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Asignatura Datos del alumno Fecha

Advanced Didactics
of the English
Apellidos: Moya Emeterio
Nombre: Nria
Task: Motiati!" st#de!ts i!to t$e lesso!
Objectives: i! t$is actiity yo# %ill $ae t$e opport#!ity to:
&eise a!d apply t$e t$eoretical co!te!ts i!cl#ded i! #!it 1'
&e(lect #po! st#de!ts) expectatio!s a!d i!terests a!d $o% t$e teac$er ca! adapt to
*ear! $o% to desi"! actiities to rei!(orce st#de!t)s positie attit#de to%ards t$e
e!"lis$ la!"#a"e+ promoti!" i!str#me!tal+ i!tri!sic a!d i!te"ratie al#es'
Methodology: read care(#lly #!it 1' &e(lect o! %$at o#r st#de!ts) expectatio!s mi"$t
be %$e! t$ey (irst start a !e% E!"lis$ co#rse' T$i!k abo#t $o% yo# %o#ld rei!(orce
i!tri!sic+ i!te"ratie a!d i!str#me!tal al#es a!d desi"! ,-.T /NE actiity i! %$ic$
yo# promote all o( t$em' ,#sti(y'
Activity: read t$e key ideas a!d desi"! a! actiity i! %$ic$ yo# %ork o! i!tri!sic+
i!te"ratie a!d i!str#me!tal al#es' &emember it is a! actiity (or t$e (irst days o( t$e
co#rse' 0!cl#de t$e (ollo%i!" steps:
A descriptio! o( t$e tar"et "ro#p 1!#mber o( st#de!ts+ a"e+ leel+ special !eeds+
!atio!ality+ mot$er to!"#e 23'
*e!"t$ o( time (or t$e actiity'
Teac$i!"/*ear!i!" ob4ecties'
Materials #sed 1i( yo# #se so!"s+ stories+ etc'+ i!cl#de+ at least+ t$e title3'
5lassroom arra!"eme!t 1ro%s+ circles+ $orses$oes+ $o% t$e class is or"a!i6ed+
%$et$er t$e teac$er is t$e (oc#s o( atte!tio! or !ot+ etc'3'
*esso!s proced#re: explai! i! detail t$e steps yo# %ill (ollo%+ i!cl#de examples o(
t$e st#de!ts) expected o#tcomes+ etc'

Length of the activity: Mi!im#m 17maxim#m 4 pa"es+ 8eor"ia body (o!t si6e 11+9 +
i!ter7li!e spaci!" 1'9+ 4#sti(ied'
Unit 1 - Eercises
Asignatura Datos del alumno Fecha
Advanced Didactics
of the English
Apellidos: Moya Emeterio
Nombre: Nria
:lease+ be ori"i!al; No ideas take! ready7made material (rom t$e i!ter!et %ill be
!rou"# 1st o( 0!itial 5ycle o(
:rimary' 29 p#pils 1< a!d = years3
%it$o#t special !eeds a!d all o(
t$ey are .pa!is$ a!d t$eir mot$er
to!"#e is .pa!is$'
$ee%# 1st o( t$e co#rse
month# .eptember
&itle# 'torytelling
1' 8ai! atte!tio!
2' Actie liste!i!"
3' &eco"!i6e %ords a!d (i!d t$e eleme!ts
4' 8et sa(ety bet%ee! p#pils to start t$e co#rse
9' Am#se %it$ E!"lis$
7 A story i!e!t by me >T$e scarecro%) 1a!!exed i! pa"e !#mber 4 to =3
7 ?i((ere!t eleme!ts to create a scarecro%
/!e sessio! o( 49 to <0 mi!#tes approximately
)o$ to "ut into "ractice#
@irst+ diide t$e class i! 10 little "ro#ps+ (or t$is+ ca! be #se t$e type o( clot$es' @or
i!sta!ce+ t$e kids %it$ trai!er tro#sers are o!e "ro#p+ t$e kids %it$ 4ea!s a!ot$er "ro#p
a!d so o! a!d so (ort$' 8ie (or eery "ro#p o!e !#mber (rom 1 to 10' :reio#sly+ t$e
teac$er %ill (i!d 10 ob4ects to make a scarecro%' T$ey are: a medi#m ball+ a pair o(
"loes+ t%o b#tto!s+ a little ball+ a lo!" stick+ a!d a slim rope+ o!e t7s$irt+ a pair o(
tro#sers+ t%o s$oes a!d old !e%spapers' Eery t$i!k $as a !#mber (rom 1 to 10 like
Eery "ro#p !eed to (i!d t$i!"s to make a scarecro%' 1Teac$er $as $idde! t$ese t$i!"s
be(ore i! t$e class3'
T$e teac$er al%ays ca! $elp to "ro#ps+ b#t i! E!"lis$+ as %ell as+ ca! "o %it$ t$e "ro#ps
to (i!d t$e t$i!"s'
Unit 1 - Eercises
Asignatura Datos del alumno Fecha
Advanced Didactics
of the English
Apellidos: Moya Emeterio
Nombre: Nria
&he grou" number one !eeds to (i!d somet$i!" to make t$e $ead 1t$e medi#m ball
$as t$e !#mber o!e+ too3'
&he grou" number t$o !eeds to (i!d somet$i!" to make t$e eyes 1t$e b#tto!s $ae
t$e !#mber t%o+ too3'
&he grou" number three !eeds to (i!d somet$i!" to make t$e mo#t$ 1t$e slim rope
$as t$e !#mber t$ree3'
&he grou" number four !eeds to (i!d somet$i!" to make t$e !ose 1t$e little ball $as
t$e !#mber (o#r3'
&he grou" number five !eeds to (i!d somet$i!" to make t$e $a!ds 1t$e "loes $ae
t$e !#mber (ie3'
&he grou" number si !eeds to (i!d somet$i!" to make t$e (eet 1t$e s$oes $ae t$e
!#mber six3'
&he grou" number seven !eeds to (i!d somet$i!" to make t$e body 1t$e t7s$irt $as
t$e !#mber see!3'
&he grou" number eight !eeds to (i!d somet$i!" to make t$e le"s 1t$e tro#sers $ae
t$e !#mber ei"$t3'
&he grou" number nine !eeds to (i!d somet$i!" to make t$e skeleto! 1t$e lo!" stick
$as t$e !#mber !i!e3'
&he grou" number ten !eeds to (i!d somet$i!" to make t$e st#((i!" 1t$e old
!e%spapers $ae t$e !#mber te!3'

Evaluation# 1t$is is to make a(ter t$e actiity to ca! improe it+ i( it is reA#ired'3
Unit 1 - Eercises
Asignatura Datos del alumno Fecha
Advanced Didactics
of the English
Apellidos: Moya Emeterio
Nombre: Nria
Once upon a time, in a little wonderful village there were many and
many fields. The dwellers were very happy and glad of their fields.
The people seeded many things like:

Unit 1 - Eercises
Asignatura Datos del alumno Fecha
Advanced Didactics
of the English
Apellidos: Moya Emeterio
Nombre: Nria
However, the people were sad, too, because the birds ate all before
the people could gather the vegetables, the fruit...
In every season of
gather occurs the
same! aid the people. They were very tired and they started to think
about solutions.
!t the end all together found a fantastic idea... "aking a big
Unit 1 - Eercises
Asignatura Datos del alumno Fecha
Advanced Didactics
of the English
Apellidos: Moya Emeterio
Nombre: Nria

Oh, well! However, nobody knew how to make a scarecrow. They
decided to share out in groups, like us! ay the teacher #and now
start the play$.
%very group need to find things to make a scarecrow. #Teacher has
found these things before in the class$.
The group number one needs to find something to make the head #the
medium ball has the number one, too$.
The group number two needs to find something to make the eyes #the
buttons have the number two, too$.
The group number three needs to find something to make the mouth
#the slim rope has the number three$.
The group number four needs to find something to make the nose #the
little ball has the number four$.
The group number five needs to find something to make the hands #the
gloves have the number five$.
The group number six needs to find something to make the feet #the
shoes have the number si&$.
The group number seven needs to find something to make the body #the
t'shirt has the number seven$.
The group number eight needs to find something to make the legs #the
trousers have the number eight$.
Unit 1 - Eercises
Asignatura Datos del alumno Fecha
Advanced Didactics
of the English
Apellidos: Moya Emeterio
Nombre: Nria
The group number nine needs to find something to make the skeleton
#the long stick has the number nine$.
The group number ten needs to find something to make the stuffing
#the old newspapers have the number ten$.
Unit 1 - Eercises

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