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I am a firm believer in the Constructivist approach to teaching.

I feel students learn best by becoming actively involved in the material, and by actively participating in their own learning, rather than being a passive audience. All students are unique; as they have their own personalities, learning styles and multiple intelligences. Due to these factors there is no conceivable way that students can all learn the same way. Students deliver to be instructed in a way that they learn best, and in a way that is uniquely designed for them. I believe that if students are having difficulty with the instruction it would not be seen as a reflection upon their short comings as students, but rather my short comings as a teacher. It would be my duty to stop my instruction, reflect upon and recalibrate my instruction in a way that the students will be able to understand. Doing so will incorporate the ideals of the 21st century learning, as well as balanced literacy, into all of the subject areas in ways that maintain student engagement, and furthers learning. I believe it is of the utmost importance to create a warm and safe learning environment for all students as it is conducive to their learning and optimizes students level of engagement. I also believe that it is very important to build rapport with the students so they become comfortable with their peers and me, as this can assist with collaboration and conversations within the classroom. I also believe that all of their contributions to the classroom are important and will not be scrutinized. The term mistake will never be spoken within my classroom, because I believe that mistakes, are merely opportunities for learning. I would never knowingly make a student feel incompetent, because all students are capable to varying degrees. Upon the arrival of students to the classroom, I believe that it is important that expectations are clearly identified. Students will be made aware that the classroom is a safe place for all students, and that activities that may cause a student to injure themselves; others or the environment will not be tolerated. Fostering a safe classroom environment will in turn further student learning as there will be teamwork, collaboration and ownership towards common goals. Students will learn the ground rules of, Tribes, which includes mutual respect, attentive listening, appreciations and the right to pass. I believe it is important to include, Tribes, because it fosters positive communication, and strengthens students confidence, as all contributions are valued. One looks back with appreciation to the brilliant teachers, but with gratitude to those who touched our human feelings. The curriculum is so much necessary raw material, but warmth is the vital element for the growing plant and for the soul of the child.- Carl Jung I believe one of my main priorities as an educator would be to build rapport with the students. Providing opportunities at the beginning of the school year to have ice breaker activities in which I would participate would help build rapport as it is important for students to gain an understanding of who their teacher is as well as their classmates. I believe partaking in the activities with the students will put students at ease, and hopefully make them understand that I am here to learn from them, as they are here to learn from me. I would also make it known that I have an open door policy in which students can drop by and talk about anything. I want students to be comfortable, because for many students the classroom is one of the only stable and safe

places in their lives. I would also like to build rapport with the students parents, which would give more insight into the students personal lives outside of the classroom. I would also like to become partners with the parents in order to encourage and further the importance of learning both inside and outside of the classroom. I understand the importance of creating lessons plans, developing activities, and producing assessments that are engaging for students while also covering objectives of the curriculum. However, I believe the most important aspect of being an educator is how we relate to our students. For some, teaching is just a paycheck, with benefits and extended holidays. For me, the most important aspect of teaching is the children. We have the opportunity to educate students who have limitless potential. I, for one, do not want to be remembered as a teacher who was hurtful or did a dis-service to my students; I want to be remembered as a teacher who actually cares about my students, and celebrates their progress and achievements alongside them. A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops. Henry Adams

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