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Bryce Lutke Education 302-303 Prof. Keeley and Prof. Walcott April 22 Topic/The e Bi!

Era " #tudie# the ti e period fro $"%0 to $&$' and it i# i portant that (e #tudy thi# ain

era in hi#tory )ecau#e it i# kno(n a# the * odern re+olution., Kno(in! thi# era and the #i-

thin!# that happen durin! that ti e help to #ho( #tudent# ho( the e+ent# in Bi! Era " #till ha+e an effect on ho( (e li+e today. We #tart )y #tudyin! the Atlantic .e+olution#/ thou!h the#e people )e!an to re-think the political #y#te Today (e #till li+e (ith the idea# that technolo!ical ad+ance# a# (ell (ith u#e fo##il fuel# and harne##in! #tea they had and (hat !o+ern ent po(er eant.

en ca e up (ith in the#e year#. There (ere #e+eral o+in! fro (ood )urnin! )efore thi# era to the a)ility to

po(er and coal. An indu#trial tran#for ation occurred at anufacturin! and the a)ility for o+e ent )y

thi# ti e a# (ell0 (ith ad+ance# in far in! and indi+idual#.

With the ad+ance in far in! ca e a hu!e population !ro(th. The population 1u ped fro a)out &00 illion to $."% )illion in thi# era0 (e look into ho( thi# ha# an effect on u# e+en

today and (hy thi# happened. Throu!h the (hole of thi# era (e #ee an e pha#i# on !lo)al po(er and !lo)al coloni2ation. 3tudent# (ill )e a#ked to (re#tle (ith the idea of coloni2ation0 the rea#on# for it0 and the thin!# that ca e out of it that #till ha+e effect# on ho( the li+e# of people today. 3tudent# are e-pected to learn and )e a)le to an#(er the )i! 4ue#tion# of thi# unit0 apply (hat (e ha+e learned in pre+iou# unit# to thi# one0 and co (e li+e our li+e# today. unicate ho( they all apply to ho(

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