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Preparation of Papers in Two-Column Format for Conference Proceedings Sponsored by IEEE

Author(s !ame(s Author Affiliation(s E-mail II" CE<PF&< CI!TS

Abstract-These instructions give you basic guidelines for preparing camera-ready papers for conference proceedings.



'our goal is to simulate the usual appearance of papers in an IEEE conference proceedings" For items not addressed in these instructions( please refer to the last issue of your conference)s proceedings or your Publications chair" 1. Full-Sized Camera-Ready (CR) Copy Prepare your C# paper in full-si*e format( on &S letter paper (+ , by -- inches " For A. paper( use the A. template" Type sizes and typefaces/ Follow the type si*es specified in Table I" As an aid in gauging type si*e( - point is about 0"12 mm" The si*e of the lowercase letter 345 will gi6e the point si*e" Times !ew #oman is the preferred font" 1) S letter margins! top 7 0"82 inches( bottom 7 - inch( side 7 0"9:2 inches" ") #$ margins! top 7 -; mm( bottom 7 .0 mm( side 7 -2 mm" The column width is ++mm (1".9 in " The space between the two columns is .mm (0"-9 in " Paragraph indentation is 1"2 mm (0"-. in " <eft- and right-4ustify your columns" &se tables and figures to ad4ust column length" $n the last page of your paper( ad4ust the lengths of the columns so that they are e=ual" &se automatic hyphenation and chec> spelling" %igiti*e or paste down figures"
TA?<E I T'PE SI@ES F$# CAAE#A-#EA%' PAPE#S Type si*e (pts" 9 + Appearance #egular Table captions( table superscripts Section titles( a references( tables( table names(a first letters in table captions(a figure captions( footnotes( teBt subscripts( and superscripts Abstract Authors) affiliations( main teBt( e=uations( first letters in section titlesa Authors) names Paper title
a a

#. Figures and Ta%les Position figures and tables at the tops and bottoms of columns" A6oid placing them in the middle of columns" <arge figures and tables may span across both columns" Figure captions should be centered below the figuresD table captions should be centered abo6e" A6oid placing figures and tables before their first mention in the teBt" &se the abbre6iation 3Fig" -(5 e6en at the beginning of a sentence" Figure aBis labels are often a source of confusion" &se words rather than symbols" For eBample( write 3Aagneti*ation(5 or 3Aagneti*ation( A(5 not 4ust 3A"5 Put units in parentheses" %o not label aBes only with units" In the eBample( write 3Aagneti*ation (AEm 5 or 3Aagneti*ation (A m- "5 %o not label aBes with a ratio of =uantities and units" For eBample( write 3Temperature (F (5 not 3TemperatureEF"5 Aultipliers can be especially confusing" Grite 3Aagneti*ation (>AEm 5 or 3Aagneti*ation (-01 AEm "5 Figure labels should be legible( about -0-point type" ". References !umber citations consecuti6ely in s=uare brac>ets H-I" Punctuation follows the brac>et H:I" #efer simply to the reference number( as in H1I" &se 3#ef" H1I5 or #eference H1I5 at the beginning of a sentence/ 3#eference H1I was the first J5 !umber footnotes separately in superscripts" Place the actual footnote at the bottom of the column in which it was cited" %o not put footnotes in the reference list" &se letters for table footnotes (see Table I " Ki6e all authors) namesD use 3et al"5 if there are siB authors or more" Papers that ha6e not been published( e6en if they ha6e been submitted for publication( should be cited as 3unpublished5 H.I" Papers that ha6e been accepted for publication should be cited as 3in press5 H2I" In a paper title( capitali*e the first word and all other words eBcept for con4unctions( prepositions less than se6en letters( and prepositional phrases" For papers published in translated 4ournals( first gi6e the English citation( then the original foreign-language citation H9I" &. #%%re'iations and #cronyms %efine abbre6iations and acronyms the first time they are used in the teBt( e6en if they ha6e been defined in the abstract" Abbre6iations such as IEEE( SI( AFS( CKS( sc( dc( and rms do



; -0 -:.



&se a *ero before decimal points/ 30":2(5 not 3":2"5 &se 3cm1(5 not 3cc"5 %o not miB complete spellings and abbre6iations of units/ 3GbEm:5 or 3webers per s=uare meter(5 not 3webersEm:"5 Spell units when they appear in teBt/ 3Ja few henries(5 not 3Ja few C"5 If your nati6e language is not English( try to get a nati6e English-spea>ing colleague to proofread your paper" %o not add page numbers" III" &!ITS &se either SI (AFS or CKS as primary units" (SI units are encouraged" English units may be used as secondary units (in parentheses " An eBception would be the use of English units as identifiers in trade( such as 31"2-inch dis> dri6e"5 A6oid combining SI and CKS units( such as current in amperes and magnetic field in oersteds" This often leads to confusion because e=uations do not balance dimensionally" If you must use miBed units( clearly state the units for each =uantity that you use in an e=uation" IN" S$AE C$AA$! AISTAFES The word 3data5 is plural( not singular" The subscript for the permeability of 6acuum0 is *ero( not a lowercase letter 3o"5 In American English( periods and commas are within =uotation mar>s( li>e 3this period"5 A parenthetical statement at the end of a sentence is punctuated outside of the closing parenthesis (li>e this " (A parenthetical sentence is punctuated within the parentheses" A graph within a graph is an 3inset(5 not an 3insert"5 The word alternati6ely is preferred to the word 3alternately5 (unless you mean something that alternates " %o not use the word 3essentially5 to mean 3approBimately5 or 3effecti6ely"5 ?e aware of the different meanings of the homophones 3affect5 and 3effect(5 3complement5 and 3compliment(5 3discreet5 and 3discrete(5 3principal5 and 3principle"5 %o not confuse 3imply5 and 3infer"5 The prefiB 3non5 is not a wordD it should be 4oined to the word it modifies( usually without a hyphen" There is no period after the 3et5 in the <atin abbre6iation 3et al"5 The abbre6iation 3i"e"5 means 3that is(5 and the abbre6iation 3e"g"5 means 3for eBample"5 An eBcellent style manual for science writers is H8I" ACF!$G<E%KAE!T The preferred spelling of the word 3ac>nowledgment5 in America is without an 3e5 after the 3g"5 Try to a6oid the stilted eBpression( 3$ne of us (#" ?" K" than>s J5 Instead( try 3#"?"K" than>s J5 #EFE#E!CES
H-I H:I K" Eason( ?" !oble( and I"!" Sneddon( 3$n certain integrals of <ipschit*Can>el type in6ol6ing products of ?essel functions(5 ,+il. Trans. Roy. Soc. -ondon. 6ol" A:.8( pp" 2:;-22-( April -;22" O" Cler> AaBwell( # Treatise on Electricity and /agnetism. 1rd ed"( 6ol" :" $Bford/ Clarendon( -+;:( pp"9+-81"

Fig" -" Aagneti*ation as a function of applied field" !ote that 3Fig"5 is abbre6iated" There is a period after the figure number( followed by two spaces" It is good practice to eBplain the significance of the figure in the caption"

not ha6e to be defined" %o not use abbre6iations in the title unless they are una6oidable" $. E(uations !umber e=uations consecuti6ely with e=uation numbers in parentheses flush with the right margin( as in (- " To ma>e your e=uations more compact( you may use the solidus ( E ( the eBp function( or appropriate eBponents" Italici*e #oman symbols for =uantities and 6ariables( but not Kree> symbols" &se an en dash (L rather than a hyphen for a minus sign" &se parentheses to a6oid ambiguities in denominators" Punctuate e=uations with commas or periods when they are part of a sentence( as in a M % 7 c" (-

Symbols in your e=uation should be defined before the e=uation appears or immediately following" &se 3(- (5 not 3E=" (- 5 or 3e=uation (- (5 eBcept at the beginning of a sentence/ 3E=uation (- is J5 ). *t+er Recommendations The #oman numerals used to number the section headings are optional" If you do use them( do not number ACF!$G<E%KAE!T and #EFE#E!CES( and begin Subheadings with letters" &se two spaces after periods (full stops " Cyphenate compleB modifiers/ 3*ero-field-cooled magneti*ation"5 A6oid dangling participles( such as( 3&sing (- ( the potential was calculated"5 Grite instead( 3The potential was calculated using (- (5 or 3&sing (- ( we calculated the potential"5



I"S" Oacobs and C"P" ?ean( 3Fine particles( thin films and eBchange anisotropy(5 in /agnetism. 6ol" III( K"T" #ado and C" Suhl( Eds" !ew 'or>/ Academic( -;91( pp" :8--120" F" Elissa( 3Title of paper if >nown(5 unpublished" #" !icole( 3Title of paper with only first word capitali*ed(5 0. 1ame Stand. #%%re'.. in press" '" 'oro*u( A" Cirano( F" $>a( and '" Tagawa( 3Electron spectroscopy studies on magneto-optical media and plastic substrate interface(5 IEEE Transl. 0. /agn. 0apan( 6ol" :( pp" 8.0-8.-( August -;+8 H 2igests 3t+ #nnual Conf. /agnetics 0apan. p" 10-( -;+:I" A" 'oung( T+e Tec+nical 4riter5s 6and%oo7. Aill Nalley( CA/ &ni6ersity Science( -;+;"

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