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I. According to what you saw during the movie. Organize this

paragraph from to !
Two men claiming to be from the FBI arrive at Nathan's home in the evening. Mara is suspicious
and attacks the two, but is shot and killed b the intruders. !evin is also killed, but not before
subduing one agent, and ells to Nathan to run. Nathan runs but returns for !aren, who is now
captured b the remaining agent. Nathan overpowers the agent and rescues !aren, and attempts
to find out who the man is, but is forced out of the house "uickl because a bomb in the house is
about to detonate.
The blast in#ures !aren, so Nathan takes her to the hospital, and attempts to contact the police.
Instead, his call is intercepted b $I% operative Frank Burton &%lfred Molina', who tells Nathan he
is in danger and will send two men to collect him. %s Nathan waits, (r. Bennett appears and
helps him and !aren to escape. )hile driving awa, (r. Bennett e*plains that Nathan's biological
father, Martin &(ermot Mulrone', stole an encrpted list of +, corrupt $I% operatives from the
-erbian terrorist Nikola !o.low &Michael N"vist'/ !o.low now plans on abducting Nathan to
coerce Martin to hand over the list. Nathan had been given to his adoptive parents to protect him,
!o.low used the website to claim Nathan as missing child -teven 0rice to find him. (r. Bennett
gives Nathan an address to a safe house in %rlington, 1irginia, and tells him to trust onl his
biological father, Martin, and a man named 0aul 2asmus. !o.low's men follow them, but Bennett
is able to help them escape. Meanwhile, Burton is warned b his superior to end the situation as
soon as possible once he learns of Bennett, a former $I% operative, being involved.
Nathan works with 3ill to obtain tickets and secures a gun to one of the seats with the intent to
kill !o.low. Martin calls Nathan and warns him off, but Nathan refuses to listen. )hen !o.low
arrives, !aren takes !o.low's photo so Nathan can recogni.e !o.low. The two meet, and !o.low
tells Nathan how he killed his mother when Nathan was 4 after she refused to give up Martin's
location. !o.low grabs the gun from Nathan and demands the list. Nathan bolts, !o.low gives
chase, and the $I% sees them in the crowd. Nathan is able to escape, and !o.low is killed b
Martin. Burton, his superior, and his agents arrive. Burton asks for the cell phone, promising to
give the decrpted results to his superior. 5owever, Martin had warned his superior about
Burton's corruption, and takes the phone himself while Burton is taken into custod. Martin calls
Nathan, for not being the father he should have been. Nathan asks him to show
himself but Martin refuses. Bennett arrives with !aren, and sas she has arranged for Nathan to
live with her until he decides what to pursue in his life. %s the movie ends, Nathan and !aren go
on a date in the empt 0N$ 0ark.
Nathan 5arper &Talor 6autner' is an 789ear old living in the suburbs of 0ittsburgh, 0ennslvania
with his parents !evin &:ason Isaacs' and Mara &Maria Bello'. 5e has been troubled b recurring
nightmares, and has been seeing pschiatrist (r. 3eraldine ;3eri; Bennett &-igourne )eaver' to
diagnose them.
Nathan is teamed with !aren Murph &6il $ollins' for a school research pro#ect on missing
children. Nathan discovers he looks ver much like an age9progression photo of a missing child,
-teven 0rice. 5e investigates further, and finds other clues that suggest his parents are not his
real mom and dad. )hen he approaches Mara about this, she reveals that he was adopted.
%rriving at the safehouse, the two obtain mone, a gun, a photo of Nathan's biological mother
6orna 0rice &<lisabeth 2=hm', and a cell phone. !aren tries to call her famil, but her call is
intercepted b Burton and the $I%, forcing them to flee. Finding the address for his mother, the
pair discover the address is a cemeter and that 6orna has died. Nathan and !aren visit her
grave, and find fresh flowers there. %ccording to the graveard attendant, the sender is 0aul
2asmus, who lives in Nebraska. The two take an %mtrakpassenger train to get there &using fake
I(s provided b their friend 3ill &(en.el )hitaker'' and confess their feelings for each other,
followed b a passionate kiss. The are unaware the are followed b !o.low's right9hand man.
5e tries to abduct !aren, but Nathan saves her and after the train stops and the two make a run
for it. Burton's team finds !o.low's henchman, and track them down.
Burton e*plains the data that Martin had stolen, and Nathan that the phone from the
safehouse contains that data/ he also further surmises that Burton's name is on that list. %s
Burton tries to pla that off, the agents are attacked b !o.low's snipers. Nathan and !aren take
off in a car before the can be caught. %s the flee, the cell phone from !o.low's man rings. The
caller is !o.low, and he threatens to kill !aren's parents if Nathan does not hand over the data.
Nathan gets !o.low to agree to make the transaction at a0ittsburgh 0irates baseball game at
their home stadium, the 0N$ 0ark.
II. Talor 6autner was nominated for a 3olden 2aspberr %ward for )orst %ctor for his role in
the film. 5aving in mind that nomination, (o ou think is it going to be the same for this
actor in the near future> -upport our answer.
Use this structure as an e"amp#e
su)*ect +er) to )e (oing to ver)
I am Going to Work
you / we / they are Going to Work
He / she / it Is Going to Work
III.Imagine ou are the director of this movie, ou are thinking about the end. 5ow will be the
end of this film>. ?se a different ending for the film.
Use this structure as an e"amp#e
su)*ect wi## ver)
I Will Work
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