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El libro narra la historia de Peter Pan, Wendy, Michael y John.

Se trata de tres hermanos que

vivan en Londres. La hija mayor Wendy, haba contagiado a sus dos hermanos la admiracin
por Peter Pan. Todas las noches les contaba las aventuras de Peter. Una noche Peter Pan les
visit, porque buscaba su sombra. l les pregunt si queran acompaarle al pas de Nunca
Peter pretenda que Wendy fuese la madre de todos los nios perdidos, pero Campanilla, el
hada que acompaaba siempre a Peter no estaba de acuerdo. El capitn Garfio convenci a
Campanilla para que le dijera dnde estaba la guarida de Peter Pan y secuestrar a Wendy.
Peter Pan tuvo que ir a rescatar a Wendy y a todos los nios perdidos. Wendy, Michael y Jonh
decidieron volver a su casa.

The book tells the story of Peter Pan, Wendy, Michael and John. These three brothers living in
London. The eldest daughter Wendy, had infected his two brothers the admiration for Peter
Pan. every night telling them the adventures of Peter. One night Peter Pan visited them,
because he wanted his shadow. He asked them if they wanted to accompany him to Never
Land. "
Peter claimed that Wendy was the mother of all the lost children, but Tinkerbell, the fairy who
always accompanied Peter disagreed. Captain Hook convinced Bell to tell him where the lair
was Peter Pan and Wendy kidnap.
Peter Pan had to go rescue Wendy and all the lost children. Wendy, Michael and John decided
to go home.

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