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Kara Villalobos

grade class
I did the area model for multiplying fractions with my 8
grade math students.
We used a generic square and a preselected fraction problem. We then divided the sides
of the square with the corresponding denominator. For example x
they then had to label the haves and fourths, circling how many of each
they had, and shade the new dimensions. The shaded area is the
resulting answer to the fraction expression.
Students had trouble grasping the concept. We had the discussion of when you
multiply is the product always greater than the factors. Most of the students answered
yes. However after doing this some changed their minds. It is over time that students are
able to grasp the fact that multiplying does not always make things larger. We went over
other problems. We did 10 problems together and then they did 5 on their own and put
them on the board.
I feel that this lesson was god for the students to be able to see the product of two
factions is smaller than the factors. Also, if I took this lesson one step further it would be
beneficial to use fractions bars to make the squares. Then students can move the factions
and make a whole using the fractions bars. I feel this will solidify their conceptual
Once they understand the why behind the product of fractions they were able to
apply this understating to the next topic of study. By building foundational understating
my students will be better prepared for future math classes. If we just teach them
procedural math, then they will never be ready for the future.

Kara Villalobos
grade class
One of my most favorite lessons to do with my students is percents. We go over
what a percent is and where we see it in life. Then we compare fractions to percents and
go over different ways to find 100%, 50%, 25%, 10%, 5%, 1%. We do simple precents
over two days and they progressively get more complex. I have the students come up
with different ways to find one percent and share their answers with their partners. Then
we share with the whole class.
We also use strips representing 100% and any given number both strips divided
into 10ths. Using comparing the two given strips they are able to find simple precents that
are multiples of ten. We then find percents that are multiples of 5. Then using
proportions we find any given missing part of either strip (given 3 out of the 4 parts of a
percent proportion).
Students seem to transition very well from the first lesson on percents to the
second lesson on proportion. I find them checking their answers using the previous
lesson. I have found a better understanding of percents since I started teaching these two
lessons back to back. After teaching them these two methods of finding percents we go
over changing the percent to a decimal and multiplying. They then have the choice of
how they solve percent problems. However, they must show their work and be able to
explain their answers. They seem to be more engaged when they are given the option of
how they can do their work. I tell my students there are many way to solve a problem
just as long as you are able to show me how you did it.

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