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Thuy Anh Le
Mrs. Garza
English II 1
April 25, 2014
If I know a hundred years are finite
How long do you expect to live? Although technology is rapidly developing, health care
has been improved, and longevity increases more commonly in human evolution, we probably
know that lifetime is always a limited three-digit number. I am not an exception, I am also afraid
of sickness and death. However, above all, I am most afraid of myself, of not knowing the
purpose for my existence on this earth, of living aimlessly and dreamlessly. I have done a lot of
career quizzes. I have heard from thousands of people. None of them could ever give me a
satisfying answer. I am now seventeen an age of dreams, ambition, and decisions. I admit that I
am erratic and unpredictable. There is an eternal voice in my heart whispering that I want to join
non-government organizations to end the injustice and to fight poverty all over the world.
I was not born with a golden spoon in my mouth. My parents are not millionaires. They
belong to the middle class and have had to face financial problems. During their teenage years,
they also suffered from deprivation which was an obvious aftermath of the Vietnam War. More
than anyone else, they deeply understand the importance of money in todays society. As a
result, one of their indispensable lessons for me is to appreciate the value of money. They keep
teaching me how to spend and save wisely, yet they are never hesitant to help others. They are
not rich materially, but spiritually. I have been influenced by their generosity and compassion
very much. My heart is struck by an arrow whenever I see people struggling with famine,
disease, and inequality. I have seen their sorrows, I have heard their cries, and I am unable to do
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anything. The feeling of being so small and helpless tortures my conscience. An article, a
picture, or a documentary about the poor may easily envelop me. I have also experienced the
bitterness of injustice and discrimination before. Big fish swallowing little fish is the best
phrase to describe our competitive and dominant modern world. I fully understand that utopian
socialism is an impractical dream. Equality is not an absolute value; it is immeasurable and
unbalanceable. What about a place where people are provided essential things to survive, where
humans are treated as humans, not animals? Is that too much to ask for? I am an ordinary girl. I
will only be able to make it by mobilizing the power of people because There was a language in
the world that everyone understoodIt was the language of enthusiasm, of things accomplished
with love and purpose (Paulo Coelho).
My childhood has abandoned me in the blink of an eye. My Personal Legend was
eventually forgotten as I grew up. According to Coelho, it is the first obstacle. I stopped
dreaming about impossible things and learned to tolerate with the ugly truth. It is a beautiful
dream, but I cannot promise to give what I do not even have yet. There was a time I became
over-realistic, and sadly, materialistic and egotistic. I started thinking more about jobs that could
build me wealth, fame, and power. My destiny was buried under the wall of reality in those
years. Eventually, I received a chance to study abroad. I knew it was an omen that God left for
me. It was a desirable opportunity to step out of my comfort zone and enrich my knowledge. At
the same time, I had to face the second and third obstacle: to leave my hometown and to begin
again in a strange country. My fears were soon overthrown by my curiosity and optimism. I was
too young to predict all the hindrances until they actually came to me. Ironically, my family and
friends are not the burdens holding me back as I used to fear. They have become motivations to
keep me going on the path that I have chosen. Knowing that there is someone waiting for you is
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the only reason to find a way home. Their love and expectations lift me through the darkest hours
of my life. When I am hopeless and all alone, when I am lost in the rain of my own tears, I think
of them. Geographical distance is nothing when it is true love. I have failed countless times. I do
not fear defeat itself. I am more afraid that I cannot get up afterward. Somehow God has always
guided me in His way. He exists in every moment of my life. Each person around me has been
sent by Him for a particular reason. I have made new friends from whom I learned another
language and culture. I have been blessed having dedicated teachers to instruct me at school. I
have met people who inspire and encourage me. In contrast, bad people have taught me valuable
life lessons and made me stronger. Black and white are two coexisting sides of the world. God
has created the night shadow to make us esteem the daylight. It has been almost two years since I
moved here. I am adapting. I am a chameleon that always changes colors to survive in various
circumstances. If someone asks me whether I regret the decision that I have made, I will
immediately say yes. Nevertheless, Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time; it is
regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable (Sydney J. Harris). Through all the
hardships that I have endured, I once again found my Personal Legend. Since I have received lots
of help from others, I should pay it back by doing charity.
Passion is not enough to make an appreciable change to the world. Enthusiasm cannot
turn stones into gold. Money cannot buy happiness, yet it can save a human life. Currently,
education is my most effective long-term investment. It is not all about the school system and
gaining knowledge, but also giving me a chance to discover my abilities. I will do my best
academically in order to prepare for my future career. I am not born to be a powerful leader, a
genial speaker, or a hot celebrity that uses their reputation to call for public support. There are
many ways leading up to one final destination. I will silently work for a charity organization. I
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may go around the world and directly help needy people. This will also fulfill my passion to visit
different cultures. On the other hand, if I do well at school, there will be a greater likelihood of
getting a well-paid job. I can become a strong, stable backbone of non-government organizations
by contributing as a supporter or donor. Someday the fourth obstacle may come: the fear of
realizing the dream. I have constantly thought about this. My devotion might be such a grain of
salt in a borderless ocean. No matter how hard I fight, the world will not turn upside down
because of me. That does not mean that I choose to step back and not take any action. I will
never forgive myself for being a coward. It is not just the last achievement but the whole
progress that counts.
And when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it
(Coelho). This quote is reflected in every day of my life. I have been helped during my journey.
All of my successes are the contributions of many people. It is wonderful to see everybody give
each other a hand. The greatest way to maintain joy is to share it. I do not have a right to decide
my fate, my family, talent or appearance; at least I can make my own destiny. I only have one
chance to live, to do what I believe is true, to chase for my dreams and to love. Living for myself
is a satisfaction. Living for others brings me true happiness. There is an invisible thread
connecting everyone in this planet, despite race, ethnicity or religion. Humans are symbiotic
creatures. We need each other. No one can independently exist. Humanity will be getting close to
extinction when humanitarianism is lost in this brutal world. If I know death is inevitable, if I
know a hundred years are finite I will choose to live a full, worthy life and dedicate until my
last breath. Life is too precious to waste.

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