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American Society in Transition - STAAR Review Immigration Push and Pull Factors Religious persecution Escape poverty Avoid

void oppression "New Immigrants" 1880-1920 poor Spoke little English Catholic or Jewish Southern & Eastern Europe The Immigrant Experience prejudice and discrimination tenement housing Settled in large cities Ethnic ghettos Americanized Became assimilated Nativist resentment Chinese Exclusion Act Urbanization Movement from countryside to the cities cities grew rapidly cities unable to provide adequate services lack of sanitation overcrowding pollution Political machines used control to rob cities Provided help in exchange for votes Tammany Hall Run by political bosses Boss Tweed Helped Immigrants Find jobs Find housing Closing of the American Frontier Miners attracted by Gold and Silver

California Gold Rush Klondike Gold Rush Completion of the Railroad Killed off buffalo Ranchers settle on Great Plains Farmers settle on Great Plains Dug wells for water Used barbed wire Built Sod Homes Homestead Act

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