e and eG6i<a.ent pipe ar7h siHes: Fabri7ation m6st 7omp.y Dith AAS?TO -0) e37ept
the profi.e of the sheet on at .east # side of the .o7k seam and adIa7ent to the #+%,de;ree fo.d m6st ha<e
a minim6m retainin; offset of #92 the sheet thi7kness as defined 6nder Ca.ifornia Test 002:; and testin; for 7ontin6o6s G6a.ity 7ontro. of .o7k seams m6st 7omp.y Dith Ca.ifornia Test 002:
---1.02EB2CB(CB###C F%.r#(%/#0' .3 C0'/#'"0" Ae&1e1 Se%m
&o6 may 6se pipes fabri7ated Dith a 7ontin6o6s he.i7a. De.ded seam para..e. to the 7orr6;ations for f6..
7ir7.e and eG6i<a.ent pipe ar7h siHes: Contro. the De.din; pro7ess so that the 7ombined Didth of the De.d
and adIa7ent spe.ter or a.6min6m 7oatin; b6rned by the De.din; does not e37eed - times the meta.
If the spe.ter is dama;ed by the De.din; o6tside the spe7ified area) repair the De.d and dama;ed spe.ter
adIa7ent to the De.d 6nder se7tion 5*,#:%*:
If the meta.iHin; is app.ied immediate.y in a 7ontin6o6s operation fo..oDin; the resistan7e De.din;) app.y a
7oatin; of a.6min6m to the De.ded area of a.6min6m,7oated pipe 6sin; the meta.iHin; pro7ess 6nder
A8S C2:2) e37ept s6rfa7e 7.eanin; Di.. not be reG6ired:
@6a.ity 7ontro. testin; of the De.ded seam m6st 7omp.y Dith Ca.ifornia Test 00*:
---1.02EB)C E'1 F#'#7
?e.i7a..y 7orr6;ated stee. pipe ends may be rero..ed to form 7orr6;ations e3tendin; at .east 2
7orr6;ations from the pipe end or to form an 6pt6rned;e Dith or Ditho6t reformed
7orr6;ations: The diameter of the reformed ends m6st not e37eed that of the pipe barre. by more than the
depth of the 7orr6;ation: A.. types of pipe ends) Dhether rero..ed or not) m6st be mat7hed in a Ioint so that
the ma3im6m differen7e in diameter of the ab6ttin; pipe ends is #92 in7h:
If the ends of he.i7a..y 7orr6;ated stee. .o7k seam pipes ha<e been rero..ed) the .o7k seam in the rero..ed
end m6st not 7ontain <isib.e 7ra7ks in the base meta. and the tensi.e stren;th of the .o7k seam m6st be at
.east 0% per7ent of the tensi.e stren;th reG6ired for the remainder of the pipe: This reG6irement does not
app.y to the .o7k seam .o7ated Dithin a;e formed in;: The rero..ed ends of the pipe and;es m6st e3hibit ;ood Dorkmanship and m6st not ha<e open .o7k seams:
If 7orr6;ated stee. pipe is rero..ed for; Dith a Din; 7hanne.; or a 7hanne.; band)
the ma3im6m distan7e from any point on the end of the pipe to the p.ane) norma. to pipe a3is and passin;
thro6;h the o6termost portion of the pipe end) m6st not e37eed #92 the Didth of the 7hanne. min6s the
thi7kness of the pipe meta.: The differen7e betDeen the minim6m and ma3im6m;e diameter m6st not
e37eed #92 in7h:
Fabri7ate pipes so that they 7an be Ioined effe7ti<e.y Dith the des7ribed standard; bands:
---1.02EB+C D%m%8e1 G%&$%'#9#'8
Repair dama;ed ;a.<aniHed s6rfa7es 6nder se7tion 5*,#:%*:
If yo6 b6rn the ;a.<aniHed s6rfa7es by De.din;) thoro6;h.y 7.ean a.. the s6rfa7es of the De.ded
7onne7tions by Dire br6shin; and remo<e a.. tra7es of the De.din; f.63 and .oose or 7ra7ked ;a.<aniHin;
before repair:
---1.02EB,C D%m%8e1 A&"m#'"m C0%/#'8
Repair dama;ed a.6min6m 7oatin;s 6nder se7tion 5*,#:%*:
---1.02EB-C C0rr"8%/e1 S/ee& P#6e S#670'
The thi7kness of siphons m6st be the des7ribed thi7kness: If 7oatin; is reG6ired) 7oated pipes m6st
7omp.y Dith se7tion 00,#:%2C:
Order pipes for siphons in .en;ths that Di.. keep the n6mber of fie.d 7onne7tions to a minim6m:
If so.derin; is reG6ired) the o6tside seams of pipe fabri7ated by ri<etin;) or 7ontin6o6s he.i7a. .o7k seam
m6st be so.dered) the so.der bein; sDeated into the Ioints: If the pipe is fabri7ated by ri<etin;) ri<ets on
the 7ir76mferentia. seams m6st be spa7ed at appro3imate.y 2,#92,in7h 7enters Dith a ma3im6m spa7in;
of - in7hes: If the pipe is fabri7ated by a 7ontin6o6s he.i7a. De.ded seam) so.derin; is not reG6ired:
---1.02F C0rr"8%/e1 A&"m#'"m P#6e
---1.02FB1C Ge'er%&
Corr6;ated a.6min6m materia.s m6st 7omp.y Dith AAS?TO #$0 and AAS?TO #$5:
---1.02FB2C F%.r#(%/#0'
---1.02FB2CB%C Ge'er%&
Corr6;ated a.6min6m pipe m6st be fabri7ated by ri<etin; or Dith a 7ontin6o6s he.i7a. .o7k seam; the 7orr6;ations: or he.i7a..y 7orr6;ated pipe m6st be fabri7ated from sheets ha<in; 2,
29-,by,#92,in7h or -,by,#,in7h 7orr6;ations:
---1.02FB2CB.C F%.r#(%/#0' .3 R#$e/#'8
Pipes fabri7ated by ri<etin; m6st be .ap Ioint 7onstr67tion Dith 7orr6;ations: Fabri7ation m6st
7omp.y Dith AAS?TO #$0:
---1.02FB2CB(C F%.r#(%/#0' .3 C0'/#'"0" He&#(%& L0(; Se%m
For f6.. 7ir7.e and eG6i<a.ent pipe ar7h siHes) yo6 may insta.. pipes fabri7ated Dith a 7ontin6o6s he.i7a.
.o7k seam e3tendin; from end,to,end of ea7h .en;th: Fabri7ation m6st 7omp.y Dith AAS?TO #$0)
e37ept the sheet profi.e on at .east # side of the .o7k seam and adIa7ent to the #+% de;ree fo.d m6st ha<e
a minim6m retainin; offset of #92 the sheet thi7kness as defined 6nder Ca.ifornia Test 002:; and testin; for G6a.ity 7ontro. of 7ontin6o6s .o7k seams m6st 7omp.y Dith Ca.ifornia Test 002:
---1.02FB)C E'1 F#'#7
?e.i7a..y 7orr6;ated a.6min6m pipe ends may be rero..ed to form 7orr6;ations e3tendin; at .east
2 7orr6;ations from the pipe end: The diameter of the reformed ends m6st not e37eed the diameter of the
pipe barre. by more than the 7orr6;ation depth: A.. types of pipe ends) Dhether rero..ed or not) m6st be
mat7hed in a Ioint so that the ma3im6m differen7e in diameter of the ab6ttin; pipe ends is #92 in7h:
If the ends of he.i7a..y 7orr6;ated a.6min6m .o7k seam pipes ha<e been rero..ed) the .o7k seam in the
rero..ed end m6st not 7ontain <isib.e 7ra7ks in the base meta. and the tensi.e stren;th of the .o7k seam
m6st be at .east 0% per7ent of the tensi.e stren;th reG6ired for the remainder of the pipe: The rero..ed pipe
ends m6st e3hibit ;ood Dorkmanship and m6st not ha<e open .o7k seams:
Pipes m6st be fabri7ated so that they 7an be Ioined effe7ti<e.y Dith the des7ribed standard;
E37a<ate a pipe tren7h to the .ines and ;rades estab.ished by the En;ineer: =rade and prepare the
tren7h bottom to pro<ide a firm and 6niform bearin; thro6;ho6t the entire pipe .en;th:
Lay 7orr6;ated pipe in a tren7h Dith:
#: O6tside .aps of 7ir76mferentia. Ioints 6p;rade
2: Lon;it6dina. .aps positioned other than in the in<ert
-: Separate se7tions spa7ed not more than #,#92 in7hes apart and then firm.y Ioined to;ether
Lay he.i7a. 7orr6;ated pipe in a tren7h Dith separate se7tions spa7ed not more than #,#92 in7hes apart
and then firm.y Iointed to;ether Dith 7orr6;ations in a.i;nment:
Corr6;ations or proIe7tions on the m6st proper.y en;a;e the 7orr6;ations of the pipe se7tion
before bo.ts are ti;htened:
Conne7t neD 7orr6;ated meta. pipe to neD or e3istin; draina;e fa7i.ities as shoDn: If 7on7rete 7o..ars or
tee 7onne7tions are reG6ired) 7onstr67t the 7o..ars or tee 7onne7tions Dith minor 7on7rete: Reinfor7ement
m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *2:
8here<er pipes are 7onne7ted to and str67t6res) p.a7e the ends of the pipes f.6sh or 76t them
off f.6sh Dith the str67t6re fa7e:
---1.0+ PAYMENT
Corr6;ated meta. pipe is meas6red a.on; the 7enter.ine of the pipe and para..e. Dith the s.ope .ine: The
payment G6antity in7.6des the .en;th of pipe red67ers) bends) Dyes) tees) and other bran7hes to the point
of interse7tion: The payment G6antity is the .en;th desi;nated by the En;ineer: If pipes are 76t to fit a
str67t6re or s.ope) the payment G6antity is the .en;th of pipe ne7essary to be p.a7ed before 76ttin;)
meas6red in 2,foot in7rements:
Pipe red67ers are paid for as pipe of the .ar;er diameter 7onne7ted to the red67er:
---2.01 GENERAL
Se7tion 00,2 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for fabri7atin; and 7onstr67tin; s.otted 7orr6;ated stee. pipe:
S.otted 7orr6;ated stee. pipe m6st be ;rate,s.ot type as shoDn:
=rate assemb.ies for s.otted 7orr6;ated stee. pipe m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 5*,#:%2) b6t may be
fabri7ated from any of the materia.s 6nder se7tion 5*,#:%2 for stee. bars) p.ates and shapes: Any dama;e
to the ;a.<aniHed s6rfa7e of the pipe at the toe of the ;rate assemb.y De.d 7onne7tion to the pipe
m6st be repaired 6nder se7tion 5*,#:%*:
8here a hee. ;6ard is shoDn) the hee. ;6ard m6st be e3panded meta. and m6st 7omp.y Dith AST
F#205) Type II) C.ass 2) and =rade ": =a.<aniHin; m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 5*,#:%*:; bands for s.otted 7orr6;ated stee. pipe m6st be ;a.<aniHed or 7oated as shoDn:
Coin s.otted 7orr6;ated stee. pipe Dith; bands as shoDn: Coints m6st be Daterti;ht:
If yo6 6se a 7hanne.; band) p.a7e a -9+,in7h,thi7k 7.osed,7e.. spon;e neoprene ;asket or b6ty.
r6bber Ioint sea.ant in the 7hanne. interior for its f6.. Didth:
If yo6 6se a modified h6;;er band) p.a7e a b6ty. r6bber Ioint sea.ant betDeen the; band and the
periphery of the pipe: The b6ty. r6bber Ioint sea.ant materia. m6st:
#: "e an e3tr6ded strip or bead 7ompo6nded from a nondryin;) nonto3i7) syntheti7 resin base Dith b6ty.
r6bber and inor;ani7 e3tenders and be #%% per7ent materia. Dith no shrinka;e
2: "e f6rnished in *9+,by,#,in7h strips or #,in7h,diameter beads on #,in7h,Dide re.ease paper and
Do6nd into ro..s
-: ?a<e eno6;h adhesion so that the strip or bead Di.. adhere to the ;a.<aniHed stee. and be soft
eno6;h to a..oD 7o.d f.oD if 7ompressed d6rin; 7onne7tion of the pipe se7tions
4: Not f.oD or sa; at temperat6res 6p to #+% de;rees F or be7ome britt.e) 7ra7k) or .ose adhesion at ,-%
de;rees F
*: Contain no mi;ratin; 7omponents that 7o6.d .ea7h o6t or prod67e a 7hemi7a. rea7tion Dith the
;a.<aniHed stee.
&o6 may 6se an a.ternati<e Ioint sea.ant or; method for s.otted 7orr6;ated stee. pipe to pro<ide a
Daterti;ht Ioint if a6thoriHed:
Do not start insta..ation of s.otted 7orr6;ated stee. pipe 6nti. after pa<in; of the traffi7 .anes adIa7ent to the
pipe ha<e been 7omp.eted at the .o7ations Dhere the pipe is to be p.a7ed:
Co<er pipe s.ots Dith a hea<y d6ty tape or other a6thoriHed 7o<erin; d6rin;; and pa<in;
a7ti<ities to pre<ent materia. from enterin; the s.ots:
P.a7e 7ement treated str67t6re ba7kfi.. for s.otted 7orr6;ated stee. pipe 6nder the detai.s shoDn and
se7tion #$,-:%2E/-1 for soi. 7ement beddin;s: Co<er the 7omp.eted 7ement treated str67t6re ba7kfi.. Dith
a 76rin; sea. of aspha.ti7 em6.sion) =rade SS# or CSS#:
Do not p.a7e .oads on the 7ement treated str67t6re ba7kfi.. Dithin #0 ho6rs after p.a7ement:
---2.0+ PAYMENT
Not !sed
---).01 GENERAL
Se7tion 00,- in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for fabri7atin; and 7onstr67tin; spira. rib pipe:
Spira. rib pipe m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for 7orr6;ated meta. pipe in se7tion 00 e37ept profi.e
and fabri7ation:
Stee. spira. rib pipe m6st be fabri7ated by 7ontin6o6s he.i7a. .o7k seam 6nder se7tion 00,#:%2E/21/71/ii1:
A.6min6m spira. rib pipe m6st be fabri7ated by 7ontin6o6s he.i7a. .o7k seam 6nder se7tion 00,#:%2F/21/71:
The fabri7ated rib 7onfi;6ration for spira. rib pipe m6st be one of the fo..oDin;:
#: Three re7tan; ribs spa7ed midDay betDeen seams Dith ribs -94 in7h Dide by -94 in7h hi;h at a
ma3im6m rib pit7h of 5,#92 in7hes
2: TDo re7tan; ribs and # ha.f,7ir7.e rib eG6a..y spa7ed betDeen seams Dith ribs -94 in7h Dide by #
in7h hi;h at a ma3im6m rib pit7h of ##,#92 in7hes Dith the ha.f,7ir7.e rib diameter spa7ed midDay
betDeen the re7tan; ribs
-: For stee. spira. rib pipes) 2 re7tan; ribs eG6a..y spa7ed betDeen seams Dith ribs -94 in7h Dide by
# in7h hi;h at a ma3im6m rib pit7h of +,#92 in7hes
The rib pit7h meas6red at ri;ht an;.es to the dire7tion of the ribs may <ary by Z#92 in7h:; bands for spira. rib pipes m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 00,#:%2D:
&o6 may 6se the; band shoDn) or an a6thoriHed; band 6nder se7tion 0#,#:%#D/#1/b1 for
6se on a pipe 7orr6;ation of 2,29- by #92 in7h for 7orr6;ated meta. pipe on spira. rib pipe ha<in; 2,29-,by,
#92,in7h rero..ed ends:
Not !sed
---).0+ PAYMENT
Not !sed
---+.01 GENERAL
Se7tion 00,4 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for fabri7atin; and 7onstr67tin; 7omposite stee. spira. rib pipe Dith
smooth interior:
Composite stee. spira. rib pipe m6st ha<e a smooth interior and m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for
7orr6;ated meta. pipe in se7tion 00 e37ept profi.e and fabri7ation:
The pre7oated e3terior of 7omposite stee. spira. rib pipe Dith po.ymeri7 sheet 7oatin; m6st 7omp.y Dith
se7tion 00,#:%2C: The pipe interior m6st be .ined Dith po.yethy.ene /po.yo.efin p.astomer1: The pipe
dimensions) Da.. thi7kness) and fittin; to.eran7es m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A$5+9A$5+:
Composite stee. spira. rib pipe m6st be fabri7ated by 7ontin6o6s he.i7a. .o7k seam 6nder se7tion 00,
#:%2E/21/71/ii1: Three re7tan; ribs m6st be spa7ed midDay betDeen seams Dith ribs -94 in7h Dide by
-94 in7h hi;h at a ma3im6m rib pit7h of 5,#92 in7hes on 7enter: The rib pit7h meas6red at ri;ht an;.es to
the dire7tion of the ribs may <ary by Z#92 in7h:
Pipes formed from po.ymer pre7oated sheets m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A5429A542) =rade #%) e37ept the
sheet side for the pipe interior m6st ha<e additi<es that Di.. enhan7e the bond of the sheet to the e3tr6ded
po.yethy.ene .iner: "efore app.i7ation of prote7ti<e 7oatin;s) the ;a.<aniHed sheet m6st be 7.eaned Dith an
a.ka.ine 7.eaner fo..oDed by 7hrome pretreatment:
Stee. sheets 7oated Dith Hin7 meta..i7 7oatin; m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A$2$9A$2$:
The po.yethy.ene for; the ribs and the interna. .iner m6st be <ir;in resin: The <ir;in resin properties
m6st 7omp.y Dith the <a.6es in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Property AST test method (a.6e
e.t inde3 D#2-+ I2Y 5:*;9#% min Z #:*
F.oD rate ratio D#2-+ I#%9I2T5,+
Density D5$2 %:$%2 ;977 Z %:%%2
?ardness D224% Shore D T 4* Z *
Ash 7ontent D*0-% K #:%\
Coint; bands fabri7ated from the stee. sheets 6sed to man6fa7t6re pipes m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion
00,#:%2C and se7tion 00,#:%2D) e37ept stee. sheets Dith po.ymetri7 7oatin; on both sides:;
bands m6st be #2 in7hes Dide for nomina. pipe diameters .ess than 0% in7hes:; bands m6st be
24 in7hes Dide for nomina. pipe diameters 0% in7hes and ;reater:
=a.<aniHed n6ts) bo.ts) and Dashers m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tions 5*,#:%2 and 5*,#:%*:
E3panded r6bber ;askets m6st 7omp.y Dith AST D#%*0) Type 2) C.ass C) and =rade #: Prote7t ;askets
from e37essi<e e3pos6re to heat) dire7t s6n.i;ht) oHone) oi.) or ;rease: =askets p.a7ed o<er spira. ribs
m6st ha<e a ;roo<e ro6ted to mat7h the ribFs depth and Didth before insta..ation: Do not s6bstit6te O,
rin;s for ;askets:
The ;asket adhesi<e m6st be # part 6rethane e.astomeri7 Ioint sea.ant 6nder AST C$2%) Type S) =rade
NS) C.ass 2*) !se NT) A) and : !se the sea.ant Dithin $ months from the date of man6fa7t6re: Store the
adhesi<e at an ambient temperat6re of +% de;rees F or be.oD: Do not 6se any adhesi<e that has been
stored at temperat6res e37eedin; +% de;rees F:
an6fa7t6red pipe Ioints m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 0#,#:%#D/#1/b1 for<e Ioints:
Ea7h standard and random .en;th of pipe m6st be marked 7.ear.y in permanent .etters not .ess than #94
in7h in hei;ht at inter<a.s of * feet or .ess Dith at .east the fo..oDin;:
#: an6fa7t6rerUs 7ode and name or trademark
2: AST A$5+9A$5+
-: Nomina. pipe siHe
Ea7h; band m6st be marked 7.ear.y Dith at .east the fo..oDin;:
#: an6fa7t6rerUs 7ode and name or trademark
2: AST A$5+9A$5+
-: Nomina. siHe
The man6fa7t6rerUs 7ode m6st in7.6de the day) month) year) shift) and man6fa7t6rin; p.ant:
Store pipes in 6nit pa7ka;es Dith the pipe ends prote7ted from deformation and dama;e: S6pport 6nit
pa7ka;es Dith ra7ks or d6nna;e to pre<ent dama;e and bendin;: Sta7k 6nit pa7ka;es to ens6re that the
Dei;ht of the 6pper 6nits Di.. not 7a6se deformation to pipes in the .oDer 6nits: Do not store pipes
adIa7ent to e.e7tri7a. or e3ha6st heat so6r7es:
Co<er pipes Dith an opaG6e sheetin; materia. to pro<ide s6n b.o7k prote7tion: Do not e3pose pipes to
dire7t s6n.i;ht for periods e37eedin; -% days: Arran;e the opaG6e sheetin; materia. so that it pro<ides
adeG6ate air 7ir76.ation aro6nd pipes to red67e e37essi<e heat a776m6.ation: Ship ;askets in 7ontainers
that Di.. pre<ent dama;e from !( e3pos6re and;: Do not store ;askets near e.e7tri7a. or e3ha6st
heat so6r7es or Dhere they Di.. be e3posed to the s6n.i;ht for more than 4+ ho6rs:
Lay 7omposite stee. spira. rib pipe in the same Day spe7ified for he.i7a. 7orr6;ated pipe in se7tion 00,
#:%-) e37ept the ;ap betDeen pipe se7tions m6st not be more than #92 in7h: C.ean the pipe ends before
app.yin; the adhesi<e and; the ;askets and the; bands:
Co<er the ends of insta..ed 7omposite stee. spira. rib pipe that Dere not ba7kfi..ed after insta..ation at the
end of ea7h day:
Repair dama;ed po.ymeri7 pipe 7oatin;s on pipe and pipe fittin;s: For po.ymeri7 7oatin;s Dith dama;ed
areas .ess than -0 sG6are in7hes in area) repair breaks and s76ffs 6nder the man6fa7t6rerFs
re7ommended repair pro7ed6res: Do not insta.. a pipe if the indi<id6a. breaks or tota. area of the breaks
e37eeds -0 sG6are in7hes in area or if the tota. area of the breaks e37eeds %:* per7ent of the tota. pipe
s6rfa7e area:
The po.ymer repair materia. m6st be one of the fo..oDin;:
#: Denf.e3 Coatin; , Dennis Chemi7a. Company) St: Lo6is) O
2: S7ot7h, #5%0 Prote7ti<e Coatin; , - Company) St: Pa6.) N
-: Ranbar Trispe7 TPC,*#*,5 ".a7k Syntheti7 Coatin; , P:D: =eor;e Company) anor) PA
C.ean and dry s6rfa7es to be 7oated: The repair 7oatin; m6st be at .east %:%#% in7hes thi7k after
hardenin; and m6st bond se76re.y and permanent.y to the pipe: App.y 0 7oats if the thi7kness of the
repair 7oatin; is not meas6red: A..oD -% min6tes dryin; time betDeen the 7oats:
---+.0+ PAYMENT
Not !sed
---,*---10 RESERVED
-2-1.01 GENERAL
Se7tion 05,# in7.6des ;enera. spe7ifi7ations for fabri7atin; and 7onstr67tin; str67t6ra. p.ate 76.<erts:
E37a<ation) ba7kfi..) and shaped beddin; m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion #$,-:
-2-2.01 GENERAL
-2-2.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion 05,2 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for fabri7atin; and 7onstr67tin; str67t6ra. meta. p.ate pipe) ar7hes)
and pipe ar7hes:
Str67t6ra. meta. p.ate pipe) ar7hes) and pipe ar7hes in7.6de bends and e.boDs:
-2-2.01B S".m#//%&
S6bmit 7ertifi7ates of 7omp.ian7e for str67t6ra. meta. p.ate pipe) ar7hes) and pipe ar7hes:
S6bmit a 7opy of the man6fa7t6rerFs assemb.y instr67tions before; str67t6ra. p.ates:
-2-2.02A Ge'er%&
Str67t6ra. meta. p.ate pipe) ar7hes) and pipe ar7hes m6st be fabri7ated from str67t6ra. stee. p.ates or
str67t6ra. a.6min6m p.ates: The type of meta.) stee. or a.6min6m) is des7ribed:
Str67t6ra. p.ates and n6ts and bo.ts for str67t6ra. stee. p.ate pipe) ar7hes) and pipe ar7hes m6st 7omp.y
Dith AAS?TO #059 #05:
Str67t6ra. p.ates and n6ts and bo.ts for str67t6ra. a.6min6m p.ate pipe) ar7hes) and pipe ar7hes m6st
7omp.y Dith AAS?TO 2#$: "o.ts m6st be Hin7,7oated stee. and 7omp.y Dith AST A44$: N6ts m6st be
Hin7,7oated stee. and 7omp.y Dith AST A*0-) =rade C:
Do not mi3 a.6min6m and stee. materia.s in the same insta..ation) e37ept stee. bo.ts and n6ts on str67t6ra.
a.6min6m p.ate pipe:
The thi7kness of ;a.<aniHed 7oatin; for str67t6ra. stee. p.ate is determined 6nder AST A#2-9A#2- and
AST A#*-9A#*-:
Repair dama;ed ;a.<aniHed s6rfa7es 6nder se7tion 5*,#:%*:
&o6 may 7onstr67t pipes and pipe ar7hes Dith feDer p.ates than the n6mber desi;nated if the n6mber of
p.ates aro6nd the 7ir76mferen7e of str67t6ra. meta. p.ate pipes and pipe ar7hes are des7ribed:
If De.din; of stee. is reG6ired) it m6st 7omp.y Dith A8S D#:# EStructural Welding Code:E 8e.d stee. p.ates)
e37ept fittin;s) before ;a.<aniHin;: If De.din; of a.6min6m is reG6ired) it m6st 7omp.y Dith A8S
D#:29D#:2 EStructural Welding Code:E The En;ineer may perform nondestr67ti<e testin; of the De.ds:
Corner p.ates m6st be at .east %:#-+ in7h thi7k for str67t6ra. stee. p.ate pipe ar7hes that are %:#%$ in7h
-2-2.02B Pr0/e(/#$e C0%/#'8
Str67t6ra. stee. p.ate pipe) ar7hes) and pipe ar7hes m6st be prote7ted Dith bit6mino6s 7oatin; Dhere
7oatin; is shoDn: Coatin; m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 00,#:%2C) e37ept po.ymeri7 sheet 7oatin;s are not
a..oDed and aspha.t masti7 may be fie.d app.ied:
If prote7ti<e 7oatin; is app.ied to p.ates for str67t6ra. stee. p.ate pipe) ar7hes) and pipe ar7hes) ea7h p.ate
m6st ha<e the nomina. meta. thi7kness painted on the inner s6rfa7e of ea7h p.ate so that the p.ate
thi7kness 7an be readi.y identified:
After insta..ation) 7oat the portion of n6ts and bo.ts 6sed for assemb.y of 7oated str67t6ra. stee. p.ate pipe)
ar7hes) and pipe ar7hes proIe7tin; o6tside the pipe: The portion of n6ts and bo.ts proIe7tin; inside the
pipe need not be 7oated:
If aspha.t masti7 is 6sed for the prote7ti<e 7oatin;) the s6rfa7e at pipe Ioints need not be 7oated before
assemb.y: Coints m6st be sea.ed thoro6;h.y after assemb.y Dith the aspha.t masti7 on the o6tside of the
sea.ed Ioint:
Repair dama;ed 7oatin;s 6nder se7tion 00,#:%2C:
-2-2.02C I1e'/#4#(%/#0'
If p.ates of 2 thi7knesses are in<o.<ed in # 7ross se7tion of an insta..ation) the insta..ation is
des7ribed by pipe siHe and by a symbo. desi;natin; the n6mber and thi7kness of p.ates reG6ired: For
e3amp.e) the symbo. /4:#%$,#:#0+1 desi;nates an insta..ation for # p.ate .en;th 7omposed of fo6r %:#%$,
in7h,thi7k stee. p.ates and one %:#0+,in7h,thi7k stee. p.ate) the thi7ker p.ates to be 7entered on the in<ert:
This desi;nation does not pre<ent yo6 from 6sin; feDer p.ates if the minim6m thi7kness reG6irements are
7omp.ied Dith:
-2-2.02D Reer$e1
Assemb.e str67t6ra. p.ates 6nder the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions:
Ti;hten p.ate se7tion bo.ts Dithin the ran;es shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e before;:
"o.t diameter TorG6e
-94 in7h #%% ft,.b min to -%% ft,.b ma3
59+ in7h #*% ft,.b min to -*% ft,.b ma3
P.a7e str6ts as shoDn d6rin; 7onstr67tion of pipes) ar7hes) and pipe ar7hes: aintain the str6ts in p.a7e
6nti. ba7kfi.. has been p.a7ed to the ;radin; p.ane e.e<ation or * feet o<er the 7roDn) Dhi7he<er is .ess:
Remo<e the str6ts before 7onstr67tion of str67t6res at the ends of pipes) ar7hes) and pipe ar7hes:
8here<er pipes are 7onne7ted to and str67t6res) p.a7e the ends of the pipes f.6sh or 76t them
off f.6sh Dith the str67t6re fa7e:
Ea7h side of an ar7h m6st rest on a ;a.<aniHed meta. an;.e or 7hanne. bearin; that is se76re.y an7hored
to the footin; and 7apab.e of resistin; the ar7h thr6st Ditho6t dama;e to the an;.e or 7hanne.:
-2-2.0+ PAYMENT
Str67t6ra. meta. p.ate pipe is meas6red a.on; the 7enter.ine of the pipe and para..e. Dith the s.ope .ine:
The payment G6antity in7.6des the .en;th of bends and e.boDs: The payment G6antity is the .en;th
desi;nated by the En;ineer: If the pipe is 76t to fit a str67t6re or s.ope) the payment G6antity is the .en;th
of pipe ne7essary to be p.a7ed before 76ttin;) meas6red in 4,foot in7rements:
-2-).01 GENERAL
-2-).01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion 05,- in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; meta. .iner p.ate pipe:
eta. .iner p.ate pipe m6st be 7onstr67ted from 2,;e or 4,;e p.ates:
Pipes m6st be and 7onsist of a series of ;a.<aniHed 7orr6;ated meta. .iner p.ates Dith a minim6m
Didth of #+ in7hes for 2,;e p.ates and #0 in7hes for 4,;e p.ates:
F6rnish p.ates Dith 2,in7h,diameter) or .ar;er) ;ro6tin; Dith pipe p.6;s: 8hen the p.ates are
insta..ed) ;ro6tin; m6st be spa7ed so that # .ine of is at the pipe 7roDn and # .ine of is
on ea7h side at appro3imate.y the midpoint as shoDn: The in ea7h .ine m6st be not more than 0
feet apart and in adIa7ent .ines m6st be sta;;ered:
-2-).01B S".m#//%&
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e for meta. .iner p.ate pipe:
S6bmit a 7opy of the man6fa7t6rerUs instr67tions before yo6 assemb.e pipes:
For tension test spe7imens) s6bmit mi.. test reports as spe7ified for p.ates for ea7h heat and thi7kness
6pon notifi7ation:
-2-).02A Ge'er%&
The base meta. for .iner p.ates m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A#%##9A#%##: !n;a.<aniHed sheets and
p.ates m6st 7omp.y Dith the me7hani7a. properties in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
"ase meta. for .iner p.ates
Tensi.e stren;th) psi 42)%%% min
&ie.d point) psi 2+)%%% min
E.on;ation in 2 in7hes) \ -% min
Prepare and test spe7imens for tension test 6nder AST A2+-9A2+- for p.ates and AST
A#%##9A#%## for sheets:
=a.<aniHe p.ates 6nder AAS?TO #059 #05 after the p.ates are formed) p6n7hed) and 76r<ed:
"o.ts and n6ts for; 2,;e p.ates m6st be not .ess than *9+ in7h in nomina. diameter: "o.ts
and n6ts for 7ir76mferentia. /;e1 seams m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A-%5 for =rade A 7hemi7a. and
me7hani7a. reG6irements and =rade " dimensions: "o.ts and n6ts for .on;it6dina. seams m6st ha<e
sG6are heads Dith a sG6are sho6.der to en;a;e the p.ate: "o.ts and n6ts for .on;it6dina. p.ate seams
from %:%5* to %:#5$,in7h thi7k m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A-%5 for =rade A 7hemi7a. and me7hani7a.
reG6irements: "o.ts for .on;it6dina. p.ate seams from %:2%$ to %:2-$,in7h or thi7ker m6st 7omp.y Dith the
7hemi7a. and me7hani7a. reG6irements 6nder AST A44$: N6ts for 6se on bo.ts spe7ified in AST A44$
m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A-%5 for =rade A 7hemi7a. and me7hani7a. reG6irements and =rade "
"o.ts and n6ts for the assemb.y of 4,;e p.ates m6st be not .ess than #92 in7h in nomina. diameter for
%:#%* to %:#5$ in7h thi7k p.ates and not .ess than *9+ in7h in nomina. diameter for p.ates of ;reater
thi7kness: "o.ts and n6ts m6st be G6i7k,a7tin; 7oarse thread 7omp.yin; Dith AST A-%5:
=a.<aniHe bo.ts and n6ts 6nder AST A#*-9A#*-:
The moment of inertia in in7hes
per in7h of p.ate Didth) based on the a<era;e of # rin; of p.ates) m6st
not be .ess than the <a.6es shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
!n7oated p.ate thi7kness oment of inertia /in7hes
/in7h1 2,;e 4,;e
%:%5* %:%-4 ,,
%:#%* %:%4$ %:%42
%:#-* %:%04 %:%**
%:#04 %:%5$ %:%5%
%:#5$ %:%+5 %:%5*
%:2%$ %:#%- %:%+5
%:2-$ %:##+ %:#2%
%:2*% ,, %:#%#
%:-#- ,, %:#2-
%:-5* ,, %:#4-
Lon;it6dina. seams m6st ha<e eno6;h bo.ts to de<e.op the 6.timate seam stren;th per foot of pipe .en;th
shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
!n7oated p.ate thi7kness Stren;th /.b9ft1
/in7hes1 2,;e 4,;e
%:%5* 2%)%%% ,,
%:#%* -%)%%% 20)%%%
%:#-* 45)%%% 4-)%%%
%:#04 **)%%% *%)%%%
%:#5$ 02)%%% *4)%%%
%:2%$ +5)%%% 05)%%%
%:2-$ $2)%%% +#)%%%
%:-#- ,, ##*)%%%
%:-5* ,, ##$)%%%
P.ates m6st be:
#: P6n7hed for bo.tin; on both .on;it6dina. and 7ir76mferentia. seams or Ioints
2: Formed to prod67e sG6are.y formed;es
-: Fabri7ated so that 7omp.ete ere7tion is from the inside of the pipe
"o.t in;es m6st be spa7ed so that p.ates of the same 76r<at6re are inter7han;eab.e and to
a..oD sta;;erin; of the .on;it6dina. seams:;) p6n7hin;) or driftin; to 7orre7t defe7ts in
man6fa7t6rin; are not a..oDed: P.ates Dith improper.y p6n7hed Di.. be reIe7ted: Cir76mferentia. bo.t
spa7in; m6st be appro3imate.y $,#92 in7hes 7enter to 7enter for 4,;e p.ates and m6st be
appro3imate.y #2,#92 in7hes 7enter to 7enter for 2,;e p.ates:
-2-).02B Pre"re Gr0"/#'8
=ro6t for for7e,;ro6tin; m6st 7onsist of a s6itab.e mi3t6re of 7ementitio6s materia.) sand) and a 7h.oride,
free admi3t6re desi;ned to pro<ide a p6mpab.e mi3: The ;ro6t m6st 7ontain at .east 40- po6nds of
7ementitio6s materia. per 76bi7 yard and no more Dater than ne7essary to pro<ide a p6mpab.e ;ro6t:
ateria.s for ;ro6t m6st be 7ommer7ia. G6a.ity:
=ro6t m6st 7onsist of 7ement and Dater and may 7ontain an admi3t6re if a6thoriHed:
Admi3t6res m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for admi3t6res in se7tion $%) e37ept admi3t6res m6st not
7ontain 7h.oride ions in e37ess of %:2* per7ent by Dei;ht and admi3t6res may be dispensed in form:
Add Dater to the mi3er fo..oDed by 7ement and admi3t6re:
i3 the ;ro6t Dith me7hani7a. mi3in; eG6ipment that prod67es a 6niform and thoro6;h.y mi3ed ;ro6t:
Do not e37eed * ;a. of Dater per $4 .b of 7ement: Retemperin; of ;ro6t is not a..oDed:
A;itate the ;ro6t 7ontin6o6s.y 6nti. the ;ro6t is p6mped:
=ro6tin; eG6ipment m6st be:
#: Capab.e of ;ro6tin; at a press6re of at .east #%% psi
2: EG6ipped Dith a press6re ;a;e ha<in; a f6..,s7a.e readin; of not more than -%% psi
-2-).02C Reer$e1
Insta.. pipes in e3istin; embankments and nat6ra. ;ro6nd by the t6nne. method) e37ept yo6 may 6se open
tren7h methods Dith shaped beddin; near the entran7e if a6thoriHed:
E37a<ation m6st not pre7ede p.ate insta..ation by more than the Didth of a p.ate: Do not .ea<e any
e37a<ation) in7.6din; the fa7e) 6ns6pported e37ept d6rin; e37a<ation a7ti<ities: (oids betDeen the .iner
p.ate and the Da.. of the e37a<ation m6st be for7e,;ro6ted Dithin + ho6rs of e37a<ation:
Assemb.e .iner p.ates 6nder the pipe man6fa7t6rerUs instr67tions:
?and.e p.ates in a Day that pre<ents br6isin;);) or breakin; of spe.ter 7oatin;: Rep.a7e p.ates
dama;ed d6rin;; or p.a7in;) and p.ates Dith dama;ed spe.ter 7oatin;) e37ept yo6 may repair
sma.. areas of spe.ter 7oatin; Dith minor dama;e 6nder se7tion 5*,#:%* if a6thoriHed:
Ti;hten bo.ts spe7ified in:
#: AST A-%5 to a torG6e from 2* to 0% ft,.b
2: AST A44$ to a torG6e from 0% to #2% ft,.b
eta. .iner p.ate pipe m6st not <ary by more than # foot from the .ine estab.ished by the En;ineer and by
more than %:* foot from the ;rade estab.ished by the En;ineer:
For7e the ;ro6t thro6;h ;ro6tin; in the p.ates in s67h a seG6en7e and Dith eno6;h press6re to
7omp.ete.y fi.. the <oids: Remo<e the p.6;s in ;ro6tin; adIa7ent to the ;ro6tin; ho.e bein; for7e,
;ro6ted to a..oD inspe7tion of the ;ro6t;:
&o6 may 6se free,r6nnin; a;;re;ate for7ed pne6mati7a..y into the <oids betDeen the .iner p.ate and the
Da.. of the e37a<ation as temporary s6pport of the e37a<ation: Press6re ;ro6tin; of a;;re;ate m6st
7omp.y Dith se7tion *%,#:%-"/21/d1 if the a;;re;ate is press6re ;ro6ted Dithin 52 ho6rs of e37a<ation:
-2-).0+ PAYMENT
eta. .iner p.ate pipe is meas6red a.on; the 7enter.ine of the pipe and para..e. Dith the s.ope .ine: The
payment G6antity is the .en;th desi;nated by the En;ineer:
-2-+*-2-, RESERVED
->-1.01 GENERAL
Se7tion 0+,# in7.6des ;enera. spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; s6bs6rfa7e drains:
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e for ea7h type of s6bs6rfa7e drain in<o.<ed:
->-1.02A Ge'er%&
->-1.02B Pr0/e(/#$e C0%/#'8
If des7ribed as 7oated) s6bs6rfa7e drains m6st be prote7ted Dith a 7oatin; 6nder se7tion 00,#:%2C:
Repair dama;ed 7oatin;s 6nder se7tion 00,#:%2C:
->-1.0)A Ge'er%&
->-1.0)B F#&/er F%.r#(
Remo<e .oose or e3traneo6s materia. and sharp obIe7ts immediate.y before p.a7in; fi.ter fabri7:
The s6b;rade and tren7h to re7ei<e the fi.ter fabri7 m6st 7omp.y Dith the 7ompa7tion and e.e<ation
to.eran7e spe7ified for the materia. in<o.<ed:
?and.e and p.a7e fi.ter fabri7 6nder the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions:
A.i;n and p.a7e fi.ter fabri7 Ditho6t
O<er.ap adIa7ent ro.. ends of fi.ter fabri7 at .east #+ in7hes: The pre7edin; ro.. m6st o<er.ap the fo..oDin;
ro.. in the dire7tion that the permeab.e materia. is bein; spread:
Comp.ete.y rep.a7e torn or p6n7t6red se7tions dama;ed d6rin; p.a7ement or repair by p.a7in; a pie7e of
fi.ter fabri7 that is .ar;e eno6;h to 7o<er the dama;ed area and 7omp.y Dith the o<er.ap spe7ified:
Co<er fi.ter fabri7 Dith the thi7kness of o<er.yin; materia. shoDn Dithin 52 ho6rs of p.a7in; the fabri7:
->-2.01 GENERAL
Se7tion 0+,2 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; 6nderdrains:
!nderdrains in7.6de e.boDs) o6t.ets and risers) Dyes) tees) and other bran7hes:
For a.ternati<e pipe 6nderdrain) 7hoose one the types shoDn: Do not mi3 types of pipe in the same
E37a<ation and ba7kfi.. m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion #$,-:
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e for ea7h type of pipe) t6bin;) and fittin;:
->-2.02A Ge'er%&
->-2.02B Per40r%/e1 S/ee& P#6e
Perforated stee. pipe and; bands m6st 7omp.y Dith AAS?TO -0 and AAS?TO 2#+ Dith the
fo..oDin; modifi7ations:
#: Pipe m6st 7omp.y Dith any one of the f6.. 7ir7.e types spe7ified in AAS?TO -0
2: Pipe perforations m6st be dri..ed or p6n7hed
-: Perforations m6st be .o7ated in the inside of 7rests or in the tan;ent portion of a.. 7orr6;ations b6t
not in both .o7ations in a ;i<en .en;th of pipe
The Dei;ht of ;a.<aniHin; m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A#2-9A#2- and AST A#*-9A#*-:
&o6 may s6bstit6te<e type;s for the band 7o6p.ers reG6ired 6nder AAS?TO -0: The;s m6st be p.asti7 or ;a.<aniHed stee.) s6itab.e for ho.din; the pipe firm.y in a.i;nment Ditho6t the
6se of; 7ompo6nd or ;askets: The;s m6st ha<e me7hani7a. properties that Di.. pre<ent
distortion 6nder norma. 7onditions of 6se:
Repair dama;ed ;a.<aniHed s6rfa7es 6nder se7tion 5*,#:%*:
->-2.02C Per40r%/e1 A&"m#'"m P#6e
A.6min6m 6nderdrain pipe and fittin;s m6st 7omp.y Dith AAS?TO #$0 and the fo..oDin; modifi7ations:
#: Pipe m6st 7omp.y Dith Type III spe7ified in AAS?TO #$0
2: Pipe perforations m6st be either dri..ed or p6n7hed
-: inim6m thi7kness of sheet m6st be %:%0% in7h
&o6 may s6bstit6te<e type;s for band 7o6p.ers reG6ired 6nder AAS?TO #$0:
The;s m6st be p.asti7 or a.6min6m) s6itab.e for ho.din; the pipe firm.y in a.i;nment Ditho6t the
6se of; 7ompo6nd or ;askets: The;s m6st ha<e me7hani7a. properties that Di.. pre<ent
distortion 6nder norma. 7onditions of 6se:
->-2.02D Per40r%/e1 P&%/#( P#6e
Perforated p.asti7 pipe m6st be smooth,Da.. P(C p.asti7 pipe) 7orr6;ated P(C p.asti7 pipe Dith a smooth
interior s6rfa7e) or 7orr6;ated po.yethy.ene p.asti7 t6bin;:
Smooth,Da.. P(C p.asti7 pipe m6st 7omp.y Dith AAS?TO 25+:
Corr6;ated P(C p.asti7 pipe Dith a smooth interior s6rfa7e m6st 7omp.y Dith materia. and str67t6ra.
reG6irements in AAS?TO 25+: Pipe m6st ha<e perforations .o7ated in the bottom ha.f of the pipeJ the
perforations m6st be s.ots 7omp.yin; Dith the siHe and openin; area reG6irements in AAS?TO 2*2:
Inside diameter and diameter to.eran7es m6st 7omp.y Dith AAS?TO 2*2 or 25+:
Corr6;ated po.yethy.ene p.asti7 t6bin; m6st 7omp.y Dith AAS?TO 2*2 or 2$4:
P(C p.asti7 pipe m6st be 7onne7ted Dith be..ed ends) or Dith<e,type or stop,type;s 6nder
AAS?TO 25+: Po.yethy.ene t6bin; m6st be 7onne7ted Dith snap,on) s7reD,on) or Drap,aro6nd fittin;s
and;s 6nder AAS?TO 2*2 or AAS?TO 2$4: So.<ent 7ementin; of Ioints is not reG6ired:
->-2.02E U'1er1r%#' O"/&e/ %'1 R#er
!nderdrain o6t.ets and risers m6st be fabri7ated from the same materia. as the 6nderdrain pipe or from
7orr6;ated meta. pipe: Do not mi3 a.6min6m and stee. in the same insta..ation e37ept for 7o<ers and; band fastenin; hardDare: and riser pipe and fittin;s m6st not be perforated:
8e.ded stee. 7o<ers m6st be ;a.<aniHed 6nder se7tion 5*,#:%* after fabri7ation:
8e.din; Dorkmanship and te7hniG6e m6st be eG6a. to the best pra7ti7e in modern 7ommer7ia. shops:
Co<ers m6st be fitted and bo.ted into the riser pipe or e.boD: Co<ers m6st seat 6niform.y and not be
s6bIe7t to ro7kin;:
->-2.02F Perme%.&e M%/er#%&
->-2.02FB1C Ge'er%&
Permeab.e materia. for 6se in; tren7hes 6nder) aro6nd) and o<er 6nderdrains m6st 7onsist of
hard) d6rab.e) 7.ean sand) ;ra<e. )or 7r6shed stone and m6st be free from or;ani7 materia.) 7.ay ba..s) or
other de.eterio6s s6bstan7es:
Permeab.e materia. m6st ha<e a d6rabi.ity inde3 of not .ess than 4%:
!se C.ass # permeab.e materia. for 6nderdrains 6n.ess the 7.ass or type of permeab.e materia. is
spe7ified in the spe7ia. pro<isions:
At brid;e ab6tments and Din;Da..s) 6se either C.ass # or C.ass 2 permeab.e materia.: P.a7e fi.ter fabri7
betDeen C.ass # permeab.e materia. and ba7kfi..: No fi.ter fabri7 is reG6ired Dith C.ass 2 permeab.e
->-2.02FB2C C&% 1 Perme%.&e M%/er#%&
A.ternati<e ;radin;s Dithin C.ass # permeab.e materia. are identified by types: P.a7e one of the types
spe7ified for C.ass # permeab.e materia.:
The per7enta;e 7omposition by Dei;ht of C.ass # permeab.e materia. in p.a7e m6st 7omp.y Dith the
;radin; reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
C&% 1 Perme%.&e M%/er#%&
Gr%1#'8 Re!"#reme'/
Sie<e siHes Type A Type "
2E ,, #%%
#,#92E ,, $*B#%%
-94E #%% *%B#%%
#92E $*B#%% ,,
-9+E 5%B#%% #*B**
No: 4 %B** %B2*
No: + %B#% %B*
No: 2%% %B- %B-
->-2.02FB)C C&% 2 Perme%.&e M%/er#%&
The per7enta;e 7omposition by Dei;ht of C.ass 2 permeab.e materia. in p.a7e m6st 7omp.y Dith the
;radin; reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
C&% 2 Perme%.&e M%/er#%&
Gr%1#'8 Re!"#reme'/
Sie<e siHes Per7enta;e
#E #%%
-94E $%B#%%
-9+E 4%B#%%
No: 4 2*B4%
No: + #+B--
No: -% *B#*
No: *% %B5
No: 2%% %B-
C.ass 2 permeab.e materia. m6st ha<e a sand eG6i<a.ent <a.6e of not .ess than 5*:
->-2.02FB+C C&% ) Perme%.&e M%/er#%&
The per7enta;e 7omposition by Dei;ht of C.ass - permeab.e materia. in p.a7e m6st 7omp.y Dith the
;radin; reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
C&% ) Perme%.&e M%/er#%&
Gr%1#'8 Re!"#reme'/
Sie<e siHes Per7enta;e passin;
#,#92E #%%
#E ++B#%%
-94E *2B+*
-9+E #*B-+
No: 4 %B#0
No: + %B0
At .east $% per7ent by Dei;ht of C.ass - permeab.e materia. m6st be 7r6shed as determined by
Ca.ifornia Test 2%*:
->-2.02G F#&/er F%.r#(
Fi.ter fabri7 6se Dith 6nderdrains m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion ++,#:%2":
At brid;e ab6tments and Din;Da..s) fi.ter fabri7 for 6nderdrains m6st be C.ass A:
->-2.02H*->-2.02I Reer$e1
E37a<ate tren7hes for 6nderdrains) p.a7e fi.ter fabri7) insta.. pipe) and ba7kfi.. tren7hes Dith permeab.e
materia. as shoDn: 8here 6nderdrains are insta..ed in tren7hes o6tside the s6b;rade area) ba7kfi.. the top
0 in7hes of the tren7h Dith str67t6re ba7kfi.. 7omp.yin; Dith se7tion #$,-:
Coin .en;ths of perforated stee. pipe and perforated a.6min6m pipe Dith 7o6p.ers:
Lay perforated pipe Dith the perforations doDn:
P.a7e perforated po.yethy.ene t6bin; to .ine and ;rade in a 7.ose,fittin; beddin; ;roo<e
formed in the bottom of the tren7h:
At brid;e ab6tments and Din;Da..s:
#: Insta.. De.ded stee. 7o<ers on 6nderdrains terminatin; 6nder ;ro6nd:
2: P.a7e permeab.e materia. in horiHonta. .ayers: Thoro6;h.y 7onso.idate permeab.e materia. a.on; Dith
and by the same methods spe7ified for str67t6re ba7kfi.. in se7tion #$,-: Pondin; and Iettin; of
permeab.e materia. or str67t6re ba7kfi.. adIa7ent to permeab.e materia. is not a..oDed:
-: &o6 may s6bstit6te permeab.e materia. for str67t6re ba7kfi.. materia. Dhere the reG6ired Didth of
ba7kfi.. materia. adIa7ent to the neat .ines of the permeab.e materia. as shoDn is appro3imate.y # foot
or .ess:
->-2.0+ PAYMENT
Pipe 6nderdrain is meas6red a.on; the 7enter.ine of the pipe and para..e. Dith the s.ope .ine: The payment
G6antity in7.6des the .en;th of e.boDs) o6t.ets and risers and the .en;th of Dyes) tees) and other bran7hes
to the point of interse7tion:
->-).01 GENERAL
Se7tion 0+,- in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; horiHonta. drains:
?oriHonta. drains in7.6de f6rnishin; a.. Dater reG6ired for; and ne7essary tees) p.6;s) and
street e..s reG6ired for 7onne7tin; to the 7o..e7tor system:
?oriHonta. drains m6st 7onsist of nomina. #,#92,in7h) s7hed6.e +% P(C p.asti7 pipe 7omp.yin; Dith AST
D#5+*: At yo6r option) the type) ;rade) and desi;n stress desi;nation of the pipe m6st be ##2%) #22%)
2##%) 2##2) 2##0) or 2#2% as spe7ified in AST D#5+*: The p.asti7 pipe m6st 7omp.y Dith the National
Sanitation 'oundation Standard No4 >D if the p.asti7 pipe is 6sed to 7ond67t Dater for h6man
S.otted pipe m6st ha<e 2 roDs of s.ots: The roDs m6st be in the .on;it6dina. dire7tion of the pipe and the
s.ots m6st be 76t in the 7ir76mferentia. dire7tion of the pipe: The roDs m6st be 7entered on 2 of the -rd
points) #2% de;rees apart) of the pipe 7ir76mferen7e: Ea7h roD of s.ots m6st 7omp.y Dith one of the
7onfi;6rations shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e: The En;ineer determines the 7onfi;6ration to be 6sed:
N6mber of s.ots
/Z# per .inear foot1
8idth of s.ot
inim6m openin;
per .inear foot
/sG6are in7hes1
22 %:%*% #:%%
2- %:%2% %:40
40 %:%#% %:40
S.ots m6st be spa7ed 6niform.y a.on; the pipe: The minim6m openin; is meas6red on the inner s6rfa7e
of the pipe:
Perforated pipe m6st ha<e - roDs of perforations Dith # roD on ea7h side of the pipe and the -rd roD in
the top: The perforations m6st be -9+ in7h in diameter spa7ed at -,in7h 7enters Dith the top perforations
sta;;ered in re.ation to the on either side:
Fittin;s for the P(C p.asti7 pipe m6st be s7hed6.e +% Type II P(C so.<ent De.d type fittin;s and m6st
7omp.y Dith AST D2405: &o6 may 6se ma7hined ma.e and fema.e ends instead of;s:
!ns.otted or 6nperforated P(C p.asti7 pipe) appro3imate.y - to -% feet in .en;th) m6st be pro<ided at the of the drain: The En;ineer determines the e3a7t .en;th of pipe:
The .o7ations shoDn for horiHonta. drains are appro3imate: The En;ineer determines the e3a7t .o7ations
and p.a7ement seG6en7e: Any ordered e3p.oratory Dork is 7han;e order Dork:
Comp.ete the insta..ation of horiHonta. drains at a ben7h in an e37a<ation s.ope before e37a<atin; more
than 4% feet be.oD the ben7h:
F6rnish Dater reG6ired for;:
Dri.. horiHonta. to the desi;nated .ines and ;rades Dith rotary eG6ipment 7apab.e of; - to 0,
in7h,diameter 0%% feet .on; thro6;h soi. and ro7k formations:
Insta.. p.asti7 pipe Dith pipe s.ots or perforations on top by p6shin; it into the ho.e or insertin; it inside the
dri.. rod then retra7tin; the dri.. rod so that the dri..ed ho.e is 7ased for the f6.. depth: Ti;ht.y p.6; the
entran7e end Dith a ro6nded or pointed e3tension that does not e3tend more than %:* foot beyond the
end of the pipe:
D6rin; 7asin; a7ti<ity) 7ement p.asti7 pipe to;ether to form a 7ontin6o6s t6be: Pre<ent te.es7opin; and
dama;e to p.asti7 pipe d6rin; insta..ation:
Identify ea7h drain by se76re.y atta7hin; a permanent brass p.ate Dith a n6mber assi;ned by the
En;ineer to the end of the nonperforated pipe drain or by other permanent markin; desi;nated by
the En;ineer:
At the end of the dri..ed ho.e) ti;ht.y p.6; the spa7e betDeen the ho.e and the pipe Dith
earth for a .en;th of at .east 2 feet:
Conne7t the end of the drain to the 7o..e7tor system by; a pipe tee) pipe p.6;) street e..)
and ;a.<aniHed stee. pipe or p.asti7 pipe: The En;ineer determines the .en;th of the pipe:
D6rin;; a7ti<ities) determine the dri..ed ho.e e.e<ation at #%%,foot inter<a.s and the e.e<ation at the
6pper end of the 7omp.eted drain ho.e: &o6 may take meas6rements by insertin; t6bes or pipes and
meas6rin; .iG6id .e<e.s or by other a6thoriHed methods:
Dispose of Dater 6sed for; and Dater de<e.oped d6rin;; a7ti<ities 6nder se7tion #-: Comp.y
Dith the reG6irements of the R8@C" for nonstormDater dis7har;es and the DepartmentFs Construction
Site Best Management Practices 0BMP1 Manual for deDaterin;:
->-).0+ PAYMENT
?oriHonta. drain is meas6red a.on; the 7enter.ine of perforated) s.otted) and nonperforated pipe and a.on;
the .en;th of pipe at the end reG6ired to 7onne7t to the 7o..e7tor system: The payment G6antity is
the .en;th desi;nated by the En;ineer:
Dri.. ho.e is meas6red a.on; the 7enter.ine of the pipe for the .en;th of the ho.e dri..ed) e37ept the
Department does not meas6re or pay for any ho.e dri..ed Dhere the drain pipe 7annot be insta..ed for the
f6.. .en;th of the dri..ed ho.e:
F6rnishin; and; a 7o..e7tor system is 7han;e order Dork:
->-+.01 GENERAL
Se7tion 0+,4 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; p.asti7 pipe ed;e drains and ed;e drain o6t.ets:
Cross drain inter7eptors at str67t6re approa7hes) at end an7hors or press6re re.ief Ioints) and at
pa<ement termina.s Ioinin; e3istin; pa<ements are 7onsidered ed;e drains:
->-+.02A Ge'er%&
->-+.02B P#6e %'1 P#6e F#//#'8
Pipe insta..ed in tren7hes to be ba7kfi..ed Dith aspha.t treated permeab.e materia. m6st be P(C $%]C
e.e7tri7 p.asti7 7ond6it) EPC,4% or EPC,+%) and m6st 7omp.y Dith NEA TC 2:
A.. other ed;e drain pipe and ed;e drain o6t.ets) <ents) and 7.eano6ts m6st be one of the fo..oDin;:
#: P(C $%]C e.e7tri7 p.asti7 7ond6it) EPC,4% or EPC,+%) and m6st 7omp.y Dith NEA TC 2:
2: P(C p.asti7 pipe) s7hed6.e 4% or s7hed6.e +%) and m6st 7omp.y Dith AST D#5+*: At yo6r option)
the type) ;rade) and desi;n stress desi;nation of the pipe may be ##2%) #22%) 2#2%) 2##0) 2##2) or
2##% as spe7ified in AST D#5+*:
Pipe m6st be strai;ht end or be.. end: "e.. end so7kets m6st 7omp.y Dith AST D2052 e37ept for
Pipe shoDn as s.otted m6st ha<e - roDs of s.ots in the pipe: The roDs m6st be in the .on;it6dina. dire7tion
of the pipe and the s.ots m6st be 76t in the 7ir76mferentia. dire7tion of the pipe: The - roDs m6st be
spa7ed eG6a..y aro6nd the 7ir76mferen7e of the pipe: Ea7h roD m6st ha<e 22 Z # 6niform.y spa7ed s.ots
per .inear foot of pipe: The s.ots m6st be %:%4* to %:%0* in7h Dide and of s67h .en;th as to pro<ide at
.east 2:%% sG6are in7hes of s.ot openin; per .inear foot of pipe: Other s6itab.e 7onfi;6rations of s.ots that
pro<ide draina;e eG6a. to or better than the abo<e s.ot reG6irements may be 6sed if a6thoriHed:
Fittin;s for P(C $%]C e.e7tri7 p.asti7 7ond6it m6st 7omp.y Dith NEA TC -) and fittin;s for P(C p.asti7
pipe m6st be so7ket,type fittin;s 6nder AST D2405 for s7hed6.e +% pipe and AST D2400 for s7hed6.e
4% pipe: &,fittin;s m6st be shop fabri7ated from pipe as spe7ified for the type of ed;e drain pipe insta..ed:
The fittin; m6st pro<ide an 6nobstr67ted passa;eDay thro6;h both .e;s of the &,fittin;:
->-+.02C Tre%/e1 Perme%.&e M%/er#%&
At yo6r option) permeab.e materia. for ed;e drains m6st be aspha.t treated permeab.e materia. or 7ement
treated permeab.e materia. 7omp.yin; Dith se7tion 2$,#:%2 for treated permeab.e bases:
Store) proportion) and mi3 treated permeab.e materia. 6nder se7tion 2$,#:%-C:
->-+.02D F#&/er F%.r#(
Fi.ter fabri7 7omp.y Dith se7tion ++,#:%2":
->-+.02E M#(e&&%'e0"
Con7rete for sp.ash pads m6st be 7onstr67ted of minor 7on7rete) e37ept the 7on7rete m6st 7ontain at
.east 45% po6nds of 7ementitio6s materia. per 76bi7 yard:
ortar p.a7ed Dhere ed;e drain o6t.ets and <ents 7onne7t to draina;e pipe and e3istin; draina;e in.ets
m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *#,#:
E3pansion type press6re p.6;s for 7.eano6ts m6st seat firm.y a;ainst the pipe .ip and be one of the
#: E3pandab.e p.6;s man6fa7t6red from neoprene 6nder se7tion *#,2:%4 Dith 7ommer7ia. G6a.ity
stain.ess stee. bo.ts and 2 he3 n6ts
2: Commer7ia. G6a.ity e3pandab.e d67t p.6;s 7onsistin; of reinfor7ed po.ypropy.ene ri;id threaded p.6;
Dith a 7ommer7ia. G6a.ity thermop.asti7 r6bber; rin;
A;;re;ate base for; tren7hes in e3istin; pa<ed areas m6st 7omp.y Dith the materia.s
spe7ifi7ations for C.ass 2 a;;re;ate base) -94,in7h,ma3im6m ;radin;) 6nder se7tion 20,#:%2":
?A for; tren7hes m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion -$,#:#*: and <ent 7o<ers m6st be 7ommer7ia. G6a.ity ;a.<aniHed meta. s7reens or ;rates appro3imate.y #92,
in7h mesh Dith P(C s.ip Ioint n6t fittin;s:
->-+.02F*->-+.02H Reer$e1
"efore e37a<atin; tren7hes for the insta..ation of ed;e drains) o6t.ets) <ents) and 7.eano6ts in e3istin;
pa<ed areas) 76t the o6t.ine of the pa<ed areas to be remo<ed to a neat .ine to a minim6m depth of 2
in7hes Dith a poDer,dri<en saD or a Dhee. type ro7k 76ttin; e37a<ator: C6ts a.on; the Ioint betDeen
e3istin; aspha.t 7on7rete and e3istin; 7on7rete pa<ement are not reG6ired:
Remo<e 7on7rete deposits that 7o6.d o776r a.on; the .oDer ed;e of the 7on7rete pa<ement in Type #
Coin pipe and fittin;s Dith 7ommer7ia. G6a.ity so.<ent 7ement and primer spe7ifi7a..y man6fa7t6red for 6se
Dith ri;id P(C p.asti7 pipe and fittin;s: The so.<ent 7ement and primer m6st be made by the same
man6fa7t6rer: The 7o.or of the primer m6st 7ontrast Dith the 7o.or of the pipe and fittin;s: App.y the
so.<ent 7ement and primer 6nder the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions:
Spread treated permeab.e materia. Dhen the atmospheri7 temperat6re is abo<e 4% de;rees F:
&o6 may spread the treated permeab.e materia. in # or more .ayers:
8here ed;e drains are to be insta..ed adIa7ent to aspha.t treated permeab.e base) yo6 may spread the
.oDer 0 in7hes of aspha.t treated permeab.e materia. in a separate operation) then spread the 6pper
portion of the aspha.t treated permeab.e materia. Dith the adIa7ent aspha.t treated permeab.e base:
P.a7e aspha.t treated permeab.e materia. at a temperat6re of not .ess than #+% de;rees F or more than
2-% de;rees F) e37ept the temperat6re of aspha.t treated permeab.e materia. spread Dith aspha.t treated
permeab.e base m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 2$ for spreadin; aspha.t treated permeab.e base:
Compa7t aspha.t treated permeab.e materia. spread Dith adIa7ent aspha.t treated permeab.e base Dith
the adIa7ent base and in the same Day spe7ified in se7tion 2$ for 7ompa7tin; the base: Compa7t a.. other
.ayers of treated permeab.e materia. Dith a <ibratin; shoe,type 7ompa7tor 7onne7ted to the spreadin;
de<i7e: The <ibratin; shoe,type 7ompa7tor m6st be in operation Dhen the materia. is bein; spread in the
tren7h and m6st be t6rned off Dhen the materia. is not bein; spread:
C6re 7ement treated permeab.e materia. that is not 7o<ered Dith ?A Dithin #2 ho6rs after 7ompa7tion of
the permeab.e materia. by; the materia. Dith a fine spray of Dater e<ery 4 ho6rs d6rin; day.i;ht
ho6rs or by 7o<erin; the materia. Dith a Dhite po.yethy.ene sheet not .ess than 0 mi.s thi7k: Start the
76rin; reG6irements at 5:%% a:m: on the mornin; fo..oDin; 7ompa7tion of the 7ement treated permeab.e
materia. and 7ontin6e for the ne3t 52 ho6rs or 6nti. the materia. is 7o<ered Dith ?A) Dhi7he<er is .ess:
Do not spray the 7ement treated permeab.e materia. Dith Dater d6rin; the first #2 ho6rs after 7ompa7tin;:
&o6 may 7o<er the 7ement treated permeab.e materia. Dith the po.yethy.ene sheet d6rin; the first #2
ho6rs or before the start of the 76rin; period:
"a7kfi.. and 7ompa7t tren7hes in e3istin; embankment areas Dith nati<e materia.:
A;;re;ate base ba7kfi.. m6st be spread and 7ompa7ted by methods that prod67e a 6niform base) firm.y
7ompa7ted and free from po7kets of 7oarse or fine materia.:
P.a7e Type A pa<ement markers as shoDn and 6nder se7tion +* on pa<ed sho6.ders or dikes at
<ent) and 7.eano6t .o7ations Dhere a6thoriHed: The Daitin; period for p.a7in; pa<ement markers on neD
?A s6rfa7in; does not app.y:
C.ean ed;e drain o6t.ets) <ents) and 7.eano6t pipes Dhen insta..ed and remo<e obstr67tions after
insta..ation: !se a hi;h,press6re) f.e3ib.e hose Dith a nomina. #,in7h,diameter noHH.e 7ontainin; f.6shin;
and; Iets: Insert the hose into ea7h ed;e drain <ent) and 7.eano6t pipe and p6sh it
thro6;h the pipe Dith a minim6m #)%%% psi; Dater press6re so that the entire ed;e drain system is
penetrated by the f.6shin; noHH.e: At yo6r e3pense) rep.a7e pipes fo6nd to be p.6;;ed) in7.6din;
rep.a7ement of treated permeab.e materia.) s6rfa7in;) and ba7kfi.. materia.s:
Insta.. and <ent 7o<ers at the end of ea7h pipe and <ent pipe:
Dispose of s6rp.6s e37a<ated materia.:
->-+.0+ PAYMENT
Ed;e drain is meas6red a.on; the 7enter.ine of the pipe: The payment G6antity is the s.ope .en;th of the
pipe desi;nated by the En;ineer: The G6antity for payment in7.6des the .en;th of &,fittin;s at 7.eano6t
pipes and intermediate 7onne7tions betDeen the;s at ea7h end of the strai;ht se7tion of the
Ed;e drain is meas6red a.on; the 7enter.ine of the pipe: The G6antity for payment in7.6des the
.en;th of pipes) <ent pipes) 7.eano6ts) and &,fittin;s at 7.eano6t pipes and intermediate
7onne7tions betDeen the;s at ea7h end of the 76r<ed se7tion of the &,fittin;:
The Department does not make a ded67tion in the .en;th of ed;e drain for ;aps in ed;e drain pipe at
.o7ations of d6a. d6a. <ent) or d6a. and <ent 7onne7tions to the ed;e drain:
Cross drain inter7eptors at str67t6re approa7hes) at end an7hors or press6re re.ief Ioints) and at
pa<ement termina.s Ioinin; e3istin; pa<ements are meas6red and paid for as ed;e drain:
->-2.01 GENERAL
->-2.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion 0+,5 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; ;eo7omposite drain systems:
Str67t6re approa7h draina;e system 7onsists of ;eo7omposite drain) fi.ter fabri7) p.asti7 pipe) treated
permeab.e base) and draina;e pads:
=eo7omposite drain in7.6des fi.ter fabri7 and p.asti7 pipe:
->-2.01B De4#'#/#0'
->-2.01C S".m#//%&
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e for the ;eo7omposite drain 7ertifyin; that the drain prod67es the
spe7ified f.oD rate: The 7ertifi7ate m6st be a77ompanied by a f.oD 7apabi.ity ;raph for the ;eo7omposite
drain shoDin; f.oD rates and the e3terna..y app.ied press6res and hydra6.i7 ;radients: In7.6de <erifi7ation
by an a6thoriHed .aboratory for the f.oD 7apabi.ity ;raph:
->-2.02A Ge'er%&
Fi.ter fabri7 m6st be C.ass A:
->-2.02B Ge0(0m60#/e Dr%#'
=eo7omposite drain m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for ;eo7omposite Da.. drain:
->-2.02C P&%/#( P#6e
P.asti7 pipe m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for pipe for ed;e drains and ed;e drain o6t.ets in se7tion
->-2.02D Dr%#'%8e P%1
Draina;e pads m6st be 7onstr67ted of minor 7on7rete:
->-2.02E Tre%/e1 Perme%.&e B%e
Treated permeab.e base to be p.a7ed aro6nd s.otted p.asti7 pipe at the bottom of ;eo7omposite drains
m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 2$:
If aspha.t treated permeab.e base is 6sed) p.a7e the base materia. at a temperat6re of not .ess than #+%
de;rees F or more than 2-% de;rees F:
Insta.. the ;eo7omposite drain Dith the draina;e <oid and the fi.ter fabri7 fa7in; the embankment: The
fabri7 fa7in; the embankment side m6st o<er.ap at .east - in7hes at a.. Ioints and Drap aro6nd the e3terior
ed;es at .east - in7hes beyond the e3terior ed;e: If additiona. fabri7 is needed to pro<ide o<er.ap at Ioints
and Draparo6nd at ed;es) the added fabri7 m6st o<er.ap at .east 0 in7hes and be atta7hed to the fabri7
on the ;eo7omposite drain:
P.a7e 7ore materia. man6fa7t6red from impermeab.e p.asti7 sheetin; ha<in; non7onne7tin; 7orr6;ations
Dith the 7orr6;ations appro3imate.y to the draina;e 7o..e7tion system:
If the fabri7 on the ;eo7omposite drain is torn or p6n7t6red) rep.a7e the dama;ed se7tion 7omp.ete.y or
repair it by p.a7in; a pie7e of fabri7 that is .ar;e eno6;h to 7o<er the dama;ed area and pro<ide at .east a
0,in7h o<er.ap:
->-2.0+ PAYMENT
Not !sed
-?-1.01 GENERAL
Se7tion 0$ in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; o<erside drains:
E37a<ation and ba7kfi.. m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion #$,-:
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e for ea7h of the fo..oDin;:
#: Stee. materia.s
2: A.6min6m materia.s
-: P.asti7 materia.s
-?-1.02A Ge'er%&
For a.ternati<e pipe doDndrain) 7hoose one of the types shoDn:
Fabri7ation of o<erside drain materia.s m6st 7omp.y Dith the detai.s and dimensions shoDn: If a6thoriHed)
minor <ariations may be 6sed to a..oD the 6se of the man6fa7t6rerFs standard Ii;s and temp.ates d6rin;
the fabri7ation: The materia. thi7kness m6st be not .ess than the thi7kness des7ribed:
Coints for o<erside drains m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 0#,#:%#D/#1/b1 for Daterti;htness:
For pipe doDndrains 6nder 7on7rete s.ope pa<in;) the end of the doDndrain m6st 7onsist of stee. pipe or
stee. 7ond6it:
Do not mi3 stee. pipe and a.6min6m pipe in the same insta..ation: &o6 may 6se the an7hor assemb.ies
shoDn Dith an a.6min6m insta..ation if the an7hor assemb.ies are e.e7tri7a..y ins6.ated:
8e.din; Dorkmanship and te7hniG6e m6st be eG6a. to the best pra7ti7e in modern 7ommer7ia. shops:
-?-1.02B S/ee& P#6e O$er#1e Dr%#'
Stee. entran7e tapers) pipe doDndrains) red67ers); bands) and s.ip Ioints m6st be fabri7ated from
;a.<aniHed stee. sheets and m6st 7omp.y Dith AAS?TO -0 and se7tion 00: The pipe m6st be Type I
pipe 6nder AAS?TO -0: The nomina. thi7kness of the sheet m6st be at .east %:%04 in7h:
Stee. tapered in.ets and f.6me doDndrains m6st be fabri7ated from stee. sheets 6nder se7tion 0$,#:%2":; bands for 7orr6;ated stee. pipe m6st 7omp.y Dith either se7tion 0$,#:%2" or se7tion 0#,#:%#D/#1
/b1 for doDndrain pipe:
The Dei;ht of ;a.<aniHin; for o<erside drain materia.s m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A#2-9A#2- and
=a.<aniHed s6rfa7es on o<erside drain materia.s that are dama;ed m6st be repaired 6nder se7tion 5*,
-?-1.02C A&"m#'"m P#6e O$er#1e Dr%#'
A.6min6m entran7e tapers) pipe doDndrains) red67ers); bands) and s.ip Ioints m6st be
7onstr67ted of a.6min6m sheets and m6st 7omp.y Dith AAS?TO #$0 and se7tion 00: The pipe m6st be
Type I pipe 6nder AAS?TO #$0: The nomina. thi7kness of the sheet m6st be at .east %:%0% in7h:
A.6min6m tapered in.ets and f.6me doDndrains m6st be fabri7ated of a.6min6m sheet 7omp.yin; Dith
AAS?TO #$5 Dith a thi7kness of at .east %:%0% in7h:; bands for 7orr6;ated a.6min6m pipe m6st 7omp.y Dith either se7tion 0$,#:%2C or se7tion 0#,
#:%#D/#1/b1 for doDndrain pipe:
-?-1.02D P&%/#( P#6e O$er#1e Dr%#'
P.asti7 pipe for o<erside drains m6st be Type S 7orr6;ated hi;h,density po.yethy.ene pipe and 7omp.y
Dith se7tion 04:
P.asti7 pipe Ioints m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 0#,#:%#D/#1/b1 for doDndrain Ioints: If pipe Ioint detai.s are
shoDn) the tensi.e stren;th reG6irements do not app.y: The Ioint o<er.ap reG6irements for inte;ra. Ioints
m6st 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements for positi<e Ioints:
-?-1.02E A'(70r Aem.&#e
A sin;.e an7hor assemb.y in7.6des 2 pipe stakes Dith ne7essary hardDare) bars or; bands) and
hardDare for fastenin; doDndrain pipe or f.6me doDndrain:
Pipe stakes) p.ates) bars) 7.ip bra7kets) and hardDare m6st be hot,dip ;a.<aniHed after fabri7ation 6nder
se7tion 5*,#:%*:
-?-1.02F C%.&e A'(70r%8e S3/em
Cab.e an7hora;e assemb.ies for pipe doDndrains m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 0$,#:%2E: De.ded stee. eyes) stee. rods) 7ab.e 7.amps) and an7hor p.ates m6st
7omp.y Dith spe7ifi7ations for materia.s in se7tion +-,#:%2":
Stee. pipe m6st 7omp.y Dith spe7ifi7ations for materia.s in se7tion *0,-:%2F for pipe posts:
Con7rete for 7on7rete an7hors m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for minor 7on7rete e37ept the 7on7rete
m6st 7ontain at .east 42% po6nds of 7ementitio6s materia. per 76bi7 yard:
-?-1.02G Pr0/e(/#$e C0%/#'8
If des7ribed as 7oated) meta. o<erside drains m6st be prote7ted Dith 7oatin; 6nder se7tion 00,#:%2C:
If a prote7ti<e 7oatin; is app.ied to a meta. o<erside drain) ea7h se7tion of the doDndrain pipe and ea7h
a77essory m6st ha<e the nomina. thi7kness of the meta. 7.ear.y identified on the inner s6rfa7e Dith paint
or other a6thoriHed means:
Repair dama;ed 7oatin;s 6nder se7tion 00,#:%2C:
Insta.. entran7e tapers and tapered in.ets so that they f6n7tion proper.y and effi7ient.y) keep materia. in the
dike) and pre<ent Dater from per7o.atin; 6nder or aro6nd them: The sea. betDeen the taper or and
the s6rro6ndin; materia. m6st be Daterti;ht:
Conne7t an entran7e taper to a doDndrain pipe by means of a band or a s.ip Ioint:
8e.d or ri<et b6.kheads and pipes or f.6me pie7es to the taper or to form Daterti;ht
Se76re.y an7hor a doDndrain to the s.ope of the ;ro6nd Dith an an7hor assemb.y Dhere<er the doDndrain
is not in a tren7h:
If a p.asti7 pipe Ioint restrainer assemb.y 6nder A.ternati<e A is 6sed) insta.. it immediate.y be.oD the pipe
The be.. end of a p.asti7 pipe o<erside drain m6st fa7e 6phi..:
-?-1.0+ PAYMENT
Pipe doDndrain is meas6red a.on; the 7enter.ine of the pipe and para..e. Dith the s.ope .ine: The payment
G6antity in7.6des the .en;th of e.boDs) Dyes) tees) and other bran7hes to the point of interse7tion: If the
pipe is 76t to fit a str67t6re or s.ope) the payment G6antity is the .en;th of pipe ne7essary to be p.a7ed
before 76ttin;) meas6red in 2,foot in7rements: The .en;th for s.ip Ioints is not in7.6ded in the payment
For pipe doDndrains 6nder 7on7rete s.ope pa<in;) the .en;th of the pipe doDndrain is meas6red from the
be;innin; of the 7orr6;ated stee. pipe to the end of the doDndrain:
The payment G6antity for an entran7e taper in7.6des the .en;th of the tapered se7tion and the tai. pipe:
The payment G6antity for a tapered in7.6des the .en;th of the tapered se7tion and the f.6me st6b:
20-1.01 GENERAL
Se7tion 5%,# in7.6des ;enera. spe7ifi7ations for /#1 f6rnishin;) p.a7in;) and 7onne7tin; mis7e..aneo6s
draina;e fa7i.ities for Dater draina;e and transmission and /21 7onstr67tin; 7asin;s for brid;es:
is7e..aneo6s draina;e fa7i.ities in7.6de 7orr6;ated meta. pipe draina;e fa7i.ities) De.ded stee. pipe
draina;e fa7i.ities) pre7ast 7on7rete pipe draina;e fa7i.ities) drain app6rtenan7es) ;rated .ine drains) and
7asin;s for brid;es:
For a ;i<en .o7ation) if on.y one type of pipe riser or pipe is shoDn) insta.. that type: For a ;i<en
.o7ation) if more than one type of pipe riser or pipe is shoDn) 7hoose one of the types shoDn:
Steps and .adders m6st be /#1 stee. Dhere insta..ed in stee. or 7on7rete draina;e fa7i.ities or /21 a.6min6m
Dhere insta..ed in a.6min6m draina;e fa7i.ities:
E37a<ation and ba7kfi.. for drains m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion #$:
Atta7h steps and .adders to mis7e..aneo6s draina;e fa7i.ities Dhere des7ribed:
8here neD drain in.ets or are in pa<ed or s6rfa7ed areas) do not 7onstr67t the drain to fina.
;rade 6nti. the pa<in; or s6rfa7in; has been 7omp.eted immediate.y adIa7ent to the drain:
20-1.0+ PAYMENT
No payment is made for pipe or 7asin; p.a7ed in e37ess of the .en;th shoDn:
Pipe draina;e fa7i.ities are paid for as the type of pipe in<o.<ed: Pipes are meas6red a.on; the 7enter.ine
of the pipe:
If more than one type of pipe riser is shoDn for a ;i<en .o7ation) pipe risers are paid for as a.ternati<e pipe
risers of the types shoDn in the "id Item List:
If more than one type of pipe is shoDn for a ;i<en .o7ation) pipe in.ets are paid for as a.ternati<e pipe
in.ets of the types shoDn in the "id Item List:
Pipes for draina;e fa7i.ities in7.6des pipe 7omponents: Payment for pipe 7omponents that are not made
of pipe is in7.6ded in payment for the type of pipe in<o.<ed 6n.ess a bid item for the 7omponent is shoDn
on the "id Item List:
@6antities of pipe for ener;y dissipators) in.ets) and risers are meas6red to the nearest %:# foot
of pipe:
Payment for draina;e pipe st6bs is in7.6ded in the payment for the type of pipe in<o.<ed:
Payment for 7onstr67tin; pipe riser 7onne7tions and bar reinfor7ement stee. riser safety 7a;es is in7.6ded
in the payment for the types of pipe riser shoDn in the "id Item List:
Payment for .adders is in7.6ded in the payment for the type of pipe in<o.<ed:
Payment for e37a<ation and ba7kfi.. is in7.6ded in the payment for the type of mis7e..aneo6s draina;e
fa7i.ity Dork in<o.<ed:
20-2.01 GENERAL
Se7tion 5%,2 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; draina;e fa7i.ities Dith 7orr6;ated meta. pipe:
Corr6;ated meta. pipe draina;e fa7i.ities in7.6de ener;y dissipators) in.ets) risers) red67ers)
and a.. ne7essary 7onne7tions:
Corr6;ated meta. pipe m6st be either a.6min6m or stee. a.6min6m as shoDn and m6st ha<e a prote7ti<e
7oatin; if shoDn: Corr6;ated meta. pipe and 7oatin;s m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 00:
Not !sed
20-2.0+ PAYMENT
Not !sed
20-).01 GENERAL
Se7tion 5%,- in7.6ded spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; draina;e fa7i.ities Dith De.ded stee. pipe: 8e.ded
stee. pipe draina;e fa7i.ities in7.6de ener;y dissipators) in.ets) risers) red67ers) and
20-).02A Ge'er%&
8e.ded stee. pipe m6st 7omp.y Dith one of the fo..oDin;:
#: A88A C2%%
2: AST A *-9A *-) =rade "
-: API Spe7ifi7ation *L) =rade " or =rade >42
20-).02B C0%/#'8
20-).02BB1C Ge'er%&
If a 7oatin; is des7ribed) 7oat a.. portions of the De.ded stee. pipe draina;e fa7i.ity:
20-).02BB2C C0%& T%r C0%/#'8
Coat and Drap the De.ded stee. pipe prior to shippin; as fo..oDs:
#: C.ean) prime) and 7oat interior and e3terior s6rfa7es Dith 7oa. tar ename.:
2: 8rap the e3terior Dith a bonded fe.t Drapper 6nder A88A C2%- Dith se7tion A#:2 of the appendi3:
20-).02BB)C F%(/0r3 A66&#e1 F"#0' B0'1e1 E60<3 C0%/#'8
If des7ribed) 7oat the interior or e3terior s6rfa7es of De.ded stee. pipe: The 7oatin; m6st be a fa7tory
app.ied f6sion,bonded epo3y 7onformin; to A88AC2#-:
If f6sion,bonded epo3y 7oatin; is e3posed to abo<e ;rade s6n.i;ht) prime and paint the e3terior f6sion
7oated Da.. s6rfa7es: Primer and paint m6st 7omp.y Dith the type) standard) and 7oatin; thi7kness shoDn
in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Coatin;s Type Standard Coatin;
Primer Ain7 ri7h AAS?TO -%% 2:*B-:* mi. DFT
Finish E3terior ;rade
.ate3 satin or
eetin; State (OC reG6irements and as
re7ommended by the man6fa7t6rer of
inor;ani7 Hin7,ri7h primer
2:%B-:% mi. DFT
S6bmit 7o.or options for finish paint: The En;ineer se.e7ts finish 7o.or:
Repair of interna. and e3terna. Da.. 7oatin;s m6st 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin;:
#: "reaks or s76ffs in the epo3y 7oatin; that are .ess than -0 sG6are in7hes m6st be repaired by the
app.i7ation of epo3y materia. to and 7ompatib.e Dith the d6rabi.ity) adhesion and appearan7e
of the ori;ina. epo3y 7oatin; 6nder se7tion 4:4:4:#:2 of A88A C2#-
2: Repair 7oatin; m6st be a minim6m thi7kness of %:%#% in7h) #% mi.s) after dryin;
-: Department reIe7ts a pipe se7tion if indi<id6a. breaks e37eed -0 sG6are in7hes or if the tota. area of
breaks e37eeds %:* per7ent of the tota. s6rfa7e area of the pipe se7tion
20-).02BB+C A67%&/ C0%/#'8
20-).0)A Ge'er%&
Fie.d De.din; m6st be performed 6nder A88A C2%0:
After the pipe has been fabri7ated and De.ded into .en;ths) it m6st be thoro6;h.y 7.eaned of dirt) oi.)
;rease) .oose s7a.e and other forei;n materia.:
Insta.. De.ded stee. pipe so that it is not e.e7tri7a..y 7onne7ted to or in dire7t physi7a. 7onta7t Dith other
meta. pipe: If pipe is me7hani7a..y 7onne7ted to p6b.i7 6ti.ity .ines or other meta. pipe) pro<ide e.e7tri7a..y
ins6.ated 7onne7tions: Conne7tions to nonmeta..i7 pipe do not reG6ire e.e7tri7a..y ins6.ated 7onne7tions:
E.e7tri7a..y ins6.ated 7onne7tions m6st be p.a7ed in De.ded stee. pipe Dithin * feet of its in;ress into or
e;ress from any b6i.din; or str67t6re:
If ba7kfi.. materia. 7ontains ro7k or hi;h.y e3pansi<e 7.ay soi.s) insta.. a sand shie.d 6nder A88A C2%- in
se7tion A#:- of the appendi3:
Prior to; at the De.ded Ioints) press6re test the pipe: P.a7e the pipe 6nder the operatin; head for
a period of 2 ho6rs Dith no .eaks: Corre7t any .eaks or defe7ts and retest if ne7essary:
20-).0)B C0%/#'8
Repair dama;e to 7oatin;s 6nder se7tion 00,#:%2C:
20-).0+ PAYMENT
Not !sed
20-+.01 GENERAL
Se7tion 5%,4 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; draina;e fa7i.ities Dith pre7ast 7on7rete pipes:
Pre7ast 7on7rete draina;e fa7i.ities in7.6de ener;y dissipators) in.ets) risers) red67ers) adI6stment rin;s)
Pre7ast 7on7rete draina;e fa7i.ities m6st 7omp.y Dith AAS?TO #$$9 #$$:
Con7rete m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion $%,# e37ept that the ;radin; reG6irements do not app.y to the
Reinfor7ement m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *2:
Constr67t mortar Ioints 6nder se7tion 0*:
In.ets may be formed in p.a7e as an a.ternati<e to 6sin; pre7ast 7on7rete pipe and 76ttin; the side
20-+.0+ PAYMENT
Not !sed
20-,.01 GENERAL
20-,.01A Ge'er%&
Se7tion 5%,* in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; items that are app6rtenan7es to draina;e fa7i.ities:
Drain app6rtenan7es in7.6de f.ared end se7tions) minor 7on7rete draina;e app6rtenan7es) mis7e..aneo6s
meta. app6rtenan7es) draina;e depressions) draina;e markers) redDood 7o<ers) and draina;e
20-,.01B M%/er#%&
Not !sed
20-,.01C C0'/r"(/#0'
Constr67t 7on7rete 6nder se7tion *#:
20-,.01D P%3me'/
Payment for draina;e app6rtenan7es is in7.6ded in the <ario6s items of Dork in<o.<ed 6n.ess a bid item
for the Dork is shoDn on the "id Item List:
20-,.02A Ge'er%&
Fabri7ate f.ared end se7tions as shoDn: inor <ariations may be a6thoriHed to permit the 6se of the
man6fa7t6rerFs fabri7ation methods:
20-,.02AB1C Pre(%/ C0'(re/e F&%re1 E'1 Se(/#0'
Pre7ast f.ared end se7tions m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for C.ass III Reinfor7ed Con7rete Pipe in
AAS?TO #5% and the fo..oDin;:
#: Port.and 7ement and a;;re;ate m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion $%,# e37ept the ;radin; reG6irements do
not app.y to the a;;re;ate
2: Area of stee. reinfor7ement per .inear foot of f.ared end se7tion m6st be at .east eG6a. to the minim6m
stee. reG6irements for reinfor7ement in pipe for the interna. diameter of the
portion of the f.ared end se7tion
-: "asis of a77eptan7e of the pre7ast 7on7rete f.ared end se7tion is determined 6nder se7tion *:#:2 of
AAS?TO #5%
Reinfor7ement m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *2:
C6toff Da..s for pre7ast 7on7rete f.ared end se7tions m6st be minor 7on7rete e37ept the 7ementitio6s
materia. 7ontent m6st not be .ess than 45% .b976 yd: Constr67t 76toff Da..s 6nder se7tion *#:
20-,.02AB1C Me/%& F&%re1 E'1 Se(/#0'
eta. f.ared end se7tions m6st 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin;:
#: Prefabri7ated stee. f.ared end se7tions m6st 7omp.y Dith AAS?TO -0 and 2#+:
2: Prefabri7ated a.6min6m f.ared end se7tions m6st 7omp.y Dith AAS?TO #$0 and #$5:
-: eta. f.ared end se7tions may be 6sed as an a.ternati<e to pre7ast 7on7rete f.ared end se7tions or
p.asti7 f.ared end se7tions: eta. f.ared end se7tions 6sed on 7on7rete pipe -0 in7hes in diameter or m6st be eG6ipped Dith toe p.ates:
ortar 6sed to 7onne7t meta. f.ared end se7tions to pre7ast 7on7rete pipe m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *#,#:
8e.ded Dire fabri7 m6st be 7ommer7ia. G6a.ity:
20-,.02AB2C P&%/#( F&%re1 E'1 Se(/#0'
P.asti7 f.ared end se7tions m6st 7omp.y Dith AST D #24+:
20-,.02AB)C A&/er'%/#$e F&%re1 E'1 Se(/#0'
For a ;i<en .o7ation) if on.y one type of f.ared end se7tion is shoDn) insta.. that type: For a ;i<en .o7ation)
if more than one type of f.ared end se7tion is shoDn) 7hoose one of the types shoDn:
A.ternati<e f.ared end se7tions m6st be the same materia. type as the draina;e fa7i.ity to Dhi7h it is
atta7hed: Comp.y Dith the materia. spe7ifi7ations in se7tion 02: eta. f.ared end se7tions may be 6sed as
an a.ternati<e to pre7ast 7on7rete f.ared end se7tions or p.asti7 f.ared end se7tions: Comp.y Dith se7tion
If more than one type of f.ared end se7tion is shoDn for a ;i<en .o7ation) f.ared end se7tions are paid for
as a.ternati<e f.ared end se7tion of the types shoDn in the "id Item List:
inor 7on7rete draina;e app6rtenan7es m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *#,5: inor 7on7rete draina;e
app6rtenan7es in7.6de 7on7rete fo6ndations) bases) basin f.oors) and reinfor7ed 7on7rete pipe risers:
is7e..aneo6s iron and stee. items 6sed for drains m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 5*:
The fo..oDin; items are not in7.6ded in the payment for mis7e..aneo6s draina;e fa7i.ities:
#: Stee. 7o<er
2: Frame and ;rate
-: Frame and 7o<er
4: anho.e frame and 7o<er
*: anho.e frame and ;rate
0: anho.e frame and 7o<er /press6re1
20-,.0,A Ge'er%&
20-,.0,B A"/0m%/#( Dr%#'%8e G%/e
20-,.0,BB1C Ge'er%&
20-,.0,BB2C Dr%#'%8e G%/e 40r L0: He%1 Pre"re
20-,.0,BB)C Dr%#'%8e G%/e 40r H#87 He%1 Pre"re
20-,.0,C S&#1e He%18%/e
20-,.0-A Ge'er%&
Constr67t depressions for draina;e as shoDn:
20-,.0-B I'&e/ De6re#0', HMA
?A 7on7rete draina;e depressions m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion -$ and the fo..oDin;:
#: In sho6.der areas of roadDays) pro<ide the aspha.t type that mat7hes the roadDay 7onstr67tion:
2: In .o7ations o6tside the sho6.der areas) pro<ide the aspha.t type that is spe7ified for mis7e..aneo6s
If ne7essary) p.a7e and finish ?A by hand so that the draina;e depressions mat7h the ;rade of the
s6rro6ndin; materia.:
20-,.0-C I'&e/ De6re#0', C0'(re/e
Con7rete draina;e depressions m6st 7omp.y Dith spe7ifi7ations for minor 7on7rete e37ept /#1 the
7ement 7ontent m6st be at .east 40- .b976 yd and /21 p.a7ement m6st 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin;:
#: If 7on7rete pa<ement is p.a7ed near an depression) p.a7e the pa<ement before 7onstr67tin; the depression:
2: If 7on7rete depressions are 7onstr67ted in sho6.der areas) 7on7rete m6st be p.a7ed on prepared
base materia. 7ompa7ted to at .east $* per7ent re.ati<e 7ompa7tion: Finish the 7on7rete as fo..oDs:
2:#: After p.a7ement to the .ines and ;rades shoDn) smooth the s6rfa7e Dith a f.oat and troDe.: If
7on7rete is adIa7ent to iso.ation Ioints) smooth the s6rfa7e Dith an ed;er:
2:2: "room finish the smoothed 7on7rete s6rfa7e: Create a s6rfa7e Dith a 7oeffi7ient of fri7tion of at
.east %:-% Dhen tested 6nder Ca.ifornia Test -42:
2:-: If 6se of Dater is ne7essary) app.y the Dater immediate.y before broomin; the s6rfa7e:
2:4 C6re the 7on7rete 6nder se7tion 4%,#:%-N:
Pro<ide the siHe and type of draina;e marker shoDn: If a spe7ifi7 type is not shoDn) 7hoose one type
from the tab.e tit.ed EDraina;e arkers:E arkers m6st 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements shoDn in the
fo..oDin; tab.e:
Dr%#'%8e I'&e/ M%r;er
Type Property ReG6irements Test method
Composition Thermop.asti7 free of .ead and
Thi7kness %:%+%B%:#0%
Le;end 7o.or
".6e or ;reen
"a7k;ro6nd 7o.or
8hite AAS?TO
Skid resistan7e 0% "PN AST E -%-
eta. meda..ion
Composition Commer7ia.,;rade stain.ess stee.)
a.6min6m) brass) or bronHe sheet
meta. or 7ast:
Thi7kness of meta.)
?ei;ht of marker)
Le;end 7o.or
".6e or ;reen
"a7k;ro6nd 7o.or
8hite or bare meta.
Skid resistan7e 0% "PN AST E -%-
Composition P.asti7 that 7ontains 6.tra<
inhibitors ,,
Thi7kness) in7hes %:%2*,%:%0% ,,
Thi7kness /Dith
dome1) in7hes
Le;end 7o.or
".6e or ;reen
"a7k;ro6nd 7o.or
# year Ditho6t ye..oDin;) fo;;in;) or
AST D#4-*
Composition A6thoriHed 7on7rete stamp
ReG6irements if meta. marker is 7o.ored:
Insta.. prefabri7ated draina;e markers by:
#: e7hani7a..y 7.eanin; and preparin; the s6rfa7e
2: Atta7hin; the prefabri7ated draina;e markers to the s6rfa7e Dith adhesi<es) fasteners) or heat as
re7ommended by the man6fa7t6rer
Insta.. stamped 7on7rete draina;e markers by:
#: Imprintin; 6n76red 7on7rete Dith an a6thoriHed 7on7rete stamp for draina;e markers
2: Prod67in; stamped 7on7rete s6rfa7es that are free from b.emishes
"oards for redDood 7o<ers m6st be no: # heart str67t6ra. ;rade) S4S redDood:
20-2.01 GENERAL
Se7tion 5%,5 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; De.ded stee. pipe 7asin;s thro6;h brid;es and 6nder
approa7h s.abs:
S6bmit shop draDin;s for temporary s6pports of 7asin;s at ab6tments:
20-2.02A Ge'er%&
20-2.02B C%#'8
Casin;s for brid;es m6st be De.ded stee. pipe 7omp.yin; Dith se7tion 5%,-:%2:
"efore shippin;) the 7asin; m6st be 7.eaned) primed) and 7oated to 7omp.y Dith ANSI9A88A C2#-:
8rappin; tape for the 7asin; m6st be a press6re sensiti<e P(C or po.yethy.ene tape Dith a minim6m
thi7kness of *% mi.s) 2 in7hes Dide:
Repair dama;ed 7oatin; on the 7asin; Dith pipe Drappin;: 8rap fie.d Ioints and fittin;s Dith pipe
Drappin;: App.y pipe Drappin; as fo..oDs:
#: Pipe 7asin;) Ioints) and fittin;s to be Drapped m6st be thoro6;h.y 7.eaned and primed as
re7ommended by the tape man6fa7t6rer:
2: Tape m6st be ti;ht.y app.ied Dith #92 6niform .ap) free from and <oids to pro<ide not .ess than
a #%%,mi. thi7kness:
-: 8rappin; at Ioints m6st e3tend at .east 0 in7hes o<er adIa7ent pipe 7asin; 7o<erin;s: AdeG6ate
tension m6st be app.ied so tape Di.. 7onform 7.ose.y to 7onto6rs of the Ioint:
20-2.02C C%#'8 H%'8er Aem.&#e
Casin; han;er assemb.ies in7.6de a 7on7rete 7.e<is p.ate) adI6stab.e stee. yoke) 7ast iron pipe
stee. rod) and he3 n6ts: Stee. 7omponents m6st be ;a.<aniHed:
&o6 may 6se embedded stee. De.ded .inked eye rods instead of a 7.e<is p.ate:
The 7asin; han;er assemb.y m6st be rated for the Dater s6pp.y .ine and 7asin;:
C.e<is p.ate) yoke) rod) e3pansion an7hors) pipe 7.amps) n6ts and bo.ts) and other fittin;s m6st be
for the type and siHe of the Dater s6pp.y .ine and 7asin; bein; s6pported:
C.e<is p.ate) e3pansion an7hors) yoke) rod) pipe 7.amps) n6ts and bo.ts) and other fittin;s m6st be stee.
and 7omp.y Dith se7tion 5*,#:%-:
20-2.02D C0'(re/e C%#'8 S"660r/
Con7rete 7asin; s6pports m6st 7onsist of either a PC 7on7rete or CIP minor 7on7rete pipe 7rad.e)
;a.<aniHed stee. pipe 7.amp) and 2 an7hor bo.ts: The prote7tion shie.d m6st be Type -#0 stain.ess stee.
pipe prote7tion shie.d: Pro<ide 7ommer7ia. G6a.ity Dire mesh and reinfor7ement: oist 76re the 7on7rete
7asin; s6pport for not .ess than - days:
An7hor 7on7rete 7asin; s6pports Dith epo3y: Epo3y m6st be one of the fo..oDin; types:
#: Epo3y binder
2: Rapid set epo3y adhesi<e for pa<ement markers
-: Standard set epo3y adhesi<e for pa<ement markers
!n.ess otherDise shoDn) insta.. 7asin;s at ea7h ab6tment and e3tend the 7asin; to the ;reater of:
#: * feet beyond the approa7h s.ab
2: * feet beyond the end of the adIa7ent Din;Da..
-: 2% feet beyond the ab6tment
8here the 7asin; passes thro6;h an ab6tment Da..) the 7asin; m6st be additiona..y Drapped Dith 2
.ayers of #*,po6nd aspha.t,fe.t b6i.din; paper) se76re.y taped or Dired in p.a7e:
If a b.o7ko6t is pro<ided in the brid;e ab6tment Da.. for the 7asin;) the spa7e betDeen the 7asin; and
brid;e ab6tment Da.. m6st be fi..ed Dith mortar 7omp.yin; Dith se7tion *#,#:
Openin;s for 7asin;s thro6;h the brid;e s6perstr67t6re 7on7rete m6st either be formed or 7onsist of pipe<es that are 2 pipe siHes .ar;er than the 7asin;:
20-2.0+ PAYMENT
8e.ded stee. pipe 7asin; is meas6red a.on; the 7enter.ine of the 7asin;:
22-1.01 GENERAL
Se7tion 52,# in7.6des ;enera. spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; s.ope prote7tion) 7on7rete .inin;) s.ope
pa<in;) and ;abions:
Con7rete shoDn for s.ope prote7tion or s.ope pa<in; m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for minor
!n.ess otherDise spe7ified) fabri7 m6st be C.ass + RSP fabri7:
If p.a7ement of fabri7 is reG6ired) p.a7e the fabri7 before p.a7in; s.ope prote7tion) s.ope pa<in;) and
"efore p.a7in; the fabri7) the s6rfa7e of the s.ope m6st be free of .oose or e3traneo6s materia. and sharp
obIe7ts that may dama;e the fabri7:
?and.e and p.a7e fabri7 in 7omp.ian7e Dith the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions: P.a7e the fabri7 .oose.y on the
s.ope so that the fabri7 7onforms to the s6rfa7e Ditho6t dama;e Dhen the 7o<er materia. is p.a7ed:
Coin ed;es of the fabri7 Dith either o<er.apped Ioints or stit7hed seams:
If the fabri7 is Ioined Dith o<er.apped Ioints) adIa7ent borders of the fabri7 m6st be o<er.apped by at .east
24 in7hes: O<er.ap in the same dire7tion that the 7o<er materia. is p.a7ed:
If the fabri7 is Ioined by stit7hed seams) stit7h Dith 7ontrastin; 7o.ored yarn: !se the siHe and 7omposition
of yarn that is re7ommended by the fabri7 man6fa7t6rer: !se * to 5 stit7hes per in7h of seam: The
stren;th of a stit7hed seam m6st be the same as that spe7ified for the fabri7) e37ept if the stit7hed seams
are oriented 6p and doDn a s.ope) the stren;th may be red67ed to a <a.6e that it is at .east +% per7ent of
that spe7ified for the fabri7:
Do not operate eG6ipment or dri<e < dire7t.y on the fabri7:
If the fabri7 is dama;ed and the En;ineer determines that it 7annot be repaired) rep.a7e the fabri7:
If the En;ineer determines that the fabri7 7an be repaired) then repair it by 7o<erin; the dama;ed area
Dith neD fabri7: If the repair is made 6sin; o<er.apped Ioints) the o<er.ap m6st be at .east - feet:
22-1.0+ PAYMENT
Payment is not made for the additiona. fabri7 6sed for o<er.aps:
22-2.01 GENERAL
Se7tion 52,2 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; RSP: RSP in7.6des:
#: E37a<atin; and; the footin; tren7h
2: P.a7in; RSP fabri7 Dhere shoDn
-: P.a7in; re<etment type ro7k 7o6rses on the s.ope
!se the 7.ass of ro7k and the method for p.a7ement des7ribed:
22-2.02A R0(;
For method A p.a7ement and the 7.ass of RSP des7ribed) 7omp.y Dith the ro7k ;radin; shoDn in the
fo..oDin; tab.e:
R0(; Gr%1#'8 40r Me/701 A P&%(eme'/
Ro7k siHe
Per7enta;e .ar;er than
+T 4T 2T #T #92 T
#0 Ton %B* ,, ,, ,, ,,
+ Ton *%B#%% %B* ,, ,, ,,
4 Ton $*B#%% *%B#%% %B* ,, ,,
2 Ton ,, $*B#%% *%B#%% %B* ,,
# Ton ,, ,, $*B#%% *%B# %B*
#92 Ton ,, ,, ,, $*B#%% *%B#%%
#94 Ton ,, ,, ,, ,, $*B#%%
For any 7.ass) the per7enta;e of ro7k than the sma..est ro7k siHe
m6st be determined on the basis of Dei;ht: For a.. other ro7k siHes Dithin a
7.ass) the per7enta;e m6st be determined on the basis of the ratio of the
n6mber of indi<id6a. ro7ks .ar;er than the sma..est siHe shoDn for that 7.ass
7ompared to the tota. n6mber of ro7ks:
For method " p.a7ement and the 7.ass of RSP des7ribed) 7omp.y Dith the ro7k ;radin; shoDn in the
fo..oDin; tab.e:
R0(; Gr%1#'8 40r Me/701 B P&%(eme'/
Per7enta;e .ar;er than
# T #92 T #94 T Li;ht Fa7in; No: # No: 2 No: -
2 ton %B* ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,
# ton *%B#%% %B* ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,
#92 ton ,, *%B#%% %B* ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,
#94 ton $*B#%% ,, *%B#%% %B* ,, ,, ,, ,,
2%% .b ,, $*B#%% ,, *%B#%% %B* %B* ,, ,,
5* .b ,, ,, $*B#%% ,, *%B#%% *%B#%% %B* ,,
2* .b ,, ,, ,, $*B#%% $%B#%% $%B#%% 2*B5* %B*
* .b ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, $%B#%% 2*B5*
# .b ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, $%B#%%
For any 7.ass) the per7enta;e of ro7k than the sma..est ro7k siHe m6st be determined
on the basis of Dei;ht: For a.. other ro7k siHes Dithin a 7.ass) the per7enta;e m6st be
determined on the basis of the ratio of the n6mber of indi<id6a. ro7ks .ar;er than the sma..est
siHe shoDn for that 7.ass 7ompared to the tota. n6mber of ro7ks:
Ro7k m6st ha<e the <a.6es for the materia. properties shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
R0(; M%/er#%& Pr06er/#e
Property Ca.ifornia Test (a.6e
Apparent spe7ifi7 ;ra<ity 2%0 2:* minim6m
Absorption 2%0 4:2\ ma3im6m
D6rabi.ity inde3 22$ *2 minim6m
Se.e7t ro7k so that shapes pro<ide a stab.e str67t6re for the reG6ired se7tion: If the s.ope is steeper than
2:#) do not 6se ro6nded bo6.ders and An; shaped ro7k may be 6sed on any p.anned s.ope: or need.e shaped ro7k m6st not be 6sed 6n.ess the indi<id6a. ro7k thi7kness is ;reater than %:--
times the .en;th:
22-2.02B F%.r#(
Fabri7 m6st be RSP fabri7 that 7omp.ies Dith the 7.ass shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
F%.r#( C&%
C.ass Lar;est ro7k ;radin; 7.ass 6sed in
s.ope prote7tion
+ # ton or
#% Lar;er than # ton
22-2.0)A Ge'er%&
E37a<ate the footin; tren7h a.on; the toe of the s.ope:
Lo7a. s6rfa7e irre;6.arities of the RSP m6st not <ary from the p.anned s.ope by more than # foot as
meas6red at ri;ht an;.es to the s.ope:
At the 7omp.etion of s.ope prote7tion Dork) fi.. <oids in the footin; tren7h Dith e37a<ated materia.:
Compa7tion is not reG6ired:
22-2.0)B P&%(eme'/ Me/701 A
Do not p.a7e ro7ks by d6mpin;:
P.a7e .ar;er ro7ks in the footin; tren7h:
P.a7e ro7ks on the s.ope so that their .on;it6dina. a3is is norma. to the fa7e of the embankment:
P.a7e fo6ndation 7o6rse ro7ks so that they are in 7onta7t Dith the ;ro6nd s6rfa7e:
For ro7ks abo<e the fo6ndation 7o6rse) p.a7e them so that ea7h ro7k has a -,point bearin; on 6nder.yin;
ro7ksJ do not bear them on ro7ks Dhi7h may be 6sed for 7hinkin; <oids:
22-2.0)C P&%(eme'/ Me/701 B
Ro7ks may be p.a7ed by d6mpin; and may be spread in .ayers by b6..doHers or other s6itab.e eG6ipment:
P.a7e ro7ks so that:
#: There is a minim6m of <oids
2: Lar;er ro7ks are in the toe 7o6rse and on the o6tside s6rfa7e of the s.ope prote7tion
22-2.0+ PAYMENT
If RSP is paid by the ton) the G6antity is determined by Dei;hin; Dith a s7a.e:
If RSP is paid by the 76bi7 yard) the G6antity is based on the dimensions shoDn or ordered:
22-).01 GENERAL
Se7tion 52,- in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; 7on7reted,ro7k s.ope prote7tion: Con7reted,ro7k
s.ope prote7tion in7.6des:
#: E37a<atin; and; the footin; tren7h
2: P.a7in; fabri7 and Deep t6bes Dhere shoDn
-: P.a7in; re<etment type ro7k 7o6rses on the s.ope
4: Con7retin; the ro7k
!se the 7.ass of ro7k and the method for p.a7ement des7ribed:
22-).02A C0'(re/e
If 7o.ored s.ope prote7tion is des7ribed) 7o.or the 7on7rete by mi3in; a fine ;ro6nd) syntheti7 minera.
o3ide into the 7on7rete: The syntheti7 minera. o3ide m6st be spe7ifi7a..y man6fa7t6red for 7o.orin;
7on7rete: The 7o.or of the 7omp.eted 7on7rete after 76rin; and Dhen air dry m6st 7omp.y Dith 7o.or no:
-%4*% /tan1 of FED,STD,*$*:
!se #,in7h 7ombined a;;re;ate ;radin;s in the 7on7rete:
The Dater 7ontent of the 7on7rete m6st permit ;ra<ity f.oD into the intersti7es Dith .imited spadin; and
22-).02B R0(;
Ro7ks for 7on7reted,ro7k s.ope prote7tion m6st 7omp.y Dith the ;radin; shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
C0'(re/e1-R0(; Gr%1#'8
Per7enta;e .ar;er than
#92 ton #94 ton Li;ht Fa7in; Cobb.e
# ton %B* ,, ,, ,, ,,
#92 ton *%B#%% %B* ,, ,, ,,
#94 ton ,, *%B#%% %B* ,, ,,
2%% .b $%B#%% ,, *%B#%% %B* ,,
5* .b ,, $%B#%% $%B#%% *%B#%% %B*
2* .b ,, ,, ,, $%B#%% $*B#%%
For any 7.ass) the per7enta;e of ro7k than the sma..est ro7k siHe m6st be
determined on the basis of Dei;ht: For a.. other ro7k siHes Dithin a 7.ass) the
per7enta;e m6st be determined on the basis of the ratio of the n6mber of indi<id6a.
ro7ks .ar;er than the sma..est siHe shoDn for that 7.ass 7ompared to the tota.
n6mber of ro7ks:
Ro7ks for 7on7reted,ro7k s.ope prote7tion m6st ha<e the <a.6es for the materia. properties shoDn in the
fo..oDin; tab.e:
R0(; M%/er#%& Pr06er/#e
Property Ca.ifornia Test (a.6e
Apparent spe7ifi7 ;ra<ity 2%0 2:* minim6m
Absorption 2%0 4:2\ ma3im6m
D6rabi.ity inde3 22$ *2 minim6m
Se.e7t ro7ks so that the shape pro<ides a stab.e str67t6re for the reG6ired se7tion: If the s.ope is steeper
than 2:#) do not 6se ro6nded bo6.ders and An; shaped ro7k may be 6sed on any p.anned
s.ope: or need.e shaped ro7k m6st not be 6sed 6n.ess indi<id6a. ro7k thi7kness is ;reater than %:--
times the .en;th:
22-).02C Aee6 T".e
8eep t6bes m6st:
#: "e s7hed6.e +%) perforated P(C pipe
2: ?a<e a 2,in7h nomina. diameter
-: Comp.y Dith se7tion 0+,2:%2D
22-).0)A Ge'er%&
E37a<ate a footin; tren7h a.on; the toe of the s.ope:
The 7o.orin; a;ent m6st be 6niform.y and homo;eneo6s.y mi3ed Dith the 7on7rete:
Lo7a. s6rfa7e irre;6.arities of the RSP m6st not <ary from the p.anned s.ope by more than # foot as
meas6red at ri;ht an;.es to the s.ope:
At the 7omp.etion of s.ope prote7tion Dork) fi.. <oids in the footin; tren7h Dith e37a<ated materia.:
Compa7tion is not reG6ired:
22-).0)B P&%(eme'/ Me/701 A
ethod A m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 52,2:%-":
22-).0)C P&%(eme'/ Me/701 B
ethod " m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 52,2:%-C:
22-).0)D P&%(#'8 Aee6 T".e
8rap ea7h Deep t6be in fi.ter fabri7:
P.a7e Deep t6bes and se76re them so that they 7onta7t the fa7e of the fabri7 on the s.ope and e3tend at
.east 2 in7hes beyond the o6ter s6rfa7e of the ro7k: If p.a7ement of fabri7 on the s.ope is not reG6ired) the
end of the t6be near the s.ope m6st be 7o<ered Dith a 7ap made of the same materia. as the Deep t6be:
Ens6re that 7on7rete Di.. not p.6; the t6be and perforations:
22-).0)E P&%(#'8 C0'(re/e
The s6rfa7e of the ro7k to be 7on7reted m6st be 7.eaned of adherin; soi. and then moistened: At any one
.o7ation) p.a7e the 7on7rete in a 7ontin6o6s operation d6rin; a Dork day: Deposit 7on7rete by 6se of
7h6tes) t6bes) b67kets) pne6mati7 eG6ipment) or other me7hani7a. methods: Do not a..oD the 7on7rete to
f.oD more than #% feet a7ross the s.ope prote7tion:
Immediate.y after depositin;) spade and rod the 7on7rete into p.a7e Dith s6itab.e spades) troDe.s) or other
a77eptab.e means: Comp.y Dith the 7on7rete penetration shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
M#'#m"m C0'(re/e Pe'e/r%/#0'
Ro7k 7.ass
#92 ton #94 ton Li;ht Fa7in; Cobb.e
#+ #4 #% + 0
After p.a7in; the 7on7rete) thoro6;h.y br6sh the ro7ks to e3pose the top s6rfa7es: O6ter ro7ks m6st
proIe7t abo<e the 7on7rete by a hei;ht of %:2* to %:-2 times the ro7k diameter: After 7omp.etion of any #%,
foot strip) do not a..oD Dorkmen or .oads on the s6rfa7e for at .east 24 ho6rs:
C6re 7on7reted,ro7k s.ope prote7tion by any one of the methods spe7ified in se7tion $%,#:%-": As an
a.ternati<e) yo6 may 76re the 7on7reted,ro7k s.ope prote7tion by; a fine spray of Dater e<ery 2
ho6rs d6rin; the daytime for a period of - days: If 7o.ored 7on7rete is des7ribed and yo6 6se the 76rin;
7ompo6nd method) app.y 76rin; 7ompo6nd no: 0:
22-).0+ PAYMENT
If 7on7reted,ro7k s.ope prote7tion is paid by the ton) the G6antity is determined by Dei;hin; Dith a s7a.e:
If 7on7reted,ro7k s.ope prote7tion is paid by the 76bi7 yard) the G6antity is based on the dimensions
shoDn or ordered:
22-+.01 GENERAL
Se7tion 52,4 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; sma..,ro7k s.ope prote7tion: Sma..,ro7k s.ope
prote7tion in7.6des:
#: E37a<atin; and; the footin; tren7h
2: P.a7in; RSP fabri7 Dhere shoDn
-: P.a7in; sma.. ro7ks on the s.ope
Ro7k m6st be 7obb.e) ;ra<e.) 7r6shed ;ra<e.) 7r6shed ro7k) or any 7ombination of these:
If the ro7k .ayer is shoDn as 5 in7hes thi7k) 7omp.y Dith ;radin; shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
R0(; Gr%1#'8 40r 2-#'(7-T7#(; L%3er
Sie<e siHes Per7enta;e passin;
* in7h #%%
4 in7h $%B#%%
- in7h 2*B4%
2 in7h %B#%
If the ro7k .ayer is shoDn as * in7hes thi7k) 7omp.y Dith the ;radin; shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
R0(; Gr%1#'8 40r ,-#'(7-T7#(; L%3er
Sie<e siHes Per7enta;e passin;
4 in7h #%%
- in7h $%B#%%
2 in7h 2*B4%
# in7h %B#%
If the ro7k .ayer is shoDn as 4,in7hes thi7k) 7omp.y Dith ;radin; shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
R0(; Gr%1#'8 40r +-#'(7 T7#(; L%3er
Sie<e siHes Per7enta;e passin;
- in7h #%%
2 in7h $%B#%%
# in7h 2*B4%
-94 in7h %B#% materia. m6st 7ontain at .east $% per7ent 7r6shed Dhen tested 6nder Ca.ifornia Test
Lo7a. s6rfa7e irre;6.arities of the RSP m6st not <ary from the p.anned s.ope by more than 2 in7hes as
meas6red at ri;ht an;.es to the s.ope:
Sma.. ro7ks may be p.a7ed by d6mpin; and may be spread by b6..doHers or other s6itab.e eG6ipment:
D6rin; spreadin;) do not 7ra7k the ro7k:
22-+.0+ PAYMENT
The G6antity of sma..,ro7k s.ope prote7tion is based on the dimensions shoDn or ordered:
22-,.01 GENERAL
Se7tion 52,* in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for shapin; s.opes) preparin; the fo6ndation) and 7onstr67tin; any of
the fo..oDin;:
#: Con7rete s.ope prote7tion
2: Lined ;6tters
-: Dit7h .inin;s
4: Channe. .inin;s
*: S6pport Da..s
0: C6t,off st6bs
5: C6t,off Da..s
+: Footin;s
$: Aprons
Constr67t 6sin; minor 7on7rete or shot7rete:
Per<io6s ba7kfi.. materia. m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion #$,-:%2C:
E3pansion Ioint m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *#,2:%#"/#1:
Reinfor7ement m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *2:
Shot7rete m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *-:
If 7o.ored s.ope prote7tion is des7ribed) 7o.or the 7on7rete by mi3in; a fine ;ro6nd) syntheti7 minera.
o3ide into the 7on7rete: The syntheti7 minera. o3ide m6st be spe7ifi7a..y man6fa7t6red for 7o.orin;
The 7o.or of the 7omp.eted 7on7rete after 76rin; and Dhen air dry m6st 7omp.y Dith 7o.or no: -%4*% /tan1
of FED,STD,*$*:
8eep t6bes m6st:
#: "e s7hed6.e +%) perforated P(C pipe
2: ?a<e a 2,in7h nomina. diameter
-: Comp.y Dith se7tion 0+,2:%2D
At ea7h Deep t6be and drain ho.e) p.a7e a se76re.y tied sa7k that 7ontains one 76bi7 foot of per<io6s
ba7kfi..: The sa7k materia. m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for fi.ter fabri7:
The fo6ndation) Dhi7h in7.6des a.. s6rfa7es Dhere 7on7rete is to be p.a7ed) m6st be e<en.y ;raded so
that no point on the ;raded s6rfa7e is abo<e the desi;nated p.ane:
EarthDork m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion #$:
8rap ea7h Deep t6be in fi.ter fabri7:
P.a7e Deep t6bes as shoDn or ordered:
P.a7e reinfor7ement 6nder se7tion *2:
Con7rete m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *#:
The 7o.orin; a;ent m6st be 6niform.y and homo;eneo6s.y mi3ed Dith the 7on7rete:
Spread and tamp 7on7rete 6nti. it is thoro6;h.y 7ompa7ted and mortar f.6shes to the s6rfa7e: If the s.ope
is too steep to permit the 6se of 7on7rete s6ffi7ient.y Det to f.6sh Dith tampin;) tamp the 7on7rete 6nti. it is
7onso.idated and immediate.y troDe. on a mortar s6rfa7e that is #94 in7h thi7k: The mortar m6st 7onsist of
# part port.and 7ement and - parts fine a;;re;ate:
After strikin;,off to ;rade) hand f.oat the 7on7rete Dith f.oats that are at .east 4 in7hes Dide and -% in7hes
.on;: "room the entire s6rfa7e Dith a fine te3t6re hair p6sh broom to prod67e a 6niform s6rfa7e:
"roomin; m6st be done Dhen the s6rfa7e is s6ffi7ient.y set to pre<ent deep s7arrin; and m6st be
a77omp.ished by draDin; the broom doDn the s.ope) .ea<in; marks para..e. to the ed;e of the pane.: The
En;ineer may dire7t yo6 to app.y a fine spray of Dater to the s6rfa7e immediate.y before broomin;: Ed;es
and Ioints m6st be ed;ed Dith a #94,in7h,radi6s ed;er before the broomin;:
Insta.. trans<erse e3pansion Ioints at 2%,foot inter<a.s: Fi.. e3pansion Ioints Dith #92,in7h,thi7k e3pansion
After p.a7in; the 7on7rete) fi.. the footin; tren7hes Dith e37a<ated materia.: Compa7tion is not reG6ired:
C6rin; 7on7rete s.ope prote7tion) ;6tter .inin;) dit7h .inin;) and 7hanne. .inin; m6st 7omp.y Dith one of the
methods spe7ified in se7tion $%,#:%-": If 7o.ored 7on7rete is des7ribed and yo6 6se the 76rin; 7ompo6nd
method) app.y 76rin; 7ompo6nd no: 0:
Constr67t) finish) and 76re shot7rete s.ope pa<in; 6nder se7tion *-:
22-,.0+ PAYMENT
@6antities of minor 7on7rete or shot7rete Di.. be 7a.76.ated by m6.tip.yin; the fo..oDin;:
#: Area meas6red a.on; the s.ope .ines of the 7omp.eted 7on7rete s.ope prote7tion
2: Thi7kness shoDn for the 7on7rete s.ope prote7tion
No additiona. payment is made for additiona. 7on7rete p.a7ed by reason of .oD fo6ndation:
22-2*22-10 RESERVED
22-11.01 GENERAL
22-11.01A Ge'er%&
Se7tion 52,##:%# in7.6des ;enera. spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; s.ope pa<in;:
Constr67t s.ope pa<in; 6sin; minor 7on7rete or shot7rete:
22-11.01B M%/er#%&
Shot7rete m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *-:
The ma3im6m a;;re;ate siHe 6sed in minor 7on7rete m6st not be .ar;er than # in7h or than -94
If 7o.ored s.ope pa<in; is des7ribed) 7o.or the 7on7rete by mi3in; a fine ;ro6nd) syntheti7 minera. o3ide
into the 7on7rete: The syntheti7 minera. o3ide m6st be spe7ifi7a..y man6fa7t6red for 7o.orin; 7on7rete:
The 7o.orin; a;ent m6st be 6niform.y and homo;eneo6s.y mi3ed Dith the 7on7rete: The 7o.or of the
7omp.eted 7on7rete after 76rin; and Dhen air dry m6st 7omp.y Dith 7o.or no: -%4*% of FED,STD,*$*:
Reinfor7ement m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *2:
Timber spa7ers m6st be 7onstr67tion heart redDood or better and ;raded 6nder se7tion *5,2:%#"/21:
Nai.s 6sed to fasten the timber spa7ers m6st be hot,dip ;a.<aniHed:
22-11.01C C0'/r"(/#0'
22-11.01CB1C Ge'er%&
Constr67t 7on7rete 76rbs before 7onstr67tin; sideDa.ks or s.ope pa<in;: Con7rete 76rbs m6st 7omp.y
Dith se7tion 5-:
S7hed6.e the 7onstr67tion of the s.ope pa<in; so that the Dork) in7.6din; p.a7in;) finishin;) and
app.i7ation of 76rin; 7ompo6nd) is 7omp.eted in any se7tion bordered by timber spa7ers on the same day
that the Dork is started in that se7tion: There m6st be no 7onstr67tion Ioints betDeen timber spa7ers:
EarthDork for s.ope pa<in; m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion #$:
"efore app.yin; 7on7rete) e<en.y ;rade fo6ndations so that no point on the ;raded s.ope is abo<e the
s.ope p.ane shoDn:
Thoro6;h.y 7ompa7t fo6ndations: Fo6ndations m6st 7ontain eno6;h moist6re to pro<ide a firm fo6ndation
and to pre<ent absorption of Dater from the 7on7rete or shot7rete: Fo6ndations m6st be free of s6rfa7e
P.a7e reinfor7ement 6nder se7tion *2:
Se76re.y ho.d timber spa7ers in p.a7e Dith an7hor bars 7onsistin; of 7ommer7ia. G6a.ity bar reinfor7in;
If there are no timber spa7ers or Dhene<er the En;ineer determines that the siHe of a pane. betDeen
spa7ers is too .ar;e to be 7onstr67ted Ditho6t an intermediate 7onstr67tion Ioint) p.a7e a Ioint at an
a6thoriHed .o7ation: Comp.ete any se7tion of 7on7rete bo6nded by permissib.e 7onstr67tion Ioints Dithin
the same day:
C6re s.ope pa<in; by the 76rin; 7ompo6nd method 6sin; 76rin; 7ompo6nd no: 0:
22-11.01CB2C M#'0r C0'(re/e
Constr67t and finish minor 7on7rete s.ope pa<in; 6nder se7tion *#,5:
Spread and tamp the 7on7rete 6nti. it is thoro6;h.y 7ompa7ted and mortar f.6shes to the s6rfa7e: If the
s.ope is too steep to permit the 6se of 7on7rete s6ffi7ient.y Det to f.6sh Dith tampin;) then tamp the
7on7rete 6nti. it is 7onso.idated and immediate.y troDe. on a mortar s6rfa7e that is #94 in7h thi7k: The
mortar m6st 7onsist of # part port.and 7ement and - parts fine a;;re;ate:
After strikin;,off to ;rade) hand f.oat the 7on7rete Dith f.oats that are at .east 4 in7hes Dide and -% in7hes
.on;: "room the entire s6rfa7e Dith a fine te3t6re hair p6sh broom to prod67e a 6niform s6rfa7e:
"roomin; m6st be done Dhen the s6rfa7e is s6ffi7ient.y set to pre<ent deep s7arrin; and m6st be
a77omp.ished by draDin; the broom doDn the s.ope) .ea<in; marks para..e. to the ed;e of the pane.: The
En;ineer may order yo6 to app.y a fine spray of Dater to the s6rfa7e immediate.y before broomin;: Ed;es
and Ioints m6st be ed;ed Dith a #94,in7h,radi6s ed;er before the broomin;:
22-11.01CB)C S70/(re/e
Constr67t and finish shot7rete s.ope pa<in; 6nder se7tion *-:
After the shot7rete has been p.a7ed to the depth shoDn) 7he7k the s6rfa7e Dith a strai;hted;e: P.a7e
additiona. mortar to brin; any .oD spots or depressions 6p to the proper ;rade:
The finish of the shot7rete s.ope pa<in; m6st be 6niform Ditho6t h6mps or ho..oDs of more than #92 in7h
in #% feet:
22-11.01D P%3me'/
@6antities of minor 7on7rete or shot7rete Di.. be 7a.76.ated by m6.tip.yin; the fo..oDin;:
#: Area 7omp6ted from meas6rements a.on; the s.ope of the a7t6a. areas 7onstr67ted
2: Thi7kness shoDn for the 7on7rete s.ope pa<in;
No payment is made for additiona. 7on7rete p.a7ed by reason of .oD fo6ndation:
No ded67tion is made for timber spa7ers:
22-11.02A Ge'er%&
Se7tion 52,##:%2 in7.6des spe7ifi7ation for 7onstr67tin; s.ope pa<in; Dith an e3posed a;;re;ate finish:
22-11.02B M%/er#%&
Shot7rete m6st not be 6sed to 7onstr67t e3posed a;;re;ate s.ope pa<in;:
Coarse a;;re;ate m6st 7omp.y Dith the # in7h 3 No: 4 primary siHe 7oarse a;;re;ate spe7ified in se7tion
Con7rete set retarders m6st be 7ommer7ia. G6a.ity) man6fa7t6red spe7ifi7a..y for 6se on the top s6rfa7e of
7on7rete: The retarder m6st effe7ti<e.y s.oD doDn the settin; time and depth of the 7ement and fine
a;;re;ate matri3 to permit e3posin; the a;;re;ates:
22-11.02C C0'/r"(/#0'
The 7o.orin; a;ent m6st be 6niform.y and homo;eneo6s.y mi3ed Dith the 7on7rete:
P.a7e and 7onso.idate the 7on7rete so that the 7oarse a;;re;ate remains 6niform.y distrib6ted thro6;ho6t
the 7on7rete:
&o6 may app.y a 7on7rete set retarder to the s6rfa7e of the 7on7rete after p.a7in;) 7onso.idatin;) and
finishin; of the 7on7rete is 7omp.ete: App.y the set retarder 6nder the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions:
8hen the mass of the 7on7rete is s6ffi7ient.y set to permit remo<in; the matri3 of 7ement and fine
a;;re;ate) e3pose the 7oarse a;;re;ate:
#: 8ith a Dater spray) 7oarse broomin;) abrasi<e b.astin;) or a 7ombination of these pro7ed6res:
Remo<a. methods m6st not dis.od;e or .oosen the 7oarse a;;re;ate from embedment in the mortar:
2: To a depth of appro3imate.y -9#0 to -9+ in7h: E3posed a;;re;ate s6rfa7es m6st be 6niform in
Immediate.y after the 7ement mortar has hardened s6ffi7ient.y to resist f6rther remo<a.) 7.ean a.. 7ement
fi.m and other .oose materia. from the e3posed a;;re;ate and a.. other s6rfa7es Dith stiff brooms and
C6re 7on7rete 6nder se7tion $%,#:%-": E37ept Dhen operations for e3posin; the a;;re;ate are
6nderDay) 76re the 7on7rete: &o6 may 6se the Dater 76rin; method: If yo6 remo<e an area of 76rin;
7ompo6nd d6rin; the 76rin; period) keep the area 7ontin6o6s.y Det 6nti. the end of the 76rin; period or
6nti. yo6 reapp.y the 76rin; 7ompo6nd:
22-11.02D P%3me'/
Not !sed
22-12*22-1, RESERVED
22-1-.01 GENERAL
Se7tion 52,#0 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; ;abion str67t6res: =abions 7onsist of Dire mesh
baskets that are p.a7ed and then fi..ed Dith ro7k: The Dire baskets m6st be standard siHed:
=abions m6st be di<ided by diaphra;m pane.s so that baskets are -0,in7h .on; 7e..s:
Empty ;abion baskets m6st be assemb.ed indi<id6a..y and Ioined s677essi<e.y: The indi<id6a. mesh
pane.s /base) front) ends) ba7k) diaphra;ms) and .id1 and s677essi<e ;abions m6st be assemb.ed so that
the stren;th and f.e3ibi.ity a.on; the Ioints is 7omparab.e to a sin;.e pane.:
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e for ea7h shipment of ;abion baskets to the Iob site:
22-1-.02 MATERIALS
22-1-.02A Ge'er%&
The standard siHes for ;abion baskets m6st be either of the fo..oDin;:
#: attress sty.e that are #2 by #+ by -0 in7hes
2: C6bi7a. sty.e that are -0 by -0 by -0 in7hes
The Didth) hei;ht) or .en;th of a standard basket m6st not <ary more than * per7ent from the standard
siHe shoDn:
22-1-.02B Me7
!se the same mesh for ea7h sty.e and siHe of ;abion basket:
The siHe of Dire 6sed to man6fa7t6re mesh m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A04# and the reG6irements in the
A#re S#9e :#/7 PVC C0%/#'8
=abion basket
!SA Dire ;a;e esh type
C6bi7a. #2 tDisted
## min to $ ma3 De.ded
attress #2 tDisted
## De.ded
A#re S#9e :#/70"/ PVC C0%/#'8
=abion basket
!SA Dire ;a;e esh type
C6bi7a. ## tDisted
## min to $ ma3 De.ded
attress ## tDisted
## De.ded
8ire materia. properties m6st ha<e the <a.6es shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
A#re M%/er#%& Pr06er/#e
Property AST tests (a.6e
in tensi.e stren;th A -5% 0% ksi
#2,;a;e Dire:
Ain7 7oatin;
A04# C.ass - and A$%
%:#%0 in7h Dith %:#%2 min
%:5* oH9sG ft
##,;a;e Dire:
Ain7 7oatin;
A04# C.ass - and A$%
%:#2% in7h Dith %:##0 min
%:+% oH9sG ft
$,;a;e Dire:
Ain7 7oatin;
A04# C.ass - and A$%
%:#4+ in7h Dith %:#44 min
%:+* oH9sG ft
TDisted,mesh Dire m6st be formed Dith a nonra<; tDist and into a 6niform he3a;ona. pattern: For
P(C,7oated Dire) 6se #%,;a;e siHe for the se.<a;e Dires: For Dire Ditho6t P(C 7oatin;) 6se $,;a;e siHe
for the se.<a;e Dires:
8e.ded,mesh Dires m6st:
#: "e formed into the ;rid pattern shoDn
2: "e De.ded by resistan7e De.din;
-: Comp.y Dith AST A#+* e37ept De.d shears m6st be:
-:#: 0%% .b minim6m for ##,;a;e Dire
-:2: +%% .b minim6m for $,;a;e Dire
Resistan7e De.din; after 7oatin; the Dire Dith Hin7 is a..oDed if there are no .ar;e sp.ashes) f.akes) or
f.ashes of Hin7 at the De.d:
22-1-.02C PVC C0%/#'8
If P(C 7oatin; is shoDn) 7oat the mesh Dire) standard tie Dires) standard binders) interna. 7onne7tin;
Dires) preformed stiffeners) and se.<a;e Dire:
P(C 7oatin; m6st be !( resistant: A s6itab.e !( resistan7e additi<e m6st be b.ended Dith the P(C:
Identify the additi<e on the 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e: If the ;abions are e3posed to nat6ra. s6n.i;ht) the
7o.or of the P(C 7oatin; m6st be ;ray and resistant to fadin;:
App.y the Hin7 7oatin; before app.yin; the P(C 7oatin;: App.i7ation of the P(C 7oatin; m6st 7omp.y Dith
the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions:
E<a.6ate the P(C 7oatin; by infrared spe7tra. s7an: The s7an m6st 7.ose.y mat7h those of tested and
a77epted prod67ts a.ready on fi.e at the Transportation Laboratory:
The minim6m thi7kness of the P(C 7oatin; m6st be %:%#* in7h Dhen meas6red radia..y at any 7ross,
se7tion trans<erse to the Dire .en;th:
P(C 7oatin; Di.. be <is6a..y inspe7ted: There m6st be no ni7ks) 76ts) ho.idays) or abraded areas: inor
76ts) ni7ks) and other minor imperfe7tions d6e to man6fa7t6rin; are a..oDed a.on; the se.<a;e,Drapped
ed;es of the tDisted Dire mesh:
&o6 are not reG6ired to 7oat the ends of the Dires Dhere they ha<e been trimmed a.on; Dire or pane.
ed;es d6rin; the norma. man6fa7t6rin; pro7esses:
22-1-.02D E0#'/
Standard tie Dire and standard spira. binder Dire materia. properties m6st ha<e the <a.6es shoDn in the
fo..oDin; tab.e:
T#e A#re %'1 S6#r%& B#'1er A#re M%/er#%& Pr06er/#e
Property Test method (a.6e
in tensi.e stren;th AST A -5% 0% ksi
Tie Dire
8ire siHe
in diameter
a3 diameter
Ain7 7oatin;
!SA Dire ;a;e
AST A04#
AST A04#
A04# C.ass - and AST A$%
%:%+0 in7h
%:%+2 in7h
%:5% oH9sG ft
Spira. binder Dire
8ire siHe
in diameter
a3 diameter
Ain7 7oatin;
!SA Dire ;a;e
AST A04#
AST A04#
AST A04# C.ass - and AST A$%
%:#4+ in7h
%:#44 in7h
%:+* oH9sG ft
Spira. binders m6st ha<e a -,in7h separation betDeen 7ontin6o6s s677essi<e .oops:
If shoDn) yo6 may 6se a.ternati<e fasteners:
For P(C,7oated Dire) a.ternati<e fasteners m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A-#-) tensi.e Type -%2) C.ass #:
For Dire Ditho6t P(C 7oatin;) a.ternati<e fasteners m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A504 and:
#: Inter.o7kin; fasteners m6st be C.ass I) finish 2 Dith a C.ass - Hin7 finish 7oatin;
2: O<er.appin; fasteners m6st 7omp.y Dith C.ass II) finish # Dith a C.ass - Hin7 finish 7oatin;
22-1-.02E I'/er'%& C0''e(/#'8 A#re
Interna. 7onne7tin; Dires m6st be a minim6m siHe of #-:*,;a;e: The Dire m6st 7omp.y Dith the
spe7ifi7ations for tie Dire in se7tion 52,#0:%2D:
&o6 may 6se preformed stiffeners instead of interna. 7onne7tin; Dires: Preformed stiffeners m6st 7omp.y
Dith the spe7ifi7ations for tie Dire in se7tion 52,#0:%2D and be insta..ed per the man6fa7t6rerFs
22-1-.02F F%.r#(
If ;abions are shoDn for doDndrains) 6se Do<en tape fabri7 instead of RSP fabri7: 8o<en tape fabri7
m6st 7omp.y Dith AST D44$#) ha<e a mass of at .east + oH9sG yd) and ha<e a ma3im6m permeabi.ity of
5:* ;a.9min6te9sG ft:
22-1-.02G R0(;
Ro7k for; ;abions m6st 7omp.y Dith the testin; and 7orrespondin; spe7ifi7ations in se7tion 52,
Ro7ks for ;abion baskets eG6a. to or ;reater than #+ in7hes in hei;ht m6st <ary in siHe and 7omp.y Dith
the ;radation shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
R0(; Gr%1#'8 40r 1>-I'(7 0r L%r8er
S7reen siHe
#2 #%%
4 %B*
Ro7ks for ;abion baskets that are #2 in7hes in hei;ht m6st <ary in siHe and 7omp.y Dith the ;radation
shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
R0(; Gr%1#'8 40r 12-I'(7 B%;e/
S7reen siHe
+ #%%
4 %B*
The 6nit Dei;ht of a ro7k,fi..ed ;abion m6st be at .east ##% .b9 76 ft: 8hene<er reG6ested by the En;ineer)
<erify the 6nit Dei;ht: (erifi7ation m6st be performed 6sin; the sma..est standard ;abion basket);
method) and ro7k that Di.. be 6sed on the proIe7t: !se 7ertified for Dei;hin;: Ca.76.ate the 6nit
Dei;ht 6sin; the theoreti7a. <o.6me of the basket:
22-1-.0)A Ge'er%&
Areas Dhere ;abions are to be p.a7ed m6st be 7onstr67ted to the .ines and ;rades shoDn: E37a<ation
and ba7kfi.. m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion #$:
If fabri7 is shoDn) p.a7e the fabri7 on the s6b;rade) ba7ks.ope) and sides of the e37a<ations: If earth fi.. is
to be p.a7ed o<er the ;abions) p.a7e fabri7 on top of the ;abions before p.a7in; the earth fi..:
22-1-.0)B Aem.&3
Assemb.e the ;abions as empty 6nits: Ea7h ;abion m6st be man6fa7t6red Dith the ne7essary pane.s that
are proper.y spa7ed and se76red so that the pane.s 7an be rotated into position Ditho6t additiona. tyin; of
the rotation Ioint: Rotate pane.s and diaphra;ms into position and Ioin them a.on; the <erti7a. ed;es:
For tDisted Dire mesh) 7onstr67t Ioints 6sin; a.ternatin; do6b.e and sin;.e ha.f hit7hes /.o7ked .oops1
made at 4,in7h nomina. spa7in;: !se #-:*,;a;e standard tie Dire: Do not 7onstr67t Ioints Dith simp.e; /.oopin; Ditho6t .o7kin;1 of the tie Dire:
For De.ded Dire mesh) 7onstr67t Ioints 6sin; either of the fo..oDin;:
#: Standard tie Dire and a.ternatin; do6b.e and sin;.e ha.f hit7hes /.o7ked .oops1 in e<ery mesh openin;
a.on; the Ioint
2: Spira. binders that are $,;a;e and s67h that the spira. binder passes thro6;h e<ery mesh openin;
a.on; the Ioint: Crimp both ends of the spira. binder and se76re it in p.a7e:
Temporary fasteners may be 6sed to ho.d pane.s at ;abion,to,;abion Ioints) and they may remain in
!se either inter.o7kin; fasteners or o<er.appin; fasteners: P.a7e a fastener at ea7h mesh openin; a.on;
the Ioint: For P(C 7oated Dire) the spa7in; of fasteners m6st be at .east #% fasteners per -0 in7hes: For
Dire Ditho6t P(C 7oatin;) the spa7in; of fasteners m6st be at .east #% fasteners per 4% in7hes:
Set indi<id6a. ;abion baskets in p.a7e: S677essi<e.y Ioin the basket to the adIa7ent basket Dith #-:*,;a;e
tie Dire or $,;a;e standard spira. binder before; the basket Dith ro7k: In one pass) the tie Dire or
spira. binder m6st se76re a.. se.<a;e or end Dires of the pane.s a.on; the Ioint:
If formin; s677essi<e ;abion,to,;abion Ioints Dith a.ternati<e fasteners) 6se one a.ternati<e fastener at
ea7h mesh openin;: The a.ternati<e fastener m6st 7ontain and se76re a.. Dires a.on; the Ioint:
Coin ;abion baskets a.on; the front) ba7k) and ends) in7.6din; the top and bottom of adIa7ent ;abions:
6.ti,.ayered ;abion 7onfi;6rations m6st be stepped and sta;;ered: Coin ea7h .ayer of ;abion to the
6nder.yin; .ayer a.on; the front) ba7k) and ends:
Coin shear key and 7o6nterfort ;abions to 6nder.yin; ;abions a.on; the front) ba7k) and ends:
For transitiona. ;abions) fo.d) 76t) and fasten ;abion baskets as shoDn or as a77epted by the En;ineer:
22-1-.0)C F#&&#'8
"efore; ea7h ;abion basket) strai;hten any kinks and fo.ds in the Dire and a.i;n the baskets:
P.a7e ro7k in the basket and preser<e the a.i;nment: A<oid b6.;es and minimiHe <oids: E3posed ro7k
s6rfa7es m6st ha<e a smooth and neat appearan7e: Sharp ro7ks m6st not proIe7t thro6;h the Dire mesh:
!se interna. 7onne7tin; Dires or preformed stiffeners to prod67e a smooth e3terna. s6rfa7e:
8hene<er; -0,in7h,hi;h ;abions) p.a7e ro7k in #2,in7h,deep .ayers: 8hene<er; #+,in7h,hi;h
;abions) p.a7e ro7k in $,in7h,deep .ayers: Insta.. interna. 7onne7tin; Dires or preformed stiffeners before
addin; additiona. .ayers:
The .ast .ayer of ro7k m6st s.i;ht.y o<erfi.. the ;abion basket so that the .id Di.. rest on ro7k Dhen the .id is
Lids m6st be tied a.on; the front) end) and diaphra;ms Dith #-:*,;a;e tie Dire or $,;a;e standard spira.
binder: In one pass) the tie Dire or spira. binder m6st se76re a.. se.<a;e or end Dires of the pane.s a.on;
the .id:
If se76rin; the .id Dith a.ternati<e fasteners) 6se one a.ternati<e fastener at ea7h mesh openin;: The
a.ternati<e fastener m6st 7ontain and se76re a.. Dires a.on; the .id:
22-1-.0+ PAYMENT
=abions are meas6red based on the dimensions shoDn or ordered
2)-1.01 GENERAL
2)-1.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion 5-,# in7.6des ;enera. spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; minor 7on7rete items in7.6din;) 7on7rete
76rbs) sideDa.ks) ;6tter depressions) dri<eDays) is.and pa<in;) 76rbs ramps) dete7tab.e Darnin;
s6rfa7es) and te3t6red and 7o.ored 7on7rete s6rfa7es:
2)-1.01B De4#'#/#0'
2)-1.01C S".m#//%&
2)-1.01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
The En;ineer 6ses test pane.s as the standard of 7omparison for a77eptin; te3t6red and 7o.ored 7on7rete
Constr67t and finish test pane.s at the Iob site Dith materia.s) too.s) eG6ipment) and methods yo6 Di.. 6se
in the Dork: If a test pane. is reIe7ted) 7onstr67t an additiona. test pane. the same siHe as the ori;ina.:
Do not p.a7e 7on7rete that reG6ires a test pane. 6nti. the En;ineer a77epts the test pane.:
2)-1.02A Ge'er%&
The 7ementitio6s materia. 7ontent of 7on7rete m6st be at .east 40- .b976 yd:
For e3tr6ded or s.ip,form 76rb 7onstr67tion the a;;re;ate siHe may ran;e from -9+ to # in7h: If yo6 6se
-9+ in7h ma3im6m siHe a;;re;ate) 7ementitio6s materia. 7ontent m6st be at .east *%* .b976 yd:
Stee. doDe.s) reinfor7in; stee.) and De.ded Dire reinfor7ement m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *2:
Preformed e3pansion Ioint m6st 7omp.y Dith AST D #5*#:
ortar m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *#,#:%2F:
Form oi. m6st be 7ommer7ia. G6a.ity or other eG6i<a.ent 7oatin; Dhi7h a..oDs ready re.ease of forms and
does not dis7o.or the 7on7rete:
Adhesi<e m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion $*,2:%-:
2)-1.02B De/e(/%.&e A%r'#'8 S"r4%(e
Dete7tab.e Darnin; s6rfa7e m6st be shoDn on the A6thoriHed ateria. List for dete7tab.e Darnin; s6rfa7e
and m6st 7omp.y Dith ye..oD 7o.or no: --*-+ of FED,STD,*$*:
2)-1.0)A Ge'er%&
If yo6 repair any part of a 76rb) sideDa.k) 76rb ramp) dri<eDay) or ;6tter depression) remo<e and rep.a7e
the entire se7tion betDeen 7ontra7tion or e3pansion Ioints: At 7ontra7tion Ioints saD 76t a tr6e .ine at .east
#,#92 in7h deep before 7on7rete remo<a.:
To add a dete7tab.e Darnin; s6rfa7e to an e3istin; 76rb ramp) insta.. a prefabri7ated dete7tab.e Darnin;
s6rfa7e 6nder man6fa7t6rerFs re7ommendations:
2)-1.0)B S".8r%1e Pre6%r%/#0'
Prepare s6b;rade to reG6ired ;rade and 7ross se7tion: Remo<e soft or spon;y basement materia. 0
in7hes be.oD s6b;rade e.e<ation for 76rbs) ;6tter depressions) is.and pa<in;) and dri<eDays and - in7hes
be.oD s6b;rade e.e<ation for sideDa.ks and 76rb ramps: "a7kfi.. Dith earth) sand) or ;ra<e. to prod67e a
stab.e fo6ndation:
App.y Dater to s6b;rade 6nder se7tion #5,- and thoro6;h.y 7ompa7t before p.a7in; 7on7rete:
(erify the finished s6rfa7e of the s6b;rade does not proIe7t into 7on7rete 7ross se7tion at any point by:
#: eans of a temp.ate s6pported on the side forms for fi3ed form method
2: eas6rin; from the offset ;6ide .ine or s6r<ey marks for e3tr6ded or s.ip form methods:
2)-1.0)C F#<e1 F0rm
Set forms to the reG6ired a.i;nment) ;rade) and dimensions:
Forms m6st:
#: "e smooth on the side p.a7ed a;ainst 7on7rete
2: ?a<e a strai;ht 6pper ed;e
-: "e ri;id eno6;h to Dithstand the press6re of fresh 7on7rete Ditho6t distortion: !se eno6;h stakes)
7.amps) spreaders and bra7es to ens6re ri;idity
4: "e 7.ean of debris and o.d 7on7rete
*: Coated Dith form oi. before p.a7in; 7on7rete
&o6 may 6se either benders or thin p.ank forms on 76r<es) ;rade 7han;es) or 76rb ret6rns:
8et the s6b;rade and forms immediate.y in ad<an7e of p.a7in; 7on7rete:
P.a7e and 7ompa7t 7on7rete in the forms Ditho6t se;re;ation:
2)-1.0)D E</r"1e1 0r S&#6 F0rm
8et the s6b;rade immediate.y in ad<an7e of p.a7in; 7on7rete:
Feed 7on7rete into the e3tr6sion ma7hine at a 6niform rate: Restrain forDard tra<e. of the e3tr6sion
ma7hine to prod67e a De.. 7ompa7ted mass of 7on7rete reG6irin; no f6rther finishin; other than a .i;ht
br6shin;: The br6sh may be fi..ed Dith Dater: Do not finish 7on7rete s6rfa7e Dith a br6sh app.i7ation of
If 6sin; a s.ip form ma7hine 7ontro. a.i;nment) ;rade) and 7ross s.ope a6tomati7a..y by one of the
#: Sensin; of preset strin; .ines:
2: Sensin; of preset strin; .ine for 7ontro. of a.i;nment and ;rade and 7ross s.ope 7ontro.:
The s.ip form ma7hine m6st be eG6ipped Dith tra<; forms ri;id eno6;h to prod67e the reG6ired 7ross
se7tion: The s.ip form ma7hine m6st prod67e a dense homo;eneo6s 7on7rete tr6e to ;rade and 7ross
se7tion reG6irin; minim6m handDork: Conso.idate 7on7rete Dith interna. <ibrators or other a6thoriHed
If the e3tr6ded or s.ip form ma7hine fai.s to prod67e 7on7rete Dith Deb marks of Dater on the s6rfa7e or
has s6rfa7e pits .ar;er than -9#0 in7h in diameter) a;;re;ate ;radin; .imits are f6rther restri7ted:
2)-1.0)E E<6%'#0' %'1 C0'/r%(/#0' E0#'/
Constr67t 7ontra7tion Ioints by s7orin; 7on7rete Dith a ;roo<in; too. and ro6ndin; 7orners Dith an ed;er
too. or saD 76ttin; hardened 7on7rete to a depth of at .east # in7h: App.y 76rin; 7ompo6nd immediate.y to
the e3posed s6rfa7es of saD76t Ioints:
Constr67t e3pansion Ioints at ea7h side of a str67t6re and at ea7h end of a 76rb ret6rn 6sin; #94 in7h
thi7k preformed Ioint Finish 7on7rete adIa7ent to e3pansion Ioints Dith an ed;er too.: Do not
7onstr67t e3pansion Ioints 7.oser than 2% feet to an is.and nose: Shape preformed Ioint to mat7h
s6rfa7e 7onto6r of 7on7rete:
&o6 may 7onstr67t e3pansion Ioints by saD 76ttin; thro6;h the f6.. depth of the 7on7rete 7ross se7tion:
The Didth of the saD76t m6st pro<ide for a ti;ht fit of the preformed Ioint
If Ioint is 76t before 7on7rete has hardened:
#: Prote7t adIa7ent s6rfa7es Dith 7.ose fittin;) firm.y s6pported shie.ds:
2: Comp.ete saD76t and insertion of the preformed Ioint before 76rin; 7on7rete:
If Ioint is 76t after 7on7rete has hardened:
#: ortar preformed Ioint in p.a7e 6sin; hea<y troDe. press6re:
2: Co<er e3posed portions of 7on7rete in the <i7inity of saD76t Dith an additiona. app.i7ation of 76rin;
After 7on7rete has 76red) 7he7k Ioint for ti;ht fit: If any .oose Ioints are fo6nd) mortar Ioint in p.a7e
and 7he7k after mortar has 76red: Repeat as ne7essary to a7hie<e a ti;ht fit:
2)-1.0)F C"r#'8
C6re 7on7rete Dith pi;mented 76rin; 7ompo6nd 6nder se7tion $%,#:%-"/-1:
App.y 76rin; 7ompo6nd to pro<ide 7omp.ete 7oatin; of a.. e3posed fa7es of the 7on7rete s6rfa7e:
2)-1.0+ PAYMENT
Items for minor 7on7rete are meas6red based on the dimensions shoDn:
Dete7tab.e Darnin; s6rfa7e is meas6red based on the dimensions shoDn:
2)-2 CURBS
2)-2.01 GENERAL
2)-2.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion 5-,2 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; 76rbs:
2)-2.01B De4#'#/#0'
2)-2.01C S".m#//%&
2)-2.01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
2)-2.0)A Ge'er%&
Pro<ide entran7es for dri<eDays and 76rb ramps:
If 76rbs are 7onstr67ted o<er e3istin; pa<ement 6se stee. doDe.s and reinfor7in; stee. or adhesi<e to
an7hor the 76rb to the e3istin; pa<ement:
If stee. doDe.s and reinfor7in; are 6sed) an7hor stee. doDe.s in dri..ed Dith mortar made from eG6a.
parts in <o.6me of port.and 7ement and sand: &o6 may 6se an7hor bo.ts instead of an7hored stee. doDe.s
if a6thoriHed:
If adhesi<e is 6sed) remo<e a.. d6st) .oose materia.) or oi. from the s6rfa7e of the e3istin; pa<ement by
either Dire br6shin; or b.ast 7.eanin;:
Constr67t 7ontra7tion and e3pansion Ioints 6nder se7tion 5-,#:%-E at ri;ht an;.es to the .ine of 76rbs:
Spa7e 7ontra7tion Ioints at 2% foot inter<a.s: For 76rbs adIa7ent to e3istin; 7on7rete) a.i;n 76rb Ioints Dith
e3istin; 7on7rete pa<ement Ioints:
The top and fa7e of the finished 76rb m6st be tr6e and strai;ht: The top s6rfa7e of the 76rb m6st be
6niform in Didth and free from h6mps) sa;s) or other irre;6.arities: Che7k the top and fa7e of 76rbs and
s6rfa7e of ;6tter for f.atness Dith a #%,foot strai;hted;e: No ;aps ;reater than %:%# feet are a..oDed
e37ept at ;rade 7han;es or 76r<es:
C.ean any dis7o.ored 7on7rete at yo6r e3pense by abrasi<e b.ast 7.eanin; or other a6thoriHed method:
2)-2.0)B F#<e1 F0rm
Fi3ed forms m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 5-,#:%-C:
Set forms the f6.. depth of the ba7k and fa7e of 76rbs:
"a7k bender forms may be 7onstr67ted Dith #92,in7h,thi7k benders: ba7k bender forms to;ether as reG6ired to obtain the f6.. depth of the 76rb:
!se form 7.amps to pre<ent interferen7e Dith finishin; operations:
P.a7e preformed Ioint in position at e3pansion Ioints before p.a7in; 7on7rete:
"efore remo<in; the forms) finish the s6rfa7e tr6e to ;rade Dith a strai;hted;e f.oat at .east #% feet in
.en;th: Operate the strai;hted;e f.oat .on;it6dina..y o<er the 7on7rete s6rfa7e:
Remo<e forms from fa7e of 76rb # to 0 ho6rs after p.a7in; 7on7rete: Do not remo<e forms if 7on7rete is
p.asti7 eno6;h to s.6mp:
Immediate.y after remo<in; forms from fa7e of 76rb) 6se a stee. troDe. to obtain a smooth finish: The
smooth finish m6st e3tend to Dithin %:#5 foot of the f.oD .ine or to the f.oD .ine of a 76rb Dith inte;ra.
;6tter: After smoothin; 76rb fa7e) app.y a fine br6sh finish para..e. to the .ine of the 76rb:
2)-2.0)C E</r"1e1 0r S&#6 F0rm
E3tr6ded or s.ip form m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 5-,#:%-D:
If 6sin; an e3tr6sion ma7hine) determine the offset ;6ide .ine 6sed to set ;rade for top of the 76rb from
s6r<ey marks estab.ished by the En;ineer: The e3tr6sion ma7hine m6st be eG6ipped Dith a ;rade .ine
;a;e or pointer that a..oDs for 7ontin6a. 7omparison betDeen 76rb p.a7ement and offset ;6ide .ine:
The e3tr6sion ma7hine m6st be 7apab.e of <erti7a. adI6stment d6rin; forDard tra<e. to 7onstr67t 76rbs of
<aryin; hei;ht as determined by the offset ;6ide .ine:
&o6 may operate the e3tr6sion ma7hine on rai.s or forms set at 6niform depth be.oD the estab.ished
;rade of the top of 76rb:
&o6 may p.a7e 76rbs that are not on a str67t6re Dith an e3tr6sion ma7hine or s.ip form pa<er if:
#: Con7rete 7omp.ies Dith se7tion 5-,#:%2:
2: Finished 76rb is tr6e to .ine and ;rade:
-: Con7rete 7ontains ma3im6m amo6nt of Dater that maintains 76rb shape Ditho6t s6pport:
4: ReG6ired s6rfa7e te3t6re is obtained:
2)-2.0+ PAYMENT
2)-).01 GENERAL
2)-).01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion 5-,- in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; sideDa.ks) ;6tters) ;6tter depressions) is.and pa<in;)
76rb ramps) and dri<eDays:
2)-).01B De4#'#/#0'
2)-).01C S".m#//%&
For a prefabri7ated dete7tab.e Darnin; s6rfa7e) s6bmit a *,year man6fa7t6rerFs Darranty of rep.a7ement
for defe7ts in dome shape) 7o.or fastness) so6nd,on,7ane a7o6sti7 G6a.ity) resi.ien7e) and atta7hment:
The *,year Darranty period starts at Contra7t a77eptan7e:
2)-).01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
For a prefabri7ated dete7tab.e Darnin; s6rfa7e pro<ide a 24,by,24,in7h test pane.:
Constr67t e3pansion Ioints at:
#: A.. ret6rns and opposite of e3pansion Ioints in adIa7ent 76rb
2: Si3ty foot ma3im6m inter<a.s Dhen no adIa7ent 76rb is present
Constr67t 7ontra7tion Ioints to 7reate #2,to,2%,sG6are foot re7tan; patterns into the s6rfa7e of
Insta.. prefabri7ated dete7tab.e Darnin; s6rfa7e 6nder man6fa7t6rerUs re7ommendations:
"room finish s6rfa7e of sideDa.k) ;6tter depression) 76rb ramp and dri<eDay: For s6rfa7es 6sed by
pedestrians) app.y broom finish to the path of tra<e.: &o6 may app.y Dater to the s6rfa7e
immediate.y before broomin;:
The finished s6rfa7e m6st not <ary more than %:%2 foot from a #% foot strai;hted;e e37ept at ;rade
If p.a7in; pa<ement aro6nd or adIa7ent to mis7e..aneo6s str67t6res /i:e: pipe in.ets) or other
mis7e..aneo6s str67t6res1) do not finish the mis7e..aneo6s str67t6res to fina. ;rade 6nti. the pa<ement is
finished beyond the mis7e..aneo6s str67t6re:
If 6sin; fi3ed forms strike,off and 7ompa7t fresh 7on7rete 6nti. a .ayer of mortar is bro6;ht to the s6rfa7e:
Finish Dith a f.oat to ;rade and 7ross se7tion and troDe. smooth:
Lea<e forms in p.a7e for sideDa.k) ;6tter depression) is.and pa<in;) 76rb ramp and dri<eDay for a
minim6m of #2 ho6rs after s6rfa7e finishin;:
If 6sin; e3tr6ded or s.ip form method) 7omp.y Dith se7tion 5-,#:%-D:
C.ean any dis7o.ored 7on7rete at yo6r e3pense by abrasi<e b.ast 7.eanin; or other a6thoriHed method:
2)-).0+ PAYMENT
2)-+.01 GENERAL
2)-+.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion 5-,4 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for te3t6rin; and 7o.orin; 7on7rete s6rfa7es: Te3t6re 7on7rete by
imprintin; Dith stamps) too.s) brooms) or other methods to obtain the pattern or impressions shoDn:
2)-+.01B S".m#//%&
For ea7h 7o.or of a dry,shake method 7o.ored 7on7rete s6rfa7e) s6bmit man6fa7t6rerFs data for 7o.or
hardener) and 76rin; and finishin; 7ompo6nds:
2)-+.01C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
For a te3t6red or 7o.ored 7on7rete s6rfa7e) 7onstr67t a 4+,by,4+,in7h test pane. for ea7h type of te3t6re
and 7o.or:
For te3t6red and 7o.ored 7on7rete s6rfa7es) a;;re;ate m6st 7omp.y Dith the ;radin; reG6irements for fine
a;;re;ate in se7tion $%,#:%2C/41/71:
A;;re;ate 6sed in ;ro6t for te3t6red and 7o.ored 7on7rete s6rfa7es m6st 7omp.y Dith the ;radin;
reG6irements in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
A88re8%/e Gr%1#'8 40r Gr0"/
Sie<e siHes Per7enta;e passin;
No: 4 #%%
No: + $%B#%%
No: #0 0%B#%%
No: -% -*B5%
No: *% #*B-*
No: #%% 2B#*
Co.or pi;ments for dry,shake method m6st 7omp.y Dith AST C $5$:
Prote7t s6rro6ndin; e3posed s6rfa7es d6rin; the p.a7ement) finishin;) and 76rin; operations of 7o.ored
If shoDn) p.a7e De.ded Dire reinfor7ement:
S7reed 7on7rete to the ;rade and 7ross se7tion shoDn: Strike,off and 7ompa7t 6nti. a .ayer of mortar is
bro6;ht to the s6rfa7e: 8ood f.oat to a 6niform s6rfa7e:
For dry,shake method app.y s6rfa7e 7o.or hardener in 2 app.i7ations Dhi.e the 7on7rete s6rfa7e is in the
p.asti7 sta;e: !se at .east 0% .b of hardener per #%% sG ft of 7on7rete s6rfa7e: 8ood f.oat s6rfa7e after
ea7h app.i7ation of hardener: TroDe. on.y after fina. f.oatin;:
Te3t6re Dhi.e 7on7rete is in the p.asti7 sta;e: For te3t6res that reG6ire 7on7rete stamps) 6se stamp 6nder
man6fa7t6rerFs re7ommendations:
Do not te3t6re or ;ro6t ;roo<ed area and dete7tab.e Darnin; s6rfa7e on a 76rb ramp:
If te3t6red 7on7rete s6rfa7e is ;ro6ted) p.a7e ;ro6t after initia. 76rin; of te3t6red 7on7rete: Remo<e 76rin;
sea. and other de.eterio6s s6bstan7es before app.yin; ;ro6t: Remo<a. method m6st not stain or dis7o.or
area of te3t6red 7on7rete to remain e3posed after ;ro6tin;: Spread and 7onso.idate ;ro6t o<er the
te3t6red 7on7rete area 6nder man6fa7t6rer re7ommendations: Remo<e e37ess ;ro6t from te3t6red
7on7rete area Dith a sG6ee;ee and damp b6r.ap ra;s or other a6thoriHed method: App.y 76rin; sea.:
2)-+.0+ PAYMENT
Te3t6red and 7o.ored 7on7rete s6rfa7es are meas6red para..e. to the 7on7rete s6rfa7e:
2)-,*2)-- RESERVED
2+-1.01 GENERAL
2+-1.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion 54,# in7.6des ;enera. spe7ifi7ations for p6mpin; eG6ipment and their 7ontro. systems:
The arran;ement and ;enera. .o7ation of p6mpin; eG6ipment and 7ontro. systems are shoDn:
2+-1.01B De4#'#/#0'
2+-1.01C S".m#//%&
2+-1.01CB1C Ge'er%&
If yo6 6se the draina;e p6mps to maintain tota. p6mpin; 7apa7ity before Contra7t a77eptan7e) s6bmit:
#: Shop draDin;s for draina;e b6.khead and safe;6ards
2: aintenan7e Dork
2+-1.01CB2C S706 Dr%:#'8
P.ans and detai. draDin;s may be 22 by -4 in7hes:
Shop draDin;s for p6mpin; eG6ipment m6st in7.6de:
#: System .ayo6t
2: Pipin; 7onne7tions
-: App6rtenan7es
4: Other materia.s reG6ired for the eG6ipment insta..ation
*: o6ntin; detai.s and an7hora;e detai.s
Shop draDin;s for e.e7tri7a. eG6ipment m6st in7.6de:
#: E.e7tri7a. eG6ipment s7hemati7s
2: Contro. dia;rams
-: 8irin; dia;rams
4: Cond67tor n6mbers for 7ontro. and poDer 7ond67tors
Do not 6se proIe7t reprod67tions or man6fa7t6rerFs standard printed data for e.e7tri7a. .ayo6t
S6bmit shop draDin;s for the insta..ation of draina;e p6mp eG6ipment and p6mpin; p.ant e.e7tri7a.
eG6ipment after prod67t data s6bmitta.s are a6thoriHed:
If draina;e p6mp and p6mpin; p.ant e.e7tri7a. eG6ipment reG6ire 7han;es to p6mp p.ant meta. Dork or
other 7onstr67tion detai.s) s6bmit re<ised shop draDin;s: The Department does not adI6st payment for
these 7han;es:
2+-1.01CB)C Pr01"(/ D%/%
S6bmit at .east * sets of prod67t data to OSD) Do76ments !nit: Ea7h set m6st be bo6nd to;ether and
in7.6de an inde3 statin; eG6ipment names) man6fa7t6rers) and mode. n6mbers: TDo sets Di.. be
ret6rned: Notify the En;ineer of the s6bmitta.: In7.6de in the notifi7ation the date and 7ontents of the
Prod67t data in7.6des 7ata.o; 76ts) performan7e data) insta..ation instr67tions) and additiona.
Cata.o; 76ts m6st in7.6de:
#: an6fa7t6rerFs name
2: Cata.o; or part n6mber
-: SiHe
4: Capa7ity
*: E.e7tri7a. ratin;s
0: Finish
5: aintenan7e and adI6stment reG6irements
+: Identifi7ation symbo.s des7ribed
$: Insta..ation instr67tions
2+-1.01CB+C S%m6&e
The En;ineer may reG6est materia. of s6bmitted eG6ipment: If reG6ested) send to OSD)
Do76ments !nit:
2+-1.01CB,C A0r; P&%'
2+-1.01CB,CB%C Per40rm%'(e Te/#'8 P&%'
S6bmit a Dork for performan7e testin; of p6mpin; p.ant eG6ipment: The Dork m6st in7.6de
methods for:
#: ".o7kin; pipes at their entran7e point into the stora;e bo3
2: Remo<in; a.. debris from the p6mpin; p.ant) stora;e bo3) debris s6mp and p6mp s6mp before testin;
-: Lo7atin; and; b6.kheads in the stora;e bo3es) if 6sed
4: Operationa. test) in7.6din; p6mp operation
*: S6pp.yin; Dater
0: 8ater disposa.
2+-1.01CB,CB.C M%#'/%#' P"m6#'8 C%6%(#/3 %'1 M%#'/e'%'(e Re!"#reme'/ P&%'
S6bmit a Dork for maintainin; the p6mpin; p.ant tota. p6mpin; 7apa7ity and maintainin; the
p6mpin; p.ant as spe7ified in se7tion 54,#:%-E: The Dork m6st in7.6de:
#: P6mpin; p.ant maintenan7e pro7ed6res and s7hed6.e:
2: Tota. p6mpin; 7apa7ity a.ternati<e spe7ified in se7tion 54,#:%-E:
-: Proposed p6mpin; eG6ipment: If 6sin; a.ternati<e 2 or - spe7ified in se7tion 54,#:%-E) in7.6de
a63i.iary p6mp 76r<es) eG6ipment ratin;s) G6antity) and poDer s6pp.y:
4: ethod for Dater disposa.:
2+-1.01CB-C C&0e0"/ S".m#//%&
S6bmit 7.oseo6t s6bmitta.s as a Maintenance and Operations Manual before 7omp.etion of the Dork:
S6bmit # 7opy of PDF on a CD or D(D and 2 7opies in print format in -,rin; binders Dith tabbed
di<iders: The man6a. m6st in7.6de a.. a77epted a7tion s6bmitta.s for draina;e p6mp eG6ipment and
p6mpin; p.ant e.e7tri7a. eG6ipment: Or;aniHe ea7h binder as fo..oDs:
#: Inde3
2: Part .ists
-: Operatin; instr67tions
4: aintenan7e instr67tions
*: 8irin; s7hemati7s) Dith 7ontro. and poDer 7ond67tor n6mbers identified
0: Certified p6mp 76r<es
In7omp.ete or inadeG6ate do76ments are ret6rned for 7orre7tion and res6bmitta.:
S6bmit a.. paperDork de.i<ered Dith p6mpin; p.ant eG6ipment to the En;ineer:
2+-1.01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
2+-1.01DB1C Ge'er%&
Notify the En;ineer at .east #% days before testin;: The p6mp p.ant m6st be 7omp.ete before testin; is
F6rnish a.. Dater and e.e7tri7a. ener;y ne7essary for testin;: If a6thoriHed) yo6 may 6se the p6mpin;
p.ant dis7har;e system:
2+-1.01DB2C O6er%/#0'%& Te/
Perform the operationa. tests in the En;ineerFs presen7e: The En;ineer 7onfirms the p6mp namep.ates
before testin;:
Fi.. the p6mp s6mp and stora;e bo3es Dith Dater: Fi.. bo3es as reG6ired 6nti. operationa. tests and
performan7e tests are a77epted: If a6thoriHed) yo6 may add b6.kheads in the stora;e bo3es:
Perform operationa. tests of the p6mpin; p.ant to demonstrate:
#: Proper rotation of ea7h p6mp
2: an6a. operation of the p6mps separate.y and 7ombined
-: A6tomati7 operation of the p6mps separate.y and 7ombined
Repeat the operationa. tests 6nti. the reG6irements ha<e been met:
2+-1.01DB)C Per40rm%'(e Te/
After a77eptan7e of the operationa. tests) the En;ineer Di.. r6n performan7e tests on the insta..ed
p6mpin; p.ant eG6ipment: Perform testin; 6nder se7tion 54,#:%#C/*1/a1: Performan7e tests in7.6de tDo *,
min6te tests for ea7h p6mp:
Performan7e tests m6st shoD that ea7h insta..ed draina;e p6mp meets at .east /#1 $5 per7ent of the
fa7tory 7ertified performan7e 76r<e and /21 the desi;n p6mp rates shoDn: Ea7h p6mp m6st not .oad its
motor more than the a7t6a. f6.. .oad namep.ate ampera;e) re;ard.ess of head: The motor ser<i7e fa7tor
Di.. not be app.ied:
The En;ineer repeats performan7e tests 6nti. the reG6irements ha<e been met:
Remo<e b6.kheads and b.o7kin; from pipes after performan7e testin; is 7omp.ete:
2+-1.01DB+C Dr%#'%8e P"m6 F#'%& I'6e(/#0'
Se7tion 54,#:%#D/41 app.ies if yo6 6se the draina;e p6mps insta..ed 6nder the Contra7t to maintain tota.
p6mpin; 7apa7ity for the p6mpin; p.ant draina;e area before Contra7t a77eptan7e:
Remo<e and disassemb.e the p6mps before Contra7t a77eptan7e: The En;ineer performs a fina.
inspe7tion of the p6mps:
8orn) dama;ed) or otherDise 6nsatisfa7tory parts m6st be rep.a7ed: Assemb.e and reinsta.. the p6mps:
Test draina;e p6mps 6sed before Contra7t a77eptan7e 6nder se7tion 54,#:%#C/*1/a1 after the En;ineerFs
fina. inspe7tion and before Contra7t a77eptan7e:
2+-1.02A Ge'er%&
An7hora;es m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for 7on7rete an7hora;e de<i7es in se7tion 5*,#:%-C:
2+-1.02B De&#$er3, S/0r%8e, %'1 H%'1&#'8
De.i<er prod67ts to the Iob site in an 6ndama;ed 7ondition in the man6fa7t6rerFs ori;ina. sea.ed 7ontainer
or other pa7ka;in; system: Pa7ka;in; m6st be 7omp.ete Dith .abe.s and instr67tions for;) storin;)
6npa7kin;) prote7tin;) and;:
Store and hand.e prod67ts 6sin; means and methods that 7omp.y Dith the man6fa7t6rerFs Dritten
instr67tions and pre<ent dama;e) deterioration) or .oss) and maintain Darrantee reG6irements:
2+-1.0)A Ge'er%&
2+-1.0)B P%#'/#'8
Paintin; m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *$,#:
Paint 6n7oated draina;e p6mp eG6ipment) in7.6din; meta. Dork) as ma7hinery 6nder se7tion *$,
"efore;) paint Dood on a.. s6rfa7es 6nder se7tion *$,4:
Paint the p6mp n6mber on ea7h draina;e p6mp motor and on ea7h dis7har;e pipe * feet abo<e e<ery
.andin;: N6mbers m6st be sten7i.ed and at .east #,#92 in7hes ta..: !se 2 app.i7ations of 7ommer7ia.
G6a.ity Dhite ;.oss ename.:
Paint an arroD shoDin; the dire7tion of draina;e p6mp rotation on ea7h dis7har;e pipe 4,#92 feet abo<e
e<ery .andin;: ArroDs m6st be sten7i.ed and at .east 0 in7hes .on;: !se 2 app.i7ations of 7ommer7ia.
G6a.ity Dhite ;.oss ename.:
Paint s6rfa7es before they be7ome 6nrea7hab.e be7a6se of assemb.y operations:
Paintin; m6st not impair .e;ibi.ity) .ife e3pe7tan7y) or f6n7tion of the fo..oDin; items:
#: "rass s6rfa7es
2: Namep.ates
-: P6sh b6ttons
4: Operatin;
*: E.e7tri7a. 7o<er p.ates
0: P.asti7 parts
5: Lo7ks
Repair e3posed non;a.<aniHed threads or dama;ed ;a.<aniHin; 6nder se7tion 5*,#:%*:
C.ean) prime) and to67h 6p dama;ed areas of painted s6rfa7es: !se the same type primer) paint) and
7o.or as the dama;ed finish:
Do not 6se 7o.d ;a.<aniHin; aeroso. 7ans for repair or to67h 6p Dork:
2+-1.0)C C%re %'1 C&e%'#'8
Do not insta.. p6mpin; p.ant eG6ipment 6nti. the str67t6ra. portion of the p6mp s6mp is s6bstantia..y
7omp.ete: &o6 may insta.. an7hors and embedded eG6ipment Dhene<er reG6ired by the str67t6ra. Dork:
Prote7t insta..ed eG6ipment from dama;e:
C.ean eG6ipment) en7.os6res) ;a.<aniHed and non7orrodib.e meta. s6rfa7es) and Dood s6rfa7es in the
p6mpin; p.ant after insta..ation 6nder se7tion *$,#:%-C:
Remo<e debris from the p6mp ho6se) p6mp s6mp) stora;e bo3es) and premises at Contra7t a77eptan7e:
2+-1.0)D M%#'/e'%'(e I'/r"(/#0'
S6pp.y an ##, by #5,in7h f6sed,.aminate 7opy of the maintenan7e instr67tions in a ;a.<aniHed sheet,meta.
frame: Insta.. the frame on an interior p6mp ho6se Da..:
S6pp.y an ##, by #5 in7h f6sed,.aminate 7opy of the 7ontro. system s7hemati7 dia;ram: Insta.. on the
inside of a motor 7ontro. 7enter door:
2+-1.0)E T0/%& P"m6#'8 C%6%(#/3 %'1 M%#'/e'%'(e Re!"#reme'/
The Department Di.. not iss6e re.ief from maintenan7e and prote7tion for the p6mpin; p.ant:
For e3istin; p6mpin; p.ants:
#: Sta;e remo<a. a7ti<ities s67h that tota. p6mpin; 7apa7ity is maintained
2: Pro<ide p6mp p.ant maintenan7e
!pon 7omp.etion of neD p6mpin; p.ants:
#: aintain tota. p6mpin; 7apa7ity
2: Pro<ide p6mp p.ant maintenan7e
F6rnish e.e7tri7a. ener;y ne7essary for maintainin; tota. p6mpin; 7apa7ity and maintenan7e
P6mpin; p.ant maintenan7e m6st in7.6de:
#: Remo<in; dirt and debris from stora;e bo3es) entran7e bay) p6mp s6mp and draina;e in.ets
2: Performin; adI6stments and repairs for proper operation of draina;e p6mp eG6ipment and p6mpin;
p.ant e.e7tri7a. eG6ipment
'eep a p6mp ho6se .o;book of p6mpin; p.ant maintenan7e a7ti<ities: In7.6de maintenan7e dates) Dork
performed) and the name of emp.oyee doin; the Dork:
aintain tota. p6mpin; 7apa7ity at the 7orrespondin; dynami7 head shoDn: !se # of the fo..oDin;
a.ternati<es to maintain tota. p6mpin; 7apa7ity:
#: Sta;e a7ti<ities s67h that the entire p6mpin; p.ant is 7omp.ete and ab.e to maintain tota. p6mpin;
2: F6rnish an a63i.iary p6mpin; system Dith a 7apa7ity eG6a. to the tota. p6mpin; 7apa7ity: This system
m6st in7.6de a poDer s6pp.y) 7ontro.s) temporary draina;e system) s6mp p6mps) and dis7har;e
-: Combination of the abo<e 2 a.ternati<es:
Dispose of Dater: If a6thoriHed) yo6 may 6se the p6mpin; p.ant dis7har;e system:
2+-1.0)F Ue 04 P"m6 .e40re C0'/r%(/ A((e6/%'(e
Se7tion 54,#:%-F app.ies if yo6 6se the draina;e p6mps insta..ed 6nder the Contra7t to maintain tota.
p6mpin; 7apa7ity for the p6mpin; p.ant draina;e area before Contra7t a77eptan7e:
The p6mpin; p.ant m6st be 7omp.ete: The En;ineer inspe7ts the stora;e bo3) s7reens) p6mp s6mp) and
p6mpin; p.ant eG6ipment before a6thoriHin; its 6se:
Draina;e Dater m6st be sett.ed before enterin; the p6mpin; p.ant: Draina;e Dater m6st f.oD thro6;h
safe;6ards and draina;e b6.kheads to remo<e non,s6spended so.ids: Non,s6spended so.ids in7.6de
debris) soi.) sand) and ;ra<e.:
Safe;6ards in7.6de; ponds) basins) and 7he7ks and Deirs: Safe;6ards m6st:
#: Inter7ept draina;e Dater and effe7ti<e.y stop non,s6spended so.ids by;
2: De.i<er sett.ed Dater to pa<ed s6rfa7es) pipes) or other nonerodib.e 7hanne.s .eadin; to the draina;e
-: "e maintained s67h that the safe;6ards f6n7tion as intended
Constr67t b6.kheads aro6nd draina;e in.ets dis7har;in; to the p6mp s6mp and stora;e bo3es: Draina;e b6.kheads m6st 7onsist of b6r.ap sa7ks fi..ed Dith per<io6s materia.:
2+-1.0+ PAYMENT
The Department does not pay for fai.ed tests:
2+-2.01 GENERAL
2+-2.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion 54,2 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for; draina;e p6mpin; eG6ipment:
2+-2.01B De4#'#/#0'
2+-2.01C S".m#//%&
2+-2.01CB1C Ge'er%&
2+-2.01CB2C Pr01"(/ D%/%
S6bmit prod67t data for the fo..oDin; items:
#: Draina;e p6mps
2: F.e3ib.e e3pansion;s
-: 8a.. .o6<ers
4: F.ap <a.<es
*: Press6re ;a6;es
0: P6mp ho6se doors
Draina;e p6mp data m6st in7.6de:
#: P6mp 7omponents
2: Representati<e p6mp 76r<e shoDin; the motor does not de<e.op more than $* per7ent of its
namep.ate horsepoDer anyDhere on the 76r<e
-: ?p) k(A) k8) poDer fa7tor) and <o.ta;e
4: Startin; and r6nnin; 76rrents
*: Therma. and ma;neti7 trip settin;s
0: Starter o<er.oads 76rrent settin;
5: otor namep.ate data) in7.6din;:
5:#: F6.. .oad speed
5:2: F6.. .oad 76rrent
5:-: (o.ta;e
5:4: Lo7ked rotor k(A per rated horsepoDer or 7ode .etter
2+-2.01CB)C Cer/#4#(%/e
S6bmit 7ertifi7ates for fa7tory 7ertified ba.an7in; and fa7tory 7ertified draina;e p6mp tests:
Certifi7ation do76ments m6st be in !S 76stomary 6nits:
S6bmit the fa7tory ori;ina. hard 7opy and 2 7opies as pdf on 2 CDs or D(Ds: Send to OSD)
Do76ments !nit: The Department Di.. not a77ept a fa7simi.e 7opy: Notify the En;ineer of the s6bmitta.:
In7.6de in the notifi7ation the date and 7ontents of the s6bmitta.:
Fa7tory 7ertified test do76ments for ea7h draina;e p6mp m6st in7.6de:
#: =enerated p6mp 76r<e from 76toff head to the minim6m dynami7 head shoDn: ShoD on the p6mp
#:#: Identified test points 6sed to ;enerate the p6mp 76r<e:
#:2: P.ot of the desi;n p6mp rates and dynami7 heads shoDn on the p6mp 76r<e:
#:-: Identified and p.otted test point horsepoDer and effi7ien7ies on the p6mp 76r<e:
2: Data that 7onfirms the p6mp de<e.ops from $5 to #%% per7ent of motor namep.ate poDer at the point
the p6mp reG6ires ma3im6m poDer:
-: otor rpm:
4: fina. diameter:
2+-2.01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
2+-2.01DB1C Ge'er%&
2+-2.01DB2C Re8"&%/0r3 Re!"#reme'/
Draina;e p6mps m6st be fa7tory 7ertified 6nder ANSI9?I ##:0: Ea7h p6mp 7ertifi7ation m6st be of the
a7t6a. motor) p6mp) and trimmed 7ombination de.i<ered to the Iob site: ba.an7in; m6st be fa7tory 7ertified 6nder ISO #$4%,#) ISO "a.an7e @6a.ity =rade =0:-) at the
s6pp.ied motor rpm:
2+-2.02A Ge'er%&
!se the siHe and type of pipe and fittin;s shoDn:
2+-2.02B Dr%#'%8e P"m6 %'1 P"m6#'8 A66%r%/"
2+-2.02BB1C Ge'er%&
2+-2.02BB2C Dr%#'%8e P"m6
Draina;e p6mps m6st be fa7tory assemb.ed) tested) and m6st be a s6bmersib.e) end,s67tion) sin;.e,
sta;e) 7.ose,7o6p.ed) o<erh6n;, 7entrif6;a. DasteDater p6mp 7omp.yin; Dith ANSI9?I #:#,#:2
and ANSI9?I #:-: Do not 6se a base e.boD mo6nted p6mp: Draina;e p6mps m6st be 7oated Dith the
man6fa7t6rerFs standard finish for the intended 6se:
Draina;e p6mps m6st be the rpm and <o.ta;e shoDn and meet the desi;n p6mp rates and dynami7
heads shoDn:
Draina;e p6mps m6st ha<e 7ast iron /#1 7asin;s) /21 bra7kets) /-1 <o.6tes Dith open and /41
horiHonta. p6mp dis7har;es:
Draina;e p6mps m6st ha<e a base s6pport en;ineered to permit desi;n f.oD into the <o.6te and s6pport
the assemb.ed Dei;ht of the draina;e p6mp: "ase s6pport .e;s m6st be bo.ted to the f.oor:
Draina;e p6mps m6st ha<e /#1 rep.a7eab.e bronHe Dear rin;s on the and 7asin;) and /21 non,
ma;neti7 stain.ess stee. e3terna. n6ts and bo.ts:
Draina;e p6mp impe..ers m6st be:
#: Dynami7a..y ba.an7ed
2: ade from d67ti.e iron or bronHe
-: Non7.o; type) open or semi,open desi;n for s.6d;e) and at .east -,in7h so.ids;
4: Trimmed to de<e.op from $5 to #%% per7ent of motor namep.ate poDer at point of ma3im6m .oad and
sti.. de.i<er at .east the desi;n p6mp rates and dynami7 heads shoDn
*: 'eyed and se76red to the shaft: ba.an7in; m6st not Deaken or deform the
Draina;e p6mps m6st ha<e a stain.ess stee. shaft Dith fa7tory,sea.ed .6bri7ated bearin;s) tandem
do6b.e,me7hani7a. sea.s of t6n;sten 7arbide or si.i7on 7arbide Dith an oi. reser<oir) and ha<e interna.
moist6re sensors in the oi. reser<oir:
otors m6st be a standard effi7ien7y) NEA 7ode .etter E=E or -,phase NEA Desi;n " motor
Dith 7ab.e assemb.y: The 7ab.e assemb.y m6st in7.6de a 4,7ond67tor poDer 7ab.e and a *,7ond67tor
7ontro. 7ab.e: The motor Dith 7ab.e assemb.y m6st be rated for C.ass #) Di<ision # .o7ations:
otors m6st ha<e NEA C.ass F ins6.ation) b6i.t,in therma. prote7tion) and a 7ast iron 7asin; Dith .iftin;
eyes or .6;s:
The m6st be .isted for EE3tra ?ard Ser<i7eE in C.ass #) Di<ision 2 .o7ations: Ea7h 7ab.e m6st
in7.6de an eG6ipment ;ro6ndin; 7ond67tor Dith ;reen or ;reen Dith ye..oD stripe ins6.ation: The
m6st be .on; eno6;h to be insta..ed from the motor to the en7.os6re shoDn Ditho6t sp.i7in;: Insta.. 7ab.e
7onne7tors for termination in I6n7tion bo3:
Insta.. a motor namep.ate and p6mp identifi7ation namep.ate on ea7h draina;e p6mp: Atta7h identi7a.
namep.ates to the inside of the 7orrespondin; starter 7ompartment door on the motor 7ontro. 7abinet:
2+-2.02BB)C P"m6#'8 A66%r%/"
F.ap <a.<es m6st ha<e an iron body Dith pipe;e frame and bronHe matin; s6rfa7es:
Fasteners) e3pansion an7hors) n6ts) bo.ts) and Dashers m6st be Type -#0 stain.ess stee.:
Press6re ;a6;es m6st be a 7ompo6nd ;a6;e 7omp.yin; Dith ASE "4%:#%%) =rade A) and m6st ha<e:
#: 4,in7h .iG6id fi..ed dia.) Dith stain.ess stee. 7ase and 7o<er
2: Reset s7reD
-: #94,in7h PT bottom
4: Ran;e of -% in7hes ?; <a766m to -% psi 6n.ess otherDise shoDn
*: =a6;e ;6ard and ;a6;e 7o7k: =a6;e ;6ard m6st be #92 by #94 in7h) P(C or CP(C body) PTFE or
(iton diaphra;m) and rated for % to 2*% psi: =a6;e 7o7k m6st be #92,in7h NPT brass ba.. <a.<e
2+-2.02C P"m6 H0"e D00r, L0"$er, %'1 F%'
2+-2.02CB1C Ge'er%&
Fabri7ate p6mp ho6se doors and frames 6nder ANSI9SDI A2*%:+ or ANSI9NAA,?A +0#:
?in;es m6st 7omp.y Dith ANSI9"?A A#*0:#: Lo7ksets m6st 7omp.y Dith ANSI9"?A A#*0:2: Door
;asketin; m6st 7omp.y Dith ANSI9"?A A#*0:22: Thresho.ds m6st 7omp.y Dith ANSI9"?A A#*0:2#:
=a.<annea.ed stee. sheet m6st be 7ommer7ia. stee.) Type ") 7omp.yin; Dith AST A #%%+9A #%%+ Dith
at .east an A0% meta..i7 7oatin; 7omp.yin; Dith AST A 0*-9A 0*-:
2+-2.02CB2C P"m6 H0"e D00r
The p6mp ho6se door 7onsists of the door) frame) and door hardDare: F6rnish the fa7tory app.ied finish
7oatin; system for e3terior .o7ations:
The p6mp ho6se doors m6st be at .east #,-94 in7hes thi7k) f6.. f.6sh) seam.ess ho..oD meta. 7onstr67tion:
The doors m6st 7omp.y Dith ANSI9SDI A2*%:4) physi7a. end6ran7e Le<e. A) and the fo..oDin;:
#: Fabri7ate fa7e sheets) <erti7a. stiffeners) and top and bottom 7hanne.s from %:%*-,in7h,thi7k
;a.<annea.ed stee. sheet:
2: Fabri7ate the stee.,stiffened 7ore 6sin; <erti7a. stiffeners that e3tend f6..,door hei;ht: Insta.. stiffeners
not more than 0 in7hes apart and spot De.d to both fa7e sheets no more than * in7hes on 7enter: Fi..
spa7es betDeen stiffeners Dith ;.ass,fiber ins6.ation or minera.,fiber ins6.ation:
-: Top and bottom 7hanne.s m6st be 7ontin6o6s and spot De.ded to both fa7e sheets: The top 7hanne.
m6st be f.6sh and the bottom 7hanne. m6st be in<erted:
4: In7.6de moist6re <ents in the bottom 7hanne.:
The door frames m6st:
#: "e fabri7ated from %:%05,in7h,thi7k ;a.<annea.ed stee. sheet) *,#92 by 2 in7h in se7tion
2: In7.6de ;a.<annea.ed stee. sheet ;ro6t ;6ards at .east %:%#0 in7hes thi7k
-: ?a<e 7ontin6o6s.y De.ded /#1 fa7e Ioints and /21 miter 7orners that are f.6sh and made smooth
4: In7.6de an inte;ra. stop
*: In7.6de a stee. 7hanne. or an;.e stiffener head reinfor7ement at .east %:%$- in7h thi7k for openin;s
Dider than 4+ in7hes
F.oor an7hors m6st be De.ded to the bottom of Iambs and m6..ions Dith at .east 4 spot De.ds for ea7h
an7hor: There m6st be at .east - Iamb an7hors on ea7h side:
?in;es m6st be Type A2### or A*###) hea<y Dei;ht) stain.ess stee. pin) * kn67k.e) ba.. bearin;) and non
remo<ab.e pin Dith set s7reD: ?in;e fasteners m6st be s6pp.ied by the hin;e man6fa7t6rer:
Lo7ksets m6st be Series 4%%% bored) Operationa. =rade #) Se76rity =rade #) Dith nonhanded stee. .o7k
7hassis and se.f a.i;nin; trim Dith 7on7ea.ed thro6;h bo.ts: Lo7ksets m6st be F6n7tion F5* Dith knobs)
7hromi6m roses) and #92,in7h stee. sG6are 7orner .at7hbo.t:
8eatherstrippin; m6st ha<e a po.y6rethane sea.: O<erhead door drips m6st ha<e a 2,#92,in7h proIe7tion
and be f6.. Didth: Door shoe Dith rain drips m6st be mi.. finished a.6min6m Dith neoprene insert) end
7o<ers) and formed rain drip: Thresho.ds m6st be nomina. 0 in7hes Dide) mi.. a.6min6m Dith fa7tory non
s.ip finish) and span the f6.. Didth of the openin; shoDn:
2+-2.02CB)C A%&& L0"$er
8a.. .o6<ers m6st be 7ontin6o6s 7hanne. frame Dith non<ision) in<erted & b.ades: 8a.. .o6<ers m6st:
#: ?a<e the frame fabri7ated from #+,;a6;e e.e7tro,;a.<aniHed stee.
2: ?a<e d6a. #2 ;a6;e se76rity ; Dith thro6;h bo.ted s7reDs on the inside
-: ?a<e bronHe inse7t and bird s7reen in remo<ab.e frame fastened on the inside
4: "e fa7tory primed and finished Dith ename. or poDder 7oated epo3y
2+-2.02CB+C F%'
2+-2.02D P#6e, E0#'/, %'1 F#//#'8
2+-2.02DB1C Ge'er%&
2+-2.02DB2C S/ee& P#6e
=a.<aniHed stee. pipe m6st be standard Dei;ht 7omp.yin; Dith AST A *-9A *-: Threaded fittin;s m6st
be ;a.<aniHed stee. or ;a.<aniHed ma..eab.e iron:
8e.ded stee. pipe m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 5%,-) e37ept that e.e7tri7a..y ins6.ated 7onne7tions m6st not
be 6sed: Coat pipe 6nder se7tion 5%,-:%2"/-1:
Stee. pipe m6st be;ed:;es may be fa7tory threaded or De.ded type:;e dimensions m6st
7omp.y Dith ASE "#0:*) C.ass #*%:
Threaded;es m6st be d67ti.e iron 7omp.yin; Dith ANSI9A88A C##*9A2#:#*:
8e.ded;es m6st be stee. h6b s.ip,on type 7omp.yin; Dith ANSI9A88A C2%5) C.ass D: =a.<aniHe
De.ded;e pipe se7tions 6nder se7tion 5*,#:%*:
=askets m6st be f6.. fa7e S"R r6bber;e type 7omp.yin; Dith ASE "#0:*) C.ass #*%:
Stee.;e bo.ts) Dashers) and n6ts m6st be nonma;neti7 stain.ess stee.:
2+-2.02DB)C D"(/#&e Ir0' P#6e
D67ti.e iron pipe m6st 7omp.y Dith ANSI9A88A C#*#9A2#:*#:
Pipe and fittin; Ioints m6st be a ;asketed me7hani7a. Ioint type 7omp.yin; Dith ANSI9A88A C###9A2#:##:
Pipe fittin;s m6st 7omp.y Dith ANSI9A88A C##%9A 2#:#% and ASE "#0:#) C.ass #2*:
Pipe and fittin;s m6st ha<e an aspha.ti7 7oatin; 7omp.yin; Dith ANSI9A88A C#*#9A2#:*#) and an epo3y
.inin; 7omp.yin; Dith ANSI9A88A C##09A2#:#0:
2+-2.02DB+C F&e<#.&e E<6%'#0' C0"6&#'8
F.e3ib.e e3pansion;s m6st be ;asketed short,<e type ha<in;:
#: i.d stee. midd.e rin; Dith pipe stop
2: 2 r6bber,7ompo6nded Ded;e,se7tion rin; ;askets
-: 2 mi.d stee. fo..oDer rin;s
4: i.d stee. bo.ts to 7ompress the ;askets
=a.<aniHe a.. ferro6s parts after fabri7ation: Assemb.e;s s67h that a permanent Daterti;ht Ioint is
2+-2.02E Br%(#'8 %'1 H%r1:%re
"ra7e draina;e p6mps and other eG6ipment to pre<ent mo<ement d6rin; operation: "ra7in; method m6st
7omp.y Dith Ca.ifornia Seismi7 ?aHard Aone reG6irements in the C"C:
S.ots for bo.t and !,bo.t in bra7in; and 7.ips m6st be 2 bo.t diameters Dide: S.ot para..e. to the
a3is of the member: Insta.. 76t Dashers 6nder bo.t heads and n6ts for s.otted ho.e .o7ations:
=a.<aniHe bra7es) frames) and other meta. hardDare 6nder se7tion 5*,#:%*:
P6mpin; p.ant meta. Dork m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 5*,#:%4:
2+-2.02F S/0r%8e C%.#'e/
Stora;e 7abinets m6st:
#: "e Da.. mo6nted) stee.) and bo.ted or De.ded 7onstr67tion
2: ?a<e do6b.e doors Dith sin;.e .o7kin; hand.e or ma;net 7at7h) and pad.o7k
-: ?a<e 2 adI6stab.e she.<es
4: "e 24 to 2+ in7hes Dide) #% to #2 in7hes deep) and -% to -- in7hes ta..
*: "e fa7tory primed and finish painted
2+-2.0)A Ge'er%&
Insta.. press6re ;a6;es Dith ;a6;e ;6ards and ;a6;e 7o7ks: o6nt the ;a6;es <erti7a..y:
F6rnish spe7ia.ty too.s reG6ired for assemb.y or adI6stment of eG6ipment: o6nt too.s in the stora;e
7abinet: Insta.. too.s too .ar;e for the 7abinet on adIa7ent bra7kets:
2+-2.0)B P"m6 H0"e D00r
Insta.. p6mp ho6se doors 6nder ANSI9"?A A#*0:##*:
Che7k door frames for sG6are) a.i;nment) tDist) and p.6mb before and after insta..ation and adI6st if
ne7essary: To.eran7es are Z#9#0 in7h:
Che7k the door frame as fo..oDs:
#: SG6areness at door rabbet on a .ine $% de;rees from Iamb to frame head
2: A.i;nment at Iambs on a horiHonta. .ine para..e. to p.ane of Da..
-: TDist at opposite fa7e 7orners of Iambs on para..e. .ines) and to p.ane of Da..
4: P.6mbness at Iambs on a .ine from head to f.oor
Fi.. spa7e betDeen the door frame and Da.. Dith ;ro6t: The ;ro6t s.6mp m6st not e37eed 4 in7hes: Do not
deform or dama;e frames d6rin; ;ro6tin;: Remo<e ;ro6t and other bondin; materia.s from e3posed
s6rfa7es of doors and frames immediate.y after ;ro6t Dork:
If ;ro6t 7ontains an antifreeHin; a;ent) fie.d app.y a bit6mino6s 7oatin; to the ba7kside of frames:
Fit door in frame and shim as ne7essary: Insta.. Deatherstrippin; on the top and sides of frame: Insta..
door shoe on door: Insta.. o<erhead door drip o<er door: !se Deatherproof si.i7one sea.ant and adhesi<e
as the thresho.d beddin; sea.ant:
Insta.. the p6mp ho6se door .o7k 7o<er as shoDn:
F6rnish a pad.o7k for the p6mp ho6se door 6nti. Contra7t a77eptan7e: The Department f6rnishes
pad.o7ks after Contra7t a77eptan7e:
2+-2.0+ PAYMENT
Not !sed
2+-).01 GENERAL
2+-).01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion 54,- in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for; p6mpin; p.ant e.e7tri7a. eG6ipment:
Draina;e p6mp a6tomati7 operation m6st be 7ontro..ed by the Dater .e<e. monitorin; system and the
2+-).01B De4#'#/#0'
DPDT5 do6b.e po.e) do6b.e throD:
SPDT5 sin;.e po.e) do6b.e throD:
2+-).01C S".m#//%&
2+-).01CB1C Ge'er%&
S6bmit a to.. free te.ephone ser<i7e of the desi;nated ser<i7e or;aniHation for man6fa7t6rers fie.d
ser<i7es as an informationa. s6bmitta.:
2+-).01CB2C Pr01"(/ D%/%
S6bmit prod67t data for:
#: PoDer and meterin; eG6ipment
2: P6mp 7ontro.
-: Cond6it
4: Cond67tors and
*: Namep.ates and Darnin; p.ates
0: is7e..aneo6s materia.s
2+-).01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
2+-).01DB1C Ge'er%&
2+-).01DB2C Re8"&%/0r3 Re!"#reme'/
E.e7tri7a. eG6ipment m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion +0,#:%2 and be NRTL .isted:
ateria.s and Dorkmanship m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion +0,#:%2 and the fo..oDin;:
#: + CA Code of Re;s M -2%% et seG:
2: #$ CA Code of Re;s M #:%% et seG:
-: NFPA +2%) EStandard for Fire Prote7tion in 8asteDater Treatment and Co..e7tion Fa7i.itiesE
2+-).01DB)C M%'"4%(/"rerF F#e&1 Ser$#(e
At Contra7t a77eptan7e) pro<ide #2 months of f6.. maintenan7e for the p6mp by G6a.ified
emp.oyees of the p6mp man6fa7t6rerFs desi;nated ser<i7e or;aniHation: aintenan7e m6st
in7.6de the man6fa7t6rerFs ro6tine pre<enti<e maintenan7e) adI6stments for proper operation) and a..
reG6ired parts and s6pp.ies:
2+-).01DB+C F#e&1 G"%&#/3 C0'/r0&
A fa7tory,a6thoriHed ser<i7e representati<e m6st inspe7t) test) and adI6st the p6mp for proper
insta..ation) operation) 7omponents) and 7onne7tions:
2+-).02A Ge'er%&
A.. ma;neti7 7oi.s of re.ays) starters) and other e.e7tri7a. eG6ipment m6st be Do6nd for an operatin; ran;e
ha<in; a mean eG6a. to the <o.ta;e app.ied:
2+-).02B P0:er %'1 Me/er#'8 E!"#6me'/
2+-).02BB1C Ge'er%&
2+-).02BB2C Ser$#(e Pe1e/%& E!"#6me'/
2+-).02BB)C M0/0r C0'/r0& Ce'/er E!"#6me'/
Pane.boards m6st be a fa7tory,assemb.ed pane.board interior Dith meta. 7o<er) sin;.e,phase) -,Dire)
#2%924% <o.ts) and m6st ha<e:
#: 2,po.e) *%,ampere main 7ir76it breaker and mo.ded 7ase bran7h 7ir76it breakers
2: Phase) ne6tra.) and ;ro6nd b6ses that are hard,draDn 7opper) $+ per7ent 7ond67ti<ity
-: Separate) iso.ated ne6tra. b6s
4: =ro6nd b6s bonded to the 7abinet
*: Dire7tory frame mo6nted on the inside of the door
C6rrent sDit7hes m6st be se.f,poDered) state) a.ternatin; 76rrent sensin; sDit7hes ha<in; the
#: Sin;.e,po.e) norma..y open 7onta7t rated #,ampere at 24% <o.ts
2: #92,in7h,diameter thr6,ho.e
-: LoD ran;e 76rrent sensin; .e<e. from # to #* amperes
4: ?i;h,ran;e 76rrent sensin; .e<e. from #* to -%% amperes
Time meters m6st be #2%,<o.t and nonresettab.e from % to $$)$$$:$ ho6rs:
Se.e7tor sDit7hes m6st:
#: "e sin;.e,po.e) 2,position maintained) #%,ampere) #2%,<o.t rotary types
2: ?a<e 7onta7ts rated at #2% <o.ts and -* per7ent poDer fa7tor
-: ?a<e an ind67ti<e pi.ot d6ty ratin; of:
-:#: 0% amperes make
-:2: 0 amperes break
-:-: #% amperes 7ontin6o6s
Pi.ot .i;hts m6st be pane. mo6nted) #2%,<o.t) hi;h,<isibi.ity LEDs Dith 7o.ored p.asti7 .ens and s7reD 7ap:
Contro. re.ays m6st be #2%,<o.t) -,po.e) do6b.e,throD ;enera. p6rpose re.ays Dith 7.ear p.asti7 7ase and
##,pin p.6; base Dith #%,ampere 7onta7ts: Contro. re.ays m6st in7.6de a mat7hin; barrier type) ##,7onta7t
re.ay so7ket Dith #%,ampere 7onta7ts and s7reD termina.s:
Time de.ay re.ays m6st:
#: "e #2%,<o.t) e.e7troni7 EON,DELA&E types
2: ?a<e DPDT) do6b.e,break #%,ampere 7onta7ts) ha<in; a ran;e of %:0 to 0% se7onds
-: ?a<e time de.ays set for:
-:#: TDR#: * se7onds
-:2: TDR2: 2% se7onds
Intrinsi7a..y safe re.ays m6st be:
#:,state) 7omp.ete.y se.f,7ontained) .at7hin; types
2: NRTL appro<ed for 6se Dith C.ass I) Di<ision 2 .o7ation sensors
-: #2%,<o.t Dith SPDT) %:-,ampere 7onta7t Dith:
-:#: a3im6m t6rn,on time of * mi..ise7onds
-:2: a3im6m o6tp6t 76rrent of #%% mi7roamperes at 2+ <o.ts) DC
P6sh b6ttons m6st:
#: "e hea<y d6ty) ;enera. p6rpose types
2: ?a<e # norma..y open) momentary 7onta7t rated at #2% <o.ts and -* per7ent poDer fa7tor
-: ?a<e an ind67ti<e pi.ot d6ty ratin; of:
-:#: 0% amperes make
-:2: 0 amperes break
-:-: #% amperes 7ontin6o6s
Termina. b.o7ks m6st be 7omp.y Dith NEA ICS 4 and be:
#: DIN rai. mo6nted or atta7hed to the en7.os6re
2: Rated for -% amperes at 0%% <o.ts
-: ade from mo.ded p.asti7
4: EG6ipped Dith:
4:#: ?i;h,press6re 7.amp 7onne7tors
4:2: Namep.ates s7reDed to ea7h b.o7k or a 7omp6ter printed p.asti7 .abe. atta7hed Dith adhesi<e
4:-: Identified 7ond67tor n6mbers
2+-).02C P"m6 C0'/r0&
2+-).02CB1C Ge'er%&
2+-).02CB2C A%/er Le$e& M0'#/0r#'8 S3/em
The Dater .e<e. monitorin; system m6st be a trapped air .e<e. monitorin; type that 7a.76.ates the Dater
depth 6sin; air press6re that is 7on<erted to an e.e7tri7a. si;na.: Trapped air .e<e. monitorin; system m6st
in7.6de an air 7ompressor) three,Day so.enoid <a.<e) press6re transd67er) po.yethy.ene air t6be) and a
7ompression be..:
The system m6st:
#: Operate from % to -2 feet of Dater head
2: "e a776rate to Z%:# feet for ambient 7onditions ran;in; from % to 2%% de;rees F
-: Iso.ate the press6re transd67er d6rin; the p6r;e 7y7.e of the air 7o.6mn
The air 7ompressor m6st:
#: ?a<e a #2%,<o.t) Z#92% hp shaded po.e motor Dith inte;ra. o<er.oad prote7tion
2: In7.6de an a.6min6m piston Dith Tef.on,<ed 7y.inder
-: ?a<e a 7apa7ity of at .east %:0* 76 ft9min at *% psi
4: "e 7apab.e of initia.iHin; a;ainst 2*% psi head
The so.enoid <a.<e m6st be a #2%,<o.t) dire7t a7tin;) three,Day type ha<in; a NEA Type # p.asti7 body
and 7ompression 7onne7tions:
The press6re transd67er m6st o6tp6t a 4, to 2%,mA si;na.:
Po.yethy.ene air t6be m6st be %:%4,in7h,thi7k Da.. type 7omp.yin; Dith AST D #24+) C.ass A:
2+-).02CB)C P"m6 C0'/r0&&er
The p6mp m6st /#1 7ontro. the p6mps based on the o6tp6t si;na. of the Dater .e<e. monitorin;
system) /21 interfa7e Dith the monitorin; system) and /-1 ;enerate a.arms: The m6st be #2%,
<o.t) state) ind6stria. ;rade Dith softDare stored in non<o.ati.e memory: &o6 may 6se proprietary
The m6st pro7ess the 4,2% mA si;na. from the Dater .e<e. monitorin; system and operate the
p6mps as fo..oDs:
#: A.ternate p6mps for ea7h .ead p6mp operation
2: Ener;iHe the .ead p6mp at the Dater .e<e. shoDn
-: Ener;iHe the .a; p6mp at the Dater .e<e. shoDn
4: De,ener;iHe the .ead p6mp at the Dater .e<e. shoDn
*: De,ener;iHe the .a; p6mp at the Dater .e<e. shoDn
0: If the p6mp ener;iHes both p6mps sim6.taneo6s.y) ener;iHe the .ead p6mp first) then
ener;iHe the .a; p6mp ten se7onds .ater
The m6st o6tp6t a #2%,<o.t AC si;na. Dhen the hi;h or .oD a.arms are ener;iHed: The
m6st ener;iHe the trapped air .e<e. monitorin; system air 7ompressor to p6r;e the air system: The p6r;e
inter<a. m6st be adI6stab.e from # to + ho6rs: The 7ompressor r6n time m6st be adI6stab.e from * to -%
The m6st ha<e an LED disp.ay Dith #92,in7h,hi;h .etters that 7omp6tes to # de7ima. p.a7e and
6se fa7ep.ate mo6nted) ;o.d 7onta7t sDit7hes for pro;rammin;: Do not 6se softDare for pro;rammin;
7ontro. .e<e.s:
The m6st ha<e:
#: At .east 0 o6tp6t re.ays Dith #2%,<o.t) #%,ampere rated 7onta7ts
2: LED indi7ators mo6nted on p.6;,in bases
-: Test p6shb6tton and potentiometer for system testin;
System testin; m6st bypass the press6re transd67er inp6t to a..oD man6a. adI6stment of the si;na.:
The m6st ha<e at .east 0 pro;rammab.e .e<e.s ea7h pro;rammab.e from % to -2 feet: The m6st be 7apab.e of pro;rammin; the fo..oDin; .e<e.s for the e.e<ations shoDn:
#: ?i;h a.arm
2: LoD a.arm
-: Lead p6mp on
4: Lead p6mp off
*: La; p6mp on
0: La; p6mp off
The p6mp m6st in7.6de an interna. poDer s6pp.y Dith:
#: #2%,<o.t AC inp6t Dith DC <o.ta;e and 76rrent o6tp6ts to s6it eG6ipment
2: Pane. or 7hanne. mo6ntin; 7apabi.ity
-: Con<e7tion;
4: 8irin; that is 7omp.ete.y en7.osed
*: AdI6stment ran;e of at .east * per7ent
0: Operationa. temperat6re ran;e from -2 to #2% de;rees F
2+-).02D C0'1"#/
Cond6it and fittin;s m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion +0,2:%*A) Type #:
F.e3ib.e 7ond6it and fittin;s m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion +0,2:%*A) Type 4:
2+-).02E C0'1"(/0r %'1 C%.&e
2+-).02EB1C Ge'er%&
Do not reDire man6fa7t6rerFs sto7k items spe7ified in se7tion 54,-:%#C/21:
2+-).02EB2C C0'1"(/0r
Cond67tors m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion +0,2:%+) e37ept 7ond67tors m6st be stranded 7opper and 7omp.y
Dith the fo..oDin;:
#: In en7.os6res) insta.. Type T8
2: In Det) 6nder;ro6nd) or o6tdoor .o7ations) insta.. Type >??8,2
-: For a.. other .o7ations) insta.. Type T??N
2+-).02EB)C C0'1"(/0r %'1 C%.&e I1e'/#4#(%/#0'
Identify 7ond67tors by n6mber: !se one of the fo..oDin; methods:
#: C.ear) heat,shrinkab.e t6bin; sea.ed o<er adhesi<e,ba7ked paper or 7.oth Drap,aro6nd markers
2: Pre,printed) Dhite) heat,shrinkab.e t6bin;
2+-).02F N%me6&%/e %'1 A%r'#'8 P&%/e
2+-).02FB1C Ge'er%&
Namep.ate and Darnin; p.ates m6st be predri..ed) m6.ti.ayer) m6.ti7o.or) p.asti7 .abe.s Dith me7hani7a..y
en;ra<ed ins7riptions:
Se76re .abe.s to eG6ipment 6sin; s7reDs or ri<ets: Do not 6se adhesi<es e37ept on the inside fa7e of
en7.os6re doors:
If a6thoriHed) yo6 may se76re namep.ates to an adIa7ent s6rfa7e:
2+-).02FB2C N%me6&%/e %'1 A%r'#'8 P&%/e I1e'/#4#(%/#0'
Namep.ate and Darnin; p.ate ins7riptions m6st be as shoDn:
Namep.ate .etters m6st be Dhite) 6pper 7ase ?e.<eti7a) and #94 in7h in hei;ht: Lea<e at .east a -9+,in7h
b.a7k ba7k;ro6nd on a.. 4 sides:
EG6ipment 7ontro. sDit7h namep.ate .etters m6st be Dhite) 6pper 7ase ?e.<eti7a) and #9+ in7h in hei;ht:
Lea<e at .east a -9+,in7h b.a7k ba7k;ro6nd on a.. 4 sides: Se76re the namep.ate to the eG6ipment dire7t.y
beneath the sDit7h:
8arnin; p.ate .etters m6st be Dhite) 6pper 7ase ?e.<eti7a) and #94 in7h in hei;ht: Lea<e at .east a -9+,
in7h red ba7k;ro6nd on a.. 4 sides:
2+-).02G M#(e&&%'e0" M%/er#%&
En7.os6res m6st be minim6m NEA Type #:
F.oor 7o<erin;s m6st 7omp.y Dith AST D #5+ and be rated for at .east 2%)%%% <o.ts die.e7tri7 stren;th)
Dhen tested 6nder AST D #4$: F.oor 7o<erin; m6st be at .east #94 in7h thi7k:
F.oat sDit7hes m6st:
#: "e #2%,<o.t) +,ampere) SPDT) me7hani7a..y,a7ti<ated) Dide,an;.e types
2: ?a<e an inert syntheti7 .eak,proof) sho7kproof) and 7orrosion,resistant 7asin;
-: ?a<e a #0,;a6;e) 2,7ond67tor) SCO8 sea.ed 7ab.e
Room .i;hts m6st:
#: "e NRTL .isted for damp .o7ations
2: "e; mo6nted) hea<y d6ty) ind6stria. type fi3t6res
-: ?a<e a fiber,reinfor7ed po.ymer ho6sin; Dith stee. DireDay
4: ?a<e a hin;ed a7ry.i7 .ens Dith 7.osed,7e.. ;asket and A"S or stain.ess stee. .at7hes
*: In7.6de 2 T+ .amps Dith an e.e7troni7) instant,start ba..ast
0: In7.6de the man6fa7t6rerFs emer;en7y battery pa7k
S6mp .i;hts m6st:
#: "e NRTL .isted and .abe.ed for C.ass #) Di<ision 2 .o7ations
2: "e Da.. mo6nted) nonmeta..i7 type fi3t6res
-: ?a<e a fiber,reinfor7ed po.ymer ho6sin;
4: ?a<e a hin;ed po.y7arbonate or a7ry.i7 .ens Dith nonmeta..i7 .at7hes
*: ?a<e nonmeta..i7 .ampho.ders
0: In7.6de 2 T+ .amps Dith an e.e7troni7) instant,start ba..ast
Entry .i;hts m6st be o6tdoor) Da..,mo6nted meta.,ha.ide .6minaire type ha<in; a die,7ast frame Dith
hin;ed door and #,pie7e front and bottom prismati7,;.ass .ens:
Indi7ator .i;hts m6st:
#: "e !L .isted for Det .o7ations:
2: ?a<e a <apor,ti;ht) 7ast,meta. base Dith pin so7ket:
-: ?a<e a impa7t and heat resistant 7o.ored po.y7arbonate threaded ;.obe Dith neoprene ;asket: =.obe
7o.or m6st be as shoDn:
4: ?a<e a threaded) die,7ast,a.6min6m ;6ard:
*: In7.6de a tDin t6be) #+,Datt) #2%,<o.t) 7ompa7t f.6ores7ent .amp Dith inte;ra. ba..ast:
Li;ht sDit7hes m6st:
#: "e NRTL .isted) spe7ifi7ation ;rade
2: ?a<e 2%,ampere) #2%9255,<o.t) si.<er a..oy 7onta7ts
-: "e s6itab.e for stranded 7ond67tor Dirin;
4: "e i<ory 7o.or
D6p.e3 p.6; m6st be NEA Type *,2%R) spe7ifi7ation ;rade) i<ory 7o.or) and s6itab.e for
stranded 7ond67tor Dirin;:
C6n7tion and bo3es m6st 7omp.y Dith NEA F" #: "o3es m6st be 7ast iron Dith threaded h6bs)
ha<e 7ast iron 7o<ers Dith ;askets) and be at .east 4 by 4 by #,59+ in7hes: For Deatherproof de<i7e
bo3es) 6se 7o<ers Dith ;asketed) hin;ed f.aps:
S6mp .i;ht sDit7hes at remote p6mp station m6st:
#: "e sin;.e,po.e) 2,position maintained) #%,ampere) #2%,<o.t rotary sDit7hes
2: ?a<e 7onta7ts rated at #2% <o.ts and -* per7ent poDer fa7tor
-: ?a<e an ind67ti<e pi.ot d6ty ratin; of:
-:#: 0% amperes make
-:2: 0 amperes break
-:-: #% amperes 7ontin6o6s
Remote p6mp stations m6st be deadfront NEA Type 4> en7.os6res ha<in; the fo..oDin;:
#: ?in;ed interior door and mo6ntin; pane. on the ba7k
2: P6sh b6ttons) d6p.e3 p.6; re7epta7.e) namep.ates) and s6mp .i;ht sDit7h on the hin;ed interior door
-: Termina. b.o7ks on the mo6ntin; pane.
4: ?asp for a pad.o7k
Sea. fai.6re re.ays m6st be /#1 7ompatib.e Dith the draina;e p6mp and /21 be a fa7tory assemb.ed 6nit
ha<in; # norma..y open and # norma..y 7.osed 7onta7t) ea7h rated at #2% <o.ts: Sea. fai.6re re.ays m6st
ha<e indi<id6a. p6mp .eak,indi7ator .i;hts:
P6.. bo3es m6st be 7on7rete,type 7omp.yin; Dith se7tion +0,2:%0:
S6pportin; de<i7es m6st be 7orrosion resistant: Con7rete an7hora;e de<i7es m6st be Type -#0 stain.ess
2+-).0)A Ge'er%&
Do not insta.. e.e7tri7a. eG6ipment on 6npainted Dood pane.s:
2+-).0)B I'/%&&%/#0'
2+-).0)BB1C Ge'er%&
2+-).0)BB2C C0'1"#/, C0'1"(/0r, %'1 C%.&e
Do not insta.. 7ond6its behind .adders or Dithin #* in7hes of the .adder,r6n; <erti7a. 7enter.ine:
Insta.. f.e3ib.e 7ond6it Dith appro3imate.y 0 in7hes of s.a7k betDeen terminations:
F.e3ib.e 7ond6its and their fittin;s are 7onsidered a dis7ontin6ity and m6st be sh6nted by bondin;
I6mpers: Insta.. bondin; I6mpers inside the f.e3ib.e 7ond6it: Do not 6se the f.e3ib.e 7ond6it as the ;ro6nd:
Insta.. 7ond67tors and 7ab.e 6nder se7tion +0,2:%$" and the fo..oDin;:
#: P6.. 7ond67tors to pre<ent dama;e to sheath or ins6.ation
2: Insta.. 7ond67tors and enterin; eG6ipment and bo3es Dith drip .oops to pre<ent Dater rea7hin;
the 76rrent,7arryin; parts or other 7ond6its
-: Remo<e ins6.ation Ditho6t dama;in; the 7ond67tor
4: Identify 7ond67tors by n6mber at ea7h termination
Feeder and bran7h 7ir76it 7ond67tors that are 6n;ro6nded m6st ha<e 7ontin6o6s.y 7o.or,7oded ins6.ation:
Cond67tors no: 0 A8= or .ar;er may 6se 7o.ored tape: If 6sed) app.y tape at ea7h 7onne7tion and Dhere
a77essib.e: !n;ro6nded 7ond67tor 7o.or,7odin; m6st be as shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
C0'1"(/0r C0&0r-C01#'8
System Co.or 7ode
#2%924%(,Sin;.e phase ".a7k) b.6e
#2%924%(,Three phase ".a7k) oran;e) b.6e
#2%92%+(,Three phase ".a7k) red) b.6e
4+%9255(,Three phase "roDn) p6rp.e) ye..oD
2+-).0)BB)C M0/0r C0'/r0& Ce'/er
!se 7on7rete an7hora;e de<i7es to an7hor the motor 7ontro. 7enter se7tions to the 7on7rete s.ab: Shim
ea7h se7tion to make the motor 7ontro. 7enter .e<e.:
The motor 7ontro. 7enter se7tions m6st fit thro6;h the p6mp ho6se doorDay or roof a77ess openin;: Any
modifi7ations reG6ired for insta..ation m6st be pre,appro<ed by the man6fa7t6rer and m6st not a.ter
Insta.. 76rrent sDit7hes in the starter 7ompartments: Loop poDer 7ond67tors aro6nd the sensin; 7oi.
m6.tip.e times:
The Department does not adI6st payment for disassemb.y) assemb.y) or modifi7ations to the motor 7ontro.
7enter for insta..ation:
2+-).0)BB+C P%'e& LP
The pane.board dire7tory m6st .ist the eG6ipment 7ontro..ed and the area desi;nation: The dire7tory m6st
be printed 6sin; Times NeD Roman font and at .east #2,point font siHe: P.a7e the dire7tory in the
pane.board door frame Dith a transparent prote7ti<e 7o<er:
2+-).0)BB,C M#(e&&%'e0" M%/er#%&
Se76re han;ers) bra7kets) s6pports) and e.e7tri7a. eG6ipment to s6rfa7es 6sin;:
#: Con7rete an7hora;e de<i7es into 7on7rete or masonry s6rfa7es
2: a7hine s7reDs or bo.ts into meta. s6rfa7es
-: 8ood s7reDs into Dood 7onstr67tion s6rfa7es
2+-).0)C C0'1"(/0r S6&#(e
Do not sp.i7e the draina;e p6mp betDeen the p6mps and the en7.os6re shoDn:
Cond67tor sp.i7es m6st be made on.y in /#1 fi3t6res) /21 I6n7tion bo3es) and /-1 ;6tters:
Sp.i7es m6st be made 6sin; either press6re 7onne7tors .isted by a NRTL or so.dered Ioints made by
so.derin; irons: Do not 6se open f.ame so.derin;:
Ins6.ate sp.i7es 6sin; the fo..oDin; seG6en7e:
#: App.y 2 ha.f,.apped .ayers of se.f,f6sin;) oi. and f.ame,resistant) syntheti7 r6bber tape 7o<ered by 2
ha.f,.apped .ayers of press6re,sensiti<e) adhesi<e) P(C e.e7tri7a. tape at .east 5 mi.s thi7k:
2: After tapin; the sp.i7e) app.y an e.e7tri7a. ins6.atin; 7oatin;: The 7oatin; m6st be /#1 fast dryin;) /21
resistant to oi.) a7ids) and 7orrosi<e atmospheri7 7onditions) and /-1 7ompatib.e Dith the tape:
2+-).0)D Tr%#'#'8
Train 0 Department personne. in pro;rammin;) 7onne7tion) operation) tro6b.eshootin;) and maintenan7e
of the p6mp Trainin; m6st be for at .east 4 ho6rs and be at the Iob site:
The trainin; instr67tor m6st be a fa7tory,a6thoriHed representati<e of the p6mp man6fa7t6rer:
Trainin; m6st:
#: S6pp.y Department personne. Dith books) man6a.s) and other trainin; materia.
2: In7.6de eG6ipment reG6ired for p6mp trainin;
-: In7.6de hands,on e3perien7e in pro;rammin; te7hniG6es and operation
2+-).0+ PAYMENT
Not !sed
2+-+.01 GENERAL
2+-+.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion 54,4 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for; booster p6mps:
The booster p6mp m6st be a fa7tory assemb.ed) skid,mo6nted system:
2+-+.01B De4#'#/#0'
2+-+.01C S".m#//%&
2+-+.01CB1C Ge'er%&
2+-+.01CB2C S706 Dr%:#'8
S6bmit shop draDin;s for ea7h booster p6mp:
2+-+.01CB)C Pr01"(/ D%/%
S6bmit prod67t data for the booster p6mp) in7.6din; the fo..oDin; 7omponents:
# P6mp) in7.6din; p6mp 76r<e and motor information
2 (a.<es
- P6mp
4 "ooster p6mp en7.os6re
* Press6re ;a6;e
0 App6rtenan7es
2+-+.01CB+C C&0e0"/ S".m#//%&
S6bmit 7.oseo6t s6bmitta.s as a Maintenance and Operations Manual before 7omp.etion of the Dork:
S6bmit 2 man6a. 7opies as PDF on CDs or D(Ds: S6bmit # man6a. 7opy as f6sed,.aminate prints in
a - rin; binder Dith tabbed di<iders: Or;aniHe ea7h man6a. as fo..oDs:
#: Inde3
2: Parts .ist
-: Operatin; instr67tions
4: aintenan7e instr67tions
*: P6mp 76r<e
2+-+.01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& A'1 A"r%'(e
The reG6irements of se7tion 54,#:%#D do not app.y to the booster p6mp:
Notify the En;ineer * b6siness days before testin; the booster p6mp: Test the booster p6mp in the
En;ineerFs presen7e after 7onne7tin; the booster p6mp to the irri;ation system:
Dis7har;e Dater from testin; m6st not 7a6se erosion) dama;e to eG6ipment or p.antin;s) or interfere Dith
on;oin; Dork:
The p6mp m6st not .oad the motor to more than the prod67t of the namep.ate /#1 ampera;e and /21
ser<i7e fa7tor: The f.oD rate m6st not <ary from the p6mp 76r<e by more than * per7ent at #%% per7ent
motor speed:
Test ea7h booster p6mp at the fo..oDin; test points:
#: Aero f.oD rate /76toff head1
2: a3im6m f.oD rate
-: Desi;n heads shoDn
4: Steady,state f.oD for ea7h irri;ation station
Re7ord the fo..oDin; for ea7h test point:
#: otor rpm
2: otor <o.ta;e
-: otor ampera;e
4: S67tion press6re of the p6mp
*: Dis7har;e press6re of the p6mp
After testin;) r6n the booster p6mp thro6;h - s677essf6.) 7omp.ete irri;ation
If the booster p6mp fai.s testin;) adI6st system 7omponents as ne7essary and retest:
2+-+.02A Ge'er%&
The 7on7rete for the fo6ndation and pad of the booster p6mp m6st be minor 7on7rete:
2+-+.02B M%'"4%(/"re1 U'#/
2+-+.02BB1C Ge'er%&
The booster p6mp m6st 7onsist of a fa7tory assemb.ed and tested skid,mo6nted system Dith the
fo..oDin; 7omponents: p6mp) p6mp booster p6mp en7.os6re) manifo.d) and <a.<es)
sensors) fittin;s) and app6rtenan7es:
The system Dorkin; press6re m6st be at .east #*% psi:
The booster p6mp m6st be .isted and .abe.ed by a NRTL:
2+-+.02BB2C C0m60'e'/
2+-+.02BB2CB%C P"m6
P6mps m6st 7onsist of a 7.ose,7o6p.ed p6mp and motor: P6mps m6st be /#1 end s67tion) 7entrif6;a. type
Dith me7hani7a. sea.s) /21 7oated Dith the man6fa7t6rerFs standard finish for e3terior 6se) and /-1 sin;.e
or m6.tip.e sta;e: "ooster p6mps m6st ha<e a horiHonta. or <erti7a. 7onfi;6ration:
For horiHonta. p6mps:
#: Casin; m6st be 7.ose,;rained 7ast iron Dith a rep.a7eab.e bronHe Dearin; rin;
2: m6st be /#1 dynami7a..y ba.an7ed) /21 made from bronHe) and /-1 keyed and se76red to the
shaft by a stain.ess stee. Dasher and 7ap s7reD
-: shaft m6st be either stee. Dith a bronHe<e or stain.ess stee. Dith no<e
For <erti7a. p6mps:
#: Casin; m6st be 7.ose,;rained 7ast iron Dith rep.a7eab.e stain.ess stee. Dearin; rin;
2: otor pedesta. m6st be 7.ose,;rained 7ast iron
-: m6st be /#1 dynami7a..y ba.an7ed) /21 made from stain.ess stee.) and /-1 keyed and se76red
to the shaft by a stain.ess stee. Dasher and 7ap s7reD
-: The shaft m6st be stain.ess stee.
otors m6st be standard effi7ien7y) NEA 7ode .etter E=E or open drip proof) and NEA Desi;n
2+-+.02BB2CB.C B%&& V%&$e
"a.. <a.<es m6st ha<e a 2,pie7e bronHe body Dith f6.. siHe port) 7hrome,p.ated or brass ba..) and be rated
for at .east 4%% psi:
2+-+.02BB2CB(C B"//er4&3 V%&$e
"6tterf.y <a.<es m6st ha<e a d67ti.e iron body Dith mo.ded seat .iner made from EPD or PTFE) bi,
dire7tiona. stain.ess stee. stem) .o7kin; .e<er Dith e3tended ne7k) and be rated for at .east 2*% psi:
2+-+.02BB2CB1C P"m6 C0'/r0&&er
The p6mp m6st 7onsist of an en7.os6re) (FD) main dis7onne7t) 7ir76it breakers) motor starter)
motor prote7tor) and a press6re transd67er:
The p6mp m6st keep the p6mp r6nnin; Dhen the f.oD of Dater f.67t6ates betDeen the 7han;in;
of the irri;ation stations: The p6mp m6st ha<e a potentiometer or keypad for adI6stin;
motor speed:
The en7.os6re m6st be a NEA Type #2 en7.os6re and rated for the horsepoDer) <o.ta;e) and phase
shoDn: The ;ro6nd b6s m6st be bonded to the en7.os6re: The 7ir76it breaker m6st be rated as shoDn:
The fo..oDin; eG6ipment m6st be on the front of the en7.os6re:
#: 2,Day sDit7h for a6tomati7 mode or man6a. mode:
2: ain dis7onne7t: &o6 may 6se the main breaker as the main dis7onne7t if it is a77essib.e on the front
of the en7.os6re:
-: ?i;h,<isibi.ity pi.ot .i;hts rated for #2% <o.ts AC) Dith 7o.ored p.asti7 .ens and s7reD 7aps: In7.6de pi.ot
.i;hts for the fo..oDin; 7onditions:
-:#: PoDer on:
-:2: R6n:
-:-: No f.oD:
The (FD m6st:
#: "e .isted and .abe.ed by a NRTL
2: ?a<e * per7ent inp6t impedan7e at rated motor horsepoDer
-: "e mo6nted in the en7.os6re
4: ?a<e a LCD s7reen Dith operator interfa7e
*: Pro7ess the ana.o; inp6t si;na. from the press6re transd67er and:
*:#: Determine Dater press6re
*:2: Set the p6mp motor speed
*:-: Determine Eno,f.oDE 7onditions
8hen the press6re transd67er si;na. indi7ates a Eno f.oDE 7ondition in the manifo.d) the (FD m6st stop
the p6mp re;ard.ess of demand: The (FD m6st ha<e an adI6stab.e time de.ay for the Eno f.oDE 7ondition:
!pon res6mption of f.oD in the manifo.d) it m6st reset and res6me a6tomati7 mode:
The (FD and the 2,Day sDit7h m6st operate the booster p6mp as fo..oDs:
#: A6tomati7 mode m6st start and stop the p6mp based on di;ita. inp6t si;na.s from m6.tip.e irri;ation
2: an6a. mode m6st start the p6mp re;ard.ess of the inp6t si;na.
Press6re transd67er m6st be stain.ess stee.) rated for at .east -%% psi Dorkin; press6re and send a 4,2%
mA o6tp6t si;na. to the (FD:
2+-+.02BB2CBeC B00/er P"m6 E'(&0"re
The booster p6mp en7.os6re and .id m6st be fabri7ated from stain.ess stee. or marine ;rade a.6min6m:
The .id m6st ha<e a 7ontin6o6s hin;e) ;as sprin;s or eG6i<a.ent .id s6pports) and a hasp for pad.o7kin;:
=as sprin;s m6st 6se their entire stroke Ditho6t for7in; the .id beyond its f6..y opened position: Side
.o6<ers m6st ha<e interna. bronHe inse7t s7reens and be mo6nted on ea7h end: The en7.os6re m6st
in7.6de at .east # thermostati7a..y 7ontro..ed e3ha6st fan Dith bronHe inse7t s7reens:
2+-+.02BB2CB4C Pre"re G%"8e
Press6re ;a6;es m6st:
#: Comp.y Dith ASE "4%:#%%) =rade "
2: In7.6de a 2,#92,in7h ;.y7erin fi..ed dia.) stain.ess stee. 7ase and 7o<er) reset s7reD) and #94,in7h NPT
-: Read from % to 2%% psi 6n.ess otherDise shoDn
2+-+.02BB2CB8C A66"r/e'%'(e
anifo.ds m6st be stee. pipe or 7opper pipe: Stee. pipe m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A*-) =rade ": Copper
pipe m6st 7omp.y Dith AST "++) Type ':
The skid m6st be /#1 either stee. or a.6min6m 7hanne. Dith risers as ne7essary) and /21 a.. De.ded
7onstr67tion: 8e.din; m6st 7omp.y Dith A8S D#:# for stee. 7onstr67tion or A8S D#:2 for a.6min6m
Fasteners) e3pansion an7hors) n6ts) bo.ts) and Dashers m6st be Type -#0 stain.ess stee.:
Namep.ates m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 54,-:%2F:
2+-+.02BB)C F%.r#(%/#0'
Fabri7ate the booster p6mp as fo..oDs:
#: Lo7ate the and <a.<es inside the booster p6mp en7.os6re:
2: !se threaded or;ed fittin;s on the p6mp and 7onne7tions:
-: The p6mp m6st be remo<ab.e Ditho6t; the manifo.ds:
4: Insta.. press6re ;a6;es in the manifo.ds on the s67tion and dis7har;e sides of the p6mp:
*: Insta.. the press6re transd67er in the manifo.d:
0: o6nt the p6mp inside the en7.os6re:
5: Atta7h the en7.os6re to the skid:
2+-+.0)A Ge'er%&
S6pport the 7onne7ted Dater pipin; o6tside the en7.os6re: Do not 6se the booster p6mp to s6pport the
7onne7ted pipin;:
Insta.. a pad.o7k after; the booster p6mp: The Department Di.. s6pp.y a .o7k 6pon Contra7t
P.a7e the Maintenance and Operations Manual binder inside the en7.os6re:
2+-+.0)B F0"'1%/#0' %'1 P%1
Po6r a 7on7rete fo6ndation and pad Dhere the booster p6mp is shoDn: The fo6ndation m6st be at .east -
in7hes Dider than the skid on a.. 4 sides: P.a7e the pad a;ainst the fo6ndation on the door side of the
en7.os6re: The pad m6st be the same Didth as the fo6ndation and at .east -0 in7hes .on;:
Cond6it risers m6st be .o7ated inside the skid footprint:
2+-+.0)C S;#1 I'/%&&%/#0'
!se 7on7rete an7hora;e de<i7es to mo6nt the booster p6mp skid on the fo6ndation: !se at .east 4 sets of
tapered stee. .e<; Ded;es to .e<e. the skid: !se 2 Ded;es p.a7ed taper,to,taper at ea7h point of
s6pport: The stee. Ded;es m6st remain in p.a7e in the 7omp.eted Dork:
After s67tion and dis7har;e pipin; has been insta..ed and ti;htened in p.a7e) .e<e. the skid and ti;hten the
7on7rete an7hor he3 n6ts a;ainst the base:
Fi.. the <oids 6nder the base Dith mortar 7omp.yin; Dith se7tion *#,#:%2F: Reti;hten the mo6ntin; bo.ts
after the <oids ha<e been fi..ed:
2+-+.0)D N%me6&%/e
Insta.. namep.ates 6nder se7tion 54,-:%2F: Insta.. namep.ates on:
#: P6mp
2: P6mp
-: SDit7hes
4: ain dis7onne7t
*: Cir76it breakers
0: Pane. .i;hts
2+-+.0+ PAYMENT
Not !sed
2+-,*2+-10 RESERVED
2,-1.01 GENERAL
2,-1.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion 5* in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for fabri7atin; and; mis7e..aneo6s meta. materia.s:
2,-1.01B G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
is7e..aneo6s meta. materia.s are inspe7ted at the fabri7ation site: Notify the En;ineer:
#: 8hen materia.s ha<e been de.i<ered to the fabri7ation site
2: At .east #% days before startin; fabri7ation
2,-1.02A Ge'er%&
8e.din; m6st 7omp.y Dith A8S D#:#:
Remo<e b6rrs) ro6;h and sharp ed;es) and other f.aDs:
Strai;hten Darped pie7es after fabri7atin; and ;a.<aniHin;:
Stee. fastener 7omponents for ;enera. app.i7ations) 7omponents of ?S stee. fastener assemb.ies for
str67t6ra. stee. Ioints) 7arbon,stee. 7astin;s) and ma..eab.e iron 7astin;s m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion **,
#:%2A/#1J other mis7e..aneo6s iron and stee. materia.s m6st 7omp.y Dith the 7orrespondin; spe7ifi7ations
shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
M#(e&&%'e0" Ir0' %'1 S/ee& M%/er#%&
ateria. Spe7ifi7ation
Stee. bars) p.ates) and shapes AST A -09A -0) A *5*) or A *50 /AISI or =rades
Stain.ess stee. fasteners) a..oys -%4 N -#0)
for ;enera. app.i7ations:
"o.ts) s7reDs) st6ds) threaded rods) and
nonheaded an7hor bo.ts
AST F *$- or F 5-+
N6ts AST F *$4 or F+-0
8ashers AST A 24%9A 24% and ASE "#+:22
=ray iron 7astin;s
Inside a roadbed AAS?TO -%0
O6tside a roadbed AAS?TO -%0 e37ept on.y AAS?TO #%* C.ass
-*" is a..oDed
D67ti.e iron 7astin;s AST A *-0) =rade +%,**,%0
Cast iron pipe Commer7ia. G6a.ity
Stee. pipe Commer7ia. G6a.ity) De.ded or e3tr6ded
Other parts for ;enera. app.i7ations Commer7ia. G6a.ity
Raised pattern p.ates m6st be 7ommer7ia. G6a.ity:
=a.<aniHe stee. parts and 7ast iron manho.e frames and 7o<ers for sideDa.ks 6nder se7tion 5*,#:%*:
=a.<aniHe after fabri7ation and before; 7omponent parts: Coat other 7ast iron items Dith
7ommer7ia.,G6a.ity aspha.t e37ept ma7hined s6rfa7es of manho.e frames and 7o<ers for de7ks:
2,-1.02B Fr%me, Gr%/e, %'1 C0$er
=rates m6st be prod67ed from one of the fo..oDin;:
#: Str67t6ra. stee. 7omp.yin; Dith either of the fo..oDin;
#:#: AST A -09A -0
#:2: A *50) =rades #%2#) #%22) #%20) #%2$) or #%-%
2: D67ti.e iron 7astin;s
-: Carbon,stee. 7astin;s
anho.e frames and 7o<ers m6st 7omp.y Dith AAS?TO -%0:
Draina;e frames and ;rates e37ept those on brid;es need not be ;a.<aniHed or 7oated Dith aspha.t:
at7hmark frames and ;rates and frames and 7o<ers in pairs before de.i<ery to the Iob siteJ the ;rates
and 7o<ers m6st fit into their frames Ditho6t ro7kin;:
2,-1.02C Me/%& C%//&e G"%r1
2,-1.02D*2,-1.02G Reer$e1
2,-1.0)A Ge'er%&
is7e..aneo6s brid;e meta. m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 5*,#:%2:
is7e..aneo6s brid;e meta. 7onsists of:
#: Str67t6ra. stee. and 7ast stee. portions of bearin; p.ates) bars) ro7kers) assemb.ies) and other
e3pansion or fi3ed bearin; de<i7es in 7on7rete str67t6res
2: EG6a.iHin; bo.ts and e3pansion Ioint armor in 7on7rete str67t6res
-: E3pansion Ioint armor in stee. str67t6res
4: anho.e frames and 7o<ers) frames and ;rates) .adder r6n;s) ;6ard posts) and a77ess door
*: De7k drains) area drains) retainin; Da.. drains) and draina;e pipin; not in7.6ded in brid;e de7k
draina;e system
Prod67e the parts shoDn in the tab.e be.oD from the 7orrespondin; materia.s shoDn:
M#(e&&%'e0" Me/%& P%r/
Part ateria.
"earin; assemb.ies AST A -09A-0
A77ess openin; 7o<ers Commer7ia.,G6a.ity sheet stee.
A77ess doors =a.<aniHed sheet stee. 7omp.yin; Dith AST A 0*-9A 0*-) Coatin;
Desi;nation =2#% VA0%%W
Sprin;s for de7k drain
;ratin; .at7hes
Commer7ia.,G6a.ity) stain.ess stee. sprin; Dire 7ontainin; a nomina.
7omposition of #+\ 7hromi6m and +\ ni7ke.
Pipe bends Commer7ia.,G6a.ity t6be bends or fabri7ated bends of eG6a.
smoothness: Do not 6se miter,Ioint bends:
eta. parts of an7hora;e
de<i7es e37ept iron
7astin;s for CIP inserts
Stee. or stain.ess stee.
Iron 7astin;s for CIP inserts a..eab.e iron or d67ti.e iron
Test sprin; .at7hes and other me7hani7a. de<i7es before de.i<ery to the Iob siteJ they m6st operate
smooth.y and proper.y:
Cast stee. and 7ast iron m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion **:
Transition fittin;s betDeen pipes of different diameters m6st be:
#: Smooth and 6niform) Ditho6t sa;s) proIe7tions) or offsets
2: At .east 4 in7hes in .en;th for ea7h #,in7h red67tion in pipe diameter:; 7ompo6nd for 7a6.kin; and adhesi<e; m6st be po.ys6.fide or po.y6rethane 7omp.yin; Dith
AST C $2%) Type S) =rade NS) C.ass 2*) !se O:
2,-1.0)B B0&/e1 %'1 T7re%1e1 B%r C0''e(/#0'
?S bo.ted 7onne7tions m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for ?S stee. fasteners and bo.ted 7onne7tions
in se7tion **:
EG6a.iHin; bo.ts m6st be bo.ts or threaded bars: Threaded bars shoDn as prestressin; stee. m6st 7omp.y
Dith the spe7ifi7ations for p.ain bars in AST A 5229A 522) in7.6din; s6pp.ementary reG6irements: N6ts
m6st 7omp.y Dith the #st and 2nd para;raphs of se7tion *%,#:%-"/21/71:
8here 7.eanin; is des7ribed) 7.ean n6ts) bo.ts) threaded bars) and p.ate Dashers 6nder SSPC,SP 0 or
SSPC,SP 2: Abrasi<es 6sed for b.ast 7.eanin; m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *$,#:%2":
S6rfa7es b.ast 7.eaned 6nder SSPC,SP 0 m6st ha<e a dense) 6niform) an; an7hor pattern of at .east
#:* mi.s Dhen meas6red 6nder AST D 44#5: Paint b.ast,7.eaned s6rfa7es the same day b.ast 7.eanin;
is performed 6n.ess otherDise a6thoriHed:
Re7.ean s6rfa7es that r6st or be7ome 7ontaminated before paint is app.ied:
Paint s6rfa7es e37ept threads en;a;ed by n6ts Dith 2 app.i7ations of or;ani7 Hin7,ri7h primer: Do not 6se
aeroso. 7ans: App.y the 2nd app.i7ation to the n6ts and threads after insta..ation: Or;ani7 Hin7,ri7h primer
m6st be on the A6thoriHed ateria. List
Thread .o7kin; systems m6st be on the A6thoriHed ateria. List for anaerobi7 thread .o7kin; systems and
m6st 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements thereon:
2,-1.0)C A'(70r%8e De$#(e
2,-1.0)CB1C Ge'er%&
Con7rete an7hora;e de<i7es m6st be me7hani7a. e3pansion an7hors or resin 7aps6.e an7hors insta..ed in
dri..ed or CIP 7on7rete inserts:
Con7rete an7hora;e de<i7es m6st be on the A6thoriHed ateria. List:
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e for an7hora;e de<i7es:
An an7hora;e de<i7e m6st be a 7omp.ete system) in7.6din; threaded st6ds) he3 n6ts) and 76t Dashers:
Thread dimensions for e3terna..y threaded an7hora;e de<i7es before Hin7 7oatin; m6st 7omp.y Dith
ASE "#:# ha<in; C.ass 2A to.eran7es or ASE "#:#- ha<in; =rade 0; to.eran7es: Thread
dimensions for interna..y threaded 7on7rete an7hora;e de<i7es m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A *0-:
E37ept for me7hani7a. e3pansion an7hors and iron 7astin;s for CIP inserts) meta. parts of an7hora;e
de<i7es m6st be hot,dip or me7hani7a..y ;a.<aniHed:
e7hani7a. e3pansion an7hors m6st be /#1 hot,dip or me7hani7a..y ;a.<aniHed) /21 made from stain.ess
stee.) or /-1 7oated Dith e.e7trodeposited Hin7 7omp.yin; Dith AST " 00-:
Iron 7astin;s m6st be me7hani7a..y ;a.<aniHed:
Insta.. me7hani7a. e3pansion an7hors) resin 7aps6.e an7hors) and CIP inserts 6nder the man6fa7t6rerFs
If the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions do not in7.6de torG6e reG6irements) ti;hten n6ts 6sed to atta7h
eG6ipment or fi3t6res to an7hora;e de<i7es to the insta..ation torG6e <a.6es shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
T0r!"e Re!"#reme'/
Insta..ation torG6e <a.6es /ft,.b1
She..,type me7hani7a.
e3pansion an7hors
Inte;ra.,st6d,type me7hani7a.
e3pansion an7hors
Resin 7aps6.e an7hors
and CIP inserts
#,#94 ,, ,, 4%%
# ,, ,, 2-%
59+ ,, ,, #5*
-94 +% #5* #*%
*9+ -* $% 5*
#92 22 *% -%
-9+ ## 2* #+
#94 4 5 ,,
Insta.. 7on7rete an7hora;e de<i7es s67h that the atta7hed eG6ipment or fi3t6res bear firm.y a;ainst the
2,-1.0)CB2C Me(7%'#(%& E<6%'#0' A'(70r
e7hani7a. e3pansion an7hors m6st be the inte;ra. st6d type or the she.. type Dith interna. threads and
an independent st6d: Do not 6se se.f,; me7hani7a. e3pansion an7hors:
8hen tested 6nder Ca.ifornia Test 0+#) me7hani7a. e3pansion an7hors m6st Dithstand the app.i7ation of
a s6stained tension test .oad of at .east the <a.6es shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e for at .east 4+ ho6rs Dith a
mo<ement of at most %:%-* in7h:
Me(7%'#(%& E<6%'#0' A'(70r S"/%#'e1 Te'#0' Te/ L0%1
St6d diameter
S6stained tension test .oad
*9+ 4)#%%
#92 -)2%%
-9+ 2)#%%
#94 #)%%%
a3im6m st6d diameter a..oDed for me7hani7a. e3pansion
Insta.. she..,type me7hani7a. e3pansion an7hors s67h that the top s6rfa7e of the an7hor body remains #92
to # in7h be.oD the 7on7rete s6rfa7e after e3pansion: After insta..ation of she..,type me7hani7a. e3pansion
an7hors and before mo6ntin; to eG6ipment or fi3t6re) demonstrate to the En;ineer that the e3pansion
an7hors are firm.y seated Dithin these to.eran7es:
2,-1.0)CB)C Re#' C%6"&e A'(70r
8hen tested 6nder Ca.ifornia Test 0+#) resin 7aps6.e an7hors m6st Dithstand the app.i7ation of a
s6stained tension test .oad of at .east the <a.6es shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e for at .east 4+ ho6rs Dith a
mo<ement of at most %:%#% in7h:
Re#' C%6"&e A'(70r S"/%#'e1 Te'#0' Te/ L0%1
St6d diameter
S6stained tension test .oad
#,#94 -#)%%%
# #5)$%%
59+ #4)4%%
-94 *)%%%
*9+ 4)#%%
#92 -)2%%
-9+ 2)#%%
#94 #)%%%
2,-1.0)CB+C C%/-I'-P&%(e C0'(re/e I'er/
CIP 7on7rete inserts m6st be ferr6.e .oop or 7ast iron:
8hen tested 6nder Ca.ifornia Test 0+2) CIP inserts m6st Dithstand the minim6m 6.timate test .oads
shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
CIP I'er/ S"/%#'e1 Te'#0' Te/ L0%1
St6d diameter
!.timate tensi.e .oad
#,#94 2*)%%%
#,#9+ #$)+%%
# #0)%%%
59+ ##)0%%
-94 5)2%%
*9+ 0)0%%
#92 4)2%%
2,-1.0)D Br#18e De(; Dr%#'%8e S3/em
2,-1.0)DB1C Ge'er%&
"rid;e de7k draina;e system 7onsists of the draina;e 7omponents spe7ified in the spe7ia. pro<isions:
Se76re.y 7o<er de7k drain ;rates and other ;ratin; openin;s to pre<ent intr6sion of debris 6nti. after fina.
7.ean6p of the de7k and draina;e areas:
After fina. 7.ean6p of the de7k and draina;e areas) test ea7h drain pipe and fa7i.ity e37ept short free fa..
pipes in the En;ineerFs presen7e by dis7har;in; #%% ;a..ons of Dater into the drain: The test m6st
demonstrate the proper operation of the drain pipe and fa7i.ity: If the test indi7ates obstr67tions in the
pipe) 7.ear the pipe and repeat the test 6nti. the drain pipe and fa7i.ity are 6nobstr67ted:
2,-1.0)DB2C P#6e C0''e(/#0' %'1 E0#'/
Se.f,tappin; s7reDs for<e 7onne7tions m6st:
#: "e stain.ess stee. Dith he3,heads
2: "e insta..ed in dri..ed to fit the s7reDs
-: Comp.y Dith AST A 250) Type -%4) for a proIe7t in a non,freeHe,thaD area
4: Comp.y Dith AST A 250) Type -#0) for a proIe7t in a freeHe,thaD area
Drain pipe Ioints m6st be Daterti;ht) smooth) and free from proIe7tions or offsets o<er #9#0 in7h on the
inside: e7hani7a.;s in pipin; m6st be ;asketed short<e type 7onsistin; of:
#: i.d stee. midd.e rin; Dith pipe stop
2: 2 r6bber 7ompo6nd Ded;e se7tion rin; ;askets
-: 2 mi.d stee. fo..oDer rin;s
4: i.d stee. bo.ts to 7ompress the ;askets
Pro<ide a transition se7tion Dhere a pipe 6nder a Da.kDay or other impro<ed area m6st be of a
diameter than the doDndrain pipe:;s 6sed to 7onne7t P(C or fiber;.ass pipe to stee. m6st be threaded or;ed: For P(C or
fiber;.ass pipe) do not 6se the<e 7onne7tions shoDn:
2,-1.0)DB)C F#.er8&% P#6e %'1 F#//#'8
&o6 may 6se fiber;.ass pipes and fittin;s Dith the same diameters and minim6m bend radii as shoDn
instead of De.ded pipe:
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e for fiber;.ass pipe and fittin;sJ in7.6de .aboratory test res6.ts:
Fiber;.ass pipe and fittin;s m6st:
#: Comp.y Dith AST D 2$$0
2: ?a<e a minim6m short,term r6pt6re stren;th of -%)%%% psi
For Ioinin; pipe and fittin;s) 6se the adhesi<e type re7ommended by the man6fa7t6rer:
Fiber;.ass pipe not en7.osed in a bo3 ;irder 7e.. or en7ased in 7on7rete m6st be made from !(,resistant
resin pi;mented Dith 7on7rete,;ray 7o.or or be 7oated Dith a 7on7rete,;ray resin,ri7h e3terior 7oatin;: Do
not 6se paint:
Fiber;.ass pipe Dith !( prote7tion m6st Dithstand a at .east 2)*%% ho6rs of a77e.erated Deatherin; Dhen
tested 6nder AST = #*4 Dith !(",-#- .amps: The restin; 7y7.e m6st be 4 ho6rs of !( e3pos6re at #4%
de;rees F and then 4 ho6rs of 7ondensate e3pos6re at #2% de;rees F: After testin;) the pipe s6rfa7e
m6st shoD no fiber e3pos6re) 7raHin;) or 7he7kin; and on.y s.i;ht 7ha.kin; or 7o.or 7han;e:
S6pport spa7in; for fiber;.ass pipe m6st be the same as shoDn for De.ded stee. pipe: Ea7h pipe s6pport
m6st ha<e a Didth of at .east #,#92 in7hes:
2,-1.0)DB+C PVC P#6e %'1 F#//#'8
For draina;e pipe NPS + or en7ased in 7on7rete or en7.osed in a bo3 ;irder 7e.. and e3posed for
at most 2% feet Dithin the 7e..) yo6 may 6se P(C pipe and fittin;s Dith the same diameters and minim6m
bend radii as shoDn instead of De.ded pipe:
The P(C pipe and fittin;s m6st be S7hed6.e 4%) 7omp.yin; Dith AST D #5+*: Pipe s6pport spa7in;
m6st be at most 0 feet:
2,-1.0)E Br#18e E0#'/ Re/r%#'er
2,-1.0)EB1C Ge'er%&
"rid;e Ioint restrainers in7.6de <ario6s 7ombinations of the fo..oDin;: str67t6ra. stee. parts) bo.ts) bearin;
p.ates) 7ab.e dr6m 6nits) pipe<es) P(C pipe) e.astomeri7 pads) e3pansion Ioint e3panded
neoprene) e3panded po.ystyrene) sheet neoprene) hardboard) and in7identa.s:
P.a7e neD 7on7rete adIa7ent to restrainers before; restrainers:
8here remo<in; and rep.a7in; restrainers) remo<e at most *% per7ent of the restrainers at any Ioint and
rep.a7e them Dith an eG6a. proportion of neD restrainers before s6bseG6ent remo<a. a7ti<ities: Perform
a.. remo<a. and rep.a7ement symmetri7a..y abo6t the 7enter.ine of the e3istin; brid;e:
2,-1.0)EB2C C%.&e T36e
2,-1.0)EB2CB%C Ge'er%&
Cab.e,type restrainers 7onsist of sDa;ed fittin;s) st6ds) n6ts) 7ab.e yie.d indi7ators) dis7 sprin;s)
and if shoDn)
&o6 are responsib.e for determinin; the reG6ired .en;ths of the 7ab.e,type restrainers:
S6bmit at the man6fa7t6rerFs p.ant:
#: # 7ab.e,type restrainer test samp.e for ea7h 2%% restrainers or fra7tion thereof prod67ed: The samp.e
restrainer m6st 7onsist of a 7ab.e fitted Dith a sDa;ed fittin; and ri;ht hand thread st6d at both ends
and m6st be - feet in tota. .en;th:
2: # t6rnb67k.e fitted Dith an +,in7h st6d at ea7h end for ea7h 2%% or fra7tion thereof:
-: =reater of # per7ent or + of the 7ab.e yie.d indi7ators prod67ed from ea7h mi.. heat:
4: 2 dis7 sprin;s of ea7h siHe prod67ed from ea7h mi.. heat:
S6bmit 2 7ertified 7opies of mi.. test reports of ea7h man6fa7t6red .en;th of 7ab.e:
S6bmit 2 7ertified 7opies of the mi.. test and heat treatin; reports of ea7h heat of bars 6sed for 7ab.e yie.d
2,-1.0)EB2CB.C M%/er#%&
Ea7h sDa;ed fittin;) t6rnb67k.e) st6d) and n6t assemb.y m6st de<e.op the spe7ified breakin; stren;th of
the 7ab.e: m6st be ;a.<aniHed) -94,in7h preformed) 0 by #$) Dire strand 7ore or independent Dire rope 7ore)
7omp.yin; Dith Federa. Spe7ifi7ation RR,8,4#%) ri;ht re; .ay) man6fa7t6red of impro<ed p.oD stee.
Dith a minim6m breakin; stren;th of 2- tons:
Se76re.y Drap ea7h free end of restrainer,6nit to pre<ent separation:
Ea7h sDa;ed fittin; m6st:
#: "e ma7hined from hot,ro..ed stee. bars 7omp.yin; Dith AISI C,#%-*
2: "e annea.ed) s6itab.e for 7o.d sDa;in;
-: ?a<e a ho.e dri..ed thro6;h the head to a77ommodate the .o7kin; pin
4: ?a<e the man6fa7t6rerFs identifyin; mark stamped on the body
The .o7kin; pin m6st be a #94,in7h,diameter) Hin7 p.ated stee. sprin; pin and keep the st6d in proper
Ea7h st6d m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A 44$ after ;a.<aniHin;: "efore ;a.<aniHin;) mi.. a -9+,in7h s.ot for the
.o7kin; pin in the st6d end:
N6ts m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A *0-) in7.6din; appendi3 >#) e37ept .6bri7ation is not reG6ired:
Ea7h 7ab.e yie.d indi7ator m6st:
#: "e ma7hined from hot,ro..ed stee. bars 7omp.yin; Dith AISI C,#%-*
2: "e annea.ed) s6itab.e for 7o.d sDa;in;
-: ?a<e the heat n6mber and man6fa7t6rerFs identifyin; mark stamped on the end s6rfa7e
a7hine the Da.. of the red67ed se7tion of the 7ab.e yie.d indi7ator so that the indi7ator yie.ds at a .oad
from -0)%%% to -+)%%% .b Dhen tested in 7ompression a.on; the maIor a3is at a test speed of at most #92
Dis7 sprin;s m6st be made from stee. 7omp.yin; Dith AST A 0+49A 0+4) =rade #%5*: Do not
;a.<aniHe dis7 sprin;sJ 7.ean and paint them Dith a paint re7ommended by the man6fa7t6rer and 7o.or
shoDn: m6st be stee. pipe type: P6..s for m6st 7onsist of a sDa;ed fittin; and st6d
Stee. parts m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A -09 A-0 or A *50) =rade #%-%) /AISI #%-%1 and m6st not be
rimmed or 7apped stee.:
&o6 may dri.. in stee. parts after ;a.<aniHin; if yo6 repair the as spe7ified for repairin;
dama;ed ;a.<aniHed s6rfa7es in se7tion 5*,#:%*:
The minim6m siHe of De.ds m6st 7omp.y Dith A8S D#:# e37ept as fo..oDs:
M#'#m"m F#&&e/ Ae&1 S#9e
"ase meta.
thi7kness of thi7ker
part Ioined /T1
inim6m siHe of De.d
-94 K T X #,#92 *9#0
#,#92 K T X 2,#94 -9+
2,#94 K T X 0 #92
0 K T *9+
Pipe<es m6st be 7ommer7ia.,G6a.ity De.ded stee. pipe:
Con7rete for; 7ab.e dr6m 6nits m6st either /#1 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for minor 7on7rete or
/21 be a 7on7rete mi3 Dith a -9+,in7h ma3im6m 7ombined a;;re;ate ;radin; and at .east 05* po6nds of
7ementitio6s materia. per 76bi7 yard:
E.astomeri7 bearin; pads m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *#,-:%2 e37ept pads may 7onsist of on.y e.astomer
and .aminated reinfor7ement is not reG6ired:
P(C m6st be 7ommer7ia. G6a.ity:
"ond breaker on P(C pipe m6st be a mortar,ti;ht Drappin; of p.asti7 or r6bber sheet at .east %:%#% in7h
E3panded po.ystyrene and hardboard m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *#,2:%#"/#1:
Neoprene sheets m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for neoprene in se7tion *#,2:%4: The sheets m6st
be smooth) free from and s6rfa7e b.emishes) and shoD no e<iden7e of de.amination:
C.osed,7e.. e3panded neoprene materia. m6st be 7ommer7ia. G6a.ity and 7omp.y Dith the stiffness
reG6irements in AST D #%*0 for C.ass SC) =rade SCE4- materia. or firmer:
Ship 7ab.e,type restrainers as 7omp.ete 6nits:
2,-1.0)EB2CB(C I'/%&&%/#0'
Notify the En;ineer at .east 2 days before ti;htenin; and settin; 7ab.e,type restrainer 6nits:
Repair e3istin; str67t6ra. stee. paint areas that yo6 dama;e and yo6 dri.. thro6;h e3istin; stee.
members as spe7ified for repairin; dama;ed ;a.<aniHed s6rfa7es in se7tion 5*,#:%*:
If paint remo<a. or De.din; at 7onne7tions to e3istin; stee. is not des7ribed at restrainer .o7ations) Dash
.oose dirt and d6st from e3istin; 7onta7t s6rfa7es of ?S bo.ted 7onne7tions Ditho6t dist6rbin; the e3istin;
paint: C.ean and paint e3istin; 7onta7t s6rfa7es of ?S bo.ted 7onne7tions that 7ontain r6st) .oose paint) or
other forei;n s6bstan7es e37ept dirt and d6stJ this 7.eanin; and paintin; is 7han;e order Dork:
2,-1.0)EB2CB1C C0rr0#0' Pr0/e(/#0'
2,-1.0)EB2CB1CB#C Ge'er%&
Se7tion 5*,#:%-E/21/d1/i1 app.ies if 7orrosion prote7tion on 7ab.e,type restrainers is spe7ified in the
spe7ia. pro<isions:
S6bmit a test samp.e of ;rease from the .ot to be 6sed and test res6.ts at .east 4% days before 6se:
For the .o7kn6ts) s6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e Dith a 7opy of ea7h reG6ired test report:
2,-1.0)EB2CB1CB##C M%/er#%&
The 7orrosion prote7tion system m6st be on the A6thoriHed ateria. List and 7omp.y Dith the
reG6irements thereon:
The ;rease m6st 7omp.y Dith the 7orrosion,inhibitin; ;rease spe7ifi7ations in se7tion 40,2:%2D:
The sheathin; m6st ha<e:
#: Density of $4% k;9m
to $0% k;9m
as meas6red 6nder AST D 5$2) Test ethod "
2: inim6m Da.. thi7kness of +% mi.s
The sheathin; m6st be:
#: S6ffi7ient.y stron; to pre<ent dama;e d6rin; 7onstr67tion
2: 8aterti;ht
-: Chemi7a..y stab.e Ditho6t embritt.ement or softenin;
4: Nonrea7ti<e Dith 7on7rete) stee.) or 7orrosion inhibitin; ;rease
The Department reIe7ts b6rned or dama;ed ?DPE sheathin;:
The n6ts m6st be me7hani7a..y Hin7,7oated ny.on insert .o7kn6ts 7omp.yin; Dith AST A *-0) =rade D?)
and ASE "#+:22:2 e37ept that the thi7kness m6st be ;reater than that spe7ified in ASE "#+:2:2: The
n6ts m6st maintain 7omp.ete .o7kin; effe7ti<eness at #%% per7ent re.ati<e h6midity: Do not 6se thread
.o7kin; systems: The me7hani7a. and therma. properties of the ny.on resin 6sed in the .o7kn6t insert m6st
ha<e the <a.6es shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
N3&0' I'er/ Re!"#reme'/
Property Test method (a.6e
Tensi.e stren;th AST D 0-+ #2)%%% psi min
Tensi.e stren;th at yie.d AST D 0-+ #2)%%% psi min
E.on;ation at yie.d AST D 0-+ * per7ent ma3
E.on;ation at break AST D 0-+ 0% per7ent ma3
F.e36ra. mod6.6s AST D 5$% 4#% ksi
IHod impa7t AST D 2*0 *- C9m
?eat def.e7tion temperat6re
at 00 psi AST D 04+ 2#% ]C
at 204 psi AST D 04+ 0* ]C
e.tin; point AST D -4#+ 20% ]C
The pi;ment 7omposition and physi7a. properties of the penetrant m6st ha<e the <a.6es shoDn in the
fo..oDin; tab.e:
Pe'e/r%'/ P#8me'/ C0m60#/#0' %'1 Pr06er/3 Re!"#reme'/
Pi;ment 7omposition or property Test method (a.6e
Tota. pi;ment 7ontent AST D 2-5# 24B2+ per7ent
Pi;ment 7omponent:
Syntheti7 red iron o3ide AST D -52# #$B2- per7ent
Ain7 hydro3y phosphite AST D 4402 --B-5 per7ent
"ari6m s6.fate AST D 0%2 4%B4+ per7ent
Non<o.ati.e 7ontent AST D 2-0$ 0% per7ent min
Consisten7y) '! AST D *02 *%B5*
Density AST D #45* #:%#+ ;9mL
Dryin; time) dry to re7oat) 4 mi.s Det fi.m AST D #04% 2B4 ho6rs
F.ash point AST D -25+ 4% ]C min
Sa.t fo; performan7e) #B2 mi.s dry fi.m on
abrasi<e b.ast 7.eaned pane. 6nder SSPC,SP *)
Dhite meta. b.ast 7.eanin;
AST " ##5 *%% ho6rs) no r6st or 7reepa;e at
The penetrant <ehi7.e m6st 7onsist of 5* to 5$ per7ent o<erbased 7rysta..ine 7a.7i6m s6.phonate a.kyd
resin and 2# to 2* per7ent driers) !( absorbers) and a.iphati7 hydro7arbons: The properties of the resin
so.6tion m6st ha<e the <a.6es shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Re#' S0&"/#0' Pr06er/3 Re!"#reme'/
Property Test method (a.6e
Density AST D #45* %:$-* ;9mL
F.ash point AST D -25+ 4% ]C min
Non<o.ati.e 7ontent AST D 2-0$ 5% per7ent min
(is7osity AST D 2#$0) no: 0 spind.e at 2* ]C) #% rpm $)%%% 7P min
The pi;ment 7omposition and physi7a. properties of the finish 7oat m6st ha<e the <a.6es shoDn in the
fo..oDin; tab.e:
F#'#7 C0%/ P#8me'/ C0m60#/#0' %'1 Pr06er/3 Re!"#reme'/
Pi;ment 7omposition or property Test method (a.6e
Tota. pi;ment 7ontent AST D 2-5# 22B2+ per7ent
Pi;ment 7omponent:
Titani6m dio3ide AST D 450)
Type III or I(
4%B4- per7ent
Carbon b.a7k AST D *0# %:%4B#:%% per7ent
Ain7 hydro3y phosphite AST D 4402 2+B-2 per7ent
"ari6m s6.fate AST D 0%2 20B-% per7ent
Non<o.ati.e 7ontent AST D 2-0$ 5% per7ent min
Consisten7y) '! AST D *02 $%B#2%
Density AST D #45* #:#-$ ;9mL
Dryin; time) dry to re7oat) 4 mi.s Det fi.m AST D #04%
D6st free #B4 ho6rs
Ta7k free *B#2 ho6rs
Dry hard 24B4+ ho6rs
F.ash point AST D -25+ 4% ]C
Sa; resistan7e AST D 44%% #0 mi.s min
Sa.t fo; performan7e) #%% gm dry fi.m on SSPC,SP *
b.asted 7o.d,ro..ed stee. pane.
AST " ##5 #)%%% ho6rs) no more than
# per7ent 6nder76ttin;)
b.isterin;) or;
The finish 7oat <ehi7.e m6st 7onsist of 55 to +# per7ent o<erbased 7rysta..ine 7a.7i6m s6.phonate a.kyd
resin) #2 to #0 per7ent modified a.kyd) and 5 to $ per7ent driers) !( absorbers) and a.iphati7
hydro7arbons: The properties of the resin so.6tion m6st ha<e the <a.6es shoDn in the tab.e tit.ed EResin
So.6tion Property ReG6irementsE abo<e:
The finish 7oat m6st mat7h 7o.or no: 20-5- of FED,STD,*$*:
2,-1.0)EB2CB1CB###C A66&3#'8 C0rr0#0' Pr0/e(/#0'
F6..y 7oat the ;a.<aniHed 7ab.e,type restrainer Dith 7orrosion,inhibitin; ;rease and en7aps6.ate it in a
smooth ?DPE sheath:
The sheath m6st be hot me.t e3tr6ded onto the strand or m6st be shop app.ied by a method that ens6res
a.. spa7es betDeen the sheath and the strand and betDeen the strand Dires are fi..ed Dith 7orrosion,
inhibitin; ;rease:
The ends of the sheathin; m6st be f.6sh Dith the ends of the ;a.<aniHed sDa;ed fittin;s:
Co<er the sDa;ed fittin; and a portion of the adIa7ent sheathed 7ab.e and threaded st6d Dith a 7orrosion
prote7tion system:
After fina. insta..ation) the 7orrosion prote7tion system m6st e3tend 2 in7hes onto both the sheathed 7ab.e
and the threaded st6d:
C.ean the 7ab.e yie.d indi7ator) Dashers) dis7 sprin;) n6t) and threaded st6d 6nder se7tion *$,#:%-C/41
and app.y a prime 7oat of red 7a.7i6m s6.phonate penetrant:
App.y the prime 7oat to the spe7ified dry fi.m thi7kness in # or more app.i7ations: The tota. dry thi7kness
of the prime 7oat m6st be at .east # mi.:
Co.or 7ode the dis7 sprin;s after the app.i7ation of the prime 7oat:
Coat the 7ab.e yie.d indi7ator) Dashers) dis7 sprin;) n6t) and the portion of threaded st6d from the o6ter
fa7e of the n6t to and in7.6din; the ends of the st6d Dith a finish 7oat of ;ray 7a.7i6m s6.phate a.kyd resin:
App.y the finish 7oat to the spe7ified dry fi.m thi7kness in # or more app.i7ations: The tota. dry thi7kness of
the finish 7oat m6st be at .east + mi.s:
App.y the ;rease) sheathin;) 7orrosion prote7tion system) prime 7oat) and finish 7oat at the
man6fa7t6rerFs p.ant e37ept do not app.y the finish 7oat to any portion of the st6d Dithin #,#92 in7hes from
the e3posed end of the st6d: After the 7ab.e restrainer insta..ation is 7omp.eted) re7oat the parts spe7ified
in the $th para;raph of se7tion 5*,#:%-E/21/d1/iii1 that are a77essib.e Dith the finish 7oat:
The items spe7ified in se7tion 5*,#:%-E/21/a1 to be s6bmitted at the man6fa7t6rerFs p.ant m6st be
s6bmitted Dith a.. man6fa7t6rerFs p.ant,app.ied 7oatin;s:
2,-1.0)EB)C P#6e T36e
Pipe,type restrainers 7onsist of do6b.e e3tra stron; stee. pipe and asso7iated hardDare:
S6bmit shop draDin;s shoDin; the method of ;ro6tin; pipe,type restrainers:
Do6b.e e3tra stron; stee. pipe m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A *-9A *-) =rade ":
"ond pipe,type restrainers to e3istin; 7on7rete by 7omp.ete.y; the <oid betDeen the pipe and the
7ored ho.e Dith ;ro6t Dithin the .imits shoDn: =ro6t m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *%,#:%2C: Pro<ide
materia. and sea.s a.on; the sides of the pipe to pre<ent ;ro6t from enterin; the brid;e hin;e Ioints: The materia. and sea.s m6st not restri7t Ioint mo<ement:
2,-1.0)EB+C B%r T36e
"ar,type restrainers 7onsist of ?S bars) bearin; p.ates) 7o6p.ers) an7hora;e de<i7es) and in7identa.s:
"ar,type restrainers m6st 7omp.y Dith the materia. and; spe7ifi7ations for bar prestressin; stee.
in se7tion *%:
C.ean and paint neD meta. s6rfa7es of bar,type restrainer 6nits after fabri7ation 6nder the spe7ifi7ations
for neD str67t6ra. stee. in se7tion *$,2) e37ept SSPC,@P #) SSPC,@P 2) and SSPC,@P - 7ertifi7ations
are not reG6ired:
Ea7h an7hora;e de<i7e and m6st de<e.op the spe7ified minim6m 6.timate tensi.e stren;th of the
stee. bar and in7.6de .o7kin; de<i7es to pre<ent t6rnin; or .oosenin;:
&o6 m6st determine the reG6ired .en;th of ea7h bar,type restrainer:
"earin; p.ates m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A -09A -0:
E.astomeri7 bearin; pads m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *#,-:%2 and m6st be bonded to bearin; p.ates Dith
adhesi<e 7omp.yin; Dith Federa. Spe7ifi7ation ,A,#2#:
Ship ea7h bar,type restrainer as a 7omp.ete 6nit) in7.6din; an7hora;e de<i7e and
2,-1.0)EB,C*2,-1.0)EB-C Reer$e1
2,-1.0)F N0';#1 S"r4%(e
8here a nonskid s6rfa7e is shoDn on stee. p.ates) app.y an epo3y mi3ed Dith ;rit:
S6bmit a Dork for the nonskid s6rfa7e shoDin;:
#: App.i7ation method
2: Spread rate of epo3y and ;rit
-: N6mber of 7oats
Epo3y m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion $*,2:%#) $*,2:%-) or $*,2:%$:
=rit m6st be:
#: Commer7ia.,G6a.ity a.6min6m o3ide) si.i7on 7arbide) or a.mandite ;arnet ;rit
2: S7reen siHe no: #2 to -% or no: #4 to -*
-: App.ied 6niform.y at a rate of at .east %:- psf of s6rfa7e area:
The finish 7o.or of the nonskid s6rfa7e m6st be .i;ht ;ray:
"efore app.yin; epo3y and ;rit to a ;a.<aniHed s6rfa7e) prepare the s6rfa7e 6nder se7tion *$,-:%-:
"efore app.yin; any nonskid materia.) prepare a # sG ft test samp.e app.ied on hardboard at .east #94 in7h
thi7k: The nonskid s6rfa7e m6st ha<e a tota. thi7kness from #9+ to -9#0 in7h:
If a6thoriHed) yo6 may 6se a 7ommer7ia.,G6a.ity nonskid s6rfa7e made of a 2,7omponent !(,resistant
epo3y and ;rit if the G6a.ity is eG6a. to the epo3y,;rit mi3t6re spe7ified in se7tion 5*,#:%-F:
2,-1.0)G Be%r#'8 De$#(e
"earin; assemb.ies or masonry p.ates p.a7ed on mortar pads m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion **,#:%-C/21:
Set bearin; p.ates .e<e.: Set ro7kers and e3pansion de<i7es to 7omp.y Dith the temperat6re at the time of
ere7tion or to the spe7ified settin;:
2,-1.0)H*2,-1.0)E Reer$e1
P6mpin; p.ant meta. Dork m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 5*,#:%2:
P6mpin; p.ant meta. Dork 7onsists of fabri7ated and 7ast meta. parts 6sed for 7onstr67tin; p6mpin;
#: In7.6din; meta. parts in the p6mpho6se) o6tside stairDay) stora;e bo3) and dis7har;e bo3 and the
roadDay,type frames and ;rates at the p6mpin; p.ant site
2: E37.6din; bar reinfor7in; stee. and meta. parts insta..ed 6nder se7tion 54
-: E37.6din; roadDay,type frames and ;rates paid for as mis7e..aneo6s iron and stee.
Pipe; m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion +-,#:%2=/-1:
An7hora;e de<i7es m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for 7on7rete an7hora;e de<i7es in se7tion 54,
E37ept in Da.kDay areas) 7ast iron manho.e 7o<ers and frames and 7ast iron ;rates and frames m6st be
dipped in 7ommer7ia.,G6a.ity aspha.t6m:
anho.e 7o<ers and frames for p6mpin; p.ant dis7har;e bo3es m6st be Daterti;ht and 7ertified by the
man6fa7t6rer to be rated to the press6re shoDn:
Pro<ide # hea<y,d6ty) ;a.<aniHed stee.) safety pad.o7k hasp and stap.e assemb.y: The assemb.y m6st be
se76re.y atta7hed to door and frame and ha<e:
#: (erti7a. stap.e 7onsistin; of a rod Dith a diameter of at .east #9+ in7h
2: S.otted .eaf at .east 0 in7hes in .en;th
=a.<aniHin; m6st 7omp.y Dith the and spe7ifi7ations shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e e37ept that
;a.<aniHin; of mis7e..aneo6s brid;e meta. is not reG6ired for /#1 portions of p.ates) shapes) or other items
embedded more than 2 in7hes in 7on7reteJ /21 embedded stee. pipe endin; at or be.oD the s6rfa7e of
en7asin; 7on7reteJ and /-1 items des7ribed to re7ei<e other finishes:
G%&$%'#9#'8 S(7e1"&e %'1 S6e(#4#(%/#0'
ateria. S7hed6.e
Ro..ed) pressed) and
for;ed stee. shapes)
p.ates) bars) and strip
#9+ in7h thi7k
E37ept for pre;a.<aniHed
standard pipe) ;a.<aniHe
materia. after fabri7ation into
the .ar;est pra7ti7a. se7tions:
AST A #2-9A#2-
Stee. K#9+ in7h thi7k =a.<aniHe before or after
If ;a.<aniHed before fabri7ation) AST
A 0*-9A 0*-) Coatin; Desi;nation
If ;a.<aniHed after fabri7ation) AST A
#2-9A#2- e37ept the Dei;ht of Hin7
7oatin; m6st a<era;e at .east #:2 oH9sG
ft of s6rfa7e area Dith no indi<id6a.
spe7imen ha<in; a 7oatin; Dei;ht of
.ess than #:% oH9sG ft:
Standard pipe ,, AST A *-9A *- e37ept the Hin7
7oatin; for fen7e pipes and str67t6ra.
shapes e37ept for meta. .ine posts for
barbed and Do<en Dire fen7es m6st
a<era;e at .east #:2 oH9sG ft of s6rfa7e
area Dith no indi<id6a. spe7imen
ha<in; a 7oatin; Dei;ht of .ess than #:%
oH9sG ft:
Iron and stee. hardDare
e37ept threaded st6ds)
bo.ts) n6ts) and Dashers
spe7ified to 7omp.y Dith
AST A -%5) A -2*) A
44$) A *0-) F 4-0) or F
=a.<aniHe after fabri7ation: AST A #*-9A #*-
Rai. e.ements) ba7k6p
p.ates) termina. se7tions)
and end and ret6rn 7aps of
meta. beam ;6ard;
,, AAS?TO #+%
Fabri7ation in7.6des shearin;) 76ttin;) p6n7hin;) formin;););) bendin;) De.din;) and
For threaded st6ds) bo.ts) n6ts) and Dashers spe7ified to 7omp.y Dith AST A -%5) A -2*) A 44$) A
*0-) F 4-0) or F #**4) ;a.<aniHe 6nder their ASTs:
=a.<aniHin; is not reG6ired for stain.ess stee.) mone. meta.) and 7orrosion,resistant parts:
C.ean De.ded areas before ;a.<aniHin; to remo<e s.a; or other materia. that Do6.d interfere Dith the
adheren7e of the Hin7:
=a.<aniHe parts of fastener assemb.ies separate.y before assemb.y:
Tappin; of n6ts or other interna..y threaded parts to be 6sed Dith Hin7,7oated bo.ts) an7hor bars) or st6ds
m6st be performed after ;a.<aniHin; and m6st 7omp.y Dith thread dimensions and o<ertappin;
a..oDan7es in AST A *0-:
Repair dama;ed ;a.<aniHed s6rfa7es as fo..oDs:
#: C.ean by thoro6;h.y Dire br6shin; dama;ed areas and remo<in; .oose and 7ra7ked 7oatin;:
2: Paint 7.eaned areas Dith 2 app.i7ations of or;ani7 Hin7,ri7h primer from the A6thoriHed ateria. List:
Do not 6se aeroso. 7ans:
2,-1.0- PAYMENT
E37ept for fina.,pay,item mis7e..aneo6s meta. materia.s) mis7e..aneo6s meta. materia.s are determined
from s7a.e Dei;hin;s:
A frame and 7o<er pair is # 6nit: A frame and ;rate pair is # 6nit:
The Dei;ht of nonmeta..i7 materia.s for restrainer 6nits are not in7.6ded in the Dei;ht of mis7e..aneo6s
meta. for restrainers:
The Dei;ht of epo3y and ;rit for a nonskid s6rfa7e is not in7.6ded in the Dei;ht of mis7e..aneo6s meta.
2---*22-10 RESERVED
>0-1.01 GENERAL
Se7tion +%,# in7.6des ;enera. spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; fen7es e37ept Type ESA temporary fen7es:
>0-1.02 CLEARING
Remo<e earth) trees) br6sh) and other obstr67tions that interfere Dith fen7e 7onstr67tion:
Conne7t neD fen7es to e3istin; fen7es:
P.a7e a 7orner post Dith a bra7e for ea7h dire7tion of strain at ea7h I6n7tion Dith an e3istin; fen7e:
Fasten the Dire in the neD and e3istin; fen7es to ea7h post:
If ordered) at a str67t6re) 7onne7t the neD fen7e to the str67t6re s67h that sto7k 7an pass free.y thro6;h
or 6nder the str67t6reJ otherDise) insta.. an end post and 7onne7t the fen7e to it:
For 7on7rete for meta. post and bra7e footin;s and for deadmen) 6se:
#: Commer7ia. G6a.ity a;;re;ates and 7ementitio6s materia.
2: At .east 45% po6nds of 7ementitio6s materia. per 76bi7 yard
CroDn ea7h 7on7rete footin; to shed Dater:
eas6re post spa7in; para..e. to the ;ro6nd s.ope: P.a7e ea7h post in a <erti7a. position e37ept Dhere the
En;ineer orders yo6 to set the post to the ;ro6nd s6rfa7e:
After 7onstr67tin; a fen7e) 6niform.y spread the s6rp.6s e37a<ated materia. a.on; the adIa7ent roadDay
Dhere desi;nated by the En;ineer:
A temporary fen7e m6st 7omp.y Dith the Contra7t for a permanent fen7e of the same type e37ept:
#: &o6 may 6se 6sed materia.s if the 6sed materia.s are ;ood) so6nd) and s6itab.e for the p6rpose
2: ateria.s may be 7ommer7ia. G6a.ity if the dimensions and siHes of the materia.s are eG6a. to or
;reater than the dimensions and siHes shoDn on the p.ans or spe7ified in se7tion +%:
-: Posts m6st be either meta. or Dood
4: The Department does not reG6ire:
4:#: =a.<aniHin; or paintin; of stee. e.ements
4:2: Treatin; Dood Dith a Dood preser<ati<e
4:-: Con7rete footin;s for meta. posts
>0-1.0>*>0-1.0? RESERVED
>0-1.10 PAYMENT
The fen7e payment G6antity does not in7.6de the Didth of openin;s:
The fen7e is meas6red:
#: Para..e. to the ;ro6nd s.ope
2: A.on; the fen7e
>0-2.01 GENERAL
>0-2.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion +%,2 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; barbed Dire and Dire mesh fen7es:
>0-2.01B De4#'#/#0'
%&#8'me'/ %'8&e5 Chan;e in a .ine Dhere the an;.e of def.e7tion is .ess than:
#: * de;rees for a stee. post barbed Dire or Dire mesh fen7e
2: #* de;rees for a Dood post barbed Dire or Dire mesh fen7e
(0r'er5 Chan;e in a .ine Dhere the an;.e of def.e7tion e37eeds:
#: * de;rees for a stee. post barbed Dire or Dire mesh fen7e
2: #* de;rees for a Dood post barbed Dire or Dire mesh fen7e
4e'(e, T36e BA5 "arbed Dire fen7e 7onsistin; of * .ines of barbed Dire:
4e'(e, T36e AM5 8ire mesh fen7e 7onsistin; of Dire mesh fabri7 and - .ines of barbed Dire:
>0-2.01C S".m#//%&
>0-2.01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
>0-2.02A Ge'er%&
>0-2.02B Me/%& P0/ %'1 Br%(e
Line posts m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A 5%2 e37ept pa7ka;in; of posts is not reG6ired: Ea7h post m6st be
C.ass " stee.: &o6 may omit the an7hor p.ate if the post is set in a 7on7rete footin; Dith a minim6m 7ross
se7tiona. dimension of 0 in7hes and a depth eG6a. to the f6.. penetration of the post:
Ea7h end) .at7h) p6..) and 7orner post m6st ha<e:
#: inim6m resistin; se7tion mod6.6s of %:-2 76bi7 in7h in any dire7tion
2: Len;th of at .east 5 feet
-: 8ei;ht of at .east -:# .b9ft
Ea7h bra7e and bra7e post m6st ha<e:
#: Len;th of at .east 5 feet
2: 8ei;ht of at .east #:$- .b9ft
>0-2.02C A001 P0/ %'1 Br%(e
>0-2.02CB1C Ge'er%&
Ea7h Dood post and bra7e m6st be treated e37ept Dhere 6ntreated Dood is spe7ified:
Ea7h Dood .ine post to be dri<en m6st be ma7hine pointed at the sma.. end:
SDeep m6st not e37eed %:%+ foot in 0 feet:
>0-2.02CB2C U'/re%/e1
Ea7h 6ntreated Dood post and bra7e m6st be:
#: RedDood) 7edar) Do6;.as fir) or So6thern ye..oD pine
2: Strai;ht and free from .oose or 6nso6nd knots) shakes o<er #9- the post thi7kness) or other defe7ts
that Do6.d make it 6nfit str67t6ra..y for the p6rpose intended
Post knots m6st be so6nd) ti;ht) De.. spa7ed) and not o<er 2 in7hes on any fa7e:
Ea7h 6ntreated Dood .ine post and bra7e may be materia. and m6st ha<e:
#: Len;th of at .east 5 feet
2: Perimeter of at .east #0 in7hes
-: Ea7h 7ross,se7tion dimension of at .east 4 in7hes
Ea7h 6ntreated Dood end) 7orner) and bra7e post m6st be saDed or heDed and ha<e:
#: Len;th of at .east + feet
2: Nomina. siHe of at .east 0 by 0 in7hes
>0-2.02CB)C Tre%/e1
Ea7h treated Dood post and bra7e m6st be:
#: Do6;.as fir) ?em,Fir) So6thern ye..oD pine
2: Ro6nd or saDed re7tan;
-: Free of heart 7enter
Ea7h Do6;.as fir) ?em,Fir) and So6thern ye..oD pine post and bra7e m6st be ;raded 6nder se7tion *5:
Ea7h saDed post and bra7e m6st be of the minim6m ;rade and spe7ies shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Gr%1e %'1 S6e(#e
Nomina. siHe inim6m ;rade Spe7ies
4 by 4 in7h Constr67tion .i;ht framin; Do6;.as fir
No: # str67t6ra. .i;ht framin; ?em,Fir
No: 2 str67t6ra. .i;ht framin; So6thern ye..oD pine
0 by 0 in7h Se.e7t str67t6ra. posts and timbers No: # Do6;.as fir
Se.e7t str67t6ra. posts and timbers ?em,Fir
No: # timbers So6thern ye..oD pine
Ea7h ro6nd post and bra7e m6st be free from:
#: De7ay
2: Shakes o<er #9- the post diameter
-: Sp.its .on;er than the thi7kness or diameter of the post
4: Loose or 6nso6nd knots
*: 6.tip.e 7rooks
0: Other defe7ts that Do6.d Deaken the post or bra7e or otherDise make it str67t6ra..y 6ns6itab.e for the
p6rpose intended
Press6re treat ea7h post and bra7e 6nder se7tion *5 and A8PA !#) !se Cate;ory !C4A) Commodity
Spe7ifi7ation A or ":
Treat posts after pointin;:
Instead of the imprint spe7ified in se7tion *5) the treatin; p.ant may hammer stamp either end of a treated
post and bra7e Dith the symbo. or name of the 7ompany performin; the treatment:
For ea7h ro6nd post and bra7e:
#: Pee. to remo<e o6ter bark and inner 7ambi6m bark e37ept minima. strips of inner bark may remain if
not o<er #92 in7h Dide or o<er - in7hes .on;
2: Trim knots f.6sh Dith sides
-: Remo<e sp6rs and sp.inters
4: C6t ends sG6are
Ea7h .ine post and bra7e m6st be 5 feet .on;: Any other post m6st be + feet .on;: Ea7h .en;th may be at
most # in7h shorter and 2 in7hes .on;er:
The sma.. end of ea7h ro6nd .ine post and bra7e m6st ha<e a 7ross,se7tiona. dimension betDeen -,#92
and * in7hes: The sma.. end of any other ro6nd post m6st ha<e a 7ross,se7tiona. dimension betDeen *,
#92 and 5 in7hes:
The taper from end to end of ea7h ro6nd post and bra7e m6st not e37eed #,#92 in7hes:
Ea7h saDed re7tan; .ine post m6st ha<e a nomina. siHe of at .east 4 by 4 in7hes: Any other saDed
re7tan; post m6st ha<e a nomina. siHe of at .east 0 by 0 in7hes:
>0-2.02D B%r.e1 A#re
"arbed Dire m6st:
#: Comp.y Dith AST A #2#
2: ?a<e 2 point barbs
-: "e one of the fo..oDin;:
-:#: #2,#92 ;a;e) C.ass #
-:2: #-,#92 ;a;e) C.ass -
-:-: #*,#92 ;a;e) C.ass -
>0-2.02E A#re Me7
8ire mesh m6st:
#: Comp.y Dith AST A ##0) C.ass #
2: "e -2 in7hes Dide
-: ?a<e + horiHonta. Dires Dith <erti7a. stays spa7ed 0 in7hes apart
The top and bottom Dires m6st be #% ;a;e:
The intermediate Dires and <erti7a. stays m6st be #2,#92 ;a;e:
>0-2.02F Te'#0' A#re, H%r1:%re, %'1 Gr0"'1#'8 M%/er#%&
Tension Dire m6st be +,;a;e ;a.<aniHed Dire:
=a.<aniHed bo.ts and n6ts for atta7hin; bra7es and straps to meta. posts and ;a.<aniHed de<i7es for
ho.din; barbed Dire and Dire mesh in position m6st be 7ommer7ia. G6a.ity:
Ea7h stap.e 6sed to fasten barbed Dire and Dire mesh fabri7 to Dood posts m6st be:
#: At .east #,-94 in7hes .on;
2: an6fa7t6red from $,;a;e ;a.<aniHed Dire
8ire 6sed to fasten barbed Dire and Dire mesh to meta. posts m6st be ;a.<aniHed and at .east ## ;a;e:
C.ips and ho; rin;s 6sed for meta. posts m6st be at .east $ ;a;e:
8ire 6sed to tie the .oDer .ine of barbed Dire to the top Dire of Dire mesh m6st be #2,;a;e ;a.<aniHed
Ea7h ;ro6nd rod m6st:
#: "e ;a.<aniHed or 7opper,7oated stee.
2: "e + feet .on;
-: ?a<e a diameter of at .east #92 in7h
Cond67tor m6st be no: 0 7opper or eG6a.:
>0-2.02G G%/e:%3
Fen7e materia.s and end post bra7in; m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations and p.ans for the fen7e type in
Dhi7h the ;ateDay is 7onstr67ted:
E37ept for .en;th) end bars m6st 7omp.y Dith the .ine post spe7ifi7ations and p.ans:
(erti7a. stays for ;ateDays m6st be:
#: PretDisted
2: $:*,;a;e ;a.<aniHed Dire
-: E<en.y spa7ed betDeen end bars at 00,in7h ma3im6m inter<a.s
8ire .oops m6st be 0,;a;e ;a.<aniHed Dire:
The 7hain for the .at7hin; de<i7e m6st be 7ommer7ia. G6a.ity short .ink stee. 7oi. 7hain: The .at7hin; bar
for the .at7hin; de<i7e m6st be 7ommer7ia. G6a.ity stee. pipe: "o.ts and n6ts for atta7hin; the 7hain to the
end posts and .at7hin; bar m6st be 7ommer7ia. G6a.ity and ;a.<aniHed:
E37a<ate hi;h points that interfere Dith p.a7in; fen7e fabri7 to the 7.earan7e shoDn:
"ra7e adIa7ent .ine posts at a.i;nment an;.es Dith dia;ona. tension Dires 6n.ess impra7ti7a.: If
impra7ti7a.) bra7e as spe7ified for bra7in; 7orner posts:
Set ea7h meta. dia;ona. bra7e and meta. 7orner) end) .at7h) ;ate) and p6.. post in a 7on7rete footin;:
&o6 may dri<e meta. .ine posts:
Set ea7h Dood .ine post one of the fo..oDin; Days:
#: Dri<e it into p.a7e:
2: Insta.. it firm.y in a dri..ed ho.e of the same dimension as the post:
-: Insta.. it in a dri..ed or d6; ho.e .ar;er than the dimension of the post) ba7kfi.. aro6nd the post) and
7ompa7t the ba7kfi..:
Insta.. ea7h Dood post that is not a .ine post in a dri..ed or d6; ho.e .ar;er than the dimension of the post)
ba7kfi.. aro6nd the post) and 7ompa7t the ba7kfi..:
Insta.. ea7h ro6nd post insta..ed in a dri..ed ho.e b6tt end doDn:
Se76re.y fasten tension Dires to Dood posts: ake an e3tra .oop aro6nd ea7h post at ea7h atta7hment
point and stap.e the Dire to the post:
Conne7t ea7h Dood bra7e to its adIa7ent post Dith a -9+, by 4,in7h stee. doDe.: TDist the tension Dires
6nti. the insta..ation is ri;id:
Stret7h barbed Dire and Dire mesh fabri7 and fasten to ea7h Dood post:
Atta7h barbed Dire and Dire mesh fabri7 to the pri<ate property side of posts:
On Dire mesh fen7e) tie the .oDer .ine of barbed Dire to the top Dire of the Dire mesh Dith Dire at 4,foot
inter<a.s betDeen posts: Atta7h the Dire mesh fabri7 to ea7h post by fastenin; the top and bottom Dires
and a.ternate .on;it6dina. Dires Dith at .east * fasteners:
At ea7h ;rade depression) sn6b or ;6y the fen7in; by means of a do6b.e +,;a;e or a do6b.e $,;a;e
;a.<aniHed Dire 7onne7ted to:
#: Ea7h horiHonta. .ine of barbed Dire or to the top and bottom of Dire mesh fabri7
2: A deadman Dei;hin; abo6t #%% .b and b6ried in the ;ro6nd at .east 2 feet
Stret7h and fasten the fen7in; before sn6bbin; or ;6yin;:
Fen7e fabri7 and fen7e Dires of fen7es 6sin; Dood .ine posts m6st be ;ro6nded: =ro6nd by s6bstit6tin; a
meta. fen7e post for a Dood post at inter<a.s at most *%% feet Dith at .east # meta. post in any .en;th of
fen7e o<er 2%% feet betDeen openin;s: 8ith Dire) ti;ht.y fasten ea7h .ine of barbed Dire and a.ternate
.on;it6dina. Dires of the fen7e to the meta. post:
8here an e.e7tri7 transmission) distrib6tion) or se7ondary .ine 7rosses a Dood,post fen7e) ;ro6nd the
fen7e Dith a ;ro6nd rod insta..ed dire7t.y be.oD the 7rossin; point: Dri<e the rod <erti7a..y 6nti. the top is 0
in7hes be.oD the ;ro6nd s6rfa7e: Conne7t the ;ro6nd rod to the fen7e Dith a 7ond67tor: The 7onne7tions
m6st be either braHed or fastened Dith a6thoriHed non7orrosi<e 7.amps:
8here a poDer.ine r6ns para..e. or near.y para..e. to and Dithin #%% feet of the Dood post fen7e) ;ro6nd
the fen7e Dith a ;ro6nd rod at ea7h end post or at inter<a.s of at most #)*%% feet:
If yo6 7annot rea7h the spe7ified <erti7a. ;ro6nd rod penetration) insta.. an En;ineer,a6thoriHed
eG6i<a.ent ;ro6ndin; system:
After yo6 atta7h fen7in; to 6ntreated Dood posts) 76t off any .on; post that makes the fen7e .ook
>0-2.0+ PAYMENT
Not !sed
>0-).01 GENERAL
>0-).01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion +%,- in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; 7hain .ink fen7es:
>0-).01B De4#'#/#0'
(0r'er5 Chan;e in a .ine Dhere the an;.e of def.e7tion e37eeds -% de;rees:
1#%m0'1 (0"'/5 N6mber of mesh openin;s in ea7h hei;ht of 7hain .ink fen7e:
4e'(e, T36e CL5 Chain .ink fen7e: EType CLE is fo..oDed by a n6mber representin; the Didth in feet of the
fen7e fabri7: The n6mber is shoDn in the bid item des7ription:
4e'(e, T36e CL, &%//e15 Chain .ink fen7e Dith Dood or p.asti7 s.ats inserted <erti7a..y in the 7hain .ink
re#/#'8 m0me'/5 Prod67t of a memberFs se7tion mod6.6s abo6t the desi;nated a3is and its yie.d
>0-).01C S".m#//%&
If yo6 6se the prote7ti<e 7oatin; system spe7ified in se7tion +%,-:%2") s6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e
for the system:
>0-).01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
!nder Ca.ifornia Test 054) test:
#: # post from ea7h .ot of #)*%% or feDer 7hain .ink fen7e posts
2: # bra7e from ea7h .ot of *%% or feDer 7hain .ink fen7e bra7es
If the post or bra7e fai.s) test 2 additiona. posts or bra7es from the same .ot: If # of these posts or bra7es
fai.s) the Department reIe7ts the .ot:
>0-).02A Ge'er%&
=a.<aniHe or 7oat ferro6s materia.s:
Do not 6se materia.s imperfe7t.y ;a.<aniHed or 7oated or Dith serio6s abrasions:
For barbed Dire on a 7hain .ink fen7e) 7omp.y Dith se7tion +%,2:%2D:
>0-).02B P0/ %'1 Br%(e
The base meta. for posts and bra7es m6st be 7ommer7ia. G6a.ity De.dab.e stee.:
=a.<aniHe posts and bra7es 6nder se7tion 5*,#:%* e37ept) instead of ;a.<aniHin;) posts and
bra7es may ha<e a prote7ti<e 7oatin; system 7omp.yin; Dith the fo..oDin;:
#: E3terior s6rfa7es of posts and bra7es m6st ha<e a 7ombination 7oatin; 7onsistin; of hot,dip
;a.<aniHed primer fo..oDed by a 7hromate 7on<ersion 7oatin; fo..oDed by a finish 7oat of 7.ear) 7ross,
.inked or;ani7 7oatin;: For this 7ombination 7oatin;:
#:#: Thi7kness of the Hin7 7oatin; m6st be at .east %:$ mi. as determined from the a<era;e res6.ts
of at .east 2 and at .east %:+ mi. on an indi<id6a. samp.e:
#:2: Chromate 7on<ersion 7oatin; m6st be at .east #* e;9sG in:
#:-: Tota. thi7kness of the 7ombination 7oatin; m6st be at .east #:5 mi.s:
#:4: E3terior 7.ear 7oated s6rfa7e of the pipe m6st ha<e demonstrated the abi.ity to resist #%%%
ho6rs of e3pos6re to sa.t fo; Dith a ma3im6m of * per7ent red r6st Dhen tested 6nder AST "
#:*: C.ear finish 7oat m6st not ha<e any fi.m 7ra7kin; after *%% ho6rs of e3pos6re in an artifi7ia.
Deatherin; de<i7e 6nder one of the fo..oDin;:
#:*:#: AST = #*2) #) or - Carbon Ar7 artifi7ia. Deatherin; de<i7e:
#:*:2: AST = #**) #) or 2 >enon Ar7 artifi7ia. Deatherin; de<i7e:
#:0: C.ear finish 7oat m6st not ha<e b.isterin; or 7ra7kin; after *%% ho6rs of e3pos6re to #%%
per7ent re.ati<e h6midity 6nder AST D 2245:
2: Interior s6rfa7es m6st ha<e a Hin7 7oatin; or a 7ross,.inked or;ani7 7oatin; 7ontainin; a 7orrosion
inhibitor: For these 7oatin;s:
2:#: Coatin; thi7kness m6st be at .east %:- mi.:
2:2: Interior 7oated s6rfa7e m6st ha<e demonstrated the abi.ity to resist -%% ho6rs of e3pos6re to
sa.t fo; Dith a ma3im6m of * per7ent red r6st Dhen tested 6nder AST " ##5:
Obtain a6thoriHation of the prote7ti<e 7oatin; system before yo6 6se it: Any 7han;e to the prote7ti<e
7oatin; system is a neD system that reG6ires a6thoriHation:
Line) end) .at7h) and 7orner posts m6st ha<e the fo..oDin; minim6m resistin; moments:
M#'#m"m Re#/#'8 M0me'/ 04 L#'e, E'1, L%/(7, %'1 C0r'er P0/
inim6m resistin; moments
Line posts End) .at7h) and 7orner posts
Fen7e hei;ht to fen7e .ine Para..e. to fen7e .ine Any dire7tion
X 0 +%% 4%% #)4%%
L 0 feet #)4%% 5%% 2)4%%
Ea7h bra7e m6st ha<e a minim6m resistin; moment of 4%% ft,.b abo6t the 7enter of the maIor a3is and
-%% ft,.b abo6t the minor a3is:
Ea7h end) .at7h) and 7orner post m6st ha<e a midpoint def.e7tion abo6t either a3is of at most %:2* in7h:
Ea7h post and bra7e m6st ha<e a permanent set abo6t either a3is at most %:%# in7h Dhen tested 6nder
Ca.ifornia Test 054:
"efore ;a.<aniHin; and man6fa7t6rin;) the nomina. thi7kness of the materia. of ea7h:
#: Post m6st be at .east %:#%* in7h
2: "ra7e m6st be at .east %:%5* in7h
A .ine post ha<in; a resistin; moment abo6t the Deaker a3is:
#: Less than 5* per7ent of the reG6ired minim6m resistin; moment to the fen7e .ine m6st
not be 6sed at an an;.e point in the fen7e .ine Dhere the def.e7tion an;.e e37eeds #% de;rees:
2: Not .ess than 5* per7ent of the reG6ired minim6m resistin; moment to the fen7e .ine
may be 6sed at an an;.e point in the fen7e .ine 6p to a def.e7tion an;.e of -% de;rees:
Ea7h post .en;th m6st be at .east the depth of the 7on7rete footin; p.6s the hei;ht of the fabri7 .ess 4
in7hes: The .en;th does not in7.6de any top fi3t6re or other top tension Dire s6pport inte;ra. Dith the post:
Ea7h post m6st ha<e pro<isions to se76re.y ho.d the top tension Dire in position and a..oD for post
remo<a. and rep.a7ement Ditho6t dama;in; the Dire: Fit ea7h post Dith a rainproof top:
Post tops) e3tension arms) stret7her bars) and other fittin;s and hardDare m6st be:
#: Stee. or ma..eab.e or Dro6;ht iron
2: =a.<aniHed after fabri7ation 6nder se7tion 5*,#:%*
>0-).02C F%.r#(
Chain .ink fabri7 m6st 7omp.y Dith AAS?TO #+# for Type I fabri7 Dith a C.ass C 7oatin; 6n.ess <iny., fabri7 is des7ribed in the fen7e bid item) in Dhi7h 7ase the fabri7 m6st 7omp.y Dith AAS?TO #+#
for Type I( fabri7 Dith a medi6m or dark ;reen C.ass A 7oatin;:
The Dire for the fabri7 m6st be:
#: ## ;a;e for fen7e +4 in7hes or .ess in hei;ht
2: $ ;a;e for fen7e o<er +4 in7hes in hei;ht and for s.atted 7hain .ink fen7e
Chain .ink fabri7 for nons.atted fen7e m6st ha<e the diamond 7o6nt 7orrespondin; to the fabri7 hei;ht
shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
D#%m0'1 C0"'/
Fabri7 hei;ht /in7hes1 -0 42 4+ 0% 52 +4 $0
Diamond 7o6nt #%,#92 #2,#92 #-,#92 #5,#92 2%,#92 24,#92 25,#92
Chain .ink fabri7 for s.atted fen7e m6st ha<e -,#94,in7h,<erti7a. and *,#94,in7h,horiHonta. mesh:
'n67k.e finish fabri7 on the top and bottom ed;es:
>0-).02D Te'#0' A#re, H08 R#'8, T"r'."(;&e, Tr" T#87/e'er, Tr" R01, %'1 S/re/(7er
B%r %'1 B%r B%'1.
Tension Dire m6st be 7ommer7ia. G6a.ity 5,;a;e 7oi. sprin; stee.:
Tie Dires and ho; rin;s m6st be at .east $,;a;e stee.:
Post 7.ips m6st be at .east 0,;a;e stee.:
=a.<aniHe tension and tie Dires) ho; rin;s) and post 7.ips 6nder AST A ##0) 7oatin; C.ass -: and tr6ss ti;hteners m6st be:
#: Commer7ia. G6a.ity stee.) ma..eab.e iron) or Dro6;ht iron
2: =a.<aniHed 6nder se7tion 5*,#:%*
-: EG6a. in tensi.e stren;th to the tr6ss rod
Tr6ss ti;hteners m6st ha<e a strap thi7kness of at .east #94 in7h:
Ea7h tr6ss rod m6st be stee. and ha<e a diameter of at .east -9+ in7h:
Ea7h stret7her bar m6st be at .east #94 by -94 in7h:
Ea7h stret7her bar band m6st be at .east #9+ by -94 in7h:
>0-).02E S&%/
S.ats m6st be Dood or p.asti7:
8ood s.ats m6st be one of the fo..oDin;:
#: C.ear redDood
2: edi6m,Dei;ht Dood prod67ed from the spe7ies Shorea 0Meranti1
Ea7h Dood m6st ha<e:
#: Thi7kness of at .east #94 in7h
2: 8idth abo6t 2,*9+ in7h
-: Len;th eno6;h to fi.. the <erti7a. openin;s of the fabri7
Ea7h p.asti7 m6st:
#: "e a hi;h density po.yethy.ene Dith 6.tra< inhibitors
2: ?a<e a 7ross se7tion Dith:
2:#: 8a.. thi7kness of abo6t %:%- in7h
2:2: Depth of abo6t %:-2* in7h
2:-: 8idth of abo6t 2:-+ in7hes
2:4: Len;th eG6a. to the fen7e hei;ht
The p.asti7 materia. properties m6st ha<e at .east the <a.6es shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
P&%/#( S&%/ M%/er#%& Pr06er/3 Re!"#reme'/
Property Test method (a.6e
e.t inde3 AST D #2-+ %:24
Density AST D #*%* %:$*#
LoD temperat6re britt.eness AST D 540 ,50 ]F
Tensi.e stren;th AST D 0-+ -)5%% psi
"ra7e ea7h end) .at7h) and 7orner post to the nearest .ine post Dith either of the fo..oDin;:
#: Dia;ona. bra7e 6sed as a 7ompression member:
2: ?oriHonta. bra7e 6sed as a 7ompression member and tr6ss rods 6sed as tension members:
"ra7e ea7h ;ate post to the nearest .ine post Dith a horiHonta. bra7e 6sed as a 7ompression member and
tr6ss rods 6sed as tension members:
EG6ip ea7h stee. tr6ss rod Dith a t6rnb67k.e or tr6ss ti;htener:
"ra7e .ine posts horiHonta..y and tr6ss in both dire7tions at inter<a.s of at most #)%%% feet 6n.ess the fabri7
is insta..ed by stret7hin; Dith eG6ipment:
Fasten 7hain .ink fabri7 on the side of the posts desi;nated by the En;ineer:
Stret7h and se76re.y fasten the fabri7 to the posts:
Fasten the top and bottom ed;es of the fabri7 to the tension Dires: Stret7h the tension Dires ti;ht:
Insta.. the bottom tension Dire on a strai;ht ;rade betDeen posts by e37a<atin; hi;h points of the ;ro6nd:
Do not fi.. in .oD points:
Fasten the fabri7 to end) .at7h) 7orner) and ;ate posts Dith stret7her bars and stret7her bar bands at #,
foot inter<a.s e37ept fabri7 may be fastened to end and 7orner posts by threadin; thro6;h .oops formed
on the posts:
Fasten the fabri7 to .ine posts Dith tie Dires or post 7.ips and to tension Dires Dith tie Dires or ho; rin;s:
Spa7e the fasteners at abo6t #4 in7hes on .ine posts and abo6t #+ in7hes on tension Dires: =i<e Dire ties
at .east # 7omp.ete t6rn: C.ose ea7h ho; rin; Dith ends o<er.appin;: 8rap tension Dires aro6nd termina.
posts: The top of the fabri7 to the top tension Dire m6st be at most 2 in7hes:
If barbed Dire s6pportin; arms are shoDn) e3tend ea7h 6pDards from the top of the fen7e at an an;.e of
abo6t 4* de;rees: Fit it Dith 7.ips or other means for atta7hin; - .ines of barbed Dire: Atta7h the top
o6tside Dire to the s6pportin; arm at a point abo6t #2 in7hes abo<e the top of the 7hain .ink fabri7 and #2
in7hes o6t from the fen7e .ine: Atta7h the other Dires to the arm spa7ed e<en.y betDeen the top of the
fen7e and the top o6tside Dire:
For a 7hain .ink fen7e Dith s.ats) insta.. s.ats <erti7a..y in the mesh openin;s s67h that the s.ats fit sn6;.y:
Fasten them in a Day that pre<ents easy remo<a. or disp.a7ement:
>0-).0+ PAYMENT
Not !sed
>0-+*>0-? RESERVED
>0-10 GATES
>0-10.01 GENERAL
>0-10.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion +%,#% in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; ;ates in fen7es:
Constr67tin; a ;ate in an e3istin; fen7e in7.6des remo<a. of the fen7e:
>0-10.01B De4#'#/#0'
8%/e "'#/ 40r % .%r.e1 :#re 0r :#re me7 4e'(e5 # ;ate Dith fittin;s) hardDare) and ;ate posts Dith
8%/e "'#/ 40r % (7%#' &#'; 4e'(e5 # ;ate Dith fittin;s) hardDare) and ;ate and .at7h posts Dith bra7es:
>0-10.01C S".m#//%&
>0-10.01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
>0-10.02 MATERIALS
Ea7h dri<e ;ate for a 7hain .ink fen7e m6st be the .en;th shoDn in the bid item des7ription:
Ea7h dri<e ;ate for a barbed Dire or Dire mesh fen7e m6st be at .east 4+ in7hes and at most *+ in7hes
Ea7h Da.k ;ate m6st be 4 feet Dide:
A ;ate ;reater than + feet in .en;th m6st ha<e <erti7a. stays s67h that no pane. e37eeds + feet in .en;th:
A ;ate frame m6st be made Dith pipe at .east #,#92 in diameter: Interior <erti7a. stays m6st be made Dith
pipe at .east # in7h in diameter: Pipe m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for posts and bra7es in se7tion
Ea7h ;ate frame pane. m6st be 7ross tr6ssed Dith adI6stab.e tr6ss rods at .east -9+ in7h in diameter:
Fasten and reinfor7e ea7h 7orner of a ;ate frame Dith a ma..eab.e iron or pressed stee. fittin; or by
Ea7h pressed stee. fittin; m6st:
#: ?a<e a nomina. thi7kness before ;a.<aniHin; of at .east %:#-* in7h
2: "e fastened to de<e.op the stren;th of 7onne7ted members
8e.ds m6st be smooth and de<e.op the stren;th of the 7onne7ted member:
=a.<aniHe fittin;s) .at7hes) rods) and other ;ate hardDare 6nder se7tion 5*,#:%*:
Fabri7 for ;ates in a barbed Dire or Dire mesh fen7e m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for nons.atted
7hain .ink fen7e in se7tion +%,-:
Fabri7 for ;ates in 7hain .ink fen7es m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for the fabri7 for the fen7e in
Dhi7h the ;ate is insta..ed:
Atta7h 7hain .ink fen7e fabri7 to the ;ate frame 6sin; stret7her bars and tie Dires as spe7ified for fen7e
7onstr67tion: Spa7e tension 7onne7tors at #,foot inter<a.s:
For a 7hain .ink Da.k ;ate insta..ed in an e3istin; fen7e) ;ate mo6ntin; hardDare m6st not 7ontain open,
end s.ots for the fastenin; bo.ts:
Ea7h ;ate m6st ha<e a 7ombination stee. or ma..eab.e iron 7at7h and .o7kin; atta7hment that does not
rotate aro6nd the .at7h post:
?an; ea7h ;ate Dith at .east 2 stee. or ma..eab.e iron hin;es at .east - in7hes in Didth s67h that the ;ate
is se76re.y 7.amped to the ;ate post and permits the ;ate to be sD6n; ba7k a;ainst the fen7e: The
bottom hin;e m6st ha<e a so7ket to take the ba.. end of the ;ate frame:
Constr67t stops to ho.d ;ates open and a 7enter rest Dith 7at7h:
For a Da.k ;ate 7onstr67ted in an e3istin; fen7e) remo<e a .ine post and insta.. the ;ate s67h that the ;ate
is 7entered on the ho.e of the remo<ed post: 8hen not Dorkin; on the Da.k ;ate) 7.ose the openin; made
in the e3istin; fen7e Dith e3istin; fen7e fabri7 or 0,foot 7hain .ink fabri7:
>0-10.0+ PAYMENT
The ;ate payment G6antity is the G6antity of ;ate 6nits:
>0-11*>0-1, RESERVED
>1-1.01 GENERAL
Se7tion +# in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; 7ast,in,p.a7e 7on7rete s6r<ey mon6ments:
Con7rete m6st be minor 7on7rete Dith #,in7h ma3im6m a;;re;ate:
The Department f6rnishes s6r<ey marker disks:
For Type " and Type D s6r<ey mon6ments) the frame and 7o<er m6st be fabri7ated from 7ast stee. or
;ray 7ast iron: The frame) 7o<er) and hardDare m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations in se7tion **,#:%2:
Co<ers m6st fit into frames Ditho6t ro7kin;: materia. for Type " and Type D s6r<ey mon6ments m6st be ;ra<e.) 7r6shed ;ra<e.) 7r6shed
ro7k) or any 7ombination of these: materia. m6st not e37eed #,#92 in7hes in the ;reatest
For Type D s6r<ey mon6ments) yo6 may 6se either A.ternati<e # or A.ternati<e 2 as shoDn:
Lo7ate the s6r<ey mon6ment so that the point referen7ed fa..s Dithin #92 in7h from the 7enter of the disk
Dhen the disk is p.a7ed in the 7enter of the mon6ment:
S6r<ey mon6ments m6st be 7ast,in,p.a7e in neat Ditho6t the 6se of forms) 6n.ess forms are shoDn:
Conso.idate the 7on7rete and 76re it 6sin; the Dater method 6nder se7tion $%,#:%-"/21:
P.a7e the s6r<ey marker disk in the s6r<ey mon6ment before the 7on7rete rea7hes its initia. set: Press
firm.y to embed the disk in the 7on7rete:
Fi.. the res6.tin; spa7e aro6nd the mon6ment Dith earth free from ro7k or Dith base and s6rfa7in;
materia.: Earth materia. m6st be Datered and tamped into p.a7e:
P.a7e s6rp.6s e37a<ated materia. 6niform.y a.on; the adIa7ent roadDay as ordered:
>1-1.0+ PAYMENT
Not !sed
>2-1.01 GENERAL
>2-1.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion +2,# in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for fabri7atin; and; markers and de.ineators) in7.6din;
hi;hDay post markers:
E37ept for hi;hDay post markers) markers and de.ineators m6st 7omp.y Dith the California MUTCD:
>2-1.01B S".m#//%&
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e for:
#: eta. tar;et p.ates
2: Ename. 7oatin;
-: Retroref.e7ti<e sheetin;
>2-1.01C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
Finished meta. tar;et p.ates m6st be free of dents and defe7ts: The ma3im6m ed;e,to,ed;e s6rfa7e
de<iation from a horiHonta. p.ane m6st not e37eed #9+ in7h:
The ename. 7oatin; on meta. tar;et p.ates m6st be the prod67t of a 7ommer7ia. man6fa7t6rer: The
7oatin; m6st be smooth) s6bstantia..y free of f.oD .ines) paint Dasho6t) streaks) b.isters) and other defe7ts
that mi;ht impair ser<i7eabi.ity or detra7t from the ;enera. appearan7e:
8hen tested 6nder Ca.ifornia Test 05#) the ename. 7oatin; on meta. tar;et p.ates m6st ha<e satisfa7tory
resistan7e to Deatherin;) h6midity) sa.t spray) and 7hemi7a.s:
The ename. 7oatin; m6st ha<e:
#: Satisfa7tory adheren7e and impa7t resistan7e
2: Pen7i. .ead hardness of ?" minim6m
-: 0% de;ree ;.oss of +% per7ent minim6m
4: E37itation p6rity of - per7ent ma3im6m as re7ei<ed and after #)%%% ho6rs in an artifi7ia. Deatherin;
de<i7e 6nder AST =#**) Tab.e >-:#) Cy7.e #) and a day.i;ht .6mino6s dire7tiona. ref.e7tan7e /&
<a.6e1 of 5% minim6m
The Department may samp.e meta. tar;et p.ates for testin; as shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Me/%& T%r8e/ P&%/e S%m6&#'8
Prod67tion sta;e Lot siHe Samp.e siHe
Finished tar;et p.ates Less than *)%%% * tar;et p.ates
#% tar;et p.ates sheet sto7k #%)%%% sG ft or .ess
Fi<e #2 by 24 in7h spe7imens
Coi. sto7k *)%%% .b or .ess
TDo #2 by #2 in7h spe7imens or one #2 by 24
in7h spe7imen
Lot siHe m6st not e37eed #%)%%% tar;et p.ates:
Lot siHe m6st not e37eed #%)%%% sG ft: sheet sto7k m6st be identifiab.e Dith parent 7oi.
Coi. Dei;ht m6st not e37eed *)%%% .b:
If any samp.e does not 7omp.y Dith se7tion +2) the Department reIe7ts the entire .ot: If the Department
7hooses to resamp.e) the samp.e G6antity may be tDi7e the n6mber shoDn in the tab.e tit.ed Eeta. Tar;et
>2-1.02A Ge'er%&
arkers and de.ineators m6st be on the A6thoriHed ateria. List for si;nin; and de.ineation materia.s:
>2-1.02B A001 P0/
8ood posts m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *0,4:%2C:
>2-1.02C Me/%& P0/
The stee. for meta. posts m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A-09A -0:
eta. posts m6st be ;a.<aniHed 6nder se7tion 5*,#:%*:
>2-1.02D F&e<#.&e P0/
F.e3ib.e posts m6st be Dhite) e37ept Dhere shoDn as ye..oD:
F.e3ib.e posts m6st be free of b6rns) dis7o.oration) 7ontamination) and other obIe7tionab.e marks or
defe7ts that affe7t appearan7e or ser<i7eabi.ity:
>2-1.02E T%r8e/ P&%/e
Tar;et p.ates for Type ',# /CA1 and Type ',2 /CA1 obIe7t markers m6st be the same 7o.or and materia.
as the f.e3ib.e post:
Tar;et p.ates for hi;hDay post markers and Type L,# /CA1 and Type L,2 /CA1 obIe7t markers insta..ed on
meta. posts m6st be man6fa7t6red from a.6min6m sheets or Hin7,7oated stee. sheets:
=a.<aniHe stee. sheets 6nder se7tion 5*,#:%*: The Hin7,7oated stee. sheets m6st 7omp.y Dith AST
A0*-9A 0*-) Commer7ia. Stee. /CS Types A) " and C1:
The nomina. thi7kness of a Hin7,7oated stee. sheet m6st be at .east %:%-+ in7h:
Prepare Hin7,7oated s6rfa7es to prod67e optim6m adheren7e of the ename. 7oatin; Ditho6t dama;in; or
remo<in; the Hin7 7oatin;: Any e<iden7e of dama;e to or remo<a. of the Hin7 7oatin; is 7a6se for reIe7tion
of the entire .ot:
A.6min6m tar;et p.ates m6st be a.6min6m a..oy -%%-,?#4: &o6 may 6se other a..oys ha<in; eG6i<a.ent
properties if a6thoriHed:
The nomina. thi7kness of an a.6min6m sheet m6st be at .east %:%*% in7h:
Prepare the a.6min6m sheets for the ename. 7oatin; by a s6itab.e 7.eanin; method to remo<e
7ontaminants and by the 6niform app.i7ation of an a7id,7hromate,f.6oride) a7id,7hromate,f.6oride
phosphate) or eG6i<a.ent 7hemi7a. anti,7orrosion 7on<ersion 7oatin;:
C6t the tar;et p.ates to siHe and shape and p6n7h mo6ntin; bo.t as shoDn: The s6rfa7es and ed;es
of the tar;et p.ates m6st be free from fabri7ation defe7ts:
Coat the pretreated meta. tar;et p.ates Dith an opaG6e Dhite 7oatin; on both sides Dith a #,7oat or 2,7oat
system: 8hen tested 6nder Ca.ifornia Test 05#) the dry fi.m for the:
#: #,7oat system m6st be 6niform and ha<e an a<era;e thi7kness of at .east %:5* mi. Dith no indi<id6a.
meas6rement .ess than %:0* mi.
2: 2,7oat system m6st 7onsist of %:#% to %:2%,mi. thi7k primer and ha<e an a<era;e thi7kness of at .east
%:5* mi.) in7.6din; primer and top 7oat Dith no indi<id6a. meas6rement .ess than %:0* mi.
If 6sin; a #,7oat paintin; system) fabri7ate the Hin7,7oated stee. tar;et p.ates) in7.6din; shearin;) 76ttin;)
and p6n7hin;) before startin; the; pro7ess:
App.y the ename. 7oatin; by spray) dip) or 7ontin6o6s 7oatin;: !se other methods if
>2-1.02F Reer$e1
>2-1.02G Re4&e(/0r
Ref.e7tors for markers and de.ineators m6st 7onsist of Type III or hi;her ;rade retroref.e7ti<e sheetin; on
the A6thoriHed ateria. List for si;nin; and de.ineation materia.s:
>2-1.02H H%r1:%re
Atta7h tar;et p.ates Dith either /#1 #94,in7h ;a.<aniHed stee. or a.6min6m n6ts and bo.ts or /21 -9#0,in7h
b.ind a.6min6m ri<ets and Dashers:
Atta7h marker pane.s to posts Dith *9#0,in7h ;a.<aniHed stee. bo.ts) n6ts) and Dashers:
>2-1.02I H#87:%3 P0/ M%r;er
Letters and n6mera.s on hi;hDay post markers m6st be made Dith opaG6e b.a7k paint or fi.m: Paint and
fi.m m6st ha<e eG6i<a.ent o6tdoor Deatherabi.ity 7hara7teristi7s as the retroref.e7ti<e sheetin; spe7ified in
AST D4$*0: Nonref.e7ti<e opaG6e b.a7k fi.m m6st be <iny. or a7ry.i7 materia.:
!se sten7i.s to app.y painted .etters and n6mera.s on hi;hDay post markers:
Fi.m for .etters and n6mera.s m6st ha<e press6re sensiti<e adhesi<e and m6st be 7omp6ter 76t:
Dri<e posts in p.a7e Dhere soi. 7onditions permit if the method of dri<in; does not dama;e the posts: Dri..
pi.ot if ;ro6nd 7onditions are s67h that the posts 7annot be dri<en Ditho6t dama;in; the posts:
Insta.. tar;et p.ates and marker pane.s after the posts ha<e been set in p.a7e:
After settin; the posts in position) fi.. any spa7e aro6nd them Dith ro7k,free earth: D6rin; p.a7ement)
thoro6;h.y tamp and Dater the fi.. materia. in a Day that ho.ds the post se76re.y in position:
After; the posts) p.a7e s6rp.6s e37a<ated materia. 6niform.y a.on; the adIa7ent roadDay 6n.ess
otherDise spe7ified in se7tion #4,##:
"efore Contra7t a77eptan7e) app.y a spot app.i7ation of paint to a.. e3posed areas Dhere the paint has
been dama;ed and 7.ean a.. e3posed areas that ha<e be7ome soi.ed:
>2-1.0+ PAYMENT
A de.ineator post Dith 2 tar;et p.ates is 7o6nted as a sin;.e de.ineator:
A hi;hDay post marker is paid for as a marker:
>)-1.01 GENERAL
Se7tion +-,# in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin;;:
>)-1.02A Ge'er%&
ateria.s and 7onstr67tion for the <ario6s types of;s m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion +-,#:%2:
At .o7ations Dhere traffi7 is adIa7ent to meta. beam ;6ard; Dork) a.. materia.s reG6ired to 7omp.ete
the ;6ard; Dork at any # .o7ation m6st be a<ai.ab.e before Dork starts at that .o7ation:
At .o7ations e3posed to traffi7) s7hed6.e a7ti<ities so that at the end of ea7h day no post are open
and no; posts are insta..ed Ditho6t the b.o7ks and rai. e.ements assemb.ed and mo6nted:
8e.din; m6st 7omp.y Dith A8S D#:#: 8e.ds on e3posed s6rfa7es m6st be ;ro6nd f.6sh Dith the adIa7ent
=a.<aniHe 7omp.eted stee. parts and hardDare for;s 6nder se7tion 5*,#:%*:
After ;a.<aniHin;); e.ements m6st /#1 be free of fins) abrasions) ro6;h or sharp ed;es) and other
s6rfa7e defe7ts and /21 not be kinked) tDisted) or bent: If strai;htenin; is ne7essary) the method 6sed
m6st be a6thoriHed:; e.ements Dith kinks) tDists) or bends may be reIe7ted:
C.ean and re;a.<aniHe /#1 abraded or dama;ed ;a.<aniHed s6rfa7es of stee.; and posts and /21
ends of stee.; 76t after ;a.<aniHin;) e37ept if a..oDed by the En;ineer) yo6 may make repairs to the
s6rfa7es 6nder se7tion 5*,#:%*:
ortar m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for mortar in se7tion *#,# and 7onsist of # part by <o.6me of
7ement and - parts by <o.6me of 7.ean sand:
C6re mortar by either the Dater method or the 76rin; 7ompo6nd method 6sin; 76rin; 7ompo6nd no: 0:
E37a<ation and ba7kfi.. m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion #$:
Stee. brid;e;) 7on7rete;) and meta.; m6st present a smooth) 6niform appearan7e
in its fina. position) 7onformin; 7.ose.y to the horiHonta. and <erti7a. .ines shoDn or ordered:
After 7onstr67tin; the;) dispose of s6rp.6s e37a<ated materia. 6niform.y a.on; the adIa7ent roadDay)
e37ept as spe7ified in se7tion #4,##:
>)-1.02B Me/%& Be%m G"%r1 R%#&#'8
Rai. e.ements) ba7k6p p.ates) termina. se7tions) end and ret6rn 7aps) bo.ts) n6ts) and other fittin;s for
meta. beam ;6ard; m6st 7omp.y Dith AAS?TO #+%) e37ept as modified in se7tion +-,#:%2": The
rai. e.ements) ba7k6p p.ates) termina. se7tions) and end and ret6rn 7aps m6st 7omp.y Dith AAS?TO
#+% for C.ass A) Type I 8,beam ;6ard;) e37ept Dithin %:* of the 7oast the 7omponents m6st
7omp.y Dith AAS?TO #+% for C.ass A) Type II 8,beam ;6ard;: The ed;es and 7enter of the rai.
e.ements m6st 7onta7t ea7h post b.o7k: Rai. e.ement Ioints m6st be .apped not .ess than #2,#92 in7hes
and bo.ted: The rai. meta. m6st Dithstand a 7o.d bend) Ditho6t 7ra7kin;) of #+% de;rees aro6nd a mandre.
of a diameter eG6a. to 2:* times the thi7kness of the p.ate:
8orkmanship m6st be eG6i<a.ent to ;ood 7ommer7ia. pra7ti7e and a.. ed;es) bo.t and s6rfa7es
m6st be free of torn meta.) b6rrs) sharp ed;es) and protr6sions:
S6bmit 2 7ertified 7opies of mi.. test reports of ea7h heat from Dhi7h the rai. e.ements are formed:
"o.ts m6st ha<e sho6.ders of a shape that Di.. pre<ent the bo.ts from t6rnin;: ? in the rai. e.ements
m6st be of a shape to the bo.t sho6.der:
Sp.i7e rai. e.ements at inter<a.s not to e37eed #2:* feet and make sp.i7es at posts) 6n.ess otherDise
Rai. e.ements at Ioints m6st ha<e f6.. bearin;: If the radi6s of 76r<at6re is #*% feet or .ess) the rai.
e.ements m6st be shaped in the shop: Sten7i. the radi6s of 76r<at6re on the ba7k of ea7h rai. e.ement in
n6mera.s of 2,#92,in7h hei;ht:
Constr67t meta. beam ;6ard; 6sin;:
#: 8ood or stee. posts
2: 8ood b.o7ks for .ine posts
-: # type of post and b.o7k for any # 7ontin6o6s .en;th of ;6ard;
Fabri7ate stee. posts from stee. that 7omp.ies Dith AST A -09A -0:
S6bmit 2 7ertified 7opies of mi.. test reports of ea7h heat of stee. from Dhi7h the stee. posts are formed or
P.asti7 b.o7ks m6st be .isted on the A6thoriHed ateria. List:
The ;rades and spe7ies of Dood posts and b.o7ks m6st be no: # timbers) knoDn as no: # str67t6ra.)
Do6;.as fir or no: # timbers So6thern ye..oD pine: =rade Dood posts and b.o7ks 6nder se7tion *5,
2:%#"/21 e37ept a..oDan7es for shrinka;e after mi.. 76ttin; m6st not e37eed * per7ent of the Ameri7an
SoftDood L6mber Standard) PS 2%) minim6m siHes Dhen insta..ed:
8ood posts and b.o7ks m6st be ro6;h or S4S: The siHe to.eran7e of ro6;h saDn b.o7ks in the dire7tion of
the bo.t m6st not e37eed Z#94 in7h:
After fabri7atin;) press6re treat Dood posts and b.o7ks 6nder se7tion *5,2:%# and A8PA !#) !se
Cate;ory !C4A) Commodity Spe7ifi7ation A:
If 7opper naphthenate) ammonia7a. 7opper arsenate) 7hromated 7opper arsenate) ammonia7a. 7opper
Hin7 arsenate) ammonia7a. 7opper G6at) or 7opper aHo.e is 6sed to treat the Dood posts and b.o7ks) fi..
bo.t Dith a ;rease re7ommended by the man6fa7t6rer for 7orrosion prote7tion: The ;rease m6st not
me.t or r6n at a temperat6re of #4$ de;rees F: Fi.. the bo.t Dith the ;rease before the bo.ts are
"reakaDay Dood ;6ard rai. termina. posts may be fie.d bored to pro<ide the 2,-9+,in7h,diameter ho.e
8here fie.d 76ttin; or borin; is performed after treatment) thoro6;h.y sDab) spray) or br6sh 76ts and Dith 2 app.i7ations of the same type of preser<ati<e as initia..y 6sed or treat Dith 7opper
naphthenate 6nder A8PA Standard 4: Preser<ati<e app.i7ation in the fie.d m6st 7omp.y Dith the 5th
para;raph in se7tion *5,2:%#"/-1:
Dri<e Dood posts) Dith or Ditho6t pi.ot or p.a7e the posts in dri..ed "a7kfi.. any spa7e aro6nd
Dood posts Dith se.e7ted earth) free of ro7k) p.a7ed in .ayers appro3imate.y 4 in7hes thi7k: oisten and
thoro6;h.y 7ompa7t ea7h .ayer:
Dri<e stee. posts: If ;ro6nd 7onditions are s67h that pi.ot are ne7essary to pre<ent dama;e to posts
d6rin; dri<in;) fi.. any spa7e aro6nd the stee. posts Dith dry sand or pea ;ra<e. after dri<in;:
Dri<e stee. fo6ndation t6bes Dith soi. p.ates atta7hed) Dith or Ditho6t pi.ot or p.a7e the t6bes in
dri..ed "a7kfi.. any spa7e aro6nd the t6bes Dith se.e7ted earth) free of ro7k) p.a7ed in .ayers
appro3imate.y 4 in7hes thi7k: oisten and thoro6;h.y 7ompa7t ea7h .ayer: Insert Dood termina. posts into
the t6bes by hand: "efore the posts are inserted) 7oat the inside s6rfa7es of the t6bes Dith a ;rease that
Di.. not me.t or r6n at a temperat6re of #4$ de;rees F or .ess: The ed;es of the posts may be s.i;ht.y
ro6nded to fa7i.itate insertion of the posts into the t6bes:
P.a7e posts at eG6a. inter<a.s: If a6thoriHed) yo6 may spa7e end posts 7.oser to the adIa7ent posts:
The bo.ted 7onne7tion of the rai. e.ement to the post m6st Dithstand a *)%%%,po6nd p6.. at ri;ht an;.es to
the .ine of the;:
Fabri7ate the meta. Dork in the shop: No p6n7hin;) 76ttin;) or De.din; is a..oDed in the fie.d: Lap rai.
e.ements s67h that the e3posed ends do not fa7e approa7hin; traffi7:
Insta.. termina. se7tions 6nder the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tion:
Components b6i.t from str67t6ra. stee. p.ates De.ded to;ether may be s6bstit6ted for the ro..ed stee.
7omponents if:
#: Depth) Didth) and a<era;e thi7knesses are at .east eG6a. to those of the ro..ed se7tion
2: For the De.ded se7tion) the stee. p.ates 7omp.y Dith AST A -09A -0 and the;es are De.ded to
the Deb Dith 7ontin6o6s De.ds on ea7h side of the Deb
eta. beam ;6ard; m6st be 7onne7ted to brid;e;s) barriers) retainin; Da..s) ab6tments) and
other 7on7rete s6rfa7es as fo..oDs:
#: eta. rai. posts) bo3 spa7ers) and p.ate Dashers m6st be fabri7ated of stee. 6nder AST A -09A -0:
2: eta. bo3 spa7er m6st be fabri7ated from separate p.ates and De.ded or press,formed and De.ded:
-: ?S bo.ts m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A -2*) A -2*) or A 44$ or the bo.ts may be fabri7ated from stee.
rod 6nder AST A 44$: The bo.ts or rods m6st 7omp.y Dith the me7hani7a. reG6irements spe7ified in
AST A -2* or A -2* after ;a.<aniHin;: N6ts and Dashers m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A -2* or A
4: For the 7onne7tion of ;6ard; to neD brid;e; or barriers) an7hor bo.t m6st be formed
in the 7on7rete parapet 6sin; meta.<es:
*: For the 7onne7tion of ;6ard; to e3istin; brid;e; or barriers) an7hor bo.t m6st be
dri..ed in the 7on7rete parapet: Areas aro6nd the that are spa..ed or otherDise dama;ed d6rin;; m6st be repaired Dith a mi3t6re of 7ommer7ia. G6a.ity epo3y adhesi<e and sand: The
proportions of epo3y adhesi<e to sand m6st be from #:4 to #:0: The 7ementin; a;ent m6st 7onsist of
a 2,7omponent epo3y adhesi<e man6fa7t6red espe7ia..y for the makin; of epo3y,sand mortar: The 2
7omponents and the epo3y,sand mi3t6re m6st be mi3ed 6nder the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions:
0: Footin;s for; posts m6st be 7onstr67ted of minor 7on7rete: Reinfor7ement m6st 7omp.y Dith
se7tion *2:
5: Con7rete m6st be p.a7ed a;ainst 6ndist6rbed materia. of the e37a<ated for footin;s:
End an7hor assemb.ies and rai. tensionin; assemb.ies for meta. beam ;6ard; m6st 7omp.y Dith the
#: Type SFT end an7hor assemb.y m6st 7onsist of an an7hor 7ab.e) an an7hor p.ate) a Dood post) a
stee. fo6ndation t6be) a stee. soi. p.ate) and hardDare:
2: Type CA end an7hor assemb.y m6st 7onsist of an an7hor 7ab.e) an an7hor p.ate) a sin;.e an7hor rod
or do6b.e an7hor rods) hardDare) and # 7on7rete an7hor:
-: Rai. tensionin; assemb.y m6st 7onsist of an an7hor 7ab.e) an an7hor p.ate) and hardDare:
4: An7hor p.ate) meta. p.ates) stee. fo6ndation t6bes) and stee. soi. p.ate m6st be fabri7ated of stee.
6nder AST A -09A -0:
*: An7hor rods m6st be fabri7ated of stee. 6nder AST A -09A -0) A 44#) or A *52) or AST A *50)
=rade #%#+) #%#$) #%2#) or #%20: The eyes m6st be hot for;ed or formed Dith f6.. penetration De.ds:
After fabri7atin; and before ;a.<aniHin;) an7hor rods Dith eyes that ha<e been formed Dith any part of
the eye be.oD #)0%% de;rees F d6rin; the formin; operation or Dith eyes that ha<e been 7.osed by
De.din; m6st be therma..y stress<ed: The 7omp.eted an7hor rod after ;a.<aniHin; m6st de<e.op
a stren;th of *%)%%% .b:
0: Instead of b6i.t,6p fabri7ation) an7hor p.ates may be press,formed from stee. p.ate) Dith or Ditho6t
De.ded seams:
5: "o.ts and n6ts m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A -%5) 6n.ess otherDise des7ribed:
+: An7hor 7ab.e m6st be -94,in7h preformed) 0 3 #$) Dire strand 7ore or independent Dire rope 7ore)
;a.<aniHed 6nder Federa. Spe7ifi7ation RR,8,4#%) ri;ht re; .ay) man6fa7t6red of impro<ed p.oD
stee. Dith a minim6m breakin; stren;th of 2- tons: S6bmit 2 7ertified 7opies of mi.. test reports of
ea7h man6fa7t6red .en;th of 7ab.e 6sed: The o<era.. .en;th of ea7h 7ab.e an7hor assemb.y m6st be a
minim6m of 0:* feet:
$: Cab.e 7.ips and a 7ab.e thimb.e m6st be 6sed to atta7h 7ab.e to the an7hor rod Dhere shoDn: m6st be 7ommer7ia. G6a.ity) ;a.<aniHed stee.: Cab.e 7.ips m6st be 7ommer7ia. G6a.ity) drop,
for;ed) ;a.<aniHed stee.:
#%: SDa;ed fittin; m6st be ma7hined from hot,ro..ed bars of stee. 6nder AISI C #%-* and annea.ed
s6itab.e for 7o.d sDa;in;: The sDa;ed fittin; m6st be ;a.<aniHed before sDa;in;: A .o7k pin ho.e to
a77ommodate a #94,in7h p.ated sprin; stee. pin m6st be dri..ed thro6;h the head of the sDa;ed fittin;
to keep the st6d in the proper position: The man6fa7t6rerFs identifyin; mark m6st be stamped on the
body of the sDa;ed fittin;:
##: #,in7h nomina. diameter st6d m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A 44$ after ;a.<aniHin;: "efore ;a.<aniHin;) a
-9+,in7h s.ot for the .o7kin; pin m6st be mi..ed in the st6d end:
#2: SDa;ed fittin;s) st6d) and n6t assemb.y m6st de<e.op the spe7ified breakin; stren;th of the 7ab.e:
#-: Cab.e assemb.ies m6st be shipped as a 7omp.ete 6nit) in7.6din; st6d and n6t:
#4: C.e<ises m6st be drop,for;ed ;a.<aniHed stee. and m6st de<e.op the spe7ified breakin; stren;th of
the 7ab.e:
#*: S6bmit # samp.e of 7ab.e proper.y fitted Dith sDa;ed fittin; and ri;ht hand thread st6d at both ends)
as spe7ified abo<e) in7.6din; a 7.e<is if shoDn) -$ in7hes in tota. .en;th for testin;:
#0: Portion of the an7hor rod to be b6ried in earth m6st be 7oated Dith a minim6m 2%,mi. thi7kness of
one of the fo..oDin;:
#0:#: Coa. tar ename. 6nder A88A C 2%-:
#0:2: Coa. tar epo3y 6nder either of the fo..oDin;:
#0:2:#: SSPC,Paint #0) Coal Tar %po/$Polamide Black Paint
#0:2:2: !:S: Army Corps of En;ineers Spe7ifi7ations) Form6.a C,2%%a) Coa. Tar,Epo3y
/".a7k1 Paint:
#5: eta. 7omponents of the an7hor assemb.y m6st be fabri7ated 6nder ;ood shop pra7ti7e and hot,dip
;a.<aniHed 6nder se7tion 5*,#:%*:
#+: An7hor m6st be ti;htened after the 7on7rete an7hor has 76red for at .east * days:
#$: Con7rete 6sed to 7onstr67t an7hors for end an7hor assemb.ies m6st be minor 7on7rete:
2%: Con7rete m6st be p.a7ed a;ainst 6ndist6rbed materia. of the e37a<ated for end an7hors: the
top #2 in7hes of the m6st be formed if ordered:
2#: Reinfor7in; stee. in 7on7rete an7hors for end an7hor assemb.ies m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *2:
P.a7e an7hor bo.ts to be set Dith epo3y in fi..ed Dith the 2,7omponent epo3y mi3t6re spe7ified in
se7tion $*,2:%#:; parts m6st be inter7han;eab.e Dith parts) re;ard.ess of so6r7e:
>)-1.02BB1C M#'0r C0'(re/e Ve8e/%/#0' C0'/r0&
>)-1.02BB2C T36e AB Tr%'#/#0' R%#&#'8
Type 8" transition; is 6sed if meta. beam ;6ard; is 6sed to 7onne7t to 7on7rete barrier;:
Ten,;a;e meta. e.ements m6st 7omp.y Dith AAS?TO #+% for C.ass ") Type I thrie beam e.ement)
e37ept Dithin %:* of the 7oast the meta. e.ements m6st 7omp.y Dith AAS?TO #+% for C.ass ")
Type II thrie beam e.ement: Other meta. e.ements and end 7aps m6st 7omp.y Dith AAS?TO #+% for
C.ass A) Type I thrie beam e.ement) e37ept Dithin %:* of the 7oast the meta. e.ements and end 7aps
m6st 7omp.y Dith AAS?TO #+% for C.ass A) Type II thrie beam e.ement:
>)-1.02BB)C Tem60r%r3 Me/%& Be%m G"%r1 R%#&#'8
Temporary meta. beam ;6ard; m6st 7omp.y Dith the Contra7t for a permanent meta. beam ;6ard; of the same type e37ept:
#: &o6 may 6se 6sed materia.s if the 6sed materia.s are ;ood) so6nd) and s6itab.e for the p6rpose
2: Stee. posts) p.ates) fo6ndation t6bes) soi. p.ates) hardDare) threaded rods) and an7hor bo.ts) e37ept
?S bo.ts) may be 7ommer7ia. G6a.ity
-: The Department does not reG6ire:
-:#: =a.<aniHin; of stee. e.ements
-:2: Treatin; Dood Dith a Dood preser<ati<e
Remo<ed temporary meta. beam ;6ard; materia.s not dama;ed may be re6sed in the permanent
Dork pro<ided the materia.s 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for the permanent Dork and the materia.s are
neD Dhen 6sed for the temporary meta. beam ;6ard;:
>)-1.02C Term#'%& S3/em
>)-1.02CB1C Ge'er%&
>)-1.02CB2C*>)-1.02CB+C Reer$e1
>)-1.02D S/ee& Br#18e R%#&#'8
>)-1.02DB1C Ge'er%&
Stee. brid;e; 7onsists of stee.; fabri7ated from str67t6ra. shapes) pipe) formed se7tions)
t6bin;) p.ates) and bars:
Str67t6ra. shapes) t6bin;) p.ates) bars) bo.ts) n6ts) and Dashers m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion **,#:%2: Other
fittin;s m6st be 7ommer7ia. G6a.ity:
Pipe se7tions m6st be standard stee. pipe:
Formed se7tions m6st be:
#: Formed from mi.d stee. and tr6e to dimensions
2: Free from kinks) tDists) and bends
-: !niform in appearan7e
C.osed se7tions m6st be made of #,pie7e t6bin; or of 2 bent p.ates De.ded to;ether at the .on;it6dina.
Seams in the posts m6st be in the fa7es of the posts norma. to the p.ane of the;:
e7hani7a. e3pansion an7hors for atta7hin; the; to the s6pportin; 7on7rete members m6st 7omp.y
Dith the spe7ifi7ations for 7on7rete an7hora;e de<i7es in se7tion 5*,#:%-A:;s m6st 7onform to the 76r<at6re by means of a series of short 7hords) from 7enter to 7enter of rai.
posts) e37ept that; des7ribed as 7onformin; to the 76r<at6re m6st be shop bent to fit the 76r<at6re:
Coints m6st be mat7hmarked:;s m6st be 7aref6..y ere7ted tr6e to .ine and ;rade: Posts and ba.6sters m6st be <erti7a. Dithin a
to.eran7e not to e37eed %:%2 foot in #% feet: AdIa7ent; pane.s m6st a.i;n Dith ea7h other Dithin #9#0
Posts m6st be mortared in so7kets) set on mortar pads) or set on stee. or 7on7rete s6pportin; members
as shoDn:
>)-1.02DB2C C%&#40r'#% Br#18e R%#&#'8
>)-1.02E C%.&e R%#&#'8
Cab.e; m6st 7onsist of s6pported by pipe posts set in either 7on7rete footin;s or post
po7kets in the tops of retainin; Da..s or other str67t6res:
Pipe for posts and bra7es m6st be standard stee. pipe or pipe that 7omp.ies Dith se7tion +%,2:%2:
Tr6ss rods) post tops) 7ab.e 7.amps) eye bo.ts) and other reG6ired fittin;s m6st be 7ommer7ia.
G6a.ity stee.) ma..eab.e iron) or Dro6;ht iron: Post tops m6st be Daterti;ht: The eye of the eye bo.ts m6st
be either drop for;ed or formed Dith a 7omp.ete penetration De.d: The eye m6st de<e.op #%% per7ent of
the bo.t stren;th: m6st:
#: "e 7ommer7ia. G6a.ity
2: ?a<e IaD or eye ends
-: ?a<e a minim6m breakin; stren;th of 2)5%% .b
4: "e stee. pipe type or drop,for;ed stee.
Crimped<e 7.amps and stop<e 7.amps m6st:
#: "e nonferro6s meta.
2: De<e.op the stren;th of the 7ab.e
-: "e the 7o.or of the 7ab.e
Cab.e m6st:
#: "e Dire strand or rope
2: ?a<e a minim6m diameter of #94 in7h
-: ?a<e a minim6m breakin; stren;th of #)+%% .b
=a.<aniHe 7ab.e 6nder Federa. Spe7ifi7ation RR,8,4#%:
Tension 7ab.e to pro<ide ta6t;s betDeen posts:
Constr67t post footin;s of minor 7on7rete:
>)-1.02F C0'(re/e R%#&#'8
Con7rete; 7onsists of either an a..,reinfor7ed 7on7rete se7tion or the reinfor7ed 7on7rete portion of
7omposite; se7tions Dith end and intermediate posts:
Con7rete; m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tions *# and *2:
If ordered) adI6st the hei;ht of the 7on7rete; to a..oD for the 7amber and dead .oad def.e7tion of the
s6perstr67t6re: The amo6nt of adI6stment Di.. be ordered before the 7on7rete is p.a7ed:
>)-1.02G Me/%& R%#&#'8
>)-1.02GB1C Ge'er%&
eta.; 7onsists of meta. e.ements mo6nted on 7on7rete members:
>)-1.02GB2C T"."&%r Me/%& R%#&#'8 meta.; and hand; 7onsists of meta. rai.s s6pported by meta. posts)
an7hor bo.ts) hardDare) and fittin;s:
ateria.s for rai.s) posts) rods) bo.ts) and n6ts m6st 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements shoDn in the
fo..oDin; tab.e:
ateria. AST stee. rai.s and; A *%%) =rade "
Stee. posts) ro..ed bars) and p.ate Dashers A -09A -0
Stee.<es for rai.s A -09A -0
?S bo.ts A -2*) A -2*) or A 44$
?S threaded rods A 44$
N6ts and Dashers for ?S bo.ts and rods A -2* or A -2*
St6d bo.ts m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for st6d 7onne7tors in se7tion **,#:%2:
?S bo.ts or threaded rods f6rnished 6nder AST A 44$ m6st 7omp.y Dith the me7hani7a. reG6irements
spe7ified in AST A 44$ after ;a.<aniHin;:
The meta.; posts to Dhi7h the 7hain .ink; atta7hes m6st fit the mo6ntin; bra7kets) pipe<es) and other 7onne7tion fittin;s:
Insta.. shims at posts and;s) Dhere ne7essary) to pro<ide 6niform bearin; and 7onforman7e Dith the
horiHonta. .ines and <erti7a. ;rade .ines: Shims at stee. posts m6st be 7ommer7ia. G6a.ity) ;a.<aniHed
sheet stee.:
For hand; mo6nted on Type +% S8 7on7rete barrier;:
#: Resin 7aps6.e an7hors and threaded rods m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 5*,#:%-A:
2:; and bondin; threaded rods m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for; and bondin; doDe.s
in se7tion *#,#:
If the horiHonta. radi6s of the; is -% feet or .ess) that portion of the; m6st be either shop
bent or b6i.t 6p from #94,in7h,thi7k str67t6ra. stee. p.ates: Str67t6ra. stee. p.ates m6st 7omp.y Dith AST
A -09A -0: "6i.t 6p; m6st mat7h the seam.ess t6bin; in appearan7e:
The differen7e betDeen o6t,to,o6t rai.<e dimensions and the 7.ear inside dimensions of the
stee. rai.s m6st not e37eed -9#0 in7h after ;a.<aniHin;:
S6bmit 2 sets of an7hor bo.t .ayo6ts before p.a7in; parapet or other str67t6ra. s6pport reinfor7ement:
Caref6..y hand.e materia.s to a<oid bendin;) brakin;) abradin;) or otherDise dama;in; the parts: Do not
6se man6fa7t6rin;);) or insta..ation methods that dama;e or distort the members or dama;e the
"efore the; parts are assemb.ed) 7.ean bearin; s6rfa7es and s6rfa7es to be in permanent 7onta7t:
The bases of posts m6st be tr6e and to pro<ide 6niform bearin; on the 7on7rete portions of the;:
AdI6st the <erti7a. position of the meta.; to a..oD for 7amber and dead .oad def.e7tion of the
s6perstr67t6re: The amo6nt of adI6stment Di.. be ordered before the meta.; is insta..ed:
>)-1.02GB)C P#6e H%'1r%#&#'8
Pipe; 7onsists of; e.ements s6pported by meta. bra7kets or stee. posts:
?; e.ements m6st be either str67t6ra. t6bin; for stee. posts or 7ommer7ia. G6a.ity
standard stee. pipe: stee. posts m6st be ro6nd) seam.ess or De.ded str67t6ra. t6bin; 7omp.yin;
Dith AST A *%# and ha<e a Da.. thi7kness not .ess than that of standard stee. pipe of the same nomina.
"ra7kets) bo.ts) threaded st6ds) n6ts) Dashers) and other fittin;s m6st be 7ommer7ia. G6a.ity str67t6ra.
stee.) e37ept that standard stee. pipe fittin;s may be 6sed Dhere shoDn:
e7hani7a. e3pansion an7hors for atta7hin; the; to s6pportin; 7on7rete members m6st 7omp.y Dith
the spe7ifi7ations for 7on7rete an7hora;e de<i7es in se7tion 5*,#:%-A:; m6st be 7aref6..y ere7ted tr6e to .ine and ;rade: Posts m6st be <erti7a. Dithin a to.eran7e not to
e37eed %:%2 foot in #% feet and set in so7kets or on mortar pads:
>)-1.02GB+C Or'%me'/%& R%#&#'8
>)-1.02H Reer$e1
>)-1.02I C7%#' L#'; R%#&#'8
Chain .ink; 7onsists of a meta. frame 7o<ered Dith 7hain .ink fabri7) in7.6din; posts) horiHonta.
members) post an7hora;es) stret7her bars) tr6ss rods) tension Dires) and other reG6ired hardDare and
Posts and horiHonta. members m6st be standard stee. pipe) str67t6ra. stee. t6bin;) or str67t6ra. shapes)
e37ept Dhere meta. 7ond6it is spe7ified: Str67t6ra. t6bin; stee. m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A *%% or A *%#:
Str67t6ra. shapes) p.ates) bars) and bo.ts m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion **,#:%2:
Stret7her bars) tr6ss rods) post tops) and other reG6ired fittin;s and hardDare m6st be stee.) ma..eab.e
iron) or Dro6;ht iron: Post tops and other 7.os6res m6st be Daterti;ht: Fittin;s and hardDare m6st fasten
proper.y to the posts and other members:
Cab.e 6sed in the frame m6st:
#: "e Dire rope
2: "e *9#0 in7h in diameter
-: ?a<e a minim6m breakin; stren;th of *)%%% .b
4: "e ;a.<aniHed 6nder Federa. Spe7ifi7ation RR,8,4#%
Crimped<e 7.amps and st6d so7ket assemb.ies m6st:
#: "e meta.
2: De<e.op the stren;th of the 7ab.e
-: "e the 7o.or of the 7ab.e
Frame members 7arryin; e.e7tri7a. 7ond67tors m6st be ri;id meta. 7ond6it man6fa7t6red of mi.d stee.
7omp.yin; Dith !L 0) %lectrical !igid Metal Conduit $ Steel: Ain7 7oat the interior and e3terior s6rfa7es of
the ri;id meta..i7 7ond6it by hot,dip ;a.<aniHin;:
Tension Dires m6st be at .east 5,;a;e 7oi. sprin; stee.:
Post 7.ips m6st be at .east $,;a;e stee.:
8ire ties or ho; rin;s m6st be $,;a;e) 7ommer7ia. G6a.ity) stee. Dire: 8ire ties m6st be ;i<en at .east #
7omp.ete t6rn:
=a.<aniHe tension Dires) post 7.ips) Dire ties) and ho; rin;s 6nder AST A ##0) Coatin; Type A) C.ass -:
Si3,;a;e /%:#$2,in7h minim6m diameter1 a.6min6m Dire ties 7omp.yin; Dith AST " 2## or " 2##) A..oy
##%%,?#+) or 0,;a;e /%:#$2,in7h minim6m diameter1 a.6min6m ho; rin;s 7omp.yin; Dith AST " 2## or
" 2##) A..oy 0%0#,T$4 or A..oy *%*2,?-+ may be s6bstit6ted for stee. Dire ties or ho; rin;s:
"end ends of Dire ties aDay from pedestrian traffi7:
Chain .ink fabri7 m6st be ## ;a;e and m6st 7omp.y Dith one of the fo..oDin;:
#: AAS?TO #+#) Type I) C.ass C
2: AAS?TO #+#) Type I() C.ass A
-: AST F #-4*) C.ass 2
The 7o.or of <iny.,7oated 7hain .ink fabri7 m6st be either medi6m ;reen or dark ;reen:
The;s pertainin; to a str67t6re m6st a.. be the same 7o.or:
Chain .ink fabri7 m6st be Do<en into appro3imate.y #,in7h mesh:
Ti;hten tr6ss rods and Dith or other fittin;s:
Stret7h and fasten the fabri7 se76re.y to the posts) other members) and tension Dires: Stret7h tension
Dires ti;ht.y:
8here<er ne7essary to 7onform to 76r<at6re) either horiHonta. or <erti7a.) reDork and fit the fabri7 to
present a smooth) neat) and Dorkman.ike appearan7e:
Pro<ide openin;s in the fabri7 as reG6ired by other fa7i.ities: Reinfor7e openin;s Dith not .ess than # t6rn
of 0,;a;e Dire:
Atta7h pipe; to 7hain .ink; Dhere shoDn: ?; m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion +-,
>)-1.02E Pe1e/r#%' B%rr#(%1e
Insta.. pedestrian barri7ade as shoDn:
>)-1.0) PAYMENT
eta. beam ;6ard; is meas6red a.on; the fa7e of the rai. e.ement from end post to end post of the
7omp.eted;: The point of meas6rement at the end post is the 7enter of the bo.t atta7hin; the rai.
e.ement to the end post: If meta. beam ;6ard; is 7onne7ted to a str67t6re) barrier) Da..) or ab6tment)
Dhere the; 7onne7ts is 7onsidered the end post and the point of meas6rement is the midpoint
betDeen the 2 bo.ts atta7hin; the rai. e.ement at the 7onne7tion:
Do6b.e meta. beam ;6ard; is meas6red from end post to end post a.on; the 7enter .ine of the
insta..ed barrier:
A.. other; is meas6red a.on; the fa7e of the;) in7.6din; end and intermediate posts) and Dith
no ded67tions for ;aps in the; for .i;htin; and si;n s6pports:
SECTION >) RAILINGS AND BARRIERS; is meas6red Ditho6t a..oDan7e for o<er.ap at rai. sp.i7es:
Payment for e37a<ation and ba7kfi.. is in7.6ded in the; Dork that reG6ires it:
Payment for; an7hor p.ate bo.t in rai. e.ements and dri<in; stee. fo6ndation t6bes is in7.6ded
in the payment for end an7hor or rai. tensionin; assemb.y:
An end an7hor assemb.y /Type CA1 Dith 2 atta7hed to # 7on7rete an7hor is meas6red as # end
an7hor assemb.y /Type CA1:
The .en;th of meta. beam ;6ard; in7.6des b6ried post an7hors:
Temporary meta. beam ;6ard;) temporary termina. system end treatments) temporary Type SFT
and Type CA end an7hor assemb.ies) and temporary ret6rn and end 7aps are meas6red as spe7ified for
the 7orrespondin; items for permanent meta. beam ;6ard; Dork:
>)-2.01 GENERAL
Se7tion +-,2 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for 7onstr67tin; barrier:
Trim e3istin; median p.antin; to 7.ear the Dork area for median barrier 7onstr67tion: Dispose of
Do not remo<e an e3istin; median barrier more than *%% feet in ad<an7e of the 7onstr67tion of the neD
barrier bein; 7onstr67ted:
At .o7ations e3posed to traffi7) s7hed6.e a7ti<ities so that at the end of ea7h day no post are open
and no barrier posts are insta..ed Ditho6t the b.o7ks and rai. e.ements assemb.ed and mo6nted:
At the end of ea7h dayFs a7ti<ities) reset the e3istin; median barrier Ditho6t mesh or ;.are s7reen and
an7hor as a6thoriHed so that no ;ap is .eft betDeen the reset barrier and the barrier bein; insta..ed: &o6
may p.a7e Type ' temporary; instead of resettin; the e3istin; barrier:
>)-2.02A Ge'er%&
>)-2.02B T7r#e Be%m B%rr#er
Thrie beam barrier m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion +-,#:%2":
Rai. e.ements) ba7k6p p.ates) termina. 7onne7tors) termina. se7tions) and ret6rn 7aps m6st 7omp.y Dith
AAS?TO #+% for C.ass A) Type I thrie beam ;6ard;) e37ept Dithin %:* of 7oast the
7omponents m6st 7omp.y Dith AAS?TO #+% for Type II thrie beam ;6ard;:
Posts for thrie beam barrier on brid;es m6st be stee.: Posts for approa7h barrier transitions to 7onne7t to
7on7rete str67t6res and posts set in stee. fo6ndation t6bes at; end an7hors m6st be Dood: At a..
other .o7ations) posts for thrie beam barrier m6st be Dood or stee.) hoDe<er) on.y # type of post m6st be
se.e7ted in any # 7ontin6o6s .en;th of barrier:
!se Dood or p.asti7 b.o7ks Dith Dood and stee. posts:
P.asti7 b.o7ks m6st be .isted on the A6thoriHed ateria. List:; Dood b.o7ks to Dood posts is not reG6ired:
!n.ess otherDise spe7ified) an7hor bo.ts and threaded rods m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A -%5:
P.ates m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion **:
If a barrier is to be insta..ed on e3istin; str67t6res) an7hor the posts to the de7k as shoDn:
If 7ored or dri..ed for an7hor bo.ts m6st be offset to a<oid e3istin; main reinfor7in; stee.) the
7orrespondin; base p.ate an7hor bo.t may be s.otted to adI6st to the neD an7hor bo.t .o7ations:
S.ottin; m6st not red67e the ed;e distan7e of the ho.e to .ess than 59+ in7h:
ortar 6nder base p.ates m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion +-,#:%2:; of an7hor bo.t and bondin; of bo.ts m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *#,#:%-E/-1:
If the spa7in; betDeen the posts m6st be <aried from the standard spa7in;) yo6 may modify the meta.; at the Iob site) if a6thoriHed: Repair dama;ed ;a.<aniHin; 6nder se7tion 5*,#:%*:
Insta.. termina. se7tions and ret6rn 7aps 6nder the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tion:
>)-2.02BB1C M#'0r C0'(re/e Ve8e/%/#0' C0'/r0&
inor 7on7rete <e;etation 7ontro. m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion +-,#:%2"/#1:
>)-2.02BB2C Tr%'#/#0' R%#&#'8
Types ST" transition; is 6sed to 7onne7t 7on7rete barrier or; to sin;.e thrie beam barrier:
Types DT" transition; is 6sed to 7onne7t 7on7rete barrier or; to do6b.e thrie beam barrier:
Ten,;a;e meta. e.ements m6st 7omp.y Dith AAS?TO #+% for C.ass ") Type I thrie beam e.ement)
e37ept Dithin %:* of the 7oast the meta. e.ements m6st 7omp.y Dith AAS?TO #+% for C.ass ")
Type II thrie beam e.ement: Other meta. e.ements and end 7aps m6st 7omp.y Dith AAS?TO #+% for
C.ass A) Type I thrie beam e.ement) e37ept Dithin %:* of the 7oast the meta. e.ements and end 7aps
m6st 7omp.y Dith AAS?TO #+% for C.ass A) Type II thrie beam e.ement:
After 7onstr67tin; the transition;) dispose of s6rp.6s e37a<ated materia. 6niform.y a.on; the adIa7ent
roadDay) e37ept as spe7ified in se7tion #4,##:
>)-2.02C Reer$e1
>)-2.02D C0'(re/e B%rr#er
>)-2.02DB1C Ge'er%&
Con7rete barrier m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tions *# and *2:
If a ;ap is .eft in the 7on7rete barrier for eG6ipment or spe7ia. draina;e feat6res d6rin; 7onstr67tion on
hi;hDays open to traffi7) 7.ose the ;ap by temporary or permanent means Dhen Dork is not a7ti<e.y in
pro;ress at the .o7ation of the ;ap:
The 7on7rete barrier m6st present a smooth) 6niform appearan7e in its fina. position) 7onformin; 7.ose.y
to the horiHonta. and <erti7a. .ines shoDn or ordered: The barrier m6st be free of .6mps) sa;s) or other
The top and e3posed fa7es of the barrier m6st 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin; reG6irements Dhen tested Dith a
#%,foot strai;hted;e .aid on the s6rfa7es:
#: For Type *% and 0% series 7on7rete barriers) the top m6st not <ary more than %:%2 foot from the ed;e
of the strai;hted;e and the fa7es m6st not <ary more than %:%4 foot from the ed;e of the
2: For 7on7rete barriers other than Type *% and 0% series) both the top and fa7es m6st not <ary more
than %:%2 foot from the ed;e of the strai;hted;e:
If a 7on7rete barrier is to be 7onstr67ted on a re7ent.y 7omp.eted brid;e) adI6st the hei;ht of the barrier to
a..oD for the 7amber and dead .oad def.e7tion of the s6perstr67t6re: The amo6nt of adI6stment Di.. be
ordered before the 7on7rete is p.a7ed: P.a7e the barrier after the fa.seDork has been re.eased and as
.on; after the s6perstr67t6re 7onstr67tion as the pro;ress of the Dork Di.. a..oD) 6n.ess otherDise ordered:
If a 7on7rete barrier is to be 7onstr67ted on e3istin; pa<ement or an e3istin; str67t6re) adI6st the hei;ht of
the barrier to a..oD for irre;6.arities in the e3istin; ;rade: The amo6nt of adI6stment Di.. be ordered before
the 7on7rete is p.a7ed:
If a 7on7rete barrier is to be 7onstr67ted on an e3istin; str67t6re) bond the doDe.s in dri..ed in the
e3istin; 7on7rete:; of the and bondin; of the doDe.s m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *#:
If a 7on7rete barrier is to be 7onstr67ted to the fa7e of an e3istin; 7on7rete str67t6re) mat7h the e3istin;
Lo7ate e3pansion Ioints in the barrier at de7k) pa<ement) and prin7ipa. Da.. Ioints: E3pansion Ioint
materia. m6st be the same siHe as the Ioint or #92 in7h minim6m:
Cement 7on7rete barrier markers to the barrier 6nder the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tion: at7h the spa7in; of
the markers to the spa7in; of the raised pa<ement markers on the adIa7ent median ed;e.ine pa<ement
E37a<ation and ba7kfi.. m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion #$,-:
The portion of barrier be.oD finished ;rade may be p.a7ed to the neat .ines of the e37a<ation:
For Type *%E) 0%F) 0%=E) and 0%SF 7on7rete barriers) ; materia. for ba7kfi.. betDeen the 2 Da..s
of 7on7rete barrier m6st:
#: "e earthy materia. s6itab.e for the p6rpose intended
2: ?a<e no ro7ks) .6mps) or 7.ods e37eedin; #,#92 in7hes in ;reatest dimension
-: "e p.a7ed Ditho6t 7ompa7tion
At 7onne7tions to str67t6res) app.y a 6niform fi.m of ;rease to the 6pper s6rfa7e of the neoprene strip
before p.a7in; the sheet meta.:
The .oDer; for Type +%S8 7on7rete barrier m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for; in se7tion +-,#:%2=/21:
Forms for Type +% series 7on7rete barrier; m6st remain in p.a7e for a minim6m of -0 ho6rs after the
7on7rete is p.a7ed:
If the proIe7t is in a freeHe,thaD area) the barrier m6st 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin; reG6irements:
#: Con7rete m6st 7ontain not .ess than 05* po6nds of 7ementitio6s materia. per 76bi7 yard:
2: "ar reinfor7in; stee. m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *2,2:%2:
-: Con7rete barriers on brid;es or Da..s m6st be 76red by the Dater method:
>)-2.02DB2C M%/er#%&
Constr67t Type *% and 0% series 7on7rete barriers of minor 7on7rete) e37ept as fo..oDs:
#: a3im6m siHe of a;;re;ate 6sed for e3tr6ded or s.ip formed 7on7rete barrier m6st be no .ar;er than
#,#92 in7hes and no than -9+ in7h:
2: If the -9+,in7h ma3im6m siHe a;;re;ate ;radin; is 6sed to 7onstr67t e3tr6ded or s.ip formed 7on7rete
barrier) the 7on7rete m6st 7ontain not .ess than 05* po6nds of 7ementitio6s materia. per 76bi7 yard:
Con7rete for 7on7rete barriers other than Type *% and 0% series m6st 7ontain not .ess than *$% po6nds of
7ementitio6s materia. per 76bi7 yard:
For Type *%E) 0%F) 0%=E) and 0%SF 7on7rete barriers) the 7on7rete pa<in; betDeen the tops of the 2
Da..s of the barrier and the optiona. 7on7rete s.ab at the base betDeen the 2 Da..s of the barrier m6st be
7onstr67ted of minor 7on7rete:
Str67t6ra. stee. p.ates and hardDare reG6ired to Ioin the 7on7rete barrier at ;aps 7a6sed by fo6ndations of
o<erhead si;ns) e.e7tro.iers) draina;e str67t6res) and at other .o7ations m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tions 5*,
#:%-A and 5*,#:%*:
Po.ystyrene at 7onne7tions to str67t6res and transitions to brid;e 7o.6mns m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *#,
Sheet meta.) neoprene strip) and ;rease reG6ired at 7onne7tions to str67t6res m6st 7omp.y Dith the
#: Sheet meta. m6st be 7ommer7ia. G6a.ity ;a.<aniHed sheet stee.) smooth and free of kinks) bends) or
b6rrs: Coints in the sheet meta. m6st be b6tt Ioints sea.ed Dith p.asti7 d67t; tape:
2: Neoprene strip m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *#,2:%4:
-: =rease m6st 7omp.y Dith So7iety of A6tomoti<e En;ineers AS +00%: A 6niform fi.m of ;rease m6st be
app.ied to the 6pper s6rfa7e of the neoprene strip before p.a7in; the sheet meta.:
>)-2.02DB)C C0'/r"(/#0' Me/701
Type *% and Type 0% series 7on7rete barriers m6st be 7onstr67ted by one of the fo..oDin;:
#: Cast,in,p.a7e,Dith,fi3ed,forms method
2: E3tr6sion or s.ip form method
-: Combination of both methods
Con7rete barriers other than Type *% and Type 0% series m6st be 7onstr67ted by the 7ast,in,p.a7e,Dith,
fi3ed,forms method:
>)-2.02DB)CB%C C%/-I'-P&%(e :#/7 F#<e1 F0rm
Con7rete barriers 7onstr67ted by the 7ast,in,p.a7e,Dith,fi3ed,forms method m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion *#:
Pre7ast mortar b.o7ks m6st not be 6sed to s6pport the reinfor7in; stee. on the traffi7 side of barriers:
>)-2.02DB)CB.C E</r"#0' 0r S&#6 F0rm
Con7rete barriers 7onstr67ted by 6sin; an e3tr6sion or s.ip form ma7hine or other type of
eG6ipment m6st be of De..,7ompa7ted) dense 7on7rete) and the e3posed s6rfa7es m6st 7omp.y Dith
se7tion *#: &o6 may be reG6ired to f6rnish e<iden7e of s677essf6. operation of the e3tr6sion or s.ip form
ma7hine or other eG6ipment:
The 7ombined a;;re;ate ;radin; for the minor 7on7rete m6st be of ;radin; to prod67e 7on7rete of the
shape and s6rfa7e te3t6re spe7ified:
Con7rete may be made Dith the materia.s 7ontin6o6s.y bat7hed by <o.6me and mi3ed in a 7ontin6o6s
mi3er 6nder the bat7hin; and mi3in; reG6irements in AST C 0+*:
Con7rete m6st be fed to the e3tr6sion or s.ip form ma7hine at a 6niform rate: Operate the ma7hine 6nder
eno6;h 6niform restraint to forDard motion to prod67e a De..,7ompa7ted mass of 7on7rete free from
s6rfa7e pits .ar;er than # in7h in diameter and reG6irin; no f6rther finishin; other than that 6nder se7tion
Con7rete m6st be of a 7onsisten7y s67h that after e3tr6sion or s.ip formin; it Di.. maintain the shape of the
barrier Ditho6t s6pport:
The ;rade for the top of the 7on7rete barrier m6st be indi7ated by an offset ;6ide .ine set from s6r<ey
marks estab.ished by the En;ineer: The formin; portion of the e3tr6sion or s.ip form ma7hine m6st be
readi.y adI6stab.e <erti7a..y d6rin; the forDard motion of the ma7hine to 7onform to the predetermined
;rade .ine: A ;rade .ine ;a;e or pointer m6st be atta7hed to the ma7hine s67h that a 7ontin6a.
7omparison 7an be made betDeen the barrier bein; p.a7ed and the estab.ished ;rade .ine as indi7ated by
the offset ;6ide .ine:
Instead of the abo<e method for maintainin; the barrier ;rade) the e3tr6sion or s.ip form ma7hine may be
operated on rai.s or forms set at 6niform depth be.oD the predetermined finished top of the barrier ;rade
or on e3istin; pa<ement or brid;e de7ks:
&o6 may 7onstr67t e3pansion Ioints by saDin; thro6;h the barrier se7tion to its f6.. depth: Insertion of Ioint is not reG6ired:
If e3pansion Ioints are not 7onstr67ted by saDin;) 7onstr67t the e3pansion Ioints 6nder se7tion *#:
If saDin; or formin; the Ioints is performed before the 7on7rete has hardened) firm.y s6pport the adIa7ent
portions of the barrier Dith 7.ose fittin; shie.ds:
If saDin; or formin; the Ioints is performed after the app.i7ation of 76rin; 7ompo6nd) treat the e3posed
fa7es of the barrier in the <i7inity of the Ioint Dith 76rin; 7ompo6nd after saDin; or formin; the Ioints:
If e3tr6sion or s.ip formin; methods of p.a7ement are 6sed) the horiHonta. reinfor7in; bars m6st be p.a7ed
>)-2.02DB+C F#'#7#'8
The s6rfa7e finish of Type *% and Type 0% series 7on7rete barriers) before the app.i7ation of the 76rin;
7ompo6nd) m6st be free from s6rfa7e pits .ar;er than # in7h in diameter and m6st be ;i<en a fina. soft
br6sh finish Dith strokes para..e. to the .ine of the barriers: Finishin; Dith a br6sh app.i7ation of ;ro6t is
not a..oDed:
To fa7i.itate finishin;) remo<e fi3ed forms for CIP Type *% and Type 0% series 7on7rete barriers as soon as
possib.e after the 7on7rete has set eno6;h to maintain the shape of the barrier Ditho6t s6pport:
Not .ess than 5 days after p.a7in; Type *% and Type 0% series 7on7rete barriers) e3posed s6rfa7es m6st
re7ei<e a .i;ht abrasi<e b.ast finish to a7hie<e a 6niform appearan7e:
The fina. s6rfa7e finish of 7on7rete barriers other than Type *% and Type 0% series m6st be C.ass #
s6rfa7e finish 6nder se7tion *#,#:%-F/-1: A.ternati<e fina. s6rfa7e finish methods m6st be s6bmitted in
Dritin; and m6st not be 6sed 6n.ess a6thoriHed:
>)-2.02DB,C C"r#'8
C6re e3posed s6rfa7es of 7on7rete barriers Dith 76rin; 7ompo6nd no: 0: The formed s6rfa7es of the
7on7rete barriers on brid;es or Da..s that do not s6pport so6nd Da..s may be 76red 6nder se7tion $%,
#:%-"/*1 e37ept keep the forms in p.a7e for a minim6m of #2 ho6rs after the 7on7rete is p.a7ed: For Type
*% and Type 0% series 7on7rete barriers) app.y 76rin; 7ompo6nd by a me7hani7a. sprayer 7apab.e of
app.yin; the 76rin; 7ompo6nd to at .east # entire side and the top of the 7on7rete barrier in # app.i7ation
at a 6niform rate of 7o<era;e: Prote7t the spray a;ainst Dind:
>)-2.02E Cr%7 C"7#0'
>)-2.02EB1C Ge'er%&
>)-2.02EB2C*>)-2.02EB-C Reer$e1
>)-2.02F A#&1&#4e P%%8e A%3
>)-2.02G Reer$e1
>)-2.0) PAYMENT
The di<ision point for 7omp6tin; the .en;th for payment of do6b.e thrie beam barrier /brid;e1 and do6b.e
thrie beam barrier is the fa7e of the pa<in; not7h of the brid;e:
The point of meas6rement at end posts of sin;.e and do6b.e thrie beam barriers is the 7enter of the bo.t
or rod atta7hin; the rai. e.ement to the end post: 8here sin;.e barriers are 7onstr67ted on ea7h side of a
median obstr67tion and the sin;.e barriers mer;e into a do6b.e barrier) the post Dith 2 b.o7ks atta7hed is
re;arded as an end post for meas6rin; the .en;th of sin;.e and do6b.e barrier: Transition se7tions are
paid for as sin;.e thrie beam barrier:
Sin;.e thrie beam barrier 7onstr67ted on ea7h side of piers 6nderneath str67t6res or other obstr67tions is
meas6red a.on; ea7h .ine of the insta..ed barrier:
Do6b.e thrie beam barrier is meas6red from end post to end post a.on; the 7enter .ine of the insta..ed
8ithin the pay .imits of transition; shoDn); for Dood posts and dri<in; posts is in7.6ded
in the payment for transition;:
Payment for; for Dood posts) dri<in; posts); the spa7e aro6nd posts) e37a<atin;
and; end an7hor assemb.y and 7onne7tin; thrie beam barrier to 7on7rete s6rfa7es is
in7.6ded in the payment for the barrier:
Con7rete barriers) e37ept Types *%E) 0%F) 0%=E) and 0%SF) are meas6red a.on; the top of the barrier:
Type *%E) 0%F) 0%=E) and 0%SF 7on7rete barriers are meas6red on7e a.on; the 7enter.ine betDeen the 2
Da..s of the barrier:
Payment for /#1 bar reinfor7in; stee.) /21; and bondin; doDe.s in str67t6res) /-1 hardDare for stee.
p.ate barrier) /41 mis7e..aneo6s meta.) /*1 e37a<ation) and /01 ba7kfi..) in7.6din; 7on7rete pa<in; and
; materia. or 7on7rete s.ab 6sed as ba7kfi.. in Type *%E) 0%F) 0%=E) and 0%SF 7on7rete barrier) is
in7.6ded in the payment for the 7on7rete barrier:
Stee. p.ate barrier atta7hed to 7on7rete barrier at o<erhead si;n fo6ndations) e.e7tro.iers) draina;e
str67t6res) and other .o7ations shoDn is paid for as the type of 7on7rete barrier to Dhi7h the stee. p.ate
barrier atta7hes:
>+-1.01 GENERAL
>+-1.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion +4,# in7.6des ;enera. spe7ifi7ations for app.yin; traffi7 stripes and pa<ement markin;s:
>+-1.01B De4#'#/#0'
/r%44#( /r#6e5 A .on;it6dina. 7enter.ine or a .on;it6dina. .ane .ine 6sed for separatin; traffi7 .anes in the
same dire7tion of tra<e. or in the opposin; dire7tion of tra<e. or a .on;it6dina. ed;e .ine markin; the
ed;e of the tra<e.ed Day or the ed;e of a .ane at a ;ore area separatin; traffi7 at an e3it or entran7e
ramp: A traffi7 stripe is a traffi7 .ine as shoDn:
6%$eme'/ m%r;#'85 A trans<erse markin; s67h as /#1 a .imit .ine) /21 a stop .ineJ or /-1 a Dord) symbo.)
sho6.der) parkin; sta..) or rai.road ;rade 7rossin; markin;:
>+-1.01C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
8ithin #4 days of app.yin; a traffi7 stripe or a pa<ement markin;) the retroref.e7ti<ity of the traffi7 stripe or
the pa<ement markin; m6st be a minim6m of 2*% per sG6are meter per .63 for Dhite and
#*% per sG6are meter per .63 for ye..oD: Test the retroref.e7ti<ity 6nder AST E #5#%:
=.ass beads app.ied to paint and mo.ten thermop.asti7 materia. m6st 7omp.y Dith State Spe7ifi7ation
>+-1.0)A Ge'er%&
Estab.ish a.i;nment for traffi7 stripes and a.. .ayo6t for pa<ement markin;s Dith a de<i7e or method that
Di.. not dama;e the pa<ement or 7onf.i7t Dith other traffi7 7ontro. de<i7es:
>+-1.0)B Pr0/e(/#0' 4r0m D%m%8e
Prote7t e3istin; retroref.e7ti<e pa<ement markers d6rin; Dork a7ti<ities:
Remo<e any e3istin; pa<ement marker that is 7oated or dama;ed by Dork a7ti<ities and rep.a7e it Dith an
eG6i<a.ent marker on the A6thoriHed ateria. List for si;nin; and de.ineation materia.s:
Prote7t neD.y p.a7ed traffi7 stripes and pa<ement markin;s from traffi7 and other de.eterio6s a7ti<ities
6nti. the paint is thoro6;h.y dry or the thermop.asti7 is hard eno6;h to bear traffi7:
>+-1.0)C T0&er%'(e %'1 A66e%r%'(e
A 7omp.eted traffi7 stripe m6st:
#: ?a<e 7.ean) De..,defined ed;es Ditho6t r6nnin; or deformation
2: "e 6niform
-: "e strai;ht on a tan;ent a.i;nment and on a tr6e ar7 on a 76r<ed a.i;nment
The Didth of a 7omp.eted traffi7 stripe m6st not de<iate from the Didth shoDn by more than #94 in7h on a
tan;ent a.i;nment and #92 in7h on a 76r<ed a.i;nment:
The .en;th of the ;aps and indi<id6a. stripes that form a broken traffi7 stripe m6st:
#: Not de<iate by more than 2 in7hes from the .en;ths shoDn
2: "e 6niform thro6;ho6t the entire .en;th of ea7h broken traffi7 stripe so that a norma. stripin; ma7hine
Di.. be ab.e to repeat the pattern and s6perimpose s677essi<e 7oats on the app.ied traffi7 stripe
A 7omp.eted pa<ement markin; m6st 7omp.y Dith the dimensions shoDn and ha<e De..,defined ed;es
Ditho6t r6nnin; or deformation:
A 7omp.eted thermop.asti7 traffi7 stripe or thermop.asti7 pa<ement markin; m6st be free of r6ns)
7raters) dra; marks) stret7h marks) and debris:
>+-1.0)D S"r4%(e Pre6%r%/#0'
!se me7hani7a. Dire br6shin; to remo<e dirt) 7ontaminants) and .oose materia. from the pa<ement
s6rfa7e that is to re7ei<e the traffi7 stripe or pa<ement markin;:
!se abrasi<e b.ast 7.eanin; to remo<e .aitan7e and 76rin; 7ompo6nd from the s6rfa7e of neD 7on7rete
pa<ement that is to re7ei<e the traffi7 stripe or pa<ement markin;:
8here a neD traffi7 stripe Ioins an e3istin; traffi7 stripe) a..oD eno6;h distan7e betDeen the neD and
e3istin; stripin; patterns to ens6re 7ontin6ity at the be;innin; and end of the transition:
>+-1.0)E A66&#(%/#0' 04 S/r#6e %'1 M%r;#'8
App.y thermop.asti7 for a pa<ement markin; Dith a sten7i. or a preformed markin;:
App.y paint for a pa<ement markin; Dith a sten7i. and hand spray eG6ipment:
&o6 may 6se permanent tape for a traffi7 stripe or a pa<ement markin; instead of paint or thermop.asti7:
The permanent tape m6st be on the A6thoriHed ateria. List: If permanent tape is 6sed for a traffi7 stripe
or a pa<ement markin;) app.y the tape 6nder the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions:
Immediate.y remo<e drips) o<erspray) improper markin;s) paint) and thermop.asti7 tra7ked by traffi7 6sin;
an a6thoriHed method:
App.y a traffi7 stripe or a pa<ement markin; to a dry s6rfa7e d6rin; a period of fa<orab.e Deather Dhen
the pa<ement s6rfa7e is abo<e *% de;rees F:
The ;.ass beads m6st be embedded in the 7oat of paint or thermop.asti7 to a depth of #92 their diameters:
(erify the rate of ;.ass beads app.i7ation by stabbin; the ;.ass bead tank Dith a 7a.ibrated rod:
>+-1.0)F*>+-1.0)H RESERVED
>+-1.0+ PAYMENT
Traffi7 stripe is meas6red a.on; the .ine of the traffi7 stripe Ditho6t ded67tions for ;aps in the broken traffi7
Pa<ement markin; is meas6red by the area 7o<ered:
>+-2.01 GENERAL
>+-2.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion +4,2 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for app.yin; thermop.asti7 traffi7 stripes and pa<ement markin;s:
>+-2.01B S".m#//%&
For ea7h bat7h of thermop.asti7 materia.) s6bmit:
#: Certifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e
2: ETS notifi7ation .etter statin; that the materia. is a6thoriHed for 6se
-: SDS
Thermop.asti7 m6st 7omp.y Dith State Spe7ifi7ation PT?,%2SPRA&) PT?,%2?&DRO) or PT?,%2AL'&D:
Primer m6st 7omp.y Dith the thermop.asti7 man6fa7t6rerFs re7ommendations: Do not thin the primer:
>+-2.0)A Ge'er%&
App.y the primer:
#: To aspha.ti7 s6rfa7es o<er 0 months o.d and to a.. 7on7rete s6rfa7es
2: Immediate.y before and 7on76rrent.y Dith the app.i7ation of the thermop.asti7
-: At the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67ted rate
!se preheaters Dith mi3ers ha<in; -0% de;ree rotation to preheat the thermop.asti7 materia.:
App.y the thermop.asti7 in a sin;.e 6niform .ayer by spray or e3tr6sion methods:
Comp.ete.y 7oat and fi.. <oids in the pa<ement s6rfa7e Dith the thermop.asti7:
>+-2.0)B E</r"1e1 T7erm06&%/#(
App.y e3tr6ded thermop.asti7 at a temperat6re from 4%% to 42* de;rees F) 6n.ess a different temperat6re
is instr67ted by the man6fa7t6rer:
App.y e3tr6ded thermop.asti7 for a traffi7 stripe at a rate of at .east %:2% .b9ft of 4,in7h Dide stripe:
The app.ied thermop.asti7 traffi7 stripe m6st be at .east %:%0% in7h thi7k:
An app.ied thermop.asti7 pa<ement markin; m6st be from %:#%% to %:#*% in7h thi7k:
App.y ;.ass beads to the s6rfa7e of the mo.ten thermop.asti7 at a rate of at .east + .b9#%% sG ft:
>+-2.0)C S6r%3%.&e T7erm06&%/#(
App.y sprayab.e thermop.asti7 6nder State Spe7ifi7ation PT?,%2SPRA& at a temperat6re from -*% to 4%%
de;rees F:
App.y sprayab.e thermop.asti7 at a rate of at .east %:#- .b9ft of 4,in7h Dide stripe:
The app.ied sprayab.e thermop.asti7 materia. m6st be at .east %:%4% in7h thi7k:
>+-2.0+ PAYMENT
A do6b.e thermop.asti7 traffi7 stripe 7onsistin; of tDo 4,in7h,Dide ye..oD stripes is meas6red as 2 traffi7
>+-).01 GENERAL
>+-).01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion +4,- in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for app.yin; painted traffi7 stripes and pa<ement markin;s:
>+-).01B S".m#//%&
For ea7h bat7h of paint) s6bmit:
#: Certifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e
2: ETS notifi7ation .etter statin; that the materia. is a6thoriHed for 6se
-: SDS
>+-).02A Ge'er%&
The paint for traffi7 stripes and pa<ement markin;s m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for the paint type
and 7o.or shoDn in fo..oDin; tab.e:
P%#'/ S6e(#4#(%/#0'
Paint type Co.or Spe7ifi7ation
8aterborne traffi7 .ine 8hite) ye..oD) and b.a7k State Spe7ifi7ation PT8",%#R2
A7etone,based 8hite) ye..oD) and b.a7k State Spe7ifi7ation PT,#*%(OC/A1
8aterborne traffi7 .ine for
the internationa. symbo. of
a77essibi.ity and other
76rb markin;s
".6e) red) and ;reen Federa. Spe7ifi7ation TT,P,#$*2E
The 7o.or of painted traffi7 stripes and pa<ement markin;s m6st 7omp.y Dith AST D 002+:
Do not thin the paint:
>+-).02B M#<#'8
i3 the paint by me7hani7a. means 6nti. it is homo;eneo6s: Thoro6;h.y a;itate the paint d6rin; its
>+-).02C A66&#(%/#0' E!"#6me'/
!se me7hani7a. means to paint traffi7 stripes and pa<ement markin;s and to app.y ;.ass beads for traffi7
The stripin; ma7hine m6st be 7apab.e of s6perimposin; s677essi<e 7oats of paint on the #st 7oat and
6pon e3istin; stripes at a speed of at .east * mph:
The stripin; ma7hine m6st:
#: ?a<e r6bber tires
2: "e mane6<erab.e eno6;h to prod67e strai;ht .ines and norma. 76r<es in tr6e ar7s
-: "e 7apab.e of app.yin; traffi7 paint and ;.ass beads at the spe7ified rates
4: "e eG6ipped Dith:
4:# Pointer or si;htin; de<i7e at .east * feet .on; e3tendin; from the front of the ma7hine
4:2 Pointer or si;htin; de<i7e e3tendin; from the side of the ma7hine to ;a;e the distan7e from the
7enter.ine for paintin; sho6.der stripes
4:- Positi<e a7tin; 76toff de<i7e to pre<ent depositin; paint in ;aps of broken stripes
4:4 Shie.ds or an adI6stab.e air 76rtain for .ine 7ontro.
4:* If pne6mati7a..y operated) press6re re;6.ators and ;a;es that are in f6.. <ieD of the operator
4:0 Paint strainer in the paint s6pp.y .ine
4:5 Paint stora;e tank Dith a me7hani7a. a;itator that operates 7ontin6o6s.y d6rin; paintin;
4:+ =.ass bead dispenser .o7ated behind the paint app.i7ator noHH.e that is 7ontro..ed
sim6.taneo6s.y Dith the paint app.i7ator noHH.e
4:$ Ca.ibrated rods for meas6rin; the <o.6mes of paint and ;.ass beads in the paint and ;.ass
bead tanks
Air,atomiHed spray eG6ipment m6st:
#: "e eG6ipped Dith oi. and Dater e3tra7tors and press6re re;6.ators
2: ?a<e adeG6ate air <o.6me and 7ompressor re7o<ery 7apa7ity
-: ?a<e proper.y siHed orifi7es and need.e assemb.ies for the spray ;6n tip
8here the 7onfi;6ration or .o7ation of a traffi7 stripe is s67h that the 6se of a stripin; ma7hine is not
pra7ti7ab.e) yo6 may app.y the traffi7 paint and ;.ass beads by other methods and eG6ipment if
a6thoriHed: The En;ineer determines if the stripin; ma7hine is not pra7ti7ab.e for a 6se:
For e3istin; s6rfa7es) app.y traffi7 stripes and pa<ement markin;s in # 7oat:
For a neD s6rfa7e) e37ept the b.a7k stripe betDeen the 2 ye..oD stripes of a do6b.e traffi7 stripe) app.y
traffi7 stripes and pa<ement markin;s in 2 7oats: The #st 7oat of paint m6st be dry before app.yin; the
2nd 7oat:
Paint a #,7oat) -,in7h,Dide b.a7k stripe betDeen the tDo 4,in7h,Dide ye..oD stripes of a do6b.e traffi7
If the tDo 4,in7h,Dide ye..oD stripes are app.ied in 2 7oats) app.y the b.a7k stripe 7on76rrent.y Dith the
2nd 7oat of the ye..oD stripes:
App.y ea7h 7oat of paint for any traffi7 stripe in # pass of the stripin; ma7hine) in7.6din; the ;.ass beads)
re;ard.ess of the n6mber) Didth) and pattern of the indi<id6a. stripes
Do not paint traffi7 stripes and pa<ement markin;s if:
#: Fresh.y painted s6rfa7es 7o6.d be7ome dama;ed by rain) fo;) or 7ondensation
2: Atmospheri7 temperat6re 7o6.d drop be.oD 4% de;rees F for a7etone,based paint and *% de;rees F
for Daterborne paint d6rin; the dryin; period
On 2,.ane hi;hDays:
#: 8hen the #st 7oat of the 7enter.ine stripe is app.ied in the same dire7tion as post in7rease) 6se
the ri;ht,hand spray ;6n of the - spray ;6ns 6sed to app.y the do6b.e ye..oD stripe to app.y a sin;.e
ye..oD stripe
2: 8hen the #st 7oat of the 7enter.ine stripe is app.ied in the same dire7tion as post de7rease) 6se
the .eft,hand spray ;6n of the - spray ;6ns 6sed to app.y the do6b.e ye..oD stripe to app.y a sin;.e
ye..oD stripe
-: App.y the 2nd 7oat of 7enter.ine stripin; in the opposite dire7tion of the #st 7oat
App.y #,7oat paint at an appro3imate rate of # ;a..on per #%5 sG6are feet:
App.y 2,7oat paint at the appro3imate rate shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
T:0-C0%/ P%#'/ A66&#(%/#0' R%/e
SG6are foot 7o<era;e
per ;a..on
Paint type #st 7oat 2nd 7oat
8aterborne paint 2#* 2#*
A7etone,based paint -0% #*%
App.y ;.ass beads at an appro3imate rate of * .b9;a. of paint:
The En;ineer determines the e3a7t app.i7ation rate of the paint and ;.ass beads:
(erify the app.i7ation rate of paint by stabbin; the paint tank Dith a 7a.ibrated rod: If the stripin; ma7hine
is pro<ided Dith paint ;a;es) the En;ineer may meas6re the <o.6me of paint 6sin; the ;a;es instead of
stabbin; the paint tank Dith a 7a.ibrated rod:
>+-).0+ PAYMENT
A do6b.e traffi7 stripe 7onsistin; of tDo 4,in7h,Dide ye..oD stripes separated by a -,in7h,Dide b.a7k stripe
is meas6red as a sin;.e traffi7 stripe:
>,-1.01 GENERAL
>,-1.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion +*,# in7.6des ;enera. spe7ifi7ations for p.a7in; pa<ement markers:
>,-1.01B S".m#//%&
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e for ea7h type of pa<ement marker 6sed:
>,-1.01C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
Pa<ement markers m6st be on the A6thoriHed ateria. List for si;nin; and de.ineation materia.s:
>,-1.02A Ge'er%&
Pa7ka;e pa<ement markers in a Day that pre<ents dama;e:
ark ea7h pa7ka;e Dith the man6fa7t6rerFs name) type) 7o.or) G6antity) .ot n6mber) and date of
Rep.a7e dama;ed shipments:
Prote7t pa<ement markers from moist6re d6rin; shipment to the Iob site and Dhen stored at the Iob site:
>,-1.02B N0're4&e(/#$e P%$eme'/ M%r;er
>,-1.02BB1C Ge'er%&
!se 7erami7 or p.asti7 nonref.e7ti<e pa<ement markers:
Nonref.e7ti<e pa<ement markers m6st be free from defe7ts that affe7t adhesion) appearan7e)
performan7e) or any 7ombination thereof: The top) bottom) and sides of nonref.e7ti<e pa<ement markers
m6st be free from obIe7tionab.e marks or dis7o.oration:
The top s6rfa7e of nonref.e7ti<e pa<ement markers m6st be 7on<e3 Dith a ;rad6a. 7han;e in 76r<at6re:
The bottom of nonref.e7ti<e pa<ement markers m6st ha<e areas of inte;ra..y formed protr6sions or
indentations: The bottom s6rfa7e of the markers m6st not de<iate more than %:%* in7h from a s6rfa7e:
The protr6sion areas m6st ha<e fa7es para..e. to the bottom of the marker and m6st proIe7t appro3imate.y
%:%4 in7h from the bottom:
>,-1.02BB2C P&%/#(
P.asti7 nonref.e7ti<e pa<ement markers Types A and A& m6st be po.ypropy.ene or A"S p.asti7 type:
P.asti7 nonref.e7ti<e pa<ement markers m6st 7omp.y Dith the testin; reG6irements spe7ified in se7tion
+*,#:%2"/-1 for tests d) e) f) ;) and i:
Do not 7oat p.asti7 nonref.e7ti<e pa<ement markers Dith any s6bstan7e that interferes Dith the adhesi<e
>,-1.02BB)C Cer%m#(
8hen tested 6nder Ca.ifornia Test 00$) properties of 7erami7 nonref.e7ti<e pa<ement markers m6st
7omp.y Dith the reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Test Properties ReG6irement
a "ond stren;th 5%% psi) min
b =.aHe thi7kness %:%%5 in:) min
7 ?ardness 0 oh) min
d L6minan7e fa7tor) Type A) Dhite markers on.y) ;.aHed s6rfa7e 5*) min
e &e..oDness inde3) Type A) Dhite markers on.y) ;.aHed s6rfa7e 5) ma3
f Co.or,ye..oD) Type A&) ye..oD markers on.y: The 7hromati7ity
7oordinates m6st be Dithin a 7o.or bo3 defined in Ca.ifornia Test 00$
; Compressi<e stren;th #)*%% .b) min
h 8ater absorption 2:%\) ma3
i Artifi7ia. Deatherin;) *%% ho6rs e3pos6re) ye..oDness inde3 2%) ma3
>,-1.02C Re/r0re4&e(/#$e P%$eme'/ M%r;er
The e3terior s6rfa7e of a retroref.e7ti<e pa<ement marker she.. m6st be smooth and 7ontain # or 2
retroref.e7ti<e fa7es of the spe7ified 7o.or:
The base of a retroref.e7ti<e pa<ement marker m6st be ro6;h te3t6red) and free from ;.oss and
s6bstan7es that 7o6.d red67e the adhesi<e bond: The de<iation of the base from a s6rfa7e m6st not
e37eed %:%* in7h:
8hen tested 6nder Ca.ifornia Test 00$) retroref.e7ti<e pa<ement markers m6st 7omp.y Dith the
reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin; 2
Property ReG6irement
"ond stren;th
*%% psi) min
Compressi<e stren;th
2)%%% .b) min
Compressi<e stren;th) re7essed markers #)2%% .b) min
Abrasion resistan7e) marker m6st meet the respe7ti<e spe7ifi7
intensity minim6m reG6irements after abrasion:
8ater soak resistan7e No de.amination of the
body or .ens system of
the marker nor .oss of
The Department reIe7ts the entire .ot of markers if:
#: arker body or materia. fai.s before rea7hin; *%% psi 6nder the bond stren;th test
2: Deformation is more than %:#2* in7h at a .oad of .ess than 2)%%% .b or if de.amination of the
she.. and materia. is more than %:#2* in7h re;ard.ess of the .oad reG6ired to break a
Spe7ifi7 intensity
Ref.e7tan7e C.ear &e..oD Red
%] in7iden7e an;.e) min -:% #:* %:5*
2%] in7iden7e an;.e) min #:2 %:0% %:-%
After # year fie.d e<a.6ation %:-% %:#* %:%+
>,-1.02D H0/ Me&/ B#/"m#'0" A17e#$e
"it6mino6s adhesi<e m6st 7omp.y Dith the <a.6es shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Property Test (a.6e
Penetration) dmm) #%% ;) * se7onds) 55 ]F AST D * #%B2%
Softenin; point) ]F AST D -0 2%% min
F.ash point) COC) ]F AST D $2 **% min 7ontent) per7ent by Dei;ht
/inso.6b.e in #)#)# tri7h.oroethane1
AST D 2-5# 0*B5*
"rookfie.d thermose. <is7osity) 7entipoise) no: 25 spind.e)
2% rpm) 4%% ]F
AST D 44%2 -)%%%B0)%%%
F.e3ib.e bit6mino6s adhesi<e m6st 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Property Test ReG6irement
Penetration) dmm) #%% ;) * se7onds) 55 ]F AST D * -% ma3
Softenin; point) ]F AST D -0 2%% min
D67ti.ity) in) 2 in9min) 55 ]F AST D ##- 0 min
D67ti.ity) in) %:4 in9min) -$ ]F AST D ##- 2 min
F.e3ibi.ity Ca.ifornia Test 44% No breaks or
"rookfie.d thermose. <is7osity) 7entipoise) no: 25 spind.e)
2% rpm) -5* ]F
AST D 44%2 2)*%%B0)%%%
"ond stren;th to 7on7rete) psi Ca.ifornia Test 44% #%% min
"ond stren;th to retroref.e7ti<e pa<ement marker) psi Ca.ifornia Test 44% #2% min
The materia. m6st be AST D ##$$) Type PC) =rade III) 7a.7i6m 7arbonate: The fineness of the
materia. m6st 7omp.y Dith the ;radation reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Sie<e siHes Per7enta;e passin;
No: #%% #%%
No: 2%% $*
No: -2* 5*
>,-1.02E E60<3 A17e#$e
Epo3y adhesi<e m6st be either rapid set or standard set:
A6tomati7 mi3in; eG6ipment for the epo3y adhesi<e m6st 6se positi<e disp.a7ement p6mps and m6st
proper.y meter the 2 7omponents in the spe7ified ratio) Z* per7ent by <o.6me of either 7omponent: At the
start of ea7h day) 7he7k the ratio of the 2 7omponents of the epo3y adhesi<e in the presen7e of the
En;ineer: ake the 7he7k by dis7onne7tin; the mi3in; heads or 6sin; s6itab.e bypass <a.<es and; 2
s6itab.e 7ontainers Dith the 6nmi3ed 7omponents: The mi3in; head m6st proper.y mi3 the 2 7omponents
6nti. b.a7k or Dhite streaks are not <isib.e in the mi3ed materia.:
The <oids in an 6ndist6rbed samp.e of 76red) mi3ed epo3y adhesi<e obtained from the e3tr6sion noHH.e
m6st not e37eed 4 per7ent:
>,-1.0)A Ge'er%&
Estab.ish the a.i;nment for p.a7in; pa<ement markers:
Do not p.a7e pa<ement markers o<er .on;it6dina. or trans<erse Ioints in the pa<ement s6rfa7e:
P.a7e pa<ement markers Dhen the pa<ement s6rfa7e is dry:
Remo<e 6ndesirab.e materia. from the pa<ement s6rfa7e) in7.6din; dirt) 76rin; 7ompo6nd) ;rease) oi.)
.oose or 6nso6nd .ayers) and paint:
Re;ard.ess of the pa<ement a;e or type) 7.ean the pa<ement s6rfa7e by abrasi<e b.ast 7.eanin;) e37ept
Dhere hot me.t bit6mino6s adhesi<e is app.ied on 7.ean) neD ?A and sea. 7oat s6rfa7es) abrasi<e b.ast
7.eanin; is not reG6ired:
App.y pa<ement markers to the pa<ement Dith bit6mino6s adhesi<e) f.e3ib.e bit6mino6s adhesi<e)
standard set epo3y) or rapid set epo3y adhesi<e) e37ept:
#: App.y pa<ement markers in pa<ement re7esses Dith f.e3ib.e bit6mino6s adhesi<e
2: Do not 6se epo3y adhesi<e to app.y p.asti7 nonref.e7ti<e pa<ement markers
Comp.y Dith the man6fa7t6rerFs insta..ation instr67tions for the type of adhesi<e 6sed:
Comp.ete.y 7o<er the pa<ement s6rfa7e or bottom of the pa<ement marker Dith the adhesi<e Ditho6t
.ea<in; any <oids: P.a7e the pa<ement marker into position and firm.y app.y press6re 6nti. 7onta7t is
made Dith the pa<ement: App.y eno6;h adhesi<e so that it protr6des aro6nd the pa<ement marker ed;es
after pressin; it into p.a7e:
P.a7e retroref.e7ti<e pa<ement markers so that ea7h retroref.e7ti<e fa7e is to a .ine para..e.
to the roadDay 7enter.ine:
The En;ineer determines Dhen the adhesi<e has set .on; eno6;h for neD.y insta..ed pa<ement markers
to bear traffi7:
>,-1.0)B H0/ Me&/ B#/"m#'0" A17e#$e
If 6sin; hot me.t bit6mino6s adhesi<e) p.a7e pa<ement markers on neD ?A or sea. 7oat s6rfa7es after
the s6rfa7e or sea. 7oat has been open to p6b.i7 traffi7 for at .east 5 days Dhen the pa<ement
temperat6re and air temperat6re are abo<e *% de;rees F:
Indire7t.y heat hot me.t bit6mino6s adhesi<e in an app.i7ator Dith 7ontin6o6s a;itation or re7ir76.ation: Do
not heat hot me.t bit6mino6s adhesi<e abo<e the man6fa7t6rerFs ma3im6m safe heatin; temperat6re:
P.a7e pa<ement markers immediate.y after app.yin; hot me.t bit6mino6s adhesi<e: Remo<e any adhesi<e
from the markerFs e3posed .enses 6sin; a soft ra; moistened Dith the man6fa7t6rerFs re7ommended
>,-1.0)C E60<3 A17e#$e
If 6sin; epo3y adhesi<e) p.a7e pa<ement markers on neD ?A or sea. 7oat s6rfa7es after the s6rfa7e or
sea. 7oat has been open to p6b.i7 traffi7 for at .east #4 days:
P.a7e pa<ement markers at the pa<ement temperat6re and air temperat6re re7ommended by the epo3y
adhesi<e man6fa7t6rer:
App.y epo3y adhesi<e and p.a7e pa<ement markers before the epo3y starts to thi7ken: Stop 6sin; the
epo3y Dhen it does not protr6de aro6nd the pa<ement marker ed;es 6pon app.i7ation of s.i;ht press6re:
>,-1.0)D P%$eme'/ Re(ee
Lo7ate pa<ement re7esses a.on; the .ine or .ines of neD or e3istin; stripes:
Do not 7onstr67t re7esses on e3istin; str67t6res:
EG6ipment for re7ess 7onstr67tion m6st be poDer operated) me7hani7a.) and 7apab.e of remo<in;
pa<ement to the dimensions shoDn:
Remo<e resid6e Dith a <a766m before it is b.oDn by traffi7 or Dind: Do not a..oD the resid6e to f.oD
a7ross the pa<ement or into ;6tters or draina;e fa7i.ities:
Dispose of a.. remo<ed materia.:
>,-1.0+ PAYMENT
Not !sed
>--1.01 SUMMARY
Se7tion +0 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for;) modifyin;) and remo<in; e.e7tri7a. systems:
Comp.y Dith part 4 of the California MUTCD: Nothin; in se7tion +0 is to be 7onstr6ed as to red67e the
minim6m standards in this man6a.:
The .o7ations of e.e7tri7a. system e.ements shoDn are appro3imateJ the En;ineer determines the fina.
%(/"%/#0'5 As defined in the California MUTCD:
(7%''e&5 Dis7rete information path:
(0'/r0&&er %em.&35 6nit and a63i.iary eG6ipment ho6sed in a rainproof 7abinet to 7ontro. a
systemFs operations:
(0'/r0&&er "'#/5 Part of the assemb.y performin; the basi7 timin; and .o;i7 f6n7tions:
1e/e(/0r5 As defined in the California MUTCD:
e&e(/r0&#er5 Comp.ete assemb.y of .i;htin; standard and .6minaire:
4&%7er5 De<i7e to open and 7.ose si;na. 7ir76its at a repetiti<e rate:
4&%7#'8 .e%(0' (0'/r0& %em.&35 SDit7hes) 7ir76it breakers) termina. b.o7ks) f.asher) Dirin;) and
ne7essary e.e7tri7a. 7omponents a.. ho6sed in a sin;.e en7.os6re to proper.y operate a bea7on:
#'1"(/#$e &006 1e/e(/0r5 Dete7tor 7apab.e of bein; a7t6ated by ind67tan7e 7han;e 7a6sed by <ehi7.e
passin; or standin; o<er the .oop:
&#87/#'8 /%'1%r15 Po.e and mast arm s6pportin; the .6minaire:
&"m#'%#re5 Assemb.y that ho6ses the .i;ht so6r7e and 7ontro.s the .i;ht emitted from the .i;ht so6r7e:
m%8'e/#( 1e/e(/0r5 Dete7tor 7apab.e of bein; a7t6ated by ind67ed <o.ta;e 7a6sed by <ehi7.e passin;
thro6;h the earthFs ma;neti7 fie.d:
60:1er (0%/#'85 A 7oatin; app.ied e.e7trostati7a..y 6sin; !(,stab.e po.ymer e3terior ;rade poDder:
6re-/#me1 (0'/r0&&er %em.&35 Operates traffi7 si;na.s 6nder a predetermined 7y7.e .en;th:
#8'%& 4%(e5 As defined in the California MUTCD:
#8'%& 7e%15 As defined in the California MUTCD:
#8'%& #'1#(%/#0'5 As defined in the California MUTCD:
#8'%& e(/#0'5 As defined in the California MUTCD:
#8'%& /%'1%r15 Po.e and mast arm s6pportin; # or more si;na. fa7es Dith or Ditho6t a .6minaire mast
/r%44#(-%(/"%/e1 (0'/r0&&er %em.&35 Operates traffi7 si;na.s 6nder the <aryin; demands of traffi7 as
re;istered by dete7tor a7t6ation:
/r%44#( 67%e5 Si;na. phase as defined in the California MUTCD:
$e7#(&e5 As defined in the California (ehicle Code:
E.e7tri7a. eG6ipment m6st 7omp.y Dith # or more of the fo..oDin;:
2: AST
-: + CA Code of Re;s M 22$$ et seG:
4: EIA
*: NEA
5: !L
ateria.s and Dorkmanship m6st 7omp.y Dith:
#: FCC
2: ITE
-: NEC
*: P6b.i7 !ti.ities Commission) =enera. Order No: $*) for O<erhead E.e7tri7a. Line Constr67tionE
0: P6b.i7 !ti.ities Commission) =enera. Order No: #2+) for Constr67tion of !nder;ro6nd E.e7tri7
S6pp.y and Comm6ni7ation SystemsE
Determine G6antities reG6ired to 7omp.ete Dork: S6bmit the G6antities as part of the s7hed6.e of <a.6es:
Pro<ide a s7hed6.e of <a.6es for ea7h .6mp s6m bid item:
Do not in7.6de 7osts for traffi7 7ontro. system in the s7hed6.e of <a.6es:
The s7hed6.e of <a.6es m6st in7.6de type) siHe) and insta..ation method for:
#: Fo6ndations
2: Standards and
-: Cond6it
4: P6.. bo3es
*: Cond67tors and
0: Ser<i7e eG6ipment en7.os6res
5: Te.ephone demar7ation 7abinet
+: Si;na. heads and hardDare
$: Pedestrian si;na. heads and hardDare
#%: Pedestrian p6sh b6ttons
##: Loop dete7tors
#2: L6minaires and .i;htin; fi3t6res
8ithin #* days of Contra7t appro<a.) s6bmit for re<ieD a .ist of eG6ipment and materia.s that yo6 propose
to insta..: The .ist m6st in7.6de:
#: Name of man6fa7t6rer
2: Dimensions
-: Item identifi7ation n6mber
4: List of 7omponents
The .ist m6st be s6pp.emented by 2 7opies of data) in7.6din;:
#: S7hemati7 Dirin; dia;rams
2: S7a.e draDin;s of 7abinets shoDin; .o7ation and spa7in; of she.<es) termina. b.o7ks) and eG6ipment)
in7.6din; dimensions
-: Operation man6a.
E.e7tri7a. eG6ipment 7onstr67ted as shoDn Di.. not reG6ire detai.ed draDin;s and dia;rams:
F6rnish - sets of 7omp6ter,;enerated 7abinet s7hemati7 Dirin; dia;rams:
The 7abinet s7hemati7 Dirin; dia;ram m6st be p.a7ed in a hea<y d6ty p.asti7 en<e.ope and atta7hed to
the inside of the door of ea7h 7abinet:
Prepare dia;rams) p.ans) and draDin;s 6sin; ;raphi7 symbo.s in IEEE -#*) E=raphi7 Symbo.s for
E.e7tri7a. and E.e7troni7 Dia;rams:E
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e for a.. e.e7tri7a. materia. and eG6ipment:
>--1.0-A Ge'er%&
'eep e3istin; e.e7tri7a. system or a6thoriHed temporary rep.a7ement in Dorkin; order d6rin; the pro;ress
of the Dork: Sh6tdoDn is a..oDed for a.teration or remo<a. of the system: Traffi7 si;na. sh6tdoDn m6st be
.imited to norma. Dorkin; ho6rs: Li;htin; system sh6tdoDn m6st not interfere Dith the re; .i;htin;
s7hed6.e: Notify the En;ineer before performin; Dork on the e3istin; system:
Notify the .o7a. traffi7 enfor7ement a;en7y before traffi7 si;na. sh6tdoDn:
If .ane 7.os6res are spe7ified) traffi7 si;na. system sh6tdoDns m6st be .imited to the ho6rs a..oDed for
.ane 7.os6res:
8here an e3istin; or temporary system is bein; modified and the Dork is not des7ribed b6t the En;ineer
7onsiders it ne7essary to keep the system in Dorkin; order) the Dork is 7han;e order Dork:
The Department or .o7a. a;en7y Di..:
#: Contin6e the operation and maintenan7e of e3istin; e.e7tri7a. fa7i.ities
2: Contin6e to pro<ide e.e7tri7a. ener;y to operate e3istin; e.e7tri7a. fa7i.ities
-: Repair or rep.a7e e3istin; fa7i.ities dama;ed by traffi7
4: Pay for e.e7tri7a. ener;y to operate e3istin; or neD fa7i.ities 6nder;oin; the f6n7tiona. tests spe7ified
in se7tion +0,2:#4C:
(erify .o7ation and depth of e3istin; dete7tors) 7ond6its) p6.. bo3es) and other e.e7tri7a. fa7i.ities before
6sin; too.s or eG6ipment that may dama;e those fa7i.ities or interfere Dith an e.e7tri7a. system:
Notify the En;ineer immediate.y if e3istin; fa7i.ity is dama;ed by yo6r a7ti<ities: Repair or rep.a7e
dama;ed fa7i.ity prompt.y: If yo6 fai. to 7omp.ete the repair or rep.a7ement) prompt.y) the Department Di..
repair or rep.a7e and ded67t the 7osts:
Rep.a7e dama;ed dete7tors Dithin 24 ho6rs at yo6r e3pense: If yo6 fai. to 7omp.ete the repair Dithin 24
ho6rs) the Department Di.. repair and ded67t the repair 7osts:
If the roadDay remains open to traffi7 Dhi.e an e3istin; .i;htin; system is modified:
#: 'eep the e3istin; system in Dorkin; order
2: ake the fina. 7onne7tion so the modified 7ir76it is in operation by ni;htfa..
'eep temporary e.e7tri7a. insta..ations in Dorkin; order 6nti. no .on;er reG6ired: Remo<e temporary
insta..ations 6nder se7tion +0,5:
D6rin; traffi7 si;na. system sh6tdoDn) p.a7e 8-,#) EStop Ahead)E and R#,#) EStop)E si;ns in ea7h
dire7tion to dire7t traffi7 thro6;h the interse7tion: For 2,.ane approa7hes) p.a7e 2 R#,# si;ns:
!se a minim6m siHe of -% in7hes for the R#,# si;n:
Co<er si;na. fa7es Dhen the system is sh6t doDn o<erni;ht: Co<er temporary 8-,# and R#,# si;ns Dhen
the system is t6rned on:
>--1.0-B M%#'/%#'#'8 E<#/#'8 Tr%44#( M%'%8eme'/ S3/em E&eme'/ D"r#'8 C0'/r"(/#0'
The first order of Dork m6st be to p.a7e the order for the e.e7tri7a. eG6ipment: F6rnish the En;ineer a
statement from the <endor that the order for the e.e7tri7a. eG6ipment has been re7ei<ed and a77epted by
the <endor: S6bmit the statement as an informationa. s6bmitta.:
E37ept ser<i7e insta..ation and ser<i7e eG6ipment en7.os6re) do not Dork abo<e ;ro6nd 6nti. a.. materia.s
are on hand to 7omp.ete the e.e7tri7a. Dork at ea7h .o7ation: S7hed6.e Dork to a..oD ea7h system to be
7omp.eted and ready for operation before openin; the 7orrespondin; se7tion of the roadDay to traffi7:
If street .i;htin; e3ists or is insta..ed in 7onI6n7tion Dith traffi7 si;na.s) do not t6rn on the si;na.s 6nti. the
street .i;htin; is ener;iHed:
Traffi7 si;na.s Di.. not be p.a7ed in operation 6nti. the roadDays to be 7ontro..ed are open to traffi7:
Li;htin; and traffi7 si;na.s) in7.6din; f.ashin; operation) Di.. not be p.a7ed in operation before startin; the
f6n7tiona. test period spe7ified in se7tion +0,2:#4:
Do not p6.. 7ond67tors into 7ond6it 6nti.:
#: P6.. bo3es are set to ;rade
2: eta..i7 7ond6it is bonded and ;ro6nded
In < 6nder7rossin;s) soffit .i;hts m6st be in operation as soon as pra7ti7ab.e after fa.seDork has
been remo<ed from the str67t6re: Li;htin; for pedestrian str67t6res m6st be in operation before openin;
the str67t6re to pedestrian traffi7:
If the En;ineer orders soffit .i;hts or .i;htin; for pedestrian str67t6res to be a7ti<ated before permanent
poDer ser<i7e is a<ai.ab.e); and remo<in; the temporary poDer ser<i7e is 7han;e order Dork:
The initia. traffi7 si;na. t6rn on m6st be made betDeen $:%% a:m: and 2:%% p:m: "efore the initia. t6rn on)
a.. eG6ipment) in7.6din; pedestrian si;na.s) pedestrian p6sh b6ttons) <ehi7.e dete7tors) .i;htin;) si;ns)
and pa<ement de.ineation m6st be insta..ed and in Dorkin; order: Dire7t .o6<ers) <isors) and si;na. fa7es
to ma3imiHe <isibi.ity:
Start f6n7tiona. tests on any Dorkin; day e37ept Friday or the day before a ho.iday: Notify the En;ineer 4+
ho6rs before the start of a f6n7tiona. test:
Dispose of s6rp.6s e37a<ated materia.:
"a7kfi.. 6nder se7tion #$,-: "a7kfi.. p.a7ed in 7ond6it tren7hes o6tside the hin;e point of s.opes and not
6nder pa<ement m6st be 7ompa7ted to a minim6m re.ati<e 7ompa7tion of $% per7ent: Compa7t ba7kfi..
Dithin hin;e points and in areas Dhere pa<ement is to be 7onstr67ted to a minim6m re.ati<e 7ompa7tion
of $* per7ent:
"a7kfi.. tren7hes and restore sideDa.k) pa<ement) and .ands7apin; at # interse7tion before startin;
e37a<ation at another interse7tion:
!n.ess otherDise spe7ified in se7tion #2) restri7t 7.os6re for e37a<ation on a street or hi;hDay to # .ane at
a time:
Rep.a7e or re7onstr67t 6nder.yin; materia. dama;ed by yo6r a7ti<ities: Rep.a7ement materia. m6st be of
eG6a. or better G6a.ity than the materia. rep.a7ed:
If a part of a sG6are or s.ab of 7on7rete sideDa.k) 76rb) ;6tter) or dri<eDay is broken or dama;ed) the
entire sG6are or s.ab m6st be remo<ed and re7onstr67ted:
C6t the o6t.ine of 7on7rete sideDa.k or dri<eDay to be remo<ed:
#: !sin; a poDer,dri<en saD
2: On a neat .ine
-: To a %:#5,foot minim6m depth
>--2.0)A Ge'er%&
E37ept for 7on7rete for CID? 7on7rete pi.e fo6ndations) 7on7rete m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for
minor 7on7rete:
Constr67t 7on7rete fo6ndations on firm ;ro6nd:
After ea7h post) standard) and pedesta. is proper.y positioned) p.a7e mortar 6nder the base p.ate: Finish
the e3posed portion to present a neat appearan7e: ortar m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for mortar
in se7tion *#,#) e37ept mortar m6st ha<e:
#: # part by <o.6me of 7ement
2: - parts by <o.6me of 7.ean sand
Form e3posed portions of the fo6ndation to present a neat appearan7e and tr6e to .ine and ;rade: The
top of the fo6ndation for posts and standards m6st be finished to 76rb or sideDa.k ;rade: Forms m6st be
ri;id and bra7ed se76re.y in p.a7e: Cond6it ends and an7hor bo.ts m6st be p.a7ed at the proper hei;ht
and position: An7hor bo.ts m6st be insta..ed a ma3im6m of #:4% from <erti7a. and he.d in p.a7e by ri;id top
and bottom temp.ates: !se a stee. bottom temp.ate at .east #92 in7h thi7k that pro<ides proper spa7in;
and a.i;nment of an7hor bo.ts near the embedded bottom end: Insta.. the bottom temp.ate before p.a7in;
footin; 7on7rete:
For re.o7ated standards) 7onstr67t neD fo6ndations and f6rnish an7hor bo.ts of the proper type and siHe:
=a.<aniHe stee. parts 6nder se7tion 5*,#:%*:
Pro<ide 2 n6ts and Dashers for the 6pper threaded part of ea7h an7hor bo.t: Pro<ide - n6ts and Dashers
for ea7h an7hor bar or st6d:
Do not De.d ?S stee. 6sed for an7hor bo.ts) an7hor bars) or st6ds:
"efore p.a7in; 7on7rete) moisten the forms and ;ro6nd: 'eep the forms in p.a7e 6nti. the 7on7rete sets
for at .east 24 ho6rs and is stron; eno6;h to pre<ent dama;e to the s6rfa7e:
E37ept Dhen .o7ated on a str67t6re) 7onstr67t fo6ndations for posts) standards) and pedesta.s
App.y ordinary s6rfa7e finish 6nder se7tion *#,#:%-F/21:
If a fo6ndation m6st be e3tended for additiona. depth) the e3tension Dork is 7han;e order Dork:
Do not ere7t posts) standards) pedesta.s) or 7abinets 6nti. the 7on7rete fo6ndation has 76red for at
.east 5 days:
The En;ineer Di.. 7hoose either the p.6mbin; or rakin; te7hniG6e for posts) standards) and pedesta.s:
P.6mb or rake by adI6stin; the .e<; n6ts before ti;htenin; n6ts: Do not 6se shims or de<i7es:
After fina. adI6stments of both top n6ts and .e<; n6ts on an7hora;e assemb.ies ha<e been made) and
ea7h post) standard) and pedesta. on the str67t6re is proper.y positioned) ti;hten n6ts as fo..oDs:
#: Ti;hten .e<; n6ts and top n6ts) fo..oDin; a 7riss7ross pattern) 6nti. bearin; s6rfa7es of a.. n6ts)
Dashers) and base p.ates are in firm 7onta7t:
2: !se an inde.ib.e marker to mark the top n6ts and base p.ate Dith .ines shoDin; re.ati<e a.i;nment of
the n6t to the base p.ate:
-: Ti;hten top n6ts) fo..oDin; a 7riss7ross pattern) an additiona. #90th of a t6rn:
In 6npa<ed areas) 7onstr67t a raised 7on7rete pad in front of ea7h 7abinet:
If a fo6ndation is shoDn to be abandoned) remo<e the top of the fo6ndation) an7hor bo.ts) and 7ond6its to
a minim6m depth of %:* foot be.oD the sideDa.k s6rfa7e or ori;ina. ;ro6nd: "a7kfi.. the res6.tin; ho.e Dith
materia. eG6i<a.ent to the s6rro6ndin; materia.:
A fo6ndation m6st be 7omp.ete.y remo<ed if not shoDn to be re6sed or abandoned:
Dispose of fo6ndations remo<ed:
>--2.0)B C%/-I'-Dr#&&e1-H0&e C0'(re/e P#&e F0"'1%/#0'
Reinfor7ed CID? 7on7rete pi.e fo6ndation m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 4$,-) e37ept:
#: Dispose of materia. res6.tin; from; 6nder se7tion +0,2:%#
2: Con7rete for CID? 7on7rete Di.. not be 7onsidered as desi;nated by 7ompressi<e stren;th
Con7rete m6st 7ontain not .ess than *$% po6nds of 7ementitio6s materia. per 76bi7 yard:
For standards and .o7ated in sideDa.k areas) the pi.e fo6ndation m6st be p.a7ed to fina. sideDa.k
;rade before the sideDa.k is p.a7ed: The top 4 in7hes m6st be sG6are shaped:
>--2.0+A Ge'er%&
E37ept for Type # standards) atta7h re7tan; 7orrosion,resistant meta. identifi7ation ta;s on a..
standards and 6sin; stain.ess stee. ri<ets as fo..oDs:
#: For standards and atta7h a ta; abo<e the handho.e near the base of the standard or po.e:
2: For si;na. standards) atta7h # ta; abo<e the handho.e near the base of the po.e and # ta; on the
6nderside of the si;na. mast arm near the arm p.ate:
The .etterin; on ea7h identifi7ation ta; m6st be depressed or raised) #94 in7h ta..) .e;ib.e) and in7.6de the
fo..oDin; information:
#: Name of the man6fa7t6rer
2: Date of man6fa7t6re
-: Identifi7ation n6mber
4: Contra7t n6mber
*: !niG6e identifi7ation 7ode:
*:#: Assi;ned by the man6fa7t6rer
*:2: Tra7eab.e to a Contra7t and the De.ds on that 7omponent
*:-: Readab.e after the s6pport str67t6re is 7oated and insta..ed
Chan;e in the mast arm 7onfi;6ration is a..oDed as .on; as the mo6ntin; hei;ht and stabi.ity are
Confi;6re the mast arm as a smooth 76r<in; arm:
? .eft in the shaft of an e3istin; standard d6e to the remo<a. of eG6ipment or mast arm m6st be
sea.ed by fastenin; a ;a.<aniHed stee. disk to 7o<er the ho.e: Fasten 6sin; a sin;.e 7entra. ;a.<aniHed
stee. fastener: Sea. ed;es of the disk and ho.e Dith a po.ys6.fide or po.y6rethane; 7ompo6nd
7omp.yin; Dith AST C $2%) Type S) =rade NS) C.ass 2*) !se O:
If an e3istin; standard is ordered to be re.o7ated or re6sed) remo<e .ar;e dents) strai;hten shafts) and
rep.a7e parts that are in poor 7ondition: F6rnish an7hor bo.ts or bars and n6ts reG6ired for re.o7atin; or
re6sin; standard: Repair and rep.a7ement Dork is 7han;e order Dork:
If a standard or mast arm is re.o7ated or the Department f6rnishes a 6sed standard or mast arm) f6rnish:
#: NeD bo.ts) n6ts) 7ap s7reDs) and Dashers
2: NeD keeper p.ate) if the standard has a s.ip base
>--2.0+B S/ee& S/%'1%r1, P0&e, Pe1e/%&, %'1 P0/
>--2.0+BB1C Ge'er%&
8e.din; m6st 7omp.y Dith A8S D#:#:
?andho.e reinfor7ement rin;s for standards) stee. pedesta.s) and posts m6st be 7ontin6o6s aro6nd
Type # standards and stee. pedesta.s for 7abinets m6st be man6fa7t6red of one of the
#: At .east %:#2,in7h,thi7k ;a.<aniHed stee.
2: 4,in7h standard Dei;ht ;a.<aniHed stee. pipe 7omp.yin; Dith AST A *-9A *-
-: 4,in7h Type # 7ond6it Dith the top desi;ned for post,top s.ip fitter
P6sh b6tton posts) pedestrian barri7ades) and ;6ard posts m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A *-:
Standards) pedesta.s) posts) fasteners) and other ferro6s materia.s m6st be ;a.<aniHed 6nder
se7tion 5*,#:%*:
>--2.0+BB2C B0&/e1 C0''e(/#0'
An7hor bo.ts m6st 7omp.y Dith AST F #**4) =rade ** for De.dab.e stee.:
?S an7hor bo.ts) n6ts) and Dashers m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion **,#:%2A/#1:
"o.ts) n6ts) and Dashers for ;enera. app.i7ations m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion **,#:%2A/#1:
?S bo.ts shoDn to be sn6; ti;ht m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion **,#:%2A/#1 for ;enera. app.i7ations:
?S bo.ts) n6ts) and Dashers 6sed to 7onne7t s.ip base p.ates m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A -2*:
Assemb.e and ti;hten the s.ip base Dhen the po.e is on the ;ro6nd: Threads of hea<y he3 n6ts for ea7h
s.ip base bo.t m6st be 7oated Dith additiona. .6bri7ant that is 7.ean and dry to the to67h: Ti;hten ?S s.ip
base bo.ts to Dithin Z#% ft,.b of torG6e shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
S&#6 B%e B0&/ T#87/e'#'8 Re!"#reme'/
Standard type
#*,S" #*%
-% #*%
-# 2%%
-0,2%A #0*
Ain7,7oated n6ts 6sed on fastener assemb.ies ha<in; a spe7ified pre.oad obtained by spe7ifyin; a
pres7ribed tension) torG6e <a.6e) or de;ree of t6rn m6st be pro<ided Dith a 7o.ored .6bri7ant) 7.ean and
dry to the to67h: The .6bri7ant 7o.or m6st 7ontrast the Hin7 7oatin; 7o.or on the n6t s67h that the presen7e
of the .6bri7ant is <is6a..y ob<io6s: L6bri7ant m6st be inso.6b.e in Dater or the fastener 7omponents m6st
be shipped to the Iob site in a sea.ed 7ontainer:
P.ate Dashers m6st be man6fa7t6red by saD 76ttin; and; stee. p.ate: Stee. p.ate m6st 7omp.y Dith
AISI #%#+: "efore ;a.<aniHin;) remo<e b6rrs and sharp ed;es and 7hamfer both sides of to a..oD
the bo.t head to make f6.. 7onta7t Dith the Dasher Ditho6t tension:
?S 7ap s7reDs for atta7hin; arms to standards m6st 7omp.y Dith AST A -2* or A 44$) and the
me7hani7a. reG6irements in AST A -2* after ;a.<aniHin;: Coat threads of 7ap s7reDs Dith a 7o.ored
.6bri7ant) 7.ean and dry to the to67h: L6bri7ant 7o.or m6st 7ontrast the Hin7,7oatin; 7o.or on the 7ap s7reD
s67h that the presen7e of the .6bri7ant is <is6a..y ob<io6s: L6bri7ant m6st be inso.6b.e in Dater or the
fastener 7omponents m6st be shipped to the Iob site in a sea.ed 7ontainer:
"o.ted 7onne7tions atta7hin; si;na. or .6minaire arm to the po.e m6st be 7onsidered s.ip 7riti7a.:
=a.<aniHed fayin; s6rfa7es of p.ates on .6minaire arm) si;na. arm) and po.e m6st be ro6;hened by hand
6sin; a Dire br6sh before assemb.y and m6st 7omp.y Dith reG6irements for C.ass C s6rfa7e 7onditions for
s.ip,7riti7a. 7onne7tions in ESpe7ifi7ation for Str67t6ra. Coints !sin; AST A -2* or A 4$% "o.ts)E a
spe7ifi7ation appro<ed by the RCSC: Paint for fayin; s6rfa7es m6st 7omp.y Dith the RCSC spe7ifi7ation
for C.ass " 7oatin;:
"efore man6fa7t6rin;) detai.s m6st be adI6sted to ens6re that 7ap s7reD heads 7an be t6rned 6sin;
7on<entiona. insta..ation too.s: D6rin; man6fa7t6rin;) proper.y .o7ate the position of the .6minaire on the
arm p.ate to a<oid interferen7e Dith the 7ap s7reD heads:
The En;ineer Di.. random.y take test of fastener 7omponents from ea7h prod67tion .ot and
s6bmit to these test to ETS Dith test reports spe7ified in AST fastener spe7ifi7ations for @A
testin; and e<a.6ation: The En;ineer Di.. determine samp.e siHes for ea7h fastener 7omponent:
>--2.0+BB)C S/%'1%r1 %'1 P0&e
Standards and Dith shaft .en;ths of #* feet or .on;er m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion **,#:%2 and the
#: Tapered t6bes m6st be man6fa7t6red from sheet stee. of De.dab.e ;rade ha<in; a minim6m yie.d
stren;th of **)%%% psi after man6fa7t6rin;:
2: Certified test reports <erifyin; 7omp.ian7e Dith minim6m yie.d stren;th reG6irements m6st be
s6bmitted: Test report may be the mi.. test report for the as,re7ei<ed stee. or if the as,re7ei<ed stee.
has a .oDer yie.d stren;th than reG6ired) pro<ide test data ass6rin; that yo6r method of 7o.d formin;
Di.. 7onsistent.y in7rease the tensi.e properties of the stee. to meet the spe7ified minim6m yie.d
stren;th: Test data m6st in7.6de tensi.e properties of the stee. after 7o.d formin; for spe7ifi7 heats and
-: If a sin;.e,p.y *9#0,in7h,thi7k po.e is spe7ified) a 2,p.y po.e Dith eG6i<a.ent se7tion mod6.6s may be
4: Standard may be man6fa7t6red of f6..,.en;th sheets or shorter se7tions: Ea7h se7tion m6st be
man6fa7t6red from # or 2 pie7es of sheet stee.: If 2 pie7es are 6sed) the .on;it6dina. De.ded seams
m6st be dire7t.y opposite from one another: If the se7tions are b6tt,De.ded to;ether) the .on;it6dina.
De.ded seams of adIa7ent se7tions m6st be p.a7ed to form 7ontin6o6s strai;ht seams from the base
to the top of the standard:
*: "6tt,De.ded 7ir76mferentia. Ioints of se7tions reG6irin; CCP ;roo<e De.ds m6st be made 6sin;
a meta.<e ba7kin; rin; inside ea7h Ioint: The<e m6st ha<e at .east a #9+ in7h nomina.
thi7kness and be man6fa7t6red from stee. ha<in; the same 7hemi7a. 7omposition as the stee. in the se7tions to be Ioined: If the se7tions to be Ioined ha<e different spe7ified minim6m yie.d
stren;ths) the stee. in the<e m6st ha<e the same 7hemi7a. 7omposition as the se7tion
ha<in; the hi;her minim6m yie.d stren;th: The Didth of the meta.<e m6st be 7onsistent Dith the
type of NDT se.e7ted and m6st be a minim6m Didth of # in7h: At fittin; time) the<e m6st be
7entered at the Ioint and in 7onta7t Dith the se7tion at the point of the De.d:
0: 8e.ds m6st be 7ontin6o6s:
5: 8e.d meta. at the trans<erse Ioints m6st e3tend to the<e) makin; the<e an inte;ra. part of
the Ioint:
+: D6rin; man6fa7t6rin;) .on;it6dina. seams on <erti7a. members of 7anti.e<ered s6pport
str67t6res m6st be 7entered on and a.on; the side of the po.e that the po.e p.ate is .o7ated:
Lon;it6dina. seams on horiHonta. members) in7.6din; si;na. and .6minaire arms) m6st be
Dithin Z4* de;rees of the bottom of the arm:
$: Lon;it6dina. seam De.ds in stee. se7tions may be made by the e.e7tri7 resistan7e De.din;
#%: Lon;it6dina. seam De.ds m6st ha<e a 0% per7ent minim6m penetration) e37ept:
#%:#: 8ithin 0 in7hes of a 7ir76mferentia. De.d) the .on;it6dina. seam De.d m6st be a CCP ;roo<e
#%:2: Lon;it6dina. seam De.ds on .i;htin; s6pport str67t6res ha<in; a te.es7opi7 po.e se;ment sp.i7e
m6st be CCP ;roo<e De.ds on the fema.e end for a .en;th on ea7h end eG6a. to the desi;nated
s.ip,fit sp.i7e .en;th p.6s 0 in7hes:
##: E3posed 7ir76mferentia. De.ds) e37ept and fati;6e,resistant De.ds) m6st be ;ro6nd f.6sh Dith the
base meta. before ;a.<aniHin; or paintin;: =ro6nd f.6sh is spe7ified as ,%) Y%:%+,in7h:
#2: Cir76mferentia. De.ds and base p.ate,to,po.e De.ds may be repaired on.y # time:
#-: E3posed ed;es of the p.ates that make 6p the base assemb.y m6st be finished smooth and e3posed
7orners of the p.ates m6st be broken: Pro<ide shafts Dith s.ip,fitter shaft 7aps:
#4: S6rfa7e f.atness reG6irements spe7ified in AST A 0 app.y to p.ates:
#4:#: In 7onta7t Dith 7on7rete) ;ro6t) or Dashers and .e<; n6ts
#4:2: In ?S bo.ted 7onne7tions
#4:-: In Ioints) Dhere 7ap s7reDs are 6sed to se76re .6minaire and si;na. arms
#4:4: !sed for breakaDay s.ip base assemb.ies
#*: Standards and m6st be strai;ht Dith a ma3im6m <ariation of:
#*:#: # in7h meas6red at the midpoint of a -%,foot to -*,foot standard
#*:2: -94 in7h meas6red at the midpoint of a #5,foot to 2%,foot standard
#*:-: # in7h meas6red #* feet abo<e the base p.ate for Type -* and Type -0 standards
#0: Do not make additiona. in str67t6ra. members:
#5: Standards Dith an o6tside diameter of #2 in7hes or .ess m6st be ro6nd: Standards Dith an o6tside
diameter ;reater than #2 in7hes m6st be ro6nd or m6.tisided: 6.ti,sided standards m6st be 7on<e3
Dith a minim6m of #2 sides and ha<e a minim6m bend radi6s of 4 in7hes:
#+: an6fa7t6re mast arms from materia. spe7ified for the standard:
#$: an6fa7t6re the 7ast stee. option for s.ip bases from materia. of =rade 5%,4% 7omp.yin; Dith AST A
259A 25: Other 7omparab.e materia. may be 6sed if a6thoriHed: The 7astin; to.eran7es m6st 7omp.y
Dith the Stee. Fo6ndersF So7iety of Ameri7aFs re7ommendations for ;reen sand mo.din;:
2%: One 7astin; from ea7h .ot of a ma3im6m of *% 7astin;s m6st be radio;raphed 6nder AST E $4:
Castin;s m6st 7omp.y Dith the a77eptan7e 7riteria for se<erity .e<e. - or better for the types and
7ate;ories of dis7ontin6ities spe7ified in AST E #+0 and E 440: If the 7astin; fai.s the inspe7tion) 2
additiona. 7astin;s m6st be radio;raphed: If the 2 additiona. 7astin;s fai. the inspe7tion) the .ot Di.. be
>--2.0+C F#.er8&% H#87:%3 A1$#0r3 R%1#0 P0&e
>--2.0+D A&"m#'"m L#87/#'8 S/%'1%r1
>--2.0, CONDUIT
!se 7ond6its to r6n the 7ond67tors e37ept for o<erhead and Dhere 7ond67tors are r6n inside
&o6 may 6se a .ar;er siHe 7ond6it than spe7ified as .on; as yo6 6se it for the entire .en;th betDeen
o6t.ets: Do not 6se red67in;;:
NeD 7ond6it m6st not pass thro6;h e3istin; fo6ndations for standards:
>--2.0,A M%/er#%&
Cond6it and 7ond6it fittin; m6st be !L or NRTL .isted and 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements shoDn in the
fo..oDin; tab.e:
C0'1"#/ %'1 C0'1"#/ F#//#'8 Re!"#reme'/
?ot,dip ;a.<aniHed ri;id stee. 7ond6it and 7ond6it;s m6st
7omp.y Dith !L 0 and ANSI C+%:#: Ain7 7oatin; testin; m6st
7omp.y Dith 7opper s6.fate test reG6irements in !L 0: Cond6it;s for ri;id stee. 7ond6it m6st be e.e7tro;a.<aniHed:
?ot,dip ;a.<aniHed ri;id stee. 7ond6it m6st 7omp.y Dith
reG6irements for Type # 7ond6it and be 7oated Dith P(C or
po.yethy.ene: E3terior thermop.asti7 7oatin; m6st ha<e a
minim6m thi7kness of -* mi.s: Interna. 7oatin; m6st ha<e a
minim6m thi7kness of 2 mi.s: Coated 7ond6it m6st 7omp.y Dith
!L 0J NEA RN #J or NRTL P(C,%%#:
Ri;id nonmeta..i7 P(C 7ond6it m6st 7omp.y Dith !L 0*#:
Type A e3tr6ded ri;id P(C 7ond6it and e3tr6ded ri;id ?DPE
7ond6it m6st 7omp.y Dith !L 0*#A:
Coi.ab.e) smooth,Da..) 7ontin6o6s .en;th ?DPE 7ond6its m6st
7omp.y Dith !L 0*#":
Insta.. at 6nder;ro6nd .o7ations on.y:
8aterproof f.e3ib.e meta. 7ond6it m6st 7onsist of 7ond6it Dith a
Daterproof nonmeta..i7 s6n.i;ht,resistant Ia7ket o<er an inner
f.e3ib.e meta. 7ore: Type 4 7ond6it m6st be !L .isted for 6se as
the ;ro6ndin; 7ond67tor:
Intermediate stee. 7ond6it and 7ond6it;s m6st 7omp.y
Dith !L #242 and ANSI C+%:0: Ain7 7oatin; testin; m6st 7omp.y
Dith 7opper s6.fate test reG6irements in !L #242: Cond6it;s for intermediate ri;id stee. 7ond6it m6st be
e.e7tro;a.<aniHed: Type * 7ond6it m6st on.y be 6sed if spe7ified:
"ondin; b6shin;s to be insta..ed on meta. 7ond6it m6st be ins6.ated and either ;a.<aniHed or Hin7 a..oy
Fittin;s for stee. 7ond6it and for Daterti;ht f.e3ib.e meta. 7ond6it m6st be !L .isted at !L *#4":
>--2.0,B Ue
Insta.. Type # 7ond6it on a.. e3posed s6rfa7es and at the fo..oDin; .o7ations:
#: In 7on7rete str67t6res
2: "etDeen a str67t6re and nearest p6.. bo3
E3posed 7ond6it insta..ed on painted str67t6re m6st be painted the same 7o.or as the str67t6re:
Chan;e or e3tend e3istin; 7ond6it r6ns 6sin; the same materia.: Insta.. p6.. bo3 if an 6nder;ro6nd 7ond6it
7han;es from the meta..i7 type to Type -:
inim6m trade siHe of 7ond6it m6st be:
#: #,#92 in7hes from e.e7tro.ier to adIa7ent p6.. bo3
2: # in7h from pedestrian p6sh b6tton post to adIa7ent p6.. bo3
-: 2 in7hes from si;na. standard to adIa7ent p6.. bo3
4: - in7hes from 7abinet to adIa7ent p6.. bo3
*: 2 in7hes from o<erhead si;n to adIa7ent p6.. bo3
0: 2 in7hes from ser<i7e eG6ipment en7.os6re to adIa7ent p6.. bo3
5: #,#92 in7hes if 6nspe7ified
TDo 7ond6its m6st be insta..ed betDeen a 7abinet and the adIa7ent p6.. bo3:
>--2.0,C I'/%&&%/#0'
8hether shop or fie.d 76t) ream ends of 7ond6it to remo<e b6rrs and ro6;h ed;es: ake 76ts sG6are and
tr6e: S.ip Ioints and r6nnin; threads are not a..oDed for; 7ond6it: If a standard; 7annot be
6sed for; meta. type 7ond6it) 6se a threaded 6nion; that is !L or NRTL .isted: Ti;hten;s for meta. 7ond6it to maintain a ;ood e.e7tri7a. 7onne7tion thro6;h 7ond6it r6n:
C6t Type - 7ond6it Dith too.s that Di.. not deform the 7ond6it: !se so.<ent De.d for 7onne7tions:
C6t Type 2 7ond6it Dith pipe 76ttersJ do not 6se ha7ksaDs: Coated 7ond6it m6st be threaded Dith
standard 7ond6it,threadin; dies: Ti;hten 7ond6it into;s or fittin;s 6sin; strap Dren7hes or
appro<ed ;roo<e Ioint p.iers:
Prote7t shop,76t threads from 7orrosion 6nder the standards shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
S706-C"/ T7re%1 Pr0/e(/#0'
Stee. 7ond6it and 7ond6it;s
ANSI C+%:#
E.e7tri7a. intermediate meta.
7ond6it and 7ond6it;s
ANSI C+%:0
Paint 7ond6its: App.y 2 7oats of a6thoriHed 6nthinned Hin7,ri7h primer of or;ani7 <ehi7.e type: Do not 6se
aeroso. 7ans: Paint the fo..oDin; parts of 7ond6its:
#: A.. e3posed threads
2: Fie.d,76t threads before; 7ond6it;s to stee. 7ond6it
-: Dama;ed s6rfa7es on meta. 7ond6it
Do not remo<e shop,insta..ed 7ond6it;s:
Dama;ed Type 2 7ond6it or 7ond6it; m6st be Drapped Dith at .east # .ayer of 2,in7h,Dide) 2%,mi.,
minim6m,thi7kness P(C tape as spe7ified in AST D #%%%) Dith a minim6m tape o<er.ap of #92 in7h:
"efore app.yin; the tape) 7ond6it or fittin; m6st be 7.eaned and painted Dith # 7oat of r6bber,resin based
adhesi<e as re7ommended by the tape man6fa7t6rer: &o6 may repair dama;ed spots in the thermop.asti7
7oatin; by paintin; o<er Dith a br6shin; type 7ompo6nd s6pp.ied by the 7ond6it man6fa7t6rer instead of
the tape Drap:
The ends of Types #) 2) or * 7ond6it m6st be threaded and 7apped Dith standard pipe 7aps 6nti. Dirin; is
started: The ends of Types - and 4 7ond6it m6st be 7apped 6nti. Dirin; is started: If 7aps are remo<ed)
rep.a7e Dith 7ond6it b6shin;s: Fit ins6.ated bondin; b6shin;s on the end of meta. 7ond6it endin; in p6..
bo3 or fo6ndation: "e.. or end b6shin;s for Type - 7ond6it m6st be nonmeta..i7 type:
Cond6it bends) e37ept fa7tory bends) m6st ha<e a radi6s of not .ess than 0 times the inside diameter of
the 7ond6it: If fa7tory bends are not 6sed) bend the 7ond6it Ditho6t 7rimpin; or f.attenin; 6sin; the
.on;est radi6s pra7ti7ab.e: "end 7ond6its as shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
C0'1"#/-Be'1#'8 Re!"#reme'/
Type # "y eG6ipment and methods re7ommended by the 7ond6it man6fa7t6rer:
Type 2
!se standard bendin; too. desi;ned for 6se on thermop.asti7 7oated
7ond6it: Cond6it m6st be free of b6rrs and pits:
Type -
"y eG6ipment and methods re7ommended by the 7ond6it man6fa7t6rer: Do
not e3pose 7ond6it to dire7t f.ame:
Type * "y eG6ipment and methods re7ommended by the 7ond6it man6fa7t6rer:
Insta.. p6.. tape in 7ond6it that is to re7ei<e f6t6re 7ond67tors: The p6.. tape m6st be a Do<en
.6bri7ated soft fiber po.yester tape Dith a minim6m tensi.e stren;th of #)+%% .b and ha<e printed seG6entia.
meas6rement markin;s e<ery - feet: At .east 2 feet of p6.. tape m6st be do6b.ed ba7k into the 7ond6it at
ea7h end:
E3istin; 6nder;ro6nd 7ond6it to be in7orporated into a neD system m6st be 7.eaned Dith a mandre. or
7y.indri7a. Dire br6sh and b.oDn o6t Dith 7ompressed air:
Insta.. 7ond6it to a depth of not .ess than -% in7hes be.oD finished ;rade) e37ept in sideDa.k and 76rbed
pa<ed median areas) Dhere it m6st be at .east #+ in7hes be.oD ;rade: &o6 may .ay 7ond6it on e3istin;
pa<ement Dithin neD 76rbed median:
Cond6it; m6st be a minim6m of 0 in7hes from the fa7e of the fo6ndation:
P.a7e a minim6m of 2 in7hes of sand beddin; in the tren7h before; Type 2 or Type - 7ond6it:
P.a7e a minim6m of 4 in7hes of same materia. o<er 7ond6it before p.a7in; additiona. ba7kfi.. materia.:
Cond6it r6ns .o7ated behind 76rbs may be insta..ed in the street) Dithin - feet of) and para..e. Dith the fa7e
of the 76rb by the tren7hin; in pa<ement method as spe7ified in se7tion +0,2:%*C: P6.. bo3es m6st be
.o7ated behind the 76rb or at the .o7ations shoDn:
Obtain a6thoriHation before dist6rbin; pa<ement: If an obstr67tion is en7o6ntered) obtain a6thoriHation to
76t sma.. in the pa<ement to .o7ate or remo<e the obstr67tion: If Ia7kin; or; method is 6sed)
keep Ia7kin; or; pit 2 feet aDay from ed;e of pa<ement: Pa<ement m6st not be Deakened or
s6b;rade softened from e37ess Dater 6se:
Cond6it 6sed for; or Ia7kin; m6st be remo<edJ insta.. neD 7ond6it for 7omp.eted Dork: If a ho.e
.ar;er than the 7ond6it is pre,dri..ed and yo6 insta.. 7ond6it by hand or by eG6ipment and method
re7ommended by the 7ond6it man6fa7t6rer) yo6 may insta.. Type 2 or Type - 7ond6it 6nder the
If tren7hin; in pa<ement method is spe7ified) 7ond6it insta..ation 6nder pa<ement that is not a freeDay
.ane or freeDay to freeDay 7onne7tor ramp) m6st 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin;:
#: !se Type - 7ond6it: P.a7e 7ond6it 6nder pa<ement in a tren7h appro3imate.y 2 in7hes Dider than the
o6tside diameter of 7ond6it) b6t not e37eedin; 0 in7hes in Didth: Tren7h depth m6st not e37eed the
;reater of #2 in7hes or 7ond6it trade siHe p.6s #% in7hes) e37ept that at p6.. bo3es the tren7h may be
hand d6; to reG6ired depth: The top of the insta..ed 7ond6it m6st be a minim6m of $ in7hes be.oD
finished ;rade:
2: Tren7hin; insta..ation m6st be 7omp.eted before p.a7in; fina. pa<ement .ayer:
-: C6t pa<ement to be remo<ed Dith a ro7k 76ttin; e37a<ator: inimiHe shatter o6tside the remo<a.
4: P.a7e 7ond6it in the bottom of the tren7h and ba7kfi.. Dith minor 7on7rete: inor 7on7rete m6st
7ontain a minim6m of *$% .b of 7ementitio6s materia. per 76bi7 yard: If the tren7h is in aspha.t
7on7rete pa<ement and pa<ement o<er.ay is not p.a7ed) ba7kfi.. the top %:#% foot of the tren7h Dith
minor ?A:
*: "a7kfi.. tren7hes) e37ept for the top %:#% foot) by the end of ea7h day: The top %:#% foot m6st be fi..ed
Dithin - days after tren7hin;:
Cond6it insta..ed beneath rai.road tra7ks m6st be:
#: Type # or 2
2: #,#92,in7h minim6m diameter
-: P.a7ed a minim6m depth of 42 in7hes be.oD the bottom of the rai.:
If Ia7kin; or; method is 6sed) 7onstr67t Ia7kin; pit to a minim6m of #- feet from the 7enter.ine of
tra7k at the near side of Ia7kin; pit: Co<er Ia7kin; pit Dith s6bstantia. p.ankin; if .eft o<erni;ht:
Cond6it endin; in a standard or pedesta. m6st not e3tend more than - in7hes <erti7a..y abo<e the
fo6ndation and m6st be s.oped toDard the handho.e openin;: Cond6it enterin; thro6;h the side of a
nonmeta..i7 p6.. bo3 m6st end inside the bo3 Dithin 2 in7hes of the Da.. and 2 in7hes abo<e the bottom
and be s.oped toDard the top of the bo3 to fa7i.itate; of 7ond67tors: Cond6it enterin; thro6;h the
bottom of a p6.. bo3 m6st end 2 in7hes abo<e the bottom and be .o7ated near the end Da..s to .ea<e the
maIor portion of the bo3 7.ear: At the the 7ond6it m6st enter from the dire7tion of the r6n:
!nder;ro6nd 7ond6it r6ns) in7.6din; 6nder sideDa.ks) that are adIa7ent to ;aso.ine ser<i7e stations or
other 6nder;ro6nd ;aso.ine or diese. stora;e) pipin;) or p6mps and that .ead to a 7abinet)
7ir76it breaker pane.) ser<i7e) or en7.os6re Dhere an ar7 may o776r d6rin; norma. operations m6st be
sea.ed if the 7ond6it is Dithin the .imits spe7ified in the NEC for C.ass #) di<ision #: !se Type # or Type 2
7ond6it for these r6ns:
Cond6it for f6t6re 6se in str67t6res m6st be threaded and 7apped: Cond6it .eadin; to soffit) Da..) or other
.i;hts or fi3t6res be.oD p6.. bo3 ;rade m6st be sea.ed and made Daterti;ht) e37ept Dhere 7ond6it ends in
a No: $ or No: $A p6.. bo3:
S6pport for 7ond6it in or on a Da.. or brid;e s6perstr67t6re m6st 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin;:
#: Stee. han;ers) stee. bra7kets) and other fittin;s m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion 5*,#:%-:
2: Constr67t pre7ast 7on7rete 7ond6it 6sin; minor 7on7rete and 7ommer7ia. G6a.ity De.ded Dire
fabri7: inor 7on7rete m6st 7ontain a minim6m of *$% .b of 7ementitio6s materia. per 76bi7 yard: The m6st be moist 76red for a minim6m of - days: "ond pre7ast 7on7rete to the str67t6re
Dith one of the fo..oDin; epo3y adhesi<es:
2:#: Epo3y adhesi<e for bondin; fresh.y,mi3ed 7on7rete to hardened 7on7rete:
2:2: Rapid set epo3y adhesi<e for pa<ement markers:
2:-: Standard set epo3y adhesi<e for pa<ement markers:
-: !se pipe<e or form an openin; for 7ond6it thro6;h the brid;e s6perstr67t6re 7on7rete:<e or
openin; thro6;h either prestressed member or 7on<entiona..y reinfor7ed pre7ast member m6st be:
-:#: Trans<erse to the member:
-:2: Thro6;h the Deb:
-:-: Not more than - in7hes ma3im6m ;ross openin; in 7on7rete:
4: 8here 7ond6its pass thro6;h the ab6tment 7on7rete) Drap 7ond6it Dith 2 .ayers of aspha.t,fe.t
b6i.din; paper se76re.y taped or Dired in p.a7e: Fi.. the spa7e aro6nd the 7ond6it that r6ns thro6;h
the brid;e ab6tment Da.. Dith mortar 6nder se7tion *#,# e37ept the proportion of 7ementitio6s
materia. to sand m6st be # to -: Fi.. the spa7e aro6nd the 7ond6its that r6n thro6;h the ab6tments
after prestressin; is 7omp.eted:
*: R6n s6rfa7e,mo6nted 7ond6it strai;ht and tr6e) horiHonta. or <erti7a. on the Da..) and para..e. to Da..s
on;s or other s6rfa7es: S6pport 7ond6it at a ma3im6m of *,foot inter<a.s or 7.oser Dhere
ne7essary to pre<ent <ibration or 6nsi;ht.y def.e7tion: The s6pports m6st in7.6de ;a.<aniHed
ma..eab.e iron 7ond6it 7.amps and 7.amp ba7ks se76red Dith e3pansion an7hora;e de<i7es as
spe7ified for 7on7rete an7hora;e de<i7es in se7tion 5*,#:%-: Threaded st6ds m6st be ;a.<aniHed and
be of the .ar;est diameter that Di.. pass thro6;h the mo6ntin; ho.e in 7ond6it 7.amp:
0: 8here p6.. bo3es are p.a7ed in 7ond6it r6ns) the 7ond6it m6st be fitted Dith threaded b6shin;s and
5: ark the .o7ation of 7ond6it end in str67t6re) 76rb) or Da.. Dith a E&E that is a minim6m of - in7hes ta..)
dire7t.y abo<e 7ond6it:
>--2.0,D E<6%'#0' F#//#'8
Insta.. e3pansion fittin; Dhere the 7ond6it 7rosses an e3pansion Ioint in a str67t6re: Ea7h e3pansion fittin;
for meta. 7ond6it m6st in7.6de a 7opper bondin; I6mper ha<in; the ampa7ity spe7ified in NEC:
Ea7h e3pansion,def.e7tion fittin; for e3pansion Ioints of #,#92,in7h mo<ement ratin; m6st be Daterti;ht
and in7.6de a mo.ded neoprene<e) a bondin; I6mper) and 2 si.i7on bronHe or Hin7,p.ated iron h6bs:
Ea7h fittin; m6st a..oD a minim6m of -94,in7h e3pansion) 7ontra7tion) and .atera. def.e7tion:
>--2.0- PULL BOXES
&o6 may 6se a .ar;er standard siHe p6.. bo3 than that des7ribed:
>--2.0-A M%/er#%&
P6.. bo3) 7o<er) and e3tension for insta..ation in ;ro6nd or sideDa.k area m6st be pre7ast reinfor7ed
7on7rete or non7on7rete materia.: Non7on7rete materia. m6st:
#: "e fire resistant Dith a b6rn rate no ;reater than %:- in7h per min6te per %:# in7h of thi7kness Dhen
tested 6nder AST D 0-*
2: ShoD no si;nifi7ant 7han;e in physi7a. properties Dith e3pos6re to Deather
-: "e dense) free of <oids or porosity) and ;ray or broDn in 7o.or
Non7on7rete p6.. bo3 m6st 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin;:
#: Top dimensions m6st not e37eed the bottom dimensions by more than # in7h:
2: E3tension m6st be of the same materia. as the p6.. bo3 and atta7hed to the p6.. bo3 to maintain the
minim6m 7ombined depths as shoDn:
-: Co<er m6st not fai. and m6st not def.e7t more than #94 in7h Dhen a <erti7a. for7e of #)*%% .b is
app.ied thro6;h a #92,by,-,by,0,in7h stee. p.ate to a non7on7rete 7o<er on the p6.. bo3: Center the
stee. p.ate on the 7o<er Dith its .on;it6dina. a3is 7oin7idin; Dith the .on;it6dina. a3is of the 7o<er:
Non7on7rete p6.. bo3es m6st be of s6ffi7ient ri;idity that Dhen a desi;nated 7on7entrated for7e is app.ied to the midpoint of one of the .on; sides at the top Dhi.e the opposite .on; side is
s6pported by a ri;id s6rfa7e) it m6st be possib.e to remo<e the 7o<er Ditho6t the 6se of too.s: The
desi;nated 7on7entrated for7e m6st be #*% .b for a No: -,#92 p6.. bo3 and m6st be #%% .b for a No: * or
No: 0 p6.. bo3:
If a transformer or other de<i7e m6st be p.a7ed in a nonmeta..i7 p6.. bo3) in7.6de re7esses for a han;er:
Se76re 7o<er) e37ept; p6.. bo3 7o<er) Dith -9+,in7h ho.d doDn bo.ts) 7ap s7reDs) or st6ds) Dashers)
and brass stain.ess stee. or other non7orrodin; meta. n6t: Stain.ess stee. hardDare m6st ha<e an #+
per7ent 7hromi6m 7ontent and an + per7ent ni7ke. 7ontent:
=a.<aniHe ferro6s meta. parts 6nder se7tion 5*,#:%*:
Traffi7 p6.. bo3 m6st be pro<ided Dith stee. 7o<er and spe7ia. 7on7rete footin;: Stee. 7o<er m6st ha<e an
embossed nonskid pattern:
Traffi7 p6.. bo3 and 7o<er m6st ha<e a <erti7a. proof,.oad stren;th of 2*)%%% .b: Comp.y Dith Federa.
Spe7ifi7ation RR,F,02# and distrib6te the 2*)%%% .b .oad thro6;h a $,by,$,by,2,in7h stee. p.ate: &o6 m6st
be ab.e to p.a7e the .oad anyDhere on the bo3 and 7o<er for # min6te Ditho6t 7a6sin; 7ra7ks or
permanent deformations:
No: -,#92/T1 and No: */T1 traffi7 p6.. bo3 m6st be reinfor7ed Dith a ;a.<aniHed A bar De.ded frame and
7o<er to that shoDn for No: 0/T1 p6.. bo3: Frame m6st be an7hored to the bo3 Dith #94 by 2,#94
in7h 7on7rete an7hors: Fo6r 7on7rete an7hors m6st be in7.6ded for No: -,#92/T1 p6.. bo3J one p.a7ed in
ea7h 7orner: Si3 7on7rete an7hors m6st be in7.6ded for No: */T1 and No: 0/T1 p6.. bo3esJ one p.a7ed in
ea7h 7orner and one near the midd.e of ea7h of the .on;er sides:
?o.d doDn s7reDs m6st be -9+,in7h he3;e 7ap s7reDs of Type -#0 stain.ess stee.: N6t m6st be Hin7,
p.ated 7arbon stee.) <ibration resistant) and ha<e a Ded;e ramp at the root of the thread: N6t m6st be
spot De.ded to the 6nderside or fabri7ated Dith ;a.<aniHed A,bar p6.. bo3 frame:
Stee. 7o<er m6st be 7o6nters6nk appro3imate.y #94 in7h to a77ommodate the bo.t head: 8hen ti;htened)
the bo.t head m6st not e37eed more than #9+ in7h abo<e the top of the 7o<er: A #94,in7h tapped ho.e and
brass bondin; s7reD m6st be in7.6ded:
Con7rete p.a7ed aro6nd and 6nder traffi7 p6.. bo3es m6st be minor 7on7rete:
>--2.0-B C0$er M%r;#'8
arkin; m6st be 7.ear.y defined) 6niform in depth) and para..e. to either the .on; or short sides of the
arkin; .etters m6st be betDeen # to - in7hes hi;h:
"efore ;a.<aniHin; stee. or 7ast iron 7o<er) app.y markin; by one of the fo..oDin; methods:
#: !se 7ast iron strip at .east #94 in7h thi7k Dith .etters raised a minim6m of #9#0 in7h: Fasten strip to
7o<er Dith #94,in7h f.athead stain.ess stee. ma7hine bo.ts and n6ts: Peen bo.ts after ti;htenin;:
2: !se sheet stee. strip at .east %:%25 in7h thi7k Dith .etters raised a minim6m of #9#0 in7h: Fasten strip
to 7o<er by spot De.din;) ta7k De.din;) or braHin;) Dith #94,in7h stain.ess stee. ri<ets or #94,in7h
ro6ndhead stain.ess stee. ma7hine bo.ts and n6ts: Peen bo.ts after ti;htenin;:
-: "ead De.d the .etters on 7o<er s67h that the .etters are raised a minim6m of -9-2 in7h:
>--2.0-C I'/%&&%/#0' %'1 Ue
Spa7e p6.. bo3es no more than 2%% feet apart: &o6 may insta.. additiona. p6.. bo3es to fa7i.itate the Dork:
P6.. bo3 in ;ro6nd or sideDa.k area m6st be insta..ed as fo..oDs:
#: Embed bottom of the p6.. bo3 in 7r6shed ro7k:
2: P.a7e a .ayer of roofin; paper on the 7r6shed ro7k:
-: P.a7e ;ro6t o<er the .ayer of roofin; paper: =ro6t m6st be %:*% to # in7h thi7k and be s.oped toDard
the drain ho.e:
4: ake a #,in7h drain ho.e in the 7enter of the p6.. bo3 thro6;h the ;ro6t and roofin; paper:
*: P.a7e ;ro6t betDeen the p6.. bo3 and the p6.. bo3 e3tension) and aro6nd 7ond6its:
Re7onstr67t the s6mp of an e3istin; p6.. bo3 if dist6rbed by yo6r a7ti<ities: Remo<e o.d ;ro6t and rep.a7e
Dith neD if the s6mp Das ;ro6ted:
After insta..ation of traffi7 p6.. bo3) insta.. the stee. 7o<er and keep it bo.ted doDn Dhen yo6r a7ti<ities are
not in pro;ress at the p6.. bo3: 8hen the stee. 7o<er is p.a7ed for the fina. time) the 7o<er and A bar frame
m6st be 7.eaned of debris and ti;htened se76re.y:
>--2.02 RESERVED
>--2.0>A Ge'er%&
Cond67tor m6st be 7opper Dire that 7omp.ies Dith AST " - and " +:
8ire siHe m6st 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
A#re S#9e Re!"#reme'/
Cond67tor 6sa;e ReG6irement
In .oop dete7tor .ead,in 7ab.e AST " 2+0
E<eryDhere e37ept in .oop dete7tor
.ead,in 7ab.e
E37ept 7ond67tor diameter m6st not be .ess than $+ per7ent of
spe7ified A8= diameter:
Sin;.e 7ond67tor and 7ab.e) e37ept dete7tor .ead,in 7ab.e) m6st ha<e 7.ear) distin7ti<e) and permanent
markin;s on the o6ter s6rfa7e thro6;ho6t its .en;th: The markin;s m6st in7.6de the man6fa7t6rerFs name
or trademark) ins6.ation type .etter desi;nation) 7ond67tor siHe) <o.ta;e) and temperat6re ratin;) and for it m6st in7.6de n6mber of 7ond67tors:
>--2.0>B C0'1"(/0r I1e'/#4#(%/#0'
Cond67tor ins6.ation m6st be a 7o.or Dith a permanent stripe as spe7ified be.oD: The 7o.or
m6st be homo;eneo6s thro6;h the f6.. depth of ins6.ation: Identifi7ation stripe m6st be 7ontin6o6s
thro6;ho6t the .en;th of 7ond67tor: For 7ond67tor siHes No: 2 and .ar;er) the ins6.ation may be b.a7k and
the ends of the 7ond67tors m6st be taped for a minim6m .en;th of 2% in7hes Dith e.e7tri7a. ins6.atin; tape
of the reG6ired 7o.or: Cond67tor identifi7ation m6st 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
C0'1"(/0r I1e'/#4#(%/#0'
Si;na. phase or
Ins6.ation 7o.or
"and symbo.s
"ase Stripe
a) b) d
2) 0 Red) &e.) "rn ".k 2) 0 #4
4) + Red) &e.) "rn Ora 4) + #4
#) * Red) &e.) "rn None #) * #4
-) 5 Red) &e.) "rn P6r -) 5 #4
Ramp meter # Red) &e.) "rn None N"R #4
Ramp meter 2 Red) &e.) "rn ".k N"R #4
2p) 0p Red) "rn ".k 2p) 0p #4
4p) +p Red) "rn Ora 4p) +p #4
#p) *p Red) "rn None #p) *p #4
-p) 5p Red) "rn P6r -p) 5p #4
p6sh b6ttons
2p) 0p ".6 ".k P,2) P,0 #4
4p) +p ".6 Ora P,4) P,+ #4
#p) *p ".6 None P,#) P,* #4
-p) 5p ".6 P6r P,-) P,5 #4
Traffi7 si;na.
!n;ro6nded 7ir76it
7ond67tor ".k None CON,# 0
=ro6nded 7ir76it
7ond67tor 8ht None CON,2 0
.i;htin; p6..
bo3 to
!n;ro6nded,.ine # ".k None N"R #4
!n;ro6nded,.ine 2 Red None N"R #4
=ro6nded 8ht None N"R #4
!n;ro6nded,.ine # ".k None L# #%
!n;ro6nded,.ine 2 Red None L2 #%
!n;ro6nded to PE! ".k None C# #4
SDit7hin; .e; from
PE! 6nit or S
transformer Red None C2 #4
!n;ro6nded,.ine #
/si;na.s1 ".k None N"R
!n;ro6nded,.ine 2
/.i;htin;1 Red
None N"R
Si;n .i;htin;
!n;ro6nded,.ine # ".k None SL,# #%
!n;ro6nded,.ine 2 Red None SL,2 #%
!n;ro6nded betDeen
f.asher and bea7ons Red or &e. None F,Lo7:
=ro6nded and
Pedestrian p6sh
b6ttons 8ht ".k N"R #4
Si;na.s and m6.tip.e
.i;htin; 8ht None N"R #%
F.ashin; bea7ons and
si;n .i;htin; 8ht None N"R #2
Li;htin; 7ontro. 8ht None C,- #4
Ser<i7e 8ht None N"R #4
preemption ".k None R #4
Spares ".k None N"R #4
N"R T No band reG6ired PE!TPhotoe.e7tri7 6nit
On o<er.aps) ins6.ation is striped for #st phase in desi;nation: e:;:) phase /2Y-1 7ond67tor is
striped as for phase 2:
"and for o<er.ap and spe7ia. phases as reG6ired:
F.ashin; bea7ons ha<in; separate ser<i7e do not reG6ire bandin;:
These reG6irements do not app.y to si;na. 7ab.e:
ESE if 7ir76it is sDit7hed on .ine side of ser<i7e eG6ipment by 6ti.ity:
"and 7ond67tors in ea7h p6.. bo3 and near ends of termination points: On si;na. .i;ht 7ir76its) a
sin;.e band may be p.a7ed aro6nd 2 or - 6n;ro6nded 7ond67tors 7omprisin; a phase:
!n;ro6nded 7ond67tors betDeen ser<i7e sDit7h and f.asher me7hanism m6st be b.a7k and
".a7k a77eptab.e for siHe No: 2 and .ar;er: Tape ends for 2% in7hes Dith indi7ated 7o.or:
Co.or Code: &e.,&e..oD) "rn,"roDn) ".6,".6e) ".k,".a7k) 8ht,8hite) Ora,Oran;e) P6r,P6rp.e:
>--2.0>C C#r("#/ C0'1"(/0r
Cir76it 7ond67tors m6st be !L or NRTL .isted and rated for 0%% (/a71 operation: Ins6.ation for No: #4 to
No: 4 7ond67tors m6st be one of the fo..oDin;:
#: Type T8 P(C as spe7ified in AST D 22#$
2: Type T?8 P(C
-: Type !SE) R??) or R?8 7ross,.inked po.yethy.ene
inim6m ins6.ation thi7kness for the ins6.ation types shoDn m6st 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin; tab.e:
I'"&%/#0' T7#(;'e
Ins6.ation type Cond67tor siHe Ins6.ation thi7kness
!SE) R??) or R?8
No: #4 to No: #% -$
No: + to No: 2 *#
T?8 or T8
No: #4 to No: #% 25
No: + 4%
No: 0 to No: 2 *4
Ins6.ation for No: 2 and .ar;er 7ond67tor m6st be one of the types .isted abo<e or Type T?8N:
Cond67tor for Dirin; Da.. and soffit .6minaire m6st be stranded 7opper Dith ins6.ation rated for 6se at
temperat6res 6p to #2* de;rees C:
>--2.0>D S#8'%& C%.&e
Si;na. 7ab.e) e37ept for the 2+,7ond67tor type) m6st:
#: Not be sp.i7ed
2: "e marked in ea7h p6.. bo3 Dith the si;na. standard information it is 7onne7tin; to
Si;na. 7ab.e m6st 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin;:
#: Cab.e Ia7ket m6st be:
#:#: ".a7k po.yethy.ene Dith an inner po.yester binder sheath
#:2: Rated for 0%% (/a71 and 5* de;rees C
2: materia.) if 6sed) m6st be po.yethy.ene materia.:
-: Cond67tor m6st be 7opper Dith Type T?8N ins6.ation as spe7ified in se7tion +0,2:%+ and
AST " 2+0: The minim6m thi7kness of Type T?8N ins6.ation m6st be #2 mi.s for 7ond67tor siHes
No: #4 to No: #2 and #0 mi.s for 7ond67tor siHe No: #%: The minim6m thi7kness of ny.on Ia7ket m6st
be 4 mi.s:
C0'1"(/0r S#8'%& C%.&e Re!"#reme'/
and type
Cab.e Ia7ket
Cond67tor 7o.or
7ode Remarks
A<era;e inim6m
-CSC - , No: #4 44 -0 %:4%
Dhite9b.a7k stripe
!se for pedestrian
p6sh b6ttons and
*CSC * , No: #4 44 -0 %:*%
red) ye..oD) broDn)
b.a7k) Dhite
+ , No: #4
# , No: #2 0% 4+ %:0*
No: #2 , Dhite
No: #4 , red) ye..oD)
broDn) b.a7k) and
Dhite9b.a7k stripe
## , No: #4
# , No: #2 0% 4+ %:+%
No: #2 , Dhite
No: #4 , see
E#2CSC Co.or Code
and F6n7tiona.
Conne7tionE tab.e
!se for <ehi7.e
si;na.s) pedestrian
si;na.s) spares)
and si;na. 7ommon
25 , No: #4
# , No: #% +% 04 %:$%
No: #% , Dhite
No: #4 , see
E2+CSC Co.or Code
and F6n7tiona.
Conne7tionE tab.e
'eep si;na.
7ommons in ea7h
7ab.e separate
e37ept at the si;na. Labe.
ea7h 7ab.e as EC#E
or EC2E in p6.. bo3:
!se EC#E for si;na.
phases #) 2) -) and
4: !se EC2E for
phases *) 0) 5) and
Cond67tor si;na. 7ab.e des7ription starts Dith the n6mber of 7ond67tors) fo..oDed by ECSCE:
/e:;:) a si;na. 7ab.e Dith - 7ond67tors is .abe.ed E-CSC:E1
12CSC C0&0r C01e %'1 F"'(/#0'%& C0''e(/#0'
Co.or 7ode Termination Phase
Red (ehi7.e si;na. red 2) 4) 0) or +
&e..oD (ehi7.e si;na. ye..oD 2) 4) 0) or +
"roDn (ehi7.e si;na. ;reen 2) 4) 0) or +
Red9b.a7k stripe (ehi7.e si;na. red #) -) *) or 5
&e..oD9b.a7k stripe (ehi7.e si;na. ye..oD #) -) *) or 5
"roDn9b.a7k stripe (ehi7.e si;na. ;reen #) -) *) or 5
".a7k9red stripe Spare) or 6se as reG6ired for red or DONT 8AL'
".a7k9Dhite stripe Spare) or 6se as reG6ired for ye..oD
".a7k Spare) or 6se as reG6ired for ;reen or 8AL'
Red9Dhite stripe Ped si;na. DONT 8AL'
"roDn9Dhite stripe Ped si;na. 8AL'
2>CSC C0&0r C01e %'1 F"'(/#0'%& C0''e(/#0'
Co.or 7ode Termination Phase
Red9b.a7k stripe (ehi7.e si;na. red 2 or 0
&e..oD9b.a7k stripe (ehi7.e si;na. ye..oD 2 or 0
"roDn9b.a7k stripe (ehi7.e si;na. ;reen 2 or 0
Red9oran;e stripe (ehi7.e si;na. red 4 or +
&e..oD9oran;e stripe (ehi7.e si;na. ye..oD 4 or +
"roDn9oran;e stripe (ehi7.e si;na. ;reen 4 or +
Red9si.<er stripe (ehi7.e si;na. red # or *
&e..oD9si.<er stripe (ehi7.e si;na. ye..oD # or *
"roDn9si.<er stripe (ehi7.e si;na. ;reen # or *
Red9p6rp.e stripe (ehi7.e si;na. red - or 5
&e..oD9p6rp.e stripe (ehi7.e si;na. ye..oD - or 5
"roDn9p6rp.e stripe (ehi7.e si;na. ;reen - or 5
Red92 b.a7k stripes Ped si;na. DONT 8AL' 2 or 0
"roDn92 b.a7k stripes Ped si;na. 8AL' 2 or 0
Red92 oran;e stripes Ped si;na. DONT 8AL' 4 or +
"roDn92 oran;e stripes Ped si;na. 8AL' 4 or +
Red92 si.<er stripes O<er.ap A) C red OLA) OLC
"roDn92 si.<er stripes O<er.ap A) C ;reen OLA) OLC
Red92 p6rp.e stripes O<er.ap ") D red OL") OLD
"roDn92 p6rp.e stripes O<er.ap ") D ;reen OL") OLD
".6e9b.a7k stripe Ped p6sh b6tton 2 or 0
".6e9oran;e stripe Ped p6sh b6tton 4 or +
".6e9si.<er stripe O<er.ap A) C ye..oD OLA/y1) OLC/y1
".6e9p6rp.e stripe O<er.ap ") D ye..oD OL"/y1) OLD/y1
8hite9b.a7k stripe Ped p6sh b6tton 7ommon
".a7k9red stripe Rai.road preemption
".a7k Spare
>--2.0>E S#8'%& I'/er(0''e(/ C%.&e BSICC
Si;na. inter7onne7t 7ab.e m6st be a -,pair or 0,pair type Dith stranded tinned 7opper No: 2% 7ond67tors:
Ea7h 7ond67tor ins6.ation m6st be #- mi.s minim6m nomina. thi7kness) 7o.or,7oded) po.ypropy.ene
materia.: Cond67tors m6st be in tDisted pairs: Co.or 7odin; distin;6ishes ea7h pair: Ea7h pair m6st be
Drapped Dith an a.6min6m po.yester shie.d and m6st ha<e a No: 22 or .ar;er stranded tinned 7opper
drain Dire inside the shie.ded pair:
Cab.e Ia7ket m6st be b.a7k) ?DPE) rated for a minim6m of -%% (/a71 and 0% de;rees C) and m6st ha<e a
minim6m nomina. Da.. thi7kness of 4% mi.s: Cab.e Ia7ket or moist6re,resistant tape dire7t.y 6nder the
o6ter Ia7ket m6st be marked as spe7ified in se7tion +0,2:%+:
&o6 m6st ha<e a minim6m of 0 feet of s.a7k at ea7h 7abinet: Sp.i7in; is a..oDed on.y if shoDn:
Ins6.ate 7ond67tor sp.i7e Dith heat,shrink t6bin; and o<er.ap at .east %:0 in7h: Co<er o<era.. 7ab.e sp.i7e
Dith heat,shrink t6bin; and o<er.ap the 7ab.e Ia7ket at .east #,#92 in7h:
>--2.0? AIRING
So.der 7ond67tors by hot iron) po6rin;) or dippin; method) 7onne7tors and termina. .6;s for 7ond67tor
siHes No: + and Do not perform open,f.ame so.derin;:
>--2.0?A C#r("#/r3
Do not r6n traffi7 si;na. indi7ation 7ond67tors to a termina. b.o7k on a standard 6n.ess 7onne7ted to a
mo6nted si;na. head:
!se on.y # 7ond67tor to 7onne7t to ea7h termina. of a pedestrian p6sh b6tton:
The 7ommon for pedestrian p6sh b6tton 7ir76it m6st be separate from the traffi7 si;na. 7ir76it ;ro6nded
>--2.0?B I'/%&&%/#0'
!se a !L, or NRTL,.isted inert .6bri7ant for p.a7in; 7ond67tors in 7ond6it:
P6.. 7ond67tors into 7ond6it by hand) 6sin; p6.. tape spe7ified in se7tion +0,2:%*C: Do not 6se Din7hes or
other poDer,a7t6ated; eG6ipment:
If addin; neD 7ond67tors or remo<in; e3istin; 7ond67tors) remo<e a.. 7ond67tors) 7.ean the 7ond6it 6nder
se7tion +0,2:%*C) and p6.. a.. 7ond67tors in the 7ond6it as # 6nit:
If traffi7 si;na. 7ond67tors are r6n in a .i;htin; standard 7ontainin; street .i;htin; 7ond67tors from a
different ser<i7e point) yo6 m6st en7ase the traffi7 si;na. 7ond67tors or the .i;htin; 7ond67tors Dith a
f.e3ib.e or ri;id meta. 7ond6it for a .en;th 6nti. the 2 types of 7ond67tors are no .on;er in the same
If .ess than #% feet abo<e ;rade) en7.ose temporary 7ond67tors in f.e3ib.e or ri;id meta. 7ond6it:
Lea<e s.a7k for ea7h 7ond67tor as shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
C0'1"(/0r S&%(; Re!"#reme'/
Si;na. standard #
Li;htin; standard #
Si;na. and .i;htin; standard #
P6.. bo3 -
Sp.i7e -
Standards Dith s.ip base %
After 7ond67tors are insta..ed) sea. ends of 7ond6its Dith an a6thoriHed; 7ompo6nd:
To form a Daterti;ht sea.) tape the ends of spare 7ond67tors and 7ond67tors endin; in p6.. bo3es:
Cond67tors and inside a fi3t6re or 7abinet m6st be neat.y arran;ed and tied to;ether by f6n7tion
Dith se.f,7.in7hin; ny.on 7ab.e ties or en7.osed in a p.asti7 t6bin; or ra7eDay:
Identify 7ond67tors for si;na. o<er.ap phase as spe7ified for <ehi7.e si;na.s in the tab.e tit.ed ECond67tor
Permanent.y identify 7ond67tors by f6n7tion: P.a7e identifi7ation on ea7h 7ond67tor or ea7h ;ro6p of
7ond67tors formin; a si;na. phase at ea7h p6.. bo3 and near the end of the 7ond67tors:
Labe.) ta;) or band 7ond67tors by me7hani7a. methods: Identifi7ation m6st not mo<e a.on; the
>--2.0?C C0''e(/0r %'1 Term#'%&
Conne7tors and termina.s m6st be !L, or NRTL,.isted 7rimp type: !se a man6fa7t6rer,re7ommended too.
for 7onne7tors and termina.s to Ioin 7ond67tors: Comp.y Dith IL,T,5$2+:
Terminate stranded 7ond67tors than No: #4 in 7rimp sty.e termina. .6;s:
>--2.0?D S6&#(#'8 %'1 Term#'%/#0'
Sp.i7es are a..oDed for:
#: =ro6nded 7ond67tors in a p6.. bo3:
2: Pedestrian p6sh b6tton 7ond67tors in a p6.. bo3:
-: Cond67tors in a p6.. bo3 adIa7ent to ea7h e.e7tro.ier or .6minaire:
4: !n;ro6nded traffi7 si;na. 7ond67tors in a p6.. bo3) if traffi7 si;na.s are modified:
*: !n;ro6nded traffi7 si;na. 7ond67tors to a termina. 7ompartment or a si;na. head on a standard Dith
7ond67tors of the same phase in the p6.. bo3 adIa7ent to the standard:
0: !n;ro6nded .i;htin; 7ir76it 7ond67tors in a p6.. bo3) if .i;htin; 7ir76its are modified:
>--2.0?E S6&#(e I'"&%/#0'
&o6 may 6se E?eat,shrink t6bin;E or Eethod "E to ins6.ate sp.i7es:
Sp.i7e m6st f6n7tion 6nder 7ontin6o6s s6bmersion in Dater:
6.ti,7ond67tor 7ab.e m6st be sp.i7ed and ins6.ated to form a Daterti;ht Ioint and to pre<ent moist6re
absorption by the 7ab.e:
LoD,<o.ta;e tape m6st be:
#: !L or NRTL .isted
2: Se.f f6sin;) oi. and f.ame,resistant) syntheti7 r6bber
-: P(C) press6re,sensiti<e adhesi<e of 0 mi.s minim6m thi7kness
Ins6.atin; pad m6st be a 7ombination of an +%,mi.s thi7k e.e7tri7a. ;rade P(C .aminate and a #2%,mi.s
thi7k b6ty. sp.i7in; 7ompo6nd Dith remo<ab.e .iner:
?eat,shrink t6bin; m6st 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin;:
#: "e medi6m or hea<y Da.. thi7kness) irradiated po.yo.efin t6bin; Dith an adhesi<e masti7 inner Da..:
2: "efore 7ontra7tion) minim6m Da.. thi7kness m6st be 4% mi.s:
-: Comp.y Dith reG6irements for e3tr6ded ins6.ated t6bin; at 0%% (/a71 in !L Standard 40+D and ANSI
C##$:#) and the reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
He%/-S7r#'; T".#'8 Re!"#reme'/
Shrinka;e ratio -- per7ent) ma3im6m) of s6pp.ied diameter Dhen
heated to #2* ]C and a..oDed to 7oo. to 2* ]C
-*% k( per in7h) minim6m
Resisti<ity 2*
h per in7h) minim6m
Tensi.e stren;th 2)%%% psi) minim6m
,4% ]C to $% ]C /#-* ]C in emer;en7y1
8ater absorption %:* per7ent) ma3im6m
Ins6.ate sp.i7es 6sin; E?eat,shrink t6bin;E by performin; the fo..oDin;:
#: Comp.ete.y 7o<er the sp.i7e area Dith e.e7tri7a. ins6.atin; 7oatin; and a..oD to dry:
2: ?eat as re7ommended by the man6fa7t6rer: Do not perform open,f.ame heatin;:
-: 8hen heated) the inner Da.. m6st me.t and fi.. 7re<i7es and intersti7es of the 7o<ered obIe7t and the
o6ter Da.. m6st shrink to form a Daterproof ins6.ation:
4: After 7ontra7tion) ea7h end of the heat,shrink t6bin; or the open end of end 7ap of heat,shrink t6bin;
m6st o<er.ap the 7ond67tor ins6.ation at .east #,#92 in7hes:
*: If - or more 7ond67tors are to be en7.osed in # sp.i7e) p.a7e masti7 aro6nd ea7h 7ond67tor before
p.a7in; inside t6bin;: !se masti7 type re7ommended by heat,shrink t6bin; man6fa7t6rer:
0: Co<er entire sp.i7e Dith e.e7tri7a. ins6.atin; 7oatin; and a..oD to dry:
Ins6.ate sp.i7es 6sin; Eethod "E by performin; the fo..oDin;:
#: Comp.ete.y 7o<er the sp.i7e area Dith e.e7tri7a. ins6.atin; 7oatin; and a..oD to dry:
2: App.y 2 .ayers of e.e7tri7a. ins6.atin; pad Dith a minim6m thi7kness of #9+ in7h ea7h .ayer or 2 .ayers
of ha.f .apped .oD <o.ta;e tape:
-: App.y - .ayers of ha.f .apped po.y<iny. 7h.oride tape:
4: Co<er entire sp.i7e Dith e.e7tri7a. ins6.atin; 7oatin; and a..oD to dry:
!se at .east 2 thi7knesses of e.e7tri7a. ins6.atin; pad: App.y pad to sp.i7e as re7ommended by the
>--2.0?F F"e1 S6&#(e C0''e(/0r
Insta.. a f6sed dis7onne7t sp.i7e 7onne7tor in ea7h 6n;ro6nded 7ond67tor) betDeen the .ine and the
ba..ast) in the p6.. bo3 adIa7ent to ea7h .6minaire: Conne7tor m6st be a77essib.e in the p6.. bo3:
For 24% and 4+% (/a71 7ir76its) ea7h 7onne7tor m6st sim6.taneo6s.y dis7onne7t both 6n;ro6nded
7ond67tors: Conne7tor m6st not ha<e e3posed meta. parts e37ept for the head of the stain.ess stee.
assemb.y s7reD: Re7ess the head of the stain.ess stee. assemb.y s7reD a minim6m of #9-2 in7h be.oD
the top of the p.asti7 boss that s6rro6nds the head:
Sp.i7e 7onne7tor m6st prote7t the f6se from Dater or Deather dama;e: Conta7t betDeen the f6se and
f6seho.der m6st be sprin; .oaded: Sp.i7e 7onne7tor termina.s m6st be:
#: Ri;id.y 7rimped) 6sin; a too. re7ommended by the man6fa7t6rer of the f6sed sp.i7e 7onne7tor) onto
6n;ro6nded 7ond67tors
2: Ins6.ated
-: 8aterti;ht
F6ses m6st be standard mid;et ferr6.e type) Dith ENon,Time,De.ayE feat6re) and #-9-2 by #,#92 in7hes:
Se76re a.. meta..i7 7omponents) me7hani7a..y and e.e7tri7a..y) to form a 7ontin6o6s system that is
effe7ti<e.y ;ro6nded:
"ondin; I6mper m6st be 7opper Dire or 7opper braid of the same 7ross se7tiona. area as a No: + or .ar;er
to mat7h the .oad: EG6ipment ;ro6ndin; 7ond67tors m6st be 7o.or 7oded as spe7ified in NEC or be bare:
Atta7h bondin; I6mper to the standard as shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
B0'1#'8 E"m6er A//%(7me'/
Standard type ReG6irements
Standard Dith
handho.e and
traffi7 p6.. bo3
.id 7o<er
!se !L,.isted .6; and -9#0,in7h diameter or .ar;er brass
or bronHe bo.t: R6n a I6mper to the 7ond6it or bondin;
Dire in adIa7ent p6.. bo3: =ro6ndin; I6mper m6st be
<isib.e after the standard is insta..ed and mortar pad is
p.a7ed on fo6ndation:
!se !L,.isted ;ro6nd 7.amp on ea7h an7hor bo.t:
S.ip base
!se !L,.isted ;ro6nd 7.amp on ea7h an7hor bo.t or
atta7h !L,.isted .6; to bottom s.ip base p.ate Dith -9#0,
in7h diameter or .ar;er brass or bronHe bo.t:
=ro6nd # side of the se7ondary 7ir76it of step,doDn transformer:
=ro6nd meta. 7ond6it) ser<i7e eG6ipment) and ;ro6nded 7ond67tor at the ser<i7e point as spe7ified by
NEC and ser<i7e 6ti.ity) e37ept ;ro6ndin; e.e7trode 7ond67tor m6st be No: 0 or .ar;er:
EG6ipment bondin; and ;ro6ndin; 7ond67tors are reG6ired in 7ond6its: R6n a No: + minim6m bare
7opper Dire 7ontin6o6s.y in a 7ond6it system: The bondin; Dire m6st be siHed as spe7ified in the NEC:
=ro6nd e.e7trode m6st be:
#: # pie7e
2: #%,foot minim6m .en;th of one of the fo..oDin;:
2:#: =a.<aniHed stee. rod or pipe not .ess than -94 in7h in diameter
2:2: Copper stee. rod not .ess than *9+ in7h in diameter
-: Insta..ed as spe7ified in NEC
4: "onded to ser<i7e eG6ipment 6sin; one of the fo..oDin;:
4:#: =ro6nd 7.amp
4:2: E3othermi7 De.d
4:-: No: 0 or .ar;er 7opper 7ond67tor
On Dood po.e) meta..i7 eG6ipment mo6nted .ess than + feet abo<e ;ro6nd s6rfa7e m6st be ;ro6nded:
"ond meta..i7 7ond6it in nonmeta..i7 p6.. bo3 6sin; bondin; b6shin; or bondin; I6mper:
"ond meta..i7 7ond6it in meta. p6.. bo3 6sin; bondin; b6shin;s and bondin; I6mpers 7onne7ted to
bondin; Dire r6nnin; in the 7ond6it system:
>--2.11 SERVICE
>--2.11A Ge'er%&
E.e7tri7a. ser<i7e insta..ation and materia.s m6st 7omp.y Dith ser<i7e 6ti.ity reG6irements:
If ser<i7e eG6ipment is to be insta..ed on a 6ti.ity,oDned po.e) yo6 m6st f6rnish and insta.. 7ond6it)
7ond67tors) and other ne7essary materia. to 7omp.ete the ser<i7e insta..ation: The ser<i7e 6ti.ity Di..
de7ide the riser and eG6ipment position:
Insta.. ser<i7e eG6ipment ear.y on to a..oD ser<i7e 6ti.ity to s7hed6.e its Dork before proIe7t 7omp.etion:
F6rnish ea7h ser<i7e Dith a 7ir76it breaker that sim6.taneo6s.y dis7onne7ts a.. 6n;ro6nded ser<i7e
entran7e 7ond67tors:
Cir76it breakers m6st:
#: "e G6i7k,break on either a6tomati7 or man6a. operation
2: ?a<e operatin; me7hanism that is en7.osed and tripfree from operatin; hand.e on o<er.oad
-: "e trip indi7atin;
4: ?a<e frame siHe p.ain.y marked
*: ?a<e trip ratin; 7.ear.y marked on operatin; hand.e
0: ?a<e o<er.oad trippin; of breakers not inf.6en7ed by ambient temperat6re ran;e of ,#+ to *% de;rees
5: "e interna. trip type
+: "e !L or NRTL .isted and 7omp.y Dith !L 4+$ or eG6a.
$: ?a<e minim6m interr6ptin; 7apa7ity of #%)%%% A) rms) if 6sed as ser<i7e dis7onne7t
Ser<i7e eG6ipment en7.os6re m6st be a NEA -R en7.os6re Dith a dead,front pane. and a hasp Dith a
59#0,in7h ho.e for a pad.o7k: En7.os6re m6st be fie.d marked as spe7ified in the NEC to Darn G6a.ified
persons of potentia. e.e7tri7 ar7 f.ash haHards:
Ser<i7e eG6ipment en7.os6re) e37ept Types II and III) m6st be ;a.<aniHed or ha<e a fa7tory,app.ied r6st,
resistant prime 7oat and finish 7oat:
Types II and III ser<i7e eG6ipment en7.os6res m6st be man6fa7t6red from one of the fo..oDin;:
#: =a.<aniHed sheet stee.
2: Sheet stee. p.ated Dith Hin7 or 7admi6m after man6fa7t6rin;
-: A.6min6m
an6fa7t6re ser<i7e eG6ipment en7.os6re as spe7ified in se7tion +0,-:%4A: O<er.appin; e3terior seams
and doors m6st 7omp.y Dith reG6irements for NEA -R en7.os6res in the NEA En7.os6re Standards:
If an a.ternati<e desi;n is proposed for Type II or III ser<i7e eG6ipment en7.os6re) s6bmit p.ans and shop
draDin;s to the En;ineer for a6thoriHation before man6fa7t6rin;:
E37ept for fa.seDork .i;htin; and poDer for yo6r a7ti<ities) Dhen yo6 s6bmit a Dritten reG6est) the
En;ineer Di.. arran;e:
#: 8ith the ser<i7e 6ti.ity to 7omp.ete ser<i7e 7onne7tions for permanent insta..ations and the
Department Di.. pay a.. 7osts and fees reG6ired by the ser<i7e 6ti.ity: S6bmit reG6est at .east #* days
before ser<i7e 7onne7tions are reG6ired:
2: For f6rnishin; e.e7tri7a. ener;y: Ener;y 6sed before Contra7t 7omp.etion Di.. be 7har;ed to yo6)
e37ept 7ost of ener;y 6sed for p6b.i7 benefit as ordered Di.. be paid by the Department or .o7a.
Payment for f6rnishin; and; Department,oDned or permanent ser<i7e ser<i7e eG6ipment)
7ond6it) 7ond67tors) and p6.. bo3es) in7.6din; eG6ipment) 7ond6it) and 7ond67tors p.a7ed on 6ti.ity,oDned is in7.6ded in the payment for the of e.e7tri7a. Dork in<o.<ed:
If the ser<i7e point is indeterminate and is shoDn as Eappro3imate .o7ationE or Eser<i7e point not yet
estab.ished)E the .abor and materia.s reG6ired for makin; the 7onne7tion betDeen the ser<i7e point) Dhen
estab.ished) and the nearest p6.. bo3 shoDn is 7han;e order Dork:
>--2.11B E&e(/r#( Ser$#(e 40r Irr#8%/#0'
>--2.11C B00/er P"m6 E&e(/r#(%& S3/em
>--2.12 AOOD POLES
8ood m6st 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin;:
#: C.ass * or .ar;er as spe7ified in ANSI O *:#
2: Less than #+%,de;ree tDist in ;rain o<er the f6.. .en;th
-: 4,in7h or .ess sDeep
4: "e<e.ed top
*: P.a7ed in ;ro6nd at .east 0 feet
0: Len;th m6st be:
0:#: 2* feet for ser<i7e po.e
0:2: -* feet for others
After fabri7ation) press6re,treat po.e 6nder se7tion *5,2:%#"/-1 and A8PA !#) !se Cate;ory !C4")
Commodity Spe7ifi7ation D:
Treat po.e Dith Daterborne Dood preser<ati<e if spe7ified:
After ea7h po.e is set in ;ro6nd) ba7kfi.. the spa7e aro6nd the po.e Dith se.e7ted earth or sand) free of
ro7ks and other de.eterio6s materia.) p.a7ed in 4,in7h,thi7k .ayers: oisten ea7h .ayer and thoro6;h.y
an6fa7t6re mast arm from standard pipe) free from b6rrs: Ea7h mast arm m6st ha<e an ins6.ated Dire and Dood po.e mo6ntin; bra7kets for the mast arm and tie,rod 7ross arm: an6fa7t6re tie rod from
str67t6ra. stee. and pipe:
o6nt mast arm for .6minaire to pro<ide a -4,foot mo6ntin; hei;ht for a 2%% 8 hi;h,press6re sodi6m
.6minaire and a 4%,foot mo6ntin; hei;ht for a -#% 8 hi;h,press6re sodi6m .6minaire: Traffi7 si;na.s and
f.ashin; bea7ons on the mast arm m6st pro<ide a minim6m <erti7a. 7.earan7e of #5 feet from bottom of
eG6ipment to pa<ement:
En7.os6re for the 7ir76it breaker for .i;htin; and si;n i..6mination 7ontro. m6st:
#: "e NEA -R
2: "e ;a.<aniHed) 7admi6m p.ated) or poDder 7oated
-: In7.6de dead front pane. and a hasp Dith a 59#0,in7h,diameter ho.e for pad.o7k
>--2.1+ TESTING
>--2.1+A M%/er#%& Te/#'8
De.i<er materia. and eG6ipment to be tested to either the ETS or a testin; .o7ation as ordered:
A..oD -% days for a77eptan7e testin; from the time materia. or eG6ipment is de.i<ered to test site: &o6
m6st pay for a.. shippin;);) and re.ated transportation 7osts asso7iated Dith testin;: If eG6ipment
is reIe7ted) yo6 m6st a..oD -% days for retestin;: Retestin; period starts Dhen 7orre7ted eG6ipment is
de.i<ered to test site: &o6 m6st pay for a.. retestin; 7osts:
If eG6ipment s6bmitted for testin; does not 7omp.y Dith spe7ifi7ations) remo<e the eG6ipment Dithin *
b6siness days after notifi7ation that the eG6ipment is reIe7ted: If eG6ipment is not remo<ed Dithin that
period) it may be shipped to yo6 at yo6r e3pense:
8hen testin; is 7omp.ete) yo6 Di.. be notified: &o6 m6st pi7k 6p the eG6ipment at the test site and de.i<er
it to the Iob site:
Testin; and G6a.ity 7ontro. pro7ed6res for a.. other traffi7 si;na. assemb.ies m6st 7omp.y Dith
NEA TS Standards for Traffi7 Contro. Systems:
>--2.1+B F#e&1 Te/#'8
"efore startin; f6n7tiona. testin;) perform the fo..oDin; tests in the presen7e of the En;ineer:
>--2.1+BB1C C0'/#'"#/3
Test ea7h 7ir76it for 7ontin6ity:
>--2.1+BB2C Gr0"'1
Test ea7h 7ir76it for ;ro6nds:
>--2.1+BB)C I'"&%/#0' Re#/%'(e
Perform ins6.ation resistan7e test at *%% (/d71 on ea7h 7ir76it betDeen the 7ir76it and a ;ro6nd:
Ins6.ation resistan7e m6st be #% h minim6m on a.. 7ir76its) e37ept for ind67ti<e .oop dete7tor 7ir76its
that m6st ha<e an ins6.ation resistan7e <a.6e at .east #%% h:
>--2.1+C F"'(/#0'%& Te/#'8
Test periods m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion +0,#:%5:
A77eptan7e of neD or modified traffi7 si;na. Di.. be made on.y after a.. traffi7 si;na. 7ir76its ha<e been
thoro6;h.y tested:
Perform f6n7tiona. test to shoD that ea7h part of the system f6n7tions as spe7ified:
F6n7tiona. test for ea7h neD or modified system m6st in7.6de at .east * b6siness days of 7ontin6o6s)
satisfa7tory operation: If 6nsatisfa7tory performan7e of the system o776rs) the 7ondition m6st be
7orre7ted and the system retested 6nti. the * b6siness days of 7ontin6o6s) satisfa7tory operation is
E37ept for neD or modified parts of e3istin; .i;htin; 7ir76it and si;n i..6mination system) the Department
or .o7a. a;en7y Di.. maintain the system d6rin; test period and pay the e.e7tri7a. ener;y 7ost: E37ept for
e.e7tri7a. ener;y) yo6 m6st pay the 7ost of ne7essary maintenan7e performed by the Department or .o7a.
a;en7y on neD 7ir76its or on the portions of e3istin; 7ir76its modified 6nder the Contra7t:
Sh6tdoDn of e.e7tri7a. system 7a6sed by traffi7) a poDer interr6ption) or 6nsatisfa7tory performan7e of
Department,f6rnished materia.s does not 7onstit6te dis7ontin6ity of the f6n7tiona. test:
=a.<aniHe 6nder se7tion 5*,#:%*: Cabinet materia. may be ;a.<aniHed before fabri7ation as spe7ified in
AST A 0*-90*-) Coatin; Desi;nation = $%:
Stee. pipe standard and mast arm m6st be hot,dip ;a.<aniHed after man6fa7t6rin; and m6st 7omp.y Dith
se7tion 5*,#:%*: Remo<e spikes from ;a.<aniHed s6rfa7es:
A minim6m of #% in7hes of 6pper end of an7hor bo.ts) an7hor bars or st6ds) and n6ts and Dashers m6st
be ;a.<aniHed as spe7ified in se7tion 5*,#:%*:
After ;a.<aniHin;) bo.t threads m6st a77ept ;a.<aniHed standard n6ts Ditho6t reG6irin; too.s or 7a6sin;
remo<a. of prote7ti<e 7oatin;s:
=a.<aniHin; e3istin; materia.s in an e.e7tri7a. insta..ation Di.. not be reG6ired:
>--2.1- PAINTING
Paint e.e7tri7a. eG6ipment and materia. and 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin;:
#: !se paint materia. spe7ified in se7tion $#:
2: Fa7tory or shop 7.eanin; methods for meta.s are a77eptab.e if eG6a. to the methods spe7ified:
-: Instead of the temperat6re and seasona. restri7tions for paintin; as spe7ified in se7tion *$) for
e.e7tri7a. insta..ations) paint may be app.ied to eG6ipment and materia.s at any time the En;ineer
4: !n;a.<aniHed ferro6s s6rfa7e to be painted m6st be 7.eaned before app.yin; the prime 7oat: ".ast
7.eanin; is not reG6ired:
*: If an a6thoriHed prime 7oat is app.ied by the man6fa7t6rer) and in ;ood 7ondition) the #st primer
app.i7ation is not reG6ired:
0: E3istin; eG6ipment to be painted in the fie.d) in7.6din; Department,f6rnished eG6ipment) m6st be
Dashed Dith a stiff brist.e br6sh 6sin; a so.6tion of Dater 7ontainin; 2 tab.espoons of hea<y d6ty
deter;ent poDder per ;a..on: After rinsin;) s6rfa7e m6st be Dire br6shed Dith a 7oarse) 76p,shaped)
poDer,dri<en br6sh to remo<e bad.y bonded paint) r6st) s7a.e) 7orrosion) ;rease) or dirt: D6st or
resid6e remainin; after Dire br6shin; m6st be remo<ed before primin;:
5: Do not paint ;a.<aniHed meta. ;6ard post) ;a.<aniHed eG6ipment) Department,f6rnished
7abinet) and Dood po.e for traffi7 si;na. or f.ashin; bea7on:
+: NeD ;a.<aniHed meta. s6rfa7e to be painted in the fie.d m6st be 7.eaned as spe7ified for e3istin;
eG6ipment before app.yin; the prime 7oat: Do not Dire br6sh neD ;a.<aniHed s6rfa7e:
$: After ere7tion) e3amine e3terior s6rfa7e for dama;ed primer) 7.ean) and spot 7oat Dith primer:
#%: Paint Types II and III stee. ser<i7e eG6ipment en7.os6res Dith a po.ymeri7 or an ename. 7oatin;
system mat7hin; 7o.or no: #4052) of FED,STD,*$*: Coatin; m6st be 7ommer7ia..y smooth and free
of f.oD .ines) paint Dasho6t) streaks) b.isters) and other defe7ts that Do6.d impair ser<i7eabi.ity or
detra7t from ;enera. appearan7e: Coatin; m6st 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin;
Property ReG6irements
Finish m6st ha<e pen7i. .ead hardness of ?")
minim6m) Dhen tested 6nder AST D --0-:
Sa.t spray
!nder76ttin; 7oatin; systemFs fi.m m6st not
e37eed #9+ in7h a<era;e) from .ines s7ored
dia;ona..y and deep eno6;h to e3pose the base
meta.) after --0 ho6rs of e3pos6re in a sa.t spray
7abinet 7omp.yin; Dith AST " ##5:
Adheren7e 6st not ha<e 7oatin; .oss Dhen tested 6nder
Ca.ifornia Test 04*: Perform testin; by app.yin;
7oatin; to 4E 3 +E 3 %:%24E test spe7imens of the
same materia. as the 7abinet) 6sin; the same
app.i7ation method:
##: Finish interior of meta. si;na. <isor) .o6<er) and front fa7e of ba7kp.ates Dith 2 app.i7ations of
.6ster.ess b.a7k e3terior ;rade .ate3 paint form6.ated for app.i7ation to proper.y prepared meta.
s6rfa7e: =ood 7ondition fa7tory finish Di.. be a77eptab.e:
#2: Finish meta. si;na. se7tion) si;na. head mo6ntin;) bra7kets and fittin;s) o6tside of <isor) pedestrian
p6sh b6tton ho6sin;) pedestrian si;na. se7tion and <isor) and ba7k fa7e of ba7k p.ate Dith 2
app.i7ations of .6ster.ess b.a7k or dark o.i<e ;reen e3terior ;rade .ate3 paint form6.ated for app.i7ation
to proper.y prepared meta. s6rfa7e: at7h 7o.or to 7o.or 7hip no: 0+ fi.ed at ETS:
#-: Prepare and finish 7ond6it and 7ond6it fittin; abo<e ;ro6nd the same as adIa7ent standard or post:
#4: Re.o7ated) reset) or modified eG6ipment pre<io6s.y finished 6nder this se7tion) e37ept for pre<io6s.y,
finished ;a.<aniHed standard Dith traffi7 si;na. ye..oD ename.) m6st be ;i<en a spot finishin;
app.i7ation on neD.y primed areas and # finishin; app.i7ation o<er the entire s6rfa7e: If the si;na. fa7e
or mo6ntin; bra7kets are reG6ired to be painted 6nder this se7tion) a.. si;na. fa7es and mo6ntin;
bra7kets on the same mo6ntin; m6st be repainted:
#*: Sma.. r6sted or repaired areas of re.o7ated or reset ;a.<aniHed eG6ipment m6st be 7.eaned and
painted as spe7ified in se7tion 5*,#:%* for repairin; dama;ed ;a.<aniHed s6rfa7es:
#0: Sten7i. eG6ipment n6mber neat.y on the standard or adIa7ent str67t6re: Obtain n6mber from the
#5: Perform paintin; neat.y: The En;ineer reser<es the ri;ht to reG6ire 6se of br6shes if the Dork
performed by a paint sprayin; ma7hine is 6nsatisfa7tory:
>--2.12 RESERVED
P.a7e n6mbers and ed;e sea.ers on the eG6ipment as ordered:
8here<er neD n6mbers are to be p.a7ed on e3istin; or re.o7ated eG6ipment) remo<e the e3istin;
App.y ref.e7ti<e n6mbers to a 7.ean s6rfa7e: On.y treat the ed;es of the n6mbers Dith an ed;e
P.a7e *,di;it) se.f,adhesi<e eG6ipment n6mbers on a.. e.e7tro.iers) soffit .i;htin;) si;n .i;htin;) and ser<i7e
pedesta.s as shoDn: On ser<i7e pedesta.s) p.a7e the n6mbers on the front door:
P.a7e n6mbers for i..6minated si;ns mo6nted on o<er7rossin;s or for soffit .6minaires on the nearest
adIa7ent bent or ab6tment at appro3imate.y the same station as the si;n or soffit .6minaire: 8here no
bent or ab6tment e3ists near the si;n or soffit .6minaire) p.a7e the n6mber on the 6nderside of the
str67t6re adIa7ent to the si;n or soffit .6minaire: Arran;ement of n6mbers m6st be the same as those
6sed for e.e7tro.iers:
P.a7e the n6mbers for o<erhead si;n brid;es on both posts:
N6mbers for Dood m6st be -,in7h embossed a.6min6m fastened to the po.e Dith #,#94,in7h
a.6min6m nai.s:
>--).01A Ge'er%&
ode. #5%E and ode. 2%5% assemb.ies) spe7ified as a ode. #5%E92%5% assemb.y)
7onsists of a ode. #5%E or 2%5% 6nit) a Dired 7abinet) and a.. a63i.iary eG6ipment reG6ired to
7ontro. the system:
>--).01B De6%r/me'/-F"r'#7e1 C0'/r0&&er Aem.&#e
The ode. #5%E9 2%5% assemb.y) e37.6din; an7hor bo.ts) is Department f6rnished:
Constr67t 7abinet fo6ndation as shoDn for ode. --2L and --4L 7abinets) in7.6din; f6rnishin;
and; an7hor bo.ts) insta.. the 7abinet on the fo6ndation) and make fie.d Dirin;
7onne7tions to the termina. b.o7k in the 7abinet:
A .istin; of fie.d 7ond67tor terminations for ea7h Department,f6rnished 7abinet Di.. be pro<ided
to yo6 at the Iob site:
The Department Di.. maintain the assemb.ies:
>--).02A Ge'er%&
>--).02AB1C S"mm%r3
This Dork in7.6des; and; a ""S: Comp.y Dith TEES:
The Department Di.. f6rnish the ""S 7omponents .isted in se7tion 0,2:%-:
>--).02AB2C S".m#//%&
"efore shippin; e3terna. 7abinets to the Iob site) s6bmit a materia. .ist in7.6din; Contra7t n6mber) 7abinet
seria. n6mbers) and 7onta7t information to ETS:
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e for ea7h e3terna. 7abinet and batteries:
>--).02AB)C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
The Department may test the e3terna. 7abinets:
After 7omp.ete insta..ation) perform ""S f6n7tiona. testin;: Test for -% min6tes of 7ontin6o6s) satisfa7tory
operation Dith 6ti.ity poDer t6rned off: Perform the test in the presen7e of the En;ineer:
"atteries m6st be Darranted by the man6fa7t6rer for 2 years to operate Dithin a temperat6re ran;e of ,2*
to Y0% de;rees C:
>--).02B M%/er#%&
"atteries m6st:
#: "e deep 7y7.e) sea.ed) prismati7) .ead,7a.7i6m based) absorbed ;.ass mat) <a.<e,re;6.ated .ead,a7id
2: ?a<e a #2 ( <o.ta;e ratin;
-: "e ;ro6p siHe 24
4: "e 7ommer7ia..y a<ai.ab.e and sto7ked .o7a..y
*: ?a<e a 7arryin; hand.e
0: "e marked Dith a date 7ode) ma3im6m re7har;e data) and re7har;e
5: ?a<e 2 top,mo6nted threaded,st6d posts that in7.6de a.. Dashers and n6ts reG6ired for atta7hin; -9+,
in7h rin; .6;s of a Department,f6rnished ""S battery harness
+: In7.6de r6bber ins6.atin; prote7ti<e 7o<ers for prote7tin; the .6;s) posts) and Dirin;: red for positi<e
termina. and b.a7k for ne;ati<e termina.
$: "e neD and f6..y 7har;ed Dhen f6rnished
#%: "e free from dama;e or deformities
E3terna. 7abinet m6st be one .isted on the A6thoriHed ateria. List:
Dimensions and detai.s for the e3terna. 7abinet) for atta7hin; the e3terna. 7abinet to the ode. --2L
7abinet) and for Dirin; the Department,f6rnished eG6ipment Di.. be a<ai.ab.e in an "nformation #andout as
spe7ified in se7tion 2,#:%0" or as shoDn:
The fo..oDin; detai.s m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion +0,-:%4 and TEES:
#: Door 7onstr67tion) in7.6din; materia.) thi7kness) 7oatin;) and De.ds
2: Frame
-: Door sea.s
4: Contin6o6s stain.ess stee. piano hin;e or 4 .ea<es Dith 2 bo.ts on ea7h side of ea7h .eaf 6sed to
7onne7t the door to the e3terna. 7abinet
*: Pad.o7k 7.asp or .at7h and .o7k me7hanism
The e3terna. 7abinet m6st be <enti.ated by 6sin; .o6<ered <ents) a fi.ter) and a thermostati7a..y 7ontro..ed
fan: Fan m6st be AC operated from the same .ine o6tp6t as the ode. --2L 7abinet: A 2,position termina.
b.o7k m6st be pro<ided on the fan pane. a.on; Dith #% feet of 7onne7ted hook6p Dire:
The e3terna. 7abinet s6rfa7e m6st be anodiHed a.6min6m: Do not 6se anti,;raffiti paint:
The e3terna. 7abinet m6st in7.6de a.. bo.ts) Dashers) n6ts) and 7abinet,to,7abinet fittin;s
ne7essary for mo6ntin; it to the ode. --2L 7abinet:
Fasteners for the e3terna. 7abinet m6st in7.6de:
#: Fo6r #+,+ stain.ess stee. he3 head) f6..y,threaded) -9+E B #0 3 #E 7abinet mo6ntin; bo.ts
2: 2 Dashers per bo.t desi;ned for #+,+ stain.ess stee.) #,in7h OD ro6nd) -9+,in7h,type bo.t
-: ',.o7k n6t per bo.t 7onsistin; of #+,+ stain.ess stee. ',.o7k Dasher and a he3,n6t
E3terna. 7abinet to ode. --2L 7abinet;s m6st in7.6de a 7ond6it for poDer 7onne7tions betDeen
the 2 7abinets:;s m6st in7.6de:
#: 2,in7h ny.on,ins6.ated stee. 7hase nipp.e) T N " #$45 or eG6i<a.ent
2: 2,in7h;) stee. .o7kn6t) T N " #40SL or eG6i<a.ent
-: 2,in7h ny.on,ins6.ated stee. b6shin;) T N " #225 or eG6i<a.ent
>--).02C C0'/r"(/#0'
o6nt e3terna. 7abinet to the ri;ht side of the ode. --2L 7abinet: The typi7a. side,mo6ntin; .o7ation of
the e3terna. 7abinet is f.6sh Dith the bottom of the ode. --2L 7abinet and appro3imate.y eG6idistant from
the front and rear door ed;es:
>--).02D P%3me'/
>--).0) RESERVED
>--).0+ CONTROLLER CABINETS assemb.y mode.s other than ode. #5%E92%5% m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion +0,-:%4:
>--).0+A C%.#'e/ C0'/r"(/#0'
Cabinet m6st be Daterti;ht and the top 7roDned #92 in7h or s.anted toDard the ba7k to pre<ent standin;
Cabinet and door m6st be man6fa7t6red from one of the fo..oDin;:
#: %:%5-,in7h,minim6m,thi7kness 7o.d,ro..ed stee. Dith 7ontin6o6s.y,De.ded e3terior seams
2: %:%5-,in7h,minim6m,thi7kness stain.ess stee. Dith o<er.appin; e3terior seams 7omp.yin; Dith Type 4
en7.os6res of the NEA En7.os6re Standards
-: %:#2*,in7h minim6m thi7kness a.6min6m Dith 7ontin6o6s.y,De.ded e3terior seams
E3terior De.ds m6st be ;ro6nd smooth and ed;es fi.ed to a radi6s of at .east %:%- in7h:
Cabinet man6fa7t6red from 7o.d,ro..ed stee. m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion +0,2:#0 and the fo..oDin;:
#: Cabinet m6st be finished Dith a po.ymeri7 or an ename. 7oatin; system mat7hin; 7o.or no: #4052 of
2: Cabinet m6st not ha<e a 7oatin; .oss Dhen tDo 4,by,+,in7h test spe7imens of the same materia. and
7oatin; as the 7abinet are tested: TDo $,in7h dia;ona. s7rat7hes e3posin; bare meta. Di.. be made on
the spe7imen: Soak the spe7imen in deminera.iHed Dater for #$2 ho6rs: Ti;ht.y affi3 a #,in7h Dide
strip of maskin; tape to the s6rfa7e and remo<e Dith one G6i7k motion: Spe7imen shoDin; e<iden7e
of b.isterin;) softenin;) or; of paint or 7oatin; from the base meta. Di.. be reIe7ted: Testin;
m6st 7omp.y Dith Ca.ifornia Test 04*) e37ept the #+%,de;ree bend test is not reG6ired:
-: eta. m6st be prepared by the -,step) iron,phosphate 7on<ersion 7oatin; bonderiHin; te7hniG6e:
4: Inside Da..s) doors) and; of the ho6sin; m6st be the same as the o6tside finish:
Cabinet man6fa7t6red from stain.ess stee. m6st 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin;:
#: !se annea.ed or G6arter,hard stain.ess stee. spe7ified in AST A 000) Type -%4) =rades A or ":
2: !se the ;as t6n;sten ar7 De.din; pro7ess Dith bare stain.ess stee. De.din; e.e7trodes: E.e7trodes
m6st 7omp.y Dith A8S A*:$ for ER-%+9ER-%+?:
-: Pro7ed6res) De.der) and De.din; operator m6st 7omp.y Dith reG6irements and pra7ti7es
re7ommended in A8S C*:*:
4: =ro6nd or br6sh e3posed e3terior s6rfa7es of stain.ess stee. 7abinet to a 2* to *%,mi7roin7h finish
6sin; iron,free abrasi<es or stain.ess stee. br6shes:
*: After ;rindin; or br6shin;) 7abinet m6st not shoD r6st dis7o.oration Dhen:
*:#: E3posed for 4+ ho6rs in a sa.t spray 7abinet as spe7ified in AST " ##5:
*:2: E3posed for 24 ho6rs in a tap Dater spray 7abinet Dith the Dater temperat6re betDeen -+ and
4* de;rees C:
0: After the test) 7abinet shoDin; r6st dis7o.oration anyDhere on its s6rfa7e Di.. be reIe7ted: ReIe7ted
7abinets may be 7.eaned) passi<ated) and res6bmitted for testin;:
Cabinet man6fa7t6red from a.6min6m sheet m6st 7omp.y Dith AST " 2%$ or " 2%$ for *%*2,?-2
a.6min6m sheet and the fo..oDin;:
#: !se the ;as meta. ar7 De.din; pro7ess Dith bare a.6min6m De.din; e.e7trodes: E.e7trodes m6st
7omp.y Dith A8S A*:#% C.ass ER*-*0:
2: Pro7ed6res) De.der) and De.din; operator for De.din; m6st 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements in A8S
"-:%) E8e.din; Pro7ed6re and Performan7e @6a.ifi7ation)E and to pra7ti7es re7ommended in A8S
-: S6rfa7e finish of ea7h a.6min6m 7abinet m6st 7omp.y Dith IL,A,+02* for a Type II) C.ass I 7oatin;
e37ept anodi7 7oatin; m6st ha<e a minim6m thi7kness of %:%%%5 in7h and a minim6m 7oatin; Dei;ht
of %:%%# o6n7e per sG6are in7h: The anodi7 7oatin; m6st be sea.ed in a * per7ent aG6eo6s so.6tion
of ni7ke. a7etate) p? *:% to 0:*) for #* min6tes at $5 de;rees C: "efore app.yin; anodi7 7oatin;) 7.ean
and et7h 7abinets 6sin; the steps be.oD:
-:#: C.ean by immersin; into an inhibited a.ka.ine 7.eaner s67h as Oakite 0#A) Di<ersey $%$) or
eG6a.) at 5# de;rees C for * min6tes: !se 0 to + o6n7es of 7.eaner per ;a..on of disti..ed Dater:
-:2: Rinse in 7o.d Dater:
-:-: Et7h in a so.6tion of #,#92 o6n7e of sodi6m f.6oride and 4 to 0 o6n7es of sodi6m hydro3ide per
;a..on of disti..ed Dater at 0% to 0* de;rees C for * min6tes:
-:4: Rinse in 7o.d Dater:
-:*: Immerse in *% per7ent by <o.6me nitri7 a7id so.6tion at room temperat6re for 2 min6tes:
-:0: Rinse in 7o.d Dater:
Cabinet m6st ha<e:
#: Sin;.e front door Dith:
#:#: 44,in7h ma3im6m door Didth:
#:2: Lo7k) Dhen 7.osed and .at7hed) is .o7ked:
#:-: Po.i7e pane. mo6nted on the door) eG6ipped Dith a keyed .o7k and 2 po.i7e keys: Ea7h po.i7e
key m6st ha<e a shaft at .east #,-94 in7h in .en;th:
2: D6st,ti;ht ;asketin; on a.. door openin;s) permanent.y bonded to the meta.: atin; s6rfa7e of the
;asketin; m6st be 7o<ered Dith si.i7one .6bri7ant to pre<ent sti7kin;:
-: ?and.e that:
-:#: A..oDs pad.o7kin; in 7.osed position
-:2: ?as a minim6m .en;th of 5 in7hes
-:-: ?as a *9+,in7h) minim6m) stee. shank
-:4: Is man6fa7t6red of 7ast a.6min6m or Hin7, or 7admi6m,p.ated stee.
4: Cabinet door frame Dith:
4:#: Lat7hin; me7hanism that:
4:#:#: ?o.ds tension on and forms a firm sea. betDeen the door ;asketin; and frame:
4:#:2: Is a -,point 7abinet .at7h Dith ny.on ro..ers that ha<e a minim6m diameter of -94 in7h
and eG6ipped Dith ba.. bearin;s:
4:#:-: ?as a 7enter 7at7h and a p6shrod made of Hin7, or 7admi6m,p.ated stee.: P6shrod
m6st be at .east #94 by -94 in7h and t6rned ed;eDise at the o6ter s6pports: Cadmi6m
p.atin; m6st 7omp.y Dith IL,@@,4#0: Ain7 p.atin; m6st 7omp.y Dith IL,@@,-2*:
4:2: ?in;in; that:
4:2:#: ?as -,bo.t b6tt hin;es) ea7h ha<in; a stain.ess stee. fi3ed pin: ?in;es m6st be
stain.ess stee. or may be a.6min6m for an a.6min6m 7abinet:
4:2:2: Is bo.ted or De.ded to the 7abinet: ?in;e pins and bo.ts m6st not be a77essib.e Dhen
the door is 7.osed:
4:2:-: ?as a 7at7h to ho.d the door open at $% and #+% de;rees) Z #% de;rees) if a door is
.ar;er than 22 in7hes in Didth or 0 sG6are feet in area: Cat7h m6st be at .east a -9+,
in7h,diameter) stain.ess,stee.,p.ated rod 7apab.e of ho.din; the door open at $%
de;rees in a 0% mph Dind at an an;.e to the p.ane of the door:
*: Lo7k that:
*:#: Is brass) 0,pin rim type
*:2: ?as re7tan; sprin;,.oaded bo.ts
*:-: Is .eft hand and ri;id.y mo6nted Dith stain.ess stee. ma7hine s7reDs appro3imate.y 2 in7hes
*:4: E3tends #9+ to -9+ in7h beyond the o6tside s6rfa7e of door
0: 2 keys remo<ab.e in the .o7ked and 6n.o7ked positions:
S6bmit a.ternati<e desi;n detai.s for re<ieD and appro<a. before man6fa7t6rin; a 7abinet:
!se meta. she.<es or bra7kets that Di.. s6pport 6nit and a63i.iary eG6ipment:
a7hine s7reDs and bo.ts m6st not protr6de o6tside the 7abinet Da..:
>--).0+B C%.#'e/ Ve'/#&%/#0'
Ea7h 7abinet m6st ha<e:
#: + s7reened) #92 in7h diameter or .ar;er) rainti;ht <ent in the .oDer side or bottom of the 7abinet:
&o6 may 6se .o6<ered <ents Dith a permanent meta. mesh or a 4,p.y Do<en po.ypropy.ene air fi.ter
he.d firm.y in p.a7e) instead:
2: E.e7tri7 fan Dith ba.. or bearin;s and a 7apa7ity of at .east #%% 76bi7 feet per min6te: Fan m6st
be thermostati7a..y 7ontro..ed and man6a..y adI6stab.e to t6rn on betDeen -2 and 0* de;rees C Dith
a differentia. of not more than 0 de;rees C betDeen a6tomati7 t6rn on and t6rn off: The fan 7ir76it
m6st be f6sed at #2* per7ent of the ampa7ity of the insta..ed fan motor:
Fan and 7abinet <ent m6st be positioned to dire7t the b6.k of the airf.oD o<er the 6nit or
thro6;h the <enti.atin; of the 6nit:
>--).0+C C%.#'e/ A#r#'8
Cond67tors 6sed in the 7abinet Dirin; m6st:
#: "e neat.y arran;ed and .a7ed or en7.osed in a p.asti7 t6bin; or ra7eDay:
2: End Dith a proper.y,siHed 7apti<e, or sprin;,spade termina. or be so.dered to a thro6;h,pane. so.der
.6; on the ba7k side of the termina. b.o7k: App.y a 7rimp,sty.e 7onne7tor Dith the proper too. to
pre<ent openin; of the hand.e 6nti. the 7rimp is 7omp.eted: 7abinet m6st ha<e an eG6ipment,;ro6ndin; b6s bonded to the 7abinet and is 7onne7ted to the
system eG6ipment ;ro6ndin; 7ond67tor Dith a No: + or .ar;er ;ro6ndin; 7ond67tor:
8ith a.. 7abinet eG6ipment in p.a7e and 7onne7ted) the resistan7e betDeen the ;ro6nded termina. b6s
and the eG6ipment ;ro6ndin; b6s m6st be *% h) minim6m) Dhen meas6red Dith an app.ied <o.ta;e of
#*% (/d71:
If dire7t 76rrent is to be ;ro6nded) 7onne7t to eG6ipment ;ro6nd on.y:
!se 2 or more termina. b.o7ks for fie.d 7onne7tion: Insta.. fie.d termina. Dithin 22 in7hes from the front of
the 7abinet and orient it for s7reDdri<er operation: Termina. m6st be a minim6m of * in7hes abo<e the
No more than - 7ond67tors per termina. are a..oDed: TDo meta. I6mpers) strai;ht or ! shaped) may
be p.a7ed 6nder a termina. s7reD: At .east 2 f6.. threads of termina. s7reDs m6st be f6..y en;a;ed Dhen
s7reD is ti;htened: Li<e parts m6st not e3tend beyond the barrier:
>--).0+D C%.#'e/ A((e0r#e
>--).0+DB1C L%.e&
In7.6de permanent.y printed) en;ra<ed) or si.k,s7reened .abe. for eG6ipment and remo<ab.e items of
eG6ipment:; m6st mat7h the 7abinet Dirin; dia;ram: The .abe. for a she.f,mo6nted eG6ipment m6st be on the
she.f fa7e be.oD the item: The .abe. for a Da..,mo6nted eG6ipment m6st be be.oD the item:
>--).0+DB2C C0'$e'#e'(e Re(e6/%(&e
o6nt 7on<enien7e re7epta7.e in a readi.y a77essib.e .o7ation inside the 7abinet:
Con<enien7e re7epta7.e m6st be a d6p.e3) -,pron;) NEA *,#*R ;ro6ndin;,type that 7omp.ies
Dith !L Standard $4-:
>--).0+DB)C S"r8e Arre/0r
S6r;e arrestor m6st red67e effe7ts of poDer .ine <o.ta;e transients and 7omp.y Dith the ratin;
reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
S"r8e Arre/0r Re!"#reme'/
Re76rrent peak <o.ta;e #+4 (/a71
Ener;y ratin;) ma3im6m 2% C
PoDer dissipation) a<era;e %:+* 8
Peak 76rrent for .ess than 5 gs #)2*% A
Standby 76rrent m6st be # mA or .ess for a #2% (/a71) 0% ?H sin6soida. inp6t:
>--).0+DB+C Term#'%& B&0(;
Termina. b.o7k m6st be rated 0%% (/a71) minim6m) and ha<e a ni7ke.,) si.<er,) or 7admi6m,p.ated brass,
binder head,s7reD termina.:
?ea<y d6ty termina. b.o7k m6st be rated at 2% A and ha<e #2 positions Dith No: #% by *9#0,in7h ni7ke.,
p.ated brass,binder head s7reDs and ni7ke.,p.ated brass inserts: Ea7h position m6st ha<e 2 s7reD,type
termina.s: Termina. b.o7k m6st be barrier type Dith shortin; bars in ea7h of the #2 positions and m6st
ha<e inte;ra. type markin; strips:
Li;ht,d6ty termina. b.o7k m6st be rated at * A and ha<e #2 positions Dith No: 0 by #9+,in7h binder head
s7reDs: Ea7h position m6st ha<e # s7reD,type termina.:
>--).0+E C0m60'e'/
>--).0+EB1C T088&e S:#/(7e
To;;.e sDit7h m6st:
#: ?a<e as reG6ired
2: "e rated at 2%% per7ent of the 7ir76it 76rrent for 7ir76its of #% A or .ess and #2* per7ent of the 7ir76it
76rrent for 7ir76its o<er #% A
>--).0+EB2C C%r/r#18e F"e
Insta.. 7artrid;e f6se in pane.,mo6nted f6seho.der: F6se type and ratin; m6st be as re7ommended by the
f6se man6fa7t6rer for the type of .oad bein; prote7ted:
>--).0+EB)C C#r("#/ Bre%;er
Cir76it breaker m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion +0,2:## e37ept the breaker m6st ha<e a minim6m interr6ptin;
7apa7ity of *)%%% A) rms:
>--).0+EB+C C0''e(/0r
Conne7tors 6sed for inter7onne7tin; <ario6s parts of 7ir76its to;ether m6st be desi;ned and 7onstr67ted
for the app.i7ation in<o.<ed: Desi;n 7onne7tor to pro<ide positi<e 7onne7tion of a.. 7ir76its and easy
insertion and remo<a. of matin; 7onta7ts: Conne7tor m6st be permanent.y keyed to pre<ent improper
7onne7tion of 7ir76it:
Conne7tor) or de<i7e p.6;;in; into 7onne7tor) m6st ha<e positi<e 7onne7tion to pre<ent a 7ir76it from
breakin; d6e to <ibration) a p6.. on 7onne7tin; 7ab.e) or disr6pti<e for7e:
Ea7h <ehi7.e si;na. fa7e m6st:
#: "e adI6stab.e and a..oD for -0%,de;ree rotation abo6t the <erti7a. a3is
2: Comp.y Dith ITE p6b.i7ation ST,%#5") E(ehi7.e Traffi7 Contro. Si;na. ?eadsE
-: Comp.y Dith Ca.ifornia Test 0%4) e37ept for arroD and E>E fa7es
4: ?a<e - se7tions arran;ed <erti7a..y: red at top) ye..oD at 7enter) and ;reen at bottom
*: "e of the same man6fa7t6rer and materia.) if more than # is insta..ed at an interse7tion) e37ept for
pro;rammed <isibi.ity type
0: "e sea.ed Dith neoprene ;asket at top openin;
>--+.01A S#8'%& Se(/#0'
Ea7h si;na. se7tion m6st 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin;:
#: a3im6m hei;ht m6st be #%,#94 in7hes for an +,in7h se7tion and #4,-94 in7hes for a #2,in7h se7tion:
2: ?o6sin; m6st:
2:#: "e either die,7ast or permanent mo.d,7ast a.6min6m) or if spe7ified) be str67t6ra. p.asti7:
2:2: Comp.y Dith ITE p6b.i7ation ST,%#5" if die,7ast or permanent mo.d,7ast a.6min6m is 6sed:
2:-: ?a<e a #,pie7e) hin;ed) sG6are,shaped door desi;ned to a..oD a77ess for re.ampin; Ditho6t
the 6se of too.s: Door m6st be se76red to ho.d the door 7.osed d6rin; .oadin; tests: od6.e or
.ens m6st be Daterti;ht and mo6nted in the door:
-: ?in;e pins) door .at7hin; de<i7es) and other e3posed hardDare m6st be Type -%49-%4L or -%*
stain.ess stee.: Interior s7reDs and fittin;s m6st be stain.ess stee. or stee. Dith a 7orrosion resistant
p.atin; or 7oatin;:
4: Openin; m6st be p.a7ed on the top and bottom to re7ei<e #,#92,in7h pipe: The +, and #2,in7h
se7tions of an indi<id6a. man6fa7t6rer m6st be 7apab.e of Ioinin; to form a si;na. fa7e in any
7ombination: This inter7han;eabi.ity is not reG6ired betDeen meta. and p.asti7 se7tions:
*: =askets m6st be made of a materia. not affe7ted if insta..ed in a se7tion Dith meta. or p.asti7 ho6sin;
that is 7ontin6o6s.y operated for --0 ho6rs:
0: !se LED
Des7ription of str67t6ra. fai.6re and the reG6irements for si;na. se7tions are shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
S#8'%& Se(/#0' S/r"(/"r%& F%#&"re
Si;na. se7tion type ReG6irements Des7ription of str67t6ra. fai.6re
eta. Ca.ifornia Test
Fra7t6re Dithin ho6sin; assemb.y or def.e7tion of more than ha.f
the .ens diameter of si;na. se7tion d6rin; Dind .oad test
P.asti7 Ca.ifornia Test
Fra7t6re Dithin ho6sin; assemb.y or def.e7tion of more than #%
de;rees in either the <erti7a. or horiHonta. p.ane after Dind .oad
has been remo<ed from front of si;na. fa7e) or def.e7tion of
more than 0 de;rees in either the <erti7a. or horiHonta. p.ane
after Dind .oad has been remo<ed from ba7k of si;na. fa7e
>--+.01AB1C Me/%& S#8'%& Se(/#0'
Ea7h meta. si;na. se7tion m6st ha<e a meta. <isor: eta. si;na. fa7es reG6irin; ba7kp.ates m6st ha<e
meta. ba7kp.ates:
>--+.01AB2C P&%/#( S#8'%& Se(/#0'
?o6sin; m6st be mo.ded in # pie7e or fabri7ated from 2 or more pie7es and Ioined into a sin;.e pie7e:
P.asti7 m6st ha<e 6.tra< stabi.ity and be se.f e3tin;6ishin;: ?o6sin; and door m6st be 7o.ored
thro6;ho6t and be b.a7k mat7hin; 7o.or no: #5%-+) 25%-+) or -5%-+ of FED,STD,*$*:
Ea7h fa7e se7tion m6st be Ioined to adIa7ent se7tion by one of the fo..oDin;:
#: inim6m of - ma7hine s7reDs for +,in7h se7tions and 4 ma7hine s7reDs for #2,in7h se7tions)
insta..ed thro6;h near front and ba7k of ho6sin;: Ea7h s7reD m6st be a No: #% and ha<e a n6t) Dasher) and .o7k Dasher:
2: TDo ma7hine s7reDs) ea7h Dith a n6t) Dasher) and .o7k Dasher) insta..ed thro6;h near the
front of the ho6sin;) and a fastenin; thro6;h the #,#92,in7h pipe openin;: Fastenin; m6st ha<e 2
.ar;e Dashers to distrib6te the .oad aro6nd the pipe openin; and - 7arria;e bo.ts) ea7h Dith a n6t
and .o7k Dasher: inim6m s7reD siHe m6st be No: #%: inim6m 7arria;e bo.t siHe m6st be #94 in7h:
S6pportin; se7tion of ea7h si;na. fa7e s6pported on.y at the top or bottom m6st ha<e reinfor7ement:
Reinfor7ement p.ate m6st be either sheet a.6min6m) ;a.<aniHed stee.) or 7ast a.6min6m: Ea7h p.ate m6st
be a minim6m of %:## in7h thi7k and ha<e a ho.e 7on7entri7 Dith a #,#92,in7h pipe,mo6ntin; ho.e in the
ho6sin;: P.a7e reinfor7ement p.ate as shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Re#'40r(eme'/ P&%/e P&%(eme'/
Type of reinfor7ement p.ate P.a7ement
Sheet a.6min6m Inside and o6tside of ho6sin;
=a.<aniHed stee. Inside of ho6sin;
Cast a.6min6m O6tside of ho6sin;
Reinfor7ement p.ates p.a7ed o6tside of the ho6sin; m6st be finished to mat7h the si;na. ho6sin; 7o.or
and be desi;ned to a..oD a proper serrated; betDeen the si;na. fa7e and the mo6ntin; hardDare:
A minim6m of - No: #% ma7hine s7reDs m6st be insta..ed thro6;h in ea7h p.ate and mat7hin;
in the ho6sin;: Ea7h s7reD m6st ha<e a ro6nd or binder head) a n6t) and .o7k Dasher:
If si;na. fa7e is s6pported by a Type AS side atta7hment s.ip fitter inserted betDeen 2 se7tions) p.a7e
spa7ers betDeen the 2 se7tions: (erti7a. dimension of spa7ers m6st a..oD proper seatin; of serrations
betDeen the s.ip fitter and the 2 se7tions: In addition to the fastenin; thro6;h the .ar;e openin;s in the
ho6sin;) the 2 se7tions m6st Ioin Dith at .east 2 ma7hine s7reDs thro6;h near the front of the
ho6sin; and the spa7ers and thro6;h mat7hin; in a reinfor7in; p.ate insta..ed in the ho6sin;:
a7hine s7reDs m6st be No: #% minim6m siHe: Spa7ers m6st be made of the same materia. as the si;na.
If reinfor7in; Debs are 6sed to 7onne7t the ba7k of the ho6sin; to the top) bottom) and sides) reinfor7in;
p.ates are not reG6ired:
? for ma7hine s7reDs m6st be either 7ast or dri..ed d6rin; si;na. se7tion fabri7ation: S6rro6nd ea7h
ho.e Dith a #9+,in7h,minim6m,Didth boss to a..oD 7onta7t betDeen si;na. se7tions abo6t the a3is of the
Ea7h p.asti7 si;na. se7tion m6st ha<e a p.asti7 or meta. <isor: P.asti7 si;na. fa7es reG6irin; ba7kp.ates
m6st ha<e p.asti7 ba7kp.ates:
Serrated ny.on Dasher m6st be inserted betDeen ea7h p.asti7 si;na. se7tion and meta. mo6ntin;
assemb.y: Ea7h Dasher m6st be betDeen -9#0 and #94 in7h thi7k: Serrations m6st mat7h those on the
si;na. se7tion and the mo6ntin; assemb.y:
>--+.01B E&e(/r#(%& C0m60'e'/
Cond67tors m6st be 7onne7ted to a termina. b.o7k mo6nted inside) at the ba7k of ho6sin;: Termina. b.o7k
m6st ha<e eno6;h s7reD type termina.s or NEA type tab 7onne7tors to end a.. fie.d and mod6.e or .amp
7ond67tors independent.y: Permanent.y identify termina. Dith fie.d 7ond67tors atta7hed or 7o.or 7ode
7ond67tors to fa7i.itate fie.d Dirin;:
>--+.01C V#0r
In7.6de a remo<ab.e <isor Dith ea7h si;na. se7tion: Comp.y Dith ITE p6b.i7ation ST,%#5": (isors are
7.assified by .ens en7.os6re as /#1 f6.. 7ir7.e) /21 t6nne.) or /-1 7ap type: The bottom opens for t6nne. type
and both) the bottom and the .oDer sides open for 7ap type: !n.ess spe7ified) <isors m6st be t6nne. type:
(isor m6st ha<e a doDnDard ti.t betDeen - and 5 de;rees Dith a .en;th of:
#: $,#92,in7h minim6m for nomina. #2,in7h ro6nd .enses
2: 5 in7h for nomina. +,in7h ro6nd .enses
eta. <isor m6st be formed from %:%*%,in7h minim6m thi7kness a.6min6m,a..oy sheet:
P.asti7 <isor m6st be either formed from sheet p.asti7 or assemb.ed from # or more inIe7tion) rotationa.) or
b.oD,mo.ded p.asti7 se7tions: ateria. m6st be of a b.a7k homo;eneo6s 7o.or Dith .6ster.ess finish:
Se7tions m6st be Ioined 6sin; therma.) 7hemi7a.) or 6.trasoni7 bondin;) or Dith a.6min6m ri<ets and
Dashers permanent.y 7o.ored to mat7h the <isor:
Se76re ea7h <isor to its door and pre<ent remo<a. or permanent deformation Dhen the spe7ified Dind
.oad in Ca.ifornia Tests 0%* for p.asti7 <isors or 000 for meta. <isors is app.ied to its side for 24 ho6rs:
If dire7tiona. .o6<ers are 6sed) fit .o6<ers sn6;;.y into f6.., si;na. <isors: O6tside 7y.inder m6st be
7onstr67ted of %:%-%,in7h nomina. thi7kness) or thi7ker) sheet stee. and <anes m6st be 7onstr67ted of
%:%#0,in7h nomina. thi7kness) or thi7ker) sheet stee.) or the 7y.inder and <anes m6st be 7onstr67ted of
*%*2,?-2 a.6min6m a..oy of eG6a. thi7kness:
>--+.01D L#87/ Em#//#'8 D#01e S#8'%& M01"&e
>--+.01DB1C Ge'er%&
>--+.01DB1CB%C S"mm%r3
This Dork in7.6des; LED si;na. mod6.e:
!se LED si;na. mod6.e as the .i;ht so6r7e for the fo..oDin; traffi7 si;na. se7tions:
#: +,in7h se7tion
2: #2,in7h se7tion
-: #2,in7h arroD se7tion
4: #2,in7h !,t6rn se7tion
*: #2,in7h bi7y7.e se7tion
0: #2,in7h P( se7tion
5: #2,in7h .ane 7ontro. se7tion
>--+.01DB1CB.C S".m#//%&
"efore shippin; LED si;na. to the Iob site) s6bmit the fo..oDin; to ETS:
#: De.i<ery form in7.6din; Contra7t n6mber and 7onta7t information
2: List 7ontainin; a.. LED si;na. mod6.e seria. n6mbers anti7ipated for 6se
-: LED si;na.
>--+.01DB1CB(C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
>--+.01DB1CB(CB#C Ge'er%&
od6.e m6st be one .isted on the A6thoriHed ateria. List for LED traffi7 si;na.s:
The Department Di.. test LED si;na. mod6.e shipments as spe7ified in ANSI9AS@ A#:4: Testin; Di.. be
7omp.eted Dithin -% days of de.i<ery to ETS: LED si;na. tested or s6bmitted for testin; m6st
be representati<e of typi7a. prod67tion 6nits: LEDs m6st be spread e<en.y a7ross the mod6.e: LED arroD
indi7ation m6st pro<ide the minim6m initia. .6mino6s intensity .isted:
LED and LED si;na. Di.. be tested as spe7ified in Ca.ifornia Test 0%4: ArroD) !,t6rn) and
bi7y7.e LED si;na. Di.. be tested as spe7ified in Ca.ifornia Test -%%#: A.. parameters of the
spe7ifi7ation may be tested on the eas6rements Di.. be performed at the rated operatin;
<o.ta;e of #2% (/a71:
De.ays res6.tin; from s6bmitta. of non7omp.iant materia.s do not<e yo6 from e3e76tin; the Contra7t
Dithin the a..otted time: Non7omp.iant materia.s Di.. be reIe7ted: Res6bmit neD LED for retestin; and pi7k
6p the fai.ed 6nits Dithin 5 days of notifi7ation: Pro<ide neD LED si;na. and a..oD a minim6m of
-% days for retestin;:
After testin;) pi7k 6p the tested LED si;na. from ETS and de.i<er to the Iob site:
>--+.01DB1CB(CB##C Reer$e1
>--+.01DB2C M%/er#%&
>--+.01DB2CB%C Ge'er%&
LED si;na. mod6.e m6st:
#: ?a<e an operationa. .ife7y7.e ratin; of 4+ months: D6rin; the operationa. .ife7y7.e) LED si;na. mod6.e
m6st 7omp.y Dith a.. parameters of this spe7ifi7ation:
2: "e a sin;.e) se.f,7ontained de<i7e) desi;ned to be sea.ed in the door frame of a standard traffi7 si;na.
ho6sin; and 7omp.y Dith ITE p6b.i7ation) EG6ipment and ateria. Standards) 7hapter 2) E(ehi7.e
Traffi7 Contro. Si;na. ?eads:E
-: "e 4 .b ma3im6m Dei;ht:
4: "e from the same man6fa7t6rer:
*: "e the same mode. for ea7h siHe and type:
0: "e sea.ed 6nits Dith:
0:#: 2 7o.or,7oded 7ond67tors for poDer 7onne7tion) e37ept for .ane 7ontro. LED si;na.
6se - 7o.or,7oded 7ond67tors:
0:2: Printed 7ir76it board and poDer s6pp.y 7ontained inside and 7omp.yin; Dith 7hapter #) se7tion
0 of TEES:
0:-: Lens that is:
0:-:#: Inte;ra. to the 6nits:
0:-:2: Con<e3 or Dith a smooth o6ter s6rfa7e:
0:-:-: ade of !(,stabi.iHed p.asti7 or ;.ass and Dithstands !( e3pos6re from dire7t
s6n.i;ht for 4+ months Ditho6t e3hibitin; e<iden7e of deterioration:
0:4: #,pie7e EPD ;asket:
5: In7.6de -,foot,.on; 7ond67tors Dith G6i7k dis7onne7t termina.s atta7hed:
+: "e Deather ti;ht and 7onne7t dire7t.y to e.e7tri7a. Dirin;:
$: "e 7apab.e of opti7a. 6nit rep.a7ement:
#%: ?a<e man6fa7t6rerFs name) trademark) mode. n6mber) seria. n6mber) .ot n6mber) month and year of
man6fa7t6re) and reG6ired operatin; 7hara7teristi7s) in7.6din; rated <o.ta;e) poDer 7ons6mption) and
<o.t,ampere) permanent.y marked on the ba7k of the mod6.e:
##: ?a<e a symbo. of the mod6.e type and 7o.or: The symbo. m6st be an in7h in diameter: The 7o.or m6st
be Dritten o6t in %:*%,in7h,hi;h .etters ne3t to the symbo.:
#2: "e A.In=aP te7hno.o;y for red and ye..oD indi7ations and ;a..i6m nitride te7hno.o;y for ;reen
#-: "e 6.tra bri;ht type rated for #%%)%%% ho6rs of 7ontin6o6s operation from ,4% to Y54 de;rees C:
Indi<id6a. LEDs m6st be Dired so 7atastrophi7 .oss or fai.6re of # LED Di.. not res6.t in .oss of more than *
per7ent of the si;na. mod6.e .i;ht o6tp6t: Fai.6re of an indi<id6a. LED in a strin; m6st not res6.t in .oss of
an entire strin; or other indi7ation:
No spe7ia. too.s for insta..ation are a..oDed:
The symbo. for a #2,in7h !,t6rn se7tion is an in<erted E!E Dith an arroD on the .eft end and is #*9#0 in7h
Dide: Appro3imate shape and siHe for the !,t6rn fa7e is as shoDn:
Appro3imate shape and siHe for the #2,in7h bi7y7.e se7tion fa7e is as shoDn:
Lane 7ontro. se7tion is a 7ombination mod6.e Dith a red > and ;reen arroD: Appro3imate shape and siHe
for .ane 7ontro. si;na. fa7e is as shoDn: Cond67tor f6n7tion and 7o.or 7ode reG6irements are shoDn in the
fo..oDin; tab.e:
C0'1"(/0r F"'(/#0' %'1 C0&0r C01e
F6n7tion Co.or
Ne6tra. 8hite
Red > Red
=reen arroD "roDn
inim6m poDer 7ons6mption for LED si;na. mod6.e m6st be * 8:
a3im6m poDer 7ons6mption for LED si;na. mod6.e m6st be as shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
P0:er C0'"m6/#0' Re!"#reme'/
LED si;na. mod6.e
PoDer 7ons6mption
Red &e..oD =reen
2* ]C 54 ]C 2* ]C 54 ]C 2* ]C 54 ]C
+,in7h + #- #- #0 #2 #2
#2,in7h ## #5 22 2* #* #*
#2,in7h arroD $ #2 #% #2 ## ##
#2,in7h !,t6rn $ #2 #% #2 ## ##
"i7y7.e ## #5 22 2* #* #*
Pro;rammed <isibi.ity ## #5 22 2* #* #*
Lane 7ontro. />1 $ #2 ,, ,, ,, ,,
Lane 7ontro. /ArroD1 ,, ,, ,, ,, ## ##
Lens may be tinted or may 6se transparent fi.m or materia.s Dith 7hara7teristi7s to enhan7e
EOn9OffE 7ontrasts: Tintin; or other materia.s to enhan7e EOn9OffE 7ontrast m6st not affe7t 7hromati7ity
and m6st be 6niform a7ross the fa7e of the .ens:
If po.ymeri7 .ens is 6sed) s6rfa7e 7oatin; or 7hemi7a. s6rfa7e treatment m6st be app.ied for front s6rfa7e
abrasion resistan7e:
The poDer s6pp.y m6st be inte;ra. to the mod6.e:
Interna. 7omponents m6st be adeG6ate.y s6pported to Dithstand me7hani7a. sho7k and <ibration from
hi;h Dinds and other so6r7es:
Lens and LED si;na. mod6.e materia. m6st 7omp.y Dith the AST spe7ifi7ations for that materia.:
En7.os6res 7ontainin; either the poDer s6pp.y or e.e7troni7 7omponents of LED si;na. mod6.e) e37ept
.enses) m6st be made of !L$4(O f.ame,retardant materia.:
If a spe7ifi7 mo6ntin; orientation is reG6ired) the LED si;na. mod6.e m6st ha<e prominent and permanent
<erti7a. markin;s for a776rate inde3in; and orientation Dithin the si;na. ho6sin;: arkin;s m6st in7.6de
an 6p arroD) or the Dord E!pE or ETop:E
8hen operatin; at 2* de;rees C) the LED si;na. mod6.e m6st meet or e37eed the i..6mination <a.6es
shoDn in the fo..oDin;
M#'#m"m I'#/#%& I'/e'#/#e 40r C#r("&%r I'1#(%/#0' B(1C
An;.e /<)h1
+,in7h #2,in7h
Red &e..oD =reen Red &e..oD =reen
2:*) Z2:* #*5 -#4 -#4 -$$ 5$+ 5$+
2:*) Z5:* ##4 22+ 22+ 2$* *+$ *+$
2:*) Z#2:* 05 #-- #-- #00 --- ---
2:*) Z#5:* 2$ *5 *5 $% #+# #+#
5:*) Z2:* ##$ 2-+ 2-+ 200 *-2 *-2
5:*) Z5:* #%* 2%$ 2%$ 2-+ 45* 45*
5:*) Z#2:* 50 #*2 #*2 #5# -42 -42
5:*) Z#5:* 4+ $* $* #%* 2%$ 2%$
5:*) Z22:* 2# 4- 4- 4* $% $%
5:*) Z25:* #2 24 24 #$ -+ -+
#2:*) Z2:* 4- +0 +0 *$ ##$ ##$
#2:*) Z5:* -+ 50 50 *5 ##4 ##4
#2:*) Z#2:* -- 05 05 *2 #%* #%*
#2:*) Z#5:* 24 4+ 4+ 4% +# +#
#2:*) Z22:* #4 2$ 2$ 20 *2 *2
#2:*) Z25:* #% #$ #$ #$ -+ -+
#5:*) Z2:* #$ -+ -+ 20 *2 *2
#5:*) Z5:* #5 -- -- 20 *2 *2
#5:*) Z#2:* #2 24 24 20 *2 *2
#5:*) Z#5:* #% #$ #$ 20 *2 *2
#5:*) Z22:* 5 #4 #4 24 4+ 4+
#5:*) Z25:* * #% #% #$ -+ -+
M#'#m"m L"m#'%'(e 40r MArr0:, U-/"r', B#(3(&e, L%'e C0'/r0&NBFLC, %'1
Pr08r%mme1 V##.#&#/3 I'1#(%/#0' B(1C
Red &e..oD =reen
ArroD indi7ation #)0%* -)2#% -)2#%
!,t6rn indi7ation #)0%* -)2#% -)2#%
"i7y7.e indi7ation #)0%* #)0%* #)0%*
Lane 7ontro. indi7ation />1 #)0%* ,, ,,
Lane 7ontro. indi7ation /ArroD1 ,, ,, #)0%*
P( indi7ation at an;.e <T2:*) hT2:* $# $# $#
8hen operatin; o<er a temperat6re ran;e of ,4% to Y54 de;rees C) the LED si;na. mod6.e) e37ept
ye..oD) m6st meet or e37eed the fo..oDin; i..6mination <a.6es for 4+ months: 8hen operatin; at 2*
de;rees C) the ye..oD LED si;na. mod6.e m6st meet or e37eed the fo..oDin; i..6mination <a.6es for 4+
M#'#m"m M%#'/%#'e1 I'/e'#/#e 40r C#r("&%r I'1#(%/#0' B(1C
An;.e /<)h1
+,in7h #2,in7h
Red &e..oD =reen Red &e..oD =reen
2:*) Z2:* #-- 205 205 --$ 05+ 05+
2:*) Z5:* $5 #$4 #$4 2*# *%# *%#
2:*) Z#2:* *5 ##- ##- #4# 2+- 2+-
2:*) Z#5:* 2* 4+ 4+ 55 #*4 #*4
5:*) Z2:* #%# 2%2 2%2 220 4*2 4*2
5:*) Z5:* +$ #5+ #5+ 2%2 4%4 4%4
5:*) Z#2:* 0* #2$ #2$ #4* 2$# 2$#
5:*) Z#5:* 4# +# +# +$ #5+ #5+
5:*) Z22:* #+ -5 -5 -+ 55 55
5:*) Z25:* #% 2% 2% #0 -2 -2
#2:*) Z2:* -5 5- 5- *% #%# #%#
#2:*) Z5:* -2 0* 0* 4+ $5 $5
#2:*) Z#2:* 2+ *5 *5 44 +$ +$
#2:*) Z#5:* 2% 4# 4# -4 0$ 0$
#2:*) Z22:* #2 2* 2* 22 44 44
#2:*) Z25:* $ #0 #0 #0 -2 -2
#5:*) Z2:* #0 -2 -2 22 44 44
#5:*) Z5:* #4 2+ 2+ 22 44 44
#5:*) Z#2:* #% 2% 2% 22 44 44
#5:*) Z#5:* $ #0 #0 22 44 44
#5:*) Z22:* 0 #2 #2 2% 4# 4#
#5:*) Z25:* 4 $ $ #0 -2 -2
M#'#m"m M%#'/%#'e1 L"m#'%'(e 40r MArr0:, U-/"r', B#(3(&e, L%'e C0'/r0&N
BFLC, %'1 Pr08r%mme1 V##.#&#/3 I'1#(%/#0' B(1C
Red &e..oD =reen
ArroD indi7ation #)0#% -)2#% -)2#%
!,t6rn indi7ation #)0#% -)2#% -)2#%
"i7y7.e indi7ation #)0#% #)0#% #)0#%
Lane 7ontro. indi7ation />1 #)0#% ,, ,,
Lane 7ontro. indi7ation /ArroD1 ,, ,, #)0#%
P( indi7ation at an;.e <T2:*) hT2:* -#4 -#4 -#4
LED si;na. mod6.e m6st 7omp.y Dith the 7hromati7ity reG6irements for 4+ months Dhen operatin; o<er a
temperat6re ran;e of ,4% to Y54 de;rees C shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
C7r0m%/#(#/3 S/%'1%r1 BCIE C7%r/C
Red &: not ;reater than %:-%+ or .ess than %:$$+ , >
&: not .ess than %:4## nor .ess than %:$$* , >
nor ;reater than %:4*2
&: not .ess than %:*%0 , %:*#$/>1 nor .ess than
%:#*% Y #:%0+/>1 nor more than %:5-% , >
LED si;na. mod6.e m6st operate:
#: At a freG6en7y of 0% Z - ?H) o<er a <o.ta;e ran;e from $* to #-* (/a71) Ditho6t per7eptib.e f.i7ker to
the 6naided eye: F.67t6ations of .ine <o.ta;e m6st ha<e no <isib.e effe7t on .6mino6s intensity of the
indi7ations: Rated <o.ta;e for meas6rements m6st be #2% (/a71:
2: Compatib.e Dith 76rrent.y 6sed assemb.ies) in7.6din; state .oad sDit7hes) f.ashers)
and 7onf.i7t monitors: Comp.y Dith TEES 7hapters - and 0: If a 2% mA a.ternatin; 76rrent or .ess is
app.ied to the 6nit) the <o.ta;e read a7ross the 2 .eads m6st be #* (/a71 or .ess:
8irin; and termina. b.o7k m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion #-:%2 of ITE p6b.i7ation) EG6ipment and ateria.
Standards) 7hapter 2) E(ehi7.e Traffi7 Contro. Si;na. ?eads:E E.e7tri7a. 7onne7tion for ea7h Type # LED
si;na. mod6.e m6st be 2 se76red) 7o.or,7oded) -,foot,.on;) 0%% (/a71) 2% A8= minim6m stranded
Ia7keted 7opper Dires: 8ires m6st 7omp.y Dith NEC) rated for ser<i7e at Y#%* de;rees C: Three Dires
m6st be 6sed for .ane 7ontro. LED si;na. mod6.e:
LED si;na. mod6.e on,board 7ir76itry m6st:
#: In7.6de <o.ta;e s6r;e prote7tion to Dithstand hi;h,repetition noise transients: The <o.ta;e s6r;e
prote7tion m6st 7omp.y Dith NEA Standard TS2) se7tion 2:#:0:
2: Comp.y Dith FCC) tit.e 45) s6bpart ") se7tion #* re;6.ations for C.ass A emission .imits for e.e7troni7
LED si;na. mod6.e m6st pro<ide a poDer fa7tor of %:$% or ;reater:
Tota. harmoni7 distortion from 76rrent and <o.ta;e ind67ed into an a.ternatin; 76rrent poDer .ine by LED
si;na. mod6.e m6st not e37eed 2% per7ent at an operatin; temperat6re of 2* de;rees C:
8hen poDer is app.ied to LED si;na. mod6.e) .i;ht emission m6st o776r Dithin $% ms:
>--+.01DB2CB.C Re1 %'1 Ye&&0: F&%7#'8 L#87/ Em#//#'8 D#01e S#8'%& M01"&e
No e3terna. 7ir76itry to f.ash the LED si;na. mod6.e is a..oDed: !se #2 (/d71 or #2% (/a71:
F.ashin; LED si;na. mod6.e 7ir76itry m6st pre<ent per7eptib.e .i;ht emission to the 6naided eye Dhen a
<o.ta;e) *% (/a71 or .ess for a.ternatin; 76rrent or * (/d71 for #2 (/d71 f.asher 6nits is app.ied to the 6nit:
E.e7tri7a. 7onne7tion for ea7h f.ashin; LED si;na. mod6.e m6st be 4 se76red) 7o.or,7oded) 0%% (/a71) 2%
A8= minim6m,stranded Ia7keted 7opper Dires: 8ire m6st 7omp.y Dith NEC) rated for ser<i7e at Y#%*
de;rees C: Cond67tors for f.ashin; LED si;na. mod6.e m6st be - feet in .en;th Dith G6i7k dis7onne7t
termina.s atta7hed: The 7o.or 7ode m6st 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
C0&0r C01e Re!"#reme'/
F6n7tion Co.or
Ne6tra.9DC 7ommon 8hite
Steady on Red
F.ash on "roDn
F.ash off Oran;e
F.ashin; LED si;na. mod6.e m6st in7.6de a.. ne7essary e.e7troni7s to:
#: Operate in a Esteady onE mode
2: Perform) in Ef.ash onE mode) *% to 0% f.ashes per min6te Dith a *% Z * per7ent d6ty 7y7.e
-: A..oD a.ternatin; f.ashin; operation) Di; Da;) if the Esteady onE inp6t of another f.ashin; LED si;na.
mod6.e is 7onne7ted
8hen poDer is app.ied to the Ef.ash onE 7ontro. 7ond67tor) the 7ontro. o6tp6t m6st a..oD a #2 (/d71 or #2%
(/a71 si;na. that is sDit7hed opposite of the f.ash state of the mod6.e: O6tp6t m6st be ab.e to the so6r7e
a ma3im6m of 2:* A for #2 (/d71 or %:- A for #2% (/a71:
Do not 6se the poDer 7ons6mption from Ef.ash o6tE o6tp6t of the f.ashin; LED si;na. mod6.e Dhen
determinin; ma3im6m poDer 7ons6mption:
The f.ashin; LED si;na. mod6.e m6st be 7.ear.y marked on the ba7k) as EDC F.asherE or EAC F.asherE) in
%:*%,in7h .etters:
>--+.01E B%(;6&%/e
"a7k;ro6nd .i;ht m6st not be <isib.e betDeen the ba7kp.ate and the si;na. fa7e or betDeen se7tions:
P.asti7 ba7kp.ates m6st be either formed from sheet p.asti7 or assemb.ed from e3tr6ded) mo.ded) or 7ast
se7tions: Se7tions m6st be fa7tory Ioined 6sin; one of the fo..oDin;:
#: Appropriate so.<ent 7ement
2: A.6min6m ri<ets and Dashers painted or permanent.y 7o.ored to mat7h ba7kp.ate
-: No: #% ma7hine s7reDs Dith Dashers) .o7k Dashers) and n6ts) painted to mat7h ba7kp.ate
"a7kp.ate materia. m6st be of b.a7k homo;eneo6s 7o.or Dith a .6ster.ess finish: Se76re ea7h p.asti7
ba7kp.ate to the p.asti7 si;na. fa7e in a manner that pre<ents its remo<a. or permanent deformation Dhen
the Dind,.oad test is app.ied to either the front or ba7k of the si;na. fa7e: Permanent deformation of any
portion of the ba7kp.ate m6st not e37eed * de;rees forDard or ba7kDard after Dind .oadin; is app.ied for
24 ho6rs:
If p.asti7 ba7kp.ate reG6ires fie.d assemb.y) Ioin Dith at .east 4 No: #% ma7hine s7reDs at ea7h fie.d,
assemb.ed Ioint: Ea7h ma7hine s7reD m6st ha<e an inte;ra. or 7apti<e Dasher) a he3a;ona. head
s.otted for a standard s7reDdri<er) and either a .o7kin; n6t or a n6t and .o7kDasher: a7hine s7reDs)
n6ts) and Dashers m6st be stain.ess stee. or stee. Dith a Hin7 or b.a7k,o3ide finish:
If a meta. ba7kp.ate has 2 or more se7tions) fasten se7tions Dith ri<ets or a.6min6m bo.ts peened after
assemb.y to a<oid .oosenin;:
Instead of the s7reDs shoDn) yo6 may 6se se.f,threadin; No: #% stee. s7reDs to fasten p.asti7 ba7kp.ates
to p.asti7 si;na. fa7e: Ea7h s7reD m6st ha<e an inte;ra. or 7apti<e Dasher) a he3a;ona. head s.otted
for a standard s7reDdri<er) and is stain.ess stee. or stee. Dith a Hin7 or b.a7k,o3ide finish:
>--+.01F Term#'%& B&0(;
Pro;rammed <isibi.ity si;na. fa7e and its insta..ation m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tions +0,4:%# and +0,4:%4:
Ea7h pro;rammed <isibi.ity si;na. se7tion m6st:
#: ?a<e a nomina. #2,in7h,diameter or arroD indi7ation
2: Comp.y Dith ITE p6b.i7ation ST,%#5" for 7o.or and arroD 7onfi;6ration
-: ?a<e a 7ap <isor
4: ?a<e an adI6stab.e 7onne7tion that pro<ides in7rementa. ti.tin; from % to #% de;rees abo<e or be.oD
the horiHonta. Dhi.e maintainin; a 7ommon <erti7a. a3is thro6;h 7o6p.ers and mo6ntin;s
Termina. 7onne7tion m6st a..oD e3terna. adI6stment abo6t the mo6ntin; a3is in *,de;ree in7rements:
Si;na. m6st be mo6ntab.e Dith ordinary too.s and 7apab.e of ser<i7in; Ditho6t too.s: Preset adI6stment at
4 de;rees be.oD the horiHonta.:
(isibi.ity of ea7h pro;rammed <isibi.ity si;na. fa7e m6st be 7apab.e of adI6stment or pro;rammin;) Dithin
the fa7e: 8hen pro;rammed) ea7h si;na. fa7eFs indi7ation m6st be <isib.e on.y in those areas or .anes to
be 7ontro..ed e37ept that d6rin; d6sk and darkness a faint ;.oD to ea7h side is a..oDed:
A si;na. te7hni7ian G6a.ified to pro;ram the pro;rammed <isibi.ity si;na. heads m6st be present Dhen
si;na. heads are p.a7ed in operation:
Pro;ram the head as re7ommended by the man6fa7t6rer:
essa;e symbo.s for pedestrian si;na. fa7es m6st be Dhite E8a.kin; PersonE and port.and oran;e
E!praised ?and:E Comp.y Dith ITE Standards: EPedestrian Traffi7 Contro. Si;na. Indi7ationsE and the
California MUTCD: Ea7h symbo.Fs hei;ht m6st be at .east #% in7hes and Didth m6st be at .east 0,#92
L6minan7e of the E!praised ?and E symbo. m6st be #)#%% foot,.amberts) minim6m) and the .6minan7e of
the E 8a.kin; Person E symbo. m6st be #)**% foot,.amberts) minim6m) Dhen tested 6nder Ca.ifornia Test
!niformity ratio of an i..6minated symbo. m6st not e37eed 4 to # betDeen the hi;hest .6minan7e area and
the .oDest .6minan7e area:
L6minan7e differen7e betDeen a noni..6minated symbo. and the ba7k;ro6nd aro6nd the symbo. m6st be
.ess than -% per7ent Dhen <ieDed Dith the front s7reen in p.a7e and at a .oD s6n an;.e:
Ea7h ho6sin;) in7.6din; front s7reen) m6st ha<e ma3im6m o<era.. dimensions of #+,#92 in7hes in Didth)
#$ in7hes in hei;ht) and ##,#92 in7hes in depth:
A.. neD pedestrian si;na. fa7es insta..ed at an interse7tion m6st be the same make and type:
>--+.0)A T36e A
Ea7h Type A pedestrian si;na. fa7e m6st in7.6de a ho6sin;) # LED pedestrian si;na. 7ombo mod6.e) and
a front s7reen:
>--+.0)B Fr0'/ S(ree'
Front s7reen insta..ation for ea7h Type A si;na. m6st 7omp.y Dith one of the fo..oDin;:
#: Insta..) ti.tin; doDnDard at an an;.e of #* Z 2 de;rees o6t from the top) an a.6min6m honey7omb
s7reen Dith %:2,in7h 7e..s) -9+ in7h thi7k) or a p.asti7 s7reen of -9+,in7h sG6ares) #92 in7h thi7k Dith a
Da.. thi7kness of #9#0 in7h: Comp.ete.y 7o<er messa;e p.ate: In7.6de a 7.ear front 7o<er of #9+,in7h,
minim6m,thi7kness a7ry.i7 p.asti7 sheet or #9#0,in7h,minim6m,thi7kness po.y7arbonate p.asti7: ?o.d
s7reen and 7o<er firm.y in p.a7e Dith stain.ess stee. or a.6min6m 7.ips or stain.ess stee. meta. s7reDs:
2: Insta.. a #,#92,in7h,deep e;;7rate or A,7rate type s7reen of #9-2,in7h,nomina.,thi7kness
po.y7arbonate: o6nt s7reenin; in a frame 7onstr67ted of %:%4%,in7h minim6m thi7kness a.6min6m
a..oy or po.y7arbonate: Insta.. s7reen para..e. to the fa7e of the messa;e p.ate and ho.d in p.a7e Dith
stain.ess stee. s7reDs: A <isor is not reG6ired:
The Department Di.. test s7reens in a horiHonta. position Dith its ed;es s6pported: 8hen a -,in7h,
diameter) 4,.b stee. ba.. is dropped on the s7reen from a hei;ht of 4 feet abo<e) the front s7reen m6st not
fra7t6re) separate at the De.ds) or 7ompress more than #9+ in7h: 8hen pedestrian ho6sin; is 6sed to
s6pport the front s7reen d6rin; the test) remo<e the messa;e p.ate from the pedestrian si;na. ho6sin; so
as to pre<ent ba7k s6pport for the s7reen:
S7reen and frame m6st be one of the fo..oDin;:
#: A.6min6m anodiHed b.a7k or finished Dith .6ster.ess b.a7k e3terior ;rade .ate3 paint form6.ated for
app.i7ation to proper.y prepared meta. s6rfa7es
2: b.a7k p.asti7
>--+.0)C H0"#'8
Pedestrian si;na. ho6sin; m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion +0,4:%#A:
>--+.0)D Reer$e1
>--+.0)E F#'#7
Paint e3terior of ea7h ho6sin; as spe7ified in se7tion +0,2:#0:
>--+.0)F C0'/r0&
Pedestrian si;na.s m6st be 7ontro..ab.e by,state sDit7hin; de<i7es spe7ified for traffi7 si;na. assemb.ies:
>--+.0)G Term#'%& B&0(;
In7.6de .i;ht d6ty termina. b.o7k as spe7ified in se7tion +0,4:%#" Dith ea7h pedestrian si;na. fa7e:
>--+.0)H Reer$e1
>--+.0)I L#87/ Em#//#'8 D#01e Pe1e/r#%' S#8'%& M01"&e
>--+.0)IB1C Ge'er%&
>--+.0)IB1CB%C S"mm%r3
This Dork in7.6des; LED PSF mod6.e into standard Type A pedestrian si;na. ho6sin;:
>--+.0)IB1CB.C S".m#//%&
"efore shippin; LED PSF to the Iob site) s6bmit the fo..oDin; to ETS:
#: De.i<ery form in7.6din; Contra7t n6mber and 7onta7t information
2: List 7ontainin; a.. LED PSF mod6.e seria. n6mbers anti7ipated for 6se
4: an6fa7t6rerFs name) trademark) mode. n6mber) .ot n6mber) and month and year of man6fa7t6re
>--+.0)IB1CB(C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
>--+.0)IB1CB(CB#C Ge'er%&
od6.e m6st be one .isted on the A6thoriHed ateria. List for LED traffi7 si;na.s:
The Department Di.. test LED PSF mod6.e shipments as spe7ified in ANSI9AS@ A#:4: Testin; Di.. be
7omp.eted Dithin -% days of de.i<ery to ETS: LED PSF tested or s6bmitted for testin; m6st be
representati<e of typi7a. prod67tion 6nits:
LED PSF Di.. be tested as spe7ified in Ca.ifornia Test 0%0: A.. parameters of the spe7ifi7ation
may be tested on the
De.ays res6.tin; from s6bmitta. of non7omp.iant materia.s do not<e yo6 from e3e76tin; the Contra7t
Dithin the a..otted time: Non7omp.iant materia.s Di.. be reIe7ted: Res6bmit neD LED for retestin; and pi7k
6p the fai.ed 6nits Dithin 5 days of notifi7ation: Pro<ide neD LED PSF and a..oD a minim6m of -%
days for retestin;: &o6 m6st pay for a.. shippin; and; 7osts re.ated to testin; and retestin;:
De.ays res6.tin; from res6bmitta. and retestin; are yo6r responsibi.ity and no e3tra time Di.. be a..oDed:
After testin;) pi7k 6p the tested LED PSF from ETS and de.i<er to the Iob site:
>--+.0)IB1CB(CB##C Reer$e1
>--+.0)IB2C M%/er#%&
LED PSF mod6.e m6st:
#: "e insta..ed in standard Type A pedestrian si;na. ho6sin;: Do not in7.6de ref.e7tors:
2: !se LED as the .i;ht so6r7e:
-: "e desi;ned to mo6nt behind or rep.a7e the fa7e p.ates of standard Type A ho6sin; as spe7ified in
ITE p6b.i7ation) EG6ipment and ateria. Standards) 7hapter -) EPedestrian Traffi7 Contro. Si;na.
Indi7ationsE and the California MUTCD:
4: ?a<e a minim6m poDer 7ons6mption of * 8:
*: !se reG6ired 7o.or and be 6.tra bri;ht type rated for #%%)%%% ho6rs of 7ontin6o6s operation from ,4%
to Y54 de;rees C:
0: "e ab.e to rep.a7e si;na. .amp opti7a. 6nits and pedestrian si;na. fa7es Dith both LED and
in7andes7ent .i;ht so6r7es:
5: Fit into pedestrian si;na. ho6sin;s Ditho6t modifi7ations to the ho6sin;:
+: "e a sin;.e) se.f,7ontained de<i7e) not reG6irin; on,site assemb.y for insta..ation into standard Type A
$: ?a<e the fo..oDin; information permanent.y marked on the ba7k of the mod6.e:
$:#: an6fa7t6rerFs name
$:2: Trademark
$:-: ode. n6mber
$:4: Seria. n6mber
$:*: Lot n6mber
$:0: onth and year of man6fa7t6re
$:5: ReG6ired operatin; 7hara7teristi7s) as fo..oDs:
$:5:#: Rated <o.ta;e
$:5:2: PoDer 7ons6mption
$:5:-: (o.t,ampere /(A1
$:5:4: PoDer fa7tor
#%: ?a<e prominent and permanent <erti7a. markin;s for a776rate inde3in; and orientation Dithin the
si;na. ho6sin; if a spe7ifi7 mo6ntin; orientation is reG6ired: arkin;s m6st in7.6de an 6p arroD) or
the Dord E!pE or ETop:E arkin; m6st be a minim6m of #,in7h diameter:
A.. LED PSF m6st be from the same man6fa7t6rer:
Cir76it board and poDer s6pp.y m6st be 7ontained inside the LED PSF Cir76it board m6st
7omp.y Dith Chapter #) Se7tion 0 of TEES:
Indi<id6a. LEDs m6st be Dired so 7atastrophi7 .oss or fai.6re of # LED Di.. not res6.t in a .oss of more than
* per7ent of the PSF mod6.e .i;ht o6tp6t: Fai.6re of an indi<id6a. LED in a strin; m6st not res6.t in the
.oss of an entire strin; or other indi7ation:
LEDs m6st be e<en.y distrib6ted in ea7h indi7ation: Do not 6se o6t.ine forms:
No spe7ia. too.s for insta..ation are a..oDed:
The poDer s6pp.y for LED PSF mod6.e m6st be inte;ra. to the mod6.e: The poDer s6pp.y for ea7h
symbo. m6st be iso.ated to a<oid t6rn,on 7onf.i7t:
Assemb.y and man6fa7t6rin; pro7esses for LED PSF mod6.e m6st ass6re that a.. interna. 7omponents
are adeG6ate.y s6pported to Dithstand me7hani7a. sho7k and <ibration from hi;h Dinds and other
ateria. 6sed for LED PSF mod6.e m6st 7omp.y Dith AST D -$-*:
En7.os6res 7ontainin; either the poDer s6pp.y or e.e7troni7 7omponents of LED PSF mod6.e) e37ept
.enses) m6st be made of !L$4(O f.ame,retardant materia.:
The 7o.or of the E!praised ?andE symbo. m6st be port.and oran;e:
The 7o.or of the E8a.kin; PersonE symbo. m6st be .6nar Dhite:
Ea7h symbo. m6st not be .ess than #% in7hes hi;h and 0:* in7hes Dide: Symbo.s m6st 7omp.y Dith ITE
p6b.i7ation) EG6ipment and ateria. Standards) 7hapter -) EPedestrian Traffi7 Contro. Si;na. Indi7ations)E
and the California MUTCD:
LED PSF mod6.e m6st maintain an a<era;e .6minan7e <a.6e o<er 4+ months of 7ontin6o6s 6se in si;na.
operation for a temperat6re ran;e of ,4% to Y54 de;rees C: In addition) LED PSF m6st meet or
e37eed the fo..oDin; .6minan7e <a.6es 6pon initia. testin; at 2* de;rees C:
The 7o.or o6tp6t of LED PSF mod6.e m6st 7omp.y Dith 7hromati7ity reG6irements in se7tion *:- of ITE
p6b.i7ation) EG6ipment and ateria. Standards) 7hapter -) EPedestrian Traffi7 Contro. Si;na. Indi7ations:E
8hen operatin; o<er a temperat6re ran;e of ,4% to Y54 de;rees C) the meas6red 7hromati7ity
7oordinates of LED PSF mod6.e m6st 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin; 7hromati7ity reG6irements for 4+ months:
C7r0m%/#(#/3 S/%'1%r1 BCIE C7%r/C
!praised hand Not ;reater than %:-$% nor .ess than
%:--# nor .ess than %:$$5 , >
8a.kin; person
>: not .ess than %:2+% nor ;reater than
&: not .ess than #:%**/>1 , %:%#2+ nor
;reater than #:%**/>1 Y %:%%52
LED PSF mod6.e ma3im6m poDer 7ons6mption m6st not e37eed the <a.6es shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
P0:er C0'"m6/#0' Re!"#reme'/
PSF mod6.e
PoDer 7ons6mption
R 24 ]C
PoDer 7ons6mption
R 54 ]C
!praised hand #%:% 8 #2:% 8
8a.kin; person $:% 8 #2:% 8
8irin; and termina. b.o7k m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion #-:%2 of ITE p6b.i7ation) EG6ipment and ateria.
Standards) 7hapter 2) E(ehi7.e Traffi7 Contro. Si;na. ?eads:E The LED PSF mod6.e m6st be s6pp.ied Dith
spade .6;s and - se76red) 7o.or,7oded) -,foot,.on;) 0%% (/a71) 2% A8= minim6m stranded Ia7keted
7opper Dires: 8ires m6st 7omp.y Dith NEC) rated for ser<i7e at Y#%* de;rees C:
LED PSF mod6.e m6st operate:
#: At a freG6en7y of 0% Z - ?H o<er a <o.ta;e ran;e from $* to #-* (/a71 Ditho6t per7eptib.e f.i7ker to
the 6naided eye: F.67t6ations of .ine <o.ta;e m6st ha<e no <isib.e effe7t on the .6mino6s intensity of
the indi7ations: Rated <o.ta;e for meas6rements m6st be #2% (/a71:
2: Compatib.e Dith 76rrent.y,6sed State assemb.ies in7.6din;,state .oad sDit7hes)
f.ashers) and 7onf.i7t monitors: Comp.y Dith TEES 7hapters - and 0: If a 2% mA a.ternatin; 76rrent or
.ess is app.ied to the 6nit) the <o.ta;e read a7ross the 2 .eads m6st be #* (/a71 or .ess:
LED PSF mod6.e on,board 7ir76itry m6st:
#: In7.6de <o.ta;e s6r;e prote7tion to Dithstand hi;h,repetition noise transients: The <o.ta;e s6r;e
prote7tion m6st 7omp.y Dith NEA Standard TS2) se7tion 2:#:0:
2: Comp.y Dith FCC) tit.e 45) s6bpart ") se7tion #* re;6.ations for C.ass A emission .imits for e.e7troni7
LED PSF mod6.e m6st pro<ide a poDer fa7tor of %:$% or ;reater:
Tota. harmoni7 distortion from a 76rrent and a <o.ta;e ind67ed into an a.ternatin; 76rrent poDer .ine by an
LED PSF mod6.e m6st not e37eed 2% per7ent at an operatin; temperat6re of 2* de;rees C:
The LED PSF mod6.e 7ir76itry m6st pre<ent per7eptib.e .i;ht emission to the 6naided eye Dhen a <o.ta;e
*% (/a71 or .ess is app.ied to the 6nit:
8hen poDer is app.ied to an LED PSF mod6.e) .i;ht emission m6st o776r Dithin $% ms:
The E!praised ?andE and E8a.kin; PersonE symbo. indi7ations m6st be e.e7tri7a..y iso.ated from ea7h
other: Sharin; a poDer s6pp.y or an inter7onne7t 7ir76itry betDeen the 2 indi7ations is not a..oDed:
>--+.0)E R%m6 Me/er#'8 S#8'
The Eeter OnE si;n m6st be a Dhite messa;e si;n 7omp.yin; Dith se7tion +0,4:%-:
Lenses m6st be -9#0,in7h,minim6m,thi7k 7.ear a7ry.i7 or po.y7arbonate p.asti7 or #9+,in7h nomina.
thi7kness ;.ass fiber reinfor7ed p.asti7 Dith mo.ded # pie7e neoprene ;asket: essa;e .etterin; for
EeterE m6st be series C) 4,#92 in7hes hi;h) Dith 6niform #92,in7h stroke: Letterin; for EOnE m6st be
series C) 0 in7hes hi;h) Dith 6niform #,in7h stroke: Letters m6st be 7.ear) transparent or trans.67ent) Dith
b.a7k opaG6e ba7k;ro6nd si.k s7reened onto the 2nd s6rfa7e of the .ens:
Si;na. mo6ntin; assemb.y m6st in7.6de:
#: #,#92,in7h standard stee. pipe or ;a.<aniHed 7ond6it
2: Pipe fittin; made of d67ti.e iron) ;a.<aniHed stee.) a.6min6m a..oy Type AC,+4" no: -+%) or bronHe
-: ast arm and post top s.ip fitters and termina. 7ompartments made of 7ast bronHe or hot,dip
;a.<aniHed d67ti.e iron
After insta..ation) 7.ean and paint e3posed threads of the ;a.<aniHed 7ond6it bra7kets and bra7ket areas
dama;ed by a Dren7h or <ise IaDs: !se a Dire br6sh to 7.ean and app.y 2 7oats of a6thoriHed 6nthinned
Hin7,ri7h primer) or;ani7 <ehi7.e type: Do not 6se aeroso. 7an:
Fit ea7h termina. 7ompartment Dith a termina. b.o7k ha<in; a minim6m of #2 positions) ea7h Dith 2 s7reD,
type termina.s: Ea7h termina. m6st a77ommodate at .east fi<e no: #4 7ond67tors: In7.6de a 7o<er on the
7ompartment for ready a77ess to the termina. b.o7k: The termina. 7ompartment 6sed to bra7ket,mo6nt
si;na.s m6st be bo.ted se76re.y to a po.e or standard:
The horiHonta. dimension of mo6ntin; assemb.y members betDeen <erti7a. 7enter.ine of the termina.
7ompartment or s.ip fitter and the <erti7a. 7enter.ine of ea7h si;na. fa7e m6st not e37eed ## in7hes)
e37ept Dhere reG6ired for proper si;na. fa7e a.i;nment or to a..oD pro;rammin; of pro;rammed <isibi.ity
si;na. fa7es:
o6ntin; assemb.y members m6st be p.6mb or .e<e.) symmetri7a..y arran;ed) and se76re.y assemb.ed:
o6ntin; assemb.y m6st be Daterti;ht and free of sharp ed;es or protr6sions that mi;ht dama;e
7ond67tor ins6.ation: In7.6de positi<e,.o7kin; serrated fittin;s that) if mated Dith fittin;s on si;na.
fa7es) Di.. pre<ent fa7es from rotatin;:
Orient ea7h mo6ntin; assemb.y to a..oD ma3im6m horiHonta. 7.earan7e to the adIa7ent roadDay:
!se a s.ip fitter for post,top mo6ntin; of si;na.s: Fit s.ip fitter o<er a 4,#92,in7h,o6tside,diameter pipe or
tapered standard end: In7.6de 7admi6m,p.ated stee. set s7reDs: In7.6de an inte;ra. termina. 7ompartment
for ea7h s.ip,fitter 6sed to post,top mo6nt si;na.s Dith bra7kets:
For Type S(,#,T mo6ntin;s Dith * se7tions and S(,2,TD mo6ntin;s) bo.t the mo6ntin;s to the standard
thro6;h the 6pper pipe fittin; as shoDn for bo.tin; the termina. 7ompartment:
Do not insta.. si;na. fa7es at an interse7tion 6nti. a.. other si;na. eG6ipment) in7.6din; 7omp.ete
assemb.y is in p.a7e and ready for operation: &o6 may mo6nt si;na. fa7es if 7o<ered or not dire7ted
toDard traffi7:
F.ashin; bea7on m6st in7.6de:
#: Sin;.e se7tion traffi7 si;na. fa7e Dith ye..oD or red LED mod6.e indi7ations
2: "a7kp.ate
-: T6nne. <isor
4: F.ashin; bea7on 7ontro. assemb.y or f.ashin; LED si;na. mod6.e 7ir76itry
"ea7on f.asher 6nit m6st be independent of the interse7tion f.asher 6nit:
>--+.0,A F&%7#'8 Be%(0' C0'/r0& Aem.&3
>--+.0,AB1C E'(&0"re
En7.os6re m6st be:
#: NEA -R Dith a dead front pane. and a hasp Dith a 59#0,in7h ho.e for a pad.o7k
2: PoDder 7oated) hot,dip ;a.<aniHed) or fa7tory,app.ied r6st resistant prime 7oat and finish 7oat
>--+.0,AB2C C#r("#/ Bre%;er %'1 S:#/(7e
Cir76it breakers m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion +0,2:##:
A sDit7h for man6a..y operatin; the si;n .i;htin; 7ir76it m6st be a sin;.e,ho.e mo6ntin; to;;.e type Dith a
sin;.e po.e and throD and rated at #2 A) #2% (/a71: F6rnish a sDit7h Dith an indi7atin; namep.ate readin;
>--+.0,AB)C F&%7er
If yo6 6se,state f.ashers) 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin; reG6irements:
#: Comp.y Dith se7tion + of NEA Standards p6b.i7ation No: TS #:
2: The f.asher m6st be Dith no 7onta7t points or mo<in; parts:
-: In7.6de 2 o6tp6t 7ir76its to a..oD a.ternate f.ashin; of the si;na. fa7es:
4: The f.asher m6st be ab.e to 7arry a minim6m of #% A per 7ir76it at #2% (/a71:
>--+.0,AB+C A#r#'8
Cond67tors and Dirin; in the en7.os6re m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion +0,2:%$:
>--+.0,AB,C Term#'%& B&0(;
Termina. b.o7ks m6st be:
#: Rated 2* A) 0%% (/a71
2: o.ded pheno.i7 or ny.on materia.
-: "arrier type Dith p.ated,brass s7reD termina.s and inte;ra. markin; strips
>--+.0,B Reer$e1
>--,.01A I'1"(/#$e L006 De/e(/0r
>--,.01AB1C Ge'er%&
Ind67ti<e .oop dete7tor in7.6des a 7omp.ete.y insta..ed .oop or ;ro6p of .oops) in the roadDay and a .ead,
in 7ab.e insta..ed and 7onne7ted inside a 7abinet:
>--,.01AB2C Se'0r U'#/ C0'/r"(/#0'
>--,.01AB)C C0'/r"(/#0' M%/er#%&
Cond67tor for ea7h ind67ti<e .oop dete7tor m6st be 7ontin6o6s) 6nsp.i7ed) and one of the fo..oDin;:
C0'1"(/0r O6/#0' 40r I'1"(/#$e L006 De/e(/0r
Option Spe7ifi7ations
Type # .oop Dire
Type R?8,!SE neoprene,Ia7keted or Type !SE 7ross,
.inked po.yethy.ene ins6.ated) No: #2) stranded 7opper
Dire Dith a 4% mi.s minim6m thi7kness at any point:
Type 2 .oop Dire
Type T?8N or Type >??8) No: #4) stranded 7opper
Dire in a p.asti7 t6bin;: P.asti7 t6bin; m6st be
po.yethy.ene or <iny.) rated for 6se at #%* ]C) and
resistant to oi. and ;aso.ine: O6tside diameter of t6bin;
m6st be %:25 in7h ma3im6m Dith a Da.. thi7kness of
%:%2+ in7h minim6m:
Cond67tor for .oop dete7tor .ead,in 7ab.e m6st be tDo no: #0) #$ by 2$) stranded) tinned 7opper Dires)
7omp.y Dith the 7a.76.ated 7ross se7tiona. area of AST " 2+0) Tab.e #) and be one of the fo..oDin;:
C0'1"(/0r O6/#0' 40r L006 De/e(/0r Le%1-I' C%.&e
Option Spe7ifi7ations
Type " .ead,in 7ab.e Ins6.ated Dith 2% mi.s of ?DPE: Cond67tors m6st be
tDisted to;ether Dith at .east 2 t6rns per foot and the
tDisted pair m6st be prote7ted Dith a 7opper or
a.6min6m po.yester shie.d: A no: 2%) minim6m) 7opper
drain Dire m6st be 7onne7ted to eG6ipment ;ro6nd
Dithin 7abinet: Cab.e m6st ha<e a ?DPE or hi;h,
density po.ypropy.ene o6ter Ia7ket Dith a nomina.
thi7kness of -2 mi.s: In7.6de an amorpho6s interior
moist6re penetration barrier of nonhydros7opi7
po.yethy.ene or po.ypropy.ene fi..ers:
Type C .ead,in 7ab.e Comp.y Dith Internationa. 6ni7ipa. Si;na. Asso7iation
/ISA1 Spe7ifi7ation No: *%,2: A No: 2%) minim6m)
7opper drain Dire m6st be 7onne7ted to eG6ipment
;ro6nd Dithin 7abinet:
Sea.ant for; s.ots m6st be one of the fo..oDin;:
#: E.astomeri7
2: Aspha.ti7 em6.sion
-: ?ot,me.t r6bberiHed aspha.t
4: Epo3y sea.ant for ind67ti<e .oops
>--,.01AB)CB%C E&%/0mer#( Se%&%'/
Po.y6rethane materia. that Di.. Dithin stated she.f .ife 76re on.y in the presen7e of moist6re: Sea.ant m6st
be s6itab.e for 6se in both ?A and 7on7rete pa<ement:
The 76red sea.ant m6st ha<e the performan7e 7hara7teristi7s shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Per40rm%'(e C7%r%(/er#/#( 04 C"re1 Se%&%'/
Chara7teristi7 AST ReG6irement
?ardness /indentation1 at 2* ]C and *%\
re.ati<e h6midity: /Type A) ode. #5%% on.y1
D 224% Re3: 0*,+*
Tensi.e stren;th:
P6..ed at *%+ mm per min6te
D 4#2 Die C -:4* Pa) min
P6..ed at *%+ mm per min6te
D 4#2 Die C 4%%\) min
F.e3 at ,4% ]C:
%:0,mm free fi.m bend /#+%]1 o<er #-,mm
,, No 7ra7ks
8eatherin; resistan7e:
8eatherometer -*% h) 76red 5 days at 2* ]C
R *%\ re.ati<e h6midity
D +22 S.i;ht 7ha.kin;
Sa.t spray resistan7e:
2+ days at -+ ]C Dith *\ NaC.) Die C N p6..ed
at *%+ mm per min6te
" ##5
-:4* Pa) minim6m tensi.e
4%%\) minim6m e.on;ation
Die.e7tri7 7onstant o<er a temperat6re ran;e of
,-% ]C to *% ]C
D #*% Less than 2*\ 7han;e
>--,.01AB)CB.C A67%&/#( Em"&#0' Se%&%'/
Comp.y Dith the DepartmentFs Spe7ifi7ation +%4%,4#A,#*: !se for; s.ots in ?A pa<ement of a
ma3im6m of *9+ in7h in Didth: Do not 6se Dhere the s.ope 7a6ses the materia. to r6n from the s.ot:
ateria. m6st not be thinned beyond the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions: P.a7e materia. Dhen the air
temperat6re is at .east 5 de;rees C:
>--,.01AB)CB(C H0/-Me&/ R" A67%&/ Se%&%'/
?ot,me.t r6bberiHed aspha.t m6st be:
#: In form at room temperat6re and f.6id at app.i7ation temperat6re of #$% to 2%* de;rees C:
F6mes m6st be nonto3i7:
2: S6itab.e for 6se in both ?A and 7on7rete pa<ement:
-: e.ted in a Ia7keted) do6b.e, type me.tin; 6nit: Temperat6re of heat transfer medi6m m6st not
e37eed 24* de;rees C:
4: App.ied Dith a press6re feed app.i7ator or a po6r pot Dhen the pa<ement s6rfa7e temperat6re is
;reater than 4 de;rees C:
*: Pa7ka;ed in 7ontainers 7.ear.y marked EDete7tor Loop Sea.antE and spe7ifyin; man6fa7t6rerFs bat7h
and .ot n6mber:
The 76red sea.ant m6st ha<e the performan7e 7hara7teristi7s shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Per40rm%'(e C7%r%(/er#/#( 04 C"re1 Se%&%'/
Chara7teristi7 AST ReG6irement
Cone penetration) 2* ]C) #*% ;) * s D *-2$) Se7: 0 -:* mm) ma3
F.oD) 0% ]C D *-2$) Se7: + * mm) ma3
Resi.ien7e) 2* ]C D *-2$) Se7: #2 2*\) min
Softenin; point D -0 +2 ]C) min
D67ti.ity) 2* ]C) *% mm9min D ##- -%% mm) min
F.ash point) COC) ]C D $2 2++ ]C) min
(is7osity) "rookfie.d thermose.)
No: 25 Spind.e) 2% rpm) #$% ]C
D #*% Less than 2*\ 7han;e
>--,.01AB)CB1C E60<3 Se%&%'/ 40r I'1"(/#$e L006
!se for repair Dork on e3istin; spa..s) 7ra7ks) and other deformations in and aro6nd saD 76ts ho6sin;
ind67tor .oops and .eads: The ma3im6m ;e. time of the 7ombined 7omponents m6st be -% min6tes Dhen
tested 6nder Ca.ifornia Test 4-4: The rapid 76re a..oDs minim6m traffi7 de.ay Dhen tested 6nder
Ca.ifornia Test 4-4:
>--,.01AB+C I'/%&&%/#0' De/%#&
Insta.. .oop 7ond67tors Ditho6t sp.i7es and end in the nearest p6.. bo3: Sea. the open end of the 7ab.e
Ia7ket or t6bin; to sp.i7in; reG6irements to pre<ent Dater from enterin;: Do not make fina. sp.i7es
betDeen .oops and .ead,in 7ab.e 6nti. .oop operations 6nder a7t6a. traffi7 7onditions are a6thoriHed:
Sp.i7e a.. .oop 7ond67tors for ea7h dire7tion of tra<e. for the same phase of a traffi7 si;na. system) in the
same p6.. bo3) to a dete7tor .ead,in 7ab.e that r6ns from the p6.. bo3 adIa7ent to the .oop dete7tor to a
sensor 6nit mo6nted in the 7abinet:
End a.. .oop 7ond67tors in a p6.. bo3 or a termina. strip in the 7abinet:
Identify and band 7ond67tors for ind67ti<e .oop insta..ations: "and 7ond67tors) in pairs) by .ane) in the p6..
bo3 adIa7ent to the .oops and near the end of the 7ond67tors in the 7abinet: "ands m6st 7omp.y Dith
se7tion +0,2:%$:
If ?A s6rfa7in; is to be p.a7ed) insta.. .oop 7ond67tors before p.a7in; the 6ppermost .ayer of ?A:
Insta.. 7ond67tors in a 7ompa7ted .ayer of ?A immediate.y be.oD the 6ppermost .ayer: Insta.. 7ond67tors
as shoDn) e37ept fi.. the s.ot Dith a sea.ant f.6sh to the s6rfa7e:
8hen 76ttin; .oops:
#: SaD 76ts m6st be 7.eaned Dith 7ompressed air to remo<e a.. e37ess moist6re and debris: For
repairin; dama;ed saD 76ts) a.. .oose spa..ed materia. m6st be 7.eaned aDay from the saD 76t)
7hippin; ba7k to so6nd aspha.t 7on7rete or 7on7rete pa<ement) and 7.eaned aDay from the .oop
2: Resid6e from s.ot 76ttin; a7ti<ities m6st not be a..oDed to f.oD a7ross sho6.ders or .anes o776pied by
traffi7 and m6st be remo<ed from the pa<ement s6rfa7e before resid6e f.oDs off: Dispose of resid6e
from s.ot 76ttin; a7ti<ities:
-: "efore settin;) s6rp.6s sea.ant m6st be remo<ed from the adIa7ent road s6rfa7e Ditho6t 6sin;
>--,.01AB,C Pre40rme1 I'1"(/#$e L006
Preformed ind67ti<e .oops m6st be the type shoDn:
The .oop m6st be 0,foot sG6are 6n.ess otherDise shoDn: The .oop m6st 7onsist of 4 t6rns of No: #0) or
.ar;er) Dire Dith Type T?8N or TFFN ins6.ation:
En7ase the .oop Dires in -9+,in7h) minim6m) S7hed6.e 4% or S7hed6.e +% P(C or po.ypropy.ene 7ond6it
and sea. the 7ond6it to pre<ent the entran7e of Dater and the mo<ement of Dires Dithin the 7ond6it:
The .oop Dires from the preformed .oop to the adIa7ent p6.. bo3 m6st be tDisted to;ether into a pair) at
.east 2 t6rns per foot) and en7ased in S7hed6.e 4% or S7hed6.e +% P(C or po.ypropy.ene 7ond6it
betDeen the preformed .oop and the adIa7ent p6.. bo3 or dete7tor handho.e: The .ead,in 7ond6it m6st be
sea.ed to pre<ent the entran7e of Dater at the p6.. bo3 or handho.e end:
In neD roadDays) p.a7e the preformed .oops and .ead,in 7ond6its in the base 7o6rse Dith the top of the
7ond6it f.6sh Dith the top of the base: Co<er Dith ?A or 7on7rete pa<ement: Prote7t preformed .oops
and .ead,in 7ond6its from dama;e before and d6rin; pa<ement p.a7ement:
In neD reinfor7ed 7on7rete str67t6re de7ks) se76re the preformed .oops to the top of the 6ppermost .ayer
of reinfor7in; stee. 6sin; ny.on Dire ties: ?o.d the .oop para..e. to the str67t6re de7k by 6sin; P(C or
po.ypropy.ene spa7ers Dhere ne7essary: P.a7e 7ond6it for .ead,in 7ond67tors betDeen the 6ppermost 2
.ayers of reinfor7in; stee.:
Do not insta.. preformed ind67ti<e .oops in e3istin; str67t6re de7ks:
Preformed .oop insta..ation in e3istin; pa<ement m6st 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin;:
#: Preformed .oops and .ead,in 7ond6its m6st be p.a7ed in #,#94,in7h,minim6m,Didth s.ots 76t into the
e3istin; pa<ement: The top of the 7ond6it m6st be 2 in7hes) minim6m) be.oD the top of pa<ement:
2: S.ots in aspha.t 7on7rete pa<ement m6st be fi..ed Dith e.astomeri7 or hot,me.t r6bberiHed aspha.t
-: S.ots in 7on7rete pa<ement m6st be fi..ed Dith epo3y sea.ant or hot me.t r6bberiHed aspha.t sea.ant:
>--,.01B M%8'e/#( De/e(/0r
Cab.e from the p6.. bo3 adIa7ent to the ma;neti7 dete7tor sensin; e.ement to the fie.d termina.s in the 7abinet m6st be the type spe7ified for ind67ti<e .oop dete7tors:
>--,.01C M#(r0:%$e Ve7#(&e De/e(/#0' S3/em BS#1e F#reC
>--,.01D Emer8e'(3 Ve7#(&e De/e(/0r S3/em
?o6sin; m6st be either die,7ast or permanent mo.d,7ast a.6min6m: Assemb.y m6st be rainproof and
sho7kproof in any Deather 7ondition:
The sDit7h m6st be a sin;.e,po.e) do6b.e,throD sDit7hin; 6nit Dith s7reD,type termina.s rated #* A at #2*
(/a71) and m6st ha<e:
#: P.6n;er a7t6ator and a ! frame to a..oD re7essed mo6ntin; in the p6sh b6tton ho6sin;
2: Operatin; for7e of -:* .b
-: #904,in7h ma3im6m pre,tra<e.
4: 59-2,in7h minim6m o<ertra<e.
*: %:%%%4, to %:%%2,in7h differentia. tra<e.
0: 2,in7h,minim6m,diameter a7t6ator
8here<er a pedestrian p6sh b6tton is atta7hed to a po.e) shape the ho6sin; to fit the po.e 76r<at6re and
se76re: In7.6de to make a neat fit if needed:
8here<er a pedestrian p6sh b6tton is mo6nted on top of a 2,#92,in7h,diameter post) fit the ho6sin; Dith a
s.ip,fitter and 6se s7reDs for se76rin; ri;id.y to post:
Pedestrian p6sh b6tton si;ns m6st be por7e.ain,ename.ed meta. or str67t6ra. p.asti7:
Insta.. the p6sh b6tton and the si;n on the 7rossDa.k side of the po.e:
Point arroDs on the p6sh b6tton si;ns in the same dire7tion as the 7orrespondin; 7rossDa.k:
Atta7h the si;n on a Type " p6sh b6tton assemb.y:
For Type C pedestrian p6sh b6tton assemb.y) mo6nt the instr67tion si;n on the same standard as the
p6sh b6tton assemb.y) 6sin; 2 straps and sadd.e bra7kets: Straps and sadd.e bra7kets m6st be
7orrosion,resistin; 7hromi6m ni7ke. stee. and 7omp.y Dith AST A #05) Type -%2": Theftproof bo.ts m6st
be stain.ess stee. Dith a 7hromi6m 7ontent of #5 per7ent and a ni7ke. 7ontent of + per7ent:
?i;h,press6re sodi6m .6minaires m6st be the en7.osed 76toff type: Ea7h .6minaire m6st 7onsist of a
ho6sin;) a ref.e7tor) a refra7tor or .ens) a .amp so7ket) an inte;ra. ba..ast) a termina. strip) and a .amp:
?o6sin; m6st be man6fa7t6red from a.6min6m: Painted or poDder,7oated ho6sin; m6st Dithstand a
#)%%%,ho6r sa.t spray test as spe7ified in AST " ##5:
Other meta. parts m6st be 7orrosion resistant:
Ea7h ho6sin; m6st in7.6de a s.ip fitter that 7an be mo6nted on a 2,in7h pipe tenon and 7an be adI6sted *
de;rees from the a3is of the tenon: C.ampin; bra7kets of the s.ip,fitter m6st not bottom o6t on the ho6sin;
bosses Dhen adI6sted Dithin the Z * de;ree ran;e:
S.ip fitter mo6ntin; bra7ket m6st not permanent.y set in e37ess of %:%2% in7h Dhen the -9+,in7h,diameter
7ap s7reD 6sed for mo6ntin; is ti;htened to #% ft,.b:
8hen tested 6nder Ca.ifornia Test 0##) the .6minaire to be mo6nted horiHonta..y on the mast arm m6st be
7apab.e of Dithstandin; the fo..oDin; 7y7.i7 .oadin; for a minim6m of 2 mi..ion Ditho6t fai.6re of any
.6minaire parts:
C3(&#( L0%1#'8
P.ane Interna.
inim6m peak a77e.eration .e<e.
/= T a77e.eration d6e to ;ra<ity1
(erti7a. Remo<ed -:% = peak,to,peak sin6soida. .oadin; /same as #:* = peak1
(erti7a. Insta..ed #:% = peak,to,peak sin6soida. .oadin; /same as %:* = peak1
Insta..ed #:* = peak,to,peak sin6soida. .oadin; /same as %:5* = peak1
a to dire7tion of mast arm
If a photoe.e7tri7 6nit re7epta7.e is in7.6ded) a rainti;ht shortin; 7ap m6st be insta..ed: If the .6minaire
ho6sin; has a ho.e for the re7epta7.e) the ho.e m6st be permanent.y 7.osed) 7o<ered) and sea.ed Dith
Deatherproof materia.:
The opti7a. system m6st be in a sea.ed 7hamber and in7.6de:
#: Ref.e7tor shaped s67h that a minim6m of .i;ht is ref.e7ted thro6;h the ar7 t6be of the .amp: The
ref.e7tor s6rfa7e m6st be and prote7ted by either an anodiHed finish or a si.i7ate fi.m on itFs s6rfa7e:
2: Refra7tor or .ens mo6nted in a door frame hin;ed to the ho6sin; and se76red Dith a sprin;,.oaded
.at7h: The refra7tor m6st be made of ;.ass or po.y7arbonate p.asti7: The .ens m6st be made of heat,
and impa7t,resistant ;.ass:
-: Lamp so7ket that is a por7e.ain en7.osed mo;6.,m6.tip.e type: The she.. m6st in7.6de inte;ra. .amp
;rips to ass6re e.e7tri7a. 7onta7t 6nder 7onditions of norma. <ibration: So7ket m6st be mo6nted in the
.6minaire to a..oD presettin; a <ariety of spe7ified .i;ht distrib6tion patterns: So7ket m6st be rated for
#)*%% 8) 0%% (/a71) and a 4 k(
4: Lamp:
Pro<ide a; ;asket betDeen the ref.e7tor and:
#: Refra7tor or .ens
2: Lamp so7ket
The 7hamber m6st a..oD for fi.tered f.oD of air in and o6t of the 7hamber from .amp heat: Fi.terin; m6st be
a77omp.ished by either a separate fi.ter or a fi.terin; ;asket:
If 7omponents are mo6nted on a doDn,openin; door) the door m6st be hin;ed and se76red to the
.6minaire ho6sin; separate.y from the refra7tor or .ens frame: The door m6st be easi.y remo<ab.e and
rep.a7eab.e) and se76red to the ho6sin; to pre<ent a77identa. openin; Dhen the refra7tor or .ens
frame is opened:
Fie.d Dires 7onne7ted to the .6minaire m6st terminate on a barrier,type termina. b.o7k se76red to the
ho6sin;: Termina. s7reDs m6st be 7apti<e and eG6ipped Dith Dire ;rips for 7ond67tors 6p to no: 0: Ea7h
termina. position m6st be 7.ear.y identified:
inim6m .i;ht distrib6tion for ea7h .6minaire m6st 7omp.y Dith the iso.63 dia;rams:
a3im6m bri;htness of ea7h 76toff .6minaire) Dith the .amp indi7ated) m6st be the <a.6e shoDn in the
fo..oDin; tab.e:
C"/044 T36e
ANSI 7ode no:
a3im6m bri;htness
S** #*% 4%
S00 2%% 4%
S*% 2*% *%
S05 -#% 0%
S*# 4%% 5*
"ri;htness readin;s Di.. be taken 6sin; a bri;htness meter Dith an a77eptan7e an;.e of #:* de;rees:
8hen meas6red on the $%, and 25%,de;ree .atera. an;.e .ine) ma3im6m bri;htness m6st not e37eed the
abo<e spe7ified bri;htness Dhen the meter is .o7ated at a horiHonta. distan7e of #2% feet and a <erti7a.
distan7e of 5:* feet betDeen the .6minaire and the meter) or at an an;.e of - de;rees -* min6tes from the
horiHonta. to the .ine betDeen the .6minaire and the meter: eas6rements m6st be made from the $%, and
25%,de;ree .ines) and a<era;ed: The .amp 6sed for ea7h test m6st operate at the Datta;e ne7essary to
prod67e the .i;ht o6tp6t shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
L#87/ O"/6"/
Lamp Datta;e L6mens
#*% #0)%%%
2%% 22)%%%
2*% 25)%%%
-#% -5)%%%
4%% *%)%%%
>---.01A H#87 Pre"re S01#"m L%m6 B%&&%/
Ea7h ba..ast m6st:
#: Operate the .amp for its rated 7hara7teristi7s and Datta;e
2: Contin6o6s.y operate at ambient air temperat6res from ,2% to 2* de;rees C Ditho6t red67tion in
ba..ast .ife
-: Operate for at .east #+% of #2 ho6rs on and #2 ho6rs off) Dith the .amp 7ir76it in an open or
short,7ir76ited 7ondition and Ditho6t meas6rab.e red67tion in operatin; reG6irements
4: ?a<e a desi;n .ife of not .ess than 0%)%%% ho6rs
*: Pro<ide proper startin; and operatin; Da<eforms) <o.ta;e) and 76rrent
0: Pro<ide re.iab.e .amp startin; and operation at ambient temperat6re doDn to ,2% de;rees C for the
rated .ife of .amp
"a..ast m6st be tested 6nder NEA9ANSI C+2:0:
Startin; aids for a ba..ast of a ;i<en .amp Datta;e m6st be inter7han;eab.e betDeen ba..asts of the same
Datta;e and man6fa7t6rer) Ditho6t adI6stment:
Ea7h inte;ra. ba..ast m6st 7onsist of separate 7omponents that 7an be easi.y rep.a7ed: An en7aps6.ated
startin; aid Di.. be 7o6nted as a sin;.e 7omponent: Ea7h 7omponent m6st in7.6de s7reD termina.s) NEA
tab 7onne7tors) or a sin;.e m6.ti,7ir76it 7onne7tor: Cond67tors and termina.s m6st be identified:
o6nt heat,;eneratin; 7omponent so as to 6se the portion of the .6minaire it is mo6nted to as a heat
sink: P.a7e 7apa7itor at ma3im6m pra7ti7ab.e distan7e from the heat,;eneratin; 7omponents or therma..y
shie.d to .imit the 7ase temperat6re to 5* de;rees C:
Transformer and ind67tor m6st be resin impre;nated for prote7tion a;ainst moist6re: Capa7itors) e37ept
those in startin; aids) m6st be meta. 7ased and hermeti7a..y sea.ed:
The Department Di.. test the hi;h,press6re sodi6m .amp ba..ast: ?i;h,press6re sodi6m .amp ba..ast m6st
ha<e a 7hara7teristi7 76r<e that Di.. interse7t both of the .amp,<o.ta;e .imit .ines betDeen the Datta;e .imit
.ines and remain betDeen the Datta;e .imit .ines thro6;ho6t the f6.. ran;e of the .amp <o.ta;e and
thro6;ho6t the .ifetime of the .amp: This reG6irement m6st be met at the rated inp6t <o.ta;e of the ba..ast
and at the .oDest and hi;hest rated inp6t <o.ta;e of the ba..ast:
"a..ast for .6minaires m6st be .o7ated in the .6minaire ho6sin;:
>---.01AB1C Re8"&%/0r T36e B%&&%/
Re;6.ator type ba..ast m6st 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin;:
#: For nomina. inp6t <o.ta;e and .amp <o.ta;e) the ba..ast desi;n 7enter m6st not <ary more than 5:*
per7ent from the rated .amp Datta;e:
2: "a..ast m6st be desi;ned for a 7apa7itan7e <arian7e of Z 0 per7ent that Di.. not 7a6se more than Z +
per7ent <ariation in the .amp Datta;e re;6.ation d6rin; the rated .amp .ife:
-: Lamp 76rrent 7rest fa7tor m6st not e37eed #:+ for an inp6t <o.ta;e <ariation of Z #% per7ent at any
.amp <o.ta;e d6rin; the .amp .ife:
Re;6.ator,type ba..ast m6st 7omp.y Dith one of the .amp re;6.ations shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Re8"&%/0r-T36e B%&&%/
"a..ast type PoDer fa7tor Lamp re;6.ation
La; type
Not .ess than $% per7ent
thro6;ho6t the .ife of the .amp
Dhen the ba..ast is operated at
nomina. .ine <o.ta;e Dith a
nomina..y,rated referen7e .amp
Lamp Datta;e re;6.ation spread
does not <ary by more than #+
per7ent for Z#% per7ent inp6t
<o.ta;e <ariation from nomina.
thro6;h .ife
Lead type
Not .ess than $% per7ent
thro6;ho6t the .ife of the .amp
Dhen the ba..ast is operated at
nomina. .ine <o.ta;e Dith a
nomina..y,rated referen7e .amp
Lamp Datta;e re;6.ation spread
does not <ary by more than -%
per7ent for Z#% per7ent inp6t
<o.ta;e <ariation from nomina.
thro6;h .ife
Primary and se7ondary Dindin;s m6st be e.e7tri7a..y iso.ated
Constant Datta;e a6tore;6.ator /C8A1
>---.01AB2C N0're8"&%/0r T36e B%&&%/
Ea7h nonre;6.ator type ba..ast m6st 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin;:
#: For nomina. inp6t <o.ta;e and .amp <o.ta;e) the ba..ast desi;n 7enter m6st not <ary more than 5:*
per7ent from the rated .amp Datta;e:
2: Lamp 76rrent 7rest fa7tor m6st not e37eed #:+ for inp6t <o.ta;e <ariation of Z * per7ent at any .amp
<o.ta;e d6rin; .the amp .ife:
Nonre;6.ator,type ba..ast m6st 7omp.y Dith the .amp re;6.ation shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
N0're8"&%/0r-T36e B%&&%/
"a..ast type PoDer fa7tor Lamp re;6.ation
A6totransformer or
hi;h rea7tan7e
Not .ess than $% per7ent
thro6;ho6t the .ife of the .amp
Dhen the ba..ast is operated at
nomina. .ine <o.ta;e Dith a
nomina..y,rated referen7e .amp
Lamp Datta;e re;6.ation spread does
not <ary by more than 2* per7ent for Z
* per7ent inp6t <o.ta;e <ariation from
the nomina. thro6;h .ife
>---.01B H#87 Pre"re S01#"m L%m6
?i;h,press6re sodi6m .amps m6st 7omp.y Dith ANSI C5+:42 Dhen tested 6nder ANSI C5+:-+$: ?i;h,
press6re sodi6m .amps m6st ha<e a minim6m a<era;e rated .ife of 24)%%% ho6rs:
>---.02 RESERVED
Ea7h .oD,press6re sodi6m .6minaire m6st be 7omp.ete.y assemb.ed Dith a .amp and a ba..ast) and m6st:
#: "e the en7.osed type) either semi,76toff or 76toff type:
2: Consist of a ho6sin;) ref.e7tor) refra7tor or .ens) .amp so7ket) inte;ra. ba..ast) remo<ab.e ba..ast tray)
.amp s6pport) termina. strip) 7apa7itor) and s.ip fitter: The ref.e7tor may be an inte;ra. part of the
L6minaire ho6sin; m6st be a #9#0,in7h thi7k) minim6m) 7orrosion resistant die 7ast a.6min6m sheet and
p.ate Dith 7on7ea.ed 7ontin6o6s De.ds or a minim6m nomina. Da.. thi7kness of -9-2,in7h thi7k
a7ry.onitri.e,b6tadiene,styrene sheet materia.) on a 7ast a.6min6m frame that pro<ides mo6ntin; for a..
e.e7tri7a. 7omponents and s.ip fitter: ?o6sin; m6st be di<ided into opti7a. and poDer 7ompartments
indi<id6a..y a77essib.e for ser<i7e and maintenan7e: Position and 7.amp .6minaire to pipe tenon by
ti;htenin; the mo6ntin; bo.ts:
Painted e3terior s6rfa7e of the .6minaire m6st be finished Dith a f6sed 7oatin; of e.e7trostati7a..y,app.ied
po.yester poDder paint or other 6.tra<,inhibitin; fi.m: The 7o.or m6st be a.6min6m ;ray:
?i;h,temperat6re neoprene) or eG6a.); rin; m6st be insta..ed in the pipe tenon openin; to pre<ent
entry of Dater and inse7ts into the poDer and opti7a. 7ompartments:
A77ess to the poDer 6nit assemb.y m6st be thro6;h a Deatherti;ht hin;ed 7o<er) se76red Dith sprin;,type
.at7hes or 7apti<e s7reDs) to the .6minaire ho6sin;:
?ardDare m6st be stain.ess stee. or 7admi6m p.ated: !se ma7hine s7reDs or bo.ts to se76re remo<ab.e
7omponents: Do not 6se sheet meta. s7reDs:
Semi,76toff .6minaires and mo.ded refra7tor,sty.e 76toff .6minaires m6st in7.6de a refra7tor: Other 76toff
.6minaires m6st in7.6de a .ens:
Refra7tor m6st be a #,pie7e inIe7tion mo.ded po.y7arbonate of -9-2,in7h minim6m thi7kness or a #,pie7e
inIe7tion mo.ded a7ry.i7 of #9+,in7h minim6m thi7kness: .ens m6st be a #,pie7e po.y7arbonate of
-9-2,in7h minim6m thi7kness mo6nted to a meta. frame: Refra7tor assemb.y and .ens assemb.y m6st
be 7onstr67ted to ri;id.y maintain its shape and hin;ed and se76red Dith sprin; type .at7hes to the
.6minaire ho6sin;: A.ternate methods of man6fa7t6rin; the refra7tor may be a6thoriHed pro<ided minim6m
spe7ified thi7knesses are maintained:
Lamp so7ket m6st be hi;h,temperat6re f.ame,retardant thermoset materia. Dith se.f,Dipin; 7onta7ts or
eG6i<a.ent: So7ket m6st be rated for 00% 8 and #)%%% (/a71: The position of the so7ket and s6pport m6st
maintain the .amp in 7orre7t re.ationship Dith the ref.e7tor and refra7tor for the desi;ned distrib6tion
Isofoot7and.e distrib6tion m6st be ANSI Type III) short or Type I() medi6m distrib6tion) for 76toff or semi,
76toff .6minaires:
8ith a 4%,foot mo6ntin; hei;ht) ea7h type of .6minaire m6st maintain a minim6m of %:2 foot7and.e at .east
0% feet ea7h side) a.on; the .on;it6dina. roadDay .ine be.oD the .6minaire) and a minim6m of %:-*
foot7and.e at a trans<erse roadDay distan7e from the .6minaire .o7ation eG6a. to #:* times the .6minaire
mo6ntin; hei;ht:
Certified .6minaire performan7e data m6st be pro<ided: This data m6st in7.6de 7omp.ete photometri7 test
data in isofoot7and.e 7harts at a s7a.e of # in7h eG6a.s 2% feet for the .6minaire and .amp siHes shoDn:
A.ternate data may be in the form of horiHonta. foot7and.e <a.6es re7orded on a #* by #* foot area
e3tendin; $% feet .on;it6dina..y on ea7h side of the .i;ht so6r7e) and #* feet behind and $% feet in front of
the .i;ht so6r7e for the .6minaire and .amp siHes and mo6ntin; hei;ht shoDn: ?oriHonta. foot7and.e .e<e.s
in the data s6bmitted m6st eG6a. or e37eed the .e<e.s spe7ified: Fai.6re to 7omp.y Dith the referen7ed
<a.6es Di.. be I6stifi7ation for reIe7tion of the .6minaires:
Photometri7 testin; m6st be performed and 7ertified by an independent and re7o;niHed testin; .aboratory:
LoD,press6re sodi6m .amp m6st:
#: "e a #+% 8) sin;.e,ended) bayonet base) ;as,dis7har;e .amp:
2: aintain a minim6m of $- per7ent of initia. .6mens d6rin; the rated .ife and m6st 7omp.y Dith the
minim6m performan7e reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Per40rm%'(e Re!"#reme'/
Lamp desi;nation ANSI L549E
Initia. .6mens --)%%% .6mens
Rated a<era;e .ife R #% hrs9Start #+)%%% ho6rs
Operatin; position ?oriHonta. Z2% de;rees
-: Rea7h +% per7ent of the .i;ht o6tp6t Dithin #% min6tes and m6st restrike Dithin # min6te after an
o6ta;e d6e to poDer interr6ption or <o.ta;e drop at the .amp so7ket:
4: Identify the month and year of the insta..ation:
*: ?a<e an a6totransformer or hi;h,rea7tan7e,type ba..ast: The ba..ast m6st 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin;:
*:#: Lamp 76rrent 7rest fa7tor m6st not e37eed #:+ at nomina. .ine <o.ta;e
*:2: "a..ast .oss m6st not e37eed 24 per7ent for #+% 8 ba..ast at nomina. .ine <o.ta;e
*:-: "a..ast m6st 7omp.y Dith the .amp re;6.ation shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
A"/0/r%'40rmer 0r H#87-Re%(/%'(e-T36e B%&&%/
"a..ast type PoDer fa7tor Lamp re;6.ation
A6totransformer or
Not .ess than $% per7ent Dhen
ba..ast is operated at nomina.
.ine <o.ta;e Dith a nomina..y,
rated referen7e .amp
Lamp Datta;e re;6.ation spread does
not <ary by more than Z0 per7ent for
Z#% per7ent inp6t <o.ta;e <ariation
from nomina. thro6;h .ife
A m6.ti,7ir76it 7onne7tor m6st be in7.6ded for G6i7k dis7onne7tion of the ba..ast tray:
Soffit and Da.. .6minaire m6st be Deatherproof and 7orrosion resistant:
Ea7h f.6sh,mo6nted soffit .6minaire m6st 7onsist of:
#: eta. body Dith tDo #,in7h minim6m 7ond6it h6bs and pro<isions for an7horin; into 7on7rete
2: Prismati7 refra7tor made of heat,resistant po.y7arbonate mo6nted in a door frame and 7.ear.y
identified as to street side
-: anodiHed a.6min6m ref.e7tor
4: "a..ast .o7ated either Dithin the ho6sin; or in a; p6.. bo3 as shoDn
*: Lamp so7ket
Door frame assemb.y m6st be hin;ed) ;asketed) and se76red to the body by at .east - ma7hine s7reDs:
Ea7h pendant soffit .6minaire m6st be en7.osed and ;asketed) ha<e an a.6min6m finish) and in7.6de:
#: Ref.e7tor Dith a anodiHed a.6min6m finish
2: Refra7tor made of heat,resistant po.y7arbonate
-: Opti7a. assemb.y hin;ed and .at7hed for .amp a77ess and a de<i7e to pre<ent droppin;
4: "a..ast desi;ned for operation in a rainti;ht en7.os6re
*: =a.<aniHed meta. bo3 Dith a ;asketed 7o<er) 2 7apti<e s7reDs) and 2 7hains to pre<ent droppin; and
for .6minaire mo6ntin;
Ea7h Da..,mo6nted .6minaire m6st 7onsist of:
#: Cast meta. body
2: Prismati7 refra7tor) made of ;.ass) mo6nted in a door frame
-: A.6min6m ref.e7tor Dith a anodiHed finish
4: Inte;ra. ba..ast
*: Lamp so7ket
0: =asket betDeen the refra7tor and the body
5: At .east tDo *9#0,in7h,minim6m,diameter mo6ntin; bo.ts
Cast,a.6min6m bodies to be 7ast into or mo6nted a;ainst 7on7rete m6st ha<e a thi7k app.i7ation of a.ka.i,
resistant bit6mino6s paint on a.. s6rfa7es to be in 7onta7t Dith 7on7rete:
Ea7h soffit .6minaire and Da.. .6minaire m6st in7.6de a 5% 8 hi;h,press6re sodi6m .amp Dith a minim6m
a<era;e rated .ife of 24)%%% ho6rs: Ea7h .amp so7ket m6st be positioned to .o7ate the .i;ht 7enter of the
.amp Dithin #92 in7h of the .i;ht 7enter .o7ation of the .6minaire desi;n:
"a..ast m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion +0,0:%#A: 8a.. .6minaire ba..ast m6st be .o7ated in the .6minaire
ho6sin; or) if shoDn) in a p6.. bo3 adIa7ent to the .6minaire:
"efore startin; fi3t6re man6fa7t6rin;) s6bmit fi3t6re desi;n for a6thoriHation: If reG6ested) s6bmit #
7omp.ete prototype fi3t6re for a6thoriHation at .east -% days before man6fa7t6rin; the fi3t6res: The
prototype fi3t6re Di.. be ret6rned to yo6) and if a..oDed) the fi3t6re may be insta..ed in the Dork:
The .ens 6nit in the door se7tion m6st be formed of #,#92,in7h methy. metha7ry.ate rod 76t and fire ;.aHed
for a 7.ear finish or a 7ast 6nit Dith eG6i<a.ent to.eran7es and finish:
The .ens m6st be se76red to the door se7tion Dith an e3tr6ded .ens retainer of 0%0-,T* a.6min6m a..oy
that fits the .ens shape: The .ens retainer m6st fit the f6.. .en;th of the .ens on both sides: Contin6o6s .ens
retainer for the f6.. .en;th of - .enses is a..oDed: A bars of *%*2,?-2 or *%%*,?#4 a.6min6m a..oy) #9#0
in7h minim6m thi7kness) may be s6bstit6ted for the e3tr6ded .ens retainer:
A 7apti<e positi<e,keyed s7reD,type .at7hin; de<i7e reG6irin; a spe7ia. so7ket Dren7h m6st be insta..ed at
the 6pper ed;e to se76re the door in the 7.osed position as shoDn: F6rnish 2 spe7ia. Dren7hes to the
Ea7h fi3t6re m6st in7.6de a F4+T#29C8 rapid,start f.6ores7ent .amp Dith re7essed) do6b.e 7onta7t base
insta..ed on the ba7k side of the door dire7t.y behind the .ens:
Ea7h .ampho.der m6st be !L .isted for o6tdoor 6se Ditho6t an en7.os6re and Dith #)*%% mA rapid,start
f.6ores7ent .amp: Lampho.der m6st be a sprin;,.oaded type:
For ea7h .amp) the distan7e from the fa7e of the .ampho.der to the .amp m6st be desi;ned to pro<ide a
7ompression of at .east %:#% in7h on the sprin;,type .ampho.der Dhen the .amp is in p.a7e: Lamp m6st
ha<e a positi<e me7hani7a. and e.e7tri7a. 7onta7t Dhen it is in p.a7e: So7ket on the sprin;,type
.ampho.der m6st ha<e eno6;h tra<e. to a..oD the .amp insta..ation: The sprin; m6st not be a part of the
76rrent,7arryin; 7ir76it:
"a..ast m6st be a hi;h,poDer,fa7tor type Dith Deatherproof .eads for operation of one 4+,in7h rapid,start
.amp: The ba..ast m6st be !L .isted for o6tdoor operation on ##% to #2* (/a71 0% ?H 7ir76it and rated at
#)*%% mA:
Cond67tors from ba..ast .eads to the .ampho.der m6st be a minim6m siHe of No: #0) stranded) and !L,
.isted 7opper A8: Sp.i7in; of .ampho.der 7ond67tors to ba..ast .eads m6st be performed by 6sin;
me7hani7a..y,se76re 7onne7tors:
Cond67tors in the fi3t6re e37ept ba..ast .eads and entran7e .ine 7ond67tors) m6st be !L,.isted A8:
Pro<ide s6ffi7ient s.a7k in the 7ond67tors to a..oD the fi3t6re door to f6..y open:
Cir76it 7ond67tors enterin; the fi3t6re m6st be terminated on mo.ded pheno.i7 barrier,type termina. b.o7ks
rated at #* A and 0%% (/a71 and m6st ha<e inte;ra.,type Dhite Daterproof,markin; strips: C6rrent,7arryin;
parts of termina. b.o7ks m6st be ins6.ated from the fi3t6re Dith inte;ra. p.6;s or strips to pro<ide prote7tion
from .ine,to,;ro6nd f.asho<er <o.ta;e: Termina. b.o7ks m6st be atta7hed to the DireDay 7o<er in the top
se7tion: If yo6 6se se7tiona.iHed termina. b.o7ks) ea7h se7tion m6st in7.6de an inte;ra. barrier on ea7h
side and be 7apab.e of ri;id mo6ntin; and a.i;nment:
E3posed s6rfa7es of the fi3t6re m6st be 6niform in appearan7e and free from si;nifi7ant defe7ts) in7.6din;
improper fit) dents) deep s7rat7hes and abrasions) b6rrs) ro6;hness) off,sG6are ends) off,7enter or
Ia;;ed) and s6rfa7e irre;6.arities: S7reDs for atta7hin; 7omponents to the fi3t6re door) in7.6din; A bars)
ba..asts) and termina. b.o7k) m6st be tapped into the door from the inside on.y: S7reDheads) n6ts) or other
fasteners m6st not be remo<ab.e from the o6tside:
>---.0-A Pe1e/r#%' U'1er(r0#'8 F#</"re
Fi3t6re she.. m6st be 7ast a.6min6m a..oy) ind6stria. type) or Federa. C.ass #+ a.6min6m of #94 in7h
minim6m thi7kness:
Door m6st be # pie7e of 0%0#,T0 a.6min6m a..oy of #9+ in7h minim6m thi7kness:
Contin6o6s piano hin;e m6st be Type ##%% a.6min6m a..oy: Piano hin;e m6st be De.ded or ri<eted to the
door se7tion Dith #9+,in7h a.6min6m ri<ets: at7hin; m6st be dri..ed in the hin;e and the .oDer
ed;e of the fi3t6re: After the she.. is in p.a7e) the door assemb.y m6st be atta7hed by -9+,in7h) No: +
stain.ess stee. se.f,tappin; s7reDs at a minim6m:
A neoprene ;asket m6st be atta7hed to the frame to pro<ide a 76shion betDeen the she.. and the door:
Chain or other de<i7e m6st be in7.6ded to pre<ent the door) Dhen f6..y opened) from 7omin; in 7onta7t
Dith the 6nder7rossin; Da..:
Fi3t6re m6st be he.d in p.a7e by three -9+ by + in7h an7hor bo.ts Dith 2 n6ts ea7h:
Fi3t6re s6rfa7es in 7onta7t Dith 7on7rete and Dith an7hor bo.ts and n6ts m6st be painted Dith a thi7k
app.i7ation of a.ka.i,resistant bit6mino6s paint: Paint m6st 7omp.y Dith IL,P,0++-:
Cir76it 7ond67tor enterin; the fi3t6re m6st be terminated on 2,position termina. b.o7ks:
"oth ends of the fi3t6re m6st ha<e for #,in7h 7ond6it: !n6sed m6st be p.6;;ed Dith pressed
meta. 7.os6res:
>---.0-B Pe1e/r#%' O$er(r0#'8 F#</"re
Fi3t6re she.. m6st 7onsist of:
#: Top se7tion and a door se7tion of e3tr6ded 0%0-,T* a.6min6m a..oy) ea7h Dith a nomina. #9+ in7h Da..
2: 2 7ast,end se7tions of -#$ a.6min6m a..oy
-: Interna. DireDay 7o<er of *%*,?-2 a.6min6m a..oy
Top se7tion and door se7tion m6st be Ioined to;ether on # side by a 7ontin6o6s hin;e formed as part of
the 2 e3tr6sions and m6st o<er.ay to a..oD .o7kin; on the other side: ?in;e m6st be treated Dith a si.i7one
;rease that Di.. pre<ent the entran7e of Dater by 7api..ary a7tion:
8ireDay 7o<er Dith -9#0,in7h hemmed ends 6p and termina. b.o7ks and 7ir76it 7ond67tors m6st be
inserted before De.din; end se7tions and m6st pro<ide 7.earan7e at both ends for 7ond67tors: The 7o<er
m6st be fastened by at .east tDo #94,in7h) No: 4 se.f,threadin; sheet meta. s7reDs Dith a bindin; head
and a b.6nt point: &o6 may s6bstit6te b.ind ri<ets of eG6i<a.ent stren;th:
One or more bronHe sash 7hains or other de<i7e m6st be in7.6ded to pre<ent the door from openin; to an
e3tent that Di.. dama;e the hin;e:
Lampho.der m6st in7.6de heat,resistant 7ross se7tion neoprene; ;asket) si.<er,7oated
7onta7ts) and Daterproofed .ead entran7e for 6se Dith a #)*%% mA rapid start f.6ores7ent .amp:
"a..ast m6st be at most #-,#94 in7hes .on;:
Cir76it 7ond67tors enterin; the fi3t6re m6st be terminated on -,position termina. b.o7ks:
E.e7tri7a. system of a pedestrian o<er7rossin; m6st be ;ro6nded by a No: + 7opper Dire eG6ipment
;ro6ndin; 7ond67tor insta..ed in a 7ond6it 7onne7tin; and bondin; a.. non 76rrent 7arryin; meta. parts in
the system: The eG6ipment ;ro6ndin; 7ond67tor m6st be 7onne7ted to the system eG6ipment ;ro6ndin;
=ro6nd Dire m6st be se76red to the inside of the te.es7opin;<e end 7astin; Dhere 7ond67tors are
7arried and to the inside of Type L" 7ond6it fittin; on end post by a 7onne7tin; .6; and a No: + se.f,
threadin; pan s7reD:
Lamp) .ampho.der) ba..ast) and fi3t6re Dire m6st be atta7hed to the door se7tion: Termina. b.o7ks m6st be
atta7hed to the top se7tion or the DireDay 7o<er:
Three No: #%) 7opper 7ir76it 7ond67tors m6st be insta..ed betDeen termina. b.o7ks as part of ea7h
7omp.eted fi3t6re:
"efore shipment to the Iob site) fi3t6re m6st be 7omp.ete.y man6fa7t6red and assemb.ed in the shop:
>---.0-C I'-R0%1:%3 A%r'#'8 L#87/
Ea7h ind67tion si;n .i;htin; fi3t6re m6st in7.6de a ho6sin; Dith a door) ref.e7tor) refra7tor or .ens) .amp)
poDer hi;h,freG6en7y ;enerator) so7ket assemb.y) f6se b.o7k) and f6ses:
Ea7h ind67tion si;n .i;htin; fi3t6re m6st:
#: "e desi;ned for mo6ntin; near the bottom of the si;n pane. on an o<erhead si;n str67t6re:
2: "e an en7.osed desi;n) rainti;ht and 7orrosion resistant: The door and ho6sin; m6st be ;asketed:
Thi7kness of the ;asket m6st be #94 in7h) minim6m:
-: ?a<e a minim6m a<era;e ratin; of 0%)%%% ho6rs:
4: "e for a Datta;e of +5 8) #2%924% (/a71:
*: ?a<e a poDer fa7tor ;reater than $% per7ent and tota. harmoni7 distortion .ess than #% per7ent:
0: "e !L appro<ed for Det .o7ations and be FCC C.ass A .isted:
5: Not e37eed 44 .b in Dei;ht:
+: In7.6de the man6fa7t6rerFs brand name) trademark) mode. n6mber) seria. n6mber) and date of
man6fa7t6re on the pa7ka;ed assemb.y: The same information m6st be permanent.y marked on the
o6tside and inside of the ho6sin;:
$: Comp.y Dith the minim6m horiHonta. foot7and.e reG6irement shoDn:
#%: "e a ma3im6m hei;ht of #2 in7hes abo<e the top of the mo6ntin; rai.s:
If the fi3t6re is .o7ated so the .i;ht 7enter of the .amp is ** in7hes in front of) # foot be.oD) and 7entered on
a #%,by,2%,foot,Dide si;n pane.) the ratio of the ma3im6m to minim6m i..6minan7e .e<e. on the pane.
m6st not e37eed #2 to # in $* per7ent of the points meas6red: The i..6minan7e ;radient m6st not e37eed
2 to # and is defined as the ratio of minim6m i..6minan7e on a #,foot sG6are of pane. to that on an
adIa7ent #,foot sG6are of pane.:
Ea7h fi3t6re m6st ha<e a mo6ntin; assemb.y that Di.. a..oD the fi3t6re to be mo6nted on 7ontin6o6s s.ot
7hanne.s: The mo6ntin; assemb.y m6st be either 7ast a.6min6m) hot,dip ;a.<aniHed stee. p.ate) or stee.
p.ate that has been ;a.<aniHed and finished Dith a po.ymeri7 7oatin; system or same finish 6sed for the
?o6sin; m6st ha<e a door desi;ned to ho.d a refra7tor or .ens and to open Ditho6t the 6se of spe7ia.
too.s: ?o6sin; and door m6st be man6fa7t6red of sheet or 7ast a.6min6m and ha<e a poDder 7oat or
po.yester paint finish of a ;ray 7o.or; the 6nfinished man6fa7t6rin;: Sheet a.6min6m m6st
7omp.y Dith AST " 2%$ or " 2%$ for *%*2,?-2 a.6min6m sheet: E3terna. bo.ts) s7reDs) hin;es) hin;e
pins) and door 7.os6re de<i7es m6st be 7orrosion resistant:
?o6sin; m6st in7.6de Deep
Door m6st be hin;ed to the ho6sin; on the side of the fi3t6re aDay from the si;n pane. and in7.6de 2
7apti<e .at7h bo.ts or other .at7hin; de<i7e: Door m6st be desi;ned to .o7k in the open position) *%
de;rees minim6m from the p.ane of the door openin;) Dith an +*,mph -,se7ond Dind,;6st .oad strikin;
the door from either side:
Ref.e7tor m6st be # pie7e made from,finished a.6min6m prote7ted Dith an e.e7tro7hemi7a..y,
app.ied anodiHed finish or a 7hemi7a..y,app.ied si.i7ate fi.m) and desi;ned so deposited Dater d6e to
7ondensation Di.. drain aDay: The ref.e7tor m6st be se76red to the ho6sin; Dith a minim6m of 2 s7reDs
and remo<ab.e Ditho6t remo<in; any fi3t6re parts: Do not atta7h ref.e7tors to the o6tside of ho6sin;:
Refra7tor or .ens m6st ha<e a smooth e3terior and m6st be man6fa7t6red from the materia. shoDn in the
fo..oDin; tab.e:
Re4r%(/0r %'1 Le' M%/er#%& Re!"#reme'/
Component an6fa7t6red from .ens ?eat,resistant ;.ass
Con<e3 .ens ?eat resistant) hi;h,impa7t resistant tempered ;.ass
Refra7tor "orosi.i7ate heat resistant ;.ass
Refra7tor and 7on<e3 .ens m6st be desi;ned or shie.ded so no fi3t6re .6minan7e is <isib.e if the fi3t6re is
approa7hed dire7t.y from the rear and <ieDin; .e<e. is the bottom of the fi3t6re: If a shie.d is 6sed) it m6st
be an inte;ra. part of the door 7astin;:
Ea7h fi3t6re m6st in7.6de an +* 8 ind67tion .amp Dith a f.6ores7ent phosphor,7oated interior Da..: Li;ht
o6tp6t m6st be at .east 5% per7ent at 0%)%%% ho6rs: Lamp m6st ha<e a minim6m 7o.or,renderin; inde3 of
+%) be rated at a 7o.or temperat6re of 4)%%%') and be remo<ab.e Ditho6t the 6se of too.s:
Lamp so7ket m6st be a por7e.ain en7.osed mo;6. type Dith a she.. that 7ontains inte;ra. .amp ;rips to
ass6re e.e7tri7a. 7onta7t 6nder norma. <ibration 7onditions: The 7enter 7onta7t m6st be sprin; .oaded:
The she.. and 7enter 7onta7t m6st be ni7ke.,p.ated brass: The so7ket m6st be rated for #)*%% 8 and 0%%
PoDer m6st in7.6de a 7onstr67tion base Dith antenna) heat sink) and e.e7tri7a. 7onne7tion 7ab.e)
and be desi;ned so it 7an be remo<ed Dith 7ommon hand too.s:
?i;h,freG6en7y ;enerator m6st:
#: Start and operate .amps at an ambient temperat6re of ,2* de;rees C or ;reater for the rated .ife of
the .amp
2: Operate 7ontin6o6s.y at ambient air temperat6res from ,2* to ** de;rees C Ditho6t red67tion in
;enerator .ife
-: ?a<e a desi;n .ife of at .east #%%)%%% ho6rs at ** de;rees C
4: ?a<e an o6tp6t freG6en7y of 2:0* ?H Z #% per7ent
*: ?a<e radio freG6en7y interferen7e that 7omp.ies Dith FCC tit.e 45) part #+) re;6.ations re;ardin;
harmf6. interferen7e
0: "e rep.a7eab.e Dith 7ommon hand too.s
5: o6nted so the fi3t6re 7an be 6sed as a heat sink
Cond67tor termina. m6st be identified by the 7omponent termina. the 7ond67tor 7onne7ts to:
S6bmit a 7opy of the hi;h,freG6en7y ;enerator test methods and res6.ts from the man6fa7t6rer Dith ea7h
.ot of fi3t6res:
Ea7h fi3t6re m6st in7.6de a barrier,type f6se b.o7k for terminatin; fie.d 7onne7tions: The f6se b.o7k m6st
#: Se76red to the ho6sin; and be a77essib.e Ditho6t remo<a. of any fi3t6re parts
2: o6nted to .ea<e a minim6m of #92 in7h air spa7e from the sideDa..s of the ho6sin;
-: Desi;ned for easy remo<a. of f6ses Dith a f6se be rated at 0%% (/a71) and ha<e bo3 termina.s:
F6ses m6st be #-9-2,in7h,diameter) #,#92,in7h,.on; ferr6.e type) and !L or NRTL .isted: For #2% (/a71
inp6t fi3t6re) on.y the 6n;ro6nded 7ond67tor m6st be f6sed and a .ink m6st be pro<ided betDeen the
ne6tra. and the hi;h,freG6en7y ;enerator:
If shoDn) in7.6de a Dire ;6ard to pre<ent dama;e to the refra7tor or .ens: The ;6ard m6st be 7onstr67ted
of #94,in7h,minim6m,diameter ;a.<aniHed stee. Dire and either hot,dip ;a.<aniHed or e.e7trop.ated Hin7,
7oated as spe7ified in AST " 0--) Ser<i7e Condition SC4 Dith a 7.ear 7hromate dip treatment: =6ard
e.ements m6st be spa7ed to pre<ent ro7ks .ar;er than #,#92,in7h diameter from passin; thro6;h:
>---.0>A Ge'er%&
>---.0>B F#</"re 40r F&%7#'8 Be%(0'
Si;n .i;htin; fi3t6re for f.ashin; bea7on m6st:
#: "e !L or NRTL .isted for o6tdoor insta..ation
2: In7.6de a hood Dith a side tapped for the 7ond6it) a symmetri7a. #%,in7h stee. ref.e7tor Dith a
Dhite por7e.ain,ename. finish) and a medi6m base so7ket
-: "e rated at #*% 8 minim6m
>---.0>C Reer$e1
>---.0>D F&"0re(e'/ F#</"re
Si;n fi3t6re m6st be:
#: Desi;ned and 7onstr67ted to pre<ent deformation or fai.6re Dhen s6bIe7ted to an +* mph) -,se7ond
Dind,;6st .oad as spe7ified in AAS?TO p6b.i7ation) EStandard Spe7ifi7ations for Str67t6ra. S6pports
of ?i;hDay Si;ns) L6minaires and Traffi7 Si;na.s)E and its interim re<isions
2: Fabri7ated from a.. neD materia. and a.. ferro6s parts m6st be ;a.<aniHed or 7admi6m p.ated
-: Type A or " si;n
The top and bottom m6st be formed or e3tr6ded a.6min6m and m6st be atta7hed to formed or 7ast
a.6min6m end fittin;s: ?o6sin; m6st be desi;ned for 7ontin6o6s; betDeen the top and bottom
assemb.ies and end fittin;s) and be 7onstr67ted to resist torsiona. tDist and Darp: Openin; or remo<in; #
pane. m6st a..oD a77ess to the interior of the si;n for .amp) ba..ast) and f6se rep.a7ement:
Photoe.e7tri7 6nit so7kets are not a..oDed:
For Type A si;n) both sides m6st be hin;ed at the top to a..oD insta..ation or remo<a. of the si;n pane.)
and to a..oD a77ess to the interior of the si;n:
For Type " si;n) the si;n pane. m6st be s.ide mo6nted into the ho6sin;:
Ref.e7tors may be 6sed to obtain reG6ired si;n bri;htness: Ref.e7tors m6st be formed a.6min6m Dith
a7ry.i7 baked Dhite,ename. s6rfa7e ha<in; a minim6m ref.e7tan7e of %:+*:
Si;n pane. m6st be s.ide mo6nted or ri;id mo6nted in a frame) Dith Dhite .e;end) symbo.s) arroDs) and
border on ea7h fa7e: "a7k;ro6nd m6st be ;reen:
Si;n pane. s6rfa7e m6st be e<en.y i..6minated: A<era;e of bri;htness readin;s for .etters m6st be #*%
foot,.amberts minim6m: The .i;ht transmission fa7tor of the si;n pane. m6st pro<ide a .etter to ba7k;ro6nd
bri;htness ratio betDeen #% to # and 2% to #: The ba7k;ro6nd .6minan7e m6st not <ary by more than 4%
per7ent from the a<era;e ba7k;ro6nd bri;htness readin;: The .6minan7e of .etters) symbo.s) and arroDs
m6st not <ary by more than 2% per7ent from their a<era;e bri;htness readin;s:
Si;n pane.s m6st be trans.67ent) hi;h impa7t) resistant p.asti7 pane.s of one of the fo..oDin;:
#: =.ass fiber reinfor7ed a7ry.ated resin
2: Po.y7arbonate resin
-: Ce..6.ose a7etate b6tyrate p.asti7
Paint on the o6tside of the p.asti7 m6st be prote7ted by a p.asti7 fi.m that sea.s the front s6rfa7e of the
pane. and fi.ters o6t 6.tra< radiation: Paint m6st be a7ry.i7 p.asti7 type:
S6rfa7e m6st be free of b.emishes in the p.asti7 or 7oatin; that may impair the ser<i7eabi.ity or detra7t
from the ;enera. appearan7e and 7o.or mat7hin; of the si;n:
The Dhite or ;reen 7o.or m6st not fade or darken Dhen the si;n is e3posed to an a77e.erated test of
6.tra< .i;ht eG6i<a.ent to 2 years of o6tdoor e3pos6re: The ;reen 7o.or of the si;n) Dhen not
i..6minated) m6st mat7h 7o.or no: #4#%$ of FED,STD,*$*:
Si;n pane. m6st not 7ra7k or shatter Dhen a #,in7h,diameter stee. ba.. Dith a Dei;ht of 2:4 o6n7es is
dropped from a hei;ht of +:* feet abo<e the si;n pane. to any point of si;n pane.: For this test) the si;n
pane. m6st be .yin; in a horiHonta. position and s6pported Dithin its frame:
For Type A si;n) ;asket m6st be insta..ed betDeen si;n pane. frame and fi3t6re ho6sin; to pre<ent Dater
entry betDeen frame and fi3t6re ho6sin;: =asket m6st be 6niform and e<en te3t6red) and be the 7.osed,
7e..) spon;e,neoprene type) desi;ned for 6se at temperat6res betDeen ,2% and Y54 de;rees C:
=asket m6st be neat.y app.ied to thoro6;h.y de;reased) 7.ean s6rfa7e Dith a s6itab.e heat,resistant
adhesi<e that Di.. not a..oD the ;asket to s.ip at temperat6res betDeen ,2% and Y54 de;rees C:
"a..ast m6st be hi;h,poDer fa7tor type and 7apab.e of startin; the .amp at ,2% de;rees C and abo<e:
"a..ast for Type A si;n m6st be rated at 2%% mA: "a..ast for Type " si;n m6st be rated at 4-% mA: "a..ast
m6st be !L or NRTL .isted for operation on ##% to #2* (/a71) 0% ?H 7ir76its) and 7omp.y Dith ANSI C+2:#
and ANSI C+2:2:
Lampho.der m6st be !L or NRTL .isted for o6tdoor 6se and of the sprin;,.oaded type: Lampho.der m6st
ha<e si.<er,7oated 7onta7ts and Daterproofed entran7e .eads for 6se Dith a rapid,start f.6ores7ent .amp:
Remo<a. of the .amp from the so7ket m6st de,ener;iHe the primary of the ba..ast: Ea7h .ampho.der m6st
in7.6de a heat,resistant) 7ross se7tion) partia..y,re7essed neoprene rin; to sea. a;ainst .amp ends
and prote7t e.e7tri7a. 7onta7ts from moist6re) dirt) or other inI6rio6s e.ements:
Distan7e betDeen the fa7e of .ampho.ders m6st be desi;ned to pro<ide 7ompression of at .east %:#% in7h
on the sprin;,type .ampho.der Dhen the .amp is in p.a7e: Lamp m6st ha<e positi<e me7hani7a. and
e.e7tri7a. 7onta7t Dhen it is in p.a7e: So7ket on sprin;,type .ampho.der m6st ha<e s6ffi7ient tra<e. to a..oD
.amp insta..ation: Sprin; m6st not be a part of the 76rrent 7arryin; 7ir76it: Lampho.der m6st mat7h .amp
reG6irements and m6st not in7rease 7athode fi.ament 7ir76it resistan7e by more than %:#% h:
Lamp m6st 7omp.y Dith ANSI C5+:
8irin; 7onne7tions in the fi3t6re m6st be terminated on mo.ded) pheno.i7) barrier,type) termina. b.o7ks
rated at #* A) #)%%% (/a71) and m6st ha<e inte;ra.,type Dhite Daterproof,markin; strips: C6rrent 7arryin;
parts of termina. b.o7ks m6st be ins6.ated from the fi3t6re Dith inte;ra. p.6;s or strips to pro<ide prote7tion
from .ine,to,;ro6nd f.asho<er <o.ta;e: If yo6 7hoose to 6se se7tiona.iHed termina. b.o7ks) ea7h se7tion
m6st in7.6de an inte;ra. barrier on ea7h side and be 7apab.e of ri;id mo6ntin; and a.i;nment: Termina.
s7reDs m6st be No: #%) minim6m:
F6ses m6st be Type -A=) miniat6re) s.oD,b.oDin; type Dith appropriate 76rrent and <o.ta;e ratin;s:
F6seho.der m6st be a pane.,mo6ntin; type Dith threaded or bayonet,type knob that ;rips the f6se ti;ht.y
for e3tra7tion: !se a separate f6se for ea7h ba..ast:
S7reened Deep m6st be 7onstr67ted at strate;i7 .o7ations in members s6bIe7t to moist6re
Fasteners) s7reDs) and hardDare m6st be passi<e stain.ess stee.) Type -%2 or -%4) or a.6min6m Type
Top of fi3t6re ho6sin; m6st ha<e 2 free,sDin;in; mo6ntin; bra7kets: Ea7h bra7ket m6st be adI6stab.e
<erti7a..y for .e<; the si;n to either a strai;ht or 76r<ed mast arm: "ra7ket assemb.y m6st a..oD fi3t6re
to sDin; to the si;n pane.:
?in;e pins for the free,sDin;in; bra7kets m6st ha<e a minim6m diameter of #94 in7h:
The messa;e m6st be disp.ayed on both si;n pane.s) as shoDn:
If not shoDn) the messa;e and the siHe of the symbo.s or arroDs Di.. be pro<ided: Letters m6st be +,in7h
6pper 7ase and 0,in7h .oDer 7ase) Series E:
Fi3t6re 7ond67tors m6st be !L, or NRTL,.isted A8 stranded 7opper Dire Dith 2+ mi.s) minim6m)
thermop.asti7 ins6.ation) rated at #)%%% (/a71 and rated for 6se at $% de;rees C: Cond67tors m6st be no:
#0 minim6m and m6st mat7h 7o.or 7odin; of ba..ast .eads:
Cond67tors Dithin the fi3t6re m6st be se76red Dith easi.y remo<ab.e sprin; 7ross straps) not 7.amped) in
the 7hassis or fi3t6re: Straps m6st be insta..ed #2 in7hes apart or .ess:
Stranded 7opper 7ond67tors 7onne7ted to s7reD,type termina.s m6st terminate in !L,.isted 7rimp,type
rin; 7onne7tors:
Sp.i7es are not a..oDed Dithin the fi3t6re:
S6bmit shop draDin;s shoDin; the messa;e for ea7h si;n) in7.6din; siHe of .etters) symbo.s) or arroDs)
as shoDn: If reG6ested) yo6 m6st s6pp.y) Ditho6t 7ost to the Department) s6ffi7ient of materia.s
to be 6sed in the fabri7ation of the si;n or a 7omp.ete si;n assemb.y) to a..oD adeG6ate testin; and
e<a.6ation of 7omp.ian7e to the spe7ified reG6irements:
>---.10A Ge'er%&
>---.10B Reer$e1
>---.10C E</#'8"#7%.&e Me%8e S#8'
>---.10D C7%'8e%.&e Me%8e S#8' S3/em
Photoe.e7tri7 7ontro.s m6st be 7apab.e of dire7t.y sDit7hin; m6.tip.e .i;htin; systems:
>---.11A T36e
Photoe.e7tri7 7ontro. m6st be of the types shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
P70/0e&e(/r#( C0'/r0& T36e
Type I In7.6des:
#: Remote photoe.e7tri7 6nit
2: Test sDit7h ho6sed in an en7.os6re
Type II In7.6des:
#: Remote photoe.e7tri7 6nit
2: Separator 7onta7tor and test sDit7h .o7ated in a ser<i7e
eG6ipment en7.os6re
Type III In7.6des:
#: Remote photoe.e7tri7 6nit
2: Separator 7onta7tor and a test sDit7h ho6sed in an en7.os6re
Type I( In7.6des a photoe.e7tri7 6nit that p.6;s into an NEA tDist,.o7k
re7epta7.e inte;ra. Dith the .6minaire:
Type ( In7.6des a photoe.e7tri7 6nit) a separator 7onta7tor) and a test sDit7h
.o7ated in a ser<i7e eG6ipment en7.os6re:
A sDit7h to a..oD man6a. operation of the .i;htin; 7ir76it m6st be in7.6ded for ea7h Type I) II) III) and (
photoe.e7tri7 7ontro.: SDit7hes m6st be sin;.e,ho.e mo6ntin; to;;.e type) sin;.e po.e) sin;.e throD) rated
at #2 A Dith a <o.ta;e ratin; that mat7hes the 7ir76it: SDit7hes m6st ha<e an indi7atin; namep.ate readin;
EA6to,TestE and be 7onne7ted in para..e. Dith the .oad 7onta7ts of the photoe.e7tri7 6nit: Test sDit7hes
m6st not ha<e an EOffE position:
Photoe.e7tri7 6nit for Types I) II) and III photoe.e7tri7 7ontro.s m6st be po.e,top mo6nted:
>---.11B E!"#6me'/ De/%#&
>---.11BB1C P70/0e&e(/r#( U'#/
Photoe.e7tri7 6nit m6st:
#: ?a<e an o6tp6t in response to 7han;in; .i;ht .e<e.s: Response .e<e. m6st remain stab.e thro6;ho6t
the .ife of the 7ontro. 6nit:
2: ?a<e a Et6rn,onE betDeen # and * and a Et6rn,offE betDeen #:* and * times the Et6rn,on:E
eas6rements m6st be made by pro7ed6res in NEA standards for physi7a. and e.e7tri7a.
inter7han;eabi.ity of .i;ht,sensiti<e 7ontro. de<i7es 6sed in the 7ontro. of roadDay .i;htin;:
-: ?a<e a NEA type re7epta7.e: o6ntin; bra7kets m6st be 6sed Dhere po.e,top mo6ntin; is not
possib.e: Photoe.e7tri7 7ontro.s m6st be insta..ed at .o7ations shoDn and oriented:
4: "e s7reened to pre<ent artifi7ia. .i;ht from 7a6sin;;:
*: ?a<e a s6pp.y <o.ta;e ratin; of 0% ?H) #%*,#-% (/a71) 2#%,24% (/a71) or #%*,24% (/a71) as spe7ified:
0: ?a<e a .oad ratin; of +%% 8 minim6m) hi;h intensity dis7har;e or f.6ores7ent:
5: Operate at a temperat6re ran;e of ,2% to ** de;rees C:
+: ?a<e a poDer 7ons6mption .ess than #% 8:
$: "e ho6sed in a Deatherproof en7.os6re:
#%: ?a<e a base Dith a -,pron;) NEA standard) tDist,.o7k p.6; mo6ntin;:
##: ?a<e a Efai.,onE feat6re:
!nit 7omponents m6st not reG6ire periodi7 rep.a7ement:
Photoe.e7tri7 7ontro.s) e37ept Types I( and () m6st in7.6de a 4,in7h,minim6m,inside,diameter po.e,top
mo6ntin; adaptor 7ontainin; a termina. b.o7k) and 7ab.e s6pports or 7.amps to s6pport po.e Dires:
For sDit7hin; 4+% (/a71) 0% ?H 7ir76its) a #%% (A) minim6m) 4+%9#2% (/a71 transformer m6st be insta..ed
in the 7onta7tor en7.os6re to a..oD #2% (/a71 for the photoe.e7tri7 7ontro. 6nit: If more than # photoe.e7tri7
6nit is to be insta..ed at a .o7ation) a sin;.e transformer Dith a <o.t,ampere ratin; 7apab.e of; the
tota. 7ontro..ed .oad may be 6sed:
>---.11BB2C C0'/%(/0r
Conta7tor m6st:
#: ?a<e 7onta7ts rated to sDit7h the spe7ified .i;htin; .oad
2: "e norma..y open
-: "e the me7hani7a. armat6re type Dith 7onta7ts of fine si.<er) si.<er a..oy) or s6perior a.ternati<e
>---.11BB)C E'(&0"re
En7.os6re for Types I and III photoe.e7tri7 7ontro.s m6st be NEA -R: En7.os6re m6st be s6pp.ied Dith a
fa7tory,app.ied r6st,resistant prime 7oat and finish 7oat: TDo app.i7ations of paint to mat7h the 7o.or of the
standard m6st be app.ied as spe7ified in se7tion +0,2:#0: En7.os6re may be hot,dip ;a.<aniHed instead of
paintin;: A minim6m of 2,#92 in7hes m6st be pro<ided betDeen 7onta7tor termina.s and the end of the
en7.os6re for Dirin; 7onne7tions: En7.os6re m6st be mo6nted on the same standard as the photoe.e7tri7
6nit at a hei;ht of abo6t 0 feet abo<e finished ;rade:
>---.11BB+C Term#'%& B&0(;
Termina. b.o7ks m6st be rated at 2* A) 0%% (/a71) mo.ded from pheno.i7 or ny.on materia.) and of the
barrier type Dith p.ated,brass s7reD termina.s and inte;ra.,type markin; strips:
>---.12A E&e(/r#(%& Re!"#reme'/
Transformers m6st be sin;.e,phase dry type desi;ned for operation on a 0% ?H s6pp.y: Transformers
m6st ha<e a de7a. shoDin; a 7onne7tion dia;ram: Dia;ram m6st shoD either 7o.or 7odin; or Dire ta;;in;
Dith primary /?#) ?21 or se7ondary />#) >21 markers and the primary and se7ondary <o.ta;e and <o.t,
ampere ratin;: Transformers m6st 7omp.y Dith the e.e7tri7a. reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Tr%'40rmer E&e(/r#(%& Re!"#reme'/
#2%94+% (/a71) 24%94+%
(/a71) or 4+%9#2% (/a71
Effi7ien7y E37eed $* per7ent
Se7ondary <o.ta;e
re;6.ation and to.eran7e
Z- per7ent from ha.f .oad to
f6.. .oad
Se7ondary 4+% (/a71 Dindin;s m6st be 7enter tapped:
>---.12B P73#(%& Re!"#reme'/
E3terna. .eads for se7ondary 7onne7tions m6st be Type !SE) No: #%) rated 0%% (/a71:
Transformer .eads m6st e3tend a minim6m of #2 in7hes from the 7ase:
Transformer ins6.ation m6st be NEA #+* C or better:
Transformers m6st Dithstand the app.i7ation of 2)2%% (/a71 from 7ore to 7oi.s and from 7oi. to 7oi. for a #,
min6te period:
The abo<e tests m6st be made immediate.y after operation of the transformer at f6.. .oad for 24 ho6rs:
Nons6bmersib.e transformers m6st in7.6de meta. ha.f,she.. 7oi. prote7tion) ha<e moist6re resistant
syntheti7 <arnish impre;nated Dindin;s) and be s6itab.e for o6tdoor operation in a rainti;ht en7.os6re:
Ea7h transformer to be insta..ed in a p6.. bo3 m6st be the s6bmersib.e type and in7.6de a hand.e and a
>---.12C S".mer#.&e T36e Tr%'40rmer
S6bmersib.e type transformers m6st be se76re.y en7ased in a r6;;ed 7orrosion,resistant) Daterti;ht 7ase
and m6st Dithstand a *,day test s6bmer;ed in 2 feet of sa.t Dater) 2 per7ent sa.t by Dei;ht) Dith #2,ho6r
on and off periods: The operatin; periods m6st be at f6.. .oad:
Leads of s6bmersib.e transformers m6st be bro6;ht o6t thro6;h # or more sea.ed h6bs and se76red to
Dithstand a #%% .b stati7 p6.. Ditho6t .oosenin; or .eakin;:
>---.1)A Ge'er%&
Fa.seDork .i;htin; m6st in7.6de .i;htin; to i..6minate the pa<ement) porta.s) and pedestrian Da.kDays at
or 6nder openin;s in the fa.seDork reG6ired for traffi7:
Li;htin; for pedestrian Da.kDay i..6mination m6st be insta..ed at a.. pedestrian openin;s thro6;h or 6nder
the fa.seDork:
"efore startin; fa.seDork openin; 7onstr67tion) s6bmit a of the proposed .i;htin; insta..ations:
Desi;n fa.seDork .i;htin; so that reG6ired maintenan7e 7an be performed Dith a minim6m of
in7on<enien7e to traffi7: C.osin; of traffi7 .anes for ro6tine maintenan7e Di.. not be a..oDed on roadDays
Dith posted speed .imits ;reater than 2* mph:
Pa<ement 6nder fa.seDork Dith porta.s .ess than #*% feet apart and fa.seDork porta.s m6st be i..6minated
on.y d6rin; the ho6rs of darkness as defined in di<ision #) se7tion 2+%) of the Ca.ifornia (ehi7.e Code:
Photoe.e7tri7 sDit7hes m6st be 6sed to 7ontro. fa.seDork .i;htin; systems: Pa<ement 6nder fa.seDork
Dith porta.s #*% feet or more apart and a.. pedestrian openin;s thro6;h fa.seDork m6st be i..6minated 24
ho6rs per day:
Li;htin; fi3t6res m6st be aimed to a<oid ;.are to on7omin; motorists:
Type NC 7ab.e Dith no: #2 minim6m 7ond67tors) Dith ;ro6nd Dire) m6st be 6sed: Fasten 7ab.e to
s6pportin; str67t6re at s6ffi7ient inter<a.s to adeG6ate.y s6pport the 7ab.e and Dithin #2 in7hes from e<ery
bo3 or fittin;: Cond67tors Dithin + feet of ;ro6nd m6st be en7.osed in a #92,in7h or .ar;er Type # 7ond6it:
Ea7h i..6mination system m6st be on a minim6m of # separate bran7h 7ir76it at ea7h brid;e .o7ation:
Ea7h bran7h 7ir76it m6st be f6sed) not to e37eed 2% A:
For fa.seDork .i;htin;) arran;e Dith the ser<i7e 6ti.ity to 7omp.ete ser<i7e 7onne7tions: &o6 m6st pay for
ener;y) .ine e3tension) ser<i7e) and ser<i7e hook6p 7osts:
At Contra7t a77eptan7e or if ordered) fa.seDork .i;htin; eG6ipment Di.. be7ome yo6r property and yo6
m6st remo<e it from the Iob site:
&o6 may propose a .i;htin; that .i;ht intensity reG6irements to the systems spe7ified herein:
&o6 m6st s6pp.y s6ffi7ient data to a..oD e<a.6ation of a.ternati<e methods:
>---.1)B P%$eme'/ I&&"m#'%/#0'
I..6mination of pa<ement at < openin;s thro6;h fa.seDork m6st 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin;:
#: Fi3t6re m6st in7.6de R9FL 7ommer7ia.,type f.ood.amp ho.der Dith prote7ti<e 7o<ers:
2: Fi3t6re m6st be f6..y adI6stab.e Dith bra7kets and .o7kin; s7reDs) and a..oD mo6ntin; dire7t.y to a
standard meta. I6n7tion bo3:
-: Lamp m6st be medi6m,base #2% (/a71) #2% 8) minim6m) PAR,-+ G6artH,ha.o;en f.ood.amp:
4: A 7ontin6o6s roD of fi3t6re types reG6ired m6st be insta..ed at .o7ations and spa7in; spe7ified:
Fi3t6res m6st be insta..ed beneath fa.seDork str67t6re Dith the end fi3t6res not f6rther than #% feet
inside porta. fa7es: Fi3t6res m6st be insta..ed and ener;iHed immediate.y after the members
s6pportin; them ha<e been ere7ted:
*: Fi3t6res a.on; the sides of the openin; m6st be p.a7ed not more than 4 feet behind or 2 feet in front
of the roadDay fa7e of the temporary;: o6ntin; hei;hts of fi3t6res m6st be betDeen #2 and #0
feet abo<e the roadDay s6rfa7e and m6st present an 6nobstr67ted .i;ht pattern on the pa<ement:
>---.1)C P0r/%& I&&"m#'%/#0'
I..6mination of fa.seDork porta.s m6st 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin;:
#: On ea7h side of ea7h entran7e porta.) p.yDood sheet 7.earan7e ;6ides) 4 feet Dide by + feet hi;h
m6st be fastened <erti7a..y) fa7in; traffi7) Dith the bottom of the pane. - to 4 feet abo<e the roadDay:
The 7enter of the pane. m6st be .o7ated appro3imate.y - feet horiHonta..y behind the roadDay fa7e of
the;: Pane.s m6st be fresh.y painted for ea7h insta..ation Dith not .ess than 2 app.i7ations of
Dhite paint: Paint testin; Di.. not be reG6ired:
2: If ordered) repaint the desi;nated areas in order to impro<e the ;enera. appearan7e of the painted
s6rfa7es: Paintin; is 7han;e order Dork:
-: Fa.seDork porta.s m6st be i..6minated on the side fa7in; traffi7 Dith #*% 8) minim6m) PAR ref.e7tor
f.ood.amps mo6nted on the str67t6re dire7t.y o<er ea7h <erti7a. s6pport adIa7ent to the tra<e.ed Day)
as needed to 6niform.y i..6minate the e3terior fa.seDork beam) the 7.earan7e ;6ides) and the
o<erhead 7.earan7e si;n: Ea7h .amp m6st be s6pported appro3imate.y #0 feet abo<e the pa<ement
and appro3imate.y 0 feet in front of the porta. fa7e:
4: Porta. .i;htin; and 7.earan7e ;6ides m6st be insta..ed on the day the <erti7a. members are ere7ted:
>---.1)D Pe1e/r#%' A%&;:%3 I&&"m#'%/#0'
I..6mination of pedestrian openin;s thro6;h or 6nder the fa.seDork m6st 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin;:
#: Fi3t6res m6st be f.6sh mo6nted in the o<erhead prote7tion shie.d and eG6ipped Dith a dama;e,
resistant 7.ear po.y7arbonate diff6ser .ens: Lamps m6st be standard in7andes7ent #%% 8) #2% (/a71:
2: Fi3t6res m6st be 7entered o<er the passa;eDay at inter<a.s of not more than #* feet Dith the end
fi3t6res not more than 5 feet inside the end of the pedestrian openin;s:
-: Pedestrian passa;eDay .i;ht systems m6st be insta..ed immediate.y after the o<erhead prote7tion
shie.d is ere7ted:
E3istin; e.e7tri7a. eG6ipment) p6.. bo3es) and 7ond6its) to be remo<ed and not re6sed or sa.<a;ed)
be7ome yo6r property and yo6 m6st dispose of it: !n6sed 6nder;ro6nd 7ond6it may be abandoned in
p.a7e after a.. 7ond67tors ha<e been remo<ed e37ept that 7ond6it terminations from the 7ond6it to be
abandoned m6st be remo<ed from the p6.. bo3es to remain:
E3er7ise 7are in sa.<a;in; eG6ipment so it Di.. not be dama;ed or destroyed: ast arms m6st be
remo<ed from the standards: L6minaires) si;na. heads) and si;na. mo6ntin; assemb.ies m6st be
remo<ed from the standards and mast arms:
? res6.tin; from remo<in; p6.. bo3es m6st be fi..ed Dith materia. eG6i<a.ent to the s6rro6ndin;
If remo<ed e.e7tri7a. eG6ipment is to be reinsta..ed) yo6 m6st s6pp.y a.. ne7essary materia.s and
eG6ipment) in7.6din; si;na. mo6ntin; assemb.ies) an7hor bo.ts) n6ts) Dashers) and 7on7rete as reG6ired
to 7omp.ete the neD insta..ation:
L6minaires to be reinsta..ed m6st be 7.eaned and re.amped:
E3istin; materia.s reG6ired to be re6sed and fo6nd to be 6nsatisfa7tory by the En;ineer m6st be rep.a7ed
Dith neD materia. and the rep.a7ement 7ost is 7han;e order Dork
>-->.01 PAYMENT
If the p6.. bo3 type is not a bid item) payment for that type of p6.. bo3 is in7.6ded in the payment for the
system Dork in<o.<ed:
If 7on7rete fo6ndation is not a bid item) payment for 7on7rete fo6ndation is in7.6ded in the payment for the
system Dork in<o.<ed:
Payment for pedestrian barri7ade and for; si;n pane.s on pedestrian barri7ades) f.ashin; bea7on
standards) and traffi7 si;na. mast arms is in7.6ded in the payment for the system Dork in<o.<ed:
If inter7onne7tion 7ond6it and 7ab.e is a bid item) payment for a.. inter7onne7tion 7ond67tors) and 7ond6it
and p6.. bo3es 7ontainin; inter7onne7tion 7ab.e and no other 7ond67tors is in7.6ded in the payment for
inter7onne7tion 7ond6it and 7ab.e: If inter7onne7tion 7ond6it and 7ab.e is paid by the foot) the payment
G6antity is meas6red by the .en;th of the 7ond6it: If the 7ond6it 7ontains inter7onne7tion 7ab.e and other
7ond67tors) the 7ond6it is paid for by the Dork that reG6ires the other 7ond67tors:
Payment for f6rnishin;);) maintainin;) and remo<in; fa.seDork .i;htin; eG6ipment is in7.6ded in
the payment for the items of Dork in<o.<ed in the str67t6re that reG6ires the fa.seDork .i;htin;:
>>-1.01 GENERAL
>>-1.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion ++ in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for f6rnishin; ;eosyntheti7s:
>>-1.01B S".m#//%&
For ea7h type of ;eosyntheti7 s6bmit:
#: Certifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e
2: Test samp.e representin; ea7h .ot
-: AR(
Labe. s6bmitta.s Dith the man6fa7t6rerFs name and prod67t information:
>>-1.01C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
Treat ;eosyntheti7s to resist de;radation from e3pos6re to s6n.i;ht: F6rnish ;eosyntheti7s in 7o<ers to
prote7t a;ainst dama;e from moist6re) s6n.i;ht) and shippin; and stora;e:
>>-1.02A Ge'er%&
>>-1.02B F#&/er F%.r#(
=eosyntheti7s 6sed for fi.ter fabri7 m6st be permeab.e and nonDo<en: Fi.ter fabri7 m6st be man6fa7t6red
from one of the fo..oDin;:
#: Po.yester
2: Po.ypropy.ene
-: Combined po.yester and po.ypropy.ene
8hen tested 6nder the referen7ed ASTs) properties of fi.ter fabri7 m6st ha<e the <a.6es shoDn in the
fo..oDin; tab.e:
F#&/er F%.r#(
C.ass A C.ass " C.ass C
=rab breakin; .oad) #,in7h ;rip) .b
min in ea7h dire7tion
D 40-2
Apparent e.on;ation) per7ent
min in ea7h dire7tion
D 40-2
?ydra6.i7 b6rstin; stren;th) psi min AST
D -5+0
!.tra< resistan7e) per7ent
min retained ;rab breakin; .oad) *%% ho6rs
D 4-**
Permitti<ity) se7
min AST
D 44$#
%:* %:2 %:#
Apparent openin; siHe) a<era;e ro.. <a.6e) !:S: standard
sie<e siHe) ma3
D 45*#
4% 0% 5%
>>-1.02C Ge0(0m60#/e A%&& Dr%#'
=eo7omposite Da.. drain m6st 7onsist of a po.ymeri7 7ore Dith fi.ter fabri7 inte;ra..y bonded to one or both
sides of the 7ore 7reatin; a stab.e draina;e <oid:
Fi.ter fabri7 m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion ++,#:%2":
=eo7omposite Da.. drain m6st be no more than 2 in7hes thi7k:
8hen tested 6nder AST D 45#0) properties of ;eo7omposite Da.. drain m6st ha<e the <a.6e shoDn in
the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Ge0(0m60#/e A%&& Dr%#'
Property Test (a.6e
Transmissi<ity) ;a.9min9ft
;radient T #:%) Norma. stress T *)%%% psf
AST D 45#0 4
>>-1.02D Ge0/e(7'#(%& S"."r4%(e Re#'40r(eme'/
>>-1.02DB1C Ge'er%&
=eosyntheti7 reinfor7ement 6sed for ;eote7hni7a. s6bs6rfa7e reinfor7ement m6st be either ;eote3ti.e or
8hen tested 6nder AST D 44$#) ;eote3ti.e permitti<ity m6st be at .east %:%* se7
=eo;rid m6st ha<e a re; and defined open area: The open area m6st be from *% to $% per7ent of the
tota. ;rid area:
>>-1.02DB2C L0'8 Term De#8' S/re'8/7
Determine the LTDS of ;eosyntheti7 reinfor7ement from the 6.timate tensi.e stren;th in the primary
stren;th dire7tion di<ided by red67tion fa7tors: Ca.76.ate LTDS from the ;6ide.ines in =eosyntheti7
Resear7h Instit6te Standard Pra7ti7e ==4a) =RI ==4b) or =RI =T5:
The prod67t of the red67tion fa7tors m6st be at .east #:-%: Determine the red67tion fa7tor for 7reep 6sin;
a 5* year desi;n .ife for permanent app.i7ations: For temporary app.i7ations) 6se a * year desi;n .ife to
determine the red67tion fa7tor: Determine the insta..ation dama;e red67tion fa7tor from the 7hara7teristi7s
of ba7kfi.. materia.s 6sed:
If test data is not a<ai.ab.e) 6se defa6.t <a.6es of red67tion fa7tors in the =eosyntheti7 Resear7h Instit6te
Standard Pra7ti7e to determine LTDS:
S6bmit the LTDS and its s6pportin; 7a.76.ations at .east #* days before p.a7in; ;eosyntheti7
reinfor7ement: The 7a.76.ations m6st be si;ned by an en;ineer re;istered as a 7i<i. en;ineer in the State:
Do not insta.. 6n.ess a6thoriHed:
>>-1.02E S#&/ Fe'(e F%.r#(
8hen tested 6nder the referen7ed ASTs) the properties of si.t fen7e fabri7 m6st ha<e the <a.6es shoDn
in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
S#&/ Fe'(e F%.r#(
Property Test
8o<en NonDo<en
=rab breakin; .oad) #,in7h ;rip) .b
min) in ea7h dire7tion
AST D 40-2 #2% #2%
Apparent e.on;ation) per7ent
min) in ea7h dire7tion
AST D 40-2 #* *%
8ater f.oD rate) ;a. per min6te9sG ft
min and ma3 a<era;e ro.. <a.6e
AST D 44$# #%B#%% #%%B#*%
Permitti<ity) se7
AST D 44$# %:# #:#
Apparent openin; siHe) in7hes
ma3 a<era;e ro.. <a.6e
AST D 45*# %:%2- %:%2-
!.tra< resistan7e) per7ent
min retained ;rab breakin; .oad) *%% ho6rs
AST D 4-** 5% 5%
>>-1.02F Gr%$e&-F#&&e1 B%8
8hen tested 6nder the referen7ed ASTs) the properties of ;ra<e.,fi..ed ba; m6st ha<e the <a.6es shoDn
in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Gr%$e&-F#&&e1 B%8
Property Test (a.6e
=rab breakin; .oad) .b) #,in7h ;rip
min) in ea7h dire7tion
AST D 40-2 2%*
8ater f.oD rate) ;a. per min6te9sG ft
min and ma3 a<era;e ro.. <a.6e
AST D 44$# +%B#*%
Permitti<ity) se7
AST D 44$# %:2
Apparent openin; siHe) in7hes
ma3 a<era;e ro.. <a.6e
AST D 45*# %:%#0
!.tra< resistan7e) per7ent
min retained ;rab breakin; .oad) *%% ho6rs
AST D 4-** 5%
>>-1.02G Se1#me'/ F#&/er B%8
8hen tested 6nder the referen7ed ASTs) the properties of sediment fi.ter ba; m6st ha<e the <a.6es
shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Se1#me'/ F#&/er B%8
Property Test (a.6e
=rab breakin; .oad) .b) #,in7h ;rip
min) in ea7h dire7tion
AST D 40-2 2**
8ater f.oD rate) ;a. per min6te9sG ft
min and ma3 a<era;e ro.. <a.6e
AST D 44$# +%B2%%
Permitti<ity) se7
AST D 44$# #:%
Apparent openin; siHe) in7hes
ma3 a<era;e ro.. <a.6e
AST D 45*# %:%2-
!.tra< resistan7e) per7ent
min retained ;rab breakin; .oad) *%% ho6rs
AST D 4-** 5%
>>-1.02H Tem60r%r3 C0$er
8hen tested 6nder the referen7ed ASTs) the properties of temporary 7o<er m6st ha<e the <a.6es
shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Tem60r%r3 C0$er
Property Test (a.6e
=rab breakin; .oad) .b) #,in7h ;rip
min) in ea7h dire7tion
AST D 40-2 2%%
Apparent e.on;ation) per7ent
min) in ea7h dire7tion
AST D 40-2 *%
8ater f.oD rate) ;a. per min6te9sG ft
min and ma3 a<era;e ro.. <a.6e
AST D 44$# 5*B#2%
Permitti<ity) se7
AST D 44$# #:%
Apparent openin; siHe) in7hes
ma3 a<era;e ro.. <a.6e
AST D 45*# %:%%5
!.tra< resistan7e) per7ent
min retained ;rab breakin; .oad) *%% ho6rs
AST D 4-** 5%
>>-1.02I R0(; S&06e Pr0/e(/#0' F%.r#(
RSP fabri7 m6st be a permeab.e) nonDo<en) need.e,p6n7hed ;eote3ti.e: The fabri7 m6st be
man6fa7t6red from one of the fo..oDin;:
#: Po.yester
2: Po.ypropy.ene
-: Combined po.yester and po.ypropy.ene
Po.ymers m6st be either <ir;in 7ompo6nds or 7.ean reDorked materia.: Do not s6bIe7t <ir;in 7ompo6nds
to 6se or pro7essin; other than reG6ired for initia. man6fa7t6re: C.ean reDorked materia. m6st be
pre<io6s.y pro7essed materia. from the pro7essorFs oDn prod67tion that has been re;ro6nd) pe..etiHed) or
so.<ated: The fabri7 m6st not 7ontain more than 2% per7ent of 7.ean reDorked materia. by Dei;ht: Do not
6se re7y7.ed materia.s from either post,7ons6mer or post,ind6stria. so6r7es:
8hen tested 6nder the referen7ed ASTs) the properties of C.ass + and C.ass #% RSP fabri7 m6st ha<e
the <a.6es shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
RSP F%.r#(
Property Test
C.ass + C.ass #%
ass) oH9sG yd
AST D *20# 5:* $:*
=rab breakin; .oad) .b) #,in7h ;rip
min) in ea7h dire7tion
AST D 40-2 2%% 2*%
Apparent e.on;ation) per7ent
min) in ea7h dire7tion
AST D 40-2 *% *%
Permitti<ity) se7
AST D 44$# #:% %:5%
Apparent openin; siHe) !:S: Standard sie<e siHe:
min and ma3
AST D 45*# 5%B#%% 5%B#%%
!.tra< resistan7e) per7ent
min retained ;rab breakin; .oad) *%% ho6rs
AST D 4-** 5% 5%
>>-1.02E P%$#'8 F%.r#(
=eosyntheti7s 6sed for pa<in; fabri7 m6st be nonDo<en: 8hen tested 6nder the referen7ed ASTs)
properties of pa<in; fabri7 m6st ha<e the <a.6es shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
P%$#'8 F%.r#(
Property Test (a.6e
ass per 6nit area) oH9sG yd
AST D *20# 4:#
=rab breakin; .oad) .b) #,in7h ;rip
min) in ea7h dire7tion
AST D 40-2 #%%
Apparent e.on;ation) per7ent
min) in ea7h dire7tion
AST D 40-2 *%
?ydra6.i7 b6rstin; stren;th) psi
AST D -5+0 2%%
e.tin; point) F
AST D 250 -2*
Aspha.t retention) ;a.9sG yd
AST D 0#4% %:2
>>-1.02I P%$#'8 M%/
=eosyntheti7s 6sed for pa<in; mat m6st be a nonDo<en fiber;.ass and po.yester hybrid materia.: 8hen
tested 6nder the referen7ed ASTs) properties of pa<in; mat m6st ha<e the <a.6es shoDn in the
fo..oDin; tab.e:
P%$#'8 M%/
Property Test (a.6e
"reakin; for7e) .b92 in7hes
AST D *%-* 4*
!.timate e.on;ation) per7ent
AST D *%-* *
ass per 6nit area) oH9sG yd
AST D *20# -:5
e.tin; point) F
AST D 250 4%%
Aspha.t retention) ;a.9sG yd
AST D 0#4% %:#%
>>-1.02L P%$#'8 Gr#1
=eosyntheti7s 6sed for pa<in; ;rid m6st be a ;eopo.ymer materia. formed into a ;rid of inte;ra..y
7onne7ted e.ements Dith openin;s: 8hen tested 6nder the referen7ed ASTs) properties of pa<in; ;rid
m6st ha<e the <a.6es shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
P%$#'8 Gr#1
Property Test
C.ass I C.ass II C.ass III
Tensi.e stren;th at 6.timate) .b9in
D 00-5
*0% 3 #)#2% *0% 2+%
Apert6re siHe) in7h
Ca.ipered %:* %:* %:*
E.on;ation) per7ent
D 00-5
#2 #2 #2
ass per area) oH9sG yd
D *20#
#0 #% *:*
e.tin; point) ]F
D 250
-2* -2* -2*
For C.ass I) ma7hine dire7tion 3 7ross dire7tion: For C.ass II and C.ass III) both dire7tions:
>>-1.02M P%$#'8 Ge0(0m60#/e Gr#1
Pa<in; ;eo7omposite ;rid m6st 7onsist of a pa<in; ;rid spe7ified in se7tion ++,#:%2L bonded or
inte;rated Dith a pa<in; fabri7 as spe7ified in se7tion ++,#:%2C:
Pa<in; ;eo7omposite ;rid m6st ha<e a pee. stren;th of at .east #% .b9ft determined 6nder AST D 4#-:
>>-1.02N Ge0(0m60#/e S/r#6 Mem.r%'e
=eo7omposite strip membrane m6st be <ario6s Didths of strips man6fa7t6red from aspha.ti7 r6bber and
;eosyntheti7s: 8hen tested 6nder the referen7ed ASTs) properties of ;eo7omposite strip membrane
m6st 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Ge0(0m60#/e S/r#6 Mem.r%'e
Property Test ReG6irements
Strip tensi.e stren;th) .b9in7h
AST D ++2 *%
E.on;ation at break) per7ent
AST D ++2 *%
Resistan7e to p6n7t6re) .b
AST E #*4 2%%
Permean7e) perms
AST E $0 9 E
P.iabi.ity) #94 in7h mandre. Dith samp.e 7onditioned at
2* ]F
AST D #40
No 7ra7ks in fabri7 or
e.tin; point) ]F AST D 250 -2*
>>-1.02O S".8r%1e E'7%'(eme'/ Ge0/e</#&e
S6b;rade enhan7ement ;eote3ti.e m6st be either po.yester or po.ypropy.ene: 8hen tested 6nder the
referen7ed ASTs) properties of s6b;rade enhan7ement ;eote3ti.e m6st ha<e the <a.6es shoDn in the
fo..oDin; tab.e:
S".8r%1e E'7%'(eme'/ Ge0/e</#&e
E.on;ation at break) per7ent AST D
K*% S*% K*% K*% S*%
=rab breakin; .oad) .b) #,in7h
min) in ea7h dire7tion
2*% #0% ,, -2% 2%%
8ide Didth tensi.e stren;th at *
per7ent strain) .b9ft
,, ,, 2)%%% ,, ,,
8ide Didth tensi.e stren;th at
6.timate stren;th) .b9ft
,, ,, 4)+%% ,, ,,
Tear stren;th) .b
$% 0% ,, #2% +%
P6n7t6re stren;th) .b
*%% -#% 02% 02% 4-%
Permitti<ity) se7
%:%* %:%* %:2% %:2% %:2%
Apparent openin; siHe) in7hes
%:%#2 %:%#2 %:%24 %:%#2 %:%#2
!.tra< resistan7e) per7ent
min retained ;rab breakin;
.oad) *%% ho6rs
5% 5% 5% 5% 5%
(a.6es are based on AR( in the Deaker prin7ipa. dire7tion e37ept apparent openin; siHe is
based on ma3im6m a<era;e ro.. <a.6e:
>>-1.02P*>>-1.02S Reer$e1
Not !sed
>>-1.0+ PAYMENT
Not !sed
?0-1.01 GENERAL
?0-1.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion $%,# in7.6des ;enera. spe7ifi7ations for f6rnishin;) 76rin;) and prote7tin; 7on7rete:
Con7rete m6st be 7omposed of 7ementitio6s materia.) fine a;;re;ate) 7oarse a;;re;ate) admi3t6res if
6sed) and Dater:
PCC m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for 7on7rete:
?0-1.01B De4#'#/#0'
4ree :%/er5 Tota. Dater in the 7on7rete mi3t6re min6s the Dater absorbed by the a;;re;ates in rea7hin; a
sat6rated s6rfa7e,dry 7ondition:
re(&%#me1 %88re8%/e5 A;;re;ate that has been re7o<ered from p.asti7 7on7rete by Dashin; aDay the
7ementitio6s materia.:
?0-1.01C S".m#//%&
?0-1.01CB1C Ge'er%&
?0-1.01CB2C A88re8%/e Gr%1%/#0'
"efore startin; 7on7rete Dork) s6bmit the ;radation of the primary a;;re;ate nomina. siHes: If the
a;;re;ate so6r7e 7han;es) s6bmit neD ;radations before 6sin; the a;;re;ate:
If a primary 7oarse a;;re;ate or the fine a;;re;ate is separated into 2 or more siHes) s6bmit the
;radation and proposed proportions of ea7h siHe 7ombined mathemati7a..y to shoD # proposed ;radation:
ShoD the per7enta;e passin; for ea7h app.i7ab.e sie<e siHe:
?0-1.01CB)C Ceme'/#/#0" M%/er#%&
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e for 7ementitio6s materia.s: In7.6de the so6r7e name and .o7ation:
If the 7ementitio6s materia. is de.i<ered dire7t.y to the Iob site) the 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e m6st be
si;ned by the 7ementitio6s materia. s6pp.ier:
If the 7ementitio6s materia. is 6sed in ready,mi3ed 7on7rete) the 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e m6st be si;ned
by the 7on7rete man6fa7t6rer:
If b.ended 7ement is 6sed) the 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e m6st in7.6de a statement si;ned by the b.ended
7ement s6pp.ier that shoDs the a7t6a. per7enta;e of SC) by Dei;ht) in the b.end: Determine the Dei;ht
of SC by Dei;hin; de<i7e as spe7ified in se7tion $,#:%2" or by 7hemi7a. ana.ysis:
?0-1.01CB+C A1m#</"re
If yo6 propose to 6se an admi3t6re from the A6thoriHed ateria. List) s6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e
from the man6fa7t6rer 7ertifyin; that the admi3t6re f6rnished is the same as that pre<io6s.y a6thoriHed:
?0-1.01CB,C C"r#'8 C0m60"'1
For ea7h bat7h of 76rin; 7ompo6nd de.i<ered to the Iob site) s6bmit:
#: 76rin; 7ompo6nd test to ETS: The test m6st be from the shippin; 7ontainers
at the man6fa7t6rerFs so6r7e of s6pp.y:
2: Certifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e to the En;ineer and to ETS: The 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e m6st in7.6de:
2:#: Test res6.ts for the tests spe7ified in se7tion $%,#:%#D/01:
2:2: Certifi7ation that the materia. Das tested Dithin #2 months before 6se:
If the 76rin; 7ompo6nd is shipped in tanks or tank tr67ks) s6bmit a shippin; in<oi7e Dith ea7h .oad: The
in<oi7e m6st shoD the same information spe7ified for 7ontainer .abe.s in se7tion $%,#:%-"/-1/b1:
?0-1.01CB-C M#< De#8'
S6bmit the 7on7rete mi3 desi;n before 6sin; the 7on7rete in the Dork and before 7han;in; the mi3
proportions or an a;;re;ate so6r7e:
?0-1.01CB2C C0'(re/e De&#$er3
S6bmit a Dei;hmaster 7ertifi7ate as an informationa. s6bmitta. Dith ea7h .oad of 7on7rete de.i<ered to the
Iob site:
The Dei;hmaster 7ertifi7ate m6st shoD:
#: i3 identifi7ation n6mber:
2: Nonrepeatin; .oad n6mber:
-: Date and time the materia.s Dere bat7hed:
4: Tota. G6antity of Dater added to the .oad:
*: For transit,mi3ed 7on7rete) the re<o.6tion 7o6nter readin; at the time the tr67k mi3er is 7har;ed Dith
0: A7t6a. s7a.e Dei;hts in po6nds for the in;redients bat7hed: Do not s6bstit6te theoreti7a. or tar;et
bat7h Dei;hts for a7t6a. s7a.e Dei;hts:
If a6thoriHed) yo6 may s6bmit the Dei;hmaster 7ertifi7ates e.e7troni7a..y instead of in printed form:
&o6 may s6bmit a Dei;hmaster 7ertifi7ate Dith a separate 7ertifi7ate that .ists the a7t6a. bat7h Dei;hts or
meas6rements for a .oad of 7on7rete if both 7ertifi7ates are de.i<ered to the Iob site and are imprinted Dith
the same nonrepeatin; .oad n6mber that is 6niG6e to the Contra7t:
?0-1.01CB>C Te/#'8
If the 7on7rete is tested for shrinka;e) s6bmit the test data Dith the mi3 desi;n:
If preG6a.ifi7ation is spe7ified) s6bmit 7ertified test data or tria. bat7h test reports 6nder se7tion $%,
If *0 days are a..oDed for the 7on7rete to attain the stren;th des7ribed) s6bmit test res6.ts 6nder se7tion
?0-1.01CB?C S/%/#0'%r3 M#<er Cer/#4#(%/#0'
If yo6 Dei;h the SC 76m6.ati<e.y Dith the 7ement for 7on7rete 7omp.ete.y mi3ed in a stationary mi3er)
s6bmit 7ertifi7ation of the stationary mi3er 6nder se7tion $%,#:%2F/41/71:
?0-1.01CB10C Pr0/e(/#'8 C0'(re/e
If reG6ested) s6bmit a for prote7tin; the 7on7rete:
?0-1.01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
?0-1.01DB1C Ge'er%&
The 7ementitio6s materia.s and the admi3t6re type and brand m6st be on the A6thoriHed ateria. List at
the time of the mi3 desi;n s6bmitta.:
"oth the 7oarse and fine a;;re;ate m6st be on the A6thoriHed ateria. List for the a;;re;ate 6sed in
7on7rete to be 7onsidered inno76o6s:
If reG6ested) f6rnish test of the fresh.y mi3ed 7on7rete and pro<ide satisfa7tory fa7i.ities for
obtainin; the test
?0-1.01DB2C Ceme'/#/#0" M%/er#%& C0'/e'/
AdI6st the bat7h proportions as ne7essary to prod67e 7on7rete ha<in; the spe7ified 7ementitio6s materia.
The En;ineer <erifies 7omp.ian7e Dith the spe7ified 7ementitio6s materia. 7ontent by testin; 6nder
Ca.ifornia Test *#+ for 7ement 7ontent: For testin; p6rposes) SC is 7onsidered to be 7ement:
For a.. 7on7rete e37ept minor 7on7rete) if the 7ementitio6s materia.) port.and 7ement) or SC 7ontent is
.ess than the minim6m reG6ired and is not Dithin the bat7hin; to.eran7es a..oDed 6nder se7tion $%,
#:%2F/-1) yo6 m6st remo<e the 7on7rete: ?oDe<er) if the En;ineer determines that the 7on7rete is
str67t6ra..y adeG6ate) the 7on7rete may remain in p.a7e and O%:2* is ded67ted for ea7h po6nd of
7ementitio6s materia.) port.and 7ement) or SC .ess than the minim6m reG6ired: No ded67tions are made
based on the res6.ts of Ca.ifornia Test *#+:
?0-1.01DB)C S7r#';%8e
If shrinka;e .imitations are spe7ified) test the 7on7rete 6nder AAS?TO T #0%) modified as fo..oDs:
#: Prepare spe7imens that ha<e a 4, by 4,in7h 7ross se7tion:
2: Remo<e ea7h spe7imen from the mo.d 2- Z # ho6rs after mi3in; the 7on7rete and p.a7e the
spe7imen in .ime Dater at 5- Z - de;rees F 6nti. 5 days a;e:
-: Take a 7omparator readin; at 5 days a;e and re7ord it as the initia. readin;:
4: Store the spe7imens in a h6midity,7ontro..ed room maintained at 5- Z - de;rees F and *% Z 4 per7ent
re.ati<e h6midity for the remainder of the test:
*: Take s6bseG6ent readin;s at 5) #4) 2#) and 2+ days dryin;:
Perform AAS?TO T #0% testin; at a .aboratory that is a77redited to perform AAS?TO T #0% or that
maintains a 76rrent ratin; of - or better for the Cement and Con7rete Referen7e Laboratory 7on7rete
profi7ien7y samp.e pro;ram:
Shrinka;e test data a6thoriHed by the Department no more than - years before the #st day of the
Contra7t is a6thoriHed for the entire Contra7t: The test data m6st be for 7on7rete Dith proportions
and 6sin; the same materia.s and materia. so6r7es to be 6sed on the Contra7t: Con7rete is 7onsidered to
ha<e proportions if no more than 2 mi3 desi;n e.ements are <aried and the <ariation is Dithin the
to.eran7es shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
i3 desi;n e.ement To.eran7e /Z1
8ater to 7ementitio6s materia. ratio %:%-
Tota. Dater 7ontent * per7ent
Coarse a;;re;ate 7ontent #% per7ent
Fine a;;re;ate 7ontent #% per7ent
SC 7ontent * per7ent
Admi3t6re as ori;ina..y dosed
2* per7ent
Admi3t6res m6st be the same brand:
?0-1.01DB+C C0'(re/e U'#40rm#/3
The En;ineer determines the 6niformity of 7on7rete mi3t6res based on differen7es in test res6.ts betDeen
2 test of mi3ed 7on7rete from the same bat7h for the fo..oDin; tests:
#: Ca.ifornia Test *-- if the mi3 desi;n spe7ifies a penetration <a.6e
2: AST C #4- if the mi3 desi;n spe7ifies a s.6mp <a.6e
-: Ca.ifornia Test *2$
?0-1.01DB,C C0m6re#$e S/re'8/7
?0-1.01DB,CB%C Ge'er%&
Se7tion $%,#:%#D/*1 app.ies for either of the fo..oDin; 7ases:
#: Con7rete is desi;nated by 7ompressi<e stren;th:
2: Attainin; a minim6m 7on7rete 7ompressi<e stren;th is spe7ified as a prereG6isite to app.yin; .oads or
stresses to a 7on7rete str67t6re or member:
If the 2+,day 7ompressi<e stren;th des7ribed is -)0%% psi or ;reater) the 7on7rete is desi;nated by
7ompressi<e stren;th:
If the 7on7rete is desi;nated by 7ompressi<e stren;th) the stren;th of 7on7rete that is not steam 76red is
determined from 7y.inders 76red 6nder ethod # of Ca.ifornia Test *4%:
If attainin; a minim6m 7on7rete 7ompressi<e stren;th is spe7ified as a prereG6isite to app.yin; .oads or
stresses to a 7on7rete str67t6re or member) 7y.inders for 7on7rete that is not steam 76red are 76red 6nder
ethod # of Ca.ifornia Test *4% and the 7on7rete 7ompressi<e stren;th is e<a.6ated based on indi<id6a.
For 7on7rete Dith a des7ribed 2+,day 7ompressi<e stren;th ;reater than -)0%% psi) 42 days are a..oDed to
attain the stren;th des7ribed:
E37ept for 7on7rete spe7ified to be in a freeHe,thaD area) *0 days are a..oDed to attain the stren;th
des7ribed if the 7ementitio6s materia. satisfies the fo..oDin; eG6ation:
V/4# 3 U'1 Y /#$ 3 '1 Y /## 3 S*1W9TC =4:
' T nat6ra. or f.y ash 7omp.yin; Dith AAS?TO 2$*) C.ass F or N) in7.6din; the G6antity in
b.ended 7ement) .b976 yd: ' is eG6i<a.ent to the s6m of '- and 'B as defined in se7tion $%,
S* T =="FS) in7.6din; the G6antity in b.ended 7ement) .b976 yd
U' T si.i7a f6me) or !FFA) in7.6din; the G6antity in b.ended 7ement) .b976 yd
TC T tota. G6antity of 7ementitio6s materia. 6sed) .b976 yd
For 7on7rete satisfyin; the eG6ation abo<e) test for the 7ompressi<e stren;th at .east on7e e<ery *%% 76
yd at 2+) 42) and *0 days: S6bmit the test res6.ts to the En;ineer and to ETS) Attention: Offi7e of
Str67t6ra. ateria.s) Con7rete ateria.s Testin; "ran7h:
The En;ineer determines the 7on7rete 7ompressi<e stren;th from test 7y.inders:
#: ade from 7on7rete samp.ed 6nder Ca.ifornia Test *-$
2: o.ded and initia..y fie.d 76red 6nder Ca.ifornia Test *4%
-: C6red and tested 6nder Ca.ifornia Test *2#
A 7ompressi<e stren;th test represents no more than -%% 76 yd of 7on7rete and 7onsists of the a<era;e
7ompressi<e stren;th of 2 7y.inders made from materia. taken from a sin;.e .oad of 7on7rete: If a 7y.inder
shoDs e<iden7e of improper;) mo.din;) or testin;) the 7y.inder is dis7arded and the test 7onsists
of the 7ompressi<e stren;th of the remainin; 7y.inder:
If a sin;.e 7ompressi<e stren;th test res6.t is be.oD the stren;th des7ribed at the ma3im6m a;e spe7ified
or a..oDed) or if the 7ompressi<e stren;th of 7on7rete tested at 5 days indi7ates to the En;ineer that the
7on7rete Di.. not attain the stren;th des7ribed at the ma3im6m a;e spe7ified or a..oDed) 7orre7t the mi3
desi;n or 7on7rete fabri7ation pro7ed6res and obtain a6thoriHation before yo6 p.a7e additiona. 7on7rete:
If a sin;.e 7ompressi<e stren;th test res6.t is be.oD the stren;th des7ribed at the ma3im6m a;e spe7ified
or a..oDed) the 7on7rete represented by the test is s6bIe7t to one of the fo..oDin; a7tions:
#: If the 7ompressi<e stren;th is at .east $* per7ent of the stren;th des7ribed) O#% per 76bi7 yard of
7on7rete is ded67ted:
2: If the 7ompressi<e stren;th is be.oD $* per7ent of the stren;th des7ribed b6t is at .east +* per7ent of
the stren;th des7ribed) O#* per 76bi7 yard of 7on7rete is ded67ted:
-: If the 7ompressi<e stren;th is be.oD +* per7ent of the stren;th des7ribed) yo6 m6st remo<e the
If a stren;th test res6.t at the ma3im6m a;e spe7ified or a..oDed is be.oD the stren;th des7ribed b6t is at
.east +* per7ent of the stren;th des7ribed) the ded67tions spe7ified abo<e app.y 6n.ess yo6 obtain and
s6bmit e<iden7e that the stren;th of the 7on7rete p.a7ed in the Dork is ;reater than or eG6a. to the
stren;th des7ribed and this e<iden7e is a77epted by the En;ineer:
If a stren;th test res6.t at the ma3im6m a;e spe7ified or a..oDed is be.oD +* per7ent of the stren;th
des7ribed) yo6 m6st remo<e the 7on7rete represented by the test 6n.ess yo6 obtain and s6bmit e<iden7e
that the stren;th of the 7on7rete p.a7ed in the Dork is at .east +* per7ent of the stren;th des7ribed and
this e<iden7e is a77epted by the En;ineer:
If the e<iden7e 7onsists of tests made on 7ores taken from the Dork) obtain and test the 7ores 6nder
AST C 42:
?0-1.01DB,CB.C Pre!"%&#4#(%/#0'
If the 7on7rete has a des7ribed 2+,day 7ompressi<e stren;th ;reater than -)0%% psi) or if preG6a.ifi7ation
is spe7ified) preG6a.ify the materia.s) mi3 proportions) mi3in; eG6ipment) and pro7ed6res proposed for
6se in the Dork before p.a7in; the 7on7rete:
S6bmit 7ertified test data or tria. bat7h test reports based on the same materia.s) mi3 proportions) mi3in;
eG6ipment) pro7ed6res) and bat7h siHe proposed for 6se in the Dork:
Certified test data m6st shoD that:
#: Res6.ts of $% per7ent or more of at .east 2% 7onse76ti<e tests e37eed the 7ompressi<e stren;th
des7ribed at the ma3im6m n6mber of days spe7ified or a..oDed and none of the test res6.ts are .ess
than $* per7ent of the stren;th des7ribed
2: A.. tests are the most re7ent tests made on 7on7rete of the proposed mi3 desi;n and Dere made
Dithin # year of the proposed 6se of the 7on7rete
Tria. bat7h test reports m6st shoD that:
#: A<era;e 7ompressi<e stren;th for * 7onse76ti<e 7on7rete 7y.inders taken from a sin;.e bat7h and
tested at not more than the ma3im6m a;e spe7ified or a..oDed is at .east 0%% psi ;reater than the 2+,
day 7ompressi<e stren;th des7ribed
2: No indi<id6a. 7y.inder has a stren;th .ess than the stren;th des7ribed at the ma3im6m a;e spe7ified
or a..oDed
-: Data 7ontained in the report is from tria. bat7hes prod67ed Dithin # year of the proposed 6se of the
If air entrainment is spe7ified) the air 7ontent of the tria. bat7hes m6st be ;reater than or eG6a. to the air
7ontent spe7ified for the 7on7rete Ditho6t red67tion d6e to to.eran7es:
Perform tests 6nder the appropriate Ca.ifornia Test methods or 7omparab.e AST test methods: !se
testin; eG6ipment that is in ;ood 7ondition and proper.y 7a.ibrated: If tests are performed d6rin; the
Contra7t) notify the En;ineer far eno6;h in ad<an7e that the En;ineer 7an Ditness the test pro7ed6res:
Certified test data and tria. bat7h reports m6st in7.6de:
#: Date of mi3in;
2: i3in; eG6ipment and pro7ed6res
-: "at7h siHe in 76bi7 yards
4: 8ei;ht) type) and so6r7e for ea7h in;redient
*: Penetration or s.6mp as spe7ified in se7tion $%,#:%2=/01
0 Air 7ontent if an air,entrainin; admi3t6re is 6sed
5: Con7rete a;e at the time of testin;
+: Compressi<e stren;th for ea7h 7y.inder tested
$: Si;nat6re of an offi7ia. of the testin; firm
If a6thoriHed) yo6 may 6se the 7on7rete from tria. bat7hes in the Dork at .o7ations Dhere .oDer G6a.ity
7on7rete is reG6ired:
Any 7han;e to the preG6a.ified materia.s) mi3 proportions) mi3in; eG6ipment) or pro7ed6res that 7o6.d
res6.t in a 7on7rete stren;th be.oD that des7ribed reG6ires additiona. preG6a.ifi7ation by tria. bat7h testin;:
?0-1.01DB-C C"r#'8 C0m60"'1
Test ea7h bat7h of 76rin; 7ompo6nd de.i<ered to the Iob site for:
#: 8ater .oss at 24 ho6rs 6nder Ca.ifornia Test *-4
2: Ref.e7tan7e 6nder AST E #-45
-: (is7osity 6nder AST D 2#$0
4: Non<o.ati.e 7ontent 6nder AST D 2-0$
*: Pi;ment 7ontent 6nder AST D -52-
A bat7h m6st be no .ar;er than #%)%%% ;a.:
The En;ineer the 76rin; 7ompo6nd at the man6fa7t6rerFs s6pp.y so6r7e) at the Iob site) or at
both .o7ations:
The 76rin; 7ompo6nd samp.ed from shippin; 7ontainers from the man6fa7t6rerFs s6pp.y so6r7e or from
the Iob site m6st mat7h the test res6.ts for <is7osity) non<o.ati.e 7ontent) and pi;ment 7ontent Dithin the
to.eran7es spe7ified in the pre7ision and bias statements for the test methods:
Additiona. testin; of the 76rin; 7ompo6nd may be reG6ired before its 6se if the 7ompo6nd has not been
6sed Dithin # year or if the En;ineer<es that the 7ompo6nd may no .on;er be a77eptab.e:
?0-1.02A Ge'er%&
Con7rete for pa<ement) approa7h s.abs) and brid;e de7ks m6st 7omp.y Dith the shrinka;e .imitations
shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e Dhen tested 6nder se7tion $%,#:%#D/-1:
Type of Dork
a3im6m .en;th 7han;e of .aboratory 7ast
spe7imens at 2+ days dryin; /a<era;e of -1
Pa<in; and approa7h s.ab 7on7rete %:%*%
"rid;e de7k 7on7rete %:%4*
8hen tested for 6niformity 6nder se7tion $%,#:%#D/41) the differen7es in test res6.ts betDeen the 2
7on7rete test m6st 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin;:
#: 8hen tested 6nder Ca.ifornia Test *--) the differen7e in penetration <a.6es m6st not e37eed #92 in7h:
2: 8hen tested 6nder AST C #4-) the differen7e in s.6mp <a.6es m6st not e37eed the <a.6es shoDn in
the fo..oDin; tab.e:
A<era;e s.6mp) S
a3im6m permissib.e differen7e
S K 4 #
4 X S X 0 #,#92
0 K S X $ 2
-: 8hen tested 6nder Ca.ifornia Test *2$) the differen7e in the proportion of 7oarse a;;re;ate m6st not
e37eed #5% po6nds of a;;re;ate per 76bi7 yard of 7on7rete:
!n.ess a mod6.6s of r6pt6re is spe7ified) the minim6m reG6ired 7ompressi<e stren;th for 7on7rete m6st
be the ;reater of either the stren;th des7ribed or 2)*%% psi: Proportion the 7on7rete to attain the minim6m
reG6ired 7ompressi<e stren;th:
For 7on7rete not desi;nated by 7ompressi<e stren;th) the 7on7rete m6st attain at .east +* per7ent of the
minim6m reG6ired 7ompressi<e stren;th Dhen tested at 2+ days:
?0-1.02B Ceme'/#/#0" M%/er#%&
?0-1.02BB1C Ge'er%&
!n.ess otherDise spe7ified) the 7ementitio6s materia. m6st be one of the fo..oDin;:
#: Combination of Type II or ( port.and 7ement and SC
2: ".ended 7ement
The 7ementitio6s materia.s 6sed in CIP 7on7rete for e3posed s6rfa7es of e.ements of a str67t6re
m6st be from the same so6r7es and of the same proportions:
Prote7t 7ementitio6s materia.s from moist6re 6nti. 6sed:
P.a7e sa7ked 7ementitio6s materia.s in a pi.e to a..oD a77ess for ta..yin;) inspe7tin;) and identifyin; ea7h
Pro<ide fa7i.ities that ens6re the 7ementitio6s materia.s to be 6sed in the Dork are kept separate from
ea7h other and from other 7ementitio6s materia.s:
A stora;e si.o 7ontainin; a 7ementitio6s materia. m6st be emptied before 6sin; the si.o for a different
7ementitio6s materia.: ".ended 7ements Dith a per7enta;e of SC differin; by more than 2 per7ent are
7onsidered different 7ementitio6s materia.s:
Samp.e 7ementitio6s materia.s 6nder Ca.ifornia Test #2*:
?0-1.02BB2C Ceme'/
Port.and 7ement m6st 7omp.y Dith AST C #*%) e37ept the C-S 7ontent of Type II 7ement m6st not
e37eed 0* per7ent:
".ended 7ement m6st 7omp.y Dith port.and b.ast,f6rna7e s.a; 7ement) Type IS /S1) or port.and, 7ement) Type IP /S1) spe7ified in AAS?TO 24%) e37ept:
#: a3im6m .imits on 7ontent do not app.y
2: ".ended 7ement m6st be 7omposed of Type II or ( 7ement and SC prod67ed by one of the
fo..oDin; methods:
2:#: Inter;rindin; of port.and 7ement 7.inker and ;ran6.ated b.ast f6rna7e s.a;) =="FS) or
2:2: ".endin; of port.and 7ement and either =="FS or fine.y di<ided
2:-: Combination of inter;rindin; and b.endin;
Types II) III) and ( port.and 7ement m6st 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin;:
#: A.ka.i 7ontent m6st not e37eed %:0% per7ent by mass of a.ka.ies as Na2O Y %:0*+ '2O Dhen
determined 6nder AAS?TO T #%*:
2: A6to7.a<e e3pansion m6st not e37eed %:*% per7ent:
Type III port.and 7ement may be 6sed on.y if spe7ified or a6thoriHed:
?0-1.02BB)C S"66&eme'/%r3 Ceme'/#/#0" M%/er#%&
Ea7h SC m6st be one of the fo..oDin;:
#: F.y ash 7omp.yin; Dith AAS?TO 2$*) C.ass F) and either of the fo..oDin;:
#:#: A<ai.ab.e a.ka.i as Na2O Y %:0*+ '2O m6st not e37eed #:* per7ent Dhen tested 6nder AST C
#:2: Tota. a.ka.i as Na2O Y %:0*+ '2O m6st not e37eed *:% per7ent Dhen tested 6nder AAS?TO T
2: !FFA 7omp.yin; Dith AAS?TO 2$*) C.ass F) and the 7hemi7a. and physi7a. reG6irements shoDn in
the fo..oDin; 2
Chemi7a. property
S6.f6r trio3ide /SO-1 #:* ma3
Loss on i;nition #:2 ma3
A<ai.ab.e a.ka.ies as Na2O Y %:0*+ '2O #:* ma3
Physi7a. property
Parti7.e siHe distrib6tion
Less than -:* mi7rons *%
Less than $:% mi7rons $%
Stren;th a7ti<ity inde3 Dith port.and 7ement
5 days $* /min per7ent of 7ontro.1
2+ days ##% /min per7ent of 7ontro.1
E3pansion at #0 days Dhen testin; proIe7t
materia.s 6nder AST C #*05
%:#% ma3
In the test mi3) at .east #2 per7ent) by Dei;ht) of the Type II or ( port.and
7ement m6st be rep.a7ed Dith !FFA:
-: RaD or 7a.7ined nat6ra. poHHo.ans 7omp.yin; Dith AAS?TO 2$*) C.ass N) and either of the
-:#: A<ai.ab.e a.ka.i as Na2O Y %:0*+ '2O m6st not e37eed #:* per7ent Dhen tested 6nder AST C
-:2: Tota. a.ka.i as Na2O Y %:0*+ '2O m6st not e37eed *:% per7ent Dhen tested 6nder AAS?TO T
4: 7omp.yin; Dith AAS?TO 2$*) C.ass N) and the 7hemi7a. and physi7a. reG6irements
shoDn in the fo..oDin; 2
Chemi7a. property
Si.i7on dio3ide /SiO21 Y a.6min6m o3ide /A.2O-1 $2:% min
Ca.7i6m o3ide /CaO1 #:% ma3
S6.f6r trio3ide /SO-1 #:% ma3
Loss on i;nition #:2 ma3
A<ai.ab.e a.ka.ies as Na2O Y %:0*+ '2O #:% ma3
Physi7a. property
Parti7.e siHe distrib6tion .ess than 4* mi7rons $*
Stren;th a7ti<ity inde3 Dith port.and 7ement
5 days #%% /min per7ent of 7ontro.1
2+ days #%% /min per7ent of 7ontro.1
*: =="FS 7omp.yin; Dith AAS?TO -%2) =rade #%% or #2%:
0: Si.i7a f6me 7omp.yin; Dith AAS?TO -%5) Dith a minim6m red67tion in mortar e3pansion of +%
per7ent Dhen 6sin; the 7ement from the proposed mi3 desi;n:
&o6 may 7ommin;.e f.y ash from different so6r7es at 6n7ontro..ed ratios if:
#: Ea7h so6r7e prod67es f.y ash 7omp.yin; Dith AAS?TO 2$*) C.ass F
2: At the time of 7ommin;.in;) ea7h f.y ash has:
2:#: R6nnin; a<era;e of re.ati<e density that does not differ from any other f.y ash by more than
2:2: R6nnin; a<era;e of .oss on i;nition that does not differ from any other f.y ash by more than #
-: Fina. 7ommin;.ed f.y ash 7omp.ies Dith AAS?TO 2$*) C.ass F
4: F.y ash s6pp.ier is responsib.e for testin; the 7ommin;.ed f.y ash
The G6antity of port.and 7ement and SC in 7on7rete m6st 7omp.y Dith the minim6m 7ementitio6s
materia. 7ontent spe7ified:
The SC 7ontent in 7on7rete m6st 7omp.y Dith one of the fo..oDin;:
#: Any 7ombination of port.and 7ement and at .east # SC) satisfyin; eG6ations # and 2:
EG6ation #:
V/2* 3 U'1 Y /#2 3 '-1 Y /#% 3 'B1 Y /0 3 S*1W9MC 6
U' T si.i7a f6me) or !FFA) in7.6din; the G6antity in b.ended 7ement) .b976 yd
'- T nat6ra. or f.y ash 7omp.yin; Dith AAS?TO 2$*) C.ass F or N) Dith a CaO 7ontent of
6p to #% per7ent) in7.6din; the G6antity in b.ended 7ement) .b976 yd
'B T nat6ra. or f.y ash 7omp.yin; Dith AAS?TO 2$*) C.ass F or N) Dith a CaO 7ontent of
;reater than #% per7ent and 6p to #* per7ent) in7.6din; the G6antity in b.ended 7ement) .b976
S* T =="FS) in7.6din; the G6antity in b.ended 7ement) .b976 yd
MC T minim6m G6antity of 7ementitio6s materia. spe7ified) .b976 yd
6 T #:+ for inno76o6s a;;re;ate) -:% for a.. other a;;re;ate
EG6ation 2:
MC , MSCM , PC %
MC T minim6m G6antity of 7ementitio6s materia. spe7ified) .b976 yd
MSCM T minim6m s6m of SCs that satisfies eG6ation #) .b976 yd
PC T G6antity of port.and 7ement) in7.6din; the G6antity in b.ended 7ement) .b976 yd
2: #* per7ent C.ass F f.y ash Dith at .east 4+ oH of LiNO- so.6tion added per #%% .b of port.and 7ement:
The CaO 7ontent of the f.y ash m6st not e37eed #* per7ent:
?0-1.02C A88re8%/e
?0-1.02CB1C Ge'er%&
A;;re;ates m6st be free from de.eterio6s 7oatin;s) 7.ay ba..s) roots) bark) sti7ks) ra;s) and other
e3traneo6s materia.:
Pro<ide safe and s6itab.e fa7i.ities) in7.6din; sp.ittin; de<i7es) for obtainin; a;;re;ate test 6nder
Ca.ifornia Test #2*:
A;;re;ates m6st ha<e:
#: Chara7teristi7s that enab.e the prod67tion of Dorkab.e 7on7rete Dithin the .imits of Dater 7ontent
spe7ified in se7tion $%,#:%2=/01:
2: No more than #% per7ent .oss Dhen tested for so6ndness 6nder Ca.ifornia Test 2#4: The so6ndness
reG6irement does not app.y to fine a;;re;ate if the d6rabi.ity inde3 of the fine a;;re;ate is 0% or
;reater Dhen tested 6nder Ca.ifornia Test 22$:
Ea7h 7.eanness <a.6e) sand eG6i<a.ent) or a;;re;ate ;radin; test represents no more than -%% 76 yd of
7on7rete or # dayFs po6r) Dhi7he<er is
If the res6.ts of any # or more of the 7.eanness <a.6e) sand eG6i<a.ent) or a;;re;ate ;radin; tests do not
7omp.y Dith the reG6irements for operatin; ran;e) b6t a.. 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements for 7ontra7t
#: S6spend the 7on7rete p.a7ement at the 7omp.etion of the 76rrent po6r
2: Do not restart the 7on7rete p.a7ement 6nti. test res6.ts or other information shoD that the ne3t
materia. to be 6sed in the Dork 7omp.ies Dith the reG6irements for operatin; ran;e
If the res6.ts of either or both of the 7.eanness <a.6e and 7oarse a;;re;ate ;radin; tests do not 7omp.y
Dith the reG6irements for 7ontra7t 7omp.ian7e) yo6 m6st remo<e the 7on7rete represented by the tests:
?oDe<er) if the En;ineer determines that the 7on7rete is str67t6ra..y adeG6ate) the 7on7rete may remain
in p.a7e and O-:*% per 76bi7 yard for pa<in; 7on7rete and O*:*% per 76bi7 yard for other 7on7rete is
ded67ted for the 7on7rete represented by these tests and .eft in p.a7e:
If the res6.ts of either or both of the sand eG6i<a.ent and fine a;;re;ate ;radin; tests do not 7omp.y Dith
the reG6irements for 7ontra7t 7omp.ian7e) yo6 m6st remo<e the 7on7rete represented by the tests:
?oDe<er) if the En;ineer determines that the 7on7rete is str67t6ra..y adeG6ate) the 7on7rete may remain
in p.a7e and O-:*% per 76bi7 yard for pa<in; 7on7rete and O*:*% per 76bi7 yard for other 7on7rete is
ded67ted for the 7on7rete represented by these tests and .eft in p.a7e:
The 2 pre7edin; para;raphs app.y indi<id6a..y to the 7ontra7t 7omp.ian7e reG6irements for 7oarse and
fine a;;re;ate: If both 7oarse and fine a;;re;ate do not 7omp.y Dith the 7ontra7t 7omp.ian7e
reG6irements) both para;raphs app.y: The ded67tions spe7ified in those para;raphs are in addition to any
ded67tions made 6nder se7tion $%,#:%#D/21:
?0-1.02CB2C C0%re A88re8%/e
Coarse a;;re;ate m6st 7onsist of ;ra<e.) 7r6shed ;ra<e.) 7r6shed ro7k) re7.aimed a;;re;ate) 7r6shed
air,7oo.ed iron b.ast f6rna7e s.a;) or a 7ombination of these:
Do not 6se 7r6shed air,7oo.ed iron b.ast f6rna7e s.a; in reinfor7ed or PS 7on7rete:
Re7.aimed a;;re;ate m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for a;;re;ate:
Coarse a;;re;ate m6st 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Property Ca.ifornia Test ReG6irement
Loss in Los An; after *%% re<o.6tions 2## 4* per7ent ma3
C.eanness <a.6e
Operatin; ran;e 225 5* min
Contra7t 7omp.ian7e 225 5# min
For 7.eanness <a.6e) an operatin; ran;e .imit of 5# minim6m and a 7ontra7t 7omp.ian7e .imit of 0+
minim6m app.y if yo6 s6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e 7ertifyin; that:
#: Coarse a;;re;ate samp.ed at the 7omp.etion of pro7essin; at the a;;re;ate prod67tion p.ant had a
7.eanness <a.6e of at .east +2 Dhen tested 6nder Ca.ifornia Test 225
2: PreG6a.ifi7ation tests performed 6nder Ca.ifornia Test *4$ shoDed that the a;;re;ate Do6.d de<e.op
a re.ati<e stren;th of at .east $* per7ent and ha<e a re.ati<e shrinka;e of no more than #%* per7ent
based on 7on7rete
?0-1.02CB)C F#'e A88re8%/e
Fine a;;re;ate m6st 7onsist of nat6ra. sand) man6fa7t6red sand prod67ed from .ar;er a;;re;ate) or a
7ombination of these: an6fa7t6red sand m6st be De.. ;raded:
Fine a;;re;ate m6st 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Property Ca.ifornia Test ReG6irement
Or;ani7 imp6rities 2#- Satisfa7tory
Sand eG6i<a.ent:
Operatin; ran;e 2#5 5* min
Contra7t 7omp.ian7e 2#5 5# min
Fine a;;re;ate that de<e.ops a 7o.or darker than the referen7e
standard 7o.or may be a6thoriHed if $* per7ent re.ati<e mortar
stren;th is a7hie<ed Dhen tested 6nder AST C +5:
For sand eG6i<a.ent) an operatin; ran;e .imit of 5# minim6m and a 7ontra7t 7omp.ian7e .imit of 0+
minim6m app.y if yo6 s6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e 7ertifyin; that:
# Fine a;;re;ate samp.ed at the 7omp.etion of pro7essin; at the a;;re;ate prod67tion p.ant had a
sand eG6i<a.ent <a.6e of at .east +2 Dhen tested 6nder Ca.ifornia Test 2#5
2: PreG6a.ifi7ation tests performed 6nder Ca.ifornia Test *4$ shoDed that the a;;re;ate Do6.d de<e.op
a re.ati<e stren;th of at .east $* per7ent and ha<e a re.ati<e shrinka;e of no more than #%* per7ent
based on 7on7rete
?0-1.02CB+C A88re8%/e Gr%1#'8
?0-1.02CB+CB%C Ge'er%&
Proposed a;;re;ate ;radations m6st be Dithin the per7enta;e passin; .imits shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Primary a;;re;ate
nomina. siHe
Limits of proposed
#,#92 in7h 3 -94 in7h # in #$B4#
# in7h 3 No: 4 -94 in *2B+*
# in7h 3 No: 4 -9+ in #*B-+
#92 in7h 3 No: 4 -9+ in 4%B5+
-9+ in7h 3 No: + -9+ in *%B+*
Fine a;;re;ate No: #0 **B5*
Fine a;;re;ate No: -% -4B40
Fine a;;re;ate No: *% #0B2$
The En;ineer may Dai<e) in Dritin;) the spe7ifi7ations for ;radation if in the En;ineerFs opinion f6rnishin;
the ;radation is not ne7essary for the Dork:
?0-1.02CB+CB.C C0%re A88re8%/e Gr%1#'8
Coarse a;;re;ate m6st be ;raded Dithin the .imits shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e for ea7h siHe of 7oarse
Per7enta;e passin; primary a;;re;ate nomina. siHes
#,#92 in7h 3 -94 in7h # in7h 3 No: 4 #92 in7h 3 No: 4 -9+ in7h 3 No: +
Operatin; Contra7t Operatin; Contra7t Operatin; Contra7t Operatin; Contra7t
ran;e 7omp.ian7e ran;e 7omp.ian7e ran;e 7omp.ian7e ran;e 7omp.ian7e
2 in7h #%% #%% ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,
++B#%% +*B#%% #%% #%% ,, ,, ,, ,,
# in7h > Z #+ > Z 2* ++B#%% +0B#%% ,, ,, ,, ,,
-94 in7h %B#5 %B2% > Z #* > Z22 #%% #%% ,, ,,
#92 in7h ,, ,, ,, ,, +2B#%% +%B#%% #%% #%%
-9+ in7h %B5 %B$ > Z #* > Z 22 > Z #* > Z 22 > Z #* > Z 2%
No: 4 ,, ,, %B#0 %B#+ %B#* %B#+ %B2* %B2+
No: + ,, ,, %B0 %B5 %B0 %B5 %B0 %B5
NOTE: E>E is the ;radation that yo6 propose to f6rnish for the spe7ifi7 sie<e siHe 6nder se7tion $%,
F6rnish 7oarse a;;re;ate for the #,#92,in7h ma3im6m 7ombined a;;re;ate ;radin; 6nder se7tion $%,
#:%2C/41/d1 in 2 or more primary a;;re;ate nomina. siHes: &o6 may separate ea7h primary a;;re;ate
nomina. siHe into 2 siHes and store them separate.y) pro<ided that the 7ombined materia. 7omp.ies Dith
the ;radin; spe7ifi7ations for the primary a;;re;ate nomina. siHe:
&o6 may separate the 7oarse a;;re;ate for the #,in7h ma3im6m 7ombined a;;re;ate ;radin; 6nder
se7tion $%,#:%2C/41/d1 into 2 siHes and store them separate.y) pro<ided that the 7ombined materia.
7omp.ies Dith the ;radin; spe7ifi7ations for the # in7h 3 No: 4 primary a;;re;ate nomina. siHe:
?0-1.02CB+CB(C F#'e A88re8%/e Gr%1#'8
Fine a;;re;ate m6st be ;raded Dithin the .imits shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Sie<e siHe
Per7enta;e passin;
Operatin; ran;e Contra7t 7omp.ian7e
-9+ in7h #%% #%%
No: 4 $*B#%% $-B#%%
No: + 0*B$* 0#B$$
No: #0 > Z #% > Z #-
No: -% > Z $ > Z #2
No: *% > Z 0 > Z $
No: #%% 2B#2 #B#*
No: 2%% %B+ %B#%
NOTE: E>E is the ;radation that yo6 propose to f6rnish for the
spe7ifi7 sie<e siHe 6nder se7tion $%,#:%2C/41/a1:
Fine a;;re;ate siHes m6st be distrib6ted s67h that the differen7e betDeen the tota. per7enta;e passin;
the No: #0 and No: -% sie<es is from #% to 4%) and the differen7e betDeen the per7enta;e passin; the
No: -% and No: *% sie<es is from #% to 4%:
&o6 may separate fine a;;re;ate into 2 or more siHes and store them separate.y) pro<ided that the
7ombined materia. 7omp.ies Dith the ;radin; spe7ifi7ations:
?0-1.02CB+CB1C C0m.#'e1 A88re8%/e Gr%1#'8
!se 7ombined a;;re;ate ;radin; .imits on.y for the desi;n of 7on7rete mi3es: Desi;n 7on7rete mi3es
s67h that a;;re;ates are 7ombined in proportions that prod67e a mi3t6re Dithin the ;radin; .imits for
7ombined a;;re;ate:
!se either the #,#92,in7h ma3im6m ;radin; or the #,in7h ma3im6m ;radin;) 6n.ess otherDise spe7ified:
Combined a;;re;ate m6st be ;raded Dithin the .imits shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Sie<e siHe
Per7enta;e passin;
#,#92 in7h ma3 # in7h ma3 #92 in7h ma3 -9+ in7h ma3
2 in7h #%% ,, ,, ,,
#,#92 in7h $%B#%% #%% ,, ,,
# in7h *%B+0 $%B#%% ,, ,,
-94 in7h 4*B5* **B#%% #%% ,,
#92 in7h ,, ,, $%B#%% #%%
-9+ in7h -+B** 4*B5* **B+0 *%B#%%
No: 4 -%B4* -*B0% 4*B0- 4*B0-
No: + 2-B-+ 25B4* -*B4$ -*B4$
No: #0 #5B-- 2%B-* 2*B-5 2*B-5
No: -% #%B22 #2B2* #*B2* #*B2*
No: *% 4B#% *B#* *B#* *B#*
No: #%% #B0 #B+ #B+ #B+
No: 2%% %B- %B4 %B4 %B4
Do not 7han;e from one a;;re;ate ;radin; to another d6rin; the pro;ress of the Dork:
?0-1.02D A%/er
8ater for Dashin; a;;re;ates) mi3in; 7on7rete) and 76rin; m6st not 7ontain:
#: Oi.
2: Imp6rities at 7on7entrations that 7a6se either of the fo..oDin; res6.ts Dhen 7ompared to the same test
6sin; disti..ed or deioniHed Dater:
2:#: Chan;e of more than 2* per7ent in the settin; time of 7ement Dhen tested 6nder AST C #$#
or AST C 200
2:2: Red67tion by more than * per7ent in the mortar 7ompressi<e stren;th at #4 days Dhen tested
6nder AST C #%$
-: Ch.orides as C. or s6.fates as SO4 in e37ess of the <a.6es shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Type of
7on7rete Dork
7h.oride as C.
s6.fate as SO4
Nonreinfor7ed 2)%%% ppm #)*%% ppm
Reinfor7ed #)%%% ppm #)-%% ppm
PS 0*% ppm #)-%% ppm
8hen tested 6nder Ca.ifornia Test 422
8hen tested 6nder Ca.ifornia Test 4#5
8ater for 76rin; 7on7rete m6st not 7ontain imp6rities at 7on7entrations that 7a6se dis7o.oration or s6rfa7e
8ater re7.aimed from Dashin; o6t the mi3er may be 6sed in mi3in; 7on7rete: The Dater m6st not 7ontain
7o.orin; a;ents or more than -%% ppm of as Na2O Y %:0*+ '2O as determined on the fi.trate: The
spe7ifi7 ;ra<ity of the Dater m6st not e37eed #:%- and m6st not <ary more than Z%:%#% d6rin; a dayFs
?0-1.02E A1m#</"re
?0-1.02EB1C Ge'er%&
Admi3t6res m6st 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin;:
#: Chemi7a. admi3t6res m6st 7omp.y Dith AST C 4$4:
2: Air,entrainin; admi3t6res m6st 7omp.y Dith AST C 20%:
-: Lithi6m nitrate m6st be in an aG6eo6s so.6tion that 7omp.ies Dith the fo..oDin;:
-:#: Lithi6m nitrate as LiNO- m6st be -% Z %:* per7ent by Dei;ht:
-:2: S6.fate as SO4 m6st be .ess than #)%%% ppm:
-:-: Ch.oride as C. m6st be .ess than #)%%% ppm:
-:4: as Na2O Y %:0*+ '2O m6st be .ess than #)%%% ppm:
Chemi7a. or air,entrainin; admi3t6res m6st not 7ontain more than # per7ent 7h.orides as C. by Dei;ht of
admi3t6re Dhen tested 6nder Ca.ifornia Test 4#*:
Store and dispense the admi3t6res in .iG6id form:
Admi3t6re properties m6st be 6niform thro6;ho6t their 6se in the Dork:
If more than # admi3t6re is 6sed) the admi3t6res m6st be 7ompatib.e Dith ea7h other s67h that the
desirab.e effe7ts of a.. the admi3t6res 6sed are rea.iHed:
!se 7hemi7a. admi3t6res in 7omp.ian7e Dith the man6fa7t6rerFs Dritten instr67tions: The instr67tions m6st
in7.6de a statement that the admi3t6re is 7ompatib.e Dith the types and G6antities of SC 6sed:
If yo6 are ordered to 6se admi3t6res in the 7on7rete that are not spe7ified) f6rnishin; the admi3t6res and
addin; them to the 7on7rete is 7han;e order Dork:
?0-1.02EB2C C7em#(%& A1m#</"re
If the 6se of 7hemi7a. admi3t6res is spe7ified) 6se the dosa;e spe7ified: If the dosa;e is not spe7ified)
6se the dosa;e re7ommended by the admi3t6re man6fa7t6rer:
&o6 may 6se any of the fo..oDin; admi3t6re types to 7onser<e 7ementitio6s materia. or to fa7i.itate
#: Type A or F) Dater,red67in;
2: Type ") retardin;
-: Type D or =) Dater,red67in; and retardin;
If yo6 6se a Dater,red67in; admi3t6re or a Dater,red67in; and retardin; admi3t6re) yo6 may red67e the
spe7ified 7ementitio6s materia. 7ontent by 6p to * per7ent by Dei;ht: The res6.tin; 7on7rete m6st 7ontain
at .east *%* po6nds of 7ementitio6s materia. per 76bi7 yard: If yo6 red67e the 7ementitio6s materia.
7ontent) 6se at .east the admi3t6re dosa;e 6sed in a6thoriHin; the admi3t6re as shoDn on the A6thoriHed
ateria. List:
&o6 may 6se a Type S admi3t6re:
&o6 may 6se a Type C a77e.eratin; admi3t6re: In7.6sion of the Type C admi3t6re in the mi3 desi;n is not
reG6ired if it is added to 7o6ntera7t 7han;in; 7onditions that 7ontrib6te to de.ayed settin; of the 7on7rete
and if the 6se or 7han;e in dosa;e of the admi3t6re is a6thoriHed:
?0-1.02EB)C A#r-E'/r%#'#'8 A1m#</"re
If air entrainment is spe7ified or ordered) 6se the G6antity of air,entrainin; admi3t6re that prod67es
7on7rete ha<in; the spe7ified air 7ontent Dhen tested 6nder Ca.ifornia Test *%4:
If air entrainment is not spe7ified or ordered) yo6 may 6se an air,entrainin; admi3t6re to fa7i.itate the 6se
of a 7onstr67tion pro7ed6re or eG6ipment: The a<era;e air 7ontent of - s677essi<e tests m6st not e37eed
4 per7ent and ea7h test <a.6e m6st be no more than *:* per7ent Dhen tested 6nder Ca.ifornia Test *%4:
?0-1.02F Pr060r/#0'#'8 C0'(re/e
?0-1.02FB1C Ge'er%&
?0-1.02FB2C S/0r%8e 04 A88re8%/e
Store or sto7kpi.e a;;re;ates s67h that the 7oarse and fine of ea7h siHe do not separate and
<ario6s siHes do not intermi3 before proportionin;:
Pre<ent 7ontamination by forei;n materia.s Dhi.e storin;);) and; a;;re;ates:
If yo6 store the a;;re;ates at a bat7hin; or mi3in; p.ant that is ere7ted after the Contra7t is aDarded and
is 6sed for f6rnishin; 7on7rete for the Dork:
#: Pre<ent intermin;.in; of different a;;re;ate siHes by 6sin; meas6res s67h as the physi7a. separation
of or the 7onstr67tion of b6.kheads of adeG6ate .en;th and hei;ht
2: Pre<ent 7ontamination of the a;;re;ates by 7onta7t Dith the ;ro6nd thro6;h meas6res s67h as
p.a7in; the a;;re;ates on Dooden p.atforms or on hardened s6rfa7es made of 7on7rete) aspha.t
7on7rete) or 7ement,treated materia.
8hen p.a7in; the a;;re;ates in stora;e or mo<in; the a;;re;ates from stora;e to the Dei;h hopper of
the bat7hin; p.ant) do not 6se methods that 7a6se:
#: Se;re;ation) de;radation) or the 7ombinin; of materia.s of different ;radin;s and res6.t in an
a;;re;ate siHe; to 7omp.y Dith the ;radin; spe7ifi7ations at the Dei;h hopper
2: E37essi<e parti7.e breaka;e
&o6 may be reG6ired to 6se de<i7es that red67e the impa7t of; a;;re;ates:
?0-1.02FB)C Pr060r/#0'#'8 De$#(e
A6tomati7 Dei;hin; systems m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion $%,#:%2F/41/71: For an a6tomati7 de<i7e) the sin;.e
operation of a sDit7h or starter m6st be the on.y man6a. operation reG6ired to proportion the a;;re;ates)
7ement) and SC for # bat7h of 7on7rete:
Ins6.ate the Dei;hin; eG6ipment a;ainst the <ibration or mo<ement of other p.ant eG6ipment:
The Dei;ht of ea7h bat7h of materia. m6st not <ary from the Dei;ht desi;nated by the En;ineer by more
than the spe7ified to.eran7es:
The Dei;hin; and meas6rin; eG6ipment m6st ha<e the fo..oDin; Hero to.eran7es:
#: For 76m6.ati<e Dei;hin; of a;;re;ates) Z%:* per7ent of the desi;nated tota. a;;re;ate bat7h Dei;ht
2: For Dei;hin; ea7h a;;re;ate siHe separate.y) Z%:* per7ent of the desi;nated bat7h Dei;ht for ea7h
a;;re;ate siHe
-: For 76m6.ati<e Dei;hin; of 7ement and SC) Z%:* per7ent of the desi;nated tota. bat7h Dei;ht of the
7ement and SC
4: For Dei;hin; 7ement and SC separate.y) Z%:* per7ent of their desi;nated indi<id6a. bat7h Dei;hts
*: For meas6rin; Dater) Z%:* per7ent of its desi;nated Dei;ht or <o.6me
The Dei;ht indi7ated for a bat7h of materia. m6st not <ary from the prese.e7ted s7a.e settin; by more than
the fo..oDin;:
#: A;;re;ates Dei;hed 76m6.ati<e.y m6st be Dithin Z#:% per7ent of the desi;nated tota. a;;re;ate bat7h
2: A;;re;ates Dei;hed separate.y m6st be Dithin Z#:* per7ent of the desi;nated bat7h Dei;ht of ea7h
-: Cement Dei;hed separate.y m6st be Dithin Y2 to ,# per7ent of the desi;nated 7ement bat7h Dei;ht:
4: SC Dei;hed separate.y m6st be Dithin Y2 to ,# per7ent of the desi;nated SC bat7h Dei;ht:
*: For 7ement and SC Dei;hed 76m6.ati<e.y) the 7ement m6st be Dithin Y2 to ,# per7ent of the
desi;nated 7ement bat7h Dei;ht and the tota. for 7ement and SC m6st be Dithin Y2 to ,# per7ent of
the s6m of the desi;nated 7ement and SC bat7h Dei;hts:
0: 8ater m6st be Dithin Z#:* per7ent of the desi;nated Dei;ht or <o.6me of Dater:
Ea7h s7a.e ;rad6ation m6st be no more than %:%%# of the tota. s7a.e 7apa7ity: For ea7h materia. bein;
Dei;hed) 6se a s7a.e Dith sin;.e ;rad6ations that indi7ate a Dei;ht not e37eedin; the ma3im6m
permissib.e Dei;ht <ariation abo<e) e37ept that ;rad6ations .ess than # .b are not reG6ired:
?0-1.02FB+C Pr060r/#0'#'8
?0-1.02FB+CB%C Ge'er%&
Proportionin; 7onsists of di<idin; the a;;re;ates into the spe7ified siHes) ea7h stored in a separate bin)
and 7ombinin; the a;;re;ates Dith 7ementitio6s materia.) admi3t6res if 6sed) and Dater:
Proportion the a;;re;ates by Dei;ht:
At the time of bat7hin;:
#: A;;re;ates m6st be dried and drained to a stab.e moist6re 7ontent s67h that no <isib.e separation of
Dater from the a;;re;ate o776rs d6rin; transportation from the proportionin; p.ant to the point of
2: Free moist6re 7ontent of the fine a;;re;ate m6st not e37eed + per7ent of its sat6rated s6rfa7e,dry
If the proportionin; p.ant has separate s6pp.ies of the same siHe ;ro6p of a;;re;ate Dith different
moist6re 7ontent) spe7ifi7 ;ra<ity) or s6rfa7e 7hara7teristi7s affe7tin; Dorkabi.ity) e3ha6st one s6pp.y
before 6sin; another s6pp.y:
8ei;h b6.k Type IP /S1 or Type IS /S1 7ement in an indi<id6a. hopper and keep it separate from the
a;;re;ates 6nti. the in;redients are re.eased for dis7har;e into the mi3er:
"6.k 7ement and SC may be Dei;hed in separate Dei;h hoppers or in the same Dei;h hopper: 'eep
the 7ement and SC separate from the a;;re;ates 6nti. the in;redients are re.eased for dis7har;e into
the mi3er:
If the 7ement and SC are Dei;hed in the same Dei;h hopper) Dei;h the 7ement first: If the 7ement and
SC are Dei;hed in separate Dei;h hoppers) the Dei;h systems for the proportionin; of the a;;re;ate)
the 7ement) and the SC m6st be indi<id6a. and distin7t from a.. other Dei;h systems: To 7onstit6te an
indi<id6a. and distin7t materia.,Dei;hin; de<i7e) ea7h Dei;h system m6st ha<e a hopper) a .e<er system)
and an indi7ator:
Dis7har;e the 7ement and the SC into the mi3er sim6.taneo6s.y Dith the a;;re;ate:
The and Dei;h hoppers for b6.k Dei;hin; 7ement) SC) or 7ement p.6s SC m6st be separate
and distin7t from the a;;re;ate Dei;hin; eG6ipment:
For bat7hes of # 76 yd or more) the bat7hin; eG6ipment m6st 7omp.y Dith one of the fo..oDin;
#: Separate bo3es and separate s7a.e and indi7ator for Dei;hin; ea7h a;;re;ate siHe
2: Sin;.e bo3 and s7a.e indi7ator for a.. a;;re;ates
-: Sin;.e bo3 or separate bo3es and a6tomati7 Dei;hin; me7hanism for a.. a;;re;ates
If yo6 are reG6ested to 7he7k the a776ra7y of bat7h Dei;hts) determine the ;ross Dei;ht and tare Dei;ht
of bat7h tr67ks) tr67k mi3ers) tr67k a;itators) and nona;itatin;; eG6ipment: 8ei;h the eG6ipment
6sin; desi;nated by the En;ineer:
For proportionin; pa<ement 7on7rete) insta.. and maintain in ;ood operatin; 7ondition an e.e7troni7a..y
a7t6ated moist6re meter that indi7ates) on a readi.y <isib.e s7a.e) 7han;es in the moist6re 7ontent of the
fine a;;re;ate as it is bat7hed Dithin a sensiti<ity of %:* per7ent by Dei;ht of the fine a;;re;ate:
?0-1.02FB+CB.C Pr060r/#0'#'8 %'1 D#6e'#'8 L#!"#1 A1m#</"re
LiG6id admi3t6re dispensers m6st:
#: ?a<e eno6;h 7apa7ity to meas6re at # time the tota. G6antity of admi3t6re reG6ired for ea7h bat7h of
2: In7.6de a ;rad6ated meas6rin; 6nit that is a776rate to Dithin Z* per7ent of the reG6ired G6antity for
ea7h bat7h of 7on7rete
-: "e .o7ated and maintained s67h that the ;rad6ations 7an be read a776rate.y from the point at Dhi7h
proportionin; is 7ontro..ed to a..oD a <is6a. 7he7k of bat7hin; a776ra7y before dis7har;e
4: ?a<e meas6rin; 6nits that are 7.ear.y marked for the type and G6antity of admi3t6re
Ea7h .iG6id admi3t6re dispensin; system m6st be eG6ipped Dith a; de<i7e that 7onsists of a
<a.<e .o7ated in a safe and readi.y a77essib.e position s67h that the En;ineer 7an s.oD.y DithdraD a test
If more than # .iG6id admi3t6re is 6sed in the 7on7rete mi3) ea7h admi3t6re m6st ha<e a separate
meas6rin; 6nit and m6st be dispensed by inIe7tin; eG6ipment .o7ated s67h that the admi3t6res are not
mi3ed at hi;h 7on7entrations and do not interfere Dith the effe7ti<eness of ea7h other:
If an air,entrainin; admi3t6re is 6sed Dith other .iG6id admi3t6res) in7orporate the air,entrainin; admi3t6re
into the mi3 first) 6n.ess yo6 demonstrate that a different seG6en7e impro<es performan7e:
If a6tomati7 proportionin; de<i7es are 6sed) the .iG6id admi3t6re dispensers m6st operate a6tomati7a..y
Dith the bat7hin; 7ontro. eG6ipment: The dispensers m6st ha<e an a6tomati7 Darnin; system in ;ood
operatin; 7ondition that pro<ides a <isib.e or a6dib.e si;na. at the point at Dhi7h proportionin; is
7ontro..ed: The si;na. m6st a7ti<ate if the G6antity of admi3t6re meas6red <aries from the prese.e7ted
dosa;e by more than * per7ent or if the entire 7ontents of the meas6rin; 6nit are not emptied from the
Add .iG6id admi3t6res to the premeas6red bat7h Dater or dis7har;e the admi3t6res into the stream of
Dater s67h that they are De..,dispersed thro6;ho6t the bat7h:
&o6 may dispense air,entrainin; admi3t6res dire7t.y into moist sand in the bat7hin; bins if yo6 maintain
adeG6ate 7ontro. of the 7on7rete air 7ontent:
?0-1.02FB+CB(C A"/0m%/#( Pr060r/#0'#'8
A6tomati7 proportionin; de<i7es m6st be a6thoriHed by the Department:
The bat7hin; of the a;;re;ate and the 7ement) SC) or 7ement p.6s SC m6st be inter.o7ked s67h that
a neD bat7h 7annot start 6nti. a.. Dei;h hoppers are empty) the proportionin; de<i7es are Dithin Hero
to.eran7e) and the dis7har;e ;ates are 7.osed:
The inter.o7k m6st not a..oD any part of the bat7h to be dis7har;ed 6nti. a.. a;;re;ate hoppers and the
7ement and SC hoppers or the 7ement p.6s SC hopper are 7har;ed Dith Dei;hts that are Dithin the
to.eran7es spe7ified in se7tion $%,#:%2F/-1:
If inter.o7ks are reG6ired for the 7ement and SC 7har;in; me7hanisms and the 7ement and SC are
Dei;hed 76m6.ati<e.y) their 7har;in; me7hanisms m6st be inter.o7ked to pre<ent the introd67tion of SC
6nti. the Dei;ht of 7ement in the 7ement Dei;h hopper is Dithin the to.eran7es spe7ified in se7tion $%,
If the 7on7rete is mi3ed 7omp.ete.y in a stationary mi3er) Dei;h the SC in a separate Dei;h hopper and
introd67e the SC and 7ement sim6.taneo6s.y into the mi3er proportionate.y Dith the a;;re;ate: If yo6
s6bmit 7ertifi7ation that the stationary mi3er is 7apab.e of mi3in; the 7ement) SC) a;;re;ates) and Dater
6niform.y before dis7har;e) yo6 may Dei;h the SC 76m6.ati<e.y Dith the 7ement: Certifi7ation m6st
#: Test res6.ts for 2 7ompressi<e stren;th test 7y.inders taken Dithin the first #9-) and 2 7ompressi<e
stren;th test 7y.inders taken Dithin the .ast #9-) of a sin;.e bat7h of 7on7rete dis7har;ed from the
stationary mi3er: Stren;th tests and 7y.inder preparation m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion $%,#:%#D/*1:
2: Ca.76.ations demonstratin; that the a<era;e of the 2 7ompressi<e stren;ths taken Dithin the first #9-
of the bat7h do not differ by more than 5:* per7ent from the a<era;e of the 2 7ompressi<e stren;ths
taken Dithin the .ast #9- of the bat7h:
-: i3er rotation speed and time of mi3in; before dis7har;e that are reG6ired to prod67e a mi3 that
7omp.ies Dith the abo<e reG6irements:
The dis7har;e ;ate on the 7ement and SC hoppers or the 7ement p.6s SC hopper m6st be desi;ned
to a..oD the re;6.ation of the f.oD of 7ement) SC) or 7ement p.6s SC into the a;;re;ate:
If separate Dei;h bo3es are 6sed for ea7h a;;re;ate siHe) the dis7har;e ;ates m6st a..oD the re;6.ation
of the f.oD of ea7h a;;re;ate siHe:
ateria. dis7har;ed from ea7h bin m6st be 7ontro..ed by ;ates or by me7hani7a. 7on<eyors:
The means of DithdraD. from the bins and of dis7har;e from the Dei;h bo3 m6st be inter.o7ked s67h that
not more than # bin 7an dis7har;e at a time and the Dei;h bo3 7annot be tripped 6nti. the reG6ired
G6antity from ea7h bin has been deposited into it:
If a separate Dei;h bo3 is 6sed for ea7h a;;re;ate siHe) a.. the Dei;h bo3es may be operated and
dis7har;ed sim6.taneo6s.y:
If the dis7har;e from the bins is 7ontro..ed by ;ates) ea7h ;ate m6st be a7t6ated a6tomati7a..y s67h that
the reG6ired Dei;ht is dis7har;ed into the Dei;h bo3) after Dhi7h the ;ate m6st a6tomati7a..y 7.ose and
The a6tomati7 Dei;hin; system m6st be desi;ned to a..oD a.. reG6ired proportions to be set on the
Dei;hin; at the same time:
?0-1.02G M#<#'8 %'1 Tr%'60r/#'8 C0'(re/e
?0-1.02GB1C Ge'er%&
i3 the 7on7rete in a me7hani7a..y operated mi3er) e37ept) if a..oDed by the En;ineer) yo6 may mi3
bat7hes not e37eedin; #9- 76 yd by hand methods 6nder se7tion $%,#:%2=/*1:
Do not 6se eG6ipment Dith 7omponents made of a.6min6m or ma;nesi6m a..oys that 7o6.d ha<e 7onta7t
Dith p.asti7 7on7rete d6rin; mi3in;) transportin;) or p6mpin;:
Con7rete m6st be thoro6;h.y mi3ed) homo;eneo6s) and free of .6mps or e<iden7e of 6ndispersed
7ementitio6s materia.:
?0-1.02GB2C M%(7#'e M#<#'8
Con7rete mi3ers m6st be the re<o.<in; dr6m or re<o.<in; b.ade type: Operate the mi3in; dr6m or b.ades
6niform.y at the mi3in; speed re7ommended by the man6fa7t6rer: Do not 6se a mi3er or a;itator that has
an a776m6.ation of hard 7on7rete or mortar:
Immediate.y before p.a7in; the 7on7rete) the temperat6re of the mi3ed 7on7rete m6st be from *% to $%
de;rees F: Coo. or heat the a;;re;ates and mi3in; Dater as ne7essary to prod67e 7on7rete Dithin these
temperat6re .imits: Do not heat the a;;re;ates or Dater abo<e #*% de;rees F: Any i7e 6sed to 7oo. the
7on7rete m6st be me.ted before the 7on7rete is dis7har;ed from the mi3er:
Char;e the bat7h into the mi3er s67h that some Dater enters before the 7ementitio6s materia.s and
a;;re;ates: Add a.. the Dater to the dr6m by the end of the first #94 of the spe7ified mi3in; time: If the
7on7rete is de.i<ered in a tr67k mi3er) yo6 may Dithho.d a portion of the mi3in; Dater and) if a..oDed by
the En;ineer) add it at the de.i<ery point as spe7ified in se7tion $%,#:%2=/-1:
"at7h and 7har;e the 7ementitio6s materia.s into the mi3er by means that Di.. not 7a6se:
#: Loss of 7ementitio6s materia.s d6e to the effe7t of Dind
2: A776m6.ation of 7ementitio6s materia.s on the s6rfa7es of 7on<eyors or hoppers
-: Other 7onditions that red67e or <ary the reG6ired G6antity of 7ementitio6s materia. in the 7on7rete
Operate stationary mi3ers Dith an a6tomati7 timin; de<i7e: The timin; de<i7e and dis7har;e me7hanism
m6st be inter.o7ked s67h that d6rin; norma. operation no part of the bat7h is dis7har;ed before the
spe7ified mi3in; time has e.apsed:
The tota. time from the intermin;.in; of damp a;;re;ates and a.. 7ementitio6s materia.s to the start of
mi3in; m6st not e37eed -% min6tes:
The bat7h siHe m6st not e37eed the man6fa7t6rerFs ;6aranteed 7apa7ity:
For pa<ement or base 7on7rete) insta.. and maintain s6itab.e bat7h 7o6nters in ;ood operatin; 7ondition
at Iob site bat7hin; p.ants and stationary mi3ers: The bat7h 7o6nters m6st indi7ate the e3a7t n6mber of
bat7hes proportioned and mi3ed:
i3 and de.i<er the 7on7rete to the Iob site by one of the fo..oDin; methods:
#: Centra.,mi3ed 7on7rete) in Dhi7h the 7on7rete is mi3ed 7omp.ete.y in a stationary mi3er and
transported to the de.i<ery point in a tr67k a;itator or nona;itatin;; eG6ipment:
2: Shrink,mi3ed 7on7rete) in Dhi7h the 7on7rete is mi3ed partia..y in a stationary mi3er and the mi3in; is
7omp.eted in a tr67k mi3er:
-: Transit,mi3ed 7on7rete) in Dhi7h the 7on7rete is mi3ed 7omp.ete.y in a tr67k mi3er:
A;itators m6st be tr67k mi3ers operatin; at a;itation speed or tr67k a;itators: Ea7h mi3er and a;itator
m6st ha<e a meta. p.ate atta7hed in a prominent p.a7e that 7.ear.y shoDs:
#: (ario6s 6ses for Dhi7h the eG6ipment is desi;ned
2: an6fa7t6rerFs ;6aranteed dr6m or 7ontainer 7apa7ity in terms of the <o.6me of mi3ed 7on7rete
-: Rotation speed of the mi3in; dr6m or b.ades
Tr67k mi3ers m6st ha<e an e.e7tri7a..y or me7hani7a..y a7t6ated re<o.6tion 7o6nter that readi.y a..oDs
<erifi7ation of the n6mber of re<o.6tions of the dr6m or b.ades:
For shrink,mi3ed 7on7rete) transfer 7on7rete that has been partia..y mi3ed at a 7entra. p.ant into a tr67k
mi3er and 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for transit,mi3ed 7on7rete: Partia. mi3in; in a 7entra. p.ant does
not 7o6nt toDard the n6mber of re<o.6tions at mi3in; speed:
?0-1.02GB)C Tr%'60r/#'8 M#<e1 C0'(re/e
&o6 m6st transport mi3ed 7on7rete to the de.i<ery point in one of the fo..oDin;:
#: Tr67k a;itator operatin; at the man6fa7t6rerFs desi;nated a;itatin; speed if it:
#:#: Does not 7arry more than the man6fa7t6rerFs ;6aranteed 7apa7ity
#:2: aintains the mi3ed 7on7rete in a thoro6;h.y mi3ed and 6niform mass d6rin;;
2: Tr67k mi3er operatin; at the man6fa7t6rerFs desi;nated a;itatin; speed
-: Nona;itatin;; eG6ipment Dith a body that does not a..oD .eaka;e of any part of the 7on7rete
mi3 at any time
8hen dis7har;ed at the de.i<ery point) the 7onsisten7y and Dorkabi.ity of the mi3ed 7on7rete m6st be
s6itab.e for adeG6ate p.a7ement and 7onso.idation in p.a7e and the mi3ed 7on7rete m6st 7omp.y Dith the
spe7ifi7ations for 6niformity in se7tion $%,#:%2A:
Prote7t 7on7rete ha6.ed in open,top < from rain or from e3pos6re to the s6n for more than 2%
min6tes if the ambient temperat6re e37eeds 5* de;rees F:
Do not add Dater to the 7on7rete in e37ess of that in the a6thoriHed mi3 desi;n: At the de.i<ery point) yo6
may add Dater Dithhe.d d6rin; bat7hin; if a..oDed by the En;ineer: Add the Dater in # operation before
the dis7har;e of more than #94 76 yd: The eG6ipment for s6pp.yin; the Dater m6st 7omp.y Dith se7tion
$%,#:%2=/01: After addin; the Dater) re<o.<e the dr6m at .east -% re<o.6tions at mi3in; speed before
dis7har;in; the 7on7rete:
Contro. the rate of dis7har;e of mi3ed 7on7rete from a tr67k mi3er or a;itator by the speed of rotation of
the dr6m in the dis7har;e dire7tion Dith the dis7har;e ;ate f6..y open:
If yo6 6se a tr67k mi3er or a;itator to transport the 7on7rete to the de.i<ery point) 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin;
#: Comp.ete the dis7har;e Dithin #:* ho6rs or before 2*% re<o.6tions of the dr6m or b.ades) Dhi7he<er
o776rs first) after introd67in; the 7ementitio6s materia.s to the a;;re;ates:
2: !nder 7onditions 7ontrib6tin; to G6i7k stiffenin; of the 7on7rete) or if the 7on7rete temperat6re is +*
de;rees F or abo<e) the time a..oDed may be .ess than #:* ho6rs:
-: If yo6 6se an admi3t6re to retard the set time:
-:#: Con7rete temperat6re m6st not e37eed +* de;rees F
-:2: Time .imit is 2 ho6rs
-:-: Re<o.6tion .imit is -%%
If yo6 6se nona;itatin;; eG6ipment to transport the 7on7rete to the de.i<ery point:
#: Comp.ete the dis7har;e Dithin # ho6r after introd67in; the 7ementitio6s materia.s to the a;;re;ates
2: !nder 7onditions 7ontrib6tin; to G6i7k stiffenin; of the 7on7rete) or if the 7on7rete temperat6re is +*
de;rees F or abo<e) 7omp.ete the dis7har;e Dithin 4* min6tes after introd67in; the 7ementitio6s
materia.s to the a;;re;ates
If yo6 add a hi;h,ran;e Dater,red67in; admi3t6re to the 7on7rete at the Iob site) the tota. n6mber of
re<o.6tions m6st not e37eed -%%:
?0-1.02GB+C T#me 0r G"%'/#/3 04 M#<#'8
i3in; of the 7on7rete in a stationary mi3er m6st 7ontin6e for the reG6ired mi3in; time after a..
in;redients) e37ept Dater and admi3t6re that is added Dith the Dater) are in the mi3in; 7ompartment of
the mi3er before any part of the bat7h is re.eased: The transfer time in m6.tip.e dr6m mi3ers m6st not be
7o6nted as part of the reG6ired mi3in; time:
For 7on7rete 6sed in 7on7rete str67t6res other than minor str67t6res) the mi3in; time in a stationary mi3er
m6st be at .east $% se7onds and no more than * min6tes) e37ept that if a6thoriHed the minim6m mi3in;
time may be red67ed to *% se7onds: For a.. other 7on7rete) the mi3in; time m6st be at .east *% se7onds
and no more than * min6tes:
The minim6m reG6ired re<o.6tions at the mi3in; speed for transit,mi3ed 7on7rete m6st be at .east that
re7ommended by the mi3er man6fa7t6rer and m6st be eno6;h to prod67e 6niform 7on7rete 6nder se7tion
?0-1.02GB,C H%'1 M#<#'8
?and,mi3ed 7on7rete m6st be made in bat7hes of #9- 76 yd or .ess:
!se the fo..oDin; pro7ed6re to make hand,mi3ed 7on7rete:
#: eas6re the G6antity of 7oarse a;;re;ate in meas6rin; bo3es:
2: Spread the 7oarse a;;re;ate on a Daterti;ht) .e<e. p.atform:
-: Spread the fine a;;re;ate on the .ayer of 7oarse a;;re;ate: The tota. depth of the 2 .ayers m6st be #
foot or .ess:
4: Spread the dry 7ementitio6s materia.s on the a;;re;ates:
*: T6rn the Dho.e dry mass at .east 2 times:
0: Add and e<en.y distrib6te the Dater:
5: T6rn the Dho.e mass at .east - more times) not in7.6din; p.a7ement in the 7arriers or forms:
?0-1.02GB-C G"%'/#/3 04 A%/er %'1 Pe'e/r%/#0' 0r S&"m6
Re;6.ate the G6antity of Dater 6sed in the 7on7rete mi3 s67h that the penetration as tested 6nder
Ca.ifornia Test *--) or the s.6mp as tested 6nder AST C #4-) 7omp.ies Dith the nomina. ran;e shoDn in
the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Type of Dork
Nomina. a3im6m
Penetration S.6mp Penetration S.6mp
/in7hes1 /in7hes1 /in7hes1 /in7hes1
Con7rete pa<ement %B# ,, #:* ,,
Nonreinfor7ed 7on7rete fa7i.ities %B#:* ,, 2 ,,
Reinfor7ed 7on7rete str67t6res Dith:
Se7tions o<er #2 in7hes thi7k %B#:* ,, 2:* ,,
Se7tions #2 in7hes thi7k or .ess %B2 ,, - ,,
Con7rete p.a7ed 6nder Dater ,, 0B+ ,, $
CIP 7on7rete 2:*B-:* *B5 4 +
If the penetration or s.6mp e37eeds the nomina. ran;e) adI6st the mi3t6re for s6bseG6ent bat7hes to
red67e the penetration or s.6mp to a <a.6e Dithin the nomina. ran;e:
Do not 6se a bat7h of 7on7rete Dith a penetration or a s.6mp that e37eeds the ma3im6m <a.6e shoDn in
the tab.e abo<e:
If Type F or = 7hemi7a. admi3t6res are 6sed) the penetration reG6irements do not app.y and the s.6mp
m6st not e37eed $ in7hes after addin; the 7hemi7a. admi3t6res:
The G6antity of free Dater m6st not e37eed -#% po6nds per 76bi7 yard of 7on7rete p.6s 2% po6nds of free
Dater for ea7h reG6ired #%% po6nds of 7ementitio6s materia. in e37ess of **% po6nds of 7ementitio6s
materia. per 76bi7 yard of 7on7rete:
8hen determinin; the tota. G6antity of free Dater) 7onsider .iG6id admi3t6res to be Dater if the dosa;e is
more than #92 ;a..on of admi3t6re per 76bi7 yard of 7on7rete:
If there are ad<erse or diffi76.t 7onditions that affe7t 7on7rete p.a7ement) yo6 may e37eed the spe7ified
penetration and free Dater 7ontent .imitations if yo6:
#: Re7ei<e a6thoriHation to in7rease the 7ementitio6s materia. 7ontent per 76bi7 yard of 7on7rete
2: In7rease the Dater and 7ementitio6s materia. at a ratio that does not e37eed -% po6nds of Dater per
added #%% po6nds of 7ementitio6s materia. per 76bi7 yard of 7on7rete
The eG6ipment for s6pp.yin; Dater to the mi3er m6st a776rate.y meas6re to Dithin #:* per7ent of the
G6antity of Dater reG6ired to be added to the mi3 for any position of the mi3er:
The tanks 6sed to meas6re the Dater m6st be desi;ned s67h that Dater 7annot enter Dhi.e Dater is bein;
dis7har;ed into the mi3er: The Dater m6st be dis7har;ed into the mi3er rapid.y in # operation Ditho6t;:
Arran;e the eG6ipment to a..oD 7he7kin; of the G6antity of Dater de.i<ered by dis7har;in; into meas6red
?0-1.02H C0'(re/e #' C0rr0#$e E'$#r0'me'/
Se7tion $%,#:%2? app.ies to 7on7rete spe7ified in the spe7ia. pro<isions to be in a 7orrosi<e en<ironment:
The 7ementitio6s materia. to be 6sed in the 7on7rete m6st be a 7ombination of Type II or ( port.and
7ement and SC:
The 7on7rete m6st 7ontain at .east 05* po6nds of 7ementitio6s materia. per 76bi7 yard:
The red67tion of 7ementitio6s materia. 7ontent as spe7ified in se7tion $%,#:%2E/21 is not a..oDed:
The spe7ifi7ations for SC 7ontent in se7tion $%,#:%2"/-1 do not app.y:
The 7ementitio6s materia. m6st be 7omposed of one of the fo..oDin;) by Dei;ht:
#: 2* per7ent nat6ra. or f.y ash Dith a CaO 7ontent of 6p to #% per7ent and 5* per7ent port.and
2: 2% per7ent nat6ra. or f.y ash Dith a CaO 7ontent of 6p to #% per7ent) * per7ent si.i7a f6me)
and 5* per7ent port.and 7ement
-: #2 per7ent si.i7a f6me) or !FFA) and ++ per7ent port.and 7ement
4: *% per7ent =="FS and *% per7ent port.and 7ement
?0-1.02I C0'(re/e #' Free9e-T7%: Are%
?0-1.02IB1C Ge'er%&
Se7tion $%,#:%2I app.ies to 7on7rete for proIe7ts spe7ified in the spe7ia. pro<isions to be in a freeHe,thaD
?0-1.02IB2C M%/er#%&
?0-1.02IB2CB%C Ge'er%&
The 7on7rete m6st 7ontain at .east *$% po6nds of 7ementitio6s materia. per 76bi7 yard 6n.ess a hi;her
7ementitio6s materia. 7ontent is spe7ified:
Add an air,entrainin; admi3t6re to the 7on7rete at the rate reG6ired to prod67e an air 7ontent of 0:% Z #:*
per7ent in the fresh.y mi3ed 7on7rete:
For 7on7rete p.a7ed at .east 2 feet be.oD the adIa7ent 6ndist6rbed ;rade or at .east - feet be.oD
7ompa7ted finished ;rade) an air,entrainin; admi3t6re is not reG6ired 6n.ess the 7on7rete Di.. e3perien7e
freeHin; 7onditions d6rin; 7onstr67tion:
The 7ementitio6s materia. m6st satisfy the fo..oDin; eG6ation:
V/4# 3 U'1 Y /#$ 3 '1 Y /## 3 S*1W9TC 5:%
U' T si.i7a f6me) or !FFA) in7.6din; the G6antity in b.ended 7ement) .b976 yd
' T nat6ra. or f.y ash 7omp.yin; Dith AAS?TO 2$*) C.ass F or N) in7.6din; the G6antity in
b.ended 7ement) .b976 yd: ' is eG6i<a.ent to the s6m of '- and 'B as defined in se7tion $%,
S* T =="FS) in7.6din; the G6antity in b.ended 7ement) .b976 yd
TC T tota. G6antity of 7ementitio6s materia. 6sed) .b976 yd
?0-1.02IB2CB.C C0'(re/e E<60e1 /0 De#(#'8 C7em#(%&
Se7tion $%,#:%2I/21/b1 app.ies to 7on7rete spe7ified in the spe7ia. pro<isions to be e3posed to dei7in;
The spe7ifi7ations for SC 7ontent in se7tion $%,#:%2"/-1 and the eG6ation in se7tion $%,#:%2I/21/a1 do
not app.y:
The 7ementitio6s materia. m6st be 7omposed of any 7ombination of port.and 7ement and at .east # SC
satisfyin; the fo..oDin; eG6ation:
EG6ation #:
V/2* 3 U'1 Y /#2 3 '-1 Y /#% 3 'B1 Y /0 3 S*1W9TC 6
The SC m6st satisfy the fo..oDin; eG6ations:
EG6ation 2:
4 3 /'- Y 'B19TC #:%
EG6ation -:
/#% 3 U'19TC #:%
EG6ation 4:
2 3 /U' Y '- Y 'B Y S*19TC #:%
The 7on7rete mi3 desi;n m6st satisfy the fo..oDin; eG6ation:
EG6ation *:
25 3 /TC , MC19MC *:%
U' A si.i7a f6me) or !FFA) in7.6din; the G6antity in b.ended 7ement) .b976 yd: If !F is
6sed) the G6antity of !F m6st be at .east * per7ent:
'- A nat6ra. or f.y ash 7omp.yin; Dith AAS?TO 2$*) C.ass F or N) Dith a CaO 7ontent of
6p to #% per7ent) in7.6din; the G6antity in b.ended 7ement) .b976 yd: If FA is 6sed) the G6antity
of FA m6st be at .east #* per7ent:
'B T nat6ra. or f.y ash 7omp.yin; Dith AAS?TO 2$*) C.ass F or N) Dith a CaO 7ontent of
;reater than #% per7ent and 6p to #* per7ent) in7.6din; the G6antity in b.ended 7ement) .b976
yd: If F" is 6sed) the G6antity of F" m6st be at .east #* per7ent:
S* T =="FS) in7.6din; the G6antity in b.ended 7ement) .b976 yd
TC T tota. G6antity of 7ementitio6s materia.) .b976 yd
6 T #:+ for inno76o6s a;;re;ate) -:% for a.. other a;;re;ate
C T minim6m G6antity of 7ementitio6s materia. spe7ified) .b976 yd
?0-1.02E C"r#'8 C0m60"'1
C6rin; 7ompo6nd Dater .oss m6st not e37eed %:#* k;9m
in 24 ho6rs Dhen tested 6nder Ca.ifornia Test
?0-1.0)A Ge'er%&
?0-1.0)B C"r#'8 C0'(re/e
?0-1.0)BB1C Ge'er%&
C6re neD.y p.a7ed 7on7rete by the method spe7ified for the type of Dork in<o.<ed:
C6re mortar and ;ro6t by keepin; the s6rfa7e damp for - days:
?0-1.0)BB2C A%/er Me/701
The Dater method m6st 7onsist of keepin; the 7on7rete 7ontin6o6s.y Det by app.yin; Dater for a 76rin;
period of at .east 5 days after the 7on7rete is p.a7ed:
&o6 may 6se 7otton mats) r6;s) 7arpets) or earth or sand b.ankets as a 76rin; medi6m to retain the
moist6re d6rin; the 76rin; period:
For 76rin; str67t6res) yo6 may 6se a 76rin; medi6m 7onsistin; of Dhite opaG6e po.yethy.ene sheetin;
e3tr6ded onto b6r.ap: The po.yethy.ene sheetin; m6st ha<e a minim6m thi7kness of 4 mi.s and m6st be
e3tr6ded onto #%,o6n7e b6r.ap:
For 76rin; 7o.6mns) yo6 may 6se a 76rin; medi6m 7onsistin; of po.yethy.ene sheetin; Dith a minim6m
thi7kness of #% mi.s a7hie<ed in a sin;.e .ayer of materia.:
'eep the 7on7rete s6rfa7e damp by app.yin; Dater Dith an atomiHin; noHH.e that forms a mist and not a
spray 6nti. the s6rfa7e is 7o<ered Dith the 76rin; medi6m: Do not app.y the Dater 6nder press6re dire7t.y
on the 7on7rete or a..oD the Dater to f.oD o<er or Dash the 7on7rete s6rfa7e: At the end of the 76rin;
period) remo<e the 76rin; medi6m:
If yo6 6se po.yethy.ene sheetin; or po.yethy.ene sheetin; on b6r.ap as a 76rin; medi6m:
#: Se76re the sheetin; and the sheetin; Ioints as ne7essary to retain moist6re
2: 'eep the sheetin; Dithin - in7hes of the 7on7rete at a.. points a.on; the s6rfa7e bein; 76red
-: onitor the 7on7rete temperat6re d6rin; 76rin;
4: Dis7ontin6e the 6se of these 76rin; media if the 7on7rete temperat6re 7annot be maintained be.oD
#4% de;rees F
?0-1.0)BB)C C"r#'8 C0m60"'1 Me/701
?0-1.0)BB)CB%C Ge'er%&
The 76rin; 7ompo6nd method m6st 7onsist of 6niform.y sprayin; the 7on7rete s6rfa7es e3posed to the air
Dith a 76rin; 7ompo6nd:
?0-1.0)BB)CB.C M%/er#%&
The 76rin; 7ompo6nd m6st 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e for the 76rin;
7ompo6nd n6mber spe7ified:
7ompo6nd no:
AST C -%$ 7.assifi7ation
# Pi;mented) Type 2) C.ass "
2 Pi;mented) Type 2) C.ass "
- Pi;mented) Type 2) C.ass A
4 Nonpi;mented) Type #) C.ass "
* Nonpi;mented) Type #) C.ass A
0 Nonpi;mented Dith f6;iti<e dye) Type #,D) C.ass A
The resin type m6st be po.y,a.pha,methy.styrene: The infrared s7an for
the dried <ehi7.e m6st mat7h the s7an on fi.e at ETS:
If no 76rin; 7ompo6nd n6mber is spe7ified) 6se any of the 76rin; 7ompo6nds shoDn in the tab.e abo<e:
The 76rin; 7ompo6nd m6st be man6fa7t6red to:
#: Remain sprayab.e at temperat6res abo<e 4% de;rees F
2: Contro. sa;;in;) pi;ment;) .e<;) and de,em6.sifi7ation
-: aintain the spe7ified properties for at .east # year
Pi;mented 76rin; 7ompo6nds m6st be man6fa7t6red s67h that the pi;ment does not sett.e bad.y) 7ake or
thi7ken in the 7ontainer) or be7ome ; or 76rd.ed:
Sett.ement of pi;ment m6st be a thoro6;h.y Detted) soft) m6shy mass a..oDin; the 7omp.ete and easy
<erti7a. penetration of a padd.e: Sett.ed pi;ment m6st be easi.y predisposed) Dith minim6m resistan7e to
the sideDays man6a. motion of the padd.e a7ross the bottom of the 7ontainer) to form a smooth) 6niform
prod67t of the proper 7onsisten7y:
Do not di.6te or a.ter the 76rin; 7ompo6nd after man6fa7t6re:
The 76rin; 7ompo6nd m6st be pa7ka;ed in 7.ean 254,;a..on totes) **,;a..on barre.s) or *,;a..on pai.s) or
m6st be s6pp.ied from a s6itab.e stora;e tank .o7ated at the Iob site: The 7ontainers m6st 7omp.y Dith 4$
CFR #5#B#+%: The 254,;a..on totes and **,;a..on barre.s m6st ha<e remo<ab.e .ids and airti;ht
fasteners: The *,;a..on pai.s m6st be ro6nd and ha<e standard f6.. open head and bai.: Do not 6se .ids
Dith b6n;
Containers m6st be fi..ed in a Day that pre<ents skinnin;:
Stee. 7ontainers and .ids m6st be .ined Dith a 7oatin; that pre<ents destr67ti<e a7tion by the 7ompo6nd or
7hemi7a. a;ents in the air spa7e abo<e the 7ompo6nd: The 7oatin; m6st not 7ome off the 7ontainer or .id
as skins:
P.asti7 7ontainers and .ids m6st not rea7t Dith the 76rin; 7ompo6nd:
Labe. ea7h 76rin; 7ompo6nd 7ontainer Dith:
#: an6fa7t6rerFs name
2: AST C -%$ 7.assifi7ation
-: "at7h n6mber
4: (o.6me
*: Date of man6fa7t6re
0: (o.ati.e or;ani7 7ompo6nd 7ontent
5: 8arnin; that 76rin; 7ompo6nd 7ontainin; pi;ment m6st be De.. stirred before 6sin;
+: Pre7a6tions 7on7ernin; the; and app.i7ation of 76rin; 7ompo6nd shoDn in 7omp.ian7e Dith +
CA Code of Re;s MM #*%%B#$-+ and -2%%B0#+4
$: Statement that the 7ontents f6..y 7omp.y Dith State air po..6tion 7ontro. and re;6.ations
?0-1.0)BB)CB(C M#<#'8
"efore 6sin; a 76rin; 7ompo6nd) 7omp.ete.y redisperse sett.ed or separated so.ids in 7ontainers) e37ept
tanks) by mi3in; at .oD speed in 7omp.ian7e Dith these spe7ifi7ations and the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions:
i3 man6a..y 6sin; a padd.e or mi3 6sin; a mi3in; b.ade dri<en by a dri.. motor at .oD speed: i3in;
b.ades m6st be the type 6sed for mi3in; paint:
'eep on,site stora;e tanks 7.ean and free of 7ontaminants: Ea7h tank m6st ha<e a permanent system
that 7omp.ete.y redisperses sett.ed materia. Ditho6t introd67in; air or other forei;n s6bstan7es:
At the time of 6se) 7ompo6nds 7ontainin; pi;ments m6st be thoro6;h.y mi3ed: !se a padd.e to .oosen a..
sett.ed pi;ment from the 7ontainer bottom and 6se a poDer,dri<en a;itator to disperse the pi;ment
6niform.y thro6;ho6t the <ehi7.e:
A;itation m6st not introd67e air or other forei;n s6bstan7es into the 76rin; 7ompo6nd:
?0-1.0)BB)CB1C A66&#(%/#0'
App.y the 76rin; 7ompo6nd at a nomina. rate of #*% sG ft9;a.:
At any point) the app.i7ation rate m6st be Dithin *% sG ft9;a. of the nomina. rate: The a<era;e app.i7ation
rate m6st be Dithin Z2* sG ft9;a. of the nomina. rate Dhen tested 6nder Ca.ifornia Test *-*: App.y the
76rin; 7ompo6nd s67h that there are no r6ns) sa;s) thin areas) skips) or ho.idays:
App.y the 76rin; 7ompo6nd 6sin; poDer,operated sprayin; eG6ipment Dith an operationa. press6re ;a;e
and a means of; the press6re: The En;ineer may a..oD hand sprayin; for sma.. and irre;
areas that) in the En;ineerFs opinion) are not reasonab.y a77essib.e to poDer,operated sprayin;
App.y the 76rin; 7ompo6nd to the 7on7rete after finishin; the s6rfa7e) immediate.y before the moist6re
sheen disappears from the 7on7rete s6rfa7e b6t before dryin; shrinka;e or 7raHe 7ra7ks start to appear:
If the 7on7rete s6rfa7e 7ra7ks or dries) immediate.y and 7ontin6a..y app.y Dater Dith an atomiHin; noHH.e
as spe7ified in se7tion $%,#:%-"/21 6nti. app.i7ation of the 76rin; 7ompo6nd is res6med or started: Do not
app.y the 76rin; 7ompo6nd o<er freestandin; Dater:
If the fi.m of 76rin; 7ompo6nd is dama;ed before the e3piration of 5 days after the 7on7rete is p.a7ed for
str67t6res and 52 ho6rs for pa<ement) immediate.y repair it Dith additiona. 7ompo6nd:
?0-1.0)BB+C A%/er6r004 Mem.r%'e Me/701
The Daterproof membrane method m6st 7onsist of:
#: Sprayin; the e3posed finished 7on7rete s6rfa7es Dith Dater) 6sin; an atomiHin; noHH.e that forms a
mist and not a spray) 6nti. the 7on7rete has set
2: P.a7in; the Daterproof 76rin; membrane immediate.y after sprayin;
-: 'eepin; the membrane in p.a7e for at .east 52 ho6rs
The membrane m6st be sheetin; materia. that 7omp.ies Dith AAS?TO #5# for Dhite ref.e7ti<e
!se sheetin; materia. of s67h a Didth as to 7omp.ete.y 7o<er the entire 7on7rete s6rfa7e: Cement the
sheetin; Ioints to;ether se76re.y s67h that the Ioints are Daterproof: The Ioint seams m6st ha<e at .east a
4,in7h .ap:
Se76re.y Dei;h doDn the sheets by p.a7in; an earth bank on the sheet ed;es or by other means a..oDed
by the En;ineer:
If any portion of the sheets are dama;ed Dithin 52 ho6rs after bein; p.a7ed) immediate.y repair the
dama;ed portion by 7ementin; neD sheets into p.a7e:
Do not 6se a membrane that is no .on;er Daterproof or has been dama;ed s67h that it is 6nfit for 76rin;
?0-1.0)BB,C F0rm-I'-P&%(e Me/701
The forms,in,p.a7e method m6st 7onsist of 76rin; formed 7on7rete s6rfa7es by keepin; the forms in
'eep the forms in p.a7e for at .east 5 days after the 7on7rete is p.a7ed) e37ept keep the forms in p.a7e for
at .east * days for 7on7rete members o<er 2% in7hes in .east dimension:
The Ioints in the forms and the Ioints betDeen the end of the forms and the 7on7rete m6st be kept
moist6re ti;ht d6rin; the 76rin; period: Resea. 7ra7ks in the forms and 7ra7ks betDeen the forms and the
7on7rete 6sin; a6thoriHed methods:
?0-1.0)C Pr0/e(/#'8 C0'(re/e
Prote7t the 7on7rete from dama;e d6e to any 7a6se) in7.6din; rain) heat) 7o.d) Dind) yo6r a7tions) and the
a7tions of others:
Do not p.a7e the 7on7rete on froHen or i7e,7oated ;ro6nd or s6b;rade or on i7e,7oated forms) reinfor7in;
stee.) str67t6ra. stee.) 7ond6its) pre7ast members) or 7onstr67tion Ioints:
If it is rainin;) yo6 m6st pro<ide adeG6ate prote7tion a;ainst dama;e or yo6 m6st stop p.a7in; the
7on7rete before the G6antity of s6rfa7e Dater is s6ffi7ient to dama;e the s6rfa7e mortar or 7a6se a f.oD or
Dash of the 7on7rete s6rfa7e:
?0-1.0+ PAYMENT
Not !sed
?0-2.01 GENERAL
?0-2.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion $%,2 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for f6rnishin; and prote7tin; minor 7on7rete:
?0-2.01B De4#'#/#0'
?0-2.01C S".m#//%&
If reG6ired by the fo..oDin; tab.e) s6bmit 7ompressi<e stren;th test res6.ts Dith the mi3 desi;n that <erify
the minim6m reG6ired 7ompressi<e stren;th:
SC Test s6bmitta. reG6ired
F.y ash 6sed If port.and 7ement 7ontent K -*% .b976 yd
=="FS 6sed If port.and 7ement 7ontent K 2*% .b976 yd
Nat6ra. 6sed If port.and 7ement 7ontent K -*% .b976 yd
ore than # SC A.Days
NOTE: Compressi<e stren;th tests m6st be performed by an ACI,7ertified te7hni7ian:
S6bmit the 7on7rete mi3 desi;n before 6sin; the 7on7rete in the Dork and before 7han;in; the mi3
S6bmit a proposed 7ombined a;;re;ate ;radin;: After a6thoriHation of the ;radin;) the a;;re;ate
f6rnished for minor 7on7rete m6st 7omp.y Dith that ;radin;:
If reG6ested) s6bmit periodi7 test reports of the a;;re;ate ;radin; f6rnished:
The En;ineer may Dai<e the spe7ifi7ations for ;radation if the En;ineer determines that f6rnishin; a
;radation is not ne7essary for the type or G6antity of 7on7rete Dork to be 7onstr67ted:
"efore p.a7in; minor 7on7rete from a so6r7e not pre<io6s.y 6sed on the Contra7t) s6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of
7omp.ian7e statin; that the minor 7on7rete to be f6rnished 7omp.ies Dith the Contra7t reG6irements)
in7.6din; the spe7ified minim6m 7ementitio6s materia. 7ontent:
S6bmit a Dei;hmaster 7ertifi7ate as an informationa. s6bmitta. Dith ea7h .oad of ready,mi3ed 7on7rete at
the 7on7rete dis7har;e .o7ation: The Dei;hmaster 7ertifi7ate m6st shoD the date and time the .oad .eft the
bat7hin; p.ant and) if ha6.ed in a tr67k mi3er or a;itator) the time the mi3in; 7y7.e started:
?0-2.01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
Se7tion $%,#:%#D/*1 and the spe7ifi7ations for 6niformity in se7tion $%,#:%2A do not app.y to minor
The En;ineer may perform tests and inspe7t the fa7i.ities) materia.s) and methods for prod67in; the minor
7on7rete to ens6re that it is of s6itab.e G6a.ity for 6se in the Dork:
The En;ineer <erifies 7omp.ian7e Dith the spe7ified 7ementitio6s materia. 7ontent by testin; 6nder
Ca.ifornia Test *#+ for 7ement 7ontent: For testin; p6rposes) SC is 7onsidered to be 7ement: AdI6st the
bat7h proportions as ne7essary to prod67e 7on7rete ha<in; the spe7ified 7ementitio6s materia. 7ontent:
?0-2.02A Ge'er%&
?0-2.02B Ceme'/#/#0" M%/er#%&
inor 7on7rete m6st 7ontain at .east *%* po6nds of 7ementitio6s materia. per 76bi7 yard:
?0-2.02C A88re8%/e
Se7tions $%,#:%#C/21 and $%,#:%2C do not app.y to minor 7on7rete:
The a;;re;ate m6st be 7.ean and free from de.eterio6s 7oatin;s) 7.ay ba..s) roots) and other e3traneo6s
The ma3im6m a;;re;ate siHe m6st not be .ar;er than #,#92 in7hes or than -94 in7h:
&o6 may 6se 7r6shed 7on7rete and re7.aimed a;;re;ate if they 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for
?0-2.02D A%/er
Se7tion $%,#:%2D does not app.y to minor 7on7rete:
8ater 6sed for Dashin;) mi3in;) and 76rin; m6st be free from oi.) sa.ts) and other imp6rities that Do6.d
dis7o.or or et7h the s6rfa7e or ha<e an ad<erse affe7t on the 7on7rete G6a.ity:
?0-2.02E Pr01"(/#0'
Se7tions $%,#:%2F) $%,#:%2=/#1) $%,#:%2=/21) $%,#:%2=/-1) and $#,#:%2=/41 do not app.y to minor
Store) proportion) mi3) transport) and dis7har;e the 7ementitio6s materia.) Dater) a;;re;ate) and
admi3t6res in 7omp.ian7e Dith re7o;niHed standards of ;ood pra7ti7e that res6.t in thoro6;h.y and
6niform.y mi3ed 7on7rete s6itab.e for the intended 6se: Re7o;niHed standards of ;ood pra7ti7e are
o6t.ined in <ario6s ind6stry p6b.i7ations) s67h as those iss6ed by ACI) AAS?TO) or the Department:
!se a G6antity of Dater that prod67es 7on7rete Dith a 7onsisten7y that 7omp.ies Dith se7tion $%,#:%2=/01:
Do not add Dater d6rin;; or after arri<a. at the de.i<ery point 6n.ess a..oDed by the En;ineer:
Dis7har;e ready,mi3ed 7on7rete from the transport <ehi7.e Dhi.e the 7on7rete is sti.. p.asti7 and before
stiffenin; o776rs: Take Dhate<er a7tion is ne7essary to e.iminate G6i7k stiffenin;) e37ept do not add Dater:
Conditions 7ontrib6tin; to G6i7k stiffenin; are:
#: E.apsed time of #:* ho6rs in a;itatin;; eG6ipment or # ho6r in nona;itatin;; eG6ipment
2: ore than 2*% re<o.6tions of the dr6m or b.ades after introd67tion of the 7ementitio6s materia. to the
-: Con7rete temperat6re o<er $% de;rees F
The mi3in; time in a stationary mi3er m6st be at .east *% se7onds and no more than * min6tes:
The minim6m reG6ired re<o.6tions at mi3in; speed for transit,mi3ed 7on7rete m6st be at .east that
re7ommended by the mi3er man6fa7t6rer and m6st be in7reased as needed to prod67e thoro6;h.y and
6niform.y mi3ed 7on7rete:
If yo6 add a hi;h,ran;e Dater,red67in; admi3t6re to the 7on7rete at the Iob site) the tota. re<o.6tions m6st
not e37eed -%%:
aintain a 7on7rete temperat6re of at .east 4% de;rees F for 52 ho6rs after p.a7in;:
?0-2.0+ PAYMENT
Not !sed
?0-).01 GENERAL
?0-).01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion $%,- in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for f6rnishin; and 76rin; RSC:
Se7tion $%,- app.ies on.y Dhere the spe7ifi7ations a..oD the 6se of RSC:
?0-).01B De4#'#/#0'
?0-).01C S".m#//%&
?0-).01CB1C Ge'er%&
?0-).01CB2C V0&"me/r#( Pr060r/#0'#'8
For <o.6metri7,proportioned RSC) s6bmit:
#: A;;re;ate moist6re test res6.ts
2: Lo; of prod67tion data
-: Test of fresh.y mi3ed 7on7rete for 6niformity testin;; fa7i.ities m6st be safe) a77essib.e) and 7.ean) and m6st prod67e a test samp.e that is
representati<e of prod67tion: The; de<i7es and methods m6st 7omp.y Dith Ca.ifornia Test #2*:
?0-).01CB)C Cer/#4#(%/e 04 C0m6&#%'(e
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e Dith ea7h de.i<ery of a;;re;ate) 7ementitio6s materia.) and admi3t6res
6sed for 7a.ibration tests: In7.6de 7ertified 7opies of the Dei;ht of ea7h de.i<ery:
The 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e m6st state that the so6r7e of the materia.s 6sed for the 7a.ibration tests is
the same so6r7e as to be 6sed for the p.anned Dork: The 7ertifi7ate m6st be si;ned by yo6r assi;ned
?0-).01CB+C Ae#87m%/er Cer/#4#(%/e
S6bmit Dei;hmaster 7ertifi7ates for RSC: Re;ard.ess of the proportionin; method 6sed) the 7ertifi7ates
m6st in7.6de a.. the information ne7essary to tra7e the man6fa7t6rer and man6fa7t6rerFs .ot n6mber for
the 7ement 6sed:
The Dei;hmaster 7ertifi7ate for the 7ement m6st in7.6de:
#: Date of proportionin;
2: Lo7ation of proportionin;
-: A7t6a. net draft 7ement Dei;ht) if proportioned into fabri7 7ontainers
4: Net draft 7ement Dei;ht 6sed in the .oad) if proportioned at the po6r site from a stora;e si.o
?0-).01CB,C Pr01"(/#0' D%/%
For <o.6metri7,proportioned RSC) s6bmit the dai.y prod67tion data in e.e7troni7 or printed media at the
end of ea7h prod67tion shift: Report the data) in7.6din; data in the fo..oDin; order:
#: 8ei;ht of 7ement per re<o.6tion 7o6nt
2: 8ei;ht of ea7h a;;re;ate siHe per re<o.6tion 7o6nt
-: =ate openin;s for ea7h a;;re;ate siHe
4: 8ei;ht of Dater added to the 7on7rete per re<o.6tion 7o6nt
*: oist6re 7ontent of ea7h a;;re;ate siHe
0: Indi<id6a. <o.6me of admi3t6res per re<o.6tion 7o6nt
5: Time of day
+: Day of Deek
$: Prod67tion start and stop times
#%: (o.6metri7 mi3er identifi7ation
##: Name of s6pp.ier
#2: Spe7ifi7 type of 7on7rete bein; prod67ed
#-: So6r7e of the indi<id6a. a;;re;ate siHes
#4: So6r7e) brand) and type of 7ement
#*: So6r7e) brand) and type of indi<id6a. admi3t6res
#0: Name and si;nat6re of the operator
The de<i7e; the proportionin; of 7ement) a;;re;ate) and Dater m6st prod67e prod67tion data
that is 7apt6red at #*,min6te inter<a.s thro6;ho6t dai.y prod67tion: Ea7h 7apt6re of prod67tion data m6st
represent the prod67tion a7ti<ity at that time and m6st not be a s6mmation of data: The G6antity of
materia. represented by ea7h prod67tion 7apt6re is the G6antity prod67ed in the period from 5:* min6tes
before to 5:* min6tes after the 7apt6re time:
Prod67tion data m6st be inp6t by hand into a pre,printed form or 7apt6red and printed by the
proportionin; de<i7e:
?0-).01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
?0-).01DB1C Ge'er%&
?0-).01DB2C Pe'e/r%/#0'
The spe7ifi7ations for penetration in se7tion $%,#:%2=/01 do not app.y to RSC:
?0-).01DB)C A88re8%/e M0#/"re
For <o.6metri7,proportioned RSC) determine the a;;re;ate moist6re 6nder Ca.ifornia Test 22- at .east
e<ery 2 ho6rs d6rin; proportionin; and mi3in;: Re7ord the a;;re;ate moist6re determinations and s6bmit
them at the end of ea7h prod67tion shift:
?0-).01DB+C C0'(re/e U'#40rm#/3
For <o.6metri7,proportioned RSC) the En;ineer determines the 6niformity of 7on7rete mi3t6res based on
differen7es in penetration meas6rements Dhen tested 6nder Ca.ifornia Test *--: Differen7es in
penetration are determined by 7omparin; the penetration tests on 2 test of mi3ed 7on7rete from
the same bat7h or <o.6metri7 mi3er .oad:
?0-).02A Ge'er%&
RSC m6st be one of the fo..oDin;:
#: Con7rete 7omp.yin; Dith se7tion $%,#: &o6 may 6se Type III port.and 7ement:
2: Con7rete 7omp.yin; Dith se7tion $%,#) e37ept:
2:#: &o6 may 6se any 7ement that 7omp.ies Dith the definition of hydra6.i7 7ement or b.ended
hydra6.i7 7ement in AST C 2#$ and the reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
Property Test ReG6irement
Contra7tion in air Ca.ifornia Test *25)
89C ratio T %:-$% Z %:%#%
%:%*- per7ent ma3
ortar e3pansion in Dater AST C #%-+ %:%4 per7ent ma3
So.6b.e 7h.oride
Ca.ifornia Test 422 %:%* per7ent ma3
So.6b.e s6.fate
Ca.ifornia Test 4#5 %:-% per7ent ma3
Therma. stabi.ity Ca.ifornia Test **- $% per7ent min
Compressi<e stren;th at - days AST C #%$ 2)*%% psi
Perform the test on a 76be spe7imen fabri7ated in 7omp.ian7e Dith AST C #%$)
76red for at .east #4 days) and then p6.<eriHed s67h that #%% per7ent passes the no: *%
If yo6 6se 7hemi7a. admi3t6res) in7.6de them Dhen testin;:
2:2: &o6 may 6se 7itri7 a7id or bora3 if yo6 s6bmit a Dritten reG6est from the 7ement man6fa7t6rer
and a test samp.e:
The reG6irement for air entrainment of 7on7rete in freeHe,thaD areas app.ies on.y Dhen port.and 7ement
is 6sed:
SC is not reG6ired in RSC:
8hen tested for 6niformity 6nder se7tion $%,-:%#D/41) the differen7e in penetration betDeen the 2
7on7rete test m6st not e37eed *9+ in7h:
?0-).02B V0&"me/r#( Pr060r/#0'#'8
?0-).02BB1C Ge'er%&
RSC may be proportioned and p.a7ed 6sin; a <o.6metri7 mi3er:
?0-).02BB2C Pr060r/#0'#'8
(o.6metri7 mi3ers m6st proportion 7ement) Dater) a;;re;ate) and additi<es by <o.6me:
Proportion a;;re;ate 6sin; a be.t feeder that is operated Dith an adI6stab.e 76toff ;ate de.ineated to the
nearest G6arter in7rement: The ;ate openin; hei;ht m6st be readi.y determinab.e:
Proportion 7ement by any method that 7omp.ies Dith the a776ra7y to.eran7e spe7ifi7ations in se7tion $%,
Proportion Dater Dith a meter:
Proportion .iG6id admi3t6res 6nder se7tion $%,#:%2F/41/b1) e37ept proportion .iG6id admi3t6res Dith a
?0-).02BB)C M#<er Re!"#reme'/
i3 <o.6metri7,proportioned RSC in a me7hani7a..y operated mi3er: &o6 may 6se an a6;er,type mi3er:
Operate the mi3er 6niform.y at the mi3in; speed re7ommended by the man6fa7t6rer: Do not 6se a mi3er
that has an a776m6.ation of hard 7on7rete or mortar:
(o.6metri7 mi3ers m6st 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin;:
#: A;;re;ate feeders m6st 7onne7t dire7t.y to the dri<e on the 7ement <ane feeder:
2: Cement feed rate m6st be tied dire7t.y to the feed rate for the a;;re;ate and other in;redients: The
ratio of 7ement to a;;re;ate m6st be 7han;ed on.y by 7han;in; the ;ate openin; for the a;;re;ate
-: Dri<e shaft of the a;;re;ate feeder m6st ha<e a re<o.6tion 7o6nter readin; to the nearest f6.. or
partia. re<o.6tion of the a;;re;ate de.i<ery be.t:
Do not 6se eG6ipment Dith 7omponents made of a.6min6m or ma;nesi6m a..oys that 7o6.d ha<e 7onta7t
Dith p.asti7 7on7rete d6rin; mi3in; or transportin; of the RSC:
Co<er the rotatin; and re7ipro7atin; eG6ipment on <o.6metri7 mi3ers Dith meta. ;6ards:
The identifyin; n6mbers of <o.6metri7 mi3ers m6st be at .east - in7hes in hei;ht and m6st be .o7ated on
the front and rear of the <ehi7.e:
Ea7h mi3er m6st ha<e meta. p.ates that state the desi;ned 6sa;e) the man6fa7t6rerFs ;6aranteed mi3ed
7on7rete <o.6metri7 7apa7ity) and the rotation speed:
Lo7ate 7ement stora;e immediate.y before the 7ement feeder: EG6ip the system Dith a de<i7e that
a6tomati7a..y sh6ts doDn poDer to the 7ement feeder and a;;re;ate be.t feeder if the 7ement stora;e
.e<e. is .ess than 2% per7ent of the tota. <o.6me:
EG6ip ea7h a;;re;ate bin Dith a de<i7e that a6tomati7a..y sh6ts doDn the poDer to the 7ement feeder
and the a;;re;ate be.t feeder if the a;;re;ate dis7har;e rate is .ess than $* per7ent of the s7hed6.ed
dis7har;e rate:
The proportionin; de<i7e indi7ators m6st be in Dorkin; order before startin; proportionin; or mi3in; and
m6st be <isib.e Dhen standin; near the <o.6metri7 mi3er:
?0-).02BB+C M#<er C%&#.r%/#0'
Ca.ibrate the 76toff ;ate for ea7h <o.6metri7 mi3er 6sed and for ea7h a;;re;ate so6r7e: Ca.ibrate ea7h
<o.6metri7 mi3er at - different a;;re;ate ;ate settin;s that 7orrespond to prod67tion needs: Perform at
.east 2 7a.ibration r6ns for ea7h a;;re;ate ;ate:
Indi<id6a. a;;re;ate de.i<ery rate 7he7k,r6ns m6st not <ary by more than #:% per7ent from the
mathemati7a. a<era;e of a.. r6ns for the same ;ate and a;;re;ate type: Ea7h test r6n m6st be at .east
#)%%% .b:
Indi<id6a. 7ement de.i<ery rate 7he7k,r6ns m6st not <ary by more than #:% per7ent from the mathemati7a.
a<era;e of - r6ns of at .east #)%%% .b ea7h:
8hen the Dater meter operates from *% to #%% per7ent of prod67tion 7apa7ity) the indi7ated Dei;ht of
Dater de.i<ered m6st not differ from the a7t6a. Dei;ht de.i<ered by more than #:* per7ent for ea7h of 2
r6ns of -%% ;a. for pa<ement or 5* ;a. for str67t6res:
Ca.ibrate the Dater meter 6nder Ca.ifornia Test #%$: The Dater meter m6st be eG6ipped Dith a resettab.e
tota.iHer and m6st disp.ay the operatin; rate:
Cond67t the 7a.ibration tests for a;;re;ate) 7ement) and Dater proportionin; de<i7es 6sin; a p.atform
s7a.e .o7ated at the 7a.ibration site: P.atform for Dei;hin; test,r6n 7a.ibration materia. m6st ha<e a
ma3im6m 7apa7ity of 2:5* tons Dith ma3im6m ;rad6ations of # .b: Error test the p.atform s7a.e Dithin +
ho6rs of 7a.ibratin; the <o.6metri7 mi3er proportionin; de<i7es: Perform error testin; Dith test Dei;hts
6nder Ca.ifornia Test #%$: F6rnish a Ditness s7a.e that is Dithin 2 ;rad6ations of the test Dei;ht .oad: The
Ditness s7a.e m6st be a<ai.ab.e for 6se at the prod67tion site thro6;ho6t the prod67tion period:
EG6ipment needed for the 7a.ibration of proportionin; systems m6st remain a<ai.ab.e at the prod67tion
site thro6;ho6t the prod67tion period:
The <o.6metri7 mi3er m6st be eG6ipped s67h that a776ra7y 7he7ks 7an be made: After prod67tion starts)
re7a.ibrate the proportionin; de<i7es at .east e<ery -% days for pa<ement or $% days for str67t6res or
Dhen yo6 7han;e the so6r7e or type of any in;redient:
Ea7h time ** tons of 7ement passes thro6;h the <o.6metri7 mi3er) perform a 2,r6n spot 7a.ibration of the
7ement proportionin; system on.y: If the spot 7a.ibration shoDs that the 7ement proportionin; system
does not 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations) 7omp.ete a f6.. 7a.ibration of the 7ement proportionin; system
before yo6 res6me prod67tion:
?0-).02BB,C M#<#'8 C0'(re/e
At the time of bat7hin; <o.6metri7,proportioned RSC:
#: A;;re;ates m6st be dried and drained to a stab.e moist6re 7ontent: Do not proportion a;;re;ates
Dith <isib.e separation of Dater from the a;;re;ate:
2: Free moist6re 7ontent of the fine a;;re;ate m6st not e37eed + per7ent of its sat6rated s6rfa7e,dry
If the proportionin; p.ant has separate s6pp.ies of the same siHe ;ro6p of a;;re;ate Dith different
moist6re 7ontent) spe7ifi7 ;ra<ity) or s6rfa7e 7hara7teristi7s affe7tin; Dorkabi.ity) e3ha6st one s6pp.y
before 6sin; another s6pp.y:
Do not 6se i7e to 7oo. <o.6metri7,proportioned RSC dire7t.y: If i7e is 6sed to 7oo. the Dater 6sed in the
mi3) it m6st be me.ted before enterin; the mi3er:
Proportion and 7har;e the 7ement into the <o.6metri7 mi3er s67h that there is no <arian7e of the reG6ired
G6antity d6e to 7onditions s67h as Dind or a776m6.ation on eG6ipment:
Do not mi3 more materia. in the <o.6metri7 mi3er than Di.. a..oD 7omp.ete mi3in;: Red67e the <o.6me of
materia. in the mi3er if 7omp.ete mi3in; is not a7hie<ed: Contin6e mi3in; 6nti. a homo;eneo6s mi3t6re is
prod67ed at dis7har;e: Do not add Dater to the RSC after dis7har;e:
For RSC 6sin; a 7ement other than port.and 7ement) 76re the 7on7rete as re7ommended by the 7ement
man6fa7t6rer: The method of 76rin; m6st be a6thoriHed before startin; 7onstr67tion:
?0-).0+ PAYMENT
If <o.6metri7 mi3er 7a.ibration is performed more than #%% from the proIe7t .imits) O#)%%% per
7a.ibration session is ded67ted:
?0-+.01 GENERAL
?0-+.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion $%,4 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for f6rnishin; and 76rin; PC 7on7rete:
The spe7ifi7ations for shrinka;e in se7tion $%,#:%2A do not app.y:
?0-+.01B De4#'#/#0'
?0-+.01C S".m#//%&
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e for the 7ementitio6s materia. 6sed in PC 7on7rete prod67ts that yo6
p6r7hase: The 7ertifi7ate m6st be si;ned by the PC 7on7rete prod67t man6fa7t6rer:
S6bmit e3pansion test data 6nder se7tion $%,4:%2) if reG6ired:
?0-+.01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
For PC 7on7rete that is steam 76red:
#: Determine the 7on7rete 7ompressi<e stren;th from test 7y.inders that ha<e been hand.ed and stored
6nder Ca.ifornia Test *4%) ethod -
2: En;ineer e<a.6ates the 7ompressi<e stren;th based on indi<id6a. tests representin; spe7ifi7 portions
of prod67tion
-: Con7rete desi;nated by 7ompressi<e stren;th is a77eptab.e if its 7ompressi<e stren;th rea7hes the
des7ribed 2+,day 7ompressi<e stren;th in no more than the ma3im6m n6mber of days spe7ified or
a..oDed after the 7on7rete is 7ast
If PC 7on7rete is man6fa7t6red at an estab.ished PC 7on7rete p.ant) a tria. bat7h and preG6a.ifi7ation of
the materia.s) mi3 proportions) mi3in; eG6ipment) and pro7ed6res 6nder se7tion $%,#:%#D/*1/b1 are not
&o6 may 6se Type III port.and 7ement in PC 7on7rete:
The spe7ifi7ations for SC 7ontent in se7tion $%,#:%2"/-1 do not app.y to PC 7on7rete:
For PC 7on7rete) the SC 7ontent m6st 7omp.y Dith one of the fo..oDin;:
#: Any 7ombination of port.and 7ement and SC satisfyin; the fo..oDin; eG6ation:
EG6ation #:
V/2* 3 U'1 Y /#2 3 '-1 Y /#% 3 'B1 Y /0 3 S*1W9TC 6
U' T si.i7a f6me) or !FFA) in7.6din; the G6antity in b.ended 7ement) .b976 yd
'- T nat6ra. or f.y ash 7omp.yin; Dith AAS?TO 2$*) C.ass F or N) Dith a CaO 7ontent of
6p to #% per7ent) in7.6din; the G6antity in b.ended 7ement) .b976 yd
'B T nat6ra. or f.y ash 7omp.yin; Dith AAS?TO 2$*) C.ass F or N) Dith a CaO 7ontent of
;reater than #% per7ent and 6p to #* per7ent) in7.6din; the G6antity in b.ended 7ement) .b976
S* T =="FS) in7.6din; the G6antity in b.ended 7ement) .b976 yd
TC T tota. G6antity of 7ementitio6s materia.) .b976 yd
6 T %:% for inno76o6s a;;re;ate) -:% for a.. other a;;re;ate
2: #* per7ent C.ass F f.y ash Dith at .east 4+ oH of LiNO- so.6tion added per #%% .b of port.and 7ement:
The CaO 7ontent of the f.y ash m6st not e37eed #* per7ent:
-: Any 7ombination of SC and port.and 7ement for Dhi7h the e3pansion of 7ementitio6s materia. and
a;;re;ate does not e37eed %:#% per7ent Dhen tested 6nder AST C #*05: S6bmit test data Dith
ea7h mi3 desi;n: Test data a6thoriHed by the Department no more than - years before the #st day of
the Contra7t is a6thoriHed for the entire Contra7t: The test data m6st be for the same 7on7rete mi3
and m6st 6se the same materia.s and materia. so6r7es to be 6sed on the Contra7t:
C6re PC 7on7rete 6sin; steam 76rin; or any of the methods spe7ified in se7tion $%,#:%-": C6re for the
minim6m time spe7ified for ea7h method or 6nti. the 7on7rete rea7hes its desi;n stren;th) Dhi7he<er is
Steam 76rin; m6st 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin;:
#: After p.a7in; the 7on7rete) ho.d it for a 4,ho6r minim6m presteamin; period: If the ambient air
temperat6re is be.oD *% de;rees F) app.y steam d6rin; the presteamin; period to ho.d the air
s6rro6ndin; the 7on7rete at a temperat6re of from *% to $% de;rees F:
2: To pre<ent moist6re .oss on the e3posed s6rfa7es d6rin; the presteamin; period) 7o<er the 7on7rete
as soon as possib.e after 7astin; or keep the e3posed s6rfa7es Det by fo; spray or Det b.ankets:
-: En7.os6res for steam 76rin; m6st a..oD free 7ir76.ation of steam aro6nd the 7on7rete and m6st be
7onstr67ted to 7ontain the .i<e steam Dith a minim6m moist6re .oss: The 6se of tarpa6.ins or
f.e3ib.e 7o<ers is a..oDed if they are kept in ;ood repair and se76red in s67h a Day that pre<ents the
.oss of steam and moist6re:
4: Steam at the Iets m6st be at .oD press6re and in a sat6rated 7ondition: Steam Iets m6st not impin;e
dire7t.y on the 7on7rete) test 7y.inders) or forms: D6rin; app.i7ation of the steam) the temperat6re rise
Dithin the en7.os6re m6st not e37eed 4% de;rees F per ho6r: The 76rin; temperat6re thro6;ho6t the
en7.os6re m6st not e37eed #*% de;rees F and m6st be maintained at a 7onstant .e<e. for the time
ne7essary to de<e.op the reG6ired transfer stren;th: Co<er 7ontro. 7y.inders to pre<ent moist6re .oss
and p.a7e them in a .o7ation Dhere the temperat6re is representati<e of the a<era;e en7.os6re
*: !se a minim6m of # temperat6re re7ordin; de<i7e per 2%% feet of 7ontin6o6s bed .en;th for 7he7kin;
the temperat6re: Temperat6re re7ordin; de<i7es m6st pro<ide an a776rate) 7ontin6o6s) permanent
re7ord of the 76rin; temperat6re:
0: Detension the 7on7rete in pretension beds immediate.y after the steam 76rin; is 7omp.eted Dhi.e the
7on7rete and forms are sti.. Darm) or maintain the temperat6re 6nder the en7.os6re abo<e 0% de;rees
F 6nti. the stress is transferred to the 7on7rete:
5: C6rin; is 7omp.ete at the end of the steam 76rin; 7y7.e:
?0-+.0+ PAYMENT
Not !sed
?0-,.01 GENERAL
?0-,.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion $%,* in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for f6rnishin; SCC:
Se7tion $%,* app.ies on.y Dhere the spe7ifi7ations a..oD the 6se of SCC:
&o6 may 6se SCC for PC 7on7rete:
?0-,.01B De4#'#/#0'
e&4-(0'0&#1%/#'8 (0'(re/e BSCCC5 F.oDin; 7on7rete that is 7apab.e of spreadin; to a .e<e. state
Ditho6t se;re;ation and Ditho6t the 6se of interna. or e3terna. <ibrators:
?0-,.01C S".m#//%&
S6bmit the fo..oDin; before p.a7in; SCC:
#: i3 desi;n and p.a7ement pro7ed6res
2: Tria. bat7h test report) in7.6din; test res6.ts for the tests spe7ified in se7tion $%,*:%#D/-1
-: If a mo7k,6p is spe7ified:
-:#: Detai.s and p.a7ement pro7ed6res for the mo7k,6p
-:2: Test and test res6.ts from the mo7k,6p
S6bmit test res6.ts for s.6mp f.oD and <is6a. stabi.ity inde3:
If the En;ineer reIe7ts the SCC for s.6mp f.oD and <is6a. stabi.ity inde3) make 7orre7ti<e 7han;es and
res6bmit the SCC mi3 desi;n or p.a7ement pro7ed6res:
S6bmit the a;;re;ate ;radin;s as an informationa. s6bmitta.:
?0-,.01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
?0-,.01DB1C Ge'er%&
?0-,.01DB2C C0m6re#$e S/re'8/7
Prepare SCC spe7imens for 7ompressi<e stren;th testin; 6nder Ca.ifornia Test *4%) e37ept fabri7ate test
spe7imens as fo..oDs:
#: P.a7e the test mo.ds on a firm) s6rfa7e to pre<ent distortion of the bottom s6rfa7e:
2: If more than # spe7imen is to be made from the same bat7h) make a.. the spe7imens sim6.taneo6s.y:
-: Fi.. the mo.d in # .ift) po6rin; the 7on7rete from a .ar;er 7ontainer:
4: Pat the sides of the mo.d .i;ht.y by hand or Ii; by ro7kin; the mo.d from side to side:
*: Strike off the s6rfa7e of the 7on7rete e<en Dith the top ed;e of the mo.d:
0: 8ipe the sides of the mo.d free of e37ess 7on7rete and press the .id on:
?0-,.01DB)C Pre!"%&#4#(%/#0' 04 M#< De#8'
PreG6a.ify the SCC mi3 desi;n Dith a tria. bat7h 6sin; the same materia.s) mi3 proportions) mi3in;
eG6ipment) pro7ed6res) and bat7h siHe to be 6sed in SCC prod67tion:
The SCC tria. bat7h m6st 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
SCC M#< De#8' Re!"#reme'/
Property Test ReG6irement
S.6mp f.oD AST C #0## At .east 2% in7hes
F.oD rate) T*% AST C #0## 2B5 se7onds
(is6a. stabi.ity inde3 AST C #0## # or .ess
C,Rin; f.oD AST C #02# The differen7e betDeen C,Rin;
f.oD and s.6mp f.oD m6st not
e37eed 2 in7hes
Co.6mn se;re;ation AST C #0#% Stati7 se;re;ation m6st not
e37eed #* per7ent
".eedin; AST C 2-2 ".eedin; 7apa7ity m6st not
e37eed 2:* per7ent
Compressi<e stren;th Ca.ifornia Test *2# The a<era;e of * test 7y.inders
m6st be at .east 0%% psi ;reater
than the stren;th des7ribed
inim6m 7ompressi<e
Ca.ifornia Test *2# The minim6m for an indi<id6a.
test 7y.inder m6st not be .ess
than the stren;th des7ribed
At the ma3im6m a;e spe7ified or a..oDed
?0-,.01DB+C M0(;-"6
If the 7onstr67tion of a mo7k,6p is spe7ified in the spe7ia. pro<isions) 7onstr67t a mo7k,6p before p.a7in;
the SCC:
The mo7k,6p m6st demonstrate that the SCC Di..:
#: F.oD for the distan7e reG6ired by the proposed 7onstr67tion pro7ed6re
2: Comp.ete.y fi.. the forms
-: En7aps6.ate the reinfor7ement and embedments
PreG6a.ify the SCC mi3 desi;n before 7onstr67tin; the mo7k,6p:
The mo7k,6p forms m6st be to those 6sed for the prod67tion e.ements: In7.6de in the mo7k,6p the
7on7rete) reinfor7ement) and 7on7rete embedments shoDn and the a6thoriHed shop draDin;s) e37ept the
reinfor7ement and embedments m6st stop #2 in7hes from both .on;it6dina. ends of the mo7k,6p:
The mo7k,6p m6st sim6.ate the f.oD of 7on7rete for the ma3im6m distan7e anti7ipated d6rin; prod67tion
or for a minim6m of #% feet if the anti7ipated f.oD tra<e. is .ess than #% feet:
P.a7e the SCC in the mo7k,6p in the En;ineerFs presen7e:
Take a test samp.e of at .east #%% .b of 7on7rete from Dithin the forms at the dis7har;e point and at the
point farthest from the dis7har;e point: Determine the 7oarse a;;re;ate 7ontent of ea7h test samp.e
6nder Ca.ifornia Test *2$: The 7oarse a;;re;ate 7ontent of the test m6st not differ from ea7h
other by more than + po6nds of a;;re;ate per 76bi7 foot of 7on7rete:
SaD,76t the mo7k,6p f6..,depth in the trans<erse dire7tion appro3imate.y 2 feet from the end of the po6r:
(oids or honey7ombin; in the SCC or betDeen the 7on7rete and embedded e.ements are not a77eptab.e:
If the En;ineer reIe7ts the SCC p.a7ed in the mo7k,6p) 7onstr67t additiona. mo7k,6ps 6nti. the SCC is
a77epted by the En;ineer:
Dispose of the mo7k,6p:
?0-,.01DB,C F#e&1 G"%&#/3 C0'/r0&
?0-,.01DB,CB%C Ge'er%&
?0-,.01DB,CB.C F#'e A88re8%/e M0#/"re C0'/e'/
Determine the fine a;;re;ate moist6re 7ontent for ea7h bat7h of SCC:
?0-,.01DB,CB(C S&"m6 F&0: %'1 V#"%& S/%.#&#/3 I'1e<
At the start of SCC p.a7ement and Dhene<er a set of 7on7rete 7y.inders is prepared) determine the s.6mp
f.oD and the <is6a. stabi.ity inde3 6nder AST C #0##:
Se7tion $%,#:%2C/41 does not app.y to SCC:
The minim6m a..oDab.e s.6mp f.oD is 2% in7hes: The s.6mp f.oD m6st not <ary by more than - in7hes
from the mi3 desi;n s.6mp f.oD:
The <is6a. stabi.ity inde3 m6st not e37eed #:
Not !sed
?0-,.0+ PAYMENT
Not !sed
?0--*?0-? RESERVED
?1-1.01 GENERAL
Se7tion $#,# in7.6des ;enera. spe7ifi7ations for f6rnishin; paints 6sed for hi;hDay 7onstr67tion:
The Department tests of paint taken from the so6r7e: Do not 6se paint 6nti. a6thoriHed:
Paint m6st be man6fa7t6red ready for app.i7ation: Do not add materia.s s67h as thinner after
Paint 7ontainers m6st be:
#: NeD
2: Ro6nd
-: No more than 0 ;a..ons in 7apa7ity
4: Standard f6.. open head Dith bai.s
*: Nonrea7ti<e Dith 7ontents
0: EG6ipped Dith 7ompatib.e ;askets
5: Free of b6n; in the .ids
+: Labe.ed Dith:
+:#: State Spe7ifi7ation n6mber if des7ribed
+:2: an6fa7t6rerFs name) prod67t n6mber) and bat7h n6mber
+:-: Date of man6fa7t6re
+:4: Pre7a6tions reG6ired by + CA Code of Re;s MM #*%#B#5*0 and MM -2%%B-2%0 7on7ernin; the; and app.i7ation of paint
Paint m6st be homo;eneo6s and free of 7ontaminants: Paint m6st be smooth and any sett.ed pi;ment
m6st be soft and easi.y dispersed before 6sin;:
Paint m6st retain the properties that affe7t its app.i7ation) adhesion) and 76rin; for at .east # year after the
date of man6fa7t6re:
If a paint is desi;nated by a State Spe7ifi7ation n6mber) you may obtain the paint specifcation
from METS.
Ain7,ri7h primer m6st be on the A6thoriHed ateria. List:
?1-2.01 GENERAL
Se7tion $#,2 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for f6rnishin; paint for meta.:
E3terior ;rade .ate3 paint m6st be appro<ed by the man6fa7t6rer of the Hin7 ri7h primer:
E3terior ;rade .ate3 paint m6st 7omp.y Dith SSPC,Paint 24 and the fo..oDin;:
#: 8hen tested for +%% ho6rs 6nder AST D4*+5) test 7y7.e 2) <isib.e 7o.or 7han;e in the finish 7oat
m6st not o776r
2: (ehi7.e m6st be an a7ry.i7 or modified a7ry.i7 7opo.ymer Dith a minim6m of ne7essary additi<es
?1-).01 GENERAL
Se7tion $#,- in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for f6rnishin; paint for timber:
8ood primer m6st be .ate3,base paint s6itab.e for primin; 6npainted Dood or e3terior DoodDork: 8ood
primer m6st 7omp.y Dith the PI detai.ed performan7e standards for e3terior Dood primers and be .isted
on the PI appro<ed prod67t .ist no: 0 for primer) .ate3 for e3terior Dood:
Late3 base paint for e3terior Dood m6st 7omp.y Dith the PI detai.ed performan7e standards for paint)
.ate3) e3terior and m6st be .isted on one of the PI appro<ed prod67ts .ists shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
PI .ist no: Cate;ory name
#% Late3) e3terior /PI ;.oss .e<e. #1
## Late3) e3terior semi,;.oss /PI ;.oss .e<e. *1
##$ Late3) e3terior) ;.oss /PI ;.oss .e<e. 01
&o6 may 6se re7y7.ed paint: Re7y7.ed paint m6st 7omp.y Dith the PI detai.ed performan7e standards for
paint) .ate3) e3terior and m6st be .isted on one of the fo..oDin; PI appro<ed prod67ts .ists:
PI .ist no: Cate;ory name
#%RR Late3) re7y7.ed /reman6fa7t6red1) e3terior /=#1
#%RC Late3) re7y7.ed /7onso.idated1) e3terior /=#1
#*RR Late3) re7y7.ed /reman6fa7t6red1) e3terior) .oD sheen /= -,41
For 6npainted Dood) app.y Dood primer before paint:
?1-+.01 GENERAL
Se7tion $#,4 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for f6rnishin; paint for materia.s other than meta. or timber:
?1-+.02*?1-+.0+ RESERVED
A7ry.i7 em6.sion paint for e3terior masonry m6st 7omp.y Dith the PI detai.ed performan7e standards for
saint) .ate3) e3terior and m6st be .isted on one of the fo..oDin; PI appro<ed prod67ts .ists:
PI .ist no: Cate;ory name
#% Late3) e3terior /PI ;.oss .e<e. #1
## Late3) e3terior semi,;.oss /PI ;.oss .e<e. *1
##$ Late3) e3terior) ;.oss /PI ;.oss .e<e. 01
A7ry.i7 em6.sion paint may be tinted by 6sin; 6ni<ersa. or a..,p6rpose 7on7entrates:
?2-1.01 GENERAL
?2-1.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion $2 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for prod67in;) mi3in;) and app.yin; aspha.ts:
?2-1.01B De4#'#/#0'
?2-1.01C S".m#//%&
?2-1.01D G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
?2-1.02DB1C Ge'er%&
?2-1.01DB2C Cer/#4#(%/#0'
Certifi7ation for aspha.t m6st 7omp.y Dith the DepartmentFs Certification Program for Suppliers of -sphalt:
For pro;ram reG6irements) pro7ed6res) and a .ist of a6thoriHed materia. so6r7es) ;o to the ETS 8eb
?2-1.01DB)C S%m6&#'8
A; de<i7e m6st be .o7ated in the aspha.t feed .ine 7onne7tin; the p.ant stora;e tanks to the
aspha.t Dei;hin; system or spray bar: The; de<i7e m6st be a77essib.e from 24 to -% in7hes
abo<e the p.atform: Pro<ide a re7epta7.e for f.6shin; the; de<i7e:
The <a.<e for the; de<i7e m6st be #92 to -94 in7h in diameter and m6st a..oD a #,G6art samp.e to
be taken s.oD.y at any time d6rin; p.ant a7ti<ities:
In the En;ineerFs presen7e) take tDo #,G6art per day d6rin; p.ant a7ti<ities for the proIe7t:
Samp.e 7ontainers m6st be #,G6art 7apa7ity and in7.6de ro6nd fri7tion,top .ids:
?2-1.02A Ge'er%&
Aspha.t m6st 7onsist of refined petro.e6m or a mi3t6re of refined .iG6id aspha.t and refined aspha.t
prepared from 7r6de petro.e6m: Aspha.t m6st not in7.6de resid6es 7a6sed by artifi7ia. disti..ation of 7oa.)
7oa. tar) or paraffin: Aspha.t m6st be homo;eno6s and free of Dater:
?2-1.02B Gr%1e
P= aspha.t binder m6st 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
PG A67%&/ B#'1er
Ori;ina. "inder
F.ash point) min ]C T 4+ 2-% 2-% 2-% 2-% 2-%
So.6bi.ity) min \
T 44 $$ $$ $$ $$ $$
(is7osity at #-*]C
ma3) Pais
T -#0
-:% -:% -:% -:% -:%
Dynami7 shear)
Test temperat6re at #%
rad9s) ]C
min =^9sin/de.ta1) kPa
T -#*
RTFO test
mass .oss) ma3) \
T 24%
#:%% #:%% #:%% #:%% #:%%
RTFO Test A;ed "inder
Dynami7 shear)
Test temperat6re at #%
rad9s) ]C
min =^9sin/de.ta1) kPa
T -#*
D67ti.ity at 2*]C
min) 7m
T *#
5* 5* 5* 5* 5*
Test temperat6re) ]C
R 2+
#%% #%% #%% #%% ##%
RTFO Test and PA( A;ed "inder
Dynami7 shear)
Test temperat6re at #%
rad9s) ]C
ma3 =^sin/de.ta1) kPa
T -#*
Creep stiffness)
Test temperat6re) ]C
ma3 S,<a.6e) Pa
min ,<a.6e
T -#-
!se as aspha.t r6bber base sto7k for hi;h mo6ntain and hi;h desert area:
The En;ineer Dai<es this spe7ifi7ation if the s6pp.ier is an a6thoriHed materia. so6r7e as
defined by the DepartmentFs Certification Program for Suppliers of -sphalt4
The En;ineer Dai<es this spe7ifi7ation if the s6pp.ier pro<ides Dritten 7ertifi7ation the aspha.t
7an be adeG6ate.y p6mped and mi3ed at temperat6res meetin; app.i7ab.e safety standards:
Test the samp.e at - ]C hi;her if it fai.s at the spe7ified test temperat6re: =^sin/de.ta1 remains
*%%% kPa ma3im6m:
ERTFO TestE means the aspha.ti7 resid6e obtained 6sin; the; Thin Fi.m O<en Test)
AAS?TO Test ethod T 24% or AST D 2+52: The resid6e from mass 7han;e determination
may be 6sed for other tests:
EPA(E means EPress6re A;in; (esse.:E
P= po.ymer modified aspha.t binder m6st 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
PG P0&3mer M01#4#e1 A67%&/ B#'1er
Property AAS?TO Test ethod
*+B-4 P
04B2+ P
50B22 P
Ori;ina. "inder
F.ash point) min ]C T 4+ 2-% 2-% 2-%
So.6bi.ity) min \
T 44
$+:* $+:* $+:*
(is7osity at #-*]C
ma3) Pais
T -#0
-:% -:% -:%
Dynami7 shear)
Test temperat6re at #%
rad9s) ]C
min =^9sin/de.ta1) kPa
T -#*
RTFO test
ass .oss) ma3) \
T 24%
#:%% #:%% #:%%
RTFO Test A;ed "inder
Dynami7 shear)
Test temperat6re at #%
rad9s) ]C
min =^9sin/de.ta1) kPa
T -#*
Dynami7 shear)
Test temperat6re at #%
rad9s) ]C
ma3 /de.ta1) \
T -#*
E.asti7 re7o<ery
Test temperat6re ]C
min re7o<ery) \
T -%# 2*
temperat6re) ]C
R 2+
#%% #%% ##%
RTFO Test and PA( A;ed "inder
Dynami7 shear)
Test temperat6re at #%
rad9s) ]C
ma3 =^sin/de.ta1) kPa
T -#*
Creep stiffness)
Test temperat6re) ]C
ma3 S,<a.6e) Pa
min ,<a.6e
T -#-
Do not modify P= Po.ymer odified 6sin; po.yphosphori7 a7id modifi7ation:
The En;ineer Dai<es this spe7ifi7ation if the s6pp.ier is an Appro<ed S6pp.ier as defined by
the DepartmentFs Certification Program for Suppliers of -sphalt4
The Department a..oDs AST D **40 instead of AAS?TO T 44
The En;ineer Dai<es this spe7ifi7ation if the s6pp.ier pro<ides Dritten 7ertifi7ation the aspha.t
7an be adeG6ate.y p6mped and mi3ed at temperat6res meetin; app.i7ab.e safety standards:
Test temperat6re is the temperat6re at Dhi7h =^9sin/de.ta1 is 2:2 kPa: A ;raph of .o;
=^9sin/de.ta1 p.otted a;ainst temperat6re may be 6sed to determine the test temperat6re Dhen
=^9sin/de.ta1 is 2:2 kPa: A ;raph of /de.ta1 <ers6s temperat6re may be 6sed to determine de.ta
at the temperat6re Dhen =^9sin/de.ta1 is 2:2 kPa: The ;raph m6st ha<e at .east tDo points that
en<e.ope =^9sin/de.ta1 of 2:2 kPa and the test temperat6re m6st not be more than 0 de;ree C
apart: The En;ineer a77epts dire7t meas6rement of /de.ta1 at the temperat6re Dhen
=^9sin/de.ta1 is 2:2 kPa:
Tests Ditho6t a for7e d67ti.ity 7.amp may be performed:
ERTFO TestE means the aspha.ti7 resid6e obtained 6sin; the; Thin Fi.m O<en Test)
AAS?TO Test ethod T 24% or AST D 2+52: The resid6e from mass 7han;e determination
may be 6sed for other tests:
EPA(E means EPress6re A;in; (esse.:E
?eat and app.y aspha.t as spe7ified for .iG6id aspha.ts 6nder se7tion $-: Do not heat aspha.t to the point
Dhere 7arboniHed form:
?2-1.0+ PAYMENT
Aspha.t Di.. be paid for 6nder other se7tions spe7ifyin; 7onstr67tion reG6irin; aspha.t:
8hene<er aspha.t is a bid item paid for by Dei;ht) aspha.t is meas6red as spe7ified for determinin; the
Dei;ht of .iG6id aspha.ts 6nder se7tion $-:
8ei;ht is determined from <o.6metri7 meas6rements if:
#: Partia. .oads are 6sed
2: A mi3in; p.ant is not 6sed and are not a<ai.ab.e Dithin 2%
-: Aspha.t is de.i<ered in:
-:#: Ca.ibrated tr67ks and ea7h tank is a77ompanied by its meas6rin; sti7k and 7a.ibration 7ard
-:2: Tr67ks eG6ipped Dith a <ehi7.e tank meter and a 7a.ibrated thermometer that determines the
aspha.t temperat6re at de.i<ery
8hene<er hot mi3 aspha.t is prod67ed from a mi3in; p.ant operatin; for on.y # proIe7t) <o.6me is
meas6red by takin; tank meas6rements at the start and at the end of the proIe7t: The tank m6st be
7a.ibrated and eG6ipped Dith a meas6rin; sti7k and 7a.ibration 7ard: Pay G6antities m6st 7omp.y Dith the
#: "efore 7on<ertin; the <o.6me to Dei;ht) the <o.6me meas6red m6st be red67ed to Dhat the aspha.t
Do6.d o776py at 0% de;rees F:
2: TDo h6ndred thirty,fi<e ;a.9ton and +:*# .b9;a. m6st be 6sed for the a<era;e Dei;ht and <o.6me for
both P= and P= po.ymer modified ;rades of aspha.t at 0% de;rees F:
-: Con<ersion in se7tion $- m6st be 6sed:
?)-1.01 GENERAL
?)-1.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion $- in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for mi3in; and app.yin; .iG6id aspha.t:
?)-1.01B S".m#//%&
S6bmit man6fa7t6rerFs materia.s data for any materia.s shipment: Data m6st shoD res6.ts from tests:
If .iG6id aspha.t is 6sed before; and testin; s6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e for ea7h shipment
to the Iob site: Certifi7ates of 7omp.ian7e m6st in7.6de:
#: Shipment n6mber and shipment date
2: So6r7e refinery) 7onsi;nee) and destination
- Type and des7ription of materia. Dith spe7ifi7 ;ra<ity and G6antity
4: Contra7t or p6r7hase order n6mber
*: Si;nat6re by the man6fa7t6rer of the materia. and a statement that the materia. 7omp.ies Dith the
If no 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e is s6bmitted) do not 6se .iG6id aspha.t 6nti. a6thoriHed:
?)-1.01C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
SC .iG6id aspha.t m6st 7onsist of nat6ra. 7r6de oi.s or resid6a. oi.s from 7r6de petro.e6m: SC ;rades m6st
7omp.y Dith the reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
SC L#!"#1 A67%&/
Property Test method
SC,5% SC,2*% SC,+%% SC,-%%%
F.ash point) C.:O:C:) ]C min AAS?TO
T4+ 0* +% $% #%*
'inemati7 <is7osity
at 0% ]C) sG6are meter per se7ond /3#%
T2%# 5%,#4% 2*%,*%% +%%,#0%% -%%%,0%%%
8ater) ma3 \ AAS?TO
T** %:* %:* %:* %:*
Disti..ation: tota. disti..ate to -0% ]C)
per7ent <o.6me
T5+ #%,-% 4,2% 2,#2 %,*
Tests on resid6e from disti..ation:
'inemati7 <is7osity test at 0% ]C)
sG6are meter per
se7ond /3#%
4,5% +,+* 2%,#4% 4%,-*%
?eptane >y.ene eG6i<a.ent)

T#%2 -* -* -* -*
Aspha.t resid6e of #%% pen) min \ AST D24- *% 0% 5% +%
D67ti.ity of aspha.t resid6e at 2* ]C)
min mm
T*# #%%% #%%% #%%% #%%%
So.6bi.ity in Tri7h.oroethy.ene) min \ AAS?TO
T44 $$:* $$:* $$:* $$:*
Norma. spot test and ;.ass p.ate test repeated at end of 24,ho6r period Di.. not be reG6ired:
C .iG6id aspha.t m6st 7omp.y Dith the spe7ifi7ations for pa<in; aspha.t in se7tion $2 f.63ed or b.ended
Dith kerosene: C aspha.ts m6st 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
MC L#!"#1 A67%&/
C,5% C,2*% C,+%% C,-%%%
F.ash point /open ta;1) min ]C T5$ 4% 0* 0* 0*
'inemati7 <is7osity at 0% ]C) sG6are
meter per se7ond /3#%
1 T2%# 5%,#4% 2*%,*%% +%%,#0%%
8ater) ma3 \ T** %:2 %:2 %:2 %:2
Disti..ation per7ent by <o.6me of tota.
disti..ate to -0% ]C:
To 22* ]C T5+ %,2% %,#% %,- %,2
To 20% ]C T5+ 2%,0% #*,** %,-* %,#*
To -#* ]C T5+ 0*,$% 0%,+5 4*,+% #*,5*
Resid6e from disti..ation to -0% ]C:
(o.6me per7ent of samp.e by differen7e)
min \ T5+ ** 05 5* +%
Tests on resid6e from
Penetration 2* ]C T4$ #2%,2*% #2%,2*% #2%,2*% #2%,2*%
D67ti.ity) 2* ]C) min mm
T*# #%%% #%%% #%%% #%%%
So.6bi.ity in Tri7h.oroethy.ene) min \ T44 $$:* $$:* $$:* $$:*
?eptane >y.ene eG6i<a.ent) ma3 \
T#%2 -* -* -* -*
If penetration of resid6e is more than 2%% and its d67ti.ity at 2* ]C is .ess than #%%%) the materia. Di.. be
a77eptab.e if its d67ti.ity at #* ]C is eG6a. to or more than #%%%:
Norma. spot test and ;.ass p.ate test repeated at end of 24 ho6r period Di.. not be reG6ired:
?)-1.0)A Ge'er%&
Do not o<erspray .iG6id aspha.ts on e3istin; fa7i.ities in the roadDay in7.6din;:
#: AdIa7ent pa<ements
2: The portion of the tra<e.ed Day bein; 6sed by traffi7
-: Str67t6res);s and barriers) and markers
4: Trees and shr6bbery that are not to be remo<ed) adIa7ent property) and impro<ements
?)-1.0)B M#<#'8
?eat .iG6id aspha.t by a retort or by steam 7oi.s in a manner that pre<ents steam from bein; introd67ed
dire7t.y into the .iG6id aspha.t d6rin; heatin;: F6rnish a thermometer for determinin; the temperat6re of
the .iG6id aspha.t bein; app.ied: The thermometer m6st be a<ai.ab.e at a.. times:
App.y <ario6s ;rades of .iG6id aspha.t at temperat6res Dithin the .imits indi7ated in the fo..oDin; tab.e and
6nder the fo..oDin; 7onditions:
#: If .iG6id aspha.t is mi3ed Dith a;;re;ate) the a;;re;ate temperat6re) at the time of addin; the .iG6id
aspha.t) m6st not e37eed the ma3im6m shoDn in the 7o.6mn for p6;mi.. mi3in; temperat6res:
2: LiG6id aspha.t .oaded into tank 7ars or tr67ks for transportation to the Iob site m6st not e37eed the
ma3im6m temperat6res shoDn in the tab.e 7o.6mn for distrib6tor app.i7ation temperat6re 6n.ess
A66&#(%/#0' Tem6er%/"re 04 L#!"#1 A67%&/
=rade of
P6; mi.. mi3in;
of a;;re;ate
Distrib6tor app.i7ation
ma3 ]F min ]F ma3 ]F
SC,5% ,, #%* #5*
SC,2*% 2%% #4% 2-%
SC,+%% 22* #5* 2**
SC,-%%% 20% 2#* 2$%
C,5% ,, #%* #5*
C,2*% 2%% #4% 2-%
C,+%% 22* #5* 2**
C,-%%% 20% 2#* 2$%
?)-1.0)C A66&#(%/#0'
Distrib6tor tr67ks m6st 7omp.y Dith the fo..oDin; reG6irements:
#: "e eG6ipped Dith a press6re type system Dith ins6.ated tanks:
2: Spray bars m6st ha<e a minim6m .en;th of $ feet and be the f6.. 7ir76.atin; type:
-: Spray bar e3tensions 6sed to 7o<er a ;reater Didth m6st be the f6.. 7ir76.atin; type:
4: The spray bar m6st be adI6stab.e to permit positionin; at <ario6s hei;hts abo<e the s6rfa7e to be
*: The spray bar <a.<es m6st be operated by .e<ers so that one or a.. <a.<es may be G6i7k.y opened or
7.osed in one operation:
0: Cab 7ontro..ed <a.<es are permitted for app.i7ation of sea.s: The <a.<es; the f.oD from m6st a7t positi<e.y to pro<ide a 6niform 6nbroken app.i7ation of .iG6id aspha.t on the s6rfa7e:
5: The distrib6tor tr67k m6st be eG6ipped Dith de<i7es and 7harts to pro<ide for a776rate and rapid
determination and 7ontro. of .iG6id aspha.t G6antities bein; app.ied: In7.6de an a63i.iary Dhee. type
bit6meter that re;isters /#1 speed in feet per min6te) /21 trip by 7o6nt) and /-1 tota. distan7e in feet:
+: The distrib6tor eG6ipment m6st be /#1 7apab.e of prod67in; a 6niform app.i7ation of .iG6id aspha.t in
7ontro..ed amo6nts ran;in; from %:%2 to # ;a.9sG yd of s6rfa7e and a press6re ran;e from 2* to 5*
psi: /21 eG6ipped Dith a hose and noHH.e for app.i7ation to areas ina77essib.e to the distrib6tor) and
/-1 eG6ipped Dith press6re ;a;es and a thermometer for determinin; temperat6res of the .iG6id
The 6se of ;ra<ity distrib6tors is not permitted:
aintain distrib6tor and stora;e tanks at a.. times to pre<ent drippin; of .iG6id aspha.t from any part of the
App.yin; .iG6id aspha.t is not permitted Dhene<er /#1 the s6rfa7e to be treated is damp) /21 Deather
7onditions are 6ns6itab.e) or /-1 atmospheri7 temperat6re is be.oD the minim6m temperat6re spe7ified for
the type of Dork:
Pro<ide a satisfa7tory method of a776rate.y meas6rin; the <o.6me of .iG6id aspha.t in the stora;e tanks
and in ea7h distrib6tor 6nit at any time:
Dispose of e37ess .iG6id aspha.t:
?)-1.0+ PAYMENT
The Department a77epts rai.road 7ar Dei;ht as the basis for 7omp6tin; pay G6antities for shipments of
.iG6id bit6mino6s prod67ts if the materia. is not to be .oaded into tr67ks and the .oaded 7ar is Dei;hed on
tra7k !n.ess pro<en to be ina776rate) the tare sten7i.ed on the 7ar is 6sed to determine the net
7ontent: If bit6mino6s prod67ts are Dei;hed on tra7k s6bmit Dei;ht ta;s to the En;ineer: Do not
re.ease the 7ars 6nti. inspe7ted by the En;ineer to determine that they are 7omp.ete.y empty:
8hen hot mi3 aspha.t is prod67ed at a 7ommer7ia. p.ant) and Dhen the prod67t is not de<oted to #
proIe7t) and .iG6id aspha.t is a separate bid item) the Dei;ht of .iG6id aspha.t Di.. be determined by
m6.tip.yin; the Dei;ht of the hot mi3 aspha.t by the fo..oDin; fa7tor:
3 9 /#%% Y 31
3 T the spe7ified aspha.t 7ontent e3pressed as per7ent of the Dei;ht of dry a;;re;ate
8hen hot mi3 aspha.t is prod67ed at a 7ommer7ia. p.ant prod67in; for on.y # proIe7t) the <o.6me in the
p.ant tank is meas6red before proIe7t start and at the end of the proIe7t: The tank m6st be 7a.ibrated and
eG6ipped Dith a meas6rin; sti7k and 7a.ibration 7ard:
8ei;ht is determined from <o.6metri7 meas6rements if:
#: Partia. .oads are 6sed
2: A mi3in; p.ant is not 6sed and are not a<ai.ab.e Dithin 2%
-: LiG6id aspha.t is de.i<ered in:
-:#: Tr67ks and ea7h tank is 7a.ibrated and a77ompanied by its meas6rin; sti7k and 7a.ibration
-:2: Tr67ks eG6ipped Dith a 7a.ibrated thermometer that determines the .iG6id aspha.t temperat6re
at de.i<ery and eG6ipped Dith a <ehi7.e tank meter
8hen G6antities of .iG6id aspha.t are determined from <o.6metri7 meas6rements) the meas6red <o.6me is
red67ed to the <o.6me the materia. Do6.d o776py at 0% de;rees F before 7on<ertin; the <o.6me to Dei;ht
6sin; the Con<ersion Tab.e: SC and C .iG6id aspha.ts of the same ;rade are 7onsidered to ha<e eG6a.
Dei;ht per <o.6me:
!se the fa7tors shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e to 7on<ert <o.6me to Dei;ht:
A$er%8e Ae#87/ A'1 V0&"me O4 L#!"#1 A67%&/
=rade of .iG6id
=a..ons9ton at 0% ]F Po6nds9;a..on at 0% ]F
5% 2*- 5:$%
2*% 24$ +:%-
+%% 244 +:#0
-%%% 24% +:-%
Con<ert <o.6mes of .iG6id aspha.t prod67ts 6sin; the 7on<ersion tab.e .e;end and 7on<ersion for
the fo..oDin; materia.s:
#: LiG6id aspha.t =rades 5% to -%%%
2: Pa<in; aspha.t =rades P= *+,22) P= 04,#%) P= 04,#0) P= 04,2+) and P= 5%,#%:
-: Pa<in; aspha.t) po.ymer modified) =rades P= *+,-4 P) P= 04,2+ P) and P= 50,22 P
The fo..oDin; Con<ersion Tab.e Le;end app.ies to the Con<ersion Tab.e:
C0'$er#0' T%.&e Le8e'1
tTobser<ed temperat6re in de;rees Ce.si6s:
ATm6.tip.ier for red67in; <o.6mes to the basis of 0% ]F) for
aspha.ts Dith density at 0% ]F of 0%:- p7f or hi;her:
"Tm6.tip.ier for red67in; <o.6mes to the basis of 0% ]F) for
aspha.ts Dith density at 0% ]F of from *-:# to 0%:2 p7f:
C0'$er#0' T%.&e
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422 %:+5$4 %:+045 4*5 %:+0+- %:+*20 4$2 %:+*54 %:+4%0
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424 %:+5+5 %:+04% 4*$ %:+055 %:+*#$ 4$4 %:+*0+ %:+-$$
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420 %:+5+# %:+0-- 40# %:+05# %:+*#2 4$0 %:+*0# %:+-$2
425 %:+55+ %:+0-% 402 %:+005 %:+*%$ 4$5 %:+**+ %:+-+$
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42$ %:+55# %:+02- 404 %:+00# %:+*%2 4$$ %:+**2 %:+-+2
4-% %:+50+ %:+0#$ 40* %:+0*+ %:+4$+ *%% %:+*4$ %:+-5$
4-# %:+50* %:+0#0 400 %:+0** %:+4$* *%# %:+*40 %:+-50
4-2 %:+502 %:+0#2 405 %:+0*2 %:+4$# *%2 %:+*4- %:+-52
4-- %:+5*$ %:+0%$ 40+ %:+04$ %:+4++ *%- %:+*4% %:+-0$
4-4 %:+5*0 %:+0%* 40$ %:+040 %:+4+* *%4 %:+*-5 %:+-0*
4-* %:+5*2 %:+0%2 45% %:+042 %:+4+# *%* %:+*-4 %:+-02
4-0 %:+54$ %:+*$+ 45# %:+0-$ %:+45+ *%0 %:+*-% %:+-*$
4-5 %:+540 %:+*$* 452 %:+0-0 %:+454 *%5 %:+*25 %:+-**
4-+ %:+54- %:+*$# 45- %:+0-- %:+45# *%+ %:+*24 %:+-*2
4-$ %:+54% %:+*++ 454 %:+0-% %:+405 *%$ %:+*2# %:+-4+
44% %:+5-5 %:+*+4 45* %:+025 %:+404 *#% %:+*#+ %:+-4*
44# %:+5-4 %:+*+# 450 %:+024 %:+40# *## %:+*#* %:+-42
C0'$er#0' T%.&eLC0'/#'"e1
t A " t A " t A "
*#2 %:+*#2 %:+--+ *-5 %:+4-* %:+2** *02 %:+-*+ %:+#52
*#- %:+*%$ %:+--* *-+ %:+4-2 %:+2*# *0- %:+-** %:+#0+
*#4 %:+*%0 %:+--2 *-$ %:+42$ %:+24+ *04 %:+-*2 %:+#0*
*#* %:+*%- %:+-2+ *4% %:+420 %:+24* *0* %:+-4$ %:+#02
*#0 %:+*%% %:+-2* *4# %:+42- %:+24# *00 %:+-40 %:+#*+
*#5 %:+4$0 %:+-22 *42 %:+42% %:+2-+ *05 %:+-4- %:+#**
*#+ %:+4$- %:+-#+ *4- %:+4#5 %:+2-* *0+ %:+-4% %:+#*2
*#$ %:+4$% %:+-#* *44 %:+4#- %:+2-# *0$ %:+--5 %:+#4$
*2% %:+4+5 %:+-## *4* %:+4#% %:+22+ *5% %:+--4 %:+#4*
*2# %:+4+4 %:+-%+ *40 %:+4%5 %:+22* *5# %:+--# %:+#42
*22 %:+4+# %:+-%* *45 %:+4%4 %:+22# *52 %:+-2+ %:+#-$
*2- %:+45+ %:+-%# *4+ %:+4%# %:+2#+ *5- %:+-2* %:+#-*
*24 %:+45* %:+2$+ *4$ %:+-$+ %:+2#* *54 %:+-22 %:+#-2
*2* %:+452 %:+2$* **% %:+-$* %:+2## *5* %:+-#$ %:+#2$
*20 %:+40$ %:+2$# **# %:+-$2 %:+2%+ *50 %:+-#0 %:+#20
*25 %:+400 %:+2++ **2 %:+-+$ %:+2%* *55 %:+-#- %:+#22
*2+ %:+40- %:+2+* **- %:+-+0 %:+2%# *5+ %:+-#% %:+##$
*2$ %:+4*$ %:+2+# **4 %:+-+- %:+#$+ *5$ %:+-%5 %:+##0
*-% %:+4*0 %:+25+ *** %:+-+% %:+#$* *+% %:+-%4 %:+##2
*-# %:+4*- %:+25* **0 %:+-55 %:+#$# *+# %:+-%# %:+#%$
*-2 %:+4*% %:+25# **5 %:+-54 %:+#++ *+2 %:+2$+ %:+#%0
*-- %:+445 %:+20+ **+ %:+-5# %:+#+* *+- %:+2$* %:+#%-
*-4 %:+444 %:+20* **$ %:+-0+ %:+#+2 *+4 %:+2$2 %:+%$$
*-* %:+44# %:+20# *0% %:+-0* %:+#5+ *+* %:+2+$ %:+%$0
*-0 %:+4-+ %:+2*+ *0# %:+-02 %:+#5* *+0 %:+2+0 %:+%$-
?+-1.01 GENERAL
?+-1.01A S"mm%r3
Se7tion $4 in7.6des spe7ifi7ations for mi3in; and app.yin; aspha.ti7 em6.sion:
?+-1.01B S".m#//%&
If the po.ymer 7ontent of po.ymer modified aspha.ti7 em6.sion is determined 6nder Ca.ifornia Test 4%#) s6bmit a #,
G6art samp.e ea7h of the base aspha.t and the po.ymer: S6bmit to ETS at .east #% days before
be;innin; Dork 6sin; the aspha.ti7 em6.sion:
S6bmit man6fa7t6rerFs materia.s data for any materia.s shipment: Data m6st shoD res6.ts from tests:
If aspha.ti7 em6.sion is 6sed before; and testin; s6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e for ea7h shipment to
the Iob site: Certifi7ates of 7omp.ian7e m6st in7.6de the fo..oDin;:
#: Shipment n6mber and shipment date
2: So6r7e refinery) 7onsi;nee) and destination
- Type and des7ription of materia. Dith spe7ifi7 ;ra<ity and G6antity
4: Contra7t or p6r7hase order n6mber
*: Si;nat6re by the man6fa7t6rer of the materia. and a statement that the materia. 7omp.ies Dith the Contra7t
If no 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e is s6bmitted) do not 6se aspha.ti7 em6.sion 6nti. a6thoriHed:
?+-1.01C G"%&#/3 C0'/r0& %'1 A"r%'(e
Samp.e aspha.ti7 em6.sion 6nder AAS?TO T 4%:
Store in 7.ean and airti;ht sea.ed 7ontainers: Stora;e temperat6re m6st be at .east 4% de;rees F 6nti.
Aspha.ti7 em6.sions m6st be 7omposed of a bit6mino6s materia. 6niform.y em6.sified Dith Dater and an
em6.sifyin; or a stabi.iHin; a;ent: Po.ymer modified aspha.ti7 em6.sion m6st 7ontain a po.ymer:
Aspha.ti7 em6.sion m6st be homo;eneo6s: 8ithin -% days after de.i<ery and if freeHin; has not 7a6sed
separation) the aspha.ti7 em6.sion m6st be homo;eneo6s after thoro6;h mi3in;:
Po.ymer 6sed to man6fa7t6re po.ymer modified aspha.ti7 em6.sion m6st be a type that res6.ts in the test <a.6es
8hen tested 6nder AAS?TO T *$) 6n.ess otherDise noted) properties of aspha.ti7 em6.sion m6st 7omp.y Dith the
reG6irements for the types and ;rades in the fo..oDin; 4
TABLE I5 Re!"#reme'/ 40r A'#0'#( A67%&/#( Em"&#0'
Type Rapid,Settin; edi6m,Settin; S.oD,Settin;
=rade RS# RS2 S# S2 S2h SS# SS#h
Properties min ma3 min ma3 min ma3 min ma3 min ma3 min ma3 min ma3
Tests on em6.sions:
Saybo.t F6ro. (is7osity) R 2* ]C) SFS
2% #%% ,, ,, 2% #%% #%% ,, #%% ,, 2% #%% 2% #%%
Saybo.t F6ro. (is7osity) R *% ]C) SFS
,, ,, 5* 4%% ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,
Sett.ement) * days) \
,, * ,, * ,, * ,, * ,, * ,, * ,, *
Stora;e stabi.ity test) # day) \
,, # ,, # ,, # ,, # ,, # ,, # ,, #
Dem6.sibi.ity) -* m.) %:%2 N CaC.2) \
0% ,, 0% ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,
Coatin; abi.ity and Dater resistan7e:
Coatin;) dry a;;re;ate ,, ,, ;ood ;ood ;ood ,, ,,
Coatin;) after sprayin; ,, ,, fair fair fair ,, ,,
Coatin;) Det a;;re;ate ,, ,, fair fair fair ,, ,,
Coatin;) after sprayin; ,, ,, fair fair fair ,, ,,
Cement mi3in; test) \ ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, 2:% ,, 2:%
Sie<e test) \ ,, %:#% ,, %:#% ,, %:#% ,, %:#% ,, %:#% ,, %:#% ,, %:#%
Resid6e by disti..ation) \ ** ,, 0- ,, ** ,, 0* ,, 0* ,, *5 ,, *5 ,,
Tests on resid6e from disti..ation test:
Penetration) 2* ]C #%%
2%% #%%
2%% #%% 2%% #%% 2%% 4% $% #%% 2%% 4% $%
D67ti.ity) 2* ]C) *% mm9min6te) mm 4%% ,, 4%% ,, 4%% ,, 4%% ,, 4%% ,, 4%% ,, 4%% ,,
So.6bi.ity in tri7h.oroethy.ene) \ $5:* ,, $5:* ,, $5:* ,, $5:* ,, $5:* ,, $5:* ,, $5:* ,,
SFS means Saybo.t F6ro. se7onds
The En;ineer may reG6ire sett.ement tests from the time the samp.e is re7ei<ed 6nti. the aspha.ti7 em6.sion is 6sed if the e.apsed time is .ess
than * days: Sett.ement tests may be Dai<ed Dhen the aspha.ti7 em6.sion is 6sed in .ess than * days:
The 24,ho6r stora;e stabi.ity test may be 6sed instead of the *,day sett.ement test
The dem6.sibi.ity test m6st be made Dithin -% days from date of shipment:
A harder base aspha.t meetin; 76rrent pa<in; aspha.t spe7ifi7ations may be spe7ified if the test reG6irements on the resid6e from disti..ation are
TABLE 25 Re!"#reme'/ 40r C%/#0'#( A67%&/#( Em"&#0'
Type Rapid,Settin; edi6m,Settin; S.oD,Settin;
=rade CRS# CRS2 CS2S CS2 CS2h CSS# CSS#h
Properties min ma3 min ma3 min ma3 min ma3 min ma3 min ma3 min ma3
Tests on em6.sions:
Saybo.t F6ro. (is7osity) R 2* ]C) SFS
,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, 2% #%% 2% #%%
Saybo.t F6ro. (is7osity) R *% ]C) SFS
2% #%% #%% 4%% *% 4*% *% 4*% *% 4*% ,, ,, ,, ,,
Sett.ement) * days) \
,, * ,, * ,, * ,, * ,, * ,, * ,, *
Stora;e stabi.ity test) # day) \
,, # ,, # ,, # ,, # ,, # ,, # ,, #
Dem6.sibi.ity) -* m.) %:+\ sodi6m dio7ty.
s6.fos677inate) \
4% ,, 4% ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,
Coatin; abi.ity and Dater resistan7e:
Coatin;) dry a;;re;ate ,, ,, ;ood ;ood ;ood ,, ,,
Coatin;) after sprayin; ,, ,, fair fair fair ,, ,,
Coatin;) Det a;;re;ate ,, ,, fair fair fair ,, ,,
Coatin;) after sprayin; ,, ,, fair fair fair ,, ,,
Parti7.e 7har;e test positi<e positi<e positi<e positi<e positi<e positi<e
Sie<e test) \ ,, %:#% ,, %:#% ,, %:#% ,, %:#% ,, %:#% ,, %:#% ,, %:#%
Cement mi3in; test) \ ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, 2:% ,, 2:%
Oi. disti..ate by <o.: of em6.sion) \ ,, - ,, - ,, 2% ,, #2 ,, #2 ,, ,, ,, ,,
Resid6e) \ 0% ,, 0* ,, 0% ,, 0* ,, 0* ,, *5 ,, *5 ,,
Tests on resid6e from disti..ation test:
Penetration) 2* ]C #%%
2*% #%%
2*% #%% 2*% #%% 2*% 4% $% #%% 2*% 4% $%
D67ti.ity) 2* ]C) *% mm9min) mm 4%% ,, 4%% ,, 4%% ,, 4%% ,, 4%% ,, 4%% ,, 4%% ,,
So.6bi.ity in tri7h.oroethy.ene) \ $5:* ,, $5:* ,, $5:* ,, $5:* ,, $5:* ,, $5:* ,, $5:* ,,
eans Saybo.t F6ro. se7onds
The En;ineer may reG6ire sett.ement tests from the time the samp.e is re7ei<ed 6nti. the aspha.ti7 em6.sion is 6sed if the e.apsed time is .ess
than * days: Sett.ement tests may be Dai<ed Dhen the aspha.ti7 em6.sion is 6sed in .ess than * days:
The 24,ho6r stora;e stabi.ity test may be 6sed instead of the *,day sett.ement test:
The dem6.sibi.ity test m6st be made Dithin -% days from date of shipment:
A harder base aspha.t in 7omp.ian7e Dith the pa<in; aspha.t spe7ifi7ations may be spe7ified if the test reG6irements on the resid6e from
disti..ation are Dai<ed:
6st 7omp.y Dith a p? reG6irement of 0:5 ma3im6m /AST E 5%1 if the parti7.e 7har;e test res6.t is in7on7.6si<e:
TABLE )5 Re!"#reme'/ 40r P0&3mer M01#4#e1 A67%&/#( Em"&#0'
Type Anioni7 Cationi7
=rade PRS2 PRS2h PCRS2 PCRS2h
Properties min ma3 min ma3 min ma3 min ma3
Tests on em6.sions: Test ethod ,, ,,
Saybo.t F6ro. (is7osity)
R *% ]C) SFS
5* -%% 5* -%% 5* -%% 5* -%%
Sett.ement) * days) \ ,, * ,, * ,, * ,, *
Stora;e Stabi.ity) # day)
,, # ,, # ,, # ,, #
Sie<e Test) \ ,, %:-% ,, %:-% ,, %:-% ,, %:-%
Dem6.sibi.ity) \ 0%
,, 0%
,, 4%
,, 4%
Parti7.e Char;e ,, ,, Positi<e Positi<e
Ash Content) \ AST D -52- ,, %:2 ,, %:2 ,, %:2 ,, %:2
Resid6e by
E<aporation) \
Ca.ifornia Test
0* ,, 0* ,, 0* ,, 0* ,,
Test on resid6e from
e<aporation test:
Ca.ifornia Test
,, ,,
Penetration) 2*]C AAS?TO T 4$ #%% 2%% 4% $% #%% 2%% 4% $%
D67ti.ity) 2*]C) mm AAS?TO T *# 4%% ,, 4%% ,, 4%% ,, 4%% ,,
and either: ,,
Torsiona. re7o<ery)
Ca.ifornia Test
#+ ,, #+ ,, #+ ,, #+ ,,
or ,,
Po.ymer 7ontent)
*\ /by Dei;ht1
Ca.ifornia Test
2:* ,, 2:* ,, 2:* ,, 2:* ,,
eans Saybo.t F6ro. se7onds
!se -* m. of %:%2 N CaCL2 so.6tion
!se -* m. of %:+\ sodi6m dio7ty. s6.fos677inate so.6tion
See; reG6irements spe7ified in $4,#:%#C and $4,#:%#D:
TABLE +5 Re!"#reme'/ 40r G"#(;-Se//#'8 A67%&/#( Em"&#0'
Type Anioni7 Cationi7
=rade @S# @S#h C@S# C@S#h
Properties min ma3 min ma3 min ma3 min ma3
Tests on em6.sions: Test ethod ,, ,,
Saybo.t F6ro.
(is7osity) R *% ]C)
#* $% #* $% #* $% #* $%
Sie<e test) \ ,, %:-% ,, %:-% ,, %:-% ,, %:-%
Stora;e stabi.ity) #
day) \
,, # ,, # ,, # ,, #
Resid6e by
disti..ation) \
*5 ,, *5 ,, *5 ,, *5 ,,
Parti7.e 7har;e
ne;ati<e ne;ati<e positi<e positi<e
Tests on Resid6e from
Disti..ation Test:
,, ,, ,,
Penetration) 2*]C AAS?TO T 4$ #%% 2%% 4% $% #%% 2%% 4% $%
D67ti.ity) 2*]C) mm AAS?TO T *# 4%% ,, 4%% ,, 4%% ,, 4%% ,,
So.6bi.ity in
tri7h.oroeythy.ene) \
AAS?TO T 44 $5 ,, $5 ,, $5 ,, $5 ,,
eans Saybo.t F6ro. se7onds
If the res6.t of the parti7.e 7har;e test is in7on7.6si<e) the aspha.ti7 em6.sion m6st be tested for
p? 6nder AST E 5%: =rade @S#h aspha.ti7 em6.sion m6st ha<e a minim6m p? of 5:-: =rade
C@S#h aspha.ti7 em6.sion m6st ha<e a ma3im6m ph of 0:5:
Aspha.ti7 em6.sion may be reheated if ne7essary: After .oadin; into a tank 7ar or tr67k for transport to the
Iob site) do not heat aspha.ti7 em6.sion abo<e #0% de;rees F: D6rin; reheatin; a;itate the aspha.ti7
em6.sion to pre<ent .o7a.iHed o<erheatin;:
App.y aspha.ti7 em6.sion 6nder se7tion $-:
E37ept Dhen 6sed for fo; sea. 7oats) app.y Settin; =rade # aspha.ti7 em6.sions at a temperat6re from 5*
to #-% de;rees F and app.y Settin; =rade 2 aspha.ti7 em6.sions from ##% to #+* de;rees F:
Aspha.ti7 em6.sion m6st not 7oo. to a temperat6re be.oD 4% de;rees F:
?+-1.0+ PAYMENT
Aspha.ti7 em6.sion is meas6red by Dei;ht 6nder the spe7ifi7ations reG6irin; its 6se not in7.6din; the
ded67ted Dei;ht of Dater if 6sed:
Aspha.ti7 em6.sion G6antities are determined as spe7ified for .iG6id aspha.ts 6nder se7tion $- e37ept for
<o.6metri7 meas6rement to determine pay G6antities:
8ei;ht is determined from <o.6metri7 meas6rements if:
#: Partia. .oads are 6sed
2: A mi3in; p.ant is not 6sed and are not a<ai.ab.e Dithin 2%
-: Aspha.ti7 em6.sion is de.i<ered in:
-:#: Tr67ks Dith ea7h tank 7a.ibrated a77ompanied by its meas6rin; sti7k and 7a.ibration 7ard
-:2: Tr67ks eG6ipped Dith a 7a.ibrated thermometer that determines the aspha.ti7 em6.sion
temperat6re at de.i<ery and eG6ipped Dith a <ehi7.e tank meter
For aspha.ti7 em6.sion determined from <o.6metri7 meas6rements) the meas6red <o.6me is red67ed to
the <o.6me the materia. Do6.d o776py at 0% de;rees F before 7on<ertin; the <o.6me to Dei;ht 6sin; the
<a.6es in the tab.e tit.ed ECon<ersion Tab.e:E
Con<ert <o.6me to Dei;ht 6sin; the fa7tors shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
A$er%8e Ae#87/ %'1 V0&"me 04 A67%&/#( Em"&#0'
Type of
aspha.ti7 em6.sion
at 0% ]F
0% ]F
A.. types 24% +:--
C0'$er#0' T%.&e
t t t t
0% #:%%%%% +- %:$$42* #%0 %:$++*% #2$ %:$+25*
0# %:$$$5* +4 %:$$4%% #%5 %:$++2* #-% %:$+2*%
02 %:$$$*% +* %:$$-5* #%+ %:$++%% #-# %:$+22*
0- %:$$$2* +0 %:$$-*% #%$ %:$+55* #-2 %:$+2%%
04 %:$$$%% +5 %:$$-2* ##% %:$+5*% #-- %:$+#5*
0* %:$$+5* ++ %:$$-%% ### %:$+52* #-4 %:$+#*%
00 %:$$+*% +$ %:$$25* ##2 %:$+5%% #-* %:$+#2*
05 %:$$+2* $% %:$$2*% ##- %:$+05* #-0 %:$+#%%
0+ %:$$+%% $# %:$$22* ##4 %:$+0*% #-5 %:$+%5*
0$ %:$$55* $2 %:$$2%% ##* %:$+02* #-+ %:$+%*%
5% %:$$5*% $- %:$$#5* ##0 %:$+0%% #-$ %:$+%2*
5# %:$$52* $4 %:$$#*% ##5 %:$+*5* #4% %:$+%%%
52 %:$$5%% $* %:$$#2* ##+ %:$+**% #4# %:$5$5*
5- %:$$05* $0 %:$$#%% ##$ %:$+*2* #42 %:$5$*%
54 %:$$0*% $5 %:$$%5* #2% %:$+*%% #4- %:$5$2*
5* %:$$02* $+ %:$$%*% #2# %:$+45* #44 %:$5$%%
50 %:$$0%% $$ %:$$%2* #22 %:$+4*% #4* %:$5+5*
55 %:$$*5* #%% %:$$%%% #2- %:$+42* #40 %:$5+*%
5+ %:$$**% #%# %:$+$5* #24 %:$+4%% #45 %:$5+2*
5$ %:$$*2* #%2 %:$+$*% #2* %:$+-5* #4+ %:$5+%%
+% %:$$*%% #%- %:$+$2* #20 %:$+-*% #4$ %:$555*
+# %:$$45* #%4 %:$+$%% #25 %:$+-2* #*% %:$55*%
+2 %:$$4*% #%* %:$++5* #2+ %:$+-%% #*# %:$552*
t T obser<ed temperat6re in de;rees Fahrenheit
T m6.tip.ier for red67in; <o.6mes to the basis of 0% ]F
Se7tion $*,# in7.6des ;enera. spe7ifi7ations for mi3in; and app.yin; epo3y for hi;hDay 7onstr67tion:
F6rnish epo3y as 2 7omponents and mi3 them to;ether at the Iob site:
The 2 proportioned epo3y 7omponents define a kit Dhen pa7ka;ed to;ether:
S6bmit a 7ertifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e for epo3y:
Ea7h 7omponent m6st be pa7ka;ed in a 7ontainer of a siHe that 7omp.ies Dith the epo3y man6fa7t6rerFs
instr67tions for proportions:
Component 7ontainers m6st be sea.ed and not .eak: Containers m6st not rea7t Dith 7omponents:
The 7ontainer for ea7h 7omponent m6st be 7.ear.y .abe.ed by the epo3y man6fa7t6rer Dith the fo..oDin;
#: AST C ++#9C ++# 7.ass and type
2: Component desi;nation) A or "
-: an6fa7t6rerFs name
4: an6fa7t6re date
*: "at7h n6mber
0: E3piration date
5: Dire7tions for 6se
+: 8arnin;s or pre7a6tions reG6ired by State and federa. .aDs and re;6.ations
Store 7omponents at temperat6res ;reater than -* de;rees F:
i3 and app.y the epo3y 6nder the man6fa7t6rerFs instr67tions:
Do not 6se a 7omponent if any of the fo..oDin; o776r:
#: E<iden7e of 7rysta..iHation or thi7kenin;
2: Sett.ed pi;ments that 7annot be readi.y dispersed Dith a padd.e
-: Component is o.der than the man6fa7t6rerFs re7ommended e3piration date
Thoro6;h.y stir ea7h 7omponent before mi3in; a kit: Do not mi3 partia. kits: Do not add so.<ents:
A6tomati7 mi3in; eG6ipment m6st ha<e positi<e disp.a7ement p6mps and be 7apab.e of meterin; a 2,
7omponent mi3 in the spe7ified ratio Z * per7ent by <o.6me of either 7omponent:
i3 the 2 7omponents 6nti. no tra7e of b.a7k or Dhite streaks is present in the mi3ed epo3y:
C.ean s6rfa7es to re7ei<e the epo3y of r6st) paint) ;rease) aspha.t) .oose) and de.eterio6s materia.: App.y
the epo3y and p.a7e materia.s to be bonded before the epo3y starts to thi7ken: Do not 6se epo3y that has
e37eeded its Dorkin; .ife:
Epo3y binder m6st be .oD <is7osity epo3y form6.ated primari.y for 6se in:
#: akin; ?S epo3y 7on7rete and epo3y mortar
2: Press6re ;ro6tin; 7ra7ks in 7on7rete
For .oad bearin; app.i7ations) the epo3y m6st 7omp.y Dith AST C ++#9C ++#) Type I() =rade #) C.ass
" or C:
For non.oad bearin; app.i7ations) the epo3y m6st 7omp.y Dith AST C ++#9C ++#) Type I) =rade #)
C.ass " or C:
!se C.ass " Dhene<er the s6rfa7e temperat6re is from 4% to 0% de;rees F: !se C.ass C Dhene<er the
s6rfa7e temperat6re is abo<e 0% de;rees F:
Thoro6;h.y mi3 the 7omponents before addin; a;;re;ate if the epo3y is 6sed as binder for ?S epo3y
7on7rete or epo3y mortar: The mi3 proportions m6st be # part epo3y to 4 parts a;;re;ate by <o.6me:
A;;re;ate m6st be 7.ean and ha<e a moist6re 7ontent of not more than %:*% per7ent Dhen tested 6nder
Ca.ifornia Test 220: Prime s6rfa7es Dith epo3y immediate.y before p.a7in; epo3y 7on7rete or mortar:
?,-2.02 RESERVED
Epo3y adhesi<e for bondin; fresh.y mi3ed 7on7rete to hardened 7on7rete m6st 7omp.y Dith AST C
++#9C ++#) Type () =rade 2) C.ass " or C:
!se C.ass " Dhene<er the s6rfa7e temperat6re is from 4% to 0% de;rees F or if a faster 76re is reG6ired:
!se C.ass C Dhene<er the s6rfa7e temperat6re is abo<e 0% de;rees F:
Coat the b.ast,7.eaned 7on7rete s6rfa7e Dith epo3y 6sin; a br6sh or P.a7e fresh.y mi3ed 7on7rete
Dhi.e the epo3y is ta7ky: App.y a neD 7oat of epo3y if the epo3y sets:
Rapid set epo3y adhesi<e for bondin; pa<ement markers to 7on7rete and ?A m6st 7omp.y Dith AST
C ++#9C ++#) Type I() =rade -) C.ass " or C) e37ept the ;e. time may be .ess than -% min6tes:
!se C.ass " Dhene<er the s6rfa7e temperat6re is from 4% to 0% de;rees F: !se C.ass C Dhene<er the
s6rfa7e temperat6re is abo<e 0% de;rees F:
8hen tested 6nder Ca.ifornia Test 4-4) epo3y m6st 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements for the properties
shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
R%6#1 Se/ E60<3 A17e#$e F0r P%$eme'/ M%r;er
Property ReG6irement
=e. time) min6tes) ma3im6m) at 55 ]F -%
"ond stren;th to 7on7rete) min6tes) ma3im6m to rea7h not .ess
than 2%% psi
at 55 Z 2 ]F -*
at *% Z 2 ]F 4*
S.ant shear stren;th) minim6m) psi
2 days at 55 Z 2 ]F #)%%%
#4 days at 55 Z 2 ]F) p.6s Dater soak #)*%%
Tensi.e adhesion and 7ohesion) minim6m) psi
Cerami7 marker bottom 5%%
Cerami7 marker bottom) in7.6din; post 76re 5%%
Retroref.e7ti<e pa<ement marker bottom *%%
Co.or of mi3ed epo3y ;ray
=.ass transition temperat6re
) T;) minim6m +0 ]F
"efore testin; m6st be 7onditioned at 55 ]F for 24 ho6rs 6nder AST
D 4%0*
Standard set epo3y adhesi<e for bondin; pa<ement markers to 7on7rete and ?A m6st 7omp.y Dith
AST C ++#9C ++#) Type I() =rade -) C.ass " or C:
!se C.ass " Dhene<er the s6rfa7e temperat6re is from 4% to 0% de;rees F: !se C.ass C Dhene<er the
s6rfa7e temperat6re is abo<e 0% de;rees F:
8hen tested 6nder Ca.ifornia Test 4-4) epo3y m6st 7omp.y Dith the reG6irements for the properties
shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
S/%'1%r1 Se/ E60<3 A17e#$e F0r P%$eme'/ M%r;er
Property ReG6irement
"ond stren;th to 7on7rete) time) ma3im6m to rea7h not .ess
than 2%% psi
at 55 Z 2 ]F -:* ho6rs
at ** Z 2 ]F 24 ho6rs
S.ant shear stren;th) minim6m) psi
2 days at 55 Z 2 ]F #)%%%
#4 days at 55 Z 2 ]F) p.6s Dater soak #)*%%
Tensi.e adhesion and 7ohesion) minim6m) psi
Cerami7 marker bottom 5%%
Cerami7 marker bottom) in7.6din; post 76re 5%%
Ref.e7ti<e pa<ement marker bottom *%%
Co.or of mi3ed 7omponents ;ray
=.ass transition temperat6re
) T;) minim6m +0 ]F
"efore testin; m6st be 7onditioned at 55 ]F for 24 ho6rs 6nder
AST D 4%0*
?,-2.0-*?,-2.0> RESERVED
The epo3y for; ind67ti<e .oops and .eads imbedded in ?A and 7on7rete m6st 7omp.y Dith AST
C ++#9C ++#) Type I) =rade 2:
8hen tested 6nder Ca.ifornia Test 4-4) epo3y sea.ant m6st 7omp.y Dith the <a.6es for the properties
shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
E60<3 Se%&%'/ 40r I'1"(/#$e L006
Property (a.6e
Tensi.e stren;th
) minim6m) psi 4%%
) minim6m) \ $%
Shore D hardness
) minim6m 4*
Test on a %:#2*,in7h 7ast sheet) 76red #+ ho6rs at 55 ]F p.6s *
ho6rs at #0% ]F
?,-2.10 RESERVED
Epo3y resin adhesi<e for inIe7tion ;ro6tin; of 7on7rete pa<ement m6st 7omp.y Dith the <a.6es for the
properties Dhen tested as shoDn in the fo..oDin; tab.e:
E60<3 Re#' A17e#$e 40r I'=e(/#0' Gr0"/#'8 04 C0'(re/e P%$eme'/
Property Ca.ifornia Test 4-4 (a.6e
"rookfie.d <is7osity) no: - spind.e at 2% rpm)
poise) ma3im6m) at 55 ]F
Part 4) E"rookfie.d (is7osityE %:$
=e. time) min6tes Part #) E=e. TimeE 2B#*
S.ant shear stren;th on dry 7on7rete) minim6m)
psi) after 4 days of 76re in air at 55 Z 2 ]F
Part *) ES.ant Shear
S.ant shear stren;th on Det 7on7rete) minim6m)
psi) after 4 days of 76re in air at 55 Z 2 ]F
Part *) ES.ant Shear
Tensi.e stren;th) minim6m) psi Part 5) ETensi.e Stren;th and
E.on;ationE e37ept test after
4 days of 76re at 55 Z 2 ]F
E.on;ation) \) ma3im6m Part 5) ETensi.e Stren;th and
E.on;ationE e37ept test after
4 days of 76re at 55 Z 2 ]F
For s.ant shear stren;th on 7on7rete) pro7ed6res ",# and ",* do not app.y: Testin; on dry
7on7rete m6st 7omp.y Dith item 2 .isted in the fo..oDin;: Testin; on Det 7on7rete m6st 7omp.y
Dith both of the fo..oDin;:
#: Soak b.o7ks in Dater for 24 ho6rs at 55 Z 2 ]F: Remo<e and Dipe off e37ess Dater:
2: App.y a 7oat of epo3y %:%#% in7h thi7k to ea7h dia;ona. s6rfa7e: P.a7e 4 pie7es of shim
sto7k on # b.o7k to 7ontro. fina. fi.m thi7kness: Shim sto7k pie7es m6st be %:#2 by %:#2*
in7h and %:%#2 in7h thi7k: "efore pressin; the 7oated s6rfa7es to;ether) .ea<e the b.o7ks
s67h that the 7oated s6rfa7es are horiHonta. 6nti. the epo3y rea7ts s.i;ht.y to pre<ent
e37essi<e f.oD:
fo6ndations) e.e7tri7a. systems:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +$*
Abbre<iations::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4
b.ast 7.eanin;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5#*
A77ess ;ates::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5#-
A77ess openin;s) brid;e:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 22+
A7t of =od:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0) +) 45) 02) #%+
A7ti<ity::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0
Addresses:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #-) #4
frames) 7o<ers) ;rates) and 22-
in.ets::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 22-
dispensin; .iG6id::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $+2
types:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $5$
Aeria..y deposited .ead::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5
After initia. roadside 7.earin;) hi;hDay p.antin;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -2-
7oarse:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $50
fine::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $50
;radin;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $55
minor 7on7rete::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $$2
Dashin;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $5+
A;;re;ate bases:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -0-
approa7h s.abs::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 02%
7ompa7tin;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -0*
;rade to.eran7e:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -0*
spreadin;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -04
s6b;rade:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -04
A;;re;ate s6bbases:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -0#
;rade to.eran7e:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -02
A;reements::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -+
Air po..6tion 7ontro.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2%+
Air G6a.ity::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2%+
Air re.ease <a.<e assemb.y:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -#2
A.ternati<e disp6te reso.6tion::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *%
A.ternati<e earth retainin; systems:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *-4
A.ternati<e pipe and pipe ar7h 76.<erts:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5-*
A.ternati<e s.otted pipe:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5-*
A.ternati<e so6nd Da.. systems:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5#-
Ameri7an 8ire =a;e::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $%*
An7hor assemb.ies) o<erside drains) stee.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 55$
brid;e mo6nted si;n str67t6res:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0$%
Antitr6st C.aims:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5%
App.i7ab.e se7tions) bid items:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #
Apprenti7es:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0+
Approa7h s.abs:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0#$
7ementitio6s materia. 7ontent:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 02%
7oeffi7ient of fri7tion::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *+*
7ompressi<e stren;th::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 02%
rapid stren;th 7on7rete:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0#$
smoothness:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *+*
Type N:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 02#
Arbitration::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4$) *%) *2) ##-) #25) #2+) #2$
Ar7haeo.o;i7a. monitor:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2%*
Ar7haeo.o;i7a. monitorin; area::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5) 2%*
Ar7haeo.o;i7a. reso6r7es:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5) 2%*
Ar7hes) str67t6ra. meta. p.ate:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 50-
Areas for 6se::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4-
Armor, 7ond67tors) irri;ation systems::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2$%
Asbestos:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2#%
As,b6i.t draDin;s::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #5) 4%
.iG6id::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #%%$
Aspha.t binder:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4##) 4#0
Aspha.t modifier::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4#2
Aspha.t r6bber binder::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4#2) 4#-) 42#) 42-
Aspha.t r6bber binder desi;n and profi.e::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4#-
Aspha.t treated
permeab.e base::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -5$) -+%
;rade to.eran7e::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -+#
spreadin; and 7ompa7tin;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -+%
Aspha.t treated permeab.e materia.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 554
Aspha.ti7 em6.sions::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #%#$
app.i7ations:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #%2-
Aspha.ti7 p.6; Ioint sea.s::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0%+
Aspha.ts::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #%%*
A6thoriHed Fa7i.ity A6dit List:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0#
A6thoriHed .aboratory::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5) *+) #2%
A6thoriHed Laboratory List::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *+
A6thoriHed ateria. List::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0#
A6thoriHed ateria. So6r7e List::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0#
A6totransformer and rea7tor type ba..asts::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $42
meta. posts::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0$0
str67t6re) 7ement treated) for s.otted 7orr6;ated stee. pipe:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::5*$
"a7kf.oD pre<enters) irri;ation systems::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2++
"a7kp.ates) e.e7tri7a. systems::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $2$
"a.d and =o.den Ea;.e Prote7tion A7t::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2%0
"a.. <a.<es) irri;ation system::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2$*
hi;h press6re sodi6m .amps:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $4#
.oD press6re sodi6m .amps:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $42
"ar reinfor7ement:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 02+
"arri7ades::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #4-
"arriers:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +5*
7on7rete::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +50
thrie beam:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +5*
"ase:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5
"asement materia.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5
a;;re;ate::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -0-) 02%
aspha.t treated permeab.e::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -5$
7ement treated::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -05
7ement treated permeab.e::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -5$
.ean 7on7rete:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -5*
"attery ba7k6p system:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $#5
"ea7ons) f.ashin;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $-*
"endin;) reinfor7ement:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 02$
"ent p.ates
stee. str67t6res::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 05-
"id item:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5
"id Item List::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5) 2-
"id items) app.i7ab.e se7tions:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #
bonds::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2*
ins6ran7e::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2*
se76rity::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 25
"iddersF E37han;e::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #5
"idders se76rity::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2-
"iddin;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #5
do76ment 7omp.etion::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2-
do76ment e3amination::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 22
openin;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 24
protest:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2*
reIe7tion::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 24
re.ief::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 24
ri;;in;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 24
s6bmitta.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2-
s6bmitta. fai.6re history:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 24
tied::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 22
DithdraD.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 24
;eosyntheti7 pa<ement inter.ayer::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4##
hot mi3 aspha.t::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4##) 4#0
open ;raded fri7tion 7o6rse:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4#5
"inder) d6st pa..iati<e::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2*5
"io.o;i7a. reso6r7es::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2%0
"ird prote7tion::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2%0
"it6mino6s sea.s:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -+-
".ast 7.eanin;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5#0
paintin;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5#*
".astin;) earthDork:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 202
"o.ted 7onne7tions
stee. str67t6res::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 054
"ondin; and ;ro6ndin;) e.e7tri7a. systems::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $#2
"ondin; materia.s:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *+-) *+0) 02%
ma;nesi6m phosphate 7on7rete:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *+0
modified hi;h,a.6mina,based 7on7rete:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *+0
port.and,7ement,based 7on7rete:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *+0
"onds:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #*
"ooster p6mp) irri;ation systems::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2+$
"ooster p6mps:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +2*
"ra7in;) Dood str67t6res::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5%2
"reakaDay ;6ard rai. termina. posts:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +0+
"rid;e:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5
"rid;e de7k
;rind::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *#%
;roo<e:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *%$
"rid;e de7k draina;e system:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +-*
"rid;e de7k metha7ry.ate resin treatment::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2--
"rid;e Ioint restrainers::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +-0
bar,type:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +4#
7ab.e,type:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +-0
pipe,type:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +4#
"rid;e mo6nted si;n str67t6res) an7hora;es:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0$%
7ab.e:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +5#
7hain .ink;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +5-
7on7rete::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +52
meta.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +52
pipe;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +5-
stee.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +5# meta.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +52
"rid;e rehabi.itation::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 22$
brid;e de7k metha7ry.ate resin treatment:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2--
7ore and press6re ;ro6t doDe.s::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 24%
7ore 7on7rete::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2-$
epo3y 7ra7k inIe7tion:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 24%
po.yester 7on7rete o<er.ay::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2-0
po.yester 7on7rete o<er.ay) e3pansion dams:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2-$
prepare 7on7rete de7k s6rfa7e::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 22$
rapid settin; 7on7rete pat7h::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2-%
refinish brid;e de7k:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2-2
remo<e aspha.t 7on7rete s6rfa7in;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2-%
remo<e 7hip sea.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2-%
remo<e 7on7rete de7k s6rfa7e::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2-%
remo<e 6nso6nd 7on7rete:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2-%
repair spa..ed s6rfa7e area::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2-#
"rid;e remo<a.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 22*
a77ess openin;s:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 22+
prote7ti<e 7o<ers:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 220
Dood:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5%%
"riG6ettes:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 42#
"6i.din;,7onstr67tion 7ontra7t:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5
"6ried man,made obIe7ts) earthDork:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 20%
"6y Ameri7a:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *5
Cab.e;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +5#
Ca.ifornia 7ompany:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 22
Ca.ifornia Test:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5) *$
Cam assemb.y) irri;ation system:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2$5
Casin;s for brid;es) mis7e..aneo6s draina;e fa7i.ities::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5+5
7arbon stee.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 00$) 052
;ray iron::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 00$) 052
ma..eab.e iron::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 00$) 052
Cast,in,p.a7e 7on7rete *0%
CID? 7on7rete *0#
CISS 7on7rete *5#
dri<en stee. she..s fi..ed Dith 7on7rete:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *5#
Cement:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $5-
Cement mortar
reinfor7ed 7on7rete pipe Ioints::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 54$
Cement treated
permeab.e base::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -5$
;rade to.eran7e::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -+#
spreadin; and 7ompa7tin;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -+%
Cement treated bases::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -05
7ompa7tin;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -5#
7onstr67tion Ioints:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -52
76rin; sea.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -5-
;rade to.eran7e:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -52
operation time reG6irement:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -52
p.ant,mi3ed:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -0$
road,mi3ed::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -0+
s6b;rade:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -0+
Cement treated permeab.e materia.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 554
Cement treated str67t6re ba7kfi.. for s.otted 7orr6;ated stee. pipe::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::5*$
Cementitio6s materia. 7ontent
7on7rete::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $0+
7on7rete str67t6res::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *+0) 0#0) 0#5) 02%
7orrosi<e en<ironment:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $+0
freeHe,thaD area:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $+5
minor 7on7rete::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $$2
pre7ast 7on7rete::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $$5
rapid stren;th 7on7rete:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *+5
Certifi7ate of 7omp.ian7e::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5) 0#
Certifi7ations:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -+
Certified Ind6stria. ?y;ienist:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5
Certified payro.. re7ords::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 00
7ertify ba7kf.oD pre<enters:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2++
Chain .ink
fen7e:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +*4
Chain .ink;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +5-
Chan;e Order:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2$
appro<a.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2$
bi..s::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 42
Chan;e order Dork:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5
Chan;eab.e messa;e si;ns) portab.e:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #*#
Chan;es:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2$
Dork 7hara7ter:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2$) #24
Channe.iHers:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #45
Charpy (,not7h testin;
str67t6ra. stee.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 05#
Che7k testin;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 004
Che7k <a.<es) irri;ation system::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2$0
Che7ks::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #*
Chemi7a. adhesi<es::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *+4) *+*
CID? 7on7rete *0#
CISS 7on7rete *5#
C.ass # s6rfa7e finish::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *$*
C.ass 2 s6rfa7e finish::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *$0
C.ass N stee. pipe **0
C.ass R stee. pipe **5
C.ean6p::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -2
C.earin; and ;r6bbin;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2*-
C.os6re:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #*-
C.os6re s7hed6.e::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #**
Coated De.ded stee. pipe) mis7e..aneo6s draina;e fa7i.ities:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::5+2
Coatin;s:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5#*
for str67t6ra. stee.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5#$
Code) re;6.ations) and e.e7tri7a. systems::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +$#
Cofferdams:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 20-
Co.ored 7on7rete::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *+5) *$2
Commer7ia. G6a.ity:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5
Commer7ia. so6r7e:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5
Compa7tion::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 25-
Compa7tion eG6ipment:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -+%
7ement treated permeab.e bases::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -+%
sea. 7oats::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -+5
Compa7tion eG6ipment) earthDork:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 250
Composite stee. spira. rib pipe Dith smooth interior::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5*$
Compressi<e stren;th
7on7rete::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $0$) $52
7on7rete str67t6res::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *+0) 02%
minor 7on7rete::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $$#
pre7ast 7on7rete::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $$5
rapid stren;th 7on7rete:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *+4) *+5
se.f,7onso.idatin; 7on7rete::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $$$
Con7rete:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $05
admi3t6res::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $5$
a;;re;ate::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $5*
a;;re;ate ;radin;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $55
ba7kfi..) pipe tren7hes::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5-0
ba7kfi..) s.otted p.asti7 pipe::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 54-
7ementitio6s materia. 7ontent::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $0+) $+5) $$2
7ementitio6s materia.s::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $52
7hanne. .inin;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5$4
7ompressi<e stren;th::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *+0) $0$) $52) $$#) $$5) $$$
7orrosi<e en<ironment:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $+0
76rb ramps::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +%-
76rb ramps /76rb ramps1:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +%0
76rbs and sideDa.ks::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +%-
76rin;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $++) $$+
dei7in; 7hemi7a.s) e3posed to::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $+5
dit7h .inin;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5$4
dri<eDays::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +%0
e3pansion Ioints) 76rbs::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +%4
freeHe,thaD area:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $+5
;6tter depressions:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +%-) +%0
;6tter .inin;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5$4
is.and pa<in;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +%-) +%0
members) prestressin;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *5*
minor:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $$#
mi3in;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $+-) $$2) $$0
pa<ement) 7ra7kin; e3istin;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4$$
pa<ement) port.and 7ement:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4*$
pa<ement) sea.ed Ioints::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4$0
pre7ast::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0#*) $$5
preG6a.ifi7ation::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $5#) $$$
proportionin;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $+%) $$2) $$*
prote7tin;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $+4) $$#
rapid settin; pat7h) brid;e:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2-%
rapid stren;th::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $$-
remo<a. for e3istin; fa7i.ities:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 224
se.f,7onso.idatin;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $$$
shrinka;e:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $0$) $52
s.ope pa<in;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5$0
s.ope prote7tion:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5$4
s6pp.ementary 7ementitio6s materia.s::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $5-) $$5
te3t6red and 7o.ored:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +%-) +%5
transportin;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $+-) $$2
6niformity:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $0$) $52) $$*
Dater) mi3in;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $5+) $$2
Dater) G6antity of:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $+4) $+*) $$2
Con7rete an7hora;e de<i7es::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +--
Con7rete ba7kfi..:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 205
Con7rete barrier::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +50
Con7rete pa<ement smoothness) PCC pa<ement::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 40*
Con7rete;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +52
Con7rete str67t6res::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *+-
7ementitio6s materia. 7ontent::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *+0) 0#0) 0#5) 02%
7ompressi<e stren;th::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *+5) 02%
pier 7o.6mns::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *$*
pre7ast::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0#*) 02*
preG6a.ifi7ation::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *+4
sea. 7o6rse::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *$#
Con7reted,ro7k s.ope prote7tion:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5$#
Cond67tor tab.e) e.e7tri7a. systems::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $%*
e.e7tri7a. systems::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $%*
identifi7ation) e.e7tri7a. systems::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $%*
e.e7tri7a. systems::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +$$
e3pansion fittin;s) e.e7tri7a. systems::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $%-
Cond6its for irri;ation 7rosso<ers) irri;ation systems::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2$2
Cones) traffi7:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #4$
Confined spa7e:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5%
Constr67tion area si;ns::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #4*
Constr67tion Ioints::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *$2
Constr67tion site monitorin; pro;ram:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #00
Constr67tion s6r<eys::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4#
Contamination:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2##
Contin;en7y #*0
Contra7t::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5
a77eptan7e::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5) --) *0
aDard::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2*
7omp.etion date:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5
7omp.ian7e fai.6re:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: --
e3e76tion:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2*
fai.6re of enfor7ement:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: --
form:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 20
hierar7hy of 7omponents:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: --
intent:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2$
termination::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #%5) #%+
time::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -#) #%2) #%*) #%5) ##+) #22
Contra7tor:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5
representati<e:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -+
Contra7tor ;enerated haHardo6s Daste::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2#2
p6mp) booster:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +25
p6mp) p6mpin; p.ant e.e7tri7a. eG6ipment::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +2#
Contro. and ne6tra. 7ond67tors) irri;ation systems::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::2$%
Contro. <a.<es) irri;ation system:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2$0
Contro..ed .oD,stren;th materia.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 200) 25# assemb.ies
traffi7 si;na.
ode. #5%E and ode. 2%5%:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $#5 7abinets
e.e7tri7a. systems::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $#$; a7ti<ity:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5
Con<ersion tab.e
aspha.ti7 em6.sions:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #%24
Coordination) other entities:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -+
Core and press6re ;ro6t doDe.s:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 24%
Core 7on7rete:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2-$
Corrosion prote7tion) restrainers:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +-+
Corr6;ated a.6min6m pipe:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5*5
Corr6;ated meta. pipe::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5*-
a.6min6m::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5*5
stee.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5**
Corr6;ated meta. pipe ar7h::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5*-
Corr6;ated meta. pipe) mis7e..aneo6s draina;e fa7i.ities::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::5+#
Corr6;ated stee. pipe:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5**
f.a;;in;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #4#; bands) 7orr6;ated meta. pipe::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5**
Cra7k treatment::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4%5
Crash 76shion mod6.e) temporary::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #*2
Crib Da..::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *-#
reinfor7ed 7on7rete:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *-#
stee.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *--
Crib Da..s::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 25%
Criti7a. de.ay:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5
Criti7a. path:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5
Criti7a. path method::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +
Criti7a. path method s7hed6.e
Le<e. #::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $5
Le<e. 2::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $+
Le<e. -::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #%%
Cr6mb r6bber modifier::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4#2
C6.ti<ate) hi;hDay p.antin;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -24
C6.t6ra. reso6r7es:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2%*
C6.<ert::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +
C6.<ert beddin;s:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 200) 25#
C6.<ert rehabi.itation:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 24#
ma7hine spira. Do6nd P(C pipe.iners:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2*%
C6rb 7onstr67tion
e3tr6ded::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +%4
s.ip,form::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +%4
C6rb ramps) 7on7rete:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +%-) +%0
C6rb ramps) dete7tab.e Darnin; s6rfa7e::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +%-
C6rbs and sideDa.ks
7on7rete::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +%-
e3istin;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +%-
C6rin; 7ompo6nd:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $+$
testin;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $5#
Dater .oss::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $++
C6rin; 7on7rete::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $++
76rin; 7ompo6nd method::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $+$
forms,in,p.a7e method::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $$#
pre7ast) steam:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $$+
Dater for::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $5+) $$2
Dater method::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $++
Daterproof membrane method::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $$%
C6rin; 7on7rete str67t6res::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *$+
C6rin; sea.
7ement treated bases::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -5-
Dama;e repair and restoration:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 45
Dampproofin;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0**
Data date::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +
Day:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +
b6siness day:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +
Dorkin; day:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +
De7k b.eeder drain::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *$4
De7k sea.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 00%
De7ks) brid;e
b.eeder drains:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *$4
7ementitio6s materia. 7ontent:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *+0
7oeffi7ient of fri7tion::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *+*
7ra7k intensity:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *+*
76rin;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *$+
p.a7in; 7on7rete::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *$#
rapid stren;th 7on7rete:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *+5
remo<in; forms:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *+$
smoothness:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *+*
De7omposed ;ranite:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ---
Ded67tion:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +
thi7kness) a;;re;ate bases::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -0*
thi7kness) a;;re;ate s6bbases:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -02
thi7kness) 7ement treated bases:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -5-
De.ay::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #%*
De.ineators:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +0-
markers and::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +0-
portab.e:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #4*
De.i<ery) stora;e) and;
stee. str67t6res::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 055
Density 7ores::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 42#
Department:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +
Department,f6rnished materia.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *5
Department,;enerated haHardo6s Daste::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2#2
Department,oDned f.oat:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #2
Depressions) 7on7rete ;6tter::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +%0
Des7ribed) interpretation:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #
pedestrian p6sh b6tton assemb.ies:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $-$
ind67ti<e .oop:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $-0
ma;neti7::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $-$
Determination of pi.e .en;th::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *45
Deto6r:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +
traffi7;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #4#
Differin; site 7onditions:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2$
Dire7t desi;n method) reinfor7ed 7on7rete pipe:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 54+
Dire7tor:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +
Dire7tor days::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #%5
Disab.ed (eteran "6siness Enterprise::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +) 2%) -5
Disad<anta;ed "6siness Enterprise:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #+) 20) -0
!nder6ti.iHed:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #+) -5
Dis7onne7t sp.i7e 7onne7tors) f6sed:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $#2
Disposa.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +) -2
materia. on nonhi;hDay property::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -$
Distri7t:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #-
Di<ided hi;hDay:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +
Do6;.as fir::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5%%
DoDndrains) pipe
a.6min6m::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 55$
p.asti7::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 55$
stee.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 55$
in.ets::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 02*
Draina;e app6rtenan7es) mis7e..aneo6s draina;e fa7i.ities::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::5+-
Draina;e markers) mis7e..aneo6s draina;e fa7i.ities:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::5+0
Draina;e p6mpin; eG6ipment:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +#-
horiHonta.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 552
o<erside::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 55$
p.asti7 pipe) horiHonta.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 552
s6bs6rfa7e::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 50$
eG6ipment .ists and e.e7tri7a. systems::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +$2
Dri.. and bond doDe. /7hemi7a. adhesi<e1::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *$4
Dri.. and bond doDe.s:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *$-
Dri..ed *0+; to assist pi.e dri<in;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: **2
predri..ed **-
Dri<en **#
pre7ast prestressed 7on7rete **+
stee. pipe **-
stee. sheet *0%
stee. she..s::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *5#
str67t6ra. shape stee. **+
Dri<en stee. she..s:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *5#
Dri<eDays) 7on7rete:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +%0
Dri<in; system s6bmitta.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: **#
traffi7) p.asti7:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #*%
D6st 7ontro.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2%+
D6st pa..iati<e:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2%+) 2*5
Dynami7 monitorin;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *4+
Ear.y 7omp.etion time:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +
Earth retainin; systems::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *25
a.ternati<e:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *-4
EarthDork:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2*$
borroD materia.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 25+
7offerdams::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 20-) 20+
7ompa7tion::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 25-
defi7ien7y materia.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 20#
dit7h e37a<ation::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 20%
embankment 7onstr67tion:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 254
;ro6nd an7hor Da..s::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 204) 25#
re.ati<e 7ompa7tion:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 25-
roadDay e37a<ation::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 20%
se.e7ted materia.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 20%
sett.ement periods:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 250
s.ides and s.ipo6ts:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 202
s.opes::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 202
soi. nai. Da..s:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 204) 25#
so.dier pi.e Da..s::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 20-
str67t6re e37a<ation and ba7kfi..:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 20-
s6r7har;e::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 250
s6rp.6s materia.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 20#
6ns6itab.e materia.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2*$
Ed;e drains::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 554
Ed;in;) hi;hDay p.antin;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -2%
E.astomeri7 bearin; pads:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0#2
E.e7tri7a. materia.s and eG6ipment) irri;ation systems:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2++
E.e7tri7a. ser<i7e) e.e7tri7a. systems:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $#-
E.e7tri7a. systems
ba7kp.ates:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $2$
battery ba7k6p system::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $#5
bondin; and ;ro6ndin;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $#2 $%5
7ond67tor identifi7ation:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $%*
7ond67tor tab.e::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $%*
7ond67tors::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $%*
7ond6it::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +$$ 7abinets:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $#$
eG6ipment .ist and draDin;s::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +$2
e37a<atin; and;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +$4
e3pansion fittin;s) 7ond6it:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $%-
fa.seDork .i;htin;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $*-
fie.d testin;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $#*
first order of Dork::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +$4
fi3t6res) ind67tion si;n .i;htin;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $45
f.ashin; bea7ons:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $-*
fo6ndations:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +$*
f6sed sp.i7e 7onne7tors:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $#2
;a.<aniHin;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $#*
;6ard posts:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +$5
hi;h press6re sodi6m .amp ba..asts::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $4#
hi;h press6re sodi6m .amps:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $42
hi;h press6re sodi6m .6minaires:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $-$
identifi7ation bands) 7ond67tor::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $%*
interna..y i..6minated street name si;ns::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $4$
.i;ht emittin; diode si;na. mod6.e:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $24
.oD press6re sodi6m .6minaires::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $42
.6minaires) hi;h press6re sodi6m::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $-$
.6minaires) .oD press6re sodi6m:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $42
.6minaires) soffit and Da..::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $44
maintainin; e3istin; and temporary e.e7tri7a. systems::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::+$-
mast arms:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +$0
materia.s and insta..ation:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +$4
materia.s testin;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $#4
ode. #5%E and ode. 2%5% assemb.ies::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $#5
n6mberin; e.e7tri7a. eG6ipment::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $#5
paintin;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $#*
pa<ement i..6mination) fa.seDork::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $*4
pedestrian 7rossin; .i;htin; fi3t6res::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $4*
pedestrian p6sh b6tton assemb.ies:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $-$
pedestrian Da.kDay i..6mination thro6;h fa.seDork:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $*4
photoe.e7tri7 7ontro.s::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $*#
pro;rammed <isibi.ity <ehi7.e si;na. fa7es::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $-%
p6.. bo3es::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $%-
ramp meterin; si;n:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $-4
re;6.ations and 7ode:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +$#
re;6.ator type ba..asts:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $42; remo<ed e.e7tri7a. eG6ipment:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $**
remo<in; and rep.a7in; impro<ements:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +$4
remo<in;); and sa.<a;in; e.e7tri7a. eG6ipment:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::$*4
sa.<a;in; e.e7tri7a. eG6ipment::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $*4
s7hed6.e of <a.6es::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +$2; of Dork::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +$4
ser<i7e:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $#-
si;n .i;htin; fi3t6res) ind67tion::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $45
si;na. 7ab.e:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $%5
si;na. fa7es) .i;ht emittin; diode pedestrian::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $-#
si;na. fa7es) .i;ht emittin; diode) <ehi7.e::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $24
si;na. fa7es) pedestrian::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $-%
si;na. fa7es) <ehi7.e::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $22
si;na. mo6ntin; assemb.ies::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $-4
si;na. se7tions:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $22
si;na. se7tions /ho6sin;1:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $22
s.ip bases::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +$5
soffit and Da.. .6minaires:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $44
sp.i7e ins6.ation:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $##
sp.i7in; 7ond67tors::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $#%
standards) stee. pedesta.s) and posts::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +$0
traffi7 p6.. bo3es::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $%4
traffi7 si;na. fa7e and fittin;s:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $22
transformers::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $*2
transformers) s6bmersib.e type:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $*-
<isors:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $24
Da.. .6minaires) soffit and::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $44
Dirin;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $%$
Dirin; dia;rams:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +$2
Dood $#4
me7hani7a..y stabi.iHed:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *25
Embankment 7onstr67tion::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 254
Emissions red67tion::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0-
aspha.ti7::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #%#$
paintin;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5#0
En7.os6res) paintin;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5#$
Endan;ered Spe7ies A7t::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2%0
En;ineer:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +
a6thority::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: --
by the::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #
to the:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #
Entran7e tapers
a.6min6m::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 55$
stee.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 55$
En<ironmenta..y sensiti<e area:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $) 2##
En<ironmenta..y Sensiti<e Area::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2%-
Epo3y::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #%2*
binder::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #%2*
bondin; fresh.y mi3ed 7on7rete to hardened 7on7rete:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::#%20
press6re inIe7tion ;ro6tin; of 7on7rete pa<ement:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #%25
rapid set for pa<ement markers:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #%20
sea.ant for ind67ti<e .oops:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #%25
standard set for pa<ement markers:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #%20
Epo3y 7ra7k inIe7tion) brid;e::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 24%
prefabri7ated reinfor7ement::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0-%) 0--
reinfor7ement::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0-%) 0-2
Epo3y,7oated and epo3y,7oated prefabri7ated reinfor7ement:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::0-%
EG6a.iHin; bo.ts::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +-2
booster p6mps::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +2*
draina;e p6mpin;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +#-
identifi7ation::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4-
.ist and draDin;s) e.e7tri7a. systems:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +$2
p6mpin; and 7ontro.s::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +%$
p6mpin; p.ant e.e7tri7a.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +#+
Erosion 7ontro.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -4#
G6a.ity 7ontro. and ass6ran7e:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -4#
s6bmitta.s::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -4#
Erosion 7ontro.) app.i7ation:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -4$
bonded fiber matri3:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -*%
7ompost::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -*%
7ompost so7ks::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -*#
dri.. seed::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -*%
dry seed::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -*%
d6ff::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -4$
fiber ro..s:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -*#
hydrom6.7h:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -4$
hydroseed:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -4$
in7orporate materia.s:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -*%
po.ymer stabi.iHed fiber matri3:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -*%
ro..ed erosion 7ontro. prod67ts::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -*#
site preparation:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -4$
straD:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -*%
topsoi.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -4$
Erosion 7ontro.) materia.s:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -42
7ompost::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -44
7ompost so7ks::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -4+
d6ff::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -42
fasteners:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -4+
ferti.iHer:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -44
fiber:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -42
fiber ro..s:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -4+
ro..ed erosion 7ontro. prod67ts::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -40
b.ankets:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -45
I6te mesh:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -40
nettin;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -40
t6rf reinfor7ement mats::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -45
seed::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -44
straD:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -44
ta7kifier::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -4-
bonded fiber matri3::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -44
po.ymer stabi.iHed fiber matri3:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -44
topsoi.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -42
Erosion 7ontro.) payment::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -*2
Estimated 7ost::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $
E37a<atin; and;) e.e7tri7a. systems::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +$4
E37a<ation::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5) 2$) 44) 0$) 5#) 5-) 54
re;iona. notifi7ation 7enter::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4*
E376sab.e de.ay:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $
76rbs and sideDa.ks::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +%-
E3istin; and temporary e.e7tri7a. systems) maintainin;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +$-
E3istin; fa7i.ities:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2#*
abandon::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 22%
adI6st::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 22-
brid;e rehabi.itation:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 22$
brid;e rehabi.itation) brid;e de7k metha7ry.ate resin treatment:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::2--
brid;e rehabi.itation) 7ore and press6re ;ro6t doDe.s::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::24%
brid;e rehabi.itation) 7ore 7on7rete:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2-$
brid;e rehabi.itation) epo3y 7ra7k inIe7tion::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 24%
brid;e rehabi.itation) po.yester 7on7rete o<er.ay:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2-0
brid;e rehabi.itation) rapid settin; 7on7rete pat7h:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2-%
brid;e rehabi.itation) refinish brid;e de7k::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2-2
brid;e rehabi.itation) repair spa..ed s6rfa7e area:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2-#
brid;e remo<a.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 22*
brid;e remo<a.) a77ess openin;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 22+
brid;e remo<a.) prote7ti<e 7o<ers:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 220
7on7rete remo<a.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 224
76.<ert rehabi.itation::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 24#
76.<ert rehabi.itation) ma7hine spira. Do6nd P(C pipe.iners::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::2*%
destroy::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 22#
hi;hDay irri;ation fa7i.ities::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2#*
modify:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 22#
ob.iterate roads) deto6rs) and s6rfa7in;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2#0
re7onstr67t::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 22%
re.ay::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 224
re.o7ate:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 222
remode.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 224
remo<e 7ab.e 7hain .ink barriers::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2#+
remo<e 7ontrast treatment::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2#5
remo<e draina;e fa7i.ities:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2#+
remo<e irri;ation fa7i.ities::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2#+
remo<e meta. beam ;6ard;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2#+
remo<e pa<ement:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2#0
remo<e pa<ement markers:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2#5
remo<e roadside si;ns::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2#+
remo<e s6bbase) base) and bit6minio6s s6rfa7in;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::2#0
remo<e traffi7 stripes and pa<ement markin;s::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2#5
reset::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 22#
sa.<a;e::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2#+
E3istin; hi;hDay p.antin;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2+*
E3panded po.ystyrene::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *$$
E3pansion fittin;s) 7ond6it) e.e7tri7a. systems::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $%-
E3pansion Ioints
7on7rete 76rbs:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +%4
7on7rete sideDa.ks::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +%5
E3p.oratory Dork) horiHonta. drains:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 55-
E3tra Dork:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $) 2$
E3tra Dork performed by spe7ia.ists:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ##5
E3tr6ded 76rb 7onstr67tion:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +%4
si;n str67t6res:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0$#
stee. str67t6res::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 052
Fa.seDork:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *-5) *+-
.i;htin;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $*-
pa<ement i..6mination:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $*4
pedestrian Da.kDay i..6mination::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $*4
porta. i..6mination::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $*4
stee. str67t6res::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 055
Fastener threads:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 05-
stee. str67t6res::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 00$
Fayin; and bearin; s6rfa7es
stee. str67t6res::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 052
Federa.,aid 7ontra7t::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $
Fen7es::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +4$
7hain .ink:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +*4
7onne7tions to e3istin;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +4$
;ates:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +*+
temporary::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +4$
Type CL:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +*4
Types "8 and 8:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +*%
Ferti.iHer) hi;hDay p.antin;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -#$
Fie.d .eaka;e testin; for 76.<ert and draina;e pipes::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::5-#
Fie.d testin;) e.e7tri7a. systems::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $#*
Fie.d tests) irri;ation systems:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -#%
Fi.ter assemb.y 6nits) irri;ation systems:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2$%
Fi.ter fabri7::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $*$
Fina. pay item::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $) ##2
Finished ;rade) earthDork::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2*$
Finishin; roadDay:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -*-
First order of Dork
e.e7tri7a. systems::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +$4
Fish prote7tion::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2%5
Fi3ed 7ost:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $
Fi3t6res) .i;htin;
ind67tion si;n .i;htin;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $45
pedestrian 7rossin;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $4*
F.a; trees) te.es7opin;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #4$
F.a;;ers::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #4#
F.a;;in;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #4#
7osts::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #4#
F.ared end se7tions) mis7e..aneo6s draina;e fa7i.ities:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5+4
F.ashin; arroD si;ns:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #44
F.ashin; bea7ons::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $-*
F.e3ib.e hose) irri;ation systems:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2$%
F.e3ib.e posts) markers and de.ineators:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +04
F.oat::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $) #%2
F.6me doDndrains
a.6min6m::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 55$
stee.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 55$
F.6sh <a.<es) irri;ation system::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2$5
Fo; sea. 7oat::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -+-
Foi.a;e prote7tor) hi;hDay p.antin;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -2%
For7e a77o6nt
eG6ipment renta.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ##*
;enera.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ##4
.abor::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ##4
materia.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ##4
For7e a77o6nt Dork::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $
Form F?8A,#25-:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5+
Form .iners::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *$5
Form pane.s::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *+-) *++
Formed re.ief te3t6re:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *$5
Forms:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: --) *++
Fo6ndation preparation:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 254
e.e7tri7a. systems::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +$*
Fra7t6red rib te3t6re:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *$5
Framed bents) Dood str67t6res::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5%2
Framin;) Dood str67t6res:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5%#
FreeHe,thaD areas::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #4
F6rnish si;n pane.s:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0+#
F6sed sp.i7ed 7onne7tors) e.e7tri7a. systems:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $#2
=abions::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5$+
=a.<aniHed reinfor7ement:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0-4
=a.<aniHin;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +42
e.e7tri7a. systems::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $#*
=amma,;amma .o;;in;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *04
=arden <a.<es) irri;ation systems:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2$5
=ate <a.<es) irri;ation system:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2$5
=eo7omposite drain systems:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 550
=eo7omposite strip membrane:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $0-
=eosyntheti7 pa<ement inter.ayer:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4##) 424) 42*
=eosyntheti7 reinfor7ed embankment::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 254) 255
=eosyntheti7 reinfor7ement::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $0%
=eosyntheti7s:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $*$
fi.ter fabri7:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $*$
;eo7omposite strip membrane::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $0-
;eosyntheti7 reinfor7ement:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $0%
;ra<e.,fi..ed ba;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $0%
pa<in; fabri7::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $02
pa<in; ;eo7omposite ;rid:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $0-
pa<in; ;rid::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $0-
pa<in; mat::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $02
ro7k s.ope prote7tion fabri7:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $02
sediment fi.ter ba;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $0#
si.t fen7e fabri7::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $0%
s6b;rade enhan7ement ;eote3ti.e::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $04
temporary 7o<er::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $0#
Da.. drain:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $*$
=.ass beads) traffi7 stripes and pa<ement markin;s::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ++#
to.eran7e) a;;re;ate bases:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -0*
to.eran7e) 7ement treated bases:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -52
to.eran7e) .ean 7on7rete base:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -55
to.eran7e) treated permeab.e bases::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -+#
=rade to.eran7e) earthDork::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2*$
=radin; p.ane:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $
=ratin;s) stee. Da.kDay) si;n str67t6res:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0$%
=ra<e. m6.7h::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: --*
=ra<e.,fi..ed ba;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $0%
=roo<e and ;rind pa<ement:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *%$
=ro6nd an7hor Da..s) earthDork:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 204
=ro6nd an7hors::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *#-) *#0
=ro6ndin;) bondin; and) e.e7tri7a. systems:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $#2
=ro6t:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *+5
=6arantee:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0#
=6ard posts) e.e7tri7a. systems::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +$5
=6tter depressions) 7on7rete::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +%-) +%0
?and 7.eanin;) paintin;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $#0
? si;na. and .i;htin; standards:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +$0
?;) pipe:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +5-
?ardDare) Dood str67t6res:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0$$
?aHardo6s Daste::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2#2
?aHardo6s Daste and 7ontamination::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2#%
?aHardo6s Daste mana;ement::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2#%
?aHardo6s Daste manifest:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2#%
?aHardo6s Daste stora;e:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2#%
?aHardo6s Daste transport and disposa.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2#-
?eaded bar reinfor7ement::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0-4
?eadin;s::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #
?ea<y abrasi<e b.ast te3t6re::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *$5
?ee. resistant ;rate:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 54-
?em,Fir:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5%%
?i;h press6re sodi6m .amp ba..asts:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $4#
?i;h press6re sodi6m .amps::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $42
?i;h stren;th fasteners
stee. str67t6res::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 00$
?i;hDay::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $
?i;hDay irri;ation fa7i.ities) e3istin; fa7i.ities::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2#*
?i;hDay p.antin;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -#5
materia.s:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -#+
p.ant estab.ishment Dork:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -2$
preparin; p.antin; area:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -2-
roadside 7.earin;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -22
Daterin;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2+4
?i;hDay post markers::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +0-) +0*
definition::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $
do76ment s6bmitta.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4%
?oriHonta. drains:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 552
?ot mi3 aspha.t:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4##
Id.e eG6ipment::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $
I..6minated street name si;ns) interna..y:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $4$
Imperati<e mood:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #
Indemnifi7ation:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 54
Ind67tion si;n .i;htin; fi3t6res:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $45
Informa.,bid 7ontra7t:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #%
Information ?ando6t:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #5) 0$
Initia.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -2- depressions) mis7e..aneo6s draina;e fa7i.ities:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5+*
a77ess:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: --
fina.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *0
reG6est::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0%
Inspe7tion) Iob site::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0#
Insta..ation tension testin;
stee. str67t6res::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 00$
Ins6.ation) sp.i7e) e.e7tri7a. systems:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $##
Ins6ran7e::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5*
Inter7onne7t 7ab.e) e.e7tri7a. systems::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $%$
Interna..y i..6minated street name si;ns::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $4$
Iron s6.fate) hi;hDay p.antin;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -2%
Irri;ation 7ontro..ers) irri;ation systems::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2$#
Irri;ation systems::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2+5
ba7kf.oD pre<enter assemb.y::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2++
booster p6mp::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2+$
7ertify ba7kf.oD pre<enters::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2++
7he7k and test e3istin; irri;ation fa7i.ities:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -%%
7ond67tors) e.e7tri7a. 7ond6it and p6.. bo3es::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2$%
7ond6it for irri;ation 7rosso<ers::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2$2
e.e7tri7a. ser<i7e insta..ations::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -%+
fie.d tests:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -#%
Irri;ation 7ontro..ers:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2$#
maintain e3istin; Dater s6pp.y::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2$$
materia.s:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2++
Pipe:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2$-
press6re tests::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -%$
Remote 7ontro. <a.<e a7t6ator system::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2$4 7ontro. 7rosso<er::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2$2
testin;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -%$) -#%
tren7hin; and;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -%-
<a.<e bo3es:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2$+
Dater .ine 7rosso<ers::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2$2
Dirin; p.ans and dia;rams::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2+5
Is.and pa<in;) 7on7rete:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +%-) +%0
pa<ement::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4$%
Cob site:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #%
Cob site appearan7e:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4-
Cob site e3amination:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 22
Cob site mana;ement:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #54
Coint sea. assemb.ies R L 4 in7hes::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0%0
Coint sea. assemb.ies R X 4 in7hes::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0%4
76.<ert and draina;e pipe::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 52$
76.<ert and draina;e pipe performan7e spe7ifi7ations:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::5-%
e3pansion) 7on7rete 76rbs::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +%4
e3pansion) 7on7rete sideDa.ks::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +%5
p.asti7 pipe 76.<ert:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 54%
repair of spa..ed:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4$#
r6bber ;asketed) reinfor7ed 7on7rete pipe::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 54$
siphons) 7orr6;ated meta. pipe:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5**
s.ip) o<erside drains
a.6min6m:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 55$
stee.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 55$
Labor Code:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0*
Labor S6r7har;e and EG6ipment Renta. Rates::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #%
timber::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5%-
Laminated Dood bo3 posts) si;ns:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0$*
Lands7ape::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2+-
definition::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #%
p.ant dama;e::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 44
repair of dama;e:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4+
LaDs:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0-
federa.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5+
Lead 7omp.ian7e 5%
Lean 7on7rete ba7kfi..:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 205
Lean 7on7rete base::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -5*
76rin;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -55
;rade to.eran7e:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -55
p.a7in;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -50
proportionin;) mi3in; and transportin;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -50
spreadin;) 7ompa7tin; and shapin;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -55
s6b;rade:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -50
Le;a. a7tions a;ainst the Department::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 55
7ontra7tor) federa.,aid 7ontra7t::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2*
7ontra7tor) non,federa.,aid 7ontra7t:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2*
Ioint <ent6re bidder::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2*
s6b7ontra7tors:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -0
Li7enses:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -+
Li;ht emittin; diode si;na. mod6.e
pedestrian si;na.s:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $-#
<ehi7.e si;na.s:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $24
a6totransformer and rea7tor type ba..asts:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $42
e.e7tri7a. systems::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $-$
fa.seDork:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $*-
fa.seDork porta. i..6mination::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $*4
fi3t6res) pedestrian 7rossin;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $4*
fi3t6res) si;n .i;htin;) ind67tion:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $45
nonre;6.ator type ba..asts:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $42
pa<ement i..6mination) fa.seDork::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $*4
photoe.e7tri7 7ontro.s::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $*#
porta. i..6mination::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $*4
si;n i..6mination 7ontro.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $#4
Da.kDay i..6mination thro6;h fa.seDork::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $*4
Stabi.iHed Soi.s::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -*5
Lime Stabi.iHed Soi.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -**
.ime:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -*5
LiG6id aspha.t:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #%%$
LiG6idated dama;es:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #%0
Listed spe7ies:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #%
Lists::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2
Load .imits::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4*
Load test *4+
Lo7ation marker) irri;ation systems::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2$-
Lo;s of test borin;s::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #5
hi;h press6re sodi6m::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $-$
.oD press6re sodi6m:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $42
soffit and Da..::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $44
a;nesi6m phosphate 7on7rete:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *+0
aintain traffi7
7.os6re s7hed6.e:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #**
aintainin; e3istin; and temporary e.e7tri7a. systems:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +$-
aintainin; traffi7
brid;e paintin; and 7.eanin; operations::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #**
7ontin;en7y #*0
sea. 7oats::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #*4
aintainin; Traffi7:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #*-
aintenan7e and prote7tion re.ief:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 45
anho.e frames and 7o<ers:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +-#
an6a. 7ontro. <a.<es) irri;ation system:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2$0
arkers:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +0-
and de.ineators::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +0-
pa<ement::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ++5
ass 7on7rete::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *0%) 02-
ast arms) e.e7tri7a. systems:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +$0
ateria.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #%
7ontro. of:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *5
Department f6rnished::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *5
fo6nd on the Iob site::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2$
f6rnishin; of::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: --
.o7a.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *5
neD:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *5
on hand:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #24
pro76rement from nonhi;hDay property::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -$
proportionin;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4-
so6r7e:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *5
so6r7e inspe7tion::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0%
so6r7e testin;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0%
stora;e::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *+
ateria.; eG6ipment .ane:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 45
ateria. shorta;e::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #%
stee. str67t6res::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 00$
str67t6ra. stee.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 00$) 05#
ateria.s and insta..ation) e.e7tri7a. systems::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +$4
ateria.s) PCC pa<ement:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 40+
ateria.,so6r7e fa7i.ity a6dit:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #%
eas6rement::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ###
a;;re;ate::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ##2
imported top soi.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ##2
m6.7h:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ##2
roadDay materia.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ##2
soi. amendment:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ##2
eas6rin; de<i7es::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4-
e7hani7a..y stabi.iHed embankment:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *25
edian::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #%
embers) prestressed 7on7rete:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *5*
embrane Daterproofin;
and prote7ti<e 7o<er::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0*+
aspha.t::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0**
de7k sea.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 00%
preformed::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0*0
eta. beam ;6ard;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +05
stee. posts:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +0+
termina. an7hor assemb.ies::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +0$
Dood posts::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +0+
eta. posts
markers and de.ineators::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +04
roadside si;ns:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0$4
eta.;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +52
eta. si;na. se7tions) <ehi7.e si;na.s:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $2-
etha7ry.ate resin treatment) brid;e::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2--
i7ro,s6rfa7in;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -$2) -$5
i;ratory "ird Treaty A7t::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2%0
i.estone::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #%
inera. ;rit
b.ast 7.eanin;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5#*
inor 7on7rete::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $$#
inor str67t6res::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 02*
is7e..aneo6s brid;e meta.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +-2
is7e..aneo6s draina;e fa7i.ities::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5+#
7asin;s for brid;es::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5+5
7orr6;ated meta. pipe:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5+#
draina;e app6rtenan7es:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5+-
draina;e markers:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5+0
f.ared end se7tions::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5+4 depressions:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5+*
pre7ast 7on7rete pipe::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5+-
De.ded stee. pipe::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5+2
is7e..aneo6s iron and stee.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +-#
is7e..aneo6s meta.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +-#
is7e..aneo6s meta.) restrainers::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +-0
obi.iHation:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #%) #24
odified hi;h,a.6mina,based 7on7rete:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *+0
in.ets) and risers::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 22#
pipes:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 22#
on6ments:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +0#
ortar:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *+5
7ement) reinfor7ed 7on7rete pipe Ioints:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 54$
6.7h) hi;hDay p.antin;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -2#
Narrati<e report:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #%
Near 7riti7a. path:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #%
Noise 7ontro.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2%+
Nondis7rimination:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0-
Nonhi;hDay fa7i.ities::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4*
Nonre;6.ator type ba..asts::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $42
Nonskid abrasi<e finish:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *$4
NonBsma.. b6siness
preferen7e:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2#
s6bstit6tion::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -+
N6mberin; e.e7tri7a. eG6ipment:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $#5
N6meri7 a7tion .e<e.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #5#
N6meri7 eff.6ent .imit::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #52
ObIe7t markers:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +04
Ob.iterate roads) deto6rs) and s6rfa7in;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2#0
Ordinary s6rfa7e finish::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *$*
OS?A:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0$
ed;e drains:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 554
6nderdrains:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 55%
O<erhead si;n and po.e str67t6res:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #4%
O<erhead si;n str67t6res::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0+5
O<erside drains:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 55$
Paint:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #%%-
Paintin;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5#*
a7id stainin; 7on7rete:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 524
anti,;rafitti 7oatin;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 52*
app.i7ation:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5#0
7on7rete::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 524
e.e7tri7a. systems::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $#*
en7.os6res:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5#0
fayin; s6rfa7es::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 522
;a.<aniHed s6rfa7es::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 52-
ma7hinery:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 52#
paintin; G6a.ity Dork 5#5
preparin; str67t6ra. stee.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 52%
si;n str67t6res:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 52-
stee. so.dier 52*
stee. str67t6res::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5#5
str67t6ra. stee.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5#5) 52#
therma. spray 7oatin;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 520
timber::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 52-
traffi7 stripes and pa<ement markin;s:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ++#) ++-
Deather 7onditions::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5#*
Dood str67t6res:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5%-
Hin7 7oatin;s:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 522
Paintin;) en7.os6res:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5#$
for str67t6ra. stee.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5#$
mis7e..aneo6s:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5#*
Pa.eonto.o;i7a. reso6r7es:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #%) 2%5
Parkin; area sea.s::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4%*
Partnerin;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -4
Pa<ement:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #%
;rind::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *#%
;roo<e:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *%$
hot mi3 aspha.t::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4##
Ia7kin;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4$%
port.and 7ement 7on7rete::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4*$
rep.a7ement:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *%#) *##;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4+$
transition tapers:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *%%
Pa<ement markers::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ++5
nonref.e7ti<e::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ++5
pa<ement re7esses:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +$%
retroref.e7ti<e::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +++
Pa<ement re7esses::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +$%
Pa<in; fabri7:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $02
Pa<in; ;eo7omposite ;rid::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $0-
Pa<in; ;rid::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $0-
Pa<in; mat::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $02
Pa<in; not7h e3tension:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 02%) 02-
Pa<in;) 7on7rete is.and:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +%-) +%0
Payment::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ###
a.ternati<es::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ##-
e.iminated items::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ##+
pro;ress::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #24
s7ope:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ##2
PC 7on7rete members::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0#*
7ementitio6s materia. 7ontent:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *+0
PC 7on7rete str67t6res:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 02*
PC draina;e in.ets::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 02*
PCC pa<ement
side forms for::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 45+
s.ip,form 7onstr67tion::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 45$
Pedestrian barri7ades) e.e7tri7a. systems:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +$5
Pedestrian 7rossin; .i;htin; fi3t6res:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $4*
Pedestrian si;na. fa7e /.i;ht emittin; diode1)
e.e7tri7a. systems::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $-#
Pedestrian si;na. p6sh b6ttons:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $-$
Pedestrian Da.kDay) temporary::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #*5
Perforated pipe
a.6min6m) 6nderdrains::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 55%
p.asti7) 6nderdrains:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 55%
stee.) 6nderdrains::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 50$
Permanent stee. 7asin;s::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *00) *0$
Permanent stee. de7k forms:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *+-) *+$
Permeab.e base
aspha.t treated::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -5$
7ement treated::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -5$
Permeab.e materia.
aspha.t treated::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 554
7ement treated::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 554
6ntreated:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 55%
Permits:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -+
Permitted bio.o;i7a. a7ti<ities::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #%
Persona. .iabi.ity::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5+
Per<io6s ba7kfi.. materia.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 20*) 25#
Pesti7ides:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2+-
Photoe.e7tri7 7ontro.s:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $*#
Pier 7o.6mns:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *$*
Pi.e dri<in; eG6ipment::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: **2
Pi.e reinfor7ement:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *0#) *0$
Pin 7onne7tions
stee. str67t6res::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 05-
a.ternati<e pipe and pipe ar7h 76.<erts::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5-*
a.ternati<e s.otted::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5-*
ar7hes) str67t6ra. meta. p.ate::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 50-
7omposite stee. spira. rib Dith smooth interior:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5*$
7orr6;ated meta.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5*-
7orr6;ated meta.) a.6min6m::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5*5
7orr6;ated meta.) ar7h::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5*-
7orr6;ated meta.) bit6mino6s 7oated::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5*4
7orr6;ated meta.) bit6mino6s .ined:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5*4
7orr6;ated meta.); bands:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5*4) 5**
7orr6;ated meta.) pa<ed in<erts::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5*4
7orr6;ated meta.) po.ymeri7 sheet 7oatin;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5*4
7orr6;ated meta.) po.ymeriHed aspha.t in<ert::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5*4
7orr6;ated meta.) prote7ti<e 7oatin;s) .inin; and pa<in;s::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::5*4
7orr6;ated meta.) stee.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5**
7orr6;ated meta.) thi7kness::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5*-
7orr6;ated stee.) dama;ed a.6min6m 7oatin;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5*5
7orr6;ated stee.) dama;ed ;a.<aniHin;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5*5
7orr6;ated stee.) siphons::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5*-
doDndrains) a.6min6m::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 55$
doDndrains) p.asti7::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 55$
doDndrains) stee.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 55$
end finish) 7orr6;ated a.6min6m:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5*5
end finish) 7orr6;ated stee.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5*0
Ioints) 76.<ert and draina;e pipe::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 52$
e3fi.tration and infi.tration testin;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5-2
fie.d .eaka;e testin;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5-#
Ioint systems and 7o6p.ers::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 52$
.oD press6re air test::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5-2
other tests::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5--
performan7e spe7ifi7ations::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5-%
p.asti7 pipe:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 54%
r6bber ;asketed:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 54$
Daterti;htness:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5-%
meta. .iner p.ate:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 504
perforated a.6min6m) 6nderdrains::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 55%
perforated p.asti7: 6nderdrains::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 55%
perforated stee.) 6nderdrains::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 50$
s6pp.y .ine) irri;ation systems::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2$-
p.asti7) 76.<ert:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5-$
p.asti7) horiHonta. drains::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 552
p.asti7) s.otted:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 542
re7y7.ed Dater
s6pp.y .ine) irri;ation systems::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2$-
reinfor7ed 7on7rete:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 54*
reinfor7ed 7on7rete) ar7h::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 54$
reinfor7ed 7on7rete) 545
reinfor7ed 7on7rete) 7.ass:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 545
reinfor7ed 7on7rete) dire7t desi;n method::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 54+
reinfor7ed 7on7rete) Ioints
7ement mortar:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 54$
resi.ient materia.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5*%
r6bber ;asketed:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 54$
reinfor7ed 7on7rete) markin;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 54+
reinfor7ed 7on7rete) o<a. shaped::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 54+
reinfor7ed 7on7rete) siphons:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 540
s.otted 7orr6;ated stee.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5*+
s.otted p.asti7) ed;e drains::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 554
spira. rib::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5*$
str67t6ra. meta. p.ate:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 50-
temporary 76.<erts:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5-*
Pipe;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +5-
Pipe posts) si;n str67t6res::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0$%
Pipe) irri;ation systems:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2$-
P.a7in; 7on7rete:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *$%
PLACs::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -+
P.ans:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #%
proIe7t p.ans::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #%
re<ised standard p.ans::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #%
standard p.ans:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #%
P.ant estab.ishment period:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #%
P.ant estab.ishment Dork::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -2$
P.ant ties) hi;hDay p.antin;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -22
P.ant) p6mpin;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +%$
P.ant) p6mpin; e.e7tri7a. eG6ipment:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +#+
P.antin; Dork) hi;hDay p.antin;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -24
P.ant,mi3ed 7ement treated bases:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -0$
P.ants::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -2+
rep.a7ement of::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -2+
stakin; of:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -22
Daterin;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2+4
pipe s6pp.y .ine) irri;ation systems::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2$-
pipe) 76.<ert:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5-$
Re7y7.ed Dater s6pp.y .ine) irri;ation systems::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2$-
s.otted pipe::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 542
6nderdrain;s:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 55%
P.asti7 .6mber
7omposite::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5%5
reinfor7ed re7y7.ed::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5%5
str67t6res::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5%4
6nreinfor7ed re7y7.ed::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5%+
P.asti7 si;na. se7tions) <ehi7.e si;na.s:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $2-
P.asti7 traffi7 dr6ms::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #*%
P.6;s) ed;e drains::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 55*
Po.yester 7on7rete o<er.ay) brid;e::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2-0
Po.yester 7on7rete o<er.ay) e3pansion dams::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2-$
7han;eab.e messa;e si;ns:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #*#
de.ineators::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #4*
si;ns::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #40
Porta. i..6mination) fa.seDork::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $*4
Port.and 7ement::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $5-
Port.and 7ement 7on7rete pa<ement::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4*$
Port.and 7ement 7on7rete) PCC pa<ement:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 40+
f.e3ib.e) de.ineators:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +04
.aminated Dood bo3) si;ns::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0$*
meta.) markers and de.ineators:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +04
meta.) roadside si;ns::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0$4
pipe) si;n str67t6res::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0$%
Dood) markers and de.ineators:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +04
Dood) roadside si;ns::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0$4
Potentia. 7.aims::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4+
F6.. and Fina. Potentia. C.aim Re7ord:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4$
Initia. Potentia. C.aim Re7ord::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4$
S6pp.ementa. Potentia. C.aim Re7ord:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4$
Pre7ast 7on7rete:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #--) 0#*) 02*) $$5
Pre7ast 7on7rete pipe) mis7e..aneo6s draina;e fa7i.ities:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::5+-
Pre7onstr67tion 7onferen7e::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #%-
Pre7onstr67tion; 7onferen7e::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #%#
Predri..ed **-
Premo.ded e3pansion Ioint *$$
Prepare 7on7rete de7k s6rfa7e) brid;e rehabi.itation:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::22$
Prepare ho.e) hi;hDay p.antin;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -2-
Prepare tren7h) hi;hDay p.antin;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -24
Preparin; p.antin; area) hi;hDay p.antin;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -2-
Prepa<in; 7onferen7e:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 42#
7on7rete::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $5#
rapid stren;th 7on7rete:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *+4
se.f,7onso.idatin; 7on7rete::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $$$
Preser<ati<e treatment of .6mber) timber) and;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5%#
Press6re re;6.atin; <a.<es) irri;ation system:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2$5
Press6re re.ief <a.<es) irri;ation system:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2$5
Press6re rinsin;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5#0
Press6re tests) irri;ation systems:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -%$
Press6re Dashin;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5#0
Prestressin; 7on7rete:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *5*
an7hora;es and distrib6tion::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *+#
bondin; and ;ro6tin;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *+#
d67ts:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *5$
eG6ipment and 7a.ibration:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *55
;ro6t::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *5+
prestressin; stee.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *55
shop draDin;s:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *5*
test *50
<ents:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *5$
Pri7e adI6stment
7han;ed G6antities::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2$
for 7han;ed G6antities:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ##5
G6antity de7reases of more than 2* per7ent:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ##5
G6antity in7reases of more than 2* per7ent:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ##5
Pri7e inde3 f.67t6ations:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ##+
opt o6t of:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2-
Property preser<ation:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 44
a6tomati7::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $+2
7on7rete::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $+%
minor 7on7rete::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $$2
<o.6metri7::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $$*
7ementitio6s materia.s::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $52
7on7rete::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $+4) $$#
Prote7tin; 7on7rete str67t6res::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *$$
stray 76rrent::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 044
Prote7ti<e radi6s:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ##
Protest::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2*) -4) 4+) #%2
Pr6nin;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2+*
P6b.i7 7on<enien7e:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5#
P6b.i7 safety:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2$) 0-) 52) #%*
P6.. bo3es
7o<er markin;s) e.e7tri7a. systems::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $%4
e.e7tri7a. systems::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $%-
traffi7) e.e7tri7a. systems:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $%4
P6.. bo3es) irri;ation systems:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2$%
booster p6mps::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +2*
eG6ipment and 7ontro.s:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +%$
eG6ipment) draina;e:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +#-
p.ant e.e7tri7a. eG6ipment:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +#+
P6mpin; eG6ipment and 7ontro.s:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +%$
P6mpin; p.ant e.e7tri7a. eG6ipment::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +#+
P6mpin; p.ant meta. Dork::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +42
booster::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +25
draina;e::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +#*
6se of before 7ontra7t a77eptan7e::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +#-
P6sh b6tton posts) e.e7tri7a. systems:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +$5
@C inspe7tor
pre7ast::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #--
De.din;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #-*
@C mana;er:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #--
pre7ast 7on7rete::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #--
De.din;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #-5
@C p.ans:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #--
pre7ast 7on7rete::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #--
De.din;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #-5
@C pro7ed6re 7ertifi7ation::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #24
@6a.ity ass6ran7e:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: --) *+
@6a.ity 7ontro.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: --) *+
@6a.ity 7ontro. ##
De.din; stee. str67t6res:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 00-
@6i7k; <a.<es) irri;ation system:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2$5
R;s:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +05
brid;e stee.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +5#
7ab.e:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +5#
7hain .ink:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +5-
7on7rete::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +52
meta.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +52
meta. beam ;6ard;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +05
temporary meta. beam ;6ard;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +5% meta.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +52
Type DT" transition;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +50
Type ') temporary:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #4+
Type ST" transition;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +50
Type 8" transition;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +5%
property:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 44
re.ations::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -$
Rain e<ent a7tion #5%) #52
Ramp meterin; si;n::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $-4
Rapid settin; 7on7rete pat7h) brid;e::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2-%
Rapid stren;th 7on7rete::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *+-) *+4) *+5) 0#$) 02%) $$-
Rates of app.i7ation) sea. 7oats::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -++
Rea7tor type ba..asts) a6totransformer and::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $42
Re7.aimed aspha.t pa<ement::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4#0) 42#
fen7es:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 22%
a6ditin;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 42
7han;e order bi..s::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 42
7opyin;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 42
7ost a77o6ntin;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 42
inspe7tion::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 42
retention::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4#
RedDood::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5%%
to a 7ode:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -
to a department:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -
to a do76ment:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2
to a .aD::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2
to a se7tion::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2
Refinish brid;e de7k:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2-2
Re;6.ated spe7ies::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ##
Re;6.ations and 7ode) e.e7tri7a. systems:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +$#
Re;6.ator type ba..asts:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $42
Reinfor7ed 7on7rete 7rib Da..::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *-#
Reinfor7ed 7on7rete e3tensions::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: **%
Reinfor7ed 7on7rete pipe::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 54*
Reinfor7ement::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *0$) 025
bar:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 02+
epo3y,7oated:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0-%) 0-2
epo3y,7oated and epo3y,7oated prefabri7ated:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0-%
;a.<aniHed:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0-4
headed bar::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0-4
prefabri7ated epo3y,7oated:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0-%) 0--
sp.i7in;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0-5
stray 76rrent prote7tion:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 044
De.ded Dire:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 02+) 02$
Reinfor7in; bars::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 02+; e.e7tri7a. eG6ipment) e.e7tri7a. systems:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::$*4
Re.ay e3istin; fa7i.ities::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 224
irri;ation fa7i.ities:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 222
roadside si;ns:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 222
Remode. e3istin; fa7i.ities::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 224
Remote 7ontro. <a.<es) irri;ation system::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2$0
aspha.t 7on7rete s6rfa7in;) brid;e::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2-%
brid;e::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 22*
brid;e) a77ess openin;s:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 22+
brid;e) prote7ti<e 7o<ers:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 220
7ab.e 7hain .ink barriers::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2#+
7hip sea.) brid;e::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2-%
7on7rete::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 224
7on7rete de7k s6rfa7e:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2-%
7ontrast treatment:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2#5
draina;e fa7i.ities::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2#+
irri;ation fa7i.ities:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2#+
meta. beam ;6ard;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2#+
pa<ement::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2#0
pa<ement markers::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2#5
roadside si;ns:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2#+
s6bbase) base) and bit6minio6s s6rfa7in;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2#0
traffi7 stripes and pa<ement markin;s:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2#5
6nso6nd 7on7rete) brid;e::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2-%
s7reenin;s:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -$#
Remo<in; and rep.a7in; impro<ements) e.e7tri7a. systems::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::+$4
Remo<in;); or sa.<a;in; e.e7tri7a. eG6ipment::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::$*4
Repair of spa..ed Ioints:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4$#
Repair spa..ed s6rfa7e area) brid;e::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2-#
Rep.a7ement) pa<ement:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *##
ReG6est for information::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: --) 4+
ReG6ired Contra7t Pro<isions) Federa.,Aid Constr67tion Contra7ts::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::5+) #%5
mai.bo3es::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 222
roadside si;ns:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 222
Resi.ient Ioint materia.) reinfor7ed 7on7rete pipe::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5*%
Reso6r7es) f6rnishin; of:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: --
Retainin; Da..) type 0::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *-4
bands) portab.e de.ineators:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #42
7one<es:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #42
sheetin;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #42
Retroref.e7ti<e sheetin;) markers and de.ineators::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +04
Re<ised standard spe7ifi7ations::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ##
RFI::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: --) 4+
6nderdrains:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 55%
Roadbed:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ##
Road,mi3ed 7ement treated bases:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -0+
Road,mi3in; ma7hines) 7ement treated bases:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -0$
Roadside:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ##
Roadside 7.earin;) hi;hDay p.antin;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -22
Roadside si;ns:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0$4
RoadDay:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ##
Ro7k b.anket:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: --0
Ro7k s.ope prote7tion:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5+$
Ro7k s.ope prote7tion fabri7:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $02
Ro7k stainin;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: --5
Root prote7tor) hi;hDay p.antin;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -22
Rotationa. 7apa7ity testin;
stee. str67t6res::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 00*) 00$
Ro6tine bio.o;i7a. a7ti<ities:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ##
R6bber ;asketed Ioints) reinfor7ed 7on7rete pipe:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 54$
Sa.<a;e) e3istin; fa7i.ities:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2#+
e.e7tri7a. eG6ipment::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $*4
e37ess s7reenin;s) sea. 7oats:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -$#; and ana.ysis day
n6meri7 a7tion .e<e. e37eedan7e report::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #0$
n6meri7 eff.6ent .imit <io.ation report:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #0$; and ana.ysis #05
b.ast 7.eanin;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5#*
S7hed6.e:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ##) $5
base.ine:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ##) $5) $$) #%#
7riti7a. path method:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $5) $+) #%%
re<ised:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ##) $+) #%2) #%0
6pdated::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ##) $5) $+) $$) #%%) #%2) #%-
S7hed6.e of <a.6es:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #24
S7hed6.e of <a.6es) e.e7tri7a. systems:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +$2
S7hed6.ed 7omp.etion date:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ##; of Dork
e.e7tri7a. systems::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +$4
sea. 7oats::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -+-
Sea. 7oat 7.aims::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 55
Sea. 7oats:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -+-
maintainin; traffi7::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #*4
Sea.ed Ioints:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0%%
aspha.ti7 p.6; Ioint sea.s:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0%+
Ioint sea. assemb.ies R L 4 in7hes:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0%0
Ioint sea. assemb.ies R X 4 in7hes:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0%4
Type A and AL Ioint sea.s::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0%#
Type " Ioint sea.s::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0%-
bit6mino6s:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -+-
s.6rry:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -$2
Sediment fi.ter ba;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $0#
Se.f,7onso.idatin; 7on7rete:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $$$
mo7k,6p::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #%%%
Ser<i7e) e.e7tri7a. systems:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $#-
Ser<i7e,appro<ed bio.o;ist::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ##
Sett.ement periods) earthDork::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 250
Sheets) si;n str67t6res:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0$%
Shop draDin;s::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #%) 4%
fa.seDork:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *-5
stee. str67t6res::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 00-
Shot7rete::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 04$
str67t6ra.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0*%
Sho6.der:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ##
Sho6.der ba7kin;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 25$
ShoDn) interpretation::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #
Side form) PCC pa<ement::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 45+
SideDa.ks) 76rbs and) 7on7rete::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +%-
Si;n i..6mination 7ontro.) e.e7tri7a. systems::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $#4
Si;n .i;htin; fi3t6res
ind67tion::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $45
Si;n pane.s
f6rnish:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0+#
insta.. on e3istin; frame:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0$5
insta.. on remo<ab.e si;n pane. frame:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0$5
insta..ation:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0$-) 0$0
o<er.ay::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0$5
roadside si;ns:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0$4
Si;n str67t6res::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0+5
bo3 beam,7.osed tr6ss::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0+5
brid;e mo6nted:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0+5
fabri7ation:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0$#
.i;htDei;ht:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0+5
tr6ss::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0+5 0+5
Si;na. 7ab.e) e.e7tri7a. systems::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $%5
Si;na. fa7es
.i;ht emittin; diode pedestrian::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $-#
.i;ht emittin; diode si;na. mod6.e:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $24
pedestrian si;na.s:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $-%
pro;rammed <isibi.ity si;na.s::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $-%
<ehi7.e si;na.s:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $22
Si;na. inter7onne7t 7ab.e::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $%$
Si;na. mo6ntin; assemb.ies:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $-4
Si;na. se7tions:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $22
meta.) <ehi7.e si;na.s::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $2-
p.asti7) <ehi7.e si;na.s:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $2-
Si;ns:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0+5
brid;e paintin; and 7.eanin; operations::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #**
7onstr67tion area:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #4*
f.ashin; arroD::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #44
f6rnish si;n pane.s::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0+#
interna..y i..6minated street name::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $4$
portab.e:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #40
portab.e 7han;eab.e messa;e::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #*#
roadside::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0$4
stationary mo6nted 7onstr67tion area:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #45
Si;ns) remo<a. of Darnin;) re;6.atory) or ;6ide::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -2
Si.t fen7e fabri7:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $0%
7orr6;ated stee. pipe:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5*-
reinfor7ed 7on7rete pipe::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 540
S.ab rep.a7ement::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *%#
S.idin; Ioints:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0#%
S.ip bases) e.e7tri7a. systems:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +$5
S.ip,form 76rb 7onstr67tion:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +%4
S.ip,form) PCC pa<ement:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 45$
S.ope pa<in;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5$0
e3posed a;;re;ate finish::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5$5
S.ope prote7tion::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5+$
7on7rete s.ope prote7tion) ;6tter .inin;) dit7h .inin;) and 7hanne. .inin;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::5$4
7on7reted,ro7k::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5$#
;abions:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5$+
ro7k:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5+$
s.ope pa<in;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5$0
sma..,ro7k::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5$-
S.opes) earthDork:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 202
S.otted 7orr6;ated stee. pipe::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5*+
S.otted pipe
ed;e drains:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 554
horiHonta. drains::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 55-
minera. s.6rry::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *00
syntheti7 s.6rry::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *05
Dater s.6rry:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *05
S.6rry 7ement ba7kfi..::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 200) 25%
S.6rry .e<; 7o6rse:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 002
S.6rry sea.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -$0
Sma.. b6siness::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2%) 50
parti7ipation report::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 20
preferen7e:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2#
Sma.. too.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ##
Sma..,ro7k s.ope prote7tion::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5$-
Smoothness::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *+*
SnoDp.oD def.e7tors:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0%%
Soffit and Da.. .6minaires::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $44
Soi. amendment) hi;hDay p.antin;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -22
Soi. nai. Da..s) earthDork::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 204
Soi. nai.s:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *#-) *2%
Soi. stabi.iHation) temporary::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #+2
So.dier pi.e Da..s:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 20-) 20+) 25%) 25# Daste disposa. and;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2%$
So6nd Da..s::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5%$
a.ternati<e so6nd Da.. systems::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5#-
masonry b.o7k:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5%$
So6r7e inspe7tion e3pense ded67tions::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0%
So6thern ye..oD pine::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5%%
Spe7ia. pro<isions:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ##
Spe7ifi7ations::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ##
Spe7ified) interpretation::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #
Spira. rib pipe::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5*$
Sp.i7e ins6.ation) e.e7tri7a. systems::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $##
Sp.i7in; 7ond67tors) e.e7tri7a. systems::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $#%
Sp.i7in; reinfor7in; stee.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0-5 7ontro. 7rosso<er) irri;ation systems::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2$2
Sprink.ers) irri;ation systems::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2$*
SSPC @P 7ertifi7ation:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2-
Stabi.iHed Soi.s
Lime::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -**
Stakin; p.ants) hi;hDay p.antin;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -22
Standard spe7ifi7ations:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ##
Standards) stee. pedesta.s) and posts:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +$0
Start of Iob site a7ti<ities:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #%4
State:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ##
State Spe7ifi7ation::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *$
Stationary mo6nted si;ns) 7onstr67tion area::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #45
Steam 7.eanin;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5#0
.ists) reinfor7ement::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 025
prestressin;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *55
Da.kDay ;ratin;s) si;n str67t6res::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0$%
Stee. 7rib Da..:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *--
Stee. ;rit
b.ast 7.eanin;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5#*
Stee. pipe **-
C.ass N:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: **0
C.ass R:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: **5
Stee. sheet *0%
Stee. shot
b.ast 7.eanin;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5#*
Stee. so.dier *5-
paintin;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 52*
Storm Dater ann6a. report::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #0*) #5%) #5-
Storm Dater po..6tion pre<ention #0*
ann6a. 7ertifi7ation::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #0+
7onstr67tion site monitorin; pro;ram::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #00
n6meri7 a7tion .e<e.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #5#
n6meri7 eff.6ent .imit:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #52
rain e<ent a7tion #5%) #52; and ana.ysis day::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #0$) #5-; and ana.ysis #05; and ana.ysis for non<isib.e po..6tants:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #05
site inspe7tion reports:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #0+
storm Dater ann6a. report:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #0*) #5%
<is6a. monitorin; reports:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #0+
Stray 76rrent prote7tion::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 044
Street name si;ns) interna..y i..6minated::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $4$
Strin;ers) Dood str67t6res::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5%2
Strip Daterstops::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0##
Str67t6ra. a.6min6m p.ate pipe:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 50-
Str67t6ra. meta. p.ate pipe) ar7hes and pipe ar7hes:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 50-
Str67t6ra. meta.) Dood str67t6res:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0$$
Str67t6ra. shot7rete:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0*%
Str67t6ra. stee.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 00-
ere7tion:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 055
paintin;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5#5
therma. spray 7oatin;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 520
Str67t6ra. stee. p.ate pipe:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 50-
Str67t6ra. timber and .6mber) Dood str67t6res:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5%%
Str67t6re approa7h draina;e systems::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0#$
Str67t6re ba7kfi..:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 204) 205) 20$
Str67t6re Desi;n:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ##
Str67t6re e37a<ation and ba7kfi..::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 20-
fa.seDork:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *-5
p.asti7 .6mber::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5%4
si;n:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0+5
Dood:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5%%
St6d 7onne7tors::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 00$) 05#
S6bbase::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ##
S6bbases) a;;re;ate::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -0#
S6b7ontra7tin;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -0
S6b7ontra7tor List:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2-
S6b;rade::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #2
a;;re;ate bases:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -04
a;;re;ate s6bbases::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -02
7ement treated bases::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -0+
7on7rete 76rbs and sideDa.ks:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +%-
.ean 7on7rete base::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -50
treated permeab.e bases::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -5$
S6b;rade enhan7ement ;eote3ti.e:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 25$) $04
S6bmitta.s:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #2) -$
a7tion::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #2) -$
informationa.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #2) 4#;
pa<ement::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4+$
S6bstantia. defe7ts:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #2) 0#
S6bstr67t6re:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #2
S6bs6rfa7e drains:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 50$
S6perstr67t6re::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #2
S6pp.ementa. proIe7t information:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #2) #5
S6pp.ementary 7ementitio6s materia.s
7on7rete::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $5-
7orrosi<e en<ironment:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $+0
dei7in; 7hemi7a.s) e3posed to::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $+5
freeHe,thaD area:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $+5
minor 7on7rete::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $$#
pre7ast 7on7rete::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $$5
S6pp.y .ine on str67t6res:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -##
S6r7har;e) earthDork:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 250
S6rfa7e inin; and Re7.amation A7t::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5%
S6rfa7in;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #2
S6r;e arrestor) e.e7tri7a. systems:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $2#
Ta7k 7oat:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4##) 424) 42$
Take::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #2
Tapered in.ets) o<erside drains
a.6min6m::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 55$
stee.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 55$
Tar;et p.ates) markers::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +04
Te.ephone N6mbers::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #4
Te.es7opin; f.a; trees:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #4$
A7ti<e treatment system:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #$#
Temporary a7ti<e treatment system::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #$#
Temporary 7on7rete Dasho6t
bin:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #$0) #$5
fa7i.ity::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #$0
portab.e:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #$0) #$5
Temporary 7o<er:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $0#
Temporary 76.<erts:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5-*
Temporary .inear sediment barriers::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #$5
fiber ro..s::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #$+) 2%%
foam barrier:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #$$) 2%2
;ra<e. ba; berm::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2%%
hi;h <isibi.ity fabri7::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #$+
.ar;e sediment barrier:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2%%
reinfor7ed si.t fen7e:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2%#
ri;id sediment barrier::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #++
si.t fen7e::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2%#
straD ba.e barrier::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2%2
Temporary meta. beam ;6ard;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +5%
Temporary sediment 7ontro.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #+*
7he7k dam:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #+5
draina;e prote7tion::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #+5
erosion 7ontro. b.anket::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #+*
fiber ro..s:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #++
;ra<e. ba; berm::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #++
.ar;e sediment barrier:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #++
reinfor7ed si.t fen7e:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #++
ri;id p.asti7 barrier:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #+*
sediment fi.ter ba;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #+0) #++
si.t fen7e::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #++
straD ba.e barrier::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #++
Temporary soi. stabi.iHation:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #+2
Temporary stee. 7asin;s:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *0+
Temporary str67t6res::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *-5
Temporary tra7kin; 7ontro.
7onstr67tion entran7e::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #++) #$#
7onstr67tion roadDay::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #++) #$#
street sDeepin;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #++) #$#
Temporary traffi7 7ontro. de<i7es::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #4#
Contra7t:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #%5) #%+
Contra7torFs 7ontro.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #%5
Test borin;s::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *45) *4$
Test pane.s:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *+4
Test 4#) 0#
7he7k testin;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 004
Testin;) Iob site:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0#
fie.d) e.e7tri7a. systems:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $#*
f6n7tiona. testin;) e.e7tri7a. systems:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $#*
ins6.ation test) e.e7tri7a. systems::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $#*
materia. and eG6ipment) e.e7tri7a. systems::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $#4
Therma. spray 7oatin; pro7ess) si;n str67t6res:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0$-
pa<ement markin;s:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ++2
traffi7 stripes::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ++2
traffi7 stripes and pa<ement markin;s:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ++2
Thrie beam barrier::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +5*
7atDa.k::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5%-
.a;;in;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5%-
paintin;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 52-
Time impa7t ana.ysis:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #2) 4$) *%) #%2) #%-) #22
Time,re.ated o<erhead::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #2#
Time,s7a.ed netDork dia;ram:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #2
Topsoi.) erosion 7ontro.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -4$
Tota. bid::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #2
Tota. f.oat::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #2
Trade name::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *+
Traffi7::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #2
7ones::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #4$
si;na. fa7es and fittin;s:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $22
stripes and pa<ement markin;s::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ++#
Traffi7 7ontro. system
ramp 7.os6re:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #*5
Traffi7; eG6ipment and de<i7es::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #4#
Traffi7 .ane::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #2
e.e7tri7a. systems::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $*2
s6bmersib.e:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $*-
Type DT"::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +50
Type ST"::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +50
Type 8":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +5%
Tra<e.ed Day::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #2
Treated permeab.e bases:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -5$
aspha.t::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -5$) -+%
7ement::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -5$
;rade to.eran7e:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -+#
s6b;rade:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -5$
of .6mber) timber and;) preser<ati<e::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5%# meta.;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +52
T6nne.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #2) 0$
Type A and AL Ioints sea.s::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0%#
Type " Ioint sea.s::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0%-
Type DT" transition;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +50
Type ESA temporary fen7e:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2%-
Type ' temporary;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #4+
Type ST" transition;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +50
Type 8" transition;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +5%
!na6thoriHed Dork::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #2
!nderdrains::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 50$
o6t.ets:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 55%
perforated a.6min6m pipe:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 55%
perforated p.asti7 pipe:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 55%
perforated stee. pipe:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 50$
risers:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 55%
!nions) irri;ation systems:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2$*
!nits::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2) ###
!ns6itab.e materia.) earthDork:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2*$
!se of p6mps before 7ontra7t a77eptan7e:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +#-
!ti.ities::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4*
!ti.ity fa7i.ities:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *+$) *$4
(a.6e ana.ysis:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -#
(a.6e en;ineerin; 7han;e proposa.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -%
(a.<e assemb.y 6nits) irri;ation systems::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2$+
(a.<e bo3es) irri;ation systems:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2$+
(ehi7.e Code::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5#
(ehi7.e dete7tors
ind67ti<e .oop::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $-0
ma;neti7:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $-$
(erifi7ation tension testin;
stee. str67t6res::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 00$
(isors) e.e7tri7a. systems:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $24
(o.6me 7on<ersion tab.e
aspha.ti7 em6.sions:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #%24
.iG6id aspha.t:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #%#2
(o.6metri7 proportionin;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $$*
8a;es:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0*
8a.. drain::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $*$
8a.. drains::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *$4
nonpotab.e::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2**
re7y7.ed:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2**
s6pp.y::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2**
8ater 7ontro. and fo6ndation treatment) earthDork::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 20+
8ater .ine 7rosso<ers:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2$2
8ater po..6tion 7ontro.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #*$
8ater po..6tion 7ontro. mana;er:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #0#
8ater po..6tion 7ontro. pro;ram::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #0-
erosi<ity Dai<er::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #0-
8ater s6pp.y .ine) on str67t6res::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -#4) -#0
8ater) erosion 7ontro.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -4$
8aterin;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2**) -25
8aterin;) hi;hDay p.antin;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2+4
8aterproofin;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0**
aspha.t membrane::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0**
de7k sea.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 00%
membrane) and prote7ti<e 7o<er:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0*+
preformed membrane::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0*0
8aterstops::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0#%
8aterti;htness) 76.<ert Ioints::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5-%
8eather 7onditions
paintin;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5#*
8eb Sites:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #4
8eep *$4
8e.ded stee. pipe) mis7e..aneo6s draina;e fa7i.ities::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5+2
8e.ded Dire reinfor7ement:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 02+) 02$
8e.din;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #-*
fa.seDork:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *-+
stee. str67t6res::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 050
str67t6ra. stee.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 050
8e.din; G6a.ity 7ontro.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #-5
8e.din;) si;n str67t6res:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0$2
8hee. ;6ards and;s) Dood str67t6res:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5%2
8hee.7hair ramps
76rb ramps) 7on7rete::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +%0
8i.df.oDer seedin;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -2+
8i..oD 76ttin;s::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: --+
8irin; dia;rams) e.e7tri7a. systems::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +$2
8irin;) e.e7tri7a. systems:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $%$
8ithho.d::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #2
8ithho.ds::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #2*
8ood e.e7tri7a. systems:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $#4
8ood posts
markers and de.ineators::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +04
roadside si;ns:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0$4
8ood str67t6res::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5%%
8ork:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #2
a.ternati<es::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: --
assi;nment::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -*
7omp.etion:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *0
7ontro. of:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: --
des7ription:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2$
first order of) e.e7tri7a. systems:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +$4
maintenan7e:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4*
means and methods::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: --
non7omp.iant:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4-
reIe7tion::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -4; of) e.e7tri7a. systems:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +$4
s7ope::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2$
s6spension::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #%*
6na6thoriHed:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4-
8ork #2
paintin; G6a.ity::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5#5
therma. spray 7oatin; G6a.ity::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 520
8ork Hone:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #2
8orker) 7hara7ter:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -+
8orkin; ho6rs:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0+
from the Contra7tor:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #
from the Department:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #
8ye strainer) irri;ation systems::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2$+

También podría gustarte