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th OAGON Ta OZUYANASA NIS So SIN ESFUERZO eis mm, | EL NUEVO v vu el mayor provecho, sea fiel a su cia diatia con Assimil la conslancia sera la mejor garantia del exit. Cada siete leciones, se incluye una de «Revision land notes » (repaso y observaciones) que le ayucard 4 racapitular lo que acaba de aprender y a perfec ionar sus conoeimientos A partir de la mitad del libro (se lo indicaromos. claramente), habra acumulado suficiente vacabulario y practica para comenzar a construir sus propias frasos. Asi pues, ademas de su leccién diarla, convendr’ ‘que repase una de las lecciones de! libro: deberd traducir al inglés los ejercicios y la leceidn, de viva yor © por escrito. Y asi hasta terminar of libro. Esto 88 un metodo eficaz y a la vez agradable de asimvilar El Nuevo inglés sin esfuerzo (148 lecciones) en poco mas de 7 meses. El resultado sera_un idioma len aprendido, que podra uliizar y desarrollar, tanto por escrita como. verbaimente, sin estuerzo ni vacilaciones. Silaba Soni Caracterisica y sirve nicamente para flargar’a vocal ala que’ sigue, En ‘consecuercia, cuando te encuentve con lina «r= en el fexto Inglés. cebe sober Que Si oeta sr ha sido transerita = nla pronunelacion figurada ~~ como Sts, deberdpronunciaria: suave Ie aerate ete cao de aug ia" fo haya sido transerta, debera.alargar Is vocal procedente “Sy, e80> La'ese inglesa tiene dos sonidos. La Bronunciacion dependera, en cada 280, de la posicion ue coupe dena “Sen cad palabra'® grupe, de fabras:"Con signa «© represedta amos’ un’ sonido vibrante sonore, Similar al que omitimos en bastelland al pronunelar =rasgo = gon «88 I dicaremos ‘01 aoniga corriania do Ta ‘roe castellana wah» El sonido de este grupo de letras es muy simiar al de ia-sch> castolana aungue'en inglés es mae euave. Sila ‘conoce, “repreduaca’ Ia pronunciacion Sndaluta de las ch 5, sdr» Con estas letras $0 hace reterencia al Sonido que expresa ef distongo ingles th, Cuando hayamos ransorto eho Sonido como =? en la pronunciacion Migurada. prondnciola como una =? spanola. Cuando incique se" debe Feproducir epreximadamento, a == Cattollana, pero Fondo Gu I lengua no sobre \ga entre loc dlantos y apoyandala mas bien en los disntes superoree, iteran hacer vibra fas crdas Guiza tose esto Ie parezca diel; no Se preocupe scan fa practiea y la ayuda ‘he Te proporcionaremos, lo aue ahora Parece Complejo se convertia luego en tn juoge de mitos LA PRONUNCIACION FIGURADA Le ofrecemos a continuacion un euadro con ls principales Sonioos do. lengua inglesa, con pronunciacién figuras, Se"enda na tal samo In onconrard on las Tocsloren ‘lorie apronder este cvadro ce memoria” ceac.ira pons poeta medida que avanza en. su estuslo, ae Feglae que rigen Ia pronanciacion ingiess.- al mama tiompo duo sus exceptiones PorGiumo, recuerde quem pronuneacion de ur mismo Sonido puedo varar cersibiomente wr fureion dl acento fonco (wer pagines Vy Vi) [Hse saute Rept las Icsone om wor aa a tere oxagerar el acento inglés y ao olvice que tnigamente la ‘couche continuaca dovnunwtas eas te audio, Te per tii saga sroproevamente un buon acon, LOS soNInOS INGLESES sds, Leccién treinta y siete 1 — Puede usted indicarme (decirme) al camino para 2-— imme Veamos, Si. .Va usted andanco? (ea pe notes () Sar relsar To el supone Is tea do iiormar 8 Sg sPaiion” Aqui fe adtcinos por nde exptear one hundred and twectwalk 126 3 — 8% {yo 909). — Entonces subs [por] Charing Gross some Shalisbury Avenue 4 Lege°viene) usted a New Odors Strest. Eh ego, este eh, justo envrena, area, 5 Sreesores justo entrente estd Bloomsbury Stree = peraone, me lo puede deci otra vex? — usto'onirons, tiene uated Bloomsbury Steet, Bale por ally esta a su erecha, Ro tiene percida {no puede usted dojar ao o tare} — Muchas gracias. — De nada, © — Tome tenga) ve cereza. — No quero, pero 10 — Lohare. Tenge mucha sea. — Usted siempre tine 500. 11 — Guiza es porque no devo sutclente Un gloton 42 (Una_madre, a au hijo, tras el sexto troz0 ce pastel) ie 13 — Tom, eres un gloton.; come puedes comer tan 14 — No's0" Es S01e fouena) avers 127 one hundred and twonty-ssven EXERCISES 1 Take the first street on the right. — 2 Turn left at the end of the road. — 3 It's only a twenty minutes" walk fo Oxford Street, — 4 Sorry. say that ‘again. | Gant hear. — 8 Hurry up. Don’t miss the train, — 6 Opposite the church you can see the school Fill In the missing words: 1 Hay tanto ruido que se va a acostar There is that he bee 2 4 Puede indicarme ef camino pars ir al museo? (an you .... me the se? 3 Subs por esta calle y eaté a su izquierda sect and it's. your one hundred and twonty-elght_ 128 4 2a (est8) usted @ pie 0 en coche? ae you or. aan 5 Tengo suerte, no me plerde nunca Voce get lost veRcicios 4 Tome la primera calles Ia devacha,— 2 Tuerea (a) zquerda Sasol nos fis Ovo Steet —" Percone. ret lien, 2'e-Envente ef plsin puede wr usoa fa escuela eesti ego, 2 =e way mune — Thirty-eighth (38th) Lesson ‘At the Pub 1 David and Pete are playing darts, 2—I'm good, Pete, but I think you're bet- ter. (1) 3—No, that's not true. Oh, sixty! Perhaps you're right PRONUNCIATION Vo gud te, — 3 120. one hundred and twentinine 4 — Hey, look, you're closer than me. — Yes, but I'm shortsighted. (2) (3) 5 — That's no excuse. You can see from here. 6 — Yes, but not very well. Anyway, | don’t always win. (4) (5) 7 — But you can buy the drinks. You're richer than me. 8 — Alright. What do you want? — 1 want to 9 Pete is richer than David, but David is happier 10 I'm bigger than you. — Yes, but I'm more intelligent 11 How is your poor father? — He's worse, Im atrald. (6) 12 This is the best way to go ta the museum. 13° Close, closer, closest; rich, richer, richest. 14 good, better, best; more intelligent, most intelligent. 4 ssi, shoor-t — § tae nou hate. — 8 si — 1 Sora Smit = 8 Sa 9 fea NOTES (continued) (2) Close: cercane, préximo: closer: mas ercano, mas préximo. Los adjetivos de una sllaba'y 10s 06 Gos, uando llevan et acento en Ta primera, forma asi a Comparative. Se ahade vers (rch, richer), menos tuarido ef adjetvo. termina ya en's, en cuye cave se Shade solo «r=. 1 ef adjetvo termina em sy a Se transforma en ontento} happier {imas feliz, mas contento) Para ol superlative se aha ‘ests: happiest (el mas Teli, el mas content, muy Content, cantontsima) Para las palaoras mae large fe usa more (mds) ¥ the most el mas} para el Super Leccién treintay ocho 1, __ David y Pete juegan (prog! a los dardos, 2 — Soy duane, Pete, poro creo que WU eres mojor. 3 — No. mo ee vardad, (Ohl iseserta! quiza tengas Tzon Notes 1) Recordemos que good (buena) es ade y ave well (© igelea adernio, How are you? Very” wall ns esta vstea'? ~My bie ‘one hundred and thity 120 £— RER cere eateas Bt tlaonoe Fo Be ce unr cons Een mn eo me eee pe paner — ena so. ne Tee mete ra uy cores to tambien, coreano, tras Gortano, aire coreano, muy cereara) reo, fe muy ila ey ne ton. melon ef melor (ovenisimo) mas intel 4 Stay elmas intlgete (0 imtigonatmo) arow hi ativos y_ super. (© fiaos lroguares. va hemos Vato good. bet, ihe SP Pal hp “gPronuncia usted siempre con energia las consonantes ? ‘one hundred and thitytwo 192 131 ome hundred and thityrone EXERCISES: 2 ee etre bbe soos student .. the class 1.1'm atta | cant see. I'm shortsighted. — 2 How He os 's your poor daughter? —'ush better. 3 Wes got no money al all. — 4 He always wing when we play poker. —§ She earns more money than hor fatnor Fill In the missing wor 1. &/ meior jupacor ganara 0! partido, player wll... the maten 2 El es mis rico pero olla es mas feliz Hols but ane is crema hasan me 2 Siempre gana cuando jupamee $i, teal teat 3 Wuesirs ojos son mis grandes que west estémago. Your... are your stomach 4 Wo tengo dinera problemas espustas ve got .. money and .. problems AILS Tsc wort ia Thirty-ninth (39th) Lesson Leccién treinta y nueve Thirty-ninth (39th) Lesson London Loneres 1 London is larger than Paris but smaller 1 Londres es, mayor que Paris pero mas pequefo than New York fave Nueva York one hundred and thityfour 134 193. one hundred and thitysthres 2 There are moro than eight milion inkabl- 2 Hay mts de ccho mitones de abi tants in Greater London. (1) (2) 3, iis ae potion oe acon y Gale 3 more than the populations of Scotland and 4 sinner London (el canto} es mas pave, Rau Wales together pure encon 4 Inner London is smatier. Here you tind the : te fearcer, $9 nates aest End ” with its theatres S Ghosora fuend egunae) vee Vadltones 5 and the City, which is the financial centre 7 Bar'ejempa‘el“stara: Mayor Ge Londies es of England, (3) (4) Pete Cay iar eon. 6 It 'is also the oldest part of London and oper mie, ior stil! has some ancient trations, gon fn pertain como ia ola do Pal, 7 For example, the Lord Mayor of London is 16 Era eda scale a bls mayor of the City only. 11 Ente tos lugerge intoresanies (Ge interés) de ve, 8 The most important part of the city is the est Tage St nee ag Stock Exchange te Se ia Btn y 9 which is as important as the Bourse in 1g Yee a putamarioyoig Ben 10 In almost every street, there is a beautiful ‘ama Big Ben. churen, often designed by Wren.) 11 Among the places of interest to See are Tralalgar Square 12 with its colony of pigeons and four bronze lions; 13 and the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben. wea os: inhabitants: habitantes ; inhabited 14 In fact, it is the bell and not the clock sane nee which is called Big Ben 0 Ger age re mcs or arcs cidade oi “aren Fara sae City 9s la capital més pequefa de! mundo, una sta cuncracs (28 hectares srowuncianion ‘bens wre: 18. taneay pica, AUS” cones 08 which (0 that (El pronombre waiva para oun 8 wn Shnsloner ten (0729) eae rgutecte que (© Feconsrays la sateral ae SaintPaut(ean'Pabi) faa neenelo de Loncras 666) 185. one mindrad and thitytive EXERCISES 41 Your brother-in-law and his friend are arriving to- gether. — 2 It is this semtonce which is the most Gificult. — 8 We have eotlee or tea. Which do you want? — 4 Which is the most beautiful church in London? — 5 She Is a Vbrarian, not a secretary Fill in the missing words: 1. Et hombre con quien habla usted es un excminsiro, ‘The man you are 's an exminister. 2 Tenemos un amigo que toca maravitiosamente el plano We have a lays marvelously 3 {Quién qulere venir a Lanares con nosotros ? wants te London with ..? 4 <.0U8 es més interesante, Lonates 0 Edimburgo ? Interesting, Lonson 2 The more the morrir: Cuantos mas seamos Gaanta mas gente {o'simplemente 187 one hundred and thity-soven Fortieth (40th) Lesson Useful expressions 1 — Can | help you? — Yes, I'm looking for 2 Please sit down. You look tired. (1) 3 Have a drink. What will you have? 4 Gan you tell me the way to the town centre? (N. 3) 5 London is larger than Paris out smaller than Now York. 6 Please come in. Make yoursell at home, 7 Sorry, say that again 8 | don't like beetroot. — No, neither do I. (2) 9 Can't you do better than that? 10 This lesson is more interesting than the first one. 11 I can’t speak English fluently yet, but | can understand quite well, 12 Please speak a litle slower, Thanks. 13 How far is it from London to Edinburgh? 14 He won't speak to you, he’s in a bad mood. (3), PRONUNCIATION. 2 uk ibe — A. gun att? — anders. al. — 6 Incl ionet.’ —7" Goi’ 8 — wert maze Gas 8 Vaart eee ant HE an. Eider EXERCISES 1 No, sir, I'm afraid he's not in. — 2 Can you come: ack tomorrow? — 3 1 like Turkish eottee. So do! 4 Unfortunately, there are no tckats for Saturday. — § We're going to see Pete. How tar fram here does he live? '5 Soria mejor que nos tueramos ahora. Ya os tarde. Gomes, 4 Which i= more “or Edmbargn: — 6 ha beter mas nos relremos (merry: alegre}. mas [verga. uantos mas meio) one undead and thityeight 198° Leccién cuarenta Exprosionos at — Puede ayudarie ? — Si, busco (por bor tava’ arece usted cansedo a due desea 5 camino para el contro de 1a Congres es més grande que Paris pero ms pe: 1ueno que Nueva York er taver entre Siomase como en su casa («hi jase en coaa Eo'sieno, sigameto de nuevo, Ne mo gusta romolacha, No, a mi tempoco {pio puedes hacerlo moje (que eso)” ENS Nocoion ‘es mas intresenie que la primera 11 Kino hablo inglés con fuae2, pero puedo on fender muy bien 32. Par favor heble un poco mas despaci. Gracias. 12 Que distancia hay (como lejos es) de Lonaees Esimburoo? 14 No ‘quer hablarte, esta de mal humor. Notes If} To fook at: mirar. To look: parecer This meal looks rica esta come Te (Gareco agradeoi). (a) Neither. nor: nin. f\. Nether John nor Peter speaks French: Nrdvan ti Pedra hablar tances. Nether do So tampeco, neifier does she eli tampaco. 9 0 ice either." or (@) Won't = will not no olvide que wil ene también el entice do querer) F aspect. ‘buena pints IERCICIOS 1 No, stor, mg tame au no etd a ert) — 2 Panda sed WbeLsralatdest no hay sree pees ioage, "8 Vans Nori’ Patc Agu aaanca come lees) 66 aul vive? in the missing words: 1) No quiero i a Grecia en septiembre. — Yo tampaco 1 10 90. Gra Go! September, — 2 Habla inglés con fuidee pero no alemén. speaks English but 3 Normaimente, va 2 su trabajo en coche 4 Desgraciagamente, vamos a case de mi madre para Forty-tirst (41st) Lesson Success 1 Potor and Dave are fishing : Pete. — I've got a bite! 2 Dave, —Is ita trout? 3 Pele. — Ow, nol Its a wasp! 141 one hundred and forty-one Innocence 4 Little girl. — Please drink your tea, Mr Williams. | want to watch you. (1) 5 Mr Williams. — Of course my dear. But why? 6 Little gir. — Because Mummy says you rink like a fish! A Scottish prayer 7 Heavenly Father, bless us and keep us all alive. (2) 8 There are eight of us for dinner 9 and there's only enough for five. 10 — What is the longest word in English? — | don't know. ‘Smiles, because there is a mile bet ween the first and the last letter, ne 12 Keep quiet in the library. People are read- ing 13 | don't want this old pullover. You can keep it Practique reptionso caae una de las evatra anscdotas. Son braves y ao le resuterd fe 5 No como suficionte. — Al (Es Io} contrario, comes cat Wee the you 2 Gun arnes. a Cntotanaty 9c mainars 8 dont Leccion cuarenta y una el exo 1 Pete y David estin pescando. Peta" Prean! (tengo una = pleads) Dave. —\ze8 una ticha Pate. — iy. noes una avisps PRONUNCIATION fone hundred and fortwo 142 Inocencia 4 Nita, — Por favor, bebate su 18, Se. Willams, Quiero verte, * 5 5 Sr Wivlams — Claro, carifo, pero z por aus & Nina. —:Porque mamé dice que bobe usted como Un pez {en espanol decimos » bebe como una espana Una oracién escocesa 7 Padre celestial, bendicenes y consérvanes a vida & Somos ocho (hay echo de nosoirs) a cena 8 Yay séio sulllente para cinco. 10 — {.Cual es la palabra mas larga en Inglés? — No 13+ (sonrisas, sas), porque nay una no iniley entre ia primera'y te tims letra 12 Guan aleno on la tea, La gate ext 13 No Gulerd este viejo Jersey. Puede usted auedér PAP ENS Notes i} To watch: mira, vigllar To watch television (© Graton. A salon’ un rele) tee pulsera) a) To keep: guarcar. conservar. Keep quet: | Guarcen () Troncict fo hoop lets martanerse ("por la iz Suit. 79 kows'a promise” cumpir ina promesa, 143. one hundred and forty-three EXERCISES 1 Please keep quiol, there is too much noise. — 2 Stubbs, the famous painter, Is still alve, — 3 There isn't enough food for all of us. — 4 How many Kile: meters are there in a mile? — § She works in 2 brary outside London, Fill in the missing words: 1 Vote Ia iibreria y cémprame ta queva novels de Groene Go to the and buy .. the new oy Groene 2g Cuil os fa palabra més larga [que existe} or ingles? ‘Gonaedo a mas corte, Is the wore English? 1 3 Deme cince. Puede guardar ol resto. me five. You can... the reat Forty-second (42nd) lesson REVISIONS AND NOTES Notas para rovisar. — Leccion a6: (7), (4) = Leccién 87: (3) = Leccion 98: (2), (6) - Leccién 39° (4) ~ Leceion 40: (2). 1 To come and to go, — 10 come: venir. es decir hacia el que habla: to go: ir. irse, alojarse. She comes downstairs: Ella baja las escaleras (viens Por las escaleras hacia abajo), 145. one hundred and fortyve 2 Verbos compuestos. — Cambiando la preposicion Puede hacerse variar el sentido del verbo. fo corse ‘ns entrar fo come down bajar: 10 come out sale {0 come back: voiver En esta preposicion puesta tras el verbo, la que docide e'sentco' por tanto, si un verbo posce na Baricua habitat, these bie en alla {por Siem to sk for); cuando cambia esta preposien solseada tras el verbo, cambia tambien el signiicado del 8 To tell (contar) siompre tiene sentido do « infor Tell me about your job: hableme (cigame, cuénieme, inférmeme} sobre su trabajo. ° Tell him the truth dite (eubntale) la verdad, Teil me a story: cuentame una historia. Slempro va seyuide de un pronombre (you, him. someone) To say (decir) va’ seguido, normalmente de that {aunque este. that se suprime. muchas. veces on frases cologulales) Ho says that he vs ted: clea que esté cansado (pronunciacion de la tercore por Sona saya ses). To speak: (hablar): we speak English We caves Downrales 4 Expresiones importantes (ver también la leccidn 37) +1 don't tke this film. Neither dot No me gusta esta pelicula. A mi tampoco. He drinks like a Tish Bebe como una esponja (un pez). cone hundred and forty-four 4 Cuando conduzea usted por Inglaterra debe acordarse 0 i por is i2quierda you In England, you must remember: 5 No puede venderio. No imports, He can't Never 1 rome, ua tec, ny cena re 2 Sub o ema ates Oe foam oe BSS Fabtech ara tone Rospussias {oraon 5 pe see — 2M opens tray te Leccién cuarenta y dos She goes downstairs: Ella baja la escalera ly no- Sotros permanecemes arriba). ome in (pase. onre) inca que el que habla esta Sore udeletén.“Go in quiere decir quo el que habla ia con ef gue reebe a orden Into expresa la idea de movimiento (to) y de entrar fin), Go lato: entrar en. ‘one hundred and fortysix 148 unas medidas, — { mile = 3609km - 4 fot Sain pound = onskg = 1 pint = Oseiit~ 7 acre =" 040 Rectareas f.zamean ints snninl meg 7 Traduocion 1 Ho's richer tan me, but Im happier "s coming {comes no viene bien aul, ver Been Se ey on Tossday. What vine? Ata Guartor fo nine 3 Can you tell me the way to Wren's Church ? 4 London isthe largest ct town) in England. How thang feos re there > I want something to drink, What will you have ? 6 Among the most intresting monuments. Big Ben ene best toryasven Forty-third (43rd) Lesson The future 1 We will now look at the future tense. 2 You form the future by putting " will” in front of nearly all our verbs. (1) 3 For instance, the verb “to dress", in the future, becomes “1 will dress: you will dress”. (2) 4 We continue with the contraction : “we'll dress, you'll dress, they'll dress". (3) 5 You see, it’s easy! 6 Let's look at some sentences in the future 7 Fil_go to the cinema tonight if you'll come with me. 8 You will learn English quickly if you read a lesson every day. 9 The word " shall” is mainly used for sug- gestions: It's raining, shall we take a taxi? (a) PRoNuNciarion atthe ene 5 2a foom. ol nie. veto, — 9 or Notes a @ ® 10 ” 2 2 “ En cfecto, will 82 coloca ante al infinitive sin to en todos los verbos (la tercera. person. wel singular rnunea lleve'ss=) Yo sore 1H! be; 8! sera hell be For instance or example. Fijeso en la pronunciacion: a ul, vil, doll How much money will you need? Shall | give you some more? (5) (6) Will you give me some more coffee, please? How will you go to work? The tube’s on strike. — I'l take my car Shall | phone the office and tell them you'll be late? Vl drive; you'll be late: you will have problems OL BghtM meer? — 12 be on sak 8. — EXERCISES 1 You'll need some more money. — 2 Shall we go to See that new iil tonight? they 3 It thay don't Murty up be late. —"'# Will | need my passport to go te England? — 6 Who will come with me? Fill In the missing words: 12 Quieres ayudarms, por favor ? Aun no comprendo you help_me 1 ont un erstand The tobe ‘otro estaré en huelga, nara usted bien on coger on eke, you take 2 8 one hundred and forty-eight 148 Leccion cuarenta y tres ttre Nos reterremos (miraremes) ahora ab tempo (de) ture Se'forma el fuure (por) poniendo will ante casi See 8 ue ec ae Convenoven Deme mas Int ‘give me some more information. Now. MAS nunca sos nes" 3 -Qviore que Je jlame por telsfono para decile que Niegaremes tarde? 1 phone him 10 im wo 4 Qu8 hards si no esta en casa? What ..-. yous. ithe 2 1 one hundred and fity-one 5 Estoy buscando a algulen quien quiere comprar mi casa ' for wil buy Forty-fourth (44th) Lesson 1 — Give me that wallet, it's mine. 2 — How do you know? — Well, it's not yours, and there are ten pounds inside it. (1) 3 — He borrows my things, but he isn’t plea- sed when I borrow his. (2) (N. 2) 4 — These people are all friends of hers. They want to come to the party. (3) 5 — What, all of them? — Well, perhaps only a few of them, 6 — Where is my pen? — Here, you can use mine. — That's very kind of you, 7 — Whose is this sports car? — it's theirs. 8 — | suppose they are very rich. — No, their house is smaller than yours. 8 In fact, they live in a tent! PRONUNCIATION 4. wot. main, — 2. oor. paunds 5. trou pind hia hag, “pom ton th. 8 be eg hak pelaar cna ep rien 153 one hirdred and fity-th A cynic 10 — So you're going to merry Harold. What is he like? (4) 11 — He's honest, kind, gentle, sweet and noble. (5) 12 — And what are you going to eat? 13 — A eynic is a person who knows the price of everything 14 and the value of nothing (Oscar Wilde) EXERCISES 1 Whose are these pens? — They're mine, — 2 1 want to borrow one of your boeks. —3'T'm pleased to know that you're going on holiday. — 4’ She stil wants to marry @ millionaie. — § He's poorer than me. In fact, ne has no money! — 6 Thank’ you, that's very kind of you. Fill in the missing words: 1 Noes 61 west, es et mio, Wes vis 2 ¢De quidn es este tienda? — Es e oles Is this 2.2 ws 3 No pide prestada ta carters, | pera el dinero esté de He the but the mo: ney ' Tn las il, ~ 2 wit had Ste yous — 3 Sta Leccion cuarenta y cuatro 1 — Dime cts cartera 0 a mi we 3 PERCH FSESCS Bet en, no os say y nay Tate dona. 3— Me pice presiadas mis cosas, pero no lo gusta ie pda pasate is nye 4 — Sita Gente Son (tos! amigos de ll, Quieren oe ISS eno, que soo unoecuanton (dale ° — {Senda mi puma 2 — Tenge (aut. puede § — Saariea—"nady male ge Su porte ae ute). 1 — Yn lex ene’ dererveS “Eee ion 1 Shes yonaytcn Ho, soc notes 1) is; onto neg, Sh ie te Pose ‘To boron no es = presiar sino = pode prestaco =: Se sont, pues al uso de este verbo @ Ting. cove, Everything cae cosa, todo, Nothing. ee Thing @s la palabra que se fair lg. hasta fang a0 oye cone ying ma cosa, is aauntos, mie pertenencl a) Flee en la Tormuta: he's a end of mine es amigo (9) ie fiterstmente es un amigo do mis) ‘one hundred and fty-tour 154 Un einico 10 — Entonoes, vas a casarte con Harold. Cémo 0? M1 — Eesincero, agradabie, amatle, csidraco (dulce) y reba, 12 — ¥ Tae} que vais » comer? 18 — “Un cinice es una persona que conoce el precio soo 14 para'no conace el valor de nada », (Oscar Wiide) NOTES (continued) (d) What's he Hike como es. He's ike his father Es como su pacre (S| Honest: la ch» 80 aspira, como en hour evencicios seen ca ues Dette postage ono e tu tbvon = Eatay conan [de] saber acasonen "4 fadevia ques sagas eon ‘fora’ —'s Be mas pobre ave yo. De-nesho yn Here 4 El pracy at valor no son 10 mismo (la misma cosa). and not the same 155 one hundred and fityefve 5 Tionas un nuevo depertva. ¢ Como es? Youve got a Whats ? ‘one hundred and tyes Forty-fifth (45th) Lesson Holiday plans 1 David and Joan are discussing their plans. 2—' think we'll go to Brighton next week ‘end, (1) 3 — But why? Thore’s nothing to do at this time of the year. know, but look: if the weather is fine, we can drive along the coast 5 and visit all those litte villages. 6 — Yes, but David, er... My mother’s coming next weekend. 7 — Damn! — But she only comes once a year! (2) 8 — Yes, and it's always when we want to go away, 9 — You mean: when you want to go away 10 — I'm sorry. — She's arriving on Friday, 11 — Then we'll take her with us and visit the antique shops. (3) ‘PRONUNCIATION 4 asin. — 2. gow. bin. — 3 mein = cl ot Ee. ih da 187 one hundred and fty-seven 12 — She'll fee! at home among ali those old things, 13 — Davie! Don't be nasty! 14 — I'll meet her at the station, then we'll be able to make our plans together. (4) FO W819 mast) 8 sehen. a EXERCISES 1 It you come tomorrow, you will be able to help us. 2 John feels at home in London, — 3 Will you 46. able to lend me five pounds? — 4 All those people are friends of mine. —S I will ask him the next ime see him, Fill in the missing word: 1. {Joan, ne seas mala! Ella es muy agradable oan, éon't | she is very 2 Waya'! Liege a ies siete y e/ coche std adn en of bara Darna! she the Seven and the car Leccién cuarenta y cinco Proyectos [para los] vacaciones avid y Jan aiscuten (prog) sus proyectos 4 — Broo Aue ramos Erighion ol pronimo tn de 3 — [Pom por qué ? No hay nage que hacer on esta fovea de abo. 4 Wiel 38 mira, st el tempo es bueno, 1 ESR sen pc Gain or op = Bikee = Seta ete co a vai forma grata dal reset, dao 1 See Tel an va \vaval teramarte’aractn). & ute otra us’ tungus on signs ambentespubdo 300 sa tvs voc ef semao de va angpora ©) Tevatfones's mictaTim taking some towers 10 My Ler tet aaat asset axe ai you oe med and tnpemnt 88 42 — 56 santirs [como] en casa onie todas ssas cosas 13 — [Davia No osremas hacer juntos nuostres planes. NOTES (continues) [4) El infinitive de can, Podre: be able to 3. Se sentird como on casa con lodes esas antgiedades. He aE with those 4 En esta époce del ato, estamos siempre de vacaciones. a + wo are onaliday 5 Viens sola una vex al ao, perddn, dos voces sho... comes year Pm cess Kits! 2°00 eae gonts son amigos mice (dem). — 8 Le ropntare la poxina ver fue ove, Forty-sixth (46th) Lesson 1 Read this lesson as usual then answer the questions about the preceding one, What are David and Joan doing? Where does David want to go next week ‘end? 4 Does he want to go to Birmingham? 5 Does he want to drive to Brighton? (1) 6 Who is arriving next weekend? 7 How often does she come? (2) (N. 3) 8 9 What will they do? Do you think they will go by train? 10 Will the weather be fine? 11 Where will David meet his mother-in-law? 12 When do people take their holidays? 13 The four seasons are: spring, summer, autumn, winter $ (Guiere conducir hasta Brighton ? & [Gut lagu a! prowmo tn ce semana’? (prog) 1 {Gon qué treobencia (como 8 menudo) viene feta)? 8 Caie'narane 3 (Plenga vstes que iran en ten? ° 19 {hard buen tiempo ? 11 [Bande esperar ae encontrard} David a (con) su Suegra? 42 Guindo toma ta gente las vacaciones ? 13 Lae cuaro esweianes. son’ primavera, verano, Notes (a) To arve: conducir 9 ir en coche. Do you want 10 drive {o London? ; quieres i'& Londres on coche ? fe dnves two Inunarod ‘miles every day conduce Goseientas miles cada cia (a) How often: » come @ menudo »: con qué frecuencia, ‘uantas veces Flow often is there a plano for Paris ?: Cada evanto tiempe hay avion pare Paris? No se oivide de elevar la vor al final de una frase into rrogativa, ; [honuncia siempre vigorosamente !as consonantes one hundred and sitytwo. 1 4 <.0u8 quiere decir? What oo. he =. 5 Cree usted que el examen sera atic? be the exam 2 veRCICIOS {Gane cmt, emames russ acaenes on lr esque 3 Bre ue. spting’ hope ul bo. = ace = mean: 8 you Forty-seventh (47th) Lesson 1 An Englishman and a Spanishman are dis- cussing their respective countries, (1) 2 — OF course, says the Englishman, you Spa nishmen are not gentlemen, PRONUNCIATION. 1 sp als — Leccion cuarenta y siete 1 Un inglés y un esate! dscuten (arog) {sobre} sus ores } Recordemos que los nombras aye txminan en =-y= (") ifpan‘eus puraiea con vfos= No so eivde del uso {ie las maydeccias en fos nombres ee Balses, nao saudacen, das dels semana, oe 103 one hundred and sitythree 3. — And why not? replies his friend, slightly annoyed. (2) 4 — Well, for example, if you enter a bathroom by mistake, (3) 5 and you see a young lady washing, what do you say? 6 — We say "Excuse mo, madam 7 — Exacily, says the Englishman, but a gent- leman says: Excuse me, sir. 8 — A gentleman is 2 person capable of two things. 9 — He can describe a pretty girl without using gestures, 10 and he always hears a funny story for the first time, 11 Two English gentlemen are eating @ meal in their club, 12 They taste the soup with great interest, and one says to the other: (4) 13 — I's an interesting soup, but not a great soup. 23 fa end ai, as — cua. — 6 shin. ona. "7 sient, — 8 pao hapa” “a Geans en” eieners 10 ee an) ty an mor 42" ct imorest ons, “19 tecinirostn. ro vive EXERCISES: 4 You Englishmen eat badly. — 2 He doesn't want ome. Why not? — 3 This machine (méshin) is easabio of many things. 4 He speaks English without making pistes, 5 aimays take hs bag by mate = ig friend Is eticising him and he is slightly: ane oie 3 slightly Fill in the missing words: 1. Disculon sobre sus respecives peises con gran inert iscussing spective countries with 2S) usted ontra por error en fa cocina, « qud dice? you te by what > 3 2 Pusce describir« una onios guapa sin hacer uso ot ‘pestos ? om 0 38 He a ale! without 1 — How far is it to the station? — Oh, not too far. (1) PRONUNCIATION ‘one hundred and sictefour {LY por qué? respande sv amigo igoramente mo Blcn por ejomplo, st usted ents fon) un euarto de Bano bor exvocacion $e g ena joven ehora) iavandose, 4 qué dla fie)? Srisinos (docimos) « Perséneme, senor Byactamosio, dice el ingles, pro un cazaloro diia {diel = Perdaneme, sr MW {Un cabaliara es una persona capaz de dos cosas. Poode aesoribr @ una chiea gugpe si hacer uso se gestos 40 Jslempre oye uns historia eivertida por primera a} 41 Bos caballeros_ingleses estén comiendo: (una fomida) en su cub, 2 yg sepa con gran interés, y uno (le) aice NoTES coniaues M2) Ligh igre: sight: paca important, Te knock ook Lite fear ats placa) Stavemeri.igoramenta TeeM anrtyoa! Ngeraene mses fo oe om Ser ttantes ° 2) A mstake fi, evor a tuts dteto: by mistake ° ‘por error. A proposito se dice on purpose |perpés). ta) To taste, proba, gusty tambien dogustar one hundred and suty-sbe 168 4 Veo @ dos caballaras comiende sone 1 wo gentiomen soup 5 Por tvar, prusbe a ste vino y clgame lo que piensa oe taste wine and vat you i. anit vERCICIOS 1 Undes lot] nglases caren mal — 2 No aera ven. Por itges sin eros ™'S Semare'eoo su saes por eror "8 Su Leccién cuarenta y ocho a (como lojas) esta (ello para) la no cemasiade loos ue it on? ores (1) Ponga culsado en la pronuneige slargaga de este Giplongo (son dos ‘wacalos). Se. pronuhcia como fnbmero, wo y no come fo cuya wo ee mones mens {28 eetorma Un santo ai pronvreiarse ntysov0n 2 It takes about ten minutes on foot and only two by car. (2) 3 Shall | call you a taxi? — No thanks, Ill walk. | have plenty of time. (3) 4 A sociologist is studying the average height of the English (4) 5 — Do you know, he says to his girlfriend, only one Englishman in nine hundred and twenty (920) is six feet tall? (5) 6 — Yes, says the girl, but it’s always him 7 that sits in front of me in the cinema, Pir ike a fae emote | s 8 A businessman is writing to a competitor who is very dishonest: (6) 9 "As my secretary Is a lady, she cannot tell you what I think of you. 10 and as |_am_a gentleman, | eannot even think it 11 but as you are neither one nor the other, 12 [hope you understand! 2 IE a galt Somat. en at eeleman: in harp: onéat 8 “ier 160 one hundred and icy EXERCISES 1 How long doos it take to go to the station? — 2 No thanks, we'll go on foot. — 3 Who is siting in front ‘of them? — I think its George, — 4 What do you think of this lesson? — 5 Only one man. in twenty wears a hat. — 6 How much is the average salary in England? — About ferty pounds a week. Fill in the missing words: 1. NI Pablo ni yo podemes venir manana. Lo siento 2. Se tarda solo media hora en hacer estos ejercicios. onercises halt an nour 3 ¢ Cudnto mide usted! ? — No puede decirselo en metros. How are your — 1 tell you fone hundred and sityeight 160 2 Necasttaré (toma alrededor de diez minutos @ ple yssio doe on coche 3 [Gulere faue) lisme a un taxi? — No gracias, Eaminare, tango mucho tempo. 4 Un socidlogo estusia (prog ia altura media de tos Ingleses. 5 — Saves, lee a su novia, solo un inglés ontro (en) oveslentos veinto mide sels pies (es sels ples ae) 6 — Si tice 1a enioa, de0 os siomore et 3 verse siesta delante ge mien el cine # Un nomore_ do noociog eacee (rea) a un ‘competicar que os muy deshonesto. 9 SGomo.mi fecretaria es una senora, no puede Gecire 1o que ploneo ce usted 10 yoo yo s0y un eatalToro, no puedo ni siquiera 41 ero.tomo usted no es ni [lo] uno nl lo) otro, 42 Pespero que entienaa ilo que quiero decir) NOTES (continuee) . 21 Como ol wevbo «neces», on alguna de sus acop @ ciones (coma = hacer falta », etc.) no tiene equivalente En"palGe, so vuln ore vorbo, en esto caso. tomar, coger, Coupan. que puede adaure Ln Sigh. Le parece. how lang “aoos take? flompSl se irda" fakes an hour's te tore (8) Pion of 08 coro un sinanime de much © many Se Erol’ misma ora para si anguar Ge Dera short (0) ‘Tre ngligh los inleses el puedo Inglés). Un inglés an‘engietman i) Tall alto, hablanco Ge personas. Ii sx fet tt and “ three feet wide: Mide un metro ochenta de alto y weSinta“tetsiroy oo anete How tal are “You? [evn tite usted {como alo ee usted) (6) Honost(onst) es una de fm pooas palabras Inlesas er ASere tye Si hated sont “Por Tene Seamer is y pronunclames S10 el rest (in evo" dahoncst —” desonest and seventy 170 unde 4 zQuiere que le alga (pita) que fe llame por telefono ‘manana a tas sors? | ask .. te phone... tomorrow ox 2 5 Podemos ir a pie: tenemos mucho tempo. we 8° we have tuenccot LER SSUGD AS aed ea re ce Se 1 Neier = ror = can = sory —= 2 These - only tke «0 do, — Fae ae aR ge to = ‘Recordemos que la «s+ final s@ pronuncia como «5» Sonora salvo Cuando sigue # p. |. 0.F cases 0” 10s Que fe fsleamonts impovible Forty-ninth (49th) lesson REVISIONS AND NOTES Notas para revis Leccion a4 (2), ( @. = Leccion 43° (1), (4), (6) = Leccion 48: (4) - Leccibn a6 1 A thing [ver loccién 44, (2)1. — Something: algo. alguna cosa. Anything: algo, alguna cosa (en las Irases negativas ¢ Interrogativas, Leccién cuarenta y nueve Anything ~ da iqual, sea lo que sea, no importa ‘A veces la palabra adecuada no viene & la memoria, incluso en fa propia lengua ; en esos casos se usan terminos como cosa, = chisme», elc.; no tema feallzer igual operacion an inglés. Pregunte sin miedo What is that thing called” = ¢ Como se llama ‘5a cosa? 174 one hundred and ssventy-one 2 Los pronombres posesivos no van precedidos por fl articulo the, mientras que en espanol pueden lievar articulo. Recordémosios : mine (el mio}, yours {el tuyo, ol vuasiro, 81 suyo -de usted), hers, is, his {el suyo, 0 sea, de olla, do ello, ce’ 6!), ours (el ‘nuestro}, theirs (o! suyo de ellos y ce elias). En plural no varia asi, por ejemplo This 1s mine. esto 88 mio; These books are mine: estos libros son ‘mios. Como vemos, mine no cambia del singular al plural 3 Las preguntas con « how ». — Son pequefias for- mmuias muy utiles. ~~ Yow far. How far is it fo the station? — How often (2 Con que haw often do you go to England? = {Gon que frecuencia va usted a Inglaterra? — How ong? ( Cuanto tempo ?) frecuencia ?) trom dura el viaje de Brighton a Birmingham? 4 Shall (leccion 43. Nt}, — Shall | open a window ? {Qulere que abra una ventana ? (Abra una ven- lana?) — Shall I calla taxi?: ¢ Quiere gue llame a tun taxi? (2 Liamo un taxi?) © What shall 1 do? {Que dobo hacer? (; Que hago?) — shail Buede sustituirse por do you want me + 5 No When will you be able to leave ?: 4 Cuando podra lrso? ‘She'll fee! at home: se sentiré como en casa. Don't be nasty: no seas malo, He's @ friend of mina: es amigo mio, 6 Poner en inglés (segunda ola) 1 Selo dire cuando lo voa. 2 No podra responder él mismo. 8 No me gustan todas estas preguntas, A mi tam- ot 173" one hundred and ecveny-tvee Fiftiet th (50th) Lesson The past tense 1 We worked hard yesterday, and today we must look at something new. (1) 2 You looked at the lesson and listened to the records (or tapes), so now you are ready to learn the past tense 3 [tis very simple. You add “ed to the infinitive it it ends in @ consonant; 4 and simply "8" to the intintive ending in“e 5 For example: to look, | looked: to work, he worked; 8 To like, they liked; to smile, we smiled. 7 There are, of course, some irregular verbs, but they are not too complicated 8 Let's look at our old friends "to be” and "to have”. 9 “To have” is extremely simple. It becomes “had”: you had, he had. (NA) 10 “To be" has two forms: | was, he was; and “you were, they were". (2) 11 You see how simple it is! 12 We had dinner at eight o'clock, John and Peter were there, 13 I had a cold last week and | was quite in, 14 We hoped to see her but she was busy PRONUNCIATION grein olceemgolia hmsiten tenes sist Sa 8 ae Toee 8 Bae a (ZA qué distancia?) How long is the journey Brighton to Birmingham ? =z Cuanto tiempo infinitive. fone hundred and seventy-two 172 4 ge aulén os esta cartora ? Es mia § Somos, amigos suyos ue ella)” U8! ; todos 6 YA gue cstancia est correos desde aqul? Hemos elegido frases en las que usted cometoré errores. Sino es asi le felicitamos. Si Io hace sable, es [0 normal, ne se preccupe, Podriamos Bresontarle frases. més facies, pero 30 Vata. ce Insite en ioe puntos celes.y no en el reperorio Ge conocimientos tye bastante amplio) que usted pose. Traduecion TIP him when | see i, himsett 2 He will not (won't) be able to answer himse 3 Idont like all these questions. Neither do | 4 Whose is this wallet ? I's mine 5 We're friends of hers. What. all of you! 8 How far is the past-otice from here ? Segunda ola. — Marana inciaromos la ase activa Go nuestro estudio. La manera de proceder sera la Sipuionto® despues oe haber visto fa leccion cin- SSnta tar y come na yonido usted haciendo hasta Soul deberd abordar de moevo, la primera teccion iiha ves oscuchaca y relelda con atencion, itentaré adver oralmente 7 por escrito texto castelare, Sorngiéndoes usted mismo, Esperamos que ne tenga Sncodivas aifcutiades. Con fn de-dar una base Sica a 80 aprendizale, seguira usted esto métoco todos ios clas, Yepasando wa laccion anterior pero Sniniarrampir por elo el studio oe las nuevas fecclones (al finale cada una de eles le indcare~ tmos la Tessin do repaso correspondent), No Pay Inojor sistema para consoliéar lo que ya sabe, y COP srayada Noperd @ expresarse on (ngids sin 2 fiereo.; Buena suerte! hundred and ssventytour 4178 Lecelén cincuenta 1 pasado 1 Ayer trabajamos mucno (ro) y hoy debemes Considerar mira) sige nuevo. 2 Viste (masta) Ia lasegn y etcuchaste los ascot (o"sinias), asl cue ahora fprencer pasado ae proparade. para 3 Eemuy’ simple, Se anaca «2d. al infitiva, si fate termina on consonente 4 Fslmplamente «so al imfnitve que termine an ee ° ° ord no son demasiada complicados, Goneideremos 4 nuestros elas amigos y ‘fener ‘ea muy simple. Se consiere en had: voso ‘Hos tolals(@ tuvstes). tena (0 Lo). 10 Ser, tone Gos formas’ yo era (ul. sh era (fs): y vesotg era (us eran Geren ty Nelisted que Simple =! 12 Canamon sine ootow son y Peta estaban al 15 La'somana. pass’ da te un conetipas y este bastante onterme 14 Experddemos vria, pero estabe ocupade Notes {1} Como puede verse, ol pasado inglés sive para indicar Soclones que en szpafel enpresamos con los preter {os impertecto © indfinide ‘Al pronuneiar ® pasade, Ie.toe cea terminacion «ed» no se prowurca, Sako cuando va presedida dev=c~"9 st=, como. 2n Wanted 0 vntended. Fijese bien es Ia pronunciacion tigurada’ usr La = ¢ suena t+ tas corsonante (dura, Mas adolane saldrd ikea. (2) Fijese bien en. In. pronunciacion: «usr. No hay ‘onracciones en el pasade, salva con = toner» and seventy-five EXERCISES 1 He must learn to be more pole. — 2 We were both ready at seven o'clock, —'3 but nobody was at home when we called. — 4 They thished their meal and went to bed. — 8 You see how simple it is! Fl in the missing words: 1 Cuando tubo termined, cares 8! ibro y so fumd une When ne ... finisheo, he the book and 2 pipe. 2 Eran las cuatro cuando liegd. Llegaba tarde, 3 Tuvo un constioado y estuve muy enferma She... a cole ane i 4 Cada vez que quoria trabajar, me molestaba Every time 1 Yo voy he cistubes Fifty-irst (51st) Lesson More past tenses 1 — Was he at home yesterday? — | think so, but I didn’t phone. (1) 177 one hundred and seventy-seven 2 — He called yesterday, but he didn’t see me. = Did he phone? — | don't think so. 3 These are the interregative and negative forms in the past, 4 You do not change the verb, you simply put the ausiliary “do” into’ the past did” 5 I did not (didn't) like the food. He did not (didn’t) phone. We did not (didn't) like him, 6 — Questions are easy, too: Did he like it? Did she phone? 7 — Did you like the play last night? — 1 didn’t see it. (2) (3) 8 — But did you go to the to theatre? — Yes, ut I was so tired | closed my eyes. 9 — Tell me, was the play interesting? — | didn't understand very much, it was in Greek. 10 — Then why did you go? — | liked the main actor. (4) 11 — Did he act wall? — | didn't watch the acting. | looked at him. (5) 12 — What did you do after the play? — 1 dreamed about the actor! (6) 13 He did not, he didn't: He didn't like the play. 14 Did they... Did they phone you? 5 Cuando éramos jovenes, tenlamos mas tiempo. When we... young, we wim eenoicios sucado, — 2 Loe doe est 1 Dove aavender (6) s0r mt Lo So extoames ci tas dite poral Pain nadie mn Ritnsmnos 4 Termmnavon oy comaa y ee] fueron 88 cam Second wave: 1st Lesson Leccion cincuenta y una ‘Mas empos pasados 7 Penso que tat = asia) on cae ae 7 ' ‘pero no liamé por telefono, Nores (f) Pronuncie enérgicamente la 6 oe did y, claro est, la PStenuaea (ess! lone hundred and ssventy-eight 178 2 — Ving (lame) ayer, pero no me wid. — Z.Liamé por Velsiono? — No rea at) oes 3 Epias son las lormas intorrogatve y nest Nose 2 50 pone st 4 Re'Se cambia o! verbo. simplement ¢ TEP Ehae nmi son tan: eh out berets anny ge” “om 2 — SERA Miata Se 11 — PAGE ion? — No contempié la actuacion. Le hne-a 6 oe 12 — 1 Que ciste despues de la obra? — |S0N feobrey ci actor! (Goniraccon) : No te gust ta obra To EaStonvalee acc Te lamaren por telefono 7 Be rb es tela Baraat pebanes ti, bc man are 4179. one hundred and seventynine EXERCISES 1 | didn't finish it because | was disturbed. — 2 Who disturbed you? — 3 My aster and her friends invited me to go out with them, —4 Where did you go? — $B To the cinema, but| didn't tke the film, Fill in the missing words: 1: Por qué dijo usted aso ? Eatd usted entadtado 7 Way o. you ss. that... you angry? 2 cA quién visto ayer por la noche ? No sail. Wo. you fast tt ee 3 ¢ Donde pusiste mi periécico? Junto a sof Were... you <+. my paper? .... the sola 4 Qué hizo usted después oe Ia obra ? id you ., after tho ....? cone hundred and agnty 180 189 | ASETnR PPS Stigoe me intaon & ar con el. TATE pe no me puss Ie peouln @ 5 Les pregunts, pero no quisieon hablarnos. 1 but they + not ‘alk Fifty-second (52nd) Lesson 4 Here are a few more examples of regular verbs in the present, in the past and with the past particiote: 2 I hope, | hoped, | have hoped. He lives, he lived, he has lived. We finish, we finished, we have finished. (1) (2) 3 They talk, they talked, they have talked She changes, she changed, she has chan ged. You play, you played, you have played, 4 Let's practise the past of “do”: (g) 5 Does he smoke? Did he smoke? We don’t ask questions; we didn’t ask questions, 8 — What do you do? What did you do? 7 Does he wait? Did he wait? She doesn’t answer. She didn’t answer 8 “Can” and " will” are irregular and be- come "could ” and “ would” in the past They have no past participle. (4) 9 I can begin now. | couldn't begin yesterday. 10 He wouldn't work this morning, but he will 11 Thave (I've), | had. R | am (i'm), we are (we're), | was, we were, | have been, 2 osu ao my ee hd Bh. seco wove: ta Leston Leccién cincuenta y dos os 8 REE ceee ata" Ge tho aoe "1 Tengo (contraccidn}, tenia. mos, ne #80 te tiempo india una accién que ya he termined Ea yeavccion ‘corresponce al preterio.barocto del Esnione. Be fee formas como la tras y fh Stone del Ingles no se aeorodan a las do nuestra fengua. en cage conexto Rabra que matzar la tadc- TR Soeesponionte (a) Pronunciacion = Hoist [er fecclon 50, 9° (1) i (8) To practise oractear, ensayar,ejortarso. El sustan: tivo se escribe con =e" praciice: Ia préstica (@ Gan y wi al v0 tener partcipo deben supiio: ol Stimcro‘con have y Be abio to (ve been able To.) i Er'Sogunee con have wanted. | 183. one hundred and sigtythree EXERCISES 1 I hoped he would ask me, but he dln’t, — 2 Did you take the plane or the boat? — 3 Sho had @ few problems with her father. — 4 He was sorry he couldnt help me. — § She walked aver to the window and epened i Fill in the missing words: 1) Gambiaron su coche por uno mas peavero, They sees thelr ear for a one. 2 No pusimos comprar Jos Dilltes, 1a agencia estabs cerrada We © ss the tekets, the agency 3 May aqul algunas Ideas para tw préximo libro 2 fow ideas for book a Fifty-third (53rd) Lesson Difficult to please 1A man is trying to entertain his guest in a club. (1) 2 — Would you like a Scotch? — No, thank you. (2) PRonunciarioN 1 ont. guest. ab, — 2 uu 485. one hundred and oighy-tve 3 | tried it once and didn't like it, | never tried it again 4 — Well, have some beer. — No, thank you. 5 I tried some once and didn't like it. | never drank it again 6 — How about a game of billiards? — No, thank you. (3) 7 | played it once and didn't like it. | never tried it again 8 — Well, a game of chess? — Again, no thank you. 9 | played it once and didn’t like it 10 But here is my son. He's an excellent player. 11 — Your only son, | presume? 12 — What did you do in America? — We rented a car and visited the West Coast. (4) 13 — Did you see the Grand Canyon? — No, we didn’t have time. (5) sir iad: Ph sisi feast" P53 grand tou 2 5 stan — 6 aa in? He 7. tesk EXERCISES 4 How about @ cup of tea? — Yes, please. — 2 did you write to him? — 3'No, we aidn't have time. —— 4 You are my only friend, —~'§ They never entertain their frends at home, fone hundred and sighfour 184 pet Hol hizo. — 2 2 Gogid we ‘aerate rns oral ad Se Te Se es el One ace rl 4 guugaron bien? SI, pero no demasiado Bren thoy vs. wall? Yes but... well 5 Fumé 18 elgarrilos en una hora. 7 £8 demasiado He cigarettes .. an hour. Tha's to Ranged smal, ~2 cunt buy «wat ene — 3 Het are Tour ext "8 Did = play = not - enough. — 8 = Second wave: 3rd Lesson Leccion cincuenta y tres 1 4 9u invitado en 4 Un nombre intenta (prog cist tin ola ve 2 — Ele spetece un scotch? — No, oF 0 recibe 8 To greraramontatracedn overs ol ovmula de evteaia: wil You have. (ere Esco raul youre to apeiece, Te et fo wuata 0) quien en cone hundred and sioht-ele 10 3. [hol probé una vex y no me guste No le probe nas corvere. — No gracias 4 — Bion, tome una as a § — {Cal probe una vor'y no me gusto. Nunes més | 6 — 21's jugaramos al niliar? (cbme sobre un juego fe balan) So crass. . 7 Jague Una very no me gusts. Nunes la intent 8 — Bicn's une paride do ajeros? Una vez més no Sugus ina ver y no me_ gust. - 42 Pe ag cod fj. && um excolonte ugad M1 — C80 dxco no, Susana ? 12 — LQUé hicisteis on América? — Alguilamos un Tisteh 8 a times temo. 13 — (Vistels dl Gran Cafon? — NOTES (contaues} ; even que 50 use para proponer v ofrecer ago Oi oud gt 8 £408 Ba pa la exprosion, por haberla visto en algunos “© runes, rent tar (aaue un cosha. The re {Tgler cela misma ‘ales fa palabra expt tea 7o\rent"e8 ese agua. Fay amen Para nln or Gor lr ee Gran, plaera omaca del rancts. de a mam rls © a palabra cxpanola grande, e0 Use en Ingles pa igniter = grandiono~ No s0 olvide de asprar la «1», pero sin astixiarse evencicios aay sums ‘Sen mi eniga amigo. — a ces meg ne ota et — Ses te tn Set act 187 one hurdred and clohty-soven Fill in the missing word: 1 4¥ 31 jugiramos una partise de ajedrez ? No gracias, Sato nfonta una vos " ° How 6.0. @ os. of chess? No ' Be Pm to 9 eke gustaria protar este cerveza ? Es usted muy Smavio. you... to beer? very 4 Nes visitaron poro no estébamos all They us but we bn Fifty-fourth (54th) Lesson 1 — Tell me more about your trip. (1) 2 — Well, Peter and | took a plane to San Francisco. We stayed there for two days ‘and went down to Monterrey. 3 There we saw Cannery Row. — Didn't someone write a book about that? PRONUNCIATION. yg M00 tn, — 2. Et & pain. sam rani. te tit Gaun” montnt— Sofa ou aa 180 one hundred and sightyrnine 4 — Yes, John Steinbeck wrote one. They also held a pop festival there in the sixties. (2) 5 Then we drove to Los Angeles and visited Disneyland. Peter knew it already & | thought Disneyland was fantastic. It re- ‘minded me of the « Conciergerie » in Pat ris. (8) 7 — What an educated person! 8 — It was my birthday last week. — How old were you? — Oh, at east thirty-two 8 The ten best years of a woman's life 10 are those between twenty-nine and thirty, 11° Shopkeeper. — Your bill isn’t paid yet. (4) 42 Customer. — Didn't you receive my cheque? 13 Shopkeeper: — No, | didn't 14 Customer. — I'l post it at once. (5) Shoe don — Mage Beie— Hn th cone hundred and siohty-elaht 188 5 A Anne y a sus amigos no los gustaba su protesor. anne and -.. tends Ike... teacher. Respuesias 2 quiet - trying = Second wave: ah Lesson Leccion cincuenta y cuatro 1 — Cutotame mas de tu vil Jn hasta San Fran 2 Bien, Poter'y yo cogimos st ave an Fran fiscs. Earns ai por) os clas li i aimee rio alguien 3 Iii'vimes Cannery Row. — zNo eseribio alg tn libra sobre 280? ores Ja tea de retorno a Journey. 7 tp: un va, os roa uney: (Gn tfayedto a wayage: un vale per mar Vi dee weaver, Travel agent: agente oo via ‘one hundred and ninety + 4 — 1 donn Steinbeck] e326 (uno, Hubo también {tvieran) un festival pop al, durante los sesenta Creee'Ulne teeny) or Angtos 9 vi 5 Tames Disnoylangia, Peter ya la conodla : 6 Bic gu Baty lang rt ert is coe 1 — Tous fersotma cut = La semana pasa 'u6 mi cumpleatos. — 2 Cuan- © fESSfos eumplate (ust)? Oh por To\ menos Los diez mejores fos del vide de una mule 18 S51 foe {Que nay} ents os} voininvove ys) 11 Tencoro.— Su tacts no ott pagad tov Bier’ — Rs Sete Snoque® 13 Fendero "No, nolo reno (ea To GOO Sh a creo anaoguice. NOTES {continued 1) Los seria, so vs también on casaana pra det foe anos seserta,al Igual que on inglés the Miles IGs ance tenta Para iser'el ano aa divide la focha fon dos. ter? ge conviere en 18 (ninetoon), 77 (36> Monty sever). 1842" eighteen forty two. 2 think, thougNt ought zoo: pear, creer, opinar Jace ee A haga beaut ree fhe parece "que Macrid es Dont (Bi amon se ule para ocr evens (a cverin Un otel 0 restauranio) En fos Estados Unisos, @ i! (8) At once: enseguica, de Inmediate: puede decirse {ambien araipn? away (tell 6uel 191 one hundred and ninety-one EXERCISES 1 How old were you last birthday? — 2 I'm sorry sir, | thought | knew you, —3 | want to know more about your offer. —4 The best apples are those with green Fill In the missing words: 1. Vimos una peiiuia y olmes un concierto, We... a film ane ...,. @ concert, 2 Espero que tomera un poco de pastel. No queria, | hope he cake. He want Condo los mas rapido que (tan deprisa come) pudo, She... ag fast. she one hudred ninety.two 192 1 Cuantosstoe conplte 4 teins Sako pres i sha eset ae ne IS sas ae 4 Cuando me tam por telefono, me ful enseguica When he oo went 5 {Wo escribo algulen wn libro sobre este ciudad? someone -.... 8 B00K «+++ this town? {eam = hears, — 2 took some » did't «any. — 3 drove « a8 ould’ 'S"teejpnonesteaod me vat ons! § Ban's arte = Sboot Second wave: Sth Lesson Fifty-fifth (55th) Lesson 1 When | was in America, | took some very g00d photos. 2 — Hello, how are you? — I'm tired. | only came back from my trip yesterday. 3 That was my wife's car you saw me with 4 We heard about his trip and the things he did. It was very interesting, PRoNUNciarion Bg YOR te ts, — 2. ie im — a Nee anos adn 103. one hundred and ninety-three 5 — How about a glass of beer? — No thanks, {'m not thirsty, 8 — Did you see him yesterday? — No, | didn’t 7 He didn’t pay his bill because he didn't have any money, 8 — Who was that lady | saw you with last night? (1) 9 — That wasn’t a lady, that was my wite, 10 We thought he had understood, 11 Mother. — What did you do on your first day at school? 12 Child. — 1 learnt to write, 13 Mother. — Already! Well, what did you write? 14 Child. — 1 don’t know. | can't read. (2) iter — 7 po bs, man — oven uae,” fen 2oeh apse a ee re ied uct 14 aout now, sat EXERCISES 1 He couldn't come because he didn't have time. — 2 Why ain't you tell me betore? — 3.1 only came back yesterday. —~ 4 What did You think of George? 5 I thought he was kind, but a litle supid Fill in the missing words; 1. Después de mirar (habia mieado en) 8 escaparate, ent fon la tend ater no ++ in the window, he tne shop. Lecci6n cincuenta y 1 Cuando estuve en América, tomé muy buona fo- ‘ee 2 — Hola, zcomo estas? — Estoy cansade, VolWi de 1m viaje ayer mismo 3 El cacheven que me vistels era el de mm) mujer {gra c! coche a mi mujer me visteis con). 4 Olmos de su viaje y as conse que hizo. Fu muy cone hundred and ninety-four 194 5 — Que tal un vaso de cervezs? — No aracias, no 6 — [USB Ayer? No, no fo (ree. & — colied ofa oss setora cane qu} le! arozne ? 1B Pansabamos que habla comprendica 11 Madre, — {Que hiciste durante te primer dia de Clase? 42. Nino. — Aprondi a escribir. 33 Madre. "ig Ya?! Bion, 1 qué escribiste? 44 ito. Wolo 86. No'sé leer ores , 1 Lady: ura sofora: woman lal momen: une mo: ° ler ites m (esposa), Lady es tambien un titulo ‘Suan. "us ta sure un ore que puoue sot Sar waconee’9 conse) Lady Seencer Che 0 Bibl por asooos de paronteseCaey Sans Spon Er ta emoss taey 6) (2) No se loor. cart road. No save naar: She cent Siam ten "se" sabe hacer sige e" apa! se SevTngramonte, on ingle 90 eee Que nose pvoce ‘is uo no'en caper 4,30 goa vit sea oti tong, George? “s Pense qe era table, pero 105 one hundred and ninety-five 2 Me viste con ef impermeable de mi mujer. You ... me with «raincoat 3 2 Qué hiciste hoy ? — Aprend un poema you. today? — | 2 poem 4 Este verano nize tanto calor que siempre tenia sed. summer, it hot that |. always ‘one hundred and ninety-six 196 5 {Por qué hizo usted eso ? Pensaba quo ora (una) Buona ‘oa you. that? | ies. a gooe Respossias 1 nad locke - went into, — 2 tow - my wis — 3 What gid 60 eee AG Te Nae coats -"tsy 6 Any da ao ‘Second wave: 6th Lesson Fifty-sixth (56nd) | REVISIONS AND NOTES Notas para revisar. — Leccidn 50: (1) - Leceién $1 (2) Leccion 62: (4) - Leccion §3: (2) - Leccion 84: G), (6) > Leccién 88: (2). 1 Los verbos irregulares, No son complicados Ihave, had, had; | get, got, got: I find, found, found menos aun e808 verbos que solo tienen wna forma To put, put, put (pongo, puse); to hit, hit, hit (gol pear} La inj dferenia esta on queen ol pasado no s0 pone Ta Ge iafrcara persona Ge stgulr he puts (pone), he put (puso). " 107 one hurdrod and ninetyaeven 2 Relatives. — Se habra dado usted cuenta de la tendencia a omitic los pronombres ralativos {quien ‘Que, e! que, etc, Es una cuestién de costumbre mas: ‘Que’ de. reglas’ gramaticales. Podemos decir que ‘cuando el sronombre relative separa al sujeto y al complemento, se puede omitir, aunque no es dbl gatorio hacerlo The boy who(m) | saw: the boy | saw. The car which f want: the car! want pero: The man who is called Peter. debe delarse asi No suelen ponerse un relative y otto pronombre juntos. Aunque sea « correcto ». suena un poco pesado: en lugar de decir: the man with whnolm) you saw me, ‘85 preferibie: the man you saw me with ‘A causa de esias circunstancias, el acusativo per- sonal whom (a quion) se pierde cada vez mas, y se. le sustituye a menudo (asi como a who ya Which) por that Por el momento basta de explicaciones, pero debe usted retener los ejemplos vistos, Cuando’ piense = fen inglés, hara con toda naturaligad io que tan complejo parecia en la explicacion, 3 Ropitamos que el pasado Inglés puede ser tradu- ‘edo, segin los casos. por los preteritos indetinida © impertecto: / finished (acate, acababa). Unas veces se podra traducir por uno y otras por otro, y 4a veces por los dos. Los ingleses tienen una sola forma de pasado para indicar las dos clases de acciones pretéritas, mientras que en castellano te: hemos una forma para cada una, Preste atencién a este fendmeno que no resulta comglicade, sino que faclita las cosas, porque en inglés es mas simple que en nuestra lengua Leccion cincuenta y seis ‘A partir de la proxima leccién, en el texto ingles, fos verbos irregulares iran seguidos de un asterisco O Cada vez que se encuentre con uno, repita en alta ‘yor el presente, ©: pasado y el participio pasado : Iuego compruede si esta en fo cierto consultando la lista que aoarece al final dl tioro. Mejor aun, anote los ves tlempos (presento, pasado, y_participio pa: ado) en una hoja que le servira de lista auxiliary asi no tendra que pasar horas cada vez que quiera hacer una comprobacion Por medio de la ropelicién cotidiana, se familiarizaré usted con estos verbos, a medida que los vayamos ‘ompieando, mientras que intentar aprenderse la lista completa seria una tarea tan cificll como inutl Le invitamos, pues, a comenzar desde este mo- mento. anotanda en’ su hola, con ayuda de la lista te las paginas 568 y siguicntes, los tres tiempos de fo be, to have, (0 take, 10 drive, t0 write, fo think one hundred and ninetyeight 198 4 Conviene recordar: How about a game of cards?: 4 qué tal una partida do cartes? Would you like a beer?: ; le apetece una cerveza ? The man you saw me with. el hombre con ei que me viste Tean't swim: no 88 nadar. 1 thought it was interesting: me parecié que era interesante. '5 Poner en inglés: 1 gino? No fo vi 2 {Que aijo ? No comprend 3 {Le pediste dinero? 4 Vendran euanco to sepan 5 {ue hicieron ayer? Fuoron a ver una pelicula. 6 Traduccion 4 Did he come? I didn't see him. 2 What did he say? J didn't understand. 3 Did you ask him for (some) money? 4 They'll come when they know. 5 What did they do yesterday? They went to see a film Second wave: 7th (revision) Lesson 201 two hundred and one, 9 — That doctor put” me on my fest very quickly. 10 — Oh, how did he do that? 11 — I had to sell" my car to pay the billl (6) (7) 12 On the face, you have the eyes, the nose and the mouth 13 My head aches and my hands are cold 14 I think* | have a touch of ‘flu or a cold, EXERCISES 1 What's the matter? | think I've got a cole. — 2 She {elt his forehead and took hig temperature. — 3 Call the doctor. | fee! il. — 4 She “dosed the window because she was cold. — § Stay in bad and keep warm. You'll soon be on your feet Fill in the missing words: 1. Estaba trabajando cuando legs 6 carter. H ‘when the pastman 2 {Qué te ocurre? La gripe ? No es grave 2 2 Ws net. 3 Tuve que pagar con un choque porque no tenia dinero on metsice 1 pay as 1... 90 cash 209 two minded a 4 Le vole fa garganta. Dile que no coja fl, she hes a her to 5 Estate quiote: Joan esta lamando al mice, ‘quiet, Joan the 9 — Exe médico hizo que me recuperara (me pus0 en ple) muy rapido. 30 — Gnigcomo fo nize? 41 — Tuve que vender el mi) coche para pagar ta 12 En ia cara tonéis lot ojos, a narizy la boca 38 Me duele le cabeza y tengo las manos tries (mi abeza Juste y mis manos estan fas). 14 Creo que tengo Un poco de gripe 2 un constipeco. NOTES (comnues) cops ove vs Must. sober | must ho must Come el lr vere ° ‘can, hay un infinitive pretabricado: fo have 1") had fo. ha nao a) «Pare en esparel ina une nlicad o ixenlon ° (gastar el dinero para comprar vino, comida, etc.) ; en (e520 eas 9 bast on elimi eon 10: he ‘Sfonas his manos tbuy some wine ood En esta Jeccion hemos visto muchos verbos irregulares. ‘Bespraciadamenta on fodss las fengues son los. verbos nas usados los que suoion ser iragulares, Si sigue usted uesivos consejas {leesion 38.1), Tos aprenderd usted taco pee, con toga faciicad This eoncidoranios necesario marcar con astersco los aux- Marco vio bon =10 do" y "10 have aunque 10s tres ‘ean lregulares) se preocipe si no recvorda todes las palabras que Meatendn on tate occin as voWerd uated a enconrar this Saulectes Sin embargo, no doje Usted de praccar Sonos varbos troguiares cada ves que spavezean #29 S26 oe un astoriace, suencicios frou fe pase? cies su fous yn costes, — 2 Pang apis 1 EEL mptire® 31mg limite sete (estards dnp. too hundred and four 208 Respuesias ep ie paoning Second waver 8th Lesson Fifty-eighth (58th) Lesson Your body 1 There are many words in English which include parts of the body. 2 For instance: When | have the 'flu, | keep" a supply of paper handkerchiefs, (1) 3 You look very busy. Can | give" you a hana? 4 Mr. Marsden is head of the board of directors. (2) 5 He is too nosy. He is interested in anything that doesn’t coneern him. (3) PRONUNCIATION 4c, — 2 kere. — 9 bah. 4 ad. board br dab SF ain ome, Notes (8) To supply: aprovisionar: supplier: aprovisionador; a supply" provision, reserva, suminsto, Leccion cincuenta y ocho El (ruostro) cuerpo 4. Hay muchas palabras on inglés que incluyen partes el cuerpo. 2 Ser alenslo: Cuando tango a eibe ovardo una oven ce patuoos de papel 3 Paroces' muy seupaso 1 puodo echarte (dare) una 4 BET'Sr maredon os joe (eaboza) det consejo 6 Eirtocin (pane! erect) 5 Ex‘domaslado esta. Esta nteresado en todo lo ‘gue no le eonciome NoTES (continsee) snecu . @) Head. olo Headmaster: ctor de una oscuela. To ont ide haadsooar al caboea alent, on primers fro (a) Proveniente e nose (oar. Alguien que mete ta nari er tedo. 6 Teacher. — Is “trousers singular or plu- ral? (a) 7 Pupil. — Please sir, singular at the top and plural at the bottom, 8 That was a cheeky answer, (5) 9 The two munners were very close, they were almost neck and neck 10 When you are driving’, always keep* the spare wheel handy. (6) 11 And, of course, when you are drinking* your beer, you can say" "Chin chin”! (7) 12 Other parts of the body are the arms, the elbows and the fingers, 18 Lower, we have the legs, the knees, the feet and the toes. (8) State se ral” 8a 9 fms. elbous mpl. 9 hou. lege niet tus EXERCISES 1 You look very Wed. Go to bed. — 2 His trousers are full of holes. — 3 He nad belter buy @ new pair 4 The President. or the Quoon. ie Head of State, <5 Have you anything interesting to read? — 6 She ‘was on ner knees washing the floor, 207 two hundred and soven Flll In the missing words: 1 Este texto 68 muy dificil. ¢ Puede echarme una mano? ‘This text can you 2 2 Nocesito un pantaién nuevo. ¢ Tiene usted ? ' 2 now Have you get... 3. En Ja parte de arriba de la pagina, escribid Ia fecha y ‘bala, westre nombre, of he pa your ano, 8 Proteser. — » Pantalones » 69 singular 0 pl 4 Ruma, — Bor favor sof, singular por arriba y Bural por abalo. 8 Eeluna respuesta descarsds, 9 Loedos corredores estaban muy préximos, estaban asi igislacos (eveloy euola en esparol puede. fecirse = ogo con code =) 10 Guando conduzcas, fan (guarda) siempre 8 mano Je nega Ge repuesta 11 ¥. por Supuesto. cuando bebas corvera, puedes Geclr chin enn (echin~ signiien » bara»). 12 Giras partes del cuorpo son lee Brazos, fos codes Vos dec 13 fede aaj, tenemae tas plernas, las rodilas, los les y los eedos se los ple NOTES (cortiniee) , act ousors 0 plural His raors are Bue su (© fartlon (@-2os paralones —-en espa eaben is 4Eee'Gouttcncan) ob (eon) azuos) Un anion (on par do pation). # oa of users Gheeky (G0. chock: moll, carrie)" descarado, da ‘Farstarmente® eaves) (® tanay comodo, a mare sss a ) Este ode Ge brindariieracional es une derma: ° cidn del chino « tsing-ising ». Asi vemos como ei inglés: {Grates poe de cusiquer sito y Wego lan Por iat por tego ot! mundo. La roma aga eata'on Ble chi ademés, signe baila (@ sir" se pomuraa semore = 6 (vor kate, know, ae) Ionos‘sa ‘mojo comrandens an Siiade"® & Tien aigoneeaante para aor? 6 Esane de (Gob sy iclian vogondo favance) o uso. two hundred and eight 208 4 E20 n0 ls coneieme. Vayase, That . 60 5. Este chico es bastante carota, mejor sera que se calle. boy is ee ceecey BO ees eter ny, aie ip wit the’ te -al tho boon ~ name. — logan carn you ='away. = $ Ths “too ehensy™ nod "Hoes Second wave: Sth Lesson Fifty-ninth (59th) Lesson 1 Men speak" of women as the “fair sex” or the " gentle sex or the " weaker sex 2 Women rarely speak* of men as the “ stronger sex." 3 Some men think” they are considered as the " paying sex”. 4— My wife dreams every night that she’ married to millionaire. 5 — You're lucky. Mine dreams she's married to a millionaire in the daytime! (1) ‘PRONUNCIATION ern ting aE Toe oe Leccién cincuenta y nueve 1 Los hombres hablan de tes mujeres come, del “Buibtzocos 01 csose tice °o esa Sab {sero mas ceo) de shores : mas fuerte}. a cada roche que exh cand con th milonaro. 5 — Tienes suerte, {La] mis suef que ost casada con lis milonar‘o durante 8 aia, noves 1 Daytime: cl, durante el, ghetime: Ie noche, « durante ia noche. 6 Nature has given* us ears which are al- ways open, 7 and a mouth which it is often better to keep shut. 8 Two proud parents were showing their son his new brother. 9 The boy looked at the baby for a minute and then started erying. (2) 10 The parents smiled. " What's the matter?" they asked. 11 “it's got” no hair or teeth”, the child sobbed 12 “It's not fair. it's an old baby 43. We do not ask you to learn the irregular verbs in two or three days, 14 but only to repeat them when we meet” them. 6 mice. as givens Hie, — 7 ip shat. — 8. preud BSc soni” sass 9 amin “Go eaia sae Be Mota te eas inguies 4a in EXERCISES 1 Itrarely rains in the summer in England. — 2 English people are famous for their spirit of fair-play. — 3 Let's {0 to the West End and see.a show, —4 What time o the banks shut? — At three thrty. — § Look at this text for a minute, then repeat it to hundred and steven Fill in the missing words: 1. 8010 ai ayer por ts noche, « No puede encontrario? leit last ting 17 2 Nos ensefaron fas peliculas que hicieron en vaca They oe the tims took 3 Saco (puso) al perro uera y corr la puerta (2.1769) She... the dog and... the door two hundred and ten 210 © La naturaleza_nos he dado oldoa qua. stan Slompre sbiertos, 7 yluna'boea que muchas veces es mejor mantener 8 Unos (dos) pacres lo estaban ensenando, orgullo $08, a su nio su nuevo Rormano. 9 Einuchazho. miro al-nife Surante un minuto y lego comenzé a llorar 10 Loe padres soarleran. =; Qué ocurre ?» pregune 11 Ro'tone nl peto ni (0) siantes», solozd el ito, 42“ Esomo esta bien {no as Justo}. Es un no viejo» 13 No le pediromos que sprenda los veroos irregue Tares en dos o trea cles 44 Sino s0lo que Tos repita cuando fos ancontremos. NOTES (continued) (2) 0 « starlod 0 ery LERCICIOS 4 Raramentsluave an verano on Inglaterra — 2 (Los) iglosos {pente igeta) son famosor por’ ear do ivan, hing. {P¥apamde el Weat.Eno y eames” up sepectculo 4 TAY a iote’Srea lon sances > "hal es rents — 8 tle ote tonto Gurate cn mint uepo ropa. ‘wo hundred and twcive 292 4M cache no funciona. — Tiene usted suerte, yo no tengo (uno) My car nae +t paver 5 Somos consiseredos por los espatoles como (siondo) muy reservados. the Spaniards as boing very reserves Rospusstas 1 gave to im = night Cant ne, — 2 ware showing ue ~ thet Tatic ey "an noisy. "a put ~ tice Sra @eoesnt Mork Yours sky got one, -~ 8 Wa re conidored by ‘Second wave: 10h Lesson Sixtieth (60th) Lesson To get 1 Let's look at some expressions with the verb "to get". (N.1) 2 These expressions are very common, and you already know" a few. (1) 3 Here are some more. Try and learn them. 4 He gets" up at half past seven every mor- ning, 5 The train gets" in at eleven thirty. PRONUNCIATION = 2. tamén. cota nou. — et Leccién sesenta Get 1 spresiones con el verbo 0 get 2 Estas expresiones son muy corrontes ¥ ya conioce ‘sles algunas. 3 eu tonemes algunas mas. Intonte aprenderas. 3 Sovtovanta's las siete y media todas las manana. 5 Elon Toga alas once y media Notes (0) Common: conn, coment ot sremigo cond: the common enemy. Una expresién corriente: a common Scprssion 6 It took" him a long time to get* over his liiness. (2) 7 Let's go" home. It's getting™ dark 8 Speak" louder. She's getting* very deat 9 These records are cheaper than those, but they are still quite expensive 10 Please go" and get’ me a paper, I'm too busy to go" myselt, 11 The burgiar got” into the house through 2 small window. (3) 12 Take* a number thirty-seven bus and get" off at Charing Cross. 13 Everyone was trying to get” on the bus at once. (4) 14 What's the matter? — I've got" a headache, @ toothache, a sore throat and a cold, 15 and nobody asks me how | feel"! NOTES (continued) (2) Mness : entermedac. She's i: eth enferma. Un en terme : an il parson, an invatie Puede ove tambien la'palabra sick poro cs mas bien americare EXERCISES 1 Those books are mine; these are his. — 2 How do you feel today? — Very well, thanks. — 9 Don't all speak at once, | can't understand @ word. — 4 | hhave'a toothache and there is no dentist in my village. —$ | have no more cigatetes, —~ Here are some: 248 two hundred and fiteen 1) 2A qué hora ge levanta normaimente ? does he et 2? 2 Cuando ltegue tren, amame por telefono desde la estacion Wren the tain prone me 3. Todo et mundo intentaba subir al avtobds @ la vor trying to two hundred and fourteen 214 Habla mas fuerte Se esié quedando muy sorca. 12 Tomo’! (un) autobus mimero teina y sine y bale ve 1 cabeza, dolor de fnuslas, dolor de garganta y (un) constipado, lar, ratro, on 0 ( Atvonee- de inmeciato, enseguida, o tambien : a le ‘ez, simultaneamente @ redo entender a palabra Tenge sir de uci ho FaySasita ofl pobla 8 No forgo mas carrion hau 4 Apresurémonos. S@ hace de noche. hurry up. i's A qué oistancia esté ? 5 Bale a la ofcina de correns. — 4 A qué dist ‘he post office. — How 2 ‘Second wave: 1th Lesson Sixty-first (61st) Lesson Holidays 1 — | got" these brochures yesterday from the travel agent's. (1) 2 — Oh good! Let's have a look at them! 3 — | like the ones about Spain. Let’s go" to Spain this year. — But neither you nor | speak" Spanish. (2) — [tdoesn’t matter. In these towns, everybody speaks" English 1 Hemp alate Leccién sesenta y una en 4 — Peto ni w niyo nablamos espatel ") Se sobreorlence shop de ala waGuecion, agencia ” de viajes. At the butcher's : en ia carniceria. 48 elle the Baker's ie panade (2) 15 mo me sects us neither you speak ro speak Ose, ae sje = Jed 50k pare = ohn tok. and ook) Beer sew “on Spt me (Sos sevaatives). Note MnSuye ya la nepeion 6 — Well, we can either go” to Spain or to Scotland. (N. 2) 7 — Scolland! But it’s cold in Scotland and | want some sun, 8 — It's not too cold, and t's very beautiful ‘And you don't have to take" a plane. (3) 9 | don’t like flying and neitner do you 10 — But Spanish is easier to understand” than the English they speak in Scotland. 11 — Nonsense! Anyway, we might see" the Loch Ness Monster. (4) 12 — It doesn't exist! — How do you know"? 13 — It’s elther a myth or an invention to attract tourists. 14 — Well, we must decide: either Spain or Scotland, Haga « sefales » para las expresiones idiomaticas 9 giros {que-nos vayamos encontranda, mas que para los Paleores favevas. No se inguleta 5! as Toceiones to paracen mas Compicadas; reloaas varias veces para comprederias me: Jor Co iogrard usted muy pronto EXERCISES 1 I'm alfalé | have to leave. I's late and it's geting dark — 2 | preferred the onas he showed us last week. — 3 We must decide quetly or it will be too late. — 4 hm afraid of tying. — So am |. — 5 Let's have a look at those new brochures, Fill in the missing words: 1) Puede usted ir en autobis 0 en coche, El autobis os mde rapido. You can go bus or .. car, The bus is Wf nl yo comprendemos e! espaol. No imports you set Spanish, it 3. Puede quo venga en avidn, pero no fo ere. He... come -. plane, but | two hundred and sontsen 218 1 — Bueno, podemos ir (0) a Espana o a Escocia, $ PERSE ETN” el nfo en Escocia y Yo aulre ago do) so! a — Nithace demasiado roy es muy Bont Yn hay fue (a Sars al coat lave. 9 Nome gusta volar yah tampaco. 48 — Doro elospatol es’ mas facil ce comprender que ingles ue nabian en Esco 11 — froneras! De todas tormas, podiames ver Imonsrua eel Lago Ness. 12 — (Noone! oeme fo sabee? $5 = EX'S Un mo © una invoncion para st 14 — Buono. debemes decieir: © Espana 0 Escovla T pustinegtivo: | must net mus’), debe ©) | Rave foctenge quo, estoy ooigado a conuge savmaimente + inintve sia (a) Mgnt: puode ave, podria av SF nig some. puede avo vey Shey mut bo here sectan esis acu tno hundred and twenty 220 4 Le da miedo volar. y ami también. Hes of ane 5 Puede que lame por telefono esta noche, Tendremos fue esperar she... phone We wit wait Tee Seem 8 ght nis evening "have to Second wave: 42th Lesson Sixty-second (62nd) Lesson Scotland 1 Scotland is half as big as England but the Population is much smaller. 2 There are two main regions: in the north, the Highlands which are wild and beautiful, 3° and in the south, the Lowlands which are more agricultural 4 Although Edinburgh is the capital, Glasgow is the main industrial centre, Leccién sesenta y dos se ey "oe pe 9 sl norte, las , Highlands (Gerra altas) que son salvajes y bellas baits PO LeMans — 4 sot. nor 221 to hundred and twenty-one 5 Scotland was separated trom England by wall, built” by the Roman emperor Ha- drian, 6 Parts of this wall still exist today. 7 Some older people still speak" Gaelic, but most Scots speak" English, (1) 8 Scottish towns look very alllerent from En- glish ones, 9 In English towns, the houses are mainiy built of red brick, 10 whereas in Scotland, the houses are mainly of grey slate, 11 Britain's highest mountain, Ben Nevis, is in Scotland. (2) (3) 12 The Scots have their own religion, called Presbylerianism, and their own laws. (4) 13 So, although Scotland is part of Great Bri= tain, 14 it has never been united with England in the same way as Wales, @ 8 Uo min amp tl. — 7 gk — feunes dro = Bibi 8" ae, is Sel se Ty hat. ban mi v2" cin hich pack isn." feos" sama git whan "tél 223 two hurdred and tworty-three EXERCISES 1 Seotland Is half as big as England. — 2 Most people in Sealand speak English, — 3 allough some older ‘till speak Gaelic. — 4 English is easy to learn, 5 Gaelic Is complicated. — § Of course, that is ‘my own opinion. Fill in the missing words: 1) Aungue seamos escoceses, nimi mujer, ni yo hablamos ‘asics. We os. Sooty voces Fock my ate Gaelic 2 Las casas estén en su mayoria constructs de pizara. ‘The houses are 3. Las ciudades escocesas tienen un aspecte muy dle: ronte towns ...- very aliterent 5 Eorstuigo por el amperader romano Adriane, & Panes de esto mure existen aun hoy ; hablan aun gadlico, pero la corenes hablar ingles 8 fanen my iferonts as ‘del co las ingiess ° c cludades ingloses igs casas estén consul nto de leds Too, 0 Escocia, las cases estan hechas Drineipaimente de pirarra gs. 11 Ea"nontana mas ata e Gran Bretaha, {ol} Ben Nevis, esta oo Escoca 12 Loe eacovosas tionan su propi presbiteranisma, y sue Dropi 13 Be modo que. aunque Escoe! Bretana, 44 unea fa estado unida con Inglaterra de! mismo made que Gales. Notes t} Scot: los escoceses, puss sor también adetv, A « ‘Scots village {0 @ Scottish village) : un pueblo escocés. Staten so ue s0to para et wiy. @ Un pals puede ser cveideraco como un ser animace, (@ por testo usar consi ol caso posesive ta sconomla fala, The Spanish sconomypere la economia Ge Eapara puect oversee economy of Spain © Spain's osotom (5) Ben’ Eo una palabra escocesa (el gaélico beann fue guiere Geer pies, montaha (3) To own: posser: owner posoesor.proprietrio; own Go "prope, uve, do uto misma ‘No convione hacer una ragadia de fa dficutad que pueden Boponer los, vorbos ivegulares. Son menos campicados ‘que los verbos espariole, y la practica cotidiana 16 per Aitrd dominarie sin esfverzo en pocas semanas. ‘oo hundred and twenty-four 224 evencicios seipemeSn bode Soul nges = aug ‘Tinhaolan gues — el male oe fal {Well ble oe compote 8 Fa ipsa ee ob woe 4 ste folleto 6s mio. Coja usted of suyo. This is brochure, Take 5 No 0 pronuncia de !a misma manera que ye He aoesnt os the same... as Rospuesias LSet oot my 8 pronounce “you! own = way =| ‘Second wave: 13h Lesson Sixty-third (63rd) lesson REVISIONS AND NOTES Notas para revisar: Leccién 67: (3), (6), (7) - Leccién 58: (3) - Leocidn 60: (4) - Leccién 61: (1), (4). = Leccion 62 (2) 1 To got. — Este « pequeho verbo se utiliza ain mas que el verbo «hacer » en castellano (cosa que puede ser desalentadora, pues no hay més que mirar 4 los diecionarios para comprobar ia serie de ma- tices y significados que se le atribuyen). Hay que examinarlo desde dos puntos de vista: ol de la ‘eufania (que suene bien la frase) y e! del significado Bropiamente dicho Leccion sesenta y tres Sucle ir, normalimente, en sv forma de. partcipio Saco, gor reoreande los sonidos = débies », come Eide. have. En ese caso, ino. quiere decir nada! Ropite simplemente la idea se posesion” /ve got 8 Gold, he's got pounds. En cuanto verbo, proplamente dicho, sin llevar una particula dotras, quiere decir «obtener ». We got these brochures Yesterday: obtuvimos_(iogramos, conseguimos, 0 simplemente cogimos) estos folletos ayer; get me a bottle of beer: cbjeme (traeme, Consiaueme) Una botella de corveza 225 two hundred and twontvfive Cuando va en forma progresiva, quiere decir « llegar a sere, «convertirse, = quedarse =, = hacerse = ‘ponerse », etc. She's getting doar: se esta que: dando sorda: its getting dark: se esta poniende oscuro, se esia haciendo de noche. Con preposiciones detrés, puede tener multiples sen- tidos'; veamos los mas eorrientes: To get up. le- vanlarse ; fo get on: subir a (al autobis, etc); 10 get off: bajar (ce un autobis); io get over: superar, recuperarse (de una enfermedad); fo get down bajar (de una plataforma, ete) No se trata de aprender todos los sentides de get [ademas es practicamente imposible, pues se inven- fan otros nuevos @ diario), sino ds captar la idea, aprender a interpretario y ovitar asi problemas. Sera ‘my til disponer de un diccionarla. ingles. (como «The Oxford English Dictionary» o el = Chambers Both Century >) 2 Los verbos defectives: «can » y « must» Estas formas existen sdlo en presente y no llevan en Ia tercera persona del singular. Sus infinitivos son fo be able (can) y fo have to must) y, en realidad, no plantean grandes provle- Podré: Ill be able to. Debi: 1 had to, etc. Might: podria que (pude ullizarse tambien may, que equl- vale a = puede» © » puede ave! 227 two hurdred and twenty-seven Sixty-fourth (64th) Lesson 1 When France and England decided to build" a tunnel under the Channel, they asked for tenders, 2 The firm with the lowest offer was accep ted. Astonished by the low price, they asked the director: 3 — How are you going to do it for so litle money? (1) 4 — I's easy, the engineer said, | will start digging” on the English side, (2) 5 and my son will start digging” on the French side, 6 and we'll meet” in the middle, 7 — But that's ridiculous! You'll be miles aper. 8 What will happen if you don't meet"? — In that case, the engineer said” calmly, yOu will have two tunnels for the price of one. 10 A tourist in Calro saw* two skulls in a shop: a large one and a small one. 11 — What are those? he asked. — The big one is the skull of Queen Cleopatra, was the reply. 12 — Really, said’ the amazed tourist, and the litle one? ‘PRONUNCIATION 4A nl ande.. chana.. wnaées, — 2. rm. ot Gain ae ta sad Pals gat Ee Se a0 2 vo ido, 14 olan tee vin agin toro hundred and twentysix 226 3 Los verbos irregulares. — No se aprenden en un Gia sino con la practica de muchas. semanas. No plantean autentices problemas : la repeticion y las Frotas que tome le ahorraran la mitaa del trabajo y Tambign contribuira a faciltarsolo nuestra clasitica- cin 4 No se olvide Joan and | are coming next week: Joan ¥ yo vere ‘remos ia prowma semana ffo'night phone later: Puede que lame mas tarce. er fave a Took: Veamos.- eovemes un vistazo. Vimare the’ matter? {,0vb pasa? , Que ocurre? LGuat ei prebiema’? pale towsoreurok pantalones, un par do ‘afialones, un pantalon Rething serious nada rave, nda importante 5 Poner on inglés: Pfs gue'vender mi coche para pagar la factura 2 Se levanta a las ocho & Baje del autobus pacada la iglesia. 4 hitb mye aueremos hablaris 5 Parecos” may ocupads, Puedo echarte una {cornjslo conforme al epigrate 6 y péselo a limp). 6 Traduccion : '1'Thad to sell my car to pay the bil. 2 He gots up at eight o'clock. 83 Getot he bus ater the church, 4 Neither you nor I want fo speak to him. 5 You look very busy. Can | give you a hand: Second wave: 14th (revision) Lesson wo hundred and twenty-eight 228 Leccién sesenta y cuatro 1a oecidioron const ‘Manes, soictaron 1 Cuando Francia @ tna! tin tunel bale el can (pon) presupuestos 2 fie’ dcopiada a empresa que prosents al mis bajo. Aamitadoe por) bajo precio, preguntaron al Se ee ee ve poan ove anere? mc va ustod a nacerle or tan poco dinero = ESM" aie tecnico {ingenieol, empezaré a avaren af laeo ales fon ¢f lace frances, medio. os Cestareie) @ ies nate Pa aso de ote) ‘Tous pasara sino 08 encontais? , Ex'ese caso, ajo ol ngenioro vanquilamente, ten- Gran ustedes dos wneles por el precio de une 10 Un turista i en Calro dos ealaveras en una pda ana grey te pega — LOUE 10 (ub Son esas rogue, — Le M1 beige ee ia calavera de la reina Cleopatra, ub fa cepuesta 12 — Claro, aio ‘el aténito turista, Ly la pequefia? ores . i) Como siempre, es evestién co singular 0 plural: $0 (1 ita’ money. 20 few people (an aco, tan pOCes..) fo much noise, 20 many ears tanto, tates.) @ Ow. 220 to hundred and twenty-nine 43 — That is the skull of Cleopatra when she was @ young girl, answered the shop- keeper. 14 Don't forget” to repeat the irregular verbs. EXERCISES 1 My son built his own house. — 2 Everyone knows Caesar's words: | came, | saw, | conquered. — 3 They rang last night, but we weren't in. — 4 Do you remember Jones? | mot him in the street yesterday. TS He asked me how you were, Fill in the missing words: 1 Es fill comenzar 8 tumar, pero (88) mas diet dejarlo (ara. Is easy but ° 2 4 Quien estard mafana en fa festa ? No me acuerdo. ab the sss. tomorrow? | don't 3 ¢ Cuande pods darme usted su precio? Enseavide, when to gve 2 At once. 251 two hundred and thtyone Sixty-fifth (65th) Lesson Public transport 1 David wison travels to work every morning by tube. 2 The tube—or the Underground—is some- thing like the Metro in Paris. 3 But, unlike the Metro, it is rather old- fashioned and quite expensive. (1) 4 You pay according to the distance you want to travel. (2) 5 You can buy" a season ticket, which allows you to travel for a certain period at a lower price. 6 Although most of the tube is automatic, there are still employees who check your Wicket at the exit, 3) 7 So you must keep" your ticket until you finish your journey. (4) 8 You can also travel by bus, which is slow= er but gives” you a better view. 9 Most buses are double-deckers and you are allowed to smoke upstalts. (5) tana see or sivoa 6 polis. Empiote So i eters ‘0 hundred and tity, 230 43 — Es le calavera do ia reina Cleopatra, cuando era {na} joven, repondio el tencero. 14 No se alvide de repetir los verbos irreguares, smo va le seguide weita? Seguro ave en {imitated pocas atcutades, $iga 38! Ve por Sen amin. byeenies 2 Todo ei mundo conoce las il sees ct ca a SRMigaagotii stelowsoc 4 2.Qué 08 90 ? (plural) — ¢ £80 ? (plural) — Son cale ‘eras 0 animales. 2.2 They are 5 «como vas a hacerto antes da! jueves proximo ? How to dot 2 Respuesias 1 ena amoding «ore ct on. — 2 ho wilh pat rei ea ce ind tala: = Bare you garg - Deore sex ‘Second wave: 15th Lesson two hundred and thirty 252 Leccién sesenta y cinco [os] wansportes publcos David Wilson va (vaja) trabajar todas fas mae anes en (por) metro Effet —'e els Underground ~ (subterrneo) 68 arecido (algo como) el metro de (en) Pari. Poro.a dierencia de este, est un poco pasedo de toda y es muy caro Bepage conforme a la distancia que se quiera fecorrer (wala Souede comprar un sbona (bilete de temeorada) fue permis wajar durano (por) un cierto periodo Sree nis ba . 6 Aungue la mayor parto del moto est automat. 208 es gutomatcn) aon ney empleados que 1 dfean fo biletos a a sali, 7 ortanto Ray que guardar el billoto hasta que s= 4 Thmbten'so putde ir (viajar) en autobis, que es im. lent pero piece (ea) un panorama. (ws) 2 La'mayor parte de los autobuses son de dos pisos 50 pormite fumar an la parte de arta, notes Temos visto ike (coma) slike: es come, se parece. (9 Rec tovomoe ie corranio umike™ unio. Nim AeMte’ sro eovesponce a 80 caracar {no 8 come 6 lege rc. . ° ftecordng to. segUn, conforms a. According 10 him {his restaurant Iavorrine segun 6) ese restaurante cr hore. To checks comprobar, Toy‘anawore. por tavor reviae mis resp huh goberran di “ (a) He words urti 9 o'clock: trabela hasta las pueve. fi 5 mcihing‘unt? ho comes" no ner® nada hast “lenge, Til €3"simpiomente une’ forma abe (5) To alow: peri, To forbid: probit. Smoking isnot Mlwad No se permite tar 2 veritiar. Please check ® tas, To 10 On these buses, there is a driver and a ‘conductor, who collects your fares. (6) 11 Finally, there are the famous London taxis, or "Hackney Cabs". (7) 12 These large, black, diesel-engined ve. hicles are a familiar sight in the Capital 13 If the cab is tree, you will see" a litle For Hire" sign in the front. (8) 1“ Of course, the best way to see the city is on foot, but you need a rest from time to time, ‘wo hundred and htyfour 298 10 Ee Gue recoe (recogo) 0 enero (vuestas tania), 11 Binalmento esti toe famosos taxis de Londres © 12 etx siplos voriulos negtes, con motor see! Soe usa Vien familar en a Capita ro Sane va ge ve une sehat ce 14 Bal sepuonto eh mejor moto ce vor Ia cused €2 Bois pero hard ita un descanso ce vez en NOTES (continued) EXERCISES Sea cementum ‘Sr ene palabra argon a ala G0! cobra, ha brs [gratulta) are you Tree tomorrow? ; Est 4 At the end of the Journey, you must show your Aicket, 2 I's unl him to say things like that, — 3 You are not allowed to smoke in tris building, — 4 My passport was checked by the pole. — 8 From ime’ to time, he looked at his watch to check the time. Fill in the missing words: 1. Seguin 61, no tenemes derecho a aparcar aqui him, we ere to park he 2 Aunque ta mayor para de ello no pueden venir, vata | bilete. — 2 No es Perc x ue ay sue ent ll — 2. ge Sts Se tt et a a 3. sae pr ga eee aba conte 235 two hundred and thtytve 3. David y Joan ain quieren salir con nosotros. Davie and Joan want 19 with 4 Guarde su bilete hasta que llegue 2 In said your tnt! you reach the 5 Cuando haya terminado, z quorré usted rovisar ef two hundred and Witte 236 ven | will you... the Woes ou Second wave: 18 Lest Sixty-sixth (66th) Lesson 1 Learn this page as usual, then answer the questions with the help of the prece- ding lessons. 2 What is the popular name for the Under- ground? 3 Where else can you find” an underground rallway system? What is it called? 4 Is the Tube expensive? Why is it dearer than the Parisian Metro? 5 Why must you keep” your ticket until you reach the exit? (1) 6 — What are London buses called? Can you smoke on a London bus? Where? 7 — Who collects the fares? Who drives* the bus? J gaehuol. —2 pa. — 9 ara. iu. — 8 rich, foe {1} To roach alcanzar, legar Leccién sesenta y seis Estudia ana pagina como de costumore ¥ lueo0 feoponda a as. preguntas con la ayuda de las Feecones sroceventes 2 Seer Beer Sapa del Unserround? 3 Sine ferocardl” suberranco?'zcome "se ios 4 [Ere oot ice Leng por ow o GES coset uals (aut) bara 5 MES Came Me (luda ite hasta egar eo tons 7280 Sea Seaman os atsuses de Lnates 82 eee caren fn acs an Contes rae 1 BETS Tecope 0} ginro (i tres)? 1 Ouen se, Geettats notes nen you reach thirty dando Tlogues 8 los taints. To roach the ext: llegar fle seize 8 — What are Hackney Cabs? What eolour are they? 9 How do you know" if a cab is free? 10 Which is the best way to travel around London? (2) 11 — Fares please. — Hyde Park, please, — That's twelve pence. (3) 12 — 1 don’t know London. Will you tell" me where | must get" off? 13 — Of course. Oh, if you want to smoke, you must go" upstairs, tlie 10 Bn, 11 a pa EXERCISES 1 Must he leave at once? — Yes, I'm sorry. —2 They left this morning before you got up. — 3 Brighton is & popular place to go for your holidays. — 4 How do Yyou know if you are right? — 8 What will happen if fhe doesn't phone? Fill In the missing words: 1 {Por qué debo escrbile ? — Porque es t prim, way to ...2 — Because your 2 Si-vo usted ia sonal «se alquia», [ya] sabe usted que ‘st ore you... the * Poy you know snd tyne 3 Digame dénde debo bajar, por favor, no conozco Conares where | please, 4 ¢ Donde se puede comprar un abona ? where: Beeeteeee? two hurdred and thityelght 258 NOTES (cortinuee) (2) ithion..?: oval? Which eo you prefer: ; cual pretieres 7 (9) Esto 08 lo que sive e! cobrador col autobds. El revisor finspector) iia Tickets please to hundred and forty 240 5 Las custra estaciones son primavera, verano, oto, The tour : . 44 Can you (t) buy - seasor-beket:— § seasons are spring, sum ‘Second wave: 17h Lesson Sixty-seventh (67th) Lesson 1 We took" my cousin to see* a cricket match last month. 2 But he fell’ asleep during the. game. (1) (N.1) 3 He slept” peacefully for two hours until a ball hit* him on the head and woke" him up. (2) 4 — Hello, it's nice to see* you again. How are you? 5 — Very well. I'm going to stay with you for a few days. (3) Vn. — 2 ita. quem, — 3 pee. — 4 Notes (1) To fal fo, talon: caer. To al! in love: enamorarse fp fall asioep "corms, Leccién sesenta y siete 1 Llevamos a mi prime a ver un paride do cricket fl mes pasado | 2 Pero'se'durmid curante ol luago 3 Durmid apaciblemente curanie dos horas hasta que tna pelota le golpee en la cabeza y le dosperto 4 — iHola! ous sleoria {Some estas? 5 — Muy"bien. Me voy @ quosar contigo (por) unos tas 1 agragabie) vere de nuevo. NoTES (continued) (2) Durante se sice during si se wate de un periodo Sele camo tal (scationes un perigo, una poles. Sey) for'en los comes casos" luna semana, (es Forae’ el resto de dia) [oTguerre cur site anos: tre war fasted for soven yeals uration) Mi to muro durante fa gusta my fete ated during ne war (durante! perlodo). ra palabra engatoes, fo say quedarse, permane- Sort io rest" Faposar, descansar (ver lecclon 68 fea 18) 6) 261 two hundred and forty-one 6 — Ah, well, I'm leaving” tomorrow and my wite left” two hours ago — Oh well, good- bye. (4) 7 Mrs Higgins put“ Rest in Peace" on the tombstone of her husband's grave. 8 Then the solicitor told” her that there was nothing for her in her husband's will $0 she told” the mason to add the words: until | come* 10 During the week, try to read* this book for at least half an hour every day. (5) 11 and for a litie longer at the weekend 12 This everyday contact will make* you feel* at home with English 13 and help you to build” a wide vocabulary, but remember: (6) 14 Read” some English every day. EXERCISES 1 Keep quiet, your tater fell asleep halt an hour ago —2 Hell, i's nice to see you again. How are you? 249 two hundred and forty-three — 3 He left during the first part of the match. — 4 He sald he was bored and wanted 10 go home, — 5 Wo waited for him for five minutes then left as wel Fill in the missing words: 4) Winston Churchill murid on 1985 Winston Churchil died - 2 Fue primer ministro durante la guera Prime Minister the war 3 Estuvo on of poder durante nueve atos. Sixty-eighth (68th) Lesson Sport English people are very fond of sport. (1) 2 They play it and they watch it; they talk about it and think” about it. (2) 3. The most typically English game Is cricket, which is played during the summer months. PRONUNCIATION 1 fotystwo 262 8 — An bueno, me voy (erog.) matiana y mi mujer se fb hace dos horas, ~~ Bueno, aida 7 La sefora Higgins puso « descanse on paz en le Tapa de la fumba de tu marico 8 Wego et rotate aijo que no habla naga para fliaven of lestamenta de su marigo. 9 Be made ‘que slo al alpanil que afadiera tas Palabras’ “hasta que yo legue = 10° Durante a semana intent leer este libra al menos 11 Y.un'poco maa durante el tin de sé 42 Eso contacto colgleno le Tamilarieara f@ hard entice como en casa) con a! Ing 42 yio-ayudard a eonstruirfse un Vossbularie amplio, oro recuerdo 14 Ees'Un poco en inglés todos los clas. Gos horas, Ago es una eontraccién de agone {iso, paeade) Hace tres dias" three days ago hace mucho tempo" # long time age. j Cuenta tempo hace: now long age? (6) Fieso on la pronunciacion del pasado de este verbo [roe]: para saber at sa rata del pasado o del presente, fondea’que tyerae en el contexte (6) No se repite el auxiliae wil dentro ce la misma frase Fusco Tes Spfacese vats ge mune” Como estas?” 4 John tuve que quedarse en la cama durante una se- son stay .. bea 5 Durante [a semana anterior a Navidad, as tondas esta Nienas ae gente the week Christmas, the shops are Second wave: 18th Lesson Leccién sesenta y ocho TEN Deporte 1 10 son muy aficionados al deporte 2 Lojegan y lo contamplan :hablan Ge aly plonsan ena 3 El luego mas tipleamente inglés os ol evieket, que ‘0 juoga durante los meses de verano. notes (A) To be fond of: ser atcionado 8, tenor alecto 2. (@) Notese que, cuanco se mira algo que va desarrollén- ose 6 evelueionanga Yuege, tlavision, incluso como ‘cocina un plato) a8 clee walen, quo comport la idea Ges vigiar = U « observer 248 two hurd and fortytve 4 But the most popular game is football, which is played during the rest of the year (for eight months). 5 Professional football is very exciting to watch and the players earn large sums cf money. 6 — Another ball game, less popular than foot ball, is Rugby. 7 Galled Rugby football, it was invented at Rugby School in about 1820 (elghteen twenty) 8 A boy, called Ellis, was so bored with playing with his feet, 9 that he took" the ball in his hands—and a new game was born! (3) 10 Another popular sport is horse racing, which Is forbidden" in England on Sun- days. 11 There is no State lottery in England, but a game called Bingo Is very success: ful. (4) (5) 12 Many cinemas are closing and being converted Into Bingo halls. 13 tis estimated that about six million people, mainly women, play Bingo regularly. NOTES (continues) (8) Ta be Dorn (nacer) se emplos siempre {con toda (ogi, por otra parte) en pasado. Yo sacl: / was barn Where ware you born? bande nacite ? EXERCISES 1 | was bored with listening to him. 80 | fell asieep. — 2 Dancing is forbidden in the church, — 3 Siodby Niles is.a successful football payor. — 4 I'am very fond of your sister. Is she marriec? —— § She plays Bingo ‘every week and wins large sums of money. Fill In the missing words: 1) Hablaba de sus aventuras en Alice, pero yo me abu: He was adventures. Atrica but 1 2 Un jyoador de Wtbo! gana més que un director ae A football more... a bank manager 3. Estd pronibige tumar en e! metro de Londves. ® smoke in the London tube Sixty-ninth (69th) Lesson 1 — Excuse mo, doesn't my nephew Peter Bates ‘work in this office? (1) 2— Oh, you're his uncle. He went* to your funeral this morning PRONUNCIATION 4 ero et doporte uego) més popular es et tit! Guo se juege cuanto eI reso. del ano (durante ‘eho meses). 5 Efutbo profesional es muy emocionante de ver y fos jugadores gsnan grandes sumes de dinero, 8 Srrojwego de pelota, menos popular que eit! fo al rugby 7 Hamade rby-ttbo, se invent® on ta escucia co Rugby hacia el 182. 2 Untmucnscho, llamado Ells, estaba tan aburrico 2 jugar cor os (sus) ple, . © Guercogié a balon oa fas fous] mance — y jnacié 40 Gre coporte popular gon las carreras do caballos fainguta) que estan prohloidas. en ngaterra os Somingoe 11 Novnay loteria nacional en Inglaterra, pero ter muche éxito un juego lamade Bingo 12 Muchos eines clerran (oro) y se convierten en falas ce Bingo 13 S6.cree que unas seis millones de personas, priv ‘Sieaiments mujeres, ueger al Binga regularments NOTES (continues) 14) Como ustedes saben el mismo fenémene se ha pro Sucido en Espana (5) Successful fad) que tlene éxito; del verbo 10 & ‘Seed (inunfar loner ext, ele} Mo's a suctesstul Sinessman' ee un nombre de negocios de eit, fortysight 2 two undead a 4 Ev cricket 9s monos emacionante de ver que el rugby. Cricket is © Rugby 5 Gane mucho dinero, pero trabsja durante el verano. Hees a ‘money but he works the ‘Second wave: 18 Lesson Leccién sesenta y nueve 4 — Pordone, ; Trabaja mi sobrino Peter Bates en esta 2 — Ohy, bs usted au tio, Se ha ido a su entlerro esta Notes 249 two hundred and forty-nine 3 — David, what are those empty whisky bottles doing in the cellar? 4 — 1 don't know’, darling. I've never bought” an emply bottle of whisky in my life, (2) 5 — How many people work in your office? 6 — About halt of them, 7 Mrs Thomas and Mrs Jones met’ in the shopping centre, 8 Mrs Jones was pushing @ pram with her two little boys inside. 8 — Good morning Mrs Jones. What beautiful children, Tell me, how old are they? 10 — Well, said Mrs Jones, the doctor is two and the lawyer is three. (3) 11 — | forgot my wife's birthday. — What did she say"? 12 — Nothing. — That's alright then. 13 — Yes, nothing... for three weeks. 14 Don't forget’ to learn the irregular verbs we meet”, Si ha ido usted reptienda y ensayando regularmente los Verdes iregulares marcados con tn asterst, puede que lun no ios tepa, pere seguro qua les tone usted « on la unta de ia lengua » Sole le peaimos un poco 30 pacien- 251 two hundred and fity-one EXERCISES 1 My uncle and aunt mat during the war. — 2 What Js that book doing in the middle of the table? — 3 He never spends money, out last week he bought ' house, — 4 Don't you speak German? | thought you sid. — § How old are you, madam? — That Goesn't concern you. Fill in the missing words: 1. 21No quiero vor ta televisidn ? No, no quiere she want the television? — No, . 2 4 Qué nace of perro con el cartero ? — No tiene impor: farce, the dog. --. withthe 2 it 3 1Qué tiempo tan bueno! Cojamas ol coche y vayamos Sr campo . weather! 12 car the country too hundred and tity, 260 2 — Davis, .qut nacen (arog) ees botles de whisky No lovse, querida, Nunca he comprado una botella tie wheky vacla en toda mi vice. {.Cuérta gente trabaia on t ota? = fGS4o adios al mad ee ots). ora Jones 5 Ovid6 el cumpieatos de mi mujer. — Que allo? Rade. — Entonces teco esta bien Sisnada.. durante ves semanas 14 No s@ olvide do aprender los verbos lrreguiares {gue nos encortremos NOTES (cortnued) ; so @) es 01 peterio perfecto; inden una acién pasaca (2) Faniro de un comexto ce tiempo que aun dura (en mi ‘aa. 2 @) Le palabra lawyer e8 un termiso genoral que incuve (9) Giitistery saloon Barrister" abogace que imerviene one ion Gigunloe, Safletor:procerasor. En America ssa tambion atomey 411 to y Wf [oe] eonaceron (encontraron) durante a 1 Tbe Pace ote hire an esto la mean ? = 8 unc ‘Sines gro ig serene poston compro una asa. — 41. No PbIae Sigman d= nse que to paca) "8 | Cuama ehae ene REL" Sesora? Edo ne le porn 6 asta 4 Comprd @} coche que vid al jueves, pero ofvidd las seoaras He the oss he oss se Thursday, but he the shoots 5 Su mujer estd enfadeds. No sé qué pasara Wie ig oI don't know acaba ce comer, Aesbamos de comprar una casa: weve Just Deught a house (2) il, on #1 pasado, se conviens en would: you say Jou wil! go,se corwieno en you said you would 90. Gon would s6 contruye el lompa potencia. (@) 0 break (broke. broken) romper. Se romp el braze. Fre browe his arm We're broke (am) estamos Bela os. ) Cualguiers. Take anything you want: cage lo que ueras (evalguier cota que quieras); any car’ val uler coche, et. three hundred and twenty-four 324 13 Se sento en un siién y ge sirvid un Seoten 48 jcomenzéa mirar lab flies de la agencia de 1 Dio que me Hevtia Londres, — 2 No pude or que deciay Picencisn oo tvor 214 cBusdes srectarne vate saniguet? 5 Me na dieno que me iba a onsoiar su silién. ES ef huevo modelo. He he ces me Wes the eequeetae LASERS" SUS ot "Banctateont 8 Note» mar Soule dot + Sole me” would show = nis aimenair = now model ‘Proseguimos nussiro camino : lo que estamos viendo ahora het ingles coniente. $120 siento usted un tanta desorie fado, nose apure os como s) esluviera pasando unas Semanas en Inglaterrs por primera vee Pere pronto 8 ‘Scestumbrard. La prusta eld on la relabva faciad con ‘ue revisa usted Ja sepunda welts ‘Second wave: 3h Lesson jhty-ninth (89th) Lesson ‘About Wales Wales, unlike Scotland, is politically united to England, 2 The whole of Wales is mountainous and there Is much breathaking scenery. (1) The main industry is coal-mining and the majority of the Welsh live around the in- dustrial towns. 4 These are in the South ‘The Welsh language—a Celtic language— survives more than in Scolland, but it is dificult to speak, The Welsh have a deep love of poetry and music, and the international festival is famous throughout the world. (2) Wales has contributed much to the lan- guage and politics of England. (3) ‘The son and heir of the monarch is given* the ttle: “ The Prince of Wales ”, but this has no political significance. (4) 4 patti rats. — 2 hou. mami... nee, — 3 Routine mascot "opis nda igh "ihe. Tim <2 GR pt min 327 three hundred and tworty-aoven, 9 Now answer these questions: 10 Does the Welsh language still exist? 11 What is the main industry in Wales? 12 What is the scenery like? 13 Who is the Prince of Wales? EXERCISES 1 Throughout England, there ace many excellent pubs. 3k 2 The Prince of Wales is heir 10 the throne. — is that your comb? — No, i's hers. — 4 You have been to china? What is It like? — 5 Couldn't you try and help me? Fu 1 In the missing words: No pudo hacerlo mejor (que eso) ? she than ....7 Esta do tan buen humor que ha invitado a todos. He is in. a 00d s+. that he No me gusts fa primera pelicula, — A mi tampoco, the fest fim. — No, Parecos muy cansado, Pasa y siénate, You... come .. ane tee hundred and twontysix 326 Leccién ochenta y nueve Sobre el Pais de 1 Gales, a diferencia de Escocia, esté polticamente Gnigo e Inglaterra 2 odo el Pals de Gales es montafoso y hay muchos paisajes que qultan la respiracion 2 Paprneipal industria es la minoria del carbon y lat mayorla ce los galeses wiven on los alrededoras de las ctudades ncustiales. 4 Estas estan on ol sur 5 Elicioma gales — un icioma celta — se conserva mas que en Eacocia, pate es dic! do hablar. 6 Lhe galeses tienen un prafunda amor por la poesia Yiemusica ol festival Internacional es Tamoso fn toda 0! mins. 7 Gatos ha contrituige mucho a la longua y polis ie inglatera, 8 Elnjoy neredero del monerca recibe (es dado} Gl title dos Principe Ge ‘Gales pero esto no {lene signiicacion polivca NoTes (M} Hitale: Todo, ontere. The whole. family 2) @ f fama fntera, al completo toga. la familia” The whole of alas: Todo Gales, el Pals Ge Gales por entero, Observe la pronuneiacion ce thoughout: zruat Ghrough: w través de. Throughout the world a raves Bente, 0 30a, en todo ©) mundo. Out cartriouye {tar un sentido tas completo a rough La polliea pottes (plural); ls economia ; economies {inaterla de astudie).€1 adjetvo «poli » se traduce por pov La pronunciacién de hae os Ia migma que Ia de air fel Sire) Es une de las pocas veces en las que SShslne se’ pronuncia (existon también hour, Ronour ieonerh tee mindred and twenty-eight 328 Angra cosponda a ens progutas CEitate aun a longus galoea ? industria de Gales ? {Gemo es ef palsa {ulen el Principe de Gales sesencicios 1p ta gitar, hay muchos pape exoletes.—2 £1 Pincins hetedero ge vona "3 jee eo poke? Ne. ez sy eile eet uted on China’: Comoe? 5 Toda fa familia ha kso al campo. No hay nadie amily nas ‘There is Respucsias Srenyey (evyersy— 3 gan tite "nate ad | Took no bre incbon. ‘Second wave: 4th Lesson Ninetieth (90th) Lesson 1A Scotsman who was driving” home one night ran” into @ car driven” by an English- man. (1) 2 The Scot got* out of the car to apologise and offered the Englishman a drink from a bottle of whisky. 3 The Englishman was glad to have a drink. (2) 4 — Go on, said the Scot, have another drink 5 The Englishman drank* gratefully, — But don't you want one? he asked the Scot. (3) 6 — Perhaps, the other replied, when the police have gone. 7 The parkkeeper walked up to a tramp who was sleeping” on a bench in Green Park 8 — Hey! you! he shouted, I'm going to shut” the park gates! (4) 9 — All righ, replied the tramp, try not to slam them. (5) (N. 3) (N. 4) 10 When Mrs Davis told* her husband that guests were coming” to dinner that night, 11 he went" out into the hall and hid* all the umbrellas, 3 gato "6 pepe. "7" paaricpe vamp bench. — Sha"yor oueke=¥ rae lam 40" ela gus Si ool. 1 thityone 12 — What's the matter? asked his wife, are you afraid someone will steal” them? 13 — It’s not that, replied her husband, but I'm alraid someone might recognise them. EXERCISES 1.Do you mind if | shut the window? I'm cold, — 2 No, but try nat to slam It. There lan't enough whisky for both of us. — 4 He was very glad to see ‘me again after all inia time. —- 8 He kept that botlo (of whisky for a yoar before epening it Fill in the missing words: 1 Podila tabaiar en una libreria, pero no estoy seguro He na ut 2 Poaris lover: mejor sera que cojamos los paragues. 3. intents no hacer faites, pero os demasiado aie! para a He tres any but 2. too ait Leccion noventa 4 Un escoees que iba en cache a casa una noche, hoes contta (eorre dantra) un coche. canduclde por un ingles 2 Easnoces salié del coche para dlsculparse y flreio.a ingles un trago de Una betella de whisky. 3 El'ingigs 2avalagra de podor echar un tago tener tina bebice) 4 — Vamos, dio'el escocts, témese otro (rage) 3 Ei ingids, beeio agradeclundoseto (agradcida mentel.-~ ¥ usted’ 2 no bebe? pregunte sl oe 6 — Guizd, respondié et otro, cuando se hays Ido la pobets 7 El guarda set parqua se acorcd a {maron6 hacia) tin vagabundo que estaba curmmrando en un banco fn Greer Pare 8 — Fen! sumed! gre, voy a corrar las puertas det perque 9 — fiuy bien, raspondié et vagabundo, intonte no dar 10 Cuando la Sra, Davis alo a su mariéo que iban & Veni invitadge a cesar esa nocha 11 [Sli al eetbidor y eseoneid todes los paraguas, noves A) To run: correr. To run into: eorrer sentra, entrar ne’ anl gue signiea tambien = chocar» 0 SSttrarce de repente (eon) = eve run out of poi! Sevhow na acabaco a ganvina to run out of agetar, uecaree sin @ moins 0 oy contento de vere, Glad es tha Palabra cortcia, menos itensa que, hap. ful. os agraaasica. I'm grattul for your oy agraccise port ayuda (a) To shut = to close: cerar {8} Intentar no: ty not to oid hy not fo use my car © Segue no Usara ti coene. Slam, palabra nome {Spoyice, signee corr de golpe =. » dar un por you 12 — Lut pasa? pragunte su mujer ztemes que at fulen los robe’? 13 — Roves oso, responcia el marido, sino que temo fe alguien pueda recorecerles, Teripo, 8 Guerd6 ess Sole de 4 Le agradeois mucho (estaba muy agradecida por) su ayuda evando tenia problemas very for... help when 5 Es tan aif na rerse, 6s tan dvertica aitcutt laugh, funny SUP tnbraioe = 8 nee to rake = mistakes = for hime {Showers ratata- ns (her) aholhad Sle 50" nota Second wave: 61st Lesson 323 three hundred and tyne Ninety-first (91st) lesson REVISION AND NOTES Notas para revisar: Leccion 88: (3) - Leccién 87 (2) ~ Léccion 88 (1), (2) - Lecci6n 88 (3) - Lecci6n 90° (1), (8) 1 We have been talking. — Es Ia forma progresiva del present perfect [ver leccién 84, (2)] y que puede lraducirse al pie de la letra o usando un tiempo que Inaique en castellano una accion que se desarralla a lo largo de un periodo- He estado viviendo aqui {o, simplemente, vivo aqui) desde hace tres afos ve been living here for three years, Hablan (han estado hablando) desde hace dos noras: They vo been talking for two hours, Se usa para una accion que ha durado (« progre: Siva», entonces) y que aun dura (« presente », pues) © que acaba de terminarse (perfect). Nada de ello es aplicable a los verbos de percepcion involuntaria (to see, to hear, to know, etc), pues no poseen forma progresiva, Para decir = se conocen desde su Infan: Gia», se dice’ They have known each other since their chilghood. Desde y desde hace: se dice far (coma cuande traduce a «durante ») cuando en espanol decimos = desde hace », es decir. cuando se especitican pe- Fiodos concretss de tiempo ("or three hours, for six years, for a long time) y se dice since cuando se irata del punto de partida de la accién, 0 sea cuando fen espaol decimos « desde » (since their chilahood, since last Saturday, since my birthday) Es un automatiamo que se adqulere con Ia practica No se limite usted a s6lo aprender reglas aisladas. 2 Would es, como ya sabemos, | auxiliar del condi ional. No se olvide que se usa tambien para expre- Siones como «; quisiera usted...» Would you tel! me..?: quisiera usted decirme...7 and tnitytve 5 Holiday: se dice on holiday, « de vacaciones » también se usa summer holiday, mas bien que sum: ‘mer holidays, Puede usarse en plural 0 singular sSogin se prefiera, 6 The stairs: la escalera. Upstairs: arriba. Down. Stairs: abajo. No se olvide she ran downstairs (bajo la escalera corriendo}, 7 Nétose Ia siferencia de tono entre las lecciones 88 y 89: a conversacién con pocos adjetivos, las contracciones, = Ah~ y= woll= y la descripeion frases mas largas, lenguaje con ’mas imagenes. © incluso mas literari. 8 Locuciones que conviene recordar. — 1 I've been waiting for two hours. 2 Try not to make a noise. — 3 What's tho matter? —"4 He might recognise them. — 5 What is Wales like ?— 6 1'm afraid Im Ninety-second (92nd) Lesson 1 — Jack, I'm freezing’. Close the window, it's cold outside. 2 — You want me to get out of bed and close the window, (N. 1) 3. but if I do, it won't be warm outside. (1) PRONUNCIATION Leccion noventa y una Pero podria haber contusion entre « ria»: he would 90, y= quisiera ir». ;,Como evitarlo? Poniendo fe ould ike (contracelon he'd ike) to go. No se preacupe, los nifos ingleses también han tenido que Bprenderio, ¢ Como To han hecho ?: con la practica diana, ¥ ahora se desenvuelven bastante bien 3 Algunas expresiones especiales. — Hemos visio tn las primeras lecciones. la expresion "Oh dear! fue selemos tradueir por =| vaya aungue no tiene facuocion exacta posible. On dear! eo una expre- Sion “do ‘contrariegad, lamento 0 desosperacion Shando so loga tarde, cuando nos olvigamos algo dando alguien no nos comprends, etc. Es expresion de buen tono y nunca es ofensiva ‘aright es fo mismo. que O.K (okay) y quiere decir wnuy bien =, «perfecto», «esto marcha Never min: no' se precip... no iene miportancia. Peta captar el = sabor= sel ngios, hay que «sent» Gn el momento de sv us0, estas expresiones, ¥ ai $8 pocran tradue con exactiud 4 Not to: try not to slam the door: Intente no cerrar la puerta de golpe. He fold me not fo move: Me ha dicho que no me mueva broke. — 7 She said she would come at ten, — 8 it's not worth it. — 9 Put your things away. 9 Traduccién. — 1 Espero desde hace dos horas. — Pintenta no hacer ruide. — 3, Qué pasa? — 4 Posria raconocerlos. — 5 1 Cémo es Gales? — 6 Me temo que estoy pelaco, —7 Dijo que vendria falas diez, — 8 No vale la pena. — 9 Coloca tus Bartulos No se incluyen asteriscos junto a los verbos to go, to got Jie say porque ya son suicrantomonto sonocgos, Ro 3s Leccién noventa y dos 1 — ck, me astoy helando, Olerra la vertana, nace itt luers 2 — Guieres que salga de Ia cama y clerre Ia ventana 3. pero no por ex0 va a naver [al ‘0 hago no hard} Notes (A) En inglés, se preciea mucho para indica la tempera- {ura Bor: caliente, eal: warm scalice, templado (un Calor contoriable): cool: tesco cold tra Face bastante calor" i's warm. Cslor se cleo: heat 297 three hunted and thity-soven 4 — Do tell’ me about Mrs Haines’ divorce. (2) 5 —I'd prefer you to ask Mrs Haines her sell! (N. 2) 6 We expect her to arrive at eight o'clock. (3) 7 — | hope the train will be on time. | don't like waiting, 8 He'd like them to introduce themselves be- cause he has forgotten® their names. 9 We've asked them to come" round for drinks this evening, (4) 10 but they would like to come* to dinner. 11. — Would you like me to make" reservations for the theatre? 12 — No thanks, Vil do it mys, 13 — I'd like you to say a prayer belore your meal 14 — But why? My mother is a good cook Siol® SFY cl 8 ag Mets, — Bie EXERCISES 1 Will you ask him yourself, | haven't enough time. — 2 Shall Ido it, or do you want her to do it? — 3 We ‘expect them to bring a botle of wine, — 4 a proter them to bring a cake. — § How much time will you need to finish? 330 three hundred and thity-nine Fill in the missing words: 1) Qviere usted que to prasente a a chica que esta all? you you to tat girl over there? 2 Cogeré el coche si o! mato asté en hueiga, the car. the tube 3 Esperamos que liegue sobre las ez y veinte, We .. to arrive 4 No va a casarse; no le gusta gastar dinero, He et marsiag. He {hres hundred and thityelght 338, = Hablame oe! eivorcio ae Ia Sea, Haines. Prefiera que {se lo} preguntes ala propia Sra 6 7 — Espare que &l trenviegue a su hora. No me guste esperar 8 Le gustaria que. se presontasen a si mismos ordue a olviade sus nomeroe, 9 Pesthemos pacide que vineran a tomar copas esta 10 boro les gustaria venir cena. 11 — ge gustaria que hiclers resorvas para ol teatro? 42 — fo‘gracias, lo hare yo mismo. 13 — Me gustaria que lores una oracion antes de 14 — [Foro por qué ? Mi madre es buena cocinera, NOTES (continued) {@} Do sirve aqui pars retorzer al verbo: es una especie de imperative, Do sit dowa por laver, sicntese (9) Hay una ciferancie entre fo wait for someone (esperar tr aigulen) 9 fo expect samathing (esporar algo) He Dapocts (0 Inake'a lot of money “espera gana muchs Ginero. To hope, es tamblan esperar, pero en 6) Ser- figo de “toner ceperanza « (4) Round es aqui innecesaro, Postla haberse dicho to ‘ome for driiks. Round dain sonido de veni” 8 ca Some round oa una expresion hoch eveRcicios 1 ge, pregmmaras m misma’ No tengo vamoo sult, — 3 Esperemes que aig une pote do vino,“ 4 Brlerina aug ‘oiotarun oasis. "8 Cuan tempo nesestards pare forming? ce 5 ¢A qué hora quieres que vs) tine 1 come? 23 expect her "at about twenty past ten. — 4 won't - doesa't the. saning "= What do you wane Second wave: 43rd Lesson Ninety-third (93rd) Lesson 1 He stopped smoking last week and has been unbearable ever since. (1) (2) (3) PRONUNCIATION 1 arbre Notes (A) jGxfate! Conviene quedarse bien con las termulas de festa leccion para poder recanocer posibles ‘cambios fe semido, Por ejemplo, 10 stop fo smoke detenorse para tomar Leccion noventa y tres 1 Deja (pard) de fumar ia semana pasaca y ha ‘estado insopartabla cesde entonces. NOTES (continued) {@} | cant bear him: no pusdo sopor reable 6 insoportl (8) Ever, aqui es innecasario. Rluerza since y data idea ‘de. sdead el momento on que. Es tambien una fxpresion hecha He 18 unbe- 341 three hundred and fortyrone 2 He enjoys teasing his wite about her spend- ing, 3 but, to avold causing an argument, he al- ways agrees with her in the end. (4) 4 The eriminal denied robbing the bank, but there were too many witnesses 5 Would you mind not smoking? This is a non-smoking compartment. 6 It's no use tying to run” before you can walk 7 That new film about Switzerland is worth seeing” 8 Imagine being @ pop-star. It must be great! 9 A lady who felt” sorry for a beggar Invited hhim into the kitchen. (5) 10 On the table, there were some sardines and some smoked salmon, 11 The beggar immediately began’ eating” the smoked salmon. 12 — There are some sardines as well, said the lady in a loud voice. 13 — | prefer the smoked salmon, replied the beggar. 14 — But it's more expensive, complained his Unwiling hostess. 15 — Yes | know, lady... but it's worth it! agian. 3 ighmin ome a Simdchinn.popatenr. grail! — wi. gar, = 10. saan fie scene — AE said la 2 an 1243. three hurdrod and forty-three EXERCISES: 1 I's no use asking him, he dosen't know anything about politics. — 2 Whose is this delionary? —? think Its hie. — 3 Go and seo that new lim, We really worth it. — 4 Will you lene me some money? —~ I'm sorry, | can't allo it —'5 He has ban asleep ever singe we lett the station Fill In the missing words: 1) Dojo ae hablar cuando su jefe ents He when 2 Yale la pana aprender une lengua exranjra 08 muy 3. Se pard pars mirar un escaparate. ‘She stoppes 2 shop window Aheee hundred and fortytwo 342 2 Le guste monficar a eu mujer eon sus gastos 3 ero, para avtar una digcusin, siempre se pore {0 scveréo con ella final. 4 Eletiminal nage haber robade ei banco, pero habia ‘Semasiagos testlgos. 5 {Le importaria'no fumar? Este deparlamento 6s de no tumagores. 6 Es Int inonter correr antes de saber (poder) er 7 Vale la pena ver esa nueva pelicula scbre Suiza, 4% Imaginate ser usa ‘stvells del pop. ;Debe sor festupanco (grance} © Una sehora apiadada (que sensia lastima) de un Imndiga Te invite lontrar en) la cocina 40 Encima do Ia mesa, habia siguras sardinas y un poco. de salmén atumado, 11 B"Trenaigo comento inmediatamente a comer(se] fl salmon ahumago, 12 — Flay tambien sarcinas, dio la Senora en (uns) ata 12 — Proiiero et salmén ahumado, respondio st men- igo. 14 — Peto os mas caro, so quejé la contvariada anfi- trona (huespec) [ya lol s6, sehora.. pero merece la pena (ello alos)! 6B NOTES (continues) 12) To agree with someone estar, ponerse de acuerdo Gon alguien. He agrovs wi) me. esta do acuerdo conmigo. An agreement” un acuerdo. (8) To fas! sorry for someone: tenor, sentir pena por alguien, apiadarse do alguien! eel sarry for hat poor ‘man siante pora por ese pobre hombre, oe minded and forfour 344 4 Lo siento por usted, poro no puedo hacer nade ' for you, but do anything 5 ¢ De quién es esto talonario de cheques ? — £5 oe mi ‘mujer thie oot ae Second wave: th Lesson Ninety-fourth (94th) Lesson A letter 1 Dear Davia, Thanks very much for your last letter. 2 I hope you are both wall. 'm thoroughly enjoying my new job. (1) Leccién noventa y cuatro Quergo David. muchas oacias port dima cara. 1 2 Sepere’ que estes bon fos dos. Me cviere de ‘ered en mi nuovo empleo noves (a) Thorough izrd) quiere deve «a fondo », «on verdad» ae Tormake 2 thorough anguiry” nace’ una vest Gacion a fondo. Thoroughly: tosimente, exraust Ione e'tea normasmenta on exprencnes came im {horaughiy enjoying mysell: me estoy ‘ivironse iOpe (266 Jo hno= dlemos mas coloqualmente) 9 [Shr morougniy bored: estoy completamente (« moral- manta auela devrse) aburrdo. 248 three hundred and forty-five 3 The person whose position I've taken resigned last month. (2) 4 Ican understand why, because there's a lot of work to do. 5 I'm writing® to ask you a favour. 6 — Could you get me some information on trade unions? 7 Thad to give a lecture last week and | couldn't find* enough details. 8 I should have asked you earlier, but you know how it is. 9 Since | last saw” you, nothing much has happened. (3) 10 I've been working hard for a month and I've had so little spare time! (4) 11 | saw" Pete last week. You know’, of course, that he's married. 12 In fact he’s been married for over a year. (5) 2s psn. rin. — 5 tno. — 6 intenen, feats achicha 347 trae hundred and frty-acven 13° He always used to say: “Marriage is a great institution, (6) 14 but who wants to live in an institation? 15 Look at him now! There's no more news, 30 I'll say good-bye. Looking ferward to hearing from you soon, (7) 16 Your friend, George, EXERCISES 1.1 sed to ke cakes whon 1 was younger. — 2 | have boen working hard sinco I last saw you, — 3 | hope fe wil be able to get some inormatfon for me w"8 She has ofiy been to Auta once. =F She ‘orgt her purge, 80 she had fo berow some mene), Fill in the missing words: 1 Esperamos con impacienca ir de vacaciones We are toss. on hoisay 2 Stud, et conocido pintor, vvis (sola vivir) aqui Studs, the well... paint here 3 EV hombre cuya mates tué robade, se lama Sanders. ‘Tho man ..... suitease is ‘sen 4 Trabaja en esta ompraca desde hace res afos, He tor this company three hundred and forty 948 3 La persona cuyo cargo he ecupado dimité la se mana pasa 4 Gomprende (guedo comprander el por que. poraue hay mischo trabajo qua ha 5 Tereseribo pare pesire un favor. 8 —LPodrias buscarme Intormacion sobre los sind 7 Tuve que dar una conlerenela Ia semane pasada Yn puse encontrar suicontes.detalos 8 —_aborta naborte praguntado antes, pero {yal sabés ‘coma son las cose [como ello os), 9 Benda que te vi (por) Ulima (ver), nada especial {mucho} ha seurrige. 10 He sstado trabajando duro desde hace un mos y The teniga tan geoo tempo libre’ 11 We ate fa'somana pasava, Por supesto, ya sabes us Se hea casado, 12 Berrecno ileva casado mas do un afo, NOTES (continued) (2) Al no exatr of too (ousstra traduccion a voces 10 inoluye para Ir comprendiendo Tos divorsos sos de Ig seguade persona cel verbo) los inglosee se sitven de estas contvacclones on leg cartas para insicar un frato familar, de convlenza. Tal eosa no so hace on Tas cartas de negocios, atc (8) Since | last saw you [desde la vllima ver que 12 vl) més colagulal que since the fast tine I saw you When you last came: cuando viiste por uitima vez Guana uitma™ sene e\ sentoo de = cl tas ro Slontes, se traguce por the latest Ls ditima novela {be Geld: Calas latest novel" pero sin embargo. le ‘lima novela &e Dickens ge cice Dickens" last novel Recordemos gue = desde hace » se cleo for pues os para una meaica eonereta de tiempo, ¥ since se. om plea para = desde , puss ce rofiore a Una siuacion (@) Spare: de mas, suplomentario, 0 sea, lve. A spare tres rusde te ropuesto. Spare paris’ plezas de ro Dado que estar casado no os una accién que se naga Contingamente. (por lo general)no se usa la forme rogresiva, sin el = present povfact = 6 Atees hundred and frty-etght 940 13° Siempre acostumbrata a decir: «ef matrimonio es Sa gran inattuoisn 14 Boro‘z quien quiare vivir en una institucion? 18 [Mirela ahora Novhay mas notelas as) que vo especie (ee ads). Esperando tent nol 16 Walger George NOTES (continued) (6) To uoe (us)? usar. ulzar,poro used fo (ust Wy tone costume ve, sas. used fo snake acoe timorata‘stumar (1) To ook forward to: eaporar om impaciorca. Im lo {ing orward to seeing you (epare en 8 ing» el seu vera|: sapere fener st pace de veto. tn frmula muy eorinta,agual que lade ase 18" que ee usa Sormalmonte para torinar ls cares uencicios 5 {Donde pusise Ia rueda de repuesto? — No me Severo me Where the yo? = 1 lng ong: gong, 2 town - aad th, — 9 apse Second wave: 45th Lesson 349 three hurdrod and forty-nine Ninety-ffth (95th) Lesson A favour 1 — Oh; is that George's letter? | haven't seen” him for a long time, 2 In fact, since that party last year. How is he? (1) 3 — Oh he's fine. He needs some help with his new job. 4 — Yes, he’s working in that school with a strange name. 5 — You mean* Hungerford? It's a school that has an excellent reputation. (2) 6 — How long has he been teaching” there? 7 —For a month. Since another teacher resigned. He seems to be enjoying him- sel 8 — May | read" the letter? — Of course. It's over there on top of the television. (3) 98 — He always asks for information which is difficult to find. 10 — Not really. We've got lots of files at the office, 11 — I hope he doesn’t expect you to write 2 book! 1 MHrohig. — 2 part, — 9 fn. — arian Fo a Sal Notes (1) For # long time. Since last year (er lecciOn 91, We (2) Una vee mas conviene recordar que thar puede ue ftuie'a which J uhotm) omo relative am qe eae i. 381 three hundred and fity-one 12 — No, just a few lines with the main points. It won't take" too long 13 — I hope not, — I'll start straight away and | should be finished by tomorrow at the latest. (4) EXERCISES 1 It should be fished by next week. — 2 It might fain tomorrow. — Oh, | hope not. —@ How ong will it take to write a book? — 4 He seems to be making good pearess, ~'5'As usual, nathing works In iis 1) Trabaja desce hace un mes. Desde que George dlmiti 2 Sito vas imeciatamente, legards a las nuove, " you wit arrive 3. No comprendo Jo que quiere decir exactamente, Voces understand he Second wave: 4th Lesson Leccién noventa y cinco Un tavor 4 — 10h! ges ia carta de George? No le he visto {deed hace mucho tiempo. Be echo, desde aquelia festa ©! fo. pssado. ecemo ast? font esta bien. Nace 0 nusvo wrabalo i Gata trabajando en eta escuela que tiene (con) Un hombre rato {Te veliofes © Hungeriord ? Es una escuela que fiere une excelonio feputacion {Desde cuando a estado dando clases ( Rando) all? Desde hace un mes. Desde que ot protesor three mundred and sitytwo 362 5 La botella estaba cublerta de polve y teria telas do arate on forno a Cuello. ‘The vote was dust and... cobwebs the neck 4 gavemad - next wea = wl be able 1 come, — 2 coud - tal Infat® roone= 9" Becauee of ra hoe been # Must Second wave: th Lesson Ninety-eight (98th) Lesson REVISIONS AND NOTES Notas para revisar: Loccién 92: (3) - Leccién 99 (4) = Leccién 94: (9). (6) ~ Leccién 95° (1), (2) - Leccion 96: (4) = Leocion 87 : (3) 1 You want me to go: quieres que me vaya, — Aepare bien en esta estructura parlicular de subjun- tivo (que séio se ciferencia det indicativo en casos particulares). E| = truco » esta en no taducir nunca ‘el «que » y todo se presentara mas tac! Es una formula que se llama = acusativo e infinitive ues el pronombre esta en acusative (claro esta que fos nombres. propios no cambian). | preter him to fell me: prefiero que me lo diga él, Do you want hhim to shut the window? ; Quiere usted que él Cierre la ventana? Si usted ha estudiaco latin la formula le resultara familiar Como ya le hemos dicho con frecuencia, déjese Guiar por nosotros y la practiea hara el resto. 363 three hundred and sixy-three En el pasado, Ia forma progresiva indica una accion que ha durado cierto ‘tiempo, y que equivale. al impertecto espano!, mas o menos, aunque, como ya dijimos, a veces lo mas corracto es una traduccion literal de la expresion ingiesa (en otros casos no lo es): He was working when the telephone rang’ Itabajaba cuando ol telefono sono (estaba trabajando ‘cuando son el telefono) 4 4 No es e807». — Regla general : si la pregunta es alirmativa, el, no es e807» va en forma ne fativa y al reves, Algunos ejemplos: She's upstairs, isn’t she? (esta arriba, ¢ no es eso 7) She isn't upstairs, is she? (no fesid arriba {no es e507) He wants this, doesnt he? (quiere esto, ¢ no es e802) They don't want this, do they? (no quieren esto, ; no es e&o ?} He won't come, will ho? (n0 vendra {No es e807) You will come, won't you? (yendras no 9s e807) We can't help you, can we? (no podemos ayudarle, z no es 30) They shouldn't go, should they? (no deberian ir no os e807) He would accept woul he? (aceplaria 5 Whose: Whose is this handbag ?: z de quién es este bolso? Whose responsibility 1s 1? ¢.de quien 8 la responsabilidad’? The man whose Gar is out- side: el hombre cuyo coche esté fuera. El senor cuyo hijo es médico : tne gentieman whose son is 4 doctor. Esperamos que con estos ejemplos, | uso Ge whose haya quedado claro. Whose se usa para ‘cosas y seres animados. 6 To wonder: iteraimente quiere decir « maravi- llarse», de ahi que wonderful significa maravilloso. Pero su sentida mas usual es = preguntarse wonder if she is happy: me pregunto si e8 fell, 7 To look forward to: esperar con impaciencia, We're looking forward to our holidays: esperamos Leccién noventa y ocho 2 Myself, yoursell, — Ya sabe usted que el reflexivo Se amplea muchas veces para subrayar el sentido. Lo nare yo mismo : 11! do this myselt Pregantale tu mismo: ask him yourselt. Sirvanse help yourselves {mas de una persona). En plural convione prestaratancion para no ozer en srrares que aiteran of signees so von todes les Somanas” Thay soe one another each weok. Nos hablamos: we fal fo one another (Si djeramos we {alk 10 oursoives, quevria decir que cada’ Uno 3° habla. s! mismo) La forma progresiva, — Una vez més voivemos a flay No" se amplen para Una aecion habitual sino fava lo que 30 esta haclendo, © se tiene intenelon Se'tomenzar¢ A qué se docica ? — Es taqvigrata what coos sho do? — She's a shorthand pst {shoothans tips three hundred and sityfour 364 con impaciencia nuestras vacaciones. | Jook forward to hearing trom you: espero tener pronto noticias suyas (espero con impaciencia oir de usted) (Forward quiere decir literalmento « adelante », « ha cla delante ») 8 Expresiones que conviene recordar. — 1 /, want you fo come straight away. — 2 She doesnt like waiting. —'S | stopped smoking last week — 4 We tan't Bear him. — 5 I feel sorty for you. — 6 Since Tiast saw you. —7 We used to like him. — 8 Vil be finished by tomorrow. — 9 He charged me ton pounds. — 10 | wonder if he's better. ERR OE 9 Traducelén. — 1 Quiero que vengas Inmediata- mente, 2.No le gusta esperar. — 3 Dejé de fumar [a semana pasaca. — 4 No podemos aguantarlo, — 5 Te compadezco. — 6 Desce la ilima vez que os vi, — 7 Solla gustarnos. — 8 Habré acabado para manana. — 9 Me cobré diez libras. — 10 Me pre- gunto si esta mejor. Second wave: 49th (revision) Lesson od tytve Ninety-ninth (99th) Lesson Emergency...! 1 — The ninety-ninth lesson reminds me of the police. (1) 2 — Why? — Because, if there is an emergency and you need the police 3 or an ambulance or the fire-brigade, 4 you simply dial nine-nine-nine. The ope- rator replies immediately: (2) 5 — Emergency. Which service do you require? 6 — Excuse me, I'm a foreigner. Could you show me how to use the phone? (3) 7 — Of course, sir. Have you got your number? 8 If not, we can look it up (N.1) In the directory. (4) 9 Right. Now first, you lift the receiver and wait for the tone. 10 Next, you dlal your number and wait until it rings, 11 You must have ten pence ready. 12 When the person answers, you push your coin into the slot and talk. (5) 367 three hirdred and sinty-eeven 13 You see? It's not at all complicated. 14 — Yes, | soo. Thank you, you're very kind 15 — Not at all. Good-bye, EXERCISES 1 This photograph reminds me of my home town. — 2 Dial your number and wait for the tone. — 3 Push your coin into the slot and speak. — 4 Piease excuse me, I'm a foreigner. —§ Could you show me how to use 1? Fill in the missing words: 1 {Puede usted recordar dénde ha puesto usted mi car- you you... my walle? 2 Parece que le recuerdo a su nieto, k that 1 his grandson. 3. Necesitaba un destorniliador pero twve que usar un Cuchi ' 4 serewativer but a 4 Usa ts misma pluma dasde hace casi diez afos. He the... pen... almost ten y Leccién noventa y nueve 1 Emergencia.! Lg laceisn 09 me rocuerda a Ia poli. LPor que? — "Porque st hay una emergencis ‘nconsiag), ‘marca usted simplemente ol 999. La operadora Fesponde inmediataments Emergencia. , ve servicio quier la poicia ‘2.2 los bomberos (brigade de Perdone, soy (un) ePostia decieme risfono’? Por supuesto pumero? Sino, pademos buscarlo en la guia. Bien Arora, primero descuelgue usted el auricular ¥ espero Ia sohal 10 Luogo (siguiente) marque el (su) nimera y espere 11 Bebe tener preparados ciez peniques. 42 Cuando tia parson) responda, mete (empuje) Ia (au) moneda en la ranure y hablo notes (8) To remind: recorear sigo a alguien. This reminds me OF him"esio me fo recversa. Plesse remind me to Bost the Teter reeuerdame, por favor que eche la ‘To remember: acordarse de 0 recordar. | remember then Twas young” me seuerso de cuando ora joven (@ A diel: un disco de nimeros: to dial: marcar un sumere de felsiono (en Ingiaorra fos nmeros. Se Gicen uno 8 uno) (8) A stranger :un exrao (alguien quien no 8 conoce) ia forelgner eiguien do. ovo. pals tran [eros fereign'car un cache. extanjore: 9 strange Sar: un coche extrano, rare" Preste stencion a esto poraue’ stranger puede induc @ ear (4) To loos at: mirar: 10 [ook for buscar. To 100k up Buscar en un desionario. en una guia, nun anvaro (8) To push empujar: to push info. meter, iireducir en three hundred and sityeight 368. 13 ___gVe usted? No es complicaco en absolute, 14 — §. fya 6] voo. Gracias, es usted muy amable. 15 — No Hane Imporancia. cies, humero\yaepera a satel "3 Iona Ia fu) maneaa sn Is 5 Tiene usted Ja diraccion ? $! no, podemos preguntar 4 alguien, 1 Can = remember where» put — 2 a6 \'somecnsizoreod? No 80 olvide oe practicar los verbos leregulares. ‘Second wave: 50th Lesson 260 tree hundred and sintynine Hundredth (100th) Lesson 1 This is our hundredth lesson. if you have spent’ an average of half an hour, reve sion included, 2 on each of the preceding ones, it makes" @ total of nearly filty hours. 3 Are you pleased with the result of your work? 4 Obviously, you do not know by heart every word and every expression we have seen: that would be too perfect. (1) 5 Learning’ a foreign language is @ matter of patience, regular dally repetition — and optimism. (2) (3) 6 Somebody once said that English was like Mount Everest 7 because access is easy, but the summit is impossible to reach. 8 We think" this is wrong because nobody speaks" his own language perfectly. 9 You must try, by regular practice, to climb as high as you want, until you f comfortable. 1 erage. mie. ein. — 2 ch ori owt pag rat 4 eva. fase iskones reptishnghmiseme — 6 aunt (alma Ainge” EP B= 8 — Notes (1) « Caca + puedo docirse each every. Esch tone mks en el seatise do = cade unos, mieniras que every 271 three hundred and seventy-one 10 But be carefull In order not to fall", you must practise as often as possible. (4) 11 You will learn new words and expressions {and forget” them, and learn them again {and forget’ them once more. 12 But you are making” progress. Compare what you know* now with what you knew* three months ago. 13 The hardest and most tedious part of your work is done; before long, you will speak* fluently 14 But remember: in order to stay on the ‘mountain, you need dally practice. 30 tw sate. oo. on 1 fegat = 32 Bie Sana EXERCISES 1 You cannot Joarn all the vocabulary by heart. — 2 Nobody here speaks Chinese. —— 8 Sit down on the Sela. Are you comfortable? — 4 You must work in order to earn money. — 5 Be careful not to fall. That wall is very high FIIl in the missing word: 1) Hasta que puede hablar ef inglés con fides, lea algo you... speak English os... eae aay. 2 Come todo lo que quier ay mas, Eat you want: 3 Hay que prestar mucha ateneién pars no caer You .... be very in ‘at, tree hundred and seventy 370 Leccién cien 1 Esta es nuesta lecci6n clen. Si usted ha dadicado (pasedo} ne media de media ‘ora, inluica Ta vision, 2 Gieada'una de las provedentes, hace un total de asi encuanta horas 2 [Eats Usted ontanto con el resultado de su ra: sie? 4 Gaviamenta no sabe usted de memoria cada pa- a cxpresion gus hemos risa esa ria Gemediace parece = una cuestin ot pacienck Teoular yontinisme, Sigler Se. una vee que el ingles es como el te everest Dorgue 8 asteso 8 tél pera Ia cumbre e8 im cab do aeanzer Eensamot que esto 68 un errr porque nace habla 5 propia lengua perectamenta Sede tee fortarcon a presie regular, topar {an ato como quer, neta que oa sonia comove, NOTES (continses) fee mas general y ms bien signifies «todo. © to- as Fepare on la misma frase en la oxpresion oy heart {bor corazon): Ge memors (2) Aratterno 08 solo materia, sine también un esunto Cnatutstgn, fa matter of tmes'se aceon So {otnpo, iina’s the mater? Oue nasa? @) La palabras cue trian es = ism poseen en Inglés (© Gamo una eepocia‘Ge mati sacs mas, Como se indice on la promunsiacon tigurada, dove usted pro- inca TL faa, ee nota nels Conia gue prasteameria a0 procusia una silaba mas Some st nulora una voval ene la'8 yam ‘Teo many cooks spoil the broth: demasiedos cocineros stropsan el calgo. En Espafa el relvan equivalerte sora, ‘Fodos at saco y 81 saco en lorra ventytwe 372 10 Pero tanga culdado (soa precavido), para no coer (en ofcon ano caer) debe usted practical tan a ‘manude come {seal posible 11 Aprandera ustea nucvas palabras y expresiones y {ap clvgara.y las aprengera de nuevo ¥ las Ol" dard una vez mas. 12 Boro Usted esta haciendo progresos. Compare lo ‘ue sabe ahora con fo que sabia hace Wes meses 13 Levparte mas dure y aburiga se su trabajo est fecha: en poco tiempo (antes ce Targo) hablara (sto com tie. 14 Pero fecuerde para pormanecer encima do la mmontafa se necesita la practiea sari, NOTES (continued) () An order: un encargo, una orden: In order to, en fraen a, con etn de, para 4 No segues ponte: nd oahu de maori —2 A para gana’ ciara. 8 $n cudada par no 4 Estoy muy contonto con et trabajo de mi hijo 1am very my 5 Puede que asté equivacade, pero no lo cree. He butt 20 Inote— 9 init “earetaordar not # ossed with eons Second wave: Sist Lesson Id seventy-three Hundred and first (101st) Lesson Some stories 1 Confirmed bachelor. — Believe me, all wemen are silly; | have only met® one intelligent woman in my whole life. (1) 2 — Why didn’t you marry her then? 3 — | asked her, but she relused me. 4 Barber: — Have | shaved you before, sir? 5 Customer: — No, | got those scars during the war, 6 — Listen, Tommy, if you promise never to say that rude word again, | will give" you ten pence 7 — Oh, | know* another that is worth at least fity pence! 8 The manager of a large firm erticised an employee for his inefficiency. (2) 9 The employee was so annoyed that he started eticising the way in which the company was run’ (3) 10 — Are you the manager of this company? the manager asked him furiously. vente 11 — Of course not, said the employee. 12 — Then don't talk like @ fool! shouted the manager. 13 A pessimist reminds us that a cup is halt ‘empty 14 and an optimist reminds us that it is halt full EXERCISES 1 He was so angry he started shouting. — 2 How much is your Swiss watch worth? — 3 He was ‘ticised for his inefficiency. — 4 He speaks English Tike an Englishman, — 8 Weren't you supposes never to say that word? Fill in the missing words: 1. £0ué la parece si nos tomamos un vaso de whisky ? {ne gracias, no quiero. 1 glass of whisky? — No thank you 2g Por qué no me aii ue jugabes at ajecrez ? you... me... you played... 3 No vale la pena intentario, no me ganarias Ht YOU ese net thes hundred and scventyfour 374 Leccion ciento una ‘Agunas natoros 4 Soltera convencido. — Croeme, todas las mvier Gon tontsa on foda mi vida me he encontraze solo on una mujer Inteligante fonces 1 por que Ro to casaste con ella? Se io ped pero me rechazo. Barbero. — ie he afetado antes, sofor? Giiente. — No. me hicieron [obtuve) estas clea ‘ices durante ia guerre. © — Escucha Tommy, sl prometes no decir nunca mas ‘esa palabra [tan grosera, te dare diez peniques 7 — Oh, 86 otra que vale por lo menos eincuenta pe- niques. 8 El director de una gran empresa ‘empleado por su inelicacia, 9 —_ET'empleado estaba tan eniadado que comenz6 a rien la forma come aigida 10 — LES usted ol dirsctor de esta empresa? le pre Gunts al crestor furioso (turoeamente) ores (1) Hemos visto ya el adjective single, para decir soltoro {Tambien podemes decir bacholor para soltera' para Gollera existe la palabra spinstor poro tiene un clo trati poyoratve (signtiea mas bien « slterana). por To gue es proteribie decir siempre single woman (@) A firm, a company: una empresa, una compa, ura Soledad. & secialy: una aaociacion (@) To run: correr: to run a company: digit une compa: fia and soventysix 376 11 = Por supuesto [que] no, dio e! empleado, 42 — [Emonces no able como un iota | grit6 el di: 13 Un posimista nos recuerda que la taza esta mecio 14 YU optimista nos recuerda que esté medio lena 1ERCICIOS| 4 Por tavor dete les gracias por su amebilad Piet him... his kindness. 5 Se {lo} agradezco muchisimo, — De nada Second wave: S2nd Lesson 377 three hindred and eoventysoven Hundred and second (102nd) Lesson 1 Outside the art gallery: — | liked that exhibition very much, 2 especially the modern painting of a man on a horse, 3 — How do you know" it was a man on a horse? 4 — Well, it was obvious, wasn’t it? 5 — In that case, it couldn't have been a mo- dorn painting. 6 A mother had just scolded her son and he slarted erying, 7 At that moment, his father came* in. (1) 8 — What's the matter with you? he asked. 9 The child turned his back and said no- thing, 10 — Come on}, said his father, tell Daddy. (2) 11 The son turned rouna: — If you must know, I've just had an argu: ment with your wite! 12 Employer. — We're looking for someone who. is used to ordering men. (3) 13 Man. — In that case, you want my wite, 14 Do not forget” to learn a few irregular verbs from time to time. PRONUNCIATION. imate asekt’ ~ 9 0. ind. — 10 sad. dad amg rs 8 np — 18 rt 279 three hundred and soventynine EXERCISES 1 It could have been David, but I'm not sure, — 2 Ie ust thished preside, eo tim not hungry. <3 How old was she last birthday ? I;don't like to ask, — 4 | heard a symphony by Mozart on the radio. — 5 What's the matter with you? — I'm attaid I've got a cold Fill im the missing words: 1) Acababa de terminar da hablar, cuando sone e/ teeter. she ss speaking... the phone 2 No te preccupes, tongo costumbre de candueir por ta reer Don't 1 ++ ving 3 Sacata fotos para un lire que habia escrito. He photos... 8 back ne 4 Ponsabs que era novelista, — En absolute, os fotsgrat, Fecvcss he was. novelist, — at, photographer. Leccién lento dos salica de una galeria de arto: — Me he ustace much aa exposiion 2 epecialmente la pintra moderna de un hombre eabalio [Coma savos que era us nomore a cabal? sono. estaba taro ene? En'ose casa no sori (no habria podido ser) una piers moderna. © Una macro acababa de renir (nabia justo refido) ijo'y & eomenze a lar 7 memento, su padre eat 8 — 1046 pasa? pregunt® 6 0 7 Ernine fe oo'in sepaida (volvié su espalca) y (no) ‘jo nada, 49 — [Haree aio oy para a ell» pan , M1 Elie ge vole” —'Si quieres (a tones. que) Severo, sasabo de taver"una dlesusion som mujer! 42 Patrono. — Buscamos a alguien acostumbrado trancar « los hombres, 13 Remora, "en "tee" caso, necesita usted = mi mul. 14 Nose olige de apranaor algunos vero0s Ion: Tarea de voz en cuando, wores 1) Thao rrorancsua vex mA, sai ey aq! y puede traducirse por lo que mas convenga en cade (2) Game on 90 on Waren! Yanga i. To 99 00 (Fm ned to st ong conure de, ety aco. Crete oh Soe Stare ar tases Satis (eat are Repare oh edhe oo SET asta Aone ee lena oe eens aie three hundred and cighty 380 svenccios SR ames ee eT ct ene Pete het 5. Eso no hublera podido cambiar nacl That changed Rospesstas ‘on "Seoul tat have "ans. '5 anor man's pozon a carne 6 an {lo que uno alimonta) es. venano. para otro rola envanona) fo quo valo para una persona ‘8 valido para todo e! mond, ‘Second wave: Sird Lesson 381 three hundred and sichty-one Hundred and third (103rd) Lesson 1 An Englishman uses an average of one thousand words in his spoken vocabulary. 2 His reading vocabulary is much larger — between three and four thousand, 3 but many of these words are not used in everyday communication. (1) (2) 4 When you come* to the end of this course, you will be able to use about three thousand English words. (3) 5 The English vocabulary is composed of roughly 50% (ity per cent) Latin words land 50 % Germanic ones, 6 so there are often two words to describe the same thing 7 But don't worry! Only those who do” erass- word puzzles, or play wordgames, know" the thousands of unusual words’ in the language. 8 English also “ adopis” words very easily, 0 that often people do not realise that they are foreign words, 9 so all nationalities feel" at home speaking English! ‘emiemuasen, 4. hoore.-— 8", pen © son SPs musics anand! "8 Ws wen. "9 203 three hundred and cighty-three 10 — Doctor, tell” me frankly what is wrong with me: not in Latin or Greek, but in simple, plain words. 11 — There Is nothing wrong with you; you are a drunkard and a glutton. 12 — Oh! Well say it in Latin and Greek, so | can tell" my wife! 10 rong. lain 14. ka. gt, EXERCISES 1 Both ideas are interesting, but the first one is too formal. — 2 Has he written his book yor? — 3 He Js used to borrowing from me, and | let him, — 4 We've already seen that play. — 8 Distribution of wealth is an important part of Socialist ideology. Fill in the missing words: 1 Cuando hayas seabado ese trabajo, ven a ayudarme, por favor, YOU ee ae ‘hat Job, come... help me 2 La persona de quien toms prastac ue 50 la covsoiva chaquets quiere ‘The person he that jacket it back, 3. Die que pase, z quieres 7 w + wil you? 4 Hay muchas palabras que son iguales an las aos fen bute many words... are ® languages. ‘three hundred and olghty-two 982 Lecci6n ciento tres Un inglés use una media de mil palabras en su Vocabulario habla SP vocabulario 6 & cnr tes y cuatre mit palabras pero muchas de estas palabras ro se usen en la ESnvoreacion comuniedcon) do todos tos dies. Glande Tegue usted al inal do este curse, pocrd Gear unas res mi pelebras nglosas 5 _ET'vocabulario Ingles esta compuesto. aproxima- Gamente por un 80% (ee) palabras latinas ¥ Un 1558 Ide palabras] germanicas jactura es mucho mas ampllo © de manera quo a veces hay dos palabras para ‘Sesorbir vn (a) misma cosa, 7 pare’no so precupe’ s6io 19s que hacen eruci- Gramas o practcan juegos do. palabras conocen fos mies de vocsblos insoitos del iloma 8 2) ngiee tambion = adopta' palabras con mucha felons de moo qve muchas veces la gow NO 2 da cuenta ce que 20 palabras sxtranjaras, 9 asi quo [la gente de} todas [las] nacionalidades se Slantan a gusto [como en casa} hablanda ingles NoTes (1) Daily: cotiiana; everyday de sods tos at todos ios alas se aterbe every day. (2) Recordemos que las palabras que terminan en » ion = Se acentuan on la penultime silapa. (8) A course un curso. Lesson signifi leccioa y también laeo. aula « 80 dice classroom pero 18 cittyfour 384 10 — doctor. digame trancamente Jo que tengo (lo qué feta mal en mi)" no on latin @ srega, sino en palabras simples y normales. 11 — Rises no le pata nade (no hay nada malo en Usted) ea uated un borracho y un glen 42 — [dn Guano, eigamalo en lata y griego. a fn de ‘ve pueda deciracla @ mi mujer suencicios formals 2, ecrio ye nu lito” 3 eata acoambace ¢ (Sat pend oan ony ye flora vases Inpecante ela) ooogia socialite, 5 Inglaterra 2s mas ria que aie, pero le gente es mas tranquil England is Wtaly, but the sss are ots an poms, = 2 rm wen norond gre" sain 8 colder an “pose "came ‘Second wave: Sth Lesson hundred and sichtytve Hundred and fourth (104th) Lesson ‘Aphorisms 1 Don't eriticise society: only those who can't get" into it do that. 2 The only way to get” rid of a temptation is to yleld to it 3 An ex-President, revisiting the White House: “It's a nice place to visit, but | preter to live here 4 The best way to forget” your troubles is to wear’ tight shoes. (1) 5 An enthusiastic young priest: “ What a beautiful moon! And it's in my parish! 6 — Money cannot buy" you friends, but it can buy” you a better class of enemy, 7 Man, to a woman who accused him of being drunk: 8 “Madam, you are ugly — but tomorrow 1 will be sober" 9 It's not that money makes* everything good; it's that no money makes” every- thing bad 10 The only way to behave to a woman is to make" love to her if she is beautiful, and to someone else if she is plain. (2) (3) PRONUNCIATION 387 three hundred and sichty-esven 11 Your health comes* first, you can hang yourself later. (4) 12 A fool is someone who walks into his friend's antique shop and shouts: “What's new? EXERCISES 1 Have you read what he has writen? — 2 I've ever actually read his books but I've heard of them: 3 We were charged thirty pence for a cup of tea 4 He won't be here tomorrow, he's going on & business trip. — § Bo caretull That gun is loaded. Fl in the missing words: 1 Le gustaria vara un especiaisia, pero cobran deme she 0... @ spocialst, but they 2 Actusimente tabaja en un banco pero fe gustaria cam iar “ she mn bank, but 3 Ese viaje hublera sido demasiado agotador, por eso no fuimos That --. woule too exhausting, hats 4 No pude ver lo que pesaba, estaba demasiado lejos de (pants 1 566... was happening, | was Leccion ciento cuatro Atorismos +o citaue a i sociedad: sto ios que no pueden Sreares lal ecen (so) 2 En°Sice facta de itress ge una enacion es 3 Ue ecpesisenis, vistando de nuevo ie Case Bianca seo" Un og luger bars waar, pero profieo viie(on i ea «Ct ates Shey te ue totem s Unsacerdote joven enfusiesta oy Oud (ura una Hank nermosa' 1¥ esta en mi parfoqual™ ¢ —[Efinare’no puede comprare a unos] amigos, foro puede Somprarie {anol Uns clase mejor trom. 7 [Unt hmbre, a ne mur ave to acuta ooo 8 “Sehora, usted es fea, pero matana yo ostaré Rees ue (ell siero naga todo bueno 08 que {a 9 ene nore ta Race toga mate, 10 GE hacerie la sorte (al amor) #¢s bella, hacer Shas ota, es fen notes Tight: apretado, alstado. To be in a tight situation: Waar en une stuacion ail, comprometiga, pellgrosa So be tight with money" se Tac Cuando se escridid esta frase -es de Oscar Wilde- la Sipresion to make love queria decir ~hacer la. corte sreetfora ahora tanto en mgiés, como en su iradvc ibm ira espafola significa otra cose Pain: im decoracon, sin mprtanca sin tet, orsunas: pero suanso se pice « ur fojco sig ‘oon % Suiped tes una eorbata reyes plain tie" una corbata isa a vee hundred and sightyrelaht 11 Tu salud 98 (viene) [lol primero, puedes colgarte mas tae tea on la tends oe 42 Un tonto es alguien que entra on ia faniggecades de au amigo y grta = Que hey ce NOTES {costinues) (a) Presta atencion este verbo, porque tiano dos formas lina mepuars to hang. Pung. Pung (colgar algo)” le forma mur: hang. hanged, Ranges, que quiere decir fn alguien», sea, shorcer. Aal puss, no se ontunga, LS TEIoE Serena ide inlet oe eae "3 | Now craran ra Fru Si ae I aga a tr a ER Ay se Lodi Ness NONSTER. 5 Su casa parece un castilo, debe ser muy rea His nouse acasle, ne very rch Second wave: 88th Lesson ‘three hundred and cisht-nine Hundred and fifth (105th) Lesson REVISIONS AND NOTES Notas para re Leccién 100: (1), (9) - Leecion 102: (1), (3) 1 Phrasal verbs. — Son verbos que cambian de signiticacion de acuerdo con Ia preposicion que los sigue. Como ya hemos visto, ef ejemplo to gor es lipico. Veamos otro To look at: mirar. He looked at the painting [miro el cuadra) To look for: buscar. We're looking for a new typist (buscamos una nueva mecandgrafa) To look after: ocuparse de. Helen is looking after the kids (Elena Se ocupa de 103 crlos) To fook up: buscar en un libro. Look this word up In the dictionary (busca esta palabra en el dlocio- ‘ario): To look forward to: esperar con impaclencia. I’m looking forward to seeing you (espera con impacie’ cia verle). Recordemos que esta expresion, junto con alguna otra (ver leccidn 102, N. 3) es un cago excep. clonal y va seguida de un verbo en -ing. Veremos mas ejemplos en las lecciones siguientes. 2 Used to. — Expresién muy atl que significa una Costumbre que se ha perdido, o algo que antes se hacia y ya no se hace. | used to like sweets when was a child: me gustaban los dules cuando era nif. "We used to get fo the country ance a week lacostumbrabamos @ ir al campo una vez a la se- No contundir con to be used to: tener la costumbre ie, acostumbrar a. J’m used fo this ear (estoy acos- lumbrado a este coche). En este caso el segundo verbo tiene la forma del gerundio en ing. 30% three hirdred and ninety-one Hundred and sixth (106th) Lesson We must make a decision 1 — We must (N. 1) decide where to go for our holidays. 2 We should have decided months ago. (N.2) 3 — I'll be down in a minute, I've got to finish this atticle I'm writing". (1) 4— Have you got everything you need? — Yes thanks, 5 Joan picked up a brochure and read: “To be sure of oblaining a place, it is necessary to book well in advance ". (2) 6 And, in another one: “You must book early to avold the rush". (3) 7 Joan was very angry because It was al- ready the middle of June and they had done nothing 8 — Well, if you're going to do something, you should do it properly, she thought’ 9 She locked through the pile of brochures and then went to make" a cup of tea. (4) 10 David, having finished his article, came* downstat 11 He stopped and picked up the post from the mat. (5) PRONUNCIATION se ewal Soon ip 5 pk. baenate three hundred and ninety 390 Leccién ciento cinco 3 Annoyed es menos fuerte que angry. Annoyed es fl equivalente ‘de= enfadado™, angry. significa “encolerizedo». Bored equivaie practicamente a ‘ aburriga » 4 xprestones que conviene recordar. — + Dia! this umber "2 's'a matter of te. 3 He aid itn Diderto earn money” "4 Gt course (not He's Just had breaktast.— 6 He's working in London at present 5 Traduccién. — 1 Marca este numero, — 2 Es Cuestion ce tiempo. — 3 Lo hizo para ganar dinero. 4 Por suouesto (que no). — § Acaba de desayu- ar. — 6 Actualmente wrabaja en Londres. Second wave : 5 (revision) Lesson Leccién ciento seis Tonomes que tomar une decision — Debemes decicir donde vamos de vacaciones, Habriames tenido que cecidy hace meses — Baje'om un momenta Teago que acavar ste ak ‘ule que estoy eserbiendo. — tienes todo Yo que novesitas ? — Si, gracias. Saat coats on Toleto's even Pars eer angura eer tung) plaza os noceeara reservar i} eon suteienta atelesion Yon-otto = Debe usted hacer la reserve pronte para evlar agiomeracion an atabal muy srincoes porque estan ya a imediasos de Junio y no hablan hecho ne Bion, sre a hacer algo, hay cue ha Fepasé ol montin fantero) de folletos y luego se {oe a hacer una taza a0 Dave a avabar au artouo, 96 Be 'pard y copie el corres do flpuse io bien, Notes (1) [ve got fe similar a / have to: estoy ebligedo a tenga que.. pero su veo es muy coman ye ya un fro 36 empleo eorrents (una vae mee got. {2} A book: un libro: to Book: reservar. Una ‘ice reservation (para hoteles) y booking teatro) En EEUU. onto matis desaparace ye Usa resorvation on todos los casos. (8) To rush: prociptarse apresurarse, ete.: mo rush afluancia, Multug, aglomerecion. The rush hour’ la hore punis En las trasea § y 6, al atarse de expresiones hecnas, fa wecuoeion nd es literal sino la eorrespondiente 8 las expresiones en espaol. (@) To took through: hjear (ieralmonto, mirar 2 waves 6). Vor la foccin 108, W (8) To post: eonar al correo, Fl correo @ dice the post tho mail Las olicinas Ge correo inglesas se aman GPO. IGoneral Post Ofice) sin embargo, cologural mente, Se dice the post office, que ee et equivalents Shusetra «correo 12 — Oh look, still more brochures. We've got more than we need, 13 Joan was furious: “You need a stick of dynamite to move you!” she shouted. 14 — Oh come on, don't be angry. Make" the tea. 15 — Make* it yourself! shouted Joan and went out slamming the door 18 David scraiched his head: " But what did do?" EXERCISES 1 We should have bought it when we had the money. — 2 She was trying to avold an argument, — 3 He ‘went out easing the door quietly. — 4 You might have a touch of lu. — 8 You may borrow it but you can't keep it. Fill in the missing words: 1. Hay que reservar con antoacién, para evitar la espera You In advance in sooo 1 ves + waiting 2 Tione usted todo fo que necesita ? Have you ... everything you «...7 3 Tengo que terminar esta novela antes que me Ie pita Wve fingh this... belore he... me: h 4 Basta! Tengo mas de fo que necesito 1 Pv got Hundred and seventh (107th) Lesson Too many experts 1 Despite the fact that there are many more Jobs today than twenly years ago: 2 computer operators, aifline pliots, telev- sion engineers, even astronauts (1) 3 unemployment remains a serious pro: blem. (2) 4 We are in the age of specialisation and the expert, 5 Students are no longer safe studying a general subjoct, like literature; (3) 6 to be sure of a job, they must specialise 7 — Some people work by telling’ others what to do, 8 There are educational experts, scientific experts, all sorts of expert 8 There is a saying which goes: chiefs and not enough Indians " 10 Sometimes, this is the case in modern Industry, 11 Also, people do not alvays work as eff. ciently as they could. 12 There is # law which states: “ Work ex- ands so as to fill the time available for its completion ”. (4) Too many ‘hind — 3 anommtimant. a apa aiden so teacnoe {Sp sots. "shih aieae —saeianen ‘twee hundred and ninety-four 304 42 — 0, mira, todavia més folletos. Tenemos mas de To qua secestamon, 13 Joan extaba furose j« Neceslias un cartucho de dinamita para movers!» gra 44 — Oh, vamoe. no ts enfaces. Haz ol 45 — [Miseto tl grt Joan y sald corrando la puerta tte goipe 18 David Se rasod In cabeza’ =i Pero qué he hecho Sespacio.— 4 Puede que tenges un poco de gripe. — § Puedes 8 Tengo ave irme, tengo una cite con e! mete, 1+ 99, "ve got an with the Amis tok - rer = ao = 2 got pad — 8 got 0 nove No permite que las palabras nuevas que aparecen le Aosanimen a0 las lecciones siguientes, volveran @ SUrgIr Yio pareceran mas familares ‘Second wave: 67h Lesson tree hutdred and ninetysix 306 Leccion ciento siete 1A pesar del hecho 62 que nay muchos mas oficies hy que hace vais aos: 2 pregramador de ordenacores, piles de. tineas Eevee ingenioros de televain, incluso asronau 3 l-paro sigue siendo {permanece) un problema. 4 Biaras on tn pace ce la espectalzain y ce 5 Loevestuciantos no se sienon (estan) ya seguros fstugiendo un toma genera, come ia ieratura 6 Para asoqurare lester soguroe Ge consegui) un fomplee, doben sepevalzarce 7 Algunas personas trabaian eieiendo a las otros lo fe [tonen gue] hacer 8 fay sxperies en eduesclén, expertos clentifices.y tous clase de experios, 9 May Un dicho ‘que rez (que va): » Demasiados lotes y no sulcanies inaies 40 AVecuo ste eo ol caso de la Industria moderna 41 Porvotre ade ambien), Ia gente no sempre tra baja tan olieazmento como posi 12 Hay una ley que esteleco. © El trabajo se expands hasta (para) ener el tempo sisporisle para le Mario a'ca80 (para sy torminacin NoTes (1) A pilot? un pilota de avion: un ilo oe carrras: @ ‘bing rive? (2) Urempleyement: desemples, paro: to. be unem- ployed: star on para. estar parado (en el Senza de Sinwabajo) un parado™ Jobless parson. (9) =¥a nom y tambien «non. ya: ne longer Ya no fume") no longer smoke ‘También tenemos la formula con any more, Ho doesn't tiork here any more he-na fonger works here. ya ne frabaja agut (4) So as fo, formula itera similar a ip ordor to. En te Eonversacion no suale embloarse poraue tas palasrae ortaa, en inglae, london perdereo on la pronuncla oon 297 three hundred rinety-seven 13 It means* that, if you have two hours to Go a job, whatever (N. 3) it is, (5) 14 the job will take" two hours, even if you could finish it sooner. EXERCISES 1 He Is head of a team of computer operators. — 2 Doses the number of | Jobs ble, — 3 unemployment romans a serious problem, — 4 This Job will take too long, please give me a hand. — '5 He is no longer an airline plot, at present, ne Is an astronaut Fill In the missing words: 1. No puede ya permitrge una asisiona, es demasiado He can help He. costly 2A posar de la nlebla, el avin Hoge 2 su hora. the. the plane arrived 3 Tienes notcies. Dimolas sean las que sean. Youve got some .... Talli to me 4 Estt imeresado en todo, especialmente en (los asuntos 4) los demas. He everything, especially the ataire of ‘three hundred and alnetynine Hundred and eighth (108th) Lesson Jobs and industry 1 Let's look at some of the occupations available to people today. (1) 2 As a tradesman, you can be a butcher, a greengrocer, a baker: (2) 3 you can be an ironmonger, a milliner, a jeweller or a bookseller, ete. 4 As a craftsman, you can be a jeiner, a goldsmith, a watchmaker or a fitter. 5 There are also manual workers, such (N. 4) as bricklayers. (3) 6 Then there are the professions: teacher, doctor, lanyer or broker. 7 Military service was abolished in England in May 1963 (nineteen sixty three) 80 the armed services are also considered as a career. 10 There are many problems in industry toda strikes are frequent and often serious. (4) 11 The trade unions, which look alter their members’ interests, (5) PRONUNCIATION Fier noguae ance Rite ale isl" smitis "8 pokes HE bye boa For Min — $ Rimahvtantr™ 10 ates. en — Notes (1) Availabe: sisponble, véllo. The results wil be avai- late in treo. months 109 resulades sstaran disp: nibles dentvo'da res meses {hres hundred and ninetycight 308. 42° Esto quiere docie que, ai tne usted dos horas para facer un trabajo, cualquiera que 14 Bi trabajo tardara dos horas. neiose aunque pus ‘iera usted acabarlo antes, NOTES (continued) (8) A job es un empleo y también un abajo. A work una obra, 1 ja 08 un acupo de programadores e ordensdores. — 2A Joua/“Sei°sdmes de cmp ‘eponiies "3 [el ezemaieo [tude un sor prblana 4 Ese vata lavara ‘mache eoo, Sor tivordevars ane mano, § Ya no es plot do reas aeroms 5 Se ha cortede el peto ; Gus diferencia! He has had cut... @ aiferencel 170 lange atord- le too, — 2 Despite «fog - 09 me, — 3 rows tener EL aS irtaed tas emers sh mars what ‘Second wave: 58th Lesson four mvadred 400 Leccién ciento ocho Empleos ¢ Indu 1 Veamos algunas de Ise ccupeciones elsponiblos how para ia gente, 2 Como fon} comerciante, se puede ser carnicero, erdulero, panadera 3 Se puede Ser ferrtoro, sombrerera, joyero © I bret. ete 4 Como aresano, se puede ser carpntoro,ortebre, felojero 0 alusiagor 5 Hay tambign tabsladeres manuales como los al- bates 6 Lange hay 196. protesionas lberales) = profesor, medics, abogace o agente de balsa 7 El eervicio miltar se abate en Ingaterra eo mayo fe 1009 : 8 [mil noveciontos sesenta y tos) 8 Gal pues las fuoreae armadas se consideran tam bien une carrera 40 Pay muchos problemas hoy en la Industria: las bucigas son frecuentes ya menudo graves 11 Los Sindeatos. que se ocupan de low itereses de Sts miomoros, Mores continue) 2) Trade eso oo y a comercio, Yrageeman comer- ° ciante, En inglés todos los oficios llevan el articulo iedoleminace, Lo hemos iciigo slo en el Primer [Sieve pereceis yon em Sema fo nomoe dase por supucsto - oe Te lay coocar, pone. A brick un lage, Ast pues ® bricklayer: albafil. Puede decirse también mason, toro os rigs general Cust aseomas Ta palabra roe Shason que qaere ceo =Wanenasen- osiploments mason w To arke: su primer sentica et golpear (esto India, (9) Barto sense os eteton Una huelga) a sike Sha'fusge: te' go. on sro ectar en Welgn a Srker! uh cigs (5) Wer lecion 108, Wt) To Took after the childron Sctarao Ge ios tos 12 do not always agree with the employers. 13 if coal-miners or rallwaymen go on strike, the resulls can be very serious for the country, 14 Such problems are known as "industrial relations. EXERCISES 4 There are no longer many goldsmiths in this part of London. —"2'I'maltald | don’ agree with you, — 3 Does he belong to a trade union? — I think so. — 4 Where did you put my watch? — In the bedroom, 5 He will be available from eight thirty. Fill In the missing words: 1. ¢ Por qué no esiés on el elérito ? — EI servicio miltar ya no existe Why you. the army? — Miltary service 2 Hublera paside ser earpintoro, pore mi pa due estuaiese. 1 nave but. tathor te ety. 3 Deberias empezar @ pensar en una carrera, nunca es Gemasiado tarde You start about ws Hundred and ninth (109th) Lesson Another look 1 We have seen’ many new words recently Let's revise some of them, 2 We should have bought" @ new fridge before the prices went up. (1) (2) 3 No thank you, | already have more than | need 4 Everyone needs money, but some need more than others, 5 If the dockers go on strike, we'll have to stay in the ship 6 Unemployment benefit is aveilable to those who need it 7 My son the doctor is four and the lawyer is three. 8 I hate walking past the jeweller's with my aitiriend, 9 — Would you look after the baby while | go to the shops? 10 Identity cards were abolished in England after the war. 11 My boss and | don’t always agree. 12 He picked up a penny outside the bank and the manager emplayed him. (3) (4) 4g fst. tak, — 2 shad. toot. ch. gaia. — 4 wan = Bakr. wil "§ angrier — lye ethan. acorn 8 Um Go aie 12 so enn siomora ce acvrda con los patones. 3) Es'mveroy de eaton 0 ts ferrvirion ven a * ia hueiga, los resultados pueden ser muy graves 4 Fale" pfbioras a0 conocer como <1 1ERCICIOS sue cam 4 Liegaria a ser mésico si pusters 5 Los dos politicos se pusioron de acvordo, poltlans espuestas es IMS doctor could" 8 Bath agreed. ‘Second wave: 58th Lesson Leccién ciento nueve tre ojeada (mirada) 1. Homos visto reclentemente muchas nuovas pala bras. Revisemos algunas (1) Frage, es una contaccion ge refrigerator y cores ” Gonde'a cuando en expanol Secmos = el Kigo= (2) To go wp subir y aumentar. The prices wont up last ode. Wx precios Subleran (aumentaron| fw semana Fasasa uiside (were). puede tenor también el sentido de ‘slanted fun aac) wer lose'en 102, noe 1 ‘an employee: un emmpleago an emplayer: un pa {ons orpoy dar empleo Tambien puedes wats icepecicinoto on EEUU) al verbo to fire feiqulsr fara signear «ar empleo, contater 13 If you work in this factory, you must join trade union. (5) 14 We've got to agree on a solution soon. 12 tor denoin. 14 tenon EXERCISES 1 Excuse me, | think that's mine, — 2 The dockers were on strike and we couldn't get off the ship. 3 had to get up early, | had an appointment with my lawyer. — 4 Would you get me a paper while I'do the washing-up? —'S The train should have got in half an hour age, the missing words: 1. Oda salir ahora que se esté quedanco ciega ‘She hates now that she bling 2 Too 0! mundo gritaba ala vor y la vendedora no podia was shouting lane the salesgi! to 3. Ya no hay héroes romanticos on ia literatura, 4 No puedo estar de acuerdo contigo, encuentro estipida Hundred and tenth (110th) Lesson 1 — Thank you very much for all your help. — Not at all 2 Dial this mumber and ask for Mr Smith's secretary. 3 The person whose motor-bike was slolen* last week is complaining, 4 That couldn't have been David, he didn’t say "Helle" 5 She is used to looking atter people, she is a nurse. (1) 6 At present, she is working in a hospital, but next month she is changing jobs 7 1 was charged twenty trancs for a cup of tea in Paris! 8 — Excuse me, I'm a foreigner: could you help ma? I'm lost. (2) But you speak" English very well. — 1 should speak" it better 10 — if | learned my lessons better, | would speak’ it fluently, 11 — George spent® three months on the Rix viera last year. — Lucky George! 12 It's not worth buying" @ new record-player: I might get one for my birthday. 2 is ates —3 mason Dak. wk. kangnin. — ¢ NoTes (3) Aurse, palabra de origon francés, os erformora. A ‘Yoces Nemes visto en espefol la palabra “nurse en {our hundred and six 408 12 Si usted trabaja en esta fabrics, debe inseibirae @n (unrae a) un sincleato, 14 Fenemos que porernos_ pronto de scuerdo sobre Una solves NOTES (continued) (8) To join lunirse) es un verbo muy util en ing [bin ie army aarolarse en el ejeto. Te Inseriarse on un partido, evercicios 5 Donde tengo que balarme del autobus ? — La parada eapuds sem’ Wrote... the bus? The stop 20mg Cu -e geting, — 2 Evoryone/evecybody- atone «could rina. ae apie wih you = tne en The way to ensure summer in England Is 10 have it ramed 4nd hung’ in'a convortabio room (race Walpol {foram enmarear thang pence. olga un usta} Second wave: 60th Lesson four hurdred and elght 408 Lecci6n ciento diez 1 — Mucnas oracias por (oda) su ayuce. — De nada. Marge, site nary popiie por 1 Scrtaa asada, sequoia (27094, 4 Re-podiia naber sieo Devic, nl dio «Hola 5 Eu Scostumorada e ccuparse Go la gorte, 8 © —_Retuaimante, esta trabajando (orag.) en un hosp Gi zero lies primo carb prog) se empl, 7 von vente Trancos por una taza de te 60 Pars 8 — Perdone, soy extanjero; g puede usted ay ame Ma he Sora, 9 — Pero ustes habla Ingiés muy bien. — Deberla 10 — Si aprendiera las (mis) lecclones mejor, hablaria +1 — Storge paso tres mesos on a Riviere et ano pasade, raue suerte fa de George’ Galore Fado, George 12 Narva "apna comprar un tocasiaces ouov pads que me regaien uno pera mi cumgleatos EEE NOTES (continues) - fe sentco de - ama co ria», 0 6e seforte encargada fal euldato de los nos (2) To lose: parser. Parderso: to get lost. He's last: 32 fs pola, Ge eau Tpléedetat estimate vers 400 four hundred and nine 13 | wasn't awate she spoke Chinese, — Nei- ther was shel (3) 14 Horses aro very strong animals EXERCISES 1 She might buy me a new record-player. — 2 Nelther of us wants to change jobs. — 31 wasn't aware that you knew George. — 4 I haven't known him for very fong.— 5 Is it worth sending a telegram? I don't think Fll in the missing words: 1 He poraise mi rabaio hace pace tempo 1 jd a tiie white 2. Ls secretaia ge este hombre nace todo su trabajo por 3F | Gus susrt! een secretary does... his work Lucky mant 3 No s6 cuanto gana. — Yo tampoco, | don't know es. s. = Neltner Hundred and eleventh (111th) Lesson Clever answers 1 Young author. — Why have you put" my ‘novel with the medical books? 2 Publisher: — Because | found! it excellent for sending” people to sleep. (1) 3 Teacher. — What Is wrong with this sen. tence : " The horse and the cow is in the field"? 4 Lilie girl — Please miss, ladies first 5 Professor. — How do you protect yourselt against impure water? (2) 6 — Suident. - I drink* beer, 7 Johnny. — Grandad, a baby was fed" on elephant's milk and gained twenty pounds ina week, (3) 8 Grandfather. — That's impossible. Whose baby? 9 Johnny. — The elophant’s 10 An aunt wanted to see" which of her nieces was the most polite, gree pal — 2 hse 9 rong. fi d, — 4 prec pint mgr aan "5 guna abetting, 9 at ml. pel four hundred and ton 410 13° No sala que hablara chino. — Ella tampoce 48 Los cavatios son animalon muy iuetes NOTES (continues) (8) To be aware star ai corrente; to be unaware 0 10 be not aware no saber 1 Puede que me compre un queve toradetos, — 2 Nnguno se ‘ocoros qutere camble do vabajo. "3 Ignoraba, que conaceras 1Gnorge™' No hace mena que la conases "8" Valea pene 4 Actuslmente trapala en un hospital, pero ve a cambiar ‘Ge tabaio. + sho .. working .. a hospital, but she to change 5 Tione ta costumbre de ayudar @ lz gente, es guia He is helping people, guide Respussias 4st my = a0. 2 Tat man's al =r him. — 3 how much ‘Second wave: Hat Lesson Leccién clento once 1 El esertor Joven. — 2 Por qué hs puesto usted mi novela can ios bras’ ge mesic ® 2 Er'eotor’™Pordue la encuontre excelente para hacer lonviar) dormir 5 Is gene. 3 Profesore. — 1 Qué ests mal on esta frase: = £! Caballo y la vaca esta en ol campo =? 4 Sina’ "Per taver:sehorta, las senoras primar. 5 Profesor. — 4.Géme se protogo ustod dol agua contamina? 6 Esuulante—- Bobo corveza 7 Jahony, — Abueio, un babé ‘ue alimentado con jecto'de eltante y aumento (geno) veins bras [ee peso) er una semana 8 nusio. — Eso es imposile, {8 quion [es] el bone 8 Jenny. — De! eletant, 40 Una tia queria ver cual de sus sobrinas ora la mis notes ro send enviar. He sont a jeter fast week: envé una ( Sate semana pasaéa. 70. send someone to sleep fiteramente, enviar = alguien @ corm hacer eormir S'slguien ® ivaterts al iaosts al icles de isto an Expana) 2 profssor et un protesr on una facut tnheralstia, Ya hemos visio Que eonforencia se cle Gotu lekcher|: on eonferencante we dive 8 loca. (3) To food: almortar, car de comer. Please feed the oy hasta incor Enis misma frase eneontramos baby como base del iste Quo ae suanta, Gobe oquvala, pues provers So at palabra, al sgnifeace So baby io mpertare Stal ea notar que tambien se empiew para les criss 413 four hundred and thiteon 11 so she put" one small apple and one big ‘one on a plate. 12 — Let's see" who has the best manners. 13 — She has, said Joan, taking” the biggest. 14 Do not forget" to learn a few irregular verbs from time to time. M1 plat 12 mists? 38 Bent EXERCISES 1 Whose hair-beush is this? — My sister's, — 2 Who. has the best manners? — | have, —9 Who wants to {g0 to Scotland with me? — We do. —4 This flour Is facellent for making cakes. — § He sent his son to the shop to buy some wine Fill in the missing words: 1 MMi radio no funclons. 4 Qué es fo que no marcha? My radio... wnat ie 2 Es of chico més ecucado que he conocido. ‘is the bov Ihave... mat. 415 four hundred and fiteon Hundred and twelfth (112th) lesson REVISION AND NOTES Notas para revisar: Leccién 106: (1), (2) - Leccién 407: (2), (9) - Leccién 108 (2), (9) = Leccion 110, 2), 1 Formas peritrésticas. — Son locuciones que no suelen corresponger entre si, en los diversos idio- mas. Asi pasa entre el ospafol y el ingles con fexpresiones como «tener que», « hacer falta =, «te ner necesidad, ele. veamos algunos ejemplos. Tengo que irme: 1 must go (leave) Debes hacer (algunos) elercicios : you must do some LTiene usted todo lo que le hace falta?: do you have everything you need? {Qué mas me hace falta ?: what else do | need? A veces podemos usar necessary. It is necessary to ook: es necesario (hay que) reservar. Intente usted encontrar en cada caso el giro espafol mas apro- Priado. Por lo demas, para resolver este problema, Fecurriremos a nuestro mélodo de siempre la prac: tica cotigiana, 2 El pasado del condicional. — No deberia plantear problemas, Por ejemplo: «ella lo" habria comprado: Primero tomamos el condicional. she would, luego 6 auxiliar de pasado, have: she would hhave, y por fin el participio de pasado del verbo de que se tala, en esie caso bought, lo que nos oa come resultado she would have bought it. Con los verbos auxiliares y defectives, seguimos el mismo sistema: « Tendria que haberselo aicho ». El auxiliar de condicional es should: 1 should: el aus liar del pasado, nave: | should have, y luego el 41 Enlonces puso en una bandeja una manzana pe- fquena 9 ota grande 412 — Veamos quien tene mejores modal 48 — Elia log) tone, do Joan, coglondo fa mas grande. 14 No se olvide se aproncer aiguncs veroos Iregu lates ve ver en cuando, eRCIcIOs Gules Easacn conmiga None 13 Nunes ne estado intorasado en is historia romana have... been interestes nistory 4 Aunque te alje que no Jo hcies, insist bce him co it he insisted 5 Un Golirafo es excelente para escribir répidemente, A biro is excellent Respvestas docu work = erang with. — 2 He - most polite « over. — 4 pane = Roman’ altougr t= na to's to wring an you repeat the four anecdotes Jn today's lesson ? Proase ty again. and Lesson Leccién ciento doce participio, «dicho », fold: 1 should have told him. Habria podide ayudarme: he could have helped me. 3 Whatever : cualquiera que, calquler cosa que, sea lo que sea... La traduccidn dependera del contexto. Asi por ejemplo, la frase «whatever he says, he's wrong gamle ‘dlvrsas aduotones, come» cal quier cosa que diga (0 «sea lo que sea lo que diga =, 0 mejor alin « Giga fo que diga») esta equi Wvoraso. Whoever: Vale lo dicho en al caso anterior. Whoever phones. dont answer i: llame quien llame, no res. pondas, Wherever: Lo dicho; call me, wherever you are llamame estes donde estes 4 Tal. — So traduce al inglés por such. Tenia tal fcento que no podia comprendorie he had such an fecon hat een urs in Elance als quiere’ dec «por ejemplo» 0 SComne =, 80. ‘racuce al inglés por such ae ™, Le gustan ids autores asics tales coma Dickens, et Sia tos classical authors suon as Dickons, ete 5 Expresiones que convene retener. — 1 Hoi! be Gown ina mnate, —2 We should have decided @ ‘month a00."""3 You've aot more than You need. 4 Despite his money, he's stil) unhappy. —§ She ‘no longer works hore. — 8 How long will the job take ?—7 The miners went on sirite 8 A doctor is available all night —9 I don't want to join a trade union. — 10 Thanks for your help. — Not at all. — 11 We always gat lest in Paris. — 12 | might buy @ 6 Traduccién. — 1 Bajar dentro de un momento. — 2 Habriamos debido deciair hace un mes. — four mind and cighteon 418 Second wave : 63rd (revision) Lesson Hundred and thirteenth (113th) Lesson Another litle mystery 1 — I had’ a problem last week, said Mr Hind to his friend the inspector. 2— When my father died, | inherited his for- tune of several million pounds 3 But, last week, Gregg came" to see" me. He used to be the gardener Until | fired him in December. (1) He told’ me that, just before my father died, he was working outside his window 6 and he heard" Dad drawing’ up a new will in favour of my brother. (2) (3) 7 My father and | had argued about something at the end of November, 4 5 PRONUNCIATION 1p ms nan. — 2 cal. ch. — 9. ty bi gard. aa Tad Nae aan 410 four hundred and nineteen 8 so it was possible that he had decided to alter the will (4) 9 Gregg told* me that the document was in his possession and that he would sell" it to me for fity thousand pounds. 10 He said it was dated November the thitty- first, three days after the first will, 1150 it was worth a lot of money to me. 12 When | refused, he tried to bargain with me. First, he asked for twenty five thou- sand pounds, 13° and then, finally, ten thousand 14 — | hope you didn't give" him anything, said* the inspector. 15 — Only my foot in his backside, said* Hind What was Gregg’s mistake? (The answer is in Lesson 178) 2 ttiumnt pomshia..— 18. id. — 12 jos an poap, tid EXERCISES 1 He used to work here unt he was fired, — 2 | am Used to working unfl ten o'clock every night. —3 This ‘arpet is a bargain, only twenty three pounds. —— 4 1 hope you gave him nothing. — 5 He sald he would sell it 10 me if | wanted it 1 {Como vas @ hacerlo ? — Pediré ayu How to do i? — fash... hole Leccion ciento trece © paquero mister 1 — Tuve un problema la semana pasada, dijo 6! $+ Hind a su amigo el Inspector 2 — Cuando mi pasre. mune, neredé su fortuna de 3 Pero la semana pasada, Grogg vino a vorme. Era [acostumbrase a ser) el Jardinaro 4 fasta que lo despedl en dletembre 3 Me aije que, justo antes de que mi padre muriera 6 betaba trabajando ante fuera) su vertana Yoyo a papa redactar un nueve Taslamento on favor e@ ti normano, ye habiamos aliscuto sobre algo a ores fre: un ego. To fre a gun: dlparar un ie. Para (” Sctbedi's savior so usa fo cismse, © mas fami stoke, io ars to conan defo employ © hire ‘mplear,convalar (2) To craw’ buat: t9 craw up (un informe, et) (Basclar Un tobatot an actor ae {The wil: a olunad, A wil un testament (se sobre ° nde my last will: mi ultima voluntad). ling 16 hep ue" esta peta 8 ayusercos ur hundred and twenty 420, CCual fue el error de Gregg? (La respuesta esta Sra lession 119), NOTES (continues) 1a) To alter, palabra de claro origen latino: allerar, cam- iar loe detalles de aig, E1ERCICIOS Fada 3 Dj gue me To vender se ends noene, =~ Esta ‘elamere es une igre aie soe hayes aco 2. Espero que no altaren este edificio: es tan bonito | nope they ie + is beaut ‘wontyone 3 Me pregum cémo estabas y le ajo que no t@ habia Hs Sd ME. YOU see aNd oss Him tees not ‘you 4 Puimero me pia tres mi, wego dos y tnaimente asked me... three two ‘nousand four hundred and tworty-two 422 5 Vale tanto dinero que nadia lo compraré tis money that will buy it Second wave: 63th Lesson Hundred and fourteenth (114th) Lesson Make and do (1) 1 Here are a few examples of these two verbs, 2 Try and learn these sentences, but it is really 2 question of practice. 3 — What is she doing"? — She is making" a birthday cake for her daughter. 4 Belore you go" out, please make your bed and do the washing-up. 5 Is he doing well in his new job? — Yes, he's making a great deal of money. 6 — They always make mistakes with this new maths. PRONUNCIATION 2 fl — 3 se Heh ete — 4. uatinap. — 8 i 7 | speak" English, and enough German to make myself understood". (2) 8 — Make him another offer, | think" he will accept 9 I will have nothing to do with his firm, 1 don't trust him. (3) 10 If you want something done well, do it yourselt, 11 With all this selection, itis elificult to make a choice. 12 He was doing a hundred miles an hour (m.p.h.) on the motorway when the police stopped him, 13. When you have read" this lesson, do the exercises, 14 At the official opening of Parliament, the monarch makes a speech. (4) NOTES (continued) (2) Fese bien en esta formula: , Puede usted hacerse eniender?: can you make yourseit understood? EXERCISES 1 You are not allowed to do a hundred mites an hour fon the motorway. —— 2 Check this and see il have ‘made @ mistae. — 3 It's unihe him to make a rematk like ‘that. — 4 Please make yoursal at homo 5 You should have done your work more quickly, Leccion ciento catorce Hacer 4 He aqui algunos ejemplos de estos dos verbos. 2 intents frases, pero recverde que 5 [Se desenvuetve (hace) bien on su nuovo ampieo? SMei"esia ganado (haciendo) mucho avers 6 Siempre cometan thecen) errores oon ratematicas Noves (1) El empleo de estos dos verbos depende a veces de betructuraeprotjadas. Como regia gereral, pecemos Secir que 10 make lene un sentido mas preciso que fo do. Generaimente se emplea make si so tata do Una accion @ de une cosa claramente. determinada, sobre todo con In dea de construccon o ce creation To co 80 ulliza cuando el sentido 98 mas amplio. Si abe usted alomin, recverce a clferoncia entre. ma chon y tun four hundred and twenty-four 424 7 Hablo inglés y suticionte aleman para hacerme fntonder (hacerme comprencis) 8 Hazle ofa olerta veo que sceptard 5 Novtengo nalda que ver (naseri eon Second wave: 88th Lesson Hundred and fifteenth (115th) Lesson Make and do (continued) 1 Some more examples of “make” and sated 2 He is making® a film about living conditions in a peasant village. (1) 3 I needed his help, but all he could do* was make jokes. PRONUNCIATION 427 four mundred and twenty-soven 4 They are busy making preparations for their holiday, 5 The smell of good cooking makes my mouth water. (2) 6 You're going” to marry a millionaire? Don't make me laugh! 7 [have no coffee, you'll have to make do with tea, (3) 8 He always succeeds in making me angry. 9 Please make up your mind, we don't have very much time and the shop is going to close. (4) 10 Whatever you look at nowadays, you will see": "Made in Hong Kong 11 Mrs Richard's guests were admiring a large stuffed shark that was mounted on her wall. (5) 12 — My husband and | caught’ it on a fishing trip, said” the proud owner 13 — What is it stuffed with? asked one lady. 14 — My husband, replied their hostess, ‘aves main. stot ahaa. nents Desde que emprendié usted Ja « segunda welt», nace Usted ejereiciog de tracuccan Inverea. 0 sea, pane ol texto espanol on inglés, casa que it usted logrande hacer Cada vez mejor. come comorobard hov eon la ancisn #8 Haver (continuacisn) ‘Algunos ejemplos mis de make y ao. Esta nacience na policsla sobre las condicionos 6e vida en un pueblo campesino 2 Necaste au ayuca, pero todo lo que puso hacer ‘he hacer chistes. Notes (1) Repare en le pronunciaclon [pesan). Aungue hay un Giptonge (dos ocales juntas). la vocal es conta (ver hneaa. pleasant, doad, el) four hundred and twenty-eight 428 4 stan ocupados haclendo [los] preparativos de sus "Gorge ia buena cosina me hace la boca equa 8 {ae'a casarto con un milonari? | No me Rages 7 No'tanga cate, tenes que contormarts con 3% Slampre-consigve eniadarme thacerme entasaco) $ Por aver, decisase, no tenemos mucho tiempo y 10 ives To que mires hoy ela, verde = Hecno en ona Keng 11 Los jnviados de la Sea. Richard admiraban ue bran turin slsscado que estaba colgado t1Jado} Ente pares. 12 — Ml maridoy yo lo cazamas en un viaje 6e pesca Giga orgie po : 13 — [Eon que esta relero? aragunts una senora 14 — {Cont sh marco, respencid su anivrona fuesped, NOTES (coninuee) (2) Hater el agua (0 water’ moje, ragar. WC: water (3) To mako do with: confermarse, contestarse con 1) Toate up one's mind: decides. Mind: ya 0 hemos “ visto, es espiritu, mente. | can't make up my mind. Te puedo dexiaime (5) To out. rolerar cisecar; sting: el reno. St 2 samen un frm colle! quo signifies asun {Ss cosas» Hurry up and move your St" Sata isa Pinata reve) wo casas. 4420. four hundred and twontynine EXERCISES 4, She can never make up her mind when she is shaoping. — 2 They are busy making preparations for their departure. — 3 Don't make me laugh! This 13 & serious play. — 4 What will happen if don't do. my revision? — § Why must | shvays do all the work? Fill in the missing words: 1. Wo tong cat, to tensrats que contormar eon 1s I havent cote, you'l ave to 2 Cuslauior cosa que inteno hacer, fo conseguir Payee 8 Bedes decidine ahora: ya no hay tempo, You must your minds there Is ime Hundred and sixteenth (116th) Lesson Let's go to Oxford 1 On Sunday, David decided he would go and see" his parents who lived in Oxford 2 They wanted to leave" early to avoid the ‘crowds, so they got up at half past six. (1) 3 By seven o'clock, they were got into the car and set off 4 — Have you got everything? said Joan 5 — Of course | have. | rang* Dad last night and told" him we would artive at about ten. (2) 6 They took* the motorway and were soon driving” (N. 1) quickly towards Oxford. 7 — I'm sure we've forgotten something, said Joan, 8 — No, the presents are on the back seat and the book Dad wanted is in the glove compartment, (3) 9 our over-night bag is in the boot — what could we have forgotten’? 10 They drove" on in silence. Joan looked at the countryside, 11 and from time to time glanced (N. 5) at the speedemeter to make" sure they were not breaking” the speedslimit, (4) (5) 12 — How far to go? — Only another tity miles. We'll be there in an hour 18 Suddenly, the motor coughed and the car began’ to siow down. (6) 14 — Damn! | know what | forgot”. | forgot" to fill the tank before leaving* sady. They Be ae ee Fed ur ned and tity. 430 4: Hace slam tro on Ingatera on invino ? aways cota .. Englang + 5 4.Con qué esté hecho? — Con harina, huevos ¥ man four, Is this made ...? = With casey vee ane Second wave: 65h Lesson Leccién ciento dieciseis ‘Oxtord 1} domingo, David decidio que iria a vor 8 sus padres que vven on Oxtors 2 Guorian"salir_ pronto. para evtar tas aglomera- Clones, asi que'se levanlaton alas Seis y media, Notes (3) The crowd: muchedumbre, agiomeracion;: crowded. repieto four hindred and thitytwo 492 a tas slot estaba lstos, Subleron al coche ¥ 4 — JET tienes) tos07 ato Joan 4 Borsupuesto (yo tengo). Lame a pad ancche y fe ajo aus legariamos hace tas clez @ —fomarat ia ssp y prome marchaban (cond an) rapisamente nacla Ovfore 7 — Extoy'sogura de que home slvidado algo, ajo doa 8 — Nor los regalos estan en ot asiono do atras y ol Nie que papa queria ests en la guantora, 9 muostsb pease’ asta en ol poramelelas- ¢ quo odemes haber obvdado ? 10 Sigucron leonduleron) en silencio. Joan miraba et 11 FGeluéz eo cuando ecnaba una ojeade al cuenta Elsie para anogurarg de ave mo saorepase- ban el limite Go veloc 12 — [Buame"nos gusda? — Solo (otras) cineuerta frilas mas. Eateremos alt en una Nora 43 Do-repent, el motor fous raise Gosi6) y el Esch empéza a perder velosised 44 — jaya! Tal 86 [0 que olvide. vide Near el tdeposito artes de salle, NOTES (continues) . (2) To rng: tiamar & a puerta, lamar por teléono J rlog ignite tire y tambisn anit. (9) Back: sida, dtr Th box door la puerta de tras. {he back seat el asiont se at. Front ante, Seante’ Fron! door. ont seat, et (@) 70 glance echar un vistezo,echar una oieace (8) To break: romper, tiene tambien el sentido do tans reer Ineumpi Te beeak the ia: volar. incurpit Ie ey Te break ho Speed tint: sobrepasir et Tite" de velocdad.7o BrS8E ‘promise’ Treumplr, no mantener una. pro (6) To cough (co): toser. Agu tiene senso faurado 439 four hundred and thity-thees EXERCISES 1 What time did he ring last night? — 2 How far to 907 — 3 Only about trenly miles. — 3 You shouldn't artive at the theatre during the performance. — 4 They stopped to fill the tank, then drove on. — § Bolore leaving, please lock all the doors and close all the windows Fl In the missing words: 1. Mientras que Davis conduc, Joan mirabs ef psisaje. While Davie Jose the 2 Lo lame ayer para decirte} que legarlamos hacia las eho ' yesterday that we sss. aeive tant 3 GEstd (tienes) odo? — Seguro ; qué puedo haber ‘sivadaco ? you 2 — oF course, wnat have forgoten? 4 Durante ia semana, lee durante tres horas af ala the week, he reads ... three hours . ay 5 Asogirate de que no has olvidede nad, ‘that you nothing. 495. four hurdred and thity-tive Hundred and seventeenth (117th) Lesson AA slight misunderstanding 1 Fortunately, there was a can of petrol in the boot 2 David put" that into the tank and they drove" on to a service station, 3 — Fill her up, said David, and you had better check the oll 4 — Why don't we go and have a cup of coffee? said Joan 5 — Otay, fine. When he's finished, 1! join you. (1) 6 — Joan got out of the car and walked to- wards the cafeteria 7 She stopped at a kiosk to buy" a magazine land then went into the eafé and bought* two coffees 8 David artived five minutes later and sat* down, 9 — I'm sorry, love, | should have listened to you. 10 you said we had forgotten" something and you were right 11 — Yes, it's silly to run* out of petrol on the motorway. You ought to have checked belo, (2) (3) Peel tap. pte atin, 9 bec ee ind ta see and miety-tour 438 118 que hore amd ayer? — 2 4 Cusno queda? |, come log IBIS Sie oral fe 9 ener Horst bureon para lon l dapaata, wopo sigueron Ares de te ortavor cers {oon lave] todas as sucrisn y eta lode las day = would = at about — 3 Have = got everghing = coule L— bart or 28 PF ake atte ne orgoton ae ono ir Cada vee nos encontramos con més expresiones y gires bor supuesto no hay que aprendérseias todas, sino mas bien hacerse una idea doa forma de las tases y pequenas Tocuciones, como of course, Ihave, te A partir de 1a second wave (sogunda ola). conviene hacer feferccies por escrito poro pueda usted comencar ahora Sho ceses Second wave: 67th Lesson Leccién ciento diecisiete ‘AMortunadamente, habla una lata de gatolna povtamaleins Bavia'ia peso en of deposit y siguiron hasta ta Setacién Go servic. — Elena’ aio Davi. estarla bien que comprosara isfod hacla mejor comprover) el ace. — por que no vamos a vomar una taza’ de ea!6 = Vale, etipendo. Cuando haya terminade me reu- nite congo, ‘ansaid et coche y tue naca la cater Se detuvo junto ¢ us kesko para comprar una fevietay luapo entrd enol caié'y icio dos cafes, Sahib Ses nes eel y 2 sn cucheae) Siete qe Mablames olvidado algo y tonias razon. — Snes ina Nonteria-quecarse sie gassing en ta ‘boverias haberle comprcbade ant notes (0) Cuidado, la contraccion aqui os do has y no 18: When hha fntanoo. Reguita sei ae fac oe deci ine ara fos propiosingleses ‘dado que las dos (2) To run out of recordemes, significa » agoter I Servas de.» To run out of petrol quecarse sin gee Selina « Averia ee dice 8reak down (8) Qught fo 6s Io mismo que should, es decir el condi Sota! Ge must Tenere en fa: prosanelecian. Ambos (an seguigas ae! intinnva ain to You should go You eught to go. {ace usted de vez en cuando ‘aumeroe? 497 four burdred and thity-asven 12 — Alright! | said | was sorry, didn't 1? Let's finish our coffee and leave” 13 They got back (N.2) into the car and continued their journey in silence. 14 Joan read” her magazine and an hour later they artived in Oxford 12 ental? — 19. eae, 6 r0d. wr EXERCISES 1 What's the matter? — | think we've run out of petrol —2 When they wore bored with diving, they stopped at a service sation. — 3 You ought to have checked bolore leaving. — 4 itis farben to break the speed limit. 5 When he’s finished, Ill buy you @ cup of cafes, Fill in the missing words: 1. Dovertames ir 2 ver @ mis padres: no los he visto Gesde hace sempa. We 190 and se0 .. paren, | haven't thom... long time, 2 Soy muy aticionado a ia lecture, Compro una novela vm very reading. | buy a month 3 No tenemos més gasalina pero hay una late on ef rota petra! but a. inthe 4429. four hundred and thity-nine Hundred and eighteenth (118th) Lesson At the Wilson’ 1 Oxford looked very beautiful that morning, It is not for nothing that itis called " The City of Spires ” 2 They drove* through the eentre and soon arrived at the quiot street where David's parents lived 3 David's father greeted them at the door. — Hello, you look well. Come* in! (1) (2) 4 Did you have a good trip? David and Joan looked at one another uncomfortably. (8) 5 — Er, yes thanks, it was" alright, 6 — Put’ your bags down there and come* into the front room. (4) 7 David's mother was sitting in front of the fire. 8 She stood" up as they came* in and kissed them both, 9 Joan took" a parcel from behind her back and gave" it to Mrs Wilson. 10 — I's just a little something | founc™ in a junk ... | mean’, in an antique shop. (5) 11 Mrs Wilson opened the parcel and took" ‘out a small silver box. rit & iat ee ahaa 8 ores (0) To greet: acoper. rib, saludar. He greeted me with "smi" me salis con ona sorrea. Grectings: 6a four hundred and thitysight 438 12 — |=: bien! Dije que lo sontia , no? Acabemos el tate v vamonos 13 Volvieran at coche y siguieron viaje on silencio. 14 Soanvtola fa revista y una hora después llegaron 3 Oxtor 3 Bint Bina Sade Sura a ono aan on (rear. ~'4 Eats prohbio sobrepaar a ime e819 S'cLanio nha rmso vo oars Go comprare) ata de 4 Mojor sora que comprucbes 0! ace! You heck the... I ont want to break down, 5 Gana mucho cinero pero su trabajo as muy aburrico. He money but... job is very Second wave: 68th Lesson our hundred and forty 440 Leccién ciento dieciocho En casa de los Wilson 1 Ovford estaba (parecia) praciose asa maiana: no 2 easuallzad (no es por nada) quo s6 /a lame la ciudad go los campanarios = 2 Pasaron {eoncvieron 4 traws de) por el cena y pronto legaron fa rengulls calle en la que vivian {os paares ae Oa 3 Ebpadre de David los saluds on la porta. — Hoa, teois buen aspoct, pasad | 4 CTuvieltis buen vale? Basia y Joan 26 miraron {ine a ote enfatades incomedamont) 5 — Eh. al gracias, foe We Bion & — Ponad laa soleas ah y vamos al sal thabtacion fe dotante. é ° ES masre Ge Davie estaba sentada ante el tego Se lovato cusnao eniraran Tos berd.a 08 os. clear ‘sacé (cogio) un paguete de detrés desu ‘sepaida y so 1a aio le Sra. Wilson 10 — Es oslo una casita (pequere alge) que oncontré on tna cacharrora., quire Gecie en ona Wanda 6 aniguedades 11 tn'SraWiison abri el paquete y sacd una calta se plata NOTES (continues) Tue, asimamo e0 las terjtas, de Navidas vemos “Chrismas Groetings + Tarjeta 66 tehetacten gree tings card (2) Homos visto que este verbo puede tener muchos sen- Hos, agu sgniice stoner aapecto = (8) Uncomvortae. 10 foe! unconvortabie: sents ined imocer'no sentise a gusto" an uncomboriable sionce Ue'sansionsomocer moist (9) Para coir salon ls Ingloses ure varias expresiones {font rom, ating room ounge va mas cierto es Siting room (5) Junk se rears, en general, s obetos de poco valor orihelese de ringuto” cases gus poscen rare. @ Goscenarse, En los Eatadon Unio ee sa i expres Junkfood para incoar at stimenta ue hen pace velar futnte, quo. es sirtco, "con muchos ‘olorantes podria Waducirse por = comida basut 4441. four hundred and forty-one, 12 — Oh, it's lovely! she cried, but what is it? 13 — Well, it's Viclorian. I's a... thing 14 — Oh good, you don't know" either. | can't offend you, can |? 15 I think" I'l put® my ear-rings in it EXERCISES 1 I've bought you a present but | don't know what it is, — 2 1 can't atta’ a new car: Ill have to buy a@ second-hand one. — 3 She stood up and kissed them both. — 4 I've never bought a cow in my iife. — 5 They spoke to one another for the first time for months, Fill In the missing wor 1) 2 b6nde has puesto mis zapatilas ? — Ail, detrés de! Sion Where have you slippers? — Over there, 2 El autobis para delanto de) musee. 8 ‘The bus stops the museum there. Hundred and nineteenth (119th) Lesson REVISION AND NOTES Notas para revisar: Leccidn 113: (1) « Leccion 114 (1), (2) Leccian 145: (7) = Leccien 146" (3), (5) ~ Leseion 497 (2) 1 To drive. — A Jo largo de las ltimas lecciones este verbo ha aparecide con frecuencia, acompanado de diversas preposiciones postauestas, Mecordemos, algunas He drove on: siguié (conduclendo), They drove through Oxford: pasaton en coche por Oxlord, To drive around: conducir de un lado a otro, To drive to London: ir a Londres en coche. Estas formulas pueden también usarse con otros vverbos de movimiento, como to walk, run, to ride, incluso to tly (volar). Si, por ejemplo, decimos. t0 cross Oxford by car, insistimos en el medio de transporte. Tales expresiones son mucho menos Co. rrientes, 2 Back. — Una palabra que puede hacer cambiar el Significado de un verbo. To go back: volver. To put back: volver a poner, reponer. To give back: devol- ver, entregar. To take back: tomar de nuevo, devol- ver (llevar de vuelta). Hemos visto su empleo para indicar « atrés-detras » (ver leccion 116, N-3). 2 lios0, grit, pero 2 Oud es ? 8 iano... una eo8a, 44 — Ah-bucng, "ampoce lo sabes. No ta ho ofendide 18 reo que pondré en &1 mis pendientes. 3 Pon tus cosa alli y pasa conmigo al safén your things «++ there and the font 4 ¢.Cémo se lame es2 cose de all? — No tengo ni idea. What is that <2. over there 2.0.67 — | have: idea 5 {Has tenido ouen viaje? — No, mo sentia (estaba) ‘ncémedo en et avion in tho plane, Tee eng ahd 8's god tip uncomtoraale ‘Second wave: 68h Lesson {our hundred and fortytour 484 Leccion ciento diecinueve Como sustantivo significa «la espalda» (front and ack: delante y dotras} 2 Make and do. — Aunque hayamos dago una regla Dasica [make: fabricar, hacer algo mas prociso y concreto do hacer, ejecutar. con un caracter mas. general: ver leccion 114 (1)], su empleo depende Bastante de. frases ya hechas. La practica de a lengua inglesa sera lo que le ayudaré a elegir automaticamente lo que en cada caso conviene. Para los que no han estudiado antes ninguna lengua, un'buen ejemplo de la relativa imposiailigad (e Inu: tilidad) ‘de la traduccion » palabra por palabra», 10, Constituye ia expresion fo make do with arroglarso 4 A litle mistery (eccién 113). — Gregg dijo al Sr Hind que el segundo testamento de su padre, el que lo desheredaba, estaba fechado el 31 de noviembre. Pero noviembre sélo lene treinta dias, Para recordar al numero de dias de cada mes, los nlfios en la ‘escuela aprenden este pequenio poema Thirty days hath September, April, June and November: All the rest have thirly one. ‘Save February, which hath twenty eight days clear land twenty nine in every leap year, Desde luego no es Shakespeare, pero igual que su equivalent espa‘iol, aunque el poema no sea muy bueno si que es, al menos, bastante tii Notes. — Hath: forma arcaica de fo have. — save: excepio, salvo (hoy dia se usa excep. — a leap year: un afo bisiesto. 5 To glance: echar un sisazo; hay otros verbos que expresan el sentido de algunos giros espanoles fo wink" auifar un oo: to frown: truncir el Ceno 445 four hundred and fortytve to fuss: fastidiar con (0 « atligitse por =) naderlas, Lo importante es que tengamos en cuenta que con tun sélo verso pueden expresarse lacuclones comple tas. intente recordar todo esto, pues una traduccién teral del verbo 0 expresion castellana careceria de sentido en ingles, Exprosiones que conviene recordar. — 1 He tried {0 bargain with the shopkeoper. — 2 i's worth a lot of money. — 3 Please make up your mind quickly, — 11 don't trust you. —§ She can make herself understood. — 6 Don't make me laugh. — 7 Please ving back later. — 8 What could we have forgotten 2 our hundred and forty — 9 How far to go ?— 10 Fill hor up and check the ol. — 11 You look we 7 Traduccién. — 1 Intent6 regatear con el tendero. — 2 Vale mucho dinero. — 3 Por favor, decidete apidamente., — 4 No contio en ti, — 5 Puede ha- cerse entender favor, llame mas tarde. — 8 4 Qué podemes haber No me hagas reir. — 7 Por olvicado? — 9 ; Cuanto queda para llegar? — 40 Liénelo y compruebe el aceite. — 11 Tienes buen aspecto ‘Second wave: 70h (revision) Lesson Hundred and twentieth (120th) Lesson 1 ‘Some traditions It is often said that the English are con: vative (N. 1) | prefer to hear’ it said that they are traditionalist, There are many traditions and customs in Britain and some may appear strange to foreigners, For example, on October the thirty-first, one can see children making masks from pumpkins (1) and putting" candles inside to frighten witches, This is called Hallowe'en and is the day before All Saints’ Day. (2) <2. ragehenait — 3 ats ptr. eskinss —'s*"uneis, tatéa wens 8 {447 four hunted and frty-aoven 7 10 1" 2 8 “ 15 Just before Easter, on Good Friday, you tan buy* Hot Cross Buns. (3) These are delicious spicy cakes, with a ‘cross on them, to remind us of the Cru- cifixion. The day after Christmas is called Boxing Day, ‘This Is because householders used to give litle presents or " botes ” to the tradesmen who had served them. Nowadays, it is usual to give" money. Perhaps the most spectacular tradition is Bonfire Night ” or " Guy Fawkes Night This takes place on the fifth of November and celebrates the arrest, in sixteen-oh-five (3605), (4) of Guy Fawkes, who attempted to blow up the Houses of Parliament. ‘Today, people celebrate by lighting bonfires, setting off fireworks and burning’ effigies called * guys". (5) (6) NOTES (continues) Thalowed be thy namo). El sentido es = alabar =, = non farm, wsanttear=(naloued "seniah. Ber ee vSa an (gus contracion de evening (vispers), 0 es la vispera 20 "rodow for Santos. = Vispara ee tracuce por eve, ‘Bungue suele voarse le exoresion = the Gay fore {encchebuena » es Christmas Eve (vsperas. de Nav Gag) y= nochovieja» ee Now Year's Eve jsperes de ‘Ano Nueva). =El da siguiente» se dice the day ater 2 Leccion ciento veinte Algunes tradiciones Se_dice frecuontemente que los ingleses. son onservadores Prater que 22 diga (oir decir) que son tracicio- alist, Hay muchas tradiciones y costumbres on {Gran} Brétata y algunes pueden parecer extras a os Por slempia, en Octubre, ol cla treinta y uno, Podemas vor a los mins haciéneo mascaras con Ypeniendo velas dontro para asustar a las brujas. Seliama Hallowe'en y es ta vispora (dla antes) ce Yodos los Santos. Notes (f) One can eee pademos ver, puede verse, una puede ‘er Es un use similar al gue Racomos on espanol con Si'prenembre » uno", Con todo, hoy sin, est exore™ Sigh es. un. poco. aieciada y cursi on inglés. No Conviene, pues, utara demasiado. Fjoso on tas di forles formas co las Irases Go esio tonto para evar te (2) To raliow os un verbo que solo existe actualmente en ar Pagre Nuestra. (Our Father who “art in Neaven ovtystont 440. Poco antes oo la Pascua, el Viemnes Santo, $0 pooden comprar [los} Hot Cross Bus. Bomdeicoues pasteles de especias, con une cru cima (sobre elas) pare recordamoe (a0) Ta cru: exon. Er'Gia siguiente (Gespubs) de Navidad se llama Boxing Bay. Esto se dabe 2 que (26 porque) los cabezas do famila aoaetumbravan a dar peqveror regaloe 9 ‘nine a ios comerciantes que’ let habian ser Hoy aia se acostumra a (es usual) dar dinero Gules facuiar es i noche fe ine Rogueras 0 Guy Fawkes Night ene: lugar el cinco de novembre festaja el divest an 10s fe Guy Fawkes quien intent hacer satar por los opel ta gost [ll fasiela encencianco nogue- aa, lanzande fuegae arifclales 7 quomando of bet lamadas guy NOTES (continued) 8) “ 6 6 '4 bun es un bicoche, un bolo leshe, © inclus, Gren epee To colbivate. toss Festa (anal sanigo de wie 3 Una fens dar"una testa.) 2a dies pary. Al'na 49r un pai catdicn, no ay wacuceon exacia pa ‘iocira‘sxprsion siesta relgisa'= Por lo 36 ne [oSla una pararesle rodeo para expressrs To 50! of ya lo hemos visto, es ponerse en camino. The got nto the Sara aot ot fubaron 8) Soon Y s0‘pusiocan on carina). fo sot if tone tamoion a Sentgo de" poner en marcha, «actvar» algo pot op ia eaprosion Yo te of trewerke signiea © anear egos artiiaes = . Guy es hay cla un vlgariamo (especiaimente en Es- ‘Gao Unidos) que corresponds a nuestro = caval =, Sthto et 240 four hundred and forty-nine EXERCISES 4 One can still soe this eusiom in eefain parts of the: fpuntry = 2 Ho does thal to righton his sinter. — 3 Th iS painting reminds me of Turner. —4 He was lighting ‘a fire when he was arrested. — 8 How much must we pay to get in? Fill in the missing words: 1 Hace tiempo, fa gente daba regaios, pore, hay ala, da Along time ..., people ive money. presents but ‘80 puso on pio, corr Ja ventana y siguis levendo, He fesse the window and continues $e glee que fos ingleses son conservadores, poro yo n that the English are + butt ay muchas costumbres que pueden parecer curlosas 2s exiranjeras many custome which... appear 4 Punde verse ests coetumore an eens parton dal pis, — 2 Lo {aise enoendlende un ego cuando fe sresiade. 5 Comonzs comlendo el postre y termind bebiondo te ‘Sopa He y the sweet and finished the soup, hago gove = nowadaye they — 2 stood up clseaaut- easing. dork See 2 here ae ey Hundred and twenty-first (121st) Lesson 1 ‘Some more traditions If you go to the Tower of London, you will see* six ravens. 1 four hundred and fity-one 2 These birds — or rather their ancestors — have been there since the eleventh ‘century. (1) But, today, they are there for a very im- portant reason Aceording to tradition, the British Empire will remain only as long as there are ree vens in the Tower. (2) No one knows" the reason for this legend, but there are many suggestions. One is that a gang of thieves broke* into the Tower while the sentries were as Heep, (3) (4) but the ravens made so much noise that the sentries woke" up and were able to Kill the thieves. (5) Whatever the reason, the birds are fed” every day and receive a State pension Seotland and Ireland, too, are full of legend and tradition ‘Hg brouk wis. 7"- nals abd Br. pasha ‘iran 1 Leccion ciento veintiuna Igunas tradiciones mis Si va usted a Ia Torre de Londres, ord usted seis PRONUNCIATION four hundred and fity-two 452 2 Eslos palaros — © mas bien sus antepasados — han estado alli deeds el sigo once. 3 Pero: hoy da stan all por una razon muy impor~ fante 4 Stgun Ia tracielén, a imperio Britinico permenc- ‘Sera slo mientras (fan large como) Paya cuervos on ia Torre 5 Nadie sabe Ia razdn de esta leyenda, pero hay ‘muchas hipotesis (sugerencias) 6 Una es que una banda. de Tadrones entra on ta YTarre misniras tor continelas estaven dormizon 7 Tos esr aos 8 Sea cual sea a razén, los pajaros son allmentados Giariamonte y raciber na pension cel estado. 9 Escocia e ilanda, también, estan llenas ce leyen- Gas y taclciones. NoTes a @ @ @ 6 Rather: como acjotvo quete deck bastante: I's ra- Ror inoorian. es bastante important (puede sos Su'cio:setido‘es el do «més blen =: The birds — or ahor thet ancestors oa pajarce 0 mas Bon "tus amopacase As Yong. as, gulere decir, WeraImente, «tan [ergo Sen i his ng hou ple bea 5) ono tambien ol santise de» mlentat quem = con Quon sempre y euando You eango ut as ‘ng ae jours back by tan" poodos sal con ‘al que aide do'wola a fas cio Er singuar ce thieves 0s thot ro break romper, volar (una ley). To break eto Ghar'nbionamorte, ur house was Broken ito leat sight erraron wolentamonte sn nossa casa (nota aga fue forsaca) anocte ac pues, aiza e) sentido tnas apronnago seu ei de «aasiar»temaér puode “o burg fosegu bie to = could. pasado de can se emplea para outer a eontiaen erire could como. pasado ¥ ould como condiional 455 four hundred and fitythree 10 In Scotland, Christmas is not a big feast For the Scots, New Year's Day is more important. (6) 11 This is called “ Hogmanay". At midnight, a tall dark man must cross the threshold of your house 12 eartying a lump of coal, a piece of bread and a battle of whisky. (7) 13 These items symbolise warmth, food and drink for the coming year. 19 Hat — 41 nog. oo! tole. 8 am. — 43 Mrs enbbiae sm. EXERCISES 1 So long as the birds are there, the Empire will fomain, —'2 Whatever the reason, you shouldn't have done it — 3 The burglar broke into the house while everyone was asleep. — 4 The birds have been in the: Tower for eleven hundrod years. — 5 He pretended 10 ‘be asleep in order not to answer, Fill In the missing words: 1. Con 1a! que no Hleques tarde, puedes venir cuando guleras. you... not you ean come when you tke, 2 El hombre mecia por lo menos dos metros do alto The man was... sx fect four 8 Se desperteron y pualeron malar @ los ladrones, They ana to kil the 1455 four hindred and Five Hundred and twenty-second (12nd) Lesson Meeting a client at the airport (1) 1 David was waiting near the artival lounge at Heathrow's Terminal One. 2 He was walting for a dlient who was coming’ from Geneva, 3 The loudspeaker crackled and he heard* a voice say: "British Airways announce the arrival of Flight One Oh Seven (107) trom Geneva" 4 David started looking for his client, He knew" that the man would be wearing” a carnation in his button-hole, 5 and carrying a copy of the “Sunday Times" under his arm, (2) 6 He caught" sight of the man, who was tall and grey-haired with long side- boards. (3) (4) 7 He went forward and said: “You must be Mr Legarde? I'm David Wilson. How do you do?" 8 They shook" hands. David picked up the man's case and said 9 “Follow me, will you? My car is in the car park, it's just outside " rropenin dg AL ee tg ae ” 2 % four hundred and fity-tour 458 fn Escoca, la Navidad no es une gran fiesta Para Toa escoceses el cla de Aro Nuevo es mas impor Este" se_llama_Hogmanay. A medianoche, un Fonte afte 7 moreno cede cruzar et ural 8 ta au) casa Hlevands un trozo de carbon, un pedazo de pan y Una eotala do whisky Fotos arlcuios simbolizan el calor, la comida y la bebiga para el afo veniders NOTES (continues) (6) Feast. fesin, y tambien festa religlosa [ver leccion (7) A lump e3 un troze informe, equiv 20. 10) rte a a plece. evercicios 12 Sea'cuni Sea fs razdn no ooo 4 Dig to que digs no esty oe acuerdo con 6 ays, | dont. with 5 ne! afo vnidera,experamos mejorar nest serv inthe 0 improve our serves. teen at 2 woke up LEER RL wis 2a ani he ‘Second wave: 72nd Lesson four hurdred and yee 456 Leccién ciento veintidos Cita (encuentro) con un cliente ‘on weropuerts David estaba esperanco junto a (cerca) Is sala do Togades de la terminal uno de Heathrow. 2 Esperane's un clionte que venia de Ginebra 5 Evslavos erepio y oye una vor que deci « British Aways anunea. la ilegada dal wala Sor pracedarte se Ginebra 4 David emporo a buscer a su clionte, Sabia que el hombre levaria un clavel on ol ola 5 Tevaria un ejempiar del = Sunday Times » bajo bi braze, © Ms homere, que ea ato y ae pele ais, con lavoas pal 7 vanzd’y dijo: ~~ Es usied el Sx. Legardo? Soy avid wiser: ; Como esta usted ? 8 Se eatrecharon lag manos, David cosié la maicta Bei homers y ao 8 “Sigame, ;auere? ti coane esta on el aparca Noves a a « onviene hacer bien la dstislén erra the customer Sieite Sut’ compra mereenclas yo chen! ikllont lente que compra servis, por emote ee un soo eco No lo olvdemos: to carry: evar (en la mane) y 10 tear fover (puesto, un vests, et). (un auobis, un Hen, et) ic Sight OF var, sporcirse, Sight la st darse cuenta : bis hair 18 100 long: su polo es demasiado Jargo Frair pelo, caballo, incuso enpaiiora’ al hairs fe hair se torman divareos adje- Intred- long-haired mele go : greyrhairad: do pelo gis 10 When they were ériving* towards London, David said: “I'l take" you to your hole! first, then we'll get some lunch " 11 MrLegarde replied: “Thank you. I'm staying at the Churchill. My secretary booked the room by telex” 12 At the holel, the doorman took” Mr Legar- e's case and another servant parked the car, 13 The two men went to the reception desk: “My name's Legarde, | have a single room reserved ". (5) 14 "Yes sir, room two three seven (237). The hall-porter will show you up”. (6) Shine a aigahn gu stend 38! bod pn EXERCISES 1.1 knew he would be wearing a grey hat, ~ 2 Follow ‘me, will you, Fil take you to your hotel. — 3 You should have booked the room earlier. — 4 He caught Sight of his friend in the crowd, —- § She coulan’t hear the voice of the loud-epeaker. Fu “Take my case, and In the missing words: Sin conocer su nombre, lo reconoct @ causa de sus ropas. his name, | recognised him bis clothes Goja mi maioa, ¢ quiere ?. y mudstreme mi habtacion fttyine 3. To ayudaria si pudira, pore tengo mucha prea you I)... but fam ina 4 Usted debe sor Sr. Legarde ? Yo soy David Wilson, come esta usted’? You MeLegarae? ” ” 8 tinyeignt 400 ‘cuando iban hacia Londres dijo David: Primero fe'levare a su hotel, Wego tomaremes alga eo £1 'Se. Lagarde respondié : = Gracias, estoy en of horcnii fi secretaria reservé la habtacton por Eno hotel, et gariero copie la maleta ee! Sr. Lagarde y oito empleaso aparco el coche Loe des hombres fueron a mostrador do recep: lon: =Mi nombre es Lagarde. Tengo reservaca ting habitation insividual S'B\ senor, nabitacion 273” El conserje se la mos tara NOTES (continued) (6) Single or double room ?: zHabitacion doble © indvi- ua (6) Se sobreentiende que quiere decir « upstairs =, « yp fo ‘your room™ He show you up: le conducira y se 1a imostrara Come puese verse, sual cue 10s numeros. 4s telefono, Tos nimeros de habiacien se Roto (y Je futobus) se Gieen uno a Use. eveRcIcios 4 sabia quo vara un sombrera gis, — 2 Sigame z qulere?. te SBre eden ss amigo anve la mute“ s No boda 3 sity 460 5 Centanas y millares de personas despegan y aterrizan fn Heathrow and o Heathrow take off and tand Second wave: 7rd Lesson Hut ndred and twenty-third (123rd) esson How Is your English getting on? 1 Have you noticed that avery day you are learning new words and expressions? 2 You can now hold" conversations, read” notices, ask your way — even argue with someone! 3 We must continue to add new material every day, 4 50 that, at the end of the course, you will be able to understand* English as it is spoken" by the English. (1) 5 We hope that you find” time to revise the past lessons, and that, above all, you do it aloud. (2) PRONUNCIATION Leccién ciento veintitres como ve ou Inglés? Se ha dado usted cuonta de que cada dla sprende fusvas palabras y expresiones hora bvece ested mantener conversacione. fvios, preguntar por una cireccion (eu camino} incluso fescue con alguien [abemos continuar aaciondo ruevo materia cacs i {Se modo que, al tinal dol curso, sea usted capaz Se amender et ingles ta! y somo lo habla (es Stplaco por) un ingles. Esperamoe que encuentre usted tiempo pare ro pasar Ins lstziones anteriores, J, s0br0 todo, GUE [evhaga usted en vor alt. ores 1} Conacemos ya in order #0 (@ tn de pate): veames © Shon se thas do moco quo tn de dus. You ropeat So thai you can speak Deflr re fe Usted a fi do ue pueda hablar melee (@) Loud: ten, ako, rgiente: speak louder: nable mas ‘te aloud (o out lous) on alia vor. Pugh vores ting vor ala, agudaa loudspeaker un sllavo, 401 four hundred and sixty-one 6 This is vital, because it helps you to re- member and to improve your pronunciation 7 You will always have a slight accent, 8 but don’t worry: people will be able to understand you, which is most important. 9 And, besides, a slight foreign accent is charming, 10 There are certain expressions which you cannot really translate, 1180 you can say them in your own lat ‘guage and people will say: How char- ming!" (N. 2.) 12 So revise and read” aloud every day as much as you can. 13° You will find” that your English is becom. ing” more and more natural ae ia” 8 EXERCISES 1 Let me help you with your homework, — No thank you. 2 Itis beeoming more and more wtal to speak English. — 3 Let me introduce Davis Hide, — Pleased to meet you. — 4 Above all, don't forget to take your umbrella.” 5 Did you notice her new dress? Fill in the missing word: 1 Su nglés es cade vee mis natural, Pronto odd hablar His Enolish is land... natural, Soon he ‘speak fluently 3 Raramente se estrecha la mano en Inglaterra. So hace Sato une ver Poople raroly In England. It done only 4 Lea tanto como puede. (4 lecura es extramadamente Importanie. Read as. can, is extremely Important. Hundred and twenty-fourth (124th) Lesson A little revision 1 In order to help you with your task of revision, today and tomorrow, we will look again at some of the words 2 we have seen* recently, together with a few new ones. (1) 3 This sentence may appear dificult to you, but actually it is simple, 4 From the top of the Post Office Tower. you can see” the whole of London, 5 Indian cooking is delicious but it can be very spicy. (2) 6 I bought” this overcoat second-hand. Does it suit me? (3) = 2 Hotel. gndsh. — 8 ang — 4 four hundred and sitytwo 462 6 Esto es esencia, porque le ayuda a recordar y a ‘mejorar su. pronuneiaton. 7 Tondra usted slompre Un igero acent, 4 pero'no se proseupe: la gente poaraontenderte {ese {io que] os lo mas importante. 2 Yagemas, un ligero acento extrarjoro es encan ‘eer 10 Hay'clertas expresiones que no se pueden en Veveaa raduc con exactg(eniment) 11 a5 gue ustes puede cecirias os Su propie lengue ia gente aia =) us encanto” 12 Asi pues, revise y fea en vor alla cada cla tanto como pueda. 13 Soldat usted cuenta (encontara) de que au ingles Se eslé haciendo (convirienso) cada dia mean ‘tral He downs LIke His TRIER, 1ERcICIOs 1 Dejame ayusare e,(con) os deberes. — No gralas,— 2 Esld Iugando'a erence da mse vial hablar ingen 3 Peas prosontars © Our thda” =" Encarta de Sonccere. 8 Arte Eo ohne cope’ arzuan 6 Tesi canta ob 2 Tienes un figero acento, pero no te precupes. Te ntondordn (sorts comprend). You have @ accent, but You wit! tour hundred and sotytour 464 5 Sobre todo, hable tan teecuentemente como sea posible. speak .. offen. possible ‘Second wave: 74th Lesson Leccion ciento veinticuatro ‘Un poco de repa 4 Cone! ti de ayudar con su tarea de repaso, Noy Y'mafana cepasaromos sigunas pelabras 2 [que] noma sist rocientemente, junto con algunas 3 Esta frase puede parecer alc para usted, poro fe necho ee simple 4 Desde To alto de la Torre de Correos, puade verse ogo Lonsras. 5s Lecochna india os deliciosa pero puede tener fuchas especies {puace ser muy » especiada 6 Compre este abrige de segunda mano z me queda bien? Notes f) Together: juntos, Salen slemprs juntos: they always (0) Joveut together: Togetner wih junto con, 8 Come Kembien se dice as wel a) 1) Spo: especin: spey: «ospecinc = — pale Cas: Para tulear que na cocina muy condimentada “Se usa hot Varey fs ho spice of ie 1B varledae es el salero (el gusto, oI concimiento, Gracia) de la vie Equvdle # nuestro retin: = En le Navigon est f gusto = To suit (sll: conver a, i bien, quedar bien. Este ombrero te queda muy bien ths hat suts you. LLe ia'bien e127 would the wont fith sut Jou 7 (00 olvidemos que # Sut [st] es un taj). 3 465 four hundred and sistytve 7 So long as you warn me first, you can take" the lawn-mower when you like 8 On November the fifth, people set” off fireworks, light" bonfires and burn” guys. 9 Although he’s. very intelligent, he won't ass the exam, he hasn't worked, (4) 10 My car is parked just outside the cinema, 11 | have a room reserved in the name of wilson 12° Whatever he wants, tell" him to go away, I'm far too busy. (5) 13 Inside the Tower, ravens could be seen* eating from silver bowls, 14 — Would you mind waiting for ten minutes, Mr Wiison is not back yet EXERCISES 1 The whole family came to the wedding. — 2 Although he hadn't worked, he passed the exam — 3 As raining, | had to borrow an evercoat. ~ 4 He t light the bonfire but it didn't burn. — 5 I'm far too busy; tell him to come back tomorrow. 487 four hundred and sity-saven Fill in the missing words: 1 Aunque sean companeres, se odian. they are colleagues, they hate 2 Desde lo allo de a torre se puede ver toda Londres. From the tower, you can see the London 3. Ese vestdo verde te va muy bien ‘That green dress A litle revision (continued) 1 According to my dictionary, this word means’ " careiree 2 During the night, a burglar broke* into the castle and stole" all her jewels, 3 You erase it with a“ rubber”, not a "robe ber, you silly thing 4 The advertisement says that it you pour milk onto this cereal, it will erackle. (1) PRONUNCIATION a, — 2 Wil. a dtu. — 8 our hundred and autyaix 468 7 Con tal que me acviertas primero, puedes coger fe maquina ee cortar el cbsped cuando quieras. 8 El cinco de noviembre, Is gente lanza fuogos er- ficlales, enclonde hagueras y quema elgies, ® —Rungve es muy ineligents, he_pecard el examen, fo Na aba. 40 Mh coche esta aparcade Justo entrante del cine 41 Tengo una habltacion reservada a nomore de Wi 42 Gilera lo que quiera, ile que se vaya, estoy muy ecupaco. 33 Benito de la Torre, posian verse los cuervos comiende en cuances de plata 14 Eellmportaria esperar siee minutes, el Sr. Won ‘aun ne na ult NOTES (continues) (8) To tako an exam: hacor un examen; 10 pass an exam Bacar un examen, aprover un gament0 fal ay fam: suspender un examen. Exam os una sbravi- Far ojos far too :muchisimo, demasiado. he smokes far t00\many cigarettes fume musnisimos eiparrilos avehe mas lejos». para evar contustones, 60 dice ‘much too lar 6 En las lacciones de repase, como ia prosentey ia siueate, fo Se ole de hacer las sconaiae en lat oxprosiones te usted no aeabe de asinilar. EIERCICIOS GretaSo ur abrag—~ & iments ancendr une’ haguert boro no Erda' 5" Esoy muy ocupade, ile ue wea maana four hundred and sutysight 468 4 Le importaria esperar cinco minutos, aun 90 ha weito. you for five minutes, he's not '5 Tengo que concertar una cita (0 viene bion ol 237 1 make an appointmest, — Does the twenty- Respuestes soo LAM ROE Rind wating = ack yet — 5 have fo eat vou? Leccién ciento veinticinco Un poco de repaso (continuacidn) Segin mi diccionario, esta palabra quiere at Sdespreocupade » 2 Durantova noche, un ladeén salt ot castillo y 008 todes sus joyas. 3 Se borre con una =goma.» no con un « lan» estopide 4 Ex pubticidad alco que si se echa leche encims de ‘cereal, crue (crural NoTes crea (snl): un cara: también ae otra os (1 sitet as enon como bate los casio, y ue BSshon sara of Bevan, come los eormfake, oe 400 four hundred and sitynine 5 He bought two second-hand loudspeakers for his stereo, but they didn’t work. It was a bad bargain, 6 There is a button missing from this jacket, or else I've got an extra button-hole! (2) 7 | have no change (3) for the cigarette- ‘machine. Lend* me fity pence will you? 8 You ought to stop smoking, it's bad for your health 9 “Your health", said the barman, Cheers! ". said the customer. 10 Let me introduce you to Mr Legarde; he has just arrived from Geneva. 11 He seems a pleasant man, What does he do? — He's a dentist — Then | was wrong, he’s an unpleasant man. (4) 12° You will speak" English more and more fuently if you revise a litle every day. 5. Boot. aio. magein, — 6. eke. ois. oat. — 7 Enineh matin” oor ie 9 ran me! — io ieats 1°. pcb. et. argent 471 four hundred and seventyone EXERCISES 1 | wouldn't like to be a dentist, no one likes them. — 2 You should never bolieve advertisements. — "3 i Yyou said that, you would be wrong. — 4 There is @ bution missing from my shirt. — 8 Pour the balling water onto the cote. Fill in the missing words: 1. Si no hublera cerrado usted las puertas con llave le hubleran desvaiiade yeu locked the doors you burgied. 2 Falta algo ¢ qué pods sor? Is something What ooo ite? 3 Solo tango un bilete oe cinco libras, — Lo siento, no Tengo cambio, ves... got 8 fve-pound note, — i'm ..... I haven't ‘ot any Hundred and twenty-sixth (126th) Lesson REVISION AND NOTES Notas para revisar: Leccidn 120: (1), (4) - Leccion 421: (1), (2) (4) ~ Leccion 122 (2), (4) - Laccion 123: (1), (= Loccion #24: (3), (5) - Leccién 128° (2) four nendeed and soventy 470 5 Compre dos allavoces de segurda mano para su stereo, pare no funcionaban. Fue un mal sagocie, Falta un bolon de esta chaqueta, 0 bien tengo un jal de mas, 7 No tengo cambio para la maquina de cigartitos, Prostame SU peniques ; Guleres 7 8 —_Deberlas dejar de furar, es malo para la salud 9 {A2u salud! aljo ol barman, (A Ia suya! dijo 6! 40 Permitame que le presente al Sr. Lagarde, acaba 6 llegar do Gieoora 11 areca un hombre agradable. 7 A qué se dodica ? PBs contsta—~ Enlonces estaoe equvocad, 0s un hombre desagracable. 42 Hablard ustes ingles ca repaea usted un poco & vez con ms luiden, si a'ala NOTES (continued) (2) Something ise: algo més, oa cosa or else: 0 ben, fo'a no, de so modo. Go tis or else! hit you azi'o sino te pegaré. Elsewhere felsueer): por otra parte, on otra parte (8) To change: cambiar Zimbio te dinare,o ses, mane ero tambien se usa para decir “wet. 8) La palabra simpation no tiene Waduccion al inglés [sympathetic signitea compasivo). Por ese ros vores SBigedos a buscar agjetwos quivalontes segun Tas Gireunstancias. Las mas usuales son nice y pleasant Iptesart) four mundred and soventy-two 472 4 .0ué quiere decir esta palabra? — No lo $8, nunca Sprendl muse does this word ....? — 1 dont know, | have Russian la un nuevo equipe estéreo ? — Dema- 5 2 cuanto cost Slade param Respuesta: {nadie would nave been, — 2 There misslag ~ could - be? — 3 Say" sary’: charge, a What mean = never foaes fo fesrng, "8 Bow aos = est oo much Second wave: 76h Lesson Leccion ciento veintiseis 1 Formas reflexivas @ impersonales (ver leccién 420). — Las formas reflexivas e Impersonales del castellano se traducen al Inglés de diversas mane- Tas. Hemos visto {leecion 120, n°1) que la forma one ‘se usa para expresar las ideas referentes a todo el mundo (relranes, proverbios, dichos, otc). Hay que Sbedecer a los padres: one must obey ones pa- Yen's. En otras ocasiones, conviene evitar las frases Gon one, pues resulta un tanto « estirado ». Siompre que sea posible lo « personalizaremos » Desde aqui se puede ver todo Londres from here, ‘you can see the whole of London. Por otra parte, puede ponerse la trase en pasiva. Le hhan robado la \carlera' his briefoase was (has been) stolen. Se le llama e| «cisne de Avon»! he was talled tne « Swan of Avon » (Shakespeare) Se dice que: they say that (0 sea, la gente dice Que). Me han dicho que: (/have heard that.. (! was fold ‘that..). Me han dicho que podria teletonear desde aqui: / was told that ! could phone trom here. MMe han dicho quo es un ladron: (nave heard that he's a robber, Iqualmente vemos expresiones come English spo- en: se habla inglés. Wanted ~ a shorthand typist ‘5e necesita taquimecandgrata. Parece un palacio: it looks like a palace. ‘Asi pues, como podemos ver, hay que « sentir ta frase » antes de poneria en inglés. No hay misterio yen el Vocabulario que usted ya posee hay las Palabras sufi 2 How charming (Leccidn 123, linea 1), — Las ex Clamaciones se hacen con fow..!0 con What... How lucky you are!: | Qué suerte tienes! How hun- ary | amt: {Qué hambre tengo! How happy she was !°"; Que follz era! What a noisy child!” | Qué ilo mas escandaloso! What @ miserabie day! 'Qué Gia ten desafortunado! What a lot of poopie ! i Cuanta gente! What a lot of noise i: | Cuanto ruido | 3 To miss (faltar, fallar, echar de menos, perder) He missed the train: peraid el tron. She shot, but Imissed the target: tio pero tallé ol blanco. miss you: te echo de menos. Do you miss me?: i Me echas de menos ? They miss Madrid: echan d8 menos Madrid (Madrid les falta). El hombre al que Ie falta un brazo: the man with @ missing arm, This Jacket has a button missing’ a esta chaqueta le falta tn Beton, 475 tour hundred and seventy-five 6 To 100k like y to sound like. — She looks exactly like her mother: paroce exactamente igual que. su madre. You took jike @ clown: pareces un payaso. On the telephone, he sounds like his father: por telefono parece su padre (suena como su padre, su voz es como la de su padre). This singer sounds like a dying cat's jeste cantante parecs un gato moribundo ! 7 Para decir las fechas. — Lo recordamos una vez mas: so tata de dividir las eras en dos y leer las dos mitades: 1723 = 17 - 23 (seventeen twenty three); 1877 = 19-77 (nineteen seventy seven). Excopciones: 1800, etc. eighteen hundred. 1902, ele." nineteen hundred and two (oh, en la conver” Sacion: nineteen-of-two). Los anos veinte: the 20's = the twenties, ete. ; B00 B.C. eight hundred bi si (before Christ). 1280 A.D.- twelve sixty @) ail (anno ominip. Ya hemos visto que los nimeros de telefono, habi- tacién de hotel y autobus se dicen uno a uno " 70586 severrolvfive-five (oh double five)-six, 8 Problemas de traduccion. — Hemos hablado ya de las dificultades de traducir palabra por palabra, Este problema se agudiza con las palabras propias de los usos, objetos, costumbres y regiones de cada pais. Por ejemplo, no pueden tadueirse al ingles Palabras como churro, sainete, zambomba, pelneta y tantas otras de las’ jergas culinaria, taurina, del baile, etc. Igualmente hay expresiones y palabras: como fish and chip shop, football pools, a half of bitter, ete. que no tienen equivalente en espafl. Lo ‘as facil es dejar la palabra en cuestion en el mismo Idioma, aunque este puede traer otras consecuen- Cias, especialmente en estos tiempos de gran In- fluoncia cultural y comercial americana, como el texcesivo empleo de terminos extranjeros incluso en casos en que existen tarminos esparoles. exacta- mente equivalentes. De todas formas, 1 evilamos four hundred and ssventy-four 474 Falta de... lack of Hay falta de respeto en esta clase There 19 @ lack of respect in this class. A este t2 le falta azicar' this tea needs sugar (necesita azucar). 4 Care (cuidado, precauclén).— To caro: cuidarse, preocuparse. | dont care what he says: no me reocupa (no me importa, me burlo de} fo que diga, Garoiess: descuidado, despreocupado, His) work is terribly careless: su trabajo es terriblemente cos. ‘ouldado (no presta atencién), Be caroful: ten culdado, sé prudonte, cuidate 5 To suit y to fit. — Son dos palabras que se usan fn relacién con el vest. These trousers don't suit me! este pantalon no me viene, no me esta bien. Does if suit me?: z me viene Dien ? This coat doesn't {it (me): este abrigo no es de mi talla. These shoes don't fit me, they're too big: estos zapatos no son de mi nimero, me estan demasiado grandes. To suit significa también convenir, venir bien. Any day will suit me fine: cualquier dia me viene bien. Would Tuesday suit you?: z te viene bien ol martes ? four nundred ana vantysix 478 Jos excesos, todas estas palabras nos servirén para comprender no s6lo la riqueza de una lengua, sino también de una cultura y un modo de vida, 8 fxproiones que convone recordar, — +t ay appear sttange'to you. ="? Weve been here or three end a hall hours. — 2.50 one, nous the feason.~ & Follow me, will you? —B Lets go and get some lunch = 6 The paver wil show you up. 2 "How charming vou lok tonight!" Whon ho Sings, he sounds ikea nightingale (natingwsi) ‘uta Yeothache "9° your have “oo tong. {0 He's Yar too busy. — 11 You ought fo stop mo- sing 10 Traduccién. — 1 Puede parecerte extrafio. — 2 Hemos estado aqui desde hace tres horas y media. "3 Nadie sabe la razon. — 4 Sigueme j quieres > — 5 Vamos a comer. — 6 El portero les mostrara el camino. — 7 | Qué linda estas esta noche! — 8 Cuando canta parece un ruisefor...con dolor de muelas. —9 Tu pelo es demasiado largo. — 10 Esta pero que muy oeupade. — 11 Deberia usted dejar Se Tumar Languages are the pedigree of nations (Samuel Jonnson} Las lenguas son el = pedigree » de. las 477 four hindrod and venty-soven. Hundred and twenty-seventh (127th) Lesson The news 1— Would you mind if | turned on the tele- vision, David? | want to listen to the news. = Of course not. (1) 2 This is the BBC. It is six o'clock and here is the news, 3 The Government today announced that it would resign. 4 The Prime Minister made the announce- ment in @ speech to the Commons this afternoon, (2) 5 The decision was taken" in the light of the recent defeat of the Government's prices and incomes policy, (3) 6 and also recent deleats in local by-elections A General Election is expected next month, 7 The eivil war in Rutania continues. The military junta which last month overthrew* the Government, 8 appealed today to Ameria for military aid. (4) 9 At home again, the recent strike by tool- makers at Dagwood's Car Plant has finis- hed. Ya ten nas — 2 Ih, — 8 Sam. ii — 4 Leumi “oréne. sachin tt Si is ts iar eterna atmeral" 7 "evel oor fowls miei dota cursa 8 guide. "leant tees 8 10 The men are expected to return to work on Wednesday. 11, gorilla escaped from London Zoo and attacked four passers-by. 12 it was later recaptured safely and returned to its cage. (5) 13 A spokesman for London Zoo sald that the animal probably felt” lonely. (6) 14 Finally, the weather forecast: the night will be fine with seattered showers in the North. (7) 15 And that Is the end of the news. (8) 1 pice 19 olsen. te. pete oal — 22 get gith 8 sid a wth wk EXERCISES: 1 Would you mind turing off the television, | want to 0 to bod. — 2 In the light of recent proioms, the Bireior has resigned, 3.8 Genoral Election Is. expee ted next month. — 4 Are you worried abeut the strike? § You already know enough English 10 answer these questions. Fill in the missing words: 1A veces veo ta television, pero nunca olga Jotien ..... the television, but 2 Si ot gobierno os cepvesto, puede esperarse una pol bea stricta {the Governments wecan stiet four mundeed and soventy-eight 478 Lecci6n ciento veintisiete or supiesto que Zit Ia 6.8.0. Son las sels y estas son (aqui ests) {ag noticias Et gobierno anuncio hoy su dimisién (que dima). Et Grimer minis hizo el anuneio en un eiscurs fn ios Comunes esta tae 1 decision se tomé # ls luz de la reciente derrota {e ta poltica de precios y selarios ve! govierno, tambien las fecontes.cerrotas en las eleceiones Barciaies. Se esperan clecciones ‘enerales para et prowima mes. CalGverra civil de (en) Rutania prosigue. La junta Soleta hoy de America ayuda mir. De nuevo informacion nacional (on casa), la re- Clonte huelga Go iper) torneros on la fabrica do Coches Bagwoos ht terminado Notes (1) To turn gar, gar wueltas : to turm on abri (un gro, Sncender poner {ia tslavie n). Lo contrario se 40 tarn off St al encencido © puesla on marcha so nace con Un intoruptor fa ewe switch on y fo switch oft [2} Te House of Commons y The House of Lords (ies dos chmarss del parlamento britnico) Se abrevia ia fexpresion sielenco The Commonsy The Lords sores). (9) La poities (el are o ciencia del gabiema) se dice polfer (simpre en plural. La polties (accién res: ecto a aig) s0.cle policy. Por ofr lace, «una péliza Se seguros an surance patey (a) Aqui 86 usa aid (et) y 90 help, por watarse de una ayuda material four mudred and eichty. 480 Se sper Gh gorlia ae escape ce! 200 oe Londres y alacd Mas tarce Tue easiurado de nuevo sia incidentes yleewuelte eeu aula, Un portvoz del 200 de Londres di que el animal probabiemente se sents 2010 Fisaimenta, le previien del Yempo: la noche ase {ar ceepjac fuera) con chaparoressepesce Teste es todo (¥ este el fin de 168 noticas ue los hombres welvan al Wabsio el NOTES (continued) ‘si (6) Alone “soo, sin acom lang: patie trabal (a: ashe. seguro. /s this lif ato ?: gosta segura toca? Safely: a salvo. sn accisentes, si ine ‘in peligro, sin proolemss. Dia Liege bien? lento. He profes to work O10: pero fanaly tone un Somdo atectve = alguiey que se sien solo, aisado She ees Tony when Vino nove'a8 sete oi (1) 4 shower (of vain): un chapartén, un chubasco (de liuva)s por stra pare, 8 amower ee una ducna (8) Recuerde que news 95 siempre singular. GP 4401 four hundred and sisnty-one 3 Deve usted aprondor a andar antes de querer corer. You .... lean betore to nin 4 Siajguna vez te siontes sola, ven 2 verme de inmediat, Woo. you come and sae me straight 5s féol hacer un discurso, pero no me gustaria hacer 8 speech iso... but | lke 10 make four nundred and sihtytwo 482 Resoueta ‘ng nee sono nant. —2 ovrtronn eget poles, ‘cuando sscuche usted une grabecidn,siga el toxto, primero Gone libro © imitanda montaimenta los sonides™ Wego Gmpiece de nuavo hasta quo comprends usted iodo de ido, ¥ por tn, opiate parralo por parrato en var alta, in ‘a ayuda ae fe grabacien ‘Second wave: 78h Lesson Hundred and twenty-eighth (128th) Lesson Problems 1 Patient. — Dector, help me. | keep (N. 1) talking to mysel, 2 Psychiatrist. — Don't worry sir, it's not ‘uncommon. In fact, thousands of people do it 3 Patient. — Yes, but doctor, you don’t rea- lise how stupid 1 sound! 483, four hundred and sionty tee 4 At their first meeting, a psychiatrist asked his patient a few standard questions. (1) 5 — What is the difference between a litie boy and a dwart? he asked, 6 — There could be a lot of ditference, replied the patient 7 — What, for example? 8 — Well, the dwarf could be a girl, came* the reply. 9 — Hello, | haven't seen* you for ages. Have. a drink 10 — No thanks, | never drink*. — Really, why not? 11 — Well | don’t believe in drinking* in front of my children, (2) 42 and when I'm away from them | don't ‘need to drink! (3) 13 — Your git-friend is good-looking, but she limps. 14 — Only when she walks! 4 dirs = ern. ducer. — 8 a iit ee i ie) EXERCISES 1 Haven't you ever been to see a psychiatrist? You should. —2 He sounds intelligent. but he Isn't rally 3 I'm sorry, but | don't baiee in lending money. ~~ 4 We've just drunk all your whisky. What a py! — 5 I haven't seen him for ages. Is he wall? Problem 1 Enfermo, — Doctor, eyideme. Hable continuamente oamige mismo. 2 Palquiaten "No se preocups. sofier, no os extrata Be hecho, miles de perscnes To hacen 3 Enterme. ~"Si. poro, cotter, {0 se. da usted venta de lo esiupigo que parezco' (Sueno), four hundred and sigtytour 484 4 En su primer encventro, un psiquiatra progunta a Su padente una serie’ Ge preguntas tipficadas isteraara). 5 — [Cuil es ia diferencia entre un niRe pequeno y un ‘Grand ? pregunto. {6 — Puede haber muchas eiferencias, respondié el ps Slants 7 = {ual por ejemplo? & — Bueno, ©! enaro podria sor una chica, ue (vino) Ie respuesta 9 — Hola, no te he isto desde hace afios (edades) ‘Fémate algo 40 — Novgracias, nunca bebo. 3 — Bueno. na me gus Ino creo en) be fis shisos 12 J cuande estoy lejos de ellos, jno necesito beber! 13 — Tu novia oa guapa, pero cojes 44 — [Selo cuando anca'! Notes |a} A mesting ung eeunién, us encuentro, una asambles, 6 incluso palabra ya admida en espanal, un min (a) To Delieve in. creer en. 1 gon't believe in God : 90 roo en Dios. Ta belive in drinking, toner 0) sonigo ue beber ee buena, ) don't celiove rn taking fo Firangors no creo que sea Sleno hablar con extraios. Se habra Gado usted cuenta do que la nistona de! Sites Gul pate = ANS foe seo donda nace anos Zeta 485 four hundred and oiohty-tve Fill in the missing words: 1 1006 quapa os y qué intetigente parece! How sho looks! and ... Intligent he... 1 El no cree que sea buono beber y ella no tone nece- Sida Ge beber He In etioking and {40 has visto reciontomente ? — Por supvest, fo viel Jueves pasado. YOU cs ses FBCRRY? — OF ve eeey last . ‘Second wave: 7h Lesson Ser “wna aay. <8 What bao four mundeed and oigntysix 486 4 Qulén va 2 ocuparse de Ia casa mientras estemos We te look ? the house... we are 4 Cual 68 Ja diferencia entre una = goma» y un «la Grin? is me aitrence a and a 1 proty = how «sounds, — 2 dows ballove - need fo aeink, — ston hi Surae “saw hm © Tedaye == 4s gong eter” Seabee (Con las lecolones de repaso le ayudamos @ far las pa- labras nuevas, pero debe usted hacer siempre » seMales cuando -aparezca una expresién 0 palabra que no Eomprenda Hundred and twenty-ninth (128th) Lesson A few idioms Here are a few idiomatic expressions you might meet (N.2) when you go to En gland. I've been siting” down for too long; I've got pins and needies in my foot He put" on his new coat inside out and you could see the prletag 487 four hundred and siottyseren 4 He was @ very blunt man who called a spade a spade. (1) 5 I's not dificult to do, but there's a knack to it. (2) 6 If you wait for a bus at a roqueststop, you must put” out your hand to make" the bus stop (N. 3). (3) 7 My tusband doesn’t understand” me, he takes" me for granted. (4) 8 When you buy" on hire-purchase, you make" a down-payment of tty pounds and then sixteen monthiy instalments of eight pounds. (5) 9 All the fruit had gone bad, but she couldn't stand" the idea of throwing’ it away. (6) (7) (8) 10 He pretended to be a millionaire, but ac tually he was broke 11 We will have to put’ off the meeting unt next Thursday since nobody is free. 12 | hope we can eat" soon, I'm starved! (9) notes ” 2 ‘Blunt os lo contasio de sharp (rome y aguco, espec- tivamente, cuando se haba fe un cutnls 0 tonsil, bi. Pero aplicado a ae personae, shar gulare docit Ingenioso blunt seco, que na se anga can rodeos, Tetpeat Suny haar arama To Speak sary 4 knack es una palabra familiar que indica ta forma 4s naceraigo puede sigificer mea, chspa, gra ‘silos ruco ei Lecci6n ciento veintinueve ‘Algunos gros He agul algunas exprosiones_idiam@ticss que poece usted ‘encontrar cuando vaya a Inglaterra. Revesuace senaao duratte mucho tempo se me fe Gormige e) ple Gengo aguiee y nepinas on™ pe PRONUNCIATION 1 ina. ait —2 pins. dos, — 9 heal aut. pan, our hundred and elchyeight 408 Se puso su nuevo abrigo al raves (Gontrofuera) y Se Dodi vor la tiquota del preci Eicon hombre qu sce gue Hamada a las cosas for Su nombre (sun sesdon un teaser) Rees atl se haces, pero hace fata mana Si se cepora ei auoois en una parada tcuitativa hay gue levantar (extender) im mano pare que o| futobue se pare marco no me entlende, no me presia la be autciento, Guard se compra @ eréato, e hace un desen bose ce 20 ibras y luego 16 plazos mensvatos fe oote lores ‘cals trata ante podrida, pero ne peda sopor- tara ioe frarie (eos Enna ser milonaro, pera ce hecho estaba arcu Ferdiamos a pz a ruign hai ot proxime lives, dacs que nadio esta bre Spero que padamas eomer pranio. Me mucro de NOTES (continues) 3) io 6 ° ” oy To put on: poner, ponerse (un disco, un veside), To pura, Tender extender pagar un tego. un coe Fitgy‘To put of rase 11) aplacar (una sts ee) To grant: conceder contre, transient: a grant: una eRe sebvencion To take or granted ¢e Un gro fue auiere dec eve se dene come seguro a alguien otquo ve Sebe gue ext siempre donde eo espera fees Tonsil: instar; an instalment: un pazo; weekly ieatnenis pasos semanales To go bad puctiese.ecnara a perder, Se puede use ‘Gnblen mas exactament, et verbo fo fot Tambien podomos usar she can? ear..pues Kene el mismo sengo. To tow’ trar, sola (una pieéra, ete) 10 throw Tay Tecnssar, doserbarazatse G09, it Zo stare (Igual que la palabra alerana stern. frovieno cel aniguo engloslen mori) auleve deat EGinimeade mute Je hamdros "aenallcor Se tsa\para Inccar a exoresion eopafla = me mucto Serhdmore™, s esoy Seomayads Ge hambre 1480 four hundred and eighty-nine 8 1“ 2 Daddy asked me if | wanted a sportscar or a yacht. | couldn't care less. What's on at the Gaumont this week? — It doesn't make* any difference to me, I'm hard up. (10) EXERCISES 1 This knife is so blunt that it won't cut. — 2 ater a ‘or don 1k all the fruit had gone bad. — 3 I haven't eaten ‘weeks. I'm broke. — 4 He always puts off his tists appointments. — § | can’t stans up, I've gat pins and needles in my foot Ful 1 Hui in the missing word [No puede soportar a este hombre cuando tinje ser un expert. can't that man when he te be an expert. Siempre me fata dinero a finales do mes. — A mi famoisn rm always a of the month, — Me sto no 28 dill pero hace fia mata, Wes not ificult but (0, | Ten cuidado ! No te pongas las quantes al reves. caretull Don't ... your gloves on four hundred and minty-one indred and thirthieth (130th) Lesson Letters (N. 4) In this lesson and the next one, we will look at diferent sorts of letters. 2 Dear Mike, I'm writing” to thank you and your wite for having us last weekend. (1) 3 We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves, and was so nice to see” you and Mary again, 4 {twas nice, too, to see" London after all this time 5 Life in the suburbs is qulet, but sometimes a bit too quiot 6 On the way home, we gave" a lift to a hitet-hiker — a young student going back to university. (2) (3) 7 We had a long chat — you know" what Joan is like — (4) 8 and it seems that student Ife has changed from the life you and | knew", 9 Fora start, the kid was studying ” Social Anthropology”, which | always. thought” had something to do with monkeys. 10 Then he told* us that he didn’t attend lectures but spent" his time preparing po- tical meetings. 11 At the weekend, he goes to demonstra: tions. (5) 48 apd me ha preguntada s! queria un coche depor five o\un yate. Me da igual. 14 {Gus poston en si Gaumant esta semana? Me ca {Goal (elo'no hace diferencia) No fongo un euro NOTES (cortinues) (90) What's on. que ponen ? : qué dan? En las oficinas de turemo se pueden obtener foletos que se llamar Sanat on in London = (dstracciones, espectacules, oe) evencicios ‘erthaGorane Toda oe Se nbie pot ioo.="3 Ro he eomae See acy namanen. ety avunate,—~ 4 Sipe ape ne 5 Puedes rompor Io que quioras. Me ca igual You can break + toute Respuestes fneal*= Be" hur rego ot, 6 what you laorwant care Birds of feather Nook together (los pélaros del mismo plumale se juman en bandada)’ retran que. equivale a Sspanol «Dios los eva y ellos 86 Jntan» ee Second wave: 80th Lesson four hundred and nietytwe 402 Leccion ciento treinta a oa polopla Social, eosal que yo siempre pense que fenle que ver [hacer) ean foe monos, 10 Luegornos sie que no asitia'&conferencias sino fue pasata el tempo preparando reuniones poll 41 En'si fin co semana, vas maniostaciones, notes t) To have someone en sobreenende at home), quere (0 Tecttutgrtockia sigulen en casa. Than you or ‘vlog us gfacae por vitarnoe (a) Att scent, To give somoone ait ovo 2 it ‘ainbmeone “coacr @ siguen on cache. Il eve you a lic'o"Re station ts ccompatars en ce a ia este To htchke (0, ya simplemente 10 ich): hacer auto © Tapia acim @'2 hichen: aulosopsa (Tor eat haar: ca una or, comer (8) A somonsraton: mariestacion (polite, ee) Tam- Cirtfne ot snide so cemostacen,pruebs, 120th LESSON 12 In our day, it wouldn't have been allowed, would it? 13 Do | sound old and intolerant? | suppose lam really... (6) 14 Thanks again for your hospitality, and 1 ook forward to seeing’ you both again soon. 15 Kindest regards to you and your wife, Yours, David EXERCISES 1On the way home we had to stop at a service station. — 2 It has nothing 10 do with you. —3 When was at school, that would not have been allowed, — 4 He owns three houses and two sporscars, 8 We ‘will put off the meeting since nobody can atlend Fill in the missing words: 1. Homes escrito tes carias, dos de elas a fos amigos, We... three letters, two wore te friends 2 En el camino de wuota, cogimes a un autostopista on 1 we gave face 496 four hundred and ninety-five Hundred and thirty-first (131st) Lesson [business letter 1 Today we see” a letter from someone who is applying for a job: (1) 2 Dear Sir, I have just read* your advertisement in the "Situations Vacant" column of the Times. (2) 3 | wish to apply for the post of bilingual secretary which you are offering, 4 1am twenty-three years old and single, live in London and own a car. (3) 5 Alter qualifying from St Dunstan's Secreta: rial College in nineteen seventy four (1874), | worked for two years in France. 6 | was based in the Bordeaux region and was working for an import-export firm. 7 — While there, | perfected my French, which I write* and speak" perfectly. 8 | also type and know’ both English and French shorthand. 9 | will be free from March the twenty-third, fas my firm is being taken* over by a French company. (4) 10 | hope | may be granted an interview. Yours faithully, Marjorie Watson (Miss). 1 2, Sn thie nt four hundred and ninety-four 408 42 En nuestros empos no se nos hubiera permits 13 ZParezco chapado a la antigus e intolerante ? Sux ongo que reaimente 10 304 14 Gradias'de nueve por weaira hosptaliéee, y ee pero veros a ios dow pronto, una vez mas. 18 {Eonj’mis mejores eteos pera ty tu espe, Tuyo, David NOTES (continued) (8) 0, ya lo hemos vist, significa viejo: fasion significa ‘mode. La expresion olelashioned significa, puss, pa Sado ce maga; apiicado personas” chapado a la anvigua $°Sland'ewata evel clei, Sal nae hls pr szco cansad ? No he dormide mucho ultimamente tired? much recently. 4 Do verdad nos divertines y esparamos veres de nuevo ta eo0ing you 5 Su autobiograta no tiene nade que ver con las novelas fue ha osarto. avtoblography has nothing te he Second wave: Bist Lesson four hundred and naety-ste 496 Leccién ciento treinta y una Una carta de negocios 4 Hoy vemes una cana de alguien que soliita un lado sefor. acabo de leer su anuncio en Ia wolerta ce empioos = del Times. 3 Deseo solctar el puesto de Secreta gue veted otrece + feage"weintives anos y soy sorera. wo on Tras abtener el cipioma (cuaiar) de St-D.SC. tn 1974. tabaje Surante dos aos. an Francia Resi ena Tenion de Borceau y rable 0 una importante empreea de imporacion-exportacion hentras estuve all, perfoceione mi Frances. que (serio y hablo perectamonts ‘Femmbign eserioo'@ maquina y conozco Ia taquit fia ingiesa y Pranessa Estré libre deade ol vainités de marzo, dado que fri empresa serd sbsoroida por Una’ compafis Francose. 10 A'tnvespera de (espero) que me sea concedida tne enrevsta, quedo a aus sisposiclon (helmente Styay Marjorie Watsen (Sra) bilingie NoTEs {1} To apply for @ job: solctar un empleo, un puesto, roponer una eahndidatura s un puesto. Una soled fan application : (2) An_aciarisoment (reealque bien @! aconto tania) re decir Un anuncio ¥ s0 abrevia muy & menudo ‘ad (email ads pequenos ncios por palabras), To fi sconto.cambia de lugar): hacer puble ‘Sac, Publlety= publicidad en general” anunees, tele \isibn, exposiciones, desies, et {3 Es una forma més. respatuosa: se dice Sm twenty {tengo 20° fos), pera en una solid 0 en cualguler USeemerte se eferbina/m twenly years old La pregunta How old are you ? no cambia. (a) To teke over: susttir: en esto caso absorber una omprosa 197 four hundred and wnety-saven 11 Perhaps she will be lucky. Here is the reply she received: 12 Dear Miss Watson, ‘Thank you for replying to our advertisement 0 promotly 13 If you would like to come" to my office fon the twenty-third of March at ten o'clock, 14 | will be glad to give" you an interview and a short test in bilingual correspon dence. 15 Please confirm this appointment by return of post or by telephoning my secretary. Yours sincerely, John Hind 12. oul, — 14 horesrsing, — 15. kon. sbemant ‘hen: "Singers nnd EXERCISES 1 | want you to reply by retum of post. — 2 Are you single or married? — 3 He wanted me io come at ten O'clock but | eouldn’t. — 4°! will bo glad when this lesson is fhished. — § Do you know English or French shorthana? — Both Fill in the missing words: 1 Tras haber jeido su anuncia, he decide que quiero Wabajar con ustedes. Mer eseses your | have decides 2 Todo ei mundo se puso a escribir, menos Joan que ‘miraba por a ventana {our mindred and ninety-oight 08 11 Quizd tenga suerte. Aqui esté la respuesta que reco. 42 Eslimade Seta. Watson, Gracias por responder con tanta prestesa a nueato anuncio, 43 Siquisiora venir ami cficina el 23 de marzo alas See 14 Setaria encantade de mantener una ontrovsta y Iproponerel una prueba de correspondoncia. bi Nngte. 15 Por favor, confirme esta cia @ welta de correo © felefonoande a mi socretaria, Sinceramenta Suys, ohn Hing faguigataingesso Franosen? — (asics. 8. Estaré libre # partir oe! treinta y uno, mussira empresa fa quecrado. feces Be ees from the - our thas gone bankrupt 4 Gracias por haber respondlie con tanta prostoza a Thank you for fo vce 10 Our Suponemos que ya sabré us st bastantes vorbos.irregu- «started : Joan whe looked larea’ Noo olvide de astcirios y ropetrios cada Vez the window (us aparesea aio con aserseo 4490 four hundred and ninetynine ve hundred 800 5 Solcita of pueste, asste a la entrevista y tendrés of empleo fesouenas tr lent that —2 Every20ayeveryone- wring, Saat ea at es Me“ hiretrs company the io, the intenviw, and you eens bomaiy evr foy or ard" aa the jb, "e —————— ‘Second wave: nd Les Hundred and thirty-second (132nd) Lesson Mora about letters {Aigo} mis sobre cartas 1 Did you notice how simple the style of the 1 Se he dado usted cuenta de 10 simple qu {ast letter was? 2 Enfonm cart Inglnayeapeciaimene on ura cara 2 Inan English letter, and especially @ busi- ‘68 negocios, 08 major sero mas directo pose, ress letter, itis better to be as direct as 2 Nehay trminosaletadoso eludos exravagantes possible 4 Nucetra Sita Watson podria haber escrito la his- 3 There are no frills or extravagant salute tora oe au vica o hablace de su cutaso, tions and the style is plain. (1) 5 te 6 Sigorytnaone. La amps some 4 Our Miss Watson could have writen’ her 6 Emin correspondencia ofl, se usan, en inglés. life history or talked about her brother-in- Tuctas abrevaturas. = Por ejemplo 3e_easrbe law, oo " 7 Ee decir se eseribe 1. — cel ata ia est — 5 but she did not, and it worked. Simplicity always pays. 6 In official correspondence, the English use many abbreviations. “For example" is was witten” "6.9. (2) 7 "That is to say" is wrtten* “ ie."" (rom the Latin id es0. Notes ee an spn is. tat {1) Pain; simple, sin ornamentos liso (refer, por jem Yaigdntsallsnans plein. —'8 = sigisit. — 6. msl. abr Pips, covrionte, sominy simple una do tartan, Suspa, eovrene. comin, simpla, una de tantas. (2) 2.0 (Gol latin exempt gratia): por ejemplo 50% tive hundred and one 8 The twenty-four hour clock is not widely used in Britain. (3) 9 (It is used mainly on the railways, which might explain why the trains are so often late!) 10 So instead, English people write “a to indicate the morning and “p.m.” the afternoon and evening. (4) 11 e.g: 10.00am., 930 p.m. 12 Other abbreviations you might find come after peoples’ names, like " B.A.” (Bache- lor of Arts) or “M.Sc” (Master of Science). (5) 13 You could also come" across “'V.C." or D.S.0." or any of the numerous military ‘or civilian decorations. (6) 14 Twice a year, the Queen draws" up an “Honours List” which decorates people who have glven* service to the nation, 8 lh. — 9 rai, — 10 «nai am. ket. am, pat gers, SY at NoTES (continued) (@) We: ancno, amplio; wide spread: extendido, expan- Si. () a2m. (001 latin anto meri) y p.m. (post mericiem) Antes y después del mediacis, EXERCISES 1 You must never use abbreviations when speaking. <2 She could have helped him, but she did not. 2 You should nave been mors simple, always works. —4 Sangria is not widely drunk in England A'S it you want me to sand you'a postcard. you must buy me a stamp, Fill in the missing words (and abbreviations) 1 Se ruoga tlegar 212 hora, © a alas 20.30, You are roquosted to arive yee 890 2 Hay numerosas condseoraciones, por fora Cross smpio la = Vie Cross vc) 3 £008 te oe camisa quires ? ¢ Lisa 0 a rayas? Of shirt do you ....2 ..-.. oF striped? five hirdred and two 502 8 El raloj de 26 horas no se usa mucho (ami tanta en (Gran) Beetah 9 (Gevusa principaiment en (sobre) los terrocrri (o"que podria explicar por que Tos Wrenes van ti 1 menudo con rotaso) 10 hal'pues, en'cambio, los inglases escriben am. para indicar ia matana'y fm. para Ta tarce ¥ 1a 4109. por sjamplo —: 10.00 a.m. 9.20 pm, 12 Gffas abrovieluras que ee. pueden encontrar van Sworn) trae low nombres se personas come B.A {Gtagvaco en ‘rtes) 0M. Se.(Licenciade en Cien- eis). 13 También puede usted encontrrse (venir através Ge) VS 4-080. 0 cvalquiers ge las numerosas SSndocoraciones miltares 0 civiles. 44 Bos voces al ao la Fora recacta una « Horeres = (eon Is] qua condocora a gente que ha Drestad (edo) servicios ala nacion NOTES (continues) 18) Son ttules universitarios: bachelor: graduado ; mas: for" lleonciado, No son exactas las equivelenclas, pero 5 iat mas aproximado. ue postia oau- de las Sroones (Distinguished Tew ae fs 2 Podria, haberle beads, us sa RST NY bhai Nina Sima Sie Sila act: — 4 sana ttf, five hundred and four 508 4 Cuando haya usted scabado Je restctar leforme, onga's terme a mi ofeina When you... finishes the report, me in my ofc. 5 Mientras estaba de comeras, me encontr® con este viejo os shopping. | this ld gun Second wave: 83rd Lesson Hundred and thirty-hird (133rd) Lesson REVISION AND NOTES Notas para revisar: Leccion 4127: (4), (7) - Leccién 128: (9) « Loccién 129 (3), (8), (10) * Leccion 190 (1) = Leceida 134: (2) (8) ~ Leccion 43227), 1 To keep (guardar. conservar, quedarse con). — Prease Keep It sa present: por favor, quedate ton ello, e¢ un regalo. Fe seep tne tabn yn sortgo go contuisas igue Intentandolo Keep trying. | hoop talking fo imyseif: me hablo @ mi mimo continuamente, no Golo de hablarme a mi mismo Igualmente para dar Srdenes’ Keep quiet: calate! Keep out" prohbica a ened! Un‘petiocista american recaled que en Wanda los feveros de. los parquee no icon = Keep of the brass =: « prohbiga plear al cosped (la neroa)» sino please Keep on the loolpathe’ «por faver, siga ioe senderos = Leccién ciento treinta y tres ‘A keeper: un quarda, un vigilante (goal Keeper: portero de fatbol 2 Might y may (podria ser que, puede que... Estas {dos palabras expresan una cosa que es posible pero no cierta. He may come tomorrow, I'm not sure Puede ser que venga manana, no estoy soguro. De tun punto de vista puramente gramatical, might es el pasado de may. She sald she might come Ella dio Gue quizas vendria, En el ingles do todos los dias Se. puede desir might oF may indiferentemente. La misma idea se puede expresar con could (condicio hal de can)" They could pay us a visi you never Know: Puede ser que nos vengan a visitar, nunca Se cabo, tas. lenguas vives, en su evolucién, incorporan Gonstantemente vorablas extranjeras y neologismos. Hemos intentaco aqui Tener este ocho en cuenta, Tugar de circunseribirnas a las normas del ingles 3 To make the bus stop. — Veamos algunas exore- Slones con los verbos fo make y fo have Ho makes me laugh: me hace reir. Me hicieron comprar algo que no queria. they made me buy something didn't want. We'll make him understand’ Se lo haremos comprender, Hizo que le construyeran una casa: He had @ house built. Tengo que hacer reparar oi coche : | must have ‘my car repaired, Mandara pintar de nuevo el cuarta do bafo "He'll have his bathroom repainted. Las primeras frases incluyen dos personas, una de las cuales «hace» la accion @ otra (me haces relt you make me laugh) mientras quo, en las segundas fa accion de la que se habla sera djecutada por otro (que normaimente no esta en Ia frase, aunguo hay fexcepciones). He had a-car built: se hizo construlr un coche, Para ol primer grupo se usa la estructura « to make- pronombre-presente» (sin = 8» en la Sa persona) To make someone do something: inducir a alguien a hacer algo. Para el segundo, se usa la estructura « to have. complemento-paricipio pasado ». To have something 6 Expresionos que conviene recordar. — 1 Ploase don't turn an the television. — 2 We were expecting them at @ quarter past two. — 3 Hello! | havent ‘seen you for ages. — 4"! foe! lonely when she's away. — § Ho always puts it on insige out 6 We couldn't bear the thought of having him go. —7 I'm starved, aren't you? — 8 | coulan't care Jess. — 8 We gave him a lift to Bath, — 10 It wouldnt have been allowed, would i? — 11 1 hope | may be granted an interview. — 12 Please confirm by return of post. done: hacer que se haga algo. Relea ahora los elempios. 4 Cartas, — Veamos algunos consejos suplementa- flog Ante todo simplicidad; hay que evitar formas, Ge covtesia excesivamente empalagosas. Se termina la carta de negocios con Yours faithully si se em- pleza por Dear Siry Yours sincerely si se empieza Por Dear Ir. (ia tGrmula americana Yours truly se Usa para evitar el « engolamiento ») En una carta familiar © amistosa, puede terminarse coma se quiera yours, your friend, love trom, best wishes, ete. (y en estas cartas se usan las contrac Ciones), En las cartas se pone la direccion del ro- mnitente arriba ala derecha y en una carta de egacios, la cireccion del destinatario va a la lz Guierda, debajo de la propia, 22, Mount Drive ‘LONDON SE2 Messrs JOHNSON 31, Crescent Drive Pero la palabra clave para redactar una carta 65 “la simplicidad™ (ver leccion 145). 5 To realise (carse cuenta do). — Do you realise What thie means ?: ,,Te das cuenta de lo que esto significa? 'm sorty, | didn’ realise: Lo siento, no me i cuenta, ‘Tenga pues cuidado con este verbo, pues es otra palabra «engafosa», No significa realizar, como hemos visto. Aealizar segun el sentido de la frase, Se traduce de diversas formas : perform, accomplish, ‘te, Reallzador (de cine) Film director, fimmaker, Film producer’ productor cinematogratico tive hundred and eight 508, 7 Traduecion, — 1 Por favor no pongas la televisién. —D'Les esperabamos a las’ dos y cuarto. — 3 jHola! no te he visto desde nace mucho tiempo. <"s Me siento solo cuando ella no esta. — 5 Siempre se lo pone del revés, — 6 No soporta- bamos la idea de ‘que se nos fuera. — 7 Me muero ge hambre iti 90? — 8 Me da igual. — 9 Lo Tievamos en coche a Bath. — 10 No lo hubieran permitido verdad ?. — i1 Espero que se me Sonceda una entrevista, — 12 Por favor coatirme {lo} a vuelta de correo, Hundred and thirty-fourth (134th) Lesson A visit to England 1 Pierre has mot” his English friend Tony, and they are drinking" beer together on the Champs-Elysées 2— $0, | hear’ you've been to England re cently. Tell* me about your trip. 3 — Well, as I had a long weekend, | decided to take" advantage of it. (1) (2) 4 Iwas going to travel by boat, but then | read’ an advertisement for the hovercratt 5 I'd never taken" one belere, so | thought” it would be an adventure. (3) PRONUNCIATION i 8 ami, dome. — Leccién ciento treinta y cuatro ‘Una visite @ Inglaterra 1 Plerra se ha encontrado con su amigo inglés Tony, {estan babiondo corvees juntos en fos Campos biseos 2 — Blan, me enteré de que has estado en Inglaterra Fecleotamante, Cuentame vile. 3 — Buono, coma tenia puente, cecil sprovecharlo, 4 Iha'aie (lajan ‘on Barco, pero lei un nuncio dol hoverefat= (asrodeslizagor, 5 Runca'lo habla cogieo antes, asi que pensé que ores (1) E1 = uente» Francés os algo que no esta demasiado Insitueionalizade on Inglaterra, por e20 no hay palabra pera sla, usancose a long weekend. Puente Se dice fridge, el puante do Alcantara Alcantara Brioge ‘An advantage vestala. To take aavantage of an op~ portunity" aprovechar una oportunidad Gontracelon ce had y no de would; pera dstinguir Giales bay que conaiserar Ia forma verbal @ la que Suatia y ol contexte a 3 6 | went by train to Boulogne. At the hover~ port, | bought some duty-free ciga- rettes. (4) 7 Then the hovercraft arrived. It was very impressive. Like (N. 1) a huge seamonster, 8 Not only does it carry passengers, but also cars, coaches and even lorries. (8) 9 Eventually, when everyone was on board, the thing rose” up on a cushion of air and set’ off 10 You couldn't see* anything through the windows, because there was too much spray. 11 It was fantastic! In only half an hour we were in Dover. 12 My first impressions weren't marvellous. It was raining! 13 As | got out of the hovercraft and headed for the Customs, | suddenly realised that | was in a foreign country. 14 Everything was in English and | suddenly began’ to panic, 15 | went through the "nothing to declare" lane and got onto a coach to go to the station. (6) 16 | hadn't spoken* a word and no one had spoken” to me. Seca siren it tanmatk! amt, 12 ingens S514 five hundred and eleven EXERCISES 1 He got out of the coach and teaded for the Customs building. — 2 The monster rose up from the loch, — 3 You eouldn't soe anything through the windows be- cause of the spray. — 4 Let's take advantage of the fine weather. — 5 We can go for a pknic if you like. Fill in the missing words: 1 Tras haber comprado cigarrilos y haber tomado un caté bi a autocar ater some cigarettes and a coffee 2 Se ha recuperado de su enfermedad y se ha ido a Suz, She nas te Swit zeriand 3 No s6io babe demasiace, sino que posee una cerve browery! 4 Finaimente, cuando todo al mundo estivo 2 bordo, 8! avon despegs. when everyone was the plane 5 No, mport, pose coger e! hovercrat, 28 mss ré Never ..-., we can he ws © Fuilen ven nesta Boulogne. En ol hoverport compré igarios Noves de Impuestoe, 7 Luoge teas e! hovererat. Era uy) Impresionante ‘Como us enorme manst’uo marino. 8 No sélo lava pasgjoros, sino también coches, au tobuses y carmiones. 9 Finalmente, cuando todo el mundo estaba a bordo, fl'eparaio se eleva sobre un caine aire y eao 10 No se podia ver naca por las ventanas, pues hebie mucha espuma 11 Era fantistico | En sélo media hora estebames en Dover. 12 Mis primeras impresiones no fueron maravillosas, stabs lov endo! 13 Al salir del hovercraft y encaminarme ala aduana, Go vepente me ai cuenta de que estaba on un pals extranjro. 14 Todo stabs en inglés y de repente ompece a 15 Pasé por el pasilio do » nada que doclarar = y subi ‘autoeus para ir a la ostacion 16 No habia hablado una palabra y nadie mo habla NOTES (continues) (6) To Dover quare decir «cornersa >, os door volar sn » Naser movimienios. A eran barca, Aunque pueden Vedverse, ya 30 admitan en'castelano hover ‘Does sive para ubrayar 1a idea «0 sbo. sino ismovdn Puede’ desea’ cares not ony passen fora bul alo cars Forga sencon, a car” on coche Seouch an autobos © acca (6) A lane: palo, correo, carl (de autoista, te 6 pero estan grabsc us propios compatriotas son 1 suando habian doprisa 0 en ja" a3) puss, plonse que lo mismo ocurro con fos ingleses. No se proocupe si tiene que volver a escuchar de nuevo las aualoianes desde el principio para ir aces lumbrando et oie ‘second wave: 85th Lesson Hundred and thirty-fifth (135th) Lesson Arrival in London 1 On the train, | managed to relax a litle land look at the countryside. (1) 2 It's true what they say, England is beautiful land green, even in the rain. (2) 3 | Started reading’ my guide-book and look- Ing for addresses of hotels and Bed and Broakiasts ” 4 The door of my compartment suddenly opened and @ man in uniform said: " Tiek- ets, please " 5 The first words someone had spoken" to me, and | had understood” them! 6 | took" my courage in both hands and asked: “What time do we arrive in Lon- don?" 7-— "We'll be at Charing Cross in about an hour, sir. | still understood” 8 | was now very excited. | had found* the address of a cheap hotel 9 and | couldn't wait to arrive. 10 Charing Cross is like any big rallway sta. tion, big, noisy and crowded. 11 Outside, | found’ a taxi, sorry, @ cab" and gave’ the driver the address. (3) 12 Driving’ in London was heaven compared to Paris. bait 4 aor Se 3. pitouk.ateso..begon lresen aie iB heer Ships iO Tos kai 2 “ 18 ® Everyone was much more polite and calm, but they were driving" on the wrong side of the road! ‘The hotel I had chosen* was in Kensington, 80 | saw* quite a lot of London from the cab. At last, we arrived at the hotel. | paid the driver and gave" him a tip, EXERCISES 1 | took my courage in both hands and said" No 2 Don't fake a lx, i's too crowded. — 3 Ig it rue what they say, it rains all the time? — 4 W Ibe. there in about an hour. — § Pay the diver ang ove him a tip. Flin the missing words: 1 Aunque habia ‘muy deprisa, cansegui entenderto he was speaking quickly. 1 un cerstane 2 Los dos estibamos muy animados & Impaciontes por Wiegar We were... very and wait Dale la irsccién al conductor y que la encuentra Give the te fang. ie fin Le in ciento treinta y cinco Logada a Londres 1 Enel ven, consegul tranquilzarme un poco y mirar 8 paisale 2° Ee'verdad lo que se ice, inglatorra 0s hermosa y Verde, ieluso bajo (en) ia lava 3 Empeca a ler mi gula (libro) y @ mirar direcciones fe hoses y » pensiones 4 Ga puerta de m cepariamento se abrid do repente Yum hombre Ge unlorme dijo" » lltes, per Ta 5 [Eran] las primoras palabras que algulen me ¢ir- fis (habia hablado) y las heble enteral 6 Me arma ae valor (cog) mi valeria con las cos manos] y pregunte: =. 8 que hora llegaremos.a 7 — SEstaremos on Charing Gross dent de una hora apronmadamente, sehor=. Tambien (aun comprendt. © Estas emionces (arora) muy animado, Habia en- Enntrado la direceion de un hotel barato. 9 Yostaba imogciente por {oa podia esperar pera) hegae 10 Chaing Cross es como evalquer gran estacisn de forrocatrl ulgoaa y liena ce gente, 41 Fuora, tome (encontra) un taxl pardon un = cab = 4.01 ls Sireecion al conduct. 12 Gheular por Lonates era el paraico comparado con Paris Notes 1 To, manage ae donde provene a manager: cit impresa. Aqui: conseguir, legar a. avregiarseias para, He managed fo improve his English in nly tree Ionita’ onsigud. mejorar su ingles en s0I0 ies True: verdadero, cierto: the truth la verdad. Tal! me ha iuth dime la varsac. & trutful person sigulon ue cice i verde (9) Los loncinenses, para referlise los taxis negros fipicos ge la ciudad usan prelerentomanta cab on lugar ian Indra and sisoen 518, 13 Todo ol mundo era mucho mas educado y tran gull, pera jeondvelan por el lado de la calle que fo ara fequvocado} 14 Er hotel que habia eiogido estaba en Kensington, fei que v1 bastante de Loncres esse ol tax 15 Finalmente logamos st hotel. Pague al conductor le una prosina, 4 Quiero que me des la dirccién do un hotel bara. want. to te address of @ & {Estoy narto! Aung ‘eco 2! empa Inoiaterra es muy bonita love Frm... up! Although England .. very beaut, trans Respuestas ‘though - managed to = him. — 2 both - oxo - couldnt « to waver 86th Secor 517 tive hundred and seventeen Hundred and thirty-sixth (136th) Lesson Conversions 1 The hotel was fine: small but comfortable and only thirty-five pounds a night with breakfast 2 I checked in, put" my case in my room and set" out to discover London. 3 Tony interrupted: "You were lucky, you know. Thirty-five pounds a night is very cheap 4 You could have paid (N.2) up to sixty pounds — and for a small room, too 5 “I know*", said Pierre, "but London is cheaper than Paris. 6 Except the tube: that’s much dearer, and far less madern than our Metro, 7 | decided straight away to walk every- where. | even bought” a pair of shoes. (1) 8 That was a bit of a problem. The salesman asked: " What size do you take"? ” 9 Thad no idea. Fortunately he had a conver- ion table. 10 "You take" a size forty-two! that makes" you nine and a half 11 We have a nice pair in the sales: only fifty pounds reduced from one hundred pounds. " (2) 12 | got” a bargain. | put" my old shoes in bag and walked out in my new ones. (3) PRONUNCIATION 43° | had no idea London was so large. It took” me an hour to walk to Trafalgar Square. 14 | wanted to look at the paintings in the National Gallery, 15 I had another nice surprise: it was tree, 18 arch. alge stucer. — 14 pangs. — 18. som, EXERCISES 4 | like all the paintings except one. — 2 She should have walked around London. You see more, — 3 | couldn't remember what size | took. — 4 1 can't aio de luxe hols, | have to stay in " Be and Breakfasts = 5 There is a nice pair of shoes in the sales. FIll in the missing words: 1 No tengo ni ea del nimero que uso, Quied o! nuove, have wat... tak. a nine. 2 No tenlan ya zapatos de rebajas, ve que contentarme Thoy had shoes ‘ales, | had to ‘with boots five hundred and eighteen Leccién ciento treinta y seis Equivalencias| 1 Eat estaba bien pequeto pero comodo y sé treima y cinco lloras por noche. con el dosayuno. 2 Melnedri lieve pute) mi maleta a fe habiacion Y sali para deccubrie Londres, - 3 Tony. fie} intorrumpio = Tuviste suerte, sabes Tratna'y ence bras por noche es muy barat. 4 Pourias haber pagaco’ hasta sesenta bras — in- uso por una Rabtacén peauens, 5 “Loge ajo Pere = pero Lonares es mas barato 6 Thonos el’ matra: es mucho mas caro, y bastante 1 8 ® 0 tras mocerno quo e "ues, Becidl madiatamante ira pie a todos !ados. In loto Ime] compro un par de zapatos. Esto eupuso Un pequeto probioma, El dependiente [ime] presurt =, Gue numero calza usted ? = No tenia at ides. Avortunacamente tenia (el) una ‘abla ao equivalencis, pa usted un cuarenia y dos: io que squivale al hace a usted) nueve y modi. +1 Tenamos un Donita par eh robafas : solo cincventa Uibras en lugar Je (eduelse des) cien 42 Fle una puena compra. Puse mis zapatos viejos ‘Sn une boles ¥ sall-con fos nuevos puesios. NovEs (1) Everywhere: por todas artes, por cualquier parte: fowhere’ [nesueer]s en ninguna parts (2) To soll: vonder a sale: una venta, Tho sales: reba- Jas, saldos. (8) Old: vielo © antiguo, My ola schoo! mi antigua e5- ula, 13 No tania dea do que Londres ora tan grange. Me Neve una hora legar [andanco] « Trafalgar Square, 44 Quoris'ver foe cunsros de la National 48 Mellave otra buena sorpresa era grat eveRcicios Tecnrraa Londres se Se te mas’ 9 No pude recordar sue ‘ievo use 2" No me puedo garmi hte se us tong Sus 3 Tuvimos suerte, entramos en sepuics We 4 we went Ia 4 Tenomos un pequate problema : he perdlise mi eartora yin pasaporte We have 8... of. problem: Yve .... my and my 5 Habrias patie pagar mucho més que eso. Hasta trace Nora You pala then that. pounds. 3 Nace lca trap ewe. iat ai paso. ‘Souls Rave me fs) mora” Up tion ‘Second wove: 67h Lesson Hundred and thirty-seventh (137th) esson 1 After an_hour's walking and an hour's culture, | felt" hungry. (1) 2 | looked in vain for an English restaurant but there wasn’t one in sight 3 | could have eaten’ pizza, crépes, ham burgers, but no English food. 4 Sol went into a pub and had a pint of beer and a sandwich. (2) 5 Then I continued my explorations. One thing struck* me: 6 The theatres and cinemas were all cheaper than at home. 7 A good seat in a theatre was about ten pounds. (3) 8 | made* up my mind to go and see a play before leaving’. 9 My first day was exhausting. | saw so much that | can’t remember everything. (4) 10 I noticed how the Londoners | saw seemed calmer, even at five o'clock during the rush hour. 11 Another thing that impressed me was the umber of parks: og are Mehr. — 2. vin — 9, Kr. hnbsrgué, 1529. five hundred and twertythres 2 13 1“ St James, Hyde Park, Green Park — and you were allowed to walk on the grass, (5) { went to Speaker's Comer and listoned to somebody talking about immigration. (6) He said the country was full of foreigners, 80 | went away quietly. EXERCISES 1 feel a bit ill May | sit down please? — 2 I'm ‘exhausted, | have been walking all day. — 3 What Struck me was the number of parks. — 4 You can Ghoose either pizza or hamburger, out not both, — 5 She likes living abvoed: she meets many diferent eo} Fl 1 ple. in the missing words: Desde hace une hora camina bajo Ja lia y se siente ‘cansaco. tired usearon en vano una cabi ninguna {eletenica, pore no habia looked for a tolephone box: there tive mindred and twertytwo $22 Leccién ciento treinta y siete ‘Tras una hora de paseo y una hora de cultura, tenia hamre (me sonia hambriento). 2 Busque en vane un restaurants Ingles, pero no yhabie ningun ala vista 3 Podria hater comige pizza, erépes, © hamburgue- ‘28, pero no comida ingles. 4 Si pues, entre on un pub y pedi ura pinta de 5 Uvego segui mis exploraciones. Una cosa me lame [a aloneion 6 Lge teatros y eines eran todos més baratos que fn nuestio pais 7 Una auena Tocaiidad en un tgato valla alrededor de dive lorae 8 Movcecidi'a ir @ ver una obra do teatro antes do 9 Miprimer gia tue agotador, Vi tanto que no puedo Focordario todo toe’ cuenta e Jo angus que. parcian lop hora’ punta 41 Gira Gora que me impresion® tue el numero ce paraues ores (4) Sindmino de: 1 was hungry (@) A sandwich: fasdich), plural sanawiches [senuichis) 8) ‘Sol Ear! of Sande ta forma de comer th palabraproviene probabieme wich (1718-1782) quien = invents f'pan con eiversos ingracientes Tojo, Les precios que le proponemes no reflejan for Loasmente la realidad! (a) To exhaust (eksoo| agotar, She's exhausted: est 2 ” 8 dgotaca, An exhaust pipe tubo de escape. five hundred and twenty-four 524 Salntsames,hade Sark Groen Pat — y 80 pe mite andar por el cespec: (a hierea. Fulal Speaker's Corner y ol que alguien hablaba Ge ta Inmigracion, Becia que el pals estaba leno de extranjeros, ash (gue ms ‘ul cecrotamente NOTES (continued) (8) Grass (nierba) se usa a veces en lugar 6e fawn {loon} (ebspech. (6) Speaker’ Corner (al rincbn de tos orsdores) es una esquna ce Hyde Parken el que evsiquera puode Bronunciar ol slacurse que desee. Merece la pena bscuchar algunos. EIERCICIOS 4 Eloy agaeso Mo eenae sascande todo lula —°8 Le ue me Vicon mushe ganie asia 3 Suspird evando te atjoron que no podla reservar los 4 Los loncinenses son generaimente tranquils, pero Jos He wnen told him he is ae calm, but... Londoners | 525 five hundred and twentyive 5 El metro €9 e470, asi que coge un tax, no cueste mucho nas The tube i 50 take @ tax... net five mundrod and twenty-six 4 Slghod = they = cculdt Sook feo een, for «ia tela. — 2 They In yn = wasn, — ais Undo “Soeraly Second wave: 88th Lesson Hundred and thirty-eighth (138th) Lesson 1 [had changed my money in England and had got a good rate for my francs. (1) 2 1 did some shopping and bought” all the tragitional things that tourists buy* 3 Shetland pullovers, a tweed Jacket. | was even going to buy" 2 dinner-jacket, (2) 3} 4 but it would have been a litle too exe: vagant 5 The night belore | left", | went to see a musical. (8) 6 As you know’, we don't have many Paris, so I was looking forward (N. 4) to it very much 7 | thoroughly enjoyed it. The acting, the singing and the costumes were all so pro- ionalt 8 Leaving’ the theatre was like coming” out into another world Asteingen ro. — 2 bot sand. — 9 send po “ois, ane dehakat is ul onagent mesa! 6 Nera "7 cl nana naa. pret: 9 10 " 2 2 “4 15 6 i and twenty-seven I had a late supper, this time in an ex cellent Chinese restaurant, ‘The next day, | packed my bags and my souvenirs, (5) (6) said goodbye to everybody and strolled to the station. ‘The journey back was less pleasant. | was unhappy to leave and the Channel was very rough that say. (7) If you are in a boat on a rough sea, you roll but in a hovercraft you go up and down as in a lift (8) Several people were sick, so | had a large brandy to strengthen myselt (9) ata AB rah He ba.” EXERCISES 111 was ina bad mood because had to leave. — 2 These souvenirs romind me. of my stay in Europe. — 3'it was such a rough day that the ship was rolling. —4 It would have been amusing to buy a bowler hat. — 5 Throughout tho musical the aeting Was super, Leccion ciento treinta y ocho Habia cambiado mi dinero on Inglaterra y habia lograco un buen camblo para mis "rancos. 2 Hes una compras y compra toca as cosas trax ioenales que compran fos turstas. 3 Jerseys = shotland =. una chaqueta de twoed. Iba inslusa a comprarme un smoking Tehaqueta do stgueta 4 pare habiera sido un poco extravagante, 3 Ex’noene antes se re, tl a ver un (espectaculo) muse! 6 Como’ sabes, no hay muchos en Pats, as! que fslaba asperanco con Impaciencia vero 7 ride verae. Ua interpretacion, las can- to}, el vestuari (rales) i aren tan protesionales! 8 —_Belar's! tanto fue come salir @ otro mundo Notes (A) A rate: una taea, The rete of exchange: ol cambio, @ 8) ® ‘ipo de cameio fen Ingles change tambion quiore decir Woambio en a! senido de = cinere suala =) Tweed es un teido escocés muy resistonte. E| mas Ganosido 8 el Harris Twoed Nunca se he sabido por qué en Espaha, tambien en bios paises, ena usado la expresion. «smoking = para if vestdo de etiquota, Los ingleses le lama a Ginner jacket En Estados Unidas se cice a tuxedo. ‘Tambien postia decirse detore leaving fe hundred and twortyolght 628 @ Cane tarde, esta vez en un excelente restaurants 10 Aidit siguiente, hice las maletas y (mei en elas) 11 Gi adios & todo el mundo y ful paseanco hasta Ia estacion 12 El viaje de regreso fue menos agradable. No os faa contento de volar 33. fol canal estaba muy pleado ese dia 44 Beco oeta en un bareo cone! mar picado, so Bamboies una 45 peroen un hovererall, 82 baja y 50 sube como on 46 Muna gente s¢ puso enferma, asi que me tome Un randy doble para fortalecerme. NOTES (coninues) (5) To pack: hacer las malatas. Please pack those books: a () Rough (ral) ud, cure (8) Cuanco Bor favor, pon estos lioras en ta malsla. Packaging Smbaiaie Souvenir es una palabra do origen francés que se usa fn can tases fos idiomas para Indica los Tecuerdos {lees 6 una region, on los ue fos turistas se gastan [Payor parte Ge Su nero" Memories signifies te: uerdes, pero recuerdos de la mente picado al mar quieve dec thar’ picado, ‘mowido, revue, marejada. A rough Copy un borrador ‘comparan dos acclones se dice as: He ‘Shanges care ae') change my socks como yo eo caleetnes, Guana se comparan cosas so dice Ike: This meat is lke rubber’ esta carse 22 como de goma Strengty. werza, To strengthen: forlicar, fotalecer, fer evERCICIOS ‘elope, rao la musical ia aeuason fue ser 29 ve hurdred and twonty-ine Fill in the missing words: 1 No le guste coger e! barco con mal tempo. Sho coosn't the boat weather. 2 Ef ola antes de ieme astabs oe muy me! humor. The day Vecsey Lovas in avery 3 El vale ge wote es siempre més wet J Estis do The Is always Do you ....? 4 Has cogide ef hovercraft! ¢ Como es? You've ..... the hovercraft What's 2 5 No soporto los espectcules musicsies — Yo tampoco. ean't — Neither {felting «i baavougn, — 2 gore «tt «bad mead — ‘Second wave: 69th Les Hundred and thirty-ninth (139th) Lesson Mothers 1 — My son Thomas is doing very well on the stage. (1) 2 He writes" and says that every night he plays a villager, a gypsy anc two soldiers, 3 whereas the star of the play — @ Mr Hamiet — only plays one part 4 A young man was sitting* in the lounge ‘of a large holel sipping a glass of punch. (2) og mis. seh — 2. ea. hoon ©. coh. mshi, “Lg Nore’ SAY unas. pane 5 A litle girl came" up to him and said: What's your name?” 6 The young man told" her his name. 7 — Are you married? she asked, — No, said the man. 8 The litle girl was quiet for a moment, then she turned to a woman standing" nearby ‘and shouted: (3) (4) 9 — What else did you tell Mummy? me to ask him, 10 Young Jimmy was greedily eating’ a bar of chocolate. (5) 11 His father said angrily: “ I've told* you not to eat” between meals. Did you ask Mum if you could have that chocolate? ” 12 — Yes, said Jimmy, — Come on, | want the truth. 13 A pause. — Yes, | did, and she said ae 14 “The man who is tired of London is tired of lite Dr Johnson (6) rei ee 8 EXERCISES: 111 hear he is doing very well in his new job. — 2 What a greedy lite boy! That Is your fourth bar of thecolate. — 3 He might be an actor. I've seen him fon stage. — 4 Try not to ask too many questions. — 5 There is a church nearby. Leccion ciento treinta y nueve acres, 4 — Ami hijo Thomas le va muy blen en ot teatro (escena) 2 Excribe que cada noche interpreta a un aldoano, Sun gtavo y a dos solaados, 3 frontfas quo el protagonista de Ia obra — un tal Sr Hamel — interpreta solo un papel 4 Un joven estaba gentado on el salén do un gran hate! sarbiendo {de] un vase de uch Notes (To do well: ie bion a uno, dosenvoWerse bien, Unter, Her new novel is doing well: su nueva ravela (es un éxito. Lo contraro es 10 do badly (2) puneh un puretazo (ya hemos visto hick uns atacal to punch" dar un pufetazo. Sin embargo, Ia ESbica’ en cvestion no ha racibico este nombre. por Ios wlctos 0 sy consumo ‘sine por ia palabra hngu Spanch = que quiere decir =einea', pues ciena bebica {ena en su origen cinco Ingredientes tive mundred and Wirtetwe $32 Una nina se acerce a 81 y ajo xz Como se Mama tied? Eljoven lo dijo su nombre. Tene Ustad fasnde ye pregunté — No, dijo of homare Le'nita’ permanse® callada durante un momento logo se wolvs a Una mujer que estaba fen pls) cares y grit 9 — [Gud Me me aiste que te proguniara, mama? 10 El joven Jimmy estaba comiendo avidamente una barra ce chocolate 11 Sulpadre,enfadado, le dig : Te ne gine que ne comas sftte comdas. Proguntsste a mama Boslas comorto esa chocolatina ? 12 — Baio Jimmy. "Vamos, quiero [que me cigas] [a verdaa, 18 Un'siloncio (pause). — Si, fo hice, y lla dja « no» 16 EI hombre que. este cansado de Lonaros esta Dr donneon NOTES (continues) (8) Quiat:tranquile, pero tameién callado. Be quiet: no Fiagas rude cdlite esto tule, (4) Near, nearby: cerca, al lado, (8) Greedy: goieso: grecaly»golosaments, avidamente, con frocin. La plara francesa "gourmet so Us tambien em ings a! igual que en espanol dao Que tisne Su origen en el pals oslo Doctor Samuel Johnson (1709-1784), escrtory lexed- Gralo, publce. Su Diedonary on Tiss. Su. bograia, seria por Boswell. es quied el mejor ejomplo de es enero on lenges ingles co LS encd ns gaono! Es w ovate bara be ehoeina, T fedra sor actor ote tre n'a toro ancena knot obser serae adas orepurae," 5 Hay ura sls aqu oatca 583. fve hundred and thitythrow lin the missing words: 1 Le estaria_ muy agradecide si pudiora darme alguna Loss be wery ityou -.... give me some 2 cas preguntado # mama si pocias tomar prestadas ‘as tras? Die you... Mum i you the scissors? 3 <.Qué més necesitamos ? 4 Quiero quo mo digas la verdad. 4 Dénde usisto Ia ecalora Feces you ro the the acder? Where cid you tive hurdred and thirty-four 634 5 Se me acorce y me pid tego ve fe and asked me for 8 TS HERE A OUR REAR 7 4 > Second waver 80th Lesson Hundred and fortieth (140th) lesson REVISION AND NOTES Loccién 134: (3) - Leccién 136 (1) > Leceton 138: (8, 1 As y lke. — Pueden hacerse comparaciones entre dos casas 6 dos personas o dos acciones ; la palabra ‘como espafola puede docirse, segun los casos, 5 0 ike 595 tive hundred and thitystve SI hay duda es mejor usar /ike. Es preferible cometer Una falta gramatical y dejar claro el sentido, que usar un vocablo como as que tiene tantos usos sentides Tan... como. Es tan grande como su madre: she's 4s big as her mother. No son tan importantes como osotros They are not as (so) Imporiant as us. 2 Veamos posibles traducciones en el uso de could ¥ might. He could have done it: podria haberio hecho y habria podido hacerlo, He might have done it Duede que le haya necno : ean do it: puedo naverto, may do it: puede que lo haga, No olvidemos que could es a las vez pasado de can y auxiliar conticional de eros ‘verbos. S| puede haber confusion se usa was able to para la forma, ol pasado. He was able fo do it (he could do 1) podia hacerlo. Si = poder» se usa en el sentido de “tener permiso para» (como en la leceién 197, linea, 42) se dice empleando to be allowed t0,, Are We allowed to smoke?" ; Podomos tumar? 3 La preposicién so sitia al final de la frase en las preguntas y en las oracianes subordinadas, What are you looking at? 1 Que estas miranda ? Who did ‘you buy it from: & quien se lo has comprado? 1 dont know what he has come for no 86 por qué ha What should | do it with ?z con qué deberia hacerlo? Aungue los puristas lo Nayan crilicado como «mal inglés », se Usa tanto que ya es «(9 correcto™ El uso hace la ley. Uno de los defensores de este uso fue nada menos que Winston Churchill. Ast pues adelante con ello, sin preocuparse por purismos, 4 { Rocuerda usted el sentido de estos verbos ? (ver pérrato 8) 1am tooking forward to see you. — We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. — We took advantage of the fang weekend. — Please, make up your mind quickly. — Leccion ciento cuaranta [Al comparar dos cosas o personas: Lonares, como Magrid’ es una capital: London, like Madrid. 1S a capital’ Su casa es como un palacio His house s like a palace A Mary, como @ Jane. le gustan las navanjas: Mary, ke vane, likes oranges. ‘Al comparar dos acelones: Se visten como hace 200 anos They dress as they did two hundred years go. Presta atencion al segundo término de la Comparacion que puede llevar 0 no verbo: habla Come su padre: He talks like his father (el segundo termina no lleva verbo). Habla como habla sv padre He talks as his father talks (01 segundo termina lieva verbo} He glanced over his shoulder. — You'll have to make do with tea '5 Enfermedades. — Doat [del]: sordo ; dumb [dam] muda deaf and dumb sordo-mudo ; blind [blaind) iago: lame {lei} coo: # cripple (krinel): Invalido, tullico, Enfermo se dice patient (paciente decimos también fen castellano) cuando se le esta atenaiendo y sick person en los restates casos. Un ciego: 4 blind Derson, eto, (en plural, con sentido general, se dice the sick o the blind) 6 zSingular o plural? — Las palabras siguientes tienen siempre forma plural en inglés the trousars fl pantaion {9 pantalones); ine pylamas el pilama the stairs: la escalera (0 las escaleras) Y'las palabras siguientes tienen siempre forma sin- gular The hairs los eabelios (9 el cabello. pelo, Belos, cabeliera, melena, etc); The news : as nati Glas the information: 1a informacién (y las. infor maciones);" tne furniture: les muebies (yl mobilario} 7 My whether (uedz6)] signitican « si» El primero es simplemente dubitativo: if ho comes, tell him to meet me at fen’ si viene, le dices que 50 radna conmigo a las diez. El segundo, whether, implica mas de una alternativa Ton’ know whether he will come. no sé si vendra 8 Traduccion del parrafo 4. — Espero verle con Impaciencia. — Nos hemos divertioo de vercad. — Heros aprovochado el puente, - Por favor. decidete piso. — Eché un vistazo por encima de su hombre, "Tienes que contormarte con el ta, 9 Expresiones que conviene recordar. — + Tall me ‘about your trip. — 2-11 carries not only passengers, but algo cars and lorries. ~ 3 managed t0 relax = 4°) can't wait to arrive, — 5 England is beautiful even in the rain. — 6 Driving in Madrid 1s a bit dangerous. —T We gave tho driver a tip 8 You can pay up to 100 pounds a night 9 They walked everywhere. — 10) What size do you tako? — 11 It took me an hour on foot. — 12. Dia you listen to that ‘man talking about politics ?— 13 It would hava been 4 litle too extravagant. — 16 There was a tall woman Standing nearby. Hundred and forty-first (141s!) Lesson Bo you remember? 1 — Ask him if you can borrow the lawnmower. — I did, and he said no, 2 He told” me that he needed it today. What could | say? 3 — You could have said that the grass need- ed cutting’. Well, never mind. (1) PRONUNCIATION A ete sed, Ba 590 tve mirdred and thirty-nine 4 | was struck” by the calm of the London- ers | met*. (2) 5 Nelson's Column is very impressive. The bronze lions at the foot are made" from French cannons. 6 | like paintings, and the paintings in the National Gallery were marvellous. (3) 7 {hardly spoke” any English. Would you believe it? Everyone | met” was French. (4) 8 He said he couldn't wait. He had an urgent appointment and had to leave" 9 She must have left", because her car isn't in the garage. (5) 10 If we had thought’ of it earlier, you coule have come* with us. 11 He might have come" while | was out but he would have leit" a message. 12 | was able to understand’ everything they ‘said, despite the fact that most of them had heavy accents. (6) 6 fans la, rons Mn. tting. — 6 munis, — 7 et a cnet eta ME. vt Ma wece™ ME abel coome tive mundred and thityetght 538 10 traduccion, — 1 Cuéntame ty viaje. —2 No sélo lleva pasajers, sino tambien coches y camiones. — 3°Goreogu tranquiizarme. 4 Eloy Impacienio ins poste. eoporar) po" llogar. — 5 inglatera es Sle "ireiee bao a on — 8 Conduc or Rraurid os un tanto poligrso. — 7 Olmos proving al conductor. — 8 ‘Se pueden, pagar hasta 100 libras fer nove, — 9 Patearon por cualquier pars. — 4", Sue tala usas’ — "tte llovo une nora @ pie 7° Pose sted a ese nomore hablande de pol Gea? L°F8 fdbera sido Un poco extravaganie. — SG vabia una mujer alta (on pi) al lace ‘Second wave: 81s (revision) Lesson Leccién ciento cuarenta y una 1 Betttoes. Porhee'y dle gue no 2 SSE “oesatabl toy Cue pola do 3 — Bestia haberle acho que habla que cortar te Forba. Bueno. no Imports. NoTes (1) Ropare en la termula: the grass needs cutting (la ‘larba necesita sor coriada). This house needs isa (sola casa necesita ser reparadal. Pusde sust ‘irae needs por wants Your hair wants cutting’ tenes ‘que comarte 1 pelo [lu polo nocesta sor cortado =0 five hundred and forty 540 4 Estaba impresionsde por la ealma de los londi- hensee que mo. enconte. 5 Eatcolumna ge Nelson es (muy) Impresionante. Los leaves de bronce, al pie, eaten nochos Go les . A la\Natlaral Gallary eran maraviosos, 7 fiponas habla algo de ingles 4 fo Téde la gente que conoc! eran espancios 8 Dijo-qu\%0 podia esperar’ Tenla una cia urgente y tuve que i's. 8 Tuyo’ gue irse porque su coche no esté en el arate. 10 _Shubieramos peneado on ello antes, podras hax ber venido con nosotros, 11 Pode gue haya vorioo mientras yo estaba fuers, pero habria cojado una note 12 Puse compronder tov0 To. quo doclan, ese ol hecho de que la mayor parle Ge ellos tenian un ers acento, NOTES (continues) 12) La salma ce los londinonses the Londoner's eaim; perecuano se espace siguna crcunetancia, se usa Srive para si posesiva, The wifo of the man was {ing fo. ar mujer eel hombres quien habia oor tecsn a0. "3) @) he gustan to cuadros (on general. 0 26, a plntura) (0) Mike paintings’) loa cuncto la Nationa Galery tan SSberaiee:” and tha paintings me Nations! Galery were supers. (4) Hard duro: arly: apenas, cas) nada. We hardly aw him: apenas 0 vino (6) Nose obit: ovo que, dob do, tena dos sonidos: el ” fovparado que se agvce por te had fo: y al senico didnt que se tracuce por he must ave (ineas ey (6) Most people: ia mayor parte de la gente: most of inom “a major parte, Ia mayors ce eto. 61 tve hundred and forty-one 13 You bought’ so many souvenirs. You must have spent" a fortune! 14 She made* up her mind to study medicine, despite her father’s advice. 15 Tell him to come" straight away. We're late already and | don't want to miss the be- inning, 18 tenon. — 4 a iin ee — 15 el EXERCISES 1. Would you like to come round for drinks this eve- ing? — 2 | hardly recognises him dressed like that 3 They must have loft thelr coats have gone. — 4 The oll needs hanging, —'s What ime’ so. you ‘want me to come? Flin the missing words: you ave Habrias podido decirie que habia que cortar la herb. that the grass 2 Quiere que nos demos priss, no le gusta esperar. saa She wants (us), she ke Second wave: S2nd Lesson rd and forty three Hundred and forty-second (142nd) .esson 9 English or American? It was either Oscar Wilde or George Ber- ard Shaw who said that England anc America are divided by the same lan- guage Whoever it was ought to have said: Ame- rican and English are two similar lan- guages ” ‘An Englishman can feel" more disorien- tated in the United States than a French- man or a German. (1) For example, he will be told* he is walking fon a “sidewalk ” instead of a pavement, To go up to the third floor of his. hotel he takes* the " elevator” and not the lift It he wishes to travel around New York he must take" the "subway" and not the underground, (2) (whereas in London, the subway is a pas- sage under a busy street). (3) He must never ask for the tollet, but a ways the “bathroom” or the “test room ". (4) In some public places he might even hear” it called the "comfort station"! PRONUNCIATION iT Sac, se A mak is tive mundred and frtytwo 542 418, Somorsie muchos sowens | Dabs haber gx a SeGaciesextuiarmedicina pose alos conse de su padre, ee 18 Bio-gda venga inmedatamente. va tegemes tse Y no autre porgerme e:comena. euereicos 2 hperdati atenoe waste at Elgon tolestin an ol == Hay uA an debice eogero, no fo encuentro an ningun sitio. Tey... have ‘S| hublera pansada en ello antes, habriss podido venir We a you ses lot wich’ Puede que hava venido ayer por la tarde, 10 habla hracie on asa she ss come last night, there mas ng Sm arvahere 4 ad ovata = five hundred and forty-four 944 Leccion ciento cuarenta y dos ‘inglés 0 americano ? Fue Oscar Wilde 0 George ornare Shaw quien file que los ingleses y los americanos estan di ‘idos por la misma longus. 2 Fucra"quion Tuese habria. quo haber dicho «el ingles y's! amerieane son dos lenguas parecicas = 3 Un'ingies puede sentivee més. desoriertado on Eelaces Unicos que un frances 0 un aleman 4 Por ejempe le giran que anda sobre un sidewaik, Gn lugar de un pavement — cera —. 5 Baraat tercor piso de su hatel, coge e! elevator fo el it~ ascensor — 6 Si dasea trasladarse on Nuova York debe tomar 8! Subway y no 8! Underground =~ retro 17 tinlenttaS qua en Londres et subway es’ un paso Sthteraneo bajo una calle muy Wwansitada} 8 Noseldebe preguntar sunca por te toret (serv Cy'sino siempre por the bathroom (oso) © Me {eskroom (eala de repos) 9 Enalgunos, lugares publices podria incluso olla liana comfort statin (punto de alivio) Noves (i) Disoriented, equivale an la préctica a nuestro « des- Fenlago =, Tambien se puede emplear en el serico ge itadapiage » Para expresar la nostalgia del pro Pi jo pale. #8 susie geo fm homesick (2) To wish: cesear. 11 you wish t leave, please fell me ‘desea usted 186; digamela por favor. Sowish_puede tambien toner a sentiga de « me gus vid gue’ s, oala Sucle acompanede del cond ae wish you mould Rory op: me gustaria Que te ores prog, Jowieh i wou Yan Yomorow: (ola wish: un deseo, un anole |g) Subway {USA}. metro. Subway (G.B)* paso subte Busy. ocupaco. Aqui, aglomerado, muy transitado, (@) Se considera muy vl e r preguntar por the toilet en <2 'se susttuye por diversos 1y, porto. que Ta pal Ectomismos (bathroom st mas corrente, 1545 ve hundred and forte fhve hundred and fortysix 546 Instead of ering on 2 tp. 1 ee ee ge auan mectee io an Thanks to the television, however, many gleses, y especialmente tos jévenes, estan tamil Tngian prop, ard capita capers aes canes are fama ity these words. 6) we Booman ee rang 12 Spelling, too, is different, thanks to a New 13 En 1828 public su » Diccionario americano de la Yor eather caloc oan Webster (6) te EES cen tn atottn, pro 13 In eighteen twenty-eight (1828) he publis- clertas normas de ortografla se aceptaron y existen glsh taguge le ate i Ste ec al 14 Not all his reforms were adopted, but ce honor} — se escriben sin ia

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