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Thanks for the Comfort President Bush.

9/11 is the most infamous attacks on U.S Soil ever. The terrorist attacks on the twin
towers on September 11, 2001 changed everything. For many Americans it changed the way we
see our world. Our image of America, the land of the free and home of the brave, in any instance
can come under attack. The Americans were saddened and lost. On the day of September 11,
2001 America sat around a T.V screen and watched a plane hit one of the twin towers in New
York City. What happened? Who is responsible? What should we do? What can we do? These
types of questions were on the minds of millions of people not only in the U.S but across the
world. America waited to be addressed by our president who would shed light on such a dark
day. President Bush's 9/11 speech is one of the most famous speeches given to a public during
such a sad day.
President Bush did not have a lot of political experience in politics, only having served as
the Governor of Texas. When 9/11 occurred he had to give a speech that would follow him
throughout his presidency. He had to give a speech much like President Franklin D. Roosevelt
when Pearl Harbor happened. Set in an office at a military base in Texas, President Bush, who
had been in office for only eight months before the attacks on September 11, 2001 happened,
assured the citizens of America that though our buildings and our perception of freedom was
compromised, our freedom and our values are still intact. The leader of the free world explains
that though we might be down our country is still prosperous. While bereaved Americans looked
to their leader for an answer he delivers a speech that vilifies those who attacked America and
assures they will be brought to justice. President Bush captivated America and delivered a
successful speech on what happened, what he was doing to find the perpetrators and what our
next line of defense is going to be.
In an effort to explain what he was doing to secure the safety and protection of
America he uses affirmative words to assure that the American public were safe, he says
Immediately after the first attack I implemented our government's emergency response plans.
Our military is powerful, and it's prepared." Using words like 'immediately' to confirm that he
was acting as quickly and as precisely as he could. President Bush even included what
Americans were doing and thanked them for donating blood and helping in any way they could
to put a brighter spirit in peoples soul.
A question on everybody's mind was who is behind this? Why would they do this?
President Bush does not give an answer in his speech; however, he announces that he is working
with members of congress to find the people who were behind the terrorist attacks so that we can
bring them to justice. He lets the people know that when they find who was behind the attacks he
will bring them to justice. The President explains that he will bring those who had targeted
America to justice to help sympathies with America to provide pathos of the speach. The
president saying the he will being those who are behind the attacks is crucial to his delivery of
the speech because the American people presume that when someone violates another person
there will be a balance of justice. In a democracy we believe that we are entitled to a just judicial
system and that terrorism will not be tolerated, this is when people realize that something is
going to happen. President Bush explains this to assure the American people that the American
ideals are still just and that though we may feel like our freedom was tampered with it is still
strong and true.
Speaking on the matter of the American people is a sensitive job President Bush knows
that the American people are hurt and his job is to make them feel safe. President Bushs appeal
to pathos is comforting America and sharing the pity for the ones who lost their lives that day.
When he gave his speech he worded his text carefully to provide any kind of logic to what
happened that day. He makes the people feel like something is being done and everyone who can
be investigating who is behind the attacks are doing their job. President Bush affirms the
American value by giving a Christian bible verse, psalm 23: "Even though I walk through the
valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for you are with me." Letting people know that he is
watching out for his people and that the people who attacked us will be brought to justice, not
just on Earth but in Heaven. President bush gives his audience comfort on what happened on
9/11 by addressing these matters in his speech by confirming that no matter what we will find
who did these viscous acts will be brought to justice and America is still the best country.
Much like the steal that was bent and the glass that was shattered during the attacks,
President Bush affirms that the American people are not bent and they are not shattered. When
the reader reads this text you believe every word he is saying because he makes such powerful
statements like a great people have been moved to defend a great nation, President Bush makes
you feel like we are going to be O.K. and that our freedom is still secure and the American
dream is still alive. A great people have been moved to defend a great nation in such a way that
it takes tragedy to move people to do what is ultimately right.
In his speech on 9/11 President Bush delivers a speech on such a bleak subject. He lets
people know that yes, we were attacked, but our nation is alright. He uses text to convey comfort
in the hearts of millions of Americans so that they, for that moment, can be of sound mind.
America did not know what happened and all of America went to bed not knowing who was
behind the terrorist attacks. Through President Bushs speech he sheds light on such a dark day
that though our freedom and our values were tested on September 11 America was still strong
and we were going to find the terrorists and bring them to justice.

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