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This study analyzes the importance that has the early stimulation in the
oral language of the children of the first year of basic education. For this
purpose, it was performed a field investigation using the qualitative
approach methodology, focused on instruments such as: an observation to
the children of the First Year of Basic Education of the school Heredia
Bustamante of the city of Quito, an interview with the Schools Principal
and a survey for the teachers. The results determined the specific needs
that children have to improve their verbal fluency at the phonological,
syntactic and semantic level. Based on these requirements, I gathered
and adapted the suggestions of several authors specializing on activities
to stimulate oral language; it is presented as a final proposal, a Guide of
Stimulation to develop oral language of the children of the First Year of
Basic Education of the School Heredia Bustamante of Quito

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