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Elizabeth Moore Meghan Lanham Jessica Kruse

College of Southern Maryland Sociology 1010: Introduction to Sociology Instructor: Professor. Lynk December 4, 2013

Bullying: Intimidation of a weaker person, or the process of mistreating someone else.

Effects on Society include: anxiety, sadness, and


Some statistics: one in seven students are bullied in the United States, 56% witnessed

bullying, and 71% report the problem

Past: Bullying in the past was not as severe as it is today. It used to be as simple as taking someones lunch money, unfortunately this has changed. Present: Today, bullying has expanded to four different types of bullying, physical, verbal, covert, and cyber bullying. This has caused a rise in suicide.

Future: If bullying continues being the way it is then in the future teens will grow up with low self-esteem, or even end their lives because they

dont feel they are worthy enough to live. In the future we could also start
to see lower school attendance, if children feel unsafe, they will just simply not go to school.

Question We Are Addressing: Why has bullying become so


Why We Chose Our Topic: This topic was chosen because bullying is a serious issue that needs to be addressed and exposed in ways that people have never seen before.

Why Should The Public Be Concerned: Even though not everyone is being affected by bullying, but it is only going to escalate higher as the years go on. Society needs to come together to end this issue.

Social Conflict: views society as an arena of inequality that

generates conflict and change.

Example: Children in school who are picked on because of their socioeconomic status, because they can not afford the nice clothes, cool toys, and latest technology.

How the Perspective Explains Bullying: Children are bullied because not everyone comes from the same background, therefore this causes conflict due to their differences.

Born: May 5, 1818 Died: March 14, 1883 He believed that class change would cause class conflict. Trained as a philosopher and best known as a revolutionary communist. Author of the communist manifesto.

Beyond Hurt Feelings Survey conducted in a high school in Canada Surveyed 399 Students. Grades 8-10 Asked: Why are some adolescence victimized through peer bullying more negatively impacted than others? Variables: Independent: General and Social Helplessness and amount of Social Support. Dependent: Level of Victimization Hypothesis: Researchers predicted social helpless and social support contributed to victimization. Quantitative Study

Three Major Findings: 1. General Helplessness was not a major contributor 2. The more socially helpless someone becomes the greater the risk of suicide. 3. Support in General was helpful, but family support was the major deterrent.

Chapter 7: Groups and Organizations Social Groups: two or more people who identify with one another. People who are not apart of a social group can become a target for bullying. Group Leaders can cause an entire group to become bullies. Contrast: Being apart of a social group can keep someone from being bullied.

Anonymous Male: Age:21 Occupation: Firefighter 1. How did you choose your target ? 2. Why did you think you were a bully ? What consequences did you face because you were a bully?

Anonymous Female: Age: 50 Occupation: Clerk 1. How did being bullied affect you then? 2. How does it affect you now? 3. What is your opinion on bullying today?

PACERS: National Bullying Prevention Center Located in Bloomington Minnesota Executive Director: Paula Goldberg

Center Director: Julie Hertzog

Born from group PACER: Center for Children with Disabilities, and then in 2006 officially established.

Staffed by volunteers.

Mission: They seek to engage and educate communities nationwide to address bullying through creative, relevant, and interactive resources. October is bullying awareness month. The most recent effort is to show the next generation to care for many others, and their wellbeing. Unanimously we all would take part in this group because of accessibility through the web.

Meghan: I do believe that bullying has always been around society. Truthfully everyone experiences it on some form at some point in their lives. I do not agree with where it has gone. Elizabeth: I believe that bullying has come so far over the past decade and that there needs to be a major change in our society. Jessica: Bullying is a serious issue that needs to be addressed more than it already is, and I hope to see a change in bullying in the future.

Bill Stamps. (October 5, 2010). In Is Modern Bullying Different Than in the Past?. Retrieved October 24, 2013, from Bonanno, R. A & Hymel, S. (2010). Beyond Hurt Feelings Investigating Why Some Victims of Bullying Are at Greater Risk for Suicidal Ideation. Wayne State University Press, 56 (3), 420-440. Retrieved from Goldberg, P. (2013). PACERs National Bullying Prevention Center. PACER Center, Inc. Retrieved from Jeff Lett. (N/A). Bully Facts & Statistics. In Make a Sounds For a Voice Unheard . Retrieved October 24, 2013, from N/A. (N/A). Effects of Bullying. In Retrieved October 24, 2013, from Macionis, J.J (n.d.). Sociology. Pearson

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